6th Sunday of Easter May 22, 2022
Lydia By Sarah Beth Baca
The Church Gathers Pre-Service Music
Alegretto from Suite infantile 2
Words of Welcome The Peace
The peace of the risen Christ be with you. And also with you.
Call to Worship From the noise and demands of the world, we come to be made alive in God, to be rooted and built up in Christ, to be nourished and held together in the Spirit, united in Christ’s body, the Church, abounding in gratitude and love. Hymn
See the Morning Sun Ascending
by Steve Garnaas-Homes
UMH #674
Prayer of Confession How easily we can learn of God's love - how hard it is to live it! The world distracts us with its easy choices, while we know how intentional we must be to love one another and answer God's call. Join me as we open our hearts to God, saying, Because you dwell in our hearts, Eternal God, you know how the anger, the pain, the bitterness of our lives try to crowd you out. The noise of the world deafens us to your visions and call. Our constant motion keep us from being aware of your good news dwelling in us. Our uncertainties make us doubt that we are bearers of that good news to a hurting world. You promise a new heaven and a new earth, so create new spirits and lives within us, O God, your heart can still heal our wounds. Your Spirit, living deep within our souls, can teach us faithful ways. Your Word, Jesus Christ our Lord, whispers the good news of your mercy, your hope, your love. silence for prayer
Words of Assurance The love God pours out is not some idle gossip, but good news for us. It fills us with forgiveness, equips us for service, and sends us forth to love others as God loves us. In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Amen. adapted from Thom Shuman
To Hear the Word and Reflect Music Ministry
The Seasons: April (“Snowdrop”)
Children’s Time
Where Children Belong
TFWS #2233
Acts 16:9-15 This is the Word of Life. Thanks be to God.
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz
To Respond in Faith Hymn Prayers of the People
Lead Me, Lord Pie Jesu
UMH #473 Lightfoot
The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Sign-in and Connect! Card Let us know you are here, and connect with ways to Feed and Be Fed through PUMC: • Use the Connect! card, text “PUMC” to 609-542-2192, or scan the QR code. Invitation to Offering We provide options to give electronically, or you can place your gift in the offering plate. • Give on our church website, scan the QR code, text 844-908-2593, or give via PayPal. Offertory
Suite infantile 1
Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Prayer of Thanksgiving
Villa-Lobos UMH #94
And Scatter To Be in the World Hymn
Guide My Feet
TFWS #2208
Benediction Postlude
Doc Gradus ad Parnassum from Children’s Corner
Have Prayer Concerns? Today’s flowers are given in memory of
Our Departed Loved Ones by LaVerna Albury
For our Prayer Chain, call Mary Lib Stewart at 609-632-1973 or contact Yvonne Macdonald at yvonnee.mac@verizon.net, 609-497-0337. Please notify Pastor Jae Hong at jae@princetonumc.org when you or a family member is in the hospital or in need of a pastoral call.
Sharing in Our Worship Today Pastor: Lay Reader: Liturgists: Musicians:
Rev. Jenny Smith Walz Raphael Aryeetey Theresa Cann, Doug Fullman Jenni Collins, Julia Hanna
Acolytes: Sound & Video: Ushers:
The Collins Family Stephen Offer, Ian Macdonald Jose Alcantara, Ian Griffiths, James and Ulanda Frisbee
Prayer Concerns Donald Jones The People of Ukraine Vicki and Family Olivia Gayvette Bruce & Family
Theo Nemeth Victims of Gun Violence The Family of Joan Klass The Born Family Mernel and Mary Jane
Laxman Lawrence Suzanne Grady Sylvia Couvertier Carl Pate
For a full listing of calendar events, visit our website: https://princetonumc.org/calendar/
Sunday, May 22 8:45 am Contemporary Issues in the Fellowship Hall 10:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Confirmation Class in Room 203 10:15 am Children's Ministries in the Formation Wing 11:30 am Newcomers Group in Rooms 204/205 and on Zoom 11:45 am Handbell Choir in the Music Room 3:00 pm High School Youth Group in the Sanctuary 4:45 pm Middle School Youth Group in the Sanctuary Monday, May 23 10:00 am Monday Morning Group 12:15 pm AA in Room 203 7:00 pm NJGMC Weekly Rehearsal in the Sanctuary Tuesday, May 24 11:00 am Ordination of Pastor Skitch 12:15 pm AA in Room 203 8:00 pm Godfulness Meditation Small Group Wednesday, May 25 9:00 am Love Lives On via Zoom 5:00 pm Cornerstone Community Meal Thursday, May 26 12:15 pm AA in Room 203 7:30 pm Staff Parish Committee Sunday, May 29 10:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Confirmation Class in Room 203 10:15 am Children's Ministries in the Formation Wing 11:30 am Newcomers Group in Rooms 204/205 and on Zoom 11:45 am Handbell Choir in the Music Room 3:00 pm Divorce Support Group 3:00 pm High School Youth Group in the Sanctuary 4:45 pm Middle School Youth Group in the Sanctuary
Newcomers Class
Today | 11:30 am
This five-week class continues this Sunday, offering an opportunity to learn more about Princeton UMC and consider how you might get more plugged into the many ministries happening in the life of our church. At the end of the five weeks, participants will be invited to join into membership at PUMC. Email Pastor Jenny at jenny@princetonumc.org if you want to participate. Have someone in mind who you think should join? Extend them a special invitation!
RESCHEDULED Community Heritage and Prayer Pilgrimage
June 26th | 12:30 pm
Due to the extreme heat today, we have rescheduled this event for next month. We hope you will still be able to participate in this walk through the Witherspoon Jackson Neighborhood. The tour, which will start at Hinds Plaza, will offer opportunities for us to learn some about the hurt and hope experienced by neighbors in our community and participate with one another in dialogue around these experiences. Can't make it on June 26? That's okay! Here's the booklet, so that you can take the tour at your own leisure. (Accessible at princetonumc.org/community-heritage-prayer-pilgrimage)
Pastor Skitch Ordination Details
May 24th | 11:00 am
Pastor Skitch Matson, Campus Pastor at Kingston UMC and Youth Pastor for our Multi-Site Ministry, will be ordained at the Greater NJ Annual Conference this Tuesday at 11:00 am! All are welcome to attend via YouTube livestream.
Juneteenth Celebration Cookout
June 25th | 11:30 am
Save the (NEW!) date and location for the second annual Juneteenth Cookout, in partnership with Mt. Pisgah AME Church. The luncheon will be held at The Cloister Inn, 65 Prospect Avenue, near Princeton University. Want to get involved with preparations? Contact Dana Dreibelbis at danadreibelbis@gmail.com.
Terracycle Program Contribute to our Terracycle donation bins, located downstairs, just outside of the Fellowship Hall. Click here to get the current information about which items can be donated or visit www.princetonumc.org. Proceeds go to support the Appalachian Service Project.
All Ages Invited to VBS This Summer
June 27th-30th | 5:30-8:00 pm
There is something for everyone at our second annual community-wide VBS! This year, we'll gather at Mt. Pisgah AME Church to eat, worship, and learn about God's teachings of compassion. There will be groups for children, teens, and adults. Save the dates for June 27-30, from 5:30 pm-8:00 pm. Do you feel called to help lead a group? Or donate money toward a meal? Let Evangeline know at evangeline@princetonumc.org.