conservation - generation - preservation
Generating power from within...
regarding our platform.
An interview with Robert Lockwood, founder
When looking out into the environment, what do you see? I see devastation to Mother Earth occurring every day. Too many corporations and countries completely disregard how their decisions and actions are damaging and depleting nature’s resources. All of the political uprisings throughout the world, the global economic turmoil, and the natural disasters are correlated. As Leonardo da Vinci aptly stated “Everything is connected.” When looking out into the economy, what do you see? I see countless opportunities to help change the world in meaningful ways. At, we are doing our part, as we provide solutions to challenging water & energy-related problems.
for ourselves to view the world full of limitless opportunities. We are generating power from within. Our organization is comprised of ordinary folks doing extra-ordinary things during the worst economic climate of our lifetime. We are motivated by opportunity, not driven by fear. We create our own positive news, not enabling ourselves to get caught up in the chaos of our times. Our momentum continues to grow, as more people are joining in our collective efforts, strengthening our overall presence in the marketplace. What do these efforts consist of? We are a sales force of energy advisors and dealers bringing forth innovation to the marketplace.
portfolio of energy & water solutions, from design through installation. What do you mean your vision is a sustainable future? It means that we need to change our ways in the short term to meet our present day needs without jeopardizing the needs of future generations. Why is what you are doing relevant at this time? Because we continue to damage Mother Earth and deplete her resources. And, since commercial and industrial buildings are the largest energy hogs, they represent one of the greatest areas of potential improvement.
Each and everyone one of us have the power from within to decide how we view the world. We can decide to succumb to listening and believing the media, thus falling prey to doom, gloom and fear. Or, we can decide to take responsibility
Our vision is a sustainable future. Transforming buildings is our focus. Our mission is to vastly improve energy and water efficiencies in those buildings throughout America; improving the environment and assisting organizations to become more profitable. Our strategy integrates a full
How do you approach the transformation of a building? We have an integrated approach based on our guiding principle, which is to “conserve first, then generate.” Our goal is find our clients money, save them money and make them money through the utilization of innovative energy & water technologies and services. Our integrated approach
Generating power from within...
September 2011
includes five components.
1. We audit bills, audit buildings, and help to secure the best energy plans for our clients.
What is the number one priority that we as a country need to focus on? Job creation. Most politicians don’t understand business. And, most corporate executives don’t know how to unleash the power of their people.
2. We recommend and deploy conservation solutions, including our evaporation credit service for water cooling towers, wireless building automation, commercial refrigeration efficiency, as well as HVAC efficiency. 3. We recommend and deploy generation solutions, including solar power, solar thermal, solar off-grid lighting, wind power, and electric car charging. 4. We provide access to capital, including bank financing, leasing, utility incentive, as well as federal and state incentives. 5. We promote our clients to build awareness of positive change to encourage others to do the same.
If Americans continue to rely on our government and the corporate world to dig us out of the economic mess we are in, then our downward spiral will continue. In other words, if Americans continue to rely on outside factors to fix their problems, then their problems will persist. What has led to our economic crisis? Corporatocracy. Greed. Power. Control. Media. Consciousness. Over the past two decades, the joining together of politicians and corporate executives driven by greed, power and control have led us to the most devastating outcomes for the Earth and our society at large.
consciousness of people. We are conditioned by what is drilled into our minds. The state of the economy is no more than a mere reflection as to how society perceives it. When we are conditioned based on fear, control, greed, power, and lack, then that is what our consciousness believes. What will lead us out of this economic crisis? The viable answer to our economic woes is the banding together of like-minded entrepreneurs - those with the consciousness that realize our power comes from within; those that don’t succumb to the negativity projected by the media; those with the gumption to take matters into their own hands, not waiting for outside forces to fix their problems. We are building our organization based on trust, integrity, transparency, equality, diversity, and performance. We are a strengths-based organization, positioning people to do what they do best every day.
Do you also provide solutions for environmental problems outside of commercial and industrial buildings? Yes. We provide transparency and accountability for gas and oil drilling operations. We achieve this by providing a realtime monitoring system to measure the water and air quality of drilling operations and the surrounding water ways to ensure that the drilling is not having a negative impact on the environment. Our technology provides gas and oil companies the monitoring of safe drilling, a proactive means to respond immediately if a problem arises, while assuring the community that they are not damaging the
Globalization, no doubt, created opportunities. Although, it has created an interdependence. Local issues are now global issues. And, we are depleting finite energy and water sources like never before. With China and India becoming westernized, an ever-increasing world population, along with the arrogant consumption-minded society of America, our current pathway is destruction. The media is the biggest culprit for solidifying the downright fearful mindset of society. Media has converted news into entertainment, and their form of entertainment is based in a competitive landscape of drama. The media molds the is built with these factors in mind, and more. We provide a low-cost way for folks to “plug in and sell” through accessing our dynamic and supportive infrastructure. We provide all of the resources for people to build their own green business within our business. In addition, existing companies can integrate our portfolio of green technologies and services into their offering; quickly and affordably expanding their value to customers and market share.
Generating power from within...
What prevents people from starting a business of their own? Access to capital; a lack of a viable infrastructure; and fear.
September 2011
Fear is holding back the American economy. Fear has brought about a sense of hopelessness. As long as we perceive matters in this way, the economy will not get better.
soul attempting to guide us in the right direction. We were taught to ignore our feelings, and place our focus on thinking our way through challenges. Our intuition, or gut-feeling, proves to be such an accurate barometer when reflecting in hindsight. Yet, we continue to go against this intangible part of our existence.
A paradigm shift in our consciousness needs to occur. We need to stop being controlled by outside influences, and each of us need to connect with our inner self to truly do the soul searching necessary to figure out our life’s purpose. Discovering our purpose brings about a sense of hope. Hope leads to a sense of pride. Reinvigorating the U.S. economy equates to reinvigorating our sense of pride throughout our country. Our pride is demonstrated through our passion. Our passion leads us to unleashing the power of our potential. And, the power of our potential is generated from within.
“I have a body” acknowledges that our intangible soul is the core of our existence, and therefore, our body is one of the many aspects that rounds out who we are as a person. We occupy our body during this lifetime, and when we pass, our tangible shell remains, while our soul moves onto the next chapter of our existence.
Connecting with one’s higher self means becoming grounded and centered in terms of who we are as a person. Grounded people tend to make the right decisions for society and the universe at large; they tend to have a giving nature about themselves; they tend to look at humans as an extension of nature and evolution; they tend to view the world through their individualized perspective; and they tend to care for the environment.
What does this have to do with business, the economy and the reality of our times? As mentioned before, everything is connected. At some point in our human evolution, we disconnected ourselves from nature. We have even taken on an arrogant viewpoint that nature is here to serve us. And, it is because of these two critical dynamics, we have ended up right where we are today.
Our power doesn’t come from politicians, nor corporate executives, nor law makers or accountants. Our power comes from having faith and belief in ourselves that each and every one of us can make a difference. Collectively, we can make a substantial difference. Therefore, collectively, as entrepreneurs, we are a primary catalyst to the turnaround of the U.S. economy. is evolving an organization of grounded people who tend to view the world through a perspective that we are part of nature, and therefore, need to align with nature for the universe to properly evolve. Our current day actions have created an imbalance, and a transformation of human identity is required to shift society into proper alignment with the universe.
The reality is that we are an extension of nature, just like birds, trees and the oceans. Therefore, nature is a reflection of ourselves. As we continue to drain the Earth of finite energy resources, pollute her water ways, and cut down her trees, we are just damaging ourselves, as well as future generations. Are we so ignorant and selfish to overlook our current day actions and behaviors by simply passing on our problems to our children, their children, and their children? What disgusts me is that we have the innovation,
What do you mean by connecting with our inner self? We need to unlearn what we’ve learned about human identity. We were taught that “I am my body” and not “I have a body.” “I am my body” only acknowledges our tangible identity. It completely overlooks our intuition, which is our inner-voice, higher-self, or
Generating power from within...
aptitude, resources, and motivation to make the needed changes to get us back in balance with nature. Doing so will get us back in balance with ourselves. And, what I see standing in the way are smallminded people that happen to be in positions of power and control. Controlling people tend to be insecure people. They control others because they are not in control of themselves.
We are an organization of change-makers, bringing about relevant solutions to many serious water and energyrelated problems we face. We are attracting people who can effectively help to deploy these solutions throughout the marketplace. Prosperity. Abundance. Gratefulness. Life balance.
September 2011
"Water is the driving force of all nature" - Leonardo da Vinci
earth energy evolution efficiency ecosystem economics environment empowering change to enhance our earth.
866.9sav.nrg (972-8674)