NUG Magazine Issue 03

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PUBLISHER’SLETTER NOV/DEC 09 ISSUE #3 NUG Magazine Staff: Publisher: Ben G. Rowin Associate Publisher: Brandon Lee Editor: Dion Markgraaff Associate Editor: M.J. Smith Copy Editor: Hashley Events Editor: Cletus “KRON” Greathouse Music Editors: Ras Mike, Oscar Castillo Fashion Editor: Ready Rube Photographer: William West Intern: Courtney P. Contributors: “The Guru”, Pat Hegarty, Terry Martinez, Dion Markgraaff, Fred Gardner, Mike DeBartolo, Kim Twolan, Darcy Stoddard, Terrie Best, William West, Eugene Davidovich, Donna Lambert, James Dean Stacy, Colby Benham, Ava Madison, Wernard Bruining Sales Director: Ben G. Rowin Advertising Sales Reps: Dion Markgraaff, Cletus Greathouse, Emily Winkler, Eugene Davidovich, Brom Richey Art Director: Ian Rie Finance Manager: M.J. Smith Distribution/Subscriptions: Beau’s Distribution Service NUG Magazine Staff Contact Information: 9880 N. Magnolia Ave #168 Santee, Ca 92071 (619) 616-4961 For general information or to reach our Publisher: For all art/design information: For all editorial related information: For submissions: NUG Magazine is published and distributed by NUG Magazine LLC. All contents are for entertainment and educational purposes only and are intended for mature audiences. We are not responsible for any actions taken by our readers nor do we condone any illegal activity. Advertisers are responsible for their own ads and content. All opinions expressed are those of the writers and not necessarily of the magazine. All submissions become our property and may be used for publication. At times we may use materials placed in the public domain. If you own it let us know and we will acknowledge you. Reproduction of any content is encouraged if you get permission from our Publisher. All contents copyright. 2009


Hello and welcome to the 3rd issue of NUG Magazine! Last month Bonnie “The Grinch” Dumanis was up to her old tricks, again. She says she is a friend to the medical marijuana community and then raids the people who stick their necks out to help patients in San Diego access medicine safely. She is now stating that the only way to access medical marijuana is to grow it for yourself! Sounds exactly like what she stated after raiding and closing all of the local dispensaries in 2006. We have heard from numerous patients that did just that. They grew for themselves and maybe a few other patients and subsequently had their homes raided and children taken away, all with our District Attorney’s approval! In fact even modest gardens lead to some patient’s lives being turned upside down. In our local court rooms, judges force patients to take a deal and plead guilty to a crime that they are protected from under state law! The court room can be scary and the possibility of losing your freedom, your children or the things you have worked so hard to build in this life are even scarier! Sometimes it seems easier to say you are wrong even when you know you’re not. So, why are the patients in San Diego still being harassed the way that we are? Law enforcement is NOT in charge of whether someone is or appears to be “sick” enough to use cannabis. That is a matter for you and your doctor. No matter how major or minor the health problem you have is, if cannabis can provide relief, you are entitled to use it. IT IS A LAW!!!!

Ben G. Rowin































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Fa r m e r s , Business Owners and Vote Hemp Board

Member s Ar rested

One in 25 Globally Using Cannabis 10- 19-09 Irish Times

ONE IN 25 GLOBALLY USING CANNABIS - according to a new study published in the Lancet. The report, which uses estimates supplied by the UN office on drugs and crime, reveals that cannabis continues to be the drug most widely cultivated and used around the world. The study indicates that 166 million adults aged between 16 and 64 admitted to using the drug at least once a week during 2006, equivalent to 3.9 per cent of the global population. Cannabis use was found to be highest in the US, Australia and New Zealand.

Protesting DEA Policies

Wa s h i n g t o n , DC — October 14, 2009 On Tuesday October 13th, farmers Wayne Hauge of North Dakota and Will Allen of Vermont were arrested at DEA headquarters in Arlington, VA for planting industrial hemp seeds on the DEA lawn. Also arrested were David Bronner of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, Steve Levine of the Hemp Industries Association and Vote Hemp, Isaac Nichelson of Livity Outernational and Adam Eidinger of Vote Hemp. Hemp Industries Association members were in Washington, DC for their annual meeting and to lobby members of Congress to support H.R. 1866, The Hemp Farming Act of 2009.

Revealed: Two California airports allow passengers to fly with pot

Approximately 20 protesters arrived at DEA at around 10:30 am with signs and ceremonial shovels and began digging and planting industrial hemp seeds on the lawn. DEA security began asking if the protesters had a permit. The protesters explained that North Dakota farmers had applied for DEA permits almost 2 years ago and still had not received a reply. They were arrested a short while later by Arlington County police. All 6 were released later that day after being charged with trespassing.

By Stephen C. Webster 10- 17- 09

The Washington Post published a good story on the DEA protest today and media around the US is picking up the story.

A little noticed policy at two California airports allows properly qualified passengers to fly the friendly skies carrying up to a half pound of marijuana, news agencies revealed Friday.

Thanks to your continued support, Vote Hemp has secured 16 co-sponsors for H.R. 1866 this year and we are pushing for hearings in Congress. Vote Hemp is coordinating a North Dakota farmers lawsuit against DEA in Federal Court. Vote Hemp is also working with farmers and businesses to educate the Obama administration and to convince them to review the policy on hemp farming and once again allow U.S. farmers to grow industrial hemp.

“The policy [at Oakland International Airport] is spelled out in a three-page document quietly enacted last year by the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office,” Mercury News reported. “It states that if deputies determine someone is a qualified patient or primary caregiver as defined by California law and has eight ounces or less of the drug, he or she can keep it and board the plane.” San Francisco International Airport shares the policy, CBS 5 in Oakland reported. But passengers travel with the drug “at their own risk,” the agency added.

Please consider making a donation today to support our ongoing work at: To view a video of the protest and see pictures, go to:

Sgt. J.D. Nelson with the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office told Mercury News that officers and airport security will issue warnings to those bringing marijuana into areas where it is not legal, but do not call the passengers’ destination to notify them of a traveler carrying the drug. 9 NUGMAG.COM | NOV/DEC 09


CENTS Legalize it!

California & Cannabis Legislation by Colby Benham With President Obama pulling the Feds back, and Governor Schwarzenneger saying “it’s time for a debate,” there are 3 major initiatives making their way toward the ballot for re-legalizing marijuana in California- and it’s not just medical! No, these bills would downright, plain-and-simple, no questions asked, put it into good ol’ English that Californians want their marijuana and it’s not criminal! All 3 initiatives are in the signature gathering stage and each have until February 18, 2010 to gather signatures from 433,971 registered voters to qualify for the November 2010 ballot.

Tax & Regulate Cannabis 2010

Get involved- learn more at the end of the article!

California Cannabis Initiative

Here’s a quick overview of what’s out there:

Assembly Bill 390

Tom Ammiano’s AB 390 was the first initiative introduced this year and garnered tons of state and nationwide attention. This bill would legalize the sale and use of marijuana for people over 21 years in California. The bill includes creating permits for growers and a $50 per ounce tax. Though this one raised many eyes and opened many ears early in the year, it has since waned to make way for the more well-funded and/ or more liberal initiatives, and has been tabled until next year. Oaksterdam’s Richard Lee kicked off this campaign, putting in a million bucks of his own bread to get this one on the ballot, and launching an intense state-wide signature drive! This act would regulate cannabis like alcohol by allowing adults 21 and older in California to possess up to one ounce of cannabis, give local governments the ability to tax and regulate the sale of cannabis, and generate billions of dollars in revenue to fund what matters most in California: jobs, healthcare, public safety, schools and libraries, state parks, roads, transportation, and more. The California Cannabis Initiative would repeal all state laws that make marijuana a crime, legalize hemp, and expunge all prior cannabis State convictions. The bill has the potential to save millions of dollars as we curtail the incarceration and supervision of marijuana consumers, as well as bring in billions in revenue through the industrialization and regulation of hemp and cannabis.

There are active volunteers throughout California gathering signatures. To find a local organizer and get involved, visit


want their

marijuana and it’s not


Help Reform California’s Cannabis Laws! California voters believe our cannabis (marijuana) laws have failed. According to an April statewide Field Poll, 56% support legalizing cannabis. The time for reform is now. The Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 will:

• Regulate cannabis like alcohol • Allow for taxation and regulation • Generate billions of dollars in revenue

Get Involved Today! Email: Phone: (510) 859-4829 @TaxCannabis, #LegalizeIt 10 NUGMAG.COM | NOV/DEC 09

activism Who’s trampling what?

The 9-9-09 Raids by. Ava Madison San Diego District Attorney ‘shutting down’ marijuana dispensaries. California voters approved medical marijuana over 13 years ago with Proposition 215 (the Compassionate Use Act), which intends to protect persons who use marijuana when recommended by a doctor. The initiative, and Health & Safety codes, include protections for people who help those patients get their medicine. So far this year, President Obama, the Supreme Court and the Attorney General have all said that Federal law will NOT override State law. Here in San Diego, our District Attorney is saying one thing and doing another as she does everything to STOP medical marijuana operations. (Note: The following excerpts are just that: excerpts. For the full press release, visit the District Attorney web-site listed at the end of this article).

First, a multi-jurisdictional task forceincluding Federal agents: San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie M. Dumanis, along with United States Attorney Karen Hewitt, DEA’s San Diego Field Office Assistant Special Agentin-Charge William Sherman, IRS San Diego Field Office Special Agent-inCharge Tami Steine, San Diego Sheriff

William Gore, San Diego Police Chief William Lansdowne, San Diego Narcotics Task Force, San Marcos Mayor Jim Desmond and Vista CityAttorney Darrold Pieper announced today that 14 search warrants were served at 14 marijuana dispensaries and six associated residences in San Diego, the North County and South Bay.

Then the negative and deragotary insinuations: The warrants are a result of a four-month undercover investigation and effectively shut down the businesses which were operating under the guise of selling marijuana and marijuana-laced products for medicinal purposes. Or is it that they were operating under the rights afforded by Proposition 215 and openly advertised as such, including the availibilty of food made with cannabis (for those who’d rather not smoke it) and other marijuana solutions? “Like most San Diegans, I support the use of legitimate and legal medical marijuana use.” When? “However, it appears these so-called ‘marijuana dispensaries’ are nothing more than for- profit storefront drug dealing operations run by drug dealers hiding behind the state’s medical marijuana law,” said DA Dumanis. For-profit? As non-profit businesses gain excess revenue for their mission, and cooperatives put their “profit margin” back into their collective efforts: currency is the means of transacting. At what point did the investigation resolve a matter of “for-profit”? -drug: cannabis -dealing: trade -operation: function run by drug dealers: cannabis traders hiding behind the state’s medical marijuana law: Using Proposition 215 as a right and a defense. “We have not, and will not prosecute people who are legitimately and legally using medical marijuana. It’s a shame that a few illegal drug dealers are trampling on the compassion shown by voters in passing California’s medical marijuana law,” said DA Dumanis. Dumanis has promised to fight marijuana legalization “fiercly,” and has never demonstrated compassion towards the medical marijuana 13 NUGMAG.COM | NOV/DEC 09

community. She is curenly prosecuting medical marijuana patients from her ongoing Operation Green RX and Operation Endless Summer. During the investigation, law enforcement observed some of the dispensaries guarded by armed individuals and a series of security doors. Who, as we will later see in the press release, will have firearms charges brought against them. Other citizen complaints cited concerns over the proximity of the dispensaries to schools and areas frequented by children. Though the alleged “storefronts,” as search warrants and indictments reveal, were members only clubs who were raided only after ‘selling’ to undercover officers with valid doctor’s recommendations! None of the “dispensaries” will be charged with selling to people under 18 years old. As a result of the search warrants, law enforcement seized marijuana at each location, more than $70,000 in cash and six guns. Obviously marijuana would be seized, as would cash, in this case a mere average of $5,000 from each location; and six guns would be consistent with businesses who have security interests, not to mention our Constitutional right to bear arms. So far, 23 people have been arrested during the sweep. Most of them patients, volunteers, and directors. More arrests are possible and the investigation is ongoing.


Under the guise of stopping illegal drug dealing operations. Possible charges include the sale and possession for sale of marijuana, conspiracy and firearms offenses. Those charges carry a maximum of penalty of up to four years in prison. Charges are used as plea bargain leverage while the DA fights to maintain a 94% conviction rate, tie up our courts, fill up our jails, and ultimately prevent MEDICAL MARIJUANA. Through strong-arm scare tactics, taxpayers’ dollars, media-use, and placing emotional and financial strains on these “suspects,” the District Attorney’s office, and San Diego governance, is continuing marijuana prohibition, debt and terror, and modern day slavery in San Diego!! However, the PEOPLE are responding. Following September 9th’s raids, protests were organized by concerned individuals, who utilized resources to gather over one hundred people in front of the District Attorney’s office. As cameras and newscasters reported, people voiced their opposition to the raids and proven disregard of medical cannabis and Proposition 215 in San Diego by Law Enforcement. As time goes on and support for medical marijuana increases, less people will be raided, charged, and/or convicted. Stopping medical marijuana clubs means patients are left without safe access to their Doctor’s recommended, alternative medicine. To get their medicine, these otherwise law-abiding

persons must resort to the streets where, because of the hostile nature of prohibition, prices are getting higher instead of lower, their safety is endangered, and they are exposed to illegal and deadly drugs. Here is a list of the clubs that were raided: San Diego clubs: Answerdam Rx Beneficial Care Collective Green Tree Solutions Clairemont Hillcrest Compassion Care Nature’s Rx, San Diego San Diego Discount Caregivers Top Quality Collective North County clubs: Movement in Action The Healing Dragon San Diego Dispensary Services Beach area clubs: Pacific Beach Collective Green Kross Collective Medicinal Solutions Patient Collective Total Herbal Care Visit the following web-sites for more information on the raided clubs, the defendants, and their status in the court system:


Set Us Free!

The 9/9/9 raids are the most recent attack on our civil rights and our right to safe cannabis under the law. When I look at what the city and federal governments are doing, I can’t help but draw comparisons with the KKK and Jim Crow. After the Civil War, people who did not want to accept that slaves were freed tried to prevent blacks from having equal rights. In an attempt to keep blacks under the fear of former slave owners, mobs would don masks, get guns, and attack their families. In violation of the law, masked gunmen stole blacks’ money, property, medicines, and most insidiously their sense of security. Although those raids were illegal, members of the government at the time looked the other way, often participated, and allowed these injustices to happen for more than 150 years. It was not until the civil rights movement, only 40 years ago, that blacks began to enjoy the

same rights as other Americans. The California Narcotics Officer Association is the same kind of rogue organization as the KKK; they have meetings with those politically or personally against cannabis and talk about ways to undo the will of the people of California. Prop 215 was voted on by Californians to allow sick people safe access to a medicine that can improve quality of life, and SB420 gave patients rights to cultivate cannabis individually and organize as a non-profit collective. The current lie says operating not-for-profit cannot involve a monetary transaction. Nonprofits have been collecting money to pay for their operating expenses for a long time in this country. Our local public television station, KPBS, gives gifts to those who donate to pay their expenses. They do not give a gift to those who do not donate because they cannot afford to. The California Narcotics Officer Association and local district attorneys, operate under the false premise that any transaction involving money and cannabis is illegal, disregarding that law allows the expenses of producing cannabis to be collectively recouped. By taking this approach the California Narcotics Officer Association aims to force all medical patients to attempt to produce cannabis and risk federal prosecution. Fifteen men with guns drawn, came to my house without a search warrant, entered, and handcuffed my wife. While the police were obtaining a warrant my wife asked one officer, “If

my husband has a doctor’s recommendation isn’t it legal for him to grow a plant?” The officer said, “No! It’s all illegal.” So much for Bonnie Dumanis’ statement that, “(cannabis) patients have to grow it themselves.” Local district attorneys should not be trying to find ways to prevent safe cannabis access but should instead look for ways to ensure patient safety. Now the emboldened California Narcotics Officer Association (CNOA) is bringing their message of breaking state law up to Los Angeles. The CNOA has now urged the Los Angeles City Attorney to proclaim that all cannabis collectives are illegal. When our government consistently fails to heed the will of the people, then we lose the very freedom that is the reason for our democracy. Now is the time for all people to stand up and demand that law enforcement follow the laws enacted by the will of the people. It is time to stop the erosion of the rule of law and civil rights. It is time law enforcement stops attacking the medical cannabis community and instead begins working towards a reasonable solution consistent with the law and the civil rights of patients. James Dean Stacy




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Legal Issues




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Taught by experienced lawyers who will answer your questions: • What is the legal limit for plants and medicine? • What are the rights of a medical marijuana patient in California?


Step by step instructions on developing and maintaining a legal medical marijuana garden.

Be informed Work in the MMJ Field Learn from the Best Convenient Location Call to start this Saturday

Legal Cannabis Institute San Diego’s Only Medical Marijuana School

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San Diego court rooms are a nightmare! Imagine being a medical marijuana defendant, and the judge allows only law enforcement to testify, while your witnesses get denied, your Physician’s recommendation is ruled to be “heresay,” and the undercover officer who went out and received a valid doctor’s recommendation with your tax money is heralded as a hero, and yourself a dealer of “illegal drugs and a threat to society.” Week after week, marijuana is disregarded as the miracle plant that it is, and nonviolent offenders get dragged through the court process, being drained financially, emotionally, physically, psychologically, etc. Did you know that people are actually being locked up for medical marijuana? In the Downtown San Diego Courthouse, District Attorney Chris Lindberg suggested a bail of $100,000 on, and resulting in the incarceration of, Defendant Cletus Greathouse. Judge Kineshiro would not allow an expert witness to testify on behalf of Greathouse, instead she called him “a man who deals illegal drugs and is a threat to society.” Testimony from 3 law enforcement officers touched topics of commercialized marijua-

na packaging, myspace advertising, and business cards for Cletus ‘Kron’ Greathouse, who they say established, co-owned and operated Chronic Care Providers, a medical marijuana collective on Dagget St in San Diego. There was no denial of a grow room, available medicine, or the dispensing of medical marijuana by the defense. In fact, Greathouse promoted and still promotes the medical use of marijuana! However when the defense asked that expert witness Bill Britt be allowed to testify, they were denied claiming they’ve yet to prove beyond a sufficient measure that Greathouse is a medical marijuana patient. The defense produced a photocopy of his recommendation and the Court responded that the recommendation is unverifiable: The recommending Physician or a Keeper of Records would have to be present. Greathouse was incarcerated that day as a flight risk because he did not have a permanent address. He spent the next 60 days in jail, before taking a plea for his release. In another case stemming from the same

“Operation,” Jovan Jackson of the Answerdam Collective had his bail revoked and was incarcerated for trying to represent himself in court. Judge Maguire decided that Mr. Jackson undergo a competency hearing to see if he was fit to represent himself. He spent the first 3 days of his 3 week jail stay in solitary confinement. Jackson has since been found competent, yet will be working with Counsel to fight off these charges. Jackson’s case reaches trial in November. As he faces off with the District Attorney, they are preparing briefs and reports asking the judge to NOT allow medical marijuana and California-approved Proposition 215 in the court room, especially in front of a jury. Both men were incarcerated before being convicted of anything. To learn more about Jovan Jackson’s court updates, visit

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 27, 2009 8:57 AM

CONTACT: Americans for Safe Access 510.251.1856 or Toll-free 888.929.4367

Congressional Medical Marijuana Bill Lifts Ban on Evidence in Federal Court WASHINGTON October 27 - U.S. Representative Sam Farr (D-CA) and more than twenty original bipartisan co-sponsors introduced legislation today that would allow defendants in medical marijuana cases the ability to use medical evidence at trial, a right not currently afforded them. Because of a June 2005 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Gonzales v. Raich, the government has the discretion to enforce federal marijuana laws even in medical marijuana states. The Raich ruling also allows federal prosecutors to exclude evidence of medical use or state law compliance in federal trials, all but guaranteeing convictions of medical marijuana patients and providers. Last week, the U.S. Attorney General issued guidelines to federal prosecutors discouraging them from prosecuting cases in which patients and providers are “in clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws.” Unfortunately, the guidelines neither direct U.S. Attorneys to abandon the more than twodozen pending federal medical marijuana cases, nor allow defendants the ability to use medical evidence to exonerate themselves. “This is a common sense bill that will help stop the waste of law enforcement and judicial resources that have been spent prosecuting individuals who are following state law,” Rep. Farr said on Tues-

day. “We need strict drug laws, but we also need to apply a little common sense to how they’re enforced. This legislation is about treating defendants in cases involving medical marijuana fairly, plain and simple.” During the Bush Administration, more than a hundred federal cases were prosecuted by U.S. Attorneys against medical marijuana patients and providers who were prevented from using medical evidence at trial. Because of an inability to properly defend themselves, scores of people have been convicted and have received sentences of up to 20 years in federal prison. While the Justice Department guidelines may result in fewer federal prosecutions, they are unlikely to assist defendants currently being prosecuted. Underscoring the need for the “Truth in Trials” Act,

San Diego U.S. Attorney Karen Hewitt, a Bush appointee, recently responded to the guidelines by claiming she still does not have to prove a violation of state law before prosecuting someone under federal law. “The ‘Truth in Trials’ Act will restore the balance of justice and bring fundamental fairness to federal medical marijuana trials,” said Caren Woodson, Government Affairs Director with Americans for Safe Access, the legislation’s endorser. “This legislation complements the recent Justice Department guidelines for federal prosecutors and is now more necessary than ever.” Routinely, federal prosecutors seek long prison sentences in medical marijuana cases. Charles C. Lynch, a locally licensed medical marijuana dispensary operator from M o r r o B a y,

California who had the support of his City Council and local Chamber of Commerce, was prosecuted and convicted under the Bush Administration. Although Lynch was accused by the federal government of violating state law, he could not use evidence of his compliance with state law at trial. “I was denied an affirmative defense despite my strict adherence to local and state medical marijuana laws,” said Lynch. “Passage of this bill will allow jurors to hear the entire story.” Lynch is currently released on bail pending his appeal. The “Truth in Trials” bill has been introduced by Congress in past sessions, but is especially relevant now that the Obama Administration has changed federal policy on medical marijuana. At the time of introduction, the “Truth in Trials” bill had been endorsed by a diverse group of more than three-dozen advocacy, health, and legal organizations, including Americans for Safe Access (ASA), American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), National Association of People With AIDS (NAPWA), National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC), and AIDS Action Council. The “Truth in Trials” bill is likely to be referred to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security. A companion bill has yet to be introduced in the U.S. Senate. VISIT:

SD Huge Hemp History Part II

The San Diego showdown cannabis vs. trees for newspapers

By Dion Markgraaff In part one of “San Diego has a huge hemp history” we rediscovered a $3 million San Diego cannabis corporation in Chula Vista. In part two, we explore one of history’s greatest crimes or lost opportunities, when local historical icon – Edward “E.W.” Scripps had a chance to redirect the course of mankind with cannabis. Cannabis vs. Trees – the showdown that would alter the planet’s history took place RIGHT HERE IN SAN DIEGO, almost one hundred years ago. E.W. Scripps was literally a founder of parts of San Diego, building most of the main roads at the beginning of the last century which is the basis for the present day freeway system of the 5, 8, 15, 163, and 395, with Scripps Ranch and Scripps Institute still bearing his name. The Scripps family’s enormous wealth came from the newspaper industry. In 1889, Scripps and Milton A. McRae founded the Scripps-McRae League of Newspapers, which later became the United Press Association. The company had many newspapers, and other papers purchased their syndicated material. Accordingly, Scripps was very influential in a time of limited news media. By the 1912 presidential election, he had access to nearly 70% of the voting population. After Woodrow Wilson won the US Presidential election that year, Postmaster Burleson of his cabinet wrote, “[it was] the Scripps papers that determined the election.” Therefore, one of history’s greatest questions is why Scripps, with one of the biggest newspaper businesses in America, whose entire company was based on the cost of paper, balked at using a local, more reliable source such as cannabis, which provides superior quality at HALF the price of paper made from trees. Cannabis vs. Trees The showdown between these two raw materials for newspaper making happened August 3, 1917, at the famous Scripps “Ranch” Miramar house (today the house would be located north of the 52 Freeway and just east of the 15 Freeway). This was when and where George W. Schlichten, the inventor of a new hemp fiber retting machine, met with Scripps’ partner McRae, and Ed Chase, Scripps’

right-hand man. They were there to discuss the viability of using cannabis/hemp for paper versus the current process of using trees. Secretly, the Miramar meeting showdown was transcribed into an eleven page document and mailed to Scripps, who kept it in his extensive archives. The Scripps Company kept this record of what was said and many letters to and from E.W. Scripps, giving future generations’ insight to this historic event and fateful decision. The case for cannabis - with a revolutionary machine In 1915 the German born immigrant, Schlichten, invented a unique hemp decorticating machine. This machine separated the hemp plant fiber from the stem and produced better quality fiber than other standard practices and reduced the labor intensive costs by hundreds of times. The other benefit of Schlichten’s machine was the fiber came out in a continuous stream (“sliver”) of fibers that were ready to be spun into all kinds of high quality fabrics. Separating the fiber mechanically, as opposed to by hand as it was harvested from the field, was the key change in labor savings. In addition, Schlichten realized having his machine

inside the factory, the clean pulp that was produced as a by-product was great for paper. An effective fiber decorticating machine was potentially the equivalent of the cotton gin for the hemp industry. Cannabis activist, lawyer, and founder of The Ohio Hempery, Donald Wirtshafter, has unearthed most of the detailed evidence of Schlichten’s revolutionary hemp decorticator machine, which could have significantly changed the course of human history. Another well know person in San Diego and leading machinist of the time, Harry Timken called it “the greatest invention in the world”. Harry Timken was an inventor and owner of the Timken Roller Bearing Co. Today, there is a museum in Balboa Park named after him. Timken invited Schlichten to use his ranch in Imperial Valley, east of San Diego. Schlichten planted 100 acres of hemp and some other experimental crops. By August 1917, the almost ready to harvest hemp field was such a bumper crop that it received national attention. Feature film companies, including newspaper rival and owner of timber interests Randolph Hearst, showed footage of the 14-foot tall plants in their weekly newsreels. Timken, the founder of today’s multi-billion dollar Timken Co. family fortune, wrote Scripps on August 16, saying “I am informed that this is the best hemp crop ever produced in the United States.” At the San Diego showdown meeting at Miramar August 3, the bottom line was - hemp is cheaper. From the secret recording, “Mr. McRae made the statement that paper, about seven months ago was being sold under contract at about 25 NUGMAG.COM | NOV/DEC 09

A Letter from McRae to Scripps, Aug. 3, 1917

$50.00 a ton, while it is now being sold at about $60.00 a ton, or at 3 cents a pound, or a little more; he then asked Mr. Schlichten what his idea would be of the cost of making paper using his material wholly or in part. Mr. Schlichten replied that it shouldn’t cost in excess of $25.00 a ton; and he made this statement with knowledge of the process of paper making, based upon the cost of the raw stock chemicals and other ingredients and their percentage, and also the cost of labor, etc.” Not only that, Schlichten said, “every acre that I produce in hemp … will preserve five acres of forest.” He goes on to say, “But as far as paper is concerned, it is actually a crime to chop down trees to get a small percentage of paper.” In addition, cannabis made better quality paper. Schlichten said, “Oh, yes, surely; but taking it for granted that the hemp hurds make superior paper, but if it is cheaper at the same time, why not use it for news. If it is cheaper for news paper stock, even though it will make better paper, why naturally it is a substitute for wood-pulp. This is providing you can get it in quantities cheaper.” Further proof of cannabis’ usefulness for paper provided by the US Government A year earlier in 1916, the United States Department of Agriculture produced BULLETIN No. 404 - PROFESSIONAL PAPER -HEMP HURDS AS PAPER-MAKING MATERIAL, by Lyster H. Dewey, Botanist in Charge of Fiber-Plant Investigations, and Jason L. Merrill, Paper-Plant Chemist, Paper-Plant Investigations. The report itself was printed on the hemp paper they produced. Schlichten points out at the showdown meeting at Miramar, “The hemp hurd is a practical success and will make paper of a higher grade than ordinary news stock. The Government has made on a large and practical scale paper—a beautiful sheet—and I can show you governmental reports printed on paper made from hemp hurds—the leavings after taking the fiber out.” The report shows how cannabis was more productive than trees for paper. One acre of hemp would equal 4 times as much paper as trees would over the lifetime of the trees. 26 NUGMAG.COM | NOV/DEC 09

The USDA conclusion states “Semi commercial paper-making tests were conducted, therefore, on hemp hurds, in cooperation with a paper manufacturer. After several trials, under conditions of treatment and manufacture which are regarded as favorable in comparison with those used with pulp wood, paper was produced which received very favorable comment both from investigators and from the trade and which according to official tests would be classed as a No. 1 machinefinish printing paper.” By the end of the meeting at Miramar, cannabis appeared to be the showdown winner. McRae wrote to Scripps that same day - August 3, 1917 “I was somewhat of a skeptic about this proposition when I first received your letter. But I have been wonderfully impressed with the interview we had with Schlichten, and within a week or two we will be able to give you some more definite information in the premises.” Further proof of the first round going well for cannabis, on August 7, 1917, McRae had Scripps’ secretary “purchase immediately from Superintendent of Documents, Government printing office, Washington, 20 copies United States Department of Agriculture Bulletin Number four hundred and four, describing hemp hurds as paper making material. ... Give two copies to E.W. to read ... Ed Chase now making thorough investigation of new paper making scheme. .. Bulletin No. 404, as described in above telegram, which is a valuable document; it is a contribution from the Bureau of Plant Industry. The Bulletin was issued October 14, 1916, and contains an article entitled “Hemp Hurds as paper-making Material” by Lyster H. Dewey, Botanist in charge of fiber-plant investigations. The bulletin itself is printed upon paper manufactured from hemp hurds, so that the paper contained in the bulletin is a sample of what can be made from hemp hurds in the manufacture of paper... You might say to Mr. E.W. Scripps that there has been considerable advance made in paper making from hemp hurds since the bulletin was issued, according to Mr. Schlichten. Ed Chase is giving a great

deal of his time to investigating the possibilities of our getting cheap paper from hemp hurds. You will recall that E.W. Scripps himself wrote me several letters urging that this be done. Please let E.W. see this letter.” The follow up by Scripps & Co. seemed good for cannabis On August 28, Ed Chase provided a detailed report to Scripps and McRae on his examinations into using hemp for paper. This record verifies the viability of the venture. Chase wrote that the Schlichten process was an advancement over that reported in Bulletin No. 404. He confirmed the $25 per ton price—less than half the 1917 market price of wood paper. Chase proposed a paper mill in San Diego, which was “the nearest harbor to the Imperial Valley hemp fields. Also a considerable acreage will probably be raised between Del Mar and Escondido.” With this, Chase figured hemp could supply all of Scripps Pacific Coast newspapers, with left over pulp for more businesses. Chase says, “I have seen a wonderful, yet simple, invention. I believe it will revolutionize many of the processes of feeding, clothing and supplying other wants of mankind.” The cost of Schlichten’s operation located at the Timken Ranch in California’s Imperial Valley was detailed. Chase goes on to explain the value of this invention to Scripps: ADVANTAGES OF HEMP HURDS FOR PAPER STOCK FIRST: We make paper from an annual and thus help to preserve the forests, the streams and the soils. SECOND: We make paper at lower cost than is possible from wood, for the following reasons: A. Wood must have the bark, knots, etc., removed. The hurds are ready for the digester, when, as a byproduct, they leave the Schlichten machine. B. ...less caustic soda.... C. Sulphite must be mixed with ground wood pulp; but not with the pulp from these hurds. Furthermore, hemp paper, Chase says, “is of better quality than newsprint stock.” More factors for consideration, the prices were forecasted to go higher for wood pulp In August 14, 1917 another letter from Scripps, who was an innovative and “progressive” person for his time, talks about the prospect of the costs of wood paper used by the Scripps Companies going up 50% or $1,125,000, which “sum is equal to about what our profits were last year.” Further confirmation of the profitability of the local cannabis production prospects comes from another letter from Timken to Scripps dated September 5, “your man has been out there investigating the paper proposition and seems well pleased with the prospects. Personally, my impression is that a paper mill could be built and operated in San Diego to advantage, as soon as we get these machines working in a reasonable number… If I go into the Schlichten Decorticator business, you start a paper mill in San Diego and Spreckles starts a bagging factory, we would make a real start in doing something for San Diego and incidentally for ourselves; or rather, primarily for ourselves and incidentally for San Diego. I trust you will give the question of a paper mill very serious consideration and thought.” On recount trees were better? By September 17, 1917, just over two weeks after Chase’s seemingly great report from August 28, McRae and Chase traveled

to Cleveland and spent two hours convincing Timken that newsprint could not be made cheaply enough from hemp. McRae said he “presented to Timken such information as to convince him beyond reasonable doubt, that while hemp herds can be utilized—by a chemical process—for making high grade book paper, that hemp herds cannot be utilized for making newspaper cheaply enough to be used by daily newspapers, but Timken agreed with me that there was no doubt but what hemp herds could be utilized successfully in making paper to be used by printers but not newspapers.” McRae then instructed Chase to drop the matter and promised Scripps a full report later, but no evidence of anything further has been found. What happened? Why? Why and how they reached this conclusion is a mystery. Perhaps Chase didn’t receive support from the government, the railroads, the paper mills, or Scripps. Maybe these forces worked against the idea, in some conspiratorial vein. Scripps had his own problems that fateful year, 1917. Due to a fight with his daughter, in May he left San Diego. He went to Washington DC to help his newspapers cover World War I. Additionally in September, Scripps was fighting with his oldest son over the company, while both his sons were under national pressure to be drafted into the war. Schlichten filed and received patents in 1920 for improvements on his hemp decorticator machine. However, without a backer, Schlichten and his machinery fell into oblivion, and he died on February 3, 1923 of heart problems from “over exertion and worry”. Interestingly, his death certificate states that his heart condition had been going on for “3 years and 9 months”, which is right when the showdown at Miramar Scripps Ranch happened. Schlichten had a chance to sell his decorticating machine. In 1916, he took his production of hemp sliver to the New York Market where it sold for a record price of $100 a ton, more than any other fiber had previously. A spinning mill owned by J. D. Rockefeller purchased Schlichten’s entire crop and paid him to supervise spinning the unfamiliar fibers into yarn. The mill was so impressed that they tried to buy exclusive rights to the invention and offered Schlichten more than he really wanted. Schlichten turned the offer down. The exact reasons for all these fateful decisions remain unknown and need more investigation. Many lingering questions are unanswered. These events are a part of the legacy of our history that will forever be questioned by future generations asking why, while knowing this practice was morally criminal, humans cut down the forests of the world for an inferior, more expensive paper product (in the short and long term). Schlichten expressly told these corporate deciders, “Don’t forget, Mr. McRae, that the time will be seen when wood cannot be used for paper any more. It will be too expensive or forbidden…. Now I tell you, that with the production of an annual, with my by-product, every acre that I produce in hemp or in cotton stock hurds will preserve five acres of forest… But as far as paper is concerned, it is actually a crime to chop down trees to get a small percentage of paper.” By the mid-Thirties, technological innovation allowed the pulping of southern pines which alleviated the pulp shortage. The pulping of forests surged and a new industry grew in the South with the help of the government. In the late 1930s, as Schlichten’s patents expired, other inventors suddenly came up with decorticators – Anton F. Burkardt, Robert B. Cochrane, Karl Wessel, as well as several others. Wessel was the inventor of the 100 ton hemp machine here in San Diego in 1927, located at the Imperial Linen Company in Chula Vista. Cannabis versus trees…the environment lost when cannabis lost the showdown at Miramar Scripps Ranch. Through the years, paper companies have ravaged the world’s forests, which is knowingly unnecessary. END


by Kim Twolan, Mother Earth Co-op & Collective, San Diego 92103

Grateful for the recognition of medical marijuana and it’s place in herbal healing and alternative medicines, we are striving to progress forward with the multifunctional herb, placed on earth by our creator. It is absurd to think of restricting access to a natural plant that is beneficial without side effects. Much research and passion has gone into these recipes. Proven facts in these articles are a work of dedication to demonstrate that people can feel healthier naturally instead of using heavy narcotics and allowing their bodies to fail, rather than using an herb they were led to believe is criminal. This holiday season we should all try to bring more peace and understanding to each other. As the medical marijuana community is under a

microscope and continues to be unfairly targeted, it is imperative that we stand together. Let’s celebrate a time of peace and appreciate everything that each and every one of us is doing to assist in educating the public on medical marijuana. The following recipes are taken from Mother Earth Co-op’s “Special Medicinal Recipes – A Medical Cannabis Cookbook”. The recipes are suggestions to be used in part with your Thanksgiving dinner. It is recommended that you choose a few dishes for medicating and that is why we have provided choices. If cooking all of the following recipes for the same meal, perhaps nothing else planned for the evening would be in order and sleeping will be on the agenda!




6 cups water 2 tablespoons garlic (minced) 8 medium potatoes 4 tablespoons cannabutter * 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup Half & Half 8 slices bacon 1/2 Cheddar cheese (grated) 1 medium onion (chopped)

4 tablespoons cannabutter * 3 medium green apples (diced) 3 cups onions (finely chopped) 2 cups apple juice 1 teaspoon ginger (ground) 5 cups broth (chicken or veggie) 1/2 teaspoon mace (ground) 2 tablespoons parsley 3 medium butternut squash (seeded, diced)

Boil potatoes in the water with salt until cooked (15 to 20 minutes). Cook bacon, onion and garlic in frying pan while potatoes are boiling. Cut bacon in small pieces. Drain the potatoes and add garlic, bacon, melted cannabutter *, half & half and cheese and mash totally together and serve hot.

Melt cannabutter * over low heat and add onions, ginger, mace and cook covered while stirring occasionally until onions are transparent (about 13 to 15 min.). Add squash, apples, broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer partially covered for about 25 minutes. Puree in blender or food processor, add apple juice, heat for a few minutes and serve hot with parsley garnish. Serves 8

1 (8-oz.) pkg. Brie cheese 1 lb cherries (dark, sweet, pitted) 1 cup brown sugar 1 large apple (Granny Smith chopped) 1/2 cup onion (finely chopped) 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar

Note: This is a great comfort food for those who have a difficult time eating or with appetite.

1/2 tsp kief * 1/4 tsp allspice 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp onion salt 1 loaf French bread

Combine all ingredients except kief* and brie in heavy saucepan and stir to mix. Bring to a boil over medium high heat. Reduce heat to medium low and cook gently for 45-50 minutes until thickened, stirring occasionally and add kief*. Cool at least one hour before serving. Heat Brie in the microwave on HIGH for 30 seconds to one minute, or until softened. Pour Note: This soup is unusual and helps stimulate the appetite and alleviate 1 cup cherry chutney over Brie and serve with crackers and nausea French bread. Note: Exotic healing treat for the discriminating taste buds that help with sleep and ward off nausea.


* KIEF 1 silk screen medical grade cannabis “Kiefing” is an age old way of extracting trichomes from plant material. Kief is the product derived from the kiefing process. Kiefing is a method in which you rub dry trim and leaves with crystals on them over a silk screen (110 or 120 screen) on to a glass surface. The powder that comes through the screen is then scraped off the glass and used in cooking or for smoking. It is usually a pale green to light brown dependant on the strain of the cannabis.

PUMPKIN HIGH PIE (Dessert) 1 (9 inch) unbaked deep dish pie crust 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 3/4 cup brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 large eggs 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 (15 ounce) can 100% pure pumpkin 1/2 teaspoon kief* 1 (12 ounce) can evaporated milk Preheat oven to 425°F. Combine sugar, salt, kief*, cinnamon, ginger and cloves in small mixing bowl. Beat eggs lightly in large bowl. Stir in pumpkin and sugar-spice mixture. Gradually stir in evaporated milk. Pour into pie shell. Bake for 15 minutes. Reduce temperature to 350°F bake for 40 to 50 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack for 2 hours. Serve immediately or refrigerate. Note: Serve warm or cold with ice cream or whipped cream. Helps relieve holiday stress and great for appetite building.

* Cannabutter recipe, please refer to the first edition of Nug Magazine

Wishing you

a happy journey YUMBOLT YAMS (Vegetarian) 4 large yams 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup cannabutter * 3 tablespoons water 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon sea salt 2 medium apples (sliced) 1/2 cup walnuts (chopped) 1 cup marshmallows 1/4 teaspoon lemon pepper

Wash and cook yams in oven until almost cooked. Combine brown sugar, Cannabutter *, water, cinnamon, pepper and salt in skillet over medium heat until sugar has dissolved. Stir in apples and cook 3 to 4 minutes. Combine with cooked yams and turn into casserole dish. Bake at 350°F for 25 minutes. Add walnuts and cook for another 20 minutes. Note: If adding marshmallows, put them over the top and brown, approx. 5 minutes.

BIRD STUFFING A LA MOTTA (Poultry) 5 cup bread crumbs 2 tablespoons poultry seasoning 1/2 cup raisins 1/2 cup almonds (sliced) 1/2 cup celery (chopped) 1 medium onion (chopped)

5 cloves garlic (chopped) 4 tablespoons cannabutter * (melted) 1 tablespoon savory (ground) 1/4 cup cannabis (finely ground) 2 tablespoons Sherry or dry white wine 1 turkey or chicken

Mix onion and garlic together and brown in cannabutter*. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Stuff cleaned chicken or turkey and cook bird as needed, dependant on the weight of the bird. Note: Helps relieve holiday stress and great for appetite building.


and his holy oil a famous medical marijuana Dealer By. Dion Markgraaff

Many people today might be surprised to know that one of the most famous medical cannabis activists was Jesus Christ, “the son of god”. The title Christ or Messiah literally means to be covered in oil or Anointed. The very definition of being a Christian is to be anointed with the holy oil. What is in this “holy oil”? This recipe below is from the Bible via a translation from –

The Holy anointing oil described in Exodus 30:22-25 was created from: 500 shekels (about 6 kg) of myrrh. 250 shekels (about 3 kg) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels (about 3 kg) of kaneh bosm/cannabis (calamus), 500 shekels (about 6 kg) of cassia, and a hin (about 4 L - 7 L) of olive oil.


When made in the traditional method, all of these ingredients are mixed with water and then boiled until all the water has evaporated. The oil is then strained and ready for use. The foremost expert on this subject today is Chris Bennett. He has researched and written about Jesus and his holy oil for many years. Bennett is the author of the book, Sex, Drugs, Violence and the Bible, and highlights the critical modern mistranslation of “’calamus’, the word has been translated as ‘fragrant-cane’ in most modern Bibles, and specifically designates the fragrant flowering tops of cannabis.” In an example of the power of the cannabis oil used by Jesus, Bennett points out, “One of Jesus’ most well known miracles is his healing of lepers, which appears in the first three New Testament Gospels…leprosy can actually refer to any number of skin diseases, usually systemic infectious lesions or extreme allergic reactions… due to its topical anti-bacterial properties, cannabis has been used to treat a variety of skin diseases.” One wonders if Jesus was in San Diego today Would District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis arrest and prosecute Christ for being a “profiting drug dealer”?

PROPAGATION Propagation is simply the creation of new plants. Many growers propagate hydroponically to benefit from early rooting and faster growth rates. This is possible because hydroponic media provides the root zone with easy access to water, nutrients, and oxygen. Propagation: seed vs. cuttings Firstly, as with any type of propagation, you need to decide whether you want to grow from seed or from cuttings. Generally, growers who propagate from seed do so because it gives them peace of mind that their plants will be disease and pest free. However, the main draw back with this method is that the characteristics of plants you produce can be inconsistent. Whereas, with cuttings it’s much easier to produce plants that are identical to their healthy parent. Other advantages of cuttings include: • earlier flowering • improved plant stock • plant species which are more adaptable to climatic variations Also, if you use your own cuttings, it’s still easy to create insect and disease resistant plants. However, for your first gardening venture, you’ll probably have to start growing from seed. This is fine so long as you only plan to grow a single crop. You’ll need to ger-


minate any seed you plan to use. It’s advisable to germinate several seeds at the same time. You’ll then be able to choose a mother (stock) plant from which you can take cuttings in the future. Taking cuttings: Setting up - You’ll need the following items • 1. Rockwool propagation cubes / Fleximix plugs. • 2. Rooting hormone, such as Gel 4 Plugs. • 3. Heated propagator / unheated propagator, such as the Stewart Propagators. • 4. Fluorescent lighting, such as the Visi Lux lighting unit. • 5. Sterile scalpel. • 6. Spray bottle. • 7. Vegetative nutrient, such as Vita Link Grow. • 8. Rooting stimulator, such as Vita Link BioPlus. • 9. Perlite and / or vermiculite.

This article explains how to propagate using rockwool cubes. However, the process is basically the same for all types of propagation, such as FlexiMix plugs. The Mother/Stock plant: You’ll have to grow your seedlings under 18 hours of light until they are suitable to take cuttings from. This is usually when

by. The Guru Photo By. Venus M

they are between 12-18 inches or have 8-10 internodes. Always give your cuttings the same mark as the mark you have given the plant you took them from. You should then give your seedlings 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark to determine which show favorable characteristics (i.e. quickest to root and/or best flower development). However, your cuttings will need 18 hours of light and 6 hours of dark. The cutting with the same mark as the seed with the most favorable characteristics should be taken as the Mother Plant. Quality of cuttings: The hormone content of a cutting determines its quality. If you want strong healthy plants, it’s important to consider quality. The highest concentration of growth is concentrated at the base of the plant around the inner shoots. This is where you should take your cuttings from. Growers often refer to this section of the plant as the zone of juvenility. Without stripping more than 25% of the foliage, take as many cuttings from the mother plant as possible. Also, it’s preferable to use cuttings which have a few leaves. Cuttings with large leaves tend to be unable to absorb sufficient water through their stem. Those with thinner stems will also root much faster than cuttings with fatter stems. Fluorescent lighting: As stated above, seedlings/mothers need to be grown under 18 hours of fluorescent light and 6 hours dark. However, once they are well rooted, you’ll need to switch to 12 hours of HID light and 12 hours of dark to initiate flowering/fruiting. In the first week, before the roots have formed, cuttings will perform best with the Visi-Lux lighting unit positioned 4cm away from the propagator lid. Alternatively, you can use 55 watt compact fluorescents 30cm away. You should never use HID lights for propagation as they emit a lot of light intensity and heat.




Rockwool propagation cubes: As highlighted above, the main advantage of rockwool is that it holds more air and water than any other growing medium. Rockwool is also inert and sterile and doesn’t hold on to nutrient in any way. The roots are clearly visible and it’s very easy to tell whether the cubes are moist or dry. Transplant into larger rockwool blocks or any other hydroponic media with the minimum of fuss. Cuttings should take approximately 4-10 days to root. At this stage, you’ll need to transfer your cuttings into larger rockwool cubes and then into pots containing granulated rockwool. A simple step by step guide to taking cuttings: 1. Clean all work surfaces and equipment with a disinfectant, such as Room Clean. 2. Mix an equal amount of perlite and vermiculite together. 3. Place perlite and vermiculite in the propagator to a depth of 1 inch. 4. Soak the rockwool cubes in the nutrient solution (half strength). Gently pinch the cubes to remove excess liquid. Plants need oxygen to root; rockwool that is too wet can prevent rooting and encourage disease. 5. As highlighted above, you should take cuttings from the base of the plant, around the

outer shoots. Choose shoots with 3-4 sets of leaves. With a smooth motion, cut at a 45 degree angle, just below the internode (branch/ stem joins). 6. Immediately immerse the cut stems into a bowl of lukewarm water. 7. Remove the bottom leaves from the stem. Also, if the cutting has more than one large fan leaf, remove the extra. 8. With the scalpel, gently scrape the lower part of the stem. This will help initiate faster rooting. 9. Squirt the rooting hormone into the cube. 10. Gently insert the cutting into the cube. Lightly pinch the cube to hold the cutting in place. 11. After all the cuttings are inserted into the cubes, place them on the perlite/vermiculite bed. Lightly push the cuttings into the bed to ensure that they have a consistent and evenly moist environment. 12. Finely mist the cuttings with water, and then place the propagator lid on the tray. 13. Place the Visi-Lux or fluorescent lights over the propagator. After 48-72 hours, open the vents of the propagator slightly. Too much humidity and not enough air flow can cause fungal disease (also known as ‘Damping Off’ disease). 14. Give your cuttings 18 hours of light a day. However, if the air temperature is cold, leave the lights on for 24 hours a day. 15. Once a day remove the propagator lid and

finely mist the propagator lid. 16. Roots should appear within 4-10 days. Once this is evident, the propagator vents can be opened. 17. If you wish to transplant the propagation cubes into larger rockwool blocks, simply presoak the blocks with a vegetative nutrient (half strength), and again add the rooting stimulator. 18. As with the cubes, it’s important that the rockwool blocks are not too wet. Insert the cubes into the larger blocks and place them back on to the perlite/vermiculite bed. If the cubes start to dry before any roots start to emerge, moisten with pH adjusted water. 19. Roots should appear within 2-7 days. Once this happens, you can plant your roots into your chosen hydroponic system.

Wernard Bruining is the founder of the world’s very first coffeeshop in Amsterdam “Mellow Yellow” as well as Amsterdam’s first grow store “Positronics”. He has been a highly regarded activist and author in the cannabis community for more than 30 years.

Making medicinal marihuana oil with alcohol is done like this! arihuana oil is regarded as potent medicine, just Google “Run from the Cure” and you will find on YouTube the Rick Simpson story. In this internet movie you will hear people explain how they got miraculously cured by eating at least 4 drops of marihuana oil per day for a period of 60 days. The oil seems to be able to cure all sorts of internal cancers but also skin cancer and eczema’s. In Run from the Cure, the oil is distributed in plastic syringes. I have tried the syringe and found that the thick oil is hard to administer, before you know it you push out a squirt instead of a single drop.

Rick Simpson That’s why I dilute the marihuana oil with some ordinary hempseed oil. The thick marihuana oil becomes more fluid and can be administered per drop with a pipette. Administering the oil under your tongue has the advantage that the oil becomes effective in 5-10 minutes, you can feel the drops fall and count them. Ingesting oil under the tongue is a third way of ingesting cannabinoïds besides inhaling (effective in 10-20 seconds) and through the stomach (effective in 40-60 minutes). In Run from the Cure you can see how Rick 40 NUGMAG.COM | NOV/DEC 09

makes the oil by evaporating the alcohol in a rice cooker. He describes this process as extremely dangerous. I have developed a method that is so simple and safe anybody can do it at home on his kitchen sink!

Making medicinal marihuana oil with alcohol There are two kinds of alcohol you can use: 1) Pure alcohol (96%). Depending on the country you live in this ethyl alcohol can be obtained from a pharmacy or a company that sells products you need for making your own beer, wine or liquor. 2) Ordinary alcohol from a liquor store, such as vodka and rum. Best is of course to pick out a drink with the highest percentage of alcohol and the least amount of added flavor such as sugars. Usually such drinks have an alcohol percentage of 40-50%, the rest is water. When you want to evaporate the fluid after extracting the cannabinoïds, the water is the hardest to get rid of. Alcohol evaporates much easier than water, so evaporating the water as well will take more time. The other disadvantage is that the fluid contains only half the amount of alcohol, so alcohol from the liquor store has only half the capacity of dissolving cannabinoids. Beware: there is also a cheap alcohol for cleaning purposes, but it contains the dangerous, poisonous methyl alcohol and is not suitable for human consumption. It does irreversible damage to human organs and eyes, and can turn people blind! In order to

scare off potential drinking a bitter taste is added. Of course the alcohol is mainly evaporated, but stay safe; do not use this kind of alcohol! For producing your own marihuana oil with alcohol you need: Tip: check for 96% pure alcohol and hempseed oil on the internet! Fig.1 Marihuana buds, but clippings and leaf is also ok. A baby bottle heater with adjustable heat. An air pump as used for aquariums Pure alcohol 96% or strong liquor with a high alcohol level A thermometer Two small mineral water bottles that will fit in the bottle heater A funnel A package of nylon socks, a sort of short nylons A few new glass bottles (10 CC) with a pipette screwed on top Hempseed oil. This is oil made out of industrial hempseeds. The oil does not contain any cannabinoïds CONT.


Fig. 1



EVAPORATION tom. Do not use any device on the end of the tube. Switch on the air pump and the bottle heater. Stick a thermometer next to the bottle in the water and adjust the temperature to 34C, or 93F. This low temperature evaporation will protect some rare cannabinoids and improve the quality. Refill the bottle in the heater with green alcohol from the first bottle if you like. Evaporation of a full bottle of alcohol takes about 24 hours.

Fig. 2 Crumble the marihuana and fill the first bottle about 2575%. Now add the alcohol and fill the bottle almost up to the top. Let it sit for two days and shake frequently. The alcohol will turn green as the alcohol dissolves the cannabinoids.

Fig. 3 Slip a fine nylon sock over the first bottle and pour the green colored alcohol through the funnel into the second bottle. Position the second bottle in the bottle heater. Refill the first bottle with fresh alcohol and soak the marihuana a second time, to make sure you extract all cannabinoids.

Fig.4 Position the second bottle with the green colored alcohol in the bottle heater. Fill the bottle heater with water to improve heat transmission. Guide the tube of the air pump first through the water surrounding the bottle to increase air temperature, then straight into the bottle, all the way to the bot-

Alcohol is flammable and alcohol fumes in a closed environment are explosive, so ensure evaporation takes place in a well ventilated area. CONT.

DISSOLVING FIG. 5 After 12-24 hours of heating and bubbling you will see a thin layer of thick oil at the bottom of the bottle.Fig.5 Make sure all the alcohol is evaporated, if not let the evaporation process continue for another day.


Fig.6 Pour some hempseed oil in the bottle, diluting the marihuana oil 10-20 fold. Diluting the marihuana oil makes dosage safer and more flexible, (One can choose between 1-20 drops per day). Mix the oils well and pour the mix into several pipette bottles.


Fig. 7

Fig. 8

Dropping oil, the third way Applying oil is the third way of administering medicinal cannabino誰ds. Smoking is the number one method, it works within 10-20 seconds and lasts an hour or so. Eating or drinking is the second method. It works after 40-60 minutes and lasts for 5-6 hours. Taking oil under the tongue is the third way. Oil under the tongue becomes effective after 5 minutes and works for about 4-6 hours. Oil can also be eaten, just drop some on a piece of bread and swallow it. If you do not want to get high,( to fight nausea for instance) just use 1-2 drops. If you need to take more, take them during the course of the day. CONT.

Increasing effectiveness. In Run from the Cure, you see people working with big buckets filled with product and lots of alcohol. This will cost you a lot of alcohol. There are two things you can do to reduce these costs and increase effectiveness: reducing the volume of product and recycling the alcohol 1. Reduce volume of product by pollinating it or applying the ice-olator technique. There are several types of pollinators and ice-o-laters available in grow shops or on the internet. Basically these techniques reduce the volume of product to only 5-20%. These powders can be easily extracted again in the small bottles. Of course powders absorb less alcohol than the leafy material. 2 Recycling the alcohol. When making marihuana oil on a more regular basis you will find that reducing the cost of alcohol becomes an important factor. The ultimate way of doing that is by recycling the alcohol by condensing the fumes. Fig. 9 Punch two round holes in the screw on cap of the second bottle. Make sure the holes are round, yet hold the tubes tight. Use a nail or any other round pin to punch the holes. Guide the tube of the air pump through one of the holes. Make sure the tube will reach the bottom of the bottle! This tube will pump in the fresh pre-heated air and build up an air pressure in the bottle. Take a second tube and insert it just a couple of inches or cm through the second hole. This tube will be the outlet of the alcohol fumes. Lead the second tube to a third bottle in which you want to collect the alcohol.

Fig. 9

There are two methods to condensate the alcohol gasses.

2. Fig. 11. Refrigerator. This is the most functional, easiest method. Punch a small hole in the plastic rim of a refrigerator. Punch the hole right under the magnetic rim to ensure a complete airtight seal when the door is shut. Guide the condensation tube through the hole and into a third bottle that is placed in the bottom section of the refrigerator door. Place the bottle heater and the air bubbler on top of the refrigerator, switch them on and leave them on for a day or so!

1. Fig. 10 Ice bucket Place the third bottle in an ice bucket. Hold the empty bottle in place with three big elastic straps to prevent floating. Guide the condensation tube through the ice water first, then straight into the third bottle, all the way to the bottom.

Oil can give you a nice feeling for 5-6 hours!

I call marihuana oil the great stabilizer; it brings balance in your life after using it for a couple of weeks. The high is different than smoking or eating, less pushy, less dominant, more relaxed and contemplative. As if you look at events from a distance while going with the flow. On the contrary, with smoking one does not feel tired afterwards. The red-eye effect is also less visible. Even when massively overdosed the consumer does not lose control but experiences a light trip, proving the medicine to be safe. If you suffer from low levels of anandamine (that makes you happy) take a drop of oil. If you want to relax, pour some in a hot bath!

Did you know that?

One out of four adults get a cancer during his/her lifetime. 50% of cancer patients die within 5 years after diagnosis. There are no real good medicines against cancer. There is surgery, radiation, hormone treatments and chemo therapy but they all have their limitations and downsides. Chemo is basically a poison administered in the hope it will kill the cancer before it kills the patient. Chemo is also a serious threat to the immune system; it breaks it down, making the patient vulnerable to any other disease or infection. CONT.


How does marihuana oil actually work? A recent research project (2008) from the Complutense University in Madrid, working with scientists from other universities, found that the active component of marihuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), causes cancer cells to undergo a process called autophagy -- the breakdown that occurs when the cell essentially self-digests. The other medicinal effect of marihuana oil is that cannabinoids reduce the amount of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). VEGF is a biomolecule that’s essential for development of new capillaries. VEGF is abundantly present in the fetus and later in mature life only in minor amounts for the restoration of damaged tissue. It is assumed that cancers can only develop when an abundance of VEGF is present in the human body creating new capillaries so the tumor can be fed and grow. Reducing these VEGF molecules stops cancers and tumors from growing.



Rick Simpson claims he has cured hundreds of patients in the past five years. I have less experience since I have only experimented with oil for a couple of months now. But I do have some excellent results in treating chronic pain, depression, nausea and basically all the medical problems people usually smoke cannabis for. END. Wernard Bruining Google: Run from the Cure, the Rick Simpson story Google: Medical cannabis testimonies Google: Cancer cure by Robbert Melamede . Disclaimer: Beware: The law in some countries considers marihuana oil a hard drug due to its concentration of cannabinoĂŻds. Therefore I advise to dilute the oil at least 10-20 times with hempseed oil. Diluting brings down the THC level and allows easier dosage.

Happy Holidays from photo: Duane


NUG INTERVIEW with MikeyWhiskeyHands Photo: Vishnu Rajan Ian Rie of Nug Magazine met up with Mike, current drummer of indie rock band Pierce The Veil to discuss his latest project, MikeyWhiskeyHands. According to Mike, this started off almost as a joke, just for fun, but as he progressed and released more tracks, heads seem to be turning and it’s starting to be taken as something serious. We met up with Mike to get the inside scoop on what’s really going on with his hip hop project. Lemme start this off by lightin’ this joint and sippin’ this cocktail... NUG: First things first, we noticed you play drums in a rock band called Pierce The Veil. A lot of drummers seem to have a strong passion for hip-hop, so what is it about those drum beats that get these rhymes flowing? MWH: What a lot of people don’t know is that I was listening to hip-hop a long time before I started listening to punk rock. It wasn’t till I was 13-14 when my homie took me to my first punk rock show. I was instantly hooked. The vibe in the scene was something I had never been exposed to, and I wanted to be a part of it. By 15-16 I picked up my first drum kit and taught myself everything I know to this day. Having a beat in my head constantly helps me with my rhymes. Being able to understand the rhythm makes the writing process smooth and most of the time every verse is done one take. NUG: These beats we hear in your tracks are hot and could even turn Dre’s head. Who is the master behind these? MWH: (Laughs) DJ Architechhh is the man. This whole thing started as kind of a joke. We’d be out on the road with my band PTV and my bassist, (DJ Architechhh) would come up with these beats. One thing lead to another and I laid down my first track waiting to play a show in Vegas. It was one of those things, we’re partying, smoking and having a good time, and I laid down a verse just fuckin around and kids dug it. So here we are doing it for all the same reasons as back then. Now we’re finding ways we can enhance ourselves and extend our capabilities, not just for us, but for the listeners. NUG: What impressed us the most is how well produced these tracks are. What kind of equipment do you guy use to record

some of these tracks? MWH: Thank you. I’m sure DJ Architechhh would be thankful as well. For all the samples/beats we use REASON and when tracking all the vox we use CUBASE. I just want to make a note that all tracks are recorded diy/guerilla style in a very small studio, and we do it for the love of music and our fans. NUG: Who are some of your musical influences? MWH: If you got a beat and a rhyme I’ll listen. NUG: We assume this is a side project considering the popularity and success of your band PTV, but every WhiskeyHands track you put out just keeps getting better and better, any plans or desire to take this to the next level? MWH: There’s been a lot of talk lately about dropping an album or even an EP, so who knows, anything can happen. If the fans want it, I gotta give it to ‘em, but for now be on the look out for that “$EX, Drugz, and WhiskeyHands” t-shirt! It’s gonna be hot! NUG: Who is this Dr. Craig person? That guy can sing! Up and coming R&B artist maybe? MWH: Funny you say that…Dr. Craig is a homie with a gift. I’ve seen this fool sing half a verse to some ladies at the club and its done. Next thing you know he’s goin home with 2 chicks (laughs), nah but seriously he’s got more soul than anyone I know. He sings in a band called Emarosa and just recently released a solo record as Jonny Craig. We’re always fuckin with him calling him the “White Usher” and shit (he loves it though). But yeah we’re

actually working on an R&B number right now thats gonna make all the ladies wet, so ladies watch out! NUG: Medical Marijuana, how do you feel about this subject? MWH: I think it’s long over due. Being on the road for months out of the year, you can’t always rely on your street hook up. Dispensaries have helped so many of us card holders legally buy marijuana on the road. I’ve been to some award winning shops and met some good, down to earth people through marijuana. Law enforcement should be focusing on the “real” drugs out there. NUG: Alright, alright! So how do you feel about the legalization of marijuana? MWH: Obama is a homie and knows what’s up! I think its only a matter of time before he makes the right decision, which is legalization of marijuana. Luckily I live in one of the most progressive states, but we still have a ways to go. Go ahead and tax me and let me smoke in peace:) NUG: Thanks for your time, we look forward to hearing more tracks! Maybe a MikeyWhiskeyHands special performance at a Pierce The Veil show? We know you rep S.D. hard, so go ahead and give your shout outs! MWH: Shout out to all my homies in the Spades Crew, all my fans, and all the weed smokers out there! Stay up xo Mike xo 47 NUGMAG.COM | NOV/DEC 09 photo: For the last eight years, Mike Pinto has crafted an exceptional style of songwriting, with truly unique rhymes that raise the bar in today’s music. Pinto’s sound blends Reggae, Ska, Surf, and even Latin rhythms, but it’s his distinct voice and seamless storytelling that has brought him success in the U.S. and abroad. With his first full-length album, Little District (2005), Mike combined his lyrical vision with full horn sections, organs, heavy bass lines, samples, and hip-hop beats. With the release of his debut album, Mike began his attack of the Philadelphia music scene as a solo artist. By 2006, immediate underground success allowed him to expand, playing clubs, colleges, radio stations and festivals throughout the East Coast. Mike then tried his luck westward, with two nation-wide solo acoustic tours playing in 20 US Cities. After the second tour, Mike Pinto decided to relocate to Ocean Beach, San Diego, where he immersed himself in the thriving SoCal music scene. He assembled a band to help fully conceptualize his work and continued writing what would soon become his self-titled second album. Horn players from the band Slightly Stoopid and John Brown’s Body have backed his act. His single “One More Time” was also featured on San Diego Sound Scope, a compilation of which 20,000 copies were produced and distributed by Insomnia Radio in an effort to encourage tourism in the San Diego area. Mike’s music quickly traveled out of the states throughout Japan, Guam, and Hawaii. Mike became part of a compilation in Japan for One Big Family Records. He traveled to Guam, where he played on three radio stations and sold out two shows. He developed an underground following in Oahu, the Big Island, and Maui, packing small clubs which he promoted on local radio stations. In November of 2007, Mike Pinto released his self-titled album, collaborating with legendary drummer Chuck Treece (G Love, Bad Brains, McRad). In 2009, Mike and his band have toured constantly in the U.S., and plan on making that a habit for the following years to come.


South Bay Wailers


Drums - Emmanuel Madrid Vocals - Jesse Castillo Keys - Victor Rojas Guitar - Brandon Lopez Bass - Rigo Madrid Percussion - Tony Cumplido

By: Ras Mike

Based out of the South Bay area of San Diego, South Bay Wailers are a group of six talented men who decided to form a reggae band in April of 2009. The band members are all very close. Drummer Emmanuel and bass man Rigo are brothers, vocalist Jesse is Emmanuel’s neighbor and brotherin-law, Brandon the guitarist and Tony the percussionist are also nearby neighbors, and Victor the keyboardist is a childhood friend of Jesse. South Bay Wailers draw their inspiration from various people and places. Living so close to the border has opened their eyes to a diverse nation full of poverty, survival, and war. Another inspiration comes from a childhood friend, Kenny Diaz who recently passed away unexpectedly. Kenny was all about accepting everyone, believing in the higher power, and spreading peace and love. He would have wanted them to carry on the band in a positive and uplifting manner, and the band truly draws upon this as a source of inspiration. South Bay Wailers use roots reggae and a touch of blues to spread their message of life lessons, personal experience, peace, love, and Jah. They hope their music inspires you to go after your dreams, be true to yourself, always be humble, and never take people or your life for granted. The band has performed with Tribe of Judah, Roots Covenant, Bredren, South Town Generals, Caution, and the list goes on. If you see them at a park or community event don’t be scared, they have a HUGE family and lots of friends. RIGHT ON CHAD for the invite, by the way!

Local bands & MC’s we want to hear from you E-mail and as always... SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC

HIGH: THE TRUE TALE OF AMERICAN MARIJUANA Filmmaker John Holowach directs this documentary about the war on drugs and the effects it has on politics and economics; examining the drug rehabilitation programs, and the fight against the abuse of pain medicine. This documentary will open your eyes to the misuse of government funding and resources that are put into keeping the war on drugs alive, through the spread of lies and misinformation. It brings to light some of the atrocities that happen when government programs (that cost millions of taxpayer dollars) designed to help addicts are considered inhumane and cruel and actually do more harm than good. After seeing this film you will understand how our government continually hinders any and all scientific studies that would further prove the benefits of using cannabis.

Smiley Face This is not your typical stoner comedy. Starring Anna Farris and directed by the abstract Greg Akai, Smiley Face will keep you laughing throughout the movie. Unknowingly scarfing down about a dozen medicated cupcakes, Jane goes through a crazy adventure just to pay back her dealer and save her super comfy bed. Blaze a bowl and watch this movie, and you will definitely have a smile on your face.


947 E St San Diego, CA 92101-6511 (619) 702-7160 You can tell this food is made with LOVE! Poke, Rafa and the whole crew treat everyone like family. Great veggie and vegan items as well as classic Mexican dishes round off their menu. I am a carnivore and yet I still always order the vegan chorizo because the flavor is amazing. This place makes me feel like I am eating at my mama’s house. No pomp, no circumstance, no flair, just good food and laid-back people.

Lucha Libre

Gourmet Taco Shop 1810 W. Washington Street San Diego, CA (619) 296-8226

So we’ll admit we have never been here, but we are on our way as soon as we lay this issue to bed. Our graphic designer raves about this spot! He says the “dirty dog” is the BEST latenight eats to satisfy your cravings. You can even reserve a spot at the VIP table made of gold, surrounded by velvet ropes. Nice! TJ style food with a wrestler theme, we are en route!

City Deli 535 University Ave (between 5th Ave & 6th Ave) San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 295-2747

A few weeks ago our Publisher and Music Editor were out delivering NUG Magazine and the Music Editor asked where the best New York style deli is. Ben took him to City Deli, a Hillcrest landmark since 1984. City Deli is one of our favorite local eateries with something on the menu for everyone, from deli favorites to breakfast served all day. They are open late and have beer on tap, what else could one ask for? Specializing in food made entirely from scratch, including their bakery items. A no fuss atmosphere and delicious food!


Marie’s Café 3016 University Ave (between 30th St & Ray St) San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 220-0142

Marie’s is a small 50’s style diner in North Park, great for late night eats or breakfast after a night of debauchery. Located in the heart of North Park on University Ave, it is easily overlooked. We at NUG feel that overlooking this spot would be a mistake…Stop in here anytime for some home cooking and affordable prices.

Mountain Mountain High Mountain High is Southern California’s closest winter resort. The area consists of three separate mountains (Mountain High East, West, and North), and offers a wide variety of lifts and trails, the world class Faultline Terrain Park, and the region’s largest tubing park. Snowmaking covers more than 80 percent of the mountain and the resort operates seasonally from November to April. Guests can get up to the minute snow and weather conditions at From San Diego The drive couldn’t be easier either. Take Interstate 15 North and exit Highway 138 West. Make a left on Highway 2 and go three miles past the town of Wrightwood. Travel time from downtown San Diego is 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Bear Mountain

Bear Mountain is conveniently located in the Big Bear Lake area of the San Bernardino mountains. The address is 43101 Goldmine Drive, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315. From The San Diego Area: Take Interstate 15 North, to the 215 North, stay on the 215 North throughout the 60 / 215 merger, to Interstate 10 East, to the 210 West, to Hwy. 330 East to Mtn. Resorts, which will take you up into the mountains. Hwy. 330 goes through Running Springs and turns into Hwy. 18. Follow Hwy. 18 East and turn right across the Big Bear Lake dam. Stay on Big Bear Blvd. through the Big Bear Village or turn left on Paine Rd., which turns into Big Bear Blvd. For Snow Summit: stay on Big Bear Blvd. to Summit Blvd. and turn right. Follow this road to Snow Summit. For Bear Mountain: stay on Big Bear Blvd to Moonridge Rd. and turn right. Follow this road and stay to the right as signs indicate. 52 NUGMAG.COM | NOV/DEC 09


October 30th 2009 is opening day at Bear Mountain. Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Weekends: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You get more at Big Bear Mountain Resorts- two resorts with one season pass. Your 2009/2010 dual mountain season pass is valid at both Bear Mountain and Snow Summit. Bear Mountain season passes are priced at a level to be affordable for young snowboarders looking to spend their days riding THE PARK. As an additional bonus, Bear Mountain-only passes are valid for Snow Summit night sessions so you can ride on almost every Friday and Saturday night, all season long! If you are a frequent skier or snowboarder who goes at least once a month, then a season pass will save you big bucks. No other discount, coupon or promotion will save you more! With interchangeable season passes and a free shuttle between the two resorts, Snow Summit and Bear Mountain gives Southern California skiers and snowboarders more options than ever before. 26 lifts, 430 developed acres, 55+ runs and the most amazing collection of parks, pipes and rails around.

Snow Summit

Snow Summit is conveniently located in the Big Bear Lake area of the San Bernardino mountains. The address is 880 Summit Blvd, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315. Big Bear Mountain Resorts area use ticket is good for both Snow Summit and Bear Mountain. Take advantage of the free shuttle service where you can park once and

ride the shuttle to and from both mountains. It’s just a 10-minute ride and shuttles depart from each resort every half- hour. Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Weekends and Holidays: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Most Friday, Saturday and Holiday Evenings: 3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.** Get passes at office Saturdays 9-3 Sundays 9-1 Packages starting at $69

Snow Valley

Snow Valley is very convenient to get to and is only 30 minutes from the base of the San Bernardino Mountains. Take the I-10 Fwy to Redlands and transition to Hwy 210 north to Hwy 330. Follow Hwy 330 up the mountain where it joins Hwy 18 in Running Springs. Snow Valley is just 5 miles east of Running Springs on Hwy 18. Snow Report: 800.680.SNOW SkyHighMeds delivers to patients in the Big Bear Mountain area. Send an email to pre-verify to with the word pre-verify as the subject. Their staff will reply immediately and get you set up to purchase your meds while on the mountain. They deliver snow or shine! SkyHighMeds (909) 742-9797

Mammoth Mountain

Some people come to Mammoth for the 150 trails. Others for the 3,100 feet of vertical. A few show-up with their sights set on exploring the 3,500 acres of terrain. And the size-matters crowd shows up because they’re the tallest ski resort in California with a peak elevation of 11,053 feet. Lovers of snow hang their helmets here because of the more than 400” of annual snowfall. Folks with family-sized bottles of sunscreen can’t get enough of the more than 300 days of sunshine. With bluebird skies like that, winter never gets old and sticks around for a long time -- the season typically runs from November until June at a minimum. But the one thing everyone comes for is to play big. And there’s no better venue on earth than Mammoth Mountain. Hours: 8:30am – 4:00pm daily To Mammoth from The San Diego Area: Driving from the San Diego area will take approximately 7.5 hours. Take the 15 freeway north to Highway 395 north. Exit on Highway 203 to Mammoth Lakes. Approximately 400 miles.

June Mountain

June Mountain is scheduled to be open Dec. 19, 2009 - April 12, 2010 Hours of operation: 8:30am to 4pm daily To June from The San Diego Area: take I-15 north to US 395 north to Hwy. 158 (388 miles).

If you are headed to Mammoth check out one of these Bakersfield collectives/cooperatives. Bakersfield Co-op

311 Fairhaven Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93546 Mon-Sat 930-730 Sun 11-7 [661] 322 5150

American Caregivers Collective

3615 Gillmore Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93546 10-7 Daily [661]324 1357 California Compassionate Services

376 Bernard St. Bakersfield, CA 93546 9-7 Daily [661] 324 9080






A) Gravity Vortex

This thing is amazing! Not only did it win “Best Product” at the 2006 High Times Cannabis Cup for good reason, but it also showed up on the hit series “Weeds”. So we thought we should try this thing. The website claims it is a new, healthier way to smoke and I have to say that the smoke is MUCH smoother than I thought it was going to be. It is nothing like an old school gravity bong, it is smooth and hits with a punch. Great for when you are with friends and trying to conserve, since one or two pulls off the Gravity Vortex will do it! I would recommend putting the Gravity Vortex at the top of your Christmas wish list! You can find them at most smoke shops or order online at

B) Monkee Graphix Skateboards and Apparel Skateboards and cannabis: this is my all time favorite combo! Growing up as a San Diego skate rat in Mission Beach, my memories of the ol’ days make me smile. I had a nice package sent out by the Monkee team that included some of their “Dank Shirts” line, a full line of T-shirts with a dedicated “strain design” on each one. These shirts are super soft! All American made, with graphix like “Northern Lights”, “KUSH”, “Skunk #1” and “G-13”. They also sent over the “Northern Lights” deck, a 7.60” X 32.25” board. I strapped it onto my Independent trucks and rode it. Great pop, concave was

perfect and I was completely stoked on the quality! Check these guys out at and order something for the skateboarder in your life.

C) Shadecase

If you are like me, then you bust or lose sunglasses ALL the time. If you are tired of scratching, breaking or even losing your expensive sunglasses, Shadecase can solve your problems. Using a durable, scratch free foam and a solid case for great stability and protection of your investment, the new Shadecase (patent pending) is a trendy protective way of storing multiple pairs of sunglasses without damaging them. Shadecase can also be used for storing a variety of smaller breakable items as well. This is perfect for holding glass pipes! Just zip up and go.

D) jOBleSs Clothing

Straight out of OB! A new clothing company that was voted “Best Men’s Clothing Company in San Diego” by the A-List on We love seeing San Diego entrepreneurs doing what they love! But this company goes the extra mile, by donating free gear to the actual “jobless” in San Diego. For every item sold on their website, they give out free gear

to help people who have lost their jobs. With the unemployment rate in San Diego at 12%, these guys have their work cut out for them! A Confucius quote says: “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” So a jOBleSs shirt may be perfect for you, even if you do technically have a job. Support them by purchasing gear at: or check them out at:

E) Bottle Bro

Wowzers! We got these things last minute but I had to review them. Simple metal bottle topper that makes a huge difference. I was recently at my cabin in the Laguna Mountains getting my “relax” on, and I realized I forgot my pipe! But I did have the Bottle Bro in my backpack. I grabbed a water bottle and used this little guy all weekend. I didn’t miss my pipe at all! I recommend picking up one of these immediately! or

F) Reefer Camo by Cannabisco

HEMP is HIP is the feeling that comes from Cannabisco the makers of Reefer Camo.They have shirts for men and women with their unique design of cannabis plants in a camouflage layout. They also offer the material by the yard for your own projects, and unique items like mouse pads. Take a virtual stroll through their website to find out more at www.



Mondays Reggae Night @ Stage Bar Dub Dynamite @ 9 The Office Lady Dottie and the Diamonds @ U31 Tuesdays 11/10, 11/24, 12/8, 12/22 @ 7 General San Diego ASA Wednesdays 11/25 and 12/23 @ 7 South Bay ASA Meeting Thursdays 11/5, 11/19, 12/3, 12/17 @ 7 Hope Unlimited Support Group Fridays 11/13 and 12/11 @ 7 North County ASA Meeting Saturdays 11/7 and 12/5 @ 9am SoCal NormL Meeting 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 11/ 28, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19 @ Movement in Action- Cannabis Resource Center & Celebrations Destiny Roots @ The Roundtable Cocktail Lounge Sundays Tribe of Kings @ U31 The Devastators @ RT’s LongBoard Grill San Diego ASA Meetings 6070 Mt. Alifan Dr. Ste 202 San Diego, CA 92111 North County ASA Meetings 1050 S. Santa Fe Ave. Vista, CA 92084 San Diego Medical Marijuana Task Force Meetings City Administration Building 202 C Street, San Diego, CA 92101 Conference Room A on the 12th Floor For more info contact: Movement in Action Meetings 1050 S. Santa Fe Ave. Vista Ca. 92084 760 500-8868 For more about Hope Unlimited Meetings For more about Southern California NORML Meetings


November 6th San Diego Medical Marijuana Task Force Meeting @ 9am November 14th 1st Annual Joints for Freedom SD Medi Cup Tribal Seeds @ WorldBeat Center Pepper @ SD Harley

NUG Magazines issue release party @ 8 Oceanside Beachside Grill Ages 21+ November 15th Julian and Stephen Marley @ 8 WorldBeat Center November 19th 91X Presents Iration, Tomorrows Bad Seeds, B Foundation, and Hi Roots @ 7 at House of Blues November 20th Sycuan Presents How the West Was One: Snoop Dogg, DJ Quick, & Nipsey Hussle @ 7 at House of Blues December 12th Upstream @ 8 Barona Casino If you think your event is NUG worthy, you can add your event to our list by emailing us at

Henry Hemp &

The High Vibrations Girls

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