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Welcome to our 17th Annual Bull Sale!
First and foremost I would like to thank all our customers and friends whose continued support in our program has meant the world to us.
You’ll notice we moved the sale back to Taber. Part of this is because we are trying to find ways to be more efficient. The other reason is we like the opportunity to have our customer appreciation at the end of the sale.We lost that during covid, and we missed it. A lot.
The bulls are coming along just right, in my opinion. The backgrounding ration they are fed has allowed them to grow up and express their potential, without putting on excess fat. There are bulls in the sale for every purpose from Heifer bulls to pound the scale down Cow bulls.We’ve always emphasized feet and udder quality, and we think we can stack these bulls up against any program in that regard. The Charolais 2 year old program continues to be our goal, but we have had a fair few customers ask that we don’t abandon the yearling bull thing altogether.
All bulls are currently at TFS Fincastle, and will be there available for viewing until Wednesday, March 22nd. Feel free to stop in anytime.
Sorry for the lack of footnotes this year. Too many irons in the fire, or it just takes me that much longer to accomplish what I am trying to get done. Either way, it’s not a lack of quality in the bulls that’s kept me away from the computer. Hope to see you Sale Day,