Fourth Sunday in Lent March 27, 2022
Julian of Norwich By Robert Lentz
The Church Gathers Pre-Service Music
Cancion y Danza #10
Words of Welcome The Peace
The peace of the Lord be with you. And also with you.
Call to Worship Wonderful is the God of Christ, who gathers the poor of the earth. Glorious is our God, who wipes away the tears of sorrow. Wonderful is the God of Christ, who gives inheritance to the meek. Glorious is our God, who satisfies the hunger of the just. Wonderful is the God of Christ, who gives mercy to the merciful. Glorious is our God, who gives vision to the pure in heart. Wonderful is the God of Christ, who adopts the peacemakers. Glorious is our God, who lifts high the persecuted. Wonderful is the God of Christ, who finds the lost. Glorious is our God, who awakens the dead. Hymn
Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart (v. 1, 3-5)
Prayer of Confession O God of Grace, may we not have received you in vain. When we pray because we desire others’ good opinion, Forgive us, Lord. When we give our gifts for others’ approval, Forgive us, O God. When we deny ourselves to get others’ admiration, Forgive us, Merciful One.
When we fail to do unto others as we would like them to do unto us, Forgive us, Spirit of Love. When we put our privileged selves first, before the poor and needy and disadvantaged of this world, Forgive us, Creator of Truth. When we keep for ourselves more than what we need, Forgive us, Give-Away God. Forgive us our sins and trespasses and debts. Only then can our souls be washed clean and spotless. Only then can we be your true servants. Only then will we reach the pure heart of the matter.
by Bruce Pewer
UMH #160
silence for prayer
Words of Assurance For the heart of the matter is that we can find our treasures in heaven, and also on earth, so long as we are forgiven and set free of our burdens and sin. Bless God who frees us and lights up our heart-shadows with the fire of agape—love. In the name of Jesus Christ we are forgiven. In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! Thanks be to God! Amen. adapted from Marilyn Levine
To Hear the Word and Reflect Music Ministry Children’s Time
Bless You
This, this is where children belong Welcomed as part of the worshiping throng Water, God's Word, bread and cup, prayer and song. This is where children belong. Matthew 5:1-12 This is the Word of Life. Thanks be to God.
TFWS #2233
Seeing Through God’s Eyes
Alex Hoshino
To Respond in Faith Hymn
Open My Eyes, That I May See
UMH #456
Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come; your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Sign-in and Connect! Card Let us know you are here, and connect with ways to Feed and Be Fed through PUMC: Use the Connect! card, text “PUMC” to 609-542-2192, or scan the QR code.
Invitation to Offering
We provide options to give electronically, or you can place your gift in the offering plate. • Give on our church website, scan the QR code, text 844-908-2593, or give via PayPal. Offertory
The Old Chapel
UMH #95
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below. Praise God, above ye heavenly host! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Prayer of Thanksgiving
And Scatter To Be in the World Hymn
I Sing the Almighty Power of God
UMH #152
Benediction Benediction Response
Go Now In Peace
Preludio y fuga
Today’s flowers are given in memory of
Have Prayer Concerns?
Those who have lost their lives to the pandemic and war
For our Prayer Chain, call Mary Lib Stewart at 609-632-1973 or contact Yvonne Macdonald at, 609-497-0337. Please notify Pastor Jae Hong at when you or a family member is in the hospital or in need of a pastoral call.
Sharing in Our Worship Today Preacher: Lay Reader: Liturgists: Acolyte:
Alex Hoshino Hazel Cheng Ian Griffiths, Rev. Larry Curtis Anna Griffiths
Musicians: Ushers: Sound & Video:
Julia Hanna, Children’s Choir Tim and Pam Ewer Bill Gardner, Ian Macdonald
Prayer Concerns Family & Friends of Mia Bezar Joyce Carr The Pisani Family Phyllis Harvey Jill Verga Tabor Christine Born Bill Desantis
Donald Jones Gus Macdonald Family of Tony Arnold Vicki Family of Gladys Keidel The People of Ukraine Cindy Bennett
Daniel DeVido Todd Olivia The Marrow Family Gary Gerold
For a full listing of calendar events, visit our website:
Sunday, March 27 8:45 am Contemporary Issues in the Fellowship Hall 9:15 am Lenten Book Study Group 10:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Confirmation Class in Room 203 10:15 am Children's Ministries in the Formation Wing 11:30 am Compassion Camp Online 11:45 am Handbell Choir in the Music Room 3:00 pm High School Youth Group in the Sanctuary & Sanford Davis Room 4:00 pm Youth Choir in the Sanctuary & Sanford Davis Room 4:45 pm Middle School Youth Group in the Sanctuary & Sanford Davis Room Monday, March 28 10:00 am Monday Morning Group 12:15 pm AA in Room 203 Tuesday, March 29 12:00 pm Tuesday Lenten Prayer Service 12:30 pm Tuesday Lenten Discussion Group 12:15 pm AA in Room 203 2:00 pm Cristina Altamura Music Lessons in Room 103 7:00 pm Technology Ministry Team 7:45 pm Wesley Foundation College Ministry in the Sanford Davis Room 8:00 pm Godfulness Meditation Small Group Wednesday, March 30 9:00 am Love Lives On via Zoom 2:00 pm Cristina Altamura Music Lessons in Room 103 4:30 pm Children's Choir in the Sanctuary 5:00 pm Cornerstone Community Meal 6:30 pm Chancel Choir Thursday, March 31 12:15 pm AA in Room 203 Sunday, April 3 8:45 am Contemporary Issues in the Fellowship Hall 9:15 am Lenten Book Study Group 10:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Confirmation Class in Room 203 10:15 am Children's Ministries in the Formation Wing 11:30 am Compassion Camp Online 11:30 am Virtual Coffee Hour 11:45 am Handbell Choir in the Music Room 3:00 pm Divorce Support Group 3:00 pm High School Youth Group in the Sanctuary & Sanford Davis Room 4:00 pm Youth Choir in the Sanctuary 4:45 pm Middle School Youth Group in the Sanctuary & Sanford Davis Room
Easter Egg Hunt for All Ages
April 9 | 11:30 am
Princeton and Kingston UMCs are partnering together for an Easter Egg Hunt! There will be music led by Tom Shelton, crafts for all ages (Yes! Even grown-ups!), coffee and snacks, and of course a search for eggs! This event is open to all of our young, and young at heart, and will be held at Kingston UMC. Please register by April 3rd at
Lenten Book Study Group
Sundays in Lent | 9:15 am
Join us, this season of Lent, as we read and discuss Forgiveness, the Passionate Journey by Flora Slosson Wuellner. Led by KUMC congregant and Princeton Theological Seminary professor Fred Simmons, the group will run from 9:15 am-10 am on Sunday mornings through April 10th. Here is the Zoom link to join. All are welcome.
Holy Week Labyrinth Hosts Needed
April 11-15
During Holy Week, PUMC's Sanford Davis Room and Chapel will be open for prayer, meditation and use of our floor labyrinth. In order to offer this sacred space to the community, we need volunteers to oversee the space. If you are interested in serving for one, or several, two hour shifts, contact Tyler in the office at or call 609-924-2613.
Ordering Lilies for Easter Sunday We will be decorating the church with lilies to enhance the beauty of our altar for Easter Sunday. Orders are due on April 8th. Order online or contact for more information.
Wesley Foundation at Princeton Are you looking for a progressive Christian college ministry? We'd love to have you! Email Pastor Skitch ( or Grecia Hernandez ( for more details about our Tuesday night Bible study!
Terracycle Program As more of us are coming to in-person worship, we want to invite you to contribute to our Terracycle donation bins, now located downstairs, just outside of the Fellowship Hall. Click here to get the current information about which items can be donated. Proceeds go to support the Appalachian Service Project.
Pastor Skitch Receives Recommendation for Ordination Please join us in congratulating Rev. Skitch Matson on being recommended for ordination by the Greater New Jersey Board on Ordained Ministry! We are so grateful for all of the gifts Pastor Skitch brings to his ministry with Kingston and Princeton UMCs, the Wesley Foundation campus ministry, and our youth! Pastor Skitch's ordination will be live-streamed during GNJ's online Annual Conference this May, so keep your eyes peeled for those details as they become available!
COVID Care Team Updates Did you catch our announcement last weekend regarding updates to our COVID Care protocols at PUMC? Starting this week, masks for people ages five and up are optional (but strongly encouraged) during worship. The hymnals and Bibles have also been returned to the church pews. Coffee Hour in the Sanford Davis Room will also return, following worship each Sunday. Please be mindful of those who are around you, considering that our youngest congregants are still not able to be vaccinated. For more updates from PUMC’s COVID Care Team, please watch this video from team members Connie Offer and Pastor Jenny.