1978 Buyer's Guide
Page 96
[IDW[Q)~ffi(!D[10~ ~ill~[{@
""INCEII offe.. a complete line of heavy duty fully guaranteed lIyd,aullc jacks. Can ope,ate In any position : vertical, angle, ho,lzontal ,ellcept 30 and 50 Ton Jacks) . Rugged construction, tough unlbody _Ided, no INkage, g,eate, safety, high stability, simple mechanism, IlIlItwelgllt, 2·plece lIandle. TESTED 50% ABOVE RATED CAPACITY
~[;mO~ ~l:J&(1 LOW PROFILE JACKS 12 TON LOW a 20 TON LOW· A HANDY JACK FOR ANY VEHICLE Designed .peclflcally to fit unde, ,N, allle wlle,e a standard unit would be too IIlgll. Save 1I0un of delay - buy a Jack tllat's made to do tile job.
Ra m Screw Closed Capa c ity L ift Ex tens ion H eight (Tons) Inches Inches Inches 4 .... 2V. 7 1.5 4 .... 2.... 7 '12 3 6 V. 3V. 9 5 3 '12 6 9 8 6 9 '12 3'12 12 5Jt. 4 9 '12 16 6 '12 10.... 20 6'14 11 30 7 12 50 3>(. 2 .... 7 12 Low' IV. 3 20 Low ' 4
Weight of Jack Pou nds 4 .4 7. 1 11.5 15 .4 16 .5 27 . 5 39 . 7 51 14 12 35
Item Number 7205010 7205012 7205011 7205002
Price $
r J 5.~O 1
72050031 7205004 7205005 7205006 7205007 7205009 7205016
J ~.50
J ~
Saskatoon Store Opening Specials IN STORE SHOPPING ONLY HYD. CONTROL VALVE HYD. CONTROL VALVE with adj . relief valve. (See Page 14 I. ITEM 7203001 (For Double Acting Cv!') - Reg. $38.95. SPECIAL. • . . . • . . .. $35.50
1.000 lb. capa· city. (See Page 991. ITEM 3304004 Reg. $14.95. SPECIAL • . . • . . $13.00
ITEM 7203002 (For single acting cy!.) Rag. S39.95 SPECIAL
LIFT KIT LIFT KIT Include. hand pump, Ram & Hose (See Page 121. ITEM 320104914 Ton) Reg. $137.50. SPECIAL .$127.50 ITEM 3201050 (10 ton) Reg. $167.50. SPECIAL.
PENCIL ENGRAVER PENCIL ENGRAVER " WEN" - 120 volt. (See Page8!). ITEM 3915400 - Reg. $8.95. SPECIAL • . • . . • • • • • • • • $7.95
For 4. 6. 8 cylinder
DRILL SHARPENER DRILL SHARPENER - Resharpens 1/8" to 3/4" drills. ITEM 7801157. Regular $11.75. SPECIAL . • . • • • • $10.29
(See page 88l. ITEM 3316158 - Reg. $64.00 SPECIAL. • . • • • • • . . • • . . • .
ENGINE & MACHINERY CLEANER ENGINE 110 MACHINERY CLEANER - Air operaU!<l. CS. Paqe 52) ITEM 7102009- Reg. $13 5 SPECIAL. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• $12.95 ITEM 3115001 (Cleaning Solvent 1 Gal'! $5.75
((======:.;:" A
We now handle a wide unety of plumb,ng. hntl"9 and electrical items'
~~~!~:: ~~~~e h~~"t~I":I,:~cc:.r:,~~g'yO;U~~I"W~:I~n9pAc:Tt~tnt~~t;,.~Nh~t
ONLY of some of the qu,lIty fixtures we cury For the complete line, Yisit our new stor. PRICE
!:Imlm ~1~t~~
(C) 1801154 $ 25 . 95 (0)1801149 $ 11 . 95 (E) 1801140 $ 1.60
Item No.
Defu ••
mm~ :'~t~~
1801155 $ 29. 95 1801150 $ 17. 79 1801141 $ 3 . 59
V," )/4"
I" l1t4"
Item No . 1801163 1801165 1801167 1801169 1801171
Price 100 Coil $7.00 $12. 00 $18. 00 $21.00 $25.00
~ E~
Item No. Economy
Recessed Steel Bath Tub, TOilets Wall, Sulns Hand Shower w/Hose Chrome Towel Bar 24"
C. S . A . 75 PS 1
Price Size
Item No.
1801173 1801175 1801177 1801179 1801181
l V'I. "
2" 3" 4"
1801183 1801184 1801185 <1801186
puti,1 IIst.ng -
our showroom and see our complete line of thwtres. Talk to our knl')w .. ledgeaDleales staff for IIlSlalllJtlon and design "U9gesttons DBV
Item No. lOO'COil
$9.00 $14. 00 $22 . 00 $38 . 00 $50. 00
$5 .28 8.30 14. 16 1 . 90
Soft Copper Tub i ng
Item No.
1/4 " 3/ 8" 1/2" 3 / 4"
18011 2 8 1801129 1801130 1801131
$15 .50 $22 . 00 $31.00 $51.00
·'0' Length only (Sewer Pipe)
1'11:" -
Pnce (E.ch) . 49 .40
-3"Price (E.ch) .7 0 . 83
Price (E.ch) (A) ABS Pip. (per foot) 1.22 1801184 1801115 "'801183 0 1801195 1. 75 1801194 1801193 B~ 90 1f4 Elbow HXH 1801196 1.80 C 90 0 Street Elbow SXH 1801199 1.39 1.05 1801197 .3 3 1801198 D) 45 0 1/8 Elbow HXH 1.39 1801202 1801201 1.05 1801200 . 33 E\ 45 0 S'r •• ' Elbow SX H 1801208 2.40 1801207 95 1801206 . 55 F Drainage TV·HXHXH 2.29 1801205 1801204 1.08 G Drainage V.HXHXH 1801203 . 62 1 80 1801210 1801211 1.15 1801209 . 66 H Cleanout W/Plug 1801214 .83 .60 1801212 1801213 I) Adapter· Male· 6XMT .27 5.69 1801216 1801215 2.12 J) P T .. p HXH .52 1801217 ~K) Tnp Male Adapter HXMT .77 1801220 1801219 .33 Ll Coupling HXH .2 8 -180121. .PARTIAL LISTING ONLY! We have a complete selection at pipe fittings In oLlr show room Come see our Hne of galvanized and copper elbows, gate valves, couplings, tees, ur1l0ns, plugs, bushrngs. adapters. etc. "1tem No.
i~rc\':t.t ~ CERTIFIED
Item No.
Item No.
BUILDING 'HIRE (Cl AC90 BX Price ft. Item No.
. 14 . 21
. 17
.27 25
2001008 2001009 2001010 2001011 2001012
15 . 26 .21 35 37 .49
Itell1 No.
Price ft .
2001015 2001016 2001017 2001018
. 28 . 37 .31 .41
~~.) Price
2001239 .45 2001240 . 55 2001241 . 75 20012421 . 45 20012431.75 20012442. 45
~ . 10 . 15 . 25 . 30 . 35 .60
-NOTE' Partial Listing Only
NOTE: Partial listing only . We handl' a good selection of electrical components SUCh as: Speaker wire, heater cord, SWitch boxes, cover plates, switChes. plugs, out· lets, lampholders, wire accessories. extension cords, fuses and breakers, etc.
A Large, Well-Li.t Showroom
I n Store Shopping Only
Duty Farm and Industrial Equipment A Complete Selection of Plumbinq, Heating and Electrical Supplies
* * *
Conveniently Located Near Main Roads Friendly, Helpful, Experienced Staff Ample Free Parking
* A Large Selection of Light and Heavy- * Over 5,000 Items to Choose From
NOW ... We have 3 locations to serve you better. EXPANDING ... We proudly announce our new store in Saskatoon. This new store is an example of our on going program of planning and developing present and future expansions. MAl L ORDER ... Our Saskatoon store is not set up to handle orders received by mail. Please send all mail orders to our Winnipeg store, Box 1005, Wpg. Man. STORE HOURS 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M . Monday through Friday. 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Saturday. Serving the farm and industrial market for 46 years.
Top Quality Heating Components c J N
H OESCRIPTION tA) Plenum Take-Off (8) Cold or Warm Air Duct
(C) Stack Ouet (0) End C.P' (E) Shortway Elbows
(F) Longway Elbows
(Gl Top Take-Off Squue (H Side Take-Off (I) Righ t Angle Soot
~"U) ES:IV~~~"~
SIZE 14")( 8" 18" • 8" 14" )( 8" x S"
18" )( 8" x 5" 3" )( 1 A" x 8" 14" x B" 18" • 8" 90 0 )( 14" )( 8" 90 0 )( 18" x 8"
45° )( 14" x S" 45 0 )It 18 " x S" 90°)(14")(8 " 90 0 x 18")( 8" 45°)(14")(8" 45° x lS")It 8" 5" 5" 5" x 3" x 10" S")(3"x10" 5" x 3" x 10"
SIZE 5")( 60" 6".36" 1" )( 36" ~
OESCR1PTION (0) Wall Register a ll R e lll ste r
,"J Cold Air fn\ake
Cofd Air '"tik. (Q) Hot Air Vlnt
PRICE $5.50 6 . 95 10.95 13.95 10. 95 1. 05 1.2 9 10.95 11.65 9 . 45 9 . 95 11.95 14. 45 9.95 11 . 25 1.25 1.25 1.45 1.45 1.45
(L) BUTTON LOCK P I P E ITEM 1901034 1901015
ITEM NO . 19 01011 1901012 19 01014 1 901015 1901016 19 01017 1901 018 1901019 1901020 1901021 1901022 1901023 1901024 1901025 1901026 1901027 1901029 1901030 1901031 1901032
SIZE 3 0 gauge 26 gauge 26 gauge 26 gauge
PRICE $2 . 69 3.29 4. 75 4 .8 5 PR ICE $1 98 I.Z~
ITEM 1901038 1901039
1901040 1901041
PRICE $.79 1 . 85 2.10 2.65
5'· diameter. TEM 1901042 - $ . 50
2.9 8 1.29
)( 5" x 6" x 7" )( 8"
r .
wjd. variety of quality h.atlng supplies. Vltlt our store ~nd sa. thll,ftat III.ctlon~
line b onto of the most compit-te. f'tatunnl name brand productl plul QuaJH.y .u .... plua aircraft equiPment. We make our own bne of hydrauUc cyUnden. truck bowl and implement kits. You eet one .top Sf'rvlCe with our YUl'I of hydraulJ.c: product
Her. 15 the most depend· able and ex· ceptlonally versatile hyd· raullc pump for Farm and Industrial us.! High Vol .
urneO:':~~aIS~:~tI~~~~'ultabI8 for pulfey. chain or dl· rect dr ive applications. FEATURES: Lightweight H igh eff iciency · Fully Balanced Vane Pump Optional Rotation ~ Four position Inlet - No load starting Anti-Friction Main Bearing . These pumps are set for counterclock~wlse rotation but can be reversed bY rnl·
~~s ,l:d~=e~!ng~P;g~~~tJ~n~.p~~~·M~e:r'¥~ ;.~?e~
pumps are equipped with ~" shaft. JM" Inlet and lit"
~y:~·~'·~~.~t. 'f~,~~?:' a"';,~ ~~i~~rl~r~t~r~7efb~l<pPed G _P_M _at G _P.M . at Model500rpm 1800rpm ITEM PRICE TB3 1.69 4 _62 320 1002 $129 _00 TB6 2 _38 9 .31 3201003 129 _00 TB9 3 .61 14_72 3201004 129 .00 TB12 4 .20 17 _95 3201005 129 _00 TC 12 4 _50 18 _35 3201006 164 _00 TC 16 6 _60 25 _25 3201007 164 _00 TC20 8_65 31.40 3201008 164.00 TC24 10 .80 38 _80 3201009 164 .00 TC24 * 10 .80 38 .80 3201168 169_95 .. Equipped with 7/8" 13 spline shaft-
GRESEN VANE TYPE DOUBLE PUMP The Gresen Double Pump has been deSigned as two fully-balanced vane pumps contained In one lightweight alumlnum housing. Like the Models TB & TC shown above. thiS unot features high-efficiency and no-load starting. and has anti-friction bearings throughout. SPECIFICATIONS: Max. Pressure 1500 P.S. I Max. Operating Speed 1800 R.P_M ., Max_ Inlet Suction 10" HG ., Inlet Ion". Outlets : Large Pump 1"_ Small Pump '4 ". Shaft Size 1 "_, CCW Rotation (easily reversible) . NOTE-THIS DOUBLE PUMP CAN BE SUPPLIED IN VARIOUS COMBINATIONS: e.g. Large Pump 20 GPM. Small Pump 9 GPM. (All ratings given based at 1200 RPM 1500 PsI-) When orderong specify gallonage reqUired on Large and also Small pump_ LARGE PUMP AVAILABLE IN SIZES 6.9, 12,16,20 or 24 GPM . SMALL PUMP AVAILABLE IN SIZES 3,6,9. or 12 GPM _ WT . 27 LBS. ITEM 3201012
TO FIT ABOVE PUMPS ITEM 7201007 - To fit Model TB Series Pumps ____ ...... __ ._ .. _. ___... . ITEM 3201015 - To fit Models TC .nd Double Vane Pump -.-.. ,
$6_95 $7 _95
OUT· PUT HOLD-RETURN PoSItions, I" Hardened Steel Shaft supported front a.,d rear by HO Needle Bearings
Heavy gauge hot rolled steel reservoir with filter pipe filter, bottom drain plug. 3/S" po,ts . Terrific for all types of farm maChinery, replacement truCk nOlst pumps, hand cranking operations, etc. Pumps '.ctory set It 2150 PSI . Specify other PSI required.
MODEL 7201002-2 PISTON DOUBLE ACTING VALVE 2.21 GPM 1000 RPM (500-3500 PSI) , 7 Qt. re •.
~~~~:3~"I~S~ 1.1~4:·~.)(.~"~··~~
MODEL 7201001 -
... ~ ......
~l nQle actlnQ
~8"s0G~~,).<I\Jog~ ~.':,~cll~OOO1.~~~,,~~;) \'~~j74Y.L se: $164.00
~~~~I.tl!IY" se~'~~~~~!d F~Y~';:UII~~~!=rSI~n~ ;'ie'~~t5~ r~:.··~· .......... Pump. Reservoir, Valve all In one' ALL INTERIOR
valve - • • • . • • • • _ . . . . . . . • _.. · 5127.50 MODEL 7201004-4 PISTON DOUBLE ACTING VALVE
MODEL 7201003 -
but slnq,le actlnq
valve .• • . • . • . . . . . . • .. ~ 159.50 MODEL 3201001-8 PISTON DOUBLE ACTING VALVE
~f~~I:~CY Ca,:t hl~m~re~s~~~s. d;~ic~:~n rO~iSr;:S~ :,~~ rO~'a,°~ ~~~L~CWI~O~ ~~~J~~lt~.\, ~~~n~lf~~ ~~:e;I~'~:edor;o ~~~p S~I~f~ss~~?ngC~~~~~t~~ e~:~ ~~~~R.O.L.~~~V.E• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 249.00 }ency with minimum sliPpage. Hardened Steel Intake and E)C.t'laust valves extend pump life 3-5 times over cast Iron seah. Hardened Steel Spool V,lves honed And nand fitted Into valve bOdy
MODEL 1201120-AS ABOVE~ut equipped •• • • •• ••
with two double acting valves.
5"9 .A
Heavy Duty. AxIal Piston Type Motor for maximum life and performance , DeSigned for practical and econo mlcal adaptability to a wide range. of Industrial and agricultural apPlications. The most compact size in Its capacity range and field proven to be superior In volumetric efficiency , The simplicity and rugged design assures long dependable performance.
'MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS 'Output 12 H.P. at 3000 p .S_1. at 1200 R . P. M .• 22 H. P. at 3000 P.S.1. at 2400 R. P. M. -Theoretical TorQue l 229 Ib.-ln.1 1000 P.S . ! . *OisPlacement ; 1.44 CU. In./Rev. ·Speeds: 0 to
3000 R.P.M • • Pressures · ContInuous duty 3000 P.S.I •• Int. rating to 3500 P. S.I_ 'Input , 16 G.P. M. at 3000 p.S.1. at 2400 R . P. M . -Mounting: SAE "A" type tWO-bOlt flange . ·Rotatlon ~ counter ClocKoWlse. ·EqulPped ,with I" dla •• 19 spllne Shaft , external bleed port, needle bearings and No. 10 0 R 8 , ports . • DIm. 9" x S" )( 5" wt . 27 Ibs.
ITEM 1201115 -SPECIALI ONLY • • • • • • • • • SAME AS ABOVE but with v." kOywoy ITEM 1201HS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • __ ••• _ SAME AS ABOVE but Clockwise Rotation .
ITEM 1201210 • • • • • • • _ •••• _ •••• _ •
SAME AS ABOVE but with
ITEM 1201296 •• _ ••• _ • • • • • • • •
5 109.00 5119.00 5 109.50 5119.50
VICKER'S HYDRAULIC PUMP Model V230-9 -3B-06-12. Rated at 9 GPM at 1200 RPM but with controlled flow caller dellllers 6 GPM regardless of RPM Balance of flow returned to tank Ilia seperate port . An Ideal HO power steering pump . 15/16" threaded .. ,..-.-.,naft In 3/16" keyway 1" NPT Inlet # 8 ORB pressure and return port. WI. 20 Ibs. ITEM 1201277 .•..•....•..•• _ ••••...• _ .. _ . .. $129.00
I . 3000 Series Char-L.ynn ORBIT Motors for High Torque Low Speed Rotary Power A /VIde rang'" ') dl rla,-emenfs that let you select exactly the speed and torque combination that best SUits your application. High torque output. From 3000 lb. In to 4500 lb. In . High pressure ratings 2000 P.5.1. cont. duty. 3000 P.S.I. peak pressure. A real PLUS for today's high pressure systems. FLOW : Cont. 20 G.P M Peak 24 5 G.P.M. SHAFT CAPACITY. Radial Cont. 2000 Ibs Peak 3000 Ibs. THRUST Peak 1250 Ibs. PORTS' 7/8 - 14 UNC Thread. SHAFT: IV'" dia. x 2 1, ... long Sh. Wt. 27 Ibs
If you want a high performance hydraulic pump that IS durable and rei iable. make your choice trom th is group of V,ckers Pumps . For a combination of max· Imum horsepower '" a small package. high et· . 6 . . . . r 6 ••• il lty and economy Vicken "high out· put" pumps have no peer anywhere In Industry. Thou· sands of appllcaltons have proven their ability to deliver top performance since they were put Into Quantity pro· duction Clockwise rotation can be reversed if needed.
GPM. 200 RPM Max . 100 PSI RPM (A) V · 210· 1 IW 11 2500 (A)V·20·13 13 2400 (A)V·210·11·3C·12 10'1.1: 1100 (B)25V·14 142700 (B)25V · 17 2500 17 (B)25V·21 21 HOO (6 25V·21 21 2500 V ( 21 2000 (B) 35V 2400 31 (B)45V 50 2200 (C) 3520V·double pump 31+1 2400 Model Series
"hlll. Max . SPIIld PSI .. Pressure 2500 21 2200 2& 1500 16.3 3000 21 3000 32.5 30001 40 3000 2000 3000 61.5 2500 13 3000
Inlet 10
Outlet 1" lit 'h"
,v." x ''" 1" lit Vz" SAE 4~011 SAE 4·bolt SAE "boil SAE 4 bolt
Wt. Lb •. 22 22 22 340 34 7/,,, 34 13splln. 34
Shaft SlzI 3/4-" 3{4" 15/16" 7/1" 7/1"
SAE 4·bolt SAE 4-IIolt SAE 4·bolt
lV." Key 1\'.... 1" J.plln.
1\'.t·,4 SPline
ITEM 120121' 1201220 1201019 1201221 1201222 1201223 1201303
50 75 75
1201262 1201253 1201291
PRICE 1«.0 0 159.00 159.5 0 255.00 255.5C
[!I: t1;2 ,j:1 :1.j;l:)' .
!.t.} l.j;;j
CHAR-LYNN Low Speed, High Torque Orb,t Motors ore odoptable to many low speed applications, eliminating geers, shofts, . . . . . . .
chain, belts, pulleys and other speed reduction components .
Compoct ond lightweight 'n proportion to the torque ond power delivered.
In<tontly reversible, Y2" N.P.T. ports. Copocity up to 15 G,P.M. ShipPing weight 16 Ibs ' <'> 900 P 5 .1. .. @ 800 ps.I. Disp. Cu. In .
At 15 G.P.M. Torque IRev. R.P.M. H.P. Lb.ln_ 3 1155 9.6 525 4 .5 9.2 756 770 6 .2 559 8 .5 962 10 _3 1465 336 7.8 1539 11.9 291 7.1 14 _9 232 6 .5 1766 17 .9 193 5 .9 1934 145 23 .8 5 .1 2239 Double Acting Control Valve for above
@1000 P.S . I.-10 G .P.M. Torque Max. Lb . In . PRICE P.S.1. R.P.M. ITEM 745 3201081 $152.00 1500 327 1400 482 507 3201082 155.00 1300 364 698 3201083 159.00 1200 210 1164 3201084 164.00 179_00 1100 180 1325 3201085 140 1678 3201086 189.00 1000 209.00 900 117 * 1829* 3201087 800 88* * 2102** 3201088 219.00 with detent (3 position). ITEM 3203069 .... . ... $44.95 A collection of useful Ideas, profusely Illustrated, gleaned from actual field experience, and put into book form for the first time. Field people will be able to Improve performance, Increase efficiency. avoid breakdowns and In some cases Increase speed of exIsting equipment. A wealth of Inf'ormatlon on proper Installation and orien taUon of componen ts.
~~:~I~I~~ ~ ~~6Pa~~:d8~z~:-:i~ !!,. ~I~~~ ..... $9.98 ~~~1~ ;;'!~:"/84~~~':.'::·8~;,!:rr·~t~i.•~ .... $11.75 ~~~i~ ;:~:r'.617«vp~~~e8~;·!~ff·~t~l.a~. ' " . $9.95 ~~~,~ ;o2~:r~71~8~~!~::~e8~;I!!':r·~t~i.a~ ..... $9.99 ITEM 3215189-Practical FlUid Power Control-£Iectrlcal and Fluldlc. $
11.95 gn~;~~~..~~~~~~t~ .~~ ~~ .5. ~~~~~' •••. . . $49.95
210 page,! 8"'''xU ''.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .
THIS HELICAL GEAR TY PE P U M P I MOTOR I S DE SI GNED FOR HIGH ER PRESSU RE OR G R EATER SPEEDS. It has establlsned an enviable rep,utatlon for efficient operation and rugged dependability on agricultural Implements, Industrial trucks, tractor loaders, machine tools, construction machinery and for power steering systems. It Is particularly suitable for front end drive direct from engine of tractor. As a motor can be used for power toboggans, Ice cleaners, sweepers. FEATURES: Instantly reversible, helical gear construction for Quiet operation . . . compact In size. 5·3/S" H x 7·1/4" L x 5" W. 3/4" Inlet and outlet ports and 1/4" external bleed port. 3/4" keyed shaft. Standard SAE TYPE A flange mounting. WT. 16 Ibs. ITEM 7201006 • • • • • • • • - •
.. ,t..5A PUMP
per rcv
1000 RPM
Disp. cu . In
Torque Ibs. in
per 100 PSI 2< .3
Inputl< HP GPM
<.< 60 500 RPM
1 O~1utbpM 17
SAE No 10 0,1 1250 RPM 1500 RPM I Inputll I Inputl, HP GPM HP GPM
7.7 6.7 1000 RPM outpu'kF HP
120'F 1750 RPM I,nputl, HP GPM
78 11.0 1500 RPM
output}c HP
2000 RPM I
Input l ,I HP GPM
9.0 12 .7 2000 RPM
outPut~~ HP PM 7.0·
1< .9
PERF~W:ANCE HYDRAULIC PUMPS (A) WEBSTER GEAR PU M P - The YC Series Gear Pump - Combmes h igh effic iency with exceptiona lly compact design. SPEC'S: Max press ure 2500 PSI. Maximum speed 3000 RPM , l.94 cu . in./rev. displacement. Ca pac ity S.4 G PM at 1000 RPM. 12.5 GPM at 1500 RPM, 25 GPM at 3000 RPM . SAE Type A, 2·bolt mountmg flange. Counter-Clockwi se rotation . 'I," shaft. Dim. : 5-15/ 32"L x 5-7/ 32" Ht. x 5- 1/16"W. Wl. 7 Ibs. ITEM 120 I 052 - CC W R otation .... ... . .. .. . ..• $94 .75 ITEM 1201169 -C W Rot at i on .... ... . .• . . ... .. ... . •. . . $94 .95 ITEM 1201292 Webster gear pump Similar to ITEM 120 1169 except 1.55 cu. m./ rev. displacement. . . • . . . • • • • • . . . , $64 .95 BORG WARNER HYDRAULIC GEAR MOTOR MOD EL M 30·20 - Specifications : 40 H .P. at 3000 P.S.I. m ax., 10 G .P.M . at 1000 R.P.M. - 100 p.s.I., 2 .32 cu. in. per revolution, # 20 O .R.B. ports, 1/ 4 " N .P.T . Drai n port. 7/ S·13 spline shaft. Needle bearings, wear plates . Wt. 16 Lbs. ITEM 120 130S ...... . •........•...... . ....................•...... . ... .. $124.00
... , ' J
(B) WEBSTER GEAR: PUMp · Highly efficient 'K ' Series Gear Pump· Delivering up to 45 GPM at 2500 PSI. Developed specifically to meet today's req uirements for higher pressure gear pumps. Pressure balanced wear plates, precision mach ined shafts and gears make it ideal for heavy duty usage. SPEC'S: max. pressure 2500 PSI with peak s permiSSible to 3250 PSI. Max . speed 2750 RPM, 3 .SS cu . in.jrev. Displacement. Capacity : 15 GPM at 1000 RPM , 30 GPM at 2000 RPM SAE·B, 2 bolt mounting flange. Cou nter·Clockwise rotation. I" shaft. Dim.: 7·3/S"L, 6"W x 5·7/S" Ht. Wt. lS I /z lbs. ITEM 3201 110 •••..•.....•... . ... , ..•... $ 169 .00 WEeSTER M O DEL 194K GE A R PUMP - Similar t o above ex cept 7./8 -13 spUneshaft.1 -3 / S" inlet, 1 - 15/ 16-12 SAE outlet. 3000 R.P. M . ma)omum, 1.94 cu. in. per revolut i on. CCW Rotation. Wt. 12 1/4 tbs. ITEM 1201306 .. ... .$79.50
GRESEN "GEAR·TYPE" RJM PUMP OR MOTOR INTER CHANG AB LlTlY: A s a pump or motor EqUipped With External Drain or Bleed Port of 3/S" for where Return -Une pressure exceeds 35 PSI. HEAV Y D UT Y, Hlgh·Tenslle Cast Iron Body ANTI-FR ICTlON Roller Bearings Throughout. IN TE R NAL CHECK VALVES allow for operation in either Clockwise or Counter -ClockWise Direction . RJM2000
1250RPM ps' =-,e_~:::;::;===== 600 25 GPM 1441 Ft
Item 3201064 RJM2000 · B l l ~"
POrt Size
1*1 / 8" Dla. EMlerna l with Kev
$ 145.00
Made by 'Commercial Shearing' . . . The man· ufactures who have a good name in hyd draulics. These pumps & motors are all new surplus.
Lbs. ]/4" N . P .T .
l Va" L x 1" d la . *
ITEM 1 2 01 2 8 4
PRICE $'95. 00
1" N.P.T. 1V." N . P. T . 111.. " N . P.T. #. 12 O.R . B . 111." & 1/2" #. 10 O . R . B .
1W il L x 1"
dla ~ *
50 120128 5 37 1201301 30 1201 2 55 46 t120126S 120 1 21 2 29
1 9 7. 00 167 . 00 119 .50 99.00 119 . 00
Motor M25 )( 90
Motor M25 )( 70
Pump P25 " 39
Pump P25 x 30 Motor
Pump P·1S H Moto r • Keyed sh aft
· 1800 53. 5 · 2000 39·2000 · 1500 8·2000 -1500
2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
t Ooub te gea r pump
2 11." x 7 / 8 " d ta. * 7/8" dta.·13 spllne ' '' L )( 314" d la.* 1/8 " dia.-13 spline 7 / 8 " d I3.·
Your present mechanically linked steering system can be converted to power steering by Installing the Char Lynn torque generator Into the steering shaft of you l tractor. Two units to choose from: (A) HIGH SPEED UNIT - IS perfect If your present system IS a high gear ratio where It takes more steering wheel revolutions to turn the front wheels. An output torque of 700 pound Inches at 1000 PSI is available. ReqUires 3 GPM for steering wheel speed of 80 RPM. Model 207·1001 -006. ITEM 3201146 · Wt.Slbs. . . . $215.00
(A) HIGH TORQUE UNIT - is ideal if your present system IS low gear where It takes less steering wheel revolutions but turns are more difficult. An output torque of 1100 pound inches at 1000 PSI is available. Requires a flUid supply of 3}, GPM for a steering wheel speed of 80 RPM . Model 207·1002006 ITEM 3201147· Wt. 8 Ibs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $225.00 (B) 90 0 PORT BLOCK KIT - to fit above units. ITEM 3201148. Wt . 1 lb . . . . . . . . . $11 .50
Remote Power Steering for off-road vehicles Change the position of your present steering column unit for operator convenience . Once the orbltrol steerrng control unit and column are connected to your present power steering pump the complete unit can be mounted anywhere. Three slze~ of columns are available for operator comfort. HOW TOSELECTTHE PROPER ORBITROL CONTROL UNIT : 1 Oetermlne the cvlrnder displacement (Area x Length of s.rokel.
/,/ I /
/ /
2 . Determine the number of ste~nng wheel turns deSired. (3'h to
6 turns of the steering IS recommended)
Powe r Steering Pump with
~::i~rfY~!iv~i~t:~. :r:~UC::ntrol
3 . DIVIde the cylinder displacement by the number of steering wheel turns deSired. ThiS will give the displacement In cubic Inches per revolution required of the power steering unit. Then select the jX)wer steering unit that meets these requlre.\ ments from the chart
EXAMPLE : Find displacement of 2" dla. x 8" cylinder (step 1 above) Area = 3.14 x D&a . 2 Area = 3 14 )( 8 SQ. In. \' 4
ru!~s ~
:.;52~u~~n . 1~iv?~:~I~~e~~nk2N5u~~~~ _o~:rt~:~~n~h~~.eel
\ t,.'Il.
Orbltrol Steeri ng ContrOl Unit wi,th Column and
Lyn" power steering model UC·12 would be the proper model
Input Torque (turning effort on
steering wheel! - 26
lb . Rotation Limits -
Maximum Input - Up to 6 GPM @ 1800 PSI. Max Pressure - 1800 PSI Ma •. Back Pressure - 300 PSI Steering Wheel ~Iza - MaXimum of 18" dla Ports3/4 - 16 UNF o'"ng (4) (B) ORBITROL CONTROL UNIT (A) COLUMN UNIT - Less steerrng wheel. ITEM Model No. O,splacement PRICE ITEM LENGTH PRICE CU . ," ./ rev . $199 .00 3201152 6" $29 .95 t?01149 UC·12 6.2 207.00 3201153 16" 34.75 37~ I 'in 10.2 UE·12 3201154 0" 39.95 2t 7.00 3201151 UK·12 14.8 • Rec.ommenoed for agriCUltural and off road vehlclec Not for u!te on highway
14 Ton Hydraulic LIFT KIT
A powerful, fast operating hydraulic Il1t kit. Suitable for powerlng
presses, hydraulic lifts,
imolaments, Jigs, bend· ers etc . • PUMP : Rated 3000 PSI, .75 cu. In. dis placement. 2 qt. 011 reservoIr. 3/8" NPT port and built-in valve. .. CYLINDER : 3'1:r" bore, 12"
stroke. 111t" shaft. 20" retracted . Complete with 10 ft., 3/S" 2-wlre braid hose .
';",!E ~o 11~~'1206
He,. Is
.................. $119 .95
new, u" Iq u e low
priced, quality, high prenur. syst.m kit. Light 'n weight . . . but h.avy In powe,. At 3,500 P.S.I., will puSh 17,17' lb •. and pull 13,031 lb", with Q 2Y2"
cylinder with 0 11;' lhoft. Con· lilt. of : HIgh pre5Sure 2 pIston pump wIth pressure range 0-
3,500 P. S I A self contained hydroullc unIt complete with 7 Quart capacity od tank, double acting control valve. C 0 m e s complete With 2 ' long eleva ted control handle for easy
(A) NORCO HYDRAULIC LI FT KITS Complete compact kIt tncludes pump , ram and connectIng hose . Two models available; 4 & 10 ton ; equIpped with POS I' tive ram. travel stops & safety overload valves Hand pumps are dIsplacement type and easy to maintaIn . Rams have spring retraction . ITEM 3201049 - 4 TON KIT : Features 6500 PSI. 15 cu . In . cap . Ram heigh t closed 1 0·5/S". Extended 15·7/S" ..... __ ........... $137 .50 ITEM 3201050 - 10 Ton Kit: Features S340 PSI • • 150 displacement , tank holds 50 cu . ins.,ram heights closed 12 . 1/ S ". Extended lS·1/S" ....................$167.50
LE ... VE YOUR PTO SHAfT fREE . • • with CH""N .. SPROCKET DRIVE .. BON ... NZ ..... KIT Some kIt '" obo". (12010311
(B) BRAND NEW HYDRAULIC HAND PUMP - High pressure. complete with overload safety valve. S.340 PS I; oil cap . 55 cu . inches. Displacement . 150 cu . in . Hose connection 3/S" . wt. 13 Ibs. ITEM 1201014 ......... $84.50
but With Choln o.,a Sprocket
drive and I eo s s PTO adopter coupling By uSIng thIS k it PTO shaft IS left available for other uses
ITEM 1301012
ELECTRIC-HYDRAULIC 12V PUMP KIT Dependable hydraulIc service wIth lust 0
touch of the button . "PUMP KIT" includes the powerful electrlc.hydroulic pump. Y. gal. tank. dash cable control. electric solenoid sWItch. dash push button. electric wiring and pump mounting bracket Pump specification):
1 V. gal. per mlr, at 2000 P.S. I. operating on 12 volts. PosItIve d,splacement BUIlt-in con· trol valve. Wt. 4S lb •. $249.00 ITEM 3201104
• H,eI,.wlle ....... ti".
t.u,.t.... • 0,..,.'1", IftO. ,10 • •4ulp"'_'" f,.", th_ t,uek e Pick.", hollt ,0_.' units • 'e,,,, tNe", '''' ..... ",_,,'L e Port.bl. hy",euUe ~"I,,,, ..., . e T,uck e,e"". ceb.
For Single or Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinders
Precision engineered ~nd qu~lIty built to give outstanding and long
l.sting performance at
very economic.' price. Built-in adjustable
relief vatve . LOld checks on each spool. With Individual check valves
for elch spool, there Is no momentuy reverul of the cylinder, nor ~n the load drop as the spOOl is shifted . Loads m.y be IIccurately positioned with the check valve assuring positive control. SPECIFI CAT IONS : SP. SPK. SPVT .nd SPKYT V.I.e •. C.p.clty 20 G.P. M. Relief Wltv. adjustable 250·1500 P.S.1. Inlet .nd outlet ports " .... N . P. T . Cylinder ports Yz" N .P.T . WP Ind WPVT yalveI; Capacity 40 G . P.M. Inlet 1" N . P.T . Outlet 1 V.. " N. P.T. Cylinder ports N . P.T . Power Beyond Type Valves .re equipped with two out·
.\1,. "
let ports. Power beyond outlet curies the oil under pr.ssur. directly f rom the open e'nt" of the first w,Ilve b~nk to the inhke of the follOWing blnk of v,llves. If more th,ln 3 spools are required 'n I system, they must be preceded In the system by J Power Beyond Va lv • . 3-wIV or sln91e acting (Symbol:3.eSP3) ~w,ly or double let'Di (Symbol : 4ieSP4) Model
No . of S poo lS
SPK Valves with SPK-4 1 SPK·4·4 2 SPK-4-4-4 3
Pr ice
Float Position 3 203011 $ 69 .00 3203012 99.50 3203013 127.50
Power Beyond Valves with Float Position SPKYT·4 I 3203023 $ 74.95 SPKYT -4-4 2 3203024 107 .50 SPKVT·4-4·4 3 3203025 134.00 High Capacity WP Valves (40 GPM @ 20 ' sec .) WP-4 I 3203027 12700 WP-3 -3 3203028 2 197,00 3203029 197 .00 WP-3-4 2 197.00 WP-4·4 2 3203030 WP·4-4 ·4 3203031 257.50 3 WP Power Beyond Valves 3 3203034 $267 .50 WPYT ·4-4·4 WPVT ·4 I 3203032 $126.00 WPVT -4-4 2 3203033 $187.50
No. o f Spools
SP 3-Way and SP 4-Way Valves 3203002 3203003 3203004 3203005 3203006 3203007 3203008 3203009 3203010
SP·3 SP-4 SP·3-3 SP·3·4 SP-4-4 SP-3-3 ·3 SP·3-3·4 SP.j-4-4 SP·4-4·4
1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
Power SPVT·4 SPVT-3·3 SPVT-3-4 SPVT·4·4 SPVT·3·4·4 SPYT·4-4-4
Be;tond Valves 1 3203015 2 3203016 3203017 2 2 3203018 3 3203021 3 3203022
54.00 84.75 84.75 84 .75 112.50 112.50 112 .50 112 .50 $ 61.50 89 .95 89 .95 89.95 119.00 119 .00
Flow Control Valve 0-30G.P.M. '0 GP M. votloble volume pre!l.:Iour<" co,."pen~of'"9 fl(1w cJntrol ",olve ROfatlng f~ ~ h.lme lever enoble~ you fO vary fh Oted 0t hvdraullc murors, efc Controlled flow con be completel, closed or Wide open The outPUI tlow IS smooth cnd CClnlton' regardless of prC!.SloJre changes on fhe controlled flow· line 8nth outlets ore preSlllre comperuated l~ N P T poru, Dim ~Ye" 1Il -4!t, )( 1 7. ' Weight S Ihs_
Overload proteCtion d.vlce for hydraulic circuits 0' I mlchlnl, gUUdS 11linst eJlc.ul". pr.nur. bulld-u" or surge. CA) High 11ft. bill spring lype - designed for <"reet-ln-lIne mounting Cln 1110 be mounUd rI,ldly . Prlnur. rangl from 400·2,000 P.S.f AvaHable In two model •. ITEM 3203037 - .." flaw $37.7~ ITEM 3203038 - I" flaw Sl7.9~
~~~ ~~P~gfl~~JI'4-~1A83~~l~.~V~I~I:stO. p,.~~o·~ r~'~lr:a~, w.:~t;!~ p$;~~;: IT:1'M 3203042 -
1.501 • 2.500 P.S.I. -
V," ports ••••• _ ........ _.. $22.95
With Adiu.table Reli.f Valve balanced - self centering. -4 mounting holes on bottom. *Built-in, Adjustable Relief Valve. "16 GPM capacity - 250-1500 P.S.I. -Open center provides unloading of pump when handle is in neutral pos ition.
~~~W%I~d~I~~~ecg"~~~~::rSl~;~ ~ °iO~o~~:I~n~fl:d~~,~b~eu!~t~~~r~~I,~
Implements, cnd general Indu~U"ol uses HIOh pressures with", the ~ol ... e ore alwa}", equalized or bolonce~never becomes pressure locked In any pos.tlon 5e1f -neulrolI when the control lever IS released, I' automatlcolly returns to 0 neutral or hold POSition used os SI no le units or mounted tn $ene, of any combinations d~$"'ed Only standard nipples are reqUired to make Inter-connections . When Instolled In mUflples prOVIde Ind. Idual pressure relle! to eoch cylinder or set of cylinders le. eo ch vclve hos IU own tndlvldYol pressure relief control which 15 factory set at 1000 P.S,I Inlet and outlet, J/•• 1 pipe thread Cylinder openings h" Pipe thread, Weight Ibs
f:~MoO;~~~o:~tln, Cylinders. $38.95 f:~~I;~~]~C;ln9
Double Acting Hydraulic Control Valve With Oetent (3 Position), designed to operate hydraul.c mOlors, elc. ITEM 3203069
Cyllnd.". $39.95
@[ffi~m _[ffi&lliJ[L~ W!N1W~~ FLOW DIVIDER USTABLE FLOW
Pressure Compensated smoolh and constant output flow regardless of pressure changes at the controlled flow port. Rototing the odJustong knob (Approx . six turns from mon o to mox.> varies the flow 0 - 15 G. P. M. Operotong pressures up to 2500 PSI Wt.
Ibs. Excess flow is not
a work port
InM 1201067-Y'· Por" In M 120]061-'.4"
$62.50 $62.75
LOCK VALVES Designed to lock a cylinder or part of a circuit without leakage when control valve Is in neutral position. The lock functions as a check valve allO w in g flaw to cylinder and blocking re"er56 flOW until pilot pressure applied to unlock circuit. Pressures to 3 000 PSI. Capacity to 25 GPM . Ports V, ". ITEM 320304!t-For Single aCl lng cy li nders ITEM 32030So-For doubl e acl l ng cylinders or motors.
$39.95 $44.95
To eliminate o~ mini· mize shock, surge, and overload on hydraulic ' 0 , equipment. Such conditions may be minimized or eliminated by installing cushion valve between control valve and Hydraulic cylinders. Pressure set an 2500 P.S.I. . $34.95 ITEM 3203039 11z" Ports . $39.50 ITEM 3203040 lIo" Ports
CONSTANT. VOLUME PRIORITY·TYPE ( 3 . Constant Flow)ivldes one flOW Into two separate flows s one a Constant - Flow (regardless of input pressure) and tne other the flow in excess of the constant flow, Ideal for power steering or other applications where two se parate Circuits are served from on. pump , Inlet and excess Flow Ports 1 f2". Constant Flow and relurn 3/8 H . Cap. up 10 20 G . P.M . ; up 10 3000 P.S.I. Constant Flo w Relief Valve pr.ssures UD to 2500 P .5.1. WI. 8 10s. ITEM 32030....
Throttle and L i ne CHECK VALVES Line Throttle For Free Flow In 1 direction restricted flOW on return. de· pen d i ng on Orifice size reqUired to re gulate maximum n eed of cylinders or motors I n 1 d i rection . rh " p orts_ ITEM 32030 .... I / S·· orifice. ITEM 32030"S 3116" ori f ice ... . .•.••.••.•• S6. '5 Line Check - For One Way Flow onlv ·h·' p orts. ITEM 3203043 . . . . .. 56. 7S
PROPORTIONAL TYPE FLOW DIVIDER D,v,des Single flow into 2 equol flows, even though the work being done by one of the flows is greater than the other Feature.: Cross drilled sh'/ting-type Spool prOVides accurate metering (The difference between the two outputs or diVided flow will never exceed 10% of Inlet Flow Up to 2500 PSI , Ports 3A" "'PT Copoc.ty 15-35 GPMRelurn Ilow 15 nol equalized . ITEM 3203052 544.50
FLOAT POSITION VALVE 4--Way Valves) (Double .. ctlng Snow
0.1,500 ITEM
P.5 . 1.
IS used and required
3203053. "'·'
• • • • _ • ,
JS • •
'1 . . . c.
HydRAulic CoNTROL VAlVES (A) GRESEN MODEL CP - 4 spool, double acting control valve . Rated 20 G.P.M., 2500 P.S.I. Hardened chrome plated spools with spnng return to neutral Adjustable full flow rellet valve set at 2000 P.S .I. Individual load check In each port . "." And Inlet and outlet, I';" cylinder ports, all N.P.T. W!. 50 Ibs. ITEM 3203128 .•..•.............•...• $249 .00 Other sections available at additional cost.. single acting float spool . 3'positlon deten!. Write for prices . (8) GRESEN MODEL 430H - Closed center spool to stop all flow· through valve when spool IS ,n neutral position . Double acting with hardened spool, 314" N.P T . Inlet and outlet. 1/2" NP.T cylinder porls. Raled 16 G.P.M., 400 - 1500 P.S.I. Complete with handle and adjustable relief valve Wt 9 Ibs.ITEM 3203126 •••.•..•....•..•. • ........••........•.•••.••.. $47.50 (C) GRESEN MODEL SP·D·F-4 - Single spool, double acting with 3 position detent and tree· flow motor spool, Cylinder POltS are open to tank In neutral. eliminated a dead stop on units having r otary momentum · 314" Inlet and outlet, 1/ 2" work ports, all N.P.T Rated 20 G P.M .. 1500 2000 P.S I. Comolete 'Nlth handle and adjustable relief valve. Wt 171bs. ITEM 3203127. • • • . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..• •...... . . . . • . .. ... .. . .•... $64.50
Dnl9fted for .... on applications whe,.. higher p,euures required. for fARM .MOBILE. INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS . IAI HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE - P, ..."" •• up 10 4500 PSI Select.". hone fitted spool (Hardened, ground and chrome plated .) Copacltv up to 9 GP M BUilt-m ,e'lef vol",e . Open cent er. spring return 3 e"
Weight 8 Ibs.
ITEM n03073-Oo.bl. Actl"9 $U.15 ITEM 3203074-51"91. Actl"9 544.91 (I ) HYDRAULIC RELIEF VALVE-Pressure IS od,u!.'oble up to 3500 PSI Olm 5 JIt 2 X Ill,, ' Weight 2 Ibr. 5 11.~S ITEM )20)075- '..... Po" 512 . 50 ITEM 320307'->." ITEM 3203077-' I" Port $1295
HIGH PRESSURE DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE 25 9pm capaclty -JOaO PSI ' double acting. 4 - way valves. Quality built high tenSile cast Iron body. p recision engineered for long lasting dependable perform,"ce. Check these features· Individual load checks for each spOol • adjustable poppet tvpe system raItef from 1500 psi - 3000 PSI" Quad flng spool seals are replaceable without valve disassembly • spring loaded operation • open center CirCUitry 11 li." NPT In and out 1I2 " NPT work ports. Complete With handles .
~'T~E~M~--~'---~N~O~.O=-f~snPO~O~L~S----.-----~~----r---np~RICE 3203130 3203131
1 2
$67.5t' $9 9 .50
HIGH CAPACITY CONTROl. VALVES For handling of volumes up to 60 GPM & pressures up to 1500 PSI . PrecISion engineered & quality built to give outstanding & long lasting performance at a very econom· Ical pnce. Excellent for applICations where high volume at high pressures are used. 4 double acting sections. Open center with 1" NPT cylinder port s. Dim .. 18" x 16 /, " ' x 6 1,>". 15" handles. wt. 190 Ibs. ITEM 1203048.. . ......••.•.•.•....• $225. 00
eCAPJlcl1y up 10 20 G.P.M • • Max. Pr.nUII 2000 P.S.I.. Oetent In Flo .. t POll· tlon . eHudened and Chrome Plated SpoolS•• Bullt·l" adjustable Relief Vaiv • •
Designed ~or use where it .s nec.essary to actuate two different functions In. dlvldually or SimultaneOuSly. Espec.ially useful In front end loader IPplica. Hons • • • bucket can be actuated while lifting or loweflng the arms. Wt . 241b • . ITEM 3203065 -15 00 P .S. I. . . • •..•••••.•.• • •• 51H .S O ITEM 3203066 - 2000 P.s .I..... . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . $114.75
DOUBLE SELECTOR VALVE The addition 01 this Valve In your !.ystem will enable you to operate 2·d ouble·ac t lng cylinders with l·Four way control yalve or 4 single acti n g cylin d ers with 2-Three way valves . Range 0-2000 P" I, Ports
~.f~'~ ~~03~!7G~~___ 1_5.' _s~c:
Soleno.ed '-'alve
110 VOLT AC INDUST· "-' RIAL -SOLENOID CON· TROL VALVES· Sta-Rite's new solenOId yalves offer maxImum hydraulIc control reliabIlIty. The unIque solenoid construction combined WIth preciSIon machIned bodIes and spools as· sure mIll,ons of cycles of trouble-free operation. Rated 3000 PSI max. 4-way 3 position valve. double·act,ng. open center. Complete WIth sub· plate 112" NPT ports. ITEM 3203080 .................. $139.00 2·WAY HYDRAULIC SELECTOR VALVE 2000 P.S . I. ThiS IS a sjmple .nd Ine_pen!IY. w~v 01 directing QII ·under-pressure to 2 ~pa · rata hnes. Enables you to operate two
GRESEN Relief Valves
Over load protection de-.llce for hydraulic Circuits of 0 mochlne due to pcesswl!! pressure bUildup or , u'g~
-kJffi!!1!!l0l0 ~~:Ie:.~~~o ~~I~~~oer5 ~~~~:"d~~I!~ 7,~~ BodY. pressure balanced spool ITEM ITEM ITEM
3203060 3203036 3203061
'11" "' ..
__ __ __ ____ ______ _
$24.00 $31 . 50 $42.50
BALL.SPRING TYPEFrom 1501 - 2500 P,s.I. (Hand adjustable) Three
N.P.T. por ts.
~~~~. ~~0.3.0~~ . $22.50
Oi' Reservoirs ~~u~~p~e..zrt'~I,t~~~~ N~~?f~~'~~~~g!~~: ~oc::! ~~~~~tI:n!~l uses. \~)It:s.G37}....L~rt~. Size 4x12)(13'1:1 " wun pipe thread connecti ons. Wt ITEM 32150" _ ___________ ______ . • _. •__ _••• • •• _ .. __ .. _ • •_ ..
, GALLON ... For 16 GPM pumps or over, Heavy Gauge 5tH'. weldecl seams. 5z. 8)(}4)(14" . 1-1/4" ports. ITEM 3215070 .......... _ __ ....... ___ .... ___.. ___ ._ ........ _.... $32 .50 (8) Dua' purpose Pedell.1 type tank easfty bolted to tractor platform (bolt$ 5uppn.d) . Heavy g.UC). steel, welded seams. Control valv. ean be mounted on spec~t val.". platform . 3/4" ports. 6" dl,m. 16" tong. ITEM 3215071 •___ ........ _. __......... _ .... _ .... _ .. _ ._ " . __ $2 • . 50 ITEM 3215072 (Mounting PI.t.) ... __ .. ___ ... _ _ ..........__....... _. $3 .95 (C) OIL RESERVOIR - Sturdy. general purpose. hYdraulic. r.~rYa" with 101 uses. Features l 20 gallon capacity. l I S" steef. 17 YJ" d la .• 27'h" long. Two 2" N.P T and two I/Ju N.P ~ T openings. tS'h" Clla
WI. 84 lb •.
ITEM 3215211 .............._ .. __ ........ .... _ ... •
_ ...._
...... '29.91
Hydraulic Pressure GAUGES Detitned for rutgld. h • ...,y duty servlCt. Ideal fOI 'Hgft pr.""rl t'tydrauUc systems, lISting pumps. adJu,hn9 .. eliet •• 1... ., 'Ield tut unlce. ttc.
(A) BI.,k pla'5tiC (.se . 2~ 3/8" squar •• 1 3 / 4 10 deeD B ta(k 'ace w I th wh ite numerals. Use'5 tj4· 1 tubing flttlnSls.
ITEM3215073 C>-Z.OOOPS .. • . .. . . . . . . . . (B) 3" DIAMEH.R DIAL with 1 /4" N P T ConnecUon ITEM 321507 ..... 0·3.000 P.5.1. ••••••• . • • , • •••• $1 .9' ITE 13215075-0·5 .000 P S.I . SI 75 lC) Mfg b y HydrO C r,f Z. 3 ' 8" rt l~ C lal M t al ('"a~ e "I P "on
nect n n
ITEM 215 05 - 0 · 1.500 p ,s I. ITEM 3215205 -0.3.000 P .S.I.
• • ••• • •• •••• •
•• • • • • . • •
$4.95 15 . 95
2"Bore Hydraulic Cylinder
11'-1 -
New Improved design for farm and Industri al use . Heavy d uty double act ·
me shafts and ~~?I~~I~~~t~;lrtl~9;~r~ast acting con ·
trolled power to push ••• Dull ••• 11ft ... press . .• clamp •• . lilt .. . lower
. . . . eject . • • swing ~ •• turn •• squeeze and many oth er fluid power applications. Powram cylinders ha\le ac hieved w i de recogn itlo" and ac-
ceptance from fluid p ower users on the farm and industrl al fields .
~ Shaft O ia .
8" 12" 16 " 20" 24 " 32" 36" 40 "
I" I" I" I" 1 If." lV.to
l V."
Cente r Retracted 14" 18" 22" 26" 30 " 38" 42" 46"
~~ ~
WT .
Lbs . 13
22" 30" 38" 46 " 54 " 70" 78" 86"
17 21 25 29 37 46 SO
1202409 $39 .75 1202410 43.95 1202417 46.75 1202418 49.95 1202419 54.50 1202420 59 .95 64.95 1202421 1202422 69.95
3,142 Ibs. push. 1000 P .S . I. Des~gned for maximum operating effiCiency, long life and Quick easy maintenance. Featur -
:~?I~~r~Z'Cek S~~ftrSI~~d g\~~op"O~~fvke ~~~ii~~S and f~li£t~~~C~ tA~~ ;~~~C~~ngg s~~~ ~~~?a~~~~i:'h low
SpeCifications : 2" bore, 1/.... ports, 1" pin holes and pressures UP to 3000 P.S.I. Pistoo Rods - Turned hardened, ground
polished and hard chrome plated to resist scoring for assured maximum Rod-Seal life. Cylinder Barrels - 3/16" wall tubing, finished for superior sealing power and mfnlmum frictIon. Pistons - one piece piston, precision machined and fltteel with tetlon friction free seals . Heads - machined for precisio n accurate mounting and tncorporatlng pressure seals and rod wiper.
Specifications ! 1-3/ 8" bore, 3'12" stroke ,5 / 8" (A)
2 J, , " bore
8" stroke with 0_4 1 '4" adjustab le stroke
~gai~'wtt. il~I~~. i~~t~ ~~~·~t5~~~~~.~: .~~Iq:~~
contrOl. 20 1. " c to C, 1" pin hOles, 1" sha~t. Ports 1'2" N.P.T. Wt. 20 Ibs.
ITEM 12Q2651 • , , , , • , , , , , , • , , ,
c to c. Wt. 2 Ib,. ITEM 1202658 ............ $8 .95
SpeCifications: 1" bore, 4 11z" stroke, I/z " shaft ' (4 " and 7 / 16" pinholes, 9'/4"
# 6 ORB ports,
6 V." Bore , 3311z" str o ke, 2'12" Pin Holes, it 12 ORB ports, 50" center to center. Double acting, chevron se." for pushing, 3V," . h.ft . Wt. 265 lb • • ITEM 1202516. "
•. , . . . .• .•.•
C #.
1202158 _12023 44
(B) (C)
(D) e
2 · 5/8"
45 22
10" 10 " 18" 7"""
Retracted 18"
1'n" I" 2 '1,"
1/4" NO . 6
17" 31" 14"'''
Pin Holes
'h." 5/8" 11/16"
17 .95 16 .95 24.50 27 .00
I" "''' &
W ith CHROME Shafts & T o/ Ion Bock- up RINGS
Super Stron, TEFLON Spiral Back-up RINGS
NEW! IMPROVED DESIGN FOR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL USE I press lift HEAVY DUTY CYLINDERS fo r fa sI-acllng, con I rolled power 10 push pull . . and many other flUid power clamp . . till squeeze lower . . . eJect . . sWIng . turn applications. POWRAM cylinders ho ve achie ved wide recognition and acceptance from flUid power users on the form and in industrial fi elds.
Ite m
2 V.'
BORE 1" Pin Holes.
%" Ports, 4,908 lb.
tO~O~SI 3 " BORE 1" Pin Holes,
~d~l~~:" r.o~ ~.S. t. 3V,"
" Holes, 4.I.620 Ports, lb. Pin
tO~O ~SI 4" BORE
1" P in Holes,
n:~lt.°t. f~&o ~SI 4 V, "
: 'I:( ~~~ts~Oles. n.89S Ib"
fPb'o ~ S I S" BORE 1'1.. ·• Pm Holes
Pusn (" 1,000 PS I
1202041 1202042 1202043 1202044 1202045 1202046 1202047 1202041 1202049 1202050 1202051 1202052 1202053 1202054 1202055 1202056 1202057 1202058 1202059 1202060 1202061 1202062 1202063 1202064 1202065 1202066 1202067 1202061 1202069 1202070 1202071 1202072 1202073 1202 074 1202075 1202076 1202077 1 20 2078 1202079 120217 2 1202 171 1202174 1202175 1202176
8" 12" 16" 20' 2' " 32" 36" 40" S'· 12" 16" 20" 24 " 30" 36" 00" 48" S.. 12" 16" 20" 20 " 32" 00" 4S" S.. 12" 16" 20" 20" 32" 40 " 4S" 8" 12" 18" 20" JO" 36" S" 12 " IS" 24" 30"
lW: 1~" 1~ "
m:: 1~:"
lJf' 1~·" I~"
1~" l~::
i~;: 1 :., 0#
2• 2"
l~:: 1~"
2" 2" 2"
p;.. .. p;.. .. p;.. .. p;.. ..
2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"
Center Cente, Retr.ct. EJltettded 20" 16" 32" 20" 20 " 00" 08" 2S" 32" 56" 72" 40" SO" SS .. 48" 24 • 16" 32 " 20" 20" '0" 2S " 4S" 32" 56" 38" SO .. SS '· 4S" 56" 104" 16" 24" 32" 20" 20" 40" 48" 2S" 32" 56" 00" 72" 8S" 48" 104" 56" 17" 25" 21" 33" 41 " 25" 09" 29" 33" 57" 41" 73 89' 09" 57" 105" 2S" 17" 33" 21 " 45 " 27" 3J" 57" 69" 39" oS" 81"
17" 21" 27" 33" 39"
" ..
25" 33" 45" 57" 69"
Lbs. 18 22 26 30 34 43 51 55 23 27 31 35 43 51 65 74 82 28 34 39 44 49 60 88 100 34 39 45 65 63 83 98 112 44 56 63 73 91 99
48 60 72 S4
545.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 70 .00 75 .00 80 .00 85.00 550 .00 56.00 62 .00 68 .00 74.00 12 .00 90 .00 9'.00 110.00 560 .00 67 .00 74.00 8 1.00
" .00 105.00 124.00 139.00 $72 .00 10.00 " .00 96.00 105 .00 125.00 145 .00 165_00 585.00 95 .00 105 .00 115.00 135.00 155.00 $95 .00 105,00 120 .00 135.00 149 .00
Specia lIy designed to gIve maximum operotIng efficiency With long life and qUIck, easy
mOlntenance. Super Ocluxe "POWRAM" Cylanders feature chrome shafts and Teflan BackTeflan up Rings Back.-up RI n g s gives
posItive sealing and rein forces the "0" flng for lang life wllh low f riction, thus redUCing seal replacement.
Specifications : Pressures up to 3000 PS.I PISton Rods - Turned. hardened, ground polished and hard chrome plated to resist scormg for assured maXimum Cylrnder rod-seal hfe. Barrels-wall lub.ng, finished far $Uperlor sealing pOwer and m i nimu m friction . Pis-
v. "
tons--one piece pIston, preciSion machined and fitted wllh Teflon frielian-free seal •. Heads-Machined for preCISion accurate mounting and ,"corporQtm~ pr e 5 '5 U r e
seals and rod
New Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinders "HY·RAM" CYLINDERS For All Agricultural Implements Pressures up to 3,000 P.5.1. Use as replacement part or Install for hy· draulic operation of manually operated Implements, Loaders, Scrapers, Rock Pick· ers, Plows, Rakes, Discers, etc. Double· Acting - steel clevis ends, I" pins, 4" cylInders have 1'12" shaft, others have Ill. ". Steel shafts not chromed.
2 V," BORE
4.908 lb •.
I" Pin Holes, liJ" Ports,
7,068 Ibs . push (jI 1,000 P.S. 1.
I " Pin Holes,
3 %" BORE I " Pin Hole." Y2" Ports,
4" BORE I" Pin Holes. Yl " Ports,
1,000 PS.I. 1202086 1202087 1202088 1202089 1202090 1202091 1202092 1202093 1202094 1202095 1202096 1202097 1202098 1202099 1202100
9,620 lb•. push (Il
1,000 P.S. I. 12,5661bs. push (11
1,000 P.S. 1.
10" 12" 14"
16" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 8" 10"
12" 14" 16"
20 1/ 4 " 20Y", 22V.. H • 24Y,,' 26 Y,,' 20 1/ 4 " 201!." 22 1/'" 241h" 26 1;"''' 201/,,"
20%" 22 1/'"1I 24V..
26 114"
25 27 30 32 34 29 32 35 38 41 37 40 42 45
2811.. " 30Y,,' J4 11." J 8 W' 42v.. .. 2811.. " 30 1/. " 34Th" J8Y,,' 42V."
$44. 00 46. 50 49 . 00 51 . 50 54.00 $48 . 00 11 .00 54. 00 57 . 00 60 .00 $55 ,00 59 . 00 62 . 00 65 . 00 69 .00 $64. 00 68 . 00 72 . 00 76. 00 79 .00
CUSTOM BUILT at MASS PRODUCTION PRIC ES ! .. , Buy direct and save! 3 SiZes of Popular, Double-Acting cylinders. Top Quality for use on Hay Loaders, Manure Loaders, Hoists. Lltt Trucks, Bulldozers, Hydraulic Presses, etc. 3" Bore, 22" stroke, 1 1/4" Piston Rod, I" mount pin holes . Overall length 31 1fl" pin to pin Ill" pipe thread
r.f~t~. rtci~lg~~.I~~ .. ~t. ~I~.O~. ~ .•S:I: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~.p.p.r~~: ~t: .3.8.1 ~~ ............
7+,~~ln·t2~W2 ~~~~'.b.': ~~~' ...t.1,O??P.S:': :.O~~S. 'h :': ...........~~~r.o.x: :,,:,:.. 5.3. ~~s:
SPE C IAL 3" Bore , 32" Stroke, 1 1/2" Piston Rod, 1" pin hole mount, Centre to Centre Retracted 40", Extended 72".
. " Bore, 1 S" Stroke. rated 11ft ca p . 12,560 Ibs. with 1,000 PS.1. line pressure. 1 1,," piston !'od . Ports Ih" stan-
?iEdMP,I~~~Jb~ ~:' .P.i~ .h.O.I~:~~~r.a~~~~ ~?:/~'> .~t~~~~? .4.8.1/~ ''' •• ~~~.r~~: ~.t: ~~.I~~ ...•. . SPE C IAL
$69 ,75
wt. Stroke Retracted Lb. .
Excellent for shop presses, bulldozers, truck ho ists or anyw he re 1~:: ~~:: ~g gg~l g;$g~ :gg a Top Quality large size cylinder is required. Features 2" ~~ :: 1 9; 12g2106 1 49 .00 ground polIshed steel shafting, '/2 " ports . "T" head on shaft 0 2 2 07 159 . 00 WIth 1112" pm holes both ends. Steel Piston RIng. ~'~'~~~2~;fb::·S.1. pushes 56,548 Ibs.
1 If." • Without adjusbble stroke control . 5"
HIGH PRESSURE TYPE-up to 2,500 P .S.I . Stroke adjust· ment 0·4" , '12" ports, 20·1/S" centers, 8" stroke •
and female . Pu sh to c onnect Pull to separate under all pressure c o nd jtlons.
Cl) STEEL Cadmium Plat ed REUS . ABLE COUPLINCS - For Sin gle wire b ra id rubber cove r ed hY d raUliC hose ,
ITEM 3215176 . . . . . . . . 511 . 75
~Ayog~:;~ ~~I:;~';a~l~a~I~Ku~: couples hydraulic lines when Implement is disconnected aCCidentally . Prevents breakage of hydraulic hoses. SWivels 30 0 in any direction exactly parallel to pull For 11z" or If.'' Break away couplings . ITEM 3215046 •. •. _ .. • •. . $8 .95
PLER .1"" N . P.T . male and female. PuSh to connect. Pull to separa t e under all pressure condition . Interchangeable with pioneer t i p s.
Price ITEM 1.0 . 32151'2 V. " If." N _P .T . $ .7 5 3215183 "' •• lI' 10 Fem . Tubo$I . 25
ITEM 3215251. .. . • . . . 517. 75 PIONEER (STANDARD)·
3215185 '{." lI'I2 Fem . Tub051.45 3215186 I" 1 " N .P.T $1.9.
MALE TIPS· To tit above coup· 'ers.
~tE'R~·c,;E~:ti . 1':,p1~r JOHN ITEM3215253 ..•. • ••• 57 .'5 (K, PIONEER MALE TI PTO I.H . C .
RUBBER OUST CAPS and PLUGSKeep dirt out of your equipmen t when coupler halves are disc onnect od .
- Adaptor .
ITEM 3215220 .
sealing . Rugged, quality steel com- (F) DUST PLUG _ For couPllnl WorkIng pressure to 3,000 ~~~~ ~~~~0~~'_5~.~~;2f.~'" :~ . ~.
ITEM 3215052 .. ... . . .. . 5 11.98 ITEM 3215045. '{." .....• . 52 . 91 (B)S.few.y 5-40-4 ONE HAND (H) CLAMP TYPE · Reusable cou· BREAKAWAY COUPLER • 'hot ~':'~. t~~s~~arc?r ~~~~~~yBIt:II~
.•..• $7 . "
b~~ . ~· Hi~;e:A~e~;;~Pen~lth #
Repairs broken hydraulic hose on the sPOt! . . . In just afew minutes. No special tools requ ired . For One and Two Wire Braid Hose. ITEM 3215043· 3/S" .. .• 52.50 ITEM 3215044 - 'h" . .. . . . . 52 . 60
flJ:CE ':":~;ot~~P TO ITEM 321525? . . .... . .•• 57 .95 ~~b~~~~
ITEM 3215041 • 3~~" . . . •.
JOHN ITEM 3215219 . . . . . . . . . . . 57. 95
ITEM 3215054·3/1" ... . .• $2 . 65 ITEM 3215055 ..... " •. . • . .. $2 . 95 ITEM 3215056· '{." . . . . . •. 53. 95
(B) PIONEER (STANDARD) BREAKAWAY COUPLINGS· (E) OUST CAPS. For coupling FEMALE END· Connects and dl .. adaptor ITEM 3215217 . 3/1"$1 . 19 connects easily, quIckly - positive ITEM 32' 5051 . In" or lh" . . S 1. 39
ITEM 3215049· VI ...... . . $8 ,45 .TEM 3215050-lH • ..•• • $11.95 (B) PIONEER BREAKAWAY COU· PLING • 1/," N.P'T. Mate and female. Equipped with nut to release pressure In hose.
1,... "." N ,P .T .
10 5325
ITEM 3215254
(N)REUSABLE SWIVEL HOSE END - F or 1 wi re h ose . Co n venie n t w h ere hos e m ust b e dl scon· nect ed and r eco n nected t source .
WI. 1 'b .
Pipe Hose Thread Slze{ld) Con,t .
N.P.T. male and female. Push to repair service and original equip.. connect. Pull to separate. t:.qulpped ment Installation", Can be attached with nut to release pressure In hose. Without use of Vise.
1/0" '1<" 1"
ITEM 3215250 • . . . . . . ... $13. 75 iTEM 3215040.3/." . . .. . . 51 .70 (BIPIONEER Ono Hind BREAK. ITEM 3215041 . v, •• • • . . . . 51.99 AWAY COUPLER. '/," N.P T . male ITEM 3215042· 'I," . •. • • .. $2 . 55
1" IV,"
5/1 " 5/." 7/1 " 7/. "
S\oel 3215221 1 40 Brass 3215229 1.70
1· 1/1"
St •• ' 3215232 2 .20
Steet 3215230 1 . 65
B ... , 3215227 1 .95 Alum . 3215231
2 . 25
Applications especially lUlled fo r Incl ude (A) GRESEN LINE TYPE OIL FILTER· Install hvdraullc lines. high p ressure pneumatics, In return line Bullt·m by·pass valve. full flow weed spray, fuel and 011 IInBS . etc. Recom ,Itratlon WIth any petroleum base flUIds. 10 mended for service a1 temperat ures fr om mIcron throwaway paper element. Ports -400 10 + 2()()OF. Thermo pl asti c abra SI on re· Inlet and outlet up to 30 G.P .M . capacIty si stant cover. Increased f l e)( and Impulse life. ITEM 3215002 ......... . ..... . .. • $13.45 SIZE WORKING ITEM Per Ft. Replaceab(e Element for Above· PRESSURE ITEM 3215003 ..... • .. . . . ..... .... . $5.45 3211052 $0.45 1/4" 2750 (TEM 3215244· As above but 33 micron $S.25 3211053 3/S" 2250 .60 (A)RACINE OIL FILTER· Model 62 5507 WIth 3 211054 .85 1/2" 2000 replaceable paper element for low pressure sy · stems. Has built-In by·pass valve . # 16 O.R .B . RE.USABLE COUPLINGS For Above i ece Non -Skive cou p llnqs, espsc· Inlet and outlet ports and '/, " N PT. gauge port. Two-p all y desi gned to Withst an d p tessures f ar
'fs\ d~~~i;JJl~Ni2+~~i? biL. ·FI·LTEF!".$lln~i~?1
In either return lIne or suct,on line. Use With any petroleum base flUids. Has built ·,n by· pass valve and filter cond,t,on Indicator. 200 sq . In . filtering area. Op. temp .. 65 0 to 300 0 F. Port s 1'.... Pressure 100 P.S.I. 100 mesh element Wt 8lbs. ITEM 3215001. ..... . ............ . $49.00 Rep(acement element for above. 100 mesh (TEM 3215179 .................... $13.75
excess of th e Ou rs t strength of t he hose . No special t o ols n eed ee for as· sembly . Zin c Pla ted Wi th c lear c h rom ate finish. SPECIAL! ITEM 1211314 - Syn· flex Pressure Hose g ' lon9 'It " F .M.T _
. . . . . 55 .95
3215214 1/4" $1.25 3215215 3/S" 1.99 3215216 1/2" 2 .65 SPECI AL! ITEM 12113S4 Synflex Pressure Ho'~9· · long . 1/2 .. F.M .T.$5 .95
HYDRAULIC HOSE BULK HOSE SPECIALS • BRAND NEW • OIL RESISTANT • WIRE BRAID • RUBBER COVERED • HIGH TENSILE • TOP QUALITY STRENGTH STEEL WIRE REINFORCING. By Proper Broldmg this hose reto,ns flex,bil,ty ond withstands hig h pressures and rough USQge~ Cut to your desired lenqth or save by purchasi ng
60 ft.
bulk (2 0 -4 0 F t. Rand o m L e ngthS
READY MADE: Wort< l ng Pressure
LENGTH 1 Ft . 2 Ft. 3 Ft. 4 F t. 5 Ft. 6 Ft. 7 Ft. 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 Ft. 11 Ft. 1 2 Ft . 13 Ft. 14 Ft . Working
Pressure LENGTH 1 Ft. 2 Ft. 3 Ft. 4 Ft. S Ft.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ft. Ft . Ft. Ft . Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft . Ft.
2750 P .S.I . V. " 1 Wire ITEM PRICE 1211001 $3.39 .211002 4 .49 .211003 5 .52 1211004 6 . 61 1211005 7 . 84 1211006 8 . 95 1211007 .0. 01 1211008 11.10 1211 009 12.19 1211010 13.23 1211011 14. 38 1211012 15 .47 16. 50 17 . 54
2250 P.S.I. 3/S" 1 Wire ITEM PRICE 1211029 $3.70 .211030 4.88 1211031 6 . 15 1211032 7.34 1211033 8 .57 1211034 9.95 1211035 10 .98 1211036 12.08 1211037 13.23 1211038 14. 38 1211039 15 .53 1211040 16. 68 1211041 17.83 1211042 19 . 38
2000 P .S.1. '12 "1 Wire ITEM PRICE 1211057 $4. 23 1211058 5 . 54 1211059 6.90 1211060 8 .2 8 1211061 9 . 60 1211062 '0. 93 1211063 12. 25 1211064 13. 51 1211065 14.78 1211066 16.45 1211067 17.83 1211068 19.21 1211069 20 . 47 1211070 21.85
2250 P.S .1. 3/." 2 Wire ITEM PRICE $6. 73 1211099 8 . 97 1211100 11 . 03 12Tl101 13.17 1211102 15 . 64 12111 03 17. 83 1211104 18 . 57 1211105 21.85 1211106 24. 04 12111 07 25.88 1211108 28.23 12111 09 30..82 1211110 32.78 1211111 34. 48 1211112
5000 p .S . t. V. " 2 W ire ITEM PRICE 1211015 $3. 74 1211016 4 . 95 1211017 6 . 21 1211018 7 . 59 1211019 8 . 86 1211020 10. 06 1211021 11.27 1211022 12.54 1211023 13. 74 1211024 14.95 1211025 16. 22 1211026 17 . 54 1211027 19 .26 1211028 20.59
4000 P.S .1. 3/8 " 2 Wire ITEM PRICE 1211043 $4 . 12 1211044 5.64 1211045 7 . 16 1211046 9 . 09 1211047 10. 58 1211048 12.08 1211049 13. 57 1211050 15 . 12 1211051 16.62 1211052 17.94 1211053 19 . 55 1211054 21.16 1211055 22 .71 24.15 1211056
3500 PS.I. '12" 2 Wire ITEM PRICE 12J 1071 54.58 1211072 6 .3 8 1211073 8.17 1211074 9.95 1211075 11.67 1211076 13.46 1211077 15 . 18 1211078 16.91 1211079 18 . 98 1211080 20.70 1'211081 22.48 1211082 24.15 1211083 26.11 1211 084 27. 60
ITEM 1211385 1211386 1211387 1211388 1211389 1211390 1211391 1211392 1211393 1211394 1211395 1211396. 121 1397 1211398
:mm L
1875 P.S.t. 1" 2 Wire PRICE $11.39 14. 38 17.37 20.36 23. 35 26. 34 29 . 33 32 . 32 35 . 31 38.30 41.29 44.28 4 7 .2 7 50.26
HyttrauliC SIlOP PreSS Double-Acting 32-S0Ton RUGGEDI SAFEI VERSATILEI. . HAVE ALL THE ADVANTAGES OF HYORAULlC POWER RIGHT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS .•. HANDLE A MULTITUDE OF JOBS SUCH AS BENDING. SPREADING, STRAIGHT· ENING, PULLING. PUSHING , ETC. BRUTE RUGGED · NESS MEANS LONG LIFE. LESS MAINTENANCE . RIGID FRAME CONSTRUCTION INSURES STRUC· TURAL SAFETY AND OPERATOR CONFIDENCE . PRACTICAL FOR GARAGES. HIGHWAY SHOPS. FLEET AND FARM IMPLEMENT SHOPS. CUTS COSTS -PAYS FOR ITSELF MANY TIMES OVERI Check The,. Outstanding FeatureJ: FRAME : 6" Channel .11 ~ weld construction. Over,lI height 6' 7". width 30" In 51de measurement. and adjustable bed from 14" to 25" from retracted ram position . HEAVV DU TV HVDRAULIC RAM; High Pressur. Type with I'M Inch steel shaft and 10 nch stroke . Rated up to 32 ton capacity . Comes complete With
pressur' gauge .
HIGH PRESSURE PISTON PUMP : A double acting sell enclosed combination unit consisting of pump. valve and 7-quart hydraulic reservoir. PSI range from 0·3500. Spool valve has output, hold and retu,n pOSitions . MOTOR; New CSA approved 1 H.P., capacitor start. 1725 RPM. 110·220 volls single pha ... ball bearing . With Westinghouse remote control switch with overload pro· tectlon. (Shipped knocked down) .
fT~r:~i;;-'~:4S.I~tU5~~~~~~~·.•••••••••••••• $729.00 HAND CRANK TYPE - As above but less 1 H .P. motor. pulleys. belts and motor switch but with hand crank
~~~~o,~~~O~'~' ~~':.~~~~.~~~~~:................. $575.00 SPECIALI
50·Ton Model -
S.me at Item 1201034 except equipped with 1'12 H.P. Motor
:~:~"1 ~~;~ ~~'!~:.rla;: 1~~'.c~~.~~.~I:............................................... $898.00
NEW... Versatile 5 -8 TON
HYDRAULIC ARBOR PRESS .. Garages .. Implement Shops For , • ' .. Service Shops • Machine Shops • Farm Shop s This Is one of the handiest and mo st verQtll e arbo r presses aullable; competltvely priced , I t ouH-.rform s anything on the market. For removal and Installation of gears, bushings, bearings , etc. For stra i ghtening and bending shafh and rods or any jOb In your shop wh i ch requires a hydraulic press. Detachable S. ton hydraulic Jack available at all times for other equIpmen t.
S PECIFICATIONS-R.m t,. ••• 6 -5/16 " . Bod Surhc. 14l14" x &lJI", Ram Olam . 1'12", Max. Worki ng Hei ght 12". Over.1I Height 31 " . Ship Wt . 100 Ibs. Overall Width 1 .... Bed Openln9 4" x t 2", 5 Bed SurfJce adjustm en tl. Screw Extensi on 3" . Sprln9 Return .
ITEM CAPACITY PRICE 1201086 5 TON $149.00 1201115
32- 50 TON HYD AULlC or IMPL"''''~ KIT NOW . • • MAKE YOUR OWN PO'Ner1ul Press capable of exerting 64.000 lbi, pressure. Eyersu~e High Pressure 2 piston pump with built· In relie1 valve 0-3500 PSI. Brlnd new 5" bore 10" stroke double actIng cylinder 1" pin hole mount one end • • • 01 her end has female
::1\~::.::r~f~~~~~Cdh .:,I"~;.~~. ~W~ ~,:gi .f30,".'~1.~~~ ••• $229.00 ITEM
12011.2 - 50 TON CAPACITY. Same
.bove except 6" BOfe
cylinder ..........................................................
~:~~~~::,5,~~~~ ,"110" ITE,. 1201231 . . . . . .
••• 10" 10"
lIor•. ; .
,trok •........ $95.00 ,lrok•....... $135.00
MICO Tr~nsf.r Pumps Ire recommended for ~sollnl. kerosene, fuel oils, In,,eclllcllde •. hydr.ullc fluids, Ilcol1ol. solvents, and answers the need for a
Hghtwe.ght, powerfUl pump to transfer liquid s to those,outaof-t he·
way Places on construction JObS, farms. water fronts, etc. Insteld of tiresome hand pumping. your power source 15 a 6, 12. or 24 volt battery which Is right under your vehIcle's hood. Never needs priming. Just Immerse and turn on the switch. Motor and switch totally enclosed for explosion Protection. Pumps between 12·14 G. P.M . The power head 15 Interchangeable with all standpipe assemblies ••. com~
Plete with motor, stop and start switch. 12 feet of cable with batte ry and. adjustable vapor sea l bung ada ptor. APproxim at e
(~t:~~;'l3~~lf~\J~~~~r H..d 5 or 12 V .$149.00 (A ) I TEM 3201176 Power Head fo r 24 volt system . $149.95
PRICE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • (8) Mlco Standplp• • nd ImpeU ....... mbll... m tnum construct i on.
AI ...
$57.50 $57.50
3201115 :!i.L .• • • . • • •• 3201115 3." Sib ••.. ••• .••• (C) Combination 12 It. ....... ncI nozzle (1t.11e
~." _~==~~~~ :o1iiil.~~!.r~o~u~ncI~w~l~r.~)~.~W~I~.£1 O~lb~L~iITEM 3201117 ••• $29.95
NEW! 3" High Capacity TRASH PUMP Handles mud, ~and, sludge, solids. sewage. Two vane Impeller passes solids up to 1'12" dla Replaceable cast Iron wear plates. held In place by stillOless steel screws. Pump can be cleaned without disconnecting suction er discharge hose. Specially protected mechanical seal chamber provides trouble-free Ha'operation without specIal ildJustment. In addition to normal clunouts provided. suction and discharge are connected ny Intermediate manifold that can be removed to completely eJrpose Interior of Dump without actuaHy dls·assembllng the casing. Self-prlmlng recirculatlng port Is protected from clog~ glng by Internal str.lner/gasket. SpeCIfications: • 22680 GPH at 10 ft. Head .• Heads up to 80 ft. at 5400 GPH .. 3" I.P.T. Suctlons and discharge" 8 H.P. 8rlggs & Stratton F.nglne with 4 quut fuel tanK .• Dirt' 27tfL x 20"W )it 19"H. Wt. 130 ITEM 3201121 ..........••••••••••• $898.00
SUBMERSIBLE ~ FULLY SUMPPUMP~_ AUTOMATIC APPllCA TlONS - For standard sump< '" home. farm and .ndu'try _ for drainmg pooh, ditches and Cisterns - elevator sumps - wtlsh racks. FEATURES: "Fully subm.rslble oncl~dlng motor. 'Compact in 'ize"filt I" W81~t - suitable for minimum sump diameter of 10 Inches. ·8 ft. submersible cord W'lth grounded plug. ·Corrosion resistant hlsjl Impact plastic body &. .mpeller - top suction. '1/3 HP. 115V - ball bearing type - automatic thermal protection. ·1 a1/4" vertical discharge for fomal ••Iop connection to A.S.S. plastIC pIpe. "1·1/4 " I.P.S. female Ihr.aded adapter packaged WIth pump .• Automatic lavel control" on.
intefllll with pump. ·Entrre unit is easily serviced - e\le" In the field. WIIIIlt 22 Ibs. 1 Ye.r Warrenh-. CAPACITY TASlE TOTAL HEAD 5 FT. 10 FT. 15 FT. 20 F T. 2400 U.S. GAL PER HR 3000 180 0 1200 WATER lEVEL TURN ON - 10%"
l~il~~~:'~:2T~R~ .O.F~.~ ~" • . . . $99.S0
Clean heavy actumulatlons (.f dirt the "t::asy Way" '1011. StalOles" steel rlf e tiD ror loni I t. HOle mO$t of the time w th ,u5t pia:" water. Hard hltttng 30' grease resistant a_sI narge hose, ~ S" I 0 800" stream will Simply peel awcty .3 to 4 tnChes 01 dirt WOrking pressure - Oeli'lef~ 80 PSI r. usable nOlzle QUICkly. To remove grease and 011 film Just add a 900d Prenure than I..... hose.. S' suction hOlt8, 5/8" 1.0. with
COld w.1ter aeterg"nt solution. Comes .... ·.0.. two oufaca 50 mesh SHamer to 91118 ma)( protec.tl)n to Dump. v3lves. a nd spra), gun. l-WIY Valva; e:•.U'f to swll tl
tiPS: solid stream for had cutting 8ttlon and flat spray
17>..', w~~~ld'I~~t~o'~~SI~~'d features: Molol'! 1l
~~~1t~~ea~:i~ S~I~~\~~n ~~n~;rl~~I:altserw~~,r~!~:",~~~,
vult, single phase. 60 cycle, open drIp-proof Qrrylng, Drain COCk.l Easily accessible in manifold for automatic overload protection . Cushion base priming requued Overall DimenSions: 19" 'on", ..
~~~~!.t:~r p~~g~~~. 8~~ta~~b~t~~~'w';rhmS~~ I~II:S~ ~;:!i ti~:'~:O)(': :~. h.19h~ ~~' .~~ iD.s. . • $569.00 ~1~~·J:II~ ..~~,rIV!,~\.~I'~S;~~ (;~~I:;,~er;~~~~~ ~~oe~ B~199~H~I~r:tt~~. ~BO~~,br~~ffu~r~ 22'~~ JRtt~ when the spray gun Is shut-off - Pump and motor maKe operating speed. ~verall dimenSions 19" long )( ~11~h a~~~ro pr ~~~~~. ~ O ZZ lefo~~~g~l:r ~i~~~ns:r~y ~~~ t;~~I~;O~::~ co
high. W~' ,70 ~b.S..
• ••
trigger In sprayin9 po' j.
Power Sprayer AN EFFICIEN T W AY T O APPLY ANY SPRAYABLE SOLUTION S. For spray· in g * L lvestock -Barns -Trees and Orchards ·Weed and B r ush -Po u ltry Houses -Termite Control. This sp ra y er Is equi p ped with a roller pump witn replilce· ab le rollers so chemicals that cause rapid weilr un stili b e used economically. Sprayer will move 2 GPM A dist a nce of 30 feet effectively at 200 PSI. Power agitAtion will keep solutions thoroughly mixed at all times. The volume of liqUid to be sprayed c.an be changed bv usi n g a dif f erent size of hose. S PEC I FIC AT IONS AND FEAT URES : Eng ine: 2111 HP Brl99s & Stratton, 4 cycle
20 3lJ 40 50 60 87 130 173 217 260
2 S,,, Gallon Per M,n
• • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
-Ex(.ellent Seal Protection - The I nternal operating pres· sure of the pump Is approx. 50 PSI, Wit" the seal area operating at only 5 PSI • •. leaves enough liqUid In the ieal area to lubricate and cool. -Priming Is from the bottom of the pump chamber. A very small amount of liq uid in the bottom of the pump IS suffiCient for priming since the liqUid enters the volute from the bottom side. It Will prime with the check valve open. -The Impellel' IS verV easily removed for inspection and maintenance. *For protection against e.xtreme pressur. or "W.:.ter H.tmme r", a special rubber plug IS fitted Into the pump hou~jn9 . In the event of a high pressure surge the Plug abSorbs the shock an d prott!cts the pump. -SpeCial felt slinger aids H"I preventing liquid transfer from pump to er'lCJtne In tne event of seal lea..-:age . '"The pump IS moulded frnm a specia l h lgn strength polvpropylene which Is g'ilss ,eln fareca fol' extra strength and toughness . POlyp~oPYlene IS resistant to most chemicals and all known fertilizers and agricultural Chemicals . -Perfectly balanced. H;I1tweight Impeller greatly reauces bearing wear wt'llcn II theprime cause of seal-failure.
PERFORMANCE CHART (Based on Water) ~3
~IE~7 ~~~11S5
HedO '" Feel PressurePSI 1'2 Size Gallon per Mrn
recoil start, 6: 1 gear reduction. Pump: Hypro 6300 series - 6 nylon rollers. sealed bearings. 2 GPM al 200 PSI. by·pass and discharge. Prenure Relief Valve: To reclrculate solution tor . gltiltion purposes and protect pump when nozzle is off. Nozzle: Bran, a dL for solid stream or spray. Pressure Gau,e: To deterr'l,ne desired operating pressure. HOII: 8' luctlon hose with straIner. 8' by-pass hose. 25' pressure hOse, gr.... reSI'U,nt, neoprene lined. Bue: Sprln4j1 mounted baM aDsorbs engine vibration and prevents sp, .. ver movement. Overalt DimenSions: 14" Nlde )( 19" Ion; K 18" high.
ITEM 320117. 3201179 3201110
GAS ENGINE PUMPS SIZE INLET H.P. WT. " OUTLET l'll" x 1 '12" 3 34 34 2" x 2" 3 40 2" x 2" 5
WITH..., FARM CERT $239.00 249,00 329.00
SUCTION LIFTS AND PRIMING TIMES: 3600 R.P.M. Suclron L,II IFeetl 11, Size WIth 1 SuCIJon L'ne tT,me In Sec I l S'le w'tn 2' uCI'on L,ne (T,me In Sec I
5 10
15 20
12 24
35 41
40 58
10 80 85
3 Vane I mpeller
Price P rice Prjce
514.95 $14.98 32.95
Special design for filling and emptying liQuid manure ta n ks, pumping water. etc. oeli .... ry is easily r89ulated or completely sflut off without stopping the pump, so that tanks can be filled without m.ss or o .... rflowlng . Unaff.cted by gra ...el, handles up to 1J:z " . Handles 50% solids. Capacity S500 GPH, suction 11ft 13' to 16', total held 25 teet a 2" Inl.t and outlet ports. ComPlete With all fittings e)(cept hoses. 1-3/S" 5pllned coupling. Comes with foot valve. Shpg.
~tE!1d~~'1044" " "" HYPRO
. ••
New Self·Priming Gas·Driven CENTRIFUGAL PUMP
Reliable Pumps For Countless Uses in Industry & Agriculture FLEX ROLLER
• ..•...
I deal for draining of sumps, cellars, excava· tions, filling tanks. marine bUge service, live· stock watering, emergency fire fighting. Lifts up to 25 feet.
ptlmlng to 3 ft .. 15 (t. p r i med . B u na-N roll ers . Pressure UP t o 7 5 P.S . I. 1750 R .P M . Max.
MAX. INPUT WT . PORT SHAFT G.P . M. H.P. LBS. PRICE SIZE SIZE ITEM 1,:. . 11;0 4 $47.50 1/.· .. 0 . 0 . 2.66· 5 .25 320109 5 1', " 1/... 11.. 5111 $53.50 1, "0.0. 5 . 5·8 . 5 3201096 1/<"
Capae. Sh,p.Slze Suet. U. S.
"3,l;~T-ko~;~~!""'8-"""'V:;8tP.. ...!&~~;!.::~~es.!hl:·""2~1~·~~Of.H:!"_!:l~f!'P::"'- $~: ~~9E5 3201019
3201020 3201021
58 9 0
IV.. "
lW' 2"
to 30 P .S . I. 1750 R . P.M . SHAFT MAX. INPUT
WT .
'I. 1/.. ·1/3 'I.
3 5 3 1/z
1/1"0 .0 . 11.... 1/2"0.0. GHT 1/i/ " I. D. Ill "
2 -6 4 .25-10 1. 5-5
SELF - LUBRICATING GEAR PUMPS Heplaceable self·lubricating bear· Ings. High pressure seal (rePlaCeable) . Stainless steel shafts . Bronze cast i ng, rust proof and corrosion re · slstanl. Pyramid tooth brass gears. Drain Plug . Suct i on lift up to 22 ft. Pressures up to 100 P.S .I . 1200 R .p .M . Max . 5 / 8" Shaft.
INPUT H.P. y,"
5.9·8.2 ~ 9.3·1'.7 I" 11 1· 18 I
267 . 95 269.95
Wt .
l V."
I r
78 . 50
IIt-l ~'l· 2
249 . 95
3 3
Equ ipped With 5/8" shaft, mechanical seal shaft assem· bly, and sealed ball bearings for direct or pulley and belt drive.
one mo v jng part) . Pressures up
3201091 3201092 3201094
p ri m i ng to 10 ft . ; 22 ft. Primed. Suna·N Impeller (Only
4800 7200 8000
8'4 \1>·2',., 9 1/.-
S39.50 44. 98 49.50
ROTARY VANE BARREL PUMP Rated 10 G P.M Jt easy crankmg speed. Handles Gasoline, Fuel O'ls , Oils, Water etc . Complete with 40" hose, 40" suction pipe and barrel nut to ftt 2" steel drum opening . Wt. 15 Ibs. ITEM 3201140 • •• •• ••.•.••.••••••.•••..••..•••• $39.95
DIESEL POWERED PUMPS Two reliable units featuring Onan Diesel powlr ,nd Monarch pumps In IIn unbeatable combination of long term depend,bility .nd oav to dliY oper.tlng effiCiency. Both pumps are powered by Onan DJBA Series Industrial Engine with these SPECIFICATIONS : • 2 Cylinder. Air Cooled • 3 1'4" Bor., 3-5/8" st'o~ •• 60 CU . In . 015pl . • 14.5 H.P. at 2400 R ,P.M. max ... SPeed Range 1500 2400 R.P.M . • Compression Ratio 19 : 1 .. Governor (Internal Flyblll Type - Externally AdJustable, Gov.rnor Regulation 5% .. InjeCtion Pump (American Bosch Type) .. Fue' Consumption 0.5 - 1.0 G.ls./Hr. t EquiPPed with 12 volt starting system. fuel tllters, gear type 011 pump. 011 filter, low Oil cut-off, 1~" output shaft with 3/8 " keyway . Reconditioned .
~~~~dPf~:1~bs~:1!~ ~~~~i:eerls~~ft:~~~~,tn~:,!~~~~.eal. cofferdams, and as sewage pumps, contractor pumps, etc. Handles solids up to ll/z" diam . Built fO' contin . uous service. Specifications : Suction and DIsCharge 3", At 2400 RPM, 50 ft. head, 320 GPM, 10 ft. to · tal suction flit . Self priming up to 15 tt, 11ft . wt.
:~~~X:i2600,0,'j':'. .. ....
•. •.• .
IRRIGATION PUMP· EQuIpped with the latest features for modern sprinkler irrigation or general heavy duty work . Oversized ball bear· lOgs and rugged construction make this pump
:~~~I !~~rf~~e ol~~e u'f°l~k r~~u~r~~r.ev~~e~:?j~~~
tlons: 2" suction.~l'". discharge with 4 bolt 220 RPM. 160 ft. head - 150 GPM, 120 ft. ·215 GPM, 10 ft. totAl suction 11ft. Not self priming. Wt .
..... , .........
12V DC
su pply fo r campers & m o to.h o rne s. empty & f i ll waSh tu bs; u bln or cottage fres h wat er sup· ply : empty .nd fi l l an Imal tankS, wet baSIl· ments, etc. Pump bOdy is constructed o f high denSity polyethylene *Full circle cam eliminates bOdY wear ·Powerful, totally enclosed, permanent maqnet D.e. motor delivers high torQue with low amp . drain . Pol· Ished statnless steel sh"ft Ind lifetime lubricated assure long trouble free performance. Impetler of Nitrile wnlch Is resistant to oil, water. and abraSIon and offers long flex41 i fe *Four soft rubber legs "Chrome plated handle ·Uses standard qarden hose fittings. A must for homeowners, boaters. ranchers, farml!tf's. campers, and Industry. ITEM 3201173 -WI. 3 lb • . • • • • • • • • • • Repair Kit for 500 hr . overhaul , ITEM 3201174 ••
3 00 G .P.H .
....-- E xcellen1 apPli cations' B o at bll 'J e f fah w ater
re spraying, prelSur. • complete fireflgh:tlng Farm Service
Unit. Fits any tnctor powe.r take·off and IS ready tor work tn undn 60 leconds: ,imply connect up to p.t.o. couplln, and ltart pressure wuhtn, or punl~ inC. Thorouchly cleans buildings, machinery. etc.: shift. dirt and mud r.. ,. EQually .mclent for fUhnc water tank., e.mptyln, ponds. ~raylnc. etc. Spec,fi· cation': Roller Vane Hieh Pressure Pump P.T.O. 300 P.'.!' It 600 r.p.m. 18-25 I.p.m. Equipped with Staybar, 10 ft. Inlet hose and filter, 20 ft.. outlet hose, Itn. . .pray nozzle and 2 diUerent sized Jets. wt. 30 Ibl.
, $10.45
MODEL I ·M A . Manufactured by Little Giant. 180 G.P.H . 115 volt A . C. 60 cycle. 1.1 amps. Complete Wltr'l 2 1'1" feel cord. 111 " threaded pipe out IN. O'all dimenSions 4"H x 3 111 " dla. Weight 21/. Ibs. ITEM 120 1294 . • • . • • • . • • . $17.95
MODEL 1 ·A. Manufactur ed b y Little Giant. 180 G . P.H . 115 volt A .C . 60 cycle, 1.1 amps . Complete Wit h 6 It. extension
4"H X 3 1.t. " dla. ITEM 1201293
1 HP
Ideal pump for porlable use For pumping o ut base · menu, cesspools . watering lawns. etc. OU[put shaft on the motor makes It an Ideal unit for powerlng other equipment without removing the pump. Motor Rated 1 HP, 220VAC, 60 cycle, 3450 RPM, 1'I,u'nlet : 1·1/8" outlet. Gov't Surplus. L''''e New l
WI . 30Ib, ITEM 1201234. . . • •..• •
$ 44.50
ThIS pump has been constl ucted so that It will handle all tub, icants, gas, alcohol,
kerosene, etc., without any waste effort or
42", Stroke 36", Cylmder: lVz", Steel Valve, Bung Bushing will fit 1
~=+-''''''+'5,",3':''=~~:;' O~j
drum or barrel. Handy Waste. Wt. 6 lb..
ITEM 3915337 •.
Yur round storage for garden hose. In summer connected to fauce! and mou nted on wall, water flows through mounting bracket and reel into hose. Reel revolves on mou nting bracket allowing nut winding or unwinding of hose. In winter detach reel and hose by slipping lock and removJI ing for storage. Complete with mounting bracket and connecting hose. (A) ECONOMY HOSE REEL - 4 spoke, wall mounted. 150 ft. 11," 1.0. hose capacity. Wt . 6 Ibs. ITEM 3215193 •••••••..••. $13.98 (A) THE BIG HOSE REEL - 6 spuke, wall mounted. Made for maximum hose capacity of 250 ft. 11," 1.0. hose. Wt. 7 Ibs. $1598 ITEM 3 215194.................... • ( B) OELUXE MOST VERSATILE HOSE REEL With swing mou nting bracket and 6 wide spokes for added strength. Swing bracket allows reel t f U be wound or unwound in either parallel to or at right angles to wall, eliminating kinks and cut when taking hose around corners. 250 ft. I,," 1.0. hose capaCity. Wt. 8 Ibs. ITEM 3215195 .................... $ 16.9
Deltvers 4 CF M at 0" Hg .• 1 CFM at 20" Hg. Maximum vacuum 24" Hq .•
intermittent ReqUires • HP, 1725 rpm motor. Wt. 12 lb•.
ITEM 1201 270
.... $24.95
H O SE· A terrific b uy for co ntractors, 121 1 495
S tZE 1/2"
users, etc. High t211496 II / t 6 " grade rubber braided const ruction. Very 12t t 313 '/z" fle)(lb le an d easy to han dle. Lo ng and 12113t4 'k" 12t 1315 satisfactory service Is assure d by dur1211316 It'. .. able construction . Comp lete with stan121t317 I " dard N .P .T. couplings . 1211318 l 'h. " farmers,
to 2"
openings. Will fit any IS, 30, 5S-9alloll
$99 8 . 0 0
I ndustrial
t211319 11ft" 12t 1 53 4 111. "
Lenith PRICE 5 2. 95 t.50 7.95 t2 . S0 1 t . 75 t9 . 95 32 . 50 24. 50 47 .00 42 . 00
to ' 7' 30'
SO ' 30 ' 50' 50' 25 ' 50' 50 '
GALVANIZ ED WATER TANK For Indoor or outdoo' water storage. 50 gallon capacity Has two I" N.P. T ports on top. one 7" from the bottom, and one 13" from the top. Overall height 5 1/, ft., diameter 16". ApprOximate Weight 80 Ibs. ITEM 3316078 ..••. _ . . . . • $29.95
tD:I;', ,:;: i.; Ji.. ;»j) 1 hiS Easv - A ction Hydraulll" Device
IS more ffectlve than 1000 Plunger~ With only a ~Ingle ~trokel I t delivers 80 pound<i of water pre~~ure to literally b l ast obstructions and .1ccumulatlon<:. down the drain p ipe. NO dirty water back-up. No frustrJtlng wait lor chemical ~ ctlon. WorkS on all dr']lm, except tho'>e
r::::' ~~\~,Je'fr~~~~~~~i. -:;:~t~'O~~e~~\~:~y~~~es, $5.95 ITEM 39t 5t 07 ,, ____________ . __________ ._ •. __ .. ____ ..
An oxclttont auxiliary blnk for .11
type, machlnory. Featurel: Load coated tu,,... pia', to prnont rutting. ComPlot. with "'onted CIP. 2
1/. "
ITEM 3315006-20 Imp. GII. cap, 31" L. )( 16" W. 1( 12" H. WI. 30 lb.. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . $4' .50 ITEM 33'5032 -20 Imp. Gat. cap 31" L. x 12" W. x 16" H. Wt. 30 Ibs. .••••••...• • •••••••••• '4'.75 ITEM 331501'~5 Imperial Gallon Clp. Dim. 39"L. )(
26"W. x 12'/."H. WI. SS lb... . . . • . . . . . . . . . .. $89.95 ITEM 3316031 -25 Imp. Gal 20" x 17V." x 20"'''. W •. 35 Ibs • . • • • • • . . • • . • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • 151.'5 SPECIAL! ITEM 3315313-Round Gas Tank.. Dim. 8' dlo .• IS" L. WI. 11 Ibs . • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • " .15
most types of
• ,.u, .Ian t. select fro", ___ ",oll., ""I" co.. ... ...... ill poin ", mott trucks. • 14 , . . . . . .t . . 1 cOII,h"dlo,. -
.,,4 ""0... ,
. t".I. ploco b04"
o V-tw .....ffl.-....co"tfIlYOUlly •• 'de.. to "otto", ..... m ....h. ltoHo", "ud• • 'u. M .. it;. ...1 ",.,octi'... • 1114. . . . . .o,iII ••• ,. . . . . ." • ....... re.4 ...... " op... fill ...... It
• '_"-.4
• .......... "ri... ceel ...It red ...."'., 'hlli.h. • Lock I~ ... I 1I HII th.ft .
0,,",., ,••"...0.'
Imp . Gal . H t. Width
L9. h. fib s.'
50 2 4
70 3 0
3315613 lOO 24
4 8 '·02
3315614 1 3 530
4 8 11,
16 0
Only $119 .00 124.50 149.50 159.95
Bennet Pumps for above complete 8 ft. of Jt. ' hose and nozzle . ITEM 3201106 - Rated 10 G.P.M .
'-"==-_ _ _ 33 1616 • • • • • •
ROTARY SCREW PUMP Mfg. by Rabblns and Myers. For moderate capacity and pressure applications. Ideal 'or ab rash,. slurrl.s or fluids containing particles up to 3/32", Ma)(lmum liQuid temp.erature 180o F. Pre-Iubrlcated ball bearings and stainless steel shaft. At pump R.P.M. of 1140 produces 2.9 G.P.M. tree flow and reQuires 1/6 H.P. motor. snaft Is 1/2" x 1.14" witn flat side. Two "." holes 2" apart tor base mount. Inlet for }l/a" 1.0. hose, outlet 1/4" tube thread. Wt. 2 L 1 Ibs.
ITEM 3201136 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59.95 ITEM 3201107 - Rated 20 G.P.M .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . $89.95
GAS CANS Tough durable moulded plastic ULC approved for handling of petro leum fuels. Can be used for carrying gas, 0.1, ac.ds and chemIcals. Extra built in capacity for addItIves (oil) and to allow for normal expansion. Flexible spout and air vent make pouring easIer and safer PRICE WT. ITEM SIZE $3.95 1 gallon 2lbs. 3916033 2", gallon 5.75 4lbs. 3916034 10.98 5 gallon Ibs. 3916035
'ds. Heavy
h.. ....
i". ....
I.a.,,,, I....
f QU
duty moulded polyureth.t1e construction with built In ear rylng handle ,fld SPI,sh oroot vented cap 0'," Olrn. 32 11J'·H )( 12V~'W )( IS'". Wt 7 Ibs.
KOENIG ELECTRic WiNCItES • COMPLETE PACKAGE • EASILY INSTALLED • 8000 LBS. PULLING POWER Complete Winch Assembly Kits, designed for quick a easy Installation With ordinary hand tools. If you're looking for more performance, more versatility, from your truck, jeep, or wagon, look to Koenlg Electric Winch Kit. 8000 Ibs. of dependable winching power, designed especially to fit your vehicle (two or four-wheel drive) Features. * Reversible D.C. operation * Positive action touch control for forward, off, reverse Rated Line Pull (Pounds) Per Layer of Cable' * Time saving drum clutch for Laye r of Cable free spooling cable. Approx. Wt. 4th 5th 6th 2nd 3rd Cable S ize 1st 5,200 4,100 8,000+ 7,000+ 6,200+ 5.600 1/ 4 220 Ibs. Complete Winch Kit in6,100 6,000 5,300 4,100 4,400 8 ,000 5 / 16 cludes: Electric Winch with 15 8,000 6,600 5,700 5,000 4,000 3/ 8 + In •• c... of br.oklng str.ngth of 1/4 .. cobl.. ft. Remote control. 150 ft., 5/16" cable wlhook, 4-way cable Cable Ca aci in Feet: guide roller assy., channel bumpnd th th th C able Size 1st 225 290 er wlsplash plates, bolts and 1/ 4 29 63 23 50 195 5/1 6 electrical hardware. 19 42 3/1 Performance Data Load·Pounds Line Speed-FPM • Electric Requirements No Load
2000 4000 1000
10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5
12,v/IOA./25 min. 12-v/140A ./15 min .
12,v/210A./S min. 12'v/320A./60 s.c.
-Intermittent Rilting: Standard output of automotive 12· volt system Is req utred .
Limited listing only IS shown, but we can supply for most makes and models. at big savings. When ordering give make, model and year, also whether two·wheel or four·wheel drive. We will supply more in· formation upon request.
MAKE Chevrolet , GMC , B lazer, Jlmmy
Dodge Plymouth Bronco
YEAR 1973 · 1977 1973 · 1977 1972· 1977 1965 · 77 1972 ·77
MOOEL All Blazers and Jlrnmy's '12 &. l/. ton 2WO &. 4WO Trucks
FIOO · F150 · F250 · F350 · 2Wd FIOO · FI50 4.4 F2S0 4 x 4 0100 · 0200 · 0300, WIOO ·W200 W300, Ramcharger, Trail Duster
ALL Universal . CJ5 . CJ6
ITEM 3204173 3204174 3204175 3204176 3204177 3204171 3204179
PRICE $944.50 $945.00 $945.25 $945.50 $945.75 $945.95 $899.00
Who Pulls your Pickup Out if you Get Stuck? You Do ......With Your
Warn Winch • ExCluSlv. dual controls st.ndard equipment. • Approved bV all I••dlng truck
• Remota control with 12 Ft. abl •.
• Two..w~v motor • • New FIUSn-n'lount F •• rl •• d.
When you're stuck, there won't be a tow truck around when you need help. Get yourself out cl the tough spots with a Warn Electric. Winch. ITEM 3 204 172 - Less Cable... • •
$549 00
SPEC I FICATIONS Rated winch load (with single line) ... 8,000 Ibs Ra t e of pull : No load ..........•...... 65 fpm (approx .) 1,000 lb. load ............ 25 fpm (approx .) 2,000 lb. load ............ 17 fpm (approx .) Drum capacity .. .. ............... 150 feet (5/16" cable)
At last . • . a 12 volt electric winch to fit your budget and your truck or trailer. Its power will amaze you. Will lift up to 100 times its own weight! Ideal for loading and unloading machinery, snowmobiles, boats, ATV's, gar· den tractors or any load too heavy to lift. indispensable machine for pullvehicles stuck in mud, ditches, snow, and hoist· ing and lifting heavy loads. Power reverse to lower the load safely. Stops and locks in any position. Mount it ver· tically or horizontally, right side up or upside down. A full 3S0 0 of mounting positions. Once mounted winch can be operated over a pul· ling range of 180 0 left to right due to a swivel level wind. The gear train and bearings are pack· ed in lubricant and sealed for life. Comes complete with vehicle harness consisting of: 25 ft. of heavy gauge wire, automatic circuit breakers, exclusive forward - lock - reverse switch, galv . aircraft cable and forged safety·snap hook, mounting bolts, emergency hand crank and owners manual. Dim .: 12"L xS"W. x S"H. Guide- for selecting proper Superwlnch for pulling rolling loads. Maximum weight In pounds of roiling load on various 'nclines. 5% Incline Is Vz foot rise in 10 fleti 20% 112 foot rile In 10 feet. Vertical
3304026 5 , 300 3304027 6 , 700 3304021. 9 ,000 Equlppod with
4,000 5,000 6,100
2,800 3,400 4j600
2,100 2,600 3 ,500
1,500 1,850 2,500
',200 1,500 2,000
750 1,000 1,500
Vz Ton Pultey Block for double-Hne operation only .
1/." x 20 ft. 5/32" x 25 ft. S/32" x 45 ft.
17 lb •. 18 lb •. 24 lb •.
$149.0 0 169.00 1'9.00
Remote control kit for above winches. Power can be controlled from dfstllnce up to 10ft. Item 3304031 ..
POWERWINCH Electric Hoist
with t wo way power The Pow.tWineh Hoist Is an e)(ceptionally low cost unit offering safe working load ratings of 1 ton with a double line and pulley blOCk, Ifl ton wltfl a single line. It Is powered up and powered down and Is available In elttoe, 110 volt A.C . or 12 volt D.e . The Powerwlnch Hoist Is designed for Non~ production , Non..c;ontfnuous Operations In automotive and Industry and comes completelY equipped with 25 rt. 01 3/16" (4,200 lb. test) aircraft t ype cable , pulley block for double fine operation, remote contrOl switch and dual $.Itely hooks for use on overhead trolley . The Powerwlnch Hoist .5 oper~ed by a powerful, totally enclosed two-way motor. The speCially designed gear reductions are made pOSSible through the use of all-hardened spur gears , ball bearings and needle bearings. The case is heavy-duty DuraMolded . Weattlerproof and COrroSion resistant . SPECIFICATIONS : 110 volt A . C ., No load ,peed 8 F.P. M. , 25 ft . of 3/16" Air craft Cable. 6 ft. Remote control SWitch. A frictjon bra~e holdS the load when power i s off. Dual hoolc:s for mounting 10 eliminate swinging and piling UP of cable or can be pe , manently mounted through base plate holes. A "shut-of1" switch automatically cuts the power to prevent hook from entering the hoist . Level wind sprinq$ effectively guide the cable,. keeping it
~;";,:;d2~~~r~~~~:.~.~:,.~~.~.~~~,~~.,:::.'..~:'..~.~.~".:.~.. ~.~.::'.................... $298.00 12 VOLT ELECTRtC HOIST -
Designed for use on trucks or 51mlla, perman.
ent instlllatlons _ No dual hOOks, two-way rotary switCh on unit. no Ihut off _Itch . Operot .. from l2 volt battery. ITEM 3204165 ........................ UI7.50
POWERWINCH portable power Powerwlnch Automotive W nches operate from the vehicle's 12 vol bJltery rhey can be rnou ted on th bed 01 a truck, or other convenient spot on the tru k for use ,n loading Inoperative farm or garden eq J P ment, race cars, antique cars, crates, etc 0'. they c n be mounted on a Mult.-Purpose Adapter which In t. rn can be attached to the ball hitch of a car, front or baCk for pullmg the vehicle .tself out of mud, safid, snow, for assistIng other strand"d vehicle., or 10. moving logs, stones, etc, The Powerwlnch IS free wheeling out, powered m Has an automatic level Wind system that pools the ca ble evenly on the drum, Holds load when power '5 off Can be operated manlJally In case of power failure And, above all, It'S easy on the battery because of Its spur gear reductIon, and ball beartngs Powered by SpeCially DeSigned Motor With proper gear ratiO, for maximum elllc ency and row amperage draw_ Comes complete With Remote Control Kit, 50 It. Galvanized Aircraft Cable Mu ' Ilpur o~e_Apa tor late and_tja'!;n",dc.;C=ra"-,n.:.:k~fo:;::,,r+m=,a~n~L~.a:::I:-:"'~::, _ ..."... • .. "'. n....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-,. S P ECI F ICATIONS
Rat e d L ine
3204160 3204159 3204162 3204161
J+ "'i269.'OO +
S174.00 S309.00 S209.00
ThiS unit I, de~"gned for applications req.Jlrtng r pld pull • ., over extended distances, The 4" hardened alum,Pum capstan Will accommodate rope up to P"" In diameter SPECI FlCA TlONS , MaXimum Line Pull ...... _1000 Ibs. No Load Speed ,. . ..... 55 fop_m, Shipping Weight ..... .. .. 27 Ibs. Amperage Draw ............ 40 Amps. D.e. 4 5 Amos. A .C. ITEM 3204166 - 12 volt .-................. '" ..... S259.00 .. $239.00 ITEM 3204167 - 110 volt ................ ..
The boathouse Winch IS SimIlar In constl I ' I ' ! l ,nd fea· tures to the boat trailer WinCh, With the salne new Te,. matlc RolI·n·Gage Control and level wind wst:m It has a self·cont3lned 110 volt AC motor, 1250 pound Ime pull" which operates WIth power uP. frce wheeling and braking In reverse Can be used wherever 110 volt AC current 15 avaIlable. Furnished WIth 25 It of 3/16" a"crafl c;abl safety hook and emergency hal"d crank Wt 30 Ins ITEM 3204163 ... _... . . . . .... $24500 * Une pull IS based on flr.t layer 0' cable UI"e pu I I cally equivalent to straight III( For approximate s right pull multiply Im8 pu I by two
For boats up '0 1400 pounds (700 Ib line pull) * A compact, Junior Size Powerwlnch With the same level Wind system found In larg~r Power winch units and assured Powerwmch POwer and performance. TIt·matlc contrOl , With free wheeling and bralong out. power In. EqUipped With Remote Controls, 20 It 1/8" All craft Cable and Safety Hook WI. 20 Ibs ITEM 3204169 ............. .... .......... ..... .. .................... $119,00
* Line pull IS equivalent to straight 11ft, and is measured on top layer of cable spooled on drum .
8,000 LBS. CAPACITY A Compact, Versatile Winch that has Hun· dreds of Applications. Designed primarily as a front mount automotive winch for installations on Wlllys, International Harves ter, Ford, Chevrolet, GMC, Dodge and other vehicles. Can also be mou nted on tractors, boats and all types of industrial and agricul· tural applications etc . FEATURES: *Light· weight - housings are diecast, high tensile strength , silicon aluminum *Virtually indes· tructible cable drum .. . fabricated from seamless steel tubing and steel flanges.
-Drum is free-spooling !>y means of forged steel clutch "Dependable long wearing gear· ing ... steel worm with bronze ring gear mounted on forged steel spiders, running on bronze and Timken thrust bearings *High strength shafting ... ground and polished stress·proof steel. SP EC I FICA TI ONS: *36 : 1 gear ratio *SOOO Ibs. pulling capacity *1 500 Ibs. safe hoisting capacity *Cable Speed . 25 FPM per 1000 RPM input (1 st layer of cable on drum) "Drum capacity ISO' 5/16" cable *7/S" input shaft *Dim.: 20"L x 9"W x I O"Ht. Wt. 50 Ibs. ITEM 3204131, Base Mount.. ..... . $389.00 ITEM 3204132, Fro nt M ount ...... $389.50
KING WINCH with Automatic Safety Brake sooo Lbs . Pulling Capacity, 4000 Lbs. HOist. Ing Capacity . It takes only 52 pounds to safely hoist 4000 Ibs. when you do the job with a King Winch equipped with an Auto. matic Safety Brake. With the addition of this safe, sure brake, the tough little King becomes a power giant, capable of lifting loads SO times its own weight! Features: * Multlple metallic plates running in oil bath * Plates have su rplus friction su rface for long life ·One·direction clutCh operates brake only when load is suspended or lowered . *Almost no adjustment is required t he life of the brake
ITEM 3204134 Front Mount ...... $469.00 ITEM 32 04133 Base Mount ... .... $469.50
You Can Always Depend on a KING! Check These KING Quality Features: *300 feet of '12" cable *Drum capacity400 feet of 7/16" cable; 500 feet of 3/S" cable· Recommended cable length 2/3 of the above figures *Pulling capacity 20,000 Ibs. first layer of cable - decreases approx. 15% per layer of cable *Gear ratio 32 : 1 · Winch weight 1SO Ibs. * Housing - Malleable & Ductile Iron * Drive - Power take·off *Compactness 26·3/S" o'all length x 12"W x 1 3"Ht . ITEM 3204135 ..................... $895.00 except equipped with Automatic Safety Brake . Rated 20,000 Ibs. pulling capacity & 10,000 Ibs. safe hoisting capacity. ITEM 3204136 .... .. ...... .. .... ................................................... $945.00
ALLNEWELECTRIC 8,000 Pounds Plus Pull *Agriculture * Industry ·Construction Instant Pulling Power Anywhere ~
The most POSITIVE Investment you can make! This ELECTRIC WINCH Is deSigned to save countless
~~~J:. ~o~~~{ :a~I~'}goP':~~fl~~gne~~~d~~1o~~~h~~~~~
possible. saving you time, tabor and money. Appli-
cations by the hundreds • • . Install on jeeps, cars,
fg~,~~C~~'d to U~~;:'ln~ut hO:a~Udm~~~~~e:~.ov.;lf~f;g r;'ua~.r ~"c,~~1~;~~~:s:u!~~e~~~~~~~~~at~~~11~~odc~f~ Norm and Gear Holds Securely till Power Is Applied. -Winch-mounted Clutch Control for Free Spoollng.
R.led up 101,000 pounds
Here is a practical answer to Your need for full power With IreBtu economy. PRICED RIGHT . . . COSTS LESS TO OWN ••. COSTS LESS TO OPERATE. Make. pullinl. raulnl or lowerlnl a Junple operahon. FEATURES : PreCIsion built, ball beanne equipped 30 to 1 lear ratiO, worm ceaz type speed reducer. Will hold • load in any P051tlon. QUiet. rfficient. fully enclosed self lockJOI. Worm Irar deSlln lives smooth, efhclent control, posillomnc or bra.k..i.nl »etlon. Equi~ ped with brand new I.fa H.P. capacitor start 110 V. A.C. ball beannc. 1725 RPM motol. Mounted on .steel bue With pulley, and belts. Wt. 60 lbs. Drum capacity 45 feet I." cable. Cable speed 12 feet per mmute. ITEM 1104007-ComITEM 110400'~Leu glolo os illuslralad ... $199.00mo·o,. pulley and bell ••
H Y D RAULIC DRIVE WINCHES FOR DE· MANDING LOADS, POSITIVE LINE CON· T R OL, FULLY REVERSIBLE OPERATION Proven Pulling Capacity and Hoisting Performance FOf that extra power to handle loads up to 20,000 Ibs. King Hydraulic Winches are the answer. Designed for those demanding operations where substantial hOisting or pulling capacities are essential. these King models feature POSitive load suspension, without automatic safety brake. Ohter features Include Instant starting and stopping and fully reversible operation for functioning in either direction. Wit" ttte low·speed. high torQue Char·Lynn Orbit Motor. for example. extra tonnage can be holsteo surely and ~ with ease. This is POSSible with the winch Installed In any location, at any distance from Its power source and it can be operated by remote contrOl.
Ibs. Pull;ng Capacity -
~#t,!'~:'•• R1lfg~ 3r;il'd~~mF:a~aJIW. Im~ S~I~~ <albe. Dim .. 20"L x IS"W x 10"H. WI. 60 lb. ITEM 3204142, Platform mounting •.•••• S685.00 ITEM 3204143. Underslung Mounting ..• $685.50
16.000 Ibs. Pulling Capacily
(1S1 laye • • 1200
PSI). Line speed 8 FPM (Ist layer ~ 15 GPM) Gear Ratio .. 32:1. Drum capacity· 200' of IJ:I:" cable.
D'm. 30"L. 21"W x 13"H. WI. 160 lb. ITEM 3204144. PIJitform Mounting. • • • ITEM 32041.5. Underslung Mounting,.
S 119. 00
~119' SO
This IS the rope for the toughest mdustrlal apphcatlons , where greater strength IS reqUired Used extensively In mining , farming. construction, logging, transportation and general manufacturing Preformed to prevent springing open and unlaymg Itself when cut. Cut to your desired length by purchaSing In
FIBRE C ENTRE Ftnest, super-flexible high strength multi-stranded cable for general all-purpose use. The high fleXibility of thiS cable permits It to pass eastly around small sheaves It will give outstanding servIce Breaking 0 1•.
1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/ 2" 5/8" 3/4"
7212001 7212002 7212003 7212004 7212005 7212006 7212007
5,480 8,400 12,200 17,400 21,400 33,400 47 .600
len 500'Reels
$99 .50 $920 .00 113.00 1075 .00 139 .00 1240 .00 159.00 1430 .00 199.00 1790 .00 279.00 2490 .00 389 .00
6 x 19 HIGH STRENGTH I.W,R.C. WIRE ROPE A superb perfeclly preformed wire rope ot high lenslle slrenglh Made 10 Amencan Federal speclflcallons A P I approved EspeCially SUl1ed lor draghnes arcl> hnes scraper and dozer ropes hOist hnes. loggmg. chokers etc
Economically p~lced Quality aircraft cable . Flexible preformed 7 )( 19 con. stru c tlon . E::.)Ccellent for winches. towlnQ . In farmlnQ arld construction. elc.
'i3~21~~~0'o;28",-451-f13~2~"---":-!8f.f0~'~Re~.'\-'--;$Ji; '4~.4:.IJ0f--I PRINCESS AUTO NOW HAS 3212029
m: =:::
$16. 60
m :~g
Heavy Duty Hydraulic 'PICK·UP' CRANE THE MOST USEFUL TRUCK CRANE FOR ALL INDUSTRY Heavy wall tlJblng adlu lab e tl f)m ROTATES 360 0
m,,, 4 , .. max .. G LO, 0 CAPACITY for quICk handling of loads up to 1500 Ibs. HYDRAULI CALL Y OPERATED manually operated 5 ton capacity hydraulIC Jack for up to 59" hft. Rotates full 360 0 0 n specla IIy deSlg ned side thrust bearing for fingertip control. Eaw to Install takes a minimum amount of space. Installation InSPECIFICATIONS structlons supph Boom Lood ed. WT 150 Ibs. E"ondod Copoclty Floor andlor side mounting. 1500Ib>. 1225 Ib L ITEM 1504008 285 .00 1000Ib>.
short t.me . The most POSITIVE Investment you c.n m.ke. DeStined to IaV. time .nd money in your fo.dlng a nd un, 10Id.". "1Ich. HEAVV
DUTY CONSTRUC · TION-The antire fume is mAde of heavy 1t.,1.
CHAIN HOISTS Automatically grips rope or cable - cannot work loose Quickly adjusted to any place on rope or cable to control free ot slaCk, for tying down cargo, covers, etc. Cap. up to I,." dia. 12 for ....•.• $8 .99
ITEM 3915429 - Eo ... $.89 For lI." solid stranded wire. Designed for pulling cables to tenSion the harder the pull, the
3 / 4 " C AB LE GRI P or
Top Notch Perform~nce . • ApplictlltlOn Versatility I Lift With Confidence • • . factory tested to 50% over rated cap. For farms, FrelClht Depots, Garages, Machine Shops, etc. TODAVS BEST BUY IN CHAIN HOIS' LIFTING - All St •• , Light In weight - never breakable shoP and compare. Mam parts forged pressed steel, triple geared for eny hOistIng. Will not free cham under load. AllOY steel chain for light weight and strength 1.4 to 2 ton have 1 load cham, 3 ton has 2 I oad chains, 5 ton has 3 load chains.
""'~';''''';-l;:),tio'''';;;;;:::\:l- ~~~~g~f t ~:Jrl~ ~~~""_""'~~' gaIVanized 11nlsh.
Wt. 15 lb •. IT EM 3 915119 .•.. $29.50
Inll No.
1204015 1204016 1204031
CABLE AND HOOK - 1/8 " Aircraft cobl. 1204011 ,
with hook for lifting, locking, tied owns, etc. ITEM 3915287 2 for $.60 6 for $1 . 50
STAINLESS STEEL CABLE AS· SEMBLY - 1/8" dla ., 5 ft. long stamless steel cable complete with stainless steel clevls and pin. 1750 Ibs. breaking strength.
ITEM 3212024 .. . . • . . . $ . 75 ...
2 3
10 10
22" 30·
3lL.s 52 70" 99" llO" 193"
$98.00 109.00 145.00 175.00 229.00 379.00
RATCHET HOIST The one man tool thit meets the power reQuirements of many. T nls versatile unit cln be used for Lift· ing, Pulling, Stretching, Winching, etc. Other 'eltures Include .. Frame Parts :; Rust ResistAnt
Will allow you 1000 Ibs. of pulling power. Will allow the operator to slretth, SPlice, raIse or lower all barbed and smooth wire. Design allows the wire to be stretched and held In position permitting the operator to hAve both hands free for stap· Itng and splicing. An extremely versatile and Inexpensive tool that no farmer should be without.
Approx. Wt. 8 '11 Ibs.
ITEM 3304032 . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . $ 17 .50
• Slip Hooks : Drop Forged and easily re.moved for other acceSSOries and tools. • Let Down Release~ Notch-,t·a·tlme With auto malic safety, • Pivot PointS I Hardened steel for edr. strengt h and wear. • Stamped Fittings : High TenSIle strength steel at all stress points. • Comes complete with galvanized alrcratl uble .
- " ' - -3;:";304037 1 Ton
- -'2' - 11,1
3304031 2 Tons
,, -36 1
I lb ~ -
.T";,,.....""',..::.----+-- $ 31.75 - - - i - - - :$41 . 95
12Volt SUPERWINCH 8000 b Ulft' - - -· -
A I gtu we,oM 'o:steneJ deII ck rock.s and boof 'rOI er Hoolt f r "e-rmoncnt YH E:okm ~tr Chc" Cop 3.6
Len th 7
ITE,. ll04o.)
Doen _l--'rt.vd
~~ A\)8~
5{/~ ~:.
PRICE $.35
ITEM 3204020
SIZE '14 U
PRICE $ .14
32040157/16·v," .95 3204024 7/16·V," .27 3204016 51." 1 .3 0 3204025 51." .65 3204017 :a,rc" 1.85 3204026 '/." 75 IC)GRAB HOOKS- Bolt Ty.. ID) SLIP HOOKS ITF.M SIZE PRICE ITEM SIZE PRICE 3204029 'I." $1.90 3204034 1/." $1.90
the power you need. APPI'Ox
27 1•
I f
~~g:g~~ 7/!':.:'
gg !::g
~ig:g~~ 7/~;.·.f
uz t;g
!~~p!~ ET?e?D~~nrt,ll~; Exc~~e~~O~~~~~~~YG~~;~~I ~~ar'.
Exce 'ent c.on d ltlon. pose Tie Down applications. 1-1/8" SAE mount. Approx.
$12.95 Dim .. Jr4",~~:C,~;t.f;4g~~:o ~I~}:'. ,:,~~e: .~~~r.o.x: ..w~l}~
New Hitch Brand New. BUilt to .Iand hard cnd rough usage in 011 ty pes of towing i 0 b s. Spri ng loaded lock assures safe handling of loeds. Ecsily attached to truck or tractor. 4" hOOk wllh I y," centre . Overall Wldlh 6 3;.1" Height 7Y2" . Weigh! 18 Ibs. $39.95
NOI 10 b~ con· fused Wllh light weight subslitutes Sulloble for installation on 011 tow· equipped with Lunetfe or towing rIng. Weight, 9 Ibs. CapaCity. 7 tons. 4 holes for ~1. inch bolts.ITEM 7312001 $29.50
A func.tlonal, decoratill1! gate latch. Made of stamped heavy gauge ~~ metal and palnted for ~ long outdoor u~. Porfect for gates, tool sheds t barns, and gara· ~ ~~:t. 3 lb •.
For all types ot trucks, wagons. Jeeps, trailers, etc. Heavy malleable steel con·
struction. tWo predrllled mounting holes. 2J/2" throat 5/8" and 3,1." holes. 9" long. 2)J.s" wide. 5" deep . 4.3/16" between mounting holes. Right hand Appro)(. Wt. 5 Ibs. ITEM 7204044 . . . • . . . • . • . . . . $8.95
i" ~
""'::i!r'"_.. ~-
Same as above but left hand. Approx. Wt. 5 lbs. ITEM 7204045 . . . . . . . . . $8 . 95
39'5904 ••
Self ·Lubricating Bronze Bush lt"gs. Open Type ~ Self Lockfn9.
tough block designed for
extra heavy duty service. Feature drop forge steel connecHon. "beefed·up" shell
plate!; and an oversIze center pin. Pressedin recess eliminates rope jamming and lends added str'ength to the shellS. ITEM
7204026 4" 7204021 6" 7204023 8"
Use wIth chaIn hOIl'i\ or wtre
~a~:~~~,taUcS~ei~ tf~;t~~i~~g!~~~~ (l'
;;,~~e~~~tS:J !~/~' tT~:~ f~~~i '''''~~''!IIIiiiJ''' rated capacity. Capacity
Wei:Jht Pound
7204009 V, 3" 20 7204010 1 3" 31 7204011 2 4" 77 7204012 3 5" 88 ~7..:2::0~4::0:.:'::3_ _5=-__..::6~'_ ' _ _..!'.!8:.:7_
1 2 3
3/8'" '/2" 5/8"
0 20 lO
$21.50 134.95 $44. 95
~-O!~ . Wire Rope Sheaves
Higtl Precision Ught weight Safe Low Prices.
Cap . Cable Wt . Size Tons S ize Lbs. PR IC E
Forged, Bronze Bushed, Self·
Lubricating. Cam plete With Pin . PIN WT . ITEM 0 1• . Width DIA. Lb • . PRICE
$59. 00 79.00 1 19 .00 164.00 239.00
7204028 4" ,.. 11/'6" 2'1z $8.95 7204029 6" 1·1/16" '" 5 $12 .I'S
SLEDGE HAMMER Cl s: =::::=='~
(P) Sledge Hammer - Long Western Striking Pattern
used: to break rock and concrete, drive spikes, bolts, or stakes, to strike rock drills and chiselS. T he head Is made of hl9h grade steet that wlll take tough abuse. Handles are made of Shock absorbing hickory. HEA D HANDLE I TEM PRICE 6 lb . 26" 3802275 S9.9S 8 lb . 36" 3802276 S10. 9S 101b . l6" 3802271 Sll.95
~ BrandNew 888 Coil Chain
MAKE YOUR OWN TOW OR LOG CHAIN The f.nest chain made for load binding, tow· slings, farm machinery, fencing, guard rails, mar· .ne wreckers etc ThiS IS short link sh,ny cha.n.
2 3;
!Tested Working p~~':.pe
"'Z" 4" P:~~f~ LO~~
3212014 3JB"
5000T 2500
,~~v;;P:'•• '" f> : S~
Convert wour farm true bo(U., UP lo ng to hlavy.(lut y dump body types that can handl' uD to , . ton1. with these "SUPER-STAR n TRUCK HOISTS. "'mplicit)' of dlsJgn makes Installation simple . • . quick ••• • asy! HSUPER -ST AR" provfdes low cost truck unloadln9. the year round. with no sacrifice In Quatlt)' or performance. Rugged ..• R.nabl •• •• UnJoad and go in minutes! Here are the features that make "SUPER-STAR" a winner on every count •• LIFTING ASSEMBLY: Mounts •• sily on existing truck chassis .. Upper L.ift Arms ue equipped with adjustable, tel.scoPlng brackets for easy mount b.tween existing truck sills. * PUMP: Htgh preuur., p iston type illf-contalned Combination Pump. V.alve and Rllerva;r. Integral parts comPletely submlrgo" i" 011. PRESSURE 0·3500 P.S.I . •CYLINOERS: Powerful, hlllh pressure, double acting with hlllh strength petilhed steel shaft .. lJ.t,"'wJ,n tubing and posith,. sean", for .ong life •• ACCESSORIES: Complete with 'Dump mounting braCkets, r.u hinges and Pins, hOles, fltt;ngs, drlYI stuft and U·jolnts. ST ANDARD M-ODE LS (SPECIAL! POWER TAKE·OFF - SEE PAGE 41 With Non. ITEM
1501009 1501026 1501010 1501027 1501028 1501029 1501053 1501054 1501063 150]064
CYLINDER Bore Stroke
'7 Ton 10 Ton
14" 14 .• 14 ••
PUMP 2·Piston
TRUCK Reco::xended WT , SIZE Length LBS
'h-I Ton
2- Piston 3/. ,1 Ton 2- P isto n llf.t..3 Ton 4 ~ Pl ston J 1/1--3 Ton 4 -Piston 2-3 Ton 4 -Piston 2·3 Ton
8·9 Ft. 9·10 Ft. 10·12 Ft. 10·13 Ft. 12·14 Ft. 12·16 Ft. 12-14 Ft. 12 ·16 Ft. 16·18 Ft.
180 190 200 220 280 320 30 0 340
Farm Cert. _ _ Use _
$360.00 370. 00 380.00 399 . 00 575 .00 585.0Oo 685 . 00 695 . 00 1250 .00
$409.00 417.00 425.00 447.00 649. 00 659 . 00 169 .00 779 .00 1395. 00 1625 . 00 Non.
\2 Ton
15 Ton 18 Ton
1 S Ton la Ton
4 1/1.'
14 " 14 " 14'" 14'"
5 ••
a -Piston
a·Plston Tandem 18-20 Ft. 1100 1440.00 (SPECIA L! POWER TAKE ·O FF - SEE PAGE 41 Recommended With TRUCK Box WT. Far m
24 Ton
5 ••
2·3 Ton
2·3 Ton Tandem
Stroke PUMp SIZE ;t~~,-~~~~L-~~~~ __~L~efn~9~th~;-~L~B~s~~C~e~r~I.~__~. Use _ CAtoAf!~V ~p Rore 5 •. __~Uf,~~_~~~~I1~~~ 24 " 4'PISlon 1 1,\-3 Ton
1501031 1501055
is, Ton 15 Ton
5 ••
24 '"
2·3 Ton
S ••
24 "
2·3 Ton
12·14 Ft. 12·16 Ft. 12·16 Ft.
290 $475.00 380 760. 00 400 845 .00
$535 . 00 855.00 949.00
Truck Hoist AN 0 SAVE !!
r - - -1ft&'II!I
A complete Hydraulic Lever Assembly for those who de- 1=t;!!~~~~;/.,.;I1ooii ·re to bUild their own truck hOist at low cost Equipped with high pressure double act· 11'9 hydrauliC cylinders and lever type linkage designed to give maximum Ilfllng cap· aClty Upper 11ft arms are equ pped w th ad ustable. te e ~op ng brackets Ma mum recomme ded pre re 3000 P.S w p of e mo nt MaK mum capac ty 7 ton For cy
Wt 1931b
4' bore
h 14
sloke ITEM 1501056
With Farm Cert .. _ .. . •. • ....
Non-Firm Use
Mu mum capac ty 12 ton. For 1 cylinder.
wt. 240
Ibs. 5" bore
. 3 ton trucks wllh 10 14' stroke ITEM 1501057
With Farm Cart .••.••••••. _ • _ • $220.00
13 ft. box On
Non-Farm Use •• - - •
Maximum capaCity 15 ton. For 2 . 3 Ion trucks with 12· 14 ft box Two 4 cylinders Wt 383lbs 4112" bore)( 14" stroke ITEM 1501058
WltII Farm Cart ..••.••.••••••.
Non·F.rm Use
• Strong, rugged, ea.y to mou"t . • High hftlng on91 •.
63" LIFT
Cylinder ITEM 501004 501034 501035
Cap.clt 4·1 Ton 5·' Ton 7·12 Ton
No. 1 1 2
Bore 4"''' 5" 4\>"
Fum Stroke 11" 11" 11"
Cert . Wt. 225.00 160 110 $235 . 0 250 $ 4 .0
POWER TAKE-OFFS FOR MOST TRUCK MAKES A br ,ad line of Htgh Pprformance PTO'!. tu meet most application requlreme",ts. RuqqC!td cast I'on hou~1n9 Steel forged gears. Output Sh.ft. NeW'. e.13iler than eVlr, POSltI'\le lOCking, Complete with 10 ft. waterproof overHl emle control, mounting bolt kit and ~asket. Wt. 12 Ibs. Please Supply MaJ.;e nd MCldel 01 your Tram,mlSSton
PTO Will Fit FollOWing Truc .. s
3503009 P-:-9H350J003
P·G·1 3503011 p 64R 98 7 5 11 0 .00 3503015 PT.A3 New Process 203 Blazer, Jlmmy ·1973, 74, 75, 77 ,78 NE 7N with 4 spee d . W-I C ew racess 94 95 106.2 5 3503016 Blazer, Jimmy - all except HNW 1973.75.76 . 77.78 with 4 speed . 2E Or PT .0", not IIst.d. IPQulre 'or more In'ormatlon Specify Milke, MOdel, 4 or 5 speed transmission, Also YIIr, M.lke .I'1d Model of Truck.
"aslgoed specifically to convert truck hOist operation from outside operatIOn to convenient cab contrOl Assembly conSISts 01 10 ft. dash mounted pustl·pull cable (ontrol With knOb and all neeeSlary brackets ana fittings Excellent conversion unit for use with hoist Illustrated on prevIous paQes.
$ 195 1. $9.95 •••••••I,;;;;:;JJ ~":E.M. ~5.0~~1.3: .1~ ~t. ~o~~r_I~~._~f~ ~O~I.'~'.~".h.k~~~.• _ $12.95 ITEM 1515002 - to ,.1 EVERSURE 2 or 4 pISton pumps w th double acting (4-wayJ Valve.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
~"E"Mk~~g~?1_2: .l? :t. ~~",:e~ ~'~~~': ~'~'•• _c~~t~o~
DD IT YOURSELF!! Build your own go-cart. scooter, golfcart, mini-bike etc. from high quality. inexpensive "PRINCESS" PARTS!
A 3915521 400 ~ 5 Tire. Tube. and Rear Wheel (Less Sproekn) _.. _.... _..... _._._ S 18.95 B 3915522 400 x 5 Tire. Tube, and Front Wheel __ .. __ .... _............... _.. _..... _.. _.... 17_95 3915523 Sprocket No. 35 Chain. 60 T. (Bolts onto relr wheel) ....... _... _.. __ . 8.98 C D 3915524 Complete brake ass'y (Fits into above rear wheel drum) __ ......... _.. 8_95 3915525 H.D. Centrifugal Clutch No_ 35 Chain. 12T ........... __ ... __ .... _......... _ 18.95 E F 3915526 4 Feet· No. 35 Chain ._ ...... _...... _._ ......... _.. _.................................... 4.95 While the supply lasts you can buy all six items for the amazinqly low price of .... _...... 69.98
'.Hlq SAVINqS on multi-purpose
tire Uwheel assemblies Rubber Tired WheelS For In (Justrlal and Farm EQ pml"t
PneumatiC' re, tor sp,uo.n, planun, b.rrows. c,rU, gral" conveyer., ete ( A ) 3.25 ~ 8 2·P1V wheel USV 13"h,gn, 3'~"W 2 pce. 1 with bill beanogs and ~/8"
w" ..
~;~Mw~I:OII~~;~t." $1 2.50 (B)
12'12 •
12"H •• 4"W
4'12 wheel '''Y With 8 PIV IIlr·
$ 18.50
cr.ft tire, steel . n d I" hiVII s pe ed be.rlngs. ITEM t4010 57 • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I TEM 1 40 1 0 51 . . . . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~5.95 (C) 18 x 8 .5 0 ~ 8 new tire and wheel any. 'Xlr. Traction', a GOodyear tubeleis.. 2 ply rating Sturdy w heel wit h I" b ore .nd 1;," kevw,y. ITEM 140 120 6 • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . . • . • • . • • • • • • (C ) 15 ;c. 6.00 . 6 Turf - S.¥er 2 ply rated tire with grip t"'.ad. Mounted on st •• , Wheel, with keyway and
$24 .50
~~~'~b~~~'I~:~ ~ :~s:
........ ............................. ...................... $ 16,85 a
(0) H eavy l1 eel castor w h eel wi th 5" stub shaft and 1 2'h ". 4ih • ply a'fcraft tlr. with ball bearings. Ideal f or t rader, Harrow 8ars, S pray.rs. etc. ITE M 1 4 01 0 32 - Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
~h~~II~~~ m~~:l J ~'k.O~U~·6 ~
Suitable for all types of farm and Industrial eq uIpment where pneumat i c tires are needed ..
Implements. Spreaders, Planters.
8arro ..... s. Carts, Snow,Blowers. Gard en eQuipment, Welding Glrts. Industrial handling eQuipment. G rain Conveyers, Wagons and other portable equIpment. Rub ber tired wl'1eels handle load easUy. they are Quiet and easy rol"ng.Speclflcatiot'ls; 13" dla .• 5" Wide, 6" steel wheel, 2'Ply rating. Block tread .and widt" face< for max . tractIon. 1 ." 0.0. )[ 3-long steel tu b e hub with 7/8" bore. Wl. 10 l b s. ITEM 1401Z07 .. , SlZ .9 5 ... 4 for . . . . . . . • • • •• $49 .0 0
NEW WHEEL ASSEMBLY FOR BOAT TRAILERS New 500 x 8 .. 4 Ply. Tubele". - S t ee l demountable w ith hub. Round st u b ax le, h i. Readv To Use . . $41.00 Z for $71 .00 with 400 X • tin . • $3 • . 50 2 lor $67 .00
140Z046 1402049 140Z044 140Z045 1402047 1402041
· · • · . ·
Tires Only ... 0 / .00 x 1 x 4 PIV , Tub.I ..... $14. 95 570/500 4 Ply . Tubel.u . S19 .95 410/400 x • x 4 Ply . Tub. typ • . S 14 .9& 400 x • Tub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 . 25 570/500 x ' x 4 PIV . TubetYPo. $1t .75 500 x • Tube .••••..•••••••• $ Z. 99
SPECIAL! TRAIL BLAZERS "Where the Rubber Meets the Road" 20~
12.00 with 10" RIm. A Brand New 20.12 . 2 PIV tubo· less tire and wheel assembly With Traction tread design for greater traction & ease of operation on soft ground. Ideal for Dun. Buggies, all terrain vehicles, and any other small .... hlcle that needs super traction. Complete with 10" wheel. (Jf,," Bore with Keyway) Tire 20" high, 12"W. Wt. 231bs. ITEM 140
N'w ~
(I) .rand Ne .... 400 le . . . . . 0 . Tir. With a ll steel w heel, Ball bel rlnijls and hl a vy stee l 71." a)[le. A fa b ulouS buy It
nu , 'o w price. Weight 11 Ib s.
ITEM 1401037 ONLy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17 . 95 (I) Wheelbarrow Whel' .. B ran d N ew 2·PIY 4 0 0 x 8 •
A IHnet a{ pr essed steel w heel, roller bearings. Replace tha t worn or t oo .. narrow banow wheel with one 01 t h ese easy , oiling 4 " wide wheels. ITEM H01031. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16. 9 '
SPICIII Low Pr ice, PNEUMATIC TIRE ASSEM B LIES Sultable for implementS, go-c.arU. waGons scooters. trailers, ~tc. Beating eqUipped (A) GRI P TREAO - 15".6.00·6 Wheel,lIr.Assa m bly. 7/e" bor&. ITEM 140 12 72 •.••••..•••.• (8) TIRE 4.10/3.50 )t 4 .. 2 PlY ,aung. Tube and r '"YI with "" .. Dall beatings. GriP lhread. weight 5'11 Ibs. ITEM 1401193 . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . $1 5 .91 (8 ) TIRE 4.10/3.50 x 6·2 ply rallng. Tube & rim with '. bearings. GriP thread. Wt. 6 Ibs. IT EM 140 13 3Z . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . $16." (C) 3 5 0 -6 GRIP TRE AD for dr, ... ing whe IS. Dlm~ 12' high x 4" wide. ,. .. needle bearings Complete tire. tube ."d whe~I, tTE M 1.0 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17 4S
DIA . x WIDTH 3" 1- 5/16"
WI. 1401113 H, 3V, 1401165
PRICE $4 . 50 7 . 95
6 ~,
17 . 50
1 ' ~/I"
CilP. Lbs. 225 400
1401169 Ph 1401170 2V,
PRICE $ . 98 750
WI. ITEM Bore Lbs. 1401174 3/8" 'I, 1401175 7/16" 1
1401172 5'4
15 . 50
1401171 1/2"
PRIC E $2.75 4 . 75
FLOTATION TIRE New Arn stlf)t"\g farm service Tube type, four ply rat· R ,b type tread Size 26K
12. WI. 15 Ibs.
ITEM 1401311 .....
l~~~' $I~:\e~!i. Implements etc_ Campl.teWlth S-Hole Im p Wn_1 Each Complete with 6·Hole Imp. wn..1 Elch 1 77, 50
' ''.n
travel trallers. etc. Three ,. . 1 251ft" center eye tOo eye.
bUIld your own custom trailer. bOat tra+l ... , snow tOboggan or uUUty tralle" etc., to suit your own Plrtlcular
needs Here's every thing :IOU need exc.ept Platform tlr. and wheels Specs' Akle lib" (d. tubing, 60" traCk, complete With springs, shackles snack I. plate U~bolts and ductile hub s. Com .. Plet!! y assembled and painted black . Wt 60 tbl.
ITE M 110201'· with new hUvY duty 3 leaf Slipper Iyp. <pr,ng. 1600 lb., CAPacity""."
•..• ,
• . ..00
N'::A 1m·0:~d. 'Z.~~~ ~o: :':.~;~ 2 I ..... " •.••.• ' 4 U ' IT E M 1402043. 5.70 " • • 4 " 'Y - 2 IDr •• _ • _ . , , • _ ,,5' .1a :i~= l :m:~:::ro:
::: ::~ :::~~:::= ~ ;:::::: m.::
sn•• n'::~· I
, 'I
' "
' I ' 1
: The efficient method of handling bulk For those big, tough material handling, requirements, the Universal bucket elevators are precisely engineered to do the job. Adaptable for almost any bulk materials handling application . . . flour, dry chemicals, grain, ferti· lizer, etc. Varying belt speeds, bucket size and spacing, control the discharge capacity of each different elevator. Check the outstanding features of the UniYlrsal line of elevators shown below. And let us know what your material handling problem is ... Our technicians can help you solve these problems. We can provide any prescribed height to 1 SO feet. UNIVERSAL FEATURES: * I ndustrial quality sealed ball bearings. * Heavy·duty steel pulleys. * Vulcanized rubber laggin~ on head pulleys. * All components are machined, welded, and fabricated with production line jig fixtures and methods to assure accuracy, uniform · ity and quality. * Complete line of stock accessories available. * Eng ineered for quick assembly . . . any exact height!
Galvanized Steel Pipe Spouting & Accessories
A =-- =-~ THIMBLES
ITEM 2101022 2101023
Plr Ft. $2.40 S3.84
SIZEITEM -6" - - - -2101028 8 1/J " 2101029
!"RICE· S2 . 75 S3. 15
BANDS ITEM 2101030 2101031
"RICE· S2.64 S3.26
2101024 2101025
8 "' ''
51 %E- -
"6--' - - 8 "'''
S2 .19 S2 . 95
ELBOWS ITE'" "RIC 210102 6 5-2. 90 2101027 S3.25
a y: "
SERVICE LADDER FOR ABOVE ELEVATORS IT1! M "AIC 21 0 1C)3 2 S1 . 00 pe r il .
This conveyor is desIgned to gIve you effICIent sImple, ploven deSIgn assure you trouble-free conveYIng capabilities In a minimum of space. operatIon for years to come. Specifications: With SIde skirts. It is sUItable for use in convey· *MalS. capacity· 1000 CFH 0200 FPM. "St.n. ing flowable bulk materials. It will also convey dud belt· 10" x 3·ply (FS x 1/32 ru bber cover) small parts and stampings and food products *Bearings • Sealed r.lube type. *Head Pulley· such as nuts. small vegetables and frUIts. And 3 4" dia., vulcanized rubber lagged. *Tail Pul· ' don't mIstake its size for lack of performance. ley • 3" dia. *Weight 138 Ibs., Unit 10ft., Rugged formed channel . on const ruc t Ion an d (12 #1Ft) .. With Non·Farm F-a rm ert. I,p FOR SHAFTMOUNTED ::-inath HP R~nllirpd ITEM III OTt. '1;449.00 1'1;5·7000 'In 016 GEAR MOTORS 15 ft. 210 017 '12 72500 AND DRIVES 20 ft. lie 2 1 8 88900 WRITE FOR PRICES Iq 25 ft lie 82000
hard trough double roll conveyor offers you Increased lons per capacity In leu phYSical area than conventional 3-(01 conveyors. By narrowing the mounting Width and Increasing the trough depth, It's Possible to move a 9,eater amount of material in a highly restricted area. DeSigned to hindl. any type of granular or lumpy materl,ls up to 2" 10 size. Specif,cfJtions: ·Belt .. 2 Ply nylon. rubber covered. *Hud PUlley • 13'· dia ., Vulcanized rubber
:~t~intgyp~:aj: :;~:!e! j,', O~'i:":2;R'!~t~~:.t ~~aU,Stt.r~~i'~~
bearings, 2 0 tilt .
Motors and Drlvu For Aboy. - Write For Prices
2 CYLINDER ITEM 3102210 $599.00
Flatur.s 'nclude: Quality 5P"daire compressor pumps .r. heavy duty commercially rated for new or rep'lcement needs. Designed for 100 to 175 PSI apPlications - see performance table below. Exclusive, self cleaning mUltiple reed type vllve mechanism. D'e clSt ,'umlnum head assemblies for taster heat diSSipation and cooler running temperatures. Fan type cast Iron fly wheels provide air flow for COOling he.ds. Finned Intercoolef'S ... Centrlfu~1 unloaders. Alumlnum low pressure piston, cast Iron high pressure piston Ind cylinder block, Counterbal· anced ductile Iron crankshaft, alumlnum connecting rods. Tap· ered roller bearings. 3'Plecescraper-type 011 rings Low operating. RPM for lon91118 intercooler safety valve. E,sy service IIr filterl silencer. Visual 011 leve' gauge. Metallic green finish. All compo· nents built of finest materials and are oreclslon machined
2 CYLINDER PUMP PERFORMANCE With 5 HP Electric With 3 HP Electric Air
100 125 150 175
15.7011 .90 14.94 11.20 14.32 10. 40 12 .94 9 .90
4 CYLINDER PUMP PERFORMANr.E With 7!1, HP Electric With 10 HP Electric
1725· Fre.t 17251725Freet 1725· Freet Pump Motor Dlsp. Air Pump Motor jolsP_ Aor Pump Motor Olsp. Air Sheilve CFM CFM RPM St.-we CFM CFM RPM Sheave CFM CFM RPM SheavI
510 485 457 433
4 . 95" 4.75" 4 .45" 4.25 "
Freet olsp. PSI
Pump Motor
24. " 11.50 801 7.7S" 41.19 32 . 60 G06 23 .4018 .20 795 7.75" 39 . 67 30.10 663 22 . 18 15. 90 700 6 .75" 31 .5 0 Z9.40 642 21.56 15. 80 700 6 .75 " 31 .72 24.40 536 t) Flow"te data determined In a ccordance with ASME power tut codli. (.) Sheave slzls are OD to provide proper pump SPIed with 1725 RPM motor
4CYLlNDER ITEM 3102211 $1299.00
7.75" 7.1037.80102 7.35" 4.41 31.30 750 7.15" 44." 35,30747 5.95" 3.12 34_30 745
8.95" 1.35" 8.35" 1.35"
COMPRESSED AIR VAILABLE IN H VERTICAL 60 GALL.OI"l ~-_-..... TANKS - SINGLE 3 PHASE ELEC· TRIC MOTORS! LeROI two cylln· der. two stage, air cooled, piston type
air compressors are
the latest additions to the already pop-
ular Princess com· pressor I,ne. These are tremely Qual ty that are ed and eered for trial and merClal that hIgh
HP (Inches) Stroke (I nches)
Stort-stop. _stont
Piston Speed, Ft./Rev.
. ....... .
011 Capacity . Qt . Air Filter/Muffler, No . & Type Pipe Openings (Inches)
Suction Olsch.rge Compressor Pulley . (Inches) O .D ..•....•.. P.D
"V" Belts , No . & Sectio n .......... . Compressor, Motor, Bed p late
500 2 I· D ry I
17 .62 5 17 .3 2A
control systwms . .
SIgned for Intermittent or contmuous duty e Tablly .... dOHd cronk c:ate • Po oc,pon finnhed dISC ..,. . ...... e Deep fInned Intercool.r • Inten:oof., ufety . . . . e Counterbelon'*' cronkshoft WIth ra.-Nd roll.. bowi.,. • Fin type flywheel • Automatic ~IIII u ..loedi,. e Matched ond be"n'*' outomoti.. ..,.. pistons' NeodI. burlngs on wnU pe" SPECIFICATIONS AT '75 PSI Capacity
Honzont.iI . nd Vertical Ta nk M td
Com pressor Horsepower . . . . . . . Tank SIze, Gallons . . . ..•••. Weight, Dry , Lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . Width (End View Bed pl.te)
60 4 52
S 60 468
Horizont.1 Tank (I nches) . . . . .• Vertical Tank Inches . .. .....
22 24
22 24
Length, Honzontll Tank (Inches) Verticil Tank (Inches) .. . • . • .
Height, HOrizontal! Tank (I nc hes)
Jaw gri pp i ng force of 15 times Air Line Pressu re . At its max . operating pressure 1 SO P.S.I., it de· .elops a malt. jaw pressure of 2250 Ibs. Fixed an d
movable jaws are made "extra-thick" with t op surfaces ground for attaching jigS, fixtures, drill bushings etc. "Jaw width 3", "Jaw depth 2"
eMak. Jaw Opening 3" * Max , travel 5/8" *Oim.: 12" L x 6 " W x 6"H . Wt. 24 Ibs. ITEM 3801586 •• •
tJ c ompre~ors
at the best
pnces In Canada! Only PRINCESS Compressors bring you all these Features: .. 0·300 Ibs. air gallge, safety valVl', check valve . .. AutomatIc SWItch starts and stops unIt . .. Heavy Duty Compressor wIth Needle Bearings .
.. 95 11)5. Cont. Working Pressure .. Seml·pneumatlc Tires ~ 20 ft. Air Hose. H gn Volume, Heavy Duty Design • gives yOU more act ual air de livery at Ie:!S RPM',. cneCK t nese features that ~dd up to ong IIle. trouble·free operilticn, .. cart.. .
PRE.SSOR - Calt IrOn crankcase
and. c),lInaer for longer
comOfe.5S10r'l r ngs and one 011 , ng
for controlled lubrication. Needle
Heavy Duty Capacitor Start Ball Bearing Electric Motor ITEM 1102063 1102064 1102065
i~R'~'~~erS1i!t'C:,~~nPor ~~.
115 Volt A.C., 1725 R.".M. E· quipped with nail bearln9:1 ar.d
tnermal overlQad protection May bewlred for 220 Volts. -TANK - Gov't Approved steel tank wltn semH:meumatic Ur-es. '"-ACCESSORIES - A&J.tomatlc Switcn cuts In at 65 PSI a!'lO cuts out at 95 PSI. 0 lOO air
gauge. ON...()FF 5Wttch. safety vaive, 18" alf' nose af'ld t·re chu ..
BORE APPROX. & STROKE MOTOR TANK WT. LBS . 2 3/." )( 1 112" lI.. H . P . 12 " )( 24 " 135 2 · 5/8" x 2" 1 H . P. 12" x 28 " 145 12" x 28 " 2·5/8" x 2" 155 H . P• • Factory Wired For 220 V AC t But May Be R,ew i r-ed For
FARM PRICE $299 .00 399. 00 449 .00
·, 'h
vah.e. be
NON · FARM PRICE 329. 00 435 . 00 489 .00
110 VAC .
2 H. P. Twin Cylinder
AIR COMPRESSOR H .D . Compressor with 2 H.P. Electric Motor YOUR BEST 2 H.P. COMPRESSOR VALUE - Comes complete ready to operate and de-I ver ample aJr for hundreds of dally compressed atr needs. COMPRESSOR - 2""" bore. 2" stroke, stainless steel valves, bUilt· ,n aIr cleaner, 10" flywheel. MO· TOR: 2 HP. 110/220 V. H.D capactor Start single phase bal bear ng Comes factory Wired a 220 V A C., but may be rew rea fo 110 V A.C. TANK: Gov't Cert fed 16"x36", 100 PSI ontonuous work· In9 pressure Co mplete W th ga uge, safety valve, check valve, automat c , cuts in at 95 PSI and C)15 out at 110 PSI. 18' air hose WIth tIre chuck si ,p on blo gun.
ITEM 1102066
With Farm Cart •. $591 .00 Non.Fann .. __________ ,.
$64 ~9 ~.~ 0~ 0
'" 12 '1 x 24 " GOy't Ap -
Tank . ·Sem l-pneumaUc Tires - 20 ft. Ait Hose , H igh ·volume, heavy duty de-
sign . . givu you more ac tual Ilr delivery at Ius RPM 's. Chick these features that add
up to long-life, trouble·free operation. ·COM PRESSOR . Cast Iron crankcue and cy-
valves. non--clogging, self--cllanlng. *MOTOR . Po werfUl, apacitor start, 11SV A .C . , 1725 RPM. EquiPped
Heavy Duty Capacitor Start ball bearing electric motor
with ball beanngs and thermal overload protection . *TANK · Gov't. iPp'oved steel hnk
Air Compressor 9 C.F.M. H.D. Compressor with 1% H.P. Electric Motor. YOU R BEST I'h H .P. COMPRESSOR VALU E Comes complete ready to o perate and del iv er ample air for hun· dreds of da il y compressed air needs. COMPRESSOR :.9 C. F.M ., 2Jf." bore. 2" stroke. staonless st eel valves, buil t-in air cleaner. 10" flywhee l MOTOR : Ilk H .P. 110/220 V. H.D. Capacitor Start single phase ball bearong. TANK : Gov·t Ifled 16" )( 36". 150 P.S.I. pressure. Com plete wit h gauge, valve, check valve. automalic switch . 1 air hose With tire chuck, slip on b low gu ITEM 1102 009 WIT H F AR M CERT ........... $545. NO N-FA RM ................. , ...... $595.00 Sam e as above but wi th 4 H .P. B r iggs & Stratto n Gas Eng i ne . ITEM 11 020 10 W IT H FARM CERT ........... $535.00 NON·FARM ....................... $585.00
High volume, heavy duty desi9n. Gives you more actual air delivery at less rpm's Check these feathat add up to long·life. trouble-free operation. URES: Cast iron crankcase and cylinder for longer wear. * V groove flywheel. ·Splash lubr' with sealed openings and enclosed breather_ *2 compression rings and one 011 nng controllle,cI lubrication. *New reed·type vallles, non-clogging. self·cleanlng. *01. cast valve for cooler operation. "MaxImum pressure 150 P.S.I. CYL. 1
BORE & STROKE 211." x 1 2" x 13/16" 2·5/8" x 2"' 1¥oo" x 2"
R . P. M.
C. F . M.
BEARINGS ...... idI.
18 10.I,a" 27 40 2 10 43 AI above, eKclPt equipped with Coostant Speed unloilder for continuous r&,nnl", application •.
'00·1725 7&7-935 515·140
1.35·2.6 25·3.7 1.0"' . 5
Slel'l' Needl. Noedl.
"·1 1· 2
$7995 $149 .00 $139.00 $169 gO
COMPRESSOR Accessories
(AI PISTOL. GRIP BL.OW GUN· Comfortable handl.
wtth "no sllpo. orlC). Spring loaded air control button Conventent hanger hook to keep gun In easy reach v." .. tube flttlpg wltn hOse adapter. Plated to
...... $3.95
\~i~ ~~~;2v:nw~"~'::~I.~.~~e'
tr gger Valve or Gas or Electric MotOl Driven Com-
pressor. wner. t ne compressor
to malnt.,"
con ..
sunt ,pressure and run continuously. These are used ::~rhe. ~mcg,.~~~~l.ump has an unlo~dln9 device
ITEM 3102036 ••••••••••••••••••• (Cl BLOW GUN NOZZLE· A handy .tlachmenl for your ai' line U58 10r blowing out small passageJ or
drYing parts. UsefUl wherever a nigh pressure blast 01 e r 15 requIred .. Consists of valve with ,. .. pfpe femafe
~rll;.nl~~~'~i~dl'ml"l'ah~~ ~~ ~~~?"r. ~~~'.
AI R VALVE • E~c.llent for admlltlng air cUr tanks and pumps u!ted on pneumatic water
I'i-Th1f:~~~:O:~~~~~~~~~ ............ $ .85 (E) BRASS SHUT·OFF VALVE ITEM 3102039·...... NPT Fe. K "' •• NPT Male ...... S2 .U ITEM 3102187""" Mal. Tubex~." NPT Male __ . $2 .9' ITEM 3102011·1/8" NPT with L .... r handle ..... $2 .2 5 (E) DRAIN COCK. 3/8" NPT female Inlet. 3/S" I.D. outtet . no tnt'ad. Positive snut-off. For use on
f~~~rwg£~·.;t~:.,,!.t: .~. ~~' ............ $1 .90 (F) BRONZE ANGLE VALVES· Recommended for
~-rE::'l>ifo~~~:~kl'. I" • • • • • • . . • . . • . $4.95 lit~'~~.\'2~tD~ ~.'~. ~~.~~ : .~~r. ~~,;,~~e~~~ l"t~~~
1/." BRASS CHECK VALVE· For air. 011.
water, gas, etc. Positive· non·leaklng.
::m~ ~:m~~: M:::: :::::::: :::::::: :::sfg~
(H, 01 AT FILTER • Contajns remo\leable fine mesh screen. Brass construction. 1/8" NPT female Darts.
~EM' ~~il2146 ....................... $4.45
l,!1. :~!~~ tA-v..'~u~~
ITEM 3,02051
Pipe thread to copper tubIng ..••...•••...•........
$ .69
Spray Guns & Engine Cleaners SPRAYER - CLEANER GUN
jt' .
<"m'"","" ""'"
A cleaner ." ".", .. , gun Adds versat" · er, and paint ity to your air compressor . Excellent for spraying a fine coat of 0" on your machi nery to prevent rust from
0 :J
setting In. Ideal for spray painting a pri me coat of paint, cleaning fluids or solven s. For cleaning engines, machinery etc. Extension type chrome plated barrel IS adju stable from - '" 9 "'' to 19" In length. Operates from 40 · 150 PSI air pressure line. Complete \ ' wit h 1 qt . cup, spray nozzle, screen filter, spray control valve and 1f4" NPT connection wt. 2 Ibs.ITEM 710201 0 . ... .. . ...... .. $17.95 ..Il
. I
Designed and built for day· 'in, day-out professional use. Non·bleeder type, sy· phon feed and external m IX. Will handle all paints and materials. Fluid and pattern controls are preciSion made to provide full control, pro· fessional results. Perfectly balanced ~nd light weight Comes with qUICk change clamp·tight cover and 1 quart, Wide mouth metal canister. May also be used with remote paint tanks. Cup and cover can be removed for use In production or booths with remote paint tanks. Comes complete with speCial wrench.
~T-:~r;::2~~f~T~li~u,~~~~,•••••.. $64,50
Auto', most poputar Corn·
pressor AcceuorlH plckagad and priced In kit form to PW you money. "AI R-KIT" consist. of Fabulous
Heavy Duty Production Spray Gun
. . • Tne New NORCO air opented El19ine and Ma·
~n~~~I~~~r;,~r·o~~a~~~~: f4..i~Jr':seoc~=r rn':~I:~
items shown in this utl109. Put your compressor to work· Slve Time and money. SPRAY
:.J:E~t~ 1'~~~~4K~~":
• • • • • • • , • , • •• SPECIAL .ONUS OFFER. You yve on tile nAir·KIt'·
paekage wnen purchased wIth anyone Of Prln"" Auto'S Portable or Stationary Compressors and Com.
~1:~r':"ft1 PRINCESS ITEM
110202$ ••
Simple. IIfflclent. V.natne and Completely Saf.~ Compact for Hllh Performlln,. . . .. Llgh only 1Y1lbL Stm .... operatton . .. due to 11 p.rUI' vacuum created wlthln the noule lolvent lolution It autom,aUc.ally drawn up from the Jolvlnt cont.lner and whIn mixed with eomprelsed IIlr Ilter.ny dissolves IWIY s.lubborn dirt, .re..... rtm •• mud, lilt. etc. Operates ,fnelenUy with Iny compreuor lupplylng preaure" fro", 40 .. 150 IJSt. Th, Norco Entln' Cllan,r Is an ,,,entia' tool for all F.nmerl. Trucke",. Contractors. Filet Operators" Oar...... Hl ndles .. vlrlety of cl,.nlng solvenh dependlnl on Ihe material to bl clllnld Ind Its condihon. Top, for clunlnl MoIOrl. Firm Equipment. Poultry HOUMS. Shop Machinery. Cooler FIOOrl,"d Walls, Tiles. Wood, Concr.te Sereon, and ..... 'h.' •• the •• .utlllty 01 thl' unit I, unliml1od . ITEM 7 102009 17" lonl. V."' NPT Air Ho .. Connection. 12" chroml plat.d barrel and Ipr,y noul., Cam .. compl.te with 3&" plutlc solvent suetl>]n ho,e wUh built-in solution st,.iner. I~ Wt. 1 V. Ib,. • J
$ 13 9.
~'------' G"~ 55.75 52 ======~~~~==========~~~========~
MePee M". Fe ..... wftll Mereo (n9[". C,,,,,.,, O••i ... ed for remo."" .tC. 1 Get. C. n. ITl"" 111100 1 Cannot o. snipped ".rc •• ~o.t.
IreoH, dirt. 011.
(A) 3 .Gallon Materi.11 Tank - Idea) Cor QU.lck use on
(.0) Air Regulators - Simple, in-.llDe mstallalJon on air
with a Cull 3 jeaUon.c; or material. Top quality design with all an industrial material tank, field proven for (lveor 25 years. Features galvanized can, casl 110n lid. br8.5~ blef'der valve and fittings and preset
Eqlei~~~~lv~~~~~~~irt.d~a~~~ms and polypro-
:~dfaJ~~nd!~el t~io~ ~!no:,i ~:rn~~r T!~ ~~lii1j'~~ ~dj~s~~r:da'~:i:;rarnsa;?ru~art:s~e~rfrs~eo~i~oJapL~S.l:
the features of
t~~V~~~~}: wJzrki~:uf:i~~~3°g~uSg~' ~~::-:Cb.~
Wt. 20 lb •. ITEM Jl02116 ., . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , $87.75 ~A) 7112 G~lIon Indu~tr,al Model -
Will bold a standard
li~O~I~~~\;a::Jfos~~eotf°r..;;::rt~J:16a:m~~~r ~aiL~s~
P/EM 3102120 - Capacity 0·10 CFM all' flow. with 0.160 P.S.!. gauge and I~" N.P.T. ports .. .. .• $17.75 ITEM 3102121 - Capacity 0-16 CFM oi:r !low. With 0-200 P.S.I. gauge and 3/8"& I,,," N.P.T. ports $ 26.50 {E) Air Filter - For removing foreign materials from ai:r lines. Operates in tbe 0-150 P.S.!., 0·10 CFM range. EasLly removable filter element. Complete with drain
W£:M ~\~f,'g2'!.:' .~.:: T: ~o~t.s: ~.t: ~ .. I~~..... $1 5,95
trated. WI.25 lb •. ITEM 3102117 . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . • . . . . . . . $137.50 (B) Our best. mexpensive non-bleeder spray gun. Proven in the field for OVf:'f 12 years. Many versatile leat.ures
tf~:-d~~!:~~'~' ~~~U~t~~ii~~d tl[~~~r::~ra·t~ T~~ o~~
pressor. One knob adjustment lor ease of operation.
~n~:n:n~~~ st~P~~~t: :o~Vs. ~t.cI5a{bs~ith
~~~Ud~~rb t~~t~~i~a~:nkr~:nor t~~~o~~~':t~e~~::'~ On~
quart. Wt. 3 Ibs. ITEM 3102118 . . . . . . , .. , .. , .•.••.•.•. $36.95 (C] Spray Gun - Newest bleeder type economy gun, designed tor use with any air compressor producinl
~eTIF!! ~~tTJ~c;b;~fv~C\t.6'e a~~~:~e t~~ c~:~~g::
market today. Built with the body shop and industrial consumer in mind. Regulates (yom 5 to 150 P.S.I. with ITEM 3102123
very low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. •... $49.50
(G) Paint Hose above paint tanks.
wants. One quart can. Wt.3 lbs. ITEM Jl02119 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , $ 22.50
Complete with fittings to fit 151•• t long .................... $18 .95 25 feet long .•.........•........ $24.95
ITEM 3102128 ITEM 3102129
12 Volt Portable Compressor
11 - - - - - - - - - -
fo an
trUck, trac or Of
battery and
HAV- AIR up to 125 PSI in seconds. Tnls Is an excellent unit
Low Price
.. Greate, EHi.i.ncy.
Emergency Air Supply -Any Ti",e, Any PIoce .
fo r all service trucks, auto wreckers, tractor operators, c ontractors whO require a compact . • . space saving light welgM unit, Fills any tire in mlnutes 1 blows out radiators, fuel line" etc. FEATURES, 2 .75 CFM Piston Type Compre,· sor dlfectly coupled to 6 or 12 volt DC motor. 2" bore. 1~ l 16" stroke, splash lubrication, an cleaner. MOTOR: Comes complete with 20' air Ball bearing construction . hose With tu'e chuc" and blowlt n02zle. 2·10' battery cables with cliPS. Unit mounted on sturdy steel base With pre dr i lled hotes for easy mounting . Dimensions ' 15" x 8")( 11". Wt . 35 Ib'. ITEM 1102003 With Form Cortlflcate • .. $129.00 Non·Fa,m u .... .. . .. ..
Air Receiver Tanks
BRAND NEW Brand Ncw-Construct· me~f government
eel to
specifications. With legs. compressor and motor mount, standard pipe thread oDenlngs.
ITEM 3102007 3102009
Stationary 12"x24" 100 PS I 50 $59 . 00 Stationary 16")(36" 200 PSI 126 $215 . 00
SPECIAL - Similar as abOVe! but equipped with
wheels ~nd handle. ITEM TYPE 1102032 Portable 1102061 Portable
SIZE 12" x 24" 12")( 28"
WT. LBS. 55 70
P RICE $ 69 .98 57 9 .00
PAiNT SpRAY OUTfiT Plus New Brown Hobby Gun
For the Professional And Amateur
ThiS all purpose spray paint kit can be used with the Hobby Gun, or the Quart size paint sprayer. The Hobby Gun is ideal for fine delicate craft and model pamting. school art work, van painting, furniture, and of course auto touch·up. For those Big Projects, the Quart size spray gun, will do an hours painting in minutes. Will also spray household and garden Insectici des, etc. T he light weight compressor, never needs lubrl' cation and delivers 1.0 C.F.M. at 20 P.S.I . Maximum pressure is 45 P.5.I., and can be uti' lized to 1nl late tires, rafts, balloons. beach toys, etc. The com p lete kit Includes: one 115V diaphragm type compressor, one quart·size spray gun, one Hobby Gun, one spray gauge (indicates proper Viscosity of paint), 2 Air hoses one mflator kit. Approx. Wt. 15 112 Ibs. $ IT EM 3 102 189 ... '" . • . • . • • . . . . . . . . . 92.50
();;:;~ ~' , .' ---., ~ r
I~ I'
. .
l ' /
~ "'/
/ ~ _ ~~
"'fC':/ (/
12 VOlt DC Mi ni Corn· pressor. Now you can carry along your own source of compressed air. Plugs Into Cigarette lighter· pump up your ti res anywhere, plus use
for Inflating air shocks, balloons, beach toys, rafts, etc. Includes 3 foot cord with cigarette
Gun Only : Operates With any tank or tank type compressor . all paints and any other ty materials. The durable ctlon and adjustable air nozzle make It I jne and delicate JO with nozzle clean . 8 oz .
02188 . . . .
lighter Pi u9, 10 foot al r hose, Inflator accessories. Permanently lUbricated. Max. preUUre 60 P.S.I. Safety valve set at 40 P.S.I. Dim., 6"''' long, 41/A" high, 4"""
wi de. Wel,ght 8 Ibs. ITEM 31021 H • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " " "
s,.., ....... 00,...., AI, 'em, lie • SAFE • LIGHTWEIGHT READY TO USE ... COMPLETEL Y ASSEMBLED • SE L F·STORING • FULL.FLOW with spring guardS and reusable fittings. 200 P.S.1. maximum .-----.----L-E-N-G-T-H----,,----,P,-,R::-:-:IC:-::E::-t UMd lit IMo,Ilt"ol '10""" s.1'Y;c.
working pressure. Resists Oil. Grease. Corrosion and Abrasion. I---'I..!T.::E",M"-_+_-===:...:..!._+_--'-::7-:~
~~R~~~ ~II v'i; ~~~~r~~~A~~~~o;:~~t. :~c;Aa~TB.!v~~~c~~~ ".. : ~~~:~~~~~:~~~::::::::::t::::::::::::~~~~j~~: ~::::::::::~~::::::~$~~~~~:~~: ~ NUT SETTERS. " . CHIPPERS, Etc., EQuipped with Male"''' '"3102157 50 Ft. 522.50
N .... T. f itting,.
I.=..~=.!..-_L-_--''''-''-'..:._ _
El) ROWN Sand Blaster Outfit HOPPER·"",,EO. IOt:AL FOR FACTORY. FARM ANO COMMERCIAL USE Her' S " ,eas nable prtced and .rr cent outf t 'nat sand
b sts. away rust. sc.ale and corrot on 'Iav n9 surfac.el readY rOr 1 n sh "g fIll tne big 3 -gano" hoPC)ef with any .bra", ve--slllc.a sand, steel gr.l. alumtnum oxide. glass betldS or pecan 'hetts ana blast awayl Feed directly Into the Sand·Blaste, Gun For smaller Jobs, the gun ean be. u~ecJ with tne Quart Cil1lster. J)ressure controned on the gun
1 HP OR LARGER COMPRESSOR REQUIRED minimum air requirement 3.5 CFM • 50 PSI ~.arlng lot hOOd, rUPlrato( .and gloves IS rec.ommended A Andblast cabinet 0' booth enab'es. the r. use ot atHu'wes. SAND-BLASTEA HOP~A KIT ncludes gun with 3 32'" air jet and 3/16 u hardened steel nozzle W'U, 15 t air hose and 3 ...,allon sae. hopP .... race n elel no d and quart alum num canister for smaUer Jobs StllpPlnq wt gibs ITEM 3801951 •••.•.
comPlete. fIrst class outfit. U"Ilt easily hIIndlas
a rutl tang. of ShOP work Only SUr'lr.'S time proven design teatures g've you 50 many specla' benefits Models GXV and ex 2 ;IS mixers ror
best 'lame cnaracter,stlc-s. 3 Welding Tips ror weld· Ing trom .06" up to 1/16" 1 Cutting T 10 for cyttmg UP to 2, ... 1 Heating Tip ror preheatlng, bending. stralghtenlng etc Two Gauge Acetylene nd Oxygen Regulators. Dual Welding and cutting Hose 20 ft. long. GogOles, round 'lie light., and
~;~'::t~I";I':,~~~~~h ";~~:~.rt ........ $197.50 ...... __$219.00
With theSe Portable goes With 'fou Corry It ta the lob-start up You've got dep~ndoble. heavy duty welding •• anywhere l Ideol for oora~es. forms, maintenance shops. construction or wherever ·'ON.THE·SPOT'· welding IS requIred. Ruo~ed Con~truchon for long life and trouble-free service.
Also provided' Heavy Duty edernol reactor cail to make arc easy to strike, hold and Increase weldIng efficiency. 0101 t lpe amperage control, welding cable terminals.. All steel channel base with two cQrrylng handles cnd long lastln~ rubber shlV:k
mounts, ITEM
1101001 175Amp. 9 H.P. B.&5. 1101002 175 Amp. less Engine 1101023200 Amp. 12 HP. B.&5. 11010U 250 Amp. 14 HP. Wosc
200 100 250 265
$649.00 $310.00 $698.00 $775.00
Non-Farm Price
$ 710.00 $339.00 $765.00 $849.00
Equlpp.d with boil beor~
InoS, 6 Quart fuf" IOI~1< '" (11.1" and EASY~5D'n stort.~'n;.::Q::...:'~":.;I.:.'''',;,;.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Welding Accessory Kit For All Welders on This P.ge . WOld,n9 helmel. 2·10' cablos •• 'octrode holder. ground clamp. 10 Ib,. weld,n9 rod •• In (ruct'on b ook ITEM
Continuous amperage control; selecting any .lmp between 30 to 230, provides the proper welding voltage to operate any AC Electrode from 30 to 230 Amps . Even low hydrogen or hard surfacing electrodes. Duty
fJr;':n:og~ _t~~e~~{letso ~~~'e~S~a~ ~~I? 7l~~evno~{r~~j?I~~rs~~ .~:~:
approved . Fan coollng~ exhausts at sIdes. Heavy duty swItCh, all c~n trois are dial readings on the front. Steel case has baked finish 21 x 13 Y.!: " );. 11 1/1: ", Includes bullt'In ground cable. 12 ft., with heavy duty plat~ ground clamp . Electrode cable, 15 ft., WIth holder. Instruction manual helmet . Welders eQUIPped with flexible powel' cord and molded PlUg. to 'fit any standard SO amp . welder or range receptacle. wt. 110 Ibs.
tJi~~F~~~' g~~lil~!r. ~.~.~.:................. .................... .. ......... $224.00
Non·F.rm Use ..•....... ...•...•...•.•.•...• •• ....•.•.•....•. .•...•.••...•.....•. SPECIAL! A .C • • D .C. Welder - Same as above except rated 230 Am p .
~'i~1i f.~~8c?~;:Wc.?.;~:...I.:.~~.~.~.~.'..~.~.~.::-:........................ $374.00
Non-Fum Use .....
295 A mp . NORCO heavy duty welder with infinite amp. control . Primary volts 230, open circuit volts 78 Arc volts 30, primary amps 67 . Duty cycle 100cv. tapering to 20%. wt. 115 Ibs. Complete With accessories. I TEM 3101021-Wlth Farm Cert ... $23 9 . 0 0 Non.Farm Use •..••.....•.....•.•.... ..... S2 5 6 . 00
SP Eel AL !
..-------------------.. Portable ,a:aiiiJiiij~
The Superflame Welding & Cutting outfit Is a high quality, Inexpensive kit that the do -It·yourselfe,. I')r the Industrial user just can't afford to be withou t. The components are lIS fOllowS: OUTFIT COMPONENTS ·Model SL200 Welding Torch·R l bbed brass han· die for comfort, balanced for handling ease . .. Model SLCA 1350 Cutting Attachment - Profes· slonal duign - cutting capacity to 6" ·Serfes AS .... Welding Nozzles sizes 0, 2: Series AB·13 Wlldlng NOZZle, size 4 . ·Unlversal Mixer ... ..cO 13N-Adapts to AB-4 and AB · 13 welding nozzles ·Series SL3·101 Cutting Tip - Size 0 - For general cutting . ·Model SLR200C Safety oxygen use. -Model SLR210A Regulator-For acetylene use" Accessories I nclude-S.afety goggles, spark·llghter, 20'·3/16" duallne hose, RT121 general purpose wrench d complete Instruction book. Extremely vefsatlle, the Superflame often t:.8 strength, durability and top performance required of an Industrial cal1ber, welding, cutting, and
~~~n~:~i~~'~~';;:;, 'F4':~C.rt .•••• $159.00 Non· Form Us ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Electric Welder
FOR WELDING, CUTTING, BRAZING, HEATING, SOLDERING NOW t J;.. portoble 11 S volt orc welder tho. plwll).l into on, 11.5 volt owtlet ........ r b.fore hay. 10 much v.lwe~ veu.tlllt, .nd do .. I'·oll fe.twr.5 bee" packed into swch 0 compact portable uni'. Mok .. welding os e.Jr os ,o lde,ing . AND you do not hOV8 to be on cxpert to wle It. Great 'or tho •• " hwnd,ed and onc" Ilgh' p,odud'on end ge".,ol mointen once oru' ,epolr )obs • . • onywherer SPECIFICATIONS; Primory Volta 115; Primary A""I . 15; Sccondo,y A"", . 50; 0,"" Clrcul, Val. . .5; Arc Volts lS;
~:,~r c~~b!~ 2,~~~: HD~:.~~e •• ~~!d!n'o~O~' 1'6,1::: .~(l~~ ~;I~
ACCESSORIES: The multl-purpo,e Torch I, ,h,.e '001, In o"e! A ground clomp • . on electrode holder and 0 brazln. 'o,c:h for unlimited opplicationl. A Flberglan h"""t. carbon" cob I... and w.ldin9 rod' ore 0110 I"elud.d.
Item 3101089
(A) Flip Front Welding Helmet w,th full f.ce p,otectlon Against heat. sparkS. molten metal 5Plash, and harm ful U.V. rays. Conitructed of a new Hght welClht but durable material which has better Qualities t hao fibre- , glass and 'iulc.anlzed flores. Feature5: FliP front lense retainer. positive ratchet headgear, and waterproof ad.! ustable headband. Excellent for home or shoP.
fi'f'~I~t;o111~r;t~~:].:'.escti~:It,!L 'ler.,"': .. $14.95
Quality built for trouble free sentlce.
Powerful g,lpp\ng laws hOld
rods up 10 "." In f all (D) WELDING CABLE -
H.O. eXlra flllXlble.
~~:~locn~n~e~~llo~~nr~~~I~:e"JI\~e~lr~~~~·d t[~I'~~~~ !~~ ITEM 3101041 . No~. wire $ . 55 per ft. r-l!~~";~o"rg~~· ................. $7.95 :+~~ ~:m!~: ~~: ~ :::;:~: r.~::.
:~~~';:Oal'l-:o"v~ ?~1.5~~ ~":'~' . . . . • . . . $9.95 (El H.P. Ground cllmp /aN opono 2'b"·4" In'o.1t. (C) 400 AMP. SCREW TYPE ELECTRODE ?~~i.1'';I~;O~~h. ~~~d:m:,.'~:e. ~OS.I~"~~. co~~oH'~'O HOLDER. Now handle desogn No Slip· Easy ITEM 3101013·500 amp........ .. .... 16.45
"'. "':" I M. ~~~y WI~~S~~~O~~a?~S61~~sc:~~5~°.f'~:rp~:r~
m::;o": rFl
for cooler operation. . Length 8 7/S" Takes Cable 2
thru 2/0
$13 95
Twin CoIrbon ArCh Torch Handles carbon uP to
;':~i. ~~r/~~ft~:;w.~·':~ltU;~~:_Gt. ~~'~:I'!~t~a,t~~'~f.~
Ibs. ITEM 3101019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527.50
( H)CABLE CONNECTORS for ,everilng weld.er polarity. ITEM 3101025 .•.
(J)9" CHIPPING HAMMER : Fo,ged ,1_ head, 11... 1 oh 011. alumlnum handle. ITEM 31010.1. S3.U (K1WORK CLAMP-Vice-trlp with 10II91O octo"" and pOSitIve lock eaWi and speedS welding wo,!>. LT£M 3101476 .•• . ••.••••••••.• S7." (L)TIP CLEANER5-=- Precl.loo modo of SI Inle.. s3tl"ollfo05'7~lr2f·cc:.~~~~•.w;~~~~gd~~ ~~IWC': ~I~~ .. $2.75
weldlnSil or
~1;:Z~.~~~~'~·I~~~~~~~el~~,2hi.~:'······ . S1.35 ITEM 31010'3S8t of 4 ................... SI.4' (PI WELOING GLOVES Long w.a,lng. loathe' la,
prot8ctlon IInd comfort ITEM 310103' . ..... .• 1-4,45
Sl>«lall High Quality - Loo'" welding glove,. ITEM 3101094 ........................ 16.45 IQ) WELDING LENS: Sh.de 10 2" x 4 ...... optical. g,ound and polished. ITEM 3101023 .,sot .. $ 95 (M)COPPER LUG- All copper fo' welding clble (R) INDUSTRIAL GOGGLES.olI plllble PII'IIC
slzei 4·2·1. Hole tor 3/8"stud~ ITEM 310105$ $4 SO with Poly-Carborate lens-will not track or break.. EACH S.SO • . . . • • . . . . • . . . . • • • • . 10 for . Tnted lit temperatures for -40Q to +1050. Idea.:r.
1Nl UNIVERSAL CIRCLE BURNER Thl, handy ntt. tool Is ideal lor the 5hOP or m.lnlenance "BPart·
fo' .hoP
U'•. fo, 51<1.". ",o,nmen I,"ctor ope,lto"
etc.. ITEM 391504-3 . . . ONLV. . . • . . • . ••
:""J'he~~~ ;':~I~~~.c;a~:o~~!~e C~!~~~~II~~ :~r~,'rmte~~~~ ~dW!~P,~I~~ g~~fi~~~ ~~~~~~~dC6f;.:'~:!n~~"e
not practical P,ys for Itself many times over nn just.a 5hl_lds. 81111 chain nose bridge "vton eiutlc "eadband.
:~~~~'10'01cr-1B" Mo • . DI. Circle .••• , $14.25 SOmm ~~n .... ITEM 3101051 ••.••••...••• $2:15 ITEM 3101011-30" Mu. 01'. ClrCiC . . $16.45 ~~,~~; ha~~~~dBb~~~~T~M~ 1~~3~9:..~.~.:'.~h S' e.,e~
typeB B,.,nd Hew-SpecIally Des,gned ond Manufactured • to provide Dependable. Perma nent or Stand·by Powe, for Conadion Formon. Indultry. Controcto.... Municipal Deportmen"', Etc. P.werlvl, heavy d&.ltv, ""0.1 a" lighting plaftt. how. III "" 0' po"." for .n YOUt nHd, tro-Jtt the s""oll .... to the '.rgnt hom Lt9hh, Power Tool" 0 •• Burn.n. TV, Frtd,ft. Woduftg Machl"" right vp to pcrmon.nt or stand.." powe, 'or homa. wo,kdtODI. machinery, etc.., ta-ot .. remo....d from the "Hlgh" h,," The .. ,,,., ",od.11 PfOYtd. Id"l, portable A C. "Wer for cont,.e,o", Mun,dpol De'.... FI,.. De,fI Civil D.fence, C• • P1. ~c. CiENERATORS' SpeciallY designed .nd engineered tor t,..bl• .fre~ eperotion S,ngle pho ... , Hlf ....xcitecl ,ro"Mt.
TVPE 1103004 1103:108 1103011 1103012
WATTS VOLTS 1800 2500 3750 3750
'ft9 from 1800 to 37.50 watts, 115 •. C. and 11S/Z30V. ".( U .. "., 5eG.t.d ball be.,in,l. fan coo,''' ELECTRIC START P'onts .. It'" pu,h·bwttnn stort ha.,.. bullt·in con. trOiS. Includlng. et"p'•• rK.pto,"I.. , ltoHl!ry ",Iftol' (will chorg_ 12V bett .. ,'n), start button.
ch.,.,n, '.r-
cut-out, battery cha,•• , ,HI.to,. RECOIL and ROPE'''ese plants hoye D4Iple. receptacle o"t", ENGINlS: 'ow.PiuI Iri." .. Stro"o". single cr1itul." olr cooled. 4 cycle. L head With ....ch.nical 9O".mo" a'r clean.r. ",,,f.l.r, stop b4ltton, fuel t ...k
11$ 115 115/230 115,""'30
ENGINE B & S. B & S. B. & S. B & S.
Rec.... ' E' ectflc
5 HP 5 HP 9 HP 9 HP
95 100 200 200
FARM PRICE $41000 $449.00 $779.00 $729.00
NON.FARM PRICE $525.00 $579.00 $999.00 $93500
• r t ,... phls~ go wrprus. L k. new SuPPI es plenty of power 10r continuous or .Jundby use. EasUy put loto operAtion •• mer Iy belt to your tractor Of .ny engine 20 H.P. or more. Comp. with con trol panel eQu ppad with all nec:essary meters, ilut matlc volt r89., etc.. Rated 10 KW 3600 RPM. single or three Pl\ase 60 cycle. Dim 16"' dla 22"' long. I"'" shaft. WI 400 bs. Or 9. Gov't cost over S1000.00. ITEM 1103142 • _ • $475.00 With Flfm Cert.
Non·FArm Uu
•• $SU.OO
• le or , . on.r Ai)Rectifier type excitation.
Rototlro; CII" Insulotlon. 3600 RPM. 60 cyCle. Built In Vol!· meter for
correct OP.ratlng ran...
ITE II 1103016 - 3000 wins. 120 VOlts. AC 60 cycle s,ngl. phaM. 25 amps. 2· 115V PolarlZ&d receptaclee 7 HP re-
quired ShIpping wt 45 Ib,
With Form Cort ••••••
Non.Farm U. . . . . . . ,
$379.00 $445.00
ITEM :1103011 - $000 watt•• 120/240 volts.41.7{20.8 am". AC. 60 cyCle. Ilngle phlSe,
2 115V pol.rlz., receptllcle 1·230 V. tWllt I()Ck rec;ept.cl., 10 HP r-.rulrod Shlpplro9 wt. 65 lb. With Farm Clrt •. $565.00 Non·Form U.. $659.00
i; ~
H•• 1th ond
of communIcable dIM(l"'~ • ' .. cr.o~ " ..... C11 ... , dairy herd' give more milk, poultry more eo9S, ond ~ . beef co"l_ OOln ....1"'" faster _ Bui.ld .... De· terio,.tiotl by stopping mOlstur_ condeNOllon which '. .~~ causes rust and rottlno , • '",p,.".. We,ttl". COftdj. t.... . • Lebo~o r'leed '0 adjust WlndOW1, litter ,dry F.. tur..: - Totally enclosed cont~UOUS du'y IIOV
'AJ I.. ' ..........,...,
~~ ~~Rr~ ~;t~AmO~F~,to~':lth :'~='n.::r;.~~~~
steel frome With pr.-drllled holes.. EASY INSTALL . 'Impty wt out oper1mo and bolt tn p1o~ . In"'ructlons Suppl cd. ··'.",·AI.. " F.... ore budt to deliver lUpet'ior performance over long periods of time removes hot, .tuffv Indoor Olf . qt.,uck.ly ond qu..tty Cools entire house IDEAL FOR eorOOft. Rntourol"lls TaverN. ~torn and Form BUllchngs. Wt 37 Itn. Firm Use S " •• 5 ITEM NO. 1101001 (Fin only) Non·Flrm U.. $71 .50
Dl"rlna fan operation exhaust air stream causes to rl"fT\Otn open. Gravity closes Ihutter ..men fa" c.:ases f"lrm Use .. $3' . '~
operallon. WI. 12 lb. (C)
ITEM 3101001 Non"'arm U ...
. $« 75
DHioned tor controlling automatic ve-nt.lot.on ,n bams, poultry hoYK"I ones other form bUildingS, ete:. Rang 350F lO 1100 F C.osed dIU.rentlAl ~dJu$table range. compact tn size. Dlm.l 5 · 3/S-'H. Piu. 2l1J" coli x 25/ 16"W x 2·9/16"0. ITEM 3101077 Form U .... . $17. 75 Non·F,rm U .. . , n.95
SAVE BUY THE COMPUTE "AIRMATIC" VENTILATING nSTlM (fULLY AUTOMATIC. "SET IT"! ••• ForgH itll You So-ve when you buy thlS Package deal ConSlltlng of ·'PA,M·AIRE" Vent proof tie - rod Vluner ph.!s Farm BUilding Temperature Control. WI . 50 Ibs. Farm UII.
ITEM 1101002 -
(A) T ...... Plm·AIr .... 2·,peed Agrlculturll Ventllltlng Fin, for Hltcnerles, Barns. Ollrles, ete. Designed to illve long, trDub'."" Hf'vke
- Quiet pe,formllnce .•• -Automltlc overload protec· tlon will move volume of .ir effiCiently. Equip-
I .1'"
with 1/4 h.P. toullV oncloM<l. 2''''Md 1140/1725 R.P.M. Hu.y Duty. 'Mlllonl b .... 115 .olt ,Ingl. pnll'. electriC motor. Torrlngton 20" 3·blade fin ,.ted 4530 CFM It 1725 R.P.M . • nd 3250 CFM ot 1140 R.P.M. StU,dy ,tMI frlma - 22" k 22" WL 40 IbS. ped
ITEM 1101017-
~.rm u •••..••••.•.•..•••••.
$79.95 Non·~ .. m u •..••••••••.•.•••• $89.50 '8) 20" Autom.lUc 'ANtherproof Tie Rod S~u1tef fo, Ibo.....
ITEM 3101001 -wo'ghl121b,.
Noa·""rm U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
TWO STAGE SPACE THERMOSTATS Fo, Firm. 'ndustrlll Ind CommerCl,1 use. I"co,· poratttl two slngte--pole doubie throw swltGttes to provide "0P40 high" or "cIOM t'llgh" op.rltlon on
other state IS reQuired ExtelJent for vmtlllt on. sensor CI05eS circuit on incruse In temoerature. Temper.ture 'Inge of 35 0 to 1100F permits use for many space a,pplfcahon. Dim., 5·3/S n H .. 3/8"W. x
~;;!~'~~';"0~ ~1.0.1?~'• • • • • • • • • • • • $29.50
Non.Form U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SAVE! ITEM 11 OIOl.-COmplete kit liS IIlustrlted-conltSt 1"9 of "Pam-Alte" 21ipeed vent fan, 20" Automat'c
Tie Rod Shuuer, and 21PMd Thermostat Wt. 52 Ibs.
FIrm U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39.95
$11 •• t5
(Includes Above Vent Fin Shutter and Control Unit) NOn~F.rm Use
Firm U • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Nan·Flrm U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$137.00 $153.50
Furnace Blower Assemtily _--!=-------' This high capacity unit consists of a 11"'" diameter squirrel cage fan mounted on a l/z" shaft with end beanngs. The shaft is exposed 2" for pulley mounting, Inlet dla. IS 8'M" and outlet is 8'M" x 7". Overall dim,: 16l1r"L x 8"''W x 17"H. Wt. 23 Ibs. ReqUires an electric motor of lA HP, minimum ITEM 1108084. , , •••••••.•••• , ., •••.•••••••••• $39.95
EXHAUST FANS E ..... au.t FAn· Idea 'or W3!ohroc.. "'"""lS. shops or a"Y rOOm need'" an e·f e.en\. e~hallst system. ConsIsts of 110\1 AC I)fower th sUf1dard ? p ~ng p:ug and o1!ttrilct ve PlaStic cover for cl n S ed appeara""tc.e Draws 8 amps Wt.4 Ibs. ITEM 110806& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . '
1(f'Uent-Ai,Cl Pan qu t. en - Ire p sltlve If ('lrc.ulatlon at the lowest price possible. Use In farm bUildings, poultry houses, warehouses. factories, etc. Specifications: Universal electric motor - 115 volts, 60 cycle, 1.3 amps., 940 R.P.M. Thermally protected. Sleeve beanngs. Easy to mount rigid metal frame to fit 18" square opening. Wt. 22 Ibs. Non-Farm price ..$5 5.50 ITEM 1108048 With farm cert ............. . . $49.50
CAPAC1TOR MOTORS 'h TO 10 H.P. FARM DUTY " Totally Enclosed " Ball Bearings " Thermal Protection
Designed specifically to meet the requirements of farm Jobs such as powering conveyors, barn cleaners, hay hOists, gralf1 augers gram grinders, pumps, com· pressol, and I'ke equIpment Also sUIted for many In· dustrlal applications, Spec'itallons. 51091e phase, 60 cycle, 115/230 volt, prelubncated Bal BearIngs, 1,0 ~erv ce factor. Rot"tlon easoly reve sed by electrical leconnectlon. Motors ,upplled WIth sllnger on shaft, go1 keted capacitor co le' and condu,t box
:"1 (B (B BI
"Fen Cooled " Continuous Duty " 1725 R.P.M.
H . P, 'h
nips. ' -r~. mp.: ~'" VOLTS 11 /2.>0 115 230
1112 2
115/230 11 230 2 0 2 0 2 0 230
5 7 V, 10
11 SV 9.6 11.2 1 .00 18.00
I1.S 15.0 23.0 32.0 41.0
- ~ --
Shaft 5 S" 5 S" S" 5 8" l·lIS" 1·1 S" I · 8" 1·3 S" ). /S"
Wt. 27 32 5 38 SS 72 110 140 215
310 076 3106077 310607S 3106079 3106080 1060S1 106082 106083 3106084
$97 .50 11 7 .50 129.00 165.00 239.00 297.00 399 . 00 5 39 .00 645 . 00
"No n ~ F a-;m-,
147 . 50 162,00 205.00 299:GO"1 370 ,00 49B . OO 675 . 0 0 799 ,00
Electric MOTORS
H.P. 1/3 If3 1/3 113 ~ R&Meyer 1/4 G.E. 113 E E Wagner 1/4 F G.E . 1/6 1/6 F G.E . 1/10 F G.E. 1/3 G G.E. 1/3 G West. l West. 1/4 M G. E. M w&!ot . Q Fasca lf7 T Universal 1/40 T Fasco Make A G.E. A G.E . B G.E. B G.E.
• Wit h f lat spo t
6 . 0·7.4 5.8 6.8 6 .8 4.5 5.8 5 .0 2.7 · 3.2 4.2
3.4 6.3 7.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 .8 . 55
R .P . M . 1140 ~ 172S
1725 1725 1725 1725 1425/1725 1725 2850·3450 1725 900·1050 1625 1725 1725 1075 1075 1000/1300 1050·1250 1100·1400
dim . Shaft len .x dia . len.xdi.1. 10x6'h 2X'l2 Bx6 V.2 11/2)(112 8x6'/2 l Vl,x'h 101lu:6 2'/u:lh 1 9x4 fot " hxlfl* 8x6 1f4
l1xS Ih
Description ,V.XV2 DoubJe shaft Ther. prot. cont. dub Cont. duty CCW Rot. Cont. duty Capacitor start
l Vzx'lz..ll4x1h Cont. duty 2 shafts 3112X'l2 l'h:K,'Iz Cont. duty 2 shafts
1 x3/S-
Cont. duty
S Vu(SV2 l'kx'h-
Cont. duty
711,x6 (2)1'h.x'l: CCW Rotation 9';,u(S'k 1 '12 x '/2 VucVz "'Cap. start 10x7'/z l 1hx'h Cont. duty
WI. Lb. 18 15 14 13 12 17 10 8 9 13
16 16 19 ,lI",x 1 Vr *! Cont. duty 'x6 Cap. start double shaft .0 8'hxSVl CID. sUrt double shaft IQ 8 lhxSlh (212xlf.z· 12x5 6x1f:z-2)tl/' Ther. p,ot. 13xS 8 (2)4lf"xlfz* cap. start 3 speed 8 IBx5 (2)6V'X'h- 3 speed
No. 11062'6 106196 1106220 1106132 1106115 1106197 1106344 1106236 11 06343 1106319 1106382 1106388 1106356 1106130 1106131 1106338 1106345 1106348
19.'5 14.'5 14.'5 16.'5 15.'5 17.95 8.50 8.95 7.'5 8.'5 18.'5 18.98 15.95 '.95 9.75 11.95 9.95 8.75
Gear Head A.C. Motors
Cl GENERAL ELECTRIC 1 p n9 ITEM 11060$3 115 Volt
10 Ib
D t
ITEM 1106102 115 Volt.
Mot r Ide:u 'or
appllc~tlonJ req..zlnng
Gear Redutllon
slow speed drive Model CJKO l S-A.
mot'r reference no 40662 A C.Z Speclf cat ons 1/12 hP. motor speed 1725 ,pm, gearhead output sh<Jft 33 rpm, 115 VOItS • .2 5 amps, 60 c.ycle. single. Phase Rating 1)50 Int. Base mounting 0 all .,pprox. dim. 711 "L)( ~~'Ed;: ,~~~!: 613 J/B"l )( 5/8" dla Wt 14'. Ibs. • ••••.
7 H.P. capacitor start, 3450 R. P.M , 120/240 volt AC., Single phase, 60 CYCle, cont. duty Permanently fubrlcated ball bearings Dim.' 5 '12" dla. x 12" long. 5/8" shaft. Wt. 22 Ibs. Gov't su plus. L ke New! ITEM 1106134. __ . . .... _ . $28.95 ea.
1 H.P., 3450 R. P.M ., 220V A .C., Single phase, 60 cycl e. Thermally protected. Pre lubncat ed ball bearings. Dim. : 5'12" dla. x 12" long . 5/8 " shaft . Wt. 20 Ibs. Gov't sur plus. ITEM 1106133 - Like New _•• _. $29.50
The Newest Oesjgn$ in Electric Motors BUilt for That EXTRA Power. 'fht'st> H'rsdlilt· mtlloM; lITf-' Idt..... iLl rnr ~\()tk~hop machine ... <llr t:(lmp1','s~nrs. ~Tain Inadt·u. Wit· tt'r l)ump6, j!rain
AU mnfOf!lo "re
~ri ndt·b. l'lL'. n'\'I!"Tslbl(' and
o\.('rlo<tcl prutC'cll'n
Electric Motors ITE M H. P TY P E 31060 43·1 '8 011 Burner J 1 06 ft4S* 1/ 4 SPilt Phiue Totally Encl. 3106046· 1/4 SPlit Phase Totally Encl, 31 0 6047 1/2 Split Phase
FARM VOLTS BEARINGS RPM WT. PRICE Sleeve 110 1725 \4 $44.00 Sle.ye 110 1725 16 '''2 .50
NON· FARM S"9 . 00 547 SO
$62 . 50
1140/ 1 a 1725 1725 20
$57 .50
110 110
5 ..... 75
'49 . 95 S6995
$79 . 95
U7 . 50
$59 . 00
S64 .95
Capacitor Start
110/220 Ball
$88 . 50
$97 . 00
110/220 Ball
S69 . 9S
3106048 1/2 Capacitor Start 3/4 Capacitor start 3/4 Capacitor Start
1"1 'It
5139.95$149 .95
Not EasilY Re\te(Slbte
115 Volt A.C.
Delco Two Speed Electric Motors Heavy duty t hermal· Iy protected ball bearing motors for those tough jobs. Base mo un!. Shaft IS 9/16" X 111.1". Specificati ons 1/3 HP, 115V AC. 60 cycle, 7.4 amp. continuous duty. 11401 1725 rpm. Diam. 6", overall length 10". wt. 21 Ibs. . . $24.50 ITEM 1106340 . . .
MOTORIZED DRIVE By Magnetic Labo · ratories. Consists of motor and gear drive In aluminum housing. plastIC wheel on each end. Motor is 1/20 HP. DC, half wave, rectIfied 120V. AC, 2 amp. Speed is 600 RPM. Excellent for gadgets, displays. convey· or belts. or expeflmenting. O'all DIm : 8" wide , 4" thIck. motor 2 1,," dia. Wt. 4 11. Ibs. ITEM 1401236. . . . . . . • . • . . . . $12.45
A S LO ·SYN Gear Motor - Produces 2500 02, In. (13't. lbs) 01 tOI'Que. Ideal for slow speed aoplic:ations where precise control is needed. Specifications: 3.3 R.P.M., 120 YOlts, 0.4 amps, 60 cycles. Shaft IS Ill·' X £" with 30 tooth straight cut gear (remOvable). Four 1/.. " holes 3 1,""1 apart for face mOunt. Includes mount.lng flange, 10ur holes 3l1,." )( 6" apart. Overall dimensions;
~.f~~ ~ ~~~j2; ~.: ~I~,:, .. ~t: ~~ ,~~
...... $49.50
B GE "POLVOVNE" Adjultable Speed Drlye -ihls powerful, versatile gear motor should find many uses around the 1arm. construction site. or factory. All drive components are enclosod. Output speed Is variable from 350 to 1750 RPM. unit consists of GE double capacl· tor start motor, belt driven vaqable ratio drive. and flOal gear drIve with 1.84: 1 ratio. Shaft IS lh" le 1 11,2", Motor IS 1 H.P. 115/230 volts. 60 c.yc.:es. slngl.e phase, contiouousduty. Overall dimensions: 16"){ 17":M 11". Wt. 125 Ibs.ltem 1106304-With Farm ce:rl.S195,OO Non. Farm Use .•.•... "
., • • . .. , .• • ..• S225. 00
3.5h.p. gas engine
Brand New. Use as a replacement engtne on your lawn mower, some models of rotatillers and snow blow· ers, or adapt for use on go·carts. Specifications: 4 stroke 3.5 H.P. with gas tank, muffler, recoil start, knob throttle, 1112"L x lf4" dla . vertica l keyed shaft. Wt. 18Vz Ibs.
ITEM 3106106 ......•.... $67.95
ONAN 14.6 hp Air DIESEL ENGINE ECONOMIZE WITH DIESEL POWER! Here is a compact Ind economical diesel eng ine that offers you more engine
,"d pow. , for you r money. Th e engine with .. thousand uses . .. to operate pumps, compressors, farm and Indust ria l equipment .
gene~tors .
Onan DJBA Series Industroal Engine * 2 cylinder. air coo led. * 3 ," Bore . 3·5/8" stroke. 60 CCl. rn. D lspl. • 14.6 H .P. at 2400 ' R.P.M. maximum * Speed Range 1500 - 2400 R.P.M. • Com· presslon RatiO 19:1 * Governor (Internal flyball type· externally adjustable) uovernor Regulation 5% * Injection Purnp (American Bosch Type) * Fuel Consumption 0.5 - 1.0 Gals./Hr.
ITEM 1 106 EqUipped With 12 Volt Starting System. Fuel Filters. Gear Type With F arm Cert . . •. $694.00 0,1 Pu m p. 0 ,1 Filter. Low Oil Pressure cut off. 1'4 output shaft Non Farm Use .... ... $794.00 With 3/8" keyway etc. Wt. 300 Ibs. Reconditioned.
DIFFERENTIAL A comptete tranu)(le with nYdrostatlc Cftuld) drive. Fluid drive makes multiPle gears .and clutch unnecessary - automaticallY ad-
~~~:SMtaO)(I~Uc:,; ~:~t ~c;.r a~~e~~iyl~~J i~:. ~~',~9to":g:eeij3~~~~~ Overall width at ends of axles 27". Width of gear case 911.1", hetghl
24". A)(les Ire 1 ,. diameter with keyway. 5" and 6"..... Includes 1 to I" brake shaft· wheel to shaft ratio 8.8: L Final drive 1 to 4.1 . over,;!, reduction approx. 20 to 1. M.xlmum Input 3600 rpm, rn,unmum tire diamet e r 20". Gears are heat t,eated steel. With utomotlve ty~ bevel gears In differential. Aluminum houslnQ
with cast Iron axle housing supports
with bronze bushings. Thr •• 3/8" (F.E.) N.C. thread mounting holes. 'Nt. 55 Ibs.
ITEM 1602065
POWER TRANSMISSION UNITS (60 to 1,30 to 1, or 15 to 1) SPEED REDUCERS Brand New Noreo Worm Ge.r. Vou need qu.llty ... you need price . .. you need speed reduce" . . . almost everyone you kno"N usel speed reducers In ani form or .another. Their potential Is almOlt unlimited · winches · angle drives, and hundreds of o ther stepdown ApptlcaUons on the firm , At home, and In Industry. SpecifiCAtions: Quiet. 11flclent. fully enclosed. s_lf·lockln,. C.an be driven by betts and pulleYl, chain drive or direct drlvl. RoJgged cast lion l'Ioullng, precision m.chlned gears and shaftl running on ball baa,ln9s. Rated up to 3 HP. Input shaft 5/ . ... output Ihaft '''. OV'rall I'ze 6 " x 6" x , 0 ". Wt. "
~~~': 17kl.~~oO? $69.95
~~~': 17kl.~~o27 $69.50
AUTOMATIC CENTRIFUGAL CLUTCH ~o~,:~;o~~lti~cl ~~~~~o~ ~~t~~~\',,'~~:'·d,t :~~d:t:Jhd·rr::~~!fhrn.~~ ~:
8)Ccesshl s ti-rllng l oads on th e motor. Idlally l ulted 10 r
"PP IlC.lt l on~
Qu i' In, smooth grldul ' applic.atlon of to rQul and l'Io rsepower. E"oJne starts without 'OMl . (A' ITEM 3111727 . For f:nginos 1"' .. . 4 H.P. for Jt. .. Shift •••.•.•.••. '. . . • •.•• . ••••••••••••••• • •• 12 • . 25 (8) IT£M l1117., · Same ill ,00.', I.Upt eQuiPPld wltn no • • O 12·toolh ' proc... t •••••••••• S2 • . 7 5 (8) ITEM 311".3 - Same "lbo.1 '.Clpt
1JQUIDPld with no . 35 . 12 tooth loProcket. Stee' .hoes •• .. • • • • • .. • • • .. • • • .. .. . .. • ... .... .. ... S24 !O (8) ITEM 3111'44 - S.",e as .bo"e. except eqUipped with
no . 41 . 10 tooth IDrocket. St •• ,shoe, .................. S24 .9S
Blocks and flange Mountings (A' PILLOW BLOCK
1']/16 H 11;4 "
1-7/16" 11j~ "
1'4" l-U/""
3111675 3111677 ]111671 3111679 3111610 3111611 3111612 3111613 ]111614 1111615 ]111616 3111617 3111"1 3111690 lI11691 ]111693
'.'Cl $6.60
5ot! AlIl9nod
Cut 'ran Houllnl
Cl) '1 •• ge Mo ....tl". (C l 2 3111701 3111703 3111704 3111705 3111706 3111707 ]111701 3111109 3111710 3111111 ]111712 3111713 3111714 )111716 ]111717 U11119
6.'0 7 . 14 1 .50 7.10 8 . 34 9 .00 9 . 30 11.40 1 1. 51 11.76 11.94 14. 34 15 .30 15 .51
$& .54
1 . 01 7 ." 1 .74 1 .2' I .U ' . 24 11 . 34 11 . 52 11.70 11 .12
14.21 15 .24 15 .41 15 .61
~u . ~,., .....
3111759 3111760 3111761 311176) 3111764 311 1765 3111767 3111761 ]111769 3111770 ]111771 311177% 3111173 ]111774 ]111776 ]111717
St .. t ,.'C( $3 .15 4 .13 4.35 4 .U 5 .% 3 5 .45 5 .71 6 .05
' .11
7. 15 7 .43 7 . 6~
1 .75
' .15
1011 11 55
3111616 3111617 3111618
53.15 4.00 430
3111635 $5.25 3111 36 5.70 3111637 6.20
3111654 3111655 311165
hll62 3111623 3111624 .3111625 3111626
3111641 7.35 3111642 7.5 3111643 f 10 3111644 10.15 3111645 12.60
31 16 3111661 Jl1166Z 3111663 3111664
3111 70 3155
10 11
is f
16 '~IIIIP.~ 18
5.30 6.20 ••00
mtt~! U:~
ss.n 6..30
, .. 5
'.70 10.15 12.20
~ 11.70
UJ& nHm Ra $3.50 2 Sot Senw. 00
Roborlng' $5.50 KoywlY $2 NOTE: Rebored Sprocket Cannot be Returned for CrN AllOw leverl' dlY~ for rel)Otln9.
60 1.04 J 20 1.25
Sl.05 1.30 2.25
~~~i~~!H!4~~t~!~~~i~~rlr:~:~!---~~3~!1~:~~I!~:~!r-T:i~:~.!~~~-1i~~~~iti!~6~;~~~}~:!~~ !g 3111630 14.7Q 3111649 11_711 3111668 24 • 15 3111631 15.40 31l1ljSO 20.65 JIJlt69 21.15
'lIU. . Jll1'lI J111605
.72 77 1.06
• PreciSIon hardened • HIgh strength for power ronsmlS$lon at hIgh speed • Long wear life - Fits all Standard Sprockets on form moe:hlneryCorn Pie:kers Cam· bines, Hommermllls, Swot hers ete:
VAPOR ~ Ughts (AI Built-in B.IIIS'- Dual vol18ge 110 and 220 volts. "Light output eQuillalent to 3 t,mes of regular light bulbs. You salle vJlen you buy these spec'ally designed Mercury VapOr lights at a fraction of Iheir o"glnal prICes. BUilt to rigid Government specifications for longer life and less
maintenance. Specifications . Precision alumlOum die-cast hOUSing. Sip· filter for a 2" pipe mounting. Crystal clear, heat-reSistant, borosilicate glass refraclor 10 produce verllcal and laleral lighl dislributlons. High power faclor, conSlanl wattage tYpe ballasl . Verllcal burning bulb for longer life. Amperage draw 1.55 amps during operation, 2.21 amps at start. Adjustable socket posilioning for pro"er light dlSlrlbutlon. Ideal for farm yards, driveways, construction Sites, parking lots. sports areas,
docks. etc. ShiPping weight 40 Ibs. Government surplus ,n excellent conclition . ITEM 3115117 . . . . . . . . . . _ ..... _ .... . ... , ...... $44.15 ELECTRONIC EYE .. SOCKET KtT For aboye automaticallY turns on at dulk, off at dawn. ITEM 3115111 ••• ••••••.••.. •• $12.50.,.
MERCURY VAPOR LIGHT WITH ELECTRONIC EYE ITEM 31\5256 _ ............................. __ ...... $59.95 REPLACEMENT - 175 Watt Bulb. ITEM 3115155 $1 _91 .. .
(B) SPECIAL ELECTRONIC EYE - For 100 watt, 120 volt lights. Automatically turns on at dusk. off at dawn. ITEM 3115046 ••..•.•. S 12.95
(C) POLE MOUNT BRACKET for Electronic Eye- ITEM 3115103 .. .$9.91 _ T-;n~i~;c:!.F I1~~3~'~~:s~slze . 7/8" "Spor.'ok" Con,trucllon. Less welghl for the
Overall Length -
Approx. 20 ft .
.:A;P;P:I~ic;a;t~'o:n:S~-lWih~eirjeiVielr!'!.S!T5R!ElN~G:T;H;';';is~n:e:ed:ed: ~a.~~s.i:.n~i~~C~~i~~tl~On~.P:~l~ i~~I~~~~s~v~~t~~n~~
yarns. 11 inches of 11/2" Plastic tubIng at each end for extended protection against cutt Ing. CHAIN· 3/8" Exact Coil Chain. H OO K S •
2·3/8" SIode Hook. CHA IN AN D HOOKS (Length approx. 24") at each end. Factory welded into one unit for greater strength. Wt. 10
Ibs. ITEM 3702061 ...... .. ........ 534. 95 AUTOMATICAlLY CONTROLLED
RETRACTING CORD REELS POWER OUTLET REEL - 3 Wire Ground ing Type - This new CORDOMATIC reel IS equipped with a 3 wire grounding type cord and IS designed to meet the most rigid demands that require grounding of circuits for electrical tools and equlpmp.nL Constructed with premium quality throughout and handsome yearsahead styling, for portable elecCord tric power where and when you Length Rotln, want it. .. _ ... _ ...•. $19.95 20 Ft . 9A-125V
Portable Extension Reel and Caddy
Holds 200 Ft. of Electric Cord X'~',.~ I
No more Cord Tangling or Knotting
No more Hand H,"glng
Keeps EXlenSlon Cord CLEAN AND SAFE Portable ElectriC power when and where you want It Enables you to move your extension cord easily from garage outlet to front, to rear outdoor house outlets, to cottage, mobile home or tent. A must for farmers or tradesmen needIng ready power supply
for pOwer tools. Sturdy four spoke steel construction . Heavy dutY tubular rims 15"
~'JJ -
$21 .50
in dIameter, baked enamel fInIsh. Retrieves safely. easily
and untangled. Weigh, 10 Ibs.
Extra HEAVY DUTYPower Cords
Extra H.D . power cords for Farmer., Contractors, and Industriel applications. A rubber Jackeled cord for heavy dutY service. e.cellent reSistance to abraSIon, oil end grease. EXlra flexible oven below zero temperatures. Rated up to 6OOV. Completa with male piu on on. end and 4 outlet box on the other. ITEM Gauge Length Wire Wt. Lb •. Price J113105 12 50' t4 -ST4.7>:, I 1 4 ~5(j 10 3113419 3 50' 16 5 490 3113420 0 lOO ' 3 32 564.95
Few Industrial Electric Drills meet the high stand41rds necessary for precision prOducts. RINCESS Is fortunate In beIng able to offer you a drill that will prOduce superlative work at a reasonable price. Custom designed t o meet the standards of the most demanding
~,~~r:~O~o~~Ut~~,:nfh~,ht~I~S t:~t aJI:~ll~~~~tl~~tl~~~~h:~~~~etac.:l~t !'~~'h~~e;~38cP ~t~e4'
which allows large pieces to be drilled. Made for craftsmen, contractors, maintenance men, farms, etc. Unquestionably a sound investment for now and the future. Easily mounted on floor stand. SPECIFICATIONS: .. Drilling capacIty 3M" .. Max. dlrtance spindle to table
~~5,~"* "S~i~)(9 ~~S:la7(c:2~IP~n~I~I~~I~~:e~J~1~~~:~~ SldB~I;8sJ~04"(;'07lig:' 6·6~;jt3ifo~oll~ra~
21~0; .. Dimensions 0 base 13-3/8")( 25·5/8" 'It Working area of table 16-1/S" die •• Overall Ht. 56lJ.. •' ., Recommended motor size up to ~.. H.P. 1725 R.P.M .... Supplied less motor 'APproxl';'.t. weight 285 Ib,. Complete with "''' chuck. IT EM 3801466 •... .•
$489 00
Reliable and rugged. A press that works hard enough to please the most dema"91ng craftsmen. Features cast Iron, precison groung. slotted work table that tUts 45 In either direction . The work table also has swivel which allows large pieces be drilled. Moderately priced. Quality constructed. One of tOdays' better values. SPECI-
~~~~,T.I~~I~dl; Ji~~~~g3,~af~~~~k:';:dju~~:~~eo ~'~;!"1Ma6x~ ~rJ~e;c~ ~~?rid~:~O \-5a%~e
16 H , 't: Max. distance Spindle to Base 22" Table Size IOU x 10"•• Base size 18 1/2" )( 10" .. Column dla. 3""" ., Overall Ht_ 40" • Adjustable Table and Motor Mount .. Four Groove Pulley and Belt • 54" Cord .. "On" - "Oft" SWitches.
Recommended Motor Si~~~i~g Ib~. H:ayl J:~~~~-t:d ~~Pg!~~h~t~~P~~~~·.tir~~~,~· ITEM 3aOI633 .• · .~ •.•. . . . . . . • , ..
··· $219.95
3/a' DRILLJ~BESS New modern tJeslgn makes fast. easy work of drill· lng metal and wood, etc. Can be mounted on a bench or kept portable for use when and when'l It I I, n •• ded, SPECIFICATIONS, Swing: 10"; Drilling Capactty: 3{8". Distance from Spindle to table: 11'1 3/8"; Distance from Spindle to Ba581 IS": Spindle Taper: J.T. No. 1; Ola. of Column! 2-3/S"', Table Working Surface: 7·11/16"; Spindle R.P.M. Speeds: 850. 1000. 1750, 2100, ~400, 4100; DIIn. of Base, 8"'''W x 14-3f16"L, Overall Height: 27", Appro)(. Wt 60 Ibs. Recommended Molor: 1,16 HP
·LeuMolor • • • • • •
HEAVY DUTY DRILL IltESS H vy duty ndustrlaJ oor type drfll press has a drflllng capacIty ofl~ for cast Iron and 25/32" for steel. This truly ';ersatile workhOrse will perform reamlng. counterSlnkmg. counter bOring. tapping. and drilling. Floor type model stands 69" and has 6 different R.P.M settings All these features pt us economy makes I1 a must for the craftsman. farmer, contractor, and machine shop owner. A drill press o· thiS cailber IS a sound Investment for now and the future. Comes Wltt' I .. Or I1 Chuck Morm Taper # 3
Ca.tlron 1"; St88125/32"
Drill capacity Distance between center of spindle & Column (Swing) Max allowable distance between spindle nOS8to table Mu. allowable distance between spindle nose to base Spindle sleeve tapsr size Spindle stroke
8"." 22rA." 45'Is," M.T.t3 57;.....
Spindle speed RP M.60 cycle
230.380. 400. 540. 660.
Diameter of column Working area of table (roundl
1310,1520.2120 3'1t· 16.1...... '1 12/11" X 111~\." 1 H.P 1725 RP.M.
DimenSions of base
Motor rating
ITEM 7801179 Approx. wt. 383 Ib5. Le~5
$57900 -
DRILL Press Stand As Illustrated but without drill. CONVERTS YOUR tn n OR 5/8" ELECTRIC DRILL TO A DRILL PRESS. SPEEDY AND ECONOMICAL. Con •• rh your pOTtable electric drill to economicill lever operated drill press in just seconds. Ideal for farm or home, shop, automotive shoP, construction ~"d light industry. Rack .and pinIon gear feed assures control. heavy duty clock spring return mechanism; lock nuts for fast drilling depth adjustment. portable, easily carried for beam or post drilling; large work surface slotted to permit mounting drHl vlse or V·blocK bue has drilled lugs 'or bench or truck mounting. Gives )IOU control of your drill with attachments for surfaCing, routing, sanding, grinding, shaping, etc. SPECIFICATIONS: Overall Height· 20I/z". Column
Diameter ~ 1112". Maximum Feed· 2]/4··. Base Surface 7V:r" x 71fz". Chuck to Column· 6", Net weight 14 Ibs. ITEM 3801580 .......•••••.••••.•..••••..••••••••.•...•.•• $49.95 imllar to above except: fits most ',." to 3/8" electric drills; equipped with adjustable tilt table; equipped with 90 0 rotating drill holder so you can convert yOur drill into 3 stationary grlnder/5<lnder. Drill not included. Approx. shpg. wt. 10 lb •. ITEM 3802966 .••••..•••.•.•..••.....•.•••••.••.....• $34.00
VERTICAL DRILLING & MILLING MACHINE ruly I/ersatlle machine for th.e most demanding operator. Performs all drilling functions to a capaelty of 11/4". SecondlY it IS a vertical milling machm-e, one of the most useful and necessary machines found in the shop today . All controls are operated manually and spindle speed 15 controlled bY belts~ DeSigned for the craftsman, contractor. farmer, and machine ShoP 1)wner SPECIFICATIONS ITEM 1801180
Ca aclt
ITEM 1801189
25 32"
un·back Cutter Capaclt End MlIl Ca p aCity
~~~~.~D"I~~~.=n=c.~5=p~in~d~le~--~I~I/~"-'------~--~~~~~------~ to Table
19 5 8"
~~=~'~~~~~~!:~;~~=~~k~r~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~':,~;~~.~~----~~~~~--------~ 013. of S lndl e Sleeve Head Sw II/el
3" 60 4"
la. of olumn Spindle Speed R.P.M.
230; 380; 400;
., 60 cycles.
540,660; 1310, 1520 . 2120.
Right and left stroke of Table Forward and backward
W~~~I~:fA~::I~f'~T"'."'b""'.'-- ~ :~~8" x231 -"
ove;:arrHeighl Recommen d ed Motor Ap p rox. Weigh t (Ibs.)
4i1~~ - 2 RPl12s- "R"J5"M",+-1640
$ 1295.00
Le» Motor
performance features • QuiCk Change gear box allows 40 different chang..es (4·112 T.P.I.) .. Main spindle IS supported by taper roller bearings. 1t Hardened and ground V ~Way bed. * Left hand wheel equipped with safety guard.
• One·plece dOUble-wail apron Is rigidly constructed •
LO~ng~~~~~~afu:~ordro~! f~~~. e.:1~~
Swing (over bed) . ••• ..••. • . .••••••. • • . • Swing (over saddle) . •• .. • • . . . . ••• •• •.•.. 5"
Ce nter Distance .. . • .. .. .... ... ...• ..... 23 .5" Bed Length •• • . • • . • •• . • . . . . . •• . ••. . • .. Bed Width . •.. ... . . . . . . • . . . ... .. .. . ... SPindle Hole Size .. . •...•... .. ... . . . . . . Spin dle Taper • . . • . . . ..••.•.. . . . . . . . • . Center Taper .•.•.•. • ..•.• . .• . .••• .. . . . Spindle Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • • . . . • . Lead Screw Diameter •....•••••..•. . ••••• Thread Per Inch of Lead Screw .•••.••• • • • •. Threads That Can Be Cut Per Inch .••• . .••.. Sizes In Metric Per Inch .•. ... • . . .. • _ • ••.•
t:,f. rn::rl~~:~~Q
s.fety. are controlled bY a ,Ingle lever to prevent mlsenglgement. • He.dstock sleeve.
7 . 125" 1.375 " N.T . No. 5 N .T . No . 2
(12) 75·1100 R.P.M . 875" 8 T .P.I. (40) 4 - 11 2 (29) 0.2 - 4.5 MM .
lathe specifications Comes Complete with the FOllowing 1 H.P. electric motor ·On. reversible switch *Two centers (M.T. No. 2) ·One center sleeye (M.T. NO. 5) -Four V-Belts ·One thread cutting Indicator -Tool kit "One tool post wrench ·One S" chuck back Plate ·One chip Pin "One 5" - 3 Jaw chuck *One 6" - 4 JlW chUCk ·One steady test *One follow rest.
ITEM 7801190 ........ $2,295.00
POWER HACKSAW SAW WITH POWER ANO ECONOMY . Cuts thick wall pipe, solid bars, heavy angle fron, etc. A must for machine snops. farmers, plumbors, electricians, or anyone who has a lob related to high capacity sawing. This saw features a coolant pump and swivel visa for all your angle cutting needs. Saw shuts off automatically when cut Is completed . saw has caster wheels for easy movement around the ShOP or on the Site.
SPECIFICATIONS ·16" cuttIng Blade· Cutting capacIty 7'h" W x 7W' Hand 7W' for round materIal • Stroke 7'14' x 'Power requIred H.P. 1725 RPM· Stroke speed 80 x 60 RPM WeIght approx. 285 Iba
:r::) ........................ S349!M'
ITEM 3802267 - 16" blades ......•... $3.95 each
Pick 01 12
. ••••.•.•..... $39.95
A high quality Instrument with direct reading sClle In foot pounds. Standard sIze drive square for IIdaptlng to
lOckets or Ittachments for tightening. Indlc.tlng Ind 0 . : : : : •. ,1'>" drive. 20"L. MIld. bY Am"'un loo.nlng. Can be used for measuring compresslon t ten· Torque Tool . Wt. 2 fbs. Also In meter/kgm. se,le. lion, Ind thrust . ITEM 3101134 -PRICE ...•..••••••••••• 515.'5
KAWASAKI: The same name that is on those dependable high torque motorcycles is now on the tool is subject to an overload the rotor sl m· a line of pneumatic tools being introduced to ply slows d own or stops w ithout ca using any you , by Princess, for the first time . These light· parts to burn out. With Kawasaki ai r tools speed weight, well balanced, high powered tools offer and number of blows are easily reg ulated and maximum operator comfort with low nOise. re'Jersible. Excellent f or i ndustry, garage, con· Never any overloading difficulties because w hen tra ctors, sho ps, etc. Perfectly cleans welds wlthout operator f atigue, essential when painting or rust proofing is involved. SPECI FICA TlONS: Piston dia. 'I.", Stroke 7/8", Number of Impacts 4,000 RPM, Overall length 7th", Wt. 2'/2 Ibs. ITEM 7801188 , , , , , .. , .•••.• , .••.... , .•••.•... $54.75
3/S"Power Ratehet Does away With knuckle busting in cramped areas. No more oper· ator fatigue due to continuous back and forth motion. Lots of torque! Specifications: Capacity 1/." x 5/16", Speed 160 RPM, O'al! length 9". Wt. 4 Ibs. ITEM 7801185 .•.....• $69.95
Riveter Fast and Powerful! An e lent production tool. Rivet Capacity 1/8", 5/22", 3/16". Working Air Pressure 80 - 95 PSI. Wt. 3'1. Ibs. ITEM 7801187._ .. .$229.00
114"Angle Die Grinder
SUitable for those heavy duty grinding jobs in the automotive and steel fabncating Industries. ~~~~
Will fit your hand, job, and budget. Rugged and compact with lots of power for deburring and blending, etc. in hard to reach places, Specifications: W' collet chuck, Speed 20.000 RPM, Air Consumption 11.9 CFM, Hose size 5/16", Stone size 1", O'alllength 5". Wt. 1 lb. ITEM 7801182 _ ................•..... $64.50
SpeCifications: Speed 7,000 RPM ; Air Consumption 35 CFM, Air Inlet 1/.. ', D,sc Size 7" x '4" x 7/8" . Wt . 7'h Ibs. Item 7801186 .. . ..• $139.00
7%,'ANGLESANDER Similar to aboYI picture.
Will handle botn full sanding and delicate feather edging. Posa nding under all cond"
Specific.tions: Free speed 5,000 RPM, Air consumption 24.5 CFM; hose size 5/16", capacity 7", length 15l/.o" , Complete with Pad and Attachments Wt. 5'h Ibs. ITEM 7801183-$89.95
L on, 0 rv.ta L· I S ander Produces a scratch and groove free finish on metal, wood, fib· erglass, etc. Convenient lever handle for awkward working positions.
Specifications: Free Speed 6,000 RPM, Air consumption 13 CFM, hose size 5/16", pad size 2'h" x 71h" , length 15W'. Wt. 5'h bs, ITEM 7801184 . . . . . . S69.95
Here it is\ A portable abrasive cut-off saw light enough to take to the job_ Strong and versatile enough to do straight or miter cuts in just about any material. Outstanding features onclude: non-swivel cutting head with adjustable swivel vise (0 - 45 0 ) for durabilitY and accuracy, new spark guard , wheel guard , lock button for continuous operation , fold down unitized carry handle design _ Powerfu I Makita motor wi th ball bearing flow-thru venting and balanced rotor assembly _ Standard equipment includes socket wrench for easy wheel change and one abraSive cut-off wheel _ SPECIFICATIONS; Wheel dia. - 12". Hole dia_ - I ". Max. cutting cap. dia. - 4". Continuous rating input1450 watts. No load speed - 3800 RPM. Dimensions; 19-3/8 x 21-5/8 x 10·1/4. Power supply cord -16.4 '.
This all new Makita SANDER-GRINDER is the ultimate In job flexibility I 8y using one tool body and adding any or all of the four accessory kits you can set up your versatile Makita tool to perform a varietY of functions. Accessory kits available at this time; Depressed Center Wheel Kit for general grind Ing; Abrasive Disc Kit for sanding applications; Wire Cup 8rush Kit for quick cleaning work ; Abrasive Cut-OH Wheel Kit for fast clean cuts, notching, slotting, etc. This Double-Duty Pro Model features a powerful 2% H.P., 15 Amp motor (no load speed 6000 RPM); cunvenient shaft lock (for fast and easy wheel change) ; removable side handle that installs from either side; extra large ball bearings for smooth quiet operation ; heavy-dutY tool rest; double insulation, CSA approval ; 8' power cord; AC/DC Instant release trigger switch. ITEM 3802372 Tool Body Only.
13 Ibs.
ABRASIVE CUT·OFF SAW. Net wt. 33 lb •• ShiPPing wt.
42.9 lb<.
ITEM 3802367 _ . _ . • . .
$22475 •
EXTRA CUT·OFF WHEEL fo r M.kila Cut·Ofl Saw. Wt. 2 lb• . ITEM
3802375 .• . $5.95 Ea.
;'~ ~
~J ACCESSORY KITS (~ (A) G ri nding Dep rene d Center Wh eel Kit one wheel g""rd
(With mounting hardwa(~) one Inner flange movnt. on! d~· pres!.ed center wheel ; one lodt nut; wlenc.h ITEM 3802655 Wt . 4 lb • . 7" D i • . Kit.. • • . 527.50 ITEM 3802657 Wt. 5 lb • • 9 " Di• • K it . • • . $ 29. 50 ITEM 3802656 WI. 3 lb •. 7" 0 ,• . Ki t
Without Whe'e l Guard ... ..• . S 17.25 24 Gfl t Spire G r ind ing Whee ls _ . . . . .... 52.99 El . 7" 0 .. ITEM 3801364 . .. •• 9 " Do • • ITEM 3802659 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.40 El (8) Sanaln9 Abrlsive O isc K it : One fubbef backIng p~; 10 a b rasllI'I' cJISC~ No. 16.24.36 .. 50.80 got (two of edch). OM lOCk nut ITEM 3802660 Wt 7 lb •. 7 " 0, •. Kit ., •• $29.88 (C) Wire Cup Brush Kit : One 5/8" th,ead ~ 4 ·3/8" O.a. wire cu p brush. ITEM 380266 2 Wt. 1 l b ..
•. $1 1.50
(0) Abrasive Cut·Off Whee l t<. 11: One y"rre.' guar" {with moun' hardware} i one lOner flange mount . flv/! 7" x 1/8" ,brastve ('ut-off wh eels: one IQck nut.
ITEM 3802663 Wt. 5 lb • . ' " 0 .. . Kit . • .. •. 529.98 ITEM 3802664 Wt. 4 tbs. Slme kit as .bov. but witl1 0ut whHlgu.rd • . . . . . • .
•..•..••••• • ••.•••• $ 19.98
ITEM 3802665 7". 1/ 8 " C ut Off Wn•• , Only . 52 . • ' E.
"MORE POWER TOOL FOR Y O UR M ONE Y." Maklta may be a new name to the power tool market, but they have 60 yens of field tested techniques that go Into each and every electri c Powel tool that they manufacture. Every Makita motor IS custom engineered, bUilt to rtgorous standard s, and tested with the tool for 30 minutes. under power
An e)(cellent too l for general metal working. Ideal for Auto Body work. Smoothing Welds, OebUffing, etc. Powerful 560 watt motor with front and side 'Iow through venting for c.ool operation . Safe. double insulated design with con· \'enient slide type thumb sWitch . Constructed Wi th 3 ball & 1 sleeve bearings fot smooth an d quiet opetatlon. Comes complete With 2 depressed center grinding Wheels. safety cover removable SIde handle , and a set 01 s~cial wrenches. SPECIFICATIONS : Continuous rating· Input 560 watts., output 290 watts . No load speed 8,700 RPM , Overall length 10 "..... Powet cotd length 8 ft . Approx .
~;~:\j:o~~~~ .s~~g: ~~ .•8. '~S~
_• • • • •
Same as above except Maklta4"dISC. grlnaer. Cont.n· uous rating · Input 450 watts, output 240 watts. No load speed 10.000 RPM . Net wt. 4 Ib s. s n pg wt. 6 Ibs. ITEM 3802 9 49 .. . ... • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 77 . 50
before leavlnq the factory! Bes i d es power an d pe r· formance you'll like the safet y features such as Double Insu lation and C SA App r o v al. Makl t a and Princess Auto Imflte you to choo se f ro m on e o f the world's most extensive l ines o f qu al ity t o ol s on t he market today.
Drywa{/ SCREW .
Variable "",pp'n,,, ••v.,."lDle enables you to muscle throug h modern mateftals to set screws In tough stee! o r wo od backing· yet the ea sy d e pt h adju st m ent keeps drivin g accurate Wi t hou t marring. Makes spotti n g sim ple a ft~r d i mple work. This tool has a Varia ble Speed feat u re and R everse Action to ensure u n ifo rm d rive.-or·draw per f o rmance In prod uction. T he Variable Speed featUJe a llows slow starts an d the tool wil l no t " wa lk-off " t he screw _ Co m es complete with 1/ .... hex b it , m agnet i c bit hol d er . and l ock b utton. SPECIFICATIONS : C a pacity· Dr ywa ll sc rew 11 6, teks, 3/16", Bit sh an k size· "" .. hex. Con t inuous duty Input 5 40 w atts, o utpu t 22 0 watts . N o lo ad speed o . 250 0 R P M. O verall leng t h 11 " Powe r cor d length
~Tf~·':~~~2~~;·1 3:3. I ~':
• • . ••• •. • • . •
2 Drills in 1 . H.D. Yz"RIGHT
ANGLE DRILL EAcellent for right angle drilling into tig ht sp ot s, o r for fast work on studs , joists. et c . T he rIght a n gle dr illing unit swivels a full 360 0 , and locks into a n y pOSition . ThiS drill may also be used without t h e ri ght an gl e attachment for straight l i ne d rillin g ! Co mes com pl et e With the famed Maklta geared chUCk , adi ustab le dep th
a~~egc~i~~:n~~~b~eh:i~eX~I~~?j:' ~oa~~~~,s~CI~~h ~~ r~~e:g~
key". SPEC I FICATIONS : Dril l ing Ca pa city - st eel 112", wood 1·1/8", Continuous ratlOg - in put 6 2 0 w atts, o ut·
3~b.3s~~a;;'~:t~'n~~r\~~gS~;~~ b~:~} ~o~~gre ~g~~' ~~f.
Overollllength 15 " . Weight 11 Ibs.
$ 130.95 591 .45
IT EM 3 8 0 2 3 &8 •• • ••• . • • .• •••• • Same as above . but less n ght ang le d ri lling a tt achment IT EM 380 2 369 • ••• . • • . • • ••• •••
Pe rfec t bal ance In a versatile subcompact. "Possi bl y the best handling dr ill In the wotld, " Featu res a var i able speed motor t ha t let s y o u match y our speed to the materi al , O ther o u t standing per formance fea t ur es Incl u de : ·Safe double Insulation (no need for 3 prong plUg) , "ExclUSive Mak ita "Fo rget· me-n o t" clip -on chu c k key, -Pistol gr i p , w i th easy t ri gger ope ratio n and convenie n t lock b u tton . · Revers l ng sw i tch . -H Ip Cli p on to p att.1ch es easi ly t o belt, holster, et c , S PECI F ICA TI O N S : Drilling capaci t y · ,t•• 1 3/8 " . w oo d );..... Conti nu ou s rat ing· Inpu t 330 w atts, out· p u t 1 2 0 w att s. No load va riable speed · 0 . 1050 RPM, Ove rall len gt h g:/z". Wl. 3 . 2 Ibs, ITEM 3 8 02 3 70 • • . • • • • ••• • • • • • •
~~ __~~_ HEAVY
DER·POLISHER Con t inuou s Rating · Input 700 watts. output 41!J. wa tt s. N o load speeds (2 2 00 0/3 800 P P M . Overall lengt h 17 -7 / 8 ". Power cord ling," 8 feet ApOto)l;lmate shippi ng w eight 11lbs
~~~~374 . . . . . . .
.... .... .. .
One of the most popular tools In the Makita Hne ,lOd here"s why' Tv¥o cOn,,8nlent speeds : high for sanding applications; and low for polishing, Instant release triqger With lock button for continuous oper ation . Exceptiona l balance offers e"'ortleSS handling, Comes complete with lambs wool bonnet, set of 10 ab,asive discs (2 each of the following grits "11). #. 24, ti. 36. #. 50 _ #. 80)' rubber back-up pad. lock nuts, large Side hand I. adn a set , speCial Wllnr:hes.
Powerful and rugged. yet IIgh'M"gn' 01",' Ibs. net. 5000 RPM for qUIck g"ndlng/Sdnuong on heavy duty Jobs, especIally useful on auto body repair shops. Contoured non-slip 3 position auxllllary handle . Ball and roller bearings - wIde faced double reduct,on gears. Contour trigger SWitch. S eel protector flng for guard mountong. Includes rubber backing pad and two sanding dlscs. 120V AC, 2 HP. 10 amps. ShIPPIng weIght
LifetIme guaranteed unbrea"'.able Insulated houslngs. PowerfUl and rugged yet wel'1hs only 9 Ibs. 2 HP, 10 amps, 120 V.A.C. dynamically balanced motor, 2500 RPM high speed (no load) for sanding; 1600 RPM low speed (load) for polishing. He.vyduty wide face double reduction gears- roller bearing on output spindle with
'11Iz 11) Can be lE'" J ''1to a g""der with adaptor (C) oelow. ITEM 3801715 _ Special Only! _ •••. _. $89_75 - OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT(B) 1" Wheel Guard ITEM 3801716 _. $15.95 (C) '" x 1/4" Depressed Centre Whee" 24 GrIt ITEM 3801364 ••.•• _ •••••• _ •••• $2.99 (C) Flange Adap' 1<' for above Centre Wheel ITEM 3801888 .....••.• __ ••••••• $13.75 ball thrust. Contoured non"sllp 3-posltl n l!lx lliary handle. Contour trigger switCh With lock, Bulllm top non-mar bumper, Ball suspension. Unit includes 7" rubber backing pad, 7" lamb5 wool polishing bonnet 2 sanding diSCS. 120V AC, 2 HP. lr> amps Shpg. wt. 111/z Ibs. ITEM 3801714 "995
Ball Bearing, 2-Speed Polisher-Sander
Double In!tulated Industrial ball bearing 2·speed POl· iSher-Sander With 5/8" x 11" threaded spindle. PrOles-slonal QUility lor fast pOlishing or sanding applications on auto bodies and other surfaces. 8all and roller bearing construction on output spindle; roller and ball thrust bearings on gear train Heavy duty wide face double reductlongears . H.O . 120V.A.C. 10imp. motor
1600 RPM for pOlIshln9. 2500 PPM 0' ·ndl. M.:handle textured for non-slip grip. 2·" on-Slip contoured .u~ilhary handle. BUllt.in spindle lock lor easy accessory change. Contour trl~ger switch With lock BUilt-in top non·mar bumper. Ball Susp!nst""'n. Includes 5/8" K 11" threaded backing pad, loc.king nut, SOinner wrenCh, polishing bonnet, 2 sanding diSCs. Unit ship. wt. Illbs. ITEM 3102320 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '19.95
ThIS versatIle tool can be used to cut nuts-, - - - boils, and rivets, and In hundreds of other ways that you WIll dIscover. PIstol grip WIth hIgh ,mpact plastIC covered handle. Fingertip COntrol varies rate from 100 to 3600 Impacts per minute. For use with one H.P_ or larger motor and forty gallon or larger air tank. 80-150 PSI, 100 - 3500 IPM. NPT. Uses 0401 attachments. COMPLETE WIth spring plus the following attachmenls : * Muffler Remover - Removes outsrde and insIde p Ipes. Cuts off old mufflers * Cold ChIsel - for heavy cold chIsel worl< Cuts fa st through heavy melaL ,. T-Type Panel Cutter"V" cut blade Ideal for all purpose culling * Tapered Punch - For drrftlng out pins,llnlng up holes, driVIng out frozen bolts, and punching holes , ITEM 3801893 (complete set) Wt . 4". Ibs .••••••.........•• . .. _ ... .. •. _ .•.• _ • $49.95 ITEM 3801894 (air hammer only) Wt. 3". Ibs •..•. _ .••• _ ......•. . •• _ •••. , • .• $34.95
W I RE BR U SH WHEELS ITEM Bore Di.una-ter Thickness Wt. I 3802878 3 8-f/2 4" v. lb. 3/8" 411.... , 3802879 5 8 lV.. tb. 11/4 .' 6·· 3 8·· 3802880 5 8 l/.. lb. ; 380288' 1 2·5 8 7" llJ.. lb. B·' 3802B82 I 2·5/8 '·1 8'· 2'" lb. 3802883 1/2-5/8 6" 1I.. lb. 3 8" 3102884 1/2-5/8 5 J/ ..u 1112 lb. 3802885 1/2·5 8 8" '-I 8" 2112 lb. , 2" 3802205 I 2 3" V2 lb.
Price 2.9~
4.75 4.98 5.98 B.95 4.95 6.95 8.95 1.45
(F) DEPRESSED CENTER GRINDING WHEELS Perrectly balanced, general purpose grindIng wheels.
afe ~ high out~put wheel for fast grinding. A24-30S. (8) Medium hardness, all purpose wheel. Type A305.
ITEM# 3801364 3802659 3802852 380285,
wt')1 ~ricfell Price Dimensions Max . R .P.M . (e • . ) (e •. ) For(2S) $2.991 $67.50 lJ 8.500 7"x ""x7/S" 99.00 9"x'/4"x7/8" 6 . 800 1'1> 4.40 5"xV."x7/8 u 10, 000 2.90 64.95
4"x,/.. ")(5/8"
IT"M I nI, 3802B70 6 1!;!" 380287' 6'· 3802872 4'1." 3802873 3lf....
Bore Wt. Price IMa. "PM 5 S" thread 6000 4lJ.. Ibs. S9.95 7.95 S/S" thread 7000 2lf.. Ibs. 5 . 95 5/8" thread 7000 l:1/.lbs. , lb. 5 8" hole 3.95 -
(c) 6" Cup Grinding Wheel. Coarse grIt 2" thick. MaxImum RPM-60S0. 5/8" coarse thread bore. Wt. 3'h Ibs. ITEM 3802869 ... • .. • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95
FLEXIBLE SANDING DISCS. An all purpose fibre di'Sc. for mild steel and nonferrous materials. Excellent for high stocK removal
and long life Size 7" x 7/8"
ITEM wt. Price Price ,i • • FM"5 e' V. $1.20 $27.00 3802846 16 V. 3802847 24 25.00 '.'2 1.04 23.00 3802848 36 V. .95 2' . 00 3802849 50·' V. 3802850 80·, V. . 85 '9.00 (E) CUT·OFF WHEELS tA) For portable Grinders - depressed center cut-of r
wheels. Type A24 30T.
(8) For portJible Circular Saws - long-lite sheel metal cut-off wheel. For general construction and thin wall
(C) For portable power tools - general purpose cut-off wheel for concrete or steal. Type FH. CD) For stanonny machfnes onl)r, a very flexible, thIn wneel for fast, easy and burr-free cutting of all materIals and thin wall tube nlwon'lnn IT"" A 3802665 "XI 8" 7 8" A 8 5 9" I" 7 a" .. 5 8'· 3802054 " 1 ass 8" 6" 58" " 5 S ·· iii2a5 8·...' ~57 7" 3 " 5 " B023 5 12" 33 ··xl" 3802309 1 "Xl l"x1"
• For steel
FLEXIBLE ABRASIVE WHEELS No more hand sanding Just because a surface Is curved
or irregular! Flexible abrasive wheels are designed to Grind, Sand. Clean, Buff, PoliSh, Remove Rust and
Paint from wood and metal •.. any shape found, flat, or contoured. 1" coated abrasive cloth flaps are secure-
!Zh~~~~~d c~n~~~~tt~UfheTs~i:~en~~~~!y!t;r~ ~:~~:.S JJ:~
not gouge or dIg Into the surface and the sanding action Is easily controlled by the amount of pressure apPlied. All wheels can be used on portable drills as well as high
speed bench motors~ Excellent sanding applications on furniture, pipe. engine parts, shutters, wire mesh, etc •••
prices,,1 I::":" Wt I ~~~O~ Forr25 860 'I> $2.49 556.50 ITEM 3802954 ~ Chuck Adapter for V4" • l/I" Drills 3.45 8 77.50 • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . . $2. 25 8 0 V, . 0 5850 FLEXIBLE ABRASIVE MINI-WHEEL KIT , 2.98 750 >I, 6750 This starter kit includes an assortment of 5 popular sizes in coarse, medium. and fine grits -In widths I/.. u to 1" 2.99 75 6 ,00 8 0 1'2 2 .59 ~~?h I04,?I:~~~erfso~~J:~ab~~5~~;;ls 11~~:., fhOa~e'1~~ 0 IV, .5.95 flexIble shafts and high speed hobby motors. For sculp470 pr. 14.75 349.00 turing or sand-polishing wOOd, mttal, glass, ceramiCS, and plastics. wt. 3 Ibs. ITEM 38029~5 ..•.•..• $21.95
ELECTRIC CHAIN S AW OOI."t)11 "sula d. unlt.nij construct on. A Ume Ind
horneo""""'r or bulldm9 trAOMmen. Ideal for tre. pru"
lave, for
"V. cutting
firewood or felling trees up to 3 feet In diameter Tnl, lightweight super Powered dynamically Nlanced IIW features (1) a built-I n, 4 oz. uP.clty manual oiler. conven iently IOCUIO on tne ''In(HI, (2) ,eversible cutter bar for l)(tt:ndCCl I.fe. (3t chlse ~ tOoth Ch.lln , (4) oon..,lIo 9,lp handle and (5) unbreakable tllg" Impact Plastic hOUSing guaral'1teed for life .
ITEM 3102035 10" saw, cuts 2 ft. trees. 2 H . P., 11 Imps. 12 0V AC. !i200 rpm. ShiPPing weight 10 tbl... . . ... . .. .. • . S54.'S ITEM 3102036 14" saw, cuts 3 rt tr"s,2 H.P., 12 amps, 120V AC. 5000 rpm . Shipping weight 111fJ tbs . • • • •• .. • • ••• • . • • • •• • 177 . '5 ITEM 3103005 - 14" Light Duty, Cut 211t trees, 2 H . P .• 11.5 amps., 5200 R . P.M . Snip.. ping weight 9 IbS .. _ ......... , • ,. • • • ... • . ... " 2 ' 5
Venatlle. compact and light\l\letght for use by ltie home-
owner, contractor, electrlcaan or plumber Prunes trees. cuts logs, plunge cuts, flwt"; cuts and cuts wood, alummum.
oons. steel and pIpe tubing. F,ve dIfferent blades Included.
Select the proper one for each function. Base IS free floating and pivots automatteally to adjust to angle of work. 3 position auxiliary handle and main rear
grip handle convenlenl lor left or rIght hannld~u:se;. ' .1........""'"" AC 2/3 H.P.. 4 amp unll. WI. 6\1, Ibs. _ ITEM 3802037 •..••• $49.95 Blade Pack (5 bladeS) for above saw
ITEM 3103004 ...•.•••••.••• 19.75
Guns A
~~)r "':~:'P~:f~bJ~ol~;Iu1:~~ :o~~!J:,~~CF~~I~A::~
,need - SAFE' Powerful 11 amo. 2 H.P. motor. S.fety clutch
to pre.,ent ku:kb.ck. Permanentlv
~gr~~:n-:n~g~as,_ E:Jr,~ hti:~nd~l ~~r~'t ~"o9Je O·2 · 3/S"OeDth 01 cut
Oll uxe soldering gu n kit with 3 interchangeable tips. Light duty tip 25-100 watts tor delicate work, medium duty tip 100-200 watts for wiring etc., heil'lY tIp 200450 watts for the bIg jobs. Kit Includes gun, 3 tiPs. roll of solder and plastic carrying Cilse. Unit shiPPing
wt. 3 '1, Ibs. ITEM 3.02031 . ...•...•.••..•. $2'. 95
Similar to above, but All Purpose 25 ~ece 200 Wiltt Soldel'lng Gun Kit. 2 neat rilnges and automatic the,mal regulation " Built-m spot light. Includes regulilr duty tip (100·200 watts), roll of ,eSln core solder, 20 assorted soldering tugs, soldering aid, fluxlOg brush and custom carrym9 ColS•• 120V AC. ITEM 38030"Approx . wt . 3Y2 Ib, • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • $19 .85 Replacement T.ps for Above Guns. ITEM 3103021 Light duly . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . • . $4.50
ITEM 3103022 - MedIum DulY ... ...•...... S4.50 ITEM 3103023 - Helvy Duty ( for .50 Watt ,un only) . .•.•.. . . . • .. .• ... . . . • . . • • . . . . . . . $4.50 200 Watt Soldlrlng G un. Heats In only 3 seconds. Handle and caie are hlat and shock reSistant . Butlt·ln spot light. Includes ea'Ily removable tip. 120V AC.
ITEM 310301' • Approx. ,hpg. wt. 3'11 lb ••... S26.'5 Replacement Tip· ITEM 3803020 .•• . . . . . . . - S 1 . 20 100 Watt Soldering Gun. Complete with long-nose soldering tiP, tile cutting tiP. 5 't. reSin Cafe solder
ITEM 3'03017· Approx • • hpg. wl. 2 Ibs ..••• S 16.25 Replacemlnt TIp· ITEM 3'03019 ..•.. ••.•• S2.35
.t 450 01-7/8" SnOQ . wr
!lIb• . ITEM 3.01432.. ..
(A) Similar to above 7'1.ttl Oelu •• Heavy Du1y Clrcula' Saw. Roller beulng construction , Chrome pl.ted upper guard and b.se assemblY •• nd chromenickel moly combln.tlon blade; rip guide and slip clutch . He.vy duty wide hlee spur gears. WrAP afound SWIt'\9 guard retractor I,ver. D.Pth of cut at 90 0 up to 2·3/8". depth of cut at 45° uo to 1·7J8·~
Double Insulated. 12 amps. 5100 RPM. 120V AC. Comc:uele with bl.de wrench. APorox... Snp9. wt
12 'bs. ITEM 310300\.
~I ~ R~rt~~~,~~~n~Us~~~.,:!.~~:~:~,~~
Lo.(;n,. Lo-SDeIKS.
t~~s~~ ' ~"R:P~':;:~:'~? ~'~S~I~:~~
R.P .M . Needle bearil"91 .1 str,,, Oolnts. Au:xi lI.ry top ~ndl'. 3 wlr, cord •• dapter. 120\1 A~
~T·E"M"'j'''02~~·,''':t. ~ I~~• •••••••••• $79.00
(8) Variable Speed Revenlbll Drill (slmlllr 10 above but less Side n.ndle). Finger tiP varillDle lOHd control from 0·1200 RPM. AdjUstable speea lock lets. you pre",.'ect deSireQ speed and fOCk for SpeCifiC drilling JOb. Forward or reverse switch Double reduction 9'.r5. Doubte Insulated. 2 8 amps. 120V AC - The Comolete Drill P,pprox
t. 3'11 lb• . ITEM 3'03013. • •• •• . S42 .95
(A) WHAM AI R HAMMER ONLY - Ham m ers. rivet s. cuts shears. breaks! Uses .40 I" dia. chisels and p unches. Fangertlp control varies rate from 100 to 3600 b l ows per minute. Inlet"''' pipe Alumlnum handle. O'alllength 6 ... • . ITEM 7801088 • • .• •..• ..., WHAM Tool Attachment for fast profitable body w ork. Prec'Slon Tools with .401 shanks for above hammer. (B) MUFFLER REMOVAL T OO L - Removes outside and Ins,de pIpes. Cuts off old m ufflers ITEM 7801115 . •• .••..•.•........••..... $4.95 (C) COLD CHISEL - For heavy cold ch isel work. Cuts fast through heavy metal. IT EM 7801112 ... $4.50 (D) T-TYPE PANEL CUTTER - "V" Cut Blade. ideal for all purpose cutting. ITEM 78011 14 •..•. $4.50 (E) TAPERED PUNCH - For driftIng ou t p i ns. li ne u p holes. droving out frozen bolts. punc h ing holes. etc. $4 ITEM 7801113.......................... . .50 Save 10%! Compl ete kit· Abov e air ham me r & 4 Ch isels! Wt. 4 '1> Ibs. ITE M 7801116....................... •
ThIS quality tool WIll fulf,ll your drolling needs in the ho me or th e shop. Handles bIt sIzes up to 3/8". Recommended air sup p ly - one horse· power or larger compressor w ith at least 40 gallon air tank. Specifi ca tio ns: pipe thread, 5" long. 5""" tall. Wt. 3 'k Ibs. ITE M 3 80 22 03 .
Indestro tools are fully guaranteed agarnst~;::;~~i£:;:;'7 Imperfections in workmanshIp andany material" Free replacement will be made of imper· feet tool upon Its return.
3/8" SQUARE DRIVE ~~g~~l8R~ES 3/ 8" Dr ive R.gul., Sockets - 6, 8, and 12 Poi n t. S lles 3/B" to 1" . . . . . . . .$2. 10· $3.25 3/ S" D ri ve E x tr ~ Deep Sockets - 6 and 1 2 POint. Si zes 3/8" to 1" . . . .. .. ... . ..• .. . ... ... .. $Z . 8 - 54.60 3/' " Dri ve Ext enS ion s - 1· 3/4 " t o 20 " long . .. . . . . . 5Z . 80 • $8 . 13 3/ ' " Drive Revers ible Riltchets . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . .From $ 13. 70
l / Z" Dri ve Regulilr Sockets- 6, 8. and 12 Point. Si zes 3 / 8" to 1 ~ 1/4" . • . • . • . . . • . . . . • . . . . . • . . •. •.... . ....• • •..•.• 52. 41 • $5 . 11 1/ 2" Drive Deep Sockets - 6 and 12 Point . SIZes 1./2" to 1- 1/4" •.• . • . ••• . . ••• • . . . . . • • • . . . . . • •• . . . . •• • •• . . . . • • 54.67 · 56.91 l/Z " Dnve Extens ions - 2 ·7/16" to 2 0 " long . . . . . S4 .27 . S 11.43 lIZ *' Dr ive Reversible Ratchets . . . . • . . ... • .... .. . From $16.Z5
3/4" Dri ve Regul.ar Sockets -12 Point. Sizes 7/8'" to 2·1/4" . ... . . • •• • ..••• . •.•• . •.••.•.•.. . ... . .. . .. . . . . . . . SI .20·$20.35 3 / 4 " Orive Exten,lonl- Sizes 4" to 16' 1 long . • , • . . $9.65 . S 17 .00 NOTE : These Ar. Partial Listing, Only . Visit Our Store For A Complete Selec;tion Of Indestro Sockets & Accenoriu.
WRENCHES FROM INDESTRO Short Handle Serie, Combination Wrenches -
6 _nd 12 Point .
S lle. 1 / 4" t o 3 / 4.. ... . .. ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$2.17. U . "
6 Ind 12 Point. S.ze. 3/B" tn 2 " . • • • • • • • . • . •. • •• ••• .•• .••••• $5." - UO.OO Combination MltrlcWrlnches-6and 12 Point . S1zes 9mm to 22mm Long Handle Serle. Combination Wrenches -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $3.14 ·$1.31
Double Open End Metric Wrenches -
19", m.
OESCRIPTlON 10" Long Grove Joint Pliers 12" Long Grove JOint Pliers 6" Lon Dill onal Cuttln PUer V." Long H.D. Cuttln Pller 6" Long Nose Cutting PUer 7" Linesman Cutting Plier 4" Flilt Nose 6" SIi Joint 8" Slip Joint 10" Slip Joint
Sizes 6mm x 7mm to 18mm x
. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.15 ·S3. 48
Midget Pliers
PH.r , Pliers Pliers
ITEM# 3802634 3802635 3802636 3802631 3802638 3802639 . 3802640 3802641 3802642 3802643
PRICE S 7 . 60 10. 10 8 . 78 '0 . 20 8.80 10.45 7.10 3.15 4 . 45 5.85
Villt our Itore where you un hllve a look It the wide variety of QUlllity Indlltro tooll .
drawer" full 'en9th tole tr.y. 90 stop Piano hlnge, and h.. ..-y duty nlcke' plated hardware . FiniShed In Bright Red mar "feslslant biked en ' amel. Out!ude dim .' 2''')( l'h"" , ' ..... ". 2 drawers: 20" )( 7YJ" )( 1 'h", 1 drawer: 20" )I; 7Y," • 3", Shippang weight 30 Ibl,
3~~~~54 . ................ ...... $39.95 (B) Shl h ",Slldlng drawers With PO'iltlve stops Adjust able pa,tltionl. La,ge tote l,ay. front IO~kS draw er's , Mar ·reSlstant baked red
enamel .
Outside dim: 26")( 12 " )( 14" 2 dr.wers: 11" )( 5V,tt )( 2". I drawer: 11" x 12.),1.")( 2"
11" )( 23" )( 2.".
1 drlwer: 11"
~~~l4 ~M:~~·:... $87.50 (B) SIMILAR TO ABOVE BUT 9 DRAWER MECHANIC'S CHEST. 6 .mall d,.w ers for convenient layout of tools. 3 full length d,awef~ for larger tools . Tote trlY with double socket divider .nd drop front secures drclwerSl. Steel handles and lid stop at 900, Mar resistant red acryhc fln~sn . OulSid. dim.: 26" )( 12")( l~". 6
~r~:~~3S,;;i·::)(l~~~~;'.3~~~~p~n~r~V:~7s2 fbls'.')(I~l~·~2~'iJ2~,~wer ~ . • . •
cantdevered trays, for tools and parts. Opens
wide for easy access to large capacity bed. Two trays have socket dividers and nlnged covers. Finished in blue hammer tone enamel. Ou\5ide dim J( 13", Trays 16l{." x4lfl"x11/1". Approx.
18" x 10"
~~~1.; ~io~g~gs ..
BEACH PROFESSIONAL MODEL ROLLER CABINET - B19. rugged, and versatile. 12 different drawers art~ de5lC)ned for max, tool separation. Front cover allows t he cabinet to be completely closed In and locked. E QIJlppeeJ wi th IOCkin9 castef'S tor easy mObility around the Sho p. ThiS mobile tool center 15 a ?OOd Investment that will save you both Ume and money . Finished in mar resistant red acryliC. Outside Dim. : 18' )(27")(42" ~nc . C.15tl".).4 drawer
~1~~;~~.6~~:~~;~g5w~~al~~~~s~4" )(161 ';~~.~ ~i'~~2:~5.: ~~".)(~~ "~".X~·:. ,1, ~r~~e: l. 2.4: ·~ 1, ~':'X6.".
save Mechanic's Socket Wrench Set
f.0 ...·(\
, I
) 1 '"
·~ ! .; r
ff. ~'(O;
HEAVY DUTY "'''SQUARE DRIVE SOCKET WRENCH SETS These sets are especlarly recommended for (vlclng trucks.
y A ~
Hactors. and other heavy duty equipment as well as tor gene,,' work requiring extra heavy duty tOOl5 for severe service . Made from selected grade alloy steel , 2' Plecal:
~~'?: ~
conmtlngol 15/16",31/32",1",1,\ / 16", 1-1/8", 1-3/16", 1·1/4". 1-5/16". 1· 3/S", \·7/16", 1'/. ... 1-9/16". 1-5/8". \ - 11/16", 1-3/4". 1-7/ 8",1'13116".2", Drag Link Socket 20"
~~ 1/2" DRIVE SOCKETS -;
... -
Sliding Bar-T Handl., Reversible Ril!Ch.t, Universal JOint. 3", 8", Jlnd 16" ExtenSion BarS . Wt. 42.. Lbs . ITEM7'01161Complet. wit h St •• 1 Box • • • • • • • • •
11 PIECE y," DRIVE SOCKET SET - Fine qu.lltV SI .. I In most popular sizes. Includes: 9" reversible ratchet, 12" flex handle. 5" extension, ratchet speed adaptor, meUI bOX, ilnd the .. 12 point 'ockets: 7/16", 1/2", 9/16". 5/S", 11/16", 1-1/8". 1-1/4". 3/4",1-1/16.13/16", 7/S". 15/16", Wt. 2
3' 0 2221 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _ • _.
EfficIent Drilling In Masonary. Wood, Met.}1 • '" 2-Speed model with convenient slide switch. setting for rot,ary hammer or jUst rotarY drilling. .. Felt and r'ubber dust shIelds protect moving parts. .. Heavy-Outy geared type, k;ey opel"ated
* Arrow
:~~t~~~u~~r~r 'Z~~tb;I~~:!'r~~~~_ Maklta
• Double Insulated.
Extremely good buy for the value minder consumer! Sold separately or as the combo. Large 20" )t 8 1/ .... X 91Jl" 2·drawer tool chest will hOld many tools. Allows the mechanic to organize tools for fast, easy reach. Spacious roller cabinet has excellent storage capacity for large tools, tOol sets. parts, ete, Measures 26 J/;" )( 18 Iil" )( 24lj~" with one sMelf and hin9· ed dool' with lOCk. Easy rOIling caster! allows complete mobil· tty around shop. Both the chest and roller cabinet are finisned in charCoal and red. SPECIF· ICATIONS : -Dim. or Drawers (21 17·7/8" long x 7·3/8" dePth x 2-1/4" high. *90 0 stop tamper proof piano hinge on r...abinet. *Drawer slides. "Drawers lock when the top lid is shut. ·Complete with hasp for security padlOCk on chest and cabinet. Cabinet has
:~I~~w~v:~m~n. ~~:~{~nIY'WI. 17
$29.95 $74.50
lb •......• ITEM 3802965 •• olle. c.blne1 only·Wl.43 lb.
Stee l ••••••••••••. Vz ..
Conc rete ...•... )/. .. Continuous Ra ti ng
Input ............ 650 Watts
Output ......... 380 W .. tts No Load Speed .••.. •. • Hi : 1.300 R . P .M • ........ Lo : 1,000 R .P .M . Blows Per Minute. •. . •HI : 14, 300 B.P.M .
.... Lo : 11,000 S.P.M . O ' all Length ... .. . ...... , 4 112: " Net Welgh1 ....•..•... . •.•6 . 6 Ibs. Comes. complete with 1/," tungsten Carbide bit; 360 0 swivel type handle, with adjustable depth gauge: stone wheel tt'lat mounts on drill to sharpen drill bits; ExclusIve MaKlta cllp·on<huck, Drill chuCk; Blow-out bulb;
n~i..'1~6~~\8·.s~: ~~.p~~~'. :~~~'. ~~: ~~ .'~~·$132.50
take many yeir5 of tough abuse. Made of cast steel With har· dened and polished face. Ex-
cellent for ma· chine Shop. fac· tory or farm
use ITEM 3802292 3802293
Heaes Bue Size 8" x 5.11:" lOV.... x 7"
17" 20'h"
Wt. Lbs. 67 111
PRICE 599.50 S 169.95
Quick Action Vise
The Special "QUiCK tion" Feature of this amazing vlse allows the laws to be positioned without continuous turning handle! Press the button and the jaws slide to desired position. Release the button and the jaws can be tightened as much as possible. Excellent appl1catlons In machining and woodwork. Chec~ the other outstanding features: • Body constructed from cast alumlnum alloy" Jaws constructed from hClrdened and tempered steel" Knurled handle for positive grip - Slotted Jaws will 9rlp any material profile Will tit most drill press tables .... Rubber jaws pads for use with wood or soft materlal • 45 0 , 900, and 180" operation. Jaws Width 4", OpenIng 4". BOdy Size 6" x 7114", Wt. 4.Ih Ibs. ITEM 3802315 • , , , •• $29.50
Extra heavy duty units tor Industry, farm and home. SWivel base with positive lock. Removable jaws. Three bolt holes for rigid bench mounting. High alloy steel construc· for rough usage . .. JAW N\. 29 Ibs. 5" JAW Wl. 46 Ibs. 6"JAWWt. 84 Ibs.
O'all dim .: 11 "L x 8"W x 7" Ht. ITEM 3802204 .. . . . . . . . . . . . .$29 .95 O'all dim .: 14 /."L x 9"W x 7 3/," Ht. Approx . ITEM 3801672' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,$49.95 O'all dim.: 17"L x 10'/."W x 9" Ht. Approx. ITEM 3801673 . . . . , .. . . . . . . . $69.95
VISE GRIP---z;i~Locking Pliers
~r':tll~ han"i::~I'~~ !,..e mA'k~. u~.
equllted for doing more jobs
Why ?
Take 11 look at the.e futu,",: • Knurled .Jaw Tip, - Hold work at Ihe very tiP with non-slip grip -Thin No" - Permih work In ex-
tremely close qUlrten ·WlreCutter-Exe't, up to a ton of pressure. Cuh wire Ind .mall bolts· Adjusting ScrewAdjust to ",eded Jaw size Then squeeze handle to IDCIt. ·ContrOlled Power- AdJusUng ICrew al50 lets you conlrot prenur. -Quick Relaut - Onty ffngertlp prenura on the rei use lever Imme.. dfltely releatel JIWI ~
!~! I!~;' j~~!·~~t,;~~atWwtl~!c:Unt~~lr.5 {~~.~a;. ~~j:;:;'n~~..~.~:::.~. $ 6 .45 ~a~U!!~'d~~!! :~i;,~u~ !:I':ek;:::.~{';:r~; ;:{,"lJ!,;:n.~..'.:?,~.~":: $6.48 !~~~:.~~~~ ~~tZh' ~~;: :~~~:;'~J~i:;' ~:;1 ~~~'. ~~~~~.~.: 7!.~:::..~~.~.. $6.65
(C) 7" L, 13 oz., jaw thlcknftl V4H jaw adjustment 1.. 5/.· ·. two curved Ja"l1 with wi", cutt.". ITEM 3.01473 . _ ..•••••••••••••••••.•.•..•.••• ~ •• ~ ••.••••••_ •••••••• ~6.20
~~.5~~ ~te~s~:Ti" ~;~:7':·~.~.~.~~.~:.J.~.~ .~. d.j.~.:~ .:.~~~••~ ~:~~ .~:~ .~.~.:.e.~:_~.:~~_$ 5 . 40
Petersen ClampS
AMOUS "VIS ·G I • 5 CIAl: LOCKING TOOLS (A) Sheet Metal Tool - Locks With power· ful non-slip .rl ... Ellmlrutel tiresome hand .,'pph'l. U.. to bend. form. crimp. Excel. lent for duct work. UPhOlstering and holding templates. Adjustabte to non·locklng pller action. Speclflf;ltlons! ••• long. WL 19 OL.
$ 7 .60
(8' Weldln, Clamp - M.k.. welding Job. quick and easy for one man. Locking jaws hold parh In perfect alignment. Frees both hands. Dee .. throated. "U" shaped jaws provld. good villblllly and ample workln, space. Speclfk:atlonlt S" Long, Wl. 25 oz. ! jaw width 214". Jaw adjustment '·5/"'. ITEM 3.01476 ••••••••••~~ •. .• ~ ... _ $7.98 CC) Lockl", "C" Clamp - Makes all manne, of clampi", JObs easy. Adjusts to the right opening be'ore UH:. tnen clllmps to the work witn a squeae of the hand. The small Jaw point makes It ideal 'or work in
~1~~·I:::.rt::: ~t:Y!z~~~:!~.dj!:: !:f:!:::,~~~.J~-:~.St~~;~;~~~~!~~~~
ITEM 3101.77
$ 7 .95
(D) Lockllll Chain Clamp. Pipe Wrench - The tool to use when the job Is seeminglY Impossible to hold.. Locks onto anything you un wrap the chain uound. £,.ceUent for pipes and shafts Qu ek adjultment 0'
;;~C'f~~~A~:~::s:or;:,~~.3:1!~.,'~~a~~hl~::t:s~~~ ••e:;~·MD30:~~~ 7~iD ..~.~u':?~:..~.~.~~~.~: ......__ .... ...$ 1 1.60
SOLDER Br CRAFT SE1i Interchangeable tiPS handle dozens of lobs and c.ra'ts with • .ase and speed. Sel'ct the tip needeo. screw t on, and allow It to heat for about three minutes. Use thts great kit 'or solderIng electroniC kits, WQo d a nd f;ork burning tor decorative designs. personalizing leatner craft, gOld foH writing. hot knife (uttlng. Includes double insulated handl., cnlsel soldering. pyramid sOldering tiP. craft tiP. fOil writIng. collet and hot knUe, gOld fOil p,pe,. Wider and COOling
:~;~. ~ltO:21~; •••••••••••••••••• $8.99 80
• 0"- Sin P'th All.
·1001!. Nylon Ihelf w,th 3 w de v,wr "Polyester foam IInmg. • eaSily washable - won't "'r!Ok ·Soft and pliable lweat band • All seams ooubl. It,tched. .p A ,M, Blue. ITEM 31116128 • • • • • • • • $2.76
(§! FlGmeless Heat Gun (A) A heat gun of this Caliber has a 1001 uses in ind such as, Automotive, Aircraft, Chemical, Marine, Plastics, Furniture, Electrlcal/Elecllonlc, etc. Features: Contoured, comfort fit handle, with convenient 3·way sWitch (Off, Cool, Heat) 'Stwdy die cast aluminum handle wPowerful Hi·Speed universal motor with brushes that can be changed in 60 seconds 'Quiet efficient turbo·fan with adjustable air Intake shutter *Metal base. Specs: Voltage Average temp. OF. 500·750; Air volume 13 CFM. ITEM 3115252 - Approx. Wt. 6 Ibs. - Special Price •... $74.95 . Replacement Element for above (500-750 0 F). ITEM 3115253 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . $11.50 (B) CONE - 1/," cone for concentration of heat to a restricted area. Patented directional air diffuser eliminates back pressure. ITEM 31 15255·Wt.If'lb ......... , ... $19.98 SAFE - DEPENDABLE (C) BAFFLE - POSitive head diffusion for shrinking tubing up to 1","0.0. I NST ANT - PORT ABL E ITEM 3115254 . Wt. I" lb ...... . .. .. . $26.95 , 12voll HIGH POWERVERSA D RILL I Real drilling power from your car battery or any other 12 volt bat· tery. 750 R .P.M. with '/," finger tightening chuck is designed to sanding and polishing discs.
Power screw drivers, wire brushes, grinding wheels, hole saws. Will drill through wood, li· berglass, metal, etc. with ease! Ideal for mobile homes, camp· ers, powerboats, cars and trucks. 12 ft. cord with battery clip ends. ITEM 3315799 .... , ....... $14.95
i tool IS deSIgned to set tip of the teeth of most l ' lm~~~lpopular handsaws Without damaging their roots. New 1ii~!tiiii!I T lightweight design gives ad· ded control and hence great· er accuracy during opel J. · tion. The handle IS speCially deSigned lor co mfort and the head IS offset for a bet· ter view of the working area. An excellent com· panlon for the saw sharpener on the right. Approx. shpg. wt. 1 /, Ibs. ' ITEM 3802316 ... $10.75
I POr'table
• O p·
erates from any 6 or 12 volt battery or transformer. Writes like a pencil by etching deep on all
metal surfaces.
top quality " WEN" product with super hard tunasten, c..,'....... ide tip. Now you can have permanent identification on all tools, sporting goods. wood and on glassl Adjustable
or wIde or fine bne engraving. Tough hi'lmpact plastic
",using contoured to fit your hand. 120V AC. 60 cycle. 7'"'' , og. Wt. 9 oz. 7200 strokes per m,nute. CSA approved TEM 3915400
...••..... , ...
ITEM 3801425 ONLY .. . . . . $4. 95
Replacement tiP tor above . ITEM 3801426 . . . . . . • . . . . . $.85
In:E~n~M:' .~~~f Keep-er
eal.al way 10 mal e Ion sa.,.. cutl through wlde·are, pa· nels. the KerfKeeper holds the saw4<erf edges firmly In alignment to help prevent saw·blnd.ng and ")"ICk·b.lck·" and to control the droop.ng and sagging of m,te,Jal bei cut. It also holds edges close pro)(lmlty for welding, soldering. gluing and cement-
Now It's easy for the Inexperienced do-it·yourselfer to fill holes. fOe rust spots. repair dents: etc. with profes· sional results. Save time and money and have fun doing .t. Complete kit Includ es: 11.. pint auto body plastIC with apPlicator, bOdy hammer. dent puller, body dOlly. met.al file, fender flanging tool, 6 sheets of sandpaper (3 dlf· ferent gritS), 2 pcs. 3" )( 6" flberglass screen malerlal. 4 oz. tube of glaZing putty. 3/8 oz. tube of cream hard· ener, complete and very informative body shop instruc· tion book.. Approximate shipPing weight 9 Ibs.
331 63 87 .... .. .......
gauge steel, Plated to prevent rust, the occupies only 3" )( 2""''' on U",e work and IS eq ulpped with 5/16" dla. rounded end
CP' 'It.
steel screw and fast spin·adJustlng wlng·nut With 1·7/8" "wing" spread. Max. work thickneSS 7/8". ITEM 3802956 - Appr01t. shpg. wt. (each):IH lb. PRICE EACH .•. .s3.60 PRICE OF 24 ... .s79 00
For Garages. Impl.ment Shops, Mlchine ShOPS, Service snops • Exclusive Design Features: No pinion i5 used· no plr'lIon to break. Guaranteed 4 ton workIn9 pressure without eJttenslon Pipe, etc. QUick posItioning of ram without use of handle End of ram fttted with QUick Change adaptor (one supplied With press). Ram lOCkS at every ratchet tooth. Flnge, tiP re-
lease 0' ram allows Instant manual POSitioning either up to
• Proauces perfectly concent"c washers and gaSkets. etc. "'Standard holder With spring loaded Self Cen· terlng dev.ce *9 diameter sizes from ..... through 1 ". dta. ·Puncnes are threaded for easy. Interchangabillty ·Centerlng dev.ce acts as ejector for waste slugs ·Constructed of high grade heat treated steel
3 lb •... $ 17 .50
a max. height or down to work load, Without uSing handle. Specl'lations: Bed open ng
4 Ram diam. l.\k", Lever· age ratiO 90 to I, Overall height 22", Throat depth 51tl", Max. working height 9", Ram travel 8", Bed surface 1
~;E ~0~8:2·~~~t.l.3~ ~b.S • • • • • • • • • •
HYDRAULICALLY OPERATED • An excellent value! YOU BU I LD • IT ~ campon,. nts that are
Kit Includes 6 Quality used to make the popu·
LOG .. . e- ~~a:gl~:~r~s~xe. ~~~:~~:r:PI~~,a';~ttp ~'~e38! '" dla. Complete kit '"clud": . I (A) Depend •. ble, high performance. 900r SPLITTE~ / type hydraulic pump . 1" NPT Inlet E
" /
~?g" ~~~:~'Sh~~~ pressure 1500 PSI. shalt. (8) HYdraulic control vllve 10r daub I. acting cyltnders. 16 GPM cIPacltv. 250
·1500 PSI.factory .et .11000 PSI. ,..,
pipe thr'ad ,nlet and outlet cylinder oP41nings • It;!" piPe thread. (C) HYdraulic cylinder 3:":" bar. x 24"
stroke. 9620 Ibs. push at 1000 PSI. 1" Pinholes, 1,," ports. Clevls It one end
and push plate at other, • (0) Greu" 110' type Oil filter. Built"ln by~pa5S \talve. 10 micron throw·away element ~ .. Inlet and outlet.
a~))(31~~!t~lj~~C~X ~~:~~~~~~Irp;~ls~
(F) Ellclusl\f8 double wedge (PIt. pend) blade With r,mo\fable horizontal blade. ReqUires: Frame, axle. wheelS, ho-;e. hose fi tt lOgS, gas eng.ne (min. 4 H.P.) and pulleys. Comes complete with usemtlly nftrue· t.ons. Appro •• Shp,. wt. 115: IbL ITEM 3903126 •••••• • ••• 5299.00
4.TonJackall Jack COMPLETE WITH TOP PIECE AND WIRE CLAMPS Used fOI all types of heavy duty lifttng operations up to 4 tons capacity . LIfts all types of heavy Industnal equIpment . Ideal for straightentng frames, stretchtng fences, changIng tires, ete * Ideal for clamping . * Base plate 28 square Inches, holds on soft ground . * H48" * Wt . 30'12 Ibs. (A) ITEM
3315656 ...•..
(B) Auto Bumper Adap· tor for above. ITEM
3315657 . . . . . . .
11/2strong, TON SERVICE JACK A
portable, 1111 ton rated floor jack at a
budget pflce l FeatUres computer deSIgned linkage
easy Itftlng
Extra strenqth steel is coated
with baked enamel and rust resistant plating for long life. Includes 45" one pIece handle. ShipPIng
WeIght 581bs ITEM 3316053
H.D. Hydraulic Transmission JACK ~~ge~,bnu~r;;!~~~e:,~~t~~a~s S~~;~II~rn~O t~:~~~~ t.;;;;;:; --~
510ns, differentialS, rear axle units. etc. Safely
maneuvereci. Effortless automatic
[,:)werhl9. Safety c"ain Included . ITEM 7205018 • • • • • • • • • • •
SPECIFICATIONS : Table Adjustment L,fting Capacity •• 1160 Ibs .' Backward Tilt 30 0 LIFTING TABLE , Fotward Tilt 30 0 Minimum Height 7 .48" Sidewise Adjustment 1.2" Maximum Height 33 .46" 37 . 6)( 15.4" Travel Raoge 26" Table Size 1 S .S )( 14.2"
1::_....] ~w.:."J 111. ."1 :t ~W rei
QUICK. EFFJCIENT J SAFE ONE MAN OPERATtON - a power pack on wneels, good for service stations, farm repair shops, road service, service trucks and general Shop use. Designed for ease In mobilIty permitting effiCIent operation under cars, trucks, etc Rugged construction, fUlly guarantee d .
1.25 1.5 3 5 10
Closed Power Lift Hei9ht
4" 4" 4 J/2"
5" 6" 7 1/2" 7 12" '
12" 12" 14" 14" 15" 161/2"
Extended Hei2ht
16" 16" 18'/2"
19" 21"
24" 24"
Width Front
S'12" 10" 10" 12" 14" 16" 16"
Body L en9th
Shpg . Wt. L bs.
2S" 2S" 40" 50" 58" 63" 65"
54 86 174 245 365 498 542
7205026 720500S 7205020 7205021 7205022 7205034 7205033
$129.00 $179.95 $299.95 $379.00 $499.00 $649 .00 $769 .00
20 TON 83
Trouble free operation * ExclUSive lubricated geal box large enough to accomodate oversize precIsion gears for trouble-free oper-
= .,.
Removable handles to prevent tamper when not In use. * Rust reslsta nt baked enamel finish * Solid steel and sturdy seamless tubing construction * SWivel mounted for self-storage when camper is on truck * 1,500 pound lifting capacity each * Long L·shaped mount
tem 3315965 set of three .............. $159~O
NEW FEATURES Built-in hydraulic-safety. posItive raising and fingertiP control Jowerlng. teleSCOPically _ On or off In less than 5 minutes. 2,000 Ibs., capaclty . Stabilizes for overnight camping
Light. d'lrable. compact . Easy to operate . Units are manufactured in one section for permanen t Installation or easily removed fOI Quick storage No UOraQe problems . No (ranklng- "all hydraulic. Installation time only 30 minutes! No spa'ial tools reQulred- All hardware included -NOlhlOg else to buy . Complete Installation ,nUructlon
sheets. Co mplete set of 4 Jacks
All Jacks are HydrauliC Units , ITEM 3315651- Wt 116 Ibs.
AmazIng Low Price
Ta kes the "Work" out of tire changingl Lifts any car smoothly ,,- , t and safely With easy touch of hydraul ic power. POSItIVe raising and fongertl p control lowering Butterfly valve for SImple opening and closing of the hydraulic Circuit. Easily convertIble for trailers or machinery, wlthm ItS rated capacity. Easy storage and handling. Heavy Duty chain and hook. 22·3/ 4" sir oke. Minimum helgh t 36-1/4". Lever length 11-3/4"_ Operating power
34 Ibs. 3/. Ton MOd.t-eaP.clty 1680 Ibl. t 3 / 4" Ram dIameter, 6" )( 8" base. Wt. 17 Ibs. ITEM 7205014ONLY • • • • • • • •
Save valuable hOurs of back breaking agony with the all new Hydra ~Jack. The Jac.k plugs into almost any hYdraulic source with
Vour best bU, for ..-ary servlceltHd! Stro", and uf. for fut , 'UV mu,.. an d ,o"".l1n.. O",ut.. with equal efflcl.ncy In "",'e or horl.a:oni.1 pod.. tlon. Ide.1 'or ttuck, but, lutomo\lv" Indultrla' and turn .qulpment ,.pai,
3000 PSI or less. Use a hose of
any lengtn and then you can stand back out of the way and 11ft - No more tipping bloCkS or smashed fingers. Other P.rfor .. mane. Futures: -11" of 11ft In only one stroke (no need for block) . "Uftlng finger adjusts to wit"'" 4'·01 the ground "Smooth evenly controlled 11ft .. Can be used In any Position -20 Ton
,ho ps.
Extendld Height
-16Y," Minimum Height - 6· 11116"
Capacity" Large base to p,event
sinking ·Speclal valve for shutoff or as flow control for delicate work· Removable a)(le cap keeps the Jack from slipPing out from under odd shaped objects '* External lifting adlustment of 14" ITEM Cap. Wt. Price
3316390 3316388
8 ton 20 ton
36 68
Capacity 12 Ton. Ram Lift 7-1/16" Screwed E)(tension -2"""
Base. 6-1/8")(7 1/." Weight 27 pound.
Hand'e Length 22,." (2 piece) ITEM 7205024
$199. 00 $375 . 00
Vacations should be worry-free and safe as possible. Be sure that yours Is. Install Camper ShOCk Absorbers for safer cornering and Im proved high wind stability. Your camper will 'cling' to the truck . El1mlnate bounce, sway and cab to body movement. Smooths out the rrde and lets the driver relax. May be adapted to tull camp overhead, half camp overhead Or side mounting. Adjustable from 9" to 10" long. Complete with all necessary brackets, bolts, etc. for mounting. Comes I n sets of two with Instructions. Approximate shipping Wt. 5 1/2 Ibs.
ITEM 3915596- Per Set of 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3 9 .5 0
~~~=ii~;~~'=J J~~;;::~~~~=
"BOUNCE ANO SWAY" ELIMINATOR • Light, Durable, Compact •
* *'*
Improves Steering, Handling Quick·Release Bracketry Non-Glare Wt. 6 tbs. Anodized Coating Engineered and
Light and sturdy Handy-Cart is a versatile carr i er fOI general use around lNarehouses, ShOPJ, tactor · ies, offices, Institutions. etc. Easy to load, maneuver, balance, un load . All welded 1" tUbing frame, rubber wheelS , non·sllp hand grips . Carrying capaCity 300 Ib,. Floor o!af p' 6" 14" 4 I " IS" Wide . >/11 1 20 Ib,.
ITEM 39152'5 • • • • •
the Lea d er In Hydraulic C a mp er
•.• ...••• • ••••••••••••••
versatile carrier for general use around warehouses, shops, factOties, offlC., Institutions, ett. Easy to load , maneuver, balance, unload All welded 1" tUbing· frame Wheel rubDer with met-
al center. 7·7/S" diameter )( 2" INIOS .
Non'silp hand grips Floor
pia e 8'·
14" Overall dime"
Slo ns 40 ' htu9ht x "Jib ApprOXimate wt. 24
Ibs . ITEM 3915141 ••
Width .
$24.50 pair
DIAL· PAY TELEPHONE Latest surplus buy from Montreal . Here IS a fantastic spec i al which will no doubt become a collectors
Item . Pay unit accepts
1 Oct.
and 25t coms. Comolete with push button coin return, and lOCk · able cOin collector drawer (lOCk not supplied). The phone can be up to be used with or money_ DimenSions : 18"
6 1/.t "
wide x
In E)(~'II.nt Condition the type II~ sued In the second world war to de· Anti Tank Mines.
be used to locate buried metal, pipe, ca· bles, Wires, etc. Unit
consists of Search coil, Handles, Control bollC, Resonators, Amplifier with Carrying Ba9 and Shoulder Strap. and Illustrated assembly Ino In· structlon manual. Comes In a 28"L x 141J.. ··W x 9"H Storage Chest. Less batteri,". WT . 38 '4
VACUUM BOTTLE UnbreJk,Jble Stainless Steel ·Watranteed for thermal effiCiency for fjve yeus . .. NO glass to brealof or
replace ·Plastlc lined stainless steel
CUP -Easy pour -No drip lip -HoldS
more. ·Stays cool to touch -Keeps
liquids hot or cold for 6 to 10 hours. -Easy to clean *""0 rust ·No odor *E.Z carfY handle . "Portable ITEM 3916136 Wt . 3'/J lb • • $36.00
Small FIRSI"AID KITS Ideal for car or truck glove com· partment. Johnson & Johnson kit Includes: 10 adhesive bandages, 3 med . adh esive bandages. 3 small adhesive bandages . 4 cl eansing wi pes. firs t aId cream. 12 tylenol t ablets. 1 fir st aid leaf let. 51f." long x 4"W x JlI. "H plast Ic case. 1 lb . ITEM 3916133 • • • • • • •• .... •••• • $3.75
sleeping bag measures 72" x 84" (cut size) . but when rolled up IS only 17" long ~ 8" dla. and weighs 3Y. lb • . Th,. amaZIng sleeping bag " filled wllh ASTROLAR II
- the space age insulation that was u5ed for the moon space programs. The outer shell IS . c_ons~ structed of 100% water resistant nylon and the 11O,"~IS and other
100% cozy cOllon flannel. Washable and made In Canada. Comes com plete with nylon cover up and draw 'I"ng. A pPrOX. shpg. wt. 4 lb •. ITEM 3916130 . . • • • . . • • . . $34.00
DICTIONARY ExcePtional Offer 1 Webste,'s new Am.rlc.n Encyclopedia of Dictionaries. 12 books In one: Webst.,'s dic-
tionary: crossword puzzle diction-
ary; bible dlctlonllrY: legal dlctlon-
~~~,or;,~~~'~~'~;o/!~tlarmQ~~~:~ SC~ntlflC terms; synonyms,
antonyms, homonyms; music dictionary; outline of U.S. history:
ltill and gazatMr; plus a full color section on space. 1250 pages of
WIt,~VI~~o~~ty.P.: ~1.5S'~~:tS
Big Book of Auto Repair Oo-tt·Vour. " and Save ! Starters • Altern.tors "'Clutche, ·Carburetors ~
~~f:;~~~Ct~~r I! ~~:r ·~~f.'!nf :r~~:~:
St •• rlng -Engine O .... rhaul · Transml·
5s10"I *Orlvesh.fts *Emlsslon Controls ·Whe.1 Alignment ·SuspensIons ..,-une-up Specs. 19 78 Ed ition for 1970 and later Amer Ican car s. Smudge
:~.~~.~~ :~:A~~e. ~~.~~~' .~h.' ~: ~:'1~~~'
Be p re pared for highway emergencies by warning other vehicles that you are haVing p roblems! Kit includes . 1 lb. U L Approved Fire E)(tingulsher. T ,re Inflltor Puncture Sealer (FI)( a flat In just minutes without removing
the wheel). (2) 10 Minute Fuse Flares. Emer-
gency Fllgs. (8) Wash 'N orl Towelettes, Cornpletewith All Purpose Polypropylene Reusable KIt. Wt. 5 Ibs. ITEM 3 91 613 1 . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . S17 .50 Srnllll Price to PIIY F o r Thllt Extra Mllr9'" Of 5l1ftty.
P,ivatc Hcadlct ladl·o ~~Ir·i;.~~=a~~ : J
~~ _ _
.. ''''portable.
An exciting. ftew Idea for your ears. The HUdH' Radio. Now you (an enioy your favorl'. programs Mtywhere .. . in complete privacy . . . without
disturbing: others. Take the Headset Radio aJong on fi shing trips, to sporting eyent~ to the beach. Enjoy it while operating trador. combine, boat or any
other machine. The Headset Radio delivers Cl full, rich sound through two 2V.. u dvnamlc speakers. W, lightweight ,and comfor1ably padded too. Cuts out all
machine noise much the same as earmuffs do, protecting your eardrums from
excessive noise. Has no wires la 'rlp you up or hamper 'tau at your chores .. an or off the trador. Entirely self-contained in the headset • • • .J"fennae, tun1ng/yolume dials, and batteries.
SPECIFtCATIONS: 5 Transistor. 9 Volt D.e., OutPlJt power .50 mw. Se-tectivl,.., 25db.. Senslflvity 2$0 u vIm. Interm. FreQ. 4155 KH!. Sh. Wt. 2 tbs. ITEM 3105034
~12 Volt Radio
- _..,.,....... ':!:'
Easily installed In cars. trucks. mobile homes. boats. R.V.'s, tractors. or anywhere a 12V DC power source IS available. Can be ,nsta"ed in or under dash. Radio is wired for a two speaker system and has controls tor VOlume, bass, treble, and balance. Features : * Automatic gain control automatic?lly maintainS correct listening level in and out of strong signal areas. * Low battery drain. * R.F. tuned c,rcuit. * TranSistors * Variable Tone Central * 3 - Stage Tuning . * 12 Volt Only * Wt. 6 Ibs. ITEM 3316118-RadioOnly ......... $19.95
_ _ _ _ _ _Only
Model RT-80A. This small compact radio can be mounted In most Cars, Trucks, Boats, Motorhomes, Tractor CabS, Combine Cabs, etc. 12 YOlt • 7 transis-
tor unit features: Push button on-off. Dial and push button station selector, Volume and tone dial. Attractive removable facing for through the dash mounting. Overall Dim. 5" L x 6~" W. x 2" H Item 3105055 Wt. 2lbs . . . .•.• . •• $21'.00
FEATURE VALUE' EASY TO 'NSTALL ON CARS . TRUCKS. BOATS. TRACTORS. MOBI LE HOMES, etc. You save when you buy this Brand New Package Deal! Consisting of original equipment Push-Button TlJning RadIo, Antenna, S peaker and Small Parts K it. These superbly crafted instruments bring you a whole new world of soul)d at a frac1ion of their original prices' FEATURES· "Crystal-Tone" Speaker - Matched and balanced lO chassIs . :It Automatic gain Control AutomaticallY maintains correct IIslening level In and out of strong signal areas ... Low battery drain . '" R.F. Tu ned CircUIt. • Trdnsistors • Variable Tone Control" 3 · Stage Tuning ... 12 Volt Only" Wt. 10 Ibs. We cannot supply Custom Radios f or specific make of cars . Can be mounted in most cars by doing some dash modifications. ITEM 3315675 - Pu.h -B utlon Tuning . Special Only . . . . . • • . . . • • . • • • • • • • ••• • • • • •
APPLIANCE TESTER Don't throw out expens.". IIPplllinces sfm~ plV becaUM they Ire lnoperatl"., Almost all br •• kdowns can be e.slly repaired If the problem .rea can be r•• dlly located. This versatile new Apptlance Tester 11 desIgned for the non-professional experimenter and horn. owner. It wilt perform a multitude of tests that wftl show the exact
r.ason the appliance Is not up to oar. Step-bv·st.p instruction booklet will assist In test In,! Toaster" Iron,. Clocks, Broll.rs, Heating Pads, Vacuum Clelnen, Refrigerators, Fans, Lamps (1neludlng fluorescent). SwitchIS, Thermostats, FUNS, etc. This unique tester wOl melSur. the cu nent consums> tlon of .. circuit of appliance without bre.klng .ny wlre.s .nd while the unit Is In operation. Thl, unit will also do Automotive- Testing! It will test the following arllS· Generators. Starters. Distributors, Relay., Clruclt Breakers, Stop L~hh, Fuses. Clg.rette
LjljjJhte", Heating Systems, Turn Slinlll, and Bulbs, Horns, and Conden5erl. also tlst tuba" Includl09 picture tube, for burnout or open filament, the major uuse Inos> .ratlv8 tub. conditIon . Thh unit may pay for 'beU Will
:~~~r{3f:~~6t~m•• !t.l~ ~~d: ~.t .3:".'~':
.. $49,95
ECONO-TUNE -rmance Analyzer
'Large 4%" double'leweled (O'Arsonal) Me!er 'Bu'n-ou! proof. 'Operates on either 6 or 12 volt sv>!ems 'Opera on Potntleu f Regular" Transittor, Magneto Ignition Svstems,
• Always ready for use. ONo lead sWltehmg. 'No leakv batterlss, erratiC chopper relays . or unstable tranSistors to
cause trouble, 'Operates on both 2 and 4 cyde engines. 'Complete With unbreakable eyeolae ca.. with hinged protective cover. RANGES ' Tachomet.r: 0-1200 RPM 0 6000 RPM. Dw.1I Meter. 8 Cylinder. 150 to 45 0 6 cylinder 20 0 to 600 . 4 cylinder - 300 to 90 0 Pomts ReslsUn .. : POints Scale (0·16 volts). Voltage .... t.r ()'16 volt $49,00 ITEM 331515' Wt.
L arge 6" Arson .. 1
Double Jeweled Meter
engine analyzers FOR ALL ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS · 6 or 12. '~~r ' 4 C~~du~~r ~~c~:I~~~\~~'!. or Magneto Ilnltion I,
OWl" or Cam Angle
Meuure Enginl Speed
Adjust Carbur.torl
Adjust Po'nts Chick Condensen Chick Coil RI"st3nCI MeASure Carbon Suppressor S~rk Piu, Cable,
Test AUerrutort. Clnerato" &c R.,u'atoN. Cheeks Shortl &c O.,ln, in Wirlnl
Checks All um.,., Fu .... IeS, Relays &. Switch., Checks Diodes
Power Timing Light § dwell I tach
Allows ttle mechanic to watch timing marks at the same time as ne observes engine speed on tach. checking action of IU~ tomatlc Ignition advance and retard systems durIng acceleration. R 30l PERFORMANCE FEATURES • Full·power D,C Timing Light • Burn .out proof and shock-protected • Tachometer scales cover low 6 & 8 cylinder RPM (0-2000
and 0·1600) or low 4 & 6 cylinder RPM (0·2400 and 0·2000) readings • Direct rectChng Dwell scales (30-90), (20·60) or (15-45) degrees depending upon 4, 6 or 8 cylin der engines tr JeYwelled d' ArSOnyal meter with lero adjuster, precision .. 3'% at tull scale . • Operates on 12 volts. negative or positive qround systems • Appucable for 4, 6 or 8 cylinder engines, ~on"entlonal
as well as tranSistorIZed ignition systems. STVLE 2 112" multi colored dial scale fOr easy readings Grease and 011 resistant Neoprene leads With "eavy-duty clips" InCludes unlyersal spark plug adapter for easy hook up . .. Complete Illustrated tune-up manual InCluded. Wt. 21t- Ibs.
x P
nto any 115 "lle a' nrn ftt
') ,tlet and delivers a powerful light for ng marks. COMPlete wttn cables and plugs.
Complete set of precision tune-up or trouble shooting tools for easy. quick testing. Complete with instructions. (A) PISTOL GRIP NEON TIMING LIGHT - For 6 . 12· 24 Volt systems. Replaceable, cartridge type Neon bulb. Strong, sh bake"to case ITEM 3315560 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (e) VACUUM AND FUEL PUMP TESTER-Forchecking~,·"",.to" ll1j
~~~~~;~~S5!~el ~~~:.s,. ~t:~~y ~~Ive~,. ~~f~~:'~~ ~~~~t~,. ~t~ 5 (C) REMOTE STARTER SWITCH - DeSIgned to operate starter ,switch remotely. while making tests and adjustments on the engine. J ITEM 3315604 . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54.25 , (D) COMPRESSION TESTER - For checking leaky valves, (lngs, gaskets, etc. Pressure reading IS held by bullt·in check valve. ITEM 3315562 ......
ITEM 3316120
.. 57.75 BU Y A LL FOUR TE STERS FOR ONL Y $19~5
MUL TIMETERS ~ Compact, duroblO, \~bOD;'It~okg/~E~T~GE~~ 2i~·. ~g. i~6. ~~'!i, :~g
testers, .dul for trouble shooting of electrical and 1000 volts. DC CURRENT : 0 . 50 uA, 2SmA. 250mA, electroniCS equIPment In the field Very usy to use ~~J~~~NoCEEclgi~~? °l~m:O ~~~ ~bl~ A~~T.~:'~<!' 7 Simply select de" 2"" Meter movement. SENSITIVITV : 20,000 ohms SHed testing range and volt DC 10,000 ohms/volt AC. SIZE 5·l/1 H x clip
~T~~ ~ l'jlli~/~ ': ~ ............. $29.95
b~o~~~ll~r~c~Ea~d· ~~stO~~p~~~ ~~~tl~~t~r, ~;t
~~fi8~~t~A~uI16~as~ge6cw~t~Jt::n o~lr~.r la~O:o~;J; ~c Yolts: O,)!:!, 150, 1000' DC Current: O·150mAj RE. SISTANCE : O·lOOK ohms (center scale 2.6K ohms); ACCURACY: .±.. 4% DC Voltage and Current, i So,.
AC Volt ago SENSITIVITY, 1.000 ohm,/volt DC . AC. METER MOVEMENT,222uA full ,t.]le, BAT ·
TERY: One type AA pen·llght cell; SIZE : 2-1/16" x
............... $15.95
With Xenon Strobe Light Proper engine timing is a must for maximum engine per· formance and economy. This precllion Instrum.nr 11 designed
for both the profe .. ional mechan IC and the backyard do·it· yourselfer, Light operates from the 12 volt D.C. power source under the vehicle', hood. The Xenon strobe lamp pro--
duces a powerfully bright, blue·whlte flash, that" very easily seen - even on a bnght sunny dayl Comfort gnp handle i. constructed of high impact plastic. Convenient "trigger" switch allows the light to be turned on only when the OP9ra·
ready to make the test. Comes complete with heavy batt~ry
clamps and spark plug adapter spring, Mad-. In
U.S.A. Wt. 1 lb. One Vear Warranty. ITEM 33161 57 . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
tluek ml"o"
(A) LO·MOUNT TRUCK MIRROR - The Mo,l Popu· tu All -Purpose, Unl'f'erpl - Loaded W ith Futurls: .. Fits PiCk . uPs, (ampers, Vans, panels, Station Wagons, etc . .. fits more models than any lo-mount
tone head, black baked enamel arms and zinc coated
~;~~s~~~ ;~';:. :~c~ I.~~
...... _ .................... 2 FOR ..........................................................
$18.98 $3".'5
ever made, such as: Chevy. Datsun, DOdge. Ford, GMC, International Harvester, Jeep. Toyota, VolksWagon, • Giant 6'/.1" )( 10" m irror head . Wt. 6 Ibs.
~T~C: 3315713
2 FOR... ..... .. ..............................................
$14.95 $2 • •50
(B) "ROAOMASTER" JUNIOR MIRROR - A sm.II, 5" )( 10". extension adjustable mirror adaptable for panel s. VolkswagOn. PICk-ups , etc.' Glass Is easily
;i~~·;:;:·.~:e~!~~'.~~..~.~:::.~~.:.~..I.~.~: ..... $11.75 2 FOR ............................................................ $21.00 (Cl
FULL VISION UNIVERSAL MIRROR 7" )( 16" clear-vue ",",rror with four arms and Extends 15" to 25" Grey hammertone head, baked enamel arms and zinc coated extension Fits all trucks. Wt. 8 Ibs.
Large brace. black arms.
~TA~MH ~.3.~.~.~.~.~............................................ $19.50 2 FOR .........................................................
101 HEAVY DUTY BANO TYPE MIRROR - H.D Band type mounting with stabjllz~r brace for maxi· mum rigidity 7")( 16" clear-vue mirror. Grey hammer·
(0) LARGE t6',,"' • 6 MIRROR HEAD and H.D. type mounting arms for max. rigidity. Baked enamel finish Wt S'll Ibs. ITEM 33'5144 ..•••. Each $11 9~
(El FULLY AOJUSTABLE UNIVERSAL MIRRORCompletely adJustable. Head is completely free turn Ing. Easily replaceable glass. Extends 7" to 14"
hor'lZontally . 14" to 22" vertically. Wt 4lbs. ITEM 3315 .. 2 .. - 5" • 10" Mirror Head . EACH ......................................................... . 2 FOR ........................................................... Ut.50
(F) REMOTE CONTROL CAR MIRROR Replace Your Old Mirror inexpensively and In the bargain enhance the appearance 01 your car. Thl\ Is a delu)l;e Item of high Quality chrome and glass. Designed for door mountings. Round "ead With 41. .. dia. mirror 10" three wire contrOl cord with chrome finished mount and opelattnq lever. Wt. 1 IbS. ITEM 3315812 • . • • . • . . • • • . • . • • • •
LINE BACKER H.D. TRUCK BUMPER Exclus)ve Installation bracket
fits almost all PiCk ups III to 14 ton (wide bed only). Easy InstallatIOn No hOles to drill. All accessories supplied. DeSigned for strength and durability under heavy use, Basic bu mper length pressed one piece construction. End caps perfectly welded, formed and f,nlshed. Coated In Sliver paint for an attractive appearance. Additional benefits: till
M 3315846 Modern DeSign' Hitch and step .,.
S84 95 •
lows towing capabilities and easy aecess· 12V license plate light. Approx. Dim: 7811."L )It 1 11," Wide )( 6·5/S" deep. wt. 70 Itn,
Heavy-Duty R.pl.lcement Bumper With Storage Capacity!
Constructed Of heavy duty }6 gauge steel that 1$ as strong or stronger th.n Original equipment. ThiS bumper has cl handy step up Platform that lifts up and exposes a good size storage area (S"DlC10"Wx66"L). ThiS storage area 15 excellent for toolS. rifles, fishing rods. etc, The lid 15 completely water tight and has a seCUflty lock. Comes complete with heavy duty class 11 receiver type trailer hitch, two lights for 11c.· ITEM ente Plate, HeaVily coated With white paint to resist rust and 3316148 corrosion. Approx. Wt. 130 Ibs. Will fit all 'n.. 1I., 1 ton $194.50 Ford, GMC/Chevrolet, Dodge Plckups and 4 x 4'1.
BELOW EYE LEVEL M'RROR Polished Stalnlen Steel Mounting Frame And
Mirror Cuing
Tough. Sturdy
Ouuble Euy to Slide Across
Co'or B"ok -
1160· 78- t-hevrolet & GMe 33,5885
'961 •
-'~S7·~t-E~~~~~~~~·F~ 19h~~9
1951 • 60 Dodge & Fargo t'~5
- ~6
Ford & M~.
1967 . 7!LfJ~'~~ & .MercYn:
on all full and mini plcKups and vans. Its Que adjustable bracket fit all contours. The mount pOSition allows JdrIver to see over the lror . Fine Individual a c.lear view with a minimum blind spot. Away" feat ure permits your vehicle through other tight spots. Wt. 7 Ibs. 31611
0 . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . $29.95 Per Pair
Pickup Utility Boxes A safe and handy way to carry tools In your full or mlOl size plckup low profile box SitS dtrectly behtnd the cab allOWing unrestricted rear
Compartments. for bo,h smaller and bulky tools. that .re In working reach from either Side of the plckup Box has torsion bar automatiC lid opener, cylinder locking security system, push button lid release. and a concealed cont Inuous hinge. Completely weatherproof Finished In white bakerl enamel
ITEM 3802271 - FIOS 1967·1 978 Wide bed plckups Ford. Dodge. Che.role,. G.MC .. Internallonal. SIZe 70·1/8" long " 15-1 '4" high. 20·1/4" WIIW$ W, 1051b< • • 159.95 ITEM 3802272 - Fits 1967·t978 Corn· pac, plckups - Toyo, •• Datsun, Luv Scout. Coutler SIZe 59 1.'4" long " 12' high" 20·1/4" Wide W, 791h. $157.95 INNERSIDE COMPANION BOX - Mou"" leng,hwlse along 'he Insld, SlJe of plckup bo •• s on 'op 01 'he fender ,:.)!
that ftntsh
I()ok Lock.tng securltv 5v\tem and completely wealher proof Finished In white baked enamel
ITEM 380227310,,,11 r" 19671978 Wide bed plckups Ford, Dodge. Ch,vrolet. G.M C and Inlernallonal SIZe 6958" ong.l1" 16·wld,h.13516"hlgh W, 581b, $119.95 91
SPARE-TIRE CARRIER ble truck tire earner, made from gauge st eel , completely adaptable most 1.7 and l{. ton trucks. Easy installatIOn with prednlled support bar All
mounting accessories supplied. Wt.
10 Ibs. I TE M 33 158 4 7 .......................
Make your van mo"e
· ···T~
$ 12. 45
clQUS Inside by haVing the spare tire mounted on the outside. Will fit all vans With double rear doors. Eliminates front mounting
'12 ton ~nd lJ. ton Picl(ups, V~nl. and Sta·
wh ich someti mes Interfel'es
tlon Wagons.
WIth the cooling system, Does not Interfere with o p ening an d closing of d oor . Constructed of high strength, heavy duty steel. Fits left or rtght hand doors; some drilling fE:q Ulred
Heavy duty steel plate. Ea-
sily Installed at any angle to allow for bumper or grill.
Easy 4 bolt instillation bolts 91')
thrOl..9h bumper
plate and license Plate holes.
ITEM 33 16116 · Z inc Plated ... . $17 .95 ITEM 3316 1 17 · Chrome Plated ' $27 ,50
2 bolts attach under the hood or wherever convenient. Wt. 10 Ibs.
ITE M 331 6 057 ...• 516.95
SAVE ON 140%. TARPS .W.Jter. ml'dew reSIStant
*Genuln' Ca,was Duck, ·Lock .. ·No. 3 rUlt-proo' grommets .• ldeal. for protecUnt crops, Ilvestoc.k •• te.. Rec.ommended tor Shtlonary Equipment.
~ ~ .~
stitch hemmed
~ o
These I traps Ire made from E P T. rubbe r
3915249 3915251 3915252
Co mplY w it h new Go v't R egullttons on Gr.in .. nd G r.J ye' T r uck s. Double lock.stitch seam on outsi d e edge and 27" reinforced corner gussets
and Ire designed to withstand the punish· Ino "'remes of wea· ther . Complete wit h S"
·Double stitched ".Jms
9" 151'
$ .48 .56
21 '1
for added strength. Edges Ire bound with 3/16"
poly rope. The center seam hat .. lr4" lap. No. 2
Spur Grometts 24" ap art. P.V.C. materials Is resistant to:
F lames, chemicals, and ultra·ylolet
IJght. Excellent for truckers, farmers, contract· ors, etc.
Item 391 609 <r-l 0 'xl.', Ap. Wt. ~3 Ibl. S135.00 l10m 3916091- 1 O'x16'. Ap_ Wl. 60 lb •• 51 4 9.00 110m 39 1 6 0 92-1 0 'xll'. Ap. Wl. 67 lb •. SI69 0 0
Super Jack Ramp Use as a Jack Stand - Use as a Car Ramp .. Heavy duty steel construction • Supports In excess of 10,000 Ibs. (per set).
• Deslgned to handle autos, vans. light trucks
and campers. • I nellne Is easily removable for an Increased work area~ • Ramp will raise the vehicle ground.
10" off the
• Zinc plated for rust protection and ease of cleaning. ITEM 310231 I - Wt . 55 lb.. •• • _
Steel Car Ramp 1!I!II...a..,:,,_ Portable Periormlnce Proved With One Piece Heavy Duty Steel I"ctint • Slip res Istant Incline . • S upports up t o 3 tons w hen used in pa i rs .. No jaCk needed. Drive o nto ramp . • Lift s front or rear approximately 9" off groun d . • Durable baked enamel
~'~IIS;;. ; .pi~s~~r~·1s0e~~I~~ ~~'. ~1~.'~~.: .~~'.. ~i~~1:8Ld159~~0. ~b.': ~~~~~j~~ c.'.' .~~~p : . ..
$44.00 $32.95
3316163 3316164 3316165 3316166 3316167 3316168
Produces an air wave that Will effectively revent Bugs, Stones, Gravel. Snow, RaIn, ind from hittIng your w,ndsh,eld. Constructed of Heavy Duty l." AcrylIC plastIc Comes complete WIth mounting brackets and hardware. Overall Drm : 32" x x I," thrck. Avarlable In SIX transparent colors. Approx. Wt. 2'1> Ibs.
$12.89 6"
Custom seats In your van or
truck Will be the most used ana .opreC1'!8d aCC8uory you can In .. est In "1hesa seats the most modern stYling with 'Captain's Chal," look Unique ortn~pedlc frame. filled with an all foam pad. S e09in .. ,ed 'or strength and safety Both seats .,e co~r8d with 32 Ol heavy weight vinyl (orI91"al equlPQuality, Other praCtical features ..... clude. Fold UP arm reits 3600 swivel l:;Iase. with self·lubrlcat ng nylon bearin9. rhat loCkS Into forward pOSition . Forward and baekward slide aajUStment ,. Three Golor .. to choor.e from Th pusenger seat feat ur.S a tull reelme hat tOC.ks n any POSition Jde.1 for those long trips wit h 2 drivers
dIngo mert
• • • •
Whe" orderln, plUM ,t,te year, m,ke. JlnCl model of pedelta I base ITEM 33"139 -
)'OUI' Y.hlcle~
ITEM 33'6131 -
so that we elln iupply you ",nh the proper ITEM 3316140 -
$349,00 PER SET of 2, One for Driver, One for Passenger, Includes Pedestal Bases.
ECONO TANKS Auxiliary Gas Tanks for Pick-ups and Vans .~--""".
Ends .. Gas Worries.. Carry up to 40 extra oallons of gas In your pickup or van, Truly universal tank kits will fit most North American PiCk uPS and vans, and are guaranteed for the life of the vehicle. Check thes: ~e;~u~:~ to cut, no bOdy work.easy.lnstructlons. Van Tank • Installed with common hand tools (installation time 1 hr or less). • Filler neck hides under rear fender. .. SAFE .. Explosion, sludge, and rust proof • Sledge hammer tough - actually stronger than plate steel. • Won't crack ever .. even at 50 below O.
MAKE Cho •. & GMC Dodge
63·72 66·71
Ford (except crew cab, super cab, & Ranger
Ch •• , & GMC
Dual TanK KIU For Plck*ups
SUndard Kit: ·Oual Tank KJt ·20 gallons each tank· 40 gallon total.
:~~~d;~~I~,";~u.n~l~g. ~':d.w•• ~e: '7~ 3~ ~b.' ••••••••• 5165.00 Optional Kit: Single Driver's Side only tank kit 20 gallon
:~E";~~~~~ ~;r~:,~r~ .•~,: ~O.I~':
-I nclude,
.............. 5107. 50
Standard Kit: S ingle Orlver's..Sl de only - Tank Kit 32 911'0ns. Includes
~~Em~~~;'~~~:r~:,~r~ . •~I: ~9.'~5: .............. 5164.00 ..., Port Valve Kit (Chev. and GMC only) , For return fuel on 454 eng
:;~~~;, !~~:~g.l~e~ . •~t: ~ I.b~
• • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
GMC. Ford Dodge. &
Plymouth • S lngl. Tank Kits for prckups may be uaed rather than dual tank kits. Where ,1nl le tank kits ue Qlted fo r, N O substitution Is possJbl •• •• All '73 thru '7' CheYro,et &. GMC Plckups &. Vans require the 6 Port Valv. kit on 454 eu . In . _",tnes. 35 0 CU, In. engines that have 3 lines on fuel pump al'o Indicate return fuel sys.tem and require the 6 Port Valve kit .
ROOF VENTILATORS FOR R.V:S & VANS Give your van that popular custom loot< wIth this sturdy, weather proof, Vln Roof Vent. Heavy duty galvanized metal frame will fit firmly to any roof structure and requires a standard 14" )( 14" opening Fits roof thickness up to 2111" . Crank type actuator opens and closes providing "ttle free ventilatIon . Comes complete with Installation Instructions. Wt. 4 Ib,.
ITEM 3316123 . Smoked Tron,parenl Color •••••••••
............. I ..................
o '4':. ~-..
J~) :e~'o~~~n:;,~!el :n~r brake J~~~~e t~~d g:~:~~in~~c~~~~~
'.llng. Jobs 'n the home, workshop. etc . Constructed of heavy duty st~1 with a tool and small parts tray. Contoured seat. Four ball bearings swivel casters for easy roiling . All hardware
and tasteri plated to resist ruSl. Red baked enamel fjnish.
- Wt
lb • . • • . . • • • • • _ .••••••••
(B) PRECISION WHEEL BALANCE - Incr.ase tire IIf •. If you consider the price of a wheel balance these. days, you can see that this Unit will oay for Itself after balanCing only 7 • 10 t"es No more wailing at the service station for hours till they find the time to do the Job Accurate and easy to use with steD oy step Instructions. NO speCial tools reqUired. Rugged H.D . stee' construction . Will balance most wheels Including Mag and custom wheels ComPlete with self adhering balance weights .
~~~~126. W1. 'lb • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
_ •
(C) MECt-tANICS CREEPER -One piece, long lasting, pressed
:J~~lt1 ~~d~I~I~~r'h~~gdn'f~tc~~!~\'0;1~!?~t xor2~!~~~~~rJc:,~~i bearing SWivel casters allow complete mObIlity All hard)"are plated to resist rusting Fmlshed In red baked enamel
- Pro'.,,'on,1 Model· W1. 10'1> Ib._ • • • • •
use, durable. Measures rotary speeds from 100 to 4000 rpm. CW or CCW rotation. no calculatiOns required . Just press tip a· galnst end of shaft and read the dial. Includes Instruction sheet and two rub· ber tips . Wt. If.o Ibs. Mfg. by StewartWarner. ITEM 3316070 ....... $29.98 EXTENSION SHAFT - 12" extension shaft for getting at hard to reach pOints. ITEM 3316071 ... ......... ... $8.25
Transmission~~. ~ .
~~al~~~vlt~;:'I~gr IC~·~· ~Sax~t~~lt~ 10 year guarantee. Dim. ap· prox. 5" x IS" )( 2". Approx .
WI. 4 lb.
(0) HEADLIGHT AIMING KIT· Vou can "see" the difference when your head lights are properly aligned. ThiS kit will pay for Itself after the second time used. It may also save your I1le .
~~~~~~e~a:~: ~8?.r : ~Z~~ 2'~~~';::e;I!~j~~t~~~e ~~~~;Ja~:r~~:'
Dessembles for easy storage No speCial tools requ Ired Step by
4 16500
Wi'~nm~\I~~~ ~~IU,df~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.50
~Y DUTY G.T.O. Model 12110-NWB ThIS Is a new
Hot 011 damages 90% 01 all automatic transmissions' The cooling system In your car Is not built to handle overloading. This cooler rs quiCkly and easily Installed or transferred. with ordinary hand tool$. Con-' SISts of 4 section copper tubing and hardened alumlnum tin cooling unit, and all necessary hose, hardware, and Instructions. Excellent tor use on
5 45
,tern from GTO Enterprises designed e>c:cluslvely tor heavy Industrial, fleet and continuous duty applications with alternators of up to 105
~~c"~;t ~~~ikceor~s~~~ ~!aa:y aci~~~U~ir7~~r~~~~~~e~~~~~aa;~ ~~a~~:!f ~~Itrtr· ~~~~i~F~;
elect ne drills, ImpaCt tools UP to
elc. Wt. 6 lb •. ITEM 3103091
I, ",
Jig saws, skill saws, toasters, electflC frYing pans,
Deleo Alternator
Brand new 37 amp. alternator with voltage regulator to match. An eX;8l1ent value as a replacement set tor GM cars . The mechiln,cally Inclined IndiVidua l could adapt thiS set to other cars that are eqUiPped with hard to find, or expensive parts. Alternator Is Delco 1100628, 37A, BEG, for 12V negative ground. Regulato. IS Pres-
'01.,. 8·284·VCA·622IA. WI. 13 Ib,. ITEM 11031"'_ • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
SPARK PLUG CLEANER Donlt throwaway those dirty spark plugs. Clean them up with a Red Devil Spark Plug Cleaner - a compact motorized spark plug cleaner thlt WIll do a profeSSional cleaning Jab ,n about 30 seconds. Operates off a 12V battery Ind utlll;::es IS motor drlll'en Impelle, to bombard the tiring enCl of a spark plug with tiny glass beads. Complete kit contains oower unit. glass be"ds to clean 110 plugs, electrlcll cord with reDlaeement 'filters and a comblDatlon tool (wire brush, gauges, scraper and electrode adJuuer) . Wt_ 15 IbS' ITEM 33160a4 2.$ oz. Bottle. SPJrl( Plug Cleaner Beads ITEM 3311394 •••••
NOTE Our phone num · ber 11 U " cad. (306) 665·1022. Our Ilor. i. open 9 : 00 A.M . to 6 ~ OO P. M . • Monday through Friday, ('·00 A . M. to 5 : 00 P.M. Saturda)'). For urgent orders or messages after hours. us. our telel( . .• It receives messales 24 hours a day . Telex . No . 074· 216.
15 Dav Monev Back T".I - We gua,anlee that every Item
thiS catalogue IS honestly
descrrbed and Illustrated. We gua,antee that all 'tems will be dellve,ed prompt IV and ,n good condition . If, for any reason, you are not satisfied With any Item purchased, return It In the condition received Within 15 days and \Ne will refund your money Immediately.
REFUNDS AND EXCHANGES No refund wltl be glYen on any returns or exchanges I bill of sale Is pr.,ent.d . NOTE : WI ca n not assume ~ny rlsponslb1l1ty for ~ny Item(s) t hat have blen J;bused l The prices in th is Buyer', G uld. Jire effective as of April 10. 1978 and Ire only valid at ! PR INCESS AUTO L TO _ " 0 Cynthll St ., Salkltoon . Saskatchewan. S7L 6A2. Phone (306) 665· 1022 . Sukatoon ,tore opening IPecl.1 pr ' cu .rl VI lid until J ul y 1. 1978 or as long as our preslnt supply lasts. Prices a nd Splelflca t1 0nl are subject to change without no tl ee_
~.I.n.'.I.o.'._'h.O.p.p.l.n.g.o.n.IY. ,. P. I.. .. .... ... .n.d• •• I.1 .m•• •'I. O.'.d.. .. .. I. O. O..U'. Air Tools . ~. . .. .. . . . . ..,100 Alternator . ... . 59.95 Anvil .•.••..•.. • . . 79 Automotive Acc . . . 86--95 Axle Assembly . .. ... 43
w _ l.n n . .l p... _ ••IO. '•• • _ _ _
Engine Cleaners . .. 3.52 En'lnes .... . . . . . . . 65 Engravers .. . . . .. . 3.81
Light Plilnts •..•. 56.59 Load Binders . . . . 37. 98 Log Splitter . . . . . . . . 82
Bucket Elevator .. 44. 45
Filns . . . .. , ... . . 60.61 Farm Equip . . . 44-45. 97 Filters . .. , . . . . ... . 20 Flamethrower... .. .. 55
Metal Detlctor . . . . . 16 Milling Machine , ... . 69 Mlnl·Bike Plrts .. . .. 41 Mirrors . . . . . . . . . 90.91
Books .. , .. . . . .... 86 k Bumpers.Tr'C ... . 91
Fuel Pump s c;3.25,27.28 Gas Engines .. • , . . . . 65
Gas Tanks .... .. 28, 94
Cha~~n~ ~i~~~a.l. : : Chain Ho ist . . . . . . . 36 Compressors . . 46·50.53 Accessor ies . .. 51·55 Conyeyors .. . ... . . 46 Cord Reel . ... .. 67,98 Crane . . . . . .. .. , ... 36 Cylinders Hydraulic . . . . 17·'9 D
Dlfferent l~ 1 .. .. .. . . 65 Drill Presses . . . . . .68. 69 Drills ..73.76,19,ll.98
~:~~c:.:~~·d· M'o't~;; : : : .!~
Grinders . . . . . . ... 71·74
H Hammer Mill .. . . . . . 97 H~nd Cut .. ... . . .. 85 Heating Components, . 5 Hitches .. . .. . . .. .. . 38 Hoists ... .... 36. 39.40 Hoses . • . ... . 21,27,54 Reel . . . .• . . . . . . 27 Hydraulic Equip . ..• 6·22
I Impact Tools.. . ... . . . . .. . .. .. 71 . 74.75.100
. .... 16
Lathe ..• , . . .. . .. .. 70 Lift Kit . ... .. . , . 3. 12 Lights., .. .. 67,81,98
Sanders ... a • • • • ,71·74 Seats •. . .•..... 93 Seat Coyers •• . . . •. . 91 Shop P, ... . . . . . . . . . 22 Shop Vac ..••• , ...•• 55 Sleeping Bag . • . . . . . . 8i Sold.rlng Kit . 76.80. 91 Splrk Plug Cleaner .95.'8
~:~:~ ~:~~c.e~ .::
Sprayer '"
. . . . .. 24
:~~~~eS~~~~esrs.::: : ~~.~:
Sprockets . . T'
Plumbing Supplies .•.. 4
po~e;rd ...
~:~:,s~I~:s' ~~: .5.': Telephones ... . " Testers . . . 3. 11 . Tire Carriers . .•.. Tires ...•. . . 42. Tools ... . ..• . . Tool BOl( . . .. Tow Hooks . .
.. . ... .. 67 Steering. . . . . .. .. 11 T~ke·Offs .•..... 41 Tools .. . ... . . 68·77 Press . . . . . 22, 68, 69. 82 Pumps Fuel . , 23, 25, 27. 28 Hydraulic .. . . . 8.12 Water .. . . 23.28.9.
Radial . . . . . . . . . 87, 98 Ramp .... . ... . ... 93 RollerChain . . . . . . . . 66
~~I~lt!~:~p~ ~~r.s: : : : : : ; J~cks HYdra~I1C .2. 83.15 =:~~rv~~I: ::.:: : :.: :!
Electric Motors . . , 61·64 Electrical Wiring .... . A Engine Analyz'rs ..3, 88
indeX ___.....
Rope . Wire . . , ... . .. 35.
S~w . . . . . . . . . . . 72,16 Sand Bluter . . . . . ... 55
735 50 775 800 825 E78 F78 67 8 640
x x x x x
14 4 14 4 14 4 x 14 14 x 15
Valyes. . • ... Van Acc. . .. Ventl1~ting Fans Vlse .•.. . ,
. ..• 95
~.3 : :~
.. . I, 19, 90 , .. 92 43, 98 . 70·12 78.79 . . 38
3. 13·16 . . 92·94 . 60, 61 . • 7 , 79
Welders .. W .. . ,55.57 Accessones . . 51, 9. Wheels . ....• , . 42.43 Winches .... 3 . 29·39, 99 Wire Rope ...•.. . . 35
Fits TTre. 51uI 850 X 14 855 x 14 H 78 x 14 650. IS 670 15 735 x 15 775 ~ IS 800 xIS 8 5 5 F78 x 15 678 5
Fits Tlr. SlzlS J78 x 14 700 . 15 845 • 15 885 x 15 915 x 15 H78 x 15 L78 x 5 600 x 16 25 .. 650 x 16 00 6 750 x 16
3316177 3316175 3316176 Sask . • C h Oice Of Pro'l, n cla l or Ca nida "'.ame &. emblem. ,. Weather resistant IloI1herette • Elastic guUt't for e ~y Instl.ll~tlon & nug' t Av ,able ~
The Ajax. Feed Mixer combines mixing and sacktng In one simple operation Guaran~ tees to process vour formula feeds to the most accurate and most productive feeding possIble. '" less time at lower cost. THE MIXER WITH THE FEATURES FARMERS HAVE ASKED FOR! • All models have hand clean out at bottom . • When placed next to crusher or Crimper and cracker roller mill, feed may be transferred with no labour Involved . -No Oiling or greasing required .• No maintenance .• All models equipped With ball beari n95. ·Window 10 mixing compartment for Inspection purpose.. -Most miXing completed in 10·15 mlOutes. 'Includes MIXer Pulley. Motor Mounting and Belt (less motorl . MODEL AM 300 comes WIth a fIxed hopper only. MODELS AM 500. 750.1000 and 2000 have the new sWivel hopper which is a space saver I t is also a labour saver. when for any reason the bin load has to be re-processed, the unloading chute can be emptied directly IOto the IOtake hopper WITH STANDARD SWIVEL HOPPER ·-AM300 AM750 AM1000 AM2000 AM500 500 750 1000 2000 300 136" 75" 87" 103" 113" Overall Width 42" 47" 47" 28" 38" Approx. Shipping Wt. (lbs) 125 250 350 450 650 Electric Motor ReQ . (H.P., 1/3 3 3/4 1 1· 1/2 2101041 2101043 2101044 ITEM NUMBER 2101042 2101040 $415.00 $475 .00 $665.00 $810.00 PRICE" $240 .00 "Lets Motor & Motor Pulley ·-Available with fixed hopper only . (B)Models AM 500,750, 1000,2000 may also be ordered with a stationary floor level hopper instead of standard SWiVel hopper, which is espeCially designed so that you can use cl b ig bUCket , to dump directly Into the Intake hopper A hopper clean out Is provided at the back of the hopper
Capolclty Overall Height from floor
MODELS AM500. 750. 1000 AND 2000
ITEM NO. 2101045 2101046 2tOl047 2tOl041
SHPG WT. 2851bs.
360 lb •. 475Ib,. 580 lb •.
$515.00 609 . 00 760.00 909.00
.. Less motor and motor pulley
AJAX HAMMERMILLS So d eat treated hammers, mounted directly on a rugged r o shaft. turn 3600 times a minute within a 5/32" mesh screen to convert grain kernels Into perfectly sized ground feedS. Allows the operator to dO other chores while the teed Is belnCJ made. Easy to use, Just pour In grain kernels and start the mac.hlne. SAVE ON FEED COSTS BY DOING YOUR OWN GRINDING' EQUiPped with double·ended Shaft whl(.h allows mounting of one or two motors for In· creased c.apaclty. Input shaft is 1 1/2" dla. with cl 3{8" keyway. ReQuires 5 or 1lfl H.P •• 3600 RPM electr'ic motor{s). Two models to choose from ·MODEL 1212 - 12" dla. x 12" wide With 12 hammers. - ITEM 2101038. ·MODEL 1216-12" d la. x 16" wide with 16 hammers. - ITEM 2101039 • 80th models come equipped with S/32" mesh screen. l/S", 9/64" and 3/16" ilvilllable - Write for prices .
$427 . 00 $53t .00
AJAX ROLLER MILLS nO'I Ife~ 'le use of feed grains wltll an Alax roller 11 It fo r~mp,"g or crack In!) small seeded grains. SO that they are eaSily digested by livestock Because of the lafge diameter roll the rOIling. angle is steeper and tile rolling area muc" larger to give maximum capacity In either dry or hll~h mOisture grains. Leaf springs supply eQualiZed pressure along the entire roll. Rolls are smof')th grooved with 5/8"
?~~~uVr~~P!~;:;~oi:~~~:!~~~,7~~~ ~~~~t~~~~!dOf~~~~tahst'"n~2:!~
alloy .• Double groove Vee pulley to prevent slipping. ·Come complete wltn dr l\re paCkage for elect tiC motor (less motor and motor pulley). ·Come corrple e with magnet trap MODEL 1010 - Has two 10" x 10" rollen and requires, 3 H . P. electric motor. ITEM 2101036 - Approx . Snipping Wt . 294Ibs. . •. . . • • $621 . 00 MODEL 141. - Hu two ,." wide x 18 u dj,. rollers and requires as H.P. electric motor. Capacity (busnels per hour): Oats· 300; Barley · 450; Wheat· 800; HI-moisture corn · 800
ITEM 2101037 -
Appro •. Shipping Wt . 842 lb. .
. • • • • • • . • . $1.243.00
Saskatoon Store Opening Specials IN STORE SHOPPING ONLY AIR HAMMER
RADIO HEADSET 5 Transistor. Bat· tery Inc(uded. (See Page 871. ITEM 3105034 Reg. $24.95 SPECIAL
. . , .. $21.50
(5 •• Page 7'1 ITEM 3801893. (Complele Soil R.g. $49.95 SPECIAl- •
. . . . .:542.00
ITEM 3801894 (Air hammer only I Reg. $34.95 - SPECIAL . • . • • • • $32.95
Black & Decker (See Page BO).
ITEM 3802219 - Reg. $B.99. SPECIAL . . . . . . . .
H.D .
BINDER~~I??¥~bM cm~l: ~9(se. Pago Reg. $14 .115.- SPECIAL $13. 95
PRINCESS AUTO CAP One Size filS all (Soe Page BOI. ITEM 3916128 Rog. $2.75. Special $2.49
C.S.A. 3·w". (See Page 67) ITEM 3315977 Reg. $19.95 SPECIAL
BLY325 ~ 8 2 ply. (See Page 421 •
.... . $17.95 ITEM 3801334 - RI!!!. $37.95 SPECIAL • • . • • • • • • $29.95
WATER PUMP 300 Gallons per hou r. Neoprene Blades
ITEM 1201212
ELECTRODE HOLDER 500 amp. (See pago 5B). ITEM 3101100 - Rog. $9.95. SPECIAL . . . . • • • • .
R.g. $9.95.
SPARK PLUG CLEANER SPARK PLUG CLEANER - 12 volt. (5•• Page ITEM 3316084Reg $24.95. SPECIAL •.••• $21.75
~~~'J~r ITEM 331597&
. ...... $17.95
ITEM 7401006· Reg. $12.50 SPECIAL • . • . . • . . $11.25
TORQUE WRENCH TORQUE WRENCH - 0.150 ft. Ib,. (S.e Page 70).
~i~I!,,~1 ~~.~~~ .. $.1~.~~..•.•.
and Winches (A) Superior winches for marine, industrial and farm use. Strong one·piece frame for retaining perfect gear alignment. Hardened drive gears copper brazed. Per· manently lubricated drive shaft bearings. Turned edges on drum prevent cutting rope. Two way ratchet, with free wheel ing out. (B) Two winches in one! Double geared . All gears of high carbon steel. Pinion gears and snafu heat treated. Strong one·piece frame assures true gear alignment for I wear. Two-way ratchet has positive "off"
5.5:1 4.5:1 5.5:1 5.5:1 3.9:1 5.1:1 + 12.2: 8.5: 1 + 5.6: 12.5: 1 + 5.5: • F, .. wheeling out with one way ratchet. • ·Similar to abo". but equipped with. rftInual brake w,mlinin..
.:.----I j~--
WORM GEAI WIICH (C) A rugged worm gear winch designed to give smooth , efficient control for a wide range of lifting, lowering, winching, opening, closing and ma ny other applications. Here are the features th .. t a5sure Quiet, dependable long life operation: Precisioo cut gears and shahs running on ball bearings. Full enclosed cast iroo housing. Drum capacity 45 ft. ~" cable. Complete with handle and pre-drilled mounting base. Wt. 22 Ibs. ITEM 1104009 .. ... ...... . . . .... ... .. $79.60
POSI -LOCI ETY WIICHES SPECIFICATIONS: 3000 Ibs. Capacity. Free Spooling. Gear Ratio: 16.8-1 and 4 .1·1 two speed slip clutch. Positive reversible locking mechanism . Maximum brake drum area. Smooth acting light pressure brake. All moveable parts heavily plated. Oil impregnated bearings at all revolving positions. Removable handle with plastic roller grip. Heavily reinforced steel frame . All gearing and shafting made of high tensile alloy steel. Wt. 18 Ibs. Maximum Reel Capacities 150' of 1/8" or 50' of 3/ 16" cable. ITEM 3304013 - Without Cable Only . .••. . $59.95 (E) 1000 CAPACITY - 3 : 1 Gear Ratio. Positive locking mechanism when lifting. Removable handle with roller grip. High tensile alloy steel. All parts heavily plated. Max . Reel Capacity: 150 ft . 1/8" cable. Wt. 7 Ibs. ITEM 3304024 •.•• . •• .. ••• . •. . • •. • $14.50 (F) 2000 LBS. CAPACITY - 41 . 1: 1 Gear ratio. The new design has no need for a locking device when playing out cable and retrieving work load. All move· able parts heavily plated. The thrust bearings on the worm gear are oil impregnated to withstand end-thrust. Max . Reel Capacity ~ 60 ft. 3/ 16" cable. Wt. 11 Ibs. ITEM 3304025 ........ .. .......... . . . $59.75 SPECIALI3/ 16" Galvanized 7 x 19 extra flexible wire rope for the above winches. ITEM 3212021 - Per Foot ....... .. ... ... . 1U
• Hi Torque "H. Speed "H. Performance "6 Month Guaran· tee & What's More' Lowest Proce' A real f.stful of Power for all Impact Wrench applications. For driving or removing nuts, bolts and all types of screws. Indispens.ble for repair Jobs, dismantling, assembling, etc. Appl ications by the hundreds ... Farm shops, Garages, Body shops, Assembly lines, Tire shops. Operates on air pressure from 70· lOO PSI . Lightweight, compact design, fuHy reversible, well balanced . Wide Speed Range . . . 4 different settings. Low air con sumption, automatic lubricating system, stabilized torque strength by built·in power regulator. Does tough Jobs faster with lower operating costs.
A particularly useful tool designed to drove or loosen screws that cannot be loosened by ordinary screw driver. Complete with Phillips Bits No. 2 and No. 3, Flat Bits sizes 5/ 16" and 3/8" and steel case. Wt. 2\1, Ibs. ITEM 7801165 . .... ... . . ...... ..... .. . . Replacement tips for above-ITEM 7801174, Set . . $1.98
The Oiler
Adds 5 years of life to any air tool - Protect those expen · sive pneumatic tools. Prevents air line contamination, tool burnout and dust. Torque is increased up to 25%. Attach between the air hose and tool. Quality aluminum stem y," NPT. Permits operator to see oil level. For all 3/ 8" and 1/2" air tools. ITEM 3802278 .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . ..
3/8" Drive ElectriclMPAcT
W:ENCH Operates forward or reverse and produces 2200 impacts per minute. Double insulated construction, CSA approved, 115 125 volts AC, 3.0 amps, complete with 6 ft. extension cord, operating and maintenance instructions. and parts list. Wt. 4Y.. Ibs. JTEM 3802308 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •
112" Drive Electric
IMPACT WRE An ideal t.me and energy saving professional tool. Use it wherever two wire 110 V AC outlets are available. Double insulated with handle and trigger completely isolated from wiring - ground wire not required . Mfg. by Ingersoll Rand. Complete with operating and maintenance instructions and parts list. Service available worldwide. CSA approved . Speci · fications 2000 impacts per min ., 95· 130 ft . Ibs. torque. Up to 3/8" diam. bolt. 11 5·125V AC. 4.5 amps. Wt. 7lbs. ITEM 3801689 ." . " ." .. " .. " . " . ,
.+ -
Bulk third
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