Candidature Plan - Priscilla Kusumawardhani for MCAD CIMSA 2020-2021

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CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Identification Name (first/middle/last)

: Priscilla Kusumawardhani


: Sisil


: Female

Place, Date of Birth

: Jakarta, 26 August 1999


: 20

Blood Type

: O


: Christian

Contact Information Phone Number

: +6281318713225

Mobile Number

: +6281318713225


: Jalan Kalisari III, Kalisari Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur 13790


: ;

Member Identification CIMSA ID Number

: 12180416

Year join CIMSA

: 2018

Member of SCO


CIMSA National Meering Attendance

: 1. National Leadership Summit 2019, Riau 2. October Meeting 2019, Bandung

Education Elementary School

: SDN Cawang 01 Pagi


: 2005-2011

Junior High School

: SMP Labschool Jakarta


: 2011-2014

Senior High School

: SMAN 28 Jakarta


: 2014-2017


: Universitas Gadjah Mada


: 2018-now

Informal Education

: -

Organizational Experience (including Committee) Year(s) 2012-2013 2015 -2016 2015 2016

Organization/Event Student Council of SMP Labschool Jakarta Rohani Kristen SMAN 28 Jakarta Twenty Eight High School Annual Art and School Competition Twenty Eight High School Annual Art and School Competition


International Sea Sun Festival, Spain


CIMSA Universitas Gadjah Mada

2018-now 2018




2019 2019-now 2019

Position and Elaboration Div. Budi Pekerti yang Luhur (Social Work) Treasurer Staff of Publication and Documentation Division Sub. Coordinator for Media Partner of Publication and Documentation Division Indonesia Representative (Folklore Dance) Community Development Society Active Member Staff of Design, Decoration, and Documentation Advocacy & Article Team Staff of Logistic Staff of Communication and Bulletin Person in Charge

2019 2019

Community Development KENYANG SCOPH CIMSA UGM Say No to Kanker Payudara (SAYONARA) SCORA CIMSA UGM Charity Cultural Night AMSA UGM PPSMB FK-KMK UGM 2019




FINGER (Fighting Dengue Fever) CIMSA UGM

Coordinator of Event


Kaderisasi CIMSA UGM

Staff of Event


Community Development HIBERNASI CIMSA UGM Halloween Celeberation Medicine IUP 2019 World AIDS Day CIMSA UGM Christmas Celebration PMK FK-KMK UGM

Vice Project Officer


2019 2019 2019 2020

International Womens Day 2020

Project Officer Team of Actor Staff of Discipline Commission Staff of Facilitator

Project Officer Coordinator of Event Coordinator of Design, Decoration, and Documentation Small Working Group

Achievements Year(s) 2019 2019 2019 2016

Achievement(s) Best Project Officer CIMSA UGM 2019-2020 Best MCA Team (Advocacy & Article Team) for the 1st Period Best Member SCORA CIMSA UGM for the 1st Period Grand Prix Sea Sun Festival Art Contest (Lloret de Mar, Spain)

Skills Language Spoken Hard Skills Soft Skills

Bahasa Indonesia, English Writing skills, Microsoft Office Public speaking, Leadership and Team Building, Communication skills, Critical thinking, Problem solving skills

Jakarta, 29 March 2020

Priscilla Kusumawardhani

MOTIVATIONAL LETTER I consider CIMSA as my home, since this organization has provided me a place to grow. CIMSA has shaped me as a human being, it made me who I am now, which is why through this candidature plan, I hereby present myself as the next Marketing, Campaign, and Advocacy Director. Talking about a place to grow, CIMSA accepts and treasure as you processing toward the best version of yourself without having to lose your identity. It is not just what can we do as a doctor in the future but what can we do now as a medical student. It pushes you into taking action, making real impact, as small changes as it might be. I never would have imagined to have gone through this much growth since the day I voluntarily applied to be in this organization. My humble almost two years being in here, CIMSA has served me a lot of open door and luckily I followed my guts and ran through it. It was never a waste of time dealing with CIMSA stuff. I’m treasured with a lot of opportunities CIMSA has granted me since the beginning. As a member, I found a safe place for me to express myself. Within my beloved second to none standing committee and local, I can voice my opinion freely. As a local supporting division team, I found a purpose to serve beyond measure as a future doctor. Being in the Community Development Society has developed my soft skills in communicating with unfamiliar environment. Stepping out of my comfort zone has been my forte. As a national supporting division team, I wasn’t expecting much at first but once again I found a new support system out of my box. Some of my friends might not agree with my decision to proceed as a national officials, and I can’t say I blame them, because between academic pressure, self-time, and this organization’s highly packed schedule, I know that there wouldn’t be a lot of free time on my hand, but here is what I can told you, I never expect three period of becoming MCA Team would turn out like this, the fact that joining it can improve myself in both hard and soft skills, have made me even more certain that ever, that the decision I took is the right decision. I believe that CIMSA needs a leader which are willing to take risk and cross boundaries for CIMSA to grow bigger as an organization. Promoting CIMSA with a good marketing strategy will assure CIMSA external existence for further beneficial for CIMSA activities. Thus activities, for example campaign obviously need a lot of help from marketing to serve it purposes of raising awareness massively. Campaign has been the heart of CIMSA to achieve its goals. The goals on which advocacy of CIMSA takes part as it can help this organization to achieve maximum result for its goals and mission towards improving nations health. I have once dreamt that CIMSA will be the first thing on people's mind when they hear of medical students’ organization, as naïve as it might sound I but I believe in this silly dream. Being the next MCAD as a part of external can help me to achieve that dreams of mine. It’s definitely not going to be an easy ride but I’m willing to take the risk and trying my best of developing skills I already have and gaining new skills if needed. With all things considered, I hope my intentions of being a candidate can be felt and understood. I believe I would be a valuable team of officials as Marketing, Campaign, and Advocacy Director on the new tenure. Hereby I, Priscilla, will continue to making impacts for CIMSA legacy by continuing to ‘Empowering Medical Students, Improving Nation’s Health’. Best regards,

Priscilla Kusumawardhani

VISION CIMSA sebagai organisasi dengan fondasi eksternal yang kuat, sinergis, dan strategis terutama dalam bidang marketing, campaign, dan advokasi

MISSION 1. Mengadakan campaign secara efisien, inovatif, dan berdampak masif 2. Menjalankan advokasi dengan prinsip CIMSA secara representatif dan berkelanjutan baik di lokal maupun nasional 3. Menjalankan marketing sesuai branding CIMSA secara dinamis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan demi menunjang eksternalisasi CIMSA 4. Membentuk MCA Team yang kompeten, profesional dan suportif dalam bidang marketing, campaign, dan advokasi

CAMPAIGN Berkoordinasi dengan NO dalam merancang tema dan konsep campaign sesuai dengan fokus Kemenkes, global priorities IFMSA dan poin-poin dukungan policy statement Membuat campaign calendar dan rancangan awal campaign perihal tema besar untuk campaign general dan campaign standing committee bersama dengan NO dilanjutkan dengan membuat list opportunity external partners dengan LO yang bisa digunakan untuk campaign nasional maupun lokal Mengefektifkan jumlah campaign standing committee dan general dengan meninjau ulang urgensi campaign bersama NO terkait Merancang dan melaksanakan CIMSA Anniversary Project bersama dengan national officials 2020-2021 dengan tema interaktif dan aplikatif di seluruh lokal dan dapat mengintegrasi seluruh komponen CIMSA

ADVOCACY Berkoordinasi dengan national officials terutama NO terkait dalam meninjau ulang policy statement dan urgensinya untuk penambahan isu strategis dan indikator progress Berkoordinasi dengan PDD dan NO terkait dalam pembuatan indikator progress policy statement yang dapat diukur setiap tahunnya Meningkatkan pemahaman official lokal terutama Expendables terhadap advokasi dengan memberikan training sebagai salah satu sarana dan Guideline Audiensi yang akan ditinjau kebutuhannya lebih lanjut melalui indikator Local Needs Assesment Menginisiasi Impact Report Advocacy Localper periode dalam upaya meningkatkan kesadaran lokal dalam melakukan advokasi sesuai kapasitas dan kemampuan masing-masing lokal

MARKETING Bekerja sama dengan FD, mengevaluasi member card benefit yang sudah ada dan menginisiasi kerja sama member card benefit yang bisa digunakan oleh seluruh lokal Memfasilitasi pembuatan dan pembaharuan materi promosi yang akan digunakan lokal maupun nasional Berkoordinasi dengan RnDD untuk penambahan poin di Local Needs Assesment perihal kebutuhan media partner dan member card benefit yang bisa dibantu oleh nasional Mencari media partner sustain di setiap region yang dapat diberdayakan oleh lokal masing-masing region dengan bantuan RC dan VLE serta menginisiasi database media partner Berkoordinasi dengan MCD dalam update marketing toolkit dan dengan RnDD dalam penambahan poin kewajiban memperbarui marketing toolkit minimal satu kali dalam dua tahun atau saat ada milestones besar Berkoordinasi dengan MCD untuk memaksimalkan fungsi sosial media CIMSA dan fokus tujuan setiap sosial media sebagai media informatif dan yang berkualitas Merancang sistem evaluasi rebranding dengan indikator yang melibatkan seluruh komponen CIMSA dengan bantuan RnDD dan brand consultant Berkoordinasi dengan MCD untuk membuat polling tema bimonthly article pada Instagram atau Twitter untuk meningkatkan animo pembaca Berkoordinasi dengan MD untuk bekerja sama dengan local brand dalam pembuatan merchandise collaboration CIMSA Anniversary Project

MCA TEAM Membentuk MCA team (Campaign and Article: 3 orang, Marketing: 2 orang, Visual Design: 2 orang) yang aktif dan inisiatif Menginisiasi forum diskusi yang aktif bersama MCA team setiap periode membahas isu di masyarakat dan meningkatkan sarana relasi antar MCA Team Memberikan training, forum diskusi, oportunitas dari external partners sebagai media pemberdayaan MCA team Membentuk suasana yang nyaman dan saling membantu sama lain dalam MCA team


Priscilla Kusumawardhani +6281318713225 /

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