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S&Z Australia support North East Link early works
from Trenchless Apr 2022
by Prime Group
S&Z Australia has played a signifi cant role in preparations for the North East Link tunnel.
S&Z were chosen to reposition several utilities to allow the tunnel to enter and exit without obstruction from pipelines, conduits, and services. ese included watermains, major power and gas mains, and services.
General manager Jim Pound says the company worked for several di erent contractors and were required to liaise directly with the various infrastructure companies to ensure their individual requirements and outcomes were met.
“After we successfully delivered 300 mm diameter steel gas main across Lower Plenty Rd and up the Greensborough Highway, we were then asked to install a bank of six large bore HV electrical conduits for another contractor,” says Pound. e gas and power bores were delivered during night works and with restricted hours. is provided an additional challenge to install long strings of conduit and steel pipes within the tight time frames.
Pound says the horizontal direction drilling of steel pipes that don’t have the exibility of PE pipes is di cult and trying to protect the lining of the gas pipe brought complex measures and procedures.
“In the end the Gas Authority were very happy with the outcome and have a much better level of comfort regarding HDD installation of steel gas mains,” he says. e realignment of a watermain and water service followed which were all delivered without any issues.
On each section of the project, and for each di erent contractor or authority, environmental protection measures and procedures were required to protect parks and waterways and manage the drilling waste appropriately.
As with every project S&Z deliver, safety was also a major priority, working on major roads with heavy vehicles and during night hours.
“ e best outcome for us is a project delivered - safely, on time, without incident, to our client’s satisfaction. is was certainly the case on all these projects,” says Pound.
S&Z Australia specialise in trenchless pipeline and conduit installations and are experienced at helping deliver large infrastructure projects as well as small to medium projects.
Should a project require pipes or conduits to be installed without the interruption caused by open excavation, please contact S&Z Australia.
Environmental protection matts and other measures used to protect parks and waterways.

High voltage power conduits being inserted under Lower Plenty Rd and the Greensborough Highway.

For more information visit www.sandz.com.au