PII Process Measurement & Instrumentation Ezine

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E-zine ISSUE

80 GHz Radar delivers big water savings in EfW Cory Riverside Energy is a waste to energy plant to the East of London. With a population approaching nine million people, London has an incredible appetite for energy. Keeping the lights on in the face of increasing demand is one of the major challenges facing the city today. It produces around 22 million tonnes of waste every year. As one of the largest operations of its kind in the UK, this facility generates c.525,000 MWh of electricity each year from processing around 750,000 tonnes of waste. Creating energy from waste creates a hot ash residue that needs cooling quickly. This is achieved by quenching it in water via an ‘ash expeller’ system before stockpiling for disposal. Each system sits under one of the three main combustion chambers with a moving grates, the waste ash can drop into a water filled hopper below. The quenched ash is then scraped out by a ram and removed to the rear side via a conveyor into a stockpile chamber for loading out and disposal/recycling. The water used in the ash quenching process needs a constant level to be maintained through replenishment of either recycled or fresh mains supplies, this is monitored in a small balance tank off the main chamber. When the 80 GHz contactless liquid level radar was launched, Cory installed a trial device on an existing nozzle. It was easy to monitor and refine its performance via the VEGATOOLS Bluetooth App. Read the full story on our Blog. For more information contact: info.uk@vega.com | www.vega.com/uk

The ultimate for small tanks! The future is 80 GHz: a new generation of radar level sensors

When it comes to contactless level measurement of liquids in small containers, smaller is better. With the smallest antenna of its kind, VEGAPULS 64 is simply the greatest! With its excellent focusing and insensitivity to condensation or buildup, this new radar sensor is truly exceptional. Simply world-class! www.vega.com/radar

Wireless adjustment via Bluetooth with smartphone, tablet or PC. Compatible retrofit to all plicsÂŽ sensors manufactured since 2002.

Editor Phil Black: philblack@piimag.com Publisher/Advertising Manager Peter Ullmann: peterullmann@piimag.com SALES & Marketing Manager Guy Ullmann: guyullmann@piimag.com CIRCULATION Manager Jean Caunin: info@piimag.com Office Manager Diane Ullmann: dianeullmann@piimag.com


Art Direction Talita Soncini talita@piimag.com Advertisement & Editorial Offices Process Industry Informer, Passfield Business Centre, Lynchborough Road, Passfield, Liphook, Hants, GU30 7SB Tel: 01428 751188 Fax: 01428 751199 Email: info@piimag.com Web: www.piimag.com



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TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT Spec Essential tips for Temperature Measurement in the Food Industry


LEVEL MEASUREMENT Special How to Achieve Optimum Silo Level Measurement


contents 30-31



PRESSURE MEASUREMENT Special Definitive guide to differential Pressure Measurement






FLOW MEASUREMENT Special Flowmeters to look out for in 2018

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First of many...


elcome to our first Ezine, the initial one of a forthcoming series, the idea of which is to offer a slightly different approach to our usual PII magazine. To start with, we are looking at four major types of Process Measurement: Level, Temperature, Pressure & Flow. Firstly, we start with an article headlined ‘How to achieve optimum silo level measurement’ , this considers the choices to take when looking for a successful balance with the system required with the final cost, as you will appreciate it, there is much to determine. Secondly, we go on to ‘Temperature control in the Food Industry’, the industry that sustains us all, what a responsibility! Where do we start? From hygiene to ingredients, to recipe to mixers, to end products to packaging, and all the way through there is faithful, temperature measurement. But of course, it’s not nearly that simple. Thankfully technology has taken over, but where and how does it take over? In this excellent article it is well worth to take the time, who knows, you might learn something new! Moving on, we also look at pressure measurement with Differential pressure systems, the rescue facility that helps clear everything that shouldn’t be in ‘up or down your pipes’ And finally a selection of Flowmeters to look out for in 2018. Whatever you think about this first Ezine, it would be greatly appreciated if you could drop me an e-mail (philblack@ piimag.com) with your comments.

Phil Black Editor




dipperLog NANO water level logger Bell Flow Systems are proud to introduce the cost effective dipperLog NANO water level logger to our ground water measurement range. The dipperLog NANO sensor is a cost effective solution, costing only ÂŁ299. The sensor is ideal for people looking to monitor water level applications in ground water, estuarine and surface water applications. The dipperLog NANO is available in two versions - the dipperLog NANO and the Vented dipperLog NANO. The standard model is an absolute (non-vented) level sensor which can be deployed with either stainless steel wire, or with direct read cable, if you require surface data collection.

Industrial Grade Liquid Level Switches from SST Support Higher Supply Voltages & Temperatures Strengthening its widely-used Optomax portfolio of accurate, cost-effective and reliable infra-red (IR) liquid level switches, SST Sensing Ltd. now offers the Optomax Industrial series. These devices offer the same functionality and operational performance as customers have come to expect from standard Optomax switches, but with the added advantage of greater overall electrical robustness and flexibility. They are capable of accepting supply voltages from 4.5VDC to 15.4VDC or 8VDC to 30VDC and have built-in protection against over-voltage, reverse polarity, and the presence of voltage transients or electrostatic discharge strikes.




CleverLevel level switch with IO-Link for central configuration

New ABB laser level transmitter offers high accuracy for harsh environments New laser level transmitter can measure the level of any material, solid or liquid, in any condition ABB has expanded its level measurement portfolio with the addition of the LLT100 laser level transmitter. Specifically designed for industrial applications and harsh environments, the LLT100 enables precise measurement of any solid or liquid surface, including clear liquids from –40° to +60°C (–40 to +140°F), or up to 280°C (535°F) with a cooling tube. With its IP67/NEMA 4X explosion proof class 1 / division 1 (zone 1) enclosure, it can be used in a range of applications, including mining, aggregates, oil and gas, chemicals, food and beverages, power, pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals and water and waste water.

Baumer is pleased to announce the immediate availability of LBFH and LBFI level switches with IO-Link and ATEX approval. The IO-Link interface allows the user to automate the configuration of sensors.The inclusion of ATEX also enables the use of commercially available barriers. The sensors are suitable for hygienic and industrial applications.Thanks to IOLink integration, the level switches are Industry 4.0-ready. The communication interface enables each application to be configured quickly and easily using standard network components. This ensures error-free duplication of the system and device replacement without the need for additional programming, thereby saving time. Diagnostic data can be called up and evaluated at any time, which increases system availability.



How to Achieve

Optimum S ilo Level Measurement

Being able to accurately assess the level of liquids throughout industrial and chemical processes is key to achieving efficient automated control.




he measurement of liquids in industrial and chemical processes has evolved significantly in recent years. Increasingly sophisticated processing systems and the introduction of stringent environmental regulations require a high degree of accuracy with reliable performance. Manufacturers have responded by developing alternative measurement methods, using modern technologies. Process engineers are faced with a multiplicity of options, from point level measurement sensors to continuous level transmitters which measure range using technologies ranging from differential pressure to ultrasonic and radar.

With so many options & such a range in investment costs, how do you choose? There is no such thing as a perfect technology. Typically, several methods may be suited for an application. In selecting the most appropriate solution, advantages and limitations of each need to be weighed against operational parameters. In the chemical industry, measurement equipment must also deliver a consistent performance in harsh and often hazardous conditions. To get the best performance on your silo level indication you first need to understand your product, its behaviour and the equipment it is handled by. The product you are measuring Understand a bit about your product behaviour, when it’s delivered and in storage. Does it aerate during filling, how does it flow and handle? Its characteristics, is it adhesive, aggressive or abrasive? Is it stored at temperature, does it give off humidity is condensation high inside? What does the product surface behave like? (angle of repose) Finally, is there a lot of dust expected? Perhaps speak with process operatives or suppliers for some insights if you are not sure.


LEVEL MEASUREMENT Special The silo How is the silo filled? What is the surface profile during filling? Does it give off a lost of dust? The internal geometry/shape of the silo: diameter versus height i.e. a wide height to diameter may require multi point measurements with surface mapping, whereas tall and narrow is perfect for one sensor. A dimension drawing is extremely useful. What is the product out-take like? Is it a core flow, or mass flow (Google it!) discharge or if it’s a flat bottom, is material emptied via screw feed or a moving floor, how does it affect the surface profile during emptying? This may affect how far down you can measure or how much material stays behind, even when nothing is coming out. The measurement goal? Accuracy? Measurement of volume or conversion to weight? Does the bulk density vary by product source, varying material or suffer from aeration during filling, how high up the vessel do you need to fill, how likely is overfill and what are the consequences for safety and environment? Do you need an additional point level protection to your volume measurement? Varying product density can even fool weighing systems into getting the silos capacity wrong! Also who and how do you want to share the information? From an indicator to internet, there are many different possibilities here. Technology & sensor positioning If you can get answers to most of the questions above it will help narrow down the technology or device. You can use something like a Technology Finder and a Configuration Tool to specify the device you need. But you don’t have to do this on your own. Better to get a reputable sensor manufacturer with multiple level technologies at their disposal. Get them to review your information, suggest the device, location and an idea of accuracy to make sure it meets your goals. Options

may vary with access into the silo to install or location of filling points.


LEVEL MEASUREMENT Special Striking the right balance Whilst fitness for purpose is essential, this must be balanced against cost (especially where there are multiple measurement points), in relation to potential operational gains. Analogue transmitters continue to offer an economical and effective solution suitable for a wide range of applications. Now the latest models to come onstream are set to deliver increased freedom of operation. Maintenance and cleaning are also important considerations where a build-up of liquids could occur, so ensure transmitters are designed for ease of installation and removal for routine cleaning. In the face of increasingly sophisticated measurement solutions, analogue transmitters have a secured their place, ensuring higher product quality, improved safety and less waste at an economical price, now with the added benefit of programmability.

Correct location of level measurement transducers during bulk solid material transfer During the transfer of bulk solid material to and from storage silos, the shape of the surface of free-flowing material changes. Correct location of level measurement transducers and probes mounted at the top of silos will lead to greater accuracy and reliability in product contents measurement. The following refers to large round silos, which often cannot easily be fitted with load cells. Normally, transducers are installed on the top of the silo and measure distance down to the surface of the material. This measured distance can then be converted into the material volume. Technologies used for this purpose include radar, ultrasonic and TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry).

Figure 1 – basic geometry Fig. 1(a) shows a conical pile of material of height L and base radius of R. The volume (V1) of such a cone is given by V1 = 1/3 πR^2L Fig. 1(b) shows a cylindrical shape having the same base radius R and a height of H. The volume (V2) of the cylinder is given by V2 = πR^2H If the cylinder is to have the same volume as the cone (V1 = V2), its height H will be 1/3 x L.


LEVEL MEASUREMENT Special In Fig. 1(a), the point on the upper surface of the cone which is at height of H, or 1/3 L, above the base is at a radius of 2/3 R. Therefore if the height of a conical pile of material is measured at a radius of 2/3 R, the volume can be found by multiplying this height by the base area. This will give the correct volume irrespective of the angle of repose of the material. Consider now the conical depression shown in Fig. 1(c). The volume V3 of material in this shape is given by V3 = 2/3 πR^2 L Similarly the cylinder shown in Fig. 1(d) will have a height H of 2/3 L. The point on the upper surface of the depression of Fig. 1(c) which has this height, is at a radius of 2/3 R. So again, if the height of a conical depression is measured at a radius of 2/3 R the volume of the material can be found by

multiplying this height by the base area. The correct volume is given independently of the angle of repose. For a cone or a conical depression the correct volume can be found by measuring the height at any point that is 2/3rd of the radius of the silo from its centre. This is the ideal location at which to mount a level transducer, accurate when the surface is a perfect conical pile during filling or a perfect conical depression during emptying. However, there will still be errors during the transition phase when emptying follows filling and vice versa. If the probe were centrally located this would lead to significant errors. However, by locating the transducer at a position 2/3rd of the silo radius the error during change over from filling to emptying to filling again is typically no greater than 3.0% of the maximum content.


LEVEL MEASUREMENT Special Acoustic phased-array technology Measuring the level and volume of solids in silos is complex and challenging. The surface of solids is uneven and constantly shifting, and the difference in level between its various peaks and troughs can be substantial. Especially in larger silos, a single-point level measurement is therefore of much less value than an understanding of maximum level, minimum level and total volume. Traditional mechanical methods of solids level measurement have limited accuracy, reliability and repeatability of measurement. Also, they can expose workers to hazardous conditions, either through performing measurements manually or carrying out regularly-required maintenance. Consequently, many modern facilities are instead employing continuous automated measurement technology. One of the most widely-applied automated technologies is acoustic phased-array antennas. 3D solids scanners, based on acoustic phased-array technology, have three antennas that generate a mix of audible or acoustic signals and receive multiple echo signals from a silo’s contents.

Digital analysis of these echoed signals produces multiple measurement points to achieve accurate continuous level and volume measurement. Matching the received data with known silo dimensions allows these scanners to calculate the volume of practically any kind of stored contents, including difficult-to-measure fly ash and materials with a low dielectric that would challenge other technologies. In very large or irregularly-shaped silos, multiple 3D scanners can be used to provide the necessary level of control. By merging their individual measurements, users are provided with a combined wall-to-wall surface map. The latest enhancements to these acoustic devices are analytical features which address additional market needs by supporting improved safety and inventory management through the continuous analysis of product flow and movement. For example, new devices with 3D Scanning features help to optimise filling and emptying processes by dividing a large silo into as many as 99 individually-monitored sections. Average, minimum and maximum level readings are provided for each section, enabling better understanding of material flow and movement, and filling points can then be switched to ensure even distribution of material across the surface area. This eliminates the need for manual surveys of material distribution, thereby improving worker safety. Centre of gravity (COG) is another important consideration in stored solids applications. When most of the material lies outside the silo’s COG, it produces stresses that can cause the structure to tilt or even collapse.


LEVEL MEASUREMENT Special Laser level & volume measurement Laser level measurement provides an easy way to get precise, reliable silo level measurement. Why laser level measurement? Because of the simplicity of its use, which translates into low cost of operations. Laser beams move through space with very little divergence, meaning they remain tightly focused even at long distances. Since the laser beam doesn’t interact with the surrounding environment, there is no need to cancel false echoes: only the liquid or solid surface is detected. Commissioning is thus simpler. Also, changes in the environment do not require changes in sensor parameters. For instance, material accumulation on the side of a vessel will change over time, requiring a remapping of false echoes. The same would happen if the sensor is moved.

This will never be required with laser level measurement. Therefore it leads to more reliability and more up time during use. Laser beams also bounce back from surfaces very differently from ultrasonic or radar waves, which can be advantageous in several applications. Plastics, polymers, and low density materials are easily detected by laser sensors, as opposed to radar sensors. Also, there is no limitation on the angle of incidence for measuring solids with lasers, which simplifies installation. Being very narrow, the laser beam can also be used in tight spaces and difficult applications like measuring through pipes and valves, grids, and also in the presence of agitators and mixers, where the laser beam can be sent between the edge of the agitator and the vessel side to measure without interference. Laser level measurement is used in many types of silo level measurement applications. For instance in agriculture it performs well on many types of grains such as corn or wheat. For wood products, the ability to measure in the presence of wall buildup greatly reduces maintenance cost, as the measurement is insensitive to buildup. For plastic pellets, widely used for making plastic objects, laser level provides an easy solution since it can measure plastics which is difficult for radar-based sensors. Lasers are also used in several aggregate materials silo level applications. In conclusion, lasers will change the way you see level measurement. It will simplify operations and allow noncontact measurement in applications where non-contact was not possible up to now. By using new technology applied to industrial level measurement, laser level makes measurement easy.



Wireless Sensor Control System A wireless asset monitoring and control system, eliminates the need for cabling sensors, which can be prone to lightning strikes that will propagate along wires and destroy equipment attached to it, and also damage caused during periodic maintenance tasks. Radio nodes wirelessly interface with level sensors installed in silos to extract and transmit data to a gateway that serves as the central processing hub. See Graphic 1. An Ethernet interface module connected to the gateway ties information into a local area network (LAN, wired or Wifi) for local access or a cellular modem so, for example, farmers can access

inventory levels in real time on laptops and smartphones. Unaffected by ground faults associated with cabling, a wireless telemetry system is less susceptible to damage from lightning strikes as only the hit sensor might be damaged and not the entire network. The wireless remote sensing system also allows for the installation of the level sensors at any height and location on the silo. Operating on a mesh network, the sensor control system can be deployed over large areas to go around hills, buildings and other structures that may obstruct the radio transmissions of other networks. Robust gateways can accommodate hundreds of transceiver inputs from the field sensor, enabling the network to cover a


LEVEL MEASUREMENT Special geographic range of a mega farm of 10,000 acres that roughly equals 15 square miles. By automating silo monitoring activities, farmhands know when they need to switch to another silo or refill one low on inventory. As a result, the farmer increases production efficiency. The Flow Characteristics of Silo Measurement As previously mentioned, the measurement of silo level

can present difficulties due to the surface profile varying considerably according to the filling and emptying pattern. These will depend on the design adopted for the silo and its discharge facility, with the flow pattern generating either Funnel Flow, Expanded Flow or Mass Flow. The selection of the flow pattern is normally based on the properties of the bulk material stored; ‘Mass Flow’ is chosen to avoid indefinite residence time for products that deteriorate in flow prospects or quality with time, ‘Expanded Flow’ for poor flow materials that are not adversely affected by extended

Graphic 1. The Connected Farm – Access Information regarding farming


LEVEL MEASUREMENT Special residence and ‘Funnel Flow’ for inert, relatively easy flow materials or for silos with some form of assisted discharge. ‘Funnel Flow’ extracts preferentially from the region over the outlet with a surface inclination of drained repose. Combined with a single point outlet, this creates a conical depression in the surface profile when the silo is discharging. In contrast, a single point entry point forms a rising cone during the filling process. An ‘Expanded Flow’ pattern will develop a central plateau within this cone during discharge, the size depending on the diameter of the transition in the hopper section. Superimposed on this pattern, a single point fill will generate a growing pile that is characterised by the angle of poured repose of the

product. Discharging by means of a progressive extraction screw feeder will spread the flow channel and reduces the emptying difference to a 2D situation, but complicates the refill position. A side mounted level probe on a circular silo in Funnel Flow therefore cannot indicate a true volumetric capacity within an accuracy of +πD3.Tanθ/8 and - πD3.Tanα/8, Where D = silo Diameter, θ = poured angle of repose and α = drained angle of repose. Taking θ and α as roughly 300, on a silo 3 M diameter, this equates to a volume of about πD3/4√3 or 12 M3 for which filling and discharge condition would show no change on level. Fig.1.


LEVEL MEASUREMENT Special It may be thought that repositioning the probe to an intermediate radii of the silo would compensate for this radical profile shape, and so it will, but only when it is placed near the silo inlet. Unfortunately, wherever the probe is placed on the side of the silo this discrepancy will not be eliminated, Fig 2. A single-point, surface level detector can be placed in a radial position where either a poured or drained repose slope will indicate similar contents, but the inner and outer volume variations can accumulate, rather than compensate for the difference, if the sequence of filling and emptying surface profiles overlap around this level. Fig.3. In summary, Sophisticated radar scanning can accommodate variations in surface profile and weighing of the silo offers

accurate content value, but Mass Flow is essential to indicate accurate volume indication by level probe, and even then a low level indication is only true on locations sufficiently above the hip level to counter the velocity differential that inevitably develops in the converging flow channel. Mass flow carries many other benefits in density consistency, flow reliability and countering segregation, at the expense of extra headroom and possible long term wear on walls near the outlet.

This article was contributed to, by Ajax Equipment Ltd, SignalFire Wireless Telemetry, Emerson Automation Solutions, PSM Level, Vega & Hycontrol

Selecting your measurement systems supplier If they are a reputable manufacturer, and it’s the first time you have used them, get them to stake their reputation on a test or trial system (particularly if you have multiple silos to do) or perhaps on a sale or return basis. If you are getting a silo manufactured, involve someone early enough to help you get the sensor type and positioning right at the design stage.







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Essential tips for


Measurement in the Food Industry




emperature control in the food industry is an essential input for a variety of reasons: • Optimal food storage in freezers, fridges or near ambient control • Cooking control for food processing • Preservation process i.e. Pasteurisation • Energy cost control • Food hygiene through bacterial control • Storage during distribution Consistency is the secret in the recipe and the process used to make it. Surface contact and materials used in the design of the process effect flavour. Materials applied inside the process must be sanitary stainless, while outside the process, instruments and sensors are exposed to all types of grease, oil, fluids and even pests. Using instrumentation and sensors that can endure these conditions and be applied with sealed sanitary connections and wells are critical for preventing contamination of your product in process. Food manufacturers can save money in their process and increase profit on their final product by buying and installing instruments and sensors that: • Reduce errors in processes which will result in less wasted product ==> Use .04% RTD sensors vs the standard .12% RTD sensor to reduce the amount of drift and therefore loss of accuracy whenever possible. ==> For surface mount applications where vessels cannot be penetrated ensure you are using sensors designed with flat tips for perpendicular mounting or magnet sensor holders to ensure best surface area contact ==> Smart instruments provide the ability to accurately monitor measurements, and you can trim input readings directly from sensors to achieve maximum relative accuracy, or match performance characteristics with your alreadyinstalled hardware. ==> Smart instruments with accurate and reliable sensors

applied at the critical bottling or canning stage of your process can help ensure that your product is at the necessary temperature required to ensure high product quality and prevent spoilage after packaging. ==> You can use process indicators or instruments with display to provide visual reference of process status allowing you to act on observed changes quickly. • Are highly reliable, reducing the need for service or replacement ==> Buying highly reliable instruments and sensors reduces cost by cutting replacement cost and reducing process interruption due to instrument and sensor failure. ==> Where there is constant vibration on machinery that runs 24/7, it is critical to use instrumentation and sensors that are rugged and reliable. ==> If agitation or vibration exists in your process, consider using sensors designed and built for processes with excessive vibration. • Are easy to remove and reinstall without having to shut down your process, increasing your process throughput ==> Using thermowells or sanitary wells, you can remove sensors to calibrate or check temperature measurement repeatability to meet FDA requirements ==> Using flexible sensors, allows you to stock fewer sensor types, some are field cuttable cut-to-length that can fit in any thermowell or sanitary well.


TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT Special Temperature Probes in the Food Industry Temperature probes can be permanently fixed in vessels or pipelines or they can be hand held insertion probes with a local readout. Temperature probes need to be designed to be food safe which means they are easily cleaned. In vessels, pressures are usually quite low so quick release flanges and fittings are frequently used. Plant design for temperature probes need to allow adequate probe immersion to ensure the food product temperature is actually measured. Inadequate immersion may give a signal unduly influenced by the plant ambient temperature through conduction error. Food industry temperatures are usually quite modest. Resistance Thermometers (e.g. Pt100) offer greater accuracy than thermocouples at lower temperatures. Resistance thermometers also avoid the complication of a thermocouple compensating cable requirement. Permanently fixed probes often utilise transmitters, converting the temperature signal to 4-20mA for easy transmission around sites. 316SS is the normal stainless grade for food contact components, although the full assembly including connection heads can be 316 also. Basic food safety requirements in the food industry mean that temperature sensors and systems should be frequently checked a n d calibrated. To do this, temperature

sensors need to be removed from applications and checked by comparison to known error standards, usually done at specialist calibration sub-contractors. Systems can be checked using a calibrated sensor simulator. The known simulated signal can be input to the system and the site readout unit checked against the simulated signal. Sites often do this themselves. Food sites often have temperature control issues in peripheral equipment that also needs to be addressed such as conveyor bearings and plastic bottle manufacture. Why Use Non-Intrusive Temperature Measurement?

An assembly with a thermowell and temperature sensor is the most frequently used method of measuring a temperature internal to a process. Thermowells allow for direct sensor immersion into a vessel or piping which helps provide an accurate measurement, however, the required process intrusion introduces complex design challenges and operational risks including leak points, process contamination and more. Technology is available that provides accurate process temperature measurements using a thermal conductivity algorithm, eliminating the need for a thermowell or process penetration w h i l e significantly reducing installation time and costs.



Considerations when installing IR Temperature Sensors Traditional contact thermometers are increasingly being replaced in the food industry by non-contact infrared temperature sensors (pyrometers), which offer an instantaneous response time, the ability to measure moving objects, and (because there is no need to touch the measured object) improved hygiene. Accurate readings of food surface temperature can be obtained easily with general-purpose sensors, often with no configuration necessary. Low-cost sensors can be used for low temperatures and non-reflective nature of the food substances. There are a few factors to consider when specifying and installing an IR temperature sensor: • Ensure the sensor’s measurement area is smaller than the object you are measuring. Ideally, the measured spot should be half the size of the target object, or smaller. Choose the sensor’s optics and measurement distance to obtain the measured spot size you need. Most objects in the food industry are large enough to measure using a general-purpose sensor, some available with a choice of divergent or focused optics. • For objects moving past the sensor, such as loaves of bread in a conveyor oven, or chocolate moulds, ensure the target object remains in the sensor’s view for at least as long as the response time of the sensor. • Some sensors can continuously output the

temperature between objects on a conveyor and ignore the gaps between them. Look for configurable sensors with Peak and Valley Hold Processing. The hold period should be set via the sensor’s configuration interface to match the time period between objects. The setting is then saved to the sensor’s internal memory and applied to the analogue (voltage or current) output. Sensors with digital communications also have this capability. • If the ambient temperature is high (such as near ovens and heaters), be sure to choose a sensor that can withstand it. Most sensors can be used up to 6070°C, however thee are sensors available tat can withstand up to 120°C or 180°C ambient temperature. • Frozen food can also be measured using infrared sensors, which can measure temperatures as low as 40°C. If the ambient temperature is low, the optional air/water jacket can be used to keep the sensor heated above 0°C and prevent ice from forming on the lens. • Stainless steel surfaces are best measured using a short-wavelength sensor. • Steam can significantly affect the measurement, and is best avoided. Minimise the amount of steam by extraction, and continuously purge the sensor’s lens with dry air, for the best chance of success.


TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT Special Maintaining accurate temperature records From initial ingredients processing through to delivery to the consumer, it is critical that temperatures are accurately maintained at specified levels and recorded for ongoing verification, to achieve this data loggers are the ideal solution. Data loggers are small electronic devices which record environmental parameters over time, allowing conditions to be measured, documented, analysed and validated. They help ensure compliance with quality and HACCP controls; Food Standards Agency and EU QFF Regulations, and more. Data loggers provide monitoring during processing, cooking, pasteurisation, cooling and freezing. They are used throughout the cold chain; in refrigerators and freezers; and during sterilisation

procedures and in industrial dishwashers. They also help to verify if cooling equipment is working correctly. They are set up to record at specified intervals and positioned as required, and have an alarm which activates if conditions fall outside a user-defined temperature range. For sites requiring remote data access or with multiple monitoring points (e.g. warehouses), radio and network enabled devices are ideal: data is collected automatically and accessed on a PC, on a LAN, or remotely over the internet. BS EN 12830 compliant units are available to meet the demands of the frozen and chilled foods storage and transportation industries, and accompanying probes will monitor extremes of temperature. Loggers with an integral stainless steel stab probe are designed to monitor product core temperatures. A wide choice of data loggers are available: • Standalone, network enabled or wireless devices • Multi-channel loggers to simultaneously monitor two parameters (e.g. temperature and RH) or multiple monitoring points using probes • Rugged, waterproof and dustproof units • Units with displays showing current readings as well as recording data • Fully submersible, high temperature loggers • Range of accompanying probes for measuring extremes of temperature or hard to reach areas It’s all about the data! The main purpose of temperature monitoring is to gain clear, concise and accurate data in order to verify conditions and/or make informed decisions about subsequent actions that need to be taken. It is important that the recorded data is presented in a flexible and easy to understand format, and able to be exported for reporting purposes to other popular packages if required. This article was contributed to, by E+E Elektronik, Calex, Emerson Automation Solutions, Gemini Data Loggers, Moore Industries & Peak Sensors




Pico Technology’s PicoLog(R) 6 – straightforward from the start Pico Technology designed and manufactured its first data logger, the ADC 10, in 1991 with a simple scope and logging software package for MS-DOS, so that users could achieve the three fundamental purposes of logging software: set up the logger, view the graphed data and save the capture to disk. These packages later became known as the PicoScope® and PicoLog software. While not much has changed with the three fundamental logging software functions in 27 years, computing and technology have moved on considerably, allowing faster setup, more advanced ways to review the capture and almost unlimited storage capability.

Thermapen IR infrared thermometer with foldaway probe The new Thermapen IR is two instruments in one compact unit, combining the advanced technology of two ETI designed and manufactured products, the RayTemp 2 Plus infrared thermometer and Thermapen 4 digital probe thermometer. Housed in a robust ABS case containing ‘Biomaster’ additive which reduces bacterial growth, the Thermapen IR incorporates a motion sensing sleep mode (penetration probe only) which automatically turns the instrument on/off when set down or picked up, maximising battery life.




STZ Functional Safety HART Temperature Transmitter Now Includes Intrinsically-Safe Sensor Connections

Signatrol Launches New Low-cost Usb Temp & Humidity Data Logger Data logging specialists, Signatrol has added to its range of low cost battery powered USB data loggers with the launch of two versions of RC15H to measure both temperature and relative humidity. Signatrol already offers the RC15T in this range to measure temperature only. The new data logger has been developed to monitoring the temperature and humidity of goods in transit. The RC51TH can be configured for sample rates from 10 seconds up to 12 hours and has a reusable memory of 32,000 readings. The accuracy from -20°C to +40°C is ±0.5°C. The battery life is two years and is user replaceable.

Moore Industries announces the newest member to the Associated Intrinsically-Safe (AIS) family of products with the release of the SIL 2/3 capable STZ Functional Safety Dual Input Smart HART® DINstyle Temperature Transmitter with Associated IS sensor connections. The STZ is certified by exida to IEC61508 for systematic integrity up to SIL 3 and for single use in Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) up to SIL 2. The STZ is designed and developed in strict compliance with IEC 61508 standards to provide the highest level of system integrity and reliability.

Slimline motor controllers Small drives for machines and equipment are typically powered up to 9.0 A, and are protected by conventional motor circuit breakers. However, when space in the enclosure is limited, it is very difficult to find room for significant numbers of protective components. Rittal’s new motor controllers for its RiLine Compact power distribution system offers a sophisticated solution. To assist the engineer Rittal has also produced a 3D configurator that reduces the time required to generate Compact RiLine busbar systems. Following the successful launch of the busbar system “RiLine Compact� at the beginning of the year, Rittal is now expanding the product range. Until now, the small 125-A-max busbar system consisted

entirely of shock-hazard-protected boards, which form the basis of the system, along with assembly components such as connection adapters for busbar infeed and component adapters for the easy set-up of switchgear and protection devices produced by other manufacturers. Rittal will shortly be launching new motor controllers into the range. These can be fitted directly and easily onto the board in a one-step installation, to minimise the time and effort spent on wiring. A compact solution for small spaces Rittal offers motor controllers in three staggered current ranges: 8 A/2.4 A/8 A. These combine the functions of direct

llers create space in enclosures starter and reversing starter within one single device. Its slimline profile - just 22.5 mm wide - is particularly impressive and frees up around 50 percent more space compared to the standard 45 mm-wide switching device in the range, and as much as 75 percent more space compared to the 90 mmwide reversing combinations. Hybrid technology to impress The three-phase motor controller is a high-performance hybrid switching device with a current monitoring function, offering a longer lifespan and low-loss operation. The principle behind it is simple: first, the electronics are switched on using the input signal, and then the mechanical

contacts takeover for the duration. The motor controller also provides diagnostics, which to detect internal and external errors. The operating statuses and error messages can then be evaluated through the four different illuminated LEDs. 3D Configurator To assist the engineer Rittal has also produced a 3 D configurator that reduces the time required to generate Compact RiLine busbar systems. A series of easy to follow steps produces detailed drawings, the ability to select component adaptors, and a bill of materials https://www.rittal.com/com_en/riline/konfigurator/#/6.




Rotronic Cleanroom Panel for Differential Pressure The Rotronic CRP5 panel meets monitoring and control requirements for cleanroom environments; with FDA 21CFR part 11 compliance and validated to GAMP5 Directives. It provides precise measurements of differential pressure using a diaphragm sensor, together with temperature and humidity. The CRP5 has been designed for installation in cleanrooms in hospitals, pharmaceutical facilities, electronics production and assembly areas, food industry, laboratories and wherever small differences in pressure are critical.

Robust diaphragm pressure switching up to 10 bar: Membrane pressure switch targets HVAC, pneumatic and process applications Variohm EuroSensor has launched a new range of robust diaphragm-type pressure switches aimed at demanding HVAC and industrial processes for air, water, hydraulic fluid and other oil mediums in measuring ranges from 0.3 to 10 bar. Available in a choice of brass (EPS01) or stainless steel (EPS02) housings, these competitively priced switches offer generous overpressure limits and a choice of NBR or VitonÂŽ diaphragm materials for maximum application flexibility.




PSM’s New Analogue Programmable Transmitters Approved PSM Instrumentation is delighted to announce that their latest products, the Analogue Pressure Transmitters (APT), have both received Marine Type Approval from DNV/GL. These cost-effective transmitters, which are suitable for marine, industrial and hazardous area applications, have demonstrated that they are fit for purpose and meet the required environment and performance criteria. The range includes Level Transmitters and Pressure Transmitters. Both are available in Stainless Steel, Titanium, and Hastelloy materials for compatibility with all mediums, and offer measurement ranges from 0.2 to 40 Bar in both Gauge pressure and Absolute pressure versions. Factory calibration to specific requirements and integral temperature compensation ensure excellent accuracy.

HBM Takes The Pressure Off Choosing The Right Transducer As part of its outstanding range of pressure sensors and transducers, the new P3MB and P3MBP from HBM – a market leader in the field of test and measurement – provides reliable and secure test results, of up to 3,000 bar, with an accuracy class of up to 0.1. Suitable for both static and highly dynamic measurement tasks, the latest series of pressure transducers from HBM provides a flexible solution. Reliably proven, the leading range of pressure transducers have been successfully used in a variety of diverse fields of application, which range from transmission test rigs and diesel injection pumps to oil pressure measurements and hydraulic applications.



Definitive guide to



Measurement Differential pressure (DP) flow measurement technology has been and remains the most widely used approach as plants work toward a higher level of operational excellence. It’s not hard to see why.




ngineers and technicians understand how it works, it can handle any kind of fluid (liquids, gases, steam, etc.), installations can be built in any size, and it even lends itself to DIY setups. At the same time, it has a few drawbacks. DP flow meters cause line pressure loss, they need long straight pipe sections to ensure accuracy, and many of those DIY setups are maintenance headaches with leaky impulse lines. Over the decades, instrumentation providers have worked hard to preserve the basic advantages of DP flow technology while mitigating its drawbacks. Some of the first things users wanted to get rid of were the troublesome external impulse lines and long straight pipe sections. To accommodate those requests, Flow Meters that use four orifices rather than a single orifice to create the necessary DP signal have been introduced. They mount the DP transmitter directly to the flange with integral impulse lines eliminating separate pipe taps and tubing. The result: a leak-proof installation that can be installed between two flanges anywhere in the piping where there are at least two diameters of straight pipe on both sides. This simplifies installation and operation by allowing a measurement to be added just about anywhere. DP technology is scalable to any line size, but when users have to work with large pipe diameters, extra fittings and flanges get expensive. For these installations, using an Annubar™ averaging Pitot tube approach avoids expensive pipe modifications. All it needs for mounting is a small hole through the pipe wall to insert the Annubar sensor element. For large diameter pipes the cost of an Annubar flow meter is exponentially less than other primary elements. The configuration also includes integral impulse lines for leakproof operation. The Annubar flow meter option is an excellent choice for applications of any size where it is critical to minimize pressure loss since it represents the smallest pipe obstruction. In situations where process needs call for more than a simple volumetric flow measurement, using a multivariable DP transmitter setup can provide a fully compensated mass flow reading. By adding a temperature and static pressure

sensor for the fluid, and a few fluid characteristic values, it is possible to calculate m a n y additional variables, including mass flow, energy f l o w , totalized flow, process temperature, static pressure, and more. These capabilities w o r k i n g together with sophisticated transmitter technology have produced a broad product line featuring high turn-down ratios, device diagnostics and robust mechanical strength supported by exceptionally stable and maintenancefree performance, able to boost plant profitability year after year. Users have leveraged these accurate measurements to deliver more precise process control and optimisation while reducing production outages and maintenance costs.


PRESSURE MEASUREMENT Special Selecting the right DP Flowmeter Achieving a differential pressure measurement requires two key elements – a primary element, which creates a restriction or reduction in the flowline to cause a pressure drop – and a differential pressure transmitter to calculate the flow. Selecting the right differential pressure flowmeter requires an understanding of the key factors that can affect their suitability for specific types of applications, including: Calculating the differential pressure The relationship between velocity and differential pressure provides the basis on which all differential pressure devices operate.

When the measured fluid flows at a velocity through the restriction, the area of the fluid path is reduced, causing the fluid to move at a higher velocity to maintain the same flowrate. As the velocity increases, the kinetic energy also increases, causing a consequent reduction in the pressure energy. This creates a lower pressure in the meter throat compared to that upstream of the throat. Each DP device deviates to some extent from the calculated relationship, which is based on the ratio of restriction diameter to pipe diameter. One reason is that when the fluid passes through the restriction, it continues to ‘converge’ for a short distance. This means that the minimum diameter of the fluid “jet” (called the vena contracta) can be smaller than the throat of the restriction and the velocity in it is therefore higher, as shown in the following diagram.


PRESSURE MEASUREMENT Special Consequently, the actual pressure reduction is greater than that calculated from the restriction diameter. To correct for this, a Coefficient of Discharge is applied. The ideal value of this coefficient would be 1.0 but the actual value varies from one class of DP device to another. It also varies within a given class of device, depending on the b-ratio (the ratio of the restriction diameter to the pipe bore diameter). When using the meter to measure flowrate, it is necessary to know the differential pressure generated, which is usually achieved using a differential pressure transmitter.


Know your Reynolds Number Reynolds Numbers are a means of comparing the dynamics of two or more flow systems which are geometrically similar but dimensionally different. To select the appropriate flowmeter, it is necessary to calculate the Reynolds number of the application. This is the ratio of momentum against viscosity and can be obtained by calculating the minimum and maximum fluid flow and viscosity figures of the application. A general guide for matching DP flowmeter selection to Reynolds Numbers is outlined below:



Orifice plate Square edge concentric Conical/quadrant edge concentric Eccentric/segmental

Clean liquids, gases & steam Viscous liquids Liquids & gases containing secondary fluid phases

≥ 2000 ≥ 500 10,000

Pitot Tubes

Clean liquids, gases & steam; contaminated gases



Clean & dirty liquids, gases, steam & viscous liquids

Flow Nozzles

Clean liquids, gases & steam

Wedge Elements

Dirty liquids, gases, steam, slurries & viscous liquids

Reynolds Numbers allow a common fluid such as water to be used as the calibration medium both for liquids and gases. Gases, however, have very low viscosities and tend to be transferred at high pipeline velocities. As can be quickly deduced from the Reynolds Number formula, this leads to very high Reynolds Numbers being generated, much higher than those normally achievable using water as the calibrating medium. This often creates the requirement for the calibration medium

Varies according to specification (size, flowcapacity etc.) 50,000 500

to be in the same “phase” as the application to better establish its stability under close-to-operating conditions. These factors together lead to some devices being calibrated using gas, a complex and costly operation often requiring the use of specialist third party gas calibration centres. If a water calibration is acceptable, some have suitable water calibration rigs in-house, enabling them to offer economic flow calibrations.


PRESSURE MEASUREMENT Special Calculating Density with Differential Pressure

Temperature can introduce error to a hydrostatic level measurement, specifically, when temperature changes, the density of the fluid being measured can also change, which means the level calculation being made by the instrument is being made with the wrong density value, creating an inefficiency and opening the door to a potential overfill. That’s a major problem, so what can operators do when they know the density is constantly changing (either due to temperature or process conditions) and the level output is incorrect? Do the maths A differential pressure sensor can be used to measure hydrostatic level and calculate density. As long as liquid covers both mounting ports of a differential pressure sensor, users can calculate the fluid’s density. To account for liquids of changing densities, users can rearrange the basic hydrostatic level formula and solve for density. In order to complete the equation, however, one needs to know the fluid level. But how is one supposed to know the fluid level if the density is changing? This is where differential pressure (DP) comes to the rescue. A differential pressure sensor measures the pressure at two different points. As long as these two points are covered by the fluid, the height of the measurement becomes the distance between the mounting ports and the pressure used for the calculation is the difference between the two, or the DP. So now that we have the level (distance between the ports) and the pressure (the differential pressure measurement), the only variable left in the basic hydrostatic pressure formula is density, which we can now solve for using the other two variables. So, with a DP measurement one can calculate the changing density of the fluid. This article was contributed to, by Rotronic, ABB & Emerson Automation Solutions




Quantum leap in flow measurement A flow meter to determine the quantity of a gas or a liquid in a certain time by a known cross section of flow (pipe, pipeline) flows. This data is useful in any system of process industry required (chemical, petrochemical, gas, food, pharmaceuticals). In particular, can be the only way to determine costs - for example for steam, gas, oil, water or district heating. However, due to the system different measurement errors affect the cost alone. They also affect the quality of production, for example, with complex recipes.

Versatile High Flowmeter



Titan Enterprises announces the availability of a new version of its Atrato Ultrasonic flowmeter designed to deliver precise flow measurement of fluid flows from -10 to +110 degrees centigrade. Ruggedly constructed with PEEK pipe connections and either a glass or 316 Stainless Steel flow tube the compact Atrato is compliant to IP54 standards. Utilising patented time-of-flight ultrasonic technology that enables it to operate with unmatched accuracy over very wide flow ranges, the Atrato range of inline flowmeters has set a new standard in flowmeter technology.




New Kobold Magnetic Inductive Flowmeter (MIM) The New Kobold MIM for measuring and monitoring conductive liquids is ideal for flow monitoring, flow measurement, dosing and counting for machine building, waste water monitoring, water recycling, water utilities, beverages, as well as the paper, auto and cement industries. Key features of the MIM include: • Accuracy: < ± (0,8% of reading +0.5% of full scale) • Flow and temperature measurement • Monitoring, transmitter function, dosing • Bidirectional measuring • pmax: 16 bar; tmax: 70°C • All metal design: stainless steel • Connection 1⁄2”, 3⁄4” and 1” • Rotating colour display • Two configurable outputs

ABB introduces new MID/OIML R117 certified coriolis flowmeter for custody transfer applications in oil & gas Delivers high accuracy custody transfer solution and is a key part of ABB’s total fiscal metering package with ABB flow computers and software ABB has achieved fiscal measurements type approval according to MID / OIML R117 for its CoriolisMaster coriolis mass flowmeters. The meters are now approved for use at the highest MID / OIML accuracy classes of 0.3 or 0.5. The extensive OIML standard tests were conducted at NMI and TUVNEL over the past few months.

Manufacturers and Suppliers of flow meters, level sensors and control systems to industries worldwide. Calibration and Repair Services also available

Wide range of process and control products available • Turbine Flow Meters upto 25000 PSI • Coriolis Mass Meters • Batch controllers • Level Sensors for liquids and solids • Flow Meters and Displays (including Explosion Proof) Contact our experts for specialist advice

icenta.co.uk - Sales@icenta.co.uk - +44(0)1722 439880




to look out for in




Alicat – in the making One of the strong Global Trends in gas flow-metering is the ambition to have just one instrument to meet all applications. In reality, this will be hard to achieve as the concept of “all applications” is so far ranging with so many considerations to take into account. Nevertheless, during 2018 Alicat Scientific expect to be taking a very large step towards this “Nirvana of Flowmeters” based upon combining all of the following technical considerations together in one instrument. The final specifications are still being defined, however, testing has shown that the following specifications are likely, or in some cases, even better. High Rangeability; Alicat have achieved a turn-down ratio of 2000:1 thereby coming ever closer to the concept of one size fits all. Closely allied to this is the elimination of any measurement uncertainty based upon an element of full scale. The accuracy statement will therefore be 0.3% of reading across the whole 2000:1 range – essential towards the bottom end of the measurement scale. Multigas capability, with up to 130 gases stored onboard, with no requirement for conversion factors, the accuracy statement above remains true regardless of the gas type, or indeed of a mixture with up to five constituents. Multi-parameter measurement, is essential for the selection of just one instrument with an Alicat being capable of measuring volumetric flow, mass flow, temperature, barometric pressure and line pressure. Most flow applications are for single direction i.e. from a higher pressure to a lower pressure. Some applications, however,

require flow in two directions so Alicat have developed their sensor to be inherently bi-directional. Greater precision within both the process and scientific industries requires that measurement, indication and electronic signals should be as close to real time as is possible. Alicat flowmeters are therefore designed to have a Fast Speed of Response; accurate flow measurements can be obtained within 4 milliseconds. Linked to both speed and accuracy is the concept of being Instantly on, no warm up, to ensure that all apparatus works to specification immediately upon demand. Lastly, there are three requirements that are linked to flowmeters being unaffected by their surroundings. Ultra-low Pressure Drop, ensures that the pressure regime within the instrument does not adversely affect the volumetric flow measurement. Conversely, in fact, it also ensures that the instrument does not influence the process within which it is placed. Attitude Insensitivity, ensures that the instrument can be placed in any attitude without affecting the reading, this is especially important with “balloon gases” that can, with other technologies, suffer from the chimney effect caused by a heating/cooling re-cycle that can result in a zero offset. Insensitivity to humidity, within the process stream can be important as other measurement technologies often suffer from inaccuracy or functional failure with the presence of moisture. As has been mentioned above, all of these features will be combined within one instrument; certainly a flowmeter to look out for in 2018.



EE741 in-line flow meter

Bürkert’s FLOWave

The modular EE741 from E+E Elektronik can be employed for pipe diameters DN15 to DN50 and is ideal for measuring and monitoring the consumption of compressed air and technical gases up to 16 bar (232 psi). The modular device consists of the transmitter unit with flow sensor and a stainless steel or aluminum gaugemounting block. Various mounting blocks allow the use of the EE741 for DN15 (1/2”), DN20 (3/4”), DN25 (1”) as well as DN32 (1 1/4”), DN40 (1 1/2”), DN50 (2”) pipes.

Bürkert’s FLOWave has been developed so that none of the components are in direct contact with the fluid, which causes no restriction to flow. Furthermore, the internal surface of the tube can be manufactured to the same surface finish as the rest of the pipeline, meaning that in terms of hygiene, cleaning and flow conditions, there is no difference to any other piece of straight pipe within the process. The FLOWave flow measurement device uses Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) technology that is based on the wave propagation forms similar to seismic waves, which start from an initial point of excitation and spread along the surface of a solid material. This innovative flow measurement system currently provides very accurate flow and temperature data and the technology will, in the future, allow density information to be used to determine the mass flow rate.

Features include: • Easy installation and removal • Highly accurate thermal measuring principle • Comfortable operation via display • Several output options



Endress + Hauser’s Picomag Picomag is a new smart ‘plug and play’ electromagnetic flow meter that measures and monitors flow and temperature of conductive liquids. Picomag is ideal for water applications including, cooling, warm and drinking water. Its compact size makes it ideal for use on process skids where space is limited or in difficult to reach locations. Picomag can be installed into any pipe up to 2”. Picomag offers easy commissioning with Bluetooth using its SmartBlue App, as well as seamless integration in to fieldbus and other existing infrastructures with its IO link technology. The SmartBlue App allows you to check and adjust parameters in real time at the touch of a button. Outputs also in 4-20mA, pulse, switch and 2-10V. The multivariable flow and temperature monitoring make it also ideal for production processes in the food & beverage industry. The stainless steel Picomag flowmeter has high shock and vibration resistance, IP65/67 protection and a PEEK measuring tube. It fulfills EMC requirements according to IEC/EN 61326. It also conforms to the requirements of the EU and ACMA directives, and has a cULus listing.

Xylem’s Flygt EMF801 MagFlux Flowmeter & MagFlux Quad Xylem’s MagFlux Quad and WRAS and MCERTS approved Flygt EMF801 MagFlux Flowmeter provides an accurate solution for flow measurement in pipes, offering an accuracy of 0.25%, even when measuring slow flow velocity as low as 0.2m/sec, through to highs of 10m/sec. The in-built data logger is capable of recording 20,000 entries, giving both an accurate and a consistent reading when measuring flow where space is a premium. Minimum pipe diameter for accurate flow on MagFlux EMF801 3 x Diameter inlet and 2 x Diameter outlet and on the MagFlux Quad only 1 x Diameter inlet and 1 x Diameter outlet and offers a full range of sizes, from DN20 (3/4”) to DN1200 (48”).




IZMAG™ flow meter The innovative IZMAG™ is a reliable electromagnetic flow meter, functional in design and almost completely made of stainless steel. The standard version measures bidirectional flows of conductive liquids volumetrically. It owes the reliability of its measured values to continuous internal calibration. The standard model can be expanded using Profibus DP and can be integrated within networks. The IZMAG™ flow meter can easily be positioned precisely where it is needed: it is available as an all-in-one version, with separated signal transmitter and electronics box, and with an illuminated display that can be rotated through 360°.

Emerson’s Rosemount 8712EM Emerson has introduced the Rosemount 8712EM Wall Mount Magnetic Flow Meter Transmitter with additional protocols, powerful diagnostic capabilities and usability features to help users in the pulp and paper, metals and mining, and other industries gain quick and easy insight into their processes. The Rosemount 8712EM’s diagnostic suite includes high process noise detection and ground fault detection. The electrode coating diagnostic offers two set points to alert when coating is present and when it is affecting flow measurement, enabling preventative maintenance. Smart Meter Verification continuously monitors the health and performance of the meter for ultimate measurement confidence. Universal transmitter capability allows the 8712EM to operate with any existing magnetic flow meter sensor and allows backwards compatibility with all Rosemount magnetic sensors. This feature not only makes the transmitter easier to integrate with older units, but it also enables the use of the 8712EM’s advanced diagnostic features.

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