NUG Magazine Issue 02

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PUBLISHERSLETTER Hello, Welcome to the 2nd issue of NUG Magazine! SEP/OCT 09 ISSUE #2 Publisher: Ben G. Rowin Associate Publisher: Brandon Lee Editor: Dion Markgraaff Associate Editor: M.J. Smith Events Editor: Cletus “KRON” Greathouse Music Editors: Ras Mike, Oscar Castillo Fashion Editor: Ready Rube Contributors: “The Guru”, Pat Hegarty, Terry Martinez, Dion Markgraaff, Fred Gardner, Mike DeBartolo, Kim Twolan, Darcy Stoddard, Terrie Best, Dr. Jack B. Hamlin, William West, Eugene Davidovich, Donna Lambert, Joseph Budsworth

So much has happened over the last two months! San Diego’s Cannabis community has grown in size and in respect! We at NUG have received such an overwhelming response to the first issue and want to take this space to thank you, our readers! This issue we are growing as well! We have increased our page count as well as our press run to 20k copies and are now distributing to over 200 locations. If you are not receiving NUG and would like to just shoot an email to and request to be added to the distribution. Our website traffic has grown and updates are happening almost daily, check in often to keep updated with Court Support and other things happening in and around San Diego. AND keep an eye out for our social network COMING SOON! In this issue you will find even more information on the Operation Green RX victims and where their cases stand to date. These people need all of our continued support as they go to bat for all of us! As always your letters, photos, and comments are welcome and encouraged, we want everyone in the San Diego Cannabis community to have a voice in this publication. Send photos/art to, editorial submissions to Letters to the editor to and all advertising or other emails to

Sales Director: Dion Markgraaff Advertising Sales Reps: Emily Winkler, Cletus Greathouse, Bill Britt, Mike DeBartolo, J, Eugene Davidovich, Alex Rush, Brom Richey

Ben G. Rowin

Art Director: Ian Rie Finance Manager: M.J. Smith Distribution/Subscriptions: Beau’s Distribution Service

NUG Magazine Staff Contact Information: 9880 N. Magnolia Ave #168 Santee, CA. 92071 (619) 616-4961 For general information or to reach our Publisher:

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12 NUG Magazine is published and distributed by NUG Magazine LLC. All contents are for entertainment and educational purposes only and are intended for mature audiences. We are not responsible for any actions taken by our readers nor do we condone any illegal activity. Advertisers are responsible for their own ads and content. All opinions expressed are those of the writers and not necessarily of the magazine. All submissions become our property and may be used for publication. At times we may use materials placed in the public domain. If you own it let us know and we will acknowledge you. Reproduction of any content is encouraged if you get permission from our Publisher. All contents copyright. 2009






























production than cotton, so then final cost is close to that of regular, non-organic cotton. So Hanes gets the advantage of a cost-efficient process along with the environmental credibility that comes with using hemp products. If all goes as planned, the traditional Hanes cotton t-shirt could be replaced with the Hanes hemp t-shirt.

Waimea, Hawaii, resident Kimberly Reyes died July 27 at Hilo Medical Center, By Ariel Schwartz 10 days after her insurance provider denied Hemp is one of the fastest growing biothe liver transplant she needed because she masses in existence, uses less water than had tested positive for marijuana in a series cotton, and requires minimal pesticides to of toxicology tests. Reyes was not a registhrive. Yet it is still illegal to grow under U.S. tered medical marijuana user, but her family federal law due to its relation to marijuana. told the Honolulu Advertiser she had used it That hasn’t stopped hemp fiber from making to deal with nausea, pain, and disorientation headway into the mainstream consciouscaused by the hepatitis that killed her. Reyes’ ness, and now even Hanesbrands--one attorney, Ted Herhold of San Francisco, told of the world’s largest consumer apparel the Observer that the diagnostic test results brands--is getting in on the action. were the sole basis for Hawaii Medical Service Portland, Oregon-based Naturally Advanced Association’s (HMSA) denial of transplant Technologies has proven that Crailar Fabric coverage. Reyes’ husband Robin, and her Technology can turn the normally rough mother, Noni Kuhns, said the decision was hemp into a material that is as soft as cotbased on failure to comply with HMSA’s policy ton. Hanesbrands likes the idea so much forbidding drug use, but that neither HMSA nor that it is allowing Naturally Advanced Techher doctors had told her just what that policy nologies to retrofit its dyeing equipment with was. “Just because someone takes a hit off the company’s technology to test if hemp of a joint doesn’t mean that it should be the fabric can be used in regular production. end of their life -- this is not a reason to deny Naturally Advanced Technologies’ process life,” said Kuhns. HMSA has refused to comhas a big advantage over organic cotton: ment or provide its policies on drug use and cost. Crailer Fabric shrinks less during transplant approval. Denial of transplants to Hemp: The Fabric of Our Lives?

marijuana users has happened before. Last year, Seattle-area musician Timothy Garon died after being refused a transplant because of doctor-recommended medical marijuana use. In 2003, Oregon resident Dave Myers was removed from a transplant list merely for Marinol, a prescription medicine related to marijuana. Drug War Chronicle, Issue #597

Nearly 7 million Americans are abusing prescription drugs—more than the number who are abusing cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, Ecstasy, and inhalants, combined. That 7 million was just 3.8 million in 2000, an 80 percent increase in just 6 years. Prescription pain relievers are new drug users’ drug of choice, vs. marijuana or cocaine. Opioid painkillers now cause more drug overdose deaths than cocaine and heroin combined. Nearly 1 in 10 high school seniors admits to abusing powerful prescription painkillers. A shocking 40 percent of teens and an almost equal number of their parents think abusing prescription painkillers is safer than abusing “street” drugs. Twenty-five percent of drug-related emergency department visits are associated with abuse of prescription drugs. Methods of acquiring prescription drugs for abuse include “doctor-shopping,” traditional drug-dealing, theft from pharmacies or homes, illicitly acquiring prescription drugs via the Internet, and from friends or relatives. concern/prescription_drug_fact_sheet.html


CENTS “When a North Carolina farmer plants corn, soybeans or wheat, he can expect a return on his investment in the $200-300 per acre range for his efforts, after expenses are taken out. With a field of tobacco, a farmer can make around $5,000 an acre. Only marijuana has a higher cash-crop value per acre than tobacco. The profits from tobacco have built our roads, our schools, our great universities” – Duke University, in Durham, is named for tobacco magnate JB Duke, who ran the American Tobacco Company. “Sources tell me that an acre of pot would make the average farmer $20,000 an acre, and be a lot less of a pain than growing tobacco.” Guardian News and Media 2009 A recent State Board of Equalization staff analysis of Assembly Bill AB390, introduced by Democratic Assemblyman Tom Ammiano back in February, indicates that California could be making an additional $1.4 billion of annual revenue if it chooses to tax and regulate marijuana as it does alcohol. Using estimates from a report titled Marijuana Production in the United States (2006), an estimated 22.3 million pounds of marijuana was grown in the U.S. in 2006 with a value of $35.8 billion. It is no surprise to us that California was the top producing state, with an estimated production of 8.6 million pounds at a value of roughly $13.8 billion. It also estimates the consumption of marijuana in California at one million pounds per year, or 16 million ounces. The revenue impact of imposing a $50 per ounce levy on retail sales of marijuana in California would be as follows: Sales and Use Tax Revenue (In Millions of Dollars) Net Excise Revenue Gain State (6.00%) Fiscal Recovery Fund (0.25%) Local (2.00%) Special District (0.75%) Total Sales and Use Tax Revenue

$ 990 $ 263 $11 $88 $31 $392

Total revenue from the excise tax and sales and use tax $ 1,382

As of August 2009



Colorado Juror: Medical Marijuana Case A Waste Of Resources

By: Allen St. Pierre, NORML Executive Director If you’re confused over the term jury nullification, a prime example of such emerged from a courtroom in Boulder, Colorado last week. Many legal and sociology experts recognize a significant change in society by whether or not juries, made up of one’s local peers, will continue to enforce what many in a society have come to believe are bad and/or antiquated laws. Throughout America’s relatively short history, when elected policymakers and bureaucrats are not responsive to the will of the citizens or pass laws not supported by society, citizens sitting on a jury have an absolute right to vote their conscious, which also means in effect nullifying the law by not voting for conviction. The effect of this becomes abundantly clear when jurors consistently refuse to convict so-called ‘criminal offenders’, and numerous examples abound from prior civil rights movements in America: Abolitionists, Women’s Suffrage, Minority Rights and Access To The Vote and Gay/Lesbian. In time, and NORML is observing this right now around the country in ever-increasing amounts, prosecutors are having an increasingly harder time winning criminal convictions for ‘crimes’ a majority of the citizens do not in fact believe is a crime. Want to know more about the awesome power each of us possess as jurors to stop ‘bad’ laws from their continued enforcement? Check out! I want to personally thank ‘D. Walters, Erie, CO’ for both voting their conscious while sitting in judgment of a fellow cannabis consumer, and for letting their fellow citizens in the Boulder area know via a letter-to-the-editor what a waste of time and valuable social resources cannabis prohibition enforcement is for the criminal justice system.

Medical marijuana case a waste of resources

Posted by Camera Staff Tuesday, August 11th 2009 I was a member of the jury on the medical marijuana case and beg to differ with Mr. Garnett’s assessment as presented in this Open Forum on Tuesday. This case was both a waste of taxpayer money and a travesty of justice that the charges against this man were ever brought in the first place. First of all, Mr. Garnett’s assertion that the jury found “that the amount of marijuana in Mr. Lauve’s home was medically necessary” is an inaccurate statement. The job of the prosecution was to prove that the amount in possession was NOT medically necessary and that Mr. Lauve was aware that he was in violation of the law. The prosecution presented absolutely NO EVIDENCE regarding either point of law. They brought no witnesses to show that the amount was not medically necessary. They did not even assert that the amount was not medically necessary. In fact, they prevented the defense from offering evidence regarding medical necessity. The prosecution did not even attempt to assert that Mr. Lauve knew the amount was excessive or suggest that he was doing anything inappropriate with the ‘excess’. This jury admired Jason Lauve for standing up to an unfair prosecution. The physical, emotional and legal costs to Jason Lauve of defending himself do not seem to be of concern of Mr. Garnett. And the cost to taxpayers? 4 full days spent by a judge, two prosecutors, a bailiff, a clerk, a detective, assorted police officers and 12 jurors! Plus laboratory time and expense to prove that it was ‘real’ marijuana. All of us could have spent these 4 days doing something that actually involved prosecuting a crime.

D. Walters Erie, CO.

green RX


“I am still fighting. I have multiple diseases, as well as NO criminal record. said that “I wish she sold gas...because I’d buy gas from her, because she’s not going to make any profit.”

The judge at my prelim

And then he bound it over for trial. I have been told, and we cannot find a single medical marijuana sales case dismissed or won in San Diego County. But I really want to use my case to bring awareness on just how badly San Diego is not following the law. If somebody can be as sick as I am, and have a judge rule that they are not in it for profit, have a cop with a medical recommendation (a legitimate verified patient) and they still want to prosecute me, then clearly they will prosecute anybody, indiscriminately. They are the ones not following the law. My last chance in front of a judge to get this dismissed before trial is September 3, 2009 at 1:30pm in Dept. 53 But since the odds are against me, my trial date is set for October 23, 2009 I welcome any and all court support. I am afraid, but I am just as afraid to not stand up when I see the injustice of what San Diego County has been doing to the medical marijuana community for far too long.” Donna Lambert I have a facebook page I made a youtube channel (sandiego420watch) 14 NUGMAG.COM | SEP/OCT 09

Eugene Davidovich:

Proving my medical marijuana case By Eugene Davidovich

As news of Operation Green Rx, its questionable methods of execution, and the fraudulent manner in which it was announced, spreads through District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis’ constituent base, a lot of supporters have stepped forward to condemn the operation and the tactics used. Even elected officials are beginning to recognize that the operation was a colossal waste and misuse of power. In a recent conversation I had on Facebook with state Assemblymember Lori Saldaña (D-San Diego), she labeled Operation Green Rx as “monumentally unjust.” Operation Green Rx is an ongoing investigation, part of Bonnie Dumanis’ “fierce fight” against medical marijuana in San Diego. As part of the operation our San Diego police detectives went to a local doctor, lied about their symptoms, condition, and identity and obtained recommendations for medical cannabis. They then proceeded to join all the collectives listed on the CA NORML Web site with the intent of shutting them down. In February of this year approximately a dozen houses were raided, patients arrested and then lumped in with other drug cases which had nothing to do with medical cannabis. Shortly after the raids in February, President Obama issued a statement announcing the end of federal participation in raids on legitimate state medical cannabis patients, collectives and co-ops. One would think that a message like that from our President would resonate with the DA’s office. Unfortunately it did not. Less than a month ago, as a part of the continuing “Operation Green Rx”, detectives — who are trained by the California Narcotic Officers Association that marijuana is not medicine — again went to a local doctor, lied about their symptoms and obtained medical cannabis recommendations. This cycle of lies seems to be happening every few months. Thirteen years of repression here in San Diego has caused a lot of pent up demand for medical cannabis facilities in town. Patients seem not to care about the DA’s stance on the issue, and as you may have noticed this “fierce fight” has not prevented medical cannabis collectives and coops from opening up throughout the city. In fact it has encouraged them. Since February, in San Diego more facilities where patients can obtain their medicine have opened than ever existed before.


medical cannabis in San Diego, the federal government is preparing to expand their already existing medical cannabis growing program. Last week, in an article titled ObamaCare’s Medical Marijuana,” Rachel Ehrenfeld outlined the Federal Government’s request for proposals for medical cannabis cultivators.

attorney is still “fighting fiercely against it.”

Mikern also mentions that “there is a wealth of research that documents marijuana’s medical efficacy and safety, and a vast array of medical and public health organizations that have recognized marijuana’s medical potential.”

Help Stop Operation Green Rx, join the cause on and read the Operation Green Rx blog for the latest. Eugene Davidovich can be reached via http://

I agree with Saldaña and the hundreds of people I spoke to about Operation Green Rx. This “fierce fight” is monumentally unjust, a waste or our taxpayer dollars, is illegal, and must end. The misconduct in this operation should be publicly known and the people reShe writes: “The National Institute on Drug sponsible held accountable. Abuse (NIDA) is venturing into the distribution and production of marijuana cigarettes. In response to the continued harassment and According to the August 5 solicitation for pro- this fierce fight, patients, collectives, and coops posals, the selected organizations will be con- in town have united to launch the Stop Operatrolled by the Drug Enforcement Administra- tion Green Rx campaign, an effort to draw attion (DEA), and will have to comply with FDA tention to the issue, end these continued illeregulations.” gal prosecutions, and prevent more raids. Constituents are now writing letters to the This a renewal contract for the already existing State Bar of California to complain about the federal medical cannabis growing contract in District Attorney’s unethical practices and her place with the University of Mississippi. violations of the rules of professional conduct. In a follow up article titled The Case For Medi- Calls, email, and letters are now pouring in to cal Marijuana,” Bruce Mirken of MPP writes the Citizens Review Board on police practices “Since 1978, actually. The federal government with complaints against the conduct of the dehas been distributing medical marijuana to a tectives in this operation, and the Grand Jury small group of patients for more than three on a daily basis is being asked to investigate decades via a program known as an IND (for this waste, fraud, and abuse. ‘investigational new drug’). This program has been covered in the media from time to time, Will the charges be dropped and the operaand still exists, although it was closed to new tion stopped? Or are we in for another colossal enrollment by President George H.W. Bush in waste in the DA’s bi-annual round of raids on 1992. It’s not exactly a state secret.” medical cannabis patients?

The federal government is ramping up for medical cannabis production and California is preparing for the passage of any one of several pro-cannabis initiatives. But in a state where medical cannabis has been legal for over 13 As Dumanis wages her fierce fight against years now — San Diego’s misguided district

Read more: news/eugene-davidovich-proving-my-medical-marijuana-case-4#ixzz0PDafh3P8 SEP/OCT 09 | NUGMAG.COM 15

ACTIVISM Marijuana is NOT Medicine? Clarification Please! By: Terrie Best, Campaign Manager Stop Operation Green Rx August, 12, 2009

I’m sure the doctors at University of California at San Diego’s (UCSD) Center for Medical Cannabis Studies (CMCS) would be amused to hear San Diego narcotics officers’ decree that marijuana is not medicine in as much as CMCS is paid by federal funds to find new and better ways to treat patients with it. The CMCS, a department of UCSD, perhaps the largest employer in San Diego, is housed near the Hillcrest UCSD Medical Center in the heart of Mission Hills. Its mission is to conduct high quality scientific studies intended to ascertain the general medical safety and efficacy of cannabis and cannabis products and examine alternative forms of cannabis administration. This is accomplished through focused controlled clinical trials, observational studies and randomized trials, which the center publishes and subjects to rigorous peer-review. I checked and the doctors who run this place are no slouches. The review panel alone reads like the Board of Directors at The University Club. They’re all MD’s and all are from prestigious medical schools – certainly weightier than a cop with an outdated opinion. These sorts could review for any medical journal they want to and probably they do. They are writers of textbooks and sworn to do no harm. So, if they say cannabis has medical value why do you suppose law enforcement in our town including the DA, insist that “marijuana is not medicine?” I’m not making this up, that is a direct quote from a training handout supervising narcotics officer, Conrado DeCastro - the so called mastermind of Operation Green Rx (Google it!)- pointed to when asked on the stand recently about his training and qualifications on the subject. Short of a conspiracy theory, I’m baffled why cops take such a hard line, and anybody who voted for the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 should be baffled if not outraged as well. No matter what side of the issue you’re on, isn’t it time to find the common ground and begin to explore how we can implement the law in ways the pro-compassion voters as well as the DA, law enforcement and our local soccer mom’s can live with? With thriving research centers like the CMCS, isn’t the debate whether cannabis is medicine officially over? Wasn’t it over when we voted that it was appropriate for folks to use cannabis in treatment of medical symptoms? If anybody is still haggling over the issue of medicine, they are part of the problem. Clearly, it is time for San Diego law enforcement to invest in training around the issue of cannabis as medicine. So what keeps them from it? I wish I knew and it seems to be the million dollar question. The alternative, allowing police to use their opinions to decide which laws they will enforce, is far scary to me than any cannabis collective in my neighborhood. Wouldn’t that mean that if my local officer thought my botox injections where unsafe, I could be arrested? How about whether gay men should be protected from hate crimes? How can we pass the Compassionate Use Act and then sit back and let the DA decide for us what is and isn’t medicine and what laws will be enforced? Excuse me … be right back, I gotta go ask my local border patrol agent for advice on my health care policy. Be the change, People! For more information about Operation Green Rx please visit: SEP/OCT 09 | NUGMAG.COM 19

Medical Cannabis Storefronts are LEGAL Excerpt from article By Dale Gieringer,, Wed, Aug 19, 2009

In an important decision regarding a Riverside medical cannabis dispensary, People v Hochanadel, the CA 4th District Appeals Court ruled that storefront dispensaries may operate legally as non-profit collectives or cooperatives. At the same time, however, the court ruled that the dispensary in question did NOT legally qualify as a “primary caregiver” under Prop. 215. Council OKs moratorium on pot dispensaries Regulations requested before 45-day ban lifted license will not be revoked by the state medical Excerpt from article By Janine Zúñiga Unionboard, and he will continue seeing patients. The Tribune Staff Writer August 22, 2009 case against Dr. Sterner did not involve a complaint against him by a patient, and there was no Imperial Beach has received 15 inquiries about allegation of harm to a patient. opening dispensaries. The city has never had dispensaries. Vista, San Marcos, El Cajon, La Two undercover officers lied to get letters of Mesa, Lemon Grove and San Marcos have approval from Sterner in the spring of 2006. A banned businesses that distribute marijuana. detective posing as “Kimberly Summers” said Chula Vista, Santee, National City, Escondido she had had been prescribed Lunesta for insomand Oceanside have implemented 45-day nia, but it left her drowsy all day. She had used moratoriums. cannabis safely and effectively as a sleep aid since high school, she told Sterner. He warned her, according to her hidden tape recorder, to “use cannabis appropriately and that means mainly at night.” He stated that “smoked marijuana did not cause lung cancer, asthma or emphysema,” but he recommended vaporization or ingestion in edible form. Sterner also cautioned Summers that discussing her marijuana might have consequences and that other doctors might disapprove. A second detective, “Raymond Cruz,” visited Dr. Sterner’s office claiming to be a migraine sufCard Program finally gets going ferer. He was sent away because he had no After years of court battles, San Diego’s Medical documentation. He returned weeks later with a Marijuana Card Program finally gets going. The migraine diagnosis from another doctor. Sterner card started being issued July 6th for $166, the gave Cruz his standard information and advice: most expensive in the state. The county gets to “Cannabis does not cause lung cancer… We are keep $100 of the fee. The cards were required looking at very, very convincing indicators that by a 2003 state law, but San Diego County rethis is a safe long term substance as far as your sisted issuing them. The county sued to overturn use. That you are not going to hurt yourself.” the state law, but the case was rejected by the When it comes to other physicians, you want to U.S. Supreme Court on May 18. think about discretion. Naturally when you work with your doctors, you want to be open, honest, Sterner Still Seeing Patients Despite Frame- and above board. I have to say though, in this up by SDPD area, cannabis… if you are in the room with Fred Gardner, them and you say the word ‘cannabis’, they have an instant panic. The San Diego Police Department’s costly scheme to put cannabis specialist Robert Stern- Based on the San Diego Police complaint, er, MD, out of business has failed. Dr. Sterner’s the medical board accused Sterner of various improprieties and assigned Administrative Law 22 NUGMAG.COM | SEP/OCT 09

TIMES Judge Humberto Flores to hold a hearing. James MacDonald, MD, a Student Health Services doctor at UC Santa Cruz with almost no experience monitoring cannabis use by patients, was the board’s expert witness. Philip A. Denney, MD, who has treated some 9,000 cannabis users, testified on Dr. Sterner’s behalf. ALJ Flores’s decision took issue with Sterner’s comment that smoking cannabis does not cause lung cancer. “The research articles that were introduced in this case show a difference of opinion on whether smoking cannabis causes lung cancer”…Complainant’s expert [MacDonald] testified convincingly that the research is inconclusive at best… Therefore respondent’s [Sterner’s] statements to patient Summers concerning the efficacy and safety of cannabis use constituted “an extreme departure from the standard of care.” The question of whether smoking marijuana causes lung cancer has been definitively investigated by Donald Tashkin and colleagues at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. And the answer is; it does not. Inhaled cannabis smoke damages bronchial cells, but the cells don’t become malignant. ALJ Flores decided that Sterner’s suggestion that patient Summers not inform… physicians about her medical marijuana recommendation and his statement that there would be no negative interaction between marijuana use and other prescribed medications, “constitute extreme departures from the standard of care.” But Sterner was right again; a large body of research shows that there are no adverse interactions with standard pharmaceuticals, and that cannabis use often reduces the need for them. Attorney Zenia Gilg says Dr. Sterner had a responsibility to remind patients that marijuana prohibition has made fear and prejudice pervasive within the profession. “Isn’t a physician supposed to concern himself with the overall well-being of his patients?” asks Gilg.

6. Do not let the CPS agent intimidate you into signing up for any voluntary programs.

LEGAL How to Protect Your Children – from CPS By: Terry Martinez

of street drugs are in increased danger of contact with CPS, and they should take steps to ‘CPS proof’ their home to help insure that their children will remain safe and out of CPS’ hands. This guide is not guaranteed to stop CPS from taking your children and should not be considered legal advice. It is directed to the Medical Marijuana patient, but others can adapt these ideas to their specific situation. Ultimately, you should use your own judgment in how to best protect your children.

The threat of Child Protective Services destroying your family by taking your children is real. In California, 20% of children will have contact with CPS at least once between the ages of 1-7 and 180,000 children are in CPS proof your home contact with CPS each day. (1) You may have the legal right to use and grow Medical Marijuana, but CPS and Child DeIn San Diego County last year, 51,821 pendency Courts do not care about parents’ children were reported to CPS for investigarights or interests, they only consider the chiltion by a variety of people which included dren’s interests. The fact that your medicine mandatory reporters who are obligated by is legal will not protect your family. Alcohol law to report all suspicions of abuse, friends, use, which is legal and far more socially neighbors, lawyers, coaches and the list goes accepted than marijuana consumption, has on and on. (2) been used as an excuse to remove children from their parents’ custody. With pressure to ‘err on the side of children’ because of a few horror stories of extreme Patients should be very careful about how abuse that make the news, CPS removes far they grow, store, and use their medicine. To too many children from their parents. In fact, help protect your family, it must be obvious allegations of physical or sexual abuse were that Medical Marijuana is not anywhere your the reason for removal of only 14% of the children can see it, eat it, or breathe it in. 69,000 Californian children in fostered care Treat your Medical Marijuana like prescription in 2008, while 80% were taken because of medicine that is radioactive. amorphous claims of neglect or the possibility of neglect. (1)(2) General Things You Can Do 1. Keep your house very clean…clean the The policy of removing children for neglect bathroom, do the dishes, keep your dirty continues despite studies over the past two clothes in one neat pile. decades showing that children fare better and 2. Get all of your cleaning supplies, medical are generally safer at home with their parents supplies, and household and grow chemicals than in foster care and group homes. (3) Chilup and out of the reach of your children. dren in foster care are reported to be almost 3. Child proof everything that can be child twice as likely to die of abuse then at home, proofed based upon your children’s ages. 2 times more likely to be sexually abused and Make your attempts obvious and take pic3 times more likely to be physically abused tures of your child proofing. than the general population. Group homes 4. Tell family, friends, and the other parent are reported to be much less safe than foster that you no longer medicate…statistically, care once child on child abuse is factored in. these people make up to 19% of the reports (4) to CPS. (1) 5. Think twice before taking a field sobriety Medical Marijuana consumers and users test. 24 NUGMAG.COM | SEP/OCT 09

When talking to a CPS agent, remember they have almost unlimited power, so be very nice but don’t offer information, and if you decide to talk to the agent and are asked these questions, tell the truth which should be: 1. That you never medicate when the children are present and that you are never medicated when you are caring for the children, that during those times you handle your illness with over the counter medication or other as prescribed by your doctor, but not with prescription pain medications. 2. That you did not use marijuana prior to being prescribed it. If there is irrefutable evidence that you did, down play your use. 3. That you did not use marijuana while pregnant or nursing. Smoking 1. Do not smoke anywhere in your home with your children present. 2. Do not leave any medicine anywhere a child can get it or where someone can imagine your child can get it. A single locked door is not enough. Put it in a locked room and in a locking cabinet or box up high. If your kids are young, also put up a baby gate and use a door knob barrier. 3. If you use a bong or other smoking tool, only have one and keep it locked up. Edibles 1. Get a 2nd fridge to keep your edibles in and lock it with a real refrigerator lock from Lowes or Home Depot (not the cheapie child proof locks). Keep it in a room that is locked. 2. If you can’t afford a 2nd fridge, put your medicine in a locking box (they have 3in x 5in locking boxes at Staples for $10) or in a locking money bag and put a real lock on the outside of the fridge. Or better yet, don’t store them in the fridge, but in a locked room in a locked box out of reach and out of sight. 3. If you make your own edibles, have dedicated pots and cooking tools that are only for marijuana. Hand wash the tools outside using a disposable washing tool, and store in a locked room. Growing in your home 1. Install a metal screen door from Lowes or Home Depot with locks. It is not enough to merely lock the door on your grow room, but do that too. Block out the screen part so it cannot be seen through. Hide the keys where your children cannot get them. If your kids are too young to open doors…do it anyway. If you have young kids, put door knob barriers on the doors. 2. Put all grow chemicals, even organic ones, into a locked cabinet that is off the floor and out of reach in your double locked grow

room. 3. Have a fire extinguisher in your grow room, or attached to the wall outside the grow room in a child safe manner. 4. Have an abundance of smoke detectors in the room and around your home. 5. Have a system to get the air cleaned so there is no marijuana smell. 6. Do anything else you can think of to child proof your grow room. 7. When you go to dry your medicine, do everything you can to hide it from the children’s sight, access, and smell. 8. When you clean your medicine, use dedicated tools that are locked away when not in use, and dispose of the all excess plant matter immediately…do not put it off. Treat any excess plant matter that you keep around like it is useable medicine…keep it locked up. Growing in your yard 1. Hide your garden with a tall fence, with locks on any gates. 2. Keep you chemicals locked up and out of reach. Behind your locked gate is not enough. Remember there are no guarantees when dealing with CPS, but hopefully these tips will make your family more secure. 1. “Facts at a Glance 4-20-09.” California Health and Human Services. CA Child Welfare Council, 20 Apr. 2009. Web. 2. “Child Welfare Dynamic Report System.” Center for Social Services Research. Ca Dept of Social Services/UC Berkeley, Jan. 2009. Web. 3. Doyle Jr. PhD, James J. “Child Protection and Child Outcomes: Measuring the Effects of Foster Care.” Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2007. Web.” 4. “Foster Care vs. Family Preservation: The Track Record on Safety And Well-Being.” National Coalition for Child Protection Reform. 4 Nov. 2007. Web.” 5. “Study Finds that Caring for Fostered Youth Past Age 18 Improves their Transition to Adulthood.” Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative. Chapin Hall Center for Children, 12 Dec. 2007. Web. jimcaseyyouth. org. 6. Mecca, Frank J. “Funding Child Welfare Services in California.” County Welfare Directors Association of America. 14 Apr. 2008. Web.

Fast Facts 2484 children entered fostered care in San Diego in 2008 (1) 5816 children were in foster care in 2008 in San Diego (1) 43% of fostered males will spend time in jail between the ages 19-21. (5) 75% of fostered females will be pregnant by age 21 vs. 33% of non fostered females (5) 50% of fostered women receive food stamps vs. 6% of those who were not fostered (5) Adult fostered children aged 19-21 make 45% less than those who were not in foster care (5)

county funds 26%

1.2 Billion

1.9 Billion

1.6 Billion

state funds 34%

Funding for 2007 (6)

federal funds 40%

:READERSOPINIONS There comes a time...

in everyone’s life when they feel they have to make a stand. Medical marijuana patients have been quietly awaiting these compassionate public officials to do what the law demands from them, that is to follow the laws of the state they represent, be it city or county. California voters spoke out when they passed Prop 215 and wanted the people of California know there was compassion for these people suffering with medical needs that narcotics made worst. I personally had to kick a narcotic habit I received while in the hospital, unless you’ve been through this type of hell you have no idea what it is like. If it were not for the marijuana I would of gone to the streets and found some type of narcotic because the pains of withdraw were so overpowering. We (patients) are judged here in San Diego both city and county because “they” refuse to acknowledge medical proof that marijuana is medicine. Because they don’t believe it is wrong to use, regardless that it is a law passed by the voters they represent. Yet when they close the doors to the city council

building crack is sold on those very steps and overlooked by police. A drug imported into this country (cocaine) contributing to another countries recovery from debt and supports terrorist to buy “our” guns to shoot back at us. The real “War on Drugs” is the war our government wants to continue to support agencies that create chaos and lies to cover up the real truth. The war isn’t against marijuana, it about controlling the masses. If it were so bad to use and deadly as they claim it to be, then why was it until the 1930’s it became illegal? Was mankind so stupid they allowed it to go on until now? If it were as they say it is they yes by all means do away with it, but the truth is the government lied to us all about it’s use and now has to “Stand face” and can’t. The facts lie before you to see, as is the truth if you can face that as well. Marijuana is medicine that has never killed one living soul, has man ever invented a drug that hasn’t killed at lease one innocent person searching for help or a cure? 13 years these patients have waited for these individuals to do what is right and allow patients safe access to their medicine. The ones I know buy it and then go home to use it. Lead

“MARIJUANA: TO MAKE A CHANGE” the subject does enact anger in any human Kat, Relief Inc. who is “awake”. We are smart enough to know anger and anger only leaves you with With all of the recent media attention pointed more anger and no gain. in the direction of medical marijuana, one It is up to each and every one of us must take notice that a shift in human conto educate ourselves and learn the benefits sciousness is occurring right before our very of cannabis, and to take a stand and demand eyes. The marijuana issue has taken center our voices be heard. We can be quieted as stage as of late. It’s on every major newsone, but as many it is impossible……. cast, it’s on every minor news station, it’s in the magazines, and in the newspapers, it’s on the radio, there is even a television series based on marijuana. Not to mention the countless books and documentaries available for anyone to access. Marijuana is the current issue that takes precedence in the minds of most Californians and probably the majority of the United States as a whole. We are all wondering the fate of the medical marijuana industry, especially those of us in San Diego, where it has been a sore issue for some time. Since there are no guarantees in life, we have to do what we can in this present moment to activate a positive future. What can you do, right now, to change the future to a more positive one? You can get educated, and get active, from wherever you stand, and for whatever reasons you stand for. The information is available for any one of us to access and to spread in a positive way. You can’t educate people from a stance of anger, even though

productive lives, and live the American dream until you decide they are wrong because it is not how you see they should live “THEIR” life. What makes you happy might not work for me; I don’t throw you in jail because I see it differently from you. We only ask to be treated with the same respect you would want if you needed medicine. It’s OUR right to choose what we use, as it is yours as well. It’s also the law you were sworn into office to execute to the best of your ability. It’s your war not ours, we are Americans like you. I support your right to choose and hope you can do the same for us. It’s been 13 years since prop 215 passed, 4 years away from a life sentence in prison yet nothing has been done except the suffering continues because of YOU! Let the medical research speak to you, show you, teach you. Open your eyes and heart for others.

......We have come to a point where it cannot be ignored any longer and each of our voices makes an impact. As we ban together to push forward for our rights, we add to the collective consciousness, and eventually we will break through. It’s about standing behind each other in a positive way and making real change. It’s about getting involved and voting in elections that will make a difference, it’s about appearing at hearings in support of our fellow medical marijuana comrades, voting on bills of importance, and offering educated opinions in favor of its use. Most importantly no matter what your reason for being in the marijuana industry is, it’s about moving forward, day by day, event by event until eventually, they will have no choice but to hear us and listen. “BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD” GANDHI


Cannabis Cooking with Kim Written by Kim Twolan, Mother Earth Co-op & Collective, The use of cannabis has been proven to be medically beneficial to treat specific conditions such as anxiety, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, aging, arthritis, cancer, depression, eating disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, glaucoma, menstrual disorders, movement disorders, and chronic pain only to name a few. The methods described in last month’s article detailed the preparation of the cannabutter or cannaoil. Cannabutter/oils are the necessary ingredient and key to the majority of edibles with cannabis. We must stress the techniques described in preparing the edibles are optimized for medical use with purity and potency in mind. Medical grade cannabis is always high grade, organic and clean. Ingesting cannabis or its active ingredient THC, is unlike smoking and it has different effects. The total high from the consumption of cannabis edibles takes about an hour, even on an empty stomach and should last several hours. An overdose is basically unheard of in recorded history. It is imperative to know that there are several strains of cannabis in existence. Each strain has a different effect and can be used for certain ailments better than other strains. In the end, the quality of the final product will largely be determined by the strain, purity and potency of the cannabis from which the mixture is prepared with. As a general statement the Indica dominant strains are best for relief from cramping, pain, and muscle spasms and known more for the body high. Sativa dominant strains are known for pain relief, migraines and depression.

and energy; as well as for precise conditions. For example if you are looking for something to assist with sleeping an indica dominant strain would be recommended and if looking for relief from depression a sativa dominant strain would be suggested. The reality, though, is often that the strain is unknown or not well characterized. This increases the importance of educated medical co-ops, collectives and dispensaries to assist patients in their selections. There are reference books available that describe the origination of the strains and the medical uses they have. However trial and error is usually required to acquire the appropriate strain and effect of the proper dose level. We advocate journaling strains and effects for your individual medications that can be used as a reference of what strains affect you in which way. Cannabis potency fluctuates with different strains. For medicinal use in particular the idea is to smoke less in order to reduce respiratory irritations from excessive inhalation. Patients are greatly encouraged to use vaporizers, or consume edible cannabis medicine which will decrease potential risks from smoking. Patients require less high potency cannabis to reach desired effects. Any patients who find the need to use increasingly larger doses to achieve desired medical results ought to consider reducing, or stop for 3 days and then resume. We suggest trying a different strain or switch up the variety of cannabis that is normally used. This assists patients going back to a decreased dosage. The ancient native and medicinal use of cannabis is being rediscovered yet again for medical purposes and has spurred innovation with a wide range in cannabis products. We intend to demonstrate and share some of the ways of medicating without smoking in each of these articles.

The following recipes are taken from

Mother Earth Co-op’s cannabis cookbook:

The effects of a sativa strain is often described as mostly cerebral, uplifting, energetic, creative, giggly or even psychedelic. Sativas give the patient a feeling of optimism and well being, while providing pain relief for certain symptoms. Sativas are a good choice for daytime. Most sativas generally originate from equatorial regions such as Thailand, Cambodia, Jamaica, and Mexico. The effects of an indica strain are most often portrayed as a pleasant body buzz. Indica is generally classified as a ‘stone’, meaning that it is more centered on the body. It may enhance physical sensations such as taste, touch and sound. It has a relaxing effect, mentally and physically. They are also known to be hypnotic in larger doses. Indicas are great for relaxation, stress relief, and for an overall sense of calm and serenity. Indicas are very effective for overall body pain relief, and often used in the treatment of insomnia. They are best suited for evening choice and a sleep aid. Most indica varieties come from Southern Asia, from countries such as Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, India, Tibet, and Nepal. Cannabis strains are available in the entire spectrum from pure sativas to pure indicas, and in every combination in between. Meaning there are some strains that are a certain percentage sativa and a certain percentage indica strains. We would like to stress the importance of choosing suitable strains to meet your individual requirements. There is much research in identifying particular varieties that are helpful for sleep, pain, appetite, 28 NUGMAG.COM | SEP/OCT 09

ELECTRIC CAJUN ALFREDO 8 3/4 1/2 1/2 1 1 4 1 1 ½ 1

oz cup cup cup tsp tsp cloves cup cup cup pkg

cream cheese parmesan cheese cannabutter milk Cajun Classic seasoning sugar garlic (chopped) yellow peppers (chopped) mushrooms (sliced) tomatoes (chopped) fettuccine noodles

Blend cheeses, cannabutter, milk, sugar, seasoning together and cook on medium low heat. Chop 1 cup yellow or orange pepper, mushrooms and tomatoes. Pour sauce over cooked fettuccine noodles. Top with peppers and tomatoes

420 B.C. Short Cookies 1 1/2 cups 2 cups 1 cup 1 cup Pinch of sea salt

canna butter flour icing sugar cornstarch

Mix all ingredients very well together for several minutes. This is usually too thick for electric mixer, but works well with a pastry cutter to blend together. Form cookie in a 1 inch ball and press down the centre with a fork. Decorate with cherry pieces, almonds, chocolates or make small nest on top and place jelly or raspberry jam in centre. Pre heat oven to 300 degrees and bake for 18 to 20 minutes on ungreased cookie sheets. Makes about 55 special cookies.


reviews It’s Just A Plant

When my seven-year old started asking questions recently about marijuana, I felt it was definitely time to have a conversation about it, so I did what any modern parent would do and as my son says I ‘googled’ it; that’s when I found this book. According to their website, “It’s Just a Plant is a book for parents who want to educate their children about the complexities of pot in a thoughtful, factoriented manner.” Based on that description and a brief sampling of the first few pages, I decided to buy the book and use it as a tool for our family discussion. I was surprised and delighted by how well the book communicates, on such a basic level, an idea to children that even most adults struggle to understand. An hour later, and with many added side notes, we asked him if he had any more questions and he simply said “No, I’m good”. For more information see the website:


The Four Agreements - This is one

of those books you can read and refer to many times in your life, a sort of self-help book, without all of the pretense. At the very least it will inspire you and open your mind to new ideas. It may even change your life. This is definitely one to share with anyone who is struggling or having hard times, like so many of us are right now. It is a fast read and affordable enough to buy a copy to keep and one to pass on… 1. Be Impeccable With Your Word-Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. 2. Don’t Take Anything Personally-Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. 3. Don’t Make Assumptions-Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life. 4. Always Do Your Best-Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret. For more information see the website:

reader submitted:


There’s No Need To Put A JailAround Me Hey now, hey now can’t you see, there’s no need for you to be picking on me. What’s so different, help me to see? Why you wage a war in the land of the free? Not much difference between you and me, you use coffee and I use weed. Hey now, hey now can’t you see, there’s no need to put a jail around me. Hey now, hey now can’t you see, there’s no need for you to be picking on me. For thirteen years, you were on our back the only change was your angle of attack. They voted once again we all heard that, to give the patients safe access back. Hey now, hey now can’t you see, there’s no need to put a jail around me. Hey now, hey now can’t you see, there’s no need for you to be picking on me. Where’s your heart while our sick are dying? Honor the laws and stop the lying. We are here to stay because you’re not trying; it’s our rights that you’re denying. Hey now, hey now can’t you see, there’s no need to put a jail around me. Hey now, hey now can’t you see, there’s no need for you picking on me. Take the time and fix what’s gone wrong. Thirteen years is way to long. If you follow the law we can all go home, you and your coffee, me and my bong. Hey now, hey now can’t you see, there’s no need to put a jail around patients like me. William W. West

reader submitted:



San Diego’s



Written by: Dion Markgraaff

Imperial Linen Products Corporation executives examine hemp harvest from late 1920, in San Diego. (Photo Courtesy of San Diego Historical Society) San Diego has a huge hemp history. Just as today, San Diego has always been a big player on the course for cannabis. A conspiracy of market forces played a major part in the twists and turns down that historical hemp road. Some of the most famous San Diego historical figures like E.W. Scripps, Henry Timken, and the Spreckels family played various roles in the cannabis plant’s path in the market place. San Diego’s hemp history can be seen today in some of the city’s most famous buildings at Balboa Park. The original buildings in Balboa Park are made with cannabis. The parks website says: Built for “First World’s Fair: The 34 NUGMAG.COM | SEP/OCT 09

1915-16 Panama-California Exposition commemorated the opening of the Panama Canal and provided a major impetus for the creation of the Park as it appears today—the first of two Expositions that created many of the cultural institutions as well as the stunning architecture in the Park. The California Tower and dome, which houses the San Diego Museum of Man, the Cabrillo Bridge (historic 1,500-foot-long bridge) and the Spreckels Organ Pavilion (one of the world’s largest outdoor pipe organs) were built for the 1915 Exposition-some of the few permanent structures designed for the fair.” Although there is no mention of the buildings’ hemp history in the park’s latest promotions, one just has to dig into the old records to see references to hemp and the

cannabis plant’s role in “reinforcing” the mortar used to build these structures. San Diego’s Solar Power If there were no restrictions on growing cannabis, San Diego would be a world leader in cultivation for one simple reason, the sun. Some of the best hemp results in history have happened right here in our region. In 1917, the national media thoroughly documented the hemp farming taking place locally at the famous Timkin Ranch. A detailed report said local farmers “produced about 125 tons of hemp fiber and 312.5 tons of hemp hurds from his 100 acre hemp field.” “Mr. Schlichten raised five tons of hemp stalks to the acre on a one hundred

Advertisement from San Diego Magazine December 1927

acre patch on the Timken Ranch. He will pay the growers $15.00 per ton for dry hemp stalks delivered to his machine. They have only to be shocked to dry properly in a few days. Thus the farmer gets $75.00 an acre for this crop which matures in 100 days. The stubble and that part of the leaves and tops which remain on the field (containing in excess of 50% of nitrogen) are wonderful fertilizer. Moreover, the hemp kills all weeds. The farmer’s land is left in fine condition for immediate planting of other crops. A second crop could be raised.” From each ton of dry hemp stalks costing him $15.00, Mr. Schlichten gets the following: About 500 lbs. hemp fiber @ $0.16 per lb. $80.00 About 1250 lbs. hurds @ $5.50 per ton $3.44 About 250 lbs. leaves, tops, etc. @ $5.50 per ton .69 From each ton, about $84.13 From each acre, about $420.65 From his experimental 100 acre patch, about $42,065.00 Photo from 1903 USDA Yearbook Hemp on Alluvial Soil at Gridley, CA.

Another well documented hemp adventure in San Diego’s History was the Imperial Linen Products Corporation, a $3 million dollar hemp processing factory which was located on National Boule-

vard at Harborside in Chula Vista. Leaders of San Diego were a part of the head of this cannabis company. An advertisement for Imperial Linen Products Corporation in the December 1927 issue of San Diego Magazine summed up the vision of the corporate leaders, some of whom where the “founders” of the city. The president of this cannabis company, Alfred Jr. Stahel, who was on San Diego’s Common Council between 1931-1932, stated “I visualize this enterprise as becoming the most important in the West and look for it to revolutionize the entire industry in America, because it is my firm belief that during the coming decade you will see a large proportion of the textile industry of the United Sates located in southern California”.

As seen in the architect’s sketch in the company’s advertisement, the Imperial Linen Products Corporation factory was to be 50 acres in size, employ 3000 persons, and cost $150,000 for construction. The ad states the purpose of the company was to “take HEMP, grown in Southern California, plus LOCAL LABOR, and produce Fiber, Rugs, Textiles, Fabrics, Insulating and Building Lumber, Paint and Varnish Remover and a Base for Stain.” In the February 1928 issue of San Diego Magazine, Claus Spreckels, the director of the Imperial Linen Corporation, described the construction of the factory. He wrote about the “new machinery that will be employed”. A modernized 100-ton hemp decorticating machine, invented by Karl Wes-

Inside Hemp Factory “Hemp plus local labor” was to employ 3000 persons. Photo Courtesy of San Diego Historical Society


sel an “internationally known textile engineer” which “upon demonstration it was declared to be a marvel and would revolutionize the textile industry.” Claus said. “The products produced will be made from the hemp, which will be grown in the Imperial Valley, and shipped via the San Diego & Arizona Railroad to San Diego.” Claus was the son of the founder of San Diego, John D. Spreckels, who built the Spreckels Theatre and donated the Spreckels Outdoor Organ Pavilion located in Balboa Park to the people of San Diego. John D. Spreckels’ biographer, Austin Adams, called him “one of America’s few great Empire Builders who invested millions to turn a struggling, bankrupt village into the beautiful and cosmopolitan city San Diego is today”.

At one time he paid 10% of all the property taxes in San Diego County”San Diego County. What happened to the San Diego’s first large scale industrial Hemp Factory? The Imperial Linen Products Corporation building is still there today. For many years the building was occupied by the National City Dehydration Plant. Problems with obtaining water for growing hemp, the Federal Stamp Act of 1937, and transportation issues are some of the possible reasons this company went out of business, or perhaps other forces were at play. However, the US Federal Government’s policies towards cannabis cultivation and state’s new laws against “marijuana” are the most likely culprits. In INDUSTRIAL HEMP FARMING: HISTORY AND PRACTICE, David P. West Ph. D says “By 1930, as the nation struggled under Depression, hemp acreage was again in decline. The uses to which hemp was being put were enumerated by [USDA’s Lyster] Dewey in a 1931 article titled ‘Hemp fiber losing ground, despite its valuable qualities:’ …. Fibers are fungible commodities. They move in international markets and are purchased in huge volumes where small price fluctuations are highly significant. In rough times, quality loses to price. Hemp lost to sisal and jute, as natural fibers in general lost out to the new, exciting synthetics. As has been the general trend with agricultural products, many of hemp’s markets were being displaced by synthetic materials from the growing organic chemical industry. What was lacking was a determined effort to develop new uses and new markets for hemp. Why was this? The interplay of political and economic forces in the increasing political power of the South and cotton over agricultural policy, and its effect on allocations for fiber research at the USDA,

has been described elsewhere. Hemp was not alone in the erosion of its markets. The production of flax for fiber had virtually disappeared. Flax was grown primarily as an oilseed crop. It commanded greater influence than hemp due to the importance of linseed oil for paints and varnishes and linoleum.” In Fiber Wars: The Extinction of Kentucky Hemp, David P. West Ph. D says “Against this backdrop came a new specter, a new combatant in Fiber Wars. Synthetic polymers made from natural cellulose (first from cotton lint, later from wood pulp) were discovered in the late nineteenth century. By 1905, the first synthetic fiber, rayon, had appeared in England. DuPont introduced rayon fabric around 1917. Rayon production in the United States increased from 10 to 380 million pounds between 1920 and 1939 and approximately doubled during the war period. By 1941, United States production of rayon was equivalent to 1,350,000 bales of cotton.” Who knows? We at NUG Magazine will continue to unearth the historical nuggets of information, as we try to piece together the puzzle of why cannabis is in the place it is today. END Part II - The cannabis conspiracy with Scripps & Hearst - Crime of the Centuries?


MEEN GREEN is Hemp-Hop Written by Ras Mike

Meen Green with Barrington Levy undisclosed IRIE location to conduct the interview you see….. MEEN GREEN is a self proclaimed HEMPAHOLIC who lives the DANKSTA way of life; I must admit he smokes a lot of really good weed! Green’s love for good smoke, high times and good music are front and center on “Government Issue”; tracks like “We Smoking Green” and “Pass it to the Da Homie” has spawned its own movement called HEMP-HOP. Hemp-hop is a form of rap that celebrates and even glorifies the use of marijuana. He also has songs telling stories of the importance of having and making money and not letting it change you. In 1991, Meen Green met producer “Bird” and fellow rapper/producer “VOOODU” who was behind Ras Kass’ underground success. While working on Ras Kass’

What’s good San Diego? Life is good. As I prepared for this interview I realized that nothing could have prepared me for it. As I entered Ocean Beach (shout out to SEeDLeSS) I entered dog beach parking lot when I was approached by this “DANKSTA”. I know read on you’ll get the full meaning later but this cool, mellow brother with a positive swagger steps to me and says “Ras Mike” in a deep tone, “MEEN GREEN” I replied. We walked to an album, Green met Bob Whitefield Owner of Patchwork Records in 1996 where he later signed. So the LA “Danksta” packed up and moved to the dirty-dirty(Atlanta)where he quickly began building his fan base and was a regular on many college radio stations and even got love from HOT 97 and V103(Diego where you @ Z-90/989). In1998 he drops the “Smoking Section”! This album featured WESTCOAST appearances by Western Hemisfear’s Mykall Myers, THE HEMP CARTEL, ACEYALONE and MIKAH NINE from Freestyle Fellowship. Songs like “In Da Wind Ft/ Jazzie Pha and “Deep in the Game” Ft/Pimp C of UGK quickly got Meen Green’s name spread throughout Los Angles and Atlanta. “The Smoking Section had that universal sound and boasts of marijuanasubject matter that radio and the main-

stream airwaves weren’t ready to hear” GREEN says, but it still remains an underground classic of HEMP-HOP. Meen Green hopes that fans and hempaholics worldwide will keep “Government Issue” in rotation along with a few good blunts, “The higher you get the further the music takes you, smoke on” he adds. Meen Green is planning to release a 5 disc mix tape for FREE on I-Tunes, don’t worry it will also be available at ONE local store sometime this month. Mean Green shout outs: Swisher STREETS Crew, Fetty Slaps, Dredoja, Mark the Shark, Los Anubis, DJ Milkcrate, James Worthy, Sucha, Bad Karma, Mac Vee, Kalioso, Jawz, La Sane, J Irie and Bauleeeey and of course his sponsors IGS & SEeDLeSS.

IF YOU ARE A LOCAL BAND, GROUP OR MC AND YOU WANT TO BE IN NUG….. SEND ALL MATERIAL TO: NUG Magazine C/O Ras Mike - Music Editor 9880 N. Magnolia Ave #168 Santee, CA 92071 Meen Green with Jack Herrer 40 NUGMAG.COM | SEP/OCT 09


“Go DUB Yourself” Written by: Ras Mike

What it do Diego? I was recently handed a CD called “Project out of Bounds” by this cat named Richard; he tells me “Ras, yo you gotta check out this band” and passes me a copy. I never like to listen to the CD in front of the person (in case it SUCKS) my facial expressions give it away. So I took the CD and told him I’ll call him later, while driving home I popped the CD in; it started off rather slow but I still dug it. After listening to a track called “Go DUB yourself” it all made sense. I walked into my house and told my wife you should listen to this song. Being the constant professional she is she told me she had no time and suggested that our daughter listens to it, considering this 13 year old has a proven track record of picking good songs before others have even caught on; so I sat her down with the CD. One hour later she simply says “it’s a really good CD”. I called Richard and was like ok let’s do it; I want the interview….This Interview took place in beautiful Pacific Beach (PB)

Project out of Bounds is four guys hailing from San Diego, California that are trying to take the music scene by storm. After years of hard work, adversity, trial and tribulation the boys are ready to reap their rewards. With the release of their first CD self-entitled “Project out of Bounds” they are ready to go to the next level. The Project has opened/shared the stage with Collie Buddz, Eek-aMouse & Common Sense just to name a few. Also they have performed in some of the top venues in San Diego including The Belly Up, Canes Bar and Grill, PB Bar and Grill, 710 Club, Avalon and the list goes on. I asked Kris (lead vocals) what was the most memorable thing that has happened to you on stage? He recalls a show at Canes where they were opening for Eek-a-Mouse and the place burnt down (just the kitchen NOT the whole venue) right before they were to go onstage. With the release of this CD we hope to get more work; “We have a chip on our shoulders, we want to prove to people that San Diego is a breeding ground for talent”. People here know their music; we are a rootsy town, a DUB town and we are Dancehall. The thing that will keep Project out of Bounds in the game is that they are talented musicians, with tracks like Jah is Coming and Army you can hear the musical talent bleeding through the tracks; the fusion of rock and reggae/dub make it truly diverse and widely accepted if you have a vast musical appreciation. You judge for yourself visit: myspace/projectoutofbounds

Upcoming Show Dates: September 5 - w/ Eek a Mouse @ Canes 9:00pm September 6 - Gallagher’s in Ocean Beach 7:00 pm September 18 - Beach Side Grill w/ The Devastators in Oceanside CA @ 9:00 pm




By. The Guru

HARVESTING Harvesting is one of the most enjoyable times in gardening. The most important part of harvesting your medical cannabis is timing. The timing of the harvest will have an effect on the chemistry of the plant; as a plant matures its chemistry changes. There is a window of time when the chemistry compounds begin breaking down, primarily THC, CBN and CBD. If being used as a medicinal herb, these slight differences matter. Which particular combination of chemicals is the most desirable is a decision that you develop over time and with experience. If harvested early with a few pistils turned color, the buds will have a more pure THC content and will have less that have turned to CBN, CBD. The lesser psychoactive substances will create the bouquet; find what is right for your needs. Do this by taking some buds every two days up to harvest. Forget the needs of the experts; decide based on your needs and what you come to like yourself. Keep in mind most experts did


not start out growing medical herbs. Most were looking for that cerebral stoney-ness associated with the high, and buds weigh more when fully ripe. Now if you are new to growing, you need to start with knowing you will be impatient, you will want to harvest early. So use a magnifier to see the capitated stalked trichomes THC crystals on the buds. With experience you will get to know how much clear, off white and brown will give you the peak of floral bouquet. Do not harvest too late, potency will decline. Watch your plants and learn to spot the peak floral potency that meets your needs. Once you have cut, try to cure out of the sun as it will reduce potency. In a nice dark ventilated space hang upside down, keep temperatures down for a nice slow cure. Over the course of a week or two, when the stems are brittle enough to snap, put in a sealed glass or Tupperware container, burping out old air and turning the buds

for a week or so. You can also use brown paper bags. This helps slow down drying out too fast to give time for an even cure. This will get most of the chlorophyll out and the smoke will be less harsh. Keep times and dates of taking cuts so next time you know the time frame for your needs, with your variety. Remember some varieties take from 8 weeks or so to 16 weeks or more. Take your time to get the chemistry right, after all you are now an herbalist that can heal and help yourself. The Guru would like to say this; do not listen to the so called experts, it will be for your needs, not that of the experts‌.

The best way to view trichomes is with a 20x-70x mini microscope

A Note From The Guru On

Sustainability We have found that social and environmental responsibility goes particularly well with being part of a sustainable movement. To the western mind, ‘doing good’ is associated with sacrifice. When I talk to people about ethical reasons for sustainable practices I sense a subtle resistancesomething like “what is this going to cost me?” or “what do I have to give up?” even when there is total agreement about the importance of the issue. On the other hand the response to sustainable design principles is overwhelmingly positive; people click. There is an immediate recognition of the common sense benefits of a sustainable approach without having to attach morality to it. This plants the seed for a new way of thinking where what serves me also serves a greater whole. We can have a grass roots movement that starts from this seed. The ideal

of green sustainable living is planted in our minds. We do not have to think about it we just live it. The seed is now a plant, a plant doesn’t think about being sustainable it just is on its own. The nice thing

is we don’t have to make a heartbreaking choice we just have to make the choice and it does start with you! Today you have the power to be

a leader, just start. Just think teaching children sustainable farming and crafts, involving them in reforesting the surrounding area or any of the many other inspiring projects rooted in both socially environmental and sustainable justice. Empowering disadvantaged groups of people and simultaneously enriching a sustainable environment. You and I can make sustainable life become part of the mainstream without dilution by corporate spin. Let’s not let traditional capitalists lead the way, let it be a grass rooted movement with ethics created by you and me. You know where to start. At home grow your own food or make sure what you buy is sustainable. Look for water-saving tips and more in the next issue. For now just start doing the things we know we should be doing and living a sustainable life one day at a time.


By. Darcy Stoddard


Photo: Luke Zigowitz 2006 Manitoba, Canada

he dawn of the new year brings with it the light of unity as nations gather to address the issues of global warming, the oil crisis, economic collapse, health, and world hunger with a fevered urgency. While we are considering all the options, the Cannabis hemp plant is one solution in the search for alternatives. Hemp has ecological, industrial, and medicinal values. Hemp is a uniquely productive source of fiber, oil, protein, pulp for paper, and methanol fuel. Hemp fiber became a major crop in the history of almost every European country by 400 BC. The Greeks and Romans used hemp rope and sails exclusively for their sailing vessels, importing the fiber from Sicily. The early Americans cultivated Cannabis hemp primarily for its fiber. Hemp-fiber production was most important to the developing colonies for homespun cloth and ship riggings. Hemp growing was encouraged by the British Parliament to meet the needs for fiber to rig the British fleets. Hemp production was so important that in 1762 Virginia imposed 48 NUGMAG.COM | SEP/OCT 09

penalties for those who refused to grow the plant. By the 1800s, Kentucky proudly exceeded hemp production of all the states with 40,000 tons annually, second only to cotton. However, the Civil War disrupted production and the industry never recovered. By the early 1900s, with a labor shortage and lack of modern machinery, the hemp industry slowly fell to the wayside. But a resurgence of hemp-fiber products is slowly gaining momentum with softer and colorful fabrics.

Photo: Anndrea Herrman Agologist with Hemp Oil Canada

The plant’s resilience and vigor make hemp a wonderful candidate for methanol fuel; compared to many of our ancient domesticated plants, hemp never lost its colonizing tendencies or ability to survive without human intervention. If abandoned, it will flourish in our vacant fields and drainage ditches; unlike a tender crop such as corn, hemp is more economically sound. When the Chinese invented paper they used hemp fibers recycled from old rags and fish netting. Hemp paper had been well respected for its longevity and resistance to tearing. The hemp paper was so durable that

fragments have been found in graves predating 100 BC. Canada uses hemp in its paper currency and in all fine Bibles. Many dwindling timber forests could be saved by using hemp instead. While a tree may take 20 years before it is ready to harvest, hemp is readily available. For thousands of years Cannabis hemp has been used for medicine. Emperor Shen-nung in 2000 BC prescribed root as a paste applied to relieve the pain of broken bones and surgery. From there new uses were developed, such as extracting precious oil from seed with a technique still used today. Pressed seeds yielded 20 percent more oil by weight than other oils and were used for cooking, to fuel lamps, and for lubrication, and the pulp was fed to their domesticated animals. Centuries later the uses of hemp spread through expanding trade by the Aryans. For India, hemp played an active role in its rituals. After 4,000 years of oral traditions and spiritual teachings, the four Vedas were finally recorded in 1400 BC listing hemp as the spirit bhangas. Described as the “reliever of anxiety” (Atharva Veda), it was noted as a gift from the gods. Hemp lowered fevers, eased sleep, and relieved dysentery. Not until the 20th century, when the tobacco industry wanted to take hold of the minority population, did hemp take on a different role. When racially provoked, misguided politicians developed a strategy to introduce myths that hemp caused insanity, lust, violence, crime, and that it was a poison that creates the degradation of religion. Even the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics Harry Anslinger stated in 1930, before he set the ax to the hemp plant, that he had serious doubts as to whether federal laws restricting it could be sustained as constitutional. The FBN further stated that it believed that the plant was not a problem because only the minorities used it. Then came the campaign that used zealous scare tactics to portray hemp’s nightmarish dangers to society. The anti-marijuana campaign stirred up people’s aversion by focusing on the taking of American jobs by migrants and minorities, and marijuana hysteria took hold. In light of hindsight it is most imperative that hemp be reinstated into action. Virtually every part of the plant is used—root, leaves, and flowers for medicine; stems for textiles, rope, and paper pulp; and seeds for food and oil. Hemp will be a valuable and less costly source than what’s now used for methanol fuel. For medicinal applications, hemp has been used as a treatment for nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, epilepsy, and as an analgesic and tranquilizer. Topically, the cannabinoids contained in hemp have analgesic and antibiotic properties and are used for sore muscles, arthritic pain, burns, and many skin ailments. For sound sustainability hemp deserves renewed attention because it is ecologically sensible. Hemp is our greatest renewable resource. Support the restoration movement and buy a hemp product today.

Photo: Anndrea Herrman Agologist with Hemp Oil Canada



SAN FRANCISCO, CA (MARKET WIRE) Cannabis Science Inc. (OTCBB: CBIS) An emerging pharmaceutical cannabis company is making its anti-inflammatory formulation that targets influenza symptoms one of its top priority drugs to release, as the latest Swine flu numbers are rapidly increasing and have become quite alarming. Research indicates that the current H1N1 influenza virus has disturbing similarities to the 1918 pandemic, which killed tens of millions after World War I. Moreover, the young and otherwise enge will inhibit the development of ARDS healthy population that has been most (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome) susceptible to the H1N1 virus is a similar associated with deaths from both the Avian demographic to those most affected in the and Swine influenza infections. Dr. Mela1918 outbreak. mede believes there is enormous potential value for cannabinoids that naturally prevent Swine flu, Bird Flu and all influexcessive inflammatory immune responses. enza strains that elicit excessive inflamHe stated, “Based upon recent discoveries matory immune response are targeted regarding the role that endocannabinoid with Cannabis Science formulations. system plays in maintaining human health, The company is developing its strategy we may have a unique solution to the loomfor studying the effects of its cannabis ing threat posed by deadly influenza strains, lozenge on influenza deaths that are aswhich we believe, if implesociated with an excessive inflammatory mented, could save response. A hyper-inflammatory response millions of lives.” appears to be the cause of the high mortality (63%) associated with the Avian Previously, flu (H5N1), and recent studies indicate Dr. Melamede urged all a similar risk with the Swine flu (H1N1) cannabis consumers, as well. The World Health Organization “If you come down with (WHO) released the latest figures and the flu, cease smoking said the virus was “unstoppable” and had and switch to edibles. become widespread enough to raise the We believe that smokglobal Swine flu alert to its highest level. ing marijuana when a person has influenza Dr. Robert Melamede, Ph.D., will lead to some unCannabis Science Inc. President & CEO, necessary deaths, observed, “Contemporary anti-viral mediwhereas eating it can cal technology is currently inadequate to prevent unnecessary meet the World’s immediate challenges in deaths.” dealing with the rapid mutations and infectivity of the numerous influenza viruses. About Cannabis SciWe believe that cannabis extract-based ence, Inc. medicines can reduce influenza deaths, and allow infected individuals to develop a Cannabis strong natural immunity upon recovery.” Science, Inc. is at the forefront of medical Specifically, Cannabis Science Inc. bemarijuana research lieves that its whole-cannabis extract lozand development. The Company works with 50 NUGMAG.COM | SEP/OCT 09

*Not Actual Lozenge

world authorities on phytocannabinoid science targeting critical illnesses, and adheres to scientific methodologies to develop, produce, and commercialize phytocannabinoidbased pharmaceutical products. In sum, we are dedicated to the creation of cannabisbased medicines, both with and without psychoactive properties, to treat disease and the symptoms of disease, as well as for general health maintenance.

STUDY: Marijuana May Protect Against Alcohol Brain Damage The study suggests that not only is marijuana safer than alcohol, it may actually protect against some of the damage that booze causes. ( WASHINGTON, D.C.) - A study just published online by the journal Neurotoxicology and Teratology suggests that marijuana may protect the brain from some of the damage caused by binge drinking. The study, by researchers at the University of California San Diego, used a type of high-tech scan called diffusion tensor imaging to compare microscopic changes in brain white matter. The subjects were students aged 16-to-19, divided into three groups: binge drinkers (defined as having five or more drinks at one sitting for boys or four or more for girls), binge drinkers who also smoked marijuana, and a control group who had very little or no experience with either alcohol or drugs. As expected, the binge-drinking-only group showed evidence of white matter damage in eight regions examined, as demonstrated by lower fractional anisotropy (FA) scores. But in a finding the researchers describe as “unexpected,” the binge-drinking/marijuana group had lower FA scores than the controls in only three of eight regions, and in seven regions the binge-drinking/marijuana group had higher scores -- indicating less damage -- than the binge drinkers who did not use marijuana. Brain white matter tracts were “more coherent in adolescents who binge drink and use marijuana than in adolescents who report only binge drinking,” the researchers wrote. “It is possible that marijuana may have some neuroprotective properties in mitigating alcohol-related oxidative stress or excitotoxic cell death,” as has already been shown in lab and animal studies. “This study suggests that not only is marijuana safer than alcohol, it may actually protect against some of the damage that booze causes,” said Steve Fox, Marijuana Policy Project director of state campaigns and co-author of the new book, “Marijuana Is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink?” (which hit number 14 on the bestseller list). “It’s far better for teens not to drink or smoke marijuana, but our nation’s leaders send a dangerous message by defending laws that encourage the use of alcohol over marijuana.” REFERENCE: Jacobus, J. et al. “White matter integrity in adolescents with histories of marijuana use and binge drinking.” Neurotoxicology and Teratology. Source:, the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. MPP believes that the best way to minimize the harm associated with marijuana is to regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol.



the perpetrators are seldom, if ever, caught. One might even conclude from their behavior that police are cheering on the criminal attackers... 5. Dispensaries are businesses like any other. Any store that sells a valuable commodity will be eyed by the dishonest. Does that mean that jewelry stores cause crime too? And don’t drive an expensive’s an atAccording to a recent survey of several cit- tractive nuisance. ies located in California, the major concerns 6. Keeping the criminal element out of disregarding medical marijuana for law enforce- pensaries isn’t the problem; it’s keeping out law enforcement officers who lie and conment include: nive to appear as legitimate patients in order to cause trouble. Those of us who lived - It violates Federal Law through the 60’s are intimately familiar with - Street dealers selling at lower prices this tactic. to entice patients away from 7. Did it ever occur to merchants that the disdispensaries mal state of our economy might be respon- Non-residents coming into the city to sible for the drop in business? Or are they purchase marijuana just jealous of the brisk business done by - Marijuana DUI by people who have the dispensaries. C’mon folks...foot traffic is obtained drug from the dispensary foot traffic and I never heard anyone object to - Neighboring businesses have someone coming from another town to buy a experienced a loss of customers - Increase in unreported crime to avoid pair of shoes. If I have missed any of law enforcement’s negative publicity to the dispensary complaints my advice to them is: STOP - Problem of patients selling to WHINING! Go chase a gangster instead. non-patients - Documented cases of robbery outside Mary Ann Martorana marijuana dispensaries Sacramento CA - Dispensaries create alternative methods to sell products-such as To whom it may concern: food items I am a retired trial attorney (inactive status - Complaints from patients that other with the State Bar of California), and a fullillegal drugs are being sold from time faculty member at a local University. I dispensary teach and I am the lead faculty for the Pre- Marijuana dispensaries perpetuate a Law program, and Alternative Dispute Resosub-culture that openly supports lution Certificates. I volunteer my time with a behavior consistent with criminal local non-profit which works with juveniles in activity and publishes instructional victim-offender reconciliation, and I facilitate material on the web Adult Catholic Education seminars in theol- Management from an established dispensary told police that they cannot ogy and philosophy. keep the criminal element out. When I was a trial attorney, I worked pro bono 1. Medical marijuana is legal in California and representing several defendants in one of the has been for over a decade. Local law en- first post Proposition 215 prosecutions (Peoforcement is obliged to enforce the laws of ple v. Konow, et al.). As such, I believe I am in their respective counties and of the state of a position to address each one of the issues California, not legislate from the squad car. presented. The Supreme Court and the Attorney General It violates Federal Law of the United States have declared that this is No question about it, the distribution, posan issue to be left to the states. Can you say session and usage of Medical Marijuana under the provisions of the California Compas“States’ Rights”? 2. Dispensaries are allowed to sell cannabis sionate Use Act (California Health & Safety consumables. For some sick patients, edibles Code §11362.5) is in direct contradiction of are their only means of ingesting their medica- the Federal statutes (some 452) which destion. What’s the difference to police if people ignate Marijuana as a controlled substance, and illegal to possess, grow, process, and/ are buying bud or brownies? 3. Having a web site that discusses issues or distribute. Clearly, if federal enforcement related to medical use of cannabis is not en- officers wish to enforce these laws, they are well within their purview to do so. It is the couraging criminal behavior. 4. Police have been extremely lax in protecting Supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution the rights of patients and investigating when which allows this, and a fundamental of our patients are beaten, shot and robbed. In fact, judicial system. I say if Federal enforcement NUG Associate Editor M.J. Smith sent an email recently calling out to local patients and activists, “I would love for someone to negate these individual issues in a “Bullshit!” type manner.” Below are a few of the responses we have received so far. We really appreciate everyone who took the time to comment on this.

officers and Federal prosecutors wish to pursue prosecution of those who fall under the provision of the compassionate use act, then by all means, have at it. Then why are most of these cases prosecuted at the State level. The answer is simple. In contravention of the People of California’s desires in 1996, the Federal government withholds Federal funding (the People’s tax dollars) from State enforcement agencies, unless they enforce the Federal law, ignoring the will of the People. The Federal government goes so far as to “deputize” State law enforcement officers to get around the State statutes which would otherwise preclude them from arresting those who are protected by the statute. Of course enforcement efforts are also politically motivated. Re-election time, heat up the war on drugs, and medicinal marijuana dispensaries, are easy pickings. The Bush Administration used it as a diversion to two unjust wars. District Attorney Dumanis clearly enjoys her position as top law enforcement official of San Diego County, an elected position, and come election time, she can point to her particular efforts to help win the drug war. To rely on the statement, the Compassionate Use Act violates Federal Law, is to simplistic. If you want to speak to violations, take a look at California Health & Safety Code §11362.5 (b)(1)(C), “To encourage the federal and state governments to implement a plan to provide for the safe and affordable distribution of marijuana to all patients in medical need of marijuana.” Although there is no criminal penalty for disregarding this provision, who in the Local and State government should be held accountable for failing to implement this section? Street dealers selling at lower prices to entice patients away from dispensaries Well I am certain that overhead, such as rent, security, training, employees probably does increase the cost of marijuana at a medicinal cooperative. It is also safer, more reliable, and less stigmatized than buying something off the street. There are always those who will look for a cheaper way, and that is capitalism. I am unsure of the argument here, but, is it safe to assume that if the Government closes down the dispensaries, then the Street Dealers will be able to increase their prices, thereby making the purchase of marijuana, less safe, less reliable, more stigmatized and more expensive? Certainly a more expensive controlled product is better than a cheaper unsafe product. That is the primary reason behind administrative agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration, to insure the safety of product and its uniform distribution. It would therefore follow the Government would encourage a dispensary to take the precautions to insure the quality of the product and its uniform distribution standards. Non-residents coming into the city to

purchase marijuana Again, this argument makes no sense, unless there is horde of medicinal marijuana users just waiting across the city limits to come into San Diego and take advantage of the medicinal marijuana dispensaries, and the infrastructure cannot support it. And that is just silly. Does anyone get up in arms when a tourist stops by CVS pharmacy and refills his or her diabetes medication? Or visiting businessman with a flu virus, visits a physician in San Diego and obtains a prescription for antibiotics? I think not. This is simply a non-argument, and not one meant to be answered other than with the wide eyes of bewilderment. Marijuana DUI by people who have obtained drug from the dispensary Well of course they will, just like people who buy alcohol legally from a liquor store, or bar, and people who purchase prescription drugs from a pharmacy. And this is why the laws are in place to stop as much as possible this type of behavior and protect the public. If the argument is there will be a rise in marijuana DUI drivers, simply because a limited group of individuals who use medicinal marijuana are able to purchase it legally, well I would ask, where are your statistics? As with the other arguments, this is based on hysterical anti-drug rhetoric and no valid or reliable research. Neighboring businesses have experienced a loss of customers As with the previous argument, where are your statistics? And not simply anecdotal complaints, solicited by opponents of the Compassion Use Act (read law enforcement), but legitimate polling backed by numbers. This is an objective measure, but until such a time as real numbers, and not just fictional hyperbole is used as a measure, the argument again, holds no water. And if you want to speak anecdotally, the California Alternative Medicinal Center operated one block from my law office for two years. I never lost a single client, and the only time a client indicated concern, was the day the SDPD, deputized as Federal DEA agents, raided the cooperative in a SWAT style raid. But I believe the client was a bit more concerned about all the guns than the fact it was a marijuana dispensary…I know I was. Increase in unreported crime to avoid negative publicity to the dispensary Of all the arguments presented, this is most difficult to overcome. Once the argument is out there, like smoke, it cannot be brought back in. And like smoke, there is not always fire. By their very nature and definition, unreported crimes are just that. More like urban legend than anything else. If you characterize a medicinal marijuana dispensary as a seedy operation, catering to the under belly of society, well it naturally follows, there is crime in the area. And just like gypsies, this fringe group does not report its crimes because of the lack or trust and respect

of the police. Heck, if this were a bad television show, it might be the police who are committing these unreported crimes against society’s miscreants. And lets face it, the scenario is painted by law enforcement and its pal, the media. To use a hackneyed expression, dispensaries need a make over. Change the image. If you are an unknown entity, it is easy to make up stories about you. Ask the American-Japanese community in the U.S. during World War II. Instead of isolating themselves, dispensaries need to be open, and dispel the myth of who and what they are. If someone said there were unreported crimes around CVS, or Liquor Barn, I believe most would wonder why such a non-issue was being raised. Problem of patients selling to non-patients And no one has ever given their vicodine to a friend, or no one has given a minor a beer they bought. This is a problem with patients who abuse the law, and not a problem for the dispensaries. If a dispensary has a protocol in place to insure only those who have a recommendation for medicinal marijuana from a verifiable and reliable physician, are sold the product, then the dispensary cannot be held accountable for what the patient does once the patient leaves the premises. Unless the Government has come up with an end all scheme to preclude end users of products (any product, including firearms) from committing a criminal act, there is nothing that can be done. Particularly from the end of the dispensary. Documented cases of robbery outside marijuana dispensaries This argument I cannot address, because I have not seen the statistics which support such an argument. I would, however, wonder what the crime statistics are in the one mile radius of the dispensary, and ask, are all these the result of a dispensary in the area. One could also look to the statistics around methadone clinics. Has there been an increase in crime in those areas? And finally, what are the statistics for robberies of pharmacies (including theft) and liquor stores in the greater San Diego area. Only a look at the totality of the crime statistics will give an accurate view and provide either an accurate or inaccurate basis for such a statement. Dispensaries create alternative methods to sell products-such as food items The argument to this is, “So what?” Can you buy milk from CVS? Can you buy Lays potato chips from Liquor Barn? Can you get a meal from the cafeteria at Mercy Hospital? Sometimes it is best to simply ignore the ignorant. Now, if the argument is that dispensaries make cannabis brownies and cakes, and cannabis butters and oils, the argument might be raised about the manner in which these food products are produced and are

they “healthy.” That, however, falls under the purview of the Health Department, and not the Police Department. Eight years in law enforcement and I never once did a restaurant inspection…but the Vice Division did periodically check the quality of alcohol in a bar. I would think a dispensary would welcome a visit by the Health Department if only to get an “A” rating sign in their window. Complaints from patients that other illegal drugs are being sold from dispensary This is a valid argument and should be a concern of all dispensaries. But this is where selfpolicing comes into play. I do not know if the various dispensaries have formed an association, but it might be a good time to think about this. Such an association would be responsible for establishing guidelines which would insure the uniform dispensing of marijuana and would provide an oversight by those involved and not the police. If a dispensary is operating outside the guidelines, the others can distance themselves from that particular dispensary. Should an employee engage in illegal activity, fire ‘em. This particular argument provides a golden opportunity for the community to take proactive steps….and get rid of that image I mentioned before. Marijuana dispensaries perpetuate a sub-culture that openly supports behavior consistent with criminal activity and publishes instructional material on the web Freedom of Speech. You cannot control what others think and say. You can only control what you say, and what you think. Re-inventing the image can go a long way to dispel this argument, if it indeed is an argument at all. I would imagine as long as fliers for the dispensary are not being given out at the Black and the High Road, and they are not giving away Cheech & Chong T-Shirts or copies of Pineapple Express with the purchase, then you certainly cannot be held accountable for a stereotypic and incorrect image. Management from an established dispensary told police that they cannot keep the criminal element out. This is where an association can help. If this truly is a difficulty, (I do not know what the context of this is), then the dispensary needs help. It is either being run poorly, it has no protocol, the employees are untrained or not vetted, but something is wrong. A dispensary should not be a haven for criminals. It should not be a haven at all. It should dispense, plain and simple. These are my thoughts on the particular issues presented. You are welcome to use them, ask me to edit them, or “plagiarize” them as you see fit. I hope they can be of some help to you. Peace, Dr. Jack B. Hamlin SEP/OCT 09 | NUGMAG.COM 53

Product reviews by Ben G. Rowin

The Chief was nice enough to send us a few of his cd’s. Chief Greenbud is from Nashville TN, his music is strictly cannabis related and every song and every lyric have a country vibe. This music is great for a party, relaxing and smoking some herb. You can find his music at:

The Glass Gripper is a unique simple product that REALLY protects your piece! Simply peel off the paper backing and these things mold and stick to the bottom of your favorite pipe. You can really feel the difference when you set your pipe down after putting one on. No longer will you risk chipping or cracking your bong! These things are super cheap and totally worth getting! You can pick up your own at smoke shops all over or contact them at

Safetyz comfort fit boxer briefs are 100% cotton and hand made in the USA. Hidden within the crotch seam is a large pocket expanding 4” in width and 7” in length; Great for storing money and valuables when traveling. They can be found at:

Making some of the sickest, affordable glass products for any type of smoker, Nugg Life gear and glass is here to bring products that everyone can afford, that are long lasting and durable. This inline they sent us hits like a train! Check your local smoke shop for Nugg Life products or for custom orders or questions hit them up at:

To get your products reviewed in an upcoming issue, send them to: NUG Magazine c/o product reviews 9880 N. Magnolia Ave. #168 Santee, Ca 92071 54 NUGMAG.COM | SEP/OCT 09

The California


the Bay Area, which he found to be very educational. He visited dispensaries that A few weeks ago Todd McCormick produced coffee shop owners in Holland could only a very successful event called the THC Expo dream of. When he visited the Harborside in Los Angeles, California. The THC Expo is Health Center in Oakland, he had a choice of over 40 types of marijuana, kiefs, hashes, a trade show for marijuana users and growtinctures, clones and salves. He had never ers. Among the people who attended the show was the owner of the Greenhouse Seed seen anything like it anywhere. The extensive selection, the high volume of traffic, and the Company, Arjan. Many people who have visited Amsterdam have enjoyed the Greenhigh quality of product all surprised him. house Coffee shops which are associated California might be leading the way, and legal with the seed company. access to medical and recreational marijuana Ever since any of us can remember, Amster- is but a few puffs away. The activists in California and everywhere dam, with its tolerant attitude towards “soft else in this country are pushing forward drugs” has been a beacon of light in a dark whether the authorities like it or not. When world. Arjan comes back in a few years he is goIn a situation that proves that God loves irony, Holland’s Christian Democrats are clos- ing to see a country that has no federal law ing down pot- one club, one garden at a time against marijuana and the majority of people will be living in states where marijuana is and are being met with little resistance from civilly regulated. the Social Democrats. These new policies disallow indoor cultivation and for the first We are on a roll and the authoritarian types time threaten people with jail time. that run the government who would ordinarily While Arjan was in California, he also visited throw more money at the problem have no By Ed Rosenthal

Larry from Hemp Traders at THC Expo proudly shows his ad in NUG

Seedless MeenGreen at THC Expo


more money to throw at it. In fact, they are looking at marijuana to throw some money their way, in a reversal of fortune. The situation has changed so much that recent government figures show that marijuana was a $17 billion crop in California alone. The next largest crop, grapes, grossed only $7 billion. How much longer can the most profitable agricultural crop remain illegal and untaxed? Marijuana will be like the tomato model. You know how big tomatoes are commercially? Fresh, dried, sauces, ketchup- but most tomatoes are grown by home gardeners. That is where we are going. Now in California, you can only buy clones at dispensaries. Soon we will be buying them at the local nursery.

NUG Editor with Denny from Crucial Hemp

Rob from Jungmavin Hemp


Jack Herrer The Hemporer Reading his copy of NUG at Purple Haze Music Festival Jack Herrer visits the NUG booth

NUG Magazine booth at Purple Haze

Red Eye Performing

UPCOMING Submitted by internet user Joseph Budsworth.

September Thurs 9/3/09 Court Support for Donna Lambert in Downtown San Diego 1:30p.m. Sun 9/6/09 Bob Marley Roots, Rock, & Reggae Festival Tues 9/8/09 Americans for Safe Access (SD Chapter) Fri 9/11/09 Americans for Safe Access (North County Chapter) Sun 9/13/09 18th Annual Paddle for Clean Water Festival in Ocean Beach


(live music by Tribal Seeds, Iration, C$ & The Players Inc; & The Professors) Sat 9/19/09 Gregory Isaacs at the Wave House 8p.m. Thur 9/24/09 High Tide at Calypso Cafe in Encinitas, CA


Regular Meetings SD ASA-2nd Tuesday of the month North County ASA-2nd Friday of the month City Council meets every Tuesday in September & October except September 29. (For public comment) at 10 am

San Diego County Board of SuFri 10/9/09 Americans for Safe Access pervisors meets on September 15th (North County Chapter) & 22nd & October 13th & 20th. (For public comment) 9 am Sun 10/11/09 Ocean Beach Oktoberfest The Hope meetings are every other Thursday, but sometimes he skips a Tues 10/13/09 Americans for Safe AcThursday. cess (SD Chapter) Sat 10/31/09 Halloween









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