cy mba l s
2 021 : met hod a nd mad nes s
The girl I left behind me has thunder behind her eyes. Her thoughts rage, a brainstorm that controls her like a crooked marionette.
The Girl I Left Behind Me (Ekphrastic Poem inspired by Eastman Johnson’s poem of the same name) — Chloe Knerr, XI: poetry
The girl I left behind me has cracked china skin. Her lips are pressed tight in a thin line, a clam shell hiding a pearl. The girl I left behind me is not the girl you see before you. She does not have a deep golden laugh and round eyes that leave you stumbling into sea green. The girl I left behind me now floats out where it’s deep. and fights with her shadow in the waves because I’ve drowned her with my pretty face. And locked her in a steel cage..