GLOBAL POSITIONS B eth B irmingham
Half the Sky... and Then Some
Justin Long says, “Women make up 49 percent of the world, perform 62 percent of the world work hours, yet receive 10 percent of the world’s income and own 1 percent of its property. They make up 70 percent of the poor, 66 percent of illiterates, 80 percent of the refugees, 75 percent of the sick...It seems Seek justice, encourage the oppressed, to me that women deserve special mindefend the cause of the fatherless, istry strategies and focus.” plead the case of the widow. Michele Rickett agrees. She and Isaiah 1:17 her husband, Daniel, founded Sisters in Here I sit, listening to another great Service (SIS) with a mission to inform, sermon. This week it’s about justice, equip, and mobilize Christians to empowstanding in the gap for the oppressed er women and children against poverty, (Isaiah 1:17). Last week it was about disease, exploitation, and spiritual darkbeing “blessed to be a blessing to the ness in the hard places of the world. SIS nations” (Acts and others). The week is focused on the parts of the world before it was about all I have — my time, least reached by the gospel and with high gifts, resources — being God’s resources rates of abuse and exploitation of women and girls, including China, Indonesia, to be used for God’s purposes. “I am a well-fed Christian,” I think Iraq, India, Egypt, Sudan, and Syria, and to myself, beginning to reflect on how accomplishes its mission by working blessed I am to live in a country that together with local women in a variety values me and my gifts, to have been of initiatives in these countries. born to parents who love me and were able to give me so much growing up. Women account for 49 percent of What if I’d been born in China — would the world’s population but do 62 they have dumped me at the airport percent of the work hours and because I was a girl? Or Cambodia — receive 10 percent of the income. would they have had to put me to work They make up 70 percent of the as a sex slave to feed my family? If so, poor and 75 percent of the sick. would anyone intervene on my behalf? Sisters in Service recognizes the sigAs a lover of Jesus, am I intervening on nificant impact that women have on the anyone’s behalf? I am struck by the name, Half the current well-being of the family and on Sky, of a new movement to address the the education and health of the next plight of women. Borrowed from the generation. They, and other Christian Chinese proverb “Women hold up half ministries like them, have proven records the sky,” the name invites reflection, of the significant impact that investing and it occurs to me that indeed women in women has on the family and the hold up half the sky (and then some) community. Helping women start small — often with one hand tied behind businesses improves the family income, their back by the ropes of oppression. pays for food and children’s education, In many countries, women are valued and often provides some savings for their less than livestock and treated even future. Educating women in basic literacy worse. Girl children are disposed of in improves the educational outlook of their inhumane ways or married off or sold children and reduces the family’s vulfor profit. In his column, Monday nerability to exploitation; basic health Morning Reality Check, missiologist education for women reduces infant PRISM 2010
mortality and family ailments. What can we do? Scripture is clear on our responsibility.The plight of women and girls in the countries least reached with the gospel is well known. First and always, pray — ask, “What part of the world are you calling me to focus on?” Next, speak out. The world needs a peaceful revolution in the ways that women and girls are treated, and that must be based on a Christian conception of love. In her book, Love and Revolutions: Market Women and Social Change in India, Dr. Eloise Hiebert Meneses writes,“Love of the other…comes exclusively from God and is truly revolutionary in the sense that it turns people around from distrust to trust, from fear to willingness to give.” Speaking out for others is a way of giving of yourself on their behalf. Lastly, link arms. Together with your friends and small groups get connected to ministries in these places and work together to change what’s happening. In her new book, Forgotten Girls, Michele Rickett writes, “Powerful interventions require linking arms over the long haul and together growing good initiatives into great ones. The best way to do this is to identify local ministries that are already working well. Local women have profound insight into the cultural forces in their homelands that lead to oppression and exploitation. They understand how to do things in a way that works in their area, is cost-effective, and won’t draw the negative backlash that can crush an effort.” I can listen to thousands of great sermons, take copious notes, and even remember to be grateful for all my gifts, but if I have not love — if I never speak out and work for justice for my sisters who are in bondage,“I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.” n Beth Birmingham is associate professor of leadership and change at Eastern University ( and a board member of Sisters in Service (