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Sabbath and Nature: An Invitation to Reciprocity and Renewal

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Week Four

Week Four

For those of us who do not make a living directly from the land or sea, nature may be a sanctuary of sabbath. Whether growing plants in an apartment or gardening in the yard, walking the dog in the neighborhood or sitting in a local park, watching nature documentaries or visiting the shore, glimpsing a wild animal, listening to birdsong, or savoring the scent of blossoms or flowers, nature can afford release, rest, and restoration. A generation ago, natural scientists sought to formalize this possibility by naming it biophilia—the human urge to affiliate with other forms of life. More recently, some in the West have come to appreciate the Japanese practice of shinrin yoku or “forest bathing” (which is not—despite the name—the same as taking a bath in a forest - see page 11 for more about this). Yet whatever the form or term, connecting with nature can be a way of realizing sabbath.

Scripture, however, spurs us to more than keeping sabbath by connecting with nature. It attests that God summons us to provide nature with sabbath. For example, while Israel was in the wilderness after its Exodus from Egypt, “The Lord said to Moses on Mount Sinai … ‘the land shall keep a sabbath to the Lord. Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall prune your vineyard, and gather in its fruits; but in the seventh year there shall be a sabbath of solemn rest for the land, a sabbath to the Lord’” (Leviticus 25:1-4). These instructions from God on Sinai reissue human beings’ initial commission from God in Eden to till and keep their garden home (Genesis 2:15). Hence, both as created by God and as a people in covenant with God, human beings are to live from nature but also to let it rest. Indeed, God’s original covenant is not only with human beings (Genesis 9:9, 11, 12) or every living thing (Genesis 9:10, 12) but with the earth itself (Genesis 9:13). Accordingly, nature’s sabbath should not simply be a by-product of human rest. Rather, humans should keep sabbath in part so that nature too can rest. When we do, nature blesses us with its bounty and beauty, and we participate in God’s fulfillment of God’s covenant with nature.


Yet just as true peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of righteousness, we do not offer nature sabbath simply by letting it rest—even when we do so deliberately. Instead, extending sabbath to nature means protecting it and restoring it as well. This, of course, requires work. As a result, nature proves more than a sanctuary of sabbath—even for those who do not make a living directly from the land or sea. Nature emerges as something we are called to love.

This call to love nature does not prevent nature from being a place to rest. On the contrary, just as the Christian duty to love God and neighbor is compatible with keeping sabbath, providing nature with sabbath is consistent with taking sabbath by connecting with nature. In fact, these activities are often mutually reinforcing. So this Lent, let us consider contributing to nature’s sabbath by planting native species, picking up litter while walking the dog, decreasing the animal products in our diets, becoming involved in local land trusts and wildlife preserves, or embracing another of the many ways to foster its flourishing. Such activities reliably enhance the sabbath we find in nature and thereby are among the disciplines that constitute the rewards and responsibilities of Christian discipleship.

26 Worship, Play, and Sabbath

“Worship has one thing in common with the play of the child. . . - it has no purpose, but is full of profound meaning. It is not work but play. To be at play, . . . - not to create but to exist - such is the essence of the liturgy.”*

Come to worship this week to play, to exist, to immerse yourself in God’s presence, to delight and discover it anew.

*Romano Guardini, quoted in: Norman Wirzba, Living the Sabbath, Brazos Press, 2006, p.161.

27 Sabbath at Work

What would it look like to bring sabbath aims of joy, justice, peace, and delight into your work (in whatever ways you labor, paid or unpaid). It may seem antithetical, but sit with it for a bit. Where are these aims already present? What would have to change to bring these sabbath commitments more fully into your place of work? What would be different if you did? - for you, your work, for the world?

28 Sabbath Trust

Trust is an important part of sabbath practice. To practice sabbath we have to relinquish control and trust that the world can go on without us for a little while. We trust that God is there, taking care of what needs care. We trust in others who give us the space to rest. In what ways do you struggle with this aspect of sabbath? Talk with a trusted friend today, both about these struggles and about how you might help one another through them.

29 Daydream and Mind-Wander

Modern neuroscience has determined that when our brains are resting (unfocussed on a particular external task), our brains are “doing some critical work on our behalf.” Our resting brain activity is critical to our development, health, and productivity. Brains that get more rest tend to have better memory, attention, higher levels of empathy, and can better understand another’s point of view. They are more creative, innovative, and problem-solve better.* So let your mind wander today. Daydream. Imagine. And claim it as sabbath, trusting that your rest contributes to a more compassionate, kingdom-like world.

*Alex Soojung-Kim Pang. Rest, Basic Books, 2016, digital ed. P.41.

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