8 minute read
New Zealand
from REX Aug 2019
The New Zealand government says it wants rail to play more of a role in the nation’s freight task.
NZ details rail spending plans
THE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT has provided more detail for its rollingstock and rail revitalisation program after the recent budget committed roughly $1 billion to renewing the nation’s rail network.
In a detailed statement on June 25, a quartet of ministers provided more
$375 million will be spent over two years to replace KiwiRail’s rollingstock nearing its end-of-life. information on how New Zealand will spend the new rail money.
“We’re addressing the last three decades of under-investment in our rail system, and enabling growth that will ensure rail is sustainable,” deputy prime minister Winston Peters said.
Fleet The budget, revealed earlier this month, provides $375 million over two years to replace KiwiRail’s rollingstock that is at the end of its useable life, and to upgrade maintenance facilities deemed no longer fit-for-purpose.
Some of the money is a final payment for 15 new locomotives delivered to the North Island in October 2018.
Next, 48 long-haul locomotives predominantly on the South Island, 52 short-haul locomotives across New Zealand, and a small number of electric short-haul locomotives will be replaced over time, starting in FY23, with a new fleet of roughly 50 long-haul and 50 short-haul locos, and new electric short-haul locos.
“New locomotives mean more reliable services and less maintenance costs,” Peters said.
The rollingstock money will also see 900 flat-top container wagons replaced, with the worst of the old 900 to be retired, and a small portion to be re-purposed to carry logs. The wagon program will target the busiest rail corridors, with KiwiRail
hoping to select a supplier and place an order in late 2019.
Finally, this portion of the budget funding will also see major upgrades at the key Hutt and Christchurch maintenance facilities, with work aimed at improving workshop layouts and seismic strengthening. “Rail has huge benefits for New Zealanders’ wellbeing, including unlocking regional economic growth, reducing emissions and congestion, and preventing deaths and injuries,” finance minister Grant Robertson said.
“Our Government is already helping create 40 new jobs at KiwiRail’s Hutt Workshops through our investments in rail, including the new Hamilton to Auckland commuter service.”
$35 million will let KiwiRail progress design and procurement of a pair of railenabled ferries, to replace three ageing ferries currently used by Interislander.
Network The budget includes $331 million over two years to address the nation’s rail network. “After the chaos for Auckland The government said rail had been neglected for three decades of budgets.
commuters last week, it’s important to reassure New Zealanders that we are investing in tracks, bridges, tunnels, signals and control systems around the country to make train services more reliable,” transport minister Phil Twyford said. The ministers said this money will work to improve resilience and reliability of rail infrastructure through New Zealand, prioritised according to levels of risk and growth opportunities. It will also pay for new handling equipment (hoists and generators), mainly at Westfield/ Southdown in Auckland, with the aim of more efficient processing of freight at the largest inland port in New Zealand. The money will also facilitate mechanical renewals for existing rollingstock and the plant and equipment required to do this.
Finally, a new freight reservation, booking and tracking system will be set up for customer use, to provide real-time tracking of goods.
In addition to the prescribed funding, the budget also includes access to up to $300 million from the Provincial Growth Fund for regional rail projects. Associate transport minister Shane Jones said this was on top of the $183 million already given to rail by the Fund.
“We’ve re-opened the Napier to Wairoa line, which will be crucial for the local forestry sector and is expected to replace 15,000 truck journeys each year on the region’s roads, making them safer and reducing wear and tear,” Jones said.
“Despite it only being re-opened for two weeks, it has already created four jobs and KiwiRail expects to recruit even more staff. The value of rail to the economy carrying freight alone is over $350 million per year and as champion of the regions, I’m working to make sure that the regions get their fair share of the opportunities.”
Rail plan “We can’t wait for the budget every year to make sure KiwiRail has the resources to keep their services on track. We plan to integrate rail alongside roads, motorways and all transport investments so that decision-makers can consider it alongside all transport options and invest in the best option,” Twyford said.
“Our Rail Plan, which will be released later this year, will outline the government’s strategic vision and give a 10-year programme of indicative investments and benefits.”
MoU signed for Palmerston North intermodal site
KIWIRAIL SAYS IT LOOKS FORWARD to collaborating with its development partners to deliver a new Regional Freight Hub near Palmerston North.
The New Zealand state-owned network operator earlier this month signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the NZ Transport Agency and the Palmerston North City Council to share information and work together to progress the construction of a hub.
The Palmerston North intermodal site is being viewed as a good opportunity for regional development. The MoU follows the designation of $40 million for the project in November last year, from the Government’s Provincial Growth Fund. The money is supposed to cover the costs of designing the hub and designating and purchasing the land needed.
KiwiRail chief executive Todd Moyle said a collaborative approach from all parties will be invaluable.
“There is a real opportunity here for regional development, but to make the most of those benefits it’s crucial that the hub development is aligned with the Transport Agency’s roading plans in the region, and the council’s economic development plans,” he said.
“The MoU is part of a strategic approach to ensure all of the interested parties work together to deliver a final result that achieves the range of outcomes we want.”
A road-rail hub near Palmerston North
would look to help manage growing freight volumes through the Manawatū.
“Palmerston North is already a critical freight distribution point for the lower North Island, with goods coming through from the upper North Island, Taranaki, Hawkes Bay and Wellington, and freight volumes are expected to increase significantly in the coming decades,” Moyle said.
Transport Agency director of regional relationships Emma Speight said the agreement bodes well for future transport initiatives in the region.
“We are looking forward to deepening our working relationship with KiwiRail and PNCC to ensure we maximise these exciting new opportunities,” she said. “The Transport Agency is leading investigations into transport improvements around Palmerston North, and the new freight hub will complement this future transport planning.”
NZ log trains extended
KIWIRAIL IN JULY SAID IT HAS increased the number of wagons on its daily trains transporting logs from Masterton to CentrePort from 30 to 45 a day – a 40 per cent increase in capacity. The boost means KiwiRail’s log service has an annualised capacity of 370,000 tonnes.
“Our log trains already avoid about 16,000 log truck journeys into Wellington each year. The additional rail capacity will avoid a further 6,000 truck journeys each year on the Remutaka Hill Road, the Hutt motorway and the pinch-point of Aotea Quay,” KiwiRail chief executive Greg Miller said.
Miller said improved rail capacity facilitates an overall better intermodal solution. Rather than moving logs all the way to port, trucks can instead transport logs from the forest to KiwiRail’s Waingawa hub – which it is developing – allowing rail to cover the distance to CentrePort.
“It shows how rail and road can work effectively together to create economic and social benefits for the people of the wider Wellington region,” Miller said.
PHOTOGRAPHY CREDIT: SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Log harvests in the lower North Island are forecast to increase in coming years.
CRL stations nominated for global design award
AUCKLAND’S CITY RAIL LINK project is up for a prestigious global award.
CRL in July was announced as a finalist in the prestigious World Architecture Festival to be held in the Netherlands later this year, selected from more than 1,000 nominated projects from 70 countries.
“It’s a very hotly contested international competition and it’s fantastic that the Festival has acknowledged our project’s very important partnership with Mana Whenua,” CRL chief executive Sean Sweeney said.
The CRL entry was based on concept designs for two new underground stations to be built in the inner city, and the redevelopment of the existing station at Mt Eden.
CRL says all three will reflect the stories and designs representing the historic and cultural ties Mana Whenua have with Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) and wider Aotearoa (New Zealand).
Eight Auckland-based iwi – Te Ākitai Waiohua, Te Kawerau ā Maki, Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Paoa, Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki, Ngāti Tamaoho Trust, Ngāti Te Ata and Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei – have been closely involved in the design of the stations. “Our expectation as Iwi Mana Whenua is that our holistic values and principles are reflected and embedded in the designs, and that the unique point of difference we bring to Tāmaki Makaurau is there for all to see and appreciate,” Adrian Pettit, Kaitiaki for Te Ākitai Waiohua, said.
CRL said the design concept draws The stations are being designed and built as part of the City Rail Link.
on the Māori Creation story and the emergence of the natural world from Te Kore (the nothingness) to Te Pō (the darkness) to Te Aō Marama (the light). “When they are built, all New Zealanders will easily recognise the stories and the designs in the stations as something that is unique and special to our country,” Sweeney said.