1 minute read
Useful addresses
Asian vegetable Research & Development Centre
POB 42, Shanhua, Tainan 74199, Taiwan Phone: +886 6 583 7801, Fax: +886 6 583 0009 Email: avrdcbox@avrdc.org, Website: www.avrdc.org
ATTRA , Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas
(organic tomato production) POB 3657, Fayetteville, AR 72702, USA Phone: +800 346 9140, Website: www.attra.org
East West Seed Company
Km 54 Cagayan Valley Road, Sampoloc, San Rafael, 3008 Bulacan, Philippines Email: infoph@eastwestseed.com, Website: www.eastwestseed.com
ECHO, Inc. (samples of seeds for free) 17391 Durrance Road, North Fort Meyers, Florida 33917, USA Phone: +239 543 3246, Fax: +239 543 5317 Email: echo@echonet.org
ICAO - International Cooperative Agricultural Organisation
IFOAM – International Federation of Organic Agricultural
Movements (www.ifoam.org) for information about organic farming and certification.
OISAT – On-line information service for non-chemical pest management in the Tropics (www.oisat.org) hosted by PAN- Germany. Phone: +49 40399 19100
PANNAR SEED, specialised in seeds for Africa Pannar Seed P/L, P.O. Box 19, Greytown 3250, South Africa Tel: +27 33 4131131, Fax: +27 33 4131261 Website: www.pannarseed.com, E-mail: info@pannarseed.co.za