Campbell's chunky soup final copy

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By Priscilla Dominguez Syracuse University ADV 612 Dr. Lloyd


Project Campbell’s Chunky Soup Research to prepare for Campbell’s Chunky Soup Marketing Launch in the USA An Ad/Marketing Proposal December 2013

Prepared for: Dr. Carla Lloyd and President and CEO of Campbell’s Denise M. Morrison Prepared by: Priscilla Dominguez 101 Slocum Heights Apt. 5 Syracuse, NY 13210 Contact: Priscilla Dominguez


CONTENTS: 1. Introduction a. b. c. d.

Overview of the Campbell Soup Company Identifying the Research Problem Problem Definition Research Objectives

2. Qualitative Research: a. b. c.

Recommended Methods of Research Unit of Analysis Procedure

3. Quantitative Research: a. b. c.

Recommended Quantitative Method: Survey Unit of Analysis Procedure

4. Timing and Schedule to Collect Data 5. Reporting Consideration 6. Appendices


1. Introduction A) Overview of the Campbell Soup Company The business that would grow into the Campbell Soup Company was founded by Mr. Joseph Campbell, who was a fruit merchant and Abraham Anderson, who was an icebox manufacturer at the time. (Campbell’s About Us, 2013)The company started out as a plant in Camden, New Jersey. Today, the Campbell Soup Company brings in more than $ 8 billion in annual sales. Since its’ inception, Campbell’s has been one of the companies that has made it a priority to always be on the forefront of media innovation in their marketing efforts. (Personal communication, C. Lloyd, November 19,2013) The powerful brands in the Campbell Soup Company are in the following three main categories: Healthy Beverages, Soup & Simple Meals and Snacks. The Campbell’s name includes more than products within those categories to include Swanson Broths, Plum Organics premium organic baby food, Arnott’s, Kjeldsens and Royal Dansk biscuits; V8 juices; Bolthouse Farms super-premium beverages, Pepperidge Farm cookies and Goldfish crackers, carrots and dressings, Prego pasta sauces and Pace Mexican sauce. (Campbell’s About Us, 2013) According to the Annual Report for 2013 for the Campbell Soup Company, the business is focusing on executing their dual mandate to: a) Strengthening their core business and b) Expanding into higher-growth spaces. (Campbell Soup Company Annual Report 2013, p. 2) Taking a closer look at the first mandate mentioned in the annual report, the company reported that it had made a five percent sales growth in their U.S. Soup Business. This was accomplished by the company through its’ efforts in enhancing the innovation focused on consumers and enhancing all of the drivers in demand including engaging advertising and effective promotion for consumers . While the company delivered growth in broth, condensed soup and ready-to-serve soup, Campbell’s Chunky Soup came out on top by delivering strong numbers in sales. (Campbell Soup Company Annual Report 2013, p. 5) The company is also working towards their second mandate by speeding up development externally to expand into segments, higher growth categories and other geographic locations. (Campbell Soup Company Annual Report 2013, p. 5)


Although the Campbell Soup Company had an overall successful fiscal year in 2013, some of the barriers to continuous growth in sales are that there has been a decline in North America FoodService and U.S. Beverages. In an effort to combat the decrease in the food sector, the company is focusing on increasing the availability of fresh soups for supermarkets and restaurants at an accelerated rate, making the business more stable and enhancing the innovation for the customers of national restaurants. (Campbell Soup Company Annual Report, p. 5) Other issues within the soup market that are important to take note of are that sales within the overall soup category have been recovering slowly from a decline following the U.S. recession in 2008. There has been a limited number of new soup product launches from 2008-2012, which doesn’t really entice consumers about soup. (B. Bloom, Mintel Report , Soup-US- 2013, Issues in the Market, p. 2) Despite these setbacks, The Campbell Soup Company continues to lead in sales within the category which represents over forty percent of the market in the fifty-two weeks ending January 27th, 2013. (B. Bloom, Mintel Report, Soup-US- 2013, Executive Summary, p. 3) B) Research Problem The main research problem is ‘to examine whether or not Campbell's was being as innovative in their marketing/advertising efforts to target younger men (18-24) in convincing them to purchase and consume more of Campbell's chunky soup. C) Problem Definition The idea behind exploring this research problem is looking for places in which the Campbell Soup Company can resonate with a younger male audience and find out what they are or are not doing right. According to a Mintel Report on Soup from April 2013, adults ages forty-five through sixty-four and up are the leading consumers in the category of soup. As soup consumption continues to rise among younger consumers, this group will be important in increasing sales and establishing a loyal consumer base. There is also a high number of younger consumers who show interest in hot and refrigerated soup. “...Convenience and freshness play a role in attracting these shoppers,” says Beth Bloom, a Food and Drink Analyst for Mintel Reports. (B. Bloom, Mintel Report , Soup-US- 2013, Executive Summary, p. 4) Campbell’s has added more varieties like Hearty Cheeseburger and Spicy Chicken Quesadilla to their roster of different Chunky soups. The company is also launching improved


recipes for the popular soups within their brand such as the New England Clam Chowder and Beef with Country vegetables. (Campbell Soup Company Annual Report 2013, p. 10) Given this information, the research problem is relevant enough to explore in further detail. Justification for Research In this particular case, the value of gauging how the target audience feels about Campbell’s Chunky Soup and their marketing efforts is of prime importance for the company moving forward. This alone would stand to reason that the value of doing this research is well worth the cost that conducting this research would take. Specifying Informational Needs The informational needs for this research will explore the degrees to which the Campbell’s Chunky Soup is working in gaining favor within the targeting audience. Asking questions about taste preference, brand preferences, ease of preparation and reasons for selection are all part of the informational needs for this research proposal. D) Research Objectives The overall objective is ‘to examine the soup consumption habits of men ages 18-24’. This has been broken into the following sub-objectives: 1. To examine soup consumption habits of younger males (ages 18-24) 2. To identify attitudes towards Campbell’s Chunky Soup and other competing brands 3. To determine marketing and promotional platforms that can be used to launch Campbell’s Chunky

Soup and make it more appealing to younger males. The analysis of the current Campbell Soup Company marketing efforts will be evaluated within the following areas: the effect the current advertising of Campbell’s Chunky Soup has within the target, the overall perception of the brand and product from the target’s point of view and of course how other brands or other easy to make meals measure up.


2. Qualitative Research: Recommended Methods A) Focus Groups: In an effort to properly gauge whether or not Campbell’s was being effective in resonating with the target audience, gathering of focus groups would be highly recommended. Within the focus groups, the company would be able to have direct contact with their potential consumers in an intimate way. Within a focus group, respondents may feel more comfortable speaking amongst their peers with no pressure and really assist one another to help form their thinking and viewpoints. According to Joel J. Davis (2012), “...the interactive nature of the discussion helps focus group participants expand on and refine their own opinions.”(p. 122) Focus groups are also often more time efficient and cost effective. They are more affordable than conducting personal interviews and groups can be recruited fairly quickly with the data and discovery being able to get coded within a week. (Davis, 2012, p. 122) Personal Interviews: Another optimal method to gain insight on the potential target’s opinion on Campbell’s marketing and advertising efforts, is by conducting personal interviews. Even though personal interviews are more costly and take more time to set up, they provide a profound and expanded sense of understanding and detail. (Davis, 2012, p. 144) There is also a sense of intimacy between the moderator and the participant that really opens up the conversation in a more in depth way. Regardless of the extra time it takes for moderator to conduct the interview, this qualitative research method is definitely effective in gathering research, gaining new findings and uncovering useful insights. B) Unit of Analysis The next recommended step for both of these research methods would be for the company research team to create a sample frame through they could pick and choose where the individuals who will participate come from. This can be accomplished by choosing the proper method to know


more about the respondents, their household and other components detailed within the population definition, (Davis, 2012, p. 87) This will help the researcher really understand where does the potential target live and what do they like to do. The following step applies to selecting which type of probability sampling would be best in handpicking select individuals to participate within the focus group and interview. For this particular research problem, the best recommendation would be to use the simple random sampling method. This method allows for any individual within the target and public to have as an equally fair chance of being asked to participate as someone else. This type of sampling probability allows for less bias in respondent selection and can help attain a diverse set of individuals who can bring a wide assortment of insights and finding to the table. Simple random sampling can really get at the heart of what the whole population feels about a certain topic without having to take the time to interview entire population. (Davis, 2012, p. 90) After considering these steps, the next plan of action is to get an exact number for how many participants will be needed. Given the research problem, it would be wise to use a large number of participants. Using anywhere from 200-300 participants for focus groups and personal interviews is highly recommended. The great number of participants will allow for many varied responses and will display the disparities between individuals. Each individual will be the “person who purchases food for themselves or their families if it applicable to their specific life circumstances.� All of the participants will be males, in college or any other higher education focus such as graduate school, medical school, law school etc. They will all be between the ages of 18-24. There will not a preference as to a certain number of ages needed. C) Procedure The use of picture sorts and mood board will go into the construction of focus groups and personal interviews. The picture sort would allow for the respondents to be able to separate brands from one another based on their conceived image. The researcher would have images of Campbell’s Chunky Soup current and past advertising as well as other soup competitors such as Progressive. The purpose of these picture sorts are to uncover how male individuals really feel about the advertisements within the soup category, whether or not it is motivating them to purchase certain


soup brands and which brand they are more likely to use than the other. (Davis, 2012,p. 133) The intended results for this picture sort is to really dig into what sort of advertising and communication style really resonates with the respondents. During this method of research, the respondents will be asked questions such as, “ What do you like about this soup advertisement?,” “ What don’t you like about this soup advertisement?” and “What are your recommendations for potential advertising and marketing efforts focusing on increasing soup consumption of particular brands?” These questions will help guide along the respondents in starting conversations on how they feel about certain soup brands within the category. Since the creation of mood boards works effectively within focus groups and personal interviews , the injection of this method is a good recommendation for the agency research team. Each respondent/respondents within the focus groups and personal interviews will be provided with a wide array of magazines that will include various forms of food advertising specifically soup and other quick to eat meals. Each of the participants within the focus groups would be given the supplies required for them to create their own mood boards in order for the moderator/moderators to get a first hand look in to each of their opinions, attitudes, wants and desires in regard to the different brands of soups. They would work on their own mood boards individually and compare notes. Through the implementation of mood boards, the agency will have a much better idea on psychographic details from the respondents. (Davis, 2012, p. 136) They will be better able to answer the question of whether or not Campbell’s Chunky Soup is being as effective as they can be in resonating with the target audience. The company research team will be able to get direct responses and insights from this focus group. Based on all the collected information from picture sorts and mood boards, the agency research team can then begin to put all their data findings together and start building insights. For example, one respondent may have created a mood board that only has ads for Progresso soup. Based on this participant’s mood board, they agency can safely say that for this particular consumer within that focus group, Campbell’s soup advertising did not bear any relevance. The advertising must have obviously gone unnoticed by that participant. The same situation could be reversed and another participant could have only had Campbell’s Chunky Soup advertising on it. Regardless of whether or not the mood boards are in favor or not in favor of Campbell’s soup marketing, gaining this new insight will be essential for the company.


3) Quantitative Research A) Recommended Quantitative Method: Survey For this type of research problem, using a survey will be very useful. According to Pew Internet & American Life Project, 85% of men are on the Internet. 98% of those that are on the Internet are between the ages of 18-29. (Pew Internet, 2013) Given these statistics, an online survey method would be a very strategic choice to use. Given the research problem, problem definition and objectives, an online survey would be effective in many ways. Some of the benefits of an online survey method are that the researcher can be able to get result from the survey very quickly and the results from each participant can be gathered all in one place. While there are several different types of online survey programs on the Internet, it is hard to dispute how valuable they can be in acquiring important information from participants. A great amount of online survey sites permit the random assignment of individuals to other groups and random displays of material that are intended to serve as catalyst for respondent. (Davis, 2012, p. 253) Then of course there is the added value of the survey method being cost effective. The cost of an online survey method is relatively lower as opposed to other methods. Online surveys also have the benefit of being able to attain responses from a great pool of people of different backgrounds. Given the research problem of examining whether or not Campbell's was being as innovative in their marketing/advertising efforts to target younger men, this would be a great option to really get that vital piece of information. With the convenience of being able to get the survey done within their own time frame and within their own space, respondents will probably be more willing to share their opinions, lifestyle choices and speak about their brand preferences in relation to soup and other easy meals to make. B) Unit of Analysis: Similar to the unit of analysis for qualitative research, The recommended step for these data collection methods will be for the research team to create a sample frame through which they can


select who are participants who will be sent the survey and questionnaire. This sample frame selection can be accomplished by getting to know more about the respondents, their household and other components detailed within the population definition, (Davis, 2012, p. 87) Knowing these details will really allow for the data collection and research findings from the survey to be more valid and accurate. The next involves deciding which would be the most preferential type of sampling. For the online survey method, the simple random sampling method would probably be best. This method allows for any individual within the target and public to have just as much of an opportunity of being considered for a participant role. The simple random sampling method provides an opportunity for less bias when selecting the appropriate participants for the survey. It helps recruit individuals from diverse backgrounds and schools of thought to bring new insights and findings to the forefront. (Davis, 2012, p. 90) C) Procedure A questionnaire was created in an effort to properly gauge the soup consumption of habits of men ages 18-24. This questionnaire was pretested within individuals of that target audience to get a better understanding of whether or not the questionnaire would be effective in getting the respondents to open up. . The questionnaire and survey were than edited to have more close ended questions and include grids and more answer options to offer the respondents with enough background to provide their opinions. Sure enough the respondents opened up. The questions within the survey consisted of questions focused on why individuals within the target audience prefer one soup brand or the other, what is the most important factor when it comes to choosing a particular brand, where are they consuming the most media and any recommendations they have for Campbell’s Chunky Soup brand to be more influential with them. Both data collection methods will contain a mixture of nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio level questions. It is a good idea to have a wide range of types of questions to keep the participant from becoming bored with the survey and questionnaire. Interval questions based on how Campbell’s Chunky Soup measures up against the competition will be effective in unveiling the participant’s opinions. The ordinal, ratio and nominal questions will also be used in the same fashion. Once more data is collected and the agency research team has a large pool of information from a various set of individuals within the target audience, the


key findings will emerge. From these findings, insights can be created that will help aid the research team in making recommendations for the company to better resonate within the target audience.

4) Timing and Schedule to Collect Data The figure below illustrates the most recommended time frame for the research. Given Campbell’s aim to stimulate growth and the company’s sales goal for the year, the recommendation would be to collect the data in the span of four months. From the moment the research begins, the research team will stay on top of any new information collected. All the results of the research will be uploaded to a private database that only the company will be able to access. Throughout the four months, every week any data is collected from a focus group, personal interview, online survey or questionnaire it will be coded in a timely fashion for the company to review. The day of the week when any new updates will be available for viewing will be on Friday. Being able to have the week to sift through the information being collected will give the research team an ample amount of time to really be precise in the information they are putting together. The research team understands the magnitude of importance that this data holds for the company and will work diligently to make sure that it is delivered within the specified timeframe. The goal is to get as much information as possible with a reasonable frame of time. Within four months, much sound and helpful research can be collected. Below is a table that details the timeframe for the research to be collected and reported. Week 1-4 4-6 7 8 9 10-11 12 13 16 5) Reporting Considerations

Activity Primary Research Qualitative Research Qualitative Results available on database Development of Questionnaire Quantitative Research Preparing data and coding of results Analysis of data collected and results Presentation Final Research Report will be available


Some of the special reporting considerations that have to be taken into account when presenting qualitative data are the use of charts and numeric details to demonstrate data. Using these two tools to present the data collected allows for extended credibility and will provide support for all the findings, research and recommendations that the research team is proposing. Rather than just having a reporting of number and statistics, qualitative research call for summaries of measurement methods and quotations. In a qualitative report, quotations are used as a function to provide the details when there is a specific need to go into more depth about a certain topic. Summaries of consensus go further into the degree by which certain people were more favorable or less favorable to a certain point in the research topic or focus. (Davis, 2012, 661) With regard to special considerations for the oral research presentation, there are certain tips to keep in mind. Overall the researcher or researchers must have prepared a report that is easily understood, succinct, decipherable, makes sense and demonstrates that it was put together with care and diligence. (Davis, 2012, 661) This also applies to the aspects of putting together a well-written research report. (Davis, 2012, p. 636-639) Since most oral reports are typically delivered through PowerPoint presentation or slidebased presentations, the following will help the researcher or researchers when they are in the presenting role. One of the most important and first things to remember is that the presentation should be used as guideline for the presentation and not be used as the overall talking point of a presentation. It is much more useful and effective when the researcher is actually engaging and conversing with the audience as opposed to just reading off a screen. Another important thing to consider is that the slides shouldn’t be a clutter of words. It should contain a mixture of both. The slides should be use as a prompt with some words the person presenting can elaborate with more detail These are some of the important considerations to consider when presenting.( Davis, 2012, p.648-649)


Appendices Bloom, B. (n.d.). Soup - US - April 2013. Soup - US - April 2013. Retrieved December 11, 2013, from


Campbell Soup Company. (n.d.).Campbell Soup Company. Retrieved December 11, 2013, from

Campbell Soup Company F13 Annual Report. (n.d.). Campbell Soup Company F13 Annual Report. Retrieved December 11, 2013, from


%20soup%20comp Davis, J. (2012). Advertising research: theory and practice (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. (n.d.). Who's Online: Internet User Demographics. Retrieved December 11, 2013, from

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