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Notes from the Pastor

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Finding Community

Finding Community

Rev. Jenny Smith Walz

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!” ~ Isaiah 6:8


Are there particular stories of call that resonate most with you in scripture? The Bible is full of stories of people being asked to go and do: travel to a new land to be God’s covenant people (Abraham and Sarah), lead people into freedom (Moses), lead God’s people (David), speak God’s truth (Isaiah), bear God to the world (Mary), follow Jesus (the disciples), feed God’s people (Stephen), search for someone who is lost (Ananias), expand the walls of the church (Peter), and soooo much more! In fact, for each of those actions I just mentioned, several more people, from scripture and beyond, can be named. The one that resonates most with me is Moses’s call story. Remember the burning bush? Remember all of the excuses that Moses came up with? Remember how God took care of each one until there weren’t any excuses left? I have experienced all of those things, and for far smaller tasks than the one that Moses had.

Sometimes we are called to things that are easy to say yes to, that we are ready for, perhaps that we’ve been waiting for. But there are times when we are called to things that seem far bigger than us, things that we’d rather say no to, things that awaken some fear within us. And there are also times that we struggle to hear the call clearly in the first place.

As we continue to listen for what God is calling us to, for our powerful purpose(s), in the moment and in the months and years to come, one thing I know for sure is that we need others to help us to hear God clearly, to say, “yes” to God’s call, and to go where God calls us. Disciplined Discernment happens best within a community. We at PUMC are committed to cultivating the practice of listening to God’s direction for us individually and collectively. I need you, and we need each other to live into our powerful purpose(s)!

I love the stories you’ll find in this newsletter: stories of people choosing a community, growing with the help of a community, working to further develop a community. They are stories of people following God’s call, saying yes, seeking others to journey with, preparing to invite others on the journey too.

What stories of call and community do you have? What have you discerned as your powerful purpose(s)? We’d love to hear! Let us know over on our online campus or by writing or emailing us!

May you have strength and peace and companionship for every powerful purpose God is calling you to!

Peace and love, Jenny

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