2 minute read

Probus Environmental Action Group


The work by Probus Environmental Action Team (PEAT) in the churchyard is progressing steadily and we are very grateful to our faithful band of volunteers. We want to reduce the amount of grass in order to encourage wild flowers to flourish and we intend to sow yellow rattle seeds in autumn, along with those of other species, in specific areas of the churchyard which we believe will suppress the grass coverage.

We have been trying to increase the presence of wild life in the church grounds and have been encouraged by the increased number of birds we see but we didn’t expect to see anything as large as a deer, so thanks to Darrel Pascoe who photographed one early on 4th July.

By Darrel Pascoe

We have liaised with the chairman of the Cornwall Bat Group to see what opportunities there are to increase the number of bats that we have seen around the church at night. He is arranging for a static detector to be placed in the grounds – this will pick up the sounds of any bats in the area and he will then be able to tell us what their actual species is. This will enable us to decide the best way of providing a suitable habitat for them to make a home there.

If you would like to join us, we meet in the churchyard each Wednesday morning and on the morning of the second Saturday of each month.

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