SHAPA Supplement February 2017

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Solids Handling & Processing Supplement


January - February 2017

TIME FOR CHANGE? There is absolutely no doubt that the status quo will be heaved into history, if not now, then probably soon enough. Last year began with a large question mark over our place in the future of Europe. It ended with yet more questions here, there and everywhere. This year began with a new era in American politics, evolving dynamics economically here and in other locations worldwide, including in particular China, Russia and perhaps Japan. “Populism”, it seems, has unhinged the rusty gates of conservatism (with a small “c”!).


But stay awhile. We are the Solids Handling & Processing Association – deep in the engine room of our economy and regardless of the actions of the “officers” guiding our ship, from where we sit the changes will come more gradually and progressively and optimism, with a little careful planning and logical thinking, will prevail. Even in the worst “recessions” of late well over 95% of business continued to function effectively. Populists and detractors continued to eat, clothe themselves, travel, buy homes, furniture and fittings and consume pharmaceutical products at ever increasing rates. They also expect to be entertained and pursue all kinds of leisure interests. Behind almost all of these activities, at the root of nearly every related product, the services of SHAPA member companies are required, underpinning the lives and aspirations of all. This may sound rather grand, but it is true that we are fortunate to play a significant role in so many industries, from food, feed and beverages to medicinal products; from primary material recovery and energy production to home decoration. Energy for all requires processing and transport of fuels in Continue...

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PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement


solid form, whether from fossil or various types of biomass. The chemical and pharmaceutical industries – for the health and wellbeing of us all - rely on the processing of powdered and granular materials. The list of steady, reliable and continuous industries and applications that utilise our services is almost endless. It gets better! Recent statistics show that manufacturing output is not only holding its own, but developing particularly here in UK. Of course, trade is necessary and mutually beneficial to all parties. Whatever political stripes ensue this will prevail as it always has done, whatever obstacles have been thrown into its path from time to time. Indeed, since its inception in 1982, SHAPA has been a constant source of positive, relevant, progressive and entirely helpful information for its members and indeed for industry in general. Thirty five years of accumulated knowledge and inspiration have kept the Association as the “go-to” place for the best insight and latterly, for up to date information for marketing via the internet.

LAURELS UNSULLIED… Laurels are not, however, to be rested upon by weary engineers and managers so SHAPA continues to push ahead, gathering impetus from the tremendous voluntary input of its members, to formulate a programme of events, seminars and meetings aimed to enhance success in the year as it unfolds. Indeed, the two main sub-committees, dealing with marketing and technical issues have been very busy towards the end of last year and into this, organising and arranging a variety of events to further the momentum of the Association.

NEW PAPERS FOR ALL Cost of ownership, that much debated but often neglected topic, is not new, but good guidance has been requested for a long time. SHAPA has an agenda ready to help steer discussions between suppliers and project buyers. This document, which takes an holistic view, is now available on the website and deals with capital expenditure, operating and maintenance costs. It makes allowances for unforseen costs arising 2sp

from downtime, takes into account reliability and end of life costs and considers depreciation, replacement costs and total life expectancy. It will be essential reading for those making significant investment decisions. Check this valuable guidance out by visiting Other technical papers are in the pipeline with subjects such as “Linings and Logistics” being considered. As with all proposed Technical Papers, this will be subject to peer review. There are, of course, several useful papers already available on the SHAPA website.

SEMINARS AND COURSES The recent course on negotiation and sales training was very well received and it is proposed to repeat this in updated form in 2018. A course to be entitled Bulk Handling for Non-engineers has been agreed and is under development. It is slated for November this year. Continuing the “cross-over” skills theme, the 2016 course “Finance for Nonfinancial Managers” was very popular. It is likely that the course will appear again in the future. Ideas come thick and fast and the website will keep you informed of up-coming events. An imminent course, by popular demand, to be held on March 14 th this year, deals with ATEX training. Yes, this may be an old chestnut, but many engineers will be encountering its web of requirements for the first time. Others will benefit from revisions and updates of techniques. With ATEX there is always something new to learn and the day will include legislation and compliance, categorisation and zoning, ignition sources, technical file compilation, venting and suppression. Marketing is an essential element of the life and continued success of any company and today digital marketing has gained respect and prominence to the point that it has become an essential skill. For some years now, the Association has presented an annual Digital Marketing course, professionally led, to bring delegates up to date with the latest techniques, harnessing social media, such as LinkedIn, as a valuable element in the marketing armoury.

Watch out for more valuable members’ courses. So, an eclectic mixture of courses and events indeed! – thus representing the essence of SHAPA’s mission to provide its members with the commercial, technical and even legal ammunition to further improve their product and service offerings, whilst enhancing their own security and peace of mind.

WEBSITE The marketing sub-committee is well aware of the power of a progressive website. For example, the Product Finder will lead you to a range of competent companies offering collectively the entire range of solids and bulk handling skills and technologies for your new project or for maintenance or improvement of existing equipment. Information by way of Technical Papers is also readily available to visitors to the website.

From left to right: Jason Shipstone – Drax, Hemal Adaja – Russell Finex, John Pethullis – Southdown Solutions, Richard Baker – Russell Finex, Nigel Hubbard – Dustcheck, Pete Dawson – Dustcheck

Much progress has been made relating to social media. The Association now boasts a new Twitter account and a new LinkedIn account as well as a revised set of Analytics from Google and there is now a Google Business Page. The Twitter and LinkedIn facilities will be used particularly to promote SHAPA events, workshops, awards, meetings and other items of interest. Relating to awards, this year will see another edition of the SHAPA Industry Awards in three categories: Innovation, Export and Company of the Year. These are open to all – please contact the Association for entry details. All in all 2017 may well be a year of change, but SHAPA offers a constant source of application skills and innovative products and solutions supplied by its 110 dedicated member companies. Perhaps you would like to join this successful family, or simply make use or our expertise, amply displayed on the following pages. You are then just a click or two away from enlightenment.

PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement



Capable of producing finer particle sizes than a jet mill and with energy consumption typically eighty percent less than other mills, the Pulvis offers an efficient alternative to impact type mills, when it comes to ultra-fine milling. As a dry agitated bead mill type, the Pulvis offers size reduction without the need for an additional drying phase. In the dry process particles do not re-agglomerate but remain in a dry, free flowing state, saving further energy costs and time. The mill is located at the bottom of the machine and ground particles are conveyed by air, passing through the grinding chamber to the integrated classifier the operating speed of which determines the fineness of the end product. The classifier separates the required fine product from coarse particles. The coarse particles are returned to the grinding zone. With the option of ceramic, wear protected grinding and classifying parts the Micron Pulvis is suitable for milling ceramic materials, metal oxides, battery materials, minerals, glass, hydrogen absorbent alloys, magnetic materials, pigments and carbon etc. Designed for easy access, disassembly and cleaning the machine is well suited to multiple applications and frequent material changes. Available in a range of sizes from 0.75 kW grinding motor (1.00 kW classifying motor) to 70.0 kW grinding motor (30.0 kW classifying motor) the Pulvis is suitable for test purposes through to fully scaled up production size. For further information/reader enquiries, please contact: Hosokawa Micron Ltd, Runcorn, Cheshire. Tel: (01928) 755100 714325 Email: Web:

Barton Fabrications, the UK’s largest manufacturer of aluminium storage silos, has achieved accreditation to CE mark its vessels to EN 1090: this ensures compliance with the latest Construction Products Regulations. The standard gives customers the confidence that the silos, pipework, gantries and ladders supplied by Barton, which are all considered structural products, have traceability and conform to mandatory structural requirements. Commenting on the accreditation Mark Barton, Managing Director and owner of Barton Fabrications said: “We are delighted to receive the accreditation as this recognises the high level of design, procurement, manufacturing and quality control standards we adopt. We have further enhanced our processes as part of the accreditation assessment – this has included using coded welders for all structural components and improving our job card system. “Buyers have a responsibility to ensure that the structural products they procure from their suppliers meet all relevant standards and the CE Marked certification we issue with every silo gives buyers the confidence that The now mandatory Construction Products Regulations replace the Construction Products Directive and dictate that any steel or aluminium construction product, which includes silos, are CE Marked to the harmonised European Standard EN 1090. Barton supply full CE documentation electronically following installation of any silo or other structural component supplied. For more details on Barton Fabrications’ silo solutions, contact Mark Barton:Tel: +44 (0) 1275 845901 E-mail: Web:

PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement


EFFECTIVE, INNOVATIVE EXTRACTION Dust Control Systems Ltd specialises in providing dust and fume extraction solutions across many industries, including major projects in solids handling, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, vehicle manufacture, and the waste recycling sector. Saving energy and increasing production efficiency, while ensuring a safe working environment, are key requirements of most processes and the company’s reputation has been built on its ability to provide the most suitable and cost-effective solution, whatever the project. DCS aim to improve their customers’ profitability by providing the best in current filter technology, significantly reducing energy usage with the Ecogate ® extraction optimisation system, and ensuring that expectations are met by focusing on system reliability. The DCS commitment doesn’t end there, but extends through lifetime service programmes customised to meet customers’ specific needs. To assist companies with compliance on COSHH Regulations, DCS also offer comprehensive LEV(Local Exhaust Ventilation) testing and examination packages that include inspection and service to ensure extraction systems continue to comply with regulations. For more information contact Dust Control Systems Ltd, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire. Tel: 0800 040 7116 E-mail: or visit


NEW BLENDERS FOR SMALL-SCALE PRODUCTION British Rema has introduced two new Interchangeable Blenders designed to improve efficiencies for R&D and small-scale Pharmaceutical and Food production. The blenders feature a single base onto which a range of different body types and sizes can be quickly and easily interchanged. This means that correct body sizes can be selected to maintain optimal blend fill ratios if a variety of batch sizes need to be accommodated, or alternatively long clean down times can be avoided if blending different products sequentially. Both blenders come complete with controls and relevant guarding. The R&D Interchangeable Blender is designed to handle batches of between 5L and 50L and is suitable for companies looking to scale up from R&D to small–scale manufacturing.

The Small-Scale Interchangeable Blender is designed to handle larger batches of between 5L and 100L. RFID blend software can be used for batch control and to eliminate the risk of cross contamination by tagging each individual cone with an RFID chip to match a recipe. The control software will then not allow the blending to start if the selected cone does not correspond to the required recipe. Cone options and applications are as follows: V-Cone - For high intensity mixing. As the blender rotates product is constantly being divided into the two halves of the V so producing the correct blend. Double Cone - Ideal for mixing granulates where the addition of binders and lubricants is required but minimal granulate degradation is also preferred. IBC - offer high efficiency blending due to the large number of blend points (corners) in the IBC. They are used widely in granulation and tableting facilities so offer a perfect opportunity to scale up. Octagonal – Also ideal for granulation products with a high number of blend points but offers a slightly more aggressive form of blending than the Double Cone. For more information on British Rema’s Interchangeable Blenders please email info@

DR MARKUS ROSER JOINS BS&B EUROPE AS HEAD OF APPLICATION INDUSTRIAL EXPLOSION PROTECTION BS&B Safety Systems Europe welcomes Dr. Markus Roser as its new in-house, technical advisor in industrial explosion protection.

Already proving to be a valued member of the team, Markus’ focus is providing expert advice on explosion protection specifications to BS&B’s European cross-sector customers. Through his technical expertise, he will help to bring clarity to specifiers end-users about the intricate considerations involved when applying bespoke explosion protection concepts for BS&B’s clients. Markus joins BS&B with 20 years of experience in the explosion protection industry. Before joining BS&B, he was the technical co-ordinator for research in explosion protection at FSA GmbH. FSA provides testing and certification of explosion protective systems according to ATEX; it also undertakes research on gas and dust explosions, including large-scale explosion tests under real conditions. While at FSA, Markus ran the explosion testing division, along with certification and explosion investigation. He was also an experienced team and project manager, key account manager and an accomplished contract negotiator and quality management auditor. Markus has excellent academic qualifications which have provided a sound foundation for his in-depth knowledge of dust and gas explosions. After gaining a Dipl. Ing (FH) degree from the Polytechnic Furtwangen in Germany he proceeded to study at De Montfort University in Leicester, UK where he attained an MSc in Mechatronics. Markus then attended Loughborough University and graduated with a PhD (specialising in dust explosion phenomena in interconnected process vessels) from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He also attained a Quality Manager certificate from the German Society for Quality (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität). As an active member, Markus participated in standardization committees at CEN (Comité européean de normalisation), at different working groups under Technical Committee 305 (TC 305) potentially explosive atmospheres - explosion prevention and protection); he deals specifically with explosion venting, explosion isolation and explosion suppression. Kevin Spiess, BS&B’s Head of Sales for EMEA says, “Markus’ outstanding technical expertise and business experience will give us a distinct edge in our service delivery, especially as our products continue to advance. We are very pleased to have him join us in the European team.” To find out more about BS&B Safety Systems: Web: E-mail:

PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement

WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A KNIFE GATE & SLIDE GATE? By Laurence Millington, Vortex Director of International Business Valve suppliers often receive quote requests for a “knife gate” when what a company is really looking for is a “slide gate” for dry bulk material handling. As often as the two terms are intermingled, a knife gate and a slide gate are NOT the same. A knife gate valve is a component that utilises a blade to cut through clogging of heavy liquids; whereas a slide gate valve is a component utilising a slide plate in order to better manipulate or control the flow of dry bulk material.

KNIFE GATES ARE TO CUT THROUGH THICK LIQUIDS & GASES Knife gate valves were originally designed for use in the pulp and paper industry. Utilising a sharp, beveled edge, a knife gate was ideally designed to cut through the stringy pulp encountered in the pulp and paper industries. The benefits of knife gates also include that they are easy to actuate and cheap to produce. As a result, use of knife gate valves quickly expanded into numerous other markets, including wastewater treatment, oil and gas, mining, and power, in a short period of time. Knife gate valves became advantageous in sludge and slurry applications because their blades can cut right through thick liquids easily. Today, a knife gate valve can be found in many processing plants. They are available in large sizes to better handle thick flows of heavy oils, light grease, slurry, paper pulp, varnish, and wastewater. However it is important to note that knife gate valves have low-pressure limitations. Even though knife gates handle liquids and gases well, their utility is greatly diminished when used in dry bulk applications. The knife gate is designed to seat the blade into an elastomer seal after the blade cuts through the material. Thick liquids easily glide over these soft seals with no interference. In contrast, when a powder or a solid passes through a knife gate, the dry bulk material packs into the soft seals against the end of the gate. The seals become abraded and, over time, the blade will not close tightly. This prevents positive air and material shutoff. The knife gate starts to leak material dust. In both situations, you will need to replace the knife gate’s

seals once it begins to dust, and depending on the valve and its placement, it may be necessary to remove the entire valve out of the system line to replace the seals. This can be cumbersome as knife gates are generally constructed of heavy metal cast iron. The weight of the valve makes it very difficult to maintain while in place, or to replace. Further, removal of a knife gate for maintenance purposes will result in downtime, decreased production and negatively impact revenue streams.

SLIDE GATES ARE TO SHUT OFF DRY MATERIAL FLOW Unlike common knife gates, a slide gate is a component that fits into a system specifically engineered to handle dry bulk powders, pellets, and granules. Slide gate valves are linear motion valves in which a flat plate slides into the flow stream to provide a shut-off of material or air. The gate can close or open the slide plate on a moving column of material at all times. The slide plate of the gate is not, in most applications, open or exposed to people. Thus, when used as designed and instructed, this type of valve is inherently safe to perform what it was designed to do. A slide plate provides no risk or hazard to the operator inside the system so long as the operator is following proper Lockout/Tagout procedures and has disabled any pneumatic sources. A slide gate utilises a stainless steel, rectangular slide plate to shut off or open the flow of dry material. The slide plate actuates between two, compression-loaded, hard polymer plates. In the closed position, the compression load on the blade prevents the dry bulk material and the conveying air from

PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement

escaping through the valve or into the plant’s atmosphere. Because knife gates do not have hard polymer plates to seal the blade during actuation, a cavity is created where material dust will accumulate. The slide gate valve also “self-cleans” material from the seat on each stroke of the slide plate to prevent bridging or packing of material. The slide gate’s hard polymer seals compensate for wear unlike the knife gate. Once a knife gate’s seals wear, they start to leak and must be replaced. The slide gate’s hard polymer seals have an extended life with a hard rubber backing compressing the seals constantly. After the seal can no longer compress, the seals can be easily replaced on a roller gate without removing the gate from service. Should the orifice gate valve ever need to be removed from the conveying line, its modular construction is lightweight when compared to cast knife gates. However, a slide gate is not designed to seal liquids. When the slide plate closes, it seats into a polymer seal that has no cavity. Hence, the liquid will find the path of least resistance and trickle through any opening. A slide gate is not bubble tight and will leak any liquids that are being conveyed. In contrast, a knife gate contains an elastomer o-ring seal or urethane o-ring seal packed into the seat, so the liquid is displaced. When quoting a valve for your facility, consult your valve manufacturer to find out if a knife gate or a slide gate is the best valve for the material that you are handling. The dialogue that you have with your manufacturer can help you select the correct valve the first time, saving you replacement costs later. For more information on Vortex, visit our website at



Coperion and Coperion K-Tron are system and equipment suppliers, including extruders, feeders, components, pneumatic conveying and packaging.

Coperion’s complete packaging solutions for a variety of industries like plastics, chemicals and food, are easy to operate, very flexible, adaptable to a wide range of products and easy to maintain. Coperion’s packaging equipment is specially designed for free flowing granular bulk materials and includes all required features to reliably manage bulk density variations and cross contamination. These machines combine all functions like weighing, bagging, marking, qualifying and palletising in one single unit. The innovative and modular designs for bagging and palletising are ideal for end of the line material weighing and packaging. With more than 40 locations, 2500 employees and numerous representatives worldwide, Coperion and Coperion K-Tron can respond quickly and offer local support where it is needed. For more information contact: Coperion K-Tron Great Britain Ltd, Stockport, SK4 1AS Tel: +44 (0)161 209 4810 E-mail: Web:


PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement

JOHN R BOONE MIXERS KEEP AGROCHEMICAL BLENDS MOVING Leading British mixer and blender manufacturer John R Boone have supplied Exwold Technology in Teesside with three 4000 litre capacity low-shear mixers as part of a new installation that has expanded Exwold’s agrochemical production facility. Exwold selected John R Boone Horizontal Helical Blade Mixers (HHBM) for their reliability, value for money, quality and ease of cleaning. Exwold is a contract manufacturer of agricultural and speciality chemicals with four sites in the North East employing more than a hundred people. They pride themselves on flexible and fast moving R&D with a speciality in water- dispersible granules (WDG). A material that is to be converted to granules is inherently prone to agglomeration, and the challenge that Exwold MD Kevin Martin presented was to supply mixers that keep the material fluid, well separated and clog-free while it progresses through the process. Exwold considered several possible manufacturers, choosing John R Boone after tests showed that the very low speed ribbon agitators of the HHBM would maintain mix fluidity while putting very little work into the material. In this case the HHBM has a U shaped body and four helical blades that sweep the entire length of the mixer providing a very gentle yet thorough, end-to- end mixing action with very low product retention. A pre-mix with approximately 3mm particle size is loaded into the first of the three John R Boone HHBM, which then feeds a reverse jet mill that reduces the particle size to micron dimensions. From there the powder is sent to two further John R Boone HHBM before going on to the extrusion press to be formed into granules. At all stages, it is critical that the mix is kept mobile, and presented to the discharge point consistently and completely. Exwold manufacture in campaigns that last several weeks and cleanliness between batches is vital. As Kevin Martin put it, “the Boone mixers offer easy access for inspection, easy access for cleaning and maintenance along with good quality and performance”. The low contact area design of the mixer body and minimum number of blades make cleaning simpler and quicker, and John R Boone also installed CIP equipment within each mixer to further reduce cleaning time. The new plant is now in full operation, producing granular products. For more information, please contact: JR Boone Limited, Congleton, Cheshire. Tel: +44 (0)1260 272894 E-mail: Web:

PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement


AERZEN TURBO AT NIW OMAGH WWTW Two years ago, specialist blower, screw blower and turbo manufacturer Aerzen Machines Ltd were requested by Matt Hunt, NIW Framework Manager to review a failing blower installation at the Omagh works. The existing machines originally supplied were too large for the site airflow requirements and did not have sufficient turndown to suit this capacity. Aerzen surveyed the site, reviewed the existing blower installation and submitted a proposal for smaller Aerzen high speed Turbo units to be installed that had sufficient capacity and turndown. The Aerzen AT150 Turbo blower packages installed are complete with high efficiency inverter, PLC and control system. Over two years of successful operation later, NI Water Area Manager, Nigel Armstrong said the machines had proven very reliable and had resulted in cost savings in reduced power consumption of approximately 50 per cent than the previous plant. For more information contact AERZEN MACHINES LTD, Loughton, Essex. Tel: +44 (0) 20 8502 8100 | Email: | Web:

PNEUMATIC CONVEYING PERFORMANCE Dynamic Air offers 16 different pneumatic conveying concepts: Each system has its own unique set of operating characteristics for pressure, conveying line velocity, efficiency and performance. Because each and every material to be conveyed reacts differently under a given set of operating conditions, it is critical to match the system operating characteristics to the material to be conveyed in order to achieve the most desired conveying performance and to provide the best value. Dynamic Air’s 16 different pneumatic conveying concepts have the ability to convey at almost any conveying velocity desired to suit a given material to be conveyed. We can convey many materials with conveying velocities as low as.25 m/sec. using our HDP 6000 dense phase pneumatic conveying system and, using our LDP 2000 dilute phase pneumatic conveying system, we can convey at velocities well over 35m/sec. Plus our conveying capacities range from just 100kg of material per hour up to 400 tons per hour and conveying distances exceeding 1500 m in length. For more information contact Dynamic Air Ltd, Tel: 01908 622344 |E-mail: |Web:


For over 30 years, we have partnered with food and chemical processing companies, helping them conquer their bulk materials handling challenges with gentlehandling TipTrak® bucket elevators, robust dust-tight Powderflight® aeromechanical conveyors, simple & safe Bagstander® FIBC dischargers, and UniFlex flexible screw conveyors. For more information, contact UniTrak Powderflight Limited, Tel. +44 (0) 1457 865038 |

Prevention Venting Isolation Suppression






PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement

SHORT COURSES IN COMPANY FROM THE WOLFSON CENTRE for BULK SOLIDS HANDLING TECHNOLOGY In-Company short courses on Bulk Materials Handling Technology are proving to be a popular option for companies who have a number of personnel who would benefit from education in the subject area, for 3 main reasons: •COST: It is more economic for us to bring the course to you, than for you to send several staff out to us; •RELEVANCE: We can tailor the course programme to suit the operations you have in your plant, hence reducing the amount of material which is not directly relevant; •CONVENIENCE: We can run the course when it suits you, even over several separate days rather than in a block if it is better for you. Details of courses available can be found at www. or ring Caroline at the Wolfson Centre to discuss your requirements on 020 8331 8646

ROTA VAL LAUNCH FOREIGN BODY REMOVAL MAGNETS One of the greatest challenges to processing industries is ensuring the maximum integrity of the finished product. Failure to do so can be catastrophic with the real risk of causing personal harm and untold damage to the brand. Contamination

risks exist at most stages of production, to combat this a robust HACCP system and high performance foreign body removal equipment such as magnetic separation and detection systems are vital. Housed easy clean grid magnets are ideal for removal of fine iron and para-magnetic contamination from a range of dry free flowing products such as sugar, grain, flour, granulates and powders. Housed Grids are available as single row units or double row units with square and circular options. These grids can be retro-fitted or ordered at the same time as a new valve, they sit underneath or above and underneath the rotary valve to maximise protection. The unit contains one high intensity Easy Clean Magnetic Grid. The grid is secured into the housing by tri-cone locking nuts which ensure even pressure is generated around the food grade seal. Units can be supplied with quick release toggle clamps if cleaning time is to be kept to a minimum For those applications were ultimate levels of removal are required, a double row system is available It is common to have numerous units installed throughout a processing facility to ensure contamination is removed at source of generation. All dry powders and granular type materials can be processed through the unit. Electrical safety interlocks can be fitted to the grid to stop the process should it be accidentally opened. This easy clean design allows all attracted contamination to be easily and quickly collected for further inspection or analysis. When the unit requires cleaning, simply remove the outer grid securing tri-cone locking nuts and remove the grid from the housing. Remove the central tri-cone locking nut and sepa¬rate the grid assembly allowing all attracted contamination to simply fall away. Fully conversant with all major industry standards such as FSA, FDA and IFS, plus institutes such as BRC and GFSI. Many of the magnetic separation products have full ATEX certification For more details contact Rota Val Ltd, Chippenham, Wiltshire. Tel: +44 1249 651138 E-mail: Web:

PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement


MONONIVO LEVEL LIMIT SWITCH THE ALL-ROUNDER FOR ALL ENVIRONMENTS Compact solutions for different processes within bulk material handling for the grain industry How to support a smooth process flow with the right point level limit detector

Wheat, barley, rye, maize, semolina, bran, groats or oats – to name just a few of the many officially approved cereal varieties you can find during processes in a mill. To guarantee a smooth process flow each stage needs reliable level control of the material with sophisticated sensor techniques. Today’s animal feed mill is a high-tech, complex manufacturing plant with fully automated processes. The demand for measurement sensors is to work with innovative techniques to meet the variable and complex challenges of this industry. Level controls need to handle granular material, light powders, sticky atmospheres and abrasive process conditions.

THE RIGHT CHOICE OF LEVEL MEASUREMENT DETECTION The Mononivo vibrating rod level switch has recently been used by a leading UK pet food manufacturer to accurately measure the powdered components during the production of a number of their most popular dog food products. The manufacturer had tried various types of level measuring devices, including capacitance and vibrating forks, within the product transfer system however had experienced problems due to the small diameter of the ducting. Level control devices using the capacitance principle had proven to be problematic as the level switch experienced interference from the close proximity of the duct wall which resulted in the creation of false level alarms and thus halting the manufacturing process. UWT UK Ltd. proposed the use of the Mononivo MN4020 level switch, which uses the vibration principle, as a successful solution to reliably measure the feed additive which was a light powdery consistency with a relatively low density when in transfer. The availability of a 1” BSP connector ensured that the Mononivo could replace the capacitance switch in the transfer duct without the need for any modifications. Other advantages for the customer included the ability to adjust the sensitivity of the Mononivo easily via an internal switch meaning that the device was versatile enough to use to measure different materials, whatever the product size or density. Also the IP67 enclosure allowed them to use the Mononivo not only inside the plant but also in applications on the external storage silos. The 316 stainless steel shaft also met the high hygiene standard requirements.


Since installing the UWT Mononivo level sensor, the false alarms that the customer had been previously experiencing have ceased which in turn has reduced the plant down-time and so production has increased.


UWT configured the appropriate measurement technology with the vibrating rod probe Mononivo® 4000 so that with its modular design, it could be flexibly configured for several of the mill’s applications - even under constantly changing conditions. It can be used in silos and tanks as a full, demand or empty detector. Sensor, process fitting, electronics and housing were matched to the specific requirements so that the installation was provided with an effective and reliable measurement technology. To detect any type of bulk solids the technology with adjustable sensitivity, compact design and robust construction is universally applicable for the varying bulk materials. To ensure the smooth, safe and efficient operation of every single process, a comprehensive range of innovative measurement technology is needed. After the quality control of the incoming raw material the whole

output signal to switch. For the conveying system the point level detector can generate a blockage alarm for elevators and for the chain and screw conveyors. Within mills the grinding processes are areas with potentially explosive environments caused by dust from grain. These areas have to be assessed and classified into corresponding zones. Plant technology also has to be adjusted and approved according to these individual zones. For level control within the milling industry, MN sensors fulfil the requirements of the ATEX, IEC-Ex and FM directives. Thus the Mononivo® can be installed for safe and reliable use in potentially explosive environments. The dustproof product design of the MN device and the abrasion resistant device materials offer a reliable long-life solution for the miller. The Mononivo® offers a measurement solution that can be quickly and easily achieved. Focus is on the device’s particularly high compatibility for different container vessels and conditions, which means more flexibility for users and plant operators.


process flow is fully automatically regulated by the miller so that nobody comes into contact with the grain materials during the manufacturing steps. Due to the compact construction of the vibrating rod Mononivo® MN 4020 including available threads from 1”,s the unit is also appropriate as an overfill detector within pipes and shafts where space is limited. Vertical, horizontal and/or oblique installation is possible. With the adjustable sensitivity the device is suitable to measure light bulk solids from 20g/l. Electronically stimulated piezos cause the probe to vibrate. As soon as the sensor is covered with material, the vibration is dampened and the resulting electrical current change causes the

For over 40 years, UWT continues to maintain its position as the leading manufacturer of level measurement technology on the world market. The company is principally focused on the field of bulk solids. With its head office, development and production facilities in Germany, an additional production facility in Malta and its own dedicated sales subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, United States, Russia and in the growth regions of China and India, the company can meet the needs of the world market with the utmost flexibility that customers require. The company is certified ISO 9001:2015 and constantly expands its portfolio of product certifications (ATEX, FM, CSA), particularly with regard to the international markets. The UWT products are universally recognized for their easy handling, high reliability and long service life under the company’s motto “Brilliantly simple level measurement in bulk solids.”

PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement

FUNDING NO BARRIER TO POWDER QUALITY OR PROCESS OPTIMISATION WITH HOSOKAWA POWDER CHARACTERISTICS TESTER For companies seeking to improve product quality control, process design or optimisation or wishing to undertake new materials development, the Hosokawa Powder Characteristics Tester PT-X is a ‘must have’ piece of laboratory equipment that is now a ‘can have’ essential; thanks to Hosokawa’s no deposit, fixed payment funding option.

The Hosokawa Powder Characteristics Tester can determine 10 separate powder characteristics essential for high specification powder production and design of powder handling and processing systems. Examples of popular use include, accurate determination of flowability which would effect mixing speeds and an understanding of the critical discharge flow to prevent product bridging on discharge from a vessel or the influence of moisture content on flowability. The easy to use PT-X features clear visual displays, speedy analysis time with minimal operator intervention and high levels of test accuracy and repeatability. Hosokawa’s new, help-to-buy funding gives manufacturers immediate access to the benefits of product and process improvement that can deliver speedy pay back potential and opportunities for business growth, development or diversity. For further information/reader enquiries, please contact: Hosokawa Micron Ltd, Runcorn, Cheshire. Tel: +44 (0) 1928 755100 Email: Web:

PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement



By Dr R.J. Berry, Consultant – The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology A common trend in chemical engineering powder technology is the development of models to link particle scale measurements to bulk scale flow behaviour through process equipment. These approaches have the potential to assist with the formulation of new materials, to factor in considerations of the manufacturability of the product as well as function aspects such as; taste, texture, aroma and cost. BULK FLOW PROPERTY MEASUREMENTS The techniques for assessing a powders bulk flow properties have existed since the 1960s, but traditional shear cell testing required a highly skilled operator to run the complex test procedure and to interpret the measurements. This had restricted the use of shear cells to silo and mechanical conveyor design, by equipment designers, bulk Automated Shear Tester solids handling consultants and academics. It is only in the last couple of decades that powder manufacturers (particularly in the food and pharmaceutical industries) have started to measure bulk flow properties for themselves, as automated shear testers have become available. However, the interpretation of results can still be a challenge, simply due to general lack of formal education relating to powder mechanics. USES OF FLOW PROPERTY MEASUREMENTS An automated powder shear cell can be used for a range of functions from; bench marking materials, as a quality control test on incoming or outgoing powders, for assessing the flow of potential new material versus current material, for evaluating the effects of seasonal changes in the temperature and humidity in the factory. The latter is particularly a problem for food manufactures where factories may have hot and humid cooking processes occurring within close proximity to powder handling and feeding operations. A powder shear tester can be particularly useful for manufacturers of blended powders, as the flow properties of blends can be evaluated and optimised for flow in the lab using small volume samples. Of course there will be slight differences between the lab and production scale blends (due to unquantified differences in the lab and production scale blender) so samples would still need to be tested at production scale. Care should be taken to ensure that the samples of production scale blends are representative, taken from the material when it is a flowing stream (using a full cross cut sampler) rather than dip sampling. The key flow properties measured by automated shear testers are the: - flow function, a measure of cohesive strength that can be used to determine the minimum outlet size for reliable gravity flow (i.e. minimum hopper outlet size), - wall friction angle, a measure of the gravity chute angle and can be used to assess the hopper wall angles for slip of the powder at the wall (mass flow), - bulk density, the weight of a given volume of powder, useful


assessing pack / silo volume for na given storage capacity and assessing loads on structures.



When materials are charged into a silo or projected from a conveyor, the larger particles have more momentum and roll further down the heap. Conversely the fine particles have less momentum and become trapped between larger particles (percolate between) at the top of the heap. Size segregation can create several problems, this can be driven by a wide size distribution (2 orders of magnitude) or a blended material where there are significant differences in the size, shape of density of the blend components. The potential for fines to separate can create bodies of material within the process that have an out of spec blend composition, or that have very different flow properties. The need to avoid these segregation issues can generate a desire to control bulk flow properties.

Understanding the links between the flow properties is the next big challenge, with the view to using this information to reduce the number of blend iterations and flow property measurements required for optimising a blend. It would also be useful as an educational tool for powder manufacturers to understand and experiment with changes in the particle morphology. It has long been know that as you reduce the particle size of any given material, there comes a point where the material starts to exhibit cohesive behaviour, i.e. it becomes ‘sticky’ as the particle contact forces dominate over gravity forces. This typically occurs at a particle size of 100microns, and below this the cohesive strength increases progressively to a non flowing condition at the 1micron level. The challenge is that comparing different materials that have the same particle size can give very different cohesions. This is because while particle size is the key factor there are other particle factors at play, including the material density, surface energy, and particle shape. EFFECT OF SURFACE MOISTURE ON BULK FLOW BEHAVIOUR The other factor that can have a significantly controlling action on the flow properties is them presence of surface liquid (oils) on the particles which can bind them together and generate cohesion with relative large particle sizes (up to several mm). Here the cohesion is generated by the surface tension of the liquid which forms bridges between adjacent particles. At low levels of surface liquid (0.1 to 5% by weight) small increases of say 0.5% have dramatic effect on the bulk flowability. To change a materials response to moisture hydrophobic or hydrophilic coatings can be applied to the surfaces of the material using mechanofusion techniques (extreme high shear mixing) to effect the flow behaviour. POWDER QUALITY ISSUES, PARTICLE DEGRADATION An inevitable consequence of powder manufacturing is that material is stored and transported through a number of processing steps from the delivery of raw materials, screening, size reduction/ enlargement, blending, cooking etc. to final packaging in a powdered form, or as solid that has manufactured from powders. Through these process steps, the particles are often subjected to high velocity impacts against metallic surfaces i.e. bends in pneumatic conveyors, flight and trough contact in a screw conveyor, free fall through gravity chutes and in to silos during loading. For friable materials; cereals, spray dried granules etc. these impacts can cause unwanted degradation (breakage) of the main particles and the generation of a quantity of fines. This creates a wider size distribution and with it the potential for different sizes to segregate through free surface effects as it is handled.

SUMMARY NEED TO CONTROL FLOW PROPERTIES If the powder or blend is free flowing, segregation can cause quality or processing issues, conversely if the material is too cohesive, it no longer segregates but the powder can be challenging to process to unwanted build up in equipment or under extreme conditions not flow at all. Thus there is a need to control the flow properties to an adequate level of cohesion to minimise particle/ blend segregation without creating flow problems. There is a drive to develop particle to bulk scale models to provide this optimisation, but in the meantime characterisation test to evaluate these issues and mitigate their occurrence are available. INDEPENDENT EXPERTISE: PROVIDING COST-EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS TO INDUSTRIAL PROBLEMS The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology is internationally recognised for its expertise in fields associated with bulk particulate handling and in the science and practical application of technologies to deliver improved process efficiencies. Our mission is to help industry to get powders and bulk materials to behave predictably through processes. Industry sectors benefiting from our services range widely and include power generation, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, foods, plastics, paper, minerals and cosmetics. Our clients are predominantly based in the UK, although many European and overseas companies take advantage of the independent and bespoke nature of our work. We have developed our portfolio of services over nearly four decades of interaction with industry, trade associations and professional bodies. We offer consultancy services to industry, conduct industrially focused research related to bulk solids handling issues and offer specialist short courses targeted at industry professionals. If you have a problem with your plant or process, we have the knowledge and experience to provide cost effective answers that you can rely on. Contact us on Tel: 0202 8331 8648 E-mail:

PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement

Innovative level-measurement technologies

SOLVING DUST SUPPRESSION IN WAREHOUSES & FUEL RECEPTION AREAS There are numerous examples of warehouses storing bulk materials. Material often arrives in lorries which is tipped onto the floor or into a series of reception hoppers. Once in the warehouse, the materials are moved around; either back into another lorry after a short period of storage, or into reception bunkers for onward processing in the plant. Every time the materials are handled, airborne dust is generated. As vehicles enter and exit the building, large doors are opened and closed. This changes the air flows within the building. Such variation in air flows makes traditional dust collection difficult if not impossible to regulate. For larger warehouses, the costs of dust extraction are excessive, with high capital costs and power consumption committing the operator to high energy costs. A Roof Mounted MicronFog™ Array The challenge for the operator is that even though traditional solutions are costly, the airborne dust problem must still be resolved. There is a now a practical and economical way to address this with MicronFog™ from Renby Ltd. Fog is formed from microscopic droplets of water and sprayed into the air. These microscopic droplets of water adhere to the dust particles making them heavy enough to fall to the ground, thereby clearing the air. The reduction in dust levels is so significant that the improvement is obvious without the need for instrumentation. For materials where there is a need to keep them dry, systems can be configured for fog to come on intermittently. The MicronFog™ system can also be enhanced to include leak detection which can isolate a zone if a line is damaged. The system is being used in dry powder bagging warehouses and biomass storage where sensitivity to additional moisture is critical. Simple to configure and install, MicronFog™ is used in applications throughout industry. For more information please call us now, Renby Ltd, on Tel: 01829 740913 to find out more or by E-mail: or visit our Web: | Po

UWT - The Level Measurement Expert

PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement

Mononivo® Compact vibration probe     

Connection thread from 1" All-Rounder for all industries Very light bulk material >20g/l Universal voltage No calibration necessary

UWT (UK) Ltd Tel: +44 (0) 1743 718883



A NEW APPROACH TO SOLID & LIQUID ORGANIC WASTE? Cleaner wastewater for food processing industries

Solid organic waste and waste water is an increasing issue for food processing, water treatment and some pharmaceutical sectors. Craig Shaw, CEO of Advetec, a leading UK specialist in advanced environmental technologies for the treatment of effluent and solid waste, explains why extremophile bacteria and bio-thermic digester technology could be the solution. SOLID & LIQUID BIOLOGICAL WASTE Food processing industries including brewing and beverages, dairy, ready meals, meat processing and abattoirs, as well as the pharmaceutical and waste water treatment sectors all need to deal with solid and liquid biological production residues that are rich in nutrients and organic content. Until recently such production residues have been regarded as a costly overhead which requires treatment before safe discharge to sewers or disposal off site.

ISSUES FACED BY FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES Food processing organisations must address various issues in order to meet environmental targets. Disposal of waste by-products is a heavily-regulated area which is becoming increasingly stringent. Food manufacturers must meet Trade Effluent Consents and require pollution prevention and control (PPC) permits or Waste Management Licences. Reducing Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) to meet trade discharge consents is also a major issue. There is growing pressure from the UK government to reduce the biological load in wastewater discharged from production processes and for zero organic waste to be sent to landfill. We see similar environmental pressures in the USA and Europe. Legislation and taxation are pushing hard to limit dumping, but in many instances there are few alternatives. And all the while volumes are increasing‌ A high water content makes solid and liquid waste very expensive to transport, as well as costly and inefficient to incinerate. As a result, most production facilities require an on-site effluent treatment plant.

CURRENT TREATMENTS Conventional processes to treat biological waste include settlement tanks, sand filters, membrane filters and bioreactors, activated sludge processes and dissolved air flotation (DAF) systems, plus expensive chemical interventions - all designed to filter out and remove suspended solids, BOD, plus oils and greases - to leave clean water. The focus here is on reducing the biological load so that waste water meets discharge consents. However, the problem still exists of dealing with the solid residues which need to be hauled away for disposal to incineration or landfill. In addition, they are not particularly suited to dealing with solid food waste or waste containing a mixture of different solids. Anaerobic Digestion (AD), which is becoming increasingly popular, can provide part of the solution, but even here a considerable residue is left as the AD process is unable to deal with some of harder-todigest organics. Throughput is also slow and incorrect loading of waste material, combined with the inability to control the internal environment, or the digestive rate of the bacteria, frequently leads to poor performance and breakdown of the process. This requires


the machine to be manually emptied and then eventually restarted. This process does not guarantee a certifiable product either. To compound the problem AD infrastructures can take up significant space and the process tends to be slow.

LATEST BIO-THERMIC DIGESTER & BIOREACTOR TECHNOLOGY One approach is to use advanced thermal technologies and extremophile bacteria to literally consume all of the organic material – or certainly a much higher percentage than conventional solutions - leaving a small inert residue for use as RDF (refuse derived fuel) or as a soil improver, and clean water. In California for example, where environmental regulations for waste organics are increasingly stringent and both disposal and haulage costs are prohibitive, a recent trial for pre- and postconsumer food waste for example achieved a better than 91% reduction rate. Bio-Thermic Digester (BTD) technology is an in-vessel solution engineered to rapidly digest organic waste. As well as being optimised for fast throughput it also has a smaller footprint than other processes, an important factor where site space is limited. More importantly it is able to handle a wide spectrum of organic material including normally indigestible hard carbons, cellulose and lignin-based materials. In addition to food waste therefore, it can also handle organics from abattoirs, sewage sludge, as well as waste from fat traps, septic tanks, filter cakes, gully cleaning and trade effluent, and of course green waste. At the heart of the process is a blend of extremophile bacteria and specially-developed nutrients on which the bacteria thrive at high temperatures, enabling them to rapidly digest all of the organic material. This innovative thermal process has proved to be far more efficient than AD alone. The latest bio-thermic digesters have been designed to minimise the need for further processing whilst enabling food processing companies and the like to discharge clean water to sewers within Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) regulations. The advantages of such a high temperature aerobic digestion process, is that it is extremely rapid by comparison to conventional in-vessel composting. Some equipment has a heat and moisture recovery system which improves biological efficiency and reduces running costs. This takes heat generated by the exothermic process and re-uses it to sustain the high temperature environment (90125 Dec C) required for the bacteria. This can cut energy running costs by as much as 60%. Biothermic digesters are also impervious to contamination and some can digest all the organic matter present in mixed waste in just 72 hours. Consequently, operating costs drop after the initial start-up procedures. Water from steam is condensed out and filtered to deliver a similar quality to tap water if required

and all moisture extraction and odour control are built into the system as standard. Bio-Thermic Digesters will safely convert 32+ tonnes of organic food waste into water and a dry powdery by-product. The on-site process can deal class 3 type animal by products wastes such as feather, blood and offal from every stage of dairy, slaughterhouse and food production process, which only takes around 72 hours. This new technology has been trialled in various applications over a period of four years in the UK, the US and the Middle East and now there are pilots starting in Italy and Spain. Key to the process is an in-depth understanding of aerobic bacteria, along with the nutrients and bio-stimulant technology used to invigorate and speed up the digestion process. Of course not all waste streams are the same and continuing research blending different strains of extremophile bacteria and the nutrients that encourages them to thrive, is helping to answer the problem of dealing with more complex organic waste streams. Operating environments are different too and careful monitoring and adjustments of the internal process including temperature, nutrients, oxygen and waste gases, is key to optimising throughput and maintaining the health and activity of the bacteria. Developments here in terms of remote telemetry and the control software enables the delivery of completely managed services for customers, operating a machine 24/7 anywhere in the world from UK facilities. A BTD needs to be part of a complete advanced engineering system consisting of hoppers, shredders, augers, storage tanks and piping, designed and tailored to match each customer’s differing needs to increase throughput and ensure an optimal and robust processing environment. With the growing requirement to limit or end the disposal of organic waste to landfill and ever stringent environmental consents for the discharge of wastewater to sewers, the ability to fully process waste water and solid waste from production processes on site, effectively plumbed in to the manufacturing process, is becoming increasingly important. Conventional systems only provide part of the solution. Extremophile bacteria and bio-thermic digesters can help complete the waste management cycle. For smaller sites with limited space they might offer the only solution.

PROCESS INDUSTRY INFORMER January - February 2017 - SHAPA Supplement





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