STORE LOCATIONS: WINNIPEG 475 Panet Rd. SASKA TOON 610 Cynthia St. EDMO NTON 11260 - 163 St. CALGARY 701 - 30th St. N.E_
MAIL ORDER P_O. BOX 1005 WIN NIPEG, MAN . R3C 2W7 PHONE (204) 667-4630 T ELEX 07-57714
The Motor-MIIte procnl uses I .... ,et of hot" Ind qulck-co....I." cul.tl Int,frNZI betWM." I WlM'med 1I""ce ••hid.. hor'd-t'Hto'l .ngine. Usmg thl sunda,d equipment ,n .ny thl cold en9ln. IS warmed from the insldl .volding batter," .nd other engine .-rb. Any stand.rd tqt.llpped ..2:~~~-':'~~:'::':::"',.';.~~~~ trKtor, or other vehlcte with. preuurll.d cooling lY1tem ha, to warm I cold InglO • . Once .,hlcl.s Ire equIpped with mOlor·m,te. the to couple the blocks together js JU'I seconds. Motor-M.te couples thl engine gethlr and the vehlcl,'s wlter pump, presJUre, and a'llllabie heat do the rest of the work vlntioNI Motor ·M.t. Kit will warm a cold engml In only 10 . 15 mjnutes~ ,nough tlm' for greas, and malOtenanee check. on the machln, to be used. Thi. sYltem il far more efficiem and effectivI than other Ilr boo,t.,s .nd electric.l warmers. Ellmln.tes problems .nd damagn .lOCi.ted with cold weather starting. More vefHtlle Ind economlc.l than .If'ctrlca' w.rml" - Qn be used out field where electric.l power i, non-e.,uant. ITEM 4240099 - Indun".1 The conwentional Motor·M.te Kit Includes .11 mateflll fl •• lbI, wattr hOIl: Warmer Kit. Slmila, 10 o,;"oo· ....wy.'Y. quick disconnect tYpe couplings; tees; d.mps; hcKe holders; .tc. k,t, but has .ddltlonal 12V nnded 10 equip onl service .ehicl... nd one cold InglOe. Half klts.re available pump for I QUlck.r warm-up for hook·up on ,ny .ddition.1 cold engines. Shpg. wt . appro • • 22 lbo. ITEM 4240081 - Aux,loary KO! - For ITEM 4240073 - Con ••ntionll Engina W.rm. Kit - Complete kit for install. InSt.llltlon on e.ch additional cold ongrn • • Shpg. wt. 4 Ib,. tion on IInlCI vehicle and one cold .ngin •. ShP\l. wt . 15 lbo •
co.,. ..
••..• . • • .. • ••.. .• .• $179.00
H'gh rner max,mum (98" 1 combut1.on for utt.•floc ..... Utt Heate rs are approved by th e Ca nadi an Gas AsSOClltlon tor propene 100% flame ..-le p,lot - gas ,huts off whon film. d,., . Co",pllMly porUbl .. Iturdy un.n h... ball nced h.ndl•• Ind fold,ng I., ,gnd. H...." fro", .undlrd 20 lb. propone bottl. (1101 includedl - ..rWlb/e p r _ •• mu;mu", 20 P.S.I. Comp/et. w'th 10 f_ of ......... wodo ... connoctlons. One y... -.lftty. Excell.nt for h.aUnG
....... ~ _'" ....lIdi... ITEM
_1OIiOO11 _a A
150,000 300,000
.. to......._
• •te
14" 23"
521000 1320.00
easily d.mped 0"
mod... "A" ...d "8" only, for
flow. Makn ItNt.... tdooI for ckvrng .. well •• ,ncreased Itr flow for _tlng . $poctlocmom );. H. p . 110V !,<C produca, 1.600 C. FM. fr.., .... Sh,elded un blad. Wt 30 odcIotronol
I ..
ITEM 8050033
475 Panel Rd. R3C 2W7 Phone (204) 667-4630 Telex No. 07·57714
11260·16351. T5M 3R5 Phone (403) 483·0244 Telex No. 037·41847
610 Cynlhia St. S7L 6A2 Phone (306) 665·8022 Telex No. 074-2868
701·3oth St. N.E. T2A 5L7 Phone (403) 273·3656 Telex No. 03·827732
56·1851 Kirschner Rd. VIY 4N7 Phone (604) 860·6191 Telex No. 048·5216
Mail Order:
Store Hours: 9: 00 a.m. To 6:00 p.m. Monday To Friday 9:00 a.m. To 5:00 p.m. Saturdays
Our Calgarv, Edmonton, Saskatoon .. Kelowna stores Ire not Mt up to handle orden rec.l~ed by mail. PleaM Mnd all mail orden to our Wlftnipet acIcIress. Man order office houn 8:00
Box 1005, Wlnnl .... Manitoba R3C 2W7 Phone (204) 667·4630
1 77
SOCKET SETS 40 PIECE 1/4 & 3/a"DRIVE SOCKET SET Futuru thl mOst commonly found sizes I" Metric and Inchll. Includes: onl , ...
:::k:t': :~!·~'):f~·t~n:(1(~~d~~::r~~~:·~'~·:ry~a6d~~:
sock.t., 3/"". '//32".1/4".9/32".5/1'''.11/32'.3",'' 7/1'''.1/2''. 4.Smm.
5mm, 'mm, 7mm, .mmJ. 'mm 1 omm '1 mm, 12mm. 3/i" drlvl • 6 pt. lockets: 3"'''.7('''. 1/2'. '/1 .... 5/i ... 11/ l , .. 3/4". 9mm. 10mm. llmm. 12mm. llmm, 4mm.llmm, 17mmt,.~jmm.On. p\lfer-proOf,11I mlt.1 tool bOlt.ct:19 n8 Approx. Shpl. Wt. 7 lb •. ITEM 2910115 • . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'i' ''''!!...-
22 PIECE METRIC MfDRIVE SOCKET& TOOL SET SPlclally designed tool I.t for snowmobllls, motor blkls, foreign Cl'S and motor boatsl Trlpll chroml platld - complltlly rust proof. LIFETIME GUARANTEE. Complltl SIt Include,: 1•• 00 ratchet handll; 1· 3" Ixtlnslon 1· 21mm ,park plug socklt; 7· 3/'" drive 12 pt. sock Its ('mm, 10mm, 11 mm, 13mm lSmm, 17f"'1m. 19mm); ,. '''.dJustable wrench; 1· sllpJolnt, PH", 1· thickness ..lau,e with brUSh, 2- scrlwdrlvl" (Phllllps Ind regula
:~~"M' U;'iim
trl c • ••'~
~~t •• ': ~'.If~r:~r~~f .t~o~ b~X. ~.t .• 5.'?"
26 PIECE 3/4" DRIVE SOCKET SET These "ts are
esplclally rlcom·
In~l:t~~~ ~:!v~dv~~~n:q~rpC~~n\r:~t.:~~1
for general work requiring Ixtr, hlavy duty tools for 11'1"1 s.rvICI. MADE FROM 11
1.~i:';.' °t\~~!.~"d'(~~::·II·;i~;·I/"~~i"'·I·/I';:
1/2". 1·,h,".
,.5'.... 1.,,/,' ... 1.3l4".
dl~: "~~":I~'bl~r:t'~'~lt~':J~I~~r:~" J~'II~tg3~~ri!. Ha'n"ci ITk'~ ~:;~'5s~;n. ~~r':;p~ltiI4~,~~SSt'll Box •• • $209.00 7
COMBINATION WRENCH SETS Special Saving! An Excellent set of wrenches, drop forged from spec:lally selected steel. Same size opening on both ends. Chrome plated. ITEM 2916773 - 10 pc. set 3/8" to 1-1/16'! .$14.98 ITEM 2910354·11 pc. set 3/S" to 1" ..... $23.95 ITEM 2910362 - 12 pc. set 6mm to 22mm •. $20.95 ITEM 2910347 - 14 pc, set 3/S" to 1·1/4" .. $39.95
PIPE WRENCHES 'GIANT PIPE WRENCH SET - . Pie. . "CRAFT" In · dustrla. Tool ,et COnstructed of 10r91O' stee' laws and
,Ium'num handle •. Si,ees: 14" with 2.lA·' law open*ng3 Ib"
" " with 3V.·' Jaw opening 4Ih. ~ 24" with 4" jaw opening' Ibl. 36" w1th 5th .. jaw opening' Ibs.
O ..~I
~~:!~~:':;'?tl:dJ::a~::r~~,~:.~~,,; t':~teldt!:t~~s'i:r!.S~~~ $124.00 trip and ntchet actjon u oU,.r Super Ego PIP~
ITEM 2915174 • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • .... TAUECRAFT PIPE WRENCH - Alloy ste.l, i"~ duchon h.at treilted JIWS. milled teeth. Specially Cle-
$f,ned fllch.tln, action Il¥u easier ,nd bett.r perform.nce. Made to Feder •• Spec.1\cltlons GGG. W·5516.
f;:i.1 u~,tfo';~ 2 ......... __ . . . . . . . $4.!l5 "HEAVY DUTY PIPE WftENCH - Constructed of
noduJar cut iron ."surin, rUVi.dness for the most Ir ~ duouI work. Dua. hlat treated spec';al ,tiel hook and h.el j • • t design . Flat and coil sprlngs pro Viae. an i n~ It ... nt grtp 0' the Pipe and c"reates a pertec.t ratchet .cUon. SPECIFICATIONS : Ltn,th : 1 .... Capacity:
~f'~;;'~~ 155:~i":·. ................ $14.49 • ALUMINUM,PtPE WRENCH - S.1me as hea'lY duty p1pe wrench with the addict advantage of .. "tIlry tight Ut.n1um alum,num h,Jndll without Iou of Utangtt'! . L.,,"h
I." "" 24" 31"
Z.. 2 .... " 3" S"
Wol,ln 2.2 lb. 3.nlb.
4." 11.. 10.se lb.
Z.I53$3 2Il1ZU 211127. 2111211
PRICE 11.4' zlon
SI.75 71.15
wrenches.. Length Capacity
Weight ITEM Pf:tICE .Sllb. 211&22' &.5' I.Ulb. 2'15311 Ph" 2 .42 lb. 2115379 7." Z.. 4.03 lb. 211$317 11." 2." 2...... 6.60 lb. 21153n 19.29 U" 3\'>" 12.76 lb . 2t15237 44.95 • SUPER EGO HEAVY DUTY PIPE WRENCHES A nodullr cut Iron monob'oc handl., wU" du,1 n.~t tre.ted specYJ' st ••1 hook anCl h".'jaws pro.'Cle luperb tuttedn.u uu:. str.""th. A Ht of fI.t and coil 'Ptlnt. .nJurn tnltant .rJp and. perf.ct ralcnat 'cOon • '0" /2" 14" 1'"
Len,tll to'" 121t
U" 2." 3."
211>" 3" S"
W~lbl~" I.Hlb •• 2 . 31 lb •• 3 . 30 lb •• S.21 lb •• '.Ulh. 11.12 Ibt.
2916115 29153U 291U03 211&%11
10." IZ.zt
... n
n .1S
Heavy Duty"8
IA)~~~~~~~~~~=-py,~~~~~~~~~-d;'~.:W:.;;I.-'~:;~~.;;R;.-ddoab;;:~:-::d:~.~~;WkhW~~." dUty. four "ntU.vered trays, for tomall tools and parts.. OMnJ wICIa far .uy acc.ss to la .... capacity bed . Two tnlYs haw. lOcket dividers ,and hinged cowers.. Trays: 16""" • • \1)" )( Finished In blue II.",mer ton. • n~mel . Oullld. dIm .· 11" x 10" x U". S"H. WI. 20 lb • . ITEM 3410001 • . . . . •. • • •• ••• • • $39.95
IB) 3 DRAWER CHEST - La" • • Ye1 porUIII., tllIl rugged all·welded Ite.' ch ..t " ... 3 clru".r" full 'e",tta ~ot. tuy . 100 stoP piano 'Unle, and "eavy duty "Ickll Dlated "Ird_.re. 2 dra",e,,: 20" x 7¥a" • 1¥1" , 1 n dr3wer ~ 20 )( 7~· · x 3". Finish.d In bright reel m.rrel.sUnt baked enamel. Outside dim. ~ 2'" JI IYz" • 11""" . S~M. WI . 301111. ITEM 3410019 •.•• $45.95
f." .......
IC) • DRAWER MACHINISTS CHEST - 1 draWl ....... Ul a handbook dr,wer . Top till: 20" x I"'" x 2"'''; S drawers: ''¥z'' X 7"''' x,"; , draw.r: 1¥Z" X 7YJ" • "'.'; , drawlr: IY," X 7\)" X 2"j , drawer: , ... )( 7'h1t )( 'VI", 1 drawer ~ " " )( 71fr u x 2Y," , Alpln. ,r'en enamel baked fln!l" . Outside dim.: 20" x lVI" x 11" . 5~ .... WI. 31 lb •• ITEM 34100Z7 • • . •• $99.95 (D) • DRAWER CHEST - Fre. IlIdln, draw ... wlllt polltlve stOPI. AdJultab" lIIa"IUo"I. Larl' tot. tr.J'. Drop front 10ck1 draWl,.. 2 dr,awen: 1'" " I'll" It 2"; 1 d,..w.r ~ " " )( 12~" " Z": 2 drawers: 1'"' )( 23'" )( 2"i 1 dra...,ef . " .... 23"" 3" ~ M~r·"'llttant baked rid anam•• • Oul1lde dim. 25" x '2.0 .. ,.". ShPl. Wt. 11 lb • • ITEM 341DOn .•••••••••••••.• $94.95
drop front ........ dr. . . . . 5 .................. .... .t 500 • • drawers: 11 " • 7Ya" x '14/1"1 Z . . . . . . "., x za" • 2"; I drawen 1." • 23" • ffltst."t red IcrJ'UC flnl.". Outslde "IlL: 2 .... ,2"' • IS". SliM. WI. 721 .... ITEM 348_3 . . . . $10'.00
r . ......
Journeym"n'·. Jumbo 32" ....WV duty ........
.eld•• 'Ulled d ...... wlll1 lot. Coroyl11ll "'ndl. .nd 2 .nd "andl", .00 no" ....no ...".., cl....•...." calo".1 .nd "."Iook ........1... llamtn., tona _ _ _ nlmal. Outside dillll.: 32" • 'VIi" ••¥I" ....... WL 21 ..... ITEM 3UOOSO •••• • •••••••••• $31.'5 (F) 12 DRAWER MECHANIC'S CHEST - Extra , , _ drawerl. Front locks ",.Weft•• cI'I• •,: 4'*" • 11"" • 2". 2 dr.w....: BY!" )( 15"" x 3": 1 draw.n ,Sy,u x a.. ": 2 clraw_1! 23" x , .y," • 2"; , cl,.• .,.: 23" • 15Y," x 3". M.r-rallstaftt b.keel .crylle red mel. Outllde dim.: 21".,7" )( 1 .... S~ .... WI. 115 Ill •• I.,EM 34,OD18 ••••••• $209.00
1_". e.-
afl. runed, ,and verutU •• 12 eIlH.... nt drawers tor mex. tool .paratlon. Front co ••, anowI tfte catalnet 10 b. comDI.lel,. clo_ In ancl locked. Equipped .Itll lockln, cuto,., 4 drawers: 11"" • 2". I drawers,: 24" • t 'YJ" x 2"; 2 draw.r.: 24" • 1e.." • .". , duwlf: 24" X 11\'1" x ........ nt.h. . In .... ,. ..... Itant red acrylic. Out.ld. dim.; 1." • 2'" • 42" (Inc. COlla'''' SltM. Wt. 177 1111. ITEM 34'0071 ••••••••••••••••••• 5235.00
(D) • DRAWER MECHANIC'S CHEST - Slmlla, 10 abo.. plctur., • Imall drawers ",us 3 full lentt" OU, N_ 510'. In ROWIn. Will . . O ..."ln, I" Sltrl'" Of till.
',YJ" )(
In,roductnt I". adjutt..bl. _r.neh th .. t n••• r l'tu to be I. u, "' r01 size' ThiS IIm .. ,.", tOOl will Inlt .. ntl)' ,rip IIny lize of mlr.rt.h _"houl be'''' .,r.lld,usted . Conltlucted of "elt trlllted carbon ,t ... fOl ... t , 1I slrantl" IInd durabllltv ~ Nan""lp )... s ,r.b .. nCl "old on to ••en IM mo,t IIw"ward. ",lid 10 h .. nclle. objects Vinyl "lineS ,ril'l make .rene-hl comforUble 10 wo,~ With ho" ... It." hour. VoI,. .. bl. pre"un adjust· ment muns you elln eUlty WOrk with " ..tlle m"te,"'t - or .. u "ty 'neraue the pre"ur. up to one ton.
$1 . 75 - 10. 59 9 . 59
10 .59
12 .50 15.49
wo~~~~~~~" ~!.~~~~oP"
Knurled J.w Top, - HOld p Thtn Nose - Permits work In I)(t' m~ly cto~e ,u.u l lrs . .. WIU Cutter - E.erh up to .I ton of pr. nun Cuh ..,.,e .lnCl ,mall boltl • Ad,ustlng Screw - AdJuU to needed jaw 1111' Then ICIUf'cze hill1C1le to lock •• Controlled Power - Adjusting ICrew .Iso lets you control prelsure ... QUick 'hle-ue - Only flng.rtlp preuure on the relea\« leyt:r immedl~tely rel«ues jaws. (A) 1 0" 10nt. 22 oz •• I"W thick ne" ' ;lW ~dJustmenl 1112". 2 stral,h! JoI*1 without wire cuttet . ITEM 2" t72~ • _ ••. • •• (B) 10" long. 21 oz •• Jaw thJCkMU 3/. ··. Jaw AGIUUment 1·7,,01. 2 CUrled .<lWI without wire cutten. ITEM 2" 1733 . . . . . . . ... . 25 (C) 10'· long. 21 OL, JoIW thickn.u 3/8' '' I~w ~GJustme"1 1· 7/1 ' · two cur.Cd JIWl wUh wire culters. tTEM 2911741 • . .. '1 .75 (C) 7" lon9. 13 oz .• ,oIW th.cknen v.", .'_ ~djultment • SJI". IwO curved jll.s with wife cutters. ITEM 29117S. . .• . . . . S7 . 9~ (Cl S .. ton9 •• oz •• 5J1 Ja"lllf thl~knell ...... oIdJUltment ' '''''. two ~lJrved J~WI With wire culten.• TEM 2911751 .•• " •• 5
Petersen Clamps
FAMOUS "VISE·GRIP" SPECIAL LOCKING TOOLS (A) Sheet Metal Toot - Locks with Dower· fut no ......hp £hmiNtes tiresome h,ndtriPDing. Use 10 bend, form. cramp. Excel· "nt for Clucl work. uPhols.e,.n, ~"d hOlding temptl:tH.. AdJustolble to non·tocklnv pller action. Spec_hUlions : ... lon9, WI. 19 oz. • jl:w w'4th 3·1/.... throat depth 1\1." ITEM 2911774 .................... $10.15 (8) WtiCfln, Cll:mp Ml:kes wltld"t9 JObs qUick and usy for one m .. n. LOC1<ing jlws hold p.arU in perfeet ah,"ment. Freet both hands. Oeep throated. "U" Sh""f'd jaws prOvide load VISibility and ample workln, ,,,liCe.. Speclhc..... on': ". Long. Wt. 2$ 01 .• JoIW width 2"'u • hw adjustment 1·5/ .... ITEM 2911712 .......... _........ .. ... $11.95 (Cl Locking "C" Clamp - Mikes 1111 m~nner of clamp,n, jobs eny. Ad,usts '0 the "gM OPIning before use. then clamps to thl work with .. squeeze of the hand . Th. s"TulI Jaw po,nt makes It Ideal 'or work .n
~I:.~ I:~;,"~~: ~t:y!,~~J~!!~dJ!:: ;:r:::!:.~~~.j02~.S::.~~~;~~~u~:~=:~
ITEM 2911790 ... (D) Lockln, Ch.'" Cl .. mp a. Plpt!' Wrench - The tool to u\le when the lob 11 ~.em.n9lY Impcnslble to hOld . Locks onto ,nyth,n, you coin wup tt-I cha.n 'to",nCl . Excellent for plPft and ,h.ft .. Q"Uc;k adjustment of
~~~;.:;~~A';:~::S~OC!ltg3;;'!~. .t~~ ..7!hl~:;:~s~;~ ••·:;~·MO;:~~·:OJ~ID ~~ .~':_~~:.~.ce~:._.._......._ $17.95
HAND RIVETING TOOL Euy to us. tool mIke, 'fron, ".at JO'"" In me' .. 1 lnod
He,y,," for 3{32" 1('" 311'" Rivets This h~nd rlYeter Is of limPle. ru.~ed, Qu,lIty construc.hon de,19ned for indult".I. f.rm or home use . Ide.' 'or teneral shop Ult! or for rep .. r IInd m.alnt.n~nce:. ITEM 3430Uf. • •••• • •.... • •• • ONL V $U •• 5 ITEM 3-43031. - 4 oz . P~I. 1/1" through 3/1 d, .. . ~ss.orted rivet • • •• S2 . 9S
atner molterills. For Ule with 1/." I:nd 5 / 32"
th .. t c,n be eIther short, lonl. or medIUm All Ueel construction w,lh comfort '''P rUbber coatfd ".ndlet.. Comes comptete with plutlc storlle walla .. Mad. In En,l.nd . Wt. I lb. ITEM 3430402 • •••••• $11.15
P.. Cked
Rivets for AbO.,. Gun • •
~~i~'':I~;-3~~ ~~~I..!~.. ~~.'~';".. S.60
ENGRAVER 'C A top Quality "WEN" product
wit" .....r llard tun ..
stan Carbide tiP. Now you can uve .... m.,..nt ldefttl· flc.atfon on .... mat,l toot,. $ort.... loodl" wood and
".nl AdJultabla for wlda or tine I1n. _...ra_ne.
Tou . ft hJ·'mpact p'.I.tlc floull", contoured to fit your
1-';;';";;-1;"ii'cl-'f;7.i'7..t--~~~=-=-:~~='-----1, ~t~::~,l::'Vmf:.~t.~~lC::p!:~~nl'
Wt.' OL 1200
ITEM 34M:JIl • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
MI x . JJW Open ing
3- 1/ 4 " 3 -5 / . " 4- 7 / . "
B... Length 7"
Wt .
W idth
(Lb • . )
4-1/Z " 5 -3/ 4" 7 - 1/ .::
8 11
3430Z04 3430Z \2 3430ZZ0 0
CA) PORTABLE KIT YOKE VISE - Has all the advantages of the Bench Yoke Vlse but Is more suited to easy repairs since it can be mounted easily on tables.
posts, pipes, workbenches, etc. Capacity : 2". Weight 11.22 Ibs. ITEM 2916344 . . . . . . . . . .. ... $55.25 ea.
(B) SUPER EGO PIPE CUTTER - HIgh alloy steel cutter wheel, specially heat treated to give extraordinary hardness and resiliency. The extra long rollers give fast cuts abSOlutely perpendicular to the pipe. The shafts of the cutter wheel and the rollers are keyed to allow the cuts to be made with the minimum effort. Length - 2", Capacity - l/S", Wt. 6.38 lbs. ITEM 2916328 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... • $36.20 (C) SUPER EGO BENCH YOKE VISE - The yoke and vise are constructed of nodUlar cast Iron. The
~r~~~gprg:.e~~~Wt~~~a~~ ~~~~e~I\~~ag~~~t~Oa tn~~h9a~g
of the pipe with the minimum of effort. This unit is easily adaptable to tripOdS, work benches, etc. CapacIty - 2 " . Wt. 8.14 Ib,. ITEM 2916336 . . . . . . $39.25 (D) SUPER EGO TUBE BENDERS - Specially designed tools to bend copper, brass. aluminum, and steel tubes (thIn wall). The uniQue system of clips permits bending of the tube from the end without danger of slipping. A light and easily handled tool which permits curves to be made In all planes from 0 0
. 180 0 .
40 PEa TUNGStEN STEEL TAP & DIE SET Made of high grade Tungsten Steel, carefully hardened an tempered. Complete set consists of 17 Pi eces each of taps an dies: 1 . die stock; 1 - pitch gauge; 1 • tap holder: 1 - taP wrench; 1 - screwdriver; 1· metal case.
3xO.6 4.0.75,5x.09 6Xl.O!; 7XI.0 8xI.25, IOxl.5, 12xl.75 , 3XO . ~" 4xO. 7, 5xO.8 6xO.7 ,hO. j 5, 8xl.O, IOxl.25, 12xl .5, 1/8 B~P .
ITEM 3430766 .... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $3'.95NF NPT TAP & DIE SIZES: 4x36,6x32,
5iJ86N4~'7~{~~~~', Ui:~J,4i/1/Sl
con I ns I too or every 0 ar. a adl for Ivery purpose cutting, scraping. etching, and many more/obl_ Complet. set Includes: 22 .assorted high grade. tool st.. blade,; 4 durable
~~~~~trt~~:I,~~tf~c!;'r!'ln'g4c:$e~'U~.', f,.~.e
honing ston.; ITEM 2970010 _ , • _ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , ••
1 rugged,
(A) ITEM 80r. 3402633 38 · 1 2 3402641 5 8 3402658 I 2
(1) Perfectly balanced. general purpose grinding wheels. Saf •• high out·put wheel for fast grlndln~, A2ti8~' 2) N'ledl~m hardrvtss all purpose wheet. ype . Wt. pr lc,el Pri ce ITEM #. D imensi ons Milx . R . P.M . (ea.) (u . , For(25) 8 ,500 1 $3 .49 $77. 50 3401965 7 " x lJ.. t ·x7/S" (lll FLEXIBLE SANDING DISCS 1 1/2 5 .29 112 ,00 6 ,800 \~I 3401 97 3 g "xV."x7/ 8 " An all purpose fibre disc. for mild steel and non· 3 . 05 66.00 I ferrous materials. Excellent for high stock retrloval i!.!J134029 48 7 "x3 1," x7 8 " 7750 and long life. Slz~ 7" )( 1/8", ' (21 34 0295 5 S' · x V.·' x7/S tl 10 ,000 3 .39i 74.00 1 1~2~ 34 0296 3 4 "xV."x5 / 8 " '5 ,000 2.791 57.50 I O lllmeter Thickness Wt . 38 " v. lb. 4" 111.... l V. lb . 4 """ 3" 1 2" VI lb.
Price 2 .9 5 4 . 75 1.45
Wt . Price iPrlce for 25 v. $1.79 $40. 0 0 3402674 16 31.25 3402682 24 v. 1.39 31.25 3402UO 36 v. 1.39 3402708 50 · 1 v. 30.00 1 . 29 26.25 34027 1 6 80· 1 v. 1. 19 ITEM
P, lt
IC) CUT·OFF WHEELS (1)-For port.lbt. Grtnde" - depr.5Sed center cut-oH Wheels. Type A24 30T. (2)-For portable C'rCUlar Saws - long-lite sheel metal
cUI-Oft wheel. For general construction and thin wall piPe. (3).. For portable power tools - general purpose cut-off wneet for conCl'ete or steel. Type FH. (4)-For shtionary mllehine, only. a very fleXible, thin wneel for fast. ellsy and burr-free cutting of aJl mater-
ials. and thin wall tube.
lL R
. . .'i. I. V
_~.?~. I 07~ Q O 3 .9 9
90. 00
'H~ I~Hg
·4.~9 mJ8
• • 6 9_ ~ 2
17 .95[.,!
•• UnivI,"1 Arbo'. Borl ~ .. POWER.LOK DISC KITS (Containing 3 Discs) Snaps on ~na off eatl!V ~nd has ,",0 centr••crew ho" to m~r work su,he •. Wlth hUY)' duty IndustrTa' quat· Ity
cloth laminated to tough nylon backing.
Power·LOk discs wilt not tau or buckle 'Yln under sIlO'I> lIo.lng. ITEM 5" Clotll Dloe Rellll S" Clot" 01", Rot"l 5" ClOt" DIM! Refill
)40n06 .••. , •.•••.• , COO'". ITEM 3402914 .• M ••lluMITEM 3402922 .• Fin••• •ITEM 3402930 •.
U.9S $3.50 $3.50 $3.50
~'E~5~:~4~~'2"I.U~ . ••••••••• • , ••• $295.00 (01 H.D. MAKITA HAMMI[R DRILL - I[fll.lont
Dr 111ft. In mIlO"lrvclwoOd , M.tal ••• ·2·S...... mod.t with Co"ve"t.nt IHI •• wltch. • ... 'row IIttl". for row 'Iry hamm.r or lUll rotar)' "rllll"I' • tr.1t and rubb.,
dust thl.tds protect
H •• vy"Duty ... ,.d
typ" k.y op'rlted chuck. P'ow.,'yl 510 Wltt. lun· Iran Hd M.klt. IJ.ct,lc motor and bill H,ri"I'. -Doublo Inwlotod, II'I[CII'ICATIONS . Mu. Co,o,
f~tyut" .~t:·!".~t';' g::;~:t;':'~lft~"~:U~:dRs'~!:S : Hr 1,300 R .... M.• Lo: 1.000 R .... :l., Blowl Por Min· ut... Hit 14,300 • •'.M., La: 11,000 •. " . M.; 0 '.11
~r",I~ .... ,!4~·~: I~:~ ~~~\~~: ·~I~~'i;:.r~wf:07'~~~: handl., with IdlU,tlb, .. d.Pth .ton' whl.1 tha. mounts on ClrtH to .h.,....n et,1I Itl I: &xclu.'.,. Mlkltl
clfp-on<huck, DrHt chuCk ; a'ow..out-bulb l Stl.1 carry -
In, ..... Approx. Shpt. Wt . 141101. $19995 ITI[M 3402047 • , , , , , ••• , • •• , • • CH) 2 OR ILLS IN 1 • MAKITA H. D. 1/2" RIOHT ANOLI[ DRILL -I[xcallonl for rl ~hI.n.la drtllln,lnto UI"t spots or for 'ut work On Itutll. Jol'\I' Ite. T". rltht .n,lI drlllln, unit .wl .... a tut l 310 , and locks 'nto Iny pOlltlon . This drlH may .110 be usa. without th. rltht In," attachment for .trll,ht IIn. drlllln,' Com •• compl.te with thl flmed Makl tl
... rld chuck. adJustabl. dlpth •• u •• ~ rlmonbl. sld. hind ••• ,ocker .wltch to tIVI"' dlreCtlO"£ and the
t7g~'~~ D~I~~~t; ~:~:cI1; ~h,~::, ,\:Y.:'·W!':.dC:~I~~: ~~n~!:,'!.o:;::n1i~~~ ~:.Oh W"J~~' f:!P~~~?~t~'~~{
IIn, drltllntl
ss~. ~ow.,
:W:: ll~~~~'.h~ ~
cord I,n,th •
ft .• 0 ....
I~~. , • • • • • , , , , $199.95 ~::. ":::2W4~~.I .I~.'.'~~h.I ...n••~~ ~:I~I~~~ ~~,:,m'o~~~ ~IJ.:"~!:.~.~~:~:;~Su~,A~:f~:'~V~P~.d,V::!k~:: 1.
motor ,nab'.. you to mUKI. throu,'" mode, n mlt.ri .. I.' to set IcrlWI 'n tOUlh ,t•• , or wood backl", · ye t thl lasy dlpth
k.eps drlvin, accurate with·
~~~sm::~~nt·a~~k~a~f.o~I~"~:.:r'~e::~~~ d:::'rJpJ:eV:::l~'
ensure with
Action to uniform drjve·or-draw performance In production . The Varl abl. Spe..d futur e .1I0WI Jlow starts .nd the tool will not " "In, ·off .o the Icrew. complete v." hex bl~ malneUc bit
::'~I'~~~wbu#t6nt:k~~j~~~~j.'t ~:~kC:I~~c~t~;. ~~:
Continuous duty input 540 watts. output 220 wattl.
No load 'Pled 0 • 2500 RPM. Overall 'In,tt. t , ....
r.;;:: i:~~~~'i'~h. '. f~
~~ ',3:3. I~: . $130.00
(t) MAKITA SCREWDRIVER - Fut. sure • • nd POW A erfut futln ln, 'rom a "Ir'l Itlht but Powlrfu l 1/. " hI.
~c;:.:.~~:::e!;lt: aP;~~~a ~~:.~c:!:~:':.\ '~'!.:se:lll:'
stlllaUon and remo.".'. ~O"tal"S • lock button for conttnUOUJ of h,x ICreWI. a con"enfe nt h1p cHp to IUmina,e hOluerl,nd an lull), ,dju,tld depth 10Cltor with minimum b t wobbll construc t ed of dou · ble huutatecl hHmpact .,."tlc housfng. Durability
¥'Is~~:: C~':lc':;1 . lrA·~-:'~~or~;r,lg=: ::.~~·.':~f:o
RPM. Sill • 10111" . NIt Wt. 3 .7 Ib ... Cord · ' .2 ft .
f:rt ~Mt,~·. .. , , .. , . , .. . , . .$145,00
(A) MAKITA 5" BENCH GRINDER - A ,poelal .. w Slade us.embl)l allows sharpening of circular blades on
the 'il"'le wheel. The medium grit wheel has a large, swivel type tool rest to accommodate odd-shaped ob ..
jech. This tool rest also can be fltted with a two-piece clamp to sharpen planer blades. All bear bearing construction with a dust proof, capacitor· type motor. Dynamically balanced shaft with shaft lock for eu)'
wheel changes. Equipped with 60 & 80 grit alumlnum, ox ide wheeh, planer blilde holder assy., uw blade
sharpening U'V .• offset wrench, conventional tool rest.
SANDER - Powerful and rugged, yet lightweight only 9 Ibs. net. 5000 RPM for quick grinding/sanding on light Jobs. Contoured non-slip 3 position auxiliary handle. Ball and rolle ... bearings' wide faced double reduction gears. Contour trigger switch . Steel protector ring for guard mounting. Inc:udes rubber backing pad and two sanding discs & wheel guard . 120V AC, 2 HP 10 amps. Shipping weight 11112 tbs. Can be converted
:~t:~ ~~~~~;~~t~:ede~~lt~n~~! b~I~: .•
special 9rOO'le cutter gauge ISIY. SPECIFICATIONS : Wheel size: 5" • 1/2", Distance between wheels: I V....
Continuous rating : input:230 watts, output : 100 watts No Load Speed: 1000 RPM. Net Weight: 26.4 Ibs.
~;~~ ~;o~t3:~~g: ~.t..3.5:2.I~S:
• ••
ER - -Superstructured for gre~ter dUr.1blllty . *Ex • cluslve cog belt drive. -HI·torQue Ih HP universal motor *Dy"~mic brake for hst stops. "Break resistant hous· Ing. -She: foot, 2 conductor cord . *Built·ln sm~11 parts ~nd tool tUlY. -Removable water tray. -Rubber shock
~,;;u~t~..W;~SS.h.~ ••~t: 1.":I'.I~':
... ...
(C) 1/2 HP BENCH GRI)'IDER - An ideal tool for any
shop . Perform hundreds of shaplng, finishing, opentlons, and sharpen all edge toolL Comes with 60 grit & 36 grit 6" dhl. by It.... wide grinding wheels. Features: Exclullve tllUng adjustable tool rest . Bolt-on shields included. Sturdy 1/.... four hole mounting base. Comes with manufacturers 90 day guarantee. 7 foot cord with 3 prong plug . Shaded pole air cooled motor with 5/8" shaft, 'h H .P . 8.0 amps. 120V AC . 3400 RPM. 60
~t~~ ~I,~~;~~n;~:~~'~~ ~.: ~ ~':' • • • • • $79.50 (D) MAKITA 4" CORDLESS GRINDER - *Ooe hour Quick charge. -Ideal for shilrpenlng blades of farm equipment, GArden tools, household utensils etc. STAN· DARD ACCESSORIES : Hex. wrench, grinding wheel, battery cut ridge , futer chuger. SPECIFICATIONS : MAKimum output : No Load Speed : 5,500 RPM, Wheel Size: Diameter 4", Thick 0.1", Hole Diameter: 0 .6", Tool Length : 8.9", Net Weight : 2. 2 Ib,. inCl. urtridge, VoltAge: 7 2V , Charging Time : 1 hr. CHARGER Dim .: S.7"'L x 3.1"W x 2 .4"H, Input; 50·60 Hz. AC only, Output: 1.SA DC 7 . 2V, Power Supply CorCl: 6.5 ft.,
~':~~~:~~'3~'1' ~b.' ............. , $149.00
(F) MAKITA S" DISC GRINDER - An excellent tool for general metal worklna, Ideal for Auto Body work. Smoothing welds, Deburrlng, etc. PowerfUl 560 watt motor with front and side flow through venting for cool operaUon. Safe, double Insulated design with con· venlent slide type thumb switch. Constructed with 3 ball & 1 sleeve bearings for smooth and quiet opera· tlon. Comes complete with 2 depressed center grinding wheels, safety cover, remo"able side handle, and a set of splI!clal wrenches. SPECIFICATIONS: Continuous rating ·Input 560 wath, output 290 watts. 115V. AC/ DC. No load speed 8,700 RPM. Overall length 101/..... Power cord length 8 ft. Approx . Net Wt. 4.6 tbs.
~~:~ ~:o~ci:~
... .... .... ... . $135.00
Same as aboye except Maklta 4" disc. grinder. Contln· uous rAting, Input 450 watts, output 240 watts. No
~0~:g'~:d6\C:;~~~:~~4~;~~Ot .•4.1~':
An outslandlng
tool In the Mak1ta tradition for grlnCllng mild, hard · ened, carbon and speCia l steelS, along wlth castings And stone materials. UnIt comes complete with collet nut (collet cone Inside). -switch, spanner wrench 17. spanner wrench 10. dressing stone, and wheel points. SPECIFICATIONS: Collet size: 1/4 ". Continuous Input: 220W, No IOold speed: 25000 RPM, Length: 11.1/8", Cord: 8.2 ft. Weight: 2lbs. ITEM 3405503 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
We Accept Visa And Mastercharg8
$129.00 11
L~lhMt~:<'t~:d:'~~:~n':';r;.~~:::~ ;;o:~'O~:IIC!I~~
thl f.,tur •• required for both trim Ind flnhh mlt.rs or cut~fh In wood. compositions, plastics and alum)· "um •• trullons. Powerful 12 Amp •• 4100 RPM M.klu motor, po,ltloned for lilY straight Clown h.ad strok • • Double Insulatld InCl CSA approved. Hu splclal blade brake that stops the blade within 3 seconds of trlgge,
,.IUM . Uppe, and IOWI, safety cove" Ind , .... thru
:~:r:anB~a.d:t,S:~~~s t~5h~ 1'~~n~n:e::~~"P~S~:I~sn fr~e,IX
Increments. Precisl zlro·s.Ulng crosscuts. Accurate
~~~dfg~1~.a~,~~te~~~'L Sa~~t~:,~r:a~tled:~: ';!k~. ~7:~
metal turn table. Comes comptet. with In,e dust ba, to Insure clean air - keeps cutting line .islble, corn· blnatlon cutting blade and blade socket wrlnch. SPECIFICATIONS : Motor - 115V, 60 cycll. 12 Amp. No Load Spaed - 4100 RPM. Bln'nu - 3 ball. 1
\!:I~~~I. f~~:~.';tYat :~09~0 M~X~XH~II'~rt ;:lY'~::- ~:::
Width 3·1/.... O •• rlll Dim ., Wld. x 20·1/2" De.p x 11·1/1" High. Net w.llht . S5 Ibs. (L.ss .Ice
:T~M"I~~6~f5~X: ~~~ ..~t: ~ . I~~ • • • • $330.00
OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES , Removabl. two-way that can be mounted on 11· th.r Ildl of the tab'l. Ellmlnatl risky hand fe.ds. Wt. 5 lb •. ITEM 3410052 . .. ..• . . . . . . •... $lL!5 F.ncI Guld. Ralll for •• tra long pllCIl with adJult,
(C) WEN HEAVY DUTY BELT SANDER - ·Pow.r· ful· 2/3 H~ ~ Ylt lI,htwIJght . ·3" xl." bllt . ·Chln,. blit, In .. condl. -Quick rll .. M g,.ty trll9lr. -Ftlt
top h.nd'l convlrts to blnch sand.r, ·'ncludl,3 und ·
:~gE::I~~O~:~~': '~:U:":
d: ~~. :~ ~~" •••• ReplaClmlnt allh for abovI undlr . 10 blU, per pick . ITEM 3402«3·50 Grit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.15 ITEM 3402450·.0 Grit •...••.•..•...•.. $14. 15
(D) MAKITA 2 • SPEED RECIPROCATING SAW Th. Maklta "'Shark" slice I pipe. 2 • 4s and 3 x .... quickly or It cn... Ptlctlc.ally any shape you want In wood - with the pertect spe.d to match your mater·
1~1:3j~;'.~t~~r~t~0 ~~ b~~ 1~7~s\~b~~b:~c~!rh~~::af~
~ront for easy control. Double Insulated. with a comfortable front grip. thl "Shark" will IIwI up to Its ru, lId reputation In Iny IhoP or bulldlnt sit •. It's tough. lonl-Iutlng and a cut abo.,. thl oth.rs In quality with thl world·renowned MalelU motor . Includll 3 dlff.r· ent blade typea and he. wrlnch . SPECIFICATIONS :
;~:.~\t~wOf oS~~:~::3~oU'!~t;~ko.~tI~~r°':.:I:Uat~~-H I~nh
Sp•• d-2 500
Low speed·l.900 -O.'rall Length : 15, ' Wt . 1.4 lb.
~~~'~:rNs~tp::;I~::~: .~24~t.'bl. -Shipping
ITEM 3405339 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• $149.00 Additional blaae pack for above , 5 • .ach of #21 ,
:':t'.' 11~~. ~¥J;.:~.:80~10'~~~~ .e~.t~ ~~ . ~~I~~r.n; ~,nl.':5
r,.~~ 1J4~Hlr·.'~ . ~ •.n.d.Y. ~'.n~~ ~~u~~.
(B) 1/2" H.D. MAKITA ROUTER - D·hlndl. model with calibrated dlpth gaugl for qulcle. accuratl adJult· mInt of routing dlpth . Powerful 930 watt and fut splld (23.000 R .P .M.) to guarant.1 power and precision cuts In a wldl .arllty of appHcatlonl. 10~ bill burlnl construction. Trllg.r switch has lock button for continuous oper,tlon . Standard Iqulpped with tun'lt.n carbide uppler bit and two reducing coll.t 1' •••• 1. tlmPlet guldl, Itratlht guide IISY .• trimmer guldl assy •• 2 wrench .. and lock button for euy bit remowal . Speclflcatlons: 1·1/3 H .P.Contlnuous Rltlnl: Input - .30 wattl. Output - .00 With. Colllt Clpa·· city : YJ". No Load Sp•• d : 23.000 R.P .M. Bue Pllte 011.1 Iv.. ... O.erall HIlght: 7Y2". NIt Weight 7.7 IbJ.
(E) "WEN" ROUTER KIT - -Ooubll Insulatld rou ter ' Ideal for groo.,lng. dadoln,. mortlllng. rabbetlnt. dlcoratl.1 edllng Ind I 'IIrllty of other precl.lon woodwork'n, Jobl. -25,000 RPM output IPindl. speed 120 .olt AC . 2/3 HP • 4 amps. -BUilt-I n spindle lock for Quick bit chlntlng • Us.elstandard 1/ 4 " Ihank bUs. -Exclusl.e qulck·,ctlon dlPth of cut control 11 •• ' allow. full 1Y2" depth adjustment with one .a.y mo.e ment . - Exclull.e adJultlbl1 pre-s.t stop · you pr. Ht d.pth of cut. -Mlcromlt., typI d.pth adjustment with ullbrate.d d ial In 1/1 , .. Increments and zero'", adJustm.nt for euy reldln,. ComPletl kit 'ncludes! Hu'l)' duty router ; Ed,e Ind clrcll cuttlnl ,uld.; "' .. 01, . Itrafght bit; Vena., trimming attachment: and
~:,:"o;4~~:f:~n.g .Wo". 1.5.'~':
(C) WEN VI HP DUAL ACTION SANDER - ·Orblt., or strallht IInl sandlnl. -Quick changl II.,er. -En· clOMd hlndll with bullt·ln front guide ,rip. -No slip liver action clamps hold undpaper IIcurely. -Double
:~'~:';t;:o~~~' ~.t .. 3...... '~.: • • • • • • • • • • $49.95
. • . .. $",5
;~~ ~:o~;ir: ::~::~~:~:..
Wt . 7\1a Ibs, ACCESSORIES FOR ABOVE ROUTER , ITEM DESCRIPTION 3402338 1/." Oil . SIrII,M Bit 3402344 1/4" Oil. Strllght Bit 3402351 Cot"er Rounding .ft 34023" Flu.h Ind B••• , Bit
$64:95 PRICE $ 4.95 $ 5 .49
.12 .95 S 9.95
Here it isl A pOr1able abrasive cut·off saw light enough to take to the job. Strong and versatile enough to do straight or miter cuts in just about any material. Outstanding features include: non-swivel cuning head with adjustable sw,vel vise (0 • 450 ) for durability and accuracy, new spark guard, wheel guard. lock button for continUOUS operation, fold down carry handle design. Powerful Makita motor bearing flow·thru venting and balanced rotor 8 . ."rTlOl•• • • Standard eqUipment includes socket wrench for wheel change and one abrasive cut·off wheel. SPECI FICATI ONS: Wheel dia. -12". Hole dia. - I". Max. cutting cap. dia. - 4". Continuous rating input1450 watts. 115 V. AC/DC. No load speed - 3800 RPM. Dimensions:19·3/8 x 21·5/8 x 10-1/4. Power supply cord -16.4'.
ThIS sli new Maklta SANDER·GRINDER is the ",Itlmate In job flexibility I By using one tool body md adding any or all of the four accessory k its you car set up your versat"e Makita tool to perform a var ty of functtons. Ao:essory kits available at thiS t l"'1e Depressed Cef'lter Wheel Kit for general grrndAb \le OISC Kit for sanding pplicatlons, Wire CUD Bru1h Kit for qUick cleaning work: Abrasive Cut OH Wheel K.t for fast clean con, notchIng, slot! ng ete. This Double·Duty Pro Model features a pow· erful 21 H p .. 15 Amp motor (no load speed
$ 289.00
ASIVE CUT·OFF SAW. Net wt. 331b,. Shipp,ng wt. 42.9Ibs. ITEM 34600 78 EXTRA CUT·OFF WHEEL for M.kit. Cut·Off Saw. Wt. 2 Ib,. ITEM 3460086 .. $8.20 Ea .
(A) Grind.ng O"'r....d Clnter Wh,,1 Kit ono wheel guard (w h mourHlng hi dw.r.). one Inner flange Mount; 0".'-· p,nsed a!nt, whM!l; one lock "ut wrenc,",
:::. ~:: g::: ~~ :... :::.': :!~::~
ITEM3401957Wt. 3 lb •. 7" 01•. Kit Without Wh.'~~~~~: Sp~~G;I~di"iw~'''' ... $23.95 7"D~.ITEM 3401"5 ........ . .... 9" O~.ITEM 3601173 ..... . .. . ...............
"A.... o!: fa'."
~:~.5~':d~'/,~:';~.~~" 3~~~~,;or~r~:'7~':':J;f
6000 RPM); 115 V. AC/DC convenient shaft ock (for fast and easy wheel change); remov· able Side handle that Installs from either Side; extra large ball bearings for smooth qUiet operatIon; heavy-duty tool rest, double insu· la1l0n. CSA approval; 8' power cord; AC/DC instant release trigger sWitch.
loCI< nul. ITEM3401 .. 1Wt. 7 IlK. 7" Olto Kit ••• (C) 'I'Ilr. cup Bru'" Kit: Ono ~{8' th'ud x "3/8 DIto ""re (UP b'u.~ ITEMW011t.WI.' lb......•• 120.95 (D) Abrul .. Cul·Off Whoet KII: Ono wneol _d (WIth ~~s~~~~·~~w~~~~.':':,:::"~~t~·~ mount. It.. 7" • 1{8" ITEM3402005Wt. 5 IbI. 7" Olto. Kit •• • •.•••• " ....
ITEMJ40' 924 Tool Body Only Wt. 131bs.
ITEM340Z021 7". '11" Cut Olf W_I Only
$175.00 :Jh~3.!:~O.I.3 :~t..~ .~. ~~~~. ~~ . . . ~~. . ~~~"At::'t: .... Winnipeg Store - .7S Panet Rei.
Every thin, the hobby 1st or model mlker n.eds. rl,ht .t his Ilntertips. Doubl. Inwllted 'or u,.ty, Ipeed control 'or verutillty. 120V . A.C .• 2 .5 Imps. - Complct bue unit 5" x 6V." x 9" - High Implct unbruk.ble houlln, - Built-In ,tor.ge .rn for Icceuorles with se.through cover. Suction cup rubber feet. Power-tlke· off for the hInd ,rlnder .. rllble speed 7,000 to 25 . 000 RPM_' ft. 2·wlre cord - double Insullted . 'ncludes: 3" Top QUllity 60 Grit High Spe.d Grinding Wheel - Tool Rest - Flip Up Ey. Shield - Sp.rk Arrestor - $mllf Plrh TrlY. V.rllbl. Speed 1,000 to 4& ,500 RPM on B.nch Grinder . 7
~".sCs!~~Tne; ~1!!1~~t~P~d 3 ;:~!r~~d2~\~Op~.~~u~. Is".c~~~rws~
Slndin, OIKS Wrench.
Clllbuted Adjustlble Tool Rest -
~:K~!!.e~Rb~~t~r:IT~.~:"lr~;d~~B~E ~~::e!~ S!!II~:~I
Runnin, - 100% Ball Burln9 - Vinyl Coated FI.xlble Shaft - 1/1" Collet - 2 Double Ended Wrenches ACCESSORV K.T Includes: 9 Mounted Emery Whe.ls - 1 oressin, Stone. 2 HI·Speed Rotuy Files- 2 Mounting Arbort - 2 Felt PoIIshln9 Wheels - 4 Emery Cuttln, Wheel, - 1 Drum Slnder Attachment - 3 Sandln, Drums - 1 Impre,· uteet PoliShing Wheel - 10 Sanding Discs - 1 Drill Bit 1/1'· - 2"-1yIO" Brlstl. Brushes. Packed in hlndy plutlc box with styro'olm Insert holder for Icceuorlu. "HOW TO 00 IT" BOOK : 4&0 UlustrUed Pa,es of Thin,s To Do Ind !'-Iow To Do It.
fTOI'I;~~~~W.~~~~o!~~~~. wl.
5 lb •. . . . . . . .
IMPACT AT TACHMENT For 1/2 " Dr lwe Sockets
Easily Converts 1/4" or 3/S" Drill Into An Impact Wrench . W"en Ittacl'led to Iny .Iectric reversi.ble dttlt. th u too l will remove InCl h9Plten lut nuh, en"ne bolts, shock bolts, mlch.nery nuts and bolts. and Cldv., bolt, • • tc. L .. ht .....U. mlintlnance f' .... ute to use. port· abl. - mOrl Id .... than. conwenUoN' , mPlc t a t te" tun MU ,tM p"ca! Will aUM no mar. Ittlln on )'our drtll th,n du,'''' .. normll drill in, operation , Wt . 7Ibs.
~~'itW:~ 'u:rH"',.AI~~ ~~:
=~I~~~~ ta,.~ds~~cr:I:I~:~ ~~.:
ITEM 34&0114 1 - For 3/1" Driv. Sockett • . • • U3 '5 ITEM 34&01.51 - F or 1/2'· Dri .... Sockets .
abta ,.need and efficient outfit n •• t N"CI~'.aSh away rust, JC,.JI. and corrodon. 'u.,rtt .,rllc-n ~cty for flAt .... .,.. Just fill Uti bit 1 • ,alfon hopper with iIIny abu"" ~ sitkJI und, ftee' ,rit, I'umin"", oxide, II .. s kldl or
. .........~a
For ,miller jobs, U" ,un un be . .e~~" UMd wtth the qUlrt c.nist.r, pr.s- .. sur. eorurolled on the ,"". 1 HP OR LARGER COMPRESSOR REQUIREO m in imum li, 'eQuira",ent 3 .5 CFM • SO PSI. W.ltln, I h ood , respirator UH' ,to •• , ls recommended . A undblut c&bln.t or booth an .. bl'l the ~" .. of SAN 0.. BLASTER HO .. PER KIT Includes ,un with 3/32 " " , jet and 1/1 , •• harden.d ft . ., "Oz~. with 15ft. ho aftCI l1."0" st_ hOIt,.., . 'ace ~h .. td hood and QUli rt
r:j;;:."'wCt~"~'f'::. ',C?fE:·~~id~:~~ ..
.. .. $87.95
ACCESSORIES , 3{32" At< J.t • ITEM 1320,70 ....••••••• $7 .15 •• • l{"" Non," B ... · ITEM 5320' •• •••.••. $S .U u . 3{1I" Noul. TIP • ITEM 1320''' ••••.•.• $l .ts ....
HIGH CAPACITY HEAVY DUTY INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL MODEL . F .. • turln, : Portabl • • ,llIon clpa· city holdln, 90 tbs . of SII IC-I or any hlrd lII"d, "ut ,hells. m.,,1 ,hot. Iluminum OKlde Ind other Ibruiye materl., . Operl·
~g3 ~~s.')t~~I~r. n!~t~. 53a~: J with BI.st.r Kit comes complet. pow., ,un . cont.lnlr. "CI shield. hood. 10ft. of . Ir hose . Alien wrench. two .xtr.
:(r1 ~~t ,no~:!I:n:n:n~,~~~:;: ~tE~7 ~~~'0154 •• $117.95 ACCESSORIES ,
~~t~; !1~iZ~ :~~ ~'~~~S~~:3~~a5
F·,5L Air Jet 5{32" In,ld' d l. · meter · ITEM 6320212 . $3.55 55 Lbs. (or 2~ kg) BI' of Sfllu SI" d for the S.lms Btasters I, Inllabl. In our ,to res. ITEM 6320162 . Inqu ire Jlbout Price.
CAULKING G The standud of the p,ofeuionJ.lappHCltor . U sed 'or I n construct1on and Industrlll applications. Wi ll dlsP,nse III types of uulks t sella"t Idhellwl s - from sbndard urtridgll. Smoot" controlled IPplication ' "crease"p.. plication output . 5 to 50 PSI Ilr pressu re requlr.d . Com· pi.,. with' 011 . • 1, IIn ..... mbly . Wt . 2 lb.. IT"" 5350003 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
$57 65
~AWASAKI : The" ..,ht-wli,ht, wen bal,ncH. hilh powered tooll offlr maximum operator comfort with low ti ol.... Never any ov...~oldlng dJfflculUe, because when the tool 15 wbjld to .. n overload the rotor ,Imply -sJOWI dOWn or .ltops without causlnl .any parts to burn out. With Kawnakl IJr tooll speeca and number of blows are ellily 'lI9utiilted and raversIble. Exc.llent tor lndu.stry, lua,e, contracton., shops, a-te. (A) FLUX CHIPPER - PerfecUy clean.s weld, without operator faUeuI, essentIal1 when paintlnl or rust proof· 1"9 is '"volv,Cf. SPECIFICATIONS: Pts10n dla . ¥I"i f.t~::':7~~:·~~~~~:S. of impacts o'an ITEM 3401171 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
(0) LONG ORBITAL SANDER - Procluc. . . ocr.lcll
(8] AIR, RIVETER -Fast and Pow.rful! An IxcaUent ~r::1:~I~~r t;:!li':'~v;~ ~;~a~r J/t~'~(;2H, 311 SOl. ITEM 3401205 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
~tl.'~·i::1;t:~&g4~~~~·.·'! ~.~I~ ~':' •• $109.00
4,000 RPM;
~l;:c;:OW.c,h~p~~n~ ~~I~~
:0: .•~o:~.. "
$84 95 $8:95
~~A/~'ri~~~~9 ;!:!~~t~: .-;;t::'~:fv~ .f:C: I~::l'a~~r::.
~:s!r::~::~~s35,~cFJ~~~':lnf~~'4,~;oJI~C ~r::;7f.-~ lt1'~"3~:;·;~I . ~"': I~~. • • • • • • • • • • $229.00
left9tll lb..
• ••••••••
~r:::.::='!.~ fr:e:I"t.'::d~: :::~:'::~ ~=u .:.~
lIon •. SPECIFICATIONS, Free SPMd &.000 R'A..; AIr consumption 13 CFM; hose size 5/1''"; pad sla 2'h" lC 71h."i lenltll 15th". Wt. 51h Ib-t. ITEM 340\247 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
(E) 3/." POWER RATCHET - Doe. . . . . Y ..llh knuckle busUnt In cram ...... real. No more operator 'atigue due to continuous back and forth motion. Lots of torque' SPe:CI FICATIONS: C.p.clty 1/4" "
I:J"~~~ Ab":.;~.~. D~~~::r~~:~o~':!~f1!'rl'l.";o~~n:~
power for deburr'", and blendl"" etc. In hard to reach places. SPECIFICATIONS-: 1/4" collet chuck; Speed 20.000 RPM,Alr ConsumptIon 11.9 CFM, Ho ..
~~~ ~~~~;·.m~::4~~~1;·· .O:•.".I~n~l~
SWb"tl:UlCt AI .. SANDE ..S - 1..11111...... 1· Vu· ............ to eM •• le'" ..........1.. n ••IIIIIHII III .utll '" .., ...ut..., .... _I~........._ .... _ of 0 _ _"011. G .. INDING NOT TO . . US«D WITH THIS TOOL. C _ _ • I" . . . . D'. . . . ._ ..... ND La... . . . .,111, ••• 01'. PSI, . . . " •• AI. COlllU"'.' Ho.. 5'... 1/4" M'n. AI. SIN, 1/4". 1'''_ _'. H....... 4". Lellltll AM. ..•
Rodac Pneumatic TOOLS
..... _7.95 - TII. moit Wl."
le _ _ rid. E ....It.1It ID'
_ ... ,... PM_a, ...... ton. _ ... CO .1110............. ""'" _ _ • etc. 1t... I. . . . wit . . .
fo .... _
...tor a ... _
.......1. fo, • , .... OOIltrDI ~"'''.
..... - . . . 5Ne.: C.-J'l"
DrI.. ,
3/1", TD_' M • 40 .... LIIt.. PS" .0 • US. Air co-IIIItIH' 4 CN. A', '"let' 1/.". Ho. SI (_..). ",,", Le...... ,I", _11ft! 2110 ,.... ITaI HDIH1 , . , . , . , ••• , . . . . . $92.95 CC) III A'R .....ACT WRENCH - ........ CD .... __ • ~ , .... fer _ I .... ' ....._ n•
. . . . --. . . . . . . . . _n_.' . . . _
. . IlUttw _ _ ..... ,.....'" fD ...... '
....................111 -...1.., ...... C._HII' '11
left...... DrI_ Ill" sa.... D..... A...... To,...., ' " Pt. LIlt. of N' . . . 110. Air C. . _ .....'" CPII AIr , _ 1,.". Ho. ..... 318" Min•
This verutUe tool can be used to cut nuts, bOlts, Ind rewlts. Ind In hundreds 0' oth., ways that you wlII dlscoYlr. Pillot grip with hi'.,
Impact alumtnum handle. Fingertip contrOl varles rat. 'tom 100 to 3600 Impact per minute. For use wit" 0"' ... . p . or larv.' motor anet forty gallon or larger a'r tank:. 80·150 PSI, 100·3500 IPM. v." NPT.
Uses 401 attachments. COMPLETE with l'Prln9 piu. the follow'n,
u. AI
attachments: *Muffle, Remo .... r • Remove, outside and Inside .,111'11. Cuts off old mufflers. ·Cold Chlset - for "elvy cold Ch'NI work. Cuts fast through heavy metal. *T-Type Panel Cutter - "V" cut blade Idell for all purpose cutting. -Tapered Punch - For drifting out pint. IIntng up holl.s, driving out froz.en bOlts, and punching:
~;~o~ 3401270 (coml>l.t••• t) WI. 4 .... lb'• • • • • • • • • • $54.95
LV -
am m"" nvets.
cuts, .....n. brllks! Uses •.to I" dll. dllsels and punches.
FlftIII1fp control varlll m. f1'om 100 to 3600 blows per minllt•. Inlet ,... pipe. O.'........b &'4". ItEM MOI2M ..•...... WHAM tool AttKl\mpt for fait profitable body work. Preel..... T.,s with ..to .......s for above hammer. (8) MUFFL£R REMOVAL TOOL - Removes outside and pi..... Cuts off old mufflers. ITEM 1401304 •••••.•...........•.••••... $4.95 (C) COLD CHISEL - For heavy cold chisel work. $4 Cuts f.1t UU'outb b-.y metal. ITEM 3401312 . . . .75 (D) T·TYPE PANEL CUTTER - "V" Cut Blade. fdlll .. purpoR cuttlllt. ITEM 3.t01320 ..... $4.95 (E) TAPERED PUNCH - For drifting out pins, Itn. up fIehs, drlvlnt out fr_n bolts, punchln, holes, etc. ITEM 1401131 ..••••••••.••.•........•... $4.75 5IMI 1ft! Complet. kit • AbovI air hammer "'4 Chisels!
wt, "Ibs.
. . . .......S 44.0
9 Piece H.D.Air HammerKit Set consists of one long buret chrome finish lir hlmmer. one spring ret,lner. one fitting and six all pu rpole chlnls: ·Specl.1 piln,' cutter *Muffler ramanl tool -Cut off chisel -Tapered punch -Weld buster -Ripping chisel . Specifications: 2800 blows per minute. 2-5/1" stroke, .. CFM average air consumption, 90 PSI recommended air
r;~~;·4ci;~~~t ;~ ~b~..
• • • • • • • • • • • ••
RodaC Air Saw & File Cuts throup ltee,. Iron .....1I'I18uIn:. fib ........ _ w ..... TWo 1>'"lon dn',n .,,_, fo, hoU, acllOn. U ...... _ ..' .nd p,ac'"oo bal.nced 'or .... of for ........, of ",ok." ' _ ' , and .... "" ..... Will .ccapl .I...... 'd fII. . . nd lilt" _ MW .1.III1L 5111:C,,, ..
fltI'"'''_I"'n. a_'...,
CATIONS • • SI.o_ . .,
""n. ·22. . • ...n.1II of stroke·
110" 10 , ..... ·Ope,a"", PS, •• 0·110. ·A... Air C - . · 5 CP'M. -M,". "os. IJz•. -Air 1"I.t ...1'. *o.r..
.•.' :"; ...... $99.96
~:;:~~, '~·~·;T::: ;,:.=~~
318-& 1/2"
Air Tool Oiler
A<!ds 5 Years Of Life To Any Air Tootl Protect those eKpenStVe
pneumatic tools . Prevents air line
and rust
tool burn out,
Torque Is increued up 10 25%. Attilch between the Ilr
hose Ind tool . QUlllty ,Iumlnum stem If." NPT . Permits operator
:H~ ~~ri~~"s'8
. .. . ............ . .... . .. $10.95
3/4-& 1" Air Tool Oiler A tllgh quality unit deSigned for 3/4" oInd 1" drive pneum.tic toolS. Will hold more thIn I weeks SUPPly of oil under norm,l use Ind un be UStly refilled t':'rough vented holes located on flange . Cln be hooked up to tool either directly or with whip hose. ,TEM 3400066 . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
H.D. 1/2" ·Electric Impact Wrench ""'llIen Falls" Model B. Fully reversible. Use to drive or remove nutl and bolts up to 1/2" capacity. Rugged quail· ty construction built to endure. long. continuous life .nd withstand hllvy duty .ppllcatlon. Specifications: 120 Volt, 5 . 0 Imps. 1900 RPM no IOld speed,double In. sul.tlon. Comes with 10ft. cord and mOUlded plug.
........ ........... $169.00
Air Impact Wrenches lJl[J)f!!!!J@!?~i!J;Jgf}
HI Pe:rform,nce &. what·.
more· Lowest P ricer A rul flltful of Power for all Im· pack Wrench applications, For driving or ".movlng nuts bolts, and all type of screws. I ndhpensible for re· pair }obsl dlsmantllnlJ, au.embUn9, etc. Applications by
the hunareds . . . Farm Shops. ConstruCtion, Garages,
:,~d:r;s~~~:' f'ic!:rT!,bJ!' ~1:e:s~i~i9Sh~~e~·9~~e:~~~.a°c~
design, fUllY reversible, well b.alanced. "Twin-Unit"
consumption. automaUc lubrl· eating system, built In 011 reservoir. stabiltled torque
Construction . Low
strength by bullt·)n power regulator. DOES TOUGH
ITEM 3402575 340Z898
3404555 3405172 3405180 5198 05 06
A A A B C 0 0
Square Drive '/2" I/Z"
34" 3/4"
1" \'.
Bolt Torque Free Size Range Speed Capacity Ft. lb •. R .P.M. 1/2" 16·2 00 7000 5/8 " 42·275 5500 3/4" 144·575 5500 I" 180·730 5400 1·1/4" 250·11004200 ',1/2" 250·1300 3500 1·5 8" 300·1800 3000
Air Inlet Ovrl. Thread P.S . I. L Ih . Slze NPT 70·100 7·9 32" 1 4" 70-100 7·11/16" 1 .... 70·120 9·11/64" 1/4" 70·120 10- 7 " .. 3 80·150 10·27 32" 38" 80·150 22-1/16" 38" 80·150 24-13 16" 1 2"
Hose Size 14" 1/4 " 3 8" I 2" 1 2" I 2" I 2"
Not Wt . Lbl. 4 .Z
6 .4 9.5 12 26 29 34
PRiCE 145. 00 $175.00 $235 .00 277.00 391 . 00 $484. 00 $598 .00
(A) 3/8" AIR RATCHET - Spec:If"lCltlons: Four vln. motor wftb pllnmry vur reduction, R_rslbl•• 0-60 ft. IIn. torque. Air consumption 4 C.F.M. 1,4 N.P.T. Inllt. Oyerln length 1(11A&". Wt. 2¥t Ibs. ITEM 3400082 ••••••••••••••• $89.95
(C) 3/4" 'ROCKWELL' AIR IMPACT WRENCH -H.D. Mod.1 2217 type 11 fe.tur lng 750 Ft. Lbs. torque, forward and reverse selector an SpeclflCltlons: W.II b.'.nced, complCt design. air volume adjustment. Slip on vinyl cover protects cast alumlnum housing from nicks an R.verslbl.. Adjustabl. speed rlnlll. 0-135 ft. IIn. torqu •• Operates on 70-100 P.s.I •• Ir pres- scratches. New Surplus. O'all Dim ,: 10" L x gUH . Wt. llY, Ibs. 95 3'A''W sure. 1~~:,.T.lnllt: Wt. 6lbs. ITEM 3405214 ••• •• • ••••• (B) 1/2" AIR IMPACT WRENCH - Model 615.
Convert your electric portable drill to a lever operated drill press in just seconds. Locknut for fast drilling depth and a spring return . Gives you controlled drilling, routing, and sanding. Portable drill not included. Distance: Type
A· B
Spindle To Column 4'12" 6"
Recom· Spi n d le
Co lum n
T ab le
Ov era ll
Stroke 2lf.. "
C ia. ,.,
H eigh t
2 l /.. ••
3·1/8 " x 5 " 7112" )( 7112"
18 '1." 20V2"
"Equipped with tilt tabl •.
e nd e d D ri ll S ize 1/4 " • 3 / 8 " 1/2 " . 5 / 8 "
wt. Lbs. 10 14
ITEM 3460144 3460151
PRICE $42 . 95 $58.95
Quality controlled, high standard drill presses at reasonable prices. Slotted, precision machined work tables with 360 0 swivel. These units will perform reaming, counter-sinking, counter-boring, tapping and drilling in met •..! and wood. Motors not included ; please see 'motors' listed in this cataloQ. Max . Dist. Drill ~Pindle Spindle Chuck
~ ec om
Cap .
COl. to table Size
In. In. C 3/8 5 01/2 7 E 3/4 8'/2 El" 8·1/4
·C'lt Irol1 drilling
In. 11·3/8 16 24·5/8 22 ·7/16
Supplied 3/8" 1/2 3/4 '/2
Spindle !sPindle Col. Stroke ~peedS C ia.
In. 2·1/4 3 5·1/8 5·1/8
6 4 8 8
In. 2·3/ 8 3. 1/4 3·5 / 8 3·5/8
Tilble SiZe In.
7'hx.7"2 1 0 )( 1 0
16 112 D . 16 1/.. 0 ,
O'all H t. In. 27 40 56 60
e nd ed M otor Slze@
17 2 5 ~ t. RPM 1/6 HP 60 1/ 2 HP 140 3/4 HP 85 1 HP 385
ITEM PRICE 3460169 $160 . 00 3460177 $278 . 00 346018 5 578 .00 3460193 $699 .0
24 Hour Telex 07-57714 W1nnlpeg
Rugged. dependabll. dlsllned for yea" of demand'nlshop U'I. Elllly handle. curves, .ngles. edges. flat surfaclt\. finishes metal and plutlcs also. The large belt table operates both norlzontally and vertically
~'~re.a~~~s~fl:,ob~·t~ ~!fr!':: J~rdll~~~gt~II:: t~u~f:8e!I~~~~~:'.~ 2;'h:UI~
comes complete with an Ilumlnum mlter gauge, removabll Ingle ad. Justable stoP fence. V·belt, pulley., guards. (Le .. Motor.) SPECIFICATIONS: 41. 1 V-belt, 3" Motor PUlleY I 6" Belt Width, 16'12" x 6v.a" 8elt Table, ~';:E~';l"&t~~~~n.d~n~ .D~~,.3: .D:~": ?~.:"~~e~. ~.t •• 9.7.'~': $349.00
~t~~8fi ~"':i~h3~f~:t4 346'06'5'6'
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : m : ;~ Fin.· ITEM 3460714 . . Med . • ITEM 3460706 •. Coars,· ITEM 3"60698 . • FIn. • ITEM 3460680 . . Med • • ITEM 3460672 •• Con.e • ITEM 3460664
Additional Sanding Discs Additional Sanding Belts
510.95 $10.95 $10. 95 510.95 $10.95 $10.95
HORIZONTALI VERTICAL CUT-OFF BAND SAW C~n be used to make regular band saw cuts in the vtr tl ca' po sition at witn the uble removed used in the horizontal position 'or c u t~ off applica ti ons. Comes complete with vlse for aid when making str, lght o r m Uer cuts. V ls«
nu is stop bracket for cutting numerous pIeces of the Qme length. Ad· jusbble bll" bnrlng blade gu ide rollers for precision and long blade life. Three speeds ~lIlow various cuts In different materl,Jl s. All h ea vy metal
construchon. SPECIFICATIONS : Cutting Captlclty -
4 '/2 " o hI. 4" x 6"
Reet. Vertical 5" Throat
Blade Size -
'h " x . 025 )( 64'jz"
Blade Speed -
65. 120, 220 F.P. M.
Blade Guides - Sail Searings Vl$e Size - 6'h " x 7 112" Adjustable to
Stand.~:OvertiCal ITEM
Table -
10" )( 1 0",
~~~~~~'.(~::' t~:t~;) .
Bed Width -
Overall L e ngth -
Horizontal H ei ght - 36 '4" Vert ical He igM - 54" Net Weigh t 165 Ib s. Recommended Motor - t / 3 HP,
AP~r~~~ :~~p\ ~:V;~I~l el ~~o. I.b ~ . . $385.00
. •. . . . . . • ITEM 3.607.8 . Repl;u::ement btades for above
POWER HACKSAW Cuts wall Pipe,
SAW WITH POWER AND ECONOMV thiet( solid bars, heavy angle iron , etc. A must for machine shops, farm · ers, plumbers, electricians, or anyone who has a JOb related to high capacity sawing. This saw features a coolant pump and swivel v',e for all your angle cutting needs. Saw shuts off auto· matlcally when cut Is completed . Saw has caster wheels for easy movement around the shop or on the site. SPECIFICATIONS : ·'6" cutting Blade ·Cutting capacity 7 V2" W. )C 711z" H. and 7 11z " for round material" Stroke 7 V. " )( 4.:y." ·Power required 11. H .P. 1125 R.P.M, ·Stroke speed 80 )( 60
rT~~\~~~~g9hi f~.ss:~o\~~f'.°:"!
........... $499.00
ITEM 3460102·16" blades ... . , .. , ..... . ..... $5 .50 each Pack of 12 . ..••. . .•••• . ....••..•• . . $60 .00 ITEM 3460110 . H . D . 16" Power Hacksaw Blade .. ... .... .. . . . ..•... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 . 95
ABRASIVE CUT-OFF SAW Cuts fastar than PowafSaws, Pipacuttars and Hacksaws ThiS saw requires no e)(tra att<lchmenh but wit l cu t a lum i num . brOIlS. nickel , p ipe, tubing. briCk, tile. fibre. and milny other m ateria ls. All mat e· r ial IS cut smoothly and accurately. The vue attach ed to th e base of u w holds material f.rmly In place. The blade ne ver becomes dull a nd cil n be adjusted for wear. Machine Is mounted on cast e r wh eels fo r easy mov e· ment around the shoP and site .
2 H.P. 3H.P. 5 H.P.
2" x3"
2" 3"
3" x 4"
1'1.. ·•
Motor & Cutting Wheel ••••• • • $399.00 Cutting wheel for the above abrasive cut-off sa w. 16 " x 5 / 32 " x 1 " bore. APpro • . Shpg . Wt . 1 Vz lbs. ITEM 3401163 . . . . , . . . . $" . 50
Variable Speed
Performance Features
.. Quick chlinge gear box allows 40 different changes
• ~;~;2s~:ci:e)'ls
supported by taper roller bearings. .. Hardened .nd ground V.Way bed . • Left hand wheel eQuiPped w ith safety guard.
• One-piece double-wall apron Is rlglalY constructea f or bett.r support of both ends of gear shafts. .. Longitudinal and cross feeds, with the Interlocking safety. are controlled by a single lever to prevent
.. Headstock sleeve .
.. 12 dlfferlnt spindle speeds obhined by dlff.ren' belt and putt.y
l r.s'-w""'l:-n""g-:c""o-V.:-'""'b:-.:-:d:":'-,-,-. -.-.-.-• •-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-:l""07: ..- -- - ----, Coml' Complete with the Following:
~:~~:r (g~;ra~c~d~.! ::::: . :::::: ::: ~::::::: ~~. 5" Bed Length ......................... . ....... 45 .. a ed Widt h. . . . . . • .. • .. . ................... , 7 _125" Spi ndle Hole Siz e,.. . . •• .... ••.• . . . . . . . . 1.375"
~ :i : ~~: i
: .: : :: : •: : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : SPindle Speeds .................. . .. . .... . . (12) 75·1100R . P.M Lead Screw Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875" Thread Per Inch of Lead Screw ................ 8 T.P . I . Threads That Can be Cut Per Inch .. . ......... (40) 4 · 112 !
reversible switch Two
App,ox Shpg. WI. • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 0 lb. .
wrench . One 5" chuck back Plate • One chip Pan • One 5"·3 Jaw chuck On. 6" • 4 Jaw chuck • One steady rest . One follow rest.
A truly versatile machine for the most demanding operator. Performs all drilling functions to a capacity of 1114". SecOndlY It Is a vertical milling machine, one of the most useful and necessary machines found in the shop today . ~tI controls are operated manually and spindle speed Is controlled by belts . Designed for the craftsman, co ntractor, farmer, and machine shop owner . SPECIFICATIONS ITEM 3 460227
centsrs (M.T.
No. 2) • One center sleeve (M.T . No. 5) • One V·Beft • One thread cutting In. dleator • Tool kit • One tool post
346020 I . • . •
$289000 •
We offer a complete line of heavy Capacity (Tom) duty fully guaranteed hydraulic 2 jacks. Can operate in any position : 3 vertical, angle, horizontal (except 5 30 and 50 Ton Jacks) . Rugged 8 construction, tough unibody, 12 no leakage, greater safety, high 16 stability, simple mechanism, light20 weight, 2'piece handle. TESTED 30 50% ABOVE RATED CAPACITY . 50 5 Low· 8 Low· 12 Low" 20 Low"
Screw Closed WeIght Ram Lift Extension Height of Jack ITEM (Inches} (Inches) (Inche.) Pounds NUMBER
4-3/4 4-3/4 6-1/4 6
2·3/4 3-1/4
6-1/2 6-3/4
7 4-3/4
4-1/2 3-3/4 4
2·1/8 2·1/8 2·3/4 3
7·1/8 7-1/2 9 9 9-1/2 9-1/2
1()'3/4 11 12 7·1/2 7·1/2 7 6-1/4
5.7 7.7 12.1 15.2 18 22.5 31.5 65.9 92.4 11 14 14.11 26.7
VEHICLE . Designed specifically to fit under ren ,ucle where a stal1dud unit would be too high. Sav. hours of delay - buy a Jack thlit's made to do the job.
ALL JACKS ON THIS Ram Screw Wt. of PAGE ARE GUARAN . Capacity Uft Ext_n· ITEM TEED FOR ONE FULL X~L!.::.:='-+'='-F=.l!!!.:Lf--===-+-'-'-"-"'---I!:.!==-I 1010172 YEAR AGAINST MAL.a~~~-F.~~~~~~7--+~~~~~~ 2 4-3 2·14 1010180 FUNCTIONS
• 22
1010164 $28.50 34.50 1010016 1010024 45.50 1010032 55.95 1010040 61.50 85.95 1010057 1010065 99.95 1010073 282.50 1010081 414.50 1010149 45.50 1010156 56.50 1010099 61.50 1010107 102.50
4·34 6 &
2-34 3·14
1010191 1010206 1010214
Hydraulic Service Jacks Width Front
Bod y L engt h
Shpg . Wt. Lbs.
24" 22"
26" 56" 56" 61 Yz" 64" 6 7"
84 165 220 330 462 507
Closed Height
Power Lift
E xtended Height
1.5 3 5 10
5" 5" 5Yz" 6"
14" 19" 16Yz" 16" 16Yz" 16Yz"
I 31{. "
17Yz" 19Yz" 19Yz"
1030014 1275.00 1030022 525.00 1030030 680.00 1030048 950.00 1030055 1045.00 1030063 1499.00
QUICK, EFFICIE N T, SAFE ONE MAN OPER· ATI O N - a pow er pack on wheels , good for service stat i ons, farm repa i r shops, road service , service trucks and general shop use. Designed f or ease in mo bil ity perm itting eff ic ient oper ation under cars, t ru cks , etc . Rugged construe· ti on, fully guaranteed .
20 TONS ranSmiSSi<>n JACK An eeonomlcat, practical solution to handling: tough . unde r ~yehicle jobs i nvolving trilnsmilsi ons, differentia ls. rear axle units, etc. Safety and euUy maneuyered . Effortless lutoml\ic lower ing . Silfet)' ehal "
100 15 0 100
33 " x 17 "
f neluded.
32" 24"
ITEM 1030089 •• • •
* Rugged construction welded d o u ble
strength .1110), steel eonstruction . . .
built to I~s t. -La,ge 21 sq. in . base for stability . .. Hollow ''U1ndle will accommodate il p i pe or bar for addUional leverage. * 4 V." long f i tt i ng non only
3 1l. '· off the ground . -Lifting
meeha ~
nism lowers as well as ra ises load step.by·step . -Mechan ism can be ea~dlY ra ised t o load to ~ye ti me , and will au t oma ti callY fall away once load is remoyed ... Lifting nose and top p iece ne d ril led for auxl1 iary clev ls p in.sto attach cha in s, et c. * Top piece is adjustable . '"' L ifti ng mechanism is se lf conta: ined and m .. y be removed from beam w i th. o Of parts. * Handle locks up a· m for easy storage. "Guaran· twe nty -f our months aga i nst
ma ter ial s and workmanship.
0012 - 48" high model . Wt.
........••. . . . . . . . . 543'.9S"
1050020 - 60 " h igh model. Wt .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 .95"
1090034 • Automotive Bumper
r th at w ill fit either of the above 5 lb • • . • . . . • • • . . . . $13. ff 0042· Special Rack that will jack ' n place In the back of pick· ups , etc. Wt . 3 tbs . . ... . ..•..$10.50
Stor.s and p rotects your h ... vy-duty J ack~1I fr o m the weath e r a nd thef t. tt 's a solid stHl, rub b er se aled l oc ki ng ~a se that Is eas ily mo,,"· ted for rattle·f re e pe rf o rmance. Completely en· closes the 11ft I" , m ech a nism a nd lock s the en· Ur. Jack to your tru ck bo)( . A lwlYs keeps you r Jack cl ... n, hand y, I nd ready t o usa. Complete
;V~~"J';';,~~g;5f~~~:~~O~~: 6 Ib,.. .. $38.95
Piston Pumps
The "POSITIVE.POWER .. WILLIAMS PUMP I, • COMPACT FULLY REVERSIBLE comPletely self-contafned Hydraulic power unit! Pump, Reseryo~r.
VJllvl! all in one! ALL INTERIOR PARTS SUBMERGED IN OIL FOR LONGER LIFE. NOTE THESE OUTSTANDING FEATURES, cost pump body designed for peak efficiency at high pressures. Preci...
sion Pistons, eccentrics on main shaft and connecting rods are aft used to pump on assuring maximum efficiency with minimum slippage. Hardened Steel Inuke and Exhaust valves extend pump life 3-5 times over cast Iron seats. Hardened Steel SPOOl hand fitted into valve body .
V.'ves honed and
SUPERIOR QUALITY' LIFETIME DURABILITY OUT·PUT HOLD - RETURN positions. 1" Hardened Steel Shaft supported front and rear by HO Needle
BearIngs. HUYy gauge hot rolled steel reservoir with filler pipe fitter', bottom drain Plug, 3/8" ports. TerrJ.. fie far all tY'pes of faf'm machinery, replacement truck hoist pumps, hand cranking operations. etc. Pumps factory set at 2850 PSI. Specify other PSI required.
MODEL 1220003 - 2 PISTON DOUBLE AC T ING VALVE 2 . 21 GPM • 1000 RPM (500· 3500 PSI) . 7 Qt . res. Size ; 8 " L )( 11 11."W x BVa"H . Control Valve mounted on front. Wt . 35 Ibs. . . • • . • . . . •• $195 .00 MODEL 1220011 - As Above - Dut singl e acti n, valve. Control v~lve mounted on front ••••.. $1'7.00 MODEL 1220029 - 4 PISTON DOUBLE ACTING VALVE 3 .4 GPM • 1000 RPM (500 · 3000 PSI) (factory set 28$0 PSI) . lS q t. c ,pa city. D i men l lOn s! 15·l/. "L :It l1 1J....W )It 8'''''H. Contr ol valve mounted on front . Wt . 50 tbs •••.•••••..• ~ ........... $237. 00 MODEL 1220037 - AS ABOVE - but sIngle acti ng valve. Control valve mounted on toP . . . . . . . . $ 233 . 00 MODEL 1220045 - 8 PISTON DOUBLE ACTING VALVE 8 GPM GO 1000 RPM (0 . 3000 PSI) . 26 qt res . Dimensions : 9 1t H x 10"W :le 11 " L . Control nl •• mounted on toP . Wt. 70 Ibs . . . . . . . . . . . • • . $350.00 MODEL 1220052 - AS ABOVE - but equ iPped with two double acting valves. Control valve mounted on top . . •..•.••...............••.•.••.. $4 20.0Q WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PTO 'S AND CONTROL CABLES.
Model F98X . 2 Stage Pump Unit (Hi-Low System) Axlall split flow 8 piston pump. 2.64 cubic Incn displ,cement. Maximum recommended speed 1000 RPM. Out·put high volume (Iow pressure) 10 GPM. Out·put low volume (high pressure ' . 5
GPM. Pressure range 500 to 3500 PSI. Factory pre-set rel .:f valves: High volume low pressure relief 1250 PSI . Low volume
hfgh pressure relief 3500 PS I. Shaft rot.atlon either direction . Shaft size 1" with V." Woodruff Key . Directional control valve double
acUng. Convertable to
single acting : cylfnde r port Ilze
V2" NPT . Reservo Ir size 21 Qt.
Jot..: ~~:S:u~roS~~~i~S9 1~n~P~q~,~~sO~C~p~o::~p~ec:!u:r~S ~~;~ \~~ cylinder load resistance raises the working pressure above {A) setting, the pilot unloading valve will automatically cut-out 75% of the oil flow. thus redUCing horse power required. At this point the pump prOduces 21ft GPM • 1000 RPM al pressures up to (8) high pressure setting and requires the same horse power. Wt'leo the pressure demand drops the ho rse demand also drops and the pump will automatlc::all), I"'-L',,,ume 10 GPM flow.
lBjw Volume
2Vz GPM Horse Power High Pressure ElectriC GasoHne 2000 PSI _ _ _ 2.9 HP _ _ _ 6 HP 3000 PSI _ _ _ 4 . 4 HP _ _ _ 9 HP 3500 PSI _ _ _ 5.2 HP _ _ _ 11 HP
875 PSI
ITEM 1220078 . Approx. wt. 75 lb •.. ••.•••....•
~aeTe~f~~'~a~:)~bPu~1 :~:e~~I:i:~e k~:t~~O~~~:1!u:: J:~t~c:,r:~~
complete the work. On the return stroke, push the Valve handJ. to Detent Position ~nd when the stroke Is completed, the spool will automatlcaUy return to the "tutul poslUon . Ideal for log·
r~~Ir!.erls20:1';~JI~s~~;~i:;::!~~Sib ••.••• •• • .••.••• $429.00
ModelD58X 2StagePumpUnit (Hi-LowSystem) Cubic Inch Displacement •.. , ••....••..•• 88 CID Mixlmum Recommended Speed ••....... 1800 RPM Out·Put HI9tl Volume (LOW Pressure) . . . . . . . 6 GPM Out·Put LC'w Volume (High Pressure) ..•... l.S GPM The pump prOduces 6 GPM @ 1800 RPM at pressures up to (A) low pressure setting and requires (C) horse power. When the cylinder load resistance raises the
requires the s.ame (C) horse: power. Wl'\en the pressure demand drops the horse power d:em~nd ;also drops and the pump will autom~Uc~lIy resume 6 GPM flow . (A)
High Volume
Low Volume Minimum 1Vz GPM Horse Power High Pressure Electric Gasoline 500 PSI 2000 PSI 1.8 HP 4 HP :a~!~i~lt~r:~stU;~:~~I~J~)U:~~~rg-JJ!Joe :fltf~eug:r~?~~~ 750 PSI _ 3000 PSI _ 2.6 HP _ S HP thus reducing horse power required. 175 PSI _ 3500 PSI 3 HP 6 HP At this point the pump produces l 1h GPM @ 1800 RPM at ptutures up to (B) hIgh pr'essure setting .and ITEM 1220060 • Approx. wt. 70 Ibs.•••. SPECIAL QUOTES AVAILABLE ON LARGE QUANTITY HYDRAULIC PURCHASES 6 GPM Low Pressure
I . 3000 Series Char-Lynn ORBIT Motors for High Torque Low Speed Rotary Power A wide range of dlsplacements that let you select
the speed
and torque combination that best suits your application . High torque ou t put. From 3 ,000 lb. in . to 4,500 lb. in. High pressure ratings.
2000 P.S . I. cont . duty. 3000 P.S . 1. peak pressure. A real PLUS for today ' s h igh pressure systems. FLOW : Cont . 20 G.P.M. Peak 24.5 C . P. M. SHAFT CAPACITV ; Radial Cont. 2000 tbs. Peak 3000 tbs. THRUST - Peak 1250 tbs. PORTS : 1/8 - 14 UNC Thread. SHAFT : ' - 1/ 4 " dia. )( 2 - 1/4" long with 50/16" keyway. Sh. Wt. 27 Ibs.
RPM IConstantlTorque Torque Pressure Pressure Cont. Peak Cu . I n. Per Max Per Cont.@ PRICE 100 PSI 20 GPM PSI PSI ITEM Dis 1. GPM RPM 1-:',.;O:;O;;6---1f--'5~.",8+.3~8;:.'7;+ 700 95 1 680 2000 3000 1 22 1027 $465.00 1007 9.7 23 .3 417 158 2800 2000 3000 1220086 480 .00 1008 11 .2 20.0 370 182 3000 2000 3000 1220094 485.00 1009 14.0 16.0 300 228 3000 1600 2400 1220102 495.00 1010 16.9 13 .4 253 274 3000 1350 2000 1220110 510.00 IIz" Female N.P.T. Inlet or Outlet port adaptor for above ITEM 1250000 . . . . . . . $1.95 ea. Model Series
ORBIT Motors
CHAR· LYNN Low Speed, High Torque Orbit Motors ere cdopt· able to many low speed applications, eliminating gears, shafts,
chain, belts, pulleys and other speed reduction components.
Compoct cnd lightweIght in proportion to the , torque cnd power delivered, Instcntly reversi ble, Y2" N.P,T , ports , Ccpocity up to 15 G,P.M, Sh ipping weight 16 Ibs. • (iil 900 P. S.1. •• @ 800 P,S,I. Model No . 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008
Disp. Cu.ln. /Rev. 3 4.5 6.2 10.3 11.9 14.9 17.9 23 .8
At 15 G.P.M . Torque Max. R.P.M. Lb. In. P.S.1. 1155 525 1500 770 756 1400 559 962 1300 336 1465 1200 291 1539 1100 232 1766 1000 193 1934 900 145 2239 800
@1000P.S.I.-10G.P.M. Torque R.P.M. Lb. In. 745 327 482 507 364 698 210 1164 180 1325 140 1678 117* 1829* 88** 2102**
ITEM 1220128 1220136 1220144 1220151 1220169 1220177 1220185 1220193
PRICE ~210.00
212.00 215.00 225.00 245.00 255.00 280.00 295 .00
\~) J=.~.~~-;tV~3~Oor~~~. m.:!~r':ul~ :O~tCI~'u~"u~I~:~~c~!"8~~ ~~.7 I:~~'~eaa~ , 350 in . fb l. SAE type A ·· 2 bolt mounting flange, 1" keyed stlaft. New. WI. 12 lb •. ITEM 1221019 .. . .. . .. .... ... .. . . .. .. .• .. , . . $169.00
h~)ntT~~~;Lt~~~e~r~ ;t6~~~~ rl:S~t ~ 1'~' ~.~~M~na~e~ oe~~~~~~ ~' 11l0~. p~~~ ~~ . . . . .lriJl"/f' Ma)(lmum. Wt . 14 lbs. New. ITEM 122021g . . . . . . . . . . . $159.00
(S) Model OGes. Ger o ler w i dth 11... ... displacement 6 . 0 cubic InChes/re volution . 39 R P M pe r G PM , rna x. 1 5 GPM , to rque 9 5 1n. 11:). per 100 PSI. 1021 In. lb. co n tinuo us, 1593 In . lb. peak, pressure 1300 PSI continuous, 1950 PSI peak. N ew. Wt. 16 lbs. ITEM 1220235 . . . , . . . . . . . . $169.50
WHITE "ROLLER STATOR" Hydraulic Motors Roller stator ttydraullc motors
~~I \~eraIOs~all~S~:~':aOg~tYhr9~";'; nuous working pressures, efficiency. better stnt 1000 P ,~:I.A~ra!~
1220243" 1220250 1220268 ITEM 24 DISPlacement IN3/REV 4.5 10 R .P.M ./GAL. 51 23 10 Recommended Flow GPM10 20 20
p:rt~,~:Ae fl:n~~1 ~:~,!~"eul:~; :;','00 PSI17~:
*Exeellent for grain auger appl1catlons.
Approl( . Wt . (Lbs) PRICE
13 17 •. 50
1~:~ 15 189.50
360 800 19 246.50
"HIGH CAPACITV - WIDE SPEED RANGE • HIGH PRESSURE A Heavy Duty, Axial Pi!>ton Type Moto!' for mc})(lmum life and performance . Designed for pr.ctlcal ,nd econo· mlcal ada p tability to , wi de range of Industrial and agrlcul tura l a ppli cations. The most com p act size In Us capacity range ,nd held proven to be superior In vO lumetric efficiency. The si m plicity an d rugged design assures long dependable Derformance. MOTOR. SPE CI FI C AT IONS ·Output , 12 H. P. at 3000 P.S.I. at l200 RY.M ., 22 H. P.• t 3000 P.S. I. at 2 4 00 R.P.M. -Theoretical Torque : 229 Ib.·ln./ 1000 P.S.I . ·Olsplacement : 1.44 cu. In ,fRev. ·Speeds : 0 to 3 0 00 R .P.M. ·Pressures: Continuous duly 3000 P.S . I., Int. r ati n g to 3500 P.S.I. "Input : 16 G.P.M. at 3000 P.S.1. at 2400 R. P. M. --Mounllng r SAE "A" type tWO-bOlt flange . *Rotallon ~ Co u nter cloc~·wls.e. *EQUIPped with i" dla . · 19 sPllne shaft, exte rnal b leed port, need le bearinqs and No. 10 O . R .B . p orts . • D im" 9" x 5" x 5". Wt. 27 lb • . ITEM 122 0391 " $135.00 SAME AS ABOVE but with 'I." keyway . ITEM t22040t • • ~ •••. •. . $149.00 SAME AS ABOVE but Clockwise Rotation , Spltne s ha ft .
ITEM 1220417 . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . • . .... • ..••. $135 .5 0 SAME AS ABOVE but w ith V, " keywIY. ITEM 122042 5 , • • •. • ..• . $ 1 4 9. 50
"WEBSTER" HELICAL GEAR TYPE HYDRAULIC PUMP OR MOTOR THIS HELICAL GEAR TYPE ,"UMP / MOTOR IS DESIGNED FOR HIGHER PRUSURE OR GREATER SPEEDS. It has esta.bllshed an envIable reRutatlon for efflc'ent operation and rugged dependabJllty on 19r1cultural implements, fndu5trfal trUCkS, tractor IOfilers. machine tools, constructJon machinery and for power steerIng systtlms. Ir is particularly sultabJe for front end drive direct from engine of tractor. As ill motor can be used for power toboggans. Ice cleaners. sweepers. FEATURES: Inst.ntly reversIble, hlllClt ge.r construction for quiet operarl()f'\ . . . comp.ct In size. 5--3/8" .... )( 7-1/4" L x 5 u W. 3/4" Inlet "nd outlet ports and 1/4" external bleed par-t. 3/4" keyed shaft. Standard SAE TYPE A flange mounting.
WT. 16 lb •• ITEM 1220433 • • • • • • • • , ••• "
WEBSTER SERIES "K" GEAR PUMP Highly efficient 'K' Ser ie s Gear Pump . Deliver ing UP t o "$ GPM ;I t 2500 PSI. Deyeloped specifically to meet today ·, rflqu lrem en tl for h i gh er .,re s· sure gear pumps. Prenure balanced wear plates, precision m ach i ned shafts and gears make it Ideal for heavy duty uug • . SPEC 'S : M ax . p r e n u r e 2 5 00 PSI with peaks perm'nibll t o 3250 PSI. M I ... s peed 27 50 RP M, 3.8 8 cu . in./rev . Displacement . Caplc l ty ~ 15 GPM at 1000 RPM . 30 G PM at 2000 RPM SAE-B , 2 bott mounting ftange . C o unt er·C l o ckwl se ro ta tion.
w.t: ~ ~~ ~b:..
:;E~.~~2~~;: ~ .~~8:'~'. ~ ' ~ ~ .5:7:~", ~I~ ~..
$225.00 I
MODEL 194K GEAR PUMP - S lm lln t o above exeept 7/8· 13 spline ,"aft, 1· 3/ 8" Inlet , ' ~ lS/16-12 SAE ou Uet. 3000 RPM m a)tl m um.
:T~4~:~·;;o:;~ r~'~I~~I~n: ~~~ .R,O:"~i~~ . ,w. t ., '.2:'.' ~':
... "
SIMILAR TO ABOVE ex cept mfg, by T .R .W . for I n ter national Har ve st or as put no . 546599 .. R93 for 4500 Pay l1ft and 3400 A tract o r a ack hoe. Approx . 16.5 G .P .M . ~t 2000 R .P .M ., 2000 PSI , CCW Ro t ation . .. bott
r~~: :~~~::~ts: ~/~,:.~o. t~~.~e~ .'~a.f~ ~I~h. ~.~~~y: ~~' ,' ~ ~ b," $90,00 WEBSTER SERIES "YC" GEAR PUMP Combi nes h igh efficlency w ith exceptl on,lt y compa et dul9n . SPEC 'S :
~:;i~::~I:~r~ c~5p~~lt~S~·.rJ~kr~r, ~~~c:.p~~~ 2~:~~,1,.~i ~:o3c~'tseatr;r~~1~n~P:tj. ~~;'t:ype
mm =g~WR:~\~~~.n.•::: ::::: :: : ::: :: :: : ::::::
outlet. 5 · 15/32"L x S· 7/32" Ht. x S·I / 16 ''W . W L 7 lb..
:~~= ~
p:;~I~It, ,f!'o,:.~~¥,.9 l~Ia:.~ein~o~~J::::
$12500 $125:5 0
RESEN Vane Type Hydraulic Pumps Here IS the most dependable and exceptionally Yer s.ahle hydr"ullc pump for Fum &r. IndUstrial use! High yolutne wide speed range. _ .Optlonal rotltlon
~i~'~:_bl~E~{-J~~~Y, LCI~~lt~e~~h~f~ec;..tI9~ri::fl;,~~~~:t: Fully e,,'"nced VIne Pump Optlonlll Rotation . Four poutton inlet· No IOlld stllrtlng • Antl·Friction M"ln eelrlng . These pumps ne set for counterclock· wise rotation but cln be reversed by minor IIdJust
S'pe:e~ ~:~:!fl~aJ~~~~:ooM~x.p .:.tes~~~el'5~~ ~e~i~~ pumps ue equipped with ),4" shaft, 21." Inlet IInd \It" outlet. Wt. " Ibs. Model TC series pumps are equipped with shaft, 111. "Inlet and ,,, outlet .
Wt . 17 lb • . G .P.M at G .P.M . "t Model 500 ,pm 1800 rpm ITEM PRICE TB3 1.69 4 , 62 1220276 $170.50 TB6 2 . 38 9 . 31 1220284 170.50 TB9 3 .61 14.72 1220292 170.50 TB 12 4.20 17 .95 1220300 170.50 1220318 TC12 4.50 18 . 35 208 .00 TC 16 6.60 25 . 25 1220326 208.00 TC20 1 . 65 31.40 1220334 208 .00 TC24 10.10 38.80 1220342 208 .00 1220359 TC2.· 10 .80 31.80 220.00 -EqUiPped with 7/." 13 spllne shaft.
GRESEN Vane Type Double Pumps The Gresen Double Pump has been designed as two fully-balanced vane pumps contamed In one lightweight alummum housing. Like the Models TB & TC shown above, thiS unit features high-efficiency and no-load startmg, and has anti-friction beanngs throughout. SPECIFICATIONS: MaK. Pressure 1500 P.S.I . Max. Operating Speed 1800 R.P.M .. Max. Inlet Suction 10" HG., Inlet 1'''''. Outlets . Large Pump I ". Small Pump 3{. ". Shaft Size I"., CCW Rotation (easily reversible). NOTE-THIS DOUBLE PUMP CAN BE SUPPLIED IN VARIOUS COMBINATIONS: e.g. Large Pump 20 GPM, Small Pump 9 GPM . (All ratings given based at 1200 RPM 1500 PSI.) When oldenng speC ify gallonage reQUired on Large and also Small pump. LARGE PUMP AVAILABLE IN SIZES 6,9, 12,16,20 or 24 GPM, SMALL PUMP AVAILABLE IN SIZES 3,6,9, or t 2 GPM. WT. 27 LBS. ITEM 1220367 ........... $369,00
FOOT MOUNTING BRACKET TO FIT ABOVE PUMPS ITEM 1250026 - To fit Model TB Series Pumps , .... . , . $8.50 ITEM 1250018 - To fit Models TC and Double Vane Pump . _ ... _ .... , ... $9.50
GRESEN Gerotor-Type Pump and Motor PGG2 HVDRAULIC PUMPS
high output to size
r,Uo Picked Into lightweight -alumlnum ,lIoy houslngs. Theie hydraulic power (drive) units With high speed chu.lcterlstlcl make them idul for appllCJtions where direct mounting to electriC motors or high speed engines without speed reduction h deslrlble . ShJft Is mounted on Inti·frictlon bearings. Bun,·N seals permit hlndUng of oetroleum bUt! f~idS. Pump operiltes counterclock-
:1~,:::,~;1':220~~~ ~~G, ~~0~~',3~?~ $93.00
MGG2 HYDRAULIC MOTORS Ut complet hydraulic drive units With lightweight alumlnum alloy houslngs. High horsepower to size ratio Increases application and design prulbllities . High preuure mechaniClI snls per· SPECIFICATIONS : .510 CU . in. per rc.yoluUon. 2.51 mit seri"s mounting (limit - 1000 PSI back pressure) . G.P M . rated flow per 1000 R.P.M., Ma)(fmum rated
~~~~'rN ~::'scg~~T~: ~,~:~i!?s:f o~et~,~:~:,s~u:o:!W:~·.
:,~~:~rt~ ' 9;OI~~'I~·.S~~rqc:e"t;:~0,~Oo2:~S~I.P;;~·3.t;::~~ ~~CUI ~~:3:~0:!~,.S.O~~ ~~~
."'. ~I~~~: . . $99.00
Hydraulic Pump or Motor Model S411 Specs: Gear type with needle bearings, 9 .9 G.P.M. at 1000 R,P.M" 2500 P.S.1. No. 16 O.R,B. ports, 7/8" 01 • . 13 spline shaft, 2 bolt mounting flange, C,C,W. Rotation as a motor, C.W. rotation as a pump, Can be reversed, Weight 34 Ibs. ITEM 1220722 •.••• ,., • •••••••• , • • , .•••••.• $59.50
For Single or Double Acting Hydro .. lic Cyli"de ..
,Ind quality
to SIIlvI outstJlndln9 .nd l ong
tuting performance at a very economical price. BuUHn .djustlble relief valy •. Load chicks on each lPOOI. With Indj"ldu,1 check valv.s for aleh spool, there Is no momentary ,eyerul of the cyUnde,. nor can the load drop I. the spool I1 ,hUted. Loads may bl accur.ately positioned with- the check v.llye auurl"9 posltlYI .contrpl. SPECIFI· CATIONS: SP, SPK, SPVT ilnd SPKYT Valvet~ C.3IPlclty 20 G.P.M .
Relief valve let at 1,550 P.S.1. Inlet and outlet ports 3/4" N .P.T . Cylinder ports 1/2" N.P.T. WP and WP'i''? valves; Capacity 40 G.P.M. 'nlet tU N.P.T. Outlet 1';'.. " "'.P.T. Cylinder POl'ts ~ .. N.P.T. Powlr BeyOnd Type Valves at. equipped with two out· let ports. Power beyond outlet carries the oU under pressure dlrecUy from the open center of th. first valve bank to the intake (If the followIng blnM of valves. Jf more tha!, 3 spools are required In a system. they must be preceded In the syste,., by I Power aeyond Vllve.
3..way or sing" acting (Symbol : 3feSPl) 4-oway or doubl, actlng (Symbol: 4ieSP4) No. of Model Item Price SOOOls
5P 3-Way and 5P 4-Way Valves $72.50 1240027 5P-3 1 72.50 1240035 5P-4 109,09 1240043 5P-3-3 2 109 .00 1240050 5P-3-4 2 109.00 1240068 5P-4-4 2 149.00 1240076 5P-3-3-3 3 149.00 1240084 5P-3-3-4 3 149.00 1240092 5P-3-4-4 3 149.00 1240100 5P-4-4-4 3
5PK Valves with SPK-4 1 5PK-4-4 2 5PK-4-4-4 3 Power SPYT-4 SPYT-3-4 5PYT-4-4 5PYT-3-4-4 SPYT-4-4-4
Float Position . 1240118 $89 .00 1240126 129,00 1240134 169.00
Beyond Valves 1 1240142 2 1240159 2 1240167 3 1240175 3 1240183
$82.00 119.00 119 .50 169.00 169.00
No. of Spools
Power Beyond Valves with Float POSition 5PKYT-4 I 1240191 $99_00 5PKYT -4-4 2 1240209 139.00 175.00 1240217 SPKYT-4-4·4 3
WP-3-3 WP-4-4
High Capacity WP Valves (40 GPM @ 20' sec_) 2 1241207 197.00 2 1240266 197.00"
WP Power Beyond Valves WPYT -4-4 2 1240290 $187.50
TECH. NOTE: Power beyond valves caf' be converted to closed cent.r simply bY plugg'n, the power beyond
GRESEN 'SERIES CIRCUIT' DIRECTIONAL CON· TROL VALVE WITH FLOAT P051TION . Clpaclty up to 20 G.P.M .• Max. Pressure 2000 P.S.I •• Oeten! In Float POll· tlon . • Hardened and Chrome P1.ted SpOOlS• • Bullt·in adjusbble Relief Vat .... _ Designed for use where it is necessary to actuate two different functions Individually or slmultane.ously. Especially useful In front end. loader appllc.a .. tions • . • buc'<et can be actuated while lifting or lowering the arms. Wt . 241bs. ITEM 124031& - 1500 P.S.I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • $155.00 ITEM 1240324 - 2000 P.5.1 . . • . . . . " .•.••....•. , . . . . . . . . . . " $160.00
Carry Onry QuaUty Hydnlullc: Component.s.
@[ffi~~~ _[ffi&(JJJ[L~© \Ylm\Yl[E~
DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES WITH ADJUSTABLE RELIEF VALVE *Smooth, Positive Control. *Fully balanced - self centering. * 4 mounting holes on bottom. *Built·in, Adjustable Relief V alve. * 16 GPM - 250·1500 P.5.1. *Open center provides unloading of pump when handle is in neutral position. A "way hydraulic control designed to actuate one For Double Acting Cylinders. set of double Jcting cylinders. Fully balanced Plunger ITEM 1240332 ..•. .. ... . . . . . .... . $53.50 type - fOr operat i ng loaders, dumps, trailing Imple. Same as above, but high pressure model. Pres. r:!e~~:. :;I~:e:":r.JIII!:ldyUSS~!~J~lsZe:d H~:hb~t,e~~~~~:e'::; sure range from 1550 to 2000 PSI. Relief valve becomes pressure locked In .. ny position . Self.neLltral. IZing. when the control lever Is released, It
ically returns to ill neutral or hold pOSition. Cln be used .as single units or mounted In series of any comblnattons desired . Only standard pipe nipples are re-
Qui,ed la moke inle,·connection,. When in,I.lIed in
~~:~~~:So::::I:; c~~~~~dr~al~e::~s~~r:al~~l i~~stl~s :a.:~ Individual pressure relief control which is filctory set
,I 1000 P .S .I. iniel ,nd ouliel, ",
., pipe Ihre.d .
CYlinder openings... Vl" pipe thread . Weight av.
Other section, available at additional cost . . . single acUng , float spool, 3 posItion detent. motor spool, double acting . Inqu ire about prices (B) CRESEN MODEL 430H - Closed center spool to Itop III flow - through valve when spOOl Is In neutral position . Double acting with hardened spool, '1. " N .P .T . Inlet and outlet, Vz" N.P.T. cylinder ports. Rated 16 C .P .M., 2350 - 2100 P .S.1. Complete with
~;~:e la;4do~~j~st~~~e. :e.ll.e~ .v~~v.e: ~t: .9. l.b.S: . $59.0G (C)
ITEM 1240357 . . .. . ........... . .. $54 .00 For Single Acting Cyl inders. ITEM 1240340 ............... .. .. $54.50 Same as above, but high pressure model. Pressure range from 1550 to 2000 PSI. Relief valve set at 1550 PSI . Wt. 9 Ibs. ITEM 1240365 . .. .... . ........... :$54.75
Single spOOl ,
250 - 1500 P.S.I.
Double Acting Hyaraulic Control Valve with Detent (3 Position). designed to operate hy· draulic motors, etc. ITEM 1240373.. . ....... . . .$54.95
double acting with 3 position detent
set at 1550 PSI . Wt. 9 Ibs.
S !mflar to above except with non adjustable relief valve set at 2200 PSI. No . 12 Inlet & outlet ports, No.
:~Ec~c:~:o~;lt.n. ~~'.I~ .• ':'~: ~ ~ .i~~ ... . . . . • . $59.00 (0) THREE SPOOL VALVE· MODEL SP 4 - 3 · 4 -
Three spOOl open centre valve. First and second IPools double acting with spring return to neutral. Third spOO l single acting with spring return to neutral . Adjustable relief .... Ive to 1 ~OO PSI. If.'' Inlet Ind out· let ports, '11" .... PT cylinder ports. Without handles.
•• •• • • • • • • • • • • •
$77.00 29
(A) DOUBLE SELECTOR VALVE - The addition of this Valve in your system w ill enable you to operate 2-doubleacting cylinders with i-Four way control valve or 4 single acting cylinders with 2-Three way valves. Range 0-2000 PSI . Ports ¥o" . Cap. 24 GPM @ 15' sec. ITEM 1240449 • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • ••••• •• . $54 .95
l-----r -
. It ,
(B) 2-wAY HYDRAULIC SELECTOR VALVE 2000 PSI this is a simple and inexpensive way of directing oil-underpressure to 2 separate lines. Enables you to operate two single-acting cylinders individually with one 3-way Control Valve _ Cast Iron Body. pressure balanced spool. ITEM 1240456 'h" ... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $28.95 ITEM 1240464:y." .•..•.••.•..••..•.•...••.. $39.95 ITEM 1240472 I" ............. _............ $49.95 (C) CUSHION VALVE - To eliminate or m i n i m ize shock . surge. and overload on hydraulic equip men t. Such cond itions may be minimized or eliminated by installing cush ion valve between control valve and Hydraulic cyli nders. Pressure set at 2500 PSI . ITEM 1241421 3/8"Ports . . .. ...... ...• . .. ... . $19 .50 ITEM 1240480 112" Ports . .. .. • . ........•.. ...• $43 .50 ITEM 1240498 :y." Ports . . • ... . ... ...... . ... . $51.50 (0) FLOAT POSITION VALVE - (Provides Float Position on Standard 4 -Way Valves) (Double-acting cylinders) as used and required on Snow Plows, Bulldozers and similar equipment CH,500 P.S.1. Capacity-7 GPM @ 15 ft. sec. ITEM 1241 I 99J{z" ........................... $35.95 GRESEN RELIEF VALVES - Overload protection device for hydraulic circuits of a m~chine, guards against excessive pressu re build-up or surges_ (E) GRESEN RELIEF VALVE - High lift. ball spring type - designed for direct·in·line mounting. Can also be mounted rigidly . Pressure range from 400· 2.000 PSI. Available in two models. ITEM 1240506 ( :y." flow) ........ .. . . ... . . • . . $48 .50 ITEM 1240514 (I" flow) ......... .. . .. ....... $48.95 {F} GRESEN RELIEF VALVE - "In-Line" Relief Valves Ball-Spring Type - From 1501-2500 PSI. (Hand adjustable). Three Ih" NPT ports ITEM 1240548 •••. _ • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • . •• $29.95 (G) GRESEN RELIEF VALVE - Hand Adjustable - Available to pressures required within pressure range specified . ITEM 1240522 - 145·1500 PSI. 'I," Ports .. ... .. $29.00 ITEM 1240530 - 1,501 - 2,500 PSI, '12" Ports _ . . . .. $29.95
!H) DIFFERENTIAL - POPPET RELIEF VALVES - Gresen 'In-Line" Relief Valve. Pre-set at 1800 PSI. High Tensile east Iron body . Compact low profile design. Designed to meet the requirements for a quieter operating relief valve and 10 gIve a smaller differential between cracking and full flow p,r~ sures. Three ports - SAE # 10 for 5/8" 0.0. tube 7/8 '-14 UNF-2B Thd. Approx . dim .: 3-1/8" x 3" x 2""". Approx. Wl
1240555 ••••••••..••• , •• , .••••••• $16_50 Adaptors to Yz" NPT Swivel Female Ports for above. 295 ITEM 1290006 ••••••••••••••••••.••••••• ,., $ •
PRIORITY TYPE FLOW CONTROL OesJ,-ned for .ppHc3tionl where two separate hydraulic power circuits .,. to be served f rom a single pump. The DIvider ~rovldes priority flow to t he secondlry circuit or bnk . A const.lrlt regu'.ated flow Is m~intained at the controlled flow port telndlUS of changes In load pressure or '"put pump flow long as input pump flow exceeds controlled ..... ow port demand . Hind adjusting knob with 12 positive detent positions Is available f o r readily actJustJnl the flow from 1 to 25 GPM at the controlled·flow port. F,E.ATURE5! flow the controlled·flow clrcuit. "Ad1
~u5S~~b::t~!r~~e~fo:ne~~~ f Hfi~ohWs~~~Ug~:.' :~!t ~~:~':~~;~~~!~dee~:~e~t:l~~
i n9 spool . -Excess flow c.an be used In.a secondary circuit, ·SPECtFICAT.ONS : Input flow up to 30 G... P.M . Adjustable cOf1trolled·flow range 1·25 G.P.M. Max. operating pressure 3500 PSI . knob·rotatlon .. Full 350 0 • ACCUA:cy control +-10'" mln ~ oper-ating pressure drop 70 P,S41.
i'¥'lM"M~noWt. 8Ib~...........
. .•......... $(;3.50
FLOW DIVIDER "des single flow into 2 "'1iiP"'~i:iIo.,.'" Jol flows. even though the rk be,ng done by one of the ws is greater than the other. tu res: Cross dolled shifti ng-type Spool vi des accurate metering . (The dHfe rence tween the two outputs or div ide d flow wit! _er e"ceed 10% of Inlet Flow. Up to 00 PSI . Ports J/.t" N PT Capacity -35 GPM. No Return Flow. EM 1240589 . . ... . .... . ...... 1$57.50
G . P. M . Constant FlOW). Divides one flo w into two separate flows ! o n :- a Const a nt - Flow (regardless of input pressure) and the other the flow In excess of the connant flow. Ideal
fOr power steering or other applications where two separate circu its are served from one pump. Inlet and excess Flow Ports 1!2 " . Constant Flow and return 3 /8 Of . Cap. up to 20 G.P.M.: up to 3000 P.S.I. Constant Flow Relief \talve pressures UP to 2500 P .S . I.
Wt. 8
lb •. ITEM 1240591 •
Designed to Jock a cyllnder or part of a circuit without leak· age when control valve is in leutnJ position . The lock functions as a check valve allowing flow to cylinder and block ing reverse flow until pHot pressure applied to unlock circuit. Pressure, to 3000 PSI. Ca~ .. city to
25 GPM. Ports 'h" . ITEM 1240621 - For single acting cylinder.s
,-vides 0 smooth and constant output flow re .. rdless of pressure chonges at the controlled flow rt. Rotating the adjusting knob CAppro". si~ -ns from min . to max .) varies the flow 0 - 15 P. M. Operati ng pressures up to 2500 P.S I 8 Ibs.Excess flo w is not Cl wo r k p or' •......•.. . ..
",; 1 240605-Y," Por"
tM 1 24061 J- W' Ports..
. . . • ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $54.50 tTEM 124063! -
$81.50 $82.00
For double acting cylfnden Of'
molors • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • •
CHECK VALVES and Line CHECK VALVES Line Throttle - For Free Flow in 1
g!:~~;~~n o~esg~i}i~~ ~Ii~:' r~~u~~~~r~o ~::
need of c ylinders or m otors in 1 direction . fh " ports. ITEM 1240654 1/ 8" o rifice . ITEM 1240662
gUlate maximum
t{~~ '~~~t.:!": FO; C;n'e"way 'FIO:"; o~~~..:
li," Carts.
lTEM 1240647 •••. . •• $8 . 50
FLOW variable volume pressure compen· ng flow controj valve. Rotating the volume lever enables I to vary the speed of hydraulic motors, etc. Controlled ~ can be completely closed or wfde open . The output N smooth and constant regardless of pressure change s the " controlled flow" line. Both ou\lets are pressure 'Ttpensated. ]/." NPT ports. Dim. : 4·5/8" x 4'11" x 1·7/8" . ull t'4Inge (0 30 GPM)
ModeJ number V1AA023330 . X60098 . Part number 30399 • 1 REV ·9 . Control knob on front calibrated 1- 10. Has four 11/32" mounting holes sPoiced J " x 3V." with holes for 011 flow at rear . 0,'(ln9 seal. Max imum pressure 3 000 P.S.1. Over· all dimensions: 4" hill x 311." wide x 2'1,," deep. WI. 10 lb •. ITEM 1240969 . . . . . . . . . • . $39.00 • . . • •• . • • . • . • . . • • . . Soime .is above but Vlckers Model FG·02.2S0. 11 . ITEM 1241017 • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . $39 . 25 Edmonlon Store 1 1260 · 163 SI . (403) 483·0244
HIGH 0"'I .. e4 '.r
.p,lIeotlo". wh ..,. I'll_her " ...u,.,
For FARM .M08tLE· ' .... DUSTRI ... L .. ,.,.LICATIONS fA) HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALvl - P'Hsures up to 4500 PSI Selectlye hone fitted spool (Hardened. ground and chrc"... plated)
Capacity up to 9 GP M return "." ports
Bullt·'n rel.ef ... olve
(enl er~
WelOht 8 Ibs
IT (M 1240894-00".". Actin, $ 56.50 ITEM 1240902-Sin.le Adin, $ 56.'5 'I) HYDItAULIC RELIEF VALVI-P,",ure IS adlustable up 10 3500 PSI Dim S' x 2" X 1 1 .. WelO"'t 2 Ibs. $ 13.75 ITEM 1240910- 1/ . 06 'ort $13.95 ITEM 1240928_',6' 'ort $14.50 ITEM 1240936-"1" 'ort
SOLENOID VALVE 12 VOLT D .C . CARTRIDGE · TV PE SOLENOID VALVE - Normally open 2-WiY poppet. 12 G.P .M . c~pacity. M aximum pressure 3000 PSI., 3/S" N.P.T. porU. Complete nlye body With two 9/32" mounting
~~I.e2·. ;i~'s.I~~dEMI~e2~!~~~g~·~f~ ~o.n~r~l. O,f .d~iI.l .tI."~, . e.t~ .••
12 Volt High Pressure Hydraulic Power Pa ck .......: ~
A powerful, hl9n pressure hydraulic power unit • completely selfcontalned . 2·Plston WI LLIAMS pump Selt Driven by 12V QC motor. Excellent for truc'< hOISh, snow plow liftS, tr~ctor Implements, etc Rated up to 3000 PSI. 1.1 GPM at 1500 PSI. Eas.y to Insta ll , the p ower unit can be placed In any convenient location. Complete ~d ready to go . Unit consists of 2,pl5ton pump. 7'Quart reserVOir, double acting control valve, 12V HO motor and steel base DIm.
1';;~ ~~g7hO~8"5lf:". ~I~~ ~ ~2.".1~~9: ~~i~h.t : : ~b~..
. ..
.. ENERGY'ELECTRIC- Hydraulic 12V PUMP KIT MANY APPLICATIONS : • Hyd raUlic elevating tallgates· Oper~ling snow plow equIpment from the truck cab· PIck -up hOist power unIts· Farm tractor Implements. Portable hydraulic eQu ipment • Truck cranes Dependable hydrauliC service With JUst a touch of the button. Pump Kit includes the powerful electnc hydraulic pump. 'Iz gal. unk. dash
~al~jl~g c~~~ro~u el:c~~cu~~II~~ob~a~:7~:~hpu~~h S:~~I~I:a~it~~~;. ~\~C~~'t~ per mtnuteat 2doo PSI operating on 12 volts. POSi tive dlsPllcement. ~,.uEI~i~ i~~~~o~ V.~I~~. :wv.... 4.8 .I~S: • . • • • • • . • • • • • $350.00
HYDRAULIC PUMP "oevelops 3000 P.s .1. *.75 Cu. tn . per Stroke *2 Qt. 011 Reseryolr "Sullt-In Check V,IYel "Quick Release Valye ·ComPletely Self·Contained The mOlt ~erutlle h,nd pump unit for snow-plow lifh, farm ments, body & fume str,Ighteners,
~ac:Jlin~Y:!:J::!~. :~~s~eaSt'. rff~~~r~~!~ Designed for oper.ting single acUng cylinders. Load II "Ised with hydraulic pressure; lowering Is IccomPlish.d by releu. of pressure and grayity . Complete with 20" handle.
~'E~' ,'~~'0953
* Swivel Pump He,d • 1 Cu. In. Per Stroke * 3 Pint 011 Ru.ryolr • BUilt 'n Check Valyes
• Quick R.lease Valve • Complet.ly Self Contained
IT~~ 2,~~~~50 •• $129.00
~'4Ton raulic LIFT KIT A powerful, hst ope,..tl"g hydraulic lift kit. SUitabl e for .
') • ..
~ •
pow.ring pr ....... hydraulic lill •• Implem.nts. ".91' bend .. ers etc . ·PUMP: Rated 3000 PSI .. 75 cu .l n . dlSpJ,ceme"t . 2 Qt. 011 reserYOIr. 3/1" NPT port a nd bullt·ln yl lve ... CVLINOER : 3 '11" bore , 12" stroke. l Y2" shaft 20" re· tracted. Complete with 10ft., 3/1" 2-wire braid hOll! WI. 60 lb.. ITEM 1270016 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
$175 • 00
~!~~d~ bre~:::,1 l~~~:;:dh!1t'~US~i;":~lrJe:~}I.rsO~~~~ (ngs for
(A) 3 GALLON -
Size 4.,2x13Vz" with pipe thread
connections. Wt, 13 Ibs. 3/4" ports.
ITEM 1250034 .. . . . ... . . • . .. • . . . . . ... $43. 50 6 GALLON - For 16 GPM pumps or over, Heavy 91uge steel, welded Hlms.Slz ••• ,4xl .... IV." ports. I~M 1250042 . . .. •. . . ... . ... • . . . . . . $49.95
~~~II~U~~te:Urop~~..~t:rE~~~~~; Tb~~t~ !.~~l~d).
Helvy gauge steel, welded se.ams. Control vllv. cln be mOunted on speci. 1 'IIlve platform. 3/4" ports. 6" dla.
16··lon9 . ITEM 1250059 . .. . . . . . . . . . . . $35 . 75 (C) OIL RESERVOIR - Sturdy. geneu' purpose. hy·
drlulh: ruervolr with 101
usu. Futures: 20 9.1110"
tt.~~iit~nd'{!·~ ~~~,e~.J.~~~p~i~;;,g~?:~. ~o:rbS~WO ITEM 1250075 . .
. . . . ...
. $29.98
(D) HYDRAULIC OIL RESERVOIR Id •• 1 for mounting on tr.actors or front end loaders. 29"H x 15 "W x 6"L. At blse Ulperi", to 10'12" wide It top. One lie" and Y:t'. port at basfI, Ih" return on back, 11.. "
~o.;~ I~r~:~~:;. w.~r:~II~~~ f~:,jn, ~;~·o~f~.~I~~e2~.i~~
(E) OIL RESERVOIR - Overall dimenSions: 31"H x g ..W x 10'/t"L. Ports: 2" NPT, I'll" NPT, 1/'" NPT. Ind 1/4" NPT on front .and 1/4" NPT Port on blck. Mountin, frlme with holes It top back and at bottom . WI . 50 Ib,. ITEM 1250083 ... . ... ... . . . . . $27.50 (F) OIL RESERVOIR - Comes with two mounting plates on toP. Ideal for mounting pumps, valves, filters etc . Tank measures 13"L x 13"W Jot 12"H. APprox. 6 gallon capacity. I;, " NPT & ltI,." pipe ports on toP. 1" NPT port on bottom. Wt. 18 Ibs. ITEM 1251735 . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.00
SWIVEL UNION CONNECTORS CA) Union Male x Sw. Ft. Pipe 1291871 1/'''.1/1'' 1291.191/4"xl/4" 12911971/4".3/1" 12919053/1".1/4" 12919133/'''.3/8'' 12919213/1".1/2" 1291939 1/2".3/1" 12919471/2".1/2" 12919541/2".3/4" 1291962 3/4".3/4" 1291970 l"xl" 129191' 1 v.. ". PI.. · '
.65 . 75 1.20 1.55 1.10 1.15 1.75 1.10 3.25 2.80 ".30 6.30 (B) Union Femlle x Sw. Fe. Pipe 12920361/4".1/4" 1.10 12920443/8".3/." 1.40 1292051 3/1".1/2" 2.25 12920691/2".3/1" 3.60 1292077 1/2".1/2" LIS 1292015 3/4".3/4" 2.95 1292093 1".1" 3.95 (C) Elbow 90 0 M.ale x Sw. Fe. P,pe 1292101 1/4".1/4"1.90 1292119 1/,,"xJ'I" "l en
12921273/1".3/8" 12921353/1".1/2" 12921431/2".3/8" 12921501/2".1/2" 1292168 1/2".3/4" 12921763/4".1/2" 12921803/4".3/4" 1292192 1".1" 1292200 1 "" "x PI.. "
2.15 3 .40 3.35 3.50 6.95 6.85 5 .55 7.50 7.95
(0) Elbow 45 0 M.ale x Sw. Fe. Pipe 1292218 1/4".1/0" LIS 12922263/8".3/1" 2 .40 1292234 1/2".3/1" 3.25 12922421/2".1/2" 3.50 1292259 1/2".3/4" • . 75 12922673/4".3/4" ' .85 (E) 45 0 Elbow Fe. Pipe )( SWivel Fe Pipe 1292275 3/1".3/S" 2.25 (F) Tee Male Pipe x Fe. SWivel Pipe 1292213 1/4".1/4" 3 .45
(G) "0" R ing Union Male ORB x Sw. Fe. Pipe 12922911/16 ... V.... 2.10 1292309 9j16"xV,." 2.15
:mm ~~!~~~t.I~I~~
1292333 3/4".1/2" 12923417/6".3/1" 12900067/8".1/2" 12923587/8".3/4"
2.30 2.35 2.95 3.15
(H) "0" Ring Elbow 45 0 Male ORB x Sw . Fe. Pipe 1292366 9/16".3/82.55 1292374 3/4".3/8" 3.1 5 12923823/4".1/2"3.40 12923907/8".1/2" 3.75 (I) No.78 "0" Ring El · bow 90 0 Male ORB )( Sw. Fe. Pipe 1292408 7/16".1/4 2.70 1292416 9/16".3 /8 2.80
12924243/4". 3/8" 1292432 3/4".1/2" 12924407/8".3/8" 12924577/8".1/2" 12924657/8".3/4"
l 2.95 3.15 3.95 4.10 4.60
(J) Fe . Connector Fe. ORB x Fe. ORB 1292499 3/4".3/4" 2 . 80
(K) Adapter Fe . ORB x Male Pipe 12925073/4".3/1" 2.25 12925153/4".1/2" 2.30 12925237/8".1/2" 3.40 CL) Non Swivel Adaptors
from female tube thread to m.ale pipe thread. 12919961/4".1/4" .55 1292002 3/8".3/1" . 70 1292010 1/2".1/2' . 90 1292028 3/4".3/4'1.35
Hydraulic Pressure GAUGES D.s lgned for rugged, heavy duty servIce. Ideal for high pressure hydraulic systeml telting pumps, IdJustlng rlll.f VII vel, field tIlt lervlce, etc. ' fA) 3" DIAMETER DIAL with 1/4" N.P.T. conn.ctlon.
In::: :mm=g:~ggg~J::
':::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::: :::;:
(B) GLYCERINE FILLED HYD . PRESSURE GAUGES 2 "," dl •• Shlnl . . . . t •• 1 cas•. 1/4" N.P.T. connection.
rmillmm=g:mg ~:U: g:~ gJ'~~'r::::::::::::::: :::: ::::: m:~~ ITE M 1250265 - 0·5000 P .S.I.· 0 ·340 bor . . • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . $23.95
f~~:Fl~'s~i.7~Do~~o~::'~}.2-3.'~:'.~'~'. ~~''': ~.e.t~'. ~".s~ : ~4.". ~ :~.~: .c~~~I~~~9"i C ~~l. ~1~1~~~!!~I.;J"~::n~C~I~~.SFTUE~E 11~Jl2~~. ~ •.2~.0. ~ ••~. ~.: ~:~~ ~~~~~mS:~;~
HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS These high quality cylinders have the features that farmers and industrial users have asked for, and at prices that are hard to beat. Constructed from heavy wall, honed tubing with ground, polished, and hard chrome plated piston rods. Welded leak-free construction. All castings are high strength ductile iron. Polyurethane backup washers and 0 rings for long lasting, leak-free performance. Polyurethane rod wipers. All cylinders are double acting, but may be used in single acting applications. 2500 P.S.1. working pressure . All 8 and 10 inch stroke Implement cylinders are built to SAE specifications.
Retr.ct Extended Shift Length Size ITEM Stroke Length 24" , V,,16" 1200146 8"
1200161 1200179
12" 14"
'" dia. pin holes 1200187 V." NPT po rt size 1200195 Baje plneye width 2lJ." 1200203
16" 18" 20" 24" 30" 32" 36" 40" 48" 8" 10"
2" bore
Rod pineye width 211."
1200229 1200237 3,140 Ibs. push 1200245 <» 1 ,000 PSI 1200252 1200260 1200278 2lh" bore '200286 1" aiil. pin holes 1200294 3/." NPT port size 1200302 Base pineye width 3V," 1200310 Rod plney. width 2V," 1200328 1200336 1200344 ~9?,~~~Sp~U.:h '200351 1200369 1200377 1200385 1200393 1200401 1200419 1200427 3" bore 1200435 1" dia. pin holes
lh" NP1' port size
1200450 Base pineye width 311.'· 1200468 Rod pineye width 2'1.. " 1200476 1200484 7 ,068 Ibs. push 1200492 (jI 1,000 P..s.I . 1200500 1200518
12" I."
16" 18" 20" 2411 30"
36" 40" 48" 8" 10 " t 2" 14" ""
1." 20" 24" 30" 32" 36" 40"
,,,nntl;,..,. • ...
20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 32" 38" 40" 44" 48" 5'"
,. ..
20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 32" 38" 40" 44"
56" 16"
'8 "
20" 22" 24" 26" 2S" 32" 38" 40"
36 "
'V,," ' V."
40" 44" 56" 68"
12 "
BO" 8S" 104" 24" 28"
32" 36"
40" U"
4'" 5'"'
'8" 72" lOll
104" 24" 28" 32"
,'I." ,It."
1 11." I V,," l 1f,,'j t V." 1 V~· 1 V,,"
IV." 1'1."
lV." 111<"
1 VIII" IV."
1'1,," l1h" 1VJ"
lY," lY," 1 ,,. .. 1'1,," , It....
' V,,"
40,0 44"
56" 68" 72"
1'12" ,'h" lY,"
Wt. (lb •• )
11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 29 31 33 38 41 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 29 33
..3t, 50 57 18 20 22 24 26 29 33 38 46 53 60 69
562 .50
65.95 69 .50 73.00 77.00 19.95 84.50 91.50 102.95 105.50 103.00 119.95 135 . 00 $&1.50 73.95 71.00
SS.OO '03.UO
120.00 121.50 137.00 153.50 $ 77 . 00 82.50 87 . 50 92.95 91.00 103.50 101.50 119.50 135.00 140.00 150.00 lil.50
I , ..... I
.... 11"LlL..n~
ment Cylinders
3'1t" bore ' " dla . pin holes If!" NPT port size
1200534 1200542 1200559 1200567 1200575
Base plneye width 4 "." 1200583 Rod plneye widt h 2V."
9@6f,~~~'p~s.l~ ITEM 2 " Bore 1 " Pin Holes l V." Rod 01;;' . If. " N .P ,T . Port Size
211:" Bore H
Pin Hotes
1201 052 1101060 1201078 1201086 1201094 1201110 1201128 1201136
1 V." Rod Ola. 3/8" N.P.T . Pori SI . . gg::;~
3" Bore '" P in Hole s 1 "." Rod Oia.
1/z" N .P .T . P ort Size
31h" Bote '" P I" Holes 1'/." Rod 0 101.
If," N.P.T. PO tt Size 4 " Bore '" Pjn Hole s 1 '/2" Rod C ia. '11" N.P .T . Po rt Size
4lh" Bore '" Pin Holes 1 VI:" Rod O la. \12" N . P ,T . Port Size 5 " Bore 1" P in Holes Rod Dia . '12" N . P.T . Po rt S ize
1201177 1201185 1201193 1201201 1201219
1201235 1201243 1201250 1201268 1201276 1201292 1201300 1201318 1201326 1201334 1201359 1201367 1201375 1201383 1201391 1201417 1201425 1201433 1201441 1201458
Stroke 8 10 12 14 16 8 10 12 14 16
8 10 12 14 16 8
10 12 14 16 8 10 12 14
Length 201/." 20 V." 22 '1." 24'1."
261/." 2011,." 2011.. " 2211." 24V." 26V." 20 V,,"
20'1." 221/."
241/." 261/." 20'1.. " 2011." 221J."
EMtl nded Length 28 '1.... 30'/."
34"." 38 '1." 421/." 2811," 30V." 34V."
4211. 11
2 8'1." 30'/." 34 11."
42 1/." 2IV.. "
24V." 261/.1<
38V." 42V."
20'/4" 20'1."
28'/." 30 '/."
221/." 24'/. "
26'1. "
8 10 12 14 16 8 10 12 14 16
2011." 20'1." 2,21/." 2411,," 26'14" 2011. " 201f." 2211." 24'1.... 26'1.. "
38 '1." 4211." 28V." 30'1." 34V,," 38V,," 42V.'· 28'1,,"
30 11,," 34 lf4"
38'14 " 421/4"
Wt. (lb •• )
17 18 20 22 23 19 21 23 25 27 21 23 26 27 29 26 28 30 32 35 ~2
34 38 40 43 39 42 45 48 52 48 51 54 58 61
P rice
$ 68 .00
71.50 15 .50 19.95 .2 .5 0 $ 77.00 80 .00 13 .50 16 .50 19 .50 $ 81.50 85 .00 89.00 95.00 99 .95 $ 90 .50 94.00 99.00 107 .50 113.00 $ 109.5 0 11 7.0 0 124.5 0 131.5 0 139.00 $ 123.50 127.50 134.00 143 .00 149.50 $137.50 147 .00 155.00 165.00 173.50
4" bore l V." ala. pin holes
1200609 1200617 1200625 12 0063 3 1200641 1200658 1200666 1200674 1200682 1200690
112" NPT port slzl 1200108 Base Plneye width 43/,," 1200716 Rod plneye width 211." 1200724 12,566 Ibs. pu sh (iI
1,000 P .S . 1.
4'/a" bore
1200732 1200740 1200757 1200765 1200773 1200781 1200799 1200807 1200815 1200823 1200831
1 1/1." dia . pin holes I/a " NPT port size Base pine ye width 5 V." 1200849 Rod plneye width 2'1." 1200856
15 , 898 Ibs. push @ 1,000 P .S .1.
S" bore
1200864 1200872 1200880 1200898 1200906 1200914 1200922 1200930 1200948 1200955 1200963
l V.t! dia . pin holes 'I," NPT port size Base plneye width 5lA" 1200971 Rod plneye Width 2'1.... 1200989 19,600 Ibs. push @ 1,000 P .S .1.
1200997 1201003 1201011 1201029 1201037 1201045
Stroke Control Implement Cylinders ~
Str"lke Retract Ext."dtCl ShIft Length Length SIlO
10" 12" 14"
20" 24" 30" 32" 36" 40"
48" 8" 10" 12"
20" 24" 30" 32" 36" 40" 48" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16 " 18 " 20" 24 " 30 " 32 " 36" 40" 48 " 8" 10" 12" 14" 16"
20" 24" 30'" 32 " 36" 40" 48"
ITEM 8" Stroke lOV." Retracted Length C . to C . 28 1/.4 " Extended Length C . to C . 1 " Pin Holes Stroke Adjustment 0 ·5 "
1201102 1201169 1201227 1201284 1201342 1201409 1201466
16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 32" 38 " 40" 44"
48" 56" \7" 19" 21" 23" 25" 27" 29" 33" 39"
45" 49" 57" 17 "
23 " 25" 27" 29" 33" 39" 41"
45" 49" 57 " 17" 19" 21" 23" 25" 27 " 29" 33" 39"
41 "
45" 49 " 51" Bore Oia .
2 4" 28" 32" 36" 40" 44"
48" 56" 68" 72" 80" 88" 104"
25" 29" 33" 37" 41 " 45 " 49" 57" 69 " 73" 81 " 89" 105" 25 " 29" 33" 37" 41" 45 " 49" 57" 69" 73 " 81" 89" 105" 25 " 29 " 33" 37"
.," 'IS"
57" 69" 73" 81" 89" 105"
2 Vl" 3 '12"
P /....
4 '1z"
"1,," 11/."
,'It" l 1h"
l'h," 11f2"
1'h" 1'/,," 1 l /•."
1 l /,," l lf,," 1 If'"
lV," l1f. h
2" 2" 2" 2"
1'12" 1 112." 1 '/lit
' 11'1"
1 1/."
2" 2" 2" 2" 2" l'h"
1 112" 11/,,"
1 J","
PI,," 1 Jf.."
2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"
1'12" 1'12"
l 'jz"
3/8 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2" 1/2 " 1/2"
Wt . (lb •. )
22 S 84.95 91.50 24 91 .S0 26 105 .50 29 111 .50 34 114 .00 37 126 .00 39 139 .95 44 160.00 51 167 .00 60 110.00 66 194.00 72 221.00 83 30 $106 .5 0 33 114.00 36 121.00 n U8.50 41 135.00 .3 144.50 54 150.50 60 165.00 70 187 .50 81 195.00 88 210.00 95 22 • •00 105 ~~~, SO 35 18.00 38 $I125 .50 41 132 .5 0 44 140.00 51 147 .50 54 154.50 58 162 .00 65 177 .00 78 191.50 88 199 .50 98 214.00 108 229 .00 118 25' .0 0 40 $ 136.00 44 145.00 49 153 .00 53 163 .00 57 171.50 110.50 61 119 .50 64 207.00 74 85 234.00 243.00 95 262.00 107 279.50 120 315.00 132
Rod Port S ize Wt . Dla. (NPT) (lb •. ) 1/4" 19
l V." l V."
l lf."
23 27 31 39 45 50
Price $
79 .00 89.50 93.50 102 .00 121 .50 133.00 149 .50
BY Proper Braiding this hose re-
pressures and rough u5age. Cut to your desired length or save by purchasIng 60 ft . In bulK (2040 Ft . Randon Lengths).
Pressure . LENGTH 1 Ft . 2 Ft . 3 Ft . • Ft.
5 Ft. Ft .
6 7 B 9
Ft. Ft . Ft .
10 Ft . 11 Ft .
12 Ft . 13 Ft. 14 Ft . Working
1 Ft . 2 Ft , 3 Ft .
• Ft . 5 Ft. 6 Ft. 7 Ft. 8 Ft.
9 Ft .
10 Ft. 11 Ft. 12 Ft . 13 Ft. 14 Ft .
2750 p .S .1. 'I." 1 Wire ITEM PRICE 1290139 $3.45 1290147 4.71 1290154 5.97 1290162 7 . 23 1290170 8 .49 1290188 9 . 75 1290196 11.01 1290204 12.27 1290212 13.53 1290220 14.79 1290238 16.05 1290246 I 17. 31 1290253 1 18 •57 1290261 19. 83
5000 P.s . l . 'I." 2 Wire ITEM
1290279 1290287 1290295 1290303 1290311 1290329 1290337 1290345 1290352 1290360 1290378 129(U86 1290394 129Q402
$3 . 92 5,46 7 .00 8 .54 10. 08 11.62 13.16 14. 70 16.24 17. 78 19 .32 20.86 22.40 23.94
2250 p .S . l .
2000 P .S .l .
3/ 8" 1 Wire
112" 1 Wire ITEM PRICE
1290410 1290428 1290436
$3 .88 5 .25 6 .62 7.99 9.36 10 .13 12.10 13.47
1290451 1290469 1290477 1290485 1290493 1290501 '290519 1290527 1290535 1290543
16 . 21 11.58 18.95 20.32 21.69
4000 P.S.1 . 3/8" 2 WIre
ITEM .1290550 1290568 1290576 1290584 1290592 1290600 1290618 1290626 1290634 1290642 1290659 1290667 1290675 1290683
PRICE $4. 32 6.19 8 . 06 9 . 93 11.80 13 .67 15 .54 17 .41 19.28 21.15 23 .02 24.89 26.76 28 .63
Saskatoon Store '. 610 Cynthia St.
1290691 1290709 1290717 1290725 1290733 1290741 1290758 1290766 1290774 1290782 1290790 1290808 1290816 1290U4
$ 4.44 6 .03 7 .62 9 . 21 10 . 80 12 .39 13 . 98 15 .57 17 . 16 18 .75 20. 34 21.93 23,52 25,11
3500 P.S .1. 'It " 2 wife ITEM PRICE
12908 32 1290840 1290857 1290865 1290873 1290881 1290899 1290907 1290915 1290923 1290931 1290949 1290956 1290964
$ 4 . 80 6 . 89 8.98 11.07 13 . 16 15 . 25 17.34 19 .43 21 . 52 23 .61 25 . 70 27. 79 29. " 31.97
(306) 665-8022
2250 P .S . l . lh,"
12909 72 1290980 1290998 1291004 1291012 1291020 1291038 1291046 1291053 129 1061 1291079 1291087 1291095 1291103
2 W ire PRI C E
$8 .4 8 11.72 14.96 18 . 2 0 21.44 24.68 27 . 9 2 31 . 1 6 34.4 0 37 .6 4 40 .88 44 . 12 47 .36 50 .6 0
1875 P.S .1. , " 2 Wire
ITEM 1291111 1291129
1291137 1291145 1291152 1291160 1291178 1291186 1291194 1291202 1291210
1291228 1291236 1291244
PRICE S 14.3 5 18 .4 7 22 .5 9 26.7 1 30.8 3 34.95 39 .0 7 43 . 19 47.3 1 51.43 55 ,55 59.6 7 63 .7 9 67.91
'Snap- '1'ife"Lever Actio n Quick ocks valves and keeps them open, eliminating hydraulic lock·up! Sim p le ) oper.1te. Snap In Implement hnes and open lever. The. syste m is now pe-fable. To disconnect, merely pull line from coupler an d the lever Jtomatlcally returns to the closed position . Accept standard ti p s from rtually any manufacturer. Little Or no sp illage on disconnect, b eca u se 'le lever automatically snaps to closed position thereby e lim inating sp ray .f hydraulic fluid . Protective dust cap 1raps whatever spillage t h ere is int o drain tube , LOW pressure drop. implements react faster 10 t h e operators :.mmand. As many as fow..- lever action quick· cou pl ers can be stacked
FEo~el~~alc~~1 ~~p.r~)(: :~P~ .. ~t: ~ ~b.S..
Hydraulic Hose Couplers Bc Accessories A
(A) PIONEER (STANOARD) BREAKAWAY COUPLINGS Connects and disconnects easily, QuiCkly - POSitive sealing. Working pre5"sure to 3.000 P.S.I. ITEM 1292531 -1f. . . . . . . . . $8 . 50 ITEM 1292556 _ 3/8" ••.•. $8 . 75 ITEM 1292564. V," .••••• $8 . 95 ITEM 1292572 _ Jr........ , $12 .95
AutomaU ·
calh' uncouples hyd roaulic li nes when Implem ent Is d isconnected accidentally. Prevents breakage o f h y d ra u .. lie hoses. F or
or """ B reakaway cou p lin gs.
IT E M 1293224 • . . • . • . . • . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . $ 4 . 95 (B) DOUBLE SWIV E L B R E AKAW A Y C LAMP -
Automatically uncouples hydraulic lines wh en imple· ment is disconnected accidentally. Pre vents breaka ge of hydraulic hoses. S wi~els 3 0 0 In a n y directio n exact· Iy parallel to PUll for 1/z" or 3/." Breakaw a y c o u p li ngs.
ITE M 1292614 ..••.••..••.•..•.••....•. $9 . 7 5 (e) PION E ER BR E A K A W A Y C O U PLI N G - 'h" NPT male and female. E quipp ed with nut to re lease p ress u r e in hose. ITEM 129 2622 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 12 . 9 8
tCJu~~~~W_A;;:.,Srt:~m~I~ ~n~~:'~a l~~~~hK~~:~
nect. Pull to separate. Eq u ipped with nu t to release pressu re in hose. IT EM 1 2 9 3 2 32 ••.. , , • , . . . $13 . 7 5 (C) PIO N EER O NE H A ND BREAKAWA Y COUPLE R - '11" NPT male and female. Push to c o nnect. Pull t o sepJrate under p r'essure con d itio n s. IT EM 129263 0 . • • . • . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . • • . • $19. 5 0
I.,DA L~I ~Nfd~:to~~f~MT,I;9J~8J ?~ ~. ~~~~E$tf5
(D) I.H.C. MA L E T IP T O J OHN DEERE FEMA L EAd.ptor. IT E M 12 9 265 5 . . . . . . . • • . • . . . . .. $ 7. 9 5
fn~~ ~:2~~ 3M~~~ .~I:. TO. I:~:~ .• -:-. ~~~~tor: $8. 7 5 R U B B ER D US T C APS A ND PLUGS-
Keep d irt o u t of yo u r e qu i p m e nt whe n couple r ha lves are dis c on n ected.
(B) PIONEER (STANDARO) MALE TIPS - To fit above couplers. ITEM 1292549 - V." ...• , $2.60 ITEM 1292580 - 3/8".• ... $2 .75 ITEM 1292598 - V2': •••••• $2 .98 ITEM 1292606 - '10" . • •••• $4.25
f~~g~~~f6~~~ 1/:·~r ~~~~'~~ ~~~~ ~ ~r: $1 .10 ITEM 1292689·3 / 8" . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . • • . . $1.3 9 ITEM 1292697 · 1 / 2 " or 3/4" ....• .. .. . •••. $1.49 or 1~l:~~i;:7'2~~ .c.o~ ~~ I.n.g , ~~~~' .... , ,. $1 .10
.... ..
:mm :
'ai4:-:::: :::: ::::::
::::~~ ~~;:: or tU: l~~~~~~O;~I~;f~~~eP~~~~~b~~~~:e~;-dEhC;~~~:
Ifc hos e .
:mm:1{~;:6·.~i·"I~~~.~: P.:... ::: :: :, : ~~
Two-piece Non -Skive
coup li ngs , especially d e s igned to w ithstand pressures far i n e x cess of the bur st s trength of the hose . Zinc
pl at ed w it h c lear chromate f i n is h . ITEM 12933 31 . 1/4 " .....••••.•........ $1.95 (J ) REUSABLE HOSE COUPLERS - Repa irs broken hydrau li c ho se on the spot! ... In just a few minutes. No spec ia l tool s requ ited . For One and Two Wire Bra i d Ho se . ITEM 1292879 · 3 / 8 " ••. . •.•.. . .•..• . ..• $3. 75 ITEM 1292887 ·1/2" •...• . .••..••.•.... $3. 95 ITEM 1 2 92895 · 3/4 " •.. . •.•..... . ..•.•. $4. 7 5 ( D) CLAMP TYPE - Reus~ble coupling for One and Two Wire Br aid Hose , De signed for emergency field repa ir se rvice and original equ i pment Installations. Can be attached w ithout use of Vlse .
ITEM 1292846 . 3 / 8 " .••.•••.•••.•.••••• $2. 50 ITEM 1292853 · 1 / 2 " . . ...•.•...•••.•..• $2. 75 ITEM 1292861 · 3 / 4 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . $ 3 . 75 24 H OUR PHONE ORDER SERVICE - 7 DAYS A WEEK· (204) 668 · 0264
Inn.II In
either return fine or suction line. Use wJth .IIny petro. leum bue fluids. Mu built 'ln by .. pau '1.11lve .nd fIIt.r
~:::,~I:I~~5!,"~!C~tg~bF~0:or~~ ' 1 t:.'· ~~!::~~: :~~~·P:i.~.
100 melh element. Wt . • Ibs . ITEM 12503.9 .. $55.00 Replacement element fOr ~bove. 100 m.sh .
ITEM 1250356 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.50
Inst.Il In
return line. Built-in by-pass valve. full flow filtration with any petroleum base fluids. 10 micron throwaway paper element. Ports 34" inlet and outlet up to 30 G .P.M . upacity . ITEM 1250307 •• . . . . . , ••. $17 .50 Replacuble Element for Above ITEM 1250315 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 .95 ITEM 1250323 - As above but 33 micron •..•. $7 . 00 (B) RACINE OIL FILTER - Model 625507 with replaceable paper element for low pressure systems. Hu
built-in by-pus nlve. "# 16
O . R .S~
inlet and outlet
ports and V." N .P .T . gauge port . Wt. 16 fbs . ITEM 1250331. • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . • . S 16. 50
replaceable hy-
draulic and transmission filter. lS-'L x 6'h°' outside diameter and 31h·' inside diameter . 1/1" nole screen on inside and outsIde of paper element construction. Wt.. 4Vz Ibs. ITEM 1250391 ...•.. . • • . . • . • . . . . . . S4.95
~~~ 2ilt~ ~~~e't~r,: t::~~~TTOh~S ~I'!~:I:~ f~~":U':~~:
swer. Many farm Jnd industrial uses in hydraulics. YJr~ ious: types of engines and transmissions. VI" inlet and outlet, ," Inside Oia., outside Ola., 4'b" wide :,~~I:~ :~~' fi~~~e 1~i:;;41~~:·. ~~t.s~~e. ~.. ~ .: .• ~; ~;.~eo
\~.'Vzh~:n~E)C c.p:,P:f;l~cc!''!~,e~~~~t~R 1 y;.. 2a6~~ h,i~~. pipe openings at bottom and 1V.. •• pipe opening and N.P .T . port at top. Wt. 23 Ibs.
';b~~I~WCi'ER' i: ili'EATt'ER ·cAi.. ..:..·M;9.$~: ·:?r
Maze Division. Rockwell Standard Corp. Specially de· si,ned to prolong engine life and increase efficiency. Ideal for farm machinery. industrial m.achlnery, etc. Oil screen element removable and cleaned . Hole size 14/1" dia. Approx. O'all Dim.: 4·13/16"Ht. x 311." dia . Approx . Shpg. Wt. 1 lb. ITEM 1251313. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . S1.25 (E) RESERVOIR BREATHERS - Breather Hlters are a must for hydraulic systems ensurfn, clean air passing into the reservoir thus prOlonging the life of the system components. -30 Micron with J,le" NPT connection· ITEM 1251669 . • . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • $7 .50 -30 Micron with 1" NPT connection · ITEM 1251677 . . . . . . . . . . . ••.. . ..• . ..•.. $13 .50 Replacement element for above. ITEM 1251615 ••.••...••....•..••...... S9.99
r,,)ns~:;ct~F;.V~Lor~~ ,liT;~:~:Ac~~~Ew<ft~Ur~:b;;
gaskets luit,lible for use with all mineral ~nd petroleum based hydraUlic fluids . leteal for hydraulic reservoir" '5Ie.r boxe~, fuel t.llnks,lubrication reservoirs. and cr.llnk uses. Temperature un be checked in either centigrade or hhrenheit . S" bolt centers.. Sir. 7" long x 2" wide. ITEM 1251651 • . . . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . . . • . . . . $14. 50
(C) SPIN · ON FILTER - Designed for return "ne a Plic.ations working pressure 200 P.s." Ma ... DeSiIJIn' for use Wit" all mlner., based oils. Up to 55 G.P.M capacit)'. 10 micron disposable etem,nt. Port size lV,' N .P .T. ComPlete wtth Cfl.' gauge and 15 PS." bypau ITEM 1251636 • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . • . • • $57. ' Repl.llcement element for .bove. ITEM 12516 ......... . . . . . . . . . . .
(0) HIGH PRESSURE OIL FILTER - This unit ca be uted in suction or pressure line and will handl, u to 20 G . P .M. Bu ilt from heavY steel tubing to wit" Ihnd pressures to 3000 PS.I . Built·ln by·pus ¥.IIlve 80 mesh all·metal hlterlng element, lJ." N.P .T . ports Wt . 5Vz lb • . ITEM 1250364 . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . S37.5
M'g. by H.y>
Brass construction. Screen .s fine mesh stainless ste ••
g1::..~e 5~~t.'°3V~.at;ra. ~U!hhoi~·v~.~I~:~~~ .e~~rg~e~at 3 lb •. ITEM 125112: . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . S15 . 95 SUCTION ANO RETURN LINE STRAINERS - Cl'
be mounted through the side wall . or through the tank toP. into a sund pipe. Either way the slim dHlgn al lows removal through the hole In which they JrI' mounted, for euy servicing. The connecting pipe. threads into them from the outside. Access to the hnll. interior is never necesury . Str~iners are ma,de wilt'! stainless '1teel wire cloth elements. In Pleilted construe· tion. All strainers are equipped with a reUef valve (H) SUCTION TYPE 10 G.P.M . RATING -iV," NPl tank mounting . ""' .. NPT like connection. I" over." length with 65 sq . In screen are.a. ITEM 1251602 . . • . . • . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . $19. '! (H) SUCTION TYPE 25 G.P.M. RATING - 2" NP1 tank mounting . 1 v.. •• NPT line connection. 9·9/1 , . overalllength with 125 sq . in. screen area . ITEM 1251610 . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . • • . • . S27. 9S (I) RETURN LINE STRAINER 33 G .P.M . RATlNG11/4" NPT tank mounting . J,It .. NPT line CQnnection 9 " ovenlllenq:th with 65 sq . in. serean area. ITEM 1251621 . . . • . • . . . • . . . • . . . • . . . . . 12' .9 t (J) MAGNETIC PLUGS -
U_ to protect the mool
~~~:"uWc st;:'~S;~:s~~:'I,",~U,'rln~1:~s'IS ~r!::'I. ~':,~~f
fectln - ferrous partlctes that Ire present In the S)'lt Ire he'CI out of circulation by the mlln,t. The resul 11 reduced wear . Squar. hod des1,n . N.P.T. thread N . P.T . ITEM
1213661 1213679 lU3617 1293U5 1293703 1213711 1213729
3/1" 1/2"
W" 1·1/4"
1-1/2" 2"
(8) BRAND NEW HYDRAULIC HAND PUMP - 10 Ton high pressure , complete with over· load safety valve . 8,340 PSI; oil cap. 55 cu . inches . Displacement . 150 cu . in . Hose connection 3/8". Wt. 13 Ibs . ITEM 1220979 ................ . $125.00 4 & 10 TON POWER PUMPS - Power pumps built to exacting standards. Featu re easy to maintain displacement type pumps, trouble free valves, safety overload valves, 10 ton model has large base feet for extra stability . Non·slip rub· ber grips . 4 TON MODEL : 7000 PSI , 15 cu . in . oil capacity , 1/ 8" N.P.T . hose connection, 14-3/4" overall length . Wt. 6 Ibs . ITEM 1220987 ......... . ..... ... $59.00
NO RCO HYDRAULIC LIFT KITS - Comlete com pact kit includes pump, ram and conectin g hose . Two models available; 4 & 10 ton ; 1ui p ped with positive ram , travel stops & safeI overl oad val ves . Hand pumps are displace,ent type and easy to mainta in . Rams have !ring retraction . TON KIT : Featu res 6500 PSI , 15 cu . in . cap . am height closed 10.5/8". Extended 15-7/8". EM 1270040 .. . . . .. . ......... $185 .00 o TO N KIT: Features 8340 PSI , . 150 displaceent tan k holds 50 cu . ins., ram heights closed 2·1/8 ". Extended 18· 1/8 ". r EM 1270057 ............ . ... . $249.00 ~)
10 TON MODEL: 10,000 PSI, 50 cu . in . oil/ J capacity , 3/8" N.P.T. hose connection , ~ overall length . Wt. IS Ibs. ITEM 1220995 ..... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . $89.00 4 & 10 TON POWER RAMS - Ram cylinders made from special seamless steel tubing with smoother , harder finish . Spring retracting. Fur· nished with ram caps. 4 TON CAPACITY : 10·5/8" closed height, 5· 1/4" travel, 6 .5 cu . in . oil capacity, 6570 p.s .1. maximum . Wt . 6 Ibs . ITEM 1202357 ....... .. ... ...... $49.11.0 10 TON CAPACITY: 12-1/8" closed height,6" travel, 14.9 cu . in. oil capacity, 8340 p.s.1. maximum. Wt . 11 Ibs. ITEM 1202365 .... . . .. ...... . .. .. $79.00
5-8 Ton Arbor Press This is one of the handie1;t and most vers.atile ubor pre"es .vail<1ble; competitively priced, it out-perfonhs anything on the market . For removal and Inshllation of gears, bushings, burings. etc . For straightening and bending shafts and rods 01 any job in your shop which
requires a hydraulic press. SPECIFICATIONS-Ram travel 6 -5/16" . Bed Surface 14lJ." x 6 lf.... ~am Diam . 1 Vt " , M.ax . Working Height 12" . Overall Height 31 ". Ship Wt . 100 Ibs. Overall W,dth lS ", Bed Opening ." )It 12" , 5 Bed Surface adiustments.
I~~~W 3~~t;;~i:~53~o~P~~~~ ~e.t~r~ .. . . •
. .
ITEM 3460466 8 Ton C .... . . . . . . . . . .
'~ 2 - 50
$229.00 $239.00
Ton Hydraulic Shop Press
heck These Outstan d ing Feat u res : FR A ME : 6 " C hannel all • weld conTuc\Lon , Overall hl!!ight 6 ' 7". wid t h 3 0 " Insid e mea sure m e nt , and adJu s.t. , le bed from 1.,1 to 2S " tro m retracted ra m po sitio n . HEA V Y DUTV VDRAULIC RAM : High P reuure Ty p e w it h 1lf4: I nc h steel shaft a nd 10 c:.h stroke. Ratl!!d up to 32 ton ca p aoi ty , C ornu comp lete w it h pressure uge . IGH PRESSURE PISTON PU M P ! A double actin g se lf tnc 'osed oo mb in· fon un it. con ~i sting of pump. valve ~ nd 7·q uart h ydr aulic reservo 'r. PSI ng-e from 0 · 3500. S p ool valve has out pu t, and ret u rn po sit io n4. I OTOR : New CSA .lpproved 1 H . P •• ca p acitor stnt, 1 ] 25 RPM . 110·2 20 lis single b~1I beari ng . W ith Wl!'sti ng hou se re mo te cont rol switch
hold Ohue. ~t!:I~~~IC;::1 ~~~!~::!~~ 'I iSEh~O;:6~~o7C: ~ t~~':~)lbS, ... .. $1088.00
AND CRA N K TYPE - As above but less 1 H .p . motor. p ulle y s. b elts I nd "' otor SWItch but with hand crank han dl e wit h 6" . 1. " ex pa nsion. TEM 3_60482 . •• • • • • • . • • •• • • • • • . • • • • • • • • PECIAL! 50·Ton Model - S a m e il S it e m 3460.7 4 except equ jpped with 'h H .P , Motor .and Bore Cyli nder ~nd]" ' C h .a nnel. r EM 346049 0 · WI, 6 00 l b . . • • • • • • • . • . . • . • . . • . .
32-50 Ton Hydraulic or Implement Kit NOW . . MAKE YOUR OWN Powerful PreSS capable ot e)(ertu"9 64,000 Ibs. pressure. Eversure High PreSSure 2 piston purnp With built· In relle l valve 0-3500 PSI. Brand new 5" bore 10" stroke double actIng cylinder 1" Pin hole mount one end . . . other end has female
~1~~ag~~s:~raef~~~9:~~Cdhl?.'.e~;5~~. ~ti~Pd:~o;g;,~'.~~~ ... $355.00
ITEM 3460516 - SO TON C APA C I T V. Same JS above 8xceot
cyl,nde, . . . . . .. ..... . .. ...... . .. . ............. . .. . ................
",oke . . . . . . . .
0 0'" . . . 1 0"
ITEM 3460532 . . • 6" 00 "
. • . 10 " H'O I« . . • • • . .
(i" Ror~
$468.00 5145.00 $?60.00
70 OUROMETER BUNA-N N ominal Size
ITj;;M _ 1 2929 0 3 1 2929'tl
O ~ #
1 292 9 2 9 129 2 9 37 1 292945 1292952
1250646 125 0 653 1250661
1· 3/ 8 "· 6 Spline 1· 3/8 "· 6 Spllne 1· 3 / B"· 6 Spllne
5/8 " 3/4 " 7 / B"
1250679 1250687
1· 3 / B" ·6 Spline I" ' · 3/4 "·6 Sp li n e ' "
PRICEI $23.25 23 . 30 23 .3 5 2 3. 40 1 2 3 . 45
(Straight Round Bore WHh Keyway) ITEM
12 506953 / 4 " 12507037/ B" 12.50711 I " 1250729 1 V.. "
Key . Wa y
0 .0 .
Le ng t h
3 /1 6 " 1 '12" 3 / 16" , Ih," PI.. .. 1/ 4 " 2" 1/4 "
2 3/A"
$8.4 0
8 .45 B.S O 1 2. 50
2'/.. " 2 3/ .. " 3"
SPLINED COUPLING Spline Size 1" . 6 Spline, 0 .0 . Length 2Jf.. ", ITE M 1250737 . . . . . • • • • • • •
12 9 2 9 6 0 12 92 9 7 B 12929B6 1 29299. 1 293 0 00 12930 1 8
12 9 3026 12 9 3 0 3 4 1 293 04 2 1 2 930 59 1293 0 67 12 9 3075 1293 08 3 1293 0 91
I.e, 1/" 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16 3/B
3/B 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/B 11 /16 3/4
Wdth. 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
Per Pack 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
9/16 5/8 3/" 13/16 7/8 1 5/16
3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32
20 20 20 20 20 20 20
I/B 1/B 1/8 1/B I/B liB I/B I/B 1/8 1/8
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
1/8 l iB I /B
10 10 10
1293117 12 9 3125 1293133
1·3/16 1·1/0 1·5/16
12 9 314 1 129315B 12 9 31 66
1·3/B 1·7/16 1·1/2
1·5/B 1· 11 /16 1·3/4
1 293 17 . 12931 B2 12 9 3 19 0
1·1/2 1·5/B 1·3/4
1 1·1/16 1·1/8
Number of Rings
0.0. 1/4 9/32 5/16 11/32 3/B 7/16 1/2
1 1·1/16 1·I/B 1·3/16 1.1/4 1·5/16 1·3/B 1.7/16 1-1/2 1·9/16
3/4 '3/'6 7/B
"$2.75 PER
1. 7 / B 2 2·1/B
3/16 3/16 3/16
380 pc. Kil with a good Quantity of all the 30 sizes "listed above . An excellent kit for farmers and Indu trial users. ITEM 129.1208 . . . . . . ........ $37.9:
tIii=~LSNAP HITCH PUMP ADAPTER SK~~.~a~~~~ ~~~"!<?"eS!~i~~!~?nY~~!r size. contains tverythi
Splin e J.ITbI1_ Sile 12509B4 1. 3/h6 1250992 1· 3 / h6 125 1 00B 1· 3 / h6 1251016 1· 3 / h6 1251024 1 '~><.&
R o und Sore 5 /8 ~
3/ 4 7/ B 15/ 16
Ke YW3 Y .size Lel19th 3 / 16 4 · 1/ 2 3 /1 6 -. , / 2 3/1 6 &1 / 4 4 ·1/2 1/ 4 4 · 1/2
17. 50 17. 60 17. 70 17. BO
No special skills reqUired . Kit you need to produce a perled O·Rlng. Includes 5 fe of each of the (011 owing diameters of O . Ring (;Or t/16", 3/32",'/ .... 3/16", and 1/4" ; one razor blac. one splicing and cutting jig, one tube of rU)ld set ad,.
f!;'~~ha,n:l3~1::t:c .b~~ . • • • • • • • • • • • •
~----A -
125104Q 1· 3 /h21 1· 3/B x 6
- - -B ---C - ---,
12k'T-~2 , .tra:~ ' .3~8a~i-LJ!,?111~~~c;; 7
17. 95
TEFLON THREAD SEAL TAPE ·St,ands prusures up to 10,000 p.S .Seah ~II threaded valve and piPe j01nf ITEM 1250620 - 1/2" x 520 .. . .. $2.9 ITEM 125063B - 3/B" x 520 ..... $2.~
eliminate the "Md for buckets and brushes - they blut IWIIY the dirt and grime. How does It work?
Attach gnden hose to power wuher - .add the detu· gent cleaner - plug unit into Ixtension cord and you',. ready . Your power wuhe, dellYers 550 tbs. of pre,sur. pe, SQu.are Inch .and dellY,rs 2 gallon, of water and clunlng solution per minute. Vour rugged 5/1 horse powe, motor, brass pump. mlKlng ntves and soap proportion. Ing unltsare housed In an unbreakable hu.,y duty p .V.C .
cue -
stura)' chrome hanClte, with tttree wheels adds
mobility to the unit . 'On..off' nozzle Is put
0' high pres-
sur. pistol grip gun with 2 foot wand, (has btus propor· tlonlng nozzle) - truly J PtO'IUIO",1 heavy duty un"! Other Speclficat10ns: 120 volt 10 amp electric mtr • • 2'11 g~l . detergent t~nk _ 20 ft . discharge hose 50 ft. oxtonSlon cord . ITEM 5790092 ••••••• • •• ,... •
$698 00
~...:-500 P.s.1.
High Pressure
~".!!iIl= ~~T~
~"o~:'o;,i.-r~"~S~e" I'~e~k oWII~~'~,~;91g~ i,':,~~rt,¥~~aH~~~"-
U"s:E. MIX SOLU1 IONS 30' gr ease r es is ta nt d i sc harge hose, 3 / 8" 1.0. - 800 lb . w or k in g pressure - O e l1ver~ 80 PSI more usable nozzle an heavy accumulations of d irt the "Easy Way", pr ess u re than 1./," hos e. 8 ' su ct ion hose, 5/ 8" 1.0. With ,~t of the time With Just plain water. Har d h itti ng 50 m es h strain er to gi ve m a )( . protection to pump, eam Will Simply peel away 3 lo 4 Inch es 0 ' dir t valYes , and spra y gun. '!. .Way Valve: Ea~y 10 switch Ickly. To remove grease and oil film Just a dd a good f ro m c. lea nlng ~o l utl on to r i n ~ e water . Carrying Handle : Id water detergent solut ion . Comes vll t h two orl f ace Bra cket wLth pla stiC hand gr i p Is well balanced for )5' solid stream for had cutting acllon an d flat spray carrY ing. Drain Cock : Ea Sily accessible In manifold for 1 W~~~C~?i~~t~o'~~sl~~'d feature~. Motor: lj" H . P . prim ing I f requited . Overall Dimensions : 19" long x ~-2JO volt, Single phase, 60 cycle, open d ri p -proof t';~:I~j9~~~~ h.l~h: ~~ .•5 ~ ~ b.S. • . . • . . . $790~50 h automatic overload p rotection. Cushion base Handle, Wheel Kit, Hose Rack For Above. For con~ ~
~7~!~r p~~g~~~. 8~~\~?~~~tp~7'w':~;'S~~I~II:::S ~t:!i
wes. ball be.arlngs. NI-reSist cylinders. fub b er p iston ps. Unloa d er Valve: Saves pump wear and power len the spray "'lJn IS shut-off - Pum o and rnl')"v :h a~~~rOe~r~~~~~.
~~~fMn~~:B~ 100r~t~b.lI~t~ ••~t: ~ I.b~ . • • • • • • SIMILAR TO ABOVE but eqUipped With J HP Bnggs & Str a tt o n , 4 cycle , r ec o il stal't. 2 2 50 RPM max_ o perating speed . Overall dimensions 19" long x
NO:~~fo~~~g~;r ~~~~~ns:r~y e~~~ t;~~15d;9~~:~' h.j~h: ~t: .7~ I.b~. .
. ..
950 P.S.I. High Pressure Washer Th is new h i gh press u re washer i s Ideal for cleaning IIlu strl al and f arm m ach i nery . Clean s at 950 PSI th wa t er t empe ra tureJ up to 140 0 F (60 0 e) .
EI~I~~~:!:1~~:~le MoO~:~:dr::pr~~1 ~1:~-::t~~:~:C
. rl oad protection . Cush i on bue mounting for Quiet, oolh oper.a ti on . Pump: High pressure twin-piston, 2 PM at 950 PSI wil h stai nless steel valves, ball bear· s, NI - Fte slst cylinders , rubber piston cups. Pressure ",u ti ng V alve : Sav es pump wear and power when 'ay gun i s shut off-pump and motor Idle at low ~ssu re . L Iq Uid I nj ecto r: Ad j u stable from 1 to 16 oz . r m i nute. Al so equl pPf"d with shut off valve. l ul l: Tr igger ac ti on spray gun with 24" extensl onm fortable h andlf ng-easy control. Trigger lock to vent .a ccldenta' discharge. Fe,tures adju stable spray
tiP wh i ch provides for 20° angle spny or solid stream w i thout changing tips. Hose: 30 ft . greue-reslstant discharge hose, 3/S" 1.0. 1000 lb. working pressur~ delfyers la PS. more usable noule pressure than V." hose. Carrying Handle : Handle bracket with plastic hInd grip Is well-balanced for carrying. Over.all Dimensions : 1'" long, 11" wide, 13'12'· high. WeIght :
Ji~~·' 5790068 ..• . .....• _ . . . . . _ .. . _ $985.5'0
Handle, Wheel Kit, Hose Ftack For Above, For con·
1~~I~n~;:~1o"0o:t=~II~t~ .•~t: ~ ~b~ .••••••
NOTE : Performance data based on laboratory tests of p~oductlon models under Ideal operating conditions. Figures wilt wary under actu •• fteld operating cond l tlons .
Portable 500 P.S.I. High Pressure Washer Hlghly e ff icien t , self contained, washer for cleaning cars and any other types of equipmen t. Comes complete w i th 10.2 gallon t.ank to handle concentrated soap
~~I~~ee~r:~:t oa~: f~;9~a~3'~ I'ftr:l~~t~?n;aa~~:~~~rn~a~n:?~:I~~5~~;;:~;~~~S~~90
E )(cel :en t for farmers, garage owners, truck fleets, etc. SPECIFICATIONS: motor ; Elect r ic {same as (A» . Pump: Same as (A) but with bullt~ln liQUid injector for acc urate metering of concentrate Into pump. Untoader yalye ~ Same as (A) ;
~fO!~~tlo~ar::~s:~ J~~iu~:':t:'::I'!':a::s ~~'n~~ltn:'c~~~~~iel~t~~~I~~S!:t~I~~~Spr~ r{~S~U5~~~8~:~ '. f~r. ~~S.ls~e.n~ ~o.n~e.n~r~t~ ~~a? ~~p~l.y: V;~..1~~ I:~ .
SAME AS ABOVE : But w i thout tank , wheels, and handle. Dim ,! 11'h " long
f~~';'~;9"o~~~ ~~g~ ••~t: ?~ '~~....
. ........ . . . ....... $831.50 41
~~~~i~J~~~,~~ :!1'j~I~t ~~b:e~;~r~ ':u~~~:::~:;c::.f~:
These verSJtile sump pump, offer a variety of uses such j to empty flooded basements, decorative 'ounh," rec.rcul,· tlon, dew,tering roof lops b illl bous; sum p pumping, Ir rigatlon; condensate remoyat machine coolants; etc. , etc
i mfJm sump diameter of 10 inches. ·8 ft. submersible
cord with grounded plug . ·Corroslon resistant high Impact plnUt body & 'mpeller - top lUction . ·1/3 H .P .• 115V - bat! bearing type - autom~lic thermal protection. .1 '1." vert1c~1 dlsch~rge for female ,liP connection to A .SS. plutlc p.pe. ·P/.. •• .. P.S . female t hreaded .. d .. pter Packaged with pump . • Autom .. tic level control is integral with pump. Water lewel turn· on - 1"" . Height for turn-off ..... 1 Veu WarrAnty .
I:~~p 5;J~l;S Wt . 22 lb • • • • • • • • - ••• $123.50 CAPACITY TABLE
(B) N
clle,lmpellef. sereen, and hil . perm.Jnently se.aled motor with protection. 1" thre.Jded vertical dfschuge with hose ad ~
~~~~~b,~' ,':~I~iS~i~e;,s,:!.es~~: :I~.h J~~I~~:~~:rU!~e~: t'"UOUS service. Pumps down to 3/16" of floor and requires only '12" to operate . One yur warranty . Wt . •
5710144 • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • lC) Autom;Uc level control SWItch. Allows the .. bove pump to be converted for automiiltic opefltlon. Auto m.Jtia.lly stuts the pump at .. wller depth of 6'h" and Ihuts pump off lit 112". All solid state electronics.
~N~~W~~', ~ol ~orro~~. ~t: I. I~ ..
• • • • • •
·St .. inless Steel Pu lsation D.1mpener *Stainlen Stee Plunger *SUlnless Steel V.1!ve an d Sut -600 P .S . L Pn, sure Re9ulato r·Heavy-Duty Ball BU.ring *Splash tYPt Lubrication *High Quality "V" Type Picking *Preuur, UP to 500 PS .I. -Complete With 7 " Double "A" GrOovl
~~~~TI':::~~~ ' ~r:~nCle:;iu~ io.nR~t~~erl~~ws;~aS:;n~~E~.' g :~:~ ~ ~ 7?~O~ ·PR~·.~~,O :o~.1 P. ~ :?,H:'i I~~~.' i~p~' *Rated for watering : 8 . 3 G .P .M .
P.5 .I., 1. 3 H .P . Input. -Dim.: 14.9 "
1!t00 R . P.M., 1. )I; 9 . 8" )I; 12.2'
_ W,'h Form Cort. • • • • • •
- Non ·Far m U ••••••••• - -Rated for spraying: 6 .1 G .P.M .
~5 ~ 5~ ,PR~·.M ~,O~ o~·Spl.S .1~:53.~'~ .~~Pluntp~r ~'~a~e:'~ watering . 13 .2 G ,P .M . @J 1200 Ft .P.M . , 140 P.S.I ., 1, H .p . tnput . "Dim .: 14 . 8 ")( 12" )( 12. 6". Wt . 32 . 6 Ib ITEM 5790019 · With Farm Cert •••••• - Non · Farm Use • . • •
~ 7.]0326 Y.. " 5770334 ¥.I" I"
5_9-8.2 6 1$56.5~1 'I.. · ' 9.3-14.7 '13·2 8'4 1$61.50 11 .1· 19.1 V:>-2!11 9 1/,a $67.99
SELF-LUBRICATING GEAR PUMPS Replaceable self·lubricating bear· Ings. High pressure seal (repliceable). Stalnlen steel shafts. Bronze cuting, rust proof and corrosion rul.sbnt . Pyramid tooth brus gears. Drain plug. Suction 11ft up to 22 ft. Pres· sures up to 100 P.S." 1200 RPM. Max. 5/8" ShafL
GUZZLER PUMPS • Capacity : 12 GPM, 7 strokes per 91110n . Weight: lV.. Ibs. L x W x M: 10" x 5" x 4". Handle stroke is 7". Port Size: ~ .. 1.0.: 1" 0.0 .; uses ". hose . Includes Handle . ITEM 5770029 ••.••...•.•. $37 .5 0 • C .. paclty : 15 GPM, 5 strokes per
Pumping It a rate of 12, 15 or 30 gallons a minute is really guzzlin Guzzler hand pumps can hiJIndle just about any liquid Sludge wltho Interrupting flow. Even small stones and slurry CiJIn pus through It: GuzZler without hampering use .. POPULAR APPLICATIONS INCLUDE : Boats · to dewiJlter bilges, hot sumps, etc. Construction - to dew~ter meter bOJl:es, pits, etc. Emp tr~ppeCl plumb ing vessels. basement ~relS. liqUid hOlding appli~nc: pump out wells, machine draln~ge. liquid collection systems, tr~ns' sewage to or from holding tanks, etc. Portable Guzzler hand pumps are adiJIptable to countless on·the·sp
1~~~~' :t.e~h~"~~a':Jie LI'~O~ ~s ~,,:. ri~~:~7gt::e~us~~~:~~er~~~I~;SmC:~n~t~":';!~~iJI:rnoeu:::~
Port Size: 111.. " 1.0.; 111J" 0 . 0 . ; uses l1h" hose. ITEM 5770227 ..• $43.50 • Caplcfty: 30 GPM, 3 drokes per 9~1~,on. ~ei'h~,: 5Vt Ibl. L )( W x ~,: 14 x ' . x 7 . t'.ndl~ s~roke 11, 14 • Port Size . 1·5/. 1.0 .• 2 0.0 .. uses 2" hose . ITEM 5770235 •... $126.50
where situ - Guzzle" are Ilghtwelght, yet stwrdy . Ideal for awkwiJlrd pu",!p h'!
~~sl~:d .* .v~~s:ztll!~. p~':.~sh::'ed pr:,~~!:~~~n" 'r.:~~: :a~v:'~-=':;~Cl~~~:~~~ ~ most pumping chores. • Reinforced neoprene dlapht.lom and "'PP ¥lIves ... Stron9, anod1zed ~Iuminum handles ... Guzzler .. are hnpervio* to m~ny fuel oils. solvents .. nd detergents . They are r.Jn,co1"roslve ar non.sparklng All three GuiZler pumps ne Mlf.prlming w/15 ft . ".cUeR 11ft and 15 ,
delivery bud .
* Water * Fuel
* Fire * Garden
* Heater * Vacuum
57 13235 lI.... x 1 0 · W a ter o r Fuel Hose· Less end, $4. 55 571 3243 0 ' W ~le r or Fuel Hose· Less ends $5 . 95 57132 5 0 P4"x l0 'Wat e r o r Fuel $6 .95 5713 268 11 / 16 "x7 ' Water or Fuel Hose· Less E nd $2 .99 5713276 5/ 8 "x I2 ' Water or Fu e l hose , up to 100 PSI. Std . m , ~ nd f . g~rden hose fittings $3. 95
* Steam
* Air
For gener~1 stea m h ose 3 pp llc~tl on s • h igh u fety hctor . Id eal for co n tin uou s u se on st um tool s. Re · Inf o rce d wit h o n e b raid of h igh t e n sile st eel wi re . plus one textile brai d . H ut a nd OIge resis ... n t.
GAS, WA TER, OR FUEL OI L HOSE Idu l for reel sery ice . For transf e rri ng fuel Oil, 915ollne . Or d istillate f r om tOl nker s 10 storage tank . E xtre m e ly fl e x ible · perm its fr ee flow eyen when reeled u p . R e· ,nfo rced with br a id s of synthetiC cord . Oil. sun , abra · sion r uist~nt , Not suit a ble fo r s u c t ion 1. 0 . 1'/.. ••
PS ISO '50 '50 , 1/1" ,50 '-3{1" ,50 , -3{1" ,50
'.vV<i. ..
Length ft . 20 40 60 20 40 60
W t. Lbs . 12 24 36 '5 30 45
ITEM 5713284 5713292 57'33 0 0 57'3318 571332 6 57 1 3334
P rice $24. 00 44. 0 0 6 5. 00 27 .5 0 49 . ' 5 7 4 . 00
CONTRAC TORS SPEC I AL WATER HOSE . A terrlf,c buy for contractors, fumers . industrial users . etc . H igh grOlde. rubber bra ided c o nstructi o n . Very fleX Ible ~nd usy to "01 ' ndle . Long OInd Ulttshctory serYlce IS ;assured by durable construction . Com p lete With standOlrd N .P .T . couplings.
WASHING MACHINt: INLET HOSE For ho t or cold wat er. RJ)'on brai d , hf9h burst pres-
w it h
ITEM 5713342 57, 3359 57'3367 57'3375 57'3383 57'3391 5713409 S7'34'7 5 '4050
Pr ice I S49.50 94. 50 , 39.00 6500 12500 179 .00 85 .00 1'6 0.00
tk ,
HEAVY WALL H EATER HOSE 5/1" 1. 0 .· '·3/'6" 0.0 • 72"L. ITEM 4280350 • • • • • • • • • •• • 10 for $ 11 . 00 5/1" 1.0 .· ' · 3(16" 0 . 0 . • 40··L. ITEM 4210368 • • • • • • • • • • • • 10 ror SI.80
Flextbrald, 1 braid complete With
Lb s. 43 85 '28 55 "0 '65 75 150
ITEM 571003 3· 6 It. . . . . . . . . . .. ..• . . $4 . 75 ea .
T RACTOR FUEL TRANSFER HOSES hose f"""g 4280384 7 Ft. " 4280392 10 F,. .
dud coupl i ng on each end .
.0 P .S . 1. Lenq t h It. 2'h" ' SO 20 40 2 'h " '50 2 'h " '50 60 20 3" '50 SO 40 " 3" 60 '50 100 20 " 40 " 100 60 'DO "
sure, Compl e t e
ITEM SIZE L e ngth PR I CE 5 710074 'h" 10' $4.50 5 710090 '11, " 30 ' 11 .95 57 ,0'08 '11 " SO ' 17 .95 57'.043 'M" 2 5 ' " .9 5 57 10116 Jt.... 30 ' 16 .95 57 10124 1I4" 50' 27.95 57'0'32 50 ' 39 .95 SO ' 49.5 0 57'0165 1 11.. " 25 ' 3 4.00 5710140 tlh" so ' 59. 9 5 57.-0'57 t '/z"
SUCTION, PRESS ., GRAVITY HOSE Can be use d at hig h worki ng pressure ~nd full vacuum . F or air, water, gas, o r 011 . Rem~ l n s fl e xibl e at low tem p s. R einforced w ith s p i, OI ' w ir e hel ix between b r~i d s o f ray o n c o rd
$9.95 $10.95
10 It length An excellent hose tor trans
ferrtng fuel . oil , ete from storage tanks or
drums Standard pipe flttlnqs on each end
6\' _
ITEM 4280400J/.")(10 · Hose c/w FitUngs $8 .75 ITEM 4Z80418· 1" xt 0' Ho\e c/w Fittings $10.95
'·5/1" 1.0 .· ' · '5/16" 0 .0 . • 36·'L. ITEM 4280316 •• • • • • • • • • • • •
FIRE HOSE 2~;1~~0 :a:~;'~RE F
'0 lor
$.89 $6.50 -
p rotection
or ge neral
water transfer. Lightwei gh t .
Hlgh lV f lex ib le .. • Easilv ha ndled Quickly Insta ll ed. Less fitt ing. ITE M 5 7 1 0 0 4 1- Spe cial! $44 .95
DIRT/RUST WATER FILTER Cellulose c;artridges trap sand. sltt rust, ~Ig~e,
worms and other solids. Size 121.7: 1'1191'1, 4VI, d,OI, 6 gal. Flow rate per mmute 5 micron degree filtutlon. M~. ·
~uu~ w~~!~rt:~e;:~;:u~:~ :ci~~ :' Model AP100
maxi· AQua · Pure Filter WIth
f-}ri;),d~"i5~~'0~ ~~': . . . . . . . $46.25 9V....
Cartridge AP11 0 for
N'i~05~bSOO'0~\ 21:.~~ .. '. ~~'. $9.10
9Jf," Taste" Odour Replacement COl"
trldge AP117 (box of 2). Wt . 2 Ibs. ITEM 5750039 • . . . . . . . ..
AP 200 FILTER For Bad Taste & Odour remoyal. Installed under the kitchen sink. Size 901 high,S" diOl. 2 g~I, flow r;ate per minute . 5 micron deg,ee of fll · teration . Maximum water pressure
~~u5r:'~o~b~a~~dueT :':J~o t~~~~r~ Pure
purpose 'ilter w/cartridge .
~'E~"'s ~b;OO' 3 ........ $36.25 Replacement entridge AP217 for U~ In AP200 Filter (box of 2) .
~'E~·2,fi5'~~47 . . • . . . • . $22.75
keroume, fuel
oils, Insecticides, hydr.lulic fluids. alcohol, SOlvents • .Ind answers the need for a lightweight. powerful pump to transfer IIqufclI to those,
out-of· the . way places on construction Jobs. 'arms, water fronts, etc. Instead of tiresome hand pumping , your power sourCI!: Is it 6.12, Or 24 lIolt battery which is right under your vehicle's hood. Never needs priming . Just immerse and turn on the switch . Motor and switch totally enclosed for e)(ploslon proteCtion . Pumps between 12-14 G.P.M. The power head Is Interchangeable with all standpipe assemblies . . . complete with motor, stop ;Jnd shrt SWItch. 12 feet of cable with battery cltps, and, adjustable vapor lul bung adlPtor Appro)(imlte Shipping Welgnt 16 fbs.
$165.00 $199.00
(A) ITEM 2460624 Power He.d 6 or 12 V • . • • • • •
(A) ITEM 2460665 Power Head for 24 volt sy.tem ••.
(B) Mico Standpipe and Impeller assemblies. Alumlnum construction.
ITEM 2460632· Loth. 30 ". WI. 4 lb... • • •
. ••••
ITEM 2460640· Lgth. 38". Wt. 5 lb • . • • • • • • • • • • • •
l10se and
$62.95 $69.95
nozzle (sUhc ground wire)
Wt. 10 lb •. ITEM 2460657 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . .
~~ ~th~J
Kits For Pick -UDS
Ends· Gas· Worries. Carry UP to 401 extra
gallons of gas In your pickup or van. Truly universa l
kits will
fit most North
American pickups and vans, and are guar·
,..nteed for the life of the vehicle , Check
t h ese features:
Chev. & GMC
Ford {except crew cab, super cab, & Ranger 63-79
• · • • • •
Single Tank Kits Van Tank No holes to cut, no bOdy work-easy Instructions. Inst tied with common nand toolS (InstallatIon time 1 hr. or less) . Filler neck hides under rear 1ender'. SAFE - EXPlosion. sluclge. and rust proof. Sledge hammer tough· actu,lIy stronger than plate steel . Won't crack ever· even at 50 below O.
SUndard KIt : -Dual Tank Kit - 20 gallons each tank - 40 9o)IIon total.
:~~~d:~:I~;;~u.n~ l~g. ~':d.W,,~.: ~~..3~
:~E";~~t~ri~::r~:-,~r~ .•~t: ~O.I~S: Standard Kit :
Chev. & GMC
MAKE Ch.vrolet GMC. Ford
DOdgO. & Plymouttl
YEAR 70· 79
••••••••••• "
$210.00 . Includes
Single Driver's Side only. Tank Kit 32 gallons. Includes
~~E~':z~~~~~r~:,~r~ .•~t: ~9.1~':
• • • • • • • • • • • • • - -, Port Valve Kit (Chev. and GMC only) . For return fuel on 454 e"9.
:;~,:,0~;8~~~;ng:~e~ . .~t: ~ I.b~.. VANS
:b.'.•.. ' . ' • • •
Optional Kit : Single Driver's SIde only tank I<it 20 gallon
. . • . . . • • . . . • ••
Serv·AI· Pump
Thii pump has been constructed so
that It will handle all lubricants, gas, alcohol, kerosene, etc .• without
~ff\] any wasted effort or trouble. Spec!·
(I ):
ficatlons : Length: 42", Stroke 36", CYlinder : lVz" ~ SteelH Valye, Bung Bushing will fit 11/z to 2" openIng •. W ill fit ony 15. 30. S5·gall<>n
drum or bure!. Handy - Quick -
"" ~N~"~':6;f&ti: ~b~ • • • •
Rated 10 GPM at easy cranking speed . Handles g.uoline, fuel oils,
:~!I h':s~~r'43.\c·SU~~i'::I:~:e ~1~~ ~=~""'f'I!!~ barrel
nut to fit 2" steel drum
f.f~';.1n14t'ot5~~ ~b=. .. $56.95
Utility Tanks
vlew~h truck rear Window . -Th ree sizes - smaller unlts ea" be used In pairs In most trucks.
*Low profUe for unobstructed
:{,~t~~':,g:aSf\~:I~Ccoo"::r~;!l:s~y-WS~~~~ f!e~~ft:~ f"'o~da:~!~O~rength~ '* Reinforced pump opening and fill opening wJth locking lug •
·Protectlve skids to guard against wear.
.. Red oxide prime coat with red enamel finish . *Lock lug and fill opening to prevent theft . ·Comes with vented fuel cap .
Tank Only
ITEM 2460350 2460368 2460376
Gal . 65 100 130
Ht. 24 24 24
Width 29 29 29
Lgth . 31
$175.00 220.00 270.00
48 1h
Fuel A
(A) B ULK LlllUID STORAGE TANK - A handy fuel
and other liquid storage tank that fits In the b~ck of your plckup for euy accessibility. Constructed of
:~:::"~ ~uge~ust~f«~~~e~as:~e:acnOkm:~~:Sw~'~ha :~rl~I~~~ ~v".\lao~:~~nlsSJzaes~~~:raa~d :~dga~~~~r. C.p. 44 g.1.
sa g.l .
Dim. LltW><H. 24 It 24 " 23 41" 24 It 33
(8) GAS TANK -
lifting hooks.
Wt . tTEM 75 Ib,. 2460855 133 lb •• 2460863
Using a minimum
PRICE 120.00 $189 .00
of pickup
~;:I :::~H~~I~ :~f'la~i r~'ptr~~~~~t:1 :!h~~~I~C~~~:~u~~~J
of heavy gauge steel and finished In
white enamel.
?i;r..., ~~~O"I~r. ~ ~O:·.d:~P: ,:",~ ..'?~ I.b: . • $160.00
~~.d ELEg~IC~~PUMP
fr-i 1 .
i( -.........L / ~ \.- ~
]I':.,. .
Provides the needed amou nt of fuel whenever the envlne demands It! EISI -
1'1 Insta:lled with present mechanical fuel pump left In or removed. Used In pnsenger clr, l:tht duty trucks. boats,
g::;!:~lcom:rete s!.i~~O~r{fln9:~~;:::
ware. mounting bracket, and Instrue-t~c:,~n~~-:r~nd ~~~tIY' or pOlitlve
avt. 3 lb •• ITEM 2460Ul •
(C) GAS TANK - This uL" shaped tank fits beneath you r tool box or If turned will fit flush against the cab. Also has a bafflet to prevent Iloshlng and constructed of heavy gauge s1eel finished in white baked enamel. Capac ity 84 gallons. Dimensions: 64" x 30" xl'"
~fE"M ~l6~~~~b~ ..
.............. $255.00
An excellent aux·
illary tank for all types . of mlchlnery. Gill .
Cap. 20 20 45
O'all Dim. 31" It 16" x 12" 1")( 12")( 16" 9" x 26" X 121ft"
~~, . 30 30 55
ITEM 2460400 2460426 460418
PRICE $75.00 75.00 150.00
"GOLOENROO" SEE THRU FUEL FILTER For gasoline and diesel fuel holding
tilnkJ:J Filters out microscopic parti·
fll~: :: ,ru:!~I\C:'t~o!rl~; ~~~; ~~~P~M~
Clear ny?on container. Easily Inspected at a glance. Drain cork releases ac. cumulated water and unwanted contaminates. Standard l·lnch fittings. Wt. Sib,.
ITEM 2460277 - Filter Assy . with
Fllt.r • . • . . • . • • • . . . • . . •. $22.95 ITEM 2460285 • Replacement Filter'
Wt . 'h lb. •. •• •••• ••• ••••• $4.49
*Alr Gauge,
ch.et(: val ..... ·Automatic switch sbrh and stop, unit . -Heavy Duty ComWlfety nlve .
pressor with Needle Bearfngs.
'100 fbi , Cont. Wo rking Pre,. ,ur., ·'2" x 24" GOy' t Ap. Tank . "Seml-pneuma11 ft . Air H o, • • High-vOlume, heavy duty de-
Tires -
sig n •.. ,Ives you mo re actual afr Clellvery at tell R PM' s. Check these feature, that ildd
up to long -li'., trou.ble-fre. operation. ·COMPRESSOR Cast Iron crank cne and cylinder for 10 nger weu. Two compteulon r ings lind one 051 for controUed lubrication.
Be.arin91 for smoothe,. ion operatlon ~ New pe valves.. "on-c10 99i"&. self-cleanlng . · MOTOR - Po werful. ~ p~cltor start . t 15V A .C . • 1725 RPM . Eq uipped with bait bearings and Utermill
overload protection. "TANt< . GOy ' t. ~pprov.d steel tank with seml-pr'leumatJc tires . .. ACC ESSORIES · Autom.atic Sw itch starts .and stops compressor at factory pre·set p ressure _ 0 -30 0 .a ir gauge, O N -OFF switch , safety nlve, check valve, be lt gua rd, 18' air hose and tire chuck .
Heavy Duty
Capacitor Start ball bearing electric motor
3450 RPM . Factory Wired
2:1 H.I!
at 2%0 Vo lt
Air Compressor
COMPRESSOR : 9 C . F.M ., ZlH " bore, Z" stroke stain less steel val'l.'o butft~in air cleaner, 10" flywhee l. MOTOR :
:~:tn:: ~~~~:o ~o:r'~eftm:~ t,o;'~~~t.I,~~1J p,,~
Ions. 150 P.s ." working prelSure . ComPlete w ith gauge, safety waive. check valve, ~utomath: $w ftctl, 18' ~Jr ho se with tire chUCk , sliP 0,. b loW gun .
IT~~HO~~:~ CERT • ••
•• ••• • •• • • •
NON-FARM •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
$691 .00 $736.00
Same as at-ove but with 4 ... .P . 8"9'1' la Stra tton G as
Engine . ITEM 0410035 WITH FARM CERT . • • • • • • NON. FARM • • ••• ••• ••
.zH.P A ir Compressor 2 H .P. AIR COMPRESSOR : Sam e tions n ITEM 0410027 ex c e p t ;
proyed 2 H..P. 110/220 V . electric mo t o r. Comu factory w Ired at 220 V . A .C . but m ay be rew 5red for 11 0 V . A .C .
IT!~~4:~2~~ CERT .
••• •••
NON . "ARM ••• • • • • • • • •
$743.00 $791 .00
See Warran t y 'nfor m ation on hge .. I
Kit comes complete with government approved air recel· ver t~nk, "e~vy duty air compreuo,. ~utomltic switch 20' ~ I r hose with tire chuck and blow nozzle for clean ing , 5em l-pneumatic wheets (portable model, on.y), air 9Iuge, 0-300 P.S.I . , safety valve (adjustable 20-200 PSI) check nllle, shut-off valve. drain COCk , copper tubing and neces-Wlry brill and pipe fittings. Motor not mcluCled . Equipped with "aedle burings.
NO .
ITEM 0410092
0410100 04101750410118
ISP ae· H . P. R .P .M. = ment CFM Req .
BORE .. STROKE 2>1." x lilt'·
2\14 .. x 2"
2 . 6-4 .9
TANK Size& Ty e 24"
U .S . Lbs.
Gal. 11
$340 .00
$429 . 00
$457 . 00
Wt. 8S
x 21"
x 36"
515 ·140
' .0 -11.5
Portable 12" x 28" Portable
515 ·140
1 .0·11.5
' .0-11 .5
Portable 16"
Stationary · Sameu 0410100 but with constant speed unloader and pilot unload er valve for continuous running app lications.
you more actual a ir delivery at Ius rpm's. Check these features operation . FEATURES : Cast iron Crlnkcne and cylinder for • pi ash type lubrication with sealed openings and enclosed breat"n ri ngs one oil ring for controlled lubrication . * New reed·type valves, non-eI09ng • • D ie cut ¥lIve plate and hud for cooler operation. * M;lxlmum pressure 150 P.5. ' . BORE .. DISPLACEMENT STROKE R.P. M . C . F . M. BEARINGS 2,"" x 1'h 500·960 2 . 6·4.9 Needle 3 . 7 ·5.85 592· 935 Needle 2 · S/. " x 2" 2.1/." lit 2" 515·840 1 .0·11.5 Needle As above , except eqUipped with Constant Speed unload er running ~ppIlCltlon'.
NO . ITEM (A) (B)
(C) (C)
0410423 0410407 0410431 0410449
H.P. REQ . WHEEL 1/3.Jio
"'·1 1·2
8"''' 10·1/8" 10"
for continuous
WT .
LBS . 25 27 40 43
PRICE S118. 50 $168 . 95 $172.00 $204.95
WARRANTY Manufacturer Specific Warranty
Princess Auto"t;!uality Warranty
Most of Princess Auto Merchandise is protected by Manufactu rer's Warranty; This proyides you with double protection. Fint Princess Auto's
VDU can depend on PrIncess Auto·, well known and relpected warranty. If you are not utlsfl.d
rr~t~ r~~~,:~~C~~/~:~~:':~1'9t~:r~~r\tol:. ~,i;o;:,~t;
:~:~::rc w;;~::~ry~n:h:~c~~:t~~~ ~:~~f:~~~~~r~:
sales slip within 15 dilYs of date of Invoice and lNe will refund your Purchase Price.
against such problems .u defects In workmanship and material; Failure In use; etc. Read the War-
~r:~~ aCnaJe~~~ha'::II:r:~n~d~:d S~~~Wje~~!~ru:; 5ure to retain your Sales Slip as the orI9t".11 manufactu rer requires proof of purchase for Warn.nb.
The Wnranty proYlded shall not apply to product which has been dimaged by negligence, or accident, or Jltere.d, or repilfred by others, nor to nOrmll1 weu and tear.
---------INDEX---------A F Air Compressors 46·55 Fans ......... 73,74 Air Tools ..• ... 15.18 Filters ........ 43, 45 Alternators , ... 63·65 Flood Light ....... 68 Angle Drive ....... 76 Fuel Pumps .. .. 44,45 Arc Welder..... 58, 59 Fuel Tanks .. .. 44,45 Auger Ice, & Earth .. 86 G Automotive ACC. 89.96' IGas Engines . . .... 75 ............. 98,99 Gas Tanks ..... 44,45 Automotive fil!aters 70 Gauges . ... . ... .. 33 Axle .. . .. . .. .... 80 Grill Guard ..... .. 99 B Grinders ...... 11, 13 Band Saw . ..... .. 20 H Battery Charger 56, S7 Hacksaw ......... 20 Booster Cables .. ... 56 Hand Cart ....... . 83 Brazing Torches .... 63 Heat Gun ......... 71 Bumper ... .. . . •. 98 Heaters .. 2,69·72,95 Catalytic ....... 70 C Caulking Gun .. 14, 9S Hitches .......... 92 Ceiling Fan . .. .. . . 74 Ho~by Tools .... . . 14 Chain Hoists ...... 85 HOIsts ........... 85 Chain Saws .... 81, 82 Hooks .. ......... 86 Chain, Tire .. •. 76.79 Hoses . . ... 36,43,52 Chargers, Battery 56,57 Hubs .. : ......... 80 Coil Chain ........ 86 Hydraulics ..... 24-40 Compressors 46,47,53 I Accessories .. 52·54 Ice Auger ........ 86 Cord Reel ..... 68, 9S Impact Tools . .. 14·18 Couplers ....... . . 37 Inching Hoist . ... .. 85 Crane ........... 83 Insulation ..... .. . 72 Cut Off Saw ... 13,20 J Cutting Torch .. 59,60 Jacks . .. .... . . 22,23 Cylinders, Hyd •. 34-3S Hydraulic ...... 22 o l Drill .......... .. 10 Ladder .......... 83 Drill Presses ...... 19 Lfthe . . .. ....... 21 Drilling Machine ... 21 Lights ...... .. 68, 94 E Light Plants .... 63·65 Earth A e r . . . . . . 86 L'lght Reel . . • . . . . . 68 ug Electric Motors. .. 66 Load Binders ...... 86 Eng!nes . . . . . . . .. 7S Log Splitter . . ..... 81 M Engine Analyzer •. 91 Engravers ........ 7 Mercury Light .. . .. 68 Extension Cords ... 67 Milling Machine .... 21
MAIL ORDER Mail Order,. Phone Orders & Business Offices. Princ85S Auto & Machinery Ltd .
Box lOOS, Winnipeg, Man ., R3C 2W7 Phone (204) 661~4630
·::.is; is;
RETAIL STORES Fo, Personal Shopping Only Store Hours: 9 : 00 a.m. To 6 : 00 p.m. Monday To Friday 9 : 00 a.m . To 5 : 00 p.m. Saturdays EDMONTON: 11260·163rd. St . CALGARY: 701 ~30th St. N.E . Phone (403) 413·0Z44 Phone (403) 273·3656 Tclex~
24 Hou r Answering Service
SASKATOON: 610 Cynthia St .
8 : 00 ~.m. to 5:00 I).m . Monday To Friday
WINNIPEG : 475 Panet Rd. Store ;~re~~ {:~.~)7~~:"'252
Mirrors .......... 93 Socket Sets ..•..... 3 Motors, Electric 66,93 Soldering Gun .... 61 Mud Guards ...... 94 Specials ., ....... 100 0 Speed Reducers ... 76 Oil Filters ........ 38 Spot Welder ...... S8 Oil Reservoirs . .... 33 Spray Guns . . . 54, 55 P Sprayers ...... 42, 53 Sprockets .•....... 75 Paint Sprayers. .. 54, 55 Stop Th ief ....... 89 Pallet Puller........83 Stub Axles ....... 80 Pick Up Crane. .....83 Submersible Pu mps 42 Pintle Hooks ....... 92 T ~~';e~renches ..... 4 Tanks ........ 44,45 Convertor ..... 90 T~sters .•..... 90·91 Cord ......... 67 T !mer . '.' ........ 67 Plants ...... 63.65 Tire Chain ..... 76·79 Tools ....... 19.21 Tools ........... 3·21 Press ..•......... 39 Tool Box .... 4, 5, 98 Pressure Washer ... 41 Torches ...... 61 , 69 Propane Torch .. 61 , 69 Tow ~opes........ 92 PTO 76 TractIon AId .....• 94 P~";p;" '" . . . . . . Trolleys ..•..... , 85 Fuel .•..... 44 , 45 Tug Jack ......•.. 85 Hydraulic 24-27,39 V Water ......... 42 Vacuum Bottle .... 97 R Vacuum Cleaners,. 74 Radar Detector ... 89 Valves ........ 28·32 Ramp 98 Van Access ....... 96 Ratchet; 18 V~ntilating Fan •. 73, 74 Ratchet Hoist 85 88 V,ses ........... 7,8 Rope, Wire .. :: .. .' 84 W Router .... . ..... 12 Washers ..•...... 41 Running Boards ... 99 Water Filter ...... 43 5 Water Heater. . . . .. 71 Sand Blaster ...... 14 Water Pumps...... 42 Sanders 11,12,13,15,20 Welders ........ S8·60 Sanding Discs ..•.. , 9 Accessortes .. 60·62 Saws ......... 12, 82 W~eel Assembly ... 80 Se.ts 96 Winches ....... 87·89 •. . . . . . . . . . . . Wind Deflector .•.. 99 Seat Covers .....• 96 Wire Rope 84 Shop Press .. . .... 39 Wood Stove' : : : : :: 72 Sled ...•........ 83 Wrenches 4 Snatch Block ..... 85 ........ . Snowmobile Acc ... 97
Telex : 03·127732
~~'n8c5 ('6~)Si~~~6
d ,'
. Telex! 04'·5216 ~P~9~~~ In the
~:!:!FS::W;';~::;:~~ ~ii~~ed~i~~
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logue price. Manitoba residents must pay 5% Sales Tax:. It is Princess Auto's policy to maintain catalogue prices for the lif. of thl catal"!!,,, to th_ best of our ability.
:rw:~;·.:ri~~lcc~snlWI 'StJ~~COTd.f~OCSH~~~~
This catalogue supersedes all previous catalogu. and these prices are effecti'Je starting November to. 1980.
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ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS MAIL ORDERS will be handled by our Winn,peg office. FREIGHT OR EXPRESS ORl'ERS: (Th. mOS1 Eco". omiul WIIV of Shipping: parcels under 35 pounds is by ParceJ Post; parcels 35 pounds to 66 pounds use Post· pak. P.re1Il Post can be shipped C.O.D. Postpak cannot be shipped C.O.D.I Whon shipping via Freight or Express: if th.re is • freight 89IInt at your station pay
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~~~n:a~ht!:~tt;~ W~~= ':'o~:ai!u::,::::~~,z:.j SPECIAL INfORMATION SPECIAL PRICES fOR fARMERS AND fiSHERMEN
Bonafide Farmers and Commercial Fishermen: Special
~~:I:~~~~'nf~~:.~ fr:c'':;~hS:::s.hTea:p~i~:ow~~?'a~~
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~1~~CAtIfEI.i~'a::n~Oa) c~~~~~~ ~;~?
NOTE : All exemptions are subject to government
approval .
MECHANICS: Federal Government assistance is aYail· able to Mechanics who purchase Metric Tools. For details. apply to your nearest Manp01l't!'er Office.
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NEED HELP SHOPPING Need information about our merchandise. Policies or
Credit Terms? Write to Customer Service Dept., in Winnipeg or phone 204·667·4630 or contact the Manager at the neare$! Princess Auto location.
OUR SHIPPING AIM We aim for the fastest possible service to you our cus tomer. Most orders are usually shipped within 48 hours. However. soma dlJlays in shipping may result from cir· cunwtances beyond our control. Please allow plenty of time for the Post Office andlor Freight Com pany to do their job, before contacting us about you r order.
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1 lb. to 31b. to 5 lb. to 7 lb. to , lb. to 10 lb. to 15 lb. to 20 lb. to 25 lb . to lO lb . to , lb . 10 lb. 15 lb . 20 lb. 25 lb . lO lb . l5 lb . I lb. POST RATES 2 lb. " lb . PARCEL Atb .
Min . " Suk . S .C .• Que, It Ont o
2 . 35
2 . 55
3 .00
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2 . 50
2 . 15
3 . 40
4 . 30
4 . 75
2 .00
2 . 35
2 . 75
3 .75
4 .20
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2.'0 4 .05
",. 10
4 . 70
5 .10
Yukon, NS,
15. 40 11 .00 5 . 00 12.10 7 . '0 10.20 Under 1 lb. Anywhere In Canada : . 12_ For The Flnt 2 oz. Plus .01_ Each Additional 2 oz. Up To 1 lb . N .W .T .
2 . 15
·Prlce, shown 35 lb •. Each add· lional55 ar. 10 11n. or approximate " lb •. put of 3.20 SUk. 4 .'0 5 .90 4 . 45 ttl.
~an ...
~ . B . • N .S .• " ,.. E .I.. B.C . .. Que .
iD nl .
4 .45 5.90 7 . 00 6 . 80 ~!Jd . RJltu '1lry ".gnuy for eaCn post offlct . We wHl refund Iny
overpayment .
For orders o ... er 35 fbl. POltplk is In economlul w,ay of shipping providing your order meets the following eondi· tlons. (1) e3eh P3ek;lge In your order weighs leu tlun "Ibs. (2) no dimension Coin be ,ruter th;ln"2 In.(3) tot31 .olume of ueh PJjc'<3Qe must be len U';ln 5.7 eu. ft. ($2.00 ehu,e for oversUe p3ek3ges • no P3ek;lge un be lu,er th3n 6 ft. In 3ny dimension,. (4' providing your post office receives surt~ce m311 (ie . outlying post offices served only by ~Ir do not accept postP3'<) (S) C .O . D . orders 1ft not ac· cepted by post p;lk. (Princess will bundl. III puceh in your order to ,et the lowest cost .)
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475 Pan et Road Winnipeg, Manitoba
end users certificate l{We hereby certify that the equipment described below is being purchased by me/us for installation on my/our Farm and that this equipment will be used exclusively for farm purposes as defined in the Customs Regula· tions and will not be diverted to any other uses or resold and
is for use on the farm in the maintenance of farm machinery used directly in the process of manufacture or production of goods OR (b) is for use directly in the produc· tion of goods . (I ndicate which of the above .)
The foregoing (I ,nd b) under the provisions of the EXCise Tax Act , schedule 3, Put 13, PlrI . 1 (A) or l(k)
NAME OF MACHINE ............................................. SERIAL NO ................... MODEL NO ............. .... .. ... . PURPOSE FOR WHICH TO BE USED .............................. . LOCATION : SECTION ..... TOWNSHiP .... RANGE .... ACRES ..... . FARMER'S SiGNATURE ........................................ . ADDRESS .................................•...PROV ........... . o
DATE ......... ... ....... INVOICE NO . .......... . . .•... ... . ....
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TELEX 07 ·57714
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TOWN ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... PROVINCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . , . PH . NO . . ............
IlJi I I I
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Price Each
ALL PRICES ARE F.O .B. WINNIPEG i.e. The Customer Is Responsible for Shipp in g C?sts,
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o o
o o
C.O.D. Money Order Cheque Charge)! Master Charge
For Farm Certificate See Page 50
For pressure cleaning, and
~fEdMW~~3~tm~dE~~~~~U.C~ ' • • • • • • • • • $1.19 (C) BLOW GUN NOZZLE -
A handy attachment for
your air line. Use for blowing out ,mall pasnges or
drying parts. Useful wherever a high pressure bl;ut of
air Is required. Consists of valve- with V... pipe female
~~~t~.nlc:.~~~i~dOt..;~~';Csh~S. 0.' :~b~~r.h~~e: (C) STREAMLINED BLOW GUN -
. $2.98
To lit W' N.p .T .
r~~e,1i:'~~~4~~ri.n~ ~o:~e~: a.ir.c~~t:~1 ~~t~~n.
(D) SLIP-ON BLOW GUN - Utilize comPressed air and standard chuck for cleaning . Handle grip air-con-
:;'0J~'l>~~~~~~ ~". n.o~.I.: • • • • • • • • • •• (E) PISTOL GRIP BLOW GUN - Comfortable handle with "no - slip" grip. Spring loaded air control button.
Convenient hanger hoole to keep gun in easy reach . V." tube fitting with hose ada;pte.r. Plated to resist rUitlng
~TnE;:c:~138~J:I~e: ~~ .• I~
',b ., •••• , • • • • • (F) PISTOLSTVLE BLOW GUN -With spring loaded air control and specially designed nozzle which provides an atr curtain to deflect dust and partiCles away
:;'°E~°J':~~t;;8 "':'t; ~ :~' •••. . •• ••• ... $9.95
(G) MILTON AIR HOSE REPAIR KIT - For V." I. Air Hose - A necessity wherever air hoses are used . such as SERVICE STATIONS, GARAGES, AI PORTS, FACTORIES, ETC. Boxed complete with parts to make a permanent repair "ON THE SP CONTENTS " 1 - 699 Femate Air Chuck (V." N .P. 1 • 663 Male Hose End (V." N .P.T . )( V. " 1. 0 . Ho, 1 - 676 Hose Mender (V." 1.0 . Hose 80th Ends) .
f~:~~:3W7~P~ ~5~8.".~ ' ? '. ~~.~): ••••• For fasl chan over of spray guns, blOW guns, gl'easf! guns etc.
~i~~If~:'~Oa1:~1~9 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. $3.9..
COUPLER PLUGS FOR ABOVEITEM 04301S7-V.... Male ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. ITEM 0430710 - 1/.... Female . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . $ .
WET~ Ro~io~~~ ~ E.~~r.I~'~.~i~~ t.lr~~. •••• (J) BRANO NEW AIR HOSE -
M fittl"gs . ITEM 0430348
0430363 043037 I 0430389 0430397
17. 34.
~~i~U~431 130 $24.95
Now take co mprCtneCl air with you . 10" x 24" t~nk with handle and stand. with
ilnd all fntings. Wt . 20 Ibs. ITEM 0431478
artiAd New-Conslruc:·
legs, compressor Cind molor moun' ~ standard plpe thread openlnos
PSI air gauge,S ft . air hose with tire chuck , 3ir nlve
14 .• '
ed ID m('et government specificalions. With
PRI $ 5.
AIR TANK - 10" dl •. " 18 n long. Two "h" NPT femate ports.. 1$0 P.s.I. Max. Less 189s. Wt . 18 Ibs.
Air Receiver Tanks BRAND NEW
200 PSI with V."
$61 • 95~ ~
Stationary 16".36" 200 PSI 126 $247
SPECIAL -Similar as above but equipped with
wheelS and handle. ITEM TYPE 0430876 · Portable 0430751 Portable
SIZE 12" x 24" 12" x 28"
55 70
PRICI $ 95.C $l29 . ~
A) COMPRESSOR MANIFOLD - CfW on" 1/2" NPT .male port for connecting to .Ir Unk and four 1/4 "
:~~~HO~~~2~:L.V.E.-: ~~"~~ :.~.~.:v:·: ~~~. $4.69
IPT female ports for : Air hose, Check valYe, Pressure
~~~o:;"c::~~ g.. ~g.... ~t: ~.I~ . .
sure rlnge 20-200 Ibs. Differential 25/50. Rlted for
• • • • • ••
~a.;~ ~:350~5:' V:': ~~~ f.lt~i~~". ~t: ~ ~b.'.. $34.25
Excellent for admitting air Into
ks .and pumps used on pneumatic water systems. conn.ction.
As above with 2-wJY ,.Ieue valv. for load less starting.
~~~ 1~~'30264
0430033 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1/4" BRASS ORAIN COCK - For compressor
T~~ 0430090
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EA.
Pressure Switch for
Air Compressor and other pressure equ ipm,"t. Pres-
•••••••••••••••• (F) MARSH AIR GAUGEITEM 0430223 - 0-300 PSI, 2" dla .• V." dll . . . . $7.30 ITEM 0430231 ·0·200 PSI •....•••... • .•.• $7.25
DELUXE H.D. COMPRESSOR Delu.e huvy duty 12V 160 P.S . I. compressor with built In ru~ing pressurc gauge. This quality power tool provides rance against flat tire emergencies, utility house OIppllcatlons complete tire maintenance . es : • 160 PSI pressure gOluge - built In - direct reading . guess work .,ut of ttre maintenance· ExtrOl heavy duty motor - 15' power cord· 3' air hose· 12 Volt lighter ug • Inflator noule • Sport Needle· 5 year limited warranty .
•••••••••••••••••••••• CABLE ADAPTOR - -Clamps directly to battery ndy for running compressors etc. -Heavy duty extension wire . -Acceph any 12 Volt auto acces·
..................... $9.95 AIR CONTROL
New Norco Air OperoTed
Efficient, Versatile and Completely Safe t for H igh Performance . . . Lightweight, only 1'h Ibs. Simple operation ••• due to a par· vacuum created within the nozzle solvent soluIon IS automatically drawn up from the solvent conainer and when mixed with compressed air literally Issolves awOlY stubborn d irt, grease, grime, mud, Ult, tc . Operates efficiently with any compressor suPPly,g pressures from 40 . 1 SO PSI. The Norco Engine leaner js an essential tool for all Farmers, Truckers,
Contractors, Fleet OperOltors, Garages. HOIndles a variety of cleaning solvents depending on the material to be cleaned and Its condition. Tops for cleaning Moton, Farm EQuipment, Poultry Houses, Shop MOIchinery, Cooler Floon and Walls, Tiles, WOOd, Concrete Screens and Meshes . . . the versatility of this unit is unlimited . 17" long, "." NPT Air Hose Connection, 12" chrome plated barrel and spray nozzle. Comes complete with 36" plastic solvent suction hose with ~i~~lno~~I~~~oon ~t~a:n.e~ . •W:., ',Ih, I~~.• , , .
ENGINE AND MACHINERY CLEANING SOLVENT - Norco Mfg. For use with Norco Engine Cleaner. Designed for removing grease, dirt, oil. ITEM 3880168 ........ GAL. $6.75 Cannot be shipped Parcel Post.
SPRAYER-CLEANER GUN A new air operattea, combinJtion sprayer, cleaner and paint gun . Add, versatility to your air compres· 'Ior Excellent for spraying a fine coat of oil on your machinery to prevent rust from setting In. Ideal for sprJy p~lntlng .. prime coat of paint, cleaning fluids or solvents. For cleaning engines, machinery, etc . Chrome plated barrel Is 12" in length. Operates from 40 - 150 PSI air pressure line. Complete with 1 qt . cuP. spray nOlZ!e, screen filter, spray control valve
:;:~·'~~::9~~n~e~~I~n: ~~ . •2,I~S:
• , , ,
'Air Kit' ECONONY PACKAGE Prince" Auto ' s mOlt popula, Compr.Jlor Acee,,·
_ _...._ _ oriU packaged
priced In kit form to Uye you
c:~r:>;a·ro'~~~~~~'l~,,~O~s~~s..0.' T~:bN'!:,uN~:~v~
Air operated Ef'tfne .nd Mlchlnery Clea"er , This Brlnd New Re,ulator and Filter Assembly . For outstanding tutures check individua l items shown In this ClUI09. Put your compre lSor to work · Save Time
r &!
., . . . . . . . . . ..
SPECIAL BONUS OFFER . You Solve on th , "Air-Kit" package wh i n purch;uld With Iny on , o f Princess Auto's Portable or Sutfonary Com·
pressors and Compressor Kits .
ITE M 0450010 •• • • • • • • •• • • •
PaintSpray Outfit @
PLUS NEW BROWN HOBBY GUN g6~~~~~;;R ThIS all purpose spray Pltf'lt kit cln be
used With the Hobby Gun. or the Quart size paint sprayer , The Hobby Gun IS
Ideal for fine delicate ~rafl and model painting, school art work, van painting, furniture, and of course auto touch-up For those: Bt9 ProJects, the Quart SIZe. spr.JY gun. w,lI do an hours painting In minutes. Will IIlso spray household and garden Insecticides, etc. The hght we,ght
~~~v~~~nr.d "~~~~~~e:ts ~~rp~~j~nMa:: pressure IS 45 P.S.t. ,Jnd un be utiltzed to Inflate tues, rllfts. balloons, beach toys. _te. The complete kit ,ncludes' one ,,5V dillphnl9m type compressor. one Quart ,slze spray 9un. one Hobby Gun. one ,pr,Jy g,Juge (Indicates proper VISCOSity of paint), 2 Air hoses one in flator kit Approx. Wt. 1511.2 IIlL ITEM 0450064
• ••
. . • . . . $121.90
HOBBV GUN ONLY . Operates With Iny portable tank or tank type com pressor. Durable die cast construction and adjustable matertal and air nozzle . Comes complete with nozzle cleanln9 tool. ShID. Wt . • 0.1 ITEM 0410104 $16.65
.. The most efficient paint· spraying system we lell c heck it out. .. Runs on regular household current ; reqUires no compressor . .. Spray up to 1/3 gal . per min ., fJlster painting, overspray . • Do-it·yourself or Professional use, for any heavy JOb .
High·Speed Airless Sprayer Quickly and efficienll)o palnU fences , bUildings, houses ~nd interiors , With lS high·pressure air hose. gun assembly with tip luud st~ndud .01S" x 50 0 ttP, 1/3 H .P . totally enclosed . fa" cooled motor 115 volt ; 60 cycles ' .4 Amp . FlU up to S. Gal. size conUlner. Working preuure 2300 P .S . I. Wt
;,;~~s·O:~~ ~;;t .is.C~~ ~p~r.o:e~
• •
ACCESSORIES In -Line Filter AL · ,l,4 . Reduces Tip Clo'9In, . ITEM 0450213 . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . $29. 50 . .
Filler Screens AL·1" 6 For Above. ITEM 0450221 . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • • . • . • . . . $5 . 50 . .
AL- 1087 Airless Hose: 25 ft. The only type of ho recommended for airless units .
ITEM 0450239 . . . • . ..
AL-O' 02·1 6 . Tip Size : .015" x 500 . ApPlication. F iner f1nlSh and more uniform coverage w,th latex and oU based paTnts. ITEM 0450262 •.... . .. . .. $33. 95 ea . AL-Ol 02·14. TiP Size : .01'" x 650 . Application: Large area work and faster applications of latex and 011 based paints. ITEM 0450210 . . • . . . • . . . . . . . • $33.95 ea.
. ••
• $ ". 00 . .
AL· " ' 9 Suction Tube Screen'.
~TC~, g;~,0s~4-lIP
S 'lze': ' ."O·O·g·,,· light bodied material such as on small or limited area work . ITEM 0450254 . . .
X'.0°.' APpi lcafl!·:.OFe:r I~c:quers
and stain. Uu S33. 9S n ,
Spray Guns c
(A) Our best Ine)(penslve non~bleeder spray g u n. Proven In the field for over 12 years. Many vefSitlle fea tures Including two air caps, pressure or siphon feed . Can be used with material tank ilnd any tank mounted
compressor. One knob adJustment for ease of o pera -
:~~MOO":5'1,~~j ~'~ '. ":'t: ~ ~b:
.......... $47.85
(8) Spray GUn - Newest bleeder type economy gun , designed for use with any air compreuor producing
V2 CFM or more. The simplicity and ease of c leaning a s well as efficiency wilt give the owner the results he
j'""'~~'o~~~mr~ ~.~: ":'t: ~ ~b:
......... $31.75
(C) Heavy Duty Production Spray Gun - O esigned and bullt for daY-in, day·out professional use. Non-B leeder
~~f~is S~~;O~a~~~~,:.ndFI~~~e~~~ :1:t'er~l~o~~~:"5e a~~
precision made to provide full contra', professional re· suits. Perfectly balanced and light weight. Comes wit h change clamp·tlght COl/er and 1 quart, wid e mouth metal canister. M.lY also be used with remote paint tanks. CuP and cover can be remOl/ed for use In production or booths with remote paint tanks. Comes complete with special wrench. Requires 5·10 C F M aIr quick
~'E"..\Yo.fsto~~'9I~: ...
Airless Spray Guns
~~ln;'~~:y~~.~~~iaY~'m~~~J.~;;~r-;n:~;:!~fot.~r~:!~ ~tE~lg~50098
shins. varnishes & oU base paints. This quality I!lectric paint sprayer operates without compressed air to give clean and professional looking spray painting ruults. Sw iss designed and engineered for use indoors or out-
er , a' heawy duty power cord with ground wire, and R· 6 R·8 round pattern spray nozzle with protector. ·C .5..A . approved .• Pump has hardened steel cylinder and chrome Plated piston. * Spr.ll~s up to 101/. oz. per
r,.'E~'.rci4~~T~~~:: Model No . 4001. •.•• $129.50 PARTS ACCESSORIES: R-6 round Jet n07zle (.6mm , Part No . 45-066 . For use with thin materials such as :~a~M' O:~O'~~~5 ~: ~u:~a:e. p.ai.n~5: ••••••• $5_50 R· 8 round jet nozzle (.8mm) Part No . 45 -088 . For use with heavy materials such as latex paints, sealers, etc. ITEM 0450197 . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
FlexIble nozzle extension Part No. 45-015 . For pa intIng floors. ~e.:I~r::sO~n5do~~r::t~-~e~~h. p.la.c~s: $10.25
~B~e;~fh~~eR:~3~~:;~s,.sh~~~~'~s~,uf~atu~~~~ ~oo~:
prUsor required - mlnlmlz.es overspray, palrft togglng Ind Cleaning . ·Pump has tu.ngsten carbide cylinder and piston , ·Operates from any 115V electriCal outlet . * Spray pattern Is adjustable from coarse to fine spray . "Dellvery: spray up to 1OV. oz . per min. ·Cleaner than air spraY, faster than brush or roller . ·,ncluded on gun
•••••••••• • • • •••
6" Fle)(lbfe nozzle extension for fasUr and easier
:~'i~il:lm~t2d t.o.g~t:.t ~I::e~ . •••••••
5 ft _
suction tube asSY . for above. Paint directly from
rik% C~:ioi~;t,.................. $23.25 ~~}p~:sG~:S~ i~~~I~i~~~ :xlt~J;rSt~~~:~s~~r~s.
LACQUERS , ENAMELS and VJ\RNISHES. Will spray up to vlscostitles of approx. 1 OOdl" - sec. Check these fe~tures~ *The "airless" feature - no compressor re· qulre.s· mlnimlze overspraY, paint foggIng and cleanup .... Pump has tungsten carbide cylinder and piston ·Operates from any 115V electric;)1 outlet -spray pattern Is adjustable from coarse to fine spray • Delivery! Spray up to 11 1/. oz. per minute ·Cleaner than air spray, faster than brush ' or roller -H.D. metal con· Itructlon ·Complete with .7mm nozzle and special gun wrench . 13/. Pint container, 10 ft. cord and plug . Shpg.
~tE~ Ig:'SOT06 _
Modol W320 •••• " $225.79 ACCES50R IE5 : 6" FleJe ible Nozzle ExtenSion for fu·
:rE~do:~SJ~r8~~a~'_n~ ~t _h~r.d .t~ ~e.t ~t. ~'~c:S$15.25 S Ft.Suction Tube USY. for above. Paint directly from
r·m~, C~~jol~;~.................. $23.25
~~~c~n~. 8:Z,:, c!p:ta..~n~~z~~s't.e~!~~ ~~:ep~~~~·S~~;.
This rugged new direct drl". battery ch,rging plant pro.,'des In economlc., source to charge your batterl •• anywhere, .nytlm•• •• for chu,f"1 ,2.Volt I batt." . , (or ' ·volt batte,III'" lerles). Itl modest co.t, "fgh output, Id e.1 for many ap plication, •. , on the Firm, M,lnten,nce Truck •• Girl, •• , Cantt.etatl, etc. S PECIFICATIONS: Eng'ne • 4 H.P. Brllll I. Struton.
~\:~~~'cC~~~~~ ·D~~~o~~·t>o~t. Cl~'~ ~:~~~:t~:1 ':s:~ ', ~~~~t~tt~' w-;tI~;oi,16 ~::.~~:rn9 ~U~·f.~~,J:'~':~~.r hl:~~~~~rg:~~~;:. ~t.~15n~~'i. IT EM 0740407 - With Fum Cert •••• S389.00
ItC. DimenuOnS!
NOII·Farm Us • • • '424.00
Marvellous oPPortUnity to build your own por'aDle chlrgmg pllnt .t the minimum of cost. Merely belt to any gasoline or electrIC motor. ICle.. 1 'or
use on the farm. garage, shop, camp. traUer, etc Generator 1-; completely wired and ready to use. 1000-1500 RPM . SpeCifIcations 12V. 20 amp,. complete with control bONo cut·out, ammeter and pulley ITEM 07404 2 3 . Wt . 35 Ib, . • • • • • • $69.95
WINCHA RGER BATTERY CHARGER Stuts charging In .I 7·mile breeze: with an output of 15 .Imperes in I wind velOCitY of 23 miles per hOur. Hu double the wlltt-hour output of
ordinary radio chargers. Permits the Copper Wire use of a heaVier electrlul 10lld over .. longer period of time Ends the common problem of cables that are, " not qUite long u mough • For qUick starting cars, buses, trucks, vans, etc. 600 amp. coble clampsw,lI gr,p battery post, super tight for maximum pow,r rice transfer. Clamps are completely inPair) sulated to prevent arcing if they 1-:.:.::':--i--....,'--+-'-"-='+$4-:'"-4"'.:.:.9"'5-1 are accidentally touched together. 56.95 NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH "9 .95 LIGHTWEIGHT SUBSTITUTES . .. 270351 1 G.. 16' :;.:~ :~::. e:;;r:·1~4 .• p •. 4270583 1 Ca . 24' 89 .95 tented Air Brake Gov4271524 1/0 Ga. 15' 47.75 ernor . -Insulated Instrument Panel. *6 Ft R ep Iacement c Iamps f or 8 b ove booste r cables. ti OO I mp. \Pro peller. Wt. 150 Ibs ... ~. ltom 4270401 APpro . Sh ip . WI. 1 lb. $7.95 pr 1J1~~/~:':'0t~rt • $92 ... 95 . "AMPCO" BOOSTER CABLES Non-Farm Use $1008 .00 Low temperature pvc Insulated colour·coded "atter y c lamps complete with 12 ft . cables and 200 amp. clips ava il able In '" gll ug e UNIV ERSAL.: Ind 1 gauge.
r-==-....,ri< ""''"..,r-;o='r:--.-..,.,,=-,
~ ;:~;: ::a~ :~~~~~~ :
set of med ium duty boo ste r ca bles wh ich shou ld be carrie d veh icle . Specifications! 12 foot, 10 gauge , a ll copper.
r-¥l~r4si~~e3~a3~1~: ~~I.O ~ .c~~~~ .~I~'7'.P.S . .. .. .. . .....
BATTERY CHARGER LEAD C omplete with cla mp s a nd two prong, twist lock plug 1'" gauge wire with heavy
i ~'~~ I~;~ ;:,~t ~o.n~ •.~t: ~ I.b~ •• $4.95
t "Is Is by far tne highest rating charger on the marl<et and yet at a DllCe you can afford. DesIgned to Charge either 6 or 12 volt batteries '" or removed from the vehicle. It may be used for booster "Car Start" pu rposes on either 6 or 12 volt systems. FEATURES: Rectlfler-Converts AC to DC. Large selenium type, "'Itnsta~ds hIgh electrical surges. Trlnsformer-Solld copper wind' I"gs and double Insulation to withstand tugher temperatures. Slfety-Alternator Protection with Voltmeter to assure correct connection Plus special thermal Drolectlon. Excl usi ve Voltmeter-Reg Isters battery voltage before, during and after chargln9. Ammeter Indicates rate 01 charge. Mu lti·po siU on SWitch-For Trlck.le, MedIum and Fast charge up to 80 amps, for· 12·volt and 100 amps, tor b-volt, 300 amps. maximum for boostlng_ Time Control-Contlnuous or automatIC shut-off up to two hours. Complete With HO Welding Cables 10 ft. long, Clamps, 3·wire
~;~~ w~~~:~~~ and lar.90. ~~~~~~ ~~e.o~s: ~~ .~O. ~~s: . . $ 269.00 CHARGER / BOOSTER - 100160 amp. on 6· 12 volts and 45 35 amp. on 18- 24 volts, 300 amp. booster. IT EM 4270435 ....••.. • . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EAVY-DUTY SERVICE STATION BATTERY CHARGER 20 A MPS 6 / 12 VOLTS flat battery. after I 5 minute chillrge, its cranklnCj power nn stlrt I car. On can trickle chlrge oyernlght without overchargIng. Protected co n t ro l e selenium rectifiers. Complelely Drotected Igalnst short circuit In d utomatlc reset CirCUit breaker . POlarity meter Indicates wrong connecti on even ~~::'llke;t;4i~~n~ ,p~~~r .'?~ ~":'~s .o~ .. ~ ~o.lt.s .. ~p.p:o.x : ~h~~ ••w.... ~s. I~~•• ,$101JJ5
6 & 10 AMP STANDARD & AUTOMATIC BATTERY CHARGERS - A better and hster chlrge. - Pollrity light 'nst;lntly Indicates correct pOlarity connections iIInd Indlutes power Is "on", - Thermal protection gUlrds Iglinst charger oYerlolds. - Designed for helvy duty contlnr.:ous use in either domestic or commerclallPpllcilltions. - Heayy duty Ylcuum Iill rnl sh impregn,ted transformers for longer life . - Has full wlve center tIP power rectIfier ,nd the autom.tics have SCR cut· off control- the best design in the Indust ry . - Extra tough A.C. tine cord with grounding plug. Neoprene D .e . luds Ire greue and oil reslsh"t and ue deSigned to remillin fleXible even at minus .ooe ( ..... OoF) .
f~~~ ~~ro:~~2. ~~~ ;'il~~.":,e.te.r .iI~~ ~o.liII.ri.t~ 1:9.h~ . •••• :i'E'M~·2~~ll.~0.'~~~ t,h2";'::.er. I.n? ~~I~r~t~ ~i~h.t .••••• •
$36.95 $46.95
(8 ) 100% Automltic Battery Chilrgers combining all the futures of the sUndlrd tine With iIIutomatlc solid state control for battery protectIon, longer battery life a nd peak performance. Excellent 'or use with the new ma ln tenlnce free batteries 6 amp .• 12 yolt with meter Ind pOllrlty light. ITEM 4270492 . Wt. 10 Ibs . . . • •• • . . • . • • ••• $51.95 10 . mp ., 12 yolt with meter and po la, Ity lig h t .
ITEM 4270S00 . Wo. 13Ib • . •• • • • • • • • •• • •••
Shop By MotU or Shop In Person
100 AMP./llS VOLT ARC WELDER Designed for home. farm. and shop. Simple for any· one to operate· even beginners get quality welds with mild steel electrodes. Features infinite amperage COn· trol lor precise heat setting and up to 100% duty cycle for longer welding time. Multi· insulated transformer with forced air cooling prevents overheating . Compact case design. allows for easy storage and handling. Comes complete with multi·purpose torch (which is a ground clamp, an electrode holder, and carbon arc torch) cables, welding helmet. power cord and plug. complete welding instruction manual. Size: 14'1,"H x 9"W x 10"0. Approx . Shpg. Wt. 46 Ibs. ITEM 0110122 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
115 Volt A.C. ~ SPOT WELDER?,,"
FLOOR STAND Has 5pr1n9 . loaded
TheJe handy spot welders provide the advant~CJes of resistance welding with a tool that is light in weight r---==-_o:.:~ J. for easy handl1ng, even dur· Ing periods of prolonged use . Units weld mild and stainless steel up to 1/8" combined thickneu, or two pieces of 20 g.1. galvanized . Ideally suited for sheet metal shops, truct< and auto body shops, farm implement work, etc. Multi·pressure lever draws 12" tongs together, locks them firmly on wort< until welded. Lifting lever opens tongs . Units operate at 50% duty cycle at 1.5 KVA. Burnout·proof transformer is wound with high-temperature resistant, glass insulated magnet wire. High grade electrical silicon steel core. 10 ft., 3·cond. set included. Requires 30 amp fused branch circuit. Dim .:
~NMXO~ ~~~6r.~~~·. 2.8.'$312.00 ....
Non F.,m . . . $327.00 Replacement SPOt Welder liPS for above. Set of 2. Wt. 13 oz.
ITEM 0140954·
foot control for high speed, repetitive pro· duction welding . Pressure on foot pedal closes weldin, ton9s. re·opens them wl'le"
released .
18"0, comes with .1)I~ W x 34L x 5/8" T stand is 34H x 7W
flOOr board. Wt . 34 ID.
..._ -
ITEM 0140962 . . . . .
"U-BUILDIT" WELDER KITS NOW. a"yone can e asily and economicaHy build his OW f portable or stationary welder. Versatile, D.C . all ~ purpos l welder .•. O1t oil 'rilctio n of the cost of a manufactured unit I All essential . parts SUP piled •.• simple, easy constrUCUO l1 . .. Economical performance! KIT CONTA'NS; -Genera tor with built·ln COOling fan .01011 type ampe:-age contra ·V· Belt PUlley ·Orlve Puts u illustrate( · Wirinq Olagram . ( ..
0110080 0110098 0110114 0110163 0110148
Type Amps. 200 A 200 A 400 A B 200 C 400
R.P .M . 2500· 3500 2500·3500 3500· 4000 2500· 3500 3500·4000
S.nkitoon Store - 6' 0
ccw cw CCW CCW CCW
Pulley 3" 3 Gr . 3" 3 Gr. 3 V," 4 G r. 4 V.a:" 2 Gr .
3'1:" 4 Gr .
Far'm Price $338.00 $353.00 $385. 00 $356 . 00 $ 375.00
Non ~ Fum
5360.00 $ 315 . 00 $ 410.00 $379.00 $ 399. 00
230 AMP. WELDER Continuous amperage control; selectin9 any amp between 30 to 230, proyldeS the proper weld,ng voltage to operate any AC Electrode from 30 to 230 Amps. Even low hydrogen Of hard surfacing elec.trodes. Duty
Cycle 100% tapering to 20%. Use on 220 - 240 vOlt. Single phase A.C. current, 50 - 60 cycles. Welders have .full 78 open circujt volts. C.S.A.
app-,oved . Fan cooling. e)(hausts at sides. Heavy duty SwitCh. all con-
trols are dial readIngs on the front. Steel case has baked finish 21" x 13*" x 11th". Includes built-in ground cable, 12 ft. . with heavy duty plated ground clamp Electrode cable, 15 ft.. with holder. InstructIon manual, helmet. Welders equipped with fle xible power cor d and molded P'~ to f,t any standard 50 amp. welder or range receptacle. Wt. ]]0 Ib:).
{J.t~F~:':'°i:~ln~!~. ~.~.~....................................... __ ....... $262.00 N on·Farm U .. ............ _ ••••..•.•.•••••••• _ .•.••...•.•.•••.. •..•. _ •• .•..••• $279.00
A .C. D.C. WELDER Same as above except rated 230 Amp . A.C . and 180 amp . D .C . tTEM 0110288 -Wit h F.rm Cort ...•.•••..•• . ••••.. Non-F.rm U •• ••...•• __ ••.•••••.•••••••••.••. _ •.
$ 469.00 $499.00
295 AMP. WELDER Heavy duty welder with Infinite amp . control. Primary volts 230. open circuit volts 78. Arc voJts 30. primary amps 67. Duty cycle 100% tapering to 20%. Wt . 115 Ibs. Com plete with ;IIrrp~"nrles . ITEM 011 0254 -
With Farm Cort ••••••••.•••••.•••.
Non-F.rm Uso _ ••••••.••••. ___ .••••••• _ •..•. • ..•
$330.00 $355.00
HARRIS SPITFIRE CU TTING & WELDING OUTFIT The best Idea yet in portable welding! Why break you r back h auling around those full siz.e tanks . Spitf ire wi ll do the jo b and on ly weig h s 33 Ibs. Rugged Har· rls eQuipment on a compact tank set , A really porta ble outfit that will go a ny· where your work takes you . Has all the features you d emand, A well balanced lightweight torch for' welding up to 1/8" steel plate· cutting up to 3/4". SpeCial va lves for sensitive flame adjustment and lever valve f o r cutti ng. Torch flUed to an 8 ft . length of colour coded twin hose . P reCision gas regu lators. fully a d j ust · ab le , fitted w ith contents gauges for both tanks . 2 0 cu. ft. oxygen 10 c u . ft . acetylene - the gas. the tanks and all. Package complete In a tough case of hig h impact polyethylene with easy grip handle. The Accenories you need and get: Light and popular cup goggles , to fit the face and protect the eyes. A qua lity single flin t lighter. and inst ructions manual to get you going . When tanks run ou1 a fteY many hours of solid weld ing, simply exchange the e mpties for full ones at your neare s t CANOX depot . , • aod pay o nly fol' the cost of the gas . Cylinders a re you rs to keep · no rental contract! (Oxygen approx. $1 . 95 : acety lene approx .
~;E5~)o~~lrif8;e :~a.r .~a~r~~t~ ..
• • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • ••
$375. 00
FEATURES : • Rul OJC y ge n - Operates same u prOfessional torch . • Instant on - LIghts with one spark . • In stant Off - No bu rni ng pel· leh to elClingullh . • Completely portable - Operates with one hand or free slanding . • ChOice of fuelS - Use t"ither prop:,"e Of' MAPP gas . • All metoll COnstruction. - No filter.s - No Iloses . - Bum ·i n check valve
:r;.te_mSt~g~i~~~r:~e~l,al~~~iI~~f ~~~i~t~rut;in~0~~~I?1:I';i~9c.U!t~a/::!~~~~
operation . - O)(ygen g~uge ,hows level of oxygen remaining . - Real oxygen - ~.o combination residue . - Euy. prec ise valve adjustment . - Total flame .adjustment . • A s U:sy to operate as a propane torch . - ProfeSSiOnal technology In a do·it·yourself size. - Prof~55lonal , perm· <""1 :n~~ ~s ~/~'~:or~:.alr at a {ractlo" of replacement cost. • C uU It,'' steet. "/ CO MPLETE PACKAGE INCLUDES : - RegulOlted cUltlny/weldlng bur· ner hud , • 1. 1 CubIc foot (40 . ' Grim) disposable oxygen cylinder. - Shade 4 protect ive weld ing goggles . • Spark; lighter , - Five b razing .and welding rods : AIUmtnum, FlUX COOlted bronze. Nickel Silver, 8are bronze. Steel . - Instruction book , ITEM 0110338· Appro)( . shp9. wt . Slbs . • • • • • • • • • • • $64.95
The Rego Welding & Cutting outfit is ~ high qual . Ity. 'nexpensh,e kit that the dO -it·yourselfe,. or the industrial user Just can't affOrd to be without. The componenU are u fOllOWS ! OUTFIT COMPONENTS
-Model SL200 Welding Torch -Ribbed brass han -
~~o~~r i~~Ji~3t5o bCI:tll~: l~:ac~a':;:~ltn,- et:::
flssional design - cutting capacity to " . '-Serles
AB-4 Welding Nozzles slzeJ O. 2 ; Senes AB· t 3 Welding NOZZle. ~Ize 4 . *UniverSJI MbeI' 4--CD t3N - Adapts to AS" and AB-13 weld i ng noz· zles . -Model SLR200C Safety Regulato r - For oxygen use . -Model SLR2tOA Safety Regulator -For ",cetylene use· Accessories i nclude - Safe ·
ty goggles. spark· lighter J 20" - 3/16" duaHne hose, RTt 27 genera' purpose wrench and complete instruction book. ExtremelY versatile. the Rego offers the strength, durability and top performance required of 'ndustrtal caUber, welding, cutting -and heating apparatus.
'j'{-°l!:l.~~~~~~~o • With
Form CerL ••
~;gm:~~~~,ci~,s: ~:~~~l't\f~te t:~~::~j~e~~~ci;:!tau~~!1 ;iav~g~:~ so many spec ial benefi1s : Famous " Spiral Mixer" and precfsion gas proportioner for the best flame chuolcteri.stics . Easy main-
te nance even atte.,. years of service. Hand tighten ing"S" Type S eaUng dngs for positive $oeal . Any part inst,"tly replace.abte b y operator. CUll up to 6" INCLUDES : No . SR210A and
S R200C·967 Oxygen and Acetylene safety regulators : No. 100
Welding Torch: No. CA - 1350 Cutt1ng Attachments S izes 0, 2 , 4 , Welding Torch Nozzles ; S ize 0 Cutting np ~ 20 ft . dUI' hOJ,e : S park lighter goggles; and Instruction book . Weight 1 S Ibs. I TEM 0110247·
$264.00 $287.00
With Farm Corl • ••• • • • • • Non Farm Us• • • • • • • • • •
UP TO 30%!. Gauver can be installed in any convenient location on the fine between the regulators .nd lorch . Operation is simple - the lighted torch is hung on the lever rod of the Guavar .and the flame Is auto-
matically extinguished. To relight. pick the torch off
the lever rod and pan over the GaQver pilot light Which instantly Ignites tt to the predetermined flame. For general use on all types of oxygen and acetylene operations. Many users consider tl'le Increased working efficiency loon pays for the small cost of the Gauver.
~-:.~~·~~:r~:.s.c~~n~~tI.o~s: ~~P~ •• ~t: ~ ~b:·$84.!l5
T his quality cutting torch has more than adequate " P'Cfty for all praetlea. hand-cuttln9 lobs . Fast preheat fo r Quick stlrts. Stable flames help produce cuts with sharp edges, clun faces. and narrow kerf. Heavy wall tubes, den5-e pressure forging5, and stout valve.s proyide d urability without excess weight. The mixer Is located in the forward valve block. aw~y from tt.. heat to hetp prevent popouh and b.ckfires . Excellent balanc. ch aracteristics make this torch feel right in the hand
~O;E~~~i~~~I~~;OO~;;:~W r~~~'rh~m2~~ki"~~t0 . 14th:
2 lb.
oz.: Hose Connections: Std . " e" Stze : 90 Huct.
~TWt':,b~~~'r ~~r .ti~~. ~~~g: ~~. :':'.'~S~ $119.00 Acetylene-Oxygen Tips
Style 4202 (Purox) General
~__~O~I~4~'~1~7~6____t-__~~4~__~r0141184 "R 5 0141t92 7
__ 99~..~959~5____~ 9 . 95
WELDING RECEPTACLE & PLUG (pin type) MALE PLUG V inyl plutic heavY duty mall plug 50 amp. 250 volt clPaclty. Pin type- design l"~~~~::~W ~n.d.h•• I.1 ~'.n: $9.50
WALL RECEPTACLE Helvy duty pOWlr r.ceptllcl. for 2 pole 3 wIre grounding for fUrl.CI mounting. 50 amp. 125 and 250 yolt rec.ptacl. , mad. of
~i~~n3~Nug~': ~~~ ~P~~o,,~d;
BERNZ-O-MATIC WELDING, BRAZING, & SOLDERING RODS (12") fTEM 0140601 0141127 0141119 0141135 0141143 ITEM- 0-'40590 •
Working Tensile Strength Temp. Qty . PRICE Rod Type Applic~tlon Copper Phosphorous Solderi ng 40,000 P.S.1. 1450 0 F 1.95 3 3 N ickel Sliver Brazinct SS,OOO P.S . l . 1500 0 F 2.S0 Bronze Braz in g 60,000 P.S.l . 1600 0 F 5 2.95 Alumlnum Soldering 3 lOO (Brl~n.') I 700 0 F 2 .95 CopperfSteel Welding 60,000 ~ 1500 0 F 10 2.95 Assortment of one each of the above rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • • . • . • • . . , .•••..• $2.50
Deluxe sOldering gun kit with 3 Interchangeable tips. Ught duty liP 25 -100 watls fo r delicate work, medium dut y tip 100·200 watts f o r wiring etc., heavy tiP 200 · 450 watts for the big Jobs . Kit Includes gun, 3 tips, roll of solder and plastic carrying case. Unit shiPPing wt. 3 1 z Ibs . ITEM 3430303 ... •.• . ..•••.•. $36.95
:~~~EO:~~~~~~A':IC' OXYGEN -
:+k~O'1t40~:S ..... $8.75 (C) BERNZ-O·MATIC
Produces much hotter flame propane. Ideal for brazing Similar to abo~e, but All PUrpose 25 Piece 200 watt and welding . Fits all Torch heads
Soldenng Gun Kit. 2 heat ranges and automatic thermal
regulation . Bullt'ln
spot light.
Includes regular
. , ... $9.95
duty tiP (l00-200 watts) , roll of resin core solder, 20 assorted soldering lugs, soldering aid, fluxing brush and
custom carrying case . 120V AC . ITEM
3430311APprox, shpg. wt. 3 1/2 Ibs . . . . . ... . . . . , . . $29 . 95 Repl"cement Tips for Above Guns. ITEM 3430329 • Light duty . . . . • . . . . • . . • • . . . . •. . • . . . $4 . 50 ITEM 3430337 . Medium Duty . . . • . • . . . • ..• $4.50 ITEM 3430345 • Heavy Duty ( for 450 Watt gun only j
Designed to satisfy the needs of both the profeSSional and the home shop enthusiasts. Has pencil point tip and Is all brass construction for dependable servIce. Equipped with filtered orifice. An ex· ceptionally fine torch that is light In weight and will perform In any kind of weilther. Size : 171/t " x 3 ·...
. . • . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . .. $4 . 50 200 Watt Soldering Gun . Heats In only 3 seconds. Handle and case are heat and shock re~lstant. BUllt·in spot light. Includes eaSIly removable tip . 120V AC. ITEM 3430360· Approx. shpg. wt . 31/2 Ibs.•.. $30.95 J:leplJcement TIP ' ITEM 3402559 . . •• . • , , . , • $ 1 .2 0 100 Wiltt SOldering Gun. Complete with long·nose soldeflng tiP. tile cutting tiP. 5 ft. resin core solder. ITEM 3430352· ApprolC. shpg . wt. 2 Ibs . . . . . $20 .95 Replacement TIP' ITEM 3430378 . . . . . . . . . . $2. 49
. -___. .
C:~:~~t~~,~~b,s4.1~:~ :r~~~~:2c~" $11 .99
M " '
~~ F;/~e~t~~nN!g~;s~D~~~ ~:a';~~ Tm~t:Vnlt~!~~:
':de splash, and harmful U . V. rays. Constructed of a new lightweight but durable material which hai better Qual.
I ~:~~ f~~~~ 1~1~;:~~at~Sln~~~p~~/t~~~I:aet~hf~~~e:~d~::~~~~sd
waterproof adjustable head hand , Excellent for home or shop. Complete With Federal Spec . Filter Lense .
tN,:n,m~2'":'; ~ '.b; ............ $25.00
ROUND TYPE GOGGLE Same features as Item 8 but wit" rou nd style lens . Approx . ShP9 . Wt .
0140947 . ....... ... . , .. . "
(D) WELDING GOGGLES· Well shaped ... balanced dnu yentllated , PlastiC body rims. Non·Corrosive Side shIelds. Ball chain nose brld~e nylon ela stiC headband . SOmm lenses . ITEM 0140368 ... , .. ,., . . . ,. $4 .95
(B) PLATE TYPE GOGGLES - Sofl viny l coveting ptoYldes snug fll to the face. Goggles are light In weight and give lhe welder il Wide field of view Gog· gle 1$ vented and has adJust.lble head band for to tal comfort Fits over speclaclu ' Complete WIth flip front lens whIch makes It Ideal as a chi ppers or grinders QoqQle ;as well iU a welders qoqqle. Complete With teder~1 Spec., welding lens .lnd clear protect ion len s.
( E) WELDING LENS . Shade 10.2" )( 4 /.. " optically ' .. 9round an d polIshed . ITEM 0140186 . Set. $ , 95
~~~~X01~~~g39W.t" ':2 .'b: . . ........
(F) HEAVY .D UTY " P rofeSSi onal s tyle l eather welding gloves . ITEM 0140657 • • . . . . • • . . • . . . • • . . • $ 9 .5 0
$9 .50
(F) WELDI NG GLOVES· Long weanng l eat h er fOr prolectlon and co mfort. New Surplus . ITEM 0140293 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , .. , . . . . • $4 . 45 SpeCial! High Quality - Lined welding gloves. ITEM 0140574 . ,. . . . . . . . . . , .• . . , . .. $ 6.45
H . D . Ex.ra FlexIble. S .IS per fta $1.05 per ft. ITEM 0140327 - No. 1 wire •...•. _ '" . $1.2' per ft. (B) 300 AMP NORCO ELECTROOE HOl.Ut.H (A) WELDING CABLE -
ITEM 014&0301 • No." wire ••••••••• ITEM 0140319 · No. 2wire. ••••.
Fully Insulated, quality bUilt for trouble free wr'llce . Powerful griPPing JJWS hold rods up to V." In .. 11 posl · tions. Cool rU"nlng ventilated handle, trouble free
cable connection. Insulated to Withstand terrific ne
~i~l,:o;,d,:m'6 ................. . $7.95 l~k~''O':4"o'&"2br'. ~U.I ~~o. ".",:P: •••••.•• $9.95 (C) H ,D . GROUND CLAMP -
JJwopens 2"''' - . '
tnroat. bullt-,n scratch blade assures POSitive connec:-
0140210 · 300 .Jmp . . • . • . • • • • • • • • '6.95
ITEM 0140541 - 500 Imp
(0) 400 AMP SCREW TYPE ELECTROOE HOLOER - New handle dtslgn - No Slip - Easy GriP . Inlulators deSigned for longer wear .. NEW bOdy With two on; point serews. The prowen method for cooler oper~hon
iT'E'M9J~ 4·0~~';'·.T,,~,.' .C~~': ~ ~h.": ~/~ ••• (E) TWIN CARBON ARCH TORCH -H,ndles carbon up to \11". C,rbon Ingle, IdJustment for fI,me o~ttern c:oncrol, On/Off button . 2 - 6' cablU, With lugs.
(H) WORK CLAMP . Vice 'riP With to,gll aelJon Ind
r~E~V~j~~'~i.1'~~~ ~~d ~~~~s. ~.'d..jn, ~or~: $11 .'5 TIP CLEANERS · Preels/an mlde of sUlnleSl st", for perfeet fit In welding Ind cutting tiPS .2 el.,ners. 75·49 drill arillers. ITEM 0140392 ••••• $2.9S (J) COPPER LUG· All copper for weld,n, clble sizes 4-2·1. Hole for l/S " stud. ITEM 0140314 EACH S . 5' _ .•.•.••• 1010' SS..3S (K) UNIVERSAL CIRCLE BURNER · Th., hl"ay iltlle tool IS Ide-al tor the shOp or mllntenolnce depart· ment who must oCc:,iIslonollly cut Circles. straight hnes and bevel cutting, but where expensive equipment" not prlchul. p,ys for .tself m,ny times Olll'er on JL:."t I (I)
i~~~~si40517 .
1'" MalIC. DII. C,rcle ITEM 014052S · lO" Max. 0., Cir,.l,.
.•• ". '22.'5 " ,23.'5
~.,) C~~i::;Lt~r~;~s~;T~g~~~o~I,~H.~~A : ~~r. ~~t5; Aepl~cement Fltnt for lighter ITFM 01405'''· Set of 4 _ . • • • • • . • • . . • • . $1.15 (M) 15 " WIRE BRUSH· H,rd wearln,. tau,h steel wire In hardwood block . ITEM 014026' • • • . ,1 .S'
~~Jve~~~'Z;g~~ou~~e~e::!Eff:w ~r:3~~. ~~.t~~~ted
and hsted . ·Flts all torches ~nd regulltors With ,/" ... " Cl,ss B connections ·One piece bran construction. allows Inshll~tia" with one wrench. ·Re,ul..Itor check ~IE~ Ig:. 017l • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • v~lves SGrew onto regul~tor outlet connection . No need to repl~ce outle.t to Insert check vllve. -Libels ~r. (F) CABLE CONNECTORS • For extenSion ubles reversing welder pal~,.ty . ITEM 0140202 . "1.50 calor coded for gu identification. ·As a speclll future in e,ch check ulve. Unlweld ttu inst.lled I teflon (Gl 9" CHIPPING HAMMER . Forged steel hUd , steel M.llng wuher . shltt,llumlnum holndle . ITEM 0140350 • .•••• $5.50 ITEM 01410'3· for torch fuelllllOltt •• S6 .'S/e._ ITEM 0141101 • fOr torch oxygen 1nl., '6 .t5/....
ARC & GAS WELDING ELECT RODES & RODS CA) Shallow penetrahan AC/OC str.lght POlolrit)' medium "uge meUI. Operates well with limited input AC welder . All position type with 68 . 75,000 PSI tens,le strength. (8) Oeep penetration AC/DC reverse, polarHy for all mild steel met.1. Operates well with Itmited IOput AC welder . All pasilton type with 68 . 74.,000 PSI tenSile strength.
Arc Welding Ro d s 1\01 I t,.O_STEEL
Type A A A .. B B C
0140970 0140911 0140996 0141002 0141010 0141028
Size Amps 1/lh9 3~·SO 3/J2x12 60·10 0 1/1x14 80·1S0 ·3/J2x12 60-80 1/1x14 81).110 S/64d ~ SO - 70
AWS Clus E6013 E6013 E6013 E6011 E6011 E7024
0141036 0141044
::::ON JS
3/16 x 6 11.4 x 6
"01 Rods PRICE 46 2.79 32 2 . 19 16 1.79 36 1 2 . 29 17 1.79 19 3.49
~::, 6 6
~CJ/~id;rr~g~~n:~r:::~: d~~'9h r~~~nE:S~~~~~ ;op~~~~!.
Downhand & horizont.1 type with 75 • 12,000 PSI tensile strength. (D) Use With carbon IrC torch and AC welder 'or hutlng .nd brUlng . (E) Oxygen Ind uetylene. welding of mild and low IlIoy steels. 4.5,000 PSI tenSile strength . (F) Oxygen and Icetylene brazln, steel cast 'ron Ind bue IlIoys.
PRICEj 4.29 4.S9 _
Gas Welding Rods
[:~~: . F F
0141051 0141069
3/32 x 11 1/1.11
CIOA,::: BRO rNZ: 0141077 0141015
We Accept Vin .nCl Muterch",.
,ZE 3/32 xII 1/1 xII
NOI Rods 21 16
PR'CE l 2 . 19 2 . 09
(C) Swirl combustion IS what makes SPITFIRE torches different from other brands. These unlU put enough _ . on the target to braze with just propane gas and ai r. no oxygen gas or pellets required . Endless appllca· tlORS - JOIOIIlg and repainng broken metals, soldering Pipes, waXing skiS, thaWing pipe$, ete. ete.
TORCH KIT : Includes torch head WIth
r013t1ng tiP. propane bottle. three brazIOg rods, spark hghter. and 32 page instruction manual.
ITEM 0 It 0403 - Wt. 2% Ibs. • • • • . • •. $25.50 IC) TOTAL TORCH KIT : Includes to,ch head WIJh automatic regulator and 360 0 swivel tiP, propane bot1le. three braZing rods. spark lighter, and 32 page Instruc-
lA) BRAZING TORCH : Includes torch head. three bon manual. ThiS umt Will not only braze. but will brazing
$15.65 ~I~~ ;:"ho~~·~ I~:~; :~ns." • . •
and 31 page Instructton manual. ITEM 0110395 - Wt. % lb . • ••. ••••.
. ••• . .
WELDER ALTERNATOR 7000 WATTS 120/24060 HZ OF STANDBY POWER and/or 225 AMP AC WELDER PLUS 1500 WATTS AUXILIARY POWER FOR LIGHTING OR ELECTRIC TOOLS WHILE WELDING *Reliable Electric Starting *Powered by 16 HP twin cyl. Briggs & Stratton Engine (3600 R.P.M.) *Alternator 100% duty cycle when not welding *Welder 60% duty cycle with 1500 Watts aux. power *Solid·State controls *V IF regula· tion & high efficiency *Saves up to 25% in fuel costs *5 Gallon fuel system (9 hr. capacity) *Positive lock cable connectors *Welder fine adjustment from 40 to 225 Amps A .C. *Built in thermal overload protection with automatic reset *Superior Arc stability turns novice into pro. *Dimen· sions· 45"x24"x26". Less battery. Wt. 320 Ibs. ITEM 0740530 With Farm Cert .••••.••• $~516.00 Non Farm Use. • • • • • • • •• $2629.00
of DC brushes. Incrnses reliability. reduces maintenance and provides re~dy service accessibility . ELECTRONIC CONSERVER . .Sol,d state Idling control . Engine ,dies when power Is not required. "reys" UP to full engine speed inst~ntly when tool or appllilnce IS iwitched on . No mOYlng parts. no ,arcing or sparkln, . Extends engine life, 'ncreases reliability. saves on fuel casU. LO ·TONE MUFFLER For QUieter Operation. SPECS: 1,5 Volts 5 H .P. B & S Engine with recoil start O ' ~II Dim,' 25L x 15 Y2W)( 16H . ShlPping Wt . 105 Lbs .
ITEM 0721712
WITH FARM CERT . .... . _ ..
3500 WATT
S.me Fe.tu,es .s Model
. _ ...••
$910.00 $1044.
2500. Ptus MAXI -
WATT .Extn wlndtng In Fellds th~t pro¥ldU e)ltra power for heaVier Motor Starting LOilds - thus reducing the size ,and weight of Generator for given motor 10J;d .
115V 8 H .P . B & S Engine Recoil Start O'all Dim . 25L)I '1 'hW x 18H . ShipPing Wt . 150 Lbs .
ITEM 0740399
NON FARM USE .• __ . •.•. _
$ 1273.00 $1470.00
ITEM 0740027 0740035 0740043 * 0740050* 0740068
Watts 1350 2250 3000 3750 5000
Volts 120 120 120/240 120/240 120/240
A complete new line of hIgh performance engine alternators for most commercill, industrial and farm uses. FEATURES: * BUllt·on overload protectIon • 25 percent surge capacity for Improved electroc motor startIng, • Rectlfier·reactor type eXltatlon . no brush sparking, no commutator, no radIO Interference * Sealed·for·llfe ball bearings • Highly portable . leaders In watts·per· pound, as well as watts·per·dollar * Close voltage regulatIon WITH NON Shpg. FARM FARM Wt.Lbs. CERT. USE Amps Starting Engine 80 $522 .00 $599 .00 11.3 Recoil B&S 3H.P. 110 674.00 774.00 18.7 Recoil B&S 5 H.P. 125 835.00 955.00 25/12 .5 Recoil B&S 7 H.P. 145 956.00 1095.00 31.3/15.6 Recoil B&S 8 H.P. 1115.00 1275.00 165 41.7/20 .8 Recoil B&S 11 H.P.
·Also available In new XR (Extendedrun) serfel, InQulr. about prices.
3000 WATT
Ideal for portable or stationary .. pplicatlon. Rectifier type e)(citatlon . Rotating field . crus F insulation. 3600 RPM . 60 cycle . BUllt · in Volt · meter, for correct operating range . 3,000 watts, 120 volts . ACt 60 CYcle, sln91e phue, 25 amps, 2- 11SV . Polarized receptacles, 7 HP
r~~u~eodi4s0h~~:f~'\~~h Va~~·cert.
$494.00 5000 WATT :h~~~. :f\ttv ~~~~:.~~d ~:~t:;)t:~J::'2'~i83;:'~~i~~oc~ore~~~I:.cf!~~I~ ~/E~Q~~~gci::~oW~~hw~.r~ bb.~t.. . . $636.00 - Non·Form Us.. $729.00 - Non.Form Us• • • • • • • • • • • • •••
(A)GENERAC TRACTOR DRIVEN ALTERNATORS The only true alternator deS i gn In farm PTO tr~ctor driven market. It Is the finest Insurance agllnst an electr ical shut-down you can have and Its usefulness goes fa' beyond standby . Take it to remote areas of your turn to furnish power tor electrically driven convey ~
~:r,:.~?:.rSs'a~ls~ ~~II'?S~d::~: ~~t~E~U~~O':I~I;~~.I~a~:
tern.tor wound rotor construction . EXCITATION· Solid stite, no moving Parts to wear or maint,ln . FREQUENCY · 60 cycle at 540 rpm Input speed . CONTROL PANEL - Standard eQuipment includes in · dlcatlng Voltmeter, Manual Reset circuit Breaker, 2· 115 volt receptacles, 1· 230 volt tWist lock receptacle . GEAR TRAIN ~ Two state, 540 rpm Input he!lc.' gears consecutively r.ted for continuous long life opetation. 201..000 Watt Model - 40,OOOW molar startlO9, 1101 24u 'IOlts, 167/83 current or amps .
.. to 66" and Is fully shielded at any length . Wt. 56 Ibs. ~~~ psTxos·P~~:~~b E~i~~S~~a~t -;)(~~n~sst:,r;,~r~:l.:
............... $267 .25
Non Farm Us. • • • . • • • . • • • • • •.
$306 .75
2 66 75 15
wt. 361 lb •. ITEM 0740001 With F.rm Cort • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • 2~33: Non Farm Use •. . . • . • • . _ • . . . • • 30,000 Watt Model - 60,OOOW motor starting, 110/ 240 VOltS£, 25<?j;125 current or amps .
$ $
~1ih4~~,tmsc~rf~. ~7~~5.0~ .- • . • •
• •.
Non Farm Use • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Also Ivallable, specla! order · 40,000, 50,000 , 75,000 W.tt . Inqulr. about price, and ,peclflc.tlons_
Ing: the
XR (Elttended Run) Alternator. This
unit is designed to op-erate for hours unattended.
fai~T'i~:r~!at~~S a~l :~:~~J~!~~r'!~ t~:a~~CU1Jpo~:;
plus the addition of a 7000 Watt Model makrng avaU· able 2000 Watts of additional standby power. r,'lus the use of a 511.1I0n (US) Jerry Ciln to vastly ncreilS8
. your gas supply. equipped wltta Cl Quick coupler to al· low refilling without Interrupting your standby power. 01 L RESERVOI R and oil pump that supplies oil to motor over the XR (Extended Run) . PROTECTION ~ Automatic low all shut down when the reserve oil tank is empty. the unit iutomatfcally shuts down to prevent damage to engine.
120/240 volts, 41.7/20. 8
amps. electric start, 1 t H.P. Brlgg-Stratton Engine.
~ih2~!:~'C~;-'~~ ~. ~0:';9. ~ • • • • • • $1545.75 Non Form Us • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
~::.~~. ~~c1~c ~t~~~~';; c~,~O(:4~.;.o~:ig:'~t~~~o!
~~:~n~;.~t.l.~r I~~. ~~~~ ?~4~~1.4.-:. $2250.85 Non-Form Us. • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
~ Year Warranty
Ne:w--Specially Designecl and Manufactured •.• to provide Dependable, Permanent or Stond-b y Power for Canodian Formers, Industry, Contro(:tof'S, Municil)QI Departments, Et(:. Powertul. heaw-y duty. "Bizzy B" lighting plants have Ing from 1&00 to 3750 watts. 115 A.C. and 11 S/230V.
f~:nl?r::sr~~~rf~:~'Lrg~~~ n;:!~:~:Olt~~Srr:~~~~:: ~R~c(3s~!{;1T~e~:~t:·!!'I~~;ar~~~~·_~~~t~~OI:t~·r::'h~~~
TV, Frtdges, WuhJng Machines rtght up to permanent
bullt·ln controls, including: duplex receptacle. batter y
mod.,s provide ideal, portable A.C. power for contr.lc" tors. MuniCipal Depts., Fire Depts., CfvH Defence. Camp5 etc. GENERATORS: Sr,eclIlIlY destgned and engineered for trouble-free operat on Single phase self·excited provld ~
or st.lrtln,. cut-out. battery charg.r resfstor. RECOIL and ROPE- these plants have Duplex receptaCle only. ENGINES: Powerful Brlggs & Stratton. single cylinder, air cooted," cycle, L head with mechanical governor, ,aIr cleaner muffler .top button fue1 tank
:rc~~h:ib,~ ~ec;:'oe:e~o~r:~m:~,se ~~I~~~.O,f~es~:~:i,::~:r :~~~:I:g 2~e%,,!~nr~~ c~~~~i;:~~~e,n!:;-:'v:~t!r:~~~lc :r!:t~
~I 15 i
ITEM 0740126 0740134 0740142 0740159 0740498
WATTS 1800 2500 3750 3750 5000
VOLTS STARTING 115 Recoil 115 Recoil 115/230 Electric Rope 115/230 Electric 115/230
ENGINE B . & S . 5 HP B . & S . 5 HP B. & S . 9 HP' B. & S. 9 HP' B. &S. 11HP
WT. LBS . 95 100 200 200
FARM PRICE $ 524.00 $ 584.00 $1127.00 $1074. 00 $1275 .00
NON · FAR M PRICE $ 629.00 ' $ 720.00 $1385.00 $1326.00 $1453.00
HealfY Duty cut Iron In,tne.
.. Totally Enclosed * Continuous Duty * Fan Cooled * Thermal Protection * Ball Bearings .. 1725 R.P.M.
Designed speclfh:ally to meet the requirements of farm jobs such U powerlng eon -
:~~orl~e b:~:I~I~~';.~~SAr:: s~rtl:~5'f~~it~~"nU:~~Sd~::;f~19~1::11::tl~':,~PSP:~m:!:i'~~~~
Single phase, 60 cyc'e, 115/230 YOIt , prelubricated BaU Beulngs. 1.0 !lervlce f,iC -
tor. Rotation easily reyersed by electricll reconnection, Motors lupplled with sllnger on shaft, gaskated capacitor cover and conduit box . H . P, (A) (A) )
(A) B)
B B) B (B)
'h 't.
1 1'1, 2 7 III 10
VOL TS 115/230 115/2 0 11 2 0 11 2 0 115/230 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0
Shaft , ' S" 5/S" 5 S" 5 / 8" l ·IIS" 1· 18" 1 · / 8" I · / 8" 1 · 3 /!!:
Wt. 27 2 JS 8 5S 72 110 140 15
ornooo 0750018 0750026 0750034 075004 0750059 0750067 0750075 075008
::I~~ 122 .15 145.49 158. 95 213 .75 297 .00 3SS . 00 487.50 644.50 768.00
N;';i~~~m 1 141.75= 1 167 .95
245.65 _ 342.35 413.00 -
5~4 .50_ 1 753.00 885 . 00 -
ELECTRIC MOTORS Built for that EXTRA power. These ver. sati1e motors are ideal for workshop machines, air compreuors, grain IOilders. water pumps, grain grinders, etc. All moton are re ....ersible and overload protected .
The newest designs in electriC motors -
FURNACE FAN MOTORS Single Speed· Automatic overload cut·off switch - For belted fan application . Con tlnuous duty tl'lermo overload protection. Rubber mounted 1/3 H.P. 1725 RPM 115
~~~t;o ~~s~~~:~p~~:;;::" s~e~v.e .b~a.ri~~5: S.I~g~e .V:.'. 5~~f~, .6:3 .a:"~~. ••••• $59.50
For starting, stopping oiInd reversing electric motors on tools, hoists, conveyors. etc. Pur. copper forged contacts. I mproved action prevenn arcing and burning of contacts. Heavy copper drum segments. All parts are replaceable. Heavy pressed steel case .and frame. Dim.: 2V."W )( ."H x 4'/:r"O. Rated up to 1 H .P., 110/220V . Sin,le Ph..,e.
~::~ ~iO::41,b': . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ........ ..........
Outdoor Extension Cords Ou\\Joor Extension Cord· J wire with triple outlet SJTW 16/3,
,Jl4~3m.P~M' f~o VF~'.~· ~~.r lA,'~ .~~ilE~~7~~~~:~ ~s~'. $5.69 ea.
$12.79 ea. $18.45 ea. •• $27.50 ea.
W410· 10M (l3 Ft.) WI. 2", lb • . ITEM 0703355 •• W415· 15M (50 Ft., WI. 4Ib •. ITEM 0703363 •• W430· 30M (100 Ft.) Wt . 7 lb •. ITEM 0703371
Extension Cord SPECIAL
100 ft. 12 911U,83 wire yellow fl3t extension cord with
Power Cord SPECIAL
100 ft . 12 gauge 3 wire 0(')"ge outdoor power cord
:~.U~dl~~.~~~~nod7~;~:'; p~u.g~........ $39.95 :~~h, r;~:;~~:E':';7aOn3d.;-:.m:l~e .p~u.g~..
• ••
Medium Duty Power Cords u.
,auge 3 wire power cord with black rubber covering.
~·'~o·nngd~·t;~:. ·;:~·1470 100'
lon9 -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
ITEM 0703488. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
$24.00 $39.00
Extra H .D. Power Cords for farmers, contractors, and Industrial application. Heayy duty rubber covering, excellent resistance to abrasIon, Oil, and grease. Rated up to 600 Volt. ~omplete with H . D, Male & Female Plugs .
i~:~' dio'i~o~ ~:r~ ~~r?. ~t: ~ ~ I.b~. . • • • • •• $45.95 p.a. ~~:~·dtO~j8~ ~:r: ~~r~ ~t: ~~ I.b~ . • • • • • • • $47.% ea.
1'~~JtiJ7'g3~~7~ ,:",.;r~ ~~r.d: ":"~ ..3~ ~b: .• • . . • . • $89.00 ea.
tiEoMaO")~~l~;n. ~~:~e Per
Foot • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Extra HEAVY DUTYPower Cords ExtrJl H .D . Power cords for Farmers . Contractors. and Ind.ustrlOllI applic.atlons. A rubber Jacketed cord for heavy duty service . Excellent resistance to abrasion, 011 and greue. ExtrJI fteXlble even below zero temperatures. Rated up to 600V. Com· plete with male plug on one end and 4 outlet box on the other.
ITEM 0702431 0702""'07024~ 0702464
- -G-luge 1212 10 10
Wire 3
3 3 3
Wt.Lb •• 14 28 16 32
50' 100' 50' 100'
PRICE 42 . 50 67 . 50 57.50 94. 50
ELECTRIC TAPE BUY ElectriC Tape Buy' Made ,n USA ·' Mill Tape·factory fresh, Plastic High Adhesive Tape • top Insulating quality. Insulates lhousancU of volts· stICks tight and reSists weather. Perfect for electricians and 'leneral ,n· dustrlal use. Box contains rOllS from 1/1:" to 2 1i,z" wide for everY purpose. Some rolls may be Irregular, but 100~ useable. Reg. price up to $2.00 per rOil. ITEM ITEM ITEM 11 EM ITEM
0701540 5 lb . Box (Av . 20 rOilS) ••..•.. $5.98 0701557 10 lb. Box (Av . 40 ro ll s) .•..• $ 1 1.45 07015';5 25 lb. Box {Av , 8 0 ro l ls) ...•. S26.95 0700997·l{." x 33' eSA PVC electric ta p e , 5Sea 0701003·lf.. .. x 66' eSA PVC electric ta p e 85ea
PARAGON AUTOMATIC PLUG · IN TIMER TIME COMMAND 2 - Program Two On/Off operations every twenty·four hours Easy to set. Program On or Off periods as short .as 30 minutes Futures: Manual On/Off switch, 1875 watts, 15 amps., 125 '/OIt, 60 hz .• 1/3 HP
~,;;:..ro~;:;~~'.0.4 : ':'~. :h.I~ TIME COMMAND 12 -
. ........... $14.85
Same as above with 12 On/Off op·
~~"i~n;7~205d:~ ~'.2~ . ":'t: ~'.'~' ........... $18.75 TIME COMMAND 48 OELUXE MODEL - Program up to ",8 On/Off operations every 24 hours. Push/PUll p,ns can program On or Off periods IS short as 15 minutes and
:~..~~e:7a;2a5b709v~ • •~O~~I .e., ~~. ~.t •• '~ ~b:
·Wlde-Beam Security flood nght with .brlll1ant Tunt.ten .. Hllogen (qulrtz) bulb for targe areu~ Lights up ,ntlre backyards up to 125')( lOO'. ·Sayes Energy. 33% m o re efflctent than st.andard lnc.tnde,clnt. *Turns o n Insta n tly without warm-up.
Dle.-ca s.' alumlnum thermal back dissipates lamp heat. prevents burn-aub, extends
lamp life. Adjusta ble um thread 1/2" with cast-In aiming quadrant s.rrated loetting teeth and lubr'·plated lock nut. Tempered glass lens permanently ,elled to "um i num
reflectorgrame. Shlnless steel toggll olampJ for "o~tools 'amp'ng. Compact 7 .. 1/8 " x r+~',: g7 ~j5~~~~I.O~~ .~I~~ ::u.n.g•• ~~n. ~•• ~~~• .n. ::3. ~~~~. I.'.~~'. ~~. ~ .'~~· $59.95 Rep llcem ent Bulb for Above. ITEM 0703520 ........................ S2l.S0 ea.
·Corroslon·proof dle--oast alum!-
~~:m;:'er.re.::;:,o~~~~~:~p:~~~· ~:!:!:.orRI~::d S:~k:}!:
x 1-5/8" deep includes: ,round screw .nd 2 wood screws. Wt . t lb. ITEM 0703538 ...• . ... _ • $6 .85 ea. (B) ROUND SPLICE BOX COVERS -
"He.vy die·
cast construction. -Precision-ta pped 1/2" holes. -Complete with weatherproof gasket. Round 4" dla. precision heavy die-cast CO"'.rS for 1 , 2 or 3 security lights. Covers Include gasket, mounting screws and ftt over splice box. I Hol • • ITEM 0703546 . . ... . . . . . . ... .• $3 . 15 ea .
3 Hotes • ITEM 10703553 •.•. .•• .. • . •.••. $3 .95
SPECIAL! 175 Watt Vapour Light 1.~."~~.iii~~~ Electronic Mercury
CjW Built In
110/220 Volts. Government Surplus in Like new condition.
~tE~Od~~3m ... $74.50
CORDOMATIC HANDY- LITE REEL Au tomatically Controlled.
, r Mounted on ceiling or Will, , ~Z:Je~~n~o~r.~rr':,!7~;:~,~~
action l ocking mechanism, With bullt·ln strain rellef. Locks and releases euHY at any desfred length. He;ayy
du ty sp ring motor Is dust· proof ,od lifetime Iu.brl+ cated. 5 Amp .• 125 Volt Rat i ng .
Wt. 6
30' 40'
• ,
PRI C E $27.50 55 4.5 0 $ 53.25
~,~~ I~r:~':t':r~;d t;~!h c:r~
and It destgned to meet the most rigld demand' U, .. t requ ire grounding of cir-
cuits for electrlc:.al tools and ye~rs·lheild s-tyl1ng. for portable electric pOWlr where and when you want It. Type Cord· 16·3 5PT-2, Cord Length · 20 Ft .• Rat·
Ing · 9 A· 125V.
~i~I~;om6 .. $27.50
ReDDY HeaTeR ~~~.ltC~~~e~l o~~?nNt~~~~i~ ~No~~;~~e8t~~e ~~~~
up with our newest line of eco no micAl en ergy efficien t Reddy Heaters. These p o rtab le, o ff-fired huten .are
"'''tw.lgnt and eny to o p erlte . Sim p ly fill wi t h lo w cost kerosene or No . 1 fuel oil and plug Into Iny sh ndlrd electrical outlet for Instant warmth. Check t he se super futUres :
-Exclusive after burner f.ature Issures clean, efficie nt openltion _
·St.lnless steel combustion chamber for extr. long life . *Hu.yY duty trlnsformer .Jnd spark plug Ignltor us u re
qu ick positive shirts . . . even In sub-zero tem peratu res.
-H i gh clPilc if y fan ilnd heavy duty motor ctrculiltes ho t ai r for efficl.nt he.tlng.
·Cuban vIne compressor for long life ilnd usy mai ntenl,"'I. No lubrlntlon required . • ~r~~1 tu ~~r:;C::aJi ~ nadn~O~ :~:i: ~e~se~~s;"bOe~~am i ne n t· ·Flame out prot.ctlon system for added safety. Hute r automatically shuts off In the eyent of a hllure o r R EOO Y HEATER SPECIFICATIONS : lack of fu.1. BT U R.ati ng / H r . (Approx.) 90 ,000 *~~~:~~at\~ita;.Pir:!l n?U:lys~~~pf.orv~:~r~~e:~::~t;s a "o~ App ro x. si ze L xWx H (I nches) 35x19x21 cumbersome controls to fail. Fu el C,I p a c lt y (I m p . gallons) 7 .5 ·Oesl9ned to use low·cost Kerosene or No . t fuel oil. . 53 OPTIONAL ":"HERMOSTAT for 90,0 0 0 BTU Heater . Fu el Consump ti on / Hr . 14 No Tnshllation - simply plug In and your Reddy Co nti nu ous Oper ati on (H rs.) Hu ter will conveniently maintain the tem perature Mo t o r 120 VAC 1/ 6 H . P. you select. Can pai' for Itself In fuel uvl"gs w h il e Optional helping to keep storage areas free from freezi ng o r Th e rmost.t Standard Fla m e-Out Con tro l r;r~':~5g975 Wt . 2 lb . ....... . . . . . . .. $48.50 App r o x . Sh ip . WI. (lb •. ) 70 (A ) 90,000 BTU OUTPUT. Co m p lete with ru gged 6050959 handles and wheel for c o mplete conYenience and easy ITEM NUMBER $ 485 .00 :g~tl~~~~·. ':t;!I. heat .approx. 1 0 ,5 00 cubIc feet with a
150, 000 42)(20)(24 11.25 .92 12 1/4 H . P. Standard Standard 94 6050967 $599. 00
(B) 15 0,000 BTU O UT PU T . Co m pl ete wit h hand le s, wheels, and .utomttlc t h er mo stat . Wil l heat a pp ro x. 18 ,750 cubic feet With a 60 0 + tem penture rfse .
HERMAN NELSON PORTABLE HEATER A Real Sa vin gs . .. Prlneelt SpeC ial! Un surp .assed f o r Inst a nt , clean, flame· less hut .n d used exclus ivel y by t he RCAF In t he C.anad Ta n North for the l,ast 20 years. Herman Nelso n s I re used fo r heati ng equ ipment of all types., aircraft, buildi ng s and ue u sed exte nsive ly fo r winter con st ruction . pour ing cement. a nd hUtin g b uildings w h ich are stili In rough fi nish . Units burn No . 2 A utom oti ve G as. Comp letel y c hecked a nd tested before sh ipping. R.ted 25 0 . 000 BT U Ca pacit y, feat ures Lawson Engine , re t,.ct ab le wheels, sled b o tt o m .nd 2 heat d ucts. Wei gh t 3 50 Ib s. Original Government Cost
•• , ••• , , •• , , • , • •• •• , • • • • • • •
(A ) BERN 2·0 · MAT1C PUSH BUTTON PROPANE TORCH - G ia nt t orch he ad ha s special fea ture that allows yoU t o ad ju st t h e flame t o an economical pilot light. Pressing button produ ces a blo wt o rc h bla st. Once button is let go the flame re tu rn s t o t he e conom ical pilot light . Torch c a n also be adJu sted for a constant blowto rch flame without pressing the bu tt on . All brass con struction . Giant l-l/S " dla . torch head . ~;;,.x,~\e4~l~h3P.r ~p.a ~e. C.y~i~d.e~. : '.t .• 3..'12. '~S: $36.95 ( B) S URE FLAME TORCHES - -Steel Head - Lig h ter an d Easy to U se . - E x cell e n t FI.ame Retention - Wind Proof . · Low Op e r.a ti ng Pr e ssur e for Cold Weather. ·Thre e Sources o f A ir F eed Fl a me for Almo st 100% Combustion. -Oesigne d t o Th row H ea t away from Torch · No Red Hot Huds or Metal O isi nt e gn ti on . - AdJus U ble Flame. -Canadi.an Gas A ssoc i.a tlon App roved . ·Opera te from Any Standard 20 Lb. Pro p a ne Bo tt le . - No R egul at or Needed for Outdoor use . ·C omalete wit h 10 ' of Ga s Hos e With F i tting s. 200 ,000 B .T .U . Mod . '·WI. 4 lb • . ITEM 6050041 $42.95 300 ,000 B .T .U . Mode l·W t . 5 lb •. ITEM 6050058 $48.95 (C) PROPANE FLAME THROWER - Over 400 ,000 B.T.U . A r ugge d serv ice fr e e unit t hat lights under any conditions t h e c lea nest, ho ttest fl a me po ssi bl e a t an .amazi ngly Low C ostl S impl e to op e rat e ... Saf e ... Tanks and Gas obtaina bl e a n y wh e re . Ide ~ 1 for t haw i ng wat e r lines, starting trac . t o rs an d o t h er e q u ipment. stump burn ing, weed burning . p re· heatl ng m e tal o r cast ings , and many other melt ing hea t·
~~:n::rdn16 t:ra~~~gp~~ ~~r;:~:aOn~e::~I:.n~o~~~~~~e:i~ ha~~ rhrM·: 85g3';~'.n~·Nr:'~· ~ ~b: 549.50
... ... .. .....
(A ) AUTOMOTIVE HEATERS - ... extra heat. extra co mfort for cars, trucks, station wlgons Ind other ro omy vehicles. ·Maxlmum comfort hotwlter huter . • HI-Lo duh mounting switch. *Output - 20,000 BTU per hour 150 0 diffe rential. *Hutar air capacity - 250 C FM . *Oefroner air capacity - 60 CFM . *'·3/32" high, '·7/16" wide, 8-3/4" deep . * Adjustable openings on 3 sides. -Heavy-duty motor, 7" fan. 6 blades. -High prenure copper V Cell core. *Inshllallon fittings p rovided : Hardware, waterhose and connections to engine Incl uding special G .M. bushings. *Shlpplng weight 13-
(A) SAME AS ABOVE 'OutPut - 12,500 BTU per hour (150 0 differentiaL) *Heater air capacity - \30 CFM . *Defroster air capacity - 35 CFM . *7" high,
~;~~W!~~O~~~ d~ •.P: ~S.h~. ~~ .. 1~~ .l~' ... $87.75 (B) OFF·ROAD VEHICLE HEATER - This compact heater is designed to mount on a side wall In the cab for farm, construction .J nd industria l veh icles. Air en-
lers It the center fan location and is discharged out ueh end for baLJnce of hut distribution. A sWitch mounted U the top of the hute, supplies thr.e dlf~ fere"l speeds . This unit Includes slxteln ' •• t of hose, Ind all neces~ry fittings to complete an 'nUaIlUlon. ·Volts: 12 -Amps: 5.2 ·C.F.M .: 16S ·W. 11-5/8", H. 10", O. 4lIc" , ·BTU/Hr .'50 0 ,'9,500. -FinIShed In Slack Wrinkle Enamel. -Mou nting hudwar. provided
~;~~~;:O~;l~ht: ~ ~ l.b~..
. . . . . . . ..
(C) BUS .. CARGO HEATERS (Pipe Thread Connec-
tions) -
I"crused BTU capacity ,nd ,ir circulation.
An .xcellent cho ice for heating veh icles where quick htilt recovery is reQuired. 'Single dash mounted HI· La switch . ·Output : 33 . 000 B.T.U , per hour (150 o F . temperature differential) . ·Alr deliyery Clpaclty 340
C .F .M . *Twln "extrl" huvy duty motors. -TWin fans. *Hlgh pressure V-cell core design . ·IN'' p ipe thread connections (vertical Ind horizontal) . *Mount·
..d: ...........
* Hi·Lo dISh mounting switch. * OutPut - 12,500 BTU per hour (150 0 dlfferen· U.I) .
* Helter air C.JPlcity 130 CFM.
A large, comPlete, 12 volt hutlng system for trucks, bUSIe s, an~ v.Jns. Comes complete with control pIn·
13Ji." long, \~lpe~:I~~:~~~s~/:;~whe~S~!~~r~~e~hl;~:t 2~s~~e:U~I;~ • Heavy duty motor , '" motors. He.Jter Core - . " x 15V." x 2" . Control P,n· f.J n. 4 blldes, _ et - Three motor speed controls. S ix c~ble dlmper * Two rugged V·cell cores with vertiul brus core tubes controls. One he~t control , P~n.1 size ,:y.. .. x ''' , In· e,ch '''''''' x , .. x 3" . ' hkes - One 11 V." x 2" with shutters, one~" Jl 3" • I nstallation fittings, prov ided : Hlrdwlre, specill Outlets - Two 3 " round , one 5" x 2" , one 15" x 3", formed WIt er hose Ind connections to prlmlrY helter . one 7 V." x 2 ". Overall Olmenslons: 40" long, 20\1."
;T~h::~~~;5·;·~~ .1 .1~ ~~': ............ $120.00 ;",!:~ ~~~o~~·r. ~~ 7~ ~~'.. ......... $75.00
CATALYTIC SAFETY HEATER Heat output of a therm ' x nuter 11 almost 100% becluse there Is no heat Iou up the chimney. No h.,mful emlu lons of carbon monoxide or oth.r polJOoous gas.s.. Patented saf.ty device pre.,.nts uoutillysed t" from esclplng Into the atmosphere . This unit has recelv.d clrtlflCltlon 0' the Cln.Jdlan Gas ASJOclltion. t-tut output is fulty .JdJustlble from 2 ,500-',000 BTU's per hour. FUll consumptIon is only approx ... oz.thr. ilt maximum r.te' Has SPICIII "Spa rk Start" 'Ioltlon (reQuires no electrical connlctlons or mltches) . GUlrlnteed Igllnst defects for TWO YEARS. Easily Installed Ind requlr.s no sp.c,,1 tools. Dlm.nslons: "'14" h~h x 12" wide x 4Y:a" d.ep. B.lgl steel cuing with ,'ch cl'lrom. pllted protectlvl tuard will compliment Iny Interior. Requires shndard proplnl tank and In approved low pressure regulator
t;:Mh::"o~~i 1~.~ ~~': ............... ........ .... ... $219.00 70
~ FIIIJJU!less ReGt Gun SAFE - DEPENDABLE INSTANT (A) A heat gun of this callbe, hu
tOOl uses In Industries
;~~~lt!Sr:e.A ~~~~~,~:,iE~~t~~a~:c. c ~~c~i~~A~U~:S~IJ~~~S:
toured, comfort fit handle, with conyenlent 3·w.JY sw1tCh (Off Cool Heat) ·Sturdy die cut alumlnum h,ndle ·Powerfu" HI-SPeed universal motor with brus"es that can be changed In 60 seconds -Quiet efficIent turbo-fan with ad· -
~:!!:~~ :;::nh".t&~~ s~8-t~~O :·':I:t~lo~uil~ee ~:E~~i.
ITEM 6050082· Approx . wc. 6 lb •. ••.. b " .• , .• SjI7.50 Replacement Element for above (500·150 F) .
, _
ITEM 6050090 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . $13.99
(8) CONE -
V.... cone for concentration
of heat to a
restricted uu. Patented directional aIr diffuser eliminates back pressure . ITEM 605011' . Wt . V.. lb . • . . . . . • . $23.50
(C) BAFFLE - Posltlye head diffusion for shrinking ,1nd bending tubing up to PI.... 0 .0 . 1TEM 6050108 · W1. V. lb. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . $23.95
_Stock Tank De-icersStock T,nk The E xcell D e·lcer Is Flo~tln9
desi g ned to kee p Stoc k wateri ng troughs free from ice In col d est we,ther. FEA T URES: E lectri c al Rating: 1500 watts/120 volts, ,.s .A. Approved. Flo,t: Ma d e cH polyethylene vinYl m aterial, yellow In colour, re p laceable. Cord : 7112 feet In length complete with 3 0 inch bite- p ro of section. Element: New lo ng· llfe element ,lIows operati o n In ~ir without burn·out, Rust p ro of centre section co mpl ete with
Portable Water Heater A uriety of appllc.ltloni. Oulgned to ....~. ._ . . . hut c lun water by immerilng huter In pall, tUb, w.lihing machine, etc. Ideal for use on the farm, or summer cottage. FEATURES : -H igh Quality tubul.lr element, d ie-c ast In aluminum - Rugged light·weight construction. -Durab le rubber cord , 6 ft. long with approved type grounding connector . ITEM 5160004 . . . . . . . . . . . $32.95
;;'·J~pm~~','~I.n. r.•~I~~. $36.50 :.r -SENTINEL Automatic Electric
Heat Band
_,t5~ ---
Stops pipes freezing autom.ltical Iy . For farm, cottage, hou~e. trail · et, Industry . •
J al\ , ~ . 'f"~ ~ . . '!',...f
Now, you can simp ly plug In your Sentinel Heat Ba nd and forget It because It's automatic; a n d there's n o need to remove the band in summer. The Sentinel Heat Band has been engineered to meet the highes t
!flf~ \~a~!!n~l~rcdt~'lc AShs~~ tYha~~~~~r T~~o~~~~la~l~r~l~ PORTA.LE AHTWH(.( !
WI.40Ib ..
Compact • High Efficiency He,tlng and Cook'ng Designed t o heat tents, Barracks, Bunk Houses, Cab· Ins, Construction Jobs, etc. Great for Ice fishermen . Burns coal, wood , charcoal. Heating output 60,000 B.T . U. Overall earrylng size 25" x 11" x'''. 51.18 of Stove 24"L x 1."W x '''H.Complete with telescopic
Duplex Receptacle ThOt'mostattUlly Controlled
Idul control unit for soli huting c01bles (shown above), porhble huters, in-9U01ge car heUers, green houses. etc. Temperature h controlled by a fluld ·fll led bulb on a 6' c,plllary tube. Unit can be sel to work ,utomatically between a temperature range of 40 to 1 OOoF . E)I'cellent energy 5Iying device - set knob to desired temperature. Unit will cut out at dial setting and cut back," SOF below dial setting. R,ted 12
:~:s4"C~~dv~on'~S 9~O~~'d:~ ~~g .CJ~r~1!:
4-11/1."H :It 4·5/32'"W )( 3 · 1/4"0 . Ap· prox . wt . 2112 Ibs. ITEM 6050140 ... $38.25
Signed P.V.C. Insulation and jacket are ImperVIous t o all the elements and haye been Impact tested a t temperatures as low as -32 0 F. In fact. Sentinel's products have been specifically developed t o mee t difficult Canadian climatic conditions. The thermostat CYCles ImmediatelY because It is Installed directly on the pipe. Economical to operate, the thermosta t activates the heat band only when necessary. ITEM Watts Len gth Wt. PRICE 6050199 42 6' 2 S15.50 84 6050201 12' 3 18.50 6050215 18' 4 21.15 126 6050223 28 . 75 30' 210 5 5050231 Sill 38 .95 40' 280 47.95 6050249 420 60' 6 51.95 6050256 560 80'
FIBERGLASS PIPE WRAP The perfect insulatio n fo r either hot o r
cold water plpel. Sto p s dripping ind sweati ng of pipes. Used to p rotect cable·heated p ipes . . . It reduces cur· rent requirements. A lso uuble as wutherstrlppln9 tucki n g Int o cri c ks m akes perm01nent seal. C omes wit h 3" Flberglas ind 2" Plu\lc Wrap. Yz" t h ick 25 feet long . ITEM 6 0 51 00 7 ... $1 .98 4
Superior Portable Electric
1500 Watt output, 230 volt. With pyrex front . An ideal portable auxiliary heater for buns, an imals' quarters. and for keeping water tanks- from freezing. Government surpfus in good conditfon .
3" x 6 " X 30 11 • Wt . 15 lb • • ITEM 6050298 • • • • • • • •
QUALITY AT AN ECONOMY PRICE! This unit combines all the latest design Improvements in a handsome walnut grained c.abinet. Lightweight, with Integral carrying grip. Ideal for Clean, Qufet, safe ~ extra heat applications around the home . F E ATURING, .. BUilt-tn s~fety switch ••• 3utomuically turns heater off if knocked over or ., air f low is obstructed . *" Adjustable temperature comfort level c ", ntrol. • Si)( foot cord and plu9 .
DORWOOD WOOD STOVES The modern manufacturing methods used 1n the construction of this wood stove make It extremely etfldent yet v ery economical. Heavy steel con ·
~f~~clt~?c~ tf~~etl~t;r· c~~~~:a~~~ dt~O~h~1 ~o:~~~S~:S~'~ti~{,yV~7:_Stl~~~ ~e~~~~ en abling longer burning with slower consumption of wood fuel , The uniQue i n ner baff l e system makes for a longer lasting and mlJch more effic.ient b urn, This system keeps much of the t'lot air that normally goes straight o u t the c h lmney to radiate out the sides and top of the stove . The Interi or of ttl e stove is lined wfth firebrick which holds and rad i ates heat much l onger. Uni q ue feature of this stove: is the removable ash pan for the safe an d cl ean d isp osal of ashes ~ The stove also has adjustable chrome legs for conv enient placement. The smooth lines of this stowe will add to the elecor o f an y h o m e and b ecause of the quality construction shoufd last a lifetime, serving with the highest efflc1ency. Heating capacity 1500 sq . ft. Recomm ended f uels - wood or coal. Log Capacity "21", Door opening 16" )( 10",
WSE2~~~W~'A~4;A'~'{V. ~*·~~·~~i;~ff~O.X: .W~' .~~~ Ib': ...$4~5. 00
BRUSH - FOAM INSULATION AmaZing liquid chemical agents that when mixed together (SO/50 ratio) will multiply Itself by 35 times and turn Into a hard closed cell foam. ThiS incredible rlgid has a variety of uses from insulation fOf vans, trucks, cars and homes to mending cracks 1n bricks and concrete blocKs. It also bonds wood together. Y(aterproofs basement w~l1s1 Insulates sweaty pipes, molds can be made with It and it may also De used for SOundproofing - the list of uses for this product are endless! This product has a buoyancy rate of 5 0 /60 pounds per cubic foot. It is impervious to gaSOline or oH and rodents won't chew or eat it. Once foam hardens, you can cut away any exce5s with a knife, saw , plane. or even sand it. Takes any type of paint, 011 or water base. If deSired, lints can be added at the mixing stage. Kit Contains: 1 litre of "A" SOlution, 1 litre of "8" SOlutfon, gloves. and Instruc.tions (produces
:~~~"5;600~:;; 8rusn~Foam
0.' ~~'~.I~S.UI,,:I~n.> ..~p.p:o.x: ~h.P~ ..~t:: I.b~ .. ..
$21 .50
Cleaner - 1/2 litre. A must for cleaning crushes and tools, etc. ITEM 50&0215 . . . . • • • . . . . . • . • • • . . • • • . • • • • • • . . . • . • • • . • • . • $3.95
4S30 C.F.M. "PAM-AIR" FANS YOUR BEST FAN BUY IN ALL CANADA! EconomY' Minded Use ... Recolnize These Important Advantage. (B) 20" AUTOMATIC WEATHERPROOF TIE ROO SHUTTER - During filn oper.atlon exhaust air stream causes shutter to remain open . Gravity closes shutter (A) ImprOYes Animal Hulth tlnd reduces the sprud when fan ceases operation . Wt. 12 Ibs. of communi~ble dlsetlses . • Inorusu Production; ITEM 0770057 - Farm Use .... . .... . • . . $44 .50 dairy herds giYe more milk , poultry more eggs, and Non·F~rm Use .. . ... .. . . • $49.00 beef cattle gajn weight futer • • Stops BUilding Deter· (Cl NEW FARM BUILOING TEMPERATURE CONloration by stopping moisture condensation which ~UHS rust and rotting . • ImproYes Working CondiTROL - Designed for controlling lutomatlc Yentilation s . .. Sayes Labor - no need to adjust windows , tlon In barns, poultry houses Ind other farm buildings, litt er stays dry . Featurt5: Totally enclosed continuous etc . Range 3S o F to 110 o F . Closed differential adjust · duty 110V. A .C . 1725 RPM . CSA Approyed motor able range, compact In size . Dim .: 5-3/8"H. pluS 2Vz" with rUIUent mounting . 20" - 3 bladed fan rated coli. 2-5/16"W _ . 2 -9/16"0 _ 4530 C . F .M . Heayy welded 22" x 22 " square steel ITEM 0770065 - Farm Use .. .. . , .. .•. . • $30.}5 Non-Farm Use .. . .. . .... $33.15 f rame with pr • •drllled holes . EASY TO INSTALL •.. Simply cut out openln, and bolt In place. I n,tructlons SAVE-BUY THE COMPLETE "AIRMATlC" VFNTILATING SYSTEM (FULLY AUTOMATIC _ "SET Supplied . " Ptlm -A lre " Fans.ue built to dellyer superior ITI . . . Forget IU) - You Save when you buy this perfo rmance over lon9 periods of time . remoyes Package deal . .. Consisting of Electric Motor, "PAM· hot , stuffy Indoor lir .•. Qu ick ly and quietly . Cools AI RE" Vent proof tie-rod shutter, Plul Farm Building _nti". house. IDEAL FOR Garag.s, ResUurants, TtlYe r ns. Stores and Farm Buildings, Wt . 37 tbs. T.mperature Control. Wt. 50 Ibs. ITEM0710016 - (Fan Only) Fum Use . . . . . $ 99 .7 5 tll::.M 0/70024. - (Includes Aboye Vent Fan. Shutt,r Non·F.um Use . S10S .65' and Control Unit) Farm Use. _ .... . .. ...• $153.75 Non·Fa,m Use . . • . . . . . $167.45
.A" ..Z.lIns 2 Speed " PAM-.KIR
(A) The ··Pam·A lr . ... 2·speed Agricultural Ventilating Fans for Hatchenes. a .. rnl, Dairies, etc. Deslgnler to g lY. long, trouble. f rl ' serylce - quiet performance . . . - Automatic ov.rload protection will move a lar,e ;~~~:'d' :.f ~~~ . 1:~I:~~;tl~~c~:s~':.p~~s;'~; ~lS4~'1 : : ; R .P .M . Heavy Duty , resilient bue, 115 volt single pha" ellctrlc m o to r. Torrlnlton 20" 3.bllde fan rat.d "530 CFM at 1125 R .P .M . and 3250 CFM at 1140 R .P .M . Sturdy steel frame - 22" x 22". Wt . 40 tbs .
-$120.30 _ -$131.15
ITEM 0770032 -Form U .. - - - - - - • - Non -Firm U .. __ • _ •
(8) 20" Automati c \\eatherproof Tie Roa Shutt.r for a bove Weight 12 Ibl . ITEM 0770057 _ Firm UN • • . ••••• ,
Non-Firm U .. _ - - • - - .
(C) TWO STAGE SPACE THERMOSTATS For Farm. 'naustrlal and Commercial use. Incorpo t ates two SIngle-pole double throw switches to prOYlde "open high" or "clo>e high" operation on othe r stage as reqUired . Excellent for Yentllatlon, sensor closes circuit on ,"crease in temp.rature. Temp erature range of 35 0 to 1100F permits us. for many space apPlication . Oim .! S· 3 / S"H x 4 -3 / S"W. x ~:/~'~~ml~~e~ ~~7.0~~3• . • • . • • • . • • Non -Farm U . . . ___ • •• _ . _ ••• _ • __
$44.45 $48.85
ITEM 0770040-Complete kit a5 Illustrated consist · 1"9 of "Pam -Alre" 2·speed vent fan. 20" Automat ic T ie Rod Shutter, end 2 ·spe.d Thermostat 521bs.
Non-Firm U .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Firm U ..
_ _
_ _ • __ • _ • __ • _____
For Quality and Price Shop Prlnc.ss Auto
W.$187.50 $?04.50
CEILING FAN The Banvll cellfng f.an reduces your heating costs up to 30%. This
low cost fan system hu satbfied thou.S3nds of customers with re· duced hUltlng costs and has solved problems related to .Ir clrcull-
~~~r.iu~~t~. ~~'I:~~:.'~~St·e,~~:~~~Si= ~hsU:~eh:!j.:dOy,:::ni::r'~Sd::'~~~~
to achieve mJxlmum air delivery while consuming very little power. Sealed, chrome steel- ball bearings Ire used to ensure long life
.and continuous quiet operation. The fl!" Is controlled by a full range motor speed regulator which allows you to adjust the fan to the speed and .air deliverY desired . The totally enclosed motor pro-
vides dependable service even In extreme working conditions.
~~~:e~a7~ ~rlek:~ ~'h~:~a~:tc~:ls.t~upCi~."FI~~1~~~~ ~e:~9::dae7~
Orange Line 60 F-9 down blowing, Fan Cia. - 56", Air Del. C .F.M . - 18 ,000 , Mal(. Air Velocity - 600 ft./min . • Ma • . R . P.M .• 215. Arej Coverage· 1200 to 1800 , Down Rod Length. 10", Volts. 110.
~r.~S9 'j1~~'IT~Mv~m~ ~cl'7,:,~1. ~~~:'.I~~'. ~~~~d : :~~ ' ..$126.00
FULL RANGE RHEOSTAT CONTROLS FOR ALL MOOELS. Model No. 100F . Infinite speed control regulator for one fan only. Wt. If'l. lb. ITEM0770313 •..• • . • ... , . _ .• .••• •. • $15. 25 Model No. 150F - 'nflrlite speed control regul.ltor for up to seven fans. Wt. llb , ITEM 077051' . .. _ •... •. , . , .... . . . . . . $77.15
Blower Assemblies
GENERAL R;ES: • Superior Clean1ng Power • Tremendous Capacity • Euy Emptying • Eue of Any Type of Clunup .• Extremely Curable to Wet Pickup Ability (Wet/Dry Units Only) • C.ln 8e Used in Any Room of the Home Indoor £,; Outdoors
CA)" GALLON DRV: The heavy duty vacuum Cle.ner designed for those rough jobs ordinary cleaners can't touch. Powerful motor (1.1 H.P •• 100 CFM) dredges up dirt wood chips, bulky debris, leaves, etc. Rated 120V, A.c., 5.6 .mps. Comel complete with: 6' x 2,\12" hale; 6" SQuilte nozzle with brush. 2VJ" extension
::~z~!:; ~V1~~~~rV·;;':edr~f~~~:;· J~11~~~~~~~; l':~;t!lgi~~ M6~ ~'l~o~llr~~. "~P?. ":'1: ~6. I~~..... $82.95
h~)rs:~-:::!~.' ;::t~:esr~:~h~~~ ;<I'~~~'gea~y~e3 fi~::r~
that Cl" be used in wet or dry conditions without chlngeover. Shuts-off .lutomatlcally when liquid cap· Ictty 'I reached. DoUy hal Integrated accessory carrlen Finished In tough applllnce·type paint. 80th units are wet/dry type and Include the following Iccelsorles: • wheel dolly; x 6' hose; 2-111." extension W<lndli lV.... floor and cupet nozzle with ,halJ and squeegee .ltt.achment; 1 V.... upholstery nozzle; 1 V." round noz· zle; IV." crevice tool.
'ndustri.l'-type vacuum cluners are designed for pl.nt m.linten.ance, construction, office floor and eat. pet cu', etc. Heavy duty blower (1.0+ C . F.M . at 1.3 H.P.) and automatic float Ihut·off . Cartridge·type w.Jhable filter that reQu1res no changeo"er from wet to dty. Heavy-duty roll about Cart with large 10" rubber wheets. All metal wandJ and he<lvy-duty attachments th.t include the following : SPECIFICATIONS: Heavy Duty - Roll/About Cart · ' " 3 Wire Cord· 2.112 X 6' hose - 2 112 x 20" Wands (2) • 2Va Utility Nozzle· 2V'l. to 1 V. Ad.apter - 2 '11" Crevlc.e Tool· 1 )( 6' hose · 1'/.. x 20" Wands (2) . 1 If.. x 10" Floor Nozzle. - 1'1.. x 10" Shag Rut Plate · H '.. x 10" Sqeeg.e • lV. )( 45 0 Round 8rush· 1V.. " Crevice Toot lV." Upholltery Nozzle. (C)
TECUMSEH SH.P. GAS ENGINE Br~"d New Model 143 -276252 Rated 6 H. P . .ll 3600 R. P. M. 2 · 5/S" bore le 2-'/2" Stroke 13 . 53 tu . in . cltsplJcement, 6 . 19 : 1 compression ratio, 4 cycle L h~ .. d. yertlcal cr,;'ksh,aft 1-1/4" long )( ," dl.l . reducing to ' . '/4" long x 7/'" d'J . with key-
ways. Complete with reco,l rope stilrt , carburetor, atr cleaner, muffler and 2 quart polY gas t.ank With fuel over flow spout. Wt. 32 tbs .
:Jlr~F~~!og:~ .-••• $164.00
Non · Form Us • • • • •
NMONTGOMERY GAS ENGINES Engines With the follow i ng futures ; 4 stroke L held, .tir cooled. float·
"" t::aen~~s~u:i~t:!th' :i~OCI~:;e~? ~U~f~r'. ~~f!i~iI't~~"q~~!~~!~.a~~~eits~ . ~:!lr ~~al~~~~
0 .6 Pint gas talnk With filter . horizontal crankshaft 2 Vz" long x '" dla . wt. 118 Ibs. hpg . Wt. 132 Ibl . 12.5 H.P. Model M.... 'O 10 . 5 H .P . Model M-415 3· 3/'" Bore)( 3 1/4 " Stroke ' - 1/ 8" Bore x 3 1/ ." Stroke ITEM 2490118 TEM 2490100With NonNon"'I t h :arm ~:;:'.' 0~~m 0~~m :erL 4
WELD-ON HUBS Machlned to eliminate sPlclal HIgin,. Simply clamp hu b to sp rocket and weld . Round bore with keyway and set "rew.
V' SERIES HUBS 1· 7/16" O . ~ ITEM BORE PRICE 3845096 1/2" $4 .25 3845104 5/1" 4.253845112 3/4" 4 . 25 __ 38451 ~ 7/8" 4 . 25W· SERiES HUBS 1·13/16" 0 . 0 .ITEM BORE PRICE 3845138 1/2" $5 . 503845146 9/16" 5.50 3845153 5/8" 5 .50 3845161 11/16" 5 . 50 3~5i79 3/4" 5 . 50' 3845\87 13/16" 5 . 50 3a45195 7/8" 5 . 50 3845203 15/16" 5 . 50 3845211 " . 5 . 50 3845229 5.50 1·1/16" 3145237 5.50 1· 1/8" 3845245 5 . 50 1·3/16" 3845252 5 .50 1·1/4" 7 . 90 3'.5260- 1·1/2" 3145271-7 . 90 1· 3/8" 5 . 5038452861/2"
No . Teeth
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 2t
30 32 36 40 45 41
3848827 3844537 3144545 3144552 3104560 3104571 3104516 3144594 3144602 3144610 3144621 3144636 3144644 3144651 3144669 3844677 3144615 3144693 3144701 3144719
$ 3 . 95 4 .05 4 . 25 4 .45 4 .70 4 . 95 5 . 10 5 .45 5 . 70 5 . 95 6 . 25 6 .90 7 . 55 1 . 10 I . ~O
9 .75 11 . 70 13.20 15~5
. Stock Round Bore No Keyway or Sit SCrew · ·Spll ne Bore/6 Spllne
x"":SERiES HUBS 2 · 1/2" 0.0 . ITEMBORE PRICE3845294 5/8" $7.25 3845302 11/16" 7.25 3845328 13/16" 7 . 253845310 3/4" 7.25 3845336 7/8" 7.25 3145344 15/16" 7.25 3845J5 I I" 7.25 38453697 .25 1·1/16" 3845317' 1·1/8" 7 .25 7 .25 3845385 1·3/16" 3845393 1·1/4" 7.25 3845401 1·5/16" 7.25 3845419 7.25 1·3/8" 3845427 1.7/16" 7 .2 5 3845435 7. 25 1·1/2" 3845443*· 1·1/8" 9.60 9 . 603845450·· 1·3/8" 3845468* 7.25 .5 /8"
10 3844727 11 3844735 12 3844743 13 3844750 14 3844761 15 3844776 16 3844714 - 1- 73144792 18 3844800 19 3844118 20 3844126 21 3844834 22 3144842 24 3844159 26 3844867 28 3844875 30 3144883 32 3144891 36 3844909
4.40 4.75 5 . 10 5 .50 5 . 80 6.25 6.65 6.95 7 . 35 7 . 70 8.10 1.55 9 .05 10. 15 11.15 12. 30 13.40 14.70 17 .45
FOR USE WITH 3/4" PITCH NO.!. 60 CHAIN Fits Hub PRICE Series ~th J.:!EM
No .
3844917 10 3844925 11 3144933 12 3844941 13 3844951 14- 3144966 IS 3844974 16 3844912 17 3844990 11 3845005 "-3845013 20 3845021 21 3845039 22 3845047 24 3845054 2~3845062
28 30
3145070 3845011
$ 5.60 6.05 6.50 7.00 7.55 8.20 8 .90 9.75 10.60 11.45 12.35 13.30 14.25 15.25 17 .40 19.50 22. 10 24.10
SPEED REDUCERS & ANGLE DRIVES (60 to 1,30 to 1, or 15 to 1) SPEEO REDUCERS 8r~"d
New Norc:o Worm Gear. You need Qual1tv · yoU need price ~ you
need speed reducers · almost everyone you k;now
speed reducers In on_
form or another. Tt;eif' potentt.al is almost unlimited : wlnchel. angle drlvu. and hundreds of other step-down applications on the farm. at home. and in industry. Speclf1catlons: Quiet, efficient, fully enchlled. self lOCking. Can b e driven by belts and PfJlIeYS j chain drive or dIrect drive. Rugged cut ir on housing. precision machined qeitrs and shafts funning on ball burtn!),. Input shaft 5/8", output shaH '''. 0'0111 size ''')(''·x10·'. Wt. 161DL
RATIO 60 to 1 30 to t 15 to 1
T OUT U 29 S8 liS
H . P. 1/4 1/2 I
330 31S 430
ITEM 384010S 3840113 3840121
PRICE $109. 20 $108 .95 SI 12,50
Single Gear - Single Speed P'T.Oo'S FOR MOST TRUCK MAKES broad I1na HIgh Performanc.e PTO's to meet most iJPpncatlon reQUire of
me"ts. Rugged cast iron houSing. Sleel forged gears. Output Shaft. New. easier than ever. pOSitive lOCkIng. Complete with 10 ft. waterproof covered cable control, mounting bolt kit and gasket. Wl. 12 Ibs.
lilJ (A}L~B ~c
~ A
PRICED Sel of 4
mg!it 1740059
R~iJi ~mm ;UL ~H;H;HL;<H~;~HH ji ~j
~~O ,;:et,.
~~JCFET. :h~f:V"~t!-~:;'y~ J~I~:li~O:I~~~~~;~i~: ~~~I[r t~:~~
m :n;
pl.ce of the broket' link &. drive on. First turn of the
~":~ W~~H~e~~~"p~,.~.~.~~~~~~: ............ $.67 Ea.
(C) UNIVERSAL STRAP-QN CHAINS FOR CARS ITEM-174Qa6 - 5/16" ITEM 1740034 PER PAIR .... ............•.•........ $12.70 (F)BUU< SlOE CHAIN
ITEM 17.0091
Chain repair kit Re-pair cross chains for all passenger cars iJnd light trucks Quickly and easily. Consists of 4 lap links, 4 cross enaln repair
BULK LINK CROSS CHAIN - Bright finilned. nndened. ITEM
linkS, 2 finger tiP hooks. 2 lever lOCkS
and a tire chain Pller. ITEM 1730100 ••.••...•• $11.25 eo .
.......................... :$ 80 Ea ••
. . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :U~ ~:; n:
1/2" ......•.......•.........•..... $2.75 po, It.
ITEM 171000~-Fjts 13/5.00.6. WI . 8 11>.$16.95 PI" ITEM 1110011-~;:IS~~S'~t~·~3xO~:~O!~)lb. $17.$0 lu~r ITEM 171058J -Fits 18.9.50x8 WI. 1\'10 $19.95 pal,
SINGLE TRUCK TIRE CHAINS tll.~~~~~~-PPrlrl~c,~ Tire Size
Per Pair
6.10·,5 1 .00.'5 7.'0. '5 1.50. 15 8 .90· '5 6 .00.'6 6 .50.'6 1.00.16 7.50.16 9.00.'6 7.00.17 1 .50.17 8.17.5 7 .00.18 8 . 19.5 1 . 00. 20 1 . 50.20 8.25.20 9 .00. 20 10. 00.20
1120002 1720036 '7200,0 1720036 1720317 '120002 11200'0 1720036 '720Q36 ,72 0 028 112 0036 1120036 1720036 1720036 1720036 1720044 1720051 1720069 1720077 1720085
$56.1 83 .75 77.19 83.75 87.00 56.75 77.79 83.75 83.75 106.75 83.75 83.75 83.75 83.75 83 .75 88.50 93.95 97.50 106 .95 114.50
For truck" ilnd busses operilting under all conditlons ufety in snow , ice and mud . Miles of economlcill use In these hardened steel cross chaIns, electricallY welded side chains, and positive locking sTde chill" fasteners. and they 'll do a good job where it's tough going . On
" Snow , Mud· Grip or 12·PIY Tires " use one size larger
chain .
Vee-Bar Single Truck Chain 7 . 00.'5/16,
1 . S0·'S,
9 , 50.,6 .5,' 7 · '1 . 5,
~TV';'Si ~ioj:,'~Sp.r Pair ••••
, • • , , , , , $78.95 1 . 50· '6 / 11, 7 .00·17 / 18, 7 · 22 .5, 8· ,9. 5 ,
, , , , • • • , , • , ,$84.50
~T~0,;,2~72~g60t~0"r ~.V~ ·.5 : ~T~0,;,2~72~gl40:2p2"r ~"i;2~.~ .,
,w,': .6~. l,b'$115,25 :'.". ,6? ,
Jk°j'9~oibl,~i~OE~h ~io~~P'p~~·;.~;s" ,
Vee - Bar Dual Truck - Chain
~t0516'~'.?'li~~~n~W:i;o:2p;; ~~1~:5: ~Tr,;,2h~~46r~~:'p'ir , , , • , .. , ,
, , $107.50 • , $163.50
6 . 70 ; 6 . 50 ; 6 . 00 ; 1 . 10
F or 7.00- 13 ; 7 00- 14
7 . 50 ; 7 . 00 ; 8.2 5 ; 9 . 00 ; 10 .00 ; ' 1. 00 ; '2. 00 ; 13.00 ; 14 .00
1120242 1720259
1720267 1720275
$2.35 ea. $2. 49 ea.
$2.85 $ 3.25 $3. 7 5 $ 5.18
e a. ea.1 ea
Weed Vee - Bar Tire Chain For Radial Tires AR-7B-1 J
AR · 70·13 BR·78· ,3 CR · 78· 13
Wt . 21 Ibs . ITEM 1720325 - Per Pa ir • • • • • $53.25
GR·78 · 15 GR ·70, '5 HR · 78· '5 HR·70· ,S JR · 18·'S JR·70·15
Wt . 26'h: fbs. ITEM 1720333 - Per Pair
Hlre ts the "New Look n In Trlctor Chains the all. wIl.ther Alng -Trlc . . . • n outltandfng . top qua m y
chain at 8.1'911" Prices. Another Princeu Exclul've ,
This new de,I,n of heavy 7/1'" bli . twist e, on
ch,," will provide the max imum In Itrength aM
durability for both ff.,d and road use. The unlqu.
eentr. ring constructfon and evenlY sp.Jced cha in
sections preYents dippa,. ,nd prov ides excepUon-
Ifty even. smooth traction . C ... hl,dlnld c:.rOll
chain . The unique desl9n that mak .. the chaIn se!tcleaning and euy to mount , Note: Chains mUlt be
ordered to '",.et tire markings: eg , 12. 4 )( 2. wTJI not fit a 12 x 2. tlr• . Wr'te fo r sJzes not listed . .. we have I complete stock for any size 0' tractor tlr.!
,, \ \
,, ,, \
13 .6 12-2 4 13.6 12 -28 13. 6 12-38 14 .9 / 13-24 14 .9 / 13-26 14. 9 / 13-28 14 . 9 / 13-38 15.5 · 38 16. 9 / 14 -24 16.9 14· 28 6 . 9 14-30 6 .9 14-34 8 .4 15-26 1 8 .4 15-28 18.4 15-30 18.4 15-3 4 18.4 15-3 8 O. 8 x 38 3. 1 ·26 3.1 -30 3 . 1-34
LbS . 185 208 242 190 2 00 2 10 252 252 22 5 2 45 247 288 246 268 288 3 10 285 42 5 371 lTiOi7j 417 1710115 440 ITEM
1710029 1710037 1710045 1710052 1710060 171001. 1710016 1710016 17100'4 1710102 17101-02 171012. 1710102 1710110 1710121 1710136 1710144 1710151 1710169
Per Pr. 315.67 334-:-56 348. 69j
294~ 20 .
375 .70 375.7 0 346:34 390.27 390. 27 429 .00 390.27 422 .27 429.00 455 . 14 5 24 . 67 543 .24 553. 04 585. 55 6 14 . ~(l
TRACTOR CHAIN Through using low, truck type cross chains to smooth the ride, maximum traction is obtained. Heavy, welded case hardened double yokes connect the set of cross chains to keep them riding atop the tire and NOT down between the tire bars. A-l Case hardened double yoke members are interlocked to make a continuous chain mat for smooth steady traction and to keep chain from rolling and tightening on the tire. Equipped with Heavy Duty lever lock fasteners that are easily closed or opened but stay locked when in service. Cross
Tire Size 14.9/13-38 15.5·38 16.9/14-24 16.9/14-30 16.9/14-34 18.4/15·26 18. 4/15,28 18.4/15.30 18.4/15·34 18.4/15·38
straight Across
Chat" Lbs.
3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
195 192 153 173 192 173 174 192 211 230
1710227 171 029 2 1710268 1710276 1710292 171 0 276 1710284 1710292 17103~0
Per Pair 74 . 75 303.95 214.50 268.95 303.95 268.95 268.75 303.95 328.85 354.25
TRACTOR CHAIN TRACTOR CHAIN FOR FARM & ROAD TRACTOR WORK These chains are excellent for all round farm work and for on and off high·way service. Made of a reliable hardened quality steel, they give more miles for less money . Uniform twist cross chain provides continuous Traction action with minimum vibration .
Tire Size
11 . 2/10·24 11 . 2/1 0 ·28 12.4/11.28 12. 4/11 · 38 13.6/12 .24 13.6/12 ·28 13.6/12· 38 13 .' ·36 14.9/13-24 14.9/13 ·26 14. 9/13·28 14.9 /13·38 15 .5·38
Cross Chain
3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
Lbs. 82 ~3
114 132 114 111 134 134 110 129 123 154 154
1710326 1710'334
1710342 1710367 1710342 171035~
1710375 1710375 1710383
1710391 1710409 171 0433
Price Per Pair Sl17 .50 133.25 158. 79 189.50 158.79 170.50 200.95 200.95 186.35 200.34 212 .38 253. 00 253. 00
Strai htAcross GRADER CHAIN
Chain Lbs. 123 3/8 16.~/14-28 125 3/8 16.9/14-30 3/8 149 16.9/14-34 3/8 154 18.4/15·26 7/16 200 18 .4/15·30 7/16 224 18.4/15- 34 7/16 229 18.4/15·38 7/16 243 23.1·26 7/16 255 ~0 . 8 . 34' 23. 1·30 7/16 315 0.8·38 23.1.34 7/16 345 14.9·38(13·38J 1/2 212 15. 5·38 1/2 212 Tire Size 16.9/14-24
1710409 1710417 1710425 1710433 1710441 1710458 1710466
1710474 171 0482 17104~0
1710508 1710516 1710516
Price Per Pair $212.38 227.50 227.50 253.00 236.00 300.45 320.45 322.45 422.45 460.00 480.00 294.40 294. 4 0
Designed for off~road equipment. Broken cross chains
can be replaced in Just a few seconds - and with no tools! Cross chains Join side chains by means of a swivel hook . This permih ease of repafr and anows cross chal"" to swlvel to top of tread prevenUng them from c~tctllng in cleats. These heavy duty chains are
~~~:fdnee~~n ~i~~e!(~:': ::~~I~ir.:nC~~Sjo:;:a~~·a;r=~~
easy serv,ceabillty. Excellent In mUd. snow and sand. Link 5"aclng 2 4 4
Cross Chain 7116 7/16 7/16
Wt. Price Size Lbs. Pe, Pair ITEM 1300 x 24 260 171 P524 $327.90 1400 x 24 170 1710557 247.50 1400x20 150 1710573 185.90
Wheelbarrow Wheel BRAND NEW 2·PLY 4 00.8 A ll- metal p resse d st e el Ings w 1th
l/.. 1I
'Ill heel . r o U.r b • ..,.. Borll. Re.pl~ c e that wor n or
too -nll'row barrow wheel with one of t hese e l 5V rOiling . '. w ide whee'l. ITEM 2 020006 • • • • • • • • $27.50
Tire - New 4 . 80 x 8 .. 4 Ply. Tubeless . Round Stub Axl e,
hi·,pee.d bearings. ITEM 2020444 ........ _ ..•. $54. 9S 210' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 06 .50 Tire - New 5 .70 )( 8 - 4 Ply . Tubeless. Round stub axle , hj -s;peed bearings. ITEM 20 2 04 51 . . . . . . . . . . . $60. 75
Smalllmpiement Wheel
2101' .•••.•.•••• • • . . • • . . . • • . . • . • . • • • • . . $117 .95
Stub Axle Assembly only .
Srand new , 400 x 8 H.D . Tire with all · steel wheel. Ball bearings and heavy~ st.eel 3/4" 'x 12" axle. A fabulous buy
Replacement .. bolt hub , with stub axle , b e ar ing s, studs, a nd dust cap for above. ITEM 2080190 ........ $24. 00 ITEM 2023232 · Replacement 4 hole wheel for 480/ 400 ~ 8 & 570/500 • 8 Ti,e, .••.••••...•••.•.•• $9 . 95
:~~';,\' ~~;:i'zr~~e: -:;~~~ ~b~. , $29.50
STUB AXLE HUB ASSEMBLIES WITH BEARINGS HEAVY D UTY Hub Assemblies for those who desire to bl1l1d the i r o w n Wagons. T railers, Axle Assemblies, etc. Easy to Install or weld an where
Check This Great Value!
needed . Ideal for Chevrolet. Ford , and Dodge passenger wheels. t o and including 1969 model~ Complete with d ust cap.
To Fit ITEM T pe 2080620 A 2080638 A 2080646 A 2080653 A 2080661 A 2080@B5 A 2080695 A 2080703 B 2080844 B B 208067-" 2080901 (C) 2080919 (C) _ _ .----...L..-
Wheel Chev . Ford Dad e S-hole im
S-hole 6-hole 6-hole 6-hole
Overall Shaft Ci a . Length Lenglh 9" 1 '12 " X4 '12 "
9" 9" 9" 12' 12" 14" 12 " 9" 9"
1 V,,' x4'f2 " l'h "x411z" l V2"x4 '12"
6 "''' 6 /.... 6 ' /... . '
l lJ.. "x6 " 13'14"x6" 7 V2" 2 " x7 " 7 1/2" 2 " x9" 1· 5/h7· 1 8 7 112" 6 l1-... 13/4"x7' . ~ ;.. .. dia .wl J14'.weld ls lf. .. n st ub 2 " L . 6 l ' .. .. rt" .... d l a.wPJ... weld '51i." -.Jan st"ub 2 " L. I
imp. imp . imp . imp . G-hole imp . S-hole imp . 4- hole* 6 J/ ..
Hub . Wt . FARM O ia . Ibs. PRICE 6 112" 13 - $34 .50 6 1/2" 13 5 6 1f2" 13
13 17 17 25 30
NON · FARM PRICE $ 37 .90 ~
38 . 50
4 .5
39 . 98 5
20 5 '/..
46.00. 29 . 12
50. 14 32 . uu
3 1.62
*SnowmobiJe. boat & utility trailer. alumlnum hub with steel stu b axle , 2000 lb . capacity (per pair.)
Excellent for boat and t ra vel trail e rs, e t c . Thr ee leat llH " w i de. Doub l e Eye , 26 112" cen t re e ye t o eye,
1~~~'~~8;:f:~I~ ;.~~~ ~.~~ I.n ,P~I:.: , , r:'O~~.nlt.}1'MH2o~O~3e7~t ~:i~ ~b~~e~ ~e~s. ~ Axle Mounting
, •
$11. 95
• •
$, 5~ 75
K it above sp ri ng. ITEM 2080877 .. • ... • .. • ...• .••• . •• . . $7. 95 Pa ir
Now . . . bulld your own custom t railer, boat t rllle r, snow tobOgg.an or utility trailer. etc ., t o suit your own part icular
~"ee~~s. ~~:~~. ~V:~~h;~,:.. ~~~ t~t~~g e~~~P:r:~:! fg:~p~~t~S ':I~~
springs, shackles, shackle pllt., U ~bolts and duc ti le ,",ubi. Com-
r+"J~w;o7':~·.d,"&nodO~~~~~dp~~1::' ,w,t: 6,O,I?': .. $128,50 Tires, Tubes Ind Wheels for above.
2020014 2020022 2020030 2020048
• · -
4.80 5.70 4 .80 5 . 70
x x x x
8 8 8 8
. ., Ply ·4· Ply - 4 Ply ·4 Ply
HeavY duty casters: designed to ease difficult household chores. Permits the heaviest appliance to be moved with a mInimum effort. Can be easily Installed on refrigerators, freezers, wlShers,
dryeY5, dishwashers, stoves, etc. Non-mar white nylon wheels to
r;~t':'C~~:~~~oO.I,:,': ~.: ~ ~~.,:. ,S~I. O,I;~
":t: ~ ~. ~b:. _. $6.50
fo t .. for ... .
Tube Type - 2 $51 . 75 Tube Type - 2 lot . . $76 .50 Tubeless - 2 $57 .75 Tubeless - 2 for . . . . $71.50
HYDRAULIC Log-SpUtter Log splitting used to be a cnore unttl nowl Princess Auto I'las designed a powerful 109· splltter that tak:es the work out of log - ~pnt ting ••. let fluid power do the work for you .
This new design allows the operator to split all woods IOta four pieces with a Sln91e stroke 01 the powerful ram . The horizontal blade 15 removable so that logs may be split in two, when preferred. ThiS time-saver machine WII! easily split a cord 01 wood in less than an hour. cxcellent for farmers. fire wood suppliers. rentals, campground owners, fire place and wood stove owners, etc .
85" 85"
39" 39"
(C) ElItclusive double wedge blade with remov.able hor i zont;J1 blade. Requ ires : Frame.
axle , wheels , hose, hose fittings. g.u engine (min. S H . P.) and pulleys. ITEM 2400265 $19 9 . 00 Approx . Shpg wt. 115 Ibs . Complet. Kit· ITEM 2400224 ••
CHAMPION LOG SPLIT TER A deSIgned spfltter that splits all types of soft or hard wood specially quiCkly and effiCiently whether wet. damp. or dry. FEATURES : ·2 speed hydraulic pump - safety valve prevents overloading beyond 10 ton c.apacity • removable handles deSIgned for comfortable operation • lightweight & portable · cOnical rilm pad to accept uneven logs SPECIFICATIONS ~ Splitting force 10 tons Weight: 65 Ibs. Log length capacity - 18" Overall Length: 37"
O.v~r~l~ ~e.i9.h~ : .'~':
ITEM 2440105 • • •
Gasoline Chain Saws ALL MODELS FEATURE : ·Lo·Tone Spark Arresting Mufflers "'Automatic Chain Oiling (A) YARDMASTER - 1.9 cu. In. (31cc) engine displacement . 12" hard nose guide bar . Cuts trees up to 24" thick. Shipping Wt . 11 lb •. ITEM 3405289 • • • • • • • • • •
(B) MODEL MM600 - 2.3 cu. In. (l8cc) engine displacement. Sprocket nose guide bar. Cutting capacity 16", Chain Brake, Antl·vibr~tion system . Cuts trees up to 32" thtck. "Fast Sh3rp" push · button chi'n sharpening device. Shlpp;ng wt. " lb •. ITEM 3405305 • • • • • • • • • •
REMINGTON Gasoline If Electric
Chain Saws
C GAS MODELS FEATURE: *Chain brake stops moving chain in a split second to reduce "Kick Back" hazard *Fully automatic chain oiling *Exclusive anti·vibration system suspends entire engine on heavy rubber mounts *Low·Tone spark arresting muffler.
GASOLINE MODELS (Al -MODEL MM400 • *2.3 cu.ln. '3' CC) enllne dlf. Placement ·Sprocket nasI guide bar ·Cuttlnl capacity 1." ·Shlpp'", Wlfght 13 tbs. ·Cuts t,.I' up to 21"
:~~~ 3402\31
• _ •••••••.•••• ,
(8) MO D EL SL9A • • 2.' cu.ln. (4'c:c) onglno dl .. placement ·Sprocket nOH: ,ulde bn -Equipped with
wood Irlppln, 'ticker *Footrest starting brace ·Cuttlng capacity 1 , .. ·Preset throttll l.atch ·Cuts up
to 32" thick ·Comfort cushioned hand grips
ptnl WI""t 17 lb •. ITEM 3402146 •• , • • • • • • • • • • • • •
(8) MODEL SL 11 A· - • . 0 eu.ln . (I5cc) Inllnl dt .. Placement ·Sprocket nOli IUlde bJr -Compreulon , leuI laay st.,t -Pre lit throttle Ilteh -Cuttln, clpa city 2." -Comfort cUlhlonld hand grlpl -Cuts tr
~:~::. 4;~~~~1:~ ~~h~~P~~ ~•• I.I~t. 21 .lbS. $339.00
ELECTRIC MODEL (C) MODEL LNT1. -2 H,P HI,plrformlnce doubl. insul,ted ·Safety trlHe, lock ·,1 SV AC wolUt. Amp. ·Culhfoned hand .rlpl ·5000 RPM no load sprocket I.,••d ·Cated roller ,nd bronze motor bur 1",1 ·Cutting upaclty 14" ·Cal.d roll ... Iprocket be,rlntl ·Cuts trln up to 2." thick -Total WII,h
~.:'E~1·3:~~~~~L ~~P~:Y~~'
.......... $66.50
Electric Chain Saws Double Insulated, unftized construction . A time .nd I..bor Slver for the homeowner or building tradesmen . Ideal for trH pruning, culti ng fIrewOOd or fellIng trees up to 3 feet In dl.meter. This lightweight super powered dynamlallY balanced saw f,atur" (l) I bullHn. 4 oz. up,clty manual oiler, conveniently l()C.Ited on the h.ndll, (2) rlverslble cutter blr for extended life, (3) chisel tooth ch.1n (4) non-sUp g,ll) h,ndle Ind (S) unbre.kable hl9h Imo.ct plut housing gunant.ed for lif., ITEM 34021'9 10" laW, cuts 2 ft. tr"" 2 H.P ., 11 .mln., 1ZaV
AC, S200 ,pm . Shipping welgM 10 Ibs . , • • • . • • • • • • ITEM 34021.7 , ... " NW, cuts 3 ft . t,H', 2 H.f# •• 121mp~ lZ0V AC, 5000 ,pm. Shipping wol,ht IIV. Ibs . • • • • • • • • • •
ITEM 3402195 -
Imps. , 5200 R.P.M. Shipping wOlght' Ibs . • • • • • • • • ,
Reciprocating Saw
Vanatole, compacl and I.ghtweighl 1o, use by the horn.
owner. contractor, elactrtcaan or plumber .. Prunes trees. CUb logs, plunge cuts. flush cuts and cuts wood. alumlnum,
brass, steel and p.pe tub.ng. Five d.fferenl blades included . Select the proper one 1o, each funct.on . Sase IS f'ee floating and pivots automatICally 10 adjust 10 angl. of work . 3 pOsition auxiltary handle and main rear
grip handle convlnoenl for left 0' righl hand use. 120V AC 2/3 H.P .• 4 amp un.t. Wt. 6~ IbI. ITEM 3402203 . , ••.••• , ••• _ • _ •• S55.~5 Bllde Pick (5 bladu) for .boye saw ITEM 3402211 • _ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _ •••
1." LI,,,. Duty. Cut 2'1) ft . treu. 2 H.P., 11 5
lA' LlI'" .... stu..,. H ..... ,..c.rt 11 • uti .. ca"'" fo, "Mr.' " . . .round
....... ltOu.... lIto,",- f.ctor..... aff....
i",tltut ani. .tc to fft.I .... balance, un'oad. AU w ....... 1'" 4
wu • .,.
~~:. t'~~~~·.:~::' :.::~~ :::~~ r..:=-~~IC;I
p •• t.
, .. x ...... 45" 11....
~~:,~~~ ... , ...... $26.
Similar to ._0•• ex • •,. tu .... t •• cent., .""1. 7 ..'/." ClI
• 2" _ _ • ,.OOt ....... " . 14'
dlmen"'n,: .... Itll" • 13_'
A::::;::'~~~~: ~~.~~ $49.5
'0" w_ ........ _..
TON eA~Ae,TV - 'DaAL ALL KINDS 0 ' HAULlNGI • T ....CI tI... . -
,.,........el"'. 'o....eCI
_ I NI,,'.tcDCI. wllll hit'" ., ..., ,or . . . . . . 'owl.... DI..... I1I"L • 'I"W • , ...... 811 III-L • '",''W _ _ .. " . ,...... _ _ loa, 4-ft, I."...... M''W T...._ MltI.-
'n.... ....
11¥i"._ .Id. . . - . _ I ... t for
fI''''.............. _ ... .---. ........or _ ......
,_.... 'e. caa ... _ _ _ • _ _ _ • trucI&I. _ "'........ I ....... _ UnI _ _ _
I ____ ....
N _ _ - ,__
' " 1ft
_ _ .-Cl . - . . ...
Heavy Duty Hydraulic 'PICK 'UP' CRANE
you c." m ..... 0",-"" to u .... tlme.ntI "'one~ " your IOldl"t .nd u. loa.,,,, n.ed, HEAVY
T ............ _ _ .. -rIIoIIIlr
............ 1. . . . . . . . . . __ 'or .....,.... IIdV\'
........... . ,....,.......
TlON-T"•• nhr. fr.m.
.... JMo .....
fo, ..-ck............,.tloll ••
m.de of ha•• ., " •••
H ••• ., •• U ubi", adju,t .... boom -
mlR. 42" m.x.
" '0 BIG LOAD CAPACITY - for qulek ".ndlt... of 10ldluPto 1500 fDI. HVDAAUL,CALLV OPERATED - m,anu.lly o"r~t.d - 5 ton cap~clty hydrlullc JICk for u., la 59'· 11ft. "oUt., full 3100 on ,pecl~lIy d8l1ln.d lid. thrust ".,t", S"C'~'CATlONS for Un,.rtlSt contrOl. Eny la in,UII l.k., • min,mum 800'" Laid .. mount of Ipace, I nll.lI~tlon a.tlnded CIPKlty In"ruction, IUpplte41. Wt. 150 1500 , .... 42" •bl Floo, ."d/o, stde ",aunt1221II1L 10" 1000 '11•• 11" 1510002 , .$515.00 '00' ....
711 IIIL
1I.......... III.t...... lUcll •• Cltu ..... 8 ...1.. .'ockl, etc. S .... Ume.nd mon." liMe mOlt 11ft I",
joll. tMcO,"1 a o",,".n oP"ltlon. 800m rotlta. a fUll 3100 • Ma •• 11ft '4" Mu .... ell 31". Equ'p_ wn" 1000 Un. cap, winch wltlt bulU41n loek. •• ft. of 3"'" pl.,ftlzed calli. wit" hook ."41 ,ev.rslbl. ttl" pl.te for flu'" 0' mounU.... Wt. 10 '11 •• ITEM 1510010
.... $249.00
Wire rope for the toughest Industrial applications, where greater strength is r. quired . Used edensively in mining, farming, construction, logging, transportation and general manufacturing. Preformed to prevent springing open and unlaylng Itself when cut . Save more by purchasing In 500 ft. cOils.
LVANIZED AIRCR 5011. ITEM eoll I ITEM Coli 13121048 10.95 13'21055 19 .50 Excellent for winches. low ~ 3821063 -12.95 3e21071 22.50l· Ing, In farming and construe· 3121089 16. 95 3821097 30 .90 3121105 -tion . etc. .s~" 3121113 19. 503821121 36. 003121139 3/8" 3121147 23.75 3121154 44 . 9~...j:!.'2"62 1I2"C6x 19 I 3121170 41 .95 312" I1 95 . 00 *5/32"llx19) Itom 3820552 . 07~plr tt. *1/32"(7xU)heri13'-Zi18
Economfciilly priced qualltv aircraft clble. F'lJdble pr. ~ formed 7 x .9 construe't lon .
01.. 5/32" 3/16" '1/4"
6*Iq IW-R.C. WIRE ROPE Breaking
Oia . 3/8 1/2 5/8
Slrenglh 13,100 23,000 36,000
• Price
ITEM Per Ft SOO ft . reel 3820131 225.00 .54 309 .003820149----:7" 3820156 .93 389.00
Pr.formed PIOw stetl . FlnlSt, sup.tt-flexibl. , high ,trl"gth. ola. Strength I TEM Coli ITEM coil ITEM multl·llrand •• cable for Un- I 4 5 480 D820560 11 .50 3820578 19. 00 3820586 1nl, o"·purpole Thl 5 16 8400 13820602 1450 3820610 2500 3820628 ~~~~:::lClb;:It~o Ofp!~:' .":s~:; 3 8 12200 11820644 16:50 ~20651 29:00 3820669 >round <m.II sh ...... 11 will 7 16 17 400 3820685 33. 00 3820693
_.. - -
"f . b UU
3 4 .00 3820594 51.00 46 00 38206~ -6900 54 :00 3820671 79 :00 62. 00 819701 93. 00 3820719 120.00T3820727 151.00 13820099 210.0 01
----- PII Z Utl;J4 b/ , UU 13620842 l J: O.OIJ
19 :» ,"0 1:1 820867
251 . 00 )3 8208 7 5
32 1..00 13820123 .. 99.00, 1
CHAIN HOIS 5 Top Note"
" ...
....... 110.. V.,.. t.llty' Lift _ Conflcl..... , ,.c1ory _ 10
Low 'TEM
Ton s
1510000 '" 3" 20 $83 . 00 1510011' 3" 31 116 .00 1510026 2 . " 77 155 . 00 151003. 3 5" 18 229 . 00 '5100. = 2 ~__5~~__~ 6_ " ~___ '~8~7~==2= 7= 3= . 0=0:t
So.. 0 .... rat... ca.. For f.,.S. 1',."", D....t .. G.,_, M.C"'. 5Ito"., .Ic. TODAV5 BEST BUV'
IN CHAIN HOIST L "ING All S'." - L ....t In w .....1 - _
comM.... Ill'" '0..... ft".........
nr ......" ............. pa,•.
ltee •• trfple ...red fO' .a., belstI""
Will .... 1
cllal" u_,
'Oael, AIIOl/ .,... c...... 'or ...... _I • ." ...d " ..",tit '" 10 Z ton 1 10H efl.ln. 3 lOft .... 2 Ipd ch•• "" S ton has 3 IOMI
CA~. ·
1580059 15B0067 1580109 15B0075 1580083 1580091
Ii 1
IIi 2 3 5
8 9 9 10 10
13" 15" 16" 18" 22" 30"
37 ... $147 .00 52 .. 164.00 70 .. 230.00 99 .. 263 .00 110 .. 329.00 193 .. 45.00
20001b. CAPACITY
JAC 'LIFT New design which allows lifting of material while unit
suspended .
action . Complete With 15 ft . of 3/16 " cable and
1510239 , , , . , • , , , , , , , • ,
2 'rON'RATCHET HOIST A truly versatile tool that will pull , stretch, winch , hoist, et c . S' lift. All frame par ts are plated for resistan ce against rust and corrosion. Comes complete with S/16"galvanlzed cable . Has mechanism t hat winds the cab le 'n uniform layers. Self locking grab hook on cable end . Shur-grip.
~~~~r 1~a4nodo!.;.r9 A~~r~)(: ~~P~ '. ~t: ~ I/~
l.bs$35. 95
,.Ine Adjuster Is • mechanical Inchlnl·hoist which al· 'OWl pinpoint lifting and 10Wlrln, of ObJects up to 1 Ton. This rU'ted, hl,b quality un t Is dul,ned for u •• with hoists Ind provide I Itlblt, lecure Ind ,hock·f,.. pOlltlonlng for work It ,.rl,,,, mlchlne .hop. and ,'mltlr In",lIaUons. Slnct It I, mlchanlcal, Itlka •• proble.".,re compllt.ly .lImlnated. Ots',ned for yea" of trouble frle u ••. Stay. at lit po.ltlon until cranked or ratchet Is removed. Ratchet Included. Splclficatlon.: MIx.. c.p.• 1 Ton , Stroke • " in.,
.... , ... , .. , ...
$1 49.00
(~ 888 CoilChain MAKE YOUR OWN TOW OR LOG CHAIN . The IIn,
est chain made for load bind ing, tow-slings, farm m.· chln.ry, fencln9 , gUlrd railS, marine, wreckers, etc.
ThIs Is short link s"tny chain. Price S.f. Tlsted Working Per Slv'IPer Proof LOld Foot 100 ft.bl ITEM SIZE $ .14 3100716 1 4" 2650 1325 $75 .60 3100794 5 16" 3900 1950 1.21 101.90 2750 141 . 50 3100102 3/1" 5500 1.65 3625 2.57 231.30 3100110 7 16" 7250 1 2" 9500 4750 3.14 212.60 3100121 14500 7250 4 .45 400.50 3100135 5 I"
Tested Working Price Per Sne/per
S I ZE Proof 5/1'" 9400 3/." 13200
Load 4700 6600
Foot 100 ft . big $2.60 $245.50 $3.20 $296.50
ITEM 3804770 3804711 3104796 3104804
Workln, LOld 7501bs.
SIZE 311'" 1/4" 5/16" 3/1 " 2/0 Trade
STRAPS ItrlpS Ire mid.
1250lb L ,,75Ibs.
2625 lb •.
Stulght Link
520Ib ...
from E . P.T . rubber
Pe, Foot .97 1.57 2.01 3.17 .76
5': 3101115 3101123 3101131
9" 15" 21"
PRICE $ . 52 . 60 . 64
tie down strap.
\~nJ:: :U~~2~2.": .'~': ',2.4:" ••••
, , •
B 5 II h Cl I ITEM Body Size 3104630 7/1" Lon9 3104&41 7/1" Short 3104655 I" (C! 0 •• 1. Slip Hook ITEM SIz. Prlc. 3104564 5/16" 3 .57 3104572 3/1" 4.56 (D) Clivi, Grab Hook 3104531 3104549 310455& (E) Doubll
114" 5/16" 3/1" Cllvls
2..45 3 .23 4.25
3104510 \14",5/16" 2.50 31045" 3/1" 2.90 to
Fum 5hllcklel Scrlw Pin
ITEM 3104622
PRICE 7 . 95 7 . 10 12.55
ptn SI.l1
-and Ir. d ..
signed to withstand the punishing Ixtreme, of wI.ther.
(A) Twisted Cle.l. ITEM Body SI.. 3104663 7/1" Long ~(,I" Short
ptn Slzl
PRICE 7.15 7.57 11 . 71
3/4" Woo
Chllln Shackllsl (CO! Round PI_n _ _ _ ITEM SlzI Prlcl 3104'0' J/I~O 3104&14 7/"" 3 .05
llil. Hitch IT M
Pin, _ __
3104&17 5/I"x3,." 31047055/1"x&" 31047133/4"x4" 3104721 3/4"x'" 310-473' 7/1"x4,,","
2.'0 3.43 3 . 20 3 . 71 4.00
31047&2 1 "x&lH"
mm~ ~(~~~.\"" ~:~;
Size 7 16"
3H.P. ICE &
2- CYCII 3 H.P. Tecumgh Entine with lIutomlltlc euy start In 1111 wnth.,. Thl throttle Is IIdJust.lbl1 thumb operated for comfort and control. Handle b.l,. .I"ang .. mint .n.blls op.r.ltor to have full con· trol. Automatic centrlfut.1 hu'tY duty clutch In9lg.s only whin throttle Is ad· vancld. DOls not trllnsmlt power when Inglnl Idlll. Trlnsmlsslon hn hith IlIoy
t:~[lb:lnr1ntl[t;w ~::~I:I~tror~eOc~ls:,~~
power. Alumlnum gear en• • nglnl Is wlrranted for 1 Ylu.
r~;:; ~~"M;IY,-: ... "
6" Earth Aug.r for hollS up to 33" ,n
•• , , •• "
~~~~·314 . . "
••• , •• • ,
I" ICI Auger with Ih.lvtne bt.lde for clnn bortne. Drills holll up to 30"
3100026 3100034 3100042
mm~ 5~;:::
3100013 711'" 7.35 3100091 .... 9.55 QUlc'-. ••• on thl spOt ••• time Slvlng
4.46 _5.64
~~Ir;,~~t~~.t~h.~~:.I~t~~Tn.~~~I:~~·r s~~:
working IOllds. Zinc plated for rust protection. The most ¥erntl.e, rell.lbl. and easttit to Inst.llt connectors.
1740112 17401'0 1740201 1740216 1740224 1740232
Se" W.rk1... l.-4
3116" 1300 lb., $ 1.25 1/4" 2000Ib .. 5/16" 3200 IbJ. 3/8" 4000 Ibl. 7/16" 4800 IbL 1/2" 60001b ..
1.35 1.99 2.55 2.85 4.45
,JIII. H.D. HAND WINCHES (A) Superior wh1che, for muinl, industrial and farm use. Stron, onepllc:e fr~me for fatainl", perfect gear all9nmlnt. H.udened drlvI geaN
coppe.r brazed, Pumanently lubJ'ic.ated drive shaft b •• rlngs. Turned
edges on drum pr,,,ent cutting rope. Two w_'1 ratchet , with free wheeling out. (8) SimUar to A ty.,. above, but with Automatic Self Lock 8rake feature. Whenever the hand I. is released the- winch automatlc.lty locks
engaging ... n external ratchet. (C) Two wlncnes in one' Doubt. Geared. All gea" of high cubon Pinton ge-au and shafts heat treated. Strong one~p'ece ffilme usures true gear alignment for lon,er wear. Two-way ultchet has posItive " off"
, position. - (0) Similar to aboYe except equipped with a manual brake with IIn1"9. TYPE
A) (A)
.A A A)
At B B) B)
lC D
ITEM NUMBER 1510098 '1510031 1510049 15100'5 1510056 15'0064 1510106 1510114 1510122 1510023 1510072 1510130 '51 DOlO
CAPACITY LBS. 500 1000 1200 1400 1 0 1100 800 1200 1500 1600 2000 2500 2500
• Fr.•• wbeeHng
GEAR RATIO 1.2,1 3.9.1 4 . 5,1 5 .5 : 1 •• 1 5.5:1 4.5 , 1 5.5,' 5.5 , ' 1 . 5" + $ .5" 12.$ " + 5 .5 , 1 $.1" + 12.2'1 17, I + 5.5"
WI. BS. 4'1:1 7
12 8 10 12 14
PRICE 16.75 20.15 24.50 30.15 35.75
31.00 51.5 73.00
39.50 I.U
with one WI_Y 'Itch.t~
POSI ·LOCK SAFETY WINCHES fA) S~ECI"IC:ATIONS. :1200 Ih. callHi~ ..._ 5,"0,", I ... Ga. Ratio. 15.1.1 anCl 11.':' two . . . - ..... ctutall ~o"t.... _ 1 0 _ n l l l l l . lIIIa_... ...... clNm a_. S ... actl.. Ill'" _ r e ...a..... An OIl
_1ttoe"'''' ,nfo...... _ It"" R.., ca ...
_wily PIal.... on I _. .""t... 11. . . . at •
...... "".......II1IoM. R.mon ............. _ ........ .. ,riD. HUVlIY .. fra-. All iNftI... m.... of t . ._ alto,. _ . Wt. t l ..... Ma
clU.llS0· or ,,'0" ..._
ITEMIS1 •• . , W1t"...tca .... Ont,. ••••• $99 (') 1100 LIS. CAPACITY - 4.1:1 G_ Itau. .... _"anlllll _ n 'lftl.... ·R _ _ ......
raller ..... ·H"" T.n_ A'IO,. "All ...rt ca.....ltY: 21S ft. 1/1" ea
_wilY ......... ·M .... RHI
~~ :':;.,68
.................. $21.
(C) 2000 '-IS. CAPAC'TY - ·41:1 Ga. Ratio .TIIe for • 'Ockl......... wII........... cabl. anol _rto: , _•• A11 _ 0IIfh
......" .... no _
_rt,," on tll. are 01' .,tIt....... _ t _ t....." ..... ca_
"'.-. "TIte - . ... _ a t... ID
_1ft • • •
D ft. 3"." CIIII• •
,poc'. a.,.
fically for "'ellablllty. long IIf' and of operation under he.vl.r duty type appllca~ tlon.. H •• t treated lolld ,t ••J gears with machine cut teeth for accuracy and smooth operatlon . All steel drum des I," with t.",e spOol diameter. Winch frlme Is cOf1'1tructed of heavy ,t •• 1 Plat.~ SprIng loaded 'Jltchet ope'~tes pOSItivelY In .iny pOlltlon with easy ,.tea.,.. Drums turn on bronze bearings. Pin" Ion .haft turn. on bronze-.
!tt';"lipl.O~J.!.b~·'1 ~~r. ~~~I~ ..2:8:t.~"~\~ 10
lb •.
ITEM 15'0213 • • • • • •
(B) CIp. 2000 Ib, •• G •• t Rallo 14.7. Cabl. Drum Cap. 3/16" - T3S( ~ 1/4" ~ 70'. Pfnlon shJl't turns on bIn bearings. Compl.te with
~i~~llmj2~l' ~~ ~b~ • • • • • • $195.50
WORM GEAR WINCH 1500 Lbs . Capacity. 30 - 1 Ratio ..., rugged worm gear wInch designed to give smoo1h, effiCient control for a wide range of lifting, lowering, winching, opening. closmg and many
other applicallons . Here are the features Ihat assure
101'1 9 life operation ; PrecIsion cut gears and shafts running on ball bear·
mgs. Full enclosed cast Iron housing , Drum capaCity 45 ft . ~" cable. Complete with handle and pre-drllled mOUnl109 base . Wt. 22 Ib,. ITEM t5t0197 _ . .. . . . , . . . . . $116.00
RATCHET HOIST The one man tool that meets the power requirements of many . This versatile unit
can be used for Lifting, Pulling, Stretch· jng, Winching , etc. Other features include:
Resistant ·Comes
co m plete with galvanized
aircraft cable .
*Slip Hooks: Drop Forged and easily removed for other
accessories and tools. ·Stamped Fittings: H igh Tensile strength steel at all stress points. "Pivot Points: Hardened stee l for extra strength and wear. -Let Down Release: N o tch ~ at - a·time with automatic safety .
Max. Lift
1 B: 1
36 : 1
At last - .. 121101' electric winch to fit your budget and your truck or trailer. Its power will amaze you. Will 11ft UP to 100 time, its own weight! Ideal for loading and unloading machinery . s"owmoblles.
boats. or Iny load too heavy to 11ft. IndlsIM""bll for pulling vehicles stuck In mud, ditches, snow, and IIfti"9 hUyy loads. Power rIvers. to lower the load SII"ly . Stops and locks in any pOSition . Mount It vertl~IIY or horlzontldly. right side up or upside down . A full 360 0
:~I7?:9U~!In":e p:t"~':~A' l~f~c~Omr~~:tt·:u.Wtt~Cah S';I~e~ele°:.~r!tl~~.D'I~~:
gUt train and buri"g5 ar. PIcked 'n lubricant and selled for IIfl.
Comel comp,ete with vlhlcll hunlu conshtln!il of 25 ft. of hlavy !illuge wire, automatic circuit breakers, INclusive fOrwlrd - lock reverse switch, galy. Ilrcrlft cable and forged "fety-snap hook, mounting bolts, Imergency hand crank Ind owners mlnual. Dim.:
GIYkI. for • •Ictlnt prollerSlI1MI'W
:': "Lo~ :;.'W..; !,'~"H~. ."..,.,.=".'" . . .~M"'."'."'...... =-,! ..~ _ ,.,..,.... ="'I/I"""_ ~""""""---
ranlnt 10H Oft ...rlout .nell..... 2ft lI2 faot r ... In 1.
CH .. & Hook ",••",..y ,,..... " ft. S/32". 21 ft. U300n .f3:t" ••S ft. 15 30070. 1 , 000 ' . 000 1 •• 00 2,100 "omote colttro' kll 'or aII01t# ·Thrs lIIode' Is delltned for doubll line ....ratloft .ad 'TEM 11 lOO 54
3 ,315 • •500
2 ,250
,"UI' "1 "Md _U" UII IUPplied PUll.y
ratlet caNe,UII.
',350 ' ,.00
Vertlal Lift 710 ',000 Z,OOO
1,000 " 00
"'0'_ to .cfIIl....
:o;;~o:,::;.r;:, ~~~.~ ~ t~
Wt. 17 .... Ilia Z. ....
wt_ •.
10 ft: • • ••
12Volt SUPERWINC H 8000 The finest, safest, most pOwerful 12 volt trailer winch ever bU11t 1 8,000 tbs. Dull, Single line . Safe and easy to operate . Wilt toad (on a slngll·l1ne) an 8,000 lb. boat. Other applications by the hundreds .•. tor pulling, loading, unloading. winching, etc . Equipped with Automatic shut-off, Single lever control (Ioadbrake-freewheel), mechanical ClutCh, 1.3 H .P. 12 volt motor, 11." solid steel gears through· out. Complete with cabl. and hook. Dim. : 8 1f1 " SQuare . Wt. 37 Ibs.
ITEM 1530011 .•• • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • . • • . • • •
me as above except 16,000 Ibs. capacity (double line operation) with
/16" x 50' cable Ind hook assembly and pulley block tor double
:~I~~ ~::~~;i 'h~~ ..W.I . 4.0.1~': .............. $346.50 emote control assembly for above superwlnches.
TEM 1530039 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ···
STOP THEIF - A long rlnge detector for X-K bands Mount. under the hood of your vehicle. Thl. unit hu I fullY automltlc circuit pre.et to miNimum detection rlnge . Out perform. Ilr,est competitor. tt Is compact In Ilze encued In a weather proof housing . Come. complete with an ON/OFF test Iwltch, extra loud bl,per (10 ,econd,) and a red warning light. Very ~:~ ~r. It~;I:tu~ adlr Detector: 51J8 . IYz x • • 31h. ITEt; 4212155 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A deylce u"d to prlvent any automobile or truck theft. Thl. deylCI fit. all motor "ehlole.lncludlng heavy ,quipmint. EI.Y to In.tall. Hot wire proof. Stall. car In sec · onds and connot be restartld until twitched off. Compact (appro.~ 301 x Z") and can be hlddln anywherl In 'IIhlcle, EYen the mOlt professional thll"" cannot re·
$175.00 ~~~e:~~;;'7
............... $24.95 89
Complete set of precltion tlme·up Or trouble shooting tooh for euy. qu ick tnhng. (A) PISTOL GRIP NEON TIMING LIGHT -
For 6 ·
12·24 Volt systems. RePlilceable cartridge type Neon
~~M'MS~Z~~~'.'lh?~k:~r~O,f ,b~k.. ~lt: ~~'~' ,
, ,,$10.95
ANO FUEL PUMP TESTER - For ~:~~~~':1'f~~~?vUe~~~ke~~:~;~:".nts. fUll sticky ITEM 4230199 ••• •• " • • • • • • • • • •
OUlgnod 10 01>-
.rate starter switch rlmotely. while rnaklnl teltl In.
1'~tU~t:r:~~~g~ ~"~ ~~g!~o:
••••••••••• (0) COMPRESSION TESTER - For chock,n, I.. ky b~I~:~f" r~~:~\c Iv~~~:~I. ItC. Prenur. reading Is "eld by ITEM 4230215 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , .
$1' .49
Appliance Tester
Don't throw out expensive appliances simply because theY Ire inoperative! Almost all breakdowns can be easily repaired if thl problem area can be readily located. This versat1le new Appliance TIster designed for the non-professional experimenter and home own· er. It will perform I multitude of tests that will show the .xact reason the appliance II not up to PIr. StIPby-step Instruction booklet will assist In testing: Tout· ers, Irons Clocks, Broilers, Hutlng Pad I. Vacuum ~~:~:{,SS!I~~~~~:ai~~~..:aas~;ls~}~:s,.(~1~~Udlng fluorThis unique tester will meuure the current consump.tion of J circuit of appliance without breaklnt any wires and while the unit I, in operation . This unit will aho do Automotive Testin,! It Wilt test the following areu; Genel"ators, Starters, Distributors, Relays, Circuit Breakers, Stop Lights, Fusls, Cigarette Lighters, Heating Systems, Turn Signals, all Lamps and Bulbs, Horns and Condensers. Will also test tubes, Including picture tube, for bu,nout or open filament, the major cause of Inoperattve tube condition. This unit may pay for itself the very
:~r":Ir;;;~~~23'~~' ~.t •• 3,'h.'~':
........ $49.95
G.T.O. POWER CONVERTER ~~~Ud In'g g~~a:;)? ;~I~u~e~ 3~UOrt~n~ooon ~a~;~~e~:n~~~g·bt~rs7;!°o'f e~r~~~:t~;.es~~~ ~ower will operate drillS, ~aw~, grinders, Impact tools. Excellent 10r soortsmen.
farmers. contractors and service stalions. I nstallatlon is easy . Weather -proof box and covor. All components a,e heavy duty . Ther" are no maintenance costs with GTO Power . Dim . 5" long x 3" wide x 3 11." deep. Wt. 21/1 IDS . Comes wilt! operatlO9 InstrUCtions. "For all cars except AMC, Jeep, Checker, and VW With
~o~~o~Wt;~~·.I~r~. . . . . . . .
. ................ $33.95
~~I'n~::E;"~,:.~cc~~~~J:n~"9~~\~"f~~s1i ~W:r, 0 0.50
tach - low 0-1200 RPM, high 0-6000 RPM PI~
~~ ..h:~S~~'. :~~~ 6a~UZ~lnUm hce dimensions: 6 V."
ITEM "230116 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (8) TUNE·UP TESTER - A sophlstfuted Instrumen
with easy to read meter for 4b6 or 8 cylinder engine
8::::0 °R~~ . t~~ri::o °R',,2~OJ:,~t:
0-24, ohms - 0-500,000 Points condition dimensions :
ri'E~ 5XHo~·;f~·~·. "':t: ~ ~b.' ....
..... . $97.9
(C) PRECISION ENGINE ANALYZER - A truly out standing Instrument for con'lentlon,11 and electron' systems 'nclude, high and low RPM dwell, high an
low volh and ohms. built-In condenser substitute an
remote start, built-In diode and sp.ark output tests
p~E~nlI23J;:~··: ~ ~.: ~ ~·:.:'~t: ~
I.b: •• • •
:'}·En~o"n;~Jd~~X.l.0~.:· ~ .":• . • • • • • • • • •
used future packed portable analyzer with extr heavy duty switches. Transistorized for use with elec .ronlc Ignitions u well u regular 19n1llons. Thh unl hu.l built-In cond.nser substitute ~nd a remote stlrt Tests: • Dwell - 0.90 0 • T~ch - low 0·1200 RPM high 0-6000 RPM· Volts - low 0-3; high 0-30· Amp -.5 to +90. Ohms · 0-100,000 Points condition. Oth,r f'~tures include built-In diode Ind outPut testers. 01 ~E)
Lu,e .V2" double-Jew.led IO'ArSOnnl) Meter . • BUrn out proof . ·OperatlJ on ether 6 or 12 volt ~st.ms
~g~ft~~~~·~yOs~.~~~n1Il~~a~:g~~:~y Tf:~s~s::.r·. N~97:!
sWltchln,. ·No lelky batterl.s, er,atlc chopper ,.IIYs or unstlble transhtor, to cause troubl •. ·Op.rates 0
New Hitch New . Built to ,tlnd hard and rough 8r.nd
uuge In all type, of towing jObs. 5"'1"' loadeo lock allures Nf. t1andling of IOlds. Ent Iy aUar;t\ld to true. or tnetor . •" hook wtth 1 '12" centre. O..,enll width , ...... Mlttnt 1'h", We~ht " tbs " ITEM 3.00950 $~4.U
to be confuMil! with H,hl wI.,h\ lub ~
,t.tutll. SUIUbl1 'or In,flllatlon on lit towln, v.rUcll' 'Quipped
wt~l~hru;~~ts· cO;pat:'~'~l :!~t hol .. for .. inch boltL ITEM 3.00143 ••• $31.5.0
20 FT. Super Duty Nylon Tow Ropes
CAMPER TRUCK MIRROR Ide.llly suited for plCkUP trucks With campers and 1 ton trucks with stake or van bodies. 6" )( 9" stainless steel back mirror "10unts on telescoping arm . AdjUSts from 12" to l8" away from door. Grey enamel
mounting .,ms have told back feature for car washes
6" x 9" MIRROR Polished Stainless Steel Mounting Frame And Mirror Casing This
eye level mm"or h,1$ excellent
on .. 11 full and mini sizt pickuPS Ind vans. Its unique .adjustable brlcket will fit .all contours. The low mount posihon .. t1ows the driver to see over the mirror. Fine t"OIYtOUIII adjustment providu a cle,t view with .. minimum blind spot. SpeCil' "Swing Away" felture permits your vehicle through car wuhu .and other
~!/~~S~2;So~ts ~ I.b~..
• • • • • .•
per pair
~~~':;·4;~3:0'~'. d.o~r.' .. v:- t; ~v: ~b.' ...... $14.95
BLIND SPOT MIRROR New Recbngul.r Stick·On Mirrors with offset r.ar mount pol), backing. ITEM 4253522 ·4" x 3" • • . . . . . . . • . • . • . $3.4 9 . . . ITEM 4253514 . 3V." x 2'12" • . . • • . • • . . .• $2. 9 9 . . .
••• "" clu,...,ue mirror wl'" four ann. and brace. xteads 15" • 25' Grey "ammerto... "eaCl •••
• ked enamel Irms and zinc COlted Ixt."Man Irm iU all trucks Wt.' Ibl.
TEM 4250403 - EACH fZO.1S N. • • .
2 For 531.'
omple'ely adjustabll. H •• d •• comp'etely fr. . turn
"' £1I1'Y replacnble ,'1115.0 Extend. 7" to
~~~":i~:;', \0. 2;': x~~!~~II';;::tH::"
t.·· horl
ACH $13 15 . • . .• ......•....... 2 For 121.' Cl HEAVY DUTY BAND TYPE MIRROR - H.D and type moun ...... wilft ,u.,Ulzer brace for ma.lmu ,dlty 7". t ,. cleu·vul mIrrOr Q'I7 hamm.rto u4l, "lack baked enamel IrnK and zille coated •• t .....
ITEM 0751339
075,354 0751362 0751388 0751396 0151404 0151420 0751438 151446 0751453 0751479 075131l 0751461
524 ts
OVERALL OIMENSIONS 4 - 15 lS " L)( l V, " 0 13 . J lf." L x 3" D ia . 3· 9 ,6 " L x 3 " 013 . 4 )J." L I( 3 " Ol~ . S'I." L x 3 " O ia. 5 '1z "L x 3 " Oi a. S " L x 3" Oia . 4 'h "L x 3'h" Oi a. S"l" L x 3 " Oia . S " L x 3 " oi~ . S " L x 3 " 013 . 4 )/. "L x 3" DUI . " l/."L)( 3 " O,a
1 " L)( 5 '6" Dia . 'Il "L x 5 16 " Ola . 1 " L x 5 16" O i ~ . l " L I( 5 16 " 013 . ' '' L It 5 16" 013. ,'/." L x 5 16" 0'3 . S 8"L )( 'I." Oia . 1 Vz "L x 5 16" Oia . 1 " L x 5 16" Oil . 1 " L x 516" 011 . l/A" L x 5 16 " Dia . 5/16 " 013 . 8 SPhne l"L
x v.. ..
013 .
SPEEOS S,n I. Sin le S,n I. SIn I. S,n le S,n le Reversible Single Reversible 2S eed Sin le 6 volt 2 SP . ReverSible SI.,gle 6 volt
2". 2'1. 2'1.
2'/1 3 3 '12
3 3 V, 2 l /. 3
PRICE 4.95 4 . 95 4.95 4 .95 4 . 95 4 . 95 6.95 4 . 95 6.95 8.S5 3.95 6.95 3 .95
"a1J m-;de from nylon cord reinforced rubber wlth .,oslUoned ... oll and mounting n~r(fwlre . ComPlet.e with ufety t'e:ftectors. (A) For use with minltruck.s and unall tra"erl. (B) For Llse with ,ingle whe.el piCkup:s: JnCl tr.ajler$ , (e) For use with dual·wtte,t .,eh'eles and IJlrge
TYDe ITEM *A 42S0296 4250304 B B
Size Wt. P,lce/pr. $3 . 19 14" J( 8" 21bl . 5 .49 18 " x 12" 3 112 Ibs . S6 .99 4250312 '8" le lS" S Ibs . 7 . 29 4250320 1 S" )( 20" Slbs. '.99 4250338 13" x 19" 4Ib$ •
No yfety reflector,
Manuhcture-d i n Canada of rubber re fnforc.e4 with tOligh tire cord , The quaHty corutructfon makes them resistant to craCking .
tearing Or bre.tking, due to cold ITEM 425034& 42S0JSJ 4250361 4250379
ExceJtent For B ack Of Tr.Jito rs Or Trucks
Dr ... were rOid conditions.
WT . 6 'h Ibs.
8lbs. 101bs. 12 lb • •
PRICE PER PAIR $7 .95 $8.49 S 9 . 29 $ 9 . 89
MECHANICS CREEPER piece, long tasting. pressed steet body only 21h:" high. ExceHent for tight or cramped Jobs. Fully padded vinYl head rest 3"W x 9 'h"L x 2"H. Four ball btUf"g swiyel cut en aflow complete mobility. All hardware Plilted to resist rusting. Finished in red b.aked enamel. Wt. 101h tbl
'T EM 4270104 -
SIZE 24" x 17" 24 10 x 20 " 24 " )( 24 " 24")( 30"
Proluslon.' Mode' ••••••
TRACTION AID - EXCluslye design Offer. super traction power on snow, Ice. and mud . When stuck , simply engage tiP into thread of both power wheels .and orlve out . Constructed of 3/8" SAE 1 ()"2D steel. Ease of .application enables women to use Traction Aid and remain independent of help from ,trang.rs. Takes very little storage space . A UfeUme prOdu c t which may pay for itself after the yery first Ume used . Three models to choose from . Regular Duty for Auto·
;'f°l~e:2~J2l~ .I~S:
........... $12.95 pr.
~~~iYo ~b~~~i~r~~:JoVt~~~ •.n~ .v.• ~s: $22.95 pr. M~r:o~~~~h~'I.lW;oW:~ ;r~~k: $39.95 pr.
An economicil and neatly corn· pacted kit of three deflectors effective day or night. Exceeds Dot Standards (FMVSS125). It
develops a minimum of 80 CP wnning beam. This Is I toully self contained unit of rugged no wear design. Molded of high Im · ' ~~-iIiI!!jII""""~ pact plastic alloys with weather· !I proof lifetime optic brilliance. The non skid rubber pads will hold the deflector In place in high winds. Reftectiwe area 45 SQuare inches. 4270146 · · . $22.95
l,,' .
sista:nt handle has off-on switch and conyenieot grounded outlet to operate power tOOlS, etc. Easy open polypropylene guard with handy swivel ha:ngil1g hook . 011 resi~tant '6/3 SJTW type cord with 3 co nauctor plug - Rated
... -
Two new models of trouble lamps
13A·125V .
Sh. Wt PRICE 2 1h Ibs. $13 . 50 4'h lb •. $18 . 95
12V Hi- POWER GLARE GARD LAMP ASSEMBLY A very powerful lamp for use during lunes. season. This a.lsembly has 100 watts output (100.000 candle power) with a power draw of 7 .7 amperes . Many possible uses I. e . farm a(ld construction equipment, truck and fleet , mun l· clpal Ind utility wehlcles, police ~nd ~m.rJency vehicles, Clmpers and R .V . vehfclel, etc. Wt.
... .. ... .... $29.95
plete w ith SO watt bulb . H .D . battery cl ips, and 18 feet of co r d : For use in ~ny 12 vou system : car , t r UCk , tractor.
~~~;;, ~is~~~~':
. . ...... $8.95
Sturd y two p iece long lasti ng p lck up sea.t covers for the often u se d tru ck, id eally su ited for year round comfort. Eas y to c l ea n a nd co m es co m plete wit h gu n po u ch , and other pouches for easy a ccessi bi lity .
$31 .95 $31 .95 • • • • • • • • • $31.95 . $47.95 . ........ $47.95
(A) ITEM 4250585 (Brown ) •• • • • • • • • • (A) ITE M 425350 6 (Blue) • •• • •• •• • •• (A) ITEM 4253498 (Black ) . • (B) ITEM 425059 3 ( B r own ) (B) ITEM 4250601 (Blue) .
Un iversa l truck seat cover for warm wInter driving . One size fits all V2 to 3 ton truck bench seilts. 2 plece construction. Easily Installed. Elastlc lzed for s(t ug fit. 10 0 % Or lon Fur Pile. Sh . WL 4 Ibs. Colour Black .
Truck Seat Covers
42525 8 1 . . . . • . . . • . • • . . • •
$ 14.!=l5
ITEM 4 252 96 1 • 8 1u e . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .• .. ITEM 4 2 5 2 9 79 · Black: , . . . . . . . , .. . .....•.
$1.98 Sl . 98
I T E M 4 2 5 2 98 7 · Grey . . . . . . . • • . • • • . • • . • . . SI.98
ITEM 4 2529 9 5 - Brown ....... , ..•..•..•. S1.98 ITE M 4 253 0 01 • Burgundy , . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . $1.98 S 1.98
I TE M . 2530 19 · B eige . . . . . . . . . • • . . • . . . • .
Tne orl o n eovers feature tough acrylic plle with t h rou9 h applic.tion aS5uri"9 snug Ht.
IT E M 4253027 · B lue ... . • . .••.••.. , ..•.. $3.49
IT E M 42 5 3035· Blacl(. ., . . . . . . . . . . . . • ,.,. $3.49
ITE M 4253043 · Grey . . . . • . . . . . • • . . . • ..•. $3. 49
ITE M 42 5 3050· S rown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ... $3.49 ITE M 4253 0 6 8 ~ Burgundy , .... . •......... $3.49
The vi nyl co ve rs a re m a n uf<1cture d of d e luxe
Vinyl, per forat e d and e mbo ssed t o create a rich leather like custom look and fee l. I ts la ce/ove r co nstl' uction, mainta i ns a tight fit and comforta bl e gri p . A va ila b le in she colours.
ITE M 4253076· Beige . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . $3 .49
BrR.V. Seats Custom seats In your y~n or truck will be the most used and appreci.ated IIceessory you c.n Invest In. These M~ts h~ve: the most modern styling with th. "CJPt~lns Chair" look. U· "Ique orthopedic frame. filled wfth an all fo~m Pildding. is engineered for both strengUl and safety. Other prac~
tiul features ' nclude: • LoCk in FOld. AWilY Arm,.est,.
.. Unique Lumbilr sLlpport. ..... I ne" F"orwud It Sack·
;:!~~~~d:r ~~,~~~;':"~;a~ 3;~;:r~!Y:' :~ISI6~~!~rn~r~~~ '5~~~~~;~ :"Alt~:!~~~'U~':I~~1 ~~;mLe~:n~r~~ ;'I~~:::-
tareSent Fabrics, which meet or exceed Federal Safety Four New ExeiUn, Styl., J nd Cotor, to Choose Fl'om. 320z n.augahyd .. with 100% nvlon yt!lour pillOw cushions,
3Je~~~?J~f:ht~~~e:i~z 1:~~J~:~yv:!O~~~u:~~et~:9~:e~~Jlted
100% nylon crushed velour and 32 oz. nlugahyde pillo\Ji' back b,rrel ,deal tD!' the back Df your Y<1n. -
SEAT STYLES .. Set Includes one swIvel drivers seat and one Iwlv-el/recnner pu-
senger lllat
includu p.edestJl
baNS. State Vear. Make It Made.
Black Black Blue Blue Brown/Brown Silver Black Price
A 4200606 4200614 4200622 4200630
4200572 4200580 4200598 4200564
42005 31 4200549 4200556
4200648 4200655 4200663 4200671
*Per Set
*Per Set
*Per Set
Snowmobile SKI &HITCH Assembly Unllmlteo uses for "The Sportsman", "The week.~Ender" "The Farmer", "The Rancher", "The Trapper". Creat your own cutter or tote sled lo your own design. Carryln Capacity 500 Ibs. Complete with plated bolts, nuts, lock washers for attaching to plywood UP to 3/4" thick.
AIo'~i llble two sizes (4' & 6') . Complete setITEM 536051'.4 ft . skis less hitch . Wt . 22 Ibs. ITEM 5360t4 • • 4 ft. skis with hite"' . Wt. 24 fbi , ITEM 5360136 · 6 ft. skis less hItch. Wt. 32 Ibs.
$39 . 95 $49.95
CA I RatClef 0-100 mplt ep..aom.ler Odomel., ,ell .,." up 10 99 " , . InDea. InCludes IIthl mounl"5~ hOle C_ ._ 1IIa-
.... 2
ITEM 5310111 ••.••••
remove pad from sealed bit and shake
~~Ok~~:!~·.~n~~n o'r\",U;&S,~~·a ~~~s~:~:St:~P~~'~
tur. Of 130°F UI.t Is sustained for 20 • 24 houn. No oder .nd no h.trmful gat. Id.el for snowmobl· IIn" Iklln • • outdoor work, huntin, &. fjlhlng, mus·
cular aches .nd pains. survival .nd emer9.ncy kits, etc., .tc. Can b. r.u5ed. ITEM 5350610
$1 . 69.a.
Unbreakable Shin less Ste.t
l5 oz. CI1>IClty ·Warranteed for thermal efficiency for five years • • No gllss to break or replace -Plutlc lined shlnl,ss steel cuo -EaS\' pour '"'No cr l p lip -Holds more. ·St.ys cool to touen -Keeps liquids tlot or cold for 6 to 10 hour... ·YsY to clean ·No rust -No
odor "E.Z Cllrry hind le. ·Portibl. ITEM 5030002 Wt. 31'1 Ib,. $4'.50 Similar to above but, 70 ot. CaPI·
f~~MW~·O~~~'io .. ... . .•.. . 512.75
51mB., to .bov., but wide mouth th.fm,' )., for hot lunc"" or cold
~,.,.rtl t .tC.
S5 OL cap.clty. Wt. 31bl. IT!:'" '''30021 • • . .• .• • ••.• $4 3.5 0
enlme' ITEM 4280213 · F,tll.n· U7twldo"od .'cku - ~ord . Do.,• • Chewrole •• G.M .C .• 1"'.rn~lIonal S.ze '70..1/. ·' lonl 11 '5 .. " ... " ..... 20~ ' /4 " w ide Wt . t 05 '".. . • • • . • • " . . . . .. SI n .oo 42'0210 - Fit. 11.7- "7. Comp.act ,..ckup, Datsun. Lu • • Scout. Cour,.f'. Si,, . 5. ,-' ttl, .. le Zov." wide. Wt. 7. Ibl.. _ $1IZ .tS S.DE COMPANION .oX - MDunll lonttft
Portable Steel Ca ~r~mr,-r,~~·-:i:ii)i~:;;;;!!!!;
.... _
WI'" O ...
.. H ...." D"", 5 ••,
• Slip ,estst."t Incline • • SUPPOrt, UP to 3 to"I when ~ n ,.In.. • No JICk .......... Drive onto rlmp .. . U fU front
:~f~ffl~;:~":.~U:~b'. INk.., enamel
.1TI£!"..!!,.'ae .................. $62JJ5 ,....I~iiii. ~~~~~ ~.•: .~~~~:... $43.95
............. Rllmp
-Wlr"" _.,' __""et .......•..'......".
U. . . . . . . ._ ~
· UM . . . C... R....
le . . . . . . . . . . . w..... 11,111 ruc .... 1IIcn_
:=':"'1:"" ___ .._ _ rIl-.
'or ..
11 _ _ ..... _ _ ""oH , . . _ . . .. Zl... _ _ .... _ _ _....... _ o f
• :"':i.. _ _ ' ... oH .........
I.,... gM',. ' Wt. U .... . . . . . . . . . $79.95
• • n ....an. ler '" and unfoldlr.I Ilwn- ,'fCH" tr.clon. IIkICl " .. r loadlrs. lo.f "rll. ,nowmo.II •• a....... ,,, ..1 IMI me.tum wI"nt mo.... eQulpmenl . Th. speclany erl'ltneer ArCh Ramp curve allow, uMer slu", aQulpmln, to c.ur U'. ramp
~:: a'::I~r;~k
rr'!~~,:~~:~~h:r:~~:~r::J :,~r:t~
at .ach eH for MCur. hookup. Dlm.ns'on~ e' 10ftl • '2" wtda. Maad,""", 10a.l.,. ha"ht: '2". M.xlmum
~~=::lr"ml~~O.O.'~.: ~.". ~5. ~":'
... $215.00
Accellor",: Aam" arrler .racket, only (Nt of .).
421"" ....................... 121.15
Our Nlw Storl In Rlllna WHI BI Opining In Spring Of " . "
num alloy with magnesium. Heat treated for maximum strength and weir. Bright diPPing and anodizing assure a corrosion resistant, mlrror·llke finish that stays bright and beautiful. Two piece design for easy one man installations. Wide 7 'h" with 2().nb around· the-edge pattern for sure footing . I splash guards Include eXclUSIY8 fleXible thermo·rubber extenders. Protect vehicles from mUd. stones, road 011 and other surface damage. fA) Fits most popular trucks . Running board extends from front wheel well to the end of the cab With front splash guards. (S) FlU most popular nns Ishort and long wheel base). Running boards extend from front wheel well to rear wheel well With splash guards at both ends. (C) Fits most popular 4-wheel drive suburbans. Running boards extend from front wheel well to rear wheel well With splash guards at both ends.
(Cl (Cl
73-80 Chevy and Yt, " and 1 ton Std . Cab 72·80 Dodg41 Yt. % and 1 ton Std . Cab 73·79 Ford ~,\i and 1 Ion Std. Cab 73·80 Chevy and GMC Vans 125 " W.B. 73·80 Chevy and GMC V.ns 110" W. B. 75-80 Dodge Vans w/sw1nglng doors 127"' W.B. 75·80 Dodge Vans w/swlnglng doors 109 " W,B. 73·79 Ford Van 138" W.B. 73·79 Ford Van 124" W.B. 76 ·80 Chevy Blner and GMC J lmmy 75-80 Dodve Ram Charger 78 Ford Bronco
4 200 002 420001 0 4200028 4200036 4200044 420005 1 4 200069 4200077 4200085 4200093 4200101 42001 27
PICK UP BOX GATE IRONS Rugged protection for eaSily marred till gate tops, ReSISts blows, bangs and knocks that dent and scratch surfaces. QUickly Installed non· rust. tough, extruded alumlnum provides clean, elegant looks. Add factory fresh beauty to tall gate tops already scratched and scu ffed . ITEM 4200135 - 1974·80 Chev./GMC . . . . . . ITEM 4200143 - 197479 Ford. ITEM 4200150 - 1974-80 Dodge
Protect your ptastlc gnlle and more Importandy your radiator With heavy duty grille guards. Constructed of expanded steel mesh With heavy duty steel bar frame Rubber moulding on vertical upnghts IS standard, In wnne and chrome. Long lastln and attractive. Wt. 65 Ibs. HEVROLET 1973·80 FO R D 1973-77 S136.00 4253102 - White 253084 - White 253092 - Chrome S265.00 4253118 - Chrome FORD 1978·79 FOR D 1980 253308 - While S136.00 42533 24 - While 253316 - Chrome S265.00 4 253332 - Chrome
Ornamental rails are also highly functional for tle~ down applications. Made from quality extruded alumlnum for extra strength. Bnght dipped finish With decorative wood grain tnm. Easy to Install. Size 7'S" fits all full SIze plckups. Approx. wt. 10 Ib~ ITEM 4200168 .. .. $42.50
AIR SCREEN Tough, functional and aUractlve. Protects the front of your vehicle (headlight to headlight) from bugs, rocks and gravel. Radlltors stay cleaner and run cooler Air Screen snaps on and off for conyenlent cleanln9 . F lbe r911ss With Vinyl trim Ind nickel -plated fasteners wc 4 Ibs CHEVROLET TO 1980 FORD TO 1979 Cle.r 4253126 S29.95 Clear 4253183 Red 4253134 S32.95 Red 4253191 Green 4253142 S32.95 Green 4253209 GOld 4253159 S32.95 Gold 4253217 Blue 4253167 S32.95 Blue 4253225 Smoke 4253175 S3295 Smoke 4253233 FORD - 1980 Clear 4253421 S29.95 Red 4253258 Green 4253266 S32.95 Gold 4253274 Blue 4253282 S32.95 Smoke 4253290
Sport type mirror gives custom look to all plckups, Yans and R. V.'s. Fully adjustable, large 6" x 9 " mirror head for excellent rear viewing Chromed mirror caSing and alummum support arm . Fits right or left hand appllcltions. Complete with mounting hardware and installation Instructions. Wt. 21bs Each
311bs. 371bs. 49 1bs, 471bs. 491bs, 471bs. 491bs. 451bs. 33 1bs, 33 1bs. 40 Ibi.
See Page 68 ITEM 0703512 Regular $59 .95 SPECIAL
With swivel type tool rest. S.e Page 11. ITEM 3405370 Regular $215.00 SPECIAL
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