2021-22 Annual Report

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www.princetonmontessori.org 2021-22 Annual Report Compassionate Faculty Hands-On-Learning Opportunities Enhanced Outdoor Environments Nurturing Potential. Igniting Passion.

Board of Trustees

“A Montessori education is so much more than academic preparation; it is, as Dr. Montessori declared, ‘an education for life.’ As a community of parents, faculty, and staff, we are committed to aiding the children’s self construction so that they can become themselves, find their passions, and develop their potential, all while learning to value community, the earth, and their role in society. I can think of no greater investment than a Montessori education.” - Michelle Morrison, Head of School

Dear Princeton Montessori School Community,

It is our hope that this annual report will give you insight into our strategic advances, in support of our mission, and provide evidence of responsible fiscal care of our nonprofit organization. As a school, we are committed to providing the highest quality education according to the Montessori philosophy and to meeting best practices in independent school management. Through meaningful and timely communication, transparency in our governance of the school, and engaging our parent body in a way that serves its educational and communitybuilding needs, we seek to build and sustain a healthy, informed community.

This collective good work, on behalf of the children we serve, is evident daily throughout the school. In addition, your support ensures we are able to meet or exceed our strategic goals in service of the community. Thank you for your contributions of time, talents, and financial support! With dedicated and passionate faculty and staff, strong leadership, support from our families, and sound governance by the trustees, Princeton Montessori School will be here for generations to come!

With Gratitude, Princeton Montessori School Board of Trustees


Parent Association

Dear Parents,

The Parent Association of Princeton Montessori School is a vibrant and active organization of parent volunteers whose mission is to maintain a strong partnership and open communication among parents, faculty, and school administration. It strives to foster a warm and welcoming sense of community, with opportunities for involvement in school life and connections among Princeton Montessori parents. Parents or legal guardians of students currently attending Princeton Montessori School are automatically considered members and are invited to actively participate.

We continued to feel the impact of Covid-19 during the 2021-22 school year, but thankfully, to a lesser degree than the year prior. While we were unable to execute all the events we planned, we did succeed in meeting our most important goals.

At Back to School night, the school introduced WhatsApp groups for classrooms and parents to offer easy and efficient communication. Room parents used the new tool to plan activities including Halloween and Thanksgiving gatherings, spontaneous meetups, and fall/spring playdates.

In an effort to respond to the needs of the greater Princeton area community, the Parent Association organized three major drives supporting child-focused charitable organizations. These efforts gave students the opportunity to learn about the needs of others and empower them to make a difference in their own communities.

The committee’s first food drive of the year was launched before Thanksgiving to benefit Mount Carmel Guild. Outdoor signage, flyers at drop-off, and reminders via WhatsApp resulted in positive success for the drive. The second drive was December’s Holiday Giving Drive supporting the Children’s Home Society. Donations of toys, hats, and gloves benefited local families in need. In the spring, the committee organized support of Trenton Area Soup Kitchen with an emphasis on inspiring and engaging students in the process. Primary to Middle School-aged students decorated bags, made cards, and assembled food deliveries.

In April, we held a fun and engaging “Paint and Sip” for parents to come together on campus and socialize. Similarly, a new PMonts Community Facebook Group page was launched as a place to share local events, seek recommendations, and promote local, family-friendly activities.

The Parent Association expressed heartfelt gratitude to the teachers and staff that make Princeton Montessori School such a wonderful experience for our children. This appreciation was recognized and extended to faculty with a Jammin’ Crepes Food Truck over the holidays as well as an end-of-the-year Faculty Appreciation Luncheon—both of which were organized and funded by parents.

The Parent Association looks forward to another year of connecting with families, the school and our community. We encourage all of our families to get involved!

Warm Regards,

Desirée Reitknecht & Marisa Young

2021-22 Parent Association Co-Chairs



Desirée Reitknecht

Marisa Young

Secretary & Communications

Rachel Periera

Community Service Coordinators

Providence More Samantha Brody

Room Parents

Infant - Danielle Perlman Toddler

• Robin - Clare Kowalak

• HummingbirdVanessa Limbrick

• Cardinal - Kara Reed

• Goldfinch - Susan Beshel


• Rose - Samantha Strickland, Lisa Wolfe

• Pansy - Catherine Talton

• Tulip - Jennifer Barthelemy

• Sunflower - Maggie Callahan

LE - Inhwa Lee

UE - Shabnam Salih

MS - Sandeep Kaur

Princeton Common Ground Representative

Whitney Hung Social Committee Chairs

Rupa Mohan Maria Wimmers


Strategic Plan Update

Strategic Plan and Outcomes

As we look to the future of the school, we envision a thriving, accessible, and diverse institution that is academically exceptional, progressive, environmentallyfriendly, and grounded in Montessori philosophy and best educational practices. Our future community of learners and their parents will be connected, equally dedicated, and supportive of the organization and its constituents. The strategic work we do in the coming years will be to this end.

The following strategic goals and outcomes were established in 2017 and extended through 2022 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We look forward to engaging the entire community as we look toward our future and begin to develop a new strategic plan beginning in spring 2023.

2017–2022 Strategic Plan


Ensure all programs offer the highest quality education according to Montessori standards. Ensure Upper School uses 21st century best practices and measures and communicates student outcomes.

Outcome: Increased innovation, quality assurance communication, full enrollment, and increased diversity and inclusion.

Faculty & Staff Attract, retain, and develop an outstanding, open-minded, compassionate, and diverse faculty who embody a growth mindset, are committed to our organizational goals, and work in alignment with administration to ensure excellence in education and strong parent relationships.

Outcome: Enhanced accountability measures, competitive and transparent compensation, and exceptional staffing.

In September 2021 Princeton Montessori signed a contract for the installation of a solar array to contribute to the fight against climate change, inspire students, and save on energy costs.


Strengthen our financial platform to best serve the school’s mission, values, and long-term sustainability.

Outcome: Sustainable expense model, long-term tuition and retention model, and data-driven action.

Internal Community

Ensure parents have a solid understanding and an appreciation of how a Princeton Montessori School education meets and exceeds academic standards while incorporating life skills that serve children as they reach adulthood. Communication models and parent offerings will aid in building community involvement and school appreciation.

Outcome: Increased parent knowledge and appreciation for Montessori education, increased parent participation in community events, and effective communication with our external community.


Strategic Plan Update

External Community

Leverage relationships with outside service organizations to increase educational offerings and create broader community awareness and support of the school.

Outcome: Nurture strong alumni relationships, cultivate local relationships, and strengthen Montessori relationships.


Maximize the potential of the school’s beautiful grounds and state-of-the-art facilities for student learning purposes. Promote this aspect to seek other revenue sources for the school by engaging mission-friendly organizations across the greater community. Ensure the facilities are maintained and improved upon for long-term sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Outcome: Strengthen community relations, maximize our campus, and achieve environmentally-friendly operations.


Effectively convey the attributes and advantages of a Princeton Montessori School education.

Outcome: Continue to build a strong reputation, consistent and visible brand awareness, and effective marketing strategies.

Montessori Moments

Special thanks to Tamara Gillon, professional photographer and Princeton Montessori School parent, who visited the school throughout the year to capture some of the magical moments that happen throughout the day. Her donation of time and talent has helped us to effectively convey the attributes and advantages of a Princeton Montessori School education by documenting the Montessori moments!


Dear Princeton Montessori School Community,

I am very pleased to share with you Princeton Montessori School’s healthy financial standing for the twelve-month period from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Revenues for the 2021-2022 fiscal year totaled $7,185,242 against $6,858,482 of expenses.

93% of our revenues resulted from tuition and fees, 5% from PCTE programs, with the Annual Fund contributing the remaining balance. Thanks to the generosity of parents, staff, alumni, and the Board of Trustees, the Annual Fund totaled $135,041.

With respect to the school’s expenses, 67% of the revenues were used to cover personnel’s salaries, benefits and professional development; with the remaining spent for operating expenses, debt service coverage, premises, and supplies and class activities. Specifically, we paid $226,591 for debt service coverage this year. The school’s mortgage was refinanced in early 2020 with favorable terms compared to the current interest rates and carries a balance of $6,441,689 as of June 30, 2022.

Our investments into the school were at record levels this year with $310,837 invested for building improvement and accessories, $19,586 for technology, and $43,075 for furniture.

We closed the 2021-2022 fiscal year with a net surplus of $326,760. This amount was added to our liquidity reserves. Thank you for your commitment to the school and your continued support.

Kind Regards, Ugur Koyluoglu

Board of Trustees, Finance Committee Chair

Enrollment Overview 2020-21 2021-22 Infant 10 15 Toddler 27 55 Primary 58 78 LE 25 25 UE 26 30 MS 18 24 Total 164 227 5.
Financials for the 2021-22 Fiscal Year Financials Above presented figures are our unaudited financials for the 2021-22 Fiscal Year. They are sourced from the school’s financial management reports. Each year, an external auditor audits the school’s financials records and prepares an independent report on its findings by the end of November. This audit report is used for official filing purposes. Capital Expenditures: $19,586 Technology Software $43,075 Furniture Total Revenues: $7,185,242 n Net Tuition and Fees - $6,210,465 n SummerQuest - $492,369 n PCTE - $333,649 n Annual Fund - $135,041 n Other - $13,718 86.4% 4.6% 1.9% 6.9% 70.1% 5.4% 10.4% 3.3%Total Expenses: $6,858,482 n Personnel - $4,806,118 n Supplies and Class Activities - $369,523 n Operating - $714,361 n Premises - $741,889 n Debt Service Coverage - $226,591 Surplus Income: $326,760 = 4.55% 10.8% $310,837 Building Improvements and Accessories .2% 6.

Annual Giving

Dear Princeton Montessori School Parents, Faculty, and Friends,

On behalf of the Princeton Montessori School Board of Trustees, we extend our sincerest gratitude to all of you who contribute to our community. For those who donated to the 2021-22 Annual Campaign, your generosity allowed the school to fund faculty development, purchase new materials and equipment for the children, and ensure our ability to meet operational expenses. You can see your donations at work across all programs, for which we are most grateful.

As with many other independent schools, tuition alone does not cover all of the school’s annual operating expenses. In fact, tuition only covers 86% of these costs. The school relies on donations from trustees, parents, alumni, corporations and friends of the school to bridge this gap. And remember, all donations to the Annual Campaign are 100% tax-deductible. We are incredibly grateful to all of those who helped support the campaign last year. We were delighted to see so many families among the list of our generous contributors!

We hope you will make Princeton Montessori School a priority in your family’s philanthropic endeavors again this 2022-23 school year. Every gift makes a difference, no matter how large or small. Thank you for helping to support this wonderful institution.


Regards, Pete Egbert, Caroline Scriven, Justin Yi ‘02, and Rita Zetterberg Trustees, Development Committee


2021-22 Campaign Donors

Founders Club $10,000+ Dr. Urvish Bidkar and Mrs. Sunanda Nair-Bidkar Peter & Mary Ellen Egbert Joseph & Lisa Wolfe

Leaders’ Club $5,000-9,999 Anonymous (2) Alexander Cardona and Sandeep Kaur Anjum Khan

Mr. and Mrs. U. Koyluoglu Caroline and Thomas Scriven Justin Yi ‘02 Rita Zetterberg

Cornerstone Club $2,500-4,999 Abi Family Louis and Amal Barrood Hanstveit Family Kevin Sullivan and Rebecca Piccone Mr. Danpeng Zhang and Ms. Lulin Zhong

Patrons’ Club $1,000-$2,499

Anonymous Laura and Robert Berness

Catherine Chung and David Livshiz James Chambers Choi-Shields Family Melissa and Lee Davis George Faltaous Rehana Farrell Gregov Family Barbara Hart Janssen Family John and Deborah Lynch Michelle and Rick Morrison Jennifer Ni and Wei Sun Jennifer Piasio Reed Family Saltarelli Family Skeuse Family Rachel Torres Weber/Lin Family Maria and Eric Wimmers Michael and Nicholl Young

Innovators’ Club $300-999

Anonymous Amy and Adrian Banner Tracey Baskin Betz Family Chloe Brown and Hal Friedlander Burnfield Family Adam and Emily Gasthalter Pat Hlafter

Livingston and Maria Johnson John and Clare Kowalak

Providence More Lee Noriega Parker/Friedland Family Binaisha Rebello Nathan Weaver and Sarah Yang Mumma Peter and Alice Yi Xiaoqian Zhao and Jiancong Sheng Ethan Yue’s Family

Creators’ Club $101-299 Anonymous (2) Jennifer Aguilar Joe Amon and Erin Galbraith Rafael Andujar Mr and Mrs T Brenner Adithya and Divya Chandrashekhar

Tom and Ginny Cusack Curran-Venkateswaran Family Dube Family Scott Eckstein Ashley and John Egner Banu Eser

From an old friend for my “second home” John Gelson

Amy Gerstacker

Tamara Gillon Photography Vanita and Jeet Gulati

Catherine Hilton Taylor Hwong and Jessica Koster

Jain-Edwards family Gery Juleff

Bridget Manley Kathy and Rob Marmion Meier Family Lisa Meisenbacher Monteiro Family Tishun Myers Harpreet and Parul Pall

Vaishali Patel

Petry-Reitknecht Family Julia and Pietro Saminathan Ramachandran Shazah Sabuhi and Razi Hasan Nancy D’Andrea Monica Schneider and Alan Abes Schnitzer Family Chance Van Sciver Strickland Family Christopher and Kathryn Sullivan Carla Tagliente and Jess Vamvas Joyce Tatsch

Margaret Thompson Watson Family Andre Wowk Young Family

Sustainers’ Club up to $100

Anonymous (3) Delmy Barrera Sandhya Bemby Susan Beshel Randi Bucy Martha Chaux

Jennifer Christiano-Boyle Anna Ifft

Craig and Beth Kennedy Amy Krupa Elena Kurnov

Derry Light

Leslie Magliaro

Sue Ellen Miller

Samantha Brody Moses Dr. Xan Nowakowski

Dorothy Paul Rachel Pereira

Luciano and Alona Procaccini Mary Reuter-May Sue Saad

Adam Schnitzer Tali Schnitzer

Javier Silva

Olga and Edgar Soto Soto Medina Family

Jill Spiro Mrs. Anna Suh

Kristen VonWachenfeldt Jazmine Walker Ann Woodrow


Ukrainian Initiative


In response to the Ukrainian war and refugee crisis that unfolded in the spring of 2022, the Princeton Montessori School Board of Trustees redirected donations from the school’s traditional spring fundraising effort directly to Ukrainian refugees through a “Montessori-to-Montessori” program via the Polish Montessori Council. Thanks to the generosity of our trustees and extended community, we collectively raised over $40,000 of critical funding support for Ukrainian refugees at Montessori schools throughout Poland. Your gifts went directly into the hands of Ukrainian families to support their basic needs while providing access to Montessori education.

Princeton Montessori School has a long history of helping to develop Montessori schools in Ukraine. Through the Ukrainian-American Montessori Project—in collaboration with Princeton Montessori School and Princeton Center for Teacher Education (PCTE)—our school helped develop the Ukrainian Montessori model, schools, and teacher training program. From that initiative, strong relationships were formed that continue to this day through our former Head of

School and Director of Teacher Training, Marsha Stencel, and Ginny Cusack, founder and former director of Princeton Center for Teacher Education. Ginny currently serves as consultant and accreditation coordinator for the Ukrainian Montessori Center, a Montessori teacher training center located in Kyiv.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our entire community for your generosity of spirit, which has aided these Polish Montessorians who are so courageously and tirelessly working to be a light in a time of profound darkness.



Carol Anderson

Nancy Ayers

Louis and Amal Barrood

Judi Bauerlein

Laura and Robert Berness

Betz Family

Dr. Urvish Bidkar and Mrs. Sunanda Nair-Bidkar

Burnfield Family

Jessica Case

Choi-Shields Family

Ginger Christie-Cook

Cibbarelli Family

Dorian Cohen

Melissa and Lee Davis

Alexander Davis Banu Eser

Rehana Farrell Chandra Fernando Vanita & Jeet Gulati

Gina Herrera-Pennacchi

Cynthia Hill

Kiersten Huckel

Janssen Family

Prashanth Jayachandran

Gery Juleff

Carolyn Kambich

Anjum Khan

Raheel Khan Amy Krupa

Elena Kurnov

Fang Luo

Lisa Meisenbacher

Elizbeth Milewski

Michelle and Rick Morrison

Suzanne Mulder

Jennifer Ni and Wei Sun

Lee Noriega

Andrea O’Brian

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Perkins III

Jeremy Perlman

Jennifer Piasio

Princeton Montessori Society

Elizabeth Rapacchietta

Saltarelli Family

Dale Santos

Jennifer Schaeffer

Vivian Scherer

David Schoenherr

Caroline and Thomas Scriven

Sameer Shukla

Skeuse Family

Clara Soto

Jill Spiro

Marsha and Joe Stencel Karen Tobin

Rachel Torres

Norah Wasden Watson Family Kate Wood

Justin Yi ‘02

“If we are to reach real peace in this world . . . we shall have to begin with the children.”
-Mahatma Gandhi

Our Mission

Princeton Montessori School is dedicated to developing passion and nurturing the potential in each child, through the values and principles of the Montessori philosophy.

We promote intrinsic motivation, independence, social responsibility, and a love of learning so that as global citizens, our students can lead fulfilling lives and work to better the world.

Princeton Montessori School 487 Cherry Valley Road Princeton, New Jersey 08540 609-924-4594


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