6 minute read
Tips, tactics and statistics
To take one positive out of the recent pandemic, spending the past year cooped up at home has led to a dramatic decrease in domestic burglary rates. What role does the installer have in keeping the numbers down?
Of course, with homeowners guaranteed to be present in their homes all day, every day, opportunistic criminals have taken a back seat, with a reported 28% drop in burglaries from March to May 2020 (Money Supermarket, 2020).
But as government restrictions eased in June of last year, burglary rates quickly increased as people celebrated their freedom once more, leaving properties unattended and therefore at risk of opportunistic attacks.
And with a similar situation being mirrored just one year on, experts are expecting a similar rise in burglary rates as we resume our normal lives out of lockdown.
With this invaluable insight, it’s clear that it’s never been more important for homeowners to make relevant updates to their home security to ensure their home’s not a target. But how can installers help their customers to prepare their home for the return to normality?
Well, it’s all about educating them on the latest burglary tactics so they can ensure their home security stands up to the mark, throughout the summer and beyond. Sharing insight into the most recent burglary techniques across the country, Gavin Kirk, head of trade for Yale, spoke to PSI to highlight the key tactics installers should be made aware of to ensure their customers’ homes are as safe as houses.
More from the door
"For burglars looking to make an opportunistic attack on a home, the front door can often be their first port of call," said Gavin.
Recent figures from the Office of National Statistics revealed that 76% of household burglaries in England and Wales occurred when the culprit accessed the home through a door, highlighting how important it is for homeowners to make significant upgrades to their front door security. And these criminals don’t even have to use force to break into homes.
"Over the past year, there have been a number of new burglary tactics come to light where thieves are using distraction techniques to enter a property undetected," revealed Gavin. "The latest techniques involve a burglar posing as a door-to-door salesman or workman in a high-vis jacket, distracting the homeowner in their front garden, whilst another enters the property undetected. And, unfortunately, these opportunistic attacks are becoming far more sophisticated, tricking vulnerable individuals into thinking they can be trusted and entering their home without a trace. And with no need to break into a property, the thief can enter, take any money, jewellery, phones and car keys and leave in a matter of seconds."

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Of course, the easiest piece of advice installers can give to homeowners is to ensure their door and windows are always locked, to help stop these opportunistic thieves in their tracks. "We would recommend installers communicate to their clients the importance of ensuring their door hardware meets the recommended three-star security rating imposed by the British Standards Institution," continues Gavin. "Installers should also advise they opt for high quality three-star cylinder products to ensure they are providing solutions with the maximum level of security. It’s essential that cylinders can protect against a range of known cylinder attacks including anti-pick, antibump and anti-drill to deter criminals and be strong enough to withstand harsh force."
For ultimate safety, cylinders should be approved to TS007:2014 British Standard rating and endorsed by the Police Secured by Design scheme as an added level of reassurance for your customers.
Window of opportunity
Along with the front door, windows are also a key focus for thieves looking to make an easy entrance into homes.
According to statistics, 28% of criminals enter a property via a window, with more than a third being granted even easier access through an unlocked one (The Eco Experts, 2020). And as windows can generally offer such a seamless entrance into someone’s home, installers can potentially recommend a window hardware upgrade to help homeowners deter would-be criminals.
Gavin explained: "In 2021, burglars continue to look out for inferior window hardware, as general wear and tear can often reduce its protection, offering easy pickings for the modern-day criminal. As a professional installer, recommending a new door and window package is not only a profitable suggestion, but also helps to protect against any burglary attacks."
As with a door, a high-quality window handle should offer a two-star level of protection, the highest level for protective window furniture, along with the BSI Kitemark and Secured by Design approval.
High quality window handles should also be weatherproof to withstand years of wear and tear and ensure they can stand up to the mark when it comes to a new range of burglary attack techniques.
Secure outdoors
A homeowner’s garden is a prime target for thieves looking to make a burglary worth their while. With expensive outdoor equipment, bicycles and garden furniture making easy pickings for criminals, gardens are another essential area of focus for protecting homes.
Although lockdown signalled a decrease in domestic burglaries, figures from insurer Admiral revealed a 66% increase in bicycle theft claims from March 2020.
With these statistics coming to light, trade professionals can recommend prioritising outdoor security to their clients to ensure they’re not making their external spaces an easy target for thieves. "Gardens are, of course, a great space for criminals to move around the perimeter of a property undetected," says Gavin. "Trees, bushes and sheds offer perfect hiding spots, so night-time attacks are still preferred by thieves in 2021 and according to Nimble Fins Insurance, 58% of burglaries happen under the cover of darkness."
With the late evening, between 10pm and midnight, the prime time for crime, security cameras with night vision capabilities help to deter criminals from making a home their next target.
As recent statistics have highlighted that £926 million in home insurance claims were made throughout 2020, with an average of £2.5 million worth of belongings stolen each day (Churchill Home Insurance), now’s the perfect time to suggest a home security makeover to your clients.
By offering a range of tips and advice to homeowners, installers can not only create trusted relationships with their customers, but also look to upsell by suggesting a variety of products that will help offer protection to their homes.