Review gbanas92
Prog With A Vapor Sheen:
Digging into w i n t e r q u i l t 愛が止ま’s
Upon booting the album up, a wall of sound rises up to smack you in the face. Deep, fuzzy bass and a hypnotic drum beat come up to greet you, sounding like a thrash metal band playing through a funnel. And this is when things start to get weird. As the opening track “Falling” proceeds, creepy, distorted vocals start making themselves known, and the album begins to transition from in-your-face to under-your-skin. Before things start to get too creepy though, Winterquilt pulls things back a bit; the second track “Him” eases off, letting a bit of sunshine in. This track also has the most traditional vaporwave sound by far, relying less on rock elements — at first, anyway. Hot off the presses at Geometric Lullaby, following their long line of
feeling established in the first
stellar releases, comes a new release
track returns, creating a bizarre
from glimmer artist w i n t e r q u i l
juxtaposition with what, up until
t 愛が止ま. Since entering the scene
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Before long, however, the unnerving
this point, sounds like a Playstation
in 2018, their sound has definitely
1 soundtrack. This sound bleeds
shifted to darker places, and nowhere
into the third track, as well, which
is this fact better displayed than with
feels much like a cross between the
their newest release, H Y M N.
opening pair of songs. Through these