Palm Sunday Worship - April 10, 2022 - Princeton UMC

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Palm Sunday April 10, 2022

Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem by He Qi

The Church Gathers Pre-Service Music

Crucifixion from the “Symphonie-Passion” (Opus 23)


Words of Welcome The Peace

The peace of the Lord be with you. And also with you.

Call to Worship This is the house of the Lord. Let us enter into the presence of God. O give thanks to the Lord, for God is good. God’s steadfast love endures forever! The Lord is God , And light has been given to us. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. We bless you from the house of the Lord. All: You are our God, and we lift your name high. adapted from Psalm 118, 2022 PUMC Worship Team Hymn

Hosanna, Loud Hosanna

UMH #278

Prayer of Confession As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are able to emulate the mind that was in Christ Jesus. Yet we confess that we have not always been able to follow or achieve the way Christ lived. Though Christ emptied himself and took on the form of a servant Though Christ humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death: Though we often forget to empty and humble ourselves or obediently follow the will of God. Though Christ was selfless, we continue to put ourselves first and ignore the needs of others

All: Therefore to honor the commandments of and in the name of Christ, we bend our knees and confess that Jesus Christ is our Lord and commit ourselves to the glory of God the Father. adapted from Philippians 2:5-11, 2022 PUMC Worship Team silence for prayer

Words of Assurance All you who despair, who mourn, who struggle, we proclaim it once again: Christ has come to save us! Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest! In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Amen! adapted from Thom Shuman

To Hear the Word and Reflect Music Ministry Children’s Time


Antiphonal Hosanna


This, this is where children belong Welcomed as part of the worshiping throng Water, God's Word, bread and cup, prayer and song. This is where children belong. Matthew 5:1-12; 21:1-11 This is the Word of Life. Thanks be to God.


A Singing, Shining Enemy

TFWS #2233

Rev. Jenny Smith Walz

To Respond in Faith Hymn

Freely, Freely

UMH #389

Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come; your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Sign-in and Connect! Card Let us know you are here, and connect with ways to Feed and Be Fed through PUMC: • Use the Connect! card, text “PUMC” to 609-542-2192, or scan the QR code. Invitation to Offering We provide options to give electronically, or you can place your gift in the offering plate. • Give on our church website, scan the QR code, text 844-908-2593, or give via PayPal. Offertory

Dominica in Palmis

Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below. Praise God, above ye heavenly host! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Prayer of Thanksgiving

Langlais UMH #95

And Scatter To Be in the World Hymn

To Mock Your Reign, O Dearest Lord

UMH #285

Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani from the “Sept Chorals-Poëmes d’Orgue pour les sept paroles du Xrist”


Benediction Postlude

Today’s Palm Plants Are Given... In Honor of Our Clergy and Staff In Loving Memory of My Mother, Edith Woodruff In Honor of PUMC In Honor of Our Children

by Iona Kerr Harding by Iona Kerr Harding by Steve Wong by Evangeline Burgers

Have Prayer Concerns?

Today’s flowers are given in honor of

For our Prayer Chain, call Mary Lib Stewart at 609-632-1973 or contact Yvonne Macdonald at, 609-497-0337. Please notify Pastor Jae Hong at when you or a family member is in the hospital or in need of a pastoral call.

Our Daughter Christine’s Birthday by Pam and Gene Nugent

Sharing in Our Worship Today Preacher: Lay Reader: Liturgists: Musicians:

Rev. Jenny Smith Walz Edwin Jenkins Theresa Cann, Tayler Necoechea Rich Spotts, Youth Choir, Children’s Choir

Acolyte: Sound & Video: Ushers:

Elizabeth Wong Stephen Offer, Ian Macdonald Vasanth Victor, Bhanu Prakash, Ed Febinger, Bright Rajaratnam

Prayer Concerns Jill Verga Tabor Bill Desantis Donald Jones Gus Macdonald Vicki The People of Ukraine

Cindy Bennett Daniel DeVido Todd Olivia The Marrow Family Gary Gerold

The Born Family Mary Harvey Gayvette Bruce & Family The Jones Family Victims of Gun Violence Kristin, Richard, & Diego

For a full listing of calendar events, visit our website:

Sunday, April 10 8:45 am Contemporary Issues in the Fellowship Hall 9:15 am Lenten Book Study Group 10:00 am Palm Sunday Worship Service 10:00 am Confirmation Class Worships at PUMC 10:15 am Children's Ministries in the Formation Wing 11:30 am Compassion Camp Online 11:30 am Outreach Ministry Team via Zoom 11:45 am Handbell Choir in the Music Room 3:00 pm Love Lives On via Zoom 3:00 pm High School Youth Group in the Sanctuary & Sanford Davis Room 4:00 pm Youth Choir in the Sanctuary 4:45 pm Middle School Youth Group in the Sanctuary & Sanford Davis Room Monday, April 11 9am-5pm Sanford Davis Room open for Prayer/Meditation/Labyrinth 10:00 am Monday Morning Group 7:00 pm Children & Youth Formation Ministry Team 7:00 pm NJGMC Weekly Rehearsal in the Sanctuary 7:15 pm Membership & Growth Ministry Team Tuesday, April 12 9am-5pm Sanford Davis Room open for Prayer/Meditation/Labyrinth 12:00 pm Tuesday Lenten Prayer Service 12:30 pm Tuesday Lenten Discussion Group 7:45 pm Wesley Foundation College Ministry in the Sanford Davis Room 8:00 pm Godfulness Meditation Small Group Wednesday, April 13 9am-5pm Sanford Davis Room open for Prayer/Meditation/Labyrinth 9:00 am Love Lives On via Zoom 4:30 pm Children's Choir in the Sanctuary 5:00 pm Cornerstone Community Meal 7:00 pm Chancel Choir in the Sanctuary Thursday, April 14 9am-5pm Sanford Davis Room open for Prayer/Meditation/Labyrinth 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday KUMC/PUMC Combined Worship Service in the Sanctuary Friday, April 15 9am-5pm Sanford Davis Room open for Prayer/Meditation/Labyrinth 7:00 pm Good Friday Worship Service in the Sanctuary Saturday, April 16 10:00 am Holy Saturday Worship Service in the Sanctuary Sunday, April 17 6:30 am Easter Sunrise Service at Carnegie Lake 10:00 am Easter Sunday Worship Service

Holy Week Labyrinth Open Invitation

April 11th-15th | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

During Holy Week, PUMC's Sanford Davis Room and Chapel will be open for prayer, meditation and use of our floor labyrinth. Feel free to drop in anytime between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday this week to be in this sacred space.

Lenten Prayer Service

April 12 | 12:00 pm

Get a mid-week respite during this weekly worship service, held in our Princeton chapel. This week's service is led by Tayler Necoechea. The service lasts about 30 minutes and will have a discussion time that follows. Service and discussion are open to in-person attendance, as well as online.

Maundy Thursday

April 14 | 7:00 pm

On Maundy Thursday, we commemorate the day when Jesus shared the Last Supper with his 12 apostles, prior to his crucifixion. Just as Jesus demonstrated the importance of serving others through foot washing, participants in this worship service at our Princeton Campus will have an opportunity to participate in foot washing and communion with others.

Good Friday

April 15 | 7:00 pm

Good Friday is when we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Each of our campuses will host a Tenebrae-style service to observe this holy day. Hymn singing and the passion story will be threaded throughout to make this significant event come alive for all. Simultaneous services will be held at each campus.

Holy Saturday

April 16 | 10:00 am

This worship service at the Princeton Campus is a time for quiet reflection, marking the days that Jesus' followers stood watch of his tomb, full of lament and grief.

Order Your Beautiful Easter Lilies

Due April 11th

We appreciate those folks who have ordered their Easter lilies. We need your help! To praise our Lord and Savior, let’s show him our love and thanks by placing beautiful pure white lilies around our altar. They are still available by filling out the form and placing it in our offering plates, electronically ordering, or contacting Tyler at the office. He may be reached at 609-924-2613 or Ordering and payment have been extended until April 11th. Your help is most appreciated in praising our Lord and Savior.

Food Donations Gladly Accepted Do you have extra turkey and ham, as a result of all the supermarket promotions this holiday season? The Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK) is currently serving over 1,700 meals at lunch time, five times the number prior to the pandemic, and would greatly appreciate your donation. Please email to make arrangements for delivery to the church.

PUMC Scholarship Applications Are Now Available

Due May 6th

PUMC awards scholarships each year to church members attending an accredited undergraduate college and to support those preparing for ministry at the masters level. Scholarships are awarded in June. Applications for initial scholarships are available online here. Application for renewal scholarships are also available online, if you have received a scholarship from us in the past. Deadline for submission of application and supporting materials is May 6th.

Wesley Foundation at Princeton Are you looking for a progressive Christian college ministry? We'd love to have you! Email Pastor Skitch ( or Grecia Hernandez ( for more details about our Tuesday night Bible study!

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