Portfolio Priscilla Girelli

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Graduated at the Accademia di Architettura Master of science in Architecture Mendrisio, Switzerland

2012 / 2013

Master studies at the Accademia di Architettura Mendrisio, Switzerland Elected student for scholarship benefits, following:

Priscilla Girelli

Valerio Olgiati, Quintus Miller, Jonathan Sergison

Architect AAM USI

Via della Selva 29 Trento 38123, Italy


Elected student for scholarship benefits, following:

Mobile: +39 340 40 55 005 prig89@hotmail.it Nationality: Italian-Swiss

Erasmus studies at the Federal Politecnico ETH Zurich, Switzerland Tom Emerson, Herzog & De Meuron

2008 / 2010

Bachelor studies at the Accademia Architettura Mendrisio, Swizerland Elected student for scholarship benefits, following: Marc Collomb, Mario Botta, Riccardo Blumer

Date of birthday: 10-04-1989 2003 / 2008

High School of Science “Galileo Galilei� Trento, Italy


Internship at JDS Architects studio Copenhagen, Denmark In this internship I’ve been involved in model making, survey, competitions, drawing,

LANGUAGES Italian: mother toungue german: fluent english: fluent spanisch: basic

photoshop of images.


EASA / European Architecture Students Assembly workshop “Reaction”, wood Pavillion Zuzemberg, Slovenia

PROGRAMS skillfull: Archicad, Autocad, Photoshop, Indesign, Illastraitor, Adobe CS6 Basic user: Rhino, 3ds Studio Max

During two weeks in this workshop we learned how to do foundation, to lay bricks and to


construct with wood.


EASA / European Architecture Students Assembly workshop “Wastland”, tree house Helsinki, Finland

I see architecture as a combination between theory and construction. This duality of the subject lead me to make personal research also in the fields of philosophy, sociology, art and photografy. Beside architecture i like to make hand-craft objects, fabric, small furniture, paintings and sculpture. I’m sociable, creative, serious and calm, I’m able to work in a team but also to take my own responsability.

In this workshop we developed the concept of a tree house. We learned how to work out an idea, wood construction tecniques and work in team.


EASA / European Architecture Students Assembly workshop , light Pavillion Cadiz, Spain



2010 “Swiss Federal Istitute of Technology” Jds Architects, Copenhagen (http://jdsa.eu/eth)

2014 CITTA’ TICINO Esposizione diplomi 2014 Accademia di Architettura Mendrisio

2010 “Office, Laboratories Yongin City Kyunggido, South Korea” Jds Architects, Copenhagen (http://jdsa.eu/cj2/) 2011 “Residence, offices, municipal sports center, Rennes, France” Jds Copenhegen (http://jdsa.eu/cir/) 2011 “Mixed-use, Offices, Retail, Roof Terrace Hangzhou, China” Jds Architects, Copenhagen (http://jdsa.eu/hang/) 2011 “Youth Center, Offices, Kindergarten Lille, France” 1st Prize Jds Architects, Copenhagen (http://jdsa.eu/lil/)

2013 MAD Esposizione Rapporto sull’attività didattica 2013 - 2014 Accademia di Architettura Mendrisio 2012 / 2013 Exhibition “Atlas of an Irish City” Oonagh Young Gallery, Dublin www.emerson.arch.ethz.ch

SOCIAL HOUSING & COMMECIAL SPACES IN LUGANO, CH - Jonathan Sergison Diploma Atelier The given site of the project is located right after the city center of Lugano along the river Cassarate, in an area that developed mostly in the last years. My personal feeling, after visitng the site, was that the area needs to become more active and lively because it has potential thanks to the river that is so near. The aim of my project is to reactivate the river banks, to revitalize them with a pedestrian and cycling path. My building creates a comunication between two different situations, on one side the river with its park and on the other the city. The building creates intervals between private spaces, semiprivate spaces of the courtyards and pubblic spaces of the park and the streets. This transition between spaces that have different functions is underlined by the level changing of the ground. All the courtyards are at a lower level compared to the streeet, in order to create more privacy for people that live in the building. To give more permeability between this different situations i decided to do some cuts in the building in corrispondence to the entrances. All the apartments have a doble facing, one to the internal courtyard and the other to the outside, this gives to the interior of the apartments transparency and light.

Accademia di Architettura - Social housing in Lugano - prof. J. Sergison - planimetry

Accademia di Architettura - Social housing in Lugano - prof. J. Sergison - ground floor

Accademia di Architettura - Social housing in Lugano - prof. J. Sergison - typicle floorplan


Accademia di Architettura - Social housing in Lugano - prof. J. Sergison - section, prospectus

Accademia di Architettura - Social housing in Lugano - prof. J. Sergison - typicle apartment

Accademia di Architettura - Social housing in Lugano - prof. J. Sergison - detail

Accademia di Architettura - Social housing in Lugano - prof. J. Sergison - internal courtyard view

Accademia di Architettura - Social housing in Lugano - prof. J. Sergison - external view

Accademia di Architettura - Social housing in Lugano - prof. J. Sergison - external view

MONASTRY ALONG THE CAMMINO DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, SP - Valerio Olgiati Atelier The site, that I personaly choose, is located along the Cammino de Santiago de Compostela, a walking path that pilgrims do since Medioeval time for religious and spiritual reasons. The idea was to have a building made by two volumes, two cilinders, that have different functions but that meet and overlap in one point. The bigger volume with the courtyard is for the monks which live all year long there, the smaller volume is for the pilgrims that are doing this spiritual walk and stay there only a few days. There are two systems that live one from each other and also two different ways of living the building, but there is one point, the highest, where monks and pilgrims meet and can see each other, that point is the church which unifise all.

Accademia di Architettura - Monastery in Spain - prof. V. Olgiati - model picture

Accademia di Architettura - Monastery in Spain - prof. V. Olgiati - prospectus, plan

SMALL THEATER IN LOCARNO,CH - Quintus Miller Atelier The give site of the project is located in the city center of Locarno, surrounded by public and private buildings. The idea of the project is to create a backgroud courtyard, where actors live and work in a more private ambient. The building is composed by different units, all connected one with each other, that are adapted at the function that they are used for. Above them, suspended, in a cantiliver situation there is the theater. The intention is to create a private world for the artist and to give the opportunity to the people that go to the theater to enter in this backgroud world of the actors and understand what is behind the scene and their lives.

Accademia di Architettura - Theater in Locarno - prof. Q. Miller - planimetry

700 2100



Outside Outside

Outside Outside




Outside Outside

Outside Outside


Outside Outside

700 2100



Accademia di Architettura - Theater in Locarno - prof. Q. Miller - ground floor, first floor

Accademia di Architettura - Theater in Locarno - prof. Q. Miller - sections

700 2100



Outside Outside

Outside Outside




Outside Outside

Outside Outside


Outside Outside

700 2100



Accademia di Architettura - Theater in Locarno - prof. Q. Miller - section, prospectus

Accademia di Architettura - Theater in Locarno - prof. Q. Miller - internal courtyard view

SOCIAL HOUNSING AND COMMERCIAL SPACES IN NAPOLI, IT - Jonathan Sergison Atelier The given site was in the acient part of the city where the tissue is very dense and the streets are narrow but thanks to their connection to internal courtyards and little passages, you feel free to move around the city in a continuos way. The building in this part of the city are based on the typology of the palazzo around a central coutyard. Starting from this characteristic of the city, I decide to create a more open space at the ground floor from which two small courtyards were developed and the building takes an articulated form. The two connected courtyards create a more private space for the people that will live there, and create an interior world. The circulation is organized with balconies that are located in the interior facade of the courtyards.

Accademia di Architettura - Social Housing and Commercial spaces in Napoli - prof. J. Sergison - planimetry

Accademia di Architettura - Social Housing and Commercial spaces in Napoli - prof. J. Sergison - ground floor

+2m flat


+3m flat

Accademia di Architettura - Social Housing and Commercial spaces in Napoli - prof. J. Sergison - typicle floorplan

Accademia di Architettura - Social Housing and Commercial spaces in Napoli - prof. J. Sergison - section, prospectus

Accademia di Architettura - Social Housing and Commercial spaces in Napoli - prof. J. Sergison - external view

HOUSE FOR AN ARTIST IN GALWAY, IR - Tom Emerson Atelier (ETH) In the first part of the semester I did a research and analysed the tower houses, that we also visited in Galway. When i was in Galway i did a survay, researched and took measurments of this building that is from Medioeval age. After understanding the costructions tecniques I produced some drawings for the Atlas book.

Dressed Stones

place, stairs and the corners of the tower house -expensive, sometimes shipped from far away

“Roman Concrete” - made of pieces of rock (waste of the stone walls) and lime as binder

Additional Vault - support the ceiling of the small rooms

Lost Formwork - the stone walls and vaults are lost formwork for the roman concrete - stone walls and roman concrete are load bearing due to its mass

Lime Plaster or Harling plaster or harling - white appearance-”white castles of stone”

Natural stone wall - made of stones from the area

Base Batter -thickening of the ends of the wall towards the ground - defensive feature - supporting the high walls

Foundation: - stonework has to be more than 1.5m below from the ground level for the freezing depth

Accademia di Architettura - Research drawing in Galway - prof. T. Emerson - section Residential Buildings, Merlin Park Tower House, Section 1:50, drawn by Patricia Lehner, Nicole Würth, Susanne Büchi and Priscilla Girelli

Galway Atlas, 2012, ETH Zürich, 003


Merlin Park Tower House, Plan 1:50

Accademia di Architettura - Research drawing in Galway - prof. T. Emerson - interior perspective


The second part of the semester i developed a project taking inspiration of what i learned doing the analisys of the tower houses. The project is a house for a sculptor. The concept of the project is to have alway i central space and around it attached all the different functions.



3 1 9





Tower House, Nicole Wuerth Priscilla Girelli, Studio Emerson, ETH Z端rich, 28/05/20

Accademia di Architettura - House for an artist in Galway - prof. T. Emerson - planimetry

Axonometry 1:500

Tower House, Nicole Wuerth Priscilla Girelli, Studio Emerson, ETH Z端rich, 28/05/2012

Accademia di Architettura - House for an artist in Galway - prof. T. Emerson - perspective

Second Floor 1:50

Ground Floor 1:50

Tower House, Nicole Wuerth Priscilla Girelli, Studio Emerson, ETH Z端rich, 28/05/2012

Tower House, Nicole Wuerth Priscilla Girelli, Studio Emerson, ETH Z端rich, 28/05/2012

Tower House, Nicole Wuerth Priscilla Girelli, Studio Emerson, ETH Z端rich, 28/05/2012

Accademia di Architettura - House for an artist in Galway - prof. T. Emerson - plans

Section 1:50

Tower House, Nicole Wuerth Priscilla Girelli, Studio Emerson, ETH Z端rich, 28/05/2012

Accademia di Architettura - House for an artist in Galway - prof. T. Emerson - section

Accademia di Architettura - House for an artist in Galway - prof. T. Emerson - model picture

EASA 2014 WORKSHOP ZUZENBERG, SL - Wood Pavilion During two weeks with a groud of students from all Europe, we constructed the Pavillion. he design of the construction comes from two equal components - social requirements and spatial problems, and tries to solve the spatial dilemma of the square which lost its eastern faรงade during WW2 and afterwards. The light structure, located in the park among trees, is covered with a pitched roof that is partly based on traditional patterns of folk architecture or the hayrack while reminiscent of the church that once stood in its place. The modern roof provides shelter and gives the town and its inhabitants a place to meet, connect, communicate, trade and rest.

EASA Workshop - wood pavillion

EASA Workshop - wood pavillion

EASA 2013 WORKSHOP HELSINKI, FL - Light Pavilion During two weeks with a groud of fifteen students from all Europe, we constructed and developed the idea of Pavillion. We wanted the pavilion to serve a duality of purpose. Not only should it be a place of retreat from the sun’s overpowering intrusiveness but a place where light and its impact is understood, appreciated and respected. Our pavilion would become a nirvana of black darkness wherein encompassed and isolated, people would question their very relationship with the sun, and how their lives might function within this environment. The pavilion is made of wood.

EASA Workshop - light pavillion

EASA Workshop - light pavillion

“THE LAUCH OF THE EGGS” - first year exercise - Riccardo Blumer, Mario Botta My first exercise in the Accademia di Architettura in Mendrisio was creating an artifact that prevent the breaking of an egg, dropped from a height of six meters and to controll the direction of its falling. To make this artifact i could only use white paper and glue. I began analising the gravity and the speed of the fall of an egg. I thought about a way of cushioning the stroke. Finally I arrived at making a sort of nest that protected the egg. This “nest” was full of spikes that curling themselve protected the egg.

Accademia di Architettura - The launch of the eggs - prof. R.Blumer, M. Botta

“LA DIVINA COMMEDIA” D. ALIGHIERI - first year exercise - Riccardo Blumer, Mario Botta In group of three students we had to make an architectual rappresentation based on literary quotations from the Hell, Purgatory and Pradise described by Dante Alighieri in his literary work “Divina Commedia”. Personally i had to represent the Hell. Reading the Divina Commedia the quotation that impressed me more and gave me the better idea of that terrible and disturbing place was: “... grandine grossa, acqua tinta e neve per l’aere tenebroso si riversa; pute la terra che questo riceve...” (... huge hail, and coluored waterand snow flow in the dark, stink the ground that receives all that...)

Accademia di Architettura - La Divina Commedia - prof. R.Blumer, M. Botta

Accademia di Architettura - La Divina Commedia - prof. R.Blumer, M. Botta

“THE SOURCE OF WATER OF LIFE� - first year exercise - Riccardo Blumer, Mario Botta


We had to project and draw the plant, the section and an axonometric projection of the spring of live- water. We should immagine all that in a court of a castel. It sould be made of stone and measure of 3.00 x 3.00 x 3.00 meters.


Accademia di Architettura - The source of water of life - prof. R.Blumer, M. Botta

Prospetto laterale


Prospetto fronte

Sezione A-A

Accademia di Architettura - The source of water of life - prof. R.Blumer, M. Botta

MODEL OF RIVERS OF NORTH SWITZERLAND - first year exercise - Riccardo Blumer, Mario Botta We had to make a general model of the rivers of canton Ticino, which is in the south of Switzerland. The model was one meter high and was make by strips of poliplat.

Accademia di Architettura - Rivers of North Switzerland - prof. R.Blumer, M. Botta

Accademia di Architettura - Rivers of North Switzerland - prof. R.Blumer, M. Botta

FLOATING GLASS OBJECT - first year exercise - Riccardo Blumer, Mario Botta My task was to create and build an object which could float in the water only using glass. We had to cut the glass ourselves using a special cutter and then stick the different pieces togheter with glue. My idea was to create the seabed, I made glass cubes of different sizes sticked on a central object incrementing dymensions to create stability.

Accademia di Architettura - Floating glass object - prof. R.Blumer, M. Botta

YTONG FLOATING OBJECT - first year exercise - Riccardo Blumer, Mario Botta In group of three students we had to project a floating installation in scale 1:20. We had to imagine to put this installation at the source of one of the biggest rivers of the Ticino, the south of Switzerland. Ytong is a special material, a sort of cellular concrete. We cut it with saws, and stick the different pieces together with mortar. We created a sort of floating room, that internally is very regular and precise and outside is eroded and ruined by water.

Accademia di Architettura - Ytong floating object - prof. R.Blumer, M. Botta

Accademia di Architettura - Ytong floating object - prof. R.Blumer, M. Botta

ATELIER ORIZZONTALE - PAINTING - first year - Arduino Cantafora Each student hat to analyse the anatony of the body, drawn by Andrea Vasalio, in his collection of paintings “De Imanis Corporis Fabrica”. Then we had to re-drawn the painting by ourselve.

Accademia di Architettura - painting- prof. A. Cantafora

Accademia di Architettura - painting- prof. A. Cantafora

Accademia di Architettura - painting- prof. A. Cantafora

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