3 minute read
from REX Mar 2019
by Prime Group
RTAA striving for rail’s success
In his Rail Express column, RTAA President Thomas Kerr talks through the Association’s ongoing contributions to rail in Australia.
FOR THOSE WHO ARE UNFAMILIAR, the Rail Track Association Australia (RTAA) is a voluntary, not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to pursuing and promoting the interests of rail infrastructure within the Australian community. With a proud history which began in 1973, the RTAA brings together owners, contractors, consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, academics, research and development personnel, regulators and individuals who are part of the Australian rail community. Membership is invited from individuals, corporations, government bodies, tertiary education and institutions.
Between 1973 and 2001, the RTAA organised thirteen highly successful rail conferences at three yearly intervals. These conferences were held in major locations in Australia and New Zealand and were well supported by the rail community.
Fast forward to 2019, and the RTAA continues to promote the interests of rail within the Australian community. This is done by focusing on four key priority areas: • Broadening the appeal of rail to women, young people and Indigenous people. • Being truly national through the Rail Industry Field Day, technical and networking events and other RTAA activities. • Promoting the establishment of Australian Rail Infrastructure Standards. • Promoting ‘grassroots railway knowledge’ retention from our generation to the future generations. One of the key priorities currently in the spotlight is promoting grassroots railway knowledge and appealing to the younger audience. With a skills shortage in the industry, this is a priority the RTAA is heavily focusing on. In 2019 the RTAA will be implementing a number of initiatives to further progress the strong headway made in 2018 in this high priority area.
The Frank Franklyn Award continues its success this year and in 2018 there were eight outstanding entries, indicative of the railway infrastructure expenditure and scope of projects being undertaken. 2019 submissions are now open and already shaping up with stellar ABOVE: A crowd gathers at the last RTAA Field Day.
ABOVE: RTAA President Thomas Kerr.
submissions. The first prize for this award is up to $10,000 to attend an international rail conference of the winner’s choice. The award is aimed at all young rail specialists and is announced at the Australian Rail Industry Awards (ARIA).
Further to the Frank Franklyn award and as part of the RTAA’s ongoing commitment to sharing grass roots knowledge and connecting the generations in the rail industry, the RTAA is proud to have initiated an industry first webinar series, ‘Pearls of Wisdom’. The series features interviews with some pivotal
RTAA members who are also senior figures in the rail industry covering career highlights, changes in the industry during their tenure and their advice for the upcoming generation looking to forge a career in rail. Filmed and edited entirely by students and young rail professionals, the series will be unveiled later this year exclusively to RTAA members through the RTAA website. The RTAA recognises the value of capturing this history to share with future generations and the contribution these members have made to the rail
industryduring their careers. In addition to all of the above, the RTAA sponsors two University events annually – MUGS (Mechanical Undergraduates’ Society) and UWAYE (University of Western Australia Young Engineers). Both events encourage and foster industry relationship with RTAA corporate members and young engineers fast approaching career decisions.
Last but not least, the RTAA will be hosting a number of Technical and Networking Events throughout the year in capital cities, whereby the aim will be to connect young rail professionals and students with seasoned rail professionals for mentoring and advice.
Should you wish to speak or collaborate at one of our events or be included in any of the above initiatives and kept up to date with all things RTAA, contact the Business Manager at businessmanager@rtaa.org.au to be added to the mailing list.
ABOVE: The RTAA has made broadiening the appeal of rail to women one of its four key priority areas.
BELOW: The next RTAA Field Day will be held in April.