Alpinesport april 17

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Summer Memories

APRIL 2017

President’s Report - April 2017 The last month seems to have been a busy one. Partly I expect because I have been racing up and down the country. It was great to visit the South Island and see the difference between the north and the south. One thing that is readily noticeable in most places is the number of visitors and tourists. In the South Island the route options are more restricted (presently) and this is clearly concentrating the flow of visitors. Accommodation in particular, is more difficult to source. The Ruapehu working bees have been going full swing this past month despite uncooperative weather. This is resulting in compaction of the work programme and Scott Houghton is to be commended for his efforts in getting ready for the new window installation on 25th March. This year we have received less volunteers for the work parties which is a shame. Organising the work parties is a large enough task on its own without having to focus attention on cajoling people to join a work party. This year the committee has determined to reduce the annual subscription rate for full members by a small amount. The reduction is nominal but attempts to address the imbalance complained of by many trampers over the years. It is significant because our income was substantially reduced this year because of the poor snow season on Ruapehu and we will actually record a small loss. The reduction is even more significant when measured against the possible requirements if contractors are required to be employed to undertake maintenance on our huts because we can not find volunteers willing to forgo the occasional weekend to complete the works ourselves. In like manner, it is easy to see a time when it may be necessary to employ part time secretarial services to undertake various administration and promotional activities of the club because we can not get members involved with the administration of the club. This time is rapidly approaching and the additional costs will need to be recovered via the subscriptions. As previously noted I am very keen to hear from anyone who can assist with many small tasks within the club. The tasks are not demanding and generally only require an hour or two of time per week. Please contact me if you can assist. Brian Duffy Editor’s Note After a long week at work and facing a weekend of too many commitments, I decided to scape to the Waitakere hut on Saturday evening and join Jackie and Christina for a meal and bubbles. Jackie and Christina are getting themselves “tramping ready” for their upcoming Easter trip to the South Island; being too busy to go out tramping, meeting them up for dinner was a perfect plan B. We had a lovely evening enjoying the peace and quiet of the bush and the sunset over Piha. I am once again reminded of the great facilities that ASC offers to



member and guest. Already in the Waitakeres, my Sunday run was much more interesting, bonus!!!

Pilar Cerezo-Gomez

Waitakere Hut

At the centre of Auckland Regional Park track network, close to surf beaches. 50 minutes from Auckland city, with 18 bunks, electric kitchen, solar heated shower and secure car parking. Phone: 09 575 5383, ASC, PO Box 131, Auckland Website:

APRIL 2017


END OF AN ERA In July 1964 seventy two of the “older set” of club members met at the Waitakere Hut for a weekend of club activities including a celebratory dinner. Out of that weekend came the decision to form a “Veterans” group for people who had been members of the Club for more than 21 years. This was duly approved by the committee and so a Veterans section came into being. Although still fully part of the club, it would run slightly less strenuous activities and trips for club members as a whole, but aimed at the abilities of the slightly older age group. In addition to trips and social events, as time went on a monthly Friday night gathering was held in members’ homes with one of the group showing slides and speaking on their travels or trips to other places around the world. In June 1987 a strong contingent of the next generation of members decided that perhaps they were still too young to be veterans but a little too old to be considered “young guns” and so the Midis Section was formed which stands for Middle Aged Inspired Devotees of Independent Sports!! This section of the Club which is co-ordinated by Sherilyn Coney is still very active today as seen by attendance at monthly Club evenings and Thursday Walks. For nearly fifty years the Veteran section has been an active part of the club and it is only in the last few years that numbers have slowly dwindled. Last month Jean Draffin who has held the mantel of Veteran’s Co-ordinator since 1995, a period of more than 20 years, decided to “hang up her hat” and continue her club involvement as part of the Midis group. The Midis have decided to stay Midis and so it is with some trepidation and sadness that the committee has decided to close off the Veterans section for the time being. So ends an era in the life of the Alpine Sports Club. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Jean for all her work and effort over many, many years. On behalf of all Club members, thank you Jean for all that you have done to make the Club what it is today. Warren Whyte



Pakuranga Rotary Walk

Sunday Stroll 05 March 2017

This runs around the edge of the water of the Tamaki Estuary, starting under the bridge from Panmure on Pakuranga Road and continuing to Farm Cove and further on. It is great easy walking. Points of interest include extensive views up and down the Tamaki River, layers of ash, peat and ignimbrite, wetland areas, and features of historical and cultural significance not to mention the variety of the back yards of residential properties overlooking the estuary! We started by entering a reserve on the corner of Pakuranga Highway and Ti Rakau Drive opposite the Pakuranga Plaza and following a path alongside but some distance below the motorway. It took us down to Millen Avenue which we crossed and followed the foreshore to the right and up a little known exit to Pakuranga Road. From there we went down to the left under the bridge referred to above and a little way further on we came to the start of the walk proper. We then followed an easy gradient concrete and board walk path through numerous reserves and wetland areas to where we exited onto Pakuranga Road opposite the Plaza. In places, you get a great view of both sides of the estuary not to mention the section which has some very interesting historical interest. Scott White (Leader and scribe), Tony Broad, Joe & Pat Scott-Woods, Larry Stead & Junior, Sherilyn Coney, Barbara Lamont, Eve Wong and two guests, Judy and Chaven.

APRIL 2017


Subscriptions for 2017 are now due Subscription notices were sent out with this month’s edition of Alpinesport. If you did not receive one please call our treasurer Warren Whyte ph 528 4824 and he will email you a copy. It would certainly assist with Club administration if everyone were to renew their subscription in April. As noted on the Subscription account please pay your sub into our ASB Subscription account 12-3237-0007167-61. Members in the under age 65 categories will be pleased to note that subscription rates for this year have been reduced. Thank you for your support.

A Plus – Samurai Lodge in Turangi An ideal budget hostel base for hiking, doing the Tongariro Crossing or fishing in the surrounding area. For more information visit ASC member Ian Seddon would like to offer a discounted rate for your stay - just $16 per person or $50 per family room, per night. Contact Ian at or on (07) 386 8979 to make a booking.



TRIPS & TRAMPS - APRIL, 2017 & BEYOND This Month’s Safety Tip Carry any personal medication and allergy relief requirements Tuesday Club Night 7.30pm Tuesday 4 April 2017 St Marks Church, Parish Hall, 5 St Marks Road, Remuera. Challenge, Adventure and Godzone President, Brian Duffy fresh from competing in NZ’s most extreme challenge will speak of his experiences in the 2017 Godzone seven day event held in Queenstown. Vice President, Jackie Ponting along with Christina Richter will speak of their Ruapehu Round the Mountain tramp and Whanganui River ‘odyssey’, or was it? Most club members have either done these two trips or are capable of doing them, so come along and find out more from these two active club members. Starting in January – Climbing trips from January 2017 onwards There will be ‘short notice’ climbing trips organised by the Climbing Group. To go on one of these trips, please go along to a session of Climbing at Extreme Edge at 7 pm on a Monday evening. Contact: Jackie Ponting Ph 021 2093120 or Chelsea Heritage Park & Chelsea Bay Sunday Stroll Sund 2 April 2017 Meet at 1 pm in the car park at the bottom of Colonial Road, Birkenhead. Chelsea Heritage Park combines walks through both grassed and bushed areas with great views. Throughout the park there are a great variety of birds such as nesting shags, tui and wood pigeons. The lakes are home to short and long finned eels, common bully and banded kokopu as well as many exotic species. Leader: Scott White Ph 0274 979 017 or Mahurangi Regional Park Sunday 9 April 2017 Walking for about 4 hours around the Mahurangi Peninsula enjoying the bush, the birds and the coastal paths. Swimming optional. Meet at Sullivan’s Bay carpark at 10 am. Please let leader know if you are coming. Leader: Owen Sprosen Ph. 09 449 9309 or Thursday Walk - Karekare Thursday 13 April 2017 Meet at car park 10.30am. Walk along the beach. Boots essential. Approx 4 hours.

APRIL 2017


Leader: Roy Haywood Ph 821 8874, 021 025 33114 Arthur Range, Kahurangi NP Easter April 14 – 17 A third attempt at the north-south traverse from Mt Arthur to Mt Patriarch. A 3 to 4 day traverse, weather permitting! Leader: Brian Duffy for details. or Mob: 021 859 829 Blockhouse Bay to Green Bay & Craigavon Park Sunday Stroll Sunday 16 April 2017 Meet at 1 pm in the car park 100 metres up from the beach in Endeavour Street. Part of Blockhouse Bay Beach Reserve and the Manukau coastal walk route. The path of which rises up behind the playground to Taunton Terrace and along a track marked Te Ara O Tiriwa (the Pathway of Tiriwa – the legendary high priest of the Waitakeres) This is a little known route from Blockhouse Bay beach up to and then down and along the cliff face towards and then down to Green Bay. Great sea views and very steep with many steps. From there we go through Motu Moana to Craigavon Park and return via another route. Leader: Scott White Ph 0274 979 017 or Thursday Walk - Puhoi Thursday 27 April 2017 Meet at 10.30 at the Domain opposite the General Store. Approx 2 hours bush walking on the northern ridge and returning via the valley floor, then a look around the historic village. Suitable for most walkers. Leader: Bruce Dwerryhouse. Ph 575 4090, 022 123 9507 Ruapehu Mountain Clubs Assoc (RMCA) Bi-Annual Forum Saturday 29 April 2017 To be held at Whakapapa Village from 9am – 5 pm. All club members interested in the issues relating to Ruapehu and outdoor activities on the mountain are invited to attend. Further details available from Warren Whyte Ph. 528 4824 Highbrook Park including Pukekiwiriki Crater Sund Stroll 30 April 2017 Meet at 1 pm outside Westpac in Business Parade South. Car park on the corner of Business Parade South and Sir Woolf Fisher Drive. We do a large circular walk initially past many modern and large commercial buildings and then into a waterside reserve on the south side of the Highbrook or Waiouru Peninsula. We then traverse westwards and then around Pukekiwiriki Crater which is a breached explosive crater and tuff ring. It means ‘the hill with the associated small lagoon’. The crater floor is now salt marsh and mangrove



forest. From there we cross Highbrook Drive and follow the path along the water’s edge. We traverse ancient river terraces and pass many fantastic ponds which have a great selection of wild life. Leader: Scott White Ph 0274 979 017 or Twin Coast Rail Trail Thurs 4 – Sunday 7 May 2017 This new rail trail from Opua on the East Coast to Horeke on the Hokianga Harbour, via Ngawha, Kaikohe and Lake Omapere is now open. There is a ride of about 4km on the vintage steam train Gabriel for 4km from Taumarere to Kawaka. There are 5 sections with a total length of 82 km. We'll use a shuttle to return to the cars. Other details such as accommodation yet to be finalised. Maximum of 10 people. Leader: Lesley Hawke 021 670981 or Thursday Walk - Coastal Walk Eastern Beach to Howick Beach & return 11 May 2017 Meet at 10.30 am at the middle of Eastern Beach. Bush tracks, beaches and streets. Leader: Helen Bolt Ph 534 2946 or 022 0917330 Hunua Ranges by Numbers - Expedition Eight Sunday 21 May 2017 We will explore Track 19 starting at Moumoukai Hill Road, going along Kohukohunui Track (part track 2) turning into Mine Road (Track 19) leading past one of the disused Manganese Mines to cross the Mangatawhiri River, then continuing until we meet the Upper Mangatawhiri track (Track 21). This will be a there and back trip. Estimated time 6 hours. Leaders: Sue and Brian Fitzpatrick Ph 576 1069 or Thursday Walk – St John’s Area Thursday 25 May 2017 Something old, something new. Includes St John’s College, new walkway by Sunhill and more. Meet 10 am at Worcester Road entrance to St John’s Bush. Leader: Jocelyn Whyte Ph 528 4824 021 158 6850 Thursday Walks – Walks are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month (except January and December). For further information contact Sherilyn Coney For details of other proposed multi day trips see the Forum on the ASC website under “Tramping and Trips” where members seek others to join them or help in planning in trips.

APRIL 2017




APRIL 2017


Climbing at Extreme Edge A group of younger members meet on Monday nights at Extreme Edge, Mt Wellington. All ages are very welcome to join them from 7.00 pm on for an evening of fun learning and practicing climbing skills. If interested please contact Jackie Ponting - or phone 021 209 3120 Check out the Bulletin Board regularly for other activities. Heads up on proposed trips We are planning these trips, and we'd like expressions of interest for the trip on the date shown. Please reply to Bart Schroder, Tongariro Crossing Saturday 1 - Sunday 2 April 2017 Staying at the ASC A-Frame. We plan to do the crossing on Saturday, but if the weather looks dodgy, the Sunday. We'll take a Roam shuttle from Whakapapa ($30 return, leaves 7am or 8am to Mangetepopo, returns from Ketetahi at 2pm, 4pm or 5:30pm) The alternate day, if the weather is good, we do the Tama Lakes walk, which takes in the Taranaki Falls - 5-6 Hrs return. Heaphy Track Saturday 22 - Wednesday 26 April 2017 The track is 82 km long, and takes 4-6 days, depending on how fast we want to go. Currently Air NZ have flights at 7am, arrive 8:25 for $69 incl bag) then shuttle to Brown hut (2 3/4 hours, arrive midday). The walk to the next hut (Perry Saddle) is 5 hours, so we either have a long day, or arrive later, and stay the night at Browns Hut, and start walking the next day. Return from Kohaihai Shelter to Nelson (5 1/2 hours), stay the night in Nelson and fly out the next day (currently $89 inc bag). Shuttle cost is $160. The DOC hut fee is $35/night. Please let us know how many days you would like to take. You will need to book your own flights and huts, once we confirm dates. We will book the shuttle. Kawau Island/Tawharanui Saturday 10 - Sunday 11 June 2017 Drive to Tawharanui, camp there in the regional park camp ground ($15), and walk North-South coast tracks, with a detour to Tokatu Point lookout (3 - 4 1/2 hours depending). Lots of bird life in the sanctuary, and good views. On Sunday decamp and drive to Sandspit (23km, 30 mins) for a day trip to Kawau Island ($50 return). Visit Mansion House, and do the Coppermine round trip (2 1/2 hours) from Mansion house via Redwood tracks to the old copper mine and back via Two House bay. All other tracks on the island are currently closed because of H+S concerns. If you don't want to camp let us know, and we'll contemplate staying locally somewhere, at higher cost.



Southern Alps Excursion September 2017 Visit the glacier country, 6-7 day fly in walk out expedition proposed either Murchiso/Tasman glaciers or perhaps Fox or Franz Neves. Contact Brian Duffy for details. or Mob: 021 859 829 Personal Locator Beacons may save lives – yours or someone else’s. ASC recommends they be used by anyone venturing into the bush and are available from Murray Davidson – Ph. 528-4504 Intending members/guests please book with the trip leader as early as possible. For weekend trips no later than one week prior. For Saturday and Sunday day trips phone by Thursday at the latest. Trips are held rain or sunshine. Recommended Levy for guests (non members) $ 5 per person for a day or weekend trip. Transport contribution is 12c/km and Ruapehu transport for return trip is $50. Remember to advise your family & friends that in the event of a trip being late, enquiries should be directed to the Tours Officer or other Committee members listed inside the back cover of this magazine. Occasionally a change of leader is necessary and an update is put on the website. If you do not have Internet access and have not had a response to your phone call, you are welcome to phone any member of the Tours sub-committee who will be able to advise you of the new leader.

APRIL 2017


Hunua Ranges by numbers Expedition Seven, March 5th Food and Lodging in the Hunuas We had planned a cross over trip otherwise a there and back would have been 89 hours. However by Thursday evening numbers were not sufficient to ensure the safety of very small groups so we decided to go as far as possible in one direction before we returned to our cars parked at the bottom of the Mangatawhiri Dam. Eight of us set off walking steadily uphill (it seems there is always a lot of up in the Hunuas) along Waterline and Keeney Roads until we reached the ridge line and the Regional Park Weather Station. A break gave us two lessons in survival. Firstly ex Scout Masters on the trip explained the intricacies of the compass to those less experienced. It pays to always know your basics. North was pointed out accurately from the sun so even though it would be almost impossible to get lost on the wide forest roads the lessons were confidence boosters. The second lesson resulted in the party having very purple hands and mouths. Blackberries! Even if we’d had to overnight we wouldn’t have gone hungry. In fact, I think some may have been happy crouched by the side of the road nibbling their way through the night. Of course we all had our survival blankets to wrap up in! The road was now descending gently, native bush giving way to pine forest. We were able to gaze across the valley and look at a ridge we’d traversed on a previous trip and away in the distance to Coromandel. We turned into St Paul’s Road and very soon came across the dilapidated ruins of an old farm house with adjacent dog kennel and water tank. We spent quite some time speculating on the lives of the people who lived in that very remote place. Also thinking up appropriate “For Sale” and “Handy man’s dream” an understatement.



After lunch the road became steeper and although it was pleasantly shady we thought of the upward return so started back. Our hunter gatherer instincts kicked in again as we reached the blackberry patches so progress was slow for a while. One to eat and one for whatever container we had to hand. Thoughts of blackberries for tea (like Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail) lent wings to our feet as we enjoyed the long down stretch back to the cars. A group from ATC were waiting by their bus for a second more ambitious party so it was fun to chat and share tales. However, we didn’t divulge where the blackberries were growing The day saw us cover more than half the cross over version, but by doing the in and out we walked more kilometres than we would have which was very satisfying especially for those planning South Island expeditions soon. If we want to cover all the numbered tracks in the Hunuas there is no avoiding the rather jarring impact of roads so there were eight weary bodies that night Brian and Sue FitzPatrick (leaders and scribes), Carolyn Blackford, Elisabeth Jobbins, David and Marcia Roberts, Jocelyn and Warren Whyte

APRIL 2017


Second Ruapehu Work Party 11-12 March 2017 Thank you to the following club members who, in spite of the atrocious weekend weather conditions, still managed to complete a number of the tasks set down to be done at the A Frame. Scott Houghton (organiser), Neale Bates, Phillip Cowman, Sue Grant, Robert Hoyle, Mike Laughton, Pilar Cerezo-Gomez, Paul Lyon, Jackie Ponting, Christina, Tony Parlane, Bruce Rogers, Warren Whyte In addition thanks to Jackie and Christina for the lovely food they cooked and to Bruce and Sue for doing the breakfasts. A quick summary of what was achieved • • • • •


Prepared the joints and painted the internal section of the rigid air barrier on the south side of the A Frame Carried up from the car park several sheets of GIB and plywood Carried up other supplies including two 25 kg bags of cement, two bags of scaffold couplers (25-30 kg) roll of building cloth, screws for the cladding, polyurethane foam and a number of smaller items Painted eight dining room and lounge area window casements


• • • • • • •

Repaired and plastered damaged ceiling in kitchen area Replaced six batten lights in the basement with bulkhead lights Replaced one damaged reading light Repaired the GIB wall lining in the lounge seating area Stripped the GIB from the two external walls in bunk room D Installed polyurethane foam insulation in these walls Removed water damaged chip board flooring in bunk room D and prepared site for new flooring

By the time members read this article two more work parties will have been held with the aim of installing new bunk room windows and fitting the new exterior cladding on the south wall.

Member’s Corner Ruapehu Custodian required - any member interested? Alpine Sports Club is looking for a member or a couple of members who may be interested in being the Ruapehu Custodian. The member or couple will be required to be in residence at the A Frame, Mt Ruapehu from July to October. Duties will include but not exclusive to: ❖ opening and closing the Ruapehu Hut as required by bookings ❖ printing and posting week and weekend duty roster ❖ printing and posting week and weekend bunk listings ❖ viewing and responding to the Ruapehu email account ❖ setting menus for Saturday and Sunday breakfasts, taking into account leftover food ❖ setting menus for Saturday dinner, minimizing leftover food ❖ removing meat from the freezer for meals in a timely manner ❖ allocating weekday duties and organising menus ❖ organising meals and being on hand for school/outside groups ❖ digging out snow from around both A Frame and Ruapehu Hut to allow access as required ❖ co-ordination with the Ruapehu Co-ordinator and/or tradesmen relating to issues with huts

APRIL 2017


Please email Brian Duffy ( if you are interested. Expressions of interest must be in by 20th April 2017. From West Lake Girls College: Hi Joe, The weather gods were kind to us! We had a lovely day on Saturday, and sneaked out through Henderson on Sunday morning before it became a lake! The students all loved the hut. They couldn’t wait to get in to claim their bunk beds!

March Club Night – All Welcome!

Tuesday Club Night 7.30pm Tuesday 4 April 2017 St Marks Church, Parish Hall, 5 St Marks Road, Remuera. Challenge, Adventure and Godzone- President, Brian Duffy fresh from competing in NZ’s most extreme challenge will speak of his experiences in the 2017 Godzone seven day event held in Queenstown. Vice President, Jackie Ponting along with Christina Richter will speak of their Ruapehu Round the Mountain tramp and Whanganui River ‘odyssey’, or was it? Most club members have either done these two trips or are capable of doing them, so come along and find out more from these two active

Club Commentary

The Club Facebook page is well worth a look…

Closing Date for the next Alpinesport is Wednesday 19th April 2017

Please send any articles of interest, trip reports and photos, to or 19 Dunkirk Tce, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025.Many thanks for your contributions Pilar Cerezo-Gomez, Editor. Front Cover Photo: Fun at Summer camp Center pages: Fun at Family camp Back Cover: Fun at Summer camp



The Alpine Sports Club INC (Est. 1929) P.O. BOX 131 AUCKLAND,1140, NEW ZEALAND Web site address Email address


Brian Duffy Bart Schroder Jackie Ponting SECRETARY Craig Jaensch TREASURER Warren Whyte MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Kerry Bromell RUAPEHU SUB COMMITTEE Scott Houghton With Phil Cowman, Bruce and Jane Rogers RUAPEHU HUT PHONE NUMBER WAITAKERE HUT OFFICER Joe Scott-Woods TOURS COMMITTEE Bart Schroder GENERAL COMMITTEE Bruce Rogers

528 3782 524 7456 0212093120 281 9587 528 4824 263 8689 0272770041

524 7456 473 5189

Res Res


Paul Lyon

521 8374



Volunteer required Brian Duffy (climbing) 528 3782 Murray Davidson (EPIRBs) 5284504

Res Res



Res Res Mob Res Res Res Mob

(07) 892 3710 575 5383 Res

EDITOR Pilar Cerezo-Gomez TRIPS & TRAMPS Listing Secretary Elaine Hall ADVERTISING Volunteer needed DISTRIBUTION Jocelyn Whyte

8456372 Res 4491896 0210447780 528 4824



4157519 625 5465 638 5056

Res Res Res

Kerry Bromell Jenny Hudson Sherilyn Coney

RUAPEHU BOOKINGS (by website and mail only) Kerry Bromell. Booking by selecting the “Online Booking” option on the Club website is the preferred method. Refer to the ASC website for instructions, booking, cancellation and refund conditions. Booking Officer Email:


APRIL 2017




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