OVER 27 YEARS OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE FROM COAST TO COAST To help us serve you woell, please read carefully OVER 27 YEARS SATISFACTORY SERV ICE . . • Customer satisfaction IS the foundation of our business-the aim of our entire organization Our thou sancs of satisfied customers from " Coast to Coast" ho ve helped us grow since our beginning In 1932, and through thIS confidence we hove become one of the largest and most completely stocked Form Machinery. Surplus and Automotive Mail Order Houses In Western Canada . ThIS growth has proven the Wi sdom of our policy- " GUARANTEED CUSTOMER SATISFACTION" . We guarantee 011 Items to be top quality and In excellent condition. If not entirel y sotlsfactory, return them Within 15 days from dote of receipt, In undamaged ' condition for full refund, exchange or credit.
SHIPPING AND REPLACEMENT CLAIMS . . . Every p r ecaution IS token to Insure safe arrival of merchandise. Our responSibility for loss or damage ends when shipment IS accepted by 0 carrier . If goods show signs of damage on arrival, hove the carrier ' s agent note thIS on the shipping bill , signing it befor e accepting delivery . Then claim d irectly with the responsible carrier. Under no circumstances will we recognize claims for lobar , freight charges or consequential damage to m erchandise, our "ability for replacement being limited to Items that o re, according to our Judgment, defecti ve In material and workmanship os covered by the above guarantee .
RETURNED MERCHANDISE . . . We ore always glad to adjust any claim and to make good on any defective material. Please write before returning any m erchand ise, exploln the circumstances and we will give you instructions. When returning goods, be sure to mark plolnly your name and address on the package and If posSIble attach 0 letter to the parcel. IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT OF ALL ORDERS-We ore organized to give you immedlOte service on 011 orders . Most orders ore shipped Withi n 24 hours. When Ordering-AVOID DELAYS A . Prin t name and address clearly. B. I f shipping point IS different from postal address, be sure to state where t o ship. C . Inc lude enough With your remittance to cover shipping charges If there IS n o agent at your station. All shipments ore F.O .B. Winnipeg and ore shipped COLLECT.
ITEM NUMBERS-Always u se our Item numbers or d escribe when ordering to ovoid possibility of error . PRICES-The prices listed In thiS catalog ore the lowest prices prevailing at the time thiS book went to press. Should any lower price be In effect at the time you place your order, yo u will automatically be given the benefit of such decrease . In the event of any unavoidable Increase In price, we will write you before shipping . All prices and sp<'Clflcations ore subject t o change without notICe , and 011 offerings In thIS catalog ore subject to prior sole .
For items marked " Farm Certificate Requ ired" fill ou t Fa rm Certifica te Requisition on Order Form .
PRINCESS BUDGET PLAN Use our generous budget plan to finance certain purchases over $100.00. A small down payment and LOW carrying charges brings you the items ordered . Write for particulars, listing your require ments. Not applicable to tires.
1 BRAND.NEW CHEVROLET LOADMASTER V-S ENGINE It.~:-; 'It'("l's,nrit":o. G<"nrratnr. l':l.rhllretnr. ('Ie.tn~'r. fU1, "IIITk J1ln~ \\(ring. fut'l 1'H111111 \t-nl. i~nitlon $ 425 1)1. l'lI£:mr lllollntmJ.: hr,ll'kd. Ttl fit 19.'\6·57 Cht". truck ... ri "ldHIl 1;'(lU anll l!I:)H~,S; .0'1 trul"k scrit' .... mmo Hnd • 9700. Pfllt" ._ .... •... . ., T.,\ 11,1 • • 11.1'. 01 ~ • (ir,)" H ,p. 1!'5 .It ~O(l(l H.P.M • X,·t H . p . liO ut 4000 R.P .. ~I • (;rns . . ll'nIIH' ~tO at 2:!Otl H.P.'1 • l\et Torque 2,2 at 1800 - :HOO R.P. \t • T~pt' \.,hl' \0 ht.... cl • t')llOrit'rs . 90 ut'p;ree~. Ihlre .. " (nominal) • .'tr(lkt, 3::! (TlolHll\nl) • Phlon dis. 3:!~. eT. IN . • Cnmp. ratio 7.7 to 1.
J:.;n in."'s.. Cnmpit·tt', \ir
DOZENS OF APPLICATIONS ,-\\i,\ptnhl I\')r nt'lwr 'till/! P1Ant~, lrnJ{ntion PUnlpln~ Units, ... tntlOllnr~ Power rl.ull ~. l'ou"tlll("twn 1~'1UJlmH"llt. S~" \hlJ:.., ('roTlt's. \ tock Cllr Rn-CE'I'S , Marine ttJtI;hc;ltllln~ llno "lIert \t'r a tugh·tortJutl', hen\ .r~dHt.\' engine b needed .
ACCESSORY KIT FOR ABOVE KIT CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING: Genomt"r. (lener"t"r br:ll·ket. G nemtor Orllee. Generator pulley, Carburetor, Air dealH'r. Fan. Fan helt. Npark plug wirin~, Fuel pump. Clutch throw·out heariult, Fuel filter. Crank ,huft pulley, Wnter pump pulley. 12 I'olt ignition
:~~c~ngine front 1Il~~~_~:I:~..::~.~.~.k.~~: . . _.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $125.00 ARMY SURPLUS BLITZ CANS JUST LIKE NEW - USED ONLY ONCE
Agnln "'Hilahl. the worlds hest des igned ca n fo r th e s t o rage a nu tran s po rt a ti on of gasoline. Suitable as an eme rgency ca n a ro und t he farm, gara ge:;, "'ervice ~tatlOlIs, hoat~. lumhp r ("amps, m ill es , e t c. Ca n roltowill~ ft'ature"; 5 gallon ca pacitv • Vente r • ~t'lf lurking; l'Up • fluats w hen f ull .~ ext ra heavy W EW ll T. 11 Ih,. ti i,e of tan 1." h igh; 6 f/' t hi c k; ' EAC H LOTS OF 5
he st o r ed 10 trunk. a t e t he fo r . a ret. y • compact in size·
construct ion. 13" w id e.
can a' "ho " e NEW -
P a inted R e d 58.96
Xew fJe\ible 'rH)ut (\\lt h filte r )
.I ir Furee ,urplus. Hra n d 'ew co mpl ete with ve r y fin e m es h filter located in :>pout. I n~ure=, l\ clean now of ~a' at a ll tim el:l ror lI se wit h gas pu m ps, a n d o\erh('nu :tto r age tallk:;. FEAT l'Rt;~.
• .111 Bra., Con-t, udiun. • Two ,pced lockin!: hand I. co mpl ete wi t h gro und wire fo r safety . • A ir force l{ua h ty sp ri ng loaded sh ut o fl va lve . . e li mi na tes gas loss t hroug h leakage. • . pout equipped wit h dll ",t ca p cove r . D D IEN. 10.. pipe thrend.
16" o'crall leng th , a pprox. 0" hi gh , 5" wid e. J N LET 1',4 " st ra ig ht
Outlet I' .... W e ight
Ibs . PR ICE
Fastest, easiest a n d safest way to locate noils or defects in tires.
op~rated. . ea,ity hand les a ll . i7.es u f t ire. fro lll 500x 20 throu g h 1400x20. ~ta ti o n lI ~e. Fea tur es a ll s t e e l co nst ru ction . . 1~1.1" t)Ore h)drllU li c cylinder 6 1,t.z" stroke .• conv eni e ntly located operati ng hand le and tire .prender arm,. ' hipping w e i~ht approximate ly 35 Ibs.
H and
E\cellent for rHnn, garag(', or s r\' ice
____ . ____ ....... __ ..................................
Perfect for Hydraulic Presses, Snow Plows, Form Wagons, Jacks and Farm P lows. A few easy .strok,:s ot th e 20" . handl e and you can lift s now plow, d ump wagon or tra.iong Implemen t, uSIng No. 504 Hydraulic Cylinder.
Complete KIt illchldes t he fo ll OWing; B lack ha wk ~ I od e l PI 5 1 pump . . . No. 504 hydrHllhC c)llIlrh-r . . 1·7' lenj(th %" h )d , au li c ho.e . . . All fitting s. ITE~ I No. J WIIB.
.................................... __ ..........
No . 504 !'tlngl. I ctin~ r)'lin, ll'r, f(t ro ke :}."-B o re 2',4". O ve rall le n gth 25'/' '', nam Diameter 2 1'16" Lifllllg capacity 20.000 Iu s. PRI CE 512.78 1·7' Uuul>l<- W,re RuhlH' r CO\ er :),." Jl yd n luli c H ose-T est ed t o 20.000 Ibs. IT EM NO. 27B4 .. . ................................. , .... --. __ .......... __ .............. 54.96 Fllackhawk\ lo<i('1 1'· 151 "u'"pl ete wi th hllilt· in o il t a nk a nd re i ase va lve. HatC:'d l:UlIl·~·lOU Ill .... prr sqllor in Ch, Di meJl sions: D" x 711 X 6", Shipp in g Weight.85 Ihs., Wort h m uch mOrl'. ON L Y . 529.60 ( \ un Ill") "". IlIll' ot Oil' H yr lra ul lC 'y lllld e r. with thi s Pump)
13 . . . t ire chain< for "\f ry need . . . 1'1Ij!.' 14 , 35. 54 .,pec·ia l Y AL E tor ra rrll , homr an(1 in dustry. . i' ag'f' 27 All f>.l'1 u s h e 411Q AlI1p " rr lcl e r . . . New Pump" fo r farm tlll(1 Clt} USl' P:q:r' 44 Ullu hl f' ;tt'tm g t nl(: 1\ hobt With G I AN T cy linder J' a~e :$0 Auto mat ic t r all slll i..;s inn s Ptlge 55. . T il E E' V Tra ve l we lt! pr for tru ck III .. ta ll a tl o ll Oil lh p Ra('k ('o \, pr.
Nothing like the Strength of the Mohawk 'lire anywhere Nothing Lower Priced than the Mohawk 'lire anywhere MOVE AHEAD WITH "MOHAWK CHIEF"
G.T. TRACTION TIRES Brand New ... First Grade ... First Line A new Heavy Duty Truck Tire that really holds its own under the strain of today's increased speeds and heavier loads. Popular Mm路 tary Tread design . . . Built to take it . . . Provides positive fore and aft traction in mud, snow, or soft going combined with ability to operate successfully over paved roads. To keep rolling . . . remember .. Mohawk is the chief name in tires. Size Ply Cord Keg. Special Tubes 825x20 10 Rayon $141.00 $64.50 $7.50 750x20 8 Rayon $121.50 $47.50 $6.95 825x20 10 Super Rayon $136.95 $64.50 $7.50 plain tread New- 7.00x20 . 8 Ply- With 2 Shock Pads (Equal to 10 Ply) Fac, tory Fresh. Excellent for high speed and field traction. Guaranteed for life against defects, plus popular road hazard insurance. Reg. $88.00- Special, Each ............................................................ $42.50 (4 for $160.00) New Tubes, Each .................................................................................. $4.95
Mohawk "Chieftain Hiway" Nylon Conventional Tread Tires
100 Level First Line First Grade A Quality tire for long, economical mileage. Improved compound runs cooler, resists wear. High Tenacity NYLON CORD BODY~fCe r. greater strength with maximum bruise and break resistance. Special Tube. Size Ply Rea-. (Special) 825:<20
900x20 tOOOx20
10 12
$192.20 $257.30
$ 77 10 $ 99.23 $131.21
We have just been awarded a Large Quantity of Brand New, First Line, First Grade, Name Brand, Conventional Tread Tires.
$ 7.10 $ 9.00 $10.00
4 4 4 4 4
Regular Price $18.95 21.10 23.40 21.70 25. 10 27.45
Special Price
514.96 18.60 18.36 18.26 19.85 21.60
DUN LOP " RECORD" Size 6.00x16 6.70x1S 7.10x15
Princess Special
7.50x20 6.50x20 6.00x20
$96.75 $71.25 $49.45
$44.50 $29.50 $23.50
8 6
PRINCESS SPECIAL ............................
Size 6.00x16 6.40x l S 6.50x16 6 .70xlS 7 . 10x15 7.60x15
A Grader Tire designed and engineered for driv wheels of off路the路road equipment. The self路cleaning tread, rugged carcass construction and sharp deer cleats insure maximum efficiency under the mosl gruelling conditions. Regular $270.25.
Nylon 'lire
... Ideal for Contractors, Municipalities, Etc
Chief Grader 1300x24 10
Ply 4 4 4
Regular Price $14.30 14 .95 17. 40
Special Price
511.96 12.60 14.60
DUNLOP "SILENT TRACTION'" (Conventionol) TUBE TYPE Size S.25x16 6.00x 16 6.00xI6 6.60xI6 6.70x1S 7.lOx15 7.60x 15 7.50x14 8.00x14 8.50x 14
Ply 4
4 8 4
4 4 4
4 4
Regular Price $21.95 26.50 35.85 33.75 29.0S 32 .85 35.90 32.6S 37 .00 40.50
(Tubeless) Si le 6.70x15 7.10x15 7.60x15 8.00xI6 7.50114 8.00x14 8.50114
Ply 4 4 4
4 4 4 4
Special Price
$ 17.&0 21.21 28.7& 27.00 23.2& 26.2& 28.70 27.60 31.41 39.40
Regular Prloe
$33.71 37.80 41.10 47.80 38.20 4290 46.10
$2.2& 28& 2.81 3.41 3.30 3.30 3.61
Special Price
$27.00 30.21 32.91 39.91 32.40 36.31 39.10
IItrore ,uch low prites ror p quality truck tirtS. Vou save o at Princess and stili gel rantttd tore ptrrormance.
MOHAWK ~ 8IGCHIEF MOTRAC ' Mohawk "Big Chief lIfotrae" (IsI Line. I I Grade. lOO Level) A versatile tire for maximum traction in either on or off· the~road operations. Features a massive deep cleated tread with stonc-cj«lor c~ntre rib. The wide, lIat lread propor. tions put more Irrippinlr in contact with the road s urface. The complete size range makes this rUl'l'ed tire available for every type US81'e in year-around service.
" Princess" Life Time GUARANTEE ry Truck Tire On This Page s Guaranteed To Be Frtt From fects In Material And Work· n,hip. Tires Art Guaranteed To GiYe ;'IISrattory Service Undrr Normal )ptrallng Conditions With No Ileage Or Time L,m,t. )rjncess Further Guarantees Tire AgaInst Road Hazards As Tho~ Caused By Rocks, ;tones. Glass, Ett, For A Period )f I> Months . liability Is limited o Either ReplaCing Tire With A ew One, Based On Pertentage or J~, Or To Repair Tire At No :narge. :
sou 650 670 700 750 750 750 750
Pl y
Re gul a r
x 16 x 16 x 15
6 6 6 6
Nylon N)lon N)'lolI N)'lolI Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon N)lolI l'ylon N)loll Nylon
$ 47 .95 $ 50.95 47.95 S 59. 5 67AO $103.00 $114.50 129.00 15 .00 201. 0 $251.65 $292.10
29.04 36.20 33.60 42.90 62.43 66.46 73.32 83.60 92.26 111.27 166.08 172.40
x 16 , 16 x 17 x 17
10 10 10 10
~t5 ). :!o 1100 x ~O lOtiO, 2(1 1100 x 20
2.86 3.60 3.30 4.00 6.26 6.00 6.00 6.96 7.60 9.00 10.00 11.00
Here is tbe acrer )'ou an·
not afford to rni •. "Princ..... offer. GOODY EAR S RE GRIP TIRE at an unbelievable a8vinl' to yo u. You can look Car and wide. but you won't find another Tractor tire within miletJ that oreers aD much Cor such 10 .. coat. GOODY EAR SURE GRIP haa the Camous original open centre tread .. ith aeIC-c1eanin.r atrai.rht bar )U1'8 Cor more powerful pull and loncer mort even wearabilit,.. Notice the .rreater depth tread at the .houlder and centre line Cor
.. reater traction.
Tire. Marked Super Sure Grip are Extra Heavy Duty
10 \ 24
1:1 \ 26
6 4
\0 , 2' 11 ). t"'I t x 2H
13 14 15 14 15 10 10 11 11 12 Lt 13
• 2H x 311 , :10 >. 34 x 34 , :l, , 3, x 3ij x 3x :lll
x 3~ x 3J
(. uper K.!; . )
4 4 6 6 6 6 4 6 4 4 6 6
(Super 5.0.) (Super .0 ) (Super SO.)
·52.:l5 60.55 .96.50 133.00 $69.35 $79 .35 96040 $108.90 $159.70 20 .00 182. 45 .247.90 .95 $123.15 101.00 $116.00 . 109.75 124.35 $148.90
r·· r r· 47.46 69.80 97.60 64.60 60.60 78.66 77.10
i,lg:gg 138.96
92.30 7&.16 86.60 84.96 96.00 $ 14.00
•76 167.46 1"14.46 .46 $8.96
O 9O 13.00 13.00 . 21.60 23.60
2&.00 11.26 11.26 13.60 13.60 16.26 16.26 19.60
400 x 15
$ 16.05
500 , 15
550 , 16
x 16
600 ,
400 x 19
650 , 10
$33.50 $34.86
750 x 16 750
x 16
$40. 10
750 x I
750 x 11'
$ 48 .65
$10.80 $12.96 $13.96 $14.96 $17.96 $12.96 $20.60 $26.60 $32.60 $27.30 $36.10
$1.86 $2.20 $2.60 $2.60 $2.60 $2.10 $3.26 $3.7& $3.7& $3.96 $3.96
• I I
BEFORE • • •
.... I
12-ply Nylon equal to 36-ply Rayon. Each tire guaranteed for 12 months, based on percentage of use. Installation time . . . 10 minutes.
6 .S0x16
Tire Size 6.50 x 16. 12·ply Nylon Cord - New tread all Traction . Beyond any doubt one of the best Changeovers ever set up. With a set of these on a ¥.a or % Ton Truck, you can forget about Tire overloading, as the Tire will handle more weight than the Truck can carry. This Tire will not pick up nails, glass or any sharp objects as light tires do, as they do not penetrate the ply as on lighter ply tires. GUARA NTEE-Tires guaranteed for 12 months, based on percentage of use. Tires for adjustment must be Prepaid. WHEELS-Due to the heavy ply we supply flat base wheels with lock rings (as illustrated), same as in larger trucks. All you do upon receiving is to remove your present wheels and install. (On some Units your Hub Caps do not fit.) We can supply for Chevrolet, GMC, Dodge, Fargo, International , Ford , or any other make. Be sure to give make and model also year of unit you wish to use these on. Be surI' to state number of bolt holes on present whpels.
Stock No. G·20. Price pe r Set (2 T ire s , tubes and Wheels) ...........
S84• 00
FOR %, 1 TON
7.S0x16 11-PLY NYLON
Changeover to a Tire that has proven to be superior to any Tire on the market to·day. A Tire that will handle any load on a l·ton truck. Guaranteed for 12 months depending on percentage of use. (Tires for adjustment, must be prepaid), Wheels all ,steel, flat wide base with lock ring. Ready to bolt on . Will fit al l % or 1 Ton trucks. Be sure to state make and year of Truck . Be sure to state number of bolt holes on present wheels. Chevrolet, GMC, Ford, Dodge, International in stock fOI' immediate delivery . Set includes 2 tires, tubes and wheels.
~~~~~ ~eo; ~e\O: ..............................................................
{" A T ire that will Outperform all Others"}
t1J These Tires are Recapped in our own shop. We guarantee full depth rubber, same as a new tire. We use only natural rubber,
thus ensuring you of full value. Will give you Traction needed for grip on ice, plow through snow, smooth riding, long wearing. All tires listed below carry a 12 month guarantee based on percentage of use on tire. Tires for adjustment must be Prepaid into Winnipeg. 7.50 x 1&-12 ply ea . .......... ·· .. $42.50 7.50xI4.10 ply (For New Model Cars &: 2 for .···.··························-···········$80. 00 Tru cks, using 14" Wheel) ea .• $32.50 6.50 x 1&-12 ply, en. ············$32.50 2 for ....................... _................... $60.00 2 for ...... ····························· .. ··_···$60. 00 7 .50 x 15- 18 ply. Ea ..........$44.50 7.50 x 15--12 ply ............... _..·$39.50 2 for ..·-..·..... ··.···_·······················$ 8 5.00 2 for _······ ... ····· .. ··························$75.00 New Tube to Fit any of the above sizes. Each ....... _......................_ ............... $4.5 0
AFT E R • • •
All tires aircraft quality recapped with high grade rubber, full depth tread. We supply heavy 2 piece wheel for extra load. You still have your old tire, tube and wheel.
SUPER TRACTION TREAD 8.50.16 14-PLY NYLON CHANCEOVER rAt Here is the most popular changeover on the market-to replace
7.00 x 17, i .50 x 17, 7.00 x 16, 7.50 xI , 7.50 x 16, and 7.50 x 15. Features--S.50 x 16 - U ply Nylon full recap in Super Traction tread de sign as ill ustrated. This tire will give years of trouble free service. A proven changeo ver also for dual wheel units that will allow yo u to carry same load capacity with better traction in mud and s now . Whee ls- 2 piece to fit Ford , Chev., Mercury, Dodge, International and Fargo. In ordering be sure to state year, make and mode l, also number of bolt holes in present wheel. Guarantee-Tires guaranteed for 12 months based on percentage of use. Tires for adj ustment must be prepaid.
St~Ck No . G·30.
. Price per set oC 2 TIres, Tubes and Wheels ............ .
$139. 00
SUPER TRACTION 8.50.16 NYLON 14 PLY (Oversize 7.50.16)
'si Fully recapped
tire. Super Traction tread as illustrated . Guaranteed to carry any load you can put on a 1 ton truck. Will replace 7.00 or 7.50 x 16 tires. Will also replace 900 x 16. Fully guaranteed for 12 months based on percentage use of tire. Tires for adjustment ~
~:~~.~~ ..pr~.~.~i~:..~.~V.~.f.~.~·..~.~~:.~.~:........... .............................~4 7.50
6 m
Don'l let weL weather stop your work. In sta ll these wide face traction tires on your combine Rnd enjoy the ease of oprntion w hich this extra traction, Burface and low pre8~ure will g-ive you - a lso lessens machine breakage nnd lowers maintenance costs. Trouble froe wheel and perfect fit. Fits a ll combine models .
Stock No . G47 . Two 15.50 x 20 12 ply aircraft tires, fresh stock. Complete wllh brand new tubes . We J.(Uarantee this unit trouble free for 2 full yenrs. Wheel. a l·e all steel and made to fit your exact combine model. When ordering be sure to state year and make of s :; h t on.. ..........................
$140. 00
Stock No . G49 . Two 1700 x 16 10 ply aircraft tires. slJo;htly used. f res h stock. with New Tubes and steel wheelM made to fit your exact combine model. S~me guara.ntee as above. Be 8ure to state year and m nke of combine, also number of holes on presenl wheels. Prlc
Complete Set of 2 .................. ...... ..
. . . . . . . $155.00
Special 1700 x 16 12 ply Nylon aircraft tires. Fresh stock, slightly used. Will fit your present Combine. Guaranteed for 2 full years. Price-Only ........ $38.50 ea .
GOOD USED, WAR SURPLUS TIRES At Tremendously Low Prices, You Cannot Afford To Miss Size Ply Tread Price 7 .00x 16 6 50 % $14.00 7 .00x 16 6 70 % $18.50 6 .50x 16 6 50 % $14.00
900)( 20 10 - Ply Military STEP UP YOUR CARRYING CAPACITY AT LOW COST Slightl y use d, 80 % t read , no pat ches or repairs of an y ki nd. Fres h stock. A ll f irst line t ires.
SPECIAL EACH ____________________________________ 4 fo r _ -__ __________ ._______________________________________ $150.00 Used tu bes t o f it, clean , no re pa irs, each ____________ $4.00 BRAND NEW 900x2 0 N/ D _________________________ $69.50
900 X 20 Combat Tires Recommended fo r Low Speed onl y, br ute, rugged strength (equal to 20 -pl yl, a verag e weig h t 15 0 Ibs . Especia ll y good for dump truc ks, wa te r wag ons, Redi -M ix trucks , dirt haulers, and 011 off- th e-roa d wo rk . Almost im possible to break o r cut through . 80 % tread , no patch es o r repairs.
______________________ $60.00
4 Tires an d Tu bes _____________________________________ $220.00
A Real Buy 7.50 x 10 - 8 ply Plus 2 Shock Pods (equal to 10-Ply) Fresh tread . 20 if Tread
Stock M e d i u m Will replace 7 .00 x used in a set. Grip non -directiona l.
(with tubes ) GRI P T READ " Take- OFFS," 1 0 0 % t re a d .
7.50)( 20
or 4 for _______ $100.00
4 fo r ___________ $285.00
7 .50 x 2Q-8-pl y, plus 2 shoc k pads (equal to 10 ply). Fres h s tock. W ill replace 7 .00 x 20 if used in set . Gr ip t read . Nond irect ional , can be used on front wheels.
9 .00 x 16 8 -p ly Ground Grip. Grade A. 60 - 70 % tread, no patch es o r r e pa irs Can be used in place of 750 x 16 inc rea si ng carrying co pac ity. A real bu y.
Some size os above--not o·
or 4 fo r _________ $128.00
A Prince.. Special _ .. New - inside and out! Quality built for trayel. Rough, tough, "CONVENTIONAL TREAD" 14- PLY in strength especially designed for dump truck. water trucks - dirt haulen. 100 % tread - no patches or repain Weight 160 Ibl.
Set of 4 Some tire
Single Tire
8Setof4 _
miles of trouble-free equal to 20 ply wagon. redi-mix TAKEOffS.
__.__________________________.. ___________________________________ $75. ___________________________________ ___________ '285.
abaye 5 % wear. LIKE NEW
EACH Amertcan Wheels Only.
high a tread, otherWise good condition .
Single Tire
900 )(16
$75.00 each
A Real b uy at each _____
Combat Tires 900)( 20
___________________________ _______.______ $65. ._______________________________________ ._____________________ $245.
Only _
PLEASE NOTE-These tires are recapped In our own factory . We guarantee full depth tread same as a new tire, and only high grade rubber IS use d. Compare before you buy.
6.00,,16 6.00x16 6 . 50xlG 6. 50x16 6 .70x15 7.10x 15 7 .60" 15 8.00x 15
4-ply 6-ply 4-ply 6-ply 4-ply 4-ply 4-ply 4-ply
Grip ...... .....................• 14.50 ...,."""""""''''''' GriP .. .................... 18.50 All Traction ......... _. 16. 50 All Traction ............ 21.50 Jcwan,...Grip ............. .. ........ ..... 14.50 I... .,Ulw. ,,.. pe!"lod of UWo .... , .... , " ttr. A 11 Tract ion ............ 16.50 ... m be .... pa.e.d on 0.. buU IIIf ~.:o;:..~...~!. I!':I.~on;'~ I~ All Traction ........ .... 18. 50 ,..pl.~lo.lh.U,.d~~ abOy. The ' 0 . IIo:IJ ....I..-.1 All Traction ............ 19.5 0 nal~
w~ can supp ly same sizes tread. sa me prices as a bove.
above in Standard ~[M'llJ}.t11&t11f11111.rrmrnntm.~ ~~
1100x12 RIB AIRCRAF' 'I RES 1100 X 12 Bra n d New Nylon Rib tread. Current production. F re s h Stock ............ $40.00
WAGON 'IRES These used tires are peciaUy recommended for trailer and wagon (not guaranteed). Specify "Trailer Tires" when ordering.
Princess New Tread Recapped Truck Tires All Tires Thoroughly Inspected By E 'perts Before Recapping
Conventional Grip
; .00 ,1 6 ( 6 pi ))
:'. 00 \. 20 19 .; 00 l' 16 7.00 i 50 x 16 7 00 x 17 650 x 20 'I .()() x 20 ; 50 x 20 ~5 20 ~ . oo
7.;)0\ 16
i :;Ox:!O
$43 .00
$57 .50
9.00 20
. 64 .50
67 .50
, , ,
S 6.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 12.00 12. 00 10.00 14.00 16.00 20.00
14-ply NYLON Aircraft Tires AT LAST A 14-Ply Aircraft tire to fit 0 standard 20-in . truck wheel. W ill fit 011 wheels up to 7 .50x20. Height of tire 31", which brings axle 2" lower when mounted . TIRES ARE 4" LOWER IN HEIGHT THAN 750 x 20. For best results order in sets of 4. This tire will increase power and carrying capacity. Excellent for offhighway work, carrying heavy loads. Several hundred of these tires now being used successfully on loads up to 24,000Ibs.
5.00 \. tl 6.00 x 16 16 6 . ~0 6.70 x 15 ; . 10 15 7.60 x 15 9.00 , 20 1.000 20 1.100 ., 20
Size ; 00, 15 ; .50x 15 ; .00, 16 ; .50x I6 i .OQx Ii
d.50 \ 20
;.00,20 7.00'20 ; .50 , 20 7.511,20 K.25\20
12 MONTH GUARANTEE SPECIAL! _ 4 for $130.00
9.00\20 10.00 , 20 10.50,!0 11.00 ,20
Some t ire o s above , not recapped used In A I cond ition Excellent for replaCing ~ny 20 " t ire up to 750x20 Tire ond Tube- Only $18. 00
$ 6.00 5.00 6.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 20.00
1100x12 U ed Rayon Cord ........$15.00 950x12 tires Brand New ............$25.00 Tube to fit- New Each .............. $5.00
7.50' 17 6.00 \ 20
Recapped Arctic Tread Price Tire with Tube _ _ _ 2 for $70.00
1100x12 Used Nylon Rib Tread . $20.00
Good c nd Gootl co nd Goo d co nd . Uood co nci . Good cond . Good conr!. I... ike new (Joo(1 used H p ly st. tr. 10 pi)' st. tr ply sI. tl'. 10 pl y . 1. tr . (;oud to nd . Good co nd. Good cC) nri 'round grip Good used
Uled P RIC E Tube $20.00 $3.00 18.00 3.00 18.00 3.00 20.00 3.00 18.00 3.00 22 .00 3.00 18.00 2.00 23.50 2.00 25 .00 2.50 28.50 2.50 25.00 3.00 29.50 3.00 33.00 3.00 35 .00 3.00 40.00 5.00 45.00 6.00 50.00 6.00
Please Note: These Tires are a s off used Trucks, some have m inor repairs, medium to high tread. They are examined by experienced tiremen, who are sure they will give ser· vice for value you pay.
BRAND NEW FIRST LINE TRACTOR TIRES New Dunlop-Size 13-26, 6 Ply . Regular $133 .00. Special ...................... $81.50 Brand New Goodyear (For grader & impl.) - 9.00x24 8 ply. Rib Tread . Special Only ............................................................................ _..........................$35.00 Brand New Firestone (Implement) 7.S0x24 4 ply Ri b Tread .................................................................................. $23.50
C HECK T HI S FOR VALUE 7 .50 '( 14
All these tires from fresh stock, with many miles of good service yet remaining. Guaranteed to give good service and satisfaction. A "buy" you can't afford to miss. Add $1 .00 for ground grip tire~ if required.
• .no , 14 H.60 x 14 6.70 x 15 7. 10 x 16 760 x 15
~: ac h 57.00 Each 8.00 Each 9.00 Each 7.00 ""ch 8.00 Each 9.00
.00 x 15
6.00 x 6.50 x 7.00, 5.50 x
16 16 16 17
Tuh,' s to lit $1.25 each. Write for Tire size not li sted above.
Each 11 .00 Each 7.00 Each 9.00 Each 9.80 Each 6.50
Mount all your implements on rubber. Wi th aero plane tires made out of Nylon and Rayon . Extra heavy in ply. No other implement tires have as many ply or the carrying capacity as these aeroplane tires. These tires provide maximum flotation and traction for all makes of combines, harvesters, h eavy equip. ment, farm wagons and trailers. Take advantage of
Height Wheel Width Dia.
Aircraft Size
Tread Desier>
(ins. )
17.00 x 16
15.50 x 20
15.50 x 20
15.50 x 20
431'2 16 43 17 43 17 43 17
25.00 x 28
17.00 x 20
34x 9.9
26 x 6.6
(650 x H)
20 43 17 56 19 56 19 47 16 34 8 34 10 30 8 44 15 26 7 27
the ease of operation in heavy ground which our tires will give to you . We can also supply wheels or rims for all sizes of tires and types of equipment. Please write to us for prices on your requirements. Used - in perfect condition . Can also supply new in most sizes at reasonable prices.
Air lb. Load lb. Press. Capacity
Tire Price
Scraper, Arches.
Scraper, Arches, Heavy Equipment. Scraper, Arches Heavy Equipment. Combine, Scraper.
Wagon, Implements.
11 ,000
Wagon, Implements.
22. 50
Wagons, Implements
Combines, Trailers.
Trailers, Buggies
Implements, Wagons.
Implements, Wagons.
Trailers-House Moving Trailers, Implements (Small) . Trailers, Implements (Small) .
Trailers, Implements (Small). Trailers, Implements.
Trailers, Wagons.
Combines, Scrapers, Arches. 15.00 Graders, Scrapers, Arches. 15.00 Graders, Scrapers, Arches. 15.00 Graders, Scrapers, Arches. 70.00 Scrapers
9.50 x 12
30 x 7.7
12'h x 4'h
10'h x 4
18.00 x 18 9.oox6
12 8
24 x 12
36 x 16'h
11.00 x 12
29'h 9'h 30 9 11'h 4 10 4 48 18'h
22 6 24 7 36 10
Use d
GUARANTEE T h is tire is guaranteed for one year. If tire fails for an y rea on other t ha n under-infla tion , we will re place at n o co st. F .O.B. W inni peg.
14-Ply 20" Aircraft Tire For Trucks-Trailers-Implements Here is a real value in a 20" tire that we know wi ll give years of service on trucks, trailers, implements , machinery, etc: Height of tire 3~" which brings axle 2" lower when mounted . TIres are 4" lower m hei ght than 7.50 x 20 . Several hundred of these tires are now in use with excellent results. Will fit a ll standard 20" truck wheels. Excellent for pulp or off-highway work . Small er tires allow more power in higher gear range. These tires al·e off current model a ircraft thus ensuring fresh tires plus future availability. Carrying Capacity: 8,000 lbs. each .
Special We can supply above tire with tube and wheel (as illustrated) to fit any hub.
............... . .... ................. ... .......................... ........_.......... $28.50
(In ordering state ~o . of bolt holes, model and year of vehicle or if for implements, send cut out of hub showing holes.)
1700 X 20-16 Ply Nylon Tires This tire is being used on all types tion equipment with be tte r s ati s fa c tion because of greater flotation and greater carrying capacity . This 1700 x 20 tire replaces any 1600 x 20 of any ply with better satisfa c tion because of its con s truction material that is made of nylon cord that is not being used in regular earth-mover 1600 x 20 tires. The heavy ply construction assures you of remarkable service and unu s ually long tire life as well as trouble free operation. Ideal for free roll ing scrapers a nd road graders. Used Tire--Clean , no repa irs, high tread . Only ............_..... Used T ubes (to fit) ................... ............................................................... $15.00 Wheels-20" extra wide, heavy truck type, to fit 1700 x 20 Tire. Only ....... ........................ ........ .........................................................................$30.00 DIMEt\SIONS-Height 46". Width 16". Rim Diameter 20". Maximum Load Capacity approx. 20,000 lbs. Weight of tire 130 lbs.
20 - 20 Ply Nylon Tires
The Perfect Replacement for 1600x20 Flotation Tire Dimens ions 52" High 16" Wide 20" Rim Diameter. Carrying capacity Approx. 40,000 lbs. (Will take 1600x20 tube)
Price Tire (used ) Nylon ..........
Tube ......................................530.00
56" Hub & Wheel Assembly Build your own logging arch or s uper hub changeover- featuring the biggest aircraft tire bargain. TIRES. Tire Dimens ions - Height 56", Width 21". Rim Diameter 26 'h ", Weight of tire 215 lbs. Air pres· s ure 75 Ibs . Carrying capacity 28,000 Ibs. Hub Dimensions- Stub Leng th 9 'l's ", Hub Circle 111.4. ", No. of Hub Bolts 10. Wei g ht of Tire, tube, wheel , hub and stub axl e: 505 lbs. Prices N ew 16 Ply Tire ............ $110.00
Used 20 Ply Tire ............ $90.00 New Tube .......................... 25.00 Wheel (as illustrated , less tire and tube) 10 hole or not drilled ...................... ............. 135.00 Hub (as illustrated) ........ 66.50 Model HW A-99- Complete assem· bly including NEW tire, new tube, wheel and hub .............. .. 318.00 Model HWA-lOO - Complete assembly including USED tire , new tube, w heel and hub ...... 296.50 YOU SAVE BY PURCHASING COMPLETE UNIT 11
SPEED WHE ELS-NYLON B S HI NG TYPE (Medium Duty ) Will fit y," shaft . Equipped with nylon bu<hings which are smooth and h ard. long.li ved without oili"$<. and do not rust in wet conditions. All wheels eQuipped with semipneumatic live rubber tireA {as illustrated) . Ilem No. Size Load Price 650 6 " 1. 50 60 Sl.60 812 8 x 1.2[, 60 1.70 R " 1.75 lOO 875 SI.90 1075 10 x 1.75 lOO $2.30 SPEED WHEEL~BALL BEARING TYPE (Heavy Duty) Same as above will fit y," s haft. Precision b all bearin~' . Use cold·rolled .teel rounds for ax le stock and build up any equipmen t desired . Semi-nneumatic live I'u bber tires. For heavier duty use: . Item '0. .."ize Load Price I 04 ·E 6 x 1.50 60 $1.95 R x 1. 25 107·G 60 $1.95 109-S R x I.n 100 S2.40 241·H x 2.0n 100 $2 .65 317· 10 x 1.75 2.95 100 458·P 10 .50 x 1.7 5 $3 .20 125
Tractor Reliners - made of heavy duty 8-ply rubber. A trUaranteed fit.
to to to to to to to to to
7·44 8·44 9·40 10·38 11·40 12·38 13·40 14·34 15·32
Provide your Swathe .. wi th FLOATING TRACTION and take advantage of ease of operation In soft ground . . . Lowe,' operating costa . . . Consists of 2 1I00xl2 8·ply Aircraft Tires fre sh stock new tubes - all steel wheels 2 year guarantee. When orderintr please l uppl y hub pattern. PRICE. ITEM No . G50 Set of 2 (tires . tubes &<
wheels )
TRAaOR RELINERS 7·40 8·24 9·24 10·24 11·24 12·24 13·24 14·24 15·24
ea ................ $ 5.95 ea ................ 7.65 ea ................ 9.45 ea ................ 10.95 ea ............... 13.00 ea ................ 15.95 ea ................ 16-.45 ea ................ 17.60 ea ................ 19.45
First quality. Made from selected tire co Cement coated and cellophane wrapped . PASS. CARS---4 PLY TR CK-6 PLY 6.00·6.50 x 16 ..... SI.85 6.50·7 .00 x 20 ..... .. 6.70·7.10 x 15 ... 2.35 7 .50 x 20 ........... . 5 COMMERCIAL 6 PLY 8.25 x 20 ................ 7 7.00·7 . 50 x 16 ... _... .. 75 9.00 x 20 .. _......_.. . 7.00-7 .50 x 17 ........ ".75
BRAND NEW 8 X 24 4-Ply Tire DJ and Tube and Wheel Assembly Can be used for Manure Spreaders, Self·propelled Swathers, and other farm machinery. Includes new open centre tire. Height 39", width 8". New 6·hole drop centre heavy duty wheel and tube. Price Per Unit (tire with tube and wheel assembly) . These wht;els can be adapted to other Soecial $26 50 hub sIzes. Send poper pattern
CD MOTORCYCLE TIRE AND WHEEL 400x18 4·ply tire tube with wire wheel, complete with high speed bearings. Takes %" shaft. Price ...................................
ADJUSTABLE SWIVEL CASTOR TYPE ·-Tire 400x4 4·ply, 11" high, 4" wide. Heavy all steel castor with 1 ~" threaded shaft 12" long. Shaft has large turning collar which can be welded to implement or trailer. PRICE ......................................... $21.50 @RAND NEW WHEELBARROW WHEEL 4 00,,8. 2·ply. All metal Inc"ed Meei wheel. rol ler bearin,," . Only
~!~e ~i!~~I~~'~hi~~!~ carry heavy lnad. makes pushing or pullin much easier - excellent for pOI'ta ble small shop equipment. home cart,.,; or garde
wagons . Dimensions: heiJ.rht 10", width 3", wheel diam . 4", bore (or axle ~". a ( [ rre8SUre 30 lb' . Tire. tube. wheel. with bearin$<' .. $11.
AIRCRAFT TIRE AND WHEEL Size 14.50 6·ply 5" wide. 12'," hil!h Carrying c~pacily: 1.500 Iba . Price (Tire. tube. wheel and bearin$<s)
Army s u rplus, 18 inches wide, 33 pads on rubber covered steel tracks, overall length: 18 feet. Approximate diameter : 7 feet, depending on size ot wheels used. Build your own snow· mobile. PRICE PER TRACKSpecial Reduced to ............................................ $80.00
Terrific Value-
... $15.5
TOW CABLE KITS . . . Individuolly Boxed
Kit Compri~es 8-foot lengtb of Ih" cable eyed at each end. 2 heavy·duty chains each 3 feet long; hooks and eyes. Assembled length: 14'6" overall. (14 feet· 6 inches). Shipping weight approximately 55 Ibs. Value ... _.................................................................. $2 .00 Kow Only ....................................................... -. . 57.75
CHAINS GIVE 5 TIMES MORE TRACTION TO ANY GRIP TIRE TRIPLE SIDED DUAL CHAINS F;., ra Heavy Weight. Greater Rtrengtb is IlrO\ idrd fi:oi the stra in is divided HEAVY DUTY SINGLE hetw,' en the 3 . ide chains . . . stag· gered cross chain s resu lt in closer TRUCK CHAINS paclOg, reducing slippage and g iv· Don't let OUR low prices fool you. We have purchas· ed several carloads of first grade, heavy duty, BRAND NEW, Military Truck Chain. A real saving, with better than average material. atisfaction Guaranteed. Price
6 50xl 5 700)(15 650)(16 7 .50)(16 7 .00)(17 750xl7, 7·22 .5 900)(16 900)(13
$12.75 .. $14.00 $14.50
6 .50)(20 .. . ... 32)(6 . . ..... 7 .00)(20, 7 .50-18 .. 750)(20; 8-22 .5 .._ ... 8 .25x20; 9-22 .5 .. __ .. 9 .00)(20 .. 10.50)(20 _ ... 1 1.00)(20 ..
in g greater traction. Pounding and wear is gr atly reduced due to th e tnet that centre chai n e nab les cross chain to be drawn up more snu g ly aga in st tires.
P,Ke Pair ~15 . 75
$16 .00 $16.00 $16.00 $18.00 $21.50
Price Pr.
Size 700x20; 7.50·18 750,,20; 8·22.5 25x20; 9·22.5 900.20 1000x20 1100x20
$18.60 $19.60 $23.60 $32.00 $36.00 $38.00
~ CROSS CHAINS C.r, Truck, Tr.ctor, R.p.lr In.t•• d of repl.c.
Price includes Hooks as illustrated-Length listed with Hooks. $26.50 Size PASSENGER 6.00; 6.2S; 6.70: (12" length) . Each .................... .... _. .25 Passenger Car Chains 7.00; 7.10; 7.S0; 8.20; 8.90 (14" length) . Each ....... .30 Heavy duty, strong welded con· Size SINGLE TRUCK struction, guaranteed value. 7.00; 7.S0 (] 41,2" length) . Each ........_ ................ _.. _. .85 Tire Size Price per Set Tire Size Price per Set 8.00; 9.00. Each ....... .................................... __...... _......... .85 1 .50,,11 .... 58.85 1.60x15 ... ... 59.60 Size DUAL TRUCK Size TRACTOR 8.00x 14 ..... 59.60 8.00"15 ..... .. 510.55 7.00; 7.S0. Each ... .95 12" length ...... _..$ 1.35 ~~~~IJ 8.50,,14 .. 59.60 8.20x15 ....... 510.55 8.00; 9.00. Each ... 1.10 13" ............. _......... 1.50 9.00x14 .... 510.55 6.00xI6 ....... 58.85 14" Tractor Chain 1.75 6.00xI5 . ..... 58.85 6.50x16 ....... 59.60 6.50xI5 ........ 58.85 6.70xI6 ....... 59.601------------------------670,,15 ........ 58.85 7.00x1 6 ....... 510.55 BRAND NEW WAR SURPLUS SPECIAL 7. IOx15 ....... 59.60 7.60x16 .... .. 510.55 Extr. H ••v)' Ch. In. - P ••••nc.r & Ton Will fit 6.00 x 16 6.S0 x 16 - 6.'70 x 15 - '7.10 x 15. Duo-Trac Tractor Chains This is a Chain that will give twice the service. Double Yoke Construction Regular P~ice ................................................ _..........$16.50 (For all season farm work) Our Special ... ..... ' " .. .... _.._........- .............. -.··$9.25 ~14.50
$16.75 $16.00
Duo-Trae os the name implies is designed for double duty winter and summer use for any and all types, jobs
around the farm .
Tire Sizt 9-21 9-32 9·34 9-36 9 .00-l H 9.00·38 9.00·10 10· 28 10-30 10-32 10-34 10-38 10.00-24 10 .OO·2S 10.00-:36 10 .00-38 10.50-24 10. 60-28
Through using low I truck type cross chains to smooth the ride, maximum traction is obtained . • Heavy, welded case hardened double yokes connect the set of cross chains to keep them riding atop the tire and ~OT down between the tire bars . • All Case hardened double yoke members are interlocked to make a continuous cha in mat for smooth steady traction and to keep the chain from rolling and tightening on the tire. • Equipped with Peerless lever lock fasteners. A simple but positive locking device that operates like a lacknife and allows a two inch leverage or take-up. Easily closed or opened but stays locked when in service. A ~ew Design-~ot An Imitation . Princess Princess Special S pecial per pair per pair Tire Size 537.35 11-24 .......... 544.75 544.95 11· 26 ..... . ... ·-544.95 546.50 11-28 ............... 546.50 548.10 11-36 ...... ._..... - 555.30 544.95 11-38 ........ ·· 562.55 555.30 12-26 ................ 558.95 558.95 12·38 .-...... 571.95 544.75 13-24 .............. 558.95 ·· 544.75 13-28 561.45 546.50 13·38 ................ ······ 585.05 ·· 548.10 14-24 ..... .......... .. ·· 561.15 · 555.30 14-30 "' ............... ·· 571.95 544.75 14-34 .......... -... 580.05 546.50 15-28 ......... ········ ··· 573.90 555.30 15·30 .. ............ 573.90 15-32 558.95 580.95 544.75 15-34 . ................ 583.00
if: .
'r'''' . .i7~·
Forget the headache. of winter travel or muddy roads with a set oC these new thams on your !ires. They are ~he chain you have been ...aitIng for at a price you have been hoping for. . . . For a ll field and road condilions . . . these chains are excellent for a ll round farm work nn d off the hi g hway service. Uniform cross ch ain c lose spaci ng provides continuous traction action with mlnlmum vibl'ation. Chai.ns a~e . %" twist with cross chains spaced 5Y2" apart " • • require mmJJllum clearance Cor fender s. "A REAL BUY - AT A REAL LOW PRICE" 9 x 24 $27.00 11 x 28 $33.10 13 x 24 $36.95 14 x 24 $41.60 10 x 24 $29. 75 11 x 36 $40.35 13 x 26 $38.03 14 x 26 $43.10 10 x 28 $31.23 11 x 38 $42.86 13 x 28 $41.60 14 x 28 $44.85 10 x 36 $41.30 12 x 24 $34.95 13 x 30 $44 . 60 14 x 30 $46.70 10 x 38 $12.86 12 x 28 $38.03 13 x 36 $46.10 14 x 32 $48.15 11 x 24 $31.23 13 x 38 $47.60 12 x 36 $44.95 14 x 34 $50.85 11 x 26 $32.70 12 x 38 $46.75 I
$1.30 ea
C218 6.00; 6.50; 6.70; 7.10; 760 15" " 16 " 7.50; .00 ; 8.50 14 "
$1.46 ea
~;;;;5§eg;;gs%g;% FARM
Rim Size
0.20; 5.50; 5.00; 6.40; 13" , 15", 16" 7.00 14 "
l'IIurdy, high qu:olity, electri 'ally we ld ~d : .. ,teel chain I~ ft)t't long with ~ ~rah Iw·ok ... on eit.her {'nd. Fo; U ~ t· :h 1()~~IIlg: or genrrn l towing chuill . REGLLAH PECIAL $750 15.55 -
USE FOR : ITEM 383 • Sprinkling • Irrigation • Insecticide Spraying • Sump Pump • Fuel Transfer• Home Water Systems • Dewatering Sa lt Wa ter, Chemioal, Aoid Pum ping Circulating Pump. Cooling tower . FEA'l'UREfl: 1\~e<lle BeariIJg Construction: I 'h" IIIp~ Thr~"<I Inl·t. I '4" Hose Out.let; St:uldard 1... " Keyed Shaft; All Brunze Hod) HI1(1 l:e-ilrR, ~tollel Shart; Drain 'ock nnd <Jr-pilfie Cup; Drive (JellJ" f()r hHl~. ir'oul,\e rn'l' ttN\II.'f': Four ~I oll nt l ng ~'eet. CAPAl'ITI': fr"ill 10 tn '0 (;111. I'~r ~Iiil . at 1-I,,"(·d. frolll [)50 to 2400 ft.P.M., using from 'I< to iO Il.P. for PI'e"ure, to 250 11, •. per sq. In. Stili). w t.: 58 Ibb. 1'.:-;. JIi,,,y cost $16.00. Each $39.60 Speci"1 " Bu)"
NEW CHAIN HOIST Brand New 2 ton "Yale" SP UR GEARED CIlA IN HOIS'f- autolllatic hrake, UWHEST Ql ALIT\, STEELH O I&T MECHAN J :VI - spur gear reduction planetary s},telll - LO,\I) !:IHAKE - scr ew and t1i.:;c type self uctualing - brake IJre~sui' e incrpases ill proJ)urtlon to load. H AN D CH AI N GU I DE - \4" steel - cUllthillUIIS and "dJ".tuhl.·, pr"ent, fouling and snagging. ,'TEgL LOAD CHAJN 20' of 'h" 101'l11"d " Id.·" III'nt Lreated steel TEEL::IA ~'ETY H OOK drupped forged from special .teel. :lliPlling weight crated - 244 11". Regular .$325.00. PRINCE:; SPECIAL $166.00
(Self·Priming ) I ttm No. DllP·H-&uitahle for Uoat , " ptic tanka, Dugout., Barn Gutters, G;Ir' ages, or unywhel'e clear' or IllUcky water l;s to ht:' pumpecl out. Totally gnclo:ed, protecting operatol frolll 'pray. \4" dianlet r, 2 Valve Control block, 13" Diaphragm; ~ .. Inlet and outlet. 2"" !iandle. Capacity- Approx. ill gal. per stroke. Complete It illu.trated. Princess Sp cial $29.60
Suitable fo r garage~, Hepair shop" .F'a,,". !:lu s h Camps, ~ I ines, etc. Sal'e un Costly rp.pairs, by having one of the:-.e unih 011 hand at all time~ for heaLing, clI t ting, we lding and o l·uzing. Ready to attach to your oxygen and acetylene ta nks. Unit include&-2 heavy duty dOllhl. gauge adjustallle gaug .•. CuttlOg attachment; W elding attachment with ~ tips; Pall' 01 Goggles; Lighter; Wrench; Tank·Ke)·; Dou ble 12 loot hose. Item No. HDA·97-Comvlete as listed. Princess pecial $132. 60 Ga uges- Acetylene (as pictured)' Htgular Price $32.50. Special, Ea" h $19 .60 Oxygen Gauge - Iteg. $35.50. J'rice $28.00
SENSATIONAL HEAVY DUTY SINGLE SHEAVES (Capacity-Up to 25 Ton.) I deal lor dragline, rarUl and construction work . 15" O. D . 'heave, wilh Ph" groo e, t¥.!" ::;hart, and bronze bushing. Dimell ion,:.,: 2:!" Long, 151)/' Wide. :h lp. Wt. 90 lb •. Heg. $75.00. Special Price $29.60
BRIGGS & STRATTON AIR COOLED GASOLINE ENGINES Modern de$ign, superior performance. and ea~y ~tarting. These .Engines are being suld th roughout North America. Desiglled for General Purpose heavier duty con· t inuou$ work. 4 Cycle type, with huilt·In high tensfon magneto, that produces high "ollage lit low cranking · peed thnt €lIsure!'! easy ~t;utjng in all weattwr condJtioll~. Spla:-h ystern lubrication t!lilllinates wear 011 all moving part. The~e Engine:;; are eq ui PlJed with oil-hrth air cleaner, gasoline rilter, OIurfler, allL! .fitnrttr rope. Specification ~ Shaft Farm· Us. H.P . Bore Stroke Si ze Weight Price Model 5.25 2%" 2' " \" 2 Ibs. 14 ~ 96.00 2%" ]" 91 lb • . 7.00 3" 10 0.00 ;j" 3\4" I" 119 10'. 23A (Others add 25% if for NON FARM USE)
When you want it . Where you wHnt it. HYI67 $29. 60 2 . SUPPLEMENTARY HEAT A helping hllnd to juur present heating equipUlent. 3 . EMERGENCY HEAT Power f'ailllr~s can'] keep tI .. H)·V) Heater rrum doing it, joh. B y-Lo's clean, abUllI lullt he;1 i:-- th(" re~ult ur :'lu,H?rior engineering - Patenteri Retu r" Uas Prillciple. Lil!ht. \I ith " lIlatch. produces lip to 140,000 IITl" s of cl ean heat per hOllr. I ndi""pensahlr in e\er) dny fann IiCr idenl tnr green hou es. \'egetalle cellar:;. poultry hou..:e.s-, tuol <llId reprlir shcd8 - ex.:ellent for d r yin,:!, thawing 01' ~tandhy h Ht. O,'erall height 62~n. "" l' h~ht 20 Ihl' .. bowl capacity 10 gab,. 13l1rll ' %·1 gal. p~r hOllr. Item 1\0.
PORTABLE FRICTION DISC SHARPENER Sharpen 'nth truck or tflll'lnr power an)' rotlnil hlnded discill~ inlplement - one· way-harrow.plu\\', One mnn op r.ltit.m , fully adjustable to fit any nngle of disc h lades, no dismantling required. ('\It c:u~tlj . . . -.::av(' dollars on CtlstOl1l ~harpening. To operate, raise blade 3" off the ground and line up with tractor pulley. U,e a flat c'ros,ed endles ' IJolt between pulley and bluue and tighten only enouA'h to turn bin de. Di,c blnlle should run at oetween 150 and 400 RP~l. NOTE : The di,c blade' \I ill 'lOt cut or notch the helt. and al.o they ' will retain their temper due to Lhe slow tllrllln!! speed 01 the hlu"e and the grinding stone. Item ])';:;5 - ('tJmpl te us illll -trated nlld descrilled aho\'e with I~" x 6" ~rit $17.96 grinding btonp. Pri('''' $4.46 H em m~5ii - H pl:lceJllellt Grinding wheel for ahove. Price
All hydraulic ports and controls list e d arc for farm troctors and agricultural Impl e ments , at quoted prices . Government regulation s requir e that this merchandise sold tor the above purpos e mus t be covered by completion of Q Farm Use Certificate If purchased for use other than form u se , odd 15 °0
to catologue pFlce .
To octu ote ond control moch ines ond equ ipment, simply, economicolly, and dependably. Smooth efficient cyli nder power con be profi tabl y e mployed for practically e Tery applicotion where there is 0 push, pull, lift, p ress, clamp or control problem. Cylinder Power can speed up production, improve performance, reduce manua l effa rt, and save production costs. Th ese Hydraulic com po nen t s re prese nt the ultimate in design, e ngineering ond metallurgical science, and ha ve been bu ilt to the exacting specifications. The y have proven very popular with farmers and machi nists t h ra ug hout Canada , ond we ha ve sold t ho usands of camponent parts of equipment to sotisfied cust omers. W e a re very proud of our line of Hydra ulics a nd fe e l that units bu ilt from it will give complete satisfa ction.
Th is is a complete Hydraulic System, r eadily ad apted to all m ak es and m od els ut Tractors. P ower Take -off driven , opera tes sm oot hly and efficiently. The depth control Cylinder '030438will lift 706 lbs. at 1000 P .S .I. Includ es our No . 29KJ pump 400 to 800 R.P.M . Counter-clock wise 15 ga llons per m inute . No. 126 Valve with hardened Spool for long life . oil Reservoir w ith filter. Ou r ' 0. 30 H 8 De pth COl'.trol Cylinder, A n chor and Chai n Bar, 2-4000 Coupler with Clamps and Dust Plugs, power tak e-off coupler, one 5 ft . low pressure Hose. fi ve 5-ft. %" wire braid Hose. All fitti n gs necessary are supplied as a complete ready to operate, Un it. You save on the comple t e Unit. S pecial . .. Same unit as a bove with ~~ .. Hose _.. _....... _ .............. _ .
$159.00 $169.00
NEW "PRINCESS 12 VOLT FINGER TIP ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC UN Complete and ready to go. A ll that is necessa ry is ho se and cylinder to give you a complete Hydrau lic System. E l imin ates su ch proble ms a s powe r -take· off, universa l jOints and drive shaft. Asse mbl y includes 12 Volt d u s t-proof e lectric motor and hydrauli c pump, tank , sol enoid switch, 4-way control va l ve , all necessary wiring and fi ttings o n uni t. Ex cell e nt as plow lift. Sta te if single or dou ble acti ng cylinder be in g u sed . W e can a lso s upply in 6, 24, or 32 VO lt. .. . No. PB-61- Pllce per U nI t _........ _.................... .................................... .
BRAND NEW HEAVY DUTY HYD RAULIC SYSTEM KIT A. 2- 3",,22" No . 6 Dou ble Acti ng Hydra ul ic Cy linders . Each rated 7.068 Ibs. L ift wi th 1,000 P S I line pressure. Steel s ha ft. B. I -Four-Way Control Va lve, N o. 126. M ay be u sed with 1.500 PSI Hydrau li c System . C. 1- Logan Heavy Duty H ydrau lic P um p, N o. 29. ~~t"J.l;.t 6.5 GPM at 1800 R P M at 1000 P SI us ing State if for P1 U or C"snk Sh a ft Drive . D. 1- 3 gallon Oil Reservoir with .)ipe t h read connection s. Built for easy mounting. Item N o. 58, comnlete with bui lt·in screen for c lean ing o il.
E . 1- 2 foot hose {or pic k-up. 2- 3 f oot hoses. 1 fo r press u re, 1 {o r return ; 4- 6 foot cy linder hoses. All hoses \1/' h ig h pressure hoses. F . All ne cessary fittin gs an d coupli ngs to com p lete th e kit, r eady to ins ta ll. System ope.·a te s doub le ~ a ctin g hydr a ulic cy li nders s imult aneo us ly. with pressure in both d irectio n s. All connec tion s are pipe o r pipe fittings. This s ystem is ca pa ble of lifting a to ta l w eigh t of ove r 14 ,000 Ibs.
Optional you may substitute a ny .,ump or cy li nder in orice of cylinder or Dum p- to above prices.
cata l o~,'·u e.
Just a dd
$165·00 s ubtract difference to
10" BORE, 19-1/2" STROKE SINGLE ACTING RAM -100 TON T his su rplus cy linde r wa s re mov e d from U.S. Air Force 8-36 Landing Gear . He avy d uty Aircra f t qual it y for opera ti ng press ur es up to 3000 P.S.1 . Will take shock pressurp.s m uc h high er . Clevis ty pe mounting both ends for 2" pins. Yl" port, overall le ng t h 48 " . Shpg . wt. 270 lb. . No . JW64
1 J
Overa ll length , retr ac te d , 44" . W idth 5 V.'. Shaft d iameter 1 V2". Pin Hole on sha ft e n d . Tr u n n io n m o unti ng a t 6ase c nd . Y2" tub ing thread ports. Sh pg . wt. 2 6 Ibs. No . J W 6 5
.. _-
S 39.50
WIDE SPEED RANGE REVERSIBLE PUMP Ideal for P.T.O., Belt or Crankshaft Drive FEATURES: • •
Light Weight • High Efficiency • Fully Balanced Vane Pump Rotation Optional • Four Position Inlet • No Load Starting
MODEL VB12? VB9? VC161 VC241
12 9
PORTS ~"in
lh" out If:! " out
%" in
1" in . %" out 1" In . ~" out
RP.M .
400·2000 400·2000 400·2000 400·2000
49.50 49.50 72.50 72.50
Here is the most dependable hydraulic pump for use on Farm and Industrial purposes. Due to tbe wide speed range this pump has been used very successfully to replace caterpillar front end mount hydraulic pumps. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR THIS PUMP.
CEROTER HYDRAULIC PUMP Can be run with I-A Belt. Speed 2000 to 3500 R.P.M. clockwise rotation. %" Standard Pipe pick up, J,2" pressure line, built in relief valve set at 1000 P .S'!. Will deliver 4.5 gallons per minute at 2500 R.P.M. This is a ball bearing type pump that will give good service. J,2" Shaft-flange mounting, Especially designed for belt drive. Our Special ....................... _...... _... _....__ ........... _......_....... _... __ ....... __.. $23.50
HAND PUMP ITEM NO. Il-Used for hydraulic jacks, presses, hoists, and other hydraulic applications. For operating hydraulic cylinders to pump oil or hydraulic fluid under pressure. Hand pump has built-in check valve and is capable of delivering- 1000 lbs. of pressure. Has alloy aluminum housing. Dimensions: 8" long x 3J,2" high x 2% " wide. Complete with handle. Shipping weight 3 lbs. $45.00 value $9.7S
VICKERS MF 9 HYDRAULIC PUMP OR MOTOR Pump is compact, powerful , rated 1000 P .S .I. . 8 eal. per min . at 3750 R.P .M. Chance rolation by reversme flow . Dehvers UD to 6 H .P . as a hydraulic motor Requires 1/3 to 6 H .P. to drive directly or by pulley. Mountine kit has been especf~ll.v deslcned to provide maximum utilftv and ease of mountmg MF Series Vickers Pumps. Brackets are constructed of die cast aluminum; shaft is made of steel with one end splined to fit pump ; other end of shaft has machined flat for mountine a standard pulley with 'h" hole. Mountine plate shaft runs In ball bearlnes. (Uses '10" tublne fittine ). Complete as shown .
No . 38A
Item No. P430 EATON POWER STEERING PUMP Pump is equipped with oil reservoir, pressure relief valve and restrictor valve. Rated up to 900 P.S.I. , 2~2 GPM, with ~" shaft with keyway for pulley drive. 2 bolt flange mounting. Pressure port has fitting for %" hose - return port has fitting for lh " hose. Dimensions : 6" x 5" x 8". Shipping weight 17 lbs. .................. .. .............. ............................ $22.75
Brand New Bendix Electrio Motor and Hydraulic Pump. Operated directly of{ 6 or 12 volt bnttery (with \lush-button control, when used with a solenoid switch). Low amperRge draw, will not harm buttery in normal use. Elimin ntes such problems as Power-la ke-off, Drive Shafts, U-Jolnts, etc.-saves space. Is smooth, Quiet operating and easily detached when not In use . Excellent for all lypes of farm equipment.
Will produce up to 1000 PSI. Pump has '1.,," pipe thread outlet, Inlet and built In adjustable relief valve. ShiPping weight 24 lbs. This pump can also be supplied in 24 volt. Same price.
A PRINCESS VALUE "BERRY" HYDRAULIC PUMP OR MOTOR No. 166 As a pump rated 12 G .P .M . at 1800 R .P .M . pressures up to 1000 P.S.I. uslnc 10 H .P . Recommended operatinc speed 1725 R.P.M. As a motor rated maximum H.P. 14. 1.56 cu . In per rev. dIsplacement. torque rated at 225 inch pounds at 1000 P .S .I . speed range up to 2430 R.P. M . 34" standard shaft with keyway ; "I." pipe thread inlet and outlet ports; Y. " pipe thread drain line. Ball bearing construction . Dimensions : 141'. " x 6 1.... x 8" . Wt.: 65 Ibs. All Berry units are instantaneously reversible. Any unit may be ocerated as a pump or motor without any alteration whatsoe""r. Since back-pressure is not a requirement for operation as either a pump or motoT. one source of heat (requently associated with hydraulics is eliminated . End casings are designed for high pressures to allow series operation of pumps or motors. The seIC-valving Interacting rotary pistons insure contihuous, smooth-positive flow . A column of liquid under pressure. directed at the rotary piston of the Berry fluid motor, positively forces rotation. even at lowest speeds. Use the Berry unit as a pump-motor-brake. All unIts are designed for overhtmg belt, chain or gear dri ves. . .. $5-9 .50 8 G.P.M. at 1200..a.I'.M.
" OILGEAR" PISTON TYPE HYDRAULIC PUMP OR MOTOR Oilgear Hydraulic Slow Speed Pump is a heavy duty reversible piston pump with the added feature of a 2.6 reduction gear when used as a motor. Ideal as a reversible slow speed pump suitable for PTO drive or for use as a truck hoist pump. ShaH size 3"," keyed. Inlet & outlet ports %". Pump rated 6 C.P.M. at 900 R.P.M. and 1000 P .S.I. As a Motor Rated 6 H.P. at 2000 P.S.I. Dimensions: Length 10", Height 8", Width 6", Shipping Weight 22 lbs , . $35 • 50 Item No. JW66, PrIce.......................................................
HYDRAULIC PUMP No. 2.9 KJ CEAR NO. 29KJ-Ideal in Industrial applications and for operating all hydra ulically powered farm imp le· mentR including loaders. stackers, Bwathers . pIow8. etc. This high pressure pump is built to extremely close tolerances and features semi-hardened gears, close grain Iron housing. built-in relief valve. permanent or torque bar mounting, 90% dense bronze s leeve bearing., hardened gear shafts ground to a high finish. Has <j4" pipe tap inlet, '1.,," pipe tap outlet. Shaft diam . 1" , length 2%" .
Pressure ........................ 1000 PSI Capacity .... 12 GPM - 400 RPM Speed Max .......... ........... 800 RPM Rotation ............... _......... Counter Clockwise Only Weight .................. ............ .. 22 lb •.
This hehral gear type pump is designed (or applications requirinc higher pressures or neater speeds. An extremely effiCIent sha rt seal recommends It for direct, cear or belt driVes. It has established a reputation (or efficient operation and dependability on implements, industrial tru~ks . tractor loaders. machine tools, construction machinery and for power steering .ystems. It is particularly suitable for front end drive direct (rom the engine be tractor or road machinery . FEATURES-Helical gears with contour speCIally selected (or quiet operation. Reversible rotation-Exceptionally compact dEsign: 5'1'. " high, 7 '1." lonlr, 5 '1." wide. Shipping weicht 18 pounds-Shaft design to accommodate various driving mediums -Deltvers 8 G .PM., as a pump, at 1000 P .S.I., using 6 H.P. : sDeed rance 1200 to 1800 R.P.M ., maximum speed 2200 R.P.M. Delivers up to 9 H .P .. as a motor, with 1.17 cu. in. per rev. displacement and a speed range of 700 to 2000 R.P.M . 3f." pipe thread Inlet and outlet ports, y." drain port, '/." , shaft with keyway and flat for direct or pulley drive-Extremely dense cast Iron and s!)ecially selected alloy steels combined {or durabihty-A minimum of movinc parts-Standard two-bolt magneto flalUle mounUnc. Also available with foot type mounting bracket. PUMP Complete PumD with I\f01unti~I!-"lr.~~::"'!m~r-::~ 17
HYDRAULICS Model HMSO Float Position Valve
HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE No. 126 with adjustable relief valve
USE To provide a float position on standard 4-way valves (Double - acting Cylinders) as used and required on snow plows, bulldozers, and similar equipment. Pressure Range .... 0 to 1000 P.S.1. Capacity ... .7 GPM @ 15 Ft.; Sec. All Openings ...... yz" Pipe Thread ITEM - HM50 ................. .$10.50
• • • • • •
Smootb. POlltlve. Eal, Control Fully Balaneed-Self Centerln~ .. MounUn .. Hole. on Bottom BuIU-ln-AdJultabl.-ltellel Valve Eal,. MounUn .. Hardened Spool Cap..,U, : 16 GP M Pres.ure Ranee : - 260 to 1600 PSI. Open Cente. Provides Un loadln~ or Pump Wben Handle Is In Neutral POlltlon .
SP-STANDARD & SPYT "POWER BEYOND VALVES" SP3·SP4 OPEN CENTRE· SPRING LOADED "BALL-HOLD" VALVE (For Single or Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinders) With check valves built into Model SP Valves, loads cannot be dropped as direction is changed - positive cylinder movement is always maintained, and no momentary reversal of the cylinder is possible as valve is operat.ed. Check valve assures "Positive Control." NOTE when ordering state whether double or single acting cylinders are to be used. Perfect for front end loaders, stackers, land levellers, dumps, soil movers and General Industrial Hydraulic Uses. Dimensions-*" Flow, Yz" Ports to cylinders, Capacity 20 GPM. Has built in relief valve adjustable to pressures from 250 PSI to 1500 PSI. Replaceable, hardened seat in relief valve assures long service and elimination of costly repairs or possible replacement of the whole valve. Valve is precision engineered and quality built to give outstanding and long lasting performance. "If more than a bank of three SP valves are required, they must
be preceeded in the system by a POWER BEYOND SPYT Valve. Write for additional information_
SP3-WAY & SP4-WAY VALVES Model SP- l Spool .......................................................................... $23.50 l\lodel SP- 2 Spool .......................................................................... $38.50 Model SP- 3 Spool .......................................................................... $53.50
POWER BEYOND VALVES Model SPYT-l Spool .................................................................... $26.00 Model SPYT-2 Spool ......................................................................$41.00 Model SPYT-3 Spool ....................................................................$56.00
HIGH CAPACITY WP VALVES 40GPM @ 20' Per SEC Model WP - 1 Spool ................................................................$46.50 Model WP - 2 Spool ................................ ..... ..... ........ $74.50
Relief Valve Differential type. Precision Built to give long and smooth performance. Valve can be used as a constant working valve or a Hydraulic system protecting valve. Adjustable from 500-1250 PSI. Flow, lh" Return. Item DR-7S Price each .. $10.50
HICH PRESSURE CLOBE VALVE NO. 380-Designed for 3000 P .S.I . aircraft hydraulic systems - 0/4'" pipe thread ports - aluminum alloy body-alloy steel shalt hardened bronze valve seat. Dimensions: W. 3~'" x H. 51h" x D. 2"'. Shipping Wt. l~ Ibs. $4.85
A 4 way hydraulic control designed to actuate one set of double acting cylinders. Fully balanced plunger type-for operating loaders. stackers. push-offs. dum!)s. soil movers. land levelers. trailing Implements. and general Industrial uses. Effortless to operate even at pressures of 1500 PSI. High pressures within the valve are always equalized or balanced therefore the unit never becomes pressure locked In any position. The self-centering or self-neutralizing feature means that when the control lever Is released. It automatically returns to a newtral or hold poSition . They can be used as sinele units or be mounted In series of any combinations desired . Only standard pipe nipples are required to make inter-connections. When Installed in multiples provide individual pressure relief to each cylinder or set of cylinders I.e. each valve has Its own Individual pressure relief control which is factory set at 1000 PSI. They offer bank valve features at very moderate cost. Openlne Dimensions: Inlet and outlet. 3~. pipe thread . Cylinder openinP. ~" pipe thread. Shipping welaht BY. Ibs. $17.50 ITEM 126
. ______ . _.. _..
. ._._ ._
ITEM NO_ 35V V ickers 2-way quick return v alve m a nually operated by push but ton on top of valve_ Ideal for use as a control v alve where a single acting cylinder is lowered by gravity_ When button is depressed, oil by-passes_ Suited for use in hydraulic circuits up to 1000 P .S.I. Push button is usually operated by a lever arrangement to give sufficient power to operate it. Strong spring provided for out travel of button. Uses %" pipe fittings_ EACH ___ .$3.95
. ___ ... ______ .. __ ._.
Item 226-Same as 126 exceot for use with single acting cylinder S17 _15O
~ ~,"",""'---'.;M
,... ..........--+-.:rl'-'" <21
"'0 ,...
PESCO MODEL N O. 39'7-D EQUALIZER VALVEUsed with two cylinders opera ting as one. as on bulldozers, hayloaders, manur e loaders, etc. Will prevent uneven movement d u e t o unbalance d load_ Has %" standard pipe thread_ --------------.$12.95
( Model VI6DD20B)
For operating one or two Double acting h ydraulic 'cylinders together or independently_ Built-in ad iustable pressure relief valves _ %" to 1,2" Flow with %" ports to cylinder s_ De.pth : 2ih" Height: 8"; Width: 7"_ Weight: 14lbs_ 50 Price __ ___ ___________________ _______________________ ________ ___________________________ ____ _
Q)CUSHION VALVE ITEM 50HY To eliminate or minimize shock, surge, and overload on Hydraulic Equipment. Such conditions may be minimized or eliminated by installing cushion valve between control valve and hydr aulic cylinders_ ¥2" ports_ $10.50
7 WAY OPEN CENTRE CONTROL VALVE ( w ith '12" Ports) This Hydraulic control valve is a precision prod u ct carefully d esign e d for ~lmost any work where Single and Double Acting Cyli nder s a r e req.Ulred . Ideal. f~r Front End Loader where you have Single acti n g cyhnders for liftIng Bucket and Double Acting Cylinders fo r tippin g Bucket. Can be used for all Agricultural and Industrial work. Has "Built-in" relief val ve which is set at 1000 PSI. ITEM No_ 700 PRICE EACH -.-----.--.- -----__ .___ _______ .______________ _.__ .____ -.----$26.75 (Capacity 15 GPM)
DYNAMIC RUB BE R "0" RINGS for use in either moving or non moving installations. Pressure strength up to 3000 P.S.I . No. ([)NO. m 00 Thickness Each m 00 Th ickness Each 16. 19 _ 21. 23 . 24 .
25. 27. 28 . 30 .
If;, 1% Pfl I' . 1;4
1'4 1% l lr.!
I l.
% % % % liS
.25 .25 _25 .26 _26 .26 .30 .30 .30
31. 32. 33. 37 . 38. 39 _ 41. 43_
2 2 liS 2% 2* 2Ys 3%
% % 1 ~8 h 3% 2'h 45 . h 3% Other sizes available on request.
1% 1*
3 3 liS 3\4 31,6 3* 4
i'. h i'. i'. ,.,. h ,.,.
_30 .30 .36 _4 0 .40 _40 .45 .60 _56
~ l[Lm5 ID
BRAND NEW WAR SURPLUS QUALITY HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS Item No. 42 - Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder. v bore 18" stroke, rated lift capacity 12560 lbs. with 1000 P.S.I. line pre~ure, l lh" d i~meter pi~ton rod, overall length closed 30%" particularly w ell ~ulted for lift trucks, bulldozers, hydraulic presses, and road machmer y. P orts %" standard pipe with 1" pin holes for mounting. Weight: 53 lbs. Each .... . . ...... -.-.. ........... $36. 75
Item No. IG-Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder. Ph" walls. Cylinder tested for 3000 P .S.I. Lifting capacity bore, 26" stroke. Overall length 35", extended length 61". 1760 lbs. in 2 seconds using 1000 P .S.!. Ports lh" standard Stainless steel piston rod, manganese aluminum cy lind er pipe. A $55.00 value. Each _______________,,_ $16.25
lIem No . 15 0 ub i e A cting H y dra u lic C ylinder. Equ i pped wi th adj u stable check d a mpe n e r valves, built in at both ends. 3" bor e , ay.' s troke. Overall length 21\-'2", overall w idth 6 '/2". Ext ended length 33". Stainless s teel pi ston shaft w ith ad j ustable Eye Bolt mounting. Manganese alloy cylinder. Will lift 7070 Ibs. in 4 .econds using 1000 P .S .I. w ith Logan Pump. Threaded fo r standard p ipe. $88.00 value. Each ....,,_ .. ,,_ ........ ,,""_. $19.50
Item No. I SW - Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder, 3'k" bore I " stroke. Steel alloy cylinder wall - 1 'k" .tainlesR . te<.1 piston rod. Overall length closed 25'h". C1evis mounting at base and shaft. Rated push 7669 Iba. @ 1000 PSI or 6675 lb. . pull @ 1000 PSI. Takes %" pipe fittings . Shipping weight 8 lbâ&#x20AC;˘ .
P rice .............................................................. $22.25
Item No. 503--Single acting 8%" stroke, bore 2lh", overall length 281/4", piston rod d iameter 2 1/16", %" standard pipe fittings. Lifting capacity 5411 lbs. at 1000 PSI. Sturdy pin type mounting. EACH _______ $12.75
Item No. 504-Single acting 8%" stroke, bore 2lh", overall length 25'14", piston rod diameter 21/ 16" stainless steel. %" standard pipe ports. Lifting capacity 5411 Ibs. at 1000 PSI. Sturdy pin type mounting. S PECIAL ____________________ $12.75
Item No. 17-Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder. 2%" bore, 7%" stroke. I lk" diameter piston rod, distance between holes of mounting 14%". Overall length 16", extended length 23". Ports %" standar d pipe. All steel cylinder wall and solid piston rod. Lifting ca pacity 4040 at 1000 P .S .1. Regular value $60.00. Each --..----.. $14.00
Item No. 501-Double acting 3%" bore, stroke 5", clevis mounting 1 %" stainless steel shaft. overall length 15". %" standard pipe ports, 1l,500 lbs. pressure at 1000 lb. PSI. EACH ---------$18.50
Item No. Double Acting ne Air craft Quality Hydraulic Cylinder. 2" bore, 5 ~" stroke, %" stainless steel shaft with 14 " pin holes. Overall length closed 14%", 13%." pin to pin. Clevis mounting a t base end of shaft. Will lift up to 3100 lbs. with 1000 PSI a pplied. Each ................................................. " ....................... $13. 75
,tem No. 505 - Double acting, 1%" bore, stroke 41fz", piston rod %". 1/4" tube ports. Overall length 16". Lifting capacity 1500 lbs. at 1000 PSI. P rice - - - - - - - - - - - - - . -.. - - -$7.25
Item No. 555Dou ble Acting Hydraulic Cylinder. 1 W' Bore. 4 1h " Stroke. 1 ~ " Piston Rod, stainless steel. 12" Overall length. 1767 lbs. P ush . 773 lbs. P ull. Side Pivot pin mount. P or ts %" Std. P ipe. Extra heavy duty cylinder t hat can be used for any hydraulic appli cation calling for this size cyl., at an exceptionally low price. Special .............. _................ _............$8.75
Item No_ 4 - Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder I" bore, 3" stroke. For small hydraulic applications, such as door openers, control units, etc. Capacity 700 lbs. Uses 1/4" tubing fittings. Overall length 12", piston rod diameter %". Steel barrel, manganese aluminum caps, adjustable bushings. Each - ----.. _____________ .. -.---$6.45
Farm Implement "Depth Control Cylinder"
Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder
ITEr.! 802 - A powerful cylinder by M asseyHarri •. de\'elolls both pu!"hing and pulling action. Will push 8,100 lb.. with a 1.000 PSI pump pressure. 0.0. Cylinder 3:t~·· 'w ith 6 1 :.!" stroke standard h eavy duty clevises on both ends. Standard 'J" pil'" thread openinS!s. Excellent (or raising or lo \\enng imp lements. hydraulic presses, etc . Weh, ht 17 Ibs. Special (Le.s than ' ... Price) $14.95
Hydraulic Tank
58 -
The Stroke Contro l Va lve in the Rod End CaP is act uated by t he Collar clamped on the piston rod. that cnn be set lo any decided depth by means of a thumb screw . Cylind er is available in either 3" or 3'./' Bore. Either Cy li nder has I'." sh a ft, 20~8" centre to centre m ounting pin. 1" Mounting pins. Cylincier will fit all Agricultural Implement s. Item No. 30438-3" Bore 8" Stroke. Will lift 9,111 Lb •. a t 1500 PSI. Will push 10.602 Lbs. at 1500 PSL
Price Each ..
Item No. 35438 3 ~'.!" Bore - 8" troke. Will lift 12.930 Ibs. at 1.500 P I. Will push 14,4 21 Ibs. a t 1500 P S I.
Price Each ....... .. .. $43.50
Oil Reservoir Assembly Dual purpose pedestal type tank, eas ily bolted to tractor platfoJ'm with foul' bolts s uppli ed. Control valve may be mounted on s pecia l va lve platform illustrated . onstructed of heavy gauge steel, welded at seams. $9.50 Mounting plate ................ $1.40
r"fl W
New Double Acting Cylinder
Single Acting Hydraulic rAI Cylinder
Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder
hydraulic cylinder, 1 %" bore 20" stroke, 1 1h" shaft. %. " pin holes, ~" ports. 30" overall le ngth retracted, 50" overall length ex ten d e d. Will push 2,000 Ibs. at 1,000 PSI. Can be used for s m a I 1 front e nd loaders, tail gates, etc. Special, Each ........ .. $12.75
acting hydraulic cylinder, I1h" bore, 8" stroke, piston rod. ~" ports, will lift 1,760 Ibs. at 1,000 PSI. 0 vel' a 11 lengt h retracted 16 ~"; overall length extended 24 ~ ". Ideal for Power Steering, etc. Price Each, Only ...... $9.50
ITEM NO. 6 '3' '5' ITEM No. l..!U 3" Bore, 22" L!J Single ITEM No. 803 l2.J 804 Double Stroke; the perfect acting
Hydraulic Cylinder for Hay Loa deI' s, Manure Loa deI' s, Dump Truck, etc. 1 ~" Pis ton !1 0 d, mount Pin holes, 33" overall length, 3F':! " pin to pin. 1h" pipe thread port. Will lift 7,06 lbs. at 1.000 lb. pressure. Regular Price $45 .00 Special ....... $29.50
Fuel Strainer
Perm a n e n t type sc reen mesh Cartridge. Will prote t your Hydraulic System: Easy to clean. Standard %. " pipe thread . Wi ll work satlsfactorily in Oil, Gas, Fuel Oil 01' even in water.
Hydraulic Pressure Gauge
Hydraulic Pressure Gauge
'4"' ITEM No. 408 '5' ITEM No. 36 L.!.J _ Ran g e l2.J BRAN D NEW
o - 1,000 PSI. - Id e a 1 for Black cast iron high pressure hycase with 6" dia. draulic sys tems, adrear m 0 un tin g justlng p I' e s s ur e , relief valves, etc. flange. Bottom connection ~"pipe Range 0 to 2000, PSI. thread. Bus h e d Black plastic case m 0 v e men t for 2 %" square, 1 %." Assembly com plete with con· gl'eater accuracy. deep. Black instru12" x 13 1 2 " . trol va lve mounting bracket, Black numerals on ment face with white ShippIng low pressure tank to pump white face. 20 lb. poInter and numerweight 13 lbs. suction hose, hose fittings and increments, within a ls. (Uses ~" tubing <'lamps, tank filter, and ] 00 lb. dIvIsions. fit tin g s) . Worth NOW AT Item No. 72. Shipping wt., 3 Ibs. many times this low mounting bolts. ompleteTHIS LOW only .......................... $17.75 SpeCial ...... $4.75 Price ............ $6.95 prIce of .......... $3.95 PRICE. $9.50 PROMPT RESPONSE WILL BE GIVEN ON ITEMS OTHER THAN LISTED IN THIS CATALOGUE. 21 WRITE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS
BRAND NEW - Has pIpe t hI' ea d connections, 3 gal. capacity with oil breather cap, 1" x
HYDRAULICS Ready Made Hydrauli( Hose
Outstanding Values In New Surplu Hydraulic Hose FRESH STOCK Diameter Size
We have purchased a large Ma nufacturer's stock of Standard high pressure hydra ulic hose in lengths and sizes as lis ted right. Fresh Stock with standard pipe fittings
'h" 'h" 'h" 'h "
I tem No. 6000 "QUICK COUPLER" For application where Recoupling under pressure predominates. Can a lso be used as a "directional" valve. Ca nnot be used as a Break - awayclamp . Available in sizes %" and 'h". Price each ....$3.25
ITEM No. 5002 "Two - In One"
BREAK A WAY CLAMP Heavy duty steel coupler to fit both No. 4000 and No, 5000 Break-Away Couplers. Price Each
Repair broken hydraulic hose - no reason to lose time if a hose should break. Repair it on the spot in just a few minutes . No special tools required . For one or two wire braid hose .
%" Each 51.40 'h" Each 51.65
BULK HYDRAUUC HOSE. WlRE B RA ID HYDRAULIC PRESSURE HOSE . Flexible under abnormal presBure. High resistance to twist. Availa ble in lengths up to 50 f t. ONE WlRE BRAID HOSE %" 1.0. 25 / 32" O . O . W . P . 2,000 PSI. Per ft ...... .............. • 63 ONE WlRE BRAID HOSE 1/," 1.0. 29 / 32" O. O . W . P . 1750 PSI. Per ft . ... - ......... ......• 75 HEA VY DUTY TWO BRAID HOSE 'h u 1.0 . for extra long life Per ft . .................... • 89
READY MADE HYDRA UUC HOSE LENGTHS First quality. constructed of wire braided. reinforced rubber. ideal for all hydraulic pressure systems. Made up Into convenient lengths. both ends fitted with fixed male pipe thread hose connecUons.
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 16
1 2 3 4 5
DIAM ETER foot ........ S 2.25 feet ........ 2.75 feet ... _... 3.70 feet ........ 4.25 feet ........ 5.05 feet ... _... 5. 75 feet ........ 7.00 feet .. _.... _ 8.45 feet ........ 9.75 feet ........ 10.35 feet .. _..... 11.25 f"" t ........ 12.75
8 10 12 13 14 16
foot feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet
... - ...S 2.70 ........ 3. 411 ........ 4,30 ... _... 5.05 ........ 5.80 ........ 6.55 .... _... 8.10 ........ 9.80 ... _... 11.35 ........ 12.15 ... _... 12.95 ....... . 15.15
%" E ac h 52.25
MALE X FEMALE %" Sw. Female N.P.S , x %" Male ...... $ %" Sw, Female N.P,S. x %" Male .... .. %" Sw. Female N .P.S. x %" Male .... .. '/2 " Sw, Female N.P.S , x %" Male .... .. %" Sw, Female N .P .S. x '12" Male .. .. %" Sw. Female N .P .S. x %" Male_.. __ . FEMALE X FEMALE 972 %" Sw. Female N.P.S ,x % " Female $ 973 %" Sw. Female N ,P .S . x %" Female .. 974 %:' Sw. Female N ,P .S .x % " Female ..
.48 . 60 . 60 .60 .75 .75
57. 0
2 .0 2.5 3.3 3 .7 S 0.5 57.6
Spline rp l2J Shaft Adapter Heavy all steel con· struction, Splined on one end with key way on the other, Available In standard 1%" size or can M supplied In 1',8". State size of PTO. also make and model of tractor. Special Price ... $5.50 Size 1%" .... $7.75
STRAIGHT ADAPTER UNION 962 958 942 963 944 964
10 tt. (wire) 7 n. (wire) 11" 22" 34" 43" 14 tt. (2 wire) 5 ft. (2 wire)
:)8" :li;"
Speol Prlc
Lengt h
ea. ea. ea. ea. ea, ea.
Clamp type reusable coupling for wire braided hydraulic hose-were designed for emergency, field repair service and original eq u ipment application. They can be attached in the field without vise.
.48 ea. . 60 ea. .78 ea,
%" ..... 95
!h" .... $1.25
*" __
LOW PRESSURE HYDRAULIC HOSE For pick-up and return lines, 1" Diameter. Special per foot .....-.. . 95
No. 4000 Coupler with No. 5001 Break-Away Clamp No , 4000. 'h " %" Coupler .. .. 54.95 (Less breakaway clamp)
This Coupler is fast and easy opera ting, light weight for convenient h andling. and made of the finest m aterials with all working parts h ardened {or more durability . Equipped with the finest steel balicheck. for positive seal. maximum flow, and long life. May be used as a " break-away coupler" when Installed in our Break-away Clamp .
• Fully Guaranteed. Cadmium Plated. For No . 5001 Brea k-a-way Extra, 'h", %"
No, 4000. %" Coupler ......... -.$6.95
Clamp .............. $0.55
Model 5000 Coupler- same construction a8 our 4000 except that screw-type on one end 8 0 that coupler may be coupled under pressure , EACH .............. ..
Vs", Yo"
Ma le Tip ........ $1.50
or ~" Hose
Extra %," Male Tip ......... ·$2.10
No. 5005 DUST PLUG Complete with Chain and Lock Ring .. $0.75
We now have for Immediate delivery the most complete line of hydraulic cylinders In Canada . These heavy duty cylinders are available at low cost and a re fully guaranteed by one of the largest hydraulic manufacturers In the country. These cylinders ore In use on onglnal equipment such as dump hOISts, frontend loaders, plow controls, bulldozers, presses , etc .
Extra Heavy Dutl for Pressure up t03 .000P .S.I. 'I. ' Wall Heavy Duty Tubing 0 the Best Quality Available for Hydraulic Application Double Acting . (Can be used a s Single Acting). Steel Ends With " 0 " Ring Seals. No Tie Rods to Hinder Installation and Less Parts to Cause Trouble .
Designed for Rough Usage, Trouble Free Operat ion . All Steel Top End , Shaft End a nd Piston . Ground and Polished High Tensile Stee l Ra m . Unconditional ly Guara n teed Aga inst Mechan ica l Defects a nd Workmanship . Dry Seal Pipe Thread Po rts in To p and Bottom . or Farm Implement s, T ruck Hoists, Fro n t End Loaders, Wagons, Presses, and all Pushing and Pulling Operations .
Pus h Pounds 1000 P .S .I.
Pull Pounds 1000 P .S .I.
Stock No.
Dlam . Piston Shaft
2508 2512 2516 2520 2524 2532
8" 12" 16" 20" 24" 32"
I V." IV." 1V4' IV." IV." IV."
16" 20" 24" 28" 32" 40"
24" 32" 40" 48" 56" 72"
%" %" %" %" %" %"
4908 4908 4908 4908 4908 4908
3681 3681 3681 3681 3681 3681
$24.41 28.45 32.48 36.53 42.76 48.64
3~" 3~" 3~" 3~" 3~" 3~" 3~" 3~"
3508 3512 3516 3520 3524 3532 3540 3548
8" 12" 16" 20" 24" 32" 40" 48"
1¥.!" 1¥.!"
16" 20" 24" 28" 32" 40" 48" 56"
24" 32" 40" 48" 56" 72" 88" 104"
1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"
9620 9620 9620 9620 9620 9620 9620 9620
7850 7850 7850 7850 7850 7850 7850 7850
33.82 39.55 45.26 50.97 56.67 68.07 79.48 88.92
4008 4012 4016 4020 4024 4032 4040 4048
8" 12" 16" 20" 24" 32" 40" 48"
17" 21" 25" 29" 33" 41" 49" 57"
25" 33" 41" 49" 57" 73" 89" 105"
I V. " 1V4" 1V4" 1V4' 1V4' IV4'
12566 12566 12566 12566 12566 12566 12566 12566
9425 9425 9425 9425 9425 9425 9425 9425
42.08 48.80 55.53 62.27 69.00 82.46 95.93 109.40
CyJ. Bcre 2~"
21.2" 2'h" 2'h" 21,l,"
4" 4"
4" 4"
4" 4" .4"
11h" 11h" 11h" 11h"
1¥.!" 11h"
2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"
Centre to Centre Retracted - Extended
1%" I V4'
DOUBLE ACTING CYLINDERS Excellent for shop p resses, Bu ll doze r s, T ruck Hoists, or on any application whe re a la rge cylinde r is required. Stock No.
Shaft Size
801 2 6018 6024
Push Ibs.
Pull Ibs.
@ 1000 PSI
25 133
25 133
25 133
@ 1000 PS I
2" Write for sizes not listed .
EXTRA HEAVY DUTY FARM HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS Built to :>.A. E. ~t.ndards for Farm Implements. Double·acting. or (Single-acting if requested) . Will operate to pr.ssure of 3000 P . . 1. Steel Clev is Ends ha ving strength to 74,000 P.ll.! . The,e Cy lin de rs can be u.ed on Alli.·Chalrners hi gh press ure system Cyl. Borp
2}2" 2}2" 3}2" 31.'1" __3}2" 4" 4"
Stock No.
2508A 2510A 3508A 35lOA 3516A 4008,\ 4010A ------;wJ.6A
8" 10" 8" 10" 16" 8" 10"
Diam. Piston Shaft
Centre to Centre Retracted - Exten ded
Pin Holes
28 %/1
30 V " 28 ;l-s"
1" 1"
20%" 20%" 134" 20%" 134" 20J,. " 134-"- - 313 8" 1 1 2" 20 1L " 1 ~/2" 20%" 1}2" 31 ~8"
30 ~ !i"
47 %" 28 %" 30%" 47%"
1" 134" 134/1
Push Paun d s 1000 P .S.I .
Pull Poun d s 1000 P .S .I.
4909 4909 9620 9620 9620 12566 12566 12566
4124 4124 7850 7850 7850 9425 9425 9425
$ 23.56 24.41 32.08 3 4 .95 43.65 42.08 45.44 55.54
"Condition -Aire" VENTILATING FAN We are proud 01 its sturdy el1icient design and proud 01 the low, direct·to·you price at which we sell. And what a job it does . . . it's almost unbelievable. For example we'll guarant e the 20·in . model to cool down an entire big 6 room house in 30 minute or le so that the entire lamily can leep in re· laxed comlort! It's a lmost li ke magic! Removes hot. stuffy indoor air . quickly and quietly! Cools your entire house, creates a con tant How of cool refre hing air throu gh every room. I deal for garages, restaurant ,tavern odors fa t at low cost.
and stores . . . removes
Perfect for all farm buildings in the winter too! Especially for dairy and chicken buildings. Keeps your tack dry and comfort· able . . . helps to increase production. Keep stored feed in better condition . . . reduces rust and timber rot. Heavy welded steel frame with pre-drilled mounting holes. Just cut out opening and bolt in place. Equipped with continuous duty, slow speed electric motor. Can be operated manually ... whenever you want cooli n g, just plug it in; or for automatic control make simple hookup to a thermostat or time switch. EASY TO I NSTALL There's nolhing to in stallin g this f an. It was designed to be lJUt int.o operation quickly and ea s ily! Fu ll install ing instructions are included with f"very fan. F or permanent installation. merely make a sIm p le f ra me of 2x4 lumber and bolt or screw f an frame in p lace. For a Quick home insta ll ation. set fan in attic window and fasten to jambs wth wood screws.
Featu ring: 20" blade - 4530 CFM - 21" x 21" opening Weight 42 Ibs. Equipped with General Electric or Westinghouse 110 volt AC enclosed explosion proof motor Life·time sealed ball bearings- Regular Value $68.00. ONLy ...................................................................
Weath erproof T ie Rad ShuHer available at $18.50
HEA TINC AND VENTILA TINC FANS Buy Direct and Save One of your rooms hard to heat? ... then just install one of these fans in your furnace pipe, connect to any 110-120 volt electric wir~ and your room will be as warm as toast. Cuts your fl'el bill too ! ... gets more heat at lower furnace temperature. Also c:ui be installed as a ventilating exhaust fan in kitchen , removes all cooking odors and smoke in a jiffy! Smooth, quiet-running fan moves huge volume of air (400 to 600 eLm .). Powerful, continuous duty motor operates on 110-120 volts A.C. Complete in section of pipe as shown .
• Eas y to h eat s tubb o r n c old ro o m s • Forced wa rm air c irc ul a tio n do es i t • B e comforta ble, y et, sa ve on fu e l
Heavy Duty 12-in . Size . Larger fully encased motor. Ideal to use as exhaust {an In restaurants. spray booths. poultry houses . etc. 12-in. duct size. to-in. fan blades. ClOd. Shippmg wt. 12 Ibs. SpeCial Factory Price • Heavy Duty 10-in . Size. Fully encased motor. CWe . F,ts 10-10. pipe. 8-in. {an blade. Wl. 11 Ibs. •
F it 8-in. pIpe, 6-in. fan blade. Wt. 5 lbs.
... S 9.85
C IOa. F it 9-in. pipe. 8-in . fan blade. Wl. 6 lbs.
CIOb. Fit 10-in . pipe, 8-in. f<tn blade. Wt. 7 lbs..
CIOc . Fit 12-in . pipe. 10-in. fan blade.
8 lbs.
Barn Fa n Th ermostat. 20 to 65 degree range. Can be set to operate at any desired temperature within the above range. Takes all the guess work out of ventilating your buildings. Just set
Ibs . .......................... $9.95
FARM BUILDING TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR HEATING OR VENTILATING APPLICATION The Penn Type SI8XB (s,ngle-pole , double throw ) form bu dd,ng air tem o perolure control IS des'gned for eIther controlling automatic ven tila tion or heating In livestock barns l
No. CS77 Price
$18.95 24
poultry houses , mdk houses , brooder houses and other form budd,ngs . The 30 ' F. 10 120' F. temperature range perm,ts use for any appl,ca' tlOn . Close d,lfcrent,al of 2' to 3' F. assures even temoerotures . Mox Motor Rat,ng IISV 230V A.C . Full load omperes
17.4 15.1
$15 95 $1495
Attic Fan Thermostat for the Home . Has a range of 50, to 90 degrees. Will make your fan cam· pletely automatic . . . just set it and forget it! Will shut off or turn on fan when temperature is
2 lbs. ............
Rimset Room Thermostat The Rimset Thermostat is Q precision l low vo ltage temperature regulating instrument designed for accurate control of heating, cooling or combination year round air con· ditioning systems. Electrical rating max. vo ltage 30Y A.C., 2 Amps. max ., thermo· meter rang .. 50 ' to 90 " F. Operating Differentials : Heat -+- V, ' F. adiustable by the a nticipating heater . Cool, 2 ° F. Min.
$14.85 $17 .50 $34.00
LOWEST PRICES All Generators (less pulley) shown on this page, can be used with accessories listed on Page26)
ITEM S-l _ 1110 amps .. 30 "oIts D ... u~in~ up to 20 H.P. 3700 '7200 I'.P:\I Hotation counter-clockwise. ~pl ine shaft. Dimensions: '"" 10n~ x j'," dE-ep. hipping weight 75 lbs . . .............. $55.00
Type R-J Generator- When connected as a welder. this unit shoule! operate between 3750 and 4100 RPM and will deliver 300 amps for a sustained penoe!: will operate at 400 amps for intl'rmittent duty This genel'ator is excellent for constructing an mexp nsive high output portable welder.
_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Raled 300 amp •. 30 volts. D,menRP 111 Amps Volts HP. Reqll1rec1 SlOns 15' " L . x 6·' W X 8'," H Ac" . cost $380. Shpg. WI. 57 Ibs 28 7 3750 150 3850 -200 28 9 12 250 3950 28 300-28 H 4100 Snme Generator With Coolllu: Fan 18 400 28 4500
$38. 50 $41.50
BRAND NEW P1 WESTlNGHOUSE GENERATOR (in original Govt. vacuum
n Welder.
Item No.
300.00 Value. Special Each ....
containers) Excellent Generator for building
21)11 Amps. ~4-IO Volts. f"om 2~00·2500 R. P . M.
. .................
Item No. 605
Brnnd New 2, '~-~2 Volt nc 60 Amps. 2400 R . P .M . with Built-in Cooli ng fan. Roliltion counter clock.wise. E:xcellent for Lhtht Plants and Boats, etc. ( M:lnufactured by Bendb'). Price Each ... A Real Buy $23.50
Extra heayy duty, manufactured by G.E. Rbally a handy generator as it delivers a lower amperage at less speed. Rotation countel'-clockwi e. at 2500 RPM. Brand new. ITEM NO. 606-A REAL BUY ................................................$19.50
~2/~04 DUAL VOLTACE CENERATOR ThiS .:rnerator I~ the same type a:-. our P-l Gcneralor--de£'u:ned Cor 200 ~ mps <."OntInUOll!" weldmg. up to 250 amp:, for Int rmlUl'nt du.ly . Thi S generalor w,lI ,,1'0 p,oducc 110 volt AC_OO cycle. and 2010 watt,-scll excited Will l3liJly operate your lights. hot plate. electriC fan or Ifon. and all heating element-.. wllhm Its capacl1y that now operate on 60 cycle. It Will not run p]ectnc motor ... MAKE OF GENERATOR-Bendix . VOLT5-24-40 volts WEIGHT-47 Ibs . SPECIALLY PRICED SPEED- 3600 to 4100 RPM . WITH COOLING FAN ROTATION-Counter Clockw,se. $32.50 AND SHROUD
DELCO-REMY STARTING MOTORS SPE 'IAL OFFERIl\"G - Brand l\"ew Genuine Delco-Remy Starting Motors - Assembly Delco·Remy - 110 734-. APPLICATION: Fits Models 4-71 and 6-71 12-Volt system Rotation CW. ITEM NO. 602 ...... Gov't Acquisition Cost ................................. $325.00 Offered to you at ........................................................................$68.00 REDUCTION GEAR TYPE AIRCRAFT STARTING MOTOR Powerful Hi-Torque. Precision Built Units to operate on 6-12-24 volt storaKe batteries. BUILU YOUR OWN golf carts. wagon un Ioadenol, chilulen's auto~ winehes, door openers, dumb wailers, winches. Specifications: Precision ball bear-inKK and
Speed con-
""liable vul1ave varialion. ~ PTO .haft. "atio 150-1 a"d 170-1. Wei"ht "1'111"0'. :11 lb •. Cov't Co.t $245.00. Item NIlI!.
S"I. P,ice
New 12·Volt Solenoid ~~·w
I.:! Volt hpfI\')' dut)
);."1'011"1 Aircraft Qualit) SllItahlt' for truck .. , cars, h~ht 1,laol. rtc. No.·Sol·12 52.50
Build Your Own 12 Volt Plant Build your own 12 Volt charging I:ghtinl( plant. Brand new 12 Volt 50 Amp. !200 R.P.M. Made by Bendix. Supplied with pulley. Ammeter and Cutout. and Face Bracket. ITEM No. 607. Complete ............. _...............$22.50
12·Volt Cutout
100 AMP. SWITCH NO. SCH - 100 Aircraft quality. ran he u,.<I On nil voltage up to 60 volt... I fleal h' U mnlll :;\\ Ilth or a!-\ HII In-belwren brt'u kt'r.
A $000 \'all1e
50 \111\1 .• 12 l'olL ,mcrnrt qunilt) "[1IUl'. O~ L \
uL·out 15.00
BUILD YOUR OWN WELDER AND SAVE 1. Famous P·1 Generator . . . mos t popular Air raft Type Generator used for welding purposes, and is highly recommended. Features low s peed, 2500 R.P.M., continuous welding at 200 amps (25 amps intermitt nt duty) . Has lifetime grease sealed bearings-voltage 24·40 volts, no rewinding necessary. Wiring diagram included with each generator. Government cost $300.00. Practically new . Complete with built·in cooling fan ................... $34.50 Less cooling fan ...................................................... 31 .50 2. Drive Shaft Bearings. Self centering ........ each 4 .50 3. Bearing Block Mounts. Made of special cas t aluminum ............................................................ each 1 .25 4. Flat Pulley. 4 %" diameter, %0 " bore, 3/ 16" key. 4 %" fa ce ............................................................... "'" 5 .75 5. Triple "V" Pulley. 3" diameter, %0" bore. -A,, " key. cast iron ............................................................ each 6.50 6. Copper Clip. 200 ampere ................................ each 1.25 7. Cable. Heavy duty. 200 ampere ............ per foot .45 7 a Cable. Extra Heavy Duty, 400 Amp .
~13t: I
i~ ~
east iron rods 10·lb. package V. or S/32 per package . $3 .60
per foot
8. We lding Helmet. Made of special fibre for comp lete protection ........................................ each 9. Solid Coupling. One side splined for air craft generator P·1 and R·] ; other %0" end round , i\;" key ........... .....................................................each 10. Rheostat for use with p.! generator. Will control power up to 250 amps. Includes dial control ...... ................. .................................... ....... each 11. R heostat, heavy duty, for use with p . } and R·1 Generator. Will control power up to 400 amps. Includes dial control ........................................ each 11 a Rh ~os t:\t Extra Heavy Duty fo r PI , RI . !oil genernto rs t o contro l power up t o 400 ami)..
eac h
12. Work Clamp. A "must" for welding. Locks to work, leaves hands free for welding. Ideal for all types material ............................. ...............each 13. Wire Brush. 15" long. For cleaning flux , each 14. Drive Shaft. Hard steel with key way cut. %0" diameter .............................................................. each 15. E lectrode Holder. 300 amps heavy duty profes· sional type $10.00 value only ................ each 16. Doub le "V" Pulley. 4%" diameter, %0" bore, -A" key, cast iron ...... ...................................... each 17. H.D. 200·amp Ground Clamp ........................each 17a 11.0. 300 :tlllP Gm un" ('11111IP t'fic il
. 70
4.95 2.95 7.75 8.75 11 . 96
4.95 .59 1 .25 6 . 75 5 . 75 3 .95 6 . 95
18. Cable Connectors - fOI' use with extension cables and reversing pola-rity on the welder ................................. .. ............................... each 2 .20 19. Heavy Duty Flip Type Helmet - Heavy Duty helmet, that permits Operator to observe work without raising entire helmet. Has fibre chin rest and ratchet headgear............................. each 7.75 20. Reactor Coil - When used in an electric welder, coil acts as an arc stabilizer, prevents undesireable current surges, increases welding efficiency. Constructed of insulated olid cop· per wire wound around soft iron core. Easy to install, wiring instructions supplied. Model 200 Amp .................................................... $15.95 Model 300 Amp ............... .................................... $17. 50 Model 400 Amo ............... .................................... $19.50 21 . Welding E lectrodes - Suitable for farm 01' general purpose use with A.C. or D. . Welders . 14; n7'! ; ."0 ; ~"'I ; Vs; :i\J. No. E-6013 Rods.. Up to 50 Ibs - per lb. ........................................ .30 50 to 99 Ibs. - per lb. ........................................ .25 100 Ibs. or more - per lb. ................................ .22
NEW 400 AMP. D.C. ARC WELDER Tackle Any Job With Confidence When the job is really tough you can rely on .this rugged performer! Tops in Power . .. Strength . .. Versatility I Tackle any welding job and do it Better . . . Quicker . . . Easier! NEW in Design thIs Exclusive PRINCESS Industrial Type Welder offers those added features that are only found In hIgher priced units on the market today. Buy with confidence at a fraction of the cost. • ACCESSORIES 2 - 15' cables, Heavy Duty ground • General Electric 400 amp . continuous duty generator lIfe tIme sealed ball bearings built in 7 " clamp, electrode holder, 10 Ibs. of rods, instruc t ion 5 bloded cooling fan . book, flip type helmet with fibre chin rest and rat• Cast iron mounting base with 4 drilled foot mountchet headgear to enable operator to observe work Ing brackets. without raising e nt ire helmet. • SolId cast Iron front housing with 2 SKF deep • ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN . grooved sealed ball bearings and 4 groove 3 Y2" V • Guaranteed to handle any welding rod from 1/ 16 pulley with 1 Ye" drive shaft . 5 / 16 . • Equipped with built in stabilizer and also Heavy • Speed range from 3500 - 4100 RPM and can be Duty reactor cad to make arc easy to st rike and driven with tractor, jeep, or any engine of 20H .P. hold . or more. • Extra terminal provIded for light welding , brazing, and soldering . -
Complete unit mount~d on heavy steel base combines the Exclusive Princess No. 400 IndustrIal Type we lder with a rugged VE4 21 H .P. Wisconsin engine complete wIth gas tank, air cleaner and precision mechanIcal governor to ho ld engine speed constant. Guaranteed to hand le all welding rods from 1/ 16 - 5 / 16 . A lso supp lied are 2 - 15 ' cables, heavy duty ground clamp, Electrode Ho lder, 10 Ibs. welding rod, instruction book, f lip type helmet with fIbre chin rest and ratchet headgear. NOW-Take The Welder To The Job . . . Not The Job To The Welder Shipping weight approximately 625 Ibs.
Designed for many years of trouble-free service for a ny welding job, light or heavy . Will handle anything from light gauge sheet meta~ to 1h ill. plate. This precision-engineered Direct Current ELECTRIC ARC WELDER can be mounted permanently or easily transported for portable use. Does the job instantly, where or when you need it! Stop costly repair bills with the New Princess "252" ARC WELDER. Features low speed Stationary or portable 200 amps, continuous rating. 250 amps, intermittent rating 24-40 Volt D.C. 2.000 to 2,500 R.P.M., adaptable to all makes and models of tractors or engines enabling use of proper pullevsize. Light wei~ht : over-sized lifet.ime grease-sealed ball bearings; air cooled commutator. The new dial type rheostat for pin point control designed especially for the "252" . 10 H .P. or more required. Tractor drive ideal. Complete w ith mask, flat or V -belt pulley, 2 - 10 ' cables, 10 lbs. rods, extra heavy 300 amp. holder, INSTRUCTION BOOK. Ready to operate. Guaranteed to handle any type and size of job on farm! No other welder has all these exclusive features, even at twice the price. $300.00 value. 'Recelved _, Arc Welder and ore very pleased with some. S",e Is 0 wonderful piece of machinery.
G.R.V. Mistatlrn, Salk.
That welder has well paid for itself. I have never experienced any trouble at all. F.H. Alberta Beach, Alto.
$25.00 Princess Special WELDER Time Payment Plan
Now everyone can afford to purchase the New Princess "252" Arc Welder with our new tim e payment plan. Only $25 (freight ex tra ) delivers the welder to your station. Here's how it works:
This portable weld.r has more than prov ...
ed itself in time and money saved, being able to make on the spot repa irs. H . H. Canterbury, H . B.
Miller Model M·180P AC Utility Type Arc Welder A PRACTICAL AND INEXPENSIVE WELDER FOR GARAGES, FARMS, FILLING STATIONS, HOBBY SHOPS-FOR ALL GENERAL REPAIR WORK . COMES COMPLETE WITH 1-6' Power Cord Plug and Receptacle 2-HY Cables, wth Electrode Holder and Ground Clamp 2-Jack Plugs 1-Welding Helmet 5-Lbs Assorted Welding Rods. 1-1 nstruction Book.
Hig h g rade St urdy co mpact con struction . Mova ble shunt de8ign with 8n accura te a mpe rage ind icato r o n t he pane l records t he corl'eet curr~nt setting for e a ch weldin g job. T wo weld ing current ran ges. T he H Igh rAn ge provides ample norm a l open circui t voltage for average e lectrode sizes . The Low Ran ge i8 ava ila ble for u se w ith t he s m a lle r s ize electrodes- the exact volta ge a nd current requ ired fo r each j ob. POWER FACTOR CORRECTED-NEMA RATED ( MEETS R.E.A . SPEC. ) Model Weldin" Current Primary Primary Amp. Sin Volts Weld in" Rod M-180P 20-1 80 230 37 I. - j,w DimenBion o---Hel g ht 17" - W idth 12"," - Depth 20 1h " . Shipping Welg ht- 182 lb• . Prl"" Special ................................................................. _... ·._ .... ·_ ... ·· ....$236.50
I purcha s. d 0 W e ld. i n September. I 0 happy with its oper ation . Please sen m e 100 Ibs. a sso rteweld ing rod s.
J .P. Blue River, B.C.
Shipping Weight
125 Lbs.
$149. 00 PRINCESS Model "352"
ARC WELDER HEAVY DUTY RANeE TO 300 AMP. If you would like a big capacity. rugged
hea v yweight champ of a welder at'" flyweight price .. . don't shrug it off as a dream . .. but simply join thousands of Princess customers who are getting terrific performance and making and saving big money with their Welders! Here is really a portable. self-powered Indus trial type welder that is easy to run and make strong dense welds even in the hands of beginners! Welding unit easily handles anything up to 2-ln . plate u sing from 1/ 16 to V.-in. rods. Welder complete with built-in stabilizer . . . simplifies welding jobs from 30 to 300 amps .
CAN BE MOUNTED PERMANENTLY OR EASIL Y TRANSPORTED FOR PORTABLE USE This welder is avawable on the Budget Plan . Pay only $25 .00 downbalance, plus small carrying charge, payable in 12 monthly payments.
Item No. P-300
Ideal for on the spot repair work. General Electric generntor . 24-40 volt . with large life-time sealed bearings. It is complete with cooling fan . heavy duty rh"ostat . sturdy piJIow block bearing drive. and has a 3" triple "V" belt cast iron pulley for trouble free operation . Operates at from 3500 to 4500 RPM. Exactly as illustrated with 2 ten foot cables. holder. mask. latest welding instruction book. 10 Ibs. of rods-an ready to operate. TrC'ctor drive ideal with 12 H .P . or more to drive it. Sold on a ten day trial basis. and one year mechanical guarantee. A real buy!
INDUSTRiAl TYPE D. t ARC WELDER Compare with Welders Selling at
$1 ,200.00
(Range - 30 - 300 Amp.)
If you would like a B ig Capacity R ugged, H eavy weight c hamp of a Weld er at a flyweight price . . . don't
shrug it off as a d ream ... bu t simpl y join the hundreds of Prin cess Customers who are getting Terrific performance and ma ki ng a nd saving Big mon ey with th eir PRIN CESS "300" PORTABLE ARC WELDERS. Here is really a portabl e self po wer ed Indu s tri a l typ e welder that is easy to operate and makes strong dense welds even in the h a nd s of beginne rs; W elding Unit easily handles anything up to 2" plate using from -Ar" to lA" rods. R ugged VE4 W iscons in 21 H .P . Gas Engine, 4 Cylinder, air-cooled, 4 cycle. Special preCision mechanical governor holds e ngine s peed con s ta nt. Comes comp lete with 3 groo ve V Belt pull ey. Supplied with 2-15' cables with Heavy Duty ground clamp and electrode ho lder, H e lme t, a nd Ins truction Book.
Brand New!
Here's the most wanted double acting hoist today . . . 10 ton capacity powerful, rugged , ready-to-go . Designed and engineered to el iminate all known weaknesses in truck ho ist construction and to give performance you can count on every time. Th is brand new Norco Two Way provides pos itlve push and pull action and also complete load control load can be atopped in any position then ra ised or lawered by power. In down position box is automatically locked preventing that annoying bounce and rattle .
Featuring One Giant Double Acting Cylinde
CYLlNDER-6" diameter (",s,de)-full 30 " strake 2" h,ghly palished steel ram three steel piston rings insure lifetime service -
Pump : Vane type with control valve A self contained unit enclased inside the oil reservair _ Always submerged in oil only 2 hoses required to hook up to OUR GIANT DOUBLE ACTING CYLINDER.
(Pump, control val ve and oil reservoi r-complete all in one )
With Power Pock Unit
FRAME-ELECTRICALL Y WELDED complete with 12' top sills manufactured from heovy 6 " channel iron suitable for woad sill replacement if desir::!d - LOWEST ,MOUNT POSSIBLE drop hinge construction for eosy lood start. O NE YEAR MECHANICAL GUARANTEE AGAINST DEFECTIVE WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS.
By popular demand we are introducing -a twin cylinder- direct lift hoist in the low price field with 12' x 6" channel sills to replace wooden sills on your box. Powerful matched twin force cylinders . . . a heavy duty one piece pump and valve set into extra strong all steel arc welded frame . field tested . . . designed and fabricated to rigid "Norco" specifications.
FEATURES • Low Mount • Twin 4" O.D. 31,~ I.D. Cylinders, 24" stroke, 11h" shaft. • Compact Gear Type Pump with built-in valve. (Bronze wear plates replaceable) • Capacity: 8 tons • Lift approximately 42° • Weight approx. 800 lbs. Power-Take-Off-Special $26.50, if purchased with hoist, with Farm Certificate, State ~XQct year, make and model of truck and type of transmission .
.$859 se-
The operatIon of these Hoists has been designed so that when the body starts to lift. at whIch tIme the load is the heaviest. the amount of !tftlng acceleration is at its minimum - a s the body goes up and the load is consequently reduced. the amount of IHting accel eration Increases proportionately-as the body nears the tOll where the load is extremeiy !tght. the amount of acceleration of lift is at its maxImum
Hoist Comes Complete With Universal Joints, Drive Shaft, Steady Bearing. But LESS Power Take Off.
l HEAVY D TY LEVER LIFT GARWOOD HOIST Specifications-Cylinder 7" inside bore-Oil Capacity 4 gallon-Dia.meter of piston rod 2"-Pump, gear type-Wearing plates, bronze-built in valve. In ordering, please fill in form below to insure proper fit of hoist to truck.
Hoist as illustrated - complete and ready to install - cy linder and pump completely reconditioned . Tipping sills made of new steel, up to 15 ft., built to exact box and truck measurements, thus assuring perfect fit. This hoist will outlast several chassis as it is designed for real heavy duty work. Hoists are sold on a one year mechanical guarantee. Construction definitely eliminates all known weak spots which through experience in supplying hoists we know can develop.
Capacity 8 to 10 Ton . A Hoist which will lift quickly, easily and smoothly and on which the operating pump pressures are held to a minimum, uniform pressure throughout the full range of the tipping angles. A Hois t which will have no arm projection below the top of the truck chassis "Table Top" and can be readily and simply mounted on any present-day truck chassis without interference with any part of the truck mechanism. Further, the design is such that the operating press ure throughout this complete operation is held uniformly, hence, at no point is there a severe load pressul'e on the pump and the pump will enjoy an extremely long service life. A Hoist which will stand up to the most severe usage.
Power Take Off if Purchased with Truck Hoist Special (With Farm Certificate) _ ___
1~-----------------------------~ HOIST INFORMA liON ORDER FORM - For Hoist No. 375 -I
1 I I IL ___________________________ ~~b~~~:~~.g complete hoist. please fill in form. as this will enable us to give you the proper length tipping and
Make c.f Truck Box Length
- - " ' - ....
... Year
Width of Frame to outside measurements
Length from back of cab to rear of back spring ....
...- - ... - .. -...
---...- - - -.... ----.. -
__ ._........____ .. ...__ .. _ .._ _.____ _
FOR FARM TRUCKS (Complete less P.T.OJ
$199. SIMPLE
(Will fit any truck >,4 tan and up - with 4 speed tronsmission) SIMPLE TO MOUNT-No welding necessory Instructlo supplied free . LOW MOUNT-No Increose In height of Box from grou level HYDRAULIC- POWER PACK-Complete In one a ssembly TWin cylinders - pump and volve - hoses - cables reservOir
dri v e
uni v er sal
HEAVY DUTY STEEL-Hinges and lifting bar adapta to most boxes and chassIs.
STRAIGHT PUSH- With pulley s ystem for greater f,c,ency SPECIFICATIONS--Twln 3Y2 " ID - 4 " OD Hydrau Cylinders, with 2 " high tensile steel s haftlng . Gear type pump with built ,n val ve , repla ceo bronze wear plates . Built-In-Reservolr of heavy duty channel to suppq and spread load .
" NOR COS P Eel A L" EXTRA HEAVY DUTY DOUBLE ACTING HOIST Fits all Three Quarter to One Ton Trucks Optional, Electric or P.T .O. •
Narca Special fits 011 standa rd factory pickup bodies without alter ing original design of truck.
All steel construction designed and job tested by one of Canada's largest hoist manufacturers.
Drop Hinge Const ruction for greater capac ity 4-5 ton .
Ideally sUited for trucks with humped frame .
Model "E" Hyd-Electric , available in 6 - 12 vo lt . Recommended especiolly for automatic transmissions or Y2 ton trucks. PRICE INCLU.DES ELECTRIC UNIT. Model "P" Power-Take-Off operated . Unit complete with Unlversol Joints and Dri ve shaft, but less Power-Take-Off.
Shipping Weight af either unit approx. 425 lb • .
BUILD YOUR OWN TRUCK HOIST Here is the best Hydraulic Hoist offer ever made. No need to be without a dump truck. Here is the complete Unit, ready to install, complete with Oil (as illustrated) . Includes large Volume Pump and Valve. Built by large truck hoist manufacturer. No Hose required. We guarantee these Cylinders in new condition . Detailed instructions for in-
$119 50
PRINCESS Bolster H oist "ill fit any standard model four wheel (arm wagon . When in the down position the wagon box rests on bolsters in a normal pOsition. All welded construction gives greater strength and dura bility . The precision built heavy duty cylinder can be used l -way or 2-w ay a ll owing operation from a I -way or 2-way tractor hydraulic system. The PRINCESS Bolster Hoist does not become obsolete if your future new tractor has a dirrerent hydraulic system. 5'1.1 Feet (Standard Model) EASY TO MOUNT! Either I -Way or 2-Way Operation. All hoist. are equipped with 2-way cylinder which can be operated from either I-way or 2-WBY h ydraulic systems . Model 5 - 5 ton capacity 5" cylinder ._ .......... $ 99.00 Model 6 - 6',1, ton capacity 6" cylinder .···_·$119.00
stallation supplied. We can also supp ly 7 piece Mounting K it. Incl;'des ,.... A_Re_a_I_P_R_I_N_C_E_S_S_V_a_l_ue_ _ _ _ _o_--" hin ges, brackets and Box ~o Cylinder support frarne. FARM CERTIFICATE NECESSARY For Standard W agon Mounting. FOR ALL HOISTS. OTHERWISE Kit ......... _............................... ................ ··· .. ·-·········..517.50
ADD 15%.
Nate linkage construction which provides higher lift and greater load with same available pawer!
A perfect coupling for pumps and motors requiring direct drive. Constructed of pressure die cast with heavy rubber disc for flexibility. Available in '12", %" and 3.4" bore.
A Brand New Unit consisting of a motor directly coupled to a blower. Fine for automobile heaters, defrosters, fans , etc. Motor rated 12 volts ... Single wire system . .. Will work on 110 volts with step down transformer. Blower easily detachable. Shipping weight 3 lbs. SCHRADER SPARK PLUG TIRE PUMP the Tire Pump that LETS THE MOTOR DO THE WORK
The Schrader Spark Plug pump is a practical compressor that provides an unlimited supply of clean fresh air. Ideal for inflating and maintaining air pressures in tractor, truck and auto tires. Operates efficiently at idling speed ... reaches SO lbs. Saves time and labor ... will not harm motor. Complete with 16 feet Neoprene rubber hose, SO·lb. brass pump body and adaptor to fit 14mm and Smm.
Suitable for all Water Pressure systems. Range from 0·50 lbs. ALL BRASS HOUSING. O.D. 2 ~ ". Takes 1 .. standard pipe thread.
2" TO 31;4" TAKES "A" OR "B" BELTS
.S5c ITEM No. JP64. Price Complete DELIVERED
$3.75 $7.85
Item No. AP86S Price DELIVERED
$1 .60
~ ~1.\I...L
,] "
P uwf'r P tllnp with th e lIigh Ca pac ity) Fit .\ '" Tracto r Powc r T a ke· Orr
Tht:-. ea~·d l y mou n ted. ea ... y- l o- lI se air JHl/lIP i.., III :HI ~ ill tlw bes t tradition of German \\ork lll :l1h h1fl. rr orn h 1i::h f'~ t q ual i ty nn'llc ri a l. T h i ~ l 'u m J) ca n he u sed fo r lnrJ a tillg t ire .. , s pra yin g paints and ins ec t.icid es and tOJ filling :m t ank, CAPACITY- Up to 150 Ibs. per square inc h . Dlluh ie ha ll hea rlll J!!'I u n c ra ll k ... h", ft J!i\ {' easy runnin g- perfo rmance t o minimize we~ . De"' I ~IIE"( 1 uril-: lllal l y f or po \\t' r -f ak -o rr COIIJll'cti on , th e pumps are a lso ad aptab l e to IlU Il <') uri'e f ro ", ,tat io n" r) e ng in es o r o th e r drh e s ha ft s th a t wi ll d e liver 500-550 R. P. )I tu the 1' '' ''' 1'. Special Price (F.O.B . Winnipeg) The Komag Air Pump comes complete with mounting brackets, 18 feet of pressure hose with pressure gauge installed in hose. Weight approx. 14 Ibs. item K AP-g7 •
$39 50
Unsurpassed Quality
Fit' all standard sprockets on farm machinery using roller chain . , . Corn pickere, combines. hammermills, swathers. X u r co Rt ce l Ro ll er (; h a ill ~ ar e mad e by qunlified
cra f t~ m l n t o th e hi~II {''''l (IrJ,!r('(" o f prl'('b ioll . Th e... e chn in .. are des iRn e<.l for maxi· mum pe r forma n ce a n d d ",a hHit l full .\ irrterc han ge" hl e. fit , all s tand a rd s pro cket on f arm 1lI 1lc,.'li iIW I ) \J':-.i ll g ro ll e l c h;\I Il. \V en rin g S UI ra c£':o, a r~ " precisio n hardened " tor max u nu lIl ~er\lce Hnd du rahl lit y :-.id r Jll a t('~ n re u C.I .. ig, lw d and co n!o\ tru ct ed t o res ist ~ t r(> t l'h Ho ll e rs a re cut t o l' lo .. t t n lpra ll ce rllr t: \ ac t fit and mac hine rh1eted tor
:o;.trt' lI ~ th .
~:XTR \ LI :\ KS Inrl hi rlrr a l ro ll ... e hain link . ro r , in ~ l e s trand ( A) or double ... trand CB ) (' hal ll s :\ 1'(' iI\a il a l)lt· for r e p a ll' lll ~. to nll et' t.in~ or l enghtt' lIin g o ld dlnin. S;l\t~ t illU', "'il\t:' l ahur, ("Il l ('u:o- t :--, b y c.'a rryn q,,: e\t r a Illlk ~ in ("a "l of breakdown .
NOTE : In ordering Norco Steel Roller Chain : PITCH
Is th e di . t"nce betwee n ro ller
h th e rI" t a",'" he l woe n th e ,n s icle e<l lleR u r . irle pi al es. Giv e th e pitch and wi dt h u f )tHl r old ('halll anti th t· 1 l' Il ~ th r (lcpllr(· d . Norco Roller Chain will be cut WIDTH
to any even loot. (A) NORCO SINGLE STRAN D ROLLER CHAIN AND LINKS Roller Chain Connecting link (C) Half link (H) No, of rollers Price Item Price Item Jl'rlCe Item W,dth Pitch No. per 10' length per It. No. each No. each r.)\" '1." 50 102 1.08 C50 .13 H50 .36 1,(, " 3," 60 160 1.40 (' 60 .16 1160 .46 I" r~" 121J 2.40 c~o .39 mo .86 '11 (B) NORCO DOUBLE STRAND ROLLER CHAIN AND LINKS :). " I;''' &0-2 160 3.98 060·2 .36 H60-2 I.DO
F.O. B. Winnipeg
Made exclusively for "Princess" by one of the world's leading paint manufacturers. CHECK THESE FEATURES DUTCH FORMULA oil base contains TITANIUM • Titanium is the finest pigment obtainable ond is normall y found only in the higher priced points and enamels. • Dutch Formula contains the same Titanium pigment thot is used in the finishing coats on your refrigeroton. • Further, 0 complete analysis of the point is printed on every container.
Flat Wall Paint
All Purpose Aluminum
For interiors wbere a plea.log soft rlnisb tooe la de. lred , Colon : White only. ,S.95 Valu.....oalloo $1.66 Value-Quart St.tl
Chrome finish heat rel t ttn, tnterior and exterior $7.95 Vl\lue-Gallon $4.81 $2.25 Value-Quart $1 . 10
Floor and Porch Paint Washable rlnlab. reslat aot to bard ...ear. Colo,. : Lead Orey. Red. Orey, Bro... o. Greeo. Battleship Black. $6.H Valu.....oallon '1.66 Value-Quart
Machinery And Implement Paint
13." t."
Available in the tollowinl colon' Red, Green, Yellow and Black. $7.95 V.lu~allon S4.81 $2.25 Valu~uart St . IO
High GIOIs Enamel Quick Drying. One Coat Covers No Brush Marks. All Colon : White, Yellow. Ivory. Llgbt Green. Light Grey, BI.ck. Light Blue. Bright Red . '7.05 V.lu""'Oallon 14.BI $2.25 Value-Quart t.IO Eoamel Uodercoater White Ooly. Per GalloD 14.BI Per Quart .t.1O
Hard drying, high gl081, tough and durable. Suit.ble tor floors, turni· ture, etc. $7.95 Valu.....oallon $4.81 $2.25 V.lue-Quart $t . IO
"Princess" carry a money back guaran· tee. (You must be satisfied). W r i t e. Wire or Phone Us Your Order To·Day.
House Paint (All Purpo. es ) Outside and In.lde - Dries to a GI08e flnl.h . '1.85 V.lue. S.le PrI~u.rt St. t I AIIother "PrlOcesl" Special. $5.H Value. Sale PrlO""'O.lIoo N' CoIor R..... - White. Ivory, Bed. Battlelhlp Grey. Yello.... BI.ck. Dutch Blue. Shutter Green. Pearl Gre1. Turquolle, Cor.l. Chartreu ... Cotk.. Brown.
All Purpose Varnish
Barn Paint Special
" Princess" Extra Special 6 G.llonl House Paint
(White Only)
Outside White Princess Paint Per Oalloo Per Qu.rt
Beat results ror Unpaint ed su rraces.
3.81 .. t l
Presenting TH E
Red. Stooe Grey, Bright Rrd or Shutter Green . an.! Blaclt. Per Galloo $2.81 Per 6 Gallon Container Specl. 1 '13.81
BRUSHES Latex Rubber Base Paint Colors: Bone Ivory, Blossom Pink, ky Blue, Jonquil Yellow , Fall Beige. Mint Oreen, Shadow Oreen, White, Tahiti Tur· quoise.
PAINTER'S KIT. Pure Bristle es in the most needed sizes - 1", 2''' and 3". The full·thick bristles are securely vulcanized in rubber aod measure about 2" long. A real boon to the "do·it ·yourself" home painter. 3·brush kit . $ 1.40
$4.60 $1.60
These tarpaulin s are water and mildew resistant treated . Tbe best weather protection tor crops, machinery aDd livestock. • Oreatest protection tor ail hauling and storage. • Made ot genuine canvas duck in tour popular weights to give you a complete selection. • Processed with the tine t water and mildew resistant tinish on the market. • Securely HHMMED ALL AROUND with lock stitching to prevent ripping. • Attractive sq uare co rn er. • Equipped with No. 3 rustproot grommets clamped through tour thick· nesses ot canvas In corners and spaced approximately 8 tt. apart all around In double reintorced hem. • Seam double stitched tor extra strength . • Rugged ly constructed throughout tor tlnest service and lasting pro· tection . NOTE: Besides sizes listed read y cut above we can supply any size Tarpaulin required, cut to your special size. Prices as tollows : 10 oz. .14 per square toot. 14 oz. .18 per square toot. 16 oz. .20 per square toot. 18 oz. .28 per square toot.
b S 7" g UIXI! 12"IS
W -lilt
10 oz. L 8. 71 10 oz. 1001. t8 0 10 oz. 1.20
14 oz. 14 Of... 14 01. 14 oz.
W .....'
84 t t . 34 2t .80 2 . 40
16oz· IB.8o 16 Oz. t 2 .80 16 oz. 2 4.00 16 oz. 3 8 .00
W ..... '
JSoz. 1 1 1.0 4 18 01. t 4.4B 1801. 2 7 .80 IS oz. 41 .40
Made of finest steel - were manu· factured for use by British Com· mandos. Will cut nails, bolts & wires up to 1,. ". Folding handles give extra leverage. Length (With handles folded) 11" _ Wlll fit into any ordinary tool box, Length (with handles extended) 16". Regu· lar Value $9.00. Special ........ $3.75
mNo, 36S-Fence Tool . __ $2.1 S
,.,)'Brand New Army Positive tlJ Lock Trailer Hitch" This heavily built trailer hitch has a positive locking system . The eye (Cor Quick change connecting) is made of 1" steel with a 2 ' . ' centre . Will take 2" connection . This hitch has 4 mounting holes 9/ 16", spread 5" between hole •. Dimension s 8" hlJl'h with an overall lenll'lh of 11" and width 6 'h". Weight : 26 lhe. This hitch can be used from 'h ton to 5 ton trucks. Easily installed and very safe. A reg ular $25.00 value, being offered to you at-Item TH-17 . Princess Special Price .................... $ 10.86
(3 ,000 lb. Capacity) Item No. RH·3. Excellent for Farm Use. Gives you 4 to I Mechanical advantage when handling heavy loads. Equipped with roller bearings and 3 ~ " sheaves. Wlll lift Heavy Loads smoothly and quickly. Can be used with rope or flexible winch cable. Ship. Wt. 22 Ibs. Special (less rope) Each ...... $175 (2 for $7.(}{)
1 %" (In side Diameter) . Rust resls· tant. Can be bent and twisted to make suction or blower hose, flexible spouts, air heater connections, tail pipes, tail pipe extension, oil breather units, exhaust extensions. Reg. 60c per foot. Special , per foot ...................... .30 (when bought in 50 foot Rolls) per foot when bought in lengths of less than 50 feet ........................ .45
World's Fastest, Easiest·To·Use Fence Tool. Simple and easy to use. Hooked ends holds securely on all posts. Lever action is fast and sure. Especially efficient for splicing as both ends of wire are up and fre e for tWisting. Can be used for woven fence and other purposes, but is primarily the bes t barbed wire stretcher ever developed. Special Each ............................ $7.50
NEW EXTRA HEAVY DUTY STEEL BUMPERS Protect your truck and avoid costly repair bills by Installlng one of these as a 2nd bumper or by re· placing light bumper on your truck. Dimensions: Length 7(y'. Width 6 %". Made of %" SteeL Can be used on trucks ~-4 Ton. Princess SpeCial. Only ........ $5.75
GIANT AIRPORT A.C. FLOOD LAMPS Draws only 1200 watt. Can be plugged in ordinary wall·socket or sm a ll Light Plant aud be used as a I)ortable Flood Lamp . Throws a wide flat beam of light 2000 feet long. Consists of a g ia nt concentrator Fresnal len s, 1250 watt, 110 vo lt, A .C. , hi.intensity bulb, 3' to 12' collapsible steel tripod, expensive shi pping tr unk , 4 extra bulbs, anchors, etc. Trunk makes wonderful tool chest. IdeMI for private flying field, small birport, contractor, farm ligh t, etc. Weight 140 lb•. Original cost $280.00. OUI' Price ..................................................................................................... $11.00
$15022 VALUE FOR ONLY $120
A Screw Top Type. Water Tight Army Surplus Box (28"xI0"xI0") just crammed full of ~ valuable merchandi se for every day use. 20 Ibs. asst' New Bolts and Nuts , Oil filters, Rubber window channel. Wiper blades, 6 Volt Bulbs. Rubber ins ulators, Block heaters, Bushings, Piston rings, gaskets, gas tank floats . 6 Volt trouble light, Elec. receptacle and plull's, chain. choke cables, hose clamps, pulleys, seali n g compound. asst' springs and many mor~ useful items . Weig h t 100 lb.. .._ ..................................................................................................................... _.. _....... $12.60
AUTOMATIC VELOCITY CONTROL GOVERNORS GJ New-Can be used on all type engines. Under variable loads will maintain constant set speed. (I.e.) motor is set at 1500 R.P.M.-Governor will If
maintain motor speed regardless or load . Only ............. .....................................$28.75
MASTER AND SLAVE HYDRAULIC REMOTE CONTROL SET . .. Instant Control Regardless of Location or Distance Designed for remote operation of controls on engine., boats, special machinery, etc. Eliminates L:!.J com,pllcaled mechanical IInksJl'e., cables, pu lleys, etc. The Master Unit connects to the Slave Unit with a s ingle ',4" tube. When Master Control lever is moved, Slave lever follow s exactly. Light, compact, aluminum alloy conatructlon. Dimensions of Both Units: 6\4" Width, 9" Height, 1*" Depth, (Exclusive of handle). Shlpplnr weight: 8 Iba . _ _ . _ " __ . _____ . ___.. ____ .. _ .. __ ... _ . .__.•.. _ ... _ •• _ •. _._._.. _._ $28.25 (Not.e--tublnll I. not supplied) 3S
5000-6000 Watt 110 Volt AC SINGLE PHASE LIGHTING PLANT (PUSH BUTTON START). Here Is one of the mo.t popular .I.e Llghlintr Plant. ever assembled. The army model PE-197 i. like all anny plant_ lop quality, .turdily built for lontr Ufe. Thi. plant can produce 6000 Watt. without any trouble. Retr. Value $1 ,995. 00. ITEM PE· 197-Special per U nit (le.. batlery)$595.00 Unit Ideal for • Farms • Ranches • Estat.s • Contractors Oil Field. • Lumber Camps ENGINE DATA - The engine is 1\ gen uine Hercules watel'cooled unit. It has 8 2li" Bor~, " 3" stroke. 64 .9 cubic inches displacement. and developes 14 H .P , at 1800 R.P.M. The engine speed is m aintained constant. by a mechanical governor. Ignition is provided by a leading m ake high tension impulse type magneto for easy starting, The plant has a push button - start with 6 Volt battery. ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS • Genuine Hercule. ZXB • 4 CYL., 4 CYCLE • 14 H.P. )800 R.P.M . • Water Cooled • F.)eetric Start • Mechani.al Governor • High TenRion Matrneto • Float Type Carburetor • Oil Bath Air Cleaner • Pres.ure Lubrication • Oil Filter GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS •
Genuine Hobart, Heavy Duty •
5000·6300 Watts •
110 Volt 60
Cycle • Single Phase • Revolving Field Type • Finest Ball Bearings •
Automatic Voltage Regulator
CONTROL PANEL • AC Voltmeter, 0-150 Volts . AC Ammeter, 0·75 Amps • Frequ ency Meter • Circ.uit Breaker • Field Rheostat • Duplex Recep. tacle, 110 Volt • Voltage Regulator, on-off switch • Voltage Regulator Control • Start Button and Stop Button • Oil Pressure Gauge • Water Temp. Gauge • Battery Start Switch • Hand Crank Switch • Battery-Chargintr Ammeter
Dual Purpose Eclipse A.C.-D.C. Lighting Plant-Water Pump Unit Single Cylinder, 2 Cycle Gas Engine with Dual Voltage Generator and Water Pump directly coupled to the Engine. ENGINE: 5 H.P. Manual start Bendix, Single Cylinder, 2 Cycle, Equipped with Bendix Scintilla Magneto and Metering Pump. GENERATOR: 1200 Watt, 110 Volt A.C., 800 Cycle, and 28 1h Volt D.C" 60 Amps, 2400 R.P.M. mfg. by Bendix. BILGE PUMP : Self priming 500·600 GPH capacity. Equipped with clutch to eliminate pump wear when pump is not used.
~~ ~~~DP~~8ellen~J~~~i~~.~~~.~.~1~~~.S.~~~..~~.~~.~~ ..~.~~:$17
ITEM No. DP*189. Same unit as above but with only 30 volt D.C., F _ Certificate IIOt required.
50 amp, 2600 R.P.M. Bendix Generator & pump. Price
FAaM UIE ONLY plents Illustrated on these four pecea are
at Farm Prices only. Farm Use Certificate must be filled In to qualify for th_ Increase coat 10<;'0 liat~
ENGINE : SPECIFICATIONS One cylinder, {our cycle, L-head, air cooled, bore 2',4", stroke 2%", compression 5 to I, 1800.1900 RPM, 1 HP, splash.gravlty oil system. (Oil pump supplies oil to a trough reached by connecting rod). cylinder separate from crankcase. Speed regulated by a f1yball governor built in the camshaft gear. I gnition is supplied by a flywheel m agneto. Plant mounted on rubber shockabsorbing bushings. Can be run without bolting down. GENERATOR: Four Pole, 14 Volt, Compound Wound, large commutator and four brushes. Aiso used as a starting motor for engine. Con· nected directly to engine by taper into crankshaft. Generator and armature are separated from engine by removing two screws and a nut.
S 149.
$350.°0 ITEM No. OP-12
1. CHARGING CAPACITY This Plant is designed to charge Two 6 volt batteries in series or one 12 volt battery for lighting or radio use. at a maximum rate of 26 Amperes (adjustable) . It can also charge Four 12 Volt batteries in parallel at a rate of 6 Amperes, or Eight 6 Volt batteries arranged in Four sets (2 Batteries in series to each set) and the seta con· nected in parallel, or any lesser combination, keeping in mind that this is a 12 volt circuit. 2, LIGHTS This Plant with batteries will light sixteen 25 Watt lights or eight 60 Watt lights of 12 Volt rating, or any combination of not more than a total of 400 Watts.
Shiny New in original overseas shipping crate
PLANTS 600 -700 WATT PORTABLE LIGHT PLANT Ideal for trailers. farms. civil defence. fire departments. camps and for u'"" 8S a stand by unit. Provides plenty of current for any oil burner. freezer . brooder. hand tools and emereency lIehts whkh require LIP to 700 watts. t H.P . Brl"".- tratton Gas En.lne. Fast to start . Equipped with hleh
tension . built-in maeneto with soeclal Alnico maenets which assure continued hot spark . G enerator IS arranged so that It may be started with its own built-in starter .. . lIsing an auto battery 1battery not Included!. Also equIpped for rope .tnrt. Generator capacity : 600-700 watts 1600 watt continuous duty. 700 watt intermittent duty) 110120 volts. 60 cycles . A .C. Control box includes voltmeter and built-in duplex receptacle. No addittonal wiring needed! . . . just plug in cord and you have power. Plant IS equipped with built-in winding . . . produces 6 volts of DC current for charging batteries. If battery is used for startine plant. It wtll automatlcallv be charged by the generator. It will also recharge other batteries. 6 volt output may be used simultaneously with the 110 volt outout of genHator. Terminals on control box for easy use of 6 volt output. C24 . Shippine weight 75 Ibs. Reeular $275.00 value! $ 2 0 9 .00 1000/ 1200 Watt Plant. One of our most popular models . . . has the capacity to handle those extra Iiehts or larger motors. Similar in desilm and appearance to C24 above Dlus all the features. Equipped with 2'2 H .P . Briglls-Stratton gas engtne and lareer eenerator to produce the output of 1000/1200 watt capacity. $259.00 C45. Shlpplnll weitlht 85 Ibs. Special p rice
1500-1750 WATT PORTABLE PLANT An excellent plant for pennanent power in small size homes removed from hI.llnes . . . or as emereency standby proteetion . Operates 011 burners. heatlnll systems. sump pumps. communication systems. plant protection . water pumps. etc. Ideal for contractor's line crews. 4 H.P . Brl ..... -Strt.ttoD Gas Enll"ine . D irect connection to hleh capacity lien era tor which provides 1500 watts continuous duty . 1750 watts intermittent. 115/ 130 volts. 60 CyclES sinele phase. A .C. Both push button and rope starting. Push button requires 2-6 volt or 1-12 volt battery (not Included I. WlII charge other batteries too! Complete with control box . includes voltmeter. starter. reverse current relay and duplex power receptacle. C20. Shippine weillht 166 lbs. Factory pric-e ... . $344.00
"PORTO POWER" MANUAL START LlCHTINC PLANTS Recommended applications. These Manual Start "Porto Power" no volt AC single phase lighting plants are ideal for lights in camps, trailers, cottages, maintenance trUCks, ideal fOl' Farms, Contractors, Bush work, or as a standby use to operate oil burners, heating systems, sump pumps, communication systems, lighting systems, etc. Generator-Heavy ball bearing sealed for life. Briggs & Stratton Air-cooled engines. EXCEPT MODEL PP15 which hos Clinton Engine. Group Model PP6 ............ 600-700 Watt Model PP12 ................ 1200 Watt Group 2 Model PP15 ................ 1500 Watt Model PP20 ................ 2000 Watt Model PPB25 2500 Watt Model PPB30 3000 Watt Model PPB40 4000 Watt
Weight 75 Ibs. 90 Ibs. HH 146 224 265 295
Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs.
$192.00 239.00 271.00 309.00 395.00 455.00 488.00
"LlnLE CIANT" 350 - 500 WATT PLANT Small but mighty! It's perfect for Hunters, Campers, Contractors, Service Trucks, Wreckers, etc. Provides plenty of current for emergency lights, Portable Radios, hand power tools, Electric shavers, etc. 2 H.P. Briggs-Stratton G.as Engine. 4 cycle, single cylinder, air cooled, heavy-duty type; develops 500 watts. Molded waterproof Coii. Direct drive Generator . . . output of 350 w . continuous duty. 500 watts intermittent d uty. 115 Volts, D.C. Duplex receptacle.
Weight 65 Ibs. Prke ..... _...................................$119. 00
GENERATING 3,000 4,000 WATT GENERATOR PLANT IN NEW CONDITION $455.00 This i. beyond any doubt the best offer ever mad ... Thes .. plants are in new condition. with only a few hours on them for It.ling Dur:Joees . ITEM No . 183 3000 to 4000 WATT GENERATOR SE'!'. Fe.lur - Power for your home or bU8iness. limply connect to rower panel or house circuit. Con8tanl voltag.. regal·dle. of load . Pu"h butlon .tart or stop. SPECIFICATIONS size 19" x 30" x 48" sleel .kids. wenth.r-lIroo( housing. requires no buildlnll. Wl. 725 Ibs. H.,·cul"" 4 cyl .. 11 HP . gasoline engine. Load governor. Oli filler . Quiet muffler 6 voll starter generutor. Hobart 115 volt. 60 cycle. 3000 to 4000-walt generator. Furni.hes ellher single or three "hue pOwer. 2 or 3 wire. Panel contalnK oil gauge, voltmeter, ammeter, circuit breaker. voltage regulator. slart bulton . A $1400 value.
ONAN LIGHTING PLANT 2750 WATT ITEM 699 . 11 S Vo lt AC, 60 cycle, 1 or 3 phose, 1800 R.P.M., 12.2 Amp •. Low speed , wa ter-c ooled, 2 cylinder Engine, crank stort. Unit i. flllly enclosed and inclu des Control Panel with circuit breaker, voltage control, voltmeter, am meter, frequency meter and oil gouge. Ideal for form s, c ontractors, lumber ca mps, or os 0 stond-by unit. Will operate o il bu rners, sum p pumps, f reezers, lights, power tools, etc. Dimensions 37 " x 22" x 34". Shipping weight approximately 6 50 Ibs. Bu ilt b y " Onan " for the Army ot a cost of $1200.00 Reco .... d it ione d like NEW .
$340.00 (No Form Certifica te Required)
7500 WATT, 120 VOLT, ElECTRIC GENERATOR ITEM No. G-75-Electric generator 7500 Watts, 120 Volt. 60 Cycle, 1800 R.P.M. single and three phase current for 2 or 3 wire circuits, double ball-bearing construction, standard 11(4" shaft with keyway. and included at no extr a price, 5 groove 6 inch pulley for belt drive Direct connected self-excited. Foot mounted. Gov't Acquisition Cost-$545.00. Dimensions: 34" x lllh" Shipping weight 420 Ibs. AT PRINCESS ONLY-PRICE SLASHED TO $330.00
A.C. ELECTRIC GENERATORS 2500 - 3000 Watt 110 Volt ITEM ~o . G 25 - 110 Volt 60 cycles at 1800 RPM single phase: Excelle nt source of electricity for portable or stand-by IIse for homes, forms hatcher ies, etc. Manufactured ily Kllrtz .. Root. Self-excited ball bearings 6 H. P. or mar. required. Equippp.d with duplex rece pta ble and double V pulley, and solid base for foot mounting . COMPLETE READY TO USE . Shipping weight approx. 1 SO lb • . PRICE -
We hove available 0 I.rge stock of complete, irrtegrated heavy dllty power llnih from ] 50 watts to 25 KV A-o plant to slIit every need. Write to liS for free descriptive folder describing these papillar 11 nits.
.. _____ ___ ___________
Heavy Duly Single Plale Rheoslal Use - for controlling f,eld current of AC & DC Generotors, bo ttery chorger control lighting dimmers, speed reducers_ M fgr. W ord Leonord, 160 ohms, mox. omps. 3 .2, mox. volts 600. Designed for boseboord or ponel mounting. With poi nte r knob suitoble for G75 - gen. Item # G32
Never before available : Now offered exclusively by PRINCESS AUTO & MACHINERY LTD_ A low priced, lightweight CONTINUOUS DUTY DIESEL GENERATOR SET_ Powered by a s uper rugged exceptionally smooth running one cylinder Diesel engine. ENGINE- Bore 2 Y.J", Stroke 3 W'. Visable fuel oil Filtering System. 2 belt drive. Easy crank start. Fuel consu mption 7 hours per gallon of low cost fuel oil. Operates at conservat ive 1750 r.p.m. and delivers 1750-2000 watts of power. Complete with oil pressure gauge, control box with duplex receptacle and voltmeter. Weight-only 240 lbs., representing a triumph of Diesel Engineering. ITEM No. 830-PRINCESS SPECIAL .................... $ 629.00 (Farm certificate required) ITEM No. 831: Same type as above but with 3500 watt generator and 9 H .P . Diesel Engine. Also provided with a PTO Pulley which makes it possible to run other equipment ... Pumps, Saws, etc. PRICE with farm certificate ...... ._............................ $1099.00
These Plants are Unused Government .surplus just recently released and which can be used for supplying general utility or emergency stand·by power' for heavy construction machinery, 110/ 220 electric motors for grinders, pumps, etc., farm, home, institutional lighting, mining equipment, remote construction, etc. Manufactured by Fidelity Electric Co. Powered by 6 cylinder 4 cycle water·cooled Waukesha Model NZRU6M2R Gasoline Engine. Generator is directly coupled to en gine . .. 110/ 208 Volts, 56 Amps, 3 Phase, 60 Cycle, 4 Wire System . 1200 R.P.M . 12 Volt push button start. Equipped with Battery cha rg· ing generator, voltmeter, rheostat for voltage control. Mounted on heavy steel base. Weight Approx. 2500 lbs. (Farm certificate not required) PRICE $1050.00
1400 WATT
Manufa ~tured
by Homelite and suitable for lights, hot plates, Irons and all heating elements within its capacity. An excellent plant for emergency stand· by lights. Has 2 conveniently located handles for easy transport. ENqINE- 1 cylinder, 2 cycle air cooled equipped with outSIde magneto. Rope start. Remote control terminals. GENERATOR- 1400 Watts, 110 Volts A.C., 400 Cycle. Also 28 Volt D.C. for charging batteries. Has rheostat for voltage control. Skid mounted with coil spring supports to eliminate vibration. (Farm certificate not required). PRICE $165.00
CHORE HORSE BAIIERY CHARGING PLANI 12 Volt D.e., 300 WoH A reconditioned war surplus plant for charging 12 volt or 2 six volt batteries in series. Specifications : Single cylinder, 4 cycle air-cooled engine. Push button or rope start. Charging rate up to 25 amps. controlled by rheostat. Battery charging ammeter supplied. Mounted on cast iron base, easily portable. (Farm certificate 110t required), PRICE $80.00
WITH 1,1., H.P. MOTOR PRINCESS now olfers a complete new automatic Air Compressor Unit, Ilt such a low price that you cannot afford to be without one. Thi. unit i. indispensable around the farm. workshop or garage. and being easily portable can be readily taken to the job. The compressor is compactly built., Is very sturdy in construction and fully capable of standing up to everyday use. It delivers a powerful supply of oil free air for pumping tires. high pressure greasing, volume painting, cleaning equipment, spraying insecticides. calUe spraying etc . Tbe outfit Includes a ten gallon capacity air storage tank of heavy 10 gauge steel, mounted on 2-wheel rubber tired base, complete with back rest support and easUy accessible carriage handle. Compressor and motor are mounted on a heavy duty steel base which is welded directly to the tank, thus making a very compact unit. Precision built in every respect to deliver oil-free air fbr years at little or no coet. Used for inflating tires. pressure greasing. paint spraying. cleaning equipment., spraying insecticides and cattle. Compressor unit uses S .A .E. 20 oil for normal operation. If operated where temperature is lower than 32 degrees use S.A.E . 10 oil. Check oil in compressor before using, oil should be rhanged periodically. • lh H.P. nO-volt Westinghouse • 2.8 cubic feet per minute displacecapacitor thennal protected motor. ment at 100-lbs. pressure. at 900 R.P.M . • Automatic pressure switch start. unit at SO-Ibs., stops at 120 Ih.. • Steel tank 12 x 24-inches, 10-gallon (max. 150 lbe.) capacity. • Single cylinder type compressor • Safety valve allows excessive air unlt-2xl %-Inch piston type with pressure to escape. 8.inch diameter A-width vee-pulley. • Larlle. easy to read pressure gauge. P RINCESS PORTABLI!: COMPRESSOR PTC-l. camlllete with compressor. tank. electric motor, air gauge automatic switch. safety valve, check valve. V-pulley and belt. 20 ft. air hose and tire chuck . Shipplnll weight approximately 125 lbe. ·········.··· .... ······ .. ···.· .. ···········.······ .. 5 139.00 Prin eesa Portable PTC·2. as a bove I"". motor. IShlppin ll weillbt a pproximately 105 lbe.) ... _... _._ ...... _.. _....... __ ....._ ...$109. 50
This Is a com pact rugged unit featuring a single stage, duplex cylinder. air-cooled Quincy 2% x 2 Air Compressor, with Westinghouse 1 H.P. Heavy Duty Capacitor Motor and 12" x 30" Government Approved Heavy Gauge Steel Tank. Suita ble for fanners, contractors. service stations reQuiring a constant supply of compressed air for spray painting. tire inflation. power greasing. cleanin g auto engines. spraying insecticides. COMPRESSOR . Typeair-cooled duplex cylinder single stage. · V alves-disc type, clock 8prinll steel. Both valves in head . Each valve removable (or inspection without disturbing other valves. ·Bearlngs- steel backed babbited. · Lubrlcatlon-spluh type. ·Coolingaccomplished by blast of air from combination fan an d V-Belt cast iron pulley. MOTOR Westinghouse I H.P. 115 /230 V single pha se. 60 cycle, Heavy Duty. • Typecapacitor ball bearing . Pressure gauge. safety valve. check valve. automatic switch. 20' air ACCEShose. tire chuck. 10' rubbc,' co,·d. air filter. shut off valve. drain SORIES cock, V belt. ITEM No. PTC-8 Unit complete .....
ITEM No. PTC-9 Unil less molor
A PRINCESS AIR COMPRESSOR will do Hundreds of Jobs . . •
Harness air with a PRINCESS Compressor and save yourself time and work I Whether you choose a stationary. portable or carry·lt model . . . you'lI find unlimited applications and it will make hundreds of jobs easier for you I It sprays paint 5 times faster than brushing I . . . and does a better job. Hel"" to keep tires on auto. truck, tractor and Implements properly inIlated at all times. Saves costly lire failure due to underlnflation. Invaluahle for insecticide spraying. blowing out plugged gu and fuel lines, blowing away accumulated dirt. cleaning clogged r diator8, etc.
IICARRY-AIR- TA NK-KIT" NOW CARRY COMPRES ED AIR "TO" THE JOB. FILL AT ANY AIR FILLING STATION. CAN BE MOUNTED ON TRUCK FOR PERMANENT USE. Kit Includes the following: • Stainle.. St ..1 Tank (6" • 45") • Air Cauge (0-300 lb •. ) • Air Ho .. with Tire Chuck • Air Valve • All nlClUary filling. to complete Kit. Approximate shipping weight - I Ibs. Item No. PTC·7 (exactly as pictured .) Special .. (Can supply tank onlyas above)
516.78 59.98
1. G-l STAINLESS STEEL TANK- Use on compresso r . tire in8ators. floats. hydraulic reservoir. . Tough an d light. Tested to 450 Ibs. 2.100 cubic in . (approximately 9 gallons) int. vo!. 24 " x 12". ~. " threaded openings at each end. Weight 19 Ibs. Original Cost $40 .00. Special, Each ... _...... _...................$16.95
8. SAFETY VALVE - lA" pipe thread. adjustable from 25-200 Ibs. Each .............................. ..... _.... ...... _.. ........ - ...... .... .. .......... ·$1.95 9. BLOWIT- Perfect nozzle for pressure clea nin g. Each ....... ...... ................... ... _... ... _........... .................... .................. $
anj and spraying . Piston head. spl a sh lubrication . "V" belt pulley . Intake mutIler and cleaner. 2. C. F . M. at lOO Ibs. continuous pressure, 160 Ibs. Intermittent, with 'f.! H.P. electric motor . Can use \4 or 1/ 3 H . P . at lower speed. Shipping Weight 18 Ibs . Each ........ .......... .... ...... $27.75
10. "S LIP-ON" BLOW G UN - Perfect cleanin g gun. Utilizing compressed a ir and standard chuck . Press ure on handle grip for perfect control of air bl ast. Each .................. ........ ·_ .. ·$1.60
3. HEAVY DUTY PAINT PRAY G ternsl mix s uction feed s pray gun designed primarily for u se with (ast drying materials lacquers and enamels . Pressure 25. 50 Ibs. includes 1 Qt. aluminum cup and 2 s pray nozz les.
11 . "STREAM-LINED" BLOW GUN Pus h button type. \4" pipe t h read. E ach ....................... _.............................. _... .. ·_.. ·$2.20 12. QUICK CHANGE COUPLER U sed with blow guns. greaJ3e guns, paint 8prayers. tire chucks. etc .. for fast change on ai r compressor hose lines. Complete w ith one ~" male tip fitting. Each ............................. .................. _.............................. ·$2.35
Model No. 13 1A Intern a l mix pressul'e feed type b'Un designed for fast apl,lication of practically all types of paint material especially hou, e paint . Pressure up to 45 lb. . includes 1 Qt. aluminum a nd 2 nonles .................................. · 51 95 HOSE - for air tools. spray painting. etc. ; Length
13. EX'l'RA COUPLER PLUG (',!." Male or Female) E ach ._ .. ... ........................ ........................... _...... _........... ....... .... .... · ....... 49
14. CHECK VALVE One way )4" pipe thread on both ends .... .... ....... ...... .. .... ........... .......... ................... ........ .. .... ......... 51.50 6. AUTOMATIC SWITCH Double pole; from 10-150 Ibs. pressure . Set at 80-120 Ibs . Each (Can also supply same as above for Gas
7. REG ULATOR AND FILTER Provides mai ntained working pre.sure 0-140 lbo. Filter keeps oils. water a nd particles out of regulator and gun . Assures clean, steady spray at all times . Each .. ........ _...................... .. .............................................. ..........$11.75
THE PRINCESS AIR COMPRESSOR KIT Now Build Your Own and Save Money We supply all parts necessary (less motor) to build a self cont a ined a ir pressor, at a big saving . Kit conSists of the follOWing parts;
• • •
Air compressor 2 .8 C.F.M . • Stainless steel pressure tank (approx. 9 gals.) 20' air hose (with tire chuck) . • Air gauge 0-300 Ibs. (1/." pipe thread). Safety Valve (Adjustable 25-200 Ibs.) • 0..., Way Check Valve. • Copper tubing and all necessary fitting. (to complete Kit), ApprOXimate shipping weight 50 Ibs.
ITEM No, PTC-6 -
(exactly as p ictured ). SPECIAL
• Bore 2 Yl " • • Motor Required • Crankcase • ShippIng Weight • Oiling System •
.... $57.50 Stroke 2 Yl" • Displacement 1 HP or More Totally Enclosed, Dustproof 701bs. Automatic & Positive, Constant Level Type
Height 17", Width 8", Thickness 9 ", Pulley 1 PI.'.
New Air Operated Grease Gun New Adams' Bomb, Air Operated. Capacity 20-oz. single shot. Instant oneration. Devel· ops 80 times pressure shown in air compressor tanks. Suctloned filled. Telescoping filling rod . Operates on preB' Bure as low as 50 lb• . H andle. all lubricants . Nickel finish. ITEM No. 814 ........ $23.9.
Model No . I- T ire gauge for P ass. Cars . Read up to 50 lb.. Comes in Black lea ther case. Each .......... ............ ..... _ ........ .......$1.25 Model No. 3- Truck Tire gauge. Registers fr om 20-120 lb.. Comes in Red leather case. Each ....... _........ ...... _.... .............. $ 1 . 89 Model No. 4- Dual hend Truck tire gauge. Reg Isters from 20-120 Ibs. Comes in Leatherette case. Each ............ ·_.. ·$2.50
LARGEST SELECTION LOOK HERE I " PRINCESS" pr_ent. the lirat PORTABLE SUMP PUMP fe_tu,l", tn. Cllnton " P,ecllio n M_de" C .. En,ln. (Model 302·E)
1200 G.P. H. Norco Centrifugal Pump P-11 (Pump guaranteed for 1 year) A Quality pump built specially for us to sell at a price you can afford. Delivers up to 1200 gals. per hour. Featuring 5 blade im· peUer with one oilite bearing at each end of housing. Made of rust·proof alloy, 3," inlet, '/2" out· let (Adaptable to garden hose). Design permits handling of semi·solids. Pump requires toot· valve. ~ . $995 Pump ......... Special Only • F oot valve ~i~e recom mended Y.i . Each ...........................
1 314" BILGE PUMP-2400 G.P.H. Brand New War Surplus selr priming. A real pumll value suitable for genernl pumping. irrigation, fire protection, Marine use. Self adju8ting bucket type brass fins for long dependable service. 1"', " inlet and outlet. Mfg. by Blockmer Pump Co. Pulley Speed 400 · 1000 RPM maximum. Origina lly Cost $ 5.00 . A "PRIN CE SS VALUE" ONLy ........ ..... ..................... ....
Here •• a multi pur· po. ~ unit designed ror erricirnt IOW·foot p u m pin g on the farm , In home .~. in· dustry. con struction nnel wherever h("flVY duty "ef\;ice I required for continuous "Ilerating period •. • Light- eA sily car· ried (rom site to site uy on e man • Xot artectod uy dirty and lJIuddy
water. •
Work, (n , t to re· move surface water.
Featuree-Famoul " Prui.ion
M.de" CLlnton Ga. Enl'lne ••• urinl' a Ion I' life of trouble free
~l' e ci(jcD.tions W eight 4~ lu,.
Pump Body High grade grey cast iron . Engine-Clinton Pr.cision made HP y~ 2()()'3800 R . I' .M . Height-4 .. (w ith engine) . Performance-
Total Dynamic Head In Feet (Gallons per ho ur) 10 15 20 25 HOO 4~~00 3700 3300 Item No. PSP·302·El-ipecial
Prin('~: "Is
30 2900
$79 50 •
$ 1 80 •
"Marine Centrifugal Pump"
All Bronze Centrifugal Pump Item No. 384 Equipped with 6" adjustable "V" pu ll ey, 2" diameter inlet and out· let, 1 0 gal. per minute capacity. These all bronze Centrifugal P umps are ideal for use as marine bilge pumps, circulating pumps, fire protection or irrigation . Inlet and outlet take hose with 2 ~" in· side diameter. SHIPPIl'<G WEIGHT 31 LBS. Total Head Speed Feet 25 3600 R .P .M. 35 3000 R . P .M . 20 2400 R .P.M .
H.P . , 3 I',. lA!
Gal . Per Min . 180 90 76
Bac k plate may be r otate d f or most conveni ent in let pos it io n.
• DUet Pump • Irr-iption • Fuel Transfer • Boiler Feed • Marine Pump • Dewaurine • Circulatinl' Pump ' Car Wuhinl' (All Bronze Constructed) Pulley- Adjusta ble pulley assem bly especially desirable where Base adjustment cannot be made. Ball Bearinl'- Sealed and grease packed for life. requires no fur t.her lub rication. Intake and Discharl'e- Threa ded ror standard pipe s izes. Accurate surfaces provide streamlined flow and hIgh efficiency. Body. Housinl'. Impeller m ade oC high quality red br8S8. Greast up-Only point in pump requiring attention- periodic lub ricatIon with waterproof gre ase. Packin, GI&nd- Backed by semi·permanent metallic packing. Need not be excessively tight. as desil(n of pump eliminates leakage and sediment deposit as well as lubricnnt los8 at packing and bushing. Shim. and Gas kets- sre provided in the design of this pump to Cacilitate the maintenallct! oC pToner clearances. Drain Plug (drain cock) - is provided so the unit may be drained in freezing weather. Shaft- IS made o f highly polished Monel metal. Weight 18 lb•.
1i~~~lrr Rr~ 1irpi~ ~~ RP1:4 40 45 50 55 60 65
8 60
1 t,:, I',
131 125 118 1* 110 98 82 M in .mum pump speed 1.590 r.p .m.
Model R-110
120 110 95 70
2"J 2'\
3\4 3 3 2* 2* 2'h
Price $29.75
READY-TO-INSTALL "SHALLOW WELL PUMP UNIT" ITEM N O. OL-356A • Complete packaged unit : mounted. on 10·imperial gallon tank . .t is only necessary to • Ready to us connect Dipes. • Pump.ng Capacity 210 Imperial gallons per hour. • Motor- ',. H.P. 60 cycle. 110 volt. "therms ""ard" protected . • Controls: Automatic Pressure Control Switch. Safety Pre Bure RelieC Valve. Air Volume Control. The ideal shallow well pressure s ystem for .Farm or boube use. This is 0. un1t for any house well or man made cistern 22 feet or le.s in depth . Large 10 Imperial gallon tank eliminates CreQuent stal·ling. Corn· plete unit takes only n small space. This self·contalned Jlump is engineered and designPd to give long·life service : all work· ing parts made from highest Quahty material. Buahings are patented nylon type, will give years of service with noiseless operation. Shipped in wooden crate. Weight approximately 130 lb• . SP"'CIAL PRICE .. ...... .. .... _ ..... (F.O .B. Winnipeg)
Brand New Rubber Hose REAL SAVING
Gear Type Pump Maximum VE1·tical suction lif t 20·Ct. Pumps ,water or . any liQuid that is free from ~an d or other abraSive materlnlself.lubricatlng, requires no greasing. These pumps can be belt driven or can be coupled direct to tractor power take-off for u~e in weed spraying. Requires 1;'3 H .P . or larger capacitator type electric motor or 11.\) H .P. gasoline engine. Precision built-alt bronze castings with- hardened straight cut brass gears. graphite
bearin~s .
l.,-Inch Bronze Gear Pump with Vl- in. suction and discha.rge oi,.ninl~s. Capacity at 900 R .P. M. at 30·lbs. pressure is 350 gallons per hour or 130 ga llon s per hour \\ hen used in tractor power take-off. PRICE .................. _...................................... _.................. · ......$21.50 3.~ -inch Bronze Gear Pump with a,, -in . suction and discharge openings. Capacity at 900 R P.M. at 30 Ibs. pressure is 500 gallons per hour or 250 gallons per hour when used in tractor power take -off. PR1CE .............................. .................... ·_ ........ ·$24.75
.• Thermal protected Fully auto m at ic
(1)2 5 ft. long-"," dia. suclion ....................................... $9.50 14 ft . long-Z" dia. , gas or s uction ........................... $8.50 112"xl\~" rlin., .gas or suction ...................................... $7.50 9V" ft. x 2" suction hose ........ ........................................$8.50
Vacuum Pump Rotary Vane ltem No. 104A- Rotary Vane Tyv for milking machines, printing presses. vacuum frames. dental castings, lab use, etc. Delivers 26" vacuum, 4 .6 cu . ft. per min . at IS00 R .P. M .. using'" H.P. Rotates either direction . . . " pIpe thread ports, ',</' stan dard shaft, 4 ball bearinICs. Easy ang le bracket mtg. Ready to run. Dimensions: O"x4 y,"xS". Shipping Weight: 13 Ibs ........................................................... · .. ·........ · .. ·· ........ · .. ··$16.50
Fuel Pump Rotary Vane Item No. 51-A fine reversible utility unit for gasoline or fuel oil pumping, etc. Capacity, 400 gallons per hour. '!<" pipe thread inlet and outlet. H as built-in, adjustable relief valve. set at 30 P .S.!., adjust" ble to 100 P.S .!' Rotation in eIther direction: Yz" standard s haft. b,,1I bea"ing supported. Dimensions: 5%"x3t,8"xI0" . Shipping weight: Ibs. -· $16.50 A $55.00 value ........ .:a.... '·.:a.. p.. ·-
W 's'
'. H . P . 1l0-volt ball-bearing motor . dependable micro swItch. resistant to ,'u t and corrosion. Pump may be set up off level and ICive good perfo,·mance. • Float is solid p lastic-indestructible cannot rust or corrode. a a • All metal parts of switch and fl oat rod are cadmiu m plated, No. l30-Hand Fluid Pump Self priming. excellent cannot rust. W for fuel transfer- barre l pump , " pipe thread porta 3""'/' • Swit<h lever and float rod guide a re treated with plastic comdia . Wt. 3'h Ibs. Aircraft Quality. 200 G.P .H .........$6.50 pound to prevent vibrntion. I P • Capacity 2000 Imp . Ga ls. per hour at 6-ft. head . Higgins Bronze Centrifuga ump • Overall height a bout 33 inches. Item No. 414-Wt. 23 Ibs. ' 75 ga ls. per minute at 2400 R.P.M. Pump base is cast iron. with heavy seamless s teel tubing for l.!.J Higgin s type PNB. Mode l R marine bilge pump; open pump standard . Impeller is five va ned. open type. wIth solid II d' f h d ' d D . drive shaft coupled directly to electric moto r . Galvanized steel impe er eS ' ICn or a n hnIC mud y wuter. ehvers 75 gals. per minute. 30 foot head with", H .P. Motor. wire sc reen 7 1.AJ" diameter covers su ction bot.tom of pump. Has Pump. Body. and ImJ)eller are made of solid bron2e with alloy l'>." di sch" q~e outlet. ShillPing weight about 36-lb.. steel. ,-(," diamete,· .haft 1 long . Rotation of pump i8 c1ockReduced Special ............... ~:.? :.s. : ~.~ : $39.50 wise. Inlet has Ph" pipe thread . Plain 1 Yz" Outlet for hose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-"'co:;.;n.;.;n.;.;e:;.;:c;.;;t"'io"'n;;:B...__ Price Reduced to .......... ..................... ......$28.50
H·a·-n.... FJu..... ·P·u..·m ......
WATER WHERE YOU NEED IT FROST PROOF YARD HYDRANT Shuts off and drains below fros t line. Features l,lunger arrangement assuring even flow from trickle to full force prevents drAin hole seepage. Brass rod throu g h sealing unIt will not rust or damage o ring seal. One piece solid bra ... plun ger equipped with 2 0 rinIC and washer of lurable rubber \)I'event leakage and frost damage . Standard garden hose thread on discharge E asy installation Bury Overall Model Size Depth Lenlrth Wt. Price ~~ 1420 4' 61/~ ' 20 lb• . $18.00
24 lbo .
::1II "
2S lb • .
$11.71 521.0
High Capacity "Jet" PuIllP lFOR WELLS TO SO-FOOT DEPTH) Ready to install unit, with smooth, quiet water flow ITEM NO. OL-563A High capacity water s upply Cor f arm s or households where 8everal fixtures may be in use at one time. Compact (or easy in stall:ltion, with pump and motor mounted on heavy-gauge galvanized tank and con nections made between pump and tank . Simple design that gives you years oC trouble free service with only one moving Dart. Mecha nica l seal around the motor s huft is self-adjusting to take up wear wIthout leakage. To protect pump from abrasiveH in the water, a bronze fool. valve and stnliner are supplied. SPECIFICATIONS: MOTOR- l !3 H . P.. 110 volt. 60 cycle with pre-lubricated ball bearings, equipped with automatic re-set. overload protection, IMPELLER Precision machined •. nd accurately ba lanced bronze. sinlrle piece con· struction. directly coupled to motor s haft. CONTROLS- Press ure gauge. Ilressure conlt'o l valve. air volume control. CAPACITY Up to 482 imperial gallons per hour . DIMEN ION 10-lmportal gallon lank. Overall 32"x12"x24".
~~1~ntt,G p~f6~H.~.. 1.~.5.. lb~::. ~r.~.t~ ..i."..w.~~.~". ..b.~.~: .............................. $116.50 (F.O.B. Winnipeg)
. . \'\
~ :··;:o ~ :,:~:
CO .... Sf G.... vu~·
• ! ..: ~
• Pressure Die Cast construction of rust proof alloy. • P orts externally threaded for direct attachment to ga rden hose. • R eplaceable brass wear plates. • P recision ground stainless steel shafts. • Oilite Bearings & oil reservoir. • All rotors interchangeable. • Full stock of replacement parts. • Weight 3 lbs. • Fully Guaranteed.
9 "" 9 0. 9 "
Reversible V aD e T ype lor wate r and Petroleum Pr o· d u c t s at low speeds
ROL-FLO Rubber Roll er t ype l or wate r a nd light liquids
FLEX-FLO Reversible Sell·P rl· m in g Ru bbe r Im· peller Type lor wa· ter and non·rub· be r sol ve nts
PUMP PERFORMANCE DATA AT 1750 R .P.M . FLEX-FLO Head Pres. In Lb • • F"e<rt P .S . I.
Gal • • per Min.
Motor Rating
Head Pre!. In Lbo. Feet P .S . I.
Gals. pe r M in .
Head Pres. In Lbo. Feet P .S . I.
Motor Ra t ing
5 1/ 2
1' 6 h.p.
Ga l • . per M in.
Motor Ratl n ll
5 1/ 2
l/ 6 h.p.
5 1/ 2
1/ 4 h.p.
43/ 4
1/ 4 h.p.
1/ 6 h.p.
1/ 6 h.p.
41/ 2
1/ 4 h.p.
1/ 4 h.p.
33/ 4
1/ 3 h.p.
113 h.p.
1/4 h.p .
20 "
14 h.p.
I 3/ 4
1/ 3 h.p.
40" 2 1/ 2 1/ 4 h.p.
2 1/ 2
1/ 4 h.p.
1 1/ 2
1/ 3 h.p .
1/ 3 h.p.
These Pumps are Not Recommended for Acids or Base Solutions
The Standard All Purpose Pump "Fint In The Field" (for .. a. or ele<lric motors) Thl. pump ha. a very high capacity for pumping clear, muddy or sand y water fro m dugouta, riven, ditches or shallow wells. It is idea l for u se on irriga tion or sma ll pressure .yltem• . Cut-Jr.n Body and Solid Cut-Iron ImpeUu. Equipped w ith n ew, modern, water lubricated Rotary Seal and Ol\ite Bushing. • No stuffln .. box necessary . • No Power-loas by friction on the shaft . • No water-<iropplng. • No Greaae cup nece&sary. • CIOMd Impeller. Tbi. pump ha. 1'>4 N .uctlon and a IN dischar ..e . Tbe a ddi tion of the rota ry sea l along with advance engineering deeign has enabled us to offer you a pump capabl. o C the capacities llated below. Total Dynamic Bud In Feet 40 20 30 50 60 70 •• P. R.P.II. Section Lift 10
1750 2400 2900 3400
7 10 18.5 17
1800 2460 3360 3720
900 2040 3000 3540
1600 2580 3300
21 60 3060
ITEM NO. JW2650 Complete with Foot Valve and Pulley _.......$
1440 28 20
23 .35
17 40
=------ , --.. - .D
'_--:.-.:::-.~ ~- ~~~~
Heavy Gauge Amo Boxes for Every Purpose. All boxes have sturdy handles and are In new condition. You may pick 10 assorted boxes at the prire listed-In lots of 10. A-P80-22" Long. 9" Wide, 5" Deep . . $1.25 Each . . $1.00 Lots of 10 each ....... - ...... . B -P59-19" long, 8" Wide, 8" Deep. Each .. .. ..... .. .. . . ... $1.35 Lots of ID each ............... _ ................ $1.20 C-206--19" long, 9th" Deep, 12" long. A very handy box . Each . ............................ $1.65 Lots of 10 each ....... . ............ __ .......... $1.40 D -314-Height 28" Square Top Opening 10 1/ 4" x 10 1f4". Can be used as Tool Box . Is water tight -8 gallon capacity . Excellent for storing antifree ze . Each ..... ............ .. __ ........ $1.50 Lots of 10 each ..................... ' ............. $1.25
BRAND NEW 32 YOLT MOTOR BARGAINS 1- Brand New % H .P . · 32 Vol t DC Electric Motor. 4.000 RPM. reversibl e. Mfg. by ELECTR IC VACUUM CLEANER Co. Dimensions - 8" long. 4% " Wide, 4%" high . Special Price ...... ............ .. .............. $17.50 2--32 Volt E lectric Motor - Bra n d n ew. ¥.! H.P., 32. Vo lts D.C., 1,7150 R. P .M. 11 amps. at full lo ad . Air cooled, h eavy duty ball bearings, powerful and noi sel ess. Weight 18 Ibs . Complete w ith metal bas e. Special Price .............. .................... $19.50 H.P. 32 Volt, 7 Am ps. , 2,000 R.P.M. gear head, E lectric Mo t or buil t by Delco. Ball bearing type, %" shaft . As illustrated .................................. $12.75
4-B rand Ne w Thompson Fuel Booster Pump-24 to 40 Volt-Iow pressure 2,006 P .H . a t P .S.I. - Draws 5.2 amp. Each .................................... ................$12.50 5-32 Volt, V3 H .P . Electric Motor with 5(}0 lb. hoist directly attached. % inch s h a ft. Motor is rev e rsible with low amperage s uitable for garage hoist. door o pener, e lectri c drill, hay sling hoist. The re ar e many more practical uses for thi s (:ompact well built motol'. The hoist can be eas ily ad a pted . ONLY ... .$22.50
6- E x haus t Blower Excellent for clearin g fu mes i n ga r age . sp r ay ShOll. fo r ge . May be att.ached to heatin g unit. Blower wj IJ move 2500 cu . in. of air per m in ute. Com es com p lete with 32 volt. 6 amp . ball bearing type motor. I nc ludes st.art a nd .. top switch . Yours complete for on lY ........................................................................................................ ........... ... ..... ....... $18.50 I-AIRCRAFT QUALITY ELECTRIC MOTOR- Urnnd Ne w 6· 12·2t Vo lt D.C. Cnn also be used on 110 Vo lt A.C. will l . t e p do wn 1 ra n.- fo rlll e r . Draw 10 an l(l8 at 24 \ 'o lt s . Jll t'a l fo r cOIH"e rtin g Ba rb ec ue Spits (rom ha lld to electri ca ll y o pe rated . al so can \Je adapted t o Ill any oth er u es ill th e HOBBY fi eld - Belt and cha in drh e. Ite", No. N I1 I~ Pri ce $3.76 8-GEAR HEAD ELECTRI C MOT OR, 12 Volt 1/ 20 H.P., 200 R·P. M . Reversible. Built by Dumo re. Can be used as n dri ll . opening door•. o r any app lication w here a de pe nd a ble Gea r Hea d Motor is is requi r ed . Size 3'l!." Diameter. 5" long. weight 3'1.. Ibs . Bt'an d Ne w War Su rp lus, only ................................................................................................. · ... ·.. ····· ..... ·.. ·.. · .... ·.... · .... · .. ·· .......................... ... 514.50
Eclipse Retracting Unit
ECLl'PSE RETRACTING UNIT. with 24 vo lt DC motor - Rated at 2 H.P. Take-<>ff shaft turns 110 R.P .M . Gear ratio is 40 to 1. Clutch is set at 100 foot pounds torque. Has an electro magnetic brake in motor . Over ~ all size approximately 10'h" x 8 '1.. " x 5 ~" . ONLY ... .............. $22.00
WAR SURPLUS "UNIYERSAL SNOW PLOW" I deal for s n ow~c l eari n g. ground le velling a nd m any other uses. Equipped with a 6 ft . x 29" cu rved b lade . T wo conven ie nt caste rs fo r blade depth setting. Cylinder. Blackhuwk Hand hydra uli c pum p. an d hose . Coil sprin g to cus h ion s train or jar on p lo\\' blad E. Complete with nil attac hments f o r inst a lJlng . ( See P hoto ) . Snow plow can be he ld in any pos ition w ith h ydra ul ic cyl indet· con tro l f t'om g round level to fully raised pos ition 18" from ground . P low Bl ade can a lso be s wun g t o either s ide ( approx. 40°) for ang le-dozing. Item No . U SP·22. Com p lete unit. Regul a r $850 .00 . Princess Special Price ........... .. ................... .. ...... _................................ ............. $295.00 For mounUng on any truck or tracto r .
LB. AXLE ASSEMBLY 2 TIRES - 2 TUBES - 2 WHEELS and AXLE Maximum load capacity 20,000 lbs. Check this 20,000 pound Trailer Axle Assembly. Here is a real heavy duty solid axlp. assembly excellent for hauling heavy loads over soft ground . Also perfect for tractor trailer or for all heavy duty hauling. These trailer axle assemblies will make light work ot any load, and will run smooth on the roughest ground. Complete with good used 14-ply 1550 x 20 aircraft tires ......................- ........
185 5 .0 ;i~:~lf~tetl;:~th...~~~~...~.~.~~~~...~~~~ ...~... ~~.... 5210.0 6 TON DUAL "LOW" AXLE ASSEMBLY Build your own "Tilt Type Trailer" . Assembly Is suitable for any type trailer you might want to build . Features 20" Aircraft 14 ply Nylon used tires in good condition, mounted on standard 20" truck wheels . Standard width Axle, Assembly timken bearings. Tire Height 31". Princess Special ..........................................
(Same Unit-with Hydraulic brakes)
NEW ARMY 3% TON AXLE ASSEMBLY Build your own trailer with our special axle assembly. Originally built to military specifications, now at a fraction of its cost. 2" Solid steel axle equipped with mechanical Brakes, Timken Bearings, Spring Seat, Wheels 20" (will take
~~e~~a~·25T~9~~ T~~~~~...~t.~~~.~~~..~~~~:.......... $69.00 Complete with good used Tires 7.50 x 20, No patches or repairs-T-915 .. _ .. _._._ .___ _ .. _ .............. ___ $110.00
Full floating type- 2 to 3 ton truck axle housing. Fully checked and in A-I shape, with brakes, hubs, all bolts and nuts, 4 wheels. These are available in Chev. 10 hole and Int. Day ton Wheels only. Be sure to specify preference. With SPECIAL 6" WHEELS-T-923 ................ $6S.00 With SPECIAL 7" WHEEL::>-T-924,.._ ......... $10S.00 We can also supply rear chassis of truck with sprin'gs,
~~~~}:~~~. ~ol~..Includes ove~I~~.~ . S~.~~~.gs.
WITH 1S" WHEELS $172.00
o~g THE TRUCKER SPECIAL Heavy duty trailer axle assembly, carrying capacity 20,000 lbs. Brand new Timkin Axle fitted with guaranteed reconditioned hubs and bearings with hydraulic brakes. 4 wheels which will take up to 900 x 20 tires. A $500.00 unit. 00 Our Special Price-T-922 .. •
~ 4,000 LB. CAPACITY An excellent axle assembly for building house trailers or any other unit where brakes are essential. Features: 1 solid square axle, equipped with electric brakes, shock absorbers, Dodge hubs, and 16" wheels. 68" track. UNIT CO~tPLETE WITH ELECTRIC BRAKE KIT
ITEM No. " JET "-17 (Si ze 6.50 x 14 · 12 Ply Nylon) WORLD'S BEST GUARANTEE ow you can change over you r wagons, trail e rs, implemen ts , etc., t o ircraft 6.50 x 14 - ] 2 Ply Ny lo n T ires, des ign ed to carry 6000 lbs. each tire. We have had so m u ch su ccess with these tires that we ill guarantee that should t h is tire fail within 2 y ears we shall replace F.O.B. Winnipeg, at DO charge to you.
6 1 ....
6.50 ,
Tirr-; are
14 . 12 Ply Fre~h
~ylon, lI~ed,
off of newest type Jets . Ti re height 26". Width no repairs. \Vill out last regu la r tru ck o r passen·
f Ir ...·:-, by 5 time!'. \\,II~EL. '2 piec~. en,ily demollntable.
h~avy steel wheel. In orde rin g, plea se send III paper pattern uf pre,ent huh, number o f holls, and make of uni t. We s ha ll drill wl,..el lo fit }our pre,rnl huh . Tl BE. He.,·y duty aircraft qualit) . PRICE PER \ NIT (Tire and Tuhe and Wheel·,.'>emhlerl)
ET 0 F 4
NEW 15" CHAN GEOVER WHEEL ASSEMBLY , alll e tYlle as above hut with BRA ' 1) XEW 650 x 15 . 16 ply N YLON TIRES, 2 pit 'e o whet'l. and X E\\, alrcrafl quality heavy tube •. PI{ICE ITE~I No. T15. PER l'X IT $21.75 (1 Ire, tul,e and \\ heel a"emu od) et of 4 $82.00 (When ordertng send paper paUern and we wi ll d rill wh ee l to li t you r p rese nt huh)
• All Trailers shown as "'Jet Assemblies'" in this catalogue are equipped with the above Princess "'Jet" un-it.
HW A·89- Brand new Hub and Timken Bearings. Complete with shaft Length 4 ~ " . Shaft diameter Ph " . Over a ll length 8 lh~ Dust cap to fit hub .. Can be supplied for above "J et" Assy, also Chev, Ford and Dodge passenger Wheels. Price, each ................................................................................................ $9.15
PRINCESS AXLE ASSEMBLIES Here is a well constructed axle assembly. fea t uring Timken bearings, 2" boxed angle iron, heavy du ty hubs, 60" track tire to tire. If y ou are in the market for a dependable axle assembly, "THIS IS IT"
SR51-3 Ton Axle Assembly equi p ped with 2·12 Ply Ny lon "Princess J et" Aircraft tires, size 6.50x14. These tires are off t he Newes t type Jets and will gi ve years of trouble free service. (Same size wheel as n e w cars). Tire Helght 26", Width 6lh". T ir es guaranteed for 2 years. We shall replace this tire at no charge F.O.B. Win ni peg, should it fai l within 1 year. W heels are 2 piece steel. Bolted toge th er for ea s y assemb ly. (Ax le Assy. with tires, T ubes, & Wheels), as described a bove .........................
PROMPT RESPONSE WILL BE GIVEN ON ITEMS OTHER THAN LISTED IN THIS CATALOGUE. WRITE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS SR37-Ax le Assembly with 14" drop ce n t r e wh eels (s ame as on 1957 automo biles) using 10 P ly ny lon low pressure a ir· craft tires, used , 1 year guarantee. Fresh stock of tires oft cu r rent mod el a irc raft. Each tire rated to carr y 3500 l bs . H eig ht 27" , Width 8" . Same carrying capacity as 11.00x] 2. (As illus trated wi t h tires) ................................................ $57.50 SR3 8- Axle Asse mbly (Same as a bove) wit h ]5" or 16" dr op centre wh eels (less tires ) .................................................. $35.50 SR39- Axle Asse mb ly (same as a bove) with 14" d rop centre wheels (less ti res ) ....................... ......................................... $38.50 S R40- Axle Asse mbly (sam e as above) with used 6.70x15 4 ply tires. 70% tread .......................................................... $46.50
One of our most popular Farm Wagons. Heavy Duty all welded construction, drop forged axles, spindles equipped with heavy duty tapered bearings. It has an adjustable reach, all steel yoke, and heavy duty tractor pole. Turns in a 10 foot radius. No Whip, perfect tracking. (Same Wagon can be supplied with three types of Tires as listed below).
Wagon as illustrated MODEL NFM-43 (with Princess Jet tire as illustrated above) - 6.S0 x 14 -12 ply Aircraft tires in excellent condition. Tires 26" high , 672" wide, mounted on 2 piece steel wheels. Should tires fail within 2 years we shall replace F .O.B. Winnipeg at no charge. Price ............................................................................. _........................................ $165.00 MODEL NFM-44-Wagon as illustrated with 14" 2 piece all steel wheels and 27SC 10 ply Nylon low pressure, flotation type tires. Price ........................................$169.00 MODEL NFM-49-Wagon as illustrated above with IS" used tire s. 80 % tread remaining. Price .................. .................. ............_................................................................. $155.00
FEATURES 10.50 X 16 - 14 PLY TIRES
Guarantee This wogon is fully guoranteed ogoinst any
terial. If wagon is not os represented it can be returned for immediate refund.
POSSIBLE BINDING ON TURNS NEW FULL CIRCLE 5TH WHEEL STEERING; FRICTION PLATES An Extra heavy duty wagon that will ensure you of years of trouble-free service. This wagon comes equipped with extra heavy hubs, wheels and frame work. Ever y part will stand up under rated load. CAPACITY- l0 Ton conservatively rated . TRACK-60" Cen tre t o centre tire, will t rack perfectly beh ind any truck or tractor. CONSTRUCTION-Weld ed St eel. HITCH-Extra Heavy duty tubing. REACH-Steel pipe, pole con be extended to 10'2". FRONT AXLE-Solid St eel. 7" I beam. REAR AXLE-Soltd Steel. 7" I beam. BUHK-38" Between posts.
WHEELS-- Extra Wide. heavy, 2 piece type. BEARINGS--l0 Ton Hubs-roller bearings Tlmken (heavy duty) . STEERING-New full clrcie 5th wheel steetlng, allows shortest possible turning radiUS. New friction plates eliminate pOSSible binding on turns. TIRES-- 10.50 x 16-1. ply nylon (rated to carry 60.000 .Ibs. on A tires) . We Will replace tire free of charge F.O B. Wlnntpeg should It fOil Within 2 years. WElGHT-1260 Ibs . (With tires) .
Featuring 6.50 x 14 . 12 ply Nylon "Jet" Aircraft tires in excellent condition. Tire 26" high, 6 1 z" wide. With all steel ·2 piece wheel. hould tire fail within 2 years we s hall replace F.O.B. Winnipeg. He re is an e:\.tra henv ily constructed trailer. designed to give years of troub le-free service . Swinging rocker type bunk prevents s l nlin or breaking of box. and a llo\\ s equal load balance to all wheels. NEW FRICTI ON PLATES THAT ELIMINATE POSSIBLE BINDING ON TURN . NEW FULL CIRCLE 5lh WHEEL STEER I NG allows s hortest Ilossible turning radius . CAPACITY- ; Ton Conservatively raled . TRACK-ljO" cenlre to centre tire. will track perfectly behind any truck or tractor. CUN THUCTION-Welded Steel. R EACH Pole extends to 10' 2" steel pipe. HITCH E xtra Heavy Channel. TIRES-II " Jet aircraft tire. used. but in e"cellent condition. 12: ply. a tire that is sti ll used on aircraft thus ensuring fresh supp ly . We guarantee to replace any tire free of charge F.O.B.
Winnipeg. s hould t hey fail within 2 years. Width oC tire Height o f l ire 26". WHEELS-Extra wide 14". all steel. 2 piece.
BEARI GS-Timken bearings make wagon free runnin g, elimin ates binding when starting and stoppi ng. even with full capacity load. B UNK- S" Channel. posts.
sta ndard
WEIGHT-Complete with tires, 500 Ibs.
GUARANTEE This wagon is fully guaran· teed against any defects in Workmanship and material. If wagon is not as represented. it can be returned for immediate refund.
Model W527-S ame Wagon as above with wider low pressure 27SC 10 piy nylon tires, drop centre all s teel wheels (same as on 1957 Automobiles). These tires h ave the sam e carrying capacity as a 11. 00x12. SpeCial (F.O.B. Winnipeg) ..................................................................... $159.50
NOW-All Purpose Steel Wagons AT LOW PRICES
"NORCO ECONOMY" 3 and 4 TON MODELS (Automotive-Type Steering) "WE AK Spots" are eliminated by the Norco All-Weld construction. This assures un iform strength throughout the Wa?on. with no undue strain on load carrying areas. Through design and construction "N orco u all steel wagons are built to give a lifetime of service. Long Life means Low Yearly Depreciation and Less Maintenance Costs . The All-Weld construction of these Wagons has cut up"'keep costs to practically nil. There are no "weakspots" to wear and repeatedly be replaced, THIS MEANS TIME SAVED AND MONEY GAINED .
000 Ibs. 60" center to center. Welded Steel. Timken tapel'ed roller bearings and oil seals.
6000 Ibs. 60" center to center. W e lded Steel. Timken tapered high-s peed roller bearings.
We can supply the 3 and 4 Ton Wagons as listed below. 4 Ton 3 Ton Mode l W·101-With 6.50 x ]4 - 12 ply Nylon Aircraft tirE's, (same \\-heel size as new cars), off of newest type JET . Tires in excellent ('ondition 26" high 6lA1 n wide. hould tires fail within two years we s hall replace F .O.B. Winnipeg. Wheels-All steel, 2 piece. with extra heavy Aircraft tubes. PRI E ................................................................. $156.00 Model W -402-With 6.70x15 . 4 ply good used tires, 70% tread , Tires guaranteed one year. . ... $149.00 Mod I W-400- Wagon less tires, with 15" or 16" wheels. Price ...................................................... $129.00
Model W-304- Wlth ~.50 x 14 - 12 Ply Nylon Aircraft Tires (same wheel s ize as ne w cars) off of newest type JETS. Tires in excellent condition 26" high 6lh" wide. Sho uld tires fail within 2 years we shaIi replace F .O.B. Winnipeg. Wheels-All Steel 2 piece with extra heavy Aircraft Tubes. Price .... $142.00 Model W-302-Wagon with gpod used 15" tires, 70% tread. Tires guaranteed one year. .. ........... $129.00 Model W -300- Wagon less tires with 15" or 16" 49 wheels. Price .................................... .'.................. $109.00
• • • • • •
7 Ton Capacity Brand New 6 .50 x 15 16- Pl y Nylon Aircraft Tires. Height 26 Y2" , W idth 6 Y2". Should t ire fail within 2 years we will replace at no charge F.O.B. Winnipeg. Twa piece 15" wheels 60" Standard track Sturdy 5" I beam axles Steel tubing hitch 1 0' reach of 2" H.D. steel pipe Shipping weight approx. 700 Ibs.
For maximum Service at the Lowest Cost you will profit more from increased payloads with the Brand New NORCO Model 700 equipped with full circle 5th wheel steering . The wagon designed and engineered to meet the needs ot modern high-speed forming . ' for ease of handling and perfect load balance .
1 10
Built to take it under 011 conditions, these Brand New JEEP TRAILER AXLES ore a recent Government release for civilian use . T hey feature Extra Heavy Duty Timken Double Bearings 1 % 1.0. 2% 0 .0 . on each hub . . . mechanical brakes and spring supports. Unit comes complete with 2 used 650x 14 12-ply aircraft tires, tubes, and 2 piece 14" wheels . For 011 trailers requiring 0 capacity up to 4000 Ibs. here is the Axle that will give performance you can count on every time no matter how rough the going . Complete As IIIustrated ______
We tin.house Fradional
If larjotcr sizes required \\'rite (or prices .
Manual Overload P,·otecUon.
1/ 4
1/3 1/3
\10 !l0 llD
Split Phase
Split Phase
S leeve
Washing Machine
$t8. 96
Split PhHse
Continuous Heavy Duty
1 i25
Capacitor Sleeve 223·J ·121 Start
$30. 50
R.P.llf. Model No. 1725
6.1 6.5
H.P. Motors
Split Phase
I ntermitten t Double Shaft $26.26
391 · Z·123
Capacilol' Start
Intermittent Si ngle Sha et
$38. 76
Intermittent Dble shaft
Heavy Duty Continuous
$43 .96 $63.60
1/2 1/2 3/4
110/220 110 / 2~0
9.5 ID.
11 0 / ~~O 9 .R/ 4 .9
Gapa itor
304-J-121 Canacitor Sleeve Start
307-J·1 2
Ball >
Heavy Duty
(;apncitor Sta r t
$40 .60
3/ 4
110/ 220
10/ 5
31'·Z· I23
110 / 220
318· Z·123
C:'tt~cito r
Ball '
I ntermittent DuU Intermittent -Dutv
Capacito r Start
Ba ll'
Heavy Duty
110 / 220 134/6 7
DUAL-PURPOSE DC GENERATOR (FOR LIGHTS OR BATTERY CHARGING) (2 H.P. or more I"equired to drive generator) 500 Watt DC Lighting Plant Oenerato,·. Will produce 6·12· 240 volts. This Generator can be used as 500 Watt Lighting Plant or to ch.rge 6 Volt an d 12 Volt batteries . Speed range from 3100-4000 R . P.M. Rotation-Counter·clockwise. Will light 4·100 Watt and 2·50 W"tt bulbs. or any combination of not mo,'e than a lotal of 500 Watt.,. (Use two 120 volt bulbs in eries). Battery chHl'g-e rating fmm 0.25 amps. 1 2" shaft ; Life-lime sealed ball bearings . Mrg. by Ru ssell Electric Co. Shipping weight 20 Ibs. Brand New- Gov't Cost $75.00. Item No. LPG-500 Special each ................... ....................................................... ........ $18.50 ITEM DR-75
"75-100 AMPS DELCO RE MY GENERATOR" (In New Condition) Ideal for Welding or Lightinl( Pl ant pUrposes. 24 Volt. 2600 R.P.M., with built-in cooling fan. Over-sized lifetime greased-sealed ball bearings: Air cooied commutator. Clock·wise rotation . Comes complete with face bracket and pulley. Shipping Weight Approx . 40 Ibs . Gov·t. Cost $195.00. Princess Special .......................... ............................ ........... .. ..................... .... $28.50
"2 WAY" INTERCOM SYSTEM The Bel·Com brings you the cODvenience of 2 way conversation at a Cost so Low you cannot afford to miss. Now . . . Save needless steps, just buzz a nd tal k. Ideal for-inter· communication in houses (between rooms). between house and barn. Offices, Wareho uses , Shops. Garages and Numerous other Uses. Both Parties have free two-way conversation at all times. Can be used up to one mile. Set comes complete with approx. 300 ft. of wire, and 4 batteries . Mndel I - Simply lift the microphone off the hook and make your call to the other party. It is not necessary to use the microphone to receive messages. only to transmit. Complete Set (as illustrated) . P rincess Special ... .... ............................................. .... .$14.95 Mndel 2- This Model Is equipped with Dial: just lift the receiver and dial the number as you do with the ordinary telephone. and speak. Complete Set (a. illustrated). Princes. Special ..... .. ................................... $15 . 25
OR YARD LIGHT Item FL-4--1deal for Farms. Contractors, or Emergency Use. They make marvellous lights to light up Yards, Drive-Ways, Parking Areas , and Many other uses. Equipped with 16" Reflector a.nd 4 Standard Screw Sockets. Easy to install with a strong loop provided with every unit. Uses 4-110 Volt standard easily obtaina ble bulbs. Ship. WC 12 lbs. Special (Less Bulbs) Each .......................................... $5.75
MOTOR CONTROL SWITCH Westing-house sIngle pole t her m a l s w it ch Complete with Hea ter for motor. rated 14- 1 h . il. 110 or 220 vo lts. Fu ll protection aga in st bUl'ning out or overloading moto r beyond c.a pacity. Manual reset. N OTE : When order ing give motor rating. . - -- - I tem N o. NH l. Price .......... $8.2& Replacement heater relay elements Item No. A m p. rating A p p . H.P . NH2 5- 5. 6 ~ NH3 5.7- 6.5 J.1 NH4 8. 6- 9.9 Ih NH5 11.4- 13 ~- l Price Each ............................. $ t .06
Autopulse Electric Pumps Item N o. 117- Ideal unit for pumpIng a lcoho l. gasoline and other fue ls on boats. trucks. or any equipm ent. using 24 volt system. Has 1,4" pipe t h read ports. Dimensions: 2%" x 4"x71h". Sh ipp ing we igh t 3 Ibs. PrIce ........................ $5.96
Weatherproof Wire Polyeth ylene P lastic cove red wire for Outside wIring. Solid copper conduclor. Treated for severe weather conditions. Special Prices . P e r Ft. Gaage 25 0 ft. RaU No . 6 $19.95 8'hc 6 c No. 8 $13.95 No. 10 $ 9.95 4'hc No . 12 $ 7.20 51 3lhc
HEAVY DU'I'Y WINCH DRIVE KI'I' It consists of : 1 24-tooth winch sprocket, 1 12-tooth drive sprocket mounted on 1" shoft, 2 I " Pillow Block beonngs , Semi -Finished Drive shoft with heovy duty "U " JOlnts--one side 10 spline slip jOint . Spllne sh~ft IS not welded so thot shoft con be cut to proper length . 5 ' of l ' 34 pitch choln. YOU GET ALL THE ABOVE FOR ONE LOW PRICE
Controlled hy t.WU CfJ!IVl'ni('IIt1) lu('nlrd !;prin~·lof\(J('d .. r lf -('t'ulrrlng Drums to he Ol)('ratf'd In (,Itlll'f (IIrrct,lOn t()~ethrr or ind prrHI<'nt Iy. U. ideally suit-ea tor Toy. 'J ru('ks, Tractor ... , Cranes, ancl Platform Lirt ... .ingl,· 'peed Power Take·(Hf re~ulred tt) operat.,. DllnclHuons : 51" 1011 It, 22" "hit', 20" hil(h. Drums ." \\H)r, "llII 61~" with 6" core. CorneR Njuiped with I" "tnndard 15 and 24·tuoth prockrls, hilt If· ....
1('\ (>r ..... ('nnhhn~ 1 c1rh f' chain Orar Rat-HI :.!I-l
. ('orr, IWfl ~" widf'
choln and ('uhlt,
,hi l>l>ing "eight "pproAilllfltely 35() 11),. Like new. completely lCeorll"I",,,",!. Price R~;G LAR $1200.00
~." Pitch Spro('kct.
10 Tooth
$ 3.25
II Tooth
3.50 3.75 9.75 10.25
12 Tooth 24 Tooth 25 Tooth
L!J Pow"r Tllke-Orr dri'e ,haft ,teady bearillg (state size required) each 53.76 Wri te (or prices 011 other oizes. When ordering mea Sllre len~th required - Once • cut cannot be returned (or credit.
Capacity to 2S Tons Semi Fini:h(ld Hort' Extra Prices
Rehoring Ke)" ay S('t.screw '1'.' I'll ch Choln Steel Rnller. Per loot Ma. ter Link
$2.40 1.60 1.25
52.36 .36
ROUND SHAFTING Ideal (or drhe ,hart nn 1I)","lIh(' Truck Hoist. Wlnche an" mall) other u_e, No. lOO 'l< I{ound !;haftin~ 45c ft. '0. tOl ~. Round ('old Rolled , harting 6Sc It. :\0. 102 "" Square Hhurtlllg 45c It.
TRUCK POWER TAKE-OFFS FOR ALL MAKES AND MODELS FARM CERTIFICATE REQUIRED CHEVROLET & GMC ~lodel Shart Via. Plic ' 1932-W47 4 , peed .pu r PHA '4" 529.60 1948-195 4 speed sy"cro mesh PT4M 29.60 '4" 7 " 193d-1955 5 s peed (mo,t IOodel s) 1'1'8 29.60 2RW 1950-1958 5 speed Np·9t020 (Tran8.) 29.60 1956·1958 5 speed Spicer 300109 (TrailS.) 1'1'4 M 29.60 FORD 7 ' " PT5A 1937·1953 4 speed spur T9-T97 Trans. 29.60 PT5J 1952·1955 4 speed helical 1'9 Tran . ~" 29.60 pT5K ~" 1956·195 4 speed helical T9 ~A TrailS . 29.60 1 1 ., PT C 194~·1957 5 speed medium duty 'lark ' Tran s. 29.60 pT6E 1953·1956 5 speed li~ht duty NI' Tran s. 29.60 'lio" 1" 1511FW 1955·19;;7 5 speed heavy duty Clark Trans. (2 Gear) 68.60 2RW 1957-1958 5 .peed NP-540 Tran s. ~" 29.60 INTERNATIONAL PT5A 1933- 1953 4 speed spur acme &. 1'97 Trans. 29.60 PT5J 1950-1955 4 speed Helical T9 1'ran8. 29.60 pT5K 1956·1953 4 speed lIelical 1'9 A Trans. 29.60 PT6E 1950-1957 5 speed light duty NI' 'frans. 29.60 PT C I9:kJ.l 95 5 speed heavy duty Full r Trans. 29.60 2RW 1956-195 5 speed 540 Trans. 29.60 DODGE & FARGO pT5A 1933·195l 4 speed Spur 29.60 M'61! 29.60 1950-1951 4 .peed Helical Arter April 195 1-1955 4 speed H elical PT5J ~" 29.60 1956· 1957 4 speed lIelical PT5K "AI" 29.60 1937·1957 5 speed 1'93 Tran .. Clark Heavy Duty PT C 'lio" 29.60 1950·1U55 5 speed light duty I'T6E 'lio" 29.60 1956· 195 5 speed P540 2RW 'lio" 29.60 1056·195 5 speed Clark 265 two gear 151HW I" 68.60 N. B.-When ordering Power Take-Olll always .how make, year and model number of your truck on your order.
5 m
'" ."
We stock single speed power take offs to fit all 1959 models. Price $29.50 Power Take-Off Cables, 7 feet long . Each _______ .. _ .. ____________________ $6.50
EXTRA HEAVY DUTY NEW 2 SPEED POWER TAKE-OFFS 1 Speed Forward - 1 Speed Reve rse
Ford J930·fi2 truck 4 speed using Warner T·9 transmission. Will alo (it Dodge and International using Warner T·9 transmission 576.00
I-fl POWER TAKE-OFF SPECIAL l!.J ran sup pl y New Hell.al Cut Gear i'lrecial. eac h
2 Speed (1 lorward, 1 reverse) Power Takeo·OIlI. _.. _........ _.. _.. _ .. , 5109.96 (For 4 & 5 speed trans.)
Rebuilt like new! Will !it all units taking a Model PT regul ar $225.00 va lue-only
1 REVERSE P.T.O. in above listing. A
NOTE : W e can supply 2.slleed Take·OHs (or all types of tnn·k.. Write (or prices.
GARWOOD 6-TON WINCH A CAR W OOD W INC H t·:\ ... aI~ IIblallrd uTI L,rrll tractor ... alltl truck ... rilminatE', c'Ctrn I l!tOf ~'chh and had\. hn:aklll).! work. TIH"l' art. . tilt' \\ III l' h (' ... cit".. iJ,!'ned for many h CR\'Y ·
l .. (' t h.. 1I1 for lo:tdITl~ "Init tlnlll,HIJIIJ,: 1110\ (' ... mall huihlin..:, pull tr.\lhft'r 1I1.h,'I IIIll'f) .. nah.(' InJ..:.. IIII '\P houl<l(\fs, etc Fca tur('s he-a \)
dUl~ l'on .. tnll't iPI1 fllr h ... tin~ '('nu',' alld l'orn'd g('ar r;l tlO for ea~e and ~ p('~d III h,l1ujlulI':: ,\ (,)ad Dln lt'lh ll1llS ~'j"" long ' HI" "Ili t" I.j" high ' (Iruln Il l ':,!" long \\1111 5" \'nrt'. EqUlPPl'd \\ ith tlog: du t<.'h :l1ld ... aftoty hrakt' . Ut':u raUo ~1 . 1. .~ haft. .. iz(' )1:/', I'O ~ll'l.hTEL\ · REl'O:,\IlIT10~Ef).
LI"t: :'\1-:\\ .
$166. 0 0 (LE';. CABLt:) BRAN D NEW ' TO:; <;.\1:\\'000 \\I\'('I! ('\HLE I,," :-. ." Win ch rnhle a \ aila hle a t / 1 1 " l .ed \I IIIch r"hl. a,ailable at
30c pe r roo l. 16c per roul.
NEW 5-TON HAND WINCHES All Purpose War Surpl us. Iden l fo r : • Farm l .. e • Tow Trucks . Bricklayers . Logger!' •
Con~trtl(' ti oll
Rnnfrr ... .
r . . {' ....
5 t on ca p:u.' lty. sin~le drum, 2 :--peed compound gea r ,
I..cbhl. ram and lever type. \\,th IIand grip >teel s hoe br ake and s pring actuated st"el "rrt) dn~. Oouhl. Purchase. The drum has 5" c<lre. \4" long and has 3 capac ity or ~6S rl. or I!,' rope ~ adjus table hand cranks allow greater cr anking 'peed. Dimen· sion . . : 22" \ 24" :"( 26", Shipping weight 200 Ibs. P;u'keel in wooden hox. Reclllar ,·alll.
19!;.00. Item 737. NOW ON LY
516& -00
that real heavy iob O n e o f t he .ve been compl",tely recondI tioned . Ov,",an L.>n<Jth ...... _._ .. __ ....... _ Wld,h Heurht Spool WIdth _
Re~ular ---- ----
h eaviest T r uck W inches ever built . These Winches and are guaran teed like new 20" 32 """ Spoo l D iameter 26" 7" 26" Spool Core 2" 131/,," Shaft D iameter .
51 488.88
Special .___ .. _____ .
--·- $615 .00
DBrand new, excellent for ca r towi ng, or any ligh t a p pli ca tion . T a per Roller Bearings, bronze Worm Gear, Au tomatic Safety-B rake. ~akes
any light load a safe load within the rated ca pa ci ty. Drum Dill. ] 1" Drum Width, 10"; Core 5"; OveralI le ngth . 48"; Overa ll Wi dth , 131' : Overall Height, H"; Special ____________________ .. __ .. __________ . ___ .... ______ .....$186.00
1) !~~J' vaY!eut~t~ ]5~0~!~~1-to-l
ra tio gears, automatic' b rake. 12-ft. Lift. Complete with 3/ 16 steel ca bl e. Us e with or without extension arm. Makes wonderful hoi st for gar a ges, r ea r end s wing-
S~~ ~.~.~: .. ~~_~~~.~~~~~~~~ .. ~.~.r...~ ~~~~.~.'...e.~~: .. ~.~~~. ..~.~~.~.. ~~~~:~~:_. $ 32.50 - 1800 LB. CAPACITY HAND WINCH ..§j Oil·impre{{nated bronze bearings . Drum holds 50-ft. of J,g_in. wi l'e rope . Mecha nica l
advantage 19 to L Gear ,-atio 5 to L Size 9". " 6 3/ 32 x 7-i n. hi g h . Shipping weight I Ibs . pecial .............................. ........................... .............. $31.75 Operates in any posit ion! Now load your boat tra iler, tr uc k or reg ula r t railer the easy and simple way! Jus t mount winch on you r t. I'uck or t ra iler. Winches const ructed of henvy gauge steel __ . rugged ly built for yea r s o f service .
1) po.ition J~~~ed. Drum L!;hhold £~nP!~.I!a!not~~' ~e~ope~li~5e~inl(ers. u>c ks in a ny s 19S- ft. of 3/ 16-in. cable. Mech anica l a d va ntage 9 to L Gear ratio 3 to 1. Shipping weight 8 Ibs. Specia l ...................................... ...................$8.95
UNIVERSAL TAKE-OFF JOINTS For Intermittent service With hydraulic hO ists. road and harvest ing eq ui p m ent . steenng mechani sm , etc. Used as standard equipment o n most po pula r mak es o f smaller underbody hOists. It reQuires small space for operation . IS key wayed. drIlled and tapped for grease fitting and set screw. •
$ 3 65
X 3."
'," Rd x 13/16" Rd 3 <4 "
Rd x "e" Rd
"e" Rd x "e" Rd
's" Rd x 15/16" Rd 15/16" Rd x 15/16" Rd 15/16" Rd x I " Rd ~EEDLE I~
'," Rd x 15/ 16" Rd '," Rd x I " Rd 13/ 16" Rd x 13/ 16" R d I" Rd x I " Rd Rd x 3:." Sq. 13/ 16" Rd x', " S Q J .. ..
"." R d . x
3 .. ..
13/ 16" Rd x 's" Rd 13/ 16" R d x 15/ 16" Rd 13/16" Rd x I " Rd I " Rd x '." SQ .
x 1,8" Rd . 13/16" Rd x 1," SQ.
3." Rd
Sq .
For ex l ra long li fe. h eav y dut y w o r k . r e placeable bear ln i:S. Same seiE:ctl on as a bove In Sl zeh-
III Standard Regu la r U- Jo in t $ 9 .75 121 S ltp JO In t 11 .20 13) N eedle-bearinll U- J oi n t for Chevrole t a .50 T r u cks. w it h larKe e m ergenc y B rake
UNIVERSAL SLIP TYPE JOINTS 3(," Rd x , ~" R d Slip '/•. Rd x 15/ 16 R d S li p 13/ 16 Rd x "s" Rd Sll p 13/ 16" Rd x 15/ 16" Rd SlIp
1:;/ 16" Rd x 15/ 16" R d Slip I " Rd x 13/ 16" Rd Sltp 'I." R d x ' , " SQ . Slip 13/ 16" Bd x '/, " SQ . S lip ' ... Rd . x ' , " SQ. Slip
Only Prin cess ca n offer thi s Qutsland ing buy at less th an half the ori g ,n a l cost. A bran d new porta ble p la n t to charge 12 vo lt batte ries or 2-6 volt ba tteries in se r ies. E xcelle nt for li g hts or radios within r a t.ed ca p aci ty on fal' m s. home s, ca m ps etc. Specifica tion s: Genera t o r - I S vo lts. 20 a mi) • . ~OO wnt ts . 2~00 r.p .m . En g in e: Bri g gs & Stra tton Model NP. Eq u ipped w it h pus h but ton start. a m meter. r heostat . s top butto n . m u ffle r . gas tank, gas strainer , and oil bat h a ir cleane r . Dimens ion s: IS" x 16" x 14". Weig ht : 100 Ibs . Fully portable can be eas ily s tored in ca r trunk. Item N H 71 ................................... __ ...... __ ....... _..... Price 5109.95
Weld Anything I Anypla ce I Anytime I The FORNEY 32 Vo lt D.C. Arc Welde r will weld a ny troe meta l f rom lig ht gauge sheet
to heavy s teel. The FORNEY is com p let ely equ ipped. not h ing else to buy; Helmet. E lectrode Holder an d Ca ble . Double F lexi ble P o we r Ca ble . G round Clam p a nd Ca ble. We ldin g Rod a nd Instruction Book. • Smooth. Qu iet Arc! Operati n g Cu r r ent ........ 32 V olt · Low Cos t Operation! Weldin g Rod .... 1/ 16 .. to 3/ 16" Ope ratin g Cost. About 4c an h r. · Weld ANY t ype Met a l ! r32" Hig h SPECIFICATION S Dimen s ion s ....... _...... .{ 17 " Wide We ld ing Sta ges ........................9 L14" Deep Weldin g Range I S to 2S0 amps. Shipp in g weigh t .......... 13S Iba. Brand Ne w Only ..... .............................. ........... ..... 579.95 F . O. B . WI NN IP EG
I ncrea.e engine output by 20% I Designed to supercharge SMa ll gasoline engines. this unit is idea l for: B lower, Exhaust lurbine, Air compressor. lOO'. of othe r uses. Rated: 26 C.F.M. at 4" H .G. at 3000 R.P .M. Precision built to U.S. Air Force Standards! Ba ll bearinl< constructIOn. ~" shaft. ~" ports. Dim ensions : 70" " S" x 7". Gov't Acquisition co t $ 4. S h ipping weil(ht IS lb •. F.O.R Winnipeg No . KX464 . ............ --..................... ....... ........... _ .... _... 524.60 N ow Only
Port abl e - Self-Pri mi n g - Man y ..... P um ps 5000 Gallons pe r hour. 3 H . P . Clin ton E ncine. This I>ump delivers SOOO G . P. H . Constructed with all the advanced engineering features these pumps are known for. Is powered by a Ba ll Bearing. 3 H .P., 4 Cycle Clinton Engine. Pump ie directly connected to the engine. thus making a compact, balanced Portab le Unit. SE LF-P RI M ING J ust fill the case once and then forl<et ,t . Pump \\ ill pay Cor itself ill a rew days. It does so much for so little. H us " l Y,' suction and a 10" discharge. The addition of the Rota,·t Sea l and advanced engineering design has enabled us to offer you a pump that builds up much greater preseure than found in other comparable units. T herefore on ly a 1~" Discharge i. necessary. Weight 70 Ibs. ITEM No. PASP- 126-PRI CESS SPECIAL ........... _ .. S13 9.60
m m
Con sisti ng o f 4 toggle switches w it h 12 ter mi na ls for connectin g w ires. Len gth 40" . Width 2H". H eight I". Tot.ally enclosed in p lastic box. Item N o. N R 99 P rice ............ _....... _.. ........ ...... .................. 52.05
Clearance Special . . . 200 Ceet plastic covered copper wire . . . suitable (or inter-comm systems, model trains. etc. Item N o. N B 98 .. 51.95
Ths is a PROVEN Ai rc r a ft Qua lity P roduct desi gned by Rogers Ma jesti c Co r use by th e Air F orce in conjunction with R adio and Electro nic Equipmen t. E x ce lle nt for Rad io a nd T . V . Ins t a lla tion . Speci fi ca t ions: S in g le L ine Fil ter conoi.ting of 2 conden80r s a nd choke coil enc l o~ed in a lum inu m container. h ipp i n g weig ht 1 lb . se of 2 u nits recom m ended EASY TO INSTALL WirinC d iagra m provided. Item N R 10 Price ea. ....... . 52 . 76 2 for ............... . 56.00
For Quick, accurate adjustment of Rotating Exhaust Valves. Each individ ually packed in wood box with sliding top and instructions Regula" ... $12.50 Each 55.75
Metal Tool Box with movab le tray-20" x 8" x and the following too ls: 12" Leve l - H ack Saw and 12 blades Nest of 3 sawe - 3 Sti lson Wrenches (8". 12" and 1 ") I" wood chisel ~".teel chisel Cement Trowel Side Cutter Flat Nose " Gas Pliers Plumb Jack-knife Normal Screwdriver 3-Duty Screwdriver (3", 6", and 12") - 10 lb. machinist hammer 1)4" machinist chisel 4" Punch Drior Pin 8" Divider Wing Strap· type P ipe Wrench . pecial 524.45
You have reached the
of your catalogue
Here you will find listed New, Used, and Re bu ilt parts t o fit a lmost every mak e and year af vehicle on the road toda y, and also Automotive Accessories th e most u p to da te on the market . W e are proud that Princess Auto and Mach inery Ltd . serves the needs of customers f rom " Coast to Coa st ." Orde rs rece iv ed are shipped the same day . READ THIS SECTION CAREFUL LY AN D REM EMBER, IF IT IS AUTOMOTIVE " PRINCESS" HAS IT.
ARMY TRU CK PARTS Ne carry th e larges t stock of Canadian ond Ameri·
W e op e rate th e largest Wreck ing Yard in Canada . At present we ha ve 2500 Cars and Trucks that w. ore dis mantl ing . Due to the various models in the sam e years, and special equipment on late mod.1 cars, we do not dismantle cars or trucks until ord.rs for ports are received . In this way we can ship proct ically all orders on the same day received. No order too large or too small . Write for any parts you may requ ire. We guarantee prompt, efficient service a t reasonable prices .
'on Army Truck Parts in Western Canada . A full in e of Tronsfer Cases, Transmissions, Axles, Wheels , ear Ends, Housings, Drive Shafts, Wea sel Pa rts, etc . o part too s moll no r too large. Write for prices, or ,r der d irect. A COMPLETE LINE FOR G.M.C., FORO, INTERNATIONAL, STUDEBAKER , DO DGE , REO 4 x 2; 4 x 4; 6 x 4 ; 6 x 6. ·tate exact mode l in your letter and if possi ble, give a rt numbet' and s ize of tires. Be sure to give o s ,"uch Informat ion as possible.
ARM Y VEHICLES We always have a large Stock of A rmy Trucks, Trailers, Buses, Half-Tracks. As our stock is continua lly c hang ing, send us your requirements and we shall be pleased to se nd you full in format ion .
Ht" I 1\
Dyn , fl o\\
Year Exchange Price Deposit 4 ·52 $ 219. 60 $ 60.00 53·'>4 55·56
C II~, \,
a mi I'Ol'T I \(. POWf; RClL I DE
50·54 1i1i·1i6
FORD . ~ I E TEOR . ~I ER C l' RY . MONAR 11 , FORDO'I.\ T((·, ~n: la' H 1AT IC 51 5 1 OLD ,' . PONT IA(' , II YOR \ ~ I \T IC 46·4' S Cl I. 49·50 :;J ·5:~
54 ·5f)
239.60 249.60 179. 60 189.60
100.00 100.00 60.00 60.00
184.60 160.00 206.00 209. 60 2 24.60
76.00 60.00 76.00 60.00 70.00
When orderi ng state year, make, model and olso the fo rg ing number on the right hand side of the automatic transmission .
(This guarantee does not apply to any transmission that has been improperly installed, or where adjoining ports or units not supplied with our transmission have been faulty and have re· suited in failure .
I I~
~ r~~~.
PRINCESS Re bu ilt Automat ic Transm iss ions ore un exce ll e d in Quality, Workmanship and Ma te rial . W ith our expe rience and know how t hey wi ll re nde r un equa lled serv ice in handling this vi tal componen t of every vehicle. Rep lace t hat wo rn transm iss ion NOW with a Dependa b le, Qua li ty Product . Our Modern T ransm issio n Rebuilding Plant is staffed by expert tran sm iss ion men using the la test method s and equipment . Each tra nsmission is completel y d ismantled - all parts inspected, an d if foun d to be worn they are rep laced.
NOTE : These units are sold on an exchange ba sis on ly, and a deposit vary ing with th e t ype of unit purchase d will be charged until the exchange is returned to us P REPA ID .
These motors are pre-run and tested in our shop.
These motors are for use in boats, welder motors, awmills, etc. They are not recommended for installation in cars or trucks. We cannot supply any specific year of motor, but we do guarantee a good reliable motor. THREE WAYS TO BUY THESE UNITS: 1. The m otor comu lete with a ll ~lCce~sorie8 ready la run.
2. The complete motol' ,\'ilh the lnlnHmi!';sion thnt filM the unit. 3. The entire unit with rndio!.,..
T ransmission
S 10.; . 00 S 125.00
Tran.miss ion
Tran sntiStdon
$ 120.00
" . ith
Tran ~ JlIi sR ion
$ 150.00
USED AND RECONDITIONED PARTS We wreck approximately 8 cars and trucks every day. We have one of the largest stock of used parts in Western Canada . Everything sold at a fraction of original cost. Write for prices.
RECONDITIONED FITS CARS 1929-4'1 AND ALL CHEV. TRUCKS-235 MOTORS SOLD ON EXCHANGE OR OUTRIGHT BA SIS IMPORTANT-Old heads will oe acceptecl only on the following bas!>. For ins tance . if a 1935-36 head is s h ipped a 1935-36 u sed h ead must be returned . In other words. w e will not accent in exchange a head of any other model than that s hipped by u • . Old heads must be returned to w; transportation charges Prepaid : olherwi ~e the trans portation charses will be deducted from the credit due you . Pay outright price when ord eri ng . We will refund S:;.OO if exchange is acceptable. OUTRIGHT $28.50 EXCHANGE $23.50
19 5] and up OUTRIGHT $50.00 EXCHANGE $45.00
RECONDITIONED RADIATORS For Cars and Trucks up to 19 56 MOdels. Rads are tested and boiled out. Guaranteed lik e new and a lso guaranteed to hold every type of Anti·Freeze . Write for Prices. FRONT
SAVE! Replace with a Good Used
Motor Block Assembly Con sIsts of Block . Crankshaft. Cams haft . Rods and P i,to n s. All parts are thorouehly checked and guaranteed against welds. scores and cracks. Rods and bearings are examined for eXC~SSlve wear. Assemblies are less heads. manifolds. pan and IImlllon. We have the.e units for all cars and trucks up to 1954. Write for prices. State year and model. Our prices wil l save money for you . We also ha ve these motors in overhauled condition ' 11 We ins tall rin gs. 2, GRIND Valves If L Head Motor. 31 Install Crank Bearings. 4 1 Check PinS and Install. 51 RIdge R eam . 6' Glaze Cylinders. 7, Check Cam, haft and TIm ing Gears. Write us for pnces-We iluarantee a llood Motor
For eve r y mnke and model. These are good used , serv iceable fenders off wrecked car sand trucks. When Inquiri ng be s ure to s tate whether front or rear requ ired and your yea r , mode l and nlakt:. Our prices are the best. Save agmnsl costly repair~. Order from us. Write for Prices.
For Cars and Truck s. We are
wrecklne cars a nd trucks from 1928 to 1953 models. Write u s for prices giving your year, 'T1ake and
HOODS AND TRUNK LIDS W r I t e us on your r equirements We are wreckinll and saving a I a rile number of early and late model hoods and t run k lid s. Our pr i c (" s are guaranteed to be more economical than a repair job. Writ. for Pric ••
HUBS DRUMS Hu ts and Drums carefully inspected .
are not worn exceSSively with no Write for Prices. arooves.
GOOD USED UNIVERSAL JOINTS These joint. are ("dory IlrO(\uel UII;' ersal joints. Te,ted "lid guurulltf.d and In perfect cond ition, Chev . 1032·53 Pass. and I'l ton Commercial. (.'tat. }ear anti ~Iodel) Specia l Price 53.00 Ford IY2 · 4 ~, Pa. s. only . Special Price 53.00
aft j.tuarallt('('d to ha\('
hrokt>1l 1('1" (" ... awl Itfr III j.!lJod lbrd l'{)JHlitIOIl .
\Vrit t ror Prict' . .
USED WHEELS PASS and 1/2 TON 16" an y mal(e or mode l $3.00 S pec ify ea c h l,"i" Dod r;e. PI) moul h up to 19 53 E ac h ... . $5.00 1 ~" Ford. Ch I' . (t p to 1953 ) . Eac h ..... .... ....$6.00 All mod e ls 195 1 and up . Ea . $7.50 Good u ~ed It; inc h " ' heels for Traile r s \Va~o n s HIIIl ,; Im pl e l1l en t s. $:! 50 eac h . . ... ..... .. 4 for $8.00 Good used Hi inc h \ Vh eels for Tr" il e r s - \\' a~on s Hims - Irn Jll ern nts. 3 ~\I ea c h ... ..4 fo r $14.00
Increase the bore of your tractor with these replacement sleeve assemblies. The bore increase will result in a more powerful, smoother running tractor. W e carry a complete stock for all makes and models. Write for furthor information on our assemblies at our new, low prices.
n . 1 F ib o. :! Fits No . .) h i' .... '7\- 6,iO :\
Our Sp('("ia l PI ice .
(, h c\'ro lel & P on ti ne F'onJ· Mcteol' Pod" - l'l y mou th I :"", :; ho le ReJ,!ul ar $ 11.6 5
19 19·G·' 19 19-5 1 ) 9 19 ~5 4
$9. 75
P rice ea , Ma ke &. Model 227HCH - I ll" (,haIIH c r, -W . Wc . W .D. W .F . $13.26 203HC H C" , e 1'. 0 . CC. DD . $13.80 222HCH - Ca 'e L. LA . et c. $18.10 239CH Cor k, hutt ( Buda 4B 153) $13.67 260CH Ford, Fo rd <o" 2X c ox $8.16 He placem ont $8.16 202 HCH ~ I d ·o,. m ack " 11 " W ·4 $12.40 232 HCH ~l tt'''' ''' n e k ,\.13. $9.40 194HCH ~l d' '' rlll:lck ~I $12.60 208HCH \I n ,el lI ar ris 44 $14.46 Other Model. - Prices On Request
USED TRUCK RIMS T h ese are chec k ed a n d are guaranteed straig ht. Will fit Inte rnational. Wh ite . Dia mond T and many oth e r tru c ks. Com plete w it h ri ng . State whether spl it or 'i 50 x 20 $10.00 solid being 11. 25 x:!() 15.00 used . 9.0 0 x 20 20.00
6 on x 2(1... $5 .00 6 511 x:! (I . 5.00 ; _110 x 2(1 .
,'·,fI \. :?o li ·,11 \ :!II ';" Oil \ ~II
i.HO \ .!II -; Oil \ :!II
-; :111 7' ,-,11
; .-,n \ :!o ... 1.1 :!rJ l,.:'!,-, \ :.!II !I.OO )" :!II
loo.:.!.-, \ :!()
"'.:!.-, ... :!:; >,,:!-, 111111
20 :!()
' .1,-, \ :!fI
" .!.-,
Desc ription
Ma ke
Price ea .
J) l)d~p . I. \1 C . 2 IlC. Wh rr l !'tlnl ~ 1)(" \1' 1,,'el t 'Ii"\loll'l ( '111'\ 11I1., t :l P t' Whep l 3 Pl' . Whe'" " hl'\ 1'11\,1 I; " C I; \ 1 C. :! IU·. \\' h",,1 1"., 111 ,\ I) IJ d l!(; :) (l C. W il r t' l ( 'IIt'\ rlll .. t ~ Pl' . " 1",,,1 :1 pl'o \\' h",,1 t 'Ilt'\ roh· t G \1 C Fllrd ,\ D ll d j.!(> i I'" W he,,1 :1 I' l' , Wh!'e l 1'IJI d ,\ Il w lJ,t(' 11 011' " lIrt! ('h,'\ ro l d . :! Jlc W heel :1 pc, Whet' l ( ' Ill" ro ll' t I ; \1 (' :! P l' Wh re l :1 pc Wheel I. \1 I , ; \1 I ' 6 1I 0 le !1.lIfI , ~() r. lI u ll-" nudd III 1I 0 le Bu"" HI 11 .,1(' Budd II IXI , ~() I') II l1 le
$ 8.00 7.60 9.00 13.00 9.00 14.00 11 .00 14.00 16.00 16.00 26.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 30.00 36.00
We also stock rims an d wheels for every oth er truck made Write foe prices or order d irect fr om this Catalogue. Our prices are t h e lo w est in Canada.
TIRE PUMPS I SI ('EH nrTY Pl'~ lI) ~UPER ( d \ I t " I EEIl ~'()I{ 5 YE .\I{ " Ear h !
liE \ \ \. UII \. t't \ 11' T II I~ Pl'~ lI' Ii'; D~;. FOIt IHOnED I ~ E . Eac h $2.66
~ 1I.\EIl
\ \ U \ RU Tlln: Pt ) 11' (S ERV ICE .\ BI.E LO W 1,,,ch $1.49
(,IU C E)
~. H eavy duty tripo d-rated at 3,000 Ibs . Stu rdy co ns tr uctio n , e nsuring
rigid s t a bility. Will not tip or upset even on rough ground . Lifts from 7" - 34 %" . Feature the "Fit-All" Bumpe r Hook. Eac h ...... ...... $9.25 B. Sa me a s a bo ve but lighter. Hat ed at 2, 000 lbs. E a ch ................................... ..... ..$7.25 C. 4,00 0 lb. DELUXE CISSOR JA CK (Includes A Ba ll Bearing for eas ie r li fting & A Folding HaDdle for ea s y storage . Expa nd s to 14 %. ") . Each ............. .............$7.75 D. 3,000 lb. Scis or Jack (Sam e a s a bove but li g ht e r con s tru c tion) . Ea ch ............................ $6. 25 E. Ratc h e t Bumpe r Ja 'k-Features th " Y" bar u pri g ht pos t for pos itive action . 6 x 6 ba s e. Lifts t o 2 ' I,:!" hi g h. E a ch .................................... .... $ 4 . 49 F. 4 WAY WHEEL WRE CH- H eavy built to fi t all cars. E ac h ..................................... ......... $1 . 4 5
REPAIR KITS A, VULCANIZING JUT. o ntains la mp a nd 10 hot patches ... .... ····$1.40 B, BOX OF 10 HOT PATCHES P r ice .. . . .......... • 75 C. T BELESS TIRE PLUG KIT. ( Con t ain " 9 Plugs , ceme nt & i nsta lla t io n Lool) . .. .... $1.49 0, MOTORI ST ('OLD PATC H KIT. (Contain s cement a nd ~o sq . inches co ld patc hi ng ) . .. ............ .............. ·· ········.25 E. VALVE TOOL· 4 in 1 Re p" il' T oo l. ....... ........ ......... ··· ··.. ·· ·· .. ···· ······ .. ····.25
".~......_CEMENTED QU .I L I TY
Set of 4"
$63.00 $66.20 $72.40 $64.28 $32.60 $32.60 $49.60 $37.60 $60.40 $6 7 .80
4" x 5"
6" x " ea. 14<: 9" x 12" ea . 35c 10" x 15" ea, 45c E ac h pat ch ce lloph an e covered red cem e nted .
7 1 ./·x l0 ~./'
ea . St ea , 23c
REBUILT CRANKSHAFT KITS of car and truck shafts NOT listed
WE HAVE IN STOCK a large number here. Shafts sent In for regrlnding are usually returned the same day. WHEN ORDERING, TO AVOID ERROR AND DELAY IN SHIPPING, PLEASE GIVE THE RAISED FORGING No. ON THE OLD SHAFT. Where a shaft kit has been bought at the outright price, the diffe.ence between the outright and ellchange prices, will be refunded to you upon return of the old shaft, shippi"Sl crate, (and rods), providing they or. returned Pr.pald . NOTE-We can regrind your tractor crankshaft or supply bearings to fit . Send in your shaft first and we will supply. Exchange Outright Outright Exchange AUSTiN A 40 1947 to 1954 FORD SN & 9N TRACTOR Price Price Price Price INCLUDES : 1 regroun'd crankshaft. 1 set INCLUDES : 1 reground crankshaft. 1 set or rod, cam and main bearings. 28.7& 543.7& rod and main she ll s . 28.00 543.00 CHEV. 1952 (Babbit 1937 TypetoRods) G.M.C. 24S·270·302 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ INCLUDES: 1 reground crankshaft. I set INCLUDES: I rCKrou nd crankshaft. 1 ""t rebabbited rods. 1 set main and I set cam o f rod, cam and m ain bearings. 570.00 66.00 bearings. 1 set main shims . 44.00 5&9.00 CHEV. 1953 to 1955 NASH 600, Ram bler & Statesman - - - - - - - - - - - - - INCLUDES: 1 reground crankshaft. 1 set 1941 to 1955 of rod. cam and main bearings. 41.80 5&6.80 INCLUDES: 1 reground crankshaft. 1 set CHRYSLER (All 6 Cylinder) rod and main bearings . 41.80 561.80 DODGE & PLYMOUTH. FARGO PONTIAC 6 Cyl. 1941 10 1954 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ INCLUDES: 1 reground crankshaft. 1 set IN CLUDES : 1 reground crankshaft. 1 "et of rod. cam and main bearings . 41.80 5&6.80 FORD VS Up to 1953 "od and main bearings. 569.00 44·00 MERCURY & METEOR STUDEBAKER Champion 1947 to 1956 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ INCLUDES : 1 reground crankshaft. I set INCLUDES : I reground crankshaft. 1 set resized rods. 1 set rod, main and cam oC rod. c:tm an d main bearings . 4180 561.80 bearings . 44.00 569.00 FORD VS 1954 to 1956 STUDEBAKER Commander 6 Cyl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ OHV Models 1947 t o 1954 INCLUDES: 1 reground crankshaft. 1 set INCLUDES: 1 reground crankshaft, 1 set rod and main bearings. 39.80 569.60 rcd and m ain bearings. 46.20 566.20
REMEMBER: THE M~TOR MUST BE THOROUGHLY CLEAN IF YO EXPECT THE JOB TO STAND UP. DO NOT EXPECT bearings to stand up In out-of·round rods. rods with filed caps. a nd where the s hells have turned and enlarged the rod bore AS THERE ARE MANY OUTSlDE CONDITIONS such as cylinder h on ings. fouled oil lines AND the biggest factor Just 1I1~in DlRT to contend with. we only guarantee that the crankshaft is ground true and that the bearings supplied correspond to the shaft size.
We have a corn· plete .tock of pi .... ton rings. (any oversize) for all makes of cars. trucks, tractors. Industrial Power units, and all small c y I i n d e r stationary engines. Prices supplied upon request . USE THESE TOP QUALITY RINGS . Precision made for modern high compression engines. Avail· able in std. to .019, .020 to 029• . 030 to .039 • . 040 to .069 . Specify over·size d.sired, make of vehicle, year and model. and if possible. bore of motor.
Model & Year Super Hi·Speed Super CHEV. & GMC Hi·Speed Expander Flex 1937·56 Ail 6 cyi. 3% • 3,.. 8ore _ _ _ _ 9.28 7.43 7.06 1955·56 VS 3% • 4 Bore 16.44 13.13 DODGE, PLYMOUTH, CHRYSLER _ _ _ __ 1912·65 All 6 cyi. Pass 9.83 and truck 14.94 11.97 1953·56 VS All 3". • Bore 14.67 13.13 FORD, MERCURY ________~-~~--~~ 1925·34 A·B 6.66 4.47 3.90 1932·46 Ail VS 3 Ring 12.00 8.79 8.16 1932·53 Ail VS 4 Ring 14.91 8.16 7.86 1954·56 Ail VS 12.18 10.94 9.86 PONTlAC _________~~~~~~~~ 1941·62 Ail 6 Cyi. 11.87 9.34 8.76 1953·64 All 6 eyi. 13.84 10.74 9.96 1955·56 VS 14.16 11.83
·NOTE. The price ot $2.25 Is the excbange price. There will be an additional charg~ made upon an outright pUt· chase. Since there is more than one type ot rod used in the indicated years, the deposit on the old rod varies.
STUDEBAKER 1939·56 Champion
Year 19{0·52 195(}'52 1953 1954 1955·56 Dodge, Plymouth and Trucks I9S8·56 Ford, Meteor and Trucks 1935..S '(2 used) 1949·53 +(L. or R.) 1954 1941·54 Pontlac 1939·54 Studebaker
Chevrolet, Pass. and Small Trucks
When ordering, please state the undersize re· quired, or whether standard bearings a re required .
CHEVROLET 1937·52 Babbit rods 1953·56 All 6 cylinder
' 2.25 1.45
"'.50 11.40
FORD 1939·4 3·3/16 bore 1949·53 1954·57
S.30 1.25 1.25
6.95 6.95 12.35
DODCE . PLYMOUTH 1939·57 6 cylinder · 3% bore
PONTIAC 1939·54 6 cylinder
STUDEBAKER 1947·54 Champion
HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUID Heavy duty Brake Fluid tor winter and summer use. Prlce-16 oz. tin .. .70 32 oz. tin ....... . 1.3& CASKET SHELLAC Price - 2 oz. bottle witb applicator .29 BLOCK'" HEAD SEALER Repairs cracked valve ports or inside cylinder block . - to eq ual ot weld . Price - 16 oz. tin 1.89 WATER PUMP LUBRICANT'" RUST INHIBITOR Contains lubricant to protect and elimin ate squeals in water pump bearings and seals and acid neutralizer. Price - 12 oz. tin .7& LIQUID RADlATOR SEALER A non·clogging solder tor quick radiator repairs. Works in all known types ot anti·treeze. Price - 12 oz. tin .70 PENETRATlNC OIL For loosening up those rusted parts. Price - S oz. tin .&& FORM·A·CASKET Non.hardening pliable gasket maker resistant to gasoline, lubricating oila, etc. Price - 3 oz. tube .70 VALVE CRIND COMPOUND Water mix, medium grind . Price - 2 oz. tin .3&
Motor Overhaul Calketo Setl OH6134-l "1 .57 10.30 OHS62'60 9.75 OB635S 9.75 08635S·1 10.00 08635S·2 10.35 OB62109 7.50 OH6043 8.60 OH6244 14.60 OH6335 9.00 OH6272 6-<:yl. 10.25 (Champ. G·cyi.) OH6079 Model 21G 285 235 235 235 S% Bore
Con. Rod Brgl. Main Brg.. Price Each Price Each
Valve Crind Seto $4.25 VG6134 V096260 3.87 VG6358 4.10 4.10 VG63~tl 4.10 V0635 ·1 4.50 VG62JO 5.20 VG6043 5.10 V06244 8.20 VG6335 3.50 V06272 4.20 V06079
Head Calketo 6134 $1.80 1.80 56260 1.88 6S58 1.80 6358 1.80 6S58 2.25 62108 1.40 6043' 2.25 6244+ 1.35 6335' 1.75 6272 2.l5 G079
Pan C.lket. $ .85 CS227S .85 CS2273 .85 C 2273 .85 CS2273 US CS2477 1.00 CS2299 1.42 C92283 2.25 C 2423 1.10 CS2474 .95 CS2286 1.!0 CS2S67
)ur Fl'EL P(I)IP" ar~ BR \ lI'D NEW; the) are ""lIlllrnctured to ope rate in accorda nce with he rn,:int'l'rin~ and Ilrrfnrmanre rrquin'l1wnl .. or lht.' ('ar mnnur:l.clurer. They are eq ui pped dth nlllpre-nt' tllaphraj.!llls to r~:o-i~t th~ t~rft~ct ... or t:1holint't 01 1 or nu)' other volatile mi xture. hr\ :Ht' dt' .. lglwd tn OIlt'fO.ltp ,\ ithlHlt fl\ll1lfr or falq.we nndt" all dimatic conditio ns. Free11.1"" ,ah ('~ t'IIllHnate ft' .. t ril'tion~ tu nllnimizp till' pos:-.ib ility of annoYlIlg yupour-Iock. Prevent tailing and 1I\"\fr·lo,, at hl~h .peeds. Io"tnll a brand new ruel pump - same guara ntee as nt'W cnr. Pump No.
... ake UI CK 1941·51 43. 45. 'erie,
New Pump
510.60 10.60 11.76
Hl5:!·58 44 . . l'flt'..
1954·55 All
HEVROLET 1937·51 .\11 l'as •. ,I. Truck 1952·54 All i'a,.. Truck 1955·56 I'll" ,~ Truck 1955·56 Pass. •. Truck \'8
429 9,9, 4149 4150
2.66 2 . 66 3.46 4.90
Bowl) 5.' Dome) 577 Trucks 5~i Trucks 9543
2.66 2.66 2.96 2.96
571 571 57 57 95 95
2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66
OOGE 1939·55 1939·55 1936·50 1951·55
Pa.. (gtd. Pa, (~teel '., . 1 ., tOil ' Cyl. Mo.t'6
lRD 1934·4' 194()'47 1949·50 1949·50 1951·54 1951·53
All Pa's. VR All Truck V8 Pass. V, Truck \' Pass. V Truck V8
Ma ke
Pump No .
New Pump
FORO (Cont.) J!l5:;·.i6 All P ns~. 4209 1955-56 Truck V. 42 10 1934·5t Ford Anti Vapo u r Luck l' ulllP~
5 4.90 4.90 2.90
INTERNATIONAL 194{)-49 K I·K7 (G lass Bowl) 542 1950·54 L ,\1\ 11 0· 160 9537·
2.86 2.96
OLDSMOBILE 194 1·18 6 Cyl. 1949·50 6 Cyl. t949·54 I'yl. (Early)
536 9297 9294
10.60 11.76 11.76
PONTI AC (Canadian) 1941·4 20. 22 ser ies 1949·52 20, 22 ~eri('s 1953·54 20. 22 :-.e ries 1055·56 20. 22 series 6 Cl'l 1955·56 20, 22 series V8
7447 7342 9925 4149 4150
7.76 4.90 6.00 3.46 4.90
STUDEBAKER 1939·54 Champion 1955·56 Champio n
527 4156
2.86 3.80
NO EXCHANGES REQUIRED All liotin gs a re s t and a rd equipme nt. o me a pplicatio ns t a ke mo re th a n one t y pe o r pump. To a vo id erro r a nd de lay in s hippin g, s t a t e E X ACTLY th e yea r, m a ke, mode l and type or pump on your ve hi cle.
· Replacement
Rebuilt Carburetors
FACTORY REBUILT WATER PUMPS , These pumps aTe guaranteed
same as
They are original factory pumps rebuilt to rigid factory specifications. PRICES LISTED ARE EXCH ANGE/ PREPAY YOUR OLD PUMP IN. Where there is no exchange add $1.00 to prices listed. Also in stock are pumps for every k n own m a ke and model. H you cannot see you r particular pump listed- write or order-we wi ll be p leased to forward at a guaranteed sAving. CHEVROLET 1941·52 Pa-s. & Trucks 1953·54 Pa.. . Trucks 1955·56 6 Cyl. 1955 V 1953·55 Trucks OOOGE" PLYMOUTH 1935·50 Pass. . Trucks 1951·56 Pass. 6 Cyl. 1951·54 Trucks 1955·57 Trucks ORD 1937-48 Pas,. . Trucks R.H L.ll. 1948 (Late)·52 Trucks R .ll. L.U. 1949 Pas,. R . U. L.H. 1950·54 Pass R.ll . L.Il. 1953 Trucks R.H. L .ll. 1955·57 Pass. ' ONTIAC 1941-48 .\11 1949·54 td . Trans. 1955 6 Cl'l. 1956 6 Cl'l. 1955·56 V8 TUDEBAKER 194[·53 Champion 1954 Champion 1955·57 Champion
GREASE CONTAINERS M a ke Chev Pass. Dodge and Plymouth Ford Pass. . Pontlae (Canad.an) 5tudebaker (Champ.)
R27 R2 R33
R32 R29 R46 R47 R47 R43
56.76 6.76 6.76 7.66 6.76 6.93 6.93 6.93
R6·' R65 R460 R461 R45R R459 R464 R465 R458 R459 R475
6.39 6.39 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.24 10.86
RIO R17 R33 RI91 R32
9.46 9.36 6.76 9.10 7 .66
R204 R209 R210
Year 1941-54 1955-56 1916-47 1948-54 1955-56 1940-48 19-19-54 1955-56 194 1·5·1 1955-56 1941-48 1948·50 1951-56
9.68 9.68 9.68
Each carburetor completely rebuilt and is equal in Quality to a new unit.
BRISKO'S Mileage Saver
! .
-. ITEM No. MS-l
Mileage· ave r m a k e s t arting ea~ i e r . a nd perm its tunin g even top comp res ion engin es to a fin e s moot h id le. It t o ps s t a llin g du e to fl ood ing. vapo r lock a nd pe r· colat io n. It provides s mooth a c·
celeration, cut
engin e wea r, a nd
imp roves gas mil eage. It m a kes any e ngin e r un bette r. It pays ror itse lr. PRI CE EACH
NOTE-If possible. plea se give old Carburetor number a nd make. along with make. model and year of vehicle . CHEV. PASS. AND TRUCK Outright Exchange 1939-49 All ...................... 11.00 9.00 1950-56 All 6 cyl. Std . 12.00 10.00 DODGE & PLYMOUTH & TRUCKS 194 2·52 6 Cyl. Std. ...... 16.00 11.00 1953-56 6 cyl. Std. ...... 17.00 12.00 FORD & METEOR, FORD & MERC. TRUCKS 19 39-48 All ................... . 7.50 8.00 1949-55 All ...................... 13.00 MERCURY & MONARCH 1939-48 All ..... ..... ... _........ 7.50 13.00 1949-53 Most models .... 25.00 .
Brisko's Automotic Choke Heoters
Flexible Radiator Hose CHEVROLET PASS. Upper Price 1937-48 .......... 507 1.19 1949-54 .......... 507 1.19 FORD PASS. 1942-48 .......... 723 2.49 1949-54 .......... 514 1. 70 DODGE & PLYMOUTH PASS. 1936-48 706 1.24 1949-52 .......... 711 1.65 1953-56 .......... 716 2.09
Brisko's A uto m atic Choke H eat e r
~U PI) lj es
p ure
heated by its uni q ue des ign to e nsure rast cho ke o penin g for
great er
longer en gin e a nd carburet o r lite. P rec is iOIl m ade o r heavy chrome steel contour ro r me d to rit s nu gly on m a niro ld , ca n·t rust o r wo rk loose, lasts t he lire o r th e ca r. No. 20 1- Mercurl' 1957·58 No. 202-Fits a ll For d V 1955.57 - Mer cur y 1956 hevrolet V 1955·56 No. 204-Chevrolet V8 1957·58 No. 205-0ldsmob il e 1956·57 P r ice per ki t
Wheel S .70 .65 Sl .02 1.02 .95 .90 1 .15 1.15 S .70 .65 S .65 .65 .65
1'Ao " 1'4."
Rear Wheel Inner 570 4 Sl.45 5458 1 . 10 50776 Sl .80 5 0776 1 .80 50776 1.80 50014 Sl .35 5704 5458 40768 40768 40 769
S1.45 1 .10 S1.15 1.15 1 .15
706 706
1.24 1.24
617 613 617
2.01 1.80 2.01
Straight Radiator Hose
Ph "
GREASE RETAINERS Front 6064 6841 5836 &156 6840 5796 6362 6815 6064 6841 5999 6455 6455
Lower Price 613 1.80 617 2.01
Rear Wheel Outer 624 i 624 1 6 24 1 58 77 50444 50444
Sl.02 1.02 1.02 Sl .50 1.50 1.50
6403 6403 6 403
S1.15 1 .15 1 .15
All Size. Available Price per ft.
.67 .70 .73 .76
.83 .90 .93
·NOTE- F'or Open Drive Sha« only . Transmission
6646 10684S 10684S 10684S
s3:15 S2.60 2.60 2.60
6 ill8 5851 5851 5851
S1:90 S2.70 2.70 2.70
S2 :75 2.75 Sl.90 3 .10 S2.60 2 .60 2.60
6 371 6371 ·6244 · 6 244 5778 5778 5 778
S2.12 2.12 S2.20 2 .20 S2.15
10059 · 5928 · 6646 106845 10684S 106845
~:~~ S9
Aero-Matic Shock Absorbers
Knee Action Shock Absorbers
FOR RIDE CONTROL. COMFORT AND SAFETY A. Replaces Original Equipment on Most Passenger Cars . Each ........................................ $4.65 Set of Four ................................ $ 17.50 B. Heavy Duty Imperial. Adjustable for Soft. Firm. or Normal Ride . Each ................................................ $6.95 Set of Four ........ ............. ........... $27.80 C. Extra Heavy Duty. E specially Designed For The Most Severe &:lad Conditions. Each ........... - .. ................................. $9.60 Set of Four ................................ $34.50 When Orderinlr. State Make. Year and Model. Front or Rear
Completely factory rebuilt W and tes ted by the most modern methods. Guaranteed to be equal in quality and shock absor ber action to brand new units . Front Shocks Outright Exchange All Makes of cars ...... $10.50 $9.00 Rear Shocks All makes of cars ...... $ 9.70 $8.20
Safe-T -Ride Shock Springs
f41 L.:!J
I nstalls over present GOOD shock absorbers. hock springs carry over loads with sort level ride - no bottoming. Installed in minutes with no special tools required . Fits 90% ot all cars. Price per pair .
Ford Shock Absorbers
Rebuilt and factory tested . Guaranteed to be equal in performance to brand new units. Will not leak. Complete with lever arm. OutI"ight $7.75 Exchange $5.75
NEW FRONT AND REAR SPRINGS for Cars and Trucks Precision made and tested by ienced craftsmen. When ordering. year. m ake. model. and number 01 required . Complete Leavea Spring Price Chevrolet Passenger Front : 1940 Master 2/8 9.40 Rear : 1940·54 All 8 11.70 Rear 1955·57 13.95 Dodge and Plymouth Rear: 1936·52 All 14.35 Rear: 1958·57 14.75 Ford, Mercury a nd Monarch Pa..enger Front : 1942-48 all 12 16.50 Front: 1942·(8 H.O. 12 21 .75 Ford and Meteor Rear: 1942-48 all 12 21.75 Rear: 1949·56 All .. 7 15.12
ex perstnle leaves
Main Leaf Price
3.26 6.00 4.00 4.76 3.00 3.00 3.80 3.80
Complete Ma.in Leavea Sprinlr Leaf Price Price Mercury and Monarch II 20.25 R~ "r: 1 9 4~ ·4 3.80 Rea r : 1949·5 18.95 4.60 Chevrolet and GMC Trucks Maple Leaf, 1947 ·516 'h Ton 8 1947·55 % Ton ILD . 0 1947·55 I Ton IP47·55 1'h·3 Ton 9 1947·,5 3 TOil 11 Rear : 1947·55 'h Ton 8 1046·55 I Ton Dodge, Fargo Truch Front : 193 ·47 'h Ton 8 1948·55 v...% Ton RD . 7
9.00 10.55 11.55 14.40 21.45
2.76 2.76 4.00 4.00 4.96
14.40 17.10
3.60 3.80
9.54 11.85
2.96 3.30
Double Duty Overload Spring Kits Double your carrying capacity by us ing these simple to install overloads. Each kit contain. all brackets and part. required. CHEVROLET PRICE PRICE M20A-1947-S5 '1.. Ton ....... ··. $29.95 M2 5 -1939-47 I v.. Ton ........ .. 27.00 M21A - 1946-55 * Ton .......... 34.95 M25A - 194 -56 1~{, Ton ........ . 30.95 M21B - 1946-:;5 1 Ton ......... -. 27.00 FORD _ MERCURY M26 - 1956-57 11.. Ton 30.95 M19 _ 1939-52 7.- 1 Ton 34.95 M27 - 1955-57 % Ton 34.75 M30 - 1947-57 '11 Ton .. 32.95 M28 - 1955-57 1 Ton .............. 30.25 M31 _ 1953-57 *. 1 Ton 34.95
DODGE - FARGO M23 - 1939-56 lA, Ton ............ M24 - 1939-56 % Ton .. ..... .......
27.00 30.95
I.H.C. 1949-67 % Ton ......................... 1949-57 %-1 Ton ........................
29.95 34.95
Replacement Coil Springs f5I Ge nuine Replace ment coil ~J)ring. ma tch· ~ ed and tested. When ordering the spring-s, J)leH~e stAte e~act yeur. model of vehicle. (Sold In Poir. Only) CHEV. 1939-56 . .. ... DODGE & PLYMOUTH 1939-66 .. FORO & MET!;OR 194 9-56 MER URY & MONAR H 1949-5 1 MERCURY & MONARCH 1952-56 PONTIAC 1941-51
m ake nnd
Price E ach .. $ 6.35 ... ..
8.25 8.25 11.95 8.25 6.35
Spring Spacers Flat '11" Fo,' Chrysler. ~ Ford and most G .M .C. Cars .86 1.15 1.35 ChevroletUp to 1 95~ .86 1.15 1.35 Chev. 1955-56 1.25 The con lour type YJ" spacer wi ll raiRe the C.lr 11~ " and the :},.." Boacer will raise the car :y.." or better. ALWAYS GIVE SPECIFIC IN FORMATION WHEN ORDERING
Spring Spacer for Coil Front Ends
e 2 ~pacers in ea ch s pring will raise cnr 1" to 1 '11" . • Will eliminate "front-end dive". • Decreases tire wear. • Adjust s toe-i n. • Absorbs road noise. • No side sway on turns. • Eas ily in sta lled Economical Guaranteed Results. E.~ch .. .... . ........ . . ' ............ .. . ..... ... 86c Set of 4 ... ...... _......... ... $3.16
Complete Leavea Sprinlr Price 9 16.10 6 16.30
Main Leaf Price
Rear. : 1039·50 'h Ton 6.16 1950·5 j I ~ TOil 6.26 Ford· Mercury Truch Front : 1947·52 'h Ton 8.30 8 2.76 ~ 1953·56 ~ TOil 10.80 3.30 1047·52 %.1 Ton 9.90 3.10 1048·5, I v..·3 Ton 10 23.05 4.00 Rear : 1042 ·52 'h Ton 15.75 9 4.26 1953·56 ,~ Ton 9 18.95 6.16 193~·56 ~ · 1 Ton 12 21 .70 6.36 1940·5 1 2·3 Ton 34.20 8.46 NOTE : PricM of Items Not Listed On Request.
'ARTS Make. Year .nd Model
Tie Rod Ends L &.. R (each )
King Bolt Set
CHEV . 1"40·4, \11 \11 1'14~·54
KBIl26 4.66 KBI126 4.65 HIlII Joints
Upper Support Pivot Kit
Lower Support Pivot Kit
Upper Inner Shaft Kit
FEP2iL rEP 28 R
$2 .30
C'i 173 • 2:14
FEPI31 $2.55 ~' EP220 4.60
Lower Inner Shaft Kit
5.56 ~'E PI 35 5.50 FEP221ML 6.15 FEP222MR 6.15
I~LI~ ·54
1~~;' -i 6
KBI 342
(- C.I I.)
1955·58 (6 0)1.) FORD ·METEOR 1037-1I
K 131342
4.65 4.65
4.35 KBI365N 4.50 KBI410 4.15 Kll1410 4.15 Sail Joint< KBI3~~!"
1!l~:! - 4"" 1~l~U·5:!
RIl -C,60 3.40 Lll -CSISI 3.40 RIl -C 60 3.40 LIl -C~ 131 3.40 RIl -C 60 3.40 LlI-C ' 131 3.40 3.75 C9166
~'E l'I24
2.30 2.30
2.05 2.05
FEP703N 3.50 F~~ P70SN 3.50
6.55 6.55
CS64 C 64 C.154 CSI 0 CSI95
1.80 1.80 1.90 2.10 2.10
FEP32 FEP32 10082
2.05 2.05 12.87
FEP33 FEP33 100 3
2.05 2.05 12.87
FEI'35 rEP35 313N
3.35 3.35 5.62
FEI'34 FEP34 314N
5.45 5.45 5.62
<2§64 C 64 CS I56
1.80 1.80 1.90 2.10 1.90
FEI'32 10082
2.05 2.05 12.87
FEP37 FEJ>33 10083
2.45 2.05 12.87
rEP3 FEP35 312N
3.84 3.35 12.87
FEPI12 FEP34 314N
6.72 5.45 5.62
MERCURY-MONARCH H HM9-.t1 1!)4~-t~
l!l"9 ·5 1
IR!\2-53 1\154 -55
L~' ,
~tE"e rln~
Make, Year .nd Model CHEV . TRUCKS I!I~ 1·5., (I, Ton) l!i47 ·!)2 (~.-I- I' z
Ton) 19,3·5, P. · I - I~ Ton) 1~4fi ·'2 (2 Z .:j Ton) ' 1955·56 ('".Ton) DODCE TRUCKS 1'140·H ('2''1< and I Ton) 1'14~ ..JO (I :!':\" alHI I Ton) 1'I~1·5:J (l"'!.:i.. :\0,1 1 Ton) ~I
4.35 KBI 3~~ :< KBI 365 N 4.50 K 131409 4.50 KB1410 4.15 Ball Joints King Bolt Set KlI1354 KBI7 K Bl44 ~ K RI129N K 131354/ 2 KBI3i KHI 3, KBI4 35 K 131452
Tie Rod Ends Each . L. or R.
4.50 4.50 4.50 8.50 5.60 4.10 4.10 4.10 5.00
Make, Year and Model
FORD 1942·52 194 ·52 1953·56 1953-56
CSI 12 C926 C9-26 C 155 CS29
1.90 3.25 3.25 4.75 4.40
<2 S6O CS I58 CSI58 CS I58
3.40 2.95 2.95 2.95
cv. Pass., 1940-~8 (short rod) . ........ . . .. ............. .... .. CS84A (long rod ) ....................... . ......... CS83A ev Pas•. , 1919- 54 (sho rt rod ) ................................ CS519A rd Pass .• 1949-51, ~°l'r(IOd . ·'il····················· ····· CS514A . . ess) en . . ......•.............··,., ..... CS500 L.H .(Iessend) ............................ CSSOI rd Pass., 1952- 53, L. o r R. (less end) ......... .. ........ .. ... . . CS5SO
5.20 5.70 5.70 6.50 3.80 3.80 3.50
ir~~~~~ SPRING SHACKLES Duplicates of Original Car Parts
g:t~. ::::.:.::::::::: :::... :::.:::::::::::.::
Rear 4936 4937 4937 FSA362
Price Each E ach Each Each
1.75 1.75 1 .75 1.60
DGE (Pass .)
J:~ '::::::.:::.:':::::::::::'::: : :::::::::::
RD (Pass. ) W , ........•......•....... RBI22 Pair 2 .50 " .................... RBI220 PaIr 2 .50 2-18 ....................... F A8SO Patr 2.60 -SO ....................................... .
EV. TRUCKS Front 1-16. Ton ...•..........•........... 4934 ,-55. Ton .. .. .... . ......... .. ...... 4939 ,-55, 1 Ton ......... . .. ,. "" ...... . ... 4940 lAD TRUCKS !-17, J1-1 Ton (front of front spnn g) ...•... RBS03. 7 ~-52, 1,_1 Ton (rear of fronl spnng) ... " RBSO 11 • -52, 1,.1 Ton (front of front spring) . . RBS044 55. I,. ... Ton (front of front spr ing). . . .. . RBS082 ~55. 1 Ton (fronl of fronl 'prlng). .. . ...... RBS047
TRUCKS (1Il· 1 Ton) ( 11Il ·3 Ton) (lIl · l Ton) (3 Ton)
INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 1050·55 L · RIIO. 120, J30 J950·55 [,, · RI50. 160
Drag Links Tie Rods
Front Price I EV. (Pass. ) 9 ....... . ........... 4934 Eachl.77 0- 41 .. ... .............. . . 4934 Each 1.77
King Bolt Set
Tie Rod Ends Each. L. or R .
4.50 8.25 6.45 9.90
CSM CSI50 C 64 CS I50
1.80 2.50 1.80 2.50
KBl403N KBI4 31
5.60 8.65
CS I55
Idler Kits Chev .• 1949-56 ............................ FEPI36 Dodge, 1955-56 ................. ........... FEP705N Ford. 1949-51 ............................. FEP36 1952-54 ............... FEP230
THE ORIGINAL ANTI-FRICTION IDLER ARM KITS With the New Ball Bearing AClion lO FIt: K it CMC -l Pontiac (1940-56) Oldsmobile (1940- 56) Packard (1942-SO) Dodge (V- 8) (1953-54) Buick (1954-56) Nash (40 ) (1949-56) Nash Amb. (1941-56) Rambler (19SO-56) Hudson (1955-56) Price per Kit . .. . $3.05
Pair Pai r PaIr Each
2 .65 2.75 2.60 1.29
Price Each 1.77 Each 1.77 Each 2.00 Each Each Each Each Each
4.05 1 .25 3.20 2.95 4.62
en 8
53.96 53.05 53.45 0.0.
~ n ~ ~@@]@)@)@ ,El
Kit CMC -2
Kit CMC -1 Kit CMC ·2 To Fit: Ford (1949-56) Lincoln (1949-56) Mercury (1949-56) Dodge (1955-56) Plymouth (1955-56) M e teor (1949- 56) Monarch (1949- 56) Price per Kit .. $6.75
New Self-Adjusting Ball Joint Kit PSA7SOXX Each 1 .30 FSA358 Each 1.30
For 1955 -56 Chevrolet and Pontlac Eliminates play, holds accurate front end a lignment, looseness, makes a perman ent Ball Joint. W",ks (reel y . Road s hock absorbed with a special grease re",stant rubber bushing.
Keeps dirt, moisture out-seals grease in.
y ijQ]j
CMC -1251.79
Stabilizer Repair Kits No. 604846 fits Chevrolet front 1939-52 Passenger, all. Per Pair ..... ... ......... ... 51.40 " We carry Q complete stock of front end parts shackles and spring pins and bushings. When ordering, 'ive exact description." 61
AUTOMOTIVE Car, Year and Model CHEVROLET 1941-early 4S .............. . Late 1945-52 ....... . . . .. . . 1953-57 ............... . 1955-56 (S cyl.) . ... .. ... .. DODGE & PLYMOUTH 1939-50 (early) .. . 1950-55 (6 cyl.) . ........... . 1953-55 (S cyl.) ............ . 1956-57 (6 cyl.) .......... . 1956 (S cyl.) ......... . FORD & MERCURY 1925-31 (4 cyl.) ... . .. . ..... . 1937-41. ........ ... ....... . 1942 . . ... . . . .... ... ...... . 1945-4S .................. . 1949-53 ............. , .. .. .. 1954-56 ...... . ............ . 1956 (6 cyl.) ........ . ..... . OLDSMOBILE 1940-51 (6 cyl.} ..... . . . .... . 1940-51 (S cyl.) ....... .. ... . 1952-55 .................. .. 1956 . . ................ ... . PLYMOUTH 1939-4S . . ............ ..•..
Point Set DR66 .... $ DR49 . . DR50 . ... DR60 .
.75 .75 . 75 .95
DR944 ... $ .95 DR944 . . .95 DR974 ... 1.55 DR972 . 3. 15
DR937 . DR937 . DR94 5 . DR949 .
AL30 . .. . .90 AT"3S ... . .90 AL39 . . 1.90 AL3S ... . .90 AL19 .... . .90
AL930 ... AL946 .. . AL942 .. .. AL946 .. AL9S0 ...
1.50 1.80 3.60 1.80 2.60
AL923 .. AL933 .. . AL925 ... . AL933 .. . AL937 .. ..
.35 . 35 . 35 .35 . 35
AT"S22 AL5 19 AL5 19 AM 24 .. AL524 .
.75 .75 . 75 .80 . 80
FSI. .... . .48 FS6 ..... . 1.35 FS6 ... .. . 1.35 F86 .... .. 1.35 FIlO ..... . .95 . 95 F93 F90 .... . . .95
FIlOO .. . FIlOS .. .. F914 . . .. . FIl20 .... . F932 F932 ... . F922 ... .
1.26 .95 3. 15 3.05 1.65 1.65 2.25
F901 .... . FIlOS .. .. F913 F923 . F923 . . . . F923 '" F923 .....
.33 .70 . 35 .33 .33 .33 . 33
F 580 . FS 6 . F 590 . F 590 F59 1 F S93 F S9 1
DR72 .... . 80 DR74 . .. .95 DR74 .... . 95 DR75 .... 1.50
DR944 ... . 95 DR92S ... 2.25 DR972 ... 2.95 DR976 ... 3.35
DR937 .. . DR939 .. . DR943 . DR95 1 .
. 25 .35 . 70 70
$ .60 . 60 . 60 . 60
AL30 .... .90 AL930 ... 1.80 AL923 ... . .35 AL30 ..... . 90 AL940 .... I.S0 A1..923 .. . . . 35 AL38 .... . .90 AL946 ... 1.80 AL933 .. . .35 1950-55 .. .... ............ . . .ss ALa9 ..... 1.85 AL942 .... 3.60 AL925 .. . 1955-S6 (S cyl. ) ....... ... .. . PONTIAC DR72 ... . . 80 DR944 . . . .95 DR937 .. . .25 1940-S3 (6 cyl.) ............ . DR74 ... . . 95 DR928 .. . 2.25 DR939 .. . . 35 1940-54 (S cyl.) ............ . DR74 .. . . .95 DR974 .. . 1.55 DR94 5 .. . .33 1954-55 (6 cyl.) .......•..... DR60 ... . . 95 DR972 .. . 2.95 DR949 . . .45 1955 (S cyl.) .... . ......... . DR74 ... . . 95 DR972 . . . 2.95 DR949 ... .45 1956-5S .... . . ....... • ... . . WILLY'S 1940-50 . ....... . ... AL29 .. . . . . 90 AL93S .... 1.35 AL91 9 .... .40 1940-55 (lAD Distr .}........ AL34 .... .90 AL902 .... 1.35 AL927 . ... .40 195 1-56 (aU 6 cyl.} ........ . . AL37 ..... .90 AL946 .... LSD AL935 .... .40 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF IGNITION PARTS FOR ALL CARS, FOR ALL MAKES OF TRUCKS AND TRACTORS (BATTERY IGNITION) . 1949-50 . .............. . ... .
1 Ford Solenoids 6 Volt Each ................................. .............. _....... Starter Switch 2 Delco-Remy ....................... _.. ........... ................................ ........ ...... Autolite .... ......... ........... ..................... ............................... ....... ........ . 3 Universal Dimmer Switch (Fits most Popular cars) ............. .................. ....................... .. 4 Universal Lockswltch & Keys 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2 Way (LS402) ........... _ ................................ ...... _........ ............. .. 1.48 3 Way (LS403) ......... .... ............ .................................................. . 1.58 Ford Solenoid Pushbutton (Duplicate of Origi n a l equipment. PB491) ................... _ .. . .42 Universal Solenoid Pushbutton 6 or 12 Volt PB432 .......... .. .70 Ton'le Switch (Universal 6 or 12 volt) SW41 ....... _ .......... . .45 Round Push-Pull Switch Y.o" Shank ............. ... ..._........... ........................................... _.. _...... . .35 I" Shank ........ ............................................................ ............. ..... .. .35 Headlamp Switch (Not Fused) SWI ... _.... .......... _.............. _.............. _................... .15 (Fused) SW8 ....... .......................................... .... .... ....................... .85 Voltalre Reducer (Reduces 12 Volts to 6 Volta ................ ... _...... _.. _............... .... 1.08 Heavy Duty Pus h-Pull Switch (on-off) SW-3D .................... . 60 Fus. Holders ................................ ................................ _ ............... _. .45 Imperial Acid-core Solder 1 L bRoil .......................... _............... 1.65 IGNITION COILS The super type winding of these coils in.ures a hot spark . C800- For early model cars and trucks ................... ........... .. $4.25 CSOI-Universal type ................. ........ .. _.. .... .... _ .. _...... _............... 4.75 C802-High speed ..... ........... .. .... ................................. .................... . 6.45 C806--Heavy duty, high speed ....... ................ _........................... 7.%5 LC87 6--Universal lock switch coil ........... _ .. _...... _.............. _... 5.50 C804- 12V, Extra h eavy duty for trucks ...... ..... _............... 6.20 FORD COILS Replaces ori g inal equipment, built for heavy use. C812 - 19~7-41 V 8 ....... _.......... .............. ...... _ ...... ........ _...... _...... _... $6.75 CSI4-1942·48 V8 ... .......................................... ............... ........... _.. . 6.75
62 ~~t=t ~~tg~ i'2'v·..... ::. . :. ::::. :::::::::::. . ::. . . . . .~: . . :. . . . . . .~:. . . . . . . . . . :. . .~:::: . :::::.. ::~:
. $ .35
n X:!7 .
. $ .45 .45 .45 .55
RX37 R X37
EX4S EX57 E X S7 . E X 74 . . EX74
.70 .70 .70 . 70 . 70
EX17 . EX 18 EX 1!! EX7S EX7S
.45 .95 .95 .95 .95
. 62 .65 .65 .65 .65 . 65 .05
F X7 .. FX9 .... FX 14 ... F X 14 . . F X 14 .... F X l 4 ... FX 14 . . .
.48 .35 .35 .35 . 35 .35 . 35
F X5 . FX5>i FX);S FX);f!
1.00 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95
505 ... U5OS. '. U50S .... USIl .. ..
.60 .60 .60 .60
R XS l R XS I .. R X5 .... R X5S . "
. 35 .35 .45 .45
R X37 R X37 . .. R X37 .. R X60 .
.45 .45 .45 .55
AL522 .... ALS22 ... ALSI 9 . ALS24 ....
.75 .75 .75 . 80
EX45 EX45 . E X 57 .. EX57 . .. .
. 70 .70 .70 . 70
EX l S .. EX l S EX l
.45 .95 .95 .95
U 5OS..... U5OS..... U 505 .. 50S ... " 50S .....
.60 .60 .60 .60 .60
RXS1 . . . R X5 1 . . R X58 . R X5S. .. R X5S ... .
•35 . 35 .45 .45 . 45
RX37 . RX3 7 . R X 60 R X60 . R X60
.45 .45 .55 . 55 .55
. 45
.70 EX45 .. . 70 . 70 EX45 . . 70 AL516 . . 70 EX62 .45 CANADIAN, AMERICAN, BRITISH
n X60
EX I 6 . .95 EX 16 . .95 EX 18 .95 AND ALSO
~:'.N~!~T~~8_~~T.~ ~~~_~
(a) F681 (round) .......................... $1. 05 (b) DR660- End bracket type ....................... _ .. _...... _............... 1.05 (c) DR661- Side bracket tr~ETER ............... -...................... 1.05
Ford A and Model T, each ............................ ........... _...... _.. _... .85 Universal Mounting- Fits any car. truck, tracto r or power uni t. 30-30 amps . each ........................................................... _............. .. 2.20 50-50 amps. each ............................................................................ 2.65 Universal Temperature Gaulrel price... _........ ...... _....................... 5. U RUBBER DISTRIBUTOR NIPPLES Distributor Nipples- Fita 7 M.M . Wire, 6 for .21 PAM SPARK PLUGS Made by well known manufacturer. We have these for ~ every make a nd model of car, truck. tractor, outboard moto r . etc . State - year. make. and mooel. Each ............................. . IGNITION WIRE AND PRIMARY WIRE TERMINALS Unit Doz. Unit Doz A Straight Type Term . .04 .45 C Terminal end .... .03 .35 B Angle Type Term ..... .03 .35 D Hole Type Tenn .04 .45 E Spade Type Term .03 .35
. 85 1.20 .79
HX5 1 HX'; I HX58 R X58
18 19 20 21
AUTOMOTIVE CABLE Top Quality W,re Maoe by Leading Manufacturer. Unit-Per Per Unit-Per Per 100' Roll Foot 100' Roll Foot
:::::::.$~:;~ U........ 4 .85
No. 18
:~: ~~: t~ :::=:::::~::~::::::::::::::::::~::. n~ :~:
.05 No. 7 M.M . Spark Plug cable 8.52 FRICTION TAPE Top Quality- Made By Well Known Finn . 8 oz .................... _...................................................... _.................. _.......
.40 .12 POINT FILES Special Each ............................._..... _ .. ................ _............................... .15 IGNITION WRENCH SET Consists of three wrenche., 1 point file and I Feeler Gauge. Special ...... .............. ................................................................................ .tt 2 <no .................................................................................. . _ ... .. _ ...........
A favorite set as it contains 18 of the most necessary tools for general work complete in a streamlined metal box. Always has good acceptance as it is compact, neat yet roomy and easy to carry around . Contains 13 s ockets from 7/ ] 6 to 1 . One 5 1/ 2 ' and one 10" exten sion. One 15 112" Swing Head ~andle . One 9" Cross Bar, One Reversible
R~~c7~~~- .~~~.~~.~~~:......$28.90
ADJUSTABLE ANGLE WRENCHES No . 6 - Drop for g ed steel fully guaran · teed. each in a box. polis hed steel head a nd handles . 4" ................................................................
10" 14" 18" 24"
............................................................... $1.08 .............................................................. $1.32 .............................................................. $2.05 ......................................................... ..... $2.79 .............................................................. $4.94
SLIP JOINT PLIEnS ::'i ;~~~~~~~:: ~~~~~·n .Favorite Tool. Strongly S%" ......... ..................................................
8" ..............................................................
4 5
6 ])
Wolfe Cub Kits
'I" DRILL KIT very popular set contaIning one ~,,"" ri ll of the finest quality. one drlll tand. 3 sanding discs. one rubber bac k~g pad. one lamb's wool buffing pad. ne 9 piece drill set. and one paint ,ixer. ,pecia l Price-Per Kit .................. $21.95 )ril\ only ...................... ................. 18.95 L
J) W' 'erforms
GENERAL DUTY DRILL 'lh" drilling laster t h an an y omparable machine. Drill. up to I" " hard wood. Spindle speed at no loa d 40 RPM. sturdily bUilt wi th heavy ..,aring •. Each drill 8upplie<l complete ith sta,1.ing switch . Jacobs chuck. 10 t. 3 wire cable and plug. spare carbon !rushes and a tin of oil. !pecial Price ................................... 49.9&
29 PIECE DRILL !'lET tluest quality chrome vanadium drills "n.ging from n" to ]1.." in hth. of n Inch . tn meta l box. 'pecial Price .... ............... ............. 9.95
1 - %"x2*" ................................................. .14 2 - 3/ 16"x5" .................................................. .36 3· ~(1"x5" ............................... .. _................... .54 4 - 5/ 1S"x6" ....................... .82 For Phillips Screws 1 - No. 1 size 3/ IS"x4" .............................. .42 2 - No . 2 s ize '4"x4 'h " ............................ .59 For Robertson Head No. 1. No . 2. or N o. 3. Eac h ................ .50 SUCTION VALVE GRINDER For use in grin ding a ll valves us ing suction grinders. Wood h a ndle with rubber grip. E ach ......................................................... 29, FLEX I-RIGID HANDI-RULt; 72" watch-s pring steel. hardened and tempered. Cannot tangle or knot. Finger-tip recoil action. Accurately ca librated in inches . Special .... ................ ................................ S9t SPARK PLUG WRENCH
'?~~ 1:;7R"""bl'l<at:~~"1
HACKSAW BLADES Qua lity carbon h acksaw Blades. Per Doz . 10" ........................................ .... 70~ 12" ................. _......................... 80, PISTON RING COMPRESSOR This compressor h as a range from 2'A1" to 5" diameter an d a band depth of 2 'AI". Extra heavy spri n g steel tension band held firmly in place by a utomatic friction brakes . No. 785 Piston Ring Compressor .... $1.70 Pk g. Wt. 'h Lb. PISTON RING SKID Avoid piston ring breakage and reduce insta llation costs with this handy, yet inexpensive tool. Made of sp ring steel. No . 161 Pi ston Ring Skid ................ 45, TOOLS ITEMS No. 16 to No. 21 Se lect %" square drive Quality tools made o f the finest steel available. UNIVERSAL JOINTS Provides accessibility to many difficult job•. C lose coupled and with spring tension . Len g1.h 2%". No. ~217 ........................ .......................... $2.41 C HRUME ALLOY SOCKETS 12 Point. Made of the Cinest chrome alloy steel. accurately forged. Chrome plated. No. Size Price No _ Size Priu 1214 7/ 16" .SI 1226 13/ 16" .88 12 16 'h" .61 1228 'AI" .95 1218 9/ 1S" .65 g3~ 15/ lr: l'~~ 122 0 %" .S9 12h I N' 1:IS 1222 11/ 16" .75 123S lW' 1.26 1224 .83 1240 1~ " 1.31 SPEEDER Des igned for speedy nut and bolt turning. No. 3208 .. .................. ........... ..................... $2.34 15 1'1" Swing hea d handle - suited for extra leverage.
13 Hig h 14
18 19
20 ~~t.~~~;~ ·f~·~.. ·th·~~~.. ·h~~d ..·;;;.. ·g~t .. ~~~~t? 21
TWIST DRILLS Made o f the highest QUitlity fast cutting too l steel. From l / lS" to ' .... .
I~ ~ii~~~ ~~i ...... :. . .:::. .::. . . .:::. . . ::. . . . . :.:. . .::. ::. . ~~~ TERMINAL PULLER 10 No . BATTERY 21 - Made of fine quality selected steel
with drop forged heat treated arms. it is exceptiona lly strong. Tool No . Opening Reach Wt. 21 %"-W' W' '11 lb. Price ........................................................ $ 3.&& RANDlP U L P LLER 11 Puller is forged of a lloy steel and heat treated throughout for toughn ess and will h nn dle the most diff ic ult jobs within its range. 5 -.,.cl" diameter and 7" se rew Price ........................................................ $ &.2& ALL-METAL HACKSAWS 12 Pistol Grip - with ad justable frame $2.20
A deluxe tool set with a large carry·all tray. The spacious metal box allows for extra torus if des ired . Contains 14 sockets from 7/ 16 to P h. One 5 W' extension, One 15 %" ::;wing Head Handle. Onp. 9" Cross Bar One 19" Speeder.
69, 89t
UNIVERSAL VISE GRIP PLIERS Nickel Plated with bordered alloy s teel jaws. No . 2600 10" .......................................... $2.40 No. 2601 6 y~" ........................................ $2.3& SCREWDRIVERS Made of Tempered Steel ~~~:!s. Proof Amber Handles for Slotted
8 ~~i~~. l!a~hm: ..S.~~.r~ .~I.u.~~:...... ........... 9
6" ................................................................ $1.04 8" ............................................................... $1.29 10" ............................................................ $1.70 12" .............................. ................... ........... $2.29 'STILLSON' PATTERN WRENCHES N o. 2578 Drop fo rged steel with red j apanned hand les. faces polished .
32 lJ - 10" extension .............................. $1 .•• 32 16 - 5 't." PlCtPnsion ......................... ... $1.310 REVERSIBLE RATCHET Positive action giving a bite every 7 0 TorQue tested - 10'h" Long. No . 3275 .................................................... $6.75 THI CK NESS GAUGES Made o f the fin est grade Swedish steel. Nine blades. Only .............. .................. $1.115 ALLAN WRENCH SET Seven Hexago n Wrenches Sizes - h" to ')i" . ................... _............... 88c STARTER & MANIFOLD WRENCH Fo r C hev .. Buick . a nd Pontiac. Has 12 Pt. ,.,," a nd %" openings. No . 7S9 ........................................... _......... $1.4. WRENCHES "Kliptite" Wrench Sets - Popular Priced, Quality Wrenches Made of Select Drop Forged Steel. Open End Wrench Set 0930 · 6P 6 Pce •. - 5/ 16" to ~ .... ........ $3.&6
26 ~~~b Wr:n~~eS~t 5/ 1S" 27
*" .......... $2.78
01070 - 06K S P ces. - 'Ji," to 11/ 1S" .... $3.90 01070 - 05K 5 Pces. - 7/ 16" to 11 / 16" $3.29 Lo~g Box End Sets,,, " 09 0 - 6K 6 Pce•. to I ................ $5 •• 0 09 10 - 5 K 5 P ces. - .'" to ~" .. ............ $4.17 0910 - 4 K 4 Pces. -' " to 25/32" ........ $3.2. VALVE LIFTING TOOL For Ford V8, and Mercury 20" Long. No. 2192 .............................. ......... _.... $2.07
CD~:' ~~~Dum~\r~l~e~ ..~.~.~.~.r~.~........................................................$1 . 49
6 Volt ............................................................................ $1 . 05 12 Volt ............................... ..................... ......... ... ......... ... $1 . 45 STREAMLINE FENDER LIGHT W ill fit contour of a ll fenders. Has rubber cushion to protect W paint finish . Furnished in either red. amber or opal lens . Each ..................... .................................................. ............................. $1 . 79 T HREE-IN-A-ROW Fl at m ou nting. Concealed wiring. 2'h" plastic fluted beebive ~ lens. 3 C.P. b u lbs. Overall length 20". Lamps spaced 8" apart. Com pletely wi red . R ed. Green or Amber. Black baked enamel f in ish . Eacb ................. ................... ................................................................ $1. 98 Double T hree-in-a·Row Clearance Lite. Flat mounting. concealed L:!.J w iring. Overall length 20". 3 candle power bulbs. State lens ca lors required. No. 896 . Each ...........................................................•...................... $3.35 FLEXIBLE TYPE ~ A ppr oved type . F lexible strap a llows for moveme nt of lighta. Eq uipped with 6 volt. 3 C. P . bulb. 2 'h" lens. No. 100. State whet.her red or green required . Each ..... _.... . 72, UP229D UP241D
Flush type. lens gives maximum light 6 volt 3 C.P . bulb. 1 'h"x4'h". 's' size No . 220. State whether red or green required. Each ........... as, from
® ry;2~1t :~:~:~::::~~~::~:':::~:i:~:~:::~~:~~:~.~:?~:.:::::.~.:::::::::.: .::
UNIVERSAL TAIL LAMP Thi s universal stoP and tail lamp is 3Y,," in diameter. equip with 21·3 candle power bulb. Adjustable offset bracket permi easy installation . Tail Lamp Only ............................................................................ $2.41 W ith Licence Bracket .................................................................. $3.41 ELECTRIC TAIL LAMP (jj) Back enameled steel body within 3" semaphore lens and white 8 de len s {or license plate illumination. Approved construction.
10 @
l!!.J l'.acb ................ .....................................................................................
GARAGE LAMPS (ii)I (A) Heavy duty lamp with 25 ft. of rubber covered wire - Ha on-off switch and eas~-open guard. ( Less Bulb) ........ 53.16 (B) Same as above. but WIth 50 ft. cord ................................ $4.81
with dash socket and a mmeter connection. 12 fee Furni8hed wit h one red a nd one amber lens, or one red and one rp 'iJl Complete rubber covered wire. Bulb protected by a locked cover that when W green lens. Can be m ou n ted flus h to body in any position . 6- 8 l!.:Y opened up forms effective reflector for m aximum light. Fitt volt 3 C. P . bu lb fu rnished . Equipped wit.h latest type 2'h" Bee with stand . Hive len s. Comp lete with Cord r ea dy to install. $1.29 Eacb .................... ...................... ................. ................................. $1.2 No. 190 BEE HIVE TYPE ARMORED CLEARANCE LAMp R igid construction . Finished b lack enamel complete with SC-6.. 8 All purpose heavy duty light for truck•• buses and trailer. All l1J Volt 3 C. P . bulb. State whether red or green required . l!!J steel body. N o. 90 . Each ................. ............. .................... .................... ................ 45, Eacb ........................................................................................... $1.1 1 When ordering s tote whet her 6 or 12 vol t req u ired .
No. No. No. No . N o. No . No.
50405 6 Volt 54 00S 12 Volt 4012 6 Volt 4412 12 Volt 401 2A 6 Volt 441 2A 12 Volt 4013 6 Volt
Auto Headligbt ...... . Auto H eadlight ......... . Clear Mlg Lamps ... . Clear Fog Lamps ... . Amber Fog Lamps ... . Amber Fog Lamps .. Cle ar Tractor Lamps
5% " 5%" 5%"
5%" 5%"
No . No. No. No . No. No. No .
51.85 2.00 Dla. 2 .49 Dia. 2.44 Dia. 2.69 Dia. 2.74 Dia . 2.39
Multiple refl ector type F1arH (2 per set). fJectors made of shatter proof lucite. These rugged flares are made to su rpaas all existing re¥ulations. Com p lete with carrying bracket ........ . $6.75
4413 4015 4415 4015A 4415A 4516 4416
12 Volt 6 Volt 12 Volt 6 Volt 12 Volt 6 Volt 12 Volt
Clear Tractor Lamps .... 5%· Clear Fog Lamps ....... 4'1,' Clear Fog Lamps ......... 4 Y,," Amber Fog Lamps .. ' .... 4'h" Amber Fog Lamps ....... 4 11.." H and SPOt Lamps ....... 4Ih" Hand Spot Lamps .......... 4'h"
Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia.
2.4 2. 3 2 .4 . 2. 6 2.7 2.3 2.4
4 m
HAND .. E SPOT LIGHT A sealed beam spotlight-plugs into cigar lighter . Uses new t No. 4516. 5700'0 beam C.P. bulb . Equipped wit.h adJustable a to prop up ligh t at different angles for u"" aa a trouble ligh H u built in switcb. Finished with chrome handle and rim. N 777-C.
gJ~::~~~:t~~~~~;l~!b~:~:·r:O:I~ 's'~U:::~i~:::~i~:a:r~:~··:;;~~::r~~ii~~~i~:::~~:::~;;:::~~~~::~:;::: Leakproo{ and will wit.hstand 40 MPH winds and 6" of rain Pr . Hr. $5 V2 per set .......................... . 60
~th 1"oWS
light 500 ft .• will fit in g love compartment. FInished i metallic blue baked enamel. Equipped with sealed beam bulb ar» 10' cahl~ No. 5210 $4. . 4 Vz STOP LAMP .. .. SEALED BEAM TRACTOR LAMP . Ith unlver.af 'mountlng bracket. STOP ~Heavy gauge steel lamp equipped with sealed beam unit. Univer In bold red letters complete wIth 21C.P. bulb. bracket . Fits a ll tractors. No. TR500.
E ach ........................................................... $3. 75
I~ ~~:~
:: ..... :::::::::::::::::::::... ::::::.~::::::::::::::.. :::: ..:.::: ........ ~::::~:::
" carry a complete stock of TOP QUALITY THERMO TATS for all ake" and models oC vehicle•. he n ordering. please state whether a W inter or Summer Thermostat reQuired odel Thennostat o. Price )9·58 Chovrolet H·:lfl 51.49 (Pa.' and Truck,) ~O·5 8 Dodge" Plymouth H ·l03 51.78 (All) dge " Fargo Truc~o 51.78 (~.·1 tun) H ·IO:! (I', Tun and upl 1l ·9' 52.06 rd ,,' Mere (P .... " Truc~.) (2 required) CUSTOM AUTO MATS 1937--1 H·55 11.49 A 2 piece set de.igned Cor late model cars in harmonious 19.~53 H·l00 1.62 colors . Blue. Red. Green . Black. Taupe. Grey . 195~·)7 (I r.QUlrrdl 111 01 1. 78 Per set ... _.......................... .............. ..................................... ·········$3.95 H.C. TruCllo (N .B.- Price is same (All Gr.en . gHYer GUARDS DHllllOlld Eng:mt>:-.) H ·IO' 51.78 for either Winter or Splash Guard. for nil SPLASH truc k. and trailers. with buil t-in steel ontiac Summer Thermostat. mounting bar. No other brackets needed . Made of rubber. imH· 106 51.62 Al 0 send u. Make. pregnated with cotton fibre. for extra strength and durability. 1933·54 ( .\ 11) H·105 51.62 1955·5, (\11) Year. and Model oC EaSY to install. 24 x 30 inches. tudeba~er . H·105 SPECIAL. Pair .......... ......................... - ...... - ........... ··· ....... ··· .. ·.·.·$5.95 193Y·5' (Champion) 51.62 Vehicle.)
FROST SHIELDS FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS 0iIVent Window Shields (Glass or Plastic) ............................................ Pr. $3.15 Wfor all makes of cars up to 1959. ............................................ Pr. $4.05 Special .. ................ ...................... Pr. $1.57 P last ic (l}Frost Shield Cement ................ 2 oz . 35t 'ix13 ............................................ Pr. $1.60 r7lFrost Shield Moisture Sealer 2 oz. 40t
Glass J 10x18 12x22
Z~b ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'E!h :f:~g L!J
10x25 ........................................ Each $1.90 f51Speclal 13x20 ........................................ Each $1.98 L!U6 Volt Electric Frost Shields 8x16 in 13x25 ....................................... Each $2.80 Metal Carrying Case. complete with (If Green Tinted Plastic Shields are switch. Desired ... Add 10c to the price) Price-Special, each ...................... $2.00
~m~a ~
~~(tJUU~ ~ ELECTRIC ENGINE HEAlERS NO . 3 TYPE-For all l4I I..:!Jtrucks .
Chrys ler product cars and
Complete with 4 ¥.! ft. cord .................................. $5.29 (]JDIPSTICK HEATER-Keeps oil warm for easy starting. Fits universally on all motors with straight dipstick ....................................................... _...............$5.49 rpTANK TYPE HEATER KIT---1300 Watt . ideal ~for large trucks and tractors. Features the Kelrod element. Thermostat controlled ........................$16.95 50 Watt - for most trucks. Also has the Kelrod element .................................................................... $12.25 Heater Switches · - (;lamp on type. Ford, Each .......................................... $1.40 Universal Each .............................. $1.25 Heater Hose - Top quality. %" inside diameter x 1 ply. Special 6 ft. Length ...................... $1.25
WINDOW CHANNEL 19/ 32" base. 9/ 16" high. plain flexible metal channel covered with genuine felt. Fits every car and truck. Available in len Irths up to 8 feel. Per foot ........... - ........ ....................... $ .35 8 Coot length ..................................$2.40
HEATER FITTINGS (1) GRILLE FRONTS H eavy duty. made of high Quality. leatherette lined with heavy sole Celt and interlined with carpet Celt for stiffness and wind- brel.lklnll'. State year and model required . TRUCKS $4.75 CARS $4.25
FORD Vacuum Hot water shutoff 1953-56 ......... $4.75
Fitting ..........................$1.15 (3) Hot Water Shutoff ... $1.75 (4) Heater Hose Clamps .09 (5) Lower Hose Connection .................. .30
Directional Signal Sets • • • •
Fo r For For For
1 CIGAR LIGHTERS Univer8al 6 and 12 Volt Automatic Model. Can be Installed in a few minutes . Complete Cigar Lighter: 6 Volt ...... ................................................. .................................... $2.15 12 Volt ........ ....................... - .......................... _........................... ....$2.65 Element and Knob: 6 Volt ..............................................................................•.............$1.25 12 Volt ....................... _................. ................................................ $1.59 2 TRACTOR SPINNER Heavy-duty model made for rough handling. Wooden knob held on by a lifetime graphite greased metal bushing. Strong clamptype base fits all tractor and truck steerIng wheels . E ac h ................ ........................................................... ...................._ ...... -.79 3 RED REfL,CTOR TAPE This a mazin g Red Reflector Tape is self-adhering to any metal glass or wood surface . ReflecLor Tape cnn be seen 70% faster than t.oll lights in any weather. 5 feet. ... ................ ....... $1.00 .. fLEXIBLE COPPER TUBING A superior Quality seamless annealed copper tubing. Soft and flexible. Bends without kinking. Sb. Per Foot 25 Feet Size Per Foot 25 Feet W' .11 $2.62 fr." .18 $4048 .22 N' .13 U .12 %" $5.28 %" .15 $3 .58 'h'" .29 $7.0' 5 TWO-CELL FLASHLIGHT A must for every car owner. Perfect replacement for more expensive type. Each ........................................ .. ................................................... $ .69 Each (With batteries) ...............................................................$1.09 Flashlight batteries (TWO} ... _......... ................. _....................... $ .35
Self-Cancelling Directional Signal Kits
T r uc ks Tracto rs Trai le rs Buse s
Set of 2 two-faced fender mo unting signal lamps, each with red and amber lenses; 2 single-faced lamps with red lenses; self-cancelling au tomatic blinking eye control switch; flasher; wire and simple instructions. 6 Vol t ......................$16.50 12 Volt ......................$17.45
Custom - built, four light (front & rear) conversion kits. Contain all parts and simple instructions for a complete installation . Fits Most Cars 1942-1955. P rice S p ecial ..........
Kits to fit 1953-55 Chev. ..... ...................... $6.95 Kits to fit 1955 Ford $6.95 Switch only (IncludesFlasher & Fuse) ........ $6.95
Floa.-O-Ma.ic WHEE L
Ford 1949 1950
............ pair .. pair G. M. Pa ... Can 1940·48 pair ChrYller Corp. Pa... 1937·39 pair
$5.75 • .05 4.98 Carl 4.12
No. 300 l or most cars 3.25 No. 1600 for Ford and Me rcu r y 1941·48 3.25
Ford 1049 ... each 1950·51 . . each 1952·55 . each Chev ., Pont., Old •. each 1949·54 Dodge· Plymout h 1950·54 each
$3.50 3.20 3.25 2.70 1. 80
Ford 1940·55
Chev., Pont., Old •. each $1.35 1949·55 Dod g&- P lym outh 1940·55 ... . .... each 1.15 GLOVE COMP ART M ENT It DOOR PIL L A R LOCKS
We can supply locks lor a 11 makes and years 01 vehicles. WRITE FOR PRICES. When ordering handles be very specilic in mentioning inside, outside, etc.
DESIGNED FOR THE SMALL SERVICE STATION , FLEET OWNER, AND INDIVIDUAL CAR OWNER Balanced wh ee l. help 1"... enL (ronL end wear and ualH~lge ff'tlUCC tire \\ ear hnl.1n ced wh eel s are
. afer and gh e n more comfo rtable rIde. This bnlancer
is ,-e ry accurate. has no moving parts. nolhing to wea r
out. tllrdily built of aluminum and pln, Lie. Will la s t a lifetirne. Shipping weight 3 Ihs . Size 614 x 6' • . Corn· plete in tructiotls and 7 " ,sorte d weights. Price $12.60
~ WAS" """U I mll~ No. 22 -
No. 77 - This washer fealures a jet--pres8ure nozzle, has hair bristles and a light-weight aluminum handle. Price ...................... .................................. ....................... ··$5.35
No. 88 Deluxe wash brush made of flexible rubber and superior Quality hai r bristles, with a finger tip water £low control. Price .................................. ........ ................. _............... ..... ... $6. 75
CUSTOM UN IVE RSAL 1 CompCHROME lete with 6 x 9 speaker. All
REAR SP EA KER KITS wiring. swit.ch, hardware, and simple installation Instructions . Special price ... _............................... ....... _.. .... _.... ................... .... $7. 50 Exactly as above with 6 x 7 speaker. . ................ . Special $6. 75 AERIALS These aerials are of high qUality - engineered steel - for high fidelity reception positive Insulated against defective sound inception. 1. Side mount-6a" ......... .. ............... _............ ......... .•.......... - ...$3. 75 2. Cowl Mount-63" ........................................... _............. ··········$3.95 66 s. Universal side or Cowl Mount- 63" ..................... ····.·· $4. 95
Triple action wash brush that soaks, cleans,
4. Replacement Antenna Staff- Slip replacement an· tenna ove .. ol"iginal base stub and til(hten .......• ........... ·· ..$2.25 TWIN DECK KIT Complete installation kit contains 2 Rear-Mount Swivel-Ball 3 .eclion antennas which can extend to 27" with a ready-to-use Polyethelene low loss 22 Ft. cable assembly; and 6 high-speed fa sten ing clips. Price Per Kit Only ................................... $8.75 "SHARK" REAR DECK ANTENNA KIT This kit is universal for all cafS. and consists of 2 antenna8. which extend from 13'h"- 27". Cable, harness and all installation hardware required supplied with Kit. Special price ...........................•.......................... ····_ ... · .. ·············514.95
Visored Mirror - hooded style, 4 1"2", non glare mirror. Fully Adiu table. Built·in Rain, Snow and Sun I'i. or. Popular for fender mou nting. an be supplied with either Round or Square head. Price, each ......................... ......... $3.95 (2 for $7.75)
In polished chrome. Price, each ..... ............................... $2. 50 Inexpensive Body·mount Mirror. '6' LEJ Sturdily built, and triple plated
fo r service. Price, each ................................ .. $3.25 (2 for $6.25)
l.£) tinctive design adds beauty to
my car-Positive adjustments. 3.~" x )" glare proof. Beautifully flOlshed n s parkling chrome. Price, each ..................................$4.75 (2 for $9 .25)
A Body-Fender mount mirror, In L0 the latest of styling. Made to tit the fenders of the newest cars. 4~" Mirror head. Fully adjustable. Price, each ............... _................$6.95 (2 for $131.25 )
"Versa.Tilt"- The style·it·yourself mirror. Advanced 4·in·1 styling to suit any car. Anyone with a screwdriver can quickly and easily change the design four dif· ferent ways . Price, each ..... .$4.95 ($9.50 per pair) De Luxe 4" non-glare Mirror, l!.J fully adjustabl e. Graceful curved :lrm-extra strong, lustrous chrome finish. Price, each ..................................$ 2 .25
"The Champ." Ig1 l2.J different mirror
'2l De
Luxe Visored Mirror -
Full vision 3" x 5" non-glare '5' W Mirror. Adjustable latest style.
A distinctively of Superb quality. Highly polished triple plated chrome. Jar-proof adjustment. Price, each ..................................$5.45 (2 for $10.45.) Another First in Bod.y & Fender '9' l2.J mount mirrors. Designed for
maximum vision. Sturdily built to stand rough usage. Price, each .. ............................... $3.75 (2 for $7 .25)
TRUCK MIRRORS Hinge Body Mount-Extends CD from 19·29". Fits hinges 2 0/8 " wide. hinge pin . Furnished &
11/2" -
with hinge and body mounting brackets. 5" diam . Head·Swivel center, Black enamel finish. Price, each ..................................$3.30 U niversal Mirror Support Arm_ f2l ~ Eliminates vibration - Extends 12" - 21" .
Price, each ................................ $1 .35 5" Diam . Center Swivel Mountsealed in metal case. Black GJ glass fin ish. ~ namel
ach ..................................................... 80
Oblong 4" x 8" overall. Offset L:!J Swivel mount, replacea ble glass with Outside Rubber Bumper. Grey Hammered finish. Price, each ................................ $2.85
rp Giant
Truck Mirror-8" x 18"sQ. ins., for safer visi on . Heavy duty top quality shock proof mirror cushioned in rubber to a bsor b v ibra tion. Set screw maintains any desired position. Complete with mounting brackets . Price, each .............................. $13.75 (2 for $26.915) ~ 144
[[) Mirror Head for Trucks. Size 5'h" x 7~" . Swivel mount. Grey Hammered finish. Price, each ... _............................. $2.25
Mount s under numper and bolts through bumper bar. Spacers incl ud ed ma ke thiS hitch uni' ersa l fitting . This mod el is particu· la rl) s lIit ed for ca rs \I hich canllot he titted with th e sta ndard cl a mp t ype COli pi er. . Pri ce only $6.46 TRAILER COUPLERS
No 10 - D e, i~ll . d for , ma ll utility tra il ers , \I here gro>s loao will not exceed 2,000 Ibs. Ce rtilied mall cal)le iron c",tings and steel bolt •. l'a t ente<l a utomatic salety lock. Ball i. 1%" In diameter . Price, Eac h $ 3 . 96 :-10. 25 - A Hea vy Dllt) COllpl er required ro r medium s ize farm implr nw nb. larger utility and boat trailers, stock trai lers and $6.46 la rge lI elclHs. Ball is t " in di"m ct,' r. I'n ce . Each No. 40 - A Trailer Coupler deslgu ed to fit Oil the outside 01
JsI No. 14 No. 16 -
any 2·inch pipe tongue, regardless o r wall thickn ... or in side diameter. Ba ll is l %" in diameter. Price, Each $6.46 COUPLER CLAMPS
No. 8 - A heavy duty 'JIlJ umpers where a s ingl e W greater strength . Finished No. 0 - .same as No. ~
all $teel coup ler clamp . Will fit all clamp can he used. Extra wid e ror in bright a luminum . .Price $3.36 (but li ghter). Price $2.99
'4' No. 95 - A lower priced a ll "teel coupler cla mp that lits all l.!J UUIIII)NS with exposed edges. On ly two bolts to mount the DOUBLE CLAMP
cross·bar to LIle bumper clamps. Specially designed " J " bolts to go tllru the cross·bar and h ok under bottom of bumper. learance to tit arouud a ll li cen >e plates. Maximum length 17 ')1.". Price $4.76
1%" Ball. Made 01 malleable iron. Price, Each
2" (same as above). Price, Each
$1.00 S1.IO
Each kit contams all neceS!lary parls lo masler cylinder
All clutch assemblies are completely rebuilt with original equipment parts and are set to original factory specifications. All assemblies are guaranteed to be equal in quality to brand new units.
Car and Model
FLEXIBLE CENTRE CLUTCH PLATES Cushion Type Construction Eliminates Chattering. Semi-Metallic facings- Prevent Slipping. CLUTCH AND PRESSURE PLATES CHEVROLET, Pass . 1938-53, All 1954 1955-58,6 cyl... 1956, 8 cyl. DODGE, Pass . 1940-55 1956-57, 6 cyl. ... FORD, Pass. 1946-48, 10 in . Plate 1949-57, 9 1/2 10 . Pla t e, 8 and 6 cyl. 1953-54, Cuslom 1955, Standard ... 1956-57, 10 in . plale NASH and STUDEBAKER, Pass . 1941-55, Mosl PONTIAC, Pass. (Can . ) 1941-54, All .. 1955-57, 6 cyl. 1955-56, 8 cyl. CHEVROLET and G . M .C., Trucks 1938-53, 1/2 ton 1954-57,1/2 ton 1938-53, 1-3 ton 1955-56, 11/2-2 lon 1954-56, 3 lon DODGE and FARGO, Trucks 1938-49, 1/2 ton . 1938-49, y..- 1 lon 19SO-56, 1/2 ton . 1948-56, 2-3 ton FORD and MERCURY, Trucks 1941-54, 1/2 ton 1935-56, '~-3 ton, 11 in. Plate 1949-56, 12 In . Plate INTERNATIONAL 1941 -55, All No. K1 -K 5, L, R and S series 110-1SO . 1941-55, o. K 6, L, Rand S, 160 and 170
Clutch Plate CP736 CP736 CP52 CP33
$ 7.75 7.75 8 .40 9 .20
CP740 CP740
10.40 10 .40
CP870 .
8 .30
C P8824 CP0937.. CP56 CP57
9 .50 9 .40 9 .30 11 .70
Pressure Plate CA341A CA30 CA30 CA30A
Ex .
$ 7.70 10 .40 10 .40 10 .40
$ 8 .70 12.90 12 .90 12 .90
CA926 CAI383
8 .45 8.35
10 .95 10 .85
10 .20
CA8594 ... CA5222 CA48 CA 57
9 .80 10 .40 10 .20 10.25
12.30 12.70 12.70 12.50
8 .35
10 .85
9 .70
CP875 C P52 CP33
11 .85 8 .40 9 .20
CA337C CA30 CA30A
8 .80 10 .40 10 .40
9 .80 12.90 12.90
CP736 CP33 CP753 CP34 C P35
7.75 9.20 12.90 11 .75 12.40
CA341A CA30 CA342A CA31A CA32
7.70 10 .20 8.65 11.95 11 .95
8 .70 12 .90 9 .65 14.95 14.45
CP701 CPS05 CP1825 CPI830
10 .95 10.95 14.65 14.60
CA926 CA920 CA982 CA996
8 .45 9 .25 9 .25 11 .50
10 .95 11 .75 11 .75 14.00
12 .70
CP607 CP615F ...
12.00 19.70
CA1178 CA7710
11.75 24.55
14.25 34.55
11 .85
Ma ster
13 $1 .63 13 1.63 13 1.63 1167 1.63 1190 1.85
18 $1.10 1134 1.06 13(; .84 136 .84 136 .84
19 110 121 121 121
1143 1113 1191
2 .05 2.05 2.05
16 1112 11J2
.80 .94 .94
12:1 1112 1112
.80 .94 .94
1100 1133 1166
1.79 1.90 1.90
1115 1:lfi 136
.84 .84 .84
1102 1129 1129
.80 .87 .87
1137 1137 1137
98 1. 1.98 1.98
1 1186
.84 .84 .84
1107 1IB11 1189
.84 .84 .84
R ear
$1.10 1.10 .80 .80 .80
STOP LIGHT SWITCHES HYDRAULIC For all makes of veh,c1 s. When ordering please slate make, model and year $ .75
For Chevrolet, up lo 1948 1949 and up
FRONT Linings (A) $2 .75 653 4 .18 2006
REAR Bonded Bonded Shoes Linings Shoes (B ) (B ) (A) $2.75 $9 .10 $9 .10 653 3 .70 9.60 292 9.10 3 .70 4 .25
9 .10 9 .60 9 .10
3 .88 4 .23 5.50 5 .42
9 .10 9.30 9 .85 11.90
11 67A 291 284 2002A
3 .88 4.10 3 .80 4 .74
9 .10 9. 10 9 .30 9 .30
3 .88 4 .30 4 .18 5.00 5 .00
9 .10 9.10 9 .85 9 .85 9 .85
1167A 284 292A 20060 2025A
3.88 3.88 3 .70 4.18 5 .00
9 .10 9 .30 9 .1 0 9 .85 9 .85
1167A 2024 2017A 2053T 1167A 287 2006A 2025A 2025A
1106A 3 .98 192P 192P NOTE- There
N1086 $4.48 NII30 3.84 NI05·j 1087
3 .78 3.52
NlOB7 N1I81
3 .52 2 .80
3 .52
(Bonded Shoes Available--Wr it e for Prices )
121 3 1264 192A
DODGE 1941-56 19H-55, Truck, '/z-2 lon FORD, Pass . 1932-18 1919-56 FORD TRUCK 1912-56, AU'/z-3 ton
9 .10 9 .60 9 .60
1106A 1264 1261
CH EVROLET 19:18-56, 6 cyl., Pass . and Truck 1956,8 cyl.
A heavy duly hlock type moulded brake "nmg All sels furnished, drilled, ready to Inslall and supplied With flvets.
The brake lining sets which we supply are mad e of the highest quality malerlal available ensurin~ t he besl braklOg results. Brake linings a re supplied wllh rivets, bonded brake Iinmg IS suppl ied With shoes. The old shoes may be returned to u s for trade in.
a wheel or a
Make and Year CHEV., Pass . and PONTIAC (20-22 Series ) 1936-SO, All and 1/2 ton 1951-57, All and 1/2 lon DODGE, Pass . 1946-56, Mosl 1957, 0 70-71 a nd 8 cyl. 1957, 0 72-1-2, 6 c yl. FORD and METEOR 1946-48, All 1949-54 1955 1956-57, All 6 a nd 8 cyl. MERCURY-MONARCH 19l6-48, All 1919-51, All 1952-54, All 1955-56, All 1957, All PLYMOUTH 1946-56, Mosl 1957, All, 6 cyl. 1957, All, 8 cyl.
CtiEV ., Pass. 1912-18 1919-SO 1951 -52 1953-51 1955-56 DODGE and PLYM., Pass . 19·11 · 12 Mosl 1946-54 1955-56 FORD, Pass . 19·12-18 1919-51 1952-56 STUDEBAKER , Pass . 1947-53 All 1954·56 Champ. 1955-56 Cmcl r 1953-54 Cmdr
CHEVROLET 1940-SO, 1'12-3 ton 1951 -52,11/2-3 lon 1953-57, 1'/1-3 lOn
FRONT SS .30 64-10 5 .30 6-140 7.40 20390
REAR $10 .75 6510 15.75 20320 15.75 20320
DODGE 3 .79 1920 1450 1946-52, 'h lon 4 .20 "12240 1920 1949-56, 1 lon 7.62 "12230 "12210 19·1 8·56, 11/z-2'/z lon " Please State Number of Holes per Lining FORD 1912-48,1/2_' . ton 1919-56, '/2 ton 1912-5 1,1 ton 1952, 1 ton 195:1, I ton 1951-55, 1 ton 1939-52, 1';'-2-3 lon 195.1-56, 11 '2-2-3 lOn
1167 0 2870 11670 220AO 20130 220AO 11720 201:10
3.88 4.30 3.88 5 .40 9.16 5 .40 6.10 9.16
3.88 1167 0 3.88 2810 6 .10 11720 220,\0 5.40 10.85 20420 4.23 20210 11.30 11710 Write
INTERNATIONAL 286BO .. 2 .85 286BO 19SO-56, L. and R, 110 2 .85 2%AO 1950-56, L. and R ., 120 2B6Bg 2 .85 224A'O 286B 19SO-56, L . and R, 130 7.84 1191" 12330 1950-56, L and R .. 160 "Standard equ ipment- 3 inch wide lining .
9 .10 3 .70 9 .10 1213 9 .10 3 .70 9.10 1213 9 .10 9 .10 192P I•• trade-In value of $1.00 ""r shoe whe n old shoe... re returned.
4 .20 7. 62 15.17
2.85 2.95 8.35 14.25
CENERATORS and STARTERS • All Worn Parts Replaced With Factory • Completely Rebuilt Appro ved Parts • Fully Gu&.rante~d • Ju st Lik e New • Thorou~hly Inspect ed a n d Tested A complete stock or R ebuilt Ge n e r ators a nd Start e r s - L a r l'f!s t in Western Canada.B es t Pri("f!s anyw h e re:! H ERE IS AN OFFE R MADE O NLY TO O U R CATALOG U E CUSTOMERS On Gen.erators an d St a r ters - .sn y Ma ke or Model
U2-39 140-48 349-52
Trade- inV&!ue
T r ade-inValue
... _.._ .......... . ...... _ .. _...... .
$6.00 1935-39 .. ......... _.. ..... $7.50 10.00 1940-48 ........... _....... 10. 00 13.50 sa.OO 1949-5 1 ii'ii~ ~53-Up (6 Volt) .. 16.50 $3 .00 1952- Up ~:·(6··v;;·itL :U~ $3 .00 2 Volt $22 .00 ' 12 Volt $19 .50 ' ELCO REMY J35-39 .......... _....... $6.50 DELCO REM Y 140-48 .... .... _....... 10.50 iioo 1935-39 .. $7. 50 ~49-52 .... 17.00 $3.00 1940-5 1 ...... ..... _....... 13.00 $3 .00 953·up (6 Volt) 19. 00 $ 3.00 1952-Up ( 6 Volt) 16. 50 $3.00 2 Volt $22 .00 ' 12 Volt $19 .50 ' UTOLITE 135-39 .................. $8.00 AUTO U TE J40-48 .. ....... ......... 10.50 $3.00 1935-39 ... $7.5 0 sa .OO 1940-48 ......... _....... 13. 00 $3. 00 49-52 17.00 953-up (6 Volt) 19.00 $3 .00 194 9·up (6 Volt) 16_50 $3.00 2 Volt $22 .00 ' 12 Volt $19 .50' At these prices it doesn't pay to buy parts or repair your old un it - We fully guarantee every Generator and Starter for 90 DAYS - Take a d vantage of this Special Offer- We will save YOU money I 'EX CHANGE ONLY, WE MUST HAVE YOUR OLD UNIT FIRST
ARMATURES FO RD Gen . $6.00 4.50
DELC O - REMY G e n . S ta rt . 1940-53 6.40 6.00 1935-39 6.40 5.60
Start. $6.00 6.00
AUTOLlTE Gen . Start . 6.75 1950-54 6.40 1935- 49 6 .00 6.40
REBUIJ, T and GUARANTEED with REGULATOR 40-Amp. h €av y duly high amp. and hi g h output r e built Autolite Generator with rel:ulator . Fits any car from 1929-55 (Pulley DrI vel. S t at e whether Pos. or N 2t1. Grd . N e w Low Price, complete w ith Pulley. E a ch ........... _... ·.······$27.00
.tji DISTRIBUTORS For Ford V8 1932-55- Co mpletely reconditioned d istr ibuto r uni ts. All wo rn parts are r eplHced . Each dis t ri butor is care fu ll y adjus ted a nd tested for mecha nica l perfection. Supplied complete w ith points , ca m sh aft, roto r a nd hou s in g. 1932-4 1 Outri g ht o n ly .......... ..... ......... 56.7S 1942·54 Outr ight $9.76 Ex ch . $6.76 For Pontiac 6 Cyi. , P on tiac 8 Cyl., Che v· rolet, Olds mobile 6 Cyi., Dodge-Ply m outh, Buick. -E ach unit is completely rebuilt. N ew points , conden se r . distribu to r p late . etc., have been in sta lled. Furnis hed less ca p a nd rot or. Un condtio na lly gua ra nteed . Up to 1954 Ou t ri g ht $9.75 E xch a n ge $8.75 1955 and up Write for price s N ote: Cracked hous ings or d is tfibutors w ith missi n g parts wi ll n ot be a ccepted for full t r a de-in .value .
Add 12.00 to abol'r prices if old a rm at u r e is not s ent In .
Truck and car equipment voltage regul ato r. that have been compl tely rebuilt. guaranteed to give sa me f"ervice as new regulator . AUTOLITE-AII Chrysler produots, Nash . Hudson. etc . DELCO REMY All Chevrolet, International Trucks. Pontiac. Oldsmobile. Buick . Outright ..................... .. ...... .... _.............. _... $4.75 Exchange ................... _........ ·· ·.......... · ...... · ... _· .... .. $3. 75 FORD-Car. &: Trucks 1940-53. Outright ................................ ...... _ ............... .. $4.50 Exchange ................. _........ . .................. ........ $3.50 Always give number on old ordering-state year and model.
J'egu lator w he n
FAN BELTS C h O!y. P ass. 1937-52 No. 86 $ \. 09 1953- 54 No . 45 \.33 1955-56 .6 cyl) No. 188 1.30 Ford P a ss. I S42- 49- -F'an No . 87 IS48-49-G~n . No. 51 I 950-501-Fa n No. 45 1950-53-Gen . No. 44
Dodu -Pl y m o ut h Pa ... 1937-50 No. 133 1.48 1.41 1951-52 No. 82 . 1953-56 No. 186 .. 1.18 '1.10 1.39 I. :I.~
We ha v e a c o mpl e t~ s tock of fan belts for alJ p ass . cars and tr uck ~. When ordering for models not lis ted ple a se s t nte e xact year. m a k e and m odel.
For any V-8 from 1932 to 1948-complete with instruction ! heet. Don 't In5tall pOints without thiS machlne l Save yourselI costly repair bIlls-Buy now SpeCIal Price $5. 75
Ch ev ro le t- 1S35-52 $1.20 Ford- 1940-48 1.59 F ord-1949- 52 1.80 We c~n s u p pl y pulle y s fo r mos t pass . cars and t rUCkS- Write {or Price. not Listed .
TARTER DRIVES 'e have a complete s tock of Starter Drives to fit all MAKES F CARS AND TRUCKS. THESE ARE REBUILT UN IT S _ UAHANTEED LIKE ' EW.
IUlch Drive Type)
(Screw Type)
(Bnrrel Type)
(NO EXCHANGES REQUIRED) hen orderinlr please Itate--Type of drive, and makO!, model an d yea r of vehicle.
~.J;. ~O
Kit Consists of: Volt Rebuilt Generator 2-Tractor Lamps I- Amme ter I-Generator Cut Out I-Switch and Wire $ 19.95 I~
These units are completely dismantled and all worn parts replaced, where necessary. These units are rebuilt and guaranteed for 90 days. We can also supply complete 2-speed assemblies for International - Reo - Studebaker - Diamond White, etc. Write for prices.
CHEVROLET & G.M.C. Year Tonnage Outright Exchange 1940·47 3 185.00 150.00 245.00 210.00 1948·55 3 345.00 1940·55 4 ton-6 hole wheel 385.00 FORD 1940·47 3 185.00 150.00 3 245.00 1948·55 210.00
REBUILT TRUCK CARRIERS SINGLE SPEED 90 DAY GUARANTEE Save time and money. buy a rebuilt carner, ready to install . properly adjusted and ready for use. We supply crown and pinion assembly. complete with bea r· ings and axl e gears . • plit type or t o rque tube assembly. \Vhep oraering, glye year and ~ it pO$sible );ive Dum · We have the lareest stock ol her on carri~r hOllW!g. ~ truck parts In Western Cap~PJ:IL!lI closed drive shalt ada. U parts required are not listed, write,
CHEVROLET & G.M.C. Year Tonnage Outright 1934·39 1 ¥.! ............................................ 1940-47 1 ¥.!·2 .......................................... 1%·2 .......................................... 1948·54 1937·45 %·%·1 ........................................ %·%·1 ...................................... 1946·52 1953·55 %·% ·1 ......................................
Price 38.50 72.00 85.00 47.00 70.00 80.00
INTERNATIONAL 1933·49 % .............................................. 1940·50 %·1 .......... ............ ...................... 1950·55 %·1 ............................................ 1937-48 1%·2 .......................................... 1949·55 1 ¥.!·2 ..........................................
27.50 62.50 80.00 80.00 95.00
DODGE & FARGO 1940-48 2 ................................................ 1949·54 2 ................................................ 1935·40 %·1 ............................................ 1947·55 %·1 ............................................
75.00 95.00 55.00 85.00
FORD 1934·39 1940-48 1949·54
29.50 42.50 97.50
1 ¥.!·2 1%·2 1%·2
FORD- Cont'd. Year Tonnage 1949·55 4 and 5 DODGE & FARGO 1940·48 3 1949·55 3 1948·55 3-4 ton Special Timkin 6·stud
Outright Exchange 385.00 345.00 185.00 245.00
150.00 210.00
EATON l-SPEED CARRIER ASSEMBLY Rebuilt 90 day Guarantee For 3 ton Trucks , e xpertly rebuilt. Save time and money by installing one of these rebuilt carriers . We have a complete range of carrier a ssemblies {or all models . Write (or prices. In ordering, if possible, state year and model, gear ratio. numbers on carrier casting .
FORD 1940-47 1948·55 1949·55
Tonnage 3 ton 3 ton 4·5 ton
CHEVROLET 1940-48 3 1948·55 3 1946·55 4
Out. 100.00 125.00 265.00
Exchg. 85.00 110,00 235.00
100.00 125.00 285.00
85.00 110.00 250.00
100.00 125.00 265.00 275.00
85.00 110.00 235.00 240.00
& G,M.C.
ton ton ton
DODGE & FARGO 1940-47 3 ton 1948·55 3 ton 1948·55 4 ton 1949·55 3-4 ton Timken
Dodge 1 Ton Truck Special Completely Rebuilt, assembled, and ready to install, Guaranteed 90 days. 1946·52 ... ............... -.......... - .... ·$67.00 1963-55 .. ...... _-... -...................... $79.00
Ford l ·ton , 1940·1952. Regular : $59.45. Special : . 47.00
ATTENTION AU FORD 1·TON TRUCK OWNERS Rebuilt l-Ton Full Floating Rear End Assembly 70
Comp lete a8 illustrated, with hubs and drums, rebuil t and rea dy to install for Chevrol"t, G.M .C., Dodge, and International. Increase carrying capacity. excellent for building various types o( equipment. Up to 1947. Price . ..... .. .................. $125.00
• These assemblies can be fitted directly into your truck and will rid you of all your rear end trouble. Your wheels, springs and drive shaft will hook up without any changes. You can't afford to miss at this price. When ordering give year and model of truck .
• Equal to original equipment. • More Economical than • Complete and ready to install. \ \'hen ordering lo!ive year. make and modeL If nossible. g ive number on carrier H ousing and Gear R atio. a lso ope n 0 1' closed Drive Sha ft or Sp li t A,le Hou, ing type. We supp ly "C" Assem bly. " hi ch i nc lude" ax le . Spide r Gea r s a nd Beari n gs a s illustl'ated top left corne r. If YOUI' Model i not listed. write . fORD C f 220S CF 221 CF 223 C F 222
19 31-36 All Models ........
$27. 50 32.5 0 19 48-54 All Mode ls ............ 70.00
19 37- 11 All Models
.... _........ $22 .5 0 1933 Standard 1913 Mas ter & l~ ton ........ 18.5 0 172 1934-39 A ll Models ........ _ . 22. 50 32 . 50 37 1 1910-48 A ll Models .. 37 2 1949- 5·1 All Models ............. 57.5 0
172 296
CHRYSLER-DODG E-DESOTOPLYMO l:TH crR 77 19 26-36 All Models ...... .... Ce R 304 1937-54 7 P ass All Models CC R 311 191 8-52 . . ... ....... .. ..... _... CCR 314 1953-56 ............................
1928-32 19:13-,10 194 1·48 194 9-55
All Model ............. $18.5 0 ........ .... ...... .... ........ 22.5 0 ..... ..... _.................... ... 27. 50 ...... .. .................. ........ 49.5 0
H U DSON C H 229 193 4-39 ( E xcept 690) ........ 27 .50 CH 356 1940-4 7 ...... ................... _....... 35.00 KAISER -FRASER C KF 424 194 6-51 .................... .......... $4 0. 00 LA FAYETT E CLF 233 19 34-40 All Mode l. ....... $2 7.50
17.5 0 35 . 00 27 .5 0 55 . 00
EXTRA SPECIAL FOI' your 1937 -47 -52 Plymo uth . Dodge . Ch r ys ler. o r DeSoto. we offe r : A rebu il t Carrie r A ssembl y (as illu stra ted) com p letely I·e buil t. assembled an d rea dy to insta ll- gua r anteed fo r 90 da ys. This unit wi ll save you time. labo ur a nd trou ble . A t this p rice you cannot buy parts com pare before yo u buy . This car rier fi ts Bomb3.rdier Snow-mo bile.
.......... $25.00
Com plete o nly
Item N o. CCR 303
MERCU RY CM 31 0 1939·40 CM 311 194 1-48 CM 430 1949-5 1 CM 431 1 95 ~- 55
.................. _.... _...... .. ............ .... .................. .................. .......... ...... .................... ..... _...... .
22. 50 27. 50 45 . 00 55 .00
OLDS MOBILE CO L 105-1 932-36 ................................ $25.00 COL 320 1937-38 .......... .... ............ ...... 27.50 COL 371 1939 -48 ........................ .. ... 37. 50 PO N TIA C C PO 277 CPO 320 C PO 32 1 CPO 32 2
19 35- 36 1937-40 194 1-48 1949- 55
(C lo ed (Closed (Closed (C losed
drive) .... $22. 50 d r ive ) .... 27 . 50 d r ive ) 35 . 00 d r ive ) .... 57 .50
Whe n ordering. state exaet year and model also ength of torque tu be a nd part number. These Torque Tube a ssemblies are completely rebuilt and guaranteed . They are set according to factory specifications and are ready for immediate installation . BurCK 194a-1955 85.00 1933-36 Std . .. 29.50 1929-1936 37.110 1933-1936 Mstr . . :10.00 1937-1939 . ~5.00 1937-1938 .... ..... 40.00 CHEVROLET 1939 . . .... _..... 42.50 1927-1932 .......... 25 .00 1940-194 8 .......... 50.00 1940- 1947 . 47 .511 1949-1 95 4 .......... 70.00
U·JOINI REPAIR KII Each repair kit con011
parts for
C HEVROLET V-J o in t N o .
P r ice
1955- 57 Pass. .. ....... _......... .... 329 19:;5- 57 y, ton ( 1300 series ) 329 1910-57 1- 2' , ton open dr ive 33 1 ) 911-07 3 ton (1700 sel·i.8) 32
$4. 95 4.95 5. 75 7. 15
DODGE ( Ply mo ut h ) & FARGO 19j6-57 P ass . (wit h SpiceI' J oint) .... . ...... ..... 329 1933-57 (with Detroit cu p type J oint ) Com p lete V -54 1957- 5 P as". All 3 14
1916-57 Il
1916-57 1-~ ton . ... 1!116-:" 3 ton & Spec. FORD -
33 1 328
6.95 8.2 5 4. 95 5. 75 7 . 15
1!>t9· !):; Pas~.
Rear. 1956-5 R p,, "". 1916- 5~ '~ - 1
ton IH-10-57 ) » -2 to n 19jO-57 ~ 'i -3 t o n
...... .....
626 329 329 33 1 328
5.50 5.9 5 4 .95 4.95 5.75 7. 15
TERNATIONAL V-J o int 19-1 6-1 9 K : KB I , 2 (3 s peed) 19 16-49 K : KB 1. 2 (4 s peed) 1950-58 L . R . 110. 120 & R . S. 110. 120. 130 19 16--1 9 K: KB 3. 5 .. . . .... .. 1950 L . R. 130 ........ ........ 1950-;; L. R. S. A, 130. 150. 160 (4 s peed) OLDSMOB I LE - PO N TIA C (2 5. 26 . 27, 28 Series) 1939·55 F ro nt ............. .......... . R ear .......... .......... . 1956 Old • . & '5 6-57 Pontiae TI.!DEBAKE R HI~ 6 -57 All Models (Pass.) .... 19 19-56 ' , - ~ to n .......... .... .. .... W I LLYS 19·12-56 Mili tu ,·y. CnA. 3A. 3 B . 5 & 6 ~ ton t ruck. a nd s ta ti o n wa gon s up to 1951
No. 329 331
Price $4 _95 5. 75
329 328 33 1
4.75 7. 15 5. 75
7. 15
52 5 526 534
5. 50 5. 95 7.85
329 329
• . 95 4. 95
SPECIAL NEW N ew U niversal Joint Repair Kits for 3 % De troit Joints. Consis ts of 1 s pring, 2 needl e bearing type ba ll s, 1 pin , 2 was hers, 1 metal cove r, 2 ce ntering buttons. Fits Chrys le r, Dodge, DeSoto and Plymout h 1933-55. Reg. P ri ce $16.50 Special eac h ...... .... _.. .... _..... _._ .. $6.95
New Ford Front Transmission Slip Yokes O rig inal d uplica t e Fits 1949-57 F ord. Meteor P ass . cars. Regu lar Price $1 2.95 Specia l .. .... . .... ...... . ... - ...... .$8.60
New Ford Rear Pinion Flange 329
4. 95
F it s FOI·d . Meteor 1949-57 . Reg . Price $ 10.25. S peci a l .... .... .... ...... ... _........ .. ...... ..........
Far more economical than a repair job-All worn parts replaced. Equal to or "better than" a new transmission. Custom Built-Complete and ready to install. REBUILT and GUARANTEED TRANSMISSIONS All Transmlsslolls complete and rea.dy to Install, le ~ top unless s pecllled .
EXCHANGE BASIS EXCHA .... GE PRICE applies when we receIve your old Ironsmlulon wIth order Otherwise order at the OUTRIGHT PRICE ond when you return your old tronsmlulon PREPAID IN OUR CRATE, we guarantee to refund the dIfference between the OUTRIGHT and th .. EXCHA .... GE PRICE
BUICK TB334E TB334G TB424 TB-425
Outnght 1934-36 (any model) . $32.50 1937-38 (any model) State exact model-year .. 45.00 1939-48 (any model) State exact model-year . . . . . .. . 48.50 1949-54 (Std.) ................. . 77.50
Exchange $27.50
TF280 TF339 TF339C TF28:: TFM283C TFM284C TFM286C TFM285C
40.00 42.50 67.50
CHEVROLET TC345 TC330 TC370 TC427A TC47 TC48
19211-11 1932-39 1940-48 1949-50 1949-50 1951-54 1955-56 1951-54
Model A V8 tandard Mere. and Monarch Ford Standard Ford tandard Mere. and Monarch
Outnght $25.00 3000 5500 85 .00 85.00 87.50 9750 87.50
Exchange $20.00 25.00 49.50 65.00 65.00 77.50 87.50 77 .50
1933-36 Standard ........ . . . 1933-36 Master. .. . 1937-39 All .. ..... .. ... 1940-48 (state year) .. . 1949-54 Passenger. .. . ....... . 1955-56 Standard .. . ........... .
28.50 28.50 32.50 52.50 67.50 87.50
23.50 23.50 27.50 42 .50 57.50 77.50
TOL33A T0L334C T0L421 TOL425 T0L426
1933·36 . 1937-38 . 1939 . . 194()..48 (State length of HOUSing). 1949-50 (6 cy!.) ..
32.50 4000 45.00 57.50 6750
27.50 35.00 40.00 47.50 57.50
1933-36 (State year and model) .. 1937-39 . . . 1940 (State model) .. . 1941·48 (CanadIan 20-22 Senes) . 1949-54 (Canaruan 20-22 Senes) 1941-48 (Amencan 25-26 Series) . 1949-54 (American 25-26 Senes) .
4000 42.50 48.50 52.50 67.50 67.50 72.50
35.00 37.50 42.50 42.50 57.50 57.50 62.50
1933-34 Standard . . . . . . .. . ... . 1935-39 Standard .... . .. .. .... . . 1940-48 Standard 1949-54 Standard .....
27.50 27.50 .5 .00 67 .50
22.50 22.50 38.00 48.50
We carry a full line of Rebuilt Transmi33ions for Nash, Willys, Packard, Terraplane, Hudson, Studebaker and many others not hSled here. Wnte for our New Low Prices. All Units Guaranteed for 90 Days. Take advantage of these exceptionally low prices and order now. Wnte or PhoDe One Day Delivery. .
BRAND NEW TRANSMISSION GEARS Main Drive Cears 1940·52 Chev. Pass. & 'h.Ton , K32'2·1 1940·4 Ford Pass & 'h·Too , K216·1·16 tooth 1949·51 Ford Pas enger Cars, KS16 lA Low .. Rever .. Cearl 1940·53 Chev. Pass & 'h·Ton, K322·8 1939·50 Ford Pass. & 'h.Ton, K316·3 1951·55 f'ord Pass & 'h.Ton, K856·S
Second 1940·53 1940·4 1949·50
Cun Chev. Pass. & 'h·Ton, K322·5 Ford P ass. 'h' Too , K218·5 Ford Pa s. & 'h·Ton, K816·5
TRANSMISSION TOPS Good used Transmission Tops for all makes and models-Thoroughly l'lspected-guaranteed to be in p erfect shape. State exact year, make and model when ordering. FORD 1928-31 ..._ . _ ._._ .._ ...______ ... _. $2.50 1932-39 _... ........ _ ...... _._ ......_ ._.. _ .. _ _ 3.50 1~48 .... _." .._ ....... ___ ._____ _ 4.50 1949-54 _ _ ._ _ _ ..... _ .... _._ ....._ 1.50 CHEVROLET _ ... _ .._ .............. _ .. ____ $3.50 1933-36-Std. ___ .__....._ _ _ _...... 4.50 1931-39 1940-48 ...... _ ... ......... __. _ _ . ____ .... _ ..___ 5.00 ... _ _ __ .. _ ._ .. _. ___,, _ _._ _ 1.50 1949-54
111.80 $1&.95 $15.95
Clulter CUrl 1940·53 Che". Pa , .. K322·11 1940·4, Ford Pa s. & 'h.TOII, K21'6·11·2 tooth 1949·50 Ford Pa" ., K316·11A, 28 tooth 1951·55 Ford Pa s. & ~·Ton, KS56-11
7.75 8.76 8.75
Synchro Allembli .. 1941·58 Chev . Pas . & ~.Ton, KS3I ·23 1940-4 Ford Pa s. & '",·Ton, K216·23 1949·55 Ford Pa .s. Y,,·Ton, K818·23
8.60 9.95 9.95
Revene Idler Cun
1 1
1940·53 Che, . Pass. & 'h.TOll, K822· 1939·50 Ford Pa ss. & Y,,·Ton, K218·
19.95 19.95 19.95
1 1
12.75 12.85 15.00
$8.25 S8.50
GEARSHIFT CONVERSION KITS I'or Chevrolet- 1940-48 Eliminate troublesome uncertain vacuum shIft, change to simple manual shIft as used on most other cars $3.25
We have the largest wrecklnll yard In Canada- If you dan 't lee your requirements listed
h.re--wrlt. for any par't you may requlr~n. day .. rvlce where poulble.
TRUCK TRANSMISSIONS Exceptional Quality - 3 and 4 Speed Transmissions Featuring High Crade Replacement Parts and skilled assembling. We refund difference when your old transmission is received F .O.B. Winnipeg. We can supply transmissions for all models from Y2 ~on - 5 ton . Wr ite for pr ices of models NOT LISTED. When ordering, state exact make, model and year. Outright G. M .C . S 45_00 speed 25.00 speed ....... .... .......... ............... 55.00 speed ....................... .... .......... 30.00 speed 52.50 speed ...... .. ... .............. ........... 4 spt>ed. Synchro Mes h ... ..... 135.00 19~8-54 ...... .................... ............. 87.50 speed 3 1948-54 Outright Dodge & Fargo $ 65.00 4 speed ......... .................. 1932-49 50.00 3 speed ...........................•........... .. 19·10-48 75.00 3 speed ........... ........... .. .......... ........ InI9-~4 ........................ ................ 140. 00 4 speed 1950·5·1
Chevrolet & .\ 19~~-40 3 1928-~0 4 1941-·17 3 1932-36 3 1937-47
Exchange S 35.00 15.00 45.00 20.00 42.50 110.00 77.50 Exchange $ 55.00 40.00 65 .00 120. 00
Guaranteed for 90 da ys.,
Ford & Mercury 4 speed 1932-48 3 speed 1933-36 3 speed 1937-41 3 speed, 1942-51 4 speed 1949-51 4 speed 1952-:;4 3 speed 1952-54
Outright $ 55, 00 40.00 42.50 59.50 69.5 0 140.00
E xch ange $ 45.00 30.00 32.50 49.50 59.50 120.00 95. 00
In terna tional 1931-47 4 1937-40 3 3 194 1-46 1950-55 3
Outright $ 55.50 50,00 65.00 85.00
Exchange $ 45.50 40.00 55.00 70.00
speed speed speed speed
Increase pulling power , haul heavier loads , stronger, lasts lon ger, save on repairs and gas. We supply corn·
plete transmission with top, emergency
bly, clutch housing, II required, back flange, all parts
necessary for changeover. You must have your drive OM GAS & REPAIRS .....
"MPORTANT-When ordering, state exact year. make. and model ol vehicle. lote-1. Exchange must be prepaid in and be rebuild able. 2. Exchange only means we must have your exchange unit first . 'ORD-Changeover-1933-41-includes Transmission U-Joints and Top. Outright $75.00 Exchange .• $55.00 Changeover-1942-50-Iopen drive type) . We must have-Transmission, Drive Shaft and Front Universal Joint First. Exchange Only $70.00 )ODGE and FARGO-Changeover-1933-50-We must have Clutch Hous109, Clutch Drive Shaft. and Transmission First. Supplied in return complete with above parts. Exchange Only . $70.00 :BEVROLET and G .M .C.-Changeover-1933-47-includes Transmission, UJoints and Top. If open Drive Shalt, Flange and Kit are supplied ready to install. Outright $75.00 Exchange ......- -.. $55.00 'BANGEOVER-I948-54--ISynchro-Meshl. Outright $185 .00 Exchange $145.00 NTERNATIONAL-Changeover-1937-50-We must have Clutch HOU6ing, Clutch DTlve Shaft , and Transmission first. Supplied in return complete with a bove parts. Exchange Only .. $85.00
shaft shortened approximately 4". Additional cost of $10.00 if d one in our shops. We can supply these units for Chevrolet , G .M.C .. Dodge, Fargo, Ford , and Mercury, International. Studebaker, White. In ordering, state make of pre· sent transmission, case number if possible, also model and tonnage of present truck. Outright ..... ................. ............ ................. _·.. · .. ·$200.00 Exchange
................. ......... ............................... ···$185.00
REBUILT 5 SPEED TRANSMISSIONS Supplied less top-All worn parts replaced, completely rebuilt-Guaranteed {or 90 days. Note-When ordering, state Make , Year and Model of vehicle and Model No. of present trans· mission, Outright ................ ............................................. $ 1 85.00 Exchange
Write for transmissions NOT listed on this page.·
C'aq,:o t'urrie-rs lI ~e Con ~truct('d of light. t o IIte(liulIl ~auJ.!e ~tl' I it features a slutted open ing . . . . . .., at Oil\.' rud and n hiltf,trd tnil~ntr at tlw uthf!f I)irnell~ions 10'6" IOIlI!, 7'6" wide, 2'6" deep.
make a n e,,'e ll ellt GRAIN BOX. All ,teel rloor i< so lidi) hrne .. 1 \lllh ,tee I ero" sills pili '
I OIl~ ltlldlllnl channel si ll, [0 [like \lood rillers. SHIPP ING WEWIIT "ppm, . ~OO Ihs .
$155. 73
CUSTOM BUILT MUFFLERS ELECTRICALLY WELDED SEAMS THROUGHOUT Recognized as superior to original equipment by the automotive industry. Our Stock is Complete. Pri ces on request for .model s not listed .
The only muffle r with a written guarantee that covers it for the lifetime of the vehicle on which it is installedl
Passenger Car Mufflers
BUICK 1949·53 (Can. 43) & Mo,t 19~4 ·55 (Can. 44) 1956 (Can. 44) Single ExH
Price $10.28 660 16.72 2000 22.85 No.
CHEVROLET 1941-48 430 1949·52 td 475 1950·52 Power Glide 495 1953 A iI I! .;yi. 495 1954·57 All 6 & S cyl. ingle ExH 647 195 All s ingle and du a l 2203
6.55 6.55 7.15 7.15 8.35
DODCE " PLYMOUTH 1940·4 All 1949·55 Most 6 cyi. 1956·57 Mos t 6 cyi. 1955 Most 8 cyl. 1956·57 Most 8 cyi.
8.80 8.75 9.15 8.75 8.75
616 632 781 780
Truck Mufflers No .
CHEV " CMC TRUCKS 1941,,(9 %·2% Ton 195(1-57 %-2% Ton All 1941·55 3 Ton
496 461
DODCE " FAR CO TRUCKS 1940·54 %·2 Ton 1955·56 1h·2 Ton 1940·5'6 3 Ton
P ri ce $5.45 5.25 9.85
419 24 18 445
4.95 7.20 7.20
FORD" MERC . TRUCKS 1942·47 Ih·l Ton 1948·53 'h ·3 ron 1954-57 Mos t 'h ·3 Ton
446 477 796
8.95 7.45 7.45
INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS ~1 "(9 KI -K5 1941-49 K6· K7 1950·56 L, R, & S. 110 to 165 1950-56 L. R , & '. 170 to I 4
384 4 2 575 576
5.80 8.7Q 5.15 8.80
FORD" METEOR 1942·4 1949·54 1955·56 8 cyi. (ngle Exll 1955·56 ~ cyi. Dual 1955·56 Il cyi. 1957 8 cyi. All W,7 Muot 6 cylind er Most cylinder dual MERCURY " MONARCH 19~9·51 All 1U52 All 1953 .\11 1954 Most 1U55·56 Dual r, & R 1955 (~ l C) (Single) Mercury 1956 Single 1957 Single nnd <lunl OLDSMOBILE 1941·50 6 cyi. 195 1·53 All
~~====:::~ No. Price T A206 $3.55 T A467 3.50 T.'\42 3.55 TA4 2 3.55 TA 662 3.65 TA745 3.80 T A2200 write
PONTlAC 1941-4 20-22 1949·50 20·22 1951-52 20·22 1953 20-22 1954 2(1-22 1955 20·22 6 cyi. 1956-57 20·22 6 cyi.
FORD" METEOR 1942-48 V8 1949·51 V8 1952-64 V8 1955·56 V8 (Single Exh) 1955·56 V8 (dual Exh) L
TA196 TA224 TA575 TA7H TA2417 TA775 TA758 TA 2415
4.78 4.70 3080 4.45 3.70 6.25 3.75 3.95
TAI97 TA220 TA540 TA753 TA750 TA778 TA750
4.65 3.41 3.52 3.57 4.56 4.5& 4.5&
DODCE " PLYMOUTH 1942,,(8 1949-52 Most 1953 1954 1955·56 6 cyl. 1955 Most Dodge V8 1955 Most Plymouth V8 1956 Most V8
1955·56 6 cyt.
TA587 TA676 TA67 TA3409
4.29 4.45 4.45 4.40 4.07 4.65 4.56
TA290 TA449
344 537 628 65 797 7 4
7.75 11.50 10.75 11.25 12.10 12.95
784 3101
12.95 15.95
399 510
9.75 9.45
Mufflers For Foreign Cars AU STI N lU~9·52 A40·Devon 1952·55 A40·SomerseL FORD 1947·51 .\nglia·Prelect 195~·55 Anglia-Prelect 1951·55 ('onsul H ILLMA N 1949.Early 1955 IU55 (With O. H. Valve,) MO R RI S 1949·55 Mi nor 1940·55 O,lor<1 VANCUA RD 1049·52 1953·55 VO L KSWAC E N
No. Price 525 $ 4.40 6i5 4.00 630 631
5.50 7.50 7.50
470 686
5.40 5.75
506 645
4.25 5.80
523 687
6.25 8.50 11.25 11 .25
Pn"~ f' ng (' r
(I exhaust)
37 I
I'a"."ger (2 exhaust,)
Passenger Car Exhaust Pipes
-----=--------~--~~~----~ CH EVROLET Passenger Car Tail Pipes
CHEVROLET 1941-48 1949·52 Std. 1950·52 PlO 1953 All 1954 1955 6 & 8 cyl. Most 1956 6 & 8 cyl. Most
No . Price 473 $ 7.80 7.55 474 646 9.50 nu 8.50 783 9.35 10.45 2604 2603 10.45 26()j 10.45
1949·511 . ld . 1951·52 Std . 1951·52 P G 1953·54 1955·5R 6 C\l. DOD G E & PLYMOUTH 1949·52 1953 1954 1055 6 cyl. 19M 6 cyl. FO R D PASSENCER 1949·50 1951 1952-54 1955·56 (single exh.) FO RD CROSS OVER PIPES 1949·54 1955·56
EX 1'0 EX317 EX310 EX462 ~:X650
$5.35 5.35 5.35 5.50 4.90
6.05 5.25 5.2S 5.40 5.30
EX156 EX323 t:X397 EX659
6.20 6.20 6.20 6.20
EX320 EX65
5.05 6.95
EXI2 EX575 EX5~2 ~:X 585
Popular Truck Exhaust and Tail Pipes
CHEVROLET 1946·49-'I.·wn-Tail Pipe TA27 1950 nnd 1054·55- 'h-ton-Tall Pip TA429 1951·53-lh-ton-Tail I'il) TA499 1950·55-%· too " most '1<-2 lon Exhaust P,pe-EX2 2 DODCE 1939·53-Ih-ton-Tail Pipe TA535 1939-49-%·ton-Exhau,t Pipe-EX 75 1950·51\-%·ton-Exhaust Pipe-EX39~ FORD 1948-52-Ih-ton-Tail Pipe-TA543 1953·54-%·ton-1'all Plpe-TA818 194 ·52-Ih-ton-Exhaust Pipe-EX256 1953·5 '4 ·ton-* ton-Exhaust Pipe EX532 1948·54-Crossover Plpe-EX253
1054 ·56 All IY57·5~
Ingle t:xll with ... fn J,t It· rxhulIKt
PONTlAC 1941-48 20-22 1949·50 20·22 19'1-53 2(1-22 1964 20·22 1955·57 All 6 &. 8 cyl. 195H 'mall Ghn"dlan
Price No . 661 $11.15 :tWt 13.25 6.55 6.55 6.75 6.95 8.35
430 475 526 677 641 :!:W~i
STUDEBAKER 1947·54 Champion 1947·53 Commander 1954 Gommnlluer J955 Champion 195& Commander &. 1' .. "d,·lIt
467 46_ 467 775
7.15 9.65 7.15 9.10 9.65
WILLYS 1946-62 &. 1954-56 CJ2A, 3A, ( 'J4, 5, 6 1946-53 All Other. 1952·54 Willy. Gars
6.85 6.85 9.00
476 539
Hollywood Mufflers
)~ No. 930 975 9Y5 995 965
CHEVROLET PASS. 1941-4 All 1949·52 td. 1950·52 ",th PI G 1953 All 1954-5 All DODCE & PLYMOUTH 1939·48 All 1949·5~ All 6 cyl. !U53·55 Dod~e V 1955·57 Plymouth VS 1U56·,s Dodge V, 19jo·5 ractor,) Dllal,
960 OMt
961 ~71
871 9y
PricI 55.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 US 5.50 5.50 6.45 5.95 5.95 5.50
1949·54 1955·56 All V sgle. 1957 All V, H14'·S:l rorll l':,!-ton
936 974 .70 h~1
195; \ ', 1057 6 C)I 195 \ ', ',ngle
5.50 6.50 6.45 6.45 5.50 6.4S &.45 6.45
Muffler Clamps
54.05 3.95 4.10 6.15 5.00 6.65 6.50 4.'0 5.35 9.30 9.10
From- l ~" to 2" Price Frnm 2 'AI" 10 3" Price 2. SPECIAL CHRYSLER TYPE CLAMPS (fits Dod~e, PI)'rnoulh. etc. )IPli6-Front Price \lP1 27 Rear Price
each each
25c 29c
- 1936·55) each 40c each 40c
3. ADJUSTABLE TAIL PIPE HANCERS FIl36 Pric. each I9c 4. MUFFLER REPAIR SLEEVES (Heat reSistant, a,be'w. insulated) A len~th·12" . 4" . 6" Din Price ea eh 1.05 Din . Price each 1.25 D length·12" • 4" .
JEEP PARTS LIS T The ports that we hove listed ore for CnA Jeep, from 1946-49 inclusive. Quite 0 few of these ports ore interchangeable with Army Jeep 4x4 and CHA Jeep . Within th e years 1946-49 they hod what they termed "before and after serial numbers." It is imp~rative, therefore, that wc must know the exact seria l number of the unit to s upply the proper parts. In addition to the parts listed below, we carry a complete stock of ports to fit all models of Jeeps., 2 and 4 wheel drive trucks and stat ion wagons . IMPORTANT WHEN ORDERING I)) If orderins:t llears for lransfer case or Al State ,,-,net year and model. tl"ansmi~sion. j.!ive the numbel of teeth B) Give Your exact serial number. on geRI", Cl Use the listed part numbers unle" you E) \Yhcnevel' possible send samp le!i. are not sure of the exact location of part reQuired . TRANSMISSION GROUP Tran~mi~sion Rebuilt Complete Top Shift Out. $14500 TRANSFER CASE GROUP Ex. 117 SO TrHnt:lmis5ion Rebuilt Complete Rebuilt Transfer Case Side hift Out. 140.00 ".011 ('omp l et~ Oul. E~. 117.50 76.00 E". 19.6!'l Write Mnin nrive Gear 6~0~2~ Transfer Cnse 610~9~ 29.75 28.75 Clu!'ler Gear Main Shaft Gea,' 64040" AIOl6n 16.20 Rynchrome~h 50.35 6 t039~ Int ....nediate Gear 6121 9 19.78 :!;;,!lO Main Shnft 6103~O A 1501:) 5lidinf.! Geal' 15.32 Second Gear 23.95 6~039~ Output Gear A15·11 7.10 Rev,,·.e Idle.' 16.85 6~0411 lntemal Gear A992 1Z.29 Low & Reverse In.lf! 6~0·IOI Rhaft-Oll'put ('1utch A~ 3:; 4.05 Cluster Shaft 27.65 610HZ Output Shaft A 811 Main Drive Bearing 1.11 640·122 A9:;R Seal 4.53 Retainer ~. I O tntel~mediate S!1nfl A99R .24 M.D.G. Br",. Ret. Seal Bearing (Roller) In t. 6459 0 6421 no .52 Ga.ket Kit 1.75 TS06 Shaft ~mnll Parts Kit (Cluster 1.00 K342-40 Shift Rod Sea l A97 1 & MDG Packet Br",s. A9~7 Pilot Bushing Output 6.48 Spnce.·s) .50 Clu tch Shaft FRONT AXLE GROUP ENGINE GROUP A6030 Ale Shaft R.F. (Short) 51.95 Rebuilt Block A-sembly Out. 205.00 A6031 A'de Shaft L.F. (Lon",) 51.95 Old Exchange Block must be A1514 Frl. Axl. Gasket & rebuildable Ex. 165.00 4.70 Seal Set Con Rod Bearin", - Std. 639 62 6.21 Flan",e·Axle Drive A 6 1.4 8 to .030 _ pindle Bushin", .5Q I;; Main Bearing Set A 53 .95 Outer Axle Bushin", A6362 9.95 Std. to .030 Ball Joint Seal (Cork 640111 Rin g Set - HiSpeed LS79 .25 Strip) 7.33 Set, Any o/s 4.00 Spindle Bearing 18590 6 .80 L479 Rin ", Set Any o/s l.jij Spindle Bearin", Cup 1 5~0 In take Valve 1.02 6371 ~2 1.35 Hub Seal A86~ 1.44 6~i I 3 Exhaust Valve 4.32 AQ2 King Pin Cnp .45 63 636 Valve Sllrin", 2.48 King Pin Bearing 11590 Valve Spring Reta iner .25 637044 1.36 King Pin Cup 11520 Valve Spring Retainer 375991 Front Axle Inner Oil A779 Lock (2) Pr . .09 .70 Seal A313l Pistons (any 0/. w ith Differential Spider & A6743 pin) 5.95 21.17 Axle Gear Kit 646698 Crankshaft Pulley 1.45 Pinion Oil Seal 5i? (double) 4.70 4.95 U Joint Kit 329 3X7633 Crankshaft Nut 1.80 Propellor Shaft Front. 640109 OH60S0-1 Motor Overhaul Gasket 4 .00 Comlllete 6.50 Set Propellor Shaft Rear, 610110 4.00 VG6080-1 Valve Grind Set 54.00 Complete A~558 1.40 Head Gasket 9.50 Yoke (Spline) A935 Pan Gasket 6399S0 .50 9.95 Bellcrank 6401 4 Oil Pump Repair Kit Write 2.0f, Bellcrank Pill A ·115 6135~3 In s ul ators (Front Motor A~57 Bellcrank Pin Bearin"," Support) I. 75 . ;) (2 R'Q'd) Ea. A6 1ii6 In su lator Rear Motor Rellcrank Shaft Space.' 64566~ 2.50 (CJ3A) 2.10 SPRING GROUP B.llcrank Seal (CJ3A) .45 645663 Front Sprin", A612 9.95 Bellcrnnk Bearing 615664 13 .20 A614 Real' Spl'inS! (CJ3A) "ath 1.20 2.75 F"ont Main Leaf A612-1 Rellcrank haft (~J:IA) ~.~O 649219 A6ll-1 Rear Main Leaf 3.40 R05123 Sector Shaft Kit 14. 5 ~0~06 1 ~pring Shack le Right or Sector Bushing Inner .50 639090 Left 2.95 Sector Bu.hin", Outer .50 639091 31228 Spring Pivot Bolt .60 639102-4 Steerin", Bearings & Cup 1.50 359039 Sprin", Eye Bushing .4 5 CS62L Tie Rod End Left) Left 2.50 611419 U Bolt attaching Spring Tie Rod End Right) hand CS62R to Axle H ous in g Assembly 2.50 1.70 P22R hock Absorber Front or CSI40L Tie Rod End Leftl Right 4.65 Rear (Std.) CS140R Tie Rod End Ri",ht) hand 4.65 Shock Bu shin", (R ubber) I..sembly 2.50 .12
REAR AXLE GROUP Axle Shaft Left 6 10968 Ax le Shaft Ri ght 640969 DifL Case Br",. ~5577 Diff. Case Cup 2;)523 :!!) 77 Ax le Bearin", Axle Bearin", Cup ~5 2 1 Inner Oil Sea l A779 Pinion .. ea l 5778 Rear Hub Seal (Early) A86·1 (F\. 1l Floatin", Axle) Re ar Hub Seal (Late) 6165 (Se m i-Floating Axle) CLUTCH GROUP Clutch Plate 6429 15 Out. Pressure Plate 6,12662
635529 6,14366
Cllltc h R elease Ben rin g C lu tch R elease Bearing
$14.58 13 .50 3.74 2.56 3.12 1.84 .70 1.1 5 1. 35 1.75 10 .12 11.08 8.58 3.68
Carrier Flywheel Bus hin", Clu tch Cable Fl yw heel Rin g Gear Spring - Clutch R e lease B rg-. Carrier 63011 2 Clu tch Rel ease Lever EXHAUST GROUP F.X159 Exhaust Pipe Frt. EXI93 Exhaust Pipe Rea r Muffler 471 TA 222 T ai l Pipe COOLING GROUP 640 146 R a diator F a n Belt 110 Thermostat 160 0 H 30 Ther m ostat I 0 0 H 30HT RI 220 W ater Pump Out.
1.90 . 40 1.85 4. 23
639:;7 640 12 1 635394 630117
Ex .
. 12 . 70 3.95 3 .95 6.85 2.05 50.00 1.28 1.49 1.49 10.85 9.85
FUEL GROUP A636S Cnrburet or 19 .95 A 6840 Carburetor Kit 6 .95 N 572 Fuel Pump N .w 2.85 A 11 97 Flex-Oil Line Inlet 1.74 A119 Flex-Oil Line Outlet 1.20 64030 Fuel e to Fue l Pump . 95 .70 640309 Fuel Line to Cnrburetor BRAKE GROUP CM 20 1lD L in in ", Set (Rivets included) 7.35 1106 Front Wheel Cylinder R e pair Kit .80 11 27 Rear Wheel Cylinder Rep a ir Kit .92 1137 Master Cy li nder Repair Kit 1.89 A9333 Emergency Conduit, Cable & H andle 7.00 GAUGES A I 6 Ammeter 3.95 A 188 Temperature Gauge 8.25 Temperature Gauge Electrical 3.96 A8 190 Oil Pressure Unit 5. 10
RING GEAR PINION ASSEMBLY JEEP TRANSMISSION For Willys Jeep, Part No. GPW4207-Good used Ring Gear and Rebuilt Jeep transmisPinion mounted on case complete sion will fit all military with spider gears, differential Jeep Part No. 6PW700bearings and pinion bearing. For ~ complete Complete $40.00 Military On less top and Complete front end of Willy's lever. Each Jeep for replacement in Jeep r-B-r~a-n-d-N~'-e\-v--'-----o-'e-n-r-'-II-.d--p-i-n-io-n~se-t~~~--------~--~~~ _t\,IIII.II_r-,..... or to use as a drive in small ()in 'OI!12~ Ral.o 43·~) F.ts a ll 01 the rtlllowll1~; $75.00 tractors, etc Part No. 6PW3001 \11 frollt flf ('.It \, 3A, 311. tJ5, 4\\». used In perfect condition. ancl l\16:IS\\,. Till' rear 01 C.J2A (Early Complete $110.00 11111 floatill~ type "le), anll 1·63, 4·i:l. Regulnr PrICI' $63_90 6·6:1. 6·73. (2 Wheel O""e ~atioll Wa· ICons. Semi-Floating Axles).
NOTE : Guarantee does not cover damage resulting from improper Installation, running dry, overcharging, freezing, etc.
Battery Number
2L-6V 2N·6V 3N-bV 2E-6V 12 Volt 24S 60K 3EE 28N 32N
Guar. Amps. Amps. inMos. No. at at for Cars 20 Hr. 20 Min. & Joi ton of Plates Rate Rate Trucks Length Width Height Price
1-120 1-110 1-100 1-90 I-SO 2-115
17 17 15 15 13 17
120 110 100 90 SO 115
152 135 122 110 100 142
36 30 24 21 18 21
2F120 2F135 2LlOO 2NlOO 3NlIO 2E1I5 Batteries 25-60 3K-60 3E-60 28N-55 32N-70
17 19 17 19 21 17
120 135 lOO lOO 110 115
152 171 122 122 135 142
36 24 24 24 36 24
9 9 9 11 13
60 60 60 55 70
70 70 70 65 85
10 ~
24 24 24 36
611 4U
12 ~ 14~
2-6V 2F-6V
Warranty on F.-m Truck. and Tractor. I.
9 9 9 9 9
7 7 7 7 7 7
811 8'.1 811 811 811
10 Joi 10 Joi 10 Joi 10
7,0. 7h
9~ 9~
19 ~
7U 8)1 8)1 8)1
W ~~echart.
m ~=';i ' iF .t":"'fo~' ~ie ·o~ '6: i:i 'or 24 Volt'sY~te;.n~: 511: sturdy Barelite case With replaceable neon bulb. 4 ft. I..ds have insulated clipe. .Price ..... . . . , .. $6.76 Vacuum t.t ...-for checking vacuum on fuel pumps, manifold preaure, etc. Dml registers 30" vacuum ana 7 lhe. pr_ure. Price ... .. .. . .......... . ...... . $6.95
m .. "
1. BATTERY SHIMS .06 ea .. . 10 f')r
2. BATTERY BOLTS .06 .... . 25 for 1.00 3. BATTERY FILLER ...... • ... ea. .11 ... BATTERY HOLDOWN Group 1. ... .. ...... ...... .. ea. Group 2 ... .......... . .. . ..... ea. 2-E long type battery ..... ..... ea.
8)1 8)1 8)1 8)1
17 .80 22 .65 14 .55 16 .50 17 .95 17 .95 19 .95 21 .SO 21 .95 21 .45 24 .45
21. I
248 I I
2 248 2F 2N 28N
2L 2F 3N 28N 2E
2 3EE 60K I
2 248 2E I
2E 24.8
Ton truok • .
Safe-Automatic Reset Circuit Breaker- protects both battery and W charger from shorts, reverse co nnection.. Chargmg rate auto matically Is' reduced as battery nears capacity . Plugs into any 110 Volt A.C . ClI'CUit. IS
6 Volt. ......... ..... . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512.95 12 Volt. . . . . . . ..... . ........ .................. . 17.95 6V-12 Volt (Comb. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.95
t.t ...-Service Station type, complete with
Inax.,..l .. t.pe t.ter-for home shop use.
17 .95 16 .90 14 .50 12.Z5 11.00 15 .95
of the recommended warranty for p . . . . nger car. and
f"flSet of 2 H.D. Flaible Cables~ach 8 ft. long. Fitted with ~opper coated clipe which have colored plastic insulated handles. Price per Set $ 1.10
f"21 Antlfreeza
CHEV"OLET 1929-36. 6 Oy!....... .... . ..... . ....... .... ... 1937-39. All ..... ...... ... ................. .. 1940-54. All ............................ . ......... .. 1955-56 ........................................... DODGE 1936-53. All .... 1954-55. Except 6 oyl wi PowerOlte 1954-55 . 6 Oy!. wJPowerOlte ....... 1956. All ........... .. ... F'O"D AND MET EO" 1940-54 ....... .................. ....... 1955 ..... 1956. Air '..... 32N or ME"CU"Y AND MONA"CH IP39. All ..... ..... , ............. 1940-53. All 1954-55. All ..... ................... , .. , ... 1956. All .......... :· .. ..... 32N or OLDSMOBILE 1938-48. All R Oy!. and 8 Cy!. 1949-52. All 6 Cy!. .................. .. 1949-52. All 8 Oy!. ..... 1953. Model 088. 888. 98 .... ........... ..... ,., 1954-56. All PLYMOUTH 1928-55. All ...«pt R oy!. w/Powerlllte ... 1954-55.6 Oy!. w/Powerlllte 1956. All .................. PONTIAC 1939-48. All 1949-54. All 6 OYL'.:::::::::::::::::"::::::::::::::· ....... 1949-52. All 8oy!. ........................................:....: 1955-56. All ........... ............................. ................ WILLYS 1937-56. All ............................. ..................
.70 .10 .70
Strape are flexible braided copper electrolead plated throughout. Price Pnce Price 17" ............ 1.26 .92 U" ...... .. ... 1.06 19 .. ............ 1.34 9.... ......... 1.00 14.. ........... 1.12
" . . ..........
rD 7
terminal. .
14" . .....
Made with universal Price '" 1.16 17" ........... 1.26 19" ....... 1.36 "
27.. ........ . .
They will fit positive or negative Pnce 1.60 48" . . . . . . . 31" .......... 1.74 58...........
li4.. ..
IS. BATTERY CLIPS - Heavy duty - all sprmg_teel construction electrolead plated. 5 amp... ea. .08 50 amp.. ea. .30 10 amp... ea. .10 100 amp. , . ea. .515 2S amp.... ea. .18 •• BATTERY HYDROMETER (a) Accurately calibrated with 3 color scale to give condition of each cell .
.. 1
po.s t . Price 2.28 2.80
(b) Same as above hut With qpec,f\c Vavity and tem~rature scale. (a) . . . . ea .. 70 (b ) ..... ea . . 90 7. BATTERY CARRIER .....•.. ea . . 45 •• BATTERY TER M INALS - Fits Po•. or Negative Post. Split type 4 for .95 . . . .. ....• . ea. .25 Stra"ht 4 for .95 ............ ea . •26 Solderl_ 3 for 1.00 •..•.•.• ea. .315
A Accessortes (Auto) Ammo Boxes Armatures (Gen. & Start> Axle & Hub Assy' s Axle Shafts
55, 62, 66, 67 45 6'1 46, 47 56, 70
Batteries (Auto) Bearings (Auto) Boxes (Cargo) Brake Linings
. '0. 590~REA E GUN- Approximately . . 000 lb. pres-ure . Spring priming. SlJcti..:>n
rillin~ .
and Alemite fitllng . Reliab~e 10 oz. c81lacity gun . Ea ch ... .. ....... $3.80 . '0. t034 -D1F FERENTIAL AND S UCTI ON GllN-B a rrel is made of steel l' "xI 5". It has a goose neck spout approximately 11" long. This specially con,tructed spout makes it Ilossible to reach the bottom of the differentia l hous!-lg. Pdce ..... .. ................ $3.05 '0. 100-SUCTIO OIL GUN - For draining nnd filling trans missions. differential s or R i1Y place where a fluid lub ri ca nt is u~d . Capacity 20 oz . Fur-
ni.hed with all steel 16" flexible hose. Price . .. ..... .. ................. $2.00 NO . 121-FLEX GREASE G N HOSE12' long. 1 " pipe thread. fittings at each end fits all guns. Price EAch ....... $2.15 NO. HI -BALL LINK HOSE For hyd raulic fittings. Flexible. plated. Approx. 16" long . Each ................... $4.25 FITTING ADAPTERS lA) Fitt ing Adapter. push type. Each .... .................................. .96 (bl Hydraulic Adapter. push type. Each .............................. .. .. $1.26 GREASE FITTINGS ',11" Pipe Thread (I) Straight I 03 . " .................. .06 (2) 671 ........... _.................................. . 15 (3) 453 .... .. ..................................... .16 (4) 901 .. ... ............. __ ...... ............ ...... . 16 (5\ 452 .. .. ........................................... . 11 (6) I 05 .. .. ...................................... . 07 (7) I 06 ............................. . 07 OIL CANS 9A No. 677-3 std . 12 oz. can . Rigid .pout . ........................ .63 9B--No. 10447. 5 oz. 6" Rigid spOut Trigger oiler .... .. ...... $ 1.49 9C- No. 10448. 12 oz . 6" Bent spout Pump oiler ........... .. .......... .......... $ 1.69
E 5&, 7'1 14 74
Eng ines (Auto) Engines (Briggs & Stratton) Exhaust Pipes
F 6'1 24 56 35,51 61
Fan Bells Fans (Heat & Vent.) Fenders (Auto) Flood Lamps Front End Parts (Auto)
T Tail Pipes Tarpaulins Thermostats (Attic & Barn) TI RES Aircraft Changeovers Grip New Recaps Tractor Truck & Car Used Tools Tow Cables Trailers Trailer Couplers Treasure Chests Transmissions (Auto) (Parts) (Trucks) Turn Signals
G 5'1 69 25,51 .. 35
Gaskets Generators (Auto) Generators (Aircraft> Governors
H 14,7B 14, 35 30,31,32
Heaters (Gas, Portable) Hoists (Rope Chain) Hoists (Hydraulic) HYDRAULICS Cyls Fittings Gauges Hoses Kits . Pumps Tanks Valves
. 14 .. 60 24 45 3, 14, 33, 54 . . 12 . 60 .56 .. . ... 69
Sharpener (Disc) Shock Absorbers Shutters (Tie Rod) Snow Plow SPECIALS Speed Wheels Springs (New) (Used) Starters (Auto)
15, 20, 21, 23 22 21 22 15, 35 16,17 21 1B,19
74 34 24 10,12 6,7,11,47 B
4,5 6,7,9 5 4, 5 ..... B
7B 12, 13 46,47 35,67 35 72 72
55, 73
u 56,73
Universal Joints
62 51
Ignition Inter-Comm . Systems
4B, 49,50 WAGONS 59 Water Pumps (Auto) Water Pumps & Systems 14,42,43,44, BD 14 Welder (Acetylene) 27, 2B, 29, BD WELDERS (ELECTRIC) 26 Welder (Parts) . 57 Wheels (Auto) 52,53 Winches 65 Winter Items (Auto) 51 Wire (Weather-proof)
J 57,7B ... 3
(At Low, LOW Pricesl Accepted Type on the Morket
56 54 70,71
Radiators (Auto) Ra~io (line filter> Rear Ends (Auto and Trk .) Reliners (Tire)
D Doors (Auto) .
Jacks Jeep Cans Jeep Parts
5'1 12, 13 33 6B 40, 41, BD 5B 5&
Carburetors Chains (Pass., Trk . & Tractor) Chain (Roller> Clutch Plates Compressors (Outfits & parts) Crankshaft Kits Cyl Heads (Auto)
34 7'1 52 . 6B 5'1
Paint Power Unit Power-Take-Offs Pressure Plates Pumps (Fue\)
77 73
C '0. 211-Sl' PERIOR GREASE G NA sDIlng-fed automatic gun with hy,Iraulic couple r th at develops 8.000 Ibs . pre,su re with ease . All-steel. plated. r~t-proof cons truction . 20..oz . cap· acity . .......... $4.75
67 45, 51 45 51 74
Mirrors Motors (Elec .) Motors (32 Volt> Motors (Starting) Mufflers
Lamps & lights LIGHTING PLANTS
36, 37,3B,3'1
For items morked "Farm Certificate Requi red" fill out Farm Certificate Requisition an Order Form.
All ~ea:it:lgs are brand new- precision ~uilt and laboratory tested. All bearings are IOdlvldually boxed and treated agalOst rust. Every bearing we ship is sold subject to your most rigid inspection . Front Wheel \/lake 'h" and Pant ..
Pn s ~ .
Jndge and Plymouth. Pa. s.
"urd, Pass .
Yur 1941 ·54 1945·48 1949·54 19 ·4R 1949·54
I Mer
909002 14125A 14276 16123 J6245 15118 I 5250X 15123 15245
$5.16 2.80 1.48 2.48 1.36 2.S6 1.44 2.48 1.16
Front Wheel Outer $2.75 009001 2.08 090H 09194 1.08 2.00 09067 1.08 09195 2.08 09074 1.0S 09196 2.00 09067 1.08 09195
Rear Wheel C1500 $5.20 25 77 2.88 25821 1.84 25,77
TRANSMISSION Front Rear $3.84 6207N R 6207 4.16 6207Z N R 6'\nSN R
$4.32 4.48
2.88 1.84 3.84
62012 R 620 NR
4.48 4.80
88107 A R
77 ..·..·
• • • •
De li vers Heat Without Fla me
EXCELLENT FOR Grain drying Healing buildings, Barns and poultry houses Pre-heating engines Thawing fuel lines PR&HEATING EQUIPMEI'fT GOVERNMENT St!RPLUSRU Tll"'G HOPS, SII fI) RECONDITIONED LIKE NEWl NO EXHAUST GASES OR FUMES Equipped with super-chal'ger turbine type blower l lh H.P. air-cooled Lawson gasoline engine. Mounted on frame with sled bottom retractable wheels COMPLETE WITH I, 10 FT., I, 20 FT. FLEXIBLE EXTENSIONS WIT H METAL ENDS. Equivalent output of oil burning furnace for an 8 room house. SIMPLE TO OPERATE. Complete unit: Net weight 200 lbs. Width 30 inches. Length 48 inches_ Height 30 AIR ~AN inches. Capacity of fuel tank : 4 gallons. ~OUSIN6 Runs 2 % hours on one gal. of gas.
Reg. $767 SpeciaL ________________ ____ _______ $125.00
Farm Certificate RequiredOthers Add $25.00
A rrived!
50 Ibs. NEW NUTS and BOLTS
released by the Army - 0 large sh ipment of used, high tread Grip Tires.
----.----$12.9 5
HYDRAULIC JACKS NO WII E RE-wi ll you find a BARGA I N to equal this urplus assortment of wood screw!'>, rivets, lockwasher, p ins, boil up to 5/ 16. tacks , and wa . hers. Especially pack· aged for general u'e around the Home, Farm and Work· s hip. H em No . J P65 10 lb.
Ite m No. JP66 20 lb.
All Standard sizes for everyday use. packed In 22" x 9" x 5" metal box. Can be used as tool box. We have had many repeat orders on this assortment. A $40.00 val ue. Only ............. --... $9.95
These ja ck. embody the latest in engineering design (or eas y and dependa ble operation under any conditionf'. Guaranteed leak-proof. A very l'OPular ja ck. and really an exceptional va lue a t our special low prices . No. 90~B
905J 908B
ms 5 8 10 20
Height Clad Opn 10 16" 9 15" ll' ~ 1 I~ H
Extd 20" 19 1.(, " 241/.," 15 18
$ 18.60 $ 23 .60 $ 27.60 S 66.00 $109.60
F.O.B. W innipeg
¥e" to JA" Universal Socket
IMPORTANT Through our world-wide buying contacts we receive daily shipments of large quantities of parts, equipment, machinery, vehicles, etc. If there is something that you may need and you don't find it in our catalogue - write us your requirements, we will do our best to supply you to your absolute satisfaction.
No more hunting Cor the exact socketl No more long tiresome wrench turnlng One socket instantly FITS and SPINS m I nuts, bolts, hex, square or foreign . Corr .. sion-proof cadmium plate, precision machin from finest, toughest. boring bar steel . . H eat treated to pller hardness . tempered . . Cleverly calculated jnw des ign Cancels OU' cam action of nuts. changes Angle of for A T OOL FOR AUTOMATJON IN REPAlI W ORK. S OCKET (less h andle) .. _... _ ._. ..... $6.9!
ONTINENTAL OWER PLANT fortunate purchose enobles offer these Brand New Power nts at
Units are Brand New , curproduction . Come complete ready to stort {less batteryl. ludes Radlotor, Gos Tank, ffler , Instrument Panel , and Power
4 cycle, Head, Continental Model ',lOn Ha tio 6.6 t o L 134 cubic inch n o r~
\\'a rn er clut ch with
MILITARY Rebuilt CHRYSLER MOTOR Rebuilt by Army, Dodge Engine Complete, including carburetar, generator, distributo r, fuel pump , starter , clutch and pressure plote and clutch housing, water pump . These Engines ha ve been completely rebuilt with New rings, pistons, pins, and bearings. Man y are standard throughout, with some undersizes. These Engines will fit Plymouth and Dodge cars and Y2- 2 ton Trucks, 1941 -50 . By changing a few of the accessories off your own engine, you can make these fit up to 1956 . SPECIAL
Ford V8
Equipped with clutch
flywheel, carburetor, starter, era tor, water pump -
nstall. CE Outright)
m . . .
These motors have been removed from Army Jeeps, and have been completely overhauled, all worn parts replaced, new rings instolled, and are guaranteed same as a rebu ilt motor. Complete os illustrated, they include all electrical equipment (on engine) clutch housing (less clutch). As illustrated C1 proven powe r plant for Jeeps, Snow Plows, Boats, Sawmills, Welders, lighting Plants. SPECIAL Exchange _
Truck your welder to the repair nat the repair
Here's Super Value and Advanced Engineering ! NOW- a Fully Portable non-space consuming Truck Welder small enough to be hidden beneath the hood of a truck yet POWERFUL enough to handle ON-THE-SPOT Welding-Culling-Brazing . Th is 200 amp Welder is powered by the Pickup or Truck Service Unit engi ne on which it is installed and can be taken anywhere that a truck can be driven . Truck and Pickup load space is fully available at all times for other equipment and supplies as usual.
hand con trol lever t o disengage drive be lt when we lder not in use. El ectrica ll y operate d solenoid controls speed of engine . Built stabili zer, external reactor coil, and heavy duty rheostat for voltage control. Lifetime sealed bearings. 2-15' welding cables, ground clam p. heavy dut y electrode holder, helmet, 10 Ibs rods and welding instruct ion book . Entire un it easily installed suppl ied.
This universal unit is a MUST for all Emergency Trucks, Ambulances, Tow Trucks, Line Repair Crews, Farm Trucks, Contractors, etc . where ON-TH E-SPOT welding or cutting is essential.
Drains basements
[dj [IJ Easy-t.o-carry BRA~D
ITEM No. NH 195
F.O. B. Win ni peg
Comes complete with 200 amp continuous 250 amp intermittent duty generator. Special PowerGrip " Timing" belt and pulleys pi'ovided for positive grip of belt teeth with pulley grooves which eliminate slippage, speed variation . There's no initial stretch, no elongation to requ ire belt take-up-because of steel cable tension member. Simply operated
Ste p by step mounting instructions
A reol time saver for home, farm, and industry. Just pick up by corrying handle and away you go . . . drains pools, cellars, septic tanks, fills stock watering tanks, transfers liquids from one container to
another. FEATURES : General Electric or Westing house 1/. H .P. totally enclosed, explosion proof motor directly coupled to rust proof alloy pump. Pump is centrifugal roller type (rubber rollers ) . . • SELF PRIMING up to 3 ' . HEAD PRESSURE . • • up to 40 Ibs . •. . LIFT •.• up to 10ft. Foot Valve required on 10ft. lift. . . . CAPACITY 300 gallons
per hour.
EASY TO OPERATE Just attach standard garden hose to V2" externally threaded ports and plug in motor cord . Unit complete with 6 ' rubber covered motor cord •• . shipping weight 27 Ibs. Foot Val ve for above ~AVY
80 •
Fast _ . . Easy . . . Saves its cost on the first job 4-5 Times Quicker than by Brush Tr uly t he most amazing compressor bu y ev er offered In Canada . Thi S unit IS manufactured by t h e Sperr y Gyroscope Compony and I S perfect for pOint and Insect iCide spraying , tire Inflation o r any other low pressure Job . Con al so be u sed Wi th multl -colored pOints such os Rox atone. It IS comp a ct, stu rdy and fully portable With b Uilt- in SWitch and pressure gouge . MOTOR-Complete With 0 sealed In steel explOS io n proo f , heavy duty General ElectriC or WestInghouse 1 10 Volt AC electriC motor. Rated at VS H .P. th iS m ot or d eve lops over V. HP. by test. COMPRESSOR-Delivers 0 con stant 15-20 Ibs . co lumn of Oi l - free , filtered air f o r pOint and In sec t ICide spra ying and develops up to 4 5 Ibs. pressure for tire inflation . SIZE- IS " x IS " x 9 " SHIPPING WEIGHT - 55 Ibs. ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS : Small Gun $ 5.9S ; Large Gun $9 .90; 20' Air Hose $3.95 ; Cart $ 5.45. N ozzle Kit to convert large gun f or use Wi th mult ,-co lore d POint s $ 2.85