'22/'23 PHS Spring Orchestra Concert

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P r i n c e t o n H i g h S c h o o l P r i n c e t o n H i g h S c h o o l S p r i n g O r c h e s t r a C o n c e r t S p r i n g O r c h e s t r a C o n c e r t THE PRINCETON MUSIC DEPARTMENT Matthews Auditorium I May 1, 2023 I 7:00 p.m. proudly presents PHS Spring Orchestra Concert PHS Spring Orchestra Concert

Best Communities for Music Education Award

We did it again!

Congratulations! The NAMM Foundation has recognized your Princeton City School District for the outstanding efforts of teachers, administrators, parents, students, and community leaders who are making music part of a well-rounded education for every child in their communities. We salute the commitment of your community, so every child can learn and grow with music.

Princeton High School was named Tri-M® Music Honor Society State Chapter of the Year!

On behalf of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) and the Music Honor Society Advisory Council, it is with sincere congratulations that we recognize Princeton High School Tri-M Chapter 6264 as the winner of the 2021-2022 State Tri-M Chapter of the Year Award for Ohio! We thank you for your outstanding contribution to your music program, to your school, and to your entire community.

by William Boyce, arr. by Daniel Kazez

Salute to Michael Jackson..............................................arr. by Robert Longfield

Viva La Vida.............................................................................arr. by Larry Moore




Canon in B Muse......................................................................by Shirl Jae Atwell

Colors of the Wind.................................................................arr. by John Higgins

Epic Adventure....................................................................by Kathryn Griesinger




Fanfare...............................by Paul Dukas, arranged by Deborah Baker Monday

Gray Orchestra

Ms. Marie Knueven, Director

Violin I

Casey Allen^

Alexandria Calvert

Lillian Comello

Caitlyn Deubell^

Sergio Gutierrez^

Sanaa Jones

William Jones

Gabino Martinez^

Naila Martinez^

Michael Olvera-Bautista

Cassandra Robbins^

Yudeliz Sanchez

Trinity Turvey+^

Violin II

Cori Blanchard

Lydia Bright-Sparks

Jacob Broach

Heaven Carr-Williams

Miranda Domingo

Lizza Hernandez Marquin

Yazmeen Hocker-Mott

Antonia Martinez

Carlos Ortiz Leiva

Khushi Patel

Angel Rischar

+Northern Cincinnati Youth Orchestra Member, ^2023 Senior

Violin II, cont.

Zilem Roblero Gonzalez

Alexander Sandoval Mendez

Reyna Spence


Brian Castillo Munguia

Anna Diaz

Morris Hodge

Natalie Maidlow

Kevin Olvera

Chloe Thurston

Kiyah Toler


Jaylynn Castro-Perez

Samya Clay

Sarah Keller

Gracian O’Neal^

Double Bass

Harlee Fetick

Robert Georgeff

Kohen Mason

James Thompson^

Sam Van Buren

Scarlet Orchestra

Dr. Syndy Casey, Director Miss Lesley Schultz, Assistant Director

Violin I

Aubrie Cole

Paytyn DePeel

Adiaya Hammond

Leslie Lara

Maria Martell Rivera

Athziri Mendoza Maradiaga^

Ciara Mills

Keily Perez Tojil

Jose Revollo-Onofre

Milo Strainic

Melanie Tellez

Nicole Williams^

Violin II

Karah Bender

Caleeah Carter

Kali Fortson

Jennifer Mendoza-Lopez

Cynthya Rivera-Gonzalez

Gisselle Ruiz

Summer Sandusky

Liliana Santos-Gomez

Giovanna Suriano

Jordan Tillie

Madison Thompson

Hayden Turner

Kassia Williams^


Jack Behr

Maliyah Broadnax

Kaela Sherman

Deja Shipley


Mariana Barragan Medina

Hannah Bayrak

Justin Hernandez

Mikayla Maidlow

Gabriella Marque’z

Maggie Perkins

Double Bass

Riivr Irwin

Elizabeth Marcotte

Anna Schmahl

+Northern Cincinnati Youth Orchestra Member, ^2023 Senior

Symphonic Orchestra

Ms. Marie Knueven, Director Miss Lesley Schultz, Assistant Director

Violin I

Brooke Barry

Marissa Broeders&^

Nakeya Doughman^

Lillian Edmiston

Lara Goodall*&+

Nhu Le^

Jazmine Lorenzo

Edlin Murray

Rachel Sherwood^

Amanda Tulloss^

Violin II

Nigel Adjei-Mensah

Michael Crawford

Eleanor Jacobs

Madeline Jacobs^

Anna Jaimes

Katelynn Jones

Conor Kelly

Brady Lewis

Yaquelin Montes de Oca-Carrillo

Victoria Smith


Jacqueline Alonso^

Conner Fey

Morris Hodge

Kalee Knight

Mason Morris

Isabel VonStein

Lilian Walton

Madison Wiedemann^


Isabella Gilmore

Justine Head

Reagan Logsdon

Ariana Watson^

Michael Yuwono

Double Bass

Kindall Benjamin*#^

Malachi Huntley-Raglin^

Carly Nagel

Caleb Thompson

*CSYO Member, #CSYO Nouveau member &BPYO Member, +SWRO Member, ^2023 Senior


Marie Knueven is one of the orchestra directors at PCMS and PHS. Ms. Knueven earned a Bachelor of Music Education degree from the University of Louisville and a Master of Music in Music Education degree from the University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music. Prior to teaching at Princeton, she taught elementary, middle, and high school orchestra in Warren County Public Schools in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Ms. Knueven is a member of the National Association for Music Education, Ohio Music Education Association, American String Teachers Association, Jazz Education Network, and Bass Club Cincinnati. Ms. Knueven is a locally performing bassist and tubist. She also sings in the choir at Saint Francis Xavier Church.

Syndy Casey, a 30+ year veteran teacher, has taught in public, private, and charter school systems throughout the United States. A Princeton alumnus (class of 1983), Dr. Casey has her bachelor’s degree in Music Education with a minor in cello performance from Loyola University, New Orleans. She has a master’s degree in Vedic Science from Maharishi University in Fairfield, Iowa, and earned a Doctor of Educational Leadership at Maryville University in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Casey has also earned Master Teacher status in the state of Ohio. Dr. Casey currently teaches orchestras 6-12 at Princeton Community Middle School and Princeton High School and directs the Theater and Thespian Programs at Princeton High School. She is an active member of the National Association for Music Education, the Ohio Music Educator's Association, and the Ohio Middle Level Association, where she serves as a state presenter and Southwest District Associate. Dr. Casey has 2 grown children, Nicholas and Catherine. She lives in Glendale with her husband, Tom Barrett, and their little dog, Sadie.


Lesley Schultz has been an orchestra director in the Princeton City Schools since 2008. She earned her Bachelors of Music Education from West Virginia University and her Masters of Music Education from Ohio University. Miss Schultz teaches a wide variety of music classes at Princeton, including Guitar and Music Technology. She was the recipient of the Princeton Board of Education Dream Keeper Award in 2017. Miss Schultz maintains an active performance schedule as a violist around the state with several regional symphony orchestras. In her spare time, she enjoys knitting.

Orchestra Spirit Wear

Use the QR Code below to order your Orchestra Spirit Wear today!

Sale ends on May 21, 2023 in order to get items before school is out.


Thank You Music Boosters

Our Individual and Family Sponsors

Current Individual and Family Memberships (last updated April 21 , 2023)

✮ = Membership paid for 2022-2023 School Year

✮✮ = Membership paid for '22/'23 & '23/'24 School Year

= Princeton Alumni

Advocate Level $500+

Anonymous ✮

The Tom and Karin Benjamin Family ✮§§§

L. Stephen Boehm Memorial Foundation ✮ §§

Becky Brown ✮

The Burton Family: Tom, Franca, Cailey, Bryce & Tommy ✮

Bob and Jane Johnson✮✮

Tim and Jodi Kessler ✮

Will and Amy Kimble

Daniel and Kara Messer Family✮

The Pelz Family

Simons-DeGraffenreid Family ✮

The Wyder Family✮

Legacy Donations: §§§=Conductor's Circle - $10,000

§§=Golden Baton - $5,000

§=Silver Baton - $2,500

Joan Meier ($250)*

Koji and Marcia Asari ✮

Blakeslee & Grause Families

Meghan Corcoran and Sam Schutte

Andrew and Maria Dunlap ✮

Matthew Gardner & Steven Cogorno ✮

Brad and Dianne Green ✮

Greg Hui ✮

Anna R Johnson ✮

Wendy Lindsey and Eric Head ✮

Melissa Hendrix ✮

The McGrath Family ✮

Jennifer & Fabian Schmahl✮

Tim and Jeanne Wayt✮

Dr Walter and Susan Wyder ✮

The Zuckerman and Schlueter Family✮

*=The Princeton Music Boosters honor the memory of Joan Meier by naming one of their membership levels in her name She was a Princeton Music Teacher (1960-1995), Leader, Colleague, Advocate, Visionary, and Friend She oversaw the development of the Princeton music program into one worthy of state and national recognition Under her leadership, Princeton music educators were empowered to develop superior programs, which has enabled tens of thousands of students to experience a comprehensive education in music.

Fondly known as "Mother Meier,” choirs under her direction consistently received Superior ratings. Her service to the music profession was recognized in many ways throughout her career, including statewide office and receipt of the OMEA Distinguished Service Award. Her legacy of high achievement and commitment to music education remain an integral part of the education program in the Princeton City School District.

Sustaining and Memorial Contributors

Thomas S Benjamin Memorial

Lois G Benjamin ✮

Lou and Paula Benjamin✮

Thank You Music Boosters

Our Individual and Family Sponsors

Current Individual and Family Memberships

(last updated April 21 , 2023)

Director ($100)

Jess and Annie Anglin

In Memory of Tucker Asari


= Membership paid for 2022-2023 School Year

= Membership paid for '22/'23 & '23/'24 School Year

= Princeton Alumni

Katheryn and Brian Hart

Claudia Heaberlin ✮

Mr. Mick Higgins ✮

Matthew and Stephanie Hoog

John and Michelle Robenalt ✮

Joe and Kendra Roberts

Chris and Betty Robertson ✮

Gary and Kim Bracknell ✮

Chante' Bright ✮

Kristen and Rob Brown ✮

Casey and Angie Carrigan

Chris and Jen Carter ✮

Steven and Allison Casto ✮

Tom Barrett and Dr. Syndy Casey ✮

Paul and Ann Culter ✮

Anna and Matt Ehlerding

Cordelia and John Edmiston ✮

Alan and Connie Fermier ✮

The Fetick Family

Eric and Sherie Fortner

Tim and Karen Gandert

The Gilmore/Mackey Family ✮

Chuck and Carissa Goodall✮

Dr. N. Michael Goecke ✮

Mari Murray and Matt Huber ✮

Beth & Andrew Kelly ✮

Sean and Katrina Kenny

The Kinney Family ✮

Marie Knueven ✮

Tom and Kathy Knueven ✮

Christina Lang ✮

Josh and Cathy Logsdon

Cherry A Love ✮✮

Jerry and Tammy Marcotte ✮

Dr and Mrs Michael Moyer

Mary and Mike Mulkey ✮

Craig and Leslie Phillips✮

Dr. Mari Phillips ✮

Alan and Becky Rengering

Sam Reynolds ✮

Jan and Ron Riggsby

Kevin Hardman & Amy Goohs-Hardman ✮

Viking ($75)

The family of Maverick and CJ Barnette ✮

Jack and Patty Crane✮

David and Jamie Irwin ✮

Dan and Renee Jacobs ✮

Daniel and Kara Messer Family ✮

Matt and Lisa Senter ✮

The Stanger Family

Don and Sharlene Stowell

Aaron and Shelley White

The Roddy Family ✮

Chad and Alicia Scott

Karl and Valerie Smith ✮

George and Dawn Stallard✮

James Stallworth

Mary and Dave Stuever ✮

Sarah Tardivon ✮

Meghan Sullivan-Wisecup

Dennis and Christina Wade✮

Gary and Sheena Walton ✮

Eve Warner ✮

Marlene Williams ✮

Nick and Lindsey Young

If you see an error please notify the Boosters, it is unintentional and we would like to correct it as soon as possible.

Thank You Music Boosters

Our Individual and Family Sponsors

Current Individual and Family Memberships

(last updated April 21 , 2023)

✮ = Membership paid for 2022-2023 School Year

✮✮ = Membership paid for '22/'23 & '23/'24 School Year

= Princeton Alumni

Patron ($50)

Paul and Julia Allen

Alexis Bayrak

Rachel Bierkan✮

Steve and Gina Burg✮

Lalit and Priya Chiplonkar✮

Steve Coleman

Greg Connett

Russell and Jackie Cox

John and Ronda Emery

John and Barbara Fillion

Marc and Robin Gandert

Susan Gordy ✮

The Haag Family ✮

Booster ($25)

Jaclyn Ard ✮

Jaclyn Ballman ✮

Marlene Brokaw

The Buell Family ✮

The Burns Family ✮

Brian and Stacey Carpenter

Melissa and Derick Chandler ✮

David and Beth Dendler ✮

Jeanette Denlinger ✮

Jason and Amanda Hodge ✮✮

Jason Holloway ✮

Jill and Maurice Holloway

Rodney and Vicki Hoppe

Heather and Sean Hurley

Gus and Katie Janssens

Anita Staples Haynes✮

Janice Hinsey ✮

Jen Kretschmar

Rocky & Lynn Louderback ✮

In honor of Rodney and Helen Martin

The Miley Family✮

Chrissy Perkins

Dan and Annie Perrin✮

Karishma Tilton✮

Carly Prather and Gary Vogele

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Roberts

Dan and Julie Runyan

Lesley Schultz

Nancy Schutte

Sharon Shumard ✮

Philip Weinert

Julie Winslow & Scott Lawson ✮

Jon and Becky Wood ✮✮

Dave and Tammie Maroon ✮

Jared and Angie Martin

Brent and Angie McClellan ✮

Natasha Nutter ✮

Dave and Marcia Ramsey

Jennifer Randolph and Family

Jerry and Stacy Schappacher

Todd and Julie Smith

Dan and Diana Tracey✮

Scott and Susanne Tulloss

Sha'Kyra Welch ✮

AJ White

Bryan and Cori Williams

Victoria Williams ✮

Mike Wilson ✮

If you see an error please notify the Boosters, it is unintentional and we would like to correct it as soon as possible.

Join The Music Boosters

As we celebrate our 65th anniversary, we would like to acknowledge all the past presidents whose legacy we carry on.

1958 Edward & Betty Carstens

1959 Bud & Louise Rouff

1960 George & Pearl Parsley

1961 Charles & Ilo Zimmer

1962 Dr. Clarence & Vera Tarzwell

1963 Harold & Marion Warren

1964 Charles & Rosemary Cole

1965 Vernon & Evelyn Robey

1966 Frank & Mary Northrup

1967 Harry & Virginia Angel

1968 Harry & Bettye Braus

1969 Geroge & Marian Wrenn (Shirley Flynn)

1970 Frank & Shirley Auciello (Wilbur McClure)

1971 Shirley Flynn (Edna Graff)

1972 Otto & Edna Graff

1973 Robert & Betty J Taylor

1974 John & Jo Brooker

1975 Milan & Alice Gorby

1976 Bill & Sandy Story

1977 Jim & Margaret Squires

1978 James & Marlene Cole

1979 Joe & Sheila Boggs

1980 Al & Doris Wallace

1981 Mike & Wanda Moore

1982 Dale & Janet Duermit

1983 Bob & Donna Knopp

1984 Bob & Donna Knopp

1985 Ted & Sylvia Evans

1986 Ralph & Janet Colegrove

1987 Tom & Sarah Hinkle

1988 Mike & Sandy Wilhelm

1989 Walt & Susan Wyder

1990 Walt & Susan Wyder

1991 Ed & Cindy Stephens

1992 Ray & Janet Dehner

1993 Susie Hart

1994 James & Betty Leffue

1995 Susan & George Spears

1996 Sherryl Sommer

1997 Margaret Archangel David Heck

1998 Ed & Jill Dahmann

1999 Samuel & Jackie Wofford

2000 Cheryl Baldwin

2001 John Troyer

2002 Niki Keyser

2003 Claire Conley

2004 Cindy Mullin

2005 Barb Fillion

2006 Barb Fillion

2007 Tricia Ettinger

2008 Terri Rutz

2009 Gail Moore

2010 Monica Mazzone

2011 Norman Coleman III

2012 Amy Rohrer

2013 Scot Neisel

2014 Nadja Preston & Janet Maine

2015 Jodi Kessler

2016 Jodi Kessler

2017 Jodi Kessler

2018 Jodi Kessler

2019 Matt Gardner

2020 Matt Gardner

2021 Tom Benjamin

2022 Tom Benjamin

We would like to thank

The Princeton City School District Board of Education

Mrs. Susan Wyder - President

Mr. Jon Simons - Vice President

Mrs. Mary Cleveland - Mrs. Jodi Kessler - Mrs. Gina Moore

Administrators and Staff

M r . T o m B u r t o n

D r . M a r i P h i l l i p s

M r . R o n B o l l m e r

D r . D a v e M a c k z u m

M r s . T r i c i a R o d d y

M r s . T i s h J o n e s

M r s . C i n d y G o l d e n

M r s . K a r i n B e n j a m i n

M r . J a s o n H o l l o w e l l

Elementary Music Staff

A l l i s o n C r o s k e y

A d e l e Z u c k e r m a n

J a c l y n A r d

F o r r e s t Y a n k e y

D e b o r a h J a c k s o n

L i g a y a D e L e o n M c G e e

D e b E n g e l

J e n n i f e r K u h n

S u p e r i n t e n d e n t

A s s o c i a t e S u p e r i n t e n d e n t

P H S P r i n c i p a l

P C M S P r i n c i p a l

D i r e c t o r o f C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

T e c h n o l o g y D e p a r t m e n t

P A C P r i n t e r

U n i f o r m M a n a g e r

A u d i t o r i u m M a n a g e r

E v e n d a l e

G l e n d a l e

H e r i t a g e H i l l

L i n c o l n H e i g h t s

S h a r o n v i l l e

S p r i n g d a l e

S t e w a r t

W o o d l a w n

Go to kroger.com/communityrewards and enter code #LB417 to direct your rewards to the Princeton Music Boosters. Sign up or re-register your card today. It is an easy way to hlep!

Corporate Sponsors

Princeton,Sharonville,ForestParkandSevilHills ProudSponsorofPrincetonMusic

Reward your favorite performer with a Start Gram in the lobby of Matthews before the show!

Star Grams will be delivered to class. Available for $1.00

We now accept credit cards, a small service fee will be applied for card purchases.

For additional information or to schedule a tour of Matthews Auditorium contact:

jhollowell@vikingmail.org 513-864-1762


5/2/2023 7:00 PM PHS Spring Band PHS Symphonic, Scarlet, Gray Bands 5/4/2023 7:00 PM PHS/PCMS Spring Jazz Jazz 7, 8, Ensemble, Lab, Studio 5/6/2023 7:00 PM PHS Symphonic Band and Cincinnati Wind Band PHS Symphonic Band 5/16/2023 7:00 PM PCMS Spring Orchestra PCMS Orchestra 6, 7, 8, CO 5/17/2023 7:00 PM PCMS Spring Band PCMS Band 6, 7, 8, CB 5/18/2023 7:00 PM PCMS Spring Choir PCMS Choir 6, 7, 8, CC
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a concert? Visit our website to view youtube videos of the concerts: https://www.princetonschools.net/page/concerts

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