Karnataka Examinations Authority Syllabus 2017| Download Latest PDO/GPS Exam Syllabus

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Private Jobs hub: - KEA PDO Syllabus 2017

Karnataka Examinations Authority Syllabus 2017| Download Latest PDO/GPS Exam Syllabus Karnataka Examinations Authority conducts every year by several examinations to appoint large number of job seekers to recruit them for various available posts. Candidates looking for Latest PDO/GPS Exam Syllabus can get it from here. If you’re among those who have applied for post recruitment of Panchayat Development Officer and Gram Panchayat Secretary Post have to appear and qualify PDO/GPS Exam.

And for preparation of this exam, appliers must be aware with their KEA PDO Syllabus and exam pattern. So, Candidates you can easily download Karnataka Examinations Authority Syllabus or exam pattern from this page or through online mode.Karnataka Examinations Authority is a prime means to conduct several examinations the same as Common Entrance Test among a variety of test/examinations one is KEA PDO. These tests are implemented for providing job opportunities to eligible for post Panchayat Development Officer and Gram Panchayat Secretary. KEA PDO Syllabus

Private Jobs hub: - KEA PDO Syllabus 2017 General Knowledge General Knowledge of topics relating to current events; General sciences, Geography, Indian society and its dynamics, Social sciences, Indian history, Social and cultural history of Karnataka, Indian constitution and public administration, Practical knowledge and mental ability (SSLC Level). Land reforms and social changes in Karnataka after independence, (Karnataka’s economy: its strength and weakness; present status), (Rural development, Panchayat raj institutions and rural co-operatives), Role of science and technology for effective administration of Karnataka & Environmental problems and the development issues of Karnataka General English English grammar, Vocabulary, Spelling, Synonyms, Antonyms, Incorrect usage & Power to understand and comprehend English language and ability to discriminate between correct General Kannada English grammar, Vocabulary, Spelling, Synonyms & Antonyms, Power to understand and comprehend English language and ability to discriminate between correct and incorrect usage Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Knowledge Constitution of Grama Panchayat, Staff of Grama Panchayats, Taxes and Fees, Grants and Funds of Grama Panchayats, Financial Control and Audit, Constitution of Taluk Panchayat, Constitution of Zilla Panchayat, Inspection and Supervision, Miscellaneous, Special Rural Development Programmes & Functions, Duties, and Powers of Grama Panchayats, Adhyaksha, and Upadhyaksha. Conversion of a smaller urban area or a transitional area and amalgamation… Check Out: - SBI SO Syllabus KEA Exam Pattern Examinations that re conducted by Karnataka Examinations Authority are Objective Multiple Choice Type of Exam, which has two papers; namely paper 1 & Paper 2. Subjects like General Knowledge, General Kannada, General English consist total 100 Number of Questions all together of 200 marks and Rural Development and Panchayat Raj have 100 Questions of 200 marks. Duration of Kea Exams is 2 hours and appliers are suggested to prepare well before appearing for this exam. Here are Few Tips to Crack PDO/GPS Exam…   

Problem solving is important and giving lengthy answers will not help You need to make an effort of keeping track of your speed and accuracy to solve the questions. Remember think unique and write smartly

Private Jobs hub: - KEA PDO Syllabus 2017   

Being innovative and intuitive creates a great balance at solving problems if they are not belongs to your course book Always read the questions with ease and do not hurry into answering quickly as nothing ruins matters than being overly eager to finish first. Give proper time to your studies and prepare well.

Keep visiting our website for getting latest updates on KEA PDO Syllabus, KEA Exam. From here, you can also get information of any other exam, syllabus, exam pattern etc so stay connected with us, we’ll shortly update this page…..

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