NO. 106,1964
!!~,~~t.NEW NOReo
... 1084__...,.._ _ ...................... __ ~ " ~C--Y_"'I""11
--$9950 ..,.u_""~
-C-- •• _ A _ ... _
.... ,.-r ....
.• . ,. .... _
wen... .....-,.. .. 100 PSI • COM'RlSS"I:--Co" iron (on'Prucf.on. honed 1"''lQ1e cyl,,'tder 2_6 CFM. 2" bore 13(16" sfrob FeotUfU dose "'01 ..... of S....ed,sh lIopprl' .ttel Oll1lCtly coupled tQ motor tor g ...... et eU.cfency . • MOTOR: WESTINGHOUSE Y.r H .P 1725 RPM, Then'ftO a .... ' lood protec:led " with ".,~f •• Itch. 10 ft . cord and 3·p~ plug • ,RWUII SWITCH : Complete')' Autole:.
12":.. 2""
Go. . emrnent Approved . •
ACClSSOR IE$ : Air gUO!,)e, cheel< "'01.,., safety
• , ohul~" ••, ... 20' ." ..,.. w •• " .". chuck . ... ". ,.... w.... , •• con..n.on. d"'n cock, .-,bl.. ,oupf'l"IO biD"'" no""l. tor cleanIng fods, ere Wt 100 Ibs ITIM 'Te 21. 'RI'AID
It'. h.,. ot latt . . . •• pecificolly cI• • i,,,ed La".r Lift '.,m Truck Holn ho't'in • • 11 the .u,.t."di". feoh" •• of • Mny dut, Com. ",o,ei.1 O"tfitl With. n .... N.,c:o Chollo .. , . , will •• ". ,0101 will SO". mo"o,1 Th, P,in,'" Auto 2-.,•• , "'echo"icol I".ron'" i, your "lInCl"'1 of IUlt.i".d reliability• • ' ",pU'I... ,"o lntonlnu • • IIhtl"di". Liffi", Economyl Check th ... outtt."efi", f •• tu,.s th.t ",ek, the Cholls",., Econo,"y piu. : BUND HEW, GIANT HEll 7 " b.... octi". c,lInd., wIth steel rings, butit·I" 01 1 reservo.r ond p rectSton machtned low pressure gear pump mounted directly to cylinder base (no hvdraullc hoses to br~k of peak periods). 45 degree lilt SUB FRAME : 9 fool 3 JC . .... ~ angle LEVERS : .. .. Chonnel TIPPING SILU : 12 It long 5" channel Fits 011 I Y:t -3 ton trucks With up '0 1 SS"· 160" wheel base carrying 0 12 It box tNOT£: CAN SUPPLY TO FIT TRUCKS WITH 172" WHEEL .ASE CARltytHG 13 or 1" FOOT IOX£S , , , WHEN ORD£RING ADD S IS .OO TO PRICE. ADVISE .OX LEHGTH. GIVE MEASUREMENT FROM CA' TO CA. TO REAR OF lACK SPRING), Comes complete With duve shafts. " U" )Olnts, steady beorlng, mounting brackets
the Best in Quality at the lowest
in Canada! With Farm Certificate
NOW •. . GET THE MOST FOR YOUR HOIST DOLLAR WITH PRINCESS 2 Y£AR WARRANTY FREE REPAIR AUTO'S REVOLUTIONARY NEW S· OR RE. PLACEMENT TON " ALL· STAR" HOIST. FOR ~ WINNIPEG • h F. 0 , I . hoi., f.lI ""~ owld tfti. AND 1 TON TRUCKS - PUTS THE ~o"djt'o". w th·' "or,,"o, LIFTING POWER WHERE IT IS NEED· .... I ' " 2 ". ED MOSTI DeSIgned to do 0 smooth and effortless lob of hand long up to 10,000 Ib loods Con be Installed on ' either straight or humped frame Trucks The Norco " AII ·Star" f,ts 011 standard factory plck. up bod,es and groin bodies Without altering the truck deSIgn ALL· STEEL CONSTRUCTION : featUring lever· hft action CYLlN. DER : 3 h Bore, Double actIng cyiln. der WIth a 14" stroke PUMP: 2 p,ston type. double actIng WIth 4 -woy Valve and Built-in 0,1 ReservOir all parts submerged ,n 001 LIFTING ARMS : Const ructed of ' / ,.' structural plate and 3 " )( 1/ 441 " angle steel. 1" pins used throughout Complete WIth Hoses. Drove Shafts, " U" J Oints, Mounting Brackels and Instructions ITEM HS ALL· ST AR with Farm Certificate S· TON " ALL· STAR" l2V. ELECTRIC HOIST As above eKcept has l2V. PACKAGE UNIT CONTAINING PUMP, RESERVOIR. MOTOR. CONTROL V.\LVE. SOLENOID. STARTING SWITCH. Ideal far 1/, 3,. , 1 ton trucks With 3·speed transmi SSion ITEM HSE ALL·STARCertificate
..... ,.,•• rl
llALlSTICALLY PRICED • . . FOl EVE RY TRUCK AND EVERY BUDGET I 10-TON CAPACITY ..• DOUB LE ACTION •• . EASILY INSTAlLED! ',incell Auto Icore. again with its Br ond Hew ~S U"ER -STAR " 10 TON-LEVER LIfT TRUCK HOISTI "'SUPER·STAR" provides low cost truck unloadlnt, the yH' "roun d, with no sacrifice in quality Or perform ... enc.. Simplicity of d.sitn make. installation simple ••• Quick . • . easy! Ho special tool, or expen,ive Iobo, Is inyolved! Liftinll as.embly mOllnts easily on exidin, truck chassis Upper Lift Arml are equipped with .djllstable, t.lescoping brackets fo, ••• y Mount betw.en existing truck lilll. Rug SI ed • • • aeliable . . . Unload Clnd go in minutel! Here a re the features that make " SUPER-STAR" a winner on every count. PUMP : High pressure 2 pISton selfconta ined Combination Pump, Valve and Reservoir. Inteoral ports completely submerged in oil.
0-3,500 P 5.1 CYLINDER : Powerful, high pressure, "POWRAM ' double - actIng ~V.. · bore, l~ " stroke. LEVER ASSEMBLY: Constructed of h.d. l/ 8 " plate WIth 2 x 3 " x ~ .. angle structural steel sides, 1'I. " p ins. Norco ALL - WELO construction throughout. Comes complete With Driveshoft, " U" JOint, Hoses, Mounting Brackets, rear hinges and pins.
ITEM Farm HST159 With C.rtific.te _ _ _ _ _
$159 • 50
" SUPER· STAR" JUNIOR For all '12 - 3,4 1 Ton trucks with 9 It box. Same outstand Ing fea t ures o s a bove un it except ha. 3'12" bore, 1~" stroke cylInder Complete with Pump, Driveshaft, "U " Jo ints, Hosel, MountillO Brackets, rear h inges and p ins. ITEM HST JUS-With F. "" C.rtlflc.t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
10 TON ~ORCO ' Liftoll' Mow ... Build
f the best hydrallll c one 0 ideol hoist offen ever madet An unit for the Form Engineer w~o refers to build his own equIP' P t to his own speCifications
"ft"'~1t\UCl 0 ~:n hoses
Lever Action
or tank _required contained hydraulics. 7" cylinder, el rings, hyd. oil cap. ~ gals. 2" steel p iston rod , ste.,t. in control valve and re~loce Geor type pump WIth bUI We IIlIara"t.e these IInlts In able bronze wear plates. new co"dition. ITEM H"CAll-Anothe, P,incess Special at on!y (Wlt~ fadmw~h'~~ist P,T.O. extra If pure Clle
$119 • SO _~
bore double actIng cylonder,
ond control valve
High preSlure pump 3,000 P .S.I. - .. pi.lon.
DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED fo, f.,m t'lIcks rated 1-3 ton c ..... city with liP to 102" c.b to axl • • n" 14' box. Low mo"" t, troub le fr•• op. ratJon, easy i " I t . I La t l oft, m in imum weight with ",• .,Im .. ", . t ,.nlllh fo, 1I, • • l e, ....y loa".. L. ve, type Iink.lI. d •• ill n. d t o Illve m." imllm IIfti nll c ..... city. Unit pISto n high preuur" pump 3 ,000 P.S.L WIth built- In reservoir
2 pfKe electrically welded f ra me co nstructed 3 X 3 X Y4 angle .
Un it comes complete
$199.00 $219.00
with drive shaft, U JOInts, hoses, pIns ITEM HHLA I~With f."n Certlficat. _. _ . _ MODEL HHLA 1 I - Same as a bove but WIth 5" x 12' channel t ipping SIlls. Cc> mplete with drive ohaft, "U" JOInts, ho .... , p In. With F.,m C.rtific.t. ____ . _ _ ~__
H.D. SVI" lo,e Cylinde,
P,lnc.., Auto Introduc . . . HEW FIlONTllII In CUltO", built hydraulic hollt dHlln end performance. Custom built in our own .ho,"
~~T~Vl-~EtC~:4u~~Dc":~~lnEIR ·FE"1T~0Ill4 P~~V'id:1
extra leverage when load II heavlelt. IlEINFOIlCED CYLlHDEIl : HO. SV2" bor., 3." stroke. PUMP Large volume gear type with built-In control valve
FRAME: Noreo 011 weld construction, low mount, built-in hydraulic reservoir . TIPPing sills and base! S" channel heaVily reinforced . Comes complete with drive shafts and U joints. When ordering please
supply : (I) Make of truck, model, year and tonnage. (2) Box length . (3) W.dth of frame to outside measurements (<4) Measurement from back of cob to rear of back spring . ITEM HTHll0 Certlflcat_ ~
• . T'O. _
With fa,",
POWER TAKE OFFS FORWITHALL TRUCK MAKES HEAVY CAST.IRON CASE pOWER for Dump 804181, Hoim, PU",PI, Truck Grain Loade", etc. Th... or. sin,l. ,peed unit. which transmit approximatel, 7 H.P. and operate at proctically one-half engine Ipe'" with 0 ,Clfla of 1.11· 1 ",oto. to tob .... f', Ihaft dio . 1l116", Includel 10 foot dash c08trol coble.
tJ ~_~ .....-""'"
--~.. ;' !.I
~:tR~tVW~~L:~~;: ';g~~~ New Helical Cutrevenel power 1 forword, 1 eciol Each, Take -0 otfs. Sp I (For" and . h Contra wS·th e~s transmission.lspe
DUTY TW 0NEW H£t~1l TAKE-OfFSSPEED P ord _ 1 speed 1 Speed $0"',930-52 trucks"
Reverse. . or Womer T.9 trons-
speed U5t~ 11 also f.t Dodge
.t.s1nQ Wor-
~er T -9 tronsm 5Slon. l
Ell TAKE-OFF1-SPEED pOW o cl--1 Ileve"· 1 Speed .Farw , I Will f.t 011 like n~w Model pTBC Units i~a~~~e 1a!tlng. A reguO$225.00 value - only
8 NOTE We COrt supply 2~PH"J P .T ~O'I for all types of trucks. Wrote to<" prices.
CHEVIlOLET 1932-1947 4 1941-1960 4 1916-1955 5 1956-1961 5 1956-1963 5 1955-1963 5
Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed
Ipur 4APl Iynchro ",Hh 4MP1HX (",o,t ",odels) __ ICP64 NP-540 IlH Mount ;lIlWP5H Spicer 1151, 3151A RH ",aunt. 4MP2HX Clark 165V-167V LH ",aunt ICP64
FOIlD 1937-1953 1952- 1955 1956-1963 1953-1956 1941-1963 1957-1951
Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed
spur T97 TrenJ. Helical T9I Tren. Helical T9IA Trenl. Light Duty NP Clark 150V Std . NP 540
4 4 4 5 5 ,
_ 5APl 5JP1H SKP1HF 6EP11l IC"4 nWP5H
INTEIlHATIONAL 1933-1953 4 Speed 1950-1955 4 Spe'" 1956-1963 4 Speed 1950-1957 5 Spe'" 1957-1961 5 Speed 1931-1961 S Speed
Spur T1 Tranl. 5APl Helical T91 5JP1H TU, T9IA 5KP1HF NP 175, 195, T20, T21 T",nl. 6EP11l NP 540, T19, RH ",aunt lRWPSH Fuller TlO, Tll ICP64
DODGE .. FARGO 1933-19S1 4 Speed 1950-1951 4 Speed 1952-1955 4 Speed 1956-1963 4 Speed 1937-1951 5 Speed 1950-1955 5 Speed 1956-1963 5 Speed 1960-1963 5 Speed
Spur T9 Helical Helical T91 Trenl~ Helical T93, 193 T",nl. HP Lllht Duty RH ",aunt HP 540 Clork LH ",aunt
IMPORTANT . . . READ CAREFULLY-W/4 SPEED TRANSMISSION, OH DODGE, INT... FOIlD 1950-1953, WE MUST KNOW WHETHEIl YOUR TRAHSMISSION HAS HELICAL Oil STRAIGHT CUT GEAIlS. NOTE : We .0.. lupply 011 S ,pe'" Tronl",tnlOft PTO' I. Write for pricel 011 unli,ted unlh. Wh ... orderi.. g 5 ....... PTO'I ltote whClfhar f.r left or right hand .. ou .. t, and 0110 . . eke of Tron .... lula.. . ALL MODEU LISTED AIOV[ F..... Certlfi ... te Required
....... , Tak_*' C.b1ft-.7 #eft lOll_ITEM .. TOe
PRINCESS AUTO has a rich ba k hoist unit car in th N c IJround of experience in farm Hoist
~~~RI~;pl~~t ~a1s th:m a?'~C.O. ~:~~ ;;;u:i~h ~~~~~: LfF~NSTRUCT~~uf:~~inlNG~ an
d' . . . MORE VERSATILE PRODUCTlV enjoy safe, sure operation with every load. ITY.
(Double Acting .•. High Pressure Pump . . . Stra ight Push)
20,000 Lbs. Capacity
Double Acting Cyl. Straight Push
Ta meet Public Demand . . • "PRINCESS" has done it again. Just think of it ••. A 10-ton double-acting straiqht push type hoist at this neyerbefore-heard of price. The Norco "Super-Lift" Hoist is a H.D. hoist engineered to easily handle 20,000 Ibs. smoothly, quickly and easily. " These advanced engi gir.leering" features will save yau time and maney TermS while g iVing you superior performance. • STRAIGHT DEPENDABLE PUSH TYPE-no cumbersome RUGGED levers to worry obaut . • HEAPOWERFUl VY D U T Y ELECTRICALLYWELDED ALL-STEEL FRAMEgives you unmatched ruggedness to easi ly handle toughest Jobs . • POWERFUL DOUBLE - ACTING CYLINDER - 4 Y2" bore, 22" stroke . • 2 PISTON HIGH PRESSURE PUMP-3s00 PSI with built·in reservoir and control valve . . . will handle any rated load with speed and ease up ta a 45 ' lift . • LOWEST POSSIBLE MOUNT-for a" 1 Y2 - 3 ton trucks carrying S'10" long, , a 12-ft . box . • SUB · FRAME 4x4x Y4 angle iron . • TIPPING SILLS }2' long 5 " channe l. • Complete with maunting brackets, drive shafts, "U jOints PTO extra NOW AT THIS SPECTACULAR PRICE . NORCO SUPER LIFT
H.D. Electrically Welded Frame
2 Piston, 3500 PSI. High Pressure Pump
H.D. 4\12" Bore 22" Stroke Cylinders
High Pressure
fa, LOWEST POSSIBLE MOUNT all 1 \12 -3 ton Trucks carryi"IJ a 12 ft. box.
PUMP-fo, foster railing and lowering
of lood!
Single Speed power Take-off any hOist In thiS cotolog
If purchased With
THE OReo "2·WAY" 10·Ton Farm Truck Hoist
le octl" . hollt today Here 'l the malt wa"te d doull ru ••ed, ... dy-to •.• 10 to" copa clty_ ower tul, 011 ned
engin eered
elimi nate
Desig const ructio n and know n weak nesse s In truck hOISt time.
coun t on every to_ give perfo rman ce you con
provI des POSitive Th.s brond new Noreo Two Way also ' comp lete load con push and pull actio n and any posit. on then trol- load can be stopp ed .n
In down positi on box raised or lower ed by powe r. ing
nting that annoy os autom atoca lly locke d preve .. piston , high- press ure t bounc e and . rattle . Pump : - A self conta .ned 2500 P.S.1. contr ol Valve alway s 0,1 reser voir un,t enclo sed inSide the 2 hases Suppl .ed to hook subm erged .n 0.1 CYLINDER . NG ACTI LE DOUB T GIAN up to our
es, eter (.ns.d e). full 24 strok 3 poston rongs 2" h.ghl y ed steel ram
Insure lifetIm e servic e.
DED -com plete FRAM E-EL ECTR ICAL L Y WEL heavy 6" d".nr 'eJ..... 12' top s.lIs manu foctu red from ceme nt if repla sill wood for ble suita iron- drop hinge - LOWEST MOUNT POSSIBLE struc tion for easy load start.
Co", plete with mou nting brac kets, drive .haf t ,"U" lal"h . IP.T.O. Extra with Hail t $22, 50)
f.ts all stand ard facto ry. il NORCO TRIUMPH ut alteri ng de,slg n of truck s Witho
pick- up bodie TION, deSIgned and job il ALL STEU CONSTRUC leadin g monu foctested by one of Cana da's
rurers . CYLINDERS, 2Y2" TWIN DOUBLE ACTING arms to worry abou t. bore, 18" strok e No lever TION for g reo t e r TRUC CONS E HING il DROP copac ity. il UPPER FRAME - 4" chann el. iron . il LOWER FRAME - 3" 2angle piston pump 0.1 Powe rful il PUMP ol. contr reser voir and , hose. , moun ting il Comp lete with drive Ihafh brack ets and "u" Joinh . (with Fa"" CartlH cete)
Item Norco Triu mph Extra with Hoil t $22. 50)
TII. o"""'tion of th... Hoists has b.. n de_l,ned
tflat the body starts toof11ft, at which time theIs load b thewhen h.-vlest, the amount IIftln, occel.ratlon at Ih .. i"imum - os the body goes up and the load is conseQUently reduced, the amount of liftIng acceleration increases "J'.. ~'~ _£' proport,onately - os the body nears the top where the load IS e~tremely Ioght, the amount of acceleration at lift Is at
Its maximum.
Specificatlons--Cyl,nder 7" inside bore----Oil Capacity <4 gallon--Dlameter of Piston rod 2"-Pump, gear type--Wearlng plates, bronz_bullt In valve. In ordering, please till In form below to insure proper fit of hoist to truck. Ho,st os IlIustrated-complete and ready to install with B,and Hew cyl inder and pump Tipping sills mode 01 new steel , up to 15 ft ., built to exact box and truck measurements, thus assuring perfect fit. This hoist will outlast several cha~,s os It IS deSlgr.ed for real heavy duty work.
ore sold on
one year mechanical guarantee.
Complet. with Unlverool Jolnh, drive sh. ft a nd steady bearin,.
$375 00
ITEM TOft H37SHoist 1-10 • (P.T.O. Extra wltfl Hoist $22.50)
~~k! ~~lt~t!t:IX~;' 1,~o:k
and trans",luloft. Lifts quickly and _moothly. Un Iform pressure throughout the full range of tipping angles. No projection below the top of truck chasSIS table top Con b. mounted Oft any p,e.. nt day 'ruck.
GEHERA, .L C HARACTERISTICS--Two heovy duty 5" bo re cy Inders with 2 " . I 32" stroke--wh ' stoln ess steel shofts o nd the Jevper ond roller principle . Extro'th . G control I' eor ump 4-woy . . vo ve equIpped with Raise H Id L POSitions. 34 " All Steel Z sub f' 0 .an ~wer 9 -goll on copo ' ty '1 ' . ro,:"e With budt-in in 'dth .CI 01 reservOir. TIpping sills ore 38" WI to gIve extro stobility.
4 MODELS AVAILABLE Model "HI-GO" , A 11 soils 9 ' bed. s I ustrated. Complete
2 9' to 1<4' box 72 degrees ~ Model " HI-GO" 3 10' bed RaISes I 50 degrees Model "H I-GO" 4 10' to 16' box 50 degrees '
· 0:-'0ASI6\Iu~~ted
- , - ' ------... 9 bed, but I... tipping sills. Raises
10' b
WIth Tipping Sills and
45 00 49 .00
• ed but le .. Tlppln, Sill •. Raises
01 T & DU
Some HOISt os above WIth Hea box . Box has large cob shi Id )( 93Y2 " wide. InSide width'=--
. 0 gdouge , re,nforced steel
7'rv: 1~lv~r .Qdnd I~ 13' e height, 2
Model "HI-GO" Dump
ER- : ' : M _
In ordering co..,plete hoist, please fill In form, as this will enable us to glv. you the proper length tipping and su b ·from •. Make of Truck Year Tonnage Box Length Width of Frome to outside measurements Len,th f,om back of cob to rear of bock spring Model
STANDARI)..-For Intermittent services with Hydrauhc HOISts, Harvesting Equipment, steerIng mechamlml, etc. Used as standard equipment on most popular makes 01 smaller underbody hOlstS. Has keyway. Is drclled and topped for grease fitting and set screw ITEM UJI (State Size required)
'A" Rd x 3A" Rd JA" Rd x U" Rd U" Rd x ¥." Rd 'A"RdxU"Rd 'A" Rd x ¥B" Rd ¥."Rdx¥."Rd ¥." Rd X U Rd U" Rd x U" Rd U" Rdx I" Rd H
U"RdxU"Rd U" Rd x I"Rd I" Rdxl"Rd I"Rdx3/~"Sq. '4" Rd x 'A" Sq. '4" Rd x ¥." Rd Rd x 'A" Sq. 7,1." Rdx '4" Sq.
U" Rd x U" Rd
NEEDLE 8 EA R IN~Extra long lefe - for heavy duty work.. Replac:eobe beaflngs Some se1ectlon 0$ above ,n the follOWing sizes l"k'*. l"x ..I.' '''xJ1~''. 11 .. "1".... IIs"xlV•• lIA"xlV4" $9 75 ITEM UJ2 (Statc size requlrcd) • SLI P TYPE--(Stafe OIZC when ordercng) $ 6 5 5 ITEM UJl • 34" Rd x ~~" Rd Slip '." Rd x 'A" Sq. Slip '/~" Rd x tA" Rd SlIp U" Rd x fl" Rd Slep f .. Rd " ¥I" Rd Sl,p U" Rd x Rd Slip U" Rd x 3~" Sq. Slcp I" Rd x I~" Rd SI.p ~~" Rd )( l~" SQ 5'1(\
JEEP T RAN S FER CASE P.T.O. - Fits 011 • wheel drive Jeep transfer c_a ,5es. Gives you t hat auxiliary drive to opera te, other accessories, saws, Implements etc. Con be used With pulremoved and replaced With 7 insta lled . . . $Slm PIY re mo ve 9 •5
sprocket drcve. t ransfer Case Cover, ITEM PTOJ.I -.------.--.~--
' ole a' l o r d ' H . Five sha lt o,st. W inches a n d
(A) NEEDLE lEARING TYPE6 Splened End on Universal __ Ill.t In. Overall Length _ 41 In. 16 Splened Female end on shaft !l4 In. WEIGHT _ _ _ 26 Ibs. ITEM DA P A "I % -41 ___ $28.50 ( B) DOUlLE U JOINT WITH SHA" AND lOOT ASSEMILY. NEEDLE BEARING TYPE. EXTENDABLE FROM 2." to 31" ON A I" SLIP. O,eratJ Length Caltapsed 2. in. Overall Length Extended 31 In. Ij JOints to fet round Shaft Both Ends I}. In. WEIGHT 151bs. ITEM DA n~"I }' 1l2.-l1 $17.50
(C) NIEDLI lEARING TY~ Overall Length 22 en. 6 Spllned End on Uni,ersol 13;4 In. 16 Sphned Female End on Shaft !l4 In. WEIGHT 221bs. ITEM DA l JA"I % -22 _ $~50
ITEM RS100 34"
on Hydrau'ic Trud many other uses.
ITEM R510 1 3'4" R:~UdndCShafting 4Se ft. Shaftlng ' n old Rolled ITEM RS 102 J/. .. 5 6S c It. Shafting ,~ Quare Cold Rolled ' 6St It Y"rite far proces on ath ,ng measure len g t h ,eq ~r ~zes . When order. not be retu rned l a , c re~;;~ Once cut can(0) !IOUIU U JOINT WITH SH" " "HD lOOT ASSEMILY. NEEDLE BEARING TYPE. EXTENDABLE FROM IS" to 2'" ON A I" SLIP. Overali Length Collapsed 18 en. Overall Length Exte nded 21 In. U JOIntS to fit Round Shaft 1 en. WEIGHT 11 lb•. ITEM DA Ix Ix 11-21 $14.50
(E) STEADY lEARINGS -~.:'- 'J 16 P10 drcveshaft beorcng~." 15/16"ITEM SB (S'atp SIZt' required '2.75
HEATMASTER JR. PORTABLE HEATER Gives you the heat where you need it! . • . Up to
65.000 B.T .U. per hr .• using LP or Natural Gas!
NO OTHER PORTABLE HEATER OffERS SO MUCH FOR CONSTR UCTION. AGRI CULTURE OR INDUSTRYI Con be used os radiant space heater, forced air furnace , cooker stove, camp
heater. You con operate Hea tmaster Jr. for as little os from to 1O~ per hour at maximum output . Because It uses
.. V2 rt
clean effICient natural or LP gas as a fuel Heotmaster Jr
Aa~~c~7i'~;o!;;u~d .~~~~1:~lLpa8a~f kt~~eS %'t~:~tt'n~ttfan/'~~ hrs. Rugged 011 steel welded construction, -leght enough so that on.! man can carry It . Fan Motor thermostatically controlled . No moving parts--trouble tree heating for you year
after year
100% safe control system with pilot, shuts off
~~~I S'f~I~I~~d~~IOvMS;~1 ~lo~~i~Malc~.fsU~;',}~O~~m~ Gas: 1fl gal 63 ,000 BTU per hr. Natural Gas Approx. 76 Cu . Ft . at 65,000 BTU per hr. iI HEATED AIR OUTPUT : Fan speed 725 RPM - 1090 CFM Fan Motor 1/10th H.P. 115V. 60 cycle AC. 10" blade. DIMENSIONS : 15lA" Wide, 26" long, 29" high. WEIGHT;601 Ibs. (SPECIFY MODEL LP or NATURAL GAS) . ITEM PHLP6S-(LP Go. Model) ~ ~"'----" $ 110 00 ITEM 'HNC:'S-(Natural Go. Model) __ •
PUSH.PULL DASH CONTROL ASS~BLY FOR TRUCK HOISTS WITH EVERSUR£ 2 OR 4 PISTON PUMPS Designed specifically to convert truck hoist operation from outside opero .. tion to convenient cab control. Assembly consists of 10' dash mounted push .. pull cable control with knob and all necessary brackets etc. to fit 2 pISton or 4 pIston Eversure Pumps. (WHEN ORDERING SPECIFY FOR 4 WAY OR 3 WAY OPERATION). An excellent converSIon unIt for use with
$11 • 95
Princess Auto Hoists Illustrated on pages 2·8.
NORCO HA V. AIR PORTABLE COMPRESSOR, 6 OR 12 VOLT D.C. OPERATION NEW DESIGN •.• NEW LOW 'RICE .•• GREATER EFFICIENCY EMERGENCY AIR SUPPLY - ANY TIME, ANY PLACE ••• Simply at· toch to ony truck, tractor or car battery a"d HAV·AIR up to 125 trucks, auto wreckers. tractor operators, contractors who re .. QUire 0 co mpact
space saving light weight unit
Fills any tire in minutes, blows out radiators, fuel lines ete
FEATURES. 275 CFM PISton Type Compressor directly coupled to 6 or 12 volt DC motor
2" bore 11.'16" stroke,
splash lubncorlon , 0 1' cleoner . MOTOR: Totallv enclosed, ball bearings, Comes complete With 20' air hose with tIre chuck. and b lawlt nozzle, 2-10 ' battery cables WIth clips . Unit mounted on sturdy steel base With pre-drilled
hole, lor " osy mountIng . DImensions IS" x 8" x i i ", Wt 35 Ibs. ITEM PTC 27S ______ ._. __ _
~ /
BRAND NEW-To , fIt .·speed trons·
, m i s 5 Ion 5 with straight-cut gear!
2.7 CFM at -" RPM, 2 " I '4" stroke. P.T.O. con be cut and pulley mounted on shaft
850 bore, off for
belt operation. An Ideo I unit for the Handyman to build hiS own compressor Cast-Iron construction 'WIt'" stainless steel valves.
Strong 0 n d serviceable.. May be used for any tow i n g lob. EaSIly attached to truck or tractor, Dimensions: 4 " hook with 1 Y2" centre. Overall width 6 l /.o". HeIght 7%". WeIght 18 lb•. ITEM BNH
BRAND NEW OIL FILLED COMPASS HIghly stable and sens i tive • • Y2" compass dial, fluorescent markings
on b lac k back· ground. 0 '011 d ,o . 511, ' Complete In 7 " x 7" x • Y2" wooden, hinged T r 0 n, ,t Case. Gov't Cost over $200.00 Wt. • Ibs. ITEM HERC2 •
$11 95
Unbreokoble • Rustproof
ItO",. cles.
ROTON CENTRIFUGAL FAN Super Power, -High Velocity Ideol 10 r exhaust installation in Boots, Trailers, Trucks etc. ..5 h.p., 1300 RPM, 2.V. D.e. (6 or 12V. ot lower velOCity). 18 omp., 12" dla. inlet. 6 l /.o " sq. outlet, With switch, power cord. 17" high x I. y." deep x 17Y." wide. Wt. 35 lb •.
~:: J~:7~
ITEM NHF72l--Above motor only - --._ ...... - - - -$17.5 0
20" LONG 5/16" CHAIN with HOOK
10-50.000 RPM, 12-400 cy. Compact. competent and In-
of any piece of revolVIng machinery by transforming vibrations into revolutions per minute on a gauge that is Simplicity itself 3~~" dia.
20" LONG - 5/16" CHAIN WITH HOOK Chain has hook on one end and plate with 'A" hole other end. Bo lt t 0 get her and make longer slings. Weight of chaIn ond hook 2% lb.
with plostic case ITEM NHJ571
expensive , It will tell you the RPM
Designed of a new material compound With exceptional ct"loracteristlCS. Makes on Ideal container for camping, picniCS, booting. Won't $crotch or mar. hos visible liquid level, IS crushproof.. unbreakable, rustproof, lightweight, non-rattling Comes eqUipped With screw cop and self contolned pouting spout. Available In • sizes:
$49 • 50
.. _ •... _ _ _ _ _
New "Sceptrene" All-Purpose Jerry Can. •
._. _._
- . $I·il
Gallo" Gallon - _.._ - _ . .. - .... $ • Gallo" . - - - - - _... _ ...__ ... ---- $ • Gallo" ...- .. - - _..--_.---._. ___ .$ •
4 TONS OF VERSATILE WORKING POWER •• MAKES " ROAD SERVICE" FASTER. SAFER. MORE PROFITABLEI Th. "ew Norco Ch.... p i. • co... po,.ti,..l, . . . ., li9ht-w.llht low COlt C"". witt. BIG .. ",iIIl ...... Desig"ecI to 40 • wWe v.riety of work ita 4 toll c.,.ity la c.poltle of h."III. 1 . t po'' '''ler c.,. .,,11 .... 11 111. trllcks with ..... Chomp easIly con."erts any trucks with a .. speed transmission into a ProfItable Utility wrecker for Garages, Contractors, Municipalities, etc. FEATURES : New Rhino 8000 lb. winch equipped with dog clutch for free spooling, Safety broke, Bronze gears, timken bearings, 1" input shaft Drum Dim : Core .. Ye ", 0 .0 . 10 304 ", Inside Width 9 ¥s". Bottom frame constructed 3 " channel, upper frame 2" tubing, boom " Y2" channel with 7" cable pulley. Mo.,.. boom height abo."e truck frame 6'. Lowest height 2' abo."e truck frame. Boom has 6 he ight ad justments. Comes complete with drive kit consisting of U jOints, chain and sprockets, drive
t,.~ a;~~te~d~ be~~~,;g~v:'_~~ approx~~~~~~ _ _ _ •• _ _ _ _ _ _ ._~_ PROTECT IUILDINGS AGAINST FIRE • • • lE PREPAREl) TO STOP FIRES WHILE THEY' RE SMALL I $3 SO tACH-BUY 4 AND GET ONE FREE. NEWLY RELEAUD GOVERNMENT SURPLUS • . • GUARD-X A"tomotic olo,Ift ond v.poriai", fir. e ..tingyllhl r . Provides fire protection at low cost.
FEATURES: I quart Carbon Tetrachloride gloss .grenad~ mounted on on olumlnum w~
Bracket f~m~ir:~uf~ ped wlthkala~m as;:y'tt~1I a~~cu~~~n':'T!o ~ncluded on easy hoo up 0 d t 'dge loaded f",ng bracket is sprinQ ~pera~eccill~ort:,~s when fuseoble hammer which au oma I la5S sprepd ing liquid and link melts allnd k~h~!~r';,~ bell alarm C"CUlt. Unot automatic? Y Cl ... esh wire guard to prevent enclosed In m br.Qcket.
$3 50 •
llAND ME'W COMDITIONSLIGHTLY SOILED. A fortunate purcha se enables us to offer these engines at 0 dra sticolly reduced proce. NO FARM USE CERTIFICATE lEQUllED. Order while they last ... limited quantIties. MODEL 23A·R6 6- 1 gear reduction : Excellent for snow etc.; 3" bare, 3V.... stroke, • cycle, cost iran-mech. gav .. 1800-3600 RP M. Reg. $261.20. lS2lA-R' _ • .... ...... ato .....'d mod.1 Ion ..., reductio... Reg. $219.00. SPECIAL - - _ - - .. _ - $109 ..95 MODEL 19-7.2S H. P., cost iron (less gear recf)~ Keg . $IS19 196.00 _ . ____ _ _ _ __ • .......... but wit" 6-1 ••0' red"ct io" . Regular $2.1 .00. IS1"1 • MODEL 14 S.25 H.P. cost "on (less gear red.). Reg $1 96 .00 . IS14 __ _ • A....... ~t with 6-1 _ , ,. ductlo" . Regular S232.oo . BSI461 _ •
$134 50
$102 50 $125 50 $99 95 $115 00
protection for cor•• trucks, & buses. Halt. bath inflammoble li qu id and electrical fir • •. Underwriters
Laborator ies ap-
proved. Solidly constructed to withstand abuse ond vibration. Replaceable cor· tridg. type. Wt. 6 lb. 0'11 length 1."
H.D. INDUSTRIAL RATED DR ILL - General Electric Y3 H.P. electric motor, 3.S amp IIOV. A.C. , 1250 RPM . Ball thruH bearings . chuck . CoP. 'I'e" (steel), IY1 " (hardwood ), With 6 ft . plug ond key. Reg . S27.50. NM% D-While they lo.t -- $19.95 (A) Y1" DR ILU-Y1 H.P. G.t . MOTOR. H.d . Aluminum hOUSing, Ball-thru.t~ Bearings, PIStol grip. Industrial Rated . 11 SV. A.C.. Cap. h In steel, 2 " In • ::: hardwood, .. conductor plug NMPTUO-SSO RPM(A) 3 .8 amp. _ _ $29.95 , NM'1251 -S50 RPM3 .8 amp.-Reversible $31 .95 NMP1252- 1250/ 65O RPM, 3.8/2.0 amp., 2-speed $37.95 (9) 7' PORTABLE SAW - Cop . or .cS' -2 ". 7" comb. b lade, develo ps 10 hp., ID amps., IISV. A.C" 5000 RPM, no .. locK! , 3 conductor cord . G E. motor MMP12U _ $38•• 5 SAllE SAW - ~~ hp. G E. moro<, 4800 strokes per min .• 1I SV. A.C., 3 amp... ad,ustoble base, 3 conductor cord. MMmM $25.95
Enjoy the thrillill' soulld. of your fovorl.. P"'l,. .... with this POWERFUL . . • PORTABLE TRANSISTOR RADIO! T.r,ific fo, the a.och. Ca "'pin•• Huntin •• T,.vellin •• etc. 0' a. an exciting gift fa, fa",ily or friends. Th... Prine..... na"'. mean. quality . • • the price. .uper Value! THE "MYTEE" MIDGET - a ",inietu .. pawer pack IQ .",all you can ca,ry it in you, .hirt packet .•• Not 2 or 4 but 6 TRANSISTORS! Volume is strong enough to be clearly heard acra55 0 large room. Power 13A" speaker. Complete with earphone for private listening and leather case. Slze--2~" W.x3%" H.xl" Thick. ITEM PTR6 . ________ . ___ ._ •
$12 95
PORTABLE ELECTRIC POST HOLE AUGER Ne . . . . . L,ght",elght . Cut time and effort with this handy practical Auger. Compact, vefsotile, easy-to-operate . . . simply atlach to 6 or 12V truck, cor. jeep or tractor battery, press Ihe push button switch and dig 0 hole in seconds. Perfect for Rancher~, Formers. Line Crews e lc. Brand new ~~ H.P. motor, Auger, pusnutton start and stop. 12 ft. cables. Digs to 28".~all length 52". Wt. SS Ibs.
~ -
.~~ == _ _
'85 • 00
WAUKESHAU ENGINES 15 HP. 1800 RPM EaceUetIt ,",.e, Ullit '"
11,1.. ,.nemon, ,H""PI,
.eld.,., po r t .. • 11 .. ,",.e, .... etc. SPECIFICATIONS- Engine - 4 cylinder 4 cycle. 61 cu In. displacement. 2Y~" bore. 3V." stroke. 15 H.P. at 1800 RPM. EqUIpped wit h magnelo, fuel pump, w 0 t e r pump. governor, Oil bath, air cleoner, 2. Volt starling motor, complete With solenoid, also manual re-
coil start, gas strainer. DIM.' 21" Lx 18" W" 25 " H. ITEM EW.l-NON.F .... M USE _ • ITEM EW.l-f .... M USE '.ICI - . - - 517. .RAND NEW RADIATO. FOil ....OVE _ _ l2S:
'189 00
• AJAH CO M • IN ... T ION OIL STONES- Fine and coarse, chisel and flat. 7" " 2" " j". ITEM NMOSlOI __ 51.05 C... RBO M...GNETO COM'IN ... TlON 6 " 2 " I-ITEM NMOS109 7" 2 x I-ITEM NMOS210 _ $1.25 GOODRICH Combination Roulld AXESTONES 3 " ~"-ITEM NMOS2" _ _ $ .H GOODllCH SCYTHE STONES - OVALr-11 " I - t~ x '.4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ .59 GOODRIC:H GRINDING WHEELS (1" hole) lx~""1.60 Hobb,...heel $ .49 "" ,.dO ,.It $1.15 4" •• 0 ,,,t $ .10 4" 1 dO grit 1.20 6.'.• dO grit 1.'5 4. ,"'O,rit .10 ""/0.60 "it 1.40 ,,, 1 .60 ,'It 2.10 4"t:.,,60 ,r!t 1.05 s.>..",O "it 1.40 '" 1 dO ,.It 2.10 4" ,~ dO ,rit 1.05 $" 1 .60 ,rit 1.70 7x 1 .46 ,rlt 2 90 4" 1 ,,60 .rit 1.20 5x 1 dO grit .1.70 7. 1 dO ,rlt 2:'0 SAW GUMMING STEEL BUSHINGS WHULS for above wheels to 4."I" $1.10 f" to the followinor . . ,,4"'1" 1.95 s,zes 5116" ~" V.· Ix 2.10 ~", .1'. ,,:
""'.1" _
*" ..:-.
This new sional-type label printer, 0 copy of th~ big hardware ma~htnes, is mode expressly or. Individuals to use. QUickly and- Simply 't nent . , I stomps out 0 permathat a~h:~~lef~~~lyS~~-ft:cki~g plastic label leather gloss I era Y every thingrubber 'etc C' paper. metal, wood, cloth roll of tap~ ~'::s 4~om~/ete with 0 12-inch plus $ <t ,;., & c aracterS-A_Z, 0-9 hi h ' ,70, I. 6112" Ion 6" ITiM ~a1Wg~9ugged cycolac plastic. g,
,+, -,
~~~~ r~/I-~'-;---"---------- $9 e 4 5
low, C/e~r, Gre~":'p~Red. Blue, Block, YelITEM HTWO.72 ors. 6 i~-; 70c roll
• , • GET INSTANT RIPAIRS WITH THIS NIW ~·I(AR.RY·.UL" KI'tf Con!alns everything you need to Inst~ntly rep 0 i r tubeless tires . . Kit conta ins: 30 self~n~rtlng. ru~ber tipped plugs l"ng 0 c t Ion self'ejecting 6 earner, Easy-ta -use injector ounce Con of lUbricant F
easy steps _ 1 Thread' our Injector,'2. Ream t:~~~ . . _ nsert plug into hole with ~Iug - Fast .. . effl~l:~tor, • . Cut off tal I of t tire repairs with th is hond . k 't' get Better tubeless ITEM NMMP100 ___- -___ Y I. klt •
$11 95
SAVE ON THIS GREAT PRE-AMPLlfIERI For experimenters, tlobby. Ists etc. Make your own amplifier and test equipment. Contains: 2-65)7 tubes Input and output transformer, I n put for carbon and magnetic mike. Voltage pawer reqUirements 250V. D.e., 12 or 24 Volt for filamenll. Con be eoslly converted to 6V. filament voltage. Contained 'n 9" x 7N X 6'~ aluminum case rubber mounted base. Front panel equipped wittl On-Off toggle switch, pilot IiQht, audio and receptacle.. $ ITEM NH,...1 2 _ ..-._ •
6 45
NOW lor 0 Ionta st icoll y low can e n ioy all th e con ven ie nces thot on inte rcom can brin g to your home, farm , of· l ice elc . SAV~ TIME AND STEPS. Permits Instant contact with anyone In the basement, born, shop, woreh ouse etc. . . . hundreds of uses. FEATURES : Trouble free 2.lronSlstor with highly sensitive printed ,circuitry, Master Unit has convenient
For aullorrlObile, dustr,o feed lor cotton In all- steel rus.'''reslstant finIsh Dim '5 ' dlo, 12\1\," handle WI "'Y2 Ibs ITEM SPJ
volume and on - off control plus press to tolk switch. Compact POC/~ kel SIze . . . 3" W)( .1/.. ' H" IV. T Comes complete WIth 100 feet 2 "re cable, convenient desk stand -wall hanger, and 9V transistor battery. ShIppIng weIght 2 Ibs ITEM IHT 2T __ . __ - - - $15.95
RIBBED RUI8ER MATTIHG Hr 0 v V duty V," thIck " 36:' Wide -
areas In the home. form, factory etc. ~I!!iii"~~~ Colors: Red, Blue ~
~ r:.f":t' Block (Spe-
ITEM RMJ6 20 yd. roll
j~~~~QI~o~ c;:~
plete ,"llh braCket and throttle soeea co"trol wh,ch en .. bbles you 10 manually .dle ot~ dnwn or btlr>g 10 des.ed S!>He! ITEM JWG69 -133.50
ELECTRIC TACHOMETER 2 pee. Set - Tachometer Indicator plus Tachometer generator. 0-4500 RPM speed range. 2 3,4" D. dIal
NEW HEAVY DUTY TOW IARContractors, Lumberrnen, Truckers' herr IS the H.D. Bar 10 ..-1 011 your nMds. 8' long wllh UA" towIng r:ngmg ring on one end and oxlr mountIng plates on the olher Curved 10 fit under front of vehlClr 117.50 ITEM "Tt7 - - . - .
face. IndICator mounts In 3\'8" D. hole. Generator has 2-7/16" sq. mounting flange with .. bolt holes1 If.. ·· square drive shaft. ReqUIres J conductor electric cord to connect
FLASHING WARNING LIGHT - 360 ' for tow truck.s, farm eQUlp4 VISibility
lhe units. Wt . • Y2 Ibs ITEM NHTlI1
t) #'
0-2500 R.P.M. TACHOMETER Model 406239. S h a I I drive type for panel mountIng. Block f Cl e e r luminOUS pointer and number•. Mounts ,n 3V." hole. 2-1 ratla. Can be used ..lth Marine, DieMl, StatIonary EnIll... etc .• hay I , a Tachometer take-off rom a Yz IPMd ....alt Wt 2 Ibs ITIM NHT7Sa
3h " gloss dome Q s chrome base. 32 cp. bulb, rubber ~ ,m 0 u n tin g pod, • SWItch and flash«.
. ~ "
men t, municIpal t r u c k s etc. Cob rnounttnO. 6 u H x 5!t2"' dlo., Wit h
ITEM HMCRl60-5pecial
CLIMBING BELTS Bra n d new 500 Ib lest. heavy leolher, 2 " WIde belts. Has heavy duty s 0 f e I y Buckles, fully Odlusl oble ITlM Z7041 _ _ _
$8 • 9
SITS H.D. Soldering gun IIghtwelghl, 130 W 1I0V. ~~~~~ A.C with b<"It-ln spot ,gM ' and famous "QUICk hot" soldering - heats In 3 seconds. Comple!e with long ""se tIP, tlle-cuttlr>g t,P. pulty removIng t,p, flat l,P, COIl of solder In heavy gouge melol bo~ ITEM NMl99K 515.95 Gun 5!t~f I~d.;;ose I p, "'e-
~~~~~=-~~ 5~12.95 "DO-lT-YOURSELF" CAR CARRIER KIT
IRAND NEW I2V. AUTOPULSE ELECTRIC FUEl PUMP - For Cars, Boots. Trucks, Tractors, efc
's 0 reol buy' Sovr S2700 oH feQular lIst prices Shop and
thrrod ope,,'ngS ITEM MN 12VFP
Easy - to - Instal!
ConSIsts of '" heel-
vy .steel 'snop--ot
corner bracke'l'1 With 6 .. POSltl( " adjustment, fe'
Cars, Trucks. et· Make you r 0 " custom top out t. plywood Pi pr metal etc. to Vt')l' need!. ITEM CTC4--S.t $6_95
12 PIECE 'ft;:'f~!¥l:S1 TAP & DIE " 1 SET L~:fC~:: 5 taps, 5 dies, 2 wr."chel, fract,onol .,zes 14" to y," N.C. In ha/"ldy wooden box with .I,d,ng top. A TERRIFIC VALUE WORTH $12.95.
~~~I WHIP AERIAL 102" Itolnl ... ,teel for maxImumwhIP relllen· cy and m""lItn C h r 0 m. aw.".1 boil mount boJe deslgn.d to be mounted on any ... rfoce. It.. 1 Sl)r1ng holds rod In proper poSItIon and prev.,.," rod from shocIc.s ond blow .. ITIM Wl02 _
For liquid· cooled
:..~.~:.:: Ideal for Snow
toboggom, pow. ~ ,2~ bore,
er un." 2 cyl
3116' .trok., 42.·
In piston chsp. With carb .•
12 Cu
Diesel en-
gInes. May be used to pre-heat on egin., os stand by .heater durtng shut down periods, to h eat battery for crank· ing. Gas bum!no.
forced draft comb~::i~C air 'VaP."rtzlng DIm.: ,• • • • • • 13 'x13"x16 f.Ot.type '. HIt460 bunner. $.5.00 With accessories-6V.
. FAST DEFROST . . . One of the f,nest
• Eaay
Hot wote r heaters ever made .. . Ideal for most Trucks and Buses . Produces any deSired volume of worm or cold Olr QUickly, efficiently. A production overrun gave us the opportunity to purchase and offer these heaters at 0 price for below the regular value . . In fact , so low that these heaters cost you less than It would cost you to repair your old heater. Includes: Hot air
outlet, but less hose, sWItches ond clamps. Reg. $55.00.
GALLON GAS TANK 35~" L x 10~" W x 12·1/2" .H. Ho! gouge openIng, side or tOP f,lI. mode of heavy gouge metal. Aa Illustrated 1_ gos gouge and filler neck.. ITEM 16041. -----$8.80
t_on se......
Check thl. fabuloul Valuel
e: r n makers,
JI/~" .d 1if2!·h g~~d~~
11128". ITEM CS Sl.95 SI"CIAI.-GII 3 Col. $4.99
VI:-IT HOSI ft. Ru .... Ceir..... TuW-_ Uaed 'n exhaust (A) I
pip e
'lWntlng, lUetlO" hOle, etc 1,
10 ft. n..IIII. St..1 Tllbla_2 10 214' 00., flange on each ~ Ideal for..... PIpes .,21 $18.
on the axl. rut for - V 'placing t::;:!!~ of lock. Durabl. ...., construction
HOW·TO-oc)·IT l OOKS All about 5 111.11 Gal bgln_ The working of 2 and 4 cycle en· gines in Sows, Mi)(f!("S, Outboard. etc. and how to f,x them. 304 pages. over 374 illustratIons. TI·lI-GE $5.35 P... ctlc.1 Co_try-by E. H. Cirow, 464 pages. over 1,000 iIIus. Draw· InQS show eom pie te const. details for house, form, goroge, bUIldings TB·l·pe ~._ $ • •8.
Ideal for Mochlnists,
Dot t
Tested at !IO'Ib over ita rot.d capacltV. • DoubI_NW ac· tion. RaiMs from ... to IS" Including ex-
school shopo etc. A) 6" Ou"ld. Call ..... TEM C06 _ St.95 (8) 6" Insld. Coil ..... ITEM Cl6 Sl .95 (C) 5" Cop. CoUpe .. : F'rkhon roller odjustmen t, inside· outside
BRAND NEW-Can ; be uMd on 011 tvDe. of Engl_ U ;, d • r vanoble loods w I I I main" 'lain CGnltant .... -.:I. Eg. If motor il eel at 1500 RP~ovemor will maintain motor -.:I regardl_ of load. ITIM WMH - - - -...-$H.7S
~~c.:'t" b yenf6cif,T
For; Blower, EXhaust turbIne. Air compresaor, etc. Role: 26 C.F.M. at 4" H.G. at 3000 R.P.M. Boil bear. •ng. h" ohaft, 34" ports. DIm .: 7\12" x 5" x 7' • Gc:iv't cost $84.00. ITlM IOt464 $24.10
Ta lift or I_r JuN tum the .et.. c.head handle which in Included.
Ideal onVW..... a _ _ tllP
=tyJI: I. requ~-. . .. . 6V., 120 AMP. HR. EXTRA H.D. BATTERY Excellent for tra c·
tors, cars, trucks,
lighting pl a nts. boata etc. 21 tra heavy plates. Gloss and rubber separators. Shockproof hard rubber co... Martne type . . designed for longer hfe--extra power and ability to take 0 discharr over 0 lon~.r
r:rl~.o~ii'lb~: 9~·.D. ~~;;"~a~s 9Wil~
connectors and handy carrying hon· diu. R... $45,OjI. ITEM NH1U-Fully charged.
:7v ..____' 12.95 Lata .f , (dry ch...... ) ..
11 """
, ft. , loocII ..... N_ ....... ..... T~I" outside dla.....r wit h standard pipe thNGd end. Ideal for .... with heaters, .,.1...
' I • 7.
nu ITEM __
.....oth•• , ••_ Specie I to SAVE YOU MONIY ... uc. row calt of Vehlcl..... int_c•••• _ GUAIlANntD 'NSPlCnD TAKEOUT d Ac· !!~i::~~'ln' c.......... All units are removed from " Runn ing Vehicles ond o~ .; thoroughly Inspected and guaranteed to be In good u sed condll on If for any reason you are not satisfied w ith these units, we w 11 either replace the unit or cheerfully refund your money Immedlalely Our expert. well quallf...:! Rebu llde,. seleCl only the "TAKEOUT" units! Note: NO EXCHANGE IS REQUIRED ON THESE UNITS. W. have
'.rh ...
a co.mplete stock for most make. and models "ncludlng Automatics) requIrements.
011 your
DIFFERENTIAL CARRIER ASSEMBLIES TRANSMISSIDNS Ch.... I 949·S4--Pauenger . $'0.00 Chn. 194~~a ... nger Ch.... 1955·6O--Pauengor .. . $60.00 Ch.... 1949.54·-Po'",nger Ded••• PI,...outh 19U·S6-Pa55enger $30.00 DolIIg •• ,,,....uth 194'.S4__ as ...nger 001II"1 PI,_utI! 195'·6O--Possenger $60.00 001II, •• Ply_uti! 19S5-S6-Passenger Fo" lN9·56-Passenger .. ' .. ... =,.50 Fo.d ItS1.S6-Pa55enger Fo" 19S7-6O--Passenger .... ...... ___. _ . 60.00 Fo.d 195'·6O--Passenger (sld ) Mercury 19SJ-6O--Passenge. .. _ .00 Ch .... T...c" 1941-47 __ speed Ch..... GMC T...c" 1946-59-3,4.1 Ton . $S7.00 Ch.... TNe" 1941-60--Synchro M .... Ch.... GMC T...... 1940-51-1 h-2 Ton (l0 spltne) $SO.OO 'orlll T..... 1912·52 __ speed 001II. . T...... 1940-54-2 Ton ... .. . $SS.OO Fo.d 19SJ·60-Synchro Me ... DoIIIg. TN.,," 1955·59-2 Ton .. .. .. ___ . $75.00 Ded,. T ...... 1"2-49_ speed F.... Ch.... Ded. . 194'·56-3 Tor>-2 speed $15.00 Dod. . T...... 1949.56--Synch.o Mesh STARTERS GENERATORS F.... GM. Ch.,.lt...... 6V........oII up la 195-t $ 7.75 Ford. GM. Ch.,.I....... 'V .-o1I F.... GM. Ch.,.It......12V.-1955 and up $1J.00 Fo,d. GM. Ch.,.I .......12V........o1I GM .... Ch.,.......... F.... 6V • .... . . __ . $11.00 J .., 6 Volt NOTI: 'Wh.. Ctrrltn - .1... ''''......... ",".1. If poul.. l. ftu ....... T.._ _Itu gl. . . . . .ct ''''. - " - ...d .....el .
527.SO $42.00 $10.00 $55.00 .$15.00 $75.00 $42.00 $75 00 $SS.OO $100.00 $ SS.OO $100.00 $ I.DO $12.75 $16.50
... c....pletely dltlo...d ... d ••• d, to i.otell. W. h..... lo.g. . .I.ctio. of popul •• _d .... an WOr,."tM d.tectiv ....ot.,i.1 4 work ...... llli,. . G".,."tH U.,.,t.d to the lupply of • Ullit HI,. R.tu,.. Eacha .., . uftit mutt ... the y •• r, 1ftOCI.1 and co •• h" oftd ", .. It IN frH of c........ oth. . . ._ ••• Our C...... fh ••• co ... plet.I, .. conditio..ed. P•• ,."uilt. with .... b ••• I " . . ond "M.....' ......." fer .",perfecttoM. W."."t....t . . Work .... n.hip oftd Moterioll. kit 'nclud •• C.m.haft and ••• ,1", .. REBUILT CAMSHAFTS Kit Sh.ft Co •• REBUILT D.H.V. CYLINDER HEADS All 6 C,I. C....... , ••t •• GMCEach. hch. Deposit dIIonge Cor. Pass. and T.uck 1939·64 . . . . __ $16.SO $ 9.75 $ 5.00 Price AI V.I Chey .• 'o ..t •• '"Ic". All 6 C,''''de. CheY.ol.t. $15.00 $19.60 GMc:-Pa ••. and Truck 1955·64 _ . 20.95 10.50 5.00 'ontlec ......... bli.. - -Ail 6 C,I. 001II... Ch.,.I... All Ch.y. V·I C,li .. de. Htod. $15 .00 $26.60 o-te--Pa.s. and Truck 1939-64 16.50 9.75 5.00 up to 2U cubic inch , .... M.rc.-Pas• . & Truck 1942-54 16.SO 9.75 All 6 C, Fo.d $39.60 $15 .00 F.... M.rcury. . . . .I V.I-H.... A_ ...bli.. Pass. and Truck 1955-64 _ 20.95 10.50 '.00 All Fo" V-I C,li"d .. H•• d. _ $26.60 $15.00 4 CyI. Wlllyoup to 112 cubic Inch Flathead, O'head 1939.64 .. . ._ 16.50 9.75 5.00 G.M.C. Truck C,lind •• H•• d ' ....",.tlon.1--233 cu. in . • 269 cu . In . 20.95 U.'O 10.00 " ........ IIn--Mod.l. 241. 270. 302 $19.60 $25 .00
0.0"'. ..
WHEN ORDERING CYLINDIR HEADS--St.t. y•••• nd ...od.l. 01.. the I digits of th., ...... b ••• on V·I .heth.. Itft 0' .W•• CAMSHAfT5-St.t. , ........ k •• -...1. If pOlllbl •• n,in. numblf. left 0 •• ight Oft VI. WM......,.. . tta: ..... -".1. _ .... to",ng nu .........t.nd •• d 0. hydraulic
TRAILER AXLE ASSE MBLY Inc.eos. the Co.rying Copocity of ,our truck with thi. sl ... ple "Do-it-yourself" TroilinSl Axle. By limply extending the back end of your Truck chassis, and mounting this allembly you con increase your CarryinSl Capacity from 50% to 600/0. This Assembly Is mode for both Coylon and Budd Whee ls. Assembly Includes all mounting brackets, and Simple Inst ruc-
tions olong with "-20" heavy duty wheels or rims. Constructed of heavy structural steel, electricallv welded, Brass Bearing torsIon-rated 01 18 ,000 Ibs. When ordering SPECIFY type of wheels reqUired , number of boil holes if Budd type, Width of chaSSIS (outside dimens ions), size of tires to be useO
1~~~ til:e!)RA=As.em~!~_~~~~_~~~s ~~~~ale.~ $649.00 ITEM IPTIlAB-As ... mbly os above bul WIth Air Brakes
!l'.20Pllt.,.;:,", ~~~~~~~~~
JUST ARRIVED •. • SPECIAL PURCHASE Of RECDNDITlONED LATE MODEL JUP fRDNT ENDS! The ... front ends WIll fi t models CJ2A , CJ3A CJ4A, V. ton 4 x 4 , In focI most late modef 4 x 4 Jeep front end a .... mbloe• . 5 bolt hole wheel clrcl., distance from center bolt to c.nter bolt 28 Nover before at such on unheard of Price . NO EXCHANGE NECESSARYI ITEM IPJFE ____ . _ _ _ _ ~
~~~o_~oc~~ f'19;~~54. '/to~~
lac 195~-5~ It om IPS5 $3.15 ea . 2 for $6 .95 LIMITED QUANTITY - 10 f,l Chev TruCk$ 1950-55, GM ' 23,~ T. 1950-5~ Ford h·l. T 1957-60 Tancln . 952-59 Ite m IPS6 $3 .15 . 0 . 2 for $ 6 .95 .
,...r __....... ,.., ........", ........ - ...
..11"........1 IrItItfea .......... ,..., .............. . t wltto tIole .... .,.... SOLD IN 4 8ALLON CONTAINIU ONLY
$4.45 gal In 4 gal. can
In 4 gal. ca n
$3.95 gal
$4.45 gal In 4 gal. can
In 4 gal. can
$4.45 gal.
$2.95 gal.
$4.45 gal.
$4.45 gal.
In 4 gal. can
in 4 gal. can
i n 4 gal. can
i n 4 gal. can
in 4 gal. can
. -$2 .95
In 4 gal. can
Chassis Block- A real buy at only
i!I4'~~I. g:~~
gal. In. :( gal. con
EXTERIOR LATEX WHITE In .. gal. can - -$4.65 gal.
- - - - - $2 .95
gal. Sgal. can $10.95
WHITE WALLTEX INTERIOR : In .. ga l. can - -$3.45 gal.
ALL PURPOSE ALUMINUM Chrome finish heat resisting interior and exterior. $7.95 Value--Ga llon _ _ $4.95 $2.25 Value-Quart _ _ $1.50 MACHINERY & IMPLEMENT PAINT Colors: Red, Green, Yellow and Black $7 .95 Value--Gallon $4.95 $2.25 Value-Quart _. $1.50 BARN PAINT SPECIAL Red, Stone Grey, Br ight Red, Shutter Green, Black. Per Gal. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. $ ~.95 Per 5 Gal. ContaIner Special _ . -_________ _ $1 95 OUTSIDE WHI TE PAI NT Best results for unpalnted sur aces. Per Gallon _ _ _ _ - $3.95 Per Quart _ -__ - $1.25 1 y. " .55 1.40
No Brush • •• No Spray Gun • • • No m l x i nll • • • lIet
2" .70 2 .10
2V" .99 2.SS
3" 1.35 3.50
4" 1 .99 4.lS
every tim e! Rustresistant, rapid-dry. 16 OZ. CANS. M A CHINERY ENAMELS 16 oz. Caterpiffar Yellow, A !umi num, Glos. Black John
" PRINCESS" EXTRA SPECIAL 5 Gallons House Paint. (W hIt e Only) __________ $15.95
1" .45 .15
Reducer Thinner
at your finger tips!
XYLOL Synthetic
Dutch Formula 011 bose CO" t a TITANIUM .•• the f inest pigment ClYoilabl.. TITANIUM is normally f ound only In higher price pai nts such O J used Oft refr igerators. J4. complet e ana Is pri nted an each
. 35
$4.45 gal.
Grey Machinery Enamel L i g h t or medium.
BRUSHES __ Standard _ first Grade _
Wh i
Dee, e Green, Allis-Cholme rs 0;0"ge
h -11;
~, Ford & M .H. Red, Ford Grey oz. on --------.. ______ 75 S,.U!.CK DRY ENAMELS-16 oz. App li~nce R ~t"y FII,at Black, Light Green, Dark Green e e ow, Dork Blue, Orange, Light Gre I ~~ppertone , Gloss Black, Alumlnum Bra ~' oz. Can - - - - - - __ •__ LACQU ERS 16 oz. Flat White ' Fla t r~ack , Gloss Black, A p p I I onc e White o%. Can - - - - _ _ _ $1 P~MBE R S - 16 oz. Red Rust proaf • Hot ro lack, Hot Rod grey Zinc ' Chromate Yellow and Green 16 oz. Can - - - - - - $1.29 #
- h 29 29
Only Prince .. Compr •• • you oil thu.
'0" b,lng Feotur.sf
O-lOO lb.. 01, gouge. safety valve, check
valve. Automotlc switch starts and .tops unit.
H.d. l.1 C.F.M. Compre..or with guard.
Horeo NAII·W.ld" Construction.
12" II 24" Gov't. App,oved Tonk.
Seml·pneumotic TI,e. - 20 ft. AI, Ho ••.
HREtT IS! THE lIST COMPRESSOR VALUE IN YEARS! _ .. THE PRINCESS "AIR-PAC" PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSOR ••• FULLY AUTOMATIC .•. 100 lb •. co"ti""ou. worki". prellu . . . . . 3.1 C.F.M. A IIOrt......114 rule04 .ir c _ , _ r for e"e" fe.... u.. . • • to I"flole 10,.. tire. • • • lubricot • .......... ...1...... • • • protect wCMNI .nd Motel .urfoce. with poi"t • • • h.", .t the lowest price 10 So.. ,...,..N ti_ .n4 w.rk with the ",olt outlt."di". c."'p..... r ... Iu. 0" the ",.rket ....'1 COMPRESSOR-3.1 C.F.M. at 850 R.P.M .• Sta,nless steel valves. budt ,n o'r cleaner. 9" fly wheel with cooling fins. Heavy duty fo'ged crankshaft. Poslt,ve lubrocation. MOTOR-Brand new ~4 H.P. Westinghouse capacitor start. C.S.A. A",..,ed. Ball beorongs, thermal overload protected. 110 Volts A.C. 1725 R.P.M. with ON-OFF Switch. TANK-Government opp,oved steel tank. 12 ,nches x 24 inches, with heavy duty steel mounting base welded to tank. ACCESSORIES-Automot,c sw,tch starts and stops compressor at factory pre-set p,essure. 0·300 air gauge, safety valve, check valve Semi-pneumatic tires, 20' air hose. Electric cord and plug. Shut-off valve. "V" pulley and belt, belt guard, Tire Chuck. Weight '040 Ibs. ITEM PTC7 C.S.A. APPROVED •
$155 00
Answer your compressed OH problems with the NEW
PRINCESS fully autamat,c portable air compressor
with V2 H.P. Westlnghouse Electnc Motor Contl· nuous 100 Ibs. Working Pressure. PreCISion bUIlt for years of trouble free service. Delivers a powerful supply of od free air for pumping tires , high pres· sure greasing, spray pointing, cleaning equipment , spraying InsectiCides, cattle spraying etc. Indispensable around the form workshop or garage Being easily portable, unit con
be readily token to any lob. CHECK THESE FEATURES : COMPRESSOR- ' Song le cylinder 2 " p;.... pISton type w,th 8" d,ameter
V pulley, 2.8 CFM -
100 Ibs. continuous working pressure.
Air-cleaner. RPM ma". 850. MOTOR '-West,nghouse V.1 H.P. CapaCItor start thermal protected ball bearing I 10 volt AC .. , CSA approved. TANK '-Heovy gouge steel , GoV't Approved, 12 " 24 ,nches, 10 gal. capoClty Heavy duty steel mounllng base welded directly to tank. AUTOMATIC SWITCH ' - AdJustoble, automat,c sw,tch .tarts and stops compressor ot foctory pre~set pressure PRINCESS PORT· ABLE COMPRESSOR MODEL PTC1 - complete w,th compressor tank, electric motor, air gouge, automatIC sWitch, safety valve, check valve, V pulley and belt , 20' air hose, tire chuck, 2-10xl.75 semi oneumatlc tires and eoslly occes.slble carriage handles.
$124 • 95 '94 • 95
Fabulous Value! Now, have oir at your fingertips with the new --Bud_Jet" Compressor Kit •• . Build it yourself and save $27.00 off r eg ula, list prices, • 6 CFM, 2x2 twin cylinder compressor With 10Y. " flywheel . • 12 " ,.. 30 ' gov't approved tank With legs and m o tor mount , • Complete With : 20 1t. of Olf hose With chuck, Blowlt. Qlf gouge, safety valve, check valve copper tubing. shut-otf valve, drain cock and basIc fittingS. 1 h.p. motor required to operate.
__ $97.50
ITEM PTCS4Wt. opprox. 101 lb •.
GAS DRIVIN, HANDLES DOIlNS OF AIR JOBS WHIRE ElICTRICITY IS NOT AVAILABLE •.• crop and fruit spraying, paint spraying, tire inflotion, air power tool •• tc. PORTABU ANYWHIRI. INGINE :- 3 H.P ., .. cycle BrlgQs & Stratton, With mechanICal governor, reCOil start, 3 quart fuel tank. COMPRISSOR :- Single stage 2 cylinder, 2" bore, 2 " stroke, 6 CFM, 10 Y, " flywheel , stainless stee l valves. TANK :12 " x 30" Govt. Approved heavy gouge steel. ACCISSORIIS :-Pressure gouge, safety valve, check valve, 20' air hose, tire chuck and blow gun, ITEM PTCG60 . __ . _ ______ ._._.____ _ _._ .. _._._... •
9 C.F . M . H . D . Compressor with 1 Y2 h.p. Electric Motor Your BEST 11;, H.P. COMPRISSOR VALUI COMES COMPUTE READY TO ,PIRATE AND DlllVER AMPll AIR FOR HUNDRIDS OF DAILY COMPRISSID AIR NllDS. COMPRISSOR : 9 CFM, 2\7" bore 2' stroke stolnless steel valves, built-In air cleaner, 10 V.. " flywheel . MOTOR:- I Y. H.P. 1I0/220V. H.D. Capacitor Start SlnQle phose Westlnghouse. TANK :Gov't Certified 16x36 , 150 PSI working pressure,. Complete With gouge, sofety valve, check valve. automotlC sWitch, 20' olr hose With tire chuck, slip on blow gun. ITEM PTC11 •
$349 00
Up to 100 lb •. Working Pr ... ur.s-ON-THI-SPOT with Compr.... d Air Wherever & Wh.never You Want It! COSTS llSS TO BUY . . . COSTS USS TO OPIRATI . • . Alwoy. Ready To Go for inflating Tire., Paint praying, Du.ting, Lubricoting .tc. COMPARI THISI INGINIERING AND PIRFORMANCE FIATURlS AGAINST COMPARABLI COMPRESSORS OF THE MARKET • . . COMPRESSOR :4,7 CFM at 850 RPM, 2Y." bore, 2 " stroke , 9 " flywheel With cooling fins . stainless steel valves, built·in air cleaner TANK :12 " x 2,,( " Gov't . approved complete with semi·pneumotlc tires iOxl 50 MOTOR:- 3,4 H.P Westlnghouse capaCitor start 1725 RPM, ball bearings themol overload protected. STANDARD ACCESSORllS :Air Gouge, Safety Valve, Check Valve , 20' air hose, tire chuck, shut·off valve, silp on blow gun for cleaning and dusllng Shipping Weight 150 Ibs. ITEM PTC47 ._ ._~ 165.00
STURDY, lFFICllNT PAINT SPRAYIR •.• for m.chanic, hom.own.r ond hobby-
1st at a.n e~tremely. lOW ~OW price. All sea~ed ball bearing construction requires
no lubrication, cuHlng ma,ntenance costs . ThiS is an ideal unit where conventional paint tanks are inconvenient or i,"pr~cticable. Sprays pOint, lacquer, enamel, insectiCides, Roxatone etc Complete With H,D. explOSion proof 110V A C. 1725 RPM electriC motor, pressure gouge, 10' cord with plug . Weight 60 Ibs ITIM PTCSU S9 •
$29 95
$5.95 $2.9 5 $9 . 95
We supply 011 ports necessary (less motor) to bUild 0 self contaIned air compressor ot 0 big saving . • Ai, Compreuor 2 .• C.F.M . • 121# lit 24" gov't. approved steel tank, with 2-10.1.50 .eml-pneumatic whe.I.. • 20' air holO (with tire chuck). • Air lIouge O-lOO lb •. ('I." pipe th,ead) . • Safety Valve (od/ult. 20·l00 lb •. ) • One Way Check Valve, Shut Valve, drain cock. • Copp.r tub ing and neeassClry fitting. (to complete Kit). • Blow1t no.EI. for cleaning and dusting. Wt. 50 lb •. ITEM PTCK6
THIS IS OUR BEST BUY FOR "THE DO-IT-YOURSELFER" who wants a n Economy p,iced 2.6 CFM Comp,e.. o,. BUILD IT AND SAVE! Kit comes complete with Stolnless Steel Air Receiver Tank (Dim: 10" x 17") 1,000 Cu. In . Internal volume, 2 .8 CFM 1725 RPM compressor Ideal for direct or pulley d"ve: 20' air hose WIth tire chuck, Air Gauge 0-300 PSI , Safety Valve, ad,ustable 20-200 PSI, Check Valve, Copper Tubin" and necessary f,",ngs. IT EM PTCKS •
' 47 50
A hIgh qual,ty, low priced unit for use In forms, gar-
ages, service stations etc. 2" bore, 13A I. stroke! stoinless s t ee I valves, positive lubrication, budt
In 01(
Y3 f~~'Y':";~~~~re't.
181bs.PTC600 ITEM
'.. 29 • 99
TWIN CYLINDER-Ideal for fast sproy pointing, Olr 11ft pumps etc.
6 .2 CFM at 850 RPM. Up to 150 PSI . Stomless steel val ves, built In olr cleaner,
IO Y.. /I flywheel With
coolmg tins. 1 H P. reQUired, Wt. 38 Ibs. ITEM PTClll $77 .6 5 Some os above but 9.l CFM at ISO RPM. 2V," bore, 2" stroke PTC404 $84 .75
~!~~~r~k~YL~~D~~M~tDiisr ~~~:
pressures up to 150 Ibs. Stainless steel valves, 9" Cast iron Flywheel with coo li n g fins, Built· In ~lIr Cleaner %-3,4 h p . motor req ., Wt 28 Ibs. ITEM PTC114 $38 .75 Same os above but 4.7 ctM'" at ISO RPM , 2V," bore, 2" stroke . ITEM PTC212 $44.95
Airforce Cornelius Compreuor - YJ h.p.-1500 P.S.l. Ideal for Sk,nd,ver tanks. 3 stage, con be reset to 2,000
~~S\). , 6<';,~~~~eb~,~~~;~n
J3 c"F~ '
Con be used on 12 V. at less cop ITEM PTC20S0 $62.50 AI above but (en motorITEM PTC2051 $42.50
1•.' C'M.
'Of • ww.
t ............I'd._d It
_ . _ply 10 ....ulrH
........ uch •• I• •-IIft, tin .'letlo••• 1, 0...-.,1 ..... lite. FEATURES: CFM at 850 RPM 3',' low bore. 1"," high preuure bore, 3VJ" stroke Max pres.ure 200 PSI (6 ....... cuunter-bolorKed c,onkshaft, Timken tape' ,01ler motn heaYltv ribbed WIth cooling fins and eaSIly removed valve ~ for running EHic ....t ,"t.,-coole, between the low and hlgnpr.slUre cylinders ltartong Felt and ,.".tal ,trolner air cleaner We'llht 175 lb. 3 HP IMXlmum output. ITIM "Cl" Ie_ .......1 "Cl" n . . 2J C'M. 4V.' bo,e low preuure hIGh preuure cylinder. 5 HP. ,equlred fa, maxImum output _u~
_....:.. ·_ _ _~~J3_.~~1
C.,..1ty ........1 200 I.... pe, "". m.; output up to J CII. ft. pe, ... inllte at ",,~~p.,... JCNI ,.p.... Of sound design and best workmanshIp WIth double boil bearings on the cronkshaft and other refinements to ensure long, trouble-free, service with minimum attention. Coupling WIth sleeve to SUit 011 troctors With either
1V, in. 0' 1~ In powe, take-off "'ofts Supplied complete li.-Ith 18 ft. airline and adlustable tyre connector ShIPPIng weIght 21 lb•. ITEM 'TCJSOO
Paint tanks make possible greatest speed, uniform coverage and lon~ spraying ~e.rI. ads. QuantItIes of material can be mixed for uniform calor and con· ~istency . Stan· Jard po i n t cons tit in tanks tor delivery direct from original container. Seamless . k 2 Y: gal cop. cor· one piece ton 2 . 10 f t rosian resistant . Includes ee of air and point hose Wt. 20 Ib< $ • ITEM PTC12
water mixed paints, mult. colored os well os all other finIShIng moteroal.. Adlustable spray pottern. OperatIng pressure 20-45 Ibs at IOh· 20h CFM. Quart cantalner, round and fan spray nozzles. Wt. JOh Ibs ITEM PTCSG1Jl .. •
' 13 95
HlAVY DUTY ALL PURPOSE, 'RWURE FEED GUN. Handles same points as Madel PTCSG I 3 1 Born poInts, enamels, water-
mUlled paints, mulf.·colorftl paints etc. Hard~ ened st.,el needle valve, liquid and air nouleo.
Posotove fingertIp control. Adjustable .pray pottern. I quort cup, round fan and ongle nozzle. Wt. 3 Ibs. ITEM PTCSGllJ • lA) ESPECIALLY DESIGNED SPRAY GUN FOR FAST DRYING LACQUERS AND SYNTHET IC ENAMELS. Pro due e 0 fine atomlZotion far smooth finIshes Not recommended for house POint •. 20·35 lb>. at 2-J CFM far light mote· rool, 35-50 Ibs. at 3-4 CFM for heavy mot.· rools. 1 quort and 2 spray nozzles, Wt. J'h Ibs. ITEM PTCSG1JS • (6 PRODUCTION SPRAY GUN External mix . . . syphon leed. One of the finest production guns made, 7 CFM at 50 PSI Stainless .teel needle, quick octoon clomp type cover, hardened and ground Ioquld nozzle Control knob chong ... spray pottern from round to fan. Salvent l>I'~al 0 nno seal. and aor valve >eat. Wt. 3'h Ibs. ITEM PTGSG107 •
$10 95
· 9 95 2
$29 75
AUTOMATIC SWITCHES Brand New Constructed to meet g overnment speCifications. With legs, compressor and m o t or m 0 u n t, standard pipe thread openings.
PTCAT24-- 12" x24 " -100 Ibs. W.P., Wt. 50 Ibs. $20 , 95 PTCATlO-- 12" x30" -100 Ibs . W.P., Wt. 65 Ibs. $2 5. 95 6"x36" ,150 Ibs.W.p.Wt. 126 IbS.$ 79 . 95
Carry COMPRESSED AI R any· where heavy
W i t h this lightwe ight, duty, high pressure clr
tank . Kot Includes 24 " x
stam"-ess steel tank With carry-
,ng handle, 0-300 .Ib air gouge,
air hose With tire chuck , air valve ond 011 necessary fittings .
Wt. 24 Ibs. ITEM PTC10
Use on compressor, tire inflators , floats, hydrauliC res~ rvoirs .
Tough and light. Tested to 450 lb.. 2 ,100 cubic in. (approxi· mately 9 gallons) into vol. 24" x 12", 114/1 threaded o penings at each end . Wt . 19 lb •. Ori·
~~~~ c~~t ~t~~~· ~~~M 1 ~,~1 Dia;;;et-e~'- x
1 ~16io~~
ITEM G-2 .. _ ........ _ ...... _ ........ _ . ..... __ .... $9.95
6" x $9.95 6" x 24"-ITEM PTCATD2 (2 lor $11. 75) $6.25
REGULATOR & FILTER Pro v ides working pressures from 0 - 140 Ibs. from airlines or tonk s ot pressures JP t o 250 Ibs. Assures clean air for spraying, pn,"umotic t ools and oir guns. Unaffected by o ils ond water Complete with gouge.
- $11.75
BRAND NEW AIR HOSE 200 PSI with V4" M x F fitting. , Item Length Price PTCAH20 _ 20 FT. SPCL. $3 .40 PTCAH30 30 FT. 4.95 PTCAH40 40 FT. 6.75 PTCAH50 50 FT. 7,95
,f o, 0..1.ta"41"_ erformOftCO
de .. elops
IIrau chuck with
inflating tires.
Item PTCA 221 .55 eo.
"Blowit" Nozzl. -
v. "
Streamlined 810w Gun
For pressure cleanIng, and used with standard tire chuck
Item PTCA 214
loaded, alr·control button.
.40 eo.
%" Schroder Check Volve A I I brass, high Quality, non· leaking. Fo r compressors, air
brakes etc . 3V." L x 2" dia. wIth standard on each end,
NPT hose fIttIng
Item PTCA 209
$1. 90
For air, od, water, gas, etc. PosItive non-leak· ing. Available In '14" and ¥eH -specify when order.
.24 .32 .15
%" - 11.. " Reducer 1,4" -
N-oe. /
.1.6 ,26
$2.20 set
GAUGU Coon - reads to 50 IbA HM·TPGI $t.U TNCb--20-120 Ibs. HM·TI'Gl $t." - Dual 20 to
~ .
trated stream of air IS needed. Controlled by pressing a butt on, It has a replaceable valve. The valve IS positively closed_ by air pressure Itself. Long, curved nozzle makes the Blow Gun easy to operate in any position.
The tIP of the non.le is rounded to seat tightly in connections when blOWing out fuel lines, tubin.2, etc Blow Gun is machined with V4" female ~2
pipe thread.
3-BRUSH PAINTER'S KIT Pure Bristle In the most needed slzes- 1", 2 " and 3' full-thIck bristles ore securely vulconlzed In rub-
4-way cross . 66 "T's" .31 90 · Elbow 90 · Street Elbow Nipple
signed to be used
. 1400
" I G" 'lasUII All TANK- Ideal far conatructong hogh ptKlUr. filter to be used In canlunct Ion WIth Cor...hOUI Compressor as 11luatrated an Page Can be utIlized In as a In IndoJnry.. expo< menIal and lDt,o,at.... NEW AIR\..RAFT QUALITY Itandard P pe •
ber. Item NM10
where a large volume and concen-
H. D. Brass Check Volve
ing. Item PTCA 213 $ S.9S
Item PTCA 38
SPring Primed f ~Iy hondling/ ~,7!ir , onp, flootlng piston POUt, b'eeder valve • Olr
Sofety Volve - All brass· - adJustable 2 0 - 2 0 0 Ibs. NPT. Item PTCA 212
rang. of 30-150 P.S.I. , .. "',.:_
Tire Chuck -
1400 ~
greasing pr. sSUr. w h • n attached to a I r cOtnPresoSr with
NP thread and Threaded _ I end to ft Itandard tre ...,1. . Item.
PTCAI71 _ _ . _...
The 45
Rotary POSItive equally on pressure or type , Operates both Ab . suction or comblnotlon of . sence of Internol fflct I ternol lubncation 5 f Ion e Imlnates in3 phase, 220-440 : Mic'b,cat,ons: Motor, 2 H.P" up to 200 CFM Id g, Y Howell. UnIt develops of groin of 01' or
eo or any ' othe ;o( ventilating stockpiles r p aCe where large volume vacuum IS reqUired ot 0 low pressure
EQuipped with super-char ger turbine type blowe r 11 ' H Pair-cool ed Lawson gasoline engine. (Engine 2 removed for electriC motor If desired) . ::~nted on frame with sled bottom ret rocta ble ",heel. Complete with I . 10 ft .â&#x20AC;˘ 1.20 ft ft . fleXible extensions with metal ends. EQUIValent out~~p~~ 011 burning furnace for on 8 room house TO OPERATE Complete Unit Net weight 200 lb. Wldt~ 30 Inche. Length 48 Inche. Height ~O Inches . Copaclty of fuel tonk 4 go lions. Runs 2 V2 hours on one go lion of gas . Regular $767 .00 .
be '
$171 .50
This Great
~~~;,,;,n c~~ptrUt~k So.O~IYBJO~ hl~::;
f or \'ome InCinerator, cabin heater, sportsma n's stove, contractors heater etc. Burns
Ca n be easily dISmantled. Item WSI495 $14.95 2 FOR $28.00 FREE BONUS f_ I. 4" . tove pipe, shove l, poke r, .hak. , .
wherever 0 loud penetrating voice I. required. Brand New A new compoct megaphone with a balanced t rlg-
~~~;p;~ ~~~g~~~abu'7l'te ~~~pl~~~
self-contained unif includes hi-ef-
hilly convert
HEAT unit with BRAND NEW KIT I Basic issue for u..
f,c,ency horn,. speaker, batte ry pack and built-In m lcrophC¥le. Economicol-to-operote-uses 4 standard " 0 " flashlig ht cells. Rugged
p~rl~~rfoi t~~fji~Cdfi~til~, "be::~~
to-boat contact, life - gua rd use, fire , police, mun ic ipal depts., construction J.obs, stonT\S, dl_sosters, around nOIsy machinery, In fac-
ton es, warehouse, form s etc. . _. .
in fact anywhere 0 penel ro t lnQ voice IS reQu ired. ~p ecl fl cotlonl : 1000 ft. rang., 4-1 Y2V. "D" batteri .. (6 Volts) la.t I hrs., length 12'1" dlam. t.r 7¥,", weight 4 Ibl. two-ton. white and red, complete with botteries and heavy duty carryln, strop. Now at thl. Fabulous price ITEM HTJ 1000
~~.; ~~uY::;,l~rL ~~x h~!:~
• h e It. r . of 011
kind.. Ideal for cabins, pens, skat .. Ing .hock. , green ... houses etc . • . .
:--:!:..':" .•
II required. If 20-45 ga l. drum 1$ not avallabe, bumer can be insta lled In portable orctlc stove as Illustrated. A stand· ard S ga l. Blitz can IS used for fuel. Kit l"clud~ 1I steel burner Unit, 1.2" dia., 10" high, wi t h fla me spreader . • Carburetor With 9 heat settings a nd fuel shut-off valve . • Blitz can adopter cop, olr ... vent tube, PIpe fittIngs, 2-12' hose lengths WIth fIIt ing s. • .... 11 necessory tools and comDlete mstructlons ITEM WSTll00--0riginal Gov't Cost $17.50. HOW ONLY _ •
$9 95
Brand N_
CANVAS CASE bcelle,,'
Long wearing alumlnum. t ... rlfte
for camping, tro ...
~:::, ~~1'~;'k~t~or~y e. ~:ad':~f
h,d. waterproof olive Srab canvas
WIth 4 handles, bucket down top. Reinforcec:t"j,ont SIze 30"x30"xI5". ITEM NSC. 0 _.__._ $8.85 _
MlC1 IAYONm WITH IeAllAaD - 8rand now. Make '.",fie lu>tlng Icni_ when down. In for gntel' • mand DI _ cut , ~,.
. - etc. ITIM WI6It
NIW 1... MACHlTU-With Carrying
c_ t2.H
N_I BAYONET DAGGER 13" 0'011 heavy steel dagger WIth
velllng, constructIon outfih, bush workers, lumber camps etc. 2 pot. plus fryIng pon WIth folding handles nest t_ther to make compoct unIt for travel. ITIM ACS....... ----.$2."
~~ ..d BLUE STEEL ~~ KNIVES Razor steel, perfectly balanced, Stag
~<;'~.leH~~~~_ f~~~~\;,Yf f~~d~~th~;
t;ii . ~ JAPANESE ~;:;;;5) ~-way 4V2" FISHING KNIVES. I. s/steel blade, scaler fork, battle opener, WIth s m art plastic tIpped wooden handle carrying case. 10" In02 $ •••
I . .ND NIW flllI""'N'I AXI.Manufactured by 8 I a c k 010· mond. Ha. tough pick head and ..Ioctod HlcI<ory handle. Weight 6 lb. HTHU
&heath WIth belt button. ONLY --_._.- --.- .- $3.25
Largo Ngged knife
WIth heavy b _
Write Way for .11
your Ou'door u"... N..... I
coworwcI blade" long _handle . 1 _1 V. for Intool _ ITIM Cl
ITEM 83111
NIW WATER IOTTLES. Can. Army, With carrter
1'110Brand New
8" blade, reinforced wood handle
U.S. ARMY MESS TINS --Oval shape, made of ~~:Iess steel. Brand ...._~_ .
.... -
FOLDING CANVAS lUCK" B'ond New cap I d e a I for
2 gol
camping, travelling, farm
~eg!;i ete
)( ,n
blade, seamles.s
r 0 u n d. heat-treated from .. NJlOS·30 $3.29 Ao ..... "'" ",", 24" 11 IN ..ITEM NJlK-24 ----S2.~ EMERGE STRETCI BRAND Regula Size, '" a"d Ca
must for 011 •
.303 CAL. Ho. 4 MARK Ca na dian
~ ......
n d
H. D. ri f les
or , watching
Army proven for dependa ble, rugg e d perform-
Brand New _ Prlsma ..
tic • Imported • • Powerful Magnlflcatlon _ • Coated Lenses_ • Lig ht weight_ • Gen uine PI ~ skln ~::1~';!p.~0~t w~~r; oulc10seup views day or n ight. Perfect for your fovonte sport. FEATURES: H i g hspeed oentre focus-
p'ro~kfnen~~~~~~din~o:~ ~?/hS~h~oul~~~ :lr~p~.i d~~~s~' ~~:
. Fastest I
surest bolt act Ion In t he world. Late model BritISh Enfield rif les In perfect condition. Cut down to we igh on ly 8 Ibs. Every
spolllng _ 7xl5 lCF---<lnly
plastic cover to . prevent scratching,
7x50 lCF---<lnly
JOxSO lCF---<lnly
$23.95 $25.50
n fie has been fire tested and is guoran·
teed to opera te perfectly. So beauhfull~ balanced there 15 pra ctica ll y no reco i l. A wonderful wea pon fo r hun t ing deer, wol ves, etc., o r just hanging In t he " Den" for protection. Uses sta nda rd _303 ammo_ OrIglnaly co~t $125.00 ITEM WS303 Sta nd _ Model • ITEM WS303$Sports Model _ .
$12 95 $19 25
W idest,
Interna l
field _
Built in elevation and windoge d
Coated lenses fOI·ot1IiiiI!I"~' maximum light t ransmission. jective operoture 32mm , Ex t pupil dia.-7 _8mm, 28 _5 ft . fie ld a t 100 yds .• 3" ewe relief. I I V,' lo ng, ad justments _
5 day's needs in sealed con.
Easi lypocket carried In hunt ing chicken locket or . Contolns: soup; coffee, salt, sugar, 2 pces. f rUi t cake , candy, con opener. Use con os utensil. ITEM PFSKl _ _ _ _ .99 ea . 5 for _ $4.75
A scientific gauge for measuring rotf-~~~~_I d,atlon fallout.
Easy to read, easy
to carry. Hi':1SJed metol
case 3h" x2h"xl-I/2" thlCk _ H.a s belt clip Will fit Into purse . ITEM HT91 - $3.95
~~m~~t:u~~ih ~i~~tI9N~ o~EfT~Ee~
D 0 U B L E Lens Cover. A $52_00 Valu e_ ITEM IRS4l2 - Crosshalr type or Picket Ret icule type specify •
$19 95
.. " .HEATER . . .w - ~, .. LYTIC Uses
ordinary Nqptha. fuel, 2500 BTU heat output, 22-24 hrs. heat Without re. filling, non - clogging ceramic core, safe and Itghtwelght. Cop _ I YJ qts. Ideal for Garages, Fishing huts, Cottages etc _ ITEM HMU07 $15.95
In 6V, x 9V, x " " Plastic Case _ Contains: 1 large, I small dressing; 2 -,,", 1-2x2" Bondage compress; 1 tourniQuet; 1-3" x I 0 yds., 2-3" x 6 yds_ x 6 yds_, Bondage Gauze; 6 Swabs; Boric Acid Ointment; 2-<c Iodine; 6 Band-Aids_ HTXX-Brand Hew Surplul --$5.95 lA TCHET$- Poled 5 '/. " steel 'lead, 3" b lad e
NEW STORM Rullbe. Boots
Idge, wit h noil-
lIer notch. I"V2 ' hardwood nanle. For form, home, camping, conNctlon, etc. ITEM 1l14' $1.9B AIR MATTRfS$-
L~ ght-
R~bt~jze.'~o~ ~ ~f~'n type fabriC 24 'x70" with metal air valve .
- -$8.99
Outfit your famtly now~ 11" h i g h, laoe type With 2buckle tops. H.D. rubber throughout" convo, hned, non-skid sole, full tongue. Sizes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Wt_ 4'12 Ibs $7_95 V.lue.
"Y2" dia _
Six position, seoping bllnkerArm wit h red I i g h t _ Seporate lamp controls Chrome pi f i nish . $ Value _ ITEM tery ___ .__ AI above but with 110' swivel bl"'ker ITEM HMF-20 __ ._ ---- $5~•• AI above but with 4VI" Se. I ell Beam h.......d Swivel Bllnke. lI,ht. ITEM HM-FSO $9.25
30 CAL. AMMO BOXES Terrific storage, tool or tackle box_ Was 0 sellout lost time we nod them, Siz&-IO" x 3V.' x 7"_ With carrying ha n die, hln~ed lid and spring lock_ ITE '10 ~ - __ $
2 far - ____ $1.15
lAIN "CHllTas" (
DeIn. NyIoa 2 pc•• . , . . Suit - Hooded Rubberized N y Ion
Cotton bocMd jadr8t with half ZIpper and BIb-
t"p. _ _ Owwrau with
0CIIwtabIe bra-1::J.~~~:Il =.. sa:'1! "NiIi:M l.Sf!cify) .... -I~--l
11_ _____
a ... ...,. .............. -
YeIlaIw colcir. Full zipper. Ideo! for Golf. FIIhIno. Hunting etc. In ..... tic _ . SIDa s-M-l.-wL.
% ~ fIII.-4 s,ortl 1'.'"
confly front, Breast pocket with flop, Drowstrong on Jacket bottom and pants. Orange color, Si z eo S-M·L·.L InM
H..... DeIu..
VIIIyI F........ J ••koot- Fluorescent Reef, excellent for fIshInG, hunting etc. Pullover type WIth hood. zipper neck. expansIVe breast pocket. Sizes S-M-L-x L. in plastic cose. ITEM HS69SO $2.1.
Hen, Duty Iluw..r ..itIc....
1 ..,,4 N_. Block coIor WIth metal clasp fasten.,o:'.LQL fu~rp49r'oo'f,Ieng2 Tthig, W7U - . . 2 b flop pockets. All aeoms afltched and cemen t e d. SIze
H'l.Wo -$I5.1.
2 1'............ C._.fI ..... 1'..... Rubber cooted fabric, Full
~: xB~ b - t y p e Overalls. Sizes
,......, .....
Reconditioned Ammo Boxes,
f.0 uoe With handles. vy TtM "819 _ $325 eo (C) 20YI" L " 17" W " 10" Re."
A m m
ITEM "820 $3.45 ... (D) 10" " 7 " X 3VI " 30 CAL. AMMO IIOXES Tendlc storage or tool boxes Was 0 sellout lost time 't¥e ha d the m W,th corrylng handle h Inged lId and sprong lock . ' ITEM "1130 _ $ 99 " (E) 2." HIGH" IOW' SQU',Ul ~ Squa re detochable screw-top openIng Ca n be used o s a tool bo" ete Wale; tlght-nolds 8 gallons. Excellent for $ltOl"I,n g Ant,·Freeze. "834 $1 50 . 0 n oh of 10 $1.2$ ea : . . ._ _ _ _ _ _~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II-.;.;.;~.
LofrEM(=)' s.eclal
mM H..170
(A ) L x '" "S" D _ gauge for all purposes Sturd dies. Vou may pIck '0 assorte:r box"" at the proce I"ted (,n lots of 101 ITEM "BlO $1.25 eo . $1 00 0 In loh of 10 (B) a VI" L " 13" H " I VI '" W ~
Ho...... 2 _ . Hu,,",,- Suit - Rev ...iblf>-One side red fabroc, other ollv. drab rubberiurd . Bibtype Overolls with pocket, Full zipper top with patch pockets. Windproof, waterproof. S,zes. S-M-L- xL InAII HUSH ._--- _ ' -•• 1
Rubber coated fabric. Hood w I I h drawstring, full CUI, full zip per wllh double fly front, anop cuffs. Sizes S-M-LxL. ... -
. . . . . M.
.... ....
New GIant . . .. H.D., "body ~ frame, 27"x7" bottom •
.... I· 12"x9''zf,;
-~~~~ x 17"W x 6"0
adJustable Ihau": der atrapL
................... mM WUM
-Wt. 40 oz. with IhauI-
dIr - - . cargo map., qulclweleaa buckles, adodIuefabIe bracUt • n d for
h•• If"
(A) ECONOMY ItIEL-Full-boll pickup_ Holds 240 ft. test monofilamenr line. InM NRJ9I _ ~ $2.89 (B) CHAMPION SPIN ItIEL - D,eeast- Full-BoIl pickup, f,nger-t,p
(B) 11 U" Heavy odjlusto",,",1 Web strops, metal tie..."", pocket with t I•• dawn and
auto. reverie, aluminum spool, tokes
6 lb. test monofilament lIne. ITEM NJIt" _ _ _ _ $3••• (C) VIKING I'ItEMIUM ItEEL- fullbail plckup, anti-reverse lever, adiustable drag. 300 ft . 8 lb. test monofilament line. ITEM NJltl00 $4•••
= · H..SOO1 _ (Cl 14- 11 12" -
Adjustable ohoulder ltTopo, tle-down flop bound edaes. ITEM HU-son
The world's best designed con for the aforolle and tra talion of gasoline. SUItable os on emergency con form, garages, service stations, boots, lumber camps, etc. Con be stored in trunk; 5 gallon capacity, safety; compact size; self locking coP. floats when full; heavy construction.WT:l1Ibs.18" high. 6H" thick, 13" QU"NTITY PRIClS ON RECONDlTlONlD CANS Each Lots of 5 Lots of~
USED BLITZ CANS IN GOOD CONDIT~ Each Lo .. of 5 Lot. of 100
$2.50 $...-35
BR"ND NlW C"N (pointed red) - - - - -
H. D. FLEXIBLE LOCK SI'OUTS ,~ .. dla. brass filter. lock lever locks spout
tn can openu,g--no
Inq nacessary . ITEM FSPL
(I) FLlXllIU SPOUTS _ Brand new, screw type WIth one-plece Brass hp and fIlter screen 12" long, I Y8' dia. ITEM fS _
SAVE TIME! SAVE MON..E.... Y!....... SH...O_P_B_Y_MA_IL_!_.. 2&3 STATION
TRANSISTOR INTERCOM SYSTEMS FOR HOME . . • FARM .•• SHOP . . . FACTORY • All· Transistor printed Its. • Lightweight, st urdy construction . • Con be desk or wall mounted. Now you can
100 Lb. Bolt & Nut Mix Thousands of
~~e60. w'~~'~d~~sbor~~ ~~is~
washers, cap screwsf sheet metal screws, lock wa shers, grommets, tension springs,
;~~'. '1M11~'~9,\~~.,Ib~·•• 1 box ! ITEM BNM100 . $14.95
hove a deluxe Intercom system
that is reliable; versatile and attractive too! Ea sy-to-ope rote -with master unit Just press "talk l l button to speak-release i t to listen, To talk to master unit trom remote unit just r.ress "c~II" b~ttot:'l . SPECS.: 3 transistor. With troub e·free printed CirCUit and 3 Y2." dynamic speakers assure ample yo.lume With law battery drain . Sturdy metal b<>9Y finished In grey hommertone. Size only-4%"'v'{x4 Jh" Lx2 y,' H. Complete with bracket for each Unit and 50 ft. (lNT · 2) or 100ft. (INT·3) of h.d . cable. ITEM INT·l--(Master unit and <emote un it) .. _ $ ",:~. ::nl' . ITEM INT.3-(,Master unit w/ 2 remote un its) $ ~,• • llnl' .
form or factory! I f you were to purchase thiS fabulous a ssortment at rcour SUPPlY store
50 lb. Bolt &.. Nut
A terrific value! Consists of 22° x9"x5" meta l box packed with SO Ibs. of assorted nut., "'sorted bolts, both coarse and fine threads. ITEM BNM50 ... _ _ _. ___.._ _ _ Only $9.95
Save On Thele Great Voluesr METAL SCREW MIX. Cadmium pla ted. 144 pes. new aircraft quality meta l screws. 9 sizes. $2.25 value. ITEM 5144 _ ... _ .. . _ $ .99 pe r g ross TENSION SPR ING MIX. A ha ndy selection . 26 pieces. 10'Y2"xS", 10-Yl"x2", 6-~ "xl Y2"· ITEM 516 _ .. _. _ . . . ________ $ .99 WOOD SCREW MIX. 2V2 Ills. miscellaneous sizes both round and flat head. I'ttM S15 _. _ . _ _ .. _$ .99 COTTER MIX. ISO assorted pieces. Thickness f rom 1/ 16
~oU ~'~~ I~R~~t1E"rm ~~~~¥~~~p'~~ ;~:s~ CO;'Si:ts'~~
I dozen split grommets IY." 0.0., 5/ 16" 1. 0 ., 5/ 16" thick; I doz. g rommets IY." 0 .0 ., 11 /1 6 " I.D., 5 /1 6" thick; I doz. split grommets I'll. " 0 .0 ., 3,4" 1.0., S/ 16" th ick. ITEM B3116 _._. _ _ _ _ _ _. ____ ._$ .49 SUPER COMBO MIX. A su rplus a ssortment of wood screws, rivets, lockwashers, pins, bolts, up to 5/ 16, tocks and washerL A ha ndymans specia l. ITEM JP65 10 LBS. $2.50 ITEM JP66 20 LBS._$4.45
HOIlYlm ••• l4AICI 16 MM. MOVIES
n ..."c
~~t? =r:~da= ~.=,~ ':n~~l:'rP~n!"""::
Has ,:WO" (35 mm.) semltelephOfp lans with builtin exposure guide and sunshade, 3 ~s--'632-64 fromes per aec. tor
motion. LI_-;'::~la:e:r~~'50slC;: magazines; na winding or film th .....ding. Operates on 24V. D.C. and can be easIly connected to run on ordinary flashlight batteries. Takes beautiful pictures in bath black and white ar calor.
~~~ W~_~ ____.. ... _ _ _ _ ~19.95 Howl Make Your Own Telephone System I
hos Its own rlngmg cirCUit up to ge;,~I~~to;n ~~~O~~~d '1t~~~ IQ"t batteries. Complete with cose
ITEM FPUG-(2 complete phone units) $39.95
Made by the finest OPtical croftsmen. Fine ground and polished lenses, precision all · met a I construction . Quad· ruple revolvlnli turret with up to SOX oblective lanses. Five toath gear odiustmenh for smooth precise movement . Adjustable plana sub· stage mirror. Ideol for Students, Ama .. teurs etc . Complete in wooden case with extro, interchangeal:)le eye pce. ITEM 13159 0III
$5.95 ...
Get More For Your Money With The BRAND NEW GAS TANKS 5 gal. U.S. cop. Large size 5" Wide ,
19" long, 13" high.
High quality steel screw, finely machIned 2 V..'
Excellent f or snowmobiles, t r u c k s . carts, boats . Fea tures : Lea k proof
JOws Wit h a utomatic
for every form workshop!
Item 83152
brass snap - shut
lid, 90 , '" SAE
. • FOR ttc thread ITEM
outlet and pre - drilled mounting brackets. A terrifiC value~
OIL FITTINGS Chrome plated,
seams. fll-
locking gas ca;,er¥a'9a~p;.;
a ngle a djuster, Heavy stationery base Jaws open to 2 JA". A mus-t
Large rugged knife
14 en. pro type. w,ne I""ther. Reo ~37 00 value Se' of 4 It.... CI71 4 fer
wit h heavy blade and strong woode:'"\ covered handle. 3 1/2 in . blade, 8 in .
long open. Ideal for tool boxes--o
hundred and one different uses.
ea .
Hardwood ~Iock 16" " 3~" wide, 7" 8amboo bri. t I • s. WIth 54" hardwood handle. ITEM HS4S $1.95
no ils, bolts, Wire up to Folding ha ndles give e xt ra levera ge. Length 16". Item WS655 .. $1. 9 5
FENCE STRETCHEIt· Pull. V. tan. H 0 a ked ends
hold ~. Lever acton. Taps In "pllclng as both WiN and free tor twisting.
mM WlNI - - _ .
V. INCH DRIVE WRENCH ,,"or speedy assembly and teor down.
Friction boil In drive end R'Yes POSItive lock to socket. 16V2 Speeder. ITEM FPI - _ . _ -- $2.50
DRILL ROUTER - Fit. 1j.,," drills. Saws any shaped of hale. ITEM NJ9 _ .63
Heavy duty, pu re rubber, In du stri al t y p e .
Sizes 11 - 10 - 9 V2 - 9
NEW .OPE • 14" SISAL 3 .trand - preserved all treated. 6 ft. per lb. "320 Ib min. bteaklng
plated steel for
$1.50 pr.
mitre joints .
ITEM NJWI12 ..._ ••• >0. AlND & BUFF KIT . ~ 3" Grindstone, J" Buff, " orbor hole arbor Of,II •. Moto.. etc'
flex .
lAW .LADE & WHEEL A.IO. St...1 blade,
ITIM UII7 --- $lA.
$1 .2 0
2-111.1 IYILIT
an. ~ _toan. C-'"te 300 as-
wo... _lets.
caIored ITEM N.I..
~I ! .
4-11'01-1 TOOL GAUGE _ ..r'
Drill gouge,
protractor. 6 " scale and 5 QUO re . Steel construction . ITEM WSI2 $1.89
HEEL PLATES Protect you r Lea-
1~;,~~1~ :~~ ~.ii plates 7/ 32". ITEM WSI 6 -
;;;;;;.IiJI;;;;;;;==;;;;~ ..."d Ne.
Adjustable dtameter--drtlls hole\ In
wood fram I" to 3" . 9" 0'11 length ITEM .H6911 $2.65
'NO&. - I'wIcheI hole, .... _let . . . all in
fit4 drIlls, motars etc.
etc . Reg. 60c ft . _.. .45 ITEM WS662-50 ft . rolls, ft . .10
long. Bl o ck numera ls on wh it e ba ckg round
ft:07 ITEM WSNI-HO ft .
FLEXIBLE STEEL TUBING - Rust Resistant. 1~ ' . 1.0. Make suction hose
r:t: mM UI41 ----'I •••
10 FT. TAPE MEASURE SpnnQ steel ta pe With heavy case. A full 10'
~~Kfl~ :;Oft~8C
aellan and Barber ITEM NJ14A
I· ..
e:. :.• '
Check the ., ..., o f a ll drills. Th IS heaVil y ed
. thiS
Probe detects heat In any bm . Just screw an to % " rod With standard threpd.
Cadmium -
will nat corrode
Complete wlWall Bracket . 'TEM HT212
$9 • 95
GRAIN PROBE THERMOMETER Protect your groin Investment .
from 1/1 6" to V2" In 64 t~ ITEM WSll $1 .2
New " foat Lawell Socket Revenlbe Ratchet Wrench. Wt !iO Ibs - t.mflc leverage. Sockets 2~, 2-9/16, 3\.io far helllOgCln nuts. ITEM .$16.M
ROA D FLARES - Save your life w i t n easy lighting wind proof flares . ITEM NM RF6 for 95c:
professional Doctorls Instrument used by mechaniCS to listen to motors and engInes to determine Trouble s pot sand causes of trouble. In-
Adjustable and silent with positive
~~:~:n~Qd~ii~~ L~~~ed~~i:;~ r~':I
spring action, self aligning. Eosyto-install in just seconds. A 29c each Value.
ist.s l highly trained engineers, etc.
ITEM WT10 - $4.95
~~ B~.~~~
12 fo, $1.12
Check tnese Fa ulous 0 ues' glC AUTO PILOT SERVO UNIT-Cont~ins 24V
~ . motor, gears, solenoids, sWitches -ete
Idt co~~~rted to use os
one ' " •12" de ""'0_12" 8" on other, on marked _gradUQtlons.
--.--.-------- $22.00
.. .
SLIP JOINT PLIER$-IO" drop forged steel. ITEM NJ . .O _ _ _ $2.19 CHANNELOCK PUMP PLIERS -10" drop forged steel. ITEM NJ140 ___ __ $2.29
I .. sh",_" 5 _ W~ Sot Pliers. Sweel0 ish mfg. ITEM NJ100 _ _
7-1" -1 Hole Saw-Fits elec- . tr. ic drill. Cuts I" to 2%" in .3.4" wood, has automatiC slug elector. ITEM NJ • .- - - $1.68
~ .. TO ~" UNIVERSAL SOCKET-2l,ts and spins most nutl, bolts hex., square or fOr819" 1n5tant-
~~u~or~:~:,:. ~~:!tr=:
14" triangle
ITEM WS663 --.. -$3 .99
...........) .: -'4-
STEEL GAS PEDALS Strong ste~r construction. Fits all Jeeps or con be adapted to fit other vehicles. ITEM RH6 - . - - .3. . ..
~ •
~~~nn~arsh ;~
dies. Convenient 7" SIze, A terrific bargain at this low low price. Reg . $3 .50 Value.
Item 83134
ASBESTOS TAP E PIPE WRAP - Stops pip e sweating, moisture dam-
age. heat loss etc. 150 ft . roll. ITEM WS10 -_. $ .98
L . -....
pered. 8 ". 10" square tapered. 10" 12" wood rasp. y~d round. Wt. 5 % Ibs. Reg. $12.
eel tough bar steel. Every tool box should hove one! ITEM U~Socbt
1/ 16" - V..•. QualIty drills in heavy steel index box. ITEM RH314S
SPORTSMAN AXE-24 oz .• 3" blode, rubber grip handle, no'< for~d. with belt sheath. ITE NJ903 ______ $3.95 CLAW HAMMER-16 oz .• rub~i~Jri~J~~~dl~___. ___ $2.19
FILE MIX - 7 Ftles: 8".
outlets (available supply dealers.) Wt .
Save $3 178 00 f 0 I 1 don't kn~w ~ha 0 , r gina' . Go\'~rnment Cost! We gyros gear trainXou ~I do With thiS treasure chest of , reticles etc~, ab~-fr~;urkn regulat?" sprockets, of enjoyment from it p or- t youthll get. hours preciSion d . u oge er With the 14" x 11"an accuro cy of 0 fine watch Dim ' . C omplete with hin d .. .. proof, steel conta iner. Wt 55 gle , mOisturebs. ITEM GS-14 .
Cl ..... C..tter - le to 4" dlo. holes. 3/16" tool bit. V..' shank for ell drills. Cuts ",ood. melol. olostlc.
ITEM 13142 __
ran IC
...----.---.-.-...---..---.-.. $22.95
(8) New Surplus rCllrood type PICk.
with 5 lb. head and handle . ITEM Hn3 _______ .$2.95
door opener, w;ndow
~Y ',Oddln9 O:~~;jfi~~m~~~e~O;~~~I,y r~~~;r~r:;~n~
.te. mM
.__ .. Ci"ly
~y 6~'::"~filter. :~~N!'":h ITEM WS4S6
_ .59
TACK HAMMER Ion g, handle.
rubber covered Chrome plated.
Item NJ700A .. _ $1.39 UTILITY HATCHET Polished steel. 8Y," rubber handle. 3y," head. 2" cut. Wt . 1 y. Ibs. Item NJS15 _ . $1.43 •• 11. . . . . IN. DUITI'AL .....ITY HATS - Contour-
orJ":r!".~1y ~" crown cloa,-
51za adJuat-
",."t fram
6%_ -_ I. _ Oranga calor. _:$. . .
NEW SOCKETS V..' drtve 11/16.. xy.. •. ITEM WS657Deep Socket - .-- .49 1Ys"xY,' Deep Soc. ITtM WS458 -_ .70
....... eM . . . . . . . ..,.. M,....11e Pu.... fw .._ ............. _I Ww. s.-4.............. I'll..... - (500-1800 RPM contonuous Duty, Interm.ttent to 2000 RPM Wcwklng pressure 0-1 500 PSI) FlA TUtlS, Ut......1It-M... IHicIetlcy-F...., ....IICM V... , ...., - I....... .,. ....1 F...,,..... 1.1et-HII !eH ........ Dull .......... . . - -. . . . . . ,....., .... IIM. . . . . ..,., •• nu fuI, ........ ~.1It ,....... .
c.........' ........
...... ....... ,",.M."
1000 PSI.
%" ...., 1oi.......
VI. VI' Vlf
VI 12
....M. ..
1.6f 2.11 3.61 4.20
4.62 f.31 14-72 17.f5
1" iIIIet % .......
VC 12 VC 16 VC20 VC 24
..PM .. "''''M
4.50 6.60 1.65 10.10
I ......M
1I.n 25.25 31.40
12 VOLT HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT - Eliminates PTO's, Drive Shaft, UJOints etc. Smooth QUI.t, eaSily detachable when not In use. Up to 1000 PSI With Brond new
motor and Hydraulic pump. Operates directly off
volt Battery (With push-button, when used With
Solenoid SWitch) . Will not
harm Ba ttery In normal use. Has Built-In odJustabe Relief Valve,
thread outlet, 3,4" Inlet. Wt . 24 Ibs. A 24 Volt model con also be supplied prlce. .___ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
f';E~e ~;,e
HELICAL GEAR TYPE H'fDRAULlC PUMP OR MOTOR-Delivers S GPM os 0 pump at 1000 PSI uSing 6 H.P., speed 12oo-ISoo RPM. Delivers up to 7 HP. os 0 motar With 1.17 cu. in. per rev. displacement, speed 700-2000 RPM. Compact SIZ_S%" H x 7'1." L x %" W, 3A" pipe thread Inlet and outlet ports, V.... droln port, l/~" shaft With Key-way a nd flat for Direct or pulley drive. Dense cost and selected alloy .teels throughout, q Uiet operating helical gears, reversible rotation. Standard 2-bolt magneto flanoe mounting: Also available With foot-type mounting bracket Complete pump With mounting bracket. $59.95. ITEM 07 •
'55 50
B,and Ne. NORCO HYDIIO UNIT - NEW" DIFFERENT - A COMPLETE HYDRAULIC UNIT ALL-IN-OHEI • Hyd,aullc Pump _ • 4-way, .. If-cente,lng cont,ol valve. • .4 gallon ,es.... oI,. • Built-In Relief valve. Delivery up to 2V. GPM at pressures up to 400 PSI (1800 RPM). Compact deSign only S" x 5", shaft extends 2V.", reqUires less than 160 CU. Inches of space.
Easily flange or strap mounted,
Ideol for garden troc-
tors etc Rotat ion CCW or CW (speclfy)--no(lzontal mounting only, V..' outlets. ITEM JWA-4H -_.__ - - _ - _ ___ _ ___.. _ .. $49.95 (Con be used with cylinders ITEM JW41C, JWS05, JWS04, JW331
GEAR TYPE HYDRAULIC PUMP - 1000 PSI , IS G. P. M. up to 650 R. P. M. CCW rotation, 3,4 " Pipe Inlet, V." Pipe top outlet, Shaft dlam . 1", 2V." long. Ideal for Loaders, plows, stackers etc. A hlOh pressure pump built to close tolerances With semi-hardened gears, close grain Iron hOUSing. permanent or Torque Bor mounting. 90% dense bronze sleeve bearings and "hlOh finish" hardened gear shafts
VICKERS MF9 HYDRAULIC PUMP OR MOTOR-Compact, powerful-IOOO PSI., 8 GPM at 3750 RPM . Change rotation by reverSing flow Up to 6 H.P . os 0 motor-requires V3 to 6 H.P. to drive directly. one end spllned to fit pump, other end machined tlot for mounting
With hole . Mounting plae shaft runs In Ball bearings. Uses y," tubing fittings. ITEM le"
standard pulley
'29 • 95
SPLlNE SHAFT ADAPTER-All steel, splined on one end, Keywoy on the other 1%" standard or 1 Ys" size. WIt ... ord.ring stot. Ilze of PTO, Moke ond mod" of TractOf. 1%" ar lW' $6.05 1~" sin $7.75
~~t'~~E~N:~C.K~~~ ~NN~lRI~~M:i.R~~L~~i:~~G:~S~~V~~~ 'OR LONGER LIFE. These ore the quaht,es thal make this unit one of the best 011 round Hydraulic Power Units ever bUilt. Terrific for use on all types of form machinery, hydraulic truck. hol5l5 hand cranking operallons elc. FEATURES adJU$toble rellet valve. reversIble rotation, 1 shaft. ~'f ports MODEL H2P4W-2 PISTON DOUBLE ACTING VALVE 2.21 GPM 1000 RPM (500-3500 PSI), 7 ql. res. Size' 8" L )( 11 V. )( 8Y2" H . Weight - 35 Ibs. (factory set 3500 PSI) _ _ _ - . 555.00 MODEL H2P1W-os above but si.., .. octi", valve ....
MODEL H4P4W_ PISTON DOUBLE ACTING VALVE 3.~ GPM @ 1000 RPM (500-3000 PSI) (factory set 2850 PSI), 15 qt. cop. Dim.: 15;." L)( 11 W )( 8V." H . Weight-SO Ibs. ---$65.00
MODEL H4P1W-os above but with sho, .. octi.., valve.
MODEL H'P4W~ GPM @ 1000 RPM (0-3000 PSI), 26 QI. res. Dim .. 9 H X 10" W )( 17' L WITH EXTERNALLY MOUNTED CONTROL VALVE. Welght-70 Ibs. DOUBLE ACTING $118.50 MODEL HIP1W-os above With sl",I. octi•• valve.
POWER STEERING PUMP -EqUipped With 011 ReserVOir, Pressure relief Val ve and restrictor valve. Rated up la 900 PSI, 2Y. GPM. 3~" sha ft With Keyway fo r Pulley Orl ve. 2 bolt flange mounting . Pressure port hos fitting for :VS " hose, Return port hos f itting for Y2" hose. Size : 6 " xS" xS ".
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __~22.
!!~~=:~fJ====~~~ ~:"-----':~WER in tegral
STEERING 1 Monroe cylinder val ve. May CYLINDER be adaptedSPECIAL for Farm Machmery, Boat with and equipment, power steenng syst ems etc. 10/8 " bore, l'4fV2" stroke, " O'all leng th, 0/0" dla . pISton rod , 2V. " d,a . end cops. PISton rod end threaded for reta ining nut. In let-V.", Outlet---3/ s " flare f ittings. Brand new Surplus. Wt. 15 Ibs. -- --- - - __ " . _. ___ ._. ____ . -. -- _.- _.- .-.-- -- ._.- $21 .95 ITEM JWC939 _
, STRATOPOWER PISTON PUMP - Rated 3 12 5 PSI, 3 GPM @ 1500 RPM 6 GPM @ 3600 RPM, 9 GPM @ 4500 RPM ( 10 m inute rating ). Piston type, fi xed dl;placement model 67WF300. 4 V2" mounting f lange, SIB" male spline s~aft , Budt· in adiustable Relief V?lve, ReverS ible rota tion, I " Inlet, V2 " outlet . ~~~~ 12~5~5)( 4V." dlam . W t . 14 Ibs. ._.__... _________ .____ •• ___•. ___~27
PESCO TWI N PAC PUMP UNIT - A Brand new Pump With tW~ El e m Element24 GPM, 1350 PSI, 2210 RPM, 2 .87 w. In . per rev . Small Ele M 22 10 RPM 1350 PSI , 1.67 w . In . per .rev . Ideal for Trac~~ , p' c k t;,gether With a tee to give 38 GPM or con be operote~ c Is 0 sing le p lck .......p. Gear type, CCW rotallon, 1'0" sp"ned Shaft. SIZ . . · 1 . Wt . 30 Ibs. ITEM JW111 1 _ •
$69 SO
HAND PUMP - For Hydraulic Jacks, Presses, HOists etc . For opera tmg Cy lmders to pump or Hydraulic FlUid when under pressure . Bu ll t·ln Check va lve, Al um lnum all oy up To 1000 Ibs pressure, 8" L x 3V2 " H x 23,4" W, co m plete Wit h handle. Weight 3 Ibs. ITEM JW 11 •
$14 75
With Adjustable Relief Valve • Smooth, Positive Control. • Fully balanced--self centering . • 4 mounting hole. on bottom . • Built-in, Adju stable Relief Volve . • 16 GPM copocity-2S0-1500 P.S.I. • Ope n center provides unloadin, of pump when handl. is in neutral position A .. -way hydraulic control deSigned to actuate one set of double acting cylinders Fully balanced plunger type for opcrotlno loaders, dumps, trOlllno Implements, and general Industrial uses. High pressures within the valve ore always equalized or balanced-never becomes pressure locked In any position . Self-neutraliZing, when the control lever IS released, It automatically returns to 0 neutral or hold posItion Con be used a s single units or mounted In series of any combinations deSired . Only standard pipe nipples ore reQUired to make inter-connections. When Installed In mutlples provide IndiVidual pressure relief to each cylinder or set of cylinders I_C , each valve has Ih own Individual pressure
rehef control whIch IS factory set a t 1000 PSI. Inlet and outlet, PIpe thread. WeIght 8 V. Ibs.
For Double Acting Cylinders.
PIpe thread , Cylinder openIngs
Acting Cyl inders.
ITEM 126
SP-STANDARD 8, SPYT ; '. "POWER BEYOND VALVES" SP3-SP4 OPEN CENTRE-SPRING LOADED LOCAL CHECK VALVE (For Single or Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinders) With check. valves bUl't Into Model SP Valves, loads cannot be
dropped os direction IS changed-positive cylinder movement is always mOlntalned, and no momentary reversal of the cylinder IS possible os valve IS operated . Check valve assures " Positive Control.n NOTE when ordering state whether double or single acting cylinders are to be used. Perfect for front end loaders, stackers, land levellers, dumps, sod mo .... ers and General Industnal Hydraulic Uses. DlmenSlons--J. ~" Flow, 112" Ports to cylinders, Capacity 20 GPM Has built-in relief valve adjustable to pressures from 250 P.S. I . to 1500 P.S.I. Replaceable, hardened seat In rehef valve assures long service and elimination of costlv repairs or pOSSible replacement of the whole valve . Valve 15 preCiSion engineered and quality bUilt to give outstanding and long lasting performance. SP Valves hove ¥.t" Flow# 1/," cylinder ports. WP Valves have 1" Inlet, 1 Outlet, J,4" cylinder ports. o tl, .11.: S I a r q r m t pi th SEYO ~D ,) " '1T Vol... 'r 01 01.. rrc
.WAY & SP 4 - WAY VA L VES spool - .523.50 spool - -538.50 spool S53 .50
PK ALV ES WI T H FLO AT POS'TlON MODEL SPK- I spool _ 531 .75 MODEL SPK- 2 spool (I spool floot) 46.50 MODEL SPK- 3 spool (1 spool floot) 73.00 HIGH CAPACITY WP VALVES ( 40 GPM @ 20' sec.) MODEL WP- I spool 46.50 ~ODEL WP- 2 spool 74.50 MODEL WP- 3 spool 5111 .0
i 26.00 541 .00 56.00
MODEL SPYT- I spool MODEL SPYT- 2 spool MODEL SPYT - 3 spool
MODEL SPKYT- I spool MODEL SPKYT- 2 spool (I spool floot) MODEL SPKYT- 3 spool (1 spool floot Write for models not listed .
53 4 .00 54 9. 0 0 575.00
Be sure to state model
number required when ordering, and olso number of sing le or double acting cylind.n be ing used!
(A) 10Y2" I . l'y,," STROKE, SINGLE ACTING RAM-l00 TON-from USAF 8-36 LDndlng gear. up to 3000 PSI . Will take shock pressures much higher. Clevis mounti ng on both encIs for 2" pin., Y2" port, 48" 0'011. Wt. 270 Iba. ITEM JWM - - . - - -_______ __ $200._ (B) 4" I . 20" STROKE, DOUIU ACTlN~" 0'011 length retroC1ed, 5'U" - - _......;,;~ Width, I Y2" shaft doom ., pin hole on shaft end. Trunlon mounting at bene
~ end .(C)Y2"7"ports. 26 1""- ITEM16" JWU -- 2" u I. 37Wt. STROKE-2-3/ shaft with
pinholes. Push 38,.485 Iba., pull 34,727 at 1000 PSI. ~ " ports. ITEM JWIOI -- -- _ - - $8O.GO Writ. "', all yeur .......t'. Cy...... , Nqul ......lltsl (E) '" B. 56" STROKE-2~ " solid 51eel shaft. Y2 " pipe thread ports. All stee l construction, Flange mounting at head_ Mox. 11ft 28,274 Iba. (1000 PSI ), 67" 0'0 11 retracted. Designed for lift truck service. ITEM JWI06 . _._ ___ _. ___ -------------.-------------- $145.00
THE CYLINDERS SHOWN ABOVE ARE OVERSIZ!t...HEAVY DUTY. INDUSTRIAL TYPE - IDEAL .OR FORK LIH~, lACK :~~y r~~~~~:I~t,U:~.ESSES. HEAVY EQUIPMEtlT AND SI... of Cylinder proportlonat. to .ketch of 6' ...a ...
NEWI IMPROVED DDIGN POll 'ARM AND INDUS'nIAL USEI "POWUM" . • ......._ to w.tch fer I. Hy4...11c cyU ..Mn fo, .u rea' NIIul_IIIs' With the introduction of this great ~ line of "POINRAM" Hy. draulic Cylinders we can now supply Cylinders for virtu· 2Y2" BORE 1" P in Holes, the ally any of %" Paris, of hy. hundreds 4 ,908 Ibs. drauhc applications push Cfl 1,000 .5.1. In on Forme industry . , • MunlClpal Maintenance 3" BORE Oepts. • • Heavy 1I, P In Holes, Construction Outfits, ~" Ports, ,068 Ibs. etc. Ruggedly conpush Cfl struc:ted of the hlgh1,000 .5.1.
est qual/ty, accurate-
machined and fitted to precision tolerances. "POINRAM" Hydroullc Cylinders orw de· Iy
signed, enginMred and monufoctured to
operate ot peak efficiency with maintenance
3Y2" BORE 1" P In Holes, ¥.2" Ports, ,620 Ibs. push ~ 1,000 .S.1.
CllllCATIONS: p,... IU.... up to 3,000 P.5.1. I~ I.D. ___ 1.4" wall mechanical tubing.
r{~~01;;. push Cfl
superior ground pal-
Ithed steel shafts, ltandorcl "0" rings and Wiper Seals 8unG 'N' compound.
1" Pin Holes,
.5. 1.
4Y2" BORE 11h " Pin Holes, Y2" Ports, 15,898 Ibs push Cfl 1,000 .5. 1.
HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS It.... Stroke HR2501 8" HR2512 12" HR2516 16" 20" HR2520 24" HR2514 HR2S12 32" 36" HR2536 40" HR2540 8" HR100I HR1012 12" 16" HRlO16 20" HR1020 24" HR1014 30" HR1010 36" HR1016 40" HR1040 48" HR1041 8" HR1501 HR1512 12" 16" HR3516 20" HR1520 24" HRl524 32" HR1512 HRl140 40" 48 " HRl141 8" HR4001 12" HR4012 16" HR4016 20" HR4020 24" HR4024 32" HR4012 40" HR4040 48" HR4041 HR4501 8" 12" HR4512 18" HR4511 HR4514 24" HR4510 30" HR4536 36"
Cent., C.nt., Shaft Retract. Extended 24 " 16" 1~4:: 32" 20" 40" 24 " 48 " 28" 1~ " 56" 32" 1~:" 40" 72" 1~ " 80" 4~ " 88" 48" 1~" 24 " 16" l~:: 32 " 20" 40" 24 " 48 " 28" 111." 56" 32" 70" 38 " 44 " 80" I~" .8 11 88" 1 \4" 104" 56" 13~" 24" 16" l~:: 20" 32 " 40" 1~ " 24" 48" 28" 56" 32" 1~" 72" 40" 1~" 2" 88" 48" 2" 104" 56" 25" 17" 33" l~:: 21 " 41 " 25" 1 49" 29" 1~ " 57" 33" 1 73" 2" 41 " 89 " 2" 49" 2" 57" 105" 25" 13,4" 17" 33" 13,4" 21 " 13,4" 45" 27" 57" 13,4" 33" 2" 39" 71 " 2" ~5" 81 "
It' l}i"
"Ic. $ 24.25 21.25 32.25 16.50 42.75 41.50 52.50 56.50 11.00 14.00 11.25
49.50 56.25 62.75 67.50 77.75 11.75 39.50 45.25 50.75 56.50 61.00 79.25
42.00 41.75 SS.50 62.25 69.00 12.25 95 .75 109.25 51 .00 51.75 " .50 11.00 94.50 109.50
NEW DOUBLE ACTING CYLINDERS Manufactured by P,ln .... Auto . . . 8uy direct Clnd laye' J sizes or Popular, Double Acting cylinders. Top Quality for use on Hay Loaders, Monure Loaders, HOists, lift Trucks, Bulldozers, Hydraulic Presses etc. 3" 80r., 22" Itrok., l V~ " Piston Rod, 111 mount pin holes. 0 '011 length
31 Y2" pin to pin, %" PIpe thread ports. Lilts 7068 Ibs. at 1000 PSI. Reg . Price $45 .00. ITEM JW6 . _ _. _ _ _ _ _ Speclal $29.50 lIt Bor., 32" Stroke, I V2" Piston Rod, 1" pin hole mount, Centre to Centre Retracted 40", Extended 72". 7068 Ibs. push, 5380 Ibs. pull at 1000 PSI. Ports lie ". Reg. $65.00. ITEM JWI _. Special $45.50 4" Bo,e, 11" St,ok., rated 11ft cop 12560 Ibs. WIth 1000 PSI line pressure. 1Y2" piston rod. Ports Y2 " standard PIpe WIth 1" pIn holes for mountIng. WeIght 53 Ibs. Reg . $69.00 ITEM JW42 _ _ _ _ . Specl., $36.75
Manufactu,ed and IOld exclullnly by P,ince.s Auto. Excellent for shop prusel, bulldol..n, truck hol.ts or anywh.,. _ Top Quality la,g. Itu cylind., il requl,ed. Features 2" ground polished steel sheltlng, Y2" ports. " T" head on shaft WIth 1",' pin holes both ends. St.. 1 PIston RIng.
6" BORE CYLINDERS C.ntre Pin It.... St,oke Retracted Pric. JW6001 8" 22" $66.50 JW6012 12" 26" $77.50 $19.50 JW601l 18" 32" JW6014 24" 38" $99.50 At 2,000 max. PSI pushes 56,548 Ibs.. Pulls 53,407 lb •.
Telescoping double sc rew lock. Absolutely positive contro ~ot d e pen ~ dent on the hydra ulIC system. 1 Vs " ground, polished and chrom ed p iston
V2" ports,
ITEM JW201 _.. . S30.95 IY2" bore, ' " Itrok_ a t 1500 PSI: lifts 12,930 lb • ., Pushes 14,421 Ibs.
1500 PSI.
rod. All-steel construct ion.
For All Agricultural fmplement..--P,esJures 3,000 P.S. I. Use os replacement port or install for hydraulic operation of manually oJ?t?roted Implements, ,Loaders, Scro~rs, Rock PIckers, Plows, Rakes, Dlscers etc. Double-Achnl'-"t1eel ,'e VII end., 1H pins .... cylinders have 1V2" shaft. others have 1V", u, ' up to
...... 534.95
2 Y, " lORE
j ' Ptn ~ '
4,908 lb.
r.0$0 c; S,I,
l " lORE 1" PI" HoI••,
~ ..
l Y, "
I ' Pin Hot.,. If ) - POtts,
4" IOU I ' Pin Hole • . If,' Port"
9 ,620 Ibs
r.~~ _ SI
Only 'RINCUS AUTO'S .... , ... pow.. .. tit. Iurplul M.......... ~ ... tit... t . . . . . . . .ell FANTASTIC $$$ SAVINGS Oft . . . . . . . ....eHu .f lRAND NEW HYDRAULIC HOII. Thll h_ 10 T. . Alrc.. ft Qooallty ••• WI .. 1 ..1d ••. c...,.... with COM'AREI luy with c... fkIonce .t • f ..ctl....f tit......... c..t. Size PSI Price "." x 22" _ _ 3500 _ _ $1.80 'I" " 30" _ _ 2500 _ _ 2.10 ~2" x 15" _ _ 3000 _ _ 1.60
I." x 22" _ _ 3000 _ _ 1.9$ 1/ "
x 17" _ _ 3000 _ _ 1.75 x 24" - - 2000 _ _ 2.15 x 29" _ _ 1500 _ _ 2.45
x 56" _ _ 3500 _ _ 5.65 x 9" _ _ 3500 _ _ 2.30
t. •~""
Size ',4" x 12" _ _ '10' x 2.4" _ _ '4" x 37" _ _ j~" x 58" _ _ I" " 9" _ _ I " " 15" _ _ I" " 28" _ _
WIRE IRA ID IULK HYDltAULIC !tOIl (ranClom lengtl'os) l-Wl.. 1'Nnu...... ft. 4' 2710 $.71 " 2210 ••
2¥a~ J);; ~ I~ PlI
2.4' J.20 J.95 4.65 5.40 6.1 0 •." 1.40 9.95 , 11.20
PlI PlI PlI 1.15 $ 2.10 ~ US 2." J.20 4.70 J.U 4." 5.'5 4.15 4.91 7.45 4." 5.10 I.SO 5.SS '.70 9.95 '.45 7.SO 11.00 7.10 I.SO 12.20 1.70 10.10 14.95 10.JO 11.65 17.00 11.71 ".75 19.95
I" " 48" _ _ 3000 _ _ $ 8.65
I" " 84" _ _ 3000 _ _ 10.95 I" x 96" _ _ 3000 _ _ 13.50 I" " 138" _ _ 1500 _ _ 18.95
m::: l~:: 1 ~"
~go~ == ~:~
x 20" _ _ 3000 _ _ 10.25 11,4" x 28" _ _ 3000 _ _ 12.50
I" " 41" _ _ 3000 _ _ 7.95
RlAOY MADE UNGTHS--W,re B.aid 10111'0 standard male P"pe tottlngs.
$ 1.75
PSI 3500 _ _ 2.50 3500 _ _ $ 3.85 3500 _ _ 4.85 3500 _ _ 6.2 5 3000 _ _ 3.45 3000 _ _ 4.35 3000 _ _ 5.65
" 2- I..
~:: :-.-::
2 ~" " SO It
up to 1,000 PSI ydrou l,c systems ITEM JWBHSP '._._ ~r ~ ft·$1.95
1.10 1.1.
IULK HOlE SPECIALS! 11/.0... 7 wlr. Si. . . . 1\4" • 10 ft.-I wil1l -.--SI4.. .
I." I" Die. L.w , ........ " _ 2210
Excellent fo,' 1 wire braid Or low pressur~e hOds, gas, wate;
.95 ft.
for 'Icku,.
alignment and mounting problems. SWivels 30 '" In any direction exactly parallel to pull . Assures easy connectlnQ and mini-
mIZes wear and leakage. JWS002 $2.55 (B) BREAKAWAY COUPLINGS - Connects and disconnects easily and qUlckly-posltlve sealing. Rugged, Quollty 6teel components.-WorklOg pressure to 3,000 PSI.
ITEM JW4000-Y." or :VB" - --_ $4.75 3,4 " -_ _ _ _ __ ..__ $6.95 tOupler same os above but can be con .. nect"" under pressure. JW5000 $5.95 (C) MALE TIPS-to fIt 4000, 5000 couplers y. " Of' W' $1 30 W ' _. $2.10 (D) DUST PlUG-lor couplong body. ITEM JW5005 - - - - - ___ -. $ 75 (E) DUST CAP-for <oupling adopter . • ITEM JW5009 - - -.. - ----.... ___ $ .75
Repair Broken Hydraulic Hose on the spot! . . in just a few minutes, No special tools required. For One and
Two wore BraId Hose. ITEM HHC 3fB" $1.40 %" $1.65 W' $2.25 Reusob e coupling for One and Two wire Braid Hose--designed for emergency field repair service and original equipment installations. Call be attach-
ed WIthout use of Vose. ITEM CTe :VB"$ .89 %"$ .99 3,4" $1.75
.• . ""
~ ,. ....
lA) 1 GALLON-SIze 4x 12x 13 \I.:r" Wltl'o PIpe tI'oreod connectIons. Wt. 13 Ibs 34" part. ITEM JW5. -. _ ._ _ $9.10 6 GALLON·For 16 GPM pumps or over Breatner plug and 011 Filter $17.41 Scree., S,ze 8xI4xU". I~" ports. ITEM JW59 (8) Oil IlKRVOIR-Oual purpose P_tal type tank easily baited to tractor platform (Bolts supphedl. Heavy gouge steel, welded seams. Control valve con be mounted on .special Valve platform Illustrated. 3,4" parts. ITEM JW60 $9.50 ITEM JW..... MountIng Plate _ $1.40 COMPLETE RESERVOIR ASSEMILY-W,tI'o Control Valve B.ack.., Tank-toPump L P Hose 1'0058 fIttIngs, clamps, Tank, F,lter and mountIng baits ITEM JW. .I -- __ - -- - _ .. $17.75 "lft;iiIiit~ (C) FUEl STRAINER-P",manent type screen mesh Cartridge. Will pratect your Hydrauloc System. Easy to clea". Standard ',4" PIpe tI'oread.. W,ll work satISfactorIly In 0,1 Go., fuel 001 or even In water. ITEM JW72 _ $4.7' , (D) PUROUTOR OIL FILTER - A perfect element 011 fIlter to " - yaur motor. 011 or hydrauloc flUId clean Protect your pump or engine wltl'o thIS unIt Just turn tI'oe I'oandle and tile element " clean. Standard ~.. 1nl.. l!r~"'::!,\i;oparts accommodate 16 gal per m~n._W~ 4 ~bs~_$_13. ~~i (0)
~;!.!~~~~,y~L~s~Ea';,l~~~f~!T; ~~,~Jd~~~"'!':;::.r"t,:'r'
plug S,mply remove present fIller plug and screw In Si_n1l" H. x >4 NPT ITEM JWl17J _. _ _ __. __._ ...... (F) HYDUULlC PRESSURE GAUGE Brand new Ideal for I'olgh ........ tyaIomI, ad/Uatlna ........, K~ elc Block pla1tlc """,.2~·'square, IJ,4" deep. Black tace wltI'o white I1WIIOrGIt. u... 'lA" _ .... ITEM JWJ6---Q·2,ooO PSI. $4.'1 ITEM JWJ'~3.000 PSI mM JWIIa --4-5JIOO ..... ....:;.;.;;.;::;.;J . =.;;.........""""
w -
H • • , U",IM M . . . . SW.
••. Pi .. (I;.. M •
(~M •
$ ,.
' I ... d
..... . .
. 52
..... . .
_,'I, P • V.lL!.JI I~ ~ • ~F~ 4.
N • •,
I . . P .. ORB 11 1)1 .7. H· ••• Pi. ORB JII hI •• !s.lo•• B, ORB" \.1 .. 75al0" H, ORB x h) .11 7).
~:o.?' ,,';0' :!:r~
71 . . . . B.OR8. "I 7'. Id 'hORB M 1Ja} 71-10 . . 1' 1 ORB a tiel 71· 10" H. ORB. \f21
R~j. ~
!1'4 !1. ...
11.14 $2. 14
t;...~i't.~ ~ ___ --4
~~'~.~.~I~-===~_~-2~~_~~_~~o~.~='.~.~.~.~I=-_~=-4-~~~ ......
....... 49-1._ 4'.12"
!l/"M. I'.F) , .. ,
'~M 11 ,F) .10 I'''1M. '1I:If) .ts I JFI 1.60 l:.M It ~.. fJ 1.70
... ... ........
(I, .. M 11
.... 12...
(I/"M 11 ~/.fl , I~M_..'!- :l'f) IV, M " 'IJ f!.
.(l/.. M 11 Ylf)
..... n:.12 jl/.M x I/.F)
to .U I.U t to 1.'5
125· . . , ~MI
.$1 .04
11 YtMI
$1 .12
(0\" ORB ..
12I· to ..
SWIVEL UNION CONNECTORS :':'-Bra ss canst.uctian Ye Tilftel SaYe M . M L aney. • a"es cannecf_ Ing eosier qUicker,
.... N· I • . . H .... VE .... LL THE .... DV RUGGED I S.... FE I VERS .... TILE R· R RIGH T .... T YOUR FINGE T .... GES DF HYDR .... ULIC POWE S ITUD E OF JOB S SUCH .... TIPS . • . H .... NDLE .... MULT SH· .... IGHT ENIN G, PULL ING, PU BEND ING, SPRE .... DING , STR LESS S LONG LI FE, BRUTE RUGGEDNESS MEAN ING RES .... ME CONS TRUC TION IN SU M .... INTE N .... NCE . RIGID FR .... TOR CONF IDEN C E. NO OPER ND .... FETY .... S L .... STRU CTUR N BEND ING OR BUCK LING D.... NGER DF PRESS DISTO RTIO R.... M C.... P .... CITY . EXTREME· WHE N USED WITH SPECIFIED ET GES, HIGH W .... Y SHOP S, FLE LY PR .... CTIC .... L FOR G.... R.... S. CUTS COST ~ P ""YS FOR .... ND F.... RM IMPL EMEN T SHOP I ITSELF M .... NY TIME S OVER 011 . atu res: FR .... ME : 6" Chan nel Fe g andin Chec k Th os. Outst , Width 30" InSide 7" 6' t heloh ll Overa n weld const ructio bed from 1.... to 25' from meas urem ent, and adjus table M: .... VY DUTY HYD R.... ULlC RA HE on poSIti ram ted retrac staml ess steel shaft and 10" High press ure type with 2" With copa clty Comes comp lete stroke . Ra ted up to 32 ton H IGH PR ESSU RE ge IndIC ator press ure goug e and tonna n actin g self enclo sed comb inatio PISTO N PUMP : A doubl e hydra ulic reser Quart 7 and volve , pump unit consi sting of t, hold , 0· 3500 . Spool valve has outpu VOir. PSI ra nge from New CSA West ,ngho use I : R MOTO ions pOSit and return , RPM, 110·2 20 volts Single phase H.P., ca pa Citor sta rt, 1725 ol SWitch With
remo te contr bo il bearin g' and West tngho use overlo ad prote ction. COMP L ET E AS ILLUS TRAT ED. ITEM JWEP 32
'3 29 .50
above but less 1 H.P. H .... ND CR .... NK TYPE-As moto r SWitch but With moto r, pulley s, belts and " expan sion. hand crank hond le With 6"-1" ITEM JWLM ·PB
DT_~ ~
'2 59 .50
... ... . w.... .... ..../y• • •n thle. .....• ~
•••ct I.D ••INI O.D.
~~ :g: ~:: gg;~ ig. : ;; ~ g. :: 4~ 1.0 " 4% OD . " ... OD. to " 6 0.0 4li\i ID. " 4% 0.0. to 5% 1.0.
S .JS .4S
NEW "PRINCESS 12 VOLT FINGER TIP ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC UNIT" (hmlftote PTO, "U" JOINT .ftd Dri.. Shoft p",blemlr Complete cnd ready to go. All that i. necessory IS hose cnd cyfmder to g,ve you 0 complete Hydraulic System Eliminates such problems os power~take-oHf umvenel lomts and drive ~noft Assembly Includes 2 Volt dust-proof electr,c motor and hydraulic pump, tank"
solenoId sWitch, "'-way control valve, all neces-
sary .1' ng and f·ttlngs on unit. Excellent os plow 11ft. Stote If single or double octing cylinder being used. 'B-61-O"ly _==~__==
IMPLEME t{r H.,. Is anew, u" i q " . Iow prlc.d, quality.. high pr.ssu,. system kit. Light In weight . . . but heavy In pow.r. At 3,500
:~~i"'I3.~~ri~I.:7~i!: 1!"'2V~~
cylind.r with G 1" shaft. Conlilts of: H,gh pressure 2 poston pump with pressure ronge 03,500 P. S. I. A selt conta,ned
hydraulic unit complete With 7
quart capacity oil tank, double acting control 'ICIlve. C 0 m e s complete with 2' fong eleva·
ted control handle
for easy operation.
it I only 2""" bore . 10" .troke. I" shaft .tondard ,mplement cyl.lnder. .. 2 only breakaway couplings With dOUble sw,vel breakaway clamp. it 2 only 5 ft. x 'I'" hydraulic heses. it 2 only 8 ft. x '14" hydraulic hoses. it All necessary f,ttings. it SPECIFY SIZE P. T. O. SHAFT COUPLING REQUIRED. InM JWK154 ____ . __ . •
$134 50
Perfect for hydraulic presses, snow plows, form wagons etc ., uSing No. 50"" hydraulic cylinder. A complete unit Includes Tomahawk Pump, No. 504 cylinder, 1-7
$59 • 20
It 'l'i" hydrouloc hose & all litt,ngs. ITEM JW12S--You .. Fo, Only _ _ _
suitable for mounting
v;r~~~"I~ ~r ~t~~~~~~O~~~ o~Ir~~~:il~%,,1~~ ::~;
$39 • 75
2." handle not shown. adiu.table POSltJon release valve. ITEM JW12' ~
LEAVE YOUR PTO SHA" FREE • . • wltll CHAIN & SPROCKET DRIVE "BONANZA" KIT Some kit 05 above (JWKl54) but ... ,th Che,n and Sprocket drive and le.. PTO. adopter coupling. By using th,. kit PTO shoft is left ava,lable for other uses, InM JWK155 -- - - - - - - - - _ . $144.. .
P. T. O., BELT OR CRANKSHAFT DRIVE H. D. SYSTEM KIT. Whoft ordering be IUN to ltat. for P.T.O., or C"'n ..... aft driv • •
System operates OOUble-octlnQ hydrauliC cylinders slmultaneousty, With pressure In both directions. Capable of Iolt,ng a totol we,ght of over 1•• 000 Ibs. All connections Dr. pip e or pipe fittings. Kit Includes: 2 - 3",,22" No. 6 Double Acl,ng Cyl,nders, rated 7068 Ibs. I,ft w,th 1000 PSI I,ne pressure. I - Four-Way Control Valv. No. 126. May be u.ed w,lh 1500 PSI Hydraulic System. PUMP-A choice of H.D. 12 GPM for crankshaft drive or PTO drIve. Pi.... Ipecify which required. I - 3 gallon 0,1 Re.ervo" With pipe thread connections. Complete with bUilt-In screen fOf' clean· !ng 0'1. 1-2'xl' 1.0. hose for p,ckup. 2-3."",/,,, hoses for pressure and return ... - 56"XV2" cylln· der leod hose. All nectiSOry tilting. and couplings tt> complete th.. k,t. OPTION,t.L: You may ""bstltute any PlJmp or cylinder In catolooue. Just odd or substroct difference to price of cvlln. der or pump to above proce ITEM JWK151 • ITEM JWKl52-As cbov. but with 2 - , .. B. II 32" Itralt. cylinde... $185.00 ITEM JWKU' A. above but w,th 2 - 4" 11. " I." Itr<Ike cylinde". $175.50
$165 00
A Complete Hydraulic System easIly adapted to all types of Tractors, etc. Kit contains: JW201 Depth Control Cylinder-lifts 7068 Ibs. at 1000 PSI; 15 GPM Pump .00 - 800 RPM; No. 126 Valve with ReservOir and Filter; Anchor and Chain Bar; 2-3', I5', 2-8' - V2° wire Braid and 1 5' L.P. he..,; all InM JW15' On kits fo, 0' C"'ftkIhoft d,i .., Anchor ond PTO coupllft!!1 not lupplled but
:i::S c:::,!le:~:~!: to:; p
plul Vone type Pump. cotlon.
leltulou. ..I .. f t
..."ct.,d • • • S...VE NOWI pure"...
" ". . . . . .1111.
Fitting (A) REDUCING ELBOW 90 ' (B) ELBOW 90 ' (C) ELBOW 45 ' (D) STREET ELBOW 90 ' (E) STREET ELBOW 45 ' (F) TEES (G) CROSS 4 W"'Y (H) M ... LLE .... LE C"''' (I) COUPLINGS (J) COUPLING REDUCING (K) LOCK NUTS (L) REDUCING .USHING . (M) PLUGS (N ) NIPPLES HEXAGON (0 ) M ... LLE ... BU BEND M.., 90 ' fp) M ... LLE ... BLE BEND F&F 90 ' _
Model PF 14 3911 25 ZG,
3000 PSI, 3750 RPM, .507 cubic inch per rev.
Delivers 8 galper mlllUte at 3750 RPM. Rotation counIwrClockwi.. Mounting flange 4 ~" x 4 ~". 13/16" male spllne .taaft. Ball bearing conItructlan. Inlet for I" 1.0. hose. Outlet has :W" x 16 thread male connector fa, tube fitting Ideal for portable hydraulic units, high pressure systems. Overall length 8". Shipping wt. 7 Iba.
. _.
• .. ywhe,er
Chock " ' _
Now you ca ..
,'aft at ·'.....,-IN'o,.." ..,d .. ,"
$59 • 50
VICKERS VANE TYPE PUMP V-210-11-lC-12. 'Rr-........ l000 P.S.I. 1500 P.S.I. This Vickers balanced vane type pump is best suited for heavy duty work on construction, agricultural, automotive, and mate,ials handling machinery. Reversible rotation . Delivers 10.5 GPM at 1200 R.P.M., 16.3 G.P.M. at 1800 R.P.M. at 1000 P.5.I . l,ne pressure. At 1500 P .S.I. line pressure pump delivers 10 G.P.M. at 1200 R.P.M. (Minimum speed - 600 R.P.M.l. I" inlet. Y2" outlet. Standard two bait mounting flange. Has I" threaded shaft 2 Jh" long . S~"x4¥8"X4~". Wt. 22 Ibs. ITEM JWP521 ._ •
$72 50
p,k ..
%" VI" %" .lI .21
.u .29 .29 .21 .15 .22 .22
.22 .29 .15 .67 .21 .J7~75 .21 -:ir-:75 .29 .44 .17 .52 .n .95 .11 .25 .31 .41 .25 .29 AS .63 .25 .29 A4 .59 .10 .13 .16---:fi .20 .22 .36 .34 .12 .17 .19 .27 .21 .21 .35 .55 .46 .74 .99 1.59 .49 .74 .99 1.St
.11 .20 .20 .20 .21 .36
20 GPM at 2000 RPM Ideo lIy suited for rugged UM! on hydrauliC equ i pment . Delivers 2000 P.5.I ., 23 G.P.M ., at 2400 R.P.M. Counter clockwiM! rotation. Standard pipe thread parts---l" Inlet, 3A" outlet, JA" shaft. Cost iron hOUSIng, alloy steel gears. Needle and boil bearing anti-friction construction . Pressure balanced wear plates give high volume efficiency. Two bolt mounting flange . Overall dimensions 7-5 / 32" long, 5Y8" wide, 5-23/32" high . ITEM JWP979 __ _ •
$97 50
VICKERS DOUBLE PUMP (Fib Caterpillar TNcton) Use large pump for loft cylInders, and small pump fa, pawe, steering. Model V2200- 1 1-2·0AC-20·561. CapacIty I I GP M on large pump, 2 G PM. on small -pump. 2000 P.5.1. maximum pressure, 1800 RPM. maximum speed. Jh" d'a. spllned shaft .. bait flanged 'nlet and outlet. Inlet 11/.0 .. d,a II G P.M outlet I" dla. 2 G.P.M outlet 3~ 'dla. Overall dimenSIons: 10 Y2" long,S" wIde,S" high Shpg wt. 32 Ibs.
$66 50 •
FEATURES: 2 fully balanced vane pumps contained in one housing . . . No load Starting . . . HIgh Efficiency . • Ports moy be rotated .•. 4 Positions Light Weight Aluminum Housing . . . CCW R~tation (easoly reversible) . . . Anti Friction bearings throughout. SPECIFICATIONS: Maximum pressure 1500 PSI. Maximum operating speed 1800 RPM. Maximum Inlet Suction 10" HG ReqUired starting speed 600 RPM. Inlet 114" OUTLET Large Pump 1" Small Pump 3A". Shaft S,ze I" keyed. NOTE-THIS DOUBLE PUMP CAN BE SUPPLIED IN VARIOUS COMBINATIONS: e g Large Pump 20 GPM, Smoll Pump 9GPM. (All ratings given based at 1200 RPM 1500 PSI.) When orderong specify gollonage required on Large and also Small pump. LARGE PUMP AVAILABLE IN SIZES 6, 9, 12, 16, 20 0' 24 GPM. SMALL PUMP AVAILABLE IN SIZES 3, 6, 9, 0. 12 GPM. ITEM HPDCB209 ____ . ____________________ •
'142 50 . T!
3000 P.S.1. PISTON TYPE HYDRAULIC PUMP 23 101. pe.... in.l 18-10695. Displacement 2 .349 cu In per rev For pressures up to 3000 PSI. and speeds up to 2350 R.P.M. Counter. clockwise rototlon. Has 11'4" dia. splined drive shaft, I" standard pipe thread ports and flange fTIOuntong . O"eroll d,mensions: 11~" L. x 7" H, x 7" W. Surplus. Shpg. wt . 24 Ibs. ITEM JWP951 _ •
'135 00
Couplong to fit above-I end splined, other 1" round keyed-'5.95.
TORQUE BAR For H y d r 0 u I i c Pumps driven from o,T.O. Fastens to Tractor Frame preventing pump from rotating, ITEM JWTB58S ___ ___ _________ ________ $
5 . 85
"I Q -~
Model 2258-A 1 For operating hy.. . draulic cylinders in •.. conventional circuits; also suitable for use with accumulators and ... nloading valves. Compact, precision construction. Dim. 4" Lx 4" W. x 3 Y2" deep. Pressure and return ports Y2" AN tubing thread. Both cylinder ports :jIB" AN tubing thread. 2 fittings to :jIB" pipe th read available at $ .35 each. 2 fittings to )4" pipe available ot $ .50 each. Beautiful block crackle finish . U.S. Air Force poid $86.00. ITEM JWV44B __ _ ___ •
' 10 85
Stroke CONTROL SPACERS To convert standard implement cylinders to stroke .:_"<.... control unit. Simply 11'111011 ;,.; on shaft. Fori" and IV." ::;;.•• shafts Price IS for sef 1"
' 4 50 SIT I-PA"· ITEM ranging JW sn .from ________ ~
GRESEN HYDRAULIC FLOW DIVIDER CONSTANT-VOLUME PRIORITY.TYPE (3 GPM Canltant FI_' Divides one flow of oil into 2 separate flows: one 0 Constant· Flow (regardless of in· put pressure) and the other the flow in excess of the constant flow Ideal for power steering or other applications where 2 separate hydraulic circuits ore to be served from one pump. FEATURES: Integral Relief Volve In Constant Flow Circuit (adJustable With shims). Cross drolled shifting type spool provides acurate metering. Inlet a nd Excess Flow ports Y2" , Constant flow and return %". Cap .: up to 20 GPM, Operating pr.ssure up to 3000 PSI. Constant Flow relief Valve pressures up to 2500 PSI. Wt. 8 Ibs. ITEM CFDSO' _ _ .____ _ •
$24 75
%" SQUARE DRIVE 110 Piece Socket
114 Piece Socket
AfY ~~--,---oc
A perfect lel for ...
A fine a_ral ut.llty let with perfect SIze soc ....ts and attach_ for household .... Set Includes ten 12 point sockets: V. ". 5/16".:WO" 7Ilt".
on Squar. Nut. and Bolts. this hard 10 get •• t combination cons.sts of the 6 fol••Iondord soc .... ts 1 ". 7116" and Y2· Well sockets. 0 Reverslbl. Ratchet. a 3" and a 12" Extension. plus a 7" Sliding T.. Handle Shpg wt 3~ Ib.. W..... $17.10. ITIM WJK·HTC' . _ _ •
13/16". Plus on , .. Sliding T.. Bar. a S" and an S·· Extension. Packad in a sturdy metal box. Shpg. wt.
M:- ::!.:::.2_I.__
==I~.~. ~~ ~
\1'.0". 9/16". ~" IT 11 6" ~" a n cl
III 95
PIece Flu. Socket
116 Piece Socket s.t)
A set of 11 __ dura-
this extra quo lily flu socket set should be In every ..... chanlc·. and craftsman'. tool box. U.. where standard IOCk- - - - - - - ' et. can't get at that hard • to - get nut or bolt. Set consl... of _ 12 paint flex lOCkets: ~". 7/16". \1'.0". 9/16". ~ 11/16" and In a IlurdV metaT tote tray.
bil~ .
For heavy duty
mechaniC Of' • hop w 0 r k . Set Includes nine 12 point ....:Ir.ets:
:wo ... 9/16".
~". ~".
13116". ~". 1". 11/16". I~". AI· 10 th_ 6 ""int Flex sockets: Y2".-~" and ~"; a 12" Flex handle. a 5' £xl_Ion. plus a Un.versal Jo.nt. Packed .n a sturdy metal tool box. Shpg wt. 6~ Iba. w.... $2LM-ITIM WJK.HTC. _ _ •
I;i..Fitted nil :;,1.::& ., ..... --PNII ~12.69
121 57
V2" SQUARE DRIVE (10 Piece Socket
A fine bosic slarter sel conslSlino of Ihese nine 12 po.nt sockel" :WO". 7/16". Y2" 9/16". 19/32·'. ~~'. 11/16". 3;.... ond 13/16". piu. a 10" Reversible Rotchet. Shpg. wt. 4 Ibs. $14.75 $ ITIM WJK·HTSI _ _ _ •
10 72
Y2" SQUARE DRIVE (14 Piece Socket Set) Another fine starter set consisling of 011 the most populor soc .... ts In .. drive. Set includes the .. fourteen 12 poinl sockels: :WO" 7/16". ". 9/16". ~' •• 11/16". 3A" 13/16·'. 'Ye·' 29132".15/1(,".1". I. 16".ond lW·. Shpg. wt. 12 Ibs. W..... $15.". ITEM W JK·HTSJ •
$11 95
REVERSIBLE RATCHET (For Y2" Square Drive Only)
On any sockel sel In Y,,-" driv~I f.tted with Revers.ble Rolchel - we con offer a brand rww Bonney 10" Reversible Ratchet at $6.00 added la the purchase price of the sel (see above). or $6.75 .f boughl Shpg. wt. Y2 lb. Wo"" $1.10. - ITEM WJK-HTS4-l•• " _ _ •
$6 75
no .... "Deep Well" Socket Set) A DE8' WELL . .
trial __ Set
all ... sizes needed for $park PI"", or indusIWI 12 paint DeeD won Sockets: Y.I". 9/16", 11/16". ~'•• 13/18". SIq. wt. 15/16". I" and I~" WJIt-HT1O _ •
-11 5
. • • Elect,l • .•• I ..y .. h.,,41e . . . ..... II ...t .., to.. TRI MM ING. I"to Johh . ..0111 . .... "'• • cultl". co .....ood etc. Equipped with safety Elecl"c Motor develops 2 H.P.-IO omps. poSItive cha.n adjuslbla de cha in. SP ECI FICATIONS: wtting speed 2650 feet per . molar. 10 amps Un.versal AC-De 115V. up la 60 f Cle; 3 wire 6' cord odoptor plug. Wt. 12 Ibs. $ ITEM NMCSEl 000 . _ _ . • AS AIOVE IUT IC" CHAIN SAW - 2Y2 H.P . Molor 12.5 am~ . ITEM NMCSlICS2 $lIS •••
9 95
A. C. PLUG -IN WELDERS Expressly designed for maintenance and repa'; work, In ShoPI Factory and Farm. Use where AC power Is readily availabl • • • •
(A) 180 AMP ECONOMY A.C. WELDER Economico . . . m Clent . . . IGH cAPAC TY AT oW PRI CE. LIGHTWEIGHT-mode possible by fan cooling wh ich perm its grea t er compact ness, allows more output, and dissipa tes heat t o extend the life of the welder. Lonll Life performance assured b y the newest polyester type Insulation. Just plug
on f used line and weld .
Primary Output: 2 20-230 volts, 50-60 cycle. Single Phase . Pnmary amps 39. Output (secondary): 180 amps, 25 arc volts, 80 open circuit vo lts. Ample to handle low hydrogen rods .
Metal Thlckne .. : Handles V." metal, and heavier work with mu ltIple pass. Accessories: Includes instruction book. with plug-in chart, wall recep tacle, helmet, sample pack welding rods . 6 ft . power supply cord with moulded plug, 10-ft. electrode cable and holder, 10-ft. ground cable and clamp. S,ze: 21 " H x 12" W x 10" D. We Ight: 75 Ibs. MODEL TCW 11 - _
(B) DELUXE 180 AMP A.C. WELDII Input type we er eSlgne prlmor! y or arm use. Transformer and reactor constructed of Quality silicon steel, solid copper wlndings. High temperature insulation. No moving pa rts. Convection cool ing system uses no fan or blower. Primary Input: 220-230 volts, 50-60 cycles, Single phose. Primary amps, 42. Output (Secondary): 180 amps, 25 arc volts, 80 open circuit volts. Amp le to handle low hydrogen rods. Metol Thickness : Handles V211 metal and heavier work with multIple pass. Accessories: Includes instruction book with plug·in chart, wall receptacle, helmet, sample pack welding rods, 6 - ft. power suppl y cord with moulded plug, 10-ft. electrode cable and holder, 10-ft. g round cable and clamp. Size: 14" x 15" x 25V.", WeIght: 130 Ibs. Im lte
MODEL TCW 70 --__ ._.______ . ___________
BRAND NEW MILLER 22S AMP ARC WELDER (C) Here is a LOW COST HIGH OUTPUT Miller welder for Forms, Garages, Mach ine Shops or for general maintenance work. Designed to meet the demand for the use of larger electrodes and h igher heat values, foster, more efficient weld ing . FEATURES: DIAL - one easy turn gives any amperage setting required from 30 to 225 amps. This wide amperage range means you con utilize these units on light gauge material os well os on heavy plate. 2 open circuit voltages permit the use of larger electrodes demanding high welding amperage. The h igher circuit voltage range for use with small diam . electrodes, stoinless steel, low hydrogen and other " hard·to·run" electrodes With complete sotlsfaction . SPECIFICATIONS: Primary input 230 volts A.C. 60 cycle 44 .4 omps. Mox. open circu it voltage 80V_ 20% duty cycle at 225 amps. DimenSIons: 17" H xiS" W x 20" D. Weight 141 Ibs. BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE. Complete with helmet, cables, electrode holder, ground clamp, wall receptacle, 10 lb. rod and instruction book, ITEM AW225 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •
$219 00
Farm Cert. required (othen add 10%)
IMPORTAHT! When ordering welders ond welding parts -catalog Prices are SPECIAL FARM USE PRICES . . •. ••. _ " IF YOU DO HOT QUALIFY FOR THE SPECIAL FARM USE PRICES ADO 10 % to PRICES SHOWN. IF YOU 00 QUALIFY FOR SPECIAL FARM USE PRICE, •••• . . . . . • we require completion of our DECLARATION FORM W220. Please ask for this Form when ordering . Otherwise orders will be shipped at full "NON. FARM-USE" price (10% more than shown in catalog) and the difference refunded when we receive DECLARATION CERTIFICATE.
w... .... '" .. ..., ....... ,.. ... ...,
_ .... rIIRf4 ... fwnawI T.,. .. . . . . • • • - - . . . ••• V........" T.... .., ........................... Q.Ic. .
_ . ..., .............. ......... _. ...... NIW .. .,.... - ............ ,.INCUS I. ... .....1 T," W.........." ........... het.... thet
1Iot....,. ..,.... .....•••c. .. . fNctIoe
• General Electric "00 amp. CGntinuous duty genorotor-llfe time IOOlod boil boonnp-bullt In 7" 5 bIadod cooling fan. • Cast iron mounting base with " drilled foot mounting brackats. • Sohd cast "on front housIng with 2 SKF dIep grooyed sealed boil bearings and .. groove 3l1" V ,..u.y with 1J.i" drive shaft. • Equipped with built in stablhzer aNI olto Heavy Duty reactor coli to make arc -V to strike and hold • Extra termino~ provided for light welding, brazing, and sol.-mg. • ACCESSORIES-2-1S' «:dbles. Heavy Duty ground clamp, ~ holder, 10 lb.. of rods, InstructIOn book, fhp type helmet wIIh fibre chin rat onc:! ratchet headgear to enable operator to ob.-w work without raising onti .. helmet. • ECONOMICAL TO GHAATE AND MAINTAIN. • Guaranteed to handl. any welding ftId flan 1/16--5/16. • Speed range from 2500-3000 RPM and con be driven with troc:tor, jeep, or any .ngine of 20 H.P. or more, Ibs. 0111'1.26" Lx 12" W x 13l1" • 1 ,..,
=-'U........ -Ic......., ..... ...., .. ..
t--.r IW' OD. SW' .... \ ..... ....., wIIIcta .". ....., ......
$235 00
M . . MC WILD. - T _ Aft..... SSO.OO . . . . _ I ....,... c..... 12 ........ ,.,.
(N01'II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ ..... -
,.,., le
..... 41 ........)
Give your tough weld ing lob. to the Norco PORTa-WElD 400 • • , RE LIABLE • , • VERSATILE . , • capable of producing conslsl. ntly t op-qu ality weld. on 011 kind. of work. The Brand New Porlo-Weld 400 leads 011 other welders by
deslon and operatlnO features whICh
Include: ENGINE : New 2 cyl., 4 cycle otT-cooled 18 HP. WISCOnSin, 3,000 RPM, 3 1; ' ' ' bore, 3 1/ 4 " slroke , EqUIpped Wllh Slolllle-foced exhousl valves Inserts along With positive type rotators . Impulse type high tension magneto, centrifugal flyboll governor, 011 both air
cleaner, lope red roller maIn beortng..
GENER ATOR: 400 amp,
directly coupled to engine With
flex coupling . Powerful
coolIng fan, ball beortng Ihroughout. CONTROL BOX: Conlolns reactor coil for arc stability and amp control for accurate heat
By oxlendlng
from welder to control box it enables operator to hove mInute amperage control at hiS fingertips. ApprOXimate -.;hlpplng weight 375 Ibs . Dlmenslons :-
41 " Long " 20" WIde " 26" HIgh, ITEM PW41 1--(Farm price less acc•• sori.1 . . . lee page 41 )
ACCESSORY KIT FOR ABOVE Some os IlIuslroled Wllh AW400 $32.50
DeSigned to meet the constantly changing and exoctlng demands of farm operations, and prov.,. superior in thouSQnds of application. throughout Canada . Sturdy precision construction, IS your assurance of effiCient low cost operahon. Easy to operate and makes strong dense welds even In the hands of beginners. Smoothly handles anything up to 2" plate, uSing up to V,," rods •
300 Amp. General ElectriC Generator with large Life
Time sealed bearings, cooling fan and built in stabilizer. • 0101 type Amperage Control for Correct CUrrent settings on each job . • Speed range--3500 to 4100 R.P.M . • Shipping weight-I 10 Ibs. Dim. : 26" L x B%" W x 12Y2" H .
Sturdy Pillow Block bearing drive , with 3" triple
pulley • CA~ SUPPLY WITH 3" 0 .0 . 4Y" FACE FLAT PULLEY FOR TRACTOR USE. WHEN ORDERING, SPECIFY PULLEY REQUIRED. • Tractor Onve ideal or any engine 12 H.P or more • Accessorles-2-10' cables, H .D. Elec-
trode Holder, ground clamp, welding helmet, welding Instruction book, mounting Instructions, 10 Ibs. of assorted welding rods
.. _~ __ . __ . __ .. ____ .. ..
ITEM A W3S2 (Fa"" Prlce--sH poge 41) __ _ Budget Te""s
Avallable---425.00 dawn,
$149 • 00
small carrying charge, 12 months to poy.
quality and performance at low cost has been developed ove, o period of 10 yeors.
Designed to hondl. onythlng from light
gauge sheet metal, to Y2" plote, this precision engineered welder con be mounted permanently or e a sily transported for portable use. The lower operatin g speed of this unit makes It Ideal for use with all tractors • • General Electric 200 Amp . continuous duty generator. OverSize, light weight, life time sealed boil bearings. Duol fon
cooling system. •
Heavy steel mounting base, with predrilled
mounting holes. • 0 101 type amperage control for correct current setting on each job, • Speed ronge--2000 to 2500 RPM. • Pillow Block bearing drive with "Yo" 0 .0 ., .oIY." Face flat pulley. Con supply with 4Y." 0 .0 . 2-groove V pulley. SpeCify when ordering. • Any 10 H ,P. or more engine will handle . • ShiPPing weight 105 Ibs. Dim : 26" L x BY." W . • Accessones-2 -1 0' cables
with ground clamp and electrode holder, welding helmet, operating instructions, welding instructions, 10- Ibs. assorted rOds.
ConsJder the
"300 DELUXE" Arc Welder . . . SAVES TROUBLE • . • SAVES LABOUR . . • SAVES WASTE . • . SAVES TIME . . • SAVES MO~EYI The LOW 1~ITlAL COST makes It
profitable for you to own this welder for general repair work on the farm, ranch, garage or anywhere utility welding I. required.
WELDI~G PERFORMA~CE has been given primary emphasis
thiS new design . Features: Jack & Helntz 300 amp. continUOUS duty generator With lifetime sealed ball bearings. Speed range 3500.. 100 R.P.M. Arc stability is achieved with built·1n reactor cod enIn
ablng the use of welding rods from 1/ 16"-11.". Dial type amperage control assures accurate heat for every job. Sturdy front hOUSing has 2 SKF deep-grooved sealed boil beanngs and 3 groove 3" 0 .0. V
pulley Assembled on heavy steel base metal hOUSing to provide tWII channel cooling system and protect essentlol operating ports. 15 H.P. or more reQUired to operate. Complete with 2-10' cables, electrode holder, ground clamp, welding helmet, 10 lb. assorted rods, welding manual and operating lnstructlOt'\S. Dim .: 26" long x 10" wide x 11" high. Weight 120 Ibs. ITEM A W300 (Fo"" PrlC..-sH poge 41)
400 AMP "U-MAKIT" KIT FEATURES .00 amp. slow speed, heavy duty Generator - 2,700-3,000 R.P.M., C.C.W. rotation, built-In cooltng fan, Llfet"n. sealed boil bearings. IVc Voltage 20· 30 Volts. 20 h .p. or more required to operate.
Packaged os IlIus ...
type Amperage control, hea vy duty generator coupling for driveshaft
d rlveshoft with V.... keywoy; 2-1 " PIllow block 3Y2" 0 .0 ., .. groove, 'B' section, "V" pulley; wiring dI a gra m. ACCESSORIES: 2-10 ft. Cables, Electrode holder, g round clamp, Weld,ng helmet, 10 Ibs Weld,ng rods, Instruchon book.
many engineering features, rugged construction and simplicity of operation allure satisfactory and economical performonce. FEATURES--Rl Jack and Heintz 300 Amp. Generotor with b u i It· i n caaling fan and bracket. He.avy Steel mounting base, Gen · erator ta driveshaft coupling. :v.." driveshoft with keyway . 2 pillow-block SKF bearings. 2 bearing block mounts. 1 heavy duty rheostat for amperage contral--<amplete with dial and knob, Wiring diagrom. 3 groove 3" O.D. V pulley. SPEED RANGE - 3600·. 4100 R.P.M. Rated capacity 300 Amps . W ill anything from light gauge sheet metal to Y2" pla te . Wt . 90 Ibs. ITEM AW300-
HEAVY DUTY MODE.L-Weld. up to Vc' _ ,, cull up to . .. th ick M Clion,. Your best buy fo, til e heav iest kind of gone ral pu rpose weld lftg and cuttinll. haIY .... : (1) Accurate flame control - mode poSSIble WIth spring-loaded needle valves . (2) POSitive pressure operation giv es ben er seatlnO and g0 5 regulation.
(3) Each regulator has '" built-In aeots for
four times longer wear (-4) A tough stainless steel dlaphf-agm won' t "set" With use. Comple te with : Weld master welding and cutting torch wi th No. 2-4-6 welding tipS a nd 1 l-2 c.uttlng t ip. Multi seat oxygen and acety lene regula tors, 12Y2 ft. hose, goggles, torch wrench, lighter, and .O-poge Inst ructIon manua l. Complete 05 Illustrated . ITEM AW20S1-Farrn Price (W Ith Form CertifICate) •
'129 95
PROFESSIONAL WELDING AND CUTTING OUTFIT FOR LIGHT TO MEDIUM WELDING AND CUTTING but welds up to ~~ .. steel a nd cuts up to 2 " th,ck sectION. Rugged deSIgn and p reCIsion workm a nship for the most exa cting welding and cutting requirements Some
PORTABLE FARM WELDER ITEM 175 Complete as Illustrated.
Super Value WWt Ad .. ar.J~ V_tUe Fully Port-...
HOW FOR THE FIRST TIME IN fng."ee"ng brongo you .
~;J~f~:~Dli\~ ~~EP.IR
;-:tD~~'".~ny~ ~
HOT Guaranteed 10 handl. any weldong rod from I 16-5 32. p~ ~ Tome and $SS you hove on eo.tly detachable, BRAND NEW 9 HJI' 11'18115 .. WELDING A CCESSORY KIT FOR A BOVE
~=~ ~:!::;: ;;a.loble
-Welding helmet, 2-1 0 ' cables, e le ctrode holder. grou nd clamp , 10 Ibs. welding rods, Instru cti on boo k. ITEM 177
at 011 tomes ITEM NHlfS(with F.... Cm.) . As . .". lIut .... En...... (With F••", C.rt.)
2fDl' otheI' 6 11QU s pmentGrain
' 121.00
A ND DURABLE . . • Suitoble for cont i nuous HEAVY DUTY
op e ration und er the toughest conditions.
Designed to handle
th e wid e range of we ld ing jobs encountered in farm shops, garag es. mainte nanc e departments etc.
Can also be utilized
by plumbe rs, st eamf itte rs, in thawing out froze n pipes in a
matte r of minutes • . • saves time . . • labor • • . money. SPECIFICATIONS :BRAND NEW, manufactured by Marat hon ElectrIC Manufacturing Corp. RATED :500 amps co ntinuous duty . Speed Range up to 3428 RPM Shunl type ROTATlON :reversible . Self eXCiting ., ball bearing co nstruction, fan cooled, 1%" shafl, pre·d"IIed foot brackets. D.m .: 36 " overall length, i 6" W . i 8" H. ITEM AWS OO
AMIN AVAILAIU . . . ... FAMOUS 1'1 ........ 201_. _W _ _ _. . no. W., I tI F. III 0 U I 1'-1 GlNERATO_no. .oot _ le, GeH..,.. u.... for
:..~ ~~bOL=p ~ Ilnuous -
250 amp. Inlermll-
1otI1. Llferln'" seoled-beorongs
2.-.0 V_ No rewinding needed. W/W,rrng and bu,ll-,n fan ITIM 1'-1-$300.00 value . • ITIM '-ILF----. ceoIle. .... 534.50
'37 50
lhoumnds sold for use In Farm Welders CHECK THEIE FEATU.U:- lRAHD MEWAircraft Quality construcflOf't .. slow soeed 2200 2500 R.P M Volt. 22 55 CCW ralallon Ilfel me sealed bHtr ~OS Will ha"" e rod up 10 J 16 12 HP req, lied 10 operat W.rong diagram supphed Sh pp ng WI .5 IbI ITEM AWI'I • '.7.50 ITEM AWI'IF-wltlo ....... foil
'43 50
JACK .. HEINTZ 300 AMP 400 Amp_ Weltinghouse
WELDING GENERATOR LIKE HEW _ . . A 510... _peed HEAVY DUTY .00 amp. gen"rator for those who dei"e 10 IUILD THEI. OWH High copa~,ty welder 01 low COSI CHECK THlSI INCIFICATIOH$: OUT-
:'liD~H"Gj,'~~~JJoo2~p5~~ 20 H.P. required lor
ROTATION: counler clockwise.
max. outpul. Equ,pped With pre-drllled flange for easy mounting. averall Dim.: 15\-2" L l< 11" D. ShipPIng _iohl appt"Ol<. 80 lbo. ITEM AWU • 1.9.50 ITEM AWU_WItIt ...Ut-Ioo ...........
'45 00
'---. . ... /'
H.D. 400 amp. generalor. Feelures-- .00 amps. from 20 10 .5 volh. 3500 10 .000 R.F'M. Rotation, counter clockWise. For maximum output-20 H.P. required. Overall I_th-I 7".
'55 00
~-7". W.loht~pprOl<imatety
10 Ibs. ITEM 1-1 .... • mM I-I~ ..........1tIo ceeIIIo. foil . 159.50
GENERATOR Type R-1 Generator -
connected Untt
0\ 0 welder. 'n'5 ~Id ~rQte between
3750 and .100 RPM and ... 11 dehver 300 amp>. 'or a
,ustOlned per I 0 d. 400 amps. .ntermlttent, ElC.~lIont 10 r budding on ___ ._.~l\""-::._"A __
~~~';;~r~,g~a~P3~ amp •.• 30 volt. 6" W • 83;''' H Aeq cost 5380 00 WI 58 lb. ITEM H91 ITEM H91A -AI .....n wit" cooll",
11~' ~ l' L "!
JACK & HEINTZ 400 AMPERE D.C. GENERATOR Slow opeed, HEAVY DUTY. ~oo amp. features 400 amps., from 20 10 .5 volts. 2500 10 3000 R P .M. Rotation counter se For maximum nut pul 20 H P. or more r"Aulred 11 fronl maunl'nll flange. 15V."L. 7If, ' dla. Wt 80lbo ITEM . . WIth Built-ill CoolI"l Fe ..
Speclolly designed for use With aircraft generators haVing standard 16 tooth
sploned shaft . . . Models PI , RI, P2, R2, 01. NEA5 and many olhers. Extra lorge boil bearings, bUilt-m steel female
splone, I Ys" ohaft. Y." keyway, pre-
generator- and
holes. ITEM NHGDS _. _
base mounting
'29 • 95
TRIPLE FLINT TORCH LIGHTER For Welding or cutting torches. ITEM AWA712S
READ FOR PROFITI Modem Weldl". P",ctico, A.D. Allhou ... & C.H. TumqulSl Every pha... and I y P e of w e I din 9 inclvdrnq Pipe Line Weldlno_ A. practical text for ex-
cellent reference
over 375 Illustrations.
FORNEY 32 VOLT D. C. ARC WELDER ....... New . . . Welds a .. ythi"., WUI .old allY type lIIetal frolll Ilghl ,.uge to heavy _ I . Completely equipped, nothing ell. to buy. Smooth, quiet, orc .. . Iow cost operation!
~:,~:~~'::°rJi69IaW3Im9. s~gj2')~ ~o 1~50w~If;D"'~1~5ral~~ Wi~~\~~1 :"'e'i~~~~~ec~~~z.
$49 50
cable, double flexible power cable, welding rod, instruction book. HOTE-TheM units 32V to operate and cannot be converted to llG-220 operatIOn . FOIlHEY 12 VOLT D.C. ARC WELDEIl _ _ .... 1200.00 Value _ _ •
Dram . flat Pulley-34 " bore,
VAWeldlng Lens : Shade 10, 2" x 41/.4'" optl· cony ground & polIShed .
keywoy. superior ground
steel. WA19
Cable Connecton -
for eo.
lOO amp.
Jaw open s. 2 V,' - 4" throat, built -
b lad e assures positive
connection. AWA902
nectlon l AWA12
~ _ ___
Flexible Coupling ForPI, RI 53 genera-
tor-s. 1 Side splmed, other
end lA" round, 3/ 16" keyway or 1" round, 1/", u keywoy. Specify size req ITEM AWA18 . $6.85
,.,' & ,11,
Sol i d Spli ned Coupling -=-- 1 side splined for PI, RI, S3 generators other
ITEM AWAI6 $2.95
Solid Splined Coupling For 54, 55 400 a m p. generators. 1 s,de splined to fit other I" bore with V4" keyway a,.d set screws. AWA29 . $5.95
!r~:S~!,~~F~ ~~ring and battery charg-
ing generators. Controls __ _ _ up to 300 omps.-sultable for PI, R 11 generators. ITEM AWA14 . $9.75 Extra h.d. model-controls up to 400 amps., SUitable for P 11 RI, 51 . 53 , S4 generators. ITEM AWAlS _._. _
Rheostat for PI
Generator---C an~
Clamp POSitive c 0 ncopper
lOO Amp. Elec· trode Holder Fully insulated, powerful 9I'ipping jaw SI ventilated handle, clamp or sorder connection. AWAl _ . $7.50 250 Amp--<lS above ._. ____ $5.25
welding work .
.. _ .. _ .. 59c
4 V.' Diam. Dau- ~ brei " V" Pulley '4" bore, 3/16" key, cost iron. WA4 .. $6.75 9" Chipping ~ Hqmmer Forgea steel head, steel shaft, hardwood handle. AWA201 $2.l5
wearing, tough steel wire in hardwood block.
toggle action and pOSItive
lock, eases and
_ $5.75
1 5" Wire Brush -
YwORK CLAMP Vice-grip with
_ $ . 95 set
3" Diam Triple "v" Pulley ';.." bore, 3 / 16" key, cast Iron. WAS $7 .50
trois power to
€I •
~~gOh ao~~' I';;~th ·O.~ weld. ing Coble extra
-H.D., fleXIble.
AWA1-No. 4 wire .25 ft. AWA.2-N o. • 2 wi re .40 ft. AWAl-No. 1 wire .52 ft.
0-100 D.C. ~ Ammeter Brand ne-w, 3>;" " dial with shunt. With0 out shutllt can be used os 0-15 milliameter. Reg . $27.00. B2045 _ .. _ .... $12.50
Superior 1" Drive Shaft : 10" long x I" d ia . w:th '4" keyway - made of superior ground steel.
ITEM AWA415 . $3.45 H.D. FlipType Helmet -F,bre chin rest, ratchet head gearpermits observotion of work withollt ra ising entire he lmet. ITEM AWA8 ---$9.50
(A) Drive Shaft Bearings 6 (A) self-aligning, factory lub& ricated 5KF bolt beaflng. 9i' ITEM A W A20-'4" 54.50 ITEM AWA21-1" $7.50 (B) (8) Pillow Block Bearing Mounts Cost olummum With predrilled holes ITEM AWA22 _._._ _ $1.25 ea . l
Reactor Coils-Acts os 0 r c stabilizer prevents cur r e n t surges. Insulated copper wife wound on solid soft iron Suitable for I
Welding Electrodes--AWS Class E6013, A.C . or D.C., either polarity. All position, general purpose, mild-steel electrode. Available Sizes 3 /32", Ys", 5/ 32",3/16". Specify size required. ITEM AWAl5--I O lb. pockage (an yone SIze) $2.70 ITEM AWAl6--50 lb. package (anyone SIze) 511.95 Welding Electrades--AWS Class E6014, A.e. or D.e ., either polarity. All position, h,gh-speed Iron powdered electrode. For general, mild ste~1 work. Available SIzes - 3/32", VB", 5/ 32", 3 / 16". Specify sIze required. (anyone SIze) .. _... . ___ .... _._ .____ __ ... _ .. _ $ 2 .70 (anyone Slzel ___ .. _. __ ... .. . .... __ . ___ . ._.. $11.95
low Hydrogen Elec .. trodes: Contqlns powdered I r 0 n, hIgh-speed, deep position, excellent VertICal & -OVerhead charoctenstlcs ITEM AWA7018 VB", 10 lb. $l.l5
Shielded Arc E.lectrodes-For repolr at cast Iron parts where the weld and adjacent areas need not be machined. A.C. or D.C.-reverse pblarity. An economical electrode for repair an cylinder blocks, machine bases, gears, form machinery, etc.
m~ !:!WF~~~/jf,.'bioStf~1 ft~~1 Can '-~-'"
KEEN AJlC Carbon Rods-For use With carbon Arc torches to braze, weld or cut. KEE"I-CUT 6" A.C. Heavy Copper 12" D.C. Pla in 12" D.C. Copper Coated Coated 3 / 16" .12 eo. 3/ 16" .18 ea. 3/16" .24 ea. .26 ea. .lO ea. ~" :26 ea. W' .l5 co. 'l1!" .34 ea.
'1::!: t:::
. .., ........... . BRAND
_facha .... I..
..... to ",",_ de,......... pa,• • n.nt . , ........, pow., Ie.
f., c...... F.,..... 1...._ c..t..
try, cton. Mu ..lci,.1 Deparhlletlh. etc. Powerful, heavy d u t y, "Blzzy B" II g h t i ng plo n t shave plenty of power i'or all you r needs from the smallest to the flQm Lights, Power Burners, TV, Fridges, Machines roght up to permanent or stand-by power homes, workshops. machinery, etc., that 15 from the "High" lInes. The larger A C. pawer for contractors, MunIcipal Depart. Defence, Camps, etc. 10 power packed ~~~::;-:':~! one guaranteed to g Ye complete satisfactIon. Precision built of the ~~~!f~~.~~~ years of trouble-free se",ice. LightweIght platforms WIth convenlentthese UI'Iits completely partable . . . easy to move from place to desianed and engineered for trouble-free operatIon. SIngle phose, self 3,7SO watts, 110 A.C. and 1101220V. A.C. (3 wore) Sealed boil. radio and TV Interference. NOTE: First figure on chart under gentatlno; second figure is Intermittent rating. with I)Ulh-button start hove contral box with volt meter, duplex recapt· ¥i-CH'IIII. tt!rm,iI'lClIII (will charge 12 Volt batteries), start button, Solenoid, cut-aut, bottery have Duplex receptacle only air cooled, " cycle, L /wad WIth mechanIcal fuel tank.
IMPORTANT! When purchasing Lighting Plants If you qualify for SPECIAL FARM USE PRICE (whe,. incotolog), we require completion of our DECLARATION FORM LP811. Please ask lor this form when ordering. Otherwise.. orders will be shipped at Full "Non .. Farm Use" price and diffetertce refunded when we receive DECLARATION CERTIFICATE.
FE ... TURE V... LUE! - 1000 WATT .... C. GENERATOR fOR UNSURP ... SSED LOW COST POWER . . . SAVE $81.00 1 PRINCESS ... UTO ... NSWERS YOU R .... C. GENER ... TOR NEEDS WIt h o BR ... ND NEW 1000 Wa tt
Power to meC't most reqUirements. Can be belt driven from tractor or other prime mover to furnish light and power at forms, hotcherles, green houses, e t c . Single
FOlrbonks Morse Altern o tor at a drastIColly reduced price . This IS one of the we hove ever offered . . . 1000 Wott continUOUS
phose, 60 cycle 3,600 RPM Watts
60 65
3500 5000
115 115
75 I11
11 5 /230
149.00 155.50 194.50 234.50 289.50 409.00
179.50 189.95 239.00 289.00 359.50 499.00
duty 120 Volt A.C. 60 cycle SIngle phose 2 wore, 3600 RPM, Tem p. rose 50' C. Llte t lme seal ed ball bearings budt·ln powerfu l cooling fan . Sh aft size
WIth 3 / 16" keyway.
D,m .;
15" x 9 " . Wt . 6 1 Ibs.
Complete with 8 ft. extension cord With fema le plug.
$ 94 50 • $112 • 25
20%. mak e this easy-t <>-build , powe rful 12 V. Battery chargIng plont for Cor.. T ruck. or Tractor ba tteries (also cha rges 2-6V. bottenes hooked In series). Kit cont a ins: 12V. 50 amp. H.D. generator With pulley. voltage regula tor, cutout. SO - 50 Amme t er and wiring instructions. Gene rator opero tes ot 2500 RPM count e r-clockw ise
$27 • 50
rotohon. ITEM NHt12
60 Amp, Bendix Generator Brand New aircraft quality, 28';2-32 volts D.C., 60 om ps,
Bottery Charging Generator BRAND NEW Go, 'I Surplus Gen. erator at 0 fraction of it!. Orl-
i~~J~~S~CL~PS~ls,08nall b~rI~~
::.r 1~~,::.!ull~~le~oo~~H
bearings. CCW rotation. Excel-
lent for chargIng plants, boats, etc. A terrific va1ue. Weight
45 Ibs. ITEM NH60S
. - 523.50
eQuIpped and hos many uses
for boots, lIghts, ta st battery cherO no etc Output 50 amps , 15 volt s, 2200 RPM , CCW rolo-
tlon (easily re \,ersible) . Wt:!ight
40 I""
50 Amp , Bendix Generator new , 30 volt aircraft 50 omps 01 2600 RPM cooling fan . lifetllToe sealed ball bearings Build your own charging plant for fast battery charging , etectro platIng, lob experiments ond D.C powe r $upply. WeIght 42 Ibs Brand
Bu It-In
Gov't Surpl...........,riglnolly used on Army Tanks. A hl!1p out-
r.!cro:::r~o;t~,o;:all ~:~
Ings, fon-cooled, C 0 m pi. t • with regulator. ITIM JK12 _ _ ..______ . __ _
Brand New DC Generato r . 430 V. D.C., 3450 RPM, 86W. SIze 10" x 6". '12'. shaft, ball bearings, totolly enclosed Use as power supply for radIO or electronics et c Or,ginal cast $72.00, WeIght 28 lbo. $7.10 ITEM NH70lt
~ ~ ~
.............., .... ..., ......... CLAIMID 1111 WORLD OVII IY
--- ........... - ....... ...,. AIMID POICII • • • ' - ......
It'. . . . . . . . ,......_...... _
................ . , .. e'eret'. . ...
..... 'nl ..., ..................... ....IItATO.. Hobart 3.000 10 4,000 W. 115 V A.<; 60 cycle. fan cooled. prwcleian boil bearl,.. single or 11 pi-. power. FftOIvlng fJeld type ..... NI- Hen:ulel .. cyi .. w/cooled. 11 H.P. 1200 RPM Push-button start or 1IOp. lMChanical goyernor. battery charging gerwrator, all-both air cl_r, muHler, gas tank, preuu,. lubrica tion. CONTROL 'ANIL - Voltmeter, "'""'-ter, F,.. quency meter, Circuit bIWoker. Bartery charging ammeter, 011. pressure gauge. Start and Stop Iwltch. Rhe05tot far voltage con trot. Slz_19" x 30" x 48", at... ,kids, weather-proof houaIng. wt. 7251bs GrIt.........r $1.400,
'399 • 00
mM 'IJ-ln New Condition (WIll! . . . . Cattlfluta)
5,000-6,000 WATT 11 OV A.C. LIGHTING PLANT Ideo I fo, Farm., Contracton, Lumber ca"'P' etc. Push-button starting . systemcon be started WIth 6 V. battery. Geftorotol'-H.D. Hobart 5,000-6,000 W ., 110 V., 60 cycle, Single phose, revolVing field type. Automatic voltage regulator main-
~.~.~ ;Ic~~~, vl~~eR~~.or~~~~~~c~,:ov!~~;,~~5~~~:j,e.. m~~~e~Olcy~il,~ba~~
air cleaner, muffler, oil filter, electriC stort . Control Ponel-VoItmeter, Ammeter, FreQuency meter, CirCUit breaker, field Rheostat, Voltage regulator, Dup~)( re-
ceptacle, 0,1 pressure gouge, temp. gouge. Reg. $1995.00 value. Less Battery. Wt. 850 lbos. ITEM PE-197-{Wlth Farm Certificate) _.. . ... _ ... __ .... __ .. •
$595 00
Lot... Design "BillY B" LIGHTWEIGHT, COMPACT. Low in cost. economical to operatel This I 500 watt Model
lightweight with h i g h output for portable appllCa· tion. ENGINE: 4
S~~91~y~~ ~n~~leP~~~9SI ;oEJ"EWR(;';·;r~~~il~~O~;
~.;'~re- ~~~~~~,';;;Ah~~d'I~uIPfT"E~w~~I~F:r r~~~~
Ule--With Acceptabl. C.rtiflcate $2:22.00 . _ __ $262.00 Non Farm Price _. As above but with ' push-button start and complete control for charging 12 Volt batteries. ITEM BBI6-For Farm UI_ Non Farm Pric. .. _ $264.00 With Accoptabl. Cortificat• . $244.00
trand New- 120 V., 60 cy. at 1200
RPM, three 2 or cuits. or
SIngle and phose, for 3 wire cirFor portable
for homes, forms , hatcheries, e t c . Manufactured by Hobart. Ball-bearI n g I generator, lan cooled. Stan· dard lYe" shaft with Keyway IQ( direct or pulley drive
BUilt - In Self-Exciter, foot
mounted DIm.: 21 " xIJ". Wt, 290 Ibs. ITEM G)- __
Rheostat for .bo..e gene,.tor, for volto,. COfttTof. ITEM C4 _. .. . $12 95 Circuit Break.. for .bon. ITEM CS $12:95
0.-...... .....ct.,..,....
"ERE ARE 2 nAND NIW GINERAT'NG PLAN" fOIl USI AS A PULL·T'ME OR POWEI WHEII ECONOMY OF OPlllATION IS DUlIID. ....." _ _ Its _ _'" ....., fer ••, ' " .....1. . . oIectrI.., ..._ . "ECONOMIZE WITH DIESEL POWER!" If you orc 'nl.,· <slcd In TOP ENGINE PERfORMANCE 01 LOW COST herc' s loday' s bcsl buy In DIESEL ENGINES . . . THE NEW IMPORTED KUBOTA ENGINES!
ENGINE 10 HP. Kubota esel 3 55 In"" bore, •. 15 '""" stroke Hopper Wate< Cool ng System, lICII
~~~~~ fuel :~= 'c;1;:'~~fORg.:!j:3V~KW E~~~~~,~'~~~"~xf~';",~:~g rheostat for voltage control. 3 convenient shIppIng weIght 600 Ibs.
receptacles. Appro
., It> form certIf,cate)
MODEL DLPn on-form
'-If...'....: ENGINE- 8
H.P., 3.35 inch boN, .. fuel ton .... hand crank stort, ophericol combustIOn 60 cycl. songl. phose 3600 RPM, boil
......111111 receptoc:le
control box. ShIPPIng weIGht opprox
farm certificate)
5 • 00
MODeL DLP625 ... (nan-form ....) _ _ _ _ _ _. ':"'06
power plont Engine: 9 H.P. single cy londer 4 cycle Broggs & Stratton Co st Iron Engine, equipped with 6 Clt. fuel tonk l mechanical gov-
ernor, oil both ,
cleaner. man-
uol stort. Generotor: 3,000.31500 Wott, 120 Volt, 60 cycle A.C., 1200 RPM, Self· excited, seoled boil bearings. Unit mounted on heavy steel base. Complete wIth controls. Ho Farm Use Certificate Required. ITEM BDlS _ _ •
' $295 00
with this economical Direct PTO Drive unit. Indispensable to any Form Operation or' os 0 whole Unit where no power is available . 12,000 Watts-l 15/230 Volts, 60
cycle, 1 phase, 3 wire. Features: Direct Tractor drive stepped up through 0 gear box from 525 RPM
~f 3g8bo~~~. SP~r B~x~H~er~~~ structlon w j t h precision gears shaft and sealed boil bearings:
Complete with control box, voltmeter and driveshoft connection for troctor PTO.
$648 00
ITEM NH1004 (W /Farm Cert.) NON·FARM USE
Excelle nt or use to (ar 2· 6V. In gine: Briggs & Stratton Model single cylln· der 4 cycle air cooled, equipped with muffler, gas tonk, gas strainer, oil both, air cleaner, fly wheel m a g net 0, shielded spork p lug. Mounted on tubular frame for
easy portabllity. Gen erator: Directly coupled to engine. 300 Wa tts, 15 Volts, 20 Amps. Push button
start, fan cooled. Control Box : Ammeter, rheostat, for amperage
~~ble t ;e~~i~bIS~ ~i:,:~~~,~~~rg159. x 16" x 14". 100 Ibs. ITEM NH 7 1-No Form Cert,f,cate required . ___ __ .
$115 00 •
Watts 2,000 1,500 SPECIAL FEATURE VAL U Ef-------~~~~~~~~~~
1,000 WAn os above but with 3 h.p. Engine and Fotrbonks-Morse generotor .as IlIustroted on Page 39, ITEM NHG10
Certlficote _
ITEM BD1Cf.-Non·Farm Use
$169.50 $219.00
FOR DAY-IN, DAY-OUT PRODUCTION WORK, GUARANTEED FOR 1 YEAR West'n,houI. fro et I ... a I ho",..,owe, ",otDn provide e.,y IftUollo'loft, ","Hth opera'",
characteriUICI and ,OW ",.btteAon, ••
NOT£: I.. order to qualtfy '0' "'ARM USE o pricel, mvst be purchoMd for use 01 power plonts on the lollowin. A,ncultural Mochinc,., only: Groin .Inoton, Ira .. loaden. 9roln, fo"nln, mill., feed (uHen, pore'on, I ... in ....nd n. ",ilklnl machincs, pump Jocks and bol. .'evafon. Form When ordering alk '0' Model No . H.P. Vol.. e•• ,ittt R.',M. General Use F.rm UM Certificat. GA409. Capacitor Start '"termi"..,' Duty Price Price ·CID·~ 'f.I 110 Bail 1725 $)'.75 $ll.40 Bea,lng R.... M. Prlc.
,r"". ••
Mod.1 No. H.P. Volh 5,IIt Pha •• Intermltt ... t Duty SPI-I Sleeve 'I. 110 SPI·2 Sleeve ·SPI-3 Slee.e Split Pha •• Totally Encloled CO"t'"UOU.l STC-16 Sle ... e '/. 110 STC-17 Sleeve Split Pha ... Con~tnuoull1Jluty SPC-IO Sleeve '/. 110 SPC-II Y, 110 Sleeve ·Monuol Overload Protection
1725 1725
1725 Duty 1725
$17.50 11.50 22.50
22.10 25.'0
1725 1725
11.50 20.95
Use for Winches,
Conveyors, Power Tools, etc. Rated for Elpctric Motors up to I H.P. Bail beonn~ Q n d preCISion
~tor., elKtrlc cort., . . R.... an 6 01 12V.
.....-v an A C. through tIwIIf_) RevIlrSIbIe 11 a 11 bearings. !INC'Slon
(28. 1 rat 01, 2-40 RPM autput (6 V I, 360 RPM (12 V,J. 2' x I." dIa lhaft sI.; 15 x6' Wt. 30 . . ,111.......
RIM "11174
machined gears provide m 0 x i m u m effiCiency Adoptable for direct or
FN~~er~u~ d ot~l: ~~~~~s
con be obtolned With pul-
ley d".e.1 RatIO 206-1, I" NHIOO $37.50
~~~~t la°,Yc{:J:;'-u;~aft
~: :81220 ~~::
~~: n.50
Sleeve 1725 Sleeve 1725
lO.95 -43.50 56.95 12.50 Duty 119.50 174.50 220.00 367.00
27.90 39.00 51.50 ".50
CapaCitor Start Continuou. Duty
CCD· 12 CCD-13
tntegral H.P. -
ICC·21 ICC·22 ICC·23 ICC·2~
T . - equivalent to 2 ".P. For hoISts, WInches,
:2:gi ·CID·9
1% 2 J 5
110 110/220 110/220
Sleeve 1725
Ball 17.25 Capaclto, Start Cont . Ball 1735 1101220 Boil 1735 110 / 220 Ball 1725 220 Bal 1800 110/220
A"c,att Starting Motor
S'\~JlfN I'-1II1t:!~
[~~f~~~ ~ to,que
9S-1 ge-a,
BRAND NEW WESTING. HOUSE MOTOR 110 V. A C C start 1725'L apaCltor bee ' I<.P .M., Ball nng s, OverlOOd prote ction. Complete W i t h ON-<)FF SWItch, 10ft 3-
reduction. Ideal UnIt to build your own winches, door
no load), 30 RPM C6V no load), easIly r... ~.. lble InStruct 1Or\S supplied Wt
ITEM ';3'"'O'9" c. • 5 A. above ITEM
~~~'SP;EO~O l~~ c:r2~
35 Ibs.
mM 1SM17
10.&.95 156.50 191.l0
cord and plug
NHCID4 General P"<o $34.95 but 'A4 h NHCID 6 .p.
Form Price
Gene,., Price
~ ""1-",,",-"-
A.C. ond D.C. CSA
for motors roMd ~ - I hp. lIO 01
~~~~~,~~ tlon OOOI!t ~',:,,~at~, tells A.C. f,om D.C., Vola .....loadlng Manual ,_, tage indicated by poInter " 0 T I, w.... ITEM EVT60 U 2 .9~5. . . . "' R!"! . __ .......
.I\ • .,.
~ :
_ ~;... -==-~
12 VOLT VOLTAGE REGULATOR -Brand new, Aircraft quality :
for lighting plants, Battery c h a r 9 , n 9 plonts or any 12 V. generator reqUiring 0 Regulator. An excel-
lent Unit to mOlntOln constant voltage re 9 0 r die s s of speed. SIZe 8" x 5" x 5". ITEM NH12R $7.25
2' V. VOLTAGE REGULATORS BRAND NEW . . Alrc,oft quality H.D 50 amp., cap. fully adlustable. WHY R E B U I L 0 YOUR OLD UNIT WHEN IT CAN BE RE-
~l'~~px ~~~ W~ I ~6~bs~';-;;r; 21~ pe"'erotors to 50 amp.
I--~-' --B-R~-N-e-o-~-~-w-T'"~ ..~: I SOLENOIDS Ideal fa r T,ucks, boots, Troctors, power Units, etc. ~ term Inal type. F,ts any
fj~M sXgt24-
~E':t 6$!~0~2V.
Top qualIty, SUItable for
cars , trucks, lighting plonts
etc. SpeClfh~Mosdt 6~~t . $2.50 eo.
~~°;L~EU.:I ~
CUTOUTS For Generat o rs ,
~i~~!'~y Pdh"a~g~~.:
etc. A fabulous buy at these low price s ITEM EC05012-12 Volt ITEM EC050l2-32 Volt
A.C. ond D.C. PANEL METERS-B,ond New-Modern deslgn~ sturdy construCtion. Guaranteed Within 5 % accuracy. For lighting plants, Battery cha,gers, test InO equpment, etc. AMMETERS0-.0 AC Amps. $6.95 0-50 AC Amps. $7.59 $5.45 0·1 DC Ma. __ $7.59 O-SO DC Amps VOLT METERSO·ISO AC Volls $6.95 O-lOO AC Volts $1.65 0-50 DC Volts $4.99 0-15 DC Volts _ $4.99 RSISTANCE METERS10,000 Ohms, ~ y, Volts---requores 3 flashlight celis for resistance readings but does not require resistor
for voltage ,ead,ng. ITEM ERM 10 _ _ _ $5.79
$$3 •• 9 5 4 45
100 AMP. AI R - 3 CRAFT QUALITY CUTOUT -B,and new h d 6 ·12-24 . 32V: 33"' .. " 311. " ;:~~~';ed~PECI FY VOLTAGE
. m
ITEM 820« • .
$4 . 95
FRACTIONAL H.P. & INDUSTRIAL V-IELTS NOTE IMPORTANT Wh<!n order no F H P V Belts .tate A B Sec and Gave Ouhide Clrcumfetence of belt ro.Q red Wh<!n orderIng IndustTlal Belts state A or B and g ve Inside CIrcumference of belt requIred. Sec I..Side---11i4Mtrie1 outsWe '.H P. V le... V le... Clre.... eirc... .-Sec A.s.c A-Sec I". I".. 2~ $1.60 $1.20 35' $ .17 $1.06 1.71 1.21 2 •• 1 1.14 38" 1.92 1.36 .•4 42 30 1.44 2.10 34 1.00 46" lolO I .• 1.07 J I .• .ca" 2.1' 2.25 42 1.52 1.51 51' 1.1' 53 . 2.2. 46' 1.24 1.72 I." 2.U 1.60 50 120 SS" 1.'5 57 • 2.36 1.64 54' 1.31 1." 6(\ 2.41 1.45 2.06 6lY 1." 1.72 62 I .• 2.10 62' 2.4' 2.SS 1.51 1.77 6.c 64 ' 2.11 2.61 66' 1.54 2.20 66" 1.'0 2.70 68 2.25 68' 1.5' I.'" 2.77 7lY' 1.61 2.30 71 1.'1
I SECTION MULTIPLE TAPER IUSHING SHEAVES Rei>laceobl. busluno type. Cost-iran. Easy-to-tnstall - easy-to-remove. Slnlge V pulleys SUItable for A or B belts. NOTE: State O.D., No. _ .........
..... ............ OoD. 35" 4.2" 52" 59" 6.7" 77' 8.7" 9.7" 11 2" 12.7" 13.7" 15.7" 18.7"
O.D. 395' 4.55" 4.95" 5.55" S.9S" 6.5S" 6.95" 7.75" a.9S" 9.75" 12.75" 1395" 15.75" 16.35" 18.75"
$ IAS I.SS 4.11 4.50 S.oo S.SO '.SO 7.25 '.00 • .00 10.00 11.50 11.00
Write for .is. . .et listed.
6-12-24 V. MOTOR
~ BUFFALO" EN 32 oz. CaNon gLESS BELTS !!,"pregnoted. G uck, rubber SIIP-prOOfH uo ron tees ounce of DOW:,'.very of every 30 ft . - 6 Inch _ 4 Item Price ~O ft. - 6 Inch _ .. ~y - OWl $ 33 .50 50 ft . - 7 Inch _ 4 P,Y - OW2 SS .OO o ft. - 7 Inch 4 p Y - OW3 52.00 75 ft. - 6 Inch ply - OW4 66.00 i 00 ft. _ 6 Inch =: ply - DW5 79.95 A p Y - DW6 125.00
$ 7.70 ••00 I.U
, • .20
'11~OO 11.60 12•• 11.50 14.SO II.0S 17.11 It.oo 22.10 27.1.
'.11 10.00
10.75 11.40 12.SO 11.10 14..S ".10 17.10 22.20
'.SO 10.SI 11.20 11.1. 11.20 11.'. 17.41 1••SI 24.20
D.' • 27.11
....H.. 12••'
6-12-24 V. D.e. MOTOR Brand New Can be used on 11 OV A C. WIth step - down
I ...... ~,...
Plon:-~,!!,I SPider
Draws 10 amps at 24V ~ for Barbeque SPIts, Hobby \neS etc Belt and cf10 n d,. e ITtM HHI2
c. W.
IT~ In:
I Writ. 'or
.r'.r .1• ••
and h;;' AInoIoo.,. (otation bor., SOcket ~=
rF·'~12" •
-E. .
IF·'4-14" .:::: .-._. IF.,6--"....... IFI2O,-jju • ....: _ _.
500 lb. hoistin:. capocity, 54" shaft. reversible with low amperage, suit-
.11 ,.
Dble for garage hoists, door openings drills, and many
0 the r
uses. ITEM HH20. . $22.50
Motor-Blower Ass' bly
Excellent for direct drive
Size'5 : V:.z H, ¥, ", I " bore.
applications ~ ",
S8:!~~'; RP"" H.P. 1200-1.8 1800-2 .5 H.P.. shown
C'::. ~qU~'j.~' IS
RPM H,P. 3000-4.0 360Q.......4 .6 actual net
COpaC lty for power and load
un iform
ITEM NHFC $4.95 ea.
Brand New 12 Volt roted m 0 tor dirKtly coupled to eaSIly detachable blower. S.ngle Wire system. Runs on I 10V. A. C. through step-down transforme,. Us. f~
heaters, defrosters, fons.
etc ITIM JP..
B.... d HI. V. H.P. 12V. D.C.-For use WIth portable grain loaders. woshing mac h i n e
pumps, boats etc. 1700 RPM, fan cooled, seoled boil bearings. With pulley and pre-drll led mountIng base. Wt. 33 Ibs HHM12U --'24.95
1170 H.P MOTOR
. 5",,,,/
~Iilalt~~ for
ro1usenes ete HIOh cycle 3350 RPM ot no load, Ball boor ngs, ' . dou~~ty~ ~e~~ 61eC7'~ ";.;u~,.. WeIght 5 ~ Ibs
e_,1e ....
. . . _ _ '1.... ~4
BUND • NEW Continuous duty. Mfg.
Sno _ _ _ till.
1"'1::!:. Motor
lowers, fans, 1OYS,
1aAH. MIW - U V. D.C. 3.eoo 1t.P.M., _nIbIL Mfa. bl' EIKtrtc a_Co.5Ia-1' ..... 11 .. ~' wide X 4M1N hiIh-
Heavy duty 2 in 1 angle drive reduction . 2.5 to ) reduction . Aircraft qual-
Ity. S,ze 11 " long x 9" WIde x 8" deep. WeIght 16 Ibs. ITEM ADRI6 $21.50
Brond now Thamtan pump 24 to 40 volt. Low P'"iuro 2,006 PH at 8 PSI. Draws 5.2 amps. ITIM NH2O., .- '11.H
Houston. 1725 RPM at 60 cycl•• 1425 RPM at 50 cycle, 110 V. A.C., spit, phase,
Wt. 22 Ibs. ITEM HTM2S $14.95
'h aft
Eco_, MI..... U.........1.. Th_ 1.....-_ Aft.......
lRAND NIW TOTALLY ENCLOSED 11 0 VOLT A.C. MOTOl • 1 _................ and r-.lut .. the opreod
.do....... •
of tomm'!'l,cable 1IIc_ , _ . daIry .... ds gIve more mIlk. POUltry more .gill ond bMf cottle goln welghl fa Ier • ~ . .IN•• by IIopp ng mOlllur. conden ... , on wh ch cau_ rusI and roflong. • 1_ _.. W ....... c.4I_ . • ..... LoMo-no need 10 adJusl _indows h".r .'ay. dry ...tu_:- Tololly enclOMd canlonuous duty )IOV
~ ~~Rfa~ ~~Am~vtF~'or wllh ':~cl.:.n'2r~'~~e .,..1 f r _ wllh pr.-drolled hales. EAS~ INSTALL .,mply cut out openl"O and bolt In plac. Inltrucllan. Supphed .. ..... ore buIlt to dehver IUpetlor performance over lang pertods I 1 _ . . rwnove. hot, .tufty Indoor 0 r qu ckly and qul.' y Cool. house IDEAL F~ GataQes R.. To_ Sto_ and Form Bu kh"O, ITEM " •. ""1'" (Fan only) •
'34 95
During ton operation exhaust air stream causes mutter to remo n open GraVIty cl..... shutler when Ion cea... operation ITOoI ""1001 •
'17 50
Slngle-pole, double throw Designed for .,1"- canlrolh"O oulomat c Yent lot on or heat Ing In hveotock born., poullry ho.-, and 0»- form buold ng. 30 F to 120 F temp range. Cl.... dlfferenllol of Z' to 3' F. as...... e>len lemp
ITEM ""1002 _ . . .
'17 95
_. .
T.. 50ve ....
I'IIU buy thla Pacl<age deal . . Cons"'lng of "PAM-AIRE" Vent Fan jIroof tl. - rod Ihutter JioIus Farm auoldong Temperature Control. "HI.~""" ...... Y.,t ' •• 111_ ..., c..trwI Ultltl
VENT BLOWER drying, coollngl Herman Nelson type A-2, B"ggs & Strotton 1 cylinder, 4 cycle air cooled gas engine: 18 ft . x 14 In .
dlo . fleXible, telescoping air duct
680 CFM, 11 0 VOLT A.C. • EASY TO HEAT COLD ROOMS • FORCED WARM ClRCULATIOM DOES IT • SAVE OM FUEL. USE AS EXHAUST FANS 11'4 RESTAURAMTS, POULTRY HOUSES, AT TIC S rrc. Features;- Totolly enclosed qU I ~t runn Ing 1500 RPM 1/ 80th H.P. elect"c motor. 9" 5-bladed fan . Mounted MODEL Fl0 with 10" pipe
MODEL F12 with 12" pipe
section of pipe os shown .
16 "ECON-O-AIRE" VENTILATING FAN Brand Hew Again ovailable by populor Demond! ECON - 0 - AIRE FANS PROVIDE POSITIVE AIR-CONDITIONIMG OF FARM BUILDIMGS, HATCHERIES, BAR 101 S, POULTRY HOUSES, DAIRIES ETC ... LEADS TLO HEA LTHIER A M D BETTER QUI. ITY HIGHER YIELDS THUS MORE STO'CK PROFIT. FEATURES : V. H ·P · enclosed Westlnohouse M otor-l 72 5 RPM, sleeve beormgs, therma,', pro,: tected. Motor secured to 0 18 xl 8 OutSide
Automat.c Weather
Blower mounted on 2 wheel dolly WIth hondle. S,ze: 36" L x 18" W x 24" H. Wt. 92 Ibs_
frame .
3 bladed balonced Ion rated at 2500 CFM ITEM EVF16 • 16" AUTOMATIC OUTSDE WALL SHUTTER 10 r a bove--- Exhaust stream causes shutter to open gravity closes shutter when fan ceases $16.50 ITEM US16A I f 11 outoFARM BUI LD IN G TEMPERATURE CONTROL-Make tU~ ;::e"; F~h;enhelt. matlC! WIde. temperature range ~O 3de~rees tO F I~TE~ 'hCSlI $17.95 Dlfferentool 2 d : gTreEe~A~KAGEe~~s of 16" fon al above, 16" SPECIALI COMPLE tr I ' bo •• Wa n Shu"e, 01 a boy., T.m~ratur. con 0 a' a . $ S6.9S ITEM EVFK _A. - - -- - -------.--- - -- -- .. __.. -
$29 50
$14 e 9 5 .. $15.9 5
NOW...YOU CAN BUILD YOUR OWN EXHAUST FAN! IF YOU HAVE ft -..;:~!~~ AN I D L E MO- H' TOR A V AI L· ABLE YOU CAM REALLY SAVE ~~U~ U~~~ I ~x~ --=~~~'lJ HA U ST FAM , US I M G THIS OUTSTAMDING FAN BLADE ASSEM BLY. FeatUres sturdy, effiCient 6 bloded fan , 13 '· dlometer complete w(th hub pu lIey, bear '"lis and mount1"0 WeIght . 8 lb>. ITEM EFI9M Only •
$9 95
110 V. A.C. Plu•• III I.....,.. H......
M. _le! wlM, ..... piu, ""
... . . . I..sf
C. S A Approved. Mode of H 0 chrome<! st....1 with Baker.te h and I e, push·button control, coret ond plug Shul$ off Itself If hqu d boIls away IT[M MHHltS $ 1,000 • ITEM "'HHUtS • _ _- ,1--.,,,, Watt
SImply push plug
8 95 $13 • 95
Brand new •• ,deol fCY kat woter heaters, stock tank.s etc. ~ terminals -tlloh, med ., low heat 10" lonO ~ro;.:: S.tandard 11 A " pipe thread. ITEM NHtO) $3. 7 5; 2 fo, $7.00
Heavy tool steel construction. ITEM JI'I962 S2.70
NAVY QUALITY TRANSFORMER New Surplus, step - down 110 to 10 A . C. Volts. Dimensions' transformer
3" x3 ".2\'- " . Wt. 4 lb•. ITEM NHi. __
=-TE~~AL To crimp terminals on
wire. Stoking indentors
read line
S-la _ .P' Sonole line tilter
NHG1201-Q .. art
$ 2 . 85
MAP • DASH LI8HT Bokellte and aluminum, f,nIshed In smart "flot Black" finIsh. Easy to
~1~s;~~~.fc1as~:~e ':"~ 1'130
bulb. Specify • •, 12 V .. _ ...
for Troller connec· tions, 011 bumers and olr - conditiOning in-
cO .... lStlng of 2 condensers, choke COil In alumlnum container. USE OF 2 UNITS RECOMMENOED--2 for $5.00. ITEM NHIO _ _ ___ ..$2.7S
ind ings, sealing .01 1 or air
Insulating Dropertles.
TltACTOR DASH LAMPS • 6 or 12 Volt, swivel mount, . . adjustable light shield, polaroid lens. 6 ft. cord. ITEM WS 13 (B ulb ed...'0) $ 1 .08
~ '
~rc~51 ..fe'~ ~~~~:tSan~,OS~~
ed .steel. Takes Wires No. 8, 6, ... ,
GLYPTAL ELECTRICAL IN· SULATION FINISH . Red In· sulotion fo r f ield coils, w.
and nests ore precision cut harden-
stallations. Solid copper conductors, high grade Insulatoon (color coded), 4 conductor, 16 gouge. ITEM NHLVT _ _ _ 10e ft.
0 (.)
Wlr. for Outald.
Prices for 250 Iteoth;;r conditions. gaug. $1349 ,12 ga"g. $7.49 . gau,e $999 Wire 12 ga' gauge $19 75 4 . etc. 'TEM N .. go Autom.tic Wire-f g~uge $29.95 H9S ___ .09 It or norns, l,ghts ~on-Motallic Sheatod Cabl . 100 ft. - -$1.00 2 90.-2 wire ._ .09 It e--'or house .'rinl. 12 ga.-3 wire _ . •14 It' 14 ga.-2 wire _ .07 ft ~on'Met.llic Shoatod Ca'b' 4 ga.-3 Wire -_ .11 It: 2 90.-2 wire __ .13 It e--'or born wirinl. 12 ga.--3 Wire 20 ' 14 ga.-2 Wire 09 ft A,mo .. red "BX"-C:~bl ft. I 14 go.-3 wire - '15 ft' ),:~~, 'i~ .17 It. 12Ir=.. 4~~ ~·-----':"'- :13 ft: 14/ J 0~5for Underground_l~i2 12/3 - .23 ft. _ . ft. 12/2 _ .ll It. ~ .25 ft. W'RE HAND TOOL - .44 It. ~hole electrical work-;'o~ In. one tool. Strips cuts Cflmps--o must fo • • tool box. ITEM N'M·i1: rv - - - - · - -$2.89
lOO W. lIS Volt
Voltaoe - then plug tn oppliance and not~ new reading. Fin d Voltage drop, Inadequate 'Nlrlng or other malfunctIons. 0·150 Volt A.C.
(1) BOlt Mountin, Lamp Holders - White porceloln for 31(4" or.. ITEM HHEIO .l' H. ( 'B)as above but WIth 7"cholnholder groo.e,NHEl1.6S . . (2 Golvanlzed Switch BOJ(u-For flush receptacle Of SWitch: 2 ' x J • lY2" deep WIth V2" K.O. ITEM HHE12 .lO ea. As above but WIth N.M.O. clamps. ITEM NHEU .1, ••. (3) 4" LOft, Utility 80 ... ,oftd Cov.n - For surface wlnng iVs WX O. Y2"t<:.O Electr(>-9ol anlzed flnish.NHE14 .'0' ... (3B) Duplex re,.ptacle cover. ITEM NHE15 .11 ... (JC) Togole sw.tch Cover ITtM NHEl. _ .11 M. (') Galyoni •• d Outlet B.... - 4" octagon, 1 Y2" deep, Y2" KO. ITEM NHE17 _ .2' . .. (5) Bohllt. Plat •• - Ouplex receptacle. Brown NHEII .10 . . . Same as above only Ivory col or ITEM "'HEl' .15 . . . .11 H. (5A) 2 I"n, Toggle Switch Plat • .arown. NHElO Same as above only IVO<y calor. ITEM NHElI .2' . .. .10 . . . (5B) I lonl Toglle Switch Plate·Browr\NHE22 Some os above only Ivory col or. ITEM NHEll .15 . . . (6 fl ...h Toggl. Switch" - 10 amp. 125Y. PhenolIC Single pole. ITEM HHEl4 .23 ... Same os obove only 3 .... oy. ITEM HHU5 .42 ••. P) Dupl •• Flulh Receptocl •• ~ 3 Wire U ground 15 amp. 125 Voll ITEM HHEl' ' • Jl . . ' (8) Cord Conn""lo,. - 3 wore. U ground. 15 amp .• 125 Volt: .99 ... Polyv nyl 011 reSlStanl ITEM NHE27 19) Attachment Cap •• J w,re, U ground 15 amp 125Y PolYVinyl, !'JII reSistant. flngergrtp. ITEM HHE21 ., .• 5 (10, W.... n.ho.... Service Entry Selety Switch.. _ Fu"y ~,':,'I;~r~ie a.';,1,l~~;:I ~ f~~~~e, long Iofe 115/230 lO amp. - plug fuse - 7\4"H.4"Wx3',."0. NHE2. Sl.IO 60 amp. cort fuse - IO~. 'H.8~"W.5 O. "'HUO $6.45 lOO omp • oort. luse-1S"'" H.8~~"Wx5~"D. NHUI S'.45 W;....I"'IIP ( I I) Dauble Throw, l Pole WHtherp'oOf Swltche. _ Nonfusable, 2JOY and 575Y Ideal for I,ne transfer ,wltch 101' stand-by """,er plants ITEM NHU2-JO a..... S".OO NHElJ-..60 •• p. $57.00 NHU4-IOO e ...". S'l.OO
1..114 M_ AI.eRA" SWITCH IOX _ ~_ Single pole, double t h row toggle swltchas rated at 5 A., 125V. A.C./ J5 A., 24V. O.C.; I push-buttoo micro SWItch and Indicator light Bakelite box J1,4" • J" • 2". ITEM " I - - _ . _ ... __ .. _-$3. ... MAG"'ETIC LAMP T.OUIU U.M'~lamps itself by magnetic action to any metol surfaea. Salt rubber handle w/built-in cable clamp lamp glass shielded, r..istant to dripwater, C_
wire cage guard and 360-
tating reflector (but less extension
ITIM MM NI - _ . -$14."
....... .,-
mM PCl ... -14..... $11." mM PCln-ll.... $I So••
1;(:; -
MOTOR Rated 24 Volt. 90 amp • ., 4000 RPM. Has Ya" splone shaft on both end. of motor. Ball bearIng construction . . . . . .. can be u0e4on 6 or 12 Valt5. Size: 1 I" x 5" x 6Ya", Wt. 21 lb• .
ft truck. - - . wtnch motor ..,.._ as a . . . . . generator etc. 44 5V 0 C . . CIIIIpL. 1200 RPM '"_ Iwtt duty coonpound wound G £ ftaIII 58YleoA4 Fan coolMl ~ dI& Ihaft Si8r. 13 L .. 9 H x
wt 65 lis
mM NllMM4
'37 • 50
ar cas ts and Elim ina te ellt ra lob k . . . wit h "Ba ck- Bre aki ng" wor tall 6-T an -ins one of the se eas y-to Des ign ed far ma ny Wi nch es. Loa din g and hea v,. dut y jab s . . . ll bui ldin gs, unl oad ing , mo vin g sma lag s, ma chi nstu mp pul ling , sna ke er,. tran sfe r, etc . con stru ctio n Fea ture s hea vy- dut y and cor rec t last ing serv ice for and spe ed in .M ..., gea r rati o for eas e Equ ipp ed wit h OF THIS I lOC . lIO'" d. loa 0 g dlin han bro ke. Gea r Dog clu tch and saf ety size 1 Y2". rati o 21- 1, sha ft g x 19" wid e Dimensions: 27" lon long dru m x IS" hig h wit h 11 Y2" and 5" cor e. 5.0 0. Like Newl Reg. $36 ple tel, . Rec ond itio ned
~ Com
S 17 5. 00
TRUCK! .â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘BUILD YOUR OWN TOW ~~, ~~~~Ci~i,~
etfo~U~~r unit includes ~ ~dQ'p~e"J~i~ ~;~ rf~t~~~ee~:i~Con plet e ~~~ep:~v~d:o:~e:: ting Serv ice. Com e sha ft with "U" trac and ity lic Util le, driv
in . win ch cab s. Ove rall leng th Indu stria l, Pub ch, 100 ft. of Y2 w Bloc k beo rlng g Gor woo d 6 ton Win hea vy stee l mou ntin ts, cha in and Pillo jOin ts, all spro cke to cab le pull ey 11' 5", 54" x 42" eas y mou ntin g and g bas e for ntin 12' 5". win ch drum to mou are weld ed plat e. All port s tor othe r use . truc k be requ ired dism oun ting , sho uld
_ __ _ ________ -_______ ______
rse - to fit all true d forw ard , I spe ed reve 2 SPEED PT O-I spee ___ _ ____ ___ d~::~~ _ _. ~ ~~";S~n_~m::,~~I__whe n~_r
(sta te
$1 29 .9 5
If ih PULL you need, up to 2,500 Iba., this i. the mo.t Venatile. Economicol Electric Winch on the market todoy. For boot toilers, onchor winches, form mochinery, dumps . Instoll on leeps, cors, tow trucks to PUll out of mud, etc. Ope rotes on 6 or 12 volt bottery. Fully reversible by meons of. 2 push buttons ond ~ solenoids. lood copocit) ot 6 volts 1,250 Ibs., ot 12 volts 2,500 Ibs . Drum will toke up to 250 ft . ~" coble, 175 It . %" coble, or so ft . Y2" nylon rope . Un it equipped with flywheel lock thot will hold 0 lood in ony position . . . boil beoring construction throughout, coble speed 10-20 ft . per minute . Size: 25" long, 7" wide, S" ·high . Weight 75 Ibs. ITEM HH320 _______________________ _ .
79 5
LOAD CONTIIOL AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. Same unit a. above BUT equIpped with HEAVY DUTY MANUAl BRAKE, thus controlling the safe starting and stopping of any load smooth· Iy and eHlclently. Brake consists of hand lever actuahng 0 broke shoe against the flywheel. NHUIA _______
REMOTE CONTROL KIT-Oe.igned exclu.ively to operate either Model No. 320 or Delu.e Model 321,0. by pawer control remotely from dIStance. up to 10 feet . Thi. Includes both control bo>< With 2 push buttons, 10 feet rubber covered cable, and 16 feet broke control cable _ ITEM NHRCK ___ __ •
• I V I • 1I N G IWITCH FOI. "HANIM· HAMD" WINCHII"HI - - .----... -______ ..$13."
LiftIR • ..E.o..... ItY 1900 Ibs.
2500 Ibs
H.P.:.. ___ PrI..
$122.45 $132.45
$ . . . . .5
Spur geared with automatic brake, high quality steel hoist mechanism (spur gear re-
duction planetary .y.tem). Screw and dlK of V2" welded - heat treated steel load challi, drop fO~l1ed steel oafety hook. Wt. 2.. 4 Ibs. Rel_ p25.oo. JW2Y $155.00 11 TON CHAIN HOIST - The giant in 110 field. Manufactured by Yale and Towne_ ITEM JWI54 _ _ - - - $495.00
$9 95
~~us6'~d06~~~~~I~rh:~d ~~i~t~~:d~~~~:
broke and power control. Kit ConSIsts of DOwer
TO' NOTCH 'ERFOI"'ANClA"LlCATION VERSATlLlTYI LIFT WITH CONFlDENC( . • f.ctery _ ... to SO~ ••• r ..,.4 ..,. For fe""l, ....... Ge,. ..., M.chi... Sho", et(. TODAY'S lIST IUT IN CHAIN HOIST LIFTING-All steel
light In welght-n ~ v e r breckgbl, Moll'l drrve wheels ore 011 lleel ...., •• 4 c....,.,., not
cm' Iron construe .. M a I n part, forged pressed .teel geared f 0 , easy h(" Will not 'rH! ctlOln under load Alloy stee' chooo for I I g h I ..... gnt and strertgth I~ 10 2 Ion ha.e I load cho." 3 ton has 2 load ~ha," 5 Ion ha. 3 load chain '10t'1
Single drum, Surplus with 2
gear, lockable cam and lever,
~~"'s:e~r~~:;n~ spr~ I~ct-
0..- ....ith S" CO<e, ~, of y~ rope capacity, 2 adjustable hand cranks. Size: 22" x 2 .. " >< 26", In wooden box_ Wt_ 200 Ibs. Re•• $195.00. • ITEM 717 - - - - - - $155.00
........ s..,...... ................ w......
\1' 13'
8 9
10 10
22' 30'
29 37 52
99 110 193
39.75 "'~50
59.50 89.00 122.00 169.00
WM..... , tit. toi... .. ... rdnt
Wi.c....... ".i., ".pelHl.llle .. ",ic. "n"., the c....ition • . • . Co.trocton, L"Mberme., Cro .. Ope....on. Mine •• Go ....... M.rin• • pplico' tioN .... othe, IIHI"strift
15 Ton Hea!y Duty " Winch 2-7 2 w,de x 9" 0 .0. Nlggerheado IOW clutch the Winch drum, automatic safety
to engage
and Winch drum
cot,ons : 30,000 Ibo. at 15 ft. per m,n ., bore drum 14,500 Ibo
m~;ur. "R~~'ble34o\alprD~.S~~:\ ?~'"OxD27~' 6 ~;'
h Q ow power to De transml e ooth orworo ona reverse w en coupled to on engine Ideol for reversing accessory machinery not eQuipped With 0 buIlt-In reverSing mechonlsm E.G anchor and beach Winches abave, conveyor drive applications, lifts etc . Has convenient forward, reverse ,
neutral control D,m 20" x 13" x 10" RatiO I-I ITE M J GPT 1 MODE L JGPT 2 some as above plus extro non-reverSible output shoft for a secondary application
$135 • 00 $155 00 •
Free SpoollnQ double drive WIth 5_1
and 12: 1 gear ratIOS for max. load.
to 2000 11>5. Free spoohnQ
launch easier and saflH os unloading speed IS cantrolled WIth a brake while handle .. safely In neutral POSltoon. Featur.. 2.way ""tche1 - With po.. -
~~:I ~~~,,: ~f'~.=::J t!:,:~~
steel dr ve gears
ITEM . P296
$3' .95
NEW Y2 TON BOMB HOIST WINCH ~c fhi···. C! ~ "
NEW GOVERNMENT SURPLUS-Strong, hard-wearing olumlnum construction. Con be used with tow trucks,
boot troilers, door Idts and mony other ~ful applications. Equipped with handle on both SideS one
Side for fast winding (1,1 ratio) and the other with 50: 1 ratio. Complete with 20 feet of 3 /1 6" cable, broke and release clutch. Dimensions: 30" long x 16" Wide x 22" high. Weight ~5 Ibo. ITEM HW760 •
$31 95
Concealed toath dnven gears, cannot Injure fingers . ~~~s in any position Drum a s 195 ft af 3/16" cable . Mechanical advantage 9 to Ib1 . Gear ratio 3 to 1. Wt f! s.
J hammer blows With on 8 Ib sledge ~ and L!i cut quick I.,. , eollly' Thin, lharp,
your 'WIre rODe
roundttd tool 5tee blades, Of'\e' on top, two on boHom cut WI'" rope clean, leave ound ready to be $1)1 ced 0< thNaded at once. No togged, frayed or bro"le ends lough mol cobl "'" w th toal steet blodeL Cull wire rope up to 1" dla. S i _ x 3 DIG Wt 10 11>5 ITEM NMwaC·'"
• Precision hardened • Unsurpassed quality e FII~
an stoftdord sproc, kets on farm ma-
chinery uslng roller chain . . Cam ' eke" Combines, U rtamm~r",iUl, and n Swathe" etc. . between roller centres. MOTE' PITCH-Is the dlS~~een the InSide edges ~~
W:T~~~. th~iV~15t~~cepltc~ ~n~h-:i~t~l~f b~~~t ° to
~halnP and the length require . any even fool . MD ROLLER CH AI ... ( H ) Half Rolle.. Price (C) Link (A) SIMGU STRA Link ft .36 Item P\t~~ WI~!h In 1':2 . P~:O~' • .45 .15 M5 0 54"~,, 160 !.~ :39 0 M6 3/~. ~" 120 ... MID 1 OLUR CHAIM '.00 3.15 .35 (B) DOUB~E SJ,R.1'MD ,2 M60-2 'lA
lA" pitch It o .. e r Choln. o~1 ~inished. Capacity up to Se C be bored to SUIt 25 tons. an f boring Prices. -see beloW or 6.045 • $ , . 3 5 " Tooth - - -17.15 10 Tooth _.-.-. - $'.95 20 Tooth - - - $1.15 12 Tooth - ' - - -$415 22 Tooth - - - - - - $9.15 14 Toolh - - ' - - -$555 24 Toolh - - - : =$2.040 16 Tooth - 't -24 Toolh $1.60 Reborlng-<JP 0 -----:= $1.25 Key.oy write for prices. Set Screw ---nd -bores available Other Sixes Q Brond HI. WIHCH C... BLE 6x19 Preformed with fibre core. Ir.ok Price ITEM 010. .troin lb.. ft.
= .. = .
:g WC, _
sW~ %"
~ ~gg \~~:
ROPE THIM.LES Use with Monilia rope. Galvoniz e d 5 t ee I, rope
from fraying . ITEM SI.. WCIS54 _ VA " __ WCIS56 _ .. __ _ ___ • WCISSI ~ .. (B) WIRE ROPE CLAMP~ alleoble iron . wilh steel nuts. fO[~E~ing wl's~z~ope e~~·c~roovedl.f~J'1 dlf. S~'::s of rE.':h WClI05 _ ~A " _ .11 WCIIO' __ 5/ 16" _ .20 WCII07 _ .. _ .21 WCIIOI __ V..' _ .14 ~
~f'~!~LE-GR ;'-=smi~J Devices
= J~
___ 10.800 lb • . _ WC4 _ 7i16" _ 1••000 lb •. _ WCS __ V2" __ 20.000 lb • . _
wire rope--hos
.25 SPECI"'L! - USED WIHCH C"'BLE(up 10 200 ft. lenglh) _ IIUMD MEW SURPLUS C.... U-% ... 125 ft. coil _ 200 FT. 7/16" C.... LE-wilh cha in and h .d. hook _
model 3Z for handl ing
1"-3;"'.'-% " Interchangeable Jaws. Size;
33" long x 9 " wide. WI . 5. lb •. ITEM H541 _ $12.50 (D) WIDE F... CE PULLEY-71,4" diameler, ca,l iron pulley. 2" wide. 1V'" bore. Will lake 1,7" cable . Drilled for grease f ittings. Ideal for crones, tow trucks ete Wt. 9~2 Ibs. ITEM JW·2 _. _ _ _.. ___ $9. 5 .15 ft. (E) WIRE ROPE SPECI"'L! Ju.1 released by the U.S. $17.95 Navy. Full 525 ft . roll of 'rand He. 5/16 " (6xI9) NP $32.50 improved ply steel cable. Rlghl hand lay _fibre care, With .Ieel drum. Reg. $9 • .50 value. ITEM WU _. $52.50 roll
H..., Duty
DRIVE KIT Kit ____ of: 2 ~1· ao tI:IaIh. 1-12 tooth; 5 .... of No. 60 roller .....1"1 1~",,'0" - . I Ihcrft, 2 - "'. DlIlowblack 2 Itandard '-'U" Jo.nts . . ,.qultecl to fit yow ); 4 It of "" _ _ IhcrftInD An _ I ..... unit fat ... wfth the RH I NO 4 TON
Kit contal.. 1-24 tooth ~ockat. 112 toath sprocket on I' lllaft, 2I" pillow black boarlnDl, semlflnllhMl drive lllalt with HO 'U' "'-1 sldll 10 opIlno IlIp joint. lino lllalt la not _ldIId 10 thot It can be cut 10 pr_ length_ S' of 1 to ~ pltch .....1n.
the bore of your tractor with
these replacement Sleeve Assemblies . . for 0 more powerful, smootherrunning Tractor' Different Engines hove different operational characteristics. Some tend to use exceS5lYe 011, others ore susceptible to compression "Blow-
By." These precision crofted Sleeve Assemblies ore not only engineered to
01"'. you .oreater power and finer performance, but to counteroet undesirQ~le characteflstlcs. Many years of designing. engIneering and manufacturing
C~~i,:~~eWirhQ~ot~~";,st~~~ O~~eSle~~;~:o~~:~t ri':s, ~:tS:n ~\~ o~sse;~~~~
5Joskets where required. Prices shown ors for One Complete Sleeve Assembly.
(B) TOP QUALITY BURD PISTON equ ipment replacement type rings, matched sets, complete rings for all and crafted to meet the ne.ds of
RINGS--These ore first quality, original These precision piston rings are sold in p istons In the Engine. Designed, engineered
your Engine by one of the world's most
famous Tractor Piston RJnQ Manufacturers.
(C) GA5KETs---f'erfect flttong, origonol equipment qualoty gasket. of compressible cork, compressible poper or finest metal-osbestos construction. For
perfect repaor lobs .•
always replace old gaskets with these top quality
Re - manufactured to origonal equipment
stondards and expertly tested to new vehicle specifications. Protect your Engine and Radiator against overheotinQ which con ruin your Engine and Radrator. A rebu,lt Water Pump con .improve the circulation of your cooling system insuring better coolir:-g during peak summer work periods .. more effiCient performance In the winter. NOTE: P,ku show. . .r. EXCHANGE ,rle. . If 'OU hove ''0 eschon,e unit odd $12.00 to price. shown. El ENGINE VALVES--Preclsion manufactured and hardened to equal original Equipment Quality . (F) BEARINGS--Ftnest replacement bearings. Duplicate of onginal bearings in size, materials and toleronces. Made of fInest bearing materiols-pe:rfectly Bonded for long life. Sold In complete Sets.
NOTE: Whef't ordering Tredor parts give as much informotion as possible to facilltat. quick, correct re,lece .... t of
portl}-'(.G.: 'nside diG. of c,l"'den, Ouhide dia. of Ileeves, pilfon lenlth, rlnl width, C..... luh.ft lIu",".r etc.
Sleeve A.. embly Make and Model (each ) ALLIS-CHALMERS W, WC, WF, WD45 _. $18.50 BUDA 4B153-6B230 19.50 48D153· 68D230 20.75 CASE C, CD, D, DC _ 17.70 . 25.80 L, LA --_ .. S, SC 15.60 COCKSHUTT-COOP 30-40 _ _ _ .. _ . 19.50 D30. D40 20.75 FO~D, FORD-= FERGUSON 2N, 9N - - . - - - 9.75 ._. IN 9.75 NAil., NAB 11.85 McCORMACi -DEERIHG Fa rmall H-W4 15.25 Super H 15.45 Farmall·M-W6 18.50 _. _ _ 19.80 Super M WD6, TD6, - Super _. 35.50 _. 24.75 W9, T9 - --__ . ___ 37.95 WD9, TD9 Super WD9, TD~ . __ 37.95 MASSEY -HARRIS « , 44G, «K 20.50 444, 445 Special -=:' _ 22.50 _._ 26.50 « Dlelel 444D, «D, MFI5 ._ 26.50 ._____ 29.55 55, 55G OllVER 10HC, 10KD 24.75 66HC, 66D, 77HC: 77D 16.20 UHe-IID Super 19.95 Super 66HC, 66D 17.25
BEARINGS Rod Main Set Set
GASKETS (Sets) Valve O' houl Oil Pan Set Set Gri"d
VALVES WATER Exhaust Intake PUMPS (each) (each)
$ 6 .60
$ 9.45
$ 7.50
6.90 10.65
12.45 10.60
4 .60 7.85
.60 .60
13.20 13.20
2.25 2.25
1.50 1.50
16.95 16.95
19.20 19.20
6.60 1 .55 6.95
5.50 9 .20 4.95
3.85 4 .95 2.25
.BO .80 . 80
13.20 13.20 13.20
3.15 3.SS 2.25
3.15 3.55 1.35
7 .60
6.90 10.65
12.15 10.60
4 .60 7.85
.60 .60
13.20 13.20
2.25 2.25
1.50 1.50
16.95 16.95
19.20 19.20
5.50 5.50 5.50
5.45 5.45 9.95
2 .50 2.50 5.75
1.50 1.50 1.10
8.95 1.95 8.95
1.25 1.25 1 .50
1 .30 1.30 1.55
4.50 4.50 4.80
4.10 4.10 6.95
6.60 6.60 6 .60 6.60 8.95 10.85 15.10 15.10
7.50 7.50 12.10 12.10 21.25 1 .10 16.40 16.40
3.15 3.15 3.75 3.75 6.65 3.45 6.15 6.15
.80 .80 .80 .80 .80 .80 .95 .95
21.25 21 .25 21.25 21.25 21.25 21.25 21.25 21.25
2.25 2.25 2.70 2 .70 2.70 4.45 4.45 4.45
1.35 1.35 1.45 1.45 2 .85 3.50 3.50 3.50
9.35 9 .35 10.45 10.45 17.95 17.85 18.95 20.10
8.75 8.75 10.15 10.15
6 .65 6 .60 1.95 1 .95 1 .95
14.45 14.45 14.45 14.45 13.20
3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 4.50
1.45 1.45 1 .45 1.45 2.40
7.40 7 .40 7.40 7.40 7.40
2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 3.25
1.25 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.80
11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 13.20
14.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 27.25
6.90 10.50 14.95 14.95
18.50 12.75 14.50 13.70
10.25 5.95 1.25 6.60
1 .25 1.35 .95 .95
17.25 14.95 14.95 14.9S
2.10 2.10 2.50 2.50
1.30 1.30 1.30 1 .30
9.45 9.45 13.20
9.75 9.75 9.75
Quality UNIVERSAL TRACTOR MUFFLERS Tractor, Muffler kit Jteduces Back-pressure, fuel waste, fire and gas Electrically welded, metallic cooted, complete with Bushings to fit moat
ITEM NMT741-3" doa., 35"
length, 2~" shell length, 1~" 1.0. intlet
:~MOU~::T77~S" dia.:-2~ o'alllength,11istieil-.e;;oti.;1~;<2V;;; To$Sintf. 2" 0.0. outlet ITEM NMT771 5" dia, 33W' outlet .
length, 15" shell length, 2V2"-1.0~·- 3"··():[;.· i';'let;' 2' •. .
--'- - - . - .. - - $8.80
6 Of 12 Volt Combinatlon FLOOD LAMP-TAIL LIGHT
5" pow.rfu! SMIe4 le",. - In lhe field wilh a clear bulb Its a flood lamp • •• just flick the ..... lIch an the road and ~ !'f;~ a .f:~~~t~!ht·fl~\~ng;,;"..:::h;g=h= t -,.-_ _ ~.,;;:;_...- - t boked enamel. Can be adapted for SWivel mounting . Saves time - allows work to be conllnued after dark Sav.s live. -
make. Tractor clear!r vi'lble on
Dark roads. ITEM MMTUl
-6 • 10
T _ CIIeb
......., -
C_I Heavy duty for Troctors,
mM MMJ9CC-..6O" .... - mM MM8fCC D" .... _ _ . . .
8-..". . ,. . ,. ....,. . f,!W~~h~U:i"0-0-30 __
ITEM MMTMOO2C-SO-O-SO _ UMIVERSAL TRACTOl OIL 'IWUlE GAUGU Specify Clamp - on type or flange type mounting. MM~25 __ ~U MMOIO $2.65 MMOJO.-O-SO --$2.65 MM0100-4-1oo $1.65
-4-30 _
SEALED BEAM TltACTOR LIGHTS steel lamp equipped with Sealed Beom Unit and Universal bracket (Fin all Tracta.. ) 6 ar 12 Volt (Specify)
Hecwy duty m ad. I with wooden knob held on by lifetime OteOMd metal bulhinO- Strong clamp type __ fIh all tractor "'-Ino wNels.
:r:' h ~tt!!"\~ ~ra J:! Radiator hale. Heavy duty,
Brond N_. Cap. up ta SO h.p. Easily attached to Tractors, Con~'p!':.ldi~ :aarm J:':"';':tl~~ ..... MODEL 23,4-1. Input bare 1-7~". Has two '~r aplined P.T.O. Iham. Wt.
:J:i(,~r ~Iue_~'~'. __~ ______ -
'32.50 -26 50
Can be attached to MODEL """ glvlNl 2 dlffeNnt -.Is. Ratio '-'~. I~t bore 1:w,' tpllned). .)Reg. MODIL _Val _. . $65.00. _ .
Rebu It to equal ong,nol equiPment performance. Guaranteed for 6 months ar 10,000 miles. Ref.. nd of $3.00 will be allawed aff outright p r I c. "hen exchange unit is received prepaid within days of purchase. fiTS MOST MODEU OF TRACTORS - When arderlng give exact year, moke, model and Regulator t>Utnber ITEM MM TR 1~ Oortritht _ 'S.75 ... [xc ....., . $5 75 ... W. cerry 0 le.,. ofOck of Rnullt SIe"." on" Gin.reters for T.. mr.-Wrlt. for ;'for_lo... r,.ift, "u","'r .f ...It .....,1N4!
range of agricultural machinery, providing 0 low..cost,
rugged, and dependable methad of pawer tranSIJIluion Size
42 U
'.rPrlc.Ft. .22 .26
_____ _
far clamp or
lifetime COf1ItructJan. ITIM NM2102
Steel detachable sprocket chain is used in a Wide
$4.15 ...
Heavy gauge
,~ volt robu It r:rator With I generator cutou~ topan;:::r~~ ~~cht.e::nre, T~ r
Kit _ :
85 H.P. fORD ENGINES No. 1 ill Quollty 'orfo_ OllCO ••• No. 1 I. Sorvico • •. No. 1 No. 1 ill Prico. III
DELCO GlH· put _ I~ H3~ amp. at 1100 RPM. Fe< boat ownen cont roe tor 5 .tc., all :;:;sY 18q,u~pXm:,n! dlO., ball bearings, 2 groove 6" V pulley 0 n d mounting brackets. ITE'" In4 . $87•••
crank, screw type For Cor. Truck, Tractor tires Extends to I~", 10" handle, 0 '011 20'. 8 Ibs .... $11.00. ITI'" 11101
H.I_ ID""": Fit Il,4"·2"·2Yz" rear leaf spnng on cars, truck.,
• • A K ECON.
T1IOL KIT-Can be use d With rn 0 $ t Electric Brakes now on the market. CanSlsts of con· troller 10 furnISh graduated e I e c· t"e current to energize Electric
Brokes Load Con'rol for pre ...ttlng
I ght medium or heavy braking de-
ng on prevalent rood cand ... "01"5, plus con~ctlng cables and nng dlogram pend
lTE'" 11'
trailers etc. Adlustabl. SOO ..... to 1.000 Ibs. Increa.. load capacity With 0 nde $U." _ or.
.IPLACEMENT C.OWN • PINION F I to Eatan 2·1pHd rear end with spllned pin I a n. Co.. No. 19750 Far Ford, GM, Inr. 2Y2-3 Tan With 2-1p08(1 rear end ullng the 1350 Eatan Carn.... ITIM IPICI' .... $79 01 $7&.0
Brand Hew
High Temperature Cut·Off Switch
ThiS high woter temperature safety sWitch IS designed for use on untended liquid cooled
engines, to shut off the Ignition system when coolout temperature rises to a pre ~ determined pOint . Temperature setting is adjust-
able by means of a calibrated dial. sWitch opens
temperature rise.
ture range 60 to 220 degrees F. Differential : '0 degrees F Tem.,erature bulb has Y2' 14 Pipe thread "'tlng . Mode by Whlte-Rodg"" Co. Worth $26 .00. Governmenl Surplus _
I 0 r gel"
.square d"ve J 2-pt sockets, in the se
openings ' I ~
I~ ", 1.11 / 1'6 " 21 ,
~n~1 ~;', " I % -.:
2': Set Includes 20" Q 21 " Sliding Tee 80r 0 5"0 Hlbeov y Gouge Steel Co ReverSible Ratche. . s. NEW! GaV'T SUR TrYing Case . Shpg ITEM HTSs PLUS. $149 VALUf 16"
v. .
Ius and S" ExtenSion
_I. . .,. .-
LOW 'IICU on pertly re - manufactured by Conoda'I m o. t expert re· builder. The precision astern--bly lone technique of new motor monufacture combines to produce on engine dynomometer tested to equol or better the performance of your original equipment unit. NOTI: Engine Ihown il a Ford 6 CVI. O'head engine and IS used only to Illustrate the many features of our Rebuilt Engines. All engines do not necessarily come equiPped With parts shown on thIS engine Write to. - .........1.. _ F_r 110.... _Ire _ W. lie. . . . . . . . . for .H ................... )'ear T_. N ................ _ . . ._Y_ __ ..... . . . .s.rt.1 ING INITllUCTIONS - _ llAD C.lIfUU l!Foal :==~N~~st;::~~~;~~ and information far return of old block and crate are packed With IETUIN DUI ILOCK UNTIL NEW INelNI IS RECIIVlD. ..... lac,"......... _ . . . . . . . . . .- - . . WIo. . . . . llee.. _ C_. en .......... - - - - (... ,....., clle_ le W...... ,. NOTE: Truck mators lISted are ......IC. a. ~Ified for the VehICle. For trucks carrying heavier load. t!>on normal we recommend our heavy duty Truck Motors. WIITI '01 MODlU NOT LISTED . . • WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK POI MOST CAIS & TlUCICSI
cylinder _ cylinder _ cylinder _
40.00 75.00 75.00 60.00
10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
199.35 214.61 245.70 214.75
25.00 30.00 30.00
10.00 10.00 10.00
114.30 114..30 201.60
35.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 50.00 75.00
10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
153.60 163.10 174.05 205 .14 205.14 )41.25
40.00 75.00 70.00
10.00 10.00 10.00
199 .35 220.10 214.75
25.00 25.00 P. IO.OO
10.00 10.00 10.00
191 .10 114.30 332.71
10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
236.35 252.20 276.42 593.10
N_ ,... _ ......... ,.....,1.
·f_ .
_",lcel ....... fo, _ •• ...... W ...................~.......I p _ etc; Why ."Y • N•• . . . . . .IItE ...... _ , . . . _ , . . - .... ~ T..-....... _ I ...... lit ~ HI.,,-r 19'7'" lM7 "'ODlU ONLY., Englrws .... not recommended for Installation In Cars or Trucks All Eno nos are Pre-Run and Shop-T.. ted in our up-todate planl W. caN>Ot supply any spKlfoc year 01 molor but _ do GUAIlANTU A IIOOD. IILIAIU MOTOI WITH NO KNOCKS 01 CIACKSI Molon are complet. wltt. all acc:essor ...s. ready-ta-run ITIM GEiI-6 cyI. .... transmISSIon $101.00 IT'''' GUJ...-6 cyI. wltt. transml"oon _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ $121.00 ITI'" GE'J-6 cyL with Irons. and Rod. _ $160.00 ITIM GEll-1 cyI..... transml",on $120.00 IT.,.. GEI2-I cyI. with Iransmlssion $110.00 ITIM GEI2-I cyI. trons. and Rod . . _ .. $liS.OO
JEEP ENGIN These motor hove been re moved from army leeps, completely ov erhauled, 0 I I worn par t s replaced, new rings Installed etc., and ore guoranteed some os Q rebuilt motor. T he y include 011 electrical equipment (on engine ) c I ut c h h 0 u sin 9 ( less clutch ). Complete os IlIustrated--o proven p ower plant for jeeps, snow plows, boo ts, welders etc.
Complele Dodge engine by army. Includes -
corburetor, generator, distributor, fuel
pu mp, sta rter, clu tch
plate and clutch housing, wa t er pump_ Comple t e lY rebuIlt with new rings, pistons, pin s, and bearings. Many ore standard throughout, with some under sizes. This is 0 m ilita ry unit to f it Dodge and
Plymouth cars. '12 10 2 ton t rucks, 1941-50 and =;:~~ I~~;~~~~e oac~~s~o~i~I~~der engine up to 1956 Specia l
ITEM GE 90 Exchang e
Ou tright
$270.00 $310.00
~"""'l~I:'i",B,IB'1'Mm'f':I!'iii'la!'i't!.ll! i ~, .~ ~ ....M,
. . . . . . . . .,•• , .. _ ".'" _ _ ..• OM.. England ••• and at the price you wo"t to pay! Top quality, or.gina. equipment type don't pay ntravalant pricn for hard ta,at ports . . • buy ",em f,o," Prince" Auto today and Save!
Make " Model Year
AUST IN A-4 0 ' 41-' 52 DevonDorset, '52-'54 Somerset
FO RD ' 56-'61 Consu l MK II
019'1 . 0
HILLMAN MINX ' 54-' 51
STANDARD Vanguard '48-' 61
VAUXHALL Wyvern ' 52-'56
Passenger ' 53 to Aug. ' 60
4 3 VI
4 77MM
Cylind er. Bor. Size Pistons (with pin and ringl) Re ·ring Set Rod Be ar ing Set Main Bearing Set Exhaust Val"es Intoke Val"es Tim ing Chain
4 2 .571
4 3
4 2.894
4 3.3464
$ 6 .20 $13 .30 $ 5.15 $ 4 .75 $ 1.45 $ 1 .12 $ 4 .45
$ 9 .45 $ 14.70 $ 4 .75 $ 5.45 $ 2.9 5 $ 1.60 $ 4 .45
$ 7.60 $ 12.30 $ 4 .75 $ 4 .65 $ 2.00 $ 1.65 $ 4 .65
$ 7.00 $ 13.65 $ 5.95 $ 7.55 $ 1 .60 $ 1.45 Geor Dr j" e
$ 9 .75 $12 .90 , 4 .50 $ 4 .20 $ 1.95 $ 1.55 $ 4 .95
$ 7 .85 $20.00 $ 1 .25 $ 7 .30 $ 1 .65 $ 1.40 $ 4 .45
$ 8.25 $ 9 .20 $ 5.70 $16.00
GASKETS Cylinder Head Conversion Set Val"e-Co"er Oil Pan
$ $ $ $
$ $ $ $
$ $ $ $
$ $ $ $
$ 5.70 $ 3.60 $ 1.40 .88
$ 3.70
1.95 2.15 1.0 5 1.15
4 .00 3.60 1 .52 1 .12
6.00 3.60 1.62 1.20
$ 4 .30 $ 3.60 .75 $ 1.75
4 .45 4 .50 1.20 1.20
Whon ordering ltete yeor, mok. ond model. This i. oftly partlol lilt of our stack. WRITE FOR ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS CRANKSHAFT KITS. ETC.
- ,--
W . . IU."T CIAMKllI,. ..., ... IIicIucI.I Nul,'on ....
ID! PIIYON PII'rON I.,..... . Iurd
P1I': -:='Ity
~ PlItoft ,~ ~ lion . . . for far qoodIIDII em hlLh h Lh CDmCM!-
.;...Tap .... 1ty
...... CnIMIIio~ft.MIIIn . IIINid ,..~ _ ~"
" ~n. ne''' ••.• ........
................ ~ IiIICIInIIt .GIO• .020, .030 .......... to ~
•••.er .r P..r. B ~..~ ...,..•. £"",,"",.
tooy t o - - . ,~ ~ lion _ perfect fit. DC.......
. . . . . . . . . .! . .
.... 0MnIu_ ChoenIu_ .NO
.......•• Engl ....'ad of 'h. flnos' fln ••1 moterlOb moterlOls 10 la .....,1 hlOt. p, ..... ,. hlOf. pr .....'. ate ete
, . . ....... ..., If . . . . . . _It ..
.......1...11............... ... . . . . . . . . .,..,...1.............
(e) (E)
VALVa- Save Saw YALYIItime t _ and .ffort w II It h 11 O,1g1ila1 Original equ~ !PItcpalequl.--.. IIy Ity Intake and Exhouat VoI Vof_ bhoust ..... Mode by...,. of Made by the wo,ld'S wo,Id s largIhe e.I ••t Engine E"", lne Parts Ports
Monufacture,s. Manufacture,s.
llA.""'".x· ...IINU-
Mode Mode to to ."
octlng " I t_ _ acting
dorcll a' of da,ds f,nett ""' "",tafinest ...
,"0 la 11. 'In II point poInt design
,._,eh by exell· ,._rch ~,~.!'~~,on &:.'~3;;~,an
wa......,... •., .... _ ....................... ::tolL." ::DlL,"
....... 0nIIriII 1ntnctIoa IntnctIoa wa... ........ ., __ • ........_ I t ..........
=.lIA~U~::: =AllA~u~:::
l'r~~tl:::3~·rr:::::: ''r~tl:::3~I":::::: /., UNDlllllza. UNDUItZI, . . . ., .... I.. I0Il1.
TAG MUM... NUM ••I .... .. ...IAL RIAL NUMII" If ......... CMUM"" ....... M"",, .. ., CM....... IIMD liNO IAMPU IAM'U If POSSI.UI POSlI.UI MOn: NOn: Ixe ...... Price ....... ..., b •• _' .......... Mlr ..... ,............. U .... Is .................. UIIlt .. __ ",I0Il PR.,AIDI '.IPAIDI If If _It _It .. Is
1945·48-V8 1 cyl. cyl. 1949·54-V8 eyl. cyl. 1955·63-V8 eyl. 1952-55-6 1952·55-6 cyl. 1955-63~ cyl. 1955 · 63~ -=c7y~ I ':-:-:-___I-__ DODGE, DODGE. PlYM~ Pi. - O~U=T~H-----1 1939-54-6 1939·54-6 cyl. 37.50 37 .50 1955-62~ 37 .50 1955·62~ cyl. 1955-62-8 45 .95 1955·62-8 cyl. Cha~~--+STUDE8AKER Ch 1947 -54 · 54 40 .95 1955-62 1955· 62 la,k Lark 42.95 PONTIAC 1941 -5 · 54-6 cyl. POHTIAC 1955-621955· 62- 6 cyl. 1955 -62. 62- V8 cyl. c I. WILLYS JEEP 1942-63-4 1 WlllYS
55.85 5 .75 22.50 .50 12.05 8.95 8 .95 55 .85 5.75 8.95 2 .50 12 12.05 .05 8 .95 65 .95 2.50 2 .50 15 .05 12.95 5 .75 62.95 5 .75 5.75 3 .10 12.25 9 .95 62.95 +-.;.. 5.75 3.10 9.95 5_.7-'.5-+_3 ",._1_0 __r 12.25 l_2_.2_5__r-_ 9_.9_5
1.65 1.65 2 .00 2 .00 2.00 2 .00
1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65
1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40
7 .25 13 .75 12.25 12.25
3.25 3.25 7.30 7 .30 5 .50 5.50
57 .50 57 .50 57.50 65 .95 60.95 62.95
5 .85 5 .85 6 .20
3 .10 3.10 3 .10
15 .50 12.05 18 .70
14 .05 10.75 13 .95
1.75 1.75 2 .10
1.50 1.50 1.70
1.45 1.45 1.70
.25 13 .2S 13.25 13 .25 14.95
3 .25 3 .25 7.30 7 .30
6 .25 6 .25
3 .10 3 .10
15 .50 15.50
11 .95 11.95
1.30 1.30
.95 .95
1.35 1.35
14.85 16.80
2 .95 2 .95
_ ~-.~~~~~4
_."'e_"'o!eo! ..... .,.,
............................ ..t _"'lOll ......... OUT· OUT.
RIGHT .IGHT ,.... will ... M ......., .......
IItIIt """ Is .. -"'eo! -"'l1lI PR.PAID. '.IPAID. COAl( COA . ...,...IT . . .IT IHIITI~ I"IITI'-Pl22'122$1 . . . . . . . 36xI2",,~ev. PUS36MI2xl/32 $1.2 36,,12113/32 $1.1. . . . . ,224P22436xI2>l1 / " " ___ .., 36"12111,, . . . .... . .
MIQOtD IS" -.uootD SHIITING SH.ITING - 1.' w Id. de . _lOlly _lOlly '"".... ......... to to w wIttIlfond wlthltond oil. oil Mot No' and ..... ~ -P214-1/~" preuu...___.. •11 ft. PlI4-1 64 .11 '111--1 132" ____ .a .... PIlI-Ill .11 It. '116-1 PlI4-1 / 16" 16 _. ._ .11 . . ft. MS.IT IHIUAC- A' A fN MltelT ..... !eolt Ieok -• _ling co........,nd mpound for outomot_ o-Iwto h •. ea.. ...... .Jt ...... _ ' " owab owab.Jt
_'ing..... out_'_ _.111
,IM, .....
Ustllp Shown .... ...e for Populi PopuIIr Modtls Only-We HIVe a Complete Stock for d Models Modtls of Cars aid Trucks! Write for. J.r ........u. Uatilp , r Models
A-LL 1' ulfk tN"Gl ' AKYS ALL ~'UUk tNu N t t tt'AKJ)
(G) BRAND NEW FUEL PUMP5--<lt low•• COlt
the,. ,"oat"Ut pumps! Some guor-
antee os 0 n~w Car; Neoprene diophroms rulst the effects o'~:: oil. oil, gas etc. Designed not. to fail or fatioue under all climatic conditions! NO EXCH... NGE REQUIRED REQUIRE D ••. •• th . . . .N ' •• n' n~ !.. Now P"mp.r
(HI REBUILT CARBURETORS -Fully guaranteed workmon ship and Quality. . rebuilt M
~ron~,n~I~l;.1 o(rl~:~;r E::i~j~;~t
C.,bl. can b. occ.pted fa, • xchang.. S.. Ord.ring ." .. structlons betor. ord.rlng!
(11 CARBURETOR tain& necessory ports. to grve you r Corburetor "like - new"
. replace worn
ports for economical, efficienr operation. S•• ord.r.", I"str"c. tlon. 10010'. Ioolor. ord.rlngl o,d.rlngl
,4!~~ ~
Exch. hch. lOut. Out.
Make, Model and Year
CHEVROLET T,uck Standard 5tanda,d 1941 · 51-Pa ••. & Truck 2.65 9.40 10.90 1952·54-P•••• & Truck T,uck 2 .65 12.50 18.90 1955·56--Pa... & Truck 3.40 12.50 18.90 11.90 1958-- 6 cyl. Pa 1951-Po ... & Truck 10.65 12.50 20.90 1959·62-1'a... & Truck 4 .15 12.50 20.90 1955·61-V8 (2 barrel Carb.) 5.25 13.50 28.50 21.50 1955·61-VI 1955·61-V8 (4 barrel ba".1 Carb.) 5 .25 24.95 49.95 1950. 59-Truclu, 59-T,uclu, 235 Engine, \I.·2Y. Y.·2Y1 3.40 12.50 20.90 Ton--6 cylinder i:ORD--Speclfy whethe, whether left or ,ight right hand Wat., Water Pump 1937-48--... /1 pass. VI 1937-41--... V8 2 .65 6.95 9.95 1949.54-Pa 1949.54-Pao••. •. & Truck VI V8 2 .65 6.95 9.95 1955· 59-8 cyl. cy!. 5tandard Stan~ard 5.25 12.65 25.65 1955· 61--6 cyl. Standard Standa,d 4.60 8.35 15.35 1955· 61-8 cyl., 4 barrel ba"el (F and an~ V) 11.70 24 .95 49.95 1949· 57-8 c,l. Truck. T,uck. without Gov. 5.25 6 .95 9.95 1934·54-Fo,d .... V.L. 1934·54-Ford 2.90 6.95 9.95 DODGE, PLYMOUTH 1939·54-"," 1939-S4-"," 6 cyl. 2 .65 11 .10 14.10 1955·S6--AII 6 cyl. 1955·56--AII 2 .65 12.65 20.65 1939·56--Glass bowl fuel pump 1939·S6--Glass 2.65 12.65 20.65 1957·59--6 cylinder 3.75 12.65 20.65 1960·63-6 cylinder cylinde, 4.95 12.65 20.65 1951 .54-y~.3Y1 T. Truck. (6 cyl.) 2.85 11.10 14 .10 mt::::~:~t' Truclu T~~c~ru(~. c~t) cyl.) 1955.60--%.2T (6 cyl.) 3.60 12.65 20.65 1957·61--<:an. V8, VI, Dodge Do~ge Dart 5.40 13.50 28.50 (2 barrel Carb.) Ca,b.) PONTI ...C-1941-4I!-AII 8.25 12.65 20.65
tory pumps rebuilt to
nol Foe tor y specifications. Se. order'ng I"ltn.dlon, Instnl«Ion. b •• tor. orderh"r
. '" ~ ....
-G.Joronteed SQme 01 new unit Th!'5e ore Original Foc. Foe.
m~", .. ~'" WATER PUMPS Exch. Out. hch. lOut.
P .A. M . M...STER GASkETS, GASkETS ..--...,.......,.--_ i~ I---~--- P.A.M. . '" ~~ -< Orhu~~1 Valve Cy!. Cyl. Manifold Oil Valve Rocke Rocke,r % t;; Grinding He ad Set Pon Cove r .... 0 Set GriS'e~ing Head Cover ~o S.t
2 .35 2.95 1.45
6 .50 6.75 5. 80 5.10 5.80 5.10 5.80 5.10 18.10 .10 1.10 8.10 5 .80
7 .50 7 .76 .7S 8.80 • . 80 8.80 B.80 18.80 .10 11 .10 11 .10 8.80
1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60
11.15 18.70 .70 1.70 8 .70 8.70 • . 70 12.00 12.00 18.70 .70
3 .50 3.20 3.20 3 .20 3.20 3.90 3.90 3.20
1.60 2 .30 2.30 2 .30 2.30 .75 .75 2.30
.10 .70 .70 .70 .70 ' 1.50 1 .50 .70
1.45 1.45 2.35 2 .35 2 .95 2 .35 1.45
5.50 18.65 .65 10.20 8.60 10.35 10.20 5 .50
6.50 9 .65 .6S 13.20 11 .61;1 13.35 13.20 6 .50
1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1 .75 1.75
7.60 7 .60 14.05 9 .20 14.05 14.05
4 .70 4 .70 6.85 4.95 6.15 6.85 6.15
1 .55 1 .55 .95 .93 .95 .95
.60 .60 1.20 .36 1.20 1.20
1.45 lA5 1.45 lA5 1.45 lA5 1lA5 .45 1.45 lA5 1.45 lA5 1.45 lA5 1.45 lA5
7.50 7 .50 7. 50 7.50 9.50 7.50 7 .50 11.90
18.50 .50 8.50 • . 50 18.50 .50 18.50 .50 12.50 10.50 10.50 14.90
1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1 .70 1.70 1.70 1.70
10.45 10.45 10.45 10.45 8.70 10.45 10.45 10.86 10.16
3.BS 3.85 3.85 3.BS 3.85 3.15 3 .BS .85 3.40 3.85 3.85 7.35
2.20 2.20 2.20 2 .20 .75 2.20 2.20 1.08
.55 •• 5 1.30 .85
.as .85
.Il .83 1.44
8.80 8.10
.80 .10
2.35 1.45 2.35 2.50 2 .50 3.25
18.80 .10 5.80 5.10 8.10 9.70 9.70 9 .25
9.80 18.80 .80 11.10 12.70 12.70 12.25
1.60 1.60 1.60 1.90 1.90 1.90
7.20 7 .20
..75 75
18.00 .00 18.00 .00
3.30 3 .30
1.47 1.47
1.10 1.10
1.05 1.05
~ ~~tl tt-----t----+ I
u~~ u.: '" I 1.50 1 .45 1.45 1.45
1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.80 1.10 1 .10 .80 1.05
.75 .75 .75 .75 .75 1.40 1.40
1.75 1 .75 .1.30 1.02 1.30 1.30
.99 .99 1.44 1.17 1.44 1.44
.80 1.38 .80 .10 .10
.55 .SS .55 .55 .SS .SS
1949·54-... /1 Standard 5tanda,d T,an Tran •. 19S5-5~ cylinde. 1955·5~ cylinde r cyl. tile. tIlcept, 1958·60--8 eyl. pt, H.P. Eng. STUDEBAkER 5TUDEBAkER Chompion-1941.531955·58-1955· 51-1952·59-... /1 VI except Golden Hawk
5.20 3.40 5.25 2.95 4 .25 5.50
12.65 12.50 24.95 2.4.95 12.95 12.95 13.95
20.65 18.90 11.90 49.95 19.95 19.95 24.95
.SS .55 .55
.55 .SS .55 .55 .55
.IS .85
.as .85
.13 .83 .13 .76 .I .13l
.93 .93
fit tin g, Original equipment Quail ty goskets. of comprt!~ sible cork, compressible paper or finest metal asbestos construction. HOTE: Valve ,1.indll,11 set. Include 011 gaskets excepl Oil pon. 0.. V·I mad.1t w h • " o,d.rins ord.,in8 c y It 11 d er hea" .a.k.rt lIa.kets .tote whether left 0' or "ghl "lIhl hand side is. required. Rea" Ord.rlag Ord.rlltg Inltructio .. 1 ear.fulIy ... ".fo.. fo.. Orderl".1 O~.rla.1 Full overhaul ... Is contain all Ihe the go .. kets needed for a complete overhaul job.
LISTINGS SHOWN ... RE PO po U L ... R W.• MODIU . • _ W h.... a lar.. la,.. dock of most C ...R .a .. ."d TRUCK .....t.I.. MOd.I.. Writ. fa, far .11 '0'"
..."Ira_a"" "Ira_,,""
CHEY., PONTIAC (10-11) (20·22) 1940·41 lUO-4' All 4 .80 1949-54 All 1949·54 4 .'0 1955-57 1955· 57 11011 Ball Joint DODGE, PLYMOUTH 19l6-52 1936·52 55.70 .70 1951·54 1953-54 5.70 1955-56 1955·56 5.70 1957- 59 1957·59 1960 PD1·2 PDI - 2 8011 Ball Joint FORD, METEOR 1949-54 425 1949·54 4 .25 1955·56 1955-56 Ball Joint 1957·51 Ball Joint 1957-5' 1960 Ball Joint
1.19 1.'9 1.19 1.89 2.15 2 .25
2.00 2.00 7.35
1.70 1.70 7.15
12.30 .30 6.15 6 .15
5.00 5.50 7.15 7.25
2 .95 2.95 2 .95 13.'0 .10 4 .50
9 .25 10.25
9.25 10 .15 .25
12.10 .10 2.10 2 .10 7.50
1.10 2.10 12.10 .10 2.10 7 .50
1.70 3.70 33.70 .70 1. 3. 50
5.10 5.10 5.20
1.75 1.75 1.75 1.70 3.70
6 .15 5 .90 6.10
6 .05 5.90 6.10
2.25 2 .25 11.25 13.25 11 .15 .25 13
12.25 .25 11 .15 .25 13 11.25 13 .15
] .50 3.50 6.10 6.00 5.15 5.35
4 .80 .10 6.00 5.75
Make, Model, Yeor (Truck)
CHEY., GMC, MAPLE LEAF 1947-55 5.00 1947· 55 "'2 Ton 1:, 1955 1/2 Ton 5.00 1941·55 4 .65 1941-55 '•• . Ton 1955 3 .. Ton 550 5 .50 1 5.50 1956 1'2-3 1 ' 1.) Ton FORD 1942-52 5.00 1953-56 ~{_i:nTon 5.10 66.15 .15 1957-60 "2 1957·60 " Ton 195)·60 6 .15 1951-60 1 Ton 6.15 1953-60 195)· 60 111'1 h ·.. l Ton 1.75 ' .75 INTERNATIONAL 1950-56 1950·56 6.50 Write 1957· 1957-60 60 DODGE, FARGO 19461946 · 56 ""2, -. 1 Ton 4 .70 615 1957. 58 ''2-1 , · 1 Ton 1957-
7.00 Sh. 6.30 L. 6.95Sh. 5.95 L. 7.25 6.25
• 6
11.15 12.15 12.15 11.15 16.95
3.65 3.65 5.95
1.22 1.11 1.22 1.12 1 .40 1.40
1.75 11.75 .75 1.90
3.30 l.30
9 5 5 7 7
16 .05 16.05 14 .30 .10 .30 14 .l0 19 .90 15 25 .90
44.65 .65 5.95 5.95 6.15 6 .55 655
1.45 1.15 1 .35 1.35 1.)5 1.35 2.05
1 .35 1.35 1.35 I.l5 1.75 1.75 1.75
3.00 1.00 ] .00 3.00 1.00 3.00 5.45
7 7 6 6
15.10 15.20 .20 15 .10 16.45 12 22 .50
4 .50 4 .50 5.70 1' .90
.80 .10 1.05 1.05 11.15 .15
1 .35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.45
1.00 2.00
3 .10 3.30
SPECIAL MODEL INFORMATION 1.95 2.05 2 .15 2.85 3.15 1.25
Second Series Se,ies up to 1951 Socond se Second series ries up to 1959 Second Series up to 1959
13 .35 35 4 .65 13.60 .60 4 .95 6.65
6 7 10
1105 12 .05 12 .65 14 .20 17 .90 22 .70
1.45 3.45 1395 .95 4 .40 5.95 6.10 6.30
14.15 15.95
1.15 3.15 7.25
6 5-] 5· 1 7 10
•• I I
1.40 1.(0 1.<0 1.40 1.40 2 .65 265 LM, SM,, 1)0 130 LM . RN , SM Al00, Bl00 2 .75 2 .75
11.35 11 .35 11 .90 13 11 II .U .35 16 .50 24 .95
I 4.) 4-] 5-3 5· 1 5-4 5~
11.15 17 .15 17.15 12 22 .00 13.15 21.15
4 .95 4.95 5 .75 6.95 605 6 .05
4-3 4· 3 10 10
19 .15 .25 20.50 20 .50 21.75 35 .75 46 .30 .10
5.20 5 .51 .55 6.25 775 7.75 11 10
I8 4
12.25 32.15 1115 11.15
9 .20 7 .15 725
I............ .........
_-_ ......
1 .95 1.95 11.95 .95 1.95 1 .95 · 1.95
1.15 1.15 1.85 1.15 1 .15 1.15 2.10 2.l0
1.15 1.)5 1.35 1.)5
1.40 1.50
2.15 2 .15 2 .65 2 .65
1.50 1.50 1.50
1.30 11.30 .3 0
250 22.50 .50
2 .60 2 .15
1.40 1 .40 1.40
....... -. .....
.....,.... t.II'rI'*
,.." '011
wa." ...
D.II"I. Your YOllr T.uck T,lIck PoylNd P.ylo.d Doulll. SPRINGS! with OVERLOAD SPRINGSI Massive . . . ~~~\I~~tY ' . Save your
De~fr~VJiv~uWo~ndi;,osO~~d y~~~
truck from from Destructive Pounding and Jor truck
Does of hheavy loads loads Does not not affect atfect easy of eovy Overload beyond the capacity wor.ks only onto 'nstall Each kit contolns
~~i:'e~u~r ~;;i~~S~n~as~~toC:~~~\~I~ . be.Yfo~h t~rt ~~~f~:~~
ridi ng of regular springs. Eosyw
-- I
0 11 brackets and ports l' not t ed. CH£".iIR~''{e<':.~~f parts re~~ft~' re'W:f!~- 'or for all 011 mode mode'" no! Il, lilted. CHEVROlET 32 .70 1947-54 ¥,+ (R. ton ar)_____________ M20A $$32.70
1946-54 ton ---. ____. _____________ M21A 19~ 7-5 ~ '~ "\lA ton
FORO" fORD .. 1938-52 1938-52 1953-60 1953-60 19 53-60 :m-60 1961 1961
1946-54 1946-54 19~654 1955-59 1955-59 1955-59 1955-59 1955-59 19 55-59 1955-61 1955-6 1 MtRC. (Raa,) MERC.ton (R. ar) 3.4_____ M 19 1 3h- - - M30 ~ ltonto n_____ M30 V; ton -. M31 jiA- l ton .. ---- ~H l}-lto~O~_=:-.:: '(~ ~-1t onton ---.-. ___ ::g~ M34 3iA-l ton -.--
j1'A ton ton30
-. - M21 B Ser . __ _-_._ _ ____ M21B Ser. - - . - . - - - . - - . M26 Y2t on ton30______________ M26 V2 on ..__________________ - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - M27 34 tton 3,4 ton ----.. - ..- . - - . - - - - - - - M28 1 ton _________________ f1 Y2to nton ._______________ --- -.-. M29 1 V2 ton - DODGE·LFA RGO(Rear) DODGE .. FARGO (Reor) $31.50 1939-58 V2 on __ .-- M23 Y2 tton ---.-35 .25 1939-58 35.25 1939-58 3h3.4-1l to tonn ____ - - - MH M24 38 50 M26 3795 ~;:~~ 1959-6 1959-611 Y2 y, t on -._.--. - - - - M26 440.30 0 :30 1959-61 19 59-61 3.43h- 1 tton on - - - M27
... . .. . ...11
31.45 38.45 29 .95 29.95 ll.95 33.95 38.45 34 .95 56.10
$30.00 ll 33.90 .90 34 .90 31.50 n.'o
COIL ,F ION R 0 1'1 T TEN I 1'1 D SPRING SPACEIS-Eas"RIHG S'ACERS-Eosily installed, 2 spacers
quality .. raise your quality .. raise your cor cor :~ in ~"aS~~IIe;:;ri~ each spring s~~:: raises easily . . . economically. economically, easily cor V2", El iminot. car 1lY2 ". Eliminate St.1e Y ."r, Meke, M...., Mod.1. Mod.l. Y. .. Hfront "front _- end end dive" dive".. dedeITEM NM·SA4_ crease tire wear_ •••• 11 55 ITEM HM·IA4GcrllO.. wear. ITEM X2000A lUooOA .... _'... _a~1, I'~.-.. _------_.. _.._._- .._.-_ $2.25 $_2_ ._U_ _ _ ITlM four ITEM lUooo-s.t X2011O-Sot .f of fou, $1.80
(1) .DUALM ....TIC SlLEC1:IVE HUBS DUALMATlC SEUCTIVE DRIVE. DRIVE HU.S Available Ava ilabl e for f or Veh Vehicles icles to to 5 T Tons ons ',' .. 011 makes makes of "4-wheel y converts -wheel drives. dr ives. Easil Easily co nverts ..4-wheel · whee l drive drive dr ive units un its to 2-wheel 2 ~ wheel d rive for for Highway use. o 100 % "f, traction tract ion in mud or snow, toster fa ste r on highh igh· ways. Quick ways. Qu ick change of drive dri ve for ffields ields or trails" trails, gives increased power powe r in both drives. dri ves.
WILLYS EEP-1942-50 WlllYS JJEEP1942· 50 All models w/ nut and washer on end to axle $ 59.00 a xle shaft. ________ __ __
~~~e~ ~~~el. -6gld~~ -6gld~; I1 :o~~~~s :o~~~;s ;;{~n~~a~~~ :;{~n~~a~~~ ~t ~r ae.;1~ oe,;]~ ~~ snap sna p ring both bol h sides _______________ ___________. $ 59.00 59 .00 GMC 1960-61-Y2, $65.00 1960-6 1-V2, 31, 3h , 1 Ton _____ _ _. _$ 65 .00 CHEV. 1960-61-Y1, ~ , I1 Ton ______ 1960-61-V1 ' 34, ___ $ 65.00 FORD fORD 1959-61 F-l00, F·fClo, F-250 f·25 0 _______ .._. ____.$6'.00 $65.00 ~~"oG~~~~61-W-l0~~_~~~~~_ ~~.,.,G~~~-_6 1-W- l _~~~-~_~.y2_ a$g,.~ 0$~5.~ Wr ite for •. Write fo, prices Qn on 011 all 4 wh oo drive Ve hicle h icles. (1) MOTOR JERVlCII--AU' (2)..MOTOI SERVIC~AUtOMOTIVE OMOTIVE ENCY· EHCY· CLOPEDIA, ClOPEDIA, )960 1960 EDITlONEDITlOH- The The fundamental fundame n tal p rinCi ples, the fou ndati on for Quick a nalysis ~~~c~~~~ir and re pa ir t~:ed~~U8~2t~~ge~~r needs. 832 pages, o~~ic~ooon~:r~!~ over 3000 Illustrot ions. TB-4·AE 10.50 tra tions. TB-4· AE _______________ _______. ___ .______$$10.50 FIX TB· 5·V _____ $4.15 fIX YOUR YOUR VOLKSWAGENVOlKSWAGEH-TB·5·¥ ___.$4 .15 FIX 1960. TB· F ____ FIX YOUR YOUR FORD fORD 1946· 1946·1960. TB·6· 6·F ___ . $4,15 $4.15 FIX fIX YOUR YOUR CHEVROLET CHEVROLET 1940· 1940·1960. 1960. __ __ ___.$4 $4.15 .15 fIX YOUR YOUR PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH 1940·1960, 1940·1960. -----$4.15 _ __ $4 _15 FIX
Fobulou.r Fabuloulf
" . ~ :~~" ~ .~ • ~ ,.
MILES OR U MON'THS • _ _ -GUARANTEED 12,000' M'LES _. '." ,...--.. ' R I OR 12 MONTHSI , _ .:gU or type ~ • . Regular type shock shack obab- -~.'" • .' _ rber aSSures pos·t,ve cont I ,. sorber aSSures POSitive control on up and down strokes for greater ::~he~n~o for greater safety and positive posHive Cor Car C~~t~o~ con trol. uPRg~~ Road ~h~~kstrOkes shock and and bounce are piston rod totop~1hce t, cust'lIony bounce are absorbed produce aa sof soft, cushiony "de ride _ Steel Steel pressure cylinder Piston rod to withstand the r>gours of every Road Condition. ITEM NM.SAl_~~~ ~~".t:;~ours of every RoaJ'r~~s~d~I~~'nder 'TEM NM.SA3I--Mo.t Mod.'. .----.------. ______ .______ . __ .. _
'4 59
and steel hardened a i d sleel harde ned • eoch
4 •59
W,'fo ty •• Shock ....... W,'t. for 10' P"'.' on on hh•• ••\'}' ¥)' duty duty type Shock Abo 1.11.0,10 ... _
"Safety· Ride" Shock Sprints Sprines "Safety·Ride" Inslalls Installs ov.r over present GOOD shock absorbers. absorbers. Carnes Carries overload With with 10ft soft level ride - no bottom">g. bottoming. EaSily Easily ,nonstollod In minutes with no speCial stalled special tooll tools.. Fits 90% of cars. I.U7-1'.I. ___ --- $8.H ITEM HM NM SA17-P." $8.25
. ach
KHIE·ACTIOH KNEE·ACTION A'SORlnS SHOCK ... ISORIIRS ~ Faclory Factory rebuilt and It •est s led. Equal In ed. in Quality 10 to Bra n d New units. 'ROHTFRONT$8.00 $8.00 .••.•• . . . .ch. ch, - $10.10 $10.50 oul,l,h! REAR$8.20 . . . . .ch. - $ 8.70 o.t,,,ht oul,l,hl
(3) HlA'tY HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC'S ECHAHIC'S VlSlS-Heavy VISI Hea vy d uty, qQuality uality Paramo duty. Poromo Vices with renewable eab le jow-pla tes, den d e n s e structure interchang interchangeable jaw-plates, Iype nut, nul, chip deflectors, deflec t ors, 3 base bo lt solid type bolt rigi d bench be nch fixing f ixi ng.. Body and holes to insure rigid iron. slide mode of Hi-duty iron, HMV4-4 " wide jaw, 43.4 4 3h " opening _. $16.'0 f16 .50 NMV4-4 NMVS-5" wide jaw, 6)(2" opening _ $23.50 ~!::~:=~:: wide ::~: jaw, !~:: 8~y'2~ ~~nnln~______- $31.00 $n:~g NMV6---6" ' opening HM VS6-6" Jjaw, w'!swive~ base $38.50 $31.50 l1MVS6---6" aw, 8" op., ~L.swivel (4 TOIlCAN TORCAH CAR~ CAR WARMERWARMlR-Rugged (-C.) Rugged Col-Rod e lemenl. 750 W., W ., 115V. Motor and fan provide prov ide element. effic ient circulation, circulation, built-in bu ilt- in shut-off protecefficient t io n. Easily installed With brackets for ea sy r~~~~II~fi~~ Insto llol ion. ~~~t: Size:a~y!,,'W~ 7 Y, " W x ~rY2c,~[JsX 5 Y2" 0 x f5~ 5 Vf :;o~ H. ITEM NM750 HM750 =~-~~_,,~_.---------_$~0.95 .. _. ______.. __ ._____ .___ $ 0.95 ITEM (5) SAVE. OH FROST SHI!LDS-Long losling(.5) SA'lL.ON SHIE.LDl-Long lastingPlast ic 7x 17 17 ___ _ _ _pr. pr. $1.55 $1." Plostic 7x __ pr. $1.1 $1.10 10x25* __. ea. eo. $1.55 $ 1." 7x13 __ 0 10x25' 10x20' 13x25' IOx20· __ ea eo._ $1.50 1 1.50 13x25· _____ __ ea. eo. $1.85 $1.., 13x20* _. _ ea. eo. $1. I." 16x2S* ___ eo. $2.95 $2.9 5 13x20' 55 16x25* _ ea. 16x20* ____ ea. eo . $1.75 1.75 20x25* _____ _._ ea. eo. $3.50 $ 3.50 16x20 * ____ for Green Gre en -· ti t inted shields ields aadd .10 to to price. price. •• For nt ed sh dd .10 Vent Sh Shie lds (plastic]-<:ars (p lastiC --<:ors to to 1.959, 59 , pr. $1.57 $1.57 Vent ields (6) F.-It cOY.,." W W......... dow ch.R_b9/32" ch.. 1-9/ 32" base, base, (6) meta l. Fils Fits all 011 cars cars and and 9/ 16 " hhigh, igh , flexible f lexible metal. 9/16" t ruc ks. ITEM ITEM NM·WC--8' HM·WC--a' length leng t h ____ _ _ _$$2.40 2 .40 trucks.
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.,MU. A R AMD IT AIlTIR All. rrAllna All· MATUREI Mol $2." te
............ ..............
~If"STARTERS b.h. Out.
1948-52 1 1951· 1 54 1955-56 1957-61
all (6V . .. (6V. " pole) all lot. 6 cyl. • cyl. 8• cyl.
$3.49 3 .49 3.49 13.49 .49 3.49 3.49 13.49 .49
$ .63
$ .93
$ .13
.67 .87 .• 7 .87 1.55 1. SS .87
.93 1.12 1.70 2.20 1.12
.33 .33
1939-50 1939· 50 6 cyl. 3.49 .77 1951-SS 6 cyl. 1951·55 33.49 .49 .77 1956-59 6 crI. 1956·59 3.49 .77 1960-61 6 cyl. 1960·61 1 .49 .77 1957-59 8• cyl. 1957·59 3.49 .77 1960-61 8 cyl. 1960·61 3.'9 .77 FORD, METEOR, MERCURY, MONARCH 1945-41 1945· 41 VI 1 .49 1.44 1949·53 1949-53 V8 1.03 3.49 1 1954·56 1954-56 V8 1.03 1 .49 1957·59 1957-59 V. va 3.49 1.03 1960-61 1960·61 VI 1.49 1.03 1956-61 1956· 61 6 cyl. 1 .49 1.03 PONTlAC POHTlAC 1940-U 1940· 53 6 cyl. 3.49 .77 1954 6 cyl. 1.49 3.49 .87 1955·61 19S5-61 6 cri. cyl. 3.49 ..7 .87 1957. 1957.61 61 8 cyl. 3.49 1.60 VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEH 1954-59 1954· 59 3.49 1.22 WILLYS (Autollte Equ Equlpme"t) lpme"t) 1940-50 cyl. .98 1940· 50 44 cyl. 13.49 .49 1945-41 lAD Dill. 194'.... 3.49 .98 1951-59 1951 . " 6 cyl. 13.49 .49 .98 .98 1953· aU-58 5. 4 cyl. cYI. 3 .49 3.49 .91
1.40 1.40 1.40
.33 .37 .37
1..5 l.a5 1.85
~~~G~~ ~LV~OUTH
$ .43
Generator Armature Exchange
.38 .4 • .48 .38 .18 .48 .48
13.65 13.65 18.95 18.95 18.95
.53 .58 .58 .38 .48 .38
13.75 13.75 19.50 19.50 19.50 19.50
16.75 16.75 22.50 22 .50 22.50 22.50 22.50
10.20 10.20 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65
16.20 16.20 21.65 21.65 21 .65 21.65 21.65
6.35 6.35 6 .35 9.80 9.80 9 .80 9.80 9.80 9.10
6.35 6 .35 6 .35 9 .10 9.10 9 .80 9 .80 9.80 9 .80 9.10
.11 .88 .88 .81 .88 .18
.31 .3' .18 .38 .31 .38 .38 .38
12.15 12.15 11.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50
15.15 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50
10.20 10.20
16.20 16.20
12.50 12.50 12.50
21 .50 21.50 21 .50 21.50
6 .35 6.35 6.35 6.15 6.35 6.35 6 .35
6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35
.48 .41
.3a .3' .38 .38 .31
13.65 13.65 18.95 1 8.95 18.95
16.65 16.65 21.95 21 .95 21 .95
10.20 10.20 12.65 1 2.65 12.65 12 .65
16.20 16.20 21 .65 21.65
6.35 6.35 7.65 7.65
5.95 5.95 7.50 7.50
9 .50
11 .95 11.95 11 .95 11.95 11.95
21 .95 21.95 21 .9 5 21.95 21.95 2 1.9 5
4 .85 4 .85 4 .85 4 .85 4 .85 4 .85 5.85 5.85 5.85 5 .85 5.85 5.85 5 .85
1.03 1.03 .88
..31 38 .38
.67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67
2.15 1.40 1.40 1.36 1.36 1.22
.30 .30 .10 .30 .30 .30 .30
.41 .41 .41 .48 .48 ..48 41
4.1S 4.85 4 .15 .85 .aS 4 .'5 4 .85 4 .85 4.85
.93 1 .12 1 .12 2 .20
.23 .21 .33 .13 .33
.43 .43 .43 .43
4.15 4 .15 4 .as 4 .15 .'5 4 .85
4.55 4 .55
1 .45 1.80 1.40 1.40
.43 .48 .38 .3' .1'
.73 .73 .67 .67
4 .95 4 .95 4.95 4 .95 4.95 4 .95
.41 .58
.58 .58
.58 .88
... ....... .88
.SI .SI .51
Armature Exchange
$16.65 18.65 16.65 16.65 21.95 21 .95 21.95 21 .95
.43 .43 .43 .43 .43
.77 .33
$ .38
.92 1.02 1 .02 1.02 1.02
.53 .53 .48 .41
14.25 14.25 14.25 14.25
17.25 17.25 17.255 17.2 17.25 17.2'
$10.20 10.20 10.20 12.65 12.65 12.65
16.20 16.20 21.65 21.65 21.65
6.35 6 .35 6 .35 .15 7.65 7 .65 7.65 7 .65 7.65
5.95 5.95 7.50 7 .50 7 .50 7 .50
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Autollte, high amp., high output, Fits all cars 1929-'55 (pulley drive) . State whether pas or neg ground
. $27.00
0* ~
_ -
(F) ITEM \TEM , IP-BSoIP-BSD(F) Borrel type $6.50 Barrel ~6.S 0 (G) ITEM ITEM IP-CSoIP·CSDClutch-drive Clutch-drove $4 ~ 4.S0 .50 _ (H) ~ (H ) ITEM ITEM IP-SSoIP-SSD-~_ Screw type $3.20 ~3.20 •
Fits 19.019~0· 48 ~8 Chev, Che v . Ho Exchange - Fits No Chev .. and and GM. G.M. poss.,Exchonge195~ up t o0 195. Chev one up 2 1' ton with 235 e4 n gl7 neS.' pOss., V,ton, 2-2Vl ton with 235 eng 'h· \ ton , • ,2 ~1 • 1 ItEM IP-S1 ---$14.75 ItEM ".S1 . -"
~!I ,
~ruJ~IV;~':1 ~ruJ~I.;~::1 iT'09;1e' o;';ii' Swit~h Switch' =6-'~;-' 6~;-' 1 i8~
SW41 .... __ ________ ._. . __ . .-............. ____ . __ . . _.....__ .45 SW41 ................ __ (5.) Button Duplicate (5) ford Solenoid PushPu.h·Button
4! (~) ('J) °u~I~~;s:IQs~,;:.:l~ °U~i~~;.:lqs~,;:.:1~ ~!::_~1utto~"= ~~::.~1utt;"--=- 664~
V . PBU2 ...... ... _ .... _ .. __ - ____ ._ ..79 12 V. ...... -.-.. __ ..... 79 (7) Universal Unl.e"ol Locksmith Lock.mlth and K.ysKey.2 Way LS402 $1.70 3 Way LS401 LS40l $1.75 (8) Round Push.:}>ull Pu.h~ull SwitchSwitch-V." V2" Shank SWll SWH .45 I " Shank SW32 SW12 .55 (9) Headlamp Switc~J Switc~l Position. SW1 --(not fused) 30 amp. -_______ SW1-(not ... , .-....-.-.. • §5 __________ SW8-(fused) 30 amp. ___ ........ _ $1. 5 (10) H He . .•• vyy Duty Push-Button Pu.h-Button Swltch.s-Switches-- or au xiliary lights and accessories. accessories. On-Off type type..
m;l~u.;-Hold;;·;'::ij'n·i~e,-s~T~i iP-:typ,-.·- si,!,!! sp7,~ ~ii'il~us;-HOld;~';:::U''-i~;''SOlCiip:typ;'':-
to any electrical wire (less fuse fuse))
-__ ___... •,4§ 4~
(12) Universal .. g.s--AdIUStUnl •• "ol T.mperatur. Temperoture Ga Gouges-Adlustable for clamp or o r dash mounting m ounting and to t o fit either the Block or Radiator hose $5.00 (13) Generator Cutouh Cutouts - End Bracket Brocket typo. type. 6V. Un Universal __........ _ .... $2.70 iversal V664C ... _. ------------$2.70 Side Bracket typ_ 6V. Universal Un iversa l DR661C ---.-------. .... - ..----. $1.70 Side Bracket Brocket typ_ _____ ___ ..... .... _$1.50 For 1928-38 Ford 6 Volt ... _. ___ (14) ... mmeters--Fils Ford Model A and" Ammeters-Fits and other cars (20-20). Black enamel face. face .
t'~I!:rsaT ~~I!:rsoTA-';;;'-et;;;'Fits--;;ii--veh;C;;; "'m-;·~t-;;;:f;Is"ojj--V.hi~l;;s ~l:~g fl:~~ Universal Uni.e"ol Oil Gauge Gaug. ---
20-30-50-1~0 20-30-50-1~ Ib lb.,
rr;ii:Xe!~!~c~~~:p rr5)!~!~c~~~:p Liiht-S;itc:~~O
ea eo.. '48. DR""6 DR446 _____ __________ .R~ Chev. up to '48. ..._ .8~ 1949 19~9 0 and n d up. DR447 ________ .,, __ . _ _ . .9 (16) Hydraulic Stop Light Swltch.s-For Switches-For 0a I makes of Vehicles. State y.o" Y•• " moke make and model. ITEM HM"IOI NM4101 _ _____ mod.1. _ _ _ ..____ ___ .85
(17) P ..... M. Spark P.A.M. Spork Plugs Plug. - Wherever Engines Eng ines ore used, In In Transportation systems, In InIn ~ dustry. ot at Home or on the Form Farm . •. . Princess
Spark Plugs Plug. will be found giving giVing MORE EffiEFFI· CIENT and DEPEND DEPENDABLE ... BLE service semce . Avarlable Available for every make of Cor, Truck, Troctor, Tractor, Outboard motor mot or etc, etc. State ye." yeor, moke and model mod el wh e n ord.ring. when ordering. ITEM HMSP NMSP . _ .79 00 ea.. (18) Reconditioned Spark Plugs--remanufacPlugs--remanulactured by one of Amerlco's Amerlco ' s leading lead ing plug makers, makers. Guaranteed for 10,000 mdes m,'es., State yea" ye ar, mOd mod.e l, and m ok. a k e when order ord e ring ing . ITEM 8319_S .. of •I .. U19O-Set ..._ $2.98 ~2.98 (19) "'uto Auto Cable Coble LaCQuered Lacquered PlastIC PlastiC In 1100 00 ft . rolls Braided Covered rolls., No. 18 ...... - - -.. --.. $2.41 $1.79 "-"'-'--"--~2.4i $1.79 No. - -.... ---.-. :l .49 No. 16 16 ... ....-------------~ _9 No. 14 14 -'--'--"---' ___ .________ .. __ . No. 1.9 .19 No. 12 .. -.--... .R9 No. _R No. 10 ..-----________ - _ _ . __. ___ . • 9 .9R _9" No 7 M M.M. _ _ .... No. M. _ -.-_. _ • 9 66_49 .49 (20) Point fUn-Special _.. 19 ea. File_Spec ial _... eo. (2 1) Rubber Distributor lt .. i7 M.M. DI.tributor Nlppl.s--F Nipples--Fits wire 10 for .39 _39 wore (22) Ignition Cable Cob le Set - 20 ft. fr. of 01 ignition
----.. !:9.J -.---.-----
rotor, housing . 1931-41 Out. 56.75 .. 1941-51Out. 9.75 Exch. 6.75 For 'ontioc 6 and. cyl ., Che v ., Old. 6 cyl. Dodg., Ply .• Bulck. Le .. cap So rotor Up to 195'" Out. 59.75 Exch. 56.75
BUY FROM PRINCESS & SAVE ON ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES! (I) fo rd Sol.nold~ ford Solenoldt--6 volt. volt. F490 f490 .... $1'i 5 S Stort.r Swltch .. ..-Autolite -Autolite ... __ (2) Starter _. $ • 0 Delco Remy-DR464 .... .. ..... __ ___ . _ .• 5 Unl .. "ol Dimmer Switch (3) Universal Fits most
Recond,tloned .... pert. ,epla ced , ad1ust_,d l tested tor mechanical p.rf.ction , Ford V - I Complete
wire sealed in red transparent transparEnt plastiC plast iC with With
011 needed spark plug terminals, termlnols, protectors, protectors , nnipples ipples etc etc.. Spec. 6 or 8 cyl. NM120 $4.55 $4_55 (23) Spark Spork Plug Protectors-Neoprene Protector_Neoprene rubber -fits snugl snug ly y over ceramic insu insulator lator - keeps plugs dry. ITEM HM ... .. -..15 NM 120 120A - ..· 8 for ,95 .95 15 ea. eo. (24) Tape--8 oz, oz. 60 60' rOll roll __ __.:.... __ ..38 38 (2 4 ) friction Tape-8 (25) Vacuum Tester-For fuel pumps, pumps. mani· manifold press.Jre press ..Jre etc. Dial registers 30" 30" vacuum. vacuum. 7 Ibs. Ibs. pressure. ITEM NM-VT NM·VT ._..__ _ $4.49 (26) Compression Comprellion Tester--Offset stem eliminates interference. Pressure Pressu re reading readIng Is is held until valve pin is released. released . With brackets NM·CT --_________ and braces. ITEM HM-CT ._.___ $4.49 (27) 12-24 Volt systems. (27) Timing Light --- 66-12-2" Bakelite 80kelite case, replaceable neon bulb, bulb. .. ~ ft. ft . lead, insulated clips. ITEM NM-TL NM·TL ..... -$4.65 ~4.6S
-. , ," -". r
'AN .ILn
- Sta,-
axact yea,
mode l when~
-1953 -54-- 45 1955-~ cv!. 118 _ 33 50-1 ~r5/~ 19371953 -56-1 16 an 87 ' . "42- 49-F "48-49~. 51 1950 -54-F an 45 "SO- 53 Gen. 44
21.60 _ 21.60
20.60 20.60
2J.25 21.25 _ 21.SS _ 29.10
20.25 20.25 25.55 26.10
3.JO 2.65
2J .70 25.40 27.55 25.40 21.00
' .JO J .30
20.25 22.05 52.70
' .'0 J .JO
21.J0 21 .30 25.25
2'.21 _ 25.05 __ SS.70
HOUSING ASSE M.Ll ES-, SPEEDOMITER C.... U ... ND , 1937~.I ...... 0 . . . .1"• • Buitk Steta reer. ler OeSoto, OodQe, Ford, 55 Cad,l Iac Chev ., Chrys ot, W, lIys Pont, , Olds. .11, 1939from ~rt . , Mona~th - - '1.7 5 Jeep and Truck atic, Ford, Mere ., Buick 19,.- 58 stand ard and r autom a ll 19.7- 56 - '2.2 5 Mana rch 19.9- 59, Stude bake
1 AI
IjI '.14
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wary ,.,.. - . .
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-. ...... .t!:'!. .:::-_I,,!':=t.r..... ..... ....
- . Tr." "'a, .._ ; ..... ..... .... . ..... ..... ... _r .... .... 1"; . ~m. c. • till k.. Mr .tee -.....,~
LAMPS FOR EVERY PURPOSE! (A) Thr •• ·ln-G·Row Cloaronce Lamps-3 c.P. bulbs, 2 Vz " plastic fluted Beehive lens. 0 '011 length 20" lamps 8" aport. Flat mounting, concealed wir ing, Block enamel finish . (Red, Green or
Amber) . 101114201 _ _ _ $2.15 (B ) Double Three·in·a·Row Cloarance Lamps Flat mounting, concealed wiring. 0 ' 11 length 20". 3 C.P. bulbs. (State lens colored required) . HMU02 $3.45 (C) Electric Tall Llghts--3" Semaphore lens with white side lens for licens. plate. Block Enamelled steel body. NMU03 _ . . 79 (D) Glass Refloctors-- 3V.( size _ _ .31 . .. Size _ _ .55 (E) Flush Type Lights--4 V2' lens gives maximum light from 6 volt, 3 C.P. bulb I Y2" deep. Red or Green. NMU04 _ _ _ .15 (F ) Armoured Clearance LIghts--AII' purpose, heavy duty light for Trucks, Buses, Trailers etc. All steel body. HMU05 _ $1.20 (G) Streamline Fender Lights-Fits contour of 011 fenders with rubber cushion to protect point finish . Red, amber or opal lens (specify calor desired) . HMUO' $2.00 (H) Beehive Type Clearance Lights--Rigid construction, "Hock Enamel finish . Complete with SC-6-8 Volt, 3 C.P. bulb. (Specify whether Red or Green required) . HMU07 __ .3~ (J) Universal Tail Lights--3 V2" Stop and Toil Light with 21-3 C.P. bulb. Adjustable offset bracket permits easy installation. (Less bracket) . NMUOI $2.35 (With bracket) . NMU09 $2.79 SPECIAL! Trailer Toil Lights--3 3;''' diameter hea.d, red lens with l icence plate lamp cnd offset bracket . Ideol for trailers, Wagons etc. 6 or 12 Volt (Specify). ITEM NMU10 ______ ea. $2.50 (K) 4V" Stop Lights "STOP " in bold red letters on face . with 21 C.P. bulb and Universal bracket . HMUll _ _ _ $3.19 (L) Tung-Sol Flash.. : 6 VOLT-UP-229D. HMU12 ___. $ .19 12 V.-AP-273D. NMUll .92 12 V.-AP-273V. NMU14 .Il
~~~iP~"!i~~°S=al!~~B~;m LU';I~" 0;;;; ~ni~~sa~a~~aeck~~e(~it~~~
Tractors) .HMUl S--6 or 12 Volt ~.95 (N) Garage Lamps Heavy Duty tYpe with 25 ft. of rubber covered wire, On-Off switch and " E'asy-Open" guard. (Less Bulb). NML216 $2.35 As above but with 50' cord. NMU17 $3.35 SPECIAL! 6 or 12 Volt Trouble Lamps-Snap-clips fasten to 6 or 12 volt battery for handy on-the-job use. Comes with 25 ft. heavy duty rubber cord, 6 or 12 V. lamp and metal wire cage protector. NMU11--Specify 6 or 12 V. $1.59 Midget Trouble Lamp--With dash socket and ammeter connection, 12 feet rubber covered wire. Locking-cover reflector protects BUlb. Specify 6 or 12 V. HMU19 _ _ _ _. _ _ _ $1.19 (P) Multiple Rellector Type Fla,es-2 per set-reflectors mode of shatter-proof Lucite. Made to surpass existing regulations. Complete with carrying bracket. HML220 $6.35 (Q) Rood Flares-Easy to light-long lasting-Protect yourself on the highway at night. NMU21 _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ 6 for .95 (R) Hand·E·Spot Lights--Sealed-Beam Spotlight . . . plugs into cigar lighter. Uses .516. 57000 Beam C.F. bulb. Has adjustable arm to prop up light ot different angles for use os
lamp. Chrome handle and rim. HMU22---6 or 12 volt _ $6.35 (S) Brand Hew Hand Lantern~y," dla. head . . . Six poSItion, telescoping blinke r - Arm with red light. Separates lamp controls. Chrome plate finISh with battery. NMUll _ _ _ $7.99 ~M~;;e .~~_~~ 3~~~~~~~nd 180" swivel bl~nker ¥~.~~ A. above but with 4Y2" Sealed Seam Head and Swivel Blinker light. HMU25 $9.25
H.D. TUI. CUTTIIl - Cuts copper, b.'CII!t _I, lead tubing to "/." (O.u.). IAaws a clean,
SEE UP TO 20% FURTHER FOR EASIER NIGHT DRIVING! 6V Auto Headlight 7" D., 6006-$1.59 12V Auto Headlight r D. . 6012 _ 1.59 Dual Single Filament (up beam), 53.4" 0 4001 1.39 Dual Double Fdament (down beam)L_ ~... D. _ _ ._2 _ 1.:19 6V Tractor Lamps, D. .ou. $2.70 12V Tracto< Lamps, 5>;''' 0 44U _ 2.70 6V Hand Spot Lamps .Vz" D. 451' 2.70 12V Hand Spot Lamps .Yz" 0 441' 2.70
Prove to ,our own lot"Nctfon thot ,rift.. ceu Auto offe" the most dowftn,ht value for YOllr money • . . lull check our price. oftd compore wfttt others.. Our e.pert .. Iy ,",Ined Auto "Troubleshoote"" have Ipeclally .. Iected only quality outo 0m 10 that COft quick,., eq.lly on economically 'd,........" ovto ,..poln. Du. to 1p0C. IhnttotlOftI ore uftob.. to lid our
~I~t~ ~:ftl~::!O~Oo:'~:
write UI for .11 your requlrente"h . . . you wilt Ncelve •
Brand Ne ..
lro"d N.. -
tl",O ka"d . HP batt.ry fr" Y l ch or!! 0 dd 5.le::'l:
priced ",.nufoctvr" excluSively for ,riftc...
• cl,·
'd' !:::::v
tapen off easy to reo cost oporatl o ".
Automatic cui t break.' • KO'( holo mounting • Charlll"!! rot. a u to ma"cotly tun dlO". • Large, .r·;'~~·~IiP conneetMS • Low-
$ 9.95 3026 lesS meter 6 Volt-- 3 a"'P' I meter . __ $10.50 3027 ess .11 Volt-2 a"'p. 3036 0 . _ . __ $14.5 6.12 V 0 It Co",b.- 5 a"'p, __ • __ less meter .. ' -~7 a",p._3032M 7 50 6.11 Volt Co",b. _ .,._ ____ -. $1 • With meter - ---.3028M 95 6.12 Volt Co",b.-10 ~._. ____ . $21. With meter -::..:;~ a",p._30 AOM 6.11 Volt Co",b. _. - - ' With meter
$49.95 -
BATTERY BOOSTER C... BLES - 2-8 ft . long, heavy fleXible. cables With Copper coated clips. HMBl (I) __ $3.25 sot (2) BATTERY SHIMS ._._...__ .05 each (10 for .45) (3) BATTERY BOLTS _____ .10 each (11 for $1.00) (.) B... TTERY CLIPS· All sprong .teel, electrolead plated 5 amp. _ .12 10 a",p. .. .10 25 amp. .11 50 a",p. .30 100 amp. __ . .55 (6) B... TTERY STRAPS · FleXible, braided copper, electroplated throughout. 7".77 I 9" .84 I 11" 1.05 I 14"1.10 I 16"1.70 I 20" 1.30 (7) BATTERY C... BLES - With universal terminals, fits 00
_ _ _ _....
positive or negative Dosts, neavy duty -
top quolity.
14" .94 16" .94 19" 1.05 24" 1.25 27" 1.25 30" 1.35 34" 1.39137" 1.50 1.70 5." 2 .40 2.60 171" 2 .'0
Auto by G1_lt. - top qu.llty Fully ...... ". tndl
Gro.. p
SI.. LoW.H
60 105
Prlc. 100 39 IS 9.7 8'-'z $11 .25 165 SI 48 9x 7x8J4 52 54 12 10' •• 6 3 .><9 $13.95 70 54 24 10' •• 63 ••9 $17.65 130 51 24 10' .x7x8~ $U.U IOx5'hx9
1-10 1-115
80 125
E zi: 0-; I: 0(:1: U~
.: ... ·z ..i
Battery No.
2LI05 lFllO
120 100
152 51 24 122 57 2~
28N-12V 21N55
70 66 24
'2\Al.S"•• 9
(8) BATTERY C"'RRIER-ITEM NMB3 _ _ _ .45 (9) B... TTERY FILLER-ITEM NMB4 .15 (10) B... TTERY HYDROMETERS-Accurately calibrated 3 color scale gives condition of each cell . ITEM NMB4
AI above with specific gravity .. temp. Icol•• NMBS
.75 (11) ... NTlFREEZE TESTER-Service Stotian type, complete With wall chart. NMB6 _ _ $5.40 Ino.po""I., typ~far home, shop etc . NMB7 $1.20 (12) BATTERY TERMIN"'LS-F,ts pos. or neg posts. $plit Typo .. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _. .25 ea . (4 lor .95) Straight type _ _ _ _ _ . .25 00 . (4 for .95) Solderl,ss type _ _ _ _ AS ea. (3 for 1.15) (13) TERMIN ... L CLAMP .. POST CLEANER Removes corrosion qUlcklV. assures perfect contact Crush-proof steel case In plastiC
pouch. HMB55 -
••. $2.95
Nd, automatic gun With 10.000 Ib pressure hydraulic coupler. AIl·steel plated. rustproof, 20 oz. capacity ITEM NM211 $3.99 (21 DIFFERENTIAL .. SUCTION GUH
;;;CkS~t'~~;:ox' W;,x l';;~ ~ It possible to reach the bottom 01 the d,ffere"tlol housing, ITEM NM40J4 $3.75 (3) LINCOLN UTILITY GREASE GUN Complote w,th Llnpak nozzle Centers QUickly on 011 hlOh pressure f"tlngs -
seals pOSitively on KleeF1
seal flltlngs. Ball headed f,IlI"9S, flush type totting. 12 0% capacity S.89 value. ITEM I'GG10 $1.49 4) GREASE GUN FLEX·HOSE - 12" \ong, !~" Pipe thread, fitting. at each end-I,t. all gUn! $1.95 ITEM NMF14 (5) nANSMfSSION OIL DI$'EMSER
heavier lubricants. Fits most 25 to
40·lb. palls. Protects ubrlcant. from dust and mOisture; eliminates waste,
Complete With ~8-'nch tre<lted hoso ITEM NMGG2S $9.25 161 GRE ... SE FITTINGS--on lots of 5 16411 straight .35 1616B AS •• 9 ,19 1911 B V••' 90 1644 ... Ye" slra;g~t short .65 161IB 1/8 ". 45 .75 16111 90 ' .75 (7) STRAIGHT SPOUT PUMP OILER -- 10 ounces. 7 Inche. high ITEM NM002 $1.95 ..... ba •• but .Ith FUXIBLE SPOUT $2.25 ITEM NM007
r-.' 1;.",
OIL CAH 12 ounce "pid spout. ITEM NM'''' .5] (9) TRIGGER OIUR_ ounce with "gld spout ITEM NMOll $1.79 .... eban ....t ",Ith FLEXllLE SPOUT I"M NM021 $1.11 (8)
F.MOUS .CME TRAILER HITCHES & COUPLER~Wo.ld famous ••• your auurance of the finest quality hitches, "Safety de-signed,'· for long life, good appearance and easy installation. (A) I M P L E MEN T & TR.ILEk COUPLERS Made of moulded
malleable Iron, reinforced at stress points and equipped W i t h heat treot ~d s tee I bolts. Automatic safety lock prevents accidental unlocking . 1 hand operation completely enclosed lock mechanism prevents damoge.
NMH210--1 ¥e " ball. for light use _ _ _. _ $4.59 ea. NMH220--1 ¥." ball. for medium duty use ._ .. $4.99 ea. NMH22~2 " ball . for heavy duty use _._ $6.99 ea. NMH170--2%" ball. for extra heavy d~ty use $17.99 ea. NMH40--1 ¥e " ball . for use on 2' pipe tongue _ $5.69 ea. (B) TR.ILER HITCH - 1'or com-
Brond New, heavily built Strong serviceable and easily att<i:ched our bolts. This is on ideal Hitch for all y,-'1o-1 ton Trucks and Jeeps. Positive lock type, spring held-takes 13.h " eye.
ITEM NMH2! -- _____
Doet Cars. for light Boots, Trailers
etc. % ..x2 V. ... Steel bar platform. NMH77 . ._.... _ - .. : - $4.35 (C) TR.ILER COUPLER B.LLS-ITEM 14-1 ¥e " malleable Iron .89 ea. NMHI6--2" as above _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .._ _ _ _ _ $1,55 e~. (D) FRAME HITCH - Heavy solid steel ball platform V..' thiCk. "2V, • wide. 3A" boil bolt hole. Ball platform elevated 1 3,4 " (ideal for cars with low bumpers). Wt. 8 Ibs. Cadmium plated. NMH.60 .. _ $5.~$. (E) RETR.CT.BLE FR.ME HITCH-Heavy solid steel ball platform V,' thick. 2V, " wide. '.1.0" Ball Bolt hole. Ball platform elevated 13.1.0" (ideo I for cars with low bumpers). Platform folds d~wn out of the way by sImple , positive spring-lock-lever. Smartly Cadmium plated .
~p~~~6..'\R CU5TOM'TRAIi.ERHITCHESFOR1962 "A"HD " 1963 UJci~ CARS--Write giving exact year, make and model. NMH Custom
.. -.-
all types TrUCks H Wagons, Jeep; e c. .ea vy, malleable steel con struct,?" 3° throat, 3 pre-drilled B'r~~~tIN~wholes. Weight 5 Ibs. t
$1 4.25 ITEM HT2540
(1) 4,000 Lb. Delux. Sel_ Jack Ball bearing folding handle. expands to 14'/... •. ITEM "QUEEN" HMJ2I' ... $8.95
•• above but ..ted at 3,000 lb•. ITEM "A.CE" NMJ10G - - $7.25 (2) Ratchet Bu"' .... Jack - With ' V" bar upright past and 6"x6" base. Lifts up t o 2 8 V~ " ITEM NMen ._ $5.50 (3) ] ,000 Lb. Tripod Jack Heavy duty --:: won 't t ip even on tne roughest grou nd. Lifts r - 34 V..•. Has "Fit-oll" Bumper hook. ITEM HM-J1200 ... - _... - $9.75
-.----- $3.95
. . .bo... but ...... lit 2,500 I... Fitted With new type Bumpe<' hook to fit the Iotest <a ... ITEM MM·J9OG - .--.--.. ___ $8.oa (4 1 TI .. , _.. Gau_ Cars--reads
~ruc~ ~2J!I~ ~.TPG' -$I.M ITEM NM·TPGJ ...- - . - . -- $1._ For T",ctu - Dual head. reads 20 to 120 Ibs. ITEM MM·TPG4 .- . $2.10 (5) TI .. Sup e. Duty, top quality pump with 5 Y" gua,ant... ITEM NM·T" -.---.... -_._ $S....
,_,I -
(6) 4-Way WIt... W, ITEM MM-4W
.. -
ELECTRIC ENGINE HEATERS AND FITTINGS PENCIL TYPE-For cars or truc ks. Ftts In head stud. State year, make, model ITEM NM-PH .... Ith exten. cord $7.50 1954-58 Ford Overhead Va lves)(I)
Woter pump.
.$7. '0
Frost plug type-fits most models and m a k e. of Cars and Trucks. ITEM HMUO!-14 $5."
VOLKSWA.GEM OIL 'AN INGIME HUTEIt~175 Watt. ITEM NMVUJ' - - - -.. - $6.H DIPSTICK HUTER- Flts all motors With stra ight d ipstick. ITEM NM-DH . _ ... _ $5.25 (4 1 HE.TER HOSE CLAMPS . .12 (5) LOWER HOSE CONNECTION .49 16) FORD '5]-'56 Va cuum hot water .hutoff - -.. _ $2.71 (7) FOIlD BOOSTER "Y" FITTIHG __ . ___ $ .90
18) HOT W.TER SHUTO'F _.$1 •• (9) CLAMP TYPE HUTIR SWITCHES-Uniyersal 6 or 12V. (~c.) $IM
(10) % •• ID., , 'LY HUTER HOSI (I FT.) . __ ....... _.... __ .__ ,'.2S ( 11) '500 W. T.... K TYPE HUTIII KIT-For Trucks. Tracto... Has 1Ce1rod element. thermostat controlled. ITEM NM·THU Sl6." . . aboy. ....1' ISO W. ITEM MMTHISO $11.75
MIRRORS "-In-I design any Massively built, graceful and streamlined. Sporkllng I"ple-<:hrome-plaled for long hfe, huge 5V~" x 3 304" non~lore mirror With Q screwdriver you con adjust It .. d, fferent ways.
ITEM M1450
Special ",.95 ea. ($9.SO pr.)
ContOlns :
51 ono I
lamps (Fender mounting type red and amber faces), 2 rep lens Single faced lamps, self-ccncelling " BllnkinQeye" control switch, flasher, wire and Simple InstructionS.
ITEM NH3096-!> or 12 Volt $18.20
(8) IIM._sl.. 1t_"lu"r Mirror Sturdily built, beautifully f,nlSlled W Ih t"ple-<:hrome plate ITEM ""1075 ___ $1.tS ... ($5.75 pr.,
(C) ....."".,.. Swept Clrcu"r ""I".... ,,%" diameter non-olore head set in modem dome·shoped holder, sparkling chrome finish. ITEM ""1625 _ $J.50 ... ($d.1O pr.' (D) c:..._ Sty.... Side IoU"... - Smart modem lines, super throme plote,t ... " diameter non-glare head. ITEM "". .57 _ _ _ _ _ $2.1 5 ...
Makes starting easier and permits tunIno even top compreulon EnOlnes to
(E) "!'OWEIt MIItItOIt" - Remote control posllionlng 01 your finger-tIps. Four-way
Gives smooth acceleration, cuts engine wear and Improves gas mileage . An ideol gift for any (or owner.
control .... "ch deflects annoying glare, ~3h x 2¥.-mch pawered mirror. Chrome plaled. Complele With necessary Inslallotion materlols and Instructions. ITEM N""""E $1.tS
AIR COOLED CUSHIONS For dry, cool comfort In offices homes ventllotl~ . COlt
cars, boats 100% sprlnO construction .
a fine smoolh Idle. Slops stalling due to flooding. percolation , vapor - lock.
_ $4.95
A 2-plece set........:jesogned for lale model cors, strong, long weartng (onstructlon
ITEM NM301C Black _
Red, Green, Blue, $3.15 Ht
(G) Rugged "BIG VIEW" Truck Mirrors - Rubber-sealed giant 7" x 16"
adjustable mirror head With .. extra heavy duty seamless-steel 15"·24" extension a rms. Easy to mount brackets enable It to be mounted With ample clearance. Steel ports plated or finished
baked enameL
ITEM TM6416 _. ________ . _ _ . _ $11 .20 ea. ($21 .95 pr.' (GI ) Rugged Truck Mlrro .......... Rubber-sealed 5" x 11 " adJuslable mirror head With 2 heavy seamless steel arms. Easy-to--mount brackets enable It to be mounted With ample dearance. Steel ports plated or finished In
Baked enamel. ITEM TM 6416A $8.50 ea . ($16.00 pair) (H) Deluxe Telescoping Truck Mirror - 5" dlQ. all-metal head With slrong ball and socket SWivel ,Olnt. Mirror con be extended from 19" to 29". Compl~le
With 2-way adjustable mounting hinge. Block enamel finish . ITEM TM3511 _ _ _ . - _ _ _ . _ _ _ ___ $2.55 ea. (I) 5" Round Head MirTOr Replace",ent - Sit diameter, With steel rim,
Heavy duty model wllh Wooden knot>
held on by " Lifetime" graphite greased
melal bushing . Slrong clamp type bose fits all wheels
ITEM NM303 .88 6 AND 12 VOLT CIGAR LIGHTERS ITEM NM3036-!> Volt $2.15 ITEM NM30312-12 Volt $2.60
Element and Knob only.
ITEM 3036EK.......e Volt ITEM 30312EK-12 Volt
$1.25 $1.55
all-metal back. Extra strong construction with long-wearing SWivel joint
on bock ITEM TM3501 _ ___ . 69 ea .. (J) 4" x I" Wide Vie. Mirrors - Strong, offset swivel mount, replacement non-glare glass with outSide Rubber bumper. Smart reinforced metal back finished in Grey Hammered finish.
__ _
•••1~;.~":i7"TM51 Panoramic ._ _
_=-_ _ -;-__-;-. _$1 .99
. ..
Mlnvrs - Some _ __ _ _ __os _above, _ _. _ only _ _ larger ..$2.35 size. ea.
Save nawf Complete With two longlasting Evereody Battertes .
ITEM NM307 _ __. .99 EVEREADY BATTERIES--far above. ITEM NMJ07A 2 for .45
..• A MUFFLER TO SUIT EVERY BUDGETI • (A) SUPER DELUXE-thls Is the ..... quality of muffle, money can buy I The finest .• . built by International of heavy This muffler has world famous - gases passing through
each other-the result is Silencing l l with the lowheavy construction;continuous welded seams makes the seams stronger thon any other port-makes this unit leok·proof, sound-proof and blowout- proof. Double end Baffles reinforce the inlet tube. Both inlet and outlet PIP::!S ore made part of the muffler body thus assuring
rigid and permanent muffler mounting THIS MUFFLER IS ABSOLUTE. LY GUARANTEED NOT TO BLOW OUT FOR THE LIFETIME OF THE VEHICLE ON WHICH IT IS INSTALLED! • (B) PREMIUM--Quiet, long-lasting, featuring • Multiple steel cQsing . _ Less back pressure. • Less inner condensation . • Sound~tested-Economy proven . • Guaranteed agolnst defective material and work~
Design proyides
Super Silencing . i.... extra
low ..... pressure!
All ,rams continuously welded. Leok~proof ,
Blowout· p,ooll
mansh lp for 3 full months from Installation.. (C) FIBREGLASS-Heavily built of the best materials o~ lined with Fibreglass. Gives 0 muted, rumbling tone of surging power without the annoYing " Blatt' 'ofordlnory " Hollywood" type mufflers. • (D) TAILPIPES PreCision mQd~quol In quality to anginal equipment.
SUPER DELUXE PREMIUM Make, Model and Year Item Price Item Pric.e CHEV. & POHTlAC (20·22) Passenge, (Specify Yea,) 1941..... 430 $6.90 1820 $4.95 1949·51 Stand. Chev. _. 475 6.90 1620 4.91 1952·U A" Pontla. __. 526 6.90 1822 4.95 1952·53 .... , Chev . .. _ . 495 6.90 1822 4.95 1950·51 AutO. Trans . . _ "95 6.90 1822 4.95 1954 10·22 Pontiac _._ 677 7.80 3420 6.SS 1954-62 Can. 6 & • cyl. 220 .a. 7.80 2920 ... 6.SS fORD and METEOR P..senge, (Specify R or L on Duals) 1941..... .. _. ______ . "73 9.95 1949·54 A" __. .__ 474 7.80 2742 4.95 1955·56 • cyl. Duals ._ 799 ea. 9.50 2942 ... 6.95 1955-56 6&. c,l. singles 799 9.50 2940 6.95 1957 6 cyl. St.nd. T,ans.2603 9.50 2440 6.95 1957 6 c,l. Aulo. T,an •. 2605 9.50 2440 6.95 1957 1 cyl. lingle __ 2604 9.50 2442 6.95 1951-59 6 c,'., ",ost _. 2613 9.50 2441 6.95 1959 • cyl. ,ingles __ 2614 9.50 2443 6.95 1960 6 & • cylinde, __ 2626 ea. 10.90 2741 ea. 9.SO 1961 6 & • cylinder .. _. 2631 ea. 10.90 2741 ea. 9.50 1962 6 & • cylinder _ 2628 ea. 10.90 2741 9.50 DODGE and PLYMOUTH Passenge, (Specify R or L on Duall) 1949·55 6 cyl. S. Tran •• 616 9.40 2960 6.50 1951·55 6 c,l. A. T,anl. 632 10.90 2962 6.95 1956·57 6 cylinder .._..._ 632 10.90 2962 6.95 195. 6 cyllnde, late 632 10.90 2962 6.95 19S5·59 • c,'. most . 780 ea. 10.90 2963 ... 6.05 1960.61 6 & • cyl. Duals 2474 ea. 9.95 1960 ea. 1.50 1960-61 6 cyl, linll.. _ 2470 9.95 1961 1.50 CHEV. & G.M.C. TRUCKS (Specify Yeo,) 1941 .... 9 up to 2 T. most "44 6 .20 2220 4.15 4.95 m;:~; r·T~Yh:i; s;j2221 S.U 1960 ''-:'_2 Ton _ 496 5.70 2222 4.75 1951·'2 up to 1 Y. TOil . 496 5.70 4.75 2222 1957·62 6&1 cyl., 1·3 T. 2300 7.95 3·425 6.50 1960 6&8 cyl .. 2-2Y, T. 2300 7.95 3425 6.50 fORD & MERCURY TRUCKS 1943.... , Y2-l Ton ___ 4~6 9.75 6.50 194'-53 ~-1 Ton ._ 477 2240 4.75 1954·55 .·3 Ton most_ 796 9.75 1956-60 Ton _ .__ 796 4.75 9.75 2242 DODGE, fARGO TRUCKS 1940-60 Y2-2 To" ._ _ 419 5.95 4.75 2260 1940·56 3 Ton __. __ 445 7.40 1957-60 Y2.1 Ton, 1 cyl. 2452 9.95 2262 6.50 1959.60 1~3 Ton, • cyl. 2453 9.95 2262 6.50 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 384 1941 .... 9 Kl-K5 6.50 1941 .... 9 K6-K1 __ .. 482 9.60 1950·51 L, R&S, 110-165 575 7.50 11'50·56 L, R&S, 110-114 576 9.50 NOTE: Listings shown are ol1ly pertial--w. have a complet. stack for most Aufol and Truc.... W,it. fo, your requlremenll. MUFFLER SA DOLE CLAMPS- for tight,
non wp lnch ing
t o r5
11.t,.1I to 2", ••.• 25
ea .•29
~"~~0:.:.:.l,:,:O~ A:l~~T~~~E
HANGERS Fits most cors ond trucks NMMN69 ea .• 53
TAIL PIPES Item Price ea.
$5.25 5.15 5.25 5.25 5.25 6.25 6.25 ...
T277 $3.15 T379 3.15 T421 3.75 T339 J.11 T339 3.15 T637 3,75 -Write-
5.25 6.25 6.50 ea. 6.50 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.50 6.50 1.25 1.25 ea. 1.15 ••• 6.35 6.15 6.SS 6.55 6.SS
T271 T638 T626 T2676
5.20 3.25 J.15 3.40 4.10
12609 2.25 T2687 3.95 12691 4.'0 -Wrlt_ -Wrl_ -WriteT495
3.60 2.40 1.40 2.91 2.91 3.60 1.91 FOREIGN CAR MUFFLERS Make, Model & Year Price 1940·52 1.40 Devon $ 4.10 1952·55 1.40 Somerset. 1.50 1955·5. 1.50, ASS, 5.25 MK1, MKll FORD 1941·51 ....., Prefect_ 5.40 1953-51 An•. , Prefect '.15 1956-60 COMul, e •• ept COny. & Sht. W.golI .. 11.91 HILLMAN 12417 T2467 T2"67 T2518
m:.::'~ I;:'~. -yjjiVn ~:;:
1957-60 e.c. Ellate '.91 MORRIS 1949·56 Minar _ ..._ 4.91 1949·SS O"fo,d ..__ ..... 5.75 195'-60 Oxford ___ 5.21 VOLKSWAGEN 1941-59 Si.lle hh. 11.50 1955-60 Duel Exh . . ... I1.SO
~;~s, ?91g~55.Plymouth,
NMMPI26front 75
____ .... --"' . _. -. _1_. _ __ . ___..... __.. -.. --.---_ _-..... :-=A :'''C!'''' ~. .__ _':-0 1to.9--.
-=..: '= ·1t1o
.... ---,..,~.~- -
LOW PRICES ON JEEP PARTS IMPORTANT WHEN ORDERING-{A) State uact year and mod.l. (B) GI •• your exact •• rlal number. (C) U.. the listed port numbe ... un'e .. you. ON not lure of the •• act locatlOft of part required. (D) If oret.,ln, .eo,. for tronde, cas. or transmllslon, Ilye the numbe, of te eth on •• ar. ( £) Whene ... e, pOI.lbl. ,."4 lompl••. TRANSMISSION GROUP
TT~~'Sh~fr ~~ul~S~om~~t,e,7.S0
Tronsmluion Rebuilt Complete Sld. Sh,t! 0u' . 145.00 Ex. 117.50 M0421 MOln Drive Geor M0405 Cluster Gear n:~\ 610392 Synchromesh 1'. 50 640390 Main Shaft 1'.71 MOl91 Second Gear 15.U 640417 Reverse Idler 640401 Low & Reverse IB~ 640412 Cluster Shaft 4 .0S 640422 Main Onve Beanng Retainer 4.SJ 645910 ~~.~r~;t Ret . Seal .24 TSOI .52 K141-tO Small Ports Kit (Cluster & MDG Pocket Brgs -Spocen) ' .41 fRONT AXLE GROUP AIOlO Axle Sh·f. R.F Sh'rt 41.95 A60l1 Alele Sh·ft L.F Long 41.95 A1544 Frt. Axle Ga sket & Seal Se. 4 .70 Flange-Axle Onve ' .11 AlSl Spindle Bushing .50 AUU Outer Axle Bushing .9$ 640114 Ball JOint Seal (Cork Strip) Se. 12) .50 11S90 Spindle Beanng 4 .00 11520 Spindle Beanng Cup 1.75 AI64 Hub Seal loSS AUI King Pin Cop 4 .U 11590 King Pin Beanng 2 .41 11520 King Pin Cup 1.31 A779 Front Axle Inner 011 Seal .70 A6743 Differential Spider & Axle Gear Kit 21 .17 5771 Pinion 0,1 Seal 1.45 U JOint Kit 4 .ts 32' 640109 pr~~'e~:aft Front. . I OO 640110 pr~~ets:aft Reor .
S4 00
9 .50 ' .9S Bellcrank Pin 2 .01 Bellcrank Pin Beanngs (2 Req'd) Eo . .IS 645662 Belle rank Shaft Spacer (C)3A) 2.40 64S6U B.llcronk Seal (C)3A) .41 645664 Bellcronk Beanng (C)3A) 1.20 649219 Bellcrank Shaft (C)3A) 2.10 14.1S 105123 Sector Shaft Kit 6390'0 Sector Bushing Inner .SO '39091 Sector 8ushin~ Outer .50 '39102 .... Steering Beanngs & Cup I.S0 A'U 640114 A1445 AU7
CS62L T,. Rod End 2.50 CSUR Tie Rod end R1tht } i 'SO CS140L T,. Rod End (Le ') .90 CS140R T,. Rod End (Right) 2.50 TRANSfER CASE COIIOUP 144lll RebUilt Trander Case Complete Ou •. $11.00 Ex. 76.00 640299 T ronder Case Write Al 0469 Main S..hoft G.or 21 .75 642119 Intermediate Gear SO .SS A 15045 Sliding Gear 25.50 AU44 Ouptut Gear 2l.95 Internal Gear 11.15 A"2 AIISS Shaft-Output Clutch 19.10 AI"1 ~I"" Shaft 2m A'SI A991 Intermechate Shaf. 1.10 6421'0 Beanng (Roller) Int. Shah 1.75 A974 Sh,'. Rod Seal 1.00 A9I7 Pilot BushIng Output Shaft .SO ENGINE GROUP Rebu'lt Block ...... mbly Ou •. 23S.00 Old Exchange Block must be rebulldable Ex. 19S.00 6391U Con Rod Beclrlng1.41 S.d. '0030 451 Main Bearing SetStd. '0 .030 ' .tS LS7f Ring Set-HISpeed 1.11 RlnS;t~tAn~/~/s 7.4S L479 637112 Intak.e Valve 1.02 617113 Exhaust Valve 1.44 611611 Valve Spring .... 5 637044 Valve Spring Retainer .25 37S994 Valve Spt"lnO Retainer Lock (2) Pr..09 Aln2 Pistons (any ols With p,n) S.ts 64"" Crankshaft Pulley 4 .70 137Ul Nut 1.10 OH6010·1 Motor Overhaul Gasket Set 1 .10 VG6010·1 Valve Grind Set 4 .00 AUSI Head Gasket 1.40 .50 619910 Pan Gasket
64lUl AIUI SPRING AI12 A614 A612-1 AII4-1 102011 314221 SS90J9
~~~~, ~r,C:t K~o:~te
1.75 Support) Insulotor Rear Motor 2.50 suPPOrt GROUP FrOf'lt Spnng '.95 Rear Spring n.20 2 .7S Front Main Leof l.40 Rear Main Leof Spring Shockl. Right or Left 2 .95 .60 Sprtng PiVOt Bolt Spring Eye Bus.nlng AS
64441' P221
U Bo't attaching Spnng to Axle HouslnQ 1.70
Shock Absorber Front
or Reor (Std.) 4.tS Shock Bulh'ng (Rub.) .12 Alel. Shoft Lef. $14." Axle Shaft Rlgl'\t 11.50 Dlff. COM Brg. J.74 Olf(. CaM Cup 2.5' Nele Beanng 1.12 A)(I. Beonng Cup 1 .' . Inner Od Seal .70 Pinion Seal 1.4S Reor Hub Seal (Early) (Full Floot'g Alel.) 1 •.1S 6415 Reor Hub Seal (Lote) (Seml~Float'g Axl.) 1.75 CLUTCH GROUP 642915 Clutch Plate 10.12 642"2 Pres.wr. Plate, Out 11 .01 Ex. I .SI U552' Clutch Release Becr. 3 .... 144l" Clutch Release Beanng Corner 1.'0 UtS7I Flywheel Bulh'ng .40 640124 Clutch Cabl. I.IS USltO Flywtwel RIng Gear 4.21 n0117 Spnng-Clutch Release Brg Camef .1 2 610112 Clutch Relea .. Lever .70 UO 59 Exhouit Pipe Front J.,S Exhaust Pipe Rear EX1" l .tS 471 Muffler 6 .15 2.0S
U79J6 640'" 140'" 2SS77 2S52l 25177 2SUl A77' 5771 AI64
~~~NG TGlio~r
50.00 1.3 160' 1.89 HllIHTThermOl.o, 180' 1 .19 R1220 Woter Pump Out. 10.1S Ex. '.IS fUEL GROUP AUn Carburetor 1'.95 A. .40 Corburetor Kit 1 .95 NS72 Fuel Pump New :UI A1197 Flex-OII Line Inlet 1.74 Flex..o.l LI,... Outlet 1.20 Al1" 640101 Fuel Line ~ Fuel P\Mnp •• 5 MOlO' Fuel Una to Carb't'r .70 BRAKE GROUP CM2011D Lln'o Sets With Ri~h 7 .JS 110. Front Wheel Cylinder Repair Kit .to 1127 Reor Wheel Cylir.der Repair Kit .92 ln7 Master Cyl. Rep', Kit 1.a. AU]] Emergency Conduit, Cabl. & Handl. 7.00 IOAUGU. AII16 Ammeter l.95 All11 Temperature Gouge ' .25 TemperatYre Gcn,tge-Electncol AII90 Otl Pressure Unit 5.10
~\Ot 1
JEEP Complete front end of
Willy's Jeep for replacement In MIlitary Jeep or as 0 dnve In small troctors, etc.
No. 6PW3001 used In perfect condition. $110.00 For CJ2A Civilian Jeep some assembly. -. $175.00
Ring Gear Pinion A.sembly • ~
For Military Oftl For Wlllys Jeep, Port No. ~PW--4207Good used Ring Gear and Pinion mounted on case complete With spider gears, dlfferentlol bearings and pinion bearing
-_ _
TRANSMISSION RebUilt Jeep transmiSSion Will fit 011
military Jeep Port No. 6PW700-co m pie t e less top and lever. $71.00 Each - - -.- -.----- -
....... Hew Crow .. Geer .... PI ... Set (No. 80 1928-Ratlo -43-8). Fits:
~.!tJ:~~d a:x;~23~vl'ih;~ea~J;#
CJ2A (Early full floating type axle), and 4-63, -4-73, 6-63, 6-73, (2 Wheel Drive Station Wagons, SemI-Floating Axles) Reg. $63.90. SPECIAL 'RICE .---$32.10
(J) •
G ~~ .
Dro p $ 1 .,0 ' .10 4 .95 1 .35 , .90
A An- Met al Hac ksaw s ~ Adl usta ble fram e, P lSlol gnp . $2.' 0 MM T\2 ~:~so w Blad es - Hi g h qua lity carb on blad es. 12" .80 doz . 10" .70 dox ; I des fine (BI Thi ckn ess Gou ge - 9 b a grad e Swe dISh slee l. 51 .25 ITEM HM T22 Wo od (C) Suc tion Val ve Gr han dle rubb er inde r gnp s .29 ITEM MMT6 uolt ty (0 Twist Drills - H19~ 6<;\ _ 1/4~" felSt cutt ing tool st.;';ll ~ Pce . Set .90 7 pce . Se t . We nch - FI t S 14 E) Spa rk P\T~M MMTB .4S -n.m . Plug s. . . Plie rs _ :~iC (J) Un ive. ?al ~\Sb o~J~~ed allo y stee l kel plat e WI
I ~~~ MMT260~
10" ITEM MM T26 01 6 \f. "
52 .40 $2 .35
W,ight tool s are desi
gne d for the hom e, wor ksh op or farm . Car bon stee l . Hot Forg ing wC lgh t. . The se ore the bes t (A) 18 PCE
d Stee l Scre wdr iver s ha ndle s for Slot ted Scr ews -.14 I-V e" x 23 2-3 /1 6" x /';: .36 5 .54 3-1/" ' 6~ 5" 6" .12 4-5 / 1 x for Phil lips Sc~.ews.42 1-3 /1 6" x 4 " .59 2-V '" x
~~oc!~";;'~i reamber
For Rob erts o ft Hea d scre ws- -. .SO No 1. 2 or 3 . (G) 29 pce . Drill 50\ To qua l Ity, 16" p _ V. " In Chr ome Van a dIum , 1/ 64lh s In mel o l box . $9.9 5 ITM MMT29 Man ifol d Wre nch (H) Star ter and d 5 " ope 12 t 9 f\ 6" o n n Ings for ~hev " T7Pot; ,ac. 1' 8 BUl ck . $1.6 6 ITEM MM . . _ St rong ly buil t (K) Slip JOIn t p~e Hh_ 6 V. " for sure a ct ion .6!.. " .• 9 ITEM MHT~~- B ndi- Rul e 72" (L) flex l-Rl gld ~aF lnge r-tlp reCOil watchSpnn~ct~,;~'\TEM MM R72 .59
prof essi ona l serv ice, but are pric ed for FEA TUR ES- -All oy ste . . . Exte nSio n f orm el- tou ghe r t han ed . ligh ter
'n . ¥O" DRIVE SOCKETquo lity tool s mon ey can buy ! SET--C ont a lns a Wid 12 pt sock -9 sock ets e a ssor tme nt of 7/ 16 ¥e oo ), 2-6 ets, Y2, 9 16 , O/S, 11/1 pt. sock ets (V" , 5/1 6, 3;", 13/ 16. 6 "); exte nSio n, Spe ede Flex han dle; Flex 12 p I dee p soc ket, 13 16" ; 5" met ol box ITEM r.;MM Ba r; Rev er sib le ratc WT he t ; two -ton e l (B) y, " DRIVE RA $29 .95 han dle sWing, rubb er TCH ETS -Sm all. rou nd he od, ex t ra grip ru gge d , sho rt ha nd le. Sing le paw l. ITEM As abo ve but with $1.5 0 (C) Yl" DRIVE EXTDau ble Paw ls-I TEM MM WT 500 MM WT 400 $10 .95 ITEM MM WT 441 0 EMSIOMS, 10" -To ugh a lloy s tee l, li g ht a nd s tron g . As abo ve but S" Exte nsio n-IT EM MM WT $2.2 5 ( D) y. " DRIVE 440 5 6 PT, DEEP SOC KET ._ $1.7 9 cha mfe red driv e S-A lloy stee l- ho t end s and stro lght forg ed Wit h , thin Side Y2" wall S, drill ed loc k $ 1.59 9 /1 6" h oles. $1.5 9 5/e ". 3;"" $1 .59 $ 1.59 13/ 16" 1 1/ 16" $\.7 9 $\.5 9 %" $1.9 5 15/ 16 " ASy;~ove W5 1 2 P~~' I~~.EP $2.1 0 ~~~5~ETS 5)~J " DR~~~~ 11 3;" " $ 1.55 13 . 16" / 16" $1.5 5 $1.7 5 7/. " I" $1.8 5 $2 .25 1-1 / 6" 15/ 16 " $2.4 5 I Ye" $2.0 5 As abo ve but \2 PT. $2.4 5 STAMDARD SOCKET S (~" DRIVE) ~:: :~; :~; ~:: $ .79 ¥e" ~ :~; I~m:: $\.0 $ 1.\5 15! 16" $ \,20 5 1\0 " I" $\,2 9 $ 1.50 1-3 /16" 1-1/ 6" $\.5 (E) 0 DRIVE SPE EDE RS- $ \.60 11/..' $1.6 0 17 Y." -Ro tatl ng hea (F) Y." DRIVE, 16" d MM WT U45 $2.9 9 od-p roaf rubb er Qnp flEX HAMDLE -St ee l roll pins , chro me (G) \3 / 16" SPARK . ITEM MM WT 443 6 PLUG SOC KE T-Y, " DRI VE- rubb er Inse SPARK PLUG from Un l.... al Sac ke t ('4" falli rt ng Driv el out -MM WT 459 6 (HI V," DRIVE UM $\.9 9 %" to 3;"" . one soc ke'. IVERSALJOIMTS-1 80 f~~re SWiv el MM WT 447 5 rn Yl" F. x ¥." M. AD mos t nuts , bolt s, APT hex , Q ERS -ITE M MM WT 445 etc Hea t trea ted .(les s han dle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ....... ITEM MM '4S ....... $ 5.99 . ..
lim:: 1
12 VOLT H.D. COIL For foster .Iarting .. smoother idling . . . more miles per gallon . . cleaner spark plugs. EaSily Inslalled In all dlslnbutor ()Qps. No lools requlred-JusI slIp out coil wire, place Spark Kino in distribu-
tor cop, replace wire . . . tho~s all Inere IS to It Endorsed by Automotive Engineers.
__ ._._$2.25 OZ . GIANT
FIRE ( TI Reusable, non-toxic, nonstaining. Effective to 8 ft . For 011, gas, grease,
iT~' r;'"r.16~~L
(wlln bracket) _ $1.15 1'0
D ~L
For lubricating locks hinges, firearms, SWitch-
es, powe r tools, etc . ITEM NMGIG-60 gram refillable shop gun $1.25 ITEM HMGII - RondY tube gun 2 for .49
CIGARETTE L I G H T I . TROUI LAMP--Complete wltn dasn socket. 12 ft. rubber covered Wire, bulb protecting locking cover, and con-
venient stand. Locklno cover forms very effective reflector when open .
cr - Seals deadly exnaust fumes, ~mphfjes
- Avoid costly towing and service chorges. Inflotes tire In seconds, easyto-use, no tools required. Refill ._ $2.15 ITEM HM-SA _ $3.15 r -flashes to -65- F. S~orts Diesel, Gas Engines at extremely low temperatures. Just crank En-
where 0 remote control is needed. ITEM RN27 .. _._____ .39
5cJve an theM
great original equipment plug. remonufactured by
~ k! r~~:!'~ d;.: ~O~~ O
mile.. B to a card for the price of less than a f_ standard plugs. State year model. and moke wIIen ordering. - _____ 11190 let at I 1 _.__ •
$2 98
prevents rusted Jotnts elc. In paly. tube. ITEM NM-SSMe:Tube _____ .. .
CHOICE COHTROU Can be used for corburetor ignition, _ _ _- - - - - manifold
Compares to $3.00 value anywhere! ITEM NMTL (Less Bulb)( only .79 (Iulbl .30 la.,
~T'AR~n,~t;P~~l ln~~~~
PANOSCOPIC OR -Hooded alumlnum shell
In hommertone finish, trimmed With
chrome edQe. Length 12". Clips on existing mirror.
RADIATOR HOn Brand new, straight typo, 1'l'iI" 0 .0 . 3 ft . length . Reg . $3.S'1 value. ITEM NMRH _ _ _ ..___ . .19 PRlSTOHE CAR WINDOW DE-ICER 1.. Ounce con . Regular $129 per con. Defrosts Instantly.
ITEM HM PI29 2 for $1.49
ITEM RN13_ 14 ounce _ .10 ITEM RHI~ 28 ounce __ _ $1.U
ITEM NM-PAM _ .. ___----$2.91 r PA., COP .( C 11 ROII--Cllps on 011 present small
glare-free wider view.
large for
.. _. _ _ _ $1.59 USA "
\\~~ ,
ST AIR FL Keeps dangerous exhaust fumes out of rear Window and keeps rear window cleor fOf' sofe viSion. Heavy duty wllh chrome flnlsn . Fits 011 makes and models. ITEM NM SW"F .... __$5.95 pr.
Holds cor elc. Attaches mCJarletlcallv per, onll, guard IT£M NM-MKH
all models _ 011 years. Eliminates flooding, stlCkinq automatic chokes, stalllno etc. EaSier foster start ing anytlme.
_ ..... _ $.1.95
l R -Molded of Acrylic plasllc . . . .Iops Sun and Snow glare . . . fits 011 cars and trucks. Clips on Sun·Vlsor. "Down-Blue"
filler removes 87% of rays. Size 16" x 4',4". ITEM HM-FV _. __ ---.$1.50
Fib 14" tire IS" tire
16" t ire
10 AY RENC!' l ndy . . . has ten of !
most popu lo r openV.. · 10 9/ 16" in one wrench.
. s from
ttoches securely to front fender longe with 0 pair of rust-proof :Iomps Easi ly Installed In just 0
ew minutes. TEM R N 1 ~Wh l te ____. _ $ 3.65 TEM RN1 6_Block _._. __ ..____ $3 .05
W rite Pri nces. Auto fo, all
you, re qul,ements.
~i\~ ~irhe~ ~~d'!,O~1
fu ll door ta door
protection, 64" wide. Sty led with m art textured surface, re ma ins f irmly in place . Colors--Red , Grey, Blue, White, Green , Ye ll ow, Tan, Black. ITEM RH10 ____ . __ .___ .$5 .30 eo . S
It . BAR:!! -Custom ize yOU( present ub cops and g ive your co r thot
Fits all cars with ra in gu t te rs, sturdy 56" wide, one-pie ce construction . Positive locktng ste el, cush ioned pads sna p on or off In 0 jiff y. 84" web straps. Fully a diustable. ITEM RH25 ... ____ .. _ ... _ .. _$11.70
:ont inentol look. Chrome finished . TEM RN47 - _ ... --- each $1.75
Princess Auto carries 0 giant stock
of Auto Parts Gnd accessories • . • Write us for 011 your requirements!
AUTOMATIC TRUNk LITE Simple installat ion. Equ i pped with gravity mer-
~~::idec~s~r~~t~~i , 40,000 candle power sealed - beam I a mp, non - g I are mirror4'/'" x 33;"". ITEM HM-SSM __ $11.90
cury switch . Complete with w ire . SpeCify 6 or 12V ITEM NM-ATL , $ 2.20
cor . . . 360 0 t urning rod i u s,
Reduce s " wind-roar" and noise to a gen tle wh isper. Easy-to-install snaps on front door lip by special patented clip . Chrome finish . ITEM RH20 . _...... _.. _ ........ $1.26 pal,
model to all cars - Smartly 6 x 9 powe rlul speaker, 3-way with wire and hardware HM 6x9 __ " _ _ _..____ $5.85 Some os a bove only with 5x7 Soeaker. ITEM HM 5x7 __ ._. .-.----.. - $4.75 (A ) UHIVERSAL AHTENNA-Hlllh quality --engineered steel-la, high fidelity re.
porkllng clear, unbrea e in bubo le shape. No change in
eodl ight beam pottern . T EM 11.10123 (2 headlight cars) $1.70 TEM RH24 (4 headl ight cars) $3.25
4GHETIC DASH TRAY rEM HM MDT . _ _ _ .69 4GNETIC FLASHLIGHT AMP - wi th map-an clip. EM H M MFC ____ . •91
ception-pOSltlve insulated against defec-
tive sound Inception . Trople-ct.,ame plated. • . ITEM NM-HD57-Heavy duty 57" _ $1.00 ITEM NM-LS7-Standard 57" .._ $2.65 (B) REPLACEMEHT STAFF - EaSily m ou n ted . Slip replacement s tal I (C)SIDE COWL MOUNT ANnNNA OVer original base stub and tighten -Extends to 57 inches. ITEM NM-RSA ___.. ___ -:- $2.25 ITEM NM.SMCA _ ... .. _ ......... $1 ••' (E) FABULOUS BRAHD NEW "SHARK" REAR DECK AERIAL KIT-Ultro sm ort ond modern d eSign enhances the appear·
o nce at any car. Un iversal fo r all cars. Contains 2 smartly deSig ned a ntenna s , ca bte, horne ss and 011 installation hardware Antennos ex tend fr om 1J V2H - 27". ITEM filM " SHARK" RDK ..- ....-_ .... __ _ .. ___ - $10.99
PASSENGER CAR & TRUCK TRANSMISSIONS Il01'l: EXCHANGE '.ICE .,..... """ ..... we ...... fM' oN 1 _................,. 0IherwiM........... price w • ... - . . . . . elld , , ' " - ............. we ........ y.u' . _................. ,a"AID IN oua CIlAn. W ..... EXCHANGE I....._ $21.00 will ......... to t .... pria .." . . . I""......... le All . . . . . . . . .PalCI .11t ...,""" _ le ...... ...................... 1.... _11 to _1_ .. _ ........_ . .
................... AIIIIIIIII ... _
...-re,_ _ ...._....••• ..,tD ..........
_."'eII ..... .....
New Fede,.1 Sol.. Tu.
REBUILT PASSENGER CAR TRANSMISSIONS Equal to or "better than" Cl " ew tra",m IIIIOft. Custom built, on worn ,arh: replaced, cornp .... and ready 10 Inslall (I..s tap unleu specified). Ou, expert m.chonlcs u .. the most modem equlpm1.t available to mai nta in precls'Oft standard. and closest tol.,ance. fa, rnore Rcon rnlcal than a repair job l GUARANTEED FOR 90 DAYS. Year
BUICK 1949-53--Standard
_ _ _~ $ 77.95
$ 90.00
CHEVROLET 1940-48-Stale Year _ _ ___ $ 46.75 1949 -54-Passenge r 53.50 1955-60--Sta ndard _ _ _ _ _ _ 66.75
$ 56.50 68.50 110.00
DODGE. PLYMOUTH. CHRYSLER, DE SOTO 1940-48-Stand ard _ _ _ _ _ _$ 1949-54-Standard 1955-581959-61-
41 .00 42.50 64.95 91.00
FORD. METEOR. MERCURY, MONARCH 1928-31 -Model A _ _ _ _ _ $ 30.00 1939-4842.00
$ 48.00
55.00 105.00 125.00
1949-50--Standard 49.95 1952-56-Ford Standard _ _ _ _ $ 64.00 1957-63-Ford Standard _ _ _ _ 10.00
58.50 $ 95 .00 110.00
OLDSMOB ILE 1940-48-Slate length o f housi ng $ 41.00 1949-50--6 cyli nder ______ 57. 50 1951-56-Standard _ _ _ _ _ _ 90.00 1957-63--Standard 112.00
$ 60.00 70.00 111.00 150.00
PONTIAC 194 1-4 B-Can. 20-22 Series _ _ $ 1949-54--<:an. 2 0-22 Se"es __. 1941 -54-American 25-26-27 ser ies 1955-62-Standard
$ 52.50 66.00 90.00 110.00
42.50 53.50 67 .95 66. 75
We carry a full line of rebuilt transm issions for Nosh,
$ 40.00 52.00
Wdl ys, Packard, Terraplane, Hudson , Stude ba ke r. etc. Write for models not listed. When ordering give exact yea r, mo ke and model.
ExceptIonal quality, ) and 4 speed transmisolans, featll,lng h Igh grade ,eplacement partst • n d .killed assembling. All unit s GUARANTEED FOR"90 DAYS. W. can supply transm1l. .Ion. for all model. from to
Y6R pRfcE: ~F"'M~~m
CHEY... GMC 3-speed 1937-47 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 45.00 $ 55.00 194 8-54 _ _ _ _ _ Closed dr ive 3-speed 72.50 110.00 1955-59 _____________ 3-speed 125.00 72.50 1941-47 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4-speed 67.00 77.00 1948-60 _ _ _ _ _ _ Syncho-mesh 4 -speed 135.00 105.00 FORD .. MERCURY --------t-----~---~~---$ 70.00 1942-51 3-speed $ 59.95 1952-56 3-speed 74.00 105.00 4-speed 1932-52 _ _ _ _ Stra ight cut gears 92.00 80.00 1953-60 _ Syncho-mesh, State year 4 -speed 157.00 197.00 DODGE .. FARGO $ 69.95 $ 79.00 3-speed 1940 -48 3-speed 69.95 80.00 1949-54 1955-60 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y2 Ton 90.00 3-speed 125.00 1932-49 _ _ _ _ Straight cut gears 4-speed 82.00 90 .00 4-speed 150.00 189.00 m~=~* ~en:h~;~~~~ 4-speed 187.00 225.00 INTERNATlONAL 3-speed $ 66.50 $ 85.00 1941-49 120.00 3-speed 85.00 1950-56 3-speed 95.00 130.00 1957-63 4-speed 80.00 95.00 1931-4 7 _____ Stra ight cu t gears 4 -speed 160.00 195.00 1948-58 , __ Syncho-mesh , State year 4-speed 185.00 220.00 1959-63 __ Syncho-me.n , Stale year
REBUILT 5 SPEED TRANSM ISS10NS--Suppl ied less top All worn parts rep laced, co mpletely rebuil t Guaranteed for 90 days. Note--Whe n orde ring, state Ma ke, Yea r a nd Model of vehicle and Model Ho. of pr.sent transm ission. Up t o 1954 ____ EXCH ANGE $225'88 OUTRIGHT $265' 88 1955-63 _ ____ EXCHANGE $285. O UTRIGHT $325.
LT D .
! LOW! PRICES When ord.rlnl, .tate year, make, model, and the for,lng number on
the ,Ight hand lid. of the auto·
matic tronsml'llon. Write for prlcl' on model. not listed.
Chang. l-spe.d transmissions to 4· speed easily and economically . . . Increase pulling pow.r . . haul heavl.r loods . . . sav. on gas and repal" . . . sttOnge ......... lolts lontert
NOTE : Thes. unlh
G 0 < 1932·52 - in· cludes transmission, U-)olnts, and ton.
a~ . r ee haft
d oh ... t unl
bled ..... If unit II dllOlumbled • $25 .00 """ le. cha,g, will b, charted
Exchang. Outright Che" ... Pontloc 1950-61 20·20 Se"es, Powerglode $ 165.50 $144.50 Yea,
G R 1933· S(}-Includes clutch housing, clutch drive
~~~ . CH EV
0'9d5 transml~l1TRIGHT$l 20.00 _
E OVER transmission, u-jolnts,
and top. If open drove shaft, flange &
Automatic Transmissions are unexcelled in Quality, Workman ..
kit ore supplied, ready to instnll
EXCH .:8500 OUTRIGHT $97.00 1941-54 CHANGE-OVER (Synch'.... M ..h). EXCH . 92 00 OUTR'T $235.00
E9ilH'1N~~"o~t~OVER: ......
lold on on
All exchan,e "nlh mUlt bl a.Hm-
EXCH 120.00 OUTklGHT $150.00 e can n 0 Ip b nit Ion,
0 ..
exchange basis only, and a deposit
"orylng with the type of unit purcholed will be changed until the unit II ,etu,ned to UI PREPAID.
ship 0" d Male,lal . With our experience and know .. how they will render unequal. led service In hand·
-1o, U Cri G -OVE 19375O-mcludes clutch housing, clutch drive
Bulck-Dynaflow 1948-53 All models 1954·56 All models
150.00 199.00
Ford, Meteor, Mercury, Sinll. 1951-54 Less 144.50 194.SO Converter 1955·60 Less Converter $165.50 $215.00
component of every
E~oi~Ao~~E trg~LYsslon .........:.102.00
175.00 199.00
$115.50 117.50
p oboye unit until _c h , old clutch hous'"9, etutc dr'"e shaft, and transmission .
4 To 5 Speed
Main D,ive Gears $15. 50 1940·52 Chev . Pass . & Y2 ·Tan, K322·1 1940-48 Fard Pass . & Y2.Tan . $20. 95 K2 16- 1.16 taath 1949·51 Fard Passenger Cars, K316 1A $15 . 95 Low & Reverse Gears 1940·53 Chev . Pass . & Y2-Tan, K322-3 .. ~ ....... $9.95 1939·50 Fard . Pass . & Y2·Tan, K316-3 .......... .$10. 95 1951 · 55 Fard Pass. & Y2·Tan, K356·3 ..... 510. 95 Second Gears _ ....$10. 50 1940·53 Chev . Pass . & Y2-Tan, K322·5 .... .$13. 50 1940· 48 Fard Pass . & Y2 ·Tan, K216 -5 .$13. 50 1949·50 Fard Pass. & Y2·Tan, K316 · 5 Cluste, Gea,s $19. 95 1940·53 Chev . Pass ., K322·1 1 1940·48 Fard Pass. & Y2-Tan, $28. 60 K216-11·28 taath 1949·50 Fard Pass ., K316·11A, 28 taath $28. 60 1951 -55 Fard Pass . & Y2 Tan, K356-11 $ 28. 60 Synch,o Assemblies $16. 50 1941-53 Chev. Pa ss. & Y2-Tan, K331·23 $19. 95 1940-48 Fard Pass., & Y2·Tan, K216·23 1949-55 Fard Pass. & Y2·Tan, K316·23 ... ~ $19. 95 Reverse Idler Gears . .$10. 50 1940·53 Chev . Pass . & Y2 ·Tan, K322 · 8 1939·50 Fard Pass . & Y2·Tan, K216·8 $6. 50 We Stock Complete Line of Gean for 011 Makes and Models of Cars. State Year, Make and Model.
DUTY TRAHSMISSIO Increase pulling power, haul heaVier loads, strOrlQer, lasts longer, save on repairS and gas. We supply complete transmission With top, emergency broke assembly, clutch hOUSing. If required, bock flange, 011 ports necesso ry for chongeover. You must hove your drive
~OO~~I s~;:e$i8.0r:fod~~~t~~y o~';· s~:~~
We can supply these units for Chevro-
I.t. G.M.C., Dodge, Forgo, Ford, and Mer-
cury, Internatlonol, 'n order'n" stot. transmission, case .Iso mod. 1 and
Studeboker, Wh i te . make of p res. n t number if possible, to"nage of pr... nt
Its_EXCHANGE ...... 265.00 OUTRIGHT ... $295.00 1955-_EXCHANGE ........ :11500 OUTRIGHT ... .. $370.00
wc h
"I, dUTC" anye
a r, ana t'rDfumlulon .
For t
1 005
Th". units .re comple t . I, d to b. In perf. ct operating cond it ion . GUAR .... NT EED FOR 90 DAYS. W. can allo lupply complete, 2 .... p"d o lM mbly for Intematlonol, Re o, Stud. ba ker, Diamon d, Whit., .tc. Writ. for prlc... Vear Tonnage Exchonge Outright _ Y~ ._ a_ r _______________T~o~n~ n~ a~g~ . __E~x~c~h~ a~ "~ g. CH[V & G."" C. 1940-47 _. $194.50 ~I 150 3 ton $220.5 3 ton i948-55 $251.00 251.00 19 48-55 22050 3 ton 1949-55 4 ond 5 ton 152 0 404.00 19.0-S5, 6-hole ___ 404.00 352.00 • ton DOOG "'Rc:' 157.50 motor wheels 1940-48 3 ton 194.50 ORD 1949-55 3 ton 251.00 1940-.7 3 t on 15750 194.50 1948-55 3-4 ton speclol 404.00 If yacuu m sh llt requ ired, add $ )5.00. Tlmkln, 6 stud
SINGLE SPEED REB ILT TRU K CA RIE ~~er~~~~ f;du:onW~' S~~~I~ ~~o~~lto~dr~~{~e~~~bl~n~~~PI~~~"!:!~ ~~~~~:
and a xle gea rs, split type or torque assembly. When ordering, give year and m odel. If possible, give number on corner hOUSing, open or closed drive shaft
GU .... UNTED FOR 90 D.... YS. Tonnage
CHEV & G.M.C. 1940-47--1 V. -2 t on ._____ • __ . _._ $ 1948-51--1 V. -2 ton ___ __ _____ _. __ __ 1952-5+- 1Y.-2 ton EXCH .... NGE ONLY .. 1946-54- V. - 3,4- 1 ton _____ __ _ .
:m:~t=~ur- l t%~UhoC:::~a-E c~r~te
75 .50 '9.50 19.50 73 .50 14.00 -= 115.50
INTERN .... TION .... L 1933-.9-V. ton _. ____ . _ _ _ _ ._ .... 1940-48--3,4 - 1 ton K mode l ___ _ _ _ __ 1949-57---->,4- 1 ton L & R mode l £XCH . ONLY 1950-57-V. ton EXCH .... NGE ONLY _ . . . _
Ve a,
:m:~~: ~=~
tt;; EXCH .... NGE Otoll Y DODGE & FARG 1940-48-2 ton 19.9-5_2 t on 1935.. 0--3,4.1 ton 1947-55-- 3/.0-1 ton 1955-59- f V.-2 ton ORO 1940-48-1 V.-2 1949-52-1V.-2 1953-58-1 V.-2
14 115.50 78 SO 99.50 SI.OO '9 .50 _ 12 1.00 55 .00 101 50 112 OD
EATON 2·SPEED CARRIER Ex pe rtly rebu ilt for 3 ton truck GU .... RAHTUD 90 D.... YS. We hove 0 complete ronge of corner a ssem b lies for 0 11 models _ Write for prices When ordering, state year and mode l, gear ro tio, give numbers on corner casting . Exchang.
.. ton
Excha n,.
Outrl,h t $299.00
F.... RGO
1 TON FULL FlO .... TING RE.... R END .... SSEMBLlES Increase present corrYlng capacity. excellent for building vonous types of eQuipment . Complete os Illustrated, With hubs ond drum s, reody to Install for Chev . GM .C., Dodge, Internotlonol. UP TO 1947 _ $131.50 1941 .... ND UP $173.00 LL FORD I TO
.1 ....
Complet. and reody
to install, more econo-
necessary ports fa, rebuilding
leol than repairs, equal to or ig i nol equlpment[
Complet. with ' C' assembly, w h i e h Includ.1 oxl., spld.r gears, and bearings. When or·
make and model, number on co,ri.r
geo, ratio If possible.. open 0' cloMd shaft, or spUt axle housing type. GOvtJlHMEHT SAUS TAX IHCLUDlD Out,lght
.. C 1937 -47 1948-54 1955-60
_ $32 . 50 ___ 70 .00 95.00
_ $32.50 1940-48 _ _ _ _ 50 .00 1949-54 ONLY . _ _ 97.50 EXCHANGE 1955-60 D G l MOU C R SLU , DE SOTO ___ . _ $35 .00 1937 - 5<4-7 po ssenoer 011 models __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ 27 .50 1948-52 __ 55 .00 1953 -56 EXCHANGE ONLY ____ 75.00 1957-60 FORD 1928-40 $22 .50 194 1-48 2950 49 .50 1949-56 87.50 1957-60 EXCHANGE ONLY ERCU Y ___ .$29.50 , "'39- 48 1949-5 1 45 .00 ___ 65 .00 1952-54 EXCHANGE ONLY _. __._ 97 50 1955-60 ClLDS BILE 1937-50 $42 .50 195 1-57 67,50 ... T'AC 1935-48 (closed drive) $32 .00 1949-54 (closed dri ve ) 50 .00 1955-60 EXCHANGE ONLY 97 .50
CHEVROLET U-Jolnt No. Prlc. 1955-57 Po~ . _ ,,_. _____ . __ ,,____ 329 $3 .20 1955-57 V2 ton (1300 series) . 329 3.20 4 .50 19 40- 57 1~2 Y2 ton open drive _. 331 6.50 194 1- 57 3 ton ( 1700 series) _" 328 DODGE Plymouth ) & FARGO 1946-57 Pass. (with Spicer Joint) 329 3.20 1933- 57 (wi t h DetrOIt cup type Joint) Complete ____._. U- 52 6.95
1946-57 Y2 ton __ ._._______ _ 329 1946-57 1-2 ton _. _ _ _,, __ ,,_ 331 1946- 57 3 ton & Spec. ___ . ____ . 328 FORD MERCURY 1949-55 Pass. Front _ _._. ___ . 525 Reor _. ____ 526 1956-58 Pass , ____ _ _ 329 1946-58 V2-1 ton __ ._____ 329 1940-57 1 ~2-2 ton ______ 331 1940-57 2 V,-3 ton _______ ._. 328 INTERNATIONAL 1946-49 K; KB 1, 2 (3 speed) ._ 329 1946-49 K; KB 1, 2 (4 speed) _. 331 1950-58 l , R, 110, 120 & R, S, 110, 120, 130 _ ____ 329 1946-49 K; KB 3, 5 _______ __ 328 1950 L, R, 130 _____ _ _ 331 1950-58
~6~' (~' ~!~?, .~~,,_
3 .20 4 .50 6 .50 3.50 3.50 3 .20 3.20 4 .50 6 .50 3.20 4.50 3.20 6.50 4.50
OLD5MOBlLE PONTIAC (25. 26. 27, 28 Series) 1939- 55 Front _ _ _ ,,_ ____ 525 Rear _. _______ 526
3.50 3.50
STUDEBAKER 1936-57 All Models (Pass.) _ _ 329 1949-56 Y2-',4 ton _____._ _ 329 WILlYS 1942-56 Military. CJ2A, 3A, 3B, 5 & 6 ',.4 ton truck, and station wagons up to 1951 _ _ _ ,,_,, ____ 329
3.20 3 .20
6'l1.· SPECIAL NEW New Universal JOInt Repair Kits for 3% Detroit
b~s~~o ~~dll~~~:u~~E~9J3~~5~h~sl~o. D~~~:
S6 • 95
Reg. Price $1 6.50. SPECIAL EACH ______ . __ ___
New Ford Front Tronsmission Slip Yokes Original duplicate-Fits 1949-57 Ford, Meteor
Passenger Cors. Regulo, Prlc. $12.95 SPECIAL ____ ._ __________ _ __
$7 • SO
New Ford Rear Pinion Flange F,ts Ford, Meteor, 19"9-57. Reg. P,lce $10.25 SPECIAL _._. ___. __ •
IItlll ",",0
ISTU). uslO. WILL fl .. O L fiT "LOf lVt"Y ",,,Ill ,,0 TOO"Y.
~~~UILT ,,,"TS,,~~ y~1l
Till 110
vt~~~L: 1l~c'!\V10 ":~IlS~~~£~"IlT5 Oil 0"'1 . WIOTl t GU"Il,,"Ttt s""'\v.'I IltQUIIll. W stllVICt "T 'IOU tfflCIE .. T ,1l0",PT ILE PIlICESI
Il~I::::--~~Y ::~~~~D:-~' WRfeG~'~~st ~\:v~
Yo'!':' we ope7a! "t p,e sent • hlch a,e beIng In Cana and truc....... of 30 can '500 co rl t the rote I ",ode I" dismantled Oaue to the dva'I:~ial equlpev.'" day. ean. an sP ... o do not ,,, the 1O"'I:t! ",ode' ""tll orden m.nt an an 0' t"'C~ I this waY dis",ont'. ~,. ,eceived. o,derl tor ports practicaUY d Write tor we con S l ' as rece,ve : d;:u ",aY requue~ . _ _ _- -
t, ':".y s::,.;..
1929 .... 7 Cars & Trucks with 235 motor. 1951 and Exch. Up. $23.50 bch. - Out $45.0 $21.50 0Out $50.00. GMC 270 cu. in. Engin. Cyl.-Heads - Gov' t rebuilt. Includes rocker shaft. State whether for model 270 or 248. ITEM 1 P257 Outright only _. $69.50 When ord.,;nl, state castin9 Ho. NOTE: Old Heads will b. accepted on Exchange price only if they aN from the .am. yea, of .... hlc .. a. the on_ purchased, and must be .hlpped to us PREPAID with the orde" otherwise the Outright price will be cha,ged.
These Rodlotors ore 011 tested and
~~~11:1re~~~ . W~a~~~~e:de7.k~~e~t
We hove 0 large selection of Rod.· ators for many makes and models. Write tor your requltements If not
listed . PASSENGER CAllS Chev,olet 1949-54 $27.50 Ford up to 1954 $27.50 TRUCKS Chev,olet 1949-54 $32.50 Ford up to 1954 V. -3 ton $ 32.50
With I-Ton Shafts - - - - $10.00 2-3 Ton Shafts - $13.50 4-Ton Shafts _ - _ _ $17.50 Pass. to '49 - - - - $5.00 Pass. '50-' 54 _ $6.00 P '55 d $8 50 ass. on up - ~-. • When ordering b. sur. to specify yeor, make, model, no. spline" no. holes ftonge, flange distance, !::~~ I~:'~:~s, etc. Write for
These ore tco:tory product Universal JOints all tested, guaranteed ond '" perfect condition . Now priced at
these E"t,o Special ,rice I . CHEVROLfT 1932-53 - Passenge, and V. Ton CommercIal (State year and modeL ) Sp.clol • FORO 192 ..... 9Passenger only Special •
'3 00 '3 00
'n n:!
FORO, GM, CHEV. DODGE. 650xl0---2 piece wheel $ 7.50
Hub. and
16" ony make or model Except Y2 Ton. SpeCIfy each - - - $3.00 16" V. Ton - - - - -$ 6 .00 15" DODGE, PLY'" 0 U T H, FORO, CHEVROLET- up to 1 95~.cept V2 ton.
lACH _
__ ~ __ ' 4.00
All model. 1955 & up Eo. $7.00 Good U.ed 16 Inch Wheel. tor Trailers, Wagons, Rims, Implements.
52 .50 each
_ 4 fa, $ 8 .00
Good U.ed 15 Inch Whe.l. -
Traders, Wogons, Rims, Implements.
53 .50 each
4 fa, $14.00
When a specific wheel I. ordered and i. not in stock . . . W. sholl automatically ,eplace it with _"othe, to fit.
DruM. and Drums are very Inspected for wear. Onlv t are not excessively worn no grooves are selected
PASSENGER CARS Front----<J p to 1954 f,ont-1955 and up
Reo'----<Jp to 1954 Rea r--1955 and up
' 6 .50 ' 9 .50 ' 5 .0 0 '7.50
TRUCKS Frant......'l,4 and 1 Ton up to 1954 Aear- 3h and , Ton up to 1954 When ordering be sure to stot. year, make, model, Front or RH', etc. W,lte fa, Hub. and Drums not listed.
700.20---Ford, GM, Che v., Dodge $11.50 2 and 3 pIece wheels 750, I2Sx20 Ford, GM, Chev., Dodge. 2 and 3 pc . wheels $14.50 900x2O---Ford 8 hole _
9OO.2O-GM, 6 hole (motor)
125x20--- 6 hole Budd
$ 22_50
900.20--- 6 hole Budd
125x20---10 hole Budd
900x20---10 hole Budd
1OOOxlO--- l 0 hole Budd
11 OOxlO--- l 0 hole Budd
$ 34.50
' 10.00 '14.50
w. 0"0 stock rim. and _heelt: for olmolt every otfter truck mad • . Write fa, thOM not listed.
t ruck
" U-BUlldlt'
you r
with Kit.
thIS Con-
toms ports os .llIustrated below.Saddle Tanks, Fifth Wheel and Compressor Kit. (011 good used ). ITEM IP6I $115.00
T horoughl y In spected In perfect shope.
CH EV. 1933 -36 Std . 3 .50 1937-39 $4 .50 1940- 48 _ $ 5.00 1949-59 _. $7. 50 State exa ct year, make and model whe n orde ring . FORD 1932-39 _. $ 3 .50 1 9~ 0 - 4 8 $ 4 .50 1949-54 $ 7.50
,.. $65.00
Fea tures hea vy steel Cab shie ld wi th ousseted sides for extra st re ngth.
Con be used for g ra in , g r ovel or any heavy haul ing . Size : 'nside--
PASSENGER CARS Rear to 1954 ___ '_00_'- $6.00 Re ar 1955 and up 00 - . -.. $9.00 100 gal. capacity - good used . ITEM STl OO _ _ _ ... $ 55 .0 0
COMPR ESSOR KITS For trucks equ ipped wi th hydrau li c O lr
broke tro llers. Includes compresso r,
TRUCKS Front V,-l;"- 1 Ton _00_ ._$ 7.75 Rear V.-l;" -I Ton -- - - $ 9.75 Front 2-3 Ton ,,_._ - -.. - $12.50 Rear 2 -3 Ton _. __ - .. _.$ 14.75 Wh e n ordering be sure to s tot e exa ct ye ar, make and model.
reservoir t a nk, tro iler bro ke control
couplers but less hoses. Cond it ion Good Used. ITEM IP60 $ 135.50
15-1 CH
HEELS teor, Dodge, Plymou th 1949-54 . 5 hole, 670x15 Size . Regula r $1 4 .65. ITEM WlS
10 8" long x 70" wide, 15" h igh sides, Ta ilgote a nd Bockst op 24 H hig h. Outside-- 108" lo ng x 94 " wd ie . H a s pockets t o allow vertica l side ex tensions to be buil t . We ight
approx . 2200 Ibs. A t e rr ific Value. ITEM IPCB Y
5155 00 ...·
4 ft. wide, 6 ft. long, 18 Inches high.
Cargo Boxes -
ITEM lP601
_~60.00 ea.
Corgo Boxes - 4Y. ft. wide, 8 ft. long, 1 V. ft. high. ITEM 1P600
SAVE .... OW 0 .... GOOD USED SIDE TA .... KS'
_.! 75.00 ea.
Cargo Boxes 5 ft. wide, 5Y. ft. long, II inches high.
to 45 gallon used for 0 11
ITEM lP601 . __ ~67 e S O ea.
standard installations. NOTE : Mounting Bracke ts at e not included.
Mu lt i-purpose Carg o boxes--ex cel en t for T rai lers, small Trucks, etc.
Circ ular type--35 copacity--Con be
Flts--Chevrolet, Pon tla c, Ford , Me-
Constructed of heavy .
g auge steel w ith t o ilga te at rear.
Th ese sp rings ore guaranteed to ho ve no broken leaves and o re in g ood used condit ion.
bra kes enabling them to haul
Complete with mounting b rackets , g uaranteed free from crocks a nd in good, ~rviceoble conditio n .
ITEM ST100--Be sure to specify Capac ity desired per g a l. $1.00
Ext ra
st rong
qual itY-<lIl-
steel cons t ruct ion wi t h Tailgate and pocket s f or st a k es.
LAST MI .... UTE TOOL SPECIALS! All Truck Rims are
t horoug h ly
checked and ore guaranteed to be strolg ht . Will f i t International, White, Diamond T, a nd man y other
Trucks. Complete with n n g.
.-- $ 6.00
$1 0.00
$1 4.00
. $18.00
$ 25.00 Wh e n orde ring please stote Split or Soli d Rims are be ing uled . Write for Ri ms not nst. d .
(A) Starte r ond Man ifold Wrenche. - NICke l chrome molybdenum Cu rved handles. 12 pt. open ings. 9 / 16" a nd 'Vs" (specify) . ITEM IP501 . _ 00 $1 .98 (B) 11 / 16" Angle Wre nch - 12 pt. opening Wi th V. " squa re dri ve . ITEM IP651 1 ... . _ . $1.45 (C) Ford Val ve Gu ide and Stem Cleaners - Block a nd Decker :Ye" a nd _ . . .._ ..._ ... $4.25 5/1 6" (spec ify ). ITEM IP7659 (D) Val ve Ste m and Core Repa ir Tool - ITEM IP7989 _ ... _ .39 (E) Ig niti on Pliers - 4 DOSltlon, adjustab le to 9 / 16". Alloy steel, heat t reated, te mpered. ITEM IP516 ._ __ _ .94 As above bu t H.D. Gra y Conada . ITEM IPS17 _ 00._ $1.19 (F) K.D. Val ve Llfte rs - Hlgh-offset for late model cars. . ITEM IP8658 $3.75 (FI) Universa l With ~ In terchangeable jaws . ITEM IP8659 .. (F2) Overh ea d - For Ch ev. 6 , Buick, Austin , etc. (motorists pottern ).
ITE M IP8660
$ 1 .99
(G) Vol ve Gri nd ing Compound - " Fa st cu tting, o d base, 4
0 erators ready-ml~ plants, A cleanng house where controctor~, oq~~~7es Pgorages formers etc ., con government departments, munlclP~ O tOo fraction of It; onglnal cost . We buy New or Used Heavy EqUlPdmen T ks Cots Crones, Clamshells, Forkhove a good selection of Ton em rue , Ga'rboge Disposal Units and I,fts Semi Troller Vans, Axle Assembll~~e looking for is not listed . ma';y other Units. If the qUlpm;rJ ~ou t Rood Wlnnlpog, Manitoba . . . come In and browse around at ane • ' or Phone 53 ... 35795 If not convenient w,lte giving :u~ ~~rt~~I~~ siLE PRICES SUBJtCT Wpg. ALL ITEMS liSTED SUBIJCEC All ITEMS f .0 .11 INNIPEG EXTO CHANGE WITHOUT HOT C[PT WHERE NOTED .
I 15-WAlTERS TYPE FRINK V SHOW PLOW~-wheel drive Waiters Truck, Wing Blades, 4 yd . Brantford Hydraulic HOISt, S I d e Wings operate by Waukesho Gos Engine, good Rubber.Slze 1200 x 24 In Good Condition _ _. $6,300.00
DR G BUCKETS Cl02-15CWT CHEV. TRUCKS - 4wheel drive, High Thread Tires 900~ 16 Singes . In Good Condition ... _._ .. _$695.00 Cl0U-Vans for above $ 35.00 C120B Spore, Tire, Tube and Wheel _ _ __.. ___ $ 35.00 Cl03-DODGE POWER WAGONS 900~ 16 Tires, 4-wheel drive. Late model USAF vehicles. Army Model. L<ss Wincheshcellen~ Conditian ___ $1,350.00
C120 - Va
Cl09-fEDERAl CRANE TRUCK Powered by Cummlns Diesel, Airbrakes, Tandem wheels, 11 00 ~ 24 Tires, 15-Ton Gorwood Winch . In bcellont Condition ___ $6,500.00
Cl04--40CWT CHEV. TRUCKS Low mileage, .-wheel drive, 1050x 20 8 and 10-ply Tires, Chev. gas engine.
In hcellent Condition __ $1,250.00 CI04B - Steel Stoke b 0 ~ e s for abave ______.... _ __ $ 350.00 CI04C Spa reTire, Tube and Wheel _ _ .... ________ $ 60.00
C110-SEMI-TRAILER VANS - Fruehouff, Tandem axle, Air - brakes,
i~08::i c!c:~::{tl!~ ~_,=.' _~~·,300.00
C 11 OA-As above with 35 ft. Volume
CI05-STUDEBAKER REO 6x6 TANDEM TRUCKS. Engineered to stiff Gov't standards. Reo Comet engine, 900~20 N .D. Tires. In hcellent Condition _ $3,750.00
. ____ $3,500.00
C203-TWO WHEEL TRAILERS- 1 V2 Ton . 900~20 8 ply N.D. Tires. .___ $167.50 C203A-TWO WHEEL TRAILERS-1 Ton. 750~20 8 ply N.D. Tires. ,Good Condition _ _ . _____ $147.50 Good Condition ._. _
CI05A-As above with single wheels, I 100x20 Tires. In Excellent Condition _ $3,150.00 CI07-fEDERAl 10 - TON TRACTORWaukesha Gos Engine, with Fifth Wheel, Air-brakes, 11 00~20 Tires. In hcellent Condition $2,550.00 001, Giant Stock of Hew and U.ed Heavy Equipment is constantly changing, consequently many items cannot b. Catologed •.. Write us for 011 your requirements.
Cl1l-fUEl TANKERS - Single a~le duals, 2,000 gallon capacity, Hell Model F2, 900~20 Tires, vacuum brakes. In Good Condition ..__ $1,350.00
Y A R D BUCYRUS ERIE BUCKEt~-Model Red Arch Type A. Completely equIpped . _ $S75.00 In hcell..,t Condition C121 - ',4 YARD PAGE IIUCKETSModel RC . These Buckets ore not complete . As I. Speciol $600.00 C123 - % YARD WllllAMS BUCKET5-Type DXL. Completely eqUIPr:'i:ol, CondlHon _ $695.00 C133-',4 YARD HENDRIX PERfDRA TED BUCKETS-These Buckets ore not complete In fol, Condition $615.00 C-121-1 YARD ERIE BUCKET - Type F20. Completely equipped In Good Condition $195.00 C IliA-Some os above e~cept not complete . In folr Condition __ $100.00 C 129-2 YARD PAGE BUCKETS-Type 2 RC, 60 cubiC feet , completely eqUipped. In Good Condition $1,750.00 C130-2 YARD YAUH IIUCKETS These Buckets ore not complete. In Good Condition $1,600.00 C131-2 YARD HEHDRIX BUCKETS ;~~p~~ 60 cubIC feet , completely In Good Condition
CLAMSHELL B CKE C134-% YARD PETTIBOIHE - MUlLIKEH BUCKETS-Completely equIpped less teeth . In Good Condition $1,275.00 C135-1 YARD PETTIBOIHE-MUlllKEH BUCKETA. I. Spoclal _ .. $1,275.00 C136 - I YARD HAISS BUCKETA. Is Special $915.00 C137 -I YARD OWEHS BUCKETA. Is Special $1,035.00 C131 -IV. YARD HAISS IIUCKETA. I. Speclol $1 , 575.00 C139.2V. YARD HAISS BUCKETIn Fal, eondltlon $2,000.00
..... 4 ..ew ~. with ,'''' 1 - .....,. Stondard,
~:l, rt&n~~A~()(450 ~jII" IPTPI ....
ITtM O~O ove<Sl~, No. G. M. C. 302 engones. 219~177 for $11 act
I"", aPT.'
II.......INI- - .AT 10. .aACTION
20,000 ft. of 12" x 12" Concrete Forms. ITEM HT9063 __ $4.00 lineal ft. 5,000 ft. of I" x I" Concrete Forms. ITEM H9064 __ $2.15 lineal ft . Is HOTE : This merchandise F.O.B. Canadian East Coast.
~n'h~o~:tCo-;;ditll~~d~ 76:2"$~Jg~oo CI98-1I" HIGHWAY ... UGER - For Model CA- I OU2 mountong on 0-8 Coterpollor. In Excellent Condition __,$3,150.00 C204-B ...Ck HOE - With Buckeye J;" yard P&M Bucket. Like New Condition ______$2,795.00 C20S-KIERN ... N TERRY MODEL 98 PILEDRIVER H...MMERLike New Condition ___ $3,300.00 C206-kIERHAH TERRY MODEL 7B PILEDRIVER H... MMERLike New Condition ____ $2,3S0.00 C201-AIRPORT FLOOD LAMPS .... C. -110 volt, 2,000' beam, ~iant con-
CIl4-QUlk-W"'Y C... B-% yard cop., With Turntable and Int. Gas Engine.
CHECK THESE GREAT VALUES! Cln-ROTTO .UM. STYLI AF SIZe 42, 2 H.P. Electroc motor, 1150 R.P.M., 3 phose, 220-«0 YOlts, 60 cycl., 6.38 o. at 220, 3.19 at 440 .
cellent for Field Shops, Construction
Easily m 0 u n t e d on 3 or "-Ton Trucks or 6x6's. In Good Condllton 52,200 .00
CIl7-CLARk YARD MODEL 60-24Cop. 5,000 Ibs., Most ht . extended 168", 750x 15 Tores, duals front and sangles reor. In Good Condition _ _ $4,550.00 CIII - ROSS TRUCk MODEU 15HT ond 19HT-Cap. 6 ,000 Ibs., loft 144" , Contonental 4-cyl. watercooled Engone, 75Oxl5 Tires, duals front, Singles reor . In Good Condition ___ _$3,750.00 CIl9 - CLARk P L A I H LO ... DER MODEL PL-Cap 3 ,500 Ibs., Lifting heoght 144", 6 -c Y I . Continental water ~ cooled Engine, Pneumatic 650xl 6 THes, duals front, singles reor In Good Cond ition .__ _ $3,550.00
only once - in excellent condition! Save How!
....... H..
Huts, etc. Fully glazed. 34' long,
3~~t2?t~;i:;d,,~~1 N:if x~O~OT;:'C;.'~:
4 Bulbs, Plug-in Cord, Anchors_ ... Princess Special _________ $77.00 C214 - IHGERSOLL - RAND 105 CFM COMPRESSOR - Powered by Diesel Engine .
In Good Used _' 9 .>nOO"""
_ _ _ _$20900 •
CI94-WORTHINGTON .UM. TT.I '1.-220-«0 Yolts, 8.24-4.12 amps, 34SO and 2880 R. P. M., 3 H. P., 60-50 cycle, 3 phose, cont. 50.
t:c":. N~$259.00
CI7J-WIUON ARC WILDIR, HORNET MODEL - Electric motor, 220440-550 Yolts, 76-38-28 a....,.., 3-
C261-2S' L x 7V.' W B"'RGES-Black rubbero ~<I.. fpt¥ic, A.t\i ', .be diom ., 16,OOO ~"'''' d i\t8 IWe'''ent. With paddles, pu m ps , repair kits and mooring lines . Special _____________ . __ $299.00
phose, 6O-cycle generator 40 yolts,
400 0" 1750 R,P.M., skid mounted. In Goo4 COIl4lt....
____ ~399.00 C199-LETOURNE ... U RO ... D ROOTER MODEL H3-Cable operated, 3 tooth. Con be used with 0 -7 and 0-8 cots. In Good Condition '" ._ $2.300.00
AHention' Controctors, Refineries, Steel Mills, Dredging Compon1es, Mina Opero~ tors, Lumber and Logging Companies, TNckers. Hew! Test Only-Two coupled 90 H.P. GM Di ....1 Engln •• model 6-71 , 12 cyl., ~ 0/. bore x 5" stroke, 851 .5 cu . in. dosplocement. The rated Broke H.P. performonce of the Twon GM 6-71 Engines is . 180 H.P at 800 RPM Ond up to 400 H.P. at 2,000 RPM. This Twon Unit can be split Into two separate components conslstmg of one 6 cyl LA and one 6 cyl. LC Engone and eother engine con be purchased separately If deSired . Excellent for Power Unlts--Single Units con also be Installed In trucks with only minor alterations . Overall dimensions of
complete Twon Engine, 6' x 6' x 5' . Weight 5,000 Ibs, ITEM G141-1I0 H.P. DOUBLE UNITS Remanufoctured standard throughout woth connecting bell housing and Tw inning Gears ..__ .____ _ _ _ _ _ •
$3500 00 ITEM G141--90 H.P.-As above but Songle 671 $1950 00 GM Engine, Remanufactured standard throughout a
CII7-T"'NDEM DOLLY COHVERTER -20 Ton capaCIty, 1400x20 12 ply Tires, Air-brakes, Fifth-wheel, heavy
duty Tow-bar. In Excellent Condition _ $2,3S0.00 C174-G.E .... RC WELDER MODEL 6W D34C2--40 v., 400 a " 1750 R.P.M" G.E . motor, 20-440 v., 30 a ., 3phose, 60-cycie, skid-mounted. III Good Cend/ton (I only) _ _$399.00
He re'. the " NEW LOOK" in Tractor Chain•.•• the all-weat he r RING ·TRAC • . . on outstand ing , top quality chain at Bargain Prices '7',,",,!!::;,!;;rij!~'~ • • • Anoth e r Princess h clusive! This new design of heavy 31i1" big, tWist cross chain will provide the maximum In strength and dura· bol,ty for both field and rood use . The unique centre ring construction and evenly spaced chain sectians prevents slippage and provides exceptionally eve n , smooth traction . Minimum welding gives even greoler strength Equip· ped With snap locks for easy in_ stollotion .
TRIPLE SIDED DUAL CHAINS Extra Heavy We ight. Strain Is div· ided between the 3 side chains . staggered across chains result in closer spacing, reducing slippage greater traction. Po u n d i n g o;;d w.o r is greatly reduced (centre chain enables cross chain to be drown up m 0 re snugly ogoinst per Ht tires). Ht 825-20, 900-16; 9-22.5 _"._ $ll.n
650-16; 700-15;
700-r6~7j~15;- $19AO 9OO-~~2~~18~_
8-17.5 _ __ . __ 700-17; 750-16 _ .. 750-17; 700-18(' 7-22.5; 8- 9 .5 . 750-18 ______ 700-20 _ ..____ . 750-20; 8-22.5 ._.
900-22; 11 -22 .5
19.20 20.20
_ .. __ 12-22.5 _ ____ ____ ____
1000-20 1100-20; 1200-20 1300-24 1400-20 26.95 1400-24
22.00 2'.05 21.95
IUS 36.30 37.60 40.60 45.65 51.60 66.90 70.65
Twice the
weltht ........" chal,,1 All welded construct ion, close spaced %0 cross chains welded to heavy side cholns-no hooks to twost or break. SI.. Wt. S.t 'er S.t SI.. Wt. Set Per Set 12"'20-180 Ibs. $46.70 9001<20-190 Ibs. $50.90 l000a20-200 Ibs. $SJ.OO ll00a20--222 lb • . $SS.IS ll00a24-246 tbs. $SS.IS
.... $18.50
Donl r let OUR I< IN p r ices f 00 1 you
They ore f int grad., h eavy duty,
~:"!.N: r:Ol :~In~:II~~~ ~~~~
tl10n average material $otisfaction Guaranteed . HeoyY Duty Sln,1e 650-1 6, 700-15, 7 175 512 .75 700·16, 750· I 5, 8 175 14.00 700·17; 750-16 14.2 5 750 17, 700· I 8. 7 22 5, 14.50 8 19 5 Heovy Duty Sin,1e H.... vy Duty Sin,1e 750-18 16.00 24 .50 900· 22. I 1-22 5 700-20 16.00 24 .50 1000-20 750-20; 8-22.5 16.75 1100-2::; '2-22 5 26 .50 825-20; 900-1 6 ; 29 .50 1200-20 33 .50 9 -2 2 5 11 .00 1300-20 900-20; 1000 -18; 1300-24 37 .50 40 .50 1400-20 10 -22.5 2150 43 .50 1400-24
Ext,. ....YJ '._n•• r ."d h Ton ChaIn. ThIS IS 0 cha,n that w,1I give tw6,ce70~ s"0~j ~r;'~: F,ts: 6 .00 x 16 -
H,gh quoloty, electncally welded 5/16" tln l Chain . 18' long With grob hooks on each end . Reg. ~ 15. ~s.
H..YJ duty, It""'l _ldecI c.nltruetia", v.l ...
TI,.SiM , ..... per S.t TIN Siu 'rice pe, S.t $10.55 750.14 5 ' .•5 760x15 10.55 800,,14 9.60 800,.15 10.55 450.16 •. U 850><14 550,,15 600><16 '.15 9.60 670,,15 '.IS 650)(16 9.60 9.60 670,,16 710><15 750,,15 10.55 700,.16 10.55
v..,.--A,m (
TERRIF." TOWING CHAIN .UMPER Fa.t and eo. y t o use Long link, 8 ft. long with Bumper hook.. ITEM C732 -
i 5r )
Fih(]i ~
r4' 6" Tow cable kit cludes 8 ft . length of
steel reinforced, eyed cable
and 2 - ¥a" chainS, 3 ft. long With hooks. ITEM CJW20073
RUBBER CHAIN FASTENERS 011 Passenger cholns . 20070 $ .80 pol,
To fit 011 Truck choin • . ITEM 20071 ... $1.30 po lr
'I." Extro heavy JW051
.09 eo . % " Surplus JW054 .06 eo. 2~ For $1.25
bw , . PRICES • . . . WE SELL ONLY TOP QUALITY CHAIN! 1 .3124: CRT5 10 53 3.15 9 .Sa24: CRT520 35 .60 9xll : 9 .5121 : 11 .2><24 : CRT522 3140 Ih26: II .2dO 9 .5d2 CRT532 2.65 Il.h32 : 12.4128 : IOd2 : 9134: CRT534 47.05 II .h34 : 9d6 : 9.5d6: CRT536 46 .15 CRT542 41.05 9 .5dl: 11 .2136 : "'40 : 9.5140 : CRT544 54.95 11.2><28: Ih24 : 11 .4124: CRT530 41.90 11.h3. : _ CRT545 56 .95 11.2140: Ih36 : 11.4d6: CRT547 51 .95 12.4d8 : CRT548 60.35 12.4140: CRT554 61 .00 12.4142 : CRTS56 66 .75 13.h24 : CRT569 50 .10
12126: 12121: 12d6: Ih3l : Ih28 : I3dO : 13d8: 14124: 14126: 14><28: 14dO: 14132: 14d4: 1Sd4:
13.6126: Ih24: l3.h28: 13126: I3d6 : 13.9d6: 13.6 .. 38 : 14.h28: 14.9dO: 14.h38: 16.9124: 16.9xl6: 16.h28 : 15124: 16.h30 : 15126: 15128: 16.h32: 15x30: 16.9d4: 18.4d4:
14.h24: 14.h26:
18.4124: 18.4126: 18.4128: 18.4dO:
CRT570 CRT576 CRT584 CRT586 CRT578 CRT582 CRT589 CRT591 CRT592 CRT593 CRT594 CRT595 CRT596 CRT599
52.75 58 .85 69 .75 72.75 63 .95 67.95 74.50 59 .60 61 .85 63.85 69 .00 71 .00 77.95
E.G., A 12.4x24 will not fIt a 12x24 tire.
t::: condlh"!'~' t,~f~ ~.,,~~~~ ~~on c:a~ ~,~o~~~e~b~:;::~OUs ~ ~~r
TI .. $la. I..... Per 'r. 1124: 1.3024 CSA310 SU .• 5 "'24: •. 5124 CSA320 27.00 10.24: "21: 9.h21: 11.2124: 10.'0: 11 Il6: 11.2dO: '.5,.,2 CSA332 31.70 11 .. 21: 11.2032: 12.4121: 10032: '034: CSAJ34 n.l0 10d4: 11.2d4: b36: '.Sd6: CSAJ36 14.95 'dl: '.$xll: CSAJ42 $3I.SO 10.36: 11.2d': b4O: 9.b4O: CSA344 40.10 10.21: 11 .2.21: 11 xl4: 11.4124: CSA330 10.95 10dl: l1.2dl: CSAJ45 42.25 10140' 11.2140: 11 136: 11.4d6: CSA347 41.00 llxll: 12.4dl: CSA348 44.25 11,40: 12.4x4O: CSA354 45.05 Ih24: 12.4142: CSA356 12,24: 13.6124: CSA369 14.95 12126: 13."26: 11124: 14."24: CSA370 36.'5 12021: 1l.6a2I: llxl6: 14."26: CSAJ76 1'.05 lld.: lld.: ll.9..,6: CSA384 44.95 lldl: 1l.6,31: CSA386 46.75 lh21: 14."21: CSAJ78 40.50 lh30: 14."30: CSAJ82 41.60 Ilo3l: 14."lI: CSA389 4'.25 14.24: 16.'xl4: CSA391 41.60 1402.: 16."26: CSA392 43.10 14121: 16."21: 15124: !I.4xl4: CSAJ93 44.95 14030: 16."30: 15126: !I.4xl6: CSA39. 4'.50 14.32: 15121: 16.'d2: 1I.4xll: CSA395 50.'5 14034: 15dO: 16.'d4: 1I.4dO: CSA396 52.50 15d4: \I.4d4: CSA399 56.00 NOTE: CHAINS MUST lE ORDERED TO EXACT TIRE MARKINGS: I.E.-A 12.4 " 24 will _ fit • 12><24 tl ...
SURPLUS WELD - OH LEVER LOCKs--good for. trucks up to 1100 x 20. Vanous types. CJW55 .40 ea . Set of 4 $1 .49 rice
Illustrated) PASSEHGER Price 6 .70, 6 .00, 650 IS" & 16" ,Ims, 7.50 x 14 .. $ 27 ea . 1 .50: ' .00 14" rim, 7.10: 7.60 15" ri m 37 ea. TRUCK CROSS CHAIH5 7.00 : 7 .50 Singles 70 ea. 125: Singles .77 eo . 9.00: 1000: Singles .15 ea . 11 00 . 1200: Singles 1.25 eo . 1300: 1400: 1.35 ea.
STRAP-ON CHAINS _ _ _.....!.:(HEW CAR & _TR.:: U.:: C:c K!..)_=~_ Siz.e Rim Siz.e Price 5:20, 5.50; 5.90; 1'2" 15'" $1 .40 eo . 6.40;~7~.0:::0::..".~~ 16"; 14'" 5-00;6.50; 6.70 15"& 16 " $1.60 ea. 7.10, 760 750; 800; 8.50 14" $1 .60 ea .
Double Yoke Construction (For all season farm DeSIgned for dOUble duty
winter and summer use
Through using low, truck type c r 0 ss . chams to smooth the ride, maximUm traction IS obtolned Heavy, welded case hardened double yokes Conr1eC! the set of cross chains to k e e p them riding atop the tire and NOT down between the tire bars. A-I Case hardened dOUble yoke members are mterlocked to make a continuous cho in mat t raction and to keep h tightening on th t c om :~ver lock fastene~s. IrA' Sl~~~~~~ g deVICe that operates I k allows a two mch levera I e a ened but stays ~~ck;d when n 8x24: 8.3x24: 11em 9124: 9.Sx24· CPClI O 10124: 9128 ' 9 5x28 .. CPC720 10alO: 1!x26; 1·1.213~ .1 ~~"24: CPC722 1!x28: 11.2d2: 12.4128 ' . x32 CPC732 10x32: 9x34' . 10134: 9x38: I~:~;~:; 91j6: 9.5~36: 2~m~ 10x36: 11.2x36: 9140 : 9.5 .. 40 : CPC742 IOx28 : 11.2x28: llx24: CPC744
ciOn:! °Si::
hooks a s
R,e pair chain eaSily.
Car, Truck, Tracror
10138: U;~:; 10x40: 11.2140: llx36 : 11.4x36 lldl : 12.4d8: llx40 : 12.4x40: llx42: 12.4x42: g:~:; 13.6124:
CPC730 CPC745 CPC747 CPC748 CPC754 g2756
l~=~:; lt~~~:;IFi\:i. l:::;~: gEm
12x38 : 13.6138' x . CPC784 13128: 14.9128: • CPC786 13130: 14.9x30: CPC778 13 .. 38 : 14.9138: CPC782 14124: 16.h24; CPC789 14126: 16.9x26' CPC791 14128: 16.9128; 15124 ' 18 4 24 cCPC 7 92 14.. 30: 16.9130 ' 15 26 ' . x PC793 14x32: 15128: i6.9;32 : 188· 4 x 2 6 CPC794 14x34: 15130 ' 169 34' . 4 I 2 8 CPC795 15d4: 18.41j4 ' . x : 18.4dO CPC796 NOTE: CHAINS MUS CPC799 TO EXACT TIRE MAR:IN~~ ' ORDERED . I.E. A 12.4 x 24 will not f ' .t a 12 x 24 tire.
seE~i~~ Per Pr.
$18 10 4460 4':90 53.60
56.95 51.70 60.35 65.45 52.35 64.65 67.20
71 .45
62.05 67.50 69.70 12.05 89.30 77.35 11.60 95.20 71.45 76.15 77.25 14.00 '9.30 95.20 99.9
24 ply nylon will r. ploc. 1400xlO 1700xlO 1600xlO . Corryln, ca paclty- 24,000 lb •. Here IS 0 super constructed olrcraft tare that will give years of service. 24 ply Nylon ~7" hlOh x 17" wide Rib tread . A " Brute" of 0 tire for Scrapers, Graders, Loggers etc. anywhere
heavy ply tlfe
condition . ITEM ...20
__.. __ $ 5 5 •
500.4 6 PLY HIGH SPEED TIRE ThIS fine 011 round 6 ply high speed t"e ~s Ideal for boot, milk, or utility trad ers
eature. button trea d 14" hlOh 5" Wide ' 800 Ibs " pre'ssure 20 Ibs . • H500 $9.50 FOR ... BOVE $3.75 Wh ••1 with HD bearln,; ; fit $ 7.25 Co,"pleto ....... '"bly $19.50 CO paClty
PRINCESS TIRE SPECIALS 11 00xl2 14 PLY N.D. TIRE$-70% trea d ___ _ $65 . 00 eo. 1400xlO DI... MOND TREAD COM· BOAT Tl RE$--60% tread. equal to 20 ply __ ._ _ _ $155. 00 eo . 1600.2 5 20 PLY N.D. TIRES 70% tread _ _ _ $400. 00 eo . 750.1 6 COM B...T TI RES 70% tread _ _ _ $24. 00 eo . 1000xlO CONVENTI ON AL TRE ... D80% tread _ _ - $50.00 eo .
520." 60CbU UO.U 670.U 500.14
W.". $11 .25 11.25 12.50 12.75 12.25 11 .71
W.III $12.25 12.n 13.SO U .75
SI.. nO.14 5tO.14 750.14 560. IS 670.lS
Ilock WoO. $11 .75 12.75 12.95 12.75
WhIte W.II.
$1275 13.75 13.91
7S0x20-1 0 Ply Grip treael-Brand nowFirst II ne-FI..t ,radeGoody.or, Firestone, Ge n· eral, etc. A special purchase enobles us to offer these $ 4 4 tires for only
BR... ND
750.11 6 PLY FRONT ~~:$--heo"Y' hIgh tread.
TUBE SPECIALS! BR ... ND NEW 1100dO TRUCK TUBES Only _.. - - _. - - .-"-' 900,,16 tubo. - . ..-.-._-- .-.750dO Brand How Tube. ~,-.---
$6.50 55.50 $3.6S
72hn'2 • PLY USfD In perfect
excellent for
Orcha rds, Carts . Traders, Guide wheels
etG. ""hoel with HD b.."ln,. $6.00 Tube $3.00 Tiro $1 •• 50 oa. TI .., tube .nd wh..1 $23.50
BRAND NEW NYLON 20 00xlO-20.PI, B.. nd New Nylon e xact rep lace· ~~~) .for 1600x2D Scraper (use own
900.U BR ... ND NEW -
, . ply ,rip $29.95 00 .
SPECIAL! 825120-10 PLY
750.'4--T 7 u bel ess. Blockwall 50. I 4--Tubeless. Whitewall - - - $13. 65 670', S--Tube. Blackwall - - - - $ 14. 75 670" I S--Tubeless. Blackwal-I - - - $12. 70 600.' 6-Tube. Blackwall .-.$14. 80 - - - - $ 11 . 50
famous Dunlop.s:.c~ h.OvY ~d wlnt.r trood. Llfetl",. ouaran~ by Dunlop for workmanship and quality. N_ at thl. 50acular price. ITEM HTU.. Only • each
$67 0
:t::, .~-::. 're:
650 X 10 10 PLY
"Ieft .".rl '.c.. od worl" ta_lOO
:!::"8t ......::-;;;. .~~.:::
Brand No. Tiro. _ Ideal for 0 o rea t vo. le rlety of both Form """ , ... ... -taty . . . I...,....... on d In d ust rial uses. ::, •• • ITEM HT650xI0" _ ......" fer .. w.r ....... hl'.---' Now Only $ 2 3 . 5 0 . . . . " , ' -
:..= 11...
.00,,' 4-Tubeless. Blackwall 100.I 4--Tubeless, Whitewall - - - $20.10 1S0.' 4--Tubeless. Blackwall $22.60 '50" , 4--Tubeless. Whitewall $2 1 . 50 710. , S--Tubeless. Blackwall - - - - $24. 20 710.' S--Tubeless Wht - - - $20.15 710 I' • I ewall $22 6 -Tube, Blackwall ---• 5 760.'S--Tubeless BI k - - - - - $ 18.15 760 IS--T • ac wall $21 55 " ubeless. Whitewall --. • - - - - -$19.8 0
NOW ••• "INeW AUTO ...... , . . tile . - c......... tiN ..... • f tile _ I , ......... tI..... nory ...__ " 1.1It for " ' - .... . . . . . tile .... ' ,.~ • • . T..._ •.• L. .......... ,.. _ • • • , ... , . . . . . . . IUN . . IIOItIoo .... IUT for tiro ...." .loa yo. -,fy --.. Now I'riRc_ A_ "ALPlNE-
IOO~ NYLON. F.ctoIy , ..... t ....k tI.... Cool........... for .R ........-oH the rood ...... tIoM ....... "'..... - . . , ...... tiro .. _H. "ALPINES" ARE IUILT TO TAKE ITI - .... _H' the ro.................... . , . - . . TIle, , ...... _ .... ... "'T..ctIow .... "'it. . . . .t ......... per ...... ON THE ROAD IT 'AYS TO lE SURE WITH ALPlNESI "Si",1fteI STUDDED GRIP TRIAD
Tire Size
Tire Prices
CONVENTIONAL TREAD 4.95 21.35 670x15 6 27.05 $ 5.00 700x15 6 3.85 22.30 600x16 6 24.30 4.30 650x16 6 __ 6 4.95 26.90 700x16 __ 8 4.95 750x16 33.95 _8 5.75 33.95 700x17 5.75 38.95 750x17 8 _10 42.50 5.25 700x20 5.25 49.95 10 750x20 7.95 62.95 10 825x20 8.95 10 77.00 900x20 10.95 12 83.95 1000x20 LUG GRIP TREAD 5.25 750,,20 10 52.75 7.95 10 62.95 825x20 10 82.50 8.05 900x20 1000x20 _ 99.00 10.95 12 TRACTION TREAD 4.95 670x15 22.35 6 __ 6 3.85 600x16 23.35 4.30 650x16 23.95 6 4.95 700x15;700x16" 6 28.95 4.95 36.75 750x16 8 5.75 37.50 8 700x17 750x17 5.75 42.95 8 5.25 10 · 53.40 700x20 GRADER NYLON 1300x24 27.50 8 169.50 1400x24 47.50 10 194.00 LOW BED TRAILER 12 64.50
Changeover Tires Combine Operators . . don' t bog down or let wet we ather sta ll your operations. Changeover your Combine to Bombe r Tires bu ilt to "TAKE-IT". You will find the m a divide nd paying investme nt in better service from your equipment ..• bigger fuel savings . . . more miles per dollar. (Increases of up to 50 % more e ff icie nt operation hove been reported when using these change ove r t ires). They float os they roll and the wider the tire face the more ground surface they grip thus giving better traction action . Com es complete with 011 steel wheels predrilled to f it your prese nt combine. ITEM G47. Two 15 .50.20--12 ply olrcraft tires, fresh stock. with brond new tubes. Wc guarantee this Unit trouble free for 2 full years. All steel wheels m o de to fit your exact combine model When ordering be sure to stote yea r and make d combine, olso number (If h"les S
140 00
on you r present wheels. Complete Set of 2 •.. • ITEM G46. ConSlSllng of two 1700 • 2~24 ply used tires. steel wheels and tubes. Height approx. 47", width 17" Sultoble Gl've year, make, model and number bolt holes.
Set of 2 SPICIAL: - IMINI N 6OOi1~ 'LY NYLON CONIINI TllU ITEM G49 . Two 1700 • 16·-10 ply alrcra I lroes. s.ghtly used. resh stoe • a nd steel wheels mode to fit your exact combine model . Some guarantee os above Bc sure to state year and make c:f combine, also number rf h"le~ rn present wheels. Complete Set of 2 • ITEM 589. Some tire os above, will fit your 16·' drop cenlre wheel IO-Ply Nylon Each onl y $50.00 INH ......-For 1500 • 16 a-Ply tire 42" high -~,. DQlitl..... get.......-"..-- .. D • 0 m 0 n d Tread Will f.t Drop Non _DirectiQI'ICI1 Gnll Tread cenlre rim ITEM SBI Bra nd .....,.m.\y con't be beat. New $57. 50 4H-- two 'lfes. 1700 • 16 12-Ply Nylon good ITEM wtwell $13•• 50
,.- ...
' 155 00
(State year. ma.... model) , No. of bolt holeS·
used tires. Fresh stock, to fit your present combine.
ITEM SB7-Ea ch
1700 I 20 1& PLY NYLON TIRES
Th.s 1700 x 20 IIr. replaces any 1boo x 20 0
any p y better satlS action because of '15
greoter fl oatation, qreo!er cc rryi ng capabiltty and ccnstructlon material thot IS mode of nylon cc rd t hat IS not bei ng used in re9u ler eorth-mC'ver 1600 x 20 tires. Ideal fer free roiling scrapers and rood oraders.
565 00 515 00
Used Tire:-Clean, no repairs, high tread Used. Tub..
Wheels-20" extra wide. heavy Iruck type, 10 fll 1700.20 Tire. Only _.. . . DIMENS IONS--He.ght 46" W.dlh 16 " R.m D.omeler 20" Max.mum Load CapaCIty approx 20.000 Ibs. We.ghl et IIr ~ 130 Ibs Su.lchl. fer 1400x20 cnd 1600x20 .
.....D NIWI 1700II.
Excellenl Irr SCRAPER USE Eo
56" HUB & WHEEL ASSEMBLY 56-16 24 PLY NYLON TlRE with 30.000 lb •. Carrying Capac ityl
24 ply
Nylon tire mounted on extra heavy grader 2 piece wheel. Build your own Logoing Arch or super Hub Chongeover featunng the biggest Aircraft tire bargain .
TIRE5--56' high. 16" width. 28" Rim Size. CarrYing capacity 30.000 Ibs. HUB-E)(tra heavy bearings throughout- Outside bearing 1.0. 2~a", Race 43;"''', width
1'. InSide beating ID . 3V.. ·. Race 5'12" Width I". Bearings ore 63~ " apart. WHEEL5--2 piece With heavy duty 12 bolt hub. This unit is espeCially designed for Logg ing Arches, Scrapers and 011 machinery where a reo I heavy tire, tube and wheel 15 required.
ITEM SBLA56 Complete Assembly including Hub. Bearings. Spindle. 56-16 24 ply Nylon tire. tube and 2 p iece wheel _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Now . . . BUILD YOUR OWN LOGGING ARCH!Here IS the low cost answer to your Logging Arch problem . A complete flre-Wheel-Hub Assembly built to withstand the most rugged conditions .
• HE ... VY DUTY HUB--28.000 lb. capaCity. 10 stud. 12" offset type. 20" H.D. 4Y2" round stub axle shaft. Extra heavy beartngs throughout Dlmenslons-I.O. Outside Bearing - 2%", Race 43;"''', Width 1". 1.0. Inside Bearing 3 114", Boce S Y2", Width 1", Beorlngs are 6 3;"''' apart • 31 PLY TlRE-56"x 16. 32 ply used but in "like new" condition. Air pres>ure 75 Ibs. Tore welQht 215 Ibs. Carrying capacity 28.000 Ibs. Complete unit wt. 520 lb •. Suitable when converting from iron to Rubber. ITEM SB56 ________._ • .... above but with BRAND NEW TIRE . - - - - - - - - - _ . $310.00
'270 00
Ideal for henvy equipment and 109glng arches. Capacity to 28.000 Ibs. uSing 56" tires. 10 stud 12" Offset Hub. 20" H.D. 4Y, " round stub axle shaft. a nd extra heavy bearings. ITEM HW ... -l05 . . .... .. ...... .. ...... - ........... $75.00 Con <upply 20" 10 Hole truck wheel to fit . Each ................ 535.00 Con also supply good used 56SC 16-ply Tire, Tube and Wheel to fit. Eo. 5260.00
20" - 24 Ply Tire. Fits
20" regu-
lar Wide base rim. Commercial users are sWitching from duo I to Singles u sin 9 thiS
type of tire-No
drag on turning, no draw-back on pressure between wheels, each tire doubles capacity For Scrapers, Arc h e s, Tandems,
Trucks etc. 20" x 24-ply. 43 ' high x 18" wide. E... CH $ 99 .00
For Trucks - Trailers - Implements Here IS a real value in a 20" tire that we know will give years of service on trucks, trailers, Implements, machinery etc. Height of tire 31 " which brings axle 2" Jower when mounted. Tires are 4 " lower in height than
750 " 20.
Will fit 011 standard 20" truck
wheels, excellent for pulp or off-highway work. Smaller tires allow more power in h igher gear
~~~?te. t~8:see~~~~~n~refr~~~ c~i~~esnt pru~f~t~i;; avallablltty CarrYing capacity 8,000 Ibs. each . Tire:-Use~ rib tread in. good condition, no
~::~"D ;~ ~~:: !~d f~tub~, ~
.. '-'-..... :: .. :: ... ::.:: ....:::......... $22.00 SPECI ... L. We can .upply above tire with tube and wheel (a. iIIustrate~) to fit any hub. ITEM G-97 Complete $28.50 (In ordering state No. of bolt holes, model and ye a r at vehi cle or if implements, send cut out of hub showing holes.)
CHANCEOVER TIRE· HUB AXLE ThiS heavy duty 14-ply tire and wheel IS the ideal replacement on regular eqUipment for manufacturers of 011 types of .... 'on-or-off" the rood equipment. Quality built for long life, thiS high grade tire and wheel Will give you many miles of relloble service for your tire dollar. 36" high, 11" Wide, fib tread. Its Q big value at our prices to you.
~!~~ G40 . Complete Tire. Tube and All St~~I ..':'heel. ITEM G41. Heavy Duty 6 bolt hole Stub "'xle
(os IlIustrate~-Each
........ '....
$44.00 $33• 00 ... ..
~Th~~'s,G~2'hub~m~~eJe 6~Xlt B~~~m~~~n~~~~is~?3th o~x~_r~~:~ jU~~ capacity
1101 • 24-. PLY .AYO_ ....01 " _ FInt 10..... -
"- T....
A ••~ A" . . . ft tin thet .HI . , ••
...........nlc•. GreIIIe. type ...... - 41' hllh. A REAL SPIC .... L
1100 • 24-20 PLY ...... N_. DMp ......... _ _ _D,."..........
'355.00 '145.00 OIl., ______ ---' =-==---::======-:::-~
'.-01 HW-FreIIh
1400.20 COMBAT Used equal to 20'ply
1800x24, Used Medium Tread
1400 X 24 20 PLY
-,,.................. . - ... MOHAWIl loUT" MOVD- ....01
, If • t
First Line Brand NEW
$295.00 $57.50 20-ply $295
A reol buy at onlv
$135.00 2000xlO·20·ply Nylon exact 1700 X 20 20 ply, rob trea d .I, gh tly used. Exa ct repla ce· ~nt 1400x20 $125.00
1275 X 24 8 PLY
5 1]5,00
1300 x 24 NEW TRISTATE
Brand New. A
si ze
1300 " 24 .
Sam e
• ' - - - - - - - - - -.....
twy ....... ....
replacement for 1600)(20 Use own rubes)
Rugge d
H e a . ,.
Duty T ire.
fresh stock,
new RIb tread
can be used for small com· blnes, Imple· men'~ ete
Stock Up Now At Saving Prices
'55.00 2 ... $10S.00
Ra yon,
tread, !ap qual· Ity, 0 n extra heavy tire bUilt to wlth.ta nd the roughest use
$67.50 New Tube $12 .00
.... ,.. ..
.... .. the ., PIr c.....Ne ... . eH ... .. "li ly ... ... ~ , .... ... ... ,., ...
n. .. .... ,.,. .. ... ... ... ... wW e u ... .._ hr ... T ... _ .. .. . ,. . . . . . . . . . ... .. ... ... FIetetioII •• • GI we . T..ctIM •
. . . . . Ce nrf al Cepec ilf·
... et Tra n. T... ... . ... . ,.. ... . ~ C ... ., W... .., ... .._ . .cto1I e.1 ,.. . eM ... ., _ ... ... ._. et al. tn - .t ... . ilia
....... T... .
17. . . "
(1 . . . .
1.) IS.JO • •
12 11200-14OOaJO) IS.I O • • 20 (I JOO .l40 0a2 0) 15.1 0 • •
( I 200 -1 4OOa2O)
Nyl on
Nyl on
17.0 0 • •
(1. . . . . 20)
Blo ck
~ (Gn l. . .)
~ I.. .. .' JIS C
Nyl on New
Nyl on
Ny '-
Nyl on
10 30
Roy on
44 15
Nyl on
26 7 27 9 la 10
Nyl on
Nyl on
Nyl on
Ray on
Smo oth
Ray on
Nyl on
Smo oth
Nyl on
Nyl on
9 4
Ray on
10 4 48 18\12 22 6
24 7
14 16 16
... ... eH ..eft ilia
LON 650x14 12-PLY NYAIR CRAFT .6) x6 (26 W NE D AN BR tre cor type wheels.
tire ! W,ll fIt drop cen ord inar y pas sen ger the cap acit y of on H 6V2 " W. PRICE EAC fit to New t"b e. $2 1.5 0 2 for
18-Ply (29x7 .7) Brand New 700x15 CR NY LO N AIR AFT 9 SO will wea r like Iron
tha t At only Bra nd New - 0 tore trou ble- free servICe. and give yea rs of
110Ox12 RIB
TIRES ,,1 2 Bra nd 8 -!.Iy Nylon . Cur rent
110 0 New RIb treo prod uctI on. Fre sh stoc k. _ ... $3 9.5 0
AIRCRAFT TIRES to 150 0 lb •. carrYln
1000 tsi; troil~ ~~fOC'ty. Forallboo equ ipm ent , etc. -
Ired ~re4ISV2"requ " 'OH~Ig". ~i2~"O WIde '2
W_ . 1150SC BRA ND NE $1 3.5 0 Each -
Brand New 825x20 -10 PLY
Brand New 900x20-10 PLY
Brand New 900x16-8 PLY
S p e cia I nCarload Purchase" enables us to offer these Brand New tires at a drastically reduced price - Built~to-take it! A.
Purchase -
. . . for a ll Trucks usi ng U. S. standa rd Reg. $86 .00 va lue.
EACH . ._. ___ $46 •5 0
70~. Tread New type Military tore---<l very
flexible tore t hot will give good se r v ice . Will replace 8 .25 x 20 in sets of ~
20-1 O-PL Y
80 % Tread Gr ip tires at 0 new low price! Up your carrying capacity a t less cost per mile. Clean tires.
7.50 X 20-8-PLY 8-ply plus 2 shock pods-equal to 10 - ply. F res h s toe k. grip tread. 80% tread. Will replace 7 .00 x 20 ,f used in sets. N.D. Tread, can be used on front wheels
__. ._.$33.50
' -ply plus 2 shock pads (equa l to 10 - ply). Fresh stock-medium tread. Will replace 7.00 x 20 if used in sets. Grip tread, nondirectional.
EACH .__ $23.50 lO,00x22-12·Ply Used 90 % Tread
!~C ~_ ... _._
Used High Tread
$35 .00
_$18.50 6.00xl6-6-PLY 70% STOCK,
______ $80.00
!~C ~
9.00x16 10-PLY FOR BRITISH WHEELS Full re cop s. with Traction Tread. Fresh stock.
Your sotlsfactlon ouured by superior product performance. These TI,.. are Recapped In our own .hop. W. guarantee full depth rubber, Mme 01 a new tire. We UN only natura' rubber, thus ensuring you of full value. Will ,ive you Traction needed for ,rip on Ice, :-tlow th,ough snow, s",ooth ridln" long wea,'n9. All tlr" listed below carry our 12-month luorantee. TIRES FOR ADJUSTMENT MUST BE PREPAID INTO WINNIPEG.
SUPER TRACTION TREAD 850 x16 14 PLY NYLON CHANGEOVER - FOR 1 TON TRUCKS Here " the most popular changeover en the market-to replace 7.00x 17 7 SO.17, 7.00.16, 7 SO. I 8, 7.50.16, and 750x15. Will olso replace 901h16.
F_ _ _85OxI6-14-ply Nylon full recap In Super Traction Iread desogn
os illustrated. This trre will give years of troubl. free serv,ca. A proven changeover 0150 for dual wheel units that will allow you to carry same load capacif'p \!WIth better troet,on n mud and U"M;)W. Guaronteed to ca",. put 011 O... ·TOII TNCk! WhHl_2,p'ece 10 fit Ford, Chev., Mercury, Dodge, Inlerno"onol and Forgo. In ordetlng be sure to state year, make and madel, also number of bolt holes In present wheet cau.....__ Tore. guaranteed for 12 monlhs. TI,.. 10' edlu.""...t "'Ult be
•..., ..... ,.u ....
SUPER TRACTION 850 x16 NYLON 14 PLY TIRES (Ov...I.. 7.50.16) 2 for Aba.. Tire .. IIluatNt'" $44.00 $85.00 ITlM 31, "ALL· TRACTION" TREAD 650 X 16 18 PLY NYLON CHANGEOVER FOR Y2 and 34 TON TRUCKS
One of the besl Changeovers .ver se! up. Wilt. 0 ~ on a '12 or '4 Ton Truck, you con forgel abou1 Tire overloading, as the Tire Will handle mar. weight lhan lhe Truck con carry. Full Recap. Tire Will nol pick up nail., gl .... ~r an, sharp C'biecls. TI .... fo, ad ....t ...... ' mull 10. Prepaid. WheaI_ Due to the heavy ply we supply flal bose _ I s wllh lack r'ngs {as "Iu.troted), IOme os In lar~r trucks. ...11 you do Is remove you, present wheels and Inslall. (Or> some Unlls your Hub Cops do not hi.) We can supply for Chevrolet, GMC. Dodge, Forgo, Inlernatlonal, Ford, or any alher moke. Be sure 1o \l've mok... model, year and number of bolt hales on present wheels ITIM 6-20 SET OF 2 TIRES. TUIES AND WHUU • -
"ALL· TRACTION" TREAD NYLON TIRES 6.50.lI-1.·PLY 7.SOaI5-12·PLY 7.5Cb11-12·PLY Ea. S32.SO 2 fo, WO.OO E•• $39.SO 2 for $75.00 E•. $42.SO 2 for $10.00 Con supply 2-piece wheel. for above TI RES 7:501115-1I·PlY ONLY US.SO le. " • .so 2 for $75.00 .. $4.50. N. . Tu'" fo fit • ..., of the aboY. sI_
14·PLY NYLON AIRCRAFT TIRES AT LAST . • ... 14.Ply "'"craft tor. ta fll a .Iandord lruek whe,1 W,II fl! 011 wheels up 10 7.50><20 NOTE: of tire 31". which Iotl .... 0." 2" lowe, w ..... _ue,". Ti.......... lowI, in the .. 7.501120. For besl r.... I" orde, In sell of 4 . ThiS tore Will Increa •• pawer and carrying CopaClty bcellen! for off·hlghway work, carrying heavy loads Hundreds of these hre. now being used successfully on loads up la 24,000 Ibs. ....- - ' GecMlrich 205 T,. .d TI .... with Tube. 2 12 MONTH GUA.ANTEE SPECIAL! .. for
$58.00 $114.00
HEAVY DUTY WINTER TREAD These tfres ore recapped in our OW" foetor, . • • "ling only high ••ade ... bM. to aHure f,,1I d--,h treod.
7.1 0.1 S--4-PI,
SI4.25 S12.45
7.S0.14-4-Ply 7.60.1 S--4-Ply
S15.25 S14.50
8.00.14-4-Ply 8.00.1 S--4-Ply
~~••i.~"I M•.~d~iu~rn~to hi~h W"" COf§
and Tr~cks
some mtnor rcpOlf5 .
1 I
tread :-give extra good service
10' the value you ::lSEMGER s 9 .00 S 7 .00 7.60.15 $11 00 .. :: s 8.00 $ 7:00 5 Tube. to fit above 5 7. $125 each . · $ 8.00 TRUCK' TIRES Tube 7 10.15 . WAGOM TIRES 7 00.15 $20.00 $3 .00 Fe r Troolers, wagon,;, et~ ; 7' 50.,5 $18.00 $3.00 Spec ify " Trai ler "es 7:00.,6 $18 .00 $stgg when c rderlng. $10.00 750.'6 520.00 $3.00 6 7.00 ", 6 .. S12 .00 7:00.17 .. $$2'~·gg $3.00 7 .50. ... 512.00 7 .50.17 . $2.00 7 .00.17 .$10.00 6 .00.10 $18.00 $2.00 6 .50.10 $14.00 6 .50.20 $23.50 7 .00.10 6 00 7 00.20 $28.50 $2.50 7 .50.20 $1 . 7 '50.10 $25.00 $300 8 .25.20 J2~:gg 7' 50.10 $29.50 $3:00 ::~g:l: 5 6.00 8:25.20 $33.00 $3 .00 710.15 .. $ 5.00 9 .00.10 .. $35 .00 $3.00 7:60.,5 .. 5 5.00 10.20.20 540.00 $5 .00 :·gg:U .
Ug~!~o .... :: l$iH~ ~~:~~:~~ : ~~~:~~ ~::~~ 1.100.20
CEMENTED TIRE RELINERS Pa ... c •• 4 Ply- 6.00-6.50.16 1.15
6.70-7.10><152,15 C."'m .... I.1 6 Ply - 7.00-7.50xI6 & 17 ._. 4,45 Truck 6 Ply - 750x20 5.45 9.00.20 1,50 650-7oox20 4.45 8.25x20 6,90 1.000x20 9,41 RELlHERS-Hea'fY duty 6-Ply .ubbe •. 7-H eo S 5.9510-241010-38, eo.S 9.8013·241013-40. B-44 eo.S 7.65 .11-241011-40, eo.Sl1.60I.-24Io14-34. 9-40 eo.$ '.70 12-24toI2-38 eo. $13.45 15-241015-32, BRAND HEW
AII~r:t~~' ~;~
steel wheel, roller
~beo rlnQs.
ITEM 5B , _.
Campers, fishermen, don't miss this terrifiC v Q I u e . Comes complete wit h Tire, Tube, Wheel, Hub, I Y." Axle with 1" roller bearings. S21 Eoch •
Make your own Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Carts, etc. with these tap quality wheels! P,I .../P,leel" --;-Sl"'z"'e=_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Load Hylan Bushing Ball aea,ing 6xl.50 60- - - $1.50 1x125 60 $1.70 $1.95 . . 1.75 100 $1.90 $1.40 b2 .00 100 $2.10 $2.65 10.1.75 100 $2.30 S2.95 125 $3 .20
Now convert your tractor to th is h eavy 14 ply Nylon A ircra ft Tir e! Th is recapped Aircraft tire will tjt standard 28"
Tire width-l. inches# T ire
tractor wheels.
height-55 inches, Tire weight-opproximalely 200 pounds. This heavy Nylon tire will give you super floatation, moxlmum traction and will outweor your tractor. N o other tires give super toughness and maximum floatation .
A F.ltuloul .uy Now o .. 'rlc.
__ __
$109 .00 ...
Brand Hew
.............. , ..... _ Aah ........ M ...... YM' .f
lt57-64---<:onodlOn Chevroiet or Pontloc ltl7-64--ford or Meteor. It.7~rcury
or Monarch
$10 •
$1 •
ltl7oM--Plymouth or DodQo _ _ _ '$. ltH-64-Oodge for (800xl~ ,,, .., • ltH-64-Falcon, Corvair or Vollant (13") $ Nata: W. . . . . . . . ....,.... stock .f _ _ • ..... ........ for _at C. . . .oN Tnocka. - Write, .IN or ....... far •• yotII .01141 .....,! _$3.45
::==~:==- U~
- - ' - ' - - " - 3.95 4 .05 --.--.--.--~ 5 .50
-==---==--==- g~ =--=~---:-
4 .50
._--------_. g~ 50dO - - - - - - - . :00 .- - - - - - - 7.65
=--===-~==: ~:~~ - - . - - - - - - - 9 .40
____ $2 .05
::===-==---- ~:~~ -----==== m:~: :-=--====-- U~ _.-.---.------=
~~~:g 600,,13
-----------650"n - . - - - - - - - - - 520,,14 - . - - - - . - - . - 5601114 6501114 .. ' - - _
2 .05 2.05 2.05 2 .50 2 .50
1001114 - - - - - - . - - 3.20 150,,'4 - - - -.- . - . - . _. 3.30 9001114 --'- . - . - - - - - - - 2 .05 5601115 -.- - - - - -.• -- 2.05 6001115 2.05 6401115 . - - - - - - - . 2 .40 6701115 - - . - - - - - - - 3.20 7601115 -------- 3.20 1001115 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 .05 1251116 - - - - - - - - - - 2.15 6001116 - - . - -.----.------ .. 3.05 65011" -----.----- _.-..- - -
14"-. . .10 . . . .1 . ,$6.50 M. 14N . . . . . . . .10..... . ._ 14" Drop c - r RIMS _$4.75 00.
14'" Lock ..... aIMS
Trernelldoul Valuel BRAND NEW FIRST LINE - FIRST GRADE OPEN CENTER DUNLOP TRACTOR TIRES .r...d H.w First Lln. First Grad • DuIl.Op Tirft with •• month • .,.,."t~
OPEN CENTER TREAD • .al4---4 ply _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $U.70 10al4---4 ply n.70 10s211--4 ply _ _ _ _ _ _ 0.75 10d6--4 ply 54.50 10dll--4 ply __ 55.10 I "'211--4 ply _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41.50 I "'111--4 ply _ 64.90 \ldl--6 ply _ 70.90 1211211--4 ply _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • ".50 12dll--4 ply _ 71.55 12d1--6 ply _ _ _ _ _ _ 11.70 I b14---6 ply _ _ _ _ _ _ 74.95 11112'---6 ply _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 71.40 Ibll--6 ply . _ _ _ 97.90 ply _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19.95 14"J4-6 ply _ _ _ _ _ _ 105.20 \Sxl4---6 ply 125.95 14d~
TRIPLE RIB TRACTOR FRONT T IRES Bralld New Dun lop - First line - Fint g rader 4OO.1J--..4 400.1t-4 lOO.IJ--..4 SSO"I6--4 6001116--4 600,,1'---6
ply $ '.45 pry 10.'5 ply _ _ _ _ 10.65 ply _ __ • \1.91 ply ~ _ _ U.U ply _ _ _ _ 20.25
650.16--4 650.16---6 750.16--4 750,,1'---6 750.111--4 750 .. 11--6
pi, pry ply _ p ly ply ply _
... .CUfTTI . . - lA PLY NYLON A ........ _ ....USID _
............... real NoYy tire IWtobte
1,... 4 New 400.1--4 ,., Ti..
for Idlor .....1., '-raw bOn, boot
2 lICe......1,
:..~ IPMd hub, ltub
r;~~ ........... .....
...,. ................. ...,$&.50 ~
56.JO _ 56." _ $t.75
New 400"........... ply fl" With oll-Iteol ""-I. Boil lIeor'ngl and NaY)' stool %" axle.
A,........ lIlY. pun taoIeJ
TOP QUALITY MECHANIC'S Top. in Its TOOL CHEST class. Till and drawer bases felt lined. Solid metal pullout knobs. metal telescoping slides. With no spilling stops, no 5099 ing I free moving drawers. Front pone I fits against drawers locking them with lid locks self-stonng under bottom drawer. Smooth, hard,
~I~i~h i~O~~:;.!~j~jJ e~~s~~~
ont, wipes clean eo Y. . Chr , e plated hardware. Top t il1-20 Y2 x 9 x 33,4 ', Top drawer-18¥. x 7¥. x 1%". 2nd drawer- 183,4 x 7~~ x 2V..·• Bottom drawer-I 83,4 x 73,4 x 3" , 0 '011 Slze--20h x 9 x 14". Wt. 23 Ibs. ITEM NM-GlOO ___ •__ •___ . _____ .. _. •
$27 95
UTILITY TOOL CHEST-Mode for plenty of tools, this kit has 011 the extras_ All welded construction, double thkkness of metal Inside the toP. full heavy duty piano hinge. heavy keyed lock and catches, con cerry the
weight. ElectriC seamless steel tubular handle and dividers make the lift out tray the best available . Ideal for servicemen, home or factory maintenance
men, farmers, etc. Box is
green hammerlo id enamel.
Tray is block. 5 ize--20 V2
~T~Mx ~~:'i; o~··_':':.t~..~~~_........._
capture "new ..
Zen i t h model 29 downdrc . Fits Hercures motors. Con be adapted to larger trucks. Ventura '!Ii!". J . O. Flange centres 3". Choke butterfly 2- 1/1 6" 1.0 . ITEM NM·9 _ _ _ _ - -$8.S0
EW "P eked" 4 - Barrel rIouretars. Cost 5.00.
ry;~8E:~~I;"t'tf;;r 3~~t E~~~~'s\~::
rs , etc . With minor modifications n olso be adopted to tru ck ennes. ITEM lP27-onl), $19.50
~~ls6'" ~Ia~ee: ~~bf~
end square, other
keyed. JU .•_______• ITEM
For cors, trucks, tractors or IndUS. trial use. E x t r 0 heavy duty. 2V2"
LA MODEL GOOD USED ...':U SHAFTS--' 955 and up--oll Vehicle •. lTE.M fPUA~ach
dial. chrome plated. Regular S16.00 NMVGOlO _ _ _
",.====""ft ~,~A ~~N~~ ~SCRAPER
BARN LIGHTIHG FIXTURE. Brand N.w. o heavy cos t iron socket base with 3,4 " standard pipe thread to take conduit fittings. Comes complete with porcelain socket and coppertone bulb g u a r d . Shipping Weight 3V~ lb •. lTE.M JEl ____ . ___ $2.95
,arp. angled 33,4 wide blade. camrtable handle I OY2" long. rEM NMS10S _____ .. • 29 ea.
RAZOR BLADE SCRAPERS Holds st andard Ra Z 0 r odes safely. Steel construction-',4" long. Hundreds of use.! EM NMS106 _ ___ _ .19 eo.
~~ ) h" DRIVE POWER HANDLEexpensive ideal where extra verage is requi red to tighten or eok. • tub b 0 r n nut., baits etc.
~~';T~ngH~~'We drillr f or "~: ) W' DRIVE SPEEDER ;1..:a'LE-
r speedy a ..embly or tear-dawn. ctlon BOil In drive end oives posj· • lock. on socket . EM NMT16 _ .. - - $2 ..4. ) h" DRIVE BENT POWER.1.1 ·Y2" drive bath end. - Chrome ated. made by Craftsman. EM HMTlI ____ _ _ .89
$1 • 69
MIRROR SPECIALS! Beautifull, p,opo,. tioned mirrar--4 V2" cast
ti m
~ ~
round head with Visor,
Die - cast base. h e a v y chrome plate. Adj ustable head easy-to-mount. ITEM NM271M • eo. Sculptu,ed 5Y1 ""l~" ,eetangula, Deep die-casted 0 I a m and chrome prating. S I m pie screw adjustment f or tension. Replace old mirror without drilling holes with "Adapta-bar" (Inc luded). ITEM NM272M • eo. 2 far _ .-.-... -$6.49
$2 10
boots. cars,
power units, etc.
chrome ringed dial from 100·-220· F. Complete with long 20 ft. capillary tube for long boots and ve-
~~t~' ~?;Ik e~~?g~d' !'ir~in~ ~:;. t~~~d J~~le~_~~_~~'!:.__$7 .50
INDUSTRIAL~ ••.•. : /.. ~>
GOGGLES-- Soft. pliable pla.tic with Paly-Car-
e:i~a~~t ~~~~k -;
r .
break. Tested at temperatures from 40· to 105· . Ideal for shop use. grinding etc .• for
skiers, Sportsmen, Tractor operatars
etc. Vented .ides, adjustable ela.tic heodband, replaceable lens. ITEM
pca __ ._. ____
BRAND NEW OHMITE RHEOSTATS--2 ohm •• lOO watt. Maximum amp.,age 12.2. Use for motor speed con· trol. generator field rheostat. I i g h tin g dimmer etc. Dimen· sions: 6" diom. 211 deep. ~" x I" shank for knob. Complete wit h mounting SCrews. Reg. Value. $34.50. ITEM NHR lOO -.----$14.95
BRAND HEW FUlL TRANSFER H 0 S E 10ft. length. An excellent h 0 s e for transferring fuel. oil 1 e t c . from storage tanks or d rum s . Standard pipe fittings on each end. ITEM JEH S--3,4" NPT fitting. x 10' __ _ • ITEM JEH 6 - I" NPT fittings x 10' • 7 FT. LOW PRESSURE HOSE-Less Fittings, for 011. Water transfer. 11/16" 1.0. x 1·1/16" 0 .0 .,2 braid.
$7 95 $8 95
cotton rubber covered ITEM JEH7
$2 • 99
THE IDEAL CONVERSION ASSEMBLY FOR WAGONS. TRAILERS. IMPLEMENTS. ETC . '.INCUS ... UTO offon III the JfT TIRE CH ... HGE. OVER 0 .peclolly con.tructed ... I,croft Tire off tho I., ••t jo" ••• Supe, TOU9h T,ead ••• Shock •••1•• to", Coreoo .•• de-s19nM to carry 6000 Oft . . ch tire . • h...y 11 ply 101,1_ COII.tructlon relish 'ftO.S, ~ut.. bruIM' ~ .nd .iII h . . . Ie, ..... with .." tire ',oullll.. The We.1 Tlr. Ch." ...... ' for ope,..tiO", .. her. ti,... • ... lubleete.. to •• 're ru,. ." conditl_ • . t,ollon. CH ... NGEOVER NOW • • • • to,... i""_e ... e,,U, fnNI' ... 4 Ioeden, •• c.
T IR ES--650xl. 12 ply NYLON, off the newest type ,ets . Tore he ig h t 2 6", tire will widt h 6 Yl '" These tores ore fresh stock. used but With no repOlrs ou tlast re gular t ruck or passenger t ires 5 times o .... er WHEELS--One piece, drop cen te r hea vy steel wheel. When ordering please send In paper pott ern o f present hub, number of bolt circle and make of unit. to
enable us to dn ll wheel to fit your present hub TUBES--Heovy Duty Aorcra ft Qua lity COMPLETE UN 'T : TIRE, TUBE AN D WHE EL ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATED ITEM J ET 17 The.o U~I .... ol -Whe"l. con bo drilled to fit YOI." - -
Implemont Hot. $5 .00hub. oer wheel depOSIt requored on drilled to your pattern - these wheel s ore not rpt.""nl""
EOVER Some type os a bove but Wi th BRAND NEW 650xl. 12 ply NY LO N TIRES, drop centre wheel . and NEW BRAN D NEW TUBES. tubes . ITEM T14 • (T lfe, tube a nd wheel assembled)
18 50 $72.00
Set of • (When ordenng send paper pattern and we will drill wheel to fit your present hub .)
~~ ~~S
A real solid axle assembly excellent for hauling heavy loads over soft ground . Also perfect for tractor
duty hauling . Complete With good used I.-ply 1550x20 aorcraft tores.
ITEM Al0 Complete With aircra ft tires. ITEM Al OB
T U_ E
CHECK - , THIS GREAT VALUE! BRAND NEW HUB AND TIMKEN BEARINGS Comple te With sh"ft. Length 4 Yl "· Shaft diameter 1 Yl " Overall leng th BY. ". Dust cop to ht h ub . Con be supplied for above " Je t" a ssem bly --o lso Chev., Ford and Dodge passenger wheel. ITEM HW..... 9 eo. Same as above with extra h.d, HUB SPIH DLE , BE ... RIHG. (4 fo, $64.00) ITEM HW ... 90 ..516.50 eo.
$9 15
Heavy duty truck trailer axle as-
With guaranteed reconditioned hubs and bearings with hydraulic brakes.
wheels wh ich woIl take up to 900~20 tores A $500 .00 unot . ITEM T· 911
Hea vy s tee I Caster wheel a ssembly With 5 " Stub shaft and b r 0" d new 14" high
550.4 S.C. 4· ply Tire. T ertitle value ideol for Ha rrow Ba rs, Sproyers ete
T rad~
1 fo, $36.45
sembly. carrying capacity 20.000 lb.. Brand new Timkln Ax le f itted
Featuring 2H SQuare lolld axle T lmken Bea ri ngs mechanical bra kes.
Wide . Excellen t fo r b Uild ing wa g ons, f o rm equ ipment etc . On9 . Govt.
Cos t $15.00. Requ ires , Hole Budd Wheel. ITEM ... 3Yl 20" us.d wheels to fit above - to ta ke up to B25x20 h re Si ze. Each on lyITEM ... 3 Y.10
A SUita ble
for any type traile r yO\.o might wont to build . Fea tures 20'
Aircraft 14-PY Nylon used tires I" good condition, on standard 20'
truck wheesl Standard width Axle Assembly. Tlmken beorlngs T i r Height 31 " ITEM L... 6 (Some Unit-with Hvdraullc broke. ITEM L... U $205.00 ITEM LA ...... _ (Some Unit-with
LT D .
.. _, c:.....IId... M. .... NO W • • • • T. . . . . T ..... ., S'E CT AC UU .. SAV INGS. la.... ... ... ,., . _ .... .... .. _I .... .... .... ... - - . . _11... etc. FE AT U.U :-.. ... ... ... .." ... ... ... .... .., •••U .... ., .., ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1. md .... .... swl ." _ . , 1N l_ 1I1tc11, SI" cI M _ ... ,.. . ... cIdotl .... .... T... ...' , . 1100lI20 S,.. . .rd ..... Trotek. .... .... S... ... ., "" , _ ,., _ _ ., froftt. Wt ... ... ... ... - S.oo o .... o
0 . . - etc.
WAYS (1) As Illu stra ted bul leu llre s and .... .Is. wtw eI. extr a S30 00 eac h. ITE M TA 100 0
$4 25 0 0
(2) ....s Illu stra ted nylo n aorc raft tlat WIth goo d .-c l 155 0x2 0 14- 91, Ong lnal equ Ipm entat"" , lore s--4 3"' hIgh , .17" WIde. . Mtg rs. are USIng INS 100 00n bog Ie SUspenS ion on all thei r typ e at currwot prod uctI on.
o mM TA 201 1
$6 80 0 0 •
TR ue" TRAILER AX LU Full floa tIng 1ype _2 t0 31 on In ..... 1 sha pe. trucl< axle hO~'~~ 011 bolt s and Wltt~ ~r~k~:~IS u",v clllable In Che ~o hole and i nt . Doy Iy Spe cify pre f.r. "ceton Whe e s . th SPECI .... L 7" WHEEL S.
S1 0S .0 0 f
IT'EM T.m Con also sup ply
truc k With spri ngsreor chaS SIS , sha ckle s, bolt . Incl ude s
OV, ]!;
"-'ADA- Sh op & Co m THE LOWEST pa re PRICE:S~'~ N~CA ::I~~=-=~
.. ",. your Rou" d-th. -cloc k f . b H,i, ,' o"d ."ds with • "h..dl~l ~Ii:'olt eV::!di:~'" f!:ci "" ferti , etc., to ~ .... ,,' 10 . , . f 'd IOh i ... pl..... "h· .".. h ... I.d to fi.ld . .".:'. ~ led to ' ";'r~ • • "d crib. ha",....d cr.p ' to I d f·u t w" etc No oth. r ... • uppli •• to H h.u . ro... ·th ;"or ; capa city to f.r · requ ir.s .... r. It,." t.k. , , ....c h.". A " .ble w.,. " ca" colt you rou, h tr•• t .... "t. "u "ti" .... "Y lolt valu .ble ti.... a"d ·ftra wor" Th:: ::·:h Y !i.. f."" .,. doll~" to the busy or... er. with job-p rov." . spec .fy . for Th., . i • • Job . . . .hop ."d co... p.,. I
NOReo 7- TON FARM WAGON For max imu m Service at the Lowest Cost . . . you will prof it mor e from incr ease d pay load . with the Bra nd NORCO Model 700 ! Equipped with full circ le 5th wheel stee ring , and 6.50 x14 12-Ply Nylon Airc raft Tire •.
Check These Exclusive Qualtr Features • • • The Best In Canada • 7-To " city
• Two piece 14" wh.e l • I,." d N.w 6.50 x 14 12-P ly • 60" Sto" d.rd trock Nylo " Airc r.ft Tire .. H.i, ht • Sturd y 5" I bea.. . exle . 25", Wid th 6 VI". Shou ld tire • Steel tubi ". hitch fail with i" 2 yea, . w. will ,.plac . at "a cha ". F.O. I. Wi,, • 10' ,.ach of 2" H.D. Iteel "Ipe g. • Ship pi". w.ig ht appr ox. 700 lb •. SPECIAL! Sa .... wa, ." as abov e with load used 1100 x 12 flate tio" tire. Farm Use Prica lothe rs add 11 % ) •
_. __________ __
Now at Thi . Low Low Price!
"8" '11TH 1100x12 FLOTATION TIRES he Norco "8" is the EW BIG BUY in Ace form field! aimed the country ·e r os the leader in UALITY . . . VALUE . • PERFORMANCE!
Extra heavy duty construction gives this wagon more strength, more capacity to take rough treatment. he ever popular 5th wheel steering allowing the shortest passible turning radius •• • No Sway • . • a Whip ••. No Weaving . EXTRA HEAVY DUTY CONSTRUCTION THROUGHOUT. TRACK-70" .entre to Centre. All Steel Construction. Hitch-extra heavy duty tube. REACH-Steel pipe extendble to 10' 2". FRONT AXLE-2" solid steel built up to 5" with channel. BUNK-38" between osts. TlRES--Used 1100x12 mounted on heavy duty all steel 2-piece wheels. UB>--8 ton with Timken Bearings. MODEL W-8 weight approx. 8501bs. _..... _... •
245 00
>ame Wagon os above but with 22 Ply -wo-piece wheel. this Wagon ,...-----~dl give MaXimum flotation for a ifetlme. TEM W602 form Cert. •
an extra heevy
$235 00
JOI PROVEN ••. TIle N_ W-1OOO i. the fim cheice .. fe,...e .., COllhtlctol'l, utility .... ""ph...e _penies th,.......
out They he.,. p _ octual 10"', year after ,.or, that their quolity ...d ,......
Oll _
... ftll ......rpe ...........
at .... coat. NORCO MODEL W-1000 Fa U P Ice
(others odd 11
centre to centre tire,
track perfectly
IUNK-J8" between Dosts_ WHlEL~Extra Wide, heavy 2-piece type. IUaINGS--IO tons hubs roller bearingl Timk.en (Heavy duty). STEER'N~New full-Circle fifth w.... , oteerlng, allows Ihorteo' pGUlble tumlng radiUS. New frichon plates eli-
any truck or tractor "ONSTIIUCTION-Norca ALL-WELD construction. ITCH-Extra Heavy Duty Tubing. UCH-Sleel pipe, pole can be extended to 10'. 2". minates poulble bending on tums. AXLE-Solid Iteel 7" I beam. Tlal~1050 x 16 14 ply Nylon rated to carry 60,000 ...",'-&-:.0,·," steel 7" I beam. Ibo. on four tires. We wlH replace any lire free of charge ~t[t(:.MT-1260 Ibs. wllh tires. should they fail within two years. GUAaANTlE-ThI .. wagon Is fully guo,ar"\teed against any defective workmanship ar"ld material. If wagon '" nat as represented It con be retumed for immediate refund
Thi. fabulau. Trailer feature. u"ique. " Walkin, beam" axle suspe".ia" that make. this trailer ealY - to - ma"euver (backi"g up, turnl"" .tc'! a"d flexible for rough terrai" •.• "Walki"g beaml" o.cillate freely, per· mi"i"g each' .et of ta"dem wheel. to rise and fall i"depe"de"tly over grou"d hump. a"d hole. • • . give. pitch less, lev.1 ride • . • wheel. do "at 1018 their alig"me"t eve" whe" heavily loaded a"d operated i" muddy fieldl • . • lavel .trai" a" trailer a"d load. Quality E"gi"eered for greater .tre"gth, thil touglr, he a v iI y built tilt-trailer providel extra low, platform climb for falter, lafer load i"g a"d ha"dling . E"gi"eered to give ample room far small impleme"ts. mochi"ery etc. CAPACITY 10. 000 Ibs. Co"structio" - N:)rco oll·weld. Tilt Bed- Heavy S" cha nnel bed reinforced and graced with 3" channe l we lded dlrecll y to ta nde m axle . H .D. posi tive sofety lock -locks tilt ing frame sofe ly down . T il t bed size-14 ft x 42" wide . Tilts 9 °. Reach- Hea vy 4 " channel. " WALKIHG BEAMS" -4" pipe suspended from 42" wide . 6 " I beam . Wheels 14 " o ll-sleel d rop centre Tires 4-6S0x 14. 12-ply used nylon "Jet" tires. We guarantee to rep lace any lire free of cha rge F.O.B. Winnipeg should they foil within 2 years. Track-60" ce ntre to centre of lires. Sta"d--odjuSlable. Size--Q'all 18 ft . long . 0'011 24" h igh . ITEM T500 tilt-With Farm Cert. Others add 10% . •
$295 00
lA) EXTRA HEAVY DUTY MODEL WITH EXTRA WIDE FLOTATION TIRES & HYDRAULIC BRAKES - As above but with extro h.d . construction--6" channel steel Deck- I . f t x 56" Nlde . • Y2" p ipe HWolklng Beam" With 8 " x 3 " 1 beam cross member. Overall length 18 ft. 10". Equ ipped Nl th sofe . powerf u l Hyd ra ulic Brakes . .. used 1100xl6-22 ply NYLON Ilres mounled on 2 piece sleel wheels. ITEM T501 TILT-With F.rm C.rtific.t""""'Oth.,. .dd 10%. •
$950 00
U"iqu e " Walki"g Beam" a xle make s th is t ra iler ea sier t o ma"eu"er (backing uP. tur" i"g. ete .)
Equipped with 4-650&14. 12 ply Nylon us.d "Jet" tir.. mounted Oft oll-lt •• ', drop .... tr. wh Tlr" luarant•• d fo, 2 yea,.. Thl. fabulous Trailer I. Ideally suited fo, heavy forage bo.... wogon boxes. elc. Un ique! "Walk inl beam" ...Ie sulpenlioft ",.k.. this trailer,., ( ~aeking up, tuming, etc.) and ft. xiDI. for rough t.r .. roln • • • "Walklng beams" aecillat. freely, p.rmittlng each set of tandem whee-I I to ri se and fall (nd.· pendently over ground humps and hole. . . • gives p tehless, level rid • ..' . wh e els . do not laM th. 'r aligftment .y... when heavily loaded oftd operat.d In muddy fields . . . loves strain on tra,I.r oftd toad . 5PICIFICATIONS- 10.OOO lb. capoclly- No rco " a ll· weld" conslruct lon th roughout. Frame-AIi -sleel, heavy 5" channe l rigidly cro5.$. broced and re in forced at 0 11 gOlnfs. Walking beam -Heavy .... Pipe suspended from ~2" Wide, 6 " I beom centre cross I"Tl<'mber . Hubs -H . D. With free~runnlng. Tm,ken Beatings. Wh.. Is--Extra Wide 011 steel I~ " drop-centre Tlr...- 6 50 . 14 12 ply used nylon Jel ··o"crofl I ,res. We guarantee 10 replqce any 'tlre free o f charge, F.O.B.· W innipeg sh ould Ihey f'" wll h ,n 2 yeo rs. 2~ " high . Track---60" cenlre tc centre of tires . • . Irocks perfectiy behin d Iruc ks, t rOclors etc. Jack--Heovy duly, ad,ustoble type. HilchE)(tra heo vy steel. Dime"lion.- 17 ft. lon g wit h "2" Wide frome, 19" from ground to top of centre cross member, 10" ground clearance. Overoli he ight 2 ~ " Woillhl-OpproxlrTlO'ely 800 'b., ITEM TRSOO Only •
$255 00
31'2 TON "ATLAS" AXLE ASSEMBLY BRAN D N EW 2" SOLI D STEEL AXLE with HEAVY DUTY HUBS & TIMKEN ROLLER BEARINGS! Extra Wide 70" Irock-14 ply NYLOIf " JET" TIRE ~uoronteed for 2 years (FO .B. WinnIpeg ) with 14 ". EXTRA WIDE DRO' CENTER STEEL WHEELS. Reg S 115.00 Value A Fa bulous V.lue! ITEM AXl Vi •
$46 50
TANDEM AXLE ASSEMBLY Now ••• build your Own CUlto,"
trollers .tc. to suit YOij; own particulor ""ds. Un'que "Walking Beom "
axla fo, building to you, OWn speciflcation, Itackmovers, wogOt..., moch'n_ ~N"G moYers etc. "WALK-
OVER 12 YEARS OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE •. . Customer satisfaction
_nabl .. wheels to os ~~~" f a a tu,_ foU independently OV.~I ha. ,Ise and 5 ...... capacity hea 4,~mps and holes. Beam" SUSpended fZm 4f.!pe "WOI~tng =m Tf~k~ cr<>ss membeT. 'Hd ~Ub~ nylon 12 I bearings. TIRES---<550 x 14 '4" drop centre wheeJs P6b.,used olrcraft mounted on 500 Ibs once 19" from gr~Jnd t~rot"o~ I?" ground clearTA5 . WI 0 cross member. ABOVE WITH add 10%
is the foundation of our bUSinessOur thousands of satisfied customers
from " Coast to Coast" hove helped
us grow since our beginn ing
and through this confidence we hove become one of the largest and most completely stocked Farm Machinery , Surplus and Automotive
Mail Order Houses In Western Con· ado. This growth has proven the wisdom of our policy " Gua ra nt eed Customer Sa tisfoctlon." PRIN CESS UNCONDITIONA L GUARANTEE . . . 15-DAY MONEY BACK TRIAL - We guarantee that every
$169.50 $199 • 75
o • TON CAPACITY. ITEM TA. TE: If A WIDER TRACK DESIRED- UP -- .... $12.00 to above :,?~: OUTSIDE
item in this catalog is honestly de-
scribed and illustrated .. We guarantee to save you money on 011
H...". Duty
items purchased . . . We guarantee
that all items will be delivered
promptly and in good condition . . . If for any reason you ore not sot is-
:~~~ ~:thin a~he it~~ncfl~~~a~~ei::d wit"in 15 days and we will refund your money immediately.
ON YOUR ORDER • • • A. ~~~Rt~r name and oddreu B. If shipping point is different from Portol address be sure to state where to ship. C. Include enough with your remittance to cover shipping charges If there Is no agent at your .tatlon. All shipments a,e F.O.L WIN N ., EG and ore shipped COLUCT. O. To avoid the possibility of error ALWAYS use our In", NUMIIRS or describe item on order. BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE ON LIGHTING PLANTS. FARM WAGOHS, C 0 M P RES S 0 R S, TRUCK HO ISTS, HEAVY WINCHES, WELDERS ETC. W,ite fo, particulars,
Quality enginu, d f easy maneuverin~ o~ greoter strength, , rough terra ' n F an smooth rid e On Circle FIFTH WHEEL STEERING • eatures the ease of fu" :.tren~!" and pitchlell, level rid at the front plus ••• the eam rea, end Can b e 0 f the tandem "Walk' largest bo • • fOg014 ft. to "centre to centre of tire C '. Ibs. T rock_ w~Id throughout. Reach-j y: ,?nstruchon - Norco "aI/HItch-heavy pipe. Ti,es--6 2 pole extends to 14 ft tores-guoronteed fo 2 -6 S0x 14 12 ply nylon " ) t'; 14 " d r years 24 " h ' h e Be . rop centre . Bunk-6 '" ch Ig . ~heels-AI/ steel a"ngs-Heo vy duty T imk ~nnel, 38 between ports -Heavy 4 " pipe, suspendede~'rom a~~em "Walking Be a m'; T~Mber. Wt. approx. 1,000 Ibs I beam centre cross W750T-With Farm Cert add 10% , .
C:~AC~~~~ fs
y ou r
requ irem ents.
APPLICABLE TO TIRES. PRICES .•. The prices listed in this
catalog ore the lowest prices prevailing at the time this book went to press. Should any lower price be in effect at the time you place your order, you will . automatically be given the benefit of such decrease. In the event of any unavoidable increase in price we will write you
specifications ore subject to change Without notice and 011 offerings in this catalog ore subject to prior
sole. SHIPPING AND REPLA C EMEHT CLAIMS . . . Every precaution is
I .... CESS AUTO BRI .... GS YOU THE BEST WAGO NS ••• AT tiE BEST PRICES I .... CA .... ADAI Manufa ctured •• , sold ••• , d guaranteed nclusively by PRI .... CESS AUT OI Our ma ny on of e.perience in Farm Wagon de.ign and construction , ure you of quality Engineering for greater strength wi t h fas t e r sier, .after load handling. '
token to insure safe arrival of merchandise. Our responsibility for loss or damage ends when shipment is accepted by a carrier. I f goods show signs of damage on arrival, hove the carrier's agent note this on the shipping bill , signing it before accepting delivery. Then claim
directly with the responsible corner. URN EO MERCHANDISE ••• We ore always glad to adjust any claim and on ony defective material. writ. IN,...........1...
explain the circumstances and we will QlveJou Instructions. When
goods, be sure to mark plolnly your name an oddress on the packand If poulble attoch a letter to the porcel. EDIATE SH IPMEHT Of ALL ORDERS .•• We a't! organized to give you .chote .. rvKe on 011 orders. Most orders ore stupped Within 2~ hours.
U n d e r no circumstances will we recognize claims for lobar, freight charges or consequental damage to merchandise, our liability for replacement being limited to items that ore, according to our judgment, defective in material 0 n d workmansh ip as covered by the above guarantee.
PRICED TO MEET 0 THE HEEDS OF TOnAY'S HIGH SPEED FARMUifGI • TRACK -.11 mod. Is 60" centr. to centre. • CONSTRUCTION - oil models NORCO "ALL-WELD" COllltNction.
• WHEEL BEARINGSTimken tapered roUe, b •• rlnl', W ith 650x U 12-plv NYLON Aircraft 11 Jet" tires - Quaren teed for 2 years F.O.B. W ,nn lpeg 26" H x 6 V2" W .)
' 142.00 ITEM TONW404 __. ' 156.00
ITEM , TONW304 __ 4
Less tires, with 15" or 16"
wheels. ,ITEM TONW300___
' 109 • 00 ' 129.00
W ith good u sed 15" t orH--70 % treod--T ir6 guaranteed 1 year ITEM ITEM 3 TONW'02_.. _ •• TONW4U_ All .bol. WogolI, reQu l•• Fe,,,, Certlflcet.--oth... . dd 10 % .
' 129 00
IN D I X A A..... & ......... ._. II AIr Me"'"' _ _ ._ 2J A_r Peot H... .._... .. 11 A_ A _ r i f t ... 67. " , " , 70, 71. 72, n. 7., 7., 76, 77, 7', 79. 10. '1, 12, " . M, '5, M.
' 7, 11. ", ", '1, '2,
91. 107 - ' - DlNctlHel 10 _ 67 "'"' 91 AIde & HM "-tMI... _ 11. 1':7.110':' ....... & Shefh _ _ _ .0
. . . . • u ...... _ _ _ . ,
IetterIee & _ U. httery C...".,. _.• '. 51.
52 c... ____ 24 I~, s~ _____ 64
left. llIb
....... Iontructto. _", n ...... 1."'_. ___ 24
...... C.". ____ t1
I ..". LI"I".. _____ 76 Iucllet.-C ..",.hell. Drql .... ~ _ _ 92 Ius Iod ... ___ .. _ ._ 91
CWIe .___C.. _____ 64
011 _ ..... __ .. _ 71 CMu.....,. . H. 70, 107 c.,..., ARe .....I.... & Tnoc" __ II-et
C............A..... Truck, T..ct.r H • ••, .5 -$tNocket _ _ 64 --«011., ____ 64
Clootch , ..... _ _ _ 76 c._ 11 c . _ , . & (Kth & 16. 17. 11. It. 20. '1 • • ,
'.rts) _'.
92, c.lqu._1It ..,.. _ __ _ .__ eo.. .... ,. & Hitch.. C.._ __ 10. 62.
CyI...., H.....
D Sh.ft ARe ...I... _
9' M
79 92 70 14. 90
• • • • M, IS, 52. M, U.7.
'.rts _
ltorton. 74 Ito ..... A,ctlc _ _ _ 12
-H"'reullc U 14, 12. 107
L LelHll M ....r _ 11 LA",PI & Lishh .. 55. 56. 75. M . IS. Llthtloot 41. 4 • • SO. SI . 57
F F..... ...lIttletl", _ .. ~ _ Fire Ixtioo,uilh., 10. ,..... ._ _~ 25. 26. , ........"'PI _ _ SS. , .... Men _ _ _ 67. F.rldlfh _
54 M 7. 56 10 ••
Fo,...., COliC'''. __ _" ',."t E.... '.rts _ 72. 7J 'root Shlolcl. ___ n
G GII & Acc_,'" _ 70 Get Nouln _ 12. U . 21 Go.......,.
_I., 67. 7• • 7S -Ge"...t _ 44 •• 1, 49. SO. SI . 57 -W.w.. ___ 44, 46 -Alrc..ft _ 44. SI GII ... 12. 13 -A.... & Track
rao,. ____
G _ GtI ••
'lttl".. _ ._ 71 H H_,. -011 ._.____ _ 12 &
-1",,,,.,.10,, SS -Ge. I . 11. 21 . 7l Hitch.. & 79 H.Iata. "",..ulln 1. ' . 4. 5, 6, 7. I H--su.... <7 _ 60. 107 _ctlo" _ _ 60 Hu"ton Cloth.. _ _ 24 H'....ulln --CyU" ...,. _ '1 . U .
-FIttI".. _ .0•• 1. U . " , U 11 -Geu,.. . ____ -Ho... _____ 15 -Kth _ __ _ J7 _ipa FItt/", • . __ 11 - Pu""s 21, 19. 11. J9 -T."", _ _ IS -v. I.... _ 10. 31 . 39
7• • 7S
J J . . "-Aufo __~- 79 --SCraw _ _ 11. 79
T T."ks. ,W. & ..d ..1o _ T."..uU... Th....... toh. Auto Tin 'U"'PI __ Tiro •• pai, A"_,1e T ir..
_ I , 64
'149 • 00
M Mlrro..-Aato & Truck _ _ 10. IS. 107 M.ton - A" ... ft ~ S2. U . SS -A.... _._ 67 . . . -I1octric 52. n . 55. 56 -5torttll, _ 52, SJ. 7. M..1.. ftl.,. _ _&,... _ _ _ 11
--«.U".,. -GrecI... --«...,.
,'.I"t ......c... _,______ 2415 & .",..... _ _
~:::~. ~er:rll ~ ~:
_ _ _ _ 70
-Ge..... 1 SI. 59. 60. 70 -"'.1 ______ . 70
SI. 59. 60
R...... __ _• __ to11 R... Ieto,.
. ____
R.duc.,.. 5,.... ~ _ .ifles ~ _ _ ••pa _______ _
U U,, "'.,..I J "" _I . H .
52 U 26
Te,,'" _ _ "
Saddl. SIIOW 'Iow. ~_ .2 Sol."...., _ _ _ _ 52 Spark Piu,. _ _ _ __ 7S SPECIALS-$11."<7 _ ' . 10. 11. 12, U . 14. IS. 21 . 22. 2J. 24. 25. 26. 27. 39. 40. 57. 67. M . IS. '6. 106. 107 N.w Specieh _ ' . 10. 11 . 14. IS. 24. J • • • 0. 57. 67. 106. 107 Sp'i"" . New & U.... 7J, t1 S...... ckot & Ch.i" _ 64. 65 Stomp/". Sett _ 12, 11
T .. ct., u." T,.II ... ___ 14. '2. l Ot. 112.1 U Tra", fo,m., _ _ _ _ SS T'...."'lnlo. - A"to 1• • 12. " . 17 - Trucks 14 . 12. " . 17 14 . 12. " . 17 Tru."'. S.. rpluo _ 91. 9J Tu"iA-,lexilllo _ 26. 60 _ctio" _ _ 60
'ow., T.".. 4. I 'ow., Unih. D.... I _ 'U"'PI -A....
20 7. 79 79
t6. 101 96. 10S. 107 - T..ct., t6. 105. 107 --Ch_,,_eo • ., '7, H , 101 . 102. 104. 106. 101 - A/rcraft t6. 91. 100 • 101 . 102. 106. 101 - Aut. 96. 105 - Tno." 97. 103. 104. 105.1 06 - TulHls __ 106 Tools. H.II" 26. 27, .0. U . M . 107 T...., P.w., __ 10• • 0 Tow", _ _ _ _ 12
N Nun & _ _ _ _ 12
1.. __ 'ull.". '.!h. Aec.uo,'" ____
W W. . .". _ 11 0, 111 . 112. Ill. 11 • • 115. 116 W.t... , 44. 46, 47 W....... . _ 41 • • 2 • • J . 44. 45. 46 W.I...... A.etyl.". __ 44 Wh . . . . ""w Wh.... 105 Wheel, & Ri _ - A lit. & T",." _ '0, 91 . 104 - Fifttl __ _ _ " Wh ..... ....... _ 105 Willch.. -Iloctrlc _ _ _ _ U -Geee.. 1 _ 1 O. " . 626., 64 -WlJlch e,. ... _~ 10 Wire & C.III. _ _ _ 64
,.rts _
Th_ Norco 5 - ton heovy duty wagon is on_ of our mast popular farm wagons. Heavy duty ALL - WELD construct ion . D ro p forged axles . Smooth sa f. automotive type steering. Long - life and Law - mointenance soves you many dollars! WAGON AS ILLUSTRATED WITH " JET" TIRES • Heavy duty ALL-WELD construct i on . • D ra p forged axles . • Adjustable reach . • All steel yoke . • Heavy duty Tractor pole • • Smooth-safe automotive steering . • 650 x 14 12 ply aircraft tires, in excellent condition. Tires 26" high, 6' 2" wide, mounted an all steel wheels. Should these tires fail within two years, _ we will replace free . Save now at this fabulous price! ITEM NFM-43-Wlth Form Cert ifICate - others odd
$165 00
Wagon as illustrated above with 15" used tires- 80 0 0 tread remaoning ITEM NFM-49-Wlth Form Ce rt,f,cate--others odd 11 % ~ ~ ~~~ Wagon as iIIu~ . with 14" drop centre steel wheel and 27SC 8-ply nylon, low pressure tores. ITEM NFM-44---W ith Form Ce rti fi cate--others odd 11 % ~ ..... .......
$155 00 179 00 $199·00 $ •
Sa",. Wagon a'
ITEM NFM-44 with 72" trock
"otod 4 Ton at 1,000 '.5.1. Rated • Ton at 3,500 '.5.1.
Backod by the lamou. NORCO Nomoi Cha llenge. thom on mod e ," de sign, large capacity, ru g ged con ltructio n,
quolity -
LOW PRICE! E.peciolly de.ig ned lor the
of Forage Horrelter Boxel, and genera l
p u r~
Let the FACTS .peok lor 1075x 16 14-ply Nylon A"croft fo r greater capacity Should tires fail withi n 2 years we w ill
eploce for no chorg~ FOB W,nni peg • WH EE L ~ II-steel outomotove EaSIly demountoble • AUTOMO· ' IME STEERING-for easier towI ng and t horter turnIng odlus • REACH ~Ex t e n doble from 12' to 17' Extenon holes spaced every 9" • AXLE~2 " solod steel WIth Imken beoflng • • CAPACITY-14,OOO lb•. • TRACK -78' to outSIde of t"e5 • STAKE~Set 38" apart - HITCH Extra long 75" - heavy duty TEM F7- With Form Certificote. he rs add 11 °0
'UHD Hrw DlSlGH . . . IHGIHUUD, M.. HU, .. CTURlD .. HD GU.A.UHTIlD IXCLUSIVU Y IV 'RINCESS AUTO: N............II rev fi"tI 0" ECONOMY '.ICIO 1.lm, Holet .itt. eI' tIIeM , ...'" .... i" .. ,.eI f •• tlol,.., • ,hippetl co,"pl ... ... tI, .. I.... m Tt.. Hrw " WAGOH-LlFT" IS A 'OWERFUL, COM,..CT W ..GON HOIST 'OR ALL YOU. 'ARM NIIDS . r.ujppeel witt. the I....., All Mew, ',I"een " Pow,o"," Dou bl. Act{". Hycf,.",Uc c,n"",, lam built lik• • truck hotst .",.n Oftou.h te 1"... 11 . . . f.,.. .....'
QUALITY ENGINUaED fLATUaU t 4 Y'J" bot., ) . " Stro~ e POWR.AM Oouble octing cylin~r with steel ring construct,Of'I Uppe r I.",. r 11ft orms of h~vy ~'. plote Lo... er hit 0'"'$ con"'ruct.d of J .. 3 x -l-i angle \tructurol steel MOlumum 1,1t 53" Low Prof, Ie Mount COmflS campl.-te with Fan IONUS .alra hftlvy duty mount Ing IlIIt. con~ l ructed
'H4~W ith
OIh.,. odd 11 '
Ifith 1100. 12 8-ply Used tir... Model F-7 A. Appro • . 100 lb •. With Form C.rtificat_
It,... .. .
'o,m Certificate--
BNte ,owel'--Unmatched nrsatility. Roll. ea. i I Y fram Job to Job an or oH the Highway. Con .. "ati.,ely rated 6 ton Co,ocityl Smooth riding-BUILT FOR TODAY' S FARMER ..• OFFERS PURCHASE PRICE ECONOMY •.. OPERATING DURABILITY . .. TOP NOTCH PERFORMANCEI Thi. Wagon it bui lt to lo.t 0 lifetime .. . check the •• fobuIou. lifetime com,onenh: • 2" SOLID STEEL AXLE WITH EXTRA H.D. TRUCK TYPE HUBS and TIMKEN ROLLER BEARINGS . • Extra wide DROP CENTRE STEEL WHEELS with 4-650111. ll-ply NYLON "JET" TIRES--guaront.ed reploc.ment .hould t ire. foil within 2 yea" (F.O.B. Winnipeg). • Noreo ALL-WELD conltruction throughout . • BUNK- 3a" between ,om . • H.ary duty at..1 hitch . • 2" ateel pipe REACH ut.nd. to 10' 2" . Thi, wagon i. conatructed of .uch .uperio, mat.rial. that if it i. not o. repr ... nted .imply return it for IMMEDIATE RETURN. ITEM W-600-W ith Farm Cert,f,cate--athers add 11 'lb ......................... _.... _............ _............. _ .. .
50.... W...... o......., In.t with TIlUCK TYPE WttUU ...... LOCK· IlING. ITEM W601 W,lh Farm Cert if,core Other. add 10% M£THOD A"c,oft tl,.. WILL POSITIVELY NOT TUIlN
THE NORCO W-SOO IS PRICED WITH THE LOW· un ITS RUGGED CONSTRUCTION WILL WITHSTAND THE STIlESS AND STRAIN OF HAULING c..\lACITY LOA D S ON THI ROUGHEST FAIlM GROUND AND HIGH WAYS. DESIGNED & BUILT FOR SPEED. SAFETY AND TIlOUlLE·FIlEE PEIlFOIlMANCE! • 14" lrond No .. "JET" Ai,c,oft tire. - 12 ,Iy, 6Y, " wide, 26" hIgh Free replacemenl should lores fall wllh,n 2 years IF O.B. Winnipeg) • E><lro wide 14" .1I·at.. 1 Dro, Canto. Wh ..!. . . Timhn Beaflngs • ~-ton conte"oti.o!y ,otocl. • • 2" ,1.....och extend. 10 10' 2" . • HooyY duty lublng Hllch • 60" conte, to conto, of tiro Irock - Irocks perfeclly behind any Iruck or Iraclor • '" chonnol IUNK, 38" between pasls . NOIlCO W.SOO-Weoghl wilh I"es 500 Ibs With Fo"" Cortifico-..thon odd " " Same Wagon a. above bUI wllh WIDER, LOW 'RESSURE, 2TS~ ply NYLON FLOTATION TilES, all sleel 14" wh.. ls (aulomoll"e type). These lore5 hove le"iflC load capacity. ITEM W-S2T With Fo,... Cartlfleot_h.... dd 11 " . _ _ _ _ •
$149 0
$169 00