PUMC Worship Bulletin - February 27, 2022

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Transfiguration Sunday February 27, 2022

The Transfiguration by Augustin Kolawole Olayinka

The Church Gathers Pre-Service Music Words of Welcome The Peace



The peace of the Lord be with you. And also with you.

Call to Worship From a cloud, and in a crowd, God speaks to us. Calling us to be lovers of justice, to share hope with the broken. On mountaintops, and in neighborhoods, Christ calls to us. With a word, and with wonder, molding us into who we are created to be. On the playground, and at the workstation, the Spirit whispers in our hearts. Gathering up our fears, as well as our dreams, and offering them to God and the world. Let us worship our God who calls us, who invites us, who transforms us. Here we are! Ears and hearts open, ready to worship! {adapted from Thom Shuman} Hymn Hail To The Lords Anointed Hail to the Lord's Anointed, Great David's greater Son! Hail in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun! He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free; To take away transgression, And rule in equity.

UMH #203

He comes with succor speedy, To those who suffer wrong; To help the poor and needy, And bid the weak be strong; To give them songs for sighing, Their darkness turn to light, Whose souls, condemned and dying, Are precious in His sight. He shall come down like showers, Upon the fruitful earth, Love, joy, and hope, like flowers, Spring in His path to birth: Before Him, on the mountains, Shall peace, the herald, go, And righteousness, in fountains, From hill to valley flow. To Him shall prayer unceasing, And daily vows ascend; His kingdom still increasing, A kingdom without end: The tide of time shall never, His covenant remove, His name shall stand forever; That name to us is Love. Prayer of Confession Sometimes we wait for God to astound us with whirlwinds of wonder, while God silently offers us grace. God wants to forgive us, so let us hold nothing back, but place our trust in the one who listens to our prayers and answers us with mercy. We confess that we are often dulled to your presence in this world, God of glory. We move through our routines, heads down, focused, missing the mystery and majesty you set before us. We move through life full of busyness and worry, missing the quiet invitations to delight in your love. We focus on the loud call of our own desires, missing your presence in the faces etched with loneliness, hollowed by hunger, and overshadowed by hopelessness. As you call us into your presence, you also send us out to be your people, to live into the fullness of life, which will also bring hope, justice, and peace to the world. Help us merciful God. Help us not to miss what is right before us. {silence for prayer}

Words of Assurance On mountaintops and in valleys, in our hopes and in our hearts, God knows us better than we know ourselves. And God forgives us when we cannot forgive ourselves! In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Amen. {adapted from Thom Shuman}

To Hear the Word and Reflect Special Music

Children’s Time

The Beatitudes


This, this is where children belong Welcomed as part of the worshiping throng Water, God's Word, bread and cup, prayer and song. This is where children belong.



TFWS #2233

Luke 9:28-36 This is the Word of Life. Thanks be to God. Transfigured

Rev. Jenny Smith Walz

To Respond in Faith Hymn Majesty, Worship His Majesty Majesty, worship his majesty; unto Jesus be all glory, honor and praise. Majesty, kingdom authority, flow from his throne unto his own; his anthem raise. So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus. Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus, the King. Majesty, worship his majesty, Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all kings.

UMH #176

Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Sign-in and Connect! Card Let us know you are here, and connect with ways to Feed and Be Fed through PUMC: • Use the Connect! card, text “PUMC” to 609-542-2192, or scan the QR code.

Invitation to Offering We provide lots of options to give electronically: • Give on our church website, scan the QR code, text 844-908-2593, or give via PayPal. Offertory

De Choeur from Huit Pièces Brèves pour Piano


Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Prayer of Thanksgiving

And Scatter To Be in the World Hymn Come Let Us With Our Lord Arise Come, let us with our Lord arise, our Lord, who made both earth and skies: Who died to save the world he made, and rose triumphant from the dead; He rose, the Prince of life and peace, and stamped the day forever his.

TFWS #2084

This is the day the Lord has made, that all may see his love displayed; May feel his resurrection's power, and rise again, to fall no more; In perfect righteousness renewed, and filled with all the life of God. Then let us render him his own, with solemn prayer approach his throne; With meekness hear the gospel word, with thanks his dying love record; Our joyful hearts and voices raise, and fill his courts with songs and praise. Benediction Postlude



Sharing in Our Worship Today Preacher: Lay Reader: Liturgists: Acolyte:

Rev. Jenny Smith Walz Theresa Cann Heather Hadley, Rick Engel Elizeabeth Wong

Designated Singers: Hyosang Park, Lori Pantaleo, Tom Shelton Musicians: Julia Hanna, Children’s Choir Sound & Video: Bill Gardner, Ian Macdonald Ushers: Ian Griffiths, Steve Wong

Rarely can we make changes, even ones we are really committed to, in our lives without help. When we ask for help from someone in order to keep us on track with our commitments, we are asking for accountability. Alongside that kind of help, we also want to be accountable to ourselves in the sense that we don’t want to over commit ourselves or bring our lives out of balance. Now it’s time to embody your Rule of Life and Powerful Purpose, ready “to catch the wind of grace,” as Marjorie Thompson says about the purpose of a Rule of Life. The Seventh Step: Accountability • • •

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Check in with yourself. As you have written your Rule of Life thus far, are you honoring who you are now, and who you are seeking to become, as you continue to open yourself to God’s grace? Is there anything you need to give up or do differently in order to put this Rule of Life in place? With whom can you share your Rule and your Purpose? Can you ask them to pray for you, to ask you about it regularly, to help you stay accountable to your Rule? Hopefully this is someone who can also help you extend self-compassion in those moments when you get off track and who can help you get back on track. What do you need to share with those whom you share life with so that they can understand, en courage, and help you. Put your Rule of Life and your Powerful Purpose in places you can see them often, daily. And then take your first steps toward embodying your Rule and Purpose!

Much of this guide is informed by chapter 10 of Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life by Marjorie J. Thompson, 2014 edition.

For a full listing of calendar events, visit our website: https://princetonumc.org/calendar/

Sunday, February 27 8:45 am Contemporary Issues in the Fellowship Hall 10:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Confirmation Class in Room 203 10:15 am Children's Ministries in the Formation Wing 11:30 am Compassion Camp Online 11:45 am Handbell Choir in the Music Room 12:00 pm Prayer Bead Workshop at PUMC, KUMC & via Zoom 3:00 pm High School Youth Group in the Sanctuary & Sanford Davis Room 4:00 pm Youth Choir in the Sanctuary 4:45 pm Middle School Youth Group in the Sanctuary & Sanford Davis Room 6:00 pm Ministerio Internacional in the Fellowship Hall Monday, February 28 10:00 am Monday Morning Group 12:15 pm AA in Room 203 7:00 pm NJGMC Weekly Rehearsal in the Fellowship Hall Tuesday, March 1 12:15 pm AA in Room 203 7:45 pm Wesley Foundation College Ministry in the Sanford Davis Room 8:00 pm Godfulness Meditation Small Group Wednesday, March 2 9:00 am Love Lives On via Zoom 9:00 am Ash Wednesday Prayer/Meditation in the Chapel and Sanford Davis Room (Open until 6pm) 4:30 pm Children's Choir in Room 204 5:00 pm Cornerstone Community Meal 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Worship Service at Kingston UMC and on Zoom Thursday, March 3 12:15 pm AA in Room 203 Sunday, March 6 8:45 am Contemporary Issues in the Fellowship Hall 10:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Confirmation Class in Room 203 10:15 am Children's Ministries in the Formation Wing 11:30 am Compassion Camp Online 11:30 am Virtual Coffee Hour 12:15 pm Adult Formation Ministry Team 11:45 am Handbell Choir in the Music Room 3:00 pm Love Lives On via Zoom 3:00 pm Divorce Support Group via Zoom 3:00 pm High School Youth Group in the Sanctuary & Sanford Davis Room 4:00 pm Youth Choir in the Sanctuary 4:45 pm Middle School Youth Group in the Sanctuary & Sanford Davis Room 6:00 pm Ministerio Internacional in the Fellowship Hall

Lenten Prayer Beads Workshop

TODAY | 12:00 pm

To prepare us for Lent, Kristen E. Vincent, author of the award-winning book A Bead and a Prayer: A Beginner’s Guide to Protestant Prayer Beads is leading a workshop where she will share the history, symbolism, and use of beads in prayer, and guide participants through the process of making and using their own sets of prayer beads. The workshop is simultaneously available in the Sanford Davis room at Princeton UMC, at Kingston UMC, as well as by Zoom. For Zoom link details, please email Evangeline@princetonumc.org.

Ash Wednesday

March 2

This year Princeton UMC and Kingston UMC are teaming up to provide Ash Wednesday opportunities throughout the day and evening. The Princeton Campus Chapel and Sanford Davis Room will be open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm for meditation, prayer, labyrinth walking, and self-imposed ashes. Then, the Kingston Campus will host an Ash Wednesday worship service at 7:00 pm. This can be attended in person or on Zoom.

Flower Donations It’s that time of year when we ask for your help with altar flower donations. If you had a “special” Sunday that you had last year, email Pam Nugent (poodluvs@aol.com) or call 609-771-0189 to reserve that date.

Terracycle Program As more of us are coming to in-person worship, we want to invite you to contribute to our Terracycle donation bins, now located downstairs, just outside of the Fellowship Hall. Click here to get the current information about which items can be donated (or find the website at princetonumc.org under ’Community.’ Proceeds go to support the Appalachian Service Project.

Wesley Foundation at Princeton Are you looking for a progressive Christian college ministry? We'd love to have you! Email Pastor Skitch (skitch@princetonumc.org) or Grecia Hernandez (ghperez@princeton.edu) for more details about our Tuesday night Bible study!

Prayer Concerns The Apperson Family Michele’s sister, Jacqueline Vicki Susan’s brother-in-law, Steve Santos Gonzales, upon the passing of his wife

Mickey Hamilton’s Family Family & Friends of Mia Bezar Joyce Carr The Pisani Family Phyllis Harvey

Jill Verga Tabor Christine Born Bill Desantis Donald Jones Gus Macdonald

Have Prayer Concerns? Today’s flowers are given in honor of

All Those Who Serve the Church on a Voluntary Basis

For our Prayer Chain, call Mary Lib Stewart at 609-632-1973 or contact Yvonne Macdonald at yvonnee.mac@verizon.net, 609-497-0337. Please notify Pastor Jae Hong at jae@princetonumc.org when you or a family member is in the hospital or in need of a pastoral call.

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