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This is everything we have been waiting for – the year of the biennial Brisbane Truck Show, Australia’s largest business-to-business event
Start planning your accommodation now for the 2021 Brisbane Truck Show
There are new model trucks & trailers
to be shown off
How did you see in the New Year? Has there ever been one we’ve looked forward to more? Yet, it’s like none we have ever celebrated.
Did you make a New Year’s resolution? How about ‘in 2021 I am not going to miss the Brisbane Truck Show’?
For all the good intentions about giving up junk food, exercising more, spending more time with your partner/kids/mum/dog, this one is fully within your powers to pull together.
We could talk about how good it’s going to be to catch up with colleagues, customers and mates in the flesh, but let’s look at this purely from a professional perspective.
This is the biggest business-to-business event that will have taken place in Australia in 18 months. It is the rebirth of major indoor events.
So, there are a lot of people in a lot of companies who are busting a gut to make it special.
There are new model trucks and trailers that are crying out to be shown off. There’s technology, components, engines, parts and accessories that you are going to want see whether they are as impressive and robust as they appear in the pictures.
Let’s start planning your trip. Accommodation is probably your biggest hurdle. If you don’t live in Brisbane or know someone who does, you had better jump onto the show website and follow the links to Ozaccom+. Whether you are booking one room or 100, Ozaccom+ is the best source of great rooms at the best rates.
Flights are getting much better now. Lots of flights are being scheduled and at much better prices. But get in early.
Then you’ll want to work out your itinerary. You are going to want at least two days at the show. There are 300 exhibits spread across all the main halls and through every nook and cranny across the three floors of the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Some of them are so big you could spend half on day on them alone, particularly if you find yourself having a chat with the folks on the stand, or having a coffee or looking at some merchandise. Or better still, signing a deal on some new gear.
If you have time you will want to scout out who is there with a walk-by reconnaissance before settling on your plan.
You’ll probably want to do it in a couple of shifts with a break for lunch; maybe see who else is up at the Plaza Terrace BBQ Bar. You are pretty much guaranteed to run into a mate or two dozen.
We don’t need to go through all the highlights just yet. Keep your eye on these pages over the next couple of months for a full preview of who is going to be there and what they will have on show.
Now that we have your day sorted out, you need to think about the evenings. Well, you don’t have to go far. Just stroll across the road to Stanley Street and get into the spirit of the South Bank Truck Festival.
The display of trucks and trailers looks pretty amazing set against the backdrop of South Bank’s spectacular gardens, the cafes and restaurants and the festoon lights wrapped around the palm trees.
All the venues are looking forward to your arrival and there will be plenty of entertainment, no matter what sort of mood you are in.
Don’t forget to put some time aside to head down the river to the Civil Construction Field Days. You can get a free shuttle to the heavy equipment and machinery from the Convention Centre and your Brisbane Truck Show ticket will get you in.
Do you remember Y2K, when everyone feared that everything would stop working over the New Year? The millennium bug they called it and there was no vaccine. Well now there is.
This time around it is the opposite – like everything can start working again.
The events industry has been slowly starting to rebuild, and their full capacity sure will be put to task when the Brisbane Truck Show arrives in town from May 13-16, 2021.
For more information visit brisbanetruckshow.com.au.