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Public Spaces and Un-Explored Character of Flora

Categories of Existing Public Space Along River

Categories of Existing Public Space Along River


Places with strong religious associations – Temples

Places that facilitates both religious and recreational activities – Ghats

These set of archival images public spaces and interaction ecosystem. The old Sama bridge for day-to-day activities as travelers. The Sayaji Bhag had manicured landscape making

Place for recreational activities –Gardens, zoo and planetarium

These space are along the river but still does not have physical or visual connection to the water. This make river ecosystem distant from the city.

River and People

River being one of the core elements in city in inaccessible to majority of people due to:

Flooding and uneven terrain

Existing Public Spaces

Existing Public Space

This plan shows the existing public spaces along river and important landmarks in city.

Existing Flora Along

Existing Flora Along River

This plan shows existing flora along river characterized

Nature of Public Spaces River and People

Public Spaces

Overlapping the existing public spaces and fauna, it gave the scope and zones to develop and rejuvenate the spaces, that responds to the local flora and river ecosystem. Additional layer of activity mapping guides the program and function of the public space.

images shows the nature of interaction of humans and river bridge and ghats were used well as resting sport of had an approach to water and it popular recreational place.

characterized according to its and

In plan yellow color shows the identified recreational zone and orange as religious zone. The nature of activities helps in make decision about where to have physical connection or visual connection to water and where to have no approach to let river ecosystem thrive.

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