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Office Memo
CGA OFFICE MEMO Sarah Van Schothorst CEO
Happy Spring Everyone!
Bull season has wrapped up. Please ensure that any herd sire you purchased has DNA on file. This will be required before calves can be registered. When making DNA requests or wondering what test type to choose, remember to reference the fantastic video we created that covers DNA from start to finish! You can find it on our website gelbvieh.ca. Fall show and sale season will be here before we know it, remember to send your DNA in early.
1. Did you know that under the Animal Pedigree Act members are required to keep their records indefinitely, this includes breeding and calving. 2. When running your cows through the chute, take 2 DNA samples of every cow you have. This could be 1 Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) sample and then a hair sample in a regular paper envelope. Or it could be two hair samples stored in two regular paper envelopes. Make sure they are labelled completely with tattoos and registration numbers. If you are planning on testing some animals right away apply your hair to a hair card. TSUs that you will not be testing within a year’s time can be frozen for storage. Store the envelopes with hair in a dry place like your filing cabinet. The second sample provides insurance for you once you have shipped the first to the lab. This can save time when animals have gone to pasture and you want to get them tested. It can also prevent problems when animals die or are shipped, and you forgot to take a sample. 3. Make sure your DNA request is complete before your sample arrives at the lab. If this procedure is not followed there will be a delay in receiving your results, beyond the regular 21-day turnaround.
4. Make sure to order TSU supplies from the CGA office or hair cards directly from the lab to avoid the loose hair charge. An extra $4 will be charged for any sample arriving at the lab without using a hair card, blood card, or TSU. 5. Remember all ET calves must be fully parent verified before they can be registered with a CDGV number. 6. The member handbook is posted on the CGA website gelbvieh.ca. It includes information and screen shot instructions for basic registry work.
The CGA has tentatively booked our AGM at the Royal Executive Hotel in Regina, SK on November 23 at 7:00pm. There will also be an online component for those that are unable to attend in person. Stay tuned for more information as things may be subject to change due to COVID-19 regulations.
The Gelbvieh and Gelbvieh influenced heifers at Olds College have completed their trial period. We look forward to compiling the data and reporting the results in the Fall Gelbvieh Guide.
Be sure to have all your registrations and performance data entered by August 31st for the Dam of Merit and Dam of Distinction Awards.
Juniors! Remember to submit your application for the Junior scholarship by July 15th.
I hope everyone has a safe Summer.