1 minute read


Let us make no mistake: many facilities are prisons without being named as such It would be appealing to apply our efforts to all that which, in some way or another, imprisons bodies and minds Prison Insider’s scope, however, is limited to prisons. But the experience of incarceration is varied. It marks every individual in a different way. What remains of prison after the sentence and outside of its walls?

We are betting on the imaginary in this unprecedented collaboration: we have invited the artist Arnaud Théval to take up the pages of our 2021 activity report.


For ten years Arnaud has been visiting prisons. His artistic mediation calls our attention to blind spots and porosities, emancipation, and the place of imagination and critique He invites us to explore what is left behind He asks us to consider: which images of prisons inhabit us? He unfolds these, stages them at their most harsh, illuminates their poetry or their misery, each one of them founded on photographs taken in French prison facilities.

Arnaud transports us to where inside and outside speak, to the origins of a fog that struggles increasingly to clear. Let us follow him, and question what we see: prison has escaped us*.

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