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Pages 151–161

October 2009

Private Circulation The Monthly PDF Bulletin


October 2009


October 2009 Barbed wire August Water Sand One-Shot sign-painter’s High tide   enamel Symphonic Bon Ami™ Secret Apples Fog Pears Row boat Cherries Rotten pier Blackberries Sand spit Salt Steep cliff Clay Flood stream Horse hair International jeeps Grass Rust Semen Oxidation Leather Slow explosion Tree fort Syringe Underground fort Tetanus shot Wood blinds Cousin Teal carpet Doctor Small wood stove Dentist Pink insulation Yacht Pine trees Grateful Dead Wood glue “The eye is the jewel of Knotty plywood   the body” Cob webs Robo-fry Styrofoam blocks Camp fire Sixteen-penny galvanized Scotch broom   nails Yellow Evergreens Allergies Tad poles Inspector Gidget and Smoky, Civic Center   ponies Orca statue Small back-hoe Chicken wire Grave Aqua-colored typewriter BMX course Road construction Hay jumping Country fair One car per hour Hay ride Rocks Roller skating Eagles Halloween Crow’s nest Graveyard Seagull Loosened tombstone Alka-Seltzer Rope swing Low tide Seaweed Two-stroke engine Jellyfish Hand Bob Ross Third-degree burn Edward Hopper Bowl of ice Sawhorse Kite Dog hair

Black tire Rope buried in beach Scuba lessons Air compressor Balls of mercury on   concrete Garbage cans Skidding on rocks Maggots Drunken bees Flight path Orca stuck in low tide Shark blood on bow Tackle box Beach glass Crumbling cliff Exposed roots Homemade helicopter Jet Ski Broken arm Shredded plastic bag Captain’s house   (abandoned) Bulkhead Oyster farm Tidelands Mill Church School house Business Weekly newspaper Felix Frozen pipes Gangs of dogs No fences Boysenberries Barometer Compass Olympia Cascadia Mosquito Fleet Poppies Bunk-beds Costco Baseball cards Logger breakfast One-ton anchor Weed-eater Lawn mower

Edger Hose Copy machine Vandalized Mormon   church Meth lab The sticks School bus Riptide Red tide Spider crab Sea otter Mussels Message in a bottle Encyclopedia Stolen garage-sale signs Gravel-encrusted wound Fern Gully Mount Saint Helens Machete Atrium Mushroom grows in   carpet Windows need   re-caulking Fighter pilot Bad vision Black Hills Case Inlet Treasure Island State park Key Center Red Dog’s Key Bank Huckleberry Inn Cherokee Explorer Tractor Intercourse AKA hay fever Rope ladder Black roof shingles Pellet gun Blue tarp Urine Geo Metro


October 2009


October 2009


October 2009

Seiche: Rain-x vs Aquapel

A screenshot of a map showing the intermediary stages of construction of a pedestrian-crossing in Providence, R.I. A new 50foot-wide, landscaped pedestrian overpass (above) will replace the old, narrow footbridge. The satellite image below shows the site after the old footbridge was demolished, but before new construction was under way.


’m standing under a corner

— which is the same kind that

you, then hangs up. Another

of construction scaffolding;

gives you a headache driving

turn. You wonder who it was,

in one hand I’m holding three

home at the end of a Tuesday,

what they said, but don’t ask.

white plastic bags of groceries,

or simply always happens to be

Your literary pretensions,

and in the other my deployed

rambling when the headache sets

which also serve as a defense

black umbrella. As I wait for

in — drones on. By this time of

against dangerous thoughts,

the light to turn — watching

night, however, your mind has

lead you to muse that each

the purling water wash down

passed a certain threshold,

raindrop (likely created when a

44th Street and flow left in a

after forgetting about the

larger drop, flattened by its

wide arc onto Fourth Avenue — I

headache. All the words morph

descent, caught a pocket of

see you drive past.

together and, after ditching

air, billowed open like a para-

On your dashboard, the yellow,

their referents, start to sound

chute, and burst into an array

red, and white lights, some

musical, like during the mind’s

of droplets) that’s racing

with black illustrations, oth-

twilight before sleep, when

toward this windshield is one

ers with blurry green digits,

talking sounds like Coltrane

of Borges’s Alephs, reflecting

make up the foreground. Illumi-

and vice versa. Not much vis-

its world in a tiny distorted

nated by the two Xenon head-

ibility tonight.

orb. The wipers are new, and

lamps, a conical tunnel of rain

The phone rings. She picks it

they’re doing a good job, you

pelts the windshield. It’s

up. You turn the radio off and

think. Yes, it’s satisfying to

raining, but you’re dry in the

steer the car around a bend.

watch them work so diligently,

car — obvious yet comfortable

She had said something, which

so efficiently.

facts. The voice on the radio

you missed, followed by a thank


October 2009


October 2009


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