2024 - 2025
We are pleased to offer you a choice of promotional packages including a major article. The content of the article will be down to your direction and will make a fantastic addition to our coverage of your industry, as well as being a reusable marketing piece for your company.
Packages available:
• 4-page magazine coverage in the form of a 4-page company article, including an embedded video and a quarter-page advertisement.
• 6-page digital brochure including a specially designed front cover, a back cover, your full company article, your embedded video, and the quarter-page advertisement.
• Social media post promoting the brochure and video.
• Copyright of the article, brochure, and video. $5,800
• 6-page magazine coverage in the form of a 5-page company article with an embedded video, plus a half-page advertisement and half-page interviewee biography.
• 8-page digital brochure including a specially designed front cover, a back cover, your full company article, your embedded video, the half-page advertisement, and half-page interviewee biography.
• Social media post promoting the brochure and video, shared by an industry specialist.
• Copyright of the article, brochure, and video.
• 8-page magazine coverage in the form of a 6-page company article featured in the magazine with prime position placement towards the beginning of the edition, including a special dedicated introduction page. Content includes an embedded video, plus a detailed full-page biography on the interviewee (or company President) and a full-page advertisement.
• 10-page digital brochure including a specially designed front cover, a back cover, your full company article, and embedded video, along with the full-page biography on the interviewee and full-page advertisement.
• Prime website placement at the top of the ‘Company Profiles’ section of the magazine web page.
• Enhanced social media campaign to promote the digital brochure and the key topics discussed in your article, including a series of posts in collaboration with our marketing team, creating a social media campaign.
• Web banner advertisement included in the magazine release email to all subscribers.
• Copyright of the article, brochure, and video.
Click here to view an example of a 10-page brochure we created about our own company.