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Photo Galleries
Lower School Final Assembly
Middle School Final Assembly
Blue and White Day
Among the many end-ofyear parties, above left: Pre-K; above: Kindergarten, right: 8th Grade. At left: Myriam Folkes, Paul Stellato, Maureen Stellato, Kaylie Keesling and Janet Mayo. Below: the faculty and staff end-of-year party. Right: Hayden Masia in the Wellemeyer STEAM Center with her senior project.
Spring Athletics
Clockwise from top right: Varsity Softball team, PDS Golf team, Varsity Baseball team, students on the field; Track and Field club; Boys Lacrosse team and players running onto the field for their game against Hillsborough in May.
Clockwise from above: Girls JV Lacrosse, Girls Varsity Lacrosse, PDS players in action against Lawrenceville, Varsity Tennis team, JV Tennis team, Figure Skating team, Girls JV Volleyball team, Girls Varsity Volleyball team, Class of 2021 PDS athletes who signed to play for their college teams include left to right standing: Gibson Linnehan, Sophia Miranda, Eric Gellasch, left to right sitting: Anna Ellwood, Hailey Wexler, Kelly Beal; and Ethan Garita (center photo).
Clockwise from top right: US science meeting. Opening faculty and staff meeting in the Campus Center. US Student Orientation. Faculty and Staff Opening Day. US tech orientation. Opening Day faculty and staff on ropes course. MS Student Orientation. Tracy young and Darius young at garden party. Opening meetings for faculty and staff.
August Faculty & Staff Planning and Orientations
Below, left to right: Head of School Paul Stellato and Assistant Head of School for Advancement and Strategic Priorities Kathy Schulte at the main entrance. LS students get some help finding their lockers. Chandra Smith begins her math class.
Above, top left: LS science. Above top right: LS children enjoy time together on the playground. Above far right: MS first day of school. Above: Back to the greenhouse. Above center: Families had a rainy day to start school. Far right top: LS music class. Far right bottom: US students. At right top: US art. At right bottom: US science. Below: US Club Fair.
Back to School
Performing and Fine Arts, Design
Top left: US Fall Play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, performed outdoors and cast photo. Top: Students in the PDS dance program. Above left: US choral rehearsal. Above: Advanced Ceramics student. Left: Intro to Architecture students. Far left and lower far left: 4th Grade student and US students in Furniture & Design classes. Below: MS Band class. Bottom left to right: US art studio, students in the MS music program.
Above and at left: PDS Fall Weekend Fun Run. Far left: Jason Park and Christina Lee with family at Fall Weekend.
Above: Families enjoying a variety of activities during the Harvest Festival including tours of the PDS garden. Far left: Students viewing Anne Gilman’s artwork in the Anne Reid ’72 Gallery. Below and at left: 8th Grade three-day trip to Echo Hill.
Middle School Fall Athletics
Clockwise from top right: MS Girls Soccer team, MS Boys Soccer team, MS Football team, MS Cross Country team, MS Girls Tennis team, MS Field Hockey team, MS Volleyball team
Upper School Fall Athletics
Clockwise from top right: Boys Varsity Soccer team, soccer players in action, Girls Varsity Volleyball team, Girls JV Volleyball team, Boys Varsity Cross Country team, Girls Varsity Cross Country team, on the tennis court, boys competing in a multi-school cross country meet, field hockey action, Girls Varsity Field Hockey team, Girls Varsity Tennis team, Girls Varsity Soccer team. Not pictured Girls JV Tennis team.