Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19, 2021
Our Lady of the Passion Icon by the hand of Maureen McCormick, to the Glory of God Tempera and gold leaf on prepared wood panel. 19.75x15.75 inches.
The Church Gathers Pre-Service Music “Fresque nº I” from “Deux Fresques Symphoniques Sacrées pour orgue” Tournemire Words of Welcome The Peace The peace of the Lord be with you. And also with you. Call to Worship Our souls proclaim your greatness, O God. And our spirits rejoice in you. We will praise you as long as we live. We will sing praises to you our whole lives long. We will not trust in the powerful of this world, But will trust in you–Creator of heaven and earth, the One who gives food to the hungry, the One who enacts justice for the oppressed. Our souls proclaim your greatness, O God. As we worship you in this place, As we light these candles in hope, joy, love, and peace. {by Joanna Harader}
“Angels from the Realms of Glory”
UMH #220
1. Angels from the realms of glory, wing your flight over all the earth; ye who sang creation's story now proclaim Messiah's birth: Refrain: Come and worship, come and worship, worship Christ, the new born King. 2. Shepherd's, in the field abiding, watching over your flocks by night, God with us is now residing; yonder shines the infant light: {Refrain} 3. Sages, leave your contemplations, brighter visions beam afar; seek the great Desire of nations; ye have seen his natal star: {Refrain} Lighting of the Advent Candles Response Saints, before the altar bending, watching long in hope and fear; Suddenly the Lord, descending, in his temple shall appear: Come and worship, come and worship, worship Christ, the new born King. {Created by Sarah Are |}
Prayer of Confession If we are to welcome Christ into our lives, we must speak of all the ways we have hardened ourselves against the good news he brings. Let us confess ours sins as we pray responsively: When our spirits despair and we deny our blessedness, Forgive us, O God. When we ignore the mighty things you have done, When we doubt your mercy, Forgive us, O God. When we are proud in the thoughts of our hearts, When our power rests on the oppression of others,
When our wealth causes others to go hungry, forgive us, O God. Help us, your servants, according to the promises you have made. Words of Assurance The good news is not just announced to all people, it is indeed, for all people. For the proud, as well as the humble; for the rich and for the poor; for those who have found faith, and those who long for it. In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Amen. {by Joanna Harader and Thom Shuman}
To Hear the Word and Reflect Special Music Children’s Time
Scripture Sermon
“Ave Maria”
This, this is where children belong Welcomed as part of the worshiping throng Water, God's Word, bread and cup, prayer and song. This is where children belong. “Luke 1:46-55; Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11” This is the Word of Life. Thanks be to God. “Windows to the Divine”
TFWS #2233
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz
To Respond in Faith Hymn
“Emmanuel, Emmanuel”
UMH #204
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, his name is called Emmanuel. God with us, revealed in us, his name is called Emmanuel. {Repeat} Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Sign-in and Connect! Card Let us know you are here, and connect with ways to Feed and Be Fed through PUMC: • Use the Connect! card, text “PUMC” to 609-542-2192, or scan the top QR code. Invitation to Offering We provide lots of options to give electronically: • Give on our church website, scan the lower QR code, text 844-908-2593, or give via PayPal.
“Ave Maria” from “L’Orgue Mystique”
Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Prayer of Thanksgiving
And Scatter To Be in the World Hymn
“The King of Glory Comes”
TFWS #2091
Refrain: The King of glory comes, the nation rejoices. Open the gates before him, lift up your voices. 1. Who is the king of glory; how shall we call him? He is Emmanuel, promised of ages. {Refrain} 2. In all of Galilee, in city or village, He goes among his people curing their illness. {Refrain} 3. Sing then of David's Son, our Savior and brother; In all of Galilee was never another. {Refrain}
Benediction Postlude “Magnificat anima mea Dominum” from “Vêpres du commun des fêtes de la Sainte Vierge” Dupré
Today’s flowers are given in honor of
Today’s flowers are given in loving memory of
My Husband Edwin’s Birthday
Comfort Cox-George and Edward Jackson McCormack
by Francia Francisco
by Isabella Dougan
Sharing in Our Worship Today Worship Leader: Lay Reader: Liturgists: Designated Singers:
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz Sandra Richardson Larry Apperson, Hyelim Yoon Jenni Collins, Lori Pantaleo , Hyosang Park
Advent Wreath: Musicians: Iconographer: Sound & Video: Ushers:
Ed Sproles, Isabella Dougan, Heather Hadley Rich Spotts, Hyosang Park Maureen McCormick Ian Macdonald, Bill Gardner Joe and Sunny Paun
Reflection An icon is, by its nature, incarnational. It is liturgical art, an act of worship. We don’t just look at or speak about icons. We pray with them. And as we do, we are drawn into the story, the grace, the mystery, the closeness, the real presence of God. •
Center yourself in God’s presence by paying attention to your breath.
Read Matthew 28:1-10. If there are a few verses that particularly stand out, focus on those. Re-read those attention-grabbing verses one or more times.
Gaze at this image with soft eyes and an open spirit.
What do you notice? What draws your attention? What sparks your curiosity and imagination? Ask God to guide your awareness.
How does this icon speak to you about the relationships among Jesus, the disciples, and you?
Icons invite us on a journey. Follow the movement and lines you see. Where are eyes looking and fingers and other things pointing? What meaning and invitation do you receive as you linger with the image?
Take your time with this. Come back to it again and again.
Opposite Side: The Resurrection Icon by the hand of Maureen McCormick, to the Glory of God Tempera and gold leaf on prepared wood panel. 23 x 17 inches.
For a full listing of calendar events, visit our website:
Sunday, December 19 8:45 am Contemporary Issues in the Fellowship Hall 10:00 am Worship Service 10:15 am Children's Ministry in the Education Wing 11:30 am Love Lives On in Room 203 11:30 am Confirmation Info Meeting in the Fellowship Hall and on Zoom 11:45 am Handbell Choir in the Music Room 3:00 pm Divorce Support Group 5:00 pm Christmas Concert in the Sanctuary Monday, December 20 10:00 am Monday Morning Group 11:00 am Salvation Army Bell Ringing 12:15 pm AA in Room 203 7:00 pm Circle of Care 7:00 pm Stewardship & Finance Ministry Team 7:00 pm NJGMC Weekly Rehearsal in the Fellowship Hall Tuesday, December 21 11:00 am Salvation Army Bell Ringing 12:15 pm AA in Room 203 2:00 pm Cristina Altamura Music Lessons in Room 103 7:00 pm Longest Night Worship Service in the SD Room 8:00 pm Godfulness Meditation Small Group Wednesday, December 22 9:00 am Love Lives On 11:00 am Salvation Army Bell Ringing Drop off your diaper donations in the 2:00 pm Cristina Altamura Music Lessons in Room 103 5:00 pm Cornerstone Community Meal Sanford Davis Room this month to 6:30 pm Chancel Choir support families in need. Thursday, December 23 11:00 am Salvation Army Bell Ringing 12:15 pm AA in Room 203 8:00 pm Ministerio Internacional in Rooms 204 & 205 Friday, December 24 11:00 am Salvation Army Bell Ringing 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Worship: Family Service in the Sanctuary and Online 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Worship: Candlelight Service in the Sanctuary and Online Sunday, December 26 10:00 am Worship Service 10:15 am Children's Ministry in the Education Wing 6:00 pm Ministerio Internacional in the Fellowship Hall
Salvation Army Bell Ringing Sign Up To Help Today! Want some guaranteed Christmas Joy? Ring bells with us in Downtown Princeton! This will be the 11th year Princeton UMC has supported the Salvation Army by ‘ringing the bell’ at three locations in Princeton. This year we expect to exceed $100,000 in total collections since our beginning. All of these dollars stay in Mercer County, supporting many needed causes. If you have never experienced this wonderful event, please consider “giving a little and receiving so much.” If you have any questions, contact Dana Dreibelbis at You can sign up to volunteer right now by clicking here. Christmas Concert Today | 5:00 pm We are delighted to welcome members of our Beloved PUMC Community back into the Sanctuary for our annual Christmas Concert today at 5:00 pm. Please note that masks are required. Livestream will be available for those wishing to attend online. If wishing to attend in person, please fill out one online form per household/family. Upon form submission, we will create your tickets and hold them at the front church doors before the concert. Questions? Call Evangeline at 314-583-8781. Longest Night Service Tuesday | 7:00 pm This evening worship service takes place on the longest night of the year, a symbolic time to gather in community to lament, cry, grieve, and process the many heavy feelings that can weigh on us during the holiday season. We will reflect on the art of stained glass in this year's Longest Night service, considering the beauty of the light that shines through the darkness. Sign ups aren’t required to attend this service in person. Christmas Card Alternative This Month We present you with an alternative to giving Christmas cards this year. Make a gift to United Front Against Riverblindness (UFAR), an organization that manages the distribution of preventive medicines to millions with the proven achievable goal of the eventual control and elimination of several targeted neglected tropical diseases. Click here to make your gift to UFAR today, designating "Christmas Card Alternative" in the comments or write a check to Princeton UMC and designate “Christmas Card Alternative.” Christmas Appreciation for PUMC Staff PUMC is blessed with committed and creative people who serve God and our community throughout the year. The pastoral, executive and maintenance ministries maintained by our 13 paid staff and four interns touch us, teach us, and lead us in growing the Beloved Community. Please consider extending your gratitude and best wishes through contributing to a monetary gift for each of PUMC’s staff. Give online at, selecting “Other” and adding a note to dedicate your gift to the Staff Gift Fund. Contact LaVerna Albury at with any questions and thank you for sharing the joy of this season. Christmas Eve Worship Services December 24 | 4:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm This year we offer three options for Christmas Eve worship services. At the Princeton Campus, there will be a 4:00 pm Family Service and 7:00 pm Candlelight Service. Both of these services will be open for participation in person and live streamed at At the Kingston Campus, there will be an 8:00 pm worship service, which will be open for participation in person and online via Zoom. If you wish to attend a Christmas Eve service in person, please complete a sign-up form for your preferred service. Princeton UMC 4:00 pm Princeton UMC 7:00 pm Kingston UMC 8:00 pm
Prayer Concerns Sara and Zion Hicks The Birkel Family Emma’s Grandmother Pastor Jae Hong & Family
Michele’s sister, Jacqueline Terry Dries, Andrea, Diane Joseph Guidry Nicole Meo’Martino
Jonathan Seltzer Alex DiStase Iona Harding & Family Dan and Lavonne