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Message from RTAA
from REX Dec 2019
Visit the RTAA Stream and Stand at AusRAIL PLUS
The Rail Track Association Australia details its role in this year’s AusRAIL PLUS conference and exhibition.
2018 Young Rail Specialist Award winner, Andrew Kelly, on his European rail tour.
THE RAIL TRACK ASSOCIATION membership-based, ot-for-profit organisation. We are dedicated to providing high levels of services to our members through the promotion of our strategic priorities. The Rail Track Association Australia (RTAA) are once again pleased to take part in selecting the technical program for AusRAIL PLUS. We have 12 papers being presented in the RTAA stream this year among the following 4 topics: Rail Asset Maintenance, Track Construction and Operations, Turnouts and Safety, and Rail Head Management. With a record number of abstracts submitted this year, the RTAA Technical Review Panel had a tough job.
It’s a lengthy process and the RTAA would like to extend its thanks to: Peter Milton, Jarod Wakefield, Jim Mahood, Julian Sharp, Aleu Dekuek, Phil Long and Mayuri Nathoo. The RTAA would like to particularly thank both Peter Milton and Julian Sharp for their continued and diligent support. Peter
Milton has been on the RTAA Technical Review Panel for 15 years and Julian Sharp has been on the Review Panel for 5 years. Their technical expertise and guidance have been fundamental in this process.
Strategy workshop 2020-2023 In September, the RTAA Executive and Management Committee conducted a half day strategy workshop. The purpose of this workshop was to develop the RTAA’s strategic plan for 2020-2023 and redefine the key priorities in which the RTAA operates. It was an effective and successful session and the Vision Statement and Key Priorities will be published to all RTAA members’ in the coming months.
Australasian Rail Diversity Award 2019 The RTAA are proud to recognise the outstanding achievements of members in the promotion of diversity and workplace inclusion through the establishment ofthe Australasian Rail Diversity Award. The award represents our response to the chronic skills shortage that continues to affect the Australian rail community, and is also reflected in our strategic priorities. We know that creating a diverse and inclusive workforce is one way to redress this issue. Added to this, diverse workforces have been proven to increase positive business outcomes. The award is now in its fifth year and a high prestigious accolade. Nominations are now open and can be submitted direct to businessmanager@rtaa.org.au. Further details regarding criteria and guidelines can be found on the RTAA website. The winner will be announced during our annual dinner in March 2020.
RTAA Young Rail Specialist Award The RTAA was delighted to see the 2018 Young Rail Specialist Award winner Andrew Kelly utilise the prize money for this prestigious award. Andrew embarked on a three-week international rail tour in September 2019. His journey included a conference in Salzburg, Austria, site tours and meetings with key international railway leaders throughout Europe. All possible with the support of RTAA’s global network and partners.
The RTAA will be looking to revamp the Award in 2020 to be more gender inclusive. Follow the RTAA on social media to stay tuned for further information on our activities in 2019!
Twitter: @RailTAA LinkedIn: Rail Track Association Australia – RTAA Facebook: RailTAA
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