Here始s is the Cooling Tower Analysis that is generated once the proper information has been entered into the site survey... Cooling Tower Analysis Customer Name: ABC Company Cooling Tower System Data Total Tons: Avg. Run Days Per Year: Avg. Run Time Per Day (Hours): % Run Time Per Year in Months:
365 18 12.0
Avg. Percentage Load: Delta T: Avg. Cycles of Concentration:
40.00% 6 10 Too Few Cycles 7 6,622,560 946,080 5,676,480
Water Demand Make Up Blow Down Evaporation
Water Cost: Annual Water Usage:
Per 1,000 gallons $0.00 0
Waste Water Cost: Annual Waste Water:
$0.00 0
$4.00 9600.0
$5.35 7180.8
Total Current Water/Waste Cost: % of Water Used by Tower @ Average COC:
8 6,487,406 810,926 5,676,480
Target Zone 10 6,307,200 630,720 5,676,480
9 6,386,040 709,560 5,676,480
Per Conversion: 100 ft3 100 ft 3 to 1,000 gallons $2.00 $2.67 9600.0 7180.8
Too Many Cycles 11 6,244,128 567,648 5,676,480
12 6,192,524 516,044 5,676,480
13 6,149,520 473,040 5,676,480
14 6,113,132 436,652 5,676,480
Utility Customer Costs Make-Up Water Cost Waste Water Cost Total Cost BEFORE Credit Financial Benefit of Additional Cycles
$ $ $ $
17,707 35,415 53,122 -
$ $ $ $
17,346 34,692 52,038 1,084
$ $ $ $
17,075 34,150 51,225 813
$ $ $ $
10 16,864 33,728 50,593 632
$ $ $ $
11 16,696 33,391 50,087 506
$ $ $ $
12 16,558 33,115 49,673 414
$ $ $ $
13 16,443 32,885 49,328 345
$ $ $ $
14 16,345 32,691 49,036 292
Estimated Evaporation Credit Total Cost After Proposed Credit Actual Blowdown Cost Total Cost AFTER Credit Financial Benefit of Additional Cycles
$ $ $ $ $
30,356 22,767 5,059 22,767 -
$ $ $ $ $
30,356 21,683 4,337 21,683 1,084
$ $ $ $ $
30,356 20,869 3,794 20,869 813
$ $ $ $ $
30,356 20,237 3,373 20,237 632
$ $ $ $ $
30,356 19,731 3,036 19,731 506
$ $ $ $ $
30,356 19,317 2,760 19,317 414
$ $ $ $ $
30,356 18,972 2,530 18,972 345
$ $ $ $ $
30,356 18,680 2,335 18,680 292
Cycles of Concentration Used in Analysis Below: 10
$16,864 Make-Up Water Cost
Make-Up Water Cost $1,405
$33,728 Waste Water Cost
Waste Water Cost $2,811
$50,593 Total Cost Prior to Credit
Total Cost Prior to Credit $4,216
$30,356 LESS: Annual Evaporation Credit
LESS: Monthly Evaporation Credit $2,530
$20,237 Total Cost After Proposed Credit
Total Cost After Proposed Credit $1,686
$3,373 Actual Blowdown Cost After Credit
Actual Blowdown Cost After Credit $281
Make-Up vs. Evaporation Analysis
5,000,000 4,000,000 Make Up 3,000,000
Blow Down
Water Usage / Waste Water Savings Analysis $50,087
Waste Water Cost
Make-Up Water Cost $30,356
$33,728 $16,864
$30,356 $20,869
Total Cost BEFORE Credit Estimated Evaporation Credit Total Cost After Proposed Credit
9 10 Cycles of Concentration
Here始s is the BASIC Cooling Tower Monitoring proposal. This is used when limited cooling tower information is provided, and when the prospective client is located in an area that doesn始t have a viable evaporation credit program offered through the water utility... COOLING TOWER MONITORING Client Name:
ABC Company
We appreciate the opportunity to show you a very affordable service that will help you maximize your cooling tower efficiency and save you from experiencing high water bills due to leaks and overflows. Our service is designed to give you the necessary data needed in order to maximize the efficiency of your cooling tower. By enrolling in our Cooling Tower Monitoring Service you will receive the following: * Access to our State-of-the-Art wireless remote monitoring equipment * Equipment Professional Installed and Wireless Network Activated * Real-time Monitoring of Cooling Tower Water Usage * 24/7 Worldwide Web Access to Data * Calibration of the monitoring equipment Specific to your cooling tower. * Hourly Monitoring Cycles of Concentration (COC), Make Up and Bleed Consumption * Optimizing Cycles of Concentration can save water and lower water bills. * Detection of Leaks, Overflows and Tower Upset Events when they occur. (One upset, if not detected immediately, could cost more the annual costs of our service.) * Automated Alerts (Email and/or Text Message) for Leaks, Overflows and Upset Events * Access Historical Usage Data Reports and Usage Trends To Optimize Tower Operations Our primary goals are to: * Maximize Cooling Tower Efficiency * Save Water Usage * Lower Water Bills * Provide Excellent Customer Service * Efficiently managing your COC will save you money.
Enrollment Fee (includes first month of monitoring):
Monthly Monitoring Service Fee (starting in Month 2):
Description Cooling Tower Monitoring Discount for Prepayment Total Net Due
Monthly $400.00 $0.00 $400.00
5% Discount @ 10% Discount @ 6-Month Prepay 12-Month Prepay $2,400.00 $4,800.00 ($120.00) ($480.00) $2,280.00 $4,320.00
Here始s is the COMPREHENSIVE Cooling Tower Monitoring proposal. This is used when adequate cooling tower information is provided. It is when the prospective client is located in an area that doesn始t have a viable evaporation credit program offered through the water utility. And it is used in combination with the ECS Cash Flow Analysis when the prospective client is located in an area with a viable program. COOLING TOWER MONITORING Client Name:
ABC Company
We appreciate the opportunity to show you a very affordable service that will help you maximize your cooling tower efficiency and save you from experiencing high water bills due to leaks and overflows. Our service is designed to give you the necessary data needed in order to maximize the efficiency of your cooling tower. By enrolling in our Cooling Tower Monitoring Service you will receive the following benefits: * Access to our State-of-the-Art wireless remote monitoring equipment * Equipment Professional Installed and Wireless Network Activated * Real-time Monitoring of Cooling Tower Water Usage * 24/7 Worldwide Web Access to Data * Calibration of the monitoring equipment Specific to your cooling tower. * Hourly Monitoring Cycles of Concentration (COC), Make Up and Bleed Consumption * Optimizing Cycles of Concentration can save water and lower water bills. * Detection of Leaks, Overflows and Tower Upset Events when they occur. (One upset, if not detected immediately, could cost more the annual costs of our service.) * Automated Alerts (Email and/or Text Message) for Leaks, Overflows and Upset Events * Access Historical Usage Data Reports and Usage Trends To Optimize Tower Operations Our primary goals are to: * Maximize Cooling Tower Efficiency * Save Water Usage * Lower Water Bills * Provide Excellent Customer Service * Efficiently managing your COC will save you money.
Enrollment Fee (includes first month of monitoring):
Monthly Monitoring Service Fee (starting in Month 2):
Description Cooling Tower Monitoring Discount for Prepayment Total Net Due
Monthly $400.00 $0.00 $400.00
5% Discount @ 10% Discount @ 6-Month Prepay 12-Month Prepay $2,400.00 $4,800.00 ($120.00) ($480.00) $2,280.00 $4,320.00
Cycles of Concentration Analysis: Evaporation remains constant regardless of water usage. Therefore, effectively managing your Cycles of Concentration (COC) will save you water and money. Simply compare your current cycles to the respective number of cycles to determine estimates savings (negative numbers) by increasing the number of cycles, or determine the estimate cost (positive numbers) by decreasing the number of cycles. Annual Costs (+) or Savings (-) Differential Based on Adjusting the Cycles of Concentration 3 Cycles 4 Cycles 5 Cycles 6 Cycles 7 Cycles 8 Cycles ($1,084.13) ($1,897.22) ($2,529.63) ($3,035.55) ($3,449.49) ($3,794.44) ($1,084.13) ($813.09) ($632.41) ($505.93) ($413.94) ($344.95)
Current Cycles 2 Cycles Incremental Costs/Savings
Current Cost $53,122.14
2 Cycles $0.00 $0.00
9 Cycles ($4,086.32) ($291.88)
3 Cycles Incremental Costs/Savings
$1,084.13 $1,084.13
$0.00 $0.00
($813.09) ($813.09)
($1,445.50) ($632.41)
($1,951.43) ($505.93)
($2,365.36) ($413.94)
($2,710.31) ($344.95)
($3,002.19) ($291.88)
4 Cycles Incremental Costs/Savings
$1,897.22 $1,084.13
$813.09 $813.09
$0.00 $0.00
($632.41) ($632.41)
($1,138.33) ($505.93)
($1,552.27) ($413.94)
($1,897.22) ($344.95)
($2,189.10) ($291.88)
5 Cycles Incremental Costs/Savings
$2,529.63 $1,084.13
$1,445.50 $813.09
$632.41 $632.41
$0.00 $0.00
($505.93) ($505.93)
($919.86) ($413.94)
($1,264.81) ($344.95)
($1,556.69) ($291.88)
6 Cycles Incremental Costs/Savings
$3,035.55 $1,084.13
$1,951.43 $813.09
$1,138.33 $632.41
$505.93 $505.93
$0.00 $0.00
($413.94) ($413.94)
($758.89) ($344.95)
($1,050.77) ($291.88)
7 Cycles Incremental Costs/Savings
$3,449.49 $1,084.13
$2,365.36 $813.09
$1,552.27 $632.41
$919.86 $505.93
$413.94 $413.94
$0.00 $0.00
($344.95) ($344.95)
($636.83) ($291.88)
8 Cycles Incremental Costs/Savings
$3,794.44 $1,084.13
$2,710.31 $813.09
$1,897.22 $632.41
$1,264.81 $505.93
$758.89 $413.94
$344.95 $344.95
$0.00 $0.00
($291.88) ($291.88)
9 Cycles Incremental Costs/Savings
$4,086.32 $1,084.13
$3,002.19 $813.09
$2,189.10 $632.41
$1,556.69 $505.93
$1,050.77 $413.94
$636.83 $344.95
$291.88 $291.88
$0.00 $0.00
Overflow & Leak Analysis: The severity of an overflow or leak determines the amount of water and money being wasted. The severity is contingent upon many factors, including the size of the cooling tower, the size of the make-up and blow-down pipes, the size of the float valve, as well as the length of time the overleak or leak goes undetected. As a result, it is difficult to accurately predict the cost (both in terms of wasted water and money) of a future upset. All cooling tower upsets are wasteful. Early detection goes a long way to saving you water and money. The following analysis accounts for the annual make-up water usage, and assumes an upset is a percentage of that total usage. Each percentage increment takes in account the percentage of annual make-up water usage, and multiplies it by the total cost of water (water + sewer) to estimate to potential cost of an upset. A national survey of cooling towers determined that 40% of cooling towers incur some type of upset in a given month. An upset is defined as an overflow, leak, or when the COC get thrown out of balance. Description Annual Water Usage Total Current Water/Waste Cost Total Water Cost Water Cost Waste Water Cost
Parameters 7,181 $57,600.00 $8.02 $2.67 $5.35
1% 72 $576.00
5% 359 $2,880.00
10% 718 $5,760.00
20% 1,436 $11,520.00
40% 2,872 $23,040.00
60% 4,308 $34,560.00
80% 5,745 $46,080.00
100% 7,181 $57,600.00
Here始s is the Cash Flow Analysis, which is used for clients to decide which ECS program to enter. In this instance, the client enrolls directly in the Evaporation Credit Service. We work directly with the water utility to get them enrolled in the water utility program.
Evaporation Credit Service Cash Flow Analysis Client Name:
ABC Company
Estimated Monthly Evaporation Credit: Estimated Annual Evaporation Credit:
$2,530 $30,356
$2,500 $0 $2,500
$2,500 $3,000 $5,500
$2,500 $6,000 $8,500
EVAPORATION CREDIT SPLITS: Client % - Year 1 Client % - Subsequent Years
30% 60%
50% 65%
70% 70%
AEG/ % - Year 1 AEG/ % - Subsuquent Years
70% 40%
50% 35%
30% 30%
ESTIMATED MONTHLY CREDITS: Average Monthly Credit per Water Bill Analysis Average Annual Credit per Water Bill Analysis
$2,530 $30,356
$2,530 $30,356
$2,530 $30,356
YEAR 1 ESTIMATES (+/- 10%): Client % - Year 1 First Year Estimated Gross Revenue LESS: Total Investment Net First Year Cash Flow Return On Investment
30% $9,107 ($2,500) $6,607 364%
50% $15,178 ($5,500) $9,678 276%
70% $21,249 ($8,500) $12,749 250%
SUBSEQUENT YEARS ESTIMATES (+/- 10%): Client % - Subsequent Years Subsequent Years Estimated Gross Revenue
60% $18,213
65% $19,731
70% $21,249
Client 2 Year Cumulative Gross Revenue Generated 2 Year Return On Investment Average Annualized Return On Investment
$27,320 1093% 546%
$34,909 635% 317%
$42,498 500% 250%
Client 3 Year Cumulative Gross Revenue Generated 3 Year Return On Investment Average Annualized Return On Investment
$45,533 1821% 607%
$54,640 993% 331%
$63,747 750% 250%
Client 5 Year Cumulative Gross Revenue Generated 5 Year Return On Investment Average Annualized Return On Investment
$81,960 3278% 656%
$94,102 1711% 342%
$106,244 1250% 250%
Client 10 Year Cumulative Gross Revenue Generated 10 Year Return On Investment Average Annualized Return On Investment
$173,026 6921% 692%
$192,757 3505% 350%
$212,489 2500% 250%
* Enroll in the program that best meets your needs. Essentially, you are buying your split. Therefore, the higher the upfront dollars, the higher the split. ArkEnergy Group retains ownership of the equipment that is used in the cooling tower monitoring and calibration of the monthly credit. Customer retains ownership of any water meters that had to be installed in order for the monitoring/calibration equipment to work.
Here始s is the Cash Flow Analysis, which is used for clients to decide which ECS program to enter. This particular analysis is used in an area that requires an upfront designated time period in which monthly meter readings are required to establish a baseline credit. Once the baseline credit is established, the client receives a retrocative credit for the baseline collection period. In this instance, the client enrolls in the Cooling Tower Monitoring program for the baseline collection period, then adds on the Evaporation Credit Service once the credit is established, and we get them officially enrolled in the water utility program. Average ECS Fee Subsequent Years: (See Cash Flow Analysis Below) Program A: $1,011.85 Program B: $885.37 Program C: $758.89
Evaporation Credit Service Cash Flow Analysis Client Name:
ABC Company
Monthly Monitoring to Establish Baseline Estimated Monthly Evaporation Credit: Estimated Annual Evaporation Credit:
$400 $2,530 $30,356 ECS PROGRAM A
$2,500 $4,800 $0 $7,300
$2,500 $4,800 $3,000 $10,300
$2,500 $4,800 $6,000 $13,300
EVAPORATION CREDIT SPLITS: Client % - Year 1 Client % - Subsequent Years
30% 60%
50% 65%
70% 70%
AEG/ % - Year 1 AEG/ % - Subsuquent Years
70% 40%
50% 35%
30% 30%
ESTIMATED MONTHLY CREDITS: Average Monthly Credit per Water Bill Analysis Average Annual Credit per Water Bill Analysis
$2,530 $30,356
$2,530 $30,356
$2,530 $30,356
YEAR 1 ESTIMATES (+/- 10%): Client % - Year 1 One-Time Retroactive Evaporation Credit LESS: Total Investment Net First Year Cash Flow Return On Investment
30% $30,356 ($7,300) $23,056 416%
50% $30,356 ($10,300) $20,056 295%
70% $30,356 ($13,300) $17,056 228%
SUBSEQUENT YEARS ESTIMATES (+/- 10%): Client % - Subsequent Years Subsequent Years Estimated Gross Revenue
60% $18,213
65% $19,731
70% $21,249
Client 2 Year Cumulative Gross Revenue Generated 2 Year Return On Investment Average Annualized Return On Investment
$48,569 665% 333%
$50,087 486% 243%
$51,604 388% 194%
Client 3 Year Cumulative Gross Revenue Generated 3 Year Return On Investment Average Annualized Return On Investment
$66,782 915% 305%
$69,818 678% 226%
$72,853 548% 183%
Client 5 Year Cumulative Gross Revenue Generated 5 Year Return On Investment Average Annualized Return On Investment
$103,209 1414% 283%
$109,280 1061% 212%
$115,351 867% 173%
Client 10 Year Cumulative Gross Revenue Generated 10 Year Return On Investment Average Annualized Return On Investment
$194,275 2661% 266%
$207,935 2019% 202%
$221,595 1666% 167%
* Enroll in the program that best meets your needs. Essentially, you are buying your split. Therefore, the higher the upfront dollars, the higher the split. ArkEnergy Group retains ownership of the equipment that is used in the cooling tower monitoring and calibration of the monthly credit. Customer retains ownership of any water meters that had to be installed in order for the monitoring/calibration equipment to work.