Pro-Trucker Magazine | May 2018 Issue

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May 2018

mAy 2018

Rig of The Month Featuring Leon Gano Starting on page 20 to AdvErtisE cAll 1-800-331-8127 or EmAil tori@PtmAG.cA



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may 2018


From the Editor’s desk... By John White VOLUME 20, ISSUE 04 OF 11

PUBLISHER/EDITOR John White PRODUCTION/CIRCULATION Tori Proudley ADMINISTRATION Donna White ADVERTISING/MARKETING John White Tori Proudley CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dave Madill • Scott Casey Greg Evasiuk • Mel McConaghy Ed Murdoch • Colin Black • Cyn Tobin Bill Weatherstone • Lane Kranenburg PHOTOGRAPHY Ben Proudley David Benjatschek HEAD OFFICE Ph: 604-580-2092 Toll Free / Fax: 1-800-331-8127 Published eleven times a year by Pro-Trucker Magazine Inc., The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of the publisher. The advertiser agrees to protect the publisher against legal action based upon libelous or inaccurate statements; the unauthorized use of materials or photographs; and/or any other errors or omissions in connection with advertisements placed in Pro-Trucker Magazine. The publisher can and will refuse any advertising which in his opinion is misleading or in poor taste. The publisher does not endorse or make claim or guarantee the validity or accuracy of any advertisement herein contained. All materials submitted for publication are subject to editing at the publisher’s discretion. The act of mailing or e-mailing material shall be considered an expressed warranty by the contributor that the material is original and in no way an infringement on the rights of others.


Social media is alive with accusations and finger pointing by people who, with little or no facts other than personal conjecture and all too often, plain and simple prejudice, are ready to crucify the person they personally have judged to be at fault for the tragic bus accident involving the Humboldt Broncos Hockey Team. It is completely understandable that emotions are running high as the country as a whole was stunned at the news of the accident and the senseless loss of some of our nation’s best young men and women. Many in the trucking community have lost friends or relatives or know someone who has. Anyone who watched that incredibly emotional plea on Facebook by truck driver Kim Wylie, who is from Humboldt, that something has to be done, could not help but feel the pain of his and many other’s loss. I like everyone have limited knowledge of what really happened that day but I believe there are a group of people who are directly to blame. These people have an uncanny way of disappearing into the shadows and then emerging as our saviours in the middle of a well-planned photo op when the opportunity arises. They are the ones that we have elected to make the laws that are meant to keep our highways safe but in my opinion every Prime Minister, Premier and Transport Minister, both Federal and Provincial, since the early 1990’s own a piece of each and every accident, injury and death involving a truck on our highways. In the 1990’s the Federal and Provincial Ministers of Transport along with industry “stakeholders” met with the intention of building a program that would be the minimum standard for obtaining a Class 1 license in Canada. Over the next few years it was worked on until, after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars of the project, it was presented to the industry as the, “Earning Your Wheels Course.” Once it was finalized it was immediately shelved because, and only because, the provincial politicians of the day, and every day since, refused to loosen their grip on their precious personal power that enables them to make their own laws concerning transportation. The Federal Government was and is just as guilty as they have never fully taken on the responsibility to push forward and find a way to implement a national standard, Why? Because it is “too difficult” to get our provinces and territories to agree on a nationwide licensing system. Instead they did little or nothing. The rules that our fathers taught us don’t seem to apply to our well compensated politicians because it seems that when the going gets tough the politicians go golfing with their supporting lobbyists. Now consider this. The 26 countries that comprise the European Union and all the countries bordering the EU, including Russia, took 3 years to implement a system that is used by all. Yes that is right 26 countries and all bordering countries! They also have hours of service rules and an electronic log system that, in comparison, makes our current and proposed system look exactly like what it is– a dinosaur that

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is already 20 years behind the times. Our writer Colin Black explained how their system works: In the EU a driver is issued a universal driver’s card (pictured below) the chip in the card holds 2 weeks data relating to that driver’s hours of service and is universally accepted in any truck. On May 1, 2006, it became law that every truck built in, or for the UK, had to have the e-log machine fitted at the factory. All the machines have a paper roll that can be used in the event of a malfunction of the card while out on the road. The drivers cards are downloaded into the computer hard drive at the end of every shift.

driving. This can be taken in any combination of 15 minute breaks or all at once. This partially helps reduce the times that you are forced to drive tired because if not you will lose hours that cannot be made up later. How can you make a decent living at 9 hours a day? Unlike North America everyone is paid by the hour. This eliminates the rush jobs where a driver is forced to break the law if they want to keep their jobs. Colin says they also have a strict graduated licensing system that is divided into 4 classes. Class 1: Top weight trucks, 44 ton gross weight, that’s on six axles three on the truck and three on the trailer.

The EU hours of service limits are also different in that Class 2: Three and four axle rigid trucks, cement mixers and they are restricted to driving to 9 hours a day but you must tippers, that kind of thing. Four axles are 32 ton GVW and take a 45 minute break within or after the first 4.5 hours of three axles are 26 ton GVW.

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mAy 2018


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Class 3: Two axle rigid trucks at 17 ton GVW. Class 4: 7.5 GVW - there were too many people thinking they could hire a van and do their own house removal, going from a mini to a 20 foot long van with no experience and it sometimes turned out to be a bit of a disaster. The European system may not be perfect for Canada but one thing is sure and that is we need a driver training course that sets a minimum standard for entry level drivers. We also need a graduated licensing system that ensures no one gets behind the wheel of a vehicle until they have proven they are capable of handling that unit. This graduated licensing must be overseen at each level by qualified government examiners – not stakeholders. Above all we need to change the classification of truck drivers from unskilled to skilled tradesman with the appropriate Red Seal Certification. If this were done we would be able to entice young Canadians to work in a skilled trade earning a decent living instead of taking a low paying job while our government relies on immigration to fill a job that can be done by our sons and daughters. Another thing to think about is that truck driver is still the most common job description given on the Canadian census. That is a huge voting body. Any politician worth their salt, whether it be our Premier, our Prime Ministers or our provincial or federal Transportation Ministers, has been or should have been aware of this problem for years. If they are not willing to take responsibility and make changes, that only they can make, then maybe we should make some changes.


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John Wh Magazine Pro-Trucker

Dear Editor, Following more than four years in the works, British Columbia has decided to release what they originally referred to as a “pilot car safety guideline�. The original aim of the review was to increase safety, ensure all were abiding by the rules, creating a level playing field and a move toward a recognized training and certification program for pilot car drivers. The result of more than four years of tax payers time and money has produced guidelines which only a very few abide by and others consider a free for all. CVSE management said that they would move on formal training and certification once the review was completed but it seems this turned out to be just smoke and mirrors used at the time to placate those whose main concern was highway safety. When is British Columbia going to pay attention to safety or, at the very least, the laws presently on the books? These laws are repeatedly ignored by a number

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of pilot cars (not all) who don’t have the proper signs, have excessive flashing lamps and other non-approved equipment. And it seems one of the main concerns of training pilot car drivers to perform their roles as “escorts not traffic cops” in the movement of oversized loads on our highways has gone by the wayside. It’s time the management of the CVSE and the minister went along on one of these oversized moves so they could see firsthand some of the risks facing the public, road crews, police and trucks. They should experience the thrill of meeting a 20’ wide load traveling on a 2 lane highway with nowhere to get out of the way. And then of course you have the odd carrier that ignores permit conditions and insists on moving in the middle of a snow storm. As it stands today there is no law in Canada, other than for the aviation industry, that specifies what constitutes inclement weather, so it is left to the companies discretion with no way to enforce it until there is an accident. Respectfully, Anonymous Editor’s note: I sat in on that meeting with CVSE management 4 years ago when this initiative was being discussed and the writer is correct in that the ultimate aim was to standardize all signage and rules and regulations and establish a safety and certification program for all pilot car drivers in Western Canada. The CVSE people in that meeting were very much in favour of working with the other provinces to make this part of the industry safer for all involved. Unfortunately the people who ultimately give the go ahead to these programs are the politicians who are far removed from the reality of what happens on the highways. It seems that their desperate grip on individual provincial power is more important to them than the lives of the people who gave them that power. John, The tragic accident that took the lives of the bus driver, staff and players, of the Humboldt Broncos Hockey Team is a wound that will never heal in the lives of the families, friends and many other people. Both the mAy 2018

bus and the truck drivers were Class 1 drivers and no matter what our personal opinion is, to be fair, we should all wait for the final results of the investigation before crucifying one or the other. I think it is safe to say that neither driver left home with anything but the intention of doing their job and going back home. It is my opinion that the government must finally admit that in today’s world truck driving should be reclassified as a certified trade and a country wide minimum standard with graduated licensing set. Bob Spencer Saskatoon Editor’s note: My son is a plumber/pipe fitter and is very good at his trade. He went through a 4 year apprenticeship with a minimum number of work hours in the trade each year as well as 6 weeks of class room work per year. This is because of government regulations. If he messes up you will have a flooded basement. (Sorry Kevin) Compare that to a truck driver who can get his license in 2 weeks and, with the governments blessing, can drive any vehicle with any legal load and combination of trailers on our highways. Like every other accident the politicians are currently lining up for photo ops and, feigning ignorance of the situation, saying in mock indignation that something must be done. We have heard it time and time again in the past and only time will tell if the politicians will finally step up and do their jobs. *****

Desperate Plea

The Immigration “debate” in the U.S. has created a flurry of activity in local and national media and there are many stories that break your heart. One such story is about a Latino man who is worried by the crackdown on immigration. In an attempt to seek some relief from this terrible situation, this man posted this note on the White House website: “I’m terrified that Trump is going to deport my Latina mother-in-law who is here illegally and lives at 1801-3rd Street Los Angeles 90023 - blue house on the corner, she gets home from work about 6:00pm”.

to AdvErtisE cAll 1-800-331-8127 or EmAil tori@PtmAG.cA




By Scott Casey Scott, our Rig of The Month for May 2003 has written “Ghostkeepers” a book about his years as a gun toting truck driver while serving as a Canadian Peacekeeper in the former Yugoslavia. Excess Baggage Growing up as a young boy, I recall my grandmother telling me stories of her childhood during the Great Depression. How times in the Dirty Thirties were tough, and you had to be as well, or you wouldn’t survive. One story which struck a chord, and has remained in my mind since, was how they used to pack their modest sandwiches in wax paper. Off to school they would go with those wax paper wrapped sandwiches tucked away for the lunch hour break. At noon those sandwiches were enjoyed, without letting a single crumb go to waste. The wax paper was licked clean so as not to lose any of the delicious flavours either and then it was folded neatly for transport back home. After school she and her friends would walk home and set to doing a host of chores, but not until the wax paper was unfolded and placed by the sink for washing. Her mom would wash the sandwich wrap, dry it and place it back in the drawer for tomorrow’s lunch. It was kept in a drawer with neatly folded tinfoil and other items that would be

reused. An unheard of practice by today’s standards. Generally speaking, Western society lives in a world of waste. Products are more easily replaced with new ones than repaired and almost no one would ever consider reusing trivial items such as wax paper. Plastic re-sealable sandwich bags now sit in the drawer where the wax paper and tinfoil both lived. The word re-sealable sandwich bag is a bit of a misnomer because we know the bag will be opened and then discarded. So where does this fit into the trucking world you ask? There is a direct comparison to how the drivers of the past and those of today are treated very much the same as wax paper and a re-useable sandwich bag. Decades ago, drivers were a precious commodity. Once trained they were something for a company to hold onto, putting them away each night after a very respectful treatment upon their return to the terminal. The companies understood that they couldn’t afford to just toss drivers away. It was bad for the bottom line and also for company perception. Today however, drivers are tossed to the curb at an alarming rate. Stop. I know what you’re thinking. “Most drivers are garbage nowadays anyway.” Right? That’s what you were thinking. The reality is this. Drivers, have noticed a steady decline in quality, but it’s something that has been brought to the industry by a few factors. The desire for some businesses to squeeze every dollar out of every sandwich bag they can push out has been far outweighing their desire

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to produce a quality product. This in turn sets the standard for upcoming drivers seeking a place in the industry. And it’s a low one. Another factor is the big business and big government collaboration to also squeeze every dollar and tax dollar out of us. Rather than hire drivers from within our country, companies receive incentives to hire from outside Canada. ((Just a few days ago a driver pulled into a site where you must be able to speak and read English just by the very nature of the jobsite. He couldn’t. Not to mention that is a prerequisite for holding a Class 1 licence in Canada. But this is an entirely separate article that I will be writing next month. The troubling thing is that we won’t recognize change for the better until the industry as a whole, combined with a complete overhaul of quality over quantity, is in place. Until the shift from sandwich bags to wax paper happens, we will still be saddled with a soggy flavourless lunch carried around in a lot of excess baggage. *****


Trump was walking toward his limo, when an assassin steps forward and aims a gun. A secret service agent, shouts “Mickey Mouse!” This startles the assassin and he is captured. Later, the secret service agent’s supervisor takes him aside and asks, “What made you shout Mickey Mouse?” Blushing, the agent replies, “I got nervous. I meant to shout, Donald, duck!”


By Ed Murdoch

Ed has held a commercial drivers license for 65 years and has spent the better part of 50 years on the road. You can get Ed’s new book at The topic for this month’s rant is Distracted Driving but don’t change channels just yet - I know it’s been done to death but perhaps there are some issues which have avoided one’s attention. After all, this was written in March which was Distracted Driving Awareness Month in BC. Back in the ‘good ol’ days’ I acquired the handle, “The Birddawg.” At one time the term bird dog was used by truckers to refer to a radar detector in a big rig. Remember those things? They would go off when passing by a dentist’s office triggered by whatever weapon of torture Dr. Yankem was using to terrify his or her helpless patient at the time. For some reason I had this uncanny ability back then to be able to know where the official radar traps where located and I would warn my fellow skinners as I went by and verified my suspicions - thus the moniker - which has stuck to me like Velcro for these many years If you are on the Trans Canada passing through the Shuswap on a Saturday morning from 9:00 to 10:00 you may listen to the ranting of “The Birddawg” on community

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radio which may be found on your FM dial at 93.7, The Voice of the Shuswap. The program for which The Birddawg is responsible is entitled Driving Through My Memories, same as the byline on this column and the book recounting much of my career that was published a few years ago. On the first Saturday of March, I was on my way to Kelowna for a symposium and dropped into my home in Enderby briefly to pick up some papers. I live on a dead end street, the same avenue that houses the RCMP detachment, only on the other side of the highway. My cell phone was turned off and was on the charger, but its position was interfering with my stick shift so when I stopped to enter the highway to go south I lifted the phone up to move it to a better location. Before reaching the end of town I noticed an RCMP cruiser behind me with lights flashing, so I dutifully pulled over to let him by. Only he didn’t pass but deftly pulled in behind me. Sauntering up to my open window he began, “How are you today, sir?” to which I politely replied, “Well officer so far so good but I’m pretty certain you didn’t stop me to discuss how my day’s going.” He then proceeded to tell me that he saw me with my Smartphone in hand and was I not aware that it is against the law. I admitted I knew and as the writer of a monthly column in a trade magazine and the host of a weekly radio show in Salmon Arm, both on the transportation industry, I vehemently advocate at every opportunity the non-use of handheld devices while driving. The officer asked for my driver’s licence and went to his car

where he spent much more time than I thought reasonable to check out my clean driving record. Returning to my open window he passed back my licence along with a piece of blue paper and said, “I’m not going to give you a ticket today, sir, this is a Notice & Order and I don’t care what you do with it. Just be aware that there is a fine of $368 plus the loss of four points which totals a penalty of $543 for using a hand-held device. Twice in three years and it goes up to $2,000. Have a safe trip!” So there you have “the rest of the story”. They’re watching and to be quite honest with you I did not see this officer or his car when leaving my street or I might have been a tad more discreet. Distracted driving kills more people now than drinking and driving. It just isn’t worth it - so don’t! And talking or texting on a cell phone isn’t the only distraction one might be guilty of performing while driving. Applying lipstick, combing hair, reading, playing with one’s dog, yelling at a passenger or another motorist, looking around lost not knowing the route and eating or drinking are all distractions that could cause one’s day to end quite badly. I don’t wish to sound like a parent but even if one is using hands-free technology it can be a distraction since the focus is on the person at the other end of the conversation and not on the job at hand. And unlike having a passenger in the vehicle that has an extra pair of eyes to scan the environment, the person at the other end of the conversation is totally unaware of goings-on in your surrounding environment.

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may 2018

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Personally I do not like the fact that the majority of mom and pop truck stops have disappeared from the landscape to be replaced by those mammoth, impersonal travel plazas where everything imaginable is available quickly and easily and one is back on the road in a flash. A&W, Burger King, McDonalds, Tim Hortons … how many times have you seen a trucker with mustard, ketchup or coffee stains on his/her shirt as the result of driving while consuming edibles? No, it ain’t cool! The days of the old truck stop as a gathering place to catch up on the news from the asphalt jungle, where every driver had his/her personal coffee cup hanging on a hook on the wall may be gone forever but the nostalgia and the memories still linger. The fabric of the industry has changed dramatically over the years and is still changing but I am not convinced all of it is for the better. The technology that drives the transportation economy is phenomenal but I often wonder if the human disconnect that has accompanied it, resulting in an absence of camaraderie and cooperation of all the parties involved is going to be socially worth the sacrifice in the long term. We hear it often from government officials these days … “We have to do better!” Indeed we do … all of us … 10-4! *****

Times Have Changed




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In the 60’s, people took acid to make the world look weird. Now the world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it look normal.


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mAy 2018


MILE AFTER MILE By Cyn Tobin Cyn has been driving trucks for 34 years. She has hauled loads all across North America and specializes in expedited perishable freight. In light of the recent tragedy surrounding the Humboldt Hockey Team I firstly would like to extend my condolences and heartfelt sympathy to all the victims, their families, the witnesses, the first responders, the transport driver and anyone else touched by this tragedy. As tragic as they are... no one wants to face to reality. Yes it indeed was a horrible tragedy and really can the fault be anymore one than the other? In this industry the majority of people look toward the “professional driver” to lay fault. This is not something we as drivers find appealing and it goes without saying that, yes there are a great deal of poorly trained, under qualified, inexperienced and at times....nonlicenced drivers at the helm of what then becomes a ticking time bomb. All things considered as I can see through my decades of experience it’s a mess of the highest most tragic form. Not only for all involved.... but for an industry that will forever bear this mark under a burden of criticism. I find myself searching deep within my knowledge and personal

Marketing/Communications Professional for Hire • More than 20 years of experience • Driven to see you succeed Let’s do this together! experiences of rolling up and down this blacktop Mile After Mile.....questions I just can’t answer without doubt....hearsay says the driver of the semi had limited I ask myself.... Had the truck driver been more experienced would he have been able to stop under such a heavy load? Or would he have done like any and every one of us have... rolled the stop sign after looking south then north and through.... ? Then enters the part no one wants to address or even consider....The Bus. May the driver R.I.P. As society in their anger looks toward the semi driver as needing to place guilt.... are we certain beyond any doubt that the bus at any point and time through the day along his route, did not exceed the posted speed limit? No.


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Had the bus been doing the posted speed the entire trip would he still have been at that intersection at that moment? No, he wouldn’t have. Are we sure the bus wasn’t in excess of the posted speed upon impact? Again, No we can’t be 100% percent certain of this, or of anything .... But as professionals we can pretty much see what happened, as anyone of us who have been driving any length of time have experienced similar, near misses. Yet as most members of the general public will see it.... it must be the truck drivers fault. After all he is alive, and the Media will take their turn in the crucifixion of this driver. That said, if you stop for a second and ask yourself.... would you react any differently? Probably not. This is all human nature.... but what’s not human nature, in this writer’s opinion ..are the events that led to these two drivers being at that intersection at that precise moment. It didn’t start that day.... it started long before that day. Years in fact. This is the result of a system laced with government greed. A system that chose to ignore the ramifications of not making trucking a trade and leaving the gates open under blue collar, then flooding the industry at such a rapid rate that the truest teachings were lost... We are supposed to be professionals. We are supposed to have the highest training and standards on the road. We are supposed to be the example We are supposed to set the examples for everyone else. We are supposed to make sure that above all else.... the roads remain


safe. We are the Professionals who take pride in their career and excelled at mentoring the up and coming young drivers. Some of us, still wave that flag.... Unfortunately not enough of us, as we have become an almost extinct rung on a ladder of change. Qualifying standards have become extremely lax and albeit a decent government exam to pass, a lot of the nonprofessional drivers are simply being taught what they need to know to pass the exam. They are not being taught to be a professional. This needs to change. I fear that even with all the deadly crashes involving Semi trucks the only changes will be ones that are detrimental and reactive, when a proactive solution must be found. My hope as I travel along these roads.... is the 38 deaths between two major collisions not be without change. Yes, the events of April 6, 2018 will live in our hearts throughout eternity, just as the events of the horrific crash of May 28, 1980. Remember folks as you roll along Mile After Mile that we are the Professionals out here..... and this blurb is nothing more than this writer’s, (and relative of a deceased player) opinion and thoughts. Drive Safe ***** Arguing with a woman is like reading the Software License Agreement. In the end, you just ignore everything and click, “I agree”.

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Truckers help stop man from killing himself on Michigan highway

HUNTINGTON WOODS, Mich.—More than a dozen tractor-trailers lined up beneath a Detroit-area freeway overpass to aid police trying to help a man contemplating suicide. Michigan state police Lt. Michael Shaw said troopers received a call early Tuesday about the man standing on an overpass above Interstate 696 in Huntington Woods. As officers routed traffic away, they directed truckers to drive into positions to shorten the fall

if the man jumped. Thirteen trucks lined the freeway as police dealt with the man. The incident lasted about four hours until he walked off to waiting officers and to seek medical help. Shaw said troopers typically work with truckers during such incidents, but it’s unusual to have so many involved. He adds there are “many other options out there aside from taking your own life.” 

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Rig of the M o n t h

Rig of the Month by: By Greg Evasiuk Photo’s by: Leon Gano

In trying to find our rig of the month for May I was hav- the patch. As he told me yet another story about rig moving it ing coffee with my friend Leon and he was trying to help by dawned on me. “You should be the rig of the month.” I said going over all of the characters we know and have known in


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“What… no there’s other people out there way more interesting than me.” Leon said but I think even he knew I was right. Now I have a disclaimer from the start; this story is told second hand from coffee shop interviews taken by yours truly. Well actually that and stories told in the office when we worked together dispatching trucks or while taking out my hard wood floors or fixing my overhead door or pulling a friend out of a sticky situation… you see I am well qualified to tell the story because I’ve heard it a time or two. The other reason is because I want to. Leon is one of the good guys, always donating his time to helping his friends of which there’s a ton. When he was the General Manager at the oilfield company where we worked together he was the first one to run out and help tie a load down or teach a green hand the right way to do something. We became friends while we worked there and I’ve been a little in awe since. In awe because he is always helping out a friend. He never forgets to give me a shout or shoot me an off color text just to say hi and to him it’s no big deal. Being that he doesn’t work for a large fleet I know he’ll never have one of those driver of the month or lifetime achievement awards. Guys like Leon deserve it though and Rig of the Month let us show that appreciation. With that said some dates may not be entirely accurate and names may be changed or omitted to protect the guilty! Leon Gano was born in Edmonton in 19… (I’m sure its public record but I’m not saying) shortly thereafter his parents moved

him and his two older sisters to a farm south of Anselmo hall. His grandfather had a homestead near Windfall (west of Whitecourt) and he had an uncle that farmed closer to Blue Ridge as well. After settling near Anselmo (which you really can miss in a blink) Leon’s parents would have 7 more children, 2 boys and 5 more girls. Growing up on the farm Leon learned how to drive at a young age and also learned a lot about how to fix things. In 1973 he decided to move off the farm and into Whitecourt where he started his first driving job. It was driving a little Ford F750 hauling water. With a 361 gas pot and

Leon Gano

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5 and 2 I’m pretty sure it’s not what gave Leon the need for speed but it was enough to get him hooked on trucking. It was around the same time that his dad was the propane supplier in the area and had a Single axle cabover Ford and an International V-liner that Leon and his brothers helped drive. It was around 1979 Leon started working for Art Premeau hauling rigs and equipment. It was a big jump up from running around in a body job and he took to it right away. His first truck there was an R-Model Mack with a 300+ a 6 speed main and 4 speed aux hooked most of the time to a tandem lowboy. I remember those trucks really well because the Premeau shop was right next door to Whitecourt Transport so growing up I saw them running back and forth every day hauling cats, drilling rigs, loads of pipe and just about anything that would fit on a deck. Art had a real mixed fleet with a few of the tandem R model winch tractors, a couple single axle Mack bed trucks, Kenworth LW bed trucks, some Pete winch tractors with the steel fenders and butterfly hoods and a couple KW’s with early Pitman 8 ton pickers. I always thought they were sharp in the two tone green and white. I know I told you some of these stories were told in a coffee shop which usually means there’s a degree of exaggeration but I’ve checked my sources and this a pretty accurate account of a few of Leon’s exploits at Premeau that were actually told to me by others. He verified them after I assured him the statute of limitations had run out and the scales couldn’t prove it anyways!

So the crew was out moving a rig down highway 32 about 20 miles of highway and another 4 or 5 of bush road on each end. Leon had ran to move something on the wheeler and showed up back the lease to find the picker truck just getting ready to leave. “We’re gonna set up at the new and unload our load of pipe and you need to tie down that other load, bring it, then come back and grab that junk load we just finished” he motioned to the two floats they had sitting decked and loaded. “See ya there!” Now Leon had plans that night and this was really gonna put a damper on it. Besides the picker truck could’ve just came back and grabbed the junk load himself. Then Leon would’ve only had the one load to do and he could deck the float on the wheeler and head home. (For the uninitiated a junk load on a rig move is exactly that, junk that doesn’t fit with anything else and a wheeler is a 16 or 24 wheel highboy or lowboy used to move the heavier loads.) The picker operator set up at the new lease and he and his swamper figured Leon would be there shortly after they got set up given that he had to tie the load down and he also had/has a heavy foot! They were beginning to think he had some sort of mechanical problems and then they saw him crest the hill and found out what had taken him the extra time. Leon had not one but both trailers behind him! Now pulling a b train is no big deal but what caused the picker operator and swamper to drop their jaws was the fact

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that there was of course no converter. Nope no second fifth wheel at all! Leon had hooked the load of pipe to his tractor then after tying it down dragged the winch line back over the pipe and to the pick-up throat on the junk trailer. I could see trying to pull something like that down the bush road a couple klicks but over the highway those miles and through all those turns! Not even sure how to describe that… When I recount hearing the story from the picker operator he simply laughs and says “Well there wasn’t time to make two trips and besides wouldn’t be fair to let the picker guy sit!” Seems to make sense! Thankfully the CVE guys weren’t that active around Whitecourt at the time. Probably lucky they weren’t around much anywhere in that area at the time. You see they had a slightly different way of dealing with off duty time back there. Leon told me of a time they were coming back from a move that had taken a couple days up by Grande Prairie. He and the other winch hand were getting tired out and being that they had another move near Drayton they couldn’t stop and grab a room. There was also no sleepers on winch trucks at the time either so you couldn’t just stop at road side to stretch out. Leon’s solution to this problem is I’m sure one of the first examples of Platooning I know of, what they did was hook the front bumper of the second truck to the winch line of the first and lift the front end up. That way the back truck didn’t have to steer and he could have a nap. It gets better! The back truck would help power things along by gearing up until they were up to highway speed then pull the throttle out and have a nap. The driver in the rocking chair didn’t wake up until just out of Whitecourt! Hearing this story the first time I thought man that’s not safe at all but when we talked about it the other day it changed my mind a bit. “The guy in back was tired enough to sleep right through a ride from GP to Whitecourt in an empty truck on camelback, that’s pretty damn tired!” Leon stated that with a laugh but it makes serious sense. Anyone who has ever ridden in an old truck on springs or rubber blocks knows you would have to be dead tired to fall asleep bouncing around like that especially on Highway 43. So you definitely didn’t want the guy who was tired enough to sleep through that in control of a truck. “What we did in them days wasn’t always the safest but we got the job done and looked out for each other.” When Leon said that I knew he was right. “There wasn’t any safety programs, “best” practices, JSA’s, or any real guidelines other than what you were told by the boss or one of the experienced hands. It was probably a miracle we made it through mostly unscathed” In 1990 Leon made the decision to stay closer to home and became an overhead door repairman. Like many of us he made a choice that would keep him closer to his wife and family. He ran that business for almost 10 years doing everything from 8 ft garage doors to the big 20 ft roll-up doors at Alberta Newsprint. I personally can attest to his expertise as he’s aligned and or fixed doors for me. I know too that he is PAGE 24

TEAM DRIVERS WANTED Experience-based pay scale: Less than 1 yr - 0.2732 per mile 1 yr plus - 0.3278 per mile 8 yr plus - 0.3333 per mile ***** Union wages • Paid layover & hotels Work time pay • Pin-to-pin Full benefit package with RRSP match

Call Wayne Hartle 204-958-5000 x5019 still the first call for a ton of people in Whitecourt because he’s honest and knowledgeable. “You’re never overcharged and if it’s not quite right he comes back and fixes it” the words of endorsement I got from a customer/friend while watching him set the spring. That statement does really sum Leon’s business philosophy up too, do it right the first time and charge a fair rate for your work. The call of the road came again in the late 90’s and Leon went back to moving equipment for SL Oilfield. Not long after he decided to buy his own truck, a new T800 KW with an Aspen Double Drop beavertail lowboy with a detachable neck. For selfish reasons I’d tell you the Mack was his favorite truck but I know it was this KW. “I liked that truck a lot, it pulled well, jakes were good, rode nice…” it’s like hearing someone talk about the one that got away, “it was a great truck and the trailer was set up nice.” He’s told me a ton of stories about moving equipment with that truck most of which are more legit than the early days of rig moving! In Sept of 2007 Leon sold the truck and trailer because work was getting a little tougher to find and chasing work and receivables is no fun. It wasn’t very long after that he started with Brad’s where he was just going to be the tractor driver. At the time they just had a couple hotshot trucks, a couple pickers and just bought the winch tractor. When I met Leon in 2013 he was behind the desk dispatching. I had quit logging and was looking for work for my trucks. When I stopped by to see if they had anything for work I never expected much, we had a good

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chat a couple laughs and he said he’d call if they needed me. I went to a few other places then home, the phone rang that afternoon “Remember what I said?” rhetorical question, “Well we need you tomorrow.” That’s typical of what you get with Leon, straightforward and easygoing. It’s what made him a great dispatcher. In the time we worked there I really came to appreciate that affable easygoing nature backed up with years of knowledge. If Leon told you the job was going to be an easy one 4-5 hours then it was, if he told you it was gonna be a b^&ch then it was. The drivers, operators and swampers always knew what they were getting into and they respected him for it. As I said earlier if you needed a hand Leon was quick to give it so when he asked for a little extra on a project the boys would deliver. When I moved from the truck into the office there he was instrumental in helping me figure out the finer points of dispatching trucks in the patch. We were able to help grow things around there and soon Leon was the General Manager. While I know it wasn’t the hat he wanted to wear I really liked his simple approach to management and I know the drivers did to. I left there in early 2015 and Leon wasn’t far behind. He told me at the time he was retiring, which I knew was BS! He was just gonna fix the odd door maybe fill in here or there… well Leon if this is retirement it’s the one thing in trucking you’re not good at! Over the past couple years whenever I called he would be out hauling gravel, moving a cat or hauling a few loads of logs. Possibly he meant retiring from having


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one steady job… well he’s even softened on that now. For the past year Leon’s been driving this 2007 Pete 378 for John at JRSL. Johnny has a variety of work mainly moving equipment and helping haul N2 for Crossland. I know John is happy to have him too because he can send him out wherever and not worry about the truck or the job. Leon is happy to be there and I know he’s happier behind the wheel than behind a desk. I really could write a whole book filled with entertaining stories about this guy. As I said earlier he is a character and one of the good guys. Leon I’m proud to call you my friend and to be able to tell your story. *****


Kevin walked into a doctor’s office and told the receptionist he had Shingles. So she wrote down his personal information and told him to have a seat. Fifteen minutes later a nurse’s aide came out and asked Kevin what he had.....Kevin said, ‘Shingles.’ She wrote down his height, weight, medical history and told Kevin to wait in the examining room. A half an hour later a nurse came in and asked Kevin what he had. Kevin said, ‘Shingles.’ She gave Kevin a blood test and checked his blood pressure then told him to remove his clothes and wait for the doctor. An hour later the doctor came in and found Kevin sitting in the nude and asked him what he had. Kevin said, ‘Shingles.’ The doctor asked, ‘Where?’ Kevin said, ‘Outside on the truck. Where do you want me to unload them?

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Call Al 604-882-7623 REFLECTIONS THRU MY WINDSHIELD By Dave Madill Dave Madill was Pro-Trucker Magazine’s Rig of the Month in June of 2001 and he has been entertaining us with his poetry ever since. Dave has published three books of poems that are available by special order through Chapters Book Stores.

It’s A Great Load Dad and I had just delivered a load of steel to Dillon’s in Toronto and I was left to put everything away while Dad went to get the bills signed and make a few phone calls. I had just about had all the chains and binders put away when Dad came back and told me to hurry as we had a “GREAT” load waiting for us up in Downsview. I should have known something was wrong by the big grin on his face but he did say it was a “GREAT” load. When we got up to the loading yard there were two big pumps, two three inch monitor guns and a small Case tractor with a backhoe and front end loader. OK now it was starting to come together - we were obviously heading for some way back in the woods gold mine and it was likely up some road that was no more than two ruts snaking through the bush. Dad went in the office and was busy on the phone and doing paperwork while I loaded and tied everything down safe and secure. I just nicely got all loaded when Dad came out, climbed in the cab and informed me that, timing is critical so we will have to run all night. Ya – that means that Dad drives until it gets dark then I take over and drive all night while he sleeps and I haven’t had any shuteye since last night. Morning found me dead tired but still pushing on when a small restaurant/service station came into view. I pulled over, shut the rig down, and woke up sleeping beauty. Breakfast was great as it usually was at those small Mom and Pop places and to my surprise the old man paid for everything for a change. Back to the truck we went where he took over cause, as he said, he had directions written down. It was a good thing he was there as his writing was atrocious and he was about the only person who could read it. Anyway – down some back road we went and then to a

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Falls are a leading cause of injury for truck drivers Reduce your risk 1 Always use 3 points of contact 2 Face the truck and climb slowly 3 Wear proper footwear

For more safety resources visit Visit us at Truxpo 2018 — Booth #630. mAy 2018

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smaller road and then to a locked gate. Dad told me the key was under a rock beside a tree to the left of the gate and after about 20 minutes I found it under a rock to the right of the gate. I let him in, closed and locked the gate and re-hid the key - where I found it. Down a two rut trail we crawled for 2.7 miles, all in low gear, across a small stream where we found the camp set up and there was no-one in sight. We got turned around and I unchained while Dad looked around doing his best to look busy. About that time I decided I needed a rest room and took off behind the camp to find their out house. I had just finished things when I heard a horrendous noise and tore around to the camp to find Dad had come around behind the truck just as a mama Black Bear and her two cubs were walking by. Dad had somehow come between the bear and the cubs and the cubs had ran and went up a tree. Mama on the other hand had charged and Dad had hopped up on the trailer and was now on the roof of the little Case. It was quite the scene, Mama was pacing back and forth and from side to side underneath and beside the trailer roaring her displeasure, Dad was yelling trying to scare her away and the cubs were squalling. Now I guess I could have made a big circle and got to the shotgun in the cab but I didn’t want to shoot mama leaving the cubs to die but Dad had paid for breakfast so I supposed I would have to save him. Behind the trailer was an old Backhoe and I figured if I could fire it up I could walk

forward and then pick Dad of the roof with the bucket. Well I have to tell you the idea was good but have you ever run one of those old hoes? This thing had a pony engine to start the diesel and I will bet it took me thirty minutes to finally get things up and running and the whole time I had to listen to Dad and the bear. I finally got the bucket around and Dad climbed in and I swung him around behind me and then I backed away. Things finally quieted down and we sat and waited while Mama talked her cubs down from the tree and then wandered off into the bush. Dad now grabbed the shotgun and bravely stood by while I unloaded everything with the little Case and then walked it off the side of our drop deck with its bucket and loader. Dad held on to the shotgun while I put all the rigging away and he still had a grip on it until we got back on blacktop. At that point he then somehow blamed the whole thing on me. I found out much later that this was one of the jobs that Dad had taken on spec for 1% of the take and for a whole 3 days’ work we had made the grand sum of $42.15 which did not even pay the fuel - but Dad said it was a “GREAT” load. ***** In Jamaica you can get a steak and kidney pie for $2.75. In St Kitts and Nevis a steak and kidney pie will cost you $4. In Trinidad and Tobago, a steak and kidney pie is $3.75. Their apple and cherry pies are $3.50. These are the real Pie-Rates of the Caribbean.

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Our people make us better - Engrained into Van Kam’s history of 70 years is a company dedicated to growth, stability, and community. As a company that continues to prosper, we value our employees at every level and recognize that our success is based upon having committed individuals on our team. Van Kam is committed to ensuring a positive and healthy company culture with an accepting, diverse and challenging environment. We are devoted to treating all employees and customers with respect, fair treatment, and honesty.

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TYRES ACROSS THE POND Colin Black lives in Bellshill, Lanarkshire, Scotland and has been driving truck for over 40 years. His story shows us once again that the problems drivers face are universal.

Untrained Drivers When I read the Facebook post about the driving school in Calgary putting drivers through their class 1 licence with the minimal amount of training, to say I was shocked is an understatement. It’s frightening to think of even one of these untrained fake licence holders on the road behind the wheel of a big rig. Really what the school was doing was selling licences to people who saw truck driving as a pot of gold and were willing to pay whatever was asked for to get the class1. Although, in my opinion the government has got to take most of the blame. When you allow private industry to train and issue the licence it leaves the door open to unscrupulous individuals and companies to exploit the system. We’ve got a similar train of thought from the law makers over here in the UK. The government decided that every class of truck driver should have a CPC licence, Certificate of Professional Competence, and then even experienced drivers would not be able to drive without the qualification. They said it would ensure that every truck driver was at the same

basic standard of competence, although I don’t know how they expected to do that when trainers were not teaching the same standard course. The course I sat was nothing like the course some of my buddies sat. Then the government left it to transport companies and private schools to run the scheme. To get the CPC licence the driver has to undergo 35 hours of training very 5 years, as a company driver I got my training for free but there were some drivers who paid a school for the licence but never sat through a single seven hour module of the course. They supplied their details and the fee to a school who added their name to a legitimate class list and the licence was delivered by post. Thankfully the class 1 licence is a more regulated affair, there are private truck driving schools in the UK, but the testing and issuing of the licence is through a government testing station. The class 1 examiners are usually housed in the same building where the trucks go for their annual road-worthiness test. The driver pays the school for the training, but he pays the government for the test and the licence. Of course, when you get the class1 licence you can drive a truck, but you’re not a truck driver. With the benefit of hindsight I think there should then be a second test with the truck hooked to a loaded trailer, and the driver showing he knows how to hook into a trailer. But that will never happen because driving a truck has never

Professional Drivers Wanted Latest model Peterbilt trucks, serviced and washed every week Competitive pay, extended health and RRSP program Fleets include: Super B (deck and grain), Belts, Pneumatics, Liquids and Augers

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been looked upon as a “skilled” job. When the steel mills and coal mines were closing down in the UK the government offered the hundreds of redundant steel men and miners re-training in various jobs, one of which was free training to become a class 1 licenced truck driver. The number crunchers probably weighed up the cost of paying unemployment benefit to hundreds of men, against the cost of training drivers who might get a job and keep the unemployment figures down. Of course, even over here, where the class 1 licence is obtained legitimately, it doesn’t automatically make for good drivers. I met a young guy in my yard one night just before I started my nightshift. He was picking up a load from our warehouse and asked me to back his truck in for him as his reversing skills weren’t great. Unfortunately I didn’t have the time to wait until the door he was going into was clear so I’m not sure how long it took him or what damage was done during this learning period. He was also unaware of the restrictions on his driving time, maximum hours he was allowed to work and how much mandatory rest was required. He’d worked six days in a row and was going south with this pick up so he would be away the following day as well. But the scariest story I heard was from my buddy who worked for a big supermarket. They used a lot of agency temp drivers for holiday coverage and when regular drivers were off sick. One of these temps came up to him


NEW Extended Hours Mon-Fri 8 am- Midnight • Sat 8 am- 5pm when he was nightshift and asked if he would hook the trailer up for him, the guy didn’t know how to connect the brake hoses and electrical hook up. As an industry it looks like we definitely need training for the new drivers who are not coming up through a transport background. But useful training, not a money pit for greedy private firms. *****

The Deaf Wife Problem Ray feared his wife Sandra wasn’t hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem. The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss. ‘Here’s what you do,’ said the Doctor, ‘stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response.’ That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was In the den. He says to himself, ‘I’m about 40 feet away, let’s see what happens.’ Then in a normal tone he asks, ‘Honey, what’s for dinner?’ No response. So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeats, ‘Sandra, what’s for dinner?’ Still no response. Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his Wife and asks, ‘Honey, what’s for dinner?’ Again he gets no response. So, he walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. ‘Honey, what’s for dinner?’ Again there is no response.. So he walks right up behind her. ‘Sandra, what’s for dinner?’ “For Pete’s sake, Ray , for the FIFTH time, IT’S CHICKEN!’

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DELIVERING THE GOODS, SAFELY By Lane Kranenburg Lane is a former driver, fleet owner and former Executive Director of the AMTA Our Profit Center Managers AKA Truck Drivers In the year of our Lord 1971, when I started trucking you required a B or Chauffer’s operating licence and once you acquired this licence designation you were allowed to drive a truck that was equipped with air brakes and five axles. It was an interesting time because the company you wanted to work for or the company you wanted to start required operating authority which allowed you to carry freight. These authorities as well were very specific as to what you were allowed to carry. If your company wanted to haul lumber for instance your authority, if granted, was limited to lumber. These authorities were granted by Alberta Transportation and to get an authority you either had to appear before the Alberta Transportation Board and make your case, or you could purchase a company that had an authority. The authority the company we purchased had a ‘general merchandise’ designation and we were free to haul most everything except dangerous goods. Not at all like it is today where all you have to do is rent or buy a truck and you are in business. Often this presents a problem, where that non-industry, ill prepared person could come along and cut rates. This would be all right if this person has done all of the work required to determine if this rate is enough to keep him or her in business. Too often it is not the case and that is why the failure rate in trucking is so high, and while companies may soon fail the undercutting freight rates that they have established linger on. Anyway, I am getting ahead of myself, in 1971 the weight limit was 65,000 pounds, or 29,484 kilograms the trailer lengths were limited to a maximum of 40 feet. Later the weight was increased to 72,000 pounds, 32,569 kilograms and trailer lengths were allowed to go to 45 feet, or

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MARILYN TAYLOR IS OUR COMMERCIAL TRUCKING SPECIALIST! Marilyn has over 30 years experience in providing insurance for Owner Operators & fleet transport companies operating in Canada & the U.S.A. 13.7 meters. Today the five axle trucks are allowed 102,515 pounds or 46,500 kilograms and the trailers are allowed to fifty-three feet, or 16.15 meters, maybe even longer. One driver today is now hauling almost twice the weight as he or she did in the early seventies, and at the same time probably making much less money per pound hauled. This reference is to the fiveaxle semi, not the double and triple trailer units that operate on the highways today. Maybe this is why drivers today are not nearly as friendly and do not have as much respect for their occupation as forty years ago, when passing another truck on a two lane there was always the friendly wave, indicating pride in their occupation.



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I was very proud of my occupation as a truck driver and was always proud to state that when asked what I did for a living. Wow, am I ever jumping all over the map so to speak but my point is that drivers must be trained better, the standard for training drivers is all over the map, and very few companies, that claim to be driver trainers, are in fact not that at all. Some training schools train to the very minimum standards and the person that takes them out for a test drive is often affiliated with that school. This tells me that if a student is failed then it makes that school look bad. We must return to the driver examiner being a Provincial Transportation fully trained officer and that officer will only issue a number one licence if in fact that driver is able to pass a written exam that is supervised and then taken out for an in cab test that doesn’t just drive around the block, but is taken for at least a two hour road test. If the driver is able to pass the written test and the in cab driving test a licence is then issued to work with a company that continues training specific to that firm. One can dream, but the occupation of truck driver should in fact be changed to Profit Center Manager, where the company issues business cards to that driver and gets that driver a uniform, what a change that would bring to this very important occupation. The profession of commercial vehicle operator should be changed from unskilled to skilled and the Federal Government should do this immediately. This vocation could also fit very nicely into a Provincially Recognized Apprenticeship trade training program which would then require annual upgrade course relevant to the specific trade. These annual upgrade programs would educate the driver on any and all new issues facing the industry. And remember if you think drivers are not an integral part of a specific occupation, if all trucks were to stop today, no food to the stores, no gas for your cars, no supplies, no clean bedding and other medical supplies. This is one of the most important if not the most important occupation. Editor’s note: Lane wrote this article before the tragic accident in Saskatchewan. It is another of the many dozens of articles and editorials that have been printed on the subject in Pro-Trucker over the past 20 years.




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“Whit Aboot....?”

A Glasgow man phones a dentist to enquire about the cost for a tooth extraction. “£85 pounds for an extraction,” the dentist replied. “£85 quid! Huv ye no’got anythin’ cheaper? Whit aboot if ye didnae use anaesthetic?” “That’s unusual but that would knock £15 pounds off.” “Whit aboot if ye used one of your trainees and still without any anaesthetic?” “It could be painful. But the price could drop by £20 pounds.” “How aboot if ye make it a trainin’ session, with the other students watchin’?” “I’ll charge you £5 pounds but it may be traumatic.” “It’s a deal,” said the Scotsman. “Can ye confirm an appointment for the wife next Tuesday then?”

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to AdvErtisE cAll 1-800-331-8127 or EmAil tori@PtmAG.cA



COMMUNICATION By Greg Evasiuk Greg is a third generation trucker with over a million miles and 20 plus years in trucking. He now sells trucks for Nortrux.


OWNERSHIP Time. The Rolling Stones said time is on my side… Styx NEW claimed they’ve got too much time on their hands… Cher OWNERSHIP NEW wished she could turn back time… and more recently Sam OWNERSHIP Hunt said he just wants to take your time! I could go on with time references in music for hours but that would be a waste of time! What brings this on is my son and I were driving south the other day and I said “We’re making good COMPANY DRIVERS OPPORTUNITIES COMPANY DRIVERS TERMINALS OPPORTUNITIES time” TERMINALS (Local, Long Haul and Cross Border Runs) OPPORTUNITIESOPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE (Local, Long Haul and Cross Border Runs) AVAILABLE SINGLES and TEAMS Toronto, Kingston, Montreal, AVAILABLE OWNER-OPERATORS SINGLES and TEAMS Toronto, Kingston, Montreal, He asked me to define “making good” time and I had a COMPANY DRIVERS AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITIES OWNER-OPERATORS TERMINALS OPPORTUNITIES (Long Haul and Cross Runs) (Local, Long Haul andBorder Cross Border (Long Haul and Cross Border Runs) Runs) AVAILABLE Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, CROSS OWNER-OPERATORS Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, COMPANY DRIVERS CROSSBORDER BORDER OWNER-OPERATORS tough time with that. It made me pause and think why do I OPPORTUNITIES TERMINALS OPPORTUNITIES SINGLES and TEAMS Kingston, Toronto, Montreal, AVAILABLE AVAILABLE OWNER-OPERATORS Vancouver and Bedford AND DRIVERS 1.855.564.8029 andHaul Bedford ANDCOMPANY COMPANY DRIVERS say that? The obvious answer is because I’ve been hearing 1.855.564.8029 (Long and Cross Border Runs) SINGLES and TEAMSVancouver Toronto, Kingston, Montreal, COMPANY DRIVERS AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITIES OWNER-OPERATORS TERMINALS COMPANYOPPORTUNITIES AND OWNER-OPERATORS Toronto, Kingston, Montreal, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, CROSS BORDER OWNER-OPERATORS AVAILABLE Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, CROSS BORDER OWNER-OPERATORS it since I was a kid. My dad, my grandpa, my uncle they SINGLES and TEAMS Kingston, Toronto, Montreal, AVAILABLE OWNER-OPERATORS Vancouver and Bedford • SINGLE CROSS BORDER Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, AND COMPANY DRIVERS Vancouver1.855.564.8029 and1.855.564.8029 Bedford COMPANY DRIVERS all seemed to relish in making good time. By definition in CROSS BORDERAND Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, OWNER-OPERATORS • TEAMS DOMESTIC Vancouver and Bedford Vancouver1.855.564.8029 and Bedford AND COMPANY DRIVERS the unofficial trucking dictionary it means: to be traveling quickly enough to arrive before expected. It also generally means rushing which is not A good time. Hmmm… I may have to re-think using that expression.

NOW HIRING Terminals

(Local, Long Haul and Cross Border Runs)

(Local, Long Cross Border Runs) (Long HaulHaul and and Cross Border Runs) (Long Haul and Cross Border Runs)




Used Trucks for Sale

Tri Drive’s, Sleepers, Day Cabs, New and Used Trailers. Superior Logging Trailers, Castleton Grain Haulers, End Dumps, Belly Dumps, Doonan Deck Trailers - Designated Inspection Facility - Full Mechanical Repair and Wheel Alignments - All Makes Heavy Duty Parts with Delivery Service

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As I continued to race towards our destination, a weekend winter camp, I really started to examine how we use the word time and how I’ve actually used my time. I know I’ve written about the importance of living in this moment and the concept of making good time, rushing, goes against that. In my forty odd years I’ve definitely wasted my share of time looking forward to tomorrow. Ditto for trying to re-live the past or bring it back. I slowed down. “What are you doing? I thought we were making good time?” asked my boy. “Well so did I,” I said “but right now I’m having a good time and getting there five or ten minutes later won’t make camping any less of a good time.” “Of course it won’t, it’ll just be earlier.” Funny how at fifteen he had this figured out and it’s just dawning on me! Point is if you’re going through life trying to make “good” time you may end up passing the really good times. Live now, soak it up, now is the only time you will always have. *****

Well Isn’t That Fantastic?”

The first lady was an arrogant woman from Toronto married to a wealthy business man. The second was a wellmannered elderly woman from Victoria BC. The Toronto woman said, “When my first child was born, my husband built a beautiful mansion for me.” The lady from Victoria commented, “Well, isn’t that fantastic?” The first woman

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Dave Madill was Pro-Trucker Magazine’s Rig of the Month in June of 2001 and he has been entertaining us with his poetry ever since. Dave has published three books of poems that are available by special order through Chapters Book Stores or

Another Hill My diesel engine thunders as we climb the great divide, I wonder what awaits me there on the other side? Perhaps there will be clouds and rain as I travel down the road, Perhaps there will be slick spots and I may dump my load. Each trip along the highway seems to reflect my life, Today there may be sunshine and tomorrow may bring strife. The miles roll out behind me, ever onward come what may. Clouds will come and clouds will go as I travel on my way. I have my share of sunshine, time to laugh and play Each journey like my life I must face day by day. My engine slows its thunder as we start down the other side, I settle deeper in the seat and pray for a long, long ride.


mAy 2018


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Upto 50 cents/mile Live pick up $35 Paid from First Live Drop $35 Paid from First

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Please send your resume and driver abstract to or call for more inquires at 604-743-4398 mAy 2018

to AdvErtisE cAll 1-800-331-8127 or EmAil tori@PtmAG.cA





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