Fall 2016 Journal

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Thank You!

The Annual Fund has always played a vital role at Princeton Day School, providing resources that have supported our faculty, academic programs, hands-on learning, athletics, and financial aid. Every gift to the Annual Fund makes a difference. We thank those who have supported Princeton Day School throughout its history, especially the more than 2,200 donors whose gifts made a difference for our students during the 2015-2016 school year.

For more information about annual giving at Princeton Day School, please contact Jill Goldman ’74, Director of Annual Giving, at (609) 924-6700 x1293 or jgoldman@pds.org.

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Cover: Ellie Turchetta !25 delivers a speech to the entire school community at convocation this fall with Head of School Paul Stellato looking on.

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Paul J. Stellato, Head of School


All who spend their professional lives in school communities grow accustomed to – and expectant of – the comforting, predictable pace of the school year: in September we settle in, heads down, attempting to understand the demands upon us; in late fall or early winter, we raise our heads just long enough to both look behind and, we hope, catch a glimpse of what awaits us. Winter gives way to spring and spring to summer. Mystery (or, occasionally, misery) gives way to master. The year ends as quickly as it began. Comfort and predictability aside, what we make of the hours and days stretching from September to June ought to be determined long before our students arrive. Emerson famously (and provocatively) asked a Harvard audience: Can we kill time without injuring eternity? In our lives on the Great Road, we have chosen to answer the question in this way: Time is pure, unspoiled opportunity; and the many happy accidents of the school year are hardly accidental.

In living rooms, classrooms, and faculty rooms across the country, parents, teachers, and school leaders employ a well-worn image to

describe the start of the school year: the blank page or clean slate, upon which all involved in the endeavor of educating children will write, draw, paint, or type something new, different, and unimagined. Of course, there is something compelling about these metaphors, for they suggest both the important role chance plays in the school year and the scope of opportunity awaiting each and all of us. We want to allow for and encourage the surprises that each year – and each child – will bring, although it is at the threshold of each classroom, playing field, court, and stage that the image of the clean slate yields to one more descriptive of the work we are about. It is, I think, better captured in the words of Louis Pasteur: In the field of observation, chance only favors the prepared mind. Let me describe three school-wide efforts years in the making, the preparation for which has been immense, and the impact and importance of which will enhance the experience of every Princeton Day School Student. More than a year ago, I asked Assistant Head of School for Academic Life Jason Robinson to lead a review of the daily schedule, acknowledging an opinion shared by faculty across the school: the daily schedule could reflect and respond to more fully a demanding curriculum and the needs of an ambitious, high-achieving student population. I asked him to present recommendations in time for us to begin this current school year with a new schedule in place. A simple task on its face, Jason and his committee delivered its recommendations to me in April. But it turned out that building a new schedule was the easier part of committee’s work, as the school-wide conversations uncovered critical topics: the nature of effective teaching and student engagement. It was not enough to rearrange class blocks or find more room for performing arts, clubs, and conferences; we were given the chance to define, assess, and enhance the quality of student experience. A new schedule will greet students in September, 2017. Our professional development initiatives in the months ahead will ensure we are prepared to wring from it all we can. Two years ago, a generous grant from the Edward E. Ford Foundation allowed us to create a comprehensive PreK-12 wellness curriculum. A year’s work at most, I thought, would yield an exemplary, effective course of study. Having reread often in the last two years my proposal to the Foundation, I find my goals to have been much too modest, for nurturing our students’ interior lives is not a year’s work but rather the work of every year. Together with a small group of faculty and staff, Director of Wellness Dr. Candy Shah has overseen the writing of the curriculum. It is a thing of beauty. Still, as is the case with Jason Robinson and our schedule initiative, Candy and her colleagues have been wise to broaden their scope to include advisory, assemblies, Peer Group, athletics and physical education, clubs and conferences, all of which will play critical roles in strengthening our students’ social and emotional lives. Heartened by these two endeavors, I nonetheless remain wide-eyed at the third: the STEAM Implementation Initiative (SII). Chaired by Scientist-in-Residence, past parent, and founding chair of the genetics department at Yale University (and late of Princeton University) Dr. Lee Rosenberg; and populated by teachers from across divisions, SII is charged with designing curriculum and facilities at the intersection of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and technology (STEAM). It recognizes the school’s renewed commitment to exceptional instruction in math and science, even as it reflects a school-wide belief in the opportunities present in effective collaboration among departments and divisions, and which now informs the work of department chairs and the efforts of the Miss Fine’s Center for Interdisciplinary Studies. Surveying the happy outcomes of these three initiatives, and anticipating those still to come, we can take comfort in knowing that we have focused on the right things and pride in the fact that we are taking our time to get them right. Each and all of them go a great distance to answering an essential question of our school: Are we preparing our students well to lead and flourish in the world awaiting them? With each of these in mind, I must admit that I like their chances.

Paul J. Stellato Head of School



News and Events

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Imagine the Possibilities Princeton Day School was delighted to welcome the following artists to campus for our Imagine the Possibilities artist residency program: Award-Winning Author and Photographer Jan Reynolds (April 11-12), Caldecott Honor Award-Winning Illustrator Peter Brown (April 14-15), and Newbery Award-Winning Author Kwame Alexander (May 16-17). Imagine the Possibilities is an annual Princeton Day School program made possible through the John D. Wallace, Jr. ’78 Memorial Guest Artist Series Fund that brings authors, illustrators, and poets to campus to work directly with students in a variety of ways.



News and Events Lower School 100 Days of School/100 Good Eggs

Upper School Assembly: The Mezrich Brothers As part of Princeton Day School’s 50th anniversary celebration, brothers Ben ’87 and Josh ’89 Mezrich visited campus and spoke to Upper School students in a special assembly, at a luncheon, and in classrooms. The brothers embody a wonderful range of opportunity and experience; Ben is a New York Times bestselling author whose books have been made into Oscar Award-winning films (“The Social Network”) and Josh is a leading transplant surgeon and faculty member at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. The brothers delivered a captivating and humorous assembly on their experiences, and gave heartfelt advice on the importance of selfconfidence as well as the crucial importance of making mistakes, and learning from them. Josh was on campus as part of PDS’s “Pioneers in Science” lecture series and spent time with the US science classes discussing his work. In addition, Ben gave writing and publishing advice to the US English classes.

Lower School Maypole Dance In a tradition that dates back to Miss Fine’s School, Princeton Day School’s second graders performed the Maypole Dance for our 50th anniversary year on the Colross Lawn. Student musicians perform while the second grade students do an intricate dance to weave the ribbons on two Maypoles. Middle School Solar Jam MS science teacher Drew Lloyd worked with four of his students to participate in Solar Jam 2016. This event brought together a total of 94 students from seven different local schools, who created handmade solar powered vehicles. Sarina Hasan ’22, came in 4th place, Om Suchak ’21, made it to 5th place, and Harrison Fehn ’22, was 7th place. In the Lower Division (Grades 3-5), Gavin Yang ’23 came in 4th place. JOURNAL

The Lower School 100th Day of School celebration is always memorable, and this past year included LS students counting 100 steps, threading 100 Fruit Loops, and creating beautiful mosaics of 100 tiles, among other fun projects. Head of Lower School Alesia Klein also gave the students a challenge: she asked them to write 100 Good Egg recognitions on post-it notes, and stick them on her office door. Our PDS students know how to rise to a challenge—and be good eggs— because Mrs. Klein reported that she received more than 160 post-it note recognitions!

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BLUE AND WHITE DAY 2016 And the winner is W H I T E ! Princeton Day School!s 50th Anniversary Blue and White Day

Upper School Publications: Beauty & the Beast and Cymbals Beauty & the Beast: The Fall and Rise of the Raritan River was an interdisciplinary term-long project the Upper School Photojournalism and Environmental Studies classes and the EnAct student sustainability club embarked on last year. The outcome of this incredible course was a gorgeous coffee table book. Visit our website to page through this book detailing the project which viewed the river through the lenses of history, science, photography and economics. This project was made possible by the collaboration of science teacher Carlos Cara, English teacher and Sustainability Coordinator Liz Cutler, and photography teacher Eileen Hohmuth-Lemonick and through the auspices of the Miss Fine’s Center, which provides support for interdisciplinary work at Princeton Day School. In addition, the 2016 issue of the Upper School student literary magazine Cymbals was a beautiful issue celebrating the truly impressive art and literature of our US students. You can also page through this publications on www.pds.org. Faculty advisor and US English teacher Jamie McCulloch announced the Cymbals won First Place award in the annual American Scholastic Press Association Contest/Review of magazines and yearbooks for the second time.


News and Events Middle School SOCCOM Partnership The 7th grade science students at Princeton Day School joined forces with the Princeton-based Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling (SOCCOM) project, based at Princeton University, to learn how the Southern Ocean influences global climate change. By deploying 200 autonomous floats directly into the Southern Ocean, SOCCOM is able to track and gather crucial data about how this ocean affects carbon and heat circulation around the world. MS Science teachers Ron Banas and Jack Madani initially connected with Greta Shum from SOCCOM and to “adopt” three floats—christened Huey, Louie, and Dewey, and complete with PDS seals—so that our own 7th grade students would be able to track and analyze data, which is downloaded via satellite. In March, the 7th grade was also honored to welcome to campus the director of the project and Princeton professor Jorge Sarmiento, for a presentation on how these floats are able to provide critical information about climate change trends and future impact on marine and, ultimately, human life.

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Princeton Day School Announces Mu Alpha Theta Chapter In the spring, Princeton Day School announced the founding of a chapter of Mu Alpha Theta in the Upper School. Mu Alpha Theta is an international organization dedicated to inspiring interest and developing scholarship in mathematics at the high school and college levels. The special induction ceremony was on 3/14 (aka Pi Day). Congratulations to the following students who were inducted into the PDS chapter: Back row, left to right: Jasmine Hu, Michele Lan, Marc Harary, Hannah Freid, Anna Kovacevich, Jorina Kardhashi, Nicholas Jain, Ziad Ahmed, Nicholas Chen, Rajiv Potluri; Front row, left to right: Shana Mimnaugh, Noam Yakoby, Devika Kumar, Rea Isaac, Ruchita Zaparde, Caroline Okun, Ava Nusblatt, Kevin Sun. Not Pictured: Thomas Quijano, Renita Zaparde.

John Gudgel Kevin Andrew Hagan Jacquelyn Hart Helen Elizabeth Ryan Healey Chris Patricia Henry Amanda Jordan Herrup Nicholas R. Ioffreda, cum laude Rea Isaac Aiden Troy Jones, cum laude Maya Patrice Jones Renee Karchere-Sun Jorina Kardhashi, cum laude Uditi Karna Ritvik Khandelwal Peter William Klein Anna G. Kovacevich, cum laude Devika Kumar, cum laude Victoria Lach Katelyn S. Laughlin Joseph Jacob Levine Ottilie Lorraine Beata Lighte Sarah Elizabeth Lippman Jamie Lee Maher Julia McCusker Amir Melvin Isabel Caroline Meyercord Garrett David Monfre Benjamin Michael Multak Maxwell Jacob Newman Ava Rose Nusblatt, cum laude


Ashley Abrams Maximilian Beau Adam Scott Phillip Altmeyer Benjamin Adin Applegate Ryan C. Augustus Tyler Matthew Banas Ahmadreza Beizaeipour Chloe Berger Sophia Anne Bernardi, cum laude Kathryn Therese Cammarano, cum laude Christopher King Chai Nicholas Drew Chen, cum laude Kevin Huang Deng Carina Jayan Dhru Sean Alexander Donovan Adrien Jean Farhat Owen Felsher Lauren Michelle Finley, cum laude Connor Francis Fletcher James Anthony Fragale Sophie Gabriela Freedman Zoe Alexandra Fried Victor Gan, cum laude Dominick Anthony Gasparro Tess Carrie Gecha Eris O. Gee Nicole Maria Giannotti Julie Cecilia Goldberg Samuel Frederick Guarino




Sean Henry Nyce Caroline Elizabeth Okun, cum laude Julia Lane Paneyko Austin Royer Phares Rajiv Potluri, cum laude Ian MacKay Power, cum laude Malavika Rajagopal Rahul Rajaram Devon Patrick Riley Isaac Benjamin Rosenthal Daniel Ruggiero Katharine Virginia Sanderson, cum laude Peter Hyde Sanderson Mark Andrew Schafer Rowan Lee Schomburg Jedidiah Wilt Seinfeld Emma Anne Shainwald Emma Grace Sharer Katie Shih Yifei Sun Michael Ryan Talusan Jonah Tal Tuckman Emily H. Um Mia Hue Mae Wong, cum laude Noam Philip Yakoby, cum laude Emily D. Yuhas, cum laude Kyle John Yurkow Alex Hanxiao Zheng





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SENIOR AWARDS L#)3)+6)$%Q2+)%-YZ[ Alumni Service Award: Devon Riley and Emily Yuhas

Each year the Alumni Association bestows an award on a senior who exemplifies the spirit and values of Princeton Day School through service to others. Devon Riley accumulated more than 580 community service hours during his high school career. He contributed to both local and global communities with his participation in the Teen Advisory Group of Corner House, Special Olympics, and through two separate humanitarian trips to Haiti. Emily Yuhas performed 510 hours of community service during her Upper School career. She is also a dedicated and accomplished community leader, serving as co-head of the PDS Community Service Council in her senior year; a peer mentor in the PDS SiMS program; an active participant in the Community Children’s Choir outside of PDS; and a valuable member of a humanitarian team that travelled to Haiti in the summer of 2014. John Douglas Sacks-Wilner !80 Award: Julia McCusker

John Douglas Sacks-Wilner, class of 1980, was a young man of great strength, character, and grace of spirit. This memorial award commemorates John’s special kind of determination and dedication, and it goes to a member of the graduating class who has overcome adversity and shown resoluteness, courage and resilience in surmounting obstacles to achieve his or her goals. As a Peer Leader and student ambassador, Julia McCusker has been an active and engaged member of the school community. She has a natural grace and dignity that often seem effortless, but everything she has achieved has been hard-earned, as she has confronted — and surmounted — adversity with a maturity and resilience that belie her age. Frederick D. Woodbridge !78 Memorial Award: Jacquelyn Hart

Fred Woodbridge, class of 1978, demonstrated extraordinary leadership as a senior class president and impressive qualities of citizenship throughout his career at PDS. This memorial award goes to a graduating senior who has exhibited outstanding leadership qualities in developing class unity and spirit. Jacquelyn Hart was able to effortlessly combine a gentle demeanor with ruthlessly effective organizational skills. Her social polish was only outflanked by her generosity, good nature, and steely determination.


Jim Walker Memorial Math Award: Kate Cammarano

This award is given to a member of the junior class who has produced distinguished work in one or more of the following disciplines: English, history, music, art, or drama. Anne Shepherd taught English for 44 years, at Miss Fine’s School and then at Princeton Day School, retiring in 1995. Shepherd Commons is named in her honor. A rare and special student whose kindness, curiosity, and open-mindedness have added immeasurably to our school community, Cierra Moore is a gifted artist with a musician’s soul, and one of the elite Jacobson Scholars for the advanced study of music.

Jim Walker — a long-serving, dedicated math teacher and department chair at PDS — affected many lives both inside and outside the classroom. This award recipient embodies the love of math and passion for learning that Jim Walker exemplified. Kate Cammarano’s enthusiasm for math is contagious. Whether as a member of her two AP math courses or as a role model within the SiMS peer tutoring program, she has made indelible contributions to our school’s intellectual life.

Mark L. Zaininger !81 Memorial Award: Cameron Smith

Hubert N. Alyea Award: Ian Power

Established in 2010 through the generosity of the Zaininger family and friends, the Mark L. Zaininger ’81 Memorial Award honors an alumnus whose professional and personal life was dramatically and positively influenced during the summer of his junior year at Princeton Day School, through his participation in a creative, challenging and rigorous summer program. The award is given annually to a member of the Princeton Day School junior class whose proposed summer experience in pursuit of an interest or passion has the greatest likelihood of inspiring and revealing to the recipient new horizons and directions for his/her life path. Cameron Smith has a curious mind and an abiding passion for learning, and is a devoted student of Chinese language, history, and culture. This award will allow him to travel to China to participate in a linguistic and cultural immersion program called Global Link: China.

Each year the Princeton Section of the American Chemical Society honors high school seniors who have demonstrated a joyful sense of wonder, a love of chemistry, and a strong commitment to the learning of new ideas with the Hubert N. Alyea Award, named for the renowned Princeton Professor Emeritus of Chemistry. Ian Power exemplifies all of these qualities with a passion for learning, a love of chemistry, and deep sense of science’s importance to our shared intellectual life.




GROWING EACH YEAR This year marks the third time the Mark L. Zaininger ’81 Memorial Award has been awarded to a Princeton Day School junior for a summer course of study. Head of Upper School and Assistant Head of School for Academic Life Jason Robinson reported that the interest in this award has grown steadily each year, as has the number of proposals. In fact, this year, he received more proposals than ever before—approximately double the amount from last year. “The depth, quality, and variety of the proposals were very impressive,” said Mr. Robinson. “It’s been gratifying to see such growth in interest in this award in such a short period of time.” In addition to Cameron Smith’s proposal to participate in Global Link: China, Mr. Robinson received proposals that ranged from working at an animal shelter in South Africa, to studying Classics in Rome, to enrolling in a prosthetics engineering program, to a German language study in Vienna. “It’s been wonderful to see how aligned the proposals are with our Global Studies program in the Upper School, as well. Last year’s award-winner, Victoria Lach ’16, participated in a writing program in Prague.”

Senior Awards

The Anne Shepherd Humanities Award: Cierra Moore

ACADEMIC AWARDS The English Award: Mia Wong The Writing Award: Chloe Berger History Award: Katie Sanderson Math Award: Caroline Okun Computer Science Award: Ben Multak and Ian Power Biology Award: Emily Yuhas Chemistry Award: Rajiv Potluri Physics Award: Caroline Okun Award for Overall Science Excellence: Jorina Kardhashi The Elizabeth Fine Latin Award: Adrien Farhat French Award: Nick Chen Chinese Award: Tillie Lighte Spanish Award: Isabel Meyercord Dual Language Award: Ritvik Khandelwal

ARTS AWARDS Architecture Award: Chris Henry Ceramics Award: Tess Gecha Media Awards: Ben Applegate The Multi-Media Award: Mia Wong Painting and Drawing Award: Jamie Maher Gary Lott Art Purchase Award: Helen Healey The Mark Winstanley !90 Art Purchase Award: Tillie Lighte Photography Award: Emma Shainwald Andy Franz Woodworking Award: Kevin Hagan Jacobson Scholars: Nick Chen and Nicholas Ioffreda Choral Music Award: Ava Nusblatt Instrumental Music Award: Sean Donovan Theater Award for Performance: Rajiv Potluri Theater Award for Technical Achievement: Mark Schafer Dance Award: Sophie Freedman FALL!"#$%


Senior Awards

THE CUM LAUDE SOCIETY Each year, the PDS Chapter of the Cum Laude Society inducts a number of students whose academic performance and citizenship fulfill this national honor society’s guiding principles of excellence, justice, and honor. These are students who, each in his or her own way, enrich the life of

the school with their creativity, boldness of thought and generosity toward others as well as exemplifying good character, honor and integrity, in addition to academic achievement. In honoring them, we honor the best in each member of the class of 2016 and in all of us.


THE 2016 PRINCETON DAY SCHOOL CUM LAUDE SOCIETY Sophia Anne Bernardi Kathryn Therese Cammarano Nicholas Drew Chen Lauren Michelle Finley Victor Gan

Nicholas R. Ioffreda Aiden Troy Jones Jorina Kardhashi Anna G. Kovacevich Devika Kumar

Ava Rose Nusblatt Caroline Elizabeth Okun Rajiv Potluri Ian MacKay Power Katharine Virginia Sanderson

Mia Hue Mae Wong Noam Philip Yakoby Emily D. Yuhas

ATHLETIC AWARDS The Princeton Day School Scholar-Athlete Award:

Noam Yakoby and Renee Karchere-Sun

This award recognizes students who have balanced a rigorous course load by maintaining a high standard of academic excellence, while fully committing to their athletic endeavors. Gold P Award: Rowan Schomburg and Connor Fletcher

The Gold P award is presented to senior student-athletes who have contributed to the overall success of Princeton Day School’s interscholastic athletic program. The award celebrates athletic excellence, sportsmanship, leadership and participation on varsity teams.


Frankie K. !76 Sportsmanship Award: James Fragale and Chris Chai; Tess Gecha and Isabel Meyercord

Given yearly, this award was named for Frank Kontstantynowicz, who was a revered Princeton Day School student-athlete. He also attended Harvard where he was a member of the varsity basketball team. This memorial award is in honor of his natural athletic ability, genuine friendliness, sense of fairness, and natural and unassuming leadership.






Ty Banas ’16 for creating a virtual sandbox for his senior project that will now be used in Middle School science classes as a tool to learn about topography. The sandbox is filled with actual sand that can be manipulated into topographical models that correspond to a computer program that shows contour lines and simulated water. Sophie Freedman ’16 for being honored with a GE Star Award, a scholarship based on her scores, grades, and an essay. In addition, as part of the Award, GE honored Richard D’Andrea, Sophie’s advisor and teacher, with an award. Austin Phares ’16, Jonah Tuckman ’16, and Amir Melvin ’16 for organizing a 5K Fun Run/Walk for their senior project; a memorial charity event in honor of Rabbi Vicki S. Tuckman of Temple Micah and Camp Harlam. This event took place on the PDS campus, and all proceeds went to Princeton Good Grief and Breast Cancer awareness/ research foundations. 1. Ziad Ahmed ’17, who was awarded the prestigious Princeton Prize in Race Relations for 2016. The Princeton Prize in Race Relations honors young people in different regions across the country with a $1,000 cash award, and includes an invitation to Princeton University to attend the Princeton Prize Symposium on Race.


2. Abby Cohen’17, Hannah Freid ’17, Emily Herman ’17, and Katie Simons ’17 for participating in prestigious summer internships to do independent research in the field of genetics: Emily Herman at Regeneron Pharmaceutical Company; Abby Cohen at Johns Hopkins University; and Katie Simons and Hannah Freid at Princeton University.

3. Julia Marshall ’17 and Michelle Leung ’18 for being honored with awards in the Congressional Arts Competition from Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman. Julia Marshall won in the category of photographs, and received a certificate from the Congresswoman. Michelle Leung was one of the top five winners, and her piece will be displayed in the Congresswoman’s D.C. Office for the next year. In addition, Michelle won the Butterfly logo design contest for the Stony Brook Millstone Watershed Association who will use it as their official logo this year.

5 4. Grace Barbara ’18 and her travel team, the PDA Gunners, for winning the U16 National Championship this summer. The team was undefeated (41-0-4) throughout the season and capped it with the exciting championship win.! Matthew Kuenne ’19, for starring in “All the Days” at the McCarter Theater in April. Chris Cecila ’20, Areeq Hasan ’20 and Hamza Mian ’21, who were selected to the New Jersey All State Junior High Honor Choir. Kylan Tatum ’21 for winning honors for his piano playing in both the New Jersey Music Teachers Association (NJMTA) competition and at the Music Fest at Columbia University. In addition, he placed Gold for the Golden Key and performed at Carnegie Hall. Summer Quereshi ’22 for competing in the 2016 NJ National History Day Junior Individual Exhibit category, open to 6th-8th graders. Her winning project was titled “Exploring Racial Exchanges and Encounters: The Little Rock Nine and the Desegregation of Little Rock Central High School.” She was one of only three 6th graders across New Jersey who qualified to participate at the state level. 5. Rafael Moore ’23, Mateo Moore ’29, Ainsley MacCabe ’27, Declan MacCabe ’23, and Jaden Hall ’23 for creating the Princeton Day School Team to participate in the March of Dimes March for Babies last spring. The PDS Team, which included PDS students, faculty, and staff, raised more than $5000 and was named the top team in the Central New Jersey division and honored with recognition and a special plaque this summer. PDS Chess Team Among the Best at National Championship At the National Elementary School Championship in Nashville, Tennessee in May, the PDS chess team of 4th, 5th and 6th graders tied for second place in the K-6 Championship section, along with Speyer Legacy School and Columbia Grammar School, both from New York, with the same team score of 17.5. 2300 players from 645 public and independent schools from 47 states participated in this annual national elementary chess tournament. Our players included: Winston Ni ’23, Jai Kasera ’23, Eric Wu ’24, Albert Ming ’22, Dodge Martinson ’22 and Kai Shah ’22 FALL#1234




Arts Notes

Dance Concert Upper School students soar at the dance performance in the spring. The 8th Grade Musical: The Sound of Music “The Sound of Music,” was a knock-out performance by our entire 8th grade class in May. The beloved Rodgers and Hammerstein musical had audience members humming the classics “You Are Sixteen,” “Edelweiss,” and “Maria,” among others. This was an impressive performance by our 8th graders, under the impeccable direction of Performing Arts Chair and director Deb Sugarman.

PDS Theater Productions of “Our Town” and “The Boy Friend” Pick Up Nominations and Awards

Director in Residence Stan Cahill announced that Austin Phares ’16 who starred in the fall play “Our Town” was named Outstanding Actor in a Drama at the 2016 New Jersey Theatre Awards. In addition, the “Our Town” cast was named Outstanding Acting Ensemble. Mr. Cahill noted, “This is the third time in four years that PDS has earned this distinction, including last year’s win for “Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992.” Productions from 57 schools across NJ were eligible for awards.

The 4th Grade Operetta: Prime Time! One of the great Lower School traditions, the 4th grade Operetta, was an absolute treat last spring. “Prime Time!” was written by 4th grade teacher Daniel Cohen, directed by Jillian Carucci, with music and choreography by Andrea Schafer, and featured our 4th graders starring as Cunninghams, Bradys, Jeffersons, Simpsons, and even the Golden Girls, in a hilarious send-up of the great television moments from the past decades.

In addition, the cast and crew of the spring musical “The Boy Friend” earned three Paper Mill Playhouse Rising Star Nominations. The Paper Mill Rising Star Awards recognize outstanding achievement in musical theatre across the state of New Jersey. PDS was nominated for: • The Educational Impact Award • Outstanding Hair and Makeup Achievement: Hope Ammidon, Riley Gudgel, Helen Healey, Nishita Naga, Matthew Kuenne • Outstanding Costuming Achievement: Deb Sugarman And Honorable Mentions for: • Outstanding Choreography: Ann Robideaux • Outstanding Performance by a Chorus




The Anne Reid ’72 Art Gallery Dede Pickering: Bridge Between Cultures Sept 6 – October 6

Chris Maher + Chase Rosade: The Built World October 17 – November 10


breaking the cycle of poverty November 21 – December 15

Animal Architects

influence on human creativity January 11 – February 2


student-curated exhibition February 13 – March 8

Princeton Day School Lower School Art grades Pre-K–4 April 3 – April 28

Upper School

student exhibition May 9 – May 26

Senior Projects in the Visual Arts June 1 – June 9

All of our exhibitions are free and open to the public. FALL!"#$%



Sports Notes

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Class of 2016 Athletes Pursuing a Student Sport in College Baseball: Dominic Gasparro, Gettysburg College (Div. III) Boys Lacrosse: Connor Fletcher, Cornell University (Div. I), Amir Melvin, Goucher College (Div. III); Jonah Tuckman, Vassar College (Div. III); James Fragale, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Div. III) Boys Tennis: Scott Altmeyer, Colby College (Div. III) Girls Tennis: Renee Karchere-Sun, Skidmore College (Div. III) Boys Soccer: Kevin Hagan, Muhlenburg College (Div. III); Isaac Rosenthal, Bard College (Div. III) Rowing: Devon Riley, Dartmouth (Div. I) Fencing: Ritvik Khandelwal, New York University (Div. III)

Spring 2016 Sports Roundup 2016 NJISAA Prep B Champions Boys Varsity Tennis Record: 8W – 3L Coaches Awards – Vivek Sharma ’18 and Lex Decker ’18 Varsity Award – Scott Altmeyer ’16 To no great surprise boys tennis clinched their fourth straight NJISAA Prep B Crown, in addition to the 1st Singles title for Scott Altmeyer, 2nd Singles title for Lex Decker ’18, and the 2nd Doubles title for Leo Nye ’17 and Noah Liao ’17. Coach Will Asch noted that all he had to do to motivate this innately driven team was to promise half his bonus for winning the Prep B Tournament. “The bad news is, boys, I don’t get a bonus for winning. The good news is you won’t be losing your amateur status,” observed Coach Asch at the Spring Sports Awards Ceremony. Four-year varsity player Scott Altmeyer will continue his tennis career at Colby College in Maine. JOURNAL

15 Wording

2016 NJISAA Prep B Champions 2016 Mercer County Champions Boys Varsity Lacrosse Record 15W – 1L

Coaches Awards - Jonah Tuckman ’16 and Amir Melvin ’16 Varsity Award - Connor Fletcher ’16

Boys Varsity Lacrosse concluded the season with a record of 15W - 1L, the MCT Title (over Robbinsville 17-8), and the fourth Prep B State Title in school history (over Montclair Kimberley 6-5). In thinking about the season as a whole and the players who will be moving on, Coach D’Andrea remarked, “Each year, the charge to the senior class is to think about what their final contributions will be to the program and to each other. This year’s group leaves behind a legacy of inclusivity, perseverance and poise. This is a special group of young men, brothers really. I’m genuinely thankful for the opportunity to work with each of them.” Connor Fletcher will play lacrosse for Cornell, Jonah Tuckman for Vassar, Amir Melvin for Goucher, and James Fragale for RPI.

2016 NJISAA Prep B Champions Girls Varsity Lacrosse Record 13W – 3L

Coaches Awards – Tess Gecha ’16 and Rowan Schomburg ’16 Varsity Award – Morgan Mills ’17 PDS Girls Varsity Lacrosse secured their 2nd consecutive NJISAA Prep B Championship with an encore win over Pennington School 18-11. Coach Jill Thomas remarked that she could not be more proud of this talented team of girls, the senior leadership, and the hard work and dedication each of them put toward this well-deserved accomplishment. Early season losses on their Spring Break trip to Florida did not dampen this teams’ spirit, but instead inspired more focus and hard work. Clearly, with the title in their possession, their strategy played out. Coach Thomas returns a young but talented team to the field this spring, and is optimistic about their prospects for another title.

Varsity Baseball Record 12W – 8L

Varsity Softball Record 4W – 8L

The 2016 varsity baseball team enjoyed a successful season with big wins over Lawrenceville, Peddie, Blair, Hill and the Pennington School. The team reached the Mercer County Quarterfinals for the first time in six years and the Prep B semifinals for the second consecutive year. Senior Dominic Gasparro will continue his baseball career at Gettysburg College.

The team made significant strides over last year, with impressive wins over Pennington School, Lawrenceville and Trenton High (on Senior Day). Coach Lano remarked, “The softball team had a great season this year. The team grew individually and as a group and we were lucky to have so many outstanding players. We’re excited to see what next year has in store for us.”

Coaches Awards – Dom Gasparro ’16 and Russ Kirczow ’17 Varsity Award – Chase Fleming ’17

Coaches Awards – Elizabeth Berman ’19 and Amanda Ostendorf ’17 Varsity Award – Annika Asplundh ’17


Sports Notes


Golf Record 4W – 11L

Coaches Awards – Daniel Tang ’19 and Peter Klein ’16 Varsity Award – Tyler Coffey ’18 PDS Golf returned three strong varsity participants from the previous season and more than a few young interested golfers (17 freshmen and sophomores!) The team finished a respectable ninth out of 17 at the Mercer County Tournament. The signature win of the season was by 20 strokes over Wardlaw Hartridge at Plainfield Country Club, one of the top courses in the country. Coach Mochnal hopes to see all of his young players back out on the course next spring.

Figure Skating

Coaches Awards – Michael Talusan ’16 Varsity Award – Caroline Okun ’16 On April 27, PDS hosted the 7th Annual Princeton Day School Ice Skating Spirit Showcase. Our Upper School and Middle School figure skaters – and hockey skaters – exhibited their talents at the Lisa McGraw ’44 Ice Rink to fellow students, faculty, parents and other enthusiastic fans.

Sports Awards In addition to our Senior Sports Awards (see page 10), our Middle School athletes were also celebrated at the 2015–16 Sports Awards Ceremony in May. Congratulations to Silver P winners Matthew Manahan ’20 and Skylar Mundenar ’20, and Panther award winners Jomar Meekins ’20, Kevin Dougherty ’20, Maggie Amaral ’20, and Maggie Madani ’20.

Milestones Congrats to Varsity lacrosse players Madison Mundenar ’17, Morgan Mills ’17 and Jonah Tuckman ’16 for scoring their 100th goal this past season!

Save the Date! FALL ALUMNI GAMES: November 25 beginning at 1:30 p.m. HARRY RULON-MILLER ’51 INVITATIONAL ICE HOCKEY TOURNAMENT: December 16 and 17 beginning at 3:00 p.m. at the rink


17 Wording

Faculty Notes Announcing the 2016 Miss Fine!s Center Fellows Tara Quigley, director of the Miss Fine’s Center at Princeton Day School, has announced the 2016 Miss Fine’s Center Fellows. Through the generosity of the Center, the Fellows engage in interdisciplinary work and share their findings with their faculty colleagues, as well as in forums beyond the school community, including national independent school conferences and other discipline-specific professional gatherings. Here are the 2016 Fellows and their projects:

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Rachel Kamen and the 7th grade core teachers (Katy Terry, Jane Grigger, Paul Epply-Schmidt, Beth Yakoby) for training related to a new, interdisciplinary, 7th grade Philadelphia field trip experience centered around a grade-wide reading of the novel Fever, 1793.

Sixth grade teachers Drew Lloyd, Joseph Reilly, and Cindy Peifer for working on a curriculum for an outdoor, experiential, interdisciplinary day for the sixth grade students and faculty.

Stephanie Stuefer and Carrie Norin for attending a design thinking workshop at the Stanford Design School and bring back what they learned to a collaborative project with 9th grade biology and ceramics. Jessica Clingman, Carmen Santa-Cruz, and Tara Quigley for attending PBL (Project Based Learning) World in California in order to incorporate interdisciplinary lessons into their math, science, Spanish, and Humanities courses using the project based learning methodology (featured in photo). Channing McCullough for attending a workshop at Penn State entitled Arab Arts and Culture and with plans to return and collaborate with 6th grade Humanities and MS and US Spanish. Edem Afemeku and Todd Gudgel for time to develop a songbook and archive of songs which can be used to more actively engage students in target language acquisition, as well as to bring music and language into other classes in MS and US.

Nichole Foster-Hinds for creating more project-based units for her classes in order to bring more student-driven, real world, and interdisciplinary work into MS math. Jamie Atkeson will also collaborate with her on using technology to facilitate her student activities. Jessica Clingman and Maryann Ortiz for working on revising some of the 5th grade science units to make them more project-based and interdisciplinary. Collaboration with Jamie Atkeson will also allow for technology integration into some student activities. Katy Terry, Karen Latham, Sheila Goeke, and Jamie Atkeson for developing a To Kill a Mockingbird “podcast” unit that will tie the novel to social justice issues and current events. Anne Robideaux for attending the 2016 Santa Barbara Historical Dance Workshop and for implementing historic Spanish dance classes for youth in an interdisciplinary manner. She plans to collaborate with MS Spanish and Humanities.

ENDOWED AWARDS, GRANTS, AND SABBATICALS On June 9, 2016 in the Campus Center, Paul Stellato announced the following awards for faculty.

The Shepherd-McCaughan, Miss Fine!s School Fund, and Minerva Fund Sabbatical Programs These programs are intended to promote professional growth for PDS teachers who have served the school well over an extended time period and to enhance their continued contributions to the school after their return. • Bill Stoltzfus, for community outreach; and for participation in the development of a comprehensive, PreK–12 service learning program; • Daniel Cohen, to write and publish both young-adult literature and to compile and publish work he has begun as the author of our school’s operettas. 8*'!1*"'9-':$))'45;)57<1#'5&1+=5'=$#')&#5'%)&##'&5'>/$*%"5;*'?&2'4%=;;)'&#'="'*;@'",A&/B#'1C;*'&*' "D%$5$*+'#&AA&5$%&)E'F<5"/'9G'2"&/#';<'5"&%=$*+-'&'+/;1C';<'<&%1)52'&*3'#5&<<'+&5="/"3'5;'+$H"'=$,'&' /;1*3';<'&CC)&1#"'5;'=;*;/'=$#'3"3$%&5$;*'5;'=$#'#513"*5#E FALL!"#$%


Minerva Grants for Professional Development These grants provide financial support for members of the Princeton Day School faculty to enhance the craft of teaching through conferences, seminars, graduate study, or other such opportunities as the award winners may determine. Recipients will have demonstrated records of superior achievement in and beyond the classroom, as well as evidence of great promise in the years to come. • Erik Hove and Anthony McKinley, both for advance study at the University of Pennsylvania.

Ostro Grant for Interdisciplinary Education This grant provides ongoing incentive for increasing and strengthening interdisciplinary studies at Princeton Day School. A grant is awarded annually to support an outstanding opportunity to enrich the school’s teaching curriculum through the integration of two or more disciplines.

• Susan Ferguson and Carol Olson to enhance their biome study by traveling to the rainforests of Costa Rica.

The David C. Bogle Award For the Pursuit of Teaching Excellence

of the Head of School and Division Heads most clearly advances the pursuit of teaching excellence at Princeton Day School.

• Margie Gibson, Sheila Goeke, Lauren Ledley, Elizabeth Monroe, Tara Quigley, and Maria Shepard for their work on a PreK–12 service learning initiative.

The Kaye Family Fund This Fund supports a travel grant for faculty professional development. Annual income from the Fund will provide the opportunity for a member of the faculty to enhance and enrich his or her teaching expertise and, thus, the experience of his or her students, through summer travel and research.

• Stan Cahill, for travel to Edinburgh to develop further his theater project, Kidnap Road, which has been produced in both California and New York.

The Rosenberg Science Grant This grant provides ongoing incentive and financial support for enhancing science education at Princeton Day School.

• Drew Lloyd, Ron Banas, and Brian Mayer to attend and participate in the seminar “Constructing Modern Knowledge” in Manchester, New Hampshire.

This grant is awarded each year to underwrite an outstanding proposal – submitted by a faculty member(s) – which in the eyes


The ROBERT C. WHITLOCK AWARD Lower School 4th grade teacher CHRIS HART

“Truly, every student benefits from Chris (Hart)’s care, attention, and confidence. She is an equal-opportunity inspiration. Yet, there is a certain student – and a certain parent, colleague, and head of school – for whom Chris is both a gift and a tonic. Endlessly welcoming and encouraging, she also believes that not every challenge is created equal; or, better said, she reminds us that the predictable crises of a fourth grader and his or her parents are disabling only if allowed to be so. Get up. Get moving. Get on with it. Chris’s mantra rises from her classroom and bathes both the Lower School and the hallways attached to it. And each time she urges a child or parent to get over it, the most amazing thing happens: that child, that parent, that colleague does just that. I must confess that, in my earliest days on our campus, I occasionally blanched when Chris seemed to admonish me. Now I long for it. In the six or seven years since that first encounter, I have come to see that I am in very good, dear, cherished company. Established in 1995, the Robert C. Whitlock Award for Distinguished Teaching is one of the school’s highest honor for a member of the faculty. This annual award is presented to that Princeton Day School faculty member who best demonstrates the exceptional teaching skills, devotion to students, courtesy, zeal for knowledge and pursuit of excellence; and the qualities of gentleness, patience, dedication, and professionalism that were the hallmarks of Bob Whitlock’s 42-year teaching career. A committee comprised of past winners and the division heads reviews nominations and recommends a candidate to the Head of School. The award includes a stipend for professional study, travel, or other work that contributes to the recipient’s continuing excellence as a teacher. As we welcome another Whitlock, Rob Whitlock, to the board of trustees, it is fitting, right, and wonderful to present this year’s Whitlock recipient, our dear colleague, Chris Hart.” —Head of School Paul Stellato, from his remarks at the ceremony

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19 Faculty Notes

WELCOME TO OUR NEW FACULTY & STAFF Princeton Day School was pleased to welcome 14 new faculty and staff to the school this year. Pictured from left to right are: Theodor Brasoveneau (US Physics & Computer Science), Christine Weissglass (US Spanish), Anna Cahill (MS Homework Club), Jason Park (Science Department Chair), Alli Treese (MS Science), Rocío Delgado (MS & US Spanish), Michael Friedman (US History), Linda Stefanelli ’62 (Assistant Director of Alumni Relations), Victor Cirilo (MS History), Marjie Laughlin (LS Art Assistant), Brian Laskowski (MS Math), Amanda Camelio (US History), Leigh Myers (US Math), and Charles Alt (US Science). Also pictured at far right is Ben Malone, who joined PDS in the middle of last year as Theater Technical Director. Upper School Science Teacher Steve Gadd Receives 2016 Outstanding High School Chemistry Teacher Award !"#$%#&$'"#($)*+'$,-+'$./-&0$1&234/'#3$5-.$647##,$"-+$8,/-+/9$'#$-33#*34/$'7-'$)-3/$68/34/&0$:6$ 642/34/$'/-47/&0$7-9$;//3$+/,/4'/9$-+$-$&/4282/3'$#%$'7/$<=>?$@*'+'-3923A$B2A7$647##,$C7/D2+'&.$ !/-47/&$E"-&9$;.$'7/$1&234/'#3$-39$!&/3'#3$6/4'2#3+$#%$'7/$ED/&24-3$C7/D24-,$6#42/'.F$E39$3#"0$ "/$-&/$8,/-+/9$'#$-33#*34/$'7-'$:6$642/34/$'/-47/&$6'/G/$H-99$7-+$;//3$+/,/4'/9$-+$-$&/4282/3'$ #%$'7/$<=>I$@*'+'-3923A$B2A7$647##,$C7/D2+'&.$E"-&9J$@3,.$'"#$-"-&9+$-&/$A2G/3$/-47$./-&0$#3/$ GSPN FBDI PG UIF "$4 4FDUJPOT 5IF OPUJmDBUJPO UP %S (BEE TUBUFE i:PV FYFNQMJGZ UIF BUUSJCVUFT PG -3$#*'+'-3923A$'/-47/&$-39$"/$-&/$8,/-+/9$'#$&/4#A32K/$.#*&$4#3'&2;*'2#3+$'#$.#*&$+'*9/3'+0$.#*&$ 8&#%/++2#30$-39$'#$47/D2+'&.FL$

FACULTY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HIGHLIGHTS: Rich D’Andrea attended an New Jersey Association for College Admission Counseling workshop in early August. Victor Cirilo attended the 2016 Exeter Humanities Institute at Phillips Exeter Academy. Dave Freedholm and Maria Shepard co-led a PDS student program to China this past summer. Rachel Kamen became a certified Easy Tai Chi practice leader at the Omega Institute this summer. She also took classes in Medical Qigong, Chi Nei Tsang (deep organ massage) and Wheelchair Tai Chi.

Reuben Loewy published the article “Who’s Teaching the Digital Revolution?� in the summer 2016 issue of Independent School Magazine. Stephanie Stuefer and Maria Shepard both completed their Masters of Education in School Leadership from the University of Pennsylvania this summer. In addition, Maria Shepard attended an AP Summer Institute on Human Geography at La Salle University. Mary Sisson attended a Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference at Middlebury College.


By Kathryn Rosko


THE END OF AN ERA Princeton Day School Says to Three Legendary Ladies

Irene Handeland, Betty Snead, and Marie Kennedy Retire After Decades of Service to PDS

On Princeton Day School’s website, we promise opportunities of a lifetime, every day. And though it is true that each member of the PDS community has his or her own unique opportunities and experiences during their time here, there are some special relationships and traditions that are shared universally. One of them is the wonderful nourishment that is provided by our kitchen staff—and this does not only apply to the delicious food. In the Campus Center, at the snack bar, and at special events like Alumni Weekend, the familiar and friendly faces of our kitchen staff abound—faces we all know and appreciate. It is these relationships that also bind us together as a community. At the end of this past year, our community came together to bid farewell to three long-serving and enormously beloved members of our kitchen staff: Marie Kennedy, Irene Handeland, and Betty Snead. I spoke with Director of FLIK Food Services at Princeton Day School, Brian Mochnal, about the legendary ladies, and about the undeniable importance of the school’s commitment to feed the bodies and souls of its community. Mr. Mochnal, who came to PDS in 2005, noted that when he arrived it was made very clear to him by the administration that there was incredible loyalty to the kitchen staff at the school, many of whom had served faithfully for decades. Though PDS had used different food service providers before, including Sodexo, the philosophy was to change the food service but not the staff. “I remember Cindy Stadulis (then Business & Finance Director) telling me that there was commitment from staff to school and from school to staff. The kitchen staff was not Sodexo or FLIK employees, but rather PDS employees.” Mr. Mochnal got the message and when he took over the management of the kitchen, the entire staff, except for two, remained. At the end of year celebration honoring our departing staff and faculty in June, Head of School Paul Stellato delivered remarks briefly detailing the PDS careers of Marie, Irene, and Betty. It was a full house, and there was both laughter and JOURNAL

sniffles as the group gave a standing ovation to each of these esteemed members of our community. After speaking about each, Mr. Stellato said in wonderful summary, “Marie, Betty and Irene are pillars of the PDS community and will be sorely missed by their coworkers, faculty/staff, students and alumni. During their time here, they could be found at hockey games, working the post-prom party, judging the Halloween contests, dancing to Feliz Navidad at Christmas, reading to Lower School students, cooking at the alumni picnic and many other activities. They have a genuine love for the school and for the students. They have all expressed how much they will miss the community and we know how much the community will miss them.”


Below are excerpts of the remarks delivered by Head of School Paul Stellato at the end of year celebration honoring departing faculty and staff on June 9, 2016.

Marie Kennedy, 45 years Emma Marie Kennedy began working at PDS when she moved to New Jersey in 1971. Doug McClure was the head of school, Richard Nixon was President and the Princeton Country Day/Miss Fines merger was still young at only six years old. Her first position was working the snack bar. At that time, the snack bar was a cart that would be wheeled down to the middle school at recess time and then returned to its home in the hallway. Two years later she was in charge of the faculty dining room; yes, there was at one time a separate room for faculty to have lunch! Marie says that this private dining room is a fond memory for many returning faculty. Soon after that, Marie became the manager of the kitchen, a position she held for many years. Marie has covered every job in the kitchen concluding with “Mama Maria’s” pizzeria.

A trove of PDS history, Marie can recall everything from the different renovations that have occurred to the variety of for whom she has worked administrations. She was not only here for many of our current faculty alumni, but has also gone full circle and served their children as well. Marie loves working the barbecue at Alumni Weekend to see all of the past students and, judging by their reactions, they love seeing her. Entering retirement with Ed, her husband of more than 50 years, Marie looks forward to spending time at the Lawrence senior center, playing bingo, going to Atlantic City and doing the electric slide. Irene Handeland, 29 years Irene Handeland came to America from Kristian, Norway as a newlywed at the age of 22. After being a stay-at-home mother for many years, she decided to look for a job in September 1986. She came to PDS and interviewed with the manager of the kitchen, Marie Kennedy. She was then hired to the spot that she has occupied for nearly 30 years, the snack bar. Irene has witnessed the snack bar progression from a cart in a hallway, to the current home it occupies. What does Irene mean to the students? She is one of the first choices to be Halloween judge each year. Young alumni stop


at the snack bar first when coming back to school to see Irene, including a recent visit from Miami Hurricane star Davon Reed ’13 who gave her an autograph on request. How much do alumni love Irene? They have a Facebook page dedicated to her and her legendary cookies. In retirement, Irene is looking forward to traveling with her husband and spending time with her two grandchildren. Betty J. Snead, 28 years Betty Snead came to PDS in December of 1986. Her friend Marie Kennedy was running the kitchen and her brother Willie had been working at the school since before the Princeton Country Day/Miss Fine’s merger. Betty had spent 17 years working at the Princeton Nursing Home before coming to PDS. Marie must have known the right spot for Betty, because she was hired to work the salad bar, the same position she held for 28 years. Betty is the first face you see when you come into the dining hall, and because of that she is the one that people go to with questions. At Betty’s 20-year anniversary, then Head of School Judy Fox remarked that Betty was her confidante when looking for hot peppers. True to form, Betty will be spending her retirement in service to others. She will be volunteering at the Trenton food bank and also sitting with sick patients.


No, Not Again!

Deb Walters Announces Retirement After 15 years at PDS in September At the start of the new school year, just as the community was adjusting to not having Marie, Irene, and Betty around, Head of School Paul Stellato had to make the devastating announcement that Deb Walters was also retiring in September. “Deb Walters has worked at PDS since 2001, after working for 15 years at Pingry. Deb is leaving PDS to move to Massachusetts to be near her daughter and her beloved three grandchildren. She is preparing a resume for the first time and I was able to see a few opening lines from her introduction: ‘I provide excellent customer service and enjoy interacting with the students, faculty, and staff. I am a dedicated food service worker, like the fast pace of the day, and work well independently as well as with a team.’

I think this should read: ‘I provide the type of customer service that makes a person feel like they are a family member. I will ask how your family is and I am honestly interested in the answer. I will grieve with you when you are sad and embrace your successes as if they are my own. I take pride in my work and it is important to me to properly nourish you, just as I would any family member.’

Deb, we will miss the great service you have offered us at PDS. You know the preferences of every deli customer and no interaction at your deli would be complete without at least one ‘Honey’ and one ‘Sweetie.’ Thank you from all of us and congratulations on having the opportunity to be near your family.� FALL!"#$%




Chair of the Board of Trustees

Last year we joyously celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of Princeton Day School, the merger between two fine institutions; Miss Fine’s School and Princeton Country Day. The year-long celebration afforded me the opportunity to reflect on my involvement with the school over 45 of those 50 years, and allowed all of us in the Princeton Day School community to recognize the remarkable trajectory of this school. Princeton Day School has been part of my life since the fall of 1970 when I enrolled as a scrawny, pigtailed 4th grader. My two sisters joined me a few years later, as did my future brother in-law. My mother joined the board in the 1970’s and worked on the longrange plan, now in our rearview mirror. When the next generation came along, our children joined the PDS family, starting with my eldest in 1995, to be followed his sister and brother, as well as two nephews and a niece. My sister has found her life’s work teaching Kindergarten in our Lower School. I was privileged to join the board in 2000, and am honored to be entering my 5th year as board chair.

As in a building Stone rests on stone, and wanting the foundation, All would be wanting, so in human life, Each action rests on the foregoing event, That made it possible, but is it forgotten And buried in the earth. — Longfellow

Our 50th anniversary milestone certainly prompted us to examine our past, but also afforded us the opportunity to connect our great traditions and history to the school we are today, and the school we hope to be in the future. We learned that Princeton Day School’s current enviable stability and strength is the result of 50 years of ongoing effort. PDS has developed into the school we know because of a commitment to embracing two key healthy tensions: that between individual growth and overall health of the academic community; and the tension between embracing change and respecting our great traditions.

Princeton Day School is comprised of a strong community of faculty, administrators, and trustees who embrace and nurture our families. At PDS, the individual is encouraged to follow his or her passions, develop his or her talents, and, ultimately, to thrive. What sets us apart is that though the individual has remarkable opportunities to blossom, it is the collective that is the magic of Princeton Day School. Because it is through the individual supporting the individual and the greatness of one celebrated as the greatness of all that we find ourselves in the dynamic and wonderful place that is PDS; a place where the individual enriches the community and the community reinforces the individual. PDS also represents the best in continuity and change. We have continued to thrive and develop as an institution, decade after decade, because we are a school that is deeply connected to past, not complacent about our successes or blind to our shortcomings, and never afraid of embracing the future. As we advance our Campaign to strengthen Access and Opportunity, Teaching and Learning, and Campus and Facilities, our core value of “making teaching the focus of everything we do” remains inviolable. Like the best liberal arts colleges and universities, we struggle with the pace of change and providing the best possible education for children now, for a world that will look very different in only a few short years. We must continuously adapt while staying true to our mission and finding the balance between continuity and change. Any school, and any head of school, must straddle the past and future without falling into the fast running river that is the present. The great news is that we have a superior leader in Head of School Paul Stellato and his remarkable team of educators to help find that balance. In the year ahead, I look forward to working with my colleagues on the Board of Trustees, including our newest members, Dinesh Jain, Robin Gosnell, Shari Phillips, and Robert Whitlock ’78, on continuing to promote Princeton Day School’s visionary leadership, extraordinary community support, dynamic and inspirational teaching and learning programs, and the ability to attract bright, inquisitive and motived students. I am proud of the great work that has gone into making PDS the fine school that it is today, and I look forward to working to ensure the next 50 years of excellence on the Great Road. Barbara Griffin Cole ’78 Chair, Board of Trustees



23 23

oard of Trustees

Barbara Griffin Cole ’78, Chair Thomas B. Harvey, Vice Chair Mark E. Thierfelder, Treasurer Lisa R. Stockman, Secretary/Parliamentarian Deepinder S. Bhatia Marc C. Brahaney Rebecca W. Bushnell ’70 Kun Deng J. Christopher Dries Christopher W. Gerry ’99 Georgia (Robin) B. Gosnell Carol Herring Eleanor V. Horne Dinesh Jain Lynn Dixon Johnson Christopher B. Kuenne ’80 Cindy Linville Naru Narayanan Shari Phillips David L. Richter David R. Scott Paul J. Stellato Mark A. Tatum Mark E. Thierfelder John C. Wellemeyer ’52 Robert C. Whitlock ’78 Marilyn W. Grounds, Trustee Emerita Betty Wold Johnson, Trustee Emerita Samuel W. Lambert III, Trustee Emeritus Edward E. Matthews, Trustee Emeritus Andrew M. Okun, Trustee Emeritus John D. Wallace ’48, Trustee Emeritus

Deepinder S. Bhatia

Marc C. Brahaney

Rebecca W. Bushnell ’70

Barbara Griffin Cole ’78

Kun Deng

J. Christopher Dries

Christopher W. Gerry

Georgia (Robin) B. Gosnell

Thomas B. Harvey

Carol Herring

Eleanor V. Horne

Dinesh Jain

Lynn Dixon Johnson

Christopher B. Kuenne ’80

Cindy Linville

Naru Narayanan

Shari Phillips

David L. Richter

Paul J. Stellato

Lisa R. Stockman

Mark A. Tatum

Mark E. Thierfelder

John C. Wellemeyer ’52

David R. Scott

Robert C. Whitlock ’78


By Kathryn Rosko

Honoring ANDY OKUN


Andrew M. Okun, or Andy, as he is known, served with distinction as a member of the Princeton Day School Board of Trustees from 1999 until 2016, most notably as the Treasurer of the Board beginning in 2003. Mr. Okun had many roles in his tenure on the Board: he was a valued member of two Head of School Search Committees, which brought both Judy Fox and Paul Stellato to Princeton Day School. He served on the Campaign Steering Committee for the Investing in Excellence Campaign, the Development Committee, the Educational Policy Committee, the Investment Committee, the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee and on three Financial Aid Task Forces, two of which he chaired. In addition, he served on the Middle School Head Search Committee and as co-chair of the Financial Sustainability Committee. In his role as the Chair of the Financial Aid Task Forces and the Chair of the Finance Committee, he provided extraordinary wisdom, effort, time and resources to securing the financial sustainability and health of Princeton Day School, including arranging financing for two capital campaigns. It was decided at the May 2016 meeting of the Board of Trustees that in sincere gratitude of Mr. Okun’s work, the Board would confer upon him the title of Trustee Emeritus in recognition of his invaluable leadership and as an expression of the continuing appreciation for his faithful service to Princeton Day School. Mr. Okun is not one to seek the spotlight but I spoke to him about his extraordinary service to Princeton Day School, and he said, “I am humbled by the honor that Princeton Day School has given me.” He went to explain, “I am often asked what I got out of serving on the board for so long. There are the obvious answers: being involved in the PDS community where both of our children were lifers; serving with extremely talented trustees; working with extraordinary faculty and administrators; and, being part of such a successful institution. Nonetheless, what kept me going had more to do with the relationships I developed over the years. “I made many friends, but most of all, a small group of the people I served with have become family to me. I like to think that I was able to help out PDS during my time on the board, but whatever I have given, I have more than received in return. This group that I have become so close to has been there unconditionally for my family and me for guidance and support


when we have needed it, and I love every one of them for that and more. “Our kids have now graduated from PDS and have moved on in their lives. My time as an active member of the board has now ended and PDS will continue to thrive with new board leadership. But the close relationships that I have made will be there forever. There can be no better gift than that.” It would seem that the feelings of some of Mr. Okun’s closest colleagues are very much mutual. Here are some reflections about Andy Okun: Barbara Griffin Cole ’78, Chair of the Board of Trustees: “I have come to know Andy over the course of sixteen years through our work together around the boardroom table and in the parking lot afterwards, through wide-raging conversations on ‘walking meetings’ (because Andy never takes lunch), and wee-hour emails and phone calls (because Andy doesn’t sleep much either). I can say, unequivocally, that he has had a profound impact on the school, its leadership, and teachers and students, through his compassionate commitment to the people around him, and because of a clear-eyed understanding of what makes an institution great. I am most grateful, however, for his friendship and support of me. When I became board chair, Andy was the first to reach out to offer his support and guidance in his understated but perceptive and persuasive way. What is remarkable about Andy is that he has offered this same kind of help and support to countless people at PDS: from fellow trustees, to administrators, to faculty, and individual students. He is always there to listen and, when asked, to help think though thorny issues, and dig in when needed. Andy is an example for all of us of how to give one’s talent selflessly. He will be sorely missed on the board, but forever in the pantheon of outstanding people with whom we have had the privilege to call a colleague and friend.” Paul J. Stellato, Head of School: “Andy’s influence in my life—as a head of school, colleague, friend, and father—is simply immeasurable, as I came quickly to rely at every turn on his balance, wisdom, grace, and deep humanity. He was a member of the search committee, chaired by his dear friend Treby Williams, that brought me to Princeton Day School; his was the voice of reason and reassurance that guided the school (and its new head of school) through the tumult of the earliest days of the recession; his was the imagination that informed always our collective vision of our school’s growing reach, scope, and aspirations; and he was the first—before we began a meeting, considered an initiative or endeavor, or contemplated change and transition—to ask about me, Maureen, and our girls. A school’s true wealth resides in its friends: those who choose to ally themselves with her and invest their time and talent to allow her to become all she can be. We are fortunate—I am fortunate—to have called Andy our friend for so many years.” John D. Wallace ’48, Trustee Emeritus: “The great thing about being on the PDS Board is not only the service, but also the people. I don’t know that I would have ever met Andy Okun if not for the PDS Board. And I am so much better


Dulany H. Gibson, Assistant Head of School for Finance and Operations: “Andy Okun is the smartest person I have ever had the pleasure of working with. And also one of kindest and most thoughtful. His expectations were always set high, but no higher than what he demanded from himself. More than anything, I will miss our regular phone conversations that covered business quickly and then ranged widely to all kinds of interesting topics. He gave of himself to the school unstintingly, and I will always value how much he taught me not only about its finances, but also about its history. And more than all of that, I value his friendship.” C. Treby McLaughlin Williams ’80, Former Chair of the Board of Trustees: “Andy’s positive impact on PDS cannot be overstated. His extraordinary expertise, wisdom, and dedication to the school’s mission have been core to PDS’ financial health and programmatic strength for almost two decades. His collaboration with the head of school, administrators and the board was always honest, insightful, and demanding (in a good way!). I know that the PDS community shares my deep admiration and gratitude for Andy’s remarkable work at PDS, which will continue to strengthen the school in the years ahead. Through our work as trustees, Andy has become one of my closest friends. Andy’s friendship offers the gift of constructive criticism enabled by genuine support, searing insight, and humor. Deep integrity runs through his words and actions. My appreciation for his friendship is profound.”

Board of Trustees

for knowing him. He is one of my very best friends. He is an extraordinary individual and, to me, the definition of empathy, which is the capacity for understanding or feeling what another is feeling. Every time Andy says something, it is right to the point. And because of that, he has gained tremendous respect from his fellow board members. Andy is also so kind; he’ll always ask about my kids and grandkids. He is interested in people; there is no phoniness to him. He often comes to my home, and we can sit on the back deck and talk for hours. I don’t know that I’ve ever met someone that I’ve bonded with like Andy.” Thomas B. Harvey, Trustee: “Andy Okun? I seem to recall he was on the Board, but I don’t remember seeing him too much… Actually, anyone who knows Andy knows that I am joking, as he was so involved during his tenure on the board, and may have never missed a meeting. Andy is a close friend; he is intelligent and wise with a strong sense of fairness and compassion. And all of this is leavened with a great sense of humor. Andy is also always there to support you, no matter what. As a result, you are not afraid to share anything with him, because he will always be there for you. He is open, honest, and loyal. Beyond that, he is a great father; his children remain remarkably close to him and Laurie. It is easy to personalize things with Andy because everything is personal for him; it is part of his character.”

elcome to Our New Trustees Georgia (Robin) B. Gosnell is a retired lawyer based in Princeton. She attended Dartmouth College and Columbia University School of Law. Ms. Gosnell is the mother of four Princeton Day School alums, and has served on the Annual Fund Leadership Gift Committee since 2014.

Dinesh Jain was most recently Chief Operating Officer of Time Warner Cable, overseeing the company’s three main lines of business: residential services, cable business services, and cable media. He attended Princeton University, is based in Princeton, and is the father of two current PDS students.

Shari Phillips will serve as the President-Elect of the Parents Association on the Board. She attended Penn State University and previously worked at Dresdner, Kleinwort Benson in equities sales and trading. She is based in Millstone Township, and is the mother of two current PDS students.

Robert C. Whitlock ’78 is a Principal at Kohn Pedersen Fox Architects in New York, and is renowned for his role as designer of high-rise towers, mixed-use developments, and large-scale master plans all over the world. He received his B.S. from the University of Virginia, and his Master of Architecture from Columbia University. Based in New York City, he is a Princeton Day School alum and the son of longtime and beloved Architecture teacher Robert Whitlock. Mr. Whitlock has served as an Annual Fund volunteer and spoke at PDS Career Day in 2009. FALL!"#$%


7 Championship Teams 8

A Record-Breaking

(and Championship Titles)

in Our 50th Anniversary Year! By Kathryn Rosko and Evan Thomas

When Princeton Day School celebrates, we go all out… Last year, the school marked its 50th anniversary on the Great Road with many special occasions, events, and memories (see “Celebrating the 50th Anniversary: A Year in Pictures” on page 30). The Upper School varsity sports teams decided to get in on the action by commencing upon a record-breaking year: 7 championship teams and 8 championship titles. A championship season for the books. We spoke to Director of Athletics Tim Williams on this spectacular season to see if he could help pinpoint what led to this record-breaking success. “I believe this season really illustrates the synergy in the efforts between the athletics department, the admission department, and our coaches that began four years ago and is now bearing fruit,” he remarked recently. “We are all working together to identify quality athletes and nurture them through high school and into college.” Mr. Williams added that a specific key to the success of this strategy was the new role that Rich D’Andrea stepped into a few years ago, that of Athletics Liaison. In addition to teaching US English and coaching (see below his thoughts on his winning season with the boys lacrosse team), Mr. D’Andrea works with the Athletics, Admission, and College Counseling Departments to both identify students who would be a good match for the PDS athletics program, and to help them as they embark on becoming athletes at the college/university level. It would seem that this way of thinking strategically about where our student-athletes start and where they go from here seems to be working. And well. Of course, another enormous part of a winning team is the relationship between the athletes and their coach.

We asked the coaches whose teams picked up the championship titles this past year to share with us their thoughts on coaching, on teamwork, and on the future.

A The Coaches

Boys Varsity Lacrosse: Rich D’Andrea, 2 years as a PDS coach, 3 championship titles Girls Varsity Lacrosse: Jill Thomas, 28 years as a PDS coach, 10 championship titles Boys Varsity Tennis: Will Asch, 17 years as a PDS coach, 10 championship titles Girls Varsity Tennis: Ed Tseng, 6 years as a PDS coach, 5 championship titles Boys Varsity Basketball: Tim Williams, 2 years as a PDS coach, 1 championship title Girls Varsity Soccer: Pat Trombetta, 9 years as a PDS coach, 5 championship titles Fencing: Hussein Tolba, 1 year as a PDS coach, 1 championship title


Coaches Roundtable Thoughts on a Winning Season

What do you think made this particular season a championship season for your team? Rich D’Andrea: I think there are two reasons we were successful

last spring. The first is tremendous leadership, guys that had been in the program for a number of years who had a clear direction for what they were hoping to achieve as seniors. The second reason is that we had full buy-in from all players. The boys always chanted “TOGETHER” to break each huddle. It served as a reminder to play selflessly, commit oneself fully and always have your brother’s back. The boys took ownership in creating such an environment and the energy was contagious. This group was family—older and younger brothers.

Tim Williams: We had a group of young new players who mixed

very well with our returning players, and each of them embraced our common goal. We had players who were prepared to listen to our coaching staff, work hard and sacrifice their individual self for the benefit of the team.

Boys Varsity Lacrosse (16-1): Mercer County Champions and Prep B Champions

again in Tess Gecha ’16 and Rowan Schomburg ’16 and a good core of attack and defensive players coming back. It has a lot to do with tradition and carryover from year to year. The team leaders got the freshman involved and recruited enough players to field a JV team. It all came together fueled by that taste of victory in 2015.

Ed Tseng: We honestly did not treat this season any differently

than other years. If we gave our best effort in every practice and competition, we knew we had a chance against anyone.

Hussein Tolba: It was a combination of good management, dedicated players, a strong technical program to enhance the players’ performance, and a good relationship between the coach and the players.

Was there a moment from the season that stands out in your mind? PT: Clearly the one moment that stands out is our overtime victory in the State Prep Championship. We were very grateful that the Administration allowed for an early dismissal for the students to attend the game. Their support was overwhelming and when the student body stormed the field after our golden goal victory it was a very emotional experience and I’m sure a memory of a lifetime for our players and coaches.

JT: We do a wonderful team trip to Florida over Spring Break and

we played two games against two really good teams from Maryland and the DC area, and we lost both. This was a real wake up call for us after winning it all the previous May. We came back home, settled in, and together took it up to the next level.

Will Asch: There were many excellent matches. We had wins over some of strongest Prep Schools in New Jersey and Pennsylvania including Haverford, Pingry, and Haddonfield. I also always enjoy when students take leadership in our preparations for matches. We particularly enjoyed great leadership last year from our senior, Scott Altmeyer ’16.

Girls Varsity Lacrosse (14-6): Prep B Champions

Jack Amaral ’17, Coby Auslander ’18, Samuel Bernardi ’18, Tyler Birch ’17, William Brossman ’17, Christopher Chai ’16, Nicholas Day ’16, Connor Fletcher ’16, Diego Garcia ’18, Coby Gibson ’17, Connor Green ’19, Justin Herrup ’18, Zach Izzard ’17, Brooks Johnson ’18, Aiden Jones ’16, Jack Konopka ’18, Jared Leveson ’18 , Joseph Levine ’16, Amir Melvin ’16, David Phillips ’18, Peter Shannon ’17, Elon Tuckman ’18, Jonah Tuckman ’16, Noam Yakoby ’16

Pat Trombetta: I truly believe for a team to be succesful you need great leadership and excellent team chemistry. Our team was well led by captains Isabel Meyercord and Abby Atkeson. Their positivity and enthusiasm was infectious and the team bonded very well together.

Jill Thomas: We won the Prep championship in 2015 and we graduated just two seniors. The girls set their sights early on another win. It always starts in the winter, and we had great leadership

Gwendolynn Allen ’19, Abigail Atkeson ’17, Katherine Bennett ’18, Madeline Birch ’19, Elizabeth Brennan ’18, Hannah Bunce ’18, Ashley Cavuto ’17, Emma Dries ’18, Mackenzie ElKadi ’19, Tess Gecha ’16, Kyra Hall ’18, Bridget Kane ’18, Morgan Mills ’17, Madison Mundenar ’18, Valerie Radvany ’19, Elena Schomburg ’18, Rowan Schomburg ’16



Varsity Fencing: Prep B Champions

What makes a championship team? RD: I would re-frame the question to say “championship program” instead of team. The last few years we’ve made a conscious effort to see ourselves as a program—each member valued, each member invested, each member contributing their best. It’s been deeply rewarding to watch our players, their families, even their extended families become a part of what these boys have created not in a single year, but over a number of years.

The girls foil team of Sarah Prilutsky ’18, Christina Tian ’17, and Abby Cohen ’17 triumphed with a gold medal at the Prep Tournament.

TW: I feel like we began to believe in our systems and each other more after our first game back from the winter break.

RD: Early in the season we cut our teeth playing something we called “Red Week”—a stretch where we played Germantown Academy, Lawrenceville and Hun in seven days. Any one of these games presents a challenge; three in a week is an impossibility. And yet our boys fought through the week, won two of three games and capped off the week with a 10-6 win over nationally ranked Hun. This was the first week of season and demonstrated to our boys what were capable of achieving.

Teamwork is key to success. Is there a particular example of strong teamwork that sticks with you? RD: We played Hopewell in the semifinal round of the Mercer

JT: It takes hard work, determination, commitment, a lot of commitment, team camaraderie, the willingness to learn from mistakes, and give and take constructive criticism. It takes a willingness to put it all on the field, and to change and adapt to the chess game that coaching is. TW: We had the ability to trust our teammates, trust our coaches, and sacrifice individual accomplishments for the team’s success. Without sacrifice of self, there can’t be a high achieving team.

ET: I think that from Day 1 if everyone is on the same page and we all focus on doing our part and contributing to the team in our own way, we all win. A championship team is a by-product of a great foundation and attitude. PT: There are a number of factors that make a championship

team. My top five characteristics are leadership, chemistry, commitment, common goals and teamwork. Without these traits teams will struggle to be successful.

HT: The 6 C’s: Common goal shared by all, Commitment, Complementary roles, Clear Communication, Cohesion, Credible coaching.

Boys Varsity Basketball (16-8): Prep B Champions

County Tournament, a game we ground to a 4-3 win. This was far from our prettiest lacrosse of the year, but it’s arguably where we showed the most guts. We lost only one game last season (Lawrenceville 4-5) and the pressure was mounting as tournament time ramped up. We’d been close to winning the MCT for a few years, but had never quite delivered in the big spot. That night, however, we showed some grit and delivered — it was empowering and developed a resolve that carried us to two championships.

WA: Teamwork is important in all doubles matches. However,

when I think of teamwork, I think of the support all the players, including our JV players, give to each other in working to improve their tennis games.

PT: Teamwork is critical to success. One example of teamwork

that stood out for me is the support that these players had for each other during preseason fitness tests. A number of players passed the tests early on and were not required to participate when the tests were retaken. Instead of resting during the retakes, they joined in and encouraged their teammates each day until the entire team achieved these goals. JT: It’s all the little things I think. Once you have the skills locked in, that baseline, it comes down the mental and emotional. The team has to buy in and gel, and this team did that.

HT: Building strong teamwork begins with trust and clear com-

munication. When teams trust all members and communication is clear and frequent, teamwork starts to build.

ET: To me, TEAM is an acrnym: Together Everyone Achieves More…. as long as there is a Total Effort from All Members. JOURNAL

David Coit ’19, Nicholai Darenkov ’18, James Fragale ’16, Paul Franzoni ’16, Russell Kirczow ’17, Hassan Ladiwala ’17, Chase Lewis ’17, John McArthur ’17, Amir Melvin ’16, Mark Washington ’17, Craig Wrenn ’19

What makes a great coach? TW: A coach is a communicator and teacher. He or she has to be

able to communicate with his or her players in a way they understand and trust. Meeting the team on a personal level as well as a performance level is key to that trust. Having players know that you care about them and their welfare means that they will listen to you and begin to sacrifice their individual desires for the benefit of the team.


ET: We unfortunately lost three of our starting seven from last year, but our regulars have been working hard, and we have some terrific freshman who can play. So if we do what we normally do, and focus on putting our heart and soul into every day, we just might hoist that familiar trophy once again at season’s end. PT: We are very proud of the success that we have earned

Girls Varsity Tennis (8-2): Prep B Champions Arya Jha ’18, Renee Karchere-Sun ’16, Anna Kovacevich ’16, Devika Kumar ’16, Tarika Kumar ’18, Touria Salvati ’17, Sydney Vine ’19

WA: Practices must be productive. Being there to help your players through all their difficult moments in practice and matches is necessary. Great tennis coaches know how much to say and when to say it. HT: A successful coach cares deeply about people; should have

high personal standards and ambitions; and should have high level of self-knowledge.

ET: I feel that sharing your expertise is important. But also asking for input from the team and involving them in decisions makes a big difference. By listening to the players, coaches and parents, you can create a great environment for a great season. A great coach is someone who is organized, caring, and flexible in situations. Adversity will always strike, but what determines the outcome is your reaction to that adversity. In fact, William Arthur Ward said, “Adversity causes some men to break, and others to break records.”

PT: A successful coach has to be passionate about their sport; good communicator; great motivator; ability to get players to do more than they think they can; organized; life lesson teacher; understanding of the individual differences in their athletes; flexible; challenge their athletes to do better and push their limits.

winning championships these past three years. However the books are closed on those accomplishments and we can’t be looking in the rearview mirror. We had a very good first week of practice and the players are working extremely hard. The team is very positive and excited about the upcoming season. The challenge for us will be on the offensive end. We are looking for players to step up and find the back of the net. Our defense is the backbone of the team. We are very fortunate to have a gifted goalie in Grace Barbara ’18 and a very athletic and talented center back in Madison Coyne ’18. They are both great communicators on the field and do a great job of keeping our shape organized. I believe our defense will keep us in every game and if we receive some scoring production, we have a great opportunity of defending our State Prep Championship title.

JT: We’ve graduated once again just two senior players, so the goal is to go for it. We’ll start in January with 10 or 15 winter workouts where we focus on stick skills, have fun, play music, get to know each other. The Florida trip in March is a wonderful experience for the whole program. It’s a lot of lacrosse, but that’s where the team chemistry happens. Tracy Young and Katie Flynn are returning as assistant coaches, and we’ll have the players to field that JV team.

HT: My main goal is to empower the players at this age to develop respect, confidence, discipline, and achieve significance in their life through success in the sport.

RD: Every year a natural turnover takes place. Players graduate, underclassman become upperclassman, and the program welcomes new faces. One of my favorite parts of the year is seeing where each player fits in his new role. There’s a solid core of returning players and many are ready to accept their new role. I believe next year’s team has tremendous potential.

GO Panthers!

RD: I’ve been fortunate to work alongside Rob Tuckman, Pete Higgins and Chris Izzard. Each of them possesses tremendous knowledge of the game, and each of them cares deeply about every member of our program. The boys intuitively understand and value this support. They trust it, and it brings them through times Boys Varsity Tennis (7-3-1): Prep B Champions good and bad. JT: There a lot of talented coaches out there, but for me the key is to be a student of the game, to keep up with the game and the changes, and to understand the changes facing the kids. We have great, smart kids, but they are busy, sometimes stretched to the limit. I also have really supportive, loyal assistant coaches and I can’t stress that enough. It’s not just me out there by any means at all. Successful people surround themselves with successful people. I think all of us at PDS have in common the desire to get the most out of our kids.

What are your thoughts on the coming season? TW: We look to build on what we did last winter. When we came together in the fall of 2015 we barely knew each other as players Scott Altmeyer ’16, Jacob Chang ’17, Alexander Decker ’18, William and we will be well past that this fall. We will have some strong new additions that will make us better, but we must come togeth- Dyckman ’19, Riley Gudgel ’18, Nicholas Jain ’17, Robert Jiang ’19, Noah Liao ’17, Leo Nye ’17, Vivek Sharma ’18 er again and re-learn what it means to be to be this year’s team. FALL!"#$%


the 50 th Anniversary:

A Year in Pictures By Kathryn Rosko

Convocation and Reception at Behr House September 17, 2015 Princeton Day School celebrated its 50th anniversary convocation in the Lisa McGraw ’44 ice rink on September 17, the same day that Princeton Day School opened its doors in 1965. Hank Bristol ’72, current teacher, former



trustee, and past parent, gave opening remarks, while students of PDS alums carried banners for each year of PDS’s history. Following the ceremony, Head of School Paul Stellato welcomed guests to Behr House for a special reception. Former and current administrators, faculty, trustees, and Parents Association presidents mingled on the back patio.


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Alumni Weekend and Alumni Art Exhibit May 13 & 14, 2016 Alums from Miss Fine’s School, Princeton Country Day School, and Princeton Day School all gathered on campus on May 13 and 14 for a spectacular Alumni Weekend. There was an Alumni Art Exhibit in the Anne Reid ’72 Art Gallery featuring the talents of no less than 37 of our alums, as well as the Reunion Party under the tent behind Colross, which included many current and past faculty in attendance. In addition, the school celebrated the 2016 Alumni Award Recipients and Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees: Alumni Achievement Award: Sara Zoe Hart ’96; John D. Wallace ’48 Alumni Service Award: Roopa Purushothaman ’96; Outstanding Young Alumni Award: John Maher ’06; Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees: Jessica D’Altrui Davidson ’96 and Rome Campbell. ;/(%7$"..%)F%GHII%')".'.%38..%J81(%"'%7)$-)..








Celebration of Thanks, Jasna Polana May 13, 2016 On Friday May 13, at the start of Alumni Weekend, a dinner party was held at Jasna Polana in Princeton to honor and give thanks to Princeton Day School’s strong community of supporters. With remarks by Head of School

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Paul Stellato, Board Chair Barbara Griffin Cole ’78, Trustee Emeritus Jack Wallace ’48, and former Board Chair Treby McLaughlin Williams ’80, the evening was filled with current and former trustees and friends of the school, all of whom have ensured the current strength of Princeton Day School, as well as a bright future ahead.


33 Wording

Spring Weekend April 30, 2015 Spring Weekend took place out on the fields on April 30, a picture perfect spring day. The day kicked off with a fun run for our youngest students—all wearing their new 50th anniversary t-shirts. Then, the school honored its past athletes and coaches with a special presentation on the new Baker turf field. Former Director of Athletics Jan Baker, for whom the field was named, was on hand, along with fellow current and past coaches, as well as our current PDS Panther athletes, who escorted them on the field to rounds of applause. After the ceremony, our PDS teams played beautifully on the fields and courts. !"#$%&'()$$ *"+,-$./0"12&34$ ,-5$67/89$:&,!"#$3740()$$ ;,339$*<%"-=>7%%&3?$$ ;"#&$!0"1#@"-$A&33?$ B7-5,$.(&',-&%%7?$$ C,32,3,$*"@&?$,-5$$ *"1&$D,1#2&%%E$ F2"G&)$B.$H<-$*<-E B&'()$I,<%$.(&%%,("?$J,-$ C,8&3?$,-5$!71$K7%%7,1@

Commencement, June 10, 2016 On Friday, June 10, Princeton Day School’s 50th anniversary commencement ceremony took place on the broad Colross lawn under picture-perfect weather—bright sunshine, blue skies, and a light breeze. Head of School Paul Stellato gave a poignant keynote address and offered sage advice to our graduating seniors. The two student speakers, Joey Levine ’16 and John Gudgel ’16, gave wonderful speeches filled with fond and humorous memories of their time at PDS, and pondered the future ahead. Board Chair Barbie Cole awarded diplomas emblazoned with the 50th anniversary logo to our graduating seniors. F2"G&$%&'(E$!0&$D%,@@$"'$LMNO$,51737-4$(0&73$57#%"1,@ B&'()$C,327&$D"%&$/"-43,(<%,(&@$,$@&-7"3


Annual Report 2015• 2016


Annual Report 2015/2016 Princeton Day School


It was a true pleasure to experience our great school’s year-long 50th anniversary celebration. Princeton Day School honored our founding schools – Miss Fine’s School and Princeton Country Day – while celebrating the start of co-education on the Great Road. It was a wonderful year and one that brought us closer together as a community. So many of us made new friends and were reacquainted with old friends through the course of the anniversary year. Perhaps the perfect capstone of this most incredible year was the record-breaking Annual Fund of $1,747,947. We reached and surpassed our goal and in so doing collectively raised more towards the Annual Fund than in any year. This breathtaking support is because each one of you came together around this important fundraising initiative. Princeton Day School’s 50th ended with great fanfare and recognition that we are a great and generous community. It is my sincere pleasure to thank each of you – alumni, parents, trustees, grandparents and friends – for your support of Princeton Day School. Every gift means a great deal to us. Though you will see lists and lists of generous donors to the school in the following pages, I see friends. I see people joined together in a common devotion to our great school. Thank you for honoring Princeton Day School with your generosity. We are a better school because of it. Thank you.

Kathy Schulte Director of Advancement


35 Annual Report 2015• 2016

Net Tuition 83%

Endowment Support 9% Annual Giving 6% Net Auxiliary Programs 2% Other Income 0%

REVENUE Tuition Financial Aid grants & remission Net Tuition Endowment Support Annual Giving Net Auxiliary Programs Other Income TOTAL


29,775,344 (6,647,148) 23,128,196 2,529,230 1,748,511 419,079 40,050 $27,865,066

107% -24% 83% 9% 6% 2% 0% 100%

16,887,290 5,215,554 3,081,572 1,012,421 613,113 406,399 647,635 $27,863,984

61% 19% 11% 4% 2% 2% 2% 100%

EXPENSES Instruction & Student Services Administration Plant Operations Capital Asset Renewal IT Capital Projects General Institution Debt Service TOTAL




Administration 19%

Plant Operations 11%

Capital Asset Renewal 4%

Instruction & Student Services 61%

Debt Service 2%

General Institution 2%

IT Capital Projects 2%

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


The following individuals, families, foundations and corporation have made contributions from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Princeton Day School wishes to acknowledge their generosity and commitment to providing outstanding educational opportunities for our students. Giving categories reflect all gifts made to Princeton Day School during the past fiscal year. Excellence Circle

Trustee Circle

Named in honor of those donors whose philanthropy sustains the school’s commitment to excellence, this level recognizes gifts of $1,000,000 or more.

Named in honor of the distinguished men and women whose leadership sustains the school’s commitment to excellence, this level recognizes gifts between $25,000 and $49,999.

Goldman Sachs Gives

Anonymous (2) Margaret and Marshall Bartlett Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bartlett Mr. Deepinder S. Bhatia and Dr. Nandini Chowdhury The Griffin-Cole Fund Mrs. Betty Wold Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Johnson Mr. Robert M. Kaye and Dr. Diane Upright Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Kuenne ’80 Laurie and Andy Okun Drs. Samir and Arti Patel The Estate of Donald A. Pickering Mr. Mark E. Thierfelder and Ms. Courtney A. Lederer

Founder Circle Named in honor of those individuals whose generosity provides Princeton Day School with the means to carry on the outstanding educational experience inspired by its founding schools, Miss Fine’s School and Princeton Country Day School, this level recognizes gifts between $500,000 and $999,999.


Leadership Circle Named in honor of those individuals whose philanthropy allows Princeton Day School to fulfill its mission, this level recognizes gifts between $250,000 and $499,999.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Johnston Dr. and Mrs. Judson Linville

1899 Circle Named in honor of those individuals whose generosity and vision were the very foundation of our school, this level recognizes gifts between $100,000 and $249,999.

Mr. Kun Deng and Professor Zhen Deng Dr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Dries Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Harvey David Mathey Irrevocable Trust Wendy Gartner Rowland ’53 Marina von Neumann Whitman ’52

Dean Mathey Circle Named in honor of Dean Mathey, whose generosity and vision were the very foundation of our school, this level recognizes gifts between $50,000 and $99,999.

Anonymous The Edward E. Ford Foundation Ronald Li and Carol Chiang-Li The Curtis W. McGraw Foundation Marian Stoltzfus Paen ’70 Curtis McGraw Webster ’75 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wellemeyer ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Zlock


Head of School Circle Named in honor of the distinguished Heads of School whose leadership through the years has perpetuated the school’s commitment to excellence, this level recognizes gifts between $10,000 and $24,999.

Anonymous (7) Mr. and Mrs. George E. Aitken-Davies Mr. and Mrs. Keith Asplundh Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Bae The Anderson-Behnamnia Family Fund Mr. Steven Behnamnia and Mrs. Jill E. Anderson-Behnamnia Mr. and Mrs. Chandler B. Bocklage Mr. and Mrs. N. Harrison Buck ’77 Harrison and Nancy Buck Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Rebecca W. Bushnell ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Chia Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Delaney III Dries Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Edelmann Educational Ventures Incorporated The Ellerslie Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Shawn W. Ellsworth ’75 Siân and Mark Errington Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Foster Mr. Gideon Fruchter and Ms. Pia Lofdahl Gardner Family Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Timothy R. Gardner and Ms. Meredith P. Asplundh Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Gerry ’99 Goldman Sachs & Company Barbara Straut Goldsmith ’84 Ms. Georgia B. Gosnell Sally Campbell Haas ’63

Alex and Laura Hanson Charitable Gift Fund, Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Alexander D. Hanson The Emily & John Harvey Foundation Dr. Gary A. Herman and Dr. Debora Williams-Herman Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Herrup Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Hopper Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Horner Mr. Jim Huang and Ms. Elizabeth Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Dinesh C. Jain Jain Family Foundation Kai Yue Foundation Corporation James Kaplan and Rita Zetterberg Mr. Joshua Kulkin and Dr. Christina Kirby Julian Grant and Peter Rupert Lighte Page & Otto Marx, Jr. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Lee S. Maschler The Lee and Marjorie Maschler Fund of Vanguard Charitable Dean W. Mathey ’43 Mr. Edward E. Matthews Edwin H. Metcalf ’51 Charitable Remainder Trust Edwin H. Metcalf ’51 Mr. and Mrs. D’Arcy Miell Mr. and Mrs. Bradford A. Mills ’72 Debbie and Steve Modzelewski Mr. and Mrs. Naru Narayanan Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Nicozisis Martha L. A. Norris Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Powers Jr. ’80 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Richter Kate and Joe Riley A. Richard Ross ’68 S. Forest Company, Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Prasad Sabbineni Mr. D.G. Sarsfield and Ms. Judith Reich Mr. and Mrs. James P. Sarvis Mr. and Mrs. Bobbi M. Shah Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Simonds Mr. Sanjeev Srinivas and Dr. Anita Gupta Stephen M. and Charlotte T. M. Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Stockman Mr. Mark A. Tatum and Ms. Lisa Skeete Tatum Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tourville VIII Brothers Family Charitable Foundation Mr. Anthony Waclawski and Mrs. Dianna Waclawski Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wallace ’48 Susan S. & Kenneth L. Wallach Foundation Susan Schildkraut Wallach ’64 Mr. Stephen Williams and Ms. C. Treby Williams ’80

Faculty Circle By far the greatest strength of Princeton Day School is its dedicated faculty whose wisdom and patience have guided countless students through the learning process. This level recognizes gifts between $5,000 and $9,999.

Dr. M. Darryl Antonacci and Mrs. Ana I. Antonacci Bank of America Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Brahaney Lucy Englander Brinster ’78 Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Incorporated Dr. and Mrs. Y. M. Lawrence Chai Mr. Jintang Chen and Ms. Qian Liu Chubb & Son, Incorporated Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation


Colross Circle Named for the historical campus building, this level recognizes gifts between $2,500 and $4,999 and those donors whose generosity preserve our traditions of excellence. This level also includes graduates of the last 20 years whose gifts total $1,000 or more.

Anonymous (2) Maria Tardugno Aldrich ’99 The Appelo Family Charitable Trust Mr. Willem Appelo and Mrs. Renate Prins BAE Systems Cathy and Eric Batterman † Dr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Bencivengo Mr. Matthew M. Bennett and Dr. Melissa E. Bennett Mr. Kamlesh H. Bhatia and Dr. Jyoti K. Bhatia BlackRock Matching Gift Program Michael T. Bracken ’98 Jennifer and Mike Caputo Dr. John N. Cavuto ’81 and Dr. Robin R. Antonacci Dr. Min Cha and Mrs. Soyoung Lee Mr. Jitender Chopra and Mrs. Jeannie Lin Chopra Marc A. Collins ’88 Geoffrey L. and Kerri L. Cook Patrick L. Courtney ’85 † deceased

Dr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Decker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. DiBianca Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Dyckman Mr. Michael Epstein and Ms. Karen Robbins Scott J. Feldman ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Jon Felsher First Choice Bank First Choice Care Benjamin M. Frost ’92 GE Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Steven R. Gecha Mr. and Mrs. David R. Geltzer Ethan M. Geltzer ’10 Isaac S. Geltzer ’08 Geltzer Family Foundation Frank Greek and Cathy Greek Mr. and Mrs. John L. Griffith Jr. John L. Griffith III ’99 and Rebecca Lintner Griffith ’95 The Liz Duffy and John Gutman Charitable Fund Ms. Elizabeth A. Duffy and Mr. John A. Gutman ’79 Lucy D. Gutman ’19 Theodore D. Gutman ’20 H&H Appliances Natalie Hamill ’01 Mr. and Ms. Kenneth M. Hartley Daniel J. Helmick ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart T. Henderson Dr. and Mrs. H. James Herring James P. Herring ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Highland Highland-Mills Foundation, Incorporated C. Justin Hillenbrand ’94 William and Stephanie Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Arbind Jha Nancy Hudler Keuffel ’58 Kramer Portraits Ms. Svitlana Letko Ms. Emily Liu and Mr. Benjamin Yeh Ms. Joanne Liu Giovanna Gray Lockhart ’98 Mr. Zili Ma and Ms. Lin Zheng Jay R. Marcus ’80 Gregory E. Matthews ’76 Jon T. McConaughy ’85 and Robin Cook McConaughy ’87 Mr. and Mrs. David J. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. George H. McLaughlin II Paris McLean ’00 Kevin and Alicia Merse Charitable Gift Fund of Fidelity Char Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Merse Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Meyercord III Mill Creek Capital Advisors Lawrence M. Miller ’99 Dr. and Mrs. Joel Namm Fund Dr. and Mrs. Joel Namm Mr. Erik A. Neumann and Ms. Mary Dougherty The New York Community Trust Mr. Brent Ozdogan and Dr. Anita Miedziak Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Pechter Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Phillips Dorothy C. Pickering ’71 Justin M. Revelle ’03 Julia Roginsky ’91 Scott E. Rosenberg ’04 Dr. and Mrs. Norman R. Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Salvner Jeffrey Schor ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Sedgley

Mr. Johnathan Seeg and Ms. Sasha C. Appleton Mr. and Mrs. Asit K. Sen Dr. Kekul B. Shah and Dr. Rachana Singh Marjorie D. Shaw ’70 and Mr. Barney S. Rush James W. Simpson ’89 Lauren Welsh Sparrow ’99 David B. Straut ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Streeper Dr. Ramamirtham Sukumar and Dr. Satya Varagoor Mr. Suhan Tang and Ms. Yali Shi Joseph C. To ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Silvio Travia Mr. and Mrs. Tucker S. Triolo Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Turchetta Mr. and Mrs. Malarvel Vijayathevar Alexandra T. Warren ’02 Karen Wells Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Mr. Michael G. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick W. White Robert C. Whitlock ’78 Anne A. Williams ’74 and Antonio O. Elmaleh Mr. Haibo Wu and Mrs. Danfeng Wang

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Dr. James W. Dwyer Dr. and Mrs. Hisham S. ElKadi Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Enck Sr. Michael Englander ’72 Mr. Donato Gasparro Mr. and Mrs. David E. Goldberg Google Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hall, Jr. Mr. John P. Hall ’79 and Mrs. R. May Lee Hall Mr. and Mrs. John Healey Hess Companies Ms. Eleanor V. Horne Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Horowitz Taylor K. Hwong ’88 IBM Harold Kramer Foundation Mr. Sajjad S. Ladiwala and Ms. Anjum M. Khan Mr. Kenny Leung and Ms. Vivian Lu Mr. and Mrs. Tareq Mansour Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Mario Mr. and Mrs. Gavin McLaughlin The Merck Company Foundation MSD Capital Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Paneyko Pheasant Hill Foundation, Incorporated Mr. Stephen A. Pollard ’90 and Dr. Jessica Stevens PSE&G Regeneron Pharmaceuticals The Ryan Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Santamaria William D. Schafer ’87 Dr. Rachel Dultz and Ms. Michelle Silverman-Dultz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tang Varadero Capital LP Paul S. Vogel ’62 Vogel Seidenberg Charitable Fund Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Ms. Karen A. Wells Mr. Timothy J. Wilmott and Dr. Anastasia Barna Mr. Robert N. Wilson Mr. Anping Wu and Ms. Yong Qin Li

Young Alumni Leadership Circle This level recognizes the generous young alumni building the next generation of leadership support at Princeton Day School. Members of this circle have made a contribution of $500 or more and have graduated from our school within the last 15 years.

Will C. Dewey ’03 Harrison I. Epstein ’05 Brian A. Grossman ’04 Cameron Linville ’09 Clinton E. Lively ’03 Patrick McDonald ’06 Joseph P. Rogers ’09 Anu Shah ’05 Adina Triolo ’15 Tucker S. Triolo ’13 FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Panther Pride This level recognizes gifts between $500 and $2,499.

Anonymous (6) 6 Brothers Foundation Janice M. Abud-Falcone ’90 Mr. Zoltan Adam and Mrs. Priscilla N. Adam ’74 Adler Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Seth Adler ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Altmeyer Mr. Patrick E. Amaral and Ms. Kathy Schulte Mrs. Jermain J. Anderson Annie Jamieson Applegate ’99 The Applegate Family Charitable Gift Fund Archer Daniels Midland Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Asplundh Asplundh Foundation Ms. Karen D. Athanassiades ’83 and Mr. Elliot Michael Berger Mrs. Jennifer Babbino and Mr. Salvatore Babbino Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bailey The Baldwin Foundation Mr. Robert H. B. Baldwin, Jr. and Ms. Margaret J. Sieck Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Barbara Edward S. Barclay, Jr. ’57 Mary Mills Barrow ’72 Dr. Debra L. Baseman † Ms. Elizabeth L. Bates-Turner Benefit Boutiques Linda Staniar Bergh ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Berk Dr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Berkman ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Berman Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bertoli Mr. and Mrs. Ramana Bhandaru Mr. Satvinder Bhens and Dr. Sonia Deora-Bhens Billtrust Mr. and Mrs. Larry Birch Blackburn Family Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. James F. Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. David Bremer The Bristol Fund, Incorporated Henry P. Bristol II ’72 and Susan P. Bristol Adam Bromwich ’92 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Brossman, Jr. Jeffery N. Brown ’87 The Brownington Foundation Mr. Barry A. Bruno Lisa-Margaret Stevenson Bryan ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Garret Bucceri Dr. and Mrs. William P. Burks Calvert Social Investment Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Cammarano Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell Mr. Michael J. Campbell Kevin M. Capinpin ’92 Sarah Burchfield Carey ’81 Cedar Grove Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Dr. Michael L. Censullo and Dr. Joan Censullo Dr. and Mrs. James J. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Earl Y. Chen Mr. Lichung Chen and Mrs. Yirchung Chen Victoria C.P. Chen ’84 The Victoria Chen and Jeffrey Guild Fund of Vanguard Charitable


Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Cheng Rabbi and Mrs. Joel Chernikoff Mr. Bryan Choi and Ms. Carrie Ng Clear Skies Fund of the Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Aly G. Cohen ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Cohen Alicia M. Collins ’89 John F. Cook ’56 Pamela Kulsrud Corey ’79 Cotton Company Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn, LLC Mr. Scott A. Crum and Ms. Lisa Pretecrum Ms. Elizabeth R. Cutler and Mr. Thomas G. Kreutz Jivan B. Datta ’88 Philip A. DeGisi ’98 Mr. Joseph D’Elia and Dr. Jie D’Elia Mr. and Mrs. Philip DelVecchio Mr. Dane Dickler and Mrs. Jessica Seid Dickler ’94 Dr. and Mrs. Adrian Didita Dr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Difazio Mr. Gerard J. Donnelly and Ms. Sandra E. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Dipal Doshi Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Drake Mr. and Mrs. Sanjeev Dugar Kathy Dunlop ’63 Andrew C. Dykstra ’89 Mark A. Egner ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Adam L. Eiseman Dr. Joshua and Dr. Tara Eisenberg Mr. Joseph T. Elicone Mrs. Joan M. Elliott Katharine Walker Ellison ’62 Dr. Yusri Elsayed and Mrs. Atsuko Oki Dr. Robert E. Epstein and Dr. Eileen R. Lilley Peter E. B. Erdman ’43 Mr. and Mrs. Michael I. Falcon Ms. Shigeko Farhat Matthew R. Farkas ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Fasolo Mr. Matthew Fede and Dr. Seema Basi Dr. Brent Field and Mrs. Carmen Oveissi Field Jeanine M. Figur ’74 Dr. Keith J. Fishbein and Dr. Nancy L. Feldman Andrew J. Fishmann ’68 Fitch Ratings Matching Gift Program David S. Fitton, Jr. ’79 Mr. William Flahive and Dr. Carol Cronheim Ms. Patricia A. Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Fleming Flemington Furs Flik Independent Schools by Chartwells Dr. and Mrs. Russell M. Freid Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Fried Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Frieder Dr. and Mrs. Eric S. Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Michael Y. Gan Mr. Joseph F. Gerdes and Mrs. Berna Itez-Gerdes Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Gerschel Jonathan S. Gershen ’86 and Ilene Gershen Dr. Beth Geter-Douglass Ms. Jill L. Goldman ’74 and Mr. Lawrence A. Richards The Honorable and Mrs. William S. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Griffith Griffith Family Foundation Brian A. Grossman ’04 Christine A. Grounds ’88

The Gordon and Llura Gund Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gund Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Haggerty III Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hall ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hall Jr. Ms. Christine Grant Halpern and Mr. Michael D. Halpern Mr. Zog Hamdia and Ms. Angie Latif Hamilton Jewelers Mr. and Mrs. Kendall M. Hamilton Dr. Lorena Riveroll-Hannush and Dr. Sadeer B. Hannush Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Harrison Dr. Zahid Hasan and Ms. Sarah Ahmed Mr. and Mrs. Judson R. Henderson ’92 Daniel R. Herr ’84 Hess Companies Mr. David Heubach J. Robert Hillier ’52 Ms. Debra J. Hillmanno and Ms. Patricia J. Hillmanno Elizabeth Griffith Hipp ’89 Dr. and Mrs. William S. Hirsch Deborah V. Hobler ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hofmann, Jr. Hofmann Family Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. C. Kent Hogshire Barbara Vaughn Hoimes ’78 Dr. Jason M. Hollander ’90 and Dr. Sarah Werbel Dr. and † Mrs. Charles B. Howard Timothy S. Howard ’86 Janie Hwang ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hynes Mary Hobler Hyson ’68 Mr. Premier I. Inyama Laura R. Jacobus ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Jamieson, Jr. JK3 Consulting LLC Kevin P. Johnson ’81 Mr. William T. Jones and Ms. Roxane Scurlock Jones Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Jusick Mr. Sanjay Kalra and Dr. Rakhi Kalra Drs. Sridhar and Vanaja Kanamaluru Mr. and Mrs. Amit Karande Timothy Q. Karcher ’86 Mr. Kamal Kasera and Ms. Ritu Jajodia Mr. Gaurav Khanna and Ms. Gurpinder Kaur Ms. Lena Khatcherian Mr. Paul P. Kiel and Ms. Ginger L. Mosier Won Suk Kim ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Klein Mitchell J. Klein ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig M. Koerte Mr. and Mrs. Vijaysinha R. Kokkirala Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kramsky Mr. and Mrs. Varadarajan Krishnan Mr. and Dr. Ashish Kumar Dr. Ramesh Kumar and Ms. Linda Matusick-Kumar Jeremy S. Kuris ’91 La Chele Medical Aesthetics, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Lambert III Samuel Wm. Lambert ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Conan Lane Sally Kuser Lane ’42 Sally K. Lane ’66 Mr. and Mrs. John Langeler Ms. Yvette Lanneaux Mr. and Mrs. James Y. Laughlin ’80


† deceased

Mr. Pankaj J. Patel and Ms. Tejal Gandhi Jeff R. Patterson ’78 Ms. Cynthia H. Peifer Margery Cuyler Perkins ’66 Jeffrey F. Perlman ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Persky Mr. and Mrs. Elwood W. Phares II Melissa J. Phares ’80 Mr. Andrew H. Philbrick and Dr. Susannah Wise Dr. Srinivasa R. Potluri and Mrs. Kranthi Yarlagadda Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Potter Mr. and Mrs. Michael Powers Mr. and Mrs. Michael Price Mr. and Mrs. Michael Prilutsky Princeton Brain & Spine Care, LLC / Dr. Nirav Shah Princeton Eye and Ear LLC Princeton Lacrosse Club Joseph D. Punia ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Z. Rabinowitz Mr. and Mrs. James S. Radvany Rebecca Ramsey ’71 Dr. and Mrs. Amrit Ray Mr. Kumar Reddy and Mrs. Shalini Reddy Mr. David Rehmus and Ms. Suzanne Farhat Mr. Michael Remsen Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reynolds III Thomas B. Reynolds ’72 Ms. Stephanie Richman ’87 and Mr. William Reilly James S. Riepe Family Foundation Gail Petty Riepe ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Patrik B. Ringblom Shepherd K. Roberts ’47 Joseph P. Rogers ’09 Arianna Rosati ’88 Dr. and Mrs. Leon E. Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Rosenberg Andrew A. Ross ’81 Peter R. Rossmassler ’47 Jeremy E. Rothfleisch ’88 Mr. Orville J. Rothrock Paul and Maureen Rourke Mr. and Mrs. David Rowntree Mr. Roman Rozenblat and Dr. Lisa Dobruskin Ms. Tracy Ruggiero Anne Russell-Barrett ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Ruvinsky Mr. and Mrs. Ravi Sakaria Mr. and Mrs. Steven Salem Mr. Mark J. Samse Mr. and Mrs. Lavesh Samtani Mr. and Mrs. George B. Sanderson Helen Behr Sanford ’68 J. Andrew Sanford ’78 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Schneider Jeffrey E. Schuss ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Derek Schwendinger Erik M. Schwiebert ’83 Dr. Nicos Scordis and Dr. Frances Katrishen Mr. and Mrs. David R. Scott Sebastiani Fencing Dr. William Segal and Dr. Leigh Segal Mr. Michael Seipp Mr. Gerard Sentveld and Ms. Lori Sentveld Mr. Alvin Seow and Ms. Seok Fun Tan Matthew H. Shaffer ’93 Ameesh R. Shah ’97 Dr. Maritoni C. Shah and Dr. Utpal S. Shah ’90 Donn and Robin Sharer Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Shavel

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sheridan IV The Honorable and Mrs. Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff Stephen M. Sinaiko ’85 Mr. Manesh Sindhwani and Mrs. Shekha Grover Dr. Shalabh Singhal and Dr. Shivani Srivastava Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Smith David B. Smoyer ’56 The David B. Smoyer Fund of Vanguard Charitable Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Smukler Barbara A. Spalholz ’74 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Stanton Stanton Ridge Golf and Country Club Starr Insurance Holdings, Incorporated State Street Matching Gift Program Maureen O. and Paul J. Stellato Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Stephenson Jon and Meredith Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stillwell Mr. Bernard J. Stiroh Jr. Craig C. Stuart ’87

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Law Jr. Mr. Robin B. Laylin and Ms. Laura D. Baird-Laylin Mr. Richard Leist Dr. Clayton E. Leopold Dr. Mara L. Leveson-Smith Mr. Jonathan Levy and Ms. Jill Nusbaum L. Campbell Levy ’91 Mr. Maoqi Li and Mrs. Michelle Xiong Mr. Ye Li and Ms. Angela Deng Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Lien Dr. Chun Lin and Ms. Guohong Cheng Drs. Douglas and Wai Lam Ling Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Lippman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Littman Mr. David Nin Shin Liu and Mrs. Celia W. Liu Mr. and Mrs. Jason N. Longo The Losam Fund Mr. Larry Lu and Ms. Kelly Zhan Mr. and Mrs. Jian Ma Mr. Paul S. Mackles and Ms. Ronni Blasz Dr. and Mrs. Ramy A. Mahmoud Mr. Vivek Malik and Ms. Seema Malik Dr. Burton G. Malkiel and Dr. Nancy Weiss Malkiel Mr. Parvez Mansuri and Mrs. Sunitha Banda Marsh & McLennan Companies, Incorporated Mr. Danny Marsh and Mrs. Brandice Osborne-Gwynn Marsh ’97 Mr. Daniel A. Marshall and Dr. Rebecca G. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. John S. Marshall ’81 Louise Scheide Marshall Kelly ’60 Barbara and Ross Martinson Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mascali The Edward E. and Marie L. Matthews Foundation The Estate of Leslie C. McAneny Colin C. McAneny ’45 Mr. Joseph D. McCarthy and Mrs. Livia Wong McCarthy ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. McClatchy Mr. and Mrs. James McInnes Howard McMorris II ’59 MGN Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Miller Robert Carter Miller, Jr. ’51 Mr. Kewei Ming and Mrs. Zhanyun Zhao Dr. Surya P. Mohanty and Dr. Elli Louka Dr. Robert More and Mrs. Susan More Mr. and Mrs. C. Schuyler Morehouse Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts Program Patience Morgan-Irigoyen ’66 Dr. Michael J. Mundenar and Mrs. Jill Mundenar Dr. and Mrs. Sagar Munjal Marcia Goetze Nappi ’52 Nearly New Shop LLC Dr. Hong Ni and Ms. Xun Xu Dr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Nini Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Nusblatt ’79 Ober Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Ober, Jr. Thomas N. O’Connor ’71 Erik L. Oliver ’90 Nicholas De Jongh Osborne ’80 Michael J. Paci ’90 Els and Peter Paine Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Paine III Mr. Albert Pamudji and Ms. Fabienne Yu Mr. and Mrs. Nishith Parikh

Mr. Christian Suerig Austin P. Sullivan, Jr. ’54 Mr. Thomas J. Sullivan and Ms. Bonnie L. Higgins Mr. Winston Sun and Ms. Sarah Karchere Mr. Yongliang Sun and Mrs. Weiwen Hu Susquehanna International Group Mr. Anders Svensson and Mrs. Maria Carell Martha Sullivan Sword ’73 Target - Take Charge of Education Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard Teti II Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Thomas Penny and Ted Thomas Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Ms. Jill L. Thomas The Honorable Anne E. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Dake Tian Toggle Home FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Mr. Andrew M. Toscano Ms. Maribeth M. Trainor and Dr. Timothy Trainor Jonathan E. Trend ’91 and Rachel Bridgeman Trend ’91 George D. Treves ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Carlton H. Tucker h’ 13 Mr. Robert D. Tuckman Karen M. Turner ’72 UBS Matching Gift Program Mr. Tae Um and Dr. Teresa Oh Karen Callaway Urisko ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Van Dusen Mr. and Mrs. George A. Vaughn III Verizon Foundation William H. von Oehsen III ’76 Ms. Joan Walker Kelly Lambert Walker ’83 Dr. Michael Walker and Dr. Jinghua Liu Mr. Arthur Wallace Jennifer A. Walsh ’76 Lisbeth A. Warren ’71 Mr. Dave Watson

Mrs. Douglas R. Webb Mr. David F. Weeks and Ms. Kathleen Gerritz Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Westcott Rena Ann Whitehouse ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Whitney Whole Kids Foundation Ian P. Wijaya ’95 and Anupa Shah Wijaya ’94 Mr. Robert N. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wright Mr. Cheng Wu and Ms. Julia He Mr. Daguang Xu and Ms. Yirong An Laurie Bryant Young ’71 Mr. Chaowen M. Zhang and Mrs. Min Ye Mr. and Mrs. Lin Zhang Mr. Shudan Zhang and Mrs. Shirley Zhang JOURNAL

Dr. Yehong Zhang and Dr. Janet Zhang Mr. Zhanjiang Zhang and Ms. Runlian Fu Dr. Jiang Zhao and Ms. Ruozhen Chen Mr. Qiufeng Zheng and Mrs. Hui Li Mr. Jianfeng Zhu and Ms. Jinxin Jiang Mr. Tim Zhu and Ms. Joan Wang

Friends This level recognizes gifts up to $499.

Anonymous (24) Christian B. Aall ’74 Diana Lewis Abbott ’74 Ms. Faria Abedin Joseph Abelson ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Abrams Dr. Alexander M. Ackley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Acquaviva Mr. Zoltan Adam and Mrs. Priscilla N. Adam ’74 Ms. Denise R. Adams Mr. Mark S. Adams Adobe Mr. and Mrs. Edem K. Afemeku John W. Ager III ’79 Amy Lysbeth Ahrens ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Olalekan A. Akinyanmi Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Albert Katharine L. Alden ’15 Llewellyn Hall Alden ’53 Mary Elizabeth Rodgers Alexander ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Allen Lylah M. Alphonse ’90 Claire H. E. Alsup ’07 Daniel Altman ’09 Kalyn E. Altmeyer ’13 Sydney Altmeyer ’11 Jacob P. Alu ’15 Amazon Smile Foundation Amber Spa of Pennington AMC Movie Theater American Express Gift Matching Program Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Ammidon III Glenna Weisberg Andersen ’73 Jessica Collins Anderson ’98 Mrs. Leah Anderson Hope Rose Angier ’66 Maya Anjur-Dietrich ’11 Selena Anjur-Dietrich ’13 Alison K. Anuzis ’05 Mr. Bertin Aparicio and Ms. Maria Reyes Apple Mr. Eric J. Applegate and Ms. Deborah B. Tesser Mr. Andrew Aprill Adrian E. Arroyo ’00 Mr. William M. Asch and Dr. Gina Del Giudice Stratos G. Athanassiades ’80 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Atkeson Mary E. Atkeson ’13 Meade F. Atkeson ’11 Mr. Sasi K. Atluri and Ms. Rajyalakshmi Nimmagadda Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Augustus Mr. Daniel Auslander and Ms. Molly McDougald Susan Carter Avanzino ’60 James Aversano III ’89 Brian J. Avery ’00 Andrew Babick ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Babick Louise Mason Bachelder ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Sanjeev Bagaria Brittany B. E. Bagley ’01

J. Keith Baicker ’78 Doug W. Bailey ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Jaideep S. Bajaj Gordon McAllen Baker ’51 Ms. Janet L. Baker John C. Baker ’62 Richard W. Baker III ’58 Neal A. Bakshi ’10 Susan Smith Baldwin ’57 Dr. Kimberly A. Ballinger and Mr. Eric Rosenthal Patience Outerbridge Banister ’63 Elizabeth Carter Bannerman ’58 Bar Method Mr. Joseph L. Barbara Barbour Barclays Capital Eleanor J. Barnes ’76 David A. Barondess. ’78 Ara Baronian ’91 and Edith Roberts Baronian ’90 Ms. Tanya D. Barr Ms. Orelia Barrientos Ellen C. Bartolino ’13 Sabrina B. Barton ’78 Evan K. Bash ’74 Tracey Spinner Baskin ’00 Abhijit Basu ’10 Christian A. Batcha ’91 T. Courtenay Batcha ’92 and Susan Dolan Batcha ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Manish Bathla Anna E. Batterman ’15 Paul A. Batterman ’13 Sophia Godfrey Bauer ’68 Jay V. Bavishi ’05 Amelia R. Baxter-Stoltzfus ’06 Mr. Jamison Bean David Beard ’07 Mr. C. Sean Beardsley Holly Burks Becker ’77 Ms. Janet Becker Katherine A. Becker ’66 Ms. Amy E. Beckford Mr. Marc Beja Derek R. Bell ’13 Jason D. Bender ’04 Dr. Kofi D. Benefo and Dr. Prema A. Kurien Sarah C. Benioff ’84 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bennett IV Laura S. Bennett ’85 Lisa Kmiec Bentz ’90 Carly S. Berger ’04 Thomas J. Berger ’70 Courtney C. Bergh ’02 Lauren E. Berk ’08 Maya J. Bermingham ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bernardi Bernards Salon Dr. Steven H. Bernstein and Ms. Elizabeth Morath Ms. Shonell Best Brown Ms. Naimah Beyah Mr. Swaminathan Bhaskar and Ms. Indira Viswanathan Suveer Bhatia ’14 Lakhram Bhisham ’12 Ms. Poonam Bhuchar Davin Bialow ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Todd B. Bialow Mary Carol Bilderback ’66 Mrs. Corinne E. Bilodeau Lillie G. Binder ’04


Hilary Bing Butera ’81 Charles J. Buttaci ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Buttenheim Jodie Platt Butz ’71 Eric M. Bylin ’85 Jill C. Cacciola ’13 Frederica Cagan-Doeringer ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cahill David Caliguire ’13 Melissa Rosendorf Calvert ’91 Mr. Luis A. Camacho Robin Ackerman Cameron ’98 Vance G. Camisa ’79 Christopher C. Campbell ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Campbell Ms. Leslie Campbell Tanner J. Campbell ’07 Canal Frame-Crafts Gallery Mr. Dave Cancela Annabelle Brainard Canning ’77 Caitlin Cannon ’11 Dennis Cannon ’10 Henry B. Cannon III ’53 Ms. Tara Cannon Ms. Christine Cantera Rachel Cantlay ’13 M. Daniel Cantor ’71 Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Capinpin Dr. Nicholas F. Cappuccino and Ms. Melissa Pavloski Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Cara Ms. Eva Carey James Carey, Jr. ’57 Mackenzie Carpenter ’72 Mr. Kevin Carroll and Dr. Kellyann Petrucci Ms. Donna D. Carson Hope Hemphill Carter ’46 Theodore J. Casey ’10 Mr. Laurent Cash Mrs. Kristina Castor Brian P. Caulin ’04 Nancy Chen Cavanaugh ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Mario Cecila Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Cedeno Jessica M. Cellars ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. Cerna Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chalek Patricia Sly Chamberlain ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Chang Mark W. Chatham ’96 Mr. William Chaves and Ms. Olga Gamboa Chazlu Chazmatazz Formalwear Jaye Chen ’86 Jean Chen ’93 Jennifer L. Chen ’13 Kevin Chen ’11 Lauren E. Chen ’10 Dr. Lei Chen and Dr. Yanhong Zhang Mr. Richard X. Chen and Ms. Fei Mo Zachary J. Cherry ’06 Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Chew Chez Alice Steven A. Chiavarone ’01 Robert M. Chibbaro ’86 Mr. Alan Chimacoff and Ms. Joan S. Girgus Christopher Chomiak ’07 Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin Chomiak Elaine N. Chou ’88 Jonathan L. Chow ’07 Simone K. Christen ’11 Thomas D. Chubet ’61

Amy Venable Ciuffreda ’88 David T. Claghorn ’71 John W. Claghorn III ’68 Henry J. Clancy ’86 Ann Kinczel Clapp ’59 Carol Bonner Clark ’66 Andrew Clayton ’14 Phyllis Vandewater Clement ’40 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Clingman Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Cluett Brendan D. Clune ’12 Polly Dickey Cockburn ’66 Dr. Frans M. Coetzee and Dr. Catherine A. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Craig Coffey The David and Olive Coghlan Charitable Giving Fund David Coghlan ’07 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Coghlan Ms. Arlene B. Cohen Benjamin Cohen ’11 Mrs. Stephanie A. Hanzel Cohen and Mr. Daniel Cohen Mr. Morton Cohen Ms. Wendy Cohen Jo Cornforth Coke ’55 Barbara Cole ’13 Kathleen Gorman Colket ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Collura Justin Colnaghi ’07 Ms. Maritza Colon Robert Colton ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Colton Mr. David S. Congdon Mr. Matthew Connolly Hilary T. Cook ’04 Michael B. Cook ’89 Carolyn S. Cooper ’92 Sara E. Cooper ’80 Ms. Mary H. Cosby Guillaume Cossard ’10 Michael L. Costa ’04 Gail M. Cotton ’62 Deanna Counts ’13 Evelyn Turner Counts ’74 Elizabeth Mason Cousins ’78 Dr. William Christian Cousins Mr. and Mrs. Brock L. Covington Mrs. Jean D. Crane Allissa C. Crea ’06 Jameson M. Creager ’11 Sandra Benson Cress ’77 Joan Knapp Crocker ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cronheim Dr. and Mrs. Barrington Cross Brian C. Crowell ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Crowell Kathleen Crowell ’15 Mr. Ernest Cruikshank III Crum & Forster Matching Gifts Mrs. Florence Cucchi Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Cucchi Adrena N. Cunningham ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Cutts Dr. G. Grenville Cuyler ’53 D.E. Shaw Lisa A. Dadian ’06 Nia I. Daids ’15 Ravindra V. Dalal ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Dallessio Ms. Susan Daly-Rouse and Mr. Charles B. Rouse

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Mr. and Mrs. Sanford B. Bing h’87 Mr. Joel Binkowitz Lauren Kostinas Birkhold ’99 Biro Family Charitable Gift Fund Peter F. Biro ’87 Cynthia H. Bishop ’73 Lewis Blackburn ’14 Peter A. Blackburn ’11 David B. Blair ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Blakes The Blue Dish Fund Elizabeth B. Bennett Blue ’74 bluemercury Mr. Christopher B. Bobbitt and Ms. Tiffany L. Smith Mrs. Dawn Z. Bocian and Mr. David A. Bocian Stephanie L. Bogart ’83 Thomas W. Bohnett ’02 Christopher P. Bonnaig ’11 Jeremy T. Bonner ’71 Susan J. Bonthron ’66 Samuel H. Borden ’81 Leys M. Bostrom ’98 Kayla Bostwick ’10 Christina Bowen ’13 Elena V. Bowen ’09 Jacquelyn Bowen ’07 Joanna L. Bowen ’03 Lewis C. Bowers II ’70 Box Tops for Education Mr. Gavinn Boyce and Ms. Nakeesha Witherspoon-Boyce Mrs. Anne D. Boyd Wendy McAneny Bradburn ’50 Griffith S. Braddock ’93 Carol Harris Bradley ’56 Mary Young Bragado ’67 Caylin E. L. Brahaney ’11 Ariana Jakub Brandes ’99 Mr. Ryan Brechmacher Andrew T. Breitenberg ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brent Benjamin T. Brickner ’00 and Kathryn Babick Brickner ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Brill Jeremy Brinster ’09 Clark B. Bristol ’06 Mr. Cedric Brittingham and Mrs. Davina Brittingham Mr. and Mrs. David Broeker David K. Bromwich ’97 Katie Brossman ’08 Ralph M. Brown III ’75 Ted L. Brown ’74 Theodore R. Brown ’08 Jonathan H. Brush ’81 Mrs. Katharine R. Brush Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Bryan Dr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Bucher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buckelew William E. Bucklee ’12 Dr. and Mrs. Scott W. Burke Mr. David L. Burkett Judith and William Burks Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Brenda Wren Burman ’85 Brian M. Burns ’12 Alexander S. Burnstan ’48 Elissa I. Burr ’94 Jan Hall Burruss ’72 Dr. Dave A. Burwell

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. D’Andrea Mrs. Flora Datta James P. Daubert ’76 Leslie Shapiro Davenport ’06 Jessica D’Altrui Davidson ’96 Joan Nadler Davidson ’60 H. Andrew Davies II ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Davis Ms. Elizabeth S. Davis Megan Davis ’10 Ms. Stephanie J. Davis Thomas G. Davis, Jr. ’13 Tonya Elmore Davis ’85 Ayana N. Dawkins ’12 Samantha Levine Dawson ’85 Mr. Richard Day and Dr. Ellen Gakis-Day Ronald A. de Villa ’91 Mr. Guy K. Dean ’55 and Mrs. Victoria N. Dean Sabrina Deana-Roga ’11 Alexandra DeCandia ’11 Richard K. Delano ’62 Charles C. Denby ’00 Mr. and Ms. Shaojian Deng Elise Chase Dennis ’61 Margaret Woodbridge Dennis ’65 Paige Dennis-Mundenar ’12 Anne Carples Denny ’53 Mr. John H. Denny, Sr. John H. Denny, Jr. ’81 Robert D. Deutsch ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Devlin Katherine Chimacoff Dickens ’04 Mr. Donald T. Dickson Mr. Peter Dickson and Ms. Janet Zoubek Dickson Matthew L. Dickson ’93 Stephen M. Dillon ’10 Mr. Robert DiMatteo and Ms. Denise King Ellen Freedman Dingman ’58 Mr. Evan Dong and Ms. Joanna Ng Mr. Ryan Donovan and Mrs. Kristina O’Brien-Donovan John L. Dorazio, Jr. ’00 Mr. Stuart C. Dorman II Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dougherty Wylie O’Hara Doughty ’63 Mr. Eamon M. Downey Pierre R. Downing ’00 Robert A. Drabiuk ’96 Ms. Sally Drayer Mr. Richard C. Dreher and Mrs. Diane M. Dreher Jonathan W. Drezner ’81 Benjamin D. Dubrovsky ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dudeck Ms. Jeanne M. Duff Christina Bachelder Dufresne ’77 Sarah L. Dutton ’76 Joseph Duvall ’12 Sara J. Dwyer ’15 Emily Dyckman ’15 Molly Jamieson Eberhardt ’04 Mr. James L. Eberly and Dr. Andrea C. Eberly Richard H. Eckels ’62 Martha Thompson Eckfeldt ’60 Susan J. Ecroyd ’72 Katherine E. Edelblut ’14 Dr. and Mrs. Norman H. Edelman Andie J. Edelson ’14 Asher Edelson ’15 Educational Testing Service Jettie Edwards ’64 William Edwards, Jr. ’63


Efinger’s Sporting Goods, Incorporated Mrs. Thomas W. Eglin Ashley M. Egner ’12 Mrs. Debra C. Egner J. Scott Egner ’81 and Kathryn Gellenbeck ’87 John E. Egner ’14 Sophia Eisenberg ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ekroth Katherine C. Elbert ’10 Andrea Hall Elish ’88 Dr. and Mrs. Demetrius Ellis Sarah H. Elmaleh ’02 Leslie Elmore ’86 The Elsevier Foundation Mr. Yasir Eltayeb and Mrs. Rabab Ahmed Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Emann Emo Terra Restaurant Group Mr. Paul and Reverend Joanne Epply-Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan I. Epstein Mrs. Donelia Erazo and Mr. Wilson Estrada Mr. Thaddeus Erdahl and Ms. Stephanie Stuefer Carleton P. Erdman ’76 David Erdman ’46 Jody Erdman ’72 Mrs. Judy Erdman Michael P. Erdman ’50 Andrew Erickson ’15 Caroline E. Erickson ’15 Diane Erickson ’70 Ericsson Evelyn E. Esteban Carias ’14 H. Porter Eubank, Jr. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Brad W. Evans Zachary Faigen ’01 Alexis Fairman ’14 Eric Falcon ’11 Leah G. Falcon ’13 Dana DeCore Falconi ’96 Katherine J. Fanok ’03 Ms. Laurence M. Farhat Mrs. Jean Farina Laura Farina ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Farina Robert M. Farina ’00 Ms. Heather Farlow Ms. Audrey Farrior Taylor Fasolo ’14 Mr. and Mrs. David Fay Anne Bishop Faynberg ’73 Molly Ober Fechter-Leggett ’96 Mr. Michael J. Feder and Ms. Debbie Wang Mr. and Mrs. John Fehn Douglas A. Fein ’79 Peri Feldstein ’15 Jake V. Felton ’09 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Felton Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Fenton Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Fenton Maddie S. Ferguson ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Ferguson E. Robert Fernholz ’55 Philip A. Ferrante ’81 Michael K. Ferry ’92 Mr. and Mrs. George B. Finley III Mr. and Mrs. James T. Finnegan Rory E. Finnegan ’14 Samuel C. Finnell ’74 and Mary Murdoch Finnell ’76 Adam Fisch ’11 Benjamin Fisch ’08 Jacob M. Fisch ’06

Professor Nathaniel J. Fisch and Dr. Tobe M. Fisch Brian Fishbein ’09 Helena J. Fishbein ’04 Ellen M. Fisher ’73 Peter S. Fisher ’03 Susan Stix Fisher ’72 Mrs. David S. Fitton, Sr. Sean Flahive ’15 Gillian B. Flato ’88 Bill Flemer ’71 and Louise Hutner ’70 Anne Dennison Fleming ’77 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fletcher Louise Matthews Flickinger ’83 Barbara Russell Flight ’77 Christina P. Flores ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Mahmood M. Khan Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Flory Flutter Boutique Mr. and Mrs. Edmund O. Folkes Nancy Shannon Ford ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Forer Leif C. Forer ’98 Ms. Betty Ann Fort Sarah V. Fort ’02 Julia E. Foster ’06 Mrs. Nichole Foster-Hinds Dr. Judith R. Fox and Dr. David A. Loomar Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fragale Harrison S. Fraker, Jr. ’57 Francfort Family Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Gregory P. Francfort and Ms. Patricia A. Francfort Gregory R. Francfort ’08 Kevin E. Francfort ’11 Meghan P. Francfort ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Frank Mr. and Mrs. Paul Franzoni Sr. Karen M. Fraser ’65 Karen P. Fredericks ’89 Mr. David M. Freedholm and Ms. Maria Shepard Joshua M. Freedholm ’04 Mr. Jeffrey J. Freedman and Dr. Melissa H. Hubsher Freedman Zachary J. Freedman ’14 Bradley Freid ’13 Alison Frieder ’11 Elizabeth Frieder ’13 Jessica Frieder ’11 Karen Hoffman Friedlander ’69 Rachel S. Friedman ’96 Wendy Frieman ’74 Jenna Fritz ’12 Edward S. Frohling ’39 Elaine Polhemus Frost ’53 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Frothingham Mrs. Pamela K. Frothingham H. Dawn Feldman Fukuda ’88 Scott W. Fulmer ’86 Agnes S. Fulper ’54 Beverly and Jack Gallagher Ms. Jennifer L. Gallagher Ms. Amy Gallo ’03 and Mr. Brian Hickel Ms. Debbie Gallo Fanya Stansbury Gallo ’91 Joseph A. Gallo ’99 Mr. Stephen R. Gallo Kathryn Muccino Gandhi ’91 Mr. Francisco Garcia and Ms. Estela Gervacio Delia Smith Gardiner ’79


Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Grounds Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Guarino ’79 Mr. Todd B. Gudgel and Ms. Colleen A. Foy The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Mr. Robel Gugsa and Ms. Sharon Legesse Alexandra Smith Gunderson ’75 Elizabeth C. Gutman ’81 Kari Zarzecki Habay ’98 Tony A. Hack ’03 George C.S. Hackl ’48 Mr. John J. Hagan and Mrs. Leslie J. Hagan Joseph D. Haggerty II ’15 Elma Hajric ’11 Colleen Coffee Hall ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Harleston J. Hall, Jr. Jake T. Hall ’14 Lily W. Halpern ’12 Mr. Andrew C. Hamlin and Ms. Kathleen Deignan Charles L. Hamlin ’06 Emily G. Hamlin ’03 Sam D. Hamlin ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Hancock Owen S. Haney ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Haney Edward B. Hannush ’14

Michael L. Hart ’68 Sara Zoe Hart ’96 Ms. Shannon S. Hartley Mr. Gene Hartway Emmeline Morehouse Hatcher ’08 Jenny Chandler Hauge ’78 Charlotte P. Hayden ’14 Mary Fenn Hazeltine ’52 Summer L. Headley ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop S. Headley Mark A. Heald ’43 Elizabeth C. Healy ’69 Sylvia Taylor Healy Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Brooke N. Heap ’15 Jane A. Heap ’89 Maren Levine Hefler ’99 Laura H. Heins ’88 John H. Helmick ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Helmick Mandy J. Helwig ’00 Mrs. Margaret Henderson Matthew C. Henderson ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henkel Ms. Gayle Henkin and Mr. Thomas P. Smith

Rosalind Waskow Hansen ’81 Eliza Hanson ’10 Elizabeth Mills Hardie ’71 James F. Harding, Jr. ’04 Julia Fulper Hardt ’61 Caroline Erdman Hare ’75 James J. Harford, Jr. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Harman Lynn Prior Harrington ’54 Mr. Andrew Harris and Ms. Rona MacInnes Hilary Katherine Harris ’97 Susan Denise Harris ’69 W. Andrew Harris ’57 Anne Harrison-Clark ’56 Brendan G. Hart ’00 Cary Smith Hart ’64 Ms. Christine N. Hart and Mr. Michio Soga Jacquelyn Hart ’16 Jason M. Hart ’94

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Henry Brooks P. Herr ’10 Lorraine M. Herr ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Herr Katherine Greenberg Herrera ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Herscovici Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Herzer Andrea Hicks ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Higgins Elizabeth Alsop Hinchman ’56 Joanne Kind Hinton ’76 Mr. Jerry I. Hirniak and Ms. Harriet Davidson Eric D. Hochberg ’98 Susan C. Hockings ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Remi J. Hocquaux Mr. and Mrs. Jerold B. Hoffman Katherine Gulick Hoffman ’72 Lynn Wiley Hoffman ’66 Robert M. Hoffman ’15

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Alfred W. Gardner ’44 and Katharine Gulick Gardner ’48 Ms. Maureen E. Gargione Julia Penick Garry ’77 Matthew Garry ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Gary John M. Gaston III ’62 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Moore Gates, Jr. ’42 Sheridan L. Gates ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gates ’78 Sally Harries Gauldie ’66 Rosette Gault ’69 Mr. Evans Gebhardt and Ms. Tanya Tuccillo Sydney M. Gecha ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Gennari Andrew V. Gentile ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Donald George Santiago Gepigon III ’13 Jane L. Gerb ’81 Miss Jody Gerlock Adam G. Gershen ’15 Alexander E. Gershen ’13 Kalla A. Gervasio ’08 Mr. Louis Giannotti and Dr. Maria Bartolozzi Christopher H. Gibson ’10 Coby V. Gibson ’17 Connor E. Gibson ’12 Mr. and Mrs. David Gibson Katherine W. Gibson ’11 Mr. Peter E. Gibson and Mrs. Marjorie Wallace Gibson ’84 Ms. Victoria Gibson Cameron B. Giles ’11 Louise Whipple Gillock ’73 Erica Glancey ’12 Tara Glancey ’10 Tessica Glancey ’08 Dr. Robert A. Glasgold and Dr. Jean Goh Dr. Judith A. Glogau ’76 and Mr. Frederick Razzaghi Alexander J. Gluck ’10 Ms. Sheila S. Goeke Robert Goldberg ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Golden Zachary L. Golden ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Goldeski Mr. Arjuna J. Goldman Daniel P. Goldman ’83 Emily Goldman ’14 Mark Goodman ’81 Gregory P. Gordon ’89 Mr. Jeffrey Gorman and Ms. Faith West Gorman Amanda Suomi Gorrie ’99 William P. Graff ’75 Mrs. Sarah M. Graham and Mr. Kevin Graham Mr. and Mrs. Rick Granato Mark E. Gray ’96 Mr. Thomas L. Gray, Jr. David Greek ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Green, Sr. Mr. William W. Green Darren Greenblatt Drs. Christopher and Dorota Gribbin Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ley A. Huntington Griffith ’12 Ms. Jane E. Grigger Joan Daniels Grimley ’46 Kevin J. Groome ’81 Jessica T. Grossi ’03 Alice Lee Groton ’78

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Kyle Hogan ’05 Benjamin A. Hohmuth ’90 Ms. Eileen Hohmuth-Lemonick and Mr. Michael D. Lemonick F. Patrick Holmes III ’99 Julia Cornforth Holofcener ’61 Hon Sushi Honey Perkins Family Foundation, Incorporated Hopewell Valley Tennis and Swim Center Christopher J. Horan ’79 Dr. and Mrs. Philip Hornick Stephanie T. Horowitz ’00 Sharon Abeel Hosley ’69 Todd A. Hovanec ’92 Mr. Erik Hove Mr. and Mrs. John B. Howe Mary Lawson-Johnston Howe ’85 Benjamin F. Howell, Jr. ’32 Robert D. Hrabchak ’13 Nicole and Richard Hughes Julia Stabler Hull ’76 Cara L. Hume ’12 D. Dylan Hume ’11 Daniel M. Humphrey ’12 Lynch W. Hunt, Jr. ’85 Mr. Darren Greenblatt and Mr. Samuel Hunt Susan Fritsch Hunter ’67 Deborah Huntington ’71 Aubrey Huston III ’64 Nathaniel C. Hutner ’65 Simeon H. Hutner ’77 Louise H. Hutter ’13 Dr. Joshua Im and Dr. Anna Lee The Interview Specialist Alexander Ioffreda ’11 Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Ioffreda Gwyneth Hamel Iredale ’76 Louise Russell Irving ’40 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Izzard Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jackson Molly Menand Jacobs ’57 Alice Jacobson ’63 Emily V. Jaeckel ’11 Nicholas B. Jaeckel ’14 Mr. Theodore R. Jaeckel Jr. ’77 and Mrs. Gretchen L. Jaeckel Dr. Robert Jaffe and Dr. H.D. Sara Rovno Ms. Tamara Jakub Mr. and Mrs. Tariq Jamal Katie E. James ’06 Mr. John H. Jameson Kathleen O. Jamieson ’96 David E. Janhofer ’08 Dr. Guenter R. Janhofer and Ms. Liliana Janhofer M. Emily Janhofer ’12 Ahsen S. Janjua ’99 JaZams Emily Miller Jee ’93 Sally Lincoln Jeffery ’76 Mariel Jenkins ’09 Sydney Jenkins ’11 Andrew M. Jensen ’79 Pam and Eric R. Jensen ’82 Mrs. Gairda Jensen Sophie A. Jensen ’15 Dr. and Ms. Randon Jerris Mr. Fei Jiang and Ms. Linda Guo Dr. Lin Jiang and Dr. Nan Shao Ms. Barbara L. Johnson Benjamin T. Johnson ’03 Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson


Livingston Johnson ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Johnson Steward Johnson ’08 Alexandra Johnston ’97 Bradford D. Johnston ’94 Joseph R. Joiner, Jr. ’03 Alec T. Jones ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Jones Russell P. Joye ’04 Ms. Edith Juarez J. Stephen Judge ’76 Richard B. Judge, Jr. ’69 Mea Aall Kaemmerlen ’64 William R. Kales II ’55 Lovika Kalra ’10 Shilpa Kalra ’04 Ms. Rachel Kamen David R. Kamenstein ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Kampe Margaret DeVries Kane ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kane Mr. Nanda Kanuri and Dr. Kavitha Kanuri Emma Kaplan ’15 Jay S. Karandikar ’13 Neil S. Karandikar ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Renard Kardhashi Anjuli Karna ’13 Dr. and Mrs. Upendra L. Karna Emily Rothrock Kastler ’76 Jacob Kaufman ’11 Jonas Kaufman ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Kaufman Michael A. Kearney ’15 William Kearney ’11 Kelley Keegan ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Keegan Jr. Thomas M. Keegan III ’12 Kaylie Keesling Nicole A. L. Keim ’12 Scott H. Kelberg ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Keller Dale Marzoni Kellogg ’66 Samuel M. Kelly ’11 Ms. Holly A. Kenny M. Daryl Janick Kent ’73 Hilary Thompson Kenyon ’53 Jane Henderson Kenyon ’79 Taylor Kenyon ’08 Barbara Thomsen Kerckhoff ’69 J. Regan Kerney ’61 Hope Thompson Kerr ’53 Virginia Myer Kester ’72 Sameer Khan Mr. and Mrs. Bharat Khandelwal Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kiel Thomas M. Kilkenny ’13 Jennifer A. Kim ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kim L. Chloe King ’55 Ms. Tunisia D. King Mr. and Mrs. David Kirczow Dr. and Mrs. Krishna Kishore Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Klei Courtney I. Klein ’11 Rob Klein ’12 Mariah Howe Klein ’94 † Lewis C. Kleinhans III ’46 Carly R. Kliment ’11 Howard W. Kline ’03 James R. Knill II ’88 Alexis Arlett Kochmann ’77

Ms. Katherine Koenigsknecht Christina Koerte ’02 Matthew P. Kohut ’83 Mr. and Mrs. John Konopka Mr. John T. Konopka III Mr. John Kopacz Philip Kopper ’52 Dr. and Mrs. Allen J. Korenjak Carolyn Kossow ’13 Mrs. Marie Koutsouros Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kovacevich Laura Perhach Kowal ’90 Allison Gilbert Kozicharow ’70 Sesaly Gould Krafft ’45 Jake D. Kramer ’11 Richard B. Kramer ’71 Ms. Elisabeth Krebs Mr. and Mrs. Eric Krebs Justin M. Krebs ’96 Mr. Sergey Kriloff and Ms. Galina Flider Blythe Anne Kropf ’71 Deborah Moore Krulewitch ’61 Lisa Somerstein Kulka ’87 Abha A. Kulkarni ’13 Mr. Kiran Kumar and Dr. Anita Kumar Saarika Kumar ’15 Benjamin B. Kuris ’93 Gabriel M. Kuris ’99 Jeffrey Kurtz ’98 Lawrence Q. Kuser ’60 Mr. Andrew Kusminsky and Mrs. Rachel Zublatt Kusminsky ’94 Ms. Gabrielle Kyriakides and Mr. Jason Serino Lace Silhouettes Lingerie Ms. Ania Lach Mr. Michael P. Lackey and Dr. Archana Pradhan Lackey Yahya A. Ladiwala ’15 Dr. Lawrence P. Lai and Dr. Jipan Xie Christopher D. Lake ’90 Elizabeth A. Lake ’92 Kelly Bencze Lake ’86 Tammy Lam ’08 Trevor J. Lamb ’00 Ms. Christine Lamin Mr. David H. LaMotte and Ms. Jani Rachelson Emily M. Exter Lampshire ’08 Mr. Yaolong Lan and Ms. Weiping Dong Jared P. Lander ’00 Catherine S. Lane ’71 Stephen Lane ’64 Teresa D. Lane ’79 Caroline Savage Langan ’53 Caroline and John Langan Charitable Fund Keely Langdon ’07 Larimar Ms. Alexandra L. Lasevich Harrison A. Latham ’15 Drs. Karen and Andrew Latham Logan S. Laughlin ’06 Ms. Jennifer B. Laurash Yuki Moore Laurenti ’75 Rebecca B. Lavinson ’09 William John Laylin ’13 Sarah Sword Lazarus ’81 Robert M. Leahy, Jr. ’80 Susan H. Lebovitz ’89 Ms. Lauren Ledley Ms. Caroline Lee Christina S. Lee ’00 † Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Lee


Laura Mali-Astrue ’74 Mr. Benjamin Malone Mr. and Mrs. Cristopher Maloney Bian H. Maloney ’15 Michael Malyn ’08 Mr. Timothy H. Manahan and Dr. Julie Caucino Mr. Nicholas Manela Mr. Anthony J. Mangino and Ms. Nicole Reiners Mangino Alexander K. Manka ’95 Alexa L. Manley ’11 Brielle Manley ’09 Ms. Jessica Manners Jennifer Brannon Manning ’80 Mr. Michael S. Manning and Mrs. Sharon L. Hoffman-Manning Mrs. Florence Manno Eva Mantell ’81 Matthew S. Mantell ’10 Dr. Mia Manzulli Charles F. Mapes, Jr. ’48 Vasiliki E. Maragoudakis ’12

Erich H. Matthes ’03 Emily C. Matthews ’14 Matt’s Red Rooser Grill Mr. Tim W. E. Maudlin and Mrs. Vishnya Maudlin Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Lester R. Mayer Linda Eglin Mayer ’79 Ms. Janet Mayo David M. Maziarz ’91 David H. McAlpin, Jr. ’43 The McAlpin Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John McArthur Nancy Kendall McCabe ’74 Erin C. McCaffrey ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. McCain Scott M. McCarron ’08 John F. McCarthy III ’62 John F. McCarthy IV ’04 Perry L. McCarthy ’11 Tania Lawson-Johnston McCleery ’71 Ann I. McClellan ’68

Mr. Yves Marcuard and Ms. Cheryl D. Whitney Richard G. Marcus ’62 Katherine K. Marquis ’92 Daniel Marrow ’11 Allison Mascioli ’14 Allison Marshall ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Marshall, Jr. Jennifer M. Martin ’12 Mr. Amando Martinez and Mrs. Luisa Paz-Medina Ms. Ruth Y. Martinez Dr. and Mrs. Frank Masino Janet M. Masterton ’70 Habibullah Masuod ’01 Bennett J. Matelson ’88 Mr. Henry H. Matelson Sabrina Matlock ’15 Dr. Elisa Matthes

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McClellan Robert N. McClellan ’77 Edward R. McCluskey ’71 Jo Schlossberg McConaghy ’67 Mrs. Patricia P. McCord Erin McCormick ’04 Alexandra K. McCourt ’11 David T. McCourt ’09 Sean W. McCoy ’12 Ian D. McCue ’06 Mr. Robert McCulloch and Ms. Jennifer Bazin Ms. Channing McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Deryck McDonald Mary Sword McDonough ’75 Anne L. McDougald ’87 Frank A. McDougald III ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGill Ms. Shamlie N. McInnis Mr. Daniel McIntosh

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Grace Lee ’15 Mr. Harvey Lee Julia R. Lee ’44 Laura Dennison Leeson ’80 Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Lefkowitz Hannah L. Lemonick ’06 Suzanne E. Lengyel ’84 Eleanor Vandewater Leonard ’44 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Leonardi Courtney Leopold ’06 Martha Hicks Leta ’79 Galete J. Levin ’96 Benjamin N. Levine ’14 Ms. Jennifer Levine Louis S. Levine ’69 Dr. and Mrs. Marc J. Levine Stacey Namm Levine ’92 Mr. Fred M. Levinton and Ms. Elizabeth M. Phillips Arielle Miller Levitan ’90 Daniella R. Levitan ’13 Amanda Levy ’06 Claudia Simms Lewis ’85 Samantha E. Lieb ’11 Carol M. Lifland ’73 Charles C. Lifland ’75 and Alison Hopfield Lifland ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Chin F. Lin Lindt of Princeton Mike Lingle ’88 Sarah Louise Linville ’14 Caroline R. Lippman ’15 Dr. James Lipuma and Dr. Hanyun Chang Lisa Jones Terry and Rich Lisk Richard P. Lisk, Jr. ’13 Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Z. Liu Grace A. Lively ’15 Amy R. Livingston ’91 Mr. Andrew Lloyd Julia D. Lockwood ’67 Mr. Reuben Loewy and Ms. Laura Ziv Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Long Mr. Antonio Lopez-Torrero and Mrs. Kristen Lopez-Watt Timon F. Lorenzo ’02 Mrs. Joyce Lott Mary Woodbridge Lott ’67 Catharine J. Loughran ’34 Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Love Brendan T. Lucey ’91 Ms. Julie Ludwick Kathleen Dunn Lyman ’56 Svitlana I. Lymar ’11 Daniel J. Lyons III ’96 Mr. and Mrs. John T. MacCabe Pamela Erickson MacConnell ’67 James M. Mack ’15 Mr. and Mrs. M. Jack S. Madani Robert S. Madani ’13 Mark Madden ’08 Dr. William Maggio and Dr. Vijay Maggio Elizabeth Murdoch Maguire ’78 Alexa R. Maher ’08 Ms. Elizabeth G. Sherman and Mr. Christopher Maher Mr. and Mrs. John E. Maher Jr. John E. Maher III ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Tazee Mahjied Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Maione Mr. and Mrs. Sachit Malhotra † deceased

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Ms. Anita Mclean Melissa N. M. McMullen ’10 Wendy Lawson-Johnston McNeil ’70 Lynn and Ted McNulty Pamela Aall McPherson ’68 Susan Shea McPherson ’62 Mr. Thomas McStravock Elizabeth White Meahl ’86 Donata Coletti Mechem ’50 Hugo Meggitt ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meggitt Ms. Mekdes Amine and Mr. Musie Mehreteab Sheila Mehta ’78 Margaret W. Meigs ’70 Kirsten Elmore Meister ’81 Allie Rose Rubin Meizlish ’04 Mellon Gift Matching Program Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Melodia Olivia G. Melodia ’14 Dr. R. Jeanne Mendell-Harary Mr. Orlando Mendez and Ms. Yadira Castro The Merck Company Foundation

Ms. Jennifer E. Mermans Sean N. Merriweather ’99 Catherine White Mertz ’79 Sara Peach Messier ’01 Edwin B. Metcalf ’83 Metropolis Metropolitan Seafood Mr. and Mrs. Champ Meyercord Joshua D. Mezrich ’89 Meg Brinster Michael ’70 Mrs. William Michaels Ms. Cynthia Michalak Mr. Thomas Mick Microsoft Corporation Mr. Alec Militano Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Milizzo Sylvia Wills Millar ’83 Allison McGowan Miller ’03 Barbara R. Miller ’70 Mrs. Catherine Miller Mr. G. Nicholas Miller and Mrs. Polly T. Miller ’63 Julia S. Miller ’12 Kristin Miller ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Miller Martha F. Miller ’67 Nancy B. Miller ’57 Mr. Peter A. Miller and Ms. Jacqueline Schreiber Mr. Scott N. Miller ’87 and Ms. Jennifer Bonini ’87 JOURNAL

Sydne Levine Miller ’01 Valerie Wicks Miller ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Hirohide Mimura Mr. Henry R. Minarick Bryan Miner ’11 Alexander G. Miragaya ’10 Gale Colby Mirzayanov ’69 Mr. and Dr. Kenneth R. Mischner Lindsey L. M. Mischner ’08 Sarah R. Mischner ’06 Professor Kurt Mislow and Dr. Jacqueline Mislow Jennifer Powers Mitchell ’82 Pamela Kirschner Mitchell ’86 John B. Mittnacht ’73 Roger Mittnacht ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mochnal Sarah Adams Model ’58 Dana Modzelewski ’09 Mr. Paminas Mogaka and Ms. Catherine Gacanja Dr. Elizabeth A. Monroe Mr. Elias Montes and Ms. Elisabeth Garsia Peter R. Moock ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Moonin Gary A. Moore ’92 and Natasha Datta Moore ’92 Marjorie Libby Moore ’43 Thomas B. Moore ’76 Ms. Carmen Morales Mr. and Mrs. John Moran Gregory F. Morea ’78 Carolyn Yarian Morgan ’01 Ann Wittke Morrissey ’76 William M. Morse ’57 Mr. Greg R. Mortman and Ms. Zulema Vicens-Mortman Paula Zaitz Mostoller ’71 Cecily E. Moyer ’05 Christopher Moyer ’11 Michael V. Moyer ’91 Ms. Nancy Mullan Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Muller Ariel D. Multak ’11 Margo Smith Mumma ’99 Timothy R. Murdoch ’80 Cleis Nicolich Murillo ’86 Ashley L. Whitney Murphy ’01 Brooke C. Murphy ’88 Laura Stifel Murphy ’82 Megan E. Keegan Murphy ’05 Patrick Murphy ’08 Susan Franz Murphy ’86 Erin M. Murray ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Murray Praveen G. Murthy ’06 Gregory A. Myers ’88 J. Rodman Myers ’62 Kang Na ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Prasad Naga Mr. and Ms. Balaji Nagalamadaka Karthik Nagalingam ’11 Dr. Henry Nagelberg and Ms. Joanne Snow Nilesh J. Nair ’15 Nishant K. Nair ’10 Dr. and Mrs. Fouad Namouni Alexander J. Nanfara ’99 Stephen J. Nanfara ’96 Mr. Rajagopal Narasimhan and Mrs. Padmavathi Rajagopal Ram M. Narayanan ’06 Nassau Tennis Club Hillary Hayes Nastro ’93 Marina Turkevich Naumann ’56

Russell A. Nemiroff ’03 New York Life Foundation Reed H. Newhall ’88 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Newman Mr. Jeffrey Nicholas Nick Hilton Studio Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Njanja Fassu Ann McClure Noel ’76 Dr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Noonan, Jr. Dr. Carolyn Norin Lindsay McCord Norman ’82 Robert A. Norman ’71 Nancy Hurd Norris ’47 Northrup Grumman Abigail J. Nover ’11 Mr. Brian Nowack and Ms. Sheira Director-Nowack Mr. Peter Nowakoski and Ms. Julia Liu Alexandra C. H. Nowakowski ’01 Kacey Constable Nugent ’72 Nussbaum Charitable Gift Fund Jared R. Nussbaum ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nyce Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Nyce Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Nyce Dr. Jeffrey S. Nye and Ms. Miriam Chaloff Carly O’Brien ’11 Charles O’Brien ’63 Clinton O’Brien ’08 Mr. and Mrs. John R. O’Brien Kip Herrick O’Brien ’75 R. Daniel O’Brien ’05 Nanette R. O’Brien-Blake ’04 Mr. Andrew J. O’Connor and Ms. Kathryn M. Williamson Rhys O’Connor ’15 John H. Odden ’60 Sally Behr Ogden ’66 Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Olson Richard W. Olsson ’76 Michael S. O’Neill ’96 OnePrinceton Jessica Feig Opet ’01 Daniel J. Oppenheim ’94 Oppenheimer Funds Oracle Adam Oresky ’10 Matthew Oresky ’08 Origins Palmer Square Mrs. Maryann F. Ortiz Christopher E. Osander ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Jon Ostendorf Anna D. Otis ’10 Jane Dielhenn Otis ’60 Ms. Bente L. Ott Shana Fineburg Owen ’87 Carly Ozarowski ’12 Tamar Pachter ’77 Caroline Dougherty Packer ’84 Mr. Manikandan Padmanaban and Mrs. Abiramasundari Manikandan Mr. Ramon Padovani and Ms. Olga N. Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Paine, Jr. Ann Miller Paiva ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin A. Pakradooni Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palma Mr. Hemanshu Pandya and Dr. Heena Pandya Mr. and Mrs. Jagdishchandra Parelkar Mr. and Mrs. Samip Parikh Yvette Pellettieri Parker ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Parks


Russell B. Pyne ’73 Daniel Quick ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Quigley Jr. Mr. William R. Quijano and Ms. Jill Carpe Ms. Julia Quindlen Mrs. Sandra Danielson Quirinale ’83 and Mr. John Quirinale Mr. Peter Quist and Ms. Marian Asante-Grable Matthew Raborn ’09 Priya Radhakrishnan ’03 Mr. Rajaram Radhakrishnan and Dr. Sowmya Ramakrishnan Samuel Radomy ’08 James P. Radvany ’15 Heather Dembert Rafter ’78 David A. Ragsdale ’90 Adithi V. Rajagopalan ’12 Hariharan Rajagopalan ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Elder E. Ramirez Daniel Rathauser ’06 Robert H. Rathauser ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Sivaprasad Ravipati Marie Frohling Rawlings ’43 Elizabeth Partridge Raymond ’76 Peter H. Raymond ’61 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ready Kate A. Reavey ’85 Davon M. Reed ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Reed Nicholas J. Rehmus ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Reichlin Susannah Waterman Reid ’71 Allison M. Reilly ’11 Mr. Joseph Reilly Mr. Christian Rhodes Mr. Michael Rich Bailey M. Richards ’11 Mrs. Barbara G. Richards and Mr. Cyril A. Richards Hilary C. Richards ’05 Mallory J. Richards ’14 Cicely Tomlinson Richardson ’56 Alexa Richman-La Londe ’86 Dr. and Mrs. Yale and Ilene Richmond Tae and Jeff Richmond-Moll ’06 Timory Howe Ridall ’90 Mr. Michael K. Rigby and Ms. Wendy W. Hom Matthew L. Riley ’15 William E. Ring ’64 Ms. Sarah Ringer Rise Power Yoga John A. Ritchie ’63 Mr. Hector Rivera Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rizza, Jr. Charlotte Erdman Rizzo ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Roach Diana S. Roberts ’74 Elizabeth Hamid Roberts ’70 Dr. and Mrs. F. Edward Roberts, Jr. Lise Annie Roberts ’78 Markley Roberts ’44 Radclyffe L. Roberts ’86 Ms. Ann Robideaux and Mr. Jesse Neuman Mr. and Mrs. Jason Robinson Jean Ackerman Robinson ’53 Sean M. Rochford ’04 Barbara Johnston Rodgers ’51 James C. Rodgers ’70 Nashalys Rodriguez ’09 Paul M. Roediger ’47 David C.D. Rogers ’47

Mr. and Mrs. Igor Roitburg Joanna Woodruff Rominger ’99 Sarah Danielson Rominski ’99 Alexandra Hiller Rorick ’07 Barbara Rose ’64 Stephen C. Rose ’95 Emma R. Rosenthal ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Rosko Mr. Kerry Ross Mr. Llewellyn G. Ross and Ms. Miles Dumont Mollie D. Roth ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rothstein Hardy S. Royal ’89 Mr. Toms B. Royal Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Rubens A.J. Rubin ’11 Molly A. Rubin ’12 Ms. Michelle Ruess Mr. Robert L. Ruggiero Liuba Shapiro Ruiz ’96 Henry G. Rulon-Miller ’51 Patrick Rulon-Miller ’55 Ms. Jaycenth Russell Glen D. Russo ’75 Peyton Brewster Rutledge ’68 Alice Ganoe Ryden ’82 Dr. Steven I. Ryu and Dr. Seungyeon Nam Dr. Tomasz S. Rzeczycki and Ms. Ruth A. Ochs Jamie Miller Sachs ’99 Dr. Jonathan R. Sachs and Dr. Susan Bakewell Sachs Dr. and Mrs. Jan N. Safer Carlos A. Sagebien ’89 Dr. and Mrs. Max Salas Mr. James Salgado and Dr. Carolyn Salgado Skye J. Samse ’11 Dominique Samuels ’14 Lauren J. Sanders ’01 James C. Sanderson ’12 SanDisk Corporation Matching Gift Program Brody N. Sanford ’08 Laurence H. Sanford IV ’04 Sanofi Foundation for North America Sanofi-Aventis Mrs. Carmen Santa-Cruz Jennifer E. R. Santiago, ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Santini Mr. and Mrs. David Sanzalone M. Nicole Sarett ’70 Allison Ijams Sargent ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Saven Mr. Elliot L. Savitzky and Ms. Karen E. Ahern Mr. Suhail Sayed and Ms. Farhat Siddiqui David Sayen ’64 Elizabeth W. Sayen ’03 William S. Sayen ’65 and Elizabeth Bristol Sayen ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Devon A. Scarlett Kelsey Scarlett ’13 Kenneth C. Scasserra ’53 Katharine Knapp Schaeffer ’96 Pamela Sidford Schaeffer ’63 Dr. and Mrs. Peter H. Schafer Abigail Zimskind Schein ’88 Mr. Scott Schlenker and Ms. Andrea Schwartz Beth Schlossberg ’68 William E. Schluter ’42 William E. Schluter, Jr. ’70 Sally Hagen Schmid ’60 Grant J. Schmucker ’02 and Margaret Lee Sayen Schmucker ’02

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Sarah Parks ’15 Ashni Patel ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Dipal Patel Dr. and Mrs. Hitesh K. Patel Drs. Jigar and Hemal Patel Nishil Patel ’08 John F. Patteson ’02 and Katherine Weber ’03 William W. Patteson ’06 Robert E. Paun ’98 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Peach Mr. and Mrs. Alvaro Pelaez Barksdale Penick ’76 Pennington Crossfit Michael J. Pepperman ’99 Mr. Gary Perchalski Ms. Janet H. Perkins Aviva P. Perlman ’02 Raquel Perlman ’08 Nicholas L. Perold ’03 Mr. and Mrs. James Perry Allison Persky ’13 Elisabeth Thomas Peterson ’56 Laura B. Peterson ’67 Marisa Petrella ’85 Benjamin J. Petrick ’99 Katherine E. Petrino ’13 Edith Petrovics ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Petruolo Hadley Phares ’14 Mr. Cedrick Phillip and Mrs. Gayle Bruney-Phillip Andrew M. Phipps ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Phipps Alice Roberts Pierson ’47 Ms. Karen E. Pike Hope Pillsbury ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Rogerio Pinheiro Professor John Pinto and Ms. Meg Pinto Robert R. Piper ’46 Jerome O. Pitt ’68 Charles H. Place III ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Plohn, Jr. Mandy Rabinowitz Plonsky ’97 Kathrin W. Poole ’71 Mr. Daniel A. Popkin and Ms. Robin Federiconi Max K. Popkin ’09 Jason C. Posnock ’90 Mr. Prasad Potluri and Dr. Haritha Potluri Reverend and Mrs. C. Nadir Powell Joy E. Power ’80 Mrs. Sheila MacKay Power ’87 and Mr. Sean L. Power William K. Power Jr. ’70 Frederick B. Powers ’12 Peter F. Powers ’12 William K. Powers ’11 Ricardo R. Pozos ’11 Mr. Samson Premkumar and Ms. Aruna Rao Evan R. Press ’79 Mrs. Rose Price Princess Nail Salon Princeton Skating Club Princeton Symphony Orchestra Princeton Tennis Program Mrs. John C. Printon Mr. John Printon Mr. and Mrs. Drew Procaccino Lucile Stafford Proctor ’56 Mr. Durgaprasad Pulakkat and Ms. Maya Damodaran Brock Putnam II ’60 Kerith Sheehan Putnam ’83

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Page Schmucker ’00 Callie H. Schneider ’12 Aaron and Erin Schomburg Julia Katz Schonfeld ’83 Mr. C. J. Schoonejongen and Ms. Nina Rizzo Jonathan M. Schor ’99 Lauren Goodyear Schramm ’82 Hunter C. Schwarz ’98 Schwendinger Family Charitable Fund of the St. Louis Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Schwendinger Sara M. Schwiebert h’05 Susan Bauer Schwinger ’73 Gwendolyn Scott-Hodges ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Scudder III Seasons 52 Coco C. Sednaoui ’10 Carter H. Sednaoui ’17 Betsy Sednaoui ’13 Mr. and Mrs. G. Carter Sednaoui Mr. and Mrs. Robert Segal Mr. Gerald P. Seid Dr. and Mrs. Fredric I. Seinfeld Lars A. Selberg ’75 and Julia Sly Selberg ’74 Ms. Sarah J. Selzer and Mr. Jason Pfleiger Elizabeth Semrod ’91 Elif Sen ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Serafin Galey Bissell Sergio-Castelvetere ’66 Mr. David Seto and Ms. Pearl Wong Seto Emily M. Seto ’13 Evan D. Seto ’11 Mrs. Susan E. Shaffer Nina Shafran Ms. Sybil Shainwald Mr. Sidhartha Shankar and Dr. Shailja Dixit Brendan Shannon ’13 Ms. Dorothy H. Shannon and Dr. William A. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Shannon ’81 Harriet M. Sharlin ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Krishnan Sharma Neil Sharma ’06 Dina Sharon ’10 Dr. Sandra and Dr. Yitzhak Sharon Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sharpless Aaron I. Shavel ’11 Jacob Shavel ’15 Sandra L. Shaw ’76 Father John R. Sheehan, S.J. ’61 Mrs. Fadlou A. Shehadi Christopher A. Sheldon ’92 Jackson Sheldon ’14 Shell Oil Company Foundation Mrs. Michael Sherman Alexandra C. Sherman ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Boris Sherman Caroline W. Sherman ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sherman Mr. Chuan-Feng Shih Jane Gihon Shillaber ’53 Dr. Eon K. Shin ’92 and Dr. Nara C. Shin Arielle N. Shipper ’06 W. Daniel Shipper ’10 Ms. Emily Shircliff Mr. and Mrs. John R. Shock Cynthia A. Shoemaker ’70 Markell Meyers Shriver ’46 Jon R. Siani ’06 Robert L. Sichel and Sylvia Gomez-Sichel Dr. Scott Siegal and Dr. Suzanne Shenk


Dr. Lawrence R. Siegel and Mrs. Paula Siegel Rebecca Nemiroff Siegel ’96 Stephen S. Siegel ’93 Andrew Sieglen ’05 Michael B. Sieglen ’02 Muna S. Shehadi Sill ’79 Mrs. Irene Silver Michael D. Simko ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Simons Mr. Baljit Singh and Dr. Amandeep Nagra Mr. Rajeev Singh and Ms. Alka Srivastava Ms. Mary Sisson Daniel J. Skvir h’73 and Tamara Turkevich Skvir ’62 Nika Skvir-Maliakal ’90 Evan J. Slabicki ’12 Alexis Slattery ’15 J.D. Slattery ’17 Hugh W. Sloan, Jr. ’56 Bradley Y. Smith ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Smith Julia Herr Smith ’88 Kevin P. Smith ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Smith Margery Burt Smith ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell F. Smith Nathaniel Smith ’02 Timothy E. Smith ’71 Ashley Smoots ’09 Nancy Smoyer ’61 Robert M. Smukler ’11 Robert O. Smyth ’57 Alexander W.S. Snyder ’13 Elizabeth A.B. Snyder ’13 Dr. Benny Soffer and Dr. Janet Chen Rebecca C. Sokol ’11 Ms. Bette Ipsen Soloway Kat Y. Song ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Rajesh Sood Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Soos Mr. and Mrs. Pascal C. Soriot Michael J. Southwick ’81 and Deborah Burks Southwick ’81 Amanda Tate Speedling ’95 R. Wade Speir, Jr. ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Spence Ms. Jane Spencer Suzanne R. Spiegel ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spillane Ilona Spiro ’02 Sara W. Lott Springer ’96 Austin C. Starkey, Jr. ’69 Cornelia H. Starks ’54 William T. Stattman ’08 Marta Nussbaum Steele ’67 Linda Maxwell Stefanelli ’62 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Steffens Jason I. Steinfeld ’91 Dr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Sternberg Michele Sternberg ’87 Charlotte Stetson ’62 Jacqueline Stevens ’11 Dana H. Stewardson ’80 Richard N. Stillwell ’50 John D. Stitzer, Jr. ’92 Elizabeth Grier Stockman ’09 Hope Stockman ’03 Isabel Stockman ’01 Phoebe Stockman ’06 Mr. Dennis J. Stoker and Ms. Victoria L. Stabile

Ms. Karen Stolper Mr. William A. Stoltzfus III and Ms. Alison L. Baxter Mr. Steven J. Storey Dr. and Mrs. Michael Strassberg Eileen Baker Strathnaver ’60 Jeffrey A. Straus ’12 Mrs. Sheila M. Stuart Styleworthy Brigette A. Suerig ’15 Ms. Deborah Sugarman and Mr. Jeff Kaplan Rebecca A. Sugerman ’86 Barbara J. Sullivan ’66 David C. Sullivan ’86 Mr. Wenjun J. Sun and Ms. Ji Liu Peter C. Suomi ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Surace Adam G. Sussman ’06 Mitchell Sussman ’71 Jamison D. Suter ’85 Lindsay S. Suter ’82 Dr. Ron Suzuki and Ms. Kate Suzuki Elisabeth Reichard Swanbery ’83 Dr. and Ms. William A. Sweeney Symantec Giving Program Mr. R. Gregg Szabo and Dr. Tanya Tadey Natalie M. Szuter ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Szuter ’82 Mr. Vi K. Ta and Ms. Kamla Vacher-Ta Carl S. Taggart ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Taggart Julie K. Taitsman ’90 Lisa A. Taitsman ’86 Mr. and Mrs. David G. Takacs Mr. William J. Takeuchi and Ms. Jennifer Shin Mr. and Mrs. Mario C. Talusan Carla M. Tamburro ’11 Eric G. Tamm ’86 Hannah Tamminen ’06 Dr. Kaiyang Tang and Dr. Ping Ji Catherine Ferrante Tapsall ’78 Kelly A. Tarcza ’15 Mr. Vincent M. Tarduogno and Dr. Joyce P. Vincelette Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Tate Sara Matelson Taylor ’90 Jared Tepper ’06 Terhune Orchards Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Terry Arvind Z. Thambidurai ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Thomas ’82 Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas Hilleary T. Thomas ’84 Keith A. Thomas ’75 Stephen L. Thomas, Jr. ’81 Ms. Margaret A. Thompson Newell M. Thompson ’82 and Sarah Griffin Thompson ’84 Thomson Reuters My Community Program Brian R. Thorner ’86 Caroline Stewardson Thornewill ’83 Yulia Gorodetskaya Thorpe ’96 Jennifer Walsh Thurlow ’96 Bruce Thurman ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Timmons Anne Prather Tirana ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tola Jessica Toltzis ’14 Kristen Tomlinson ’06 Greson A. Torchio ’01 Kevin A. Towle ’15


Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Washington, Sr. Margaret Seidel Waterhouse ’94 Jacob C. Waters ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Webber Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Weck Morgan R. Weed ’03 Wilson H. Weed ’01 Sarah E. Weeks ’96 Elizabeth Wei ’06 Robert Y. Wei ’10 Dr. Yen Wei and Dr. Jane Y. Cai Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Weinberg David S. Weiner ’79 Jennifer Weiss ’77 Mr. and Mrs. L. Thomas Welsh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wenzel Deborah Pollard Wepman ’95 Ms. Janet A. Westrick and Mr. G. Frederick Schott Mettie M. Whipple ’66 Colby Langford White ’13 E. John White III ’58 Polly Hunter White ’74 Mrs. Noel S. White Philip A. White ’93 Veronica M. S. White ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Whitehouse David C. Whitlock ’80 Richard P. Whitney ’52 Jennifer Dutton Whyte ’80 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wickenden Harvey M. Wiener ’75 Ms. Laura M. Wild Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wilde III Natalie Huston Wiles ’71 Ann M. Wiley ’70 Jane T. Wiley ’69 Jill Campbell Wiley-Maurice ’87 Mr. Timothy Wilkins Cintra Eglin Willcox ’76 Christina P. Williams ’94

Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Williams Ms. Mary K. Williams Ms. Shelina Williams Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Y. Williams John Willis ’61 Linda D. Willis ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willner Victoria M. Willock ’71 Deborah Light Wills ’69 Austin Wilmerding ’79 Gay Wilmerding ’75 Murray Wilmerding ’76 Robert D. Wilmot ’69 Jean Gorman Wilson ’69 Lawrie Diack Wilson ’60 Warren J. Wilson, Jr. ’08 Jessie Robertson Wilt ’88 Nora Cuesta Wimberg ’78 Janine C. Winant ’99 Laurie Merrick Winegar ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Winstanley Hilary A. Winter ’75 David I. Wise ’92 Mrs. Brenda K. Wislar A. Joy Woffindin ’01 Eric R. Wolarsky ’92 Ms. Krysta A. Woll and Mr. Lawrence Johnson Adrianne L. C. Wong ’90 Melissa Y. Wong ’06 Patrick C. Wood ’12 Lucia Norton Woodruff ’61 John T. Woodward IV ’84 Mr. Newell B. Woodworth Newell B. Woodworth III ’73 Mary Greey Woody ’41 Katharine Elsasser Worthington ’62 Thomas C. Worthington ’71 Ms. Dolores Wright Joseph H. Wright ’57 Peter G.P. Wright ’51

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Shannon Towle ’12 Clark G. Travers ’55 Mary G. Travers ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Triolo Cody G. Triolo ’13 Carol Lynn Trippitelli ’86 Vinay Trivedi ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Yu Hsing Tu Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tucker Michael P. Tucker ’14 Nancy Hollendonner Turner ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Millard Tydings Cynthia Bull Tyler ’63 Ms. Ebere Uche Palmer B. Uhl ’74 Mr. Isaac Ullatil and Mrs. Neeraj Isaac Unionville Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Terence Upshur Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Upson Corinne E. Urisko ’13 Ms. Carolee Van Dervort Adriana van Manen ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Vander Schaaff Mr. and Mrs. John Vareha Mr. and Mrs. Juan Vazquez Mrs. Baxter Venable Mr. Paramesh Venkat and Ms. Asha Paramesh Professor David F. Venturo and Ms. Jeanne C. Conerly Katherine Venturo-Conerly ’15 Kiran Vepuri ’06 Vidya Vepuri ’04 Carl M. M. Vik ’11 G.M. Nicholas Vik ’09 Oscar Vik ’15 Brent Vine ’69 Howard A. Vine ’71 John E. Vine ’82 Stephen M. Vine ’70 Henry T. Vogt ’72 Virginia Vogt ’73 Melanie vonderSchulenburg ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Vosburgh Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vradenburgh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vradenburgh Joan S. Wadelton ’68 Beth Schwartz Waisburd ’89 Susan Barclay Walcott ’57 Ms. Barbara Walker Ms. Joan Walker Jonathan R. Walker ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Brent C. Walker Christian D. Wallace ’80 William C. Wallace ’50 Wallace-Gibson Grandchildren’s Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Lisa M. Wallmark ’01 Diana E. Walsh ’72 John C. Walsh ’99 Mrs. Michele L. Walsh and Mr. James Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Walter Randall S. Walter ’87 Dr. Wei-hsing Wang and Ms. Victoria Shen Leslie Straut Ward ’80 Terry L. Ward ’74 Walker B. Ward ’12 Alexia C. Warren ’13 Andrew T. Warren ’98 Daphnée A. Warren ’11 Edward G. Warren III ’61 Phoebe Knapp Warren ’67

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


William T. Wright ’15 Cornelia Wu ’94 Dr. and Mrs. Nir Yakoby Alan P. Yang ’86 Mr. Weiyi Yang and Ms. Melody Shan Itzhak Yanovitzky and Cindy Blitz Kate C. Yazujian ’15 Elizabeth Yellin ’10 Joseph Yellin ’07 Jean Schluter Yoder ’71 Ms. Chiemi York Mr. and Mrs. Darius B. Young Donald R. Young, Jr. ’70 Young Nails of Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Owen D. Young, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Yuhas Mr. and Ms. Edward J. Yurkow Drs. Benjamin and Lisa Zablocki James M. Zahner ’84 Ms. Donna S. Zarzecki † Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Zawadsky Barbara Zeitler ’81 Mrs. Henry Zenzie Henry H. Zenzie ’79 Paul D. Zetterberg ’12 Mr. Andrew Zielinski Jonathan Zindman ’06 Laura Ziv Lena E. Zlock ’15 George M. Zoukee ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zyvith

The following alumni from Miss Fine’s School, Princeton Country Day School and Princeton Day School supported the 2015-2016 Annual Fund.

Class of 1946

Class of 1960

Hope Hemphill Carter Joan Daniels Grimley * Markell Meyers Shriver *****

Mary Elizabeth Rodgers Alexander Susan Carter Avanzino * Joan Nadler Davidson * Martha Thompson Eckfeldt ***** Louise Scheide Marshall Kelly Jane Dielhenn Otis Sally Hagen Schmid *** Eileen Baker Strathnaver Lawrie Diack Wilson

Class of 1947 Nancy Hurd Norris Alice Roberts Pierson

Class of 1948 Katharine Gulick Gardner

Class of 1950

Gordon McAllen Baker ***** Barbara Johnston Rodgers *****

Class of 1952

Class of 1962

Class of 1951

Mary Fenn Hazeltine Marina von Neumann Whitman ****

Class of 1953 Lewellyn Hall Alden Anne Carples Denny ** Elaine Polhemus Frost ** Hilary Thompson Kenyon ***** Hope Thompson Kerr ***** Caroline Savage Langan Jean Ackerman Robinson Wendy Gartner Rowland ***** Jane Gihon Shillaber *****

Class of 1954 Louise Mason Bachelder **** Nancy Shannon Ford ** Agnes S. Fulper *** Lynn Prior Harrington * Cornelia H. Starks

Class of 1955 Jo Cornforth Coke ** L. Chloe King *****

MISS FINE’S SCHOOL ALUMNAE Class of 1934 Catharine J. Loughran

Class of 1940 Phyllis Vandewater Clement ***** Louise Russell Irving

Class of 1961 Elise Chase Dennis Julia Fulper Hardt ***** Julia Cornforth Holofcener ** Deborah Moore Krulewitch Nancy Smoyer Lucia Norton Woodruff

Wendy McAneny Bradburn ***** Donata Coletti Mechem

Class of 1956 Carol Harris Bradley ** Anne Harrison-Clark Elizabeth Alsop Hinchman Kathleen Dunn Lyman ** Marina Turkevich Naumann * Elisabeth Thomas Peterson Lucile Stafford Proctor * Cicely Tomlinson Richardson **

Gail M. Cotton ***** Katharine Walker Ellison *** Susan Shea McPherson * Tamara Turkevich Skvir * Linda Maxwell Stefanelli ***** Charlotte Stetson * Katharine Elsasser Worthington

Class of 1963 Patience Outerbridge Banister ***** Joan Knapp Crocker Wylie O’Hara Doughty * Kathleen Sittig Dunlop * Sally Campbell Haas **** Colleen Coffee Hall Alice Jacobson ***** Polly T. Miller *** Valerie Wicks Miller * Pamela Sidford Schaeffer * Cynthia Bull Tyler

Class of 1964 Jettie Edwards Cary Smith Hart ***** Mea Aall Kaemmerlen * Gail Petty Riepe **** Barbara Rose Susan Schildkraut Wallach *****

Class of 1965 Margaret Woodbridge Dennis Karen M. Fraser

Class of 1957

Class of 1942

Susan Smith Baldwin Molly Menand Jacobs Nancy B. Miller **** Susan Barclay Walcott ***


Sally Kuser Lane *****

Class of 1958

Class of 1932

Class of 1941 Mary Greey Woody ****

Class of 1943 Marjorie Libby Moore * Marie Frohling Rawlings *

Class of 1944 Julia R. Lee Eleanor Vandewater Leonard *****

Class of 1945

Elizabeth Carter Bannerman * Ellen Freedman Dingman * Nancy Hudler Keuffel ***** Sarah Adams Model Anne Prather Tirana

Class of 1959 Ann Kinczel Clapp *****

Benjamin F. Howell, Jr. ***

Class of 1939 Edward S. Frohling

Class of 1942 Moore Gates, Jr. ***** William E. Schluter

Sesaly Gould Krafft * Consecutive Annual Fund Donors: 5 plus years *; 10 plus years **; 15 plus years ***; 20 plus years ****; 25 plus years *****



Peter E. B. Erdman ***** Mark A. Heald ***** David H. McAlpin, Jr. *

Class of 1944 Alfred W. Gardner Markley Roberts

Class of 1945 Colin C. McAneny ****

Class of 1946 David Erdman † Lewis C. Kleinhans III **** Robert R. Piper ****

Class of 1947 Shepherd K. Roberts **** Paul M. Roediger David C.D. Rogers ** Peter R. Rossmassler *****

Class of 1948 Alexander S. Burnstan ** George C.S. Hackl * Charles F. Mapes, Jr. ***** John D. Wallace ****

Class of 1950 Michael P. Erdman ***** Richard N. Stillwell *** William C. Wallace **

Class of 1951 Edwin H. Metcalf ***** Robert Carter Miller, Jr. Henry G. Rulon-Miller * Peter G.P. Wright **

Class of 1952 J. Robert Hillier Philip Kopper John C. Wellemeyer ** Richard P. Whitney

Class of 1953 Henry B. Cannon III ***** Dr. G. Grenville Cuyler Kenneth C. Scasserra *****

Class of 1954 Austin P. Sullivan, Jr. *****

Robert O. Smyth Joseph H. Wright

Class of 1958 Richard W. Baker III E. John White III

Class of 1959 Howard McMorris II ***

Class of 1960 Lawrence Q. Kuser John H. Odden Brock Putnam II **

Class of 1961 Thomas D. Chubet ***** J. Regan Kerney * Peter H. Raymond

Class of 1961 Father John R. Sheehan, S.J. Edward G. Warren III * John Willis *

Class of 1962 John C. Baker ** Richard K. Delano Richard H. Eckels ** John M. Gaston III * Richard G. Marcus John F. McCarthy III J. Rodman Myers * Paul S. Vogel *

Class of 1963 William Edwards, Jr. ***** Charles O’Brien John A. Ritchie Bradley Y. Smith *

Class of 1964 Anonymous Stephen Lane ** William E. Ring David C. Sayen **

Class of 1964 Michael D. Simko

Class of 1965 Nathaniel C. Hutner * William S.M. Sayen

Class of 1955 Guy K. Dean III ***** E. Robert Fernholz William R. Kales II Patrick Rulon-Miller *** Clark G. Travers *

Class of 1957 Edward S. Barclay, Jr. James Carey, Jr. ***** Harrison S. Fraker, Jr. * W. Andrew Harris William M. Morse ** † deceased

Class of 1967 Mary Young Bragado Lisa-Margaret Stevenson Bryan Patricia Sly Chamberlain Susan Fritsch Hunter Julia D. Lockwood Mary Woodbridge Lott ** Pamela Erickson MacConnell Jo Schlossberg McConaghy ***** Martha F. Miller *** Laura B. Peterson *** Marta Nussbaum Steele Phoebe Knapp Warren Linda D. Willis

Class of 1968


Class of 1956 John F. Cook David R. Kamenstein Peter R. Moock ** Daniel Quick * Hugh W. Sloan, Jr. David B. Smoyer *****

Susan J. Bonthron Carol Bonner Clark Polly Dickey Cockburn Sally Harries Gauldie Andrea Hicks Deborah V. Hobler ** Lynn Wiley Hoffman Dale Marzoni Kellogg Sally K. Lane Patience Morgan-Irigoyen *** Sally Behr Ogden Margery Cuyler Perkins Galey Bissell Sergio-Castelvetere Barbara J. Sullivan Mettie M. Whipple

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Class of 1943

Class of 1966 Reunion – Won Highest Participation Class of 1966 PDS 50th Reunion Committee: Andrea Hicks and Deborah V. Hobler Hope Rose Angier Katherine A. Becker Linda Staniar Bergh ***** Mary Carol Bilderback

Sophia Godfrey Bauer John W. Claghorn III **** Andrew J. Fishmann ** Michael L. Hart Mary Hobler Hyson ***** Ann I. McClellan *** Pamela Aall McPherson * Jerome O. Pitt A. Richard Ross ** Peyton Brewster Rutledge Helen Behr Sanford * Beth Schlossberg Joan S. Wadelton

Class of 1969 Kathleen Gorman Colket * Karen Hoffman Friedlander Rosette Gault FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Susan Denise Harris * Elizabeth C. Healy Sharon Abeel Hosley * Richard B. Judge, Jr. * Barbara Thomsen Kerckhoff * Gale Colby Mirzayanov * Robert H. Rathauser * Elizabeth Bristol Sayen Margery Burt Smith Austin C. Starkey, Jr. ***** Brent Vine Jane T. Wiley **** Deborah Light Wills Robert D. Wilmot **** Jean Gorman Wilson *****

Class of 1970 Thomas J. Berger Lewis C. Bowers II Rebecca W. Bushnell * Frederica Cagan-Doeringer *** Diane Erickson H. Porter Eubank, Jr. Louise A. Hutner Allison Gilbert Kozicharow Janet M. Masterton ** Wendy Lawson-Johnston McNeil **** Margaret W. Meigs Meg Brinster Michael Barbara R. Miller Marian Stoltzfus Paen ** William K. Power Jr. Elizabeth Hamid Roberts * James C. Rodgers * M. Nicole Sarett William E. Schluter, Jr. Harriet M. Sharlin * Marjorie D. Shaw ***** Cynthia A. Shoemaker Stephen M. Vine **** Ann M. Wiley ***** Donald R. Young, Jr.

Class of 1971 Reunion – Won Highest Dollar Amount Raised Class of 1971 PDS 45th Reunion Committee: Bill Flemer, Elizabeth Mills Hardie, Pala Zaitz Mostoller, Rob Norman, Nina Shafran, Mitchell Sussman, Howard Vine, Lisa A. Warren, Victoria Willock and Thomas C. Worthington Anonymous Jodie Platt Butz M. Daniel Cantor David T. Claghorn Bill Flemer Elizabeth Mills Hardie Deborah Huntington Margaret DeVries Kane Richard B. Kramer * Blythe Anne Kropf Catherine S. Lane Tania Lawson-Johnston McCleery ***** Edward R. McCluskey Pala Zaitz Mostoller Robert A. Norman ** Dorothy C. Pickering **** Hope Pillsbury * Kathrin W. Poole Joseph D. Punia ***** Rebecca Ramsey Susannah Waterman Reid Nina Shafran * Timothy E. Smith Mitchell Sussman George D. Treves Howard A. Vine Lisa A. Warren **** Natalie W. Huston Wiles Victoria M. Willock Thomas C. Worthington **** Jean Schluter Yoder Laurie Bryant Young

Class of 1972 Mary Mills Barrow Henry P. Bristol II ** Jan Hall Burruss ** Mackenzie Carpenter Susan J. Ecroyd Michael Englander *** Jody Erdman *** Susan Stix Fisher Katherine Gulick Hoffman **** Virginia Myer Kester Bradford A. Mills Kacey Constable Nugent Thomas B. Reynolds Karen M. Turner **** Henry T. Vogt ***** Diana E. Walsh *** Laurie Merrick Winegar

Class of 1973 Joseph Abelson ***** Glenna Weisberg Andersen ***** Cynthia H. Bishop * H. Andrew Davies II ** Anne Bishop Faynberg **** Ellen M. Fisher *** Louise Whipple Gillock **** James J. Harford, Jr. M. Daryl Janick Kent Carol M. Lifland * John B. Mittnacht **** Charles H. Place III ** Russell B. Pyne ***** Jeffrey E. Schuss ** Susan Bauer Schwinger *** Daniel J. Skvir * Martha Sullivan Sword ** Virginia Vogt * Newell B. Woodworth III

Class of 1974 Christian B. Aall ** Diana Lewis Abbott Priscilla Nawn Adam Evan K. Bash Elizabeth B. Bennett Blue Ted L. Brown Evelyn Turner Counts ** Jeanine M. Figur * Samuel C. Finnell III * Wendy Frieman Jill L. Goldman ***** Laura Mali-Astrue **** Nancy Kendall McCabe Diana S. Roberts Julia Sly Selberg * Barbara A. Spalholz ***** David B. Straut Palmer B. Uhl ***** Terry L. Ward ** Polly Hunter White *** Anne A. Williams *

Class of 1975 Amy Lysbeth Ahrens Shawn W. Ellsworth ***** William P. Graff ** Alexandra Smith Gunderson ***** Caroline Erdman Hare * Livingston Johnson Consecutive Annual Fund Donors: 5 plus years *; 10 plus years **; 15 plus years ***; 20 plus years ****; 25 plus years *****



Class of 1976 Eleanor J. Barnes James P. Daubert Sarah L. Dutton Carleton P. Erdman Mary Murdoch Finnell * Joanne Kind Hinton Julia Stabler Hull *** Gwyneth Hamel Iredale Sally Lincoln Jeffery J. Stephen Judge Emily Rothrock Kastler Gregory E. Matthews **** Thomas B. Moore Ann Wittke Morrissey Richard W. Olsson Barksdale Penick Elizabeth Partridge Raymond Sandra L. Shaw * William H. von Oehsen III * Jennifer A. Walsh Cintra Eglin Willcox ***** Murray Wilmerding

Class of 1977 Holly Burks Becker * N. Harrison Buck Annabelle Brainard Canning Sandra Benson Cress Christina Bachelder Dufresne **** Anne Dennison Fleming ** Barbara Russell Flight ***** Julia Penick Garry **** Simeon H. Hutner **** Theodore R. Jaeckel Jr. Alexis Arlett Kochmann * Livia Wong McCarthy * Robert N. McClellan ** Tamar Pachter * Caroline W. Sherman Jennifer Weiss * George M. Zoukee *****

Class of 1978 Anonymous J. Keith Baicker ***** David A. Barondess * Sabrina B. Barton Lucy Englander Brinster *** Nancy Chen Cavanaugh *** Barbara Griffin Cole **** Elizabeth Mason Cousins Thomas R. Gates **** Alice Lee Groton **** Jennifer Chandler Hauge *** Barbara Vaughn Hoimes Elizabeth Murdoch Maguire Sheila Mehta Gregory F. Morea Jeff R. Patterson

Heather Dembert Rafter ** Lise Annie Roberts J. Andrew Sanford Allison Ijams Sargent Gwendolyn Scott-Hodges Catherine Ferrante Tapsall Nancy Hollendonner Turner Robert C. Whitlock ** Nora Cuesta Wimberg

Class of 1979

John W. Ager III Vance G. Camisa **** Pamela Kulsrud Corey Benjamin D. Dubrovsky Laura Farina **** Douglas A. Fein ** David S. Fitton, Jr. ***** Delia Smith Gardiner Louis C. Guarino * John A. Gutman * John P. Hall III * Christopher J. Horan **** Andrew M. Jensen Jane Henderson Kenyon ***** Teresa D. Lane Martha Hicks Leta Linda Eglin Mayer Catherine White Mertz ***** Jay F. Nusblatt Evan R. Press Muna S. Shehadi Sill *** Melanie vonderSchulenburg David S. Weiner * Austin Wilmerding Henry H. Zenzie

Class of 1980 Stratos G. Athanassiades Sara E. Cooper * Christopher B. Kuenne * James Y. Laughlin **** Robert M. Leahy, Jr. Laura Dennison Leeson Jennifer Brannon Manning Jay R. Marcus ***** Timothy R. Murdoch Nicholas De Jongh Osborne Jamie Phares **** Joy E. Power * Howard F. Powers Jr. ***** Dana H. Stewardson ***** Christian D. Wallace Leslie Straut Ward *** David C. Whitlock * Jennifer Dutton Whyte ***** C. Treby McLaughlin Williams ****

Class of 1981

PDS 35th Reunion Committee: John H. Denny, Scott Egner, Kevin J. Groome, Rosalind Waskow Hansen, Laura R. Jacobus, Sarah Sword Lazarus, John S. Marshall, Marcus O. Maryk, Kirsten Elmore Meister and Andrew A. Ross Doug W. Bailey David B. Blair Samuel H. Borden Hilary Bing Butera Sarah Burchfield Carey * John Cavuto *

John H. Denny, Jr. Jonathan W. Drezner J. Scott Egner Philip A. Ferrante Jane L. Gerb Mark Goodman Kevin J. Groome Elizabeth C. Gutman Laura R. Jacobus Kevin P. Johnson Sarah Sword Lazarus * Eva Mantell ** John S. Marshall * Kirsten Elmore Meister Charlotte Erdman Rizzo Andrew A. Ross ** Lawrence H. Shannon * Michael J. Southwick Deborah Burks Southwick R. Wade Speir, Jr. Barbara Zeitler

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Yuki Moore Laurenti * Alison Hopfield Lifland Charles C. Lifland Kip Herrick O’Brien * Anne Russell-Barrett Glen D. Russo Lars A. Selberg * Curtis McGraw Webster ** Harvey M. Wiener * Gay Wilmerding ***** Hilary A. Winter *

Class of 1982 Mark A. Egner **** Beth Geter-Douglass *** Lorraine M. Herr ***** Eric R. Jensen ** Jennifer Powers Mitchell Laura Stifel Murphy ** Kang Na ***** Lindsay McCord Norman * Jeffrey F. Perlman ***** Alice Ganoe Ryden ***** Lauren Goodyear Schramm ***** Lindsay S. Suter Robert C. Szuter ** Carl S. Taggart * Christopher M. Thomas **** Newell M. Thompson * John E. Vine ***

Class of 1983 Karen Athanassiades * Stephanie L. Bogart * Louise Matthews Flickinger * Daniel P. Goldman Matthew P. Kohut * Frank A. McDougald III ** Edwin B. Metcalf Sylvia Wills Millar Kerith Sheehan Putnam Sandra D. Danielson Quirinale Julia Katz Schonfeld Erik M. Schwiebert Elisabeth Reichard Swanbery Caroline Stewardson Thornewill Kelly Lambert Walker * Rena Ann Whitehouse **

Class of 1984 Sarah C. Benioff Victoria C.P. Chen ***** Marjorie Wallace Gibson ***** Barbara Straut Goldsmith *** Daniel R. Herr ***** Suzanne E. Lengyel ***** Caroline Dougherty Packer Hilleary T. Thomas Sarah Griffin Thompson * John T. Woodward IV *** James M. Zahner

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Class of 1985

Class of 1988

Class of 1991

Laura S. Bennett ***** Brenda Wren Burman Eric M. Bylin * Patrick L. Courtney * Tonya Elmore Davis Samantha Levine Dawson James S. Hall ** Mary Lawson-Johnston Howe **** Lynch W. Hunt, Jr. ** Claudia Simms Lewis Jon T. McConaughy * Marisa Petrella Kate A. Reavey Stephen M. Sinaiko * Jamison D. Suter Karen Callaway Urisko ****

Anonymous Elaine N. Chou Amy Venable Ciuffreda Marc A. Collins * Jivan B. Datta Andrea Hall Elish Gillian B. Flato H. Dawn Feldman Fukuda Christine A. Grounds Laura H. Heins Katherine Greenberg Herrera Janie Hwang Taylor K. Hwong ** James R. Knill II * Mike Lingle Bennett J. Matelson * Brooke C. Murphy Gregory A. Myers Reed H. Newhall Arianna Rosati **** Jeremy E. Rothfleisch *** Abigail Zimskind Schein Julia Herr Smith * Nils E. von Zelowitz Jessie Robertson Wilt

PDS 25th Reunion Committee: Aly Cohen, Jeremy Kuris, Julie Roginsky and Fanya Stansbury

Class of 1986 PDS 30th Reunion Committee: Robert M. Chibbaro, Jonathan Gershen, Timothy S. Howard and Samuel Lambert Jaye Chen **** Robert M. Chibbaro * Leslie Elmore * Scott W. Fulmer Jonathan S. Gershen ** Susan C. Hockings *** Timothy S. Howard ** Timothy Q. Karcher Mitchell J. Klein ** Kelly A. Bencze Lake Samuel Wm. Lambert Elizabeth S. White Meahl Pamela Kirschner Mitchell Cleis Nicolich Murillo Susan Franz Murphy Ann Miller Paiva Yvette Pellettieri Parker Radclyffe L. Roberts Mollie D. Roth Kat Y. Song Rebecca A. Sugerman David C. Sullivan Lisa A. Taitsman ** Eric G. Tamm Carol Lynn Trippitelli

Class of 1987 Sanford B. Bing h’87 ** Peter F. Biro Jennifer Bonini Jeffery N. Brown * Kathryn A. Gellenbeck Lisa Somerstein Kulka Robin Cook McConaughy * Anne L. McDougald Scott N. Miller Shana Fineburg Owen Sheila MacKay Power ** Stephanie Richman ** William D. Schafer ***** Michele Sternberg **** Craig C. Stuart ** Randall S. Walter **** Jill Campbell Wiley-Maurice

Class of 1989 James Aversano III Alicia M. Collins Michael B. Cook Andrew C. Dykstra Karen P. Fredericks **** Gregory P. Gordon Jane Alice Heap Elizabeth Griffith Hipp Scott H. Kelberg Susan H. Lebovitz Joshua D. Mezrich * Hardy S. Royal **** Carlos A. Sagebien James W. Simpson * Beth Schwartz Waisburd

Class of 1990 Janice M. Abud-Falcone * Lylah M. Alphonse *** Edith Baronian Lisa Kmiec Bentz Matthew R. Farkas * Daniel J. Helmick *** Benjamin A. Hohmuth **** Jason M. Hollander ** Won Suk Kim Laura Perhach Kowal Christopher D. Lake Arielle Miller Levitan Erik L. Oliver * Michael J. Paci Stephen A. Pollard ** Jason C. Posnock David A. Ragsdale ** Timory Howe Ridall Utpal S. Shah * Nika Skvir-Maliakal Julie K. Taitsman * Sara Matelson Taylor * Adrianne L. C. Wong

Ara Baronian Melissa Rosendorf Calvert Aly G. Cohen ** Fanya Stansbury Gallo Jennifer A. Kim Jeremy S. Kuris * L. Campbell Levy Amy R. Livingston **** Brendan T. Lucey * David M. Maziarz Julia Roginsky * Jennifer E. R. Santiago Jason I. Steinfeld Joe C. To Rachel Bridgeman Trend * Jonathan E. Trend *

Class of 1992 Suzy Dolan Batcha T. Courtenay Batcha Adam Bromwich *** Charles J. Buttaci * Kevin M. Capinpin ***** Carolyn S. Cooper Ravindra V. Dalal Michael K. Ferry Benjamin M. Frost ***** Judson R. Henderson * Todd A. Hovanec * Elizabeth A. Lake Stacey Namm Levine Katherine K. Marquis * Natasha Datta Moore * Gary A. Moore * Christopher A. Sheldon * Eon K. Shin John D. Stitzer, Jr. ** David I. Wise Eric R. Wolarsky **

Class of 1993 Griffith S. Braddock * Jean Chen * Matthew L. Dickson Scott J. Feldman **** Emily Miller Jee Benjamin B. Kuris *** Hillary Hayes Nastro ** Jared R. Nussbaum Matthew H. Shaffer Stephen S. Siegel ** Philip A. White

Class of 1994 Douglas S. Berkman Elissa I. Burr * Jessica Seid Dickler Jason M. Hart * C. Justin Hillenbrand * Bradford D. Johnston ** Mariah Howe Klein Rachel Zublatt Kusminsky * Daniel J. Oppenheim Margaret Seidel Waterhouse Veronica M. S. White *

Consecutive Annual Fund Donors: 5 plus years *; 10 plus years **; 15 plus years ***; 20 plus years ****; 25 plus years *****



Class of 1995 Rebecca Lintner Griffith John H. Helmick ** Alexander K. Manka * Stephen C. Rose Amanda Tate Speedling Deborah Pollard Wepman Ian P. Wijaya

Class of 1996 PDS 20th Reunion Committee: Jessica Davidson, Dana DeCore Falconi, Molly Ober Fechter-Leggett, Katie Jamieson, Justin Krebs, Galete Levin, Stephen Nanfara, Michael O’Neill and Rebecca Nemiroff Siegel Mark W. Chatham * Jessica D’Altrui Davidson Robert A. Drabiuk ** Dana DeCore Falconi Molly Ober Fechter-Leggett Rachel S. Friedman Sara Zoe Hart * Kathleen O. Jamieson *** Justin M. Krebs Galete J. Levin * Michael S. O’Neill * Liuba Shapiro Ruiz * Katharine Knapp Schaeffer Rebecca Nemiroff Siegel *** Sara Lott Springer Peter C. Suomi * Yulia Gorodetskaya Thorpe Jennifer Walsh Thurlow Sarah E. Weeks

Class of 1997 Seth Adler ** Andrew T. Breitenberg David K. Bromwich Robert Goldberg Hilary Katherine Harris Alexandra Johnston ** Brandice Osborne-Gwynn Marsh Mandy Rabinowitz Plonsky * Jeffrey Schor ** Ameesh R. Shah *

Class of 1998 Jessica Collins Anderson ** Leys M. Bostrom * Michael T. Bracken Robin Ackerman Cameron ** Philip A. DeGisi Leif C. Forer Kari E. Zarzecki Habay Eric D. Hochberg ** Jeffrey Kurtz Giovanna Gray Lockhart *** Robert E. Paun * Hunter C. Schwarz Andrew T. Warren

Class of 1999 Maria L. Tardugno Aldrich *** Annie Jamieson Applegate ** Lauren Kostinas Birkhold Ariana Jakub Brandes ***

Adrena N. Cunningham Christina P. Flores * Joseph A. Gallo Christopher W. Gerry** Amanda Suomi Gorrie John L. Griffith III ** Maren Levine Hefler * F. Patrick Holmes III Ahsen S. Janjua Gabriel M. Kuris Sean N. Merriweather *** Lawrence M. Miller * Margo Smith Mumma * Alexander J. Nanfara ** Michael J. Pepperman Benjamin J. Petrick Joanna Woodruff Rominger Sarah Danielson Rominski Jamie Miller Sachs Jonathan M. Schor Lauren Welsh Sparrow ** John C. Walsh Janine C. Winant **

Class of 2000 Adrian E. Arroyo Brian J. Avery Tracey Spinner Baskin *** Benjamin T. Brickner * Charles C. Denby John L. Dorazio, Jr. * Pierre R. Downing Robert M. Farina Brendan G. Hart * Mandy J. Helwig Stephanie T. Horowitz Trevor J. Lamb * Jared P. Lander * Christina S. Lee Erin C. McCaffrey Paris L. McLean * Page Schmucker *

Sarah H. Elmaleh Sarah V. Fort * Christina Koerte Timon F. Lorenzo John F. Patteson Aviva P. Perlman * Grant Schmucker * Margaret Lee Sayen Schmucker * Elif Sen Michael B. Sieglen Nathaniel Smith Ilona Spiro * Alexandra Trenholm Warren

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Anupa Shah Wijaya Christina P. Williams Cornelia Wu ***

Class of 2003 Joanna L. Bowen ** Christopher C. Campbell * Will C. Dewey * Katherine J. Fanok Peter S. Fisher Amy M. Gallo * Andrew V. Gentile * Jessica T. Grossi Tony A. Hack * Emily G. Hamlin Benjamin T. Johnson * Joseph R. Joiner, Jr. * Kelley Keegan ** Howard W. Kline Clinton E. Lively

Class of 2001 PDS 15th Reunion Committee: Jess Feig Opet and Joy Woffindin Brittany B. E. Bagley Steven A. Chiavarone Zachary Faigen Summer L. Headley Habibullah Masuod Sara Peach Messier *** Sydne Levine Miller * Kristin M. Miller Carolyn Yarian Morgan * Ashley L. Whitney Murphy Alexandra C. H. Nowakowski ** Jessica Feig Opet *** Edith Petrovics Lauren J. Sanders * Isabel Stockman Greson A. Torchio Lisa M. Wallmark Wilson H. Weed A. Joy Woffindin

Class of 2002 Anonymous (2) Courtney C. Bergh ** Thomas W. Bohnett Kathryn Babick Brickner *

Allison Marshall * Erich Matthes * Allison Miller Russell A. Nemiroff * Nicholas L. Perold Priya Radhakrishnan Justin M. Revelle * Elizabeth W. Sayen * Hope Stockman Katie M. Weber Morgan R. Weed

Class of 2004 Anonymous Jason D. Bender Carly S. Berger Lillie G. Binder ** Brian P. Caulin FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Hilary T. Cook Michael L. Costa Katherine Chimacoff Dickens Molly Jamieson Eberhardt * Helena J. Fishbein Joshua M. Freedholm Brian A. Grossman * James F. Harding, Jr. * Russell P. Joye * Shilpa Kalra Erin McCormick * Allie Rose Rubin Meizlish Nanette R. O’Brien-Blake * Sean M. Rochford Scott E. Rosenberg ** Laurence H. Sanford IV Vidya Vepuri

Class of 2005 Alison K. Anuzis Jay V. Bavishi ** Harrison I. Epstein * Kyle Hogan Cecily E. Moyer * Megan E. Keegan Murphy ** R. Daniel O’Brien * Hilary C. Richards Sara M. Schwiebert h’05 Anu Shah * Andrew Sieglen Bruce Thurman *

Class of 2006 PDS 10th Reunion Committee: Allissa Crea, Mendy Fisch, Charlie Hamlin, Pat McDonald, Daniel Rathauser, Jeff Richmon-Moll and Arielle Shipper Anonymous Andrew Babick Amelia R. Baxter-Stoltzfus Clark B. Bristol Jessica M. Cellars Zachary J. Cherry Allissa C. Crea * Jacob M. Fisch ** Julia E. Foster Charles L. Hamlin * Hannah L. Lemonick John E. Maher III Ian D. McCue Patrick McDonald Sarah R. Mischner Praveen G. Murthy * Ram M. Narayanan William W. Patteson Daniel Rathauser * Jeffrey Richmond-Moll Neil Sharma Arielle N. Shipper Jon R. Siani Kevin P. Smith Phoebe Stockman Adam G. Sussman Hannah Tamminen Jared Tepper Arvind Z. Thambidurai Kristen Tomlinson Kiran Vepuri Elizabeth Wei *

Class of 2007

Class of 2010

Claire H. E. Alsup Anonymous David Beard Jacquelyn Bowen Tanner J. Campbell Christopher Chomiak * Jonathan L. Chow David Coghlan Justin Colnaghi Maddie S. Ferguson Meghan P. Francfort Keely Langdon Alexandra Hiller Rorick * Joseph Yellin *

Neal A. Bakshi * Abhijit Basu Kayla Bostwick Dennis Cannon * Theodore J. Casey Lauren E. Chen Guillaume Cossard Megan Davis * Stephen M. Dillon Katherine C. Elbert * Sheridan L. Gates * Ethan M. Geltzer * Tara Glancey Alexander J. Gluck Owen S. Haney * Eliza Hanson Brooks P. Herr * Lovika Kalra Neil S. Karandikar * Matthew S. Mantell Melissa N. M. McMullen Alexander G. Miragaya Nishant K. Nair * Adam Oresky * Anna D. Otis * Coco C. Sednaoui Dina A. Sharon * W. Daniel Shipper * Robert Y. Wei Elizabeth Yellin *

Class of 2008 Lauren E. Berk * Katie Brossman Theodore R. Brown Benjamin Fisch Gregory R. Francfort * Isaac S. Geltzer * Kalla A. Gervasio * Tessica Glancey * Sam D. Hamlin Emmeline Morehouse Hatcher David E. Janhofer Steward Johnson Taylor T. Kenyon * Tammy Lam Emily M. Exter Lampshire Mark Madden * Alexa R. Maher * Michael Malyn Scott M. McCarron Lindsey L. M. Mischner Patrick Murphy Clinton O’Brien * Matthew Oresky * Nishil Patel Raquel Perlman Samuel Radomy Brody N. Sanford William T. Stattman Warren J. Wilson, Jr.

Class of 2009 Daniel Altman Elena V. Bowen Jeremy Brinster Robert D. Deutsch Jake V. Felton Brian Fishbein * David Greek Mariel Jenkins * Rebecca B. Lavinson * Cameron Linville * Brielle Manley David T. McCourt Dana Modzelewski Matthew Raborn * Nashalys Rodriguez Joseph P. Rogers Ashley Smoots * Elizabeth Grier Stockman Vinay Trivedi G.M. Nicholas Vik

Class of 2011 Reunion – Won Highest Number of Donors at Reunion Class of 2011 PDS 5th Reunion Committee: Peter Blackburn, Brian Crowell, Kevin Francfort, Ali Frieder, Jess Frieder, Cameron Giles, Sam Kelly, Carly Kliment, Alexandra McCourt, Karthik Nagalingam, Allie Reilly and Skye Samse Anonymous Sydney Altmeyer Maya I. Anjur-Dietrich Meade F. Atkeson * Peter A. Blackburn Christopher P. Bonnaig Caylin E. L. Brahaney * Caitlin Cannon Kevin Chen * Simone K. Christen * Benjamin Cohen * Jameson M. Creager Brian C. Crowell Sabrina Deana-Roga Alexandra DeCandia Eric Falcon * Adam Fisch Kevin E. Francfort * Jessica Frieder * Alison Frieder * Matthew Garry * Sydney M. Gecha Katherine W. Gibson * Cameron B. Giles Elma Hajric

Consecutive Annual Fund Donors: 5 plus years *; 10 plus years **; 15 plus years ***; 20 plus years ****; 25 plus years *****



The Blue and White Society, begun in 2010, is a giving category available to Princeton Day School graduating seniors. Individuals in this group have made a 4-year pledge to the Annual Fund for the years following their graduation from Princeton Day School. Each name represented below has fulfilled his or her pledge for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Class of 2012 Anonymous Lakhram Bhisham William E. Bucklee Brian M. Burns Brendan D. Clune Ayana N. Dawkins Paige Dennis-Mundenar Joseph Duvall Ashley M. Egner Jenna Fritz Connor E. Gibson Erica Glancey A. Huntington Griffith

Lily W. Halpern Cara L. Hume Daniel M. Humphrey M. Emily Janhofer Thomas Keegan III * Nicole A. L. Keim Rob Klein Vasiliki E. Maragoudakis Jennifer M. Martin Sean W. McCoy Julia S. Miller Carly Ozarowski Ashni Patel Frederick B. Powers Peter F. Powers Adithi V. Rajagopalan Molly A. Rubin James C. Sanderson Callie H. Schneider Evan J. Slabicki Jeffrey A. Straus Shannon Towle Walker B. Ward Patrick C. Wood Paul D. Zetterberg

Elizabeth A.B. Snyder Tucker S. Triolo Cody G. Triolo Carlton H. Tucker h ’13 **** Corinne E. Urisko Adriana van Manen Alexia C. Warren Colby Langford White

Class of 2014 Anonymous (2) Suveer Bhatia Lewis Blackburn Andrew Clayton Katie E. Edelblut Andie J. Edelson

Annual Report 2015• 2016

D. Dylan Hume Alexander Ioffreda Emily V. Jaeckel Sydney Jenkins Jacob Kaufman * William Kearney * Samuel M. Kelly * Courtney I. Klein Carly R. Kliment * Jake D. Kramer Samantha E. Lieb Svitlana I. Lymar Alexa L. Manley Daniel Marrow Perry L. McCarthy Alexandra K. McCourt Bryan Miner Roger Mittnacht Christopher Moyer Ariel D. Multak * Karthik Nagalingam Abigail J. Nover Carly O’Brien William K. Powers * Ricardo R. Pozos * Nicholas J. Rehmus Allison M. Reilly Bailey M. Richards * Alex J. Rubin Skye J. Samse * Evan D. Seto * Aaron I. Shavel * Alexandra C. Sherman Robert M. Smukler Rebecca C. Sokol Jacqueline Stevens Carla M. Tamburro * Carl M. M. Vik Jonathan R. Walker Daphnée A. Warren *

Class of 2013 Anonymous Kalyn E. Altmeyer Selena Anjur-Dietrich Mary E. Atkeson Ellen C. Bartolino Paul A. Batterman Derek R. Bell Christina Bowen Jill C. Cacciola David Caliguire Rachel Cantlay Jennifer L. Chen Barbara Cole Robert Colton Deanna A. Counts Thomas G. Davis, Jr. Sophia Eisenberg Leah G. Falcon Bradley Freid Elizabeth Frieder Santiago Gepigon III Alexander E. Gershen Robert D. Hrabchak Louise H. Hutter Alec T. Jones Jay S. Karandikar Anjuli Karna Jonas Kaufman Thomas M. Kilkenny Carolyn Kossow Abha A. Kulkarni William John B. Laylin Daniella R. Levitan Richard P. Lisk Jr. Robert S. Madani Allison Persky Katherine E. Petrino Andrew M. Phipps Davon M. Reed Kelsey Scarlett Betsy Sednaoui Emily M. Seto Brendan Shannon Alexander W.S. Snyder

John E. Egner Evelyn E. Esteban Carias Alexis Fairman Taylor Fasolo Rory E. Finnegan Zachary J. Freedman Emily Goldman Jake T. Hall Edward B. Hannush Charlotte P. Hayden Nicholas B. Jaeckel Benjamin N. Levine Sarah Louise Linville Allison Mascioli Emily C. Matthews Olivia G. Melodia Hadley Phares Mallory J. Richards Emma R. Rosenthal Dominique Samuels Jackson Sheldon Natalie M. Szuter Jessica Toltzis Mary G. Travers Michael P. Tucker

Class of 2015 Katharine L. Alden Jacob P. Alu Anna E. Batterman Davin Bialow Kathleen Crowell FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Nia I. Daids Sara J. Dwyer Emily Dyckman Asher Edelson Andrew Erickson Caroline E. Erickson Peri Feldstein Sean Flahive Adam G. Gershen Zachary L. Golden Joseph D. Haggerty II Brooke N. Heap Robert M. Hoffman Sophie A. Jensen Emma Kaplan Michael A. Kearney Saarika Kumar Yahya A. Ladiwala Harrison A. Latham Grace Lee Caroline R. Lippman Grace A. Lively James M. Mack Bian H. Maloney Sabrina Matlock Erin M. Murray Nilesh Jai Nair Rhys O’Connor Sarah Parks James P. Radvany Hariharan Rajagopalan Matthew L. Riley Jacob Shavel Alexis Slattery Brigette A. Suerig Kelly A. Tarcza Kevin A. Towle Adina Triolo Katherine Venturo-Conerly Oscar Vik William T. Wright Kate C. Yazujian Lena E. Zlock

The following parents supported the 2015-2016 Annual Fund CLASS OF 2016 Participation: 81% Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Abrams Mr. Zoltan Adam and Mrs. Priscilla N. Adam ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Altmeyer Mr. Eric J. Applegate and Ms. Deborah B. Tesser Ms. Karen D. Athanassiades ’83 and Mr. Elliot Michael Berger Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Augustus Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Banas Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bernardi Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Cammarano Dr. and Mrs. Y. M. Lawrence Chai Mr. and Mrs. Earl Y. Chen Mr. and Mrs. Brock L. Covington Ms. Laurence M. Farhat Mr. and Mrs. Jon Felsher Mr. and Mrs. George B. Finley III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fragale Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Fried Mr. and Mrs. Michael Y. Gan

Mr. Donato Gasparro Dr. and Mrs. Steven R. Gecha Mr. and Mrs. David E. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Guarino ’79 Mr. Todd B. Gudgel and Ms. Colleen A. Foy Mr. John J. Hagan and Mrs. Leslie J. Hagan Mr. and Mrs. John Healey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Henry Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Herrup Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Ioffreda Mr. and Mrs. Renard Kardhashi Dr. and Mrs. Upendra L. Karna Mr. and Mrs. Bharat Khandelwal Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Klein Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kovacevich Ms. Ania Lach Mr. and Mrs. James Y. Laughlin ’80 Dr. and Mrs. Marc J. Levine Julian Grant and Peter Rupert Lighte Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Lippman Mr. and Mrs. John E. Maher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Meyercord III Mr. Rajagopal Narasimhan and Mrs. Padmavathi Rajagopal Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Nusblatt ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nyce Laurie and Andy Okun Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Paneyko Melissa J. Phares ’80 Dr. Srinivasa R. Potluri and Mrs. Kranthi Yarlagadda Mrs. Sheila MacKay Power ’87 and Mr. Sean L. Power Mr. Rajaram Radhakrishnan and Dr. Sowmya Ramakrishnan Kate and Joe Riley Dr. and Mrs. Norman R. Rosenthal Mr. Robert L. Ruggiero Ms. Tracy Ruggiero Mr. and Mrs. George B. Sanderson Dr. and Mrs. Peter H. Schafer Aaron and Erin Schomburg Ms. Sybil Shainwald Donn and Robin Sharer Mr. Chuan-Feng Shih Mr. Winston Sun and Ms. Sarah Karchere Mr. and Mrs. Mario C. Talusan Mr. Robert D. Tuckman Mr. Isaac Ullatil and Mrs. Neeraj Isaac Dr. and Mrs. Nir Yakoby Mr. and Ms. Edward J. Yurkow Mr. Qiufeng Zheng and Mrs. Hui Li

CLASS OF 2017 Participation: 80% Anonymous Ms. Faria Abedin Mr. Patrick E. Amaral and Ms. Kathy Schulte Mr. Willem Appelo and Mrs. Renate Prins Mr. and Mrs. Keith Asplundh Mr. and Mrs. James G. Atkeson Dr. Steven H. Bernstein and Ms. Elizabeth Morath Mr. and Mrs. Larry Birch Mr. and Mrs. William F. Brossman, Jr. Dr. Dave A. Burwell Dr. John N. Cavuto ’81 and Dr. Robin R. Antonacci Mr. and Mrs. Scott Chang Mr. Morton Cohen Mr. Christopher A. Cole and Mrs. Barbara Griffin Cole ’78

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Dallessio Mr. Richard Day and Dr. Ellen Gakis-Day Ms. Sally Drayer Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dudeck Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Enck Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Paul Franzoni Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Russell M. Freid Mr. Gideon Fruchter and Ms. Pia Lofdahl Ms. Debbie Gallo Mr. Peter E. Gibson and Mrs. Marjorie Wallace Gibson ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Green Sr. Mr. and Ms. Kenneth M. Hartley Dr. Gary A. Herman and Dr. Debora Williams-Herman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Higgins Dr. and Mrs. William S. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Hopper Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Izzard Mr. and Mrs. Dinesh C. Jain Mr. and Mrs. Tariq Jamal Mr. Nanda Kanuri and Dr. Kavitha Kanuri Ms. Tunisia D. King Mr. and Mrs. David Kirczow Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Klei Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kramsky Ms. Christine Lamin Mr. Yaolong Lan and Ms. Weiping Dong Ms. Yvette Lanneaux Mr. Richard Leist Ms. Jennifer Levine Drs. Douglas and Wai Lam Ling Dr. and Mrs. Ramy A. Mahmoud Mr. and Mrs. John S. Marshall ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mascali Mr. and Mrs. John McArthur Mr. Daniel McIntosh Dr. R. Jeanne Mendell-Harary Mr. Orlando Mendez and Ms. Yadira Castro Mr. and Mrs. Bradford A. Mills ’72 Dr. Surya P. Mohanty and Dr. Elli Louka Mr. and Mrs. Prasad Naga Mr. and Ms. Balaji Nagalamadaka Mr. Erik A. Neumann and Ms. Mary Dougherty Mr. Jeffrey Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. Jon Ostendorf Mr. and Mrs. Jagdishchandra Parelkar Mr. and Mrs. Nishith Parikh Mr. and Mrs. Alvaro Pelaez Mr. William R. Quijano and Ms. Jill Carpe Dr. William Segal and Dr. Leigh Segal Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Serafin Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Shannon ’81 Dr. Scott Siegal and Dr. Suzanne Shenk Mr. and Mrs. Victor Simons Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Smith Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stephens Dr. and Mrs. Michael Strassberg Mr. Yongliang Sun and Mrs. Weiwen Hu Mr. R. Gregg Szabo and Dr. Tanya Tadey Mr. and Mrs. David G. Takacs Mr. and Mrs. Dake Tian Mr. and Mrs. Silvio Travia Mrs. Michele L. Walsh and Mr. James Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Washington Sr. Ms. Laura M. Wild Mr. Timothy Wilkins Ms. Shelina Williams

Consecutive Annual Fund Donors: 5 plus years *; 10 plus years **; 15 plus years ***; 20 plus years ****; 25 plus years *****



Participation: 76% Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Ammidon III Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Bae Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Barbara Dr. Debra L. Baseman Cathy and Eric Batterman Mr. Matthew M. Bennett and Dr. Melissa E. Bennett Mr. Kamlesh H. Bhatia and Dr. Jyoti K. Bhatia Mr. Deepinder S. Bhatia and Dr. Nandini Chowdhury Mr. and Mrs. David Bremer Ms. Leslie Campbell Dr. Nicholas F. Cappuccino and Ms. Melissa Pavloski Mrs. Kristina Castor Mr. Richard X. Chen and Ms. Fei Mo Mr. Jitender Chopra and Mrs. Jeannie Lin Chopra Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Davis Dr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Decker Dr. and Mrs. Adrian Didita Dr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Difazio Mr. Gerard J. Donnelly and Ms. Sandra E. Bell Dr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Dries Mr. and Mrs. Sanjeev Dugar Mr. James L. Eberly and Dr. Andrea C. Eberly Mr. Yasir Eltayeb and Mrs. Rabab Ahmed Mr. and Mrs. Paul Franzoni Sr. Mr. Francisco Garcia and Ms. Estela Gervacio Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Gary Jonathan S. Gershen ’86 and Ilene Gershen Mr. Todd B. Gudgel and Ms. Colleen A. Foy Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hall ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart T. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Herrup Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Herzer William and Stephanie Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hynes Mr. Premier I. Inyama Mr. and Mrs. Arbind Jha Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kane Mr. and Mrs. Renard Kardhashi Mr. John T. Konopka III Drs. Karen and Andrew Latham Mr. Robin B. Laylin and Ms. Laura D. Baird-Laylin Mr. Kenny Leung and Ms. Vivian Lu Dr. Mara L. Leveson-Smith Mr. Ye Li and Ms. Angela Deng Terry and Rich Lisk Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Love Mr. Larry Lu and Ms. Kelly Zhan Ms. Anita Mclean Mr. Peter A. Miller and Ms. Jacqueline Schreiber Dr. Michael J. Mundenar and Mrs. Jill Mundenar Mr. and Mrs. Naru Narayanan Dr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Nini Mrs. Maryann F. Ortiz Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Petruolo Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Michael Prilutsky Mr. Michael K. Rigby and Ms. Wendy W. Hom Mr. and Mrs. David Rowntree Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Ruvinsky Mr. and Mrs. Prasad Sabbineni Dr. and Mrs. Peter H. Schafer Aaron and Erin Schomburg Mr. and Mrs. Krishnan Sharma Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sheridan IV

Mr. and Mrs. Boris Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Rajesh Sood Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Szuter ’82 Ms. Maribeth M. Trainor and Dr. Timothy Trainor Jonathan E. Trend ’91 and Rachel Bridgeman Trend ’91 Mr. Robert D. Tuckman Ms. Ebere Uche Mr. Anthony Waclawski and Mrs. Dianna Waclawski Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wenzel Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick W. White Mr. Daguang Xu and Ms. Yirong An

CLASS OF 2019 Participation: 83% Anonymous Mr. Andrew Aprill Ms. Karen D. Athanassiades ’83 and Mr. Elliot Michael Berger Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Berman Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bernardi Mr. and Mrs. Ramana Bhandaru Mr. Swaminathan Bhaskar and Ms. Indira Viswanathan Ms. Poonam Bhuchar Mr. and Mrs. Larry Birch Mr. and Mrs. Garret Bucceri Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Cammarano Mr. Lichung Chen and Mrs. Yirchung Chen Mr. Robert DiMatteo and Ms. Denise King Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Dyckman Mr. and Mrs. Adam L. Eiseman Dr. and Mrs. Hisham S. ElKadi Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Emann Mrs. Donelia Erazo and Mr. Wilson Estrada Mr. William Flahive and Dr. Carol Cronheim Mr. Gideon Fruchter and Ms. Pia Lofdahl Mr. Donato Gasparro Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Gennari Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Gerschel Mr. William W. Green Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hall Jr. Mr. Andrew Harris and Ms. Rona MacInnes Ms. Shannon S. Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Jerold B. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. C. Kent Hogshire Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jackson Mr. Fei Jiang and Ms. Linda Guo Drs. Sridhar and Vanaja Kanamaluru James Kaplan and Rita Zetterberg Mr. Kamal Kasera and Ms. Ritu Jajodia Dr. and Mrs. Krishna Kishore Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Klein Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Kuenne ’80 Mr. and Dr. Ashish Kumar Mr. and Mrs. Conan Lane Mr. and Mrs. James Y. Laughlin ’80 Ms. Joanne Liu Mr. Amando Martinez and Mrs. Luisa Paz-Medina Mr. and Mrs. Deryck McDonald Mr. and Mrs. David J. McIntyre Lynn and Ted McNulty Ms. Mekdes Amine and Mr. Musie Mehreteab Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Meyercord III Mr. and Mrs. Hirohide Mimura Dr. and Mrs. Fouad Namouni Mr. Erik A. Neumann and Ms. Mary Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nyce Mr. Albert Pamudji and Ms. Fabienne Yu

Mr. and Mrs. Samip Parikh Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Parks Dr. Srinivasa R. Potluri and Mrs. Kranthi Yarlagadda Mr. Durgaprasad Pulakkat and Ms. Maya Damodaran Mrs. Sandra Danielson Quirinale ’83 and Mr. John Quirinale Mr. and Mrs. James S. Radvany Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ready Kate and Joe Riley Mr. and Mrs. Igor Roitburg Paul and Maureen Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Ravi Sakaria Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Santamaria Mr. D.G. Sarsfield and Ms. Judith Reich Mr. David M. Freedholm and Ms. Maria E. Shepard Mr. Manesh Sindhwani and Mrs. Shekha Grover Mr. Rajeev Singh and Ms. Alka Srivastava Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Smukler Mr. Thomas J. Sullivan and Ms. Bonnie L. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Mario C. Talusan Dr. Kaiyang Tang and Dr. Ping Ji Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard Teti II Mr. and Mrs. John Vareha Mr. and Mrs. Juan Vazquez Mr. and Mrs. Malarvel Vijayathevar John E. Vine ’82 Mr. Anping Wu and Ms. Yong Qin Li Itzhak Yanovitzky and Cindy Blitz Ms. Chiemi York Mr. and Mrs. Darius B. Young

Annual Report 2015• 2016


CLASS OF 2020 Participation: 69% Mr. Patrick E. Amaral and Ms. Kathy Schulte Mr. and Mrs. Sanjeev Bagaria Mr. Matthew M. Bennett and Dr. Melissa E. Bennett Mr. Satvinder Bhens and Dr. Sonia Deora-Bhens Mrs. Dawn Z. Bocian and Mr. David A. Bocian Jennifer and Mike Caputo Mr. Kevin Carroll and Dr. Kellyann Petrucci Dr. John N. Cavuto ’81 and Dr. Robin R. Antonacci Mr. and Mrs. Mario Cecila Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. Cerna Mr. and Mrs. Scott Chang Mrs. Stephanie A. Hanzel Cohen and Mr. Daniel Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Delaney III Mr. Evan Dong and Ms. Joanna Ng Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Drake Dr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Dries Dr. Yusri Elsayed and Mrs. Atsuko Oki Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Frank Dr. Beth Geter-Douglass Ms. Elizabeth A. Duffy and Mr. John A. Gutman ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Kendall M. Hamilton Dr. Zahid Hasan and Ms. Sarah Ahmed Mr. Jim Huang and Ms. Elizabeth Zhang Mr. Premier I. Inyama Ms. Lena Khatcherian Mr. and Mrs. Varadarajan Krishnan Ms. Ania Lach † Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Lee Dr. and Mrs. Marc J. Levine Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ley Mr. and Mrs. Jian Ma

† deceased FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Mr. and Mrs. M. Jack S. Madani Mr. and Mrs. Tazee Mahjied Mr. Daniel A. Marshall and Dr. Rebecca G. Marshall Ms. Shamlie N. McInnis Mr. Greg R. Mortman and Ms. Zulema Vicens-Mortman Dr. Michael J. Mundenar and Mrs. Jill Mundenar Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Njanja Fassu Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Paine III Mr. Pankaj J. Patel and Ms. Tejal Gandhi Mr. and Mrs. Elder E. Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Asit K. Sen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Soos Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Thomas ’82 Mr. Andrew M. Toscano Mr. and Mrs. Millard Tydings Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vradenburgh Dr. and Mrs. Nir Yakoby Participation: 89% Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Olalekan A. Akinyanmi Mr. and Mrs. Jaideep S. Bajaj Ms. Poonam Bhuchar

Mr. and Mrs. Dinesh C. Jain Dr. and Ms. Randon Jerris Mr. Paul P. Kiel and Ms. Ginger L. Mosier Mr. Kiran Kumar and Dr. Anita Kumar Dr. Chun Lin and Ms. Guohong Cheng Mr. and Mrs. Gary Littman Dr. William Maggio and Dr. Vijay Maggio Dr. and Mrs. Ramy A. Mahmoud Mr. Joseph D. McCarthy and Mrs. Livia Wong McCarthy ’77 Jon T. McConaughy ’85 and Robin Cook McConaughy ’87 Mr. and Mrs. David J. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Murray Dr. and Mrs. Fouad Namouni Mr. Peter Nowakoski and Ms. Julia Liu Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Pechter Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Rogerio Pinheiro Mr. Prasad Potluri and Dr. Haritha Potluri Reverend and Mrs. C. Nadir Powell Dr. and Mrs. Amrit Ray Mr. and Mrs. David L. Richter Mr. and Mrs. Steven Salem Mr. James Salgado and Dr. Carolyn Salgado Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Santamaria

Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Blakes Dr. Michael L. Censullo and Dr. Joan Censullo Mr. William Chaves and Ms. Olga Gamboa Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Chia Dr. Frans M. Coetzee and Dr. Catherine A. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Brock L. Covington Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Cucchi Samantha Levine Dawson ’85 Dr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Difazio Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Emann Dr. and Mrs. Eric S. Friedman Mr. Donato Gasparro Mr. and Mrs. Rick Granato Mr. Andrew Harris and Ms. Rona MacInnes Mr. and Mrs. Judson R. Henderson ’92 Dr. Jason M. Hollander ’90 and Dr. Sarah Werbel Nicole and Richard Hughes

Mr. D.G. Sarsfield and Ms. Judith Reich Mr. Suhail Sayed and Ms. Farhat Siddiqui Dr. Nicos Scordis and Dr. Frances Katrishen Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Sedgley Dr. Maritoni C. Shah and Dr. Utpal S. Shah ’90 Dr. Eon K. Shin ’92 and Dr. Nara C. Shin Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Stephenson Mr. Mark A. Tatum and Ms. Lisa Skeete Tatum Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard Teti II Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Van Dusen Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Weinstein Itzhak Yanovitzky and Cindy Blitz Mr. and Mrs. Darius B. Young Mr. Chaowen M. Zhang and Mrs. Min Ye Dr. Yehong Zhang and Dr. Janet Zhang Mr. Tim Zhu and Ms. Joan Wang


CLASS OF 2022 Participation: 88% Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Albert Mr. and Mrs. Brian Allen Mr. Andrew Aprill Mrs. Jennifer Babbino and Mr. Salvatore Babbino Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bailey Mr. Christopher B. Bobbitt and Ms. Tiffany L. Smith Mr. Kevin Carroll and Dr. Kellyann Petrucci Dr. and Mrs. Y. M. Lawrence Chai Dr. Lei Chen and Dr. Yanhong Zhang Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Cheng Mr. and Mrs. Dipal Doshi Mr. and Mrs. Adam L. Eiseman Mr. and Mrs. John Fehn Mr. and Mrs. Mahmood M. Khan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Foster Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Gallagher Dr. Robert A. Glasgold and Dr. Jean Goh Dr. Zahid Hasan and Ms. Sarah Ahmed Mr. and Mrs. Peter Higgins Mr. Sanjay Kalra and Dr. Rakhi Kalra Mr. and Mrs. Vijaysinha R. Kokkirala Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Law Jr. Ronald Li and Carol Chiang-Li Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Lippman Ms. Joanne Liu Mr. Reuben Loewy and Ms. Laura Ziv Mr. and Mrs. Jian Ma Mr. Paul S. Mackles and Ms. Ronni Blasz Dr. William Maggio and Dr. Vijay Maggio Mr. and Mrs. Tazee Mahjied Mr. and Mrs. Sachit Malhotra Mr. Daniel A. Marshall and Dr. Rebecca G. Marshall Barbara and Ross Martinson Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. McCain Mr. Kewei Ming and Mrs. Zhanyun Zhao Mr. Brian Nowack and Ms. Sheira Director-Nowack Mr. Brent Ozdogan and Dr. Anita Miedziak Mr. and Mrs. Samip Parikh Mr. Pankaj J. Patel and Ms. Tejal Gandhi Mr. and Mrs. Sivaprasad Ravipati Mr. and Mrs. David L. Richter Mr. and Mrs. Igor Roitburg Ms. Jaycenth Russell Mr. Scott Schlenker and Ms. Andrea Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Asit K. Sen Dr. Maritoni C. Shah and Dr. Utpal S. Shah ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Bobbi M. Shah Mr. and Mrs. Krishnan Sharma Dr. Benny Soffer and Dr. Janet Chen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Soos Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stillwell Mr. Wenjun J. Sun and Ms. Ji Liu Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Surace Mr. Suhan Tang and Ms. Yali Shi Mr. Mark E. Thierfelder and Ms. Courtney A. Lederer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Thomas ’82 Newell M. Thompson ’82 and Sarah Griffin Thompson ’84 Jonathan E. Trend ’91 and Rachel Bridgeman Trend ’91 Mr. Robert D. Tuckman Mr. Paramesh Venkat and Ms. Asha Paramesh

Consecutive Annual Fund Donors: 5 plus years *; 10 plus years **; 15 plus years ***; 20 plus years ****; 25 plus years *****



CLASS OF 2023 Participation: 86% Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Edem K. Afemeku Mr. and Mrs. Olalekan A. Akinyanmi Mr. Matthew M. Bennett and Dr. Melissa E. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bernardi Mr. Satvinder Bhens and Dr. Sonia Deora-Bhens Mrs. Dawn Z. Bocian and Mr. David A. Bocian Mr. Cedric Brittingham and Mrs. Davina Brittingham Mr. Barry A. Bruno Mr. and Mrs. Brock L. Covington Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Cucchi Mr. Stuart C. Dorman II Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Fenton Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Fried Mr. Timothy R. Gardner and Ms. Meredith P. Asplundh Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hall Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kendall M. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Herscovici Mr. and Mrs. Peter Higgins Ms. Debra J. Hillmanno and Ms. Patricia J. Hillmanno Dr. Joshua Im and Dr. Anna Lee Dr. Robert Jaffe and Dr. H.D. Sara Rovno Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Johnson Mr. Kamal Kasera and Ms. Ritu Jajodia Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kim Ms. Elisabeth Krebs Mr. Kiran Kumar and Dr. Anita Kumar Mr. Zili Ma and Ms. Lin Zheng Mr. and Mrs. John T. MacCabe Mr. and Mrs. Lee S. Maschler Mr. and Mrs. James McInnes Dr. Elizabeth A. Monroe Gary A. Moore ’92 and Natasha Datta Moore ’92 Dr. Hong Ni and Ms. Xun Xu Drs. Samir and Arti Patel Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Pechter Dr. Steven I. Ryu and Dr. Seungyeon Nam Mr. and Mrs. Ravi Sakaria Mr. and Mrs. Steven Salem Mr. Suhail Sayed and Ms. Farhat Siddiqui Dr. Kekul B. Shah and Dr. Rachana Singh Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Terry Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Vander Schaaff Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vradenburgh Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Weinstein Mr. Cheng Wu and Ms. Julia He Mr. Weiyi Yang and Ms. Melody Shan Mr. and Mrs. Lin Zhang

CLASS OF 2024 Participation: 90% Mr. and Mrs. Manish Bathla Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Blakes Mrs. Stephanie A. Hanzel Cohen and Mr. Daniel Cohen Mr. Kun Deng and Professor Zhen Deng

Mr. Michael Epstein and Ms. Karen Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Flory Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Judson R. Henderson ’92 Mr. and Mrs. C. Kent Hogshire Dr. Jason M. Hollander ’90 and Dr. Sarah Werbel Nicole and Richard Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Arbind Jha Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Jones Mr. and Mrs. Amit Karande Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Law Jr. Mr. Reuben Loewy and Ms. Laura Ziv Mr. and Mrs. James McInnes Mr. and Mrs. D’Arcy Miell Mr. Brent Ozdogan and Dr. Anita Miedziak Mr. Manikandan Padmanaban and Mrs. Abiramasundari Manikandan Mr. Hemanshu Pandya and Dr. Heena Pandya Drs. Jigar and Hemal Patel Mr. Andrew H. Philbrick and Dr. Susannah Wise Dr. and Mrs. Amrit Ray Mrs. Barbara G. Richards and Mr. Cyril A. Richards Ms. Stephanie Richman ’87 and Mr. William Reilly Dr. Tomasz S. Rzeczycki and Ms. Ruth A. Ochs Mr. James Salgado and Dr. Carolyn Salgado Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Salvner Dr. Rachel Dultz and Ms. Michelle Silverman-Dultz Mr. Gerard Sentveld and Ms. Lori Sentveld Mr. Sidhartha Shankar and Dr. Shailja Dixit Mr. David M. Freedholm and Ms. Maria E. Shepard Robert L. Sichel and Sylvia Gomez-Sichel Mr. Baljit Singh and Dr. Amandeep Nagra Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Spence Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stillwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Surace Jonathan E. Trend ’91 and Rachel Bridgeman Trend ’91 Dr. Michael Walker and Dr. Jinghua Liu Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willner Mr. Haibo Wu and Mrs. Danfeng Wang Dr. Jiang Zhao and Ms. Ruozhen Chen

CLASS OF 2025 Participation: 83% Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Seth Adler ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Olalekan A. Akinyanmi Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bailey Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bartlett Mr. Barry A. Bruno Geoffrey L. and Kerri L. Cook Mr. Stuart C. Dorman II Mr. and Mrs. Dipal Doshi Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Drake Dr. Joshua and Dr. Tara Eisenberg Mr. Michael J. Feder and Ms. Debbie Wang Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Fenton Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Frost Ms. Elisabeth Krebs Mr. Michael P. Lackey and Dr. Archana Pradhan Lackey Dr. Lawrence P. Lai and Dr. Jipan Xie Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Leonardi Mr. and Mrs. Sachit Malhotra

Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. McCain Mr. and Mrs. David J. McIntyre Mr. Kewei Ming and Mrs. Zhanyun Zhao Mr. and Mrs. Michael Powers Mr. Kumar Reddy and Mrs. Shalini Reddy Mr. and Mrs. David L. Richter Mr. Scott Schlenker and Ms. Andrea Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Bobbi M. Shah Dr. Kekul B. Shah and Dr. Rachana Singh Dr. Eon K. Shin ’92 and Dr. Nara C. Shin Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Simonds Dr. Benny Soffer and Dr. Janet Chen Dr. Ramamirtham Sukumar and Dr. Satya Varagoor Mr. William J. Takeuchi and Ms. Jennifer Shin Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Terry Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tourville Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Turchetta Mr. Nils von Zelowitz ’88 and Ms. Leigh-Anne Wiester Mr. Anping Wu and Ms. Yong Qin Li Dr. and Mrs. Nir Yakoby

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Mr. Nils von Zelowitz ’88 and Ms. Leigh-Anne Wiester Mr. Michael G. Wells Ms. Karen A. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willner Mr. Shudan Zhang and Mrs. Shirley Zhang Mr. Jianfeng Zhu and Ms. Jinxin Jiang

CLASS OF 2026 Participation: 82% Mr. Andrew Aprill Mr. Christopher B. Bobbitt and Ms. Tiffany L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Chandler B. Bocklage Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Chia Mr. Joseph D’Elia and Dr. Jie D’Elia Mr. Dane Dickler and Mrs. Jessica Seid Dickler ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ekroth Siân and Mark Errington Dr. Brent Field and Mrs. Carmen Oveissi Field Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Harrison Mr. Gaurav Khanna and Ms. Gurpinder Kaur Ms. Ania Lach Mr. Jonathan Levy and Ms. Jill Nusbaum Ms. Elizabeth G. Sherman and Mr. Christopher Maher Mr. Vivek Malik and Ms. Seema Malik Mr. and Mrs. Tareq Mansour Mr. Parvez Mansuri and Mrs. Sunitha Banda Mr. Danny Marsh and Mrs. Brandice Osborne-Gwynn Marsh ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Gavin McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Dipal Patel Mr. Cedrick Phillip and Mrs. Gayle Bruney-Phillip Ms. Stephanie Richman ’87 and Mr. William Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Patrik B. Ringblom Mr. Roman Rozenblat and Dr. Lisa Dobruskin Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Salvner Mr. and Mrs. Eric Santini Mr. C. J. Schoonejongen and Ms. Nina Rizzo Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Simonds Dr. Shalabh Singhal and Dr. Shivani Srivastava Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Spence Mr. Sanjeev Srinivas and Dr. Anita Gupta Mr. Anders Svensson and Mrs. Maria Carell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Vander Schaaff Mrs. Michele L. Walsh and Mr. James Walsh Ian P. Wijaya ’95 and Anupa Shah Wijaya ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willner

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


CLASS OF 2027 Participation: 89% Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Seth Adler ’97 Mr. and Mrs. George E. Aitken-Davies Mr. Bertin Aparicio and Ms. Maria Reyes Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bartlett Mr. Steven Behnamnia and Mrs. Jill E. Anderson-Behnamnia Dr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Berkman ’94 Ms. Naimah Beyah Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Cedeno Dr. Min Cha and Mrs. Soyoung Lee Mr. Jintang Chen and Ms. Qian Liu Mr. Bryan Choi and Ms. Carrie Ng Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Philip DelVecchio Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Edelmann Dr. Brent Field and Mrs. Carmen Oveissi Field Mr. and Mrs. Donald George Mr. Zog Hamdia and Ms. Angie Latif Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Horner Dr. Lin Jiang and Dr. Nan Shao Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson Mr. Joshua Kulkin and Dr. Christina Kirby Mr. Andrew Kusminsky and Mrs. Rachel Zublatt Kusminsky ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Law Jr. Ms. Svitlana Letko Ms. Emily Liu and Mr. Benjamin Yeh Mr. Antonio Lopez-Torrero and Mrs. Kristen Lopez-Watt Mr. and Mrs. John T. MacCabe Ms. Elizabeth G. Sherman and Mr. Christopher Maher Dr. and Mrs. Sagar Munjal Mr. and Mrs. Michael Price Mr. and Mrs. Igor Roitburg Mr. James Salgado and Dr. Carolyn Salgado Robert L. Sichel and Sylvia Gomez-Sichel Mr. Baljit Singh and Dr. Amandeep Nagra Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Streeper Mr. and Mrs. Terence Upshur Mr. Nils von Zelowitz ’88 and Ms. Leigh-Anne Wiester Dr. Michael Walker and Dr. Jinghua Liu Itzhak Yanovitzky and Cindy Blitz

CLASS OF 2028 Participation: 84% Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. George E. Aitken-Davies Mr. and Mrs. David Broeker Geoffrey L. and Kerri L. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Philip DelVecchio Mrs. Donelia Erazo and Mr. Wilson Estrada Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Gerry ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Herscovici Mr. Darren Greenblatt and Mr. Samuel Hunt Dr. Guenter R. Janhofer and Ms. Liliana Janhofer Mr. and Mrs. Arbind Jha Ms. Edith Juarez Mr. and Mrs. Jason N. Longo Mr. and Mrs. Tazee Mahjied Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Maione Mr. and Mrs. Gavin McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Merse

Drs. Jigar and Hemal Patel Mr. Peter Quist and Ms. Marian Asante-Grable Dr. Tomasz S. Rzeczycki and Ms. Ruth A. Ochs Mr. and Mrs. James P. Sarvis Mr. Johnathan Seeg and Ms. Sasha C. Appleton Mr. Alvin Seow and Ms. Seok Fun Tan Dr. Eon K. Shin ’92 and Dr. Nara C. Shin Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Simonds Mr. Anders Svensson and Mrs. Maria Carell Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tang Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Turchetta Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Upson Mr. Michael G. Wells Ms. Karen A. Wells Ian P. Wijaya ’95 and Anupa Shah Wijaya ’94 Mr. Zhanjiang Zhang and Ms. Runlian Fu

CLASS OF 2029 Participation: 100% Mr. and Mrs. Seth Adler ’97 Ms. Shonell Best Brown Mr. and Mrs. Chandler B. Bocklage Mr. Matthew Fede and Dr. Seema Basi Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Harrison Dr. James Lipuma and Dr. Hanyun Chang Mr. Paminas Mogaka and Ms. Catherine Gacanja Gary A. Moore ’92 and Natasha Datta Moore ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Dipal Patel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Price Mr. and Mrs. Lavesh Samtani Mr. and Mrs. Derek Schwendinger Dr. Rachel Dultz and Ms. Michelle Silverman-Dultz Mr. Sanjeev Srinivas and Dr. Anita Gupta Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tang Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Upson Itzhak Yanovitzky and Cindy Blitz

Special thanks to the 95% of the faculty and staff who supported the Annual Fund this year. Their support means a great deal and inspires others in our community to join them in giving back. Dean Acquaviva *** Mark Adams * Edem K. Afemeku ** Leah Anderson William M. Asch James G. Atkeson * Krista F. Atkeson * Kimberly A. Ballinger ** Ronald M. Banas Orelia Barrientos * Jamison Bean Amy E. Beckford * Marc Beja Denise G. Bencivengo **** Scott Bertoli *

Shonell Best Brown Corinne E. Bilodeau * Peter A. Blackburn ’11 Monroe Blakes Dawn Z. Bocian Gavinn Boyce Ryan Brechmacher * Barbara A. Brent ***** Henry P. Bristol II ’72 ** Theodore R. Brown ’08 Thomas Buckelew * Stan Cahill * Luis A. Camacho * Tanner J. Campbell ’07 Dave Cancela Christine Cantera Carlos A. Cara * Laurent Cash Margot Chalek * Jessica Reinertsen Clingman * Arlene Cohen * Daniel I. Cohen * Kimberly Collura Maritza Colon Matthew Connolly William Christian Cousins Irina V. Covington * Brian C. Crowell ’11 Jeanne M. Crowell * Julie M. Cucchi * Liz R. Cutler *** Richard J. D’Andrea * Elizabeth S. Davis * Samantha Levine Dawson ’85 Christopher J. Devlin * Janet Zoubek Dickson * Ryan Donovan * Eamon M. Downey * Brian Dudeck Michael S. Emann * Paul Epply-Schmidt **** Thaddeus Erdahl Jody Erdman ’72 *** Sophie Evans Laurence M. Farhat ** Heather Farlow Susan C. Ferguson ** Sonia M. Flores-Khan Pamela J. Flory * Myriam Folkes * Nichole Foster-Hinds David M. Freedholm * Beverly G. Gallagher **** Emily Q. Gallagher ** Jennifer L. Gallagher * Amy M. Gallo ’03 * Maureen E. Gargione Jody Gerlock * Dulany H. Gibson * Marjorie Wallace Gibson ’84 ***** Victoria Gibson Sheila S. Goeke * AJ Goldman * Jill L. Goldman ’74 ***** Sarah M. Graham * Tarshia M. Griffin-Ley * Jane E. Grigger **** Todd B. Gudgel **** Leslie J. Hagan * Caroline Erdman Hare ’75 *

Consecutive Annual Fund Donors: 5 plus years *; 10 plus years **; 15 plus years ***; 20 plus years ****; 25 plus years *****



Howard F. Powers Jr. ’80 ***** Renée Charity Price Rose Price Suzanne Procaccino * Tara Wyman Quigley * Thomas J. Quigley Jr. * Julia Quindlen Susan M. Reichlin ***** Joseph Reilly Christian Rhodes Michael Rich Hector Rivera * Elizabeth S. C. Rizza * Marybeth Roach * Ann Robideaux * Jason Robinson Wendy L. Roitburg ** Leon Rosenberg Kathryn Rosko * Kerry Ross Jeffrey D. Rubens ** Linda M. Rubens Tomasz Rzeczycki * Carolyn Salgado Carmen Santa-Cruz * Andrea A. Schafer ** Aaron W. Schomburg ** Kathy Schulte ** Sarah Selzer Candy C. Shah Amy Sharpless Maria E. Shepard ** Emily Shircliff Marie L. Shock *** Michelle Simonds Mary Sisson Mitchell F. Smith * Jane Spencer * Heidi S. Spillane Maureen O. Stellato * Paul J. Stellato * Karen Stolper William A. Stoltzfus III **** Steven J. Storey Stephanie Stuefer Deborah Sugarman * Lisa S. Surace * Katy Terry * Evelyn Thomas * Jill L. Thomas ***** Sarah Griffin Thompson ’84 * Ronald Tola Tian H. Tu * Robert D. Tuckman * Casey Cirullo Upson Carolee Van Dervort Audrey L. Vareha Jennifer E. Vradenburgh ** Barbara Walker ** Stacey L. Walker Michele L. Walsh * Wei-hsing Wang * Lisa B. Webber Ann M. Wiley ’70 ***** Timothy Y. Williams * Krysta A. Woll * Dolores Wright **** Beth J. Yakoby *** Darius Young * Tracy L. Young * Donna S. Zarzecki ****

The Semper Luceats are our most loyal donors who have given to the Annual Fund for 10 or more consecutive years and help make PDS a great school. Semper Luceat was the Miss Fine’s School motto and means “may it always shine.”

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Christine N. Hart * Gene Hartway Peter Higgins Debra J. Hillmanno ** Jerry I. Hirniak Lauran McDermott Hocquaux Eileen Hohmuth-Lemonick *** Erik Hove Samuel Hunt Christopher Izzard David Johnson Rachel Kamen * Paulette G. Kampe * Kaylie Keesling Nina Keller Holly A. Kenny Alesia I. Klein * Katherine Koenigsknecht Paula Koerte * John Kopacz Gabrielle Kyriakides Alexandra L. Lasevich Karen Latham * James Y. Laughlin ’80 **** Jennifer B. Laurash Lauren Ledley Caroline Lee Linda Lippman Richard P. Lisk Jr. ’13 Andrew Lloyd Reuben Loewy Katherine Long * Julie Ludwick M. Jack S. Madani ** Alexa R. Maher ’08 Christopher R. Maher Heather Maione * Benjamin Malone Barbara Maloney **** Nicholas Manela Nicole Reiners Mangino * Jessica Manners Mia Manzulli Yves Marcuard ***** Ruth Y. Martinez * Brian R. Mayer * Janet Mayo Jamie McCulloch * Channing McCullough Thomas McStravock Cynthia Michalak Thomas Mick Alec Militano Henry R. Minarick Jennifer E. Mischner *** Brian Mochnal * Paminas Mogaka * Elizabeth A. Monroe * Elias Montes * Carmen Perez Morales * Jesse Neuman Carolyn Norin Aimée A. Nyce Carol J. Olson * Maryann F. Ortiz ** Jon Ostendorf Ramon Padovani * Cynthia H. Peifer * Gary Perchalski Abigail Perry Karen E. Pike *

Semper Luceat Society Anonymous Christian B. Aall ’74 Joseph Abelson ’73 Dr. Alexander M. Ackley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Acquaviva Mr. and Mrs. Seth Adler ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Edem K. Afemeku Maria Tardugno Aldrich ’99 Lylah M. Alphonse ’90 Mr. Patrick E. Amaral and Ms. Kathy Schulte Glenna Weisberg Andersen ’73 Mrs. Jermain J. Anderson Jessica Collins Anderson ’98 Annie Jamieson Applegate ’99 Louise Mason Bachelder ’54 J. Keith Baicker ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Bailey Gordon McAllen Baker ’51 John C. Baker ’62 Mr. Robert H. B. Baldwin, Jr. and Ms. Margaret J. Sieck Dr. Kimberly A. Ballinger and Mr. Eric Rosenthal Patience Outerbridge Banister ’63 Tracey Spinner Baskin ’00 Jay V. Bavishi ’05 Mr. C. Sean Beardsley Dr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Bencivengo Dr. Kofi D. Benefo and Dr. Prema A. Kurien Laura S. Bennett ’85 Courtney C. Bergh ’02 Linda Staniar Bergh ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bernardi

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Lillie G. Binder ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Sanford B. Bing h’87 Joanna L. Bowen ’03 Wendy McAneny Bradburn ’50 Carol Harris Bradley ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Brahaney Ariana Jakub Brandes ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brent Lucy Englander Brinster ’78 Henry P. Bristol II ’72 and Susan P. Bristol Adam Bromwich ’92 Mrs. Katharine R. Brush Dr. and Mrs. William P. Burks Alexander S. Burnstan ’48 Jan Hall Burruss ’72 Frederica Cagan-Doeringer ’70 Robin Ackerman Cameron ’98 Vance G. Camisa ’79 Henry B. Cannon III ’53 Kevin M. Capinpin ’92 Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Capinpin James Carey, Jr. ’57 Nancy Chen Cavanaugh ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Y. Chen Jaye Chen ’86 Victoria C.P. Chen ’84 Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Chew Mr. Alan Chimacoff and Ms. Joan S. Girgus Thomas D. Chubet ’61 John W. Claghorn III ’68 Ann Kinczel Clapp ’59 Phyllis Vandewater Clement ’40 Aly G. Cohen ’91 Jo Cornforth Coke ’55 Mr. Christopher A. Cole and Mrs. Barbara Griffin Cole ’78 Gail M. Cotton ’62 Evelyn Turner Counts ’74 Ms. Elizabeth R. Cutler and Mr. Thomas G. Kreutz Ms. Susan Daly-Rouse and Mr. Charles B. Rouse H. Andrew Davies II ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Guy K. Dean III ’55 Anne Carples Denny ’53 Mr. John H. Denny, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. DiBianca Mr. Donald T. Dickson Robert A. Drabiuk ’96 Christina Bachelder Dufresne ’77 Craig and Betsy Dykstra Mr. James L. Eberly and Dr. Andrea C. Eberly Richard H. Eckels ’62 Martha Thompson Eckfeldt ’60 William Edwards, Jr. ’63 Mrs. Debra C. Egner Mark A. Egner ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Adam L. Eiseman Dr. and Mrs. Hisham S. ElKadi Katharine Walker Ellison ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Shawn W. Ellsworth ’75 Michael Englander ’72 Mr. Paul and Reverend Joanne Epply-Schmidt Jody Erdman ’72 Michael P. Erdman ’50 Peter E. B. Erdman ’43 Mr. and Mrs. Michael I. Falcon Ms. Laurence M. Farhat Mrs. Jean Farina Laura Farina ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Farina

Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Fasolo Anne Bishop Faynberg ’73 Douglas A. Fein ’79 Scott J. Feldman ’93 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Felton Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Ferguson Jacob M. Fisch ’06 Professor Nathaniel J. Fisch and Dr. Tobe M. Fisch Dr. Keith J. Fishbein and Dr. Nancy L. Feldman Andrew J. Fishmann ’68 David S. Fitton, Jr. ’79 Mrs. David S. Fitton, Sr. Anne Dennison Fleming ’77 Barbara Russell Flight ’77 Nancy Shannon Ford ’54 Ms. Betty Ann Fort Mr. Gregory P. Francfort and Ms. Patricia A. Francfort Karen P. Fredericks ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Fried Benjamin M. Frost ’92 Elaine Polhemus Frost ’53 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Frothingham Agnes S. Fulper ’54 Beverly and Jack Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Gallagher Julia Penick Garry ’77 Mr. Donato Gasparro Mr. and Mrs. Moore Gates, Jr. ’42 Mr. Thomas R. Gates ’78 and Mrs. Tracey W. Gates Mr & Mrs. David R. Geltzer Mr. Joseph F. Gerdes and Mrs. Berna Itez-Gerdes Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Gerry ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Gerschel Jonathan S. Gershen ’86 and Ilene Gershen Dr. Beth Geter-Douglass Mr. Peter E. Gibson and Mrs. Marjorie Wallace Gibson ’84 Louise Whipple Gillock ’73 Mr. and Mrs. David E. Goldberg Ms. Jill L. Goldman ’74 and Mr. Lawrence A. Richards Barbara Straut Goldsmith ’84 Ms. Georgia B. Gosnell William P. Graff ’75 Frank Greek and Cathy Greek The Honorable and Mrs. William S. Greenberg Drs. Christopher and Dorota Gribbin Mr. and Mrs. John L. Griffith Jr. John L. Griffith III ’99 and Rebecca Lintner Griffith ’95 Ms. Jane E. Grigger Alice Lee Groton ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Grounds Mr. Todd B. Gudgel and Ms. Colleen A. Foy Alexandra Smith Gunderson ’75 Sally Campbell Haas ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Haggerty III Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hall ’85 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hall Jr. Mr. Andrew C. Hamlin and Ms. Kathleen Deignan Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Haney Mr. and Mrs. Alexander D. Hanson Julia Fulper Hardt ’61 Cary Smith Hart ’64 Mr. and Ms. Kenneth M. Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Harvey Jenny Chandler Hauge ’78

Mark A. Heald ’43 Daniel J. Helmick ’90 John H. Helmick ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henkel Ms. Gayle Henkin and Mr. Thomas P. Smith Daniel R. Herr ’84 Lorraine M. Herr ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Herrup Ms. Debra J. Hillmanno and Ms. Patricia J. Hillmanno Deborah V. Hobler ’66 Eric D. Hochberg ’98 Susan C. Hockings ’86 Katherine Gulick Hoffman ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hofmann, Jr. Benjamin A. Hohmuth ’90 Ms. Eileen Hohmuth-Lemonick and Mr. Michael D. Lemonick Dr. Jason M. Hollander ’90 and Dr. Sarah Werbel Julia Cornforth Holofcener ’61 Christopher J. Horan ’79 Dr. Charles B. Howard Timothy S. Howard ’86 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Howe Mary Lawson-Johnston Howe ’85 Julia Stabler Hull ’76 Lynch W. Hunt, Jr. ’85 Simeon H. Hutner ’77 Taylor K. Hwong ’88 Mary Hobler Hyson ’68 Alice Jacobson ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Dinesh C. Jain Ms. Tamara Jakub Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Jamieson, Jr. Kathleen O. Jamieson ’96 Pam and Eric R. Jensen ’82 Mrs. Betty Wold Johnson Alexandra Johnston ’97 Bradford D. Johnston ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Johnston Mr. Kamal Kasera and Ms. Ritu Jajodia Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Kaufman Kelley Keegan ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Keegan Jr. Hilary Thompson Kenyon ’53 Jane Henderson Kenyon ’79 Hope Thompson Kerr ’53 Nancy Hudler Keuffel ’58 Ms. Lena Khatcherian L. Chloe King ’55 Mitchell J. Klein ’86 Lewis C. Kleinhans III ’46 Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig M. Koerte Benjamin B. Kuris ’93 Mr. David H. LaMotte and Ms. Jani Rachelson Sally Kuser Lane ’42 Stephen Lane ’64 Mr. and Mrs. John Langeler Ms. Cynthia M. Laskin Mr. and Mrs. James Y. Laughlin ’80 Mr. Robin B. Laylin and Ms. Laura D. Baird-Laylin Suzanne E. Lengyel ’84 Eleanor Vandewater Leonard ’44 Dr. Mara L. Leveson-Smith Ronald Li and Carol Chiang-Li Mr. Ye Li and Ms. Angela Deng Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Lien

Consecutive Annual Fund Donors: 5 plus years *; 10 plus years **; 15 plus years ***; 20 plus years ****; 25 plus years *****



Melissa J. Phares ’80 Dorothy C. Pickering ’71 Robert R. Piper ’46 Charles H. Place III ’73 Mr. Stephen A. Pollard ’90 and Dr. Jessica Stevens Mrs. Sheila MacKay Power ’87 and Mr. Sean L. Power Howard F. Powers Jr. ’80 Joseph D. Punia ’71 Brock Putnam II ’60 Russell B. Pyne ’73 Mr. and Mrs. John G. Quigley Heather Dembert Rafter ’78 David A. Ragsdale ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Reichlin Cicely Tomlinson Richardson ’56 Ms. Stephanie Richman ’87 and Mr. William Reilly Dr. and Mrs. Yale & Ilene Richmond Gail Petty Riepe ’64 Mr. Michael K. Rigby and Ms. Wendy W. Hom Dr. and Mrs. F. Edward Roberts, Jr. Shepherd K. Roberts ’47 Barbara Johnston Rodgers ’51 David C.D. Rogers ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Igor Roitburg Arianna Rosati ’88 Scott E. Rosenberg ’04 Dr. and Mrs. Norman R. Rosenthal A. Richard Ross ’68 Andrew A. Ross ’81 Mr. Llewellyn G. Ross and Ms. Miles Dumont Peter R. Rossmassler ’47 Jeremy E. Rothfleisch ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rothstein Wendy Gartner Rowland ’53 Hardy S. Royal ’89 Mr. Toms B. Royal Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Rubens Ms. Tracy Ruggiero Patrick Rulon-Miller ’55 Alice Ganoe Ryden ’82 Dr. and Mrs. Jan N. Safer Mr. Mark J. Samse Mr. and Mrs. George B. Sanderson David Sayen ’64 Kenneth C. Scasserra ’53 Dr. and Mrs. Peter H. Schafer William D. Schafer ’87 Sally Hagen Schmid ’60 Aaron and Erin Schomburg Jeffrey Schor ’97 Lauren Goodyear Schramm ’82 Jeffrey E. Schuss ’73 Susan Bauer Schwinger ’73 Mr. and Mrs. David R. Scott Mr. and Mrs. G. Carter Sednaoui Mr. Gerald P. Seid Mr. Michael Seipp Donn and Robin Sharer Dr. Sandra and Dr. Yitzhak Sharon Marjorie D. Shaw ’70 and Mr. Barney S. Rush Ms. Maria E. Shepard and Mr. David M. Freedholm Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sheridan IV Jane Gihon Shillaber ’53 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Shock Markell Meyers Shriver ’46 Dr. Lawrence R. Siegel and Mrs. Paula Siegel Rebecca Nemiroff Siegel ’96 Stephen S. Siegel ’93

Muna S. Shehadi Sill ’79 David B. Smoyer ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Smukler Barbara A. Spalholz ’74 Lauren Welsh Sparrow ’99 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Stanton Austin C. Starkey, Jr. ’69 Linda Maxwell Stefanelli ’62 Dr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Sternberg Michele Sternberg ’87 Jon and Meredith Stevens Dana H. Stewardson ’80 Richard N. Stillwell ’50 John D. Stitzer, Jr. ’92 Mr. William A. Stoltzfus III and Ms. Alison L. Baxter Craig C. Stuart ’87 Austin P. Sullivan, Jr. ’54 Martha Sullivan Sword ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Szuter ’82 Lisa A. Taitsman ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Tate Mr. Mark A. Tatum and Ms. Lisa Skeete Tatum Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Thomas ’82 Ms. Jill L. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Carlton H. Tucker h’13 Karen M. Turner ’72 Palmer B. Uhl ’74 Karen Callaway Urisko ’85 Professor David F. Venturo and Ms. Jeanne C. Conerly John E. Vine ’82 Stephen M. Vine ’70 Henry T. Vogt ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vradenburgh Susan Barclay Walcott ’57 Ms. Barbara Walker Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wallace ’48 William C. Wallace ’50 Susan Schildkraut Wallach ’64 Diana E. Walsh ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Walter Randall S. Walter ’87 Leslie Straut Ward ’80 Terry L. Ward ’74 Lisbeth A. Warren ’71 Curtis McGraw Webster ’75 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wellemeyer ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick W. White Polly Hunter White ’74 Mrs. Noel S. White Rena Ann Whitehouse ’83 Robert C. Whitlock ’78 Marina von Neumann Whitman ’52 Jennifer Dutton Whyte ’80 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wilde III Ann M. Wiley ’70 Jane T. Wiley ’69 Cintra Eglin Willcox ’76 Mr. Stephen Williams and Ms. C. Treby Williams ’80 Ms. Mary K. Williams Gay Wilmerding ’75 Robert D. Wilmot ’69 Jean Gorman Wilson ’69 Mr. Robert N. Wilson Janine C. Winant ’99 Eric R. Wolarsky ’92 John T. Woodward IV ’84 Mr. Newell B. Woodworth

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Dr. and Mrs. Judson Linville Mr. David Nin Shin Liu and Mrs. Celia W. Liu Amy R. Livingston ’91 Giovanna Gray Lockhart ’98 Mary Woodbridge Lott ’67 Kathleen Dunn Lyman ’56 Mr. and Mrs. M. Jack S. Madani Mr. and Mrs. Tazee Mahjied Laura Mali-Astrue ’74 Dr. Burton G. Malkiel and Dr. Nancy Weiss Malkiel Mr. and Mrs. Cristopher Maloney Eva Mantell ’81 Charles F. Mapes, Jr. ’48 Mr. Yves Marcuard and Ms. Cheryl D. Whitney Jay R. Marcus ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Marshall, Jr. Barbara and Ross Martinson Janet M. Masterton ’70 Mr. Henry H. Matelson Dr. Elisa Matthes Mr. Edward E. Matthews Gregory E. Matthews ’76 Mr. Tim W. E. Maudlin and Mrs. Vishnya Maudlin Colin C. McAneny ’45 Tania Lawson-Johnston McCleery ’71 Ann I. McClellan ’68 Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McClellan Robert N. McClellan ’77 Jo Schlossberg McConaghy ’67 Frank A. McDougald III ’83 Mr. and Mrs. George H. McLaughlin II Howard McMorris II ’59 Wendy Lawson-Johnston McNeil ’70 Sean N. Merriweather ’99 Catherine White Mertz ’79 Sara Peach Messier ’01 Edwin H. Metcalf ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Miller Martha F. Miller ’67 Nancy B. Miller ’57 Mr. Peter A. Miller and Ms. Jacqueline Schreiber Polly T. Miller ’63 Mr. and Dr. Kenneth R. Mischner John B. Mittnacht ’73 Debbie and Steve Modzelewski Peter R. Moock ’56 Patience Morgan-Irigoyen ’66 William M. Morse ’57 Dr. Michael J. Mundenar and Mrs. Jill Mundenar Laura Stifel Murphy ’82 Megan E. Keegan Murphy ’05 Kang Na ’82 Alexander J. Nanfara ’99 Marcia Goetze Nappi ’52 Hillary Hayes Nastro ’93 Dr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Noonan, Jr. Robert A. Norman ’71 Alexandra C. H. Nowakowski ’01 Laurie and Andy Okun Jessica Feig Opet ’01 Mrs. Maryann F. Ortiz Ms. Bente L. Ott Marian Stoltzfus Paen ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Paine III Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Paneyko Mr. and Mrs. John M. Peach Jeffrey F. Perlman ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Persky Laura B. Peterson ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Elwood W. Phares II

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Mary Greey Woody ’41 Thomas C. Worthington ’71 Ms. Dolores Wright Peter G.P. Wright ’51 Cornelia Wu ’94 Dr. and Mrs. Nir Yakoby Ms. Donna S. Zarzecki Mrs. Henry Zenzie Dr. Jiang Zhao and Ms. Ruozhen Chen George M. Zoukee ’77

In Honor of John Baldwin

In Honor of Stan Cahill

Abhijit Basu ’10 Professor Nathaniel J. Fisch and Dr. Tobe M. Fisch

Julia S. Miller ’12 Jessica Toltzis ’14

In Honor of Ronald Banas

In Honor of Rome Campbell

Every year, Princeton Day School receives gifts given in honor of or in memory of someone special.

In Honor of Denise Bencivengo Hadley Phares ’14 Melissa J. Phares ’80 Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of David P. Carugati ’90 and Jose Adrovet


In Honor of James J.S. Bennett ’20

In Honor of Laurent “Chip” Cash

In Honor of Mark D. Adams Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Edem Afemeku Sydney M. Gecha ’11

Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Amy E. Beckford Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Marc Beja Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

Dr. and Mrs. Demetrius Ellis

In Honor of Katherine E. Bennett ’18 Dr. and Mrs. Demetrius Ellis

In Honor of William D.W. Bennett ’23 Dr. and Mrs. Demetrius Ellis

Summer L. Headley ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop S. Headley

In Honor of Carlos Cara Erica Glancey ’12 Frank A. McDougald III ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Nusblatt ’79 Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

Adrianne L. C. Wong ’90 Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Arlene Cohen Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Daniel Cohen Jill C. Cacciola ’13

In Honor of Kimberly Collura Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Liz Cutler Anonymous Marc A. Collins ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Horowitz Emily C. Matthews ’14 Beth Schwartz Waisburd, ’89

In Honor of Richard D’Andrea Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Samantha Levine Dawson ’85 Mr. and Ms. Kenneth M. Hartley

In Honor of Jeanne M. Duff Laura R. Jacobus ’81

In Honor of Andrew C. Dykstra ’89 Craig and Betsy Dykstra

In Honor of Peter H. Dykstra ’88 Craig and Betsy Dykstra

In Honor of Leah Anderson

In Honor of Scott Bertoli

Mr. and Mrs. Dipal Patel

Lewis Blackburn ’14 Peter A. Blackburn ’11 John E. Egner ’14

In Honor of Aishwarrya Arun ’21 Anonymous

In Honor of Akshay Arun ’24 Anonymous

In Honor of Krista Atkeson Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Turchetta

In Honor of Elizabeth G. Bailey ’25 Dr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Bucher

In Honor of Jackson Bailey ’22 Dr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Bucher

In Honor of Jan Baker Ellen M. Fisher ’73 Ann Wittke Morrissey ’76 Arianna Rosati ’88


In Honor of Shonell Best-Brown Mr. and Mrs. Dipal Patel

In Honor of Sandy Bing h ’87 Ellen M. Fisher ’73

In Honor of Jaylen T. Blakes ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Blakes

In Honor of Mikayla Blakes ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Blakes

In Honor of David Burkett Ms. Laurence M. Farhat Grace Lee ’15 Daniella R. Levitan ’13 Mr. Manesh Sindhwani and Mrs. Shekha Grover Mr. Stephen Williams and Ms. C. Treby Williams ’80

In Honor of Calvin R. Fenton ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Fenton

In Honor of Cole D. Fenton ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Fenton

In Honor of Susan Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Horowitz Mr. Kumar Reddy and Mrs. Shalini Reddy

In Honor of David Figueroa-Ortiz Alexander E. Gershen ’13 Emily Goldman ’14 Benjamin N. Levine ’14 Matthew L. Riley ’15

In Honor of Kevin J. Flahive ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cronheim

In Honor of Morgan Foster ’15 Mr. and Mrs. John Langeler


In Honor of Sally Holben

In Honor of Matthew Levinson

Scott N. Miller ’87 and Jennifer Bonini ’87 Michael K. Ferry ’92 Andrew M. Jensen ’79 Harvey M. Wiener ’75

Blythe Anne Kropf ’71

In Honor of Deborah V. Hobler ’66

Jacquelyn Bowen ’07 Professor Nathaniel J. Fisch and Dr. Tobe M. Fisch

Susan J. Bonthron ’66 Andrea Hicks ’66

In Honor of Ottilie L. B. Lighte ’16 Julian Grant and Peter Rupert Lighte

In Honor of Eileen Hohmuth-Lemonick

In Honor of Katie Long

Harrison I. Epstein ’05 Edward B. Hannush ’14 Saarika Kumar ’15

Mr. and Mrs. David Fay Carolyn Kossow ’13

In Honor of Bonnie Hunter

Mr. Sanjay Kalra and Dr. Rakhi Kalra

In Honor of David Freedholm Professor Nathaniel J. Fisch and Dr. Tobe M. Fisch Anjuli Karna ’13

In Honor of Alison Frieder ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Frieder

In Honor of Elizabeth Frieder ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Frieder

Catherine White Mertz ’79

In Honor of Franklin P. Jacobson

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Frieder

Won Suk Kim ’90 Katherine K. Marquis ’92 Jason C. Posnock ’90

In Honor of Steven E. Gadd

In Honor of Katherine K. Jain ’21

Professor Nathaniel J. Fisch and Dr. Tobe M. Fisch Robert D. Hrabchak ’13 Mr. Peter A. Miller and Ms. Jacqueline Schreiber Dr. Sandra and Dr. Yitzhak Sharon

Ms. Nancy Mullan

In Honor of Beverly Gallagher

Ms. Susan Daly-Rouse and Mr. Charles B. Rouse Oscar Vik ’15

In Honor of Jessica Frieder ’11

Justin Revelle ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Sedgley

In Honor of Dominick Gasparro ’16 Mr. Joel Binkowitz

In Honor of Sally Stewart Gilbert ’65 Jane L. Gerb ’81

In Honor of Emily Murray-Gill Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Donald Gilpin Lauren Goodyear Schramm ’82

In Honor of Isabel Adams Griffith John L. Griffith III ’99 and Rebecca Lintner Griffith ’95

In Honor of Todd B. Gudgel Santiago Gepigon III ’13 Jay S. Karandikar ’13 Michael A. Kearney ’15

In Honor of Nicholas C. Jain ’17 Ms. Nancy Mullan

In Honor of Rachel Kamen

In Honor of Jacob Kaufman ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Kaufman

In Honor of Jonas Kaufman ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Kaufman

In Honor of Rebekah Ziva Kendall Barbara Zeitler ’81

In Honor of Laura Kenny Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Alesia Klein Mr. and Mrs. Gavin McLaughlin

In Honor of Jack T. Konopka ’18 Ms. Maribeth M. Trainor and Dr. Timothy Trainor

In Honor of Mr. Reynaldo Lajara Mr. and Mrs. Mario C. Talusan

In Honor of Samuel W. Lambert ’86

In Honor of Christine N. Hart

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Lambert III

Mr. Brent Ozdogan and Dr. Anita Miedziak

In Honor of David LaMotte

In Honor of Andrea Hicks ’66 Susan J. Bonthron ’66

In Honor of Peter Higgins Katherine E. Edelblut ’14

In Honor of Ross Hindley Benjamin T. Brickner ’00 and Kathryn Babick Brickner ’02

In Honor of Jerry Hirniak Benjamin T. Brickner ’00 and Kathryn Babick Brickner ’02 Jennifer L. Chen ’13 Ms. Elizabeth G. Sherman and Mr. Christopher Maher Alexia C. Warren ’13 Mr. Stephen Williams and Ms. C. Treby Williams ’80

Anna E. Batterman ’15 Ariana Jakub Brandes ’99 Deanna Counts ’13 Daniella R. Levitan ’13 Mr. Robert McCulloch and Ms. Jennifer Bazin Sarah Parks ’15 Katherine Venturo-Conerly ’15

In Honor of Karen Latham Harrison A. Latham ’15 Kelsey Scarlett ’13

In Honor of Sarah Latham Christopher C. Campbell ’03

In Honor of Caroline Lee Mr. Manesh Sindhwani and Mrs. Shekha Grover

In Honor of Harvey Lee

In Honor of Jack Madani

Annual Report 2015• 2016

In Honor of Andrew Franz

In Honor of Casey J. Maher ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sherman

In Honor of Chris Maher Professor Nathaniel J. Fisch and Dr. Tobe M. Fisch Brendan Shannon ’13

In Honor of Fiona M. Maher ’27 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sherman

In Honor of Heather Maione Dr. and Mrs. Frank Masino

In Honor of Barbara Maloney Nicholas B. Jaeckel ’14 Mr. Peter A. Miller and Ms. Jacqueline Schreiber Dr. Sandra and Dr. Yitzhak Sharon Mr. Manesh Sindhwani and Mrs. Shekha Grover Brigette A. Suerig ’15

In Honor of Nicole Mangino Mr. and Ms. Kenneth M. Hartley

In Honor of Jessica Manners Mr. Peter A. Miller and Ms. Jacqueline Schreiber

In Honor of Brian Mayer Michael P. Tucker ’14

In Honor of Wesley A. McCaughan Kathleen Gorman Colket ’69

In Honor of Ann McClelllan ’68 Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McClellan

In Honor of Robert McClellan ’77 Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McClellan

In Honor of William McClellan II ’75 Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McClellan

In Honor of Patricia McCord Lindsay McCord Norman ’82

In Honor of R. James McCulloch Erin M. Murray ’15 Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Douglas McLane Julia S. Miller ’12

In Honor of Paris L. McLean ’00 James P. Radvany ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Sedgley

In Honor of Judy Michaels Dr. Beth Geter-Douglass

In Honor of Alec Militano Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

C. Justin Hillenbrand ’94

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Annual Report 2015• 2016


In Honor of Nancy B. Miller ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Gerry ’99 Mr. Llewellyn G. Ross and Ms. Miles Dumont

In Honor of Albert Ming ’22 Mr. Kewei Ming and Mrs. Zhanyun Zhao

In Honor of Patrick Ming ’25 Mr. Kewei Ming and Mrs. Zhanyun Zhao

In Honor of Eizabeth A. Monroe Grace Lee ’15 Daniella R. Levitan ’13 Caroline R. Lippman ’15

In Honor of the Princeton Day School Tech Crew Eric Falcon ’11

In Honor of the Princeton Day School Science Program Mr. Sanjeev Srinivas and Dr. Anita Gupta

In Honor of the Princeton Day School Sixth Grade Teachers Mrs. Jennifer Babbino and Mr. Salvatore Babbino

In Honor of Thomas J. Quigley, Jr.

In Honor of Nanette O’Brien-Blake

Katherine E. Edelblut ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Gerry ’99 Caroline R. Lippman ’15 Jeffrey Schor ’97 Adriana van Manen ’13

Mr. and Mrs. John R. O’Brien

In Honor of Julie E. Raino

In Honor of Malcolm Murphy Mr. and Mrs. James Y. Laughlin ’80

In Honor of Andy Okun

Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGill

In Honor of Karen E. Pike Mr. Scott Schlenker and Ms. Andrea Schwartz

In Honor of Howard Powers, Jr. ’80 Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Peter Sears Terry L. Ward ’74

In Honor of Emily Shircliff Brooke N. Heap ’15

In Honor of Father Daniel J. Skvir h’73 Jeffrey E. Schuss ’73

In Honor of Arlene Smith Benjamin A. Hohmuth ’90 Gwyneth Hamel Iredale ’76

In Honor of Paul J. Stellato

In Honor of William A. Stoltzfus

In Honor of Davon M. Reed ’13

In Honor of Tiffany I. Patterson ’11

Ellen M. Fisher ’73

In Honor of Susan Reichlin

In Honor of Tyler Pakradooni ’04

Professor Nathaniel J. Fisch and Dr. Tobe M. Fisch

In Honor of Sara M. Schwiebert h ’05

Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Reed

In Honor of Ms. Ronnie Rathauser

In Honor of Tom Palma

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Schwendinger

Peter A. Blackburn ’11 Evelyn Turner Counts ’74 Rory E. Finnegan ’14 Ellen M. Fisher ’73 William John Laylin ’13 Dr. and Mrs. Norman R. Rosenthal Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

Jessica Collins Anderson ’98

Dr. Judith R. Fox and Dr. David A. Loomar Paul J. and Maureen O. Stellato Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin A. Pakradooni

In Honor of Sloane V. Schwendinger ’29

Daniel Rathauser ’06

Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Stockman

In Honor of Christian Rhodes Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Betsy Rizza Mr. Kumar Reddy and Mrs. Shalini Reddy

In Honor of Jason Robinson

Anonymous Zachary L. Golden ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Nusblatt ’79 Pheasant Hill Foundation, Incorporated Mr. Robert N. Wilson William T. Wright ’15

In Honor of Deborah Sugarman Allissa C. Crea ’06

In Honor of Spencer Pretecrum ’10

Mr. Robert D. Tuckman Lena E. Zlock ’15

Mr. Scott A. Crum and Ms. Lisa Pretecrum

In Honor of John “Doc” Ross

Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Renee Price

Scott N. Miller ’87 and Jennifer Bonini ’87

In Honor of Jill Thomas

Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Harry G. Rulon-Miller ’51

In Honor of Leon DuBois Mary Hobler Hyson ’68

In Honor of the Princeton Day School Admissions Office First Choice Care Ms. Svitlana Letko

In Honor of the Princeton Day School Class of 1966

Ms. Janet L. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Gerry ’99 Kevin P. Johnson ’81

In Honor of Jim Ruttman Benjamin T. Brickner ’00 and Kathryn Babick Brickner ’02

In Honor of Ariel F. Ruvinsky ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Ruvinsky

Deborah V. Hobler ’66

In Honor of Parish Hawkings Ryan

In Honor of my Princeton Day School Class and our Reunion

In Honor of George Sanderson

Anonymous Charles L. Hamlin ’06 Howard A. Vine ’71

In Honor of the Princeton Day School Faculty and Staff Dr. Lorena Riveroll-Hannush and Dr. Sadeer B. Hannush Joseph Yellin ’07

In Honor of the Princeton Day School 2013 Ice Hockey Team Coby G. Triolo ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Gerry ’99 Allissa C. Crea ’06 Professor Nathaniel J. Fisch and Dr. Tobe M. Fisch Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Gerry ’99 Alexandra C. H. Nowakowski ’01 Katherine E. Petrino ’13 Emma R. Rosenthal ’14 Mary G. Travers ’14

In Honor of Carmen Santa-Cruz

Katherine E. Edelblut ’14 Dana DeCore Falconi ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Horowitz Sarah Louise Linville ’14 Karen Callaway Urisko ’85

In Honor of Carlton Tucker h’13 Ms. Jane Spencer

In Honor of Elon I. Tuckman ’18 Ms. Janet Becker

In Honor of Jonah T. Tuckman ’16 Ms. Janet Becker

In Honor of Yael T. Tuckman ’22 Ms. Janet Becker

In Honor of Jeffrey Van Velsor Rachel Cantlay ’13 Robert S. Madani ’13

In Honor of Winifred Vogt Virginia Vogt ’73

In Honor of Jennifer Vradenburgh

Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vradenburgh

In Honor of Lilia A. Sanzalone ’11

In Honor of Barbara Walker

Mr. and Mrs. David Sanzalone

In Honor of Andrew Schmidt David Caliguire ’13


In Honor of Lisa Surace

Professor Nathaniel J. Fisch and Dr. Tobe M. Fisch Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Johnson Nanette R. O’Brien-Blake ’04 Natalie M. Szuter ’14


In Memory of Sarah Hart Brodsky ’54

In Memory of Linda Geltzer

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Lambert III

Cornelia H. Starks ’54

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Santini

In Honor of Kathleen “Bunny” Webb

In Memory of William F. Brossman, Sr.

In Memory of Karin Grosz

Emily Rothrock Kastler ’76

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Brossman, Jr.

Kacey Constable Nugent ’72

In Honor of Lisa Webber

In Memory of Willard R. Carson

In Memory of William R. Haldane, Sr.

Mr. Vivek Malik and Ms. Seema Malik Mr. Manesh Sindhwani and Mrs. Shekha Grover

Ms. Donna D. Carson

Ms. Donna D. Carson

In Honor of Paola Whipple

In Memory of Elizabeth N. Cobb

In Memory of Mary “Polly” Richards Hamill

L. Chloe King ’55

Natalie Hamill ’01

In Memory of Irene Conroy

In Memory of Derek L. Heap ’87

Katherine Gulick Hoffman ’72

Jane A. Heap ’89

Jean Gorman Wilson ’69

In Honor of Ann M. Wiley ’70 Ms. Janet L. Baker

In Honor of Tim Williams Jacob P. Alu ’15 Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

In Honor of Alice Wu ’25 Mr. Anping Wu and Ms. Yong Qin Li

In Honor of Elaine Wu ’23 Mr. Cheng Wu and Ms. Julia He

In Honor of Lydia Wu ’19

In Memory of Dulce Manas Cortes Mr. Antonio Lopez-Torrero and Mrs. Kristen Lopez-Watt

In Memory of Margaretta Cowenhoven ’30 Craig C. Stuart ’87

In Memory of Nan Karwan Cutting ’71 Natalie Huston Wiles ’71

In Memory of Dr. Pabitra Datta

Mr. Anping Wu and Ms. Yong Qin Li

Mrs. Flora Datta Gary A. Moore ’92 and Natasha Datta Moore ’92

In Honor of Beth Yakoby

In Memory of Shirley Davis

Julia S. Miller ’12

Ellen Freedman Dingman ’58

In Honor of Darius Young

In Memory of Mile E. Delemos

Mr. Robert D. Tuckman

Reverend and Mrs. C. Nadir Powell

In Honor of Donna S. Zarzecki

In Memory of Stanislaw Drabiuk

Katherine E. Edelblut ’14

Robert A. Drabiuk ’96

In Honor of Zander T. Zhang ’22

In Memory of John E. Egner, Jr.

Mr. Shudan Zhang and Mrs. Shirley Zhang

Mrs. Debra C. Egner

GIFTS MADE IN MEMORY OF In Memory of Katherine Adams ’62 Sarah Adams Model ’58

In Memory of Charlene Elmore Leslie Elmore ’86 Karen Callaway Urisko ’85

In Memory of Michele Namm Epperson ’90

Adrian E. Arroyo ’00

Stacey Namm Levine ’92 Dr. and Mrs. Joel Namm Fund Dr. and Mrs. Joel Namm

In Memory of Elinor Shreve Barclay

In Memory of Charles Fetter

In Memory of Anne M. Bobo

Edward S. Barclay, Jr. ’57

Tessica Glancey ’08

In Memory of Patricia Beard

In Memory of Jean Figur

Mr. and Mrs. C. Schuyler Morehouse

Jeanine M. Figur ’74

In Memory of Kim Tumilty Bedesem

In Memory of Elizabeth Fine

Dana DeCore Falconi ’96 Karen Callaway Urisko ’85

In Memory of Alexander James Bell Mr. Gerard J. Donnelly and Ms. Sandra E. Bell

In Memory of Christopher W. Benchley ’05 Jay V. Bavishi ’05

In Memory of Andrew M. Bordeman ’98 Eric D. Hochberg ’98

In Memory of Jane C. Borgerhoff ’67

Anonymous Evelyn Turner Counts ’74 Jennifer Dutton Whyte ’80

In Memory of David S. Fitton, Sr. David S. Fitton, Jr. ’79 Mrs. David S. Fitton, Sr.

In Memory of Elizabeth Hutner Flemer ’73 Bill Flemer ’71 and Louise Hutner ’70 Nathaniel C. Hutner ’65 Simeon H. Hutner ’77

In Memory of Helen Keegin Hetherington ’54 Cornelia H. Starks ’54

In Memory of Elliott Illava

Susan Fritsch Hunter ’67 Julia D. Lockwood ’67

In Memory of Pauline Gallo

David B. Straut ’74

Mr. Stephen R. Gallo

In Memory of Maria Janhofer

In Memory of Susan Bridgeman

In Memory of Abbe GasparroIn

Dr. Guenter R. Janhofer and Ms. Liliana Janhofer

Mr. Donato Gasparro

In Memory of J. Parry Jones

Educational Testing Service Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Goldeski Mr. Arthur Wallace

Annual Report 2015• 2016

In Honor of Kelly Lambert Walker ’83

Jean Gorman Wilson ’69

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


In Memory of Winifred Dickey Kellogg ’62

In Memory of Dr. Richard Matthes

In Memory of my parents

Susan Shea McPherson ’62

Dr. Elisa Matthes

Dorothy C. Pickering ’71

In Memory of Robert S. Krueger

In Memory of Herbert McAneny

In Memory of Richard W. Raines ’68

L. Campbell Levy ’91

Katherine A. Becker ’66 John F. Cook ’56 Brock Putnam II ’60

A. Richard Ross ’68

In memory of Marlene Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Gerry ’99 Jeffrey Kurtz ’98

In Memory of Arthur S. Lane Sally Kuser Lane ’42

In Memory of Stephen A. Lawrence Melissa Rosendorf Calvert ’91 Laura Farina ’79 Mrs. Joyce Lott Mrs. William Michaels Susan Franz Murphy ’86

In Memory of Gary Lee Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Soos

In Memory of Genevieve Lescroart ’03

In Memory of Douglas O. McClure Ann Wittke Morrissey ’76

In Memory of Quinn R. McCord Mr. John H. Jameson Lindsay McCord Norman ’82

In Memory of Caitlin I. McPhaden ’06 Anonymous

In Memory of Fowler Merle-Smith Susan H. Lebovitz ’89

In Memory of Sally Welling Mirandi ’47 Nancy Hurd Norris ’47

Benjamin T. Johnson ’03 Elizabeth W. Sayen ’03

In Memory of John Mislow ’88

In Memory of Gary M. C. Lott

In Memory of Ai Constance Handa Moore

Cynthia H. Bishop ’73 Douglas A. Fein ’79 John L. Griffith III ’99 and Rebecca Lintner Griffith ’95 M. Daryl Janick Kent ’73 Charles H. Place III ’73 Amanda Tate Speedling ’95 Sara W. Lott Springer ’96

In Memory of Kristine Anastasio Manning ’81

Professor Kurt Mislow and Dr. Jacqueline Mislow Yuki Moore Laurenti ’75

In Memory of Mary Moore ’66 Andrea Hicks ’66

In Memory of J. Howard Murch Edward S. Frohling ’39

In Memory of Shin Na ’84 Kang Na ’82

In Memory of Robert Naumann

The Blue Dish Fund Mark Goodman ’81

Marina Turkevich Naumann ’56

In Memory of Carole Matelson

Nicholas De Jongh Osborne ’80

Bennett J. Matelson ’88 Mr. Henry H. Matelson Sara Matelson Taylor ’90

In Memory of Cheryl Osborne In Memory of Christine Otis ’67 Susan Fritsch Hunter ’67

In Memory of Gwendolyn C. Reed Anu R. Shah ’05

In Memory of The Reverend Carl D. Reimers Mrs. Thomas W. Eglin Ellen M. Fisher ’73 Ms. Jill L. Goldman ’74 and Mr. Lawrence A. Richards L. Campbell Levy ’91 Jennifer Brannon Manning ’80 Mrs. William Michaels Thomas B. Reynolds ’72 Mrs. Douglas R. Webb

in Memory of William E. Rigot ’68 A. Richard Ross ’68

In Memory of C. R. Perry Rodgers, Jr. ’58 Mary Elizabeth Rodgers Alexander ’60 Richard W. Baker III ’58 E. John White III ’58

In Memory of Anne H. Rothrock Emily Rothrock Kastler ’76 Tamar Pachter ’77 Mrs. Douglas R. Webb

In Memory of Marsha Shainwald Ms. Sybil Shainwald

In Memory of Philip L. Shehadi ’74 Diana S. Roberts ’74

In Memory of Anne B. Shepherd Anonymous M. Daniel Cantor ’71 Jaye Chen ’86 Joan Nadler Davidson ’60 Louise Scheide Marshall Kelly ’60 Margaret W. Meigs ’70 Laura B. Peterson’67 Jennifer Weiss ’77

In Memory of William S. Smoyer ’60 John H. Odden ’60

In Memory of Jean Osgood Smyth ’31 John Willis ’61

In Memory of Regina Spiegel Aly G. Cohen ’91

In Memory of Ms. Rita Thomas Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas

In Memory of Vicki Tuckman Ms. Jill L. Goldman ’74 and Mr. Lawrence A. Richards Ms. Alexandra L. Lasevich Dr. Mara L. Leveson-Smith Mr. and Dr. Kenneth R. Mischner Melissa J. Phares ’80 Aaron and Erin Schomburg Jacob Shavel ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Carlton H. Tucker h’13



† Ms. Elizabeth L. Bates-Turner Karen M. Turner ’72

The May Margaret Fine Society

In Memory of Maniam Varagoor

Established in 1998, the May Margaret Fine Society recognizes those loyal alumnae/i, parents and friends who have informed the Advancement Office that they have made provisions for Princeton Day School in their estate plans. We recognize that this is a partial listing, and ask those who have taken this important step to inform the Advancement Office and have their name(s) added to this list.

Dr. Ramamirtham Sukumar and Dr. Satya Varagoor

In Memory of Sherwood Vine Douglas A. Fein ’79

In Memory of James W. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brent Professor Nathaniel J. Fisch and Dr. Tobe M. Fisch Matthew Oresky ’08 Ms. Barbara Walker

In Memory of John D. Wallace, Jr, ’78 Mrs. Jean D. Crane Douglas A. Fein ’79 Allison Ijams Sargent ’78

In Memory of Penny Wallace ’69 Deborah Light Wills ’69

In Memory of Madeline Weigel Karen Hoffman Friedlander ’69

In Memory of Murray B. Weiner David S. Weiner ’79

In Memory of Robert C. Whitlock Charles H. Place III ’73 Mrs. Sheila MacKay Power ’87 and Mr. Sean L. Power Karen Callaway Urisko ’85

In Memory of Mary V. Williams Rebecca Nemiroff Siegel ’96

In Memory of Mark Winstanley ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Winstanley

In Memory of Frederick D. Woodbridge ’78 Mrs. Jermain J. Anderson Margaret Woodbridge Dennis ’65

Including the school in their will, establishing a charitable trust while maintaining life income, or naming the school as a life insurance beneficiary are some of the ways these individuals have helped secure the long-term strength of Princeton Day School. Mr. Seth L. Baranoff Denise Bencivengo † Mrs. Gladys Borrus † Sarah Hart Brodsky ’54 † Katherine Eisenhart Brown ’38 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Bylin Melissa Rosendorf Calvert ’91 † Mr. Joseph M. Conroy † Therese E. Critchlow ’39 † Miss Shirley Davis Mr. and Mrs. Guy K. Dean III ’55 † Mrs. J. Richardson Dilworth † B. Adelaide Banks Evers ’28 Wendy Frieman ’74 Joan Daniels Grimley ’46 † Joanne Sly Hicks ’40 † Mr. James S. Hill Mr. and † Mrs. Theodore G. Kane † Mrs. Elizabeth Kelley Jacqueline Reiss Kravitz ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Lambert III Dean W. Mathey ’43 † David Mathey ’47 David H. McAlpin, Jr. ’43 † Leslie C. McAneny ’54

Annual Report 2015• 2016

In Memory of Arthur H. Turner, Jr. ’76

Edwin H. Metcalf ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Ober, Jr. Ms. Bente L. Ott Mr. and Mrs. John M. Peach Ms. Cynthia H. Peifer † Donald A. Pickering Dorothy Pickering ’71 † The Reverend Carl D. Reimers Elizabeth Meredith Rigo ’71 Mrs. Joyce S. Robinson † Mr. Christopher R. P. Rodgers Arianna Rosati ’88 Jeffrey E. Schuss ’73 Markell Meyers Shriver ’46 † Ann A. Smith ’56 † Margaret P. Smith ’61 † Mr. Stanley C. Smoyer † Patricia Smith Thompson ’45 Karen M. Turner ’72 † Elizabeth McGraw Webster ’44 Ann M. Wiley ’70 Mary Roberts Woodbridge ’42 † Mrs. Helen Woodruff George M. Zoukee ’77 Sophye M. Zoukee

In Memory of Enid R. Woodworth Mr. Newell B. Woodworth

In Memory of Michael S. Young ’75 Glen D. Russo ’75 Keith A. Thomas ’75

In Memory of Mark L. Zaininger ’81 The Blue Dish Fund Mark Goodman ’81

Please accept our apologies for any errors or omissions and report them to the Advancement Office at 609-924-6700. Princeton Day School complies with all Federal and State Laws prohibiting discrimination in its admissions, employment and administrative policies. The Princeton Day School Annual Report is a publication of the Advancement Office. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this report. † deceased

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Annual Fund Leadership Gift Committee Cindy Linville, Chair Ashley Aitken-Davies Meredith Asplundh Robin Gosnell Jim Kaplan Naru Narayanan Joe Riley John Wellemeyer ’52

Annual Fund Parent Volunteers Rich Bernardi, Chair Elliot Berger, 12th Grade Captain Linda Lippman, 12th Grade Captain Melissa Bernardi Anita Gan Carolyn Ryan Healey Tricia Rosenthal Pearl Hartley, 11th Grade Captain John Marshall ’81, 11th Grade Captain Latifa Benmassaoud Dave Burwell Marla Freid Margie Gibson ’84 Russell Lett Stephanie Lett Mark Salvati Leigh Segal Todd Sparks Renee Stevenson Roxane Yonan Jill Mundenar, 10th Grade Captain Rick White, 10th Grade Captain Jay Chopra Jeannie Chopra Ed Hynes Jane Hynes Naru Narayanan Robin Nini Shari Phillips Bonnie Higgins, 9th Grade Captain D.G. Sarsfield, 9th Grade Captain Poonam Bhuchar Alex Jackson Doug Jackson Margaret Santamaria Pat Amaral, 8th Grade Captain Robin Antonacci, 8th Grade Captain John Cavuto Beth Geter-Douglass ’82 Lena Khatcherian Bini Patel Susan Tydings Zulema Vicens-Mortman

Thank You to our VOLUNTEEERS Farhat Siddiqui, 7th Grade Captain Nancy Weinstein, 7th Grade Captain Vini Dhar Nancy Difazio Bill Maggio Sharon Miller Dipti Sharma Wendy Roitburg, 6th Grade Captain Rakhi Kalra Vanessa Mahjied Pooja Sen Rich Bernardi, 5th Grade Captain Jen Fenton Joyce Johnson Arti Patel Rima Sakaria Nicole Hughes, 4th Grade Captain Courtney Stephenson, 4th Grade Captain Randy Jones Barbara Richards Karen Robbins Gerard Sentveld Michele Stillwell Phyllis Wang Haibo Wu Tomi Akinyanmi, 3rd Grade Captain Sejal Doshi Priya Malhotra Rachana Singh Joy Turchetta Anupa Wijaya ’94, 2nd Grade Captain Sunitha Banda Jessica Chia Jessica Dickler ’94 Lori Mansour Stephanie Richman ’87 Karen Law, 1st Grade Captain Heather Adler Rachelle Berkman Polly Edelmann Anna Horner Angie Latif Hemal Patel, Kindergarten Captain Edith Juarez Alanna Bocklage, Pre-Kindergarten Captain


Alumni Class Agents A. Richard Ross ’68 Robert N. McClellan ’77 Nancy Chen Cavanaugh ’78 Catherine White Mertz ’79 David S. Weiner ’79 Beth Geter-Douglass ’82 Lynch W. Hunt, Jr. ’85 Taylor K. Hwong ’88 Veronica M.S. White ’94 Maria L. Tardugno Aldrich ’99 Annie Jamieson Applegate ’99 Ariana Jakub Brandes ’99 Joanna L. Bowen ’03 Amy M. Gallo ’03 Joseph R. Joiner, Jr. ’03 Scott E. Rosenberg ’04 Jay V. Bavishi ’05 Anu Shah ’05 Alexandra Hiller Rorick ’07 Gregory R. Francfort ’08 Kalla A. Gervasio ’08 Tessica Glancey ’08 Neal A. Bakshi ’10 Brooks P. Herr ’10 William E. Bucklee ’12 Connor E. Gibson ’12 Rob Klein ’12 Jennifer M. Martin ’12 Julia S. Miller ’12 Carly Ozarowski ’12 Rui M. Pinheiro ’12 Peter F. Powers ’12 Adithi V. Rajagopalan ’12 James C. Sanderson ’12 Callie H. Schneider ’12 Jeffrey A. Straus ’12 Walker B. Ward ’12 Ellen C. Bartolino ’13 Barbara Cole ’13 Sophia Eisenberg ’13 Leah G. Falcon ’13 Alec T. Jones ’13 Anjuli Karna ’13 Carolyn Kossow ’13 Abha A. Kulkarni ’13 William John B. Laylin ’13 Robert S. Madani ’13 Allison Persky ’13 Elizabeth A.B. Snyder ’13 Colby Langford White ’13

Katie E. Edelblut ’14 Andie J. Edelson ’14 Alexis Fairman ’14 Rory E. Finnegan ’14 Kate Fleming ’14 Benjamin N. Levine ’14 Emily C. Matthews ’14 Olivia G. Melodia ’14 Jessica Toltzis ’14 Mary G. Travers ’14 Katharine L. Alden ’15 Kathleen Crowell ’15 Nia I. Daids ’15 Sara J. Dwyer ’15 Emily Dyckman ’15 Brooke N. Heap ’15 Emma Kaplan ’15 Yahya A. Ladiwala ’15 Grace Lee ’15 Caroline R. Lippman ’15 James M. Mack ’15 Bian H. Maloney ’15 Sabrina Matlock ’15 James P. Radvany ’15 Kevin A. Towle ’15 Katherine Venturo-Conerly ’15 Oscar Vik ’15

Development Committee of the Alumni Board Maria Aldrich ’99, Chair Michael Bracken ’98 Scott Feldman ’93 Chris Gerry ’99 John L. Griffith ’99 Taylor Hwong ’88 Pat McDonald ’06 Paris McLean ’00 Justin Revelle ’03 Scott Rosenberg ’04

Faculty and Staff Volunteers Michelle Simonds, Chair Chris Devlin, Staff Representative Jim Laughlin ’80, Faculty Representative


Support for the Arts

The Princeton Day School students and faculty benefit from the significant investment that donors have made to our school’s endowment funds over our five decades. We are grateful to those donors who have given a gift to the school that will continue to provide for our community for the lifetime of the school.

Established in 1984 with gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Lambert III in honor of Mr. Lambert’s mother, Mary H. Lambert of the Miss Fine’s School Class of 1919. The fund has been supplemented in subsequent years by friends and family, the E. E. Ford Foundation, The Bunbury Company and The Baldwin Foundation. Annual income is restricted to bringing to the campus artists and performers that support the teaching of art at Princeton Day School.

Endowments contribute to every aspect of the school’s life. There are endowments that support financial aid, academic programs, student experiences, athletics, faculty professional development, speaker series, student prizes and general endowment. For additional information, please contact the Princeton Day School Advancement office. The endowed funds are listed below.

Support for Academic Programs

Lively Arts Program Fund

Gary M. C. Lott Fund for the Arts Established in 2004 with gifts from alumni, family and friends in memory of longtime Upper School teacher and history department chair, Gary M. C. Lott. Annual income supports the purchase and display each year of an outstanding student’s artwork for the school’s permanent collection.

Asian Studies Fund

John D. Wallace, Jr. ’78 Memorial Guest Artist Series Fund

Established in 2007 by an anonymous Princeton Day School family and supplemented by an alumnus. Annual income is restricted to funding activities, initiatives or personnel across all divisions and departments that support an understanding and awareness of Asian history and culture.

Established in 1991 with a gift from Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wallace ’48 in memory of their son, John D. Wallace, Jr. ’78. The annual income is to support a guest artist(s) program to promote the arts in all three school divisions. With the authorization of the donors, principal may also be used for these purposes.

Mary (Polly) R. Hamill Memorial Fund

Mark Winstanley ’90 Memorial Fund

Established in 1996 with gifts from family and friends in memory of Trustee Mary (Polly) R. Hamill. Supplemented by the Board of Trustees and by Mrs. Hamill’s mother, Mrs. Joseph Townsend. Annual income is restricted to funding Middle School programs that support and strengthen the education of young women and foster in them the skills and confidence to most fully achieve their potential in life.

Established in 1990 with gifts from family and friends in memory of Mark Winstanley ’90. The annual income is to be used to purchase art work by seniors for the school’s permanent collection.

David Noyes Lecture Fund Established in 1984 with gifts from parents in memory of Princeton Day School teacher David Noyes. Annual interest is restricted to funding guest speakers in the Middle School on the general subject of American History. Speakers are to be approved by the Head of the Middle School.

Anne Rothrock Lectureship Fund Established in 1996 with gifts from family and friends in memory of Upper School teacher Anne C. Rothrock. Annual income to support the Anne C. Rothrock Lecture, an annual event that brings to Upper School students and faculty a guest speaker with expertise in public policy or important contemporary social issues.

Established in 2000 in honor of former Lower School teacher, Carroll O’Brien Kane and her twenty-six years of devoted service to the students of Princeton Day School. Funded by gifts from her children T. Gibbs Kane ’61, Richard S. Kane ’70 and Katherine K. Nichols ’74 and later supplemented by Carroll and Ted Kane, the fund generates annual income restricted to helping underwrite the educational expenses incurred by the families of faculty and staff whose children attend Princeton Day School.

Miss Fine’s School Fund Established in 1991 through the leadership and generosity of Susan Schildkraut Wallach ’64, Jane Aresty Silverman ’63 and many Miss Fine’s School alumnae. Annual income is restricted to supporting the Miss Fine’s Sabbatical, which is awarded annually to a deserving member of the Princeton Day School faculty.

Support for Facilities Artandi Fund Established in 1992 with gifts from Dr. Susan Artandi in honor of her grandsons, David A. Ragsdale ’90 and Daniel A. Ragsdale ’93, and in memory of her husband and their grandfather, Dr. Charles Artandi. The annual income is to fund the maintenance of the flagpole and the surrounding area near the school entrance.

Pioneers in Science Fund Established in 2003 through the initiative and generosity of former Trustee Marc Ostro and supplemented by friends of the school. Annual income underwrites the expense of an annual Upper School lecture by a scientist who has excelled in his or her field.

Carroll O’Brien Kane Fund

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Princeton Day School Endowed Funds

Support for Faculty Salaries and Benefits Class of 1994 Faculty Salary Fund Established in 1994 with gifts from the parents of the class of 1994. Annual income restricted to the general support of faculty salaries and benefits.

Faculty Salary Fund Established in 1986 with gifts from The Bunbury Company and many Princeton Day School parents and alumni. The fund was supplemented regularly in subsequent years by The Bunbury Company, Mr. Samuel Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grounds, and many parents, alumni and friends of the school. The annual income is restricted to the general support of faculty salaries and benefits.

Carl Reimers Distinguished Teaching Chair Fund Established in 1999 with anonymous gifts in honor of long-time faculty member, Carl D. Reimers. This first fully endowed teaching chair at Princeton Day School provides annual income to underwrite the salary and benefits of an outstanding member of the faculty who is chosen by the Head of School in consultation with the Division Heads. Exceptional teaching and devotion to students are among the criteria considered. An amount of $2,500 will be provided annually during the threeyear appointment for continuing education, conferences, equipment, books, supplies, or other purposes that further enhance the recipient’s teaching skills at Princeton Day School.

Shepherd - McCaughan Sabbatical Fund Established in 1976 with gifts in honor of former Director of Admission Wes McCaughan and long-time English teacher, Anne Shepherd. Annual income to support a faculty sabbatical.

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Support for Financial Aid Elinor Shreve Barclay Memorial Scholarship Established in 2001 with a gift from Edward S. Barclay, Jr. ’57, in honor of his mother, Elinor Shreve Barclay and her years of service, from 1952-1974 as a Lower School teacher at Miss Fine’s School and Princeton Day School. Annual income is restricted to supporting Princeton Day School’s financial aid program.

Class of 1980 Sandy Bing Scholarship Established in 2005 by members of the class of 1980 on the occasion of their 25th reunion. Named in honor of former Upper School Head and Interim Head of School, Sandy Bing, in recognition of the guidance and friendship he so freely provided their class. Annual income to support the school’s general financial aid program.

Class of 1984 Scholarship Established in 1984 by the parents of the class of 1984. Annual income restricted to supporting the school’s general financial aid program.

Endowed Scholarship #1

Joyce Johnson Scholarship

Established in 1999 with a gift from an anonymous Princeton Day School family. Annual income to be used for an Upper School student, preferably for the child of a Princeton University administrator or faculty member, who qualifies for financial aid. If such a candidate is not available in any given year, that year’s allocation (or balance of the allocation) may be used at the discretion of the school to support other students who qualify for financial aid.

Established to provide general unrestricted support to the school’s general financial aid program.

Michele Namm Epperson ’90 Scholarship Fund Established in 2005 with gifts from family, classmates, and friends in memory of Michele Namm Epperson ’90. Annual interest is restricted to supporting the financial aid program at Princeton Day School.

Olivia Fill Scholarship Established in 1987 with a gift from former PDS parent and former Trustee, Olivia Cox Fill. Annual income is restricted to supporting an African American female student who has qualified for financial aid.

Richard A. Fox ’00 Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 1999 with gifts from family and friends in memory of Richard A. Fox ’00. Annual income is restricted to supporting the school’s general financial aid program.

Elizabeth C. Dilworth Scholarship Established in 1968 with gifts from family and friends in honor of long-time Miss Fine’s School trustee and Princeton Day School Board Chair, Elizabeth C. Dilworth. Supplemented in subsequent years by Mrs. Dilworth, and supplemented in 1991 with many gifts in memory of Melissa Dilworth Gold ’61. Annual income is restricted to supporting the school’s general financial aid program.


Page and Otto Marx, Jr. Scholarship Fund Established in 1999 and supplemented in subsequent years by the Page & Otto Marx, Jr. Foundation. Annual income is restricted to providing financial aid to support deserving minority students, and if possible, minority students in the Lower School who qualify for financial aid.

The David Mathey ’47 Scholarship Fund The David Mathey ’47 Scholarship fund established in 2004 with a grant from the David Mathey Trust in honor of David Mathey ’47. The annual income is restricted to supporting Princeton Day School’s financial aid program.

Dean Mathey Scholarship Fund

Established in 2007 through the generous support of David and Leslee Geltzer and the Geltzer Family Foundation. Annual income to support a Middle School student who qualifies for financial aid and who has attended the Princeton Day School Lower School.

Goldman Sachs Scholars Fund

David Mottley ’77 Scholarship Fund

Established in 2013 with a gift from Goldman Sachs Gives. Annual income to be used for need-based financial aid for outstanding students who would otherwise be unable to attend Princeton Day School due to their financial circumstances. The Fund will be known as the Goldman Sachs Scholars Fund and recipients shall be known as Goldman Sachs Scholars.

Established in 1976 with gifts from classmates, family and friends in memory of David R. Mottley ’77 and supplemented in 2002 with gifts in memory of Lawrence Mottley, Alexander Mottley ’11 and David Mottley ’08. Annual income is restricted to supporting the school’s general financial aid program.

Eric Haring ’77 Scholarship Fund

Established in 2004 through the generosity of the Directors of the Concordia Foundation. Annual income is restricted to supporting a Princeton Day School student who qualifies for financial aid and whose educational options other than Princeton Day School are especially limited.

Established in 1975 with a gift from The Robert Wood Johnson, Jr. Charitable Trust and supplemented in 1997 and 1998 with grants from the Robert Wood Johnson, Jr. Charitable Trust made at the request of Trustee Emerita, Betty Wold Johnson. Annual income supports the school’s general financial aid program.

Established in 1981 and regularly supplemented with gifts from The Bunbury Company and the Pocumtuck Company in honor of Dean Mathey, Sr., a major benefactor of Princeton Day School and the individual who donated the land that comprises much of the current school campus. Annual income restricted to supporting the school’s general financial aid program.

Geltzer Family Scholarship

Concordia Scholarship Fund

Robert Wood Johnson Jr. Scholarship

Established in 1979 with gifts from family and friends in memory of Eric A. Haring ’77. The fund is supplemented regularly by gifts from his family. Annual income is restricted to supporting the school’s general financial aid program.

Helen’s Fund Established in 2005 with gifts from Beverly and Jack Gallagher and others in memory of Mrs. Helen Glickman. Annual income is to be used to support special or unforeseen needs of Lower School children.

HK Hochschild Scholarship Established in honor of Harold K. Hochschild, a PDS parent and trustee of both Miss Fine’s School and Princeton Country Day School. Annual income is restricted to supporting the school’s general financial aid program.

Marcia G. Nappi ’52 Sunshine Fund Established in 2007 with gifts from Marcia Goetze Nappi ’52, Robert Nappi and the MGN Foundation. Annual income is restricted to supporting the special or unforeseen needs of Princeton Day School students whose economic circumstances make it difficult or impossible to participate in educational, athletic and extracurricular opportunities which are more readily available to other students.

The Martha L. A. Norris Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 2005 through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Ellsworth ’75 and their children John L. Griffith III ’99 and Alyssa A. Ellsworth, in memory of Mrs. Ellsworth’s mother, Martha L. A. Norris. Annual income is restricted to supporting the school’s general financial aid program, and if possible a student who has demonstrated a volunteer commitment to serving others.


Stuart van V. Willson ’76 Scholarship Fund

Established in 1978 and supplemented in subsequent years with many gifts from parents and alumni designated in support of the general financial aid budget at Princeton Day School.

Established in 1983 and supplemented with gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Matthews, in memory of Stuart van V. Willson ’76. Annual income is restricted to supporting the general financial aid program at Princeton Day School.

Anne B. Shepherd Scholarship Established in 1977 and supplemented in subsequent years by long-time English teacher, Anne B. Shepherd and later by many colleagues, friends and family in Mrs. Shepherd’s memory. Annual income is restricted to supporting the school’s financial aid budget and, if possible, an enrolled minority student for his or her junior or senior year.

Noel Stace ’47 Scholarship Fund Established in 1981 with a gift from The Pocumtuck Company in memory of Noel J. Stace ’47. The fund is supplemented regularly by The Pocumtuck Company. Annual income is restricted to supporting the school’s general financial aid program.

C. V. Starr Scholarship Fund Established in 2000 and subsequently supplemented with grants from the C. V. Starr Foundation. Annual income is restricted to supporting the school’s general financial aid program.

Elaine and Sydney Sussman Scholarship Fund Established in 2007, The Elaine and Sydney Sussman Scholars Fund provides support for up to three students new to the Upper School who demonstrate superior academic performance and who qualify for financial aid. Students will be selected without regard to race, religion, ethnicity, or gender, and demonstrate intelligence, ambition, persistence, integrity and an exemplary work ethic.

Arthur H. Turner, Jr. ’76 Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 1989 and supplemented with gifts from family, alumni/ae and friends in memory of Arthur H. Turner, Jr. ’76. The annual income is to support the school’s general financial aid program.

Wallace Family Scholarship Fund Established in 1999 with gifts from Margaret Cook Wallace ’27 and Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wallace ’48. Annual income is restricted to supporting the school’s financial aid program.

Marjorie Williams ’75 Scholarship Established in 2005 through the generous support of members of the class of 1975, family and friends in memory of Marjorie Williams ’75. Annual income is restricted to supporting: 1) the school’s financial aid program, and if possible a student who has demonstrated a special interest or ability in writing, and 2) an student annual award for excellence in journalistic writing by a member of the junior class.

Frederick Woodbridge ’78 Scholarship Fund Established in 1986 with gifts from family and friends in memory of Frederick Woodbridge ’78 and supplemented in 1993 with gifts received in memory of his father Mr. Dudley Woodbridge and again in 2005 by his mother Mary Roberts Woodbridge ’42. Annual income is restricted to underwriting the annual cost of the Woodbridge Award and to provide general support to the school’s financial aid budget.

Helen Woodruff Scholarship Fund Established in 1985 through the estate of former Trustee, Mrs. Helen Woodruff. Annual income is designated by the Trustees of Princeton Day School to provide general support to the school’s financial aid program.

The Kevin M. Zlock and Sima Zlock Scholarship Fund Established in 2013, the Kevin M. Zlock and Sima Zlock Scholarship provides need-based financial aid for outstanding children to pursue a quality education at Princeton Day School. Annual income to be used preferably for a child from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. If such a candidate is not available in any given year, that year’s allocation (or balance of the allocation) may be used at the discretion of the school to support other students who qualify for financial aid. Annual income is restricted to supporting Princeton Day School’s financial aid program.

Support for Libraries Library Fund

John D. Sacks-Wilner ’80 Award Fund Established in 1980 by Dr. Sacks-Wilner and with gifts from family and friends in memory of John Sacks-Wilner ’80. The fund was supplemented in 1993 with gifts in memory of Dr. Erwin Sacks-Wilner. Annual income is restricted to funding the John D. Sacks-Wilner Award, given each year to that member of the graduating class who has shown exceptional determination, courage and self-command.

Anne B. Shepherd Humanities Prize Fund

Annual Report 2015• 2016

Princeton Day School Scholarship Fund

Established in 1988 with a gift from Professor and Mrs. Theodore K. Rabb in honor of former Upper School English teacher Anne B. Shepherd whose teaching career at Miss Fine’s School and Princeton Day School spanned 55 years. Annual income is restricted to funding an award presented to a junior boy or girl with the highest academic standing in the humanities.

Support for Professional Development Academic Excellence Fund Established in 2005 through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Shechtel. Annual income is restricted to supporting professional development opportunities for teachers as well as academic and extracurricular initiatives that create or enhance academic enrichment opportunities for students.

David C. Bogle Award Established in 1995 with gifts from family and friends in memory of David C. Bogle, who devoted seventeen years of service to PDS as Director of Development. Annual income is restricted to underwriting an outstanding faculty initiative or professional development experience that most clearly advances the pursuit of teaching excellence at Princeton Day School.

Established in 1994 with an anonymous gift in memory of Mr. John Cylio. Annual income is restricted to the purchase of library books and supplies.

Support for Student Prizes Bencze Art Scholarship Prize Established in 1984 with gifts from family and friends in memory of Princeton Day School parent, Thomas S. Bencze. An annual scholarship award is presented at the Senior Awards Ceremony to a dedicated art student in the senior class whose intention is to pursue further education in the field of visual arts.

William R. Plapinger ’75 Cross Country Fund Established in 1999 with memorial gifts from the family of William R. Plapinger ’75. The annual income is to be used to underwrite the annual budget of the PDS cross-country team and to fund an annual award for the member of the cross-country team who, in the eyes of the cross-country coach(es), is the most valuable member of the team.

FALL 2016

Annual Report 2015• 2016


Doll Family Fund Established in 2007 through the generous support of Robert and Leslie Doll and the Doll Family Foundation. Annual income is restricted to supporting summer study opportunities, coursework, seminars, conferences and other professional development opportunities for teachers at Princeton Day School.

Miss Fine’s Center Fund Established in 2014 through the generosity of Susan Schildkraut Wallach ’64 and Kenneth L. Wallach. The purpose of the Miss Fine’s Center is to promote the collaborative study of topics and themes that demand and benefit from an interdisciplinary approach. This endowed gift will provide ongoing financial support for professional development, travel, and research for Princeton Day School faculty.

Johnston Faculty Enrichment Award Fund Established in 1987 with a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Johnston. Annual income is restricted to supporting professional development opportunities for faculty that enhance and enrich their teaching expertise and their students’ classroom experience.

Kaye Family Fund for Professional Development Established in 2011 by Robert Kaye, in honor and recognition of the vital role played by members of the faculty in the lives of his grandchildren, the Kaye Family Fund will support a travel grant for professional development. Annual income from the fund will provide the opportunity for a member of the faculty to enhance and enrich his or her teaching expertise and, thus, the experience of his or her students, through summer travel and research.

Lila Boyce Lohr Fund Established in 2000 with gifts by school trustees in honor of Lila Boyce Lohr h’00, Head of School from 1995 - 2000. Annual income is distributed at the discretion of the Head of School in the form of “Lohr Grants” to support the needs of the PDS faculty and/or academic initiatives that strengthen the educational programs at Princeton Day School.

Mario Fund for Science Established in 2003 through the generosity of the Mario Family. Annual income is restricted to supporting summer study opportunities, coursework, seminars, conferences, and other professional development opportunities for science teachers at Princeton Day School.

The Minerva Fund Established in 2007 by an anonymous Princeton Day School family, The Minerva Fund generates annual income to fund the continuing professional growth of PDS faculty and staff, including conferences, seminars, workshops, graduate courses and other professional development opportunities that support teachers and enhance the educational experience of PDS students. Recipients will have demonstrated records of superior achievement in and beyond


the classroom, as well as evidence of great promise in the years to come. Each year, Princeton Day School will award as many as three $5,000 Minerva Grants, one per division, based upon proposals submitted to the Head of School. Faculty with 12 or fewer years of teaching experience, at least four of which have been spent at Princeton Day School, are eligible for the grants.

Ostro Grant Fund for Interdisciplinary Programs Established in 2000 with a gift from Dr. Marc J. Ostro and Dr. Evelyn Godin-Ostro. Annual income is restricted to increasing and strengthening interdisciplinary studies at Princeton Day School through an annual grant that is awarded to faculty initiative that enriches the school’s teaching curriculum through the integration of two or more disciplines.

The Kevin M. Zlock and Sima Zlock Faculty Fund Established in 2013, the Kevin M. Zlock and Sima Zlock Faculty Fund supports Princeton Day School faculty in their pursuit of creating and teaching interdisciplinary courses and promotes student independent research in the Upper School. Annual income is restricted to these two initiatives.

Support for Student Programs Class of 1977 Community Service Fund Established in 2007 through the generosity of the Class of 1977 on the occasion of their 30th Reunion. Annual income to support the school’s community service program by providing ongoing funds for individual community service projects.

Parents Association Faculty Enrichment Fund

The Scott M. Mauney ’95 Memorial Fund

Established in 1987 with funds raised by the Parent’s Association at the Squibb Benefit and supplemented in 2005 by the Parents Association. Annual income is restricted to supporting faculty professional development and enrichment opportunities.

Established in 1998 by a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. White in memory of Scott M. Mauney ’95. Annual income is restricted to supporting substance abuse education programs in the Upper School.

Meredith Peterson Fund Established in 2008 through the generous support of Peter Peterson and Joan Cooney, Michael Peterson, and others in memory of Princeton Day School parent, Meredith Peterson. Annual income is restricted to supporting professional development opportunities for Lower School faculty.

Rosenberg Science Grant Fund Established in 2000, with gifts from Dr. and Mrs. Leon E. Rosenberg. Annual income from the fund is to be used to provide ongoing incentive and financial support for enhancing science education at Princeton Day School. Each year, a single grant will be awarded to a Middle or Upper School science teacher whose proposal for using the funds is viewed by the selection committee as having the greatest potential for effectively and directly strengthening the science education program at Princeton Day School.

Robert C. Whitlock Award Fund Established in 1993 with gifts from Mrs. Robert C. Whitlock, family and friends in memory of long-time architecture teacher, Robert C. Whitlock whose career at Princeton Country Day and Princeton Day School spanned 42 years. The annual income is to fund the Whitlock Award for Distinguished Teaching, the school’s highest honor for faculty.

Whitman Faculty Development Fund Established in 2007 through the generous support of Marina von Neumann Whitman ’52, Robert Whitman and the Whitman Family Foundation. Annual income is restricted to supporting summer study opportunities, coursework, seminars, conferences, and other professional development opportunities for teachers at Princeton Day School.

The Peter W. Merle-Smith ’85 Memorial Fund Established in 1999 with gifts from Mrs. Fowler F. Merle-Smith and Margaret F. MerleSmith Bergstrand ’83 in memory of Peter W. Merle-Smith ’85. Annual income is restricted to supporting substance abuse education programs in the Middle School.

The Susan E. G. Moll Fund for Community Service Established in 2004 with gifts from family and friends in memory of PDS parent, Susan E. G. Moll. Annual income is restricted both to supporting an annual Upper School assembly on the subject of serving others and underwriting new student initiatives and other opportunities to enhance the community service program at Princeton Day School.

Regina Spiegel Memorial Fund Established in 1997 with gifts from friends and family in memory of Middle School music teacher, Regina Spiegel. The annual grant from this endowment may be used to either send the recipient to a summer theater art program/ workshop (preferably a Lincoln Center program/ workshop) or to bring an artist (preferably a Lincoln Center artist) to PDS to give eighth graders hands-on-training in the theater arts.

The Mark L. Zaininger ’81 Memorial Award Established in 2010 through the generosity of the Zaininger family and friends, the Mark L. Zaininger ’81 Award honors an alumnus whose professional and personal life was dramatically and positively influenced during the summer of his junior year at Princeton Day School, through his participation in a creative, challenging and rigorous summer program. The award is given annually to a member of the Princeton Day School junior class whose proposed summer experience in pursuit of an interest or passion has the greatest likelihood of inspiring and revealing to the recipient new horizons and directions for his/her life path.


2016/2017 Alumni Board

Chris Gerry ’99 President

Alumni Board Greetings from Colross, We begin our 51st year on the heels of a tremendous celebration of Princeton Day School’s founding that commemorated 50 years of great arts, athletics, academics and co-education on the Great Road. I would like to thank every member of the school community who contributed to the year’s success. I would also like to personally thank the 1,278 Alumni who supported the Annual Fund this past year, from our oldest donors in Miss Fine’s class of 1934 and the Princeton Country Day class of 1939 to our youngest donors from the class of 2015. Thanks to your generous support we set a record for the most Annual Fund donors in a single year and secured a challenge-gift match of $50,000 from Curtis McGraw Webster ’75. Your support was critical to helping us properly recognize PDS’s achievements during the last 50 years. We look forward to making 2016-17 another great year for PDS. If you’re interested in getting involved with Princeton Day School, please contact the Alumni Office at 877-924- 2586. Chris Gerry ’99 President, Alumni Board

Justin Revelle ’03 Vice President Michael T. Bracken ’98 Beth Geter-Douglass, PhD ’82 Maria Tardugno Aldrich ’99 Lucy Englander Brinster ’78 Aly G. Cohen ’91 Allissa C. Crea ’06 Scott J. Feldman ’93 John L. Griffith, III ’99 Taylor Hwong ’88 Patrick McDonald ’06 Paris McLean ’00

Julie Roginsky ’91 Arianna Rosati ’88 Barbara Rose MFS ’64 Scott E. Rosenberg ’04 Margaret Sayen Schmucker ’02 Kaylie Keesling Director of Alumni Giving Amy M. Gallo ’03 Director of Alumni Engagement Linda Maxwell Stefanelli ’62 Associate Director of Alumni Relations


Nominate your friends and classmates for the PDS Athletic Hall of Fame and our Alumni Awards: Alumni Achievement, Alumni Service and Outstanding Young Alumni Award. *R WR RXU ZHEVLWH DW ZZZ SGV RUJ DQG ORRN XQGHU WKH $OXPQL WDE WR ÀQG WKH RQOLQH IRUP




Regional Gatherings

Boston Regional Gathering Hosted by Miss Fine’s School alumna Wendy Gartner Rowland MFS’53 and her husband Barry




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Annual Fund Thank You • Celebrate in the City

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UPCOMING EVENTS Alumni Thanksgiving Games on Friday, November 25, 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ice Hockey, Lisa McGraw ’44 Rink Frankie K Men’s Basketball, Upper Gym Coed Soccer, Smoyer Turf Field 3:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Alumni Reception and Family Skate, Lisa McGraw ’44 Rink New York Regional Gathering at The Century Club in New York City on Wednesday, December 7 9th Annual Young Alumni Pub Night at The Nassau Inn Tap Room in Princeton on Thursday, December 22


Milestone Reunion Classes



Alumni Weekend Class Parties 2016 Last Hurrah

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Athletic Games

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Alumni Awards and Athletic Hall of Fame




1. Alumni Award Recipients: John D. Wallace !48 Alumni Service Award: Roopa Purushothaman !96, Outstanding Young Alumni Award: John Maher !06 and Alumni Achievement Award: Sara (Zoe) Hart !96 2.!"#$$!%&!'#()!*+,-./))!Jessica D!Altrui Davidson !96!#+,!01$$!23%(#4 3. Head of School Paul Stellato and 2016 Hall of Fame Inductee Jerome (Rome) Campbell

Annual Fund Awards 1. 1966: Highest participation!5!23)!! 6$#44!%&!7899!:%+!/3)!"1;3)4/! <#=/1.1>#/1%+!1+!/3)!?)-+1%+!?#.)!! :1/3!#!=).%=,@A=)#B1+;!+-(A)=C 2. 1971: Highest dollars 5!23)!6$#44!! %&!78D7!/%%B!3%()!/3)!>=1E)!&%=!/3)!! 31;3)4/!,%$$#=4!=#14),!1+!/3)!?)-+1%+! ?#.)C 3. 2011: Highest number of donors –!! 23)!6$#44!%&!FG77!4)/!#!+):!=)-+1%+! =).%=,!#+,!:%+!/3)!>=1E)!&%=!31;3)4/! +-(A)=!%&!,%+%=4!1+!/3)!?)-+1%+!! ?#.)C





Alumni Weekend Master 2016




Class Notes If a class correspondent is not listed, please send your notes to Ann Wiley ’70 at awiley@pds.org.

Miss Fine’s School 1940

Phyllis Vandewater Clement 2375 Range Avenue # 157 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707-823-0925 pvanclement@gmail.com

Hello, Classmates, Bob and I have just moved into “Independent Living” in a rather attractive facility. We enjoy getting good meals without having to cook, and I think we’ll like it here. We’re both experiencing “structural” difficulties, I with several back ailments and Bob with a fractured femur, but with the help of our three kids, all in their early 60s, we have weathered the move and almost settled in and have our house listed in a really hot market. Please make a note of my new address and let me hear from you. Our phone number is still 707-823-0925. I am sad to report that Alice Northrop Robbins died July 30, 2016 in Ohio following a rich and interesting life. She was married to a distinguished Nobel Prize winner (her father was another one); she leaves two daughters. She was my freshman year roommate at Vassar. Her obituary is available at http;//www.brownforward.com.obituaries/Alice-Robbins-4/#!/ obituary


Marjorie Libby Moore 90 Woolsey Court Pennington, NJ 08534-1428 609-730-9515


Lucy Law Webster 19 Church Street Cooperstown, NY 13326 607-221-1165 lucylawwebster@gmail.com

Many thanks to Lucy Law Webster for volunteering to be class correspondent. She wrote: “I am now living in Cooperstown, NY, where my younger son, Alex Webster, owns and runs two restaurants, Alex’s Bistro and Cantina de Salsa, which is actually a few miles away in Cherry Valley. Also, my two younger grandchildren live here, Oskar Webster (12) and Lukas Webster. Luke Webster, as he calls himself on Facebook, has been spending his 10th grade year in a Buddhist School in Japan as a Rotary ambassador. My two older grandchildren are in California, where Jonathan (32) is in charge of a local newspaper, and Alex (28) is working on a PhD in Botany at UC Davis; she is into tropical forestry and spent her junior year abroad at Smith in the national forest of

Tanganyika. Their father, Daniel Law Webster, lives in southern California and works for a company based in Tel Aviv.

“I continue to be active in the World Federalist Movement (www.WFM/IGP.org) and in its main US component, Citizens for Global Solutions. I am also on the Board of Economists for Peace and Security (www.epsusa.org) and active in the Presbyterian Church next door, in its social action programs and in the choir.”

1951 We are so sorry to report that Petie Oliphant Duncan passed away on May 2, 2016. We are most grateful for her service as class correspondent.

Petie Oliphant Duncan ’51 as May Queen. Gordon McAllen Baker and I, Barbara Johnston Rodgers, were very sad to learn of “Petie” Nellie Mae Oliphant Duncan’s death on May 2, 2016, just before our 65th MFS Reunion. As I had served as one of Petie’s bridesmaids in June 1951, I called Petie and Stu to wish them an early happy 65th wedding anniversary. Unfortunately, Stu said that Petie had died four days before I called, saying that she had recently become ill. Gordon and I would like to know the whereabouts of Dorothy Ann Duckworth, as we are now the only three survivors from the class of 1951. Golly, I don’t feel that old!!


Anne Carples Denny 2101 Cedarfield Lane Richmond, VA 23233 804-474-8960 andenny56@gmail.com

There is sad news. Our classmate, Caroline Rosenblum Moseley, died very unexpectedly this past June. Jane Gihon Shillaber called to say that a memorial service is planned this fall on October 10th at 2 p.m. at the Princeton University Chapel. A memorial gift may be sent to the Princeton Public Library, 65 Witherspoon Street, 08542. Caroline was a superb leader of the Upper School, a brilliant student in our class and a remarkable singer and actress on our stage. As a friend and MFS alumna she will be greatly missed.

In a long talk with Hope Thompson Kerr I learned that she spent two weeks this summer in

Bend, OR visiting her sister, Hilary Thompson Kenyon. They did a lot of hiking, golf and playing pickleball, a very popular sport with today’s older and still active enthusiasts. This fall the two are taking off again — this time for Burma. Stand by for news and photos of this trip.

Caroline Savage Langan wrote that they sold their house and moved into a condo in West Concord. It is within walking distance of the library and rail station (the Fitchburg line)! They have four grandchildren, two who are still in town and two who live in Harvard, just 12 miles away. Caroline added that they plan to go to Truro (Cape Cod) where they will rent an abode for two weeks, which is large enough to shelter the daughters, their spouses and children.

From Mary Butler Nickerson: “A granddaughter, about to enter 8th grade, asked for a Jane Austen to read over the summer, causing me to remember how horrified I was at that age to encounter the first night’s assignment of Pride and Prejudice. Mrs. Shepherd won me over, of course. We just finished our umpteenth week of family reunion on Cape Cod — sixteen this year and always fun.” Thank you all for answering the call!


Joan E. Kennan 3143 O Street, NW Washington, DC 20007-3117 202-342-2118 joankennan@gmail.com


L. Chloe King 5 Stonehaven Drive, #217 South Weymouth, MA 02190 Lchloek@aol.com

Mary Tyson (Ty) Goodridge sent news that she married William Norgren on July 27, 2016. “A romance was rekindled after 46 years, and so special it is. Age has never been a factor in my life, nor should it be in any persons.” Other huge news is of her 16-year-old grandson bicycling SOLO 2900 miles from Mexico to Canada. Longest off road trail in the world! “So proud of Sam Stroup — watch for his documentary!” Laura Travers Pardee wrote, “we went up to Princeton at the end of May for Fred’s 60th reunion.” They visited their son and his family in Atlanta on the way home. Laura and Fred have exciting plans for three weeks in Europe in the fall when they will go to visit granddaughter, Adelaide, who will be spending the fall of her junior year at Kenyon in Rome. She is currently at the University of Oslo for a six-week summer course. Fred and Laura plan to spend a week in

FALL 2016

Class Notes


Paris, then fly to Vienna where Adelaide will meet them to spend her ten-day fall break with them, then on to Rome for a few days before returning home in early November.

Chloe King is spending considerable time preparing to move in September. The Needham house has been sold, and the move will happen sooner than we think! We are going to live in a brand new 55+ community on the south shore of Boston! We will miss our home of 47 years, but the time has come to give up home ownership!!! Still enjoying our cottage in the NH woods, especially when the Boston area was SO hot this summer! Hope to hear from more classmates next time around!


Cicely Tomlinson Richardson 58 Bear Tree Road Orford, NH 03777 603-353-4608 jctr@together.net


Susan Smith Baldwin 93 Webster Road Shelburne, VT 05482 susiebaldwin108@gmail.com

Susie Smith Baldwin wrote: As class correspondent, I speak for all of us in sending congratulations to Alissa Kramer Sutphin, and her husband Bill on their 58th wedding anniversary this past June. They receive our longest married couple trophy. Alissa added wise and loving words: “58 years: took two good people, love, flexibility, and a lot of luck.”

Alissa Kramer Sutphin ’57, far right, with her husband Bill celebrating their 58th wedding anniversary on June 12, 2016 at Agricola (former Lahiere’s) on Witherspoon St. in Princeton with complete strangers who were celebrating their 30th. Eugenie Rudd Fawcett sent: “Cheers to all. Jim and I shall both be teaching at Berkshire Country Day School in Stockbridge, MA again this year. Jim teaches English, I teach Latin.

“Our four children, their spouses and the grandchildren are all well. In September, Eliza Fawcett started her sophomore year at Yale, Elisabeth Fawcett started her freshman year at Dartmouth, Rudd Fawcett is a fifth former at Andover, Richard and Clara Fawcett are in the fourth and second grades at St. Luke’s School in Manhattan, and Zachary and Elliot Sedgwick are in the fourth and second grades at PS 29 in Brooklyn. JOURNAL

“Jim still has a flock of thirteen polled Dorset sheep, who help keep the meadows open, but our children have forbidden us to bale the hay!”

Susie added: Fun to imagine the Eugenie Rudd Fawcett possibility of our ’57 and her husband grandchildren Jim in Tyringham, MA knowing each other at their respective schools or colleges. Keep the photos and news coming.


Nancy Hudler Keuffel 1329 West Indian Mound Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248-540-8024 acornnhk@aol.com

Lots of news from Susie Frank Hilton who is in her ninth year as a docent at The Baker Museum of Art; she loves every moment, every exhibit, every opportunity to bring the engagement and enjoyment of and with art into visitors’ lives. She has also just been reelected to serve her third term as a Deacon at Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church, where she has been a member of the choir. Her husband Dick is Clerk of Session at the church, a leadership role with the congregation and the clergy. The couple live in Naples in a community with almost 24/7 golf, which they love. Mrs. Frank, her mother, is 102-year-old and is in great mental and physical shape and living in an assisted living community near Susie. Linda Mullaly Masten and her husband have a home in England and they were off to spend a bit of time there when she emailed. They also have a place in New Zealand, but neither location receives long visits as Linda is still a busy lawyer. Her mother recently passed away at age 101. Linda’s grandsons are in Portland, Oregon. They are ages 10 and 13 and are home schooled, which seems to be going very well, as they are avid readers and also participate in sports, drama and web design.

I had a wonderful chat with Emily Vanderstucken Spencer who lives in Kennebunk, Maine and hopes to spend more time in the Tucson area, as she is not a devotee of winter. Her daughter, Polly, has an AirBnB in Kennebunkport, which sounds just lovely and at the time of our conversation she was working on refurbishing the garden.


Ann Kinczel Clapp 5 Farview Road Baltimore, MD 21212 410-464-9471 AnnClapp@hotmail.com

Again I heard from the usual suspects. I wish the rest of you would share your news.

Nan Nicholes Goodrich will spend 19 days on the Queen Mary II with her daughter. She has sold her house and bought a condo in Hancock, NH.

Jean Schettino Conlon fractured her ankle, which won’t stop her from traveling to Paris and London this fall. She is in the same book club as Lucy James, who recently toured Civil War sites in Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi and actually consumed a SLUG BURGER!

Food of a different flavor for Abby Pollak who enjoyed cooking classes and Italian immersion school with her partner, Helen, in Lucca before sightseeing in Paris with eight-year-old twin granddaughters. Dana Conroy Aymond spent two weeks babysitting in the Colorado mountains while her son’s team won Race Across America.

Susan Stevenson Badder managed a Smithsonian residential study program in Florence for 28 people, Later she was captivated by Petra, Jordan. She can walk to her position of Adjunct Professor at the Maryland Institute and College of Art where, among other courses, she interacts with students in “Art Matters.” My mentee graduated from Cristo Rey and will attend McDaniel College in the fall after a huge downward spiral in grades, attendance, attitude, etc. during the last semester of high school (after being in the top 5% of the class for 3 ½ years!). I am searching for the cause with little success and hoping for better times when she moves from home. Harvey and I took a wonderful Viking river cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest.


Penelope Hart Bragonier, Ph.D. 68 Beacon Street Boston, MA 02108 617-742-0093 Pbragon@gmail.com

Thanks to those of you who answered my request for news or reflections. Next time more please, especially from classmates who have kept silent for too long. No doubt, the piling on of decades has created, for some, a sense of distance from the class. But others seem to grow ever more keen about staying in touch as time passes but memories remain. We are so much a part of each other’s histories!

One link between then and now is Carol Garrigues Scofield’s 55th wedding anniversary. Remember when Carol, fresh out of Foxcroft, appalled her family by running off to marry a guy named Robert? “And who said we were ill-suited to each other?” she wrote now from Maneskootuk, the enchanted family island in Maine, where she and Robert spend their summers among the wildflowers. Still qualifying as a newlywed, Louise Scheide Marshall Kelly wrote from the other end of the marital spectrum. She and Peter “are trying our best to make the most of every minute we have, all while feeling enormously blessed to be together in this crazy and even wonderful world of ours.” They treated themselves to a “spa-like vacation in Antigua,” then two weeks in Ireland, Peter’s first visit to the land of his forebears. In September, they’re off to see the Canadian Rockies by rail.


Martha has had her own share of fascinating travels this year: a trip to Iran in a group of six women and, later, a spell in her beloved Spain. Home now to prepare for the September wedding of her most beloved Sarah!

Last summer, Caroline Godfrey Werth and Harriet made a “car journey” around South Wales and on to Bath before joining Eileen Baker Strathnaver in Oxford to celebrate Suzy Scarf Webster ’58’s 50th wedding anniversary. After more UK travels, Caroline returned to Maine to resume the gardening and quilting that she loves, interrupted only by a brief winter escape to the island of Vieques with her sister, Sia Godfrey Bauer ’68.

Although Nancy Davis Sachner and Skip were off on a trip to Alaska in September, Nancy’s work status (only “semi-retired”) keeps her feet on the ground most of the time. She’s hoping for a hard-to-get clinical appointment at Yale to supervise trainees in the Department of Psychiatry.

As for Frank and me, we took his daughter, my son, and their families on a small-boat trip through the Galapagos over Christmas. The best! Next was an April cruise in the Sea of Japan. Now writing from our house on Martha’s Vineyard, I look ahead to the fall when I resume my work with Mothers Out Front, a volunteer organization tackling climate change. In two short years, we’ve had real success in spurring legislative action to reduce methane leaks across Massachusetts and some success in getting consumers to “switch” to utility companies that buy electricity from renewable resources. Onward. September will also see me engaged in presidential campaign activities, possibly voter registration in a swing state. Please know that we’re planning another reunion of our classmates, this time in Princeton on a fall weekend (TBD) in ’17.


Fiona Morgan Fein 10 West 66th Street, #25D New York, NY 10023-6212 212-799-9542 ffein@mac.com Nancy Smoyer 375 Crystal Road Fairbanks, AK 99712-1249 907-457-8473 nrsmoyer@alaska.edu

From Nancy: Tibby Chase Dennis summed up our wonderful 2-3 day reunion at Debbie Moore Krulewitch’s home in May. “What a beautiful time it was, hostessed by such a beautiful lady, in such a beautiful setting!”

Cynthia Weinrich elaborated, saying, “There is so much to remember and process from the 24 hours I was there. Friday: our group get-togethers — by the pool, on the terrace, and over dinner — reminiscing, catching up, and diving into challenging conversations (religion and politics anyone?). And then Saturday, with more chances to talk individually and in small groups, which was also great. I woke up Sunday MFS ’61 celebrated their 55th reunion: Around the morning back home with all sorts table, starting on the left: Debbie Moore Krulewitch, Fiona Morgan Fein, Cherry Raymond, Julie Fulper Hardt, of thoughts swirling around in my head — growing out of, I am Nancy Smoyer, and Julia Cornforth Holofcener. There sure, all the happenings and con- were ten in total who attended the reunion at some point versations of the past few days. So over the three days. Missing from the photo are Sheila many of our lives have turned out Long, Tibby, Cynthia, and Polly Busselle Bishop. differently than I would or could ever have imagined — including my own.” There was always something going on — talking, walking, cooking, swimming, talkCherry Raymond, in her poetic way, added, ing, exploring, eating, talking, dancing. I kept “I can’t tell you how healing it was to see you thinking some down-time would be nice but all again, to be in such beauty indoors and then there was always something going on out, and to get a normalizing ‘hit’ on aging. I didn’t want to miss. Maybe we need to plan I was touched by the awareness that Nancy a nap/rest hour after lunch, like we used to expressed, that there was no guarantee that we do when I was a camp counselor!” would see all (or any!) of us again, so all was precious. I am sorry more of you couldn’t make Joan Yeaton Seamon wasn’t able to be there, but it, but sensed the class in toto just by being she did share part of the fun. As she said, “I had together. I love the album with assorted songs the delightful surprise of receiving the 50s-60s from our young years (compiled and distribdisc from Julie. Great tunes I remember so well. uted on CD by Julie Fulper Hardt). And the Hal and I now prepare for a quick turn-around PDS umbrellas, and Debbie’s cornucopia of for our third summer visit to Chautauqua NY makeup, swell alligator handbags, and spontaSummer Institute....music/dance performances, neous offerings from her closet. And the walks. lectures, seminars, religious services of many And swims. And beautiful breakfasts.” denominations and a wonderful array of speakers and artists. The remainder of our summer Cherry also mentioned another theme of the will be here in Williamsburg with an August weekend and follow-up conversations — that family reunion in Atlanta hosted by son James of another reunion. “I do applaud the idea of and family.....with a first glimpse of GREATreunioning next in Princeton. Its beauty stays GRANDSON Joel!” with me, and I long to see it more often. The town and the university was a good part of our Fiona Morgan Fein added some current experience at the school, in that stately mannews which included “the graduation of the sion with the cherry trees blooming along the youngest grandchild and a trip with her and drive each spring.” her best friend to London; planning for the October inauguration of Wells College’s new Tibby echoed the reunion hope. “It strikes me president, Dr. Jonathan Gibralter; and planagain that one reason it’s so important for us ning a short trip for Harvey and me, also to get together periodically is that, in my case to London — the ‘grown-up’ version of my at least, there are a number of you who for whatever reasons I didn’t know that well during adventure with the girls, which omits the total immersion in Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes our high school years, and it’s such a beautiful and the Beatles. Last, but certainly not least, time of discovery to have the long talks, the our great-granddaughter, Ada Beth, was born rich sharing, at this stage in our lives, which we in December. She lives in Somerville, MA and might have missed out on earlier.” we watch her progress daily on Facebook to Julia Cornforth Holofcener added this meantide us over between actual visits.” ingful comment. “I only have one thing to add That’s all for now. On to planning the next to all of the wonderful comments about the reunion. Any takers? weekend, which was delightful as usual. I wish that we had taken a few moments to recognize 1962 that we have lost so many of our class. We were...and are...a very special group of women. Susan Shea McPherson Appreciating what we had and have is an P.O. Box 506 important part of what I am today.” Hyannis Port, MA 02647 508-775-1368 I, Nancy Smoyer, agree with everyone. “I loved suebear3@gmail.com being able to be there all 2½ days. The whole weekend was a good time to think about where we’ve been, where we are now and where we’re going. It was also a good time to have fun!

Class Notes

Like Louie, many of us have found plenty of life after loss. Family, friends, travel, special endeavors bring joy. Harriet Gaston Davison travels with friends here, there, and everywhere — when she is not spending precious time with her nine wonderful grandchildren who live near her in England. Martha Thompson Eckfeldt and I are thrilled that Harriet will be visiting us in NYC and Boston respectively in September.

The end of July brought PDS Head of School Paul Stellato and his lovely wife Maureen (who have a house in Harwich on Cape Cod)

FALL 2016

Class Notes


for a luncheon organized by Kathy Schulte, Director of Advancement, in Hyannis. Present were Bonnie Campbell Perkins ’57, Sally Campbell Haas ’63, Joan Knapp Crocker ’63 and me. What a fun time we had reminiscing about Miss Fine’s — deciding if Shirley Davis was stern but not scary, even though she wore gray suits, white blouses, and sturdy shoes. Thoughts of Henry Ross, who was head of Princeton Country Day, the merger in the 1960s, athletic tunic uniforms — different belts for different levels.

Virginia Elmer Stafford is busy taking Spanish classes in Madrid, where she lives much of the year. She gets plenty of exercise walking to and from class each day. “After visiting Morocco in June, I am also going to explore taking Arabic, which should really challenge my brain.”

Mini-MFS reunion on Cape Cod this past July: From left: Head of School Paul Stellato and his wife Maureen, Susan Shea McPherson ’62 (in front of her 1968 Mustang). Sally Campbell Haas ’63, Joan Knapp Crocker ’63 and Bonnie Campbell Perkins ’57

Paul brought us up to date with PDS enrollment of 960 students coming for this new school year; the high level of education with interdisciplinary studies, kids from Pennsylvania making up 30% of the student body, 90% of the graduating class applying early decision to colleges; Lawrenceville School being PDS’s biggest rival. Times have changed but PDS is doing an amazing job of preparing our youth for the future. It was such fun for all to get together. There were many inner connections we all had with each other.

News for the Class of 1962 was sparse this time around; summer is busy and perhaps there isn’t much news. But Sonia Bill Robertson reported that her daughter, son-in-law and their baby girl are moving to the Naval Justice School in Newport, RI for three years to teach; Sonia feeling much better that they are only three and a half hours from Portland, which is a vast improvement over North Carolina. Pat Halcomb Phillips and Leo continue to be well and enjoy both Delray Beach and Washington.

Gail Cotton reported that her daughter, Anne, got married in July to her longtime partner in a lovely outdoor wedding with family coming from Australia, London, Rochester, NY and Antonio, TX.

My big news is that our son, Rob, and wife Selina had a baby boy — Wolf Bruce McPherson — in late June; Wolf is Selina’s mother’s maiden name. As I write this, they are here for 10 days; we have had such fun; being a grandmother is awesome! Fulfilling a promise to Bruce five years ago, I went at the end of April for 10 days with an old friend to Peru specifically to see Machu Picchu; it was fabulous, beautiful country, Machu Picchu is magical, not only because Wolf Bruce of the Incan ruins, but McPherson, at seven being up on top of the weeks, grandson of Susan Shea world in a gorgeous setting. McPherson ’62 JOURNAL


Alice Jacobson 2924 NE 21st Avenue Portland, OR 97212 503-528-8489 alice_jacobson@comcast.net

As I write these notes in August, Pamela Sidford Schaeffer is looking forward to the birth of grandchild number four in early October. Her daughter, Jacqueline, lives near Pam and Leonard, and they have done a good deal of watching Max, Jaq’s firstborn, while she works on four projects including a possible movie with Anne Hathaway. While the Schaeffer’s son, David, and daughter-in-law celebrated their tenth anniversary, Samantha and Ben, their kids, stayed with their grandparents. “I played a lot of lacrosse with six-year old Ben. It made me so happy as it reminded me of the wonderful times with the MFS lacrosse team at Marquand Park. (I was also really happy to be able to run and keep up with a six-year-old!).”

I was so sorry to learn that Prudence Morgan Boulton suffered a stroke this past year. It took away some of her sight and some of her short term memory. Prue added, “Fortunately, it didn’t disturb my sweet personality, nor did it touch my fond memories of each and every one of you.” She and her husband John set out on a few vacations, mindful of the terrorist attacks around the globe. They thought the north coast of the Mediterranean and Turkey would be safe. Turns out they just missed the catastrophes in Nice and in Turkey. The Boultons live in the Hudson River Valley, near her sisters and near New York City. Prue would be happy to have visitors, and sends her email address which is dj329417@gmail.com. In my note to classmates asking for news, I asked what they were doing to keep mind and body together. Kleia Raubitscheck Luckner replied she was a Chair Yoga devotee. She has two artificial knees, so she cannot kneel on the floor. “Not bad in church as kneeling was never a favorite of mine,” she added. She also does water aerobics, great for all joints and for balance. Top on her list of activities is having three granddaughters close by. She keeps her mind active as a “loud advocate” for breaking down agency silos and true collaboration with physicians and public health clinics in the prevention of maternal mortality.

Sharon Stevenson Griffith plays golf at least once a week from April-October, and she takes a yoga class, sometimes twice a week. She also walks 3-5 miles when she can. She is a big reader of newspapers, magazines, and books, and she is in a book club. And she and Chuck do international travel, which I agree is among the greatest of all learning activities. In fact, as I write these notes in mid-August, they are off on an Overseas Adventure Travel trip called “Imperial China, Tibet, and the Yangtze River.” Sharon has talked to Susan West Ross, who lives in Newport and has four grandchildren. Sharon saw Polly Miller in Nantucket. Polly is appearing in the musical Pippin this summer. And finally, Sharon spoke with Kathryn Kilgore, who is doing well, despite the fact that her partner Larry has been having health issues. Liza Maugham reported that she is working part-time, and she is able to be in Maine for most of the summer. Her five grandchildren are involved in hockey, soccer, basketball, and theater productions; Liza is their biggest fan. “They are the light of my life!”

Kathy Sittig Dunlop and her husband Richard have been on the move. They took a three-week trip to both Irelands. Richard had a goal of visiting 50 countries by age 75, and these were numbers 50 and 51. He is only 73 so now he is “upping the ante.” Kathy reads to keep her mental acuity sharp. She also does Sudoku and plays Free Cell on the computer. She is a golfer, does water aerobics, and goes to the gym. “I also love to ride my bike and walk the dog.” Sally Campbell Haas reported that she attended an MFS get-together on Cape Cod. See a description by Susan Shea McPherson in the MFS ’62 column. Anne Updike Burt keeps her mind and body active through climate justice activism and swimming. “When I turned 70, my children gave me an underwater iPod, and I exercise in the local Y pool by water dancing and swimming to Celtic music.” Andy’s first full-length film featuring 13 Maine climate justice activists premiered in early May. She invites us to visit her web site (www.downtoearthstories. org). She is working on a second film depicting climate and ocean health solutions, and it will be used to advocate with Maine’s legislature for positive public policies. Finally, she intends to travel to Indiana, Michigan and Montreal this summer, where she will visit “old haunts.” Laurie Rogers and her partner Bob went to Scotland and England this summer. They also spent a good deal of time sailing around Long Island Sound from their home in Connecticut. Most weeks I do exercise five days a week. Two days are at the gym where I do weights, balance exercises, and Gentle Yoga; one day I



Barbara Rose 2C Brookline Court Princeton, NJ 08540 609-937-1700 barbarabrose@me.com


Margaret Woodbridge Dennis 11115 Fawsett Road Potomac, MD 20854-1723 301-983-9738 hotyakker@gmail.com

Princeton Country Day School 1943

Peter E. B. Erdman 700 Hollinshead Spring Road, Apt. D100 Skillman, NJ 08558-2038 609-759-3362


Colin C. McAneny 438 Evans Street Vicksburg, MS 39180 601-636-8698 gwiz438@gmail.com

1946 Class Correspondent Lewis Kleinhans passed away on April 5, 2016, just as the spring Journal was going to the printer. We are most grateful to Lew for his dedicated work as correspondent. His daughter sent us his obituary, part of which is below:

Lewis Charles Kleinhans III, in his 86th year, passed away peacefully with his family on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 in Litchfield County, CT. Born on June 3, 1930 in Essex County, NJ to Lewis Charles Kleinhans II and Elizabeth Cotheal Andrews Kleinhans, he was a retired Vice President of Chemical Bank. Lewis was educated at the Princeton Country Day School, the Hotchkiss School (’49) and Princeton University (’53). He was a cheerful and energetic man who truly loved his life. Lewis enjoyed many outdoor activities, especially those taking place on the water.

Lewis volunteered for the YMCA of Red Bank, NJ, spearheading the fundraising, design, and construction. He also wrote for the Princeton Alumni Weekly on behalf of his father’s class of 1925. Lewis is survived by his wife Lucie Guernsey Kleinhans; his two sisters, Susan VanWyck Gilbertson and Cotheal Linnell; his two sons and his daughter.

Memorial contributions may be made to The Hotchkiss School, 11 Interlaken Road, Lakeville, CT 06039.


David C.D. Rogers 1602 Tuckers Lane Hingham, MA 02043 781-749-9229 drassoc53@comcast.net


John D. Wallace 90 Audubon Lane Princeton, NJ 08540 609-921-2257 njnb1@aol.com


William C. Wallace 171 Riveredge Drive Chatham, NJ 07928 973-379-4255 tucketone@gmail.com


Edwin H. Metcalf 23 Toth Lane Rocky Hill, NJ 08553-1010 609-921-2386 ehmet@comcast.net


Philip Kopper 4610 DeRussey Parkway Chevy Chase, MD 20815-5332 301-652-2383 publisher@posteritypress.com

New news, men of ’52. First off, I leap to correct an error implied by an omission in my previous report. I had listed all the living classmates whose loci were known to me, assuming the others to have left this mortal coil. Now I am delighted to report having heard from one of the missing.

Tim Cain wrote: “Just a line to let you know that I am still alive and kicking, contrary to assumption. I’m still living in Cortland, NY, at least for the time being. I have been retired from the faculty at SUNY Cortland for over 20 years. I spend a lot of my time carving and painting; and I work with my bird dog, an English setter named Brooke. Judy and I enjoy two months every winter on the Florida panhandle. Life is good.” Next, I am glad to quote another classmate’s report that “Bucky (T. Leslie) Shear is alive and well (reasonably) and living on Library Place in Princeton. Retired from the Art and Archeology Department at Princeton University a couple years ago.”

Meanwhile, Richard Whitney checked in with a reminiscence of David Outerbridge: “We were both stationed in the Memphis area for about one year at Millington Air station. The highlight of our tour was that we both played hockey for the Memphis Rebels. GREAT fun and played some good teams, from Tulsa, Louisville, Chicago, Birmingham, Green Bay etc. I was runner-up for the best player award

to a terrific player from Calgary. I most likely would not have had that award if David had played out the full season.”

Bob Hillier remains in fine fettle having “started a new architectural and development firm, Studio Hillier [27 employees], with wife Barbara after merging the big firm, Hillier Architecture [500 employees], with a firm from Scotland in 2007…We are much closer to the clients and the work. Clients include the University, Lawrenceville, Peddie, Hun, and Iona College in New Rochelle besides a host of residential clients running from great single family houses to apartment complexes.

Class Notes

do Reformer Pilates; and I walk three miles on the other two days. Like many of you, I love to travel, read, do puzzles, and still have an executive coaching practice. I am always happy to get news from our classmates and to share it with you.

“I am in my 22nd year of teaching at the School of Architecture at Princeton. The fall course is about being a good professional and the spring course is about how to start, build, and manage your own firm. The courses seem to get high marks from the accreditation boards.

“A few years ago I invested in Town Topics, the local newspaper… and today it is transformed into Witherspoon Media Group and I am the publisher of Princeton Magazine, its lead publication with 35,000 circulation. “Daughter Jordan graduated from U of Penn Magna Cum Laude and is starting grad school at Penn in Architecture this fall. She is a champion equestrian in her spare time. Son James teaches kindergarten in Vermont and has three kids. “Our motto is ‘Never Retire’ and, as long as we have the health and the energy, work is what we love and what we do.” To that, I say Write On!

For myself (Phil Kopper), I’m glad to report that at long last my revised and updated America’s National Gallery of Art will appear in the fall. Unlike the original tome 25 years ago, this iteration is an official history, to be published by the Gallery. On a distantly related note, I was saddened by the death of erstwhile friend and former National Gallery curator Charlie Moffett. A splendid guy and superb scholar duly celebrated in his NY Times obit, he made important contributions to art history with exhibitions he curated (and catalogues written) at the Gallery and Phillips Collection, which he chaired before moving to Sotheby’s. I’d known that Charlie was my distant-cousinin-law-by-marriage; now I can claim a slender connection with his wife, Lucinda Herrick, who I just learned was PDS ’72, and to whom I send sympathies. How small is our world!


Kenneth C. Scasserra 3161 NW 107th Drive Sunrise, FL 33351 609-598-1776 kscas@hotmail.com


Fred M. Blaicher, Jr. 710 Manatee Cove Vero Beach, FL 32963-3728 772-231-0046 fritzblaicher@yahoo.com FALL 2016

Class Notes



In Loving Memory Jerome Steven Gildar 1941 – 2015 Strength, Humor, Family, Friendship, Artistry, Sincerity – A Cherished Legacy

Guy K. Dean III 11 Lemore Circle Rocky Hill, NJ 08553-1007 609-921-6356 guydean@verizon.net


Robert E. Dorf 410 Walnut Avenue Grand Junction, CO 81501 970-471-1067 dorfb@outlook.com


James Carey, Jr. 245 A Chestnut Avenue, Unit #2 Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 781-326-8966 tim_carey@nobles.edu

I hope this new edition of the Journal finds everyone well and thoroughly engaged in work or retirement.

I had a wonderful meeting with Staff Keegin and Joe Wright in late June; both of them were passing through Boston and our time together was spent recalling so many of Staff Keegin ’57 and Joe the memories Wright ’57 on their cruise of people, places and events during our time at PCD. Though it has already been said many times, the way old friends can get directly back to the ‘place’ where we shared our childhoods is extraordinary. So many of the names resound, Gatchell, Gorman, Ross, Harrison, Smythe, Hano, Tibbals… I could go on at length. Shortly following our visit, Staff and Joe cruised for over a week together, starting in Maine. Our plan is to meet once again within the next year.

during which he never gave up.

“The service was held at the Grounds for Sculpture. What a wondrous setting – sculptures, nestled among trees and surrounded by meadows and standing near a pond, replete with large lily pads. No other place could have been more fitting for a tribute to Jerry. He dedicated a large part of his life to his love of sculpture, collecting it and working for Johnson Atelier, a renowned sculptor, forging sculptural pieces. Many relatives and friends spoke at the service, including me – wearing our class 50th reunion cap emblazoned with the bold letters, PCD. Jerry wore his cap every time I saw him after the reunion. He was genuinely proud of the school. People told stories about Jerry – some amusing, some poignant, but all exuding their love for him. A bench, dedicated to Jerry, rests under the branches of a large birch tree and now looks out on a meadow. “I had not recently been to the Grounds for Sculpture, but I will now come with some frequency, not only to see the wondrous art and the grounds, but also to sit on Jerry’s bench and think about the amazing guy he was.”

Finally, I got a note with an attached photo from Bev Aaron last winter. As he put it, “I was trolling the internet on the subject of environmentally-sensitive architecture, and the name Tony Fraker popped up. When I Googled him, the PCD Journal magically appeared. Go figure. Bev added beneath the photo: “Bygone days of Manhood, Gentleness, and Learning.” Wow!

I also got a nice note from Pony Fraker who continues to teach at Cal Berkeley, one course each semester. He chairs a PhD program at the University and travels to Sweden five times a year to teach an Urban Design course at the University of Lund. His wife Molly is now retired, but I do not get the impression that Pony is quite ready to move in that direction.

What follows below is an account written by Bob Smythe. The occasion was a memorial in honor of Jerry Gildar:

“Rob Kuser and I had the pleasure last Saturday ( July 16) of attending a wonderful memorial/celebration of life service for Jerry Gildar, who died a year ago.

“The last few years of Jerry’s life were painful, debilitating, and degenerative, as the multiplicity of his illnesses and diseases took their toll. But to talk to him you would never know anything was wrong. His smile and sense of humor never wavered, and he never lost his dignity. His was a courageous, if not heroic, struggle JOURNAL

in May. Also in attendance at the 50th reunion were David Stewart and his wife Jennifer. David reported that he continues to teach international law at Georgetown University Law Center and to serve as President of the American Branch Sandy and Jeanie of the International Kirkpatrick at Sandy’s Law Association. 50th Princeton reunion. He plans to be in Johannesburg, South Africa, in early August for an ILA conference.

Toby Knox ’58 (left) and John White ’58 visiting the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in May 2016 and PCD “Blue” Toby Knox hard at work at PCD “White” John White’s Maine house. In May, John White assigned me, your class correspondent, numerous spring clean-up chores when I visited him at his Popham Beach, Maine home. As I was a PCD “blue” and John was a PCD “white,” the caste system was in full swing with the “blue” guy doing all the work. Despite his task master approach to a “blue” visitor, I had a fun time with John and his younger brother, Bumper PDS ’70. In June I, Toby Knox, spent a week fly fishing for Atlantic salmon on a remote river in southwestern Newfoundland. This September, Kathryn and I will cross the Arctic Circle for the first time when we are in Norway for several weeks.

I want to hear from many more of you, but have only a few email addresses: Hugh Wise, Dick Rotnem, Adam Hochschild, Tom Cone, Morgan Shipway, Bill Morse, Fred Andrews….Best to everyone!


Toby Knox 163 Boulder Hill Drive Shelburne, VT 05482 802-985-3191 toby@tobyknox.com

Sandy Kirkpatrick, and his wife Jeanie, attended Sandy’s 50th Princeton University reunion

I look forward to more news and photos from classmates for the spring Journal issue.


Roger Budny 7005 SE Pacific Drive Stuart, FL 34997 772-419-8004 budny@comcast.net

Rob Carrick wrote: “I just received the spring PDS Journal 50th anniversary issue and was disappointed not to have news of my classmates so here’s a little news of my own. The photo is the last day of skiing at Telluride celebrated with true 80’s fashion flare! I still live at


Joe Coffee reported that he is still on a travelling softball team, but slowing down a little due to his knees, a problem that we’re all having. He and his wife Laurie, have three children, Geoff 43, Wellsboro, PA; David, 40, Port Charlotte, FL; and Bevin, 37, Asheville, NC.

to visit his stepmother in Princeton, still living in Ross’s childhood home on Westcott Road. Ross has three children: Scott (48) lives in Palo Alto, CA and works for Microsoft on the new Hololens project; Scott has a daughter, Yii Min, who is 13; JulieAnn (44) has two children and lives in NH; Amber (31) has two children and lives in Philadelphia.

Huck Fairman, our class novelist, has recently completed his latest book, Athena:Parthenos/ Promachus. Huck is also active in environmentalism, writing many articles for the Princeton Packet. What’s new with Huck and his work are readily available on his incredibly comprehensive website: huckfairman.com. Lexie, his daughter, has completed her second year at Lehigh, majoring in bioengineering. After Steve Cook moves to FL in Dec., our only classmates remaining in Princeton are Huck and Bill Putney. That’s two of the 33 who were originally in our class, including those who left in eighth grade. Nick Hare, who moved to SC two years ago, is still working in mergers and acquisitions. He’s been an active hunter pursuing deer in the fall and turkeys in the spring. Walter Smith wrote: “Sorry to take so long to get back to you. Libby and I are in Silverton, Colorado, where I am working in Professor Shutterbug’s Olde Tyme Photo Parlour. This is my 11th summer working here and the owner is in a Denver hospital dealing with some issues related to injuries from his service in Vietnam. He seems to be recovering okay, but it is a long road for him; and, I’m here trying to keep the shop open. So far so good, but it keeps me very busy.

Steve Cook is finally going to retire in December from being a spine surgeon. He will be splitting his time between Palm Beach Gardens, FL and Stonington, CT. He plans to do a lot of deep sea fishing in FL.

Steve has four children: Stephen in Concord, MA (Boston real estate), Jennifer (in Massachusetts); Matt (on Wall Street) and Rebecca (in Philadelphia working for Comcast as a computer designer). Ross Fullam and wife Wendy live outside of Jacksonville, FL When he is not substitute teaching in the local elementary school, he spends most of his time gardening in his elaborate pool-side garden. Ross often returns

Charlie Stuart ’59 playing baseball for Bill Putney ’59 PCD “Anyway, I have recently digitized my collections of thousands of 35mm slides. Among them are 60 slides from PCD, which, I believe, were taken in the spring of 1959.

“I do hope you are having a good summer and appreciate Walter Smith ’59 what you are doing to keep us up to date on our 1959 class.”

Roger Budny ’59 selecting an aged rum for our 60th reunion-St Nicholas Abbey, Barbados

Wouldn’t it be great if someone had a picture of some of us at the Balt or Renwick’s on those Wednesday half-days!! Charlie Stuart wrote: “I travel a lot, as I am

Class Notes

8000 ft. in southern Colorado where it snows in May and June. I have been retired from teaching French at the Ouray High School for almost six years now and have spent the last year building a garage apartment down valley. It has been fun and very Rob Carrick ’59 interesting as matelooking good on the rials have changed slopes greatly since my carpentry days some 25+ years ago. There is also the fascinating and rapidly evolving world of solar power. I have received my final approval on the project and am looking forward to getting back into the studio and to work left on the easel in the fall. My lady friend and I travel in the fall. We spent a wonderful ten days in Quebec City last year and this year we are planning a month in the Loire Valley, Lower Normandy and Brittany where I spent the year 67/68 in Rennes teaching English. The days are full and I don’t always have spare time but when do, I spend it polishing my ‘Fastest Skater’ medal from the 1959 Blue/White Winter Competition! Hope you are well and say hello to the coffee club!”

The back of Charlie Stuart ’59 (left) contemplating the desert in Wadi Rum, Jordan with his three kids: (l-r), Teddy, Emily and Hunter. doing today, between our house in Maine and an apartment in NYC. I am busy with a huge 14-hour series (and still counting) for ESPN about basketball. So that keeps me in NYC much of the time. I’m also now editing a very sad story about suicide, PTS and schizophrenia for an independent documentary. I’ve got three kids...one living and reporting in the Mid-East and two others living in New York. We visited the Mid-East this spring for ten days. It was the trip of a lifetime (I’ve spent time off and on in the Mid-East for work and I always love the Arab culture — for the most part, that is). I say trip of a lifetime because I was in the desert for several days and nights in a tent with my kids and a Bedouin guide under a full moon. My wife Sarah was just awarded a Guggenheim, which will push her toward publication of her next book.”

Jim Vollbrecht, living in Vienna, VA reports that he is finally designing a cabin retreat on his 60 acres in the Appalachian Mountains, near Blacksburg, VA. His two youngest children are Ceci and Nate. Ceci is in Center College and is doing her internship in chemistry at Princeton this summer. Nate is on the crew team at Michigan. He and his wife Nancy are both physically fit and are going on a weeklong whitewater rafting trip in the Colorado River this fall.


Karl D. Pettit III 6079 Pidcock Creek Road New Hope, PA 18938-9313 215-598-8210 karl.pettit@comcast.net

This year my Princeton University class officers asked me to write a memorial piece for John Brinkerhoff to be included in our 50th Reunion Book. Therefore, I thought it would be logical to share it with our PCD alums who knew Brink as a special friend. “John Westaway Brinkerhoff (affectionately known as “Brink”) was an affable, spirited soul who had a lot of friends and enjoyed life to its fullest. Unfortunately, his life was cut too short in the summer of 1994 when he succumbed to a 2-year fight against throat cancer. He was only 49 years old. “John was born on October 19, 1944 in Fort Knox, Kentucky, and was the son of to John Lutrell of Mason’s Island, Connecticut, and

FALL 2016

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Lillian Westaway of Englewood, NJ and Quogue, NY. Lillian’s parents were Lillian Jourdan Westaway and Robert Westaway, who was the president and chairman of A.D. Juilliard and Co.

degree in English with a senior thesis entitled ‘American Drama in the 1920s. At Princeton, he joined Tiger Inn, continued playing hockey and lacrosse on the freshman and JV teams, and even took up rugby. He was also a member of the Princeton Stock Club. Following graduation, John attended Northwestern Law School for a year, but transferred to the University of Virginia after his first winter experience in Chicago ( John hated cold winters). He earned his JD from UVA in 1970.

“After John’s parents’ marriage ended in divorce, his mother married George Brinkerhoff of Mahwah, NJ with whom she had three sons: George E. Brinkerhoff III ’65, Peter Booth Brinkerhoff ’65, and Robert Westaway Brinkerhoff. John Westaway Brinkerhoff ’60 “John and his brothers grew up on a farm in Belle Mead, NJ, just outside of Princeton; however he spent all of “In the early ’70’s, John spent some time livhis summers at his grandparents’ beach coting and working on eastern Long Island at a tage in Quogue, Long Island. He attended club called ‘The Long Island Potato.’ Then in Princeton Country Day School (PCD) the mid-1970s, he moved back to New Jersey. through to graduation in ninth grade, and He settled first in Pottersville, NJ, and then in his farm was a favorite place for his PCD Pluckemin, and worked in AT&T’s Marketing classmates to visit. It was renowned for havDepartment in Morristown as Product/Project ing a particular temperamental and aggressive Manager. donkey that would terrorize them as they ran through the donkey’s pasture to get to John’s makeshift softball field on the other side… how much fun was that?! Three of his PCD classmates (Bloxy Baker, Jay Kerr, and Karl Pettit) were also his classmates at Princeton University. “His summer activities with the Quogue Field Club and the Long Island Beach Club provided some of John’s proudest moments. He thrice won the Lawrence Cup for Character & Citizenship at the Quogue Field Club, Junior Sports Division, and twice won the Montgomery Cup for All-Around Sportsmanship at the Long Island Beach Club’s Summer Sports Program.

“After graduating from PCD, he attended The Hill School in Pottstown, PA. At The Hill, John lettered in hockey and lacrosse and participated in the intramural football program with great enthusiasm. He was elected to the Student Council every year, and was a member of the Reception Committee and the Press Club during his sixth form year. At Junior Prize Day, in the fall of 1961, he was awarded The Alumni Cup for the Best General Record in Fourth Form.

“John graduated Cum Laude from The Hill in June 1963, and that summer he and his sixth form roommate, Tom Christy ’63 attended a skin-diving camp on Tobago Island in the Caribbean where they became quite proficient at both skin-diving and spear fishing. The following summer, John returned to the camp as a counselor. In a letter to The Hill’s headmaster Ned Hall, he related what must have been a somewhat disquieting incident involving a number of large sharks who, after smelling the blood from fish he and Tom had just speared, came in really close looking for an easy meal!! He never really explained how he was able to outmaneuver the sharks…his knack for friendly persuasion, we guess. “From The Hill, John continued on to Princeton where he earned his bachelor’s JOURNAL

“On September 28, 1988, John married the former Susan Carlton in Bermuda, and he always said that his most significant life experience was meeting and marrying Susan. They were a perfect match, and for both of them it was their first marriage. They purchased a cottage in Quogue and also a lovely home in Bedminster, NJ, and settled comfortably into marriage. John and Susan came to our 25th Class Reunion in 1992, and we instantly saw what a special partnership they shared. Tragically, their marriage only lasted six years. “John is survived by Susan, and his two younger brothers, Peter Booth Brinkerhoff, and Robert Westaway Brinkerhoff. However, his mother, Lillian Westaway Brinkerhoff, his stepfather, George E. Brinkerhoff, and his younger brother, George E. Brinkerhoff, Jr. have all passed away. Needless to say, John has been dearly missed.” This past April my wife Kay and I visited Davy Davis and wife Tink at their farm in Essex, Mass. The visit coincided with the Harvard-Princeton lacrosse game, which gave us the opportunity to reminisce about playing the same game against each other for four years in the 60s. I haven’t confirmed the records, but I “recall” that Harvard never beat Princeton during those years.

Karl Pettit ’60 and Davy Davis ’60 this past April

In June simply by chance, Davy ran into Jonathan Howland in Boston. Jon is still a researcher at Boston University (Professor, Social and Behavioral Sciences Department School of Public Health).

When I last spoke with Jon several years ago, I recall that one of his research projects was determining the effects of alcohol on the decision making ability of mariner ship captains… like, what percent of the ships found their final destination! Jon and his wife Liz have a summer home in Marion, Massachusetts, where they do a lot of sailing, and where Liz makes and sells beautiful textiles.

Brock Putnam wrote: ‘I retired from teaching Western Civ, US History, humanities, acting and English at New Milford (CT) High School in 2010. (I’d taught at Fessenden School in Massachusetts before that, a junior boys’ boarding school.) I got into NMHS’s life in a pretty big way: Brock Putnam ’60 I ‘coached’ an academic competition team (think Jeopardy! with four-member teams competing against other schools), founded a Gay-Straight Alliance to see what could be done about homophobic issues at school, was very active with the teachers’ union, and took a number of student trips to Quebec, France, Italy and Russia.

“My first wife Deb Hamlet (Mount Holyoke ’72) died in 1993 (a few days before the nonexistent onset of Y2K at the turn of the millennium); I married again, this time to Marina Razhova, whom I had met on a ‘hands-across the sea’ teacher-student exchange with a Russian school in Nizhny Novgorod (known as Gorky in Soviet times). I have a son, Ben and two stepchildren, Anna and Anton. Now that I no longer have to get up at 5:15 in the morning to get to work, I’ve started acting again, which has been a great joy to get back into my life. I’ve also been working with a cabaret singing group, and have gotten the chance to perform in venues in Connecticut and Manhattan. So, ultimately, life is pretty good!” This past year I’ve enjoyed several long phone conversations with Percy Hoxie Wood. I had lost total contact with “Pete” and we figured that the last time we had seen each other was in the late 60’s. Pete is living in Olive Branch, Mississippi and is retired after a long career with FedEx. Percy Hoxie Wood ’60

His real passion is gardening and cultivation perennials. Pete’s brother, Allen Wood PCD ’62,


And finally, Alex Patton and I exchanged emails last summer after he returned to NYC from a relaxing retreat on Lake Ontario. While there he relished the fact that there were… “no cars, no hydro, and no cell phone service.” I believe (but of course am not certain) that Alex made his “fortune” in the business of Fantasy Baseball.


Peter Raymond 547 East Street Dedham, MA 02026-3060 781-381-2912 peterh.raymond@gmail.com

1961! Flip it over, and what do you get? No wonder we’re so resilient. So, as your latest class correspondent, I’m hoping to revive the richness generated by our earlier correspondents. Maybe this collection will poke more folks into sending word of lives and outlooks. As for me, I left 15 years of English teaching at Noble and Greenough School in Dedham, MA, where I live with wife Laurie, after both kids bolted, Maria to KY as horse reproduction veterinarian, Josh to LA and the “biz.” As of this writing, we have 2.87 grandchildren. Yay! I’m now a writer, publishing big time in the PDS Journal. Check out the notes for PCD 1961 — they’re all plagiarized, helping to make this class-correspondent gig a hoot, as does emailing with voices echoing from 1955. Here they are:

From Ashland, OR, Peter Kirkpatrick with wife Vera sent greetings and updates on Oregon-dwelling sons Peter and Carter, both married, the former (with some help from wife Tessa) making our classmate a grandpa with the birth of the “riot” Paige last October. Consulting with Vera on retirement from his career selling ad space, Vera advised, “Out of the question! Get to work!” We always knew Pete was a slacker. He reports having a photo of “a PCD baseball team with Coach Wes McCaughan, and Captain Charlie Stuart, all of us looking so young and innocent and eager.” Pete closed with a report of seeing “Hank Tomlinson at trade shows and Dave Petito a few years back — guaranteed laughter!” Randy Hobler, who saw Rich Reynolds and his charming wife at Andover’s

Randy Hobler ’61 and Regan Kerney ’61 standing tall with Princeton classmate Tom Rawls at Baker Rink.

50th, keeps in touch with Father John Sheehan and recounts John’s once blindfolding himself for two days and walking about New Orleans to understand the experience of the blind for whom he was attending a support-group meeting. The indefatigable Randy continues as a marketing consultant by day and composer of his musical “The Spirit of River City” by night, with time for five grandsons “who are a total joy.” Both his 93-year-old parents live at Stonebridge on Route 206, where Rich Reynolds’ mother also dwells. Also, Dave Johnson’s parents lived next door to Randy’s parents for years. Further confirming the small-world phenomenon, Randy said a potential client turned out to be a former captain of Princeton women’s hockey team who had been coached by Regan Kerney at Lawrenceville. Regan sent this report: “I’ve been at Lawrenceville for 25 years, teaching economics and history. I don’t think much about retiring, because what I do is so enjoyable that, if I retired, I would probably do it anyway. I get paid to read books for a living, and then to talk about them. Can you beat that? I look back on our 50th reunion as a great experience, a wonderful opportunity to see old friends and share memories. I think we should have a 60th. God willing, I will be around for that.”

Since 2007 Father John Sheehan has served as chairman of New York City’s Xavier Society, which publishes Bibles and other religious writings in Braille and audio formats. For this work he was presented with the James R. Olsen Distinguished Service Award at the national convention of the American Council of the Blind, and for Father John Sheehan ’61 his transition to a new posting, a “Father John’s Farewell Bash” was held Friday, October 14. Talk about busy: in April he led a pilgrimage of blind and sighted tourists to Ireland for ten days, “visiting all the shrines — the chapel of Our Lady of Knock, the Bushmill’s Distillery, the Teeling Distillery....” John also sang at the Lambs Club (the oldest professional theatrical club in the US), served as chaplain for several groups, including a few at the NY Athletic Club, and MCed a Memorial Day special show for troops at Feinstein’s 54 Below. Lest he be accused of idleness, he also has recently served on the boards of the Dr. Tom Dooley Foundation and the Young Global Leadership Foundation, the latter as Vice-President for Culture and Arts. John was assigned last February to Amman, Jordan to work in a parish and parish center, about which he notes, “I finally get to learn Arabic in my old age!” Tom Chubet wrote from Larchmont, New York that he’s still at Morgan Stanley in New York City but prevented by back trouble from playing much golf. “However,” he added,

“I would like to thank Hank Tomlinson for getting me interested in sailing over 58 years ago when I crewed on his duck boat at Mantoloking Yacht Club. Those were good years and we had a lot of fun. Eventually, sailing drew us to Larchmont Yacht Club where my wife and I used to sail and race; meanwhile we now have three grandchildren.” Tom added that their eldest son, John, is a real estate broker with Town Residential in NYC, while his brother, Charlie, is involved in data analytics for Neustar Inc.

Class Notes

lives in Somersworth, New Hampshire; so, I’ve been trying to get him to come north to visit Allen so that we could rendezvous.

PCD ’62: left to right: Rick Eckels, Rod Myers, Rick Delano and Jack McCarthy


John F. McCarthy III 124 Mercer Street Princeton, NJ 08540 609-924-3926 jack@mccarthyllc.com

NY Jets owner, Woody Johnson, was in the news. He served as a National Finance Chairman for Governor Jeb Bush’s 2016 Presidential Campaign, and in May endorsed Donald Trump for President. “Woody’s a great guy,” Mr. Trump was quoted as saying, “He’s a terrific person. He’s been a friend of mine for a long time.” Woody’s PCD classmates would agree with The Donald, at least on this one statement. Also, in the news was Craig Battle. He featured on the cover of US1 Newspaper, the weekly periodical with the largest circulation in Princeton. Founded in 1982, his investing banking firm, Tucker Capital, provides corporate finance expertise to middle-market companies. Craig’s firm includes his son, Morgan and his brother, Kemp ’74.

Retired after a successful legal and business career with Merck, Paul Vogel now lives on a golf course in Westlake Village, California. This past year he subtracted strokes from his handicap and added more room to his stunning home. Standout hockey goaltender, Rick Delano, put up his skates and mask and is building a new home in downtown Bridgehampton, Long Island. Speaking of Rick Delano, five PCD classmates ( John Gaston, Rod Myers, Rick Eckels, Rick Delano and yours truly, Jack McCarthy) have been getting together about once a year usually for Martin Luther King weekend. We usually pick a destination with a warm climate so that some of us can golf. Any interested classmates are welcomed to join the group. PCD friendships do last decades.

FALL 2016

Class Notes


1963 John A. Ritchie 7302 Durbin Terrace Bethesda, MD 20817-6127 301-564-1227 jhnritchie@yahoo.com


William E. Ring 2118 Wilshire Boulevard #336 Santa Monica, CA 90403 310-600-2015 mwmaverick@gmail.com Donald E. Woodbridge 64 Depot Hill Road Amenia, NY 12501-5817 845-373-7035 maderacito@yahoo.com

Princeton Day School 1966

Deborah V. Hobler 1342 Rialto Lane Santa Barbara, CA 93105 805-682-4896 dvhobler@cox.net

The weekend of May 13 and 14th, the class of ’66’s 50th PDS reunion weekend, was one to be remembered! Patience Morgan Iriogoyen, Sally Harries Gauldie, Andrea Hicks, Margery Cuyler Perkins, Sally Lane, Lynn Wiley Hoffman, Susan Bonthron and I gathered together to celebrate our long-time friendships, as well as, the 50th reunion of Princeton Day School. Of

Was that tunic flattering to anyone?

1965-66 PDS girls basketball team

Members of the Class of 1966 celebrating their 50th reunion: back row, l-r: Sally Lane, Margery Cuyler Perkins Patience Morgan Iriogoyen, Susan Bonthron; front, l-r: Andrea Hicks, Lynn Wiley Hoffman, Sally Harries Gauldie Friday night dinner, Margery Cuyler Perkins welcomed us to her new beautiful and comfy home in Lawrenceville. She provided us with her own culinary delights, including three devastating homemade desserts — cheesecake, fruit plate and a chocolate mousse. Yes, we finished them off.

From the moment we arrived on campus, PDS staffer Wendy Roitburg, Head of School Paul Stellato and his wife Maureen made us all feel like royalty, well — ALL the staff created a warm and welcoming atmosphere. We were given tours of the school (impressive, especially their arts programs in theater, architecture, photography, and sculpture, ceramics, painting). On the school walls hang the outstanding artworks of the students. The school is ALIVE!! The Stellatos hosted two lunches at their home, the Behr House, which we attended. While there, the PDS Madrigals sang the Miss Fine’s School song, “Semper Luceat” for us (Did I actually know that song? “To you Miss Fine’s School always we pledge our hearts and minds. In us a true devotion shall ever be enshrined. The map of knowledge shining to guide us through our days as the years pass by us may we have light always.”) They also sang the PCD and PDS school songs. Hearing these songs made me want to do the candlelight ceremony once again! As a part of the school’s new historical archives project, Linda Maxwell Stefanelli ’62 held an oral history conversation with our class members about the “old” days, which was videoed for the archives. For those of you not there to correct our statements about you, we apologize. The new archives collection has already won

Sally Behr Ogden, ’66, Lucy Busselle ’55, Polly Dickey Cockman ’66, 1954 accolades from me because in one of my letters to classmates this past year, I showed a picture of Sarah Jaeger at her ‘inauguration” ceremony as president of the student council in May 1965, and at her side, a sweet Lower School girl as her page. Sally Behr Ogden wrote that this reminded her of her experience as a page, in May 1954, when she had the job for Lucy Busselle’s ’55 inauguration. Sally was a bitty six-years-old. She said there was a picture of it, but she didn’t have it. As a result of the new archival program, Linda Stefanelli FOUND this picture for me. It also turns out that there were two pages for Lucy; our Sally Behr Ogden AND Polly Dickey Cockburn, and no they haven’t changed a bit!

1966 Classmates: Margery Cuyler Perkins, Andrea Hicks, Sally Harries Gauldie, Debbie Hobler with Head of School Paul Stellato Best of all, we were awarded the Class of ’66 Highest Participation Award for the Annual Fund (19 of us gave gifts, thank you very much! Not bad for a class of 23. ) You may recall, we won the first year this award was given too.

course, we knew things had changed over time because one of the first things we saw as we entered the main entry of the school was an exhibit of “vintage” items: “Then and Now.” There it was, in all its pleated glory, hanging from a manikin, our beloved gym tunic, (sans the defining belt), now an athletic anachronism. We quickly headed straight to the Alumni Art Exhibit where alcoholic beverages were being served. Before our eyes blurred, we enjoyed viewing two entries created by our classmates, Susan Bonthron’s Li River china 1987 book, and Sarah Jaeger’s beautiful ceramic platter. JOURNAL

Susan Bonthron’s ’65 Li River china 1987 book.

Sarah Jaeger’s ’66 ceramic platter

The Saturday night, “The Reunion Party” dinner and celebrations for all classes was held at Colross and we remembered during our junior and last year at MFS, when one or two (no one is copping to it) of our classmates (having been inspired by an English class on Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter) had pinned a Scarlet A above


The class of ’66 felt compelled to have a picture taken with Miss Fine l-r: Debbie Hobler, Sally Harries Gauldie, Patience Morgan Iriogoyen, Andrea Hicks, Margery Cuyler Perkins and Lynn Wiley Hoffman Miss Fine’s pearls. It also happened to be a day when there was a tea party for MFS fathers.

Our Saturday night class dinner had many visiting guests, including Mary Hobler Hyson ’68, Barbara Rose Hare ’64, and two young men from the class of 1971 (Ted McCluskey and Bill Flemer) who in 1966 had just finished the 7th grade at the newly merged PDS. Coming into their first year of PDS from PCD, Ted and Bill reported how excited the co-ed atmosphere was to them (surprise!) and that they were in awe of the senior class and us “older women.” Little did we know we had admirers at the time. However, 50 years later we are now seniors and real older women! Thanks PDS for making our 50th reunion so memorable!! And my appreciation as always to my co-chair Andrea Hicks for her many years of just saying YES.


Susan Fritsch Hunter 12 Fatima Drive Bethany, CT 06524 203-393-9349 ares543@comcast.net

As the cicadas start singing their end-ofsummer song, my thoughts fast forward to next spring when our class will celebrate its 50th PDS reunion on the weekend of May 19-20. I hope a lot of us return to Princeton for this milestone. It should be a fun time!

It will take some planning, and classmates who wish to serve on the reunion committee should email Linda Maxwell Stefanelli ’62, Associate Director of Alumni Relations, at lstefanelli@pds.org.

And please visit the PDS website at pds.org to read about reunion updates.

Traditionally, 50th anniversary classes have attended Friday night dinners at a local classmate’s house and then the more formal Saturday night dinner at Colross. But the plans will depend on what people are interested in. Please feel free to

We received happy news from Marta Nussbaum Steele, who reported that her granddaughter, Cleo Rose Steele Fardel, was born on June 28, weighing 8 lbs., 8 oz. and measuring 21” Cleo Rose Steele long. “The family is Fardel, granddoing well,” Marta daughter of Marta wrote, “except for grandmother, who Nussbaum Steele ’67, misses her constantly. poses for the camera New York is suddenly at 17-days-old. so far from D.C.! I met Cleo for the first time when she was less than three weeks old. What an experience! It is clearly hugely complex to be born and realize a new reality and experience life, even before language is acquired. She already flirts with her father, clearly a ‘daddy’s girl.’” Julia Lockwood wrote that she recently had dinner at the Red Barn in Augusta, Maine with Beth Borgerhoff, ’69, and Jennie Borgerhoff ’s children, Corie and Arthur. Corie will attend Pratt Institute in New York City in the fall, and Arthur is a college student. Julia reported that both Corie and Arthur are doing well. Pam Erickson MacConnell wrote: “I retired almost three years ago after spending the prior six years as CEO of the West Volusia Association of Realtors. After more than 40 years in the business and corporate world I am still amazed at the ongoing salary and promotion discrimination against women. I fought the battle for many years, but I’m glad to be out of it! “I enjoy lots of time with the things that feed my soul. I especially like working with color and light by making bright and beautiful quilts. Best of times are spent in Macon, Georgia visiting my beautiful grandchildren! Pam Erickson Our daughter, MacConnell ’67 poses Sarah, has a with her grandson, daughter, Audrey, Connor, who was born who will be four in September. Her on May 31, weighing son, Connor, was 10 lbs., 4.6 oz. and measuring 22.5”. born May 31. I will try to make it to PDS next year for our special reunion. My love to all.”


Sophia Godfrey Bauer 7 Hart Ridge Drive Burlington, CT 06013-1817 860-673-9385 candsbauer@att.net

Mary Hobler Hyson 1067 Wolf Hill Road Cheshire, CT 06410-1732 203-272-1294 bassett7750@cox.net

Class Notes

email or call me to discuss your ideas.

From Mary:

In early May I received a sad email from Nanda D’Agostino who said that Rich Raines, our classmate and good friend, died in Philadelphia in late October. He was sixtyfive years young with loads of talent and accomplishments in his life. Rich was a trial lawyer for most of his adult life. In later years he was a rehabilitation counselor and Bible study instructor. He apparently had been ill for some time and was cared for by his daughter. According to the Trenton Times, “He had multiple hobbies including chess, drumming, car racing, an avid reader, debater, and cook!” I don’t recall any of those hobbies back in PDS, as they were probably learned in his adulthood. Instead I remember the warm-hearted, playful, easy-going friend who loved to poke fun at people. I can still hear him say, as our paths would cross in the hall, “Hey Monkey Hands! How are you doing?” Followed by a big smile. Our condolences to his daughter, family and friends.

Rick Ross sent the following tribute in memory of Richard Raines: “‘And soonest our best men with thee doe goe.’ “A life lived, a life lost. Too soon, too sad. Richard Wesley Raines, 1950-2015.

“Richie, as known to all of us, was possessed of an inner sweetness and humor that appeared not infrequently in his marvelous smile. He was one of a kind — smart, brash, clever, dedicated, fiercely loyal, proud. To those allowed into his deep confidence, he was ‘The Chinaman’— a nickname that he variously loved and loathed. See, it was in his eyes. “His family meant the world to him, and he was justly proud of his father, a war hero in spite of the segregated Navy in which he served in World War II. A cook, who of terrible necessity became a gunner, and helped save his ship in the Pacific. And his mother, strong, smart, disciplined. His siblings looked up to him as much as he adored them. We knew some of this from carpooling when Richie was often behind schedule (he loved his sleep), and needed to have that last cup of coffee before bolting out and piling into the car. He was perhaps the only person under the age of 18 who drank two cups of coffee before 7:00 a.m.

“In ways, Richie was a mirror held up against the times that were ‘a changin.’ He matured with the growing sense around him and in him of black power, the Panthers, Stokely Carmichael, Dr. King, the iniquities of Vietnam, and the legacy he wanted to forge. Richie became Richard then and there — in our senior year he wanted to be “Richard.” He was right. He was ahead of us and our peers in his understanding of what was coming, what was needed and how the world as we knew it would be transformed. He was a schooled advocate in debate about our times and our futures. FALL 2016

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“After PDS, Richie distinguished himself at Hobart College (an odd choice for a guy who loathed the cold, and at the first scintilla of wind would announce “Man, the Hawk is out now — Going to be cold, cold, cold!” and flip up his collar against the breeze), then at Rutgers Law School. He worked as a prosecutor but found his calling in criminal defense. His career was marked by the qualities of a powerful and passionate advocate, absolute professionalism, tremendous jury appeal, great results. My wife had the good fortune to have been his frequent adversary when she was prosecuting: There is no trial lawyer of whom she speaks more highly. He was a commanding presence in court and a great friend out of it. He held jurors in rapt attention, hanging on his every word. “Richard went on to become a rehabilitation counsellor in Philadelphia and a leader of his church. “Let’s rejoice in his life and honor his death with our memories of a truly fine man and old friend. One of our best has gone too soon.” While I (Mary) am preparing for a two-week vacation in Maine, Nanda is getting ready for a big show in Seattle. “I start installing a the end of August for a late September opening, so more or less working seven days a week. Part of the time crunch is because next Saturday, we are going to Brian’s family reunion. It moves around the country but this year it is in Kentucky to be close enough to Cincinnati to allow Brian’s 94-year-old dad to attend. Not sure how relaxing being surrounded by 20-plus in-laws sounds but I’ll get to see my daughter, as well as a big tribe of nieces and nephews, so that will be great!” Punky Brewster Rutledge recently wrote: “Since retiring from teaching in June 2014, I’ve been getting enough sleep and doing lots of yoga! The best bonus, though, is more time with my grandson, Brendan, who turns eight in September. Daughter, Erin, is living and working in San Antonio — much too far away — and son, Luke, is nearby. My husband Kerry and I have taken on a third miniature dachshund, Millie, a rescue who continues her slow rehab from an IVDD (intervertebral disc disease) episode. She requires lots of care and attention, which I Millie, rescue dog of Punky now have time to give, and has Brewster Rutledge ’68 been a wonderful addition to our lives. Last fall I began working as a volunteer administrator on a Facebook page that offers information and support for owners of dogs with IVDD, and I also volunteer for a local rescue. I’m hoping for a fall reunion with Gail Smith Cleare, Sia Godfrey Bauer, Bassett Hobler and Beth Schlossberg — what do you say, ladies?” Sue Kleinberg sent this update: “I am now retired from my job as a regulatory officer JOURNAL

for the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission. My mother passed on in December 2011 and my husband died in February 2015.” Sue, please accept our belated and sincere sympathies. Sue continued, “I am permanently moving into my parents’ house in Keyport, NJ. Right now I am active in Keyport Garden Club, and have been appointed to the Keyport Green Team by the Mayor. I am still active in my synagogue, Young Israel of Aberdeen. My daughter, Cecily MacConchie, a graduate of Ursinus College, is marketing director at Berkeley College and presently in the MBA program at Stern Business School of NYU. My son, Teddy, holds a degree from Rutgers business school. He juggles quite a lot of jobs: he is a commercial lighting manufacturer’s rep at PB Lighting in Freehold (NJ), coaches a soccer travel team, plays on a men’s team and coaches a toddler team!! (I am not making this up.) No in-laws or grandchildren yet, but I live in hope.” I’ll keep my fingers crossed, Sue. A long-time resident of D.C., Pamela Aall McPherson continues to work on peace and conflict issues. Her most recent co-edited volume on African conflict management appeared in March. She and her husband Charles recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary and are the happy grandparents to four granddaughters (ages six and under). They look forward to welcoming their first grandson in September. Congrats! Hey, Pam, Eric and I have four grandsons and are hoping for a girl…. Any suggestions? Gail Smith Cleare’s family continues to grow. She wrote, “There are three new and remarkable things in my life recently. The first is my new granddaughter, Ema, seven-months-old in July. Ema is sister to Camila, and her parents are my middle son, Justin Cleare, and his wife Judy. Ema at 7 months old, Ema is the granddaughter of cutest, smiley, Gail Smith Cleare ’68 happy little thing. The second is my new Golden Retriever puppy, Daisy. She’s 10 weeks old and 13 pounds of adorable cuteness. My arms are covered with little scabs from her razor sharp puppy teeth. We lost our other dogs this past year, so now she is our one and only. The third very exciting thing is that my second novel, literary women’s fiction title, The Taste of Air, is coming out in a few months from Red Adept Publishing, a small press in North Carolina. Daisy, new puppy of It’s in editing and Gail Smith Cleare ’68 design now, nearly

1968 Classmates Faron Daub Fahy and Mary Hobler Hyson

Rick Ross ’68 with Head of School Paul Stellato at reunions finished. When I get a firm release date, I’ll email and bug you to buy the ebook that day on Amazon so it has a chance of making some of their top-sellers lists. Posting a short review on Amazon or Goodreads is very helpful. If you are curious to keep up with my public Facebook page (which you don’t have to be a member to use with this link: https// facebook.com/GailCleareAuthor. Everyone is well at the moment and we’re having a family reunion in Raymond, Maine on Crescent Lake next year. I miss the cry of the loon. My sister, Carolyn’s, whole family is coming, too. It will be a blast!” Rick Ross and his wife Judy are keeping the international airlines in business. “We are heading to Provence in late August, then down to Mougins, near the sea, where we took a small villa. A childhood friend (now in the U.K.) and her husband are joining us. Art, music, the sea, the sun, some golf, and some touring are in our plans. It will be nice to escape the noise of this election cycle.” Amen!

News of interest from your scribe: Our youngest son, David, will be wed to Natasha Shylo, on August 27. Eric and I celebrated our 45th anniversary. My 93-year-old father, Princeton, Class of 1944, walked the P-rade route at reunions this year for a record-breaking 70 years in a row!

Ann McClellan wrote that she has a new book, Bonsai & Penjing, Ambassadors of Beauty and Peace. It tells the stories of bonsai and penjing trees in the collection of the National Arboretum in Washington D.C. The link to see more about the book is http://www. tuttlepublishing.com/books-by-country/bonsaipenjing-hardcover-with-jacket


Susan Denise Harris 801 Ocean Boulevard Isle of Palms, SC 29451 203-517-7656 Susandeniseharris@gmail.com

Doug Rieck sent word that retirement is not something he can contemplate. His son turned 12 and his daughter, 13. Doug is hard at work growing his business to pay for college. Both his son and his daughter have asked to go to PDS but unfortunately they do not live close enough. He sends his best wishes to all.

Laura Lamar moved from rural Lake County to Santa Rosa, in the heart of the wine country, last year. Her mother died and they bought a house closer to civilization, where they could take in her 93-year-old father and care for him. “So I am now semi-retired; still doing a couple of magazines from home. Talk about timing: our beautiful woodland home of 27 years burned to the ground in the devastating Valley Fire, just two months after we sold it and moved out. Yikes! I cannot leave Dad unsupervised so I don’t get out much. If anyone is in the area, we’d love to see you — and we can tell you about all the great places to visit. Cheers!” Edwin Purcell is now Dean of Basic Sciences at the University of Medicine and Health Sciences on the island of St Kitts in the Caribbean. “Best Wishes.” Bob Korman wrote: “Living well in Albuquerque with my wife Tammy. Our four grown sons live here as well and all are doing fine. I own and operate a sound recording studio (Elephonic Studios) with my oldest son, Jesse. Recorded my first album back in 2013 and am finishing my 2nd collection sometime this summer or early fall. You can find a good bit of my music on Spotify or on ReverbNation.com. Just look for Robert Korman. I run into Bill Chalverus now and then. He lives here as well. My best to all!”

I also failed to take a photo of a gathering in Princeton at the Blue Point Grill last April. Bob Rathauser and his wife Debra, Bebe Ramus, Mary Lou Delahanty, my husband Stan and I had a lovely evening catching up and planning our 50th reunion. You can’t begin too soon.

Blair Lee, Pooh Holt Goldstein, Andrea Fishman, Bob Rathauser, and his wife Debra and I, Susan Denise Harris, shared a lovely lunch in NYC. Debra was kind enough to take a photo of this occasion.

Class of ’69 mini reunion: left to right Bob Rathauser, Blair Lee, Susan Denise Harris, Andrea Fishman, Pooh Holt Goldstein

Sue Denise Harris ’69 (upper right) with her husband and 15 grandchildren I have been told that some classes are asking their members for the number of grandchildren they have to open up a class competition. I believe I have won this contest but am curious where the rest of you stand on this. My 15th grandchild and 7th grandson was born in May. I believe Doug Rieck may have the youngest children. In fact, his oldest is just a year older than my oldest grandson. Please catch us up with your important life milestones. I live on Isle of Palms, SC full-time and would love to host a 50th reunion here. Make your travel plans. Best to all Susan.

Beverly Bevis Jones got together with Jane Wiley and Karen Hoffman Friedlander in March while they were in Florida. “I hadn’t seen them since graduation so it was really fun. We should have taken photos to send in for the Journal — but we didn’t.”


Ann M. Wiley 124 Traditions Way Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 609-902-8132 awiley@pds.org

Well, I hoped for at least ten people to respond to my requests so I guess getting four isn’t a bad percentage, but please think spring Journal and send me news – maybe we can get five people to send something… Hilary Martin, Debbie Lawrence and Allison Gilbert Kozicharow enjoyed some time together on Cape Cod this past July. Allison and her husband Gene went to England for their daughter, Nicky’s, graduation from Cambridge University with a PhD in Art History. Allison and Gene are really enjoying their two grandchildren, Scarlett (2½) and Allison Allison Gilbert Kozicharow (1½); they are the daughters of ’70’s daughter, Maggie their daughter with her two girls

Alastair Gordon wrote: “I never felt entirely part of the class of 1970 because I shifted to Lawrenceville for my freshman high school year and stayed there until graduation in 1970, but I have so many fond memories of friends and classmates from that first year of the combined girl-boy PDS in 8th grade at the new campus: playing center on the football team (!) Mr. Barron, Jack Kilgore, Bobby Sullivan, Alan Love, Chris Reeve and how we started a band called the Remnants. (I still have one of our business cards somewhere). Being in love with Kitty Warren and Cathy Morgan (at the same time?), acting (very badly) in a play about 17th-century France with powdered wigs and ruffled collars. I remember a wonderful older geography teacher who had taught at Miss Fine’s School. I forget her name but I remember that we stupidly taped a Playboy centerfold onto her big map of the World and when she pulled the map down — without missing a beat — she commented on what a fine anatomy the naked model had! The only thing she was upset about was that the Scotch tape pulled off some small portions of the Far East. She also warned the boys in the class that we might end up fighting in Vietnam one day. We didn’t believe her, but she turned out to be right about that.

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Maggie. Allison reported: “We live a few miles away from them, so feel so lucky to watch them grow day by day.”


“A few incidental facts: I have four children, including 16-year-old twin girls. I teach critical writing at Harvard U. and am a Distinguished Fellow at a university in Miami, where I spend part of the year. I write most of the time — articles and books about the environment, urban issues, architecture, art, etc. (web site with some publications listed: https:// alastairgordonwalltowall.com). I’m also working on a long overdue book about my father, Rev. Ernest Gordon, (Dean of the PU Chapel) who some of you might remember as he also taught (theology?) at PDS. After surviving four years of slave labor, torture and other indignities in the Japanese prison camps along the River Kwai (Thailand), he went on to live a most rewarding life. He passed away in 2002 at the age of 85 at Princeton Hospital. Needless to

Nicky Kozicharow, daughter of Allison Gilbert Kozicharow ’70 at her graduation from Cambridge

Allison Gilbert Kozicharow ’70, Hilary Martin ’70 and Debbie Lawrence ’70 on Cape Cod FALL 2016

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say, it’s a lot more complicated and emotional subject than writing about city streets... I also run a small publishing company that I started about 10 years ago. I still sing and play in a band (“Chaos Theory”) a few times a year and I make art whenever I have some time off from work. All in all, very busy, happy and engaged with my family, my career and the world, as it is... Wishing love to all my old PDS amigos!” Lew Bowers reported: “Still building our 27-unit senior cohousing project here in Portland. Occupancy should be next April. We will have two guest rooms. Come visit! My wife Susan is an Olympics junky. I have enjoyed the kayaking and volleyball, especially.”

Meg Brinster Michael wrote: “I just returned from 10 days in Provence. I was awarded a partial scholarship to join a small group of artists from all over the world. We stayed in a 12th century priory near Malaucene that had been converted in to a B & B. We were royally wined and dined with mostly local produce. Two of the eight hour painting days were spent in the beautiful lavender fields outside of Sault. All in all an amazing experience!” If you haven’t seen Meg’s wonderful work, check out her website at http://www.megrit.com.


Blythe Anne Kropf 205 Penn Valley Terrace Morrisville, PA 19067-1028 917-763-4923 blythekropf5@gmail.com Thomas C. Worthington 4355 Brook Avenue South Saint Louis Park, MN 55424 952-927-9828 worthington_tom@yahoo.com

From Tom: We had a wonderful turnout for our 45th reunion in May, with close to 40 classmates and families in attendance. Pala Zaitz Mosteller very graciously opened up her family’s home for a fabulous opening party on Friday evening. I believe George Treves gets the prize for traveling the greatest distance (from his family home in Italy), and Ted McCloskey the award for coming back after the longest absence — this was his first appearance in Princeton since leaving PCD after 6th grade!

with Nina Shafran. With so many conversations, and greetings and memories to share: the evening was a blast. Photographs from the reunion weekend (thanks Lisa!) are found at our class Facebook Group page (https://www.facebook.com/ groups/pds1971/), take a moment and check it out, and add any photos you may have taken.

The Alumni Art exhibit included work by our very own Dede Pickering, John Battle, and Suzy Waterman Reid (did I miss anyone?). For those of us who don’t get back to town very often, the changes in the school are remarkable. Jeremy Bonner toured the grounds for a few hours and reminisced about our days prowling the hidden passageways of the lower level and the catwalks above the theater and gym. He loved looking at the theater photographs of shows from the first years of PDS.

we raised the most money during the 2016 Reunion Fundraising Race.

I look forward to hearing from all of you for next class notes!

’71 classmates: Rob Norman, Mitch Sussman, Suzy Waterman Reid

Kevin McCarthy could not make the party, but we visited with him and Patti. After spending 20 years as a criminal prosecutor in New York City, he has transitioned to teaching criminal justice part-time at the John Jay College in NYC, where he just recently received his PhD.

Bill Flemer and his wife Louise Hutner ’70 were very kind to give Melissa and me a place to stay over the weekend. Bill toured us around the St. Michaels Farm Preserve that he manages in Hopewell for the D&R Greenway Land Trust. It is a wonderful treasure that with Bill’s deft hand as manager will be a gift for future generations to enjoy. Of course, the highlight of any tour of Hopewell is a visit to Bobbie Fishman’s bookstore on main street, the Bear and the Books. She has a customized kid’s book club mail order service, so if any of you are struggling with gift ideas (grandkids?) …give Bobbie a call! Lastly, congratulations to the Class of ’71;

’71 classmates Pala Zaitz Mosteller, Becky Ramsey, Bobbie Fishman, Nina Shafran and Vicki Willock in front of Bobbie’s bookstore Bear and the Books in Hopewell

A very special thanks to Lisa Warren, Jean Schluter Yoder, Elizabeth Hardy Mills, Vicki Willock, Nina Shafran, Pala, and many others who organized the events, and reached out far and wide to find and invite as many classmates as they could. As you know, our classmates have an incredible diversity of skills and interests. I found myself spilling details of weird dreams to Dr. Larry Levenson. I was fascinated by Dede Pickering’s stories of world-wide travel (you must see her photographs!). And, I had a chance to share the joys and frustrations of life in government service JOURNAL

The Class of 1971 at their reunion From L to R: Front: Jean Schulter Yoder, Lisa Warren, Katie Poole, Laurie Bryant Young and Laurel Cantor (wife of Dan Cantor) Middle: George Treves, Bythe Kropf, Bobbie Fishman, Nina Shafran, Lizette Mills Hardie, Dede Pickering, Dan Cantor, Nancy Davies-Hathen, Jeremy Bonner Back: Rob Norman, Cathy Lane, Ted McCluskey, Vicki Willock, Mitch Sussman, Pala Zaitz Mostoller, Howard Vine, Tania Lawson Johnson McCleery. Steve Jacobs (Cathy Lane’s husband), Suzy Waterman Reid, Rebecca Ramsey, Natalie Houston Wiles, Tom Worthington, Kinny Frelinghausen, Rick Bryant, John Battle, Bill Flemer


John Battle ’71 and Gar Waterman ’74

Anne McLeod Weeks ’73 (right), Anne’s son, Jed Weeks, (left), and a friend on the Skyline Trail, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia

really enjoying it,” Tom wrote. “Anybody needing any new joints et al give it a few years and I think I will know someone good!”

least we can provide dinner in our historic home. Shout out to the ladies of ’73 — we will have another reunion soon!”

Mackenzie Carpenter 7531 Rosemary Road Pittsburgh, PA 15221 412-401-1533 mcarpen54@gmail.com Virginia Myer Kester 909 Lincoln Street Madison, WI 53711-2164 608-257-2161 ginny.kester@gmail.com From Kenzie:

For this correspondent, the highlight of 50th anniversary celebration of PDS in May was surely the reception at the Anne Reid ’72 Art Gallery, organized by Jody Erdman. Alumni artists, photographers and sculptors contributed an impressive range of work and the party was attended by two legendary art teachers — Arlene Smith and Jeanne Duff, along with Bob Whitlock’s son — who were instrumental in inspiring generations of young PDS students. Condolences to Tom Reynolds whose older brother Watt died in March, at 66 after a long illness. Tom reported that his family is doing well and that daughter Grace is in her second month of a five-year residency at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. specializing in orthopedic surgery. “I sure miss her and it’s going to be a haul, but she is working her rear off and

Jody Erdman ’72, at right, welcomes alumni artists and guests at the Anne Reid ’72 Art Gallery reception in May. L-R: John Battle, ’71; Suzy Waterman Reid, ’71; in background, Anne Williams ’74 and Harry Rulon-Miller ’51

Tom doesn’t sound like he’s slowing down anytime soon: “I am noticing all these people retiring, including some our age. I guess it’s good if you can do it and want to, but the words of Duke Ellington come to mind, ‘retire to what?’ That’s me in a nutshell. I like work, although there is some I would prefer to do a bit less of and more of others. I am still involved with ranching and various real estate projects here in Fort Worth, which are doing quite nicely finally and of course my main love, music. I play the Kimbell Art Museum most Fridays in a duo format, a ten-piece band a couple of times a month and whatever else comes in. I feel very fortunate to be this busy!”


Cassandra L. Oxley 171 Pine Hill Road Boxborough, MA 01719-1915 978-264-4938 cassandra.oxley@gmail.com

I received this brief missive from Hilary Morgan who is CEO at YWCA Alaska, who kicked things off with this challenge: “Hi class of 73! DAMN!! Are we old or what? Only in numbers!”

L-R Dede Pickering, ’71; Suzy Waterman Reid, ’71: Kenzie Carpenter, ’72 with former art teacher Arlene Smith at the Alumni Art Exhibit in May

Then I heard from Anne McLeod Weeks, who wrote: “Jim and I have just completed our first year of retirement in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. We have landed in a little paradise. I did decide to work part-time, and I

Class Notes

Jody Erdman, ’72 with Kinney Frelinghuysen ’72

write listicles for a company in Chicago. Otherwise, I am continuing with my photography, challenging myself with some creative writing, enjoying time to garden and read, and have learned to play pickleball — a most delightful sport! We have developed a great circle of friends, many of whom are artists. Waking up by the water every day is heavenly, and no one should ever hesitate to take the leap in retirement to live in a new country and to start a new life. We have had many visitors, among them Bill Flemer ’71 and Louise Hutner ’70 who were on their way to Stanfest 2016. We encourage all those coming to or through Lunenburg to give us a shout — at


It was great to hear from Beth Sanford, who wrote: “Living in New Canaan, CT, where I have been for almost 20 years. I am mostly an empty-nester with two (Nick and Annie) out of college (and both living in Burlington) and my youngest, Jake, entering his sophomore year at Lafayette. Got married for the second time four years ago, which is great, and am working out of my house as the head of marketing and sales for a local produce delivery service. That’s a long way from my 30+ years in marketing media. And as far as how old we are, I am in a constant state of denial!”

And I was very happy to receive this newsy note from Ginna Vogt: “I am still living outside of Boston and working in private practice as a psychotherapist (clinical social worker). I see diverse patients. This keeps my work exciting and intellectually stimulating. I continue to write. I am building momentum on my next big project, fiction, based on my motherin-law’s and grandmother-in-law’s experiences in the Belgian resistance during WW II. “My daughter, Persephone, is getting her PhD at U Michigan, Ann Arbor in Romance Languages (Spanish and French). She’s flourishing there, and has a car, so actually gets a taste of life in the Midwest, which I think is very good for a child of the Northeast. My step-daughter, Camille, lives in San Diego with two of her kids, Sam and Jossie. The oldest, Thomas, is in college in Florida. They are all

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doing great. There are serious advantages to raising kids in a climate when you can always throw them out of doors.

“I just rescued a dog who is part Golden Retriever, part Great Pyrenees. She’s two and a half-years-old and named Kira. My two previous dogs were Goldens so Kira is a variation on a happy theme. She barks a lot (my Goldens were the strong silent types) and is a bit of a killing machine. Wherever we walk, rabbits and squirrels and even toads flee before us. I’m glad she sees me as to be protected, not prey. “My mom has moved into assisted living in Brattleboro VT where she is happy and continues to lead a fairly independent life. She is still more productive than the above-average 30-year-old!

“I have such good feelings about our school and my classmates. I often reflect on how fortunate we were to be at PDS with the group of people who brought the school into being. Our teachers were for the most part extraordinary and with all the unrest of the day there was a great sense of hope and belief in the ability of the human race to grow and change. I think our teachers poured into us a sense of our own possibilities. They certainly for the most part gave us the best that they had as teachers and even their love. And after seeing two kids and three grandkids in high schools, I look back on our school years and think we students did a pretty good job of getting along and bringing out the best in each other. Even living here in the midst of high-powered academia among wonderful friends, I have never felt more immersed in a culture of ideas and good will than I felt at PDS…All my best to you, and to all of my classmates.” And then most recently, I was very happy to hear from Chip Place: “Mary and I are enjoying life in Houston where I am managing director of Capital Programs for the Houston Parks Board. Among other things, I am creating 80 miles of new linear parks along Houston’s major waterways resulting in a 150-mile Bayou Greenway 2020 system. Best wishes to all our classmates and friends.”

As for me, I continue to live outside of Boston and work in Kendall Square, Cambridge, where I’m a technical writer but sometimes I try to write poetry (on my off hours), which takes me back to the days at PDS when I managed to write (and self-publish — staples) a collection of doggerel about some of the issues of the day — the SST, Zero Population Growth, Vietnam, the invasion into Cambodia, Earth Day, My Lai, the Equal Rights Amendment, Woodstock — these were exciting times were they not? Here in Massachusetts we’re in the midst of a terrible drought but the weather has been pretty beautiful. The garden is suffering from the lack of rain though. The politics of today continue to astound. And our son, Ben, is now 16 and going into the 11th grade. Could a learner’s permit be in his immediate future? This is a shock. Thanks all. Till next time! JOURNAL


Polly Hunter White 2224 Carlow Drive Darien, IL 60561-8458 630-234-1691 pollyhwhite@aol.com

Diana Roberts wrote: “It seems I lead a charmed life! Many of you have seen on Facebook that my husband and I have figured out how to balance semi-retirement with work by spending part of each year house-sitting in Europe when we’re not home on our Maine island. We avoid the snowy, cold months in Maine — not that it’s all that sunny or warm in France, but it’s warmER. The past two years, we’ve found a house and dog sitter for our own place and then gone off to live in Italy and/or France, rent and utility-free! There are many sites that match sitters and homeowners but we have used housecarers.com and Trustedhousesitters.com with great success. This year we may head back to the American Southwest for more warmth and sun, and to be closer to my first grandchild. It’s a happy time of life, still with our health and wits and finances intact (touch wood) and free of the constraints of parenting and work schedules. We’re going to milk it for all its worth!”

dotted with complaints about our knees, our hips, our backs, etc. Because we get together only once or twice a year, we have the bizarre sensation of being simultaneously 25 and 60, and we often look at each other in astonishment and ask ‘how the hell did we get here?’

“Thanks to Facebook, over the years I have been able to keep up very loosely with Libby, Trina, Ted, Jim Wittke, Camilla, Mary Chapin, and Kenzie Carpenter, Amy Stanley, Cesca, Cam, Grayson, and Giaff Ferrante, Diana Roberts, Johnny Gordon, Tom DeVito, Gary Salup, Bill McClellan, John Boyd, Bill Brown, Amy Stanley, Kip O’Brien, Anne Tate, Lisa Parsons, Eleanor Funk, Chris Russo, Ellen Fisher, Murray Wilmerding, Palmer Uhl, Jill Goltzer, Nancy McCabe, Dickie Huber, Tim Thomas, Jody and Caroline Erdman, Anne Williams, Susan Stix Fisher (I saw Michael and his lovely family in NYC two years ago), Jean Beckwith and Paul Funk, John Moore, Alan Taback, Dawn Proctor Bowen, Beth Ross, Nancy Hobler, Lisa Bennett Blue, Carol Bundy, John Bushnell and Mary Fowle, Anthea Orlando, Carin and Alex Laughlin, Roger Williams, Amy Stackpole, Lisa Bachelder Alcock, David Straut, Jill Goldman, Cindy Dopp, Evelyn Turner Counts, Chip Dilworth, Janet Pritchard (amazing photographer!), Michelle Pitt, Bobbie Russo, Anne Russell, Cyra Cain, Ellen Sussman, Brigid Moynahan, and, of course, you, Polly!

“I send my best wishes to all of our classmates.” Libby Far Luken was “enjoying a relaxing week with our extended family at our Beulah, Colorado home we share. We have lots of grandkids and three more on the way starting with my daughter, Julia, expecting her second child, a boy in October. So I will have three girls and a boy. It is so much fun and such a blessing to have them all close by. My nine-year-old, Lily, and I are Fitbit friends and compare step counts daily. So far almost 60-year-old grandma wins except on soccer camp practice days!

Cole Harrop’s ’74 home and fields in Normandy, France Cole Harrop wrote from his home in Normandy where “Jenna and I spend our summers. I’ve attached some pictures of our house and surrounding fields. I hope you can make out the cattle resting in the sun. It’s a pastoral paradise here, and I am always so grateful that my work as a high school teacher of French, Latin, and philosophy at the Riverdale Country School (much like PDS) in the Bronx allows me 10 weeks each summer to come here. We love having guests and I would be particularly happy to catch up with PDS classmates! “I confess to becoming quite conscious of the fact that we are all turning, or have already turned 60 this year. It doesn’t particularly bother me, but it does seem like a significant milestone and one that is surprising and that starts to change my perspective on things. I stay in touch with Ted Dowey and Sab Russo, and our annual two-day bike trips lately have been

“I hope everyone is well and hope to see you all in person some day!”

Cyra Cain reported that she was “deep into the Regional Haze Rule (get visibility in Class I areas such wilderness areas and national parks to natural conditions visibility by 2064; I am the sole air dispersion modeler, emission inventory etc. for the state) and thinking about retirement (about equal footing at this point). Saw the family in July in northern California, which was grand. Working on the house (built originally in 1888) and playing outside when the wildfire smoke from WA, ID and other good neighbors abates. I keep in touch with Beth and Carin; all is well with them. Where is everyone planning to retire — should we poll? Take care everyone and wish the best for all. Nancy McCabe reported in from Santa Monica where she has “managed to sustain an executive coaching business since 2000. Fortunately, coaching seems to have broken through corporate skepticism and I am doing a lot of work at companies including Nike,


“And if anyone is headed to LA, please call us for a mini-West Coast reunion.”

“My son, Thomas and his wife Margarita, and Martina…my cutie-pie granddaughter live with us. Margarita is from Colombia and we have a household of visitors this summer, which keeps things cooking to say the least! My Spanish should really be better than it is, but I keep trying! My parents live in New Hampshire — my mom went to Miss Fine’s before it became PDS — they are still holding hands in their 90’s. My youngest son, Greg, is starting law school at UPenn this year and my oldest son, Alex, works as a technician in a health clinic in Florida. It is quite profound watching your kids find their way in life. I am just happy if they are healthy and strong. I am sure you can all understand.

“My husband Vladimir and I are starting a lithography business in Provincetown on the Cape this year. We think that perhaps we will move sort of permanently there someday. We have a summer cottage on the bay and love visitors! It’s great seeing what people are doing on Facebook. I am really inspired by you PDSers, but I always knew you were all impressive... seriously!”

Wendy Freiman ’74 with her granddaughter and daughter-in-law Wendy Freiman wrote: “Enjoying life and work and family in the Washington, DC area, traveling often to Paris, where my mother maintains a second home. Neither spouse nor I are at all interested in retirement (since Cole asked!). Still having lots of fun. But the big event was the arrival of grandbaby number one, the first of many, we hope. She just turned one. Carin Laughlin Hoffman is in “the midst of deciding what I want to be called. Gram, Grand Mummy, who knows what my grandchild will name me! At 60, yes me too, I so look forward to loving a new little being. My daughter, Carin, is expecting in November. If it is a girl guess what her name will be?”

Eleanor Funk Schuster wrote: “I am currently a school librarian at Eastchester Middle-High School just outside NYC. Contrary to what many people think, this is not a quiet reflective type of occupation. I have over 1700 students and I often feel like a Granddaughter, three sons server in a really and husband of Eleanor busy restaurant! Funk Schuster ’74 I’m really good at doing 180s and basically a jack of all trades. But I absolutely love my profession and hope the kids will keep me young! Not thinking of retirement yet, but would like to travel a bit more. I had a bout with breast cancer two years ago, but all is good. It puts a new perspective on life and priorities.

Cathy Cipolla wrote: “Hello class of 74! So fun to be in touch via our faithful Polly. I’m still living in San Diego and teaching science K-5 (506 kids/ week) at Torrey Pines Elementary in La Jolla. Happily still ocean swimming, biking and hiking (despite the Cathy Cipolla ’74 on top of Deer Valley ski two new hips... area last month OMG).”

“Would love a So. Cal. reunion as we enter into our fabulous (yikes) 60s. Dang...did I just write that? Looking forward to hearing all about everyone’s full and interesting lives.” Terry Ward didn’t have any significant updates to report but “Life’s good. Like many of my classmates, it’s a DECADE birthday this year! Where did the time go?”

Polly Hunter White ’74 with her son Jamie, age 16 (left) and her son Willy, age 18. Polly Hunter White reported that “I am out here in the Midwest, which is a place I never would have guessed that I would be. Life is good and I am enjoying our two sons, Willy and Jamie, plus our two dogs and two cats. Our kids are younger (ages 16- and 18-yearsold) than the majority of my PDS classmates. This is a by-product of my getting married

late and having children later in life. However, I am truly enjoying our kids and they do keep me young. If you are ever in the Chicago area look me up because there are several classmates besides me in Chicagoland.


Class Notes

Universal, Viacom and even some conservative financial firms. My husband Pat has formed an agency providing internships for foster-care youth attending college. The need is huge; if anyone needs a fabulous intern, let us know. Our kids are here, happy and busy. Will is taking after his grandfather and working in real estate finance and Katie is developing a career in commercial interior design. They’ve got a master plan to work together someday, which would certainly defy sibling norms and make us very happy.

Yuki Moore Laurenti 464 Hamilton Avenue Trenton, NJ 08609 609-394-1065 Laurentijy@earthlink.net Mary Sword McDonough 111 North Main Street Pennington, NJ 08534-2206 609-737-8435 mollyswordmcdonough@yahoo.com From Yuki:

On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Princeton Day School as we knew it, some classmates sent in the following notes.

David Apgar recalled “Eric Dunn’s brilliant Horse Certificates — redeemable at the book store, as you may remember, for one horse.”

Eric Dunn wrote “When PDS opened in 1965, I was in third grade. Initially we had a different teacher, but an issue (health?) arose, and for most of the year we had Mrs. Fritsch. I remember being given writing assignments for homework that seemed quite challenging in 3rd grade. I particularly remember having to fill up a page by writing about Mozart, which I contrived to do by spelling out his name in full more than once, and also that of his wife: “On August 4, 1782, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was married to Maria Constanze Cäcilia Josepha Johanna Aloysia Weber”— in my childish longhand that took up almost ¼ of a page! I also remember that at PDS in 1965, after being away in California for a year, I was pleased to be back with some of Miss Mason’s School classmates from 1st grade — Davis Sherman and Lunn Sawyer come to mind, but there were others too.”

Molly Moynahan recalled that “coming to PDS from my dysfunctional high school where we were regarded as communist sympathizers that read too much, I regarded teachers as enemies, my survival hinged on remaining detached. Peter Sears and Gary Lott recognized my hostility as fear and nurtured my gifts for writing and thinking. I became a writer because of Peter and a teacher because of Gary.” Kip Herrick O’Brien wrote “When I think back on my days at PDS I realize that they were some of the happiest memories of my childhood. The rush of winning a hockey or lacrosse game, the hours spent lost in thought while painting in the art department, the excitement back stage before a musical...all wonderfully happy times. The faculty at PDS during that time was also memorable. They were accessible, smart and knew how to ‘reach’ their students. They cared about us as individuals. Though we aren’t able to see each other often, the bonds made with friends at PDS are still strong all these many years later. I haven’t lived in Princeton for over 40 years but still

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consider my PDS friends to be among my dearest. Happy 50th Anniversary!”

This summer, I (Yuki Moore Laurenti) have made my third career move since graduating from college. After 26 years at U.S. Trust Company and nearly 10 years doing fundraising for Isles, a nonprofit community development organization in my adopted hometown of Trenton, I accepted an offer to become Associate Director of Donor Relations at Princeton University. This is my second offer from Princeton (friends may recall the first one was in April 1975), and this time I accepted. I already see it is quite an amazing place. Looking back 50 years, PDS was pivotal to my life’s trajectory starting from the moment I arrived in Mrs. Jansen’s third grade class. She was one of many faculty and administrators who expanded my intellectual horizons and encouraged me to try new things. My most enduring friendships are from those early years at PDS — friends whose parents welcomed me into their families, which not everyone might have done at the time. The PDS community exposed me to many faces of the world I would not have known. If PDS still provides that nurturing environment to its students today, a half century on, they are fortunate indeed.

Mary Lane ’75, third from right, with her “clan”! Peter, Sarah & Henry with their loves @ BHYC dock, Bay Head, NJ, on August 19, 2016


Needs Correspondent

Sally Lincoln Jeffery sent news that she and her husband have been running Isiah House, a recovery home for 20 men with substance abuse issues, for the last eight years, located in Ellijay, GA. They took a train trip across Canada to Oregon the summer of 2015 with Sally’s 90-year-old father, who now lives with her.

and four sons. I was a paramedic and police officer; after breaking my back in a police car wreck, I continued working, but finally retired in 2003. These days, I am an artist, and stay-at-home husband.”

Harold Tanner wrote that “I’m still at the University of North Texas, where I’ve been appointed as both Coordinator of the Division of Humanities in the College of Arts & Sciences & Chair of the Department of Alexis Arlett Kochmann History. In what little spare wrote, “My husband Mike, our time I have, I play guitar and son, Nick, and I moved back have been doing some woodinto Princeton from Skillman. working. The guitar playing We love being in town and be- Glenn Bevensee ’77 with his is rudimentary, and when ing able to walk uptown to the son I’m working on a carpentry restaurants and shops. Nick is a project, I can hear Mr. Franz’s voice in my head, junior at Princeton High (which he loves) and saying ‘Listen, sweetie baby...’” we are busy on the college circuit. I continue to work with veterans with PTSD who are receiving service dogs to help them cope and also work with Habitat for Humanity in Trenton, which is currently building six new homes in center city. Playing USTA team tennis and trying to stay in shape, which gets more difficult every year!” From Rob McClellan we heard that, “I’m enjoying fundraising at the Pennington School, having just broken all-time records for annual giving and the golf outing. The golf outing was held at Bedens Brook — where we had our prom — and it is just as gorgeous today. I’m switching hats within the department, moving to donor and volunteer relations, after nearly five years with annual giving. Wife Linda is at Terhune Orchards, in the shop, at the Princeton Farmers Market, and enjoying being on the farm. Daughter Cassie was interviewed on BBC-5 about terror events in Belgium, and she was profiled by the local West WindsorPlainsboro newspaper. Son Garrett, now a sophomore at West Windsor-Plainsboro South, is running cross-country and enjoying the Civil Air Patrol, where he continues to advance. He was just awarded “Honor NCO Cadet” for the NJ Wing Basic Encampment. I’m looking forward to a new hip in a few days – some of those climbing trips finally caught up with me! Best wishes to all 77s!” Jennifer Weiss sent “a photo from our daughter, Anna’s, graduation from Tulane in May. She is headed to grad school in Boston and her brother, Max, is working at a political start-up in DC. My husband Bruce Hamilton and I just celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary in July and are living in Cary, NC. I’m taking a break from politics to write fiction and poetry. Sure do miss Mrs. Shepherd and Mr. Roberts. Best to fellow PDS alums.”


Alice Graff Looney 70 Jagger Lane Westhampton, NY 11977 631-288-4910 alicelooney59@gmail.com

Glenn Bevensee wrote, “My son graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2014, he stayed on another year, got his master’s in accounting from USC’s Darla Moore School of Business. He got married August 20th this year. My daughter lives down south with her husband JOURNAL

Jennifer Weiss ’77 with her husband and two children

The children of Rebecca Hafitz Hull ’77 “It’s a big year for us,” wrote Rebecca Hafitz Hull. “We are becoming empty-nesters in Bernardsville (except for the two rather large dogs). Kids are officially out of the house: James to U Maryland for a dual degree grad program in Urban Planning and Historic Preservation; Eliza working at City Parks Foundation in Manhattan (loving it) and Sara and Jon off to college (Wellesley and U Michigan School of Dance, Music and Theatre) respectively. Tony and I are doing well — I am free-lancing as a small business consultant and college admissions coach after selling my business. Tony is at Realogy. We are looking forward to a busy year of rotating visits to NYC, Boston, Ann Arbor and DC.”

Sandra Benson Cress is back in the states and, “grateful that in July, Kerin Lifland and his two kids passed through Portland, OR, and popped in for a visit...I was busy unpacking, after over five years in Nairobi...This fall, daughter Lauren will be a high school senior, and husband Doug will say ‘goodbye’ to his work at the UN Environment Programme. I am still enjoying my work with One World Play Proj- Kerin Lifland ’77 and ect, providing ac- Sandra Benson Cress ’77 cess to the ‘power of play’ to under-served children around the world. Enjoy contact with lots of PDS friends (the power of Facebook) — including meeting Claire Treves Brezel’s lovely daughter on our college tour of Oberlin this spring. Also had


Our thoughts and condolences go out to Rod Paine who recently lost his mother, Pat Paine Dougherty and his father, Tom Paine, and to Mark Zawadsky who lost his father, Joe. As for me, the hubby and I continue to enjoy living on the eastern end of Long Island. Best to all!!


Thomas R. Gates 211 Penn View Drive Pennington, NJ 08534 609-730-0277 tgates@mortgagemaster.com

Martha Vaughn, Bob Denby (former PDS faculty), Barbara Vaughn Hoimes ’78 at the Art Opening this past spring featuring the art of Mrs. Vaughn and Barbara.

Nora Cuesta Wimberg 535 South 2nd Avenue Galloway, NJ 08205 nlazz@mac.com From Nora:

Greg Morea wrote: “Life continues in Gales Ferry, CT for myself and my wife Barbara. I just celebrated 33 years (!) with Electric Boat; my original plan was to stay here for two years and head back to New York City and continue working on City Water Tunnel #3, then life happened. I don’t regret a minute of it!”

Jeff Ritter wrote: “In Palo Alto in June, I was at the Institute for the Future at a workshop on future forecasting along with Elizabeth Hare, PDS 1988. We compared notes on faculty that we both had; she noted that she was at PDS as a child the day the French teacher shot Mr. McClure was shot. Small world!” Jennifer Chandler Hauge’s daughter (age 28) opened a restaurant, “Egg,” in Shanghai in 2015. It is a favorite hangout for Jenny during her once-yearly treks to Shanghai to visit both of her children who live there. Jenny promises a “friends and family” discount Jennifer Chandler Hauge for any class’78 with her daughter. mates traveling to Shanghai! Normally Jenny hangs out in Washington, DC, where she loves hiking in the National Park near her Georgetown home and visiting art museums, secretly wishing she had majored in art history. Jenny nurses aspirations of qualifying as a volunteer docent for the National Gallery someday. Jenny’s husband just started his “encore” career as a Superior Court Judge for the District of Columbia after waiting 2+ years for his confirmation.”

Jenny also sent this about Barbara Vaughn: “Barbara is a fine-art photographer based in San Francisco and New York City. After decades of creating traditional black-and-white representational imagery, she embarked on a radically new trajectory inspired by Cubism, Surrealism and Abstract Expressionism.

’78 classmates at Alumni Art Opening this past May: Michele Plante, Barbara Vaughn Hoimes, Barbie Griffin Cole Her current series of work documents water — more precisely reflections of commons scenes found in ports, marinas, and canals around the world. However, the subject matter of the photographs is rendered unrecognizable by the water’s distorting undulation, and the camera’s ability to freeze the distortion in a split second. The resulting un-manipulated images challenge the viewer to recreate the scene and engage our power of imagination.”

Nora Cuesta Wimberg wrote: “Another Journal… how time flies. Since our last issue our son, Jovan, went to the high school prom (as a junior), took driving classes, took his driving test on the day of his 17th birthday and passed, Jovan Wimberg, and received his son of Nora Cuesta birthday surprise — Wimberg ’78, ready a car! I started workfor the prom. ing for a law firm as a part-time legal assistant and continue to also work part-time at a church parish office. As well, I do volunteer work. In all three positions I was approached to come work for them since there was a need for a bi-lingual employee. It is hard to find fully bilingual Spanish speaking people in South Jersey. I love being able to use my Spanish, especially since after living in Miami for 29 years and using it daily, I was not using it at all once I moved to this area. My life has been in so many ways a complete circle. You never know where the road is going to take you, but somehow it always ends up in the place it is supposed to be.”

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dinner in Chinatown with class of ’75’s Chris Miller and Jeff Streed. See you all in Princeton for our 40th! Would we dare re-enact our skinny-dip at Pretty Brook at our 15th?”

Maggie Gordon wrote: “I don’t have any news, but I do have one question for my classmates: why do you all look so old in your photos? I’ve attached a photo of my stunt double from a recent trip to Iceland. I look much better than this. Be well.”

Brian Trubee wrote: “I am at Pebble Beach with my wife Amy right now. We are here for a meeting related to her work, so I am just tagging along. I could get a free round of golf at Maggie Gordon ’78 Spanish Bay, but I’m in Iceland going to pass because it’s a stupid game. In fact it’s not even a game, it’s a sickness. Any golf addict can attest to that. I’ve installed a new engine in my plane and so will be traveling around the western states this summer. I took some friends on a ten day sailing trip through the San Juan Islands and into Canada in May. Both sons are out of the house, one in the Air Force and one working with chickens on a kibbutz in the Negev Desert in Israel. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and family as much as I am.”

Laura Tate Kagel (Lolly) wrote: “I’ve been living in Athens, Georgia for 20 years. It’s a college town full of artists and musicians, and it has a strong sense of community. Two kids: Milena is off to Oberlin in August, and Jakob, who graduated from the University of Georgia, is contemplating law school while working at a law firm in Atlanta. Our family has ties to Germany, where my husband Martin Kagel grew up, I spent several years there a while back and my daughter spent a high school exchange year. I earned a Ph.D. in German, but ended up working at the Dean Rusk International Law Center after law school. I hate summing up my life – I’m hoping for a few interesting twists and turns yet. Fifteen years past Hodgkin’s lymphoma (shout out to Dr. Doug Fein ’79) Sheila Mehta wrote: “I’m back and three years past Lolly Tate Kagel ’78 with daughfrom my trip, and as promised, I tracheal resection (as ter, Milena Kagel, at her high am sending some news and phoscary as it sounds, but tos. After my husband Michael all good now). Feeling school graduation had unexpected bypass surgery in February, alive and trying not to get too fixated on the accumulating wrinkles, etc. I’ve started to learn we decided to take a family trip to the Pacific to make pottery and just finished my first quilt.” Northwest. With one child in college (Anna,

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Sheila Mehta ’78 (right) with daughter, Anna (21), son, Nicholas (17), and husband Michael

’78 classmates Sheila Mehta and Dara Burrows

Sheila Mehta ’78 with Caroline (Clooie) Sherman ’77

21) and one soon to leave (Nicholas, 17), we felt especially lucky to have this precious time together. We’ve just returned after having a wonderful time exploring Seattle, Vancouver, BC, Olympic National Park, the Oregon coast, Redwood National Park, Painted Hills, Crater Lake, the Columbia River Gorge, and Mount St. Helens. My mother has always been proud of the fact that she is from Oregon and now I can see why! I also got to visit, Caroline (Clooie) Sherman ’77 in Seattle and Dara Burrows and her family in Bellingham, WA. We discovered that Dara’s husband and my husband attended rival high schools in Milwaukee at the same time! In terms of a general update, I’m about to start my 22nd year as an associate professor in the psychology department at Auburn University at Montgomery, and I can honestly say that I love my job now more than ever.

Lucy Englander Brinster wrote: “With Nora’s encouraging (umm…no pressure at all) urging to write ‘something’ for the Journal, I am finally sitting down to write a bit about all the changes in my life over the last few years! First, my personal life! I am in a new, wonderful

Lucy Englander Brinster ’78 with fiancé Peter van den Brand JOURNAL

relationship, and looking forward to the next phase of my life with a new love, Peter van den Brand. We happened to meet playing mixed doubles tennis in a social group in Washington Crossing, PA. We were partnered together a few times, and after the third, we discovered that we both enjoy bike riding, so our first date was an early morning bike ride along the canal towpath from Washington Crossing to Lambertville, about seven miles each way, with a stop for breakfast! This was a fun bike ride for us, so the following week, he challenged me to ride from Lambertville to Frenchtown, about sixteen miles each way! We made it and now we enjoy riding our bikes as often as possible. After almost two years together, Peter proposed! We plan to marry April 1st of next year (so appropriate)! We both have grown children from our previous marriages, and our families could not be more supportive and happy for us. Second, is my business life! After many years running a travel agency, Cruise Holidays in Flemington, NJ, I have made a change to work exclusively from home (in Yardley, Pa), and have changed the travel company with whom I am associated. I am now part of Cruise & Travel Experts, which is run by former Cruise Holidays colleagues who I have known in the travel business for many years. I feel I am part of a real family organization and could not be happier. If you are looking for travel advice or assistance, I am happy to discuss any travel arrangements for your family and friends. I would say I specialize in travel to Europe, primarily river cruises and custom travel arrangements for groups and family getaways, but I also arrange travel to many other destinations, including Alaska, Hawaii, Caribbean, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, to name a few, and have many happy, satisfied customers. I am based in Yardley, PA and you can look me up on my website, www.journeysbycruiseandtravelexperts.com. And on a last note, I just wanted to remind you all that I am our only 70s representative on the current PDS Alumni Board, and I would love to see all of you participate in making a donation to our PDS Annual Fund. No matter how large or small, all donations matter! Thank you and hope to see you at the next alumni event!” Will Kain wrote: “Hello Nora, I wrote a letter to Mr. Franz this spring. He called me and gave me permission to give it to the PDS Journal. It would be a nice tribute to a very important retired teacher. Thanks.” An excerpt

Brad Clippinger ’78 with daughter, McKenzie, in London, England

Dovetail joints for aerospace design for a project for Will Kain’78 follows: “During the four years that I was your student, you had a major influence on me. I attribute a lot of my success to the lessons you taught me at PDS. You convinced me that there is something intrinsically good about making useful things. You taught me life skills like patience, attention to detail, and the strength of the dovetail. “I have spent most of my career working for an aerospace plastics company. One of our very specialized competencies is making parts from thermoplastic carbon fiber (TPC). We were recently asked by a major defense contractor to make a really, really strong box out of our TPC. Normally an aerospace project like this might take 3-5 months, but they needed the box for a test in just a few weeks. There was no time for winkidinking around. It is not totally by chance that we chose to use dovetail joints to connect the corners. I thought you might get a kick out of seeing your influence on aerospace design.” Dara Burrows wrote: “A recent visit from my dear friend Sheila Mehta and her family prompted this communication. We had a short but very sweet time together and renewed our childhood bond! Thank you, Sheila, for that visit! Last year I had a short visit with Lolly Tate, too. She was in the area visiting family. Thank you, Lolly, for going out of your way for a visit! It is so interesting to see how little people have really changed over the last almost 40 years! My family still lives in the woods outside Bellingham, WA, after 21 years! Alaina will start high school this fall and is an avid dancer. My two grown stepsons (whom I helped raise from toddlerhood) and three grandchildren (6 mo, 2, and 4) all live in Bellingham, so family life is rich. Joseph just published two new books. Check out his website: www.drjosephgarcia.com. I am still

Peter Morgan ’78 at the Alumni Art Opening in May


Martha Hicks Leta PO Box 205 Marshfield Hills, MA 02051 781-837-5308 mhleta@aol.com Catherine White Mertz 67 Rybury Hillway Needham, MA 02492 781-449-4993 pettifog@verizon.net

rescheduling of dates over the course of many months, Martha Hicks, Ann Gillespie, Laurie Habgood Carpenter, and I finally managed to gather at my home — another fun and memorable evening of catching up, reminiscing, and laughing. In April, I journeyed from Massachusetts to Princeton for a Princeton Nassoon reunion, where I got to see David Blaxill and Mark Blaxill ’76 (my husband

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In spite of recently going through the ordeal of cerDana Burrows ’78 (center) and Sheila Mehta ’78 vical spine surgery, Cathy (2nd from left) with their families White Mertz has been sweeping the planet for working as a Senior Editor at SPIE. Feel free news of our fellow classmates and to contact me: daraburrows@yahoo.com. I’d even catching up with a few in perlove to hear from anyone. Being so far from son. Cathy’s efforts bring us news of NJ, I’ve missed every reunion but am still graduates of the Class of ’79 and a Ann Gillespie ’79, Cathy White Mertz ’79, Martha Hicks interested in people’s lives!” few “lost sheep.” Those who attended ’79, and Laurie Habgood Carpenter ’79 enjoying an PDS in Middle School and the early evening at Cathy’s home in Needham, MA Nancy Chen Cavanaugh wrote: “Hi Nora! part of Upper School will remember Hope you are enjoying the summer heat! It’s Grant Dewey for his skill on the tennis court Oscar was a fellow Nassoon, and the three of just like Florida weather, lol. We just got back and Laurie Habgood for her equestrian pasfrom two weeks them overlapped for a year). A highlight of the sion. Read on for more: in the Tampa trip was a quick area. First we visit with Chris From Laura Farina: “This summer, I visited went to our Horan, along Suzanne Vine ’78 and her husband Peter in niece’s wedding with his daughter, Amsterdam. It was a memorable trip, and they and then relaxed Kate (who had were incredible hosts, ensuring that I hit the on Sanibel high points (without even getting high, although just tried out for Island. We are the Tiger Lilies I saw the Red Light District from the canals). It both tanned and U19 ice hockey was my first ever trip to Amsterdam, and I was only a little bit team — successamazed that so many bikes can coexist with cars peeling, haha! and scooters without accidents. I/We did a lot in fully, as it turned Attached is my out!). Chris a few days, including trips to the Rijksmuseum X-mas insert emailed me a few Cathy White Mertz ’79 (Rembrandts), Van Gogh Museum, and Anne with a pic of me days later: ‘I was Frank House. Together, Suzanne and I went and Chris Horan ’79 and my husband thinking it must on a ‘Those Dam Boat Guys’ Canal Tour’ catching up in Princeton Nancy Chen Cavanaugh Steve. Nothing and it was awesome. I recommend this combe strange to meet ’78 and her husband exciting... just pany — an alternative tour, but ranked #1 in your parents’ high school friends — the parents’ shows how my portrait of Dorian Gray is still TripAdvisor. Not a dull moment and a great teen years are just some mythical story that working. Love & friendship to all my great ’78 group of boat mates. I ended my travels with a is never really believed, and then this person classmates.” visit to Milano and saw ‘The Boss’ at San Siro appears who clearly knows your father pretty Stadium, where Inter Milan and A.C. Milan well.’ Mythical, indeed! In August, I took the play futbol. Bruce is great anywhere and is still big step of leaving my job of almost six years. playing 4-hour shows, nonstop, at age 66!” The 35-person company I loved was gobbled up by a gargantuan global corporation and, not surprisingly, I found that I am not well suited for that environment. I’m enjoying a leisurely summer, and will launch my quest for the next opportunity in the world of Executive Assisting in the fall.”

The children of Sue Fineman Keitlman ’78: Left to right: Matthew (19); Jordan (25); Becky (23); Paul (22 in November). “If it looks like Matthew, Jordan and Becky are standing on their tip toes — they are. They’re trying to look taller! Doesn’t matter how old they get — sibling rivalry doesn’t EVER get old!”

Suzanne Vine ’78 and Laura Farina ’79 in Amsterdam Cathy White Mertz: “In March, Hazard Zenzie and I fulfilled our promise to get together again before the spring Journal arrived, when he and his wife Kathleen Wetherby came to our house for another entertaining evening. A couple of weeks later, after much

Karen Polcer Bdera reported that she is still happily retired. She keeps busy with her many volunteer projects: fundraising for the Avon 39 Walk to End Breast Cancer, crocheting scarves and lap robes for several charities, and helping out where Karen Polcer Bdera she used to work ’79, pre-race (God’s Love We Deliver) at several events and in their finance department during donation crunch time. She

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and her husband Nick still enjoy being in one another’s company. They continue to race walk through many weekend races (albeit a lot more slowly than in the old days), and are now tackling some home improvement projects. They enjoy their two annual trips to Aruba, and are looking forward to Karen’s younger brother, Sam’s, upcoming nuptials.

We were very happy to hear from Diane Barry, who has joined the New England contingent of PDS alumnae. She moved to Boston about four years ago to take up a job with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office as Assistant Attorney General / eDiscovery Attorney, working on cases with electronic evidence. Cathy hunted down Grant Dewey, another classmate we haven’t heard from in a long time: “I split my time these days between an apartment in Greenwich Village and my house in CT. My career has been spent on trading floors, working in public finance at Salomon Smith Barney and Citi for 30+ years (wow). The absolute joy in my life has been seeing my kids grow up and develop into young, productive adults. My twin girls recently graduated from Princeton and my alma mater Middlebury, respectively, and are both happily working in the Manhattan area. My son, Cameron, is a sophomore at Middlebury and plays squash when he’s not just playing around! I have been divorced for eight years but am very excited to say I am getting re-married on 10/1/16 in Woodstock, VT, to Nell Derick-Debevoise, whom I met three and a half years ago in Manhattan through a colleague at work. We will probably settle in this area, but you never know. When I’m having the most fun these days, I am usually traveling to adventurous places with Nell and my kids, playing squash or riding bikes in CT on weekends, skiing as often as I can, or just relaxing with a cup of coffee at my apartment in Greenwich Village.” The class of 1979 would like to extend our deepest condolences to Lou Guarino on the passing of his brother Dr. Ralph Charles Bencivengo DC at the age of 62, on August 15. Ralph was a beloved and very important member of the Guarino family and he will be sorely missed.

Local Governments around the Daytona Beach area. And both my two children are about to start college in the fall.” Congratulations Nick and best of luck in your new job! Thanks for sharing your news and for answering our call for submissions!


Camie Carrington Levy 2212 Weymouth Street Moscow, ID 83843-9618 208-882-5658 camie@palousetravel.com Kirsten Elmore Meister 1004 Tasker Lane Arnold, MD 21012 410-647-5432 kmeister5@yahoo.com


Lorraine M. Herr 9S021 Skylane Drive Naperville, IL 60564 LHerr@herr-design.com

Lindsay Suter wrote: Some friends of PDSer Amanda Lake (1964-2009) have been informally getting together to remember her and have a fun, multi-generational gettogether. We are now far-flung, which gives us all the opportunity to visit different parts of the states. We’ve gathered in Princeton, Connecticut, Colorado, and Georgia. Most recently, we descended on John Sprow in North Carolina. It was a great time. Best of all, through the ups and downs of life (the vagaries of careers, caring for children, caring for parents, health challenges, etc.), we are all grateful for the love and support we generously share. Thank you, PDS!”

Jonathan Rabb wrote: “My next novel, Among the Living, will be out in October (it’s up on Amazon), and I’ll be hitting the road to promote it in the fall and winter. We’re still down in Savannah loving the weather, so if anybody makes it down south, please let me know. Hoping to make it up for the 35th.”

Kip Thomas wrote that Mark Egner “still owes me money…and needs to return my weed wacker!” From Anne Shull came some very sad news about her husband, Ira Shull. He passed away Sunday, June 5 from a glioblastoma brain tumor. He died at home and spent his last days with family and friends. “Ira was known for his open, friendly personality; his irrepressible sense of humor; and his gentle, considerate nature. He was earnest and genuine in his dealings with others, and he made friends easily. “A skilled writer and storyteller, Ira worked as a writer, editor, and teacher. He did freelance writing and editing for a variety of clients, including several educational publishing companies. He also guided other writers working on their own manuscripts and taught writing classes and workshops in a variety of venues. He published several short stories and a book: “For the Love of Teaching: And Other Reasons Teachers Do What They Do.”

“Ira was born in Arlington, VA and grew up in Lawrenceville, NJ. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Oberlin College and a master’s degree from the University of New Hampshire, both degrees in creative writing. “He is survived by his wife, Anne Parker Shull of Shirley, MA, his parents: Janice and Bernard Shull of Lawrenceville, NJ, and a sister, Abby Shull Sernoff of Doylestown, PA.

“Ira didn’t think of himself as “fighting” Cancer. He preferred to live his life in spite of it, which he did with grace and courage for almost two years. He appreciated his life and continued enjoying his favorite activities, which included spending time with family and friends, listening to live music, and watching (and discussing) good movies. When he was still healthy enough to do so, he loved exercising, whether outdoors in nature or indoor with his friends at the gym. He never stopped entertaining friends and family with his humorous commentary on life.”

On a happier note, we extend our congratulations to Ava Nusblatt and Sam Guarino for their graduations from the PDS class of ’16. We wish them much success in all of their future endeavors.


Suzanne Albahary D’Amato 16 Maiden Lane Bedford, NH 03110 suzannemndamato@yahoo.com Karen Fein Kelly 43 White Pine Lane Princeton, NJ 08540 klfk2pk@gmail.com

Nick DeCandia wrote: “I just started a new job auditing for the State of Florida’s Auditor General’s Office - Educational Entities and JOURNAL

Members of the class of 1982 gathered to remember their classmate Amanda Lake: Left to right: Tom and Lea Erdman Marshall, Mack (Elissa) Sharp, Lindsay Suter, Molly Frantz Peacock, Rob Norman (husband of Lindsay McCord Norman) Lindsay McCord Norman, Beth Sprow, wife of John Sprow, and John Sprow.


Many thanks to Ariana Rosati for serving as class correspondent for many years. Her columns were great but she feels she must retire as the scribe for the class. Anyone interested in becoming the new class correspondent should contact Ann Wiley ’70 at awiley@ pds.org.

Leslie Pell ’82 on her wedding day

Members of the class of ’82 attending Leslie Pell’s wedding: Jennifer Powers Mitchell, Suzie Haynes Halle, Carolyn Kuenne Jeppsen, Leslie Pell, Bonnie Bershad Zinn and Kitty Ijams Butt

Leslie Pell sent news and photos of her nuptials to Peter Schluter. “The wedding was held at Trinity Church, Princeton where we were married with our blended family as the ushers and bridesmaid. Second marriage for both of us, making our blended family one with five children and....a grandson! ” Attending the wedding were: Jennifer Powers PDS alums and students or kids of PDS grads ranging Mitchell, Suzie Haynes from Bill Schluter PCD ’42 and Peter Schluter ’48 to Halle, Carolyn Kuenne Emily Dyckman PDS class of ’15. The lads in front are all Jeppsen, Bonnie Bershad connected to PDS...Jack ’85 and Liz (Bylin) ’87 Cook’s Zinn and Kitty Ijams Butt, “going to show that son, Jackson; Leslie Pell’s son, Gibson; Jon ’85 and Robin wonderful PDS friends and (Cook) ’87 McConaughy’s son, Drew ’21; and Freddy former bridesmaids always McClatchy whose brother, Charlie ’18, is at PDS. turn up no matter the distance flying in town from Martha’s Vineyard, 1985 Denver, D.C., Seattle, and Connecticut.” Lynch W. Hunt, Jr. 771 Mayflower Avenue Lastly, Lorraine Herr visits New Jersey several times a year to see her family. Early this spring, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 609-851-5521 before one such trip in June, I called the Brick lynchhunt@gmail.com Farm Tavern in Hopewell to make dinner reservations, only to discover serendipitously that Marisa Petrella Leslie Pell would be marrying the gentleman 250 Midway Drive on the end of the phone line, Peter Schluter! Morrisville, PA 19067-5930 I enjoy hearing from her classmates and would 609-462-3101 like to get together if travels bring you to the sales4metoo@msn.com Windy City. Like Lindsay Suter, I am grateful for my PDS friendships.


Noelle Damico 325 Main Street, Apt. 3B White Plains, NY 10601 revdamico@gmail.com Rena Ann Whitehouse 1309 South 92nd Street Omaha, NE 68124 renawhitehouse@hotmail.com


Edward J. Willard 214 Lynchburg Road Pilot Mountain, NC 27041 tcwillard@mac.com



Ann Miller Paiva 185 Hall Street, Apt. 1413 Brooklyn, NY 11205-5042 347-266-4616 annjpaiva@yahoo.com

Class Notes


Marc Collins reported to the Alumni Office: “It’s a good life as usual for the Collins family in D.C. We hope all are well.”


Doria Roberts PO Box 5313, Atlanta, GA 31107 404-874-3779 doriaroberts@yahoo.com Lauren French Stout 965 South Morgan Street Meadeville, PA 16335 814-337-5686 l french@allegheny.edu

Suzy Lebovitz Edelman wrote: “2016 has been a big year for me so far. I got married [again]! Joe Edelman, founder and CEO of Perceptive Advisors, and I tied the knot at the Mandarin Oriental on April 16. He’s the love of my life and we’re super happy. Nicole Dunn and her husband Evan McNamara made the trip in from LA to celebrate with us. We kicked off the reception with a surprise set from Steely Dan. Jaws dropped, guests jumped around like little kids in a candy store and lots of dancing ensued. We honeymooned in Paris, Rome and Florence. “I’m still consulting in the HR space and career counseling, though that’s taking a back seat to planning my son’s Bar Mitzvah in September and my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary in October. More good times ahead! My older son, James, is entering 10th grade and is currently somewhere in Idaho on a month long NOLS trip. I’m told no news is good news. My younger son, Jonas, who is entering eighth grade, is at Woodward skateboarding camp in PA. Once they return they’ll be joining me in Southampton for surf camp for the rest of the summer.”


Deborah Bushell Gans 143 Isle Verde Way Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 561-799-2463 debgans@yahoo.com

Susie Franz Murphy wrote just after the spring Journal went to the printer: “Keeping busy: three kids in middle school, 110 students at Princeton High School, just voted “Teacher Most Likely to Write Your College Recommendation Letter” by class of 2016 — a dubious honor. Love from Lumberville, PA.”


Sofia D. Xethalis 1953 Shore Oak Drive Decatur, IL 62521 217-422-5648 sxethalis@yahoo.com.au

Michael Hercz ’90, David Ragsdale ’90, Dipak Panigrahi ’90 in California FALL 2016

Class Notes



Aly G. Cohen 1 Big Barn Road Cranbury, NJ 08512 917-273-4573 alycohen@yahoo.com

PDS class of ’91 celebrated its 25th class reunion without a hitch! Tons of people showed up to reconnect and party under the big reunion tent. Among the attendees were: Jeremy Kuris, Mike Moyer, Jenny Santiago, Julie Roginsky, Elizabeth Semrod, Kate Muccino Gandhi, Dave Maziarz, Joe To, Sean Rishko, Jenny Kim, Rachel and Jon Trend, Christian Batcha, Ron de Villa. Brunch was held at my home the next morning with many more members from the class of ’91 showing up to reconnect and catch up on old times! Included were Amy Livingston, Fanya Stansbury Gallo, Matt Riccardi and many more!

Julie Roginsky wrote that she was so excited to hang out and have an on-air interview with Lylah Alphonse ’90, at the Democratic National Convention in Philly, in July. Julie, who is a democratic consultant, was covering the event Julie Roginsky ’91 and as co-host of the Lylah Alphonse ’90 at Fox News show the Democratic National “Outnumbered,” Convention this past and Lylah is the summer managing editor for US News and World Report.....(ain’t too shabby!)

I also was thrilled to hang with Julie and her son in the Berkshires over the summer. Our boys had a blast together canoeing, swimming, sightseeing, and we all enjoyed a great night under the stars with James Taylor performing at Tanglewood. On another note, I recently completed my textbook, Integrative Environmental Medicine written with Dr. Andrew Weil for Oxford University Press, which will be out February 2017. Please like and follow my simple health tips and practical information on Facebook, “The Smart Human.” Michael Yacht shared that he is having twin boys in late December! This will be his first time as a new dad and he and his wife are beyond excited! We all wish him and his wife the best!


Sharon Thomas Haber 1675 York Avenue, Apt. 20L New York, NY 10128 212-722-8793 ziggythomas@hotmail.com Judson R. Henderson 5073 Province Line Road Princeton, NJ 08540 609-751-15 19 jhenderson@callawayhenderson.com

From Jud: Thanks to all of you who wrote in with an update, here they are below in no particular order. JOURNAL

Mark Trowbridge is a “local”— still a Princeton townie and commuting to NYC for his equity research firm, M Science LLC — a tenure going on 11 years. With his wife Sylmarie and two boys Luke (12) and Jack (9), they are aspiring weekend warriors and poorly compensated coach/chauffeur to their kids’ sports events.

John Stitzer is living in Center City Philly with wife and two boys. John is the owner/manager of two manufacturing companies making small signs and product ID labels and nameplates. He is a competitor in one-design sailing, and often may be found hiking with his family. Sharon Thomas wrote: “We can’t get enough out of summer!!! My family and I are in NYC during the week and we spend weekends in CT. We’re looking forward to our trip to Cape Cod and Nantucket.”

From Wes Robinson: “I am living and working in northern New Jersey doing supply chain management for Pinnacle Foods. I just cleaned up after my son’s 4th birthday party in backyard this past weekend and looking forward to vacation in Myrtle Beach next week.” Jason White wrote to me from the seat of a plane, which was about to take off: “Still based near Princeton with wife Janet. Running US Operations for Cesim Business Simulations (www.cesim.com).


Stephen J. Nanfara 5 Pegg Road Flemington, NJ 08822 908-310-9724 nanfara@yahoo.com


Ellyn R. Rajfer Herkins ellynrajfer@gmail.com Mandy Rabinowitz Plonsky 245 W. 14th Street, Apt 8A New York, NY 10011 609-937-6348 mandyrab@aol.com

Mandy Rabinowitz Plonsky and her husband Dave welcomed identical twin boys, Peter and Jacob, in July; she has been busy with them and their big brother.


Giovanna Gray Lockhart 415 Greenwich Street, Apt. 3G New York, NY 10013 gray.giovanna@gmail.com


Joanna Woodruff Rominger 836 South Broad Street Lansdale, PA 19446 jbw1980@gmail.com I also heard from Brian Ferber Joanna Woodruff Rominger who wrote: “Have four boys wrote, “A lot has happened ages 3-10 and live in Delray this year for the students in Beach, Florida. Both my wife the class of 1999. I’m excited and I are dentists. If you turn to announce that my husband on a TV in the West Palm Matt and I welcomed another market, my commercials are baby boy this past March, always on. We probably ski Lucas Alexander. His big more than almost anybody in brother, Sam loves being an Florida. I ran into Ravi Dalal Joanna Woodruff Rominger older brother and can’t wait ’99, with her husband Matt two years ago skiing over to teach him how to ride a Memorial Day weekend in and their two boys, Sam and scooter and play trucks in the Oregon. He was at Mt. Hood Lucas. driveway!” for a wedding. We were there Sharon Herbert met the love to close out the season. I’ve of her life, Mike Coburn, and been vegan for two years now. got married on August 20th I see Mike Ferry, who is doing at the Basin Harbor Club condo development on Palm in Vermont. Lauren Welsh Beach Island.” Sparrow was one of her bridesmaids. Congratulations 1993 to Sharon and Mike! Darcey A. Carlson Leonard 217 Yorkshire Drive Larry Miller recently celebrated his one year wedding Williamsburg, VA 23185 anniversary to Ann Marie darceyva@gmail.com Grace. They were married in NYC, where Richard Dool 1994 was his best man, and Brett Sharon Herbert ’00 with her Cynthia Shafto Bernardoni Carty and John O’Hara were husband Mike Coburn on 1780 Shore Acres Drive groomsmen. their wedding day Lake Bluff, IL 60044 John Griffith wrote, 312-330-5319 “On May 13th, we welcomed Isabel cynthia.bernardoni@gmail.com Adams Griffith into the world. 6lbs 1oz at Princeton Hospital.” Congratulations 1995 to both John and Rebecca Lintner Melissa Woodruff Mccormick Griffith ’95! 257 South State Street Isabel Adams Griffith, daughter Newtown, PA 18940 of John Griffith ’99 and his wife 215-550-6596 mwoodruf99@yahoo.com Rebecca Lintner Griffith ’95.



Margaret Lee Sayen Schmucker 7102-C Sladek Road New Hope, PA 18938 marleeschmucker@gmail.com

Maren Levine Hefler ’99 with her husband Jonathan and their three kids. Maren Levine Hefler wrote, “Jonathan and I moved from NYC to Wayne, PA with our three kids, Jackson (age 9), Sylas (age 7), and Arowyn (age 2). All of us love the slower pace, all around us and the beauty of quiet. The only thing we really miss, besides our friends, is the serious lack of food delivery options out here!”

Tina Flores ’99 and her husband Adam Cordes on their wedding day.

Tina Flores wrote, “I got married on June 25th to Adam Cordes at The Inn at Fernbrook Farms in Chesterfield, NJ. PDS guests included Margo Smith Mumma, Keri Bernstein, Lauren Kostinas Birkhold, and Ariana Jacub Brandes. We currently live in Wayne, PA”

It’s been a busy summer for Joe Gallo and his wife Megan who welcomed their first child, Joey Jr., in June. Over the summer, Joe was named the Head Men’s Basketball Joey, Jr., son of Joe Coach at Merrimack Gallo ’99 College in North Andover, Massachusetts. Joe, Megan and Joey made the move to Andover in August.


Natasha Jacques Nolan 200 North Falcon Bluff Alpharetta, GA 30022-5922 nkjphoto@hotmail.com Sapna E. G. Thottathil 4127 Bayo Street Oakland, CA 94619 sapna.thottathil@gmail.com


Carolyn Yarian Morgan 223 East 61st Street, Apt 2G New York, NY 10065 609-638-7249 carolyn.morgan2012@gmail.com


Allison Marshall 1717 North 35th Street, Apt. 9 Seattle, WA 98103 amarshall220@aol.com

Emily Hamlin wrote: “I feel like a world traveler these last couple months. Among the highlights: getting to participate in the Morgan Weed fandom and see her Broadway debut and connect with Alyssa Briody and adorably pregnant Katie Weber on a layover in New York from Costa Rica to Jordan. And then, returning home from that work trip to find one Allison Marshall waiting for me in CR! I wish we’d been able to capture a photo of Allison desperately trying to hoist me from the water back into our raft on the Pacuare River while we laughed so hard we could barely breathe. Oh well...some images are best left in our minds. : )”

Class Notes

Wilson H. Weed 540 Manawai Street #406 Kapolei, HI 96707 wweed1@gmail.com

Ben Johnson wrote: “Hey friends, things are great here in New Greetings class of 2003! York. Working for the The Drone Writing from Seattle, Racing League and spending my where I recently started summer traveling to races and a new job at Amazon on trying to plan a wedding with the video team, managmy fiancée Megan for later this ing third-party chanyear. She works at CBS Evening nels like Showtime and News as the broadcast producer, STARZ. I was fortunate so all her time taken up with the to visit Emily Hamlin this Allison Marshall ’03 and election madness. Upside is that spring in Costa Rica, Emily Hamlin ’03 in Costa I’ve got a surprising amount of where she has been living Rica at Punta Manzanillo control on the wedding details, for the last year. I had the so look for lots of photos with flannel. Hope opportunity to hike, zip line, whitewater raft you’re all well!” and see tons of wildlife, including many sloths, which Emily had a knack for spotting from afar. Eleanor Oakes wrote from Detroit, where I also visited NYC a few times this spring and she’s keeping busy renovating a house with witnessed Morgan Weed’s Broadway debut in her partner and enjoys seeing fellow classAmerican Psycho, as well as dined with Ben mates Al Alsup and Nick Perold around town. Johnson, who is busing planning his wedding, Earlier this year she completed her first public and James Ramos, busy raising a newborn. art project, Graffiti Wanted, as an Applebaum Emerging Artist Resident at Ponyride Detroit. Nick Perold and his new wife Ashley are now She’s also founded the non-profit organization happily settled in their new home in downtown Darkroom Detroit, which works to increase Detroit, where Nick recently produced a short camera access and education in Detroit, and film for the city titled, “Anthem of Us” which is hopes to build a community darkroom for the available on YouTube. Nick & Ashley are happy city in the near future. to announce that they are expecting a baby boy in February! Bianca Gersten wrote: “I married the wonderful John B. Freese IV on Saturday, June 4th and was thrilled to have a number of the PDS family in attendance. My other halves (thirds?) Anita Deshpande and Julia Tamulis stood by my side as Stephen Dool officiated in New York City’s Fort Tryon Park, right near The Cloisters museum. Also there to celebrate were my British exchange sister from another mister, Jessica Saltz (ESU ’02); my former AP Calculus rival, Erich Matthes, along with his brilliant and lovely wife; my seventh grade lab partner, Joey Joiner, and the illustrious, Tony awardwinner Brian Smith.”

Bianca Gersten ’03 on her wedding day, with ’03 classmates Joey Joiner, Julia Tamulis, Anita Deshpande, Brian Smith, Stephen Dool and Erich Matthes

Eleanor Oakes ’03 in Detroit working on her public art project Graffiti Wanted Christopher Campbell wrote: “I graduated from USAF Test Pilot School in June and I am enjoying my work as a test fighter pilot at Edwards AFB. I have been conducting flight test on the F-16, F-22, and brand-new F-35. Additionally, I have been selected to represent the Air Force as an astronaut nominee! I am one of approximately forty officers considered highly-qualified. NASA typically selects only one officer in the group to complete astronaut training, and the competition is tough. I am thrilled to have made it this far and remain hopeful for some good news (either this selection cycle or in the future)!” FALL 2016

Class Notes


Erich Matthes wrote: “We recently moved to Wellesley and are living just across from campus. It’s amazing to walk to work after two years with a 280 mile round-trip commute! We had a great time seeing some PDS folks at Bianca Gersten’s wedding, and enjoyed a nice visit from Anita Deshpande before she headed to Brooklyn for her internship year. Henry turned one in early June and continues to keep Henry, son of Erich us on our toes. Matthes ’03 He loves running around outside and is particularly fond of playing in the dirt.”

Jessica Grossi married Benjamin Grace on July 16, 2016. The two met over six years ago at Syracuse University while in the Master of Architecture program. In attendance were PDS alums Sean Dickson, Priya Radhakrishnan and James Utterback ’00. Michael Highland wrote: “Hi classmates! I am still living in Los Angeles and have further embraced the SoCal lifestyle with an adorable nine-pound dog named Pippin. Sadly, she only has 151 followers on Instagram, but we are doing our best to build her brand. A number of canine A-listers have hearted her recent photos, and I feel confident she is nearing internet stardom. You can follow her @golden_noodle. And yes, we named her in honor of our 8th grade musical. Coincidentally my wife Chrissy was also a unitard-clad player in her school’s production of Pippin. Rob Jellinek wrote: “Seattle summer was a blast despite being colder than usual. It’s been great hanging out with Allison Marshall since she moved here, and I’m really psyched that she’s joined Amazon! I traveled to Panama in August for a mini-reunion with my college roommate, and have been looking forward to a visit from Ilona Spiro ’02. On that note, I just moved into a new place in Capitol Hill with a guest bedroom — so let me know if you’re up for a visit to Seattle!” James Ramos wrote: “Tina and I just moved to Morristown as our journey to adulthood is finally complete. Sebastian is growing like a weed and providing us with new joys every day.”

Alyssa Briody is still working at Brooklyn Defender Sebastian, son of Services and living James Ramos ’03 in Brooklyn. She had a great time catching up with Emily Hamlin, Katie Weber and Eleanor Oakes in New York this past June. JOURNAL


Erin McCormick 5085 Case Street Middlebury, VT 05753 802-462-3645 erinmacker@gmail.com

Laddie Sanford married Gwen Beckman last March and relocated from New York City to Atlanta, Georgia, where he is “busy trying to keep Will King out of trouble.”

Katherine Chimacoff Dickens sent in the following update: “We have two kids now: James, 4, and William, 1. I’m in my last year at Princeton Seminary, and we are moving to Pax River, Maryland, where Matt will be stationed at the US Navy Test Pilot School.”

Emily Penick moved a little over two years ago to Seattle, Washington, and she loves it. As the Literary & Artistic Manager at ACT — A Contemporary Theatre, she enjoys working at one of the country’s finest regional theatres, helping commission and select plays for production. She’s enjoyed celebrating with Rob Jellinek ’03 at a few of her shows’ opening nights, and fills her time with directing, choreographing, and running around Capitol Hill with her new dog, Mabel, who’s a big fluffy rescue. Brett Downy Riggle and her husband Nick moved to San Diego a year ago. He’s an assistant professor in philosophy at USD, and Brett is the E-Commerce Merchandiser at ViX Swimwear. She wrote, “We’re love the beach, trips to Mexico and exploring the desert.” Mallory Sosinski wrote, “Bobby and I just celebrated our third wedding anniversary and are continuing to love living in the Florida Panhandle. I will be starting my 10th year of teaching this year and have the opportunity to pilot some truly amazing programs in my classroom in the coming school year. I am also in the process of completing my final two doctoral classes before comprehensive exams, and Bobby is continuing to work on his master’s degree as well. Life is good!” Elliott Katz is now Deputy Public Defender in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, and also recently became engaged to Marissa Weber.


Need class correspondent, if interested please contact Ann Wiley, awiley@pds.org


Jacob M. Fisch 601 Pembroke Avenue, Apt. 714 Norfolk, VA 23507 609-731-2540 mendyman@gmail.com

Misha Hill received a master’s degree in public policy from George Washington University, with a concentration in health policy. In September, she will start working at a think-tank in Durham, NC, researching state tax policies. Dan Rathauser is now back in the tristate area and updated us on the past several years. He wrote: “After two years in Dallas with Expedia/

Hotels.com, and four years in St. Louis in a JD/MBA program at Wash U, I am excited to be coming back to the East Coast. I’ll be starting with the law firm Kirkland & Ellis in NYC in September. While I wasn’t able to make it to the 10-year reunion, the pictures of so many in the class together brought a smile to my face. Now that I’m back in the area, I look forward to reconnecting.” During our tenth reunion, Ian McCue made a verbal submission to class notes. He and his wife Jessica are moving to Texas where he plans to eat barbecue with vinegar. Ian will be a postdoctoral research associate at Texas A&M University.

These days I’m living in Norfolk, Virginia, where I’m an officer in the Navy JAG Corps. If anyone happens to be in this area, let me know and I can show you around the Navy base or we can go to the beach.


Nina Crouse 31A Jay Street Cambridge, MA 02139 ninacrouse@gmail.com Vishal Gupta 58 East Springfield Street, Unit 3 Boston, MA 02118 609-658-4768 vishgupta2@gmail.com Alexandra Hiller Rorick 60 Brattle Street, Apt 201 Cambridge, MA 02138 609-658-2961 ali.rorick@gmail.com From Vishal:

Rachel Heller is currently working full time in the Boston area as a freelance ASL/English interpreter, as well as starting an all-natural, organic deodorant company. She is also very excited for her sister, Hannah Heller’s ’05 recent engagement. Rachel can’t wait till the reunion to reconnect with you all!

Joe Yellin graduated from Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania this year and is currently an orthopedic surgery resident at the Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency program.

Andrew Elkin has been living in New York City for two years after graduating Georgetown University Law Center in 2014. He currently is an associate at Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman LLP where his practice focuses on complex commercial litigation and has represented clients including Harbinger Capital Partners, the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders of Hercules Offshore, Inc., and a nonprofit organization pro bono in litigation to retain title to real property following an alleged default. Elisabeth Morgan lives in Brooklyn, NY and works at Kids Discover Magazine.

Vishal Gupta is finishing his final year at Boston University School of Medicine and will be applying for residency in internal medicine this fall.


Ali Hiller Rorick recently moved back to New York City after spending two years in Cambridge, MA while her husband was in graduate school. They spent five weeks traveling around Japan and Europe, and met up with Jenna Dodds, who is currently living in London but moving back to New York City this fall, for a weekend in Bavaria!


Tessica Glancey 3726 Connecticut Avenue NW, Apt. 105 Washington, DC 20008 215-534-6406 tessicaglancey@gmail.com

Greg Francfort continues to live in New York and work at Bank of America as a Research Analyst covering the restaurant industry. He subsists almost entirely on Big Macs and Whoppers. He is very excited for the wedding of Brody Sanford and Bryanna Mayes ’09 next year.

Theo Brown and Alexa Maher are excited for another fall at PDS. Alexa spent the summer road tripping out west to National Parks across the country. Tess Glancey continues to work on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. She serves as Communications Advisor for the Majority Staff of the House Homeland Security Committee. The highlight of her job is staffing her boss Chairman Michael McCaul at Tess Glancey ’08 with his television Wolf Blitzer interviews in studio. She also had a chance to chat with Wolf Blitzer at the CNN studios in D.C. She attended the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July, where she was a part of the large communications operation responsible for booking surrogates on TV.

Emma Morehouse Hatcher, her husband Marshall, and their dog, Bell, moved to Memphis in March and have jumped into the world of young entrepreneurs. Their fledgling business is an adult intramural sports league and social club featuring ultimate Frisbee, softball, flag football, basketball, dodgeball, and trivia nights. Memphis Sports Revolution was launched in early June and will host its first season in early August. Check it out at www.memphissportsrev.com and pass the word! Marshall will be teaching at Presbyterian

Day School in the fall and is looking forward to working with Steve Hancock, PDS’s former Middle School head, again! Pat Murphy has been working in New York over the summer as an editor for a political documentary project. In June a film he directed, Psychedelia, played at the New Jersey International Film Festival and won the award for Best Documentary. Later in the summer, he headed out to Los Angeles to work on a movie and backpack in the Sierra Mountains. Hannah Epstein has been continuing to work for NFL Films, working as a cinematographer on the NFL/ Hannah Epstein ’08 at HBO show “HardKnocks. work


Ashley Smoots 2201 St. Clair Drive NE Atlanta, GA 30322 267-987-9448 asmoots@gmail.com Vinay Trivedi 239 Park Avenue South, Apt 9D New York, NY 10003 267-229-2425 vt1090@gmail.com From Ashley:

Rachel Bristol married David Arnold in Portland, Maine on August 6th.

Spenser Gabin is currently working as a freelance videographer, photographer, and documentarian. He just spent six months working on a permaculture farm in Costa Rica while developing their marketing (photos and videos mostly). He joined a company called Blacksheep (http://weareblacksheep.org/, website under construction) that’s focused on gathering investors to regenerate a lot of the degraded cattle land in the region and he’s done quite a bit of marketing and advertising work for them. Recently Spenser started his own podcast on the side as well and he plans on doing more documentary and marketing

work for environmental, political, and social causes in the coming years. (http://spensergabin.com/blog/)

When Sara Cook is not working full-time at her job as a media planner for a pharmaceutical ad agency in Philadelphia, she makes and sells abstract oil paintings. She had a show hanging at a brewery in New Hope in the spring and currently has pieces hanging in La Va Cafe on South Street in Philadelphia. Sara had a showing of her work at an artist’s studio for FirstFriday in Old City on September 2nd. She has been taking ceramics and jewelry making classes, as well. Sara would love for people to check out her artwork on saracookart.com and feel free to contact her at saracookart@gmail. com to meet up with any other artists or chat about painting/art shows! Also, Sara will be the maid of honor in her sister Ellen Cook’s ’06 wedding on New Year’s Eve — shout out to her!

Class Notes

Allie Crouse moved from Boston to Denver at the end of August. She still is employed by Education First, supporting international exchange students in the US during their academic year abroad. She hopes to visit Boston and Maine regularly to visit her twin Nina Crouse and sister, Carly Crouse Nicholas ’05 and new niece Charlotte.

Andrew Krech graduated from Elon University in 2013. He worked as a photojournalist in Wilkes-Barre, PA for two years before moving to Greensboro, NC, where he currently works as a photojournalist for the Greensboro News & Record newspaper.

After teaching history Andrew Krech ’09 at the Emma Willard School in Troy, NY for two years while earning her MAT and New York state teaching certification, Devon Light-Wills spent this past year back in Princeton training, teaching, and performing various circus arts. She currently teaches at Circus Place in Hillsborough, NJ, and specializes in aerial fabric, trapeze, lyra, acrobatics, contortion, tight wire, and hooping. She plans to return to her academic teaching career after living out her childhood dream of circus performing for as long as her body allows.

Devon Light-Wills ’09 in the “Creature” pose in aerial fabric Max Popkin is living in Philadelphia and is the Director of Leasing and Marketing for Modern Recycled Spaces.

Arial photo of VerdEnergia, taken via drone by Spenser Gabin ’09

Sara Sherman earned her master’s in clinical psychology in Chicago in July 2015 and is currently there working on her doctorate in clinical psychology, with an emphasis in children & adolescents. She regularly engages in FALL 2016

Class Notes


research on social exclusion and most recently assessed a community of Native Americans living in rural Oregon to develop a program to increase their acceptance within their local community. Sarah is conducting her dissertation research at an orphanage in Honduras and completing her second year of training in Chicago at a pediatric hospital, evaluating and treating children with autism spectrum disorders, OCD, anxiety, and eating disorders. In the fall she will be applying throughout the country for residency.

Ashley Smoots graduated from Emory University with her Master of Public Health degree in May. Her thesis was about the factors influencing contraceptive usage among HIV positive women in Atlanta, and she currently has two manuscripts on the topic being in review for publication. After graduating, Ashley accepted a position as an epidemiologist on the CDC’s Zika Response Team Pregnancy and Birth Defects Task Force.

to friends like Lizzy and Tara Glancey, and hopes to reconnect with more PDSers in the Philly area.

Victoria Maloney, Caitlin Shannon, Adrienne Esposito, Kenny Holzhammer, Stephanie Sydlo, Jade Myers and Marissa Davila celebrated with Courtland Lackey at her baby shower this summer. Tracy Rosen and Alex reconnected at the Coachella Music Festival in Palm Springs, California this past April. Anyone else planning on going to Coachella 2016? Mini reunion? Tracy is living in L.A. and loves it out there. She traveled back to the East Coast for a LBI vacation with her family, and while Tracy was here she reconnected with friends from PDS.

Shira Karsen is working for Billboard in NYC and she made a couple guest appearances on The Insider. Go Shira! Christopher Gibson trekked the length of the Appalachian Trail and it looked incredible. What an experience! PDS Class of 2010 — send your updates for the class notes to Alex!


Svitlana I. Lymar 2238 West Cortez Street Chicago, IL 60622 609-393-5330 silymar@syr.edu

2012 Ashley Smoots ’09 and her sister Jasmin Smoots ’12 at Ashley’s graduation ceremony where she received her MPH


Alexandra W. Feuer 6656 Germantown Avenue. Apt. #204 Philadelphia, PA 19119 609-240-1706 awfeuer@gmail.com

Courtland Lackey, Elizabeth Yellin, and Alexandra Feuer got together this summer in Long Beach Island to celebrate Adrienne Esposito’s 24th birthday. Adrienne is back on the East Coast and her friends could not be more excited to spend time with her. Adrienne, Lizzy, and Alex like to make time to catch up and get some lunch at Lucy’s Kitchen and Market in Princeton during the week. Lizzy is working at BlackRock in Princeton, and still loves living in Philadelphia. Alex Feuer was working at Carrier Clinic where she got to know another PDS alum, Rebecca Tamayo ’12, who also worked there. Great to make friends from high school even in adult life! Alex travelled to China in August with her mom and brother, Will ’15 (PDS Lifer). Alex is starting graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania this fall, where she will be working towards her master of social work degree. She and her boyfriend, Joe, are moving to West Mount Airy in Philadelphia. Alex is so excited to be closer JOURNAL

Rachel Maddox 58 Fieldcrest Avenue Skillman, NJ 08558 (908) 829-4230 Rachel.Maddox@conncoll.edu Annie Nyce 2311 Avinity Court Charlottesville, NC 22902 609-558-2453 annienyce@gmail.com Peter F. Powers 644 Rosedale Road Princeton, NJ 08540-2218 (609) 921-6377 petpow46709@gmail.com

As of June 2016, Annie Nyce is the Director of Selection for Northwestern Mutual in Charlottesville and Lynchburg, Virginia. In her role, she is recruiting full-time financial advisors, as well as college interns. From Peter:

Callie Schneider: “Hey PDS friends! I’m writing from my living room in my new Chicago apartment. I wish all of you could see the view. I’ll try to send in a picture of the sunset (Note: Callie did not send in a photo). I just moved here to start work at Deloitte, but I’m looking forward to adjusting to being closer to a lake than an ocean, eating deep dish pizza as opposed to thin crust, like at Nomad, and taking an elevated train rather than an underground one or one on the ground. I’m also now a certified yoga instructor! I got my certification after a grueling

four-week course in Costa Rica. I had la oportunidad to practicar some Spanish — thanks, Sra. Marquez! Please let me know if you’re out in Windiest City. I’d love to catch up. Maybe we’ll even run into Mikey Gray. :-)” Eric Powers (actually) wrote, “Hi there fellow Panther alumni! Can’t believe it’s already this time of year again; it feels like I just finished writing my last Journal update! These journaling sessions have been quite therapeutic, so I’ve decided to try to put my thoughts into words online. Check out ericpowers.blogspot.com three times a week to see me pour out my heart on the information super highway! Since you last heard from me, I graduated circa cum laude from Boston College and have gotten about five haircuts. As I’m moving to Manhattan (in New York [City]), I will no longer be able to go to Mike’s Barber Shop in Brookline Village. If anyone has any suggestions for a NYC barber who doesn’t make small talk, please let me know. I tried going to one of the places in Princeton, when I was last at my parents’ house, but I was a bit disappointed. I remember back when I thought it might be fun to get my barber’s license as my senior project (do they still do those???), as the idea of cutting hair seems soothing and therapeutic, but the process takes much longer than six weeks. Speaking of hair removal, I’ve recently started shaving in the shower, which I find saves me time (although I may miss a spot or two!)! “I’ve also had a great summer, thanks for asking. After a quick trip to Croatia with family and friends, I’ve been patrolling the high seas of Edgartown Harbor on Martha’s Vineyard. Spending the summer out on the water, at the beach, and on the golf and tennis courts has really been therapeutic. My dad (’80) keeps trying to tell me that I probably won’t get next summer off, but I don’t see how that’s possible. Well, that’s enough for now! Can’t wait to see everyone at Garret’s engagement party in October and please remember to check out my podcast. Hope everyone is well and therapeutic. Bye!”

Cara Hume sent good news! “I am moving to DC to live with Emily Janhofer. Since graduation, living at home, I have learned how to get one side all the same color on a Rubik’s cube, read the first two Harry Potters for the first time, brought back a Thai virus from Thailand and infected my entire family, and have somehow avoided unpacking from college. Peace and blessings to my PDS family.”

Brian Burns wrote, “This past year has taught me more than anything an appreciation that I never initially had for Princeton Day School. It is because of the teachers I had and the lessons they taught me that I was so fluidly able to get up and move and do something different: go after my dreams. I’d like to thank every teacher I’ve had because without you I wouldn’t be half the man I am today. In no particular order: Mr. Burkett, Mr. Sanderson, Tu Lao Shi, Mr. Lamotte, Ms. Latham, Dr. Monroe, Mr. Rubins, Ms. Maloney, Ms. Webster and Ms. Spencer. I’d like to especially


I (Peter) graduated and I’m now working in New York at NBCUniversal for Sprout in their marketing department. It’s been great to see a bunch of PDS people all around! I’ll see everyone at the 5th reunion in May! Make sure to email Janie Smukler with song requests for the party so she can put together her playlist!


Leah G. Falcon 136 Bouvant Drive Princeton, NJ 08540-1224 (609) 279-9774 lgfalcon04917@gmail.com Robert S. Madani 209 Berwyn Place Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 (609) 771-0912 robert.s.madani@gmail.com

From Bob: This past summer sure has been an exciting time for much of the class of 2013 as we prepare to become the class of 2017.

Kate Reynolds has taken every challenge at the Naval Academy in stride and has accumulated several honors as she enters her finally semester there. While many of us have spent our days working at a desk, she has been working as a detailer for the Naval Academy’s plebe summer, aka boot camp. In addition, she has also been early selected for the submarine community and will be attending Dive School to become qualified as a Dive Officer for her submarine. And finally she will be attending Johns Hopkins starting in January 2017 to earn her Mechanical Engineering masters on a VGEP scholarship.

I have enjoyed reaching out to the members of the class of 2013 and if anyone wants to send me an update for the next issue of the Journal, send me an e-mail at robert.s.madani@gmail.com

Class Notes

thank Coach Paris McLean, Brian Mayer and Rob Tuckman for being three of the largest male role models in my life and for helping me through my troubles that I was experiencing while attending PDS. I’d like to thank Mr. Stoltzfus and Mr. Figueroa for pushing me every day to improve my writing on The Spokesman; those skills I carry with me. Oh and if you want to know where I am in my life, I’ve recently been accepted to and am transferring to UC Santa Cruz to join their film program and pursue a career as a screenwriter. If anyone would like to contact me, my email is brianburns7@gmail.com.”


Rory E. Finnegan 31 Sutton Farm Road Flemington, NJ 08822 (908) 782-5892 ref8af@virginia.edu Mary G. Travers 31 Elm Lane Princeton, NJ 08540 609-466-0104 mary.travers@tufts.edu

Rory Finnegan’s mother reported that “Rory has declared an English major with a concentration in poetry at UVA. Along with independent travel this past summer, she and two other Jefferson Scholars worked on a research project on James Joyce Dubliners, http://www.jeffersonscholars.org/story/eightjefferson-scholars-receive-harrison-undergraduate-research-awards-one-jefferson-scholar. Friends of PDS can follow her adventures on her blog: http://euandme.weebly.com.”


Grace Lee 67 Bridle Path Belle Mead, NJ 08502 (908) 280-0006 gracelee6666@gmail.com Caroline R. Lippman 13 Aqua Terrace Pennington, NJ 08534 609-737-3235 crlippman@gmail.com

From Erin Murray: “I did neuro/psych research over the summer at Lafayette and will continue to work in that lab during the year as an EXCEL scholar. The professor whose lab I’m working in has been on leave in Germany so we have weekly Skype meetings.”

Alumni Weekend at PDS

Kevin Towle wrote: “Hey, I wanted to let you guys know that I’ll be continuing training for track this summer! I think I’m the only PDS alum from recent years that is sprinting/ throwing in college.”


Kate Cammarano 6 Hunters Ridge Drive Pennington, NJ 08543 609-610-4340 camm1217@aol.com Helen Healey 25 Springdale Road Princeton, NJ 08540 609-613-3983 helen.healey97@gmail.com

Kate Reynolds ’13 (left)

Peter Klein 15 Planters Row Skillman, NJ 08550 609-218-1350 pklein@nd.edu FALL 2016


Connect with us: www.pds.org www.facebook.com/princetondayschool www.facebook.com/pdsalums www.twitter.com@PDSPanthers www.instagram.com/princetondayschool

SAVE . THE . DATE Alumni Weekend 2017

May 19 and 20 relive . reunite . renew . reconnect classes ending in 7’s and 2’s, come celebrate your milestone reunions! Join us on campus for a weekend filled with lots of events and fun activities. We close out the weekend with an evening party with delicious food and drinks, live music, and dancing for all.

Looking Forward to Seeing You There! Joining your class reunion committee is a great way to connect with old friends and help ensure the weekend’s success. If you are interested in serving on your committee, please contact Wendy Roitburg at wroitberg@pds.org.



In Memoriam The school has learned of the passing of the following members of the Princeton Day School community. We wish to extend our deepest sympathies to their families and friends. Alexander James Bell Grandfather of Justin Donnelly ’14 and Ryan Donnelly ’18 Ralph Bencivengo Husband of PDS Upper School faculty member Denise Bencivengo; Brother of Louis Guarino ’79; and Uncle of Charles Guarino ’13 and Samuel Guarino ’16 Edwin C. Bockstiegel Grandfather of Christopher Gibson ’10, Katie Gibson ’11, Connor Gibson ’12 and Coby Gibson ’17 and Father-in-Law of Lower School teacher Margie Wallace Gibson ’84 John F. Brinster Father of Meg Brinster Michael ’79 and John Brinster ’75; Grandfather of Jason White ’92, Whitney White ’94, Christopher White ’03, Kyle Brinster ’07, Jeremy Brinster ’09 and Lindsay White ’09 Ann M. Brower Mother of Montgomery C. Brower ’77, Emily Brower ’79 and Alison M. Brower ’87 Jean H. Brown Mother of Peter Miller ’76 Tonja Brown Mother of Lea Brown ’11 and Lower School assistant teacher Teddy Brown ’08

Bowie Carpenter, former PDS

administrative assistant Mother of Mackenzie Carpenter ’72; Camilla Carpenter ’74 and Mary Chapin Carpenter ’76 Frank Chapot Father of Wendy Chapot Nunn ’88 and Laura Chapot ’87 Edward C. Cole Father of Edward Cole ’69

Joan F. Cook Mother of Peter Cook ’53, John Cook ’56, Steve Cook ’59 and Paula Cook Sculley ’62; Grandmother of John F. Cook, Jr. ’85 (Liz Bylin Cook ’87), Robin

Cook McConaughy ’87 (Jon McConaughy ’85), Mike Cook ’89, Hilary Cook ’04, Matt Cook ’05 and Emily Cook ’08; and Great-Grandmother to Josephine Cook ’18, Zoe Cook ’19, Drew McConaughy ’21, John F. Cook III ’22 and Isabelle Cook ’24 Frank J. Chrinko, Jr. Father of Michael J. Chrinko ’83

Robert Ix Father of Head of Lower School Alesia Klein; Grandfather of Courtney Klein ’11, Rob Klein ’12, Peter Klein ’16 and Christopher Klein ’19 William L. Everett Father of Maureen Gargione, Lower School assistant teacher

Miles E. Delemos Grandfather of Bryce Powell ’21

Gary Lee Father of Caitlin Lee ’20 and Robert Lee ’20

Margaret Denny Mother of John Denny ’81

Anne M. Love Mother of J. Allyn Love ’70

Patricia Paine Dougherty Wife of Robert E. Dougherty ’43; Mother of Thomas H. Paine ’69, John K. Paine ’71 and F. Rodney Paine ’77; and Grandmother of Laura Paine ’04 and Sarah Paine ’04

Ahmed Madani Father of Middle School math teacher Jack Madani; Grandfather of Bob Madani ’13 and Maggie Madani ’20

Nellie (Petie) Oliphant Duncan ’51 Mother of Creigh Duncan ’76 and Allison Duncan ’79; Wife of former Trustee Stuart Duncan Robert Earnest ’63 Elizabeth S. Ettinghausen Mother of Thomas Ettinghausen ’77 Margaret Gallagher Grandmother of John M. Gallagher ’04 and Rebecca Gallagher ’06 Sara Davies Gillespie Mother of Carsten “Tena” Davies ’70 and H. Andrew Davies ’73 Marie Hillman Grandmother of Leigh Hillmanno ’23 and Motherin-Law of Middle School Woodworking and Design teacher Deb Hillmanno Frank Hinnegan, Jr. Grandfather of Alexander Waclawski ’18 Edith S. Howard Mother of Timothy Howard ’86, Alan Howard ’88, Julie Howard Roberts ’90 and Laura Howard Leduc ’92

David C. Maxwell ’54 Father of David W. Maxwell ’85 Theodora (Terry) Merrick Mother of Deborah Merrick Estes ’69, Laurie Merrick Winegar ’72, Joan Merrick Schneeweiss ’74 and Anne Merrick Kellstrom ’79 Caroline Rosenblum Moseley ’53 Grandmother of Ross Moseley ’16 and Parkman Moseley ’20; Mother-in-Law of Whitney Ross ’84

James Dawson “J.D” Moyer ’96

Brother of Leland “Andy” Moyer ’90 and Michael Moyer ’91 Ruth O’Brien Mother of PDS PE teacher Leslie Hagan; Grandmother of Thomas Hagan ’14 and Kevin Hagan ’16 Julia Sturges O’Connor ’43 Sister of Cary Sturges Burns ’46

Thomas H. Paine, Sr., former

Chairman of the PDS Board of Trustees Father of Thomas H. Paine, Jr. ’69, John K. Paine ’71 and F. Rodney Paine ’77; and Grandfather of Laura Paine ’04 and Sarah Paine ’04

Vera Petrella Mother of Margaret Petrella ’82 and Marisa Petrella ’85 Alice Northrop Robbins ’40 Marian Rzeczycki Father of PDS Strings and Orchestra teacher Tomasz Rzeczycki and Grandfather of Sebastian Rzeczycki ’24 and Krystian Rzeczycki ’28 Ruth S. Schnur Mother of Susan O. Schnur ’69 Eileen Shahbender Grandmother of Alexandra Pike ’08 Ira D.Shull ’82 Brother of Abby Shull Sernoff ’87 Donald M. Slabicki Father of PDS Director of Technical Services Don Slabicki and Grandfather of Evan Slabicki ’12 Henry C. Stockman, Jr. Father of former PDS Trustee Bob Stockman; Father-in-Law of PDS Trustee Lisa Stockman; Grandfather of Isabel Stockman ’01, Hope Stockman ’03, Phoebe Stockman ’06 and Elizabeth Grier Stockman ’09

Elizabeth “Betsy” Trapp, former Lower School teacher Mother of Rada Trapp Starkey, former Assistant Director of Admission

Daniel P. Tully Grandfather of Daniel R. Tully ’10

Patricia Tighe Walden ’49 Jordan M. Young

Father of Jordan M. Young ’72

Joseph P. Zawadsky

Father of Mark Zawadsky ’77, Janet Zawadsky, Mark Zawadsky ’83 and Jeffrey Zawadsky ’89



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It’s Never Too Early to Leave a Legacy

Your legacy. We know that Princeton Day School is dear to the hearts of alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, and friends. We are deeply grateful for your commitment to the values and traditions of PDS, and we thank you for your loyalty and support. Now we invite you to partner with us in ensuring our future by including Princeton Day school in your estate plans.

Join Us. Let’s shape Princeton Day School’s future together! To celebrate your generosity, we’ll include you in the May Margaret Fine Society, our planned giving society that recognizes those loyal alumnae/i, parents, faculty, and friends who have informed us of their intentions to include Princeton Day School in their estate plans.

The May Margaret Fine Society: Established in 1998, the May Margaret Fine Society recognizes those loyal alumnae/i, parents and friends who have informed the school that they have made provisions for Princeton Day School in their estate plans. Including the school in their will, establishing a charitable trust while maintaining life income, or naming the school as a life insurance beneficiary are some of the ways these individuals have helped secure the long-term strength of Princeton Day School. If you have included Princeton Day School in your estate plans or would like to learn more about including the school in your estate plans, contact Kathy Schulte, Director of Advancement, at 609-924-6700 ext. 1255 or kschulte@pds.org.


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P.O. Box 75 . Princeton, NJ 08542 shipping 650 Great Road . Princeton, NJ 08540 T 609.924.6700 . www.pds.org

Alumni Weekend May 19 and 20, 2017


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