3 minute read
PEOPLE REMEMBER historic moments in time: where they were the day Princess Diana died, when the Twin Towers collapsed, even their last outing with unmasked crowds before the coronavirus turned the world on its head.
In my coffee life, I recall my first Cup of Excellence competition and trip to origin like it were yesterday, and I also remember the first time I ordered a Starbucks Coffee. I had flown into Seattle for the Specialty Coffee Expo and asked the taxi driver to “take me to Starbucks”.
He stopped outside Pike Place Market where a long line of customers trailed outside a tiny shop front. “We’re here,” he stated, further explaining that you don’t come to Seattle without visiting the original home of Starbucks, the foundation where the global phenomenon began. I lined up, order a flat white, hoping an Aussie favourite translated well in the United States, and like I’d always imagined, had my name written on the cup sleeve. I walked out feeling like a character out of an American sitcom.
The next day, I visited my first Starbucks Reserve at Seattle’s Capitol Hill, a barista’s playground in a magical coffee wonderland. I ordered a pour over coffee and sat mesmerised by the store’s ability to honour its core product while catering to the masses. It is that feeling of connectivity – and not just free Wi-Fi – that has transcended with thousands of Starbucks consumers over the past 50 years. That, combined with successful marketing and some 33,000 stores, has made the brand an international success.
As Starbucks celebrates its golden anniversary, we honour Senior Vice President and President of Starbucks Asia Pacific Sara Trilling on the cover of GCR to explain why Starbucks is so much more than just a coffee company.
This edition, we also explore initiatives that seek to create a higher value for coffee. Newly-created Era of We is reinventing the coffee supply chain and shifting the value of coffee back to the growers and consumers. Global Coffee Platform has also unveiled its Snapshot report, revealing the progress of roaster’s sustainable coffee purchases with the intention to increase production and demand for sustainable coffees, and improve farmer prosperity.
It’s with this sentiment in mind that I thank former Starbucks President Howard Schultz for building a business with a focus on having a positive impact on society, creating moments of connection with customers, and giving back to the communities where it does business. It’s one thing to be memorable, but it’s another to be memorable for the right reasons, and Starbucks is one giant player that continues to use its growth for good.
Sarah Baker
Editor, Global Coffee Report
PUBLISHER Christine Clancy christine.clancy@primecreative.com.au EDITOR Sarah Baker sarah.baker@primecreative.com.au ASSISTANT EDITOR Ethan Miller ethan.miller@primecreative.com.au JOURNALIST Shanna Wong shanna.wong@primecreative.com.au DESIGN PRODUCTION MANAGER Michelle Weston michelle.weston@primecreative.com.au ART DIRECTOR Blake Storey blake.storey@primecreative.com.au DESIGN Madeline McCarty, Kerry Pert BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING ACCOUNT MANAGER Courtney Walker courtney.walker@primecreative.com.au CLIENT SUCCESS Ben Griffiths ben.griffiths@primecreative.com.au PHOTOGRAPHY World Coffee Events, Piotr Naskreck, Brett Kuxhausen, Lanny Huang, Starbucks CONTRIBUTOR Lindsay Holloway HEAD OFFICE Prime Creative Pty Ltd 11-15 Buckhurst Street South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia p: +61 3 9690 8766 f: +61 3 9682 0044 enquiries@primecreative.com.au www.gcrmag.com SUBSCRIPTIONS +61 3 9690 8766 subscriptions@primecreative.com.au
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