Princeton United Methodist Church We are a diverse faith community, engaged in enlivening spiritually thirsty people to joyfully respond to God’s love and grow as disciples of Christ, so that together we may experience the fullness of life.
GIVING TUESDAY NOVEMBER 29 PUMC is taking part in Giving Tuesday - a global day of giving! Your contributions to PUMC on 11/29 will help us in 2023 as we begin the work of carrying out our vision for the coming years at PUMC. Exciting upcoming projects include: making a plan for a more accessible church building for all, assessing the ecological impact of our church, and increasing our church's participation in hands-on justice/mission ministry. Your support on Giving Tuesday makes all of this possible. All donations on 11/29 will be matched by a generous donor. ADVENT SMALL GROUP BEGINS NOVEMBER 29 | 7:00 PM This 4-week long small group will engage a variety of mediums to explore the abundance of perspectives in the book of Isaiah. A study of the historical context of the book, the practice of Lectio Divina, and an artistic response to the text will lead to a richer understanding of Isaiah. Email mickey@princetonumc.org for more information. ADVENT CRAFTS & GAMES DECEMBER 4 | 11:30 AM All are encouraged to stay after fellowship time on Sunday, December 4th to participate in our annual Advent crafts and games program. This event is for all ages!
CHURCH CALENDAR www.princetonumc.org/calendar
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We Gather Together
Call to Worship
John Carter
Adapted from the United Methodists of Greater New Jersey Worship materials
God gives us grace, often in unusual ways. Let us be more aware of the ways God’s grace comes to us. May we always show gratitude and praise God, especially for the ultimate gift ofvgrace, Jesus! We praise God for all the gifts God has given, especially God’s gift of Jesus. The man who was lame from birth received something unexpected through Peter and his friends and praised God! Like him, help us to rise up and testify to the goodness of God. As part of our testimony, let us share God’s love and grace with others. Hymn
Come Ye Thankful People Come
UMH #694
adapted from Thom Shuman Prayer of Confession We confess our struggle to be transformed into disciples, God of mystery. The desires of the world would shape us into people you would not recognize. The demands of our society pull us away from your heart. Like the man in our Scripture, we all have struggles that we wrestle with. Our culture values the rich, the powerful, the successful, but you are on the side of the weak, the poor, the outcast, the oppressed. Forgive us, Merciful God, for looking for you in the wrong places. Reawaken us with your voice that calls us to service; revive our weary hearts with your vision of creation; refresh our fatigued spirits that we might boldly proclaim Jesus as our Lord and as our Savior and go forth to serve your people in Christ's name. silence for prayer
Words of Assurance It's too easy to think like the world, that money will give us happiness, that power will earn us grace. But Paul reminds us that if we think like Christ, and live like servants, we will find true freedom. Like Peter and the lame man’s friends, we are reminded that our actions are an expression of God’s forgiveness. Not only our minds, but our hearts and spirits will be transformed into the likeness of Christ, enabling us to be faithful disciples. Thanks be to God. Amen.
TO HEAR THE WORD AND REFLECT Music Ministry Thanksgiving Medley Patricia Hulbutt Children's Time Where Children Belong TFWS #2233 Scripture Reading Acts 3:1-10 This is the Word of Life. Thanks be to God. Sermons Anna Ifft, Rick Engel
Hymn To God Be the Glory UMH #98 Prayers of the People The Lord's Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kin-dom come; your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kin-dom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Offertory Make Me a Channel of Your Peace arr. Jane Holstein Hymn Doxology UMH #94 Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymn Benediction Postlude
SHARING IN WORSHIP TODAY Acolyte - Louisa Dreibelbis Liturgists - Steve Wong, Ulanda Frisbee, Michele Tuck-Ponder Reader - Ed Sproles Musicians - Curt Hillegas, Handbell Choir, Joan Nuse Ushers - Steve Wong, Ralph Newhall, Rich Hadley, Jim & Ulanda Frisbee
TODAY'S FLOWERS ARE GIVEN BY PHIL AND CINDY DOREN In honor of Melanie Doren, on her upcoming birthday
We All Are One in Mission Soon and Very Soon
TFWS #2243
arr. Jack Schrader
Donald Jones, Ian Griffiths, Larry Curtis, Stanley Martin and their families; Louis, Sheila, Samantha, Lula, Pam, Jason, Terry P., and others who are hurt or seriously ill; The Ibrahim family on the passing of Abu's mother.
For our Prayer Chain, call Mary Lib Stewart at 609-632-1973 or contact Yvonne Macdonald at yvonnee.mac@verizon.net. Email Pastor Jae Hong at jae@princetonumc.org when you or a family member is in the hospital or in need of a pastoral call.
Christmas Wreaths
Christmas Wreaths
Christmas Wreaths
We will be decorating the church, inside and out, for the Advent & Christmas season. Orders and payment must be received by the date noted next to the item.
We will be decorating the church, inside and out, for the Advent & Christmas season. Orders and payment must be received by the date noted next to the item.
We will be decorating the church, inside and out, for the Advent & Christmas season. Orders and payment must be received by the date noted next to the item.
Outdoor Wreaths (8 needed) $45 each Med. Altar Wreaths (2 needed) $100 each
Outdoor Wreaths (8 needed) $45 each Med. Altar Wreaths (2 needed) $100 each
Outdoor Wreaths (8 needed) $45 each Med. Altar Wreaths (2 needed) $100 each
Christmas Poinsettias $20
Christmas Poinsettias $20
Christmas Poinsettias $20
On Christmas Eve, our sanctuary will be adorned with beautiful poinsettias given to the church in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones.
On Christmas Eve, our sanctuary will be adorned with beautiful poinsettias given to the church in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones.
On Christmas Eve, our sanctuary will be adorned with beautiful poinsettias given to the church in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones.
Poinsettias may be picked up following the 8:00 pm Christmas Eve Service.
Poinsettias may be picked up following the 8:00 pm Christmas Eve Service.
Poinsettias may be picked up following the 8:00 pm Christmas Eve Service.
Please complete the form below and mail it with your check (made payable to PUMC) to 7 Vandeventer Ave., Princeton, NJ 08542
Please complete the form below and mail it with your check (made payable to PUMC) to 7 Vandeventer Ave., Princeton, NJ 08542
Please complete the form below and mail it with your check (made payable to PUMC) to 7 Vandeventer Ave., Princeton, NJ 08542
Order by December 18th
Complete this form and mail it with your check or scan the QR code below to order online.
Name: ________________________ Phone or email: _________________ Memorial/Honor statement for the bulletin: _______________________ Given By: ______________________ ___ # Christmas Poinsettias ($20) ___ # of Outdoor Wreaths ($45) ___ # of Med. Altar Wreaths ($200)
Order by December 18th
Order by December 18th
Complete this form and mail it with your check or scan the QR code below to order online.
Complete this form and mail it with your check or scan the QR code below to order online.
Name: ________________________ Phone or email: _________________ Memorial/Honor statement for the bulletin: _______________________ Given By: ______________________ ___ # Christmas Poinsettias ($20) ___ # of Outdoor Wreaths ($45) ___ # of Med. Altar Wreaths ($100)
Name: ________________________ Phone or email: _________________ Memorial/Honor statement for the bulletin: _______________________ Given By: ______________________ ___ # Christmas Poinsettias ($20) ___ # of Outdoor Wreaths ($45) ___ # of Med. Altar Wreaths ($100)