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The future in pipeline rehabilitation
Intelligent technologies: the future in pipeline rehabilitation
Wilmot Pipelining is now the official Australian supplier of Brandenburger – a global pioneer in UV cured-in-place lining products.
Wilmot Pipelining has worked hard in the trenchless industry to become one of the leaders in the sector. This hard work and dedication has earned the company a growing reputation as one of the true figureheads in pipeline rehabilitation via UV technology in Australia.
The successful delivery of numerous large bore pipeline rehabilitation projects over the past four years in particular has seen Wilmot establish itself as a company known to rise to the occasion time and time again to deliver complex pipeline and culvert renewal projects.
An understanding of quality has helped Wilmot to forge meaningful relationships in the industry and the company is now the proud distributor and installer of Brandenburger Liner products in Australia.
The UV cured-in-place (CIP) lining products manufactured by Brandenburger are industry renowned for the highest quality available on the market. Known throughout Europe as one of the pioneers in UV lining technology, Brandenburger has used its experience to develop innovative solutions for pipeline rehabilitation.
This attention to quality fits right into Wilmot’s value proposition, and the two companies have developed a strong working partnership. In turn, both brands have been able to grow their portfolios in Australia.
“Our manhole liner reduces logistical effort for our customers at the job site and allows for an efficient, as well as holistic, rehabilitation of the client’s pits or manholes,” says Wilmot Managing Director Andrew Wilmot.
“As one of the world’s first UV manhole liners that adapts to the shape of the manhole just by air pressure, it prevents any time-consuming measurements of the manhole prior to the run to rehabilitation,” he adds.
The BB S.8 Manhole Liner is extremely fast to install, minimising the disruption to the asset owner’s network. When compared to traditional spray coating or CAC applications, the Brandenburger manhole liner is a far superior in value for money for the asset owner.
With a 50-year design life next to 10 years offered with cement coatings, the UV manhole liner is the logical solution of choice.
The company’s specially designed stretchable GFR laminate generates three important advantages. First, measurements of the old manhole are not required before installation – only the size of the manhole opening and the size of the manhole itself are needed, saving valuable time.
Second, with specialist production technology, the manufacturer can offer endless production of manhole liners diameters between 800 and 1000 mm.
Finally, the company offers holistic rehabilitation from the manhole bottom up to the sewer pipe. With a special installation procedure, it is also possible to rehabilitate the bottom of the manhole with Wilmot’s material.
Wilmot offers UV cured-in-place solutions for both pipelines and culverts in sizes DN150 -DN2000. In addition to pipelines, the company has the capability to rehabilitate manholes using new technology.
“We have seen a growing awareness of the quality and reliability of UV CIP technology for the rehabilitation of infrastructure, with many asset owners shifting their trust to UV CIP technology, in which Wilmot is a true leader,” says Mr Wilmot.
For more information visit www.wilmotpipelining.com.au
Large UV Liner deliveries arriving at Wilmot’s depot from Brandenburger Germany.
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