· PRINCESS AUTO & MACHINERY LTD. "The Big Bargain House 01 the
West' ~
OVER 25 YEARS OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE FROM COAST TO COAST To laelp as se.rve yoa fATell, p lease .read OVER 25 YEARS SATISFACTORY SERVICE ••• Customer sotlsfactlon IS the foundatIon of our busi ness-the a im of our entore organIzatIon . Our thousoncs of sotosf,ed cus tomers from " Coast to Coost" hove helped us grow so nce our begInn ing In 1932, and through thIs confIdence we hove become one of the largest and most completely stocked Form Mach Inery, Surplus and Automotive MOll Order Houses In Western Canada . Thos growth hos proven the WIsdom of our pollCy- " GUAR A NTEED CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ". We guarantee 011 items to . be top QualIty and ,n excellent condItIon . If not ent irely satosfa ctory, return them within 15 days from dote of receIpt, In undamaged ' cond,t,on for full r efund , exchange or credIt .
SHIPPING AND REPLACEMENT CLAIMS ••• Every precaution is token to insure safe arroval of merchandIse. Our responsoblllty for loss or damage ends when shIpment IS accepted by 0 carroer . If goods show signs of damoge on a r ro v al , hove t h e car roer 's agent note th,s on the shIpping boil , sIgnIng It before accepting delivery. Then claIm dorectly w i th the r espo nSIble carroer . Under no CIrcumstances woll we recognIze claIms for labor, freIght charges or conseQuentlol damage to m ercha nd Ise, our liabI lIty for replacement beIng limIted to Items that ore, according to our judgment, defectIve in mater ial and workma nshIp os covered by the above guarantee .
RETURNED MERCHANDISE ••• We ore alwoys glad to adjust any claIm and to make good on an y defectIve materoal. Please w,it e befor e ,etu,n'''' . ny m er ch.nd .... explaIn the corcumstonces and we will give you Instructions. W h en retu rnIng goods, be sure to mark plaInly your name and address on the package and If pOSSIble attach 0 letter to the parcel. IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT OF ALL ORDERS--We ore organIzed to gIve you ImmedIate servIce on 011 orders. Most orders ore shipped within 24 hours. Wh en O,de,i...-AVOID DELAYS A . Print name ond address clearly. B. If shIPPIng pOInt IS different from postal address, be Sure to state where to sh Ip. C. Include enough WIth your remittance to cover shipping charges if there IS no agent at your statIon . All shipments ore F.O.B. WInnIpeg and ore shIpped COlLECT.
ITEM NUMBERS-Always use our Item numbers or describe when or der ing to OVOId pOSSIbility of error. PRICES--The proces listed In th,s cataloo ore the lowest prICe. prevail Ing at t h e tIme thIS book went to press . Should a ny lower proce be In effect at the tIme you place your order. you WIll automatically be gIven the benefIt of ,uch decrease . In the ev ent of a ny unavoIdable Increase In prICe, we WIll write you be f or e shlppong . All proces and speCIfIcations ore sublect to chang e WIthout notICe, and 011 offerongs In t his catalog ore su b ject to p ri or sole.
For items m.rked "Form Certific.te Required" fill out Form Certific.te Requisition on Order Form.
PRINCESS BUDGET PLAN Use our generous budget plan to finance certain purchases over $100.00. A small down payment and LOW carrying charges brings you the items ordered. Write for particulars. listing your requirements. Not applicable to tires.
Prince ss Unconditional Guarantee 15 Da y Money Back T ,ial We guarantee that every Item In thIS cata log IS honestly descrobed and Illustrated We guarontee to save you money on 011 Items purchased . We guarantee that 011 Items WIll be delIvered promptly and In good condItIon , If for any reason you ore not satIsfIed With any Item purchased, return It In the cond,t,on receIved w,th,n 15 days and WIll refund your money ImmedIately.
New Low Prices
Every T,U(k T". On This Page
Never before ,uch low pric.s for
I Guaranteed To Be Fre. From top quality truck t"u Yo u save oeafn',Chl,Sp. In Maler .. 1 And Work· 50% at P"ncess and 'Iil l get guaranteed lire performanet. m T"es Are Guaranteed To Give ...- - - - - - - - - -. .
~~~~~I~ry cS::;,'t'~n~nd~it~orm~~
Mllug. Or T,me Limil p.,nce" Further Guarantees Each T"e Against Road Hazards Such As Those Caused By Rocks, Stonts, Glall, EIC, For A Period Of b Months. Liabilily Is Limited To E'ther Replacing Tire With A New One, Based On Percentago Of Use, Or To Repair Tire At No Charge . Size
800 . 1 8 850 1 8 870 - 15 700 "18 7 50x 18 7 50 - 1 7 750 . 17 7 50 . 20 8 25x20 9 0 0 x20 1000x20 1 1 00 . 20
6 6 6 6 10
( Best Tire Value In The Country)
MOHAWK "BIG CHIEF MOIRAC' Mo ha wk " B ig Chief Motra c" (1s t Line, 1st Grade , 100 Level) A versatile ti re for m axi mum traction in e ither on or off· the·road operations. Features a massive deep cleated tread with stone-ej ec tor cen tre rib. The w ide. flat tread proportions put mo re gripping in con tact with the road surface. The complete size ra nge makes this ruCKed tire a vailable for every type usage in year-a round serv ice.
Cord Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon
10 10 10 10 12 12
Regu lar
S pecial
4795 50.95 47 .95 59. 5 S 67.40 $103 . 00 114.50 $129.00 $158.00 ~20 1.0 $251.65 $291.10
27.88 S 34.47 $ 32.00 $ 40.84 $ 49.94 $ 83.29 $ 89.83 $ 79.52 $ 87.88 $106.98 $147.70 $184.20
Tubes (Spec. )
$ 2.86 $ 3.60 $ 3.30 $ 4.00 $ 6.26 $ 6.00 $ 5.00 $ 8.96 $ 7.60 $ 9.00
$ $ $ S
$10.00 $11.00
Brand New ... Military Tread Design ... First Grade .. . First Line ... 100 L eve l • Even grip on all types of s u rfaces. • Full traction, fOl ward and reverse. • Can be used 011 front whee ls . • Extra heavy constructio n th rough o ut. Regular Special Size P ly Co r d Tubes ~25x20 10 Rayo n $14 LOO 564.50 $7 .5 0 750x20 8 Rayon $121.50 549.00 $6.95 h25x20 10 S uper Ray on $1 36.95 564.50 $7 .5 0 plain tread New- 7.00x20 - 8 Ply- With 2 Shock Pads (Equal to 10 P ly ) Facto r y F resh . Excellent for high speed and fie ld traction. Guaranteed for life against defects, plus popul a r road hazard insurance. Reg. $8 .00 -Special , Each ................................542.50 (4 fo r 5160.00 ) New Tu bes, Each ..................................... 54.95
')reak reMbilH.nce.
Princess Special ......
(Below Wholesale Prices) We have just been awarded a Large Quantity of Brand New, First Line, Firs t Grade, Name Brand Con ventional Tread Tires. ' Princess Size Ply Reg. Special 7.50.x2 0 8 $96.75 547.50 6. 50x20 8 $71.25 529.50 6.00x2 0 6 $49.45 $23.50
100 Level "'irsl LIne Fir8t Grade \ Qualily tire (or long. economical mileage. mp roved compound runs cooler, resists wear. ;{' jlh Tenacily NYLON CORD BODY-<>ffer. createI' l'\tren.cth with maximum bruise and
P ly
Ideal for Contractors, Municipalities, Etc. A Grader Tire des igned and engineered for drive wheels of offthe-road equipment. The self-cleaning tread, rugged car cass construction and sharp deep cleats insure maximum efficiency under the most gruelling conditions. Regular $270.25.
NEW DUNLOP CAR TIRES WITH LIFETIME GUARANTEE DUNLOP "CANUCK" DU lOP "SILENT TRACTION" Regular Size 6.00x16 6.40 1r. 6.:,0,16 6.7Uxlfi 7 . 10x 1 r; 7.60,,, 5
Ply 1 4 4 4 4 4
Price $18.95 21.10 23.40 21.7IJ 25.1U 27.45
Special Price
$14.96 18.60 18.35 18.26 1 (' .86 21.60
Ply 1 4
T ube
$2.26 2.86 2.86 3.46 3.30 3.30 3.85
DU LOP "RECORD Size 6 .UO,16 6.70'15 7. 10,15
Rel(u la,' Speciu l P ly Price P r ice Size 4 $21.95 $17.50 5.25:"6 6.00, 16 26.50 21.25 6.00,16 6 35.~5 28.75 6.50,, 16 4 :13.75 27.00 6.70,)5 4 19.05 23.26 7. 10x 15 4 :12 .NS 28.26 7 .60,15 4 35.90 28.70
Rejlular Price
$14.30 14.95 17 .40
$11.96 12.50 14.60
Siz.e 6. 70,15 ·i. 10x 15 7 .60x1 r; 8.00'15
P ly
ReJ(u lat'
533.75 37.80 41.10 47.80
Specia l P rice
$27.00 30.25 32.96 39.96
BEFORE • • •
12-ply Nylon equal to 36-ply Rayon. Each tire guaranteed (or 12 months, based on pcrcen tage of use. Installation time . . . 10 minutes.
Tire Size 6.50 x 16. 12-ply Nylon Cord - New tread all Traction. Beyond any doubt one of the iJest Changeovers ever set up. With a set of these on a ~ or :V. Ton Truck, you can forget about Tire overloading, as the Tire will handle more weight than the Truck can carry. This Tire will not pick up nails, glass or any sharp objects as li ght tlres do, as they do not penetrate the ply as on lighter ply tires. GUARANTEE-T ires guaranteed for 12 months , based on percentage of use. Tires for adjustment must be Prepaid. WHEELS-Due to the heavy ply we supply flat base wheels with lock rings (as illustrated), same as in lal'ger trucks. All you do upon receiving is to remove your present wheels and install (On some Units your Hub Caps do not fiL) We can supply for Chevrolet, GMC, Dodge, Fargo, lntell1ational, Ford, or any other make. De sure to give make and model also year of unit you wish to use these on . Be surI' to state number of boil holes on present whl'pls.
Stock No. G-20. Price per Set (2 Tires, tubes and Wheels ) ... ... ... ..
$95. 00
7.S0x16 11-PLY NYLON
Changeovel' to a Tire that has proven to be superior to any ~ Tire on tbe market to-day. A Tire that will handle any load on a l·ton truck. Guaranteed for 12 months depending on p rcentage of use. (Tires fOI' adjustmen t, must be prepaid). Wheels al\ steel, flat wide base witb lock ring. Ready to bolt on. Will fit all % or 1 Ton trucks. Be sure to state make and year of Truck. De sure to state number of bol t holes on present wheels. bevrolet, GMC. Ford, Dodge, lntemationa l in stoek for immediate delivery. Set includes 2 tires, tubes and wheels. Stock -0. GIO. 00 Price Per Set .. ......................... _................................ .
(" A Tire that will Outperform all Others")
These Tires are Recapped in our own shop. We guarantee full depth rubber. same as a new tire. We use only natural rubber, thus ensuring you of full value. Will give you Traction needed for grip o n ice. plow through snow, smooth riding. long wearing. All tires listed below carry a 12 month guarantee based on percentage of use on tire. Tires for adjustment must be Prepaid into Winnipeg. 7.50 x 16 12 ply ell. $42.50 7.50xI4-10 Illy (For New Model Car• • 2 for . $80.00 Trucks, using 14'" Wheel) ea . $32.50 6.50 "I 12 ply. en. . ····$32.50 2 for $60.00 2 for .. .-. $60.00 $44.50 7.50 x 15- 12 ply .. ... ..... $39.50 7 .50" 15 lH ply. Ea . 2 for .... $75.00 2 for ... _. $85.00 New Tube to Fit any or the above si.e.. Each.. ._... -_. .. _.$4.50
ArT E R • • •
All tires aircraft quality recapped with high grade rubber, full depth tread. We supply heavy 2 piece wheel for extra load . You still have your old tire, tube and wheel.
FOR 1 TON TRUCKS SUPER TRACTION TREAD 8.50x16 14-PLY NYLON CHANCEOVER rTl Here is the most populal' changeover on the market-to replace
7.00 x 17, 7.50 x 17, 7.00 x 16, 7.50 x 18, 7.5() x 16, and 7.5 0 x 15. .50 x 16 - 14 ply Nylon full recap in Supel' Traction tread design as illustrated. This tire will give years of trouble free service. A proven changeover also for dual wheel units that will a llow you to carry same load capacity with better traction in mud and snow. Wheels-2 piece to fit Ford, Chev., Mercury, Dodge, International and Fargo. In ordering be sure to state year, make and model, also number of bolt holes in present wheel. Guarantee-T ires guaranteed for 12 months based on percentage of use. Tires for adjustment must be prepaid. Stock No. G-30. Price per set of 2 Tires, Tubes and Wheels ........... . Feature~
SUPER TRACTION 8.50x16 NYLON 14 PLY (Oversize 7.50x16)
rp Fully
recapped tires. Super Traction tread as illustrated. Guaran-
l::!.J teed to carry any load you can put on a 1 ton truck. Will replace
7.0() or 7.50 x 16 tires. Will also replace 900 x 16. Fully guaranteed for 12 months ba ed on percentage use of tire. Tires for adjustment
~~~~.~~.~.~~.~.~~~:..~.~.~.~.~.~. ~.9.~:.~.~. ........................................~4 7.50
Don'l let wet weather ston your wOI·k. In sta ll lhese wide face traction tires on your combine and enjoy the ease of opralion which this extrn traction. surface and low pl"eSSUI'e will ~ive you a lso les8e n~ machine breakage nnd lowers maintenance costs. Trouble fr~e wheel and Ilerfect fit . Fits nil comb ine models.
Stock No . G47. Two 15.50 x 20- 12 ply aircraft tires, fresh stock. Complete with brand new tubes. We ~,uarantee this unit trouble free for 2 full yellrs. Wheel. are a ll steel an d made to fit your exact combi" " model. When ordering be SU "c to state year a nd make or
:::bin~::~e::m~r:; h;les on pre~~~~.~h.: I.~.: ........................ S140. 00 Stock No . G49 .
Two 1700 )( 16 10 ply aircraft lires. s lla:htly used, fresh stock, with New Tubes a nd steel wheel!'l made to fit your exact combine model. Same hruarantee 8S above. Be sure to stale year and make of combine. also number of holes on presenL wheels . Price-Complete Sel of 2 ...
.. ...............................................
Sl 5 5.00
Special 1700 x 16 12 ply Nylon aircraft tires. Fresh stock , slight. Iy used. Will fit your present Combine. Guaranteed for 2 full years. Price-Only ........ $38.50 ea.
Here is the offer you cannot afford to miss. "Princess" offers GOODYEAR SURE GRIP TIRES at an unbelievable saving to you. You can look far and wide, but you won't find another Tractor tire within miles that offers so much for such low cost. GOODYEAR SURE GRIP has the famous original open centre tread with self·cleaning straight bar lugs for more powerful pull and longer more even wearability. Notice the greater depth tread at the shoulder and ct"ntre line for greater traction. ONLY WHEN YOU INSPECT ALL OF THESE FAMOUS FEATURES, WILL YOU YOURSELF SEE WHY TmS IS THE FINEST TRACTOR TIRE DEAL AROUND. Tires Marked Super Sure Grip are Extra Heavy Duty
REAR TRACTOR SIZE 9 x 24 10 x 24 13 x 24 13 x 26 10 x 28 11 x 28 12 x 28 13" 28 14 x 30 15 x 30 14 x 34 15 x 34 10 x 38 10 x 38 11 x 38 11 x 38 12 x 38 12 x 38 13 x 38
4 (Sllper 4 4 4 4 6 6 (Super 6
6 (Super 4 6 (Super 4 6 4 6
REGULAR $52.35 $60.55 $96.50 S.G.) $133.00 $69.35 $79.35 $96.40 $108 .90 $159.70 S.G.) $208.00 $182.45 S.G.) $247.90 $88.95 S.G.) $123.15 $101.00 $116.00 $109 .75 $124 .35 $148 .90
539.96 41 46 89.00 • 91.60 64 . 60 80.60 589.60 511.10 5110.00 5139.00 $130.96 5186.40 80 •60 92.30 $16.16 508.50 04 •96 98.00 5114.00
58.16 51.46 11 •46 14.46 50.96 10 • 90 13.00 513.00 21 68 23.6 • 23.60 526.00 511.26 511.26 513.60 513.60 518.25 18 •26 19.60
TRIPLE RIB 400 x 15 500 x 15 550 x 16 600 x 16 600 xc 16 400 x 19
4 6 4
$16.95 $19 .70 $21. ·10 $24.50 $30.75 $19 . 70
510.00 512.96 $13.96 514.96 511.96 512.96
51.06 52.20 $2.60 52. 80 $2.80 52.10
4 4 6 4 6
$33.50 $34.85 $40.10 $37.35 $48.65
520.60 528.60 532.50 521.30 536.10
$3.26 53.16 53.16 53.95 53.95
4 4
TRI-RIB 650 750 750 750 750
x x x x x
16 16 16 18 18
Prices Do Not Include Sales Tax. Farm Certificote Must Be Signed.
PRINCESS LOW PRICES Good Used, War Surplus Tires At Tremendously Low Prices, You Cannot Afford To Miss Size
P ly
7.50x16 7.00x16 6.50x16
70o/c 70% 70%
$19.00 $16.00 $14.00
6 6
900x20 10 Ply Military Step Up Your Carrying Capacity At Low Cost Slightly used, 80% tread, no patches or repairs of any kind. Fresh stock. All first line tires, SPECIAL EACH .... .....................
Used tubes to fit, clean, no repairs, each ......................................................... .
Combat Tires
(with tubes)
7.50 x 20-8·ply, plus 2 shock pads (equal to 10 ply). Fresh stock. Will replace 7.00 x 20 if used in set. Grip tread. Nondirectional, can be used on fr ont wheels. A Real Buy ....... or 4 for ........................ $128.00
"Take-OFFS", 100% tread.
575.00 each
5 33 .50
4 for $285.00
A Real Buy 7 .50 x 20-8-ply Plus 2 Shock Pads (equal to 10-Ply) Fresh Stock Medium tread. Will replace 7.00 x 20 if used in a set. Grip Tread non-directional.
~a!eal .~~~..~~ 4 (or
EACH ...................
. ......................... 544.50 each
4 for $165.00
PECIAL* AME TIRE AS ABOVE "BRAND NEW" 'ACH .. .......... ......... .. ..... $69.50
Combat Tires
Built-in Shock Pads
These tires are off the latest type Military trucks. They the new high tensile rayon cord. and have proven themselves to stand up to any 10 ply tire. 70% tread, no patches or r pairs.
16 .Ply
Slate if for British or American wheels. Same size as abov not as high a tread. otherwise in good condition . Only ..................... .... · ........ ·......$22.50
... __ or .......................... _... $100.
900x20 - 8 Ply Plus 2
9.00 x 16-8-ply Ground Grip. Grade A. 60 - 70% tread, no patches or repairs. Can be used in place of 750 x 16 increasing carrying capacity. A real buy.
900x20 Ilecommended for Low Speed only, brute, rugged strength (equal to 20-ply), average weight 150 Ibs. Especially good for dump trucks , water wagons, Redi-Mix trucks, dirt haulers, and all off· the-road work. Almost Impossible to break or cut through. 0% tread, no patche or repairs. .
I Tires and Tubes .................................. $220.00
PLEASE NOTE-These tires are recapped in our own factory . We guarantee full depth tread same as a new tire, and only high grade rubber ia used. Corn pare before you buy.
6.00x16 4·ply Grip $14.50 6-ply 6.00x16 Grip 18_50 4-llly 6.50x 16 All Traction ... 16.50 6.50x16 6-ply All Traction 21.50 4-ply 6.70x15 I._50 Grip 4-ply 7. IOx15 All Traclion .. 16.50 4-ply 7.60x15 All Traction 18.50 4-ply 8.00x 15 All Traction ...... 19.50 w~ can supply same bi14es 8S above In Standard tread. same prices as above.
TRACTION MILER TREAD 9.00x20 Recap- 8 Ply Plus 2 Shock Pads (equal to 10 ply). Featuring the new high tensile cord for flexibility and strength. Full Recap . A gunr· anteed tire. Price, Each ............... $ 55.00
14-PLY NYLON AIRCRAFT TIRES AT LA T - A 14-Ply Aircratt tire to tit a standard 20·in. truck wheel. Will tit all wheel up to 7.50x20. (Height of tire al". which brings axle 2" lower when mounted. Tires are 4" lower in height than 750x20.1
For best results order in sets of 4. ti re wi 11 increase power and carrying capacity. Excellent for off· highway work , carrying heavy loads. Several hundred of these tires now being used successfulIy on loads up to 24,0001 Ibs. Price Recapped Knobby Tread Ti're with Tube .......... 2 fOI' $70.00 12 MONTH GUARANTEE SPECIAL! 4 for $130.00
=......:::--''--=----------------4 This USED PASSENGER TIRES
CH ECK THIS FOR VALUE All these tires from fresh stock. with many miles of good service yet remaining. Guaranteed to give good service and satisfaction . A "buy" you can't afford to miss. Add $1.00 for ground grip tires if reQuired . 6.70 x 15 ............................................ Each $7.00 7. 10 x 15 ...................... ...................... Each 8.00 7.60 x 15 ............................................ Each 9.00 8.00 x 15............................................Each 11.00 6.00 x 16 ............................................ Each 7.00 6.50 x 16 .......................... .................. Each 9.00 7.00 x 16............................................ Each 9.00 5.50 x 17.. .......................................... Each 6.50 Tubes to fit $1.25 each . Write for Tire sizes not Hsted above.
Same tire b8 above. not recapped. used, in AI condition . Excellent for replacing any 20" tire up to 750x20 . Tire and Tube-Only .................... $18.00
BRAND NEW FIRST LINE TRACTOR TIRES New Dunlop-Size 13-26, 6 Ply. Regular $133 .00. Special ......................$81.50 Brand New Goodyear (For grader & impl.) - 9.00 x24 8 ply. Rib Tread Special Only ..................................................................................................... $35.00 Brand New Firestone (Implement) 7.50x24 4 ply Rib Tread ....... ........................................................................... $23.50 7.50x24 6 ply Rib Tread ............... ................................................................. $32.50
All Tires Thoroughly Inspected By Experts Before Recapping Size Conventional '7I.0();X16 (6 ply) ........................................................... _ 7.5();X16 .............................. .............................................$29.95 7·.50x20 .................................................................. ......... . $40 .00 $46.75 .411.A~~~"? 8.~5x20 ................................................ ........................... . $64 .50 ~.00x20
TIRES These used tires are specially recommended for trailers and wagons (not guaranteed) . Specify "Trailer Tires" when ordering.
x 20 .................. 6.00 " 19 ................. 6.00 5.00 x ) 8.................. 6.00 7.00'" 16 ..... ............ 10.00 7.50 x 16 ............... 12.00 7 .00 x 17 ................ 12.00 6.50 x 20 .................. 10.00 7.00 x 20 ................... 14.00 7.60 x 20 .................... 16.00 8.26, x 20 ............... 20.00
5.00 x 21 ......... . .... 6. 6.00 x 16 . 5. 6.50 x 16 ................•. 6. 6.70 x 15 ................. 4.1 7.10 x IS ................ " 5. 7.60 x IS. . ..••.., 5. 9.00 x 20 . ... .. .. 20. 1.000 x 20 ................. 20. 1.100 x 20.. . ......... 20.
AMAZING VA LUES GOOD USED TRUCK TIRES Please Note: These Tires are as off used Trucks, some have minor repairs, medium to high tread. They are examined by experienced t iremen, who are Bure they will give eeTvice for value you
Day •
Used PRICE Tube
Size 7.00x15 7.50x16 7 .00x 16 7.60x16 7.00x17 7.50x17 6.00x20 6.50x20
Good Good Good Good Good Good Like Good
cond. cond. cond. cond. cond. cond. new used
$20.00 $3 .00 18.00 3.00 18.00 3.00 20.00 3.00 18.00 3.00 22.00 3.00 18.00 2.00 23.50 2.00
Size 7.00x20 7.00,,20 7.50x20 7 .50x20 8.25,,20 9.00,,20 10.00x20 10.50x20 l1.uO,.-lO
Used PRICE Tube ply st. tr . $25.00 12.50 8 10 ply st. tr. 28.00 2.60 8 ply st. tr. 25.00 3.00 10 ply et. tr. 29 .50 3.00 33.00 3.00 Good cond . 35.00 3.00 Good cond . .0.00 5.00 Good rond. Ground grip .5.00 6.00 50.00 6.00 Good used
Used 11.00 x 12 Rayc Cord. Each $ 16.0 Brand New 11.00 x fresh tire. current pr duction. Each $36.0 Brand New 9.50 x Tires . Each $18.6 (Tubes to fit New $5.00 ea.)
Individually packed, pe r pairs ing les only, first g rade war s urplus Forget about thE' hardships of winter travel, or muddy roads in the spring, with a set of these new chains on your tires. Size 6 .50x 15 7.00x 15 6 .50x 16 7.50x 16 7 .00x17 7.50xI7; 7-22 .5 9 .00x 16 9 .00x13
Truck Dual PRICE $24.00 $27.50 $29 .00 $32.00 $36.00
SIZE 700x20; 7.50-18 750x20; 8-22 .5 8 .25x20; 9 -22 .5 9 .00x20 11 00x20
Passenger Car
Heavy duty, strong welded con· truction, guaranteed value.
Tire Size Price per Set 7.50,11 58.85 8.00,11 .... 59.60
8.50x14 9.00x14 6.00x15 6.50x15 6.70,15 7. IOx15
... ... ... . .... ... .. ......
59.60 510.55 58.85 58.85 58.85 59.60
Tire Size Price per Set 7.60'15 .. 59.60 8.00'15 .... 510.55
8.20x 15 6.00x16 ... .... 6.50x16 ...... 6.70xI6...... 7.00xI6 ....... 7.60x16 ......
510.55 58.85 59.60 59.60 510.55 510.55
Duo-Trac Tractor Chains Double Yoke Construction (For all season farm work) •
Tire Size 9·11 9-31 9·3·1 9·36 ~.OO-18
9.0(l·3R 9 .00·10 10-28 10-30 10-32 10·34 IO-3R 10110-21 10.110-28 10.00-:16 10.00-3R 10 .50·11 10.50·2H
Duo-Trac as the name implies is des igned for double duty winter and summer use for any and all types, iobs around the farm . • Through using low, truck type cross chains to smooth the ride, maximum traction is obtained. • Heavy, welded case hardened double yokes connect the set of cross chains to keep them riding atop the t ire and NOT down between the tire bars. • All Case hardened double yoke mem bers are interlocked to make a continuous chain mat for smooth steady traction and to keep the cha in from rolling and tightening on the tire. • Equipped with Peerless lever lock fasteners . A simple but positive locking device that operates like a iacknife and allows a two inch leve-rage or take-up. Easily closed or opened but stays locked when in service. A New Design--Not An Imitatian. Princess Princess Special Special per pair per pair Tire Size 537.35 11-24 544.75 544.95 11 ·26 ·· 544.95 11-28 546.50 546.50 548.10 11-36 555.30 544.95 11·38 ..... ....... . ·· 562.55 555.30 12·26 · 558.95 12-38 558.95 571.95 544.75 13-24 558.95 544.75 13-28 561.45 546.50 13-38 585.05 548.10 14-24 561.15 555.30 14·30 571.95 544.75 14-34 580.05 546.50 15-2 573.90 555.30 15·30 573.90 15-32 558.95 580.95 15·34 544.75 583.00
Price $12.75 $12 .75 $ 12.75 $14 .00 $14 .50 $14.50 $16 .75 $16.00
6 .5 0x20 32x6 7 .00x20; 7 .50- 18 7 .50x20; 8-22 .5 8 .25x20; 9 -22 .5 9 .00,,20 10.50x20 11 .00x20
$15.75 $17.50 $17 .50 $18.50 $19.75 $21.50 .. $24 .50 $26.50
~ CROSS CHAINS Car, Truck, Tractor, Repair Inst ead of replace Price includes Hooks as illustrated-Length listed with Hooks. Size PASSENGER 6.00 ; 6.25 ; 6.70: (12" length). Each ... ..... ... .. ....... .25 7.00 ; 7.10; 7.50; 8.20; 8.90 (14" length) . Each ...... . 30 Size SINGLE TRUCK 7.00; 7.50 (l4 1h" length) . Each .................................. .65 8.00; 9.00. Each ............................................ .85 Size DUAL TRUCK Size TRA CTOR 7.00; 7.50. Each .95 12" length .......... $ 1.35 8.00; 9.00. Each . . 1.10 13" ........................ 1 .50 14" Tractor Chain 1 .75
Extra Heav)' Chain s P assenger & ~ Ton Will fit 6.00 x 16 6.50 x 16 - 6.70 x 15 - 7.10 x 15. This is a Chain that will give twice the service. Regular Price .' .................... _................... $16.50 Our Special ........ .................. _.............. _.. $9.25
TRACTOR CHAINS T HE TRACTOR CHAIN YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR AT A PRICE Y OU HAVE BEEN HOPING FOR. " PR I NCESS SPECIAL" HEAVY DUT Y PAD TYPE TRACTOR C HA I NS. . . . For all Field and Road Conditions . . . These chains are excellent for all round farm work and for off-highway service. The " PRINCESS SPECIAL" Pad Type Chains will giv.. you good grip and traction plus twice the wearing capacity of regular chains. _ _ _....;;;'--_ _ _ Further they can be built up by welding as they wear. thus giving you additional service. Chai n is "10". Pad Size 0/." thick . 1"10"
square. " A Real Buy-At A Real Low Price" . See sizes listed below. Size 9 x 24 10 x 24 10 x 28 10 x 36 10 x 38 11 x 24 11 x 26 11 x 28 11 x 36
Price 531 .79 36.08 37 .40 48.12 49.39 38.77 39.05 39.90 48.12
Size II x38 IIx40 11 x 42 12 x 24 12 x 28 12 x 36 12 x 38 13 x 24 i~ x 26
Size Price Price Size Price 50. 10 13 x 28 49.00 i4 x 30 57 .47 50.88 13 x 30 SO .05 14 x 32 58.68 13 x 36 59.78 51.53 14 x 34 63.58 13 x 38 51.05 40.92 15 x 24 57 .47 40 65.45 13 x 49 .00 15 x 28 63.69 14 x 24 48.12 15 x 30 64.13 56.21 14 x 26 SO.05 )5 x 32 75.29 57.9'1 14 x 28 56.21 15 x 34 77 .27 45.48 46.9'1 WRITE FOR SIZES NOT LISTED.
Winterize Your Farm Equipment NOW with "WHEEL SKIS"
Wheel·Ski (complete with chain) .. ...... (Available for front wheels on t~actors _pecial order)
. $24.50 ea('h
Any .Il .. NOT IIlted can be l upplied . Pri< .. on requelt.
Bring out that id le rat'm wa~on. Convert i t in 10 minutes . into a useful s leigh . Easy to put on and take off wit h o r without loud. Can be used on any Fn "m Wagon equipped with 6.50 x 16, 6.00 x 16. 6.00 x 15, 6.00 x 10 tires without any modifi calion. Mad~ of heavy gauge metal. Ove"all lenJ..'1.h 44 '1..". Width R". Weight or each s ki UPllrO". 31 Ibs. Capacity eQulI 1 to that o f lires used. Heavy steel constl'uction t h roughout. 1" tubular frame rigid ly braced. Replaceable 2" Steel S leigh S hoes secured in posit ion by bolts. \Vhen not in use, lnmsported in minimum amount of space in Farm WUKon . Bearing Surface on snow 8P1)rox. 272 s<luare inches. On hard gul'fnce approx. 60 sq. inches.
Mount all your implements on rubber. With aero plane tires made out of Nylon and Rayon Extra h eavy in ply. No other implement tires have as many ply or the carrying capacity as these aeroplane tires . These til'es provide maximum flotation and traction for all makes of combines. harvesters, heavy equip. ment, fa rm wagons and trailers. Take advantage of
Aircraft Slze
Tread Desi(fn
17.00 x 16
15.50 x 20
15.50 x 20
15.50 x 20
25 .00 x 28
17.00 x 20
Height Wheel Width D ia. tins.' (ins.)
43 V2
16 43 17 43 17 43 17
20 43 17 56
the ease of operation in heavy ground which our tires will give to you WC' can also supply wheels or rims for a ll sizes of tires and types of equipment Please write to us for prices on your requirements Used-in perfect conditIOn Can also supply new In most sizes at reasonable prices.
Air lb. Load lb. Press. Capacity
Tire Price
Tube Price
Recommended Use
Combines, Scrapers, Arches. Graders, Scrapers, Arches. Graders, Scrapers, Arches. Graders, Scrapers, Arches.
Scraper, Arches.
23 1h
Scraper, Arches, Heavy Equipment. Scraper, Arches Heavy Equipment. Combine, Scraper.
Wagon, Implements.
Wagon, Implements.
Wagons, Implements
Combines, Trailers.
Trailers, Buggies
Implements, Wagons.
Implements, Wagons.
Trailers-House Moving Trailers, Implements (Small). Trailers, Implements (Small).
Trailers, Implements (Small). Trailers, Implements.
Trailers, Wagons.
56 19
34 x 9
Ra yon
34 x 9.9
x (U;
47 16 34 8 34 10 30 8 44 15 26 7
9.50 x 12
30 x 7.7
27 9 29'h 9'h 30 9
ll'h 4
10'h x 4
10 4
18.00 x 18 9.00x6
12 8
Rib Smooth
Nylon,!l8 18'h Nylon 22 6
24 x 12
36 x 16'h
24 7 36 10
GUARANTEE hi~ tire is guaranteed for olle year. If tire fails for any reason oth er than under-inflatioll, we will rep lace at no co t. F.O .B. Winnipeg.
CHANGE - OVERS 14-Ply 20" Aircraft Tire For Trucks-Trailers-Implements Here is a real value in a 20" tire that we know will give years of service on trucks trailers implements, ma ch inery, etc. Height of tire 31" which bri;lgs axle' 2" lower when mounted. Tires are 4" lower in height than 7_50 x 20. Several hundred of these tires are now in use with exce ll ent results. Will fit all standard 20" truck wheels. Excellent for pulp or off-highway work , Smaller tires allow more power in higher gear range. These tires are off current model aircraft thus ensuring fresh tires plus future availability. Carrying Capacity: 8,000 Ibs. each ,
Special We can supply above tire with tube and whee l (as illustrated) to fit any hub.
.______....... _............................ _ . . _ _.......... _........ _......._......... $28.50
(In ordering state !'\o. of bolt holes, model and year of vehicle or if for implements, send cut out of hub showing holes.)
1700 X 20-16 Ply Nylon Tires This tire is heing used on all types of construction equipment with better s atisfaction because of greater flotation and greater carrying capacity. This 1700 x 20 tire rep laces any 1600 x 20 of any ply with better satisfaction because of its construction material that is made of nylon cord that is not being used in regular earth-mover 1600 x 20 tires. The heavy ply construction assures you of remarkable service and unusually long tire life as well as trouble free operation. Ideal for free rolling scrape rs and road graders. Used Tire--Clean, no repairs, high tread. Only .................. Used Tubes (to fit) ... --.... -........ -.... -.... -................. -............ -.. ---................ -$ 1 5 .00 Wheels- 20" extra wide, heavy truck type, to fit 1700 x 20 Tire. Only ._ ......... .. _.. __ ... _.. __ ........................ _. ___ ...........-.......... --.........--...................... $ 30.00 DIMENSIONS-Height 46". Width 16". Rim Diameter 20". Maximum Load Capacity approx. 20,000 Ibs. Weight of tire 130 IQt .
56" Hub & Assembly
65 .00
MODEL HWA-99 and HWA-100 EXTRA HEAVY AIRCRAFT HUB AND WHEEL ASSEMBLY Prices Build your own logging arch or New 16 P ly Tire ............$110.00 super hub changeover-featuring Used 20 Ply Tire _...... ..... 90.00 the biggest aircraft tire bargain. 25.00 Many manufacturers of original New Tube --.. --.... -........ -.. -... equipment are using thi!) set up, as Wheel (as illustrated, less tire and they realize the saving in cost, plus tube- 10 hole or not drilled 135.00 the better features of AIRCRAFT Hub (as illustrated) ..... -66.50 TIRES. Tire Dimensions-Height 56", Width Model HW A-99-Complete 21". Rim Diameter 26Y..", Weight assembly including NEW tire, new of tire 215 Ibs. Ail' pressure 75 Ibs. tube, wheel and hub ... - 318.50 Ca rrying capacity 28,000 Ibs. Model HW A-lOO- Complete Hub Dimensionsassembly including USED tire, new Slub Length 9%", tube, wheel and hub .. _ 296.50 Hub Circle 11 1(.. " , No. of Hub Bolts 10. YOU SAVE BY PURCHASING Weight of Tire, tube, wheel, hub COMPLETE UNIT and stub axle : 505 Ib5.
General Purpose wheels for golf carts, dairy carts, s hopping carts , gaI'd n wheelbarrows, scooters, hand trucks. and many other practical uses. Hobbyists eve ry day find more and more uses for the. e handsome wheels in its good variety of sizes. These are heavy duty speed wheels and will can,), a larger load capacity than most wheels on the market. SPEED WHEELS--NYLON BUSHING TYPE (Medium Duty) Will (it ',4" sha ft. These wheels Hre equipped with ny lon bu shings which a re proving very I'<>pular. Nylon Bushings are s m ooth and hard. long-lived without oiling, and with an ocra.lonal drop of oil a lmost wear-proof, and do not rust in wet condition s. All wheels equipped with semi-pneumatic live rubber tires (a8 illustrated). Price Load Item No. Size $1.60 650 6 x 1.50 60 $1.70 60 812 8 x 1.25 $1.90 100 875 8 x 1.75 $2 .30 lOO 1075 10 x 1.76
Same as above "i ll fit 'h" s h aft. Equipped with precis ion ball bearings . You can U8e cold-rolled steel rounds for axle stock and build up practically any equipment des ired . Come with seml· pneumatlc live rubber tires. For heav ier duty use : Price Load Item No. Size $1.95 60 104-E 6 x 1.50 $1.95 60 107-G 8 x 1.25 $2.40 lOO 109-S 8 x 1. 75 $2 .65 100 241-H 8 x 2.00 2.95 lOO 317-N 10 x 1.75 $3 .20 125 458-P 10.50 x 1.75
Self trailing. Size 14.50 6·ply 5" wide, 12'12" high. Carrying capacity : 1,500 lbs. 1 %" mounting s haft 6" long. Price, comp lete as illustrated ............................................. ..... .......... .. 521.50 Tire, tube, wheel and bea rin gs (less brackets and shaft) ............. 515.50 COMPLETE CASTOR AS ABOVE
New aircraft tire and tube. Size 12.50, height 10", width 3 11l"-carrying capacity 1255 Ibs.-4" hub, steel wheel with bearings---3xle bore s~" . Complete castor .......................................................................... ... '" . .. 516.75 0BRAND NEW WHEELBARROW WHEEL
4.00x8, 2 ply. All met a l pressed steel wheel, roller bearings. Only ............... ............................................................................................... ·510.95
GJAIRCRAFT TIRE AND TUBE This tough little tire only 10" hiJ<h can carry heavy loads makes pu. hin}! or I1Ulling much easier - excellent (0'" J)C'rtable small ~hol' equipment, home ca rt!i or garden WHg-on s . Dimen sions:- hei g-ht ]0", widlh 3". wheel diam . 4", bol·e for axle r'ri" , air press u re 511.00 30 lb•. T ire . tube. wheel. "ith beal'in!<8 ..
'41 5.50
Terrific Value-
(O versi ze for Wheel-barrow) 6 ply tire, 1 " high. and "Rim Dia. Take offs, no wear; Practically New. SpeCial Each ..................................................................... ·· .... ··· 58.75
Individually Boxed
Kit Comprises 8-foot length of 'A!" cable eyed at each end. 2 heavy-d uty cha in s each 3 feet long; hook s and eyes. Assem bled length: 14'6" ove rall. (14 feet6 inches) . Shipping weigh t approximately 55 lbs. Value _.................................... _.... ............................... $2 .00 Onl y ......................................................... ··· .... 57.75
BRAND NEW TRACK ASSEMBLY Army surplus, 18 inches wide, 33 pads on rubber covered steel tracks, overall le ngth : 18 feet. Approximate diameter : 7 feet, depending on size of wheelS used. Build your own snowmobile. PRICE PER TRACK12 Special Reduced to ........................................... ·580.00
( The SMALL Power Pump with the High Capacity ) To F it Any Tractor Power Take-Off
This easily mounted, easy-to·use air pump jg mad in the best tradition of German workman hip from highest Quality material. This Pump ('an be used for inflating tires , spraying paints and insecticides and fOl' filling air tanks. CAPACITY-Up to 150 Ibs. per square inch.
Double ba ll bearings on crankshaft give easy run ning performance to minimize wear. Designe originally for power-take-off connection, the pump~ are algo adapta ble to pulley drive from stationar) engin s or other drive hafts that will deliver 500-550 R.P.M. to the pump. The Komag A i r Pump comes complete with mount· ing brack ets, 18 feet of pressure hose with pres sure gauge installed in hose. apJ:!rox. 14 Ibs. SpeCIal prIce ....... .................... .
( F .O.B. Winnip eg)
"Condition -Aire" VENTILATING FANS BUILT FOR A LIFETIME OF HEAVY DUTY SERVICE We are proud of their sturdy efficien t design a nd pr oud of the low, direct-to-you prices at which we sell them . And what a job they do · .. it's almost unbelievab le. For exam ple we' ll.gua rantee the 20-in . model to cool down an entire big 6 room house in 30 minutes or less · .. so that the entire family can sleep in re laxed comfort ! It's a lmost like m agic! Removes hot, st uffy indoor air . , . quickly and quietly! Cools your entire house, crea tes a constant flow of cool refreshing air th rough every room. Ideal for ga rages, restaurants, taverns an d stores .. . removes odors fast at low cost. P erfect for a ll farm buildings in the winter too! Especially for dairy and chicken buildings. K eeps your stock d ry a nd comfortable .. . helps to increase productio n. K eeps store d feed in better condition · .. reduces rust and tim ber rot . Choice of three sizes. H eavy welded steel frame w ith pre-drilled mounting holes. J ust cut out opening a nd bolt in place. Equipped with continuous duty, slow speed electr ic motor. Can be operated manually ... whenever you wa nt cooling, just plug it in ; or for automatic control make sim ple hookup to a ther mostat or time switch. EASY TO IN TALL There 's noth ing to installLng these fa n s . They were designed to be put into operation quickly a nd easily! Full Installing instructions are included with every fan . For permanent installation. merely make a sImp le frame of 2x4 lumter and bolt or ~~rew {an frame in place. For a quick home in~tallation . set fan in attic window and fasten to Jambs wIt h wood screws.
Openin g
16-in. 18-in. 20-in.
292 5 3600 4 100
18x 18-in. 19x 19-in. 21x 21-in .
P rice
Cat. No.
191bs. 271bs. 30 lbs .
$33.50 38.50 53.50
C365a C36 5b C365c
HEA TU~C AND VENTILA TINC FANS Buy Direct and Save • Easy to heat stubborn cold rooms • Forced warm air circulation does it • Be comfortable, yet, save on fuel
One of your rooms hard to hea t ? ... then just install one of these fans in your furnace pipe, conne ct to any 110-120 volt electric wire and your room will be as warm as toast. Cuts your fuel bill too! ... gets more heat at lower furnac e temperature. Also can be installed as a venti la ting exha ust fa n in kitchen, removes all cookir.g odors an d smoke in a jiffy! Smooth, quiet-running fan moves huge volume of air (400 to 600 c.f.m .). Powerful, continuous d uty motor operates on 110-120 volts A .C. Complete in section of pipe as shown .
F it 8-in. pIpe, 6-in. fan blade. Wt. 5 lbs. ....
... $ 9.85
CIOa. Fit 9-in. pipe, 8-in . fan blade. Wt. 6 lbs. ......
CIOb . Fit 10-in. pipe, 8-in . fan blade. Wt. 7 lbs. ...
CIOc. FIt 12-ln. pipe , 10-ln. fan blade. Wt. 8 lbs.
WEATHERPROOF TIE-ROD SHUTTERS C577. Wt. 10 lbs .... C577a. Wt. 12 Ibs. C577b. Wt. 14 lbs.
$1 5 95 $14 95
Order Tie-Rod Shutter at the sam e time you order your fan . Open and close autom atica lly . .. as fan goes on and off! Keeps out snow, rain and wind . . . wind will not open them. Tie-rod construction assures uniform .action of a ll shutters to 90 degrees. Size listed below fits fan size above. I6-in . size .. _ _ ........__ .__ .. $17.95 18-in. size .................. _........ _.. 1 9.60 20-in. size .. .... . ..... _. . ..... 21.50
BARN THERMOSTATS Barn Fan Thermostat. 20 to 65 degree range. Can be set to operate at any desired temperature within the above range. Takes all the guess work out of ventilating your buildings. Just set
H ea.vy Duty 12-l n . Size . Larger full y encased motor. Ideal to use as exhau st fa n i n r est a ura nts. spray booths, poultry houses, etc. 12-in. duct size, 100 in. fan blades. pOd . Shippi n g wt . 12 lbs. Speci a l F a ctory Price • H eavy Du ty 10- in . Size . Fully e n cased motor. C IOe. Fits 10-l n . pi p e, 8-ln. fa n bla d e. Wt. 11 lbs. •
Ibs ............... ............
ATTIC THERMOSTATS Attic Fan Thermostat for the Hom e. Has a range o f 5() to 90 degrees. Will make your fan completely a u tomatic . . . just set it and forget it! Will shut off o r turn on fan when temperatu re is
2 Ibs .................
$15.75 13
APPLICATIONS OF To actuate and control machines and equipment. simply, econo mically, and dependably. Smooth efficient cylinder POll r ran be profitably employed fur practically every l1Ppli('atioll \I hrrt' there is a push, pu l l, lift. press. claml) Or control pn"blem . Cylinder Power can speed up product ion, illlp: ove performance. redu('e manua l effort. and save produ tion costs. These Hydrau l ic components represent the ultimate in desi~n, engineering and metallurgica l sc¡ience. and have been built to th exac¡ting speci fications. They have proven very popular with farmers and machinists throughout Canada, and we have sold
Bu ild your own labor savings devices with these mast assemblies. E ach m ast assembly is complete, including hydraulic cylinder, sprockets, chains, crosshead, roller, channels, cross braces and carriage. All lift capacity ratings and load centers are computed for lift truck applications measuring from mast assembly to center of load on forks. For elevator or ramp uses, you may double the rating for straight lift.
SERVICE CASTER MAST ASSEMBLIES Maximum Buda 2000 lb. Lifting Height T elescoping M'ast & Lowered Height Price Load Center Item No. 48000 4000# 15" & 24" 130" Lift ColI. 83" $275.00 Load Center No. 49001 4000# 15" & 24" 144" Lift $295.00 Load Center ColI. 102" 4000# - 24" 144" Lift No. 49004 $325.00 Load Center Coli. 105" No. 49150 6000# - 24" 180" Lift Load Center ColI. 119" $350.00 (Shipping W e ig ht approximately 1500 Ibs.)
Item No. 428 Hydraulic tank 16 gal ................................................... $16.95
Item No. 55 Hydraulic pump 8 C.P.M. .. ............................................ $45.50
Item No. 226 Hydraulic valve ...... $17.50
Item No. 72 Hydraulic fil ter .......... $4.75 Hose and fittin gs a s needed.
Hydraulic mast a s sembly
HYDRAULIC POWER thousa nds of com pone n t parts of e qu ip m e nt to sa tis fi ed cu sto· mers. W e are YE'ry proud o f our lin e of H yd ra uli cs a nd feel that units bu il t from it wi ll give com plete sa ti s fac tion . W e ca n con· fidently say a bout a n y of t his m erc ha ndi se- " You mu s t be completely atisfied or your mo ney w ill be (' hee rfull y r e fund e d ." -For loaders. presses or hydra uli cally po we r ed imp le m e n ts. thi s equipment will give top perfo r m an ce with a minimum outlay. A fully ex ten ive Hydrau li c Man ua l i ava il a bl e as a su ppl em ent to this catalogue. which we wo ul d be ve r y pleased to m a il to you hould you be interested in co n s t r uctin g a hyd rauli c circuit, u sing the equipmen t listed he r e in.
Th is is a complete H yd ra ulic System , readily adapted to all m a k es a nd m od els of Tractors. Power Take-off driven. o perates sm oot hly a nd e fficiently . The depth control Cylinder 1'\030H8w ill lift 7068 lbs. at 1000 P .S .!. Includes our No. 29KJ pu m p 400 to BOO R.P.M . Counte r-clockwise 15 gallons per m inu te. No. 126 Val ve w ith hardened Spool for long life. oil R eservoi r w ith fi lter . Our 1'\0. 30~3 De pth Control Cylinder, A n chor a nd Cha in Bar , 2-4000 Coupler with Clamps and Dust Pl ugs, power tak e -off coupler, one 5 ft . low pressure H ose, five 5-ft. is'' w ire braid H ose . All fittings necessary are supplied as a complete ready to operate, Unit. You save on the complete Unit . Special S a m e un it as above with
$159.00 $169.00
NEW "PRINCESS 12 VOLT FINGER TIP ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC UNIT" Compl e te and ready to go. All that is necessary is hose and cy linder to give you a complete Hydraulic System . E liminates su ch problems as power·take· off. unive rsal jOints and drive shaft. Assembly i ncl ud es 12 Volt dust·proof e lec tric motor and hydraulic pump, tank, solenoid switch, 4·way cont rol valve, a ll n ece s sary wiring and fittings on unit. Excellent as plow lift. State if s in gle or double a c ting cylin der being used . We can a lso supply in 6, 24,
32 volt. .' . . No. PB·61- Prlce per Ul1lt ............................. .. .......... ...................... .. ..
BRAND NEW HEAVY DUTY HYDRAULIC SYSTEM KIT A. 2· 3"'~2" No. 6 Double Acti n g H yd ra ul ic Cylin· de,·s. E"ch "aled 7,1I68 lb • . Lift with 1, 000 P S I line III·ess ure. Steel s h aft.
E . I· 2 foot hose fo r piCk-Up. 2- 3 foot hoses. 1 for pressure, 1 for return; 4- 6 fOO L cy linder hoses. A ll hoses y,, ' hi g h pressure ho. ,, ·.
B. I-Four-Way Control Va lve. N o. 126. May be used with 1. 500 PSI Hyd rau li c System . C. 1- Logan Heavy Duty H ydrau lic Pu m p . N o . 29 . Rated at 6.5 GP M at 1800 RPM at 1000 P SI usin", 4.2 H P . Slate if for P '1 U or Crank Shaft Drive. D. 1- 3 gallon OH Re~ervoir with p ipe t h l'ead con nections. Built (or easy mou n ting. Item No. 58. complete with bui lt-in 8creen (or clean in g: o il.
F . All ne cessa J'y fittin )(s and couplings lo cornIl lete th e kit. ready to in s tall. System ope ra t es double - a cting hydr a ulic cylinders s imUlta neous ly. with pressul'e in both direction s . All connec t io ns are pipe or pip~ fittings. T his system is capa ble of lifting a tota l weight of over 14 ,000 Ibs .
cy li nder in
For -
cata l o~ue .
Ju st add
0 1'
$165·00 s ubtract difference to
Snow Plows To Dump Fann Wagons Adjus t Depth of Plows Hydraulic Press
COM PLET E KIT CON S ISTS O F: I WALKER HYD R AIJLI C H A N D P UMP - RATED 1500 Ibs . pe r Sq . Inch with 2 Gnl. Hydraulic ReHervoir. • Release Va lve. • Fi ller P lug a nd Ai r Vcnt. • 28" steel hand le . • 1- 6' lenh"lh double wi"e braid rubber covered H ydra ulic H ose. 1- No. 50~ Single ActinIC Cylin der. (StroKe 8 31," Bore ~ ', ~ " Overa ll Length 2814") PRICE COMPLETE K IT AS A BO VE S pecia l Item No. P 419 WALKE R H YDRAU LI C H A ND PU MP (As described in above Kit) Pu mll Ass'y O n ly .-...... --.- ................... _........ -..... $25.50
Item No. 503 Cyl (As de.cribed in above Kit) Cylinder Assem bly O n ly -...-............... -.... - .. - ................... -.... ....... -....$12.75
WIDE SPEED RANGE REVERSIBLE PUMP Ideal for P.T.O., Belt or Crankshaft Drive FEATURES: • Light Weight • High Efficiency • Fully Balanced Vane Pump • Rotation Optional • Four Position Inlet • No Load Starting MODEL VB127 VB97 VC161 VC241
GPM 12 9 16 24
%0" in %0" in
]~ "
out %" out in 1" - %0" out 1" in %0" out
R.P. M.
400·20Q() 400-20QO 400·2000 400-2000
49 50 49.50 . 72.50 $72.50
Here is the most dependable hydraUlic pump for use on Farm and Industrial purposes. Due to the wide speed range this pump has been used very successfully to replace caterpillar front end mount hydraulic
CEROTER HYDRAULIC PUMP Can be run with I-A Belt. Speed 2000 to 3500 R.P.M . clockwise rotation. %" Standard Pipe pick up, 'n" pressure line, built in relief valve set at 1000 P .S .I. Will deliver 4.5 gallons per minute at 2500 R.P.M. This is a ball bearing type pump that will give good service. 'n" Shaft-flange mounting, Especially designed for belt drive. Our Special .... ..... .... .. .... ..... ...... $23.50
HAND PUMP ITEM NO. ll-Used for hydraulic jacks, presses, hoists, and other hydraulic applications. For operating hydraulic cylinders to pump oil or hydraulic fluid under pressure. Hand pump has built-in check valve and is capable of delivering 1000 lbs. of pressure. Has alloy aluminum housing. Dimensions: 8" long x 3'n" high x 2%" wide. Complete with handle . Shipping weight 3 lbs. $45.00 value $9.75
VICKERS MF 9 HYDRAULIC PUMP OR MOTOR Punnp is compact, powerful. rated 1000 P .S .I. , 8 gal. per mm . at 3150 RP.M. Change rotation by reverSing flow . Delivers UD to 6 H.P. as a hydraulic motor Requires '., to 6 H .P . to drl\,e directly or by pulley. Mounting kit has been especi.lIv des igned to prOVide maximum utllitv and ease of mounting MJo' Series Vlckers Pumps. Brackets are constructed of die cast aluminum ; shaft is made of ',' steel with one end splined to fit pump . other end of shaft has machined flat for mountine a standard puU"y WIth '.,' hole. Mounting plate shaft runs in ball bearings. (Uses '2" tublne fittmel. Complete as shown. No. 38A
Item No. P430 EATON POWER STEERING PUMP Pump is equipped with oil reservoir, pressure relief valve and restrictor valve. Rated up to 900 P.S.l., 2% GPM, with %," shaft with key way for pulley drive. 2 bolt flange mounting. Pressure port has fitting for %" hose - return port has fitting for l1z" hose. Dimensions: 6" x 5" x 8". Shipping weight 17 lbs ................ _. __................... __ ... __ ....... ________ .$22.75
Brnnd New Bendi" Electric Motor and Hydraulic Pump . Operated directly off 6 or 12 volt battery (with I>ush-button contro l. when used with a so lenoid switch) . Low nmpel'uJ,:"e Urn w. will not harm battery in normal use.
Eliminates such problems as Power-l:Ike-off. Drive Shafts. U-Joints . e tc.-saves space. h smoot h. Quiet operating and easily detached when not In use. Excellent for nil types of farm e<)uil)ment. Will produce up to 1000 PSI. Pump ha. 1;;' pipe thr~ad outlet. 'j4 " inlet and b,!i1t ~n adjus table relief valve. Shipping weIght 24 Ibs. Thts pump can a lso be supplied 10 2·1 volt. Same price.
A PRINCESS VALUE "BERRY" HYDRAULIC PUMP OR MOTOR No. 166 As a pump rated 12 G .P .M. at 1800 R .P .M. pressures up to 1000 P .S.! . using 10 H .P . Recommended operating s peed 1725 RP.M. As a motor rated maximum H.P . 14. 1.56 cu . m per rev . dIsplacement . torque rated at 225 lOch pounds at 1000 P .S .I. speed range up to 2430 RP.M. '," sta ndard shaft with keyway ; '/, " pipe thread inlet and outlet ports : ~4. " pipe thread drai n hne. Ball bearing construction . Dimen sions : 14",' x 6', " x 8" . Wt. : 65 Ibs.
All B erry units are instantaneous ly reversible . Any unit may be ooerated as a pump or motor without any alteration whatsoever. Since back-pressure 15 not a requirement for operation as either a pump or motor. one source of heat frequently assocIated With hydraulics is eliminated . End casings are designed for high pressures to allow series operation of pumps o r motors. The selC-valving Interacting rotary pistons insure conll!'luous , smooth- positive flow . A column of liquid under pressure. directed at the rotary piston of the Berry flu id motor, positively forces rotauon. even at lowest speeds. Use the Berry unit as a pump-motor-brake. All UnIts are deSigned for overhung belt . chain or gear drives. $59.50 8 G .P .M. at 1200 R .P .M .
TH E LOGAN HEAVY DUTY PUMP No. 29A LOGAN HYDRAULIC SLOW SPEED PUMP - Heavy duty reversible pump wit h 'j4" standard shaft with flat side for mounting U joint. coupling. etc. Has :)1." standard pille inlet and outlet pOI·tS . Ideal a. R reversible s low speed pump suitable for PTO d";ve. or for use as a truck hoi st pump. Capacity 8 GPM at 1000 PSI at 600 R P M . Speed range for best resu lts 400-1000 RPM . Item No. 29A ....... .............................................. ................ ... ................ ·.······· ····· ... ......... ·· .. .·····.··.$35.00 BRAND NEW - for opel'ating hydraulic cy linders and hydraulic motors on tractors. etc. Delivers 6.5 GPM at 1800 RPM a t 1000 PSI usi n g ·1. 2 HP . Has 'h " pipe thread inlet. :," pipe thread oullet. ')I," shaft with fl at and keyway for direct or pu lley drive. Has flange with 4 bolt holes for convenie nt m ou ntin g. Shipping weigh t 22 Ibs. Overall dimen . 7" Lx 5\6" W-A $105.00 value . (Item No. 29) ... .............. ... ............................. ..... ....... ..... .............................................$29.50
HYDRAULIC PUMP No. 29 KJ CEAR TYPE NO. 29KJ - Ideal in industrial app licat ion s an d for opel'8ting all hydraulically powered fa rm imple· ments inc luding loadel's, stackers. 8wathers, plows, etc. This hi gh preSSure pump is built to extremely close tolerances and features semi-h ardened gear •. close gl'ain Iron housing. relief va lve, permanent or tol'que bar mounting, 90% den se bronze s leeve beurings. hal'dened gear s hafts ",found to a
hi((h fini sh . Has :y. " pipe tap inlet, outlet. Shaft diam. I", length 2\.';'.
pipe tap
Pressure ........................ 1000 P SI Capacity .... 12 GPM - 400 RPM Speed Max . ..... ............... 800 R P M Rota tion ............... _......... Counter Clockw Ise On ly Weight ................. ............... 22 lb •.
ThIS hehral gear type pump IS designed for applications re qu iri ng higher pressures or In'eater speeds. An extr~mely efficlent shaft sea l recommends it (or direct. eear or belt d..,,,es. It h~s estabhshed a reputation for efficient operation and dependability on Implements. industrial tru,.ks. tractor loaders. m achin e tools. construction machin· ery and for power steering .yste m s. It IS particularly suitabl e for front end drive direct Crom the engme of tractor or road machinery. FEATURES-Helical gears WIth contour speCiall y selected for Quiet operation . Reve ... ible rotallon-ExceptlOnally compact dLSlgn : 5'," h ig h . 7", " long. 5',," wide . ShiPPing weicht 18 pounds-Shaft deSll1n to accommodate various drlvmg mediums - DelIvers 8 G .P .M" as a pump. at 1000 P 5 .1. . u smg 6 H .P . : s Deed range 1200 to 1800 R.P.M" maximum speed 2200 R.P.M . D elivers up to 9 H.P .. as a motor. wIth )17 cu In . per rev . displacement and a speed range of 700 to 2000 RP.M. "," pipe thread Iniet and outlet ports. '," drain port. ' . .. . sha ft with key way a nd flat for direct or pulley drive-Extremely dense cast Iron and s!)ec lally select-ed alloy steels combined for durabillty-A minim um of moving parts-Standard t w o - bolt magneto /lange mountin!:. Also avai lable with foot type mOunting bracket. PUMP Complete Pump with Mountme Bracket $50.4,;
HYDRAULICS M.del HMSO Float Position Valve
HYDRAULIC CONTROL VAL VE No. 126 with adjustable relief valve
USE To provid e a float position on st andard 4-way valv es ( Double - acting Cylinders ) as us ed and r equired on snow plows, bull dozers, and similar equipment. Pressure Range .... 0 to 1000 P.S. I. Capacity ....7 GPM @ 15 Ft./ Sec. All Openings ...... Yz" Pipe Thread ITEM - HM50 ..................$10.50
• • • • • •
Smooth. Positive. Easy ontrol Fully Balanced-Self Centerln~ .. Mountinlf Holes on Bottom Buill - ln-AdJustable-Rellef Valve Easy Mountln,. Hardened Spool Capacity : 16 GP M Press ure RanA'e : - 250 to 1500 PSI . Open Center Provides Un· load l n~ of Pump When Handle Is In Neutral Po si tion .
SP-STANDARD & SPYT HPOWER BEYOND VALVES" S P3-SP 4 OPEN CENTRE· SPRING LOADED "BALL·HOLD" VALVE (For Sing le or Dou ble Acting Hydraulic Cylinders) With ch eck valves built into Model SP Valves, loads cannot be dropped a s direction is cha nged - positive cylinder movement is always maintained, and no momentary reversal of the cylinder is possible as valve is opera ted. Check valve assures "Positive Control." NOTE w h en ordering state whether double or single act ing cylinde rs are to be used. Perfect for front end loaders, stacke r s, land levelle rs, dumps, soil movers and General Industrial Hydraulic Uses. Dimensions- %" Flow, Yz" Ports to cylinders, Capacity 20 GPM. Has built in relief valve adjustable to pressures from 250 P S I to 1500 P SI . R eplaceable, hardened seat in relief valve assures long service and elimination of costly repairs or possible replacem en t of t he w hole valve. Valve is precision engin· eered and quality built to give outstanding and long lasting performance. "If more than a bank of t hree S P valves are required, they must
be preceeded in t he system by a P OWER BEYOND SPYT Valve. Write for additional information .
SP3-WAY & SP4-WAY VALVES Mode l SP- l Spool .......................................................................... $23.50 Model S P -2 S pool .......................................................................... $38.50 Mode l SP - 3 Spool ........................... _.............................................. $53.50
POWER BEYOND VALVES Model SPYT- l Spool .................................................................... $26.00 Model SPYT-2 Spool ...................................................................... $41 .00 Model S P YT-3 Spool .................................................................... $56. 00
RELIEF VALVE Item DR-7S Differential type. Precision Built to give lo ng and smooth performance. Valve can be used as a constant working valve or a Hydraulic system protecting valve. Adjustable from 500-1250 PSI. Flow, lh" Return. Price each ..............................$10. 50
HICH PRESSURE CLOBE VALVE NO. 380-Designed tor 3000 P .S.!. aircratt hydraulic systems - %" pipe thread ports - aluminum alloy body-alloy steel shaft har dened bronze valve seat. Dimensions: W. 3lli1 x H. 51h'" x D. 2". Shipping Wt. l~ lbs. $4.•5 N
A 4 way hydraulic control designed to actuate one set of double acting cyhnders. Fully balanced plunger type-for operating loaders. stackers. push-offs. dum!> . sot! movers. land levelers. trailing Implements. and general Industnal uses. Effortless to operate even at pres ures of 1500
ITEM NO. 35V Vickers 2-way quick return valve manually operated b y pus h button on top of valve. Ideal for use as a control valve where a single acting cylinder is lowered by gravity. When button is depressed , oil by-passes. Suited for use in h ydrau lic circuits up to 1000 P .S.I . Push button is usually operated by a lever arrangement to give sufficient power to operate it. Strong spring provided for out travel of button . Uses %" pipe fittings. EACH ...... $3.95
PSI High pressures within the valve are always equalized or balanced therefore the unit never becomes pressure locked in any position . The seU-centenng or seU-neulrahzlng feature means that when the control lever IS released. It automahcally returns to a neutral or hold position . They can be u ~d as single units or be mounted in senes oC an y com-
binations desired . Only standard pIpe nipples are required to make inter-con nections. When Installed In multiples provIde individual pressure relief to each cylInder or set of cylinders Le . each valve has its own individual pressure relief control which is factory set at 1000 PSI. They offer bank valve features at very moderate cost. Opening D imensions: Inlet
and outlet. '.. pipe thread. Cylinder openm.s. V2" pipe thread. $17.50 Shipping weight 8~. Ibs. ITEM 126 ._ __ .. _ Item 226-Same as 126 exceot for use with si ngle acting cylinder 517.50
~ ~""'"-;;'........'"
PESCO MODEL NO. 397-D EQUALIZER VALVEUsed with two cylinders operating as one, as on bulldozers, hayloaders, manure loaders, etc. Will prevent uneven movement due to unbalanced load. Has %" standard pipe thread ......................... $12.95
r ... "'"'--f--=l'--" <:0
"'0 r
,., <0
>c: r>
( Model V16DD20B)
For operating one or two Double acting hydraulic cylinders together or independently. Built-in adjustable pressure relief valves. 3;8" to l,~ " Flow with 3;8" ports to cylinders.
. .
~;i~~h :. 2 ~-'~. H.~.~~~~: _.~~.:.. ~~~_~~ :.. 7:~~ ~~~~~.~~ ~~ 1_~~..__ ... _ S27. 50 mCUSHION VALVE ITEM 50HY To eliminate or minimize shock, surge, and overload on Hydraulic Equipment. Such conditions may be minimized or eliminated by installing cushion valve between contro l valve and hydraulic cylinders. '2" ports. $10.50
(Ca pacity 15 GPM)
This Hydraulic control valve is a precision prod u ct carefull y designed [01' a.lmost any work where Smgle and Double Acting Cy lind ers are required . Ideal for Front End Loader where you have Single acti ng cylinders for lifting Bucket and Double Acting Cylind ers for tipping Bucket. Can be used for all Agricultural and Industrial work . Has "Built·in" rei ief valve which is set at 1000 PSI. ITEM Ko . 700 PRICE EACH ...................................................... ...... $26.75
DYNAMIC RUBBER 1'0 '/ RINGS for use in either moving or non moving installations. Pressure strength up to 3000 P.S.1. DNo. 16 . 19. 21. 2:1. 24. 26. 27. 2X.
11. 11. 11"ij
J' ..
II ~
OD ,'. 11.
p ..
l ~.
1,* I" • 21s
Thickness I~
l. I. I. l '
. ~
'" J
Each .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .30 .30 .30
Other s izes available
No. 31. 32. 3:1. 37. 3 :IU. 41. 1:1. 45. 011
21 , :l!J g
2,* 27 ", 3 1•
3 aiM
3 14
1 3 " 3% 4
Thickness ,
'f \
',' ",
Each .30 .30 .35 . 10 .40 .40 .45 .50 .55
BRAND NEW WAR SURPLU5 QUALITY HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS Item No. 42 - Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder. 4" bore, 18" stroke, rated iift capacity 12560 lbs. with 1000 P .S.1. line pressure, Ph" diameter piston rod, overall length closed 30t'.!" particularly well suited for lift trucks, bulldozers, hydraulic presses, and road machinery. Ports I~" standard pipe with 1" pin holes for mounting. Weight : 53 Ibs. Each .. $36.75
Item No. l~Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder. IJh" walls. Cylinder tested for JooO P .S .1. Lifting capacity bore, 26" stroke. Overall length 35", extended length 61". 1760 lbs. in 2 seconds using 1000 P .S.1. Ports Jh" standard Stainless steel piston rod, manganese aluminum cylinder pipe. A $55.00 value. Each __ .__ $16.25
Item No . 15 D 0 ubi e Acting Hydraulic Cylinder. Equipped with adjustable dampener check valves, built in at both ends. 3" bore, 8 V.' stroke. Overall length 21"2". overall width 6'1.". Extended length 33". Stainless steel piston shaft with adjustable Eye Bolt mounting. Manganese alloy cylinder. Will lift 7070 Ibs. in 4 seconds using 1000 P .S .I. with Logan Pump. Threaded for standard pipe. $88.00 value. Each $19.50
Item No. 31G-Double action hydraulic cylinder, 31~" bore, 11" stroke. Steel alloy cylinder wall and all steel 11(8" diameter piston rod. 191,2" overall length closed. Clevis mounting at base and shaft. Will lift 9625 lbs. with 1000 PSI line pressure. Uses %" pipe fittings. Price - .... ---.--.$25.00
Item No. SOl-Single acting 8%" stroke, bore 2Jh", overall length 281/4", piston rod diameter 2 1/16", %" standard pipe fittings. Lifting capacity 5411 lbs. at 1000 PSI. Sturdy pin type mounting. EACH-_ __..... ___ $12.75
Item No. S04--Single acting 8%" stroke, bore 2Jh", overall length 25 %", piston rod diameter 2 1/ 16" stainless steel. %" standard pipe ports. Lifting capacity 5411 Ibs. at 1000 PSI. Sturdy pin type mounting. SPECIAL ___.. _._._. _ .. __ . $12.75
Item No. 17-Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder. 2%" bore, 7~.~" stroke. 1%" diameter piston rod, distance between holes of mounting 14%". Overall length 16", extended length 23". Ports O/S" standard pipe. All steel cylinder wall and solid piston rod. Lifting capacity 4040 at 1000 P .S.1. Regular value $60.00. Each _ __. $14.00
Item No. SOl-Double acting 3%" bore, stroke 5". clevis mounting 1%" stainless steel shaft. overall length 15". %" standard pipe ports, 11,600 lbs. pressure at 1000 lb. PSI. EACH _______ $18.50
Item No. 41 - Double Acting H y d r a u I i c Cylinder. 2" bore, 6" stroke, clevis mounting at base and end of shaft. Overall length closed 12Jh". Has %" diameter shaft. Uses !/.a" tube fitting. Will lift up to 3100 lbs. with 1000 P .SJ. applied. 2 fittings to standard pipe at 55c each. Each . _ $13.75
Item No. 50S - Double acting, 1%" bore. stroke 4\.2", piston rod %". 114" tube ports. Overall length 16". Lifting capacity 1500 lbs. at 1000 PSI. Price ..- ______ ._ .---$7.25
Item No. 33 - Double Acting Cylinder. IJh" bore, 5" stroke. Alloy steel barrel. aluminum alloy end, clevis mountings at both ends. Capacity 1760 lbs. at 1000 P.S.1. Tested to 1500 P .SJ. Each .- .. $9.85
Item No. 4 - Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder. I" bore, 3" stroke. For small hydraulic applications, such as door openers, control units, etc Capacity 700 lbs. Uses 114" tubing fittings. Overall length 12", piston rod diameter %". Steel barrel, manganese aluminum caps, adjustable bushings. Each .. ..... _. ___ ._. ... . $6.45
Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder
Farm Implement " Depth Control Cylinder"
ITEM 802 A powerful cylin· del' by Ma.seyHarris : develops both
action. Will push S.IOO lb.. with a 1.000 P I pump pressure. O.D. Cylinder 3; " \\ith 6' ·... stroke standard heavy duty cievise. on both ends . Standard '2" pipe thread openings. Ex ~ cellen l for r a l~i nj{ or lo\\ering implements.
hydraulic presses, etc . WeiJ<ht I i Ibs. Special (Less than ,~ Price) $14.95
Hydraulic Tank
ITEM No. 58 -
BRAND NEW Has pipe t h rea d connections, 3 I;'al. capacity with oil breather rap. 4"1 x 12" x 13 2". S hip pin g weight 13 Ibs. NOW A T THIS LOW PRICE. $9.50
The Stroke Control Va lve in the Rod End Cap is actuated by the Collar clamped on the pi ~ ton rod , that can be set to any decided depth by means of a t humb SCI"e w. Cylinder is avulhtble in either 3" or 3 '"" Bore . E ither Cylinder has 1' _" s haft. 20 '." centre to centre mounting pin . I "
Mou nting pins. Cylinder will fit a ll A ~ric ultu ra l Iml)lements . Item No. 30438- 3" Bore .. Stroke . Will lift 9,111 Lb•. at 1500 PSI. Will push 10. 602 Lb •. at 1500 P I. PRICE EACH ............. $35.75 It em No. 3;;438 3 '" " Bore " Stroke. Will lift 12.930 Ibs. Ht 1. 500 P I. Will pus h 14 .4l 1 lb • . a t 1500 PSI. PRICE EACH --..... ----.$39.00
Oil Reservoir Assembly
New Double Acting Cylinder
Assembly complete with COll trol va lve mounting b racket. low pressure tank to pump suction hose, hose fittings and clamp, tank filler , and mounting bolts. Completeonly ............................ $17.75
Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder
hydraulic cylinder, 1 5 8 " bore 20" stroke, 1 h" shaft. %." pin holes. 14" ports. 30" overall length retracted, 50" overall length ex ten d e d. Wil l push 2,0 0 Ibs. at 1.000 PSI. Can be u ed for s m a I I front end loaders, tail gates, etc. Special, Each .......... $12.75
acting hydraulic cylinder, 1 ¥:.!.. bore, 8" stroke, %." piston rod. 14" ports. will lift 1.760 Ibs. at 1,000 PSI. 0 vel' a II length retracted 1614"; overall length extended 2414". Id eal for Power Steel'ing, etc. Price Each, Onl y .... $11.50
ITEM NO. 6 '3' ~ 3" Bore, 22" rp ITEM No. liJ Single ITEM No. 803 W 804 Double Stroke; the perfect acting
Hydraulic Cylinder for Hay Loa deI' s, Manure Loa d er, Dump Truck , etc. 114" Pis ton ROd. %." mount Pin holes. 33" overall length , 31 ¥:.!" pin to pin . h" pipe thread port. Will lift 7,068 Ibs. at l. 0 0 I b. pressure. Regular Price $45.00 Special ........ $27.50
Fuel Strainer
Dual purpose pedestal Perma n e n t '"2' type tank , ea ily bolted (I) type scree n l£J to tractor platform with fOUl' bolts s upplied . ontrol valve may be mounted on special valve platform illus trated . Constructed of heavy ga uge steel, welded at sea ms. $9.50 Mounting plate ................$1.40
Single Acting Hydraulic rAJ Cylinder
mesh Cart· ridge. Will proteet your Hydrau· li c System : Easy lo clean. ta ndard %... pipe thread . Will work satisfactorily in Oil, Gas, Fuel Oil or even in water. Item No. 72. Special __ ... $4.75
Hydraulic Pressure Gauge
Hydraulic Pressure Gauge
f4' ITEM No. 408 rp ITEM _ Ran g e W BRA 'D
o - 1.000 PSI. Black cast iron case with 6" dia. rear m 0 u n tin g flange . Bottom connection 14" pipe thread . Bus h e d m 0 v erne n t for greater accuracy. Black numerals on white face. 20 lb. Increments. within 100 lb. divi s ions. hipp ing wt. , 3 Ibs . Price ............ $6.95
'0 .
NEW I d e a I for high pl'essure hydraulic systems, adjusting pr e s sur e. relief valves. etc. Range 0 to 2000· PSI. Black plastic case 2 square, 1 %. " deep . Black instrument face with white pointer and numeral . ( ses 14" tubing fit tin g s). Worth many times this low prise of ... .......$3.95
HYDRAULICS Ready Made Hydraulic Hose
Diameter Size
Special Price
'I~" 'I~"
11" 22"
34" 43" 12 ft. (2 wire) 5 ct. (2 wire)
$2.00 $2.50 $3.30 $3.75 $9.50 $7.50
\Ve have purchased a large Manufacturer's stock of Standard high pressure hydraulic hose in lengths and s izes as li sted right. Fresh Stock with standard pipe fittings
'I:!" 'I,,' ;'/ " 1
3 m m
IT EM No. 5002 "Two - In One"
Item No . 6000 "QUICK COUPLER"
COUPLER. For application whe"e Rccoup l inj;!
tll'edo· minates . C u n also be used as a "directional" va lve. Cannot be used as a Break - aW:lyclamp. Ava ilable in sizes a~" preSt;U re
CLAMP Heavy duty steel coupler to fil both No . 4000 and No. 5000 Break-Away Couplers. Price Each
Pl'ice each ....$3.25
Repair broken hydraulic hose - no reason to lose time if a hose should break. Repair it on the spot in just a few minutes. No special tools reQuired. For one or two wire bt'aid hose. Item R-50 (IF') Each .... $1 . 65
BULK HYDRA ULIC HOSE. WIRE BRA I D HYORAULIC PRESSURE HOSE. Flexible under abnormal pressure. High resistance to twi t. Available in lengths up to 50 ft. ONE WIRE BRAID HOSE "l<" 1.0. 25 / 32" O. D. W. P. 2.000 P 1. Per ft ................... . 60 ONE WIRE BRAID HOSE 1'," 1.D. 29 / 32" O. D. W. P. 1750 PSI. Per ft ..................... . 72 HEA VY DUTY TWO BRAID HOSE IJ.," LD. for extra long life Per ft ............ .... . 8 5
HEADY MADE HYDRAULIC HOSE LENGTHS First qualily. constructed of wit~e braided . reinforced rubber. ideal for all hydraulic 1)J'essure systems. Made up Into convenient length •. both ends fitted with fixed male pipe thread hose con nectlons.
: " DIAMETER I foot ........ $ 2.25 2 feet ........ 2.75 3 feet ...... . 3.70 4 feet ........ 4.25 5 feet .. ..... 5.05 6 feet ...... 5.75 8 feet ........ 7.00 10 feet . ... 8.45 12 feet ....... 9.75 13 feet ..... 10.35 14 feet ........ 11.25 16 feet ..... 12.75
'/' DIAMETER I foot ..... S 2. 70 2 feet .. .. 3.40 4.30 3 feel 4 feet ... _. 5.0:; 5 feet .. ..... 5.80 6 feet ........ 6.55 8 feet 8.10 10 feet . 9. 80 12 feet ........ 11.35 13 feet ........ 12.15 14 feet . 12.95 15.15 16 feet
No . 4000. ," " '," Couple,'
$4. 95
No.lOOO. Coupler
.48 .60 .60 .60 .75 .75
ea. ea. ea. ea. ea . ea.
Clamp type reusable coupling for win braided hydraulic hose-were designed fo emergency, field repair service and ori ginal equipment application. They can b{ attached in the field without vise.
.48 ea. .60 ea. .78 ea.
No. 4000 Coupler with No. 5001 Break-Away Clamp
%" .... $1.25
$ 6 .9 5
No. 5001 Claml)
%" .... $1.35
'} ," .... $2.25
Thi s Coupler is fa st and easy opemting, light well!ht for convenient handling, and made of the flnc t mate ria ls with a ll working parts hnrdened for more durability. Equipped "ith the finest steel ballcheck. for posit,ve sea l. maxi mum flow. and long life. May be used as a "break-away coupler" when Instnlled in our B"oak-away Clamp.
• Fully Guaranteed • Cadmiu.m Plated • For 34 "
.... $7.7!
Heavy al steel cor, struction Splined on ont end with ke way on th other. Availabl In standard 1"> size or can t supplied in 11 State size c PTO, also mnk and model tractor. Special Price ... $5.5e Size H~"
MALE X FEMALE 962 % " Sw. Female KP .S. x % " Male ...... $ 958 %" Sw. Female KP.S. x %" Male...... 942 'h" Sw. Female N.P.S. x %" Male.. .... 963 1/ 2 " Sw. Female N.P.S. x '12" Male...... 944 'Y.." Sw. Female N.P.S. x '12" Male.... 964 'Y.. " Sw. Female N.P.S. x %" Male ...... FEMALE X FEMALE 972 %" Sw. Female N.P.S.x%" Female $ 973 'h " Sw. Female N.P.S. x '12" Female .. 974 %" Sw . Female KP.S.x%" Female ..
Spline Shaft Adapter
Model anon Couplet' 8ame ('on~truction HR our 1000 except th1\t Rcrew-lype on one (,Ild HO that coupler' may be coup led undel' pressure. EACH .. ,.".
Extra. ' ~". ,},, " Male Till .. . $1.50
E-'Ctra 3.."," Male Till
No. 5005 DUST PLUG \\ ith Chain nnd Leek Ring
New low Prices
We now have for immediate delivery the most complete line of hydraulic cylinders in Canada. These heavy duty cylinders are available at low cost and are fully guaranteed by one of the largest hydraulic manufacturers in the country. These cylinders are In use on origi nal e quipment such as dump hoists. front-end loaders. plow controls. bulldozers. presses. etc. Extra HeavY.Duty fo r Pressure up to 3000 P.S.I. Y~" Wall Heavy Duty Tubing o f the Best Quality Ava ilable for Hydraulic Application. Double Acting. (Can be used as Single Acting) . Steel Ends with " 0" Ring S ea ls. No Tie Rods to Hinder Installation and L ess Parts to Cause Trouble. Designed for Rough U sage. Trouble Free Ope ration .
All Steel Top En d. Sha ft E nd and Pisto n . Ground and P olis hed Hig h T e ns il e Stee l R a m . Unconditio na ll y Gu aran t eed Agai nst M echanical Defe cts and Wor k ma ns h ip. I .• " Dry S ea l P ipe T hrea d P orts in T o p an d Bo ttom . F-or Farm Imp lement s. Truck H o is ts. Fro nt End Loaders. Wagons. Presses. and a ll Pus hin g a nd Pulling Operations.
Cyl. Bcre
Stock No.
Diam . Piston Shaft
Centre to Centr e Retracted Exten ded
24/1 32/1 40/1 48/1 56/1 72/1 88/1 104/1
1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"
9620 9620 9620 9620 9620 9620 9620 9620
7850 7850 7850 7850 7850 7850 7850 7850
30.75 35.97 41 . 15 46.34 51.52 61.89 72.26 80.84
25" 33/1 41" 49/1 57/1 73/1 89" 105/1
12566 12566 12566 12566 12566 12566 12566 12566
9425 9425 9425 9425 9425 9425 9425 9425
38.25 44.37 50.49 56.61 62.73 74.97 87.21 99.45
3~" 3~" 3~" 3~" 3~ " 3~ " 3~ " 3~"
3508 3512 3516 3520 3524 3532 3540 3548
8" 12" 16" 20" 24" 32" 40" 48"
I1h" I1h" I1h" I1h" I1h" I1h" 1%"
20" 24" 28" 32" 40" 48/1 56"
4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4"
4008 4012 4016 4020 4024 4032 4040 4048
8" 12" 16" 20" 24" 32" 40" 48"
2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"
17/1 21/1 25" 29/1 33/1 41" 49/1 57/1
-cl" ~"
2 2" 1
212/1 31~JI
:3 1 / ' 3 1 /' 4"
4/1 4/1
Stock No .
%" %" %"
l Y4"
1%" 1%" 1¥4 " 1¥4"
1¥4" 1¥4"
FARM HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS Built to S .A .E . Standards for Farm Implements. Doutle-acting. or (Single-acting if requested) WHI operate to pressures of 3000 P .S .!' Steel C1evis Ends h avi ng s tren gth to 74 .000 P .S .1. Th ese Cylinders can be used on Alli s-Chalmers h igh pressure system.
Strok e
D iam. Piston Shaft
Centre to Ce ntre Retr ac t ed - Extended
Pin Holes
1/1 J};I"
201 s"
28 8"
10'" 8/1 10/1 16/1
20 I s" 20! ~"
1 14"
20 I~"
1 1 2"
40 10.\
10" 16"
1 1/'
20 I s" 20 I ij/l 31 :1 x/l
30 :1 x'-' - -J /I 47 %" - 1-/1-2iP," IX" 30 :1 ';" 1};1" 47%" J};I"
250RA 25 10.\ 3.508.'\. 3510.\ 35 16.-\ 4016A
3681 3681 3681 3681 3681 3681
4908 4908 4908 4908 4908 4908
$22.19 25.86 29.53 33.21 38.88 44.22
1%" 1%" 1%" 1%" 1%" 1%"
2 1 2"
Pull Pounds 1000 P .S .1.
16" 20" 24" 28" 32" 40"
8" 12" 16" 20" 24" 32"
2 1'2"
Push Pounds 1000 P .S .1.
24/1 32/1 40/1 4 /I 56/1 72"
2508 2512 2516 2520 2524 2532
2 1 2"
Pin H o le s
1/1 1"
Pus h Pou n ds 1000 P .S .I.
P ull P o unds 1000 P .S .I.
P ri ces
4909 4909
4124 4124
$21.42 22.19
9620 9620 12566
7850 7850 9425 12~ 9425 12566 -:9::-:4"25 ""; :----
31.77 39.69 38.25 41.31 50.49
LOWEST PRICES All Generators (less pulley) show n o n th is p age, con be used with accessories listed on Page2
ITEM 5 ·1 - 400 amps ., 30 volts D .C ., u s ing up to 20 H.P. 370017 200 R.P.M. Rotation counter·clockwise. ~ I" spline shaft. Dimens ions : 1 %" long x 71,~ " deep. Shipping weight 75 Ibs ................. $55.00
ITEM NO . 91
Type R·1 Generator- When connected . as a w e lder, this Ul1lt shou ld operate between 3750 and 4100 RPM and will deliver 300 amps for a sustained perioci; Will operate at 400 amps {or i ntermittent duty . This generator is excellent for constructing an inexpensive high output portable welder. -- - - - ._Rated 300 a mps. 30 volls. DlmenR.P.M. Amps. Volts H P. ReqUIred slOn s: 15',' L. " 6" w . X 8', " H. Acq . cost $380. Shpg. WI. 57 Ibs 3750 150 28 7 -9 3850- 200 28 50 3950 250 28 12 74;"; 10:;;' 0---;;3"'00; 0-- 28; : - - - - 14 Same Generator With 4500_ _-:;4::0_0~-_-;;-2'8 - - -1"'8: --Coolonu Fan
$41 . 50
BRAND NEW P1 WESTlNGHOUSE GENERATOR (in origina l Govt. vacuum packed containers)
200 Amps. 24·40 Volts, from 2200.2500 R.P .M. Excellent Generator for building your own Welder. $300.00 Value. Item No. 97 Special Each ............................................................ $50.00
Item No. 605 Brand New 28%·32 Volt DC 60 Amps. 2400 R.P .M. with Built-in Cooling fan . Rotation counter clock·wise. Excellent for Light Plants and Boats, etc. (Manu· factured by Bendix) . Price Each ....................................................... ................. ....... A Real Buy $23.50
12 VOLT .-
Extra heavy duty, manufactured by G.E. Really a handy gener· ator as it delivers a lower amperage at less speed. Rotation co un ter·clockwise, at 2500 RPM . Brand new. ITEM NO . 606-A REAL BU Y ................................................ $19. 5 0
m~~tr?:er!?o~,~~e ~m~~~~s~~r ~~~~e~~~~~ed
for 200
umps con t inuous welding , up to 250 arnp~ for tnt e rmlllt'nl d Uot y. Thi S gen-
will al,o ploduce 110 volts AC-$OO cycle. and 2010 watts-sclf excited . Will eaSily operate your ltght s. hot pialC' . electriC fan or ITon . a n d all healing eLements \VII hi" ItS capaCity th a t no w operate on 60 cycle. It Will not run E'lectrac motors,
MAKE OF GENERATOR-Bendix . WEIGHT-47 Ib,. SPEED- 3600 to 4100 R.P.M. ROTATION-Counter ClockWIse.
529.50 $ 3 2 .50
DELCO·REMY STARTING MOTORS SPECIAL OFFERIKG - Brand Kew Genuine Delco·Remy Start· ing Motors - Assembly Delco·Remy-ll0 8816. APPLICATION : Fits Models 4· 71 and 6·71 12·Volt system. ITEM NO . 602 ...... Gov·t Acquisition Cost .................................$325.00 O ffered to you at ................................... ..................................... $68.00
New 12 Volt Aircraft Batteries 12 volt 25 amp. hour. Dry chargedWUI' Surp lus. Originally built for Air Force. Can be used for Cars, Trucks. Tractors, LIght P lants. Radi o, etc. Size L-IO". W - 5", H10 1//'. Add $2.50 for charging if requ ired.
New 12 Volt Solenoid N ew 12 Vo lt heavy duty Solenoid Aircraft Q ua lity-S u itab le for trucks. cars. light p lan t , e t c. NO .. 50L . 12 ..
Build Your Own 12 Volt Plant Build your own 12 Volt charging lij.(hting plant. Brand new 12 Volt 50 Amp . 2200 R.P .M. Made by Bendix. Supplied with pulley, Am· meter and Cutout, and Face Bracket. ITEM No. 607. Complete ..............................$22.50
100 Amp. Switch
NO. 5CH· 100
Ait' craft quality, can be used on all voltage up to 60 volts. Ideal as ~ main switch or as an in· between breaker. $2. 50 A $9.00 Value- Only .
1. F a mou s p .} Ge n e rator . . . most popular Air Craft Type Generator used (or welding purposes. and is hi g hly re commended. Features low speed, ?500 R:P.M .. continuous welding at 200 amps (250 amps Jl1termlttent duty). Has lifetiille g.rea s e sealed'!gs-~oltage 24·40 volts. no rewindJl1g necessary . Wlrmg dIagram includ e d with each generator. Government cost $300.00. Prac tically n w . Complete with built·in cooling fan .................... $34.50 Les s cooling fan .................................... ................. 31.50 2. Drive Shaft Bearings . Self centering ........ each
3. Bearing Block Mounts. Made of special cast aluminum ............... .............. ............................... each
4. Flat Pulley. 4';2" diameter, bore, 3/ 16" key . 4 '2" fa ce .................... .... .......... ....................... .............
5. Triple "V" Pulley. 3" diameter, bore. -t\," key. cast iron .................................. ....................... ... each 6.50 7. Cable. Heavy duty, 200 ampere ............ per foot
1.25 .45
8. Welding H e lmet. Made of special fibre for complete protection ....................................... . each
6. Copper Clip. 200 ampere ...................... .......... each
olid Coupling. One side splined for air craft generator p.} and n ·) ; other end round. ,~.. " k ey ........................................... ........... .......... each
10. Rhpostat for u e with P·1 generator. Will control power up to 250 amps. Includes dial control ............................................................ ...... each
11. Rheostat, heavy duty. for use with p.) and R·1 Generator. Will control power up to 400 amps. Includes dial control ........................................ each
12. Work Clamp. A "must" for welding. Locks to wo r k . leaves hands free (or welding. Ideal for all types material ................................... ......... each 13. Wire Brush . )5" long. For cleaning flux, each
4.95 .59
14. Drive Shaft. Hard steel with key way cut, diampter .............................................................. each
15. Electrode Holder. 300 amps heavy duty profes· sional type $10.00 value only ............... .each
16. Doub le "V" Pulley . 4 'h" diameter, *-" bore, ,V' key , cast iron ................. ........................... each 17. H .D. 200·amp Ground Clamp ........................ each
5.75 3.95
18. Cable Connectors for use with extension cables and reversing pola1'ity on the welder ............................................. .................... each
19. Heavy Duty Flip Type Helmet - Heavy Duty helmet, that permits Operator to observe work without rai s ing entire helmet. Has fibre chin r es t and ratchet headgear ............................. each
Cast iron rods - 10-lb. package Vs or 5/ 32 per package ......... $3.60
WELDING ELECTRODES-Suitable for farm or general purpose use with A.C. or D.C. Welders. For genera l purpos e welding of mild steel in all positions. Heavy coating, made by one of the leading lectrode manufacturers. these e lectrodes are exceptionally popular, and are s ure to give you the very bes t weld under all conditions. Available in all popu lar sizes as listed: - rod s can be us ed on AC 0)' DC welders-tu; 'AI ; } . ; ,'11; ,(, ; Vs; ,;'". Up to 50 Ibs. per lb . ............................................ • 30 50 to 99 Ibs. - per lb ...................... ....................... .. •25 100 Ibs. or more per lb .................................. _ ... •22
Designed for many years of trouble-free service for any welding job, light or heavy. Will handle anything from light gauge sheet metai to 1h ill. plate. This precision-engineered Direct Current ELECTRIC ARC WELDER can be mounted permanently or easily transported for portable use. Does the job instantly, where or when you need it! Stop costly repair bills with the New Princess "252" ARC WELDER. Features low speed Stationary or portable 200 amps, continuous rating. 250 amps, intermittent rating 24-40 Volt D.C. 2,000 to 2,500 R.P,M., adaptable to all makes and models of tractors or engines enabling use of proper puJle:vsize. Light weight: over-sized lifetime grease-sealed ball bearings; air cooled commutator. The new dial type rheostat for pin point control designed especially for the "252". 10 H.P. or more required. Tractor drive ideal. Complete with mask, flat or V-belt pulley, 2 - 10' cables. 10 Ibs. rods, extra heavy 300 amp. holder, INSTRUCTION BOOK. Ready to operate. Guaranteed to handle any type and size of job on farm! No other welder has all these exclusive features, even at twice the price. $300.00 value. Recel.ed _r Alc Welder and are .ery pleased with IOme. Sure is a wonderful piece of machinery.
G.R.V. ""Istatim, Salk.
That welder ha. well paid for itself. I ha.. neyer experienced any trouble at all. F.H. Alberta Beach, Alto.
Miller Model M-1S0P AC Utility Type Arc Welder A PRACTICAL AND INEXPENSIVE WELDER FOR GAR. AGES, FARMS, FILLING STATIONS, HOBBY SHOPS-FOR ALL GENERAL REPAIR WORK . COMES COMPLETE WITH 1-6' Power Cord Plug and Receptacle 2--1<Y Cables, wth Electrode Holder and Ground Clamp 2-Jack Plugs 1-Welding Helmet 5-Lbs Assorted Welding Rods. 1-1 nstruction Book. High grade Sturdy com pact construction. Movable shunt des ign with an accurate umperage indicator on the panel records the correct curr!!nl Betting for each welding job. Two welding current ran ges. The HIgh range provides amp le normal open circuit voltage for average electrode
Range is available for use wiLh the smaller size electrodes- the exact voltage and current required (or each iob. POWER FACTOR CORRECTED-NEMA RATED <MEETS R.E.A. SPEC . ) Model Weldinlr Current Primary Primary Amp. Sue Volts Weldinlr Rod M-ISOP 20-1 0 230 37 A-h w Dimension. Helght 17H - Width 12\4" Depth 20 I"," . Shipping Weight-- 1S2 Ibs . Pri<>e Special ...... ............ .......................... _............._... - .... .- ... .. $236.50
Princess Special WELDER Time Payment Plan Now everyone can afford to purchase the New Princess "252" Arc Welder with our new time payment plan. Only $25 (freight extra) delivers the welder to your station. Here's how it works:
PRICE $125.00 CASH PAYMENT ...... _ ... _.. 25.00 BALANCE ............. _ ....... $100.00 <Plus small carrying charges) Payable 12 Easy Monthly Payments This portoble welder hCH mote thon proyed Itself in time and money
oble to make on the spot repairs.
I pu,.hosed a In September. hoppy with ih ation. Pleal. me 100 lb •. welding rod •.
Canterbury, N.B.
Blu. River, I.C,
Shipping Weight 125 Lbs.
$149. 00 PRINCESS Model "352"
ARC WELDER HEAVY DUTY RANeE TO 300 AMP. If yo u would like a big capacity . rugged hea v yweight champ of a welder at a flyweight pTlce . . . don't shrug it off as a dre am . .. but s imply join thousands of PrIncess customers who are getting t~rrific perform a n ce a nd makin g and saving big moner with the ir Welders! Here is really a portable. self-powered mdus tria l t y pe weld e r that is easy to run and make
stron g dense welds even
the hands of
We ld in g unit eas il y handles anything up to 2-in . plate us in g from 1/16 to \I. - in . rods. Welder complete with bUilt - in stabilizer . . . simplifies welding jobs from 30 to 300 amps.
CAN BE MOUNTED PERMANENTlY OR EASILY TRANSPORTED FOR PORTABLE USE This welder is available on the Bud get Plan . Pay only $25.00 downbalance, plus small carrying charge, payable in 12 monthly payments.
Item No. P-300
Ideal (or on the spot repair work. General Electric gen e r ntor . 24-40 volt. with large life-time sealed bearin gs. It is complete with cooling Ian. heavy duty rh"os tat . s turd y pillow block bearing drive. and has a 3" triple " V" belt cast iron pulley for trouble free operation. Operates at from 3500 to 4500 RPM. Exactly a. Illustrated With 2 ten foot cables. holder. mask. latest weldmg ins truction book . 10 Ibs. of rods-all ready to operate. Tr" ctor drive ideal wi , h 12 H .P . or more to drive It. Sold on a ten day trial basis, and one year mechanical guarantee. A real buy!
HEAVY DUTY INDUSTRIAL TYPE D. t ARC WELDER Compare with Welders Selling at $1,200.00
(Range - 30 - 300 Amps) SHIPPING WEIGHT 550 LBS.
If you would like a Big Capacity R ugged , H eavyweight cha mp of a W e ld e r' at a flyweight price . . . don't
shrug it off as a dream ... bu t s imp ly join t he hund re ds of Prin cess Custom e r s who are getting Terrific performance and making and saving Big m oney wi th th e ir PRI NCESS " 300" PORTABLE ARC WELDERS. Here is really a portab le self powered Ind us t ria l t ype welder th at is eas y to operate and makes strong dense welds even in the hands of beginners; W eldi ng Un it eas il y ha ndl es a nything up to 2" plate using (1 om f~" to 14" rods . Rugged VE1 Wiscons in 21 H .P . Gas Engin e, 4 Cylind e r, air-cooled, 4 cycle. Special precision me('hanical governor ho lds engine speed co ns tant. Comes complete with 3 groove V Be lt pull ey. Sup plied wit h 2-15' cabl es with H eavy Duty ground clamp and electrode holder, Helmet, and In struction Book .
$859 s&-
The operation of these Hoists has been designed so that when the body starts to lift. at which time the load is the heaviest. the amount of lifting acceleration is at its minimum - as the body goes up and the load is consequently reduced . the amount of lifting acceleration increases proportionately-as the body nears the t09 where the load is extremely light. the amount of acceleration of lilt is at its maximum .
Hoist Comes Complete Wi th Universal Joints, Drive Shaft, Steady Bearing. Bat LESS Power Take orr.
HEAVY DUTY LEVER LIFT GARWOOD HOIST Specifications-Cylinder 7" inside bore-O il Capacity 4 gallon-D i a.meter of piston rod 2"-Pump, gear type-Wearing plates, bronze-bu ilt in valve. In ordering, please fill in form below to insure proper fit of hoist to truck.
Hoist as illustrated - complete and ready to install . cylinder and pump completely reconditioned. Tipping sills made of new steel, up to 15 ft., built to exact box and truck measurements, thus assuring perfect fit. This hoist will outlast several chassis as it is designed for real heavy duty work. Hoists are sold on a one year mechanical guarantee. Construction definitely eliminates all known weak spots which through experience in supplying hoists we know can develop.
Capacity 8 to 10 Ton . A Hoist which will lift Quickly. easily and s moothly and on which the operating pump press ures a re held to a minimum. uniform pressure throughout the full range of the tipping angles. A Hoist which will have no arm projec tion below the top of the truck chassis "Table Top" and can be readily and simply mounted on any pres ent¡da y truck chassis without interference with any part of the truck mechanism. Further, the design is such that the operating pres¡ sUI'e throughout this complete operation is held uniformly. hence, at no point is there a seve re load pressure on the pump and the pump will enjoy an extremely long service life. A Hoist which wl11 stand up to the mos t severe usage.
Power Take Off if Purchased with Truck Hoist Special (With Farm Certificate)
I~-----------------------------I HOIST INFORMATION ORDER FORM - For Hoist No. 375 II II
I 28
In ordering complete hoist, please fill in form, as this WIll enable us to g,ve you the proper length UppilUt and sub-frame. Make et Truck
Box Length
W,dth of Frame to outsIde measurements
Leneth from back of cab to rear of back spring
• • • Powe r-Take-Otf- Special $29.95, if purchased with hoist, with Farm Ce rtificate. State exact year, make and model of truck and type of transmission.
• •
Hydraulic Hoist for all Farm trucks - up to 84" Cab to Axle, 12 foot box- easy to mount- Comes with 12' 6" channel sills to replace wooden sills on your box- Strengthens your Box- Frame all New material. Designed and built by the Largest Manufacturer of Farm Hoists to our rigid specifications. Tes ted and proved for farm use. Features Heil cylinder, valve and pump. Direct lift. No moving part to wear or give troubleBuilt to sell at a much higher price than we are offering you. Lowest Mount. No Hose or Tank-self contained hydraulics. 7" Cylinder, Piston Rod 2" steel- steel ringsoil capacity approx. 4 gallons. Weight Approx. 800 Ibs. Gear type pump with built-in valv~Bronze wearing plates, replaceabl~Built by Reil.
OPTIONAL - ELECTRIC OR P.T.O. • "Norco Special" fits all standard fac tory pick up bodies and platform s, wit hout altering original design of truck . • All Steel construction designed a nd job tested by one of the largest m a nufact urer s of farm truck hoists in Cana da. • TWIN CYLINDER DIRECT LIFT! • Twin 3" I.D. Cylinders w ith 16" s troke. • Drop hinge constr uctio n for gr eater capacity, 3-4 ton_ • "Back of Cab" control enables operator to watch flow of load _ • Ideally suited frame.
hu mped
l\lodel "E" Hyd-Electric, available in 6-12 volt. Recommended especially for automatic transmissions or lh ton trucks. PRICE INCLUDES ELECTRIC UNIT _
Model "P" Power·Take-off operated. Unit complete with Universal joints and Drive shaft, but less Powcr-Take-Off_
( 'hipping Weight of eitiH'r unit approx. 425 Ibs.)
"See Order Form for Farm Certificate" required for these items. KEEP
FOR FARM TRUCKS (Complete less P.T.O.)
SIMPLE EFFICIENT ECONOMICAL (Will fit any truck % ton and up---with 4 speed transmission) SIMPLE TO MOUNT-No w el d i ng necessary. Instructi ons suppl ie d f r ee. LOW MOUN T -No i nc re ase i n hei g ht of Box f ro m ground level. HYDRAU Lie-POWER asse,mbly -
PACK-Compl et e
Twin cy lind ers - p um p and v a lve
- hoses - cables - res ervo ir - p lu s d rive shafts and universa l jo i nts.
HEAVY D UTY STEEL-Hinges and lifting bar adaptable to most boxes and chassis. ST RAIGHT PUSH-With greater efficiency.
Here is the be.t Hydraulic Hoist offer e ver made. No need to be without a d ump truck . H ere i" the complete Unit. ready to install, complete with Oil (as i ll ustrated) . Includes large Volume Pump and Valve. Built by large truck hoist manufacturer. No Hose required . We guarantee these Cylinders in new condition. Detailed instructions for in-
$119 SO
HI·LIFT LOW COST PRINCESS Bolster Ho.lst w ill fit any standard model four wheel farm wagon_ When in the down position the wagon box rests on bolsters in a normal position. All welded construction gives greater strength and durability_ The precision buJlt heavy duty cylinder can be used l-way or 2-W8Y allowing operation from a I-way or 2-way tractor hydraulic system. The PRINCESS Bolster Hoist does not become obsolete if your future new tractor has a different hydrau lic system . 51,6 Feet (Standard Model) EASY TO MOUNTl Either I-Way or 2-Way Operation . All hoist. are equipped with 2-way cylinder which can be operated from either I-way or 2-way hydraulic systems. MAKES IDEAL LOW COST TRUCK HOIST Model 5 - 5 ton capacity 5" cylinder ............ $ 99.00 Model 6 - 6I h ton capacity 6" cylinder ...... $119.00
stallation supplied. We can Rlso supply 7 piece Mounting Kit. Includes ,.... A_ Re _R _ I_P_R_I_N_C_E_S_S_ V_a_l_u e_ _ _ _·_--. binges. brackets and Box to Cylinder support frame_ 1 For Standard Wagon Mounting. F ARM CERTIFICATE NECESSARY K it .............................................................- ......··· .. 517.50 FOR ALL HOISTS. O'fHERWISE .;;.;A;,;;;D.,;:;D..,;I;,;;. 5... %:;., . _ _ _ _-'1
30 ____
S P ECI F ICATIONS-Twin 3~" 1.0. - 4" 0.0. Hydraulic Cylinders, with 2" high tensile steel shafting. Gear type pump with built in valve, replaceable bronze wear plates. B uilt-in-Reservoir of heavy duty channel to support and spread load.
Hote linkage construction wh i ~h provides higher lift and greater load with same availa ble power!
Made exclusively for "Princess" by one of the world's leading paint manufacturers. CHECK THESE FEATURES DUTCH FORMULA oil base contains TITANIUM • T itan ium is the f inest pigment obtainable and is normally found only in the higher priced paints and enamels. • Dutch Formula conta ins the same Titanium pigment that is used in the finishing coots on your refrigerators. • Further, a complete analysis of the paint is printed on every container.
Flat Wall Paint
All Purpose Aluminum
For interiors where R pleasing soft nni,h tone i. de.ired. Colors: White. Ivory. Cream. Green. Blue. Sunny Yello\\. Cameo Ro.~. Dawn Grey. '5.95 VBlu Gallon 53.60 $1 65 Value Quart. 51.10
Chrome f inish heat resisting interior and exterior . Gallon .......... '4.86 $7 .95 Va lu $2.25 Valu Quart .... S1.46
Floor And Porch Paint
Machinery And Implement Paint
Washable finish. re. istanl to hard wear. Calor: Lead Grey. Red. Slate. Brown. Green. Battleship Grey. Light O.k. Black. 5.95 Valu Gallon . 53.60 $1.65 Value-Quart 51.10
Available in the following colors: Red. Imp. Green. Imp . Yellow and Black. $7.95 Value-Gallon ............... 4.86 $2.25 Value-Quart ..... - .......... 1.46
High Gloss Enamel QUick UryinlC. One Coat CoversNo Bru,h Marks. All Colors: White. Yellow. Ivory. Light Green. L"~'ht Grey. Blue. Grey. $( .95 Value-- Gallon 54.86 $2.25 Valu Quart 51.46
O UTSTANDING S AVINGS A ll Pa ints so ld by " P rincess " ca r ry a mon ey back gua r antee. ( You must be satisfied). W r i t e. Wire or Phone Us Your O rde r T o- Day.
House Paint (All Purposes) Outside and Inside Dries to a 010"_ Finish . $1.65 Value. Sale Price· Quart . . . . ... _ 51.10 Another "Princess" Special. $5.95 Value. Sale Price-Gallon 53.50 Full Color Ran~e - White. Ivory. Cream. Red. Light Grey. Battleship Grey. Brown. Light Green. Yellow
g~at~~· Bt~h~hu~!~~· Gr~~~bt Paint Brushes -
All Purpose Varnish Hard drying. high gloss. lough and durable. Suitable for floors. f urniture. etc. $7 .95 Value-Gallon ..... ......... '4.86 $2.25 Value-Quart ................. t .46
"P' ri ncess ' Extra Special
G 11 HP' t .1486 a on8 ouse ItIn(Whit;; ..o.;;i;i ...... ·.................. ·
O'd W hoIte Primer ' Paint Utsl e Best resu lts for Unpainted s urfaces.
~:~ g~~~t" ..'.:':::::'::'.:"":::::::::::::::::::::::~'.::::::::::::::::::::::If:~g
Pure Block Bristles set in Rubber -
Barn Paint Special Red. Stone Grey. Brigh t Red or Shutter Green. P G 11 .2 7& er a on ................................ • u
~~:'~a~~.I. I~~.. ~.~~~~~.~........ '12.85
1 in. - lSc, 2 in. - S9c, l in. - $1.49, 4 in. - $2.50
COMPLETE WITH ROPES-TAN SHADEWATERPROOF These tarpaulins ore water and mildew resistant treated. The best weather protection for crops, machinery and livestock.
• Greatest protection for a ll hauling a nd storage.
• Att racti ve s quare corners.
• Made of genuine canvas duck in fo ur popul a r weights to give you a complete selection .
• Equi pped with No. 3 rustproof grommets clamped throug h foul' thi ckne s es of canvas in corners a nd s paced approxim a tely 3 ft. apart all around in doubl e reinforced hem.
• Processed with the finest water a nd mildew res istant fini s h on the market. • Securely HEMMED ALL AROUN D with lock s Litching to prevent ripping. Size 6x H
7x 9
IOxl2 L2x15
Pric~ Wei~ht Price 10 oz . S 8.76 14 oz. 5 8.84 10 oz. 5 8.86 14 oz. 511.34 10 oz. 518.80 14 oz. 521.80 III oz. 526.20 H oz. 532.40
Wei .. ht 16 oz. 16 oz. 16 oz. 16 oz.
Seams doubl e s titche d for extra s trength.
• Ruggedly cons tructed throughout for finest service and las ting protection . Wei .. ht
5 8.80 18 oz. 511.04 512.80 18 oz. 514.48 524.00 18 oz. 527.80 538.00 18 oz. 541.40
NOTE : Besides s izes 1i8ted ready cut a bove we can s u p ply a ny s ize Tarpaulin requi red. cut to your s pecta l s ize . Prices as follow s: 10 oz . ........... ...................... 14 per squa re foot . 14 oz . ... __ .......................... 18 pe r sq uare (oot. 16 oz. __ ........................ . 20 per square foot . 18 oz . ........... __ ............... .23 per BQuare foot .
5000·6000 Watt 110 Volt AC SINGLE PHASE LIGHTING PLANT (PUSH BUTTON TART) He re is one of the most popular size Lighting Plants ever assembled. The army model PE·197 is like all army plants-top quality. sturdily built tor long life. This plant can pro· duce 6000 Watts without any trouble. Reg. Value $1,995.00.
~re~~ :a~!~)~~~~.~l.~.~~. ~.~~$ 5
Unit Ideal for • Farms • Estates • Contractors • Lumber Camps
Oil Fields
ENGINE DATA The engine is a genuine Hercules water,cooled unit. It has a 2 %" Bore, a 3" stroke, 64.9 cubic inches displacement, and developes 14 RP. at ]800 RP.M. The enginl' speed is maintained constant by a mechanical governor. Ignition is provided by a leading make high tension impulse type magneto for easy start· ing. The plant has a push button-start with 6 Volt battery.
9 Ranches 5.00
14 H.P. 1800 R.P .M.
CONTROL PANEL AC Voltmeter, 0·150 Volts • AC Ammeter, 0·75 Amps • Frequency Meter • Circuit Breaker • Field Rheostat • Duplex Receptacle, 110 Volt • Voltage Regulator, • on·oft switch Regulator Control • Voltage Start Button and Stop Button
• Oil Pressure Gauge • Water Temp. Gauge • Battery Start Switch • Crank Switch • Hand Battery·Charging Ammeter •
FOR FARM USE ONLY All plants ilIuMrated on these rour pages are listed at Farm Prices only , Farm Use Certificates must be filled in to qualify for these prices. Government tarlHs increase cost 10 "if purchased for other than farm UBe.
ENGINE: One cylinder. four cycle. L-head. air cooled, bore 2';''', stroke 2',4", compression 5 to I, 1800- 1900 RPM, 1 HP, splash-gravity oil system. ( Oil pump supp lies oil to a trough reached by con necting rod). cylinder separate from crankcase. Speed regulated by a flyball governor built in the cam sh aft gear. I gn ition is supplied by a f lywheel m ag neto. Plant mounted on rubber shockabsorbing bush in gs. Can be run without bolting down . GENERATOR : Four Pole. 14 Volt. Compound Wound, large commutator and four brushes . Also used as a starting motor for engine. Connected directly to engine .by taper into crankshaft. Generator and armature are separated from engine by removi ng two 32 screws and a nut.
ITEM No. OP-12
This Plant is designed to charge Two 6 volt batteries in series or one 12 volt battery for lighting or radio use, at a maximum rate of 26 Amperes (adjustable) . It can also charge Four 12 Volt battkries in parallel at a rate of 6 Amperes, or Eight 6 Volt batteries arranged in Four sets (2 Batteries in series to each set) and the sets connected in parallel. or any lesser combination. keeping in mind that this is a 12 volt circuit. 2- LIGHTS This Plant with batteries will light sixteen 25 Watt lights or eight 60 Watt lights of 12 Volt rating. or any combination of not more than a total of 400 Watts.
Shiny New in original overseas shipping crate
DIESEL POWERED PLANTS NEW 1750 WATT AC DIESEL LIGHT PLANT 110 Volt - Single Phose (LIGHTWEIGHT - WATER COOLED) 'ever before availab le: Now offered exclusively by PRIr\CESS AUTO & MACHINERY LTD. A low priced, li g htw e igh t COJ>;TIJ>; OUS Dl TY DlESEL GENEHATOR SET. Powered by a super rugged exceptionally smooth runnin g one cylin der Diesel engine. E 'GIt\E-Bore 2lh", Stroke 3W'. Visable fuel oil Filter!ng System . 2 belt drive. Easy crank start. Fuel con s umptIOn 7 hours per gallon of low cost fuel oil. Operates at con servative 1750 r.p.m. a nd delivers 1750-2000 watts of power'. Complete with oil pressure gauge, control box with dup lex receptac le an d voltmeter. Weight-only 240 Ibs ., replesenting a triumph of Diesel Engineering. ITEM No. 830-PRINCESS SPECIAL _............ _.... _... _.
British Made For Long Life Ideal for Heavy Duty Permanent Power Needs Item No. AD-6001 STANDARD VOLTAGE 110/ 220 PHASE-60 CYCLE-push button REMOTE CONTROL ALSO .
VOLTS SINGLE electric starting-
The prime mover is a PETTER vertical, twin cylindel four troke, air-cooled Diese l Engin e operating at 1800 R.P.M. Flange mounted to a self-regulating, self-exciting, a lternator provided with auxiliary starting and battery c harging windings. The Unit rests on anti-vibration mountings attached to a fabricated base frame, thus ens uring that no components needed for all types of operations. The plant requires J-:!-I or 2-12 volt Batteries for starting. The battery is re-charged a utomatically when plant is operating. Approximate fuel consumption 114 hours per U .S. ga llon at full load. DIESEL PLAi\TS give you _ • LOW COST OPERATING EXPENSES • SAVES MONEY ON MAINTENANCE • A POWER PLANT THAT YOU CAN RELY ON . hipping weight 1288 Ibs. Dimensions 6(),' x 30" x 42". HUNDREDS IN USE ON FARMS , LUMBER CAMP, , MINES, AND ALL INDUSTRIAL USES.
Special per Unit (Less Batteries)
ELECTRIC MOTOR CURRENT REQUIREMENTS Many 1/4 H .P . (or less) motors are of the split phase type. They require up to 30 amps to start and three to four amps for normal operation. Split phase motors are not recommended for use with the generating plants listed in this catalog. Capacitor type motors should be used whenever possible. RepulREPULSION -INDUCTION MOTORS Rur.nmg load in amps. Starting load in amps .. 75<"1, locked rotor PLANT CAPACITY REQUIRED (IN WATTS) CAPACITOR MOTORS Running load in amps. Starting load in amps., 75"" locked rotor PLANT CAPACITY REQUIRED (IN WATTS)
FOR FARM USE ONLY All plants IlIu.trated on these (our pages are listed at Farm Prices only. Farm Use CerllRcat~s must be filled m to qualify (or these prices . Government tartf(s lncrease cost 10% If purch.lsed for other than farm w;e.
sion-induction motors up to 1 H.P. can be operated from 2 KW plants a nd motors up to 1 ~ H .P . from 3 KW plants. The chart below indicates the approximate current require d to start and carry rated motor loads. 1/ 8 HP
I 6 HP
1 14HP
2.6 5.25 350
3. 6.75 500
4. 9.75 750
2.5 9.75 750
2.11 11.25 750
4. 15. 1000
1/ 3 HP
3/4 HP
5. 13 .5 1000
1/ 2 HP
7. 18. 1500
10.2 25. 2000
12.4 39 2000
5. 17 .25 1000
6.4 28.5 1500
10. 33. 2000
12.6 45. 3000
WATTAGES REQUIRED FOR APPLIANCES Lamp Bulbs Radio Flatiron. !ull size Flatiron . 2'. lb. s mall Toaster , Percolator. Waffle Iron Glow heater Hot plate . per burner Mangle Ilroner)
7 "2 and up 60 to 100 660 to 1000
250 to 400 450 to 660 600 to 1000 660 to 1000 1200 to 1800
Vacuum cleaner Sewing Machme Stora&e Tank Waler Heater . ___ '._ Electric Range Heatln& Pad Curling Iron. Fan Sun Lamp ElectriC drill (In-in)
200 to 275 _. 100 to 150 1500 to 5000 6000 to 10 ,000 40 to 60
25 to 50 275 to 850 200 to 400
We have available, a large stock of complete, integrated heavy duty power units from 350 watts to 25 KVA-a plant to suit every need_ Write to us for free descriptive folder illustrating and describing th ese popular un its.
2750 WAn ITElU 699.
115 Volt AC, 60 cycle, 1 or 3 pha~e, lHOO R.P.M., 12.2 Amps. Low speed, water·cooled, 2 cylinder Engine, crank tart. Unit is fully enclosed and in· cludes Control Panel with circuit breaker, voltage control, voltmeter, ammeter, frequency meter and oil gauge. Ideal for farms, contractors, lumber camps, or as a stand·by unit. Will operate oil burn· er , sump pumps, freezers, lights, power tools, etc. Dimensions 37" x 22" x 34". Shipping weight approximately 650 lbs. Built by "Onan" for the Army at a cost of $1200.00. Reconditioned like NEW.
Our Special .......................................... (No Farm Certificate Required)
2000 WATTS -
115 VOLTS -
Item 608 Oil Burner. Sump Pump. Reft·i"erator. Home Freezer. Power Saw. Electric LI"hts. Home Water Sy"tem Pumps. Complete inle",raled henvy duty "NORCO" el~ctric I>o\\er unit. driven by 7 H.P. BrigI'. & Stratlon Engine with killer bullon. oil bnth. air clenner. !Cover· nor. muffler. startin", I·Olle. Self..,xcited generator Is rated 2000 watls. 115 volts. 60 cycle. A.C .. sinltle phase. belt driven.
Complete Plant nH ahove. less Engine . Includes Generator. Bn_e adjuMtable to n il Enl<ine •. Guard. 2 Pulley •. Belt Comll lete and ready to \\ol·k. 2000 watt. 60 cycle.
.... ..... ... ...........
\Vhen lteneralor i!i not in u~e. engine eno be u~ed sepArately to power othel- equipmenl. Both generatol' and enJ,Cine run at the mos t favol'nl,le opel'Pting- ~Ilced for m ax imum output.
7500 WATT, 120 VOLT, ELECTRIC GENERATOR ITEM No. G·75-Electric generator 7500 Watts. 120 Volt. 60 Cycle, 1800 R.P.M. single and three phase current for 2 or 3 wire circuits. double ball-bearing construction, standard 1 V-J" shaft with keyway, and included at no extra price. 5 groove 6 inch pulley for belt drive. Direct connected self-excited. Foot mounted. Gov't Acquisition Cost-$54!'i.OO. Dimensions. 34" x 11'>2" Shipping weight 420 lbs. AT PRINCESS ONLY-PRICE SLASHED TO $330.00
3000-4000 Watt A.C. Electric Generators ITEM No. G-3-120 Volt, 60 cycles at 1200 RP.M, single and three phase, for 2 or 3 wire circuits. Excellent source of electricity for portable or stand-by use for homes, farms, hatcheries, etc. Built by Hobart Mfg. Co. to exactmg specifications of the Army. Ball-bearing, generator, fan cooled. Equipped with standard 1 'Is" shaft with Keyway for direct or pulley drive. Built-in Self·Exciter. foot mounted . Gov't Original Cost $365.00. Dimensions: 21" x 13" diameter. Weight: 290 lbs. BRAND NEW-Price 5189.00 Can also supply rheostat for above generator, for voltage control. Each $12.95
600 - 700 WATT PORTABLE LIGHT PLANT Ideal for trailers. farms . CIvil defence. fire departments, camps and for use as a stand by Unit. Provides plenty of current for any oil burner. freezer, brooder, hand tools and emergency lights which require up to 700 watts.
t H,P , Brlus-Stratton Gas En.lnt . Fast to start. Equipped with high tension . built- in magneto with soecial Alnico magnets which assure continued hot spark , G ~ nerator is arranged so that it may be started with Its own bullt-In starter , .. using an auto battery 'battery not Included I Also equIpped for rope "Inrt . Generator capacity : 600-700 watts '600 watt continuous duty, 700 watt Intermittent duty) 110120 volts, 60 cycles, A .C. Control box includes voltmeter and built-in duplex receptacle. No addItional wil'ing needed! . . . just plue In cord and you have power. Plant Is equipped with built-in winding . . . produces 6 volts of DC current for charging batteries. If battery is used for starting plant. tI will automatically be charged by the generator. It will also recharge other batteries. 6 volt output may be used simultaneously with the 110 volt outout of genHator. Terminals on control box for easy use of 6 volt output. $199.00 C24. Shlpying weight 75 Ibs. Regular $275.00 value! 1000/1200 Watt Plant. One of our most popular models . . . has the capacity to handle those extra lights or larger motors. Similar in design and appearance to C24 above olus all the features . Equipped with 2'" H .P . Briggs-Stratton gas engine and larger generator to produce the output of 1000/1200 watt capacity. C45. Shipping weight 85 Ibs. Special price .. $249.00
1500-1750 WA TT PORTABLE PLANT An excellent plant for permanent power in small size homes removed from h.l-lInes . . . or as emergency standby protection. Operates 011 burners . heating systems . sump pumps. commW1ication systems. plant protectIon . wat-er pum9s. etc. Ideal for contractor's line crews. ~ H ,P . Brlccs-Stratton Gas Encln â&#x20AC;˘ . Direct connection to hlllh capacity generator which provides 1500 watts continuous duty, 1750 watts intermittent. 115/ 130 volts, 60 cycles single phase, A .C. Both push button and rope starline . Push button requires 2-6 volt or 1-12 volt battery Inot included' . Will charge other batteries too! Complete With control box. Includes voltmeter. starter. reverse current relay and duplex power receptacle. .. . _ $334.00 C20. ShIPPing weight 166 Ibs, Factory price
"PORTO POWER" MANUAL START LlCHTINC PLANTS Recommended applications. These Manual Start "Porto Power" 110 volt AC single phase lighting plants are ideal for lights in camps, trailers, cottages, maintenance trucks, ideal tor Farms, Contractors, Bus h work, or as a standby use to operate oil burners, heating sys tems, sump pumps, communication systems, lighting system s, etc. Generator- Heavy ball bearing sealed for life, Briggs & Stratton Air-cooled engines. Group Model PP6 -_ .. --._ .. _- 600¡700 Watt Model PP12 ............... _ 1200 Watt
Weight 75 lbs. 90 lbs.
Group 2 Model PP15 Model PP20 Model PP25 Model PP30 Model PP35
101 146 224 265 290
. __ ._----_._--_. lliOO Watt ._---_ ......... - 2000 Watt -_ ..... __ ....... 2500 Watt ................
3000 Watt
-...._--. __ ..... 3500 Watt
lbs. lbs, lbs. lbs, Ibs.
$182.00 229.00 261.00 2 99.00 340.00 3 69.00 435.00
"LITTLE CIANT" 350 - 500 WATT PLANT Small but mighty' It's perfect for Hunters, Campers, Contractors, Service Trucks, Wreckers, etc. Provides plenty of current fo!, emergency lights, Portable Radios, hand power tools, ElectriC s havers , etc. 2 H.P, Briggs-Stratton Gas Engine, 4 cycle, Single cylinder, air cooled , heavy-duty type; deyelops 500 watts , Molded waterproof Coil. Direct drive Generator , . . output of 350 w, continuous duty. 500 watts Intermittent duty. 115 Volts, D.C. Duplex receptacle.
Weight 65 lbs. Price .......................................... $119.00
THE PRINCESS PORTABLE TANK COMPRESSOR UNIT PRINCESS now offers a complete new automatic Ail' Compl'essor Unit. at suc h a low price that you cannot afford to be without one. Thi s unit is indispensable "II'OUOU the farm, workshop or J,!srage, anti being- easily portable can be readily taken to the job. The comJ)ressol' is compactly built. is very sturdy in construction and fully capable of standing un to everyday use. It delivers a powel'ful supp ly oi oil fl'ce air for pumping tires. high ploessure greasing. volume painting. cleaning equipment. spraying insecticides. cattle spraying etc. The outfit include~ a ten gallon capacity air storaj.(e tank of heavy 10 gauge steel. mounted on 2-wheel rubber tired base. complete with back rest support and easily accessiblt' carriu},{e handle. Compressor and motor are mount.ed on a heavy duty steel base which is welded directly to the tank. thus making a very compact unit. Precision built in every respect to deliver oil-free air for years at little or no cost. Used for illflating tires. pressure J!reasing. paint spraying, cleaning equipment, spraying insecticides and cattle. Compressor unit uses S.A.E. 20 oil for normal operation. If operated where temperature is lower than 32 degrees u se S.A.E. 10 oil. Check oil in compressol' before u sing, oil should be changed periodically. • 1/3 H.P . 110·volt thermal protected • 2.8 cubic feet per minute displacemotoro ment at lOO·lbs . pressure. at 900 R.P.M . • A utomatic pressure switch starts • Steel tank 12 x 24-inches. 10-gallon unit at 70-lbs .• stops at 125 Ibs. capacity . • Single cylinder type compressor • Safety valve allows excessive ail' unit- 2xl %-inch piston type with pressure to escaDe. • Large. easy to read pressure gauge. 8-inch diameter A-wid th vee pulley . PRINCESS PORTABLE COMPRESSOR PTC·\' complete with compressor. tank. electric motor. air gauge automatic switch, safety valve. check valve, V -pulley and belt. 20 ft. air hose and tire chuck. Shipping weight approximately 125 lb.. ....................................................$139.00 Princess Portable PTC·2. as above le.s motor. (Shipping weight approximately 105 Ibs.) ................................................ $109.50
'I-.-G-.I-S-T-A-IN-L-E-S-S- S-T-EE-L-TAN-I{-- - U- s-e - o- n- co- m - p- r-es-so-r-. - t-ir-e-' infl~tors. floats. hydraulic reservoirs. Tough and light. Tested to 450 Ibs. 2. 100 cubic in. (approximately 9 gallons) inl. vol. 24" x 12" . !4" threaded openings at each end. Weight 19 Ibs. Original Cost $40.00. Special, Each ......................... .......$16.95 2. AIR COMPRESSOR- Use in gara!:es. service stations. farms. and ranches. Idea l for tire inflation. and all types of painting and sprayinM'o Piston type, valves in head. bronze bearin~s. splash lubrication. "V" belt pulley. In take muffler and cleaner. 2.8 C.F.M. at lOO Ibs. continuous pressur·e. ISO Ibs . intermittent. with 'h H .P. e lectric motor. Can use !4 or V3 H .P . at lower speed. Shipping Weight 18 lb•. Each ........................... $27.75 3. PAINT SPRAY External mix. all purpose. Heavy duty. for all house and barn paints, enamels. and water paints. Ad· iustable for (ull flat spray 12" wide. Pressure 25-50 Ibs . Water trap and air valves. hardened steel needle-valve. Two--finger trigger. includes I quart a luminum cup. Each ........ $12.95 4. AIR HOSE - for air tools. spray painting. etc.: Len ..-th 20'. Each ................ .... ............. .................... .. ........................... ................ $3.75 5. AIR GAUGE - 0-300 Ibs .• 2'4 face, I. ~" Pipe thread. E ac h .... ........... ........................................ ....................................... $2.95 6. A UTOMATIC SWITCH Double pole: adiustable range from iO-1 50 lb •. pressure. Set at 80-120 Ibs. Weight 4 Ibs . Each ........................................ . ................................. $10.25 (Can also supp ly same as above (or Gas En!:ine). Ea. 10.25 7. REGULATOR AND FILTER PI·ovic.les maintained working pressure 0-140 lb.. Filter keeps oils. water and particles oul of regulator and ,:tun. Assures clean. steady spray at all limes. Each ............................................................................... .......... $11.75
NOW BUILD YOUR OWN AIR COMPRESSOR 8. SAFETY VALVE I,. ' pipe thread. adjustable (rom 25·200 lb.. Each ....................................... ....................... $1.95 9. BLOWIT Perfect nozzle for pressul·. cleaning. Each ............ ........ ...........................................................$
10. "SLIP.ON" BLOW G N - Perfect cleaning gun. UliIizing compressed ail, and s tandard chuck . Pressure on handle grip for pel feet control of air blast. Each ....... . $1.60 1 L "STREAM-LINED" BLOW GUN Push button type. I{" pipe thread. Each .. ........................ .......................... ......... $2.20 12. Q I K CHANGE CO PLER U sed with blow guns. grease lo,"Uns. paint s pl'Ryers, tire chucks. etc .. for fast change on air compressor ho~e lines. Complete with one ~'" male tip fitting. Each .... ....... .................................................. .. ........ $2.35 13. EXTRA COUPLER PLUG (~.," Male Each ................................................................... _....
14. CHECK VALVE - O"e Way. \4" Pipe Thread x ,',," copper tube . E ach .................................... ........................... .. ... $1 .50 15. AIR CHUCK -
W' Pille thread,
Each . ...
!4". Each ..
,,", Each ..... .........
. ..
.70 85 .29 .20
19. '/," NIPPLE, Each .......... _........................................................ 10
A PRINCESS AIR COMPRESSOR will do Hundreds of Jobs ...
Harness air with a PRI ' CESS Compressor ana save yourself time and work! Whether you choose a stationary, portable or carry-it model . . . you'll find unlimited applications and it will make hundreds of jobs eas ier for you! It sprays paint 5 times faster than brushing! . . . and does a better job. Helps to kE'ep tires on auto. truck, tractor and implements properly inflated at all times. Saves costly tire failure due to underinflation . Invaluable for insecticide spraying blowing out plugged gas and fuel lines, blowing away accumulated dirt, cleaning clogged radiator~ etc.
BRAND NEW STATIONARY AIR COMPRESSOR ITEM NO_ PTC-3 SPECIAL $129.00 Shipping weight approx. 110 Ibs.
Now for the first time you can have fully automatic air on hand at a price you can 't afford to miss.
• • • • • •
An ideal unit to have on the Farm, Garage, in fact anywhere compressed air is required. Can be used for painting, spraying cattle, pumping tires, cleaning equipment, and pressure greasing. 113 H.P. Thermo-protected Electric Motor. Automatic start and stop, 70-125 Ibs. Tank Size 23" x 12" 2.8 C.F.M. Safety valve protected Complete and ready to plug in 20' air hose with tire chuck
ITEM No. PTC-3-Complete unit as illustrated _____________ $129.00
THE PRINCESS AIR COMPRESSOR KIT Now Build Your Own and Save Money We supply all parts necessary (less motor) to build a self contained air compressor, at a big saving. Kit consists of the following parts : • • • • • • •
Air compressor 2.8 C.F.M. Stainless steel pressure tank (approx. 9 gals.) 20' air hose (wi th tire chuck) Air gauge 0-300 Ibs. (1,4" pipe thread). Safety Valve (A djustable 25-200 Ibs.) One Way Check Valve Copper tubing and all necessary fittings (to complete Kit).
Approximate shipping weight 50 Ibs. ITEM No. PTC-6-<exoctly os pictured).
Speciol ___________..$57.50
Stainless Steel Tank (6" x 45") Air Gauge (0-300 Ibs.) Air Hose with Tire Chuck Air Valve All necessary fittings to complete Kit.
Approximate shipping weight-I8 lbs. Item No. PTC-7 (exactly as pictured). Special .--... -.-----.-.$16.75 (Can supply tank only- as above) ... .-.... -...-.--..-.. -.........---.-.......$9.95
New Air Operated Grease Gun New Ada m s' Bamb, A ir Operated . Ca pncity 20-oz , single shot. In stant operation. DevelOPS 80 times pressure s hown in air compressor tanks. Suctloned filled. Telescoping filling rod . Operales on pressure as low as 50 Iba . Handle. all lubl'ica nts. Nickel finish . ITEM No. 814 ...... $19.25
TIRE PRESSURE GAUGES Model No. I Tire gauge for Pass. Car•. Read up to 50 Ibs. Comes in Black leather case. Each ..... _...... ..... -........ - ..... -......... $1.25 Model No. 3 Truck Tire gauge. Registers from 20-120 lb.. Comes in Red leather ease. Each ......... ........... _................. .. $1.69 Model No. 4- Dual head Truck tire gauge. Registers from 20-120 lb.. Comes in Leatherette case. Each .. -- .............$2.50
1200 G.P.H. Norco Centrifugal Pump P-11 (Pump guaranteed for 1 year) A Quality pump built specially for us to sell at a price you can afford. Delivers up to 1200 gals. per hour. Featuring 5 blade impeUer with one oilite bearing at each end of housing. Made of rust-proof alloy, 0/.. " inlet, %" out· let (Adaptable to garden hose). Design permits handling of semi·solids. Pump requires foot· valve. Pump ......... Special Only •
Foot valve
~i~~ ~~~oh~.~~~~.~~ .......... $3.30
All Bronze Centrifugal Pump Item No. 384 Equipped with 6" adjustable "V" pul1ey, 2" diameter inlet and outlet, 180 gal. per minute capacity. These al1 bronze Centrifugal Pumps are ideal for use as marine bilge pumps, Circulating pumps, fire protection or irrigation. Inlet and outlet take hose with 214" inside diameter. SHIPPING WEIGHT 31 LBS. Total Head1 Speed Feet 25 3600 R.P.M. 35 3000 R.P.M. 20 2400 R.P.M.
H .P. , 3 l'A
Gal. Per Min. 180 90 75
'h Back plate may be rotated for most convenient inlet position.
1 3/4" BILGE PUMP-2400 G.P.H. Brand New War Surplus self priming. A real pump value suItable for general pumping. irrigation, fire protection. Marine use. Self adjusting bucket type brass fins for long dependable service. 1,*" inlet and outlet. Mfg. by Blackmer Pump Co. Pulley Speed- 400 _ 1000 RPM maximum. Originally Cost $85.00. A "PRINCESS VALUE" &.._.O. N _ L.Y_ ........................... ........................... ........._ .-
~' Marine
ITEM 383
• Sprinkling: • Irrigation • Insecticide Spraying • Sump Pump • Fuel Tranafn Home Water Systems Dewaterlnc Salt Water, Chemical, Acid Pumping CirCUlating Pump • Cooling tow ... FEATURES: Needle Bearing Construction; lY.!" pipe Thread Inlet. 1~" Hose Outlet;
.9...5_0__-1 ~~n'lf::rs: "M~~~f S~h8~~\; ~I~~i~ro~::k B~~~
Centrifugal Pump"
• Bilge Pump • Irrigation • Fuel Tranafer • Boiler Feed' Marine Pump. Dewatering • Circulating Pump.... Car Washing (All Bronze Const ructed) Pulley- Adjustable pulley assembly especially desirable where Base adjustment cannot be made. Ball Bearing- Sealed and grease packed for life, requires no further lubrication. Intake and Discharge- Threaded for standard pipe sizes. Accurate surfaces provide stream~ lined flow and high efficiency. Body, Housing, Impeller made of high quality red brass. Grease Cup-Only point in pump requiring attention-periodic lubrication with waterproof grease. Packing Gland- Backed by semi·permanent metallic packing. Need not be excessively tight, as design of pump eliminates leakage and sediment deposit as well as lubricant loss at packing and bushing. Shims and Gaskets-are provided in the design of this pump to facilitate the maintenance of proper clearances. Drain Plug (drain cock) -is provided so the unit may be drained in freezing weather. Shaft- is made of highly polished Monel metal. Weight 18 lbs. Total Head 3000 RPM 3300 RPM 3600 RPM Feet GPM HP GPM HP GPM HP 30 117 I*140 3',4 135 2*35 105 1,* 128 2~ 136 3'4 40 88 1% 120 2% 131 3'4 45 60 1'\4 110 2\4 125 3 50 118 3 95 2\4 55 70 I*110 2*60 98 2*65 82 2¥., Minimum pump speed 1.500 r.p.m.
Model R-l10
Price $33.75
Grease Cup; Drive Gears for long, trouble free service; Four Mounting Feet . CAPACITY: From 10 to 80 Gal. Per Min. at Speed. from 550 to 2400 R.P.M .• using from to 20 H.P . for Pressures to 250 b bUS N Ibs. per SQ. in. Sip. Wt.: 58 I s. . . Ilvy cost $168.00. Each .................................................. S39.60 Special "Buy" 2 for $75.00
READY-TO-INSTALL "SHALLOW WELL PUMP UNIT" ITEM NO. OL-356A • Complete packaged unit: mounted on 10-Imperial gallon tank. • Ready to use-it is only necessary to connect pipes. • Pumping t.:8pacity-2 10 imperial gallon. per hour. • Motor-'fl H .P. 60 cycle, 110 volt. "therma guard" protected. • Controls: Automatic Pressure Control Switch, Safety Pressure Relief Valve, Air Volume Control. The ideal shallow well pressure System for J:.... arm or house use. Thjs is a unit for any house well or man made cistern 22 feet or less in depth. Lance 10 Imperial gallon tank eliminates frequent starting. Complete unit takes only a small space. Thi. self-contained pump is engineered and designed to give long-lI(e service: all workIng parts made from highest quality material. Bushings are patented nylon type, will give years of service with noi~ less operation . Shipped in wooden crate. Weight approximately 130 lbs. SPE.CIAL PRICE ...................................... _.. . (F.O.B. Winnipeg)
Gear Type Pump Ma."dmum vertical suction lift 20·ft. Pumps water or any liquid that is free from sand or other abrasive materia lself-lubricating. requires no I<reasing. These pumps can be belt driven or can be coupled direct to tractor power tak<>-off fo r use in weed spraying. Requires V3 H.P. or larl<er capacitator t ype electric motor or l'h H.P. gasoline engine. Precision built-a ll bronze castings with hardened straight cut brass gears. gra phite
bearin~s .
l,..,!-Inch Bronze Gear Pump with )':l-in. suction and discharge openings. Caparity at 900 R .P.M. at 30·lbs. pressur e is 350 gallons per hour or 130 gallons per hour when used in t racto r power tak...aff. PRICE .............................. ................ · ...... · ............ ··· ...... ·$21.50 3.", -inch Bronze Gear Pump with 3." .in. suclion and discha rge openings. Capacity at 900 R .,P.M . at 30 lbs. pressure is 500 ga llons per hour or 250 gallons per hour when used in tractor power take -off . PRICE ................................................................. $24.75
Economy Sump Pump
protected '4 H .P. 1l0-volt ball-bearing m otor. ll; . Thermal Fully automatic - dependable micro swltch. resistant to rust and corrosion . Pump may be set up off level and
f.ll •
give good performance . • Float is solid plastic- indestructible cannot rust or corrode . • All metal parts o[ switch and [loat rod are cadm iu m plated. can not rust. • Switch lever and [loat rod guide are treated with p lasti c compound to prevent vibration. • Capacity 2000 Imp. Gals. per hour at S-rt. head. • Overall height about 33 inches. Pump base is cast iron. with heavy seam less steel t ubin g for pump .tandard. Impeller is five vnned. open type. with solid drive shaft coupled directly to electric motor. Galva n ized steel wire screen 7 1-2" diameter covers suction bottom of pump. H as 1 ,," discharge outlet. Shipping weight nbout 3S-l bs. ' F.O.B. WPG. Reduced Special .. .... .. ...... .. . .......... ................
Brand New Rubber Hose
Rd~t~uC~!':'.1. ~.~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .
25 f t. 10 n g_* .. $9.50 14 ft. lonl<-2" dia .. gas o r suction ............................ $8.50 11 2"x l , " di n .• gas or suction ......................................$7.50 9 It, ft.' x 2" su ction hose ................................................$8.50
Vacuum Pump Rotary Vane Item No. 104A- Rota ry V a ne Type--for milkin g machines, printin g p resses. vacuum fra mes . dental castings, lab use, etc. Delive rs 2S" vacuum . 4 .5 cu . ft. per min . at 1500 R. P. M .. u sin g * H .P . Ro tates either direction. %" pipe thread por ts. '1,," stan da rd s ha ft . 4 ba ll bearings . Easy angle bracket mtg. Ready to r un . Dimen sion s: 9"x4 'h"x5". Shipping Weight: 13 lbs ..... ...................................................................................... $ 16.50
Fuel Pump Rotary Vane
Item No. 51-A f ine reversible utility unit for gasoline or W fuel oil pumping. etc. Ca pa city. 400 gallons per hour. * " pipe thread in let and outlet. Has built-in. adjustable relief va lve. set at 30 P .S .I. . adju t a ble to IPO P .S .I. Rotation in either d ir..c t ion : '1,," st a ndard shaft. b,,1I bearing supported. Dimensions: 5Y" .. x3t,.B .. x I0... Sh ipp in g weig ht : 8 Ibs. P.ump... . $16.50 A $55.00 va lue .......
Ho.nd.... FIi:ilcf ..
rp ~
Item No. J30-Hand Fluid Pump Self priming. excellent fo r fuel tra n sfe r -ba rrel pump %" pipe thread ports 3""," d ia. W t. 3 '1" lbs. Aircrart Quality . 200 G.P.H .........$6.50
Higgins Bronze Centrifugal Pump
'J'Iltem No. 414-Wt. 23 lbs . 75 gals . per minute at 2400 R .P.M. Ll..J Higgins tYI)e PNB. Mode l R marine bil ge pump: open impeller desig n [or h a ndling muddy water . Delivers 75 gals. per m inu t e. 30 foot hea d wi th * H .P . Motor . Pump. Body. a nd Im peller are m a de of so lid bronze with alloy steel. .. diameter sh a ft 1 4" lon g. Rotation of pump is c lock' let has I Y" .. pipe threa d . Pla in I ""''' Outlet for hose ~.;:.:;:=:...:::.::::::::~=-=::..:::::::::~:;.~;:::;~~~~~::::.:.~~~~~-=~~~~~::....._ Price Reduced to ........ ..............................$28.50
For Irrigation and Fire Fighting ITEM N o. P425 This light weight, porta bl e V.S. Navy pumper has a
rated delivery of 500 GPM at 1000 PSi. It is po wered by a Johnson 4 cylinder, opposed type, 2 cycle engine. The en gine is wa ter cooled from the pump. and has a pressure contrOll ed go vernor. It is rope started, with magneto ignition. The pump has a 4" in le t and t wo 2 '12" outlets. Inlet and outlets are threaded for fire h ose couplers. A hand priming pump is mounted in the t ubul ar carryin g frame. The e ngine is equipped with two fue l hoses and a fuel selec to r valve to permit lhe use of two gas tanks. Dimensions: 21"x26"x27". Shi pping Weight 256,lbs. . Gov t. Acq. Cost $950.00. Special .......... ........... .. ............
High Capacity "Jet" Pump (FOR WELLS TO SO-FOOT DEPTH) Ready to install unit, with smooth, quiet water flow ITEM NO. OL-5S3A High capacity water supply for farms or households where several fixtures ruay be in U8e at one time. Compact for easy installation. with I')ump and motor mo un ted on heavy-gauge galvanized tank and connections made between pump and tank. Simple design that gives you years of trouble free service with only one movi ng part . Mechanical seal around the motor shaft is self-adjusting to take up wear w ith out leaknJ.1'c. To protect J)ump from abrasives in the water, a bronze fool va lve and strainer are supplied. SPECIFICATIONS: MOTOR-I/3 H.P . . 110 volt. SO cycle with pr<>-Iubricated ball bearings. equipped with automatic re-sct over·load protection. IMPELLER Precision machined and accurately balanced bronze. single pieee con · struction. directly cou~ed to motor shaft. CONTROLS-Pressure I<aug~ pressure control valve. nir volume control. CAPACITY Up to 482 impeClal gallons per hour. DIMENSION IO-lmperial gallon tank. Overall 32"xIZ"x24". SHIPPING WEIGHT I05Ibs .• craled In wooden box. SPECIAL PRICE ......... _. . ..... • (F.O.B. Winnipeg)
$116 50
PUMPS Feature ....... Famous "Precision Made" Clinron Gas En ..!ne aS8urinl' a Ion .. life of trouble fr .. service.
Look Here! " Princess" presents the first PORTABLE SUMP PUMP featuring the Clinton "Precision Made" Gas Engine (Model l02-E)
Here is a multi-purJ)Ose unit designed for efficient low-cost pumping on the fnrm. In homes. industry, construction and wherever heavy duty service is required for continuoU8 operating periods. • Light-<!asily carried from sIte ro site by one man . • Not affected by dirty and muddy water. • Works fast to remove surface wa ter. SpecificationsWei Iba. Pump Body-High grade grey cast iron. Enlline-Clinton . Precision made 2 H.P . VS 200-3800 R .P .M . Heil'ht-4 8" (with engine) . Performance--
Total Dynamic Head in reet (Gallons per hour) 5 10 15 20 25 SO 4700 4400 . 4100 S700 3300 2900 Item No. PSP-302-E-Princess Special .................................................................................. 578.60
The Standard All Purpose Pump
'21 l.£J
"First In The Field" (for .. as or electric motorl) This pump has a very high capacity for pumping clear. muddy or sandy water from dugouts, rivers. ditches or shallow wells. It is ideal (or use on irrigation or amall pressure systems. Cast-Iron Body and Solid Calt-Iron Impeller. Equipped with new. modern. water lubri cated Rotary Seal and Oilite Bush ing. • No stuff in g box necessary . • No Power-loss by friction on the sh aft . • No water-droppin g. • No Grease cup necessary. • Closed Impeller. This pump has 1'4" suction and a 1" discharge . The addition of the rotary seal along with advance engineering design h as enabled us to offer you a pump capable of the capacities listed below . Total Dynamic Head In H.P. R .P.M . Suction Lift _l'-0'-_ _--'2"'0_ _ _-" 3.:., 0 _ _ _ _4_0_ _ _ _50_ _ _ _6_0_ _ _ _ 70'1760 7 1800 900 2400 10 2460 2040 1600 2900 13.5 3360 3000 2580 2160 1440 3400 17 3720 3540 3300 3060 2820 2400 1740 BASED ON HYDRAULIC STANDARD ASSOCIATION No Special Hose or connection s needed . Foot Va lve is needed to avoid Priming. Drain Plug on bottom of Impeller Housing and complete priming attachment included . ITEM-SAP-2656-Princess Specia l Price .. ................................................................................ $28.60
fJl Portable Self ~ Clinton En .. in • .
The Princess PSP-126 Self Primer Prim ln .. -
Many U •••• Pumps 4000·5000 Gallons per h~ur. 2 '1.. H.P.
Th is pump delivers up ro 5000 G.P.H. Constructed with all the advanced en g Ineering features these pumps are known for. Is powered by a Ball Bearing. 2'h H .P .. 4 Cycle Clinton Engine . Pump is directly connected to the engine. thus making n compact. ba lanced Portable Unit. SELF PRIMING-Just fi ll the case once and then forget it. Pump will pay for itself in a few days. It does 80 much for so little. Has a 1' ~ " suction and n 1\4" discharge. The addition of the Rotart Seal and advanced engineering design h as enabled us ro offer you a pump t ha t builds up much greater pressure than found in other comparable units . Therefore only a 1'4" Discharge is necessary. Weight 70 Ibs. ITEM NO. PSP-126-.-PRI NCESS SPECIAL ....................................................................... $128.00
Item DP-189 "Dual Purpose Eclipse Water PumpLighting Plant Unit"
2 cycle Gas Engine with 30 Volt. 50 amp DC Generaror a nd Water Pump '4' Single cylinder. coupled to the engine. (Excellent for Boats. Lightin .. Plant •• etc. )
L!J d irectly
Bilge Pump--Self-priming. 600-600 gallons per hour capacity . Equipped with clutch ro eliminate unnecessary wear when pump is not used . Engine--5 H .P. manual start Bendix. sing le cylinder. 2 cycle. equipped with Bendix Scintilla magneto and metering pump. Generator-30 Volt DC. 50 amp . 2600 R.P.M. Mfg. by Bendix. Built-in cooling fan . BRAND NEW-Gov·t. Cost $450.00. ITEM NO. DP-189-Princess Special ....................................................... .. ............................ $ 188.00
The "Hypro Electric Portable Pump" W 'si
(Model MB38) A powerful little Portable Pump Unit. Ever ready for countless every day pumping jobs. Ports threaded to fit garden hose couplingM. Use .......Draining Cistern or Septic tanks. Bailing Ou t Boats. Pumping Out Basements. Spraying. watering lawn or garden. Features-
Self Priming- Model MB 38 lifts water up to 10 feet unprimed ; 22 feet primed . Portable--Handy carrying handle. Weight only 25 lb • . with motor . Motor- Thermo protected. totally enclosed V. H .P . 110 Volt Heavy Duty Capacitor type. Compact-Hollow shaft pump slips directly on motor . Capacity- Up ro 5 gal. G.P.M. with open discharge a t 1750 R .P .M. Rubber lmpeller- "Paddle Wheel Type" rubber impeller pumps clean or dirty water. kerosene. fuel oil. bilge water. calcium chloride for tractor tires. etc. PRINCESS SPECIAL ... .......................................................................... ... ..................................... $73.60 ITEM NO. TFK-Hypro Tractor Tire Fill Kit-Complete with 5 foot Suction hose with strainer and 15 foot Tire filling hose. PRINCESS SPECIAL ....................................................... ......... ............ ...................... ...... 516.96
New -
'6' ~
Hand Operated Diaphragm Bilge Pump
(Self-Primln .. ) I tem No . DBP-14--Suitable for Boats. Septic tanks. Dugouts. Barn Gutters. Garages. or anywhere clear or mucky water is to be pumped out. Totally Enclosed. protecting operator from spray . 14" diameter. 2 Valve Control block. 13'Diaphragm; 3" in let and outlet. 28" handle. Capacity- Approx. 'h gal. per stroke. Complete as illustrated . Princess Special ................... . ........................ ............................ ·529.60
Heavy Gauge Amo Boxes for Every Purpose. All boxes have sturd y handles and are In new condition. You may pick 10 assorted boxes at the price listed-in lots of 10. A -P80-22" Long. 9" Wide. 5" Deep. $1.25 Each $1 .00 Lots of 10 each B - P 59- 19" long. 8" Wide, 8" Deep. Each $1 .35 Lots of 10 each $1.20 C -206-19" long, 9 'h" Deep. 12" long. A very handy box. Each $1.65 Lots of 10 each $1.40 D -3 l4- Heigh t 28". Square Top Opening 10 %" x 10'14". Can be used as Tool Box . Is water tight -8 gallon capacity . Excellent for storing anti freeze . Each $1.50 Lots of 10 each $1.25
BRAND NEW 32 VOLT MOTOR BARGAINS 1-Brand l'\ew '2 H.P. - 32 Volt DC Electric :\Iotor. ·1.000 RPM. reversible. ~1fg . by ELECTRIC VACl-t:M CLEAl'\ER Co. Dimensions "long, ~ '2" Wide , ~12" high. Special Price .................................. $1 7 .50 2-32 Volt Electric Motor - Brand new . 1;3 H.P., 32 Volts D.C .. ] ,7150 R.P.M. 11 amps. at full load. Air cooled, heavy duty ball bearings. powerful and noise less. Weight 1 ~ Ibs. Complete with metal ba se. pecial Price ................................ $19.50 3-74 H .P. 32 Volt, 7 Amps., 2.000 R.P.M. gear head. Electric Motor built by Deleo. Ball bearing type, ' 2 " shaft. As illustrated ............................... $12.75
4-Brand l"ew Thompson Fuel Booster Pump -2 ~ to ~O Volt-low pressure 2.006 P.H. at P.S.I. - Draws 5.2 amp. Each .................................................... $12.50 5- 32 Volt, ~3 H .P. Electric Motor with 500 lb. hoist directly attached. SS inch shaft. Motor is reversible with low amperage suita bl e for garage hoi s t. door o r nel', e lectric drill, hay s I ing hoist. There are many more practical u se for this compact well built motor. The hoist ca n be easily adapted. Ol'\L Y .... $22.50
6 Exhaust Blowel Excellent for cleurin~ fumes in ~HI·age. SI)ray hop. (on:re. May be attac hed to heating unit. Blower will move ~5()O cU. in. of ail' pet" minute. Comes complete with 32 vo lt, 6 amp. ball beal'inJ..{ tYJle motor. Includes start and ",top ~w ilCh . YOUI', complete fol' only . .................................................... $18.50 7-BRA D NEW! I H.P. 12 VOLT ELECTRIC MOTOR - For electric wheel chail·s. - For electric "olf cart M. - 1"'01' self-prope lled Mcoolers , ch ildren's midget cuI's. Rated I H.P. 100 aml>s .. 5.600 R.P.M .. I ~ volb. I) . . This doub le shaft moto.· of ball-bearing construction mAy be run on 6 volts for lo wel' hOI"Hcpowel' I'c(luil'emenb;. Standal'd ;h... · sha fts. nu t and bolt electril'ai tel'minals, flanJ.(e mounlin~s Dimensions: !J" x 41. /' ., .1 1,:/'. ShiJ)p ing weiKht: 19 Ibs. A I'oal value at $17.50 8-GEAR HEAD ELECTRIC MOTOR. 12 Vol! 1/ 20 H . P .• 200 R·P.M. Reversible. Built by Dumore. Can be u~ed mt a drill, opening doors. or any allplicution whel'e a dependab le Gear Head Motor is is requil'ed. Size 3:( .. Diameter, 5" lunJ::. weiJ.,{ht 3 1",,! Ibs, lll-and New \Var Suqlius. only ....... ................ ......... ......... 514.50
Eclipse Retracting Unit
ECLI PSE RETRACTI NG UNIT. with 24 volt DC motol' Rated at 2 H . P . Take-off s haft turns 110 R.P . M. Gea.· I'atio is 40 to 1. Clutch is set at 100 foot pounds torQue. Has an electro m agnetic brake in m otor. Over-all s ize a p · proximately 10 1h" x 8 'I.!" x 5 1( ,". ONLy .... . ..... $22.00
WAR SURP LUS " UNIVERSAL SNOW PLOW" Fol' mOtlnlillJ,( on any truck or tractol·. l<.Jeal fn·f' snow-clearing, gl'ound levelling and many oth(>1" use~, Equipped with n G rt. , 29" cUl'ved blade, Two ('onvenient casters fOI' blade dellth seltinv. ('yilndt'I', BIOI('khuwk Hand hyu nlll lit, pump. and hose. Coil ~ lll ·inJ.(' lo (,lI~I'ion slrain 01' jar on plo\\" blmh. Complete ,\ ith nil attachmellt!i for iI1Htallinl{, ( !:iee Pholo), Snow plow tnn he held in any po~ition with hydrauli c l·yIiIH.Jel· control from J!TOUlld levl" to fully I'aised p()~ition I H" fl"om ground. Plow Blade ('all also be sw ung- lo either I:oiide (nplIl"o:\., 40') for angle·dozinV", Item No. URP-22, Complete uuit. Re ...ula.· ~51).(J(J. P,ince,. Spccinl P,ice .... $34 5. 00
"NORTON" MOTORCYCLES USED, IN GOOD CONDITION Ruggedly built for Army Use. Being offered at a Fraction of their Original cost. Featuring--Single cyl., 4 cycle 15 H .P . Engine. 4 Speed tra n sm ission; F oot brake for rear wheel, hand·lever for front brake. Equipped with 3.25x19 4·ply Tires. 3 gal. gas tank, and separate 011 tank. 6 volt generator and battery, outside mag ne to a nd oil pump, speedometer, battery charging ammeter, and head and tail lights. Dim ~ s-Wheelbas e 56", Length 85", Height 39", Road clearance 5". KEEP
(3,000 lb. Capacity) Item No. RH-3. Excellent for Farm Use. Gi ves you 4 to 1 Mechanical advantage when handling heavy loads. Equipped with rolJer bearings and 3 ~" sheaves. Will lift Heavy Loads smoothly and quickly. Can be used with rope or flexible winch cable. Ship. Wt. 22 Ibs. Special (less rope) Each -..... $4.75 (2 for $9 .00.)
1 %" (In s ide Diamete r ). Rust resist ant. Can be bent and twisted to make suction or blower hose. flexible s pouts. a ir h eater connections. tail pipes . tail pipe extension. oil breather units. exhaust extensions. Reg. 60c per foot. Special, per foot .__..... __ .... _....... .30 (when bought in 50 foot Rolls) per foot when bought in lengths ot less than 50 feet ._..._.................. .45
NEW EXTRA HEAVY DUTY STEEL BUMPERS Protect your truck and avoid costly repair bills by Instal\!ng one ot these as a 2nd bumper or by replacing light bumper on your truck . Dimensions : Length 7Ot' . Width 61;4 ". Made ot Steel. Can be used on trucks ~-4 Ton. Princess Special. Only ........ $5.75
GIANT AIRPORT A.C. FLOOD LAMPS Draws on ly 1200 watt. Can be plugged in ordinary wa ll-socket or small Lig bt Pla nt and be used as a portab le F lood Lamp . Throws a wide fl a t bea m of lig ht 2000 fee t long. Consists of a g iant concentrator Fresnal len s. 1250 watt . 11 0 volt. A .C .. h i-intensity bulb. 3' to 12' colla psible steel tripod. expensive shipping t runk. 4 eXll"a bulbs . a nchor • . etc. Trunk m a kes wonderful tool chest. Ideal for prIvate flying fie ld. small hir port. contra ctor. fa rm lig h t. etc . Weig ht 140 Ibs . Original cost $280 .00. Our Price ....................... ............................... ........................................... " ' .00
A Screw Top Type. Water Tight Army Surplus Box (28"x 10"x l 0" ) just crammed ( ull ot l£J valuable me rchandi se for e very d a y use . 20 lb•. assl ' New Bolts a n d Nu ts. Oil fil te rs . Rubbe r window channel. Wiper blades . 6 Volt Bulbs. Rubbe r insu la tors. Block hea te rs. Bush in gs. P iston rings. gaskets . (Cas lank floats. 6 Vo lt t rouble lig ht . Elec. receptacle Rnd plugs. cb aln. choke cables. hose clamps. pulleys. sea lin (C compound . ass t' sp ri n gs a nd ma ny more usetu l items. Weigh t 100 Ibs . ............................................................................................... ...................... ........................ 12.60
New-Can be used on all type engines. Under variable loads will maintain constant set speed. (i.e.) If motor is set at 1500 R.P.M.-Governor will maintain motor speed regard less or load. Only ........-........................... -........ -.-..$ 26.75
MASTER AND SLAVE HYDRAULIC REMOTE CONTROL SET . .. Instant Control Regardless of Location or Distance Design ed for remote operation of con t ro ls on engines, boats . special machinery. etc. Eliminate. cOlT\Plicated mechanical linkages . cables. pulleys . etc. The Master Unit connects to the Slave Un it wi th a single J "tube. When Master Control lever is moved. Slave lever follow. exactly. L igh t. com pact. a luml n um a lloy construction. Dim ensions of Both Units: 51 " Width. 9" Height. l:W' Depth. (Exclusive of handle> Shlpplnlr weight: 8 Ibs. _. ___ ...... _ . - .... ----·-. (-N~t;:.::t~bi~;··i~-·~-;.t ·~~~~i·i~r· .--.-..- ...- ..... _- .... - $28.25
'4' L:!J
LOW COST QUALITY TOOLS Here are a handy man's tools for every day use_ Now is the time to start your new tool set or to replace those worn out tools at these very low prices. B-1 ~O-Mechanic's Tool Chest with loose tray. and C'Arrying h an dle. Dimensions 21"" ,~" x 1 5/16" Ea . ... ...... $7.96 C-1l2~ -M achinist's cold chi el ',". Length h". Ea. .. . ........... .... . 86 -I099-M achinist's cold chisel ' ... . LenlCth 4" En. . .............. . 35 C-U 91-Woodworker's chisel width of blndp I" Ea. ... ... . ........ $2.10 D-1316-Dlvlder. precision made length W' Ea. . .......... $2.46 H·525-lI1achini "t·s hammer. ball-peen. 1 ' " Ib Ea . ... $2.26
Made of finest steel - were manufactured for use by British Commandos. Will cut nai ls, bolts & wires up to 1., ". Folding handles give extra leverage. Length (With handles folded) 11" - Will fit into any ordinary tool box. Length (with handl s extended) 16". Regular Value $!t.00. Special .... -... $3.75
1JNo. 365-Fence Tool
K-52 5-Two blade pocket knife. (for a 100 and I uses) ........ .................. ..... ........ .86 L-1266-Level and Plumb. idea l for carpenter's work on the (arm or around the home. LenlCth 12". Precision made $2.26 P.1977-Side cutting L ineman's p liers. drop forged steel. Length 8" ........... ......... . 9 6 P-1776-Plle rs. Gas . Length " ... ... $ 1.20 P -2 142-Plumb-Bobs . cast iron. weight 9
oz. .....
.. .............................. . 4 0
P-3603-Drive pin punch. diameter of point 5/32". len gth 4" .............. ........................ .46
''Brand New Army Posit ive lock Trailer Hitch"
'3' ~
Thi s heavily built trailer hitch has n positive locking system . The eye (for Quick change connecting) is made or 1" stee! with a 2 1,.... ,. centre. Will take 2" connection . This hitch has 4 mounting ho les 9/ 16". sp rend 5" between holes . Dimensions 8" hl",h with an overall length of 1\ " Rn d width 6'" ". Weight : 26 Ibs . Thi s hitch can be used from 1) ton to 5 ton trucks. Easi ly in stalled and very sa fe . A regular $25.00 va lue. being offered to you a t - Item TH-17 . Princess Special Price ............. .. .. $10.96
S-325-Nest of Saws. 3 blades: blades in set. compass 14". keyhole 10". and nailcutting. plumbers' or pruning. IS" $2. 10 T-4065-Tl'Owels. pointing. width 2%". length 6" ................................................ . 26 W-1850--Pipe wrench. adjustable str a p. capacity of pipe 'A!"-2". Len~'lh 12" $2.60 W-2343-Monkey wrench. m axi mum opening. 2W·. lenlCth 12" ... ................ ... $2.46 S-1101-Screw d river. normal duty. length of bl"de 3" .. ................. ............................ .26 S-tl04-Screw driver. normal duty. lenlCth of blade 6" ............ ..... ... ........................... .46 S-IlIO--Screw driver. normal duty. lenlZth of blade 12" ......... ....... ......................... .... • 96
Pulls A Half Ton!
World's Fastest, Easiest-To-Use Fence Tool. Simple and easy to use. Hooked ends holds securely on all posts. Lever action is fast and sure. EspeCially efficient for splicing as both ends of wire are up and free for twisting. Can be used for woven fence and other purposes , but is primarily the best barbed wire stretcher ever developed . Special Each -............ ----.-......... $7.50
Canadian Gov·t. surplus. Brand new. One year guarantee. "Railroad" type dial. Regular $29.95 va lue. Special Each ..... _._ ...... _._ ................. _.......... _.......... $8.95
(CapacIty Up to 25 Ton) Ideal for dra",line an d construction work. 15" 0 .0 . Sheave. with 1 1 / ' groove. 11.'2" shaft. and bronze bushing, Dimensions: 22" Long, 15 1h" Wide. Ship . Wt. 90 Ibs. Reg. $75.00. Special Price $36.00
ITEM O. 555-I'~" Bore. 4'~" Stroke. 1' ... · Piston Rod. stainle8s steel. 12" Overnll length . 1767 Ibs. Push. 773 Ibs. Pull . Side Pivot pin mount. Ports :)," Std. Pipe. Extra heavy duty cylinder that can be used for any hydraulic app lication caliinl{ for this size Cyl.. at an exceptionally low l)rlce. Special ....... .... ... ............ .. .......... $8.76
3turdy construcIon. E:ach $1.65
Fit!>: 6.70 x 15 6.00 x 16 6.50 x 16 7.10 x 15 7.60x 15 8.00 x 15
Suitable for garuges. Repair ShOIIS. Farms. Bus h Camp •. Mines, etc. Save on Costly repairs. by having one of these units on h an d at n il limes for heati ng, cutting, we ldin g and brazing. Ready to attach to your oxygen and acetylene tanks. Unit indudu-2 heavy duty doub le gauge adjustable ",aUKes. CultinK attac hment : WeldinK attachment with 3 lips: Pair of Go",gles: Li ghter: Wrench: T ank- Key : Double 12 foot ha.... Item No. HDA-97 Complete 118 listed above. Princess Specia l $ 120.00 Gauges Acetylene (as pictured above). Regular Price $32.50. Special. Each . .. .................... ......... ... $ 19.60
LB. AXLE ASSEMBLY 2 TIRES - 2 TUBES - 2 WHEELS and AXLE Maximum load capacity 20,000 Ibs. Check tbis 20,000 pound Trailer Axle Assembly. Here is a real heavy duty solid axle assembly excellent for hauling heavy loads over soft ground. Also perfect for tractor trailer or for all heavy duty bauling. Tbese trailer axle as s emblies will make light work of any load, and will run smooth on the roughest ground . Co~plete ~ith good used 14-ply 1550 x 20 aircraft tIres ................................
185 •0
;i~:~lf:teti ;:i:h...~~~~...~.~.::.~:.... ~~~~ .. ~... ~~ .... $ 2 10 .0 6 TON DUAL "LOW" AXLE ASSEMBLY Build your own "Tilt Type Trailer". Assembly is suitable for any type trailer you might want to build . Features 20" Aircraft 14. ply Nylon used tires in good condition, mounted on standard 20" truck wbeels. Standard widtb Axle, Assembly timken bear· ings. Tire Heigbt 31". Princess SpeCial .............................. ............ (Same Unit- with Hydraulic brakes)
NEW ARMY 3% TON AXLE ASSEMBLY Build your own trailer with our special axle assembly. Originally built to military specifications. now at a fraction of its cost. 2" Solid steel axle equipped with mechanical Brakes, T im ken Bearings, Spring Seat, Wheels 20" (will take
~~e~~a~·25T~9~~ Ti~eS). ~ta.~~.~~d .:.~~~~:
Complete with good used Tires 7.50 x 20, No patches or repairs-T-915 ...... ...... ............ ............. $1 10.00
$18 5.00 5215.00
TRUCK TRAILER AXLES Full floating type - 2 to 3 ton truck axle housing. Fully checked and in A-I shape, with brakes. hubs. all bolts and nuts, 4 wheels. Iie::i'urp ta ~ ci!l1. tl~ gf tDiel a~elel !sr.~ p atez W1 PECIA~ 6" WHEELS-T·923 ................ $6S.00 With SPECIAL 7" WHEELS-T·92L ........... $10S.00 We can also supply rear chassis of truck with sprin'gs, shackles, U bolt. Includes overload springs. Complete •00
THE TRUCKER SPECIAL Heavy duty trailer axle assembly, carrying capacity 20,000 Ibs. Brand new Timkin Axle fitted with guaranteed reconditioned hubs and bearings with hydraulic brakes. 4 wheels which will take up to 900 x 20 tires. A $500.00 unit. Our Special Price-T-922 •00
Complete with hlJbs. bearings. front axle. sprines. shackles. part of Car Frame. Front end lined up and welded to reKlJlor Trailer poSItion. Front End with 15" or 16" Wheels less T ires. No. T916 Front End with IJsed IS" or 16" T,res and Tubes. No. T917
$24.50 $36.00
(Size 6.50 x 14 - 12 Ply Nylon) BEST GUARANTEE
ow you can change over your wagons, trailers, implements, etc., to trcraft 6.50 x 14 - ] 2 Ply Ny lon Tires, designed to carry 6000 Ibs . 1 each tire. We have had so much success with these tires that we ill guarantee that should this tire fail within 2 years we s hall replace F.O.B. Winnipeg, at no charge to you.
IRES-6.50 x 14 - ]2 Ply Nylon, off of newest type Jets . Tire height J". Width 6~". Tires are Fresh stoc k , used, no repairs. Will outlast -gular truck or passenger tires by 5 times. 'HEELS-2 piece, easily demountable, heavy steel wheel. In ordering, ease send in paper pattern of present hub, number of bolts, and ake of Unit. We shall drill wheel to fit your present hub. UBES-Heavy duty aircraft quali ty.
~~~~a~!:~:g $15.50 (Set of 4................................ $59 .00 )
• All Trailers shown as "Jet Assemblies" in this catalogue are equipped with t he above Princess "Jet" unit. HW A-89- Brand new Hub a nd Timken Bearings. Complete wi th shaft Length 4~". Shaft diameter Ph ". Overall length 8 1h:' Dust cap to fit hub . Can be supplied for above "Jet" Assy, also Chev, Ford and Dodge passenger Wheels. Price, each ................................................................................................ $11.50
PRINCESS AXLE ASSEMBLIES Here is a well constructed axle a ssembly, featuring Timken bearings, 2" boxed a n gle iron, heavy duty hubs, 60" track t ire to ti r e. If you are in the market for a dependa ble axle assembly, "THIS IS IT " PROMPT RESPONSE WILL BE GIVEN ON ITEMS OTHER THAN LISTED IN THIS CATALOGUE. WRITE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS SR51-3 Ton Axle Assembly equipped with 2·12 Ply Nylon "Princess Jet" Aircraft tires, size 6.50x]4. These tires are off the Newest type Jets and will give years of trouble free service. (Same size wheel as new cars). Tire Height 26", Width 6~". Tires guaranteed for 2 years. We shall replace this lire at no charge F .O.B. Winnipeg, should it fail within 1 year. Wheels are 2 piece steel. Bolted together for easy assembly. (Axle Assy. with lirt's, Tubes, & Wheels), as described above
SR37-Axle Assembly with 14" drop centre wheels (same as on 19 57 automobiles) using 10 Ply ny lon low pressure aircraft tires, used, 1 year guarantee. Fresh stock of tires off current mod e l aircraft. Each tire rated to carry 3500 lbs . Height 27" , Width 8". Same carrying capacity as 11.00x] 2. (As illus trated with tires) ········· ······ ................................. $57.50 SR38-Axle Assembly (Same as above) with ]5" or 16" drop centre wheels (less tires) ···········.·.· ...................... ............. $35.50 SR39- Axle Assembly (same as above) with 14" drop centre wheels (less tires) ................................................................ $38.50 SR40-Axle Assembly (same as above) with used 6.70x15 4 ply tires. 70% tread ......................................................... $ 46.50
One of our most popular Farm Wagons. Heavy Duty all welded construction , with drop forged axles, spindles equipped with heavy duty tapered bearings. It has an adjustable reach, all steel yoke, and heavy duty tractor pole. Turns in a 10 foot radius. No Whip, perfect tracking. (Same Wagon can be supplied with three types of Tires as listed below).
Wagon as illustrated MODEL NFM-43 (with Pr incess Jet tire as illustrated above )- 6.50 x 14·12 ply Air· craft tires in excellent condition. Tires 26" h igh , 6 1h" wid e, m oun ted o n 2 piece steel wheels. Should tires fail within 2 years we s hall r eplace F .O.B . W in nipeg at no charge. Price ................................................................................................................. ..... $165.00 MODEL NFM-44-Wagon as illustrated with 14" 2 pi ece all steel wheel s and 27SC 10 ply Nylon low pressure, flotation type tires. P rice ........................................$169.00 MODEL NFM-49-Wagon as illustrated above with 15" u sed tires. 0% tread remaining. Price ................................... ...............................................................................$155.00
FEATURES 10.50 X 16 - 14 PLY TIRES
Guarantee Th is wagon is fully guaranteed aga inst ony defective workmonship and moterial . If wagon is not os represented it con be returned for immed iate refund .
NEW FULL CIRCLE 5TH WHEEL STEERING; FRICTION PLATES TO ELIMINATE POSSIBLE BINDING ON TURNS An Extra heavy duty wagon that will ensure you of years of trouble-fre e serv ice. This wagon com es e qu ipped with extra heavy hubs, wheels and frame work. Ever y part will stand up under, rated load . CAPACITY- l 0 Ton conservatively rated. TRACK-60" Centre to centre tire, Will track perfectly behind any truck or tractar. CONSTRUCTION-Welded Steel. HITCH-Extra Heavy duty channel . REACH-Steel pipe, pole can be extended to 10'2". FRONT AXLE-Salld Steel. REAR AXLE-Solid Steel. BUNK-38" Between pasts .
W HEELS--Extra heavy truck 2 piece type . BE ARINGS--10 Ton Hubs-roller bearings (heavy duty) . ST EERING--New full clfcle Sth wheel steering, allows shartest pOSSible turning radiUS . New frlcllon plates eliminate poSSible binding on turns . T IR ES--l0.S0 x 16-14 ply nylon (rated to carry 60,000 Ibs. on 4 tlfes) We Will replace tlfe free of charge F.O.B. Winnipeg should It fall Within 2 years. WEI GH T-1260 Ibs . (With tires).
Here is a n extra heavily constructed trailer. designed to give years of service. Swinging rocker type bunk prevents s train or breaking of box. and allows equal load balance to all wheels. NEW FRICfION PLATES THAT ELIMINATE POSSIBLE BINDING ON TURNS. NEW FULL CIRCLE 5th WHEEL STEERING a llows s hortest possi ble turning radius. CAPACITY- 5 Ton Conservatively rated . TRACK-r,O" centre to centre tire. will track perfectly behind a ny truck or tractor . CONSTRUCTION-Welded Steel. REACH - Pole e.'Ctends to 10' 2" steel pipe. HITCH- Extra Heavy Channel. TIRES-I~" Jet aircraft tires. used. but in excellen t condition. 12 ply. a tire that is still used on aircraft thus ensuring fresh supply. We guarantee to replace any tire free of charge F.O.B.
Winnipeg. s hould they f ai l within 2 years. Width of tire 6"1. ". Heig ht of tire 26". WHEELS-Extra wide 14", a ll stee l, 2 piece. BEARINGS-Timken bearings make wago n free running, eliminates binding when starting an d s topping. even with full capacity load . BUNK-6 " Channel. standard posts.
wago n-box
betwee n
WEIGHT-Complete with tires. 500 lb•.
GUARANTEE This wagon is fully guaranteed against any defects in Workmanship and material. If wagon is not as represented, it can be returned for immediate refund .
Model W527-Same Wagon as above with wider low pressure 27SC 10 ply nyl on tires, drop centre all steel wheels (same as on 1957 Automobiles). These tires have the same carrying capacity as a 11.00x12. SpeCial (F.O.B . Winnipeg) ._ ... _........ _......................-................. -.-.-... -.. -.-$159.50
NOW-All Purpose Steel Wagons AT LOW PRICES
"NORCO ECONOMY" 3 and 4 TON MODELS (Automotive-Type Steering) " WEAK Spots" are eliminated by the Norco All-Weld construction. Th is assures uniform strength throughout the Wagon, with no undue shain on load carrying areas. Through design and con ... struction "N oreo" all steel wogons ore built to give 0 lifetime of service . Long Life means Low Yearly Depreciation and Less Maintenance Costs. The All-Weld construction of these Wagons has cut up-keep costs to practically nil . There are no I I weo k_ spots" to wear and repeatedly be replaced . THIS MEANS TIME SAVED AND MONEY GAINED.
8000 Ibs. 60" cen ter to ce nter. Welded Steel. Timken tapered roller bearings and oil seals.
6000 Ibs. 60" center to cente r . Welded Steel. Timken tapered high-speed roller bearings.
We can supply the 3 and 4 Ton Wagons as listed below. 4 Ton 3 Ton Model W-404-With 6.50 x ]4 - 12 ply Nylon Aircraft tires, (same '-"heel size as new cars), off of newest type JETS . Tires in excellent ('on dition 26" high 61h" wide. Should tires fail withi n two years we flhall replace F .O.B. Winnipeg. Wheels-All steel, 2 piece , with extra beavy Aircraft tubes . PRICE ._ ._ . . .. -......... _..................... _._ ...... _ $146.00 Model W-4U2-With 6.70x15 - 4 ply good used tires, 70% tread . Tires guaranteed one year.... -.$140.00 Model W-400 Wagon less lires, with 15" or 16" wheels. Price ........ -..... _.. ............... _._.... _..... _$120.00
Model W-3 04 - With 6.50 x 14 - 12 Ply Nylon Aircraft Tires (sa m e wheel s ize as new cars). off of newest type JET . Tires in excellent condition 26" high 6%" wide. hould tire s fail within 2 years we s haJl replace F.O.B. Winnipeg. Wheels- All Steel 2 piece with extra hea vy Aircraft Tubes. Price ... 5132.50 Mod I W-302- Wagon with good used 15" tires 70 % tread. Tirefl guaranteed one year. ._.... .. ...$121.00 Model W-300- Wagon less tires, with 15" or 16" wheels. Price ........... -.......-...............-.--.... .. -.. ----.. $101.50
• • • • • •
Replaceable Oilite Bearings throughout, all interchangeable. 6" one piece fuse welded Tube 16 gauge. Chrome Cast Spur gear top drive, adjustable to take up wear. Gear Box Drive, Chrome Cast gears running in grease. Telescopic Undercarriage. Universal Motor Mount - Self levelling, equipped with clutch. • 15" drop centre wheels, spoke type. • Tapered Steel flighting with Ball·thrust bearing at top.
We can al so supply some type loade r in 35 foot length (Same as illustration at top )
Perfectly Balanced, completely port· able. One man can handle this machine. Equipped with transport hitch for towing. Smooth, trouble tree operation. Direct FROM FACTORY TO YOU. Ele· vates 17 ft. 10 ins. Weight 400 Ips. Long Reach Both top and bottom.
" A BIG LOADER FOR BIG JOBS" NPA-35 NORCO a~ Foot Grain Loader Elevates !,rain to height of ~3 feel. yet can be moved through a 7 foot 6 inch door when lowered. Heavy duty conolructlon. for rough and lough work. Weight - appro• . 600 lb•. (2 piece construction eve-cial for shipping purpose.).
NOTE-We recommend Model 23A Briggs & Stratum Engine to drive these Grain Loaders. Please refer to Page 49 for description and prices of our Briggs & Stratton Engines. KEEP
Priced at only ..
(Le,s Tire•• tube
and JlO"er)
THE NEW NOR ( 0 BA LEE LE VATOR ~~~ER SPECI FICATIONS: • Constructed of 1" - 14 gauge steel tubing, light but tough. • Arc welded - one piece, no assembly necessary except (30 foot unit in 2 pieces for easier shipping). • Bronze oil bearings throughout, all interchangeable and replaceable. • Univer al type motor mount, no hole to drill. Just bolt on Gas or Electric motor. • Sturdy Undercarriage-for highway trailing, available at small extra cost. Top workmanship, low price, efficient operation. Makes one of the greatest mechanical aids for the farm available to you. Economical operation by use of low power "Norco Bale Elevator" requires only 1 H .P . Electric or 1"',·2 H.P. air·cooled gas motor to operate. This rugged, light, extremely portable NORCO ELEVATOR comes to you in four sizes.
Pric s do NOT include Undercarriage 16 F t. 20 Ft. 1 24Ft. 30 Ft. $89.85 $100.75 $113.40 $142.80 48 (Farm Certificate Required)
Undercarriage Fo highway transport with 15" wheels (I s tires). $·U.15 Extra. See in rt
. , Effortless Saves Time . . . Saves Labour
For Easy Movement of Bales Loading - Unloading Horizontal Transportation
: AIR COOLED GASOLINE ENGINES Modern design, superio r performance. and easy starting. These Engines are being sold throughout North America. Designed for General Purpose heavier duty continuous work. 4 Cycle type, with built-in high tension magneto, that produces high voltage at low cranking speed that ensu res easy starting in all weath"!r conditions. Splash system lubrication eliminates wear on all moving parts. These Engines are equipped with oil-bath air cleaner, gasollne filter , muf[Jer, and starter rope. Farm-Uae Specification s Shaft P ri ce Bore Stroke S ize We ight Model H.P. 5.25 2%" 2%" 1" 82 Ibs. 14 $ 95.00 7.00 3" 2%" 1" 91 Ibs. 19 $ 99.50 23A 9.00 3" 3 'I.i" 1" 119 Ibs . $112.50 (Others a dd 25% if f o r NON FARM USE )
• • • • •
All Steel , electric welded construction throughout. Turns easily, turning in its own axis. Timken Tapered Bearings. Easy to back up-handles like a semi-trailer. Built for Economy hauling and all work.manship guaranteed. Trailer Deck-Only 23" from ground. Fram e Deck Size-62" Wide, 144" Long, 5" ChannelBuilt to Last. Tires-14 ply aircraft nylon, rated to carry 10 ton . Tires used in good condition.
W heel&-20" regular truck type ( Dua ls ) . Bearin gs-Timken. Hi tch-48" from deCk, with a heavy duty 1* " eye for Transporting.
rl~~E W~gd ~~~)U ~~ ...... _......... _.. _....... _.... _...$425.00
$485 00
P R IC E-For Farm Use. With 2" P lank Deck 84"x144". 68" between wheels _......... • (Use Farm Certificate on Order For m) (Other t ha n Fa r m Us e-ackl 10% to purchaae Price)
Model N·169-Pri ce (less Tires ) ................................... F .O . B . Winnipeg.
Model N - 170-Same U n it as Above w ith 8.50 x 16 14 ply nylon ail'c r a ft used tires in excelle nt condition . Gu a r a nteed for 2 years sho uld ti re fa il, we w ill re place free of cha r ge F .O . B. Winnipeg.
~:~\::~~ ~~I~s';in:..O . B. • Handle!! hke a trailer . • Retractable parking stand . • Sharp turninlt. easy to back. • Extra Low londing. • All Welded Steel. Capacity-3 to n . Construction-Formed channel s teel. welded Frame oredr illed for allac hinJ( flooring . Parking leg adjusts to fit dIfferent dl'U\\obar height~. For platform 6 x 10 ft. In size. OVEra ll length 14' 6". Tra<k-~3 inche •. Height to top of bolster-19 inches. D ...w I'ole--Steel wi t h attached pa rkin", leg . Leg ad j usts to f it difle rent drawbar heights. Sprin", londed hitch pin lock. Slake Pockets--1 2 Pockets, 4 corner brackets. Wheels-Exll'a heavy disc. drop centre rim for 7.5 0 x 16 8 p ly tires. as " trailer . Lubrication Wheel bearings greR!:\e nacked . Weight (Ies8 Tire.)-Approximately 6~0 lb•. (with Tir •• )-ApPI·o>.imately 700 lb •. G4eneral Descrip tion-Sveeds up all fa I'm hau lage work since it is a8 en,sy to handle as 1\ trailer. Takes cornel's shnrrJ ly, backs U1> accuriltely.
W inni peg ...............................
Increase the bore of your trador with these replac:emen t sleeve assem blies. 227H C H-Allis Chu lmers- W . Wc. W .D. W .F . Set of 4.. ....... 53. 00 P rice e ac h ........ $13.25 203HCH-Case C. D. CC . D D. P ri ce each ........ $I3.S0 Set of 4......... 55.20 222HCH-Case L . LA . etc. Set of 4.. ...... U2 .• 0 P rice each ........ $18. 10 239C H-Co-op. Coc ks hutt (Buda 4B153) P"i ce eac h ....... '13. 57 Set of 4 ........ '5 •• 28 260CH-Fo l'd-Fo rdson 2N & 9N '8. 15 $32.60 '2 . 15 $32 .60 S ta ndard ReD lacem en t Set of 4..._ ... $32.60 P r ice each ........ 'S.1 5 '2.15 $32 .60 202H C H-M c('o l ' m "c~ " H " W - 4 Price each ........ $12.40 Set of 4 ...... .. $49.60 23~HCH- M'c('orm"c ~ A . B .C . Price each ..." ..... $9. 40 Set o f ... ...... $37.60 IMHCH-M cCorm ac k M Price e ac h ........ '12. 60 Set of 4...... .$50.40 20SHC H-Massey H ar ris 44 P r ice each ........ '14 .• 5 Set of .......... 57.80 Other Models Price. On Roq .. eot 49
Controlled by two con"eniently located hprlng-Ionded eelf centering levere. enabling Dl'ums to be open.tted in either direction tOJ;."ethcr or independently, u Ring 1 ddve chain .
Ideally suited for Tow Truch. T.-ncto ... Cmne_. and Platform Lift •. Gear Ratio 21·1. s ingle speed Power Take-Off re<luired to op rnte . 4" wide. wilh 61f..t
Dimensions: 51" lonlZ'. 22" wide. 20" high . Orum A 8" wide with 6" core.
core, Bud
Come. equipped with I" etand a rd 15 and 24 tooth s llrockels . but lees chllin and cable . ShippinK weight approximately 350 lb• . Like new. completely rCCQndilioned. Price .. -. $425.00 REGULAR $1200 .00 .
HEAVY DUTY WINCH DRIVE KIT H e r e is a n opportu n ity to save time and money. We supply you with a comp lete k it t o d rive yo u r winc h at h .. l! the prlc. It would cost you to purchas. th e in d ivi d ua l parh a nd at the same time save )tOll time and labour. KI T C O NS I S T S O F: D ouble Ball Bearing Pillar Block A£sembly-with a 10" x I ". " shaft . 9 tooth 1" pitch sprocket; 1 universal joint. slip type-6 spline 1'." ; handy ready to mount 11" x 4" mounting bracket. One universal jOint 1'." x 1'/. ... 31" of 1',,' shaftlng . splined to fit umversal joint on one Lnd . 50 ' o( I " pitch cham. 1 18 tooth sprocket. YOU GET ALL THE ABOVE FOR ONE LOW PRICE. C OMPLETE KIT _ _ ._...
'21 W 10 11 12 24 25
Winch Sprocket and Chain
*" Pitch Spl'Ockel. Toolh .................... $3.25
Tooth Tooth Tooth Tooth
............ ........ 3.5 0 .................... 3.75 ........ ............ !I_75 ..... ....... ...... . 10.25
W Steady
Semi -
Capa city to 2S Tons
Fini6hed Bore
Extra Prices Reboring ......... $2 .• 0
~&;~w ..::::::::: ~:~~
*" Pitch
$ 2.35 .35
Chain Steel Roller per foot
Master Link ...
Round Shafting
P ower Take-Off drive shaft steady Ideal for drive shaft on Hydraulic Truck bearing (state Rize required) each 53.75 Winches and many other uses : ~!!!!!~""'~~"",,~~"""~"";~~~f#.~~ No . 100 ?4 Round Shafting Write for prices on other sizes. When .. No. 101 ". Round Cold Rolled Shafting ordering measure length required- Once ,. No. 102 Square Shaftiol( ...... .... ,-. cut cannot be returned fol' credit.
Hoi. l. 45c rt. 65c ft. 45c ft.
Power Take-Offs For trucks with 4 and 5 speed transmi ssion. complete with Dash Control and all necessa ry parts for installation. We guantntee replacement parts for immediate delivery. The ~e Power Take-Of Cs are built by a leading Transmission Manufacturer and are fully ~'Uar a nteed .
Truck Power Take-Offs
CH EV ROLET & GMC 1932-1947 4 speed spur ...................................... _ .... ..._.... . 1948-1958 4 speed syncro mesh ............................. _... ..... . 1936-1955 5 sl>eed (most models) ................................ _ .. 1956·1958 5 speed NP-91020 (Trans.) ..........•.... ............... 1956-1958 5 speed Spicer 300109 (TraIlS.) ..................... . FORD 1937- 1953 4 speed spur T9-T97 Trans ......................... ... . 1952-1955 4 speed helical T98 Trans ............................. 1956-1 ~58 4 speed helical T98A Trans ........................ . 1948- 1957 5 speed medium duty c1ark Trans ............. . 1953-1956 5 speed lighl duty NP Trans ........................ . 1955-57 5 speed heavy duty Clark Tmn s. (2 Gear) .... 1957- 1958 5 speed NP-540 Trans . ................................. . I NTE R NATIONAL 1933-1953 4 speed spur acme & T97 Trans . ................ . 1950-1955 4 speed Helical 1'98 Trans ...... ................. . 1956-1958 4 speed Helical T98A Trans ......................... . 1950- 1957 5 speed Iil(hl duty NP Trans . ....................... . 1938-1958 5 speed heavy duty Fuller Trans .................. . 1956·1958 5 speed 540 Trans . ........................................ . DO DGE & FARGO 1933-1951 4 speed Spur ..................................... ................ . 1950- 1951 4 speed Helical ............................. _.................... . After April 1961-1955 4 speed Helical ............................................. . 1956-1957 4 s peed Helical ..... ............................... .......... _.. . 1937-1957 5 s peed T93 T,·ans. Clark Heavy Duty .... .. 1950-1965 5 speed Iighl duty ................... ..................... . 1956-1958 5 speed NP540 ................................._............. . 1956-1958 5 speed Clark 265 two gear .................... ....... . N.B.
Shaft Dia.
Ii" H" H"
$35.50 35_50 35_50 41t_85 35_50
tii" +-I"
35_50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35_50 78_50 49.85
35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35_50 49.85
35.50 35.50
t~ "
taU ti"
35.50 35_50 35.50 35.50 49.85 78.50
When ordering Power Take-Offs always show make. year and model number of your truck on your order .
Extra Heavy Duty New 2 Speed Power Take-Offs 1 Speed Forward 1 Speed Reverse Ford 1930-52 lruck. 4 s peed using Warner T-9 trnn s m i.sion . Will a lso fit Dodge a nd International usinll T-9 transmiss ion_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _........... $75.00 Can sup ply Powe r Take-Off Cabl es, 7 1-_ _ _____ _ _Warner ___ __ ___ ___ _ _ __ feet lon g. Each _.. -.-..........----....... $6.50 1 Reverse Power-Take-Off Two Speed Forward Can s up ply New Helical Cut Gear 2 Rebuilt like new I Will fit all unit. taking a Model PTSC P.T.O . in above listing. Speed (1 forward, 1 rev erse ) Power A regular $225 .00 value only .. ... .. .... . .... ...... ......... ............. $ 80.0 0 Take-Offs. Special, each ... -.. -.$119.95 NOTE :We can supply 1-speed Take-Offs for all types of trucks . Write (or prices_
(Fo r 4 & 5 speed trans.)
(Mode l 616 B) This is one of the most popular heavy duty winches. Used in oil fields construction work. building-movers, logging, etc. Can be in_tailed in trucks, tractors, boats, stationary units, etc. llronze gear roller bearing. These winches have been removed from ~ew \" hiI'll's and come complete \\ Hh approximately 150 feet of 1'>8" cable, and dog clutch. . . Dimen:;ions: O\'erall length, 46"; Width, 19"; Height, 21". Drum Length. 16"; Diameter, H"; Core 5".
H~rcl~Y·. :·a.~~e .~:.~.O. .~.~. .......................... .............. . . . . . . .$ 385.00 GARWOOD 6-TON WINCH
1) One of the most popular winches for aIJ trucking and farm u ses. Heavy duty construction for lasting ervice. on-ect gear rati o for ease and speed in handling a load. Dimensions 27" long; 19" wide; 15" high; drum 11 1 2" long with 5" core. Equipped with Dog Clu tch and afety Brake. Gear ratio 21-1. Shaft size Ph". Completely re-
:o~:~~::e:::~:.i:::~I~~.~.~:~.~.~~.i. :~:......................... (Less Cable) 12 "
New \Vinch Cable Available at 30c per foot.
]J CARWOOD 2S-Ton WINCH or that real heavy lob One of the ave been completply rerondltioned. OveTall Lenllth Width Helllht Spool Width
heaviest and 32!h" 26" 26" 13'."
Truck W in c h es ever built . These W inches guaran teed like n ew Spool D ia m ete r 20 " 7" Spool Core 2" Shaft D iameter
.. $ 625 .00
DBrand new, excellent for car towing, or any light app lication. T aper Roller Bearings, bronze \Vorm Gear, A utomatic Safety-Brak e. Makes any light load a safe load within the rated capacity. Drum Dia. l l" Drum Width, 10"; 'ore 5"; Overall length. 48"; Overall Wid t h, 13~'; Overall Height, 14"; Speci a l...................................................... 00
D!~~~ vaY!e~~~t~ 15~0~! ratio gears, a utom a tic brake. 12·ft. Lift. Complete with 3/ 16 steel cable. Use w ith or withou t
extension arm. Makes wonderful hoist for garages, rear end s win g-
. _
.. .
S~~~.n.~: .. ~~.~~~.~~c~~~:~~ ~~: .~~~~~~.~: ~.~~: ?~~~: _ ~.~~~.:~~~~: ~~:.. $ 3!. 5 0 1800 LB. CAPACITY HAND WINCH
]J Oil-imprel(nale<i bron.e bearings. Drum holds 5 O-ft. of '.-in. wire rope. Mecha nica l advanlage 19 to L Genr ralio 5 to Size x 6 3/ 32 x 7-in. high . 9~,
Shipping wei",ht I lb•. Sllecial ... . ...... .. ........ ......................... $31.75 Operates in any position t Now load your boat trai ler. truck or regula r tra iler the easy nnd simple way! Jus t mount winch on your truck or trai ler. Winches con . structed of heavy gauge sleel . . . ruggedly bui ll for year. of service.
l !:h L>cks i n a ny DOB.ilion. Drum holds 195-ft. of 3/ t6- in . cable. Mechanica l advantage 9 to 1. Gear rallo 3 to l. Shil,ping weighl lb • . Sllecial... ................... .... ........... ...............$8.95
UNIVERSAL TAKE-OFF JOINTS For Intermittent service With hydraulic hOists, road and harvesting equipmen t. steerang me('hanl sm etc . Used as o;,tandard equipment on most popular mak es of smaller underbodv hOists, It requires small space for operation. ,s key wayed, drIlled and tapped Ior grease flttInIl and set screw. •
$ 3 65
' ,' Rd x', " Rd ', " Rd x 13/ 16 Rd ', ' Rd x '0 " Rd
' ... Rd x 15/16" Rd ', " Rd x I " Rd 13/ 16" Rd x 13/ 16" Rd
13/16" Rd x '0" R d 13/ 16" Rd x 15/16" Rd 13/16" Rd x I" R d
'la "
Rd X 'l, " Rd Rd X 15/16 Rd 15/16" Rd X 15/16" Rd 15/16" Rd X I "' Rd
I " Rdxl " Rd
'0 "
1 .. ..
I " Rdx'." Sq. 3 .. " Rd X ~8" Rd . 13/16" Rd X '0" Sq .
'7 tl "
X 3. "
Sq .
Rd x ' .' Sq . X 3 .. "
..... EEDLE BEARI ....... ..... C Fbearln£'S. or extra 100lt h fe, ho:avy d uty wor k. r e placeable ..... Same selEction as above in slze~..... IVERSAL JOI..... III Standard Rellular U-JOInt $ ' . 75 ..... TS 12) Shp JOint 11.20 U.....
'3) Needle-bearinll U-Joint for Chevrolet Trucks. with larlle emerllency Brake 8.50
UNIVERSAL SLIP TYPE JOINTS '," Rd x'," Rd Slip ' , " Rd x 15/ 16 Rd Slip 13/ 16 Rd x "0" Rd Sllp 13/16" Rd x 15/ 16" Rd Slip 15/ 16"' Rd x 15/ 16" Rd Slip I " Rd x 13/ 16" Rd Slip ' ... Rd x '/, " Sq. Shp 13/ 16"' Rd x '/," Sq . Slip ' ... Rd . x ' , " Sq. Slip
(MFGD. BY BRITISH THOMPSON-HOUSTON CO. CANADA LTD.) Single J)hase, 110/220 Volt, 60 cycle. Drip.proof Heavy Duty Motor. with .Ieev~ bearings and solid base mounling. Designed for continuous running. and .tartin~ under full load conditions. Ideal for Air Compressors. Water Pumps. Stoker •. Power·Saws . etc. High efficiency und power factor . High starting torque. with low starting current. C .S .A. approved. Ship. Item No. H.P. Volt. Amp. Speed Sha et Size W I. Price BC24JO 1/3 110 /220 5.6/2.8 1725 <;io" 30 $33.16 1/2 110/220 8.2/4.1 BC3008 1725 <;io" 40 548.38 BC3010 3/4 110/220 10 .~/5.4 1725 45 588.00 (Prices shown above are lor farm use only. If motorl to be uled for any other purpo .... add 10% to purch ••• price.)
DUAL-PURPOSE DC GENERATOR (FOR LIGHTS OR BATTERY CHARGING) (2 H . P . or more required to drive generalor) 500 Watt DC Lighting Plant Generator. Will produce 6-12-240 volt •. This Generator can be used as 500 Watt Lighting Plant or 10 charge 6 Volt and 12 Volt batleri . Speed rnnge from 3100·4000 R.P.M . Rotation·Counter-clockwise. Will light 4-100 Watt and 2-50 Watt bulbs. or any combination of not more than 8 total of 500 Watts . (Use two 120 volt bulb. in .eries). Battery charge rating from 0-25 amps. %" shaft; Life-time sea led ball bearinKs. Mfg . by Russell Electric Co. Shipping weight 20 Ibs . Brand New-~ (;ov't Cost $75.00 . Item No. LPG-500 Special each ... . .. $18.60
BELT DRIVEN GENERATORS (High Output AC) Ready to CUl'nish power when driven by your engine or tractor. Being offered at very low cost. C24A - 500-700 W . 115 V. 60 Cyc. AC. Wt. 45 lb ............... . "' 1119.60 C45A- IOOO-1200 W . 115 V. 60 Cyc. AC. wt. 60 lb•.................. .... 187.40 C31A 2000-2500 W. 115 V . 60 Cyc . AC. Wt. 85 Ibs . . ~ 203.40 C31 2000-2500 W . 115-230 V . 60 Cyc. AC. 3 wire. Wt. 85 lb•. .. 233.40 CI9l!A- 3000-3500 W. 115·230 V. 60 Cyc. AC. Wt. 110 Ibs .............. '" 5287.40 CI62A 5000-6000 W . 115·230 V . 60 Cyc. AC. Wt. 240 Ibs . . $414.00 C217A 10,000-12.000 W. 115-230 V. 60 Cyc. AC. Wt. 465 Ibs . . . . . . ~ $670.00 (All prices listed above are For Farm Use Only) (Others add 10%) We can 11180 supply low speed (1800 r . p.m.). belt driven generators in any size. Write for prices. 1800 r .p. m. generators are larger and higher priced . The trend toward lighter 3600 r.p.m. ITEM DR-75
"75-100 AMPS DELCO REMY GENERATOR" (In New Condition) Ideal {or Welding or Lighting Plant purposes. 24 Volt. 2600 R.P.M .. with built·in cooling fan. Over-sized lifetime greased-sealed ball bearings; Air cool~ c~mmul"';tor. Clock-wise rotation . Comes complele with face bracket and pulley. Shlp()lng Weight Approx. 40 lb •. Gov't . Cost $195 .00. Princess Special ......... ... .... ~ ..................................... ... ~ ... . ... _.... $ 2 8.60
Instant hot wllter for pennies you just new Faucct Water
"2 WAY" INTERCOM SYSTEM Th e Bel·Com brings you the convenience ot 2 way con versation at a Cost so Low you can· not afford to miss. No w . . • Sa ve nee d less steps, just buzz and ta lk. Idea l for-intercomm unication in houses (between rooms). between house and barn, Offices, Warehouses. Sho ps Garages and Numerous other Uses. Both Parties have free two-way conversation at a ll times. Can be used up to one mile. Set comes complete with approx. 300 ft. ot wire, and 4 batteries. Model I - Simply lift the microphone off the hook and make your call to the other party. It is not necessary to use the microphone to receive messages. only to transmit. Complete Set (as illustrated) . Prince.s Special . ............... ... ~ ........ ........................ $1 4.96 Model 2- This Model Is equipped with Dial; iust lift the receiver and dial the number 8S you do with the ordinary telephone. and speak. Complete Set (8S illus· trated). Princess Special .. .... ....... ~........... _......... $ 15. 26
WEATHER-PROOF FLOOD LAMP OR YARD LIGHT Item FL-4--Ideal tor Farms. Contr'actors, or Emergency Use. They make marvellous lights to light up Yards, Drive·Ways, Parking Areas, and Many other uses. Equipped with ] 6" Reflector and 4 Standard Sc.rew Sockets. Easy to install with a strong loop provld~d with every unit. Uses 4-110 Volt standard easily obtaina bl e bulbs. Ship. Wt. 12 Ibs. Special (Less B ulbs) Each .......................................... 55.75
over any faucet
in 11 wall outlet and got steaming hol stanlly for dishes. shaving. washi bottle •• etc. Simple and slIfe ordinary 110 v . house current 2 114 cents per hour for hot water. homes, shope. cabins. trailers. etc. regulated from luke-warm to full hot. guaranteed. Wt. 2 Ibs. Sllecial price $ I
Item No. 117 Ideal unit pumping alcohol. gasoline other fuels on bonts. or any eQuipmenl. using volt system. Has 1)4" thread ports. Dimensions : x4"x7 'h". Shipning wei lb•. PrIce
Weatherproof Polyethylene Plastic wire for Outside wirinsc . copper conductor. Trealed severe weather conditions. Special Price•. Gaawe 250 ft. JWlI No . 6 $19.95 No. 8 $13 .95 No. 10 $ 9.95 No. 12 $ 7. 20
You have reached
your catalogue
Here you will find listed New, Used, and Rebuilt parts to fit almost every make and year of vehicle on the road today, and also Automotive Accessories- the most up to date on the market. We are proud that Prince s Auto and Machinery Ltd. serves the needs of customer s from "Coast to Coast." Orders received are shipped the same day. READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY AND REMEMBER, IF IT IS AUTOMOTIVE "PRINCESS" HAS IT.
Princess Wrecking Yard
We carry the largest stock of Canadian and American Army Truck Parts in Western Canada . A full line of Transfer Cases, Transm issi ons, Axles, Wheels, Reor Ends, Housings, Drive Shafts, etc. No part too sm all nor too large. Wr ite for prices, or order direct.
W e operate the largest W recking Yard in Canada .
At prese nt we hav e 2500 Cars and Trucks that we ore
dismant ling ,
t he sa me ye ars, and special e qu ipm e nt on late model cars, we do not dismantle cars or trucks until orders f or po rt s ar e received. In this way we can ship prac ..
4 x 2; 4 x 4; 6 x 4 ; 6 x 6 . State exact model in your letter and if possible, give part number and size of tires. Be sure to give os much information os possible.
t ica lly all orders on the same day re ceived . No order too larg e or too small. Write for any parts you ma y requ ire. We guarantee prompt, efficient service
at re asonable price s.
ARMY VEHICLES We always have a large Stock of Army Trucks, Tra ile rs, Buses, Half-Tracks, Motorcycles etc . As our stock is continually changing, send us your requ irements 'and we shall be pleased to send you full information .
MILITARY Rebuilt CHRYSLER MOTOR Rebuilt by Army, Dodge Engine Complete, including carburetor, generator, distributor, fuel pump, starter, clutch and pressure plate and clutch hOUSing, water pump.
3 Yall BORE
These Engines have been completely
rebuilt with New rings, pistons, pins, lnd bearings. Many are standard ~hroughout, with some undersizes. These Engines will fit Plymouth and :::>odge cars and 72-2 ton Trucks, 1941· ')0. By changing a few of the accessoies off your own engine, you can nake these fit up to 1956. SPECIAL Outright). ..... _...... ....... . _.......
T hese motors are pre-run and tested in our shop. T hese motors are for use in boats. welder motors. sawmills. etc. and a re not recommended for installation in cars or trucks. We cannot su pply any specific year of motor. but we do guarantee a ,ood reliab le motor. Three ways to buy these units : Tne motor comolete with all accessories ready to run . The comp le t e mo tor with the trans mi ssion that fit s the unit or the entire u ni t wit h radiator. S cylinder unit :
Chevrolet - Dodge Less T ransmission W it h t ra n sml"lon
Plymouth -
Oldsmoblle -
105.00 125.00
8 cy linder u n it :
F ord - Bulck - Pontiac Less T ransmission Wi t h T ransmission
O ld s -
La Salle -
Etc. 120.00 150.00
We will supply a radia tor large enough to cool any of these units in a Stationary P osition for an additional $15 .00. Tested and Guaranteed .
USED AND RECONDITIONED PARTS We wreck approximately 8 cars and tr ucks every day. We have one of the largest stock of used parts in Western C Eve ryth ing sold at a f ractio n of original cost. Write for prices.
RECONDITIONED FITS CARS 1929- 47 AND ALL CHEV. TRUCKS--23S MOTORS S OL D ON EXC HA NGE OR OUTRIGHT BA S IS IMPORTANT-Old head s will De acce pt ed only on the fo llowing b asIS For Ins tance. if a 1935-36 h ead Is s hipped a 1935-36 u sed h ead must b e return e d. In othe r w o rds. we w ill not acce Dt In excha nge a h ead oC any oth er mod e l t h an that shipped by u s. Old h ead s mus t be re t urned to U6 tran s port a tion cha rges Pre paid ; othe rw ise t he tra ns portation c harges wil l he deducted from the c red it due vou . Pa y outright pri ce w h e n orde r in g We wi ll re fund $5.00 If exchan ge Is acce ptable. O UTRIGHT $28.50 EX C HANGE $23.50
] 95 ] a nd up O U TRI GHT $50.00 EXCHANGE $45.00
RECONDITIONED RADIATORS For Cars a nd Trucks u p t o 1956 Mode ls . Rad~ a re t es ted a nd boil ed ou t. Guarantee d like ne a nd a lso guara nteed to hold eve ry type 0 Anti-Fl·eeze. Write for Prices . FRONT
er<Y ,.
For e ve r Y " la k e and
model. Th ese are good u sed . serV iceable fe nd ers off wrecked car sa nd t r u ck s. Whe n Inqu. r in ll be sure to state w h e ther or
r ea r
Consists of Block . Crankshaft. Camshaft. Rods and Pistons. All parts are thorouKhly checked and guarantped aKamst welds . scores and cracks. Rods and beaTings are examined for excess ive wear Assemb lies are less heads. manifolds. pan and 11(OllIon. We have these units for all cars and trucks up to 1954. Write for prices. State year and model O ur prices Will save money {or you We a lso have these motors m overhauled condition ' 11 W e Install rings. 21 G RIN D Valves If L Head Motor. 3 ) Insta ll Crank Bearinlls. 4 1 Check Pins and Install. 51 R idge R eam . 61 Glaze Cylinders. 71 C Camr haft and T lmmg Gears. Write prices-We lIuarantee a good Motor
R eplace with a Good Used Motor Block Assembl y
r equi red
a nd y ou r yea r . model and t.: Ou r prices are the best. Save against cos tly re pal" Ord e r from li S . Write {or Prices
F or Cars and Trucks. We are wreckl"a cars a n d trucks from 1928 to 1953 models. W rite u s for pr ices glvinll your year.
'l1a k e a n d mo(ipl.
HOODS AND TRUNK LIDS W r i t e us on your r equiremenl s We are wrecklne and savtne a I a r g e number of early and late model hoods and t run k I I d s Ou r pr I c (' s are guaranteed to be more econom\cal than a repair job. Writ . l or Pric ••
HUBS DRUMS Hu bs a nd D r ums
carefully m spected . are not w orn excessivel y Write lor Prices.
With no
g rooves.
A X LE SHAFTS A x le S h afts h ave p erfect spllnes and threads W Tlte for Price • .
Springs a re guaranteed to h~\' e no broken leaves and are in eood used condition Write lor Prices
USED WHEELS PASS and 1/2 TON 16" any make or model Specify each '.'" ..... $4.00 15" Dodge, Plymouth up lo 1953 Each ................................ $5.00 15" Ford. Che\,. (l p to 19"3). Each .............. .................... ..... $6.00 All models 195~ and up . Ea. $7.50 Good u ed 16 inch Wheel for Trailers - Wagons Rims - Implements. $2.50. each ....................................................... 4 for $8.00 Good used 15 inch ,"Vheels for Trailers - Wagon Rim - Implements. 3.50 each ............ .4 for $14.00
~ TYI"'s
1 Fits Chevrolet & Pontinc Fits Ford-Meteor Fit, Dod!!e-Plymouth 6.70 ,,15 5 hole Re!!ular $14.65 Price. Each . . ....... ....... ... 2
7·40. -24 9-24 1()-24 11. 24
Tractor Reliners - made of heavy duly 6-ply rubber. A
No. No. No. ize Our Specinl
1949·54 1949-54 1949-54
~\. •
to to to to to 12-2 ~ to 13-2 4 to 1 ~ -2 ~ to 15-24 to
• •
7·44 ea .....................$ 5.95 -H ea ..................... 7.65 9.45 9-~Q ea ..................... 10--38 ea ...... _...... _....... 10..95 11-40. ea ... _..... _........... 13.0.0. 12-3& ea ..................... 15.95 13-~ Q ea ..................... 16.45 14-34 ea ..................... 17.60. 15-32 ea ..................... 19.45
SUPER QUALITY, GUARANTEED FOR 5 YEARS. Each ....................... ... $4.95
USED TRUCK RIMS These are checked and are guaranteed straight. Will fit International. White, Diamond T and many other trucks. Complete with ring.
6.0.0. 6.50. 7.0.0.
20.....$5.00 20_... 5.00 20..... 6.50
7.50. X 20. $10.00 .25 X 20. 15.00 9.0.0. x 20. 20.00
2. HEAVY DUTY PUMP THIS PUMP IS DESIGl'ED FOR RUGGED USE. Each .......................... $2.65
State whether split or solid being used.
GOOD USED TRUCK WHEELS Price ea. Description Tire Size Make 2 pc. Wheel $ 8.0.0. Dodge Ford 6.50. x 20. 7.50. 2 pc. Wheel Chevrolet 6.50 x 20 8.0.0. 2 pc. Wheel 6.5 (1 x 20 G.M .C. 2 pc. Wheel 9.0.0. Chevrolet 7.0.0. x 20. 3 pc. Wheel 13.0.0. Chevrolet 7.0.0. x 20 2 pc. Wheel 9.0.0 G.M .C. 7.0.0. x 20. 12.0.0. 3 pc. Wheel G.M.C. 7.0.0. x 20. 14.00 3 pc. Wheel Ford & Dodge 7.50. x 20. 2 pc. Wheel 11.0.0. hevrolet 7.50. x 20. 3 pc. Wheel 14.0.0. hevrolet 7.50 x 20. 3 pc. Wheel 14.00 G.M.C. 7.50. x 20. 2 pc. Wheel 15.00 R.25 x 20. Ford & Dodge 15.0.0. 3 pc. Wheel Ford & Dodge 8.25 x 20 25.00 8 Hole Ford 9.0.0 x 20. 2 pc. Wheel 15.0.0. Chevrolet R.25< x 20. 15.00 3 pc. Wheel Chevrolel R.25 x 20. 2 pc. Wheel 15.0.0. G.M.C. . 25 x 20 3 pc. Whee l 15.0.0. G.M.C. .25 x 20 6 Hole 25.00 G.M.C. 9.00. x 20 6 Hole Budd 25.0.0. 11.25 x 20 - 9.00. x 20. We also stock rims and wheels for every other truck mad. Writ(> fol' prices or order <I 1r(>('t from this Catalogue. Our prices are the lowest in 'anada.
CEMENTED TIRE RELlNERS Fir.t Qunlity Made from selected tire cord. Cement coated and cellophane wrapped. PA oS. CARS-4 PLY TRUCK-6 PLY 600-6.50 x 16 $\.85 6.50-7.00 x 20 ........ 4. 75 6.70-7.10 x 15 . . 2.35 7.50 x 20 ........... 5.75 COMME RCIAL 6 PLY 8.25 x 20 ..... 7.50 7.00-7.50 x 16 4.75 9.00 x 2ry 8.50 7.00-7.50 x 17 ".75
3 .ST Al'DARDTIRE PUMP (SERV ICEABLE LOW PRICE) Each .........................$1.49
~. Heavy duty tripod-rated at 3,000 lbs. Sturdy construction. e nsuring
rigid stability. Will not tip or upset even on rough ground. Lifts from 7" - 3~ V2". Features the "Fit-All " Bumper Hook . Each ............ $9.25 B. Same as above but lighter. Hated at 2,00.0 lbs. Each .......................................... $7.25 C. ~ .Oo.D lb. DELUXE SCISSOR JACK (Includes A Ball Bearing for easier lifting & A Folding Handle for easy storage. Expands to 14 %:'). Each ...... .. .................. $7.75 D. 3,0.00 lb. Scissor Jack - (Same as above bu t lighter construction) . Each ............................ $6.25 E. Ratchet Bumper Jack-Features the "Y" bar upright pos t fol' pos iti ve action. 6 x 6 base. Lifts to 28lh" high . Each ........................................ $4.49 F. ~ WAY WHEEL WREN H - Heavy built to fit all cars. Each .............................................. $1.45 B
A. v ' LCANIZING KIT . Con t"in. Clamp and 10 hot .. $1.40 patches B. BOX OF 10 HOT PATCHES ... ·.. · .75 Price... .... . C. TUBELESS TIRE PLUG KIT. (Contains 9 Plu!!s, cement & installation tool) . ... $1.49 D. MOTORIST ('OLD PATCH KIT. (Cont!lins cement and 211 sq. inches co ld patchin!!). .. ..... .. .... ·.25 E. VALVE TOOL· 4 in I Rells;,' Tool. ......................... .. . .. · .. · .25
",,-...,~......~CEMENTED TIRE PATCHES 4" x 5" eR. Sc 7 1(."x l0 1 ,," ea. 23c -
6" x " 9" .x 12"
- 10" x15" ea . 4 50 Each patch ce llophane covered red cemented.
ea. 14c en.35c
DEPOSIT WILL BE REFUNDED upon r e ceI p t of a n ge shaft In o ur o r Iginal shIppIng crate . WE HAVE IN STOCK a large numbe r o f car a nd truck shafts NOT listed here . Shafts s ent In for regrlnd l ng are u s u a lly r e turned the s ame d a y . NOTE- W e can regr l nd your tractor cra nks h a f t or s uppl y b earings to fit . Send In your sh a ft f1rs t and w e w Ill s upply. WHEN ORDERING , If possible (a nd to AVOID ERROR ), G IV E CRA N KSHAFT FORG ING NUMBER .
AUSTIN A 40 19 17 to 1954 PRICE DEPOSIT INCLUDES: I reground c ra nk sh a ft , I set or rod, ca m a nd main bea ri ngs . 25 . 00 15.00 CH EV . 1937 t o 1952 --------____________________________ CBa bbit T ype Rods) INCLUDES : 1 reg round c ra nksha ft , 1 set rebabbited rods, 1 set ma in and 1 set ca m 44.00 15.00 bea rin gs . 1 set m a In shims. CH E V. 1953 to 19 55 ---:-----:-:--:---:-~------------------___i IN CL UDES: I reg round c ra nksh a ft . I set of rod. cam and main bea rin gs. 15.00 41.80 CH RY SLER (A 11 6 Cylinder ).--;:;,~------------------------___i DO DGE & PLYMOUTH. FARGO IN CL UDES : I reg rou nd cra nkshaft, I set of rod. ca m and m a in bea rings. 15.00 41.80
FO RD N & 9N TRACTOR INCLUllES: 1 reground cmnkshaft. 1 set rod and main shells.
15 .00
G. M.C. 2·1 R·270·302 I NCL UDES : I reKround cranks haft. I set of rod . cam and m ain bear'ing8.
J G.on
NASH 600, Ram bler & Statesman 1941 to 1955 INCL UDES: 1 reground cranksha ft. 1 .et rod and main bearings.
41.80 20.00 P ONTI AC 6 Cyl. 1941 to 1954 I NCLUDES: I reground cran kshaft. I set J'od and main bearings. 15 .00 44·00 ~~~~U~y Ut ~E~~:~R:------------------~ ST UDEBAK ER Champion 1947 to 1956 _____________________ INCL UDES : 1 reg l'ound cra nk sha ft. I set I NC L UDES: I reground crankshaft. I set l'es ized r od s. 1 set rod. m a in a nd ca m o f rod. C.:l m and m ain bearings. 20.00 41.80 bearin gs . 25. 00 STUDEBAKER Commander 6 Cyl. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 44.00 ~~~DMV~~1; 5 1 to 1956 -------------------_________________i 1947 to 1954 IN CLU DES: I regro und crankshaft. I set IN CL UDES : I reg round cra nks haft, 1 set rod an d m ain bearings. 39. 80 20.00 rcd and m ain bearings. 46 .2 0 20.00 R E MEMBER: TH E MOTOR MUST B E TH ORO UG H LY CLEAN I F YO U EXPECT TilE JOB TO STA ND UP . DO NOT EXPECT bea rings to st a nd UJl in out·of· round rods. rods with filed caps. and where the shells have turned and enlarged the rod bore . AS THER E AR E MAN Y O UTSLDE CON DITIO NS s uch as cylinder honings, fouled oil lines AND the biggest factor just plam DIRT to contend with, we only gua ra ntee that the cranksh af t i. groun d true and that the bearings supplied correspond to the sh a ft si1e. ~------~~--------------- Con .----Mai n-,;---~~------------------,__:--~__~--_:~~~_:~--------~?(~ Crankshaft Bearings PriceRod.. Bearing BRISKO' S FACTORY REBUILT Se t Price Set W MPS I CREY. 1937· 52 -=-::,..,,--,.-,--=-c: ! M .I ATER PU , Ba bbit Rods '2.98 11.60 ' I eage These pum ps are guar. CH E Y. 1~53· 56 __-:-_=-_~__ Saver allt.eed sa me as ne w. 6 Cylinder 1.46 1 1.40 They are original fac· FORD ... tory p um ps rebui lt to 1939·48 3 ,'. Bore. 3.30 8.96 ITEM No. MS. l rigid factory specifica. 1949 . 53 1.25 8.96 Mileage.Sa ver m a kes startt ions. P R ICES LISTED ARE t:XCHANGE / 1954 . 55 1.26 12.36 · . d 't PRE P A Y YOU R O LD PUMP IN. Where there DODGE & PLYMOUTH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~in:as~~~~ ~np c:::;,r;:.~s~ is no exchange add $1.00 to prices listed. sion en g ines t o a fi n e. Also in stock are pumps for every known make 1939 . 55 6 Cy li nde r 3% Bore 1.46 13.40 sm oot h idle. It stops stall. and model. If you cannot see your particular PONTIAC 1939 • 54 1.90 13.40 ing due to flooding, vapor pump listed-write or order- we will be pleased ST U D EBA K ER Champion _ _ _-:--::-::-_-:-::-:= to fo rwa rd at a guaranteed saving. lock and percolatio n. It 1947 • 54 1.90 13.60 p rovides smooth acceleraCHEV -::--_-:--:::--;-_ _ WHE N ORDERI NG please . tste, undersize re· tion . cu ts en gine wear. a nd 194 1.52 Pass. & T rucks R27 S8.75 Quired. improves g as mileage . I t 1953·54 Pass. & Trucks R28 8.76 • R ef unda ble upon return of old con rod . m a kes a ny en g ine run bet· 1955· 56 6 Cyl. R33 8.76 tel' . It pa ys for itself. 1955·56 V·8 R32 7.86 465 195355 Chev. Truck R29 8.76 W e h a ve a com· Price each . - - $ ' DODG E & PLYMO UTH __________= -;-____-;;-;;:-;;p lete stock of pi ... I---::--":":'--':':~---__I 1 935.50 Pass . & Truck R46 8.93 ton rin gs . (any Gasoline Filters 1951.55 6 Cyl. R47 8.93 overs ize) for all Cera mic element fil ters t horough. 1953·55 V8 R4 38 10.36 m a kes of cars, ly so th at o nly pu re g asoline ORD & MERCU RY trucks, t r a ctors , F ----------::=-:----;:'-;;'~ Industrial Power reach es carburetor. J ust blow 1937·4 V Pass. & Truck L or R65·5 6.39 units. and all th rou gh element t o clean. 1949 Ford Pass. Left or Right R45 ·9 9.24 sma ll c y I in d el' A. To fit Ford. Mercury. a nd 1950·54 P ass. Lef t or Right R464·5 9.24 stationary e ngines. P r Ices supplied upon request. L incoln Zephyr 1928 · 53 . 1955·56 Ford Pass. R475 18.46 No. 1733, Each .................... $\.59 1948.52 Ford Truck Left or Right R460·! 9.24 U SE THESE T OP QUALITY RINGS . P recision B . To fit Che vrolet. Dodge, 1953· 54 Ford Truck Left or Right R451l-9 9 . 24 m ade for modern hi gh compress ion ~ngines. A va il· DeSoto . Plym out h 1933. 53 . PONTIAC a ble in std. to .019, .020 to .1)29, .030 to. 039 , .040 to Ka l'ser a nd Frn'er 1947.52. 194 1 48 AI-I :-R - -18""1"""'9C-: "" 8 =' ST DE BAK ERT'::'_.,....-.;=.059. Speci fy over·size desired, make of veh ide, ~ • •4 9.88 year a nd model, and if possi ble, bo re of motor. No. 1736 E ach ......._.............. $1. 59 1949·52 A ll RI87 9 .36 1941·53 Champ. 9.88 C. U niversal porous b ron ze 1953·54 A ll R IB 9.36 1953·54 Champ . 9.88 Model & Year S uper H i· Speed Super fil ter Each ....... $2.95 1955· 56 V8 R32 7 . 8 6 1955·56 Champ . Hi·Speed E xpander F lex i j f:":';':' re-cl,iS" 'i"o-n- m - a"'d.. e..a.Ln"d~r.l ~a~r~a"n"!'t.eed --:-.---...I--...I..--~ CHEY. & GMC 193 7·56 All 6 Cy!. We carry a f ull stock of Fuel pumps for all make and 3 Y" • 3T', Bore _ __ _ 9.28 7.43 7.06 m odel s of cars and trucks. When ordering, please state V8 ~~ 5.~6 4 Bore 15.44 13.13 type of pump required if you know. No . 1937·52 Chev. All Pass. .. ........ .. ................. _. .29 DODG E, P LY 1I10 UTH , CHRYS LE R ________ 1952·54 Chev. All Pass. ... .... . ............................ 9798 191 2. 55 All 6 Cyl. P ass 1955·56 Chev. All Pass ......... _................................ 4 .. 9 and truck 14,.94 11.97 9.83 1937·52 Chedv . "'S G d M EC T.rucks .. 1··· .. ·...... ·...... ·...... · ........ · ~~~ 1953.56 V8 All 31. • ~ 1938·55 Do ge t . qU I)) . 6 cy ............................ . 3,.. Bore 14.67 13.13 193 · 55 Dodge Stee l Dome 6 Cy!. . ... .................. 577 1936·50 Dodge '),. 1 1 " Ton Trucks .................... _. ........ 587 FORD , M E RCU RY_____________ 195 1·55 Dodge !I,·I% Ton Trucks ............................ 95·13 1928·34 A·B 5.66 4.47 3.90 ~ 1 ~3~.4~ ~?r~ Pp.s. ........ ..........
: m:~~ ~ : : ~8 ~ ~\~~ 1~:~1
1954·56 All VH
:: 11 10.94
PO NTI A 1941·fi2 All 6 cy l. 1953· 54 All 6 cy!. 1955·56 V8
1131 •• 8847
190 •• 7344
14. 16
ST DEB AK ER 193 9·56 Ch a mpion
~:~~ ~.,
8.76 9.96
1 9~1:~4 F~~d Pa~:~' a~d·T~~k~
(std . equip . ) .................... 9588 1955· 56 Ford Pass. (large single) 4209 PRIC ES Rebui lt Pum ps
S m a ll SIngle Large Single Dua l New Pu m ps S ma!: Single A V L for F<>rd Reb uilt New
$2.25 Ex. 2.65 Out. 3.75 Ex . 5.00 Out. 6.75 Ex. 8.75 Out. 3. 15 Out. 2.25 Ex . 2.65 Out. 3.55 Out.
Car. Year and Model
Rot o r
3 4
5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13
6 Volt Each ........................................................
I. 75
DelcG-Remy ....................... ............................. ................ Autolite .. ....... ................................................ ........... .... .......... ..... Universal Dimmer Switch (Fits most Popular cars) ....................................................... . Universal Lockswitch & Keys 2 Woy (LS402) .................................... ........ .................... .......... . 3 Way (LS403) ......................................... ................................ .. Ford Solenoid Push button (Duplicate of OrilCinal equipment. PB491) ...................... .. Univenal Solenoid Pushbutton 6 or 12 Volt PB432 ... ...... ... To&'&'le Switch (Universal 6 or 12 volt) SW41 ................... . Round PUlh-Pull Switch '"'' Shank .. .. ................................................................... .. I" Shank ........ Headlamp Switch
. 85 1.20
1.48 1.58
.42 .70
Volta&,e Reducer (Reduces 12 Volt. to 6 Vults ...................... ............................. LOS Hea"7 Oul7 Push-Pull Switch (on-off) SW-30 .................... . 60 Fuse Holden ................... ................. ..................... . 45 Imveria] Acid-core Solder I Lb Roll .. ....... ..................... ....... 1.65 IGNITION CO ILS The super type winding of these coils in.ures a hot spark. C 00 For early "'odel car. and truck . .............................. $4 . 25
~~~~:'~.~~(Ph~gh· I~~~·:::::·::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::~:::::::
.. LC876 lock switch coil.. .. ....... _...................... .. CS04 12V. Extra heavy duty for truck. . .... ........ ......... FORD CO ILS Replaces original equipment. built for henvy u.e.
g~:! :m::~ ~~ cm 1949-56 .
:': ..: : :.: : : : :.: : : :....: :. : . : . . .::::::=::::::~::: ....... .
. .................................. '" ..... ................................................. .....
11 18
19 20
.35 .35
~~~!J;uS'J, SW~.... -.::::.:::::::::~ ... ::~:::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~~
gm 15
5.50 6.20
Gen. Brush Set
CHEVROLET OR94~ S .95 OH937 . $ .25 S .75 OH66 . 1911-<.>nriy 4 .95 . 25 OR037 .75 DR944 OR49 l.ate 1941>-.;2 DH!l4 .; . .33 OH!l74 . \.55 .75 OH50 Ill;,;)-;;7 3.15 .33 DH972 . DR949 . .95 DR60 1\1.;.;".;6 (8 ryl.l DODGE & PLYMOUTH .35 \.50 A1.923. .90 A1.930 AL30 1939-50 (ea rl\ ) .35 \.80 ..1.1.933 .90 A 1.946 A1.3 1!l5O-55 (6 r~'1 1 3.60 Al.925 .35 1.90 A 1-942 A 1.39 1953-';'; ( ryl) .35 \.SO A1.93:1 .90 A1.946 AL38 1956-';7 (6 ryl.) .35 ~.60 AL937 .90 AI-!);;O ALl9 1956 (8 ryl 1 FORO & MERCURY \.26 .33 F901 .48 F81 F!JOO 1928-3 1 (4 cyl l P90.; .70 .95 \.35 F!J08 F 6 1937-11 3.15 F913 .35 F914 \.35 F86 1!)42 3.05 .33 F923 F920 \.35 F 6 194.>-4 .33 \.65 10923 .95 F932 F90 1949-53 .33 \.65 F923 F932 F93 .95 1954-56 2.25 . 33 F923 . 95 F!J22 19';6 (6 ryl 1 F90 OLOSMOBILE .25 OR!)44 .95 DR937 . .80 DR72 1940-5 1 (6 cyl ) .35 2.25 OH939 . . 95 DH928 . DH74 1940-51 (8 cyl 1 .70 2.95 DR943 . . 95 DR972 . DR74 1952-55 70 3.35 DR9S1 . DR75 . \.50 DR976 1956 PLYMOUTH . 35 A1.923 \.80 AL930 .. AT.30 .... .90 1939-18 . \.80 AL923 ... . 35 . 90 A1.940 A1.30 . 1949-50 . 35 \.80 AL933 .90 AL946 AL3 1950-;;5 .35 A1. 942 3.60 A['925 . \.85 _-1.1.39 .. 195.;-56 ( cyl. ) PONTlAC .25 . 95 DR937 . DR944 . SO DR72 . 1940-53 (6 ryl ) 2.15 DR939 .. : .35 .95 DH928 . DRi4 1940-54 ( ryl) .33 \.55 OR945 . DR974 . . 95 OR74 . 1954-5'; (6 cyl ) . 45 DR949 1 .95 . 95 DR972 . 19,;5 (8 ryl ) DR60 . 2.95 DR949 . .45 DB972 . . 95 DR74 . 1956-5 WILLY··S .90 AL938 ... 1.35 AL9]9 ... .40 AL29 1!)40-5O . 40 1.35 A1.927 . .90 ..1.1.902 . A1.34 . 1940-.1.; (lAD Distr ) AL37 . 90 A1.946 ... \.SO AL935 ... : . 40 1951-56 (all 6 ryl ) WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF IGNITION PARTS FOR ALL CARS, FOR ALL MAKES OF TRUCKS AND TRACTORS (BATTERY IGNITION).
1 Ford Solenoids 2 Starter Switch
no.; l·.;O.'> "'->10 V;;OJ
S .60 .60 . 60 .60
HX.)J . RX5 1 HX5
$ .35
Starter Brus h Set
S .45
I~ X58
.35 . 45 .45
nX37 nX:17. nX:l7 . nXGo .
.75 . 75 . 75 .80 .80
8X45 .. EX.;7 EX57 EX74 .. EX74
. 70 .70 .70 . 70 . 70
8X 17 .. EX I 8 F:X I EX7.; EX7.;
.45 .95 .95 .95 .95
F50 FM,6 FS90 F ,; 90 10.;91 F.;!)3 F';91
.62 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65
FX7 FX9 .: : F XI4 FXI4 FXI4. :: . FX14 FX I4 .
. 48 .35 .35 .35 . 35 .35 .35
FX5 FX.;S FX;;i'; FX5S FX'-'S FX ,;S .. FX5S ..
\.00 . 95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95
U';05 V50S U505 L'S II
.60 .60 .60 .60
RX51 . . HX51 . RX58 ... . HX58 . . .
.35 .35 .45 .45
HX37 RX 37 I~X37 . .. : BX60. ..
.45 . 45 . 45 .55
AL522 A1.522 .... At519 .. A1.52~ .
.75 .75 . 75 .SO
E X4 5 .. . . EX45 .... EX57 . . E X 57 ...
. 70 .70 .70 .70
8 X 37 .. E XI 8 .. . 8X18 EX18
.45 .95 .95 .95
U505 . . . U505 . . . l'501; .. U505 U505
.60 .60 .60 .60 . 60
HX51 .. RX5 1 . . . : RX58 . .. RX58 . .. RX5
.35 .35 .45 . 45 .45
RX 37. . . I1X37 RX60 .. : : RX60 .... RX60. "
.45 .45 .55 .55 .55
A 1.522 AI-5 19 AL519 A 1.524 A 1-.;24
Al.';17 . . . 70 EX45 .•.. . 70 A [,514.. .: .70 EX45 . 70 AL5 16 ... .70 EX62 . . : . . 45 CANADIAN, AMERICAN, BRITISH
.45 .45 . 55
8 X1 6 .. .95 EX I6 . .95 EX1 .95 AND ALSO
(a) F681 (ro und) ..S.......................... $1.05 (b) DR660- End bracket type .................................................... 1. 05 (c) OR661 - Side bracke t type ....................... ............................. 1.05 AMMETER For d A and Model T, each ........................................................ .85 Universal Mounting- Fits any car. truck. trRctor or power uni t. aO-30 a mps . each ............. ......... ...................................................... 2.20 50-50 a mps. each .............................................................. ............ .. 2.65 Universal Temperature Gau&,es price................................ ......... ... 5.12 RUBBER DISTRIBUTOR NIPPLES Di.tributor Nipples -Fits 7 M.M . Wire. 6 for .29 PAM SPARK PLUGS ~X~ Made by well known manufacturer. We have these for ~ every make an d model of car. truck. tractor. outboard motor. etc.
IG;:;~N ~e:~E n:~';) a;~I~"1~Y ~~h.rTiRMiNALS· · 7t '
Unit Doz. Unit A Straight Type Term . .04 .45 C Terminal end .... .03 B An g le Type Term ..... .03 .35 0 Hole Type Term .04 E Spade Type Term .03
23 24
Doz .35 . 45 .35
AUTOMOTIVE CABLE Top Quality Wire Made by Leading Manufacturer. Unit-Per Per Unit-Per Pe, 100' Roll Foot lOO' Roll Foot .03 No . 12 ...................................... 6.75 .06 No. I S . ..... $2.95 . 04 No. 10 .. ..................................... 7.75 .08 No. 16 ....... 3.96 .05 No . 7 M .M .S park Plug cable S.52 .0' , No. 14 ........ 4.S5 FRICTION TAPE Top Quality- Made By Well Known Firm. 8 oz ....................................... ... ........ ............................... ................_....... .40 2 <n. ........................................................................................................ . 12 POINT FILES Special Each .............................................. ................... ...................... .15 IGNITION WRENCH SET Con.i.t. of three wrenches. I l)Oint file an d 1 Feeler Gauge . SpecIal ..... ................ ............................................. .... ..................... .99
Aero-Matic Shock Absorbers FOn RIDE CONTROL, COM F ORT AND SAFETY A . R ep la ces Or il!'lna l EQuip m en L o n Mos t Pa ssenger Ca r s . ....... .. ...............$4.65 E ACh Set or F o ur ........ ................. $1'7.50 B. H eavy Du t y Im peri a l, Ad jus t a ble for So ft , Fi,·m . or N o r m Al R ide . .................. $6.95 Each Set o f F our ....... ........ _....... $2'7.80 C . Ext "a H ea vy Duty , E s pecia ll y Des ig ned For T he Mos t Seve"e Road Condi t ions. Each ........................................... $9.60 Set o f F ou,' ..... .. ............. $34.50 W h en Ordering, Slate Make, Year and Model, Front or Rear
Ford Shock Absorber Links Rubb e r Ba ll Bu s hin g T ype W Ma ll ea bl e tee 1. Ava ila bl e in 3 i n c h - ~ in ch a nd 5 inc h. State e xa ct ye a r an d len gt h us ed. 192 -3.t .................................. $1.10 1936 · ~ .................. ................ 1.10
Knee Action Shock Absorbers
cd and te ...d \"hon ordetlnl< the. J)ring'!4, pleAf'e tot:ue exucl year, make nnd m odel of veh icle . Price Ent'h C HE V. 1939-56 $ 6 .35 DO DG E & PLYMOUTH 1!1:19-;6 8 .2 5 FORn & M ET~;OR 1919-56 8 .2 5 M E R U RY & M ONAR H IY49-51 11.95 MERCU RY & MONAR H 19:;2-:;6 8.25 P ONTIA C 191 1-51 6 .3 5
Compl e te ly fa ctory r ebuilt W and tes ted by the most modern me thods. Guara n te ed to be e qu a l in Quality and s hock a bs or ber action to b rand new u ni ts. Front Shocks Outright Exchange All Make s of cars ...... $10.50 $ 9 .00 Rear Shocks All makes of ca rs ...... $ 9.70 $8.20
f4I L:!.J
Spring Spacers
m Chrysler. L§J 'C.Fo,' Ford and m ost M .C. Cars
Ford Shock Absorbers
Chevrole l Passenge r F I'on t : 19JO Maste r ........ R e:l l' : 1940- 54 A ll Rea l' : 1955-56 .................... Dodl/ e & P,y mouth Pa ssenger Re a r : 1936-52 A ll Rea,' : 1953· 56 ford, Mercury & Monarch P asse nge r F ront : 191 2-48 A ll Fa'ont : 19 12- 1 H . D. fU ld &. Me teo r R CHI' : 1 91~ - 4 A ll Re :lI': 19 19·5 6 A ll ............
Leaves 2/8 8
9 6
Price 9.40 11.70 13.95
11.35 14. 75
12 12
16.5 0 21. 7;;
12 7
21. 75 15. 12
8 11
Double Duty Overload Spring Kits
2 ~;Jlacers in each sprln~ wi ll raise car I" to 1 Y./' . • W ill e lim inate "fronl-end dive". _ Decreases tire wenr. • Ad j usls toe-in. • A bsor bs road noise. _ N o s ide sway on turns. • E asii,y insta lled Economica l Guaranteed R esu lts. &lch ... .. 85c Set of 4 $3.15
Lea ves P r ice 1J 8
n ll ub le you,' carryJn g' capncily by u !o; in g lh e~e ~ imple to ins ta ll overloa ds. E ac h kit cont.n in s a ll b rac kelR Hnd JI Ha't s required , CHF.VROLET PRI E P RI CE M20A- 19 17-5 5 '~ To n ....... $29.95 M25 - 1939-47 1 ' " Ton .. 2 7. 00 M2 1A - 1946-55 3. Ton . 34.95 M25A - 19 18-56 I' " Ton . 30.9 5 M2 1B - 191 6· 55 1 T o n ... 27. 00 FORD - M E R RY M ~ 6 - 1(1 ;;6-;' 7 ~~ T o n 30.95 M 19 - 1! 1 ~ 9- 52 3,-1 T on 34.9 5 M27 - 1955-57 3, Ton 34.75 M:lO - 1917-57 '" Ton 32.9 5 M2R - 19:; 5-57 J Ton 30.25 M 3 1 - 1 !) 5 ~-5 7 , , · 1 T o n 3 4 .95 DOnGE · FARGO l.H .C. M 23 - 1939-56 , ~ T on 27.00 19 19-,7 ' " T o n 29.9 5 M ~1 - 1939- 56 3 . T on 30.95 191 9-5 7 3. _1 T Oil 34. 95
Spring Spacer for Coil Front Ends
NEW FRONT AND REAR SPRINGS for Cars and Trucks Me r cury & Mon a rch Rear: 1942-48 .......... Re a r : 1949-55 Ch ev & GM C Tru ck . Maple L eaf, F ront : 1939-46 J'!l T on 19 17-56 Ton 19 17- 55 a",-To n HD .......... 1917 -05 1 T on ................... 194 7-05 2-3 Ton ...... Rea r : 1917-55 I -:J T o n .... 19 16-51 I T on Oud lrc, Fargo T l'ucks Fro n t: 19:; -47 Ton 19 18-55 1;_3, T on HD
.S5 1.15 1.35 Chevrolel Up to 1954 . 5 1.15 1.3 5 Chev. 1955-56 1.25 The ccnlOUl' type 1/' Sliacer "" ill rai (t the ell" J l i t and the :l ... " 81lacer will raise the car 14" or belte,·. A LW AYS GIVE S P ECI F I C INFOR MATI ON WH E N OR DE RI NG
Re built and fa ctory tes ted . Guaranteed to be equal in performan ce to b rand ne w units. Wil l n ot leak. Complete with leve r arm. Ou trig h t $7.75 Exchange $5. 7 5
P recis ion m a de and tes ted by exper~ le nced c t'n ft s men . When o rd e ring, s ta te yent·, m a ke. m odel, an d nu m ber of le ave~ I'eq ui red .
Replacement Coil Springs Genuine Rel)lacem('nt ('oil f;prinJ.~, match·
20.25 18.95
7. 60 9.00 10.55 11. 55 21.45
Rear : 193950 ' I, T on 1950-54 Ton
Ford-M e rcury T ruck. Fro n t : 1917 52 Ton 1 95~- 56 l ~ T on 1947-5:! ;\.; _1 T on 1916-:'.5 1' "-3 T on
14.40 17. 10
He.r: 19H·52 T on ... 19:)3-;.6 "I ~ T on 19:;"' - r,6 :",-_1 T on 1910-51 2-3 Ton
9.54 11 . 85
N OT E: P r ices cC Item s I"~ clu es t.
Leaves Price 9 6
16. 10 16.30
8 8 8 10
8. 30 10.80 9. 90 23 .05
9 9 12
15.75 18.95 2 1. 70 34. 20
Li tcd On
Make, Year an d Model
Tie Rod Ends L &. R (each )
King Bolt Set
CHEV. 1939-.j(} (WIthout knee actIon) 1910-18 All . .. .. ... 1919-51 All 1955 ..
266AX 4.50 .. 120AX 4.65 ... ~20AX 4.65 .. Ball jo ints
,CS355AB 4.65
CS1I2 CS173 CS173
Upper Support Pivot Kit
Lower Support
Upper Inner
Lower Inner
P ivot Kit
Shaft Kit
Shaft Kit
FEP25 1.80 FEP1 33 1.80 FEP218 7.45
FEP26 1 .80 FEP1 34 1.80 FEP219 7.45
FEPI31 2.55 FEP220
FEP27L 5 .50 FEP28R 5 .50 FEP 135 5.50 FEP22 1M L FEP222MH
1 .85 2.30 2.30
RH-CS60 3 .40 LH ·S I313. 40 RH-CS60 3.40 LH-CSI 3 13,40 RH-CS60 3 .40 L11-C 131 3 .40 3.75 CS166 CS64 CS64 CS154 CS l BO C 195
1.80 1 .80 1.90 2.10 2.10
FEP32 2.05 FEP32 2.05 10082 12.87
CS64 C 64 C I 56 CSlBO CS I56
1.80 1.80 1.90 2.10 1.90
FEP32 2.05 FEP32 2.05 10082 12.87
T ie Rod Ends Each . L. or R .
Make, Year and Model
CHEV . TRUCKS 1941-55 ( 12 Ton) .... 420AB 4.50 1947-52 ('~-I-l l2 Ton) ...... , ..... 3 13AX 4.50 1953-55 ('.-1- 1 h Ton) .. , ....... , . , KB1448 4.50 1946-52 (2h~1 Ton ) . ... " ..... " ... 423AX 8.50
CS 11 2 CS26 CS26 CS155
1.90 3 .25 3 .25 4.75
DODGE TRUCKS 19·10-47 F2- s • and I Ton ) .. , ... , .. ,370AX 1948-50 I ... '~ and 1 Ton ) ... , ...... 370AX 1951-53 ( 1 2 - '~ and 1 Ton ), ...... ' .. 505AX 1954-55 (h-Ton) ..... . ......... " . KB1452
FORD TRUCKS 1940-41 ( 12-1 ton) .,. , •. , ' ... ,. ,435AX 1942-52 (!H Ton), ............ , .444AX 1948-52 (I Ton). ... ..... ' , , . .401 AX 1953- 55 (H-l Ton l. ..... , ., , .... , KB1445 1953-55 (3 Ton) ,.,." ..... ",., . KB1446
CS60 CSI 58 CS I58 CSI58
2.95 2.95 2.95
CS355AB 4.65
1949·54 ...
,CS355AB 4.65
1955-56 (6 cyl. ),
. , . CS355AB 4.65 1955·SEj (8 cy I. ) FORD·METEOR 435AX 4 .35 1937- 41. . .... 1912-48 . . .... .... " ... 444AX 4.50 1919-52 , ' : : :: . ....... ........ ABOAX 4.15 4BOAX 4.15 1953-54 ... Ball Jomls 1955 . .. ....... MERCURY · MONARCH ., .. ' . .435AX 4.35 1939- 41. .. .... .... .. ., . 444AX 4.50 1912-48 ... .. . 479AX 4.50 1949-51 .... , ........ 1952-53 . , 4BOAX 4.15 195t-55 Less Pow~~' St~~r'l~g . : .... Ball joints
Make, Year and Model
King Bolt Set
4.10 4.10 4.10 5.00
FEP 124
5 .50
2 .30
2.30 2.30
2.05 2.05
FEP703N 3.50 FEP703N 3.50
FEP701N 6.55 FEP70·IN 6.55
FEP33 2.05 FEP33 2.05 10083 12.87
FEP35 FEP35 3 13 N
3.35 3.35 5.62
FEP34 FEP34 3 1·IN
5 .45 5.45 5 .62
FEP37 2.45 FEP33 2.05 10083 12.87
FEP38 FEP35 3 12 N
3.84 3.35
FEP l1 2 FEP34 3 14N
6.72 5 .45 5 .62
King Bolt Set
4.35 4.50 8.25 6.45 9.90
Tie Rod Ends Each . L. or R. CS64 CS64 CSI50 CS64 CSI50
~ . 20
Idler Kits Drag Links :hev. Pass., 1940- 48 (short rod ) ....... ' , ... , ............ , , . , , . , CS84A (long rod ) ............. ,.,', .............. CS83A Pass" 1949-54 (sho rt rod) , ............. , ... ' ... , . , ....... CS519A rod ), ........ " .. ,." ... , ..... , ...... CS5 14A ord Pass, 1949-51, R. . (less end). .... , ............. . ........ ,CS500 L.H.(lessend) ... , .... .. ........ .. ........ CS501 'ord Pass., 1952- 53, L. or R . (less end) ...... , .•. . ......•..•..... CS550
5.20 5.70 5.70 6.50 3.80 3.80 3.50
~~~~~~ SPRI NG SHACKLES Duplicates of Original Car Parts Front
CHEV . (Pass.) 939 . . . . .. . ... .. ..... , ....... , 4934 9~0-41 ........................ 4934
Price Each 1.77 Each 1.77
4936 4937 4937 FSA362
Price Each Each Each Each
1.75 1.75 1.75 1.60
~U:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FORD (Pass.) 935-40 ............. , .......... RB122 Pair 2.50 941. ........................ RBI220 Pair 2.50 ~1t~ FSA850 Pair 2.60
...... ·................. .........................................
:: HEV. TRUCKS Front 911- 46, n- ~~ Ton ... . ................. , .. , .. 4934 947- 55, Si Ton ..... . ............ . ........ 4939 947-55, 1 Ton ..................... . ......... 4940 " ORD TRUCKS 912-47, ~-I Ton (front of front spring) ..... , .. RB5037 Ton (rear of front spring) . . . .. . . RB504 I 942-52, '117-52, h -1 Ton (front of front sprmg) ... .,. RB50H 95.1- 55, h- '~ Ton (front of front sprmg) ...... . RB5082 . . RB504 7 953-55, 1 Ton (front of front spring) . .
1.80 1.80 2.50 1.80 2.50
Chev., 1949- 56 ............... , . FEPI36 Dodge, 1955-56 ... , ... .. ...... , . FEP705N Ford, 1949-54 .... ..... ........ , FEP36 1955-56 . ..... , .... . ...... FEP2.10
With the New Ball Bearing Action to Fit : Kit CMC ·1 Pontiac (1940-56) Oldsmobile (1940-56) Packard (1942-50) Dodge (V-8) (1953-54) Buick (1954-56) Nash (40 ) (1949-56) Nash Amb. (194 1-56) Rambler (1950-56) Hudson (1955-56) Price per Kit .... S3.05
= LJ
' Kit
Kit CMC · 2
CM~ .1
Kit CMC · 2 To Fit : Fo rd (1949- 56) Lincoln (1949- 56) Mercu ry (1949- 56) Dodge (1955- 56) Plymo uth (1955- 56) Meteor 0949-56) Monarch (1949-56) Price per Kit .. S6.75
New Self-Adjusting Ball Joint Kit PSA750XX Each 1.30 FSA358 Each 1.30 RBI23 RBI 230 FSA950 FSA924
Pair Pair Pair Each
2.65 2.75 2.60 1.29
Price Each 1.77 Each 1.77 Each 2.00 Each Each Each Each Each
4.05 1.25 3 .20 2.95 4.62
$1.85 GI $3.96 A..IIl $3.05 ~ 'f1J $3.45 0.0.
For 1955 ·56 Chevrolet and Pontlac Elimmates play, holds accura t e fronl end alignment, looseness, makes a permanent Ball joint. Works freely. Road shock absorbed with a speCIal g(ease re"slant ruhber hushing. Keeps dirt, moisture out- seals grease in.
~ ~ IiliiIi
CMC ·12 $1 .79
Stabilizer Repair Kits No. 604846 fits C hevrolet front 1939-52 Passenger, all. Per Pair . . ....... .. ....... .. $1.40
CD ~~~ f~iBumr\t~'I~e~ o.I:~.e.r.I~.~.-
.. .................................................... $1.49 VP229D 6 Volt ..... ............................. .......................................... $1 . 05 VP241D 12 Volt ............................................................................ $1 . 45 STREAMLINE FENDER LIGHT Will fit contour of a ll fenders . H as rubber cushion to protect L.SJ paint finish. FU1'nis hed in either red. amber or opal len s. E ac h ........ _ ................................................... _ ................................ 51 . 79 THREE-I N-A-ROW F la t m o unting. Concealed wiring. 2'h" plastic fluted beehive ~ lens. 3 C.P. bu lbs. Overall length 20". Lamps spaced 8" apart. Com p letely wired. Red, Green 01' Amber . B lack baked enamel f inish . Each ... ..... ................................................................................. .......... $1.98 Double Three-in -a -Row Clearance Lite. Flat mounting, concealed L!J wiring. Overall length 20", 3 candle power bulbs. State lens colors required. N o . 896. Each .................................................................................. $3 . 35 FLEXIBLE TYPE ~ A pproved type. Flexible trap allows (or movement of lights. Equipped with 6 volt, 3 C.P. bulb, 2 'h" len.s . N o . 100. State whethel' red or green requIred . Each ............ 72 ,
'3' f41
Flush type. lens Ig1 l.£) size Ilh "x4 'h".
FLUSH TYPE gives maximum light from 6 volt 3 C.P. bulb,
No. 220. State whether red
® ~I~~~:~n
green required. Each ...........
a~~ .~:'. s.'.z~ .. Re<! or n~~r.
40, ........... ..................... 50. UNIVERSAL TAIL LAMP Th isuniversalsto p andtail lam p i.3 Ih"indlameter.eQui with 2 1-3 candle power bulb. Adjustable offset bracket easy installation. Ta il Lamp Only ..................................... .. ............................ $2. With Licence Brncket ...................... .. ........... $3. ELE CTRIC TAIL LAMP (jj'") Black enameled steel body within 3" semaphore len. and side lens for license plate illumination . Approved w".,ru,",,,,n. Each ...................................................................................... .. GARAGE LAMPS (A) Heavy duty lamp with 25 ft. of rubber covered wire on-off switeh and easy-open j<1lard. (Le •• Bulb) ....... 53.16 (B) Same as above. but "ith 50 ft. cord ........ .... .. .......... $4.85 4"- Each
3'," .....
12 @
with dash socket and ammeter connection . 12 Furnished with one red and one amber lens. or one red and one rp gre<on 'i3' Complete rubber covered wire. Bulb protected by a locked cover that when lens. Can be mounted flush to body in any position. 6-8 ~ opened up forms effective reflector for maximum light. Fitted ~
volt 3 C.P. bu lb f urnished. Equipped with latest type 2'h" Bee H ive lens. Complete with Cord ready to install. N o. 190 ................................................................................................ 89, BEE HIVE TYPE R igid construction . Finished b lack enamel complete with SC-6-S 10 Volt 3 C. P . bu lb . State whether red or green required. N o. 90. Each ...................................................................................... 45,
with stand . Each ................................... ............... ... .. ..... .....................
'P'4 ~
.. .... $1. 29
ARMORE D CLEARANCE LAMp All PUI'POse heavy duty light (or trucks, buses and trailer. All steel body. Each ......... ...... ...................... ........... ... . ....... . .............. .. $1.1 5
5040S 6 Volt 5400S 12 Volt 40 12 6 Volt 12 Volt 44 12 4012A 6 Volt 44 12A 12 Volt 40 13 6 Vo lt
Auto Headlight ....... Auto Headlight .......... Clear Fog Lamps .... Clear Fog Lamps ..... Amber Fog Lamps .... Amber Fog Lamps .. Clear Trllctor Lamp.
6*"" 5*" 5*" 5%"
rjI ~Mul tip l e refl ector type Flaru (2 per set). f1ectars m a de of ' shatter proof lucite . These rugged flares are made to surpass all existing regulations. Complete" Ith carryinl( bracket .... $6.75 TRUCK FLARES '2l ~Mult i .,l e Kerose n e Type Flare. mounted on a bracket. Finished n blight red color. Leakproof and will withstand 40 MPH winds and 6" o( rain Pr . Hr. $ V2 per set ....... ......... 5 . 60
No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
$1.85 2.00 Dla. 2.49 Dia . 2.44 Dia. 2.69 Dill. 2.74 Dia. 2.39
4413 4015 4415 4015A 4415A 4516 4416
12 Volt Volt 12 Volt 6 Volt 12 Volt 6 Volt 12 Volt
Clear Tractor Lamp. Clear Fog Lamps .. Clear Fog Lamps Amber Fog Lamps Amber Fog Lamps Hand SPOt Lamp. Hand Spot Lamp" .....
m 4
HAN D-E SPOT LIGHT A sealed beam spotlIght plugs into cigar lighter. Vses new No. 4516, 57000 beam C.P. bulb. Equipped with QU'U"~.u.~. to prop up light at different angles for use as a H os built in switch. Finished with chrome handle and rim. 777-C.
m 5
I~ ~~:~ .. ... ........ ... PORTA-LITE Plugs in cignrelle U"hter. will stand or will hang throws Ii"ht ,,00 ft. "ill fit in glove compartment. met.>t1lic blue ba~cd enamel. Equipped with sealed beam 25' cable.
4 112" STOP LAMP 5225 SEALED BEAM TRACTOR' LAMP $5 With univer.,,1 mountin" bracket. "STOP" ~ Heavy gou"e steel lamp equipped with sealed beam unit Uni In bold red letter. complete with 21 C.P. bulb.. bracket. Fits ,,11 tmctors. No. TR500. Each . . . . . $3 . 75 6 VOll . ... . . .. ... . ... 12 Volt
A favol'ite set as it contains 18 of the most necessary tools for general work complete in a stl'eam lined metal box. 19 PIECE SET Yl" DRIVE Always has good acceptance as it is A deluxe tool set with a large compact. neat yet roomy and easy to carry-all tray. The spacious metal box carry around. Contains 13 sockets from allows for extra tools if desired. Contains 7(16 to Ilh. One 5 '12" and one 10" exten 14 socke ts from 7/ 16 to l lh. One 5~/." sion. One 15'12" Swing Head ~andle. extension . One 15'12" Swing Head Hand le. One 9" Cross Bar, One ReverSIble One 9" Cross Bar. One 19" Speeder.
~~t~~~~- .~r~t.~~.~~~.-.......$28. 90
4 5
Wolfe Cub Kits
,/," DRILL KIT t\. very popular set conta ining one l ~ " jrill of the finest Qua lity. one drill ,tand. 3 sanding discs. one rubber backng pad. one lamb's wool buffing nad. me 9 Illece drill set. and one paint lliXelo.
3r>ecial Price- Per Kit .................... $21.95 Drill only ......................................... 18.95
W' GENERAL DUTY DRILL Pel'forms 'h" drilling faster than any I"'omparable machine. Drills up to 1" In hard wood. Spindle "need at no load 610 RPM. sturdily built with heavy bearings. Each drill supplied complete with s tarting s witch. Jacob. chuck. 10 rt. 3 wh'e cable and plug. spare carbon Brushes and a tin of oil. Special Price ................................ 46.95
29 PIECE DRILL SET quality c h rome vanadium drills ranging from r." to 'AI" in hth. of an inch. I n metal box. Special Price ............................... ... 9.95
6 1
8 9
~~~ f§~l~~~~:~_~~I.~_ ~.~~.~.~~~.·.$33.65
H ACKSA W BLA D ES Qua lity carbon hacksaw B lades. Per Doz . 10" ......................................... __ . 70, 12" ................. _......................... 80, PISTON RI NG COMPR ESSOR This compressor has a range from 278" to 5" diameter and a band depth of 2'A!". Extra heav y spring stee l tension band held fil"miy in place by automatic friction b rakes. No. 7 5 Piston Ring Compressor .... $1 . 70 Pkg. Wt. "h Lb. P I ST ON RI NG SKID Avoid pist.on ring breakage and reduce in sta llation costs .with this handy . yet in expensive tool. Made of spring steel. No. 1.61 Pisto n Ring Skid ................ 45, TOO LS ITEM'S No.1 6 to No. 21 Select %" SQuare drive qua lity too ls m a de of the finest stee l available . UN I VE R SA L JOI N T S Provides accessibility to m any diff ic ul t j obs. Close coup led and with spring t e nsi on . Length 2%". No . 3217 .............. ................................. _. $2.41 C H R OME AL L OY SOCK ETS 12 Point. ' Made of the finest ch l'Om e a lloy steel. ac';' rately forged. Chrome p lated. No. Size Price No. S i ze Price 1214 7/ 16" .61 1226 13/ 16" .88 12 16 '/.>" .61 1228 .95 121 8 9/ l6" .65 1230 15/16" .98 ,,,.. 69 l232 1 1.06 1220 78 · 1234 1h" 1. 16 1222 1l/ 16" .75 1236 1%" 1.26 1224 "'.. .83 1240 114" 1.3 1 S P EED E R Des igned fol' speedy nut and bo lt turni n g. No . 3208 ............................................... ..... $2.34 15 Vl" Swing head handle· suited for extra leverage . No . 3222 H .................................... ............ $4.17 Extensions for those hard to get at job •. 3211 - 10" e x ten sio n ........................... ... $1.6. 32 16 • 5V~" extension ............................ $1.35 REVERSIBLE RA T CH E T Positive action gIving a bite every 70 Torque tested - 10 ~" Long. No. 3275 .................................................... $6.75 THICKNESS GAUGES Mude of the finest grade Swedish steel. Nine bla des. Only ................................ $1.115 ALLAN WRENCH SET Seven Hexagon Wrenches Sizes - ,p," to 'A". .................................... GGe STARTER & MANIFOLD WRENCH Fa,· Chev .. Buick. a nd Pontinc. Has 12 Pt. i\" and !}So openin gs. No . 769 ...................................................... $1.4. WRENCHES "Kliptite" Wrench Sets - Popular Priced. Quality Wrenches Made of Select Drop Forged Steel. Open End Wrench Set 0930· GP 6 Pces. - 5/16" to ')la" .......... $4 . 23 0930 - 5 P 5 Pces. - 5/l6" to %0" .......... $3 . 0. Comb Wrench Set 01070 • 06K 6 Pces. - . .... to 11 / l6" .... $3.90 0 1070 - 05K 5 P ces . - 7/ 16" to 11 / 16" $3. 29 Long Box End Sets 0910 - 6K 6 P ce•. - ,,' .. to 1" ................ $5 . • 0 0910· 5 K 5 Pces. - ')I." to ')la" .............. $4. 17 0910 - 4K 4 Pces. - 'lio" to 25/32" ....... $ 3.29 VALVE LIFTING TOOL For Ford V8. and Mercury 20" Long. No. 2192 ............................................ $2. 0 7
ADJ USTABL E ANGLE WRENCHES No. 68 - Drop forged steel fu ll y guaran· teed. each in a box. polished steel h ead a nd han dles.
13 Hi g h
4" ...................................... ................. ....... ..
6" ................................................................ $1.04 8" ................................................................ $1 . 29 10" ........................................................ ...... $1.70 12" ......................... ............................ .. .. ..... $2. 29 'STILLSON" PATTERN WRENCHES No. 257 D,'op forged stee l with red japanned handles . face s polished. 8" ........................................... ..... ...... .......... $1.08 10" ................... ..................... ............ $1.32 14" ................................. ..... ..................... ..$2 . 05 18" ........................................ ...................... $2.79 24" .................................. ........... ................. $4 . 94 SLIP JOINT PLIERS A " Handy-Man's" Favorite Tool. Strongly built for SUl'e action. 6W' .................... .. ...................................... 69 , 8" .. , ............................................................ . 8g e UN IVERSAL VISE GRIP PLIERS Nickel Pl ated with bordered alloy steel jaws. No. 2600 10" ......................................... $2. 90 No. 260 1 6~" _....................................... $1 . 82 S CREWDRIVERS Made of Tempered Steel ~~~:!8. Proof Amber Handles for Slotted
1 - ',~"x2"''' .................................................. . 14 2 - 3/ 16"xS" .................................................. .36 3 - v.."xS" ................................. _................... .54 4 - 5/ 16"x6" .................. _........... .82 For Phillips Screws 1 • No. 1 size 3/16"x4" ...... ....................... .42 2 - No . 2 s ize ' 4"x4 'J." .......................... __ .59 For Robertson Head No. I. No . 2. or No. 3. Each ................ .50 SUCTION VALVE GRINDER For use in grindjng a ll va lves using suction gl·inders. Wood handle with rubber grip . Each .................... .................................. 29 , FLEXI- RIGID HANOI-RULE 72" watch-spring steel. hardened and tempered. Cannot. tang le or knot. Finger-tin recall action. Accurately calibl'ated in inches. Special SPARK PLUG WRENCH To fit 14 m .m . Spark plugs. P rice. each ............... .............................. 45 , TWIST DRILLS Made of the highest Quality fast cutting tool steel. From 1/16" to ''& ". 7 piece set .............................................. 7 7, 10 piece set .................... __ ........................ 9 0 , BATTERY TERMINAL P U LLER No . 21 - Made of fine Quality selected steel with d"ol' forged heat lreated arm s. it is exceptionall y stl·ong. Tool No. Opening Reach Wt. 21 'Y....-%." %" '11 lb. Price ................ -- ........................................ $ 2.85 HANDIP U L PULLER . Puller i8 forged of a lloy steel an d heat t"eated throughout fo,' toughneSB a nd will h a ndle the most difficult jobs within its range . 5 'h" ulameter- and 7" se rew Price .......... _ ......................................... $ 4 . 1 5 ALL-METAL HACKSAWS Pistol Grill - wilh adjustable frame $ 2 .20
18 19
20 21
26 27
We carry a complete stock of TOP QUALITY THERMOSTATS for all makes and models of vehicles. When ordering, please state whether a Winter or Summer Thermostat is required. Model Thennostat No. Price 1939-56 Chevrolet (Pass and Trucks) .................. _.. H-30 $ 1. 3 6 1940-56 Dod&,e & Plymouth (All) ........................ .. ...................... H-I 03 $ 1 . 88 Dod&," & Far&,o Trucks (*-1 ton) ................... _.................. H-I 03 $ 1 . 88 (Ph Ton and up) .............. ........... H-97 $1 . 9 6 Ford & Mere (Pass. & Trucks) (2 required) 1937-48 ................................ ..... ...... H-55 $1 . 36 1949·53 ........... _............................... H-I 00 $1 .49 1954-56 (1 requi red) ................... H-101 $1.88 I .H. C. Trucks (N .B.- Price is same (All Green & Silver $ 1.88 for either Winter or Diamond En gin es) ......... ...... H-I07 Pon ti ac Summer Thermostat. 1933-54 (All) ................................ H-I06 $1 .49 Also send us Make, 1955-56 (All) .......................... _....H-I05 $1.49 Year, a nd Model of S tudebaker 1939-56 (Champion) .................... H-I05 $ 1.49 Vehicle .)
CUSTOM AUTO MATS A 2 piece set - designed for Iste model cars in harmonious colors. Blue, Red, Green , Black, Taupe, Grey. Per set ... _... ....... ....... ................. ............. .............. ......... $3.95 SPLASH GUARDS Spl""h Guards for all trucks and trailers, with built.ln steel mounting bar. No other brackets needed. Made of rubber, impregnated with cotton fibre, for extra strength and durability. Easy to install . 24 x 30 inches. SPECIAL, Pair ...................................................................... ··$5.95
CD r~~H ::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::: ::::::::::::~~: I=:A~ CD~j:~lr~;~~.~~:.~.~~~. ~~I.~~~.~J;.f~:~:; Plastic
+~g ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~: I~:~~
(I)Frost Shield Cement ................ 2 oz. 35t
mFrost Shield Moisture Sealer 2 oz. 40t 10x20 ........................................Each $1.80 S . peclal . . . 10x25 ........................................Each $1.90 l3x20 ........................................ Each $1.98 ~6 Volt ElectriC Frost Shields 10x18 In l3x25 ........................................ Each $2.80 Metal Carrying Case, complete with (If Green Tinted Plastic Shields are switch. Desired ... Add 10c to the price) Price-Special, each ...................... $2.00
P ENCIL TYPE- For all makes of cars and trucks. Fits in head stud . State your exact make and model a nd year. Complete with extensi on cord ...... -..................... $7.50 For 1954-57-Ford overhead valves. To fit in water pump. Not shown .................................................... $7 .50
rztNO. 2 TYPE-For all G.M. cars and trucks having L£Jscrew type frost plug. Complete with 4 % ft. cord .................................. $4.79
Chrysler product cars and
Complete with 41h ft. cord .................................. $5.29
rAt. DIPSTICK HEATER-Keeps oil warm for easy start-
L!J ing.
Fits universally on all motors with straight dipstick ....................................................... - ...............$5.49 ri:lTA -K TYPE HEATER KIT-1350 Watt - ideal LiJfor large trucks and tractors. Features the Kelrod element. Thermostat controlled ........................$16.95 850 Watt - for most trucks. Also has the Kelrod element .................................. ..... ............................$12.25
Heater Switches - Clamp on type. Ford, Each ................ .......................... $1.40 Universal Each .............................. $1.25 Healer Hose - Top quality. %" inside diameter x 1 ply. Special 6 ft. Length """" """"""" $1.25
WINDOW CHANNEL 19/ 32" base. 9/16" high, pluin flexible metal channel covered with genuine felt. Fits every car and truck. Available in lengths up to 8 feet. Per foot ........... _........... .................... $ .35 8 foot length .. ...................... ... $2.40
HEATER FITTINGS (1) GRI LLE FRONTS Heavy duty, made of high Quality. leatherette lined with heavy sole felt and interlined with carpet fel t for sti ff ness and wind- breaking. State year and model required. TRUCKS $4. 75 CARS $4.2 5
(3) (4)
FORD Vacuum Hot water shutoff 1953-56 .......... $4.75 FORD BOOSTER "Y" Fitting ..........................$1.15 Hot Water Shutoff .... $1.75 Heater Hose Clamps .09 Lower Hose Connection .................. .30
PASSENGER CAR MIRRORS rt' Visored Mirror - hooded style, L!.J ~1,!! ", non glare mirror. Fully Adjustabl{'. Duilt·in Rain, Snow and SUn vi. or. Popular for fender mounting. Can be SUJllllied with either Round or Square head. Pric{', each ._._ ........ _.....................$3.95 (2 for $7.( 5) De Luxe Visored Mirror - Dis'21 L.SJ tinctive design adds beauty to
1I1Y car-Positive adjustments 3't2" x
5" gl a re proof. Beautifully finished in sparkling chrome . Pri ce, each ........... _._ ....................$4.75 (2 for $9 .25) f"31 A hooded fender mirror of mod~ ern design , styled for distinction. j" non glare Mirror, 5'-,2" hood. Gleaming chrome finish . Pri ce, ea eh .. .......... _..... .............. $4.75 (2 for $9.25) De Luxe 4" non-glare Mirror, l!J fully adjustable. Graceful curved arm-extra strong, lustrous chrome finish . Price, each .. _........... ........... _...... ..$ 2.25
IS"" Full vision 3" x 5" non-glare ~ Mirror. Adjustable latest style. In poli hed chrome. Price, each ............... _....................$2. 50
Body·mount Mirror. rp Inexpensive Sturdil y built, and triple plated
for service. Price, each .......... _............. _....... _.$3.25 (2 fOI' $6.25)
I-f1 A Body-Fender mowlt mirror, in
l!.J the latest of styling. Made to fit
the fenders of the newest cars. 4'-,2" Mirror head. Full y adjustable. Price, each ........... _.............. .....$6.95 (2 for $13'.25)
rgt "The
Champ." A distinctively
l£j different mirror of Superb qua-
lity. Highl y polished triple plated chrome. Jar-proof adjustment. Price, each ..... _...... _.......... _.........$5.45 (2 for $10 .45,)
Another FiI'st in Body & Fender mount mirrors. Designed for maximum vision. Sturdily built to stand rough usage. Price , each ........... _........ __ ............ $3.75 (2 for $7 .25)
Ig1 l2..J
'41 Oblong 4" x 8" overall. Offset Body Mount-Extends CD" Hinge L.:!J Swivel mount, replaceable glass from 19·29". Fits hinges ' Ilh" with Outside Rubber Bumper. Grey wide. hinge pin. Furnished &
with hinge and body mounting brackts. 5" diam. Head-Swivel cente r, Black enamel finish . Price, each ............................. ..... $3.30 Universal Mirror Support Arm'21 L.SJ Eliminates vibration - Extends 12" - 21".
Price, each .- ...... --...................... $ 1 .3 5 f"31 5" Diam. Center Swivel Mountglass sealed in metal case. Black namel finish . aeh .................................................... 80
Hammered finish. Price, each .... -..... -..................... $2.85
IS"" Giant Truck Mirror-8"x1S"~ 144 sQ. ins., for safer vision . Heavy duty top Quality shock proof mirror cushioned in rubber to absorb vibration. Set screw maintains any desired position. Complete with mounting brackets. Price, each ......... -................... -$13. 75 (2 for $26.95) (]) Mirror Head for Trucks. Size 5'-,2" x 7%". Swivel mount. Grey Hammered finish. Price, each ..................................$2.25
HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUID Heavy duty Brake Fluid for winter '" summer use. Price-16 oz. tin ........................ .. ... _.... ..... _.......... _. .70 32 oz. tin ................................. _.......... -....$ 1..36 BLOCKMEND Repair. cracked valve ports or inside cylinder block - To equa l of weld . Price-16 oz. tin ............. ...... ...... -........ -- ............. ... $ 1 .40 WATER PUMP LUBRICANT'" RUST INHIBITOR Developed es pecially to neutralize acid and prevent rust formation in the cooling sys tem. Contains lubricant to protect and eliminate SQ uea ls in water pump bearings and sea ls. PRICE-16 oz. tin .............. _...... _... ..................... .76
LIQUID RADIATOR SEA LER A non-clogging solder for Quick radiator repairs. Works in all known types of anti-freeze. Price-8 oz. tin ._ .............. ... _ .......... .................. _. .70 PENETRATING OIL For loosening up those rusted parts . Price-IO oz. tin .. .......... .. ............. .. .. _................... .60 HANDY OIL (GENERAL USE) For sew ing machines. etc. Price---4 oz. tin .................................................... .36 WHITE-WALL TIRE PAINT For painting on Wh ile-Wall s Won't flake or peel. Price - ,/, pt. tin ................... _............ ...... ---... -.. .. 90e VALVE GRIND COMPOUND Water
Price-2 oz . tin .................... _......................... _...
UNIVERSAL ALL STEEL CARRIER F ealu,'e. C I'OS" bo,·. heavy duty s teel supports, self levelling rubber suctlon cups , full wid th adjus tmenl from 6" to full bllr length, corrosion resistant. .. . -.. -...... ....... ...... _.............. _ ..... _$9. 95 Length , 48" Price per . Pair S imilar to above. 36" in length . Prlce per Pa.r ......... -...... -................. $ 6.50 Complete ly 8s'embled, "eady to ins tall. Rugged lightweight const"uctlon loud cB lluc ily , 1000 lb•. Streamlined des ign, fits a ll car• . Len l{th l l " ' . Price per . Palf .. -.. ................... ........... .. ... $ 6 .95
Laqte Vacuum Cups m oun t ing bolt. Each
For all lypes of car luggage c,u·riers . 3" din. with .... ... . . . .......... .. ... ................ 2 5 t
Directional Signal Sets • • • •
For For For For
Trucks Tracto r s Tra ile rs Buses
Set of 2 two·faced fender m ou nting s ignal lamps, each with red and am ber lenses; 2 single· faced lamps with red lenses; self·cancelling a utomatic blinking eye con· trol switch; fl asher; wire an d simple instructions. 6 Vol t ...................... $16.50 12 Volt ...................... $17.45
1 CIGAR LIGHTERS Universal 6 and 12 Volt Automalic Model. Can few minutes. Complete Cigar Lighter: 6 Volt .. _. . ........................•..••••........ _ •... 12 Volt ...........................•.......•... ........... _......•..•.... Element and Knob : 6 Volt 12 Volt .....
Self·Cancelling Directional Signal Kits
2 TRACTOR SPINNER Heavy-duty model made for rough handling. Wooden knob held on by a lifetime graphite greased metal bushing. Strong c1aml'type base fit8 all tractor and truck steering wheels . Each .. _......... ..... • .. - .......• 79 3 RED REFLECTOR TAPE Th,s Red Reflector Tape is self-E1dherlng to any metal glass or wood 8urface . Reflector Tape can be seen 70% faater than tnll lights in "ny weather. 6 feet $1.00 4 FLEXIBLE COPPER TUBING A superior quality seam less annealed copper tubing . Soft and flexible. Bends without kin king. Si7e Per Foot 25 Feet Size Per Foot 25 Feet 'AI" . 11 $2.62 ... .. $4.4 .18 . 13 $3.12 %" $5.28 .22 '4" .15 $3.58 'h" $7.06 .29 5 TWO-CELL FLASHLIGHT A must for every car owner. Perfect replacement lor more expensive type. Each .... ........................... - ..................... ..................... . $ .69 Each (With batteries) . ... ........ ... ...•.. ....•••..••.. .. $1.09 Flas hlight batteries (TWO) ....................._ ... _...... ...•.. $ .35
Custom - built, four light (front & rear) conversion kits. Contain all parts and simple instructions for a complete installation . Fits Most Cars 194"2-1955. Pri ce Speci a l .........
Kits to fit 1953·55 Chev. ............................ $6.95 Kits to fit 1955 Ford $6.95 Switch only (IncludesFlasher & Fuse) ........ $6.95
TRUNK HINGES Fonl 1949 _ .._ ............ __.. _ .._.._ ... _._. pair $5.75 1950 ••... __ ..._ .. _. ...•.. _._. p air 4.05 General Motors Pa.ssencer Cars 1940-48 _ . __. _. _____ .. . pair 4.98 Chryaler Corp. Passennr Ca .. 1937-39 .......... ___ .... _ ._ ........._ p air 4.12 UNIVERSAL LOCKING TRUNK HANDLE No. 300 For mos t car s ... .. _ ..... No. 1690 For F o r d & Mer cury 1941-48 .. _._._. ............
O UTE R DOOR H ANDLES Ford 1949 1950-51 1952-55
......____ .....__ ....... ... . .. each _ .. _._ ..... _.. each ... .. .... _. ......... _. each each
..__ ...... _....._ .........._ .. . each
O o d ce-Pl ymo ulb 1950-54 .. .. ._. __ .._ .. _.. I NSIDE HANDLES
3.25 3.25
3.50 3.20 3.25
Fo rd 1949-55 ..
Chev., Ponl., Old • . 1949-55
Dodct-Plymoutb 1940-55
GLOVE COMPARTMENT 4< DOOR PILLAR LOCKS We can supply locks for aH makes and years of vehicles. WRITE FOR PRICES. When orderlnll handles be very specific in mentlonlnll inside. outSide, etc.
CAR WASH BRUSHES NO. 22 - Triple action wasb brush that soak., clean. and rinses. at the same time. Hair bristles are scratch proof Price .................- ..... .......... ............ .. .. ... _..... -.... . .. ...$3.25 No. 77 - This washer features a jet-pressure noule. b hair bristles and a light-weight aluminum handle . Price .. .................... .. ...................... . .. ·$5.35
No. 88- Deluxe wash brush made of flexible rubber and superior quality hair bristles, with a finger tip water flow control. Price ...... ...... .................................. .. ....... $6.75 CHROME CUSTOM UNIVERSAL REA R SPEAKER KITS with 5 x 7 speaker . All wiring, switch, hardware, and 81mple installation instructions . Special prIce ........................................... _...... - ..... ......... ........ · $6.75
1 Com p lete 2
AERIALS These aerials are of high quality - engineered .teel - for high fidelity reception positive Insulated against defective sound inception. 1. Side mount- 63" ....................... _........................ .. .... ·-.. ·$3.75 2. Cowl Mount.-63" ... _.............. _...................... _.................. ....$3.95 3. aide or Cowl Mount-6S" ........ - ............ ··.... ·$4.95
4. Replacement Antenna Staff-Slip replacement an· tenna over original ba.s e stu b a!,d tighten ... ... _... .. ..... $2.25 TWIN DECK KIT Complete installation kit contains 2 Rear-Mount Swivel-Ball S section antennas whUch can extend to 27" with a ready-to-use Polyethelene low 10.. 22 Ft. cable assembly; and 6 hlgh-8peed fastEning cllp8. Price Per Kit Only .......... ............. $8.75 "SHARK" REAR DECK ANTENNA KIT This kit is unlveraal for all cars, and con.ists of 2 antennas, which extend from IS'hH_27H. Cable. harnes and all in8tallation hardware required 8uoplied with Kit. SpecIal price .............. ~ ...... ............ ...................... _..............·-5 14.9 5
3 4
All beanng are brand new-precision built and laboratory tested . All bearings are mdividually boxed and treated against rust . Every bearing we ship is sold ubject to your most rigid inspection. Make Che" and Ponl, Pass.
Year 19-11-51
Dodge and Plymouth, Pass.
1949·54 1938 ~18
Ford, Pass.
1949-54 CA KETS
Front Wheel Outer 909S0 1 5 .80 1.08 90960 1 .67 909701 2 .08 0907.1 1 .08 09194 2 .00 09067 1.08 09195 2 .08 09074 1.08 09196 2.00 09067 1 .08 09195
Front Wheel Inner 51 .60 909552 1 .40 909602 1 .08 909702 2 .80 14125A 1 .48 14276 2 .48 15123 1.36 15245 2 .56 151H! 1.44 15250X 2 .48 15123 1.36 15245
Ponllac 5tudehaker
Ford Pass. Ponllac (Canad lan ) Studebaker (Champ.)
6207ZN R
52 .88
6207 6306NR
3 .52 4 .3 2
6207ZNR 6208N R
3 .84 4.16
2 .88
3 .52
6207N R
3 .68
55 .20
6305NR Sl .68
25 77 2582 1 25877 25821 A1444
2 .88 1 .84 2 .88 1 .84 3 .84
88107A R
5 .20
Motor Overhaul Set OH6 134- 1 59.80 8 .15 OH56260 7.25 OH6358 7.50 01-16358·1 0 1-16358-2 7.50 6 .20 01-162 105 7 .10 OH6043
Valve G rin d S et 54.25 VC61 34 3.15 VGS6260 3.50 VC6358 VC6358-1 3. 50 VC6358- 1 3.50 3.90 VC62 10S VC6043 4 .45
0 1-l62H
5 .35
12 .10
6. 75
OH6272 01-1 60 79
7 .75 5.25
VC6272 VG6079
3.50 3 .00
Year 193 7-52 19SO·52 1953 1954 1955·56 1938·56 1938--18
1941-54 1939-54
Model 2i6 235 235 235 235 3 ' Bore
6-<:y l. (Champ. 6-cyl.l
Dodge and Plymouth
E xte n si on
6207N R
C l sOO
Dodge and Plymouth and Dodge Trucks Ford and Mete or and Trucks
Make Ch.- Pass .
Rear Wheel
GASKETS Make Chevrolet, Pass. and Trucks
(At Low, LOW Pr ices> Most Accepted Type on the Mo rket
Year 1941·54 1955·56 1946-47 1948-54 1955·56 1940·48 1949-54 1955·56 1941 -54 1955-56 19 11 - 18 I 948-SO 195 1·56
Front 6064 684 1 5836 6456 6840 5796 6362 68 15 6064 684 1 5999 6455 6455
Wheel $ .70 .65 51 .02 1.02 .95 .90 1 .15 1.15 5 .70 .65 5 .65 .65 .65
Rear Wheel I n ner 5704 51 .45 5458 1.10 S0776 51.80 50776 1 .80 S0776 1.80 50044 51 .35 5704 5458 40768 40768 40769
51.45 1.10 51 .15 1 .15 1 .15
R e ar Whee l Oute r
Head Ga sket 51 .70 6134 1 .45 56260 1 . 45 6358 1 .45 6358 1 .45 6358 62 105 1.75 6043 1. 40 ea. (2 used ) 2 .00 ea. 6044 (L. or R .) 6335 1 .10 ea . (2 used) 6272 6079
5i .02 1 .02 1 .02 51 .50 I .SO 1.50
6403 6403 6403
51.1 5 1.15 1.15
CS24 74
CS2286 CS2357
" NOTE- For Ope n Dr i ve Shaft only . Transm ission 66~i; '
624 1 624 1 624 1 5877 S0444 S0444
1. 25 1 .50
Pan Gasket 5 .70 .70 .70 .70 1 .15 .80 1 .00
CS2373 CS2373 CS2373 CS2477 CS2299 CS2283
Pin ion
106845 106845 10684
$3 .1 5 52 .60 2 .60 2 .60
6si8 5851 5851 585 1
$i :90 52 .70 2 .70 2.70
10059 10059 "5928 '6646 106845 106845 106845
52.75 2 .75 51 .90 3 .10 $ 2.60 2 .60 2.60
6371 6371 '6244 '6244 5778 5778 5778
$2 .12 2 .12 52.20 2 .20 52 .15 2 .15 2 .15
TRAILER COUPLERS NO. 65 FRAME HITCH Mounts under Bumper Hnd bolts lh,·OUKh bumper bar. Spacers included make thi s hitch univer ~ a l fittin${. Thi s model is par~ ticular1y 8uited for cars which cannot be fitted wit h the s tand ard clamp type coul,lers. P rice on Iy .... ...... . . ........ $6.45 TRAILER COUPLERS No. 10 Des ilo!ned (or sma ll uti lit y tl·ailers. whel'e gTOS8 load will not exceed 2,000 Ibs. Certified malleable iron CH8li n gs and s teel bolt, . Patented automat;" sa fety lock. Ball i. IT" in diameter . Price, Each . .. ....... .. $3. 95 No . 25 - A Heavy Duty Cou pler required ror medium s ize farm impleme nt!\. larKer utility and boat tndlers. stock trailers and larlte "e lder • . Ball is 2" in diameter . Pri ce. Each . 5 6.45 No. 40 - A Trailer Coupler de8;'.:ned to fit on the outside of any 2-i nch pil)e t.onRue. "egardless of wall thickness o r in s ide diameter. Bull i. I'M" in diameter . Price, E ac h ................. $5. 4 5 COUPLER CLAMPS ) No. R8 - A heavy duty a ll steel cou l, ler clamp. Will fit a ll bumperH where 8 single clamp can !le used, E xtra wide for greater s t rength . Finished in bright a luminum . Pric" ..... $ 3.35
N o . 80
Sa me as N o. 88 (but li g hte r). Price .................. ...$2.99 DOUB LE CLAMP N O. 95 - A lo wel' priced all s t ee l coupler clamp that fits all L.!Jbumpel s with exposed edges. Only two bolts to mount the cross·bar to the bumper cla mps. Specia lly des igned "J" bolts to go thru the cross-bar and hook under bottom of bumper . Clearance to fit aroun d a ll license plates. Max imum length 17:)1. ... Price ... .. .. .. . .... ...... ..... _.. ............ ... ... ...... .. .... .............. .............. .··$4. 75 EXTRA HEAVY DUTY COUP LING BA R ~ No. 55 - A heavy duty under the ca l' hitch which clamps to ~ ends of frame or over one or both bumper ar m s on ea ch side. Universal in m ount in g with custom-made appearance. Will s tand more t h an car can pull. Pos itively no side motion. No holes to drill a nd no special tools required . Fits a ll C81'8 1949-57. Price .... ... .......... ....... .. .... ...... .... ..... $14.15 TRAILER BALLS N O. 14 I 'M" Ball. Made of m a llea ble il·on. Price , E ac h-$1.00 No . 16 2" (same as a bove) . P rice , Each ...................$1.50
,.. .. ~ ctO
".. h
All clutch assemblle are completely rebuilt with original equipment parts and are set to original ractory specifications. All a sem blies are guaranteed to be equal In quality to brand new units.
FLEXIBLE CENTER CLUTCH PLATES Cushion Type Construction Eliminotes Chattering. Semi-Metallic facings Prevent Slipping. Model and Year CHEVROLET- Pass . 19:18-53, All . 1954 . . . . . . .
Outright $ 6 .30 6.30 7.35 9.00
Clutch Plate C P 736 . . . . CP736 . . . . . CP52 . . CP2369 ....
1955-56. 6 -cyl. . . . 1957. 6-cyl. . . . . .
DODGE CP740 .. 1940-51 ........ ...... . 1955-57 .. . .... . CP740 .. FORD 1946-48 .............. , .... . CP870 ... . 1949-5 7.9 1 2 in . plate .. ... . . C P8824 ... . 1953-54. Cuslom .... . C P0937 CP56 .. ,. 1955. Slandard . CP88 24 ..... 1956-57. 10 in . plale NASH and STUDEBAKER 1941 -55. Most m o dels . CP745 ........ .. PONTIAC 1941-54. All .. .... .. ... ..... CP875 ........ 1955-57. 6-cyl. .... .. .. ...... CP52 . . . ..... J955-56, 8-cyl. ........... ... CP33.... ...... CHEV. and GMC TRUCKS 1938-53, H-lon ............. . CP736 ..... 1954-57, h-lon .. .. .. . CPI 33 .. ,.. 1938-54, 1-3 Ion . .. . CP75~.,. . . 1955-57, 1 ~ -2 Ion . . CP2286 .......... 1954-57, 3·ton ...... ........ CP35 .......... . DODGE and FARGO TRUCKS 1938-49, H -lon ...... ....... CP701. .... . . . . 1938-54, J~_ I Ion . . . . . . . . . . CP701 ...... .. 19SO-56, )4- Lon . . ........... CPI 8 25 ...... ' 1948-56,2-3 Lon . CPI830 ..... . . ... FORD and MERC . TRUCK 1946-52, J~ -Lon ........ . ... .. CP870 .. ........ 1935-56. )4-3 ton, 11 in . plale .. CP607 .......... 1949-56, 12 in . plate ........ . CP6 15F ......... I.H .C. 1941-55, All KI-K5, L .R. «; S . Series. 110 to ISO ... '... .. CP834 ........ .. 1941, K6. L.R. & 5 .. lhO and 170 .. CP8.'35 . . .... ..
Pressure Plate CA341A CA30 .. C A30 ..
Year 1942-48 1949-51 1952-56 STUDEBAKER pass' l 1947-53 All 1954-56 Champ.} 1955-56 Cmdr. 1953-54 Cmdr.
Master 1100 1133 11 66 11 37
Outright $10 .20 11.65 11 .65 11 .75 10 .20 10 .20
. $ 7.70 9 .15 9 .15 9 .25
8 .70 8.70
CA926 . C A1 373
7.70 7.70
7.90 8 .20 8.90 8 .90 8.20
CA5222 . CA8591 CA5222 CM8 . CA5 125
8 .95 11.45 8 .95 11.45 8.95 11 .45 8 .95 11 .45 Write
CA980 ..
9 .70 7.35 8 .15
CA3:l7C C A30 .. , CA30 A
8 .05 9 .15 9 .15
10 .55 11 .65 11 .65
6.30 8.15 8.70 11 .96 12.40
7.70 CA34 1A 9.15 CA30 .. CA342A . . . . . 8.65 C A5339 . . . . . 11.15 CA32 . 11.00
10 .20 11 .65 11.15 13.65 13.50
10.95 10.95 12.60 14.65
CA926 . .. .... 7.70 C A920 . . . 8 .45 CA982 . . .. . . 8 .45 CA996 ....... 11.20
10 .20 10.95 10 .95 13.70
7.90 10.40 21.35
C A5222 . . .. . 8 .95 CA I 478 . . . . . . 10 .60 CA77 10 . . . . . . 22 .30
11 .45 14.10 32 .30
CA4396 . . . . . .
9 .45
10 .55
Car and Model FORD Pass . . . . . . . ..
Car and Model
1938-56, 6-cyl.. Pass. and Truck · NlO1I6 1956. 8-cy l · N l l:lO DODGE 1941-56 . . .. 105·1 191 1-55. Tr ucks, ',-2 ton . 1087 FORD, Pass . 1932-48 . . . . · 10117 1919-56 1181 FORD TRUCK'" 19 12-56, All ',,-3 Ion . 1087
1.79 /11-15-:.-84- /iT02-:8o 1.90 84 11 29 .87 13 6 1.90 136 .84 11 29 .87 1.98 1 1106 .84 \ 1107 _84
11 37 1.98 1137 1.98
1186.84 1187 _84
For all makes of vehIcles. When o rde r ing please stale make, model and year . $ .75
~ •
ForChevTOlet, up to 1948 . $ .75 1949 a nd u p .......... 1 .0
11 88.84 1189 .84
CHEV. Pass ..... ..
1942-48 1949-SO 195 1-52 J 953-54 1955-56 DODGE 8. PLYM . 194 1-42 M os Pass ... ........ . 1946-54 1955-56
$1 .63 1 .63 1.63 1 .63 1 .85 2.05 2 .05 2 .05
13 13 13 1167 1190
1143 1143
11 91
18 $1 .10 1134 1 .06 136 .84 136 .84 136 . 84 16 .80 1112 .94 11 12 .94
19 $1.1 1 110 1.1' 121 .111 121 .80 121 .So 123 1112 .9 1112 .9-
A h~3VY duty block type moulded brake linin&, . All set< furnished . drilled. ready to insta.U and suppU.d with rivets .
TRUC-K BRAKE LINING SETS (Rivets Included ) (Bonded Shoes A"allabl_Write for Prices) CHEVROLET FRONT REA_R 1940-SO, 1 )4-3 lon . 6440 .... $7.39 6540 .. $15.65 1951-52, 1 11-3 lon ... .... 6440 ... 7.39 2032 0 .. 22.90 1953-57, 1 ~-3 ton . . ..... 20390 . .. 9.70 20320 .. 22.90 DODGE 1450 .... 3.79 1920 . . 4 .20 1946-52, )4-ton ......... . 1920 ... 4 .20 ·12240 . 7.62 1949-56, I -ton . . . . . .. . .. 1948-56, 1 ~ -2 ~ ton .... , • 12240 .. 7.62 *1223 0 .. 15 .17
FRONT Make and Year CHEV., Pass. and PONTIAC (20-22 Series) 1936-SO, All a nd H-to n ... , ... 1951-57. All and ~-to n ...... DODGE Pass. J 946-56, M ost. . 1957-0 70 -7 1 a nd 8-cY·I: ... ,
1957-0 72- 1-2, 6-cyl.. ..
FORD and METEOR 1946-48, All ... . .... .. 195 1, All ...... ..... .. .. . .. 1955 . . . 1956-57, All 6' a ~ d 8-cyl. . 'Please State Number of Holes p,:r~~ _ _ MERCURY-MONARCH FORD 1946 -4 8, All ..... 1167 0 .. 3 _88 J1 670 3 .88 1942-48, ~- v. lon ...... . 1949-5 1, All. .. ... .. . ... 287 0 ... 4.30 284 0 . 3.88 1949-56, ~-lon .... . 1952-54, All . .. . ............ 1167 0 ... 3.88 11 72 0 . 6.10 1942-51, I -ton ..... . J955-56, All ... ..... . 220AO .. 9.70 220AO . 9 .10 1957, All . ..... 1952, I -lon . . . . . . • 2043D .. 8 .56 20420 10.85 1953, I -ton .. PLYMOUTH 220AO .. 9.70 20240 .. 4.23 1954 -55, I -Ion .. . ... 1946-56, Most . . 11720 ... 6.10 Jl 74 0 . 11.30 1939-52, 1 )4-2-3 ton .. 1957, All, 6 -c yi. .. . 20430 .. . 8 .56 Write 1953-56, 1 )4-2-3 ton 1957, All, 8 -cyl. .... .. ••••1
.. ....
. ........ ....
2 .80 2 .80 2.40
~ F· ront ~--R ;ea -r---'
. ~ e
3 .52
$4 .18 4 .48
Linings CA )
REAR Bonded IBonded l Shoes Linings Shoes (B ) (A ) CB )
~&k: ::: ~:~~.
$9 .10 653 ..... $3.90 9 .60 292 ..... 3 .70
$9 .10 9 .10
1106A ... 3.98 1264 .... 1264 . ..
9 .10 1213 3.10 9 .60 1264. :" : 9 .60 192A US
9 .10 9 _60 9 .10
3 .88 4 ,10 3 .80 4 .74
9 .10 9 .10 9 .30 9 .30
1167A 3 .88 284 3 .88 292A ., 3 .70 20060 ... 4 .18 5 _00 2025A
9 _10 9 .30 9 .10 9 .85 9 .85
9.10 12 13 . ... 3 .70 9 .10 1213 . 3 .70 9.10 192P
9 .10 9 .10 9 .10
11 67A. 2024 . .. 20 47A 2053T .
3 .88 9 .10 4 .23 9 .30 5 .50 9.85 5 .42 11.90
1167A 287 ,. 2006A. 2025A . 20 25A
3 .88 4.30 4 .18 5 .00 5.00
1J0 6A 3 .98 192 P 19 2P ....
NOTE- There i. a trade-In val ue of $1.00 per shoe when old shoes are returned .
9 .10 9 .10 9 .85 9.85 9 .85
li67A 291 284 2002A
CENERATORS and STARTERS • Completely R eb u il t • All W o rn P a rt s Repl a ced With F a etory • Fully Guaranteed App ro ved Pa rts • Thorou~hly In s pected an d 1'es te d • Ju ..; t L i k e N e w A ('omplfte s tock of Re b uilt Generato rc;; a n d S tarte rs - La rces t in
B es t Pr ices a n y wher e! HE R E I S AI\" OFFE R M A D E ONLY TO O U R C ATALOG U E CUS TOMERS On Genera tors an d S tar ters - any Ma k e o r Mode) \\' l'ite {Ol" P rices on 12 Vo lt GC'ne l'ator s an d Starters not Lis ted.
932-39 94 0-4 94 9-52 9;;3-Up (6 Vo lt)
$6. 00 10.00 13.50 16.:; 0
Trad~in -
Trad .... inValue
.................. 193 5-39 1940-48 ..... ...... ....... 1949·5 1 ........ .......... 1952-Up (6 Vo lt)
$3. 00 3.00
$7 .5 0 10.00 14 . 50 16_50
$3.00 $3 . 00 DISTRIBUTORS
( 6 Vo lt )
S6 .50 10.50 17.00 19.00
$3 . 00 $3.00 $3.00
$8 . 00 10.50 17.00 19.00
$3.00 $3 .00 $3.00
DELCO R EM Y 1935-39 ..._-_ .... _.......
Vo lt)
$7. 50 13.00 16.50
$3. 00 $3 .00
AUTO LITE 1935-39 .................... $7. 50 1940-48 ......... _....... 13.00 194 9-up (6 Volt) 16.50
$3.00 $3.00
19~0- 5 1
........... _.......
1952-Up ( 6 Volt)
REBUlI.T and GUARANTEED with REGULATOR 40-Amp. h Eavy dut y hIgh amp. and hi g h ou t put r e built Autollt. G e n e rator with re l:ul ator. Fits any CRr from 1929-55 (Pulley O rtveJ. Sta t e wh e ther Pos . or N 2g. Grd . New Low Price, co mplete with Pulley . E a ch ....... .... _...........$27.00
A t these prices "'It d oe n' t I"IY to buy I)a rts or repa ir your o ld un it We fully ~uaranLee eve r y Ge ne ra t o r an d Stn rte r fo r 90 DA YS Take a dv a n tage of this S ecia l Orrer We will save YOU money I
ARMATURES DELCO-REMY AUTOLlTE FO RD Gen . Start . G e n . St a rt . Gen . Start. 6.75 19 4053 1950-54 6.40 6.40 6.00 $6.00 $6.00 6.00 1935-49 6.40 1935-39 6.40 5.00 6.00 450 A dd S2 .00 to abo\' ~ pricefl if o ld arm a ture is not s ent in .
T ruc k a nd car e<lu i pment vo ltage regulato rs t hat have bee n complete ly ,'ebuilt. guaranteed to give
FOR)), Ca rs O u U' ight
E xrhange
·····················$4.50 ..... ............ $3.50
Alw ays gi ve number on old o ruering- state yea r a nd mode l.
N ote: C r a cked hou s ings or dis tributors with miss in g pa rts will no t be a ccepted for full trade-in va lue .
Chev. Pas~ . 1937- 52 No. 86 51.09 1953-54 No . 45 1.:J.1 t955-56 16 cylJ No . 188 1.:10 Ford Pa ss. IS42-49-- - f 'a n No. 87 _ I S 48 - 49- G ~ n . No. 51 1950-54-Fa n No . 45 1950- 53- Gen . No. 44
···· ··· ·······_·······$3.75 &
For Pontiae 6 Cyl.. Pontiac 8 Cyl., C h evrolet, Oldsmobile 6 Cy l . • Dodge-Plymouth, BUlek.- E ac h uni t is com p letely rebuilt. New points. conden ser', distributor plate. e tc .. have been in s t a lled . Furnis hed less cap a nd roto r. Un condtiona lly guara nteed. Ou t ri g h t $9.75 E xchange $6.76
:-oa me f el'vi ce as new regulat.or.
AUTOLITE All Ch r y.ler products. N as h. H u d ~o n . et c . DEL 0 REMY All Chev rolet. I nte rn a t ion a l Tluc ks. Pon ti ac . Olds mobile. Buick. O ult' i ~h t ..... ... ... _... $4.75 E " han g e ..... .
For Ford V8 1932-55- Completely reconditioned dist ributor units. All wo rn parts are r e pl nced . E ach dis tributor is carefully adjusted a nd te sted fo r mech a ni cal perfection . Supplied complete with points . ca m shaft. rotor a nd hous in g. 19 32-41 Outrig h t only ....... ·.... ············56.75 1942-55 Ou tr ig h t $9.75 Exch . $6.75
Dod«e-Plymoulh Pass. 1:48 1937-50 No. 133 1951-52 No. 82 1.47 1953-56 No . 186 1.16 SI.IO 1.39 -
I.~:\ 1 .5:~
We h a , e a cc mpl e tp s tock of fan belts for atl pass. cars and truck . . When ordering for models not li s t ~ d pl ease ~ t n t f e xact ye ar. tndk e and model.
l'egul ator when
F cr a n y V -8 f rom 1932 to 1948-co mptete WIth In structIOn ~ h (et. Don 't Jn s ta ll pOi nts Without th l~ mac h lne ' Save y ou rse lf l 'OStl y rep;ur b Ill s- Bu y now SpeC Ia l Prt ce $5,75
Che vrolet-I S35-52 ~ $1.20 For d - 1940-48 _ _ 1.59 For d-1949- 52 _ 1.80 We c~ n s UODl y pulleys fo r most pass. ca rs and trUCkS- WrIte for Prtces. not Listed .
T ARTER DRIVES Ve haye a compl e te s tock of Sta rter Drives to f it a ll MAK ES IF CAH S AI'D TR CKS. THESE ARE REBUILT UN ITS m AHA NT E ED LIKE ' EW .
(Clutch Drive Type)
(Screw Type)
$3.20 ( 0 EXC HA NGES R EQ UI RED )
(Barrel T y pe)
Whm orderin .. pleale .tat~Type of d rive, and make, model and year of vehic:le ..
~~ ~-
Kit Consists of: I---{) Volt Rebuilt Generator 2-Tractor Lamps I-Ammeter I- Generator Cut Out I-Switch and Wire
These units are completely dismantled and all worn parts replaced, where necessary . These units are r ebuilt and guaranteed for 90 days. We can also supply complete 2-speed assemblies for In ternational - Reo - Studebaker - Diamond . Wh ite, etc. Write tor prices.
CHEVROLET & G.M.C. Year Tonnage Outright E x change 1940·47 3 185.00 150.00 1948·55 3 245.00 210.00 1940·55 4 ton-6 hole wheel 385.00 345.00 FORD 1940·47 3 185.00 150.00 1948·55 3 245.00 210.00
REBUILT TRUCK CARRIERS SINGLE SPEED 90 DAY GUARANTEE Sav e time a nd money. buy a rebuilt c arrier . read y to in s ta ll , properly adj usted a nd ready for u se . When orde r ing, gi v e year and model. if possi ble give numbe r on carri er housi n g. We supply crow n a nd p in ion assembly, comple te w ith bearings and axle eears , split type or torque tube assembly .
We have the largest stock of truck parts in Western Canada. If parts requITed are not listed, write.
CHEVROLET & G.M.C. Year Tonnage Outright 1934·39 1 1h ............................................ 1940·47 11h·2 .......................................... 1948·54 1 'h·2 .......................................... 1937·45 'h · %, ·1 ........................................ 1946·52 Ih · %' ·l ...................................... 1953·55 'h . %, ·1 ......................................
Price 38.50 72.00 85.00 47.00 70.00 80.00
INTERNATIONAL 1933·49 'h .............................................. 1940·50 %, ·1 ............................................ %' ·1 ............................................ 1950·55 1937-48 Ph ·2 .......................................... 1949·55 I 1h ·2 ..........................................
27.50 62.50 80.00 80.00 95.00
DODGE & FARGO 1940·48 2 ................................................ 1949·54 2 ................................................ %,·1 ............................................ 1935·40 %,·1 ............................................ 1947·55
75.00 95.00 55.00 85.00
FORD 1934·39 1940·48 1949·54
29.50 42.50 97.50
FORD- Cont'd . Year Tonnage 1949·55 4 and 5 DODGE & FARGO 1940·48 3 1949·55 3 1948·55 3·4 ton Special T imkin 6·stud
Outright Exchange 385.00 345.00 185.00 245.00
150.00 210.00
EATON 2-SPEED CARRIER ASSEMBLY R ebuilt 90 day Guarantee For 3 ton Trucks, expertly rebu il t. Save time and m oney by instnliing one of these rebuilt carriers. We have a comnlete range of carrier assemblies for all m odels. Write for prices. In ordering, if poss ible, state year and model. gear ratio. numbers on carrier casting.
FORD 1940-47 1948·55 1949·55
T onnage 3 ton 3 ton 4·5 ton
CHEVROLE T 1940·48 3 1948·55 3 1946·55 4
Out. 100.00 125.00 265.00
Exchg. 85.00 110.00 235.00
100.00 125.00 285.00
85.00 110.00 250.00
& G.M.C.
ton ton ton
DODGE & FARGO 1940·47 3 ton 1948·55 3 ton 1948·55 4 ton 1949·55 3-4 ton T imken
Rebuilt l-Ton Full Floating Rear End Assembly I 1h ·2 1 'h·2 1 'h·2
BRAND NEW 1-TON TRUCK RING GEAR Dodge %-ton Pow er Wagon. and Number: 928159. Regular PINION SETS Part Price: 88.00. Price: 58.00. International, fits all CI5-DI5-K3K3M- % to I-ton, Original Factory gears, Regular Price $73.00. Special: $28.75. Ford I-ton, 1940-1954. Regular: 59.45. Special: 47 .00.
Complete as illustl'ated, with hub. nnd drums, rebuil t and re3dy to in s tall for Chcvl'olEot, G. M.C., Dodge, an d Inte rnationa l. Incren!«! carrying capncity. excellent for bullding vHrioUB tYI)eS of equipment. UI> to 1917 . Price .. $125.00
Dodge 1 Ton Truck Special Completely Rebu ilt, assembled , and ready to install, Guaranteed 90 days . 1946·52 ........... ....... 1953·55 .. ................................
$67.00 $79.00
• Equal to original equipment. • More Economical than • Complete and ready to install. When ordering give year. make and model. If possible. give number on earner Housing and (rl,ar Ratio. Enclosed Drive Shaft or Spltt .Axle Housing type. We supply "C" Assembly. whjch includes ax le. Spider Gears and B earIngs as mustrated top left corner. If your Model IS not hsted . write. liCK IH
1931- ~ 6 All Models ......... $27.50 193,-17 All Models 32.50 1'1~-51 All Models . 70.00
EVROLET 172 1933 Standard ......... $22 .50 ' 296 19 33 MUsler & le ton 18.;;0 - 172 1 93 ~-39 All Models ...... _... 22. 50 371 19111-4~ All Mrxle ls ..... 3:;.00 07.50 C 372 1919- - I All Model s
HRYSLER-DODGE-DESOTO... LYMOlJTH rR 77 1926-36 All Models ....... CR 304 193;- 51 7 P ass All Models CH 31\ 1918-52 ... ....... _.. CR 3\1 1953-56 .......................
17.50 l5.00 27.50 55.00
FORD CF 220S CF 221 CF 223 CF 222
192 -32 All Models ........... $18.50 1933- 10 ..... .... .................. 22.50 1941 ·48 ........................... 27.5 0 1949-55 ........................... 55.00
HUD 0 CH 229 1934-39 (Except 690) ........ 27.50 CH 356 1910-47 ....... _................ _ ....... 35. 00 KA I SER-FRASE R CKF 424 1946-51
.............................. $4 0. 00
LA FAYETT E CLF 233 1934-40 All Models ...... .. 527 .50
EXTRA SPECIAL For your 1937 -47- 52 Plymouth. Dodge. Chrys ler. or DeSoto. we offer: A rebuilt Carrier Assembly (as illu strated) completely rebuilt. assembled and ready to instell-guaranteed (or 90 days. This unit \\ ill save you time. labour and trouble. At this price you cannot buy parts compare before you buy . This carrier fits Bomb:Lrdier Complete on Iy ... It e m
.. · $27.50
No. CCR 303
MERCU RY CM 3 10 1939·40 CM 3 11 1941-4 C M 430 1949-51 CM 431 1952- 55
.................. _............. .................................. .................................. . ................................
22. 50 27. 50 45.00 55. 00
O LDS MOBILE COL 10:;-1 932-36 ................................ $2 5.00 COL 320 1937 -38 ............ ................... 27 .50 COL 371 1939 -48 .............................. 37. 50 PONTIAC CPO 277 CPO 320 C PO 321 C PO 322
1935-36 1937-4 0 1941 ·48 194 9-55
(Cl osed (Closed (Closed (Closed
d ri ve ) .... 522. 50 d r ive ) .... 27.50 drive ) 35.00 dri ve ) .... 57. 50
When orde ring. state exact year and model-also length Of torque tub e and p a rt number. These Torque Tube a ssemblies are completely rebuilt and guaranteed . They are set according to factory specifications and are ready for immediate installation . BUICK 1948-1955 85.041 1933-36 Sta . 29.50 37 .!\CJ 1933-1936 Mstr... :111.00 1929-1936 1937-1938 40.00 CHEVROLET 1937-1939 :1!UIIl 1939 42.50 1927- 1932 .......... 25 .00 194 0- 1948 ......... 50.00 1940-1947 . 47 .511 1949-1 954 ..... .. . 70.00
N OTE-We stock Um vprsal Jo in ts {or a h makes and model. of cars and trucks. PLEASE S T ATF. EX A CT YEAR MAKE AND MODEL WHEN ORDERING.
• 329 FITS: v. Pass. an d I . Ton 1955-56 j",e. Plymouth - 1946-57 'd truck., 1._1 Ton 1946-56 11),0 Jeeps & truch 194 ~-57 .C. 1. " 1 Ton 1916-57 (Most) ,d. P ass. & I. -', Ton 1941-56 ce Per Kit .... $4.95 . 331 FITS: _v. & GM C trucks ' ,_21',/ Ton 1940-57 d & Mere trucks 11 ~-2 Ton 1940-57 jge & Farl<o trucks 1-2 Ton 1946·57 C trucks 1,_2 Ton 1946-57 ( Pal1.ial) ce Per Kit $5.75
• Cl
No. 328 F ITS: Chevrolet & GMC 3 T on - 1940-57 Ford 2-3 Ton- 1940-57 Dodge Most 3 Ton and Spec - 1946-57 IHC I ~.-3 Ton - 1946-57 (Most) Price Per Kit ................................. $7.15
GOOD USED UNIVERSAL JOINTS w niversal Joint Hepair Kits r 3 % Oetroit Joints. onsi s ts of s pl'lng, 2 needle beal'ing type Ills. I pin . 2 washers, 1 metal lver, 2 centering buttons. Fits hrysler. Dodge. UeSoto and Plyouth 1933-55. eg Price $16.5 0 >ecial each . $6.95
These jOints are factory prod uct un iversa l jOints. Tested and g uaranteed and in perfect condition. Chev. 193253 Pass. and ~ ton ommercial. ( tate year and Mode l) Special Pric .... .................. $3.00 Ford 19211 ..1 ,Pas'. on ly. Special Price . .. ................ $3.00
Each kIt complete with spide-r, four cups or wing type cups depending on application :
No. 525 FITS: F o rd & Mercury ( Fro nt ) - 1949-57
~:.~:~ ~e;0~~~a~ ...~~~~.n~).~ I.~.3.9.~55_ ...$5.50 No. 526 FITS : Ford & Me rc u r y (Rea r ) -194 9-67 Old s. & P o nti ac ( Rear) - 19 39-5 5 P rice Per Kit ....................................... $5.95 N o. 341 FITS: Austin. Hillma n, Mo r ris O xf ord. Mo rris Minor. Vanguard . M .G .. Vau. ha ll- 1948-55 P rice P er K it ..................... ...... $5.75
New Ford Front Transmission Slip Yokes O rigi nal dup licate
F its
F ord .
Meteor PaHs. CRI'S.
Rel<u lar Price $ 12.95 S llecla l
__ ....
New Ford Rear Pinion Flange Fit. Ford. Meteol' 1949·57. ReI<. Price $10.25 . Specia l
....... .
Workm.ns h lp PRECISION Our expert mechanics use the most modem equipment available to main taln precision standards and closest tolerances.
Far more economical than a repair jo~ All worn parts replaced. Equal to or "better than" a new transmission. Custom Built-Complete and ready to install.
REBUILT a,nd GUARANTEED TRANSMISSIONS All TransnUulolls complete and rea.cly to ins tall. les top uoleu I pedfted.
EXCHANGE BASIS We refund difference when your old transmission is received . BUICK TB334E TB334G TB424 TB-12!i
Outnght $32 .50
1934-36 (any model ). 1937-38 (any model ) Slale exact model-year 1939-48 (any model ) State exact model-year . 1949-54 (Std.) ....
Exchange $27.50
48.50 77.50
42.50 67.50
28.50 28.50 32.50 52.50 67.50 87.50
23.50 23.50 27.50 42 .50 57.50 77.50
1933-36 19'J3-36 1937-39 1940-48 1949-54 1955-56
Standard .....•.. Master. . . ., All .... . . (Slate year) . ... Passenger .. . . .• . . Standard . . . .. .. . . . ...
192R-11 Model A 1932-39 VII 1940-48 1949-50 Standard 1949-50 Mere. and Monarch 1951-54 Ford Slandard 1955-56 Ford Standard 1951-54 Mere. and Monarch
Outnght $25 00 3000 55.00 85.00 8500 87 50 97. 50 87.50
Exchang e 2000 25.00 1950 65.00 6500 77.50 87. 50 77.50
1933-36 1937-38 1939 1940-48 (State length of 1919-50 (6 cyl.)
TOL33A TOL334C T0L421 TOL425 T0L426
HOU Sing ).
3250 4000 45.00 57.50 6750
27.50 35.00 4000 47.50 57.50
4000 42 .50 48.50 52.50 67.50 67.50 72.50
35.00 37.50 42.50 42.50 57. 50 57.50 62.50
fORD TF280 TF339 TF'J39C TF283C TFM283C TFM284C TFM2116C TFM285C
CHEVROLET TC345 TC330 TC370 TC427A TC47 TC48
f .O .B . Winn i pe g .
1933-34 1935-39 1940-48 1949-54
Standard ... . .. . tandard .... . Standard ...• ... . . . .. Standard . . . . . .. ..
27.50 27.50 411.50 57.50
22.50 22.50 42.50 48.50
TPC..13O TPC334A T PC334B TPC427A TPC4 7 TPC428 TPC429
1933-36 (State year and model) 1937-39 1940 (State model) 1941 · 48 (Canad,an 20-22 Senes) .. 1919-54 (Canadian 20-22 Senes ) 1941-48 (Amencan 25-26 Senes) 1949-54 (Amencan 25-26 Senes)
We carry a full line of Rebuilt Transmissions for Nash, Willys, Packard, Terraplane, Hudson, Studebaker and many others nothsted here. Wnte fo r o ur New Low P rices. All Units Guaranteed for 90 Days. Take advantage of these excepl,onally low prices and order now. Wnte or Phone. One Day Delivery.
BRAND NEW TRANSMISSION GEARS Main Drive Gears 1940-52 Chev. Pass. & ' .-Ton . K322-1 1940-4.8 Ford Pass . & '.-Ton. K216-1-16 tooth 1949-51 Ford Passenller Cars, K316 lA Low & Reverse Gears 1940-53 Chev. Pass. & '.-Ton. K322-3 1939-50 Ford Pass. & ',,-Ton. K316-3 1951-55 Ford Pass. & '·. -Ton . K356-3
$10.65 14.95 14.95
TRANSMISSION TOPS Good used Transmission Tops for all makes and models-Thoroughly mspecled-lIuaranteed to be In perfect shape. Stale exact year. make and model when orderlnll. FORD $2.50 1928-31 3.SO 1932-39 4.SO 1940-48 7.SO 1949-54 CHEVROLET $3 .50 1933-36--Sld. 4.SO 1937-39 5.00 1940-48 7.SO 1949-54
17.95 17.95 17.95 .. 1941-53 1940-48 1949-55
A .. emblles Chev. Pass. & ' . -Ton. K331-23 Ford Pass. & ' , -Ton . K216-23 Ford Pass. & ' ,-Ton . K316-23
11 .95 11.75 13.25
7.95 8.75 8.75
Reverse Idler Gears 1940-53 Chev. Pass. & ' , -Ton. K322-8 1939-SO Ford Pass. & '.-Ton, K216-8
7.SO 4.75
CEARSHIFT CONVERSION KITS For Chevrolet- 1940-48 Eliminate troublesome uncertain vacuum sh'ft, change to s,mple manual sh'ft as used on most other cars $3 .25
w. have the largest wrecking yard In Canada- If you don't see your requirements IIst.ed
here--wrlte for any part you may requ i r e-one day .. rvlce
where poulble .
$14 .75
7.25 7.95 7.95
Second Gears
1940-53 Chev. Pass. & ' .-Ton. K322-5 1940-48 Ford Pass. & '.~- Ton . K216-5 1949-50 Ford Pass. & ' .-Ton . K316-5
Cluster Gears 1940-53 Che,·. Pass.. K322-11 1940-48 Ford Pass. & "4)!-Ton. K216-11-28 tooth 1949-SO Ford Pa 5 .. K316-11A , 28 tooth 1951-55 Ford Pass. & ',-Ton . K356-11
RUCK TRANSMISSIONS Exceptional Quality - 3 and 4 Speed Transmissions Featuring High Crade Replacement Parts and skilled assembling. We refund difference when your old transmission is received F.O.B. Winnipeg. We can supply transmissions for all models from Y2 ton - 5 ton. Write for prices of models NOT LISTED. When ordering, state exact make, model and year.
Guaranteed (or 90 days ..
Outright Chevrolet & G.M.C. $ 45.00 1928-40 4 sl>ee<i 3 speed 25.00 192 - ~O 1941-47 4 speed 55.00 3 speed ......................................... 30.00 1932-36 3 speed ...... ............ 52.50 1937-47 19.8-54 4 sp~ed . Syncbro Mesh .......... 135.00 1948-54 3 speed ..... _.. ........... 87.50
Exchange $ 35.00 15.00 45.00 20.00 42.50 110.00 77.50
Ford & Mercury 4 speed 1932-48 3 speed 1933-36 3 speed 1937-41 \942-01 3 speed. 1949-51 4 speed 4 speed 1952-:;4 3 speed 1952-54
Outright . ........................................ $ 55 . 00 ..... ..................................... 40.00 .......................................... 42.50 Standard Tran"" ........ 59.50 ............... ........................... 69.50 140.00
Exchange $ 45.00 30.00 32.50 49.50 59.50 120.00 95.00
Dodge & Fargo 1932-49 4 speed 3 speed 1940-48 1949-04 3 speed 1050·5~ 4 speed
Exchange $ 55.0c) 40.00 65.00 120.00
Outright International 1931-47 4 speed .... ... .................................. $ 55.50 ...................................... 50.00 1937-40 3 speed 65.00 1941-46 3 speed .................................. 85.00 1950-55 3 speed ..........................................
Exchange $ 45.50 40.00 55.00 70.00
Outright ...................... $ 65.00
............... _............. .................... ...................... .........................................
50.00 75.00 140.00
'rransmissions are complete with Universal Joint. All necessary fittings and shifting lever. A General Motor's Transmission (or whjch we can supply gears and other parts. ;1iiii~~i~G~ One slight change is necessary-Cut your floor board one inch larger. These Heavy Duty Tran smlssions have LARGER GEARS and BEARINGS and will outlast the Original Transmissions. Rebuilt by Expert Mechanics. All worn parts are replaced. For all Chevro1et and G .M .C. \'. - % - I ton-1937-47 3 Mo. Guarantee. Each .... ..... .... ............ ......... ....... ........................................ _ .......... _ ...._................_ .. _............. $3S.50
Increase pulling power, haul heavier loads, stronger ,
lasts longer , save on repairs and gas. We supply complete transmission with top, emergency brake assem-
bly , clutch housing. If required, back flallge, all parts necessary for changeover. You must have your drive
shaft shortened approximately 4" . Additional cost of $10.00 if done in our shops. We can supply these units for Chevrolet, G .M.C .. Dodge, Fargo, Ford, and Mercury, International. Studebaker, White. In ordering, state make o( pre-
lPORTANT-When ordering. state exact year. make, and model of vehlcle. ote-1. Exchange must be prepaid in and be rebuildable. 2. Exchange only means we must have your exchange unit first. RD--Changeover-1933-41-inc1udes Transmission U-Joints and Top. Outright $75.00 Exchange . . _... S55.00 Changeover-1942-50-Iopen dnve typel. We must have-Transmission. Drive Shaft and Front Universal Joint First. Exchange Only .. .. . . S70.00 ODGE and FARGO-Changeover-1933-50-We must have Clutch HousIng, Clutch Drive Shaft, and Transmission First. Supplied in return complete WIth above parts. Exchange Only .. .. $70.00 HEVROLET and G.M .C.-Changeover-1933-47-inc1udes Transmission, UJoints and Top. If open Drive Shaft, Flange and Kit are supplied ready to Install. Outright $75.00 EXchange ....... _....... $55.00 llANGEOVER-I948-54-fSynchro·Mes hl. Outright $185.00 Exchange .. $14-5.00 "'TERNATIONA~hangeover-1937-50-We must have Clutch Housing, Clutch DTlve Shaft. and Transmission first. Supplied in return complete with above parts. Exchange Only .... _...... .... $8500
transmission . case number
possible. also
model and tonnage of present truck. Outright ............... ............................................... $200;00))5 Exchange
.·· ........ ···· ...... ····· .... · .. ·.. ·... · .. ···· .. ··· ..·····.$185.00
REBUILT S SPEED TRANSMISSIONS Supplied less top-All worn parts replaced, com. pletely rebuilt-Guaranteed for 90 days. Note-When ordering, state Make, Year and Model of vehicle and Model No. of present trans. misslQO. Outright .. ........ .................... .. .....................$185.00 .., Exchange
.... ....................... ................ ..
$165 00 1 ~ ()
Write for Transmissions NOT listed on this page.
CUSTOM BUILT MUFFLERS ELECTRICALLY WELDED SEAMS THROUGHOUT Recognized as superior to original equipment by the automotive industry. Our Stock is Compl ete . Prices on request for .models not listed.
Passenger Car Mufflers No. BUlCI( 1937·48 Most ............................................. . 357 1949-53 (Can. 43) & Most ..................... . 478 1954-55 (Cnn. 4·1) .......... ......................... . 660 1956 (Can. 44) Single ExH ................... . 2000 CHEVROLET 1941-48 ........... ................................... .... ........ 430 1949-52 Std ................................................. 475 495 1950-52 Power Glide .............................. 1953 All 6 cyl .............................................. 495 1954-57 All 6&8 Cyl. Single ExH ........ 647 DODGE & PLYMOUTH 1940-4R All .................................................. 360 1949-55 Most 6 cyl. ........... .................... 616 1956- 57 Most 6 cyl. .................................... 632 195.5 Most 8 cyl ........................... .......... ..... · 78 1 1956'- 57 Most 8 cy l ................................... 780
Price $9.80 10.28 16.72 22.85 6.55 6.55 7.15 7.15 8.35 8.80 8.75 9.15 8.75 8.75
Price $5.45 5.25 9.85 4.95 7.20 7.20 8.95 7.45 7.45 5.80, 8.70 5.15 8.80
Mufflers For English Cars AUSTIN No. 1949-52 A40-Devon .............. 525 1952-55 A40-Somersel ........ 675 FORD 1947-51 Anglia-P"efect ...... 630 1953-55 Anglia-Prefect ...... 685 1951-55 Consul ...................... 631 HILLMAN 1949-Ea rly 1955 .................... 470 1955 (With O.H. Valves).. 686 MORRIS 1949-55 Minor ..................... . 506 1949-55 Oxford .................... 645 VANGUARD 1949-52 ............................... 523 1953-55 ............................... 687
7.80 7.55 9.50 8.50 9.35 10.45 7.75 11.50 10.75 11.25 12.10 11.35 9.75 12.60 9.45 lLl5
Passenger Car Tail Pipes
Truck Mufflers CHEV & GMC TRUCKS No. 1941-49 '1.-2% Ton .............. 444 1950-57 1/2-2\11 Ton .............. 496 All 1'941-55 3 Ton .............. 461 DODGE & FARGO TRUCKS 1940-54 \11·2 Ton ................. 419 1955-56 %-2 Ton ............. ..... 2418 1940-56 3 Ton ........................ 445 FORD & MERC. TRUCKS 1942-47 %-1 Ton .................. 446 477 1948-53 %-3 Ton ................ 1954-57 Most %-3 Ton ........ 796 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 1941-49 KI-K 5 ...................... 384 1941-49 K6-K7 ...................... 482 1950-56 L. R, & S. 11 0 to 165 .................................. 575 1950·56 L. R. & S. 170 to 184 ........................ 576
FORD & METEOR 473 19·12·48 .. .. 1949·54 ...................................... .. 474 1955-56 R Cyl. Single ExH ... . 646 19 55-56 8 Cyl. Dual .................. .. 779 7S3 I n55·56 6 Cyl. ............. . 19G7 8 cy. Dual ExH ......... .. 2604 MERCURY & MONARCH 1949-51 All ................................. . 344 537 19!i2...AlJ 1953 All ...................................... .. 628 1954 Most .................................. .. 658 1955-56 Dunl L & R ............... . 797 1955 (MC) (Single) ................. . 784 OLDSMOBILE 1941-50 6 Cyl. .......................... .. 399 1941-508 cyl. ............................ .. 439 1951-53 All ................................. . 510 1954-56 All Single ExH ...... .. 661
Price 4.40 4.00 5.50 7.50 7.50 5.40 5.75 4.25 5.80 6.25 8.50
Hollywood Mufflers
f\~=:::=::::~ No. CHEVROLET 1941-48 ............................. . TA206 1949·52 Std ..................... .. TA467 TA428 1950-52 P I G' .. 1953-AIl ........................... . TA428 1954 .................................. .. TA662 1955 6 & 8 cyl. Most ... . TA74 5 1956 6 & 8 Cyl. Most .. .. TA2200 PONTIAC 1941-48 20-22 194~-50 20-22 1951-52 20-22 1953 20-22 1954 20-22 1955 20-22 1956-57 20-22
......... _... .. .. .................. . .................. .. ................. .
Price $3.55 3.50 3.55 3.55 3.65 3.80
write 4.29 4.45 4.45
6 cyl. .... .. 6 cyl. .... ..
TA290 TA449 TA502 TA587 TA676 TA678 TA3409
4.07 4.65 4.56
DODGE & PLYMOUTH 1942-48 ............... _ ............ . 1949-52 Most .................. .. 1953 ................................... . 1954 ................................... . 1955·56 6 Cyl. 1955 Most Dodge V8 ...... 1955 Most Plymouth V8 1956 Most VS ................. .
TA196 TA224 TA575 TA714 TA2417 TA775 TA758 TA24 15
4.78 4.70 3.80 4.45 3.70 6.25 3. 75 3.95
FORD & METEOR 1942-48 VS .......... .. 1949-51 V8 ...................... .. 1952-54 VS ............... _...... . 1955-56 V8 (single Exh) 1955-56 VS (dual Exh) L R 1955-56 6 Cyl. ................ ..
TA197 TA220 TA540 TA753 TA750 TA778 TA750
4_55 3.41 3_52 3.57 4.56 4.56 4.56
PONTIAC 1911-18 20-22 .... ....... .............................. 1949-50 20-22 .. ................... .... ................ 1951-53 20-22 ... .... .... ........ 1954 20-22 .......... ....... 1955-57 All 6 & 8 Cyl. ....... .......... .... STUDEBAKER 1947.54 Champion ....... .......................... 1947-53 Commander .............. ......... 1954 Commander .. ............. ... ..... 1955 Chamllion ........ ........................... . 1955 Commander & Presidenl ..... 19 56 Champion ..... .. ............................... WILLYS 19·16-52 & 1954·56 CJ 2A. 3A. CJ4. 5. 6 1946-53 All Others.... ..... ..... ............... 1952-54 Willys Cars ..... ........
430 475 526 677 647
471 476 539
Passenger Car Exhaust Pipes No. CHEVROLET 1949-50 Std .................... . EX180 1951-52 Std .................... . EX317 1951-52 PI G ........... _..... . EX319 1953-54 ............................ . EX462 1955-56 6 cyl. ................ .. EX650 DODGE & PLYMOUTH 1949-52 .............................. EX182 1953 ........... ........................ EX575 1954 .................................... EX582 1955 6 cyl. ........................ EX585 1956 6 cyl. ........................ EX2420 }' ORD PASSENGER 1949-50 .............................. EX156 1951 .................................... EX323 19 52·54 ............................. EX397 1955-56 (sin"le exh.) .... EX659 FORD CROSS OVER PIPES 1949-54 ..... ...................... EX320 195 5-56 ................... ......... EX658
No. 930 975 995 995 965
Price $5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 6.25
DODGE & PLYMOUTH 1939-48 All .......................... .. 194 9-57 All 6 cyl. ............... . 1953-55 'Dodge V8 ............... . 1955-57 Plymouth V8 ......... . 1956-57 Dodge ......
960 981 961 871 871
5.50 5.50 6.45 5.95 5.95
1. MUFFLER SADDLE CLAMPS From- I%" to 2" .................. Price each 25c From- 2't8" to 3" ............ .... Price each 29c
FORD & METEOR 1942-48 ................................... . 1949-54 ........ .......................... .. 1955-56 All VS sgle. & dual 1957 All V8 ......................... . 1948-53 Ford '1.1 Ton ......... .
936 974 g70 891 977
5.50 6.50 6.45 6.45 5.50
2. SPECIAL CHRYSLER TYPE CLAMPS (fils Dodge, Plymouth etc. - 1936--65) MPI7 Front ..................... Prlce each 40c MP127- Rear ......... .. ............. Price each 40c
6.' 6.1 6.1 6.' 8.
467 468 467 775 776 9. 3500 wrl
6.05 5.25 5.25 5.40 5.30 6. 20 6.20 6.20 6.20 5.05 6.95
Tractor Muffl e rs
CREVROLET PASS. 1941-48 All .............................. 1949-52 Std. .......................... 19:;0-52 wilh PIG ................ 1953 All .................................. 1954-57 All ..... .......................
The only muffler with a written guarantee that covers it for the lifetime of the vehicle on which it is installed I
Universal Mufflers to fit all makes and models of traclors. These mufflers are de8i~ned to minimize back pressure and to reduce noise. To give a better fitting muffler. we slock 3 different sizes. (Muffler comes complele with bushing a nd clamps. ) (A) No. 700 - 14" s hell cverall length 22%", Diameler 4" Inlet size 2% to 2~•• Outlet D ia meter 2'h" to 2" ......Price $6.75 (B) No. 770 - 11" Shell overall length 14". DIameter 5 Inlet size 2\11 to 1%. OUllet 2"1 'l4 ". Pipe included ........ Price $6.75 (C) No. 771 - 11" Shell overall len bot h 20". Diameler 5 Inlet size 2- 1 \11. Outlet size 1%" Pipe included .................. Price $6.75 (D) Special mufflers to fit 2N . 8N - 9N Ford tractor ..... Price $5.25
Muffle r Clamps 3. ADJUSTABLE TAIL PIPE HANGERS F-571 - 1 \11" ............................ Price ench 69c F-572- 1'l-s" ............................ Price eacb 69c F-573- 1*" ............................ Price each 69c F-574 - 2" ................................ Price each 69c •• MUFFLER REPAIR SLEEVES) (Heat resistanl. asbestos Insulated) A lenglh-12" - 4"-6" Dia ..... Price eacb 1.05 n lenglh-12" - 4"·7"\11 Dia. Price each 1.25
The parts that we have listed are for CJ2A Jeep, from 1946-49 inclusive. Quite a few of these parts are interchangeable with Army Jeep 4X4 and CJ3A Jeep. Within the years 1946-49 they had what they termed "before and after serial numbers". IM PORTAN T WH E N ORDE R ING A' State exact year and model. BI Give your exact __ rial number. Cl Use the listed part numbers unless you are not ure of the exact location of Dart reauired.
Out. Ex .
64(892 TS06 K342-~0
$145.00 117.50
Rebwlt Compl ete
'S,de Shlftl 640371 640428 6-I04t5 64G392 640390 640398 640417 640401 640412 640420 6-10422
Reb uilt Complete
I Top Sluftl
Out. Ex .
Case M::Hn Dnve Gear Clus,ler Gear Synchro Mesh
Mam Shaft Szccnd Gear Re"erse Idler Low & REverse
Cluster Shaft Reverse Idler Shaft
145.00 117.50 Write 17.32 27.27 19.11 21.04 14.00 6.60 12.02 4.15 2.36
A868 1\851 A828 5294011590 5294111520 640114 ES62L ES62R ES140L ES140R 52942 52943 A864 640184 A8445 A857 A745 646:;22 635090 63909 1 6;'9102 11521 610109 6~011O
6402n9 AI0469 642 189 AI5045 A150~4
A992 A8835 A8841 An58 AS98 C42 190 A97~
Main Drive Bearing R etainer
4.50 M .DG . Brg . Ret. Seal .35 .52 Gasket KH flrans' Small Parts Kit ' Cluster & MDG Packet BRG S6.25 Spacers'
FRONT AXLE GROUP A6030 A6031 Al544 A6743
E' Whenever possible send samples.
01 If ordering gears for transfer case or transmission. give the number of teeth on gear.
Axle Shaft R.F. ,Short! $51.95 Axle Shaft L .F . ILong' 51.95 Frt. Axle Ga.ket Sea~ Set 4.90 Differential Spid,.,r & Axle Gear Kit 15.60 Flan ge-Axle Dri ve 6.50 Spindle 12.10 King Pin Cap 4.05 King Pin B rg.
ENGINE GROUP 640 101 639862 645160 645161 645162 L479 L579 637 182 637183 638636 A1537 640634 A6749
King Pin Cup 1.~6 Ball JOInt S eal ICork StriP' .25 F or 2.50 Tie Rod End Left' Left Tie Rod End Right, Hand Assy. 2.50 For Tie Rod End Leftl R ight 4.65 Tie Rod End Right! Hand A sy. 2.50 Spindle Bearing 4.45 Spindle Bearing Cup 2.85 Seal- Hub 1.00 Bell Cran k 10.90 Be ll Crank Pin 2.05 Bell Crank PIn Brgs. 2 Req 'd 1.15 Sector Sh, ft 11.25 Worm & Shaft Write Sector Bu"hlng Inne r .60 Srclor Bu.£hlng Outer .60 St eerin g Bearing & Cup 1.50 U-JOInt Kit 4.95 Prop. Shall FrI.. Comnlete 39.60 Prop, Shalt Rear. Complete 39.00 Yoke 9.85
R ebu Ilt Transfe r Case 88.00 Complete Out. 76.00 Ex . Write Transfer Case 28.75 Malllshaft Gear Intermed iate Gear 50.35 25.50 SlidIng Gear Outpu t Gear 23.95 16.85 Int erna l Gear Shalt-Output Clutch 19. 10 27.65 Output Shaft 1.25 Sea l 2.10 Intermediate ShaH BRG Inter Shaft (Rollerl 1.75 .90 S ea l For Shift Rods Bus hIng-Output Clutch Sha ft-Pilot .50
A3132 644548 387633 643533 115S48 A6156 637044 375994 A8558 639980
Cyl inder Head 20.65 Con Rod Brg. - Std . to .030 1.12 Mn . Brg. Frt . - Std . to .030 3.50 Mn . Brg. Cntr. - Std . to .030 2.50 Mn . Brg. Rr . - Std . to .030 2.50 Ran g S et 13 ring pi s ton' 6.80 a n y 0/5 Ring Set .3 ring pi s ton' H ISpeed Se t . any o /s 7.33 .90 If\t ake Val ve Ex . Valve 1.20 Valve Spring .45 Valve Gnnd Set 2.20 Motor O ve rhaul GSKT S e t 5. 15 Oil Pump Repair Kit 9.20 Rebuilt Block Assby. Ex . .must be rebuildable' 165.00 Outright 220.00 Pi s to ns lany 0 /51 with pin 5.95 Crankshaft Pulley ' s ingle' 3.20 Crankshaft Nut 1.15 In sulators t Front Motor 1.75 s upportl Tappe t .004 0 /5 .45 in su la tor R ea r Motor 2.20 Support .30 Re tainer Valve Spring Retai ne r Lock 121 Pr.. 09 Head Gasket 1.20 .50 Pan Gas ket
SPRING GROUP A61 2 A614 A612-1 A614-1 A513 A514 647500 6:07936 644419
Front Spring 9.95 Rear Sprin g 13.20 Front Main Leaf 2.75 R ear Main Lea f 3.40 S p ring Shac kle Let( 2.95 Spnng Shac kl e Ri g ht 2.95 Shock Absorber Frt.. or 4.65 Re a r Std . K . Se ries .12 Shoc k BUShing (Rubber' U-Bolt Attaching Spring 1.65 to Axle Heusing
Axle Shaft Left
13.61 33.90 33.1 0
Axle Shaft Right Crown & Pinion S et Dif£. Case
25577 5298025523 5279925877 5280052821 A77940576 6392655778
Di ff. Case Bn:.
3 .84
Dief. Case CliP
Ax le Bn::.
Axle Brg. Cup
Oil Seal
Pinion Seal
CLUTCH GROUP 642915 642622 635529 644366 639578 A7503 635394 630117 630112
10.45 12.35 O u t. 9.85 E x. 2.80 Cl utc h Release Brg . Cl u tc h R elease B rg . Ca r rier 1.95 .70 F lywhee l Bus h in g F lywheel W/G ear 10.85 Flywheel R in g G ear 4.85 Spri n g - C lutch R elease Brg. .25 Carrier .85 Clutc h R e lease L eve r C lutch P late Pressure P late
EXHAUST GROUP 64 1856 641855 ~>4 1 87 8
64 1872
4.10 3.80 6.85 2.05
Exhaust P i pe Frt . Exhaust P ipe R ear Mu f fl er T ail P ipe
COOLING GROUP 640146 110 H30 or HT R I 220
50 .00 1.28
R a d iator F a n B e lt Th e r mosta t Water Pump
Out. Ex .
1.85 11.20 10.20
FUEL GROUP A636S A6840 N572 R572 A1197 A 1I 98 64(308 640309
Carbu ret o r 19.95 6.95 Carb uretor K it 3.15 Fuel Pum p N e w 2.65 F ue l P u m p R e b u ilt F lex -Oil L i n e Inle t 1.55 1.35 Flex-Oil Lin e Outlet .95 F u e l Line to Fue l Pump Fue l Pu m p to Ca rb L ine .95
BRAKE GROUP CM201lD L in ing S et IIOS Front W h eel C y lind e r R e pair K it 1127 R ear W h eel C y li nder R epair K it 1105 Master C yl. R e p ai r K it A9333 Emergnecy C o n duit . Cab le & Ha ndle
A8186 A8 188
Ammeter Temp. Ga u ge Temp. G auge- Elec . Oil P ressu re u nit
RING GEAR PINION ASSEMBLY For WiJlys Jeep. Part No. GPW4207-Good used Ring Gear and Pinion mounted on case complete with sp ider gears, differential bearings and pinion bearing. Complete $40.00 Complete front end of Willy's Jeep for replacement in Jeep or to use as a drive in small tractors, etc. Part No. 6PW3001 used in perfect condition . Complete $ 110.00
640969 641244 639967
For MIli t ary Only
.80 .92 1.89 7.00 3.02 5. 30 3.96 3.25
JEEP TRANSMISSION Rebuilt Jeep transmission will fit all military Jeep Part No. 6PW700-complete less top an d lever. E ach
By encloslne remittance with order you sp eed d eliv ery and eliminate extra C .O .D:. charee. and inconvenien ce.
ESPECIALLY PRICED FOR OUR MAIL ORDER CUSTOMERS • INCREASED ACID VOLUME • HEAVY DUTY PLATES NOTE : Guarantee does not cover damage resulting from improper Inslallatlon, running dry, overchargmg, freezing, etc.
2-6V 2F-6V 2L-6V 2N·6V 3N-bV 2E-6V 12 Volt 24S 60K 3EE 28N 32N 12
Battery Number
Guar. Amps. Amps. inM09. No. at at for Cars 20 Hr. 20Min . &~ton of Plates Rate Rate T rucks ungth Wldlh Height
1-120 1-110 I-lOO 1-90 1- 80 2-115
17 17 15 15 13 17
120 110 100 90 80 115
152 135 122 110 lOO 142
2FI2O 2FI35 2LlOO 2NlOO 3N110 2E115 Batteries 25-60 3 K-60 3E-60 28N-55 32N-70 12-55
17 19 17 19 21 17
120 135 lOO lOO 110 115
152 171 122 122 135 142
36 24 24 24 36 24
9 9 9 11 13 9
60 60 60 55 70 55
70 70 70
24 24 24 24 36 24
65 85 65
24 21 18 21
Warra nty on Farm T ruc ks and Tractor. I.
9 9 9 9 9 10 ,0.
7 7 7 7 7 7
10 11
7h 7h
10 ~
8 -1 ~
9){ 9'-~
Il l.
19 U
8 '1
10 ){ 19,0.
6 ¥. 4 l.{ 6U
8)1 8" 8', 8)1 8 )1 8)1
19 .95 21 .50 21 .95 21 .45 24 .45 19 .75
13h 12 ~
14 U Il l.{
5~ 5~
of the recommended
Set of 2 RD. Flexible Cables~ach 8 fl. long. Filled wilt copper coated cliP'! which have colored plastiC insulated handles. . 56.95 PrICe per Sel. . . . . . . . . .. ............
'2' W
8' .. 8"{
Price 17 .95 16 .90 14 .50 12 .25 11 .00 15-:-95 17 .80 22 .65 14 .55 16 .50 17 .95 17 .95
8'. 8'{
• GREATER STARTING POWER • FULLY GUARANTEED CHEVROLET 1929-36 . 6 cyl .. 1037-39, All .. 1940-501, All 1055-56 DODGE 1936-53 , All 1954-55. Except 6 Cyl w/ Powerftlte 19501-55. 6 Cyl.w/Po"erftlte 1956. All FORD AND METEOR 1940-501 1955 19S6. All MERCURY AND MONARCH IP39. All 1940-53, All 1054-55, All 1956. All OLDSMOBILE 1938-48, All r. Cyl. and 8 cyl 1949-52, All 6 Cyl. . IP49-.S2. All 8 Cyl. 1953 , 1od.1 088, B88, 98 1954-56. All PLYMOUTH
21, I
24B 1 I 2
2N 32N or 28N
32N or t8N
lm:gg: :~yt'~~~~!iiJlt:/Po""Olte 1956 . All PONTIAC 1939-48, All 1949-501 . All 1949-5~, All 1955-.SO, All WILLYS 1937-56, All
2E I
3EE 60K 1 2
6 Cyl. 8 Cyl. ..
2E 2 4B
for pa ••enger carl and
J.i Ton truokl.
Safe-Automatic Reset CirCUit Breake.r-protects bolh battery and rp W charger from shorls, reverse connecllons. Charging rate IS automatlca11y reduced as baltery nears capaClly . 6 Volt. . . . . . . . . 12 Volt " . " . . .. .. 6V-12 Volt (Comb.) .,. ..
Plugs into any 110 Volt A.C. CirCUIt. 512.95 17 .95 . ..... .. 19.95
Antlfr..... t ..Ur- Service SLation lype, complete with wall chart. Price . . . .. .. ...... . .. . .... . . 54.95 In.xpemlve typ. t .. t.r-for home shop use.
Straps are nexlble braided copper electrolead plated throughout. Price Price Pnce 17". . . 1.26 " . .. .. .. . .. .92 11 " " ... .. ... 1.06 19" .......... 1 ,34 9" " ......... 1.00 14"" . . . . . . . 1.12
'3"' ~~n, '':'iitit'':''(~~' ':'se '';n 6: i2 or 24 Volt . systems 51i: AATTERY CABLES W sturdy Bakeltte case With replaceable neon bulh. fL W Made with P'::~:rsal terminals.
They wtll fit pOSitive or negative (lOlt. 4 Pnce Price leads have tnsulaled c1lre· Price . 15.75 14". 1.16 1 .60 48".. . 2.28 Vacuum t .. Ur- for c ecklllg vacuum on fuel pumps, 1.26 1 .74 58" . . . 2 .60 mantfold pressure, elc. Dial regl!ters 30" vacuum and 1 .84 65" 2 .84 7 Iba. pressure. Prlce ... . 56.95_..:;;:______..;.;"....:.;;;;:_....::;:;.._ _ _ _ _~1_.;;-....:.7.;; 2" ---~~~ 3 .~06..,
,,~ 1. BATTERY SHIMS .05ea ... l0f'>r
2 . BATTERY BOLTS .05 ea . . 25 for 1.00 3, BATTERY FILLER ..
4 . BATTERY HOLDOWN Group I ea. Group 2 " " ................. ea. 2-E long type battery .•.•• , , . ea.
.70 .70 .70
5. BATTERY CLIPS - Heavy duty all spring steel conslructlon eleclrolead plat d. 5 amp. ea. .08 50 amp ... ea, .30 10 amp. ea. .10 lOO amp. ea .65 25 amp. ea. .18 6 . BATTERY HYDROMETER (a) Accurately caltbrated with 3 color ecale to give condition of each cell,
(b) Same as above hut With 'p<'Clflc gravity and temperature aca1e. (a). ea .. 70 Cb) •••. ea • . 90 7. BATTERY CARRIER ... .. .. ea . . 45 8. BATTERY TERMINALS Fits Poa. or Negative POlt. Split type 4 for .95 •. ea .25 Stral&ht 4 for .95. • • . . . .. ea. .25 Solderle.. 4 for 1 00 •. . ea , .35
A Accessories (Auto) Ammo Boxes Armatures (Gen. & Start.> Axle & Hub Assys Axle Shafts
55, 64, 75 41 67 .' 44, 45
B 24 74 65
Batteries (Aircraft) Batteries (Auto) Bearings (Auto) Brake Linings
I. 211-SUPE RIOR GREASE GUNsPllng-fed automatic gun with hyutic coupler that develops 8,000 lb•. .ssure with ease . All-steel, plated, .t.proof construction . 20-07.. capty ................................................... $4.76
. 75 Carburetors . .. Chains ( Pass., Trk. & Tractor) 9, 12, 43 66 Clutch Plates . i2: 36, 37 Compressors (Outfits &' 56 Crankshaft Kits . 54 Cyl Heads (Auto)
partsi .
). 590O-GREASE GUN-Approximate,000 lb. press ure . Spring priming, "Lion filling. Has adapter for Zerk J Alemile fitlings. Reliab~e 10 oz. ,acity gun . Each ........................ $3.80
D E Engines (Auto) . . . . .. 53, 54 Engines (Briggs & Strallon) 49 Exhaust Pipes . . . .. 72
F Fan Belts . . . ... . . . . . . . . . Fans (Heat & Vent.> .... . Fenders (Auto) ........ , . . Flood Lamps . . . . . .. 42, Front End Parts (Aulo) . .•.... . '
67 13
Gaskets ....... . . . . . ... Generators (Auto) ... . 24, 25, Generators (Aircraft) .. .. . . Governors . . . .. .. ... Grain Loaders . . .
O. 14 1-BALL LINK HOSE For ydraulic fittings . Flexible. plated. Aprox . 16" lon g. Each ................. ..... $4.26 FITTING ADAPTERS 1) Fitting Adapter. push type. Each ......... .............. ..... ....... ..... ... ... . 96 ) Hyd raulic Adapter, push type. Each ............................... .. ........ _...$1.26 GREASE FITTINGS 'k" Pipe Thread I) Straight 1803 .................... ............ .08 !) 671 ........................... _................... .. .. . 16 3) 453 ........ ............. .15 ~) 901 ................................................... . 16 5) (62 .................................. .................. . 11 6) 1805 ................ ............................... ... . 07 7) 1806 ............................................ . 07 OIL CANS A- N o. 677-3 std . 12 oz. can Rigid out ......................... .... ............ .......... .53 B- No. 10447, 5 oz. 6" Rigid S\lOut rigger oiler ...................................... $1.49 C- No. 10448. 12 oz. 6" Bent S\lOut 'urnp oiler .................... ...................... $1 .89
65 67 52 42
Ignition Inter-Comm. Systems . .
76 52 42
. 29, 30
23, 43 22 21 22 15, 42 16, 17 21 18, 19
. 57, 67 52
Flexible Rad iator Hose HEV ROLET PASS. U pper Price 37-48 .......... 607 1.19 ')49- 54 .......... 507 1.19 ORD PASS. }42-48 ......... 723 2.4 9 )49.. 54 ......... . 614 1.70 ODGE PLYMOUTH PASS. 936-48 ......... 706 1.24 :149-62 .......... 711 1.65 53-56 ......... 716 2.09
Lower Price 613 1.80 617 2.01 706 706
617 613 617
2.01 1.80 2.01
1 11. "
l !h"
2" 2\4"
31 56 76
SO 66
R Radiators (Auto) Rear Ends (Auto and Trk.> Reliners <Ti re)
54 .. . 68,69 55
S Shock Absorbers . . . ..... ... . . . .. Shutters <Tie Rod) . . . . . .. . .. . . Snow Plow . .. .. . .. .... . . .... SPECIALS .. . . .. " ...... 42, Speed Wheels . .. ... . .. .. Springs (New) . . ........... . .... :
. . ......... . ... .
58 13 41 43 12 58
Stamp Sets (Metal Die) . . ..... . . 76 Starters (Auto) .. ... ... . . 67
T Tail Pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ..... Tarpaulins .. . .. . ...... ...... Thermostats (Attic & Barn) ... TIRES Aircraft . ... . . .. . ........ Changeovers 4, 5, Grip .........• . ... . ... . ..
72 31
13 10
7 New . ....... .. .. . .... .. .. 3
Recaps .. . .•.. . . . .... . 4, 5, 8 Tractor ......... . .. .... . 6
.... , .•. .. ... ....... . 8
Tools .... . .... . ............ 43, Tow Cables . . . . . .... . Trailers ... . . . . . . . . . . .. 44, 45, Trailer Couplers ............. 43, Treasure Chests ............ Transmissions (Auto) ... ,...... . .. (Parts) .........•.. . (Trucks) .. . .... . .... Turn Signals ,... ... ...
u Universal Joints
61 12 49 65 42 70 70
71 64
WAGONS .. . 46, 47, Water Pumps (Auto) . ... . ........ Water Pumps & Systems .... 38, 39, Welder (Acetylene) . .... . ......... WELDERS (ELECTRIC) ...... 26, Welder (Parts) . . .. . . .. . Wheels (Auto) . . Winches . . . . .. SO, Winter Items (Auto) .. Wire (Weather-proof) ..
49 56
40 43 27 25 55 51 62 52
For i tems marked " Farm Certificate Required" fill aut Farm Certificate Requisition on Order Form.
Rebuilt Carburetors
Stra ight Rad iator Hose 11 olze. available
55,76 .. . 73
Jacks ., Jeep Parts . ..
Paint Piston Rings . Power Unit . Power-Take-Offs Pressure Plates Pumps (Fuel)
Heaters (Gas, Portable) .. Heaters (Water) .. .... . Hoists (Rope) . . . . . . . . . . .. Hoists (Hydraul ic) 2B, HYDRAULICS Cyls, . . .. . .... 20, 21, Fittings .. . . .. ... . . Gauges Hoses Kits 14, Pumps . . . • . .. .. Tanks ...... .. . . . . . Valves .... .. .. . .. . . . . . .
63 57 41 42
,ch ...................................................... $2.16
M Mirrors . Motors (Elec.> Motors (32 Volt> Motorcycles Mufflers
. ........ . . 54
Doors (Auto)
). 403(-DlFFERENTIAL AND SUCON GUN-Barrel is made of steel ;'xI5". It has a goose neck spout proximately 11" long. Th is specially nstructed spout makes it possible to ",ch the bottom of the differential ushg. Price ..................... .. ............. $3.06 . lOO-SUCTION OIL GUN For aining and fllling transmissions. difrentials or any place where a fluid bricant is used. Capacity 20 oz . Furshed with all steel 16" f lexible hose. ice ... .............................. _.............. ... $2.00 O. 121-FLEX GREASE GUN HOSE.. long. 1 " pipe thread. fittings at ch end fits a ll guns. p'rice
Lamps & Lights . . 60, 67 LIGHTING PLANTS 32, 33, 34, 35, 52
Each carburetor comp letely rebuilt and is equal in Qual-
Price per ft.
•87 .70 . 73 . 76 .83 . 90 . 93
to a new unit .
~OTE-If possible. plea se g tve old Carburetor number n nd make. along with make model and year of vehicle . '
CHE V. PAS S . AND TRUCK Outrillht Exchange 1939-49 A ll ...................... 11.00 9. 00 10.00 1950-66 A ll 6 cy l. Std. 12. 00 DODG E & PLYMO UTH & TRUCKS 1942·62 6 Cyl. Std . ...... 16. 00 11. 00 12. 00 1963-56 6 Cyl. Std . ...... 17.00 F ORD & M ETEOR. FORD & M E R C. TRUC KS 1939-48 A ll .................... 7.5 0 1949-66 A ll ..... ................. . 13.0 0 8. 00 M ERCU R Y & MO N ARCH 1939-48 All ...................... 7.5 0 1949-53 Most m odels .... 25. 00 13.00
Dellvtrs Heat Without Flame
EXCELLENT FOR Grain drying Healing .buildings. Barns and poultry houses Pre-heating engines Thawing fuel lines PRE· HEn,l'lC £qt.JPMEN'T GOVERNMENT SURPLUSHEATINC . HOP. RECONDITIONED LIKE NEWl NO EXHAUST GASES OR FUMES Equipped with super·charger turbine type blower 1 % H.P. air·cooled Lawson gasoline engine. (Engine can be re· moved for electric motor if desired). Mounted on frame with sled bottom re· tractable wheels. COMPLETE WITH 1, 10 FT., 1, 20 FT. FLEXIBLE EXTEN· SIONS WITH METAL ENDS. Equiva· lent output of oil burning furnace for an 8 room house. S I M P LET 0 OPERATE. Complete unit: Net weight 200 lbs. Width 30 inches. Length 48 inches. Height 30 inches. Capacity of fuel tank: 4 gallons. Runs 2Jh hours on one gal. of gas.
III It'!!
Reg. $767 SpeciaL ............. ................ $125.00
Farm Certificate RequiredOthers Add $25.00
~~:::9!~III!!!!!!!!~I~D NEW
50 Ibs. NEW NUTS and BOLTS
35 H.P. CONTINENTAL POWER PLANT very fortunate purchase enables us to offer these Brand
tool box. We have on this assortment. $40.00 value. Only ................. $9.95
Power Plants
at Y2 PRICE . These Units are Brand New, current production. Come complete and ready to start (less battery). Includes-Radiator, Gas Tank, Muffler, Instrument Panel, and Governor "A Complete Power Plant Motor Specifications
Ready to Go"
35 H.P. at 1750 R.P.M., 4 cycle, Valve In Head, Con· tinental Model Z134. Compres&ion R atio
to 1.
~~i~~e~l~tc~;~~~:~u~.~.~~~.~~ .. ... .... .. ...... .. ... .... .. ... ....... .. $395.00 (With Farm Certificate) REMEMBER "Prince.. Auto & Machinery" for • Quality Merchandise • Low PriCH • Fast Efficient Service PHONE WH 2-3107 ( ot lines) Yaur Telephone Order Receives IMMEDIATE Attention.
All Standard sizes
engineering de~ign (or easy nnd pendable operation under any condi· tions . Guaranteed leak.proof. A very popular jack, and really an exceptional vlIlue at our special low prices . Height No . Tns Clod Olln Ext'd Price 904 5 10" 16" 20" $18.50 908 10 11 ~/' 1 I.., .. 24 1,/ ' $26.50
A $20.00 VALUE ONLY $6.95
Item No. 390B 37 Pi Metal Stamping Set Stamps Names. Numbers, on Wood or Metal Full Alphabet, A·Z. and Number. 1·9. ..,," and Period . Precision Hand Trimmed. deep cut. hal · dened Tool Steel Stamp" Comes in Filted EAsy AcceM Carton . Only $6.95