Princess Auto Catalogue #103 - 1962

Page 1



10 he lp us Se rv e yo \t w@lI, pl ea se re ad ca rel un y. F A CTDR Y SE RVIC E ••• OVER 21 YE A RS OF SATlS _ f ound a tion of Our busin ess Custo mer sati sfact ion IS the st to ed cu stome rs from "Coa Our thou sands o f sati sfi grow sin ce Ou r begin n ing In us d e Coas t " ho ve helpe ence We ho ve becom e on 1932 and throu gh th iS c onfid Maco mple te ly sto cked Form In of the large st and m os t ouses H r Orde " Mo m oti v e chine ry, Surpl u s and Auto th ha s prOve n the wisdo m of West ern Cana da. Th iS grow Cu stom er Satis fact ion. I I Our polICY " Guar antee d A L GUAR AN TEE ••• PRINCESS UNC OND ITIDN We guara ntee that L IS-D AY MON EY BACK TRIAis hone stly descr ibed and every item in this catal ag to save you mone y on 011 illust rated . . . We guara ntee w i ll guara ntee that 011 items items purch ased . . . We in good cond i tion . .. If for be delive red prom ptly and puritem any with fied satis any reaso n you ore not 15 cond it ion rece ived with in chase d. retur n it in the mone y imme diate ly. days and we will refun d your . • . PRINCESS BUDG ET PLAN Plan to Use our gene rous Budg et A sma ll PURC HASE S ov er SI 00 .00. you rings b es LOW carrY ing charg ing y our Write for part icu lars, l ist a pplic a ble to tires.

f inanc e CERT A I N d own pa y men t and the Item s order ed. requi reme n ts. NOT

PRICES . . •

s cata log ore t he lowes t price ould The prices listed in thiS iS book went t o pre ss. Sh preva il ing at the t ime th ce you r la p u yo me ti the at t any lower price be In effec y be g iven t he bene fit of icall order, you will aut omat t o f an y una voi da ble Incre aSe es such decre ase. In the even befo re shI PP ing. A ll prIC you write l wil we e price In ect t o chang e Witho ut notIC and speC ificat IOns are subJ og ore su bJ ect to prior sa le. catal iS th In ings offer all and

ENT CLAI MS . SH IPPIN G AND REPL ACEM to Insur e Every p recau tion is token ity for loss or nsibil merc hand ise. Our resPo ted by 0 carrie r. I accep IS ent shipm when l, hove the carr. . signs of dama ge on arriva signin g It this on the shiPP ing bill, tly with the responSI direc delive ry. Then claim Will We recog nize Unde r no circum stanc es conse Quen tial lobor , freigh t charg es or repla ceme nt I chond lse, Our 'Iobll lty for

Our ,udgm ent, Items that ore, accor dmg ipto os cover ed by workm ansh

mate rial and guara ntee

..• RETU RNED MERC HAND ISE t any claim and to W e o re alway s glad to adlus rial. Plea se writ e mate good on any defec tive ln the Circu mstan ces explo ise, hond , retur n ing any merc ctions . When retur ning goods and we will give you Instru and addre ss on the name your ly ploln l be sure to mark. parce the to letter 0 h packa ge and If pOSSible attac ALL ORDERS . . . IMME DIAT E SHIP MEN T OF all you I~medlate servic e on We ore organ ized to give ed withi n 24 hours . order s. Most order s Ore shipp

ON YOUR ORDER . . . ss CLEA RLY . A . Print your name and addre ent from Posta l addre ss be differ IS point ing shiPP B. If sure to state where to ship. remit tance to Cover shiPP ing C Inclu de enou gh With your agen t at your sta tion . All charg es if there IS no IPEG and ore shipp ed shipm ents ore F.O. B. WINN COLL ECT. of error ALWA YS use our D To OVOid the pOSS ibility ibe Item on order . ITEM NUMB ERS or descr

OWNERS TRUCKERS . . . VOLKSWAGE N FLEET OPERATOR S BOAT OWNERS OWNERS ! At I ast d ue to a ca rl oad purc ha se w e are aga in ab le to offe r t his bra nd new c u s t o m e r pro ve n 6 or 12V


HIGH _ CHEC K THESE LOW ORIG INAL COST . LL _ NSTA I HTO ~y STAN ime IN Wart TROL devel oped out of EA ience , and EFFIC IEN CY h ea te r w~~e Heat ing Exper . iple Th e Sou t hwm d ga soline PrinC " E J,.m~t "SEA LED FLAM per Aircr aft a n d Pos t wSa r t~ul, at out ut of 20,00 0 BTU ou ility x Ceab util izes the fam ous servI . t~ost sgfet y and Low hea lDesig ned ta prod u ce ah 000 BT U hr e u hour q UIC kl y, a nd Wit I h heat ·' 1 gal ./4 hrs . ea t - 20, SPEC I FICA TION S. High h iner Posed In steel conta --;~c ~:'~~ 10,00 0 BTU / h r I /F8e~ ca~~~ ble heate r Unit. Come s r~ E I r movaand Law heat 1 9,0 . neces sary wirin g 011 t m~sta °t~:" BV./ ' x l S Y2' x 9 Jr-bOX . N H9 79 comp lete Wit h contr a • \~E ~Olt NH97 6 ITEM • 6 Volt



54 9 95

$4 6 95


;~;ckk s~~;e. a~~r~;'e'dge C~~';I~i~' !~;~I , air gaug e , 20 ad ~alve safet y valve an tires r , 2 rubbe hose, ' tire hand le .


cycle 21;, HP MOD EL PTCGC 28 With 2 51 59.0 0 Cllnto n gas engin e cycle 3 HP MOD EL PTCG B 29 With 4 $1 69.0 0 Brlgg s & Strat tan engin e Elec DEL PTGW With 34 HP West trO autom atIC SWitch, 10' Eleco $165. cord

~~tor ,

SPECIAL ! 12 Vo lt Tru ck Wa ter Hea ters One of the fines t .. FAST DEFROST FAST HEAT Idea l for most T rucks o de . H o t wa t er heate rs ever m deSir ed volum e of warm or a nd Buses. Produ ces anv A produ ction overr un gave co ld 0 1( qUick ly, e ff iCien tly. rs ase a nd offer these heateso u s th e oppo rtun ity to purch In fact , regul ar value ot a p rt ce fo r below t he It would cost than less you t Ceis ers t low that t h ese h ea Includ es defro stmg h ea ter you to r epai r you r old hes and clamp s. Reg. $55 .00. ou tl et, bu t less hose, SWitc ITEM

HT15 50

$1 5. 50



Get sharp closeup Views da y or ni ght Fa r oway boats, towns, buildings, mountains are pulled In so close y ou almost fee l like touching them. Perfect fOf' huntmg or watch your favorlte sport . Quality features of t h ese bmoculars Include high-speed centre foc ussmg Centre Folding to od lust to a ny eye Width , Delu x e Pigsk in Fitted CarrYing Case With shoulder stro ps. All lenses ore INSET and provided with a separate plast Ic cover to preven t scra tc hing, spotting when not In use. 6 x 30 ICF-Only _ $1 8 .00 7 x SO ICF-Only - - $23.95 • x 30 ICF-Only $18. 95 10 x 50 lCF-Only ----- $25.50 7 x 35 lCF-Only $18 . 95

Hi·POWER 50X·750X

4 TURRET MICROSCOPES Made by the finest Japanese craftsmen . Fine ground and poli shed lenses, preciSion allmet a I construction . Quad-

revolv inq




up to 50X oblectlve lenses. Five tooth gear adjustments for smooth precise mov ement. Adjustable plono substage mirror. Ideal for Students, Ama -

teurs ete Complete in wooden case with extra, interchangeable eye pce.

~~~ _~~_~~~




Brand ne... , heav,ly bUilt Strong, serviceable and easily at10ched our bolts Th" 10 an Ideal H i tch for 011 ~~-J~-l ton Trucks and Jeeps. P05ltl"e lock type, sprong held toke> I ~,~" eye, by



FDR QUICK AND SURE 4xJ2 . Widest, brightest Internal field . Picket reticule type, built in el .. votlon and wlndage dial. Adjustments. c;oated lenses for maximum light transmission. Objective operature--32mm, Exit pupil dla .- 7 .8mm, 28.5 ft. field at 100 yds., J " eye relief, II V~" long, I " dia . tube WeighS 9.8 oz. Comes complete With GENUINE LEA THER Dou le Lense Cover. A $ 52.00 Value. ITEM I RS43~Yours For ____ .____ ..____ __.. " •

519 95






DOSIMnll A scientl f ic gauge for measuring ra dia tion f a 1I0ut. Easy to read, easy to carry. Hinged m et a I case J~,:!" x 2V, " x IV," t hick. Hos bel t clip Wi ll fit Into purse . ITlM HTtl

W ith 50ft adl ustob'-

_. '5.95

- $I •••



• EA SY 110 VOLT A.C. (CXIRC ULAT I ON DOls ~~L~ :~rs FORCED WARM HAUST FANS IN REST ON FUEL • USE AS Feotures: Totally encl d A T TICS ETC. AURANTS, POULTRY HOUSES bladed fan Mounted ose QUiet running 1500 RPM I ' MDDEL Fl0 with 10,,1;I:;ctlon of pipe as shown. ( 80th H .P. electriC motor. 9" 5 MODEL F12 with 12" pipe

------- - $14.95 - ---- ~ -- $15.95 .lAND NEW ~ H.P. H.D.

MOTORS fot f.r",_",


. , . Ope",toro, Contrectori. 100 ft. of 122 gauoe ... complete With mole plug on one end and A out I... box an the other Wt . 20 Ills.



$12.9 5

- $4 .3 $7.75

•• .

Continuous duty. Mfg. by aroti'" Thompson Houston , 1725 RPM at 60 cycle, 1425 RPM at 50 cyc le 110 Volt AC., spilt p h Q s., reversible '12" shaft. Wt. 22 Ibs. ITEM HTM 25

$14 ••5

Whe rever the going is hardest these Ga rwood Winches are giving dependoble se rvice unde r the toughest conditions •.• Controcton. Lumbermen. Crane Operato ... Mines. Garages. Marine App/ ico. tions and other Industries

10 Ton H.D. Reversible Hoist & Boom Winch DOUBLE DRUM OOUBLE PURPOSE . Each Winch rated 10 ton cap. Boom Winch IS used to rClsc or lower boom SO that boom head IS .n deSired position for hOist Winch cable to h ft

load .dru~ HOIST WINCH bore 20,000 ' min full 10,000 Ibs :. cop. at 21' min.drum Drum IS" 0Ibs .0 .. at x 612 Y2" 1.0.•, :i~F!~!~?~~;~~~!~:~~ by 7Y2' Wide . Ratio 45-1 . Drum capaCity 196 ft % " cable. BOOM WINCH speCifICation. . . cop aClty bore drum 20,000 Ibs. at 11 ' per min ., full drum 9500 lb• . at 2 ~ ' per min . Drum Size IS" OD. x 6 Y2" 1.0. by ~ i6" wide . CapaCity 132 ft . ;e" cable . RatiO 45-1 . Unit come. complete with 18 tooth sprockets on each Winch , 12 tooth Idler sprocket to pro· Vide operation of both Winches with one choln from one power source . PrOVIsion 15 mode to operate both units Individually by means of sprtng loaded controls for reverse or forward operation .

Single or two speed PTO con be used . Both units equipped With automatIC safety broke • . 0'011 Dim . 44 " x IS " )( 31" . Wt 750


A $485.00 B. 15 Ton Heavy Duty " Beach" Winch

JGW 1010

Complete With 2-7Y2" Wide x 9 " 0 .0



clutch to engage

and disengage the Winch drum, automatic sofet.Y b roke and Winch drum

broke SpeCifICations; 30,000 Ibs. at 15 ft. per min ., bore drum 14,500 Ibs a t 13 ft . per min . on full drum . RatiO 3~-1. Drum S""c' s: IS" 0.0 . x 6h " 1.0., 18" Wide Cop. 557 ft. ~~ .. cable . 0 ' 011 Dim . 56" x 18" x 27" . Wt .




C. 15 Ton H.D. "Anchor" Winch LU MB ERMEN. CONTRACTORS, MARINE OPERATORS If It'. 0 large d rum capaCity unit you require THIS IS YOUR WINCH . . A FULL II S7' DRUM CAPACITY. 30,000 lb • . at IS' per mln bore drum, 10,000 lb •. at 46' per min . full drum . Drum Spec'" 25" 0 .0 . x 6Y2" 1.0., IS" Wide , complete With 2-7Yl " Wldl! x 9 " 0 .0 . N>ggerheods RatiO 3~- 1 . Comple te WI t h QutOmotlC safety txoke ., winch drum broke, JOW clutch. 0 '011 Dim. S ~ " x 2 4" x 38". Wt 840 lb. . ITEM JGW 1117 ..... •

$575 00

D. SO Ton H.D. Winch Combination An amol", a matlon of 011 four winches above mounted and


os 0

Single unit on 0 common base . An excellent unit where several IndIVIdual ope rations ore required of one Unit trom 0 Single control station such os in lumbering, mining, mOflne and construction operations . Power trans-

mitted to Winches through drtve mechanism of cholns, sprockets, and rev ersible power diViders. Operators control station consists of all necessary

con trol levers, for brakes, throttle, clutches and rever..s,ng, 72" x 56" x 3 S." Wt. 3,550 lb. ITEM JGW 4 ..

0 '011 Dim .·

$1975 • 00

E. REVERSIBLE POWER TRANSMITTERS These unit. allow pawer to be tra nsmitted both forward and reverse when coupled to on engine. Ideol for reversing occessory machinery not equIpped With 0 bUil t -In reversing mechanism . E.G. anchor and beach Winches obDve, conveyor drive applications, lifts etc . Has convenient forwards reverse, ne u t ral con t rol Dim .. 20" x 13" x 10". Ratio 1-1. ITEM JGPT 1 _ _ _ __ _, MODEL JGPT 2 same os above plus extra non-reversible outpu t ~ af t for 0 secondary applICation ___

$135 • 00 $155 • 00

..Electrically ri.,.,

_.14_ ckp ... d.. bl. pullln. ..ncl IIftl" • of .IIIch .ppllc.. tlonl . • • boathouMl, •• ' ....1 • ... to.. .te. Prea slon Gear Box - 206·1 rc t "', boil con~tru c ' on WI CH SIZE 2" )( 7", ccble opeed 'I Drum Cc p 250'-';'" '01:.1 .. or 175' .-~ MOTOR house CSA approved capaCitor ,'art bOil bec,,"O prot ected MANUAL LOAD 8R~KE for ltoPP 1'10 cnd O'C I Dim - 32" I ng, 7 '" <M. 9 gh Modal HHl

AVAILABLE IN 4 MODELS Moto, H.P. Lift"" c.paclty 1250 Ibt


'900 Ibs


2500 I






$117.41 SI22.41 $132.4' S.4.91 SI3.9.

"ECONOMIZE WITH DIESEL POWER'" If you 0'. I"t ... ••tod in TOP ENGIN& PERFORMANCE at LOW COST he,.' . today's be.t buy In DIESEL ENGINES . • , THE NEW IMPORTED KUBOTA ENGINESI Built by ono of the la'ge" Dle ••1 manufacture,., the KUBOTA DIUEl has a world wide , ..o,d of dependablo "stav-o n -fhe go u perfonftonee. A .moll and compact, V~I pow.rful unit, It perfo .... , big 'ob. on a budget " vea, 'round," , , ' Allother PRINCESS AUTO EXClUSIVEl Wld"ly used for: Water Pumping, farmln, rnachlllerv, pawar spray... power tlllo,., ,en.ratlng sel., Irrigation, &Qlden tractors etc. SpacIA.atlon" 2 .7" bore, 3" stroke, 1500-2000 RPM. 1 gal. fuel runs 6 hr$. Hopper water cool. Ing System. 1 gal . fuel tank. Starting system-hand cranking . Spherical combustion system, pressure lubricating system. DimenSions 22" x 16" xI9" . Weight 132 Ibs. FEATURES: Light and small and yet powerful. Low fuel consumption - uses '''gh speed diesel or kerosene . os fuels . Totally enclosed. Magnetic filter in lubricating 011 system. Roller Bearinsg . NICkel chrome cylinder liner for greater durb llty . Simple to start and operate. MODEL KND3 (with Farm Certificate) • MODEL KND! (non-form use)

$266 00 $322.00

Specification" 6 -8 H.P. @ 1600 RPM. Bore 3 .35 inches, Stroke 4.13 Inches. 1 ga l. f uel runsJ .Shrs . Hopper water cooling system. 1Y3 gal. fuel tank . Starting sys tem hand crankm9 . O.rect injectIOn combustion system. Dimer'lslons 3.4" )(

20" x 21 ," FEATURES; Easy to start, totally enclosed with automatic lubricat ion . Completely dust and waterproot. NI.ckel chrome east Iron cyhnder liner. Simple deSIgn . . . the engine requires minimum skill In its operation . Weight 246 Ibs.

$360.00 5450.00 . _......~. SAME AS ABOVE BUT WITH RADIATOR TYPE COOLING SYSTEM FOR GREATER EFFICIENCY OF OPERATION . 13,4 gal. fuel tank . Dimensions: 3"" " 21 " x 26" . Wt . 264 Ib&. MODEl KNDR5 (with form certificate) , _,_ • MODEL KNDR5 (non-farm use)

$398 00 ' 497.00

$pHlfleatien" 8-1 0 H.P. at 2000 RPM. 3.55 inch bore, 4.15 Inch stroke 1 qal.fuel runs2.S hrs. Hopper Water Cooli ng System. 2 Y3 ~a l. fuel tank . Hand Crank Starting System. SWirl chamber combustinn. Dimensions: 36" x 20" x 24 '. Wt. 298 lb.. FEATURES: EqUipped with decompt:essed valve far easy starting. I plolly enclosed With automatic lubrication. Dust and waterproof. Nickel chrome cast iron for cyhnm' liner, Especially deSigned to meet the incmasing demand for a readily portable, powerful Diesel Eng ln• . MODEL KND7 MODEL KND7 (non-farm use) ,. wlf h fa ,", cert ifICa t e)



DIESEL ELECTRIC GENERATING SETS HERE ARE 2 BRAND NEW GENERATING PLANTS FOR USE AS A FULL-TIME OR INTERMITTENT SOURCE OF POWER WHERE ECONOMY OF OPERATION IS DE!>IRED. Outstanding c"aracte.istics of long life and ruggedne •• makes these uni t ••• peclally useful fet. a ny job requ iring electrical power. " ECONOMIZE WITH DIESEL POWER !" It you arc .nt e r. est ed In TOP ENGINE PERFORMANCE at LOW COST her.'s t oday 's best buy in DIESEL ENGINES . . . THE NEW IMPORTED KUBOTA ENGINES ! 0

" Im I

"Specifications : ENGINE 10 H.P. Kubota Diesel . 3 .55 Inch bore, 4.15 inch stroke. Hopper Water Cooling System, 2% gal. fuel tank, hand crank starting, swirl -cham-

ber combustion. GENERATOR-3-3Y2 KW 120V AC 60 cycle, 1200 RPM, ball bearings, fon cooled, Mfg . by Hobort. EqUipped with control box conSisting of voltmeter, rheostat for voltage control, 3 conveni ent

:>utlet receptacles. Approx. shipping wel9ht 600 Ib,. MODEL DLP73 (With farm certificate) MODEL DLP71 (non-farm use)

._- $799.00 $959.00


I •

'$peclfic.a ti"''': ENGINE 4 H.P., 2.7 Inch bore, 3 inch stroke. Hopper Wate r Cooling System, I gol. fuel tank, hand crank stort, spherical combustion system . GE NERATOR-1500-i750 watt li5 Volt AC 60 cycle Single phase 3600 RPM, boil beefing, fan cooled, Mfg. by WINCO. Complete with duplex receptacle control box. Shipping weight approx . 250 Ibs.

MODEL DlP31S . (With form certifICate) _. ___ _ _ .

$579 • 00

MODEL DLP31S (non·form use ) .. _.

$695 • 00

100 lB. lOll

.!I' ......'", kI.. ,.rd.e-t''''

n ...."" .t ....... 1

..cturY If:':;"::'" et y• .., ,,~ul....· W cOtt , .....e' $ 00 . Is .......... I"clu.... ~·\t··':i led< ........

.--t...., .... " ...... c., scr."" ...... n.... .. .... ,.. .... .... '''''''''1'00 •• 011' " 514.U plut Wt • • PP'lo~ · d 144 pcs Ill. . .

n .... olrcra ft tree ote. ". X Cod", Um plot • MlTAL SCIllW M~. 9 li:re\ 1215 value . . . . per g_ uallty "",tal Icre • ~ • eees 10-'.... WIM 5144 IX "hOrdv selectIon. 16 I' . $ '." TlMSIOM Sr,R~~Gt%.;"lYJ ... rTlM n~ and flat head .. 5". 1O.~" ISCeliOneolA ,'US bo'" $ .. . WOOD SCRlW MIX . 2'1'1 b'~ m from 1/16 t-;5 16 1ength;r~ InM SU "'1" -150 aUorted p.eces. Th\c~' """..,els GOTTIR ... ft· f 1 dOl'"n SI' I V! .. 1 0 'I" to 04" . ITlM SUO RTMIMT. 36 peel. ~.t~~ \' .... 0.0" 1l{l6 IR GIlOM"':~pSsgf\ 6" thick, 1 d~~. ¥t" 16, 5/ 16 thlc\< . $ .4' 1 0 .0 ., 5/1 6 % ;Pht grom meh \~. lock_she", 5/16" thiek. 1 110 · - oocI sc,e.n rivets. ITEM . , , , , . - " ,.,rpl ... ~mef'lt of '" hOncjymO';·. spectO l $4,A1 SUPER COMIO MI~/16. tadu and walherl. ~TlM 20 LaS. _ pins, boilS. luOp • t~s $2.tO Muts On. ITlM JP'tS _. -




Rt. ••



•10 .10





I' r v e n and for B"tlsh dependabl", Canad,an Army rugged perfarmane" . . . Fa.t".t, surest bolt actIon In thr world . Latt! model B"tish EnfIeld "fles '" perfect cond,t.on . Cut down to weIgh only 8 lb>. Every "fie has been fore le.tlOd and IS guarantelOd to operat" perfectly. So beautIfully balanced there is practically no recoil , A wonderful weapon for

hunting deer, wolves, etc., or Just hanging In the "Den" for r,rotectlon . Uses standard .303 ammo. OrIgInally cost $125 .00. TEM WS303 ITlM Stand. Model _ WS303S _ Sports Modrl

$12 50

$17 25


(A) Hooded Rubbe, Coverolls Hunters!



ete 1 piece SUit, 29" z ',pper front, button-down flop, WO lstband, ankle draw strongs. (Specl. fy med. or large). HS46 $l1.29 (8 ) Tubular From. Ruck Socks-New, Giant Size, H,D. Canvas, "boay contour" fro"", 2-l"xl" bottom pockets, l-12"x9" ZIPper pocket. MaIn sack-21" H

~o~i~er~,r~p: .. ~6~dIW~~ig

(C) Mew W.b

Pocks -


~r1l' la~e WI~~' ~~~I~r" s~~~~

adjustable for any size. WS666 . ... $2.9' (0) All Aluml"um Pock Boa"'Wt. 040 oz. wllh shoulder Harness, cargo. straps, quick.releose buckles, a~ustable bracket and Ws'6'fjine . or . heaVY~OOd$10.25 (E) N.w I." Mochet •• W,th Canvas carrying cose WS660 52.9 S (F) Blu. 5te.1 KnIves ~azor steed I perfectly balanced, Stag han le~brass guard 5%" blade, 9\!2" \Jail . NJ974· j 3 (WIth fre" lrather case) $1.9' IG) l" V.rey PI"ol Ex",lI"nt for Boot owners, Trappers, Fishermen ete

No permit required.

WS2J _ _ $9 .95 Fiar•• for Abov_Red or Gr""n (SpeCIfy) _ _ $1.25 eo.

IH) Foldl"g Ca"va. Bvck •• Brand New 2 gal. cap. Ideol for camping, travelling,

for m

feedIng "tc. WS2WB $1 .99 (I) New Wat.r Bottle. Can . Army, With corner and shoulder strap. B3110 Brand New $1.19 Jl Conned Heat 2 oz. can, o to a kIt Idral for Bush Camp., hik Ing etc. 83113 (10 cans) $1.59 kit (Kl U.S. Army M... TI"s--Oval shope, made of .talnl".. st"et. B3111 Brand New . $1.49 IL) )opan ••• FlIhlng Kn lves--<4way 4% " sf steel blad"h scaler.


fork, bott le opener,



plastIC tIpped woode, ho"dle ng ilz6z _~a~ .. Overalt - 5 1~~ (M) Hotch.t. PolIshed 5';' '' steel. head, 3 " blade edge, WIth

~':!r'~~~dl~ot~';;r ~:;;~;: .:'00,;,-;'

illf,n g , constru_ctlC'."

e~c '51. 9I

IN) Air Matt .. u--Loghtwe lght, "roll-up" type. Rubberozed cotton fabric 2 .. .. x 70" With metal aor valv". )P70 _ $6.99 (0) Mummy Type Atctl. SleepI"g Bog. - N"w Feather filled. qUIlted, water repelt"nt 7\!,..ft. ' long . 110" H.O. ZIpper, dome fastener hood. Wat"rproof ,c;.a:;,:,.,"'III_.:,-;;>-'o........'....._ ~_m~e

The EVERLITE ,ep,es.nh a BRAND NEW development In duign of portable generati", eq"lpment. No commutator, no collector rings, 3006 greater efflc.lency, less weight -

more power, minimum service reQuired, rotating

design, patented transistorized


1200W 115V, A.C . 60 cylce s lphsc , with 3 H.P. plete with shock mounted steel

f 'eld

provides close regulation.




cycle Cllnton Engine. Comhondle


'eceptacle . Ma.nuol start. Wt. 7~ Ibs. ITEM MMT 12




$249 •


TANDARD DIAL TELEPHONES _ S d f private communi

These phones goo o~ etc Several Units cation systems, tln~er~~ s~me system . Come moy be con nee e d handset, etc WI plet. e With dlol, cor , $11.95 Ibs ITEM ~HP9 ...... - ..

CLU-4TON ENGINES Powe, For Ho",. . Fe"" . . . In"udrlel Ideal for small lighting plo n t 5 f water pumps,


d ctly coupled to NO NEW . blower "~osters ventlla6RA Used for healers, de f;'If IS remotor here 0 c"culatlon.~ 3350 RPM tlan ~r ~O~OR 1/ 40 HP . 6 \ ~ I i y enclosed. qUire . bol1 bearings, to D" S" L, S.5 amps, " OD 3" Wide. 0'011 Im ' ' 2 95 BLOWER 4 8 11,; ITEM ~HBS6 ... S 1 • 7" W . Wt . . DIlOPPI~G RESISTORS-... S2 . 10 Fa' 12V Ope,atlon 8 ft ,..bbe, coyc,ed tubing . ~ A) Venting Hose - s ve~ting, suction hose '$:~'s Use in exhaust pipe, ,. . . ' 10 ft length. 2 1.0., (A) Item IP11 (B) flulble Stul Tubln~ d 'Tops for exhaust 2',f." 0.0 ., flange on eac en. $3.95 • Item IPIl b l ' " O.D. " 6V. 0r f i (B) ~':::d New fled"l bJe 3~~~e~i~ thre;d end · 6 5 19 ---':<::I. '-~ ft .-With stan or 1A lants etc . Item f T" S' . engines, heaters, II g ht p ¥I" 1.0., 1 Ve o .D. 2· (Cl (C) on Hos_l0 ft . long, e " Sl.89 (D) ply . Item IP23 H D Contractors Rubbe, ~o.~ (D) Brand New. h '1 LP .T mole and ema c wll 25' ....... For wo e r , gOS , oil. S11.95 t:>roS$length fittings Item JP25H ".



it:" l

LIGHT KITS ConSists of rebuilt generator, 2 tractor lamps, 1 ammeter, I generator cutout, I switch and wire . ITEM NM79 ._- ..... $19.95


loa d e r

S ,

scooters ele Speed Range 2000 - 3600 RPM. TYPE : 2-cycle .,ngle cylinder, honzontol shaft,


~ON"8:S~Jg:~:EM~'~.76'~u~ ~'. Jg~~~N'6~;

Adlustable air - velocity type completely enclosed . Comes complete with muffler, 2'12 pint fuel tank., air cleoner, recoil start. Rotation (viewed Hom PTO Side) COunter clockwise. Wt. 18 Ibs. ITlM CLINTON :t'I'l H.P. S33 •••


6V., 120 AMP. Hit EXTRA H.D. Excellent for tractors, cors, t, u cks, lighting plonts, boors etc. 21 extra heovy plates fQ(' long hf.. Glass Q n d ,ubbe, separators. ShOCkproof ha,d rubber co... Mo,Ine type . . '. deSIgned }or longer hfe--ext,a pow"r om! ablhty to tOke a dischart/e over 0 lo~., pened of time. Dim. : 9" L x 7" W X 9V. ' H Wt. 42 lbe Complete witl! extra H.D. Terminels w I conn"ctars and handy carryinJl handles . •••• $41.00. ITlM ... HUJ SI4••0 (dry chorved). Add $2.50 for charg.... EXT .... SPrCI ... L--Leh ef • -- __. $eo.OO "'" c....... ~.

'l· ... ..._ ..,.. . -_ ......

GRINDING WHEELS SURPRISE VALUE! 50 pieces. for electnc dnlls complete With ,V4" replaceable arbors. Various grits, from I" to 21f2" 0.0 .. and from V." to 1 v," wide. For grinding, sharpening, hobbycraft work. Wt. 7V, Ibs. ITEM MJW50 - $13.99 COLLAPSIBLE EMERGENCY STRETCHERS IlRANO NEW.

~~u~J'pnREP~Rt~,"',a~ an~ ~~~i

for all shops, farms, contractors etc . ITEM JPS5 ..... $15.95 OIL FILTER-Install In I return or suction line. Use with any petroleum base flUids . Has bUilt-In Bypass valve and filter condition indicator, 200 sq In Filtering area. Op. temp.-650· to 3000 ' F., Ports I 'I.", Pressure 100 PS. I., 100 mesh wife element Wt 8 lb. ITEM JWf200 .. ... BISHMAN HYDRAULIC TIRE SPREADER-Hand operated, for tlfes from 500 x20 through 1~00x20. IV." bore hydraulic cylinder 6V," stroke . Handy operotlng handle 0 n d tlfe spre6der arms . For Form, Garage etc. Wt . 35 ITEM Sa-99 _

lO CAl. AMMO BOX- Ternflc storage, tool or tackle box. Was 0 sellout lost time we hod them . Size-IO"x3V."x7". With carrying handle, hinged [ia and spring lock . ITEM PlO _... . • 89 2..Jor $1.49

V2" DRIVE WRENCH - For speedy assembly and tear down Friction boil In drive end Qives positive lock to socket. 16%" Speeder . ITEM FPl .... $2.8.


. ~~"'a

AMERICA'S FINEST, INDUSTRIAL RATED, QUALITY TOOLS! IIOV. A.C., 3 conductor H.D., DIe-Cost Aluminum multlpl. thrust ball bearing'. D.... ndabl., rugg.d, .HlcMoIl1 and versati le •.. lOth. choice of the notion'. Crofhm ... !-'

3/B" DRILL " in wood , ¥ a " In s1ee\; H .O. Cop . ~. le d motor, ~ un Iversal alh-;:~ No load spee 600 Jacobs gea r c Full' load .peed 1000 9V~' 0'0" . 2 .4 amps.

:;~:. ~: 310-3-wt . 4 lb.


SABRE SAW '14 hp. air-cooled motor,

2Y2" wood cop. 3500 strokes per min., 11 / 16" stroke, 0 - ~5 0 angle adjustment, o'oll size 9" , wt. 4 lb •., 2.4 amp •. Come. with 1 wobd blade, 1 ",etal blade, 1 sero l blade, 1 wrench. ITEM NM44 .. $24.75


". ···•··• • • • • • • • • •~1r


Cop. 1" in wood, Vz" in steel, %" Jacobs chuck, 550 r.p.m. no load, 400 r.p.m. full load. Spur gears, 5.7 amps, 13" 0'011 . Wt . 9 Ibs. ITEM ~M 500-2 $41.00 ITEM HM 550-3, a. above piu. reverslbl . ..... $43.95



Co p. Y2 " In wood. If,,, '' In steel, olr-cooled motor, 1/"," Ja cobs chuck. No load. 2000 r. p .m ., full load 1200 r.p .m. 9 " 0'011, 2 .4 omps. Wt 3'/ 2 Ibs. ITEM HM 50-3 I

'/.& H.P. BENCH

h .p. motor, ~5 ° angle GRI N DER odjus~ment. Mox. cut, 2- H.D. single phose , 6 .• amps. .. 50Ioad- 1 6" coarse 27{Ys1~.; , ..max 500 rcut no11" fIne wheelond centres V: "wheels, mund speed; slip clutch; 8 a mp•. o rb. our, I"V2" o'~1I 7V2 " Wt. 11 Ibs. H . WI th too l rests and eye ITEM NM 11-3 ... $39.50 sh Ield. Wt. 17 Ibs. ITEM HM 600 ....... $45.50




JOBBERS DRILL GAUGESteel construction, sizes from 1/1 6" l a ~" in 64ths. ITlM WSll ....$1.29

These helpf,,1 educoton ore practical books, <oRtoiR"', in.lde Information Oft theory and ,.oetice. They are _I ilhnt..ted; " I f to read and understand. PIACTICAL CARP~Y 10, I. M. CW-. 464 ...."",tentc"rd over I000 iIIustrat iam. EQsy to .... Cyclopedio tOl Modem Bvikhng large draWings show complete cor.....ucr"'" 1Ietc,l. fer house, garage, and .. $S.JO ,_ ,,_~

PAINTING & DECOItATING ENCYCLOPIDt.\ -Wo D. J~, 288 I>OQC$, over 300 IIIUIIrotlons. Pbtt,al c:onrenh: material.. toa. and equIpment, POInt selOCfion ...,.ing. application. caler QTId calor harmony. wall

~~2~.~~~~:~,~r ~~Ao

HOUSE CONSTIIUCTION DrY AIU-Guide fram foundatian 10 ("mish dornensl;)ns, molertal~ processes, ,tllP by ,tep worlUng

~~._:!:c~:._~~_ of .n~7..s0


MOTOR SlRVlCES AUTOMOTIVE CYCLODfDIA, , . . . EDITION-The fundomenIal prInciples 01 011 procaedlngS, foundahon fer QUIck. analysis and repall needs. 832 pages. ov..- 3000 lIustra,Ions. ITEM T8-4-Ar • $1.75

'IX YOUR VOLItSWAGDI by Jud PUN". ITEM ~J-V.. ._ ._ ~ .....$'.25

FIX TOUR FOlD 1946-1 ....

ItEM TB+' _.. FtX YOUR CHIVROLIT , ...... , .... ITlM Ta-7-C . FIX YOUR PLYMOVTH 1940-1 . . ..

ITEM T ......


$1.25 $J.2S

MODIRN WELDING 'IACTICE AD. AlIhouse & C. H. Turnqulst Evary phase ')nd type of weldIng 1nc:1ud ng Pipe L"", Welding A proct lcal teo<l for el<Q!lIent refer...ce W~M~'O-~ 375 lIIustral~ $5 se ALL AIOUT SMALL GAS ENGINIS-The rklng of 2 and .-cycle eno ne. In Pow. Mcwtis, Saws, Concrete Mules, Air Condllloners. Oulbaottl$. and how TO f them 30.. pages. aver 3704 IllIntrot,ON ITEM TI-l1-Gf •




ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE RIPAIR & so.V'C. ING: H . P. Manly--i08 pa~310 111.-

~:r. ~( ~"'::.'tt and ITIM TI-12-U .. $l.2S PLUMBING INITALUTION & REPAIR, H P MonIy--300 pog_lSO 11IU5I'otl<ln1 Complele coverove of all plumbong pract le r the layrno ..



ALL UOUT HOUSE WIRING: F MI and E. C. Pr !chord WJriY>g et . - and c houses--necelSOry wltln$l. 5afety requ r.. menlt, opploonce IIQU1?ment needs. 176 ~ ITEM TB- ~HW . ..$27S PUMPS, HYDRAULICS, AIR COMPR£SSOU AUDn$--A new, co~ehamlve Guide f EnglrlftlS, Oesl~, Pump Operator Moonlenonce Men. Inspoc rs. $Upeormte enls and MechanICS. Pumps 850 poQeI Hydraulics, 320 1lO9e1, AIt Ccmpreuors • pages. mM TI-IS PHA $7.50

"U - MAKIT" ~ELDER ARC HE PRIHCESS U·MAKIT WELDER Pockoge Kit will in years of trouble free service. The many enllln"r'

g ftotUNS, "',ged const",ctlon and si mplic ity of perotioft aU",.. latisfactory ond economica l perform. ne •. It will prove to b. Indispensable for 0 countless

orlety of work . . . "U·MAKIT" AHD SAVE! EATURES (A) Famous PI Quality Generator with Ullt·,n cooling fan and mountang bracket, (B) heavy teel mount,ng base, (C) generator to droveshaft coup· ng . (D) 3. " droveshoft with keyway, (E) 2-plllow· locI< SKF bearongs, (F) 2-bearing block mounts, (G) rheostat for amperage control with high and low nge sw,tch and reSIstor, w.orlng diagram, (H) 4'il " OD . x 4'1, " face flat pu ley peed Rang.: 2200· 2500 RPM . Rated CapaCIty 200 mp. cont inuous duty .. 250 · intermlttent . Will handle nyth ,ng from Ioght gouge sheet metal to Y, inch ,late. TEM Ho. HH225



VOLT VOLT· AGE REGULA· (~I-::::::'~ TOR. BRA N 0 , -- .......-; NEW . aorcraft quality H.D . 50 /





BRAHD HEW ACETY· LE 1'1 E REGULATOR. For cuttIng and weldIng. Delivers ocety· at 0 n y adjusted to supply ample


,: "

Accessory Kit fo, above consllstin, of welde, helmet, 210 • ft. cables, ground clamps, electrode holder, 10 Ibs. welding rodL ond Instruction book. EA~H --_. - __ ___ $22.75


,I'~ ~~~U~~~e . y~~ 1.1

amp cop ., fully

for any oxy-oce-

Ion .

OLD UNIT WHEN IT CAN BE REPLACED FOR 512.95 . DIm. : 8" x 31;, " x 6" Wt. 10 Ibs ., for 24V generators to 50 ITEM JP'OO

TORCH-O·MA TIC Complete Pro pan e Outfits - for solder· ;;-:,__~..." 109, leadIng, sweatIng. Gun WIth 8 ft. hose and 011 fIttIngs to connect to tank. Item JP6 0 l

MoOem deSign,

ouper or perform. once, easy startong " Cycle aIrcoOled type, with ~,It·ln h\gh ten· 5/an magneto, ..u~':-:,',;,._ _ _-::,~# that produces high volt· age at low cranking speed. Splash system lub· ricotoClr' ellmlnotes wear on 011 m 0 v i n g ports. With CHI-both air cleon· e", gosol ne filter, muffler, and starter rope. Specification. Shaft Fo",,·U .. M ..... I H.P, la,. Stroke Slu Wel,ht ,"COl 10402 3 2U" 13h" 3,:;" 32 Iba. $ 4'.ts 2JA 9 3,fD 3V." lit 1121b5- $119.00 Form Cert, ",,,,t be supplied with order ••• ot ..." odd 25%


SPEED REDUCERS Form and I .For Excellent forndusrroal use. Door Openers Win c h e s, Power TOols I Conveyors, for Electroc M ~tc . Rated I H..P. Ball BOors up to preCISion mac:.a "dngs and





anlcai ettici Imum mech. for direct ble free ~ncy and trou. otner ratlo:'ccfr,ulley and . belt ~~~~~ce. AdOPtable be obtained With . IINumerous pu ey drove) ITEM NH80O. 7" Snaft I" RatIO 206'1, Over~1 Ibs. Input and Dim. lOll::!" x output. Weight 26



11 0 V., 60 Cycle JUST ARRIVED . . . In Like Hew Condl. 2 Volt D C Dual voltage Onon tion, 110 Volt A.C.,/ d r 4 c~cI~ Air-cooled engine Light Plants. 2 cy ~a':t 110 Volt A.C . 60 cycle 1 1800 R.P .M. 2500 8 amp 32 Volt D.C . Generator phose, 750 Watt 20 . . ush button start, directly coupled to engine, p . base Dim' mounted on cost Iron . . 25" x 20" x 20". LIMITED QUAtoI . SPECIAL


Ideol for MochinlSts, pot t ern makers, school Ihops etc. CA) '" Outside C."""n--oll steel. Ite", CO, • . $1.95 (8) '" " .. Ide Cellpen--oll steel. ITIM CI6 . $ 1.9 5 (C) S" CAP. CALIPERS-Frictlon roller adjustment, In .. de· outside JOWS, depth gouge, 1/16" - 1132"




n ':~ all »Colif'e"









I Ion. I Menl/ .. "

tu,., ef othe, .. _nu tires ot 0 troctlon of I, ,Ide •• • •• Ion . . , I ... d Ufo ••• imp,oved pe,to .... on... T ,uoronl... lou,h. ru ...... la'I.".e"rtI••

HAL TREAD ew-mlles of MBAT COHVEH TIO ,OOdO CO ao 0;' Like ~ t 2Q-ply In Equal tO 14-r~~~ r~gh, tOUgh'k~QU~ot~r WO\lons, f trouble- re~deol f~ Dump truc . $55.00 strength. EACH _., _., ..,. . . .. "'lOS.OO haulers, etc ~ __ .. _ .-- .. 4 for ... - .-.... _ .., • . SP1CIAL! .OO .. U


i..~~~' Trr:~I~I:..I~I~

54 2.



,pe".' -- .. . -- -_.


14 .00

650 .. ,0 \0 PLV Ideal for 0 gre o \ Bro nd new tires d IndustrlO I vo n ety of both Form on

uses. -



560 " IS .50 " 15 .70 " IS 710 IS

4 4 4

12.70 12.S0


1425 U .U 17.45

17.30 20 .05 23.40


20.00 12.S0

25 .30 17.95


17.U 14.15



Only .• P ....V USED

7lS ..7 Y1 6 ~cellent for In perfect condition. I -;- ~,de wheels Orcha rds, corlt~ ~Dob~~ ;in9' $6.00 etC. Wh.el wt ... _ $3.00 Tube ····.::.. $·14.50 ea .

22 .25 l4.S0



7.0 " 15 .00 " IS


.00 " .sO " 16 670 " I.

4 4 4 4 4 4

l3 .6O

17.00 \7.21

All price. F.O.I . Winn lpe.

\3,,]0 6 PLY TRACTOR TIRES First line - first grade - 1" lower , 1" na rrower tha n standard ,.,,30. Only ._.."_

-. $72.50


Check These Great Values! 1l 00ltl2 4 PL Y H. D. T IRES 70 % Iread $65 . 00 e o. 1400ltlO DIAM OH D TREAD COMBAT tread, e qual to 10 ply _ $ 155. 00 eo. 60 ~~

7SOxIl • PLY 'ItONT TItACTOR Tlltn - Non-directlonal , center nb . $ 24.50 Ftrll5tone Tread . Only

1600dS 20 PLY N.D. TIRES 70 % tre ad 5 400. 00 HO. l6 COMBAT TIRES 70 % t ,ead $30.00

BRAND NEW 91<24 TRACTOR TIRES 4 ply. open center, tractor tires , A top

value at anlyEach

$ 2 4.50

BRAND NEW 1100ltlO T RUCK TUBES Spe cia l $ 6 . 50

500" . 6 PLV NIGH SPEED TIRE Th iS fine 0 11 round 6 ply h igh speed

USED 20" 24 PLY TIRES Replacement for 1400,,20 In potrS also for 1600,,20 Ideal for Scrapers, LO\lg ing arches and ali heavy equipment uSIng flo· totlon tires $ 75.00

9H,,20 COH VEHT IONA L TREAD 10 % tre ad $ 50. 00

. 0.

RAND NEW CARBURETORS Morvel-Schebler. Flis Case. Massey, Pony, VF. WISconSIn, Lincoln Welder motors and con be adopted to other makes . Up draft !)Ipe a diustable gas needle 1-1 / 16 Ventura. Ventura flange 11~ " centres. Choke butterfly 1-5/ 16" 1.0. $7 5 0 ITEM NM-I .......... •


Ideal for boot, m ilk, or utility traders.

Features button tread, I. " h igh, 5 " Wide, capaCIty 800 Ibs .• press ure 20 Ibs HSOO $ 9 . 50 TUBE FOR ABO VE $ 3 . 75 Wheel wil h HD bea rings to fit $ 7 . 25 Complete A .. e mb ly $ 19. 50

ROCHESTER & CARTER CARB RteoDt ur. " n. w-cor" pe rfo""once with th." BRAND NEW " ' o • • r-Docked" 4 - Barrel Carbllrelo". Coot $ 6 5.0 0. For '58 '60 Chey., 348 Engin"" (V8 's only). Excellent for Hot Rods. Stock Cars, etc. With minor modlf lCo tions con also be adopted to truck ITEM lP27 .......... ~

NOW ..• PRINCESS brings you the GREATEST TIRE LINE of the year . . . exclusiye . . .

ATTINTION ALL FARMERS, TRUCKERS, CONTRAC· TORS. Whate.. , you, tire needl may be - you can ... lure of gettinll the BEST fa, you, t ire dollars when you lpeclfy B",nd New PRINCESS AUTO " TRI.STATE" 1 00 % Nylon _ Factory Frelh T,uck Tire,. They a,e made to-ord., fa, 011 on .... nd-off the road ope,otlonl whe,e ° rugged he. .y tread tire I, needed. " TRI· STATES ARI IU IL T TO TAKE IT" - . ..n under the tav,helt ope,otln, cGllditlon, and will provide maximum t,actlon and mllea,. at le.. COlt pe, mll.. ON THE ROAD IT PAYS TO BE SURE WITH TRI·STATE - THE TIRES WITH 2 BUILT·IN ~HOCK PADS FOR GREATER STRENGTH . Tub.


NVENTlO AL 6 27.05 $ 4.00 100x15 23.30 2.85 6 600x16 6 25.30 3.30 650x16 100x16 6 28.85 4.00 8 42.80 5.00 100xl1 4.95 45.50 8 100x18 4.95 53.55 150x18 8 49.90 4.25 *150x20 8 54.50 4.25 *150x20 10 64.50 1.40 *825x20 10 87.00 1.40 *90Ox20 10 *1000x20 12 112.50 10.00 NON-DIRECTIONAL 600/650x16 4 17.05 100x16 6 24.45 *150x20 46.50 8 *150x20 10 52.00 *825x20 10 64.50 610x15 600x16 650x16 150x16 100x11 150x11 825x20 900x20 1300x24 1400x24

6 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 GRADER 10 10

26.50 24.00 26.50 46.50 47.50 49.50 78.00 94.50

LON 69.50 21.50 194.00 41.50

' Tire. Indicated Hove 2 Built-In Shock Plyll

Combine Operators . . . don't bog down or let wet weather your operations. Changeover your Combine to Bomber Tires to "TAKE-IT". You will find them a dividend paying inv,estm.~nl. in better service from your equipment . . . bigger fuel savings more miles per dollar. (Increases of up to SO ~o more efficient operation have been reported when using these changeover They float as they roll and the wider the tire face the more 9 surface they grip thus giving better traction action . Comes plete with all steel wheels prcdrilled to fit your prescnt coml"ne. ITEM G47 . Two 15.50 x 20-- 12 ply aorcraft tores, fresh stock, w,th tubes. We guarantee thiS unit trouble free for 2 full years. All mode to fit your exact combine model When ordering be year and make of combine" alsn number of h lies on your present wheels. Complete Set of 2

ITEM G46. Consisting of two 1700 x 20--24 ply used lubes. Height approx. 47", width 17". Suitable Give yeor, make, model and number bolt holes. Per Set of 2 ITEM G48 . Same Unll 0< G47 but mounted on standard 7" width truck wheels. Complete Set of 2 ITEM G49 . Two 1700 x 16-10 ply aorcraft tries, slightly used. fresh and steel wheels mode to fit your exact combine model. Some guc os above. Be- sure to stote year and make ef comblnc 1 olso number of holes on present wheels. Complete Set of 2 • ITEM SB9. Same tire as above. will fit your 16' drop centre wheel. 10-Ply Nylon Each only $45.00 BRAND MEW 1500 x 16 a-Ply lire 42" hlg~ 1600 X 16 12-PLY o I a m and Tread. Will fit Drop centre rim ITEM SBI Brand New $57.50 [ D Flal face wheels 1700 x 16 12-Ply Nylon g"0.1 used tires Fresh stock, to fIt your For drop ce(s~:cir~ whICh) present combine Flat base With ( SPECIAL ITEM SB7-Each





Each (Drop Centre)


X 20 ·16






ThIS 1700 x 20 tire replaces any 1600 x 20 of any ply with better satlSfoctlon because

greater flcatatlon, Qrea~er ccrrylng capability and ccnstructlon materlol that is mode of nylon ccrd that IS not being used In requlQr C'orth-mover 1600 X 20 tires. Ideol fcr free roiling scrapers and rood oraders.

00 $15.00 $30.0

Used Tirc-Cleon, no repairs, higt, tread • Used Tubes (10 fil) Wheels--20" exlra wide, heavy truck type, 10 fit 1700x20 Tire. Only . ..... . DIMENSIONS--Helght 46" W,dth 16" R,m Diameter 20" MaXimum Lead CapaCity approx 20.000 Ibs. WeIght of tlre-130 Ibs. SUltoble for 1400x20 and 1600x20.

8RAND NEW! 1700.20 26-Pl Y-43 " Excolle"t (or SCRAPER USE. Ea


Each Flototion Tire.



2 for

CHANGEOVER Provide your Swather, Onc-way, DlScer and other Form TRACTION and take advantage of eose of opera lion Operating Cost· . . ConSISts cf 2-1100x12 used a-ply new tubcs-oll steel wheels--2-year guaranlee When hub pallern. ITEM GSO (Set of 2 tires. tubes and wheels) With Brond New TiresPer Set

Implements, With FLOATING on soft ground Lower Aircraft Tlfes--fresh st~ck­ ordering please supply paper


BOMBER FLOATATiON TIRES 56" HUB & WHEEL ASSEMBLY Build your own logging arch or super hub chongeover-feotunng the biggest olrcraft tire ba rgain.

Tires : Tire Dimensions - Height 56 ", Widt h 21 " , Rim Di a mete r 2 6 Y2", Weigh t of Itre 215 Ibs. A ir pressure 75 Ibs. CarrYing capaCIty 28 ,000 Ibs. Hub dl· menslons-Stub lengt h 9Y"a " , Hub CIr· cle 11 \I"' , No. of Hub Bolts 10. We ig ht ~~leTI~65 tl~~e, whee$ lhu b Oa n d o stou b • NEW 16-PlY TIRE


Used 20 Ply Tire $90.00 New Tube ····$25.00 Wheel (as Illustrated, less tire and tube) 10 hole or not drilled $135.00 Hub (as illustrated) $66.50 Model HWA-9 Complete assembly including NEW tire, new tubc 1 wheel and hub $318.00 Model HWA-l00 - Complete assembly including USED tire, new tube, wheel and hub, $296.00



Here is the low cost answer to your Logging Arch problem . A complete rlre-Whe el- Hub Asse m b ly bU ilt to withstand "the most rugged conditions. • HEAVY DUTY HUB--2S ,000 lb . capacity. 10 stud , 12" offset type, 20" H.D. 4 Vi ' ro und stub axle shaft. Extra heavy bearings throughout Dimenslons -I.D. Outside Bearing - 2 %", Race 43;" " , Width 1". 1.0. InSide Beorlng 3 1/4 " , Bate S Y211, Width 1". Bearings are 6 3.4" apart. • 32 PLY TlRE-56" xI6 , 32 ply used but in " like new" condition. Air pre"ure 75 lb.. Tire we ight 215 Ibs . Carrying capacity 28,000 Ibs. • Shi p ping weight of complete unit only 520 Ibs , ITEM SBS6 complete assembly . _ ... _ ....... • As above but with BRAND NEW TIRE ... $230.00

$195 00

HEAVY DUTY HUB CHANGEOVER lueal for hcrwy equi pment a nd logg ing arches. Capacity to 28,000 Ibs. uSing 56" tires. 10 stud 12 " Offse t Hu b, 20" H.D. 4 Y2" round stub axle Shaft, and extra heavy bearings. ITEM HWA-l0S .. ......... .... ............$75.00 Call supply 20" la Hole truck wheel to fit. Each ................... .. ..... ...... $35.00 Can also supply good used 56SC 16-ply Tire, Tube and Wheel to fit . Ea . $260.00

20" - 24 Ply Tires Fits a 20" reg u · lar Wide bo se rim . Com m er ci al users o r e sW i tching

fr om d u al t o Si n· gles U 5 i n 9 thi S type o f t ire-N o


14-PLY 20" AIRCRAFT TIRE For Trucks .. Trailers - Implements Here know

a real value In 0 20" tire that we will gIve years of service on trucks,


trallers t Implements, machinery etc. Height of tire 31" which brings axle 2N lower when mounted. Tires ore 4" lower in height than 750 x 20. Will fit all standard 20" truck whee ls, e xcellent for pulp or off·highway work. Smaller tires allow more power in higher gear

d rag on tur ning , no draw-back on pr essure bet ween

r ange . These tires are off current model aircraft thus en suring fresh tires plus future

wh ee ls, eGch t ire d ou b les ca pa ci t y. For Scro pers, Arc h e s, Ta nde ms, Trucks etc. 20" x 2 4-pl y, 43 " high x I S" wide . EACH $ 99.00

a vaila b ility. CarrYing capacity 8 ,000 Ibs. each . Tire-Used rib tread in good condition, no repairs, with tube to fit _..... .... .._. • SPECIAL. We can supply above tire with tube and wheel (as illustrated) to fit any hub. SO ITEM G-97 Complete ...... . . . . . .. . • (In o rd ~ri,:, g state Ho. of bolt holes, model and year of vehicle or If Implements, send cut out of hub showing holes.)

$18 00 $28

CHANGEOVER TIRE· HUB AXLE ASSEMBLY This hea vy duty 14-ply tire and wheel is the ideal replacement on regular eqUipment f o r man ufacturers of 011 types o f " on -or -off" the road equipment.

Quality bu ilt fo r long life, this high grade tire and wheel Will give you many miles o f re liab le service f o r yo ur tire d o llar .

36 /0 high

Its a big value at our prices to you. ~!~~G40. Complete Tire, Tube and All. Steel ..~heel,

11 " j


rib tread. I

544.00 $33 • 00

ITEM G41. Heavy Duty 6 bolt hole Stub. Axle (a s IlI ustrated)-Each . .. ... ..... . .... . ITEM G42 , Com p le te a x le a ssemb ly consISting of 2 tires tubes, whee ls, 2 h ubs and 6 " I Beam standard Width a x le-rated 7 ton capacity $195.00


A First Line -


First Grade


_ ==-_$_4:.5=-.:=-'_~~=--=-- .:.:..::5=-0=---t

A Real Saving at only 1800x24 20-Ply Brand Nett

Tread for use On Non-Driving Wheels

$355.00 NEW TUBE






$295.00 $57.50

2000. 20-20-ply Nylon exact replacement fOI 1600x20 scraper

1800x24, 20-ply Used Medium Tread




Slightly used $ 135.00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 for $250.00

1400 x24 MOHAWIC I.UT" MOVU - I ...... • _. pep..., 111111·

..., ..........

.'295.00 ., $Its... -

1400x24 -


A Rugged



Duty Tire. PRICE



5.00 Complete T ire Tube and Wheel Excellent for mounting


Equipment. Each only S99 •• 0

Shown below are Airc raft Tire . which are not. d for their Extra Heavy Ply cons truct ion .nd . obility to take ..ce •• ive punl .hlft .nt. Th. . . .11· purp ose Tires have goin ad wide acc. ptan c. for all Tire conv enio n purp o.e. duo to Grea ter Flototion . G...t.r Trec tlon • Grea t.r Carr ying Cop .clty . Job prov en byow n• • r. of Trod or•• Tr.iI.... Com b I•••, W.IOIII, E.rthlftovinll Equi plft. nt .nd by _nu l.ct u,... of all typ. s of "an the ra.d " ••d ".H the road " vehi cle•. A ircra ft

Size Ply 17.00 • 16 12 ( 1600 • 16) 15.50 • 20 12 f1 200·1 400x 20) 15.SO • 20 20 ( 1200 ·1400 .20 ) 15.50 • 20 14 (1 ::00. 1400 .20) 25 .00 • 21 30

17.00 • 20 II 20) 56· 16 S6St (Grad. .. ,

47" 16

26 • 6.6 (650 • 14) 27" SC




13,50 0




17 Nylon





A rch••.

Arche s.




15.00 Graders, Scrapers, Arche••




15.00 Graders, Scrapers,

28 20

40.00 Scrapers.

A rches .





21.00 Scraper, A rches,

Heav y Equip ment .





Heav y Equip ment . 21.00 Scraper, Arche s, Heav y Equip ment . 12.00 Comb .ne, Scraper. Nylon



4.00 4.00

8 12










10 30 8








15 26 7












12 6


9 29 1/ 2 91/2 30 9


9 00



24 • 12 11.00 II 12 11.00 • 12


8 10

8 8

Smooth Rib Smooth Rib Smooth Rib


Imple ment s.

Traile rs, Bugg ies.



Imple ment s, Wago ns.

4.00 Imple ment s, Wago ns.


4.00 Traile rs--H ouse MOVi ng.

2.00 Traile rs, Imple ment s (Small).


2.00 Traile rs, Imple ment s


4 48 18\12







6 24 7




Rovon Nylon

Wago n, Imple ment s.

'·CO mbin es, Traile rs.

11 "2 10

Wago n, Imple ment s.

4.00Wag ons,


11 .00 • 11

Tulle Reeo "' ...." ..... Price U.. 15.00 Combines, Scrap er., 15.00 Graders, Scrapers,



9. 50 • 12 10 • 7.7 (650 II 16 ) 12'2 · 4 Yt



2I.DO Scraper, Arche s.






(Grod. .. )

14 II 9 .9 (ISO . 16 ) J2 • 1.1 (750 • 16)


A ir lit. Load P ..... Capacity

Cord Nylon

15.00 Scraper, Arche s.

(Grad. ..)



20 Rib

(1 400


T ..od Desig n


20,00 0--'

Used New

(Small)_._ _ __

- 75 .00 1 5.00- - - .

8 50 • 11.00 15. 00 28.5 0

2.00 l 'r"o--,I.r-.-,-Im - p"Iem - e-n-t-s(Small) ._ __ 4.50 Traile rs, Imple ment s.

5.00 Traile rs. 5.00 Traile rs.

9 SO

cess per -So le" valu e bV Prin A reo I "Su eac h • Ove rsiz e for 750 x16 . Aut o.ON LY AT

NY LO N Qx1S 22 LY 8 ) I C AFT k whe els -to fit two -pie ce truc AT ON LY


eac h


RAFT TIRES RC AI ED US E LU VA E UR AT FE S -.n~~- NYLON (USED)-to fit drop centre $8 .0 0 ... '~Y whe el. _

$2 2. 00 ... .50 ... - - ----$216 00 S nl. wh p cen . . .. (US ED )-S PK lfy for dro - - .... .00 ... . ,. '0 PLY NYLON fe, 2 ,.. .. - - ....10 _ $1 5. 00 ... . _ (F. .., Tlr••) _ _ _ 14

. . .,. CJW.I) 12 "11 )-!o r two-pie ce . AD ID (US..ED F.. IIIC Tll ...... .... "'_ ... ......._.... C... .., U.. ..PLY ..... ...... ...... ...... __7" ,,, ...... ...... . ,.. ... ,., ~ la: "'_ ce wheel.. (US ED )-to fit twO-Pie 7" '" C. . . .) U PLy t.. or twO-PIece

AD NYLON DI e '." '0 PLY III Tll

x20, 3' " tire up to 15O . ace anyt 20" Tll AD -To ta buy In ..ta of 4) III r."" bft NIW r ND (Fo . llA <20 PLY 1501 ... .. ... ,. ' - r tha n ston dar d 4" e, WId h, "Ia


"... -

'- -- -- ·- -- ·- ---- -- ·- ·-

-- -- ·- ·$ 19 .5 0 ... 12 "

Top qUO II t dY hea vy dut y use tire s for Wag_ ons , Fro nt End elle nt condl_ Loaders, etc. In exc s or rep airs .• Top tion --n o pat che 0 -_ y Val ue SpeCial, Onl 0 _ SET Of 4 --..__ _ ._



y. tl... 500 . IS tube to fit .ba

carr yin g 100 0 to 150 0 Ibs. ts, trai lcap acit y. For boa equ ipm ent ers, etc. - 011 is d uire req tire whe re a low Wide. -12 l/2 " Hig h, 4% " W_ NE 12S0SC IRA ND Each _ . _ _ _ AXLE TO fIT AIO VE E.c h - -


is the grip tread to give you the get-out-and-goahead pull so necessary when driving in heavy snow, muddy roads or on icy hills. Military tread design . . . Built to take it and hold its own under the strain of today's increased speeds and heavier loads.







(Equal to 14-Ply) 80% Tread Like Newl Miles of trouble-free trave l. Rough, tough, " Conventional Tread" equal to 20-ply in strength. Specially des igned for : dump t rucks, water wagons, Redi-mlx trucks, haulers etc . toIo Repairs - Takeoffsl Wt. 160 lb.. Each ......... ..................... .. ........... ............. .. 4 for ....... ............................ ....................... $205.00

I-ply plus 2 shock pad. (equal to 10-ply). . Fresh stock - 'medium tread. Will replace 7.00x20 If used In sets. Grip


non-directiona l.


A REAL BUY AT, Each ................................................ .. 4 for ........................................... · ......... · .... ·$85.00

8-ply plus 2 shock pods - equal to IO-ply. Fresh stock, griP tread, 75 % t read, no repa irs. W ill replace 7.00x20 if used-in sets. N. D. Tread, con be used on front whee ls. A REAL BUY At, each ................................................ .. 4 for .......................................................... $100.00




Like New! 10%


60% Tread



SPECIAL Eech ................... .

Each at ....................... .



9.00 x 16

USED HIGH TREAD Each, et ...................... .. 2 for ......$88.00

70% Tread FRESH STOCK, Each .................. ..





loch et ....................... .


Your satisfaction aSJured by superior product performance. Thes. Tires or. Reca pped in our own shop. We guarantee full depth rubber, lam. as a new tire. We use only natural rubber, thus ensurln9 you of full value. Will g ive you Tra ction needed for gri? on ice, !tlo .. through snow, Imooth riding, lo n9 wea ring . All tires listed below carry our 12-mon'h guarant.e. TIRES FOR ADJUSTMENT MUST BE PREPAID INTO WINNIPEG.

SUPER TRACTION TREAD 850 X 16 14 PLY NYLON CHANGEOVER - FOR 1 TON TRUCKS Here IS the most popular chongeover on the morket-to replace 7.00x 17, 7.50,,17,7.00,,16, 7.50xI8 , 7.50,,16, and 750,,15. W,ll also replace 900,,16 Featur..-8.50xl~I.-ply Nylon full recap In Super Trac1lon tread desJg" 05 Illustrated . ThIs tIre wit! give yeers of trcubfe free service. A prove" changeover olso for dual wheel unIts that WIll allow VDU to carry same load capacity with better trachon in mud ond snow Gyorant •• d to carry any load yo u can put on 0 One-Tan Truck! Wheels--2-plece to fll Ford, Chev" Mercury, Dodge, Inter/'lOtlonal and Forgo. In orderong be sure to state year, make and model, also number of bolt holes '" present wheel. Guarantee-Tires guaranteed fc-r 12 rnonth.s. Tires for adjustment must b. prepaid . ITEM G-30. SET OF 2 TIRES, TUBES AND WHULS



X 16

NYLON 14 PLY TIRES $4750 $ 90. 2 for 00

(Oversize 7.S0,(16) Above Tire a s Illustra ted ITEM 31 , eoch



One of Ihe best Changeavers ever se' up With 0 set on 0 1~ er 3~ Ton Truck, you con krget obout Tore over'oad,ng, o. the Tore w 11 handle more werght than the Truck con carry. Full Recap. Tore WIll not pIck uo nails, gloss or any shorp ob,ects. Tir.s for adjustment must be Prepaid. Wh~.Is­ Due to the heavy ply we Supply flat base wheelS WIth Tock ronos (os IlIustraledJ. some os In larger truck.. All you do 15 remove your present wheels ond '"'toll, (On s~"", UnIts yo'~r Hub Cops do net fl') We con supply f~r Chevrolet, GMC, D"dge. Forgo, Inter/'lOtionol, Ford, or any other make Be 5ure to give make, "",'del. year and number of bo't holes on present wheels ITEM G-20 SET OF 2 TIRES, TUBES AN D WHEELS ~ 79.00

"ALL -TRACTION" TREAD NYLON TIRES 7.S0,,16-12-PLY 7 .S0x15-1 2-PLY 6.S0,,16-11·PLY Eo . 542,SO 2 for SIO.OO Eo , 539 .S0 2 for $7S.00 Eo. 532.50 2 lor 560.00 7:S0xU--ll-PLY Con supply Drop centre or 2-plece RIms-SpecIfy Eo. 539.S0 2 fOl $7S.00 when orderong for Drop ce"~re or 2-plece R,ms. New Tube t o l it a ny of the a bove slz" $4.S0.


AT LAST . , A I.-PlY AIrcraft tore to f,1 0 standard Iruck wt1ee f,t 0 wheels up 10 7.50"20. NOTE : Height.f tire 31", whIch brings oxle 2" lower wh.n mouftte d. Tires are 4" lower in he ight than 1. 50 .10 . Fer best results order n sets of 4. ThIS 'or" WIll Increase power and carryIng capacIty Excellent for olf-hlghwov w-rk .:arrYlng heavy loads. Hundreds of these lores now used successfully ~r ads up to 24,000 Ibs. Recopped Goodrich 20S Tread Tir., with Tube, 2 for _ 12 MONTH GUARANTU SPEC IAL! 4 fo,

These ti res .r. NCapped In oLlr own factory .. usi n, only high "ad. , ubb., 10 assu,e full deplh I_ d.

6 .00xl6-6-Ply 7.1 Ox 1S-4-Ply __

$18.20 . $14.25



7 .60x 1 S-4-Ply


a .oox 14--4-Ply a .oox 1 S-4-Ply


Off Ca .. and Trucks - Medium 10 high I,ead some mmor repairs. Will give extra good service for th~ value you pay ! PASSENGER 7.50.14 ........ ....... $ 7.00 7.60.15 . .. ...... $ 9.00 .............. $ 8.00 8.00.15 ....... .. ... $11 .00 8.50.14 .......... $ 9.00 6.00.16 .. .. .... $ 7.00 6.70.15 .............. $ 7.00 Tubes to fit above 7.10.15 ............ $ 8.00 51.25 each. WAGON TIRES TRUCK TIRES Tube For Trailers, Wagons, elc. 7.00.15 520.00 $3.00 Spec ify " Tra iler T"es" 7 .50.15 .. $18.00 $3.00 when ordering . 7.00.16 . $18.00 $3.00 7.00.1 6 .............. 510.00 7.50.16 . $20.00 $3.00 7 .50.16 .. .. ......... $12.00 7 .00xI7 .. $18.00 $3 .00 7.00.17 .................. $12.00 7.50xl7.. 522.00 $3.00 6.50.20 . .......... $10.00 6.00x20 .. 518.00 $2.00 7.00x20 ............ $14.00 6.50x20 . $23.50 $2.00 7.50x20 ...........$16.00 7.00x20 .. $28.50 $2.50 7.50.20 525 .00 $3.00 8.25x20 .............. $20.00 6 .00.16 ................. .5 5.00 7.50x20 .. $29.50 $3.00 6 .50x16 ................. $ 6.00 8.25x20 .. 533.00 $3.00 7.10.15 ................. $ 5.00 9.00.20 .. $35.00 $3.00 ~:~g:~~ ::::':::::::::::J2~:gg 10.20.20.. $40 .00 $5.00 1.000x20 .............. $20.00 10.50.20.. $45 .00 $6.00 1.100x20 .............. $20.00 11.00.20.. $50.00 $6.00

CEMENTED TIRE RE LlNERS P.... Ca, 4 Ply - 6 .00-6 .50.1 6 1.15 6.70-7. 1OxI5 Commercial 6 Ply -7.00-7.50xI 6 & 17 ~ _ _ _ . T,uck 6 Ply - 7.50x20 _ 5.45 9 .00x20 _ _ 6.50-7.00xl0 4 .45 8 .2 5x20 6.90 1.000x20 RU INERS-H • • vy duty 6·Ply rubbe,. 7-44, ea .S 5 .95 10-241010-38, ea. S 9.10 13-241013-40, 8-44 , ea .S 7.65 11-241011-40, ea .$12.60 14-241014-34, 9-40, eo .S • .70 T2-24 1012-38, ea . SIl.45 15-24 to 15-32,

2 .35 4.45 •. 50 9 .45


WHEEL BARROW WHEEL 4.00 .... 2-Ply AIl-melal pressed sleel wheel, roller bearings. ITEM 5B I -I

AIRCRAFT TIRE AND WHEEL 141/2 " high, 4'h " Wide. Size 1450 se. Ti,e. Tube and Wheel with bea,ings. ITEM SB 14.5 AT .. $15.50


Make your own Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Carts, etc. with these I.... quo lily wheels! P,lce/.. P,lcel_ -i-S.:;; lz;.::":-=-_ _ _ _ _ _ _Lood Nylon Bushing Ball Bea,lng 6x 1.50 60 $1.50 8.1.25 60 $1.70 51.95 Ixl .75 100 $1.90 52.40 8.2.00 100 $2.10 52.65 10x1.75 100 $2 .30 $2.95 125 10.50xl .75 53 .20

THE IDEAL CONVERSION ASSEMBLY FOR WAGONS, TRAILERS, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. PRINCESS AUTO offers in the JET TIRE OVER 0 ,peciolly con,tructed Aircraft Tlr. lolest jell ••• Super Touth Treod ••• tont Coreau ••• dUigned 1o carry 6000 Ib,. tl,. . .• heavy 11 ply Nylon Con,Irucllon 'nags, cuts and bruis.s, and .iII pull he •• wilh leu lir. Iroubl.. The ideal Tir. Ch,onQeo,".r ope,otion. whe, . tlr., .r. lubjecte d to conditions. CHANGEOVER NOW . . . . farm wagons, Implement., front end loade n , etc .


THAT MAKE THE PRIN TOPS IN ITS FIELD T IRES-650x14 12 ply NYLON, off the newest type lets Tire heiQht 26", Width 6 Y2", These tires are fresh stock, used but With no repairs. outlast regular truck or passenger tires 5 times over

WHEELS-One piece, drop center heavy steel wheel. When ordering please In

paper pattern of present hub, number of bolt Circle and make of


enable us to droll wheel to fit your present hub . TUBES-Heavy Duty Aircraft Qualoty COMP LETE UNIT: TIRE, TUBE AND WHEEL ASSEMBLY A ILLUSTRATED . ITEM JET 17

1 1~lmm~~;!.';~WT~h~e~.~e~u~n~IV~e,.al A. I I Princess Tires are guaranteed for 2 yea rs. Shou Id tire fail within 2 yeors we replace F.O.B. Winnipeg at no charge to you .

Wheels con hub. b. dr illed t o fit you Sel of 4 imple ment NoI. S5.00 Der wheel depOSit reqUired drilled to your pattern - these wheels arc not

16 ply NYLON TIRES, drop centre BRAND NEW TUBES ITEM T14 (Tire, tube and wheel assembled) Set of 4 (When ordering send paper pottern

wheel to fit your present hub)




r"a~t:i.D. s~lb

A axle assembly excellent for hauling hea vy loads over soft ground . Al so perfect for tractor




0 11


duty haulong . Complete With good used 14 - ply 1550x20 aircraft t ires. ITEM 41.10 .......... . Complete With used aircraft tires.



Complete With shaft . Length 4Y2" Shaft diameter I V2'" Overall length 8V2". Oust cap 10 fit hub. Can be supplied for above '/ Jet"


Chev., Ford and Dodge passenger wheels


ITEM HWA-89 (4 for $3S.85)

eo .

U Heavy d u ty t ruc k t ra iler a x le asse mbly, carryi ng capac ity 20,000 Ibs . Brand ne w T im kln Ax le f itted With g u aran teed recond itioned hubs

and bea rings With hyd ra ulic bra ke s. 4 wheels whic h Will ta ke up to 900x20 tires A $500.00 unit.

FeaturIng 2" square soli d axle T lmken Bearings mechanical brakes

Wide. Excellent for building wagons, form equipment etc . Ong, Govt. Cost $lS .OO. Re qu ires 6 Ho le Budd Wheels ITEM A3 Vt 20" used wheels to fi t abo ve - to take up to 825x20 tire Size Each onlyITEM A3 V220 .








WITH 14" 0. 0' CE HT .E os on 195 7 auto mob tle. ) usong 10 airc raft tire s, use d. 1 yea r of lire . off cur ren t mod el airc ra ft. tore rate d to carr y 350 0 Ibs. Hei ght 27" , Wid th S'·. carr yin g cap aCi ty a. 11. 00. 12. 1u ate d w,th tore.) ITEIoI SRl7 WITH 15" O. " .. 0.0 '

'5 7 .5 0 '3 5 .5 0 WI l'H 14' OR O' CEH TIlE '3 8 .5 0 abo ve) WITH USED •. 70a ll 4 'LY '4 6 .5 0

I TOH AXLI AU lMI LY eQU Ippe d with 2-1 2 Ply Nyl on ... . IHC W JET " ...ircr aft lorea, stn 650 a14 ISa me Size whe el aa new cara). Tlfe Height 26" , Wid th 6'12 ". Tores guaranteed for 2 yea rs. (See JET TIRE Gua ran tee. ) Wh ftla or. dro p cen tre, 011 st.. IAx le "'U y, with tlre 1. a, TubeS, and Wh ftIs l aa dea cnb ed abo ve. ITEIoI SllS l _.

S48 SO •


Att enti on tLog ger s,0 ery Ope C "I ..eto .., Con llru etlo n IoI. e"ln ra ors etc. a A.... .. bly a t SPE CTANOW CULA R S'AV IHGSTonEd e"'lI Tro ll.r pole trol lers , log tra t .. llen etc. FEATURilers, bulldln '" '. "'e ent fa. ES ' b .. k "g, ",ae hln ery .-to rslo ng barOYI IU I , .... lon a l. nud el, ... h • I lea f I floa tl.. g . gs 4 " I . . ., .... vel ",ou .. t t .. I P' ng wid th,' 10 bet ..._ lle. hitc h 53" bac kin g plet le T k Shl nda rd . ... T.. ck , e a .... ce el a •• up to 11 00 .. 20 at fron t Wt le wh. el •. 'h ... 1. at, cen ter • • ",au nt IS.. . .els 5,00 0 Ibs.


(1) .... ,lIu stra ted b I I ext FOUR WA YS 530 .00 eac h u ess tore ITEIra oI T A 100 0 s and wheel •. Wh eels • (2 ) A. IlIu stro ted wllh oad nYlon aorc raft flot atio n ~ore~~' ~55hOX20 flg, nal eQu ,,1 4-p IY O ent Mf ton lon bog ie'pmsusp ,17 Wid e e" ns·~rs. ore uSingIg this pro duc tion . t ype o f I n on 011 the l' curren t ITIIoI TA 200 0

$4 25 0 0

'6 8 0 .0 0



( I ) ft....tore illu. cra trat ed s, 43" higwith h 17"BRAND




._' .... .


~' ~875.oo

26- ply Air-

.... : ..

(4 ) illus trat ed but tub es and th whe els. Dua l 11 00><20 Tire s In goa d con dit ion U wi sed '4- ;Y tire s, 70,* , trea d ITEIoI TA 400 0 ..: .

10 65 .0 0

fuJ ~~t~g 'WAILER ~Jt~E~on

re~ ure\'\Ext~!~eJ~ \J~~ k~~

$1 25 .0 0

Double Bea ring s 15/8 1. 0 . 17,18 0 .0 . on eac h hub .. han ical bra kes and spri ng sup pormec ts. Com plet e With 2 use d 650 x 14 12-ply airc raft tire s, lub es and slon d 011 stee l '4" whe els 50" tracdar k . 400 0 Ibs. ca pAJ (os IIlus .)


42 .5 0

2 truc k a xle hOU Sing . With b ra kes , hubs, In A- I sho pe, 011 nul s, 4 whe els. Ava ilab bol ts and v '0 hole a nd Int. Doy le In Che . ton Wh eels only. Specify pre fere nce . Wi th SPEC IAL 7" WH EELS . ITEIoI T-9 24 . Con al so sup ply r ~asSls of truc k With spri rea . sha ckle s, bolt . Incl ude s ngs ove rloa d spri ngsU. ITEM TS1 $



5. 00

Here's the " NEW LOOK" in Tractar Chains .•• the all-weather RING -TRAC . . • an autstand ing , top qual ity cha in at Bargain Prices 1;tlif;t;~ . Anot he r Princess Exclusive l


This new design of heavy %" big, tWist crass chain will provide the maximum in strength and durability for bath field and road use . The unique centre ring construction and evenly spaced chain sections prevents slippage provides exceptionally eve n , smooth traction . Minimum welding gives even greater strength . ped with snap locks for easy stallation.


TRIPLE SIDED DUAL CHAINS Extra Heavy Weight . Stra in is divided between the 3 side chains . • • staggered acro.. choln~ result in closer spacing} reduCIng slippage, greater t raction. Pounding 0 n d wear IS greatly reduced (centre cha in enables cross chain to be drown up more snugly against tires). per Ht per set 650-16; 700-15; 825-20, 900-16: 9-22.5 ____ 21.50 7-17.5 _ _ $17.65 900-20 ', 1000- 18; 700-16; 750-15; 10-22 .5 _ ____ $30 .50 8-17.5 ___ ".00 700-17; 750-16 II.n 900-22 ; 11-22 .5 n.oo 1000-20 _ . ___ n.oo 750-17' 700-18; 7-22 .5; 8-19.520.00 1100-20; 12-22.5 36.90 750-18 _ _ _ _ 20.95 1200-20 _ _ _ 41.50 1300-24 _ _ _ 46.90 700-20 _ 20.95 1400-20 ______ 5].50 750-20; 8-22 .5 24.50 1400-24 ____ 56.50

Don't let OUR low pr,ces fool They ore f irst grade, hen}' BRA N D NEW, Military Cha in . A reol SQvanQI with t han overage materral. tlon Gllo,ontoed .

7-225, Heovy Dill}' 750-18 700-20 750-20; 8-22.5 825-20 ; 900-1 6; 9-22.5 __ 900-20; 1000-18; 10-22.5


Heovy Dill}'

16 . 00~0-22; IT-22.5

16.00 16.75 11.00

21 .50

1000-20 I 100-20 1200-20 1300-20 1300-24 1400-20 1400-24

BRAND NEW SURPLUS - SPECIAL Estr. He••y p•• .nd Y2 Tan Chaln~ This is 0 chain that wrll give twice the normal service . 6 .70 x 15 7 .1 0x 15 . Fits; 6 .00 x 16 _ 6 .50x 16 -


.... $18.50


- - .. -


lIuty, lit..... _ltIad COIIlltruet/on,

n...... ,....


7!!Ox1 4 100,,1 4 1!!Ox1 4 900xU


550xIS 670xlS 710.15

pe' let _ $ , .•S _ _.. _ t .60 __ _ 10.SS _ .. __ ".1' ___ 10." __ 1 .11 _ _ . .. . ______ _ '.60


TIN SIn 'rice pe, let 750xIS $IO.SS 760 .. 15 10.1S 800,,15 10.SS 45Ox1 6 1 .31 600,,1 6 . .. . 6 50xl 6 9.60 6 7Oxl6 t .60 70Ox16 10.51

RU8BER CH AIN FASTENERS To fit 0 11 Pa ssenger chains. .--$ . 75 pal, ITEM 20070 To fit 011 Truck cha ins. ITEM 20071 $ 1 . 15 pair


High Quality, electrrcally welded 5/16" steel chain . long With grab hooks on each end . Reg. $ 15.55. ITEM 20072




CABLE KITS ConSIsts of 8 ft . length V,"

cable, eyed at each end, 2 H.D. chains 3 ft . long, hooks and eyes. Assembled length 14 ft 6 In . Ilndlvldually boxed, Wt 55 Ibs. Reg. $28.00. ITEM 20073Special _..

RE PAIR LINKS 1/.. " size ITEM 20075


Track Assembly Surplus - 18" W x 18 (22 pods) 7' diam . depending on wheels used . BUild


Snowmobile .

ITEM 20074---Per track. CONNECTI HOOKS 1J4" Extra JW05 1

. 08 eo.

%" Surplus JW054 eo.


Tire Size

Bx24 9x24 9x32 9x34 9x36 9x40 10x24 10x28 10dO


3.85 5.60 2.70 3.80 6.15 9.45 8.40 1.70 2.65

Tire Size

10d2 10x34 10x38 l1x24 l1x26 l1x28 l1x36 l1x38 12x24


43. 0 6.15 53.95 41 .90 42.75 43.8 53.20 55.95 50.05

Tire Size


12x26 12x28 12d8 13x24 13x26 13x28 13x30 13x38 14x24

52.75 54.85 65.30 52.75 54.85 56.70 65.30 74.20 56.50

Tire SI..

14x26 14x28 14dO 14d4 15x26 15dO 15d2 15x34


59.95 63.25 6 5.95 71.05 65.95 71.05 76.00 81.95


PRINCESS is the place to buy all your chain requirements! . . . Truck, T roctor or Passenger Car. Take ad vantage of our " Volume Purchasing Power" 0 n d

save today! We sell only top quality chain . . . at the lowest prices in Canada! Write for sizes not listed.

SPECIAL PURCHASE TRACTOR CHAINS forgel rh.. headaches of Winter Travel or muddy roads thIS chain is adaptable to 01/ f ,eld cond,tlons. Uniform +'8" twist cross chain prov ides continuous Traction action With minimum vibration.

Tire Sin per pair 9-2. .. .. .. _ __ $27.00 93-2. 10-30; 11-26; 9.00-28; 11.25-24 32.70 9-34; 10-32; 11 -28; 12.4-28; 10.00-28; 10.50-28, 11 .25-26 33. 10 9· 36 10-34, 11 .2-34 35.10 9-38; 11 .5·28 . _ 31.50 9-40; 10-36; 9 .00-36, 11 .25-32 _ .. 41 .30li:ii!::l!:::r.:~ 10·28, 11-24; 10.00-24 ; 10.50·24.. 31.23 10-38; 1000·36; 9 .00· 38 ._ _ 42 .16 10.40; 11-36; 12 .4·36 .... _ _ 40.35 1 1-38; 9 .00·40; 10.00-38; 11 .25-36; 124-38 _______. 42.16 Tire SI". per p::-;a.=:iri-~T-,<ir.:;."Se::iz:C;.i-:;-==,-_-.!:,,-=,-lr '2-26; 13· 24 _ $36.95 13-28; 13.50·24; __ 41.60 12-28' 13·26; 1275-24; 14 .9-28 __ 13.6-28 31,03 13·30; 12.75-28 _. 44.60 12-36; 13 .50-28; 13-38 47.60 13.9-36 44.95 14-24 41.60 12·38; 12.75-32, 14-26 _ __ 43.10 13 .6·38 46.75 14.30; 15·26 46.70 12-40; 13·36, 14-34; 15·30; 1350·32 _ 46.10 15.5·38 SO. IS


CROSS CHAINS Price 6.70, 6.00, 650 15" & 16" rims, 7 .50 " 14 .. ..•....... _..___ .. _._ ...... __ .. .27 .a. 1 .50 : 1 .00 14" rim, 7.10: 7.60 IS" ri m ....... __ .... .17 ea. TRUCK CROSS CHAINS 7.00: 7.50 Singles ... .70 ea. 125: Singles ._..... __ ... _ .. _.. ....... .77 ea. 9.00: 1000: Singles _ ... ............... .85 ea. 1100. 1200: Singles ............. _ .. _ .... 1.25 ea . 1300: 1400 : . .... _._ .... _.. 1.35 ea,

-----ST-R-A-P--O--N-C-H-A--IN-S-p-ric-e-~ 30

ea .


ea .

" Skid·Free"


Now, drive out from Snow, Ice, Ruts faster, eaSier, safer. ITEM 20076 9 pair

Designed for double wInter and summer

• Through Using low truck type cross chains to ~ moo t h the ride ~~~i~e~~ tract i on I~ • Heavy, welded case hardened dOUble yokes the set of cross chams to k e e p them riding atop the t ire and NOT down between the tire bars. con~ect

• A-I Case hardened d bl are interlocked to mak ou e yoke members mat for smooth stead

e a ~ontlnuous chain

cha in from roiling onl /rh~tl(~n and to keep • E . Ig enlng on the tire A Si~~',~Pb~t w~~it;vee'''i~g~ . lev,:! lock fasteners : ates like a jacknife andmgll eVlce that opers a two mch leverage or take. up E '1a but stays locked wh"en ~~' ~r'vrcs:.d opened A New Design _ Not An Imitation. Princess Tire PrIncess Special Tire Sizes Special per pair Sizes per pair 9 X 24 ...... - $41.00 12.4 x 36 _ 62.80 9 " 32 ........._ 49 .45 12.4 x 3' __ . 64.85 9 " 34 ...... _ .. 51.15 II x 24 ..._ .... 64.85 9 x 36 "_"'_' 52.90 I 3 x 26 __ . __ 66 30 10 x 28 __"'_ 49 .25 13 x 28 '. __._ 67.60 10 " 30 _ ....... 50 .35 13 x 38 .. ___ .. 77.60 10 x 32 ._ .... _. 51.15 13.6 ,,28 ._... 66.30 10 " 34 ._....... 52.90 n.6 x 38 _..... 79 15 10 " 31 ...... . _ 60.80 14 " 24 ....__ ._ 67:60 10 " 40 ........_ 62.80 14 x 30 .. _..... _ 79. 15 11 " 24 __ ._._ 49 25 14 " 32 _.. __ 81 30 : 1 " 26 _........ 50:45 14 " 34 ......_ 88.05 1 X 28 ....... _. 51.15 14.9 x 28 . _ 67.60 11.2 x 34 "'_ 52 .90 15 " 26 " ' __ '" 79. 15 11 x 36 "_._._ 62 80 15 " 28 ....__ .. 81.30 11 x 38 ... _ .... 64 :85 : 5 " 30 _ .... _ .. 86 .80 12 x 26 ___ .._ 64.85 15 x 32 -_.__ '9.05 : 2 x 28 ___ ... 66.30 5 " 34 ....... _. 96 .80 2 x la ..._._ 79 , 15 1 5.5 x la _._ 89.05 12.4 x 28 .. ... 51.1 18.4 x 28 , __ . 81.30

et or

Repair Cor, Truck, Tractor cha in easily. (Price Includes hooks as Size Illustra ted) PASSENGER

(NEW CAR & TRUCK) Size Rim Size 5.20; 5.50; 590; 12" 15" 1 640; 7.00 16"; 14'" 6.00; 6.50; 6.70 IS" & 16 " 1 7.10,760 750; 800; 8.50


LEVER LOCKS (For Pass.) ITEM 20077 (Set of 4 ) $1.35 LEVER LOCKS (For Trucks) ITEM 20078 (Set of 4 ) $2.50

P i e E5 CO Ro un d-t he -cl oc k d en ,:, .,e . yo ur ne ed s I AI st evsery .fa rm job be gin s an ha uli ng jo bo , fer til.ize r, et :.,ntsw:· !h .,: fi~id~ oe::'~h:~:e~ocitsng. . . Im ple mebs ~auled to cro an d ps to be rn s an d cri a,. ,eU ed d fo ul ed to ba ;"; ule ia ha er be oth to No s . su pp lie n, etc es mo re ;: ,:, tow mo re ca pa cit y to tak e ma ch ine req uir , gt~ e,. t. An unr la e wa go n ca n co st ro~,h tre atm enan d ex enting ma ny ro:~ 'la ua ble tim e f!:c:n wor"Th re~res,,:hy wise far me rs sy bu e th to a~ s do"~rs er. SS wIth ,ob -pr ov en .pe clf r, PR I C is a R ere Th for ev ery job . 0 TIRES are ! .•ho p an d co mp

odel W-500 Wagon



URIS THAT CONORMANCE FlAT L U I ON TH I RF PE D AN NS THE IASIC DESIGE OUTSTANDING WAGON V A aCO W-SOO TH NO I TH :~~=~. aft tire s, Brand rcr a 14" J.t Aiy. 12 ply nU l q ua lit NW , to p aIrcraft thutos on d UM i stil I. gu ara ntN tire tfIa t Ih IUIIDIY. We ch ara e. F.O.B. ~ fre tire 'f' " of l wlthln two fal y the lha uld He Igh t of tir e




of tire 6~".

St..I, ide 14" . All IaJ ... .-i xt ra W


to 10',



~ g. ma keg ke n Be at intes NU NC iI e.nTlm eh ml na. _ blncbn na, Inl wi th &o fre ,.. ... . an cf ata pp ing wh en Ita rti na cJ. 1oa ty cap aci ~ an ne l, standcmI 1U NI l-6' " ch po sts ... ... 31 ~



$149. PE G F,O .B. W IN NI

TI• • dro p ~ 01 • PLY NYLONca rrr yIn g SU " 27_ se W "UTh ve the _ LO ha U. ID tlr W ese TH typ e) . . . . . WI IIe ab tam 0Y 5" ... ... ... .

' 15 .....,..,






WITH 1100x12 FLOTATION TIRES The Norco "8" is the NEW BIG BUY in the farm field I Acclaimed the country over os the leader in QUALITY . . . VALUE . PERFORMANCE!



Extra heavy duty construction gives this wagon more strength, more ca pacity to take rough treatment.

The ever popular 5th wheel steering allowing the shortest possible turning radius . • . No Sway • . . No Whip . . . No Weaving. EXTRA HEAVY DUTY CONSTRUCTION THROUGHOUT. TRACK-70" Centre to Centre. All Steel Construction. Hitch-extra heavy duty tube. REACH-Steel pipe extendable to 1 0' 2". FRONT AXLE-2" solid steel built up to 5" with channel. BUNK-38" between posts. TIRES-Used 1100x12 mounted on heavy duty all steel 2-piece wheels. HUBS-8 ton with Timken Bearings. MODEL W-8



JOB PROVEN • • • The


W-1000 I. the fint choice of farme ... contractors. utility alld telephone cOlllpeni.. throu.hout Canada. They hove proYeIl on actual job•• year after ,.ar, that their quality and ru...d. n... better performance at I••• colt. NORCO MODEL W-l000 Special

He .. Is a rugg.d 20,000 lb •• capacity wagon you can put to where! rated . • . designed and .ngin....d to capacity load. under tha tough.,t conditions. Dependability, du ... blllty, fledbilily, are three of Ihe foremolt features built in 10 this high quality wagon. Excellent for 011 type. of heavy haullnll bunk hau .... lumber carriers, etc.




CAPACITY-IO ton conservatIvely rated. BUNK-38" between posts. TItACK---60" centre to cenlre tire, will track perfectly WHEELS--htra wide, heavy 2-plece type. behond any trucl< or tractor. BE .... RINGS--IO tons hubs roiler bearings Timken CONSTRUCTION-Norca ALL-WELD construction, (Heavy duty). STEERIN~New full-circle fifth wheel steering, ailows HITCH-Extra Heavy Duty Tubong. shortest possible turning radous. New frictIon plates eliREACH-SI I PIpe, pole con be extended to iO', 2"', monates pOSSIble bindIng on turns. TIItES--1050 x 16 - 14 ply Nylon rated to carry 60,000 FRONT .... XLE-Solod steel 7" I beam. Ibs. on four tires. We WIll replace any lire free of chClrge REAR AXLE-Solod steel 7"' I beam. should they foil w,th,n two years. WEIGHT-1260 Ibs. WIth tires GUARANTEE-Thos wagon is fully guaranteed agaon.t any defective workmanship and mal8rial. If wagon 15 not 05 represented It con be returned for Immedoate refund .

The Norco S-ton heavy duty wagon is one of our most popular farm wagons. Heavy duty ALL-WELD construction. Drop forged axles. Smooth safe automotive type steering. Tums in a 10' radius, no whip, p a, fe c t tracking.

Wagon a. IIlustoted with 14" drop centre steel wheel, and 27SC S ply nylon, low pressure, tires. Lonll • Lit. and Low·molnten· once soves you many dollar.!


MODEL NFM-44 _... Wagon as iIIu.t,oted above with 15" used tire. SO% tread remaining . MODEL NFM-49 _._ ..


.llIn, 10'lIe capoc· Ity, FUIIII.d con· otrucllon, h III h quality LOW PRICEI Especially d.dgnad for the Instolfatlon ot Foroll. Boxe., and general purpose " ... L.t the FACTS .peok fa, th.m •• lv ••. • TIRES-1075x16 1<4 ply Nylon Aircraft for greater flotation and greater carrying capacity. Should tires fall Within 2 years we will replace for no charge F.O.B. Winnipeg. • WHUU - All - steel automative. Easily demountable. • AUTOMOTIVE STEERING--for easier towing and shorter turning radlu,. • ItEACH-Extendable from 12' to 17'. Extension holes spaced every 9". • AXUS-2" solid steel With Timken bearings.

• CAPACITY-14,OOO lb.. • TRACK-7S" to outside of • tires. STAKES-Set 3S" apart. HITCH-Extra long 75" heavy duty.


$249 00

With 1100" 12 I.ply tl,.. MODEL F-7A


• TRACK_If model. 60" c.nt., to cente,. • CONSTRUCTlON_" model. NORCO "ALL· WELD" construction. • WHEEL BEARINGS-Tlmken top.,.d ,olle, bearlnll"




at the Lowest Cos t you will prof it ~o'r~ from incr ease d pay load s with the Brand NORCO Model 700 ! Equipped with full circ le 5th wheel stee ring , and 6.50 x15 1 ~-Ply Nylon Air craf t Tue s.

Tho wago nee,o d t n du igno d and englo meet the • • ds of ",ode m high- speed fa,,,,ft lng .

Now at Thi s

Check These Exclusive Quality Features • 7-To n Capa city


~~!,:n :W~d;hra:Y2!:re;hOu~ei~~!


6.50 x 14 12-P ly

• : • •

fall w,th ,n 2 year s we will replaceg . at no char ge F. O.B. nipe · W,n SPECIAL! Sam e wago n as b . ..._'.'. 00 x 12 flota tion tires .. ..

••• The Best In Two piece 14" whee ls


Stee l tubin g hitch . 10., reach of 2" H . D. st ee I pIpe Sh,p p,ng weig ht appr ox. 700 Ibs .

~ ~.~~.:-'.~~.~.~.~~ ..~~.~~_... _ ...... _

M1u ::.-ts"r.: MODIL


. . . . . . . Sth ..... ..... ... • .~ lbI.

• T....~.. cent.. to cente r. • • __ _ Pole exten ds to , 0' 2" st..,

• ~Ci...-txt,a Heavy Channe'



00 •

~2 25 .0 0

• ...~ .. ChoNWI, ItandonI wall on box bunk l 38" . - ~. • W.....t--Co rnpl. t..w\1tl .ran d New Tlr_ SOO Ills.



st type " Jets" . Tires .n e)(ce llent cond. tion, 26", 6 V2" wide . Shou tires fa.1 n two yea we sha ll repla ce free . Wheeld -All sleel , drop cenle r, rs w.,h e)(tra hea vy Aircr aft Tubels s. MODEL W-)0 4

Wag on with good used 15" tires -700m Treod Tires

142 .00

guara nteed one yea r. . ••.•. - -

...... ....•.. _....... ..

Low Low Price!

• ~tra wide , .... all .... draP center· • ........- Tlm kan Roller.

6 .50x 14-1 2 ply Nylon Airc raft Tire s (Some wheel siz.e os new cars), off of newe

MODEL W-)0 2 .


•..••- -

29. 00

EL W-30 0 .. .._ ...•.• .•.•..••• - -•.. - ..•'.

109 .00

Wag on less tires , with 15" or 16" whe els-MOD

6 .50x 14 12-p ly Nylon Airc raft Tir ••

(Some whee l size os new

cars), off of newe st type HJetsH Tires .n e )(cell enl cond ition, . t ires foil w.,hl n two years we26" high , 6V2" wide . Shou ld - All steel , drop cenle r, with shall repla ce free . Whee ls extra heav y Aircr aft Tube s.

MODEL W-40 4 _ .. - •.- - -•. •- ..• - ..


x15 4-ply good used 70 % Tread . Guar antee d one tires -year .

$15 6.00

MODEL W-40 2 ...... ... ..... . -•...••... - .... - . -

Wag on lell tire. , with 15"o r 16" wh •• I•• MOD EL W-40 0 •. _ .•...• •.•._ _ ..• • . 512 9.00

or cas h an" Eli min ate ext ra lab rk . . . wit h "8a ck- 8re aki ng" wo -ins tall 6. Tan y-to eas one of the se ny Des ign ed for ma Wi nch es. din g and Loa .•• s job y hea vy dut sma ll bui ldin gs, unl oad ing , mo vin g log s, ma chi nke sna , ling stu mp pul . etc er, ery tro nsf y con stru ctio n Fea tur es hea vy- dut and cor rec t lce ,erV ing last far and spe ed in gea r rati o far ea, e EQ uip ped wit h d loa a g dlin han bra ke . Ge ar Dog dut ch and saf ety ze 1 Y2" . SI fl sha , 1 21a rali g x 19" wid e Dim enS ion s 27 " lon 1/ " lon g dru m x 15" hig h With 11 2 and 5" cor e Reg . $36 5 .00 .


t han d drive) (Spe cify Rig ht or Lef

Model 18G, Uni CH- Lik e New - ed . Dru m : Sha ft 10 TON TULSA WIN Dog -Clu tch equ ipp Ibs. Itom TW 10 175 vers al 10lnt driv e. gth 12" . Wt. 4Y2 " , D,om . 13" , Len


e dea l .

! ThiS cro ne uni t . not hin g else to buy niC ipal , e for Gar age , MU

pac kag cran Her e is Q com plet eerfu l eos lly ado pte d tow uni t Incl ude s Ser vice . Com plet e ft With "U" will prO Vide 0 pow and Con trac ting ity Util lic Pub ch cab le, driv e sha Ind ustr ial, 100 ft. of Y2 In . Win Ove rall leng th -

ch. ek bea ring s. Gar woo d 6 ton Win cha in and Pillow 810 vy stee l mou nt.n g 10lntS. 011 spro cab le pull ey 11' 5". 54" x 42" hea y and e for ,"os bos ing 12' 5". win ch dru unt .00 mo are wel ded to for oth er use . plat e . All por ts ired reqU be k truc dIS mou ntin g. sho uld _ tc! ITE M 6GWC to fit all truc ks (sta , I spe ed reve rse ard forw ed spe I 2 SPEED PTO • erin g).


10 9 5

el whe n ord yea r, mak e and mod



th J(,t con to.n s: 1-24 too If. sha~:' tO,, 'h Spr ock etbeoon ' s rlng k bloc PI ow f H '0 s~:u,.; InlShed driv e sha ftsph si.' . ne 10 SIde 1 10'" t5-~a/~hr;:i ;~~fte sha ft IS not wel ded Phrap er, leng th . oh uttt 5' of IC~~ ~;"e om pi C C 74



5. 35 5.75 6 .85 ' .05 9.3

LU y eter (A) WIDE FACE PU 2" W d -I ,]3~"bore . Will cos t Iron pull ey,' Drll '12 led'~' le cab fitti ngs tak e '12" ase gre or k t tow Ibs, Y2 9 Wt Idea l for cran es • ete s. ruc ITEM JW .2 S9. 75 s P GRI LE 3Z (B) CAB ~ ~evlce~ mOCf,eJand han dlin g Wire ~p:' ' " 34 st'?~, ,nte rch ang eab le lOWS Sas e l 33 ' L x 9' 8 I W . Wt 54 Ibs . ITEM HS41 51 2.5 0 CH 6xl 9 (C) BRAND NEW WIN e core CA BU WC 1. pre form ed Pe ITEM r Br. okln ll 010 . s~~:i~I,'i.~. PFet.r Ft. ~~a;. Str~19n~~s . .11 6' 7/1 140 00 .22 I/o " • 18 760 0 53/16" 200 00 .25 2 2(1 00 108 '11' r. _ ITEM UW C2 _ ~.S~d WI" ch Cnbt I" .30 ft 215f .



H ilt .....c .... _ ON I .f t . . llea ..1est • ! ...d Gut. L" .... ..". -.CO IIdl t' _1.... cIut .. N. . . I ....' ..... .. with 0 ... . .... " ~h" Ienc rall Ove .. .... ..... .. . tlv. "' 55 , W,d th g ol W 27" He' ght 29' Spo 0,0 e 7' idth 24' • SPOOl Ugh Cor Ol' SpO " 20 t~ ",. • Sha ft D,o m. thrO Dru m SI10ft 3 3;.4


ITEM lOG W (le. :


'6 7 5 .0 0



nt f tow lng or any Brond new , exc.elle Tal»!" ':01 Cor Beor ng. br _ ligh t app llco tlOn er Worm Gea r Aut0 on;:~c Sot ely- Bro ke ~ any I ghl lOad thIn the rate d m 0 0 "I~Druw m W,d th 10 COPOCltY. Drura th I I Ove th Cor e 5 1 4 ... . Ovo ra I Wid J 3 • Ova ra I He gh~


'1 9 6 .0 0

•A· WAY ELECTR C~=-=-It its PU LL you need, up to 2,500 Ibs., this is the most Versatile. Economical Electric Winch on the market today. For boot toders, anchor winches, form machinery, dumps . Install on leeps, cars, tow truc.ks to PULL out of mud. etc Operates on 6 or 12 volt battery Fully reversible by means of 2 push buttons and 4 solenoids Load capacity at 6 volts 1,250 Ibs ., at 12 volts 2,500 Ibs . Drum will take up to 250 ft 1'4" cable, 175 ft . +"8" cable, or 80 ft. Y2" nylon rope Unit equipped with flywheel lock that wdl hold 0 load In any position . . . boil bearong construction throughout, cable speed 10·20 ft . per minute Size: 25" long , 7 " wide, 8" high Weight 75 Ibs. ITEM NH320

$69 95

LOAD CONTROL AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. Same os above BUT equipped with HEAVY DUTY MANUAL BRAKE, thus conlrolllng the safe starling and stopping of any load smoothly a"d effiCiently. Broke cansosts of hand lever aClua!lng a brake shoe against the flywheel. U"



REMOTE CONTROL KIT-Desogned exclUSively la operale ellher Model No. 320 or Deluxe Model 321A up by la power 16 feetconlrol Thos remotely Includes from bolh doslonces




- ,

broke and power control. Kit consists of power

conlrol box wllh 2 push buttons, 16 feet rubber covered cable, and 16 feet brake control




BRAND NEW Single drum 011 purpose, War Surplus with 2 speed compollnd gear, lockable cam and lever, steel shoe broke and sprong actuated steel safety dog. 14" long drum with 5 " core, 265' of Y2" rope capacity, 2 adjustable hand cranks. Size : 22" x 24" x 26". In wooden box Wt. 200 Ibs. Reg. $195 .00.


ITEM 737

NEW 1f2 TON HAND WINCH Duuble handle, automatic broke, alumlnum hOUSing, ballbearing construction. 24 ft. of wire rope With socket. Weighs only 36 Ibs.

$34 • 50



1 TON HAND WINCH Free Spoallng double drove With 5: I and 12: I gear ratios for max. loads to 2000 Ibs. Free spoollng lets you

launch easier and sater os unloading

speed IS controlled With a brake while handle IS sofely In neutral poSition. Features 2-way ratchet - With positive off or neutral control, I-piece steel frome, oil Impregnated bearing,

.Ieel drove gears. ITEM AP296



34 TON HEAVY DUTY HAND WINCH 1400 lb. capoclty double reductoon,



geor winch With 6 to 1 ratiO, permanently lubricated


drove shaft bearing, 100% copper brazed e' nstructlon JW~' HW



Some a. above with 9 to 1 ratio and 1600 lb. capacoty.




2 TON SINGLE DRUM WINCH (With Ratchet) Spur-geared hand-operated. Mode by Braden . ModeI2H-206L . Drum 4" wide x 2" deep. Hand wheel ~5~Y~~1 22" dlo . Con be mounted on trucks, floors, benches, pollars, beams, etc. Holds 500 ft . of 1h" cable. Reg . 25" H., 26" D $158.0 0 . ITEM JW1 00 •

$46 75



Spur geared with automatic broke, high quality steel hoist mechanism (spur gear reduction planetary system). Screw and disc type self-actuating broke, 1h" steel continuous and adjustable hand chain guide, 20' of Y2" welded heat treoted steel load chain, drop forged steel safety hook. Wt. 244 Ibs. Reg . $325 .00. $155.00 IT EM J W2Y 15 TON CH AIN HOIST-the giant in its field. Manufactured by Yale and Tawne . ITEM JW1 54 $495.00

34 TON ARMY WINCH HOIST lifts 1500 Ibs . 21-1 ratio gears, automatic broke, 12 ft . lift, with 3/16" steel cable. Use with or without extension arm . A terrific hoist for garages, rear end "swingaround", etc. An AmaZing Value Cast GOy't. $125. 0 0. ITEM JW%TW •

$32 50



Concealed tooth droven gears, cannot Inlure fingers. Locks in any position. Drum holds 195 ft. of 3/16" cable. MechanICal advantage 9 to 1 Gear ratio 3 to 1 Wt Ribs ITEM JWI/1HW



2. LOWER PRICES 3. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ECON - 0 - AIRE 2500 C.F.M. 16" VENTILATING FAN APPLICATIONS-- ECON-O Fans ore sUitable for handling small ventilating supply and exhaust lobs of many types form buildings, homes, restourants etc.

CONSTRUCTION-Titan Yath H.P Enclosed Motor 1725 R.PM., sleeve bearings. Motor secured to 0 18"xI8" 0.0. steel frame. 3 bladed balanced fan _ rated at 2500 C.F.M. ITEM VF2S -__ _ $24.50 AUTOMATIC OUTSIDE WALL SHUTTER protects fan from weather, ossures maximum ventilation Turn on fan and shutter opens, shut off and


____ $16.50 Make you fan fully auto-

DeSigned for either controlling automatic ventilation or heating


livestock barns, poultry houses and other form buildings. 30' F. to 120 F Temp. range . ITEM CS77 $16.95 ECON·O·AIRE PACKAGE KIT : ConSisting of 16" Econ-o-alre fan, 16" automatic shuller and form building temperature control SAVE $5.00. SPECIAL . ITEM VFK. All 3 for $52.95

B~E ADJUSTIN1 TOOL Universal brake tool for all cars and trucks. Drop ~~'EgC~lh:o:,e .IIoy Sleel. lenglh 7W'.


BRAND NEW CLIMBING SPURS For Pole, Tree, Construction and linemln Work. Size 16V2. Com· plete with learher pads and straps . Per Sel _.-

- -$6.75


Combination tail lig"ts~ stop lig"ts, directional Signal lig"" and license plate illuminator With lice.nse plate bracket. Wired wit" four conductor harness Vinyl pln'ic coated "r.bbon.type" 25·foot . Universal 2.way clamps 4V... " diameter li;hts. Metallic gray bakeci-on enamel finish. No. JP750 Clomp-on mounling . Specify. Weight 4'12 lb • . Per set __ •

$15 90

No. JP751 Solt'on mounting. Weight, 3 1/2 Ibs. Per Jet




BRAND NEW A pOSitive non. -leaking High Quality, All Brass check valve. SUitable for compressors, oir-

brakes etc. Dim. -



POLE CONNECTOR·Moulded bake!lte and steel With mounting flanQe ITEM NM1000 . $1. 19 ea . FOUR POLE CONNECTOR-Moulded bake"te steel and rubber With mounting flange, ITEM NM5000 $2 .19 ea .

3Y2" long, 2" dlam With

standard 31\," pipe threads each end. Orlg. Govt . Cost $15 .00. EXTRA SPECIAL ITEM NH38 •

$5 95


A Terrific Bargain '


A very economical Unit f~r general use . ' filling tires, spraying, c1eanIno etc


FEATURES--Cast Iron constructionrated. C.F.M . at 875 RPM up to 150 PSI. High effiCIency valve, 2'1." bore,

BRAND NEW-Ta f t T9J T97 or Ford, Dodge, Int, ~hJde· baker, ~ .. speed transmiSSIOns With stralght-cut gears 2 7 CFM at 850 RPM, 2" bar e, 13~ stroke. P.T.O. can be cut aft and pulley mounted an shaft for belt operation

2" stroke . 1" keyed shaft, air Intake

filter, oil level dlpstClk, arl drain plug, 4 pre-drllled mountIng lugs . Dim. -

9Y2" x 5 3,4" x 11 Y2". Wt . 15 lb.

ReqUires at least 3,4 H .P. (Refer page

20 for compre$sor accessories.) ITEM




NORCO 10 TON 'SUPER-LIFT' HOIST 20,000 Lbs. Capacity

DOllble Acting Cyl . Straight Pllsh

H.D. Electrically Welded Frame

4 Piston, 3000 PSI. High Pressllre Pllmp

H.D. 4%" Bore 22" Stroke Cylinders

(Double Acting ... High Pressure Pump . . . Straight Push) To meet Pllblic Demand . . . "PRINCESS" has done it a9ain. Jllst think of it .. . A 10-ton dOllble-acting strai~ht Pllsh type hoist at this neverbefore-heard of price. The Norco "SlIper-Lift" Hoist is a H.D. hoist engineered to easily handle 20.000 Ibs. smoothly, qllickly and easily. " These advanced englgineering" features will save you time and money while giving you superior performance . • STRAIGHT PUSH TYPE-no cumbersome levers to worry about . • HEAVY D U T Y ELECTRICALLYWELDED ALL-STEEL FRAMEgives you unrnatched ruggedness to easily handle toughest jobs . • POWERFUL DOUBLE - ACTING CYLINDER - 4 Y2" bore, 22" stroke . • 4 PISTON HIGH PRESSURE PUMP-3000 PSI with built-in reservoir and control valve . . . will handle any rated load with speed and ease up to 0 45 ° lift . • LOWEST POSSIBLE MOUNT-for 011 1 Y2 - 3 ton trucks carrying o 12-ft . box . • SUB-FRAME 8' 5" long, 3x4x Y2 angle iron . • TIPPING SILLS 12' long 5 " channel. • Complete with mounting brackets; drive shafts, "U joints PTO extra. NOW AT THIS SPECTACULAR PRICE . NORCO SUPER LIFT

4 Piston, 3000 PSI . High Pressllre Pllmp

P. .0. S ECIA

LOWEST POSSIBLE MOUNT far all 1 Y2 -3 ton TrIlCk. carrying a 12 ft. box.

Single Speed Power Toke-off any hOISt In IhlS cololo\l .

If purchosed wilh




" 10·Ton Farm Truck Hoist

le actin g hoist today He,e ', the most want ed doub rugge d, ready -to. . . 10 tOft capa city- powe rful, nate all go.

Desig ned


engin eered



const ructio n and know n weak nesse s In truck hOist time .

coun t on every fa glv~ perfo rman ce you con Way provi des posit ive This brand new Norc o Two con-

comp lete load push and pull act Ion and also In any pas If Ion then trol- load can be stopp ed . In down posit ion box raised or lower ed by powe r nting that anno Ying preve d locke lly atICa autom IS

: Vane type with contr ol boun ce and rattlc Pump unit enclo sed Inside the lned conto self e-A valv only 2 In oil reservOir - Alwa ys subm erged


to our GIAN T DOUBLE hoses requi red to hook up ACTI NG CYLI NDER . ' 'i , ...



_r. ~

' ....

del-f ull 30" strok e 'CYL INDE R-6" diam eter (lnsi three stcel pisto n 2" highl y polIShed steel ramnngs Insur e lifetim e


ED-c omp lete FRAM E-EL ECTR ICAL LY WELD from heav y 6" 12' top sdls manu factu red repla ceme nt If iron- sUita ble for wood sill - drop hinge LOWEST MOU NT POSSIBLE -

struc tion for easy lood start.

Com plete with mou nting broc kets, drive shaf t ,"U" jOints. (P.T .O. Extra with Hois t





stand ard

facto ry

ng deSIg n of truck . pick- up bodie s witho ut alteri deSigned and lob , ... ALL STEEL CONS TRUC TION leodl ng manu fac's do Cana teste d by one of turers . , 2V2"



DOUBLE ACTI to worry abou t . bore, 18" strok e No lever arms for 9 rea t er HING E CONS TRUC TION

... TWIN ... DROP

copa city

4 ' chan nel. ... UPPER FRAME Iron ... LOWER FRAME - 3" angle l 800, 2-plS ton with oil ... PUM P - W,llla ms mode contr ol

reserv Oir and s, hoses , moun ting ... Comp lete with drive shaft brack ets and nu" Joints .

Item Norco Triu mph ) CP.T.O. Extra with Hois t $22. 50

8 TO 10 TON CAPACITY HEAVY DUTY LEVER UFT Th operation of thtse Hoists hos been designed so ' that when the body starts to lift, at ",hich lime Ihe load is th h aviest, the amount of I!ftin9 acceleration Is at Its mln mum 05 the bXly gocs up and Ihe load IS conseque .... · V reduced



the amount of lifting acceleration Increases


pr p , lOto Y -- os 'he body nears Ihe lOp where the load s 'rem y gl-. t"e o",,,unt of occelerot on of IS 01 Its max


S cc IICOI ons Cylander 7 mSlde bort'- 001 Capacity 4 gol10 -00 ele' of Plt'on rod 2 -Pump gear type-Weorang pates brof"lzr- bu In valve I" ordel'mg IJleosc fill In form el to r'r.ure proper fit of ho 5+ to truck .... 0 st os strated -complefe and ready to Instoll with cyl~ nd r p Jmp completely recond,tlont:!d T PPlng sdls made f ew stee up to 15 ft, blnlt to exact box and truck IT" . e"'ents thus a !"'rlng perfect fit. ThiS hOist Will out\eo eral d"oss S Q). It IS designed for rcol hea .... y duty '" k HIs's C (' s Id on 0 I"'\"e year I"'"\cchontcal gllorar"'tee Complete With Universal Joints, drive sholl and steady bearing.


$375 00

ITEM GARWOOD HOIST • 'P T 0 hlra With Hoist $22.50)

With Farm Certificate

N D T E: Slale exact yea" make and mod.1 of Truck cnd tronsmlnjon.

if purchosed

Lifts quickly and smoothly. ,form pressure Ihroughoul the full range t)1 Ilpplng angles. No I"p of Ir"ck chasSIS tobl~ lap Can p, unl day truck



" HI-GO "


~ENERAL CHARACTERISTICS_Two heavy duty 5 " 32~~ S~;~'kders hWlhth 2" stainless steel shafts and

e-w IC operate On the I d prinCiple Extra Heo D t G ever on roiler vy u year Pump 4 contra I valve eqUIpped WIth Rai H , - way pOSitions. 34" All St I Z se, old and Lawe, 9- ollon co . ee sub frame With built-in gd h pOClty 001 reservOir. Tipping soils ore 38" In WI I to gIve extra stobollty. 4 MODELS AVAILABLE

~,rsd~ '~~~GO" 72 degree

I -

As IlIustroled. Camp le le Wllh IIPPlng

I It

Model "HI-GO" 2

9 10 14 box 72 degrees '


50 degrees Olses



Model "HI GO" 4 ) 0' to ) 6 -box '

9' b

ed, buI less tipping sills. RaISes

As Illustrated wllh TIPPing Sills and to 16' box,

10' b

ed buI less Tipping Sills. RaISes

50 degrees



Some HOIst os above WIth H "' 'It Box has large cob sh ' I~o~y gauge, reInforced steel


x 93 V2

Wide . InSld. wldlh I:'" 7~r, ,~~lver and IS 13 ' long n , Ins,de height IS". ,

Model "HI-GO" Dump

HOIST INFORMATION ORDER FORM FOR ALL HOISTS ON THIS PAGE In orderinQ co",plctc hoist, please fill in form , os this will enable us to give tipping and sub·frame. Make of Truck Year Box Length Widlh 01 Frame 10 outside length from back of cab to reor of back spring


Sim le 34

Efficient -

Economical - Will fit any I 4 speed tr ion ). SIMPLE TO MOUNT - No welding required _ • LOW MOUNT-Can be installed without altering present box. Just move box back approximately 10" to al low for cylinder installation _ • HYDRAULIC POWER-PAC COMBINATION- Pump, Valve, Oil Reservoir all in one. Moving parts a lways submerged in oil. • CYLINDER-3" bore, 30" stroke, will stand pressures to 5000 PSI. • COMPLETE with high pressure pump, cyl inder, H.D. h inges, large diameter pulley with all steel flexible cab le, drive shaft and U - oint ~ PTO extra. ITEM "ACE-H I"


POWER fo, Dump Bodies, Holm, Pump., Truck Grain Loaders, etc. These ore Ilngle Ipe.d unltl which t,onsmit app,oximotely 7 H.P. and operole at practically one.half engine Ip.ed with a ,atlo of 1.83-1 moto, to take-off, Ihoft dio . 13/16", Includes 1 0 foot dOlh control cable.

tJ ~ .


,.,' I



CA B LE HEW, REVERSIBLE, an supply COHTHROIILcon~t G;ar 2 Speed Hew e ) power 1 forword, 1 re:~i~1 Each , Take - offs- SIP I (Fo; 4 ond 't h Dosh Con ro speed tronsmissions)-

I 5'


Y DUTY TWO· HEW H:~J,ER TAKE-OFFSSPEED ord _ 1 Speed 1 Speed r~ 930-52 trucks 4 Reverse . . or Worner T -9 tronss pee~ USl~iII also fit Dodge m lssH~~te rnat ional .USlng Wor~~~ T -9 t ransmisSIon .

75. 0


WER TAKE.OFF2·SPEED pO arcl--l Reverse 1 Speed Forw I WIll fit a ll Rebuilt Ii~e new . Model pT8C un its t okb,"9 ~istlng A reg u PTO in25aOOv~alue ..:. only lor $2 .


NOTE: We can supply 2-speed P.T.O'. for oil types of trucks. Wrrte for prices.

CHEVROLET 1932-1947 4 1948·1960 4 1936-1955 5 1956-1961 5 1956·1961 5 1955·1961 5

Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed

spur ________ .. ____ . _ _ _ 4AP2 .ynch,o mesh . ___ ___ 4MP2HX (most models) ________ 8CP64 HP·540 RH Mount _____ 2RWP5H Spice, 3152, 3152A RH mount. 4MP2HX Clo,k 265V-267V LH mount _. 8CP64

FORD 1937-1953 4 Speed spu, 197 Trans. _________. __ SAPI 1952·1955 4 Speed Helical T98 Tronl _______ 5)Pl"

mt:m ;

~~::~ rl~~~aIDJ~8~pTrans. - ---_.-- 5~~~~= 1948·1961 5 Speed Clork 250V _ .__ 8CP64 1957·1958 5 Speed Std. HP 540 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2RWP5H INTERNATIONAL 1933·1953 4 Speecf 1950-1955 4 Speed 1956-1961 4 Speed 1950-1957 5 Speed 1957·1961 5 Speed 1938·1961 5 Speed

Spu, T1 Trans. __ . _ _ . 5APJ Helical 198 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5)PlH T15, 198A . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5KPlHF HP 875, 895, T20, T21 Trans. 6EPlR HP 540, T19, RH mount __ 2RWP5H Fuller llO, T31 __ .8CP64

DODGE & FARGO 1933-1951 4 Speed 1950.1951 4 Speed 1952-19554 Speed 1956·1961 4 Speed 1937.1958 5 Speed 1950.1955 5 Speed 1956·1961 S Speed 1960.1961 5 Speed

Spu, T9 _____ ___ ____ 5API Helical _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6HP9H Helical T98 T,onl. _ _ _ _ 5JPlH Helical . _ _ _____•_ _ _ 5KPIHF T93, 293 T,ans. __ ._. _ _ _ _ 8CP64 NP LIght Duty RH maunt _ •. __ 6EP1R NP 540 _______ . ____ 2RWP5H Clork LH mount _____ .. _ 8CP64

IMPORTANT . . • READ CAREFULLY-W/4 SPEED TRANS· MISSIOH, OH DODGE, INT. & FORD 1950-1953, WE MUST KNOW WHETHER YOUR TRANSMISSIOH HAS HELICAL OR STRAIGHT CUT GEARS. HOTE: We can supply 011 5 speed Transmission PTO'I . Write fo, prices on unlisted unit •• When ordering 5 speed PTO' . slate whethe, fa, left 0' right hand mount, and also make of TranJmis5ion . ALL MODELS LISTED ABOVE __ _ Farm Certificate Required Power Toke·off Cobleo--7 f •• t Ion_ITEM PTOC

- $6.50




Easy To Mount· Costs So Little ... T LAST -A VCI satole. Low-Cost DOUBLE ACT ING Bu Id-It-Your;elf HOISt to fit 011 h, 3,'4 and 1 ton " SILDIT " YOURSELF WITH A PRINCESS PACKAGE DEAL FOR ECONOMY IN ORIGINAL COST AND OPERATION Con be mounted with Electnc Dnll and Wrench. FEATURES : Brand New Gresen 12GPM Pump, 2t'uc~s .

Will fit an y stand down position ward model 4-wheel f

!~~hg can HOII.we'd~g~~n~t~~c;~sts

way control \lolve, oil reserVOIr, 2-double acting cylInders 3 ,,'2 " bore. 18" stroke, easy mounting


t')Jst~;~ InW~~intal Wh~n



ey Inder

Inder _..



2_Way position . cylinder

i;fi~~P~}~~ r~t~~~~r~~t!~~t~o~o~~tseraY~~:;~~~~;~:c~~~ ton capaCity 5" I· $99 OU0IC ITEM BH6--61 .. -• V2 ton capacity' 6" cy I $119 00

nstructlons. 011 brackets, braces, hinges, hoses, f t Ings. U lOon' and shaftong Included



be Operated fro::,n . EqhUI~ ~ed With elt er I-wo IC systems Th

We con o'so



brackets, and b~~! a 1-piece Mountln ;+a gon mounting to - Cylinder suppor? fKlt. InclUdes hinges EM BHK rame. For standard

....- --. -- $21.35

STANDARD-F r Intern'd'ten! .e'>lces With HydraulIC H sU, Har est1ng EqUIpment, steering mechonIsms, tc U d os standard eqUipment on most popular 'la es 0 smaller underbody hoists Has keyway, IS "cd ono tapp d for grease fitting and set screw.


ITEM UJ1 ,Sto e size required, _ 4 Rd x~. Rd 3.' Rd x U" Rd U" Rdx W'Rd 14 Rd)( U Rd s;.." Rd x , .. Rd i 'Rd x U" Rd 3. Rdx'8 Rd A"RdxiQ"Rd Rdx '''Rd I" Rd x s;.." Sq. 7.11 'Rd X'8 Rd I " Rd x I Rd 78 ' Rd X It' Rd '4" Rd x 3/., Sq. 3.. " Rd x 'lS" Rd Rd x 'Rd I" Rd )( 34" Sq . Rd x I Rd 7. a " Rd x 3;"" Sq. NEEDLE BEARING-Extra long life for heavy duty w rk. Replaceabe bearl"gs. Same selection os above "e szes I xl", I"xl\a". I "xII;"", , x 'a a 'xl''. , " .... xlV. ITEM UJ2 S'ote Size rCQu red) • SLIP TYPE Sla'e $Ize w"en ordenng ITEM UJ3 • Rd x 3. Rd Slip le" Rd x s;.." Sq. Slip Rd x I ' Rd Slip W Rd x tA" Rd Slip I kd )( 7 a " Rd Slip Rd Slip U" Rd x 1" Rd x , Rd SI;p Rd x 3r." So. Slip Rd ')( 3 A ' ~ 1 Cl 3.


59 75 56 55



ROUND SHAFTING Icleal for drive shaft on Hydraulic Truck Hoist. Winches and many other uses.

ITEM RSI00 34" Round Shofting 45t ft. ITEM RSI01 l." Round Cold Rolled ShoH •.,g 65t ft , ITEM RSI02 ' .. " Squore Cold Rolled Shaft ng 65t ft. Wrot for prices on other sizes When order· ing measur.: length required not be returned for credit.

Once cut can·

Y 'PE6 Spllned End on Universal _.. _.. _. 1 in . Overall Length _ .. _..... ____________ ... 1 in . 16 Splined Female end on shaft 13,4 in . WEIGHT __ .. __... _.. __ .. ______ ....__ 26 Ibs.


ITEM DA P/.xP/.-41 .. --... --- ~28 . 50 OBE 0 T W~TH SHA FT I '" Y NEEDLE BEARING TYPE . EXTENDABLE FROM 24" to 31 " ON A I " SLIP. Overall Length Collapsed _... _ ... _ 24 in. Overall Length Extended ___ .. __ 31 in. U JOints to fit round Shaft Both Ends ___ . _.. ________.. __ ..... _____ 1Vs In. WEIGHT .., . __ ....._.. _•..________ 15 Ibs. ITEM DA lV."IYe,,24-31 ____


B G T £Overall Length ..... _.. __ . _____ .. _22 in. 6 Sphned End on Universal _... 13,4 in. 16 Spllned Female End on Shaft 13,4 In . WEIGHT __.............. _.. _. _________ 22 Ibs . ITEM DA 11/.&"P/.-22 _. _____ 2 .50 U ITH HAFT PO ~ BL Y NEEDLE BEARING TYPE . EXTENDABLE FROM 18" to 21" ON A I" SLIP . Overall Length Collapsed _. ___ . __ 18 in. Overall Length Extended _. _____ .21 in. U JOints to fit Round Shaft ______ 1 In. WEIGHT ....__ ... _____ lllbs. 50 ITEM DA 11<1)(18-21 ____ 1

- 3/.0 "- 13/16" PTO dnveshaft beanng~a" 15 / 16"- I " ITEM SB (Stote size required) 15


os the Hyd rou lic SYl tem The hea rt of any and the pro per lize . any of Pum p! Cle anli ne. life the to al enti pick -up line are ess ents and /or too sma ll 0 pon mie s ene pum p. Dirt y com a st ate gre p's pum Gea r pick -up line ore ly use d Pum ps arePum p •. The mas t com mon Pum ,., Van e


r Pum ,., Inte mal GeaAs 0 rule Gea r Pum ps,' and Pist on Pum p.. p. and Van e Pum ps are 0 Inte rna l Gea r Pum (up to app rox . 150

type lly of of a low pres sure Pum ps are gen era 400 0 PSI), whe reas PISton (up to app rox . type ure ess h·pr a Hlg be det erPSI). p req uire d sho uld The SIze of a Pum of Cyl inde r use d and the A min ed by the SIze to ope rate at. E.g. be exspeed it IS reqU ired Stro ke Cyl inde r to app rox . l Y2" Bore x 8" ond uire req ld s wou tend ed In 2Y2 sec (See cha rt belo w for som e a 4% GPM Pum p. GPM Pum p Tim e Ta es). mpl e>la mon com inde r US A Gal l Stro ke Ext end Cyl Bor e 3 GPM 20 seco nds 32" 2% " 4 3,4 GPM seco nds 2Y2 8" " 3Y2 2V~ GPM 30 sec ond s 24" lW ' 10 GPM 6V2 sec ond s 20" 4" 15 GPM ond s




3Y2 sec

sizes to are bui lt In man y are two Hyd rau lic Cyl inde rs The re lica tion app any ost alm Dou ble fit Sin gle Act ing and only by type s of Cyl lnde rs-ng cyli nde rs retu rnrs retu rn acll le Song . ing Act ble Act ing Cyl inde Gro vlty whole Dou oIus trall on (1» . Wh ere a und er pres sure (seeired It is adv isab le to use reqU Wh ile Hig h Loft IS Cyl inde r pOSSIble . the Lon ges t Stro kebe obt aine d With a sho rt o Hig h Lift can IS not 0 pra ctic al QPplico~ stro ke cyli nde r, It the sam e bore , rega rdle ss r, the tlon . Cyl inde rs of e the sam e PISton rod thru st, how eveeaS ing (by Incr of the Stro ke, hav e the loft ing Pow er mor the ke long er the Stro ant age J. hing the mec han ical adv ing Pow er tha n Pus the ty inde rs hav e less Pull Dou ble Act ing Cyl are a of the Poston Sha ft, con seq uenft (the sha the the to of Pow er due _ _ _ _ __ _ the diam ete r With ________ Pow er woll var ythe Pul ling larg er the sha ft «he a Ac tHl .... .. Ba.. Stro ke C,I Aro . less Pul ling Pow er)

lY2 "


livo . a 3% " fal law lnl cha rt act ual .... .h IUWO of tho ,m ..." 4" ca" af _ po uaacl cyll nd. ,..


10 15 8


96, 210


144 ,315


100 ,528

Hyis 0 mus t In any 150 ,792 12.5 A Rel ief Val ve alsa y ore som etim es fou nd 12 4" dra ulic Sys tem . Themor e com mon ly on the but p te exc esPum crea ) tion will in the s and Con trol s Sec ugh too sma ll a line ely Con trol s (See Line LS- -Oo I flow ing thro uld be, dep end s larg (Th e LINES AND CON TROrau lic Sys tem . The Size the line sho le". Cyc g t Wo rkin Hyd stan any Con In " t ol Its hea In ontr Sive 001 has to trav el k to Pum p--p um p to con trol- --<: le on the dIS tanc e the Cyc le" IS from Tan (2) . The oil flow s thro ugh the cyc 0 g rkin Wo ant nst ile ion "Co (e .g . Wh rati ng sho wn In Illus trat bac k to tan k) os as the pum p' s driv ing sou rce is opeg con stan tly, cau sing oil con stan tly os long the PTO driV ing the pum p is run n.ln doe s not app ly to line s trac tor is run ning , king cyc le" ) . ThIS the "co nst ant wor to flow thro ugh cyli 0-8 GPM Pum p r. nde to trol pum p to con trol : 0 Pum p uses 3,4 " r-- ~ from con e-o f-th um b" on Pressure hose fromhos 20 GPM 150 e, " "rul Y2 0 s As p use e (con trol to < : hose, 8-1 5 GPM Pumbe use d on retu rn and pick -up hos ~ .. -. , uses '%" hose con Hose . hos e. Low pres sure p)- use dou ble the size of Pressure sma ll 0 con trol IS use d, tan k-t ank to pumsele cted very car efu lly • . • If too nst ant wor king cyc le." Con trol s sho uld be dev elop . cau sing on inef fiCi ent "co d only for mom ent ary nde exc ess ive hea t wille a reli ef valv e but the y are Inte ove rloa ded . If of Its stro ke, or os Mos t con trol s hov r reac hes the end Val ve, 0 sep ara te one of pro per nde cyli the n whe pro tect ion With 0 Rel ief d ippe equ ." le not con trol or Pum p IS alle d In the "co nst ant wor king cyc 0 po sett ing mus t be Inst C MA UAL


~) d t IS I1OCOSsary IS Com plet e and rea t~ 0 vego. All tha t plet e Hyd rou hc hos e and cyli nde r r y~~ 0 Com t suc es lnat er-t ake -off Eiom Sys tem . d . P a .,:m s as paw univ ersa l 10lnts and ;:7ce ~ ft. Ass emb ly inci udo ti elec oaf lic DUmp t-pr rau dus ! 2 Vol t ata r and hyd tch 4 tan k, solenOid sWi n' s -wa y con trol valv e, all ~ '.ttl and pl_ hit ing as Wir an nt elle sary do gbl auni t g EXC d' Sta te If Sing le or CYl inde r bein g UIO 6· 2 ,ctlnr 32 I~ ply . sup volt also can We , ~,o ITE M PB -"- o."

'85 .0 0

$99.50 Pays for itself many times over Ideal for straightening, bent connecting rods, crankshafts, axels and for pushing pins and bearings. This is a Powerful Press capable of exerting 64,000 Ibs. pressure from a HIGH PRESSURE 2 pistion pump that has a built-in relief valve set at 3500 PSI. Cylinder is 4%" bore with 10" stroke and 2/J stainless steel rod . There is a 1" pinhole mounting on base and the piston shaft is equipped with sturdy clevis with 3,4 pinhole that dies can be adapted to. 6 H.P. or more required to operate at maximum of 1000 RPM . Can be operated with 3 H.P. motor at 500 R P.M. with slower action but with same tonnage . ITEM JW32 11

Cu stom Bu ilt Frame as Illustrated. Prices on Request.

SA E 0 Ideal Hydraulic Kit for small Front-End Loaders. small Bulldozers, Hay Rocks elc Rated 700 Ibs. lifting capaCity at 6V2 ft. Kit consists of : 2 - 1%" bore, 26" stroke cylinders for 11ft and 1 only 2 V2" bore, 10V2" stroke auxIliary cylinder for tiPPing 1 power steenng pump With bUilt - In reservoir -

2 - 6 ft ., 2 - 2 ft .• 4 - 5 ft . ITEM JW1S0 It.. spectacular valve at only


1 Hydreco 2 spool valve -

hoses and fittings .

-._ ======;=~::~~~=~:~~~~~~~~~;::"1~~

H.D. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM KIT PTO . Bl.'It or C,onk ~ hat' Drive . I Wh c n o rdcrlng b e sure to stote for PTO . Bclt or Crankshaft Drive .)

Syslem operates double-acting hydrauliC cylinde rs slmullaf1eously. With pressure In both directions. Capable of lifting 0 total weight of over 14,000 Ibs. All connections ore pipe or pipe fittings. Kit 'nc'ude .. A. 2 - 3" x 22" No. 6 Double Acting Cylinders, rated 7068 lb•. 11ft with 1000 PSI line pressure. S I - Four-Way Control Valve No. 126. May be used With 1500 PSI Hydraulic System . C PUMP-A choice of H.D. 12 GPM for crank~afl drove or PTO drivI!. Plea .e .pecl fy which


requi red.

1· 3 gallon 011 Reservoir wit h PIp" thread connections. Complete with built-in screen for c!eclnln9 E - 2'x I ID. hose for pickup . 2 - 34 ' x~" hoses for pressure and return . 4 - 56"x If.!" cylindl!r lead hoses. F All nece$Sary fittings and coupling. to c"mplete the kit. OPTIONAL You may substitute any pump or cylinder", cotologu Just add or subtract difference to price ':If cylinder or pump to Ihe above



J W lSl


P. T. O., BELT OR CRANKSHAFT DRIVE H. D. SYSTEM KIT. When ordering be sure to state for P.T.O., Belt or Crankshaft drive.

A Complete Hydraulic Syslem easIlY adapted to 011 types of Tractors, elc. Kit conta ins: JW20 1 De plh ConIrol Cylinder- lifts 7068 Ibs.· a t 1000 PSI; 15 GPM Pump 400 - 800 n PM; No. 126 Valve with Reservoir 0 n d Fi lter; Anchor and Chain Bar; 2-3', IS', 2-8' - V2 " wire Braid hoses and 1 5' L.P. hose; 0 I I necessary fittings. IT EM JW1S3 NOTE : Illustration shown I. for PTO or Crankshaft drive. On kit . for Be lt or Pulle y drive Anc hor bar not require d a l a spe cial type of Pump I. subst ltutl!d f or this application.



With Adjustable RelIef Valve • Smooth, Positive Control , • Fully balanced-se lf (enteri ng . • 4 moufttin9 holes on bottom . • BuiJt~ i n , Ad justable Relief Valve . • Harden ed s pool , . • 16 GPM capaclty-2S0-l500 P.S.I. • Open cent cr pro vi de. unloading of pump when handle is in neutral position . A 4-woy hydraulic control designed to actuate one set of d ouble acting cylinders Fully balanced plunger type tor operating looders, dumps, trolling Implements, and general industrial uses, High pressures within the valve arc always equalized or balanced-never becomes pressure locked ,n any position Self-neutralIZing, when the control lever IS released, It automatlcolly returns to 0 neutral or hold position Con be used os single Units or mounted In senes of any combinations deSired Only standard pipe nlppres ore required to make Inter-connections When Instolie<..J In mutlples proYlde IndiVidual pressure relief to each cylinder or set of cylinders I e each valvc has It s own mdl .... ldual prC!lsura reloef control whICh is factory sel at 1000 P.5.I . Inlet and outlo. t. 3/.. •• pIpe thread CylInder openIngs '/2 ·· pIpe thread . Weight 8 V. Ibs For Double Acting Cylinders. For Single ActIng Cylinders . $ ITEM 126 ITEM 226





SPJ·SP4 OPEN CENTRE·SPRING LOADED "BALL-HOLD" VALVE (For Single or Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinders) With check valves budt Into Model SP Valves. loads cannot be dropped os direction IS changed-positive cylinder movement IS always maintained, and no momentary re .... ersal of the cylinder IS pOSSible os valve IS operated. Check valve assures " Positive Control." NOTE when ordertng state whether double or single oct lng cylinders are to be used , Perfect for front end loaders, stackers, land levellers / dumps, 5011 movers and General Industnal Hydraulic Uses. Dlmenslons--3/~1I Flow, 112" Ports to cylinders. CapaCIty 20 GPM. Ha. built-in relief valve adjustable to pressures from 2S0 P.S.I. to 1500 P.S.I. Replacecble. hardened seat In relief valve assures long service and elimination of costly repairs or pOSSible replacement of the whole valve . Val .... e IS preCiSion engineered and quollty bUilt to give outstanding and long lasting performance SP Valves hove l/.c " Flow, Y2" cylinder portl . WP Valves have 1" in out ftow, ll/.c" cylinder ports.

ded on the n

WAY & SP 4.WAY VALVES MODEL SP- I spool . .- MODEL SP- 2 spool


MODEL SP- 3 spool

_•• -

523.5 $38.5 - - 553.5

P L ES WITH FLOAT POSITION MODEL SP K-I spool .. -- - - -. --------. 31.75 MODEL SPK- 2 spool (1 spool flQat) MODEL SP K-3 spool (I spool float) HIGH CA PAC IT Y W P VA LVES (40 GPM @ 20' sec.) MODEL W P-I spool MODEL WP- 2 spool MODEL WP- 3 spool avaIlable In "Float"



526.00 541.00 S5 .00

VALVES WITH FLOAT POSITIO MODEL SPKYT- I spool 534.00 MODEL SPKYT- 2 spool (1 spool float l .00 MODEL SPKYT - 3 spool (I spool float Write for models not listed Be sure to state model number required when ordering, and also number of single or double acting cylinders being used! ond "Power Beyond"

models -

Write for prices.

(Provides Float Position on Standard 4-Way Valves)


VA The addition of this Valve In your system will enable you to operate 2-doubleacting cylinders with 1Four way control valve or .. single a cting cylinders with 2 - three way valves Range 0-1500 PSI, Ports l;"", Cop. 24 GPM @ I S'



2-W Y HYDRAULIC SELECTOR VALVE This IS simple and InexpenSive way of directing oll-under-pres-

5001 SIN G L E BREAK - A - WAY CLAMP _ ......._._ .55 ( B) 4000 COUPLER- Y2" ar ¥s " $4.95

W '...


5000 COUPLER-Some a s 4000, but With screw - type f itting may be coupled u nder pressure ._ ..... , $5.85 (C ) MAL E TIPS--\lz", ¥." $ 1. 50 J,4" _._.... _$2.10 (D) I llust ra ti on of 4000 COUPLER & 5001 BREAK-A-WAY CL AM P A SSEMBLED-This coupler is fast and ea sy oper a ting . lightwei ght, made o f finest material s workin g pa r t s ha rdened f or durability . Finest stee l bo li---checks fo r POSitive sea l, maximum flow and long li fe . (E) 5002 2- IN- l BR EA K-A-WAY CLAMP-H .D. Steel, f its 400 0 and 5000 couplers $1.80 ( F) 5009 DUST CAP-With cha in and lock r ing __. _$1.40 (G) 5005 DUST PLUG-W ith chain a nd lock r ing .75

sure to 2 separate lines. Enables


you to operate two single-acting cYlndcrs individua lly with one 3-way Control Valve. Cast Iron Body, pressure balanced spool. cylinders ,nd,v,dually wit h one

For applications where Re - coupling u nder pressure IS necessary . Can a lso be used as a " directional " va lve . Cannot be u sed as a " Break-a wa y " cl amp. In 3A1" or Y2" Size . (Be sure t o state whICh Size required ) ITEM 6000 $3.25


Hydraulic Hose Couplers Repair Broken Hydrau l ic Hose on t h e spot! . . in just 0 few m inu tes. No spec lol tools reQu i red . For One an d Two wire Braid Hose. ITEM HHC W ' $1.40 Yz" $1.65 W ' $2.25

For T ru ck PT.O. mounting to opera te Hoists etc. Hy drauli c control Va lve directly mounted on t he exhau st opening of the Pu mp and requ ires only 0 reservoi r t o complete t h e system. Controls either singl e or doub le ac ting cylinders. V 0 I v e is convertible from 4 (doubleacting) to 2-way (si ngle-acting) b y uSing p ipe p lug s. Up ta 15 G.P.M ., 15 00 P.S.1. ITEM PUV12 (wt. 20 Ibs.)

Clamp Type Couplings Reusable coupling for One a nd T wo w ire Bra id Hose---deslgned fo r em ergency field repair service an d ori g inal equipment Insta lla t ion s. Con be a ttached Without use of VlSe. ITEM CTC

W' $ .89 Yz" $ .99

No. 47 Union Male x Sw. Fe. Pi pe


4 7-4 x 4

(1,4M x

W ' $1.55

Il1D 'i. F)

No . 48 Union Female x Sw. Fe. Pipe

$ .36

DeSigned for 3000 P.5.1. A ircra ft Systems . Alumlnu m alloy bady and alloy steel shaft. Hardened Bron ze V a lve seat, 3,4" pipe thre ad ports . 3%" W x 5Y2" H x 2" D . Weig ht I Y2 Ibs ITEM 380



('I. F x

1/. F)

$ .31


(% F x %F)

. 5'


(% F X Y2~ .61

1.0 (

'i. F)

49 - 4 x 4

( V.~V. F ) $ .72


('I. M x


<¥sM x 3/s F)



(% M x ¥sF)


Con be use d o s a "Constant Work -

49- 8x8

(Y2M x

1Y2F) 1.20


('I2 M x

Y2 F)


Ing" V al ve or a H ydraul ic Syst em "Protecting" V a I v e. Ad justab le 500-1250 PS.I. 3,4" Flow %" return. ITEM DR-75

49 - 12x8

(J,4M x Y2 F)


64- 12x8

(J,4 M x % F)


49 - 12x I2 (3,4 M x 3,4 F)


64-12 x 12 (3,4 M x 3,4 F)



Throttle ond Li ne CHECK VALVES Line Thrott l. For Free Flow In I dl recf.on restflcted flo..... on return, depending on O'lfl'ce size reQuired to - 'eoulole mOO(lmum nffd of cvllnders or motors In I dIH!ctlon. 1/2 porU ITEM JWT6 1 ·way Throttle ' ~1I"'Orlflc~ 3 16" Ordlq~ ~ 2 . 90 Line Ch eck For One Way Flow only-

h' po",



52 .90

DYNAMIC RUBBER "0" RINGS Y." ThiCkneSS-Size. range: 13/ 16" 10_

1%" ID, 1/1 6 " OD-lo/s" OD 3/ 16" Thickness--Slze range: 1Y2" 2" ID, 13,4" 0 0 -2%" OD 3/ 16" Thickness-Size range: 2Ys" -2%" ID, 2Y2" OD~3l1,," OD 3 /16" Th l ckness--S,ze range: 3Ys" 35/s" ID, 3Y2" 00-4" OD _

.25 10.30 ID .40 10.50

$ .7 0


Up to 3 000 SI DIA M. -


t "

ID I •



When ordering give exact I.D., O.D., and thickness.

STRONG LEATHER CUPS Equipped with smo ll bore op ening-can be cut l arg er If d esired. 2 Y2" 1.2S 3" 1.50 3 Y2" 1.60 4 " 1.9 54 Y2" 2 .50 5" 2 .75 6" 4 .75

(A ) 3 GALLON - Size 4xI2xI3!12" w ith pipe thread connections Wt 13 Ibs. ITEM JW58 $9 .50 6 GALLON -For 16 GPM pumps or over . Breather plug and Oil Filter Screen. Size 8x 14x 14 ' ITEM JW59 $17 .45 (BI OIL RESERVOIR-Dual purpose Pedestal type tank eaSily bolted to tractor platform (Bolts sup p IIcd). Heavy gauge steel, welded seoms. Control


valve can be mounted on special Volve platfor m

Illustrated ITEM JW60 $9 .50 ITEM JW60A Mounting Plate $1 .40 COMPLETE RESERVOIR ASSEMBLY -with Control Valve Bracket, Tank-ta-Pump LP Hose, hose

With od. gas, woter , fuel 011 ete


$4.75 (D) OIL BATH AIR CLEANER ASSEMBLY - Clean all means longer life ITEM JWl173 .... $4.60 ( E) HYDRAULIC PRESSURE GAUGE · Block plastIC case 2J/8" sq, JJ,4"





tubing flltlngs ITEM JW36 0-2000 PSI ITEM JW36A 0-5000 PSI


Justoble rehef-valve,




PSI PSI PSI PSI $ 1.75 $ 1.15 $ 2,30 $ 3.45 2.4' 2 .60 3.20 4.70 3.20 :U5 4.00 5.95 3.95 4.15 4.95 7.45 4.65 4.90 5.10 1.50 5.40 5.SS '.70 9.95 6 .10 6.45 7.50 11.00 6.90 7.10 12.20 '.40 '.70 10.10 14.95 9.95 10.l0 11.65 17.00 =l6_ :::::===~~::,-;:: 11.20 11.75 13.75 19.95 LK HYDRAULIC

' .SO

return POSitions.

2 PISTON PUMP I 7 GPM @ 1000 RPM (3500 PSI/, ReserVOir 7 qt cap., SIZe . 8' L x i i V4' W x B1/, H Weight 35 Ibs ITEM JW2 $63.50 4 PISTON PUMP 3.3 GPM @ 1000 RPM (2500 PSI) ReserVOir 15 qt cop., Size 15J,4" L x 111;''' W x 8h" H: Weight 50 Ibs. ITEM JW4 $ 71.50 8 PISTON PUMP 8 GPM @ 1000 RPM (3000 PSI) Rese"'''Ir 26 qt cop., Size 9" H x 10' W x 17 L Cam: plete with externally mounted control valve. Wt. 73 fbs . ITEM JW8 $118.50

VICKERS PUMP-Brand new, ReverSible Vane type. Speed 5001800 RPM, rated 12-40 GPM at 1000 PSI, IV," Inlet, 11/. Outlet, IS 16" shaft With 3, 16' key ITEM JW1240 $75.00 GEROTER HYDRAULIC PUMP -Used Gov't Surplus In excellent condition. 20 GPM @ 500 RPM, Speed 0-1250 RPM, 1'12" Inlet, I V." Outlet JW1241



!- . " . "


HELICAL GEAR TYPE HYDRAULIC PUMP OR MOTOR-Delivers 8 GPM os 0 pump at 1000 PSI uSing 6 HP., speed 1200-1800 RPM. Delivers up to 9 H.P. as a motor With 1 17 cu. In. per rev. displacement, speed 700 - 2000 RPM. Compact Slze--5%" H x

4000 J500

. 2250 Le.- P_lUra Hose for Plcku,"

BRAND NEW, WIRE-BRAID, AIRCRAFT QUALITY HOSE (With standard pipe threads). Item HH5. 1/,"",5" $1.85 ",4"x60" cotton covered $ 7.00 V~""17" 1.95 4 .. cotton covered 9.50 %""22" 2 .15 • 1" ,,48" cotton covered 12.25 "}","x24" 2 .25 .. lit x52" cotton covered 12.95 V,"x34" 2.95 • 1" xl4" cotton covered 16.05 'Complete With • 1" .17" (3000 PS!.) 9.00 Unions' y,"x56" (3000 PSI .) 6.00




7~-'A "



I.WI,. 1 ..14 10-ft. L....... camplet" wlth ands Ita", HR5A $6.20


GEROTER HYDRAULIC MOTOR-Internal gear type, In· stantly reversible, 5 .24 cu. In. d.sp .• 540 In Ibs. torque. 1V." Inlet and Outlet, 15: 16" shaft USing 0 4 GPM pump at 300 qPM would equal 6 H.P., Max. capaCity raqUires 35 GPM pump. (30 H.P. at 1800 RPM.) ITEM W1242 _ _ - $115.00

l'l~.... J.O

I" shaft

$3 .95 $5.95

READY MADE LENGTHS--W"e Braid With standard male pipe fllt l"g5.


(Pump, con-

~8" ports In JW2. JW4, ~ 2 ! prots In JW8. 300-1000 RPM. Spool valves hove output, hold,

fIttings , clamps Tank , Filter and mounting bolts

ITEM JW60B $17.75 (C) FUEL STRAINER - Easy-to-clean permanent screen mesh cartridge . J,4" pipe thread Works


trol vohe, reservoir) for all m ... uSing double-acting cylinders lean be used 'WIth S,ngle-actlng cYlnders by returning onc outlet port to tank). Ad· stollotlons







thread Inlet and outlet ports, .. drain port, J,4" shaft With Keyway for Direct or pulley drove. COST and selected alloy 5leel,

throughout, QUIet operating helical gears, reversible rotation. Standard 2-bolt magneto flange mounting. Also avadable Wl'n foot-type mounting bracket. ITEM JW101 • Complete pump With mount.",) bracket 559,95

$55 50


All steel, spl ncd on

cnd. Kevwoy on .t,e t~ la st'Dnda~d 11, SIZ~ When ordering st ate size of PTO, make and mod el of Tractor . 1\io or 11 • 55.40



He,. 11 the most depe"dobl_ H,d,... .. c Pump for Form and Industrial use! (~OO

Model 1 .. "


High Efficiency Fully Bol"need Vone Pump Rolotlon optional Four pOSItion Inlel No load lart n. Due 10 Ihe wide speed-ronge Ihis pUlftP hos been used very successh.lly to r ploce Caterpillar froftt ..end"'",o"nt




inlet outlet


VB' VB 12

.," i"let

VC 12

1," outlet


UI ).61 4.20 4.50

VC 16



•. 65


POWER STEERING PUMP-Equipped with od Reservo", Pressure relief Valve and restrlctor valve. Rated up to 900 PSI , 2 Y2 GPM . 'h " shaft with Keyway far Pulley Drive . 2 bolt flange mounting . H Pressure port has flttmg f or 3/ 8 " hose, Return port has fitting for ~h" hose . Size: 6 x S"x8 ". Weight 17 Ibs ITEM JW430 .-•

$22 75

6 OR 12 VOLT HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT - Eliminates PTO's, Drive Shaft, UJoonts etc Smooth qUiet, easily detachable when not In use . Up to 1000 PSI with Brand new Bendlx motor and HydraulIC pump. Operates d"ectly off 6 or 12 volt Battery (With push-button, when used with a Solenald sWitch) . Will not harm Battery In normal use Has Built-In adlustabe Relief Valve, V2" pipe thread outlet, 'h" Inlet. Wt 24 Ibs. A 24 Volt model can also be supplied at the same price ITEM 119 •

$29 SO

STRATOPOWER PISTON PUMP - Rated 3125 PSI, 3 GPM @ 1500 RPM, 6 GPM @ 3600 RPM, 9 GPM ~ 4500 RPM (10 monute ratong) . Piston type, fixed displacement model 67WF300 . 4 V2' mounting flange, 'Ys" male spllne Shaft, Built- on ad,ustable Relief Valve, Reversible rotation , 1-15 /1 6 x 12 thread tube flttong Inlet, 1-1 / 16 x 12 outlet. Size 12" Lx 4V2 " dlam . Wt 141bs. ITEM XS4S ____ ._ . _ •

$49 SO


PESCO TWIN PAC PUMP UNIT - A Brand new Pump with two Elements. Large Elemenl24 GPM, 1350 PSI, 2210 RPM, 287 cu . in. per rev . Small Elcmcnt- 14 GPM 2210 RPM 1350 PSI, 1.67 cu. In . per rev. Ideal for Tractor, PTO, etc. Can be hooked t'ogether with a tee to give 38 GPM or con be operated through 2 controls with a Single pick-up . Gear type, CCW rotation, 7,f8" spllned shaft. Size : 7" x 11 V2" x 7" . Wt. 30 Ibs. ITEM JW7117 •

$79 SO


FOR fARM AHD COMMERCIAL un rap quality heavy duty cylinders mode and guaranteed by one of Conado's torge t manufacturers Commonly used on original qUlprnent such as Dump HOtifl, Front End loaders, Plow contrail, Bulldozers, Presses elc DeSIgned lor rough uscg ond trouble~free operation Canter Cen'., Item Ho . Stroke Ret,octed htende4 Price 2 h" BORE 2S01 8" 16" 24 $24.41 lh" P,n hole. 2S12 12" 20" 32" 28.45 • Up to 3,· 'Mo., Port. 2516 16 24" 40" 32.48 000 PSI PuSh pounds 2520 20' 28 ' 48" 1000 PS.I.- 4908 36.53 ~" wo 11. Pull pounds 2514 24" 32" 56" 42.76 • Doubl. 1000 P.SI.-3681 2532 32" 40" 12" 48.64 octinll (con ~_ ' V... " SHAFT __ _ b. u.ed o. BORE --350. 8" 16" 24" 33.82 .'nll'. actinll. • St••1 I" P,n holes lS12 12" 20" 32" 39.55 End. with "0" rin9 aeoll. Y~" Ports 3516 16" 40" 45.26 Push pounds • No ti.·rodl to hinder 3520 20" 28" 48 1000 P.S.I.50.97 inatallotion. • Le •• port. 9620 32" 3524 24" 56 56.67 to caule trouble. • All· Pull pounds 32" 3532 72" '000 P.S.I.68.07 .t••' Top .nd, Shoft End 7850 48" 40" 88" 3540 79.48 and Platon .• Ground and IV," SHAFT 354. 48" 56" 104' 88.92 poli.h.d H i I h tan.iI.

-- --- - --


Steel ram. • y," Dry aeal pipe thread. Ports in top and bottom. • Un· conditionally lIuaranteed ~i." MKh•• i••1 Do. ~. feet. and Workmanship.

400. 4012 4016 4020 4024 4032 4040 4048

-t" BORE 1'/4" P,n holes I" Ports Push pounds 1000 P.S.I.12,566 1000 P.S.I.Pull pounds 9,425 2" SHAFT

8" 12" 16" 20" 24"

32" 40" 48"

17' 21" 25' 29" 33" 41" 49" 57"

25" 33 ' 41" 49" 57" 73" 89" 105"

42.08 48.80 55.53 62.27 69.00 82.48 95.93 109.40

BRAND NEW DOUBLE ACTING CYLINDERS Large Volume Purchasing Power enables PRINCESS to slosh prices on these 3 sIzes of Popular, Double ActIng, cylonders. Top Qualoty for use on Hay Loaders, Manure Loaders, HOISts, Lift Trucks, BUlldozers, Hydraulic Presses etc. 3" 80,e, 22" slroke, 1'/.. " Piston Rod, J,4" mount pin holes, 0'011 length 31 Y2" pIn to pin , V2" pipe thread ports. Lifts 7068 Ibs. at 1000 PSI. Reg . Price $45.00. ITEM JW6 Special $29.50 ]" Bor., 32" stroke, 1 Y2" Piston Rod, 1" pin hole mou nt Centre to Centre Retracted 40" , Extended 72". 7068 Ibs. push, 5380 Ibs. pull at 1000 PSI. Ports Y2" Reg . $65 .00 ITEM JW8 _ Special $45.50 4" Bo,e, 18" St,oke, rated loft cop. 12560 Ibs. WIth 1000 PSI Ior.e pressure . 1 Y2" poston rod . Port s V2" standard pipe WIth I" pIn holes for mounting . Weight 53 Ibs . Reg $69 .00 . ITEM JW42 Special $36.75 I

Premium 'CHROME-SHAFT' CYLINDERS Fa, 'o.'.actln., conlrolled powe, 10 pu.h ••• pull , •• 11ft ••• pre" .•• tilt .. , lowe, .. , and many othe, hydraulic application,. Item Ho. Stroke Retrad.d btend.d Price 2 Y2" BORE P2501 8" 16" $29.30 J,4" P,n holes P2512 12" 20" :W.15 %" Ports 24" 16" 38.95 Push pound. P2516 20" 28" 1000 P.S.I.-4908 P2520 43.80 Pull pounds P2524 32" 24" 51.10 1000 P.S .I.-3681 P25'2 40" 32" 51.38 1 '14" SHAFT ~

WhIle our standard "Super" Mo\/)' duty cylinders will handle most Jobs there is 0 demand for 0 higher quality unit. To meet this demand Proncess introduce. the "PREMIUM CHROME SHAFT LINE" with T.llon • _ t Built to rigid specifications for longer, uninterrupted service . . . lower maintenance costs . , reduced replacement expenditures. Note these odvanced ideo. in Cylinder Construction. "Teflon Wa.h.n • the new won d., praduct of Indullry, Stron., fle"lbl., .Hlcl.nt. Doub'" <),lind., IIf• • 'Cyllnde, hood d•• I.n" to .Iv. 50% mo,. .... , .... lurfac. thon any oth., cylinder. • '" he'" chro ......, c.nt.rI•••• round, 11'•••• ,roof, hl"'.n.lle, 11. .1 .haft. • J6O. rotata ble port. ·Up to J,ooO P.S.I. 'I.." w.II--Double actin. (can b. uIDd o. ,In.1o actin.). 'Uncondltlonally lua,anteed •• alnll Mechanical Def.ct. and Wo"'man· .hl,.

3J,2" BORE

1" Pin holes 11:" Port. Pu~ pound. 1000 P.S.I.9620 Pull pounds 1000 P.S.I.7850 lY." SHAFT

-tu BORE

I V...' Pin holes I" Porh Push pounds 1000 p.s.l.12,566 1000 P.S.I.Pull pounds 9425 2" SHAFT

P3501 P3512 P3516 P3520 P3524 P3532 P3540 P3548

8" 12" 16" 20" 24" 32" 40" 48"

P4001 P4012 P4016 P4020 P4024 P40ll P4040 P4048

8" 12" 16" 20"

2." 32" 40" 48"

16" 20"



32" 40" 48" 56"

40" 48" 56"

88" 104"

2." 28"


21" 25" 29" 33" Al" 49" 57"


25" 33" 041" 049" 57"_

73" 89 ' 105"

40.80 47.45 54.30 81_15 67.95 81.85 95,3$ lQ_.=;1..0 SO.50 58,55 86.80 74.70 82.80 98.95 115.10 131.25




I ,--; l Cl) t.: . . -

(A) 101 ," B. 19 \J" STROKE, SINGLE ACTING RAM-lOO TON-From USAF 6-36 geor H.D up to 3000 PSI. WoIl take shock pressures much higher ClevlS m ounting on bo th ends for 2" pins, '/2" port, 48 " 0 ' 011 . Wt. 270 Ibs. ITEM JW64 $200.00 (8 ) 4" B. 20" STROKE, DOUBLE ACTING-44 " 0'011 length retracted, 5V." .~jI> Width, I V2" shaft dlam ., pon hole on shaft end . Trunlon mounl1ng at base 'f/) end h ' po rts . Wt 26 Ibs. ITEM JW65 $29.50 C""J (C) 7" B. 37" STROKE-2-3 t I6" shaft with 2" pinholes. Push 38,485 Ibs ., I pull 34 ,727 at 1000 PSI. 3,4" ' ports. tTEM JW808 . $~O.OO ,.- I (D) 2 1;," B. 37" STROKE- I V2" shaft with 1'/." and I" pinholes, V2' ports. (A) Push 4,908 Ibs., pull 3,141 Ibs . at 1000 PSI . ITEM JW809 . ' $33.50 (E) 6" B. 56" STROKE-23A" solid steel shaft, V2" pipe thread ports. All steel construction , Flange mounting at head . Ma x . loft 28,274 Ibs. (1000 PSI ). 67" 0 ' 011 ret ra cted. DeSigned for loft truck serVICe . U45.00 tTEM JW806 DOUBLE ACTING, 4" B. 56" STROKE-2" all-steel shaft, mounting at head. 12,566 lb. cap. (1000 PSI). 71 " 0 ' 011 retracted . ITEM 807 $130.00 Sizes of Cylonder proportionate to sketch of 6 ' man. THE CYLINDERS SHOWN ABOVE ARE OVERSIZE, HEAVY DUTY, tNDUSTRIAL TYPE-IDEAL FOR FORK LIFTS, BACK HOES, BULLDOZERS, PRESSES, HEAVY EQUIPMENT AN D MANY tNDUSTRIAL USES.

(A) Double Actlng- 2" bore, 5 Vs " stroke, %" s steel sha ft, 'A" pin ho les. 0 '0 11 length closed 14 1/2 ", 13';''' pin to pin; base device mounting . Cap. to 3 100 Ibs. at 1000 PSI. JW41C ............ $13 .75 (81 Slngl. Acting - 2V2" bore, 8 3A" stroke, 0 '011 le ngth 25 tA", 2-1 / 16" d ,o . stainless piston rod, 3h" standard pipe po rts. Cap. 541 1 Ibs . at 1000 PSI. Pon t ype mount ing . JW504 ... __ .._...... __.... _ ....... $12 .75 (C) Doubl. Acting - 1V2" bore, 26" stroke, 0 '011 leng t h 35" e x tended 61 ", V2" standard pipe ports, sto ln less steel piston rod, Manganese Alumln um cyl ,nde r walls, tested for 3000 PSI. lifts 1760 Ibs. In 2 sec. at 1000 PSI. JWI6 __... _._ $16.25 (D) Sln,le Acting - 2 V2" bore, 8 3 stroke, 0'011 28 tA", 2 - 1/ 16" d ia . pISt on rod; 3/ S' standard pipe f,tt lngs Cop. 54 11 Ibs. at 1000 PSI. Pin type mount ,ng . JW50l ..._._$12.75 (E) Double Acting - H.D. 5" bore, 20" stroke, %" ports, 0'011 length 36 " retracted . Cop. 19,635 Ibs. at 1000 PSI . JW507 .... __ .. .. . $55.00 (F) Double Acting - 3 V~ " bore, 18" stroke, steel alloy cylinder wall, 1 Vs ' sl steel piston rod, 0'011 length bored 25 V2' , base and shaft clevice mount,ng 3/ S" pipe f,tt,ngs . Cop. 7669 Ibs. push, 6675 Ibs. pull at 1000 PSI JW18W _. ___ ._ . ........ $22.25


(G) Double Acting - 2o/a" base, stroke, 1-3/ 16" shaft, 4200 Ibs. lift,

3/e " ports. Clevis mount on one end,

pin hole on other. JW509 $17.25 As above with I" shaft, 19" stroke. JW508 . _ .......... .. $16.50 (H) Double Acting - 11/'" bore, 4V2"


stroke, JA" piston rod, 1f.s" tube ports, CYLI NDERS 0 '011 16" . Coj . 1500 Ibs. at 1000 PSI . JW505 ..... ..... ............ .. .. _ ..__ $7.25 (I) Double Acting • I %" bore, 8" stroke, 3A" piston rod, V.. ' ports. lifts 1760 Ibs. at 1000 PSI. 0 '011 length 16V'" retracted , 24V,,' extended. For Power steerIng, etc. JW804 . . . . ._ .. .. $ 9.50 (J) Double Acting (Hydraulic or Air) - 1 V2" bore, 5 V..' stroke, 3A" piston rod alumlnum alloy borrel . sl steel shaft, Hydraulic coo. 1767 Ibs. at 1000 PSI, air cop . 176 Ibs. at 100 PSI JWl3 ...... _ ..... _ . _... .... . .. . ... .... .. $ 8.95 (K) High Pressure - 4'l's" bore, 10" stroke , 2" sl steel shaft. Pushes 74 ,660 Ibs. at 4000 PSI, pulls 62,096 Ibs. I " pin hole on base, clevis mount on shaft with 3A" pin hole . JW478 .. .. _ ..... .. . _. . _. _..... ....... $ 38 .50 (L) High Pressure - 1-9/ 16" bor~ 73A" stroke , sl steel shaf!, v," base pin hole . 'l'. " on shaft . Pushes 7668 Ibs., pulls 59011 Ibs. at 4000 PSI. SW1916 ... . $1 2.50 CM) High Pressure - 3V,' bore, 14" stroke. sl stee l shaft, 1%" base pin hole . 'l'a" on shaft. Pushes 38,484 Ibs, pulls 30 .192 Ibs. at 4000 PSI. 1 o/a" sl steel shaft. JWl12 .... .. . ...... $26.50 00'





Up t o 3000 PSI . steel cleYls end s haVing st re ngth to 7" ,000 PS I. Doubt. a ct ing (Single act Ing I' requested) It.... St,ok.

DOUIU .CTIHG CYLlHDIRS Manufactured and sold e",clusl ~ely by Princess. Excellent for Shop Presses, Bulldoze,., Truck hoists or anywhere 0 Top quality large tlu llnder IS req.ured . 6" bore , 2" piston rod, '4 " ports, I Y2" Pin holes Pulls 25.133 , Ibs., ushes 28 ,274 Ibs ITEM Stroke C.n'.,. Pnc.


2", ....

2510 ... JSOI. JS10.


4001. 4010.1. 601'.

2~ "

~~:: ,3~. " ," ,"


;um !~t 'II~II ' 0" 16"

20Y, 3 '~

30 '7

: .


1:::a : :~:; 8"


JW6024 - 2'"

JW'OO. -



$IJ'.II :

High ca pa city fo r pumping

watcr from dugouts, rivers,


Cost Iron Body and

Irrigat ion or small pressurc fYond o'ihtc Bushing.

wa te r lubrica ted Rot a ry Sea

No stuffing box or Grcas~ cup necessary . Impellor . ..... 0 water-droPPing .


Model JW2649 JW2650 JW2651





1/3- 1 3/4 -11/2


I V'" l V2"

I" lV2"

l V2- 3

Ho powe r-loss by frict ion on shaft. ox . RPM



3300 3300 3300

15 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft

40 ft 40 ft 60 ft

GPM 40 60 80

fROST PROOf YARD HYDRANT Shut. oft and drains below frost line Features plunger arrangement assuring even fl_ from trocILle to full force prevents drain hole seepage Bross rod through seollng urilt will not rust or damage 0 ring leol. One piece solid brass plunger equipped With 2 0 ring and washer 01 durable rubber prevenl leakage and frost damage, Standard garden hose thread on dISCharge Bury Dvero" MMoI Wt_ Depth Lonath Prle. 1421 -4' 6V2 20 Ibs. 518.00 1421 6' 8Y2' 24 lb.. 518.75 8' 10 1 ' 28 lb. 521.50

HIG H CAP ACn':y:';~~S::-:-====:'::::=l

(FOR WELLS TO SO-FOOT DEPTH) High capacity waler supply for lorm. or households wh 'C ,everal f ,xlures may be on use alone time Pump and molar !Tou nled on heavy fjoug galvanized tank and connections modo betwe n pu .... p and tan k. Mecho"col seal around the motor ,~aft IS self-odlusl'"g to lake up wear w, ' haut leakage. To prolcct pump from abraSIve n t>le wa t r 0 bronze fool valve and .,rOlner arc supplied. MOTOR-'3 H.P, 110 volt, 60 cycle With prc- Iubtrccted ba ll bearong eQuipped With oulomotlC re-sel overload pro I ctlan IMPELLER-Prec.Slon machined and accuralely balanced bronze s '1Q to piece construct.on, directly coupled to motor shaft CONTROL5--Pres r !l<'uge, pressure conlrol valve, air volum control CAPACITY-U p t o 482 Imperial gallons per ~our DIMENSIONS-- IO- Imperlal QO' on t a n k 011' ail 32" x 12" x 24' WT _1 05 Ibs crated In wooden box ITrM OL-S63A-(F.O.B. Wpg.) _ •

$116 SO

Fuel Pump

HIGGIHS BRONZE CEHTRIFUGAL PUMP - Pump body and Impellor ore solid bronze. We i. \l h t 24 Ibs. y," diam. sh at t 1112" long. C lock-

Rotary Vane ReverSible utllily unit for gasoline or f u e I oi I pumping, etc 400 G. P. H.

,,3,4" PIP e thread Inlel and outlet. Budt-Ift ad-


.. / " lustab1e relief ---./' valve, set at 30




Rotation In either direction;



standard shaft, ball bearing supproled. 5 Y2x3Yex 10". WI. 8 Ibs. ITEM PSI A $55 .00 value •

16 50

Rotary Vane Barrel Pump


Operated ' Bilge Pump

Comp . with 4 ft . hasc To handle Gasoline, Alcohol, N a phlha, Traclor Fuels. ads

(Diaphragm type - selfpriming) ~or boots, Sept ic ton k s , Dugouts. Born

a nd woter. Caoce·

Ily at easy crankIft9 speed 7-10 GPM


to be p,umped out. Tota lly Enclosed, 14 ' dia me te r, 2 Vc lve Con· trol block, 13" Diaphragm; 3 " inlet and outlet. 28 " ha ndle . Approx. Y2 gal. per stroke . 15



suction and dls·

charge. Complete With dripless uptlled spout 40" suction pipe. Bar· rei nut Im any I Y2 -

Guttcrs, Garages, o r an ywhere f luid

2" steel drum open·





has 3" inlet and outlet with ma I c I Ion 9 e s to slip on hose and clamp. CopaClly approx. 6,000 G.P.H. 3 H.P. or more reQuired. ITEM JWHP414

A reasonably priced pump for hand operolion only. FEATURES : C y I . Size 3Y2")(10", drip hole to



ad,ustable base, 1112" galvanized pipe and 7 '16" golvanized rod, heavy hardwood handle. Measures approx. 6 lee I lrom base 01 pump to baltom of cylinder. By adding on addllional 22' of I Y2" galvanized pipe to cylinder this pump can be used in 0 30' well. Wt. 28 Ibs. ITEM JG 26 •

4 95



,rt col suctIon hft 20·ft Pumps any fr m


sand or olher abraSive ~_Jl"'~'" nn greoSolng

c.lf - tu fleat Ing


bell driven or c up1cd direct to ....lIIll!llj~.;; t· act r pro f r use In weed 'lproYlOg RCQUlrcst1 P r '0 ge" cOpOcltator tvpe electriC

Cc; For

t n


"' t r

e"c Se f - adjust '''g eket 'y.:>e, brass P'"!' speed .. 00-1000 $8500 value

11 2 H P

gos eng re All bronze <ost .ngs ,::ut brass geors, graphite

w th t'\_"dc cd ~'rQlgl1f

or "Q$

1 ,.I N. SU CTION AND DISCH ARGE OPENINGS. Cap ot 900 RPM at JO·lb. prc"ure .s 350 GPH

r 1JO GPH when ,-,sed In tro'tor power takeoff

ITEM BGP.SO 5 21.50 >.-I N . SUCTION AN D DISCHARGE OPENINGS . Cop at 9CO RPM at 30-lbs. pressure .s 500 GPH or '50 GPH when used In tractor power takeoff IT£M BG P.7S $ 24.75



WATER SYSTEM 1 Y2 " Suction and DO H.P. Engine S,OOO ISc harge . 2y' MODEL JW893 G. P. H. 2" S . $130.50 . tlcho" and Discharge 3 H P Engrne 7,000 G PH ' " $ 141 MODEL JW894 ' " Q . k P ' . .50

t '2"

riming: Will prime 25 ft

~ mlnu:~s~tlon

hose In less than

MeChanical Seal : Standard heov duty John Crane seal fa I ytrouble-free operation.



LIGH~WEIGHT: EaSIly comed In

_ Il.B.II.!CH Type 160 pressure

Use where

does not ex-

ceed 65 PSI. Pressure range 15-65 lb.. DIfferentIal adjustable 1525 Ibs. Pressure connectlon :

V4 "


piP e threod. RatIng 120 V. A.C. up to I h .p.




52 Ibs ' JOWne894 - n d55 JWB93 lb. . ., ENGINE : All new S"ggs & Strot-

!f~rt~'r~mlnum CAPACITY TABLE

engines With reWind

Type 157 Sum p Switch - Control starts

Total Dynamic Head ;n Feet


10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 100 JW893 5520 _ ~2BO 5040 . 4800 4500 4 I 40 3720 -3- I-B-0 -- - -.:.. 2580 1920 JW894 7020 6540 6120-s700 5280 4BOO 4260 3660 2940 2160




transfer, kerosene, thlnners, ads. etc . P u m p s




n o acratlon, foaming or

of od . Model CV-lOO IS 100 G. P M. at 540 has 3 " Inlet and manual fl ow control, ver-

go uge. Shpg

Wt. 157 Ibs


WATER SYSTEM SWITCH motor on liquid level rise, stops on li qUid level drop. Raled I 15

V. A.C. up to I h .p. motor. Complete w i I h cose and flools . ITEM P157 Switches less floats

.95 .75

Straightlift . .. far Motor or Engine.

Enclosed gears

with Alemlte lubrication . Machine



Long ,

sturdy angle Iron. Pllmon's. Geared 6-1 WIth od justoble stroke of 5 or 6 in . ITEM JW889 w i ll" pulley ITEM JWB88 Less pulley _ $ 26.60


Pump For fluid tronsfer



boost, etc


bon bearings . For direct dnve With

peeds up to 3450 R.P M . All ronze h OUSing and ur.peller V7" staInless steel shaft. 'tJ ' Inlet and outlet . Requires

H.P TEM JW26S6 eg. $3S.00 2


Large SIze, heavy duty pumps. Shaft mode of hIgh Qual,ty brass . 10 feet 7 ply hose complete with bra ss nozzle.

Excellent for Wh itewashing BUildings, Fences, etc . ITEM P69S

2 %" "A' FIRE Double Jocket 400 Ibs. t est e d Unused No. 1 011 bross mole ond female NotIonal Stondord I h reo d couplings. Cotton lined. SO ft . Lcngths $38.50 Brand New Rubber Hose 25 ft 3,4" d,o suction $9.50 112" xlV4 " dla.gas or suction

9V2ft x 2"

suction$~~~c~ Suc~~~50


(up to 50' lengths) $ 2.50 Ft.


TO.. . FULLY AU C.F .M. MPRESSOR RE 1 CO 3. R . AI . . LE SU PORTAB r fo r ev er y 15 0 LBS. PRES MATIC • .. d ru gg ed oi r co m pr es so. • lu br ic ot e

IR "

"H A V -A "T ' . YOU W AN T T- ;T rH E N YOU W A N

At lo st 0 ba tte ry op er ate d PI sto n typ e '10 :' se al ed corn_ pr es so r, ot 0 co st. POWer_ fu l . . corn ~t •. ea sy to tra ns Po rt! ~t oc h to an y . on A po rto bl e . to in flo te lo rg e tir es co , or tru ck10 0b att er y on c an d m et al od . . wo e t us ec ot fo rm ho ve up to st • • pr Ibs. at aor.. fIn ot th e lo we ui pm en t . rm at YOur ge . ho rn es s ai r va lu ab le eq rt'ps. For fo . . rk ~e • wo • ro d t oo in , an e ers th pa Qctors ete yo ur se lf tim ire ' d~~"trere su rf ac es wi ve qu on sa re r d o ao d wh an Iv na da e to out pr ic e in Co ha nd at all ot co nt rib utva lu e tIm es WeIthus fe atu re s th co g to t ns or ss vm ce th re ha on rt mp rm pa rfo ra ou tst an dI ng th e ba sIc pe ua l ta nk ty r aor co mp res so r. e so me ofS AI R- PA C' '' th e mo st an y ':r air tes ls In nu FIl Following or mi ES ilt bu NC e. 1n "PRI el va lv es , ha ft Po sit ive blows ou t ra dl ot or s, fli e; ma kI ng th eke t to da y! St aIn les s ste 85 0 R.PM . av y du ty fo rg ed cr an ks Imes, ete on th e m ar be mOUnted C. F.M . at ng He 1 .,~ . . 3 Fea s R." fIn re SO he an yw s Pi st on CO M PR ES fly wh ee l WIth co oli ai r sea ure ~ " 9 P . y t er an cle c30mpressor, k~ rO e st us h ho g . mc tIn es .281 ' .96 bo re" lub ric at ion J.4 H. P. W . Ball be ar Br an d ne w H.D. lIf etI me Ji 0 le d ba ns Be MOTOR - sta rt. C.S .A. Ap pr ov ed. 11 0/ 12 0 V s. ng be aro x electriC pr ot ec ted ec t I ca pa cit or to l ov er lo ad mo to r, dir J ~ Coupled In gs , th er maRP .M . or ss re . mp nk co I rh o s e el ta A.C., 17 25 e ~h k 0 blo ap pr ov ed ste tor n. se v't th gu ba wi go g w e ton ug un go tl' ps TA N K -I O" He av y du ty ste el mo 10 ' ba tte ry c~ bo es an d cl, ' 12 " x 2. nk . St ur dy ste ellO --se. at 80 ta rts C to sta BT d h M lde Itc we ITE sW S- -A uto ma tic{ISO Ibs. ma xi mu m)e .. 6 or 12 vo lt AC CE SS OR IE at 12 0 Ibs .ty va lv e, ch ec k va lv c (SPecify) tri Ibs., sto ps go fe ec sa El e, , se ug 0- 30 0 aor ati c tir es , 20 ' air e.ho "V " pu lle y . . COMPRESSOR rec ALONE . Se mi -p ne umpl ug . Sh ut -o ff va lv 0 Ibs. Ex ce lle nt s do t aor SUPply 14 ht er eig mg W d'v co rd an d tor re Ch uc k. fa In t SPraY an d be lt, -To tore tIl lIn g'2 e c. 1. 75 -. CFM @ 85 0 50 RPM. Re _ HP Y:z 1/ 6th :z om pl ete WI Quires: Elec. PT Cl 9 ' Gos lh- lV Pu lle y. ITEM





de r Tw in CY 'in 0 Co m pr el lo r 15 Ca pa Ci ty to M PSI, 62 CFM RP 85 0 mal<. YO /\, eF eo tu re s sta in : s -in aor less ste el 4" fl , buolt cle an er , .1s.0\ ., H VWheel . W it " fIn ng req COol, red to gh t i: ·lb s . uo rf"([..ate. W eI 5 ... PT C1 4 7. " '7 C bu t 93 850eR~M ab ov e( bo re ,2 " !t':;,Ir.~t tl. C ITEM PT $' 4. 75 ra t " Gr ea •• GU" A ir O pe · Ca pa cI ty 20 sh ot . e~~' sm gl e

In sta nt op es suon . DeYelops I es pr 80 tImm re shown c~ 0" co or tan ks . Su tlo n f i J~r:s~I Op er ate s On presSure os lu';,w, os 50 Ibs. Ha nd les all rocants IT I.5 0 (M No. 11 4 -. '--- ·- -- U


#leo, ry-A,,_ Ta nl c- K' 't" s SI l Ta nk , 24 " St aIn les Ai r ee l< 12 ". ug e (0 -3 00 Ibs.). Aor H Go WIth Tore r Ao . k Ch uc Ve an d all t ne ce ss ar y tlt Ings. W t. 24 Ibs. C s ITEM No PT IO - {o 2. 50 PICtUred) .. S~ y~coal $2


DESIGNED FOR HEAVY DUTY SERVICE! Compact unit featUring Single stage, duplex cylinder, clr-cooled 2)( 2 Air Compressor, Westlnghouse 1 H.P. Heavy Duty Capacltator Motor, 12" x 30" Govt . Approved Heavy Gouge Steel Tank.

For formers, con-

tractors, service stations requiring 0 constant supply of compressed air COMPRESSOR-TYPE-olr-cooled duplex cylinder Single stage type, cloc.k spring steel. Both valves In head , Each valve indiVIdually removable for Inspection. Bearing steel

backed babblted. ~ccomphshed

Lubricatian-splash type. Coolong

by blast ai' from



and V-Belt coS! Iron pulley. MOTOR-TYPE-Westlnghouse 1 H.P IIS : 230V SIngle phase, 60 cycle, Hea vy Duty, capacltator start, ball bearing ACCESSORIES-Pressure gouge, safety valve, check valve, automatic switch, 20' Olr hose, tlfe chuck, 10' rubber cord, air filter, shut of valve, drain cock, V belt.

ITEM PTC-8 UnIt complete

Answer your compressed 01( problems with the NEW PRIN CESS fully automatIc portable air compressor w·th Y2 H.P . Westlnghouse Electric Motor . Pressures up to 150 Ibs. Prc ~ CISlon built for years of trouble free service. Delivers 0 powerful supply of 011 free 01( for pumping tires, high pressure greasing, spray pOinting, cleaning eQuipment, spraying Insecticides, cattle spraYing, etc. Indispensible around the form workshop or garage . Being easily portable, unit can be reodllv taken to any job

CHECi< THESE FEATURES: COMPRESSOR 'SIngle cylinder 2 x 13/.0" pISton type WIth 8 " dIameter V pulley 2 .8 CFM dISplacement at 100 PSI. Capable of pressures up to ISO Ibs. RPM max. 850 . MOTOR '-Westlnghouse Y2 HP CapacItor start thermal protected ball bearing 110 volt AC CSA Approved . TANK'-Hea vy gouge steel, Govt . Approved . 12 x 24 inches 10 gal. capacIty . Heavy duty steel mounting base welded directly to tank . AUTOMATIC SWITCW-odluSlable up to ISO Ibs . Set to start at 80 Ibs. stop at 120 Ibs . (max 150 Ibs .). PRINCESS PORTABLE COMPRESSOR MODEL PTC1-complete With compressor tank, electric motor, 01' gouge, Qutomatic

Heavy Duty Industrial type available ..• features 1 V2 H.P. 110-220V single phase HO capacitar type Westinghouse motor ..• 9 CFM compressor, up to 1 SO PSI, 16" II 36" certified steel tank.

SWItch, safety valve, check valve, V pulley and belt, 20' hose. tire chuck, 2-10xl .75 semi pneumatic tires and acceSSIble carnage handles.






(Brand New ) 3.1 CFM at 850 R.P .M. Pressures up to 150 Ibs . EqUIpped WIth staInless steel valves, built-In Olr cleoner,

9" flywheel WIth cooling fIns, sealed crankcase, heavy dut y forged crankshaft, positive lubrication. Wt. 30 Ibs. 3/.0 H.P . reqUired to operate . $38.95 ITEM PTC15 port each end. Dim .: ~ 2 for $11 75 1" ITEM D2-Each $6:25 Steel Same as above but 6" x 45". IIo-i! ,. an\t ITEM Oh-Each . __ $9.95 PSI,


L, 6 " d,a

Holds 2% gollons--one fIllIng lasts hours!


to cleon, carry, hang

on ladder. Cooted to reSIst corrOslon. Cover quickly removed. 10foot air and paInt hose . Con be used WIth Internal M,x Spray Guns. $29.95 ITEM PT12

We supply 011 ports necessary (less motor) to buold 0 self contaIned air compressor, ot 0 big saving. • Air compressor 2.8 C.F.M. • Stainless Steel pressure tank (approximately 9 gals.) • 20' air hose (with tire chuck). • Air gauge O-lOO Ibs. (Y." pipe thread). • Safety Valve (adjust. 20-200 Ibs.) • One Way Check Valve • Copper tubing and necessary fittings (to complete Kit) . Wt. 50 lb •. ITEM PTC6

1 3


S! 2.8C FM AI R COMP RE SSOR Use In garage icrvlce $tatlon~, forms, and ran ches. t



ITEM CA13SA -Internol mix pressure feed type for applicatIon of practlca!Jy all types of pOint materlol, Pressure to 45 Ibs., Includes 1 qt olumlnum cup and 2 spray nozzles.



(2) PRODUCTION SPRAY GLJ+.I -External mIX, Syphon feed, dle-


body, stainless steel


clamp type cover, con t rols at back.

of gun,


hose connection 1f.... ' st.

p", flUid hose connect ion 3/8 I, st P

Recommended compressor


e 1-

1'12 H.P. Gun wIth 1 Qt. a lum lnum cup assembly. ITEM CA200 •

$29 75


tnflatlon, - -......UI"'-=-_......

all Iypes of pamtlng and spray-

Ing PISton type, valves In head, bronze bearings. splo~h lubrication "V" bell pulley Intake muffler and

(J) -External miX suction spray gun for use with fast drying mate'lols-lacQuers and enamels Pressure 2S-S0 Ibs. In c I u des I Qt. olummum cup and 2 spray noz z les.


r c


(8) REGULATOR & FILTER : Assures



and steady pressures for





Ibs Unaffec,.,d by ools and water Complete with gauge ITEM CA216 $ 11 .7 5 (9) '14" ELBOW-ITEM CA217 .2 4 V..' STREET ELBOW ITEM CA225 S .24 (10) 1,4" 4 - WAY CROSS ITEM CA218 $ .85 (11) '/4" "T" FITT IN G ITEM CA219 S .33 (12) QUICK CH A NGE COUPLE R Fast






'I.' mole tIP fIttIng. ITEM CA220 $ 2 .I 5 14) EXTRA COUPLER PLUG 1,4" male or female or 5, 16" hose.

ITEM CA222 for above snc'fv S .40 (13) V4" AIR CHUCK ITEM CA221 $ .60 (15) 1,4" CHECK VALVE ITEM CA223 '0 $ 1.50 (1 6 ) 1,4" NIPPlE-ITEM CA224 .12 (17) AIR HOSE-200 Ib Pressure

cleanre. 2.8 C.F.M. at 100 Ibo. continuous pressure, 150 Ibs. Intermlt .. tent, with



or V3 H.P

at lower

Shlpplnl'l weIght 18 Ibo



(5 ,"SLlP-ON"


comprc!''')ed OH and stondard chuck for cleaning Handle grip air contnJI

ITEM CA208 $1.60 6 "BLOW IT" NOZZLE-For preo~ure


ITEM CA20 a $ .40 (7) "STREAMLINED" BLOW GUNPush-button type


pipe thread


~ 1. 98



(3 ) STAINLESS STEEL TANK -Use on compressor, tire Inflators, floats, hydrauliC reservoirs. Tough and light. Tested to 4S0 Ibs. 2,100 cubIC. In. (approxImately 9 ga llons) Int vol 2 4" X 12", 'I.' threaded openIngs at each en d . WeIght 19 Ibs. Onglnal cost $40.00 ITEM G-I ~I6 . 95

1/4 "

mole and female fittings

ITEM CA201 -20 It length $3.99 ITEM CA202 30' length $ 5.85 ITEM CA203 40' length $ 7.9 5 ITEM CA204 SO' length ~ 9 . 75 (18) 0-300 LBS. AIR GAUGE-2'/.' face, 1/.' PIpe thread ITEM CA205 $ 2.95 (19) AUTOMATIC SWITCH Double pole, adlustable 20-200 Ibs, set at 80-120 Ibs. Wt 4 Ibs .• ITEM CA206 $10.95 As a bove, only for Gas Engine ITEM CA207 .. _ .•.......... ~ a . 95

(20 1,4" BRASS SHUT-OFF VALVE. ITEM CA210 S1.90 '21 1,4" BRASS DRAIN COCK . IT EM CA211 $ .35 '22 'I'" SAFETY VALVE Ad lustable 20-200 Ibs. ITE M CA2 12 $1.99 (23 BRASS CHECK VALVE - Nonleaking ' far air, water, 011, gas, etc.

ITEM CA213- 1 •• ITEM CA214-3s "

$5.50 fi6.25

0 •••••••••



8ane Ivory, Blossom Pink, Sky Blue, JonqUIl Yellow, Fa)) BeIge,

M int Green, Shadow Green, White, Tahiti T urqUOise Per Gallon ~4.50 Per Quart


Dutdl Fonnula .11 Ita.. conteh.. TITANIUM ..... fiII_ p I . - t ....110111•• TITANIUM .. -.oily ".n" ... In prlco peintl well .. ...... .. ...rI....ton. A eo..p .... _Iysk le printed ... ooell COIn •

1, 11.....

................. .,....

5 Gall_ Hou.. (Whit. Only



AII ........ A .........

Chrome f n Ih heal resist-

801ft hint SpecI.' R • d, Stone Grey Br ghf Red, Shutter Gree B ck

P.r Gallon 52.15 Per 5 Gallon Conlo ner 513.95


Ing Inter or ond ."I.rlot

5T.95 Volue-Go))on $4.15 52.25 Vo u.-Quort $1.50

MecII. .ry .... I ........... hln' Colors Red Green Y. Iow onc! Block 57.95 Value-Ga))on $4.'5 5225 Vo ue--Quart $1.50



'.In, $4" $1.51



PORTABLE GAS HEATE 5 cJurpped with s. u pl~r-chorger turb ine type b lower f11 HP QI,·cooled LQw~on gasoline engi ne ( Engine cor be rl"n'lc.... ed for electric mo t or It desired) Mcu"led on frame wi t h sled bottom retracta b le .. h~e's Complete with 1. 10 It I 20 It It flexib le cJi(1e'n!tlon~

'WIth metal


EQuivalen t

ou t pu t

011 burning furnace tor an 8 room hous('




TO OPERATE Complete unl' Ne. weigh. 200 1bE. Width 30 Inches Leng th 48 Inches Height 30 Inches Capacity (\f fuel t a n k 4 gollo n ~. Runs 2 1'2 hOll's. on onc QOIII n of gos Regular $767 .00


$146.50 5l.EO

Form Ce rtificate Requ ire d-Others Add 52500

EXCELUNT FOR • Grai... drying • H~ati"g buildings, Banls and poultry house, • P,e~ heGtin9 engines • Thawing fuel lines • Government surplus • Reconditioned like new • No ellhoust goses or f~mes


The BT 400 series heater Gasallne burning, portable, uncontaminated aIr

HE M LS Lf TE Model F-l - Heovy duty porta b le ground serv ice heater for sev ere winter


service. Rated at 250,000


per h our copaClt y, excel · lent for gener a l contractor and form use, heating buildings, cement, etc,


It has



put of 40,000400.000 BTU hr It has 0 variable dIScharge temperature of 150-280' F. adlustable ventilating air delivery of 48 5-970 CFM standard air, and It Will deliver Its heo t ed a ir a g a in st a static reslstence at the air disch arge p lenu m o f o ne Inch

water column (I " H20) Generates useful heat In the form of fresh warm a ir, and this air IS mostly transferred to ven t ila tion a i r wh ich con be ducted to areas wh ere It IS need ed .

A P.A.M. Feature




heater h ose , retractable wheel s and snow sled ba t · t om , Powered by a Lawson gas engine. Heaters are military overhau led , " fit for Issue ," Tested before

shipment. Weight 350 Ibs. Approx . Original cost : $1 .495 .00. Special Only 5286.00


4 Cylinder, 4 Cycle, Crank Start 19.5 H.P. at 1800 RPM.

21 H.P. at 2000 RPM. 25 H.P. at 2400 RPM. Complete with Crank, 6 gallon fuel tank, muffler, pre-cleaned, breather, mogneto, fuel pump, etc. • 3~ " Bore, 3~" Stroke, 107.7 cu . in. disp. • These engines hove l-h I 6" x5"aperating shafts. • • •

Engines have a Gear Type Pump for EFFICIE~T OPERATION, and a HIGH TE~SIO~ MAG· NETO far PERFECT and INSTA~T STARTING. All Engines are equipped with GOVER~ORS for safe engine speed (reduces operations cash), and a BALANCED CARBURETOR for proper mixture of gasoline and air.


A. C. PLUG -IN WELDERS Expressly de.lgned for maintenance and repair work, In Shop, Factory and Farm. Us. where AC power 11 readily available C.S.A. APPROVED • . • 1 YEAR CONTINUOUS WELDING GUARANTEE.

(A) 180 AMP ECONOMY A.C. WELDER EconomICal . . . Efficient. HIGH CAPACITY AT LOW PRICE. LIGHTWEIGHT-made pOSSIble by fan cooling whICh permits greater compactness, allows more output, and dissipates heat to extend the life of the welder . Long Life performance assured by the newest polyester type insulation. Just plug In on fused line and weld . Primary Output: 220-230 volts, 50-60 cycle. Single Phase. Primary amps 39. Output (secondary) : 180 amps, 25 arc volts, 80 open circuit volts. Ample to handle low hydrogen rods. Metal Thickness: Handles Yl" metal, ond heaVier work With multiple pass Accessories: Includes Instruction book. With plug-in chart, wall receptacle, helmet, sample pack welding rods. 6 ft. power supply cord With moulded plug, 10-ft. electrode cable ond holder, 10-ft. ground cable and clamp . Size: 21" H x 12" W x 10" O. Weight: 75 Ibs.



(B) DELUXE 180 AMP A.C. WELDER A limited Input type welder deSigned primarily for farm use.

Transformer and reactor constructed of quality Silicon steel, solid copper wlndlngs. High temperature insulation. No moving

parts. Convection cooling system uses no fan or blower.

Primary Input: 220-230 volts, 50-60 cycles, single phase. Primary amps, 42 . Output (Secondary): 180 amps, 25 arc volts, 80 open circuit volts. Ample to handle low hydrogen rods. Metal Thickness: Handles Yl" metal and heavier work with multiple pass. Accessories: Includes instruction book with plug-in charl, wall receptacle, helmet, sample pack welding rods, 6 - ft. power supply cord with moulded plug, 10-ft. electrode cable ond holder, 10-ft. ground cable and clamp. Size: 14" x 15" x 25Yl", Weight : 130 Ibs.



(C) PORTABLEr HEAVY-DUTY, DIAL TYPE 295 AMP A.C. WELDER EspeCially deSigned for the operator who reQuites more output b\.t needs the economy of limited input. Power Packed transformer features precIsion-wound copper coils over laminated SIlicon steel core for smooth operation, easy starting and ~table power. Transformer IS varnish sealed to keep out dirt, mOisture and fumes. Solid steel hmged block-type shunt cannot burn or wear out. Has newest type paly-ester insulation. Incorporate. 0 highly dependable, long life cooling fan whICh diSSipates heat to extend the life of welder. Permits greater compactness, allows more output. PreCise dial control : One easy turn of the dial gives any amperage setting reQuited . No points to bu(n or wear out. Three ranges: HIOh, Medium and Low. SPECIFICATIONS: Primary Input 220-230 volts, 50-60 cycle, Single phase. Primary amps 75. OUTPUT 295 omps. 30 arc volts, 80 max. open CirCUit volts. ACCESSORIES: Includes Instruction book, wall receptocle, helmet, welding rods, 10-ft power supply cord with moulded plug, 20-ft. electrode cable and holder, 15-ft. ground cable and clamp. SIZES: 30Yz" x 16" x 19". Wt. 210 Ibs. MODEL TCW 42 Farm Ce ... required (others add 10%)

ELDER Brand New • • • Weldl anything! Will weld any type metal from light gauge to heavy If~el. Completely equipped, nothing elle to buy. Smooth, quiet, arc ••• Iow calf operation' SPECIFICATIONS--9 weldln9, stages 15 to 250 amp. welding range. 32V O.C. operatmg current. i 1/16 to 3/1 6 '. 32"H x 17"Wx14"O 135 Ibs. with helmet, electrode holder double fleXible power cable, welding rod, Instruction book. NOTE-These Units to operate and cannot be converted to 110-220 operation FORNEY 32 VOLT D.C. ARC WELDER ___ Reg. $200.00 Value

ff" versatile and competitive in price an the market Princess welding equipment is the most e .c.ent, d ' "'d t ndards Budget terms are availtoday! Engineered, and manufactured ta meet ay :m~~' ca:r;ing ch~rge ... 12 months to pay! able on welder's listed . . . Low down pay men .. ,


ITEM 175 Complete as Illustrated.

'220 ENGJNE: Brand New 9 H .P. 1 cylinder, .. cycle, L. Head, A ir-Cooled Brigg5 & Stratton. 3 " bore, 3 V." stroke, Displacement 22 .97 cu . in ., Mechanica l Governor, Efficient Oil Bath Ait Clean-

er, Mognematlc Ign ition System, Cost

Iron Cylinder, Arma Steel Crankshaft, Powerful Flywheel Blower, Austenitic steel Exhaust Valve, Alum inum Alloy Main Bearings, 3300 R.P .M . 6 quart fuel tank. GENERATOR: 175 amp G.E. Generator, directly coupled to engine with Heavy Duty Flexible Coupling . Lifetime sealed boil bearings, 7" 5 bladed cooling fan, built In stabi lizer. Also provided : Heavy Duty external

reactor coil to make ore easy to strike,

hold and increase welding efficiency. Dial type amperage control, welding cable terminals. All steel channel base with 2 carrying handles and long lasting rubber shock mounts. WELDING ACCESSORY KIT FOR ABOV E -Welding helmet, 2-10' cable., electrade holder, ground clamp, 10 lb •. weldlt'l! rod., Instruction book.

NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME IN Super Value With Advanced Engineering brings you . . . Versatile, Fully P'o rtable Unit, powerful enough to handle ONWELD ING anywhere .. . TAKE YOUR WELDER TO THE RE PA IR NOT THE REPAIR TO TH E WELDER. Guaranteed to handle any welding rod from 1/ 16-5/ 32. Plus Saving Time and $$$ you have an easily detachable, BRAND NEW, 9 H.P. Briggs & Stratton Engine available at all -times for other equipment . . . Grain Loaders, Pumps etc . ITEM 175 COMPLETE AS ILLUSTRATED ·--.. ---.-____ •

$22 00 522.75' ~~~ ~:~b~e but less engine _. __.._________.__.......__ $110.00





~ i


1 -,' ~"f .'~~





Heavy Duty Model, welds up to 3;.. .. steel, cuts up to 4" thick seCtions. Your best best buy for the heaviest kind of general purpose welding and cutting. Features: (1) A~curate flame control-mode possible with spring-foaded needle valves . (2) Positive pressure operation gives better seating and gas regulation. (3) . Each regulator has 4 built-in seats for four times longer wear. (4) A tough stainless steel diaphragm-won't I)set" with use . Complete with: Weldma~ter welding and cutting torch with No. 2-4-6 welding tiPS and 1 L-2 cutting tip. Multi seat oxygen and acetylene regulotors, 12Y2 ft . hose, goggles, torch wrench, lighter, and 40 page Instruction manual.


ITEM B 2051 complete as illustrated _. __ ._. __ . .. ___ ..________


Complete range of welding tips available for lighter or heavier work.

Same os Rugged design and precision workmanship cutting requirements. Same features Aviator-Jet Welding & Cutting ITEM B 2050 . ___ ... _ ..... _ . _______ ._.. _. ___ ._. ____ .__.......___ ._ . Farm Use Certificate Required with order (Others add 10%-)----

400 AMP. D.C. ARC WELDERAlly Jolt With Confidence! When th e job is really tough you con rely on th is rugged pe rfo rmer! To ps in Powe r . . . Strength . •. Versat ilit y! Tackle any weldi ng job and d o it Bette r .• Qu icke r .• Eosl.r! NEW In DeSign thiS ExclUSIve PRINCES~ Industrial Type Welder offers those added featu res that are only found on higher proced Unit .;In t he market today. Buy With confidence at a traction of the cost. •

General Electnc ~OO amp. continuous duty generator life time sealed ball bea rings built in 7" 5 bladed coolIng f a n.

Cast Iron mounting base with 4 drilled foo t mlluntmg brackets.

Solid ca st iron f ron t housing with 2 SKF deep g rooved sealed ball bearings OrId 4 groove 3Y2" V pulley with 1 Vs" dri ve sha ft.

EquIpped with bUilt ,n st ab ilizer a nd a lso H ea vy Duty reactor coil to m a ke arc easy to slnk e and hold .





small carrying charge 12 mont hs to pay.


Complete Unit mounted on heavy steel base combines exclusive Pr 400 Industrial Type weld er With a rugged VE4 21 H .P Wisconsin engine co mpl gas tonk, air cleaner and preCISion mechonlcal governor to hold rngine speed con 0 Guaranteed to handle all welding rods from 1/16 - 5/16 . Also pplled are 2·15' cab heavy duty ground clamp, Electrode Holder, 10 Ibs. welding rcid, instruction book, flip type helmet With fibre chm rest and ratchet headgear

NOW-Take Th e Welde r To The Job . • . Not Th e Job To The We lder. Shipping we ight appro xi mate ly 625 lb •. P400 PORTABLE WELDER


Designed to meet the constantly ch anging and exacting demands of farm operations, and proven superior in thouSturdy preCIS! on construction, is your assurance of e fficient low cost operation Easy to operate and ma kes strong dense welds even in the hands of beginners. Smoothly handles anything up to 2" plate, uSing up to 1'4/f rods. • 300 Amp General ElectriC Generator with large Life Time sealed bearings, cooling fan and built in stabilizer. • Dial type Amperage Control far Correct CLirrent settings on eqch job. • Speed range-3500 to 41 00 R.P.M. • Shipping Weight-110 Ibs. Dim.; 26" L)(8V2'·' Wx12 1/2·'H. • Sturdy Pdlow Btock bearing drive, with 3' trople " V" pulley • CAN SUPPLY WITH 3" 0.0 . 4 '/2" FACE FLAT PULLEY FOR TRACTOR USE. WH EN ORD ERING , SpECIFY PULLE Y REQUI RED • Tractor Dnve idea) for any engine 12 H .P. or more. • Accessan es -2-10' cabl es, wi th H.D. Electrode Holder, and ground clam p, weldin g he l",et, book, mounting instructi on s, 10 Ibs. of assorted weld Ing rods.

sands of applicatIons throughout Canada.


Budg t



A complete porto ble self-powered unit, m unted on


heavy steel

base ~

Consists of


Princess "352 11 Welders ddven

by 0 rugged 21 H.P W liComln gas engine. Engine is. 4-cyllndec. 4-cycle air cooled. EqUipped with precision mechanICal governor, to hold engln speed can~tant, rega rd less of load. 6 ga llon fuel tank, 011 both air cleaner, muffler, etc. Complete With some eeessories as mode l "3!>2" Shipping weight approx imately 550 Ibs. PRINCESS " P300 " PORTABLE





The Princess "252 is not a new or u ntri ed desig n . Its u nexce lled re putation for quality and performance at low cost has been developed 0 ~, Q period of 10 years. Desig "cd to handle any t hing from light gouge sheet met QI~ to H 11t plate, th is preciSion eft9ineered welder con be moun te d permanen t ly or ea sily transported for portable use. The lower operoting pce.d of this un it makes it ideal for use wi t h all tractors. •

• •

General Elcctn 00 Amp, continuous duty generator. OverSize, I'ght weight, life time sealed ball bearings. Duol fan cooling system Heo $1 cc!l mounting base, With predrilled mounting type amperage control for correct current setting on each job. Speed range-2000 to 2500 R.P.M. 101

• • •

Pillow Block bearing dnve With 4 V2 " 0.0 " 4 V211 Face flat pulley. Con supply With 4Y2" O.D. 2-groove V pulley. SpeCify when ordering. Any 10 HP. or marc engine will handle . Sh,ppmg weight 105 Ibs. Dim. 26"LxSY2"Wx 11 " H Accessories 2-10' cobles wlht ground clamp and electrode holder, welding helmet, operating instructions, welding Instructions, 10 Ibs . assorted rods.


Budget Terms Avallable-$2S .00 down, sm all carrying charge, 12 months to pay .




WELDING PERFOR M A N CE has been given primary emphasis in this new deSign . Features.



Heintz 300 amp . continuous duty generator With lifetime sealed ball bearings

Speed range .3500-

4100 RPM . Arc Stability is achieved With budt-in reactor coil enabling the use of welding rods from 1 / 16" - ~" .

Diol type amperage control assures

accurate heat for every Job .

Sturdy front housing

has 2 SKF deep -grooved sealed ball bearings and 3 groove 3 "

4' PORT ABLE - EASY TO OPERATE - ECONOMICAL BUILT TO LAST Consider the following advantages of owning a NORCO "300 DELUXE " Arc Welder •• • SAVES TROUBLE •• . SAVES LABOUR • • • SAVES WASTE • • • SAVES TIME • • • SAVES MONEY! The LOW INITIAL COST makes i t profitable for you to own this welder for gene ral repair work on the farm, ranch , garage or anywhere utility welding is required.

0 .0 .

V pulley

Assembled on heavy

steel base metal hOUSing to provide twin channel cooling p a rts .






15 H .P. or more reqUired to operate. Com -

plete with 2-10 ' cables, electrode



clamp, welding helmet, 10 lb . assorted rods, welding man ual and operating in structions . Dim.: 26 " x

10" wide x


11" high .

W eight 120 Ibs .



(1) FAMOUS P-l GENERATOR-The most popular Aircraft

Generator used f or weldong purposes! Low speed - 2500 R.P.M ., 200 amp. con t inuous 2 50 amp. intermittent lifetime sealed-bearings. 24-40 V. No reWindi ng needed . W/Wiring diagram and built- in fan. ITEM P-l-$300 .00 value ... __._ $34.50 ITEM P-llF-less cooling fan ___ _. ___ ... $31.50 (2) HEAVY DUTY CABLE-200 amp . ITEM WAl __ Ft . .25 HEAVY DUTY CABLE-400 amp . ITEM WAl _ _. Ft. . 50 (3) 300 AMP. ELECTRODE HOLDER. ITEM WA3-$10.00 value ._. . . $6.95 $4.95 250 AMP ELECTRODE HOLDER-ITEM WA 10 _.. (4) 4Y," DIAM . DOUBLE "V" PULLEY - 3A" bore, 3/1 6" k.ey, cast Iron ITEM WA4 ____ _ _ ____ _ ._ __ $5.75 (5) 3" DIAM. TRIPLE "V" PULLEY- 3A" bore, 3/1 6" key, _. ___________ ._ $6 .50 cast iron . ITEM WAS (6) 4Vi' DIAM. FLAT PULLEY - 3A" bore, 4 112" face. ITEM WA6 _ .. _ ____ ._. __ .• $5.75 (7) SPECIAL FIBRE WELDING HELMET. ITEM WA7 $4.55 (B) H.D. FLIP-TYPE HELMET- Fi bre ch in rest and ra t chet head gear permits operator t o observe work without raising entire helmet. ITEM WAI __ • ___• __ $9 .50 (9) WORK CLAMP-A must f ar welding, leaves hands f ree for welding . ITEM WA9 _ _$4.95 (10) H.D. GROUND CLAMP SPECIAL - 300 amp. Ja w opens 2 112" -4" thr oa t Built-In scrat ch b lade, a ssures positive connection . WI. 2 Ibs. ITEM NH902 $4.74 (11) H.E). 300 AMP. GROUND CLAMP- ITEM WA10 53.00 '(12) 200 AMP . COPPER CLIP-ITEM WAI2 _ _ $1 .65

(13) 0-300 D.C. AMMETER -Brand new; 3 114" dial, with shunt. Without shunt. can 0-15 milliameter Reg. $27.00. ITEM B2045 (14) RHEOSTAT FOR P-l GENERA TOR-Controls power up to 250 Amps_ ITEM WAll _ $7.75 IS) H.D. RHEOSTAT FOR P- l , R-l GENERATOR -Controls up to 400 Amps. ITEM WA14 $ 8.7S EXTRA H.D. RHEOSTAT FOR P- l , S- I , R-l GE N ERATORSControls up to 400 Amps. ITEM WA15 _ $1 1.95 (16) SOLID COUPLI NG - One side splined for P-I, R-I ~e-erotors.

Other-l/:C" round end, 3/16" Key.

ITEM WA16 $ 2.95 (17) CABLE CONNECTORS-For extension cables, reversing Welder polarity. ITEM WA 17 __ $2.45 ea. (181 H.D. FLEXIBLE COUPLING-For P-I. R-I. So2 Generators. One side splined--other end 3,!," With 3/16" Keyway or 1" with 1f4" Keywoy, ITEM NH22-Speclfy size required _ _ $6.85 (19) TWIN CARBON ARC TORCH -(A.c. or D.C. welder.) for braZing heating, bending, etc. Handles ccrbon UP to 112". 200 Amp. cap. Carbon angle, adJustment for flame pottern control, thumb button adjustment for sWltchlr>g on and oft. or controlling flame size W1th one hand. 2-6' cables, With lugs Wt 4 Ibs. ITEM NH901 $20 .89 (20) 15" WIRE BRUSH -For cleaning Flux. ITEM WAil .59 '21. HARD STEEL DRIVE SHAFT- 3'4 diam. With Keyway. _ $1.45 ITEM WA19 (22) WELDING GLOVE-Long weaflng leather ITEM NH2000 .. Pr. $1 .95

SpecIally desIgned for use 'WIth olrcratt generators having standard 16 tooth spllned shalt .• . Models PI. RI , P2. R2. 01. NEA5 and many others. Extra I 0 r g e boil bearings. bUIlt-in steel I e m 0 I e spllne, 11;8" shaft, ~~" keyway. pre - drilled generator and b 0 5 e mountong holes. ITEM NHGD5 $ 3 2 . 5 0

RPAD FOR PROFITI MODERN WELDING PRACTICf A.D. Althouse & C. H. Turnquist'. Eve ry ph 0 s e and type of welding IncludIng Pipe Line WeldIng. A practIcal text for excellent ref-

erence. 520 poges, 375 illustratIons. ITEM TB-l0·WP


ve r

WELDING GENERATORS 400 AMP. DnCO D.C. GENERATOR H .D. 400 amp. generator. Features 400 amps. from 20 to 45 volts, 3 5 0 0 to 4 0 0 0 R.P.M . Rotation,

counter clock.wise.


ITEM 50l .... __ 5 5 5 . 0 0 ITEM SolA Some generator with cooling fan .... __ • •


559 50

[23 9" CHIPPING HAMMER - With wooden handle. Wt 14 oz ITEM 8 2001 . Eoch $2 .91 (24) 1,4" DRIVE SHAFT BEARIN GS - Selfcentering. ITEM WA20 $4.50 1" DR IVE SHAFT BEA RINGS - Self-centering. ITEM WA21 _ _ _ •. __ . .. ._ . $7 .50 (25) BEARING 8LOCK M OUNTS - Cost alumi· num. ITEM W A22 .. $ 1.25 (26) WELDING ELECTRODES-General purpose. mIld steel, A.C. or D.C., either Polarity, any position. 3/16, 5/32, YB. 3/32. No. E-6013 rods. Up to 50 lb •••. 30 per lb. 50 to 99 lb ••• .25 per lb. 100 lb •. or m ore - .22 per lb. KEEN ARC·KEEN"CUT CARBONS-For brazing. weldmg, and cuttlnO. 12" D.C. Ploln Heovy Cop6" A.C. Heovy per Cooted Copper Cooted

JACK & HEINTZ 300 AMP GENERATOR Type R· I Generator 'Nhen connected 05 a welder, this unit should operate between 3750 and 4100 RPM and will deliver 300 amps. for a sustaineQ period; 400 aDlpS. intermittent . Excellent for building on inexpensive high output portable welder. 15 h .p . or more required . Rated 300 amps, 30 volts. 15Y2" L x 6" W X 8 3;''' H. Acq . cost $380 .00 Wt. 58 lb • . ITEM N91 • _____


prevents current surges. Insulated solid copper wire wound around soft iron core, Comes With wIring Instructions. 200 A. $17.50 300 A. $11.50 400 A. $ 19.50 WELDING LENSES-Shade 10, 2" x 4'/.', optically ground OM poloshed. ITEM WA21 . ......... $ 1.10 .et


A s above with Cooling Fan.

3/16" .12 eo.

.18 eo. 3/16" . ..... 24 eo. .14 eo.. .. ..20 eo. ';." ........ 26 eo. 8" .1' eo. .29 eo. 5/16 n .... 30 eo. Y2" .26 eo. .35 eo. %" .34 eo. (27) REACTOR COIL - Acts os Arc Stabilizer.

For maximum

output 20 H.P. required. Overall length 17" . Diameter 7". Weight approximately 80 Ibs.


N91A ..

_ ..$ 4 1 . 5 0

J & H 400 AMP. DC GENERATOR Slow speed, H EAVY DUT Y, 400 amp. Features: 400 amps., from 20 to 45 vol t s, 2 500 t o 3000 R.P.M . Rotation counter clock.WIse. For maxImum output 20 H .P. or more reqUired 11" fron t m ountinp. flange . 15Y2" L, 7Y," d io . Wt. 80 lb.. ITEM S4 .._____ __ • ~_

$55 00

IC LIGHTS ETC. • . • A complete .ntegroled heo.y duly el~cl"c power plont d''lVen by New 9 H.P S"ggs & Strolton ENGINE: 9 H.P •• ngle cylander ~ cycle e"ggs & StrOlton Cost Iron equipped wIth 6 QI. fuel tonk, mecha'"ca


r ~ljoo~r',.~~nlu,oJ

2S'00 volt 60 cvcle A.C. 5""Igle phose, 1800 RPM, self 8xclted, seol"d boil bearings Unit mo.!nted on heo.y steel bose . WeIght approx 300lbs ITEM aDJO •

$275 00

but With monu 01

tort and d

I .. ree ptoc


(F.,/II Certificate Requi"d)

HEAVY DUTY 12 12 K.V .A. 120V, 60 cv. ot 1200 RPM, Si ngle and three phose , for 2 or 3 wife CirCUitS . For portable or stand-

by use for homes, form s, hatche"es, etc . Monufnc'd by Hobart

Boll -beorlng, ge ne rat o;, fan cooled . Standard 11... " shaft WIth Keyway for d i rect or Dulley d rive. Budt -In Sell- ExCiter, f oot mounted Dim . 21 "x 13" W t 290 lb •. ITEM G3 $189.00

Rheostat for above ge"erotor, tor voltoge conlrol. ITEM C.


Circuit Breaker for above. ITEM CS $12.95




IDEAL FOR STANDBY INSTALLATIONS FOR HOMES, FARMS, AND INDUSTRY . Abundant power when you need It deSigned for con-

4 pole, 14 Volt 26 A mp., compound wound Genera tor dlfectly coupled to 1 H.P., 4 cycle, 1 cylInder, olr-cooled Engine 2 1/4 H bore, 2';''' stroke 1800-1900 R. P.M Push-button start. Mounted on rub b e r shock obsorblng bushings. Rcg. $ 350.00.

RATED : 12'12 KVA 10 KW 120 1 2~0 volts A .C. 60 cycle . 104 152 omps , 08 power foetor . 1800 RPM, single phose for 2-3 wife systems . Seoled ball beorlngs, fan coo led, foot mounted. 134" shaft. DIm .. 30x20x 20 25 or morp H P. requlfed to drive .

ITEM OP 12 ( NO Farm Certificate required )

ITEM G125 (Farm CertIfICate Required )


duty or emergency use



W Ih

manual start and duple




BRAND NEW 32 VOLT D.e. POWER PLANTS Perfect for forms, boots, fhhermen, loggers, and summer camps.

Dependable . . . portable . . . compact •.. unmatched for e fficiency and convenience! Economical AC . power for standby or any use where electric power is not available . "A SIZE FOR EVER NEED." EASY BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE . . . write for details .

AVAILABLE IN TWO MODELS I 3 HP Broggs & SNalton engine, directly coupled to 750 Wait ~OV 207 amp generator , 2700 R P.M e g F"Ie nos od ustcble governor to control chorglng rOle push butt n starl and sl~p Size 18K13~15 In

~~8~~ ~~;~s


III Some os lIIustrotion (A) 2 Scme os abo e but with 1500 Watt, 40V, 41.7 a"'p g('nerator. 4''2 H P Broggs & Stralton engine. M ted on rugged steel base, with rubber shock. mo IS Size 22xl7xl7 In We ght 140 Ibs MODEL 3215


(2l Same as lIIu.tration (B)


STAND·BY POWER 1000 watts output, continUOUS

d u t Y,

I 15 volts, A .C. , 60 cycles,

8 .7


Powered by 3 HP Bnggs & Strotton engine

Engine and generot or oper ·

ote at 3600 R P.M . for m a ximum effiCiency . Mounted PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST POWER FAILURE with thiS economical Direct PTO Drive unit Abundant power to operate freezers , furnaces, water pumps, power sows, drills, ete Indispensable to any Farm Operation or 'J;i, 0 whole unit where no power IS ova dab le Features : Direct Tract or drive stepped up through 0 gcar box from 525 RPM to operating speed of generator of 3600 RPM Gear Box~HD construction with preCISion

gears, shaft and sealed ball bearings. control box, tractor PTO

Complete with

voltmeter and drlveshaft connection

Rating Watts Starling Volt. Cycle Pha.e 12000--Tracto-r- -, "I~5:;' /2~3;-;0'------'::~6;0:':'--':"":'1 IffM NH 1004farm certificate with order


on stee l channel base, With metal belt guard . Gener~ ator IS self-regulatlr·~. and eqUipped With outlet box containing fuse and 2 A.C receptacles Dim .: Length

20V2 ", Width 12", Height 16". Weight 95 Ibs.


ITEM NH197 Farm Use Certificate Required . Others Add 10%.

BRAND NEW 1100 WAn 11 60 CYCL I.M.P., __lI!IIlW.rt1 Generator eqUipped With V-belt pulley, double outlet

W ire


receptacle, fuse receptacle. Rotation IS counter ~c l o ck~ Wise. ReqUires 21/2 H .P mln Length 10", Width 6 ",

Height 8", Wt 29 Ibs . ITEM NH196 Farm Cert. Required . Others add 10%.

3,000-4,000 W. LIGHTING PLANT IN GOOD CONDITION Thl. I. the ru".d plont oc.lolm.d the wo,ld 0 . . ' by ou, ........d forc.. . . • f,om humid jun,I.. to the fo, north they hay. fo .... d it', outstandln, perfor",ance, rugged co,,· Itructlon, sl",pllcit, of op.ratlon _"d "ume,oul (""" •• ,Int fMturn al• .". ",axinu,," output and economical operot'Oft unde, oil condltl ..... GENERATOR-Hobort 3.000 to

~ ,OOO

W., 115 V, A.C., 60

cvcle, fOIl cooled, precIsion ball bearings, single or 3 phose power, revolving field type



cyl., w/ cooled, 1I H.P., 1200 RPM .

Push-button start or stoP. mechanical governor I battery

chorglng generator, oil-both tank, pressure lubrication .


CONTROL 'ANEL Voltmeter, Ammeter, Frequency meter, CirCUit breaker, Bot1ery chargmg ammeter, Oilpressure gauge, Start and Stop sw.tch, Rheostat for voltage control. S.ze 19" x 30" x 4S", steel sk.ds, weather-proof housing, wt. 725 Ibs .


ITEM 113-ln new condition _____ (with Form Certlflcote)

~~-=--....cQ UALlTY

A powerful plont ot low cost! . . . ideol for Forms, Contractors, Lumber camps etc . Easy push - button system---<:an be started 6 V. battery. GENER"'TOR-H.D Hobart 5,000-6,000 W., 110 V., 60 cycle, s.ngle phose , f.eld I¥pe . Automat.c voltage regulator maintains constant voltage regardless

of load. ENGINE-Hercules, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, 14 H.P., w/cooled, ISOO RPM. governor, impulse-type magneto, Oil-both air cleaner, muffler, oil filter , electriC start .

Voltmeter, Ammeter,


meter, Circuit breaker, field Rheostat, Voltage regulator,

Duplex receptacle, 011 pressure gauge, Reg . $1995.00 value. ITEM PE-197 (Less Bat'ry) Wt. S50 Ibs. (with Form Certlflcote)


gouge .

10,000 w. Gov't power Like New cond i ti~: Weatherproof hO ' d k HeaVY s· .ng . 10000 watts, ~2~i2"0 v 0 It., 3~ cycles, 1 phase, Jeep w/cooled Wire , _.-CYeln·ng~~~' With gO1 .... et~nOnr, Instrument



• regu a


10 •

outomatlc vo'tO?~eter, hour mete~~oker, oH pres5\Jr~

~.rt:~, ~~!q~~~~r.,;~~~~iec~~~:;e~Wt~\e:~5~01~~. °t':.t auge , wate ze 6S"" 39" x 2S .

~eature.. S. Govt . $2,150 . ITEM HT10


hcel/ent for Lights, Rodl etc., or use to chor 0., botte,le. (0' 2-6 V !I. 12. V. Bnggs & St t . In series) ra ton I cyl., 4 cycle , olr-cooled Engine w th accesSones. 300 W • ator 15 V 20 . generbutt~n sto;t E amps., push~ . qUIpped I~~trol box. S.ze 15"x 16"x ,~ 100 Ibs . Mounted on ITEM NH7I_ Brand tub lar frame . Reg $295 (for new. m cert. not ,equlred)

1 5.00.


5,000 - 6,OOO'W, 110 V A.C., LIGHTI G P


00 W. Light Plant 2V. Battery Charger

cfeaner, muffler, gas

SURPLUS LIGHT PL NTS (NO F... RM CERTIFIC ... TE REQUIRED) (I) Bron" N.w A.C. - D.C. Lighting Plont - Wot., '"mp-Dual purpose A.e.-D.C, 1200 W nov A.C SOO cycle, 2SY2V D.C., 60 amps Woter Pump-self promary 500/600 GPH ITEM DP111 _ • ... $179.00 Some pump 30V D.C., 50 amp. Generator ITEM DPII9 ___ $14'.00 (2) 9.4 KW Kato Gasoline. 120/20SV AC., 60 cycle, 1800 RPM, 4 cyl w/cooled Jeep en9ine. 6V PB ltart, tot'ly enclosed. Reconditioned $995 (3) 15KW Kato., 120/208-240/.16V, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 1200 RPM, 4 cyl. Hercules Diesel EngIne'1 Pre-heater. EXCELLENT CONDITION $1595.00 (4) 75KVA-60KW, 120/240-205 , .. 16V A.C., 60 cycle, 6 cyl. w/cooled GM Diesel, Delca Gen. control ponel. 24V push-button .tart Totally enclos@d housing,

RECONDITIONED $5000.00 (5) 25KVA-20KW Kato., 120!20SV AC 60 cycle, ISoo RPM, 3 pnase. 4 cyl. w/cooled Nordberg DIesel. Totally cover'd mounted on 4 .. heel trailer. RECONDITIONED $1150.00 (6) 15KW HILL Diesel, 120/208/ 416V AC 60 cycle, 1200 RPM . • cyl. w/cooled, 24V PB start. Totally enclosed. RECONDITIONED $2250.00 (7) SPECI ... LI 12 Volt, 450W, 30 amp. bottery Charging UnIt. LlKI NEW __ $99.00 (8) 5 KVA, 120V, 60 cycle, s.ngle phase, '200 RM . Delca WIth w/cooled gas RECONDITIONED $495.00 (9) 3.5 KW, Generator only. 240V 14.6 amp., I pha.e, 60 cycle, ISoo RPM, eQu.pped with separate e~citer and W pulley. LIKE NEW $149.00 (10) 2KW Koehler Gasoline driven. 115V AC 60 ~~~~NSDI¥:~~~se_ 18~ RPM Manual .t'$725.00 (11) 3000W IIOV D.C. Model AEHS . Manual start,

direct dnvt!. Wisco"sln Engine.

BR ... ND NEW .$295.00 (12) '450 WATT. Dual Voltage, 115V A.C., 400 cycle, 28V2V D.C 400 Watts. ONAN 2 cyl. 4 cycle air-cooled, rope .tart, 2700 RPM. Camplete with controls. Wt. 195 lb •. $195.00 BRAND NEW _ (13) 1400 WATT AC.-D.C. 1l0V A.C 400 cycle 28V D.C Air-cooled I cyl. 2 cycle, manual .tart. BR ... ND NEW $165.00





Compoct Powerful . . . Torque equivalent to 2 H.P. For making hoists, wlMches, elevators, electric personnel ca h , wagon unloaders etc . Runs on 6 or 12 V. battery. (Runs on A.C. through transformer) . Fully reversIble, boil bearings, Heat-treated precisIon gears, 28 : 1 gear ratio, 2~0 RPM output speed on 6 V., 360 RPM on 12 V., 1-1 / 16" shaft dia., 2" long . Size: 15"x6" , wt. 30 Ibs $175.00 Value. ITEM NH574 .._. __,,____ $22. 00

BATTERY CHA RGER KIT Save 20% . . . make this easyto-bUild, powerful 12 V. Battery charging plant for Car, Truck, or Tractor batteries (also charges 26 V. batteries hooked in series). Kit contaIns: 12V. 75 amp. H.D. generator with pull e y, voltage regulator, cutout, 50-50 Ammeter

c:1d wiring instructions. Generator

operates at 2500 RPM-counterclockwise rotation. ITEM NH61 2 ___ ,,__, " ... $26.50 12 VOLT VOLTAGE REGULATOR - Brand new, Aircraft quality-for light ing plants, Battery charging plants or any 12 V. generator requiring 0 Regulator. An excellent unit to maintain constant volta ge regardless of speed. Size 8"xS"xS". ITEM NHI2R __ . __ '--. ________ $7.25 (1)

(2) 12 V. 75 AMP. GENERATOR Brand new, heavy duty, mode by G.E. A really handy generator delivering 0 low amperage a t less speed . C/clockwise rota tio~, at 2500 RPM . Wt. 28 Ibs. ITEM 606 ______ . ______ ._._ $19.50 (3) 50 AMP. BENDIX GENERATORBrand new, 30 volt Aircraft type. 2600 RPM, air-cooled - excelle nt

Power for Penn ' RT/NG MOTOR motor operat les . . . this H' h fea tures 200 TS on 6 or I 2 '~ torque On 6 V . I - reduction p . olt a nd BUILD YOU~OO Ibs.; 12 ' V u"3ng Power ers, Winch OWN Wo 0 ' - 000 Ibs.

Waiters etc es,

,D oor



40 RPM (J 2' JaSlly reversible 's Dumb no IQad S· . no load) 20 R' peed_ Condlt/ " Ize 15")(7'" !,M (6 V. I TEM N~'16 . In "ke New .-""-- "-.--,,----.-. $23.50

(6) A.C. VOLTAGE REGULATOR-For A.C. Generating plants with sep-

arate exciters and fiel d current to

1.4 amps Con be used on 110/ 120 V. A.C. generators Size : 9"x6 Y2" X 5". Ma nual control swi tch, polarity reverse switch, V 0 I tag e control Rheostat, externa l resistor. ITEM B2063 _ __ .. ___ ____ __________ .$39.50 (7) lOO AMP. AIRCRAFT QUALITY CUTOUT - Bra nd new, Heavy duty for 6-12-24 - 3 2,V. systems. Size: 3 3,4" x 3'1.,')( 2%". When ordering SPECIFY VOLTAGE required. ITEM B2044 ___ ... ____________ .. __$4.95

tTE~g~~fla~~'_~~~~~_~:=~__ .$23 .50

(8) BRAND HEW RHEOSTATS--300 WATT, 80 ohms, 4.5-.9 amps. Com plete with knob. ITEM B2048 __ .. __. ___ ._. ___ $12.9 5

AI RCRAFT QUAL ITY AMMETERS 50-50-$2.95 20-20-$1.95 0-5-.85 (5) 12 VOLT AIRCRAFT QUALITY CUTOUT - 50 amp. 12 volt cutout ITEM NH2021-$15.00 value $3.75

150 WATT - 32 ohms. Manufactu red by Ohm ite . Complete with knob. ITEM B2049 ____.. _____ . ___ $9.95


AC & DC PANEL MET ERS - Modern Design, sturdy construction. Guaranteed within 5% accuracy. For lighting plants, battery chargers, testing equipment, etc. AMM ETERS 0-30 AC Amps $7.95 0-50 AC Amps. $8.25 VOLTMETERS 0-150 AC. Volts $6.9 5 0-300 AC Volts $9.38 0-50 DC Volts $5.25 0 -15 DC Volts $5.2S AIRCRAFT SWITCH BOX - 4 toggle switches With 12 connecting wire terminals. Dim.: 4'12"x2 3,4")(I ". ITEM NH99 .__ .. ___ ... $2.05 NAVY QUALIT Y TRANSFORMER-New Surplus, step-down transformer. 110 to 10 At Volts . Dimensions: 3")(3")(2'12" Wt. 4 Ibs. ITEM NH98 _______ ~---...-.----------------$2.95 T ter-Simply push At LIne Volta~e r~d line Voltage--in the plug ~n liance and note then plug. In Ff~d Voltage drop, neW reading .. or other malinadequate W l' ng C functions . 0-150 \fait A. $8 .95 ITEM NH30 - - - - - - - . -

WIRE AND CABLE «1) Weat he r-proof Wire for O"h1de Wlrlnl-Polyethylene plastoc covered. •olod copper conductcr. t rea ted f"r severe weather conditions. Prlc.. fo, 250 ft. 11011. , IIaule .. _._ $19.95 • ....... $13.95 ' 0 IQule .......... $ 9.95 12 ....... .......... $ 1.20 2 WI,., ' 2 Gau"e Automotive Wire - for horns lOO ft. $1.00 lights, etc. ITEM NH95-.09 ft.


NEW 12 VOLT SOLENOID. New 12 Volt. _ T o P Quality so lenoid-suitable fo r ca rs" trucks, light plants, etc. ITEM SOL-12 .... __________ ... ___ __ __ ._:-____ ____ .$2.50 0 STOP RADIO & TV INTERFERENCE! single line filter consisti ng of 2 c on- ~ 9 _~ densers, choke coi l in olum inum con- taoner. Wt. I lb. USE OF 2 UNITS RECOMM ENDED--Easy to install . ITEM NHIO _ ........ ____ .. __ ._ ...__ .. _$2.75 2 for $5.00


TERMINAL TOOL-Designed to crimp terminals on wire . ~. ~ Sta king indentcrs a nd nests ore precision cut f rom ha rde ned steel. Takes Wi res No. 8, 6, 4, 2. Mode by Thomas and Betts. Wt. 5 Ibs. ITEM WT -lIS __ ._____ .. ____ .. ________ .. ._____________ ._.______ ._. $7.75

Z Wire, I Gou.. Eat....lon C_ble - ~vy duty rubber cov.. red ITEM NH96--20 ft. roll __ Special! 20 Gouse Copper Wire - 200 ft., plaatlc covered , SUItable for inter-camm aystems, model trams etc. ITEM HH97-2DO ft. ______$1 ••• (2) EXTENSION CAlLE - ~ubber covered for troubl_ lights, electric motors •. powe r tools etc. 16 loule, 2 wire .07 n. 14 pu. ., 2 wire .11 ft. 16 loule, 3 wire .10 ft. 14 I_U", 3 wire ,19 ft. (3) HEAVY DUTY IXTINSION CAlLE-Heavy, rubber Insulated, rated up to 600 Volts. 12 GaUI., .. wir.. _____.. , .. ____._. __ .__ .n ft_


(4) COAXIAL CAlLE SHlATHIN8 ldeol for sheathIng cable used in conjunction with TV, radIO, Tra nsmItters, Ant..nna Installations 1.0.3/1 6", 0 .0 .-%". ITEM NH9Z __ ,,_ 25 ft.._ 99c


For Day-In, Doy-out Production Work Guaranteed For 1 Yea,

.. ,,..,140 ••1,

W...ln ....u.. l'froctl. ..,1 hone,o"., ",ot... .,. d•• I,n.,,, in.lollotlon, .",ooth ope,.tlnl ch... idlel .nd low•• Eoch type Is built to CEMA electrical ...,,010,011 and Is aclo,lobl. 10 • wld., ...,Iety et a"lIcatiolll III the a"Ii.llce, "o...... op .,,01 ..... 11 tool AeWI. M.P. Volts R.P.M. Prlc. 11I1o""ittellt Duty 1/. 110 Slee... e I 725 511.25 fi3 110 Slee • ., 1725 19.00 n.75 Va 110 Sleeve 1725




Sta.. hI..""IttOllt Duty Y2 110 Ball 1725 'la 110 Slee.... 1725 (Dlbe Shft) ·CIO-6 3.4 110/220 Ball 1725 · CI0-7 ~ 110/220 Ball 3450 --C:10-8 ~.4 110/ 220 Boil 3450 · C~0-9 1 110/220 Ball 3450 c-ttnuu•• Duty S1evee 1725 - 10 ~. 110 Sleeve 1725 -11 110 Manual OYer oad Protect. an

-Cib-4 ·CI0-5



Duty 110 Sleeve 11 0 / 220 Sleeve 11 0/220 Sleeve 110220 Ball

1725 1725 1725 1725

Ifwrt T"'", laelOHd Cont. Duty Y2 11 0/220 SIee.... 1'25


1 H.P. -



3 5

19.00 21.75 11.00 4'.50


n .oo



~J'i:H""" "'''''' 20"




(2) ...." MW. 11 . . . . V:!" bore, clockwise ratat on ' . h p requ red At 1725 R.P.M. ratod 4500 C.F M

ITIM HNUst ITIM MM2012 (01 above, 16 ')



17.25 47.50

Ball eaU




71.00 1725 3450 '9.SO C...eltor Slort Coat. Duty 114.n 110220 Ball 1735 110/220 Ball 1735 1".00 215.00 110220 Ball 1725 157.00 220 Boil 1800 WUTINCIHOUH (1) MOTOa CONTROL SWITCM wttIo for motor. roted 1,4 - 1 hp 110 or 220 volls Protect.on agaonst 0 ut, o....loadlng motor beyond copec ty. Manual rosot HOn: Wholl .,.,1101220 110/220

FULLY AUTOMATIC "SET IT"/ ••• Forg.t It/ You Sa ... e ... hen you buy th. Package cleal . . of "PAM-AIRE Vent Fan, 20" Autamat.c Weatherproof t.e-rod shutter piu. Form Bu.ld,ng Temperolur C ntrol ITEM NH1001

14.75 U.25

24.50 27.00 1C!~clhlr




1. BRAND NEW V4 H.P. - 32 Volt D.C. Eleclric molar 3000 R P .M., reverSible Mfg by Electroc Vacuum Cleaner Co . DimenSions - 8" long. 4 1/2" Wide, 4 V2" high ITEM NH2052 $14 .50

3. MOTOR AND BLOWER ASSEMB LY Brand new. Motor d"ectly coupled to blower Use for heaters. defroslers. fans, etc. Motor rated at 12 Volts. S.ngle wire system. W.II work on I 10 Volts stepdown transformer Blower easoly detachable We'lIht 3 Ibs _ ITEM JP54 - Complete $3.75 2. 12 VOLT

' 3 H.P.



Quality, continuous duty Sealed boil bearings. Excellent for use With portable grOin loaders, washing machines,

water pumps, tools, etc Ion cooled, Yl" shaft We.ght 18 Ibs ITEM NH6

Shunt wound type. 1800 R.P.M . Complete mountong base $22.45

5. BRAND NEW THOMPSON FUEL BOOSTE R PUMP low pressure 2,006 PH at 8 PSI 24 to 40 Volt Draw. 5 .2 amp. ITEM NH2053 $11 .95


OPERATING CAPACITY IN HP a.p.M. " P. a P.M. H.'. 1200 18 3000 40 1800 25 3600 46 H.P. Ih_ .c....1 ... c.paclty .., ulll...... 01 ......

pow., ..

4530 C.F.M. FANS Economy Minded Users Recognize These Important Advantages 8RAND NEW TOTALLY ENCLOSED 110 VOLT A.C. MOTOR • Improns A"imol Health and reduces the spread of communicable dis• Increa,es Production; dairy herds give more milk, poultry more egid' ard beef cotJIe go,n weight foster • Stops Buildi", Deterio,atlon V stopp 1110 mo sture condensation whIch causes rust and rotting . • Improves Wo,ki"~ Condition.. _ Save. lob or-no need to adjust windows; I·tter stays dr Feotures:- Totally enclosed continuous dun' 110V A.C. 725 RPM CSA Approved mQtor reslhent mounting. 20 '-3 bloded ton roted 4530 C F.M Heavy welded 22 ':<22" square steel frame with p,e-dr lied holes EASY TO INST ALL ... Simply cut aut opening and bolt In place InstructIon! Supplied uPam_Air.' Fans ore built to deliver eases

superIOr performance over long periods of time •• , removes hot, stuffy Indoor quickly and

a., . . .

qu etly Coots ent,re house I DEAL FOR Garages, Restaurarots, Taverns, Stores and Form Buddings.


ITEM No. NH1000



ng fon operation exhaust OIT stream causes sh .tter to remain open Grovlty closes shutter when fon ceases operation.






S,ngle-pole, double throw


Designed for either con-

trolling Qutomatic ventilation or heating in livestock

borns poultry houses, and other form buildings. 30F 10 120· F. temp. range. Close differential of 2. tt) 3 F assures even temp. ITEM HH1002 $16.95

best quality


its field!

Re placeable bushing type. -

Cast-iron .

B belts . HOTE : State 0 .0 ., No. grooves and bore wh en ordering. 0 .0 . V 0 .0 . vv VVV--VVVV """"3."5·-;c",---:;$:-.:" 3-:. 4-5.:-I1---=3;..:.9;5;.,·7"" · -$~7;"'.'7 "'cI$""~II ~OO 4 .2 " 3.55 4 .55" 8 .00 9 .S5 11 .60 5.2" 4 .15 4 .95" 8.35 10.00 12.30 5 .9 " 4.50 5.55 " 9.00 10.75 13.50 6 .7" 5.00 5.95 " 9 .50 11.40 14.50 7 .7" 5.50 6 .55" 10.55 12.50 16.05 8.7" 6 .S0 6 .95 " 11.20 13.30 17.15 9 .7" 7.25 7.75" 11.85 14.85 19.00 11 .2 " 8.00 8 .95" 13.20 16.80 20.90 12 .7" 9 .00 9 .75" 13.95 17.80 22. 10 13.7" 10.00 12.75" 17.45 22 .20 27.15 15.7" 11.50 13 .95" 18.55 23 .95 28.60 18.7" 16.00 15.75" 20.90 27.15 32.55 16 .35 " 24.20 31.90 38.50 18.75 " 24.85 32.55 39 .45

FRACTION . 32 VO LT Yl H. P. ELECTRIC MOTOR - Wit h 500 lb. oistlng copaclty . 5/8 " shaft. Motor IS reversible with low mperoge SUitable for ga rage hOist , d oor opener, electnc rill. ete T here a re many m o re pract ical u ses for this ompact well-built m otor.

TEM NH2054


AIRCRAFT QUA LITY EL ECTR IC MOTOR Brand 6-12-24 Volt D.e. Co n a lso be used on 110 Volt With


trans f orm er.



amps . ot

Volts. Ideal tor Borbeq ue Sp it s, etc. Con also be to many Hobby uses Be lt and chain dri ve . TEM NH12 _ ..__ ...... __ .. ____ ..... __ $3 .75 GEAR HEAD ELECTRIC MOTOR 12 Volt, 1/ 20 P., 200 R.P.M. reverSib le . Bud t by Dunmore . Con be sed os a drill, opening d oors or a ny applicati on where dependable gear hea d m ot or IS requ ired . Si ze : 30/8 "

Easy-t a -insto ll

easy- to- remove. Slnlge V pu lleys su it a b le f or A or


NOTE : IMPORTANT - Whe n orderi n g F.H.P. V Belts state A or B Sec a nd Give Outs ide Circumference of belt reqUired . When ordering Industr ial Be lts state A or B Section and give Inside Circumference of belt requ i red . Outsi de

Circum .


25" 28 " 30" 34" 38" 42" 46" 50" 54 " 60" 62" 64 " 66" 68" 70"

F.H.P. V Belts A-Sec B-Sec $ .87 $1.06 .91 1.14 .94 1.19 1.00 1.30 1.07 1.40 1.16 1.58 1.24 1.72 1,20 1.85 1.35 1.96 1.45 2 .06 1.48 2. 10 1.51 2 . 15 1.54 2.20 1.58 2.25 1.61 2.l0

lometer Weigh t 3 Y2 Ibs . Brand New Surplus. TEM N H20S5 ........ __.. _._... . ...s 14.S0


Circum. Ins. 3 5" 38" 42" 46" 48" 5 1" 53 " 55" 57". 60" 6 2" 64" 66" 68 " 71 "

I"dustrial V Belts B-Se.: A-SeC $1.60 $1.20 1.78 1.28 1.92 1.36 1.44 2 .10 2.16 1.48 2 .25 1.52 2.28 1.56 2.33 1.60 2 .36 1.64 2.41 1.68 2 .49 1.72 2.53 1.77 2.61 1.80 2.70 1.84 2.77 1.93


Write fa, sizes not listed.

"IUFPALO" ENDUSS • •TS. FLEXIBLE COUPLING ITEM HH47 Each $ .95 For pumps and motors reQu r ng d ire c: t drive. Ava loble 'h', %'. 3~" bore Die cost With rubber d se for fleXibility. pec Iy S zc.

ADJUST· ABLE V PULLEY ITEM HH46 Each $1.60 2" to 314" takes A or B belts. Accurate speed adjustment, simply rotate ~':! of pulley on threaded hub. Y2", 34" or %" hore speCify lize.

32 oz. Cotton Duck , rubber impreghoted . Guarantees I I slip-proof" ounce of power.

30 ft . 50 ft. 40 ft . 50 ft . 75 ft . 100 ft .-

6 6 7 7 6 6

inch inch inch inch inch inch


4 4 4 4 4 5

ply ply ply plv ply ply



Item OWl DW2 OWl DW4 DW5 DW6



Price _._._._$32.00 .... _ .. $52.00 __ ._ ... $49.95 .__ . _.. $ 59 .95 ...... -$74.95 .-...... $99 .95

Write fo, la,ge, sizes

Universal type, oil cooled fin cooling For cor or truck. Or/g . EquIp. Mfg . Delco Remy Model 1111251. Re •• $24.50. SPECIAL ---$7.25

Alloy stee,l t heat treated, cadmIum plated . ITEM RH29-Smoll ____..$1.15 ITEM RH29L-Lorge . ____ .-----$2.25

Easily installed, elastIcized for snug fIt. Choice of four colors: Red, Green Blue, Chorcool. Fits most mode l cars. front .... t only. ITEM MM·fSC2 011 standard 4 door models ____ .._ _ $6.9' ITEM HM·FSC4 011 standard 2 door models ______ $6.91 Specify 2 or 4 door model.

For faster starting . smoother Idling . . • more mIles per golIon . . cleaner spark plugs. EaSIly Installed In all dostrobutor cops. No tools required--just slIp out coil wore, place Spark King in di,tributor cop, replace wire . . . that's 011 there is to it Endorsed by Automotive Engineers .

ITEM HM.SK _. ___ ._.______ $2.25 lA

- Reusable, non-tOXIC, nonstaining . Effective to 8 ft . for 011, gas, grease ,

-Nickel plated . . . closed spa u t for pouring liquids. Selftopping for 011 sealed qt. or gal . cons. ITlM HJ.DCS _$1.09


j,.~, ~:16G~t-

In ",ilh Modern. d~d g lubu lar ne'" IIbb die-Ga,I Lucil e l8!"pi~ chrome pari', III city 6 or polea . Spe 12 Voll.


lWlth bracket, _. $1.1.5 LARM Has "clear-cut" stwlll whistle .. never needs inspection. Protects area up to 300 sq. It. Whistle sounds at 135 0 F. and contInues for 5 minutes. ITEM HM·TFA(with bracket' _ $3.65

--Complete WIth dash socket, 12 ft . rubber covered wore, bulb protecting locking cover, and convenient stand . Locking cover forms very effective reflector when open.

Compares to $3.00 value anywhere! ITEM HMTL (Less Bulb,! only .79 ( ... ,b•• lO ea./


IT$499 eO. l1 t~r $9.191 ITtM ~MS\.8

FLE elM - Seals deadly exhaust fumes , "'mphfies Installation, prevents rusted JOInts etc. In poly. tube . ITEM MM-5SMCTube .9' - Avoid costly towIng and servIce charges. Inflates tire in seconds, easy-

lB) $4.1' pr.

Con be used for carburetor ignition,


_~_ _...- ..........~--- manIfold heater control or anywhere 0 remote control is needed. ITEM RH27 - - - - - - - - .n

SaVe on these great original equipment plugs remanufactured by di n g plug Gl",,·an,t~,.d for 10,000 the price of less than 0 few standard plugs. State year, model, and make when

~~e~i~~ '~e.~ ~_J-'~~_$2.98

ITEM MM·SA _... 1 .15 --flashes to _65 0 F. Starts DIesel , Gos Engines at extremely low temperature.. Just crank En-

~T~R-¥ni~t;p~?l in~~~~


Glazed element. Resistant to Acids and Alkalies. Easy Installation .





Wider view.


.____ ... _____ $1.59




eeps dangerous exhaust fumes out

dow clear for sofe vision. Heavy duty WIth chrome flnosh. FIts 011 makes and models. ITEM HM SWAf ..... _. __.. $5.95 pr.

E -FIts 011 models _ 011 years. Elominates floodIng , stIcking automatIC chokes, stalling etc. EaSIer foster starting onytlme.

of rear window and keeps reor win-

14 ounce ___ •• 0 ITEM RHI428 ounce _._$1.35


--Clips on a~ presen small morrors. Mode In gunmetal with glare-free gloss. Extra large for


trucks, tractors. ITEM MM·CH _ _$1.59


-Hooded oruminum shell In hommertone finish, trimmed with chrome edge . Length 12". ClIps on

r~V:t~~~~:M RAD Brand new, straight type ~"O.D. 3 ft. length. Reg. $3 .57 value. ITEM MMRH __________ .19

~~t~~fl~r ~""~~je~\ri

L..- =: : = =-J

FI T V 0 -Molded of Acryl ic plastIC . . . .tops Sun and Snow glare • . . f,ts 011 cars and trucks . Clips on Sun-Visor " Dawn-Blue" fIlter removes 87% of ray• . S,ze 16" x 4 3,4" ITEM HM·FV __ _.._$2 .95

Eo s Y to Install , se I f - adherln(j, easy-ta-clean .

It. m




14" tire 15 " tire 16" tire

Set of 4

RNli RN19


CHROME THE OM(lER Easily and qUICkly attaches to the moulding or dashboard and adlusts to any angle . SIZe > 2 I;' '' diameter .- .. ... .:::..rt£.tII Sparkling chrome finish $1.9 5 ITEM RN26



0;0. tin



NT Attaches securely to f ront fender flange With 0 pair o f rust- proof clamps Easily Installed In lust 0 few minutes $ 3.65 ITEM RN IS-White $ 3.05 ITEM RNl6_B lack

f u ll door to door For 011 cars prote cti on, 64 " Wide . Styled Wit h te x tured surface, rema ins f ir ml y In place . Colors-Red, Grey, Blue, White , Green, Yellow, To n , Block . ITEM RN10 $ 5.30 ea .

5 m art

Write Prl"c... Auto for all your requirements . -

n -Custom ize you r present hub cops and give your cor that continenta l look . Ch rome finIShed . ITEM RN47 $1.75




Fi t s a ll

cors With rain gutters, sturdy 56 " Wide, on e-piece construction . Posiliv e lacking steel , cushioned pods snap on or off In a jiffy . 84 " web srraps. Fully ad lustable . $12 .70 I TEM RN25 - A dlustab le t o

32". 1v." cllmped rigid channe l,

hea vy grey straps, II Pocket-com" screws, 8 suction cups. ITEM NM·42CC

Reduces " wind-roar" and noise to o gen tl e wh isper . Eosy-to- insta ll snaps on f ront door lip by special patented clip. Chrome finish . ITEM RN20 $1.26 pai r

$5 .65



Simple insta llation . Equ I pped With grovlty mer-

C H . O~(

cury SWitch . Complete With wire SpeCify 6 or 12V ITEM NM- A TL $2 .20


U" lversa l model deSi gned , 6 x 9 o;wltch , with wire ITEM NM 6x9 Some os abov e ITEM NM 5x 7



Sparkling, clear, unbreakab le Ten Ite In bubble shope No ch ange In headlight beam pa ttern . ITEM RN23 (2 headlight ca rs) $1.70 ITEM RN24 (4 headlight cars) $3 .25

to fit all can - Smartly po wer f u l speaker , 3 -way and hardwa re ... ... _._. ____ '' ,,_ $6. 19 on ly With Sx7 Speaker . $5.49

lA) UNIVERSAL ANTENNA-High quality --engineered steel-for high fidelity reception-positive insulated against defective sound inception . Triple·chrome plated. ITEM NM-HDS7-Heavy duty 57" $3.00 ITEM NM-LS7-Standard 57" $2.65 'B) REPLACEMENT STAFF - EaSily mounted. Slip replacement • to f f (C)SIDE COWL MOUNT ANTENNA aver ollglnal base stub and tighten -Extends to 57 inches. ITEM NM-RSA _ $2.25 ITEM NM-SMCA ____ $'.4, (D) TWIN DECK KIT-2 rear·mount, swivel-ball, 3 section

antennos. Extends to 27 1f , With 22 ft. "Iow .. loss" cable asITEM NM MOT



with mo p-on cllp.



sembly and 6 fastening chp •. ITEM NM-TRDK $7.05 ( E) "SHARK" REAR DECK KIT-Universql for 011 cars. Contains 2 smartly deSIgned antennas, cabta, horness and 011 'nstollallon hardware. Antp.nnas extend from 13Yl" - 27". ITEM NM "SHARK" RDK $10."


Low prices .hown her. for complete motor assembly ,eady~to-run, i"clud~ene,ato" Itarter, fon belt, dIstributor, voltage regulator, fuel pump, installation kit, oil bath clean." spork plugs, water pump, corburetor,

throw-out b.or-


1 lnc.reaH power c'It,d

Lower rno,n'enol"lCe cut down t l ~

Torque Heavy Duty 13" Clutc.h . Heo'I'Y Duty 12 volt

Nothu"G m Of. to buy 8. Brond ne'lllf eno1nn at

Electrical System (6 yolt optlonol-f'lO extra COtoH . ..


(1937-47 Model. only)

60 H.P.

Ideal for u.. on




cor 1 or trucks. Motors 0 r e pre/VI and tnted in ......., Wecon~

These m 0 tor s ho ve been removed from army Jeeps, completely overhauled, 0 I I


worn p a r t s re-

any of do

-"le year .-far but _

ploced, new rings Insta lled etc., and o re guaranteed


r.iIlabIe m a torI

same o s





motor. The y include 011 electrical equipment (on engine) c I u t c h h 0 u sin g (less clutch). Complete os IlIustrated--o proven power plant fo r Jeeps, snow plows, boots, welders etc.



~ lIIIIIIia"''''''OI'



gine warront,.

to run

GOOD USED ENGINES =~~ tbr Installation in


9 uncond itional new en-

EnQlne o$Hmb1ed com· plc1e With "u'ollotlon kt' oM occeuOrlfl R~dy


In9 olumbly , H. D. all flit .., U" clutch 01umbly. THESE ENGINES ARE GUARANTEED NEW G.M. FACTORY PRODUCTION.


with 01 . . rwocIy

. . .1 .... tran.... iosion -··-- $105.00 . . .2 with tronlmiuion .. -.-. $125.00 IrIM .. A with trans. & rad. -_.- $140.00 mM .. 11 .... transmission -. . . 11 with tronlmiSlion

. . U with trans. & rod. __ _




Item MU3"A MU30 MU30·2 MU30·A MU.2857 MU.2861 MU'2857

1938·53 195' . 1955·57 6 cVI. 1955·57 8 cvi. (O,aph .) 1958·59 6 CVI. _ .•. 1958·59 8 CVI . 2 BBl corb. 1960 6 cvl DODG£ , .... 19'0·55 1956-59 FORD '011.

19'6·,8 10" plot.

lm:~~ ry.~.' pr~f;·

bW.;~9& '~~tWUCKS

1938.53 '~ ton 195~-59 12 ton 1938·53 ·3 tan 1955·59 V8 DODGE & 'ARGO TRUCKS 1938 .... 9 ton & 1 ton 3 speed _ 1950·56 2~ ton . --_.. -.:;;t~~ V;~~! ~:' 311:~~~ot:. - __- _ 1957-58 • ond 5 speed FORD & MERC. TRUCKS


Ensure smooth, silent clutch action with these perfectly matched and balanced assemblies. Writ. fa, mod.11 not IIlt.d.

$220.00 ! 260.00


$120.00 --- $150.00 $IU.OO

::jt~: t!:~ t~~n


~" ..

1955·59 '·5 ton HO 12·'

___... _ _ _



Exchange 13.10 17. ]0 17.91 11.70 17.91 21 .70 17.95

19.90 20.60 21 .]0 20.60 24.]5 _ 20.60

MU926 MUI383

17.91 17.95

20.'0 .. 20.60

MU5222 MU859. MU" MU69

17.65 11.40 22.95 24.20

MU3"A MU30-1 MU3'2A MU31A

13.10 11.70 11.70 22.'0

14.15 21.J0 _ 21.]0 25.25

MU920-7 MU982·1 MU996 MU"OO MUI'33

21.10 22 .75 24.15 22.75 25.45

2].70 25.40 27.55 25.40 21.00

MU5222 MUI"O MU7710F

17.40 20.45 42.20

20.25 12.05 S2.70


20.25 20.25 25. S5 26.10

Chev. New converSion VB Engine assembly

complete w,th 011 accessories. Will replace 011 6 cylinder Harvester Truck Engines 1950-1960 up to eng,ne model 30S-<l1I truck models ,ncluSlve ~ries L, R, S, A, B, 160-184.


Ford 1957-59-AII 600 se"es


PR ICE ....

1955 -57- AII 1600 and 1700


G.M.C. 1955-57- AII 9600 and 9700


Chev. 1955- 59-AII No . 6 ser ies G.M.C. 1955-59-AII 9600 and 9S00 seri es

ITEM D.E. 30 EXCHANGE PRICE Engine ossembl

ITEM D.E. 20 ONLY EXCHANGE PRICE ... .... .. .. .



Ford 1945-51-F215-FS Mercury I 94S-5 1- M2 15-MS Ford 1950-53-M5-M6-M7 Ford I 954 -56-A II 600 & 700 se"es Mercury 1954-5 9- AII 750 & SOO

less running acces-

sOries. ITEM D.E. 40 EXCHANGE PRICE ............ ..

WHEN ORDERING ANY ENGINE IN THIS CATALOG PLEASE ADVISE : I-Moke, Model, 5e,"01 No , Yeor of Vehicle, 2-VoItQgc. 6 or 12 Volt 3-No of speeds In transmisslo n . 4-Mokc and mod e l of tran s mis s ion S-Stondord or Tran'j,ml ~S IO" 6-Whcthcr air equipped .


DODGE & FARGO TRUC KS Dodge 1954-57 H Fqrgo 1954-57 K Dodge 1957-59 500 Forgo 1957-59 700

NEW BUICK ENGINES Fit YI Models 1953 through 1956. Dynaflow o r Standard tra nsmission, e n g i n e s

complete pa n



NEw 195 H.P. Y • MARINE ENGINE Complete Ma"ne engine with ma nifo ld and 1: I


ratio gear box.


dlstdbutor, fuel pump, starter, clutch pressure plate and clutch hous,ng, water pump. Camplete,y


rebuilt With new rings, pistons, pins, and bearings.

Many ore standard throughout, with some under Sizes. This '5 0 m,htary unit to fit Dodge and Plymouth cars, Y2 to 2 ton trucks, 1941-50 and will also .. "lace any 6 cylinder engine up to 1956 using your own occeSliories . .



CLUTCH RELEASE BEARINGS CH&YROLET 1938-56, 6 cyl, Pa ss. & Truck NI 066 4 .4' ~~5~ES c. NI43O, 3.14 1941-56 ~1054 1941-55, Truck, Vl-2 ton. NI OS7 F('-RD. Pass. 1932-4S Nl0b 7 1949-56 NIISI FORD TRUCK 1942-56, All %-3 ton. NI087

heads, p u mp ,



by army Includes corburetor#





Complete Dodge


cranksha ft pulley, bal-

l .75 l .52

l .n

ITEM ME 80 Less gear box

$910.00 (NO EXCHANGE



w. Mo ke V,.r Chev , Pont ., Pon 19-'1-5-' Dodge. Plvmouth 19-45-,,8 Pass. 1949-54 Ford . Poss

1941-48 1949-54

Fr1)nt Wh.el Inner 909002 $ S.16 14125.0. 2.01 14276 1.41 15123 2.41 1.]6 15245 15118 2.S6 I 5250X 1.44 15123 2.41 1.]6 15245


mek • c....,Ie.. 11•• for .1 .... ~. ........ S.... YH'. M....."d M.... F,ontWhHI Out.r 90900 I $2.75 09014 2 ." 09 194 1.01 09067 2.00 09 195 1.01 09074 2.01 09 196 1.01 090 6 7 2.00 09 19 5 1.01

R,.,Wheel C I 500 SS.20 2 5877 2." 25 821 1.14 2 5877 2." 2 5821 1.14 A I ...... ] .14 881 0 7.o.R 6.01

TRANSMISSION front Re., hten,loft $4.12 $J.14 ' ]:]2 4.16 4.41 4.16 4.10

4.41 4.10



2 .'0 When orderlnll T",ns. bearing. s~c lfy number on old bearlnll.



BRAND-NEW Pist ons inst oll. d. BRAND-NEW Pist on Rlnlls. BRAND-NEW fitte d Pist on Pins . Pre ssed ·'n b,on Ee Rod Bus hlnl l.

'ndu de.. _irh lIoc k EL ..... . mbl) ' Cu. ,... M.... MOD e Glid Power C..... 'afr t-St ote .f 0.1 p & p. 10-1 2 216 C'6 ·50 0,1 p & p 216 10-1 2 C51 235 0" p & p. C53 -5. Force Feed 011 p_ & P 10-1 2 235 C5S -S7 235 ks p. & p. Truc 001 -Ton CT52 2Y2 -. _. to mati C or HI-DrIve So,o --St ate .f Auto Chr y"., 25. 2-5.-Oo . C60. C62 Hea d & Pon CD5 ... !-OrlYC ~r-Sr ",m out h-S tate t~o~ Com plet e 218 Com plet e Pass 228 DPSS k. Do.... ...·3d '.'1 . Truc Com plet e 236 Up '02 Ton ets- -sto DTS I-S' te ., Auto or Std wl,h adju stab le tapD 001 Pum p & Hds 239 Ford -Me teor_A ll 8BA6-FAB . . ' . k cron " .. or FP. 9.S. G." C. Truc kt--S tore 2.8 0.1 p. & p 3·23 /32 GM 39·S 2 tote If dom~ Pisto n ".t." '.,io nol T",c k a-.S GRD 233 Com plet e IH'O -4' '."h oc-C o"a dion 239 Com plet e PO. 9·52 20·2 2·25 ·26

Y.. , on ..

. P,'c Not

Iloc k


147.00 147.00 152.25 152. 25 147. 00

15.0 0 25.0 0 25.0 0 10.0 0 lS.OO

10.0 0 10.0 0 10.0 0 10.0 0 10.0 0

De • •


210. 10 50.0 0 10.0 0 110. 60 25.0 0 10.0 0 110. 60 10.0 0 10.0 0 110. 60 25.0 0 10.0 0 19'. lS 40.0 0 10.0 0 204 .75 40.0 0 10.0 0 2]6. 25 50.0 0 10.0 0 216. 15 40.0 0 10.0 0

ts Ideo l for Power unl th

men t test run In Gov ern Car b., gen era tor star ter, S

p (INeSO ld elec triC 'fue l pum tem . Shops. Comp,pleJ ,;don7fo Iu I c'h) , 24 Volt sys Pum terhOU c Wo on • SIng bell ED . EXCHANGE REQUIR 55 ITEM IP1 ;~I~~'u~~~ T BLOCK :;~~Et.hBoLf 170 CU . IN. REBUIL and 248 cu. 270 ev., ~·Ch 'G~~ 5g4s bloc k, PF~ttsol~4 .':~ ED. EXCHANGE REQUIR 56 ITEM IP1 Inc lud e., fit abo ve) S ( et~~r for mod el 270 or• 248 S't aHtEe ADh REBUILT CYL W sha ft rock er UIRED. NO EXCHANGE REQ ITEM IP1 57



.0 0

$6 9




36 x 12 x 118" thick 1.45 sheet

'113 -

36 x 12 x 3132 thick 1.11 sheet

'114 -

36 x 12 x 1/16 thick .74 sheet


Specially treated to wlthitond oil, heat and Intense ~ressure .

<ets. P214 -

Replaces cork


P.rfect fItting, orlgln.1 .qulpm.nt qu.llty 1I..... ta 01 compreulble ccr~ or finelt melal· con.tTUction. limited IlttlnQ" only ore ,}.own, but we con luppl, for moet


and trucks--at btq Sav1nq..


IMPORTANT: When orderml/, be lure 10 Qtve make, model, Mrla1 cnd .nl/ln. number of vehicle.. alao number of cyHnden.


b~&~~\:~~~~ Ct~~P-

I MOTOR GASKETS #Valve Mont· 011 Va1v. Make, Year and Model Se! lor Comel ~~~r Grt:lnl/ ~:~d IS~~ Pan Cover _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M ~0~t~o-r.-p-g-6-24_~5~e~I-~----I-------------Chev .. 1940·5 I . . I. 3.80 7.34 3.30 1.45 .45 .60 .55 1951 ·52 ..... . . i' 3 . 80 6.53 3.20 1.45 .65 .60.50 1953· 54 .. .. .. .. 3.60 8 .00 3.40 1. 55 .65 .60.50 y l_ln_d_e_r_._._. _ ..+ _3.:.....:6_0-l..-:8.:...2.:..3:..-j1--3_._4_0_II_l._5_5___ _ _ _1_95 _5_._5_9._6_-_c.:.. .6_5____._95_ .50

36 x 18 x 1/64" thick .55 sheet

DodgeIiPlymoulh. 1939.50. 6·cyl. 1951·59. 6·cyllnder .

1.30 1.30

5.50 5 .50

3.10 3.20

P215 -

36 x 18 x 1/32 thick .99 sheet

2.90 2. 90 9.60

6.36 6.36 9 .56

3 .35 4 .40 5.80

P216 -

36 x '8 x 1/16" thick - 1.86 sheet

Ford Ii Meleor. 1949·54 .. .... 1952·54, CUllomline . . . 1955. V8 .. ......





A fine



011 automOtive gaskets. 2 oz. Bottle with swab .29<

1.55 1.55

-----~---i_--+---+--- I--

1956-58, V8

.... ...

·1.25 1.35ea .8Sea

.45 .45

.65 .65




.40 1.20.60 .85 1.20 .eo . 60Inl. .55 .35

.8Sea 1 :~~Et.~:

: 55


1957.58.6.cyl. ... ...... 7. 78 4.65 1.05 l :~~Exh . : 55 .65 1958. V8, 332·352 Engine . 9.20 9.56 6 .15 .98 1.75 .80 --------------------------+------4------~------I ----- ------ ' --Mercury Ii Monarch. 1949·53. .. 6.90 9 .78 4 .40 ·1 .3Sea .85 1.20.60 1954 .... ........ 6.50 9.56 5. 50 .sSec .90 .55 .35 1955 . ............ 7.35 10.58 5.80 .SSea.60 1nl. .. 1.25Exh. .55 .35 1956-57. 312 EnQtne ..... I 7.55 10. 67 5.40 .SSea .60Inl. . . ~ 1.25Exh . .55 .35 ----·-----------------~-----+ ----+-----I·---------

PonUClc. 194 1·52, Models 20 Ii 22' 1 3.80 1953·54, Model. 20 Ii 22 .. 2.14 1955·57. Models 20 6< 22 . 3.80

I 99 ..5555 7.02

2.90 2.90 3.20

1.35 1.35 1.60

.60 .60 .50

.60 .70 .55 .70 .95.50

5. 29 4.94

3 .75 3 .60

\ 1.45 1.45

.75 . 75

.60 .70

- - - - - - - - - - - - I--=-=-+-::--::-:c-t---I- - - - DURABLE, CORK .. ROCKER COVER GASKETS


Mok•• Year, Model 13uICk 1953-60 Chevrolet 1940-60 6 Cyl. 1955-578 Cyl. I ord & Meteor 1955-57, V8 1958, V8, 292 1956-59, 6 Cyl.



Price ea. .85 .65 1.15

1.60 1.60 .65

5ludeboker. 1939-54. Champion . 1955·60, 6·cyllnder . ...

2.30 2.30 Sets Include allgaskeluxcepl Oil Pan. ·Slale rlghl or lefl hand side. Oth.r G •• keta not 'ncluded In Above Ch.rt : Chevrolel 1940·59_ 6·eyl., Tlming Cover Ga.kel. Each .. 1940·59. Axle Housing Gaskel. Each . . . . . .. ... ..... . . ... . . Dodge 6< Plymoulh. 1939·59. 6-cyl., Timing Cover Ga.kel. Ecch . . . ..... Ford 6< Meleor. 1949·54. Timing Cover Gaskel. 5e l . .. ........... ...

.11 .22 . .45 . .30

PRICES-Where more than one year or model I. shown. price <;Jiven is for th e most popular--others may be slightly higher or lower.

Year on Order Chev. Pas. , 1941-54 1955·56 DodQ8 Ply , 1946·47 1948·54 1955·56 Ford P • ••.. 1940-48 1949-54 1955-56 Ponli.c (C.n.) 1941-54 1955-56 Slud.b.ker. 1941·48 (Cbamploo) 1948·50 1951·56

Wbeel . 70 .65 1.02 1 . 02 . 95 .90 1.15 1.15 . 70 . 65 .65 .65 .65

Inner 1.45 1.10 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.35


1.02 1.02 1.02 1 . 50 1.50 1.50



3.15 2 . 60 2 . 60 2.60

; .90 2.70 2 . 70 2.70 2.12 2 . 12 2.20 2 . 20 1

.55 .55

NEW FRONT AND REAR SPRINGS St.te: ,e.r,, model. and numbe r leoyel .eClui.ed. CHIV. ,.SS.


1940-54 1'55-57

8 6

11 .05 15.50

DODU, 'LYMOUTH (It.o.' 1936·52 1953-56 1957-59 "60 PDI-2 ..



14.60 13.00 19.10 U.SS

7 7 FOItD, MITIOIt (Front, 1942-4' & Me.c. 12 16.65

3.30 5.40 4 .15 5.40 5.60 5.95 3.05

FOlD, METIOIt (Ilea.) 1'4'-51 .. 1952-56 1957-59 _._ 1960 ... _ ...

7 7 6 1S

n .45 4 .15 13.10 4 .15 16.50 5.20 20.50 1 . 10 CHIY:t GMC, M.PLE LE.F (Front) 1'47-:15 112 ton . 8 10.30 3.25 1'55 112 ton, 2nd Se.le. to ' 58 .. _ 6 12.75 4.50 1941·55 '4 ton 5-3 10.30 3.25

Main Lee... Camp . Le .. f 1955 2nd Ser'e. t o '59 3 ~ to"O 7 15.00 " .50 1956 2 nd Series 10 '59 IV,·3 ton 10 22 .80 6.05 CHEV, GMC, MA'LE LEAF (Re.r ) 194 7·55 1SI Serle.

1 9 ~~ ;~~

Serle. to 8 '5 9 y, Ion 4{3 1941 ·55 31. ton 1st SerIes 5/3 19 55 2nd Serl"s to 19 59 3"1 Ion 5/4 1949·54 %·2 t. 11 19 47-5 4 2%-3 ton _ . 13/9 195 5-59 2-3 ton 11 FORD TRUCK (Front ) 1942· 52 III Ion 8 1953·56 \1,.31. 8

17.00 16.60

" .n 5.50

20 .00

6 .40

22 .50 36.90

6.50 1 .95

60 .15 49.75

7 .00 9 .15

10.95 12.75

3 .15 3.60

:m'~g I t I~':,"

M.ln Le•••• Comp. Leaf

~ 19~ U~

1953-60 I V,-3 10 FORD TRUCK (R. .. r)

;m-~~ r~




'~ l~:~ t~~

195760 I~ 3. 4 3 19.10 5.75 1953·60 I Ion 10 37.50 7.95 1953·60 11,.3 10 "'.95 10.50 INTERNATIONAL (Front) 1950·56 LRS 110 7 11 .00 3.50 1950·56 LM, RN, 5M, 130 8 13 .50 3 .95 1957·60 Al00, B 100 4 14.50 6 .50 INTERNATIONAL (R. ... ) 1950 LRS, 110 8 11.00 .. 50 1950-56 LN, RN, SM, 130 8 2950 •. 40 1957·60 Al00, BIOO 16.50 6 .65

ble your carrying capacity by using

t\'IeM Ilmple to Install overloads . Each kit entalnl all brackets and parts required . CHIYIOLET (It...) 1947·54 ~ ton ._._ ..... M20A$J2.70 1946-54 :0 ton ........ 1946-54 tan 30 Ser . I9SS-S9 ~ ton ........_ .. 1955-59 :0 ton ....... _. 1955-59 ton _ ..... _. 1955-61 1112 ton ..... _ ...

M21A M21B M26 M27 M28 M29

3'.45 29.95 13,95


34.95 56.10

& ,.IGO (It..,)


1939-58 ~ ton ........... M23

193'-58 r,t-I ton _... • M24 1959-61 ~ ton ............ M26


:1,4-1 ton _........ M27

30.00 13.90 34.90 11.50


~~52 ~-I ton


._ ••. MI9 ton ...... M30 :0-1 tan .... . M31 Y2 ton .• M33 %-1 tan . M34

11.50 26.25 11.50 37.95 40.30

The O.iglnal

ANTI-FRICTION IDLER ARM KITS (with the new ball bearing action ) KIT CMC-I: Fits Pontioc, Olds, 1940·56; Packard 1942·50; Dodge V8 1953·54; Buick 1954·56; Nosh 40 1949·56; Nosh Amb. 1941·56; Rambler 1950·56; Hudson 195556 . ...... _· ........ ·................ · .... $2.40 KIT CMC-2 : Fits For d , Lincoln, Mere., Meteor, Monarch 1949-56; Dodge, Plymouth 1955·56. $4.95


King B.. lt Year & Model Set. CHEV., PONTIAC (Con .) 1940-48 All ... 4.65 1949·54 All 4.65 1955·57 Ball 'jo;;;;

(fo. 1955·56 Chey. and Pon t lac)

Keeps dirt, moisture out -

seals grease in - eliminates play, holds accurate 0 permanent boil Joint . Road shock is obsorbed with 0 special grease resistant rubber bushing.

CMCI2/58, CM"2/57, CMC-12 ........ $3.25


2.30 2.30 2.50

Pivot Kits Upper Lower 1.80 1.80 2.05 1.80 1 .45 7.45

Shaft Kit. Upper Lower 5 .50 2.55 5.50 6.15 4.60

DODGE·PL YMOUTH 1949·54 4.65 1955·56 (8 cyl.) 4.65 1955·56 (6 cyl.) ".65

3 .40 3 .40 3.n

2.30 2.30 2 .30

2 .05 2 .05 2.05

4 .25 3 .50 3.50

5.50 6.55 6.55

2.30 :1.30

FORD-METEOR 1942·48 1949·51 1952·54 .1955·56 Ball Joint 1957-58 Ball JOint

2.10 1.90 2.10 2. 10 2. 10

2 .05 2 .05 12.87 14.25

2 .05 2.05 12.87 14.25

3.35 3.35 5.62 7.80

5.45 3 ."5 5.62 7 .80

3.40 3.85 3.85 3 .'5

4.50 4.95 4 .95

Tie Rod End. King 80lt Set L or R CHEV. TRUCKS ea. 1941·55 ton ) $4.50 $1.90 1947-52 ( .1y'2 ton) 4 .50 3.25 1953-55 (~- -1% t .) " .50 3.25 1946·55 (~2·3 ton) 8.50 4.75 1955-56 (1,-31. ton) 5.60 4 ."0 1955·56 (1·1V, Ion) 5.60 3.25 DODGE TRUCKS 31. & 1 I) 4 .95 3."0 1940·47 1948·50 (\I,.~ & 1 t) 4.95 2 .95 1951·53 (V, I . V, & 1 t) 4 .65 2.95

Make, Year and Model



Tie Rod End. L&R (each)


Make, Vea, .. nd Model

Idler Kltl 2 .05

Tie Rod Ends KIng 80lt Set L or R

5.00 1954·56 \k,.1 ton) FORD TR CKS 1942·52 (\12.1 ton) ".50 1948·52 (1 V2·3 ton) 9 .25 1953·56 (%.1 ton) 6 .45 9 .90 1953·56 (3 ton) INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 1950·58 L&R 11 0, 120, 6.55 130 1950·58 L&RI50, 160 8.65

ea . 2 .95 2.10 2.50 2 .10 2 .50

4 .75

Wh.n .. rdetln, Front End port. It"'e:- .... et year and mad.1 .. nd ,Iy. number .. n old p.rt If p .... lbl.. ==== .. r ' n i . c o f ' I due t.. .pac. Ih .. rt.... Writ. ..n , ..u. ..qul•• -




REAR SPRING PINS & SHACKLES Front _ _ _:.:It.::ern_ _"'~m

TRUCK PINS & SHACKLES (Front Spring) Front Shackle Item

CHEV ... GMC 947-55 \12-3. 4939 95~-58 '2'2 FSA 7 62-67 DODGE '948-53 h-l PSA751RH PSA752LH 1954-58 ~-I PSA7 ORH PSA871LH FORD 1948-52 h-I RB5044 1953-56 ~_3~ RB508


Rea, Shackle

CHEV. (Po ... ) 1938-54SKI37 1.22 4937 I.U FSAA3629SS路58SKI541.40 64路65 1.'0 DODGE .. PL YM. (Pan.) 194 路52 S 107 1.45 PSA7S01.40 60 1.40 953-54 SKI44 1.20 FSA358 1955-58 SK 158 1.35 FSA363 1.55 fORD (Po ... ) 1942-48 FSA950 3.10 1949-505KIOO .15 F5A924 1.35 1951-54SK100 .75 RB5072 1.20 1955-58 SK163- 1.05 RB5072 1.20 53



1.15 SKI08

Sealed-In steel construct ion protects all Vital working ports and forms a leak-proof unit Rood shock and bounce ore absorbed to produce 0 soft, cushlony ride. Standard type . .. Replaces Original equipment on most passenger cars . each $5.10 ITEM NM 5,0.38 Super Hcavy duty typc . . . Especlolly deSigned for the most severe rood conditions. ITEM NM SA39 each $8.50

Rear Pin



2.30 1.40

2.15 2.15 SKIIO


Complelely cd by Ihe Guaranleed brand new GM cars.

faclory rebudl and leslmosl modern melhods. e quo I In quality 10 units. For all makes of

2.65 SKI32U

19S7R~~Ojr3. 1.20 SK131L



$9,00 $8.20

ca. eo .

$6. 7 5

$10.50 $ 9.70


TRUCK PINS & SHACKLES (Rear Spring) Front Rear Item Pin Item Shackle -----.-CHEY ... GMC 1947路55 ~ ton 4936 1.95 1957-58 V2-1 SKI08 1.35 FSA767 2.30 DODGE 1948-58 S~~ l~on1.30 PSA865- 2.50 64 R & L FORD 1948-52 '12 ton SK 129LR 1.40 1953-56 1J:i ton SKI31UP 1.50 SKI29 1.40 SK 130UP 1.35 SK'29 1 40 SK 129LR 1.40

DRAG LINKS CHEV. (Po ...) 1946-48 (short rod\ CS84A (long rod CS83A 9"9-54 (short rod) CS519A (Ioro rod CS514 FORD (Pass.) 1949-51 (le.. end) RH CS501 (less end) LH 1952-54 All L or R (Ieu end) CS550 1955-56 All L or R (le.. end) CS557 1957 58 All (les. end) CS582 RH CS583 LH


Inslolls over presenl GOOD shock absorbers . Carnes overload with soft level nde no bottomlng. Eas-lIy Insta lled In minutes wtlh no speclol tools. Fits 90 g'o of cars. ITEM NM SA37 /C.._ __ _ ,


Exchange 2.95 SK 13 LR 1.50



2.60 SKIIO 2.60

Genuine replacement . . matched and tested. Stote exact year, make and model . (Sold in pairs only.) Chevrolet 1939-S8 ea. $5.85 Ford, Meteor 1949-S8 ea . $7.85 Dodgc, Plym . 1939-56, co . $8.25 Pontiac 1941-58 (20-22 series) ea. $5.8 5 Write for models not listed .

7.35 5.50 '.95 5.95 3.10 3.60 3.60 3.'0 3.'0

ENDS - Easily Inslalled guaranteed results . . . 2 spacers in each spring will rOlse car , 1"- 1 Y2'" Ehmlnates " front - end dive", decreases tire weor adJusts toe-In , no "~Ide-s woy " on turns . each . 65 ITEM X2000A ITEM X2000. Set of four $1.98 I

Top qualily Spring Spacers raIse your car . Easily and economICally Inslalled To fit all cars _ stote yeor, make and model. ITEM NM-SA40 pair $2.25

(B) FRONT & REAR COI L SPRIN G BOOSTERS--A,ds wheel alignmenl . cuts down tire wear, makes steenng eaSier, decreases body I e a n on curves . $3.00 ITEM NM-CSB. Sct of 10

TOMOTIVE VALUES! Prove to your own satisfaction cess Auto offers the most downright for your money . . . just check our prices and compare with others. Our expertly trained Auto "Troubleshooters" have s p e cia I1 y sclected only quality auto parts so that you can quick. Iy, cosily and economically "do-your-own" auto repairs. Due to space limitations wo ore unable to list our plete giant automotive stock . . . We invite you to write us for 011 your requirements . . . you will receive 0 prompt, courteous reply at no abllgation to you.




Main Bearings, Rod Bearings (or Re - Babblted Rods) as required .

NOTE : Exchange prlce applies onl y if Crankshaft is received PREPAID. Otherwise with your order OUTRIGHT Price will be c harged a nd diffe re nce refunded when Cra nkshaft is received. Excha nge

Ye ar





Chev . 1953-60 •....


Chev. V8



Ford, Mercury V8 1945-48 ....... ____ ..__


69. 00

IMPORTANT! When arderlng any It m on thl pag ETHER

1937-52 1953 -59 6 cVI. 1953-59 8 cVI.

write 1.35 1.30

$10.75 10.75 13.25

$3 .70 3.70 6.25

3.55 1.40 1.35 1.40

7.60 7.60 13 .25 14.00

3.25 3.25 5.50 7.30

1.45 1.65

13.65 14.95

3.25 7.35

1940-54 1950-59 V8

1.90 1.75

14.40 16.25

4 .40 3.30

1947-58 50220. 240 . BD


11 .60


h 1939-48 state If 3- 1/ 16 or 3-3/ 16 bore, fits 2 rods . 1949-54 8 cyl 1952-59 6 cyl. 1955-59 8 cVI. TH 1939-5? 6 cyl. 1955-59 8 cVI.



57. 50

Ford 1955-59 V8 .


1937-59 3Y2-3-9/16" bore. state

Ford 1955-60 6 cVI.


whether cost or alum inum . Eo . 7.50 Ford, Meteor, Monarch, Merc. 1946-59 ._ _ ______ ... _ ._... Eo . 6.25


Dodge - Plymouth 1938-59 3% , 3-7/1 6 bore . Eo . 5.95 Studebaker Champion, 011 yrs . .._. Eo. 5.95

Plvm., Dodge, Chrvsler. Fo rgo (011 6 cVI.) __


GMC 248, 270, 308

70. 00

Pontiac (6 cVI.) 19 41-57 . ___ ...______ .

4 .



Studebaker Chomp., La rk. 1955-60

. 00

70. 00

IL__----Exhaust Intake Eo . Eo.


Chevrolet All 6 cVI 1.65 1.10 Ford, Meteor, Merc., Monarch 1946-59 _ 1.65 1.55 1955-58 O.H.Y. 1.95 1.65 Dodge - Plymouth 194 2-59 6 cyl. 1.75 1.55 Studeboker Champion. All 1.30 .95

Increase the Bore of your Tractor with these replacement Sleeve Assemblies . • . for 0 more powerful, smoother ru"nlng Tractor! 222HCH-Allis Chalmers, W, WC. WO. WF $14.50 ao. 203HCH---<:ase . CD, CC. DD $14.50 ea. 222HCH---<:ase. L. LA, e tc $17.65 eo . 239CH---<:o-op. Cockshutl (Buda 4B 153) $14.65 ea. 260CH-Ford. 2N . 9N . $ 9 .05 ea . 216CH-Standard Replacemen t $ ' .10 ea. Z02HCH-McCormack " H" W-4 $13.55 .... 232HCH-McCormack A .B.C. 511 .40 ea. 20lHCH-Massev Harris 44 $17.50 ea. Write for models not IiJted .


Studebaker Chomp., 1947-54


. . Write for yo ur Main Cam Brg. Brgs Set Sat

Ford, Meteor Mercury V8, 1949-54 . ___ ~.



listings shown are of popular models only Con complete requi rements . Rod Brgs CRANKSHAFT BEARINGS Price Eo.


Ford 8N & 9N Tractor _.. __ _______.__


il es entlal that yau STATE YEAR , MAKE,

TOP QUALITY BURD PISTON RINGS .. . precision made for modern high compression engines . . . for std., 020, 030, 040, 050, oversize. Model Super HI-Speed Super HI-Speed & Year HI-Speed Expander Model & Year HI-Speed Expander G.M.C. 6 cVI.

3Y2 - 3-9/16 bore $10.05 $ 7.50 1955-59 V8 011 15.50 12.50 Ford, Meteor, Monarch, 1946-53 VB . .. 12.05 8.9S 1955-58 V8, 3% bore 15.05 12.95 Dodge - Plymouth 1942-54 011 6 cVI., 3-7/16. 3% "_ 15.50 14.05




1955-58 011 6 cVI., 3-7/16 12.05 10.75 Pontiac 1941 -54 6 cyl., 3-9/ 16 11.95 10.35 1955-59 V8. 3 3,4, 3-7/ 16 15.00 14.25 Internationol Trucks 5 ... 50200, 240+ BLD 269 engme 14.25 Write for not listed .




Quality linings and broke shoes at the lowest prices. NOTE: The prices of Bonded Bra ke Shoes Is t he Outri gh t Price. There Is a Trade-in Yalue at $1.00 per Shoe when Old Shoes Re turned Prepaid . Mak. & Year Front Bonded CH EY., Pass. Linings Shoes

Mtir~ ~g6~-1 j n~ ~(:ig

6 53 D I 1 11 292-9 1959 ~_ 20 6 S-68 9 .90 2006-11 1960-61 _ 206!>-12 9 .90 2006-11 DODGE & PLYMOUTH (give year, make a nd model when ordering ) 1946-56 ~~ 1106-43 15.3517.85 121 3 -43

1 __ mt~~ I I;::g 1


1957-59 'o66-67-72~70-71 , LD Stn . Wgn ., LD I-2-3, MD3 ,


"ta ins necessary parts to rebuild CHE Y. PASS. Master 194 2-48 .._~ ___ .. 3626 1.75 .__ ._. 3626 1.75 194 9-50 ~ 3626 1.75 195 I-52 1953-54 ... _____ 13691 I.BO 195 5-57 __ ._ .~_ 193S 6 2.95 195 8-59 Corv. ~ ... 3626 1.75 1960 Most ._ .. _ 31066 or __ .... _ 3 1086 1.95

:--=..__ ..



FORD, METEOR, MERCURY, MONARCH (give year, ma ke a rd mode l when orde ri ng ) 1946-48 _ 11 6 7-37 ~S.9SI7 .9 0 ~ 1167-37 1949-54 ~~_ 2024~34 3 .55 7.15 *294 -2 1 1955-59 ._~ .. 2053T-1 4 .20 8 .90 2002-55 1960-6 1 ~2030T-12 6 5.45 9.30 2030T-126 1960-6 1 Falcon, Frontenac, Comet & Stn . 1 8 .45. 2072- 113 Wagon ~. 20 71-115 1 BRAKE LINING . .. rivets extra .

5.95 2.95 3.60 5 .45

HYDRAULIC STOP LIGHT SWITCHESFor 011 ma kes of Ve h icles. State year, make and model. ITEM NM-HSLS .85 MECHANICAL STOP LIGHT SWITCHES-Chev. up to '48 . DR446 _~ _. _ .85 1949 a nd up. DR447 .. ~ . ______._ .95


Master DODGE & PLYMOUTH PASS. 1941-42 Most ._ .. _13504 2.10 1946-54 Most ~_ 1 3504 2 .10 195!>-56 ___ ~ __ ~~ ___ 19372 2 .25 1957-59 . __ .....~_ 19372 2 .25 1960 .. __ .. ~ .. __ ._. 31004 2 .05 FORD PASS. 1942- 48 .~._ ....... 5375 2 .0S 1949-51 ~~ ~~ .. _.... _ 11302 2 .05 1952-60 Specify sIzes ~~~ 13 634 2.35

a whee l or master cylinde r R•• , Front 3636 .95 3633 .95 11 3 31 .9 5 3637 1.1 5 13620 .95 3600 1.15 13620 .95 3600 1.15 13620 .95 3600 1.15 13620 .9S 3600 1.15



3600 1.15

Front 3647 12224 12224 19382 31082

.95 1.20 1.20 1.05 1.05

Rear 3640 12224 1222 4 19382 19382

.95 1.20 1.20 1.0S 1.05

841 6 1.15 13620 1.15

5377 1.15 11303 1.25

13620 1.15

3608 1.10

Save On These TIRE-REPAIR ACCESSORIES (1) 4,000 Lb. Deluxe Scissor Jock - Boil (7) TubeleD TI.. PlUt Klt-9 plugs, cement. bearing folding handle, expands to 14 3/4." . Installation tool. ITEM NM.TPK ___ $1.4' ITEM " QUEEN" NMJ21S _._ ..__.. $1.75 ( 8 ) Hot Patches - Box of 10. ITEM NM·HP ______. ___ ~ ___ . ~. ~ _ _ _ _ _ .75 As above but rate d at 3,000 lb., (9 ) Cold Patch Kit-Contains cement and ITEM " ACE" HMJ100 _ _ ._ .~._ $6.25 20 sq. in. of cold patching . (2) Ratchet Bumpe. Jock - With "Y" ba r ITEM NM·CP ~. _____ . __..._ ___ . _ _._. .35 upright post and 6"x6" base. lifts up to Cemented TI •• Potche. - 4" x 5" __ . __ .0' 28% " . ITEM NM·J2 _ _ .. ____ $4.49 6" " 8 .. ~_ .._ .14 9" x 12" •_ _ . •35 (3) 3,000 Lb. Tripod Jack - Hea vy duty10" x iS" _ .. •45 7 \1:" x 10Y2" ___ .23 won't tiP even on the roughest ground . (1 0 ) Yulconlzlnt Kit - ~ontoins clamp and Lifts 7" - 34V2". Has " Fit-o ll" Bumper 10 hot patches. ITEM NM'VK _ _ $1 .40 hOOk . ITEM HM-JI200 ____ _ ..... _$9.25 ( 11 ) Yolve Tool - 4 in I repair tool . ITEM NM· YT _________..._. ____.... __._._ .25 As above but rated at 2,000 Ibs. .. Fitted with new type Bumper hook to fit the latest c o rs . ITEM NM· J900 ._•. $7 .90 Plastic 7x l3 7xI7 $2 t".lTSTI~ ~:d·Su~~ tU~b·5~ IOx20*----· pr. $1.60 IOx2S.·-·- pr . .25 ITEM HM·TPGI _ $1.25 13 20 * ~-- eo. $ 1.80 13x25. --~· ea . $ 1.90 Trucks 20 - 120 Ibs. 1/2 0 ' --~ eo . $1.98 16x2S* --' eo . $2.80 • x ·_ea . $ 2.40 20 *-.. eo. $3.85 ITEM NM·TPG3 ---$1.69 y FO • Green-tinted shield ":5 - - eo . $ 5.75 Fa. Trucks - Dual head, ent Sh ields (gloss or prasO t ' d ) .10 to P"ce. roods 20 to 120 Ibs. Ca rs to 1959 IC . ITEM NM-TPG4 _ $2.50 6V. EI~ctrlc Shjeid..--·.:.:..6;;--T~;;~- "r. $1.57 (5) TI.. Pumps - Super Duty, top quality pump ~a:: With SWitch. ITEM NM lVF In metal with 5 yr. guarantee. 9 16,~ ohi~h~ r,~~1bi: Chann~'_9 /~ii;·t~:e~ ITEM IoIM·TPl _ $4.95 and trucks. ITEM NM.'WeCtal., Fits 011 ca rs Heavy Duty Pump. 8 length $2.40 ITEM NM· TP2 ._ $2.65 (6) 4 . Way Wh.el W .. nch ITEM NM-4W _._$1 .42



These GENERATORS and ST RTERS arc complet Iy rebuilt and fully GUARANTEED FOR 90 D YS! All worn parts are replaced, units are thoroughly in sped d GENERATORS


Exchange Outright

FORD 1949·51 1952·55 1956 up 12V GM (DELCO) 1940·51 1952·55 1956 up 12V. L model Internallonol 6V

$11.50 12.50 17. 65

$15 .75 17.25 24 .65

10.00 12.95 17.95

15.25 17.75 24.95




7.50 15.25 19.00

6 .50 12.50 21.75 26.95


Inlernal,onal 6V



7.50 15.25 17.75 2 • . 95

CHRYSLER (AUTOLITE ) 1935·48 7.50 1949·52 13.75 1953 up 6V 18. 35 1956 up 12V 19.00 CJ2A JEEP 19.00

11 .45 17.75 25 .35 24.25 24 .25


REBUILT WATER PUMPS Item 'nce $ 6.75


.1 • NEW CAR.

De· signed to operate without falluro or fa· tlgue under 011 cli·



equipped with Nea· S~\'C \ prene dlophroms to ., Iresist the effects of gas, oil etc. Prevent stollong & power· loss at h,gh speeds.


..... .n. . ... I' In Ihlr .. lnl at... o ••et reo', mo"o, Mod. ond ''''' of .... M' on ,all' vohlcle. No.


'u .... 'rlco



1937·51 Pass. & Trk. 1952-5~ Pass. & Trk. 1955·57 Pass. & Trk • 1955·57 VB ... .. ... 1958 6 crI. Pass. 1959-61 V8 283 • 1959-61 6 crI. PalS.

.29 $ 2.65 9798 • 1.9 31.40 ~ I 50 1.21 .~33 10."




5.25 4.11

DODGE & 'LYM. 1939-56 All 6 cvl. 577 1939·56 w/gloss bowl 588 1936·50 Vz· I Vz ton . 587 1953·56 Most trucks 9543 1957-61 Con. V8 & Dodge Dort ~~52 1957-59 6 cri ...._ .. ~ •• 53


Exchonge!: Out,lght $10.00 $ 14.95 10.95 11.35 25.35

GM (DELCO) 1935·39 1940·48 1953 up 6V 12V.

(A UTOLITE ) 10.00 12.95 17.95

FORD 1932·48 1949· 54 1955 up 12V


2." 2.85

CHEVROLET 19.1·52 Po ... & Trucks 1953·54 Po ... & Truck. 1955·56 Pass. 6 cyl. 011 1955 V8 . _ 1957·60 All 6 cyl 1957·60 V8 DODGE & PLYMOUTH 1935·50 Pass & Trucks 1951·56 Pasl. 6 cyl .

6.95 6.95



p" m p.



luaronteed os new, The, or. 0,1 ... glnot Foctolf PU"'P' rebuilt to rigid Factory SpecificotiGft,. P'fce, I I J t • d .,..



Ship your old unit




de, . If you h.ove no •• change odd to

price, I how" $1.00 up to 1954, $3.00 1954 end up.





Speedometer Cable and Housing Assemblies Stale year. make, model when ordering. Buock, 1937·55, Codillac, Chev ., ChVrs. er, DeSoto, Dodge . Ford, Mere., Monarch from 1939·4B, Olds. Pontiac, Wlllys Jeep 0 n d Truck $1.75 Buick \954. 5B standaro and automatiC, Ford, Mere ., Monarch 1949 - 59, Stude· baker 011 1947·56 $2.25

P46 P47


:m:~ t~·!t2. i' t:~~ks



6.75 '.75 7.65 7.65 7.65

1957·59 6 cyl. P48 9.50 FORD (Specify Left 0' Right Ha"d Mou"t) 1937·48 all models P6~·5 5.50 P458·9 '.95 1949 Pass . _ 1950-53 011 models P464 ·5 '.95 1955·59 all models P475 10.15 1948·(lato)·52 Yz-2 Ion P46O·1 9.20 1957-60 mosl models P479 1T .25 PONTlAC 9.05 P180 1941·48 all 9.05 1949·54 011 sld trans P187 6.75 P33 1955 6 cyl. 1956 6 cyl. _ _ PI91 6.75 7.65 P37 1958·60 011 u. HP [ng STUDEBAKER 9.70 1941·53 Champ,on P204 9.70 P210 1955-58 Champion 1952·59 All V8 except P208 G Hawk '.25


1934-<48 All Pass . V8 571 1949·50 Pass. and Truck VB 578 1951·5~ Pass. Trk . V8 9588 2.'1 1955·57 All Po... .• • 209 5.21 1955·56 Truck V8 _ .210 4.60 1934·54 Ford A.v.L. 2.90 1955·59 6 cvl. Std .•. 4208 4.60 1958·59 ve Std . . . . 4~e7 1.21 1960-61 6 cri. Std. 487~ 4.60 Write ",od"l .... I......

P27 P28 P33 P32 P36 P37

NOTE: It pos,Ibl. live old Carbo N• . and Mok. piu. ",.d.l and y •• , of .ehlcle.

CHEVROLET & G.M.C . Out. lxch . 1939·52 Pass & True" Sld. $12.25 $ 9.65 '953·59 Pau. 6 cr( S.d. Trons, 23.04 U.OS 1950·59 Truck 235 Eng 17.2S 12.00 VI·2V. Ion DODGE, PLYMOUTH & TRUCKS 1942·54 Carler 6 cyl ".20 10.95 1901·59 Mosl truck. 1'.30 12.00 1955·59 Po .. 6 cr' 2304 1l.05 FORD 1939.48 Pas. & Trucks ford, Meteor 7.'5 13.60 1.30 1949·54 Po .. '949·57 Truck H.IO e.J5 28.40 13.'0 . 955·59 2 Ba". Pou '95S~S9 4 Borrel Pass 51 .00 24.40



CHEV. 'ASS 19J~8

ttrice Lew.,

1.07 $ .99 19'9·5' 1407 .99 1955-56 1506 1.05 '957·58 15 0 1.21 959 15 3 1." FORO PASS 19.2 ~8 1723 114 9'950 1<13 1.21


'5'3 $ .99 '517 1.41


1718 1723 1706 1706

I." I 61

1.14 .95 .• s

'nu "17 142 150 121 aaDCE .. PL 1'0I0UTH 19 6-'8 708 1 26 19.952 tl3 142 19535' 716 IS. 718 '61 1955-56 1957:>9 510 1..21 Up,.,

195·53 958·59

Lo_ ... 'rice

1706 2012 PASS . 15' 7 1517 1517 1517 1513



1.42 141 1.42 1.42 117



I) 40 AMP . H. D. REBUILT GENERATORS WITH REGULATOR-Auto"te. high amp .• high output . Fits 0 11 ca rs 1929 - '55 (pulley drivel. whether pas

o r neg . ground .

IP-Gl $27.0 0 TU RES - Add $2 .00 to shown If ofd armature IS not



Generator Starter


.........,.., • •

..... ~,. for

,.....111 W...... -~~----------~----~

(4 ) REBU ILT TRUCK & CA R V OLTAGE RE GUL A TORS - Guaranteed to gl .... e some service os new regulator AUT 0 LIT E (Chrysler products. Nosh. Hudson etc.). OELCO-REMY (GM products). FORD cars & trucks . SpeCify type reqUired giVing year model , no on old regulator ITEM NM-VR hc han g e $ 3.75 A dd $1.00 (6 V.) or $ 1.7 5 ( 12V.) to

Ford- 1938-54 $6.00 $6.0 0 1932-37 $4.50 $6 .0 0 above pri ces if th e re is no e xchonge Dclco-Remy-1 935·53 $6.00 $ 6 40 5 REBUILT STARTER DRIVESAutolite-1950-54 $ 6 .75 $6.40 ITEM I P-BSD Borrel type $ 6 .50 1935-49 $6.00 $ 6.40 (6 ) ITEM IP- CSD Clutch-drive $ 4 .50 131 BRAND NEW DELCO-REMY ( 7 ) ITEM Ip · SSD Screw type $3 .20 STARTERS·No Exchange.Flts 194048 Chev pass. cJp to 1954 Chev. & (8) DIST RI BUTORS - Reconditioned GM. h -I ton . 2-212 ton with 235 worn ports reploced ~ tested for mechonlcal en!;ln" . ITEM l P-SI $14.75 FAN 6 EL TS - State exact year make. model when ordering . Chev. 1937- 52- 86 $1.2 1 Dod g c. Pl y m . 1937-50-133 $ 1.65 1953-54--45 $1. 48 1951-54-45 _ $1.65 1955-56--6 cv l 188 . $1.45 1953-56-186 . $1.67

Ford V-8 - Complete with pOints. cam shaft rotor. hOUSing 1932- 41 Outright Only ..$6 .75 1942-54 Out. $ 9 .75 Exch . $6 .75

For Pontioc 6 and 8 eyl., Chev., Olds 6 cyl . Dodge, Plymouth, Buick .

less cop and rotor Up to 1954 Out. $ 9 .75

Exch . $6.75

(9) FORO SYNCHRONIZERS-For any V-8. 1932-48 Oon't Insta ll pOints

without thiS machine

. sa ve cost ly

repolr bdls

ITEM IP-FS with Instru ction s $5 .75 (10) GENERATOR PUllEYSFord 19 40-48 . $1.S9 Ford 1949-52 $1.80 Chev 1935·52 $1.20 87 I 948-49-Gen. 51 1950-54-Fan 45 1950-53 Gen . 44


.• $1 .22 $1 .54 $1.48 . $1.70

SUMMER & WINTER THERMOSTATS_When ordering state: year, make, model . also i f W inter or Summer type required (same price). Write for models not listed . Model Item Price Model Item Price CHEV. PASS. & TRUCK FORO & MERC . PASS. 1939-50 ...... __ . __.... H30 $1.62 1937-48 & Truck 1.59 H55 1951-60 ____ ... _ H i ll 1.7B 1949 -53 & T ru ck 1.78 Hil i 1.94 HI12 DODGE & PLYMOUTH 19 5 4- 60 H I 08 2.22 1940-60 All ... .. 1952-60 DODGE & FARGO TRUCI(S

ENGINE I PEN CI L TYP E-For cars or trucks. Fits ,n head stud . State year. make. .""del IT EM NM-P H With exten cord $7. 50 1954-58 Ford (Overhead Valves .Fi ts In Water pump ,

ITEM NM-FH $7.50 2 HEA TE R-For 011 G.M . Cars and Tr"ck.s With screw type Frost plug IT EM NM-G MH 4% ' exten . $4.79 A dapters-for 1955 and up $1.45 Replacem't 6V. hea t er motors $3.9 5


3 HEATER-For 011 Chrysler product Cors and Trucks. ITEM NM-CH 41/2 ' extension $5.29 DI PSTICK HEATER -Fits 0 11 motors With straight dipstICk. ITEM NM-DH $5 .49 (4) HEATER HOSE CLAMPS .09 (5) LOWEr HOSE CONNECTION .30 (6 , FORD ' 53-' 56 Vacuu m hot water shutoff $3 .50 (7) FORO BOOSTER " Y" FITTING $1.15 ~ T R-For Fuel pumps, mOnlfold pressure etc. Dia l registers 30" vacuum. 7 Ibs. pressu re ITEM NM- VT _ .... $7.25

(8 ) HOT WATER SHUTOFF _. $1.75 (9) CLAMP TYPE HEATER SWITCHES-Unive rsal $1.25 Ford $1.40 (10) SI. " 10., 1 PLY HEATER HOSE (6 FT.) .. $1 .25 (11) 1300 W . TANK TYPE HEATER KIT -For T rucks. Tractors . Has Kelrod element. t hermostat controlled . ITEM NM-TH13 $16.95 A. above only ISO Watt~'. ITEM NM-THISO $12.25

FU IB OPP R TUBI G Top q uollty, seamless, annealed tub ing -ben d s Without klnklng .

Ft. .10

.12 .13 .16 . 19 .24

COMPRE SION TESTER-Offset stem eliminates Interference. Pressure reedlng IS held until valve pin


released With brackets and braces. ITEM NM-CT $ 6.45 TIMING LIGHT _ 6-12-24 Volt systems. Bakellte case. replaceable "con bulb. 4 ft. lead. Insulated clips. ITEM NM-TL . $ 6.1 0

25 ft. '011 $2.09 $2.49 $3.00 $3.70 $4.40 $5 .BB

Ing•• ho H DIu r - Cuts copper, aluminum, brass, steel, lead tubing V4" to 3/... • (0.0.). Leaves 0 cl ean. straight edge ITEM NJ6 .. _. $1.99

ort.ol du

to space Inonage.

They Include only a Imall part af aur giant Itock. Please write UI for 011 your tegul,omenta.

BUICK Item 1949-53 Can 43 & Most 478 1954-55 (Can 44) ......... 660 1956 (Can) 44-s/Ex) _.. 2000 1957-58 (All s/Exh) .._2002 1959 (Dual) L & R Front ._. __ ... _ . .. _ ....... 201 8 1960 Fits 4400 Sabre, 4600 Invicta, 4700 Electra Dual ...._ ...... 2028 CHEVROLET .. PONTlAC 1941-48 Chev. & Pont . _430 1949-52 Std. Chev ..... _ ..475 1949-50 20-22 Pont. . .. 475 1950-53 Powerglide Chev. & 53 all 6 cyl. . _ .... _ .. _495 1951-53 20-22 Pont ....... 526 1954 20-22 Pont. _ _ ... 677 1954-60 Can. 6 & 8 cyl. 2203 DODGE .. PLYMOUTH (State

Price 10.65 16.50 lB.20 20.75 ea. 11.80 ea. 27.30 6.90 6.90 6 .90 6.90 6 .90 7.30 8.65 exact

make, year, model, single or duol)

1940-48 All _._........... 360 1949-59 Most 6 cyl. _._ 616 1955-59 Most 8 cyl. except Suburban ___ 780 1960 Most Can. 6 cyl. 2477 FORD .. METEOR 1942-48 ... _ ......._ ...... _._.473 1949-54 ... _ .. _ .. ____ 474 1955-56 All 6 & 8 cyl. dual & s/Exh. (specify) 779

9.20 9.50 9.50 9.50 7.95 7.20 8.95

Item P,lce 1955-60 Thunderblrd 8, Falrlane, stn. Wgn., Custom 6, Rancho, Custom Dual Fordomotle, Sedan DeL, Foirlone 8, State year, make model .. .. ... _2604 10.65 1949-51 All ... __ 344 '.15 1952 All .... __ 537 12.35 ._ ._628 12.05 1953 All ... 1954 Most . _._.• _ ... 658 12.35 1955-56 Dual L & Rea. 797 13.10 1955-56 (MC) (Single) . 784 12.15 1957 Single & Dual , ea. 3101 15.35 1958 Most mod., spec. 3105 15.35 1959 All S/Exh. except stn . Wgn . & Canv .... 3106 15.95 1959-60 Monteray Conv., all models except 312 engine 3 I 07 25.50 STUDEBAKER 1947-54 Champion _ 467 6.75 1947-59 Commander .• 468 9.20 1955·59 Champion __ .775 7.35 1960 6 cyl. ... ._775 7.35 1960 8 c I. 468 9.25

1 von 1952-55 A40 Somerset 675 1~~i~O ,0.50, ASS, MKl 5.25 h09 FORD 1947-51 Anglia Prefect 630 5.40 1953-58 Anglia Prefect 685 6.15 1956-60 Consul, all except Cony. & Stn Wgn . 3724 13.15 HILLMAN __ 470 5.SS 1949 Early 55 1955-56 w/O.H. Valves 686 6.45 1957-60 All ex. estate 3767 9.95 MORRIS 1949-56 Minor _ 506 4.<15 1949-55 Oxford 645 5.75 1958-60 Oxford 3709 5.25 VANGUARD 1949-55 523 6.50 1956-59 3761 10.10 VOLKSWAGEN 1948-59 Sgle. Exh . _ 3782 11.50 1955-60 Pass. Dual Exh 3783 l1.n

CHEV. & GMC TRUCKS 1941-49 tt-2 ton __ .. 444 5.45 1950-59 V2-2 V2 ton ... _496 5.70 1941-55 All 3 ton .. ___ 461 10.75 1960 V~-2 ton .. ___ ....496 5.70 1960 VB, 6 cyl .2, 2% T 2300 10.25 DODGE .. FARGO 1940-60 112-2 ton ._. 419 5.45 1940-56 3' ton .........__ 445 7.40 1959-60 1-3 ton V8 _ 2453 9.98 FORD & MERCURY 1943-47 tt-3 ton ... __ 446 9.75 1948-53 V2-3 ton .. _ _ 477 6.15 1954-60 Most V2-3 ton 796 ' .05 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 1941-49 K l-K5 __ .. __ 384 5.10 1941-49 K6-K7 ... __ . 482 9.60 1950-58 L&R&S, 110-165 575 5.15


CHEV. PASS. 1941-48 All 930 1949-52 Std .... 975 1950-52 PIG & all 53 _ 995 1954-59 All 6 & 8 cyl. 965 DODGE .. PLYMOUTH 960 1939-48 All 1949-58 All 6 .... 981

tail pipe TA287 tail pipe TA429 tall pipe TA499 1955-59 h T tail TA836

,rice 4.40 4.60 J.ts J.7I J.90 4.05 5.05 ••40 4.50 •• 60 4.60 4.60 4.60

2.90 2.95 2.71 pipe 2.71

1939-53 Y; T tall Pipe TA535 1948-53 V2.T Ex .... _ EX395 1954-56 V2 T, IT. Exh. EX584 1957 1/2-1 T. Exh ..:. EX2444 1959 V2 ton Exh. _EX2593 FOIlD 1948-52 Y2 ton T /P T AS43 1953-54 ~V: ton TIP TA616 1948-52 '2 ton E/P EX256 1953-54 V2- 3A T. E/P EX532 1956-60 V2T6 c. TIP TA2606

1955-59 Fact'ry dual ea. 981 FORD .. METEOR 1942-48 _. 936 1949-54 .. __... 974 1955-58 V8 Sgle., dual _ 870


It.... 1954 20-22 TA676 1955 20-22 6 cyl. _ TA745 1956-57 20-226 cyl. TA2200 1958 6 cyl. _ ._ _ TA3476 1959 6,8 cyl. S/Exh. TA3487

'ric. J.95 4.00 4.10 4.35 4.45 S.10 4.50 4.U 4.00 J.15 3.65 S.U

1m:~~ t'~ to~._-=-~:::=


It.... 1949-50 Std. EX 180 1951-52 Std . • _ _ EX317 1951-52 PG, 53, 54 std EX462 1955-57 6 cyl. _._ EX650 1958 6 cgl. AII __ EX2217 ~5lca1' .. ~r~~JUTHEX2233 1949-52 _... EX 182 1953 _. _ _ _ EX575 1954 ..... ____ ._.___ EX582 1955 6 cyl. _____ EX585 1956 6 cyl. _ _ ._ EX2420 1957-596 cyl . __ EX2594 1960 8 cv. Sgl. Exh . EX2563 .OIlD 'ASSINGIIt 1949-50 _ .. ___ EXI56 1951 .. .._. EX323 1952-54 ..•_ _ _ EX397 __ EX659 1 1 EX2609 1 EX2618 1 EX2620

5.15 5.75

mt~~ ~~~8 ~~ -_ ~~l g~

Item Pric. 1950-55 V:2.T & most 34-2 ton Exh Pipe EX282 5.95 1958-59 V2-1 i4T, E/P EX2227 4 .• 5


5.15 5.15 5.75 6.15

4.50 4.25 5.75 5.75 5.75

m g~

~~6J>G:Xi. ~tL'YM~tnTHTA5403

4.15 4.15 7.50 7.05 2.25

~ ~ . .'.,.f I,

CHEVROLET 1941-48 ______ .. TA206 1.55 1949-52 Std. _ _ TA467 J.25 1950-52 PIG _ _ _ TA428 J.4O .. TA428 J.40 1953 All 1954 .. _ _ TA662 J.SS 19556 & 8 cyl. Most TA745 J.IO 1956 6 & 8 cyl. Most TA220 1.50 1957 6 cyl. Can. TA2211 1.90 1958 6 cyl. Cony. & Stn. Wgn. _ _ _ TA2223 4.60 1959 6 & 8 cyl. except stn. Wgn. & 0 .. 1. sgle. Exh. _ TA2234 5.10 1960 6 & 8 cyl. TA5403 5.10 PONTlAt __ TA290 4.20 1941-48 20-22 1949-50 20-22 •___ TA449 ".15 _TA502 1.91 1951-52 20-22 TA587 3.91 1953 20-22 .

5.n 5.75 6.75

1942-48 TA196 1949-52 MOlt _ TA224 1953 _ _ TA575 1954. TA714 1955-56 6 cyl. TA2417 1955 Most Dodge V8 TA775 1955-56 Dodge & Plymouth V8 TA2415 J.95 1957-596 cyl. SIExh. TA2467 1.SS 1960 6 cyl. F>PI-L Savoy, PPI-L Belv., PPI-L Fury TA2518 FORD .. METEOR 1942-48 VB TA197 4.25 1949-51 V8 TA220 3.S0 1952-54 V8 ___TA540 J..sO 1955-56 V8 & 6 cyl. SQle. Exh TA753 4.10 195' VB All TA2612 ".10 1958 6 cyl. Falrlane TA2651 4.10 1959 V8 Dual Exh. Stn . &

LER SADDLE 11/. to 2" .25 2Ye" to _ ,29 (2) SPECIAL CHRYSLER CLAMPS Fits Dodge, Plymouth, etc. 'J6-55 MP126 F,ont .75 MP127 Rea, .65 ADJUSTABLE T A I L "lPt HANGERS (3) Fl36

•. 69

Spec iolly priced# top quality batteries manufactured exclusively for " Princess Auto by Globelite U

CHEVROLET-1940-54, All-group 1; 1955-61, All -group 245. FORO PRODUCTS-1940-54. All-group 2L-2F; 1957-61, All-group 28N .

1955, All-group 2N;

DODGE, PLYMOUTH-1936-55, most, group 1; 1956-61 , All-group 245


Bottery No.

.: ciE:.:i:· x<culi:








0 "

Eo -et,..






:0 0









2 $-40





Si ze L"WxH

$11.25 $15 .40







1o'I.. x6 1,4)(9 10V4)(6 3,4x9

2 Ll 05






$13 .99








$ 16.50

2N l 00






$14 .60








(1) BATTERY BOOSTER CABLES 2-8' long heavy duty, fleXible cables with Copper coated clips. ITEM NMBl _.. __ ....__ ... _ _ _ _...._ _ ._$3.50 (2) BATTERY SHIMS _..... ____ .05 each (1 0 f or .45) (3) BATTERY BOLTS ___ .10 each (11 for $1.00) (4) BATTERY CLIPS All spring steel, electrolead plated . 5 amp. . ___ .._ . __________.. __.... _. __ .12 10 amp. ___ ... ____. . 10 50 a mp. __ .. _.. __..... _ .30 25 amp. ___ ... __ .18 100 amp. _____..._.... . 55 (5) BATTERY HOLDOWN - Groups I, 2 ond 2E, long type bottery. ITEM NMB2 ____ _ _.. __ .._______ .45 UNIVERSAL BATTERY HOLDOWN--Fits ony battery . ITEM NMB2A ......____ .______________ $1. 40 (6) BATTERY STRAPS Flexible, braided copper, electrolead plated throughout. 7" .. _.... .90 11" ____ $1.05 17" _.._____ $1.2 5 9" ____ $1.00 14" _ ...... $1.1 0 19" .. __ $1.30 (7) BATTERY CABLES--W,th Universal Terminols, fits

pOSItive or negative posts. Top Quality, heavy duty. 14" 17" 19" 24" (8)


9x7x8V2 9)(7x8 3,4

__ $1.10 27" __ .. _ $1.50 48" .. ___ $2 .1 5 _ $1.20 31" _. __.. $1.60 58" _ _ $ 2.40 __ $1.25 34" .... _ $1.70 65" _.. __ $2 .60 __ $1.35 38" __ ._ $1.90 72" _ .... $2 .80 BATTERY CARRIER-ITEM NMB3 ... _. ____ .45 (1) SUPERIOR GREASE GUN. Spring fed, automatic gun With 8,000 lb. pressure hydraulic coupler. All - steel plated. rustproof, 20 oz. capacily. ITEM NM211 $4.25 (2) DIFFERENTIAL & SU CTION GUN-Steel barrel 1 '12 "x 15" . Goase neck spout approx. 11" long makes it pOSSIble to reach the bottom of the differential housing . ITEM NM4034 ____ . __ $3.05 (3) FITTING ADAPTER -Pushtype. hydraulic adapter. ITEM NMF12 .... ____ . $1.25 (4) FITTING ADAPTER-Pushtype. ITEM NMF13 $ .95 (5) GREASE GUN FLEX-HOSE

- 12" long ,


pipe thread,

(9) BATTERY FILLER-ITEM NMB4 . ___.._.._..__ .89 (10) BA TTERY HYDROMETERS Accurat ely cal i-

brated 3 calor scale gives condition of e a ch cell.

I TEM NMB4 .. ___ ..____.. ______. __ . _______ .._____ .70 Some as obove but w ith speci f i c grovity and temp. .85 scol e. ITEM NMB5 _..___.. ____ .. _ (11) A N TIFREEZE TESTER Servi ce station type complete with wall chart . ITEM NMB6 .. __..__ .$4.25

Inex pe nsive type-for home, shop etc .

ITEM NMB7 ....___.. _.._______ .._____ ..__ .. _.... __ ..... $1 .20 (12) BA TTERY TERMINALS--Fits posi t ive or negative posts. Split t ype ..___ .... ______.. __ •___ .... .25 ea. (4 for $ St ra i ght type ____.. _.. _____ ... . 25 eo . (4 for $ .95 Solderless typ e .. ___ .. __.. _.. .45 eo . ( 3 for $1.15) (13) BATTERY CHARGERS--Automatic Reset Circuit Breaker protects bottery and charger from shorts,


reverse connections. Charging ra te a uto matically re-

duced os battery nears ca pacity. Plugs int o any 1 10V. A .C. circuit. ITEM N MB8- 6 V . 4 amp . ....... _....._.. __________ .. _.$11.50 ITEM NMB9-12V. 3 a mp ..._.. _.. __________..__ .... _$14.95 ITEM NMB1 0---6V .- 12V. (comb.) 4 amp . ____ .. $19.95 6 A MP. COMB . 6/1 2 V . CHARGER - Fu lly charge the average battery in 7-9 hrs. Numeral dia l ammeter shows' exact charge rate . ITEM NMB 11 . ____ ._ .._..$24.50 fittings at each end-fits all guns. ITEM NMF14 __ $ 2.15 (6) GREA SE FITTINGS ~ in lots of 5. 1641 B straight ..____ .35 1636B '14", 45· __ .. _______ .89 191 1B '14",90· _______ .. .89 1644A 'Is" straight short .65 1688 B Vs", 45 · . _________ .75 1613B Vs", 90 · _ _ .. .75


(7) BENT S P 0 U T PUMP OILER - 6" , 12 oz. ITEM NM9C __ ....___ $ 1.69 (8) OIL CAN - 12 oz. rigid spout. ITEM N M9A ______.$ .53

(9) TRI GGER OILE R - 5 oz .,

6" rigid spout.

ITE M NM9B .._.._______ . __ .$1.69


( 1 I ) Heavy Duty Pu sh-Pull Switch.

volt. $1.75 (2) Starte r Switches-Autollte 1.05 Deleo Remy- DR464 . 85 (3 ) Unive rsal Dimme r Swi tch - FIt s most populor cars .79


f o r a u xIliary li ghts a nd QcceSSorlel

On-Off type- SW- ] O $ (1 2 ) Fu.. Holders Unlvenol type SplIce to a ny elect ncal (less fuse) (131 Acid Cor. Solder· 1 Ib roll 51

. 60 c' 'I' W Ir

. 45 . 58

(. ~

Un ive rsal Locks mith 2 Way- LS402 3 way- LS40l (5) Ford Sole no id Pu sh- Bulton -DupIIcate o f Ortg. equIp PB4911 . 41 (6) Universal Soleno id Pu sh-button .70 6 or 12 V. PB432 (7) Un l"ersol Toggle Switch -6 or 12 V. SW1B-25 .45


HIgh $5.49 C2X2 12 V. H.D. for Systems WIthout reSIstor .. _ $ 7.25 CNBC4 - 12 V. H.D. for systems WIth external resIstor $6.95

I~ ~



t;U~/'.>. )

\ S) Round PUlh- Pull SwitchY2 " Shank SW1B- 13 I" Shank SW18· 14 .-__ _ 191 Headlamp 5wltchSW41 (not fused) ----.----SWB (fused) _ _.

FORD COILS (A) 1937-41 1942 -4S 1949 -55 1956-60




VBl -- $ 4.95 VB4 .. $ 4.95 V8S1 .. $3.95 V861 . - $ 4.65

UnlyerlGI Ammet en-

.45 .55 .82 .90

(10) Voltage reducer-Reduces 12 volts to 6 volt! 51.08



SEE UP TO 20'" FURTHER FOR EASIER NIGH DRIVING! 6V Auto Headhght 7' D., 6006 2V Auto Headlight 7' D. 6012 Dual SinGle F lament (up beam , ~ ..



$1.85 1.85 1.85

DI.IQI Double FIlament (down beamJ.I._ 5~



6V Tractor L.ampa, 5~' D.

IV Tractor Lamps



6V Hand Spot Lamps 4 ~ D 2V Hand Spot Lamp. 4~" D.

40U ....1.1 4516 ....16

1 ••5 $2.55 2.55 2.55 2 .55




(A) Three-in-o-Row Clearance Lomps--3 c.P. bulbs, 2Y2" pla st Ic fluted BeehIve lens. 0'0 1/ length 20"-lamps S" a part. Fla t mounting. concealed Wlrtng, Block enamel f InISh . (Red, Green or Amber) $ 1.98 ( B) Double Three-in-o-Row Clearance Lamps Flat mounTI ng, concealed wlnng. 0'011 length 20". 3 C.P , bu lbS. (Sta te lens calored required) $ 3.2S (C) Flexi ble Type Clearance Lamps-Fie. Ible strop allows for movement of lIg h ts. 6 V 3 C.P bulb. 2112" lens $ .72 (D) Glass Reflectors--3 1/. sIZe $ .40 4' size S .SO (E) Two-Woy Clearance Llghts--One Red and one Amber lens, or one Red and one Green lens (speCIfy). 6·S volt, 3 CP. bulb, 2%" BeehIve lens. Con be mounted flush to body In a ny posItIon. Complete WIth cord, ready-to,"sta ll $1 .20

(F) Beehive Type Clearance Llghb--Rlgld construction, Block Enamel f ,n,sh Complete WIth SC-6-S Volt, 3 C.P .40 bulb. (Specify whether Red o r Green required I




Yea, a"4 ..... 0 IUICI( \18 19S7~' CHIVROUT 19.' ... '"0 19. , ·52 All lot. 8 ",0 1955-56 1951-61 I c.,I 6




'ol"t s.t OR75 ~SI_1S ---oR976 ·Sl 40 OR66 OR<49 OR60 OR75 ORSO


I. - 1." - 1.1S

." ."" ."."

ORU"·1.15 DR9,u - 1.15 OR97i: - 2_60 OR976 OR974 - 1 '0


Roto, OR9SI---:S OR9J7 OR9J7 OR949 OR9S1 OR94S

• -

,. .••n. .1.


G."eroto' B,ush s.t ...$---:40





.55 .55 .55 •55 .55


.4. .4. .4.

.5• .5.

Start., Bru,h Set RX60 -5 .60 RX31 RX37 RX6(O R,X60 lRX60

DODGE I PLYMOUTH EXl7 . 55 Al923 • •OS Al522 - .1. Al930 - 1.60 EX"5 939·.$0 All7 •6 el'l ",0 ooEXI8 AlS30 - .15 aEXS7 AL9 .. 6 - 1 U Al9J3 1950-59 AU8 EX79-80 ALS30 - .15 EX62 1960-61 ALJ8 6 Cl" .15 ooEX79 .5. .5. AL93l AL530 oEX7" 1951·,59 AL950 1.75 AL"I EX79-80 a8 "" ,A,l937 • .5. AlS30 - .15 EX62 1960--61 AL9S6 - 1.'0 ",0 AL"I fORD • MITlOR MUCUJtY • MONA.CH _ 1.70 .n FS90 FXI .. FXSS F923 F920 - 2_U F8. V8 19"5-"8 FS91 FX1 .. FXSS F932 - 1.10 F92J .n - 1.0S V8 19"9-53 "0 F593 .7. FXI .. FXSS .,23 .n F93 F932 - 1.10 - 1.05 V8 195"-56 FXSS F93 .. • 1.10 F931 .n FS9S FXI .. G Ft. 1957-59 • 105 V8 FX5S F931 .JS FS96 FXI .. G 110 V8 1960·61 • 1.05 F93" FS91 .6 • FXSS • JS FXI.G F923 1956-61 FtO F922 1.95 1.05 6 cv' OlDSMOIIU OR928 • 2. 10 OR939 • . JS U50S .SS bRXSI RX37 DR1 .. 1937-50 • 100 I cyl. RXS8 .6. cRX37 DR1 .. - 1.00 DR972 - 2.60 USOS . 55 DR9"3 8 ",0 19SI-S" AX60 OR976 • 2.40 OR976 - 2.40 USI1 . SS RXSIG 1956-59 OR7S - 1.1S 8 ",0 DR978 _ 2.15 US11 RX51G .SS RX60 OR7S - l IS OR9S1 1960-61 I c.,.1 PONTIAC RXSO .6. IS DR9 .... - 1.15 U50S . SS RX31 DR937 DR72 6 cvO 19"0-53 RXS8 RX37 usos .SS DR945 OR7" ·1" DR97 .. - 1.'0 195" 6 cv RX6(O U510 .55 tRX58 1955-61 OR50 .9S OR97 .. - 1.'0 OR9"S 6 CVO USlI tRX58 RX60 OR75 -1 .1S OR976 - 2.40 OA.9S1 - .7. . 55 1957-61 VXI-2 VXIO-2 .n ~O'3::'WACtH 19S4-,59 RBID • 1. IS RB900 - 1.45 RB901 - .OS RBSOO - .n WIUYS Al517 • .75 Al938 • 1.50 .SS EXI6 AL919 - .OS EX"5 Al29 - 1.00 19"o-50 Al902 • 1 IS EX.S EXI6 • AL927 - .5. ALSI7 - .75 .SS lAD 0,,, 19"5,"8 AL"O - 1.00 AL530 - .75 1951-59 Al37 - 1.00 .AL9"6 - 1.U Al933 dEX7" .5' gEX18 6 cvI .5. gEXI8 AL94S - 1.15 .Al9JI Al530 - .75 dEX7" 1953·59 Al"O - 1,00 • ",0 001951-58 use EX19 use RX60 c195" Ne -1953·56 use RXS8 001959 dl952 - 53 use EX62 use EX79-80 lI953-5 .. use RXJ7 dlO51 t1960-61 use RXSIG use EX57 01956-58 use EX7" g 1951-52 use EX 17 Uy EX62 b1937-39 use RX"6C 01959 (I~S3 us. RX",5 g 1958-59 use EX79-80 001956 use EX7S W. c.".., a la,.. ,tock of 11I"ltlo" port, ,., 011 Con;, Trucks, Trocto,. . Write for ",odol' "ot Ibtad .


.6. .4. .4.


.1. .1. .1. .1. .1.


.4. .4. .4• .4. .4.

.1. .1.

..l..... ..4..



Friction Tape- 8 oz . 60' ro ll . 38 Rubber Distributor Nlpples-Fils M M wore 10 for .39 11 Ignition Wrench Set - Consi sts Point f oie .89


Brooded In No. No. No. No . No. N .o

100' ro U 18 16

$ 2 .49 2 .99 3.9. 4 .9. 7.49 8 .49


12 10

7 M .M .

Plostoc Covered $ 1.79 2 .49 3. 19 3.'9 5.9' 6 .49


.5• .5.

.0. .6. .9. LOS .t. .9.


.9. .t. .t. .t. •• .9.


.4. .4.


~ ..

.4. .4. .4.

.0. .6.

.5. .5.


.5. .5.


1.05 LOS 1.05 1.05



(23) Ignition Wire and Primary Wire TerminalsT12 Stro oght type .30 doz • Tll Angle type .35 do... T36 Primary t erm inal .29 do... T35 Spo de o pen type .29 do... T40 for 10- 12 g ouge wore .35 do ... (2') Point FUes-Special

.19 ea.


Electric Tail Lights-3 " Semaphore lens WIth white lens for license plate IIlumlnotlon . Block Enamelled

eel body N • . 300 .89 11 Flush Type Llghls-4Y2" lens gives maxomum light om 6 volt. 3 CP bulb . I Y2" deep. (State whether Red Green requored) N • . 220 .85 Universal Tall Lights-3 Y," Stop and Tool og ht with -3 C P bulb. Adlustable offset bracket permots easy stallotoon. (Wothout bracket) $ 2 .25 ',th bracket) $ 2.98 , Tung-Sal Floshers-129D 6 Volt $1.29 P229D .99 VP241D $1.3 9 Goroge Lamps-Heavy Duty type woth 25 ft. of rubr covered wire On-Off SWItch and "Easy-Open" guard.

ess Bulb) $2. 85 above but woth 50' cord $4.05 ) 4 1/," Stop Llghls-"STOP" on bold red letters on face lete woth 21 C.P. bulb and Unoversal mountong et .. $3.19

(M) Streamline Fender Lights-Fots contour of 011 fenders With rubber cu sh ion to protect pOint finish . Red, amber

or opal lens (specify calor desored) ...

(0) Hand-E-Spot Lights-Sealed-Beam Spotlight . . plugs ,nto cogar loghter . Uses 4516. 57000 Beam C.F. bulb. Has adjustable arm to prop up loght at dofferent angles for use os 0 trouble lamp. Buolt-on Swotch. Chrome handle and rom 777-C- 6 or 12 volt ... $6.00 IQ) Sealed-Beam Tract.r Lamps Heavy gouge steel lamp equopped woth Sealed-Beam Unot and Uni versal Bracket (fots 011 Tractors. TR500- 6 or 12 Volt .. $4.50 (R) Multiple Reflector Type Flares-2 per set-reflectors mode of shatter-proof LUClte Mode to surpass eXisting regulations. Compl'te with

carryong bracket $6.50


For t

St. ,



(N) Arm.ured Clearance Lights-A il purpose. heavy duty Ioght for Trucks, Buses. Traolers, etc. All steel body $1.15





MIRRORS ~ - In-l deSIgn IS adoptable to any Cor . MassIvely built. graceful and streamlined . Sparkling trople -chrome-plated for long Iofe. huge sV." x 3 3/.... non-glare mirror. With 0 screwdriver you con adjust It .. different ways.


~= -~;. _





h -

fl 'I


M1450 ..... Special $4 .95

.0. ($9.50


(A) SI.ek. Streamlln.d, B 0 d y m 0 u n t Mirror - UnIversal mount. non-glare head

.cY2", gleaming chrome . ITEM M771 _.



($4.79 pr.)


For dry, cool comfort,



homes. cars. boot.. 100% ventIla tion . COl' spnng construction . ITEM 20TW $3.25

SPLIT FLOOR MATS A 2 -plece sel - deSIgned fO<' late model cars, strong, long weanng construction . ITEM NM101C Red. Green. Blue $3.55 •• t

(B) Rakllh Ityl•• Ovol Mirror - Hooded type 6 V2 " x 3 V2" head lock. on f,xed position ITEM M707 $3 .00 ($5.75 pr.)


(C) Stylllh .. Oblong Mirror ( E)



3V2" x 5". wIth Hooded VISor. heavIly chrome plated ITEM M4416 __



($7.75 pr.)

(D) Inexp.nllve Rectangulor Mirror Sturdily built. beautifully fInIShed with triple-chrome plate. ITEM Ml075 ___ $1.95 ea. ($5.75 pr.) (E) Backword Swept Circular Mirror ~3.4" diameter non-glare head set in mod"m dome-shaped holder. sparklong chrome fInish . ITEM M1615 $3.95 ea. ($7.75 pr.) (F) Custom Styl.d Sld. Mirror - Smart modern lines. .uper chrome plate. ~ " dIameter non-glar" head. ITEM SM6457 _ _ . __ .. ___ $1.99 ea .

SPECIALLY PRICED TRUCK MIRRORS Mirrors - Rubber-sealed giant 7" x 16"

(G) Rugged "BIG VIEW" Truck adjustable mirror head wIth 4 extra heavy duty seamless-steel Is "-2~ " extenSIon arms. Easy to mount brackets enable It to be mounted with ample clearance. Steel parts plated or f,nIShed In baked enamel. ITEM TM6416 .... ~. .. . _...... _ $10.50 eo. ($10 .00 pr.) (H) Deluxe T.lescoping Truck Mirror - 5" diQ . all-metal head WIth stron? ball and socket SWIvel joont. Mirror con be extended from 19" to . 29' . Complete WIth 2-way adjustable mountIng hInge. Block enamel fInISh . ITEM TM1135 ..._ ...._ .. _____. . ._ .. __ . __._ _._. ____ $2.40


(I) 5" Round Head Mirror Replacement - 5" diameter, with steel rim, all-metal back. Extra strong constructIon WIth lang-wearong SWIvel joint on back . ITEM TMl501 ._ . . . . . . .74 ea. (J) 4" x . " Wide View Mirrors - Strong. offset SWIvel mount. replacement non-glare gloss WIth outSIde Rubber bumper . Smart reInforced metal back f,nIShed In Grey Hammered fInISh . ITEM TM47 ._. ..__ .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ .. ___ ....___ $1.99 eo.

S" x 7" Ponoramlc Mirrors - Same


above, only larger size .

ITEM TM51 ............ __ __ .. _..... _ ._... _ ............_ ...._ .._ .... $ 1.65 ea.

Heavy duty model w i th Wooden knob held on by "Llfellme" graph· Ite greased metal bushing. Strong clamp Iype base f,ts 011 Tractor ond Truck steering wheels. ITEM NMlOl ._ _ _ .79

6 AND 12V CIGAR LIGHTERS ITEM NMlOl6-6 Volt _ . $2.15 ITEM NMlOlll-12 Volt $2 . 60

~~~en~O;;:K Kno: v~lr




_ $ 1.25 Volt . $ 1.55

Mounted on floor panel or dash SImple plunger Q~ .; embly With Nylon Adlustable nozzles spray let at any angle. 2 qt. plastIC bottle. 2 jets. ITEM NM304 -.------... $4 . 69

TRUCK SPLASH GUARDS - Large reinforced rubber type, 2 .. " le 3 " Size, With steel mounting bar. ITEM NMl05 $5 . 95 Standard style 2~ " x30 ' ·size. sturdy rubber construction. ITEM NMl06 $4 . 89


An economical Flashlght every cor owner con afford . Complete with two long-lasting batteries. ITEM NM307 .99 ITEM NM107A Batterie. 1 for .35

SPECIAL! UNIVERSAL FLOOR MATS S,ze 57"x57"x37" -for 011 trucks. ITEM NM 301 Special $6.99


E IMPLEME t.T .. TRAILER COUPLER S--Made of moulded malleable oron, r",nfored at stress points a nd equipped .reated steel bolts . Automa tic so f ety lock prevents wIth heat accidenta l unlockIng . 1 hand operatlon- comp lete ly enclosed lock mechanIsm pre..-ents dama ge. ITEM 210- 17/e" boil. for light use - - - - -- ... --- -- r;.59 ea. ITEM 220- 1~. " ball{ for medIum duty use _____ ._ ".99 ea. ITEM 22S--2" boil , or h..avy duty use _____.. _.. 6.99 ea. ITEM 170-2~e" boil, for extra h..avy duty use ITEM .. 0 -17'8" ba ll. for use on 2 " pipe t ongue __ .___$ 7.99 ea. $5.69 ea . D TRAILER COUPLER BALLS- ITEM 14-1 ¥e" malleable iron .19 ea . ITEM 16-2' os a bove _. __ ___ __ _. ___ _._ $1.55 ea. C FRAME HITCH-He avy solId steel ball plat f orm \12" WIde . l~ . boil bolt hole. Ball platform elevated llh"thIck, 2\IJ" (ideal for cars WI t h low bumpers) W t . 8 Ibs. Cad lum plated . ITEM A60 ______.. _. _____ __ _$5.95 RETRACT ABLE HITCH N EW RETRACT ABLE DETACHA BLE BUMP ER-T O-FRAME TYPE HITCH . Easy to install, f,ts most cars. ITEM C78 _ _ ______ .. _____ .. _._____ _ __ _ $7.95 SAFETY CHAIN KIT-H..a vy, electnc welded cnoln links. Foolproof fasten ers, zinc p lat ed heavy steel brackets . ITEM RNI2 . _ ___ __________ _ . __ ._ _ _ ___ _ $3 .30

(l) 20 TON TRAILER HITCH-Fe atures 2V2" cost iron hook to take up to 1\12" nng. Hook

mounted on 2V"," SWivel shaft, and equipped

WIth spnng . looded lockIng dog . Weight 96 Ibs . 6-1 Ve" holes pravid"d for easy mounting , and 011 moving ports "quipped with grease fIttIngs. ITEM 20TH _ _ ______ __ $41.75 (2) BRAND NEW H ITCH-Str ong and serviceable . May be used for any towing job. Easily

attached to truck or troctor. Dimension s: 4"

hook WIth I V2 " cp.ntre . Overall width 6 3h". HeIght 7V2". WeIght 18 Ibs. ITEM BN H ____ .. _. __._ .. _______ _ $16.50

(3) POS IT IVE LOCK TRAILER HITCH New heavily budt. I " steel eye with 2VA" cen t re. Hitch takes 2" connectio n. 4-9/1 6 " mounting

holes. 5" spread . Dimensions: 8"xl1 "X6 V2".

WeIght 26 Ibs. Use on \12-5 ton trucks. ITEM TH 17 _ _ ._. ______ __.. ________$10.95



l Custom-B UIlt, 4 light conversIon kit (Front and Rear) complete wit h 011 necessory ports . 0 n d full in-

CAR WASH BRUSHES (I) Feather Weight Econom), Wash Brush - 12" Wash Brush WIth long last ing plastic head and handle . Soft Bnstle Brush . ITEM NMll0 - - - - - • (2) Round Head Wa.h Brush - 4" plastic head, 13" overall length. Has good quality bristles, PlastIC hanger and Water control Valve.

$1 39

structions for fast,

easy Installatio n. Fits most cars 1942-55.

~Tn~~ ~M3~ ____


1953-55 Chev ... 1955 Ford only.

~n~ ~~~~_~_~_.___ 6 e 95 Flasher Switch-Inc ludes Fuse and Flasher. ITEM NM308FS _.____ e

$6 95

______$1.8 9

ITEM NMll (3) 16" Wa.h Brush - SolId rubber head thick long Bristles make wa5h~ng easy, A.luminum handle WIth soft Vinyl griP, Water Control valve. A great borgaln . ITEM NM98 --.-.. - .. --. •

$4 49

H.D, SIGNAL SETS For Trucks, Tractor s, Trnl1ers,

Bueses, etc . ContaIns: 2 - double faced SIgnal lamps (F end e r mountIng type red and amber faces). 2 red lens slnllle faced lamps. self..cance lllng Bllni<lngeye" control. sWltch~ flasher , wire and Simple Instruction s. ITEM NH3096 6 Volt -. • ITEM NH30912 12 Volt

$15 50 15.7 5

"BRISKO" MILEAGE SAVER Makes starting easier and .permlts tuning even . top compr~sslon EngInes to 0 fine smooth Idle. Stops stalling due to floodIng. percolation, vopor-Ioc k . GIV~S smooth acceleration , cuts engIne wear 0r:'d Improves gas mileage . An Ideal gIft for any cor owner. ITEM MS-l _____ .---•

$4 65

DOOR HARDWARE TRUNK HINGES Forcl-I94 9 ___ . __ ..____ pal' $5.~~ 1950 _. ________ .. _____ pal' ... UNIVERS AL LOCKING TRUNK HANDLE No. 300 for most cars ---.. --.. No. 1690 for Ford and Mercury 1941-48 No. 1696 for Ford and



--------- ---

No. 796 for most Dodge cars OUTER DOOR HANDLES Fard-194 9 __.. ______ ... ch 1950-51 _______ .adl 1952-56 ________ .ach Chev., Pont., Old.. 1949-54 __ .. ____ . ___ .. _ .ac h Dodg.-Ply mouth 1949-52 _ .... ___ ....__ .ach 1953-55 __ ...... --.. ------.a ch

3.25 3.25


2.70 3.50 3.20 3.25 2.70 1.10


INSIDE HANDLES Forcl-194 9-55 ___ .. _____ ... ch Chev., Pant., Old •• 1949-55 ________ ____ each


Dodge-Ply mouth 1940-55 ____ .. ____ .__ .. ____ .ach



GLOVE COMPAR TMENT .. DOOR PILLAR LOCKS W. can supply locks for all mak •• and years of vehicle • • WRITE FOR PRICES . Whe" ordering handl•• b.

vlry Ipeclftc



lnll,ouhld e, In.ld•• etc.

Th. . .rh . . . . . . . . . . . . 'h'." .... tor CJU J.......... 19...... ,,,cl"ti ••. Q,," •• , .. • f the.. er. ,,,, erch.ft...It. . . "h ArMY' J ••" ot.4 CJJ. .KM.. ,h. Y"" 1............ , hod _ho' they '"fIIH ... .,.,• • ,,41 It ., h"lN"'ott" ...... r.'.' •• tho' ..... "., tu'.'- 'h •••• ct HI' "".."be, .f th. ,,"It t .... ppt, no ............ m . In oddl,jon t. the ".rh litt" ""OW . carry. COfftplo' • • tock of ....... t. fit .U ",od. I, .f J"Pt, 1 o"d 4 _h •• , 4,1.,. t,uck, ol'Wf g.ft,

.ft" J..... o.w.."et ....., "'''''Mn ''


".'le" ••




IMPORTANT WHEN ORDERING--(A) State •• act year and model . (B) GI.e your ... ct lerlal number. (C) U.. the IIlt.d port numbers unle .. you are not lure of the exact location of pa,t requl,ed. (D) If ordering gears for transfer case or transmission, give the numb., of te eth on geor. (E) Whene"e r possible l e nd JQmpl.,. TRANSMISSION GROUP

TT~SS~15f'~n ~~ull4~5.~of~~\e17.50 Tronsmlsslon Rebu il t Com plete Side SllIfl 0u1 . 145.00 Ex 117.50 640421 Ma in Dri ve Geor 19.65 640405 Cluster Gear 29.75 610192 Synchromesh 16.20 640190 MOln Shaft 19.71 640191 Second Gear 15.12 640417 Reverse Idler 7.10 640401 Low & Reverse 2.2' 640412 Cluster Shaft 4.05 640422 Ma in Dri ve Beo rl ng Retainer 4 .51 645910 MDG Brg. Ret. Seal .24 1$06 Gasket Kit .52 K142-40 Small Ports Kit (Cluster & MDG Brgs -Spacers) 6.41 FRONT AXl[ GROUP A6010 Ax le Sh·ft R.F Sh' rt 51.95 A6011 Ax le Sh·tt L.F Long 51.95 A1544 Frt. Axle Gasket & Seal Set 4 .70 A161 6 .21 Flange-Axle Dr rve AI51 Spindle Bushing .50 A6162 Outer Axle Bushing .95 640114 Ball Jalnt Seol (Cork Slnp) .25 11590 Spindle Beoflng 4.00 11520 Spindle Beating Cup 1.75 AI64 Hub Seol US AUI King Pm Cop 4 .12 11590 King Pin Beating 2.41 11520 Kmg Pm Cup 1.16 A779 Front Axle Inner .70 UII Seal A6741 Different ial Spider & Axle Gear Kit 21.17 5771 Pinion 011 Seal 1.45 129 U JOint Kit 4 .95 640109 prCo~~le~;aft Front••. OO 640110 Pr~~OletSehoft Reo,s..oo A9U 640114 AI445 A157

Yoke tsPllne) 9.50 9.95 Bellcronk 2.05 Bellcronk Pin Bellcrank Pin Beotlngs (2 Req'd ) Ea .15 645662 Bellcronk. Shoft Spacer (C)3A ) 2 .40 645663 Bellcrank Seal (C)3A) .45 645664 8ellcrank Beotlng (C)3A) 1.20 649219 Bellcronk. Shaft (C)3A) 2.10 14.15 105121 Sector Shoft Kit 619090 Sector Bushing Inner .50 619091 Sector Bushing Outer .50 .391 02--4 Steering Beorlngs & 1.50 Cup

CU2L T,e Rod End (Laft) 2 .50 CS62R ~ fn": (l~lft~l) U~ CS140L CS140R Tie Rod End (Right) 2.50 TRANSFER CAS[ GROUP 644111 RebUilt Tronsfer Case Complete Out ' ".00 Ex. 76 .00 640299 Tronsfer Case Writ. Al0469 Main S.haft Gear 21.75 642119 Intermedlare Gear 50.l5 A15045 Sliding Gear 25.50 A1544 OYptut Gear ll.95 A992 Inte rna l Gea r 16.15 AIU5 Shaft·Output Clutch 19.10 Output Shaft 27.65 AI"'1 A951 Seal 1.11 A991 Intermecilote Shoft :L10 642190 Bearing (Roller) 1nl. Sha ft 1.75 A974 Shift Rod Seal 1.00 A9I7 Pilot Bushing Output .50 Clutch Sha ft ENGINE GROUP Re built Block Assembly Out. 205.00 Old Exchange Block. must be re bullda ble Ex 165.00 619162 Con Rod BeorlngStd . la .030 1.41 451 Ma in Bea ting Set Std . to .030 9 .95 L579 Ring Set-H,Speed 1.11 L479 RlnS;tSet'Xn1~/' 7.45 617112 Inta k.e Val ve 1.02 637111 Exhaust Va lve 1.44 611616 Vol ve Spring .45 617044 Vo lve Spflng Reta ine r .25 175994 Vo lve Spring Reto lne r Lock (2 ) Pr . •09 Aln2 PIStons (a ny ols With Pin ) 5.95 646691 Cranksha ft Pulley 4 .70 1.10 U7613 Cr~~ks~~e't Nut OH60'O-1 Motor Overhaul 6.50 Gasket Set 4 .00 VG60.0·1 Val ve Grind Set 1.40 A1551 Head Ga sket .50 619910 Pan Ga sket 0 11 Pump Re pa ir Kit WMte 64l5ll Insulators (Front Motor Suppart ) 1.75 A6156 In su lator Rear Motor 2 .50 support SPRING GROUP 9.95 Fron t Spri ng A612 Rea r Spring n .20 A614 2.75 A612-1 Fron t Ma in Leaf 1 .40 A614-1 Rea r Ma in Leo f 102061 Sprin g Shackle Right or Left 2 .95 .60 314221 Spfl ng Pivot Bolt 3st019 Spring Eye Bust·u ng .45



U Bolt ottod'llng ~nng to Axle HOUSing 1,70 Shock Absorber Front or Reor (Std.) 4 .'5 6179]6 Shock Bustling (Rub.) .12 640"1 Axle Shafl Left ,14.51 64096. Axl. Shaft Rlghl !l.50 25577 0111. Case Brg. 1 .74 255ll Dlft. Cose Cup 2.5' 25177 Axle Beorlng J .12 25121 Axle Beorlng Cup 1. ... A779 Inner 0,1 Seal .70 5771 Pinion Seal 1.45 A164 Rear Hub Seal (Eorly) (Full Flool'g Axle) 1.l5 6465 Reor Hub Seal (Late) (Semi·Floot'g Axle) 1.75 CLUTCH GROUP 642915 Clutch Plot. 10.12 642662 Pressure Plate, Out 11.01 Ex. 1 .51 6l552. Clutch Release Bear 1." 644166 Clutch Releose Bearing Camer 1.'0 619571 Flywheel Bushing .40 640124 Clutch Cable 1.15 615194 Flywheel Ring Gear " .2J 610117 Spring-Clutch Releo:w! Brg. Carrier .12 610112 Cl utch Release Lever .70 EXI59 Pipe Front 3.95 EXI91 Exha ust Pipe Reor 1 .95 471 Muffler 6 .15 T A222 Ta ll PIpe 2 .05 COOLING GROUP 640146 Radlo tor 50.00 110 Fa n Belt 1.21 H]O Thermostat 160· 1.49 H10HT Thermostat 180· 1.49 R1220 Wa ter Pump Out. 10.1S Ex. 9.15 FUEl GROUP A616S Corburetor 19.95 A6I40 Carburetar Kit 6.95 NU2 Fuel Pump New 2.15 A1197 F1ex..QII Line Inlet 1.74 Al191 Flex-Oil Line Outlet 1.20 640101 Fuel Line· Fuel Pump .95 640]09 Fuel Line to Corb't'r .70 BRAKE GROU' CM2011D Lu,'O Sets With Rlv'ts 7.35 110. Front Wheel Cylinder Repair Ki t .10 1127 Reor Wheel Cylinder Repair Kit .92 1117 Master Cyl. Rep'r Kit 1..9 A91ll Eme rgency CondUit. Cable & Handle 7 .00 GAUGES AI1I6 Ammeter J .95 Temperature Gouge 1 .25 AI1I1 Temperoture GougeElectrical 1 ." Oil Pressure UnIt 5.1 0 AI190 P221


TRANSMISSIO Re b UIlt Jeep tra nsmission WIll f It a ll mIlitary Jee p Pa r t No. 6P W 700-ca m p ie t e le ss top a nd leve r Each . ___. __ ._. ~.'.

For CJ2A civil Ion leep

(& ~






For Military Only For Wlllys Jeep, Part No . GPW-<4207Goad used Ring Gear and Pin Ion mount -

ed on case complete with spider gears, dlfferentlol beorlngs and pinion beorlng Complete -- _. 40.0

. d _",on's Socket This amDxlng h D" Yonce-in-o-lifet Q Set is yOU" O. time borgain pnce. soc.kets-3 8'" Set conSists ~f I~S 19/32", ~s", 7 6":, "2 ' . 25i 32", 13 16 , II 16, 3. ,: 3132" I", 17 S ", , 15(1~, '1-3/16", '1';:,' T ie 1/1 6'. I S 'k I Universal 101nt, I 6'h" eXrod end saC e , 1 - 11 ~l" extens\~~ ratchet, and tenSion, \ rdvh~Sndle handy pock 2 Plecebspe DlmenSl'o ns: 12 Y2" X

Te mp e red Ste e t Scre wdr ivers-Shock- (24) Slip Joint Pliers - Strong ly bu il t fo r sure octlon. proof amber handles. tTEM NHTl-6Y2 " . .69 Fo r Slotte d Scre wsITEM N HTlA-S" .89 .14 x 23~" metal ox .36 (25) Adjustoble Angle Wrenches - Drop 2-3/16" x 5" 73/4" x 211. forged steel. .54 3-'/4' x 5" $ .90 ITEM NJ664 4" ITEM PSYl $ .82 4-5/ 16" x 6" 1.32 ITEM NJ668 - 8" Specia l For Ph ill ips Scrc ws2.40 ITEM NJ6612-12" 1--3/ 16" x 4" .42 .99 ITEM NJ666 6" 2- 1 4" x 4 V2" .59 1.73 ITEM NJ6610-10" For Rob e rtson head Screws4 .50 ITEM NJ661S-IS" No, I, 2 or 3 .50 (26 ) Stillson Pottern Wrenches - Dro p Flexi-Rigid Hondi-Rule - 72" watchForged Steel. spring steel, hardened and temper$1.20 ITEM NJ77-8 8" ed. Finger-tip recool acllon .(10) 2.10 ITEM NJ7714- 14" ___ 4.9S ITEM NMR72 .__ .59 ITEM NJ7724-2 4" __ . 1.3S ITEM NJ7710-1 0" Suction Valv e Grinder-Wood ha ndle . 2 ,90 ITEM NJ7718- IS " with rubber grlps.(1 1) ITEM NMT6 .29 (27)(A) Storter & Monifold Wrench-12 5pork Plug Wrench - Fits 14 m .m , Pt . 9 / 16" a nd 5fe" open ings-far Plugs . ITEM NMTS (121.. _ .. _ .45 Chev .. Pa nt la c, BUIC k. ... $1.66 ITEM NMT769 Volve Lift ing Tool - 20" long , for Ford VS and Mercury. (28) Wrenches - "Kliptite" qual ity ITEM NMT2192 .... $2.07 wrenc hes, sel ect Dro p f orged steel. 6 ' Zlg-Zog Rul e-ITEM NJ50-72 .39 (1 4) Thick .. e .. Gouge - 9 blades fine Open End Wrench SetsITEM NJ25-3js "- I .. __ ..... $2.3S Cold Ch lsels-2 pce.-V.. 'x43/4 " and grade SwedISh steel. 's' x7" In plastIC case ITEM NMT22 $1.25 Combinotion Wrench SetsITEM NJ200 $ 1.29 (l5 ) Allon Wre nch Set 7 Hexag on ITEM NMT010706-6 pes ., Wrenches-S/64" 3IS " - 11/ 16" . $4 .95 ITEM NMT23 . ___.._. ___ .66 2 Pee. Rubbe r Handle Screwdrive r ITEM NMT010705-S pes., Se t -VA"x5" regular, ';4"x4"' recess, (1 6 ) Piston Ring Compressor - 2 Ys"-S" 7 / 16"-11/ 16" $3 .90 In plastiC case d,am. range, 2Ys " ban d depth . Long Box End SetsITEM NJ350 $ 1.19 Heavy spring steel tension bon d ITEM NMT09106-6 pes., held by automatic friction bra kes. 9 ~'2 " Gr ippe r Wre nch ~ Alloy steel 3/8 " -1" .. $6 .60 __ . $1.94 ITEM NMT785 rounded Jaw, serrated Jaw holds ITEM NMT0910S-S pcs., thinnest metals. '( 17) Piston Ring Ski d - AVOid ring break¥s"-¥s" $4.94 _ $1.09 ITEM G9 ~2 I1'EM NMT09104-4 pcs., :Jge, reduce Instanatlon costs . Spring __ . $3 .80 3 s "-25/32' stee l. ITEM NMT161 .. . 45 Spiral Ratchet -3 position control, R ~ L turning or os rigid (1 8 ) Twis t Drills - High quality, fast (29)1A) Ch'ome Alloy Sockets-1 2 pt . cutting tool steel 1/ 16" - '/4'. screwdriver PI os tiC handle holds 7 1216- '12" .69 1214-7/16" .69 7 Pce. Set .77 10 Pce. Set .90 bits 2 slot, 2 Phill,ps. 3 wood drills. 1218-9/1 6" ,72 1220 -~s " .72 _ _ _ _ $3 .40 ( 19) 29 Pce. Drill Set - Top quality, ITEM NJ242 1224-%" .94 1222-11/ 16" .S5 122S-¥s " 1.08 1226-13/16" 1.00 Chrome Vanadium , 1/16" '12" in Automatic Push Drill - Handle con1232-1 " 1.19 1230-15/16" 1.09 I / 64ths. In metal box , tains S drills 1/16" to 11/6 ~" 1234-1 1/ 16" 1.31 1236-lYs " 1.43 $9 .95 ITEM NMT29 Nickel plated finish. ._ 1 ,45 1240-1 'I'" $2,89 (20 ) Botte ry Term inol Pulle r - Fine qual ITEM NJ180 Ity, selecled steel with drop-forged, (B) Speede r-for speedy n ut & bolt Alum lnum Le ve l-NJ612 -12" $1.49 heot - treoted arms Reoch ¥a", lurnlng ITEM NMTl20S _ $2.34 NJ618 -IS' $ 2 ,SO NJ624-24" $ 3 .00 Opening 3~ "_Y"'. (Cl Speeder-SWi ng head ha ndle . ITEM NMT21 $3 .5S Re vol vi ng Punch - Steel, strongly . __..$4.49 ITEM NMTl222H made, 6 tube pattern, nICkel plated , (21) " Hond ipul" Puller - Heat-treated , (D) SpeederITEM NJ5 $ 1.43 ~~~~~.Sl~~IM S~~'T ~;~eter an~s .i~ ITEM NMTl211 -1 0 " e xten . $1.75 Forge d Stee l Tin Snips-(22) AII-Metol Hoc ksaws - Adjustable ITEM NMTl216 -SY2" exten , . $1.35 (A 7' Slralgt-' pat'rn. NJ317 $ 1.69 frome, Pistol grip, (E) Reversible Rotchet-PoSl t lve a cB 7' Crcular pat'rn. NJ417 $ 1.49 ITEM NMT12 $2 .20 tion biting every 70 . To rq ue tested . Universo l Socket (>1," Drive) (23) Universol Vise Grip Plie rs - NICkel 10'12" long. ITEM NMTl275 $7 .19 ;. ~ ~/a" 10 J;"" one socket fits f~~:d with bordered al~oy steel Hocksow Blode. - Hig h '" mast nuts, bolts, hex, square ITEM NMT2600-10" $ 240 quo II ty carbon b lades. 10" .70 doz , ~~~ M H~~J~;ated~~~~s9 handle) ITEM NMT2601 -6W' $2 :35 12" .SO doz. (9 ~


3 9S

v. ",



PASSENGER CAR & TRUCK TRANSMISSIONS we -.IY. rota' ..., mlll_lalo.. with 0"'. 0.......... eutrlttht .,Ic. wRl be ......-011 .......Ifte_ .................. we - " r . rota' .ac....... fro_ ...... "RI"AID IN OUR ClAn. W"'.. IXCHANGI "RICE ...", la IIded $21.00 wHI be ...... to tlllt ,rtc. u ..' " bch..... u ..1t .. wltto All .......N .....11t ~ du' ...,.,. _ ........, ..11... the ......._ " , .....1,.. _ ....1..... to ",.1_1.. DIIII ....... toIoNMo. All ....Ita .,. ....,........ for 90 dora u....., """"01 ...,

..on, EXCHANGE "RICE ...... ottIy .....

_"'ed,_1oIoft 0...... ........,...



Equol to 0' tha .. " 0 ... w treln.mlsslon . Custom b .. llt•• wo", part. '.Cla.od. compl.t. ond ,.ody to In.tall (I... top unl . . . .paclfled). 010. o"pert mechan cs use the most mod.", equipment o .. ollable to mallltoin p,eclllo.. .tolldo,d. olld clol•• t tol.ronc.. Fa, more .conomlcal thall a ,.pol, Jobl GUARANTEED FOR 90 DAYS. Yeo,




$ 41.50

1951 -Ford Standard 1952-56--Ford Standard 1957-59-Ford Standard

$ 90.00 107.50 137.50

1933-39- ......................................... . 1940-48-Stote length of housing .. 1949-50--6 cylinder ...................... .. 1951-5'6--Standard .. _.. _.... ..

$ 45.00 57.50 70.00 115.00

1933-4O--Stato Model ...... ............... . 1941-"S-Can. 20-22 series .......... .. 1949-5"-Can. 20-22 series .......... .. 1941-54-American 25-26-27 series 1955-58-Standard .......................... ..

$ 50.00

1939-48-AII models ....................... . 1949-52-Standard ............. .............. . 1953-S+-Standard ........................... .

4000 6500

1937-39-AII models ....................... . 1940-48-5tate Year ....... ".,.,." .. ,., .. . 1949-54-Passenger ....... .... .......... .... . 1955-58-Standard ...... .. ......... ......... .

27 .. 5 575

$ 32.50

1940-48-Standard ............................ $ 180 1949-54-Standard ..... ...... ................. 42 1955-58- .......................... ... ......... .... 2

$ 41.00

1925-31-Model A.. .... .. .................... 1939-"8- ....................................... -.. I 949-50--Standard ............................ 1949-50--Mercury and Monarch ....

$ 40.00

11 Y



77.00 100.00

52.50 61.50 120.00



10 25 «




33.50 62.50 62.50





C ......... _........ __ .............................. .. ................................................... . ............................. _ ...... .......... .. .................................................. . .... _.......... ___ .... _____ ....................... .. _ .._._._ _ _ _ Syncho-mesh C. y ...................... _.. _......................... .... _........................................... .. ................... _.. _.......................... .. ____.._ State 6 or 8 cylinder ___..._._ Stral\;jht cut gears _. __.. Syncho-mesh, Stale year

3-speed 3-speed 3-speeq 3-speed 4-speed 4-speed

$ 30.00

3-speed 3-speed 3-speed 3-speed "-speed 4-speed

$ 42.50

1940-48 ......................... ___ .. ____ ................. . 1949-54 .................. _.................... _...... ___ .. _ 1932--49 _ ..__ Straight cut gears 1949-54 _____ . _____ ._ Syncho-mesh

3-speed 3-speed "-speed 4-speed

$ 55.00

... .................... _............. _........... __ ...... ____ .. _.................................... .. ........................... _ ................... .. . ______ Straight cut gears _ _ Syncho-mesh, State year

3-speed 3-speed 3-speed "-speed 4-speed

$ 50.00 60.00 120.00 65.50 179.00

1928-36 1937-47 1948-54 195,}-59 1941-47 1948-59

~:nsC;:, ':"P'::-oJ:':'f';'~: rARto;R~~E: ~;n'M~:m

52.50 70.00 90.00 120.00

We carry a full li ne of rebu ilt tronsmissions for Nosh, Willys. Packard, Terraplane. Hudson, Studebaker. etc. Write for model. not U.ted.


(xceptlonol quo 11 I r, 1 and 4 speed lronlmls. .Ion., feotu,lng hlllh grode replacement parts, • n d skilled .... mbllng. All unit. GUARANTEED FOR 90 DAYS.


1933-41 19-42-51 1952-56 1957-60 1932-52 1953-60

1937-.. 0 1941-46 1950-55 r931-47 1948-55

52.50 110.00 125.00 59.50 12.5.00 62.50 105.00 149.50 17.50 179.50

75.00 77.50 169.50

-Supplied I... top - All worn ports replaced, completely rebuilt Guaronteed fa, 90 days. Note-When o,d"rtng, stote Make. Year and Model of vehicle and Model No. of p,••e"t tron.mllllon. Up to 1954 __ ._____..... ___ ... EXCHANGE $165.00 OUTRIGHT $185.00 1955·60 _ _ _ _ _ _ .. ____________ · EX·CHANGE $195.00 OUTRIGHT $225.00







When ordering, .tat. yea r, mok., model, and the forgi ng num ber on the right hand .Ide of the automatic transmission. Writ. for prices on modell not listed . NOTE : These unit. are laid on an exchange ball. only, and a depol lt varying with the type of un it purchaled will be changed until the unit II returned to us PREPAID. All exchange units must be a ssembled _ If unit I. dl l assem bled a $25.00 le r v Ice charge will be charged

Change 3 -J P e e d transmIssions to 4speed easily and economically . . . increose pulling power . . hoyl heavier loads . . . sove on gas and repairs . . . stronger-Iosts longer!

FOR It. 1932-57 - includes transmission, U-Jomts, and t oP. EXCH . $ 2.00 OUTRIGHT $107.00 NOTE We cannot I • n until ... hove r.c.1 I smlslion., drive Iholt and front u e 01 lalnt DODGE & FAR - A - a ER 193350--Includes clutch hous ing, clutch drive


shoft, cnd transm ission.

EXCH · 570.0 OUTRIGHT $95.00 CHEVROLET AND C CHA GE-OVER. 1933-"'7-lncludes transm iss ion, u-joints, and top. If open drive shaft, flange & k it ore supplied, read y to Install EXCH . OUTRIGHT $75.00 1941-54 CHANGE-OVER (Synchro-Mesh). EXCH OUTR'T $185.00 1955-59 CHANGE-OVER. EXCHANGE ONLY .......... .$205.00 . L G -OVER. 193750--Includes clutch housing, clutch drive

PRINCESS Rebuilt Automatic Transm issions arc unexcelled in Quality, Workmanship and Material . With our experience and know - haw they will

unequal ...

led service in handling this vital component

shott, and transmission.








$224.50 .... .... .. ..... $1 17.55 ..... " ....... " 214.55 314.00 CHEV. & PONT IAC POWERGLIDE 1950-56 ................. $154.55 $219.00 FORD, METEOR, ME RCURY, MONARCH, FORD-MATlC, MERCAMATIC 1951-54 .................... $166.05 $224.50 With converter 1951-54 ...... ....... " .... 141 .00 200.00 Less converter

1955-58 .................... 141.00 240.00 Less converter OLDSMOBILE, PONTIAC, HYDRAMATIC 1946-50--6 cylinder .. $ 91.50 $101.50 1951 -56-6 ' cylinder .. 111.55 275.00 1956-59-Jetaway .. 225 .00 325.00

above unit until we tour old clutch haUl .. ,"g, clutch drfve shaft, and "anlmls.lan.



4 To 5 Sp

Main Drive Gears 1940-52 Chey. Pa ss. & Y2 -Tan, K322 - 1 -.---.. $11.60 1940-48 Fard Pa ss. & Y2 -Ton . K216- 1-16 taath -- $15.95 1949-51 Fard Pa ssenger Cars, K316 1A ~ --- $15.95 Low & Reverse Gea rs 1940-53 Chev. Pass. & Y2-T a n , K322 -3 .. ----- $775 1939-50 Ford . Pass. & Y2 -Tan , K316-3 - ----- $8: 75 1951-55 Fard Pass . & Y2-Tan , K356-3 ~ ~- - $8.75 Second Gears 1940-53 Chey . Pass & Y2-Ton , K322-5 --- " -- $8.50 1940-48 Fard Pass. & Y2-Tan, K216-5 ----- - $9.95 1949-50 Ford Pass. & Y2-Tan , K316-5 ------- $9.95 Cluster Gears 1940-53 Chey . Pass ., K322-1 1 ---- $15.90 1940-48 Fard Pass . & Y2-Tan, K216-11-28 toath ~ -- --- .. $19.95 1949-50 Fard Pass., K316 -1 1A , 28 taath $19.95 1951-55 Ford Pass . & Y2 Ton , K356-11 ~.~- $19.95 Synchro Assemblies 1941-53 Chey . Pass . & Y2-T a n, K331 -23 ----- $12.75 1940-48 Fard Pass ., & Y2-T an, K216 -23 - $12.65 1949-55 Fard Pass & Y:z-Ton, K316-23 $15.00 Reverse Idler Gears 1940-53 Chey . Pass & Y2-To n , K322-8 $8.25 1939-50 Fard Pass & Y2-Ta n , K216-8 $6.50 We Stock Complete Line of Gears for all Makes and Models of Cars. State Year, Make and Model.


DUTY TRANSMI Increase pu III ng power, haul heavier loods, stronger. lasts longer, save on repairs and gas We supply cam pie I e transmiSSion with tOPt emergency broke

assembly, clutch hOUSing . If required, back flange, all parIs necessary for chongeover. You must hove your drive shaft shortened approximately" " . Additional casl $10 .00 If done In our shops. We can supply these units for Cheyralet, G.M .C., Dodge. Forgo, Ford, and Mercury, International, Sludebaker, Wh i le . In ordering, state make of p res e " t transmission, cose "u",ber if possible, also mod e I and tonnage of present truck.



500 $215.00 900 $289.00


St .,





I1j2 TO 3 TON A

These units ore completely di.mantled, rebuilt, and all worn porto replacod, where nec ...ory. GUARAMTUD FOR 90 DAYS . We con 01.0 .upply complete, 2 •• peed ossembly for International, Reo, Studeboker, Dlomond, White, etc. Write for pric ••• Year Tonnoge Exchonge Outright Yeor Tonnoge Exchango Ollt,lght CHEV & G.M.C FORD 1940-47 10 3 ton $150 .00 $115.00 245.00 1948- 55 3 ton 1948-55 . ::::::::::-.:::: 245.00 3 ton 210.00 1949-55 .. 4 ond 5 ton ·n.o 315.00 1940-55, 6-hole ... _ 4 ton 335 .00 31S.00 DODG[ & FA'licio 1 .1' motor wheels 1940-48 ---------3 ton $115.00 210 . 245 .00 FORD 1949-55 3 ton 1940-47 3 ton $115.00 ~ $150.00 115.00 1948-55 -:...-:...-:....::.-:: 3-4 ton special NOTE : If electric .hift required, add $65.00. If "acuu m .hlft reqlllred, add $35.00. Timkin, 6 stud




rebuilt carrier, ready to instoll l properly adjusted,

and ready for use We supply crown and pinion assembly complete with bearings, and axle gears, split type or torque assembly. When ordering, give year ana model. If possibleJ give number on carrier hOUSing, open or closed drive shaft. GUARANTED FOR 90 DAYS.

Year Tonnage Outright CHEV. & G.M.C. 1934-39-1 % ton .._..__ ..._.... __ .. _ . _ .... __... _.. $ 38.50 1940-47-1 Y2-2 ton ......_ .... _................. _ . _ 12.00 1948·51-1 Y2-2 ton ............_. _ _........... _ .. _ . 85 .00 1952-54-1 Y2·2 ton EXCHANGE ONLy .... .... .. 85 .00 1946-54-Y2 -34 ·1 ton _._._.... _ ... _ ._. ___... _ . 10.00 1946-54-112 ton torque assembly complete .. 80 .00 1955.59-V2·34·1 ton EXCHANGE ONLY . _ 110.00 INTERNA TlONAL 1933-49-Y2 ton ....._.._.. _ _.. _ _ ..__........... __ $ 31.50 1940.48--34 .1 ton K model ... _ ................ _... 62 .50 1949.57--34 .1 ton L & R model EXCH. ONLY 90 .00 1950·57-% ton EXCHANGE ONLY . __... __ 80 .00




1937,48--1 V2·2 ton .... __ ._.. _... ___ .__........ "1 1949·55-IY2·2 ton EXCHANGE ONLy ....... , .. DODGE & fARGO 1940·48--2 ton ..... _ ..... ______._ ............. _.. $ 15.00 1949·504--2 ton .....__.. __ . _ _ _..........__ .. 95 .00 1935.40--34-1 ton .. ______ ..___..... 55.00 1947.55-34.1 ton __ . ___ ._....._._ ..... 85.00 1955·59-fY2·2 ton ._. ___ ... _ _ ..._ ......_ 115.00 FORD 1940.48--117.2 ton .... _ .. ___ ..... _ ...._.._ .. _$ 5300 1949·52-1 V2·2 ton _ ... _ _ .. _._...__........ 97.50 1953·58--1 Y2·2 ton EXCHANGE ONLY ..._.... 11 000

EATON 2·SPEED CARRIER ASSE Expertly rebuilt for 3 ton truck . GUARANTEED 90 DAYS. We have a complete range of carrier assemblies for 011 models. Write for prices. When ordering, state year and model , geor ratio, give numbers on carrier casting .

Yeor Tannage FORD, CHEV., DODGE & FARGO 1940·47 3 ton 1948·55 3 ton FORD 1949·55 4·5 ton



$ 85.0'0 110.00

$110.00 135.00

$225 .00


Tonnag. Exchang. Year CHEV. 2J§ .OO 4 ton 1946·55 DODGE & FARGO lH .OO 4 ton 1948-55 1949·55 -::~~.~:=:=' 3-4 ton Timken 221.50



$215.00 $215.00 215.00

DODGE 1 TON TRUCK SPECIAL - Completelv rebuit. assembled, and ready to install. GUARANTEED 90 DAYS. (This I. a slow speed carrier). 1946·52 _ ____..._ ..._ . _... $61.00 1953·55 .... _ _ _ _._.. _ _ _ .. _$19.00 BRAND NEW 1 TON TRUCK RING GEAR AND PINION SETS FORD 1940·52 __ ._............... _ Regular $59 .05 ..._ ......_._._........_. __ ._._ Special $41.00

REBUILT 1 TON FULL FLOATING REAR END ASSEMBLIES Increase present carrying capocitYJ excellent for building various types of equipment. Complete os illustrated, with hubs and drums, rebuilt and ready to install fo r Chev . G.M.C., Dodge, Intemational. UP TO 1941 ----......$125.00 1941 AND UP - . -$165.00 ATTENTION ALL FORD 1 TON TRUCK OWNERS 1948 AND UP These assemblies can be fitled directly into your truck, and will rid you of all your rear end trouble . Your wheels, springs, and drive shaft will hook up without any changes. Give year and model of

~~~~A~~~n~... ~o.~~~~_~~~:..~ent~~~~~~.~.:~~~~~~._._ .... _................

65 0

NOTE : $35.00 Exchange Charge will b. added to price until we receive Exchonge Unit prepaid.

AR ASSEMBLIES Compllte a"d ,.ady mar • • conorepairs, equal "a I Iqulpml"tl Complltl with 'C' asslmbly, w h i . h I"clud.. axil, spider , . ors, and bearln,s. Wh.n orf, make and mod.l, numb., on carrier gear rat io If posslbll, ope" or .Iosld or split axil housl"g type. Outright 193 1-36 1937-47 .. 1948-54 1955-60


.. ___ .......... _ .. _ ... '"'_''' 3 2.50 .' ._......... - ..... - ........ -. 70.00 _. EXCHANGE ONLY ..... _ ... 9500

1933 SIandard ... _ ......... __ ... _ .--.-.-.....- .... $22 SO 1933 Masle r and Y2 Ion ... __ ._ .... _ ....... _._ ....... 1 50 1934-39 .... _ .. __ ._ .. __ .. ____ ..... _ .... _ ...... 22 50 1940-48 .......•.... _ ..... _._ .. _. __._.......... 32.50 1940-54 ... .•..... . . . . . _ ............._. 50.00 1955-60 . . EXCHANGE ONLY .. _ .. _ .. 97.50 ~

1926-36 . . ........... _._ ...........$17 50 1937-54-7 passenger 0 11 model s .............. _ ..... 35 .00 1948-52 .......... _ ........... __ .... _____ ..._ ..._ 27 .50 1953-56 ... _...... .... .._ ....... _ .. _ ......_._ .. _ 55.00 1957-60 EXCHANGE ONLY _., .. " .. _ 75.00 1928-32 .. _.... _.. . .......... __ ... _... __ .............. $18.50 1933-40 .. . ._ .... _ ....... _ .. __ ...... 22 .50 1941·48 .... _ •.__ .... _ ......... _ .... _ .. _ .. _ ..... _._ .. 27.50 1949-56 ...... __ ... __.......... __ ........._._ 49.50 1957-60 . EXCHANGE ONLY .._ .... _. 87.50 1939-40 .... __ ......_......_ ........_ .. _____ .. __ ._.. _$22.50 ... _._.. _ .. _. ___ ... _ .. _ .. _ 27.50 194 1-48 ... _ .. _ .... _._._. __ ._._ .. _ 45 .00 1949-5 1 _ ......... _. __ .. _ ....._._.... 65.00 1952-54 EXCHANGE ONLY ___ ._.. 97.50 1955-60 1932-36 1937-42 1946-50 .. 1951-57

__ ....__ .. _ ..• _ ...... _ .. __ .._._ ..... _ .......... _ ... _._ .... _ .... _ ....... .._ ... _ .. __ ... _. __ .... _. EXCHANGE ONLY ..._ .._.

25 .00 27.50 42.50 67.50

1935-36 (closed drive) ........ _ ....... _._ .............. $2250 1937-48 (closed dr!ve ) ........................... _ .._ ...... l2.00 1949-54 (closed drive) ........ _ .... ___ .._ ........ 50.00 1955-60 ...... _ ...... _•.. EXCHANGE ONLY ..... _._ 0 NOTE : On units listed " Exchange Only" $ 2 5.00 will bl added to listed price until exchanged unit Is r.t urned to us prlpald. Write for models not listed.

necessa ry po rts for rebuilding

IR KI T OL T U-Jolnt No. Price 1955-57 Pass. ........... .......... 329 $ 4 .95 1955-57 V2 t on (1300 series) .. 329 4.95 1940- 57 1 ~2 V2 Ion open drive 331 5.75 1941 · 57 3 Ion (1700 series) .... 328 7.1 5 DODGE PI mou h & FARGO 1946-57 Pass. (with SplCer JOint) 329 4 .95 1933 -57 (with Delro lt cup Iype J o int ) Complele .._ ....... U-52 6 .95 1957 -58 Pass. All ._ .................. 314 8.25 1946-57 Y2 Ion .......................... 329 4 .95 1946-57 1-2 Ion _ ......._._........... 331 5.75 1946-57 3 Ion & Spec . ................ 328 7 .15 FO D E CUR 5 .50 1949-55 Pass. Fronl .................. 525 Rear ....... _ ...... 526 5.95 1956-58 Pass . .......... _ .... _ ........ 329 4 .95 4 .95 1946-58 Vr 1 Ion ...................... 329 5 .75 1940-57 1~2-2 Ion .................... 331 7 . 15 1940-57 2 V2-3 ton .................... 328 INTERNATIONAL 4 .95 1946-49 K; KB I, 2 (3 speed) .. 329 5.75 1946-49 K; KB I , 2 (4 speed) .. 331 1950-58 L, R, 110, 120 & R, 5, 110, 120, 130 _ ............ 329 4 .95 1946·49 K; KB 3, 5 ............ __...... 328 7 .15 1950 L, R, 130 .... ___ .... _. __ 331 5 .75 1950-58 L, R, 5, A, 130, ISO, .. 160 (4 speed) ....._ ....... 3L8 7.15 OLDS OB LE - P' TlAC 25 26 27 2. rie) 5.50 1939-55 Fronl ............ _ .............. 525 Rear __ ...... _ ..... _ ........ _ 526 5.95 7.15 1956 Olds. & ' 56-57 Ponti a c 534 UDEBAKER 4 .95 1936-57 All Models (Pass.) ........ 329 4 .95 1949-56 V2- 3,4 ton ..... _ ............. 329 WILLYS 1942-56 Milita ry, CJ2A, 3A, 3 B, 5 & 6 3,4 ton truck, a nd

station 195 1




._ ... _ ........... _ ..._ .. _ 329

4 .95

SPECIAL NEW Comple le ly Rebu ilt . . . Guarant eld for 90 days l SIa le exac l year, model, lenglh of torQue tube, po rt num ber .

1937-39 ............ 1940-48 .... .. ...... 47.00 1949-55 ............... 15.00

New Universa l Jo int Repair Kits for 3 5/ 8 Detroit Joints . AS ILLUSTRATED. Fits Chrysler, Dodge, No. U-52. DeSoto a nd Plymoulh 1933-55. -

:;:Clr;:~ce E!~6H50~ ........ __..... _ ..... _...._~6. 95

V-.OL T 1937-39 --.......-- $35.00 1940-48 .. _ .. _ .._... 50.00 1949-54 ._. __ ...... 75.00

PECIAL' For you r 1937 -47 Plymouth, Dodge, Chrys ler, or De Solo, rebui lt ar rl e r Assembly (os lli uscampele ly rebu ilt, assembled and ready to AI th is price you cann ol buy parts--compore before you buy . ThIS co rne r fils Bambedier Snowmobile . Guaranteed for 90 day •. ITEM No. CCR lDl

New Ford Front Transmission Slip Yokes Original duplicate-Fits 1949-57 Ford , Meteor Passenger Cars.

:;:~ :::L pr.lce !~~:~.

___.. _._._. __$8.50

New Ford Rear Pinion Flange Fits Ford, Meteor, 1949-57.

:~:CI:r~ce ..~.~.~.:~.~..... _.



Reconditioned Cylinder Heads Fits 1929-47 Cars All Trucks with 235 Motors

EXCH . $23.50 OUTR' T $28.50 1951 and up-EXCH . $45.00 OUTR' T $50.00 NOTE : Old Heads will be accept. d on Exchange price only if the y are from the same ye ar of vehicle os the one purcha sed l and must be shipped to us PREPAID with the order l otherwise the Outright price will be charged .

rF A

....IG y~llD

ItECK\~ wrecl<'''9 yard the largest have over We oper:t~ ~t present, ~eh are being in tona o. d truCkS, VI le t 30 cars 4500 cars a" t the rate .0 s ",odels, clismont\ed oOue to the vO'lo~iO' equip· every day. eors, ond spe.e do not in the m.ode' cors, until orders ",ent on on or trucks 'n this VlOY dis",antl e 're received . "orders on for parts L~ practicallY ad Write for oS receive .· we con snIP the some dO:", moy reqt.l1re. a"Y parts Y



With perfect splines and shafts. I·Ton Sha fts _ ... _ ·.. $10.00 2 ·3 Ton Shafts ... $13.50 4· Ton Sha fts $17.50 Pass. to '49 ..._ $6.00 Pass. '50·'54 $7.00 Pass. ' 55 a nd up . ... $8.50 When ordering be sure to specify yearl make , model, no. splines l no. holes in flange, flange distance, length of .pllnes, etc. Write for shafts not listed.

These RadIator. ore 011 tested and

~~~I,:1re~~~. ~~a~g~~e:derr,k:rP~e~f

We hove 0 large selectIon at Rad,ators for many makes and models. Write for your requirements If not lISted PASSENGER CARS Chevrolet 1949· 54 $27.50 Ford up to 1954 $27.50 TRUCKS Chevrolel 1949·54 $32.50 Ford up 10 1954 Y2 · 3 ton $32.50




These ore tt,;-:tory product Universal JOInts 011 tested, guaranteed and In perfect condition Now price d ot th ese E.tra Specia l price s. Passenger CHEVROLET 1932- 53 and \12 Ton CommerCial (State year and model) Speclol • FORD 1928·49Passenger only Spe cia l .

$3 00 $3 00

BRAND NEW 14" WHEELS To fI t Ford, Chev ., Dodge-Specify whICh de SIred . ... $12.75 FORD, CHEV., GMC, DODGE 6S0xlO 2 pIece wheel $


(Passenger and Y2 Tan)


16" any make or model Except \I, Ton. SpeCify each $3.00 16" \12 Ton - .. _ ... ..... $6.00 15" Dodge, Plymouth Each ....... - --.. - _ .


15" Ford, Chev. Ex· cept \12 Ton . Each ........... $5.00 112 Ton $7.50 All models 1955 & up Eo . $7.50 Good Used 16 Inch Wheels tor Traders, Wagons, Rims, Imp lements.

$2 .50 each

4 for


Good Used 15 Inch Wheels -


Trailers, Wag ons, Rims, Imp lemen ts.

$3 50 each .

4 for


When a specific wheel Is ordered and Is not In stock . We shall automatically replace it with another to fit .


Drums These h ubs a nd Drums a re very ca ref u lly Inspected fo r wear. Onlv th ose t ha t a re not excessively worn and ha ve no grooves o re selected PASSENGER CARS Front-up to 1954 Front-1955 a nd up Rear-up to 1954 Rear-1955 and up

$7.50 $9.50 $6.00 $7.50

TRUCKS Front-'I. and I Ton up to 1954 Rear- 3A and I Ton up to 1954 When ordering be sure to state year, make, model, Front or Rearl etc. Write for Hubs and Drums not listed .


100x20-Ford, GM, Chev., Dodge, 2 and 3 piece wheels S12.00 150, 825 x20-Ford , GM, Chev., Dodge, 2 & 3 pc . wheels. $14.50 650x20-Ford, GM, Chev ., Dodge, 2 pIece wheels _ $7.50 900xlO-Ford, 8 hole 900x20--GM, 6 hole (motor)


825, 900x20- 6 hole Budd

$22.50 $25.00

825 , 900x20-10 hole Budd


$10.00 $14.50 w. also stock riml and wh eels for almost eve ry other truck made. Write for those not list e d.

FTH WHEELS with mounting brockets guaranteed free from crocks good serviceable condition.


EM FW21-28" Size


EM FW19-29" Size - - $60.00 EM FW3G--30 " Size --- $75.00 EM FW33-33 " Size



Thoroughly inspected - guaranteed In perfect shape . FORD CHEV. 1932-39 ____ $3.50 1933-36 Std. 3.50 1940-48 __ $4.50 1937-39 __ $4_50 1949-54 ___ $7.50 1940-48 ____ $5.00 1949-59 ___ $7_50 State exact year, make and model when ordering.



FRONT & REAR SPRINGS S used tonk. with 100 gallon pacity $75 00 EM STIOO __ Only •




rcular type with 35 to 45 gallon . Can be used for all standinstallations. Mounting ck.h NOT Included$ 1 0 0 EM ST200 _ per gal. • (Specify sin required)

As IlIu.trated--Constructed of light to medium gauge steel featuring a slotted opening at one end and a hinged Tailgate at the other. Dimensiol)s-10 ft. 6 in. long, 7 ft . 6

These springs are guaranteed to hove no broken leaves and ore In

good used condition. PASSENGER CARS Rear to 1954 ------------- ----- $6.00 Rear 1955 and up -------------$9.00

~n~ ~~dc~lI;n~t'G6J..1ile:gx":"i~a~a~~

steel floor solidly braced with steel cross sills plus longitudinal channel "lis to take wood fillers _ Weighs approKlmately 800 Ibs.. A terrific value! ITEM SCB _____$ 1 4 5 • 0 0 ....

TRUCKS Frort 112- 3,,4-1 Ton ----------$ 7.75 Rear %-3,4-1 Ton ---------- $ 9.75 Front 2-3 Ton ______ --------- $12.50 Rear 2-3 Ton ------------------ $14.75 When ordering be .ure to s tat e


exoct year, moke and model.

Multi·purpose Cargo boxes--excel ent for Trailers, small Trucks, etc . Extro strong Army qualitY--<lIlsteel construction With Tailgate and pockets for stokes. Cargo Boxes - 4112 ft. wide, S ft . long, I % ft . hig h.

RAND NEW lS-INCH WHEELS ts--Chevrolet Pontlac, Ford, Meor, Dodge, Prymouth 1949-:>4 5 le, 670x 15 size . Regular $14_65. -EM W15


ITEM 1P600 ____ Heavy gouge I"IImmo boxes for every

purpose . All boxes have sturdy handles. You may pick 10 assorted boxes at the price lISted (in lots of 10). (A)22" long, 9" wldo, 5" deep. ITEM

pao ____________ oach$ I . 2 5



Cargo Baxe. - 5 ft_ wide, 5% ft. long, 11 Inche. high. ITEM lP601 ___ ~67 . 5 0 eo . Cargo Boxo. 4 ft. wide, 6 ft . long, 18 Inche. high. ITEM IP602 ____~60.00 ea .

( In lots of 10) ____ each $ 1 . 0 0 (6) Height 2S"-Squa re detachable Screw top opening 10114" X 1011.". Con be used os 0 tool box, etc . Watertight-holds 8 gallon capacIty. Excellent for storing antifreeze . $1 5 0 ITEM 314 __ ___ each •

--------------$ - --------


(In lots of 10) __ __ .ach $ 1 . 2 5

--- $10.00

--- - - - - -$15.00 - -$20.00 ---$25.00 $25.00


For trucks equipped with hydraulic brakes enabling them to haul air brake tratlers. Includes compressor reservOir tank, trader brake control I

couplers but less hoses . Condition Good ITEM Used. IP60 _______ $ . 145 • 00

TRAILER FENDERS If your building 0 Trailer requiring 14 - 15 - 16 inch wheels here is on economical set ol fenders for easy installation. New Surplus 9 ft . Wide, With 26 Inch diameter openIng. Drilled for easy mounting . ITEM TFIG--Speclal $ 1 1 . 0 0 PO"


U W E C.ESS UTO O· A A cleo rl ng hou se where cont ra ctors, quarry operators,




many other Units . I f the q Ul pment you ore 00 In~. Mon itobo come In and brow se a round a t 650 Pa net Road, W"",peg, LE ox 3 2910

If not conven ient wri t e -.9iving .full pa rtic.ul a rs .. pg. ALL lE'. l s.D 8, ~I CHA~GL WIT,'~ U N " I rE [ T WHERE ~OT[D .

i. .or

Phone c;. "

U '" t. c




C200-JACQUES EARTH AUGER Digs to 18', Model Fo,d Industnol tro ns (3 l orwo controlled,2·12"1

CI02·1SCWT CHEV. TRUCKS - " . wheel dnve, High Thread Tires 900x 16 Singes, In Good Condition .... .. $ 765 .00 CI02A-Va ns for above $ 3 S.0;) Sp a r e, Tire, Tube and C120B Wheel ... .... .. $ 35.00 Cl03-DODGE POWER WAGONS 900x 16 Tires, " · wheel drive . Late model USA F vehicles A,my Model. Ih Excellent Cond ition $ 1,350 .00 Cl03A-Clvillan Mod_lExcellent Condition $ 1,500 .00 Cl04-60CWT CHEY. TRUCKS Low m ilea ge, "·wheel dri ve , 1050x 20 8 and 10'ply Tires, Che v. gas

CI09·FEDERAL CRANE TRUCK Powered by Cummlns Diesel AIrbrakes, Tandem wheels, 1100 x 24 Tire s, 15· Ton Go rwood Winch. In hcellent Condition $6,500 .00

engine .

In Excellent Cond it ion _ $1,250 .00 Cl04A- Vans 10' above $ 350.00 Cl04B - Steel Stoke box e s lor a bove .. _.. .... . $ 350.00 Cl04C Spa reTire, Tube and Wheel $ 60 .00

Cl05· STUDEBAKER REO 6x6 TAN· DEM TRUCKS. Eng ineered to stiff ~g~:2~t~,~~t;e~~0 Comet eng ine, In Exe_lIent Cond it ion . $ 4, 750.00

flgg~i~'r~,~~ve With single wheels, In Exce lle nt Condit ion _ $ 4,150.00 Cl07·FEDERAL 10· TON TRACTOR· Waukesho Gas Engine, with Fifth Wheel, AIr·brokes, 1100x20 Tires . In heelle nt Cond it ion $ 2,850 .00 Cl01· WHITE MODEL WC22 TRAC· TOR·Whlte 160 Gos Engine, with Flfth·Wheel, Air' brakes, 1100x20 12·ply Tires . In Good Condit ion $2,850 .00

11 5·WAL TERS TYPE F RAN K V PLOW-4·wheel drive Wol lers Truck, Wing Blades, " yd. Brontford HydraulIC HOist, S Id" • Wings operate by Woukesho Gos Engine, good Rubber. S~OW

Cll 0· SEM I·TRAI LE R VANS - Frue· ha u ff , Tande m a xle, Air ' bra kes, 1000x20 Tire s, 33 fe et long. In Good Condition $3,300.00 ClI0A·As a bove with 35 tt. Volume Van ~8 , 000 g ross In Good Condition $3,SOO.00

C203 ·TWO W HEEL TRAILER$- I V2 Ton. 900x 20 8 ply N.D, Tires. Good Condition $167,50 C203A·TWO WHEEL TRAILER$- I Ton, 750x20 8 ply N. D. Tires , Good Condition .. ._._. $147.50

In Good Cond ition


C120·V. YARD BUCYRUS ER IE BUCKETS·Model Red Arch Type A Completely eqUipped. In hcellent Cond it ion $675.00 CI21.', 4 YARD P AGE BUCKET~ Model RC These Buckets ore not complete. AS IS SPECIAL $700.00 Clll . 3,4 YARD WILLIAMS BUC· KETS·Type DXL Completely equIp, ped . In Fa ir Cond it ion $ 795 .00 Cll3.', 4 YARD HENDRIX PERFORATED BUCKETS· These Buckets ore not complete In Fa i, Cond it ion $ 715.00 C12I·1 YARD ERIE BUCKET.Type F20 Completely eqUipped In Good Condit ion $995.00 C121A ·Some os above except not complete In Fair Cond it ion $900 .00 C129· 2 YARD PAGE BUCKETS·Type 2 RC, 60 cubIC teet , completely eqUipped In Good Condition $1 ,150.00 CllO·2 YARD YAUN BUCKETS • These Buckets ore not comolete In Good Cond ition $1 ,700.00 C131 · 2 YARD HENDRIX BUCKETS · Type TS, 60 cubIC feet, completely eqUipped In Good Cond it ion $1 ,150.00

C134-l,4 YARD PETTIBOINE - MUL· LIKEN BUCKETS·Completely equip, ped less teeth. In Good Condition $1 ,375 ,00 Cll5·1 YARD PETTlBOINE-MULLI· KEN BUCKETAs Is Special $, ll75 ,00 C136·1 YARD HAISS BUCKETAs I. Special ... $1 ,015 .00

Cll 1·FUEL TANKERS -Single axle d ual s, 2 ,000 ga llon co paCl ly, Hell Mode l F2, 900x20 Tires, vacuum bra ke s. ___ $1 ,450.00 In Good Condition

Cll7·1 YARD OWENS BUCKETA. I. Speciol $ 1, ll5.00 CllI.P/. YARD HAISS BUCKETAs I. Special $1,675 .00 Cll9.21.. YARD HAISS BUCKETIn Fai, Cond it ion $2,100,00

C1l3 - D-S-CATERPILLARS, MODEL 2U-Used able Lift Dozer Units In good runnnlg order Tracks, Rollers,


CAB- ~'8

yard cop.,

with Turntable and Int. Gas Engine.

Easily m 0 u n t e d on 3 or 4-T on Trucks o r 6x6's. In Good Condiiton $ 2,SOO .00

C1l7-CLARK YARD MODEL 60-24Cop. 5 .000 Ibs ., Most ht. extended 168", 7 50x 15 Tltes, duals front and Singles rear .

7-DOMINION CRAWLER CRANE L 37S-Cummlns Diesel Engine. 0' Boom, rated for 34 yard bucket. _ $7,000.00 - DOMINION CRANE MODEL 0-14 Diesel Eng ine. 40' Boom, for 34 yard Bucket. " Excellent Condition $6,SOO.00 ~ted

In Good Condition $4,SSO.00 CllS - ROSS LIFT TRUCK MODELS ISHT and 19HT-Cap. 6 ,000 Ibs., lift 144", Continental 4-cyl. watercooled Engine, 750x15 Tires, duals front, Singles reor. In Good Cond ition .. _ $3,7S0.00 C119 - CLARK P L A I N LOADER MODEL PL-Cap. 3,500 Ibs ., lifting height 144", 6 -c y I . Continental water - cooled Engine, Pneumatic 650x16 Tltes, duals front, singles rear . In Good Condition $3,5S0.00

CI12-TROLLEY BUS BODIES - Excellenl for Field Shops, Construction Huts elc. Fully glazed. 34' long , 8 1/ 2 " high InSide 76Y2" high . In Good Condition $ 300 .00 C19S-18" HIGHWAY AUGER - For Model CA-I DU2 mounting on 0 -8 Co lerpil lar . In Excellent Condition $3,IS0 .00 C204-BACK HOE With Buckeye 34 yard P&M Bucket . Like New Condition . $2,79S.00 C20S-KIERNAN TERRY MODEL 9B PILEDRtVER HAMMERLike New Condition $3,SOO.00 C206-KIERNAN TERRY MODEL 7B PILEDRIVER HAMMERLike New Condition ._ .. $2,SOO.00 C208-AIRPORT FLOOD LAMPS A.C. - 110 volt, 2,000' beam, giant concentrator Fresnel Lens, 1250 watt, 3 ' -12' Tripod, In 37x21 x20" Trunk , 4 Bulbs, Plug-In Cord, Anchors . A Princess Special ........... $77 .00 C214 - INGERSOLL - RAND 10S CFM COMPRESSOR Powered by Diesel Engine . In Good Used Condition $I,2S0.00 C260-GMC ENGINE BLOWER - For all GMC 671 Engine to 1956 . A Princess Special ... $IS9.50 C261-2S' L x 7%' W BARGES-Black rubberized fabnc, 30"

tube diem .,

16,000 lb . gross displacement . With paddles, pu m PS , repolr kits and mooring lines.

Special ......._........


CI99-LETOURNEAU ROAD ROOTER MODEL N3-Cable operated, 3 tooth . Con be used with 0-7 and 0-8 cots. In Good Condition $2,6S0 .00


LOOK ! A FRACTION OF Used only . 20,000' of 12" x 12" Conc::t:" F;;m~n hctllen, Conditio" 5,000' of

' " x

. " Con"e'e Form. NOTE : FOB . . . Conodlon Eo., Coo.t

CI41-GM . 12-71 T.WIN DIESEL POWER UNITSConsists of two 90 h .p . U nit 5 co U pie d toBroke h.p. performh.p. at 800 RPM, 400 2,000 RPM, 4 Y2" bore,S" 851.5 cu. in. dISplacement e t e With Connecting Bell and Reduction Gears . Con Into two 6-cyl. Units. ....'w __ Ta" Run Only $4,300.00 - G.M. 6 . 7 I SINGLE DIESEL S--Same os above except 90 le Unit ........__ T... Run Only $2,425 .00


$4.00 ft. $2.85 11" .. 1 ft.


42 , 2 HP. Elec . motor, 11 SO R.P.M., 3 phose, 220-440 v., 60 cycle, 6.38

a . at 220, 3 . 19 at 440 . Brand New Special $209 .00 CI94-WORTHINGTON PUMP TYPE PA-220-440 v., 8 .24-4 . 12 a ., 3450 and 2880 R.PM ., 3 HP , 60-50 cycle, 3 phose, cont . 50 . Brond New Special $259.00 C173-WILSON ARC WELDER; HORNET MODEL-Elec. motor, 220-440550 v., 76-38-28 0 , 3-phase, 60cycle gen . 40 v ., 400 0 , 1750 RPM, skid mounted In Good Condition (I only) $399.00

C1B7-TANDEM DOLLY C:ONVERTER -20 Ton capoClty, 1400x20 12 ply Tires, Air-brakes, Fifth-wheel, heavy duty Tow-bar. In Excellent Condition $2,350.00 CIBS-SINGLE DOLLY CONVERTER10 Ton capacity, 1200 x 20 N . D. Tltes, Fifth-wheel, heavy duty. Towbar. In Excellent Condition $1,075.00 CI74-G.E. ARC WELDER MODEL 6W D34C2-40 V., 400 a ., 1750 R.P .M., G.E. motor, 20-440 v., 30 a ., 3phose, 60-cycle, skid-mounted . In Good Condlton ( I only) ... _$399 .00



Th. world ', b.,t de, igned con for the storo,. and tron. por. totion of 10101ine . SUitable os on emergency con around the fo rm, garages, service stations, boots, lumber camps, mines etc . Con be stored In trunk, 5 gallon capacity, Venter for safety; compact size ; self locking cop; floots when full , extra heovyconstruction . WT Illb • . IS" high , 6 \12", 13" Wide -








$2.50 $8.35

BRAND NEW CAN (painted red)

H. D. FLEX IBLE PRESSU RE. LOCK SPOUTS 16" long, 11/ 4 " dla . With cane type

brass filter. Special safety Ioc:k lever locks spaut firmly In con open1ng--no SCrew ..



(I) FLEXIBLE SPOUTS--Brand new . ocrew type With ""e,p,ece Brass tIP cnd filter screen , 12" k ng. 1~/a " dlc, ITEM FS ......... $1.75

Why fisk becoming lost when you can carry

one of these preCISion mode compasses with you. Contains a magnetIC needle attached to a floating dial . graduated In degrees numbered every 20 degrees from 0-360 . Bea"ng eaSily read through genuine prism . LI KE NEW


Regular $35 .00 Value. HT8G-ONLY



~rond new, ideol fo~ Fruit F rowers. For , Prevention of rost. SpraYing Orchards and MosqUIto and Fly P • \lent,on Around C re-

In speclol plastiC case. For

~;a1!~g c~~~i~t~ ~fol rtt'~

ber-;awed vice assembly. 3 beading assembly devices complete With full range of rollers. Regular $70.00 value. Another Princess "Fabulous Value ." ITEM SPl -Only ._______________________ _


! owns,

etc. amps,

JhlS unit IS 0 portable gas riven machine capable of cavertlng certain hyd carbon oils to 0 fog r~i


great permonentcy With on

~~~~u~f of 100

gallons per EATUREvSapa"zed fog OIL . Englne---I cyl Inder. 4 cycle I Y: H P 3300 R.P.M . · air 3Cooied La'Wan Engine, With bUiltIn 'Co Magneto and ratchet cable starter ThIS E combustion 0" and' to drive "tome . drives blower for pump. olso supplies spark og 011 pump on~ water gallon gas tank _ 15 g 011 for bumper Ignit ion. 15 water pump. gear type a"on water tank. piston type sure and temperature oJ'um p " control valve , presstrOlner, _thermostatic tu 0, Of' ai' fdter and woter alve Ib Size: 41 %" L 2~ " v~ Vi; water and 01 1 check s. crated _ -. n .• 43 Y2" H. Wt. 475 F.

HIGH -PRESSURE GREAS£ GUN Genuine Alemlte Lever· Type Grease Gun-For automobile, truck, form and industrial use . Efficient sp"ng - p"med feed for steady high-pressure lubriin 0 n y temperature . Rugged all-steel construction With special rust·resistont finish. Dim. : 15" barrel. Ph" dia .• 12Y2" handle _ Wt . 4V, Ibs.


ITEM SP3 _ .... ___


Hydro-Flator Fluid Pump Acces ory

E't ®@

ITEM SP2 ----

$7.89 t

Fill your tractor tires yourself and save hundreds of dollars over the years. Consists of 10' transparent aCid resistant filler hose With flttmg. 2Y4" drum filler piu g, pressure relief valve, air Intake fitting tire Inflator. authentiC liqUid fillIng gUide chart_ HFSOO

__ _



ALL BRASS GAS N Z E Brand New cam pie t e with fine mesh filter In spaut _ FEATURES: • All Brass Construction . • 2 speed locking handle complete With ground wife f er safety . • _A ir force Qual Ity sp"ng loaded shut off v a lve. eliminat es gas 1055 through leakage . • Spout eqU ipped wit h dust cop cover. 16" ov erall length. approx . 9 " high. 5" Wide. INLET I V'" stra lg"t pipe thread _ Spout Ou t let 1 V..•. Weight 9 Y2 Ibs.


$13 50 I



!'la. , in QUality !n Performance ••• . No. , In Service . . No. , Price. No. , in

BLOCKS At • f,oction of t hel. o,I,lnol colt I

grlginally ... ed In A rC!n Gun Co"le 'my C rebUilt :;:;th


"::1i ~;~~ ~~~~E::~~;,,"rl~ ~ji a nd truck) f (bath Co r

.. bore, 3.6 3 stroke. A lot. model by Ch,.,. I.r. I ncl ~$ block Cro nkshoft, Camshaft, NO E~ 05, OI L PUMP OR ACCES50RI~S , ts Q'l05t VB Chrysler models 1953-58 o sseng • and truck .

1948 by USi~om 1939 to ~ Y\:!j' OWn



a ccessorIes

pump, genero t


t er

.. etar etc. Excell~n~orbur. pOwer units (Onl f or Illust ra tIon m k Y extr a rad ia t or OUTRIGHT P~'~~ On Idea l pOwer

_ $199.00 AMP. AUTOLITE GENERATOR For cars, trucks, troe· tors, boots etc ' anywillere 0 hlgh-output genera tor




"Med. I Sealed ball be 0 r i n g Sf 2 roove, 3 1/ . ' O. D. pulley, 6V2 " oollng fan. 4 hole termina l ~(M I~S\~9S5W ' 33 Ibs.

CHEVROLET RADIATORS Brand new, excess government stock. Fits Chev .

¥t tx ~n~~ T~u~k~.t~rl~; bargain Cheaper than 0


Outright only $ 36. 50

spider gears, crown &

pin ion . 843 ratio fits rear only , (Th is is the thick crown gear.) ITEM IPJPl ._ .... _ $55.00 ZEN I T H CARBU · RETORS - Model 29, downdroft. Fits Here u I e 5 motors. 1%<1 Ve n tu ra , 3 " J.b . F I Q n 9 e centers, 2· 1/ 16" 1.0. choke but· terfly. Con be adopt· ed to larger trucks , - .-----.. -- $8.50

cra nk, screw t ype. For Co r, Tru ck, T ro ctor tires. Extends to 14", 10" handle , 0 ' 011 20", 8 Ibs. Re il. $ 11.00. ITEM SBIOI

I ELECTRIC BRA K E CONTROL KIT--Ca n be use d With m



NE W JEE P CROW N & PI NION - Fits CJ2A 1940 & up. Different ial case with a xle &

Brand New , No. KI8264. Rear shocks fit Chev. ton


11,;c501it2_~4M l i:~Ojj~5 $~~~~

NEW ARMY TR UCK MUFFLE RS 36" long, 32" shell , 5" d la " 2 112" 1. 0 , Inta ke , 2" outle t. $5.77 ITEM AP2 --- .-.. -... __ .. _.


Bra kes now on the m a rket. Consists of con-

ea. 2 for $6 .95 . LIMITED QUANTITY - to f it .chev , Trucks 1950-55, GM 1I;iT. 1950-54, Ford V~ - 3;" T. Tancln 1952-59. Item

troller to furnish

gradua ted e le cthe current to

REPLACEMENT CROW N & PIN ION F i t s Eaton 2 · speed

energize Electr ic

3rakes, Lood Control for pre-settlng 19ht, medium or heavy braking de -


end w i th splined

pin i on . Case No. 19750. For Ford, GM, Int. 2112-3 TO<I with 2-speed rear end USln~ the 1350 Eaton Corner. ITE M IP CP --.-.-- -.- ---- $ 79.95

.ending on prevalent rood condiionS, p!us connecting cables a nd "fIring dlogra m .


NEW DODGE STARTER-Foot pedal type. Fits Dodge trucks and power wagons 193739 0 n d 1939-54 (by

.-.. _ . . _... $ 12. 95

~~~e~~.infw~~fr;~ ~~iI! '

some Bomb-

ITEM IPD57 __ .____ .._.. $9.95


BOI. S,ze , Pistonl I with pin and ,;nlll)


M:!r;.a::"'~""'v,, latake Valyo.

GI~Kt~hainl Cylinder Head Convenioa s.t Vol.e Co.. , 011 Pan

$6.20 $13, lO TS 4.75 1.45 1.12


$9 .75 $12.90 50 4.20 51.U I 1.SS 4.95


2O C·5.70 $16.00

4045 1 4 .50 1 20 . 1.20

1 5.70 3.60 $ 1.40




$4,00 $3.'0 $1.52 51.12

$ 6.00 1.62 tuo $1 .20

r,. 30 3.'0





7.30 US 1.40 4.45


When O,dW.riRnl'E"F.OteR Y'.', make a nd ",001.1. Thi. I1 anly a partl. 1 11" af our Itock. ALL YOUR RE QU IREME NTS CRAN KSHAFT KITS, ETC.




DRIVE. SWING H£AD HANDLE BRAND NEW-Can be u...d an all . types of Engines. Under varia ble




constant set speed . Eg. If motor is ... t at 1500 RPM-

governor will maintoin motor

speed rega rdless of load. ITEM WS650 .$26.75

~ •

2-ln-l EYELET SETTING TOOL - Punc hes hole, sets eyele t . . . all in o n e eo sy opera tion. Complete With 300 assorted, colored eyelets. ITEM NJl09 _ $ 1.39

The GRAY CANADA 3,4 " Drive, 21 V2" ,wing Mod handle IS the Ideol tool where extra leverage i. needed to tighten or " break loose" stubborn nuts or bolts on buses, trucks, troctors, or Industrial Machinery. Chrome plated-forged for extra strength . Cross drl lied for use as T handle . ITEM HTl.9. l ran d New . R• •. $22.75. SPEC IAL - __ - _ -_ _ $ 4.95


MKl IAYONETS WITH" SCABBARD - Brand NW , Make ter n f,c hunting kniVes when cut d_n. In grea t de-


mand 01 wor IOUV'enlr' fo r gome

etc ITEM WS659




BRAND NEW GAS TANKS, S gal. U.S. ca p. Size 5' W, 19" L, 13" H Excellent for snowmobiles, trucks, corts, boots. Leak aroof welded seams, filter, gauge, hlOped locking gas cap, ;.s' pipe bottom outlet, g;~C~k~~~.led mounting HTTl9 $9.95

SP[RR Y AUT SCoPt. Noth?nMA~IC PILO T GYRO_ th. Ai, Forc. '12,::~.01~k. jt! CoS! • EXPERIMENTE . • TINKERERS R! rNvHOBBYISTS Frankly We d ' ENTORS do With thIS ton t know What you' lI Ironic pOrts B~~asurek chest of Eleethe m 0 st ' ornate now It'S abou,

thing We hove

HEEL PLATES Protect Your L ea t her Heels W it h long last ing steel he e I p lates 7/ 32" ITEM WS16 12 plat.s fo, .99

IllVERSIBLE RATCHET WRENCH New ~ foot Lowell Sock.t Reverslbe Ratchet Wrench . Wt. 50 Ibs.- terrific leverage. Sockets 2%. 2-9/16, 3!1i! for hexogcon nuts. ITEM WS6S2 .... ..$'6.50





~b. stra ight



Pe inhea d. Complete with handle BRAN D NEW Rell .$4.50 HTl L $2.95

PICKS NEW Ra ilroad type, 5 lb. head. ARMY Reg . $4 .50 Va lue. Comp lete SURPLUS w/hand le. ITEM HTU $2.95

FINCE STUTCHIIl - Pulls V2 tcon , Hooked ends hold Lever action. Taps 10 splicing os both ¥<ir. ends at. up and frq for twisting. ITEM WH61 _ _ _ _._ _ $7.JO

Cuts noi ls, bo lts, wire up t o 1/~ ". Fold ing handles g i v e

extra leverage. Length 16". ITEM WSU5 .____ _ __ ._ .. $3 .75

Ing cnd


Wllh the pre"SlO~en · d Put together o fine watch It on occurocr of 100', of preCISion IS chock ful of gyro, erection Q P,o rts, J motors "ers, gear troln~:'ft!'s, trQnsfor~ oys.c. reSistors slid e IJ s. cods, r~. x IL X 9 . BRAND rlVY •. Dim . 12 Go ITEvM t Alumlnum W'tn anginal HTG5 ' . 35 Ib,.


519. 95


st e"

ref lector

on a d,ustable

SWIVel m 0 u n t Socket ..... ,......._ laces r.fleclor for e tra t I g h t a nd protec llo., Ideo I for farms, machj"e shops, constructIon e t e ITlM 1'126 $1 .91


$2 .15

FLEXIBLE STEEL TUBING - Rust ReSista nt, 10/8" I.D. Make suction hose flex . spouts, toil pipes etc. Reg . 60c ft. SPECIAL, ft, _____ .45 ITEM WS662-50 ft . rolls, ft .30

NEW SOCKETS - W' Dri ve. 11 / 16" xV2'" ITEM WS657 _ Deep Socket __ ___ __ ,69 1V. "XV2" Deep SOC. ITEM WS651 .90



PILI MIX - 7 Files: 8" , IOU, ,~ " '"angle tapered, B", 1CY" square tapered. 10 " 12 H 'Woad rasp. Y:t .r round. Wt_ Sy, Ibs: Reo. S12 yal ...._ lTfM WH6J $4.79

MICRO-GAGE - Quick accurate adjustment of Rotating Exhaust Valves. In wooden box with Instructions.


$ 5.7$



Precision, hand trimmed, deep cut, hardened steel. Permanent IdentIfICation of your property

Flush mount type wIth spring loaded posotlve-type lock rated 500 Ibs. at 100 Ibs. hard pull. Drum 4'/2" x 4Yl .' 12" handle. ~~bI:s complete wIth 25' of 5/16'

on wood or metal.

ITEM HU9_ \4" full alphabet A-Z, " &", and penod . . . In fitted wooden box. Wt. 6 Ibs. .__ _. • ITEM HS41)....4." full alphabet A-Z only, .n fitted wooden box Wt. 6112 Ibs. .._ •

57 95 58 95

Ite m B2106 SPECIAL

6 OR 12 V. MAP & DASH LIGHT Bokehte and alum mum, finished In smart "flot


fInIsh. Easy to




odlustable plastIc lens, 40" 2-strand wore and bulb.

Bl130 .99 OTE-$peclfy 6 o. 12 VoU 12 ~'- WOOD CARVING SlT-Conta in~ 12 SU'lllca l steel a uo.led b ades set In 4 ~" wooden handl.... A ler -

Item BlU4 .. ~.~-.




.9B •

ASBESTOS TAP E • PIPE WRAP - Stops pi p e age, heat loss elc. I SO ft. roll. ITEM WSl 0 - . $1.98



2 Inch cutter ' of he a v y s tee I ground to a kee n edge. H 0 r d Woo d handles. Ad kustment by 2 ~mooth lustre pol,sh b::r~~d A nuts. ect a ll· round plane fa ' F perHome, Hobby WorkshOps, :tc. arm, It.m B315l .. ~..


GRIHD & BUFF KIT _ 3" Grondstone, 3" Buff arbor Motars hole, aerbor: (:,ts Drolls, tc. ' Item B31 .. 1 .. _.- $1.49 4" SAW BLADE & WHEEL ARBOR Steel blade ,fits 0 n y electric drill, rnotor ete Item B3137 --.. $1.49

'p' v,z"

53.19 ___________ .;;:,.:_. - __ -


High quollty steel


fInely mQch~ I ne d 2\4 " Jaws wit h angle adjuster automatic SwedIsh most SGWS _ base. J Heovr stationery Ir- MJIOO - - I.H for e vearyWsfopen ta 2!4 ". A mu.t HOLE SAW-.::.Flts arm workshop! drill . Cuts I" ta It B """. 'A" wood, ho5 .m l152 -----.. _. . ea. aUfomaric It_ NJ. ,lug .jector $1 . • -~::::::~~~~~~...- _ _ IVSHMAN SAW SIT PLlrRS mfg Handles


54 79

rc 1SETPCE. BARBER -Consists of


Sheffie ld s tee I cutt ing plates, Bar b e r shears wi th side sprong actoon and Ba rber comb. ITEM HJ14A .~~ ...... _ ...... $2.39

TRACTOR DASH UMPS 6 or 12 Volt, swivel mount, adjustable ft. c~;~ h t shield, .,.t .. . lO) $1.09

Here is the a ttac hment you've b lookIng for. At lost . . . a Protr~~~ tor set a nyone ca n affa rd 5 . I arm unIt wIth full 360' ad·j us~br., grotkoctor a nd con ven ient mou nt ing plac t . Complete wIth levl'ledge N~~:ga~~r;u le. Used by A, r Force Item B2068 .. ~~_ . ---

$1.49 r-~------------.J 8" HOUSEHOLD 10" SMOOTHING PLANE

UTILITY HATCHET - PolIshed steel, 8~ " rubber hondle, 31),' head, 2" cut. Wt. IV'. Ibs. It.... HJ515 . $1.43 ".

sweating, moisture dam-


~~ndfe~ C~~~ cg~r~


ITEM NJW112 __



tains 6 drop farg ed, carbon steel pliers wilh lapped rivet hinges. 1DIagonal cutting, t flat nose wi re, nose wire, 1 flat nose 2 Ihin nose side cutting. J500 _._--.--$4.59

mitre re nts.


7" PIHKIHG SHEARS • Top quality S.Ohd steel Shears, With 'Japonned I> 0 n _ dies. Conven Ient 7" sIze. A terrofic bargaIn at t h,s low low proce. Reg. 53.50 Value .


CORNER CLAMP-2" cap , plated steel fo r Butt,


BU5HMAN MON·AD· JUSTABU SAWS - 30" X I" blade, seamless r a u n d, toeot·treoted frame. ITIM loUlOI·M $3• • .... altO. . but w1ttt 24" • ITIM HJ106-24 _

UTILITY IOX.. Uphtwelght alumlnum. " parti-

tiont, rivet con .. strualon.. F 0 t

etc. 104 ~" ITEM WSH'1

parts bins, tacls L x 6 " H x 3l,4"W. _ • fe, ·BB


CIRCLE CUTn~A.u to ~ 04" dIG. ho.... 3/16" tool bitl y~' shank for 011 dri Is. t:uts WOOd, metal, r.lastiC. ..... Il1U ---. '1.49 12" SQUA.E - '12" on ~ ' one slIM, 8" on other, marked QrOduatlona


.... 8J1U ....... $1·....


all~rass, ~~~wm;shty~

JETS - Brand new,

ter, \4 in c h thread . A ba rgain for Spray Owners. ITEM WS2070 - .. . 89






Firs eaSily on ear lnon!< _ Only 20' hiGh 18 v." d om Cop ta ~.OOO 8 T IJ Use for- home InClnero tor, co In heat.r, sportsman. stove. contracton heater.1e Burns wood~ cool. gorboQe leaves ele W. gh. 6 5 105, inclUding grales S ,. anywhere Con be eaSily dismantled lte.. WJ14., ~1 •••S 2 FOR $28.00

o ready answer to your Here IS f f ire Prot ection In cor. problems ok or tractor. Features boot, true d mp action . . qUick acting h~dy~or Immediate compo~oldS ' I V2 lU.5.) quarts of use . fl d Comes completely vaporl%ln g ~llth handy hang up filled on d bracket oS Illustrated. Itom F£10$. with bracket . 59 Quart Re fm. for above - ~ 1.


9 95




IMDUCTIOM MOTOR-practicc:t l for blowers, fO~S, tO~d' rotISseries 3~t~O i'PgM . s~ n~ 60 cycle . V. " douload. Ba rI beartlngjty A reversble sha f t. con . 'b Ible. 7" )( .". I s. 5 - blade fan for InM MH6748 .

above .'-

5$2 7.99


".rt •

DUALMAnc IILICTlVI It. I V I "U'~valloble fOf Vehicles to 5

Tons •• all makes of 4 .....1 drhles. • Easily -.vertI 4-"--' drive units to 2-wheel drNe fOf' HlQhway use . lOOCJ& tnKtlon In InIJCf or ...-. faster on HIghwoys. Quick charIoe of drive for -fieldS or 'rolls. gives inQealad ~r in both drives.

wlun JII.


1941--50 All models w/ nut and wosher on end ofaxle shaft _._ ______ _ ___ .. _ 1951-40 All· model. w/ srtOP ring on end of axle. Older models With ~honge of axle 10 snap1960-61-'h. ring both sides .. - -- •. ___ ~ - . . -_ ~. I Ton • 1960-61-\1;. ~, I Ton _~ _ _ 1959-61 f-I&. .. ________ DODGE 1957-61-W-IOO. W-200, v" & ~A Ton .tIIe fe, ptf_ ....H "'....h .f 4 wh. .....




5.00 1.00 1.00 5.00


DELCO-REMY START· ING MOTORS - Brand N e w Gen u ine DelcoRe my-II08 734. Application: fits Models 4-71 and 6-7 1. 12 Volt system Rotation CW. Gov' t cost $325. InM 602Off. red to You at Only $68.00






gines. May be used to pre-heot an engine, os sto ndby heater during

engme shut down pertods, to heat battery for cranking. Gos bumlng. electriC Ignition, forced draft combus t ion a ir blower, VOPOf,z,nR ~~ ~~~~~~;,,,~Im..::. ~:~~I~~ x 6".


ITEM MH460 "

",,$55.0 0

BORG·WARNER SUPERCHARGER Increase engine output by 20% I For: Blower, Exhaust turbine, Air compressor. etc . Rote : 26 C.F.M. at 4" H.G. at 3000 R.P.M Ball bearIng. 0/8 " shaft. 31... • ports. Dlm ~' 7V2" x 5" x 7" GOv't cost 584 .00 . ITEM KX464




letlty .... 20-45 ,.1. te a ...ul.t. . OIL "lAt . .It w'" .1LlN~ IUTI Th. .. klh w.r. /lelle ' - far ... '" ..... 'n. te .. h, fo. "."', •• • "'...." at 011 11"'''. ' ...1 fer ......... ...n" ....."' • ,he.kt, ...... - . . . erc. • • .nywhe.. a" . .oily .......,.. ...., h req_I .... ITEM WST I1 00 Orl.... 1 Ger.t CHt $ J7.SO NOW ONLY If 20-. 5 ga l drum IS not available. burner con be Insta lled In pe<table a rctic stove os Illustrated A sta ndord 5 gal. Blitz con Is used for f~ lilt Incfu4.. - 011 steel bumer urH I. 12" dlo. 10' high, w'th fla me spreader • Carburetor Wllh 9 heal settingS and fuel shut-off valve • Blitz ccn adopter CO D, a or-v""t tube. pIpe flttmgs. 2-12' hose lengths WIth fitllngS. • All necessary tools and complet" InstructiOn. "


STETHOSCOPES A profeSSional Doctorls instrument used by me· chanics to listen to motors and engines to d"termine Trouble spots and causes of troubl" . Invaluable for hobbYlSts. h ighly trained engineers, etc. ITEM WTl 0 ---~-- $4 . 95 BRAND HEW UNIVE RSAL GOVER· HOR-Ball bearing type originally off Army Jeeps. Comes complet" '" with bracket and throttle speed conlrol which enables you to manually idle motor down or bring up to desired speed. ITEM JWG69 $33. 50


IT'S NEW IT FLOATS - Combination sealed-beam spolllght and red warning flasher. Plashc red and white housing never rusts, ChIPS, peels . Over 8.000 beam candlepower . . uses standard 6 -volt lantern battery, ITEM JP57 (less battery) -- $8 .95 ITEM JP}I (6V battery) - $1 . 10

B,and Hew - He,. I, the eng,no fa, ,now tabog9an •• powo, units. pum,.. "I.t mill., IIghtln, plants, etc. 2 cyl ., 2J,~" bore, 3-1 3 /1'6" stro e , ~2 12 cu. In . PIston dIsplacement. Complete WIth corburetor, generator COil and spark plugs .

SlOO.OO valuo fa, on'y

$122.00 $42.00 do_, balanco 5 ma •. ) 50 PIECE TOOL SET-For servICIng practically everythlngl . . . Ign ition systems, generators, general automotive work on trucks,

buses, tra ctors, 12 - Y2" ratchet to 5/ 16", handle. 6 wrenches end

fa rm and rood machinery. etc . CONTENTS: drive sockets and f ittings, 7/ 16" tol.. rev.

extenSion odoptor, 8 - V4, j hexagon socKets


ex tenSion adaptor, 4" L handle, 6 Y2" spinner end wrenches 'lo8' to 11/ 16". 10 - open end to 3A.", 9 -set screw set .050 to V.... ,' 3 midget 1 Ignition file, 1 feeler gouge , I pocket clip tool box . ITEM T156 .. _ .-. $29.45


Heavy Duty

Sing le Sheave I " wire rope. Steel Shell With SWivel hook. a" ITEM HS51 ....................... $24.50 10' ITEM HSS2



SPECIAL. Heavy Duty, 6" sizes. With e xtra heavy du ty hook 120.000 Ibs. capaCi ty). 1'I... " centre p in V2" wire rope. bronze bushed. heavy Side plates. W t. ~3 Ibs. each - brand new Governa nd mildew l'es is t Hnt t ment Surplus! ~ulin ~. star'age. crops r~iv~dto Greatest pro~ Eac" .... ""'" ................... • . ucl: 10 4 weights _ . H 8 C • etc. .. Genu. emmed all rOl .lId with 10" S,ng,.. ~heo v e 1" Wire rope. St .... 1 _ oek-stit <h ;;n " • Att rac tive square ne • F;qUipped with No .. Seam. double_ shell WIth SWivel . \ e. Wt. ao Ibs. 4 thicknesses of canv '. rust-proof grommets ITEM HSSl ............................ 527.00 n pa r t a ll ruund in doubl ~s. In corners and spaced 3 e 1e-1n(orced hem te: We can supply any . SENSATIONAL HEAVY DUTY ta rpaulin required. :~ oz . .................. . . 14 sq . it. SINGLE SHEAVES as ~ hown. 16 ~:: .................. . . 18 &Q . ft . (Capacity-Up t1> 25' Ton). Ideal for 18 oz . ..~:::~:::.:~: ..... . . 20 sq. it drag line, form and construction work. Wtllh. Price . .. . .... . . 23 SQ. it: 15" 0 .0 . Sheave , with 1 % " groove. ~ OZ· l8.7a It iP~oe8" ••,,,,. PrIce W""'t Price I Y2" shaft, and bronze bushing . DIOL •• aa Hi 0 7.. I ' le Oz . 8 80 1 1.0.. menSions: 22 " Long. 15 Y2" Wide. Ship. 1001. 140& '.34 Jeoz . '2'60 18 14.... lO o&-, 2 •• 20 14 0 1 ' 21 .80 le oz.. 24:00 180&. Wt. 90 Ibs . Reg. $75.00 180. , 27.60 . 32'''0 leo.. 38.00 SPECIAL PRICE _._. _._. • 180• . ' .. 1...0

$14 50


et· s •



$29 SO

o. ,

STEEL ROLLER CHAIN Pred.ion Hardened

Un~u,po .. ed


fU. a" .tandard aproch ... on farm machinery usinl rOller chain . . . corn piCker., comblnet, hammermlll., •••• her • • SOI"l'U ~l('el H"lh'r l'haHtIl are m a d e by q u n lirfe41 crnft 111 1'14 t" fhe hil,[he .. l dtl.:r~t' or IJrcl'i .. llJlI T hc!'c dl;l lfl" a p ' tI,,'I IJ:llefl fll r III I\X I· mum ~r formZlnc" :'Ind dur:lhll lt) fu ll )" i n(('n: hll nl.: f'a hl t. fit Ol a ll ,.,Lulil artl I' rml(' kt' t f> nil f arlll mnCIIllWf) 1I"1Il1: flllh'r c h a ill W enrl ll J: "u rrl ~":l'''' .tn' '' 'If''{'I''' " 11I hn rci (,lIc.r · fOf 1II"dmllln t'nil·j· ;\11,1 d ll fahillt" .. iel " 1,la l t!> a fe rl.· .. IWlh·" fi ll" l'u lu,l rlltl (',1 III r e& l " t ,tr rtt-h, J:ulirr nre I:ut tu clu .. e tull'rallCf' rur c\lI(; t fi t fl i lt! Ul ll rhlll e rh cled ror

.. "tr.,

" t rt·\I~t".

LI \ I\ ~ ' nllhid,,:\ 1 rn ll ('r ('hnill lilt"' !! fu r ... inr;l:le Mt nl nd (, \ ) or t10 uhlr tranll (H) ,·ham .. ar .. ,1\:111;\11"· fnr relta irltllot. co ll llecthlR I,r 1 t' I Ul. htt· nill ~ ' 1111 I: !l nln . \.,I,ur. "ut t:,,·II(. h .\' t'a rr ~ ill l! e,tm II l\k~ in t·1, ... ' 111 hr t'n ~IIII \\ n. S!1'f" tllllf'1 .. HOT!: : In order'n, Horco Steel RolI.r Chain : PITCH 1$ the di,tt nll l'I' lu·twttn ro ll r f

hXTR \



WIDTH 1~ the- ,It .1.1111' 11I't\\'I'f'n lh.. illl'ooul" fOdJ:t'1I o r "i li e IIl a l P (ji\ t th t p ll ch nnd .. idlh ut )l1l1r {,hi 1.:lIalll anti tht' 11"1I/.!lh rt'qll irt'd, Horco Roller Chain .iII b, cut 10

an, .nn foot

I tom

No. 50 80


(AI NORCO SINCLE STRAND ROLLER CHAIN AND LINKS Roller Chain Conneetlnl link (C) Half li nk (H) Ho . of rolle" Prlae I tem Price I.em .,nce P1tch Width per 10' Icnlth Pit" · ft . No . each No. each

',I·" "'"I," ~....

(8.1 NOR~~. DOUBLE


1.0a c:w .13 1150 1."0 r eo .16 lleo I~O 2."0 (,,0 .38 IhO ~~AAND R~~~~R C~.'t A.~~ LINI~~ 2 I ~O

.38 ... a .aa 1.110

FOB Winnlpea

--- ~ .~ .








)tf © -- -'

,M' 11ft.".

Do tile . . " wwyl • Loci< at the low pr"el • Tested at 50% OYer Its roted c0p0c1ty • Double-screw QCtlon • Preclllon 8rotlSh wort<.manshIp . • EOI)' to opetOte. • Extra QualIty throughout An outstanding Ser..-

~~c~s c10ssout~0r,:,. '&x f:rs,~~


eluding e"teMllan lips on the axle rest fa, easy placing of lock. Durable .teel ConstructIon w th orge st... 1 bose for rogldtty. To hh or lower lust tum tM 411" cross head I>ondle whIch is Includad ldeol for cars,









PORTABLE VENT BLOWER For ven t ilating, drying, cooling! Hermon

Nelson Aor Corps type A-2, 4000 CFM cop. Broggs & Stratton I CVI., 4 cycle, aor .cooled gas engIne; IS'xI4" d,a . fleXIble, telescopIng aor duct; Blower . assembly mounted on 2 wheel dally WIth handle. Blower size; 36" L x IS" W X 2." H Wt. 92 Ibs.



~:E'S ~Hfr E~~I~R$~~F! TYPE ENGINE Portab;. W POWer Toboggans SAVE BEEN WA'T'N

anywhere 0 rugged top Quality lock .. ~Ired

at fu/I POw~~"?' lIghtweIght 'on~o~ Plane., Air 8oal~ FEATURES : 2 cyo, Idon g perood of ".::',gn ed to OPerate cool"d. 10 H In er horozOntall ". ~ , IOO R.P M ~ ContInuous, 15 H~ opposed type, aorCu. In. Co';' ore. 2% stroke 2" IntermlN"nt duty EQUipped ' t~reSSlon ROllo 9 I '.11. dIsplacement 29 ti POwerful c:~"ng d¥al magneto.' Stro:;,'t:,:,on ClockWIse. oil pump Out on. mechanical 0 rg Carburetcr

Manual stQrterO~Qtlc choke., Shle~e~err:or~ fuel pump ~ / J 5 hIgh . Wejghr"'~' O""ensrons; 2r' "gnItion l;Winng ~ #

'R'GHT t.m HT

0 Ibs . BRAND HE.: ng , 2S





WIde, . PRICED 89.00

HYDRAULIC JACKS The lotest in engineering design for easy.

dependable operatIon under any condItions Guaranteed . leak-proof . Height THS Clod Opn Ho. Price 903B 3 9 IS" $17.00 905B 5 10 16" $19.00 9011 S 9 IS" U4.00 9121 12 9'h IS" $32.50 9201 20 9~ $66.'0

Yz" COMPRWION STOP-Brass canstruction accurately machined. ldeol for use with copper pipe at tubing, Y2" parts. Dim. : 2'h" x 23,4". ITEM IPll _



NEW HEAVY DUTY TOW BAR-Controctors, Lumbermen, Truckers: here is the H.D. Bar to meet all your needs. 8' long with 13A" towing rong on one end and axle mounting plates on th" other. Curved to fIt under front of v"hicl". ITEM HT97 $17.50

AUTOPULSE ELECTRIC FUEL PUMPS - ldeol for Domestic or ForeIgn Cars Pumps fuel to any Gas Engine, mounts .onyploce in fuel line , pumps fuel only os reqUired , no polarity, self-

groundIng. Cap.- 35 GPH, 5-6 PSI W,th 011 on lone installation fIttings. (SpeCIfy 6 or 12V.l . - __ $19.95 .TEM APP3! -

Tok. the hol•• with AUGlR.

ELlCTRIC pOST a~~~~ort AUGER - ~t tl;-:;~iCOI Auger. WIth this han ~~tile, easy-toCompact, v~implY attach to 6 oper a te V· iruck, car, jeep t : 2 ' ol r press tractor battery .tc'; 'and d ig a push-bUtton SW Perfect for hole ,n seeon s. Line Crews Ranchers, Farm"r~ H P motO( etc. Brand new 1 ~7" .fllghting, (150-1 reductIon, nd stop, 12 push_button start t~ 2S", 0'011 S ft. cables;,' Wt 65 I!>s. length 52, '



Cb.... t for A~..Oft_") 8tond New Heavy Duty




......... Altedl


Compreuor for continuoperotlon. Has Y, H P_ - 110 Volt 60 cy1. explOSIon proof motor. Will d.Iover 50 Ibs. preslUre to a tank and 20 Ibs. continuoui for IPfGY gun BuIlt-In gauge, con-oH SWItch, ball beorlllg conltNct on, double diaphragm. Scora)"l poInf laequo', lnsect,cldn etc. wt. 66 lto. O,m.· IS" " 15" x9" ITIM ISU OUS


Small Gun S"" Gun $9.M; 2CY Ai, HOM, .$1.";


• z 6: ;r





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Model Item No.


---- --- ..- '-"'-'--".- ::~.l.'IC; I::i p....: _'M. ___ • ___




Rural Route __ ._._.. ___ ....... ,P.O. Box ._ ... _. __.. _.... ___ Provi nce. You r Ra ilway Is the re on a ge nt . ___ ._ .. _..... __ Ra ilway a t your station? ... _ . ___ ..._. ___.... Stat ion is .

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Shipping Instruction. 0 Parcel Post 0 Express 0 Freight o Truck o C.O.D. o Cash with Order (Register 011 'eHers c:ontoining cash.)



Body Style

Serial No.


Whe el Base PRICE EACH





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NOTE: On 011 WATER ROUTE SHIPMENTS we ore unable to ship C.O.D. Pleose forward CASH WITH ORDER, PLUS tNOUGH TO COVER PREPAID FREIGHT. Any ove rage will be prompt ly refunded to you.


NOTE: Before Sealing Order . . . Have You: Filled out ORDER BLANK complete ly' (Name, address, quantity and l ize).

LAST MINUTE SPECIALS! -~"'ew co.. -=--=-___


StHI Pede" adapled to otn"f ... hlcle • .

R...t Proof Turnb uckl•• : Brass body plated eyes. Retract"d 3~iI", eJrtended .. ~". It"m AT ... ' "', __ . _ _ __ 4 for .. .

ON ITEMS MARKED " FARM CERTIFI. CATE REQUIRE-D" • . • filled out the FARM USE CERTIFICATE? WHEN ORDERING TRUCK HOISTS & AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT • . . filled out the " Informotion Block" ot the top of ORDER FORM? ON PARCEL POST CASH ORDERS . . • have you included enough to cover POSTAGE?

.... _

.. .....-r.

Ire.. lody '"dlock : Full pm tumbler ho rd"ned shackle ond spring. locks 2 I V." . Item PUGC


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On· S.C., tarla Alberta P.E.I., Man ia. N.S., a. toba Sa.k . Quebec N.S.

Newfound land

Helpor $prla. . : Fit 13h" ·2"-2Vl' ~~!.4~ rear lea f SPring on cars, true Its, tra ilers "le , Adjustabl. 500 Ibs. ta 1.000 lb.. Increaw load capaCi t y Wi th 0 bet"'r nde lte .. RH3147 ___ _


,.. pr_

1 lb. $ .23 $ .24 $ .26 $.28 $.30 2 Ibs .



.3 8



3 Ibs.






4 Ibs.





.7 8

5 Ibs.






6 Ibs.




.98 1.10

7 Ibs.



.98 1.12 1.26

8 Ibs.


.94 1.10 1.26 1.42

9 Ibs .

.87 1.04 1.22 1.40 1.58

10 Ibs.

.95 1.1 4 1.34 1.54 1.74

13 Piece Twl.t Drill Set: 1/16"·1tA dn lis In h.avy steel Index box . Itom RIUI45 _ _ __

Ho"Y, Duty WI,e H... Clemp. €It I Y2 rod. hose etc. Item RH3110 __ . . _ _ 7 fa, ."


12 Ibs. 1. 11 1.34 1.58 1.82 2 .06

Magn etic Con Opener _ SWm _ folds flat aga inst wa ll whe 9'0 way type, ~~~m deS ign With Chrome t~l mno~als" lo~""

14 Ibs. 1.27 ·1.54 1.82 2 . 10 2 .38

It" m

16 Ibs. 1.5 1 1.80 2. 10 2.40 2.70


18 Ibs. 1.55 1. 90 2 .35 2 .70 3 .02 20 Ibs. 1.55 1. 90 2 .35 :2.70 3 . 10 22 Ibs. 1.80 2 .22 2 .67 3 .02 3.42 25 Ibs . 1.80 2 .25 2.80 3 .25 3.90 HOT E : Due to great variance in POSTAL RATES In Ihe YUKON and H.W.T. or towns wilh HO POST OFF ICE we are unable to list same.

Quahty $1.91



~tm:s ~.~~ :~~gnetl~.':'o n. '.ld h$'l1~


Stain I... Steel Stea k Kn lf. S ' With " Mirror _ POlished" St ' it - 6 piece ..,t a nd b lock pla stiC ha I Om ess steel blades ti me va lue. Item J P3 19~ es. A onee'm'O·Ii ' .,..

.sConPi"ce St a in less St I lOins 5 u..,ful eo


- ]' B ut. her Knife Set _ With Hollow · hFghly polished · cu tt ing blodes--3 y: " 6 1' ,~s8 " ull range af Ite m JP3198 2 , ' ., ,8% ", 91/, ". .......... ' " '-''''' ...... - ....... _ $4. 19





A .. erlols & Speakers Air Mattrt'ss


Awge, Post Hole



Auto Accessories 63, 68, 69, 62, 77, 76, 78, Auto O.,ect1onol Signal Automotive 62 thru .... 1. & Hub Assemblies 21, 20, 14, ",.1. & Shafts

79 79 87 13 87


89 75, 7 75, 58, 59 70, 65 61 90 95

8arge rubber

SattQries & Parts BottClry Charge" Bearings, Auto Belts Blitz Con,

Blocks, snatch Books, Instruction Boxes, Ammo. SOJ[es, Cargo eMke Linings Brushes, Auto Wash Suc:kt'ts-Clomshell, Drogline Bus Bodies





Coble Cans, Oil



7 7

8t 89.

_ 85, 84 Cor & Truck Chain-Auto, Truck Tractor 22, 23 -Sprocket 28 -Roller 95 Clutch Plates 64 Compasses . ... 90 Compressors & (Kits & Ports) 48, 46, 47, 30, 87, 94, 89, 87 Compressor 81 Construction Equipment 88, 89, 9 0 Covers, seat 62 Couplers & Hitches 79 Crones 8 8, 89




Jacks-Auto -Screw -Hydraulic Jeep Ports


Mirrors-Auto & Truck 6 2, Motors-Aircra ft 59, -Auto 64 , -Electri c . _ 3, -Starting _.. ... 59 , Mufflers & Accesso ries _

6 3, 60 , 65 , 60 , 72, 14 ,

18 61 66 61 13 91

Pockso cks Paint & Brushes _ Pistol, Vorer Pistons & Rings Power Takeoffs Power Units, Diesel Pulleys, Belts, Accessories .... Pumps-Auto _ 44, 45 , -Genera l 44, -Fuel ...... -Irri ga tion

6 48 6 70 34 89 61 72 89 72 45





Electricot-Miscellaneous - Auto . Engines-Auto & Truck -Aircraft -Gasoline _1, -Diesel Engine Ports, Auto 12,

60, 61, 59 16, 11 64, 65, 66 94 49, 95, 9 5 13, 10, 91

60, 61, 30, 3 87 94, 62 6, 77 89 78, 6J 89 89 68, 69 _._ 71

G Gaskets & Accessories . Gas Honles

64 _ 90

71 96 96 80

Lamps & Lights 3, 6, 30 , 62, 6J , 76, 77 Lighting Plants M 1, 9, 56, 51, 58

Nuts & Bolts

Drive Shaft Assemblies

Fans, ventilating Fenders, trailer Fire Extinguisher Flares Floodlamps Floor Mats Forklifh Forms, concrete Front End Parts Frost Shields _


Ignition Ports





94 Heaters-Oil _. 7 -Immersion 49, 94, 2 -Gasoline -Engine 73, 2 79 Hitches & Couplers Hoists, Hydraulics 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 Hose-Sundry 7, 45, 72 45 -Suction 42, 43 Hydraulics-Cylinders -Fittings . 39 -Gouges 40 -Hoses 2, 40 36, J7 -Kits _ 4 0, 41 -Pumps 40 -Tanks -Valves 38

72, 10, 91

Corrier Assemblies,

Cylinder Heads

Generators -Auto & Truck 72, 73, 91, 93 -Genoral 5, 56, 57, 51, 59 -Fog 90 -Welder 54, 55 -Aircraft 59 Governo rs 94, 93 Grease Guns & Fittings 90, 75


Ra di a tors Reducers, Sp eed Rifles Rope __ Rotary Ti ll er .•

.. _ 86 .. 9 ..... 6 94 99

Saddle Tanks Snow Plows Solenoids .. Spa rk Plugs ..

87 88 15: 59 76




THE WESTI" SPECIALS2 t. 10, 9 0 to 99, 30, Sundry 49 , 6 2, 6 3 Springs, New & Used 68 , 69, 81 Sprocket & Chain 28 Stomping Sets _. 93 Starters, Auto 6 8, 69, 73 Stoves, Arctic 94 T

87 95 7J 77 77 . 19 . 10, 14 . _ 10, 19 _ 10, 19 =thaac~;~over ·i O~ 12, 13 , 18, 19, 20 10 , 12, 14, 15, - Aircraft 16, 19, 20 -Auto ....... _ 10, 19 -S prea d e r _ __ 19 -Infla t or _. _ _. __ ._ ._ 90 - Truck _ _. 1 t, 1" 18, 19 Tools, Ha nd 6 , 8 , 9, 62, 71 , 81 , 92, 93 ..... 7, 8, 93 Tools, Powe r 96 Tow 8a r _ 89, 99 Tra d ors Tra ilers ____ . . _. 21 , 88, 89 59 Tra nsform er .. Tran s m issi on-Auto 80, 82, 13 -T ruc ks 80, 82, 13 -Pa rts _l_. 80, 83 Tru cks, Su rplu s .. _._ 88 Tu b in g-Copp e r _ .. .._ 73 -F lex ibl e 7, 92 7, 45 - Su di on Ta n ks, side.. & sodd le Tarp a ulins Thermosta s, Auto Tire Pumps Tire Repair Accesso ries Tlres-Reliners . _ ... -G ra de r _. -Recaps


Unive rsal J o ints

'ii '-

35, 85, 86

Wag ons 24, 25, 26, 21 We lde r Parts _ _ 9 , 54, SS, 59 We ld ers ...... 9 , 49 , 50, 51 , 52, 53, 54, 55, 89 9, 51 We ld ers, Ac etyle ne Wh ee lba rrow Wh e els 19 W h ee ls and RimsA uto & Truc k _. _... 86, 87 ....... _...... _ 87 Fifth .. 19 W heels, s pee d . ._.. _ _ .... _ W inch e s-Ele d ric __ _ .. 4, 29 -Ge n eral __ .. 4, 28, 29 Wire & Cable __ ._ ..... _..... 59

ROTARY TILLER BIG JOBS ON SMALL FARMS SMALL JOBS ON BIG FAR S' The Kuboto Diesel Power Tiller is a rugged economical all-purpose un it . Its 6 h.p. Diesel engine gives plenty of power for large areas and in hard baked ground . . . yet it is well balanced, easily handled! No other tiller, large or small has this kind of ;obread iness. A big . . . powerful heavy duty unit we ighs 697 Ibs . precision engineered to professional spe cif ications . . . far superior to any tiller in Canada today !

, ocificotion s: I LLER . Variab le ra velling speed TEM HT 687

ENGINE 6 HP . Kubota radiator cooled MODEL KNDR-S (refer page 5 for fu rther particulars), speed 4 fwd ., 1 re v., adlustable tilling Width 1.6- 2 .S It , adlustabl e height . working depth S" - 7" . 9.3 MPH . 14 rotary blades . Dim : 83 " x 31 " x 43 ". Ground clearance 7" . Net Wt 687 Ibs


Complete line of extra accessories available. Write far details

Slee hal move d,the n glv. ER DON 'T FORWARD. If "dd'e not recei ved one. POSTMAST other Inter elted porty who hos

the Cotal oll to



Ij -


$50.00 volue

. . .... . . SAV E!

SAV£ !


$33 .50

(See page 60)


$14 8.50 (See page 4 9 )

S8 .SO


~ Hy~R:!~~,C

SA V£ !

528 .75

5• ••• 94 )

~ See page 93 )

pal, (See page 22 )

(See poge


'1£ '


$49.95 value $33 .95 (See page 7)

$12 2.00

. (See


SA V£ !

(See poge 38 )


516.00 value $18 .00



$17 .50


825 • 20 TRUCK CHAI N

SA V£ !




SA V£ !



page 9 5 )

~( SAVE!


$5. 15 (See page 7l )


Lm~~~ WAGON with

650 • 14


NEW TIRES $180 .00 volue

$14 9.00 (See page 24 ) GR ESEN VANE TYPE HYDRAULIC PUMPS lh" in'et, Y2" outle t



$49 .50 (See page 4 I )

Comp lete Only

SA V£ !

$25 .00 (See page 85 )

~/ " '-.....

SPERRV .. GVaoE SCOP rJ.....,




$1 •• 8

10. ... ,£ " • • (See 5",



I 1000.1250



$350 .00 v

'lE '




$21 0. See page

1725 R.P.M. CONT. DUTY ~ H. P. MOTOR

$14 .50 (See poge 3


$1 00.00 value 514. 95

<,- '. "TE

LININGS 1949·50 Chev . 1%·3 Ton Front Linin gs

514 7. 00



$99 .95

ge) SAVE t (••chan poge 66)



(See poge 37)

CHEV. 6 CVL. REBUILT ENGINE 5200.00 yol••


(See P"oe 6 )


"46· 10

100 LIS.



." S= :HY' CIRCUIT !!.. - _~ Valve ~J~ump ey,s. ,' ~ "Hose; etc.

(See poge 78 )



m.:I\. "

_ . ~u~ ~


~ SAVE !


125 • 20 10 PLY


GRIP TREAD TIRES $114 .00 val

5385 .00 value $15 5. 00

(See poge 34 )


See pogo


$84 .50 Se" peg" 'I


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