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Estate Planning

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Accessory Trends




The first thing to understand is that writing a will and having an estate plan are actually two different processes, even though an estate plan will include a will.


Creating a will can be a fairly simple process. It will address who will take care of your children, who will take over your business, and who receives your assets and other personal property. A will requires the naming of an executor responsible for ul lling the deceased s wishes Having one s wishes de ned in a will ensures privacy, helps avoid family disputes and saves money by avoiding probate and the expense of attorneys and public trustees to determine the distribution of assets which then becomes public information.


Estate planning is the process of designating who will manage and distribute assets after death or incapacitation. It is a more intensive process and includes a variety of documents including the last will and testament. While it may be overwhelming to contemplate, a well-designed estate plan will ensure that assets are distributed according to one’s wishes. In addition to the last

will and testament, an estate plan might include a living will, a nancial power of attorney, a living trust, and bene ciary designations An estate plan can be particularly helpful in the case of multiple marriages, business ownership, speci c charitable donations, or speci c requests for health or property. It can also ensure wishes are carried out and that assets are distributed as designated.


A living will is a document that describes the type of care one would want if incapacitated and cannot speak for themself. This can assist the amily with difficult decisions and avoid con usion A nancial power o attorney allows for a designated appointee to handle nancial a airs in the event of incapacitation. They can make nancial decisions in accordance with the instructions de ned in the estate plan.


A living trust is a document created during one’s life where a designated person, the trustee, is given responsibility for managing that individual s assets or the bene t o the eventual bene ciary It is designed to allow or the easy trans er o assets, thereby avoiding probate. A living revocable trust allows someone to be their own trustee and allows or changes in bene ciary at any time An irrevocable living trust is restrictive, and bene ciaries may not be changed but there are certain bene cial tax consequences

Bene ciary designations explain who receives which assets such as an IRA, insurance policy, savings account, or other nancial instruments.

A well-executed estate plan can minimize gift, estate and generation skipping transfer taxes to ensure that the family receives as much of the deceased’s estate as possible. Everyone’s plan is di erent and requires the right team o pro essionals to implement. It is also important to update the plan regularly as personal circumstances, legislation, and tax laws change frequently.

This article is for informational purposes only. Please consult a professional.

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